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No. 2416006

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it!

Last thread

The rules are:
>no racebait
(You can still do it because jannies are asleep for 12-14 hours a day)
>no infighting
(This one isn't a rule we only added this for posterity)
>don't reply to bait
(This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait)
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
(No they dont)
>farmhands are always watching
(They only watch for 4-6 hours a day)

No. 2416009


No. 2416010

Fighting actually brings people together.

No. 2416011


GREAT CHOICE FOR AN INFIGHT!!!!!! we havent acted retarded over clothing in almost 48 hours!!! we needed this infight to happen again!!!! Lets go nonnys lets keep being retarded about clothes YEHA!1!!

No. 2416015

a ''modest'' dress is still sexualized compared to what men wear. Even the prudeish dress still shows more skin than what the average non conservative man wears.

No. 2416016

hha2haha. yYAH!!!! NFIGHT INFIGHT!!

No. 2416017

File: 1740408558211.jpg (3.43 KB, 225x225, IMG_533.jpg)

>Even the prudeish dress still shows more skin
Skin as in hands and face?

No. 2416022

Posting niqabs is cheating.

No. 2416023

This should be threadpic for every subsequent unpopular opinions thread

No. 2416024

That's a habit

No. 2416027

Well if they wear it a lot I guess it becomes habitual yes but that's a niqab it's what Muslim women wear

No. 2416028

I dare you to post any other "prude" dress that is not that shit

No. 2416029

Then stop

No. 2416030


No. 2416031

nun outfits are made literally to be as unsexualized as possible, yet still nuns arent allowed to wear pants unlike priests. Very telling.

No. 2416032

File: 1740408833193.jpg (64.51 KB, 735x484, 3d31914947821caca85e7ce1fe5169…)


Dont see that much skin here

No. 2416034

just say you hate women sexualizing men and that you think women should be the ones sexualized and put into uncomfortable decorative clothing and leave

No. 2416035

There should be a rule against continuing an infight from the last thread in a new one.

No. 2416037

why dont they wear pants then? their male counterparts do

No. 2416038

Noooooo!!!!! There's only 5 topics that we can infight about because those 5 are the ones that bring the most attention!!!! Stop ruining our FUN!

No. 2416039

Take your meds

No. 2416040

File: 1740408966996.jpg (7.08 KB, 183x275, IMG_433.jpg)

Sorry you are right. Even picrel is too slutty. You won.

No. 2416044

again, why isnt she wearing pants? if you have ever been to a private skull and were forced to wear a girl's uniform you know how inherently sexualizing and humilliating wearing a skirt is. Its feels disgusting to expose your underwear when men are allowed to wear pants.

No. 2416045

I dont know Im not Amish. They seem to wear some sort of tights though. Overall the dresses and flowing and baggy to obscure the body shape. They are pretty frumpy and not decorative.

No. 2416046

AGAIN, you asked for modest dresses not pants.

No. 2416047

By that logic, Arab, old time European, and African men are also slutty for their robes. Jesus must've looked sinful to you too. Greek men in Togas must've been whores for having one nipple out. Is that what you think, or is it only slutty when women wear skirts? Why don't you sexualize those? Hmmmm

No. 2416049

You take your meds, so your opinions stop revolving about what men think and you develop your own persona unattached from men and what they do
No, i said that even the most conservative dress is still more sexualized than what regular men wear. A dress is still sexualized because its more uncomfortable to wear than just pants and tshirt.

No. 2416050

Men are slutty whores by default.

No. 2416051

>By that logic, Arab, old time European, and African men are also slutty for their robes. Jesus must've looked sinful to you too. Greek men in Togas must've been whores for having one nipple out.
Yes. Because i think the idea of skirts/dresses themselves is sexual. You and the other weirdos are the only ones making about men vs women.

No. 2416052

A dress can be sexualized but it is not sexualized by default retard

No. 2416053

You are the weirdo for thinking skirts and dresses are sexual. Take your fetish elsewhere.

No. 2416055

Nta but using that not regular (aka current living) men is not an example. Why they don't wear it anymore then?

No. 2416056

>it is not sexualized by default
yes it is. If the female equivalent of something a man wears is a ''dress'' then it is sexualized. A nun is more sexualized than a priest and a amish woman is more sexualized than an amish man.

No. 2416057

Then you can and do sexualize men's clothes, women's clothes are not the only sexualized ones, and your fixation on crossdressing specifically is pathological and troonish (it looks ugly to everyone but fetishists). Case closed.

No. 2416058

File: 1740409422371.png (804.36 KB, 673x688, Dkellababa.png)

You're telling me this isn't the height of sexiness to you ?

No. 2416059

>A nun is more sexualized than a priest and a amish woman is more sexualized than an amish man.
Only if you are a perv who is unable to see women as people.

No. 2416061

but modern mens clothing isnt like that isnt? thats the point, idiot. I want men to go back to wearing dresses but i cant because of retards like you that equate everything to being for troons.

No. 2416063

we are talking about deeply misogynistic cultures, the culture itself dehumanizes women. I bet now you are going to tell me that the catholic fate and amish moids are not misogynists for making their women wear skirts while men are allowed to wear pants.

No. 2416064

And why do you think that is nona

No. 2416067

Retard, you weren't arguing for robes to come back. You were talking about miniskirts and thongs. Nobody wants to see a hairy ballsack held up by a thong.

No. 2416068

because those cultures are misogynistic and want women to be sexualized rather than comfortable its what i have been saying. Its why i think uncomfortable clothes should be for anyone not just women.

No. 2416070

File: 1740409671445.jpg (11.68 KB, 266x189, DUbC5OTX0AE7qMC.jpg)

Does liking picrel makes me a fetishist?

No. 2416071

Nun's dresses aren't sexualized.

No. 2416072

>you weren't arguing for robes to come back.
how are robes, kilts and togas different from dresses and skirts? why are those okay by you but their modern equivalent isnt. Is it because the first examples are considered ''manly'' by men while the latter are considered ''feminine'', then again you are letting men dictate what clothes is okay and what clothes isnt.

No. 2416073

I only come to LC to infight, post porn fantasies, and infight about my porn fantasies.

No. 2416075

again then why do they wear long dresses instead of pants?

No. 2416076

The fact that the dumbass shit thread was autosaged but not this is fucking insane

No. 2416077

How do you know they aren't wearing pants?

No. 2416078

File: 1740409850061.png (139.56 KB, 250x432, 1690261259043.png)

Stop advocating for ugliness.

No. 2416079

lmao what, why do you even have that saved. Gross. I want hot men in skirts, sorry i meant kilts!

No. 2416081

I wish women stopped wearing ugly shit like this.

No. 2416083

Pants are split between your legs so the whole world will think about the fact that you have something between them and watch your legs moving back and forth like you're a whore. It's even worse if you lean down and your knees bend, as if you're about to kneel down to give someone oral. That's more inappropriate than just wearing a simple long gown.
Priests look like whores, especially with that white thing on their neck, it's like a collar or some shit.

No. 2416084

I can't believe you autists are arguing why dresses are sexual on women but men can walk around with a towel freely kek. All of these "rules" imposed on women such as "dresses are sexual, dress in boxy cuts only" and "pants are for men, dress in baggy long dresses that obscure women's bodies" are tge same shit. The problem is not women and it will never be. Why do women need to be obscured? Nobody cares if moids wear tight clothing or their nipples show through their clothes, sure they might call him a faggot, but they don't get nowhere near the same scrutiny as women get for literally anything. And before you ask, yes men should work out and wear well fitted clothes.

No. 2416087

I agree. All of it should be banned.

It's from /snow/.

No. 2416089

cringe as fuck

No. 2416091

File: 1740410110444.jpg (245.97 KB, 1600x1200, 22e05d5bcbfa90318936179135d640…)

Ashually, catholic monks wear robes as well. Same goes for priests when they read mass.

No. 2416092

>All of it should be banned.
but it wont, because straight women want to look sexy for the sex they are attracted to. And thats fine. I just wish it wasnt only women who put in the effort to look hot and sexy.

No. 2416093

>reeeee how dare you sexualize men!! cringe!!!
Yes, I know you're a pickme who's into female humiliation. It will always be more cringe to cry that a woman is a slut for wearing a long dress.

No. 2416095

you are not sexualizing men there is nothing sexy about pants lol

No. 2416096

they are wearing pants

No. 2416098

It's all ugly, you having a fetish changes nothing.

No. 2416099

Thats your brain on fetish shit

No. 2416100

>straight women want to look sexy for the sex they are attracted to.
Women are cucked. This is why I don't feel bad for most women who complain about being objectified. You do it to yourself while most men keep looking like unwashed ogres.

No. 2416101

so let me get it straight, is it a fetish when its men in skirts but not a fetish when its men in togas and kilts? wtf

No. 2416103

There's nothing sexy about a long, conservative skirt. Pants are literally more form-fitting, you being porn-brained and thinking the existence of the female body is "lewd" is a personal issue.

No. 2416104

I agree. Its why even if i do like cute clothes i dont wear it. I would only wear that shit if men wore something similar.

No. 2416105

i was never talking about female body and i have no fucking idea why you keep bringing the female body when this conversation is about clothes, not bodies.

No. 2416106

They wear those ugly frumpy dresses because they think a woman showing her body is sexual and since men are retarded their brains can only come up with woman=sexual=degrading. You could argue that pants are more sexual esince they emphasize women's hips, butts and legs even if they are baggy compared to a long skirt or dress. Men are the problem nona.

No. 2416107

No you Idiot, they are wearing robes

No. 2416108

If you masturbate to men in skirts, you're a hypocrite.

No. 2416109

Not too invested in this discussion but wouldn't it make more sense for men to wear stuff like this since they have dicks. It seems like it'd be more comfortable for them to wear something free flowing compared to pants if they have that between their legs.

No. 2416110

they are not skirts they are kilts and they are manly and not for troons! get it straight!

No. 2416111

What is sexy about a long, shapeless skirt? Why are pants "normal" and chaste to you?

No. 2416112

Don't care, it's ugly and you're a hypocrite

No. 2416113

You are barking up the wrong tree, Im not the anon who wants to see men in dresses

No. 2416114

Exactly what was implied in >>2416083 but she's too dumb to take the memo and admit she just thinks "woman thing = sexual" and agrees with men like an AGP troon

No. 2416115

because one shows easy access to privates and legs and the other doesnt…. have you ever worn a skirt? its utterly uncomfortable. I fucking hated windy days at school for a reason

No. 2416116

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Wtf is that then

No. 2416117

but pants dont do that though? women were forbidden to wear pants until very recently. I couldnt wear a male's uniform to school for a reason. You are insane if you think pants are more sexualized than skirts.

No. 2416121

The one thing I don’t get about religious people is why don’t they question why all that magical shit that was happening thousands of years ago isn’t happening now

No. 2416123

>because one shows easy access to privates and legs and the other doesnt
A long skirt doesn't, and nuns wear long underwear under their skirts anyway. Pants literally bring attention to your hips and privates, as opposed to draping over them.
>have you ever worn a skirt? its utterly uncomfortable. I fucking hated windy days at school for a reason
If you weren't watching anime, you'd know that most girls wear shorts under skirts if they have school uniforms, and skirts are more comfortable in the summer anyway.

No. 2416124

That's always my question, why did God just… stop.

No. 2416126

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Pants literally frame the ass, thighs and legs. You don't seem to see this because for some reason, you can't sexualize men unless you see them in the "traditionally feminine" role in some way.
>t-this isn't sexual! a nun's skirt is worse!

No. 2416128

>Pants literally bring attention to your hips and privates
topkek no they dont unless you wear those skinny tight ones that are gendered. Male pants are all saggy they are not skin tight.
>If you weren't watching anime, you'd know that most girls wear shorts under skirts if they have school uniforms, and skirts are more comfortable in the summer anyway.
wearing shorts under it or even thights its still disgusting when you can just wear pants? i also dont think skirts are more comfortable in summer either. I would rather just wear shorts and not have to worry about my arse showing.

No. 2416129

>picks a cherry picked probably edited picture
what is this supposed to prove? men dont look like that irl lmfao

No. 2416130

Is that man crossdressing? Yes or no

No. 2416131

Girl it's a nun….

No. 2416133

why does that matter? why is it only okay for men to be sexualized when its under their terms and wearing something that men approve of? why cant i like a man that shows his legs instead of them being covered under layers of cloth

No. 2416134

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Nope, men's pants show their asses. They just have flat and ugly ones on average. Picrel, Justin Trudeau.
>Male pants are all saggy they are not skin tight.
Nope again, and even the loosest male pants still frame the ass more than a nun's dress ever will.
>wearing shorts under it or even thights its still disgusting when you can just wear pants?
Why is that disgusting? Is it also disgusting when men wear shorts or tights?
>i also dont think skirts are more comfortable in summer either. I would rather just wear shorts and not have to worry about my arse showing.
Your ass won't show unless you're wearing a short skirt.

No. 2416137

ok but why cant i like both pants and skirts? men are allowed to like women in tight pants and flowy skirts that show their skin

No. 2416138

Because you are lying about why you like crossdressing, and it's more misogynistic than you want to admit. Tons of men like wearing women's clothes anyway (it's called AGP), so now why are you arguing about "something that men approve of"? You approve their fetish, and they approve yours. Anons have just been pointing it out.
>why cant i like a man that shows his legs instead of them being covered under layers of cloth
Stop sexualizing nuns.

No. 2416140

i am loving this infight, keep posting men with asses

No. 2416141

Nonita for most women, unless they wear a long portato sack, their body shape will show through their clothes and it's fine, it's not a sin and it's not dirty. I'm not telling you to wear leggins or aliexpress thot clothing and it's understandble aax okay if you are not comfortable wearing skirts but the shape of women's hips and ass showing through clothes is not dirty or whorish.

No. 2416142

why is it a fetish for women to like men in skirts but not when men like women in skirts? and why is it only a fetish when its dresses and skirts men dont approve ones and not the ones men do approve off and see as ''manly'' like kilts and robes?

No. 2416143

The real question is why that doesn't do it for you/crossdressing enthusiasts? Why do you need to see men in clothing made with the female body in mind to sexualize them? That's a fetish.

No. 2416144

File: 1740411461633.jpg (56.08 KB, 662x674, LFF_52132dFF.jpg)

No. 2416145

here's how you do it I think pants are ugly and evil and STINKY, I sure hope nobody posts more voluptuous booties to prove me wrong.

No. 2416146

>but the shape of women's hips and ass showing through clothes is not dirty or whorish.
i never said it was, i just said that women's clothes is done to sexualize us while men's clothes is done to be comfortable and i would rather live in a world where sexualized clothes is for everyone instead of only for women. Why is that that hard to understand?

No. 2416148

what if i like both? just like how men like both women in skirts and in thight pants. Why am i only allowed to sexualize men in certain way while men are allowed to pick between pants and skirts and everything else?

No. 2416149

File: 1740411576286.webp (19.51 KB, 602x900, tight-jeans-sexy-version-73654…)

You were just arguing that men's clothing can't be sexualized and that a nun's habit is inherently sexual lol

No. 2416150

real nonnie, men in short shorts are DISGUSTING, and they're ALL ugly, prove me wrong.

No. 2416151

because pants irl dont look like that those are cherrypicked pictures and you know it. meanwhile you can go outside and see tons of women in skirts and croptops.

No. 2416152

Because only a minority like you wants to see men in frilly skirts and Maid Outfits.

No. 2416155

you're so right nonna, >>2416149 nonnie needs to post more pics proving her point

No. 2416156

Because for some reason, you were insisting only female clothes were sexual, even conservative dresses that cover everything. Stop backtracking.

No. 2416157

yes because the world is inherently misogynistic and only wants to see women as sex objects, thank you for proving my point

No. 2416159

again you are using extremely cherrypicked examples that are mostly edits by fags vs clothes you can find any normal woman wearing. I also hate the idea that sexualized man=fully covered. What if i want to see legs, whats wrong with that? why is it only okay when its pants but not skirts.

No. 2416161

File: 1740411993483.jpg (2.25 MB, 2719x4472, n35o0g9iumza1.jpg)

They aren't cherrypicked, most men IRL just have ugly bodies that don't fill the clothes, and they happen to look even uglier in women's clothing, but you want to convince us that it's just the clothes, that only women have sexualized clothing (even clothes meant for us that hide our bodies are "sexy" to you for some mysterious reason) and we're the ones being misogynistic for not wanting to see some scrote in a bikini. Stop it.

No. 2416164

i like how we are talking about sexualized clothes and you dont post sexualized clothes. Like what is that baggy shit??

No. 2416165

File: 1740412122109.jpg (120.1 KB, 735x1041, 1000004272.jpg)

It should be cultural mandatory regimen tl psychologically torture and force men to aspire to achieve physiques only found in sculpture and drawings. It should be a sin and moral failure for a man's waist to be the same with as his shoulders, and have above single digit body fat. A man's waist should be the narrowest part of their body after their neck, ankles and wrists and should have abs and defined pecs at all time. It should be a goal for most men to have such a godly physique to pull of wearing only a robe around their hips and not taken to the gulag for visual terrorism.

No. 2416166

pic is shooped to fuck, and try to tell me your own picrel wouldn't look better in low waisted skinny jeans.

No. 2416167

Seeing the clear dick print isn't sexualized to you? In what world is a long skirt sexual, but the outline of someone's genitalia isn't?

No. 2416168

>Posting a picture from a gay porn subreddit
And they say that males don't use this site. Kek.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2416169

Women aren't turned on by a man wearing dresses and skirts because even normies can immediately sense that it's a disgusting fetish. At best they think it's a faggot. Men are only ever into female clothing for sexual or misogynistic reasons. It's one thing to watch males-in-maid-outfit anime but defending this shit IRL is ridiculous.

No. 2416170

>Is that an entire arsenal of M&P-15 SBR 556's in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

No. 2416171

Low-waisted skinny jeans cut for MALE bodies, yes. He'd look ridiculous and ugly in women's jeans.

I literally googled "man in grey sweatpants loose" to find that picture, but it's interesting to know that men from gay porn subs memorize photos and can identify them in a second here.

No. 2416172

>Seeing the clear dick print isn't sexualized to you?
keeek are you implying that baggy clothes is actually sexualized? you know men dont sport a hard cock everywhere they go right? that guy literally has to take his baggy shirt off to show anything. Its the opposite of sexualized clothes.

No. 2416173

i wasnt defending it irl it all started because of animu

No. 2416174

>I literally googled "man in grey sweatpants loose"
No you didn't lol

No. 2416176

>Low-waisted skinny jeans cut for MALE bodies, yes. He'd look ridiculous and ugly in women's jeans.
so are kilts okay since they are meant to be for men even thought they look like your typical school girl skirt?

No. 2416179

File: 1740412508060.png (338.96 KB, 977x533, rtg.png)

Find a video of a man walking around in light-colored sweatpants with no underwear. I won't look one up for you but if you go outside you've probably seen similar things, anyway. Then try argue that a nun is more sexual (you probably will because you have some ideas about female bodies that you claim you don't).

Cope and keep self-reporting

No. 2416181

>Women aren't turned on by a man wearing dresses and skirts
Unless it is tailored for a male body.

No. 2416182

I mean it says right there that it's from Reddit KEK

No. 2416183

>Find a video of a man walking around in light-colored sweatpants with no underwear.
lmao how is that sexualized? i dont think you know what sexualized means because its insane to be defending baggy clothes as sexualized. Comparing men wearing pants that hide their body vs women wearing skirts that show their legs and ass is just insane.

No. 2416184

File: 1740412616692.gif (3.28 MB, 498x407, IMG_4888.gif)

Over 100 posts in this thread in an hour.

No. 2416187

File: 1740412713857.jpg (53.29 KB, 427x640, 549ddb0430ef913349045742523865…)

There's nothing sexy about kilts. At best, they look neutral. Every handsome man wearing them looks good in spite of them, rather than because of them.

Yes, and like I said, I Googled it to find the picture. Not my fault you're a Ledditor and didn't know that image was on Google.

Once again, how is a nun in a long skirt more sexual than a man walking around with his dick poking out?

No. 2416188

File: 1740412722279.jpg (42.62 KB, 736x414, 60435fe4a9e1ba83f308dffa9b17e6…)

How the fuck is it hiding their bodies when it frames their thighs and ass perfectly?

No. 2416189

But what's a good examplenof this? I want moids to wear more sexualized clothing and see their legs but i can't find much. The only thing i can think of is those chinese festivals with half naked hot moids fanservicing women

No. 2416190

File: 1740412814997.png (719.36 KB, 1352x665, man in grey sweatpants loose.p…)

I Googled it too and I didn't get the same search results. It seems like you're signed into Google so it's taking your personal search history into account, hence why there's also a PornHub video right beside it and another gay porn subreddit image beside that one.

No. 2416193

Tight ass and and cute feet in the same frame, yum

No. 2416195

Sweatpants revealing men's genitalia is literally a meme at this point kekk pick another piece of clothing to call modest at the very least, this is ridiculous

No. 2416197

But most men are hulking ogres who should hide their bodies

No. 2416201

Never been to Pornhub, and I turned safe search off. I was googling "man in tight jeans" and the like, so maybe that played a role. Interesting to try and cover for yourself after instantly clocking the picture as being from a gay porn community.

No. 2416204

>Once again, how is a nun in a long skirt more sexual than a man walking around with his dick poking out?
again you do understand men dont exist in a perpetual state of being hard, right? KEK
i want to see skin, i like thight pants but its boring we are never allowed to see men show skin.
again men dont exist constantly hard, are you telling me >>2416190 these are sexy? you just want to be a contrarian and defend moids right to dress comfortably and still be sexualized. Which fine if you want that but i want men to show skin and be sexy not dress in ugly baggy clothes.

No. 2416205

None of that is true lol. You're a gay male posting gay porn on here and arguing with people about what looks best on male bodies because you're gay.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2416206

Men's bodies don't show because they don't work out and have a concave ass. Women's butts also curve outward so they show more, but women can't help those things.

No. 2416210

ok but i am talking about hot men in hot clothes. An ugly man is going to look ugly in everything, thats a fact.

No. 2416211

idk what you're arguing about but can you post more half-naked men and dick prints to support your argument please and thank you

No. 2416212

best self report ive seen in a long time

No. 2416213

>n-no u
You're a literal gay male malding all over this thread after self-IDing by mistake. Gay men love crossdressing (see: HSTS troons and AGP scrotes with sissy fetishes) so I don't know why you think DARVO-ing here works. Just take your fetish and leave, moids look ugly in women's clothing.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2416214

Exactly. The solution is to shame moids like i did in >>2416165 instead of pushing for everyone to look like a slob. Let's all be fit.

No. 2416215

men really put their leg up on the table for pool? damn, should we have a men's pool competition viewing night kek?

No. 2416217

File: 1740413233726.jpg (48.17 KB, 564x846, dd106d7ba27a510700ed372998f01d…)

I don't understand the appeal of kilts but I get picrel.

No. 2416218

>Posting this picture

No. 2416219

This, who cares if it's gay

No. 2416220

Are anime boys okay too?

No. 2416221

>i want men to show skin and be sexy
Then why don't you like men in shorts or topless? Why does it have to be male in women's clothing? It doesn't even make sense to want clothing that accentuate women's curves on a male

You're literally copy & pasting anon's own arguments against you this is getting embarrassing kek

No. 2416222

yeah its hot, which is why i dont understand why so many nonnies are seething. Good for them if they like covered up sluts but it doesnt do it for me. I need legs and pecs. Suits dont do it for me they are so boring.

No. 2416223

File: 1740413323158.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.73 KB, 991x1000, Hideousshit.jpg)

If you like hideous shit like picrel you don't get to have an opinion

No. 2416224

There are already enough women wearing revealing clothes they have no Business wearing, because they online Look good on trained bodies, I dont want fat, flabby men in revealing clothes too, tbh

No. 2416225

Because we have troons and unironic faggots here who want to be able to post men in maid costumes/selfpost their ugly crossdressing photos and convince us it's "ackchually gay" to want men to look attractive.

No. 2416226

I'm talking about sweatpants dick print pics

No. 2416227

>Then why don't you like men in shorts or topless?
i do
>Why does it have to be male in women's clothing?
i like both i like having diversity like men's do. Why are only men allowed to choose between skirts or shorts, pants or dresses? men are allowed to have fun despite being rapists while women are allowed to enjoy men conservatively through clothes they approve off and dont feel uncomfortable in. So boring.

No. 2416228

i really don't get how nonnie managed to get those search results, my history is chock full of yaoi and other degen shit and still i got results like >>2416190 KEK

No. 2416231

This actually looks good, funny how the "nona" who's been arguing for her crossdressing Princess Jellyfish edit was unable to post anything like this, or anything on par with the tight pants or sweatpants photos.

No. 2416232

Good this would look so good on my sexy bishie OC thanks for posting gotta get drawing.

No. 2416233

yesno, i don't believe you can find anime boys that are hot in masculine clothing

No. 2416234

Probably because he's using Google signed in and it's taking into account all his previous search results and browser history.

No. 2416235

This would look terrible on veveveryone

No. 2416238

Bedroom eyes is not a real thing. Squinting doesn't automatically mean "I horny and wanna fuck"

No. 2416239

Google "dick print through sweat pants" and it's the same thing.

No. 2416240

Men trying to do bedroom eyes looks downright scary kek

No. 2416241

i said it looked good though? like whats the difference between that and a dress. That one is accepted as ''male clothes'' by men while the other one is pushed by men as decorative clothes for women? i bet if i posted that along my posts you would call it faggy and troonish.

No. 2416242

Why would anyone Google that?

No. 2416243

>guys it's a gay male thing to think men with nice bodies having their dicks show through sweatpants look good
>but a man in a thong? and a skirt? now that's trve woman enjoyment!
This is getting sad

No. 2416244

Why would anyone defend >>2416223 or spend hours defending unironic crossdressing?

No. 2416245

To see some yummy pics

No. 2416246

File: 1740413624560.jpg (34.33 KB, 501x508, 1000004271.jpg)

All men should look like this

No. 2416247

Nobody is saying that? It's just sort of weird to look up "grey sweatpants" and post a picture of your search results and it's all gay porn…

No. 2416249

Unironically true

No. 2416250

File: 1740413731397.jpg (59.67 KB, 736x916, 1000004270.jpg)

So true nonita

No. 2416251

I love how the retard who posted baggy clothes to prove men ''look good'' in boring comfortable moid-approved clothes is now being scrotefoiled lmfao.

No. 2416252

That's not gay porn? Is men having their dicks showing intrinsically gay to you or something?
Come to think of it, the sub it came from itself just seems to be about cock prints. Is there something more to it?

No. 2416254

Kek I love the threadpic and description, good job Nona!!

No. 2416255

File: 1740413791132.gif (1.05 MB, 480x386, 1000033153.gif)

>everyone in the infight right now

No. 2416256

There was a video from PornHub in the search results KEK

No. 2416257

The carrot being a massive cock in sweatpants

No. 2416258

File: 1740413851142.jpg (131.19 KB, 736x1308, 1000004274.jpg)

Nonnas i'm sorry but you are all retards because instead of blaming men for your problems you fight amongst yourselfs.

No. 2416259

Was it gay porn? I didn't click on it, maybe there are two men.

No. 2416260

No. 2416261

The difference is that some clothing is made with men's body in mind and some clothing is made with women's body in mind. You keep defending men in dresses and skirts specifically, not men in sexy traditional clothing for men.

No. 2416262

Pornhub has straight people on it too

No. 2416263

Do you think he has gauge ear cheese?

No. 2416264

File: 1740413888576.gif (188.92 KB, 220x165, AKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE.gif)

>de/g/en nonnies waiting for more cock and ass posting

No. 2416265

If you're the retard who was trying to insist men "look good" in women's clothes, that's more embarrassing than being scrotefoiled.

No. 2416266

Only reason I'm camping this shit thread right now, keep 'em coming

No. 2416267

i'm going to send you a lawsuit

No. 2416268

Im guessing so? I looked up the same search terms as that "nona" and I couldnt see any of the same results.

No. 2416269

File: 1740413951089.jpg (102.25 KB, 736x1293, 6cf77318d7153f51cc2bd95ce64906…)

What are you implying anon?(ai outside of containment)

No. 2416270

sure sure its definetly more embarassing than crying about how only women should be allowed to wear slutty clothes and only women are allowed to show skin and how thats not misogynistic at all!

No. 2416272

Why you posting AIshit

No. 2416273

File: 1740414082954.gif (418.12 KB, 500x255, 1000033154.gif)

>The original anons who were doing good traditional animesperging wondering how the conversation took this turn

No. 2416274

The same result comes up when you google "dick through sweat pants" without safe search, even on incognito, so I doubt it.

No. 2416275

Not surprised that Michael Jackson chewed with his mouth open

No. 2416276

Gorgeous people can also be depressed don't be so insecure.

No. 2416277

Who said any of that? Anons were just telling you it's a fetish, which it is.

No. 2416278

File: 1740414147826.gif (70.02 KB, 440x640, it's opposite day today.gif)

no, absolutely not, no more cock and ass posting, i simply can't take it anymore, i command all nonnies to stop posting UGLY men

No. 2416281

Who are you talking to

No. 2416283

He only watches gay porn on that site, so he assumes that's all there is.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2416284

File: 1740414190826.jpg (Spoiler Image,263.6 KB, 1200x551, 86473312_p0_master1200.jpg)

I didnt know it was AI shit. Here's a man in sweatpants. Warning, massive cock.

No. 2416285

>stands up really fast so his balls explode against my skull

No. 2416286

I'm okay with infights as long as they're funny like this one.

No. 2416287

The world

No. 2416288

File: 1740414270517.gif (2.23 MB, 326x259, 1705187597604120.gif)

>nonnies wondering how a discussion about reclaiming a cgdct show spiraled into arguing what clothes men should be objectified in

No. 2416289

True. In general you could have all the good things in life and still be mentally ill

No. 2416290

File: 1740414301256.jpg (90.3 KB, 736x727, FG_45.jpg)

Just wanted to chime in to say women can be sexy in comfortable clothes, drappey sundresses are one of the the most seductive clothing imo

No. 2416291

made me spit out my coffee kek. ty nonna for the chuckles

No. 2416292

this is an incredible pose/perspective, i now understand that nonnie that mildly liked some hentai artist because the poses he made were interesting kek

No. 2416293

this is the most fun i've ever had "arguing" with nonnies kekekek

No. 2416295

fuck off fag

No. 2416297

Based. I really don't care how many psyoping troons try to project their Y chromosome on me for liking this, it will always be a welcome sight.

No. 2416299

Let's stop things here before this infight gets any worse. Please stop dick/sexualized clothes sperging and stop scrotefoiling. Thank you in advance. ♥

No. 2416300

how is your picrel comfortable? constantly adjusting your straps and having to deal with boobie tape comfortable to you?

No. 2416301

Can you please tell us where Cerbmin is and then can you autosage this thread? Thank you in advance ♥

No. 2416302

it's been a pleasure and a great honour to have been a part of this infight nonnies

No. 2416303

Yeah I pretty much only wear sundresses during summer and it's very confortable to me

No. 2416306

Wait why would you need boob tape?
I appreciate everything you do for our website ♥ is cerbmin one person or a group of people?

No. 2416307

File: 1740414680332.gif (246.45 KB, 200x200, 1000033155.gif)

>Farmhands waking up from slumber and seeing yet another new UP thread with hundreds of posts

No. 2416308

You don't have to brown nose them anon. They hate us.

No. 2416310

maybe you've got a smaller bust? i can't imagine the woman in your picrel was aiming for comfortable and not glamourous/fashionable
>Wait why would you need boob tape?
sorry nonnie, i meant fashion tape(the kind used to fix your clothes in place), i didn't even know tape to lift your breasts existed.

No. 2416315

File: 1740415048820.jpeg (5.66 KB, 194x259, images.jpeg)

My friend has tried to use "puppy eyes" on me to get her way multiple times, I've pretended not to notice at all every time but I was disgusted every time. It was so obvious what she's trying to do and it was clear she's doing it because she's gotten away with it before and expected me to go like "aww when you look at me like that I can't say no!" like what the fuck girl? I'm not feeding or fucking you, grow up.

No. 2416326

why he got boobs?

No. 2416328

Well I don’t hate them!

No. 2416329

No. 2416341

I need to become queen of the world so I can execute men for the crime of being ugly.
Also any man on the internet who says something misogynist will be swatted and brought to a correction camp to be killed

No. 2416352

cmon, at least sort them into bf/husband material and irredeemable first, the good material is educated and trained before being let out and closely monitored for months before being cleared and whatever's irredeemable is used to make wet food for pets. and maybe what's irredeemable but still attractive somehow is put in a whorehouse for the duration of his Flowering Period and then taken out back and shot to join his brothers in the can.

No. 2416356

I can’t stand when people who are obese, sometimes even morbidly claim they never eat. When it’s obvious you do when you maintain the weight of a blue whale. My old boss who was fat as fuck commented towards my vegetarian coworker that meat is essential for the body, and he would also state he hated vegetables and couldn’t eat them. No shit, we all can tell you don’t like vegetables you sack of lard. And the one thing I hate the most and someting that actually makes me laugh is when they claim to have anorexia or something. Please. No anorexic weights 300 kilos.

No. 2416357

I accidentally called this one tranny a she in the amerifag thread. I was tired I didn’t even remember what I typed. I wanted to delete my post but it was already the next day.
I am not gonna lie it was an honest mistake but it was funny seeing the anons lose their shit. It felt like I baited them on purpose but it wasn’t kek.

No. 2416364

It was lots of he’s and she’s in a sentence or in general surrounding the topic. Might I add and I was tired. But yeah now it’s there forever.

No. 2416366

I feel like anons should be allowed to talk about our nigel’s more

No. 2416369

Fat people piss me off. Of course there are medical issues for some people, especially some women, but more than half the time, they just have a bad diet and dont move. I had the displeasure of meeting a woman a few weeks back who kept going on about how much weight she gained in the last 2-3 years. She's only 35. She can still work out and eat better, but all she does is compare about her weight and how it hurts her back.
Fat men are even worse because men have to even more than women to become fatties. They have a bigger calorie intake and don't have to move as much because of their XY testosterone bullshit

No. 2416371

If you post his bank account information, then sure

No. 2416372

Kek. No. Go do that anywhere else on the internet.

No. 2416376

No, lolcow is a website for women and the majority of women are heterosexual.

No. 2416378

Ohh don't let the virgins see this post

No. 2416381

Yeah it’s for women not your ugly scrotes. Go to Reddit.

No. 2416383

Being able to discuss things ≠ posting pictures of them, anon

No. 2416396

No. 2416401

whos ever said you cant discuss your nigels? its like 1/5 of the discussion on this whole board

No. 2416402

No. 2416407

It just kind of irks me a little when anons react immaturely or rudely to bfs and husbands being brought up during conversation, instead of just scrolling past stuff they don’t wanna see

No. 2416419


No. 2416420

>it irks me
You retards cant even go one second without thinking of your precious nigels. That will only derail the thread. Just go to /g/ ffs

No. 2416422

I don’t mean that unpopular opinions should be for talking about our nigels kek, I was just posting my unpopular opinion that I think as long as anons aren’t breaking any rules we should be able to discuss the men we love without getting obnoxious reactions

No. 2416424

You have entire websites dedicated to that already

No. 2416429

Yes but we’re not on those websites nona, we’re on lolcow

No. 2416435


No. 2416438

File: 1740419299330.jpg (25.83 KB, 474x474, f10bf9a326cee8ee98efe3256e7ae0…)

I'll take this as an incentive to talk about my fictional nigels then since threads are pointless.

No. 2416443

No. 2416447

I said this in one of the older threads and I'm saying it again. I think shayna has cute hands and feet.

No. 2416450

No. 2416451

Looking incredibly kissable there mr. Leon

No. 2416465

Fictional nigels are based

No. 2416490

Kek, based. Seriously, there's a whole board on lc to talk about your ugly ass nigels.

No. 2416538

I think it’s pretty cool a tiny bee has the ability to kill someone with a sting. Obviously they have to be allergic to the bee first, but damn is that a badass little bee. A bee just straight up killing people?! Humans are pretty weak and lame if you think about it.

No. 2416543

No. 2416546

>Obviously they have to be allergic to the bee first,
What makes the bee cooler than penicillin or peanut butter then? That it's living and mobile?

No. 2416547

They can dance and they go bzzzzzzt

No. 2416556

Yeah, they are their own little being just fucking us up. They also bring us life though when they pollinate. Bees are just sick as fuck, all around.

No. 2416559

Is this a reference to Nicolas Cage?

No. 2416562

No, I don’t know him like that. I only know he resembles a horse. He’s into bees too?

No. 2416565

I’m stupid, he is the Bee. Excuse my ignorance.

No. 2416566

a murder suicide no less, pretty badass. They are like the kamikazes of the insect world

No. 2416581

File: 1740423258122.jpg (86.39 KB, 564x442, coat-of-arms-of-pope-urban-vii…)

The Pope is the real Wickerman imo

No. 2416582

No. 2416585

>He’s into bees too?
Quite the opposite.

No. 2416590

At least try to integrate, this isn't 4chan.

No. 2416604

Oh my god I got him confused with Jerry Sienfield. Comments on the video are fucking GOLD

No. 2416611

File: 1740423881584.jpg (138.03 KB, 1100x657, mermaid.jpg)

If mermaids were real they would look hideous

No. 2416625

File: 1740424293352.png (57.71 KB, 512x512, Leon-Serre-Fredj.png)

That's not what your grandpa said anon

No. 2416629

File: 1740424425609.jpeg (Spoiler Image,33.08 KB, 400x400, IMG_7271.jpeg)


No. 2416631

I hate how this character got ruined for me because my ex's toxic bff was obsessed with him

No. 2416633

Was the bff a moid?

No. 2416637

You can be a bald girl

No. 2416638

No. 2416644


No. 2416691

If trump does take away taxes id change my tune about him. I’m tired of 60% of my check going to taxes. I hope he takes away home taxes too.

No. 2416694

Where do you live if 60% of your pay goes to taxes? Are you counting employer benefits like mandatory retirement contributions as taxes?

No. 2416695

You're a fucking idiot if you still really think he doesnt care about anything but his millionaire buddies. If anything, he will give the working class more taxes.

No. 2416706

>humans are very weak and lame
Word. I hate how they love to flaunt the work of their ancestors but they can't achieve even 0.1% of said ancestors' strength and skills. Modern humans are too weak and lazy to survive in nature and having to use tools or weapons in order to do so because muh intelligence doesn't count. Other animals can survive without it simply because they have superior biology. I'd rather be able to kill prey with my bare hands than using a spear, feels more achieving and fulfilling that way. I think hunting individually is also more impressive than in groups. There's a reason hyenas are looked down upon for hunting in groups and eating leftovers but tigers and lions are considered cool for hunting alone.

No. 2416721

I don’t understand why I have to care about women who don’t like me. For example if a woman hates other women or hates people of my race, why should I care if she dies, gets beat to death or something? She wouldn’t care about me

No. 2416722

I was raised varg style (without the nazisim kek) honestly anyone can easily relearn all the skills you mentioned, even a toddler or an old lady. Also TIL that hyenas face discrimination

No. 2416728

No, it’s not like you already don’t. There’s Nigel talk in every damn thread despite the existence of many threads for scrote talk (relationships, recovery from porn addicts, penis thread, men you find attractive, Nigel brag). It’s enough.!

No. 2416744

File: 1740430412858.png (209.22 KB, 440x440, 1736468036270.png)

The majority of self-proclaimed lolicon women aren't in the slightest. They just like media containing lolicon (to any degree) and have been brainwashed into thinking it's mean to call men pedofags for liking it. Funnily enough, it's pretty similar to how women came to handmaiden for trannies, but there is an overlap between lolicons and troons.

No. 2416746

They’re auto pedophiles.they get off being the child being raped but they don’t actually want to rape children themselves.

No. 2416752

File: 1740430854030.jpg (363.87 KB, 1440x1086, Screenshot_20250224_235931_Sam…)

Idk that fag's back story kek. But I was thinking of how the average person wouldn't survive in the wild by instincts and intelligence alone. Not even the tools would be helpful because the average person probably can't make tools from scratch in the forest using wood and stone, lol. About the hyenas part, they just have negative stereotypes about them, but idk if animals in the wild also dislike them. I know that they and lions have beef though.

No. 2416753

No. 2416767

People only hate hyenas because female hyenas are more dominant

No. 2416774

File: 1740431849987.jpg (164.94 KB, 1453x1834, 61aakcppl0k41-1060881940.jpg)

>ty anon & trans rights btw!

No. 2416779

Didn't think about that as I forgot about it. Maybe you're onto something.

No. 2416796

"female" hyenas are more male like than other female animals and have dicks. stop being ridiculous.

No. 2416798

They have big clits, not dicks. They won't be female if they have dicks lmao.

No. 2416800

I feel like a lot of people aren't aware of the female hyena's long clit and the matriarchal structure of their packs. I think it's because of The Lion King and nature planet documentaries showing them harassing lions who people think are cuter and le king of the jungle.

No. 2416803

Made me kek out loud

No. 2416805

File: 1740432646366.png (237.98 KB, 738x772, IMG_1470.png)

They give birth through that “dick” that you call kek.

No. 2416809

NTA but woah. Hyenas give birth through their clits?

No. 2416811

>thinks a female can be "more male" and have a dick
Please, if you really are this stupid get off LC and read a book. Watch a hyena documentary.

No. 2416814

Do you think it'd be easier or harder?

No. 2416817

much harder, hyena births are notoriously difficult

No. 2416818

I'm glad the females are dominant to the males kek, it's the least they deserve after going through that

No. 2416821

On the plus side, they cannot be impregnated against their will. The male and female have to position themselves carefully for it to work.

No. 2416826

That sounds so hard…I feel like giving birth through the vaginal canal makes more sense because it can open wider and expand with the contractions pushing the baby down but pushing the baby through a teensy hole in some tissue? Much much harder

No. 2416836

Oh I just figured that maybe a hyena's clit could expand. It'd have to, right? Otherwise the hyena baby would come out really thin like a sausage and have to resume its original shape over time.

No. 2416910

They don't have dicks, they have elongated clitorises. They are biologically female and live in matriarchal societies.
First time mothers often die in birth as their clitorises split down the shaft, but if they survive a spongy scar forms that makes it easier next time around.

No. 2416975

I don't care about anyone who doesn't like me, female or not. If you dislike me I'll just dislike you back and that's that, so I never understood that mentality either.
I feel like half of them think the lolis have cute designs and assume that means they're a lolicon even when the design isn't sexualized. While the rest are comprised of women who actively like sexualizing those characters, both for autopedophilia purposes like someone else said and a rarer portion who do want to rape children instead of just trying to look like a child.

No. 2416976

File: 1740438279685.jpg (40.51 KB, 720x405, 1000020270.jpg)

>There's a reason hyenas are looked down upon for hunting in groups and eating leftovers but tigers and lions are considered cool for hunting alone.
Tbf, this is mostly due to movies such as the lion king portraying them as lazy. Hyenas catch thier prey 53% of the time which is very efficient, especially compared to a lion's 17-25%. Lions will actually intimidate hyenas to steal food from them, they are the lazy ones plus the moid lions leech off the group while the females do most of the hunting

No. 2416981

>ruins cat threadpic chain with an ugly one telling us what we already know
You suck

No. 2416985

My bad, thanks for informing me.

No. 2416988

If bees were the dominant species, they would think that it's lame that they can kill people with stings and fly. They would focus on their flaws, and invent elaborate contraptions to go under water, since bees can't swim.

No. 2416997

OP just comes off like a seething retard, who cares

No. 2417007

OP is a sore loser and seems like the type to scream at children playing outside

No. 2417010

File: 1740439301135.jpg (78.12 KB, 624x500, 700w0b-326218908.jpg)

If OP had a threadpic

No. 2417013

Kek. OP is a /meta/ camper always snitching on the stupidest shit

No. 2417020

Did the fat comment hit too close to home?

No. 2417030

File: 1740439845195.jpeg (366.72 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_3817.jpeg)

There’s dead bodies rotting underneath her home. I just know it.

No. 2417031

File: 1740439859996.png (639.65 KB, 1169x1395, thread_created_by_evil.png)

>evil thread, created by darkness

No. 2417034

This thread was created by an NPC so yeah, you’re pretty much correct. Entirely soulless, the catpic OPs had a soul, even the ones like the American Dad ones were soulful even though it pissed everyone off kek

No. 2417036

File: 1740439942970.png (538.91 KB, 1395x667, thread_created_with_love.png)

>thread created by a pure soul

No. 2417039

Cat threadpic anon even restarted the thread when it seemed like it was off to a negative start. OP invites this with their baiting and mean name-calling

No. 2417044

Mean name-calling can be funny but OP is soulless because the threadpic is uninspired and it’s encouraging a trend of sensitive anons trying to minimod people (ex. vent thread’s new thread description written out of butthurt kek)

No. 2417047

The last thread was restarted to replace the axolotl pic with a cat pic

No. 2417048

its almost like the anons that use this thread are the same anons that go to vent to bait people into infights or something

No. 2417051

No. 2417069

>They are biologically female and live in matriarchal societies.
God, based. On a similar topic. Do you guys think with current and future technology would there be any possible way to make sure all future scrotes are weaker than females? Like, hypothetically. What kind of environmental pressure would need to be there for males and females? If so, do you guys believe that would be baste or not? I'm pretty sure female spotted hyenas are bigger than their male counterparts, why did they evolve that way? Hyenas are pretty efficient hunters, but lions and hyenas are both matriarchal. However the assertion that lions are these epic predators who run the world does come from scientists misinterpreting the structure of their societies to be male dominated

No. 2417074

File: 1740441137634.jpeg (144.8 KB, 780x438, Sorted Food.jpeg)

Bongs aren't that ugly, I'm not telling you to stop bullying them,I don't mean to ruin anyone's fun, but I don't truly believe they are uglier than burgers or people from most other euro countries. Picrel are some bongs from a youtube cooking channel, sure they are ugly, but this level of ugliness can be found anywhere.

No. 2417077

I don't mind being fat anymore. It seems unimportant. Being fat isn't a big deal unless you are taking food from someone who is hungry.

No. 2417081

This picture made me physically nauseous and I feel like im gonna puke

No. 2417082


No. 2417084

I don't necessarily disagree, but when they're truly ugly they have a very specific genre of ugliness unique to them. They usually have these gaunt looks with rotten/broken teeth and look like young boys and old men at the same time with gigantic heads and fiveheads but balding hair and pale sick looking skin. American ugliness is being a fat manlet soyboy with a poop beard.

No. 2417087

these are regular mid white men, bong specific ugliness is like harry styles kind of ugly.

No. 2417094

They are not mid at all. Mid moids still have eyes that are the correct distance apart. All of the monsters in that picture have eyes either too close together or too far apart. Based on that alone, they are fugly.

No. 2417102

idk if you’ve travelled around europe but you are very wrong. people here on the adriatic are exponentially hotter. i went to some bong festivals in croatia and all the young people look like shit tbh. i’ll give them that it’s probably more jarring in this context because they are hung over, sun burnt yet pale and in outfits which don’t fit their style at all. but still. i really like them though. some of my favorite tourists and mentality.

No. 2417105

Bongs all have that certain… look to them. The kind of facial features you can only get after centuries of inbreeding, no sunlight, and constant threat of French invasion

No. 2417118

At least they combed their hair and two of them aren't fat. They need to remove those facial pubes.

No. 2417125

I've watched a lot of British and American street interviews and I wouldn't be able to tell most of the people in them apart tbh

No. 2417131

Yep it's literally inbreeding.

No. 2417135

File: 1740442554565.jpg (755.2 KB, 2905x1886, elib_5185883-e1447079625908-52…)

Imagine being a Celtic woman and enjoying all that hot seaside breeding with only the sexiest sailor moids but especially Dutch att only to have the hills have eyes show up to bother and rape everyone constantly

No. 2417138

File: 1740442573288.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1284x1021, IMG_5495.jpeg)

For a tranny he knows how to dress cute

No. 2417139

kek is that karl pilkington?

No. 2417141

>thinks matriarchal societies exist
kekekekekek anon got you good

No. 2417142

>know how to dress
>has access to non-fast fashion clothing that normie women can only dream of
That sure would look nice as a mini-skirt that goes up to my ass and assumes I have no breasts whatsoever

No. 2417143

This is what passes for cute in Bongland and unfortunately many, many of the specimens here are a million times uglier. They're more or less clean and look like they only smell mildly of weed and beer. These are the moids that any aspiring Molly Mae would be happy to hook up with on a pub crawl. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but bongs are all ugly as fuck and it's a Bong thing, specifically, moids from other Bong-adjascent countries lack that certain je ne sais quoi that alcoholism and weed dependency and inbreeding add to the gene pool.
Yeah, the boiled lobster look is a dead giveaway, as well as being passed out in their own puke in public, being coated in retarded tattoos, and a severe dependency on lip and cheek fillers. I've never seen any tourists be as hated as Bongs and for good reason.

No. 2417145

He would be so rapeable if he just stayed a man, what the fuck is wrong with him

No. 2417148

Not really, those shoes don't belong with that dress.

No. 2417150

yeah, just noticed. they look like draculaura's shoes from monster high

No. 2417151

>boiled lobster look

No. 2417155

>Bongs are ALL ugly as fuck
The scrotes maybe but come on, nona, you sound like you need to work on your self-esteem

No. 2417159

In the animal kingdom they do though

No. 2417161

Self-esteem shouldn't be based on appearance.

No. 2417164

They also love to eat pig slop like this while calling Americans fatties despite being fat and malnourished themselves. They get zero nutrition, no sunlight, all of the women breed with old moids, and have pisspoor healthcare just like good ole burgerland

No. 2417166

Anons will reeee at me for this but this is literally what every white youtuber moid looks like.

No. 2417167

i have a soft spot for retards so karl pilkington is actually kind of cute to me kek

No. 2417168

There's some anon always shitting on bong women and trying to bring it up in weird ways, like sperging about charlixcx but most of it will be about her "phenotype" and features. I noticed it in celebricows

No. 2417179

Charli isn't brought up in relation to being bong literally ever, she doesnt even have that look. She's only criticized for the stupid faces she makes because she's insecure about her nose. It isn't "one anon" schizo.

No. 2417183

But you're right though

No. 2417185

I've noticed that the tone gets weirdly aggressive when Bong ugliness is brought up kek

No. 2417188

I'm fully expecting someone to go "NUH UH!" and post some random roidpig or rat and expect me to see his true inner beauty because he's French or something.

No. 2417192

any moid who's autistic enough to put their face on youtube is ugly as sin.

No. 2417205

>literally ever
I just had to correct a retard doing exactly this about her Indian Scottish heritage and is the only reason I even know that. You could have just replied "it was me" and looked less obvious

No. 2417209

>"bri'ish men are ugly"
>"you guys I've noticed some horrible misogynistic anon keeps calling bong women ugy…."
>"yeah totally its a psyop"
Bongs have unfortunte genetics, if you aren't ugly then keep it pushing cause no one is talking about you

No. 2417210

TIL that Charli XCX is part Indian

No. 2417211

I found out a few celebricows ago, when the bong-hating anon was sperging. Tbc I don't care when this is done to their moids

No. 2417214

I know she's part Indian but I had no clue she was Scottish. I've evidently missed that sperg because it's such a bizarre niche. Sounds more like you're drawing out nitpicks to claim this is some psyop against bongs.

No. 2417215

British women look fine. It's a shame they have to interbreed with bong men.

No. 2417217

Huh? I was making an observation about something specifically on lolcor, not saying that Bri'ish men being ugly (they are) is false.

No. 2417219

Above average looks by bong standards

No. 2417231

There's an anon currently saying bongs are "all" ugly. I've never heard or seen anyone say that in my life, so it's unusual and stands out. Can you not simply read the thread and the posts from the past few minutes?

No. 2417233

are you a bong or something?

No. 2417234

Not more than anything else. I certainly don't live in bongland but I'm pretty sure most westerners are partially bong. Which makes the sperg even more retarded

No. 2417240

>most westerners are partially bong
kek what

No. 2417247

He is a faggot who wanted to fuck straight men.

No. 2417251

These are like a male 7-8 in bongland. Now compare that to a male 7-8 in the netherlands, germany, or italy and it's fucking OVER.

No. 2417255

File: 1740445205270.png (95.89 KB, 3060x1348, tmhr7ne1avt51-4202435387.png)

It doesn't cut off exactly in the potato areas either. There's plenty of bong mixed in with them too. My country is owned by bongs so you can imagine their impact here

No. 2417260

>or italy
Okay, maybe, sounds promising enough
>netherlands, germany
I'm sorry but I can't tell you people apart

No. 2417263

I am going to get banned for racebait now even though I'm calling out my own race but it's funny when white people have the "all of X is basically the same right" mentality and then go to keyboard war insisting you must be trolling if you can't see the "differences" between themselves and their identical neighbors.

No. 2417266

but ecuador is also considered part of the west and they dont have a lot of british people there

No. 2417269

File: 1740445798292.jpg (304.84 KB, 667x1000, 1000_F_556136646_IozD12KRRKZky…)

just another place in the west

No. 2417271

ecuador IS the west britain is just another place in the west

No. 2417273

Do you think most Ecuadorians refer to themselves as "westerners" anon?

No. 2417275

File: 1740445956533.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.03 KB, 667x1000, 2cf1082264b1824bfe6638da403745…)

its not about telling them apart, it's about them being hot. Anyways I like hot italian men because I have an insatiable eyebrow/long thick dark eyelash fetish, also Im not picky about height.
The issue with german moids is they slam into the wall at age 25

No. 2417277

yes. why do you anglophones think that only former british empire is west? everything that isnt east is west.

No. 2417281

I haven't been following this infight but if we're talking about Germans vs the Dutch, of course the Dutch are hotter. Everyone knows that. They're not all mixed together yet bc the Dutch find the Germans gross, like everyone else

No. 2417292

samefag but I'm the anon who defended bongs so will say this about moids only. I wanted to have an example of an attractive german woman by now but Heidi Klum is doing a lot of lifting for this country. Do you anons have any suggestions

No. 2417302

Possible unpopular opinion, but as a Latin American, I do not think of latam as western even if we're intrinsically westernized. I've seen it be considered like a peripheral west or something, I prefer to think of latam as its own thing. But I also understand the argument that we are western and that it's odd to think of USA and Canada as west but not the rest of the continent even tho we were also colonized by euros.

No. 2417310

File: 1740446885464.png (363.94 KB, 1920x964, The_Western_World.png)

It's not unpopular at all, you have a completely separate culture from "western culture". My western friend has been highly educated in our finest western institutions



No. 2417346

>"wow, there's a country in south america that's part of the european union? how did i not know about this, i better look it up!"
>it's literally "COUNTRY (France)" on maps
Why am I so naive

No. 2417370

It's French Guiana.

No. 2417386

>background noise
Here you go nona, this channel is perfect for that. Her voice is non-intrusive and she doesn't use annoying sound effects for shock value. In this particular vidrel, she criticizes the gay moid writer's shallow interpretation of this ongoing comradery and has lots of really good movie recommendations as well

(I think this is the first one)

No. 2417394

File: 1740449945853.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1005x1981, IMG_5499.jpeg)

I understand troons more than women who transition to be men but still want to be girly and pretty. Idgi, you wanna be a man but you still are going to dress like a woman etc

No. 2417398

I think they do it because they are envious of the attention troons who actually commit to the bit get. even if this is not the case, there's no way to perceive it other than just attention whoring because almost all of them not only dress in a girly way, but are weirdly hyper sexual almost all the time.

No. 2417452

They think it's sexy when hot guys dress up in dainty shit, they want to be attractive, too.

No. 2417585

I know a ton of women like that, 90% of the time it's a low self-esteem thing and terminal case of nlog. They are too self-hating to accept being women but still have girly interests. Taking testosterone and getting fat, bald, hairy is a form of self-harm and a way to differentiate from the "other women".

No. 2417653

Honestly yeah. I'm not a bong and I see men like this where I live.

No. 2417681

Fit healthy people who used to be fat with a current obsession with fat people weird me out. I'm not fat and I don't defend fatties but the amount of YouTube channels built on "I was fat now I'm fit so I'm making videos about fatties every day" is kinda concerning. Feels eating disorder-ish.

No. 2417696

Because they are and they're projecting their feelings of failure and anger out on fatties. It's pathetic shit, but quite frankly so is the obsession with fat people in general.

No. 2417703

Because they don't want to be seen as woman (cringe, gross, literal wife-man, thing to be fucked, receptor, mother, nagger, bleeder, seether, decorator, hostess, child-feeder child whinger, sagging), but man (human being, protagonist, hero of the world, savior, warrior, not tryhard or lame, free, flawed, rugged). They want to be human beings who sometimes wear skirts.

No. 2417715

that's my unpopular opinion personally, if he hadn't trooned out, and just stuck with upkeep that expected of female celebrities plus long hair, he could've been so handsome but no rape fantasises mean that he's a woman

No. 2417739

I'm confused. What's so special about that dress? Is it the floaty sleeves? Aside from that, it looks like something you could pick up at a secondhand store. You could probably find it in a fast fashion shop.
This is my unpopular opinion about a lot of clothes people venerate as expensive/fancy/high quality, but just look basic. I remember people were doing this about Brandy Melville as well. I suspect all this shit is made in the same factories and just given different prices.

No. 2417750

The same is true for men as a whole, but since Hollywood is run by ugly and fat old bastards, they want other men as ugly and old-looking as possible out of spite/jealousy and so they can "relate" lol

No. 2417758

I meant in general, same as the post I'm replying to. Also that's definitely not true, if you're tried to shop for a simple "sun dress" in a department store that carries low end designer brands and up to rtw couture, the "simple" designs are always the most expensive. I think they know what women want and that's why they do this. I'm just going to make clothing myself, it's getting ridiculous imo (at least where I live)

No. 2417783

File: 1740463874470.png (492.02 KB, 732x783, .c.png)

Women love men so much it's unreal. If we held this man to female standards, he'd be considered mannish and mid.

No. 2417788

He would have been like one of the 3 hot male actors in earth if he didnt troon out. I hate troon ideology.

No. 2417792

I disagree. Hunter Schaefer is super cute, the nose job is devastating

No. 2417797

I'd like to see them rationalise how India, Pakistan or Nigeria are 'the West'.

No. 2417804

File: 1740466011997.png (459.23 KB, 640x824, GPf-hXnbEAEEB1j.png)

Never forget.

No. 2417819

using 'moralfags' as a copout for your pedophilic tendencies is cringe and an admission of guilt. i've seen so many communities where their anti-moralfagging is purely so people don't bat an eye when they start grooming children(dragging infights across threads)

No. 2417822

French Guiana, which is an overseas region of France. It's part of the nation of France.

No. 2417865

My boyfriend is cuter

No. 2417876

post him then

No. 2417905

Lipedema is bullshit and another flaw in the medical system, it doesn’t make any sense to still have what most are portrayed as huuuugeeee fat stomps at a healthy or even low weight, that would mean all of the body is bones except arms and legs which is never the case usually people with lipedema are all over disgustingly fat but are pear shaped or heavy bottom. An excuse to do anything but lose weight the natural way I guess and it gives the doc $$$$ to perform surgeries so why not

No. 2417907

You’re sick, those shoes don’t match the dress at all. He looks like a man and if he were a woman only the butches would like him but no straight woman would actually want to look like a hook nosed gnome

No. 2417913

Thank you. I don't know what the fuck they're playing at.

No. 2417917

bj-chan have you ever considered treatment for ocd because its not normal to be this obsessively distresed everyday(report and ignore)

No. 2417918

the world of lolcow is bj-"chan"'s, we are just living in it

No. 2417925

It does sound like she got (sexual) OCD for real. I feel bad for her because that's the most uncomfortable, icky type of OCD you could get (not counting POCD)

No. 2417926

This is a very simple outfit, nothing bad about it, but you can tell he's a man, a very feminine man, but a male nonetheless

No. 2417932

honestly I think it's a bit naive to think "she's" a woman and not a sexually obsessed male

No. 2417939

This looks like a camisole and the shoes make no sense
Impressively schizo even by troon standards

No. 2417940

I'm going through a bout of existential OCD in a hot minute (which isnt new for my life) and while I've learnt to repress my sexual OCD I can't imagine it sticking around to the extent of bj-chans, I feel bad for her.

No. 2418006

It's not a clump of cells, it's a baby. It's a baby, it's a baby, it's a baby. If you want to get rid of it, then yes you are killing a baby.

>So you're okay with killing babies?

Yes. Oh well. Better than having to raise two babies because of the manchild mentality men have so the woman ends up becoming his new mommy while taking care of the offspring.

Most people should not even be parents with how they terrorize their child. Taking them out of this world before they live a shit life is actually the best thing you can do.

We should not use the "clump of cells" type of coping when it comes to the argument. Be all for saying "Yes, we should be able to kill babies" instead. If religious groups care about babies that bad they should have more orphanages with easy dropoff access.

It may be selfish to abort but it's also selfish to have a child for the sake of others just to end up letting them become awful.(integrate)

No. 2418052

am i a pedophile for enjoying Watamote? since the characters are underage(bait)

No. 2418086

File: 1740492361064.jpg (78.84 KB, 720x780, 1000019199.jpg)

The Confessions Thread sucks ass because almost no one seems to understand what exactly the thread is supposed to be about. It's meant to confess the stupid, wild things you have DONE. Look at the definition of what a confession is, it's about being honest about something you DO or have DONE. Not venting whatever mild opinion you're hiding from your family. A confession would be admitting that you're the one who leaked mustard gas in the boys' locker room after gym class. Lame shit like "I secretly hate my sister's cupcakes" is not a damn confession no matter how interesting you think your boring life is.

No. 2418094

If you wanted to reply to that anon, you could have replied to her in that thread instead of trying to be sneaky and vague. You're not the boss of the Confessions thread.

No. 2418097

>I secretly hate my sister's cupcakes
Something like this implies that the anon lied or is still lying by omission to her sister, so an action took place at some point.

No. 2418106

I'm speaking more in general. That anon is not the only one.

No. 2418126

Male celebrities who have their wives and girlfriends showing ass and tits to the world are cuckolds.

No. 2418128

I agree. Scramble those little bastards up.

No. 2418130

Who are they being cuckolded by? Air? Eyeballs?

No. 2418131

No. 2418152

who cares what men think or suffer, we should make them feel like cucks more often. normalize men feeling inadequate, ugly and unloved.

No. 2418160

They need to dress sluttier themselves to make it equal.

No. 2418174

True. If your bf is fine with you dressing like that he's definitely a cuck

No. 2418176

Why are you living your day to day life having other men jack off to your partner for money (actually, for free, since we know these people are showing up to events in see-through dresses and shit - donations are optional!), while you're standing there fully clothed and smiling? It's pathetic, don't try and minimize it lol. Kanye is a cuckold and so are all the other moid celebrities.
I will say I forgot one aspect: The bigwigs in charge are the ones getting to fuck their wives and girlfriends raw (and probably the males too), while ordinary men just get a preview. It's literally mass cucking. Nothing respectable going on in the public ""celebrity"" sphere these days.

No. 2418183

Many botched plastic surgery are just because the surgeon is male. Of course they wouldn't get the fine details of our faces and bodies right. They can barely even differentiate between our natural looks and photoshop/filters/makeup/Ai.

No. 2418209

Why do you care if they’re getting cucked though. Sperm shovelers deserve it

No. 2418212

I don't care (or at least not in a negative way). I just think it's funny, and it annoys me to see women respect any of these men just because they have money.

No. 2418229

I don't get it either and I used to be fat.
You don't have to care about something to recognize it's a thing. You could be glad moids are getting cucked and still recognize that's what's happening.

No. 2418232

I feel like you care about it just a little bit since you posted about it here and you used emotional language

No. 2418237

Except he's not being cucked. Words have meaning. To cuck means for another man to sleep with a man's wife. What Kanye is doing is promoting his voyeuristic fantasies. His wife is involved in that fetish too, considering her past work as an artist.
Why is using emotional language a bad thing?

No. 2418241

If he would be a woman you would call her tacky kek. You just hold men to a mediocre standard.

No. 2418248

I didn’t say it was bad, I said it implies you care…

No. 2418249

File: 1740500836701.jpeg (426.1 KB, 1564x1983, 323k8364fd6d1.jpeg)

Kanye derives pleasure from other men sleeping with his female partners. He is aware of this. Celebrity couples with one partner being openly, publicly sexual for "work" are not monogamous. It would be naive to believe everything stops at other people seeing the women naked in Hollywood. Voyeurism also pertains to deriving pleasure from watching other people engage in sex, not having one's partner be sexualized by others. The word you may be looking for is "candaulism". Most candaulists are cuckolds.

No. 2418255

Exactly! NTA but I’m tired of people acting like she’s a fucking victim kek, she’s a total perv.

No. 2418270

They enable the worst in each other.
So I suppose Kanye is a candaulist and Bianca is a exhibitionist?

No. 2418273

>So I suppose Kanye is a candaulist and Bianca is a exhibitionist?
Yeah, basically. Bianca's a pickme/NLOG supreme to be honest. She reminds me of gimpgirl in behavior.

No. 2418321

If people think you're smart you're probably a bit ugly

No. 2418325

You're either ugly or dumb and coping

No. 2418329

What does this even mean

No. 2418331

No I'm both but people think I'm smart
People assume attractive people are stupid

No. 2418333

what you see in movies isn't how it is in real life

No. 2418334

Actually, I've heard the opposite. There are studies that show people tend to perceive attractive people as smarter and more capable than they necessarily are.

No. 2418336

Our high school valedictorian went to uni on a full scholarship and did catalogue modeling on the side. That's just off the top of my head but it's not like her friends were ugly or dumb either

No. 2418347

I'm just thinking from personal experience

No. 2418358

Dresses are comfy pants are not
what the hell is that dumbass fight that got pulled over from the last thread lol

No. 2418418

Kanye West is a cuckold btw

No. 2418423

>personal experience
Seething jealousy imo

No. 2418428

I'm not seething, I'm saying people are going to think you're dumber if you're attractive.

No. 2418443

Nta but you need to stop watching so many movies its altering your sense of reality

No. 2418449

Why are they booing you? You're right. The jocks and the popular girls will always be seen as dumber than the fat incels and ratty horse girls

No. 2418452

File: 1740509717223.jpg (56.69 KB, 818x864, 4c1-3285287508.jpg)

No more movies anon(s)

No. 2418456

Horse girls are cute. I'm not one but they're usually chill and I respect them unless they're the snooty rich type.

No. 2418462

File: 1740510055259.jpg (177 KB, 962x642, 51546924.jpg)

Those aren't horse girls, they're ~equestrians~ and everyone hates them (including the horses)

No. 2418464

Yeah I'm just talking about the girls who draw horses, wear weird clothing, and have super long hair kek

No. 2418475

I think if you’re too ugly people might think you’re white trash or a crack head and if you’re too hot and dress slutty everyday people are going to think you’re a bimbo strippers. If you’re kind of plain looking, with glasses and neatly dressed (no loud colors or tight clothes) people are going to think you’re smart.

No. 2418484

>describes completely average woman
>people are going to think you're smart
Well we've solved the gender imbalance I guess

No. 2418487

Not everyone. Some American women dress really sloppy or skanky. When people see a plain looking woman with a bun(brown hair), business casual, no makeup and quiet they’re going to think “oh she must be smart”

No. 2418488

Stop ruminating.

No. 2418492

Looking smart is considered a negative thought?

No. 2418495

Go reheat nachos.

No. 2418507

Don't jocks and cheerleaders need high grades to stay in their team/squad? They're not stupid if so. Geeks aren't smart for watching cartoons and playing video games kek.

No. 2418753

I’m thoroughly and genuinely disgusted by loli/shotafags but the amount of butthurt they generate from moid-loving and moid-defending anons is absolutely delicious. I hope they keep posting kek(bait)

No. 2418762

What have I missed now?

No. 2418770

I missed it but go to the fandom discourse thread and scroll down a little from the top kekkk and you’ll definitely see the slapfight

No. 2418780

It was a lot of fun following it in real time. I’m a bit sad that the original Lolita parody post was removed, I wish I took a screenshot of it.

No. 2418787

Mods have been deleting a lot of gems lately. No fun allowed!

No. 2418803

File: 1740519655807.png (49.76 KB, 1818x178, nine fourteen.png)

No. 2418837

I wasn't even the anon who originally posted about it.
It's still a cuck mentality because it's being fine with other men seeing your wife/gf half naked, so you're okay with her being lusted after and making other men hard. Everyone who isn't stupid can recognize this and it's also why men with OF models as gfs instantly get called cucks even if they don't do anything other than post photos of themselves.

No. 2418888

Digital art isn’t real art at all.

No. 2418890


No. 2418914

File: 1740523451012.jpeg (326.14 KB, 1280x905, BACDA7AC-0FB1-43AA-8F8A-79975E…)

YES!!!! So glad it’s preserved, thank you anon. Good fortunes and blessings upon thee, now and forevermore amen.

No. 2418931

Stop posting this ugly faggot

No. 2418939

You’re right I should have posted Luigi instead anon

No. 2418951

Luigi would be friends with whoever that shota is, I'm sure. Let's all get along.

No. 2419023

This was a delightful response. Thank you, you’re right.

No. 2419079

Hanako is so cute and sexy

No. 2419183

Being attracted to anime characters is like being attracted to animals or bugs

No. 2419197

You're my favorite person, nona.

No. 2419217

I think you might be unironically right…

No. 2419221

File: 1740531808333.jpg (868.38 KB, 2617x1472, 1655478434.jpg)

I hope he confronts a pack of rapenonas on the way to bring you nigiri bento or some shit and arrives with older/haunted features or not all

No. 2419255

I’m not sure what exactly that means, but thank you nona I appreciate it.

No. 2419266

Shotacon is a result of Japanese pedophilia. Explain to me why sexual content involving little boys targeted towards women is non-existent in all other countries (despite scrote pedophilia being universal).

No. 2419324

File: 1740537187231.jpeg (1.42 MB, 2207x3311, 2172256680.jpeg)

I think Apu Apustaja and Ella Purnell look the same. This isn't an insult because I have a huge crush on Ella and I love Apu, he is so cute.

No. 2419362

ily nonny

No. 2419366

All women with large eyes and high-contrast lips look a bit like Pepe or Apu. It's a compliment.

No. 2419388

Mods are baiters. That’s why they go quiet until they lose the infight suddenly they just start banning the people they were baiting.

No. 2419390

No. 2419392

being a mod on an imageboard should be a death penalty offence.

No. 2419401

Not quite. How it works is that in the Admin Discord server, someone will post something like "look at this retard kek," including a screencap of whatever post it was. That gives the OK sign for other members to go and start a flame war. Once it goes on for too long, the jannies step in and ban the OP, sometimes they'll redtext the people from the server for posterity but those don't include a ban.

No. 2419419

No one cares what happens on trannycord

No. 2419422

I don’t think mods purposefully bait but there certainly have to have been some times in history where they’ve lost an argument or two

No. 2419433

this is like a debate club

No. 2419443

File: 1740543618203.webp (759.6 KB, 2610x1958, 8535890324460.WEBP)


No. 2419454

I honestly believe mods don’t post.

No. 2419469

File: 1740545348236.jpg (150.5 KB, 1390x926, 2365205794.jpg)

No. 2419475

File: 1740545625393.webp (36.06 KB, 1280x960, 7346754689633.WEBP)

No. 2419536

>implying people only start infights because a discord server made them

No. 2419561

Baiting on an anonymous forum that has virtually no traffic has got to be a new form of evil I can't understand. At least baiters on things like Reddit and tiktok and such do so to farm clicks and views, baiting on lolcow is simply due to some underlying mental illness

No. 2419589

A scrote post puberty cannot be victimized by a woman. A 15 year old scrote could kill an adult woman with their bare hands and are making porn deepfakes of their female classmates and straight up sexually harass them irl. They are not victims, in any circumstance.

No. 2419624

This shit makes me so glad to be old. Teenage girls these days must live in a dystopian hell with their moid classmates making AI porn of them. Like I imagine there's nothing people will do about boys taking photos of girls in class to train their AI models.

No. 2419635

I'm glad I went to all girls schools until I was 18. I just wish there were female only colleges too. I think all girls schools should be widely available in every country.

No. 2419636

So true im sick of looking at hideous studentsm and teacher scrotes they are so vulgar and gross. They always put their moidshit into everything.

No. 2419640

File: 1740561891536.png (69.86 KB, 240x238, selene delgado.png)

this photo is in no way shape or form creepy, people try to say the vague and obscured features make it creepy, it's bullshit, some retards are such cowards, they make any shit quality photo "creepy".

No. 2419650

File: 1740563157552.jpeg (6.88 KB, 201x251, jared pike.jpeg)

samefag, adding onto this, this series of 3d renders of pool rooms by Jared Pike is not creepy at all, liminal spaces are usually eerie bc of the absent context of the space(playground without children, swimming pools in a dingy room without people swimming, usually photos of random places that make you feel like a person should be in frame that would justify the existence of the photo but there isn't), but the context of the photo is very fucking present, it's a 3d render of an architectural concept, very clearly an exploration meant to be part of someone's portfolio displaying their 3d rendering and modelling skills and imagination, worse are the people that are like "am i weird for liking this?", no i'd argue they're the most normal people made to think they're weird by fucking idiots, not only is this art, it's design, by virtue of being design it's meant to be liked by at least someone, but scaredy-cats see no people in frame and dark shadows here and there and think SCARY and EERIE. there's nothing more to it than a concept of "what if the tiles in a pool went beyond the pool itself?". i bet these fucks would think that the Hana Zono Pool Room is ~"liminal"~. at least talk about the pool room renders or photos that just have absurd architecture and not photos of conceptual pool rooms meant for rich people.

No. 2419660

Sorry, I know you're raging right now, but this series is made up of literally the most peaceful images ever. I want to be there, it would be so fun.

No. 2419676

File: 1740564754812.jpeg (112.11 KB, 640x640, ab67616d0000b273c8f98368881cc4…)

ayrt, but same here, probably would have the same fun as watery caves that have shallow water you can swim in but without the fear of microbes in the water or gross stuff but with the same beautiful water and enough sunlight but also enough shade. of course this would only stand as an exploration of a concept bc such a place wouldn't really work without railing or platforms, but i think picrel is nice and the railing turned out sleek.

No. 2419705

Men say they want a woman a who is submissive, who is sweet and motherly etc but I don’t think they do. Drug addicts with bpd get treated better by men than those kind of women. Even the tradthots who get treated well are more masculine than most men and run the house hold abusing everyone, including the husband(ruby franke for example).

No. 2419706

Men LOVE whores, sluts and women who use them, otherwise they wouldn’t be as “famous”. But they like being taken care of while they chase them, that’s why they need the mommy “wife” who cooks for them, takes care of the children, works in order to also contribute to pay the bills, has sex with them.

No. 2419711

OF models and prostitutes wouldn’t exist if men were so morally disgusted by them.

No. 2419712

Anon you're complaining about children

No. 2419719

She really, really is not.

No. 2419724

Imageboards attract weirdos, unfortunately.

No. 2419725

I never found these creepy. Maybe I'm a mega introvert but I'd love to chill and relax in there alone and wade through the water. Which reminds me, I have not gone swimming or been in water higher than my ankles in years. I should go swimming again.

No. 2419727

Kekk how do these people make it through the day if this is all it takes to scare them

No. 2419734

ex-fucking-actly, she looks like an ordinary Hispanic woman with over plucked eyebrows

No. 2419746

People who go “nooo, partying is soooo lame, you just do drugs and buy overpriced drinks and get wasted” are pretty insufferable to me, especially when they hear someone saying “yea, I enjoy partying”.
Getting wasted and doing drugs willingly is a choice and the overpriced drinks problem can be solved by pregaming, but they aren’t ready for that conversation. I just wanna dance to upbeat music and have fun kek.

No. 2419764

>can be solved by pregaming, but they aren’t ready for that conversation
We know. I’ve gone to parties and clubs, still do from time to time, but still never liked any of them, I wanted to go home as soon as the hour mark hit. It’s okay to like different things kek.

No. 2419774

Sorry if this is racebait, but my unpopular opinion is that incels with the "just be white" theory are annoying, because they lack any kind of self-awareness, and they're projecting.
Brown, black and Asian men be like
>yes saar please oh please white man and woman notice me licks feet drools pisses pants
>that's right you curryfoids, noodlewhores, sheboons, etc we're trading you in for the white women we saw in porn
>n-nani?! why are so many of our zoomer girls/women seeing us as weak, ugly or worthless and dating white men?? fucking traitorous sluts, women have no loyalty or empathy
In reality, white men aren't exactly perfect (transgenderism, school shootings, meth/benzo addiction, recent uptick in misogyny, etc), but it makes perfect sense that young, male-attracted women of all races would get tired of some things and want a nice, normal "golden retriever" bf or husband. All these incels are fucking stupid, so instead of self-reflecting on how their misogynistic, abusive cultures and dickriding of white men would disgust women, they harp about 6'5 chads with strong jaw and A10 eyes and a big dick. All things they can't change about themselves, because they're against the idea of self-improving to not repulse women. White men who refuse to improve themselves do the same thing when they go on about how black men have bigger penises than them or are somehow just more "naturally alpha" (even while they're surrounded by blackcels).

No. 2419777

Agreed. All moids are vile

No. 2419782

On the other hand, I've seen white incels use that phrase to cope with nobody wanting them in their own country
>I-I'm sniff I'm gonna go to Asia, a-and sniff I'm gonna get all the girls there! I'm white, that's all I need because they worship white guys like ME!
The only amusing thing about this is watching reject white moids scramble to act like nonwhite women are fighting in a single file line just for them KEK.

No. 2419785

True, so many useless moids fly to Asian countries to prey on "easy" and young women, only to end up claiming they are the predators for being gold-diggers or whatever. Like, what did you expect being old, fat and a completely insufferable human being?

No. 2419786

Meanwhile on lolcor
>I want C O C K

No. 2419791

they'll never admit it but deep down most men really want a bpd chan, especially if she's pretty. they love the drama, the head games, the way they can emotionally fuck with her and she'll still come back for more. it makes them feel powerful. getting an attractive borderline partner is like winning the lottery for men. most men who claim to have been abused by a girlfriend are just men who went after a bpd chan and got burned in the process

No. 2419793

The reason why men hate sluts but love porn because their sexuality is inherently violent. When they get horny it’s a similar sensation to getting angry.

No. 2419798

men who say they hate sluts typically hate all women regardless of how many sexual partners they've had. they view all sex as transactional because they're defective and incapable of experiencing real intimacy or providing a woman with pleasure. that's why they'll claim that even a married woman who has only slept her husband in her entire life is a whore. it's easier for them to be misogynistic than to accept that they are chumps

No. 2419802

Men hate sluts and claim to want virginal kids but the moment their pure innocent virgin doesn't know how to suck their dick they cry and want her to be a slut. They're endless hypocrites.

No. 2419803

"Acquired taste" is just pavloving yourself into liking shit taste.

No. 2419812

Me with red wine, that shit tastes awful and I'm french.

No. 2419862

Semi related but my brother is in his mid 30s and an actual conversation I had with him the other was about if the married woman that sends him nudes is a slut? And he asked do I think she's sending other men the photos? I always thought I was the most naive in the family but that blew me away

No. 2419892

I always thought that arousal is just a modified form of aggression in men and sexually submissive men are just enacting violence against their own ego.

No. 2419908

Liberal/leftist women are more feminine than conservative women, which are more masculine. Everything from behaviour to how they style themselves. Also why do conservative women like to use so much makeup to the point they look like trannies? Is it because of low iq or because moids like the look of extremely exagerated features?

No. 2419916

Haven't you posted this once before?

No. 2419923

I’ve see that post before too kek

No. 2419924

you already said this, bait bot 2000

No. 2419930

I agree, and I've said something similar before.

No. 2419932

Michelle Obama doesn’t look like a man at all. Idgi, the men allegations gotta be because she’s black and taller than 5’4.

No. 2419941

Don't they say the same about Megan Thee Stallion? Moids act very retarded about women who are tall. Megan isn't even ugly, she's just tall and that's enough to make scrotes freak out. Males are retarded, why do women still care about trying to impress them?

No. 2419944

I’m 99% certain it’s only said because she’s black.

No. 2419947

There is a heavy racism element, but I don't even think it's because she's black as much as it is because she's tall and not considered "fuckable" for porn-addicted men. They were happy to sexualize both her daughters in gross ways, one of which looks almost exactly like her but younger.
My schizo theory is that they wouldn't have been calling her a man if she was fat, because America has been raised on fat black mammy figures. Probably made them seethe that she actually believed in healthy eating.

No. 2419950

there's a whole subreddit dedicated to the idea that taylor swift is secretly trans

No. 2419951

It's manlet negging lol. All the men saying she and Taylor are "men" wouldn't kick either of them out of bed.

No. 2419967

Exactly it’s racism. But TRAs will call it transmisogyny kek.

No. 2419991

Lana del rey is actually the greatest musician of the last 20 years, shocked that this is unpopular to say out loud in public

No. 2419995

Sabrina Carpenter is a better singer, dancer and songwriter.

No. 2419997

>My pussy tastes like Pepsi cola
>My eyes are wide like cherry pies
>I got sweet taste for men who are older
>It's always been so, it's no surprise

No. 2419998

Idk why I’ve never been able to get into Sabrina, she seems like a nice lady but Short’n’sweet doesn’t hit the same way Ultraviolence does, I can listen to UV all the way through without stopping and sing all the words

No. 2419999

You forgot the line about Harvey Weinstein

No. 2420012

reminds me of the time i told my dad i was listening to lana and then he left me on read

No. 2420016

No. 2420042

kek the absolute delusion

No. 2420044

It's the truth? She's more skilled in pretty much every avenue. It's okay if you prefer Lana, but talent is talent. Star power too.

No. 2420045

How has the spotify algorithm not revealed how generic this music is to you all yet? Do you only listen to the top 5 most popular artists at all times?

No. 2420046

Should we all be listening to Wesley Willis instead

No. 2420047

I don't think I can name one song by Sabrina Carpenter

No. 2420051

That just means you're old

No. 2420052

If you're a gen-x loser who thinks music is a good way showcase your hilarious sense of humor, WW is perfect

No. 2420053

I don't think so.

No. 2420059

i've never even seen sabrina dance, she just flops around on stage mimicking sex positions like a retard.

No. 2420063

It's called interpretive dance

No. 2420067

You have shit taste, that's why it's an unpopular opinion. I know of kpop groups with better music. But if it makes you happy, so be it. To each their own. Just don't try to act her music is mind blowing genius of some sort, that would definitely get you laughed at.

No. 2420069

She dances like Kim Petras and he's disabled due to troon surgeries (don't think I can embed the video) https://exulansic.substack.com/p/kim-petras-hips-continue-to-tell

No. 2420071

Good for her tbh

No. 2420072

Kpop is even worse than LDR and Sabrina nonny, kek

No. 2420073

Fix your priorities

No. 2420074

No she doesn't? Some of you will say anything

No. 2420075

I don't want to prioritize listening to Sabrina Carpenter.

No. 2420076

Nah, at least they used to do actual genres instead of whatever LDR and SC do. And some of them had legitimate vocals back in the day. I was thinking of second gen mostly since OP said in the past 20 years. Although there's one 3rd gen group who is also decent with electronic jazz songs and one really talented singer.

No. 2420077

This thread should have been deleted since ie was made by a seething retards. If you don’t like the thread you just have to hide it. I hate nigelfags and therefore never go into /g for example.

No. 2420084

I never think of this troon and Sabrina reminds me of him as a performer. Sorry but it's true anon

No. 2420085

Nona Ultraviolence hasn’t been on the Spotify charts since like 2014 kek

No. 2420087

I know, that's why anon is finally growing tired of her overplayed radio hits and moving on something new like Sabrina. 9 years is a long time and I'm proud of her, in a way

No. 2420098

This is why Trump won

No. 2420099

No. 2420103

Me neither, or most currently popular singers for the matter. I know their names and one thing or two I got from LC,some of them I wouldn't be able to recognize their faces even if I'm familiar with their names.

No. 2420123

But she's more annoying, which invalidates all of that. If DaVinci painted furry inflation porn, his talent wouldn't be at the forefront of peoples' minds. Also if she has so much "star power" why did she need Taylor Swift's help to get famous? (Which Taylor only did to get back at Olivia Rodrigo).

Of course she likes Pepsi. Disgusting, I'd prefer a pussy that tastes like piss.

No. 2420125

This does not make you better than other women who can.

No. 2420127

You both have garbage taste and don't know what good music is.

No. 2420129

Ok boomer. Go tell your grandkids about how your rock/metal band is so much better.

No. 2420134

>If you think neither Lana nor Sabrina are the best musicians of the last 20 years, you must be a boomer

No. 2420137

It's a fact that Sabrina Carpenter is the best musician of the past 20 years. I don't know why you're even trying to contest this.

No. 2420138

>pussy tastes like pepsi
>pussy tastes like piss
whats the difference

No. 2420139

I never said that. I don't even like either of them. You're still a boomer for complaining about kids these days not listening to REAL music.

No. 2420140

Music is subjective though. And if we have to be objective we'd need lots of analysis and to agree on the standards of what a good artist/the best artist consists of and I doubt that would ever happen. But if we somehow agreed, I guarantee you Sabrina won't be on the list at all. Since a more objective look would deconstruct music theory and skill and composition regardless of popularity, and pop music is too simple to win.

No. 2420141

I don't know how me telling two anons who's ages I don't know that they have shit taste translates into "kids these days don't listen to real music," for you, especially when the discussion is limited to music from the last 20 years.

No. 2420142

File: 1740598402081.gif (925.27 KB, 500x283, 1000020376.gif)

Okay I said it once and I'll say it again. I guess I had my head under a rock for a decade because I only recently found out that people love her music in actual waves. And her songs have lore, yet I only found out two hours ago that she has some kind of rapist character in her songs named Jimmy? apparent inspiration for the game that shall not be named. I thought she was on the niche side, I only remember that Summertime Sadness song from just over ten years ago. I checked her fanbase online and they're talking about that A&W song like it's the single most intellectual property of English literature that has ever been released to the human public. I just didn't know people really fucked with her music like that, and I don't know what I expected.

No. 2420143

She knows more about music theory than you,

No. 2420144

Boomers are based and right about this though. The less quality the music you listen to is, the lower your IQ. If it wasn't true and didn't strike a nerve, you wouldn't be upset about this notion.
On a separate note, boomers are also right about phone bad and about QR code menus.

No. 2420147

If only it showed in her music…

No. 2420153

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No. 2420163

No one said it did

No. 2420170

It has been proven true, no matter how much you cope. Everyone can see she's hard-working and talented.

No. 2420173

This is true, music is basically dopamine rewarding and tension breaking, something humans like. That's why really long "build ups" can sound so good in electronic music or trance and why they are like instant-gratification now. A lot of rock bands try to cheat this too and it ends up sounding like Lose Control by Hedley

No. 2420177

No one said she wasn't, they just don't agree with you saying that she's the most talented musician of the last 20 years. It's sad how hard you're caping for a rich woman who pushes DDLG shit on teenagers and brags about how much she's willing to humiliate and debase herself for men.

No. 2420182

She's never pushed dd/lg shit? She just sings about sex, and so do most other musicians like LDR and scrote musicians too. Stop the double standards.

No. 2420189

Did your parents listen to a lot of the "new country" genre growing up?

No. 2420200

Listen to Honeymoon and try to say thats garbage

No. 2420202

>DDLG shit
i think you’re thinking of Melanie Martinez, Lana never did weird DDLG shit

No. 2420205

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No fanks

No. 2420206

File: 1740600714451.jpg (54.32 KB, 634x396, article-2660554-1EDC5111000005…)

No. 2420207

She did, though. Lolita, Off To The Races and Yayo

No. 2420209

So just standing next to an old man is now the same as doing DD/LG stuff, kay got it

No. 2420210

You must be a newfag. Oldfags ignore pedophilia and can't understand why it keeps being addressed lately, apparently

No. 2420212

literally everyone knows lana as the artist every tumblr nymphette/coquette listens to

No. 2420214


No. 2420219

They're just ignoring everything but the picrel. It's probably the same pedos from all the other threads lately

No. 2420222

How is Lolita about DDLG? Most Lolitas hate that shit at least the ones on X

No. 2420225

Yeah but you used the term “ddlg stuff” and the only artist who actually has done legit DDLG stuff was Melanie Martinez, LDR just sings about drugs, sex, etc i don’t think it’s accurate to use the term DDLG to describe her music

No. 2420226

Stop pretending to be retarded

No. 2420228

Pedophiles enjoy discussing the finer points of pedophilia and debating why it is or isn't pedophilia, since that gives them a chance to talk about pedophilia. This is why most women just ignore things that radiate pedophilia or report them

No. 2420234

How is it pedophilia if she was like 32 years old though kek

No. 2420235

You're conflating me with the anons defending LDR. I don't care for her much, either, though I think she's marginally better than Sabrina because her lyrics are less cringe-inducing and inflammatory. Neither of them are the best musician, or even the best female musician, of the last 20 years. Come the hell on.

No. 2420236

That's why they keep targeting Sabrina Carpenter to try and derail every discussion about her

No. 2420239

When he was 18 she was -20 years old. Truly sickening.

No. 2420240

If it isn’t Lana del rey then who do you think it is nonnie?

No. 2420241

No one called her a pedophile. DDLG is just a dumb fetish among adults. And Sabrina's lyrics genuinely are nauseating an deeply misogynistic. You are defending a pickme who thinks blowjobs are empowering.

No. 2420242


No. 2420244

The guy in the picture with lana? She was like 35 in that music video though

No. 2420250

But a human brain doesn't fully mature until age 40. So she was still a child technically

No. 2420253

I know you’re trying to make a joke but there are some people who genuinely think 29 is a child and not a fully grown adult, that’s the point we’re at in society

No. 2420254

You probably think you're winning this "debate" but it's even sadder that women like you and Lana are still pretending to be Lolita in their mid-30s and spending the afternoon defending the idea to anons who already think you're stunted, if not a pedo yourself. It's the big picture, I know that's hard

No. 2420257

Ayrt is clearly being sarcastic anon…

No. 2420258

That was my first comment in this "debate" but keep making up headcanons kek

No. 2420262

It's still meant for you though. It makes no difference to me when you arrived to this retarded discussion, if you're defending Lolita cosplay by a grown/aging woman, you're embarrassing yourself even if you aren't aware of it yet (or will ever be)

No. 2420263

Tofu is shitty

No. 2420266

When did anyone defend lolita cosplaying? Nobody was talking about the weird attention seeking costumes. We’re talking about music right now, anon…

No. 2420267

Nothing in her songs is misogynistic, or else most (if not all) romance songs are the same.

Sabrina is literally known for being a vocal powerhouse and having great stage presence. Her lyrics are just catchy and well-written. I don't know what you're missing.

No. 2420271

Lana is supreme

No. 2420273

Kinda agreed. I tried in a crab miso soup once and it was so hard to eat because of the mushy texture. I made some homemade tofu before but failed to make it taste good no matter how much I seasoned it. It tasted like a rubber eraser. I prefer hallomi cheese for that squeaky clean rubber texture and for the salty taste.

No. 2420284


No. 2420285

this just made me remember one time i saw an animation as a child of these two characters talking about foods that are healthy for kids to eat, and they’re discussing this like child of a royal family many centuries ago who loved to eat tofu…looking back now it was obvious vegan propaganda but kek it was some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen in my entire life

No. 2420288

Her discography is the soundtrack for twink death imo

No. 2420290

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No. 2420296

Care to explain what "twink" is?

No. 2420300

You should erase the mustache and draw pigtails or a ponytail on that

No. 2420310

>Nothing in her songs is misogynistic
Actual Sabrina Carpenter lyrics:
>I'm full grown but I look like a niña, come put something big in my casita
>Told that boy to sit me down on all fours, I told that boy go faster, now I’m all sore
>Let you lock me down tonight
>Hold me and explore me, Mark your territory
>Come right on me, I mean camaraderie

No. 2420316

File: 1740602971090.jpg (531.82 KB, 1500x800, sabrina-jw-2927405559.jpg)

>but I look like a niña
Imagine seeing a little girl with this face. Why do short women live in denial of midgets? The thing you most resemble is an adult woman midget. Ffs

No. 2420331

she looks like a dried up scarecrow that crows shit on

No. 2420341

She should sue whoever botched her jawline like that

No. 2420345

That's a bit harsh. I think Kim Kardashian is the same height or shorter but you would never know bc she doesn't pedobait. Pretty bad when your existence makes Kim K seem like a role model

No. 2420346

Idk who keeps telling her that the excessive lipliner looks good, but they're lying to her.

No. 2420349

Celebrities are finally done with overfilling their lips but can't handle the idea of not having big lips. So now we have this. I was surprised Lisa from BP does the same thing. I don't like k-pop so have no idea how long that has been a trend

No. 2420354

File: 1740603927871.jpg (88.86 KB, 828x822, sabrina-carpenter-with-no-ligh…)

Sick of this patchy fake tan and heavy makeup. It does nothing for her because her natural complexion is very pale and cool-toned and it just looks so heavy and overdone. I mean it doesn't really matter given she's a noncebaiter regardless but I do think she looked better when she was embracing her skintone and had more grown out/ashy coloured hair.

No. 2420361

I think pedos would also be more attracted to this so I think it's more about the grooming of young girls, at the end of the day

No. 2420364

She looks like a monster. Deformed troll that lives under a bridge. Horrible

No. 2420374

I agree but the whole thing about fetishizing her height makes me feel sick, too. I am really short and I find it disgusting when people make comments about my height or when men have tried to reference my height in the past. I don't trust any short woman who tries to make herself out as uwu cute and small sexy baby. Her music isn't great either so no wonder she's having to rely on pandering to impressionable young girls and pedophiles. No doubt she wouldn't have the popularity she does today if she didn't get on all fours and pretend to deepthroat a mic on stage in front of a bunch of 16 year olds. Sex sells I guess.

No. 2420375

Why can't women enjoy sex

It was a joke

No. 2420376

wow she's so pretty without fillers/lip liner

No. 2420379

>Pick me recites most recent tiktok scroll, expects revolution

No. 2420382

Those lyrics suck why do these women treat themselves like that. Sex can never be empowering to them it's always humiliation shit.

No. 2420383

>Why can't women enjoy sex
NTA but plenty of women are out here enjoying sex without comparing themselves to little girls, which is what "niña" means.

No. 2420407

>Hey little girls, don't you want to grow up to be a little girl just like me - but with sex?
No wonder so many become TIFs

No. 2420416

Huggies advertisement are so fucking weird. I don’t want to be the one that sees malice in everything , but I think that in this day and age where pedos ran rampant depicting children in that manner can be dangerous.

No. 2420423

It's probably partially because in japan the beauty standards for males are different. It's basically pedophilia like you said but instead of it just being the men lusting after young women, women over there also like shaved, youthful looking men usually and their men have a less masculine standard to live up to. It's not seen as desirable to be a walled, bearded roidpig compared to the west. Which translates to this showing up in their media with them liking youthful, cute shota characters and hot anime guys that are more on the pretty side than the roidpig masculine look in the west. Average western women don't do this as much in their media because in the west you're brainwashed into having to like walled men even when you're a teenager yourself, so they don't develop a taste for cuteness like japanese women do and are told it's gay every time. Unless they're weebs and have been exposed to anime or they just weren't affected by all the psyops around them. It wouldn't even be a bad thing if they just stuck to liking the hot guy characters and didn't want to fuck the shotas, but oh well.

No. 2420463

Thr fact that I thought this post would be troon related before scrolling up…

No. 2420531

I get why people don't like it, but I still just cannot give a shit about women making misogynistic lyrics when men do it 100 times more and more aggressive while also being real life sex offenders. Women larping as overly sexual will just never be on the same level to me

No. 2420596

Nta, and fair enough. But it has that feeling of being betrayed by one of your own that you thought was better than that.

No. 2420609

Omg yeah that's a much better look. I bet she'd look better with dark hair instead of bottle blond, too. It would contrast with her eyes and skin nicely. The lip color she has here looks better too.

No. 2420617

Agree. She's not evil or whatever, I just don't care to listen to it.

No. 2420625

Missy Elliot was silly and horny too, but she never made jokes about being a sexy child kek

No. 2420628

File: 1740613824930.png (351.17 KB, 800x490, Screen-Shot-2022-07-18-at-1.57…)

No one here is simping for those scrotes and she has stans itt. The same thing would have happened if an anon started talking about how amazing some moidlet singer like Harry Styles is but they brought up Carpenter instead. Also I think this is from when she was a teenager >>2420354 or delusionally edited. She still looks better in picrel tho

No. 2420797

A lot of the times when we complain about zoomers, it's really about gen alphas who were raised ipad in hand.

No. 2420826

The oldest zoomers are 30 and the oldest alphas are 15, too. My unpopular opinion is that these concepts of generations are stupid and only meant for marketing what's hip and cool supposedly to an idealised group. No 1995 zoomer is going to relate to a 2009 zoomer for obvious reasons.

No. 2420841

>Generations exist for marketing
Please tell me you've thought about this since posting and realize how dumb it is

No. 2420846

plenty of anons share the same sentiment. what about it is dumb

No. 2420852

Advancement in technology has defined generations. It effects every facet of culture

No. 2420861

Zoomers are not computer or tech savvy. Sure, they're exponentially better than retarded boomers falling for AI slop on Facebook, but their tech savviness is more for phones and tablets. I'm on the cusp of zoomer and millennial and last year I remember the zoomers in my uni classes can't even attach files to their emails on a desktop. They weren't even the younger zoomers, they were in their 20s. Like wtf. I'd say millennials are the best with computers.

No. 2420871

A generation is still a generation regardless of being marketed to. That's like saying age groups or separated groups in school exist because of marketing. It effects marketing sure, but to say it exists because of it is dumb.

No. 2420873

I can't figure out how to download videos ever but I just saw one of a tranny at a swimming pool and it was just a pale skinny fat mid length hair bikini clad non maintained eyebrows man with visible dick print and it was such a fucking joke I have to genuinely ask, is this a massive troll in retaliation to gamergate? It can't be real can it?

No. 2420882

Damn you just described a former friend from high school of mine who trooned out and is on estrogen right now. Pale and skinnyfat is the biggest one

No. 2420886

File: 1740621876383.jpg (415.62 KB, 904x2316, 1000013571.jpg)

This is a screenshot of the video that's the best I can do

No. 2420894

Kek mine looks kinda like that, except he's too shy to go out in public in a bikini yet, and lighter hair.

No. 2420895

File: 1740621953851.jpg (558 KB, 904x2316, 1000013572.jpg)

It would be unfair not to show the face. Like this is all a big joke, right?

No. 2420904

I wanna hear your tinfoil about the gamergate retaliation

No. 2420916

Because they got told off about objectifying women in games they decided to dress like their ideal video game character. Also they're gooners. They hate women talking and invading their unhygienic gamer spaces. They've went and pulled a fast one by lapping as women. They know they're not women. We know they're not women but they've fucking conned the most impressionable autists and virtue signalling retards to buy it that society had been trolled so hard.

No. 2420922

Makes sense, moid psychology would do that. To weed out what you hate, become what you hate, or some random quote.

No. 2420930

I can see that in some cases, but I think there are other retards who unironically want to be women for their sick sexual gratification and are ready to ruin their lives for it. I doubt those are doing it solely to pwn le ebil feminazis for video game bullshit.
This leads me to my unpopular opinion, boomers are right about video games bad. Just look what it created in the current age and how it literally became a political thing. In general, I really dislike the activism through meida trend. I know it's been a thing since at least the 60s and the cold war in burgerland, but I'm so tired of it. I want braindead shallow media or media with stories that have 0 relations to the real world and its issues and any group irl.

No. 2420943

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Moid brains are very simple. I'm surprised they'll acknowledge the ~effects~ of jerking off to bambi hypno but not visualizing themselves as female MCs for years. Tombraider fans are like 90& troon

No. 2420957

the whole "americans are fat" has been beaten to death and while it is extremely true i think "americans have an aversion to eating like normal humans" is more appropriate. even simple things in relation to food don't cross their minds, like don't eat if you're not hungry. they would rather spend $80 on takeout than make a sandwich if they don't feel like cooking that day. wtf?

No. 2420960

Its hard to tell when you’re hungry

No. 2420968

well if you're eating 24/7 i can see how that might be the case. probably never felt hunger ever!

No. 2420970

Idk when that pic was from but it reminds me SO much of what used to happen with my skin when I was younger. I was super red in the face, but the rest of my body had yellow undertones. It took me way too long to realize that I should've been matching my foundation to the healthier skin on the rest of my body rather than the irritated skin on my face. These days, the irritation is gone and my face has the same undertones as the rest of my body.

No. 2420973

No it isn't, lmao. If you can't tell, you have digestive system issues. Signs of being hungry
>stomach growling
>sensations of emptiness in the stomach
>having a blood sugar drop usually accompanied by headaches, dizziness, slight nausea
>really really really craving and thinking of food
>mouthwatering at the sight or smell of food
>combinations of the above

No. 2420976

Unironically a lot of gamergate tards, bronies, and other neckbeards in that mileu did troon out. I don't think it's "retaliation" for goobergrape; these types of nerdy, insecure moids are just super suggestible and easy to meme into whatever stupid shit other guys like them are into. A decade ago, it was gamergate, today it's trooning out. Who knows what retarded shit they rope each other into a decade from now.

No. 2420977

The sugars and additive ingredients in American foods make it harder to detect real hunger. Couple that with the lack of nutrients, it's a dangerous game and a lot of kids are fat. Thirst and dehydration can also feel like hunger, and people aren't getting enough water either.

No. 2420983

Why would i wait so long to eat that im dizzy and nauseas?

No. 2420987

Google "food deserts." It helps explain not only why Americans are fat, but why (counterintuitively) there's a correlation between being poor and being fat in the United States. If someone (especially if they can't drive or are disabled) lives closer to a convenience store or a fast food restaurant than they do to a supermarket, it's not hard to see why they'd become so fat. Car culture and city planning that is hostile to foot traffic probably also contribute to American obesity.

No. 2421000

Well, I guess that's the most extreme sign of hunger, but you don't need to wait until it happens lol.

No. 2421026

it's only gross when women do it.

No. 2421030

Homofags are nasty too

No. 2421038

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Food deserts are an overstated problem. Less than 15% of the population of America lives in a food desert. The real problem is what >>2420957 said. Americans are in denial about this, so they blame all this other stuff like food deserts, chemicals used in food production, genetics, etc..

No. 2421044

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Fatties and overstating tee prevalence of food deserts: name a more iconic duo(infight bait)

No. 2421052

100% true. I am not from the US, moved here and was impressed when we a wellness talk in my company. The doctor was discussing basic things, like eat your veggies, drink water exercise, etc and there were several people in the chat saying "ugh, I hate water", "water makes me sick" and they started sharing their favorite water additives or whatever that shit is called. Absolutely insane.

No. 2421065

American brag about earning 100k a year then cry that they're too poor to buy eggs
Extremely tedious people

No. 2421066

The explanation >>2420957 gave, which I guess you could sum up as "culture" if you're being super charitable, doesn't really explain the correlations along class and racial lines. If we just had an innately retarded culture where everyone hated water and cooking at home, obesity would affect everyone in relatively equal measure.

No. 2421067

Do you think that all of U.S. is just one person? I doubt the person earning 100k is the same one complaining about the cost of eggs. Nine dollars for a package of eggs genuinely is fucking absurd.

No. 2421068

Why does it have to be a systemic problem? What happened to personal responsibilty?

No. 2421069

I'm the one who brought up food deserts. I have a BMI of 17.5.

No. 2421073

9 dollars during an egg crisis that will eventually pass. Get over it. It's still less as a fraction of income compared to some European countries.

No. 2421074

Why do you even know that. You sound like a struggle-thin, which is a fatty in waiting(bait)

No. 2421078

Shh, it's okay, ana-chan. Everyone knows you're the skinniest of them all.

No. 2421080

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Keyword being "some," because most of Europe has roughly the same average gross household income that Burgerland does. It's likely that the U.S. data is being at least slightly skewed by a handful of billionaire outliers like Musk, who aren't actually from here but live in the U.S. because of tax loopholes.

No. 2421081

I don't know my current weight and everyone knows bmi is for ana-chans I used to have a pair of jeans from HS that indicated I haven't gained weight but a fag stole them. So I very well could be 200 lbs by now, who knows

No. 2421087

I found out at the doctor's office, jfc. I've weighed the same for a decade, and I still own (and regularly wear) a lot of the same clothes I had in high school. Idk what the fuck struggle-thin even is. My job involves a lot of physical activity and I don't drink soda, that's about it.

No. 2421090

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>Nona and her doctor after being prescribed speed and informed of her BMI, during a very healthful appointment

No. 2421091

>I'm not fat but the pants I could show to prove it were stolen by a homosexual cat burglar
Anons here are some goddamn weird sometimes. Did you think we were going to ask to see your pants? Why even include this detail kek

No. 2421092

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You don't understand the quality of denim before fast fashion really fucked everything, that's all I'll say. And it wasn't just one pair of jeans, it was all of them. I was too embarrassed to say that in my original post

No. 2421097

We need to set aside the fatty-ana infight for a second, because I need to know more about this incident where a gay guy stole all of your pants. What happened there? Did you have a gay roommate who just vanished one day, along with all of your clothes?

No. 2421098

Okay? Who cares? We've suffered from shortages before it's not the end of the world. Americans are big evil babies.

No. 2421099

When 75% of a population is sick with something you’re pretty far past the point of being able to reasonably blame it on the individuals.

No. 2421100

I think you need to chill the fuck out and not take it so goddamn personally when people are disappointed that a dozen eggs costs an hour's worth of wages. First you get mad that burgers aren't cooking for themselves, now you're mad that some of them are struggling to afford a food that you literally have to cook to safely eat. Pick a lane jfc.

No. 2421101

After working with kids under 5 for a long time, I've learned that adults are on about the same level for patience. 10 months might as well be 10 years to most people, and I've seen it across the entire income spectrum. Myself included kek

No. 2421103

File: 1740630658569.jpg (284.28 KB, 1280x1280, P0-3012899008.jpg)

Nothing exciting like that, we were good friends for years and he would just end up borrowing them all and not giving them back. If any nonas see "Mavi" jeans from the 00s, these are the best quality/fit imo and most irreplaceable of all the stolen jeans

No. 2421107

Sorry that happened to you anon. Ever since some drama with my ex-BFF in middle school, I've been very meticulous about returning clothes I borrow.

No. 2421109

Don't you just look at the eggs and say "hmm eggs are still expensive" and move on with your life? You know there's a bird flu epidemic and yet you still can't process that. I mean if you're complaining that eggs need to be cooked then maybe it's a "you problem".

No. 2421110

They just had the little BMI chart tacked up on the wall by the scale. It's not like my GP grabbed me by the lapels and shouted it at me. I'm aware that BMI isn't a very good indicator of overall health. I guess I could've theoretically said both my height and weight, but that feels too identifying to me.

No. 2421112

Sucks that eggs are a key ingredient in so many dishes because they're great binders and have been historically dirty cheap though. My friends and I have been collecting and testing egg substitutes for common recipes…

No. 2421115

That is good of you nona. We used to drink together, otherwise I wouldn't have let him take my clothes kek

No. 2421116

>Don't you just look at the eggs and say "hmm eggs are still expensive" and move on with your life?
Well, yeah, I can personally move on, because I have a disposable income and no debt. But if I were living on a tighter budget and/or I had kids, I'd definitely be stressing about it. Eggs are one of the "staple" items that economists use as a kind of indicator for the cost of living, along with items like milk and bread.

>if you're complaining that eggs need to be cooked then maybe it's a "you problem".

No one ITT did this. Who even does this, outside of neckbeards whose moms make them tendies for every meal? Cooking an egg is such a basic, easy thing to do. Even a retard can make scrambled eggs by mixing one up in a bowl and sticking it in the microwave.

No. 2421126

You're a retard who doesn't understand optics. 100k isn't even livable in some places. That's how insanely expensive shit is here. And places where 100k can't get you much are also the places where egg prices are the highest. Imagine spending more than half your paycheck on rent and then going shopping to find that staple foods like bread, milk, and eggs have skyrocketed. Yeah you would be upset. Milk has also been steadily rising in price.

No. 2421136

So if 100k isn't enough to live in those places… move to a place where it is enough?

No. 2421137

NTA but just don't live in the most expensive places

No. 2421138

File: 1740633819293.jpg (1.14 MB, 1200x1565, Income-Needed-for-Each-State_S…)

Nta but expensive places have access to jobs or have high taxes. Places that are cheap to live tend to be far away from those things

No. 2421141

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samefag higher state/municipal taxes sound bad but the US is actually pretty reasonable about allocating the money, since most high tax states are dem and their voters tend to be more financially literate/hold them accountable. So they get better public services and the cities are cleaner, safer and have reliable public transit

No. 2421142

Blog but this is too real. My family member was looking at Zillow just out of curiosity, and her 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in Colorado costs the same as a literal mansion in southeastern Ohio.

No. 2421145

I know it's tough to believe, but get this: most anons here… have families.

No. 2421146

I haven't been following the infight but single people don't receive the same tax breaks married people with kids have so I could see a single person going over 100K in some of these states easily but am not that invested in this topic to argue either way tbh

No. 2421148

NTA, I actually don't think the majority of farmers have husbands or wives and 2 children.

No. 2421153

The og comment wasn't bitching about farmers though but Americans in general. And yes, most Americans are married with kids.

No. 2421155

File: 1740634592917.jpg (247.88 KB, 4067x2949, Hamster-4K-134589977.jpg)

It's true, I felt mildly threatened and there was no other option but to eat them all (tbh this might have been better without picrel)

No. 2421157

The original opinion was that you guys don't eat normal food, my country is close to the US in terms of obesity and food deserts and cost of living (it's actually slightly higher because we have a smaller market whilst having to import a lot of things) and I don't need to make excuses for it because I see so many people consume nothing but pastry all day. Its not hard to substitute staples for cheaper ones, like how fucking expensive is a bag of rice and some frozen vegetables over there?

No. 2421170

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>this might have been better without picrel
Kek no it completes the joke. Shine on hampter nona

No. 2421175


No. 2421288

Some anons on this site are genuinely clinically autistic and trannies are their special interest. The amount of times I've seen anons sperg the fuck out over shit like calling someone "they" obviously due to either not being aware of their gender or just vaguely referring to any example person regardless of gender is so embarrassing I physically cringe every time I see it happen.

No. 2421298

Nah I agree with you on this. I knew a girl who was legit autistic as fuck and HATED trannies with a passion of 1000 suns. At first I spoke to her because I was relieved to find someone openly peaked at the time. But I quickly realized she was a fucking sperg who would think I was defending troons by saying they and shit like that. Also she was a turbo pickme who caped for misogynists (even though her most supportive friends were women)

No. 2421299

I mean hating trannies as a special interest is not surprising, I can see how someone can obsess over them. Since it’s plain injustice. I’ll back up my dear autistic women, let them sperge, given that any other platform censors any content against trannies.
Tranny talk is fairly contained unlike dick and scrote talk though, but you’re not ready for that conversation.

No. 2421301

Like diverting every single topic back to obsessively seething about trannies combined with the lack of social intelligence to realize someone is using the "they" pronoun as a gender neutral way to refer to BOTH genders and not to play into some troony delusions is spectrum behavior. I get being peaked and letting the pent up frustration out but just going on and on about it makes me think they should be using that energy and brain capacity to document bugs or trains instead.

No. 2421302

File: 1740651568305.jpeg (24.68 KB, 200x303, IMG_1497.jpeg)

People when autistic people behave like autistic people kek

No. 2421303

You came from the art salt thread didn't you

No. 2421309

Kek ikr? Autists sperg about things they love, why would they not sperg about things they hate? I'd rather an autist with a weaponized hatred for trannies than another gendietard any day of the week.

No. 2421311

nyart but I always find it funny when people who are surrounded by "neurospicy" people get shocked when they witness truly mentally ill and deranged autistic behavior.

No. 2421313

kek cute typo. nayrt*

No. 2421314

I’m neurotypical and even I can understand that kek. Nonnas just expect autistic people to talk about trains, pokemon or medieval history.
But fixation and special interests can be anything and they can change, it can be things that you love and things that you hate too.

No. 2421316

They’ll get shocked when they find out that autism can be debilitating and that it’s a disability, not a quirky “I can only eat my food divided and only red and blue food and I can’t read social cues!’”

No. 2421317

Nta either but the OP said
>is spectrum behavior
>being peaked and letting the pent up frustration out
as in normies acting that way. It's like new vegans, there's a spergy period for the recently peaked

No. 2421328

How is it "being shocked" to be annoyed by unchecked autism? Acting as if Chris chan level spergery is some standard default that normies just don't get is unbelievably cringe.

No. 2421332

Most people only think it’s creepy and pedophilic when women are in age gap relationships with younger guys. They usually think it’s just “the way it should be”, when it’s an older guy.

No. 2421337

Water is wet

No. 2421342

i think both are creepy if the age gap exceeds 10 years. women being with younger moids doesnt mean theyre any different from older moids.

No. 2421350

Ten years either way would be the maximum for me too and even then, it would probably get annoying in some way. Or already has I guess

No. 2421354

A 5-10 year age gap with a younger man/older woman would be considered pedo/cougar tier but a man with that same age gap with a young woman would be just seen as a young man dating within his age group. No ones gonna raise any eye brows if a man is 33 with a 23 year old but if it were a woman people would act like it’s the most scandalous thing.

No. 2421359

Outside of celebrities and fags in their 20s, that isn't true and common enough that people don't really care when they hear about it anymore

No. 2421366

Nah not really, after the young moid in question is over 25,no one cares.

No. 2421369

I’ve seen women who are like 30 saying they wouldn’t date anyone 5 years younger than them because they’re “babies” or men acting like a 31 year old is a milf, even though they’re not that much younger. I remember a 28 year old man asking if I think he’s too young for me and I was 32. There are many women in their 40s-50s who would never date men in their 30s because they’re “babies”.

No. 2421374

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Is this an accurate representation of the people who say this to you or poorer?

No. 2421377

Maybe it's a cultural thing? I'm german and my grandma's both husbands were 7-12 years younger than her. Her first husband was an impulsive mess and ended up getting suicided by people he owed debt to. Her second husband ended up being insanely dedicated and responsible and she really got him when he was at his cutest kek, but he aged really badly afterwards.
My mom's current husband is 14 years younger than her but he's an absolute manchild, not cute and basically treats her like a second mommy he can make out with.
Either way, no one cares or says anything.

No. 2421378

What people are embarrassed to point out is that the root of this mentality is normalized autopedophilia in women. Women are encouraged (if not outright socialized) to be treated and see themselves as children-lite, so they need a "daddy" figure of some sort to affirm that.
There are straight women who start feeling insecure if their moid isn't sufficiently older than them. It's easy to find men and women who enjoy this dynamic try to reverse-pathologize things by saying that if a woman doesn't repress her natural attraction to good-looking young men (especially those her age, or at least close it), she's "just threatened by strong older men!!!1". They're the same kinds of people who think a man washing his face and/or ass and using moisturizer is "gay" or "metrosexual". Ugly, bitter men and neurotic women.

No. 2421380

I do think many women don’t like younger men because it makes them feel less feminine. You can’t really do the he’s my provider who protects me bit with a man who is younger.

No. 2421383

>he’s my provider
Younger moids make me feel very feminine, probably too much. Their energy is like pure sexual force and I didn't read a lot of period-era erotica growing up so that's not really something I think about, ever at all. I am a very feelings-based nona

No. 2421424

Not this again sigh

No. 2421427

Kill all bald moids

No. 2421467

… yes you can. how much he provides for you and how physically protective he is has nothing to do with age. i wish all you trashy minded wet wipes would just admit you have daddy issues and leave the rest of us out of it with your weird desire to date older men.

No. 2421476

Honestly I'd argue younger moids are even more ""protective"" since they have to compensate while older moids are all talk but never act when things actually get uncomfortable.

No. 2421479

File: 1740666757814.jpg (38.18 KB, 636x424, nl6nlu1q09ux.jpg)

It's B.

No. 2421482

The cube doesn't have momentum, it's A

No. 2421511

If you’re 32-40 and your bf is in his 20s he’s most likely not going to be providing. It will usually be a situation where you’re building wealth together and showing him the ropes. Thats why a lot of women like men their age or older.

No. 2421530

File: 1740670347726.png (614.21 KB, 590x878, ung.png)

Tranny logic is inherently right wing, but not just in the sense that they're both homophobic in nature and sterilize the autistic. Right wingers ascribe female existence to two markers: fuckability (to men) and breeding capability. To them, you must have one of the two to be deemed a "woman". This is why it's not uncommon for right wing boomer men to talk about how much they like Thai ladyboys and how much "more feminine" they are than American women, and also why right wing women tend to have the most cartoonishly troonish view of femininity (always stereotypes of long hair and "sundresses", heavy makeup and plastic surgery touted as feminine perfection, even as they claim to venerate "purity").

The reason they're against trannies is that it's gross to porn-addicted men to hear about troons being troons, much less see a "visibly trans person". They want HSTS trannies who pass sufficiently for the fantasies of bisexual men, and for AGPs to exist in their wives' underwear drawers and nowhere else. They like the Brazillian and SEA prostitutes/porn stars. They don't want to hear all that shit about "boyremoval" and HRT titties, they don't want the autistic computer nerds with the Crimson chin situations or the military men built like Shrek running around in public wearing pink wigs or striped stockings. It's groomed gay boys or nothing. They also don't want women or girls trooning out, because to them, that's just a woman mutilating herself and becoming ugly. The bathroom situation and rape isn't anything they actually care about (they don't even care when out and out men are rapists and pedophiles - RW men revel in perversion, they just love pointing fingers too), they just pretend to get radfems and concerned mothers on their side.

This is how you end up with mentally ill RW pickmes posting shit like this. Dianne Yap is a conventionally unattractive woman, and she's a slave to misogynistic/racist porn-loving men who jack off to trannies and have other kinds of fetishes, so of course she'd trade bodies with a tranny that men have certified "passing" (especially a white one, if you've seen how she tends to post about her own race and tries to lean into those men fetishizing it, with mixed results).

No. 2421535

He is providing his body for sex and physical protection since he is virile and who cares if you’re building your wealth together

No. 2421536

File: 1740670866737.mp4 (316.22 KB, 302x308, uS8WhwQD-lCZcTPYB90KkL-dgSuRT7…)

It's A. The same reason way he doesn't go flying in vidrel.

No. 2421541

Kek look at those 'impossibly perfect' bolt-ons

No. 2421545

I don’t care but I know a lot of women want a man to provide and run the household and a guy that much younger is going to need to be taught and that will make most normie women feel less feminine.

No. 2421546

Kek his implants are hexagonal. A woman's natural breasts will always be more beautiful than a tranny's botched implants.

No. 2421547

Samefag, this ties into the right's non-exclusive pedophilic aspects too: Adult women are for breeding and cultivation of more fodder, young girls are for easy sex and grooming toward the breeder class. Both are demanded to be subservient to men. A third option of an "inferior" male made to resemble a woman acts as a sexual curiosity without the concern of providing for a future child. Bisexual men with pedophilic tendencies toward young boys are very commonly served in patriarchal cultures through "official" classes (see: Roman towelboys - another "thing" that modern right wing males not-so-secretly covet, to the point that they favorably compare women like Gio Scotti to them).
The left's more innocent approach to all this is "People should generally be free to do what they want, as long as we think they're not harming anyone. Whoever we're convinced is suffering the most should get the most attention. Don't you feel bad for these people, even if they're mentally ill and destructive? Show some compassion". Their own pitfall is that they typically still end up listening to the whims of narc men, because those are the ones in charge in most societies. Like, most people don't seem to understand how blatantly the right feeds into all forms of male degeneracy, because they want to believe that all the "trad" values they claim are earnest and well-meaning. They never were.

No. 2421554

Misogyny this, misogyny that, it's all misogyny. That's why women are never going to "peak". They know men are not women and want to be kind to mentally ill men. But they'll never realize it's all misogyny from all sides, or maybe they do deep down, but the point is that they agree and like misogynistic tropes. They enjoy and are content with being oogled at, they think the natural order of things is to offer moids with beauty and.. uh "treating a men well" which is just objectification and submission but they don't see it as such or at least will never admit it. The one they will never admit and refuse to see however is that men don't see them as human. They don't think men see them as below them, they truly believe that "good moids" exist and that they should be rewarded with misogynistic tropes of what a woman should be.

No. 2421557

Kekking at the hip to shoulder ratio. What's the point of getting the bolt on when he has the shoulders that a linebacker could only dream to have?

No. 2421559

Muh femininity and muh provider are social constructs.

No. 2421581

Yeah they are but they’re social constructs most people want to follow

No. 2421604

you are brain damaged?

No. 2421605

What is about what I said that makes you say that?

No. 2421620

Being beautiful is a sign of wealth for the most part. That’s why ugly people tend to be poor. Being attractive is 99% money.

No. 2421625

Most of the wealthiest people aren't attractive

No. 2421760

I don't know how unpopular this opinion is in this environment, but I don't think women should wear/ be expected to wear revealing clothing if men don't do the same, from gym clothing to formal wear. This includes high heels because the idea is why do uncomfortable things for the sake of beauty that men don't do? They're the ones that are supposed to impress US in their appearance.

Even if you "really want to" I personally do not see any benefit to constantly looking for "cute clothes." Why add one more environmentally shit thing to do on top of all the other stuff we already do, especially when it just reinforces the idea that women are the ones who doll themselves up and wear interesting, revealing clothes? That's why claiming that you like it will never stop seeming like copium for as long as we continue to live in a world like this.

I hate how we keep memeing the continuation of women's oppressing even in our clothing, from reality to the goddamn escapist media.

No. 2421771

You need to go to your local 1%er town then kek. Most people are hideous in general.

No. 2421801

No one expects women to dress like that, most women just like it. Idk their reasons but they do. No one’s going to care if you go to the gym dressed like Adam Sandler because I do all the time.

No. 2421805

The worse thing about being short is their no neck syndrome. They need to be damn near underweight to look like they’re not a Barbie doll with their heads squeezed back on.

No. 2421811

Formal wear and high heels is an expectation. Then there's even school uniforms and office wear.

There's also this expectation from other women. Damned if you do damned if you don't, because not wearing tank tops and yoga pants means you're frumpy and if you do you're a slut to guys (or unnecessarily desirable) and even other women

No. 2421813

What if the clothing is modest and comfortable? Is it still a bad thing? Or do you think any sort of fashion for women is inherently oppressive?

No. 2421816

Depends what you mean by "modest"

No. 2421822

Idk I’ve never been to a business event where heels etc were expected. I’m from the USA so idk what’s expected anywhere else, here dresseimg too hot is more likely to get you written up for dress code violations. I always wore a dress shirt, slacks and dress shoes. At gyms the gym bros might ignore you in favor for the girls in tank tops and booty shorts but they’re not gonna come up to you and say anything.

No. 2421834

Maybe "expected" was the wrong word for it especially if you're plain American, but even then it's strange that only women wear the posture deforming shoes without being called gay (Also it used to be expected all over the world but it got rightfully phased out so maybe it's not relevant to the conversation).
And like I said, there's kind of a culture among girls that go to the gym to wear things like that to seem like you fit in, I see this at my university (but they're often the standard white girl who goes to a university in a sunny state type).

No. 2421836

Sorry about the deleted comment god why
But I just hate it that revealing things that look good on women are "gay" on a man. The most you'll get is them cutting their sleeves to show their arms

No. 2421838

It’s a culture for them to dress like that because they’re low key trying to attract the scrotes there lol it doesn’t matter if you’re just going there to work out, and you have normal clothes on, the guys are just going to ignore you and move on. I know the gym these days is basically a place to meet fuck buddies and make only fans content for zoomers.

No. 2421867

You’re right. Anons might be disagreeing with you, but studies show richer men prefer skinnier women, and poorer men prefer fat women. There might be evolutionary causes for this preference, but I think a lot of it comes down to the fact that being skinny and attractive is now a status symbol that your typical wagey living off McDonald’s can’t obtain. Plastic surgery, which the wealthy can afford to spend tens of thousands of dollars on, is another example of this.

No. 2421883

>studies show richer men prefer skinnier women, and poorer men prefer fat women
Is this why moids the last 10 years can't shut up about "thicc" women and constantly shit on any woman who's fit or skinny? Because men have become lazier and therefore poorer? Sounds about right kek.

No. 2421960

Women were forced to evolve that way because the males of our species have figured out they could usurp women's control of the evolution of our species through the sheer difference in physical strength.
There should be no need to find ugly fatties attractive anymore.

No. 2421997

I kind of wish I were gen alpha. I wanna be young enough to see if I can be in a generation where women aren’t as pathetic.

No. 2422001

>unironically saying this when they're starting skincare and wearing makeup at 7 years old

No. 2422002

Maybe something will happen in their Gen where they aren’t the ones constantly being manipulated etc. I don’t even feel bad for women anymore, it’s just boring. Can we do something else?

No. 2422003

Too late. Gen Alpha is screwed. They are already addicted to porn age 8

No. 2422006

I feel nothing but pity for gen alpha girls. Preteen boys look to Andrew Tate, and preteen girls look to ethots on tiktok for their role models. Their generation is fucked.

No. 2422007

Who knows. Maybe in their 20s and 30s they will finally be the generation to be less weak.

No. 2422010

They're already getting manipulated at 5 years old to care about looking younger and their appearance. Feminism is disappearing.

No. 2422011

Why would growing up addicted to social media and porn make someone strong

No. 2422014

seriously i'm trying to wonder what anon's logic is for looking to gen alpha for hope

No. 2422016

They’re exposed to more you can take care of yourself stuff than before. I think most of the skin care etc stuff comes from the gen z and millennial influencers they’re looking at.

No. 2422018

Okay how does starting skincare routines at 7 make you a stronger person

No. 2422019

why are they glued to the screen all day watching influencers instead of playing outside? that's pretty damaging

No. 2422020

Idk. I have no idea what trends are going to take place when they’re in their 20s. I’m just tired of hearing the same sob stories for generation after generation.

No. 2422022

Playing outside hasn’t helped us any since women are still crying about being abused etc. ok we get it men are abusive. What else?

No. 2422026

here's your reply. have a

No. 2422028

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same handful of anons focusing on and complaining about that every day

No. 2422032

We should’ve let the Mormons ban alcohol when they wanted to

No. 2422168

Anon is giga retarded and just wants to vent about how superior she feels to women her age.

No. 2422185

If you have a history of sexual abuse, poverty and extreme child abuse in your family you should be sterilized or monitored with your children by the government

No. 2422204

This is why I'm never having kids. I'm not passing my epigenetic trauma to them

No. 2422209

I think it’s fine to have kids if you’re doing the work to unlearn everything but with most people it just happens like this, they want to stay around the people who abused them and if their kids are abused…”well it happened to me and im fine! suck it up”, then the cycle continues.

No. 2422308

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If you have self-harm scars you should feel embarrassed by them because you were stupid enough to make them

No. 2422314

>Since I was 8
Wow there's no way this isn't a result of child abuse.

No. 2422317

Um anon you're weird but so is the commenter. They make it sound like somehow people being disturbed by sh scars are pearl clutching or in the wrong somehow. Why would anyone find the visualisation of their mental illness as a child comforting.

No. 2422341

Generally, when someone has self harm scars that young its because of sexual and or physical abuse. Believe it or not, not everyone who has self harmed did so for bippie points. Young self harmers generally stop after they're taken out of the abusive environment. They cannot fix them or make them go away. It's very easy to internalize abuse.

No. 2422364

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I know they’re trying to do a nice thing but this was a bad move kek she’s not going to pay the taxes and she’s going to be pregnant and homeless again within 2 years. Homeless people shouldn’t be given free property to own.

No. 2422371

That's not something you should be victim blaming an eight year old for.

No. 2422374

OP wasn't kidding about this being the retard thread.

No. 2422381

Taxes are 2k a year in Detroit. She’s not paying that.

No. 2422382

How is it not pearl clutching? Maybe I'm some apathetic edgelord but it's just skin to me. As long as they're not bleeding out in front of me and need immediate medical attention, I don't get why people are so triggered at seeing other people's scars. I find it no different from seeing someone's bruises after they bumped into a table, or seeing my family members' work injury scars, or my mom's C-section scar. It's not my business what happened in their life.

No. 2422467

The reason why old world leaders make such retarded decisions is because they know they won't live long so they might as well go for broke, free for all

No. 2422477

This isn't unpopular, it's just true.

No. 2422586

Did you guys just fall for ai bait?

No. 2422622

There's plenty of people who unironically believe this way. The image seems upscaled terribly but doesn't look originally AI either.

No. 2422792

idk if this is actually that unpopular, buuuuuuuut
i don't want to hear about trannies. everything everywhere devolves into talking about them. i despise the fact that even on every woman-only forum and board, they get mentioned in every thread. i hate how they own the cultural spotlight and how that means that they've essentially won.

No. 2422878

The whole “spoiling kids” psyop is such a meme. Most rich people actually do discipline their children and have different etiquette compared to lower class people (ex. “high class society”), even the upper middle class people actually teach their children skills to maintain their wealth in the future. I think the spoiled rich kid thing is an anomaly

No. 2422883

Maybe it’s because I went to an art school, but I’ve met plenty of rich kids whose parents wanted fucking nothing to do with them and basically taught them nothing. Their idea of problem solving was just throwing money at an issue.

No. 2422885

Yeah that’s what I’m talking about, it really depends on the parents. I think a lot of people assume that rich people don’t even childrear when that’s just not the case lol, it’s why I see so many rich kids who are way more well-adjusted than ones of lower classes. But that is a good example, a lot of art kids are as insufferable as their parents

No. 2422887

In my experience it's the upper middle class kids who are likely to be more inept kem

No. 2422890

There’s also no way it’s too expensive to have children. There’s so many incentives and benefits on having a family especially now, I don’t believe the lie. What’s going on in East Asia is partly because of how their workforce is built but let’s be real, it’s the cultural and technological changes that have allowed people to live more far away from their families, sort of like here in the United States and what happened around and after WW2. I would say it’s developing into that way and there are certain entities trying to prevent that from happening

No. 2422892

Cope. Poor people have this strange proletariat moralism where they believe poor = automatically good and better than the evul greedy upper class when it’s so false.

No. 2422893

Something I think people dont talk enough about is that there are too many Indonesians in this world and especially in English-speaking communities on the internet.

No. 2422894

You took that personally huh

No. 2422895

>too many in this world
You're wording it like they're overpopulated.

No. 2422897

No kek, I’m not upper class.

No. 2422898

>I see so many rich kids who are way more well-adjusted than ones of lower classes

Well, yeah. It’s easy to be well-adjusted when you’ve never really had any kind of real struggles.

No. 2422899

What made this string of words pop into your head, nona?

No. 2422904

Ohhhh, you're temporarily embarrassed kek. The original post was saying that rich kids weren't usually as spoilt as people said and that one you replied to was kind of agreeing by saying upper-middle class kids were usually more inept (from experience anyway), you just got mad and assumed it was saying the opposite for no reason.

No. 2422907

I can kind of see why men say what they say about women in their 30s because it’s kind of true. Once I got to my mid 30s, I could care less what a scrote does so their drama they like to cause is probably boring with us. All that drama is probably more fun with a teenager or someone in their 20s because they’d get more of a reaction.

No. 2422910

Scrotes are mentally handicapped, yes.

No. 2422918

JK Rowling's transphobic (I'm saying this ironically, don't come for me) are actually kind of cringey tbh and gives the gender critical crowd a bad look. Getting into internet slapfights with literal who has won't advance the movement in any way (especially as she's the unofficial "representative" of it).

I really wish she'd just log off of Xitter for once because even I'm getting second-hand embarrassment. It's like seeing your aunt in Facebook arguing with strangers in the comment section.

No. 2422921

>real struggle
Poors are too addicted to struggle porn and struggling. You struggling doesn’t make you better than anybody else and yes rich people do struggle kek
No, you’re trying desperately for someone to be emotionally attached to an opinion in this thread. I said what I said, nothing to be embarrassed about. I also didn’t misread what they said.

No. 2422925

I mean, you sure seem to be upset on behalf of a demographic you're not even in kek

No. 2422926

>poors are addicted to struggling

No shit Sherlock, they're kind of forced to struggle even if they don't want to as they don't have mommy and daddy's cash to magically fix everything.

No. 2422927

>You struggling doesn’t make you better
Literally never said it did, I made a very basic observation. Everyone “struggles” but not to the same degree. Yeah rich people might have to deal with death, depression, illness, or even abuse, but imagine having to deal with that while also being poor? It’s not comparable. So yeah, obviously people who grew up with money are more likely to be well-adjusted than people who didn’t.

No. 2422929

I have loved many of her posts but I actually agree that she needs to take a break now. She is spending too much time arguing with nobodies, it's beneath her.

No. 2422930

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No. 2422935

>le forced to struggle
Lol, the lies. Poor people love struggling, love working their asses off when hard work in most areas of society doesn’t matter at all. Rich people are smart because they don’t have that struggle slave mentality and have excessive free time and resources. Only poors are addicted to that “muh bootstraps”, “struggle and work hard!” shit(bait)

No. 2422937

Kek, so sigma and mysterious

No. 2422942

You’re literally retarded or spoiled if you have no idea how generational poverty and systemic forces keep people trapped in the same cycles but I also suspect you’re just trolling now so whatever

No. 2422944

Most people are destined to be poor. Equality is retarded and people are quite literally content with being peasants. I remember that meme from a few years ago where people were basically admitting they wished they could just be a serf given a few grains, some mules, some piece of land, some people truly are just born to be apart of their caste. I would say some people can ascend upwards (just like they can ascend backwards) but I would say those are “new” wealth and not wealth with thousands of years of bloodline and ancestry backing them, making them illegitimate wealth.

No. 2422948

That has nothing to do with my post that you replied to. I’m starting to think you have a handicap of some kind.

No. 2422949

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Idc dude, stick to your caste. It’s so over for you!

No. 2422950

Your post was boring, so

No. 2422952

This is kind of true. Most people could live a decent life on a low salary in America. They’re just bad a budgeting and do stuff like have 45 kids. A lot of poor people love to gush about struggling and giving up their last for their kids and it’s not a flex imo.

No. 2422953

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I wish this fat retard never reran for office and instead continued his life as a celebcow poster

No. 2422954

Nigga you’re boring. Read something other than sigma grindset Instagram account comment sections.

No. 2422957

>This is kind of true. Most people could live a decent life on a low salary in America. They’re just bad a budgeting and do stuff like have 45 kids
It’s a bunch of poors trying to live the same kind of lifestyle afforded to the higher class having a bunch of children like Elon Musk and that’s a foolish way to spend your money.

No. 2422958

No. 2422959

Go back scrote, nobody cares.

No. 2422960

The one funny thing he's ever said.

No. 2422962

The biggest monthly cost is rent which is a set amount (usually) but once you're past that + utilities yeah people can manage what's left better.

No. 2422965

>fat retard
Don’t call my ~husbando~ that please oh god please don’t it hurts!!! Also only smart people know that Johnny Depp deserved glass bottles thrown at him and honestly way worse, that snaggled tooth whiny bitch is a fucking snake.

No. 2422966

I believe if you’re poor you shouldn’t have more than one child.

No. 2422967

The other burgertards known for the sloth, excess, hedonism and entitlement will get angry at your opinion.

No. 2422973

Samefag aslo a lot of poor people don’t like taking advice about how to get out of their bad situation and sometimes even get angry. For example I told a friend she should set up her utilities for budget wise so they’re the same every month and it went through one ear and out the other. Poors who know how to listen can make their situation better for themselves. I told my sister to change her 80 a month phone plan to the 25 a month phone plan because it has all the same features as the one she has now, doesn’t wanna change it because she can’t upgrade to the new iPhone every year and changing it would be too much work.

No. 2423016

>iPhone user
She was doomed from the start.

No. 2423022

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>having a bunch of children like Elon Musk
My unpopular opinion is that Elon Musk is a spiritual serf or a village idiot. He's just dysgenic and slave-minded in every way. People who defend the status quo are pretty much born to be serfs and cogs in machines. It's almost like it's how their brains are oriented, you literally have to goad them with a carrot on a stick or trick them. They swallow what they're shown and love to lick boots and accept hierarchy because it brings them a sense of peace. Their one goal in life is to have power over others, and even if they're kicked down, they'll be satisfied as long as they have at least one other group to kick down, too. They assume everyone else is the same, and it doesn't just encourage them to continue being as they are, it keeps them in a state of paranoia and distrust that causes ridiculous conflicts.
There's a reason why all the shittiest and most backward societies have insane classism, misogyny abound, extreme religious fervor, high levels of breeding and caste systems, while the more advanced ones everyone wants to flee to are more equity-oriented, agnostic or atheistic in nature, have fewer children and are more "open-minded". Even within a country, the more college-educated and financially upright a demographic is, the fewer children they have. The slavelike people I'm talking about often try to obscure this issue by bringing up racial homogeneity as the "real" reason some societies work, but the simple fact is that someone like Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin (if you consider slavs white) or Javier Milei are incapable of creating anything as stable, peaceful and equitable as some Scandinavian countries. They just aren't built for it. Eye color and racial makeup cannot cure or prevent NPD, moral bankruptcy or extreme autism. The moment people in this category gain power, you start having problems. All they understand is being beaten over the head and consuming cuckold pornography. I hate that there's no way to prevent these people from ever frauding their way into positions of importance (no, being born to a wealthy family does not prevent serf-brain), because they belong in fucking rice fields, while there are actually high-minded people who are forced into manual labor and poverty because they're surrounded and ruled over by idiots.

No. 2423028

Yeah you’re right but honestly I have the uncommon opinion that all that you described isn’t socially enforced, hierarchies are biological kek

No. 2423029

Also those “equitable” societies are still heavily flawed (apparently in one of those heccin progressive european countries rape and sexual assault is still as a prevalent as ever because moids ruin everything) and they’re only able to exist because they’re maintained by people who are naturally born with those characteristics.

No. 2423033

a lot of poor people treat having multiple unplanned children like something that just happens by chance and not something that can actively be prevented

No. 2423037

The rape and assault are a Y chromosome problem, and they're still safer than the rest of the world. People with naturally better traits were thankfully able to take over in the countries I'm talking about, I just wish it was the same for the rest of the world so little kids with potential wouldn't be living in shit conditions with rape ape fathers who won't let them learn to read.
The thing with the people who create those better societies is that they don't generally subscribe to shit like biological supremacy on a skin-deep/racial level because they intuitively know this is beyond that, and that you can still shape the serf-brained to adjust to a much more peaceful lifestyle as long as you effectively maintain control.

No. 2423042

They don’t subscribe it to anything because they know it’s just nature. Races are different therefore their culture and behaviors are different. An African can’t maintain a Swedish society

No. 2423044

I can't explain this to you in a way you'll comprehend, because you are one of the slaves I'm talking about. It is very hopeless.

No. 2423059

>muh slave
You’re a retarded coper, having a bunch of races living in the same area trying to climb the ladder is a recipe for disaster, pretty much the shit you’re seeing in America and Latin America where it’s ruled by an upper caste of colorists. That’s not being a “slave”, you’re a slave to your dumb tabula rasa ideology.

No. 2423065

I could maintain a Swedish society

No. 2423066

I'm not kidding, it's saddening. My only option is to manipulate you and play into your roach-brained mindset (I won't bother explaining because you're dumb enough to have already exemplified what I explained in my first post. There are many ways and you guys always fall for them, get swindled, cry when the jig is up, and then get swindled again - you need an award), and I'm tired of that because not only are your community too fucking stupid not to drag everything down the moment you're given an inch, it also means sacrificing collective gains from people who are much better than you, who I've met and seen from afar, that happen to be of a separate racial background.
The final cope is always tribalism, that I owe you something more purely because of what racial DNA we share or don't share, and that's why I say you're a slave and a cuckold. Literally the fodder to perform labor, shit and die. I don't blame you for it, someone has to be that, not everyone is even a bad person. I just don't want your kind in power, because you never fail to shit everything up.(racebait)

No. 2423084

You couldn't manipulate anyone, you seem really dumb

No. 2423085

Sure, Jan.

No. 2423087

this thread is a trip. First it was about "spoiled kids", then it went to poorfags vs middle class and richfags, next about Elon Musk, and now about race. Why is it so difficult to just keep the point you're trying to make directly on topic? It's like watching people need to argue about the different atoms across the Milky Way Galaxy from Journey to The Center of my ass just to explain why Oranges are orange.

No. 2423089

You do. You're calling a bunch of random anons dumb but going on about tribalism as if you're the only one who's heard of such a concept, even though it's all we've heard about for at least 10 years from corp. media
>My only option is to manipulate you and play into your roach-brained mindset
I wouldn't come back to LC for months out of shame and embarrassment if I posted this

No. 2423090

Kek, show us your skills nonny can you be as insufferable as them?

No. 2423094

Why would I be ashamed of an anonymous post, do you think this is Reddit? The truth is just that simple, sorry. Racespergs are very easy to manipulate because they are insecure, not that bright, and you can literally make shit up as you go along. You don't need to be giga-high IQ to do so, either, and that's why someone as retarded as Elon is in power. You just need to recognize patterns and act accordingly. Cry about "corp media" all you like, it doesn't change the basic fact that retards don't belong in power.

No. 2423095

It's always fun popping and and seeing the arguments evolve. I wanna make a like genetic tree chart of it

No. 2423097

Nta but I don’t understand people who get embarrassed on anonymous websites. Why are you embarrassed of saying what you want to? It’s not like anyone can see you.

No. 2423098

>It's like watching people need to argue about the different atoms across the Milky Way Galaxy from Journey to The Center of my ass just to explain why Oranges are orange.
We should DEFINITELY change the subject to that.

No. 2423101

Rapefugees are definitely smarter than “racespergs”, yeah ah ok kek

No. 2423102

Anon you are susceptible to tribalism. Everyone is. The only retards who believe they're conquering racism, are scrotes bc they masturbate to a variety of women, which can include different ethnicities. Everyone else is aware that tribalism exists because they already know they enjoy being around their own "tribe" and feel weird or uncomfortable in someone else's. The actual retardation is boiling that all down to ~muh racism~, getting pissed off and coming here to take out your feelings on random anons. What is worse than rallying people to racism in the year 2025, is the social media psy-op causing every retard to believe they're a race warrior in the fight against exclusion uwu. It is so much easier to get a woketard riled up about the idea of racism, than it is to get a racist to react in the same way

No. 2423103

That’s how fun infights start tbh

No. 2423105

Nta but we tried to do Segregation in the USA but it didn’t work because the white people wouldn’t leave everyone else alone

No. 2423106

Look up "white flight" for me anon

No. 2423114

I thought segregation didn't "work" because it was immoral and illegal and actively worsened race relations and outcomes for people of all races.

No. 2423115

Civil rights worsened the black community than helped it tbh.

No. 2423116

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Black people tried to have their own communities but then white people would just come in and destroy them, so black people had no choice but to come to their schools etc for a better life. The white people in the USA have a “we want black people around but only as our servants and if we can’t have that we are going to throw a temper tantrum”

No. 2423117

They can fly now??

No. 2423122

Segregation sounds like a good idea on paper but it doesn’t really work irl because people suck.

No. 2423125

Yes, I'm tribalist against retards who think I owe them preferential treatment just because they share an ethnicity with me over people who actually do and think things of value.
You can't conceive things like this because you don't actually want shit to improve, you just want to be in a comfy notch within a poorly-functioning caste system and get a participation trophy for doing nothing but being born. You're malding about "random anons" as if this is personal (it really isn't) and then trying to deflect to "woketards" when racespergs are unironic woketards who would rather a country go down the shitter if they can get an ego boost from it. I don't have to like every culture to see the writing on the wall. You are mentally a pajeet, and everyone who isn't is continually held back when pajeet values like colorism and blind nepotism are catered to.

Rapefugees are racespergs more often than not, are you blind, kek?

No. 2423127

Omg anon you didn't know that white people can sprout wings from their backs and fly when in extreme stress? They can do that, everybody knew they could do that since forever, anon! How do you think the Spanish found the Americas? You think they got here by a boat?! Why do you think they picked the dove to represent the holy spirit in The Book of Christ?! PLEASE, educate yourself!

No. 2423129

Reminder that it was also white people who fought and died to end slavery and establish systems to help black people. It's still largely white people doing the most to not be hateful, compared to some other groups.
This is why it's not just race. Concave-skulled retards of every creed need to be heavily controlled and gatekept for the good of any society.

No. 2423133

I don't know enough about this incident to comment but "white flight" has been observed in pretty much every western country. I know without researching it happens more often than white people setting fire to black communities

No. 2423134

White flight exists because white people don’t wanna be around black people unless they’re servants. It made them uncomfortable.if you’re used to seeing someone as a slave, using their breast milk to feed your kids wouldn’t be awkward to suddenly have these people as neighbors and friends?

No. 2423136

Tbh this ability has become far more of a hindrance to us since aeroplanes were invented.

No. 2423137

Without leaning into hysterics or stereotypes like you are, I'd circle back to "tribalism" and that people feel comfortable in their own tribes. Black people are the same, or any other race/culture

No. 2423138

Men also gave women their rights. That doesn’t change that they’re still shitty.

No. 2423142

Samefag: I'm sure some tard tells themselves that the massacre pictured and all racism is for the good of white America, but all they need to do is look at the state of the US now and how downtrodden poor white people are to know it's a lie. But as long as there's a broke black crack addict on a street somewhere, they can tell themselves they're doing well. Slavery itself was harmful to poor white people, and only benefited wealthy whites.

Y chromosome disorder isn't the same thing as just being a race.

No. 2423151

NTA. Explain gentrification and how it ties into your white flight theory, or why white men (men in general, but white men have probably gone the furthest with it in recent history) have historically been incapable of staying out of other parts of the world not just to conquer, but to rape and unironically bring new races into existence. "Comfort of one's own tribe" never seems to be enough. It's almost like something far more retarded is is going on.

No. 2423152

samefag you've become aware of tribalism and how that's all wired by our chimp brains but not reactions like vidrel. The media have known about it for a long time and enjoy stoking this reaction. After this experiment, you could perform a puppet play with little green and blue chimps and the chimp who experienced unfairness, will still identify with the puppet (even if it's not the same colour as her). This is how the media gets everyone on their high horse about racism, or anything else. They only need you to identify with the victim to elicit this reaction and that is very easy, in general

No. 2423154

I think it’s because men are just competitive and can’t stay out of other people’s business because they want to always fight someone to be on top. All their problems with immigration etc wouldn’t be a problem if they just stayed in their own countries.

No. 2423157

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No. 2423160


No. 2423178

They never will. Groups that stay within their own little communities eventually get conquered and eaten up by bolder groups that don't, countries aren't static and borders have never truly been honored. The thing is, we're in the modern age now, few things are truly scarce, innovation is more accessible than ever and we actually don't need to fight so much. There could be peace if brainrotted cavemen and their pickmes weren't allowed in high positions. I like being able to travel and (possibly) live wherever I like, as well as connect with all kinds of women. It's a shame that we still allow incompetent bippie sadists and ego-struck manchildren to run things or have certain rights.

No. 2423180

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>by bolder groups that don't
Or in this era, just psy-opping westerners into behaviour that is identical to populations who have been conquered by war. That's pretty much what happened. Picrel are redditards apologizing to troons for the existence of white women

No. 2423184

You are the Polish faggot from before. No one wants to live in the shit world you envision or be broodmares to your ugly men.

No. 2423187

File: 1740764983790.gif (1.63 MB, 480x268, giphy-3994746164.gif)

No. 2423188

samefag but I'm only going to post illiteracy reaction gifs to responses that refuse to acknowledge anything I'm actually saying from now on. This might be a personalityfag but I don't care anymore. The illiteracy rate of newfags is becoming a sitewide epidemic and making me feel tired

No. 2423195

That was my first reply to you. You are an actual personalityfag and a generally insufferable poster who multiple random anons have clocked in the past. Go back already.

No. 2423221

I don’t get when anons say that people on here used to be nice. I’ve been on here since 2014 and I remember people being meaner lol the anons now just want to have this girls girl tiktok energy so they’re definitely nicer.

No. 2423226

There were more pickmes and scrotes in 2014 for sure, good thing males got banned. /g/ anons are nice, I don't know about /ot/.

No. 2423227

just report and don't reply instead of shitting up the board with stupid reaction gifs, dumbass

No. 2423490

You are right about the poors being addicted to struggling. A lot base their pride on how much their job treats them like shit and works them to the bone. It's Stockholm syndrome a lot of the time, because those sorts of shit jobs never go anywhere.

But worse than that are a lot of really annoying professional women who have kids just constantly whine about being busy and stressed. You're across from them at dinner and you're just expected to care that the life they chose to live is so hard. It's insincere whining too, they do because they think busy = important, it's an ego thing.

My unpopular opinion is that all the whining about "eurocentric beauty standards" is just pure and unfiltered envy, and almost always a projection. They want to look that way, don't want to admit they want to look that way, so they get into elaborate tinfoils about how, idk, the media cast magic spells to make people have that preference.

No. 2423495

What's your ethnicity nonna

No. 2423501

People celebrate "male-brained" people too much, even on Lolcow. It seems like everytime anyone wants to criticize women it's from the lens of them not being enough like men. We need to be more selfish and retarded like men, surely that would fix everything wrong with the human race. Any criticism of women on here always seems to come from the perspective of "women should be more like men". If you hate men, why should we celebrate acting like a man?

No. 2423508

Be nice and caring to the people who deserve it and selfish and cut throat to the people who don’t.

No. 2423528

Tbh, a lot of women are selfish and retarded anyway, just in less violent ways, and that tends to "pass". What people don't like is when women are direct about it, because that's unladylike. I kind of hate it, because all that really means is that men can say whatever they want, while we have to bite our tongues at the risk of sounding too "male-brained".
I want to verbally abuse misogynistic, retarded and racist men and pickmehags. I tend to dial back because of my female socialization and a desire to not be "too" hurtful or display "too" much emotional investment at any given time, but the urge is there nonetheless, and sometimes, I wish we didn't hold back. If that's "male-brained", whatever.

No. 2423539

white, why does that matter?

No. 2423542

No. 2423578

File: 1740782697914.jpg (100.05 KB, 736x859, 3f366dbc64d88091f6f4a3b22a32d9…)

I always thought monolid eyes were the prettiest ever since I was a small kid. I'm against all types of cosmetic surgery but the double lids one makes me especially sad.

No. 2423586

The common Korean surgery where they shave their jawlines off are the most sad to me. There was one horror picture of a strong jawed Korean girl shaving her jawline off and she just ends up looking a lot worse for it. I don't have it saved but it really is a tragedy.

No. 2423592

There's nothing wrong with someone having a high body count. Why should I give a fuck on how a woman uses her vagina. As long as you're safe and want to do one night stands, you're not a "whore" or "lacking self respect".

No. 2423602

I hate how beauty standards revolve around decimating unique characteristics.
In a perfect world, i wouldn't care, but i don't like the idea of men have easy access to sex because it's a reward they don't deserve. I also cannot ignore the danger that men are to women, i'd rather you keep some trusted moids on retainer and go slut around with a select group of them than randoms to be safe.

No. 2423616

Yes there is.

No. 2423619

I just think it's stupid. A woman's biggest predator is men, and by having sex, she's putting herself in an extremely vulnerable position. So it's like repeatedly walking into a lion's den. Ultimately, I think women who have a lot of casual sex are low IQ, or else are practicing self harm.

No. 2423632

File: 1740785088367.jpg (59.99 KB, 634x632, IMG_20220927_190917.jpg)

It's not called "Reddit spacing" it's called "being literate." Giant chunks of text in tiny print is a headache to read and makes it seem like the person typing it is having a meltdown.

Some of us read books. You ever read a book? Do you open a book and go "Eewwwww, Reddit spacing?" Do you read at all?

Typing like fucking Rafe15. Typing like you're sending a fucking telegram. Typing like the enter and space keys double-teamed you in a fucking alley and stole your wallet.

Fuck me.

No. 2423644

imageboards aren't books.

No. 2423652

You can just ignore the anons in meta nonna you don't need to bring the argument to Argument Central

No. 2423660

Nayrt but most people aren't posting giant chunks of text on here though. most reddit spacing bans are issued on comments where people spam the enter key after every sentence.

No. 2423673


Stop the presses, a person on the internet hit the enter key TWICE. God forbid.

No. 2423680

you don't have to be here you know

No. 2423685

Reddit spacing is when someone types like this:





Not when they type in paragraphs. It's also a potential way for having a distinct writing style for personalityfagging imo, so it's understandable why it's banned. If everyone types the same, there is less chance of getting recognized. While not implementing any rules on typing would result in anonymity being lost to an extent.

No. 2423686

Tbh, spacing your posts like that only makes you the illiterate that needs to have perfectly spaced paragraphs in order to focus on a small text of what? Like 100 lines at worst?
Such are the damages caused by Shitter, Reddit and TikTok, destroying the attention span of retards on the internet.

No. 2423692

Is it not "ntayrt" ?

No. 2423693

ntayrt but it was probably just a typo

No. 2423694

Some of you need to hit up the retarded bans thread and get a lesson.

No. 2423695

learn how to simplify what you want to say or deal with people not reading your entire block of text, its not hard

No. 2423718

Make me leave, iPad baby. Going through some of the more text-heavy threads is a nightmare. The only people I see typing like that (other than here are) the people who grew up being neglected by their Millenial parents and made it through school out of pity and No Child Left Behind.

It makes me think of people who primarily speak to chatbots. Like Cocomelon plays in your head 24/7. We're not in 1910, where printed space was expensive and had to be conserved.

Space between each sentence is annoying as well- it has the same energy as people who send 100+ one-word messages because they're typing a stream-of-consciousness river of drivel-y bullshit without stopping to think about what it is thst they're actually saying. That's not the shit I'm defending. I saw someone go "Hey, you should avoid Reddit spacing" on a post that was just formatted like the person knows how to read and write and didn't spend English Lit. with their heads down over sketches of anime boys tongue-boxing one another.

If text is your primary way of soeaking then write it to where reading it doesn't feel like I'm dragging my eyes down the sandpaper belt of some mush-minded tween's crytyped Instagram post.(infighting)

No. 2423719

Kek nonna, make this longer and then we will have a great pasta.

No. 2423723

I can keep going if you want, I'm having a great time.

No. 2423725

I have no stakes in this retarded infight but books are not spaced like that.

No. 2423730

Are you saying books don't have paragraphs? Have you seen a book? You can even get them on your phone. That's been a thing for more than a decade. Go find one right now and try it, it's bitchin'

No. 2423734

Yeah, books just aren't written with massive spaces in between the paragraphs. I don't know if you're reading books with massive font or what. Also calm down.

No. 2423759

Why? I'm having fun.

No. 2423939

You both misunderstood

What I'm trying to say

So I'm demonstrating

What reddit spacing actually means

With this post.

No. 2423943

No I didn't. I said you need to hit up the retarded bans thread to learn what reddit spacing actually is. You misunderstood what I wrote.

No. 2423944

>humblebragging about being illiterate
You’re a lost cause

No. 2423976

File: 1740800904145.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1284x2303, IMG_5531.jpeg)

I don’t care about white people wearing braids but it seems they only do it to be Facetious and condescending but don’t actually like the hair styles

No. 2423987

It's been 48 fucking hours if you stupid bitches don't shut the fuck up

No. 2423992

As if you people in this thread don't argue about the same shit for years on end. Actual literal YEARS. Don't call us stupid bitches.

No. 2424005

Don't lump me in with you faggots and how you talk in circles every God damn day. I'm sick of you

No. 2424047

Wearing frilly lace underwear and thongs is stupid. Why do you want all these cutesy uncomfortable underwear? No one’s seeing it

No. 2424056

Mods are participating in the infight

No. 2424057

I buy them shits on sale and wear them in my bed alone in my room for a few hours. Then I forget about them for a few months.

No. 2424223

Being feminine and virtuos has not helped women in the slightest. Moralfagging and wanting women to be the feminine/opposite of men (selfless, unnassertive, acquisent, compliant) is what has made every movement for women extremely slow, stagnate and straight up destroyed. It's not about literally imitating men or becoming pseudo-men. Men do not want equality, they want women to be below them. Women need to be selfish because if they don't advocate for their rights and safety, no one will. It doesn't make sense to be kind and forgiving to a group of people who want you as their slaves.

No. 2424233

Plastic surgery is good because being beautiful is good and being surronded by beautiful things is good. The problem is that people get procedures that they don't need or too much of it. The majority of patients are women who often don't need anything, the people that should be getting it instead is moids which are hideous. There should be regulations so that doctors are forced to deny giving plastic surgery to people who don't need it and stop performing the horrid versions their mentally ill their patients want, but unfortunately it's a business.

No. 2424240

More men should be getting plastic surgery for women's viewing pleasure imo.

No. 2424273

It makes me feel cute under my regular clothes. Nobody knows but that’s my own business

No. 2424275

Plastic surgery isnt good. Complete misplacement of priorities.

No. 2424288

You’re a dumb person with 0 concept of beauty and I doubt you ever were or ever will be beautiful. You’ve internalised the scrote outlook of “pumped up sex doll is the most beautiful a person can look” and you need a week long silent retreat and a lobotomy before anyone can take you seriously again.

No. 2424294

Imo natural beauty beats any kind of plastic surgery beauty though.
I have a friend who is just so beautiful, I love looking at her face kek.

No. 2424296

TIMs openly and secretly resent TIFs for one reason, they are jealous that they forfeited their “privilege” of being born women, something that TIMs never had. This is why you get the great divide between tranny community, there’s misogyny at play obviously, but there’s also this.

No. 2424299

Vapid people are going to be in for a huge wakeup call when they suddenly look in the mirror in 20 years and they aren't happy and don't look like a sexy baby, but instead a regular old person pumped with fillers and sliced n stitched in six different directions. No skills, no hobbies, no meaningful relationships or beliefs, just a three year period of a nice plastic life for their social media grid.

No. 2424322

Women are only virtuous and feminine when it comes to men because you need to be to have an excuse to allow yourself to be treated like shit. With other women they’re not. For example they will rat out friends to their bfs or drop friends if they find out they’re cheating but will marry and have kids with a man who has cheated on them 1 million times. For example my mom acted like I was the worse person ever for just sperging out and cussing a guy out but my brother can date minors and she comes up with every excuse why it’s fine.

No. 2424332

I can’t take it seriously when ex sex workers and actresses complain about ageism. You weren’t complaining about it when you were young/beautiful and benefiting from it so don’t complain now.

No. 2424342

I have a friend like this, big bright clear blue eyes, tiny nose, naturally plump lips, literal golden blonde hair not like dishwater blonde. Its actually kind of insane and I tell her all the time she could literally model. Ofc her bf is very average tho lol

No. 2424370

People who replace "u" with "v"s (eg "sovl", "trvth", "retvrn") sound cringe. It reminds me of how Tumblr people use the term "folx".

No. 2424378

I can only understand plastic surgery if you are actually disfigured as sadly that can make other people threat you shittily. Even then it is better to stop giving fucks and be yourself. Yes people who look according to beauty standards benefit from it but is it worth liteally getting yourself cut apart, filled up with plastic etc? The looks will fade by aging, even worse when you had surgery. If you spend time and money to develop skills, build up finances, it will last much longer.

No. 2424383

Arguing, drama and infighting is what keeps websites alive.

No. 2424387

Especially when they were shitting on older women, when they were younger just to be smug.

No. 2424389

Right. Them talking about ageism would’ve been more impactful if they did it when they were young, instead of waiting until they have made their money and were forced out.

No. 2424403

Depeche Mode is Christian rock

No. 2424407

Can't you read? I said non exagerated plastic surgery can look good and even then most people (women really since they are the main consumers) don't need it. Maybe i should've emphasized it's mostly moids who need it but their problems often lie in being overweight, alcohol bloat and consuming shitty fast foods. Are you beautiful nona? How is it being beautiful?
You nonas say this but call Dasha and the other girl she hangs out with hideous while unconventional attraction thread is on it's 30th thread even though those scrotes are probably way worse than Dasha could ever be.

No. 2424422

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Some women will say this, but proceed to mock other women for having big noses, rectangular bodies, saggy breasts or flat asses, kek. Enough of the virtue signalling, society has decided what is beautiful and what is not (though that's always subject to change, people are fickle and easily psyopped). The pumped up sex doll look is disgusting, but the option of plastic surgery in itself doesn't lead to that, and women aren't in the wrong for deciding they don't want to feel ugly and at war with their own forms anymore after having their entire culture shit on them.
An embarrassing, large chunk of humans today revile the natural female body if it doesn't conform to whatever standard is currently deemed preferable. It seems that on a wider scale, women have already decided that they don't want to take up the fight to undo it, and it's probably because many of them enjoy competing with each other. Retards like knowing there'll always be a have-not to dunk on, even though they also know there's no end point or "perfection" to the whole game and that being human (not a photo or a doll) means there will always be some sort of flaw. The surgical operations will continue, whether it feels nice to think about the whole thing or not.

No. 2424428

it’s nasty when women call their bfs daddy as a pet name. Normies have completely sexualized the word daddy that it’s weird for a woman to actually call her real father, daddy.

No. 2424429

I just genuinely don't understand why it's supposed to be sexy.

No. 2424435

Because men wanna fuck children and women wanna appeal to what they wanna fuck. Same story different day I guess.

No. 2424437

>errrm if white flight is real how do you explain exploration and imperial conquest

No. 2424439

You know I had a knee-jerk reaction to disagree with the anon who said that a sizable percentage of women really co-sign their own degradation, but I have to be honest and say that it's true. Pickmeism really feels like a hidden virus or a psychological disorder that runs prone in the population of scrote-attracted women. Kind of like those fungal parasites that infect and take over the minds of little insects.

No. 2424449

Defending loli or shota is no different than defending actual pedophilia. Either you stand for everything or you stand for nothing. Anything other than a harsh stance on child exploitation and the gateways to it, you're a coward with no spine or conviction. Same with ai- if you support ai, you support the exploitation of women and children. If you think these things are "not a big deal," you stand for nothing. If you are weak willed without conviction then be that, but don't posture as anything else.

No. 2424451

>"Comfort of one's own tribe" never seems to be enough. It's almost like something far more retarded is is going on.

No. 2424455

I prefer chat gpt over google and I’m never gonna stop using it

No. 2424457

Chronically online politics

No. 2424460

Regardless of your opinions, you sound genuinely insufferable

No. 2424462

It's the literal bare minimum to call loli and shota cp. There wasn't anything controversial in that statement at all.

I'm mostly referring to ai imaging, text-based just goes off of algorithms and is far less harmful/ isn't taking its data from porn

No. 2424463

Imagine posting a pseudo call-out on an anonymous website, whoever freak reading this post will just ignore it. Corny as hell

No. 2424465

You sound like a tumblrite, don't care. Also it wasn't a call out? There's been shota defense for weeks here, I wouldn't know if it's the same person but it's rancid

No. 2424466

File: 1740843945181.webp (35.97 KB, 933x622, IMG_3893.webp)

>think about the poor fictional males
Lol, no. I’m not a shotafag or even a yaoifag but honestly I don’t give a fuck, males are on their own when it comes to defending themselves. I only care about females here, you seem like the type who cries about misandry kek. Stick to your twitter circlejerk, I’m sure they’ll care more

No. 2424467

Children are children. Also I don't have twitter, and misandry is the default. You're projecting and it really shouldn't be this divisive to say being pro cartoon pedophilia is sick and weird.

No. 2424469

File: 1740844143570.jpeg (107.86 KB, 676x708, IMG_3865.jpeg)

Moralfags are annoying, who are you even preaching to? Nobody cares here, everybody here is an emotionless person and nobody is obligated to care about others. Integrate or fuck off back to twitter with that garbage, always trying to moral police women but you would never dare try and get into male spaces saying that shit because you know they would drag you to the depths of hell and make you cry. Fuck off with that shit

No. 2424471

Okay that cat put way too much toothpaste on that brush. It should be the size of a pea, especially for his little teeth.

No. 2424473

You sound like that penguinz0 guy that gets mindlessly applauded for saying the most common sense opinion ever. “Apples are apples” woah, woah, you feel better about yourself for having the popular opinion? Kek

No. 2424475

Don't pretend your autism is the default you absolute edgefag kek

No. 2424476

Schizophrenic levels of projection.

No. 2424478

You sound like the actual Tumblrina, thinking you can simply stomp your heel and everyone will accommodate to your personal views on things, as if the freaks you so hate will actually care about what you think of them

No. 2424479

No. 2424480

you caring about moralfags makes you a moralfag kek you are what you hate

No. 2424482

No. 2424483

Based. We should all live in a perpetual state of apathy where no one cares about anything. Caring makes you a faggot.

No. 2424484

That’s not projection if that’s pretty much exactly what your doing, my fellow retard

No. 2424485

It’s obvious normie women are bullying that Alabama baker girl because they’re jealous because she’s a rich daddies girl who’s blonde and pretty. Normie women are constantly whining about grooming you would think they’d have empathy in this situation.

No. 2424486

You're right, and board culture/community does somewhat suffer without at least a few autistic infighter types. The issue is that it also attracts even more mentally ill people who will argue about fruit for 2 days, and 50% of anons who infight are just performing like trained monkeys to convince a largely uncaring, bored audience of their opinions. The only reward those infighters get is the knowledge that they virtually humiliated a complete stranger and that they might have converted at least one reader to their point of view. It's not healthy, and it makes threads annoying to scroll through.
IMO the anon who calls someone they disagree with a retard and doesn't elaborate is in a better, more free position than the anon who types paragraphs to argue. The only other ways to "win" are if all you do is post stupid bait to see what happens, or if you just go around posting whatever you want without even thinking of what the replies will be like.

No. 2424487

You’re clearly underaged or your parents didn’t love you enough because why do you care about those ghetto bangers like Alabama kek

No. 2424488

Am never going to care about the opinions of some self hating samefags that also post about how they desire to be tifs.

No. 2424489


No. 2424490

Woah dood. Totes based cash money, choice.

No. 2424491

Well when there are no infighters things go dead and the ones who are like “omg let’s just be friends”, barely have anything interesting to say to keep people coming back(which is one of the reasons they’re mad because they’re boring posts get drowned out during in fights)

No. 2424492

File: 1740844750247.jpg (12.21 KB, 279x297, EwIn7XeVkAA8DRF.jpg)

I don't dislike trans people as much as I used to, I can empathize with their feelings of "I want to be this thing, but I'm also super attracted to it". Don't get me wrong, I agree that many TIMs in particular are creepy as fuck about their fixation on being a woman, but for many trans people (especially TIFs) I think it's no different from presenting yourself as your fursona or OC online. As soon as it extends to IRL matters (like mutilating your body with medication and surgeries it doesn't need), I'm less supportive of it. Honestly I don't even care if it's a sexual thing, I just wish they'd keep it contained to their own 18+ pervert communities and not force their shit on actual women (and children).

No. 2424493

>reading comprehension
you are in no position to question other moralfags when you arent even literate

No. 2424497

No offense but you're genuinely crazy and reading fantasy between the lines to create some fake argument. "Pedophilia is bad even when it's cartoons" is the most milquetoast and normal stance ever.

No. 2424498

I don't even like weebs nor anime, but tbh I don't really give a shit if some women like a cute anime boy, loli is dangerous because it's mostly consumed by males and they do hurt real children over it, often seeking actual CSA footage eventually, but the chances of any weeb shotafag actually hurting a real male child are next to abysmal. Wanna make a difference? Grab a gun and take down every 4channer you come across I bet they have actual CP on their PC

No. 2424506

Idk the women that create shota art of young boys engaged in graphic sex acts definitely contribute to that ecosystem, and they're often commissioned by other women. Did you ever see the homonculus1 fma shota? Full body shudder at that proudly displayed on Twitter kek

No. 2424508

Racists are retarded

No. 2424509

It truly takes low IQ to hate someone for their race and not for their real genetic deficit: being a man

No. 2424511

same nona. I don't agree with them and would prefer they quit it but whatever really. it's like a religion, you can "respect" it but disagree with it. and like religion, they shouldn't be messing up with laws.

No. 2424519

The problem with dealing with certain kinds of fetishists is that there's always a new frontier with them. The moment they go public about things and aren't shut down, the bar gets higher. The reaction can't just stop at quiet "acceptance" or "I'm presenting myself as a character I made up, it makes me feel better, so please just let it be". Eventually, they can't enjoy it anymore if everyone isn't a participant, and once you've dedicated your life to being the embodiment of your own fetish, it's likely very difficult to go back. Forcing it on women and children literally becomes part of the package deal.
Even the trannies who aren't just fetishists, but mentally ill people, autists, self-hating homosexuals/lesbians or SA victims are basically relying on the entirety of society to lie to them so they don't commit suicide, and they end up resenting people for not being able to brainwash themselves into thinking that males can be female (or vice-versa).

No. 2424534

How is this unpopular kek

No. 2424539

She's right, though. Moralfaggotry has increased over the years due to people coming here from Tumblr, unlike earlier newfags who came from other imageboards.

No. 2424544

Now hold up, as a proud racist nonnies post made me think a bit. I guess it might be wrong to hate anyone who's skin isn't eggshell white.

No. 2424546

Being anti pedo is not moralfaggotry. This has never been a pro loli or pro shota board in any capacity.

No. 2424547

Technically, that's colorist because having white skin isn't exclusive to just one race.

No. 2424548

Yeah, stop being a faggot

No. 2424551

>Based. We should all live in a perpetual state of apathy where no one cares about anything.
I unironically agree with this. All female empathy and compassion should be revoked. Crash the entire system. Watch people go hungry and desperate. Look away with a girl or woman throws her fetus in the trash, the only mammal that’s pathologized for being a mammal is the human female. The only thing to get people begging for mercy and to act right is to emotionally and financially deprive them of everything, until they have nothing left but to grovel for support. Empathy is a privilege, people abuse it and mines all the time, walk all over me, ignore me, pretend I don’t exist. I shouldn’t give a shit about humans who only function to be takers, which is why so many of them bitch and scream when a president who’s going to take their selfish laws and entitlements away, it was likely benefitting them and fucking others over.

No. 2424552

So many stupid people are happy to be fucked over as long as they can watch others get fucked over. It's really pathetic.

No. 2424557

>female empathy and compassion should be revoked. Crash the entire system. Watch people go hungry and desperate
it would literally destroy the world if women stopped giving a shit based based based based

No. 2424558

Kekk yeah

No. 2424559

Some socially accepted alternative people are bigger bullies than normalfags. More unhinged

No. 2424560

This opinion is disgusting and selfish, completely disregarding all the innocents newly born into this that would suffer immensely. Autists and nihilists are devoid of humanity.

No. 2424562

I hope Olivia munn is prepared to be a single mom because she’s about to 100% be one now that she has all these health issues due to cancer. She’s about to experience the worse karma for a pick me.

No. 2424564

If having empathy is a hindrance, don’t I have the option not to care about whores who kill children?

No. 2424566

I hope the world implodes
Don’t care, death is inevitable and apart of the human species. Nature does not guarantee livable conditions and human rights, only civilization which is weak, mechanical and detached from nature. This is the problem with a lot of people, they make their fear of death other people’s problems kek, so that’s why we all have to live in one huge coagulated bubble full of insular, retarded people who get shaken when they see realistic beliefs (literally you). Empathy is retarded, only women exercise empathy even though it’s performative, fake and mostly reserved for their men, if women stopped giving a shit the world would collapse and become thankfully unlivable. Fuck this planet

No. 2424568

Humanity exists at the expense of women's safety and rights. Why should women sacrifice themselves for others when all they get in return is abuse and apathy for their abuse?

>misandry is the default
In what world? Tell me so i can migrate

No. 2424569

>you shouldnt have empathy!
>but you should have empathy for adults who make the choice to have sex, and instead on taking responsibility they commit crimes.

No. 2424571

>muh whores that kill children
Men annihilate themselves and their families because they refuse to go out without being attention seeking whores. Stfu. Children die all the time, I don’t get why we have to stop and cry about it.

No. 2424575

Stop replying to bait

No. 2424576

Who cares kek, think about the poor children!!! (not the woman likely raped and didn’t want that pregnancy)

No. 2424577

the same could be said about adult women. why should we have to care about your deaths and abuse?women are the killed all the time. what makes your life more valuable than a underaged girl?

No. 2424579

at what age does a females life become valuable to you?

No. 2424580

What do underaged girls have to do with this? It's your own group that shits on them kek

No. 2424582

do you understand that babies and children can be female? Youre saying we should look the other way if we see a woman killing a child because they dont matter. My question to you, would be at what age does a female child's life matter?

No. 2424583

Moid kek

No. 2424584

When she is born. A woman's life matters more than the unborn.

No. 2424586

but you just said if we see a mother throwing her new born baby in the trash we shouldn't care. which one is it?

No. 2424587

No. 2424589

Even the children born in toilets and thrown in trash cans, they’re barely alive and sentient. The moralfaggotry over a parasite sliding out of a woman’s body is aggravating

No. 2424590

I'm a different anon. I would care because a weird scrote can find it and do god knows what with it. That's why women should get abortions so we don't have situations like this.

No. 2424591


No. 2424592


No. 2424593

So at what age do female lives become valuable? 3 months, a year?

No. 2424597

It’s barely alive and can’t contribute to anything. Male fetuses are born as well so I don’t get your point?

No. 2424598

Based. But it's better to have an abortion. Scrotes can't comprehend it's better not to be alive than to be in a situation like this, just like they think it's better hurry up to settle with anynone instead of the oh so horrible fate of being single kek

No. 2424599

Well, I’m not talking about abortion. I’m talking to the anons saying killings babies and kids are ok for feminism reasons, as if kids can’t be female.

No. 2424600

Just get an abortion instead of throwing a fully formed baby headfirst in the toilet to drown in piss

No. 2424602

So you guys are arguing about abortion and tossing babies into dumpsters like it's prom night because some anon was clearly playing edgy by saying "caring is for faggots"?

No. 2424604

Adult woman is always more valuable but it doesn't matter anyways. If a woman kills the baby it cancels out because she is female

No. 2424606

>my mom could’ve bashed my head in and it wouldn’t have made a difference.
you answered your own question

No. 2424607

You’re not answering the question. At what age do you think a female child deserves to live and get the same respect an adult woman does? I have no memories of life younger than like 3, my mom could’ve bashed my head in and it wouldn’t have made a difference. Are we saying their lives become important at like first word or is it as late as first period?

No. 2424608

Ok so girls 6 and under aren’t included in feminism and their lives don’t matter? At least you’re honest

No. 2424609

If you're worried about children being killed worry about males
Then make abortion more accesible and tell the praying faggots to fuck off abortion clinics

No. 2424611

You’d rather kill a new born than just not have sex? Sex can’t be that good.

No. 2424614

How am i killing a newborn if i have an abortion

No. 2424615

Killing children is terrible but moids rape children and women all the time and they still live often unaffected by it so why give women a hard time for putting a kid down? Let's all kill each other(infighting)

No. 2424617

You’re using the excuse that killing new borns is ok if the mom lives in a place where abortion is illegal. I only think infanticide is acceptable in 3 situations 1. the victim was raped and is a child and too young to understand what she’s doing,2. if you’re in a war situation like in Gaza where death would be a better fate for the child, 3. You’re about to give birth in a place like Afghanistan, you’re having a daughter and you know her life won’t amount to anything anyway. Other than those 3 reasons, if you do that you should be publicly hanged.(infighting)

No. 2424618

Well, if you wanna rape and kill little girls I’m not stopping you. I’d prefer if no one did that and I have no interest in doing that just because men do.

No. 2424619

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>I have no memories of life younger than like 3, my mom could’ve bashed my head in and it wouldn’t have made a difference.
This is clearly a troll, but I'm not even mad because this "logic" is just so funny to me. Well rest with no peace to 99.9% of small children if their mom goes Casey Anthony on them then because almost nobody remembers being that small. I narrowly miss the statistic because I'm the only the only person I know who remembers being born.

No. 2424620

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I’m anti-natalist and I think the earth was better when it had shit like this and no humans, just a bunch of sexy giants (Nephilim) running around

No. 2424629

I dont care if trump bans abortion as long as he gives us another stimulus check and gets rid of these taxes. I already voted for kamala so i did my job, other women didnt so if they dont care i dont care. if trump is going to be in office i hope he at least gets rid of taxes.

No. 2424631

He’s not. Taxes are going to increase for all but the richest, in fact.

No. 2424634

This exactly. Trump voters shot themselves in the foot, I hope no one forgets how fucking retarded they are/were or tries to "b-both sides" it.

No. 2424635

Kek they’re going to do their hardest to make sure nobody, not even like one group of people get a stimulus check. There’s way more possibly stopping him than we think

No. 2424636

i'd also prefer if no one did that but if you're worried about someone doing that worry about scrotes. If a woman kills a child is most likely because she has psychosis or some other sever mental illness, but i don't care if she goes to jail for life or gets a death penalty.

No. 2424638

Don't know how people think they're going to get shit from this admin. They're all thieves.

No. 2424639

A woman can kill her newborn if she couldn't get an abortion. She can opt out of motherhood if she wants to. Again this situation could've been avoided if christfags didn't think women should be breeding cattle

No. 2424641

unpopular opinion but if a woman has mental illness that bad, that it makes her kill kids, she should just be killed to put her put her out of her misery. she wont be able to contribute anything to society anyway.

No. 2424642

> I already voted for kamala so i did my job, other women didnt so if they dont care i dont care.
I mean fair enough kek. I’m also on the “at this point there isn’t much I can do” ride too, worrying over every single thing is so draining.

No. 2424643

Ayrt and also agree. I'm just saying i'm not gonna moralfag or think she's hitler and just as bad as moids like some retards do

No. 2424644

Men don’t have that much of a control over my life for me to disregard bad behavior because I’m trying to have a gotcha at men.

No. 2424645

Yeah, women are gonna have to evolve and form a secret society of them helping each other with induced miscarriages and abortions. Coming up with underground recipes to help "dissolve" the embryo, and female doctors creating an organization of garage-based abortion clinics disguised as yoga classes.

No. 2424646

Or women could just vote in their own favor and stop having sex with moids.

No. 2424648

I know that getting pregnant from rape by a stranger is less common and bordering on rare, but it's still one of those things that has everybody like, "well that's not gonna happen to me", until it just happens to a person who swore they would never end up in that predicament.

No. 2424649

My unpopular opinion is that the debate on whether fetuses are sentient or "real humans" or not is irrelevant. If it's okay for the state to exterminate people for any set of reasons, or systematically groom/abuse and push people to rape and murder children and adults in other countries for political reasons under the guise of "fighting for their country", I'm not going to draw the line at an abortion. I probably wouldn't even fault a young girl who was, say, sexually assaulted and then blocked from abortion by fucked up parents, lack of finances to leave, etc for committing infanticide.

No. 2424650


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2424653

If a young girl does it she should just get life in prison but if an adult does it, she should be hanged.

No. 2424655

replace 'girl' with 'moid' and 'it' with whatever and I agree. women and girls should be permitted abortion and infanticide though.

No. 2424657

Why should she get life in prison or be hung, while soldiers who raped and killed little girls in other countries get rewarded back home? Why do you lobby for the former to be punished, but not the latter? Governments the world over have killed millions of babies and kids, even locally, through willful, continued negligence and greed mixed up with actual malice toward certain demographics, but you probably aren't calling for your president to be hung. Weird how that's just allowed.
The whole pro-life/anti-abortion argument presumes that we live in a world that respects human lives to begin with, and that's a lie. IF it was made by people who lobbied against all killing, that'd be one thing, but it pretty much never is.

No. 2424659

fuck no, women don't have to suffer pregnancy and childbirth just because. If a woman has no access to abortion she is justified in comitting infaticide. women are not incubators or obligated to offer nurturing services to anyone.

No. 2424660

this rule should apply to your mom specifically but real women and girls should get off easy imo.

No. 2424661

Committing infanticide in a first world country is a sign of low iq and low impulse control. Even as a teenager, I wouldn’t be dumb enough to do that. If you let a person like that walk around free they’re going to keep having unprotected sex and killing more children because “well I got away with it the first time”. She would need to be in prison to protect herself and others.

No. 2424662

When did I say anything about being against abortion? I’m against infanticide because I’m normal kek

No. 2424663

So in cases where a woman can't get an abortion she is justified comitting infanticide

No. 2424664

Infanticide is just an unfortunate fact of nature when abortions aren't available. For as long as rape exists and women/girls are pushed into corners, newborns will die. If you are against this, lobby to prevent and punish rapists. Punishing the women and girls does nothing to solve the problem.

No. 2424665

Nope she’s not. If you’re too dumb to drop your child off at a hospital or safe haven and leave them there, then you deserve to be in prison.

No. 2424666

Not every woman who has killed her baby is a rape victim though. All the popular cases I’ve seen were just normal situations where both people consented to sex and the woman was just white trash who didn’t feel like dealing with it. Stop trying to guilt trip me into accepting degeneracy.

No. 2424669

suffering unwanted pregnancy and childbirth is not women's definitive fate in any circumstance.

No. 2424673

>shocked at white trash doing white trash shit
The ultimate fault lies on your government for creating and propagating enclaves and underclasses. Look at the big picture, look at what's being pumped into communities. They're fucking constantly because there is little to nothing else.

No. 2424676

if she had the option to get an abortion then i get it, but if she can't get an abortion i don't care if she takes out her frustration at the unwanted barely sentient child.

No. 2424677

You keep people keep bring up abortion, when I’m talking about infanticide. There are so many safe havens in the USA or hospitals to drop your kid off and never see them again without doing some dumb shit like throwing your kid away in a dumpster or on the side of a free way. If you’re an idiot like that you need to be locked up in prison.

No. 2424678

You're based and real for this, everyone else who disagrees is retarded and letting sentiments blind their thinking.

No. 2424679

There are plenty of women who have the option for abortion and still commit infanticide. That’s because it has nothing to do with abortion not being available and everything to do with being stupid with no self control.

No. 2424681

It's ironic/a joke most of the time, smart-ass.

No. 2424684

>written from a phone or a computer made by child slaves and women in factories with no payment

No. 2424691

>muh precious child
Abortion is illegal 19 states in the US with cases of women miscarrying going to jail and doctors refusing to treat pregnant women with complications because they might also go to jail. Most women with unwanted pregnancies end up keeping the child anyways.

No. 2424692

Kek males dont get these types of sentences for rape or actual murder

No. 2424701

Anonymous 4 minutes ago No. 2424695
Well, if they’re going to do something illegal why not go to another state where abortion is legal? Theyre more likely to get away with that than doing some dumb shit like killing a baby kek.

No. 2424705

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>Anonymous 4 minutes ago No. 2424695

No. 2424727

A lot of that “give women grace and empathy” “even if she’s wrong, she’s right because she’s a woman”, “it doesn’t matter if she voted for trump. She’s still a woman and we can’t let politics divide us” nonsense, is just liberal white women talking about other white women. If a black woman was out here doing some wild shit they’d call her out, they only act like that with other white women because they see themselves in her.

No. 2424730

I can't stand the way people obsess over hibjabis. Wearing a hijab and trying to be a feminist is just not a thing. You are one or the other. The people online act like hijabi women can do no wrong and ignore literally everything about islam

No. 2424748

It's stupid when hijab-wearers try to use "skimpy-dressed liberal western white woman" as some kind of gotcha in the argument of "so why is THIS feminism but hijabs AREN'T?!". Like first of all, who said we even like it when there's those women to step into an establishment with their daisy dukes letting the bottom halves of their asscheeks hang out? Not saying I hate shorts, I just think there's a difference between wearing shorts, and wearing shorts that are so undersized that they make the corners of your pubic hair meet and greet the air in public.

No. 2424752

smells like newfag in here kek

No. 2424753

"Economic blackouts" never work. If nobody shops one day, the next day they'll buy double. The corporations never lose money.

Social media slacktivism hinders real change. People are too busy liking comments on TT to actually go out into their local community to organize. Slacktivists hate acknowledging that social media posts don't have any impact on the real world.

No. 2424756

Nobody cares. You don’t have to agree or co-sign, you can shut your ass up and mind your business though.

No. 2424757

I’ve probably been here longer than you’ve been able to drink

No. 2424758

File: 1740857123451.jpg (88.81 KB, 802x1200, 1000020420.jpg)

Smells Like Newfag Spirit.

No. 2424759

Nta but your attitude is why childhood alcoholism is so stigmatized. If you want I can link you to several fantastic Twitter threads that will educate you on the evils of childhood alcoholism

No. 2424760

I would never do that. If I see anything like that, I’m calling the police.

No. 2424772

Crying isn't a red flag on men.

No. 2424779

I can dig it. It's better than scrotes who think pretending to not give a damn about anything is a good personality.

No. 2424786

There are some women who are troons and "transmasc nb" because they can't commit to an eating disorder. You know the ones I mean. The fat, overly sensitive types that hang around tiktok and tumblr and either dress like some gay Korean cartoon or like some fugly goth furry cartoon. These are the ones that do it because they can't commit to not eating. Ten, fifteen years ago they would claim to binge and purge or claim to be in the "beginning" stages of anorexia. I'm thinking back to my online friends on tumblr like eleven years ago and I knew so many of these girls. They were fat and insecure but couldn't starve themselves so they go the tranny route.

No. 2424796

Girls 100% troon out because of being fat. I don't think it's inherently the alternative to an eating disorder, they could eat healthy and exercise, but that's long slow hard work and trooning out is low effort immediate gratification. They get the psychological boost of 'fixing'/'improving' themselves in some way, but it doesn't last and they stay miserable because it's not fixing the root problem of their weight.

No. 2424802

Getting fat and being unable to lose the weight has to be some sort of eating disorder or disordered eating

No. 2424811

Most people here supporting murdering babies though

No. 2424816

How do you explain already anorexic/skinny FtMs?

No. 2424825

File: 1740860144069.jpeg (928.59 KB, 1125x1973, IMG_0943.jpeg)

I can think of two morbidly obese TiFs who fit this profile off the top of my head. Picrel is one, Juliana/Jay Aprileo who is a HAES activist. I’m just hazarding a guess that it’s probably linked to some inability to feel desirable because they cannot meet whatever beauty ideal is imposed on them, coupled with a predisposition to eating their problems away. The overlap these women have with the mousy, nerdy girl who gets bullied for her interests and uses fiction to escape is high so there’s probably some link in whatever thought pattern is there.

No. 2424826

Those girls look to troonism to hide their eating disorder and so they won't be told "no".

No. 2424831

Kek, that spoiled part. And agree, there is a massive difference.

No. 2424834

Ozempic should be given to anyone for free

No. 2424838

i burst out laughing. fat people are so disgusting.

No. 2424840

My personal cow was overweight, became anorexic in high school, trooned out in college & is now anorexic/orthorexic and acts like the authority about both ends of their eating disorder journey. She also claims having a hysterectomy young doesn't do any damage to women yet she has osteoporosis and broke her pelvis at least once

No. 2424845

Shit makes you blind

No. 2424852

I think it kills your organs too. I wouldnt take that.

No. 2424858

You shouldn’t need ozempic though

No. 2424891

I think taking Ozempic for weight loss instead of, idk, closing your fucking mouth and not putting any food inside of it is super pathetic and deserves to be made fun of way more than it has been since coming out

No. 2424894

Some people genuinely need it, some people have diabetes too. But other than those cases yeah people need to learn how to control themselves like damn.

No. 2424915

People jerk off the color pink too much. Yeah, I get it, barbie and femininity and whatever, but it hurts my eyes. It's loud. It's bright. It's easy to see stains, it's very overrated and I'm starting to get tired of people going "I'm so girly, look at how pink I am."

No. 2424963

Dharr Mann is genuinely hilarious

No. 2424965

i dont like pink too much unless its paired with my favourite color(green), it cant stand on itself alone

No. 2424985

Pink and green is a pretty nice combo, I agree.

No. 2424996

weakens bones too
just work out and eat less

No. 2425076

It's irritating to see so many people repeat, "natural is beautiful" as if the major sentiment online is that flat asses, small boobs, narrow hips, thin lips, big noses, etc are hideous and those are some of the biggest areas to get plastic surgery. Natural bodies are only beautiful if they fit the current beauty standard. If not, then you're an ugly cow. For an insecure ugly person, they might as well get surgery since they have a chance at looking pretty. They'll get mocked either way.

No. 2425084

That's what i'm saying. They'll say they're anti plastic surgery and that natural beauty is the best and then nitpick their faces for looking less than perfect.

No. 2425095

Beauty standards are worse now than they were before. Back then you would see more women with thin lips, big noses, stronger bone structure, mature faces, and if you were skinny you looked okay. Now everyone tries to look like a sexy little girl with super short compact face, super tiny nose, chin and jaw, super big eyes, a shit ton of makeup and countouring to further look like an AI, coquette waifish body with a 30inch waist to hip ratio or else you look like a troon.

No. 2425098

Being sexy and sexiness is overrated. I've never understood people who want to be seen as sexy. To me it sound very cringe and fun, I understand wanting to be attractive, but sexy. I don't get it.

No. 2425103

Stupid question but, what even causes beauty trends anyway?

No. 2425106

Torturing women to keep them defined by an arbitrary shallow set of characteristics so their position in society stays as "object to abuse/degrade" and making objectifying body parts to sell them like fashion and make money

No. 2425111

This and if you are wasting money on beauty you can’t spend it on anything important

No. 2425137

This. When federal abortion ban happens, every single woman in the US should "sex protest" by refusing to have any sex with any moid here ever again until her rights are restored. Of course, pregnancies from rape are unfortunately still going to happen, but if its one thing I know it is that conservitards are very scared and paranoid about being labelled rapists.

No. 2425154

The reason why the cow boards are dead on here is because the anons refuse to get with the times and TikTok just has better cows/drama

No. 2425156

Be the change you want to see

No. 2425160

Lolcow is not interest in non-weeaboo cows or keep they just wanna up with old cows from the early 2000s

No. 2425167

I agree

No. 2425171

Sex is a thing that we do with our bodies, not tied to "muh morals" or "muh higher power's standards" so long as no one is being forced. Responsibility? Go after deadbeat absentee fathers who lied to get laid and then we'll talk.
>commit crimes
The only crime here is that you weren't aborted. I don't even want sex, you're just retarded.

No. 2425172

I cannot stand the fake outrage when it comes to overconsumption on social media lately. I understand it’s an issue, but certain people (especially copy paste YouTubers without any original takes on anything) label buying or owning anything as overconsumption. Buying a cosmetic product in a plastic container is overconsumption, eating candy in plastic wrapper is overconsumption and a danger to the environment ect. Back to these YouTubers, they typically have the same format making videos, I forgot the name but I hope you know what I’m talking about. Alot of the literally has a whole wardrobe full of shein and fast fashion, but drinking from a plastic straw is terrible.

No. 2425173

What counts as moralfagging here though

No. 2425174

You already know pregnancy is risk when having sex. You take the risk deal with the consequences.

No. 2425176

Being grossed out when someone says something disgusting counts as moralfagging now

No. 2425178

Yeah abortion.

No. 2425179

Im pro abortion(I’m actually fine with forced abortions too because a lot of dumb asses don’t need kids) and I’m an atheist. I still believe if you decide to have consensual sex in a place in the world where abortion is illegal, you’re signing up for that consequence. Why should I feel bad for people who made a conscious decision to have unprotected sex in a state abortion is illegal if they don’t want kids?

No. 2425181

NTAYRT but I kinda feel the same way. If you don’t wanna get pregnant in a pro-life state, why even do PIV? Just. make him eat you out

No. 2425183

The women who want to get abortions in a state where it's illegal probably didn't vote for it to be illegal. A women's rights being taken away doesn't mean she should just acquiesce to it.

No. 2425184

Well the fact is their vote didn’t count. So they either move or follow the law.

No. 2425187

How do you feel about immigrants and refugees

No. 2425188

Don’t mind em as long as they keep their backwards religions and cousin fucking where they came from

No. 2425190

Again with the abortion debate and saying to follow the laws even though many women have died under it just for trying to get help with their pregnancies. So women that have ectopic pregnancies, any kind of complications with the fetus, or a miscarriage was seen as risky for a doctor to be involved because they could be arrested for “providing abortions”. Stop lying to yourself and saying that abortion care only affects women who don’t want their children, it affects women who want any kind of medical care for their pregnancy.

No. 2425191

>the law being changed doesn’t mean i have to follow it
ok but if thats the way you feel and you don’t wanna follow the laws in your state, why not leave? Oregon is one of the states in the U.S. where abortion is always readily available

No. 2425192

A lot of women who ended up with ectopic pregnancies were women who voted against laws protecting abortion but they were cocky and didn’t think it would happen to them. The fucked around and found out and I don’t care.

No. 2425194


No. 2425195

How easy do you think moving to an entirely new location is

No. 2425196

You just need to pack your bags and move? Everyone can do it unless you live in Communist Cuba or something

No. 2425197

as easy as standing up and walking out the door, nona. if people were able to move states and go west during the 1800’s then i’m fairly certain it’s even easier to do so now kek

No. 2425198


No. 2425199

Nta but not fucking is also close to zero effort.

No. 2425200

that as well. you can either go to a place you’d be happier, or just not fuck

No. 2425201

If the pilgrims can do it so can you

No. 2425202

This bait isn't even creative

No. 2425204

>to say that you can move if you want to

No. 2425205

People move all the time and if you don’t have the money to move…..Why are you putting yourself at risk for an expensive burden by having unprotected sex?

No. 2425207

I don't even have sex you weirdo

No. 2425208

No. 2425209

NTAYRT but considering the fact that we have moving companies and all kinds of assistance to make it painless for people to move states these days it’s definitely not baiting to say that it’s easier than it’s ever been to move to a western more abortive friendly state if you wanna
The discussion we are having is about having unprotected sex lmfao

No. 2425212

Well for the people who do. If they can’t afford to move then they obviously couldn’t afford to risk having kids. Keep the dick in the pants and the legs closed. Sex is a privilege not a need.

No. 2425217

No all men should be castrated and have high level sperm saved in banks when women want to be pregnant instead.

No. 2425218


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No. 2425220

>high level sperm banks
eww but then people are gonna say that “high level sperm” would be like elon musk jizz or something

No. 2425221

Okay let's move this infight into the new thread

No. 2425224

High level sperm would be from young handsome men with high IQ instead of just letting any rando moid jizz in a cup. Elons barrel body would be banned from the premises immediately for being so pig ugly and then pelted with rotten food as he’s forced to walk out

No. 2425254

Stop listening to retards. Of course society is going to say, for example, flat bums are ugly because society is retarded. I do agree people are hypocritical about beauty and it's importance in the world, but of course there are going to be people who say nice things but don't mean them.
>For an insecure ugly person, they might as well get surgery since they have a chance at looking pretty. They'll get mocked either way.
No, they might as well accrue self worth and get a hobby. You get mocked for doing anything, why spend however much and possibly risk mutilation, death, disability, etc so people aren't as mean?

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