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No. 2425206

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism,

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting
This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
They should, but no, they dont
>farmhands are always watching
They only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazy


Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!!

No. 2425211

Based threadpic I love the purple

No. 2425213

The purple goes well with the yellow yeah

No. 2425214

Threadscript always makes me kek

No. 2425223

Some people enjoy being in abusive relationships and that’s why people being abused are dangerous to be around. If you have a friend in an abusive relationship it’s better to just block them before it’s too late.

No. 2425231

Sometimes it feels this way. Especially people with victim complexes

No. 2425235

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kek at my unpopular opinion from the uo thread two threads ago. reminded me of it

No. 2425236

Lady Gaga is better than Katy Perry but Katy Perry is better than Beyonce

No. 2425238

Very racist opinion

No. 2425239

A woman cannot be a loser in the way a man can, even if she's a stinky fujo that sucks. The only exception is when a woman becomes a pickme and starts pandering to men.

No. 2425240

Baiters wish they could make an opinion worse than this

No. 2425241

>Lady Gaga is better…
Opinion discarded she's the ultimate handmaiden and her music is shit as her acting

No. 2425243

I hate to say it but I find more loser behavior in women but it’s not received as loser behavior because they’re not single and it’s normalized for women to act that way. A woman could be acting like a total desperate loser but it’s not seen as loser tier because she’s got a man.

No. 2425244

Teenage Dream is better than any album Beyonce has produced and Katy Perry has more talent in her pinky finger than Beyonce does in her whole body

No. 2425246

Teenage Dream is actually considered to be like one of the highest charting albums of all time, not racism to state facts

No. 2425248

Teenage dream sounds like kids bop music

No. 2425251

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No. 2425252

The Fame is better than any KP album. Both of their music sucks now though. beyonces music is still good but cowboy carter was meh
It's a shit opinion but how is it racist?
If charts were an indicator of good music, benson boone would be a good musician
>A woman could be acting like a total desperate loser but it’s not seen as loser tier because she’s got a man.
I think thats why lesbians get trannyfoiled/moidfoiled alot. Even irl theyll get compared to moids. Alot of the time (coming from another lesbian) it's harder for them to find a partner so they end up single. They exhibit usual loser/degen behavior and then get called out for said behavior

No. 2425255

I have no idea who benson boone is but Katy was the first female musician to produce 5 #1 hits on one album for a reason, I really recommend listening to the whole thing

No. 2425259

She was popular for the same reason Taylor swift is. Boring white girl you can sing at the beach.

No. 2425260

So you don’t like katy perry because shes…white?

No. 2425261

No she just sounds boring. Even Sabrina carpenter has better songs.

No. 2425263

Not really, short n sweet doesn’t compare lyrically to teenage dream even in the slightest kek

No. 2425264

Oh so you hate the beach now? Get a grip you sound crazy as fuck

No. 2425265

Sabrina Carpetbug can never compare to her bullimic aunt let alone Katy Perry so shut the fuck up your pissing me off

No. 2425266

bullshit bait KEKKK, sns is literally ddlg bullshit music meanwhile Teenage Dream was so beautiful and landscape shifting

No. 2425267

My unpopular opinion is 2010s pop artists were the start of the downfall and they all sucked and sounded the same to me.

No. 2425268

Yeah especially Beyonce her music is boring and her husband is fugly so it makes her music even worse

No. 2425274

Katy Perry, and she can also do it a million times better

No. 2425275

No other pop star can sing and dance like this live

No. 2425277

She sounds horrible and she’s barely moving

No. 2425281

…are we watching the same video? kek what do you just have personal beef with Katy?

No. 2425282

Wow. I never realized how talentless she was until I saw this. I couldn't even make it half way through the video without cringing

No. 2425283

Why is the shitty thread pic being reused? Why are you people invested in normie music from a decade ago?

No. 2425284

Her voice cracks a lot and she sounds pitchy. Even if you don’t like beyonces music there’s no denying she’s a better performer and singer than Katy Perry.

No. 2425285

NTAYRT but anon you should’ve at least watched the video before linking it

No. 2425288

I didn’t see anything wrong with it. Beyoncé is one of the only pop singers who rarely makes mistakes love singing.

No. 2425292

Idk, Beyoncé didn’t really have loving energy in her music to me. Like comparing The one that got away to Drunk in love, Katy’s lyrics are just more heartwarming and the sound of her voice live is indescribable

No. 2425293

I meant to say live. If I heard beyonce for the first time I’d think she was lip syncing.

No. 2425295

People will say anything to deny Beyonce's talent kek. If you don't like her songs that's understandable but saying Katy Perry is a better singer and peformer? Be serious.

No. 2425298

The music beyonce sings is literally by scrotes for scrotes, be serious

No. 2425299

Weren't some faggots arguing that Sabrina Carpetmuncher is better than Lana Del Rey? I only listened to Summertime Sadness and that was over ten years ago, but I still feel like putting Sabrina over Lana is an objectively bad take.

No. 2425300

Right lol beyonce is in the same leagues of micheal Jackson, aretha franklin…Katy Perry can’t compare

No. 2425301

I'm not even trying to cape for Beyonce, but Katy Perry is notoriously an awful singer live kek. I do love some of her songs, though. Roulette is an underrated bop imo.

No. 2425302

And Katy Perry's fake bisexual anthem to obviously pander to scrotes with a lesbian fetish is any better?

No. 2425303

Lana del ray can’t sing for shit

No. 2425304

How is Katy Perry any different?

No. 2425305

>Sabrina Carpetmuncher
I'm honestly offended on behalf of lesbians that you used this insult on one of the most aggressively heterosexual women in music.

No. 2425306

Okay, let's use Sabrina Carpetburner

No. 2425308

What fake bisexual song is on teenage dream?

No. 2425309

If we are being honest Sabrina is a better singer than Lana

No. 2425310

I'm talking about 'I Kissed A Girl', anon. You know, the one with the "cherry chapstick" lyric?

No. 2425313

I'm surprised she never got cancelled for "Ur So Gay."

No. 2425314

Being a hitmaker is cool and it's a league of it's own, but it is not comparable to having talent like Beyonce as anon said >>2425300 . Sabrina doesn't have neither the talent, charisma or songs so even if Lana is a terrible singer she's still better than Sabrina for having better well thought out conceptualization for her songs, visuals and overall image. Sabrina Carpenter just feels like Taylor Swift written and directed by a scrote.

No. 2425315

Okay Sabrina can be the better singer, but I feel like what stops her from actually being above Lana is Lana's lyricism even if she got hitched to one ugly motherfucker.

No. 2425317

Their jobs is to be preformers, sing and entertain. Lana can do none of these things thing.

No. 2425318

I don’t understand why so many anons seem to hate Lana so bad, she can actually perform live

No. 2425321

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Yes.. yes… the thread is off to a great start…

No. 2425322

Lana is a performer but in a cowish way. Sabrina along with Chapell and Addison just feel like random girls trying to get 15 minutes of fame

No. 2425323

Oh, someones upset with Katy this evening…

No. 2425324

She’s boring and can’t sing

No. 2425325

Yeah, she was making fun of bihets before it was cool because Katy is a trendsetter. She even wrote a homophobic song for laughs. She's based. Meanwhile Beyonce can't hold a note for shit and she has a fugly scrote that cheats on her but she dedicates song after song to him. So.

No. 2425326

That's all that needed to happen. Just some fuckin' Beyonce, Katy, Lana and Sabrina kek

No. 2425327

Lana just stands there, and sings a boring song off pitch. I’d rather see Sabrina or Chappell roan in concert.

No. 2425328

Katy Perry inspired you so much that you wrote all this about her. Meanwhile Beyonce has a bad wig on.

No. 2425331

That's the thing though, most artists get so much shit and their longterm success affected negatively for being bad live performers but Lana's branding is so good no one cares

No. 2425332

This is a good perspective imo. Lana has the better vibe and lyrics even though she's probably not as technically skilled a singer. Sabrina's whole mean-girl-pickme-coquette-shtick and horrible lyrics undermine the good production and vocals in her songs. Beyonce is a crowd pleaser because nothing about her music or presentation is obnoxious or incompetent. I'd say Mariah is the best of all the major female pop stars because she's tasteful, fun, and absurdly skilled. I also think that Billie (despite her own shortcomings) is more tolerable than either Sabrina or Lana, but not as good as Beyonce or Mariah.

No. 2425333

I think Born to Die, Ultraviolence, and Honeymoon are some of the most important albums of the last 20 years

No. 2425334

Billie can't sing but i'd rather see her than Sabrina's gross performances

No. 2425335

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Well, it's Beyoncé and I'm not particularly a fan of her so I personally lose nothing from this. My mom would kill you though.

No. 2425336

Lana at he worst is better than Beyonce at her best. Lana inspired hundreds of millions of young women to be the best version of themselves that they could be and to break through the glass ceiling. Beyonce inspires… some drunk dancing at a run down club in Miami. They aren't comparable.

No. 2425338

You just have nostalgia glasses on. Even Britney Spears is more memorable than Lana.

No. 2425339

Something about /ot/ really attracts people born after 9/11 kek

No. 2425340

How thick is your skull

No. 2425341

>Beyonce can't hold a note

No. 2425342

She inspired white girls. No one with tastes listens to that slop.

No. 2425343

More like born after the '08 recession.

No. 2425344

Britney Spears is more memorable than 95% of the industry

No. 2425346

But Britney Spears era was like 25-30 years ago now

No. 2425347

Praising Katy perry or Lana of all people then immediately shitting on Beyonce's vocals is insane. She's objectively and technically a better singer

No. 2425348

Are you fucking stupid? Have you ever heard of a country called Panama? Lana is like the virgin Mary and Evita here combined into one so get your facts straight gringa

No. 2425350

I used to think Billie couldn't sing, but some of her recent songs have proven me wrong. Once she gets away from the mumbleshit, she's pretty impressive. The vocals in Birds of a Feather are as good as the singing in any of Sabrina's slop.

No. 2425351

Yeah it sounds boring. It sounds like the music only white girls with eating disorders and want to call their mom a bitch listen to….and surprised that’s her fans

No. 2425352

Beyonce has good vocals after 20 members of her team edit them and autotune them, yeah. But Lana has a naturally beautiful voice and can sing like an angel, that's why Lana doesn't need a studio team.

No. 2425354

I’ve heard beyonce and Lana live. Lana is only someone a fan could appreciate.

No. 2425355

I'm not even a Beyonce fan and I agree with you kek. You don't have to vibe with a particular artist to be able to acknowledge their abilities. The recent cover of Jolene made me cringe my face off, but I know that Beyonce is capable of incredible things nonetheless.

No. 2425356

I don't know why this thread is about music now, but Grimes is more talented, intelligent and has better work ethic than most singers today, including Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey and Ariana. Her visuals always remained peak, too.
It's a shame that even feminists keep bringing up her past relationships to attack her. She's really a thinker's artist. No one's going to remember any of these zoomzoom and millenial musicians, but they'll be breaking down Grimes' lyrics and coded messaging for decades from now. She surrounds herself and reproduces with smart people, she didn't get fat, make pedo songs and marry a meth head like Lana did, and she's a trained dancer.

No. 2425357

I'm just curious, what do you think about this video? >>2425303

No. 2425358

It’s not hard to be skinny on hard drugs and ozempic

No. 2425359

You mean like the Van Halen song

No. 2425360

Britney's peak didn't even last a decade, most of her peers could sustain some kind of relevancy beyond their eras but she fell off, hard. Why is she even relevant to this combo?

No. 2425361

Ok elon lets get you to bed

No. 2425362

All Lana inspired in women is autopedophilia and by proximity eating disorders. I'll take libfem girlboss Beyonce over tradwife-lite Lana any day

No. 2425363

Lana groomed a whole generation into that Lolita/older man shit

No. 2425364

Hows that?
>eating disorders
Pictures from the fat Lana era beg to differ

No. 2425367

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I thought the point of that "Jimmy Jimmy cocoa puff" song was to criticize the objectification of young girls, and to show the bleak emotional and mental state of women who were sexually abused by men. Whoops, guess too many zoomzooms listened to it and made a different conclusion.

No. 2425369

We arguably have her and Melanie Martinez to blame for some of Sabrina's antics

No. 2425370

NTA. Binge eating disorder is also an ED.

No. 2425372

Grimes can barely form coherent sentences.

No. 2425373

rue. Lana's influence has been cataclysmic, most zoomer girls into old moids and pedo coquette aesthetics were influenced by Lana to varying degrees. Tragic

No. 2425374

My unpopular opinion is that Sabrina is a better singer than Lana anyway.

No. 2425375

I'm not watching a TikTok I'm over the age of 30

Literally nobody and I mean NOBODY is talking about Grimes. She is a nobody. Nobody gives a fuck about her. She made 3 okay songs in her entire life.

They have no concept of critical thinking or subtext or symbolism or allegory. Sad.

No. 2425378

Oh my fucking lord

No. 2425379

Latin America has gotten really tacky in a lot of places in the past 20 years bc of overexposure to the US. You guys have a lot of work to do on your culture imo and this like watching you continue to throw trash around your country like a tourist

No. 2425380

Britney debuted in 1998 and some of the best and most memorable hits for like 10 years straight. Her performance peak was short but she still had massive influence on pop music

No. 2425381

Don't shit on Panama you fucking troglodyte

No. 2425382

>with the taste of your lips, I'm on a riiiide!

No. 2425383

She is lip syncing. Beyonce can't sing for shit without her producers' help. Producers plural. She needs a team of professionals to sing the "happy birthday" song let alone a full studio album.

No. 2425384

I don't know if you've ever talked to people before, but that's how actual humans speak. She made good points too. Get over it.

She never needed Ozempic, and you can be fat on drugs too lol

t. zoomzoom
People with an IQ over 60 are talking about Grimes, but I understand that it's hard to keep up with the times on your strict diet of Cocomelon and TikTok.

No. 2425385

No one cares about Panana anymore. You guys all botched yourselves and became Lana stans

No. 2425386

samefag I'm not correcting that either

No. 2425387

Lana fan cope

No. 2425388

>Sabrina carpenter
>Katy Perry

>Lady Gaga
>Lana del Rey

If you all are going to fight over popstars, at least classify them correctly, skill wise.

No. 2425390

Lana does not give a shit about grooming, be serious.

No. 2425391

Not being able to speak without using filler words between literally every single other word you use doesn’t really make me take her that seriously

No. 2425392

Grimes is a multi-talented performer and songwriter, she is pretty much unique.

No. 2425393

All this song needs is a clip of that movie Lolita and it’s set

No. 2425394

Beyoncé is prideful. It's one of the seven deadly sins. She thought she could make "Jolene" her song and not Dolly's song. Beyoncé thinks that because she has that little accent on the final e that her shit doesn't stink. Beyoncé makes song after song about how she's sooo girl power girl boss but yet she blames the other women instead of her ugly bobblehead husband. I say women not woman because that dog has slept with hundreds of women but Beyoncé still lets him back in the house time after time. Beyoncé WISHES she had Dolly's range and soul. Did Beyoncé create a charity that gives books to low-income children to improve their education? No, she didn't. Beyoncé hoards her money as if when she dies she's gonna get to take all that gold down to hell with her.

No. 2425396

Is this song about filming child porn?

No. 2425397

No. 2425398

Oh great the dictionary detective is here to sperg out about nouns, great just what we neeeded

No. 2425399

You realize this is an staged video that she released to counter claims of autotune, right? Or were you just born yesterday?

No. 2425400

I know. Beyonce and Britney are good performers but they don't produce their craft, they depend on other mfs to release hits, putting them against artist like Lana or Grimes is retarded

No. 2425401

Literally all female popstars are pickmes. They would never make it if they weren't. Why single Beyonce out?

No. 2425403

Did you not see her coachella set… or?

No. 2425404

Britney Spears and beyonce do produce their own music

No. 2425405

nice attempt to move the goalpost. its not working. katy perry fans rose up and you couldn't handle the heat

No. 2425406

Grimes is still a better singer. The women you're posting can't sing

No. 2425407

Arguing about which female singer is or isn't a handmaiden is retarded, you would be left with no one. Most women in general don't even live up to feminism. You think the media is going to push an actual misandrist?

No. 2425408

I understand what you're trying to say, anon, Grimes is in fact a performer too, besides being a producer. But what I'm trying to say is that putting producers against people who don't own their work/songs is unfair

No. 2425410

nobody is talking about grimes except you dumbass. nobody gaf about grimes. she made genesis and oblivion. thats it. thats the only things she made worth anything.
grimes is barely a performer and shes not a producer. she released 2 good songs. a broken clock is right twice a day. all her other songs are boring as fuck and even that weird mars argo clone has more good songs than grimes.

No. 2425411

Katy Perry is more of a pick me than beyonce. Beyonce would never say something like this publicly.

No. 2425412

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The classic Adrian Lyne ceiling fan would be a very sophisticated-pedo choice

No. 2425414

Dolly and Katy are pickmes too. The original conversation was about whether Beyonce or Katy was a better artist, not their personal morals. Katy has good songs, Beyonce is a better singer, both are pickmes, end of.

No. 2425415

Kek nonnies showing up for Katy, love to see it

No. 2425417

I don't know about Beyonce but Britney ain't touching a synth in her life, that's why the moment her producers left she couldn't resurrect her career, she depends on other people to release hits. Get over it

No. 2425418

>when he fuck me good, I take his ass to Red Lobster
>Beyoncé, 'Formation', 2016.

No. 2425419

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I know Playboy and hugh hefner are evil but i absolutely adore the aesthetics of Playboy. The graphic design, the outfits, the old covers with weird mix media bunnies, the art, the centerfolds, the whole classy sexy lifestyle, etc. I really wish there was something like that for women. I know there were attempts at sexy magazines for ''''women'''' like playgirl and blueboy, but they all lack the classyness of 50s-70s playboy, they had no style or personality besides being crappy porn magazines for gay men. Some of my favourite artists started by drawing for playboy, like Ben Denison.

No. 2425421

still trying to move the goalpost and it still isnt working lmaoooo this is sad to witness

No. 2425422

Those are lyrics. She’s not telling people in an interview how much she sucks dick.

No. 2425423

You're so painfully jealous of talented musicians, go write an album and learn to dance. You can't. Art Angels is better than anything released in the last 50 years.

No. 2425424

>You're so painfully jealous of talented musicians
Yeah, I am. That's why I'm not jealous of Grimes.

No. 2425425

I was just thinking about this kek. So much for Katy being based

No. 2425426

Do you like Lana Del Rey?

No. 2425428

Fucking keeekkkk

No. 2425429

Except you are, and that's why you're trying to deny her stardom to uplift pickme music KEK

No. 2425430

That anon is correct about everything in her post. Go listen to your shitty generic ambient noise somewhere else. And that outfit is fucking hideous btw

No. 2425431

You're the one that tried to move the goalpost in the first place by calling Beyonce a pickme when Katy is the same when Beyonce got proven to be the better singer, wtf are you on

No. 2425432

>reeeeee women making their own music is shitty generic ambient noise
And "good music" to you is this disaster. Trash.

No. 2425433

nobody gaf about what they do in their spare time. we are talking about MUSIC. katy perry's music is leagues above beyonce's because katy perry has gusto and charisma and soul. teenage dream as an album is more important and culturally significant than beyonces entire discography

No. 2425434

kek, no. I am not into self inserting as the bunnies, i just like the style. i prefeer to self insert as hugh hefner and daydream about having my sexy bunny boy mansion

No. 2425435

This isn't Twitter, get the fuck out of here.
>gusto and charisma and soul
All things Katy lacks because she can't produce, can't write and just does whatever she's told to.

No. 2425437

beyonce must be spending hundreds of nickels employing you to fight her battles for her. too bad she's too busy drinking her problems (her ugly husband and flopping career) away

No. 2425438

Isn't Katy Perry working with the rapist (Dr. Luke) and Kim Petras? Kek

No. 2425439

All of the female celebrities and singers from that era are pick-mes. They represent the complete commercialization of music and there were movies and all sorts of essays about artists selling out during that time. It's why none of the music is good or memorable, it was just pushed on the masses and overplayed with no other options. People who defend shitty music or artists from this era have bad taste and there's really nothing else to say. They're the same people who love Sabrina Carpenter, Drake and Ed Sheeran. They've grown up on being spoon fed shitty music and waiting for the "next big thing" that they will enjoy regardless of whether it sucks or not

No. 2425440

Katy fell off like 10 years ago and going on literal who Mexican shows and Beyonce is the no 1 popstar getting compared to artists of different generations

No. 2425441

Katy didn't even produce half of teenage dream. Dr Luke and Max Martin did, basically

No. 2425442

I never mentioned Beyonce? Take your meds and listen to better music.

No. 2425443

NTA but do you think she just had nothing to do with the production of her albums?

No. 2425444

Is there an era where female singers weren't pickmes?

No. 2425446

I’m pretty sure I can enjoy the song teenage dream without being influenced by either of those men

No. 2425447

Beyoncé is the number one popstar??? You must be on those new generation of hallucinogens damnnn

Don't bother responding to the trolls and the baiters. They are seething and ripping their hair out thinking about how Katy's California Gurls will be remembered and cherished for generations whereas Beyoncé's music will be thrown out in the trash after 2060

No. 2425448

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Anything before 1998. I'm sure you've heard of Riot Grrls? Female artists were expected to be talented and didn't try to be creepy little hunched over girls

No. 2425449

Yeah, just supporting women who put money in both men's pockets.

No. 2425450

If beyonces talent is just fake….why is it in all the 27+ years of her being a performer there’s not one example of her fucking up live?

No. 2425452

That doesn’t really bother me nona, because no matter who you’re listening to there’s always going to be women putting money in mens pockets

No. 2425453

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>arguing about who's the better musician, singer, lyricist, and who creates the beat bops
>not a single soul mentioning Californication.

No. 2425454

No one I listen to has music produced by confirmed rapists and trannies, sorry

No. 2425455

Sounds to me like you enjoy postwar pinup art moreso than Playboy specifically. Even as a femninist I can appreciate the style on the aesthetic level; those paintings often had a very good sense of gesture and color.

No. 2425456

So you don't listen to anyone then?

No. 2425457

Charli XCX is who Katy Perry wishes she was

No. 2425458

No ones mentioning RHCP prob cause we’re talking about women in music nonny

No. 2425459

nta but this is actually untrue; there are artists out there that produce and publish their own stuff. they're just less popular. some of you disturb me a bit cuz you act like the cesspit is all that there is.

No. 2425460

>shilling a scrote

No. 2425461

>"All female artists' music is produced by rapists and trannies"
Holy misogyny

No. 2425462

They are both extremely forgettable anon

No. 2425463

Probably because they're arguing about female pop stars? I love RHCP too but they have fuckall to do with this discussion.

No. 2425464

Charli XCX is gonna be dead in 3 years from a heart attack due to cocaine overdosing. Katy is gonna live forever in the hearts of millions well for centuries to come.

No. 2425465

Who’s your favorite musician right now anon
What artist are you referring to specifically who never works with or encounters men ever though

No. 2425466

>Implying that RHCP is one person
Are you even old enough to drink

No. 2425467

Male artists aren't popular bc they have the best DSLs nona. This is why male artists/bands tend to actually have talent

No. 2425468

This is just cringe.

No. 2425469

Both are just trying to do what MIA has done for years, anyway.

No. 2425470

Did they tell men to kill themselves

No. 2425471

Just like Charli's music

No. 2425473

Katy has been having a psychotic break from reality for like a decade now

No. 2425475

Why are you moving the goalposts from troons and rapists to "men ever"?

No. 2425476

It's honestly sad that males are allowed to be judged solely for their musical talent while looking like cave trolls (Post Malone, Ed Sheeran, etc) while even "unconventionally attractive" women like Lizzo and Adele have to be super made-up and have perfect skin. I yearn for the day when a female musician can look as disgusting as a male one and still be lauded for her work.

No. 2425477

We’re talking about “putting money in mens pockets”, so that would include not just working with them as your producers but also regularly encountering men, living with them, giving them financial support, etc. That’s not goalpost shifting, that’s going based off your verbatim words

No. 2425478

You must be baiting. Katy has taken up residency in Vegas, that's a clear sign of a dead career.

No. 2425479

LMAOOO no way you're actually trying to say move the goal posts like I was just saying all because you're losing the war???? That is crazyyy oh my gosh Katy Perry lives in your mind rent free

No. 2425481

Millions disagree, sorry

No. 2425482

Millions of gay faggots that will die of AIDs and monkey pox, yeah.

No. 2425483

It seemed like there was a bit of progress with Alabama Shakes and Haim. Not saying they're ugly like Sheeran but definitely not bimbofied either. That sort of fizzled out and now we've got cake face Sabrina Carpenter. Honestly even if she is talented, I would never be able to take a grown woman like that seriously. It's just embarrassing

No. 2425484

Millions of people can be retarded

No. 2425485

I said putting money in both men's pockets, not "men's pockets". "Both men" are a rapist and a tranny. At least devise your copes better.

No. 2425487

We're not talking about Katy Perry's fanbase and production team here

No. 2425488

Here's a true unpopular opinion (on here at least): most of the musicians I listen to are dead scrotes. I don't care whether this makes me a "bad feminist," because I'm not a moralfag who forces every tiny facet of my life to conform to my politics. I prefer to compartmentalize, which is what most healthy, politically involved people do.

No. 2425489

kekk charlis not gonna share her coke with you honey you can quit trying kiss her ass

No. 2425490

>muh talented scrote
Idagf about most artists trying to be deep and artistic, but it's especially retarded when scrotes do it trying to present themselves as empathetic and understanding of struggles, you're a scrote what the hell do you struggle with? Male artists/bands have groupies made up of trafficked women and young girls.

No. 2425492

Unlike Katy, I'm not a crackhead

No. 2425493

I don't think many farmers are "that kind" of radfem or feminist or whatever. They're usually fleeing those places for reasons like this and end up here. There just aren't that many good female artists due to pick-meism and that is beyond our control. I think acknowledging this is healthy

No. 2425494

Getting really sick of anons who take every single opportunity to seethe about how much they hate evil poop dick fags and AIDS or whatever. We get it, you hate them and they live rent free in your head, but can you please stop derailing every other damn thread over it?

No. 2425495

File: 1740889021276.jpg (852.91 KB, 1280x1731, ben dennison.jpg)

I actually dont like pinups, most of the time i find them really kitschy and technically boring and stiff. But Playboy had tons of non-pinup artists, like the artist i mentioned who mostly drew cars, picrel. I read some of the older 50s/60s magazines and they are actually fairly interesting as ''men's lifetime magazines''. I wish there was an equivalent for women that mixes lifestyle advice, art and sexy guys.

No. 2425496

>I don't think many farmers are "that kind" of radfem or feminist or whatever
Oh, the infights I've seen…

No. 2425497

>due to pick-meism
Due to industry pressures on women also, lets be real. So many of our female pop stars these days are former child stars, groomed from birth for the sole purpose of being highly marketable sexual objects for mass consumption.

No. 2425498

Honestly it makes me laugh bc it's so unusual in these times. Don't take everything so seriously nona, I grew up with fags and actually love a few of them dearly. But have been moral-fagged to not think a single negative thing about them since I could understand language so this is really funny to me, in a dark humour sort of way

No. 2425499

File: 1740889132146.jpg (1.16 MB, 1242x2194, IMG_9266.jpg)

I will show up for Katy until the day I die. Listening to one of the most important songs of the 21st century right now. Katy Perry is the blueprint that so many posers try, and fail, to emulate. She is versatile - not in the Charli's fanbase kind of way (gay), and every song is so different but the quality is always the same: high - not in the way that Charli has to be to perform.

No. 2425500

We have to be the change we want to see in the world, anon. We have to make those magazines.

No. 2425502

You remind me of that fat guy on yt who talks about the most generic shitty pop like it's art and won't show his face. I think he's married to Lindsay Ellis. You prob smell like him(infighting)

No. 2425504

She had one good album

No. 2425505

You're talking to multiple anons, are you schizo?

No. 2425506

You're so obsessed with Charli because you know she's better kek

No. 2425507

Something tells me you're intimately familiar with how fat people smell. You probably smell that every day, huh? Meanwhile I'm 115 pounds and I wear Tom Ford.

Notice how nobody mentioned Charli until we started talking about failed musicians with bad songs? Weird right

No. 2425509

I know feminist consumption of media is practically impossible but dead scrote musicians are wife beaters and had sex with teenage girls, doesn't that bother you a little bit?

No. 2425510

>failed musicians with bad songs
Like Katy Perry, exactly

No. 2425512

AI art is art

No. 2425514

>I'll buy into anything new and shiny
Tom Ford is the most hilarious example you could have used, coming from a commercial pop faggot since his fragrance objectively smells cheap and is overpriced for no reason. I have $2 no name laundry detergent that smells exactly like his vanilla fragrance oil

No. 2425515

You wish Beyoncé had an ounce of Katy's talent. It's getting embarrassing.
The Grimes fan is back!

No. 2425516

>I use $2 no name laundry detergent
Contact dermatitis lives well in your shack

No. 2425517

Oh yeah, Grimes has been on a crazy meth bender for weeks and is a farmer now I guess

No. 2425521

I dont know who any of these randos are. I only listen to Karen Carpenter ,Janis Joplin and ABBA.

No. 2425522

Spanish or English ABBA?

No. 2425523

My Gen X parents love the Red hot chillipeppers.

Zoomies wearing the skin of gen x music like the pedo island visiting chilli peppers and Deftones are pathetic posers. Is it awkward liking the same music as your parents?

No. 2425524

magazines are dead nonny

No. 2425525

Are you 39? The only singers you know are Katy Perry and Beyonce (even the gen alpha ones are better than Katy, I don't know why you're causing her problems by bringing up Beyonce).

No. 2425526

Why not both

No. 2425527

just like grimes' career

No. 2425528

File: 1740889868857.jpg (157.3 KB, 1200x661, 1000020428.jpg)

Oh no, don't take away my Duran Duran too.

No. 2425529

It's pathetic tbh. There is still amazing music being made in the indie scene so it just shows they don't care about music or are being spoon fed in a different way. Everyone likes a few older bands/artists but to never branch out and find new music just shows a lack of curiosity, so you probably don't enjoy it that much imo

No. 2425530

why are you self inserting that hoe into my posts

No. 2425531

>Zoomies wearing the skin of gen x music like the pedo island visiting chilli peppers and Deftones are pathetic posers
What?? Are you saying gen z is weird about deftones and chilli peppers or that gen z is weird for supporting pedophiles

No. 2425532

the grimes fan forgot to take her abilify. typical(infight bait)

No. 2425533

On the topic of music, I wish Morrissey would come back to Oregon but at his last concert there was a bunch of protestors so now he hasn’t returned for like 6 years.

No. 2425534

I miss faggy artists like him that would start beef with randoms. Modern musician gossip is boring as fuck. He's used to be so milky.

No. 2425537

Why are you still seething about Grimes and calling random anons the Grimes fan? Were you that hurt by Katy being talentless?

No. 2425538

Duran Duran is unironically terrible even to gen X kek. Some 80s pop music is great, I'm not against liking music outside of your generation but my gen x parents do really love the red hot chili peppers and deftones, and it is sad when children go to the concerts of those geriatric pedophiles.

What bothers me aside from the pedophilia is its clear the chili peppers in particular are popular because white men rapping has become normalized and popular among zoomies all of a sudden instead of mocked brutally like it was with vanilla ice and eminem. This shows some very pathetic skin wearing wigger culture where whats considered cool can be flipped on a dime if enough dorks say so. It seems hypocritical to me and posery.

No. 2425541

I'm listening to Teenage Dream right now, just like I do every night. Meanwhile Grimes is smoking cheap meth right now on her green card. Makes you think

No. 2425542

The only good Disney movie are Lilo and Stitch and Sleeping Beauty.

No. 2425543

I'm just tired of hearing the same songs over and over and think this is another case of old fags taking over everything and trying to play puppetmaster when it comes to new talent/not allowing music to evolve organically. I'm so tired of hearing about rap artists and their "empires", they're all fags too

No. 2425544

Sounding like a mentally ill gay man lol

No. 2425546

Keep projecting

No. 2425547

NTAYRT but there’s nothing masculine about Teenage dream

No. 2425548

Okay I got served on this one, but Happy Nation by Ace Of Base was a bop. Am I allowed to have that? Can Ace Of Base stay on the playlist?

No. 2425549

Deftones didn't go to the pedophile island to my knowledge unlike red hot chili peppers. I just included Deftones because its another example of a band gen x parents love that their zoomer children now suddenly love.

No. 2425550

>mocked brutally like it was with vanilla ice and eminem
I think you've been on other parts of the internet a little too long. Eminem is one of the best selling artists of all time kek

No. 2425551

I don't listen to any one musician every single night, that's weird and overfixated like a moid living vicariously

Gay pop music scrotes aren't masculine either

No. 2425552

It's expected that Grimes' fans are so delusional that they feel the need to project their demons on everyone else. It's genuinely sad and I hope that they get the help that they need to recover from whatever they're going through.

No. 2425554

Meds, now.

No. 2425556

File: 1740890728331.png (756.09 KB, 1000x563, GettyImages-1388170536.png)

>I have no respect for geriatric music faggots.
Green Day, Blink 182 and other shitty pop-punk/punk-rock bands are the worst offenders imo. They are so lame and cheesy, yet think they're so cool kek

No. 2425557

There’s nothing wrong with having a song or album you love listening to regularly, anon.

No. 2425558

Seek therapy kek

No. 2425560

The music ain't that great

No. 2425561

i listen to ultraviolence everyday, is that a moidish thing to do?

No. 2425563

teenage dream is actually really beautiful

No. 2425564

Is it racebait to say that Kourtney's starting to look a bit like a lady who works in a self serve spice shop that also sells cigarettes and porn?

No. 2425565

Only if you act like the weirdo anon malding about other artists all day for hours and worshiping LDR or Katy.

No. 2425566

They're mad that Katy Perry's music can be played on repeat every day without ever becoming tiresome. Meanwhile people can't name anything by Grimes' besides Genesis.

Katy Perry doesn't have a thread on /snow/, but Grimes' does. Maybe you need to calm down and take a step back. Women with opinions don't need to "seek therapy," might be hard for you to understand.

Don't bother responding to that troll.

No. 2425568

It's because Katy is a philosopher just like she's an artist. Her music speaks to the soul. Her discography is the score for the century.

No. 2425569

I don't like Grimes, you just seem very mentally ill. This isn't a YouTube comment section.

No. 2425571

Oh I seem mentally ill now? Because I like Katy Perry? Get a grip

No. 2425573

>see the word "AI"
>Instantly sperg about some literally who named "grime"
Is this what living "rent free" on someone's head is like?

No. 2425574

KEKKKKK no way you're pretending that you don't know who grimes is after spending hours defending her…

No. 2425575

Mentioning Chapelle roan in these discussions is insulting for all parties involved. She's so irrelevant. I automatically ignore anyone bringing her up as a valid option

No. 2425578

Did anyone even mention her?

No. 2425579

I command F’d chappell roan and…don’t see her being brought up? Kek

No. 2425580

This thread is full of gypsies, tramps and thieves.

No. 2425581

NTA, are you new to imageboards? You know there are multiple posters here, right? This is so embarrassing.

No. 2425583

I also can't think of any other artist defending AI other than Grimes. They have something to lose if AI takes over music, Grimes would be the only person benefiting from that. It only took this clip for everyone to hate Ashlee Simpson, I think everyone feels bad for Grimes bc they instinctively perceive her as disabled

No. 2425584

Ntayrt anon but I’m just gonna let you know, there’s like at least 8,000 other anons posting here with you. At least as far as we know

No. 2425586

File: 1740891670245.jpg (27.94 KB, 540x500, illness.jpg)

No. 2425587

My tinfoil is that both these posters are the same schizo

No. 2425588

File: 1740891748829.jpg (67.67 KB, 1082x828, hank-hill-9000-2735304833.jpg)

No. 2425589

>t. the schizoid grimes' fan

No. 2425594

Carpet Muncher sounds cute, not really derogatory. Leave it to moids to try making eating pussy and liking bushes something bad.

No. 2425598

No. 2425599

Stop projecting

No. 2425604

I genuinely do think that a lot of moids would be happy if they allowed themselves to take on the sterotypical dainty housewife role with another man to "live life on easy mode".

No. 2425610

Anyone in particular you have in mind nona

No. 2425613

Honestly, I've met a lot of guys who gave me this impression kek

No. 2425617

There are some older gay couples that establish this but the dainty one is usually older or has an extreme lack of testosterone. Moids are programmed to go out and seek sex, so they have to be fucked up in some way for that to work. A nice eunuch, perhaps

No. 2425644

Isn’t this just the average moid roommate relationship

No. 2425645

NTA but JD Vance comes to mind

No. 2425662

Chocolate milk is best enjoyed in a crystal goblet.

No. 2425668

Gross, chocolate milk should only be drank from ceramic cups or maybe plastic cups for that childhood nostalgia kick.

No. 2425670

File: 1740899300349.jpg (75.71 KB, 1000x1000, il_fullxfull.371324210_rrl7-15…)

>or maybe plastic cups

No. 2425671

The glass makes it taste better.

No. 2425673

File: 1740899583253.jpg (788.19 KB, 2437x3024, 1-P6290243-428753937.JPG)

My mom enjoys those cups. Have you thought about bedazzling it? You're supposed to do that to drink Hennessey out of it, which is a popular spirit among farmers kek

No. 2425675

File: 1740899595952.webp (5.85 KB, 220x229, lanky.webp)

Wtf that looks like lanky kong

No. 2425676

File: 1740899677618.png (1.57 MB, 900x1200, s-l1200.png)

Yeah you're right, if he put his hands on his hips he's pretty much the nestle quik cup. Here is a less good option

No. 2425678

No 'cause it's not my cup it's my mom's kek. I don't think cups should be bedazzled that's for phone cases and shit.

No. 2425679

File: 1740900007829.jpg (26.36 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

I liked the sonic-fied version of this rabbit best.

No. 2425682

File: 1740900559945.jpg (130.53 KB, 669x997, 4ebb76ab0a0e353c26cdd31aa4e335…)

I knew it was a mom goblet, I think mine inherited hers from her mom. They just appeared in our house recently, I can't find a really good goblet-y picrel

No. 2425686

The one I got looks similar to that. I'll get my own one day so I can drink more chocolate milk.

No. 2425891

Having kids and giving them nice things really isn’t that hard. Idk how my parents were so broke and couldn’t by anything fun or nice especially in the 80s-90s.

No. 2425910

File: 1740925823002.webp (236.82 KB, 1600x900, IMG_5536.webp)

Steal magnolias just a cautionary tale of what happens when you’re too much of a pick me. It’s a story about a woman with really bad health issues, despite doctors telling her she will die if she gives birth she does it because she wants to have a baby with a shitty man who cheats and then replaced her 6 months after her death. She dies in the end but it’s unfortunately what she deserves and she was selfish.

No. 2425917

I don't get how she died from childbirth just because she had diabetes. I get her diabetes was pretty severe but like just take your fucking insulin girl come on. Why even have the kid before getting that shit under control, like the kid will probably grow up with type 1 diabetes since their mom had such a poor case during pregnancy.

No. 2425959

Wasn’t it supposed to take place at a time when beetus medication wasn’t super great? You had to have a very specific diet and routine incompatible with a lot of normal life and things like that

No. 2425972

I could be wrong, but pregnancy affects your ability to be on certain medications, and I imagine that might include diabetes medicine.

Shelby was NGMI, she was raised in the deep South. She was always going to be a retard and try to have baybees with a worthless cheater moid because that's what the Bible expects of women. She was never going to just adopt a kid like a sensible person.

No. 2425979

I swear there was in anon in /g/ at some point who said she had a childhood crush on the Nesquik rabbit.

No. 2425993

File: 1740933128450.jpeg (177.62 KB, 1200x984, IMG_8111.jpeg)

Makeup only makes you less beautiful.
Left is way more beautiful than right.

No. 2425995

Yeah okay. I'm sure you'd love to walk around with a distracting birthmark on your nose anon

No. 2425997

She looks way better with makeup on

No. 2425999

She looks retarded with makeup on

No. 2426000

File: 1740933623637.jpeg (111.33 KB, 809x1403, IMG_8114.jpeg)

I don't know what's up with that pic., but she doesn't have a birthmark.
I disagree. She looks oily and greasy. The eyeliner and mascara makes her eyes look polluted.
I agree.

No. 2426005

No birthmark I agree but this is filtered beyond recognition (her freckles have disappeared and her features are blending into her skin). Most "make up free" selfies are heavily filtered. Anons should only trust what they see irl but I get that is difficult in this era

No. 2426008

Looks like a teenage boy without makeup

No. 2426009

Holy shit what the fuck has happened to this thread? women don't naturally have eyeliner and bright pink lipstick

No. 2426011

Nta but I had a beautiful dutch friend growing up with bright red lips and women with dark eyelashes have defined eyes naturally. It's really neat to see women's beautiful natural features when there are less cake-faces in the world

No. 2426012

People don’t naturally have a lot of things. I just prefer her unnatural face.

No. 2426013

She is so pretty, I think the issue is the eyeliner is just unflattering for her. I do agree she looks prettier without the makeup though. Hard to tell if that's a birth mark or an injury.

No. 2426014

I know people like that exist but not like this >>2425993

No. 2426017

Birthmarks are a non issue. What matters is symmetry, harmony and bone structure

No. 2426019

No but I find her makeup outdated looking, the eyeliner is too harsh and I'm not sure why anyone still wears a liquid liner cat eye in 2025. It's definitely played out for at least a decade, like most elements of "instagram face"

No. 2426021

Yeah the makeup is unflattering, especially the eyeliner. She looks fine in the pictures without makeup though.

No. 2426025

The pic's only to prove she doesn't have a birthmark.

No. 2426028

She looks best in original pic >>2425993 minus facial injury, I think most anons agree with you

No. 2426030

Anons arguing about Teenage Dream has me listening to it on repeat now kek, I miss when this was on the radio all day long

No. 2426036

Yes, but I think, in general, faces look worse with makeup than without.

No. 2426039

Pregnancy doesn't stop you from taking insulin, though it could increase insulin resistance in some instances due to the increase of hormones, so she'd probably have to take way more since her beetus was already out of whack.
They had injectable insulin in 1923, but since the movie takes place in the south she probably had really bad endocrinology care. Even still, she would have been injecting insulin anyway, and she would have been able to use a blood glucose monitor as well. To be fair, apparently bio-synthetic insulin only became a thing in '82 (this was great because it meant less adverse allergic reactions than animal insulin) so she probably had shit control of her beetus because she probably had bad effects on animal insulin, but AFAIK the movie doesn't acknowledge this aspect but it was probably the entire reason she had poor control in the first place. That or her beetus medical care was just flat out horrible. Either way it's kind of a realistic tragedy. Kidney dysfunction is very easy to get with diabetes and yet women with diabetes give birth and live all the time. In some cases there is really no way to know what will happen to you since it's such a volatile disease. It's kind of sad. She should have just adopted a child if she wanted one so much though.

No. 2426042

Men do not like each other. I've never in my life seen men have a positive relationship with each other, if they do manage to make friends it's surface level and limited to playing video games and sharing porn

No. 2426047

File: 1740936231949.jpg (173.95 KB, 1199x1200, 710WgY6m0uL._SL1200_.jpg)

Makeup tutorial videos taught women to layer makeup like drag queens and create a weird uniface across the world. Anon recommends this book, written by a makeup artist who is actually a woman and promotes wearing less makeup and not spending a ton of time or money on it either

No. 2426053

File: 1740936631850.jpg (36.12 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-121226641-612x612.…)

>speedrunning this book by not reading it and spending 0 dollars on makeup

No. 2426056

samefag ignore the adolescent theme btw, I genuinely think most women should forget tips originating from drag queens and start completely from scratch

No. 2426057

File: 1740936789185.png (672.47 KB, 1200x675, galaxy-brain-m-stage-3-1106679…)

>being realistic and understanding most women are not going to completely give up makeup just bc I ask them to

No. 2426058

A lot of single moms are genuinely amazing people, but some are genuinely idiots who decided to be some misogynistic morons 5th baby mama and was shocked he got milk like he did for all his other kids. I feel bad because they give normal single moms bad names

No. 2426061

I didn't ask anyone to do anything, I'm sharing my own joy about not personally not needing some book to tell me how to save time and money.

No. 2426062

No matter how you do your makeup, it will never be more beautiful than revealing your good skincare.

No. 2426071

File: 1740937751116.png (1.08 MB, 1500x675, before_after.png)

The original purpose of makeup was to accentuate natural beauty and hide minor imperfections, not create a mask. Carmindy's one of the only surviving 90s makeup artists who doesn't do cake-face. It looks good imo

No. 2426075

she looks better before, the victorian-ass blushing that's popular looks awful.

No. 2426077

I watched the video and it made me realize how out of touch I must be. When I wear makeup I basically do the same thing as her, which I thought was normal. Outside of teenagers and the terminally online, is this not what most women do for their makeup? I thought the drag queen look was dated and people rarely did that every single day anyways. Isn’t the trend towards minimalist makeup looks like the clean girl aesthetic now?

No. 2426086

This vidrel is from 13 yrs ago kek
>Outside of teenagers and the terminally online, is this not what most women do for their makeup?
You sound like me if I hadn't lurked fb last year and didn't watch so much reality tv. I have no idea anymore nona. I used to think this was obvious but I'm so confused now

No. 2426091

i figured it was old but it's still how many women use blush, it looks bad

No. 2426099

File: 1740939083163.jpg (7.34 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-285419728.jpg)

I tried it last year but couldn't find the actual shade I make when I blush, so it just looked weird and fake. Foundation covers natural blushing anyways, I actually agree that good skin is best >>2426062 bc then you don't need foundation or blush but that is not always possible idk

No. 2426102

some women still do the drag queen makeup but like 90% of women I know don't. They either go no-makeup or very light (mascara, concealer, lipgloss)

No. 2426105

>The original purpose of makeup was to accentuate natural beauty and hide minor imperfections
It's impossible to accentuate natural beauty with unnatural paint. Nature can only be improved with nature (skincare), not with unnature (oily and greasy cosmetics).
And minor imperfections are part of natural beauty. I think a little darkness under the eye, or a little bit of freckles, are beautiful. It's a wabi-sabi thing. Foundation and concealer always make the face look plastic. The inconsistency of natural skin is what gives it the beauty.
>she looks better before

No. 2426107

skincare is no closer to nature than makeup though, it's still a product sold by an industry preying on insecurities. by that logic the truest natural beauty would be only scrubbing with water sometimes like humans of the past

No. 2426113

>a little bit of dark circles
This is a typical moid take. Every woman hears how they shouldn't wear makeup bc they all look better naturally and that isn't true. The vast majority of women objectively look better with light makeup, in a way that accentuates or minimizes distractions
I don't even have a skincare routine tbh, I just eat well but there are anons who will always have skin issues, no matter what they do. They might prefer to wear light makeup and benefit from a skincare routine

No. 2426119

>scrubbing with water sometimes like humans of the past
kek so do I have a primitive skincare routine?

No. 2426122

I think it's cultural. Where I grew up with and even where I moved to most girls and women don't wear make up on their day to day and most look perfectly fine if not beautiful ( that includes things such as discoloration or acne scars). I think makeup can look distracting be it good or bad, light or not, vs someone's normal face ( especially if a woman doesn't wear makeup much).

No. 2426125

>skincare is no closer to nature than makeup though
Moisturizer isn't natural, but the process by which skin absorbs and benefits from it is. Much like how surgical stitches aren't natural, but the way the skin heals from the stitches is. In any case, you don't actually look at moisturizer itself, the same way you look at foundation or mascara, because the former is absorbed into the skin and becomes one with it, while the latter sits on top, never truly united.
>Every woman hears how they shouldn't wear makeup
Bullshit. Everyone tells women to wear makeup, both moids and other women.

No. 2426129

File: 1740940434219.jpg (435.43 KB, 2048x960, 89401227-1898714375.jpg)

You're the aella-anon who doesn't shower aren't you
I get it and corporations have tried this too but it isn't "beauty", the way we're discussing it (or I'm trying to). I think my grandmother was beautiful but it's different than the reasons people used to be hired for modeling. This is all very strange and sometimes I feel like I've woken up in a strange world where I need to explain basic concepts and principles to aliens and they all make me sound like an asshole (but are still true)

No. 2426137

There's not really a solidly defined type of beauty; much is arbitrary and depends on the times ( after all only relatively recent has makeup been for just women in history nor has makeup been seen as something to highlight beauty in itself. Much was a marker of class or related to spirituality if we go far back enough). The only thing you could argue is possibly symmetry and shit but makeup isn't the fix all boost some people think it is. And generally it doesn't matter whenever or not someone is Model Tier beautiful because it doesn't stop people from finding someone beautiful on their day to day.

No. 2426147

There's a difference between beauty, which never changes, and fashion, for which people like to use the word beauty.

No. 2426150

It feels performative to fixate on "being natural" re: beauty when everything from food to clothes is loaded with microplastics and children are hitting puberty earlier and earlier. It's all gone to shit, I'm not really bothered if a woman paints her face like a wall. It's definitely not feminist, it's just not the worst thing ever either.
The current mainstream beauty standard isn't about nature, it's about specific forms and colors that often veer into artificiality (and this is how HSTS trannies were allowed to "be a thing"). The only way out seems to be to either abandon the "beauty" concept as far as humans go, or cultivate your own inner beauty standard and ruthlessly guard your mind against any kind of outer messaging that goes against it (which will be a neverending task).

No. 2426151

This is what I mean, I don't even have an example I can meaningfully argue with bc this is such a bizarre discussion in the first place. Everyone understands instinctively what the concept of "beauty" is and I'm not going to position myself as The Bad Nona debating your idea that any face can be beautiful bc weebism and using language to circumvent reality. It's just an impossible position to argue from and ignores all current and former context of the idea, I literally wouldn't know where to begin kek

No. 2426152

>I won't admit I'm wrong
>I'll just say argument is impossible

No. 2426154

I personally don't think so; or at least it always gets filtered by human biases and whatever society deems to be attractive at the moment ( be it in aesthetics or visual features). You can think it's beautiful but many may disagree simply because it's not what's in anymore ( I think solidly structured faces are good on both sexes but society at large likes their women to look soft with dainty features as far as whats considered conventionally attractive. In some places features like that are generally not acknowledged at all as being beautiful while in others they may be some wiggle room depending on other factors)

No. 2426156

>I think it’s cultural
Yeah this definitely plays into it. I’m a burger but am from an area where women are expected to be “done up” and wear makeup no matter the occasion, even just for going out and doing errands. When I moved to another region I was immediately struck by how the expectations for makeup were completely different there.

No. 2426157

>beauty standard
Meme phrase

No. 2426158

I was trying to explain as politely as possible that you/that anon are too delusional or retarded to argue with but okay

No. 2426160

Sorry, but we live in a society and memes propageate.

No. 2426165

>it always gets filtered by human biases and whatever society deems to be attractive at the moment
That's fashion
>many may disagree simply because it's not what's in anymore
That's fashion
>society at large likes their women to look soft with dainty features as far as whats considered conventionally attractive
That's fashion
>In some places features like that are generally not acknowledged at all as being beautiful
That's fashion

No. 2426166

NTA, stop arguing semantics and post what you consider a beautiful face.

No. 2426167

No, you just gave up but refused to admit you're wrong

No. 2426171

>nooooooo we have to do everything society tells us to do even when they're wrong

No. 2426173

So human beauty is then largely a construct

No. 2426174

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I hate anime art where the women have tiny heads and massive breasts. It looks so ugly to me.

No. 2426178

Idk who that is but I usually just splash water on my face and if my skin looks dehydrated I just dilute water with olive oil and rub it on my face. Never had any skin problems.

No. 2426179

When did I say that? Shitty bait nona, you can do better

No. 2426183

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No. 2426185

>we live in a society

No. 2426187

gremlin tier

No. 2426188

Fashion is not beauty

No. 2426189

A lot of anime artists give them really short arms, too, for some reason. Like, surely they can see how weird it looks kek

No. 2426190

>if i disagree with something or don't follow it, it doesn't exist and never happens
>social consensus and standards are non-existent
>what's a society? stop trying to control me

No. 2426192

Babies are kind of gross. I don't hate them or anything, they just aren't that cute. I feel like nearly every other animal has cuter babies than humans.

No. 2426194

>you have to do what everyone else does, say what everyone else says, think what everyone else thinks

No. 2426195

>i didn't read the post that made me upset award

No. 2426196

What is beauty then to you? Also I explicitly talked about faces and how cultural perception shapes opinions on someone's physical features outside of clothes, makeup and etc

No. 2426197

You used the phrase "beauty standards", and I said that phrase was bullshit, and you said you had to use the phrase because that's what everyone else uses.

No. 2426199

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I'm not wrong but I don't feel like explaining the basis of beauty preference and how that relates to avoiding deformed/sick babies and related boring topics. Magdalen Berns is considered one of the sexiest lesbians according to terfs and fits very few beauty standards (other than modelesque cheekbones/bone structure). This is bc those anons are attracted to her self actualization, wit, intelligence, bravery and personality. It doesn't mean she's suddenly attractive to everyone. You're Dove beauty campaigning and we all know what that is

No. 2426201

I didn't say I "had to use" anything. I used it because I'm a human communicating with what I hope are other humans, and it is a descriptor for social consensus/constructs I don't have to agree with to observe. That's what is meant by living in a society and propagation of memes. I also said
>The only way out seems to be to either abandon the "beauty" concept as far as humans go, or cultivate your own inner beauty standard and ruthlessly guard your mind against any kind of outer messaging that goes against it (which will be a neverending task).

No. 2426205

That's not the same as beauty
>beauty standards
meme phrase

No. 2426206

NTA, but are you ESL or just autistic?

No. 2426207

>What is beauty
That which pleases the eye spiritually.
This is distinct from fashion, which pleases the eye with consumerism and conformity, and from sexiness, which pleases the eye erotically.

No. 2426208

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>Beauty is commonly described as a feature of objects that makes them pleasurable to perceive. Such objects include landscapes, sunsets, humans and works of art. Beauty, art and taste are the main subjects of aesthetics, one of the fields of study within philosophy. As a positive aesthetic value, it is contrasted with ugliness as its negative counterpart.

>One difficulty in understanding beauty is that it has both objective and subjective aspects: it is seen as a property of things but also as depending on the emotional response of observers. Because of its subjective side, beauty is said to be "in the eye of the beholder".[2] It has been argued that the ability on the side of the subject needed to perceive and judge beauty, sometimes referred to as the "sense of taste", can be trained and that the verdicts of experts coincide in the long run. This suggests the standards of validity of judgments of beauty are intersubjective, i.e. dependent on a group of judges, rather than fully subjective or objective.

>Conceptions of beauty aim to capture what is essential to all beautiful things. Classical conceptions define beauty in terms of the relation between the beautiful object as a whole and its parts: the parts should stand in the right proportion to each other and thus compose an integrated harmonious whole. Hedonist conceptions see a necessary connection between pleasure and beauty, e.g. that for an object to be beautiful is for it to cause disinterested pleasure. Other conceptions include defining beautiful objects in terms of their value, of a loving attitude toward them or of their function.


No. 2426210

Different words mean different things. "sexy" is different from "beautiful.

No. 2426215

Don't listen to this anon, she's not me

No. 2426219

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>That which pleases the eye spiritually.
Does that count?

No. 2426221

It does now. Fuck that anon

No. 2426222

The phrase "beauty standard" has nothing to do with beauty, but sophists use it for equivocation and fallicious arguments. You are perfectly capable of using other words.

No. 2426223

I thought that was a given with the often times uttered phrase of " Beauty is subjective/ in the eye of the beholder". I think makeup is mostly mid and doesn't fit into my own conception of beauty even though most/ many think the opposite for whatever reason

No. 2426224

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I do not care about gay men one way or the other. Probably just an unpopular opinion on here specifically, where everyone is seemingly either a fujoshi or a lunatic constantly seething about the evil fags.

No. 2426225

>fits very few beauty standards
>symmetrical face, large eyes, clear skin, fluffy hair, thin

No. 2426226

Don't believe in clichés

No. 2426229

Agreed. They look like pugs to me. It also doesn't help that they're bald.

No. 2426230

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>fits very few beauty standards
Yep, it's true. Just leave it as it is appalachia

No. 2426231

The term is fine.

No. 2426232

I do this one if only because there was an anon implying here Lesbian Anons only wanted to fuck Berns because of Her Sheer Charisma lol

No. 2426235

No. 2426238

No, it's not. It uses the word beauty but it only means something else. Otherwise it's the same as transwomen are women because it has the word women in it.

No. 2426241

ok tranny

No. 2426243

>my own conception of beauty
There's no conception of beauty, there's only the conception of fashion.

No. 2426244

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Those same anons would also want to fuck Grace Jones and moids get angry when you post her picrel. Some women are attracted to androgyny, it's still not conventionally attractive or beautiful to most people and usually requires weird philosophical self-grooming

No. 2426247

There is a conception of beauty. There are features I find pleasing to my senses that have nothing to do with consumerism or conformity.

No. 2426248

Who cares what moids think?

No. 2426249

Why one can't use the term beauty?

No. 2426250

You're going into the contraption. I'm putting you in the device.

No. 2426251

>I find pleasing to my senses that have nothing to do with consumerism or conformity.
Then it pleases with familiarity, or novelty, or comfort, or surprise, or a thousand different things. But it doesn't mean spiritually.

No. 2426252

Beauty pleases the eye spiritually. The spirit cannot be conceived. Therefore, there is no "concept of beauty".

No. 2426253

What the hell are you talking about?

No. 2426255

You don't speak for my spirit, hylic.

No. 2426256

No. 2426257

What about me?

No. 2426264

>Some women are attracted to androgyny, it's still not conventionally attractive or beautiful to most people

No. 2426265

>conventionally attractive or beautiful
That's fashion, not beauty

No. 2426266

>usually requires weird philosophical self-grooming
so delusional and crazy to be so bothered and confused by a small minority of people feeling differently than you do that think that opinions that differ from yours are the result of brainwashing kek.

No. 2426269

uk /ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəl/ us /ˈbjuː.tə.fəl/
Add to word list
very attractive:
a beautiful woman
breathtakingly beautiful scenery
She was wearing a beautiful dress.

No. 2426273

First search result, you're free to look up your own definition anon

No. 2426274

That's the fashion

No. 2426277

File: 1740944595632.gif (1.78 MB, 538x640, alre-grey-cat-smile-cat-smile-…)

>conventionally attractive or beautiful
So that is covered. Have a nice afternoon combative anons. Don't hate me bc I am ~beautiful~

No. 2426279

>conventionally (attractive or beautiful)
>(conventionally attractive) or (conventionally beautiful)
Don't try to trick me

No. 2426280

Use Johnson's Dictionary

No. 2426301

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I genuinely think everyone will be bald in the future. I believe that as technological advancements continue to evolve, we will drift further away from our humanity. The further we move from it, the more our human traits may be seen as primitive and undesirable. Artificial enhancements and synthetic styles will become the norm and widely sought after while natural biological traits may come to be seen as outdated and a sign of lower status. I've noticed that many sci-fi movies set in the future portray bald people. Even the Engineers in Prometheus are bald and are depicted as the most technologically advanced species. Compared to our ancestors we have significantly less body hair and that change began when we developed more advanced tools. Now it is seen as unhygienic and primitive. I know this doesn't really apply to men for now…but women who say they like hairy men still associate it with a caveman look. Clean shaved men with short and sleek hair are considered more put-together and polished compared to hairy rugged men. Even the beauty standards for women is getting more and more artificial and our natural state is demonized compated to women in the past. I think as cyborg-like enhancements become more common in the future, we’ll likely see a stronger cultural focus on artificial,clean and optimized appearances. Hair still looks too raw and natural and I think baldness will be the shift that strips away much of our humanity.(ai outside of containment)

No. 2426332

Hair exists to protect your body nonny lol, I don’t think the existence of technology/more “sleek” looking stuff is gonna change that human need

No. 2426357

I don't mind the head, that's just the style, but there's no way it can be possible to have such tiny arms and such huge breasts, that can't be attributed to style.

No. 2426368

first of all, we're going to die of societal collapse due to extensive environmental damage and shit resource management, so that will never happen. Second, there will be no reason for people to stop liking good hair. Even in your hairless cartoons with no pubic hair or armpit hair they have flowing locks regardless of gender.

No. 2426388

Body hair also protects us and I dont understand how hair is a human need when many people shave their head lol
>we're going to die of societal collapse due to extensive environmental damage and shit resource management
That's less likely to happen that baldness becoming a trend.
>Second, there will be no reason for people to stop liking good hair
Peoples preferences are feeble and easily manipulated. In one part of the world you get shit on for having pale skin while in others, people risk their physical health to reduce their melanin. The only reason you are saying that is because good hair is CURRENTLY desirable and you can't fathom a future where that isn't the case. We had crazier beauty trends in the past like very crooked teeth, feet binding, neck rings, black teeth and intricate body scars. Even the practice of surgically mutilating yourself to fit current beauty standards and putting foreign objects in your body to get the appearance of a larger bust is bizarre to me. I don't understand how shaving your head to fit the standards in the future is more bizarre and unfathomable than what we currently have normalized.

No. 2426397

Well nonna the slickback bun is in so we're closer than you might think

No. 2426401

that kind of evolution would take mininally tens of thousands of years.

No. 2426472

>tens of thousands of years.
>being bald is for advanced humanoids.

No. 2426477

>I genuinely think everyone will be bald in the future.
nah because it's too ugly, especially bald men

No. 2426499

Japan seems like literal hell to live in. I mean it’s definitely not as bad as other nations but imagine living there, I would actually lose my mind. The same thing goes for living in France and the UK. I would die

No. 2426502

Yeah I've heard about stuff from individuals (moids) over there like the Giselle case, don't know about what it's like for average French women living there though

No. 2426513

What about the countryside where people are old and you can probably punch them out if they tried doing shit?

No. 2426516

Let’s be real anon, it probably sucks just like it probably sucks to be a woman all over the world just in unique little flavors ranging from yeah it’s ok to fat raging misogynistic ethnic uncle who runs the family like Saddam Hussein. Even Muslim women look at Weatern women and notice how shitty it can be kek, it sucks literally everywhere
>thinking of punching old people down
Kek wtf

No. 2426518

She's the best pop star in history to me. She's perfect. Looks, personality, singing/voice, style, genres, dance, live performances, fashion. Everything. I love her.

No. 2426520

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Survival of the fittest.

No. 2426524

You guys are still talking about mainstream pop music? Okay, 90's Madonna is better than anything brought up itt
They are literally already prepared to gang stalk you, anon

No. 2426526

I would not want to live in any Asian country besides maybe Mongolia or kazakhstan replied to the wrong anon kek

No. 2426527

No. 2426544

Just more to knock out.

No. 2426607

>defending rap a as if it isn't a genre filled with criminals, pedos, misogynists regardless of race.
Not to mention, it sucks ass and takes 0 talent. Literally one of the worst genres in history.

No. 2426620

>Duran Duran is unironically terrible even to gen X kek.
Thank you for speaking the truth

No. 2426652

As someone with family members who've been preyed on by actual religious cults it pisses me off when people call any given self-policing ideological echochamber a cult. There are already words for the dynamic you're describing.

No. 2426740

Are the women standing on the sides of the street holding up signs prostitutes? If so, then that's fucking messed up

No. 2426744

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I've been thinking about this plant based chicken all day. I'm sad I've never gotten to try it bc so many chicken eaters are selfish and seeing this makes them angry

No. 2426745

Disgusting. Men should be forced to do this shit for the next 500 years. Too bad they're mostly too ugly lmao.

No. 2426747

>so many chicken eaters are selfish and seeing this makes them angry
>t. chicken eater

No. 2426749

>Chicken eaters are selfish
But then wouldn’t they just get normal chicken, not plant based

No. 2426751

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I think aggressive chicken eaters get angry and make verbally abusive comments to the kfc staff, since plant based options always sell out really quickly but are never available. Or Big Chicken is behind it, one or the other

No. 2426756

I don't get 'ethical' vegetarians/vegans who still support corporate consoomerist goyslop like this. As if their choice to buy soylent for a ridiculous price negates the fact that KFC is still the place where chickens die. Like do you think this makes a difference because you were told it does?

No. 2426757

I don't care about the things you're saying I just want to eat this fake chicken fried in deathfat oils

No. 2426774

are you vegan/vegetarian? if so, that is a valid opinion, if not - stupid

No. 2426777

I swear you're all trying to self-induce schizophrenia

No. 2426780

my vegetarian family member said their vegetarian nuggets were disgusting. i doubt you were missing out on anything.

No. 2426783

"I want plant based chicken fried next to real dead chickens" kind of doesn't make sense.. methinks it wasn't the chicken eaters who were mad at this

No. 2426829

Veterans should not be praised or worshipped at the rate that they are. "God bless the Vietnam veterans!" Meanwhile what did they do? Raped and murdered women and children. Seriously, why are veterans bootlicked all the time?

No. 2426839

seconding kek, also Bhutan

No. 2426948

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i love her music so much. i relate so much to her life story with her parents and shit because im gay. i hate trannies but goddamn i cant see her as one, even if she looks bogged as fuck nowadays.(baiting repost)

No. 2426956

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Can you shut the fuck up about this negative octave faggot, and go take your "pronouns respect" back to tumblr or twitter? You already tried this in the vent thread, and nobody is amused that you want to suck this tranny's dick while calling him a woman. Now go clean the turkish delights off your fingers and go take a shower before you start cursing me out like a fucking turkey.(report and ignore)

No. 2426958

in the vent thread you said i should take it to the unpopular opinions thread, now youre harassing me again. moid behaviour. also infighting. fuck you.(infighting)

No. 2426976

Anon, if you really love someone and hold them dear to your heart you wouldn't post them here to watch other people relentlessly shit on them. You are going to accomplish nothing.

No. 2427007

Arguing and beating people up is fun

No. 2427022

You don't beat up anyone. You probably can't.

No. 2427040

It's usually hell for Japanophiles that don't do their research going in and think pop culture is a reflection of what their society is like and not a cope for it. Most ESL teachers have a decent time. If you do office work and can manage to avoid companies with a Japanese culture, even better.
In terms of socializing, yeah there's no way around that. Most Japanese people don't want to be genuine friends with someone they haven't already spent a better part of their life with. Not that that's different from other countries though.

No. 2427128

Unconditional romantic love only exists for males. You can be a crack head and a loser and still find a decent woman to take care of you if you’re a dude.

No. 2427149

Muh macho masculine dangers cool job or something like that

No. 2427161

Nah, there's decent people of both sexes.

No. 2427175

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I'm wary of married people and picrel is the reason why.

No. 2427179

Can you name examples of men's unconditional romantic love towards women because I've never seen it, but I've seen plenty of successful attractive women with loser deadbeat moids who abuse them emotionally/physically.

No. 2427211

Group dynamics are the evilest thing in the world.

No. 2427234

Do you mean at work? I don't think anyone disagrees with that other than HR

No. 2427252

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This is a worry of mine when i get older. I don't want to get married or have children because i don't trust scrotes, but most women do want to get married with a scrote and have children. When i'm in my 40s, who's gonna be there for me? If i ever become too crippled for my age, say 70 years old and up, i'll can shoot myself and put myself out of my misery. But i don't even think it's a problem exclusive to age, late teen girls (18-19) and women in their 20s still drop everything for their scrote and you are secondary to them, and even if you are close friends she will love her scrote she met 5 months ago over her friend of 15 years, they will police you over your opinions, actions, choices and expression both personal and of other people on whether they are (socially) correct enough (regardless of what popular thinking/ideology they subscribe to), but ready to accept their beloved scrote just the way they are, make excuses for their behaviour and opinions or straight up change everything about themselves for him. Women will never be as loved as scrotes, maybe if you have a daughter. I idolize a lot of teenage films/chick flicks because everything is constantly moving, i don't want to settle down and i don't mean in relationships but life in general. Getting shackled with a scrote and staying home is so boring. I think women might be partially to blame for why we never see chick flicks or storiea between womden in their 40s or older because their ideal life at that age is just to be a wife and a mother.

No. 2427261

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What do you guys think of this whole brigitte macron is actually a pedophile moid theory? I feel like it has to be true because I don’t think a bunch of people would be coming out saying that he molested them as children

No. 2427265

Nta I don't want to get married or have kids and would like to settle down in a platonic relationship with a woman instead. Question is where I'll find a like-minded woman like that of course, but it'll never happen if I don't think it's possible in the first place.

No. 2427277

Yeah but decent dudes date women on their level. You’d never see a man on the the level off Hailey Bieber, with a woman like Justin Bieber.

No. 2427286

Also another example is someone like macaulay culkin. He spent his whole life being a crack head and then one day in his 40s, he was able to find a pretty, nice woman with to settle down with, become a family man and not do drugs anymore. I can’t imagine a woman in her 40s being able to do that kek

No. 2427301

Frogs really hate Macron for no real reason, so no. They can't find anything worthwhile about him to criticize, so they criticize her.

No. 2427305

I feel like the Gucci canvas monogram print looks sinister. It evokes feelings of like despair and deprivation to me for some reason

No. 2427308

Men are really the #1 projectors
>after a decade or two of drinking, doing drugs, fucking randoms, incurring herpes, pregnancy scares (maybe a baby mama or two haha), "experimenting" with traps and other men, destroying my brain with pornography and being reckless, i'm done with my wild ways. now that i'm bald, my sperm can onlt produce autists and i'm too old for it not to be sad to be a bachelor, i'm finally ready to settle down with a young qt 3.14 wife
Trash lmao

No. 2427324

>for no real reason, so no
Why would you lie like that?

No. 2427326

Didnt he end up with Brenda Song too?

No. 2427330

Yeah that’s the nice woman I’m talking about

No. 2427337

She can do so much better

No. 2427338

The Vergil husbandofag is trying way too hard.

No. 2427340

what did she do

No. 2427445

Of course there is no reply to this question, it's a sad fact.

No. 2427474

I guess it’s super unpopular, but I like The Legend of Korra.

No. 2427478

>if I get old who’s going to be there for me?
Yourself kek, are you a child or something?? No, you’re a grown adult.

No. 2427480

Looking at the celebricows thread, with movies about prostitution winning the most oscars, popular artists shouting out sex workers and the average female star always having her nipples and bare ass out, it's no surprise that conservatism and religious extremism is on the rise world wide. For example it's much easier to believe that your father/husband telling you to cover up is because he loves you, when you're presented with empty-looking, starving, plastic and nearly completely naked actresses on the red carpet. Not saying this is the only reason, but murican entertainment still has a way too big influence on all of us.
People outside of the US see this shit and are amused at best, if not completely horrified. The Hollywood crowd is so detached from our reality, yet they act so self-righteous and constantly push their propaganda on us through film and music, so it's not far-fetched for some to believe that this is the work of something even more evil than just rich politicians/the "elite".
It's also so easy for China, Russia, India, anybody who isn't the biggest fan of the US to absolutely clown on them, they're making it so incredibly easy.
Same of course for troons winning awards instead of women, even Saudi Arabia can paint itself as feminist compared to that.

No. 2427485

Korra hate reeks of misogyny

No. 2427543

sometimes it really is the jews

No. 2427575

trannies make a mockery of men, not women and hence idgaf if like 1 or 2 of them do dumb shit like steal our places in sport competitions. the damage they do to themselves is worth it lol

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