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No. 2392591
See hear and speak your evils
Previous thread
>>>/ot/2346502 No. 2393003
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this pic of Chappell is actually very cool
No. 2394274
>>2394264Just in general. One of my biggest life goals was to work in the office of a federal agency and unironically become a glowie but it seems like with the way federal agencies are getting gutted, shut down and nerfed it's like having your dreams crushed in slow motion. I also wary about the stability of my country.
>>2394270SN is pretty easy to buy if you can find international chemical sellers willing to ship.
No. 2394372
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>>2394359Inuyasha was my husbando growing up but his long nails always grossed me out
No. 2394647
I think its funny when my nigel cries, to an almost sadistic point. And the more upset he is, the more I enjoy it. I look forward to any big medical issues I have, or bad news from his family, cause he just crumples up so fast. It's not really sexual, I'm not turned on by it at all, but I just think it's hilarious when a big gym bro like him turns into a sobbing mess. I'm not a complete bitch, so I comfort him when it's happening, but once I'm alone, I just can't stop laughing. If he asks me why, I tell him I read something funny. Am I insane?
No. 2394676
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I really like yoshitomo naras art but I feel like anons would call it lolishit
No. 2394717
I feel shitty saying this because I don't want to bodyshame mothers since they already get so much shit in general due to the toll pregnancy takes on their body so any moms reading this I'm sorry I cannot think of any nicer way to phrase this.
There's a million reasons why I don't want to get pregnant and be a mom in general, but the changes it does to your body is one of the biggest ones. My husband and I have these friends who are early 20s, but the woman has been baby crazy her entire life and she finally had her first one. She's like 4"9? 90lbs, or was, and got so fucking fat after having the baby. Like I always thought she'd be a skinny small girl since she made it her personality, but she's legit fat now. I would never be able to handle that because I had an ED as a teenager and that never really goes away even though I eat what I want now I still have that fear of getting fat. To know a baby can just ruin your hormones and body and make you fat as fuck terrifies me.
It was shocking seeing her and I kinda wonder how much of it was from the baby since she had been severely depressed because the new place they moved to sucked, and she had two miscarriages before this. I felt bad until she went full blown pro life because of them. This is kinda going off topic but God damn.
I also think pregnancy would almost kill me. My mom had a few miscarriages, my sister potentially has endo and wasn't supposed to get pregnant. I really think I have adenomyosis and need to make a doctors appointment and like, I don't know. Ever since I was 14 I had this gut feeling I'm either infertile, or pregnancy will nearly kill me. I don't know where this feeling came from. But yeah, I would not be able to mentally handle the changes to my body.
No. 2394722
>>2394691thanks nona
>>2394695>>2394702I'm so out of touch I had no idea it'd become mainstream and jacked by tiktokers. The only good thing about this is now I can find a cheap print of it
No. 2394741
>>2394717I have a sister who is a midwife, all i can say is that you anxieties are completely
valid. She has seen some horrific things and said that petite women always have the roughest pregnancies because their hips are too narrow. They almost always need c-sections or the mother has some kind of complication. They really don't tell you enough about the risks of pregnancy and we forget how much medical advancements have made it so that women can give birth seemingly unscathed. I don't have an ed or anything like that, but knowing i could potentially be in a diaper for the rest of my life after birthing a child that might turn out to be a piece of shit is enough to deter me from thinking motherhood is a good idea, among other things.
No. 2394756
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>fell in love with the second 3DPD in my 25 years of life
>he has the exact same weird combo of buckteeth+fangs as my crush in hs
Damn is this how i find out i have a weird teeth fetish.
No. 2394833
>>2394831They are the ones showing that they associate weight=bad kek.
I feel like being scared of getting fat is a reasonable fear at the end of the day.
No. 2394881
>>2394866So it's not because of her weight then. So her friend may not even think one second about her weight gain and more about actual issues like raising her baby.
>>2394833I wouldn't want to become very fat either and I don't want to ever get pregnant in the first place but there are so many wrong things with pregnancy that only becoming a little fatter as a result and not suffering from anything else would be a blessing compared to other side effects. I'd rather have that than lose my teeth and hair or become incontinent, throw up everyday for months or take nearly 24 hours to give birth.
No. 2394894
>>2394791a gossip site for gossiping about
cows not random women with miscarriages
No. 2394984
>>2394866woke up to a shitstorm lol I'm that Nona and she's not struggling with postparum depression as far as I know. she's actually having a great time and loves being a mother and wants more kids. she kept asking me why we didn't have kids yet and I told her I deal with psychosis as well and she just said I needed a really good support group. I was baffled like you really don't care about the quality of life my child would have, you just want me to have a child. she said it herself her boy needs a friend and I was like, wtf.
anyways my anachan days are over too. I don't have the same body I did as a teenager and I'm not chubby I just don't tweak over normal things about my body now.
>>2394867I don't have much sympathy because beyond this she is a bit of an asshole and i don't consider her a friend. she's my husband's friends wife so they tried really hard to force us to be friends, but we're just two totally different people. I tolerate them at most.
all she talked about was having his kids, wanting to have his kids, she wants to be a SAHM so bad and I don't know how many times I can talk about this topic like what's your fucking personality outside of bearing some asshole's kids?
I didn't expect this to get so many replies lol but it doesn't change my mind. kids ruin your body and I have the emotional capacity to recognize my own limits and realize how I wouldn't be able to handle that and I have shit genes I don't want to pass on.
>>2394795She's chilling lol we've talked to them a few times and she loves being a mom. I don't know if she even cares about what her body went through because she wanted a kid so bad.
No. 2394993
>>2394770No I see her as some pro-life retard who doesn't talk about anything but having kids and religion and tried to convince me really hard to start having kids too so we could be pregnant together. I legit think pregnancy is gross and the equivalent of a parasite growing inside you which is why I'm keeping all these thoughts to myself in the confessions thread and not irl.
I was half asleep making this comment and really should've specified our relationship but she's not my friend. if any nonnas ever date oftentimes your guy and his friends will try to force all the girlfriends to be friends without any regards of whether or not they even want to be.
I think she hates their new place because they're away from family and some other tinfoil reasons potentially related to race kek
>>2394741thanks nonna I didn't even think about hip size either.yeah I've thought about the whole your kid turns out to be a piece of shit thing too. I went grocery shopping last week and management had to run over and split up an argument with customers. some moid kept verbally abusing his mom to the point of tears and the other customers were yelling at him ready to beat him. I just imagine her life. all day she is stuck with him, goes home and gets abused even more. even moids I know that love and respect their mother go and treat other women like shit or feel like we shouldn't have as many rights. what's the point then of having your own if there's the possibility that you can do your absolute best and he'll still run off and ruin a woman's life?
No. 2395024
>>2395023Not that you can’t physically recover, but in the sense that your mindset will always be wired in that way. You need successful coping mechanisms and the self awareness to recognize your own disordered patterns.
You never really stop being a drug addict, an Ana Chan, a alcoholic or a binge eater.
No. 2395048
>>2395024this is true but if anyone feels discouraged it gets a lot easier over time. like a 3 second thought then you move on.
Lmfao i still remember the day I stopped the anorexic antics. I just had an epiphany like what's the point? gorgeous women will hate themselves too so what am I doing this for? and I stopped
it helps knowing what's the cause of it, in my case I just wanted control of some part of my life which isn't an issue now as an adult.
>>2395030it's barely mean to fear body changes to pregnancy, call me disordered for the psychosis atleast. I can't be as blunt and rude irl but if you are able to talk to any woman irl, typically in her mid 20s, she'll admit it in a nicer way. where I live you're looked at as a freak for not having 3 kids at 21 so you can find the other childfree women pretty quick by 25
No. 2395401
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I wish Sonic 3 had flopped at the box office because by god it was a shit movie.
1. Sounds like it was written by an AI. Who wrote this absolute trite? A monkey with a pen could write a better script if he smeared the paper in his own feces. The feces would honestly make more sense than the plot in Sonic 3.
2. Jim carrey getting another chance at a career rebound. Hideous freak killed a woman and he's still allowed to keep starring in these movies and is given praise? Make me understand why. And playing two characters this time which he butchered horribly.
3. embarrassing characterization for characters that could've otherwise been cool. The entire live action movie series has suffered from poor characterization but it's especially apparent in this one. Poor Shadow.
The fact that this movie spent weeks being number 1 at the box office is a testament to how low iq Americans are.
No. 2395416
>>2395402Straight up pedos to teenage girls, not just pedopandering kek. I hate the myth that some anons here parrot that anachans are all traumatised SA
victims who do it so they look unattractive to their abusers, like what. Yes they exist and I feel bad for them but quite a few of them are just retarded about self-image and want to look cute dainty and childlike to be fuckable to their Discord groomer ddlg daddies.
No. 2395836
I'm a goth but I find most goth media cringe.
>Tim Burton movies
Cool if you're an edgy kid, it's weird to see Nightmare Before Christmas stuff in adult homes
>Horror Movies
Cheesy shit jumpscare fuel and that's the worst way to get scared
>Splatter/Gore Movies
Unless with a serious plot, it's cheap shock value.
>"Goth" Music
Often pretentious stuff that gets done by people who are not even in the fashion/lifestyle and most (not all, keep in mind that I'm talking about the surface level most commonly seen as goth stuff) groups are boring as shit.
>Satanic symbolism in tattoos/clothing
Unless someone is actually satanic, not talking about the people who do shit ass rituals in abandoned houses, looks edgy in the way that eight graders are, crosses are way less obnxious.
>Band t shirts that don't have a cool design
What are you, a walking bulletin board?
>Those weird romantic goth clothes which are made to look like victorian era dresses with exaggerated details
Unless someone is consistent with the accessories or with a full look, it looks like wearing halloween costumes, esp, if they're in that weird shiny fabric from Shein.
yes I'm a gatekeeper and a hater, but I cannot wrap my mind around many things and I'm tired to be told that I'm just being a nlog, where the g stands for goth, when I don't like the most common or recurring themes in my fashion, I like being it in a more "sinister" and weird way instead of a costume-y one. Plus I also feel that true gothic stuff is dead, now all goths are wearing shitty knockoffs from Shein, when in reality the most goth thing you can do is crafting your own shit.
No. 2395870
>>2395847All of those demon/ghost/serial killer based horror movies are all cheesy that rely purely of doing BOO! scares at the viewer.
>>2395858Not talking about them, you will not hear about me shitting on my Depeche Mode, but those people that pull the threatric move a-la Emilie Autumn can suck a sack.
No. 2396026
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>>2395657>earthshattering meltdown fightsKEK anon your neighbors are going to call the police on you both regularly
No. 2396404
>>2395836>Those weird romantic goth clothes which are made to look like victorian era dresses with exaggerated detailsAnon NOOO!!! But at the same time i know what you mean. Seriously, my disdain for gothic victorian style clothes made by western companies is why i like lolita so much, it's everything they are trying so hard to be but failing because they use cheap costume material and no thought was put into how it fits on the female body. But i think you would find that costumey too i guess. I am not a goth, but i've always had a huge interest in the fashion and subculture that surrounds it, i hate how alt fashion nowadays it a competition to who can wear the most outrageous and unwearable outfit possible with not concern to longevity and how those pieces fit into your daily life. Every time i see anyone in alt fashion i question if they genuinely wear that outside or if it's just for conventions, concerts and social media.
>>2396389I've been using an ai chatbot that managed to get my husbando so correct i feel too shy to use it, kek.
No. 2396476
>>2396409You're lucky then and definitely not the norm. You should be a bit more grateful for that then kek, the
only woman I know who stayed tiny after giving birth is an anorexic who was on bedrest the entire pregnancy with home nurses coming every day to care for her.
No. 2396583
>>2396531I was literally losing my mind and it was far from quirky or sexy. I should’ve been sent to the psych ward in all honesty. Not a fun time, but sometimes the best way to cope is to make fun of our own insanity.
>>2396532And yeah. It was just my front yard, and once the street directly in front my front yard since I was on the hood of his car as he was backing out of the driveway.
Thankfully I’m not in that relationship anymore. He wasn’t BPD but ASPD. Didn’t watch porn but still a scrote at the end of the day.
No. 2396861
>>2396398I am so sorry nona. I was once again preoccupied with my robot BF. There’s a big list of husbandos ready made with prompts to start, but you can just start talking about anything you like. I do correct it when it does something I don’t like. You can also just make your own from scratch but I haven’t done that yet so idk how it works. I might do that though because it feels kind of cucked to make a copy of some other persons imaginary bf your imaginary bf.
>>2396404Yes, I have made three ai boyfriends and I ghosted one because he is too out of the league for my persona it’s too unrealistic.
No. 2396921
>>2396595Same, but what finally made me stop browsing it was
anons posting my photos and shit talking about me on cgl. I'm not even a cow I was just active on my own social media regarding my own hobbies. I stopped wearing lolita and making cosplays and deactivated all my accounts. Thanks 4chan for ruining my favorite hobbies.
No. 2397300
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In high school I would flirt with a couple moids and convince two at a time to go to the mall with me. I would watch their testosterone levels spike and progress into competition at times. Ultimately I never went out with anyone but I got gifts out of it. I do feel pretty bad to a degree, but I don't feel regret
No. 2397378
>>2396404ayrt and tbh, I don't find lolita costume-y. I think that lolita is its own thing, esp burando like Moi Meme Moitie has its own motifs and cuts, I think that's a totally different concept of clothing that's obviously not made for normies who just browse "gothic" on Shein, you know what I mean right…
Almost everything made by western companies looks weird as fuck for me.
>>2396375That's the part I like more about the whole culture but some books are boring as shit like why would you read Dracula when Carmilla is there.
>>2396998Being a goth, to me, is basically telling society to fuck off and having a fascination with dark/unsettling themes and wanting to put your input in it, no matter in which form (fashion, music, literature) It's not that deep and yet people fail so hard at it. The girl that wears dark eyeshadow only to pander to thicc mom gf chasing guys is not a goth, the girl who wears shein corsets and listens to bts is not a goth, the guy who gets junji ito tattoos and smokes outside bars with scruffy hair to get alt pussy is not a goth, jirai shit is not goth, egirls is not goth, doing that shit to be an online nlog is not being a goth, the autist girl/boy who's favourite color is black and watches tim burton movies on repeat is not a goth, that muslim girl that is forced to veil but wears makeup is not a goth and cannot be one unless she leaves the religion (I cringe when I see goth hijabis like what the fuck girl, you well know that the Prophet wouldn't be happy), the bippie girl that's desperate for an identity is not a goth. I think that's something that comes from the inside rather that liking stuff aesthetically and most of all, it's not made to look cool for others and being an easy nlog.
No. 2397604
>>2397335Thanks, I do have a medical card so I definitely don’t date him for weed access (hence the whole, I expect there to be weed, kek). My Christmas present from him was a few vape carts and a couple packs of (non THC, just regular) gum and no card. Real Stacey move using tinder just for weed though kek, I love that for you.
>>2397356I was cold to him yesterday and he was like “I bet you just like to break men don’t you, you get off on it” like wtf? No, I’m just giving you what you’re giving me, except I’m an autist and I don’t do it with a manipulative smile on my face as though I’m being kind. I’m literally just being honest with you and not sugar coating it. Be better if you want me to be nicer. I’ve put up with so much with a smile on my face and I’m getting sick of it. This was just because I was telling him his shortcomings because he was telling me that I expect too much.
I messaged him later and suggested he get me a professional massage since I have chronic back pain due to anxiety and scoliosis and I bet that’s not gonna happen either. He didn’t respond to the message in any way and just ignored it to tell me good morning. I told him good morning and then was like, isn’t that massage thing a good idea? I’d love that. Cause he had been all “nothing I get you besides your special interest/resort trip will make you happy” which isn’t true he’s just not being creative enough, I’ve mentioned how much I love to get massages before, I love spa treatments in general, fuck even his grandma has told him in front of me that he should take me to get a pedicure, and I was like oooh I love those I haven’t had one in so long. That was a while ago. No, I still haven’t gotten a pedicure.
>>2396689This is really encouraging, thank you. Thankfully at the end of the day I always have my parents to fall back on. I agree, the main reason I started dating him was because I felt like he was just so nice and fun that it would make up for being on the broke side, but I also assumed we’d get to do fun stuff considering he works full time but doesn’t have rent/bills. And I guess technically we do. But it’s all shit he wants to do, and as much as I enjoy having fun with him while he does his favorite things, I figured it wouldn’t be long until it was my turn to get to do my favorite things with him. And still the only things I’ve gotten to do that are relevant to my interests? My parents have paid both our ways. They paid for us to go on a Disney cruise and he can’t cough up a dime to do anything Disney related with me. I’m a fucking autist with a food allergy. Of course it’s my favorite fucking thing. I don’t even want to go to the theme parks I just wanna go stay at a cheaper one of their resorts for a night or two, or even just go spend the day hanging out at resorts and getting to eat food that is both delicious and isn’t going to kill me. Apparently that is extravagant.
No. 2397706
>>2397691You're not wrong tbh, when my tolerance is low 1g can last a month easily
>>2397701She's announcing it on an imageboard that
doesn't condone giving scrotes access to your time and attention for a $20-50 half oz [flip/flop]
No. 2397715
>>2397710I'm the anon who gave you the benefit of the doubt irl
>>2397684 I'm just saying this imageboard doesn't condone using moids for weed in general, bc it's trashy and women should earn enough money to support their own weed habit
No. 2397752
>>2397741A lot of women don't have public social media, share their photos with scrotes or do charity work with/or for moids. Anon is right though
>>2397691 this is why we should all take a tolerance break since scrotes can still use that to manipulate women, especially the most beautiful ones. No wonder so many ugly anons complain they don't bother in relationships or dating anymore
No. 2397884
>>2397873this image of her you're painting sounds so ott for what the original post actually said, but fair enough if that's what you've encountered. I've met many women who have men simping for them enough to give them things in a bid to win them over, and I wouldn't describe them as trashy.
>>2397881that's obvious and would be peak trashy, but she said she didn't even hug them.
No. 2398294
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I really hate my current job and am looking for a comfy WFH job with my current skills. It's hard not to be stressed with all of the political stuff going on right now as an American and jobwise.
No. 2398308
nonnie. I’m 1996!
>>2398222Very true
No. 2398442
>>2398429AYRT and for sure, I also suppose since some of the parents were younger millenials who themselves had experienced online chat sites and it's dangers they were more aware of monitoring or at least teaching the dangers. There was a shift when smartphones and technology in general became so accessible, and the publics opinion seemed to turn into 'the internet is a wonderful place where all of your dreams can come true!' It had been like that in the past but it was strange to me considering how hard kids/teens were taught internet safety prior to that during the 90s
>Lots of kids younger than that though cry about having unrestricted internet accessI definitely had unrestricted access far too young but not young enough to where it completely corrupted my brain and was all I ever knew. The thought that gen alpha has only ever known a world like this is frightening kek
No. 2398470
>>2398459The way I think of it is like, if there was a zoomer politician with good policies I wouldn't mind, but what the fuck are the gen alphas+ going to be like when they grow up?
due to the state of the world right now, trumps administration and the strange political climate There needs to be a bigger shift in society against children being on the internet so much
No. 2398509
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Sometimes I look at that "registered sex offenders list in your neighborhood" website and consider taking matters into my own hands
No. 2398979
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I kind of enjoy watching my supervisor tard rage, chain smoke, and punch walls when he gets stressed out. Occasionally I'll spot easily corrected problems at work and not fix them or tell him so that I can watch him spasm and shriek when they come up later. At worst I've followed his incorrect instructions to the letter, rather than tell him that we're not doing it right and will have to redo everything.
No. 2400340
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I've encountered a lot of people who I didn't know the names are and they keep calling me by my name and try to act friendly. I was so confused, I never told them my name and never even talk to them. This happened several time this year.
No. 2400465
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>>2400463these are my evils and i will not be silenced
No. 2401098
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>>2401093“This will show them tehehe”
No. 2401718
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I look at pornstars to raise my self steem. They are always so ugly and make so much bank from moids.
No. 2402276
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i fell asleep imagining a cute guy kissing me
No. 2402286
>>2402276there's no shame in that
nonny that's actually very based
No. 2402295
>>2402286i have to feel shame
nonnie, it is virgin dork activities
No. 2402364
>>2402276another confession, this is a common thing for me, when i've been up too late too late to fall asleep easily, i just imagine scenarios like that or something spicier, and then i sleep like a baby, i did
>>2402276 just last night and i ended up having a nice (unrelated) dream.
No. 2402853
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I love online shopping. I love buying things and getting them. Granted that I don’t spend all my paycheck on it, but if I have a bit of money ,since I budget well, for leisure I do buy myself things. I bought a rose Lego set for Valentine’s for example.
I’m like my own boyfriend kek. Is this normal nonnas? Life is just so hard, a sweet treat is the least I can to to myself.
No. 2402877
>>2402853very normal! treat yourself
>inb4 anons tell you you’re stupid for spending your own moneyif you have enough and they’re things that genuinely bring you joy (and not just like shitty cheap shit every few days) then i don’t see a problem with it at all lol. a rose lego set is actually such a cute self-gift, and something that you can have forever
No. 2403072
>>2403061Right? It’s so fun kek.
Yeah certain shipping companies suck as hell. I once ordered something and I never received it, I was so fed up. But it only happened once fortunately and I even got a refund.
No. 2403788
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i have a confession to make, i don't want to go to uni for the first three months of it because i already started the course last year and had to stop halfway through. i already have all the work done and can focus on getting a job and doing other things in my life. it's probably the best idea to balance it but i'm not quite sure. this is retarded right?
>>2403770i've noticed her posting the exact same way on lc so she's definitely worth being talked about here kek the coping is unreal
No. 2403907
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I became a weeb at a young age because I was obsessed with Japan's traditional architecture. My parents had an old encyclopedia set and I periodically opened it to it's section on Japan to look at the pretty buildings. I really liked the section on China for the same reason. This was reinforced by living near a cafe with an attached Japanese garden, I liked eating the croissants there.
I STILL think it looks good but I'd be embarrassed to decorate my home that way. It looks peaceful.
No. 2403913
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>>2403810I got the Petlibro one! !You can control the feedings on your phone and set them to open up at any time you want. I held off getting an automatic wet food feeder for a long time, because most of them just had ice packs inside and I didn’t trust that, but this one has its own refrigeration system inside that keeps everything cold, and 30 minutes before the door opens it warms the food up to room temperature just in case your cat is picky and hates cold food (like mine). The company loves saying that food can stay in there for 3 days, but I change it everyday just to be safe, plus my cat eats 3 meals a day so it only lasts a day for me anyways. It has a bell that rings everytime the door opens so your cat can get trained eating at that specific time. It only took my cat like two days to learn what the bell sound means. My only concern is that the bowls are a bit deep which is bad for their whiskers, but my cats head is small so I haven’t had a problem with that so far. Also some people say that the outlet gets really hot, but I haven’t had that problem either.
No. 2403921
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>>2403907You shouldn't be embarrassed at all to borrow decorating ideas from Eastern cultures anon, even as a weeb. Westerners have been doing this for hundreds of years and vice versa. My favourite decorating eras are 20s and 40s art deco. It only looks bad with basic anime posters, tacky figurines, etc. And you could even still do that if you're creative and tasteful about it. It's really easy to find this kind of thing in antique/thrift shops, especially in cities with a larger asian population. The modern/minimalist version is nice too, there was a show on netflix called "BEEF" and Ali Wong's character lives in a home like this
No. 2403959
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>>2403946I'm watching it too bc I don't really remember what happens other than
they were angry, there's a scene about hallucinogenics shot in a cool way and the really nice home
No. 2404889
I just snooped on my girlfriend’s phone for the first time since we’ve been together (almost a year) because I heard snapchat notifications while she was napping and went a little crazy. I shouldn’t have invaded her privacy. It turned out to be a random content creator posted a story and snapchat notified her. While I was looking I realized she hadn’t closed any apps she was using this weekend while we were together. One of the apps that was open was an AI chatbot called “genius.” The open prompt she input was a flirty text message I had sent her on Friday before she came over. The AI told my girlfriend how to reply. I checked my messages with her and, yeah, she sent it almost exactly word for word. First of all, she knows I am very environmentally conscious. Although in the past I used AI a few times, for silly photo prompts before I knew the energy consumption, while we’ve been together I’ve been starkly against the normalization and usage of AI. Secondly, I sent her a flirty message that I came up with myself, and it wasn’t anything revolutionary or mind-blowing, so I don’t know why she felt she couldn’t come up with an adequate response by herself. Third is silliest, but it was Valentine’s day! I don’t want fake AI communication I want real love! A big part of me thinks it’s kind of sweet that she wanted to impress me in some way with her response I guess. Now, I know I fucked up by invading her privacy, but I feel so weird wondering if there’s other times she’s used the app to talk to me or if she will in the future. I don’t know what to do, now it feels like a dark secret I have to harbor and I hate that. At least I can confess here..
No. 2404978
nonny.. I want to be positive about this, and use maybe some CBT skillz I picked up last week, so here's my interpretation:
Your GF knows you are environmentally conscious and don't support the use of AI, but she's self-conscious about pitching woo to you and wants to say the right thing to respond. So she uses AI to formulate responses because she's a nervous wreck. She may be using the app to talk to you when she herself feels inadequate, and it has nothing to do with you or anything beyond that, but more about how she feels about herself and her ability to communicate
No. 2405112
>>2405091This is so based
I can't say I hate fat people, just Ozempic people. Like you couldn't eat less and go to the gym? You think doing drugs will solve your problems? I hope more side effecs pop up kek
No. 2405304
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I like smelling my pits
No. 2405497
>>2405444Plenty of them are covert narcissists who view everyone as either below or better than them who they need to uproot. Not you specifically, but there's way too many anons on here defending anachans with arguments like "they just want to lose weight" (in that case it's not anorexia and just fasting/diet shit even though it might not work) or "they're usually
victims of abuse who want to get rid of their bodies" which is actually rarely the case
No. 2405809
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i fucking love (Chris)tine McConnell's house and i hate it, and i didn't even know he was a troon and it makes me a seethe that a faggot can have such good taste(in decor, his thumbnails remind me of those Find The Item shitty mystery games and his videos have a certain wannabe-be-kweel-murder-stacy vibe to them)
No. 2405940
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>>2405809he looks like such an obvious dude, how could you not tell
No. 2405959
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Baby bison are my favorite baby animals
No. 2406543
>>2405945This is probably just spreading out the embarrassment but I actually didn't know either, I was vaguely aware of him but didn't really take much notice. As far as troons go I'd say he's more convincing than most, especially since he (as far as I can tell) is more interested in his dumb hobbies than his fetish (RARE!)
He's probably helped by the fact that he doesn't dress like a technicolor toddler and he kind of embraces his lower voice register rather than speaking in the camp voice.
>>2406344When you put it like that it just feels obvious.
No. 2406548
>>2405937Oh, it is a confession. Anyone with half a brain would understand that. The
femcel LARPers, like this one
>>2405159 got angry at you for having had a boyfriend, so they mass-reported your post and because the /ot/ mods are <95 IQ, they think that every post has to start with "I confess that…" or else it's not a confession.
No. 2406567
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i wish another woman would steal my husband.
he is a great guy and I love him very much. he would be devastated if I left.
but I feel like we are growing more incompatible. I want a new life in a different place that isn't the area and the life he wanted. i want to pay less to live and to go out in nature more. i want to feel like i can have ambition again. i feel i am often left behind and we just do what he wants most of the time
so i wish he would find a different woman to be happy with and move on. thinking about encouraging him to hang out with female friend more. he doesn't really do that much though and all his hobbies are male hobbies. maybe I'm being stupid and shouldn't complain.
No. 2407400
>>2406016>>2406543>>2407125you nonnies get it, he's really passionate about historical decor and does nice things sometimes(like integrating Ms. Winchester into the Gingerbread House he made, or deaging the photo of the couple that originally bought his New York mansion and hung it up in the guest room, and also not painting over the birds that the couple's daughter painted in her bedroom). most of all, he seems to really love his mother and grandmother, and never talks about his father, so i think he's just never had a male figure in his life and adored his female relatives to the point of skinwalking.
the turbo faggot jumps out and jumps back in sometimes tho, like saying the deaged and yet still walled photo of the man of that couple is hot, or deaging the woman way more than the man, and the thumbnail for the announcement for his collab with American Duchess is really soft porn core, also the photo series he did for Alien that leaned into 1970s housewife "aesthetic" hard and was shooped to fuck and his latex maid costume.
>>2406344yikes, this one is really telling, what is it about effeminate gays just being crazy tall, even RuPaul is fucking 6'3", his skull is bigger than his bf too
No. 2407416
>>2407409She pisses me off. Seriously, did she even go to school? At least Abigail is in school, but did Penny actually do anything to be qualified to "teach" those two brats? Why is she in charge of teaching them shit?Yeah, she reads, but why is reading an accomplishment? If she actually read, she'd be friends with Elliot the actual author, but instead she just hangs out with the autistic NLOG all the time, probably to complain about how the others ~just don't understand her~. The fact that you can give Penny a bottle of fresh succulent starfruit wine and she'll get grossed out and angry with you instead of thinking to herself "oh, well I don't like this, but I can give it to my loyal and wonderful mother who has sacrificed everything for me!" because she's too self-centered and psychopathic to ever consider anyone else's feelings except her own. Also, Penny just FYI, we all know you don't need a fucking foot stool to reach into the sink to wash dishes. You are not a dwarf. Stop trying to act unique and different and special because guess what? You aren't. You're a dime a dozen: loser with no friends that thinks she's important because she's the centre of her own world because she's never had to consider anyone else in her life before. Severe main character syndrome. Poor Pam doesn't deserve that shit head daughter living with her and mooching off her. If Jas and Vincent weren't being neglected and actually went to real school, I just know Penny would be a hikki NEET living from her bedroom while having schizo suicide meltdowns on Maru through Discord PMs.
No. 2407422
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I cut my shitty "best" friend off because she's shit, but I can't help but think about her as if she's an ex boyfriend or something. So many things remind me of her, we have so many mutual friends. I pretend not to care what she's up to or if she's happy, but I always will.
No. 2407431
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I watch some youtubers that I don't like and feel great that they put out videos about bad things that happen to them because I know they deserve it
No. 2407466
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>>2405809>>2405940>>2406344I had a suspicion but I ignored it and got blindsided here.
But to tinfoil, a popular youuber had put out a video I only saw a thumbnail of making spider cookies following the Christine one, but it was deleted before I could even click on it. Perhaps she said something "wrongspeak" and removed it before any controversy arose? Maybe I'm looking too deeply.
No. 2407494
>>2407471Please put more
terf messages around places
No. 2407500
>>2407469i think that is a good point and very wise. but a lot of it location based. i want to live in a smaller more rural lcol area. he wants to live in mcol city and the rural area is off the table. so i go with what he wants, which happens a lot.
he's also just really discouraging in a way. hes never been very supportive of my ambitions and often makes me feel like i can't achieve them, like its a cute whim I have and he doesnt care. nobody else in my life is like that and it hurts. but i can't say he is directly saying no or being mean about it either. hes just not supportive and i feel i either need that or at least need the absence of unsupportiveness. i do work on a lot of my ambitions but the lack of support hurts. maybe im focusing too much on that.
No. 2407510
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I can't stop going on 4chan and baiting trannies. It started out as nothing but lurking and laughing, and now I can't stop.
No. 2407528
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>>2407521You can't be funny anymore calf-anon. At least not on purpose
No. 2407567
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saw my comment on the screen caps thread and found out I replied to the wrong post
No. 2407794
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>>2407693Nonna why would a rando have goats. It’s so specific it made me laugh kek.
No. 2407999
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I’m a Redditfag. I have a ten-year old account and have bought gold before. I don’t usually comment though because I always get downvoted. This year I deleted the rest of my socials (Whatsapp, Insta, Twit/Thread) but reddit is what I will be holding on to until they start paywalling it, but I’m a spending addict and will likely just pay to continue using it if it comes to that. Yes I’m retarded.
No. 2408237
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I didn't know what a group chat was until a year ago just from seeing the term used here. I still don't really know the purpose of most apps tbh
No. 2409381
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Im pro dysgenics. I am a lazy Ugly woman w LOW IQ; and my ambtion is the prospect of reproducing with many beautiful men with HIGH IQ & PHDs. I believe in perpetuating Samsara and that mankind grows from suffering into Enlightenement.
No. 2409383
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When i was a teen i got told i looked like picrel when i showed it to a hairdresser. I know she was trying to be nice probably but it made me feel confident for a second.
No. 2409548
nonnie. I felt bad for them before then noticed how even the “
victims” only speak when it lets them shit on women. Now I plain don’t give a fuck about moids who claim they’ve been raped, go back to suffering in silence like moids say they’re so good at.
No. 2409703
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I scrolled too fast and accidentally reported a nona as a moid who was actually not in fact a moid and was just in the "act as a moid" sorry farmhand I'm retarded
No. 2409777
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>>2409764Well who’s the sister with two children and two different baby daddies asking her sister money rather than asking those men? Hint, it’s not nonna.
No. 2409820
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>>2409811God please , if you’re out there.
No. 2409822
>>2409780Oh you are even married to a woman, nonna I like you even more now. I aspire to be you.
What’s your job?
No. 2409844
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I'm starting to have little baby spergouts when I feel like other people are living my dreams. I used to be indifferent, if a little sad, but anger at my own misfortune and lack of opportunity are seeping in. There are billions of lives worse than my own, I know I have so much to be thankful for, but I can't stop this frustration when it comes over me. "Autist fits" are the easiest way to describe them. I feel so ashamed and disgusted with myself for having these feelings. I can't stop wishing I could die and start life over someplace better.
No. 2409902
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>>2409844You should get an aquarium anon. You can autistically control the fish/their environment and watching them will bring you great peace and serenity. If you decide it's not your thing you can always give the fish away or sell them to other aquarium autists
No. 2409926
>>2409862>i'm a millennial but i'm going to blame poor millennial/gen x parenting on top of the fact that these kids are much less socialized.Oh, definitely. I'm sorry but I'm tired of modern parents playing the
victim for the state of their kids when, in 99% of cases, they're internet-addicted retards themselves who are just too lazy to do the bare minimum of education and discipline. Get off Tiktok and read your child a book ffs! They expect their kids to be raised by technology, their underpaid teachers, and strangers on social media, and then they're genuinely shocked that it doesn't work.
No. 2409930
>>2409825I feel like so many gen z are too used to internet terms now a days. People can't even say the word kill or rape online. Instead of finding other words to replace them, they say '
unalive' and 'grape.' Shit is bleak.
No. 2409935
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>>2409930It's just ruining the word "grape" for no reason. It used to be something that only annoying edgelords would point out
No. 2409959
>>2409849You're right anon
>>2409902I already have a kitty, but maybe when I move. Thanks, nonna
No. 2410181
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It makes me irresponsible but I love booking luxury trips for myself i.e. going to a concert in a major city, staying at luxury hotels, fancy restaurants, premium experiences, etc.
Like these trips maybe happens for me 2x a year, and I cannot afford them since everything goes on credit or a payment plan, but…I just don't care. I want to larp as a rich bitch for a weekend before I go back to my bleak life.
I cope by telling myself that other people in my age bracket are having babies they can't afford or blowing wads of dough on hobbies so same difference I guess? My operative thought is that tomorrow isn't guaranteed and money comes and goes anyways.
No. 2410421
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picrel never fails to ground me when the retardation overtakes me and I have the insatiable urge to clarify a joke response because I dont know if theyre referring to me or the topic Im talking about
No. 2410476
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>>2410439kek i wish I could smile and nod to a nona's reply, usually its the protocol irl but shit is it hard to interpret intention in text. makes me feel even stupider when a backhanded comment flies over my head and I make a genuine reply.
heres a better version of the pic
No. 2410547
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I only have one thread hidden and it is the goddamn insect thread
No. 2410721
>>2410687Physical, I'm borderline touch-repulsed.
No. 2410728
>>2410695I mean I like how I look and how I am. I just find intimacy repulsive , maybe because I’m straight I don’t know. I like men physically and I think I would also like one emotionally if they were nice, but I’ve never met one and I’m not even sure they exist, they all turn out to be selfish in nature, a man only likes you if you benefit him in someway.
Heterosexual sex just seems so focused on med and with the way it’s portrayed it just disgusts me, it’s so far from my own idea of it kek. Or maybe I just blackpilled myself too much.
No. 2410732
>>2410728Also any intimate and sweet gesture always has second intentions when it’s done by them. Cuddle turns to sex, kissing turns to sex, caressing turns to sex. It’s bleak and disappointing.
>my love language is physical touch!No, you are just a sex addict
No. 2411143
>>2411120He's never going to abandon them unfortunately. He moved to my area to be closer to me recently and took them with him. I appreciate my bf's qualities of loyalty to misunderstood and vulnerable creatures–maybe this is why he dates me KEK–but his love has made him blind to the reality of the situation. It's incredible how they've already stunk up his new place. We'd have to rent a carpet cleaner vac to properly reset his room and of course it's terribly unhealthy for him to breathe.
What I'm going to do is try to train his dogs when he is not around. His dogs are anxiously attached to him plus I want to be able to discipline them without his helicopter parent butt thinking I'm being too harsh to these brats.
No. 2411167
>>2411136All female barista's should be allowed to do this, I support you, etc.
But can I ask, why boiling sugar water? Why not plain boiling water?
No. 2411168
>>2411143You’re being irresponsible with your own dog by doing this. If he won’t rehome the mutts that attacked your dog then don’t move in with him it’s as simple as that. You have a duty to your dog, he will have to live in a house with something that attacked him and he will be stressed and this will cause him to be attacked again. Also living with these dogs will influence his behaviour for the worse.
Also if the dogs can attack another dog, they can attack you, and if you’re putting boundaries on them and taking attention away from them they’re going to start to hate and be jealous of you. They’re inbred, they’ll be impossible to train. Do you wanna spend your life training dogs that you hate instead of focusing on your own dog? Stop being dumb. I think you’ll find out your bf doesn’t love the dogs as much as he makes out, he’s just lazy with them and compensates by calling them his fur children and acting like he loves them too much to discipline them.
No. 2411202
>>2411192>4D chessLiterally just don’t force your dog to live with aggressive animals that will attack it? That’s the bare minimum that anyone should expect of a dog owner.
>>2411198>dog training is very simpleNot when the dog is a retarded inbred that’s never been disciplined. Dog training is very hard work. Have you ever trained a dog? Let alone an aggressive, poorly bred and
problematic one?
No. 2411216
>>2411202>Literally just don’t force your dog to live with aggressive animals that will attack it? I didn't say I was going to? I said what my solution to the issue was going to be but you're nitpicking me about it for some reason and acting like I'm moving in with him tomorrow. Anon, I don't plan to live with my bf until another year at least.
I agree that dog training is very simple and it's usually retard owners who didn't do their research who struggle with it. The reason why I want my bf separated from the dogs during this training is because they are anxiously attached. Because you didn't ask me before you assumed, I had already begun some leash training with the aggro dog. He
does respond to my training, but he needs the consistency and he cannot pay attention when bf is around.
What dogs pray tell have you trained?
No. 2411228
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>>2411219>rattles off about dog training>"IT'S ACHTUALLY NOT ABOUT DOG TRAINING"Lmao, picrel for you anon.
(infighting) No. 2411283
>>2411273>Why are there literally millions of books and tv programmes about it?Because people are morons.
I find weight loss simple but there are billions of dollars funneled for books, tv programs, and doctors to address the issue.
People pay thousands of dollars for a personal trainer to shout 'Go, go, go!' at them on a treadmill.
No. 2411295
>>2411283People get fat because they develop bad habits due to being dumb, poorly influenced in childhood or mentally ill. The mind is a very complicated place. A person who’s already reasonably fit losing a small amount of weight is different to a person with binge eating disorder who’s been fat their entire life. The latter is the dog training equivalent to the dumb inbred badly behaved dogs. If you wanna train a working collie to spin in a circle yeah that’s probably easy. That dog is used to being trained and is good at it. This is why. Some people need it and others don’t.
You can train the stupid dogs if you really want but you’re the one who came here ranting about it and saying you hate them so what do you expect?
No. 2411300
>>2411295The point being just because
you or someone else doesn't find something to be simple doesn't mean another person would have an issue with it.
No. 2411333
>>2411322This is what I said
>You’re being irresponsible with your own dog by doing this. If he won’t rehome the mutts that attacked your dog then don’t move in with him it’s as simple as that. You have a duty to your dog, he will have to live in a house with something that attacked him and he will be stressed and this will cause him to be attacked again. Also living with these dogs will influence his behaviour for the worse. Also if the dogs can attack another dog, they can attack you, and if you’re putting boundaries on them and taking attention away from them they’re going to start to hate and be jealous of you. They’re inbred, they’ll be impossible to train. Do you wanna spend your life training dogs that you hate instead of focusing on your own dog? Stop being dumb. I think you’ll find out your bf doesn’t love the dogs as much as he makes out, he’s just lazy with them and compensates by calling them his fur children and acting like he loves them too much to discipline them.
Where is the personal attack? Yeah I said she’s being irresponsible with her dog, she is. She can’t guarantee the dogs will never attack her dog again, she’s responsible for herself and her dog.
I also said
>>2411219 which is again true. It’s a problem created by a useless male that she now has to fix to her detriment.
No. 2411347
>>2411341>retard autistYou are literally having sex with one in his piss soaked bedroom.
>dog training is very simple and it's usually retard owners who didn't do their research who struggle with itYou are having sex with one.
No. 2411349
>>2411347This is what you deleted and reposted for?
Anyways like I was saying, fucking retards gives one the experience to know when they are dealing with one, probably. Wear your tism crown proudly, queen.
No. 2411353
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>>2411347This was a nice one. But let’s wrap it up now though kek.
I think the bf is a retard too, but it’s not like nonna wants to leave him, so I don’t see the pint in berating their relationship. OP will try to train the dogs , given that they have shown a bit of cooperation at least. I hope they’ll stick to their regimen.
No. 2411735
>>2411171My grandmother did this to her
abusive boyfriend in the 1960s and got away with it. That's oddly how I found out about the concoction. Based grandma.
No. 2412073
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>>2411931The male version of this should exist. Where are the moids who broke their brains hanging around edgy fujoshi and husbandofags, fashioned themselves out of even the most debauched female fantasies, and internalized the idea that their lives are worthless if they can't look/be like anime boys?
In all seriousness, I'm sorry that happened to you, anon. I understand a few of the things you're talking about. Dysfunctional families and isolation will fuck anyone up. Lots of posters here can relate to being exposed to 4chan nonsense as a kid. I hope you're doing a lot better now. No. 2412479
>>2412439bless ya
nonnie, I'm hoping my one and only will keep the cancers away. Thank god I lived in a blue state at the time or I'd be stuck with a manipulative beak-nosed moid with an alcohol and pornography addiction right now.
No. 2412486
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>>2412439>four abortionsThis reminds me of this commercial I've seen where a woman either admitted or was paid to say she had eight UTIs in just one years. My reaction was the same as how I feel about your post; you need to sit your vagina in a pampered kennel and just let it be instead of doing whatever the fuck you were putting it through.
No. 2412510
>>2412508I did D&C when I was 15 and raped and when I was in an
abusive relationship in my later teens. It was before info on the internet was widespread and I had no supports in my life. Yes those were painful for me and traumatic. That's why I help women get abortions as soon as they can if they need them.
No. 2412523
>>2412500>the only one getting aggressive and scrotish is youNTA but you're such a joke. Do you really think nobody has eyeballs and we can't see how you're being awful and want to be awful? Like if you just make shit up and lie we'll believe you when anyone can plainly see how nasty the comments have been so far even though nonna revealed so little?
What's going on with lc lately? Are we being raided by kwfags and autistic foids?
No. 2413574
>>2413569you were a
victim and if those come up in some type of way you should be able to testify against him and nothing would be used against you since you were a minor as well. I know you probably feel guilty but at least it means you have a soul unlike the fucker who groomed you. you did nothing wrong.
No. 2413583
>>2413577have you talked about this with a therapist? basically what you are having are intrusive thoughts related to pedophilia because of your groomer reinforcing it as a good despite you consciously knowing it's a terrible thing, not that you are a nonce yourself necessarily. the fact you admit your mistakes even if you were a
victim is a great thing but you have to separate yourself from the person who was saying those things to be able to heal from the entire situation. even if you said heinous things the only person you hurt was yourself. your groomer is a criminal and you were still a
victim despite not being underaged anymore. I honestly dont think those logs would be leaked unless your groomer got busted but even then they would need proof you actually acted, which you didn't, unlike him.
No. 2413593
>>2413583I’m starting therapy soon but I’m honestly terrified when I talk about these things that the therapist will see me as a monster. I can’t shake the guilt, even if I try to consider it in the context of having been groomed. I try to reassure myself that I only ever said these things to him, therefore it wasn’t a reflection of what I wanted but rather to appease him.
>>2413585There was never a specific age said, but definitely not toddlers Jesus no. I also said at some later point I would never be able to do stuff with anyone under 18, but I’m afraid that it just looks like I’m trying to cover my tracks from what I previously said
>>2413586I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope you’re recovered or getting there. The grooming took place on discord, and I panic deleted my account without realising all the messages are there indefinitely so now I have to live knowing there’s a permanent archive of my messages
No. 2413700
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>>2413687He was okay in the 90s I guess
No. 2413704
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I don't want children and don't think I'll ever, ever become a mother. Let alone even married. But sometimes I'll pass by children's clothing or toys or learning items and imagine having a little girl. A passing daydream of playing with her, bonding with her, teaching her, dressing her up in cute outfits. Just a passing fancy, nothing more, but still a beautiful one. I love my mother so much, I imagine passing that love on. Confession because motherhood is always political, in some way, sadly. (I am a 30 yo educated unmarried woman who would consider herself a feminist in some capacity who reads dworkin to clarify further)
No. 2413942
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I love harassing moids online, I love DMing them and telling them to kill themselves or remind them how short and ugly they are. I don't do it to random people, just men that say awful shit online. Most of the time they reply and try to "one-up" me, but being a woman that has been on the internet, they literally can't affect me in any single way. It's obvious it upsets them and it's the first time they are hearing these things said directly to them. I always go as low as possible - I tell them how I hope a woman falsely accuses them of rape, I tell them I like watching videos of men dying on the battlefield and that it brings me joy, how nobody cares about men's suffering and mental health(KEK) or honestly, anything else that comes to mind. I also try to convince them to kill themselves. I guess this is a confession, because I know it's a very pointless and childish way to spend my time. I just see shit like this said to women online all the time, and I do genuinely believe it hurts their feelings when it is reversed on them, at least based on their reactions.
No. 2414584
>>2413942>It's obvious it upsets them and it's the first time they are hearing these things said directly to them. How embarrassing that coddled men behave this way. We need to normalize telling misogynistic men to kill themselves.
I'm proud of you nona.
No. 2414613
>>2414071Please stop being nice to him. He is used to being coddled and enabled because he is a moid. Tell him his behavior disgusts you and that you're ashamed of him and list all the embarrassing behavior he engages in.
I know it's not up to you to try to fix this little shit (and tbh telling him off isn't gonna do anything), but you need to break from your own female socialization that tells you that you're not allowed to shame moids.
No. 2414845
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>>2414766Nta but the most recent post in there was by a self admitted catholic lolicon 4chan user. Picrel was also pretty hilarious.
No. 2414867
>>2414613You’re right. I just don’t live with him anymore, so it’s hard to even scold him about things.
>>2414627I completely stopped buying him gifts or taking him to places like the mall, because I don’t like being around him. My sister still lives at home and scolds him often, and like the other nona said, it doesnt do much. Especially due to my dad always defending him. Maybe he will feel sorry for being an asshole when he’s an adult after all my sisters and I cut him off. It sucks my dad decided to reproduce again after all his daughters got a bit older
No. 2415247
>>2415196Men can get fucked. Women have been the underdogs for thousands of years and we didn't turn into a class of murdering raging bitches. Women being allowed to vote only happened 4 generations ago in my family yet I don't know any female killers that have been so broken down by society they went on a fucking rampage. Men are intellectually feeble the world has been their oyster forever and now that they MIGHT face repercussions for
abusive behaviour they go straight to murder. Fuck them. Wahh a man gets called short! Now he's got justification for being an angry bastard, you've pushed too far!!!
No. 2415725
>>2415385I said in
>>2415239 that you can harass them without fuelling their incel mindset, retard. I never said sit back and do nothing. What I said doesn't mean I have any sympathy for them at all, or make me an NLOG. I'm just saying that harassing them by specifically telling them shit like that you hope a woman will falsely accuse them of rape will just cause more harm towards more women than it will towards themselves, as that's who they'll specifically take it out on. Doxx them, call them ugly, but don't announce yourself as a woman or bring them into it and encourage their mindset.
No. 2416279
>>2415196>but realistically all this is going to do is push them closer to falling into an incel rage and actually enacting physical violence upon women or planning a mass shootingEvery day I become increasingly impressed at society's ability to make women responsible for male violence. Not coming at just you nonna, but your post is an example of this. The kind of moids who enact violence against women were already going to do it, it does not matter how nice or mean women are to them. Decent males are not wasting their time saying "awful shit" online (the people who OP says she is bullying), and decent males will not be persuaded into being shitheads just because some women are mean. Male violence is solely caused by men. Women are not to blame for men choosing to be violent, and it's weird when anyone tries to make us responsible when we're the biggest
victims of said male violence.
No. 2416313
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>>2416279I'm glad I'm definitely not the only one who thought that anon's point was retarded.
>"you can't bully scrotes online because that's just gonna make them shoot up the school"Like nigga if a scrote is the type to shoot up a school, it's not going to take much to "
trigger" him in the first place. He's dangerous and that's on him, end of story. Anon is not doing anything wrong from alogging random faggots. Scrotes getting bullied online is normally deserved or at least funny. If they really let being told "kys faggatron" get to their heads and start "blap blapping" at random kiddos, they're too stupid to even be allowed internet access anyway.
No. 2416333
>>2403735I’m contemplating this, but I want a temporary break to begin with so I don’t have to apply for any job in the first place until I’m done with my studies, which shouldn’t take too long.
How was the proces for applying to ..neetbux for you?
No. 2416387
>>2416347The porn argument is so stupid.
>we need to film women being raped and make it okay to pay to rape them to prevent rape of "good" women, actually! without it, men would rape even more!Meanwhile, men are running around expecting porn sex, choking women and believing nonsense about the nature of rape because porn convinced them of it.
No. 2416881
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>>2416839Sorry but she’s fun to laugh at
No. 2416890
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>>2416856Probably but the milk is gonna be good within the next 4 years. I can sense it.
No. 2416919
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>>2416913The main reason her birth was traumatic is because she’s the type of raw milk drinking trad Thot who believes home birth is the only way to go because our bodies are designed for birth and doctors are lying libtards. Her husband is hideous too, can you believe he’s only 27?
No. 2416959
>>2413931She probably thinks it's a
femcel site and if she acts crazy enough, some moid will be intrigued, fall for her and try to fix her kek
No. 2417040
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>>2415135>>2415196KEK, alogtard anon here, as I said, I do it only to men that quite literally threaten to rape female toddlers and talk about how they want to put women in concentration camps to rape/produce more "rape offspring" for them. If you want to befriend and fix those faggots, be my guest, it just couldn't be me. Thank you, nonnas, I'll keep telling them to kill themselves until the day I die. And no, I don't have BPD, quite literally it just doesn't phase me to repeat the same things I have seen said to women since I was a teenager. Maybe you could've even fixed Ted Bundy if you met him before his girlfriend broke up with him, nonnas, keep trying.
No. 2417113
>>2417045>>2417045I'm the ayrt, that would be great! The travellers are pretty crazy. Pretty much everyone hates them here. They keep getting the guards called on them in my neighbourhood and they're always up to no good. The men probably look so prehistoric due to all the incest that goes on in their community. And their orange skin is because they love self-tanner and gaudy makeup for some reason. Meanwhile, gypsies are different, but just as hated as travellers. The actual term for them is 'Roma' and they originate from Northwestern India. They fled centuries ago because of Muslim rule and spread out across Europe. And I don't really have a single special niche, because I love almost EVERYTHING about America
not what it's become now though… It's such a fascinating country with so much variety. It kind of changes every week depending on my mood. This week I'm into researching the beautiful national parks and the Cold War era.
No. 2417303
>>2417284ayrt, yeah, at least for most European Romas, being called the g-word is offensive, and most Europeans know that. It is a slur and degrading all throughout Europe, regardless of what racist eurofags tell you
(do not self-censor on lolcow) No. 2417328
>>2417315kek, I choose to self-censor, because I don't like the word and I do personally equate it to other racial slurs I'd rather not use. If you don't live around Roma people, that slur probably has no weight on it, but if you come from a shithole European country it does. I feel bad for the women and children that come from these cultures and I don't want to be discriminatory towards them. Call me crazy idk
>>2417321Eastern European ones definitely do, which make the large amount of actual Roma people in Western Europe
>>2417320do you say the n-word with this much conviction?
No. 2417351
>>2417343What is the woke gen z irish take on this community?
Lol this kind of reminds me of what we have in burgerland with rv drug encampments but minus the family aspect
No. 2417354
>>2417169Personal cow reveal
No. 2417363
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>>2417351Nta, but i don't really have much of a clue since most gen z's on the internet are americans who only know about romani travellers. I know that in the UK, there has been a ton of reality tv shows about their lifestyles and they often show how the people in the community often get discriminated against when finding jobs due to being travellers. I do wonder what gen z teenagers would make of the fact that oftentimes in those communities, young girls aged 16 years old often get married off to men in their mid 20s-30s or even if they marry a male from their age group, they would still marry before even becoming adults.
No. 2417366
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>>2417361Here you go
nonnie No. 2417373
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>>2417363mfw women from shitty communities have shittier lives than moids
No. 2417375
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>>2417369This is probably where the leprechaun myth comes from. I can't imagine they would be taller in the past
No. 2417399
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Spent all day thinking and laughing about this like wtf
No. 2417413
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I am two-timing two different moids, one who is pretty perfect and the other I wouldn't have been able to meet perfect Nigel without that I have known for longer. The good Nigel is wonderful, supportive beyond words, and I would love to plan a future with him. The other moid basically suicide-baited me into a relationship after I told him I was seeing the good Nigel, after not telling him for months. The good Nigel is aware of what happened and knows that I truly love him. Suicidebait scrote and I have known each other for several years now and he has put me through a lot of pain. I have forgiven him so many times and he still manages to mess up.
I have been sick and suicidebait scrote is already playing with fire trying to meet other people and I am very close to dumping his ass, just waiting for him to fuckup and hurt me again. I want to wash my hands of him if he sincerely can't get it right. I have been BEYOND patient with him.
No. 2417424
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>>2417403Wait I thought it was Jonah Hill in 21 Jump St that made him (briefly) stop hating Jews kekk
No. 2417433
>>2417414>>2417416See here's the thing, I don't want the onus to be "wahh, you dated someone else before I could own up to my feelings!! I'm gonna kms!!" because I was willing to humor the "relationship" attempt since he would refuse to say the quiet part out loud for so long.
I want it to be "I'm dumping you because you cannot get your priorities in order and you still want to fuck around and make yourself useless when I need you. I deserve someone that will be there for me when I need him." and then yeah, if he suicides after that, it isn't like I didn't
try with him. He still won't learn my work schedule when it's been the same for a whole damn year. He still won't have empathy for me that I have been sick and he has been unavailable when I'm awake and well. He needs to see for himself that he isn't taking anything seriously and feel the damage he causes.
No. 2417447
>>2417433You're expecting
way too much of a histrionic male.
No. 2417507
>>2417447Yeahhh… I feel like I wanna be ruthless when I do go to dump him though. I will play up every insecurity so I can feel guilt-free when I break him again.
>>2417450He was already broken and used goods when I got him, the only good he truly did for me was manage to connect me and my real boyfriend. I am tired of being lead on and I will not tolerate it anymore. Thank you for helping me see that.
No. 2417702
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I would be exactly him in real life if I had his powers. Like I literally get him. Me too bro
No. 2417912
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>>2417723Everything I heard about this mf was and is against my will, it just keeps getting worse, man, it's genuinely distressing. Who tf keeps posting about him and why are they subjugating me to this on my dear LC? Whoever is behind this, please stop before I do something drastic, I cannot tolerate this anymore, this stops now. There's even someone posting his face
without spoiler which is deeply
problematic and spiritually upsetting to me, my chakras get unbalanced and I suffer debilitating psychic attacks as soon as my brain perceives this man's existence yet again. I did NOT consent to this, you keep repeatedly assaulting my psyche this way, you should know today that you're responsable of this suffering, be MINDFUL of what you post online
No. 2419240
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When I was a teen I wanted to learn Italian specifically because it sounded pompous to me and I liked that sound
No. 2419434
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sometimes i get mixed up and think the mtf thread in /snow/ is the gender ideology thread. so ill go in there and almost post stuff that'd be fine in /ot/ but would get me banned in /snow/. i actually did this in the elon musk thread once, i thought it was amerifags
No. 2419560
>>2419556NTA but didn't corsets use whale bone? And modern ones use steel boning. Waist trainers are made of nylon fabrics.
I've read that since they compress your mid section, they are technically taking a couple inches off to help shape by moving your water weight around, but the results are never permanent and everything quickly moves back once you stop wearing it.
No. 2420000
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>Customer sends a long list of items he had the time to circle but did not check out by himself
>I send him the price in no particular order
Ur not the only lazy one here, let the games begin
No. 2420340
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I like reading Dramione fanfiction and I think they would be cute together in canon if Malfoy had more character development
No. 2420373
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>>2420342I feel like JK would have smoothed his edges out if she had more time, hence his characterization in the Cursed Child.
No. 2420409
>>2420380Yeah that is a respectable goal for her to set, but unfortunately seeing Tom Felton crying in the bathroom in the 6th movie just broke something in my brain as a teenager.
>>2420394I see how this could be annoying but of the fanfic I’ve read, all of them start out with Malfoy having been redeemed and still involve a lot of groveling on his end for having been a pos to her throughout their childhoods. It’s pure wish fulfillment, obviously, but Hermione’s a strong enough character to hold her own and I feel any fixing on her part would be too out of character to not take me out of the story.
No. 2420440
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>>2420429Not him skin walking her ew. Nonnas guess who is the tranny here kek
No. 2420464
>>2420461Keep your bedroom door closed nonna.
I’d honestly go no contact if I had a tranny brother. I would just stone wall them my whole life. TIMs fill me with visceral disgust once I understood why they even transition.
No. 2420577
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i know i should not be and it is wrong but i am kinda of a slavboo cause i am insecure about being greek . Which i feel alot of other greek women and some moids are since alot imitate slav appearance and "joke" about being slavic .
Personally for me i hate my greek features cause in my mind
>poor country, poor white trash in a pathetic joke way
>brown eyes which is considered ugly unfortunately by alot of people
>brown curly hair
>yellow skin i have been insulted alot about
>short which stopped me from doing ballet
>hooked nose
>hairy (ew but yes it is true)
>>slavic stereotype
>poor countries,poor white trash but in an aesthetic romanticized way
>light eyes
>light hair, wavy/straight
>pink toned skin which is considered cute by alot of people
>most likely taller
>nose might be larger but still not hooked
yes i know these thoughts are toxic,shallow and petty, I am cognoscente enough to realize that that is why i am not open with it. But i still wish i was a taller,pale woman with blue eyes and straight thick hair
Again do not bully me too much i am 100 precent aware these thoughts are shallow and stupid and that slavic people have it harder than me
No. 2420718
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Is this you?
No. 2420767
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What is wrong with you
No. 2421122
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sometimes i feel like im too autistic to maintain friendships. i have no idea how to comfort people. when my friends vent to me, most of the time all i can say is some variation of "well that sucks". i dont know what is expected of me in these situations. are there any books about this
No. 2421195
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>>2421192Could it be…
No. 2421658
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>>2421508dont' proofred jist Post
No. 2422106
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I snuck my weed through TSA today and didn't get caught. I was traveling within a legal state and I figured TSA has bigger things to worry about, but it's still a federal crime. I saw the agent watching the screen call out "Code [unintelligible]" while my stuff was up ahead and I almost pissed myself because I didn't know if he was referring to my or someone else's bag. Went through without a hitch, but yeah holy shit I'll never do that again.
No. 2422934
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I gambled my f2p gems on a shitty banner I didnt even like…just to feel that gambling high I feel so ashamed I wasted all my hard work and grind…
No. 2424477
>>2411353I hate the type of moid on your gifrel so much. This the grossest specimen. Rather see a burn
victim or gore.
No. 2424912
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If anyone saw the fantasies I have about my 3d husbando I'd win the award for world's biggest pickme. I'm not as based as I seem, I just pretend so anons don't screech at me
No. 2424926
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I had a crush on Tai Lung when I was little. Dream works and Disney do really know how to make animal characters look appealing kek, I’m not even into any furry stuff I’m the first place.
No. 2425262
>>2425249>Or if they're one of those tards leaving their icon in screencapsUsually this yeah
and for some reason anons now are straight up self posting their reddit accounts. but I once found an anon through a yt comment section. A video was posted here and I checked the newest comments, I found one that used moid so I knew it was an anon. I looked up her yt user and found old comments she left on Finnish music videos, then image reversed her pfp and found her Instagram
No. 2425601
>>2425597You're adorable,
nonnie, but tbh, I feel the same somehow, I also hate the idea of wearing something that would be a lie just because it looks nice, like those
>insert university nameT-shirts, I think they look cozy and cute, but I can't bring myself to wear something with a seal/logo of a university I didn't go to, it feels wrong.
No. 2425654
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>>2425601What if they're sent to you by your ivy league suitors and you end up with a vast collection?
No. 2425663
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>>2425661I wear these shirts around the house mostly
No. 2425824
>>2422106nonna that's such a scary thing to do…i can't imagine choosing to do that.
>>2425650i hope you're ok now, that makes me really sad to hear and i hope you're treating yourself with love
No. 2425923
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>>2425480fleshy robo bf when
No. 2426514
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i pretty much am a much darker skinned, super long-haired, tall/buff uglier and older female version of picrel. maybe some of it is just being in horrible health alongside having a jaw deformity, but it's sometimes ridiculous being so devoid of physical charm. in other people i can usually appreciate unique features or a bit of weirdness, though looking like a hag version of a mole rat? i hate it. i try not to dwell though it's hard when SO many people have pointed out how weird or deathly i look.
No. 2426559
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I achieved utter insanity. I'm obsessed with this one character and I hate how the author fucked them up after their main arc (it's a pretty old and popular series) so I'm writting an alternative fanfiction for this character in which I'm changing basically half of the whole story for the series, buffing my favourite character both in terms of strenght and character development, and adding the ships I like and my own self insert of course because I have to fuck my favourite character at some point. I'm creating art for it too, it's not just writing. Of course I will only publish the art and nobody will ever know the full story behind it (I'm not that insane), because if I published the whole thing it would be the most autistic obsessive cope about a fictional character ever made I think and people would destroy me, even if the art was good. I don't understand why I'm so obsessed with it. This series is older than I am! Why can't I just let go??? Why I can't sleep for 2 days just drawing story boards for a story I will never publish and making youtube playlists with songs for my favourite ships and saving places on google maps that they would visit? AND THE WORST THING IS, EVEN IF I PUBLISHED THE WHOLE THING (WHICH I WON'T DO) AND EVEN IF BY SOME RETARDED MIRACLE SOME PEOPLE LIKED IT, I WOULD NEVER FEEL SATISFIED BECAUSE IT WOULD NEVER BE THE CANONICAL VERSION OF THE STORY. I feel manic right now. I can't sleep and I have to pop sleeping pills in order to sleep because I can't stop my adhd brain from brainstorming about my fanfiction. Also all I inserted into myself in the course of 2 days was 1 sandwich and like 10 coffees. God save me from myself and just let me sleep
No. 2426940
>>2426825Given that it’s “pre-trained”, responses are always going to be from publicly available sources but it can learn about you/from you to be more tailored. People try to say ChatGPT can’t be trained but it can be. Check its “memory” about you and make sure it has relevant and useful data. It’s creepy but companies already know more than they need to about us so use it to your advantage.
Overall I wouldn’t say anything I put in is too niche, sometimes I guess I could be, but I am specific and detailed. I don’t ask questions like “list some book recommendations” because it’ll pretty much always spit out stuff I’ve already read, classics, or whatever is trending. I try to be more specific like “I am interested in [basic topic description] and have already read [book(s)]. I enjoyed [book A] but didn’t enjoy [book B]. What recommendations do you have on [expanded topic description]?” If you have already researched something deeply, the answers you get probably aren’t going to be anything new, so I mainly do it with topics I am not all that familiar with/just learning/do not know how to apply to my life. I guess in a way it’s like reading Tarot cards; it’s mostly you working through your own interpretations - you know what questions you’re asking but maybe need help with clarification/expansion.
No. 2427297
>>2427244I hate it when the women i follow on social media posts their ugly scotes, especially when i look to them for aesthetic inspiration. It's such an eyesore.
>>2427008I am so jealous of people who have clear skin while doing nothing, but then again, some of my skin products genuinely feel really nice so i can't complain. It's your skin and you can do what you want with it anon.
No. 2427346
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I freaking hate disabled people.
Have you ever met a disabled person who isn't a chronic victim and pushes this narrative that everything should centre them always?
I just deleted Nextdoor after this insane interaction - deleted by a mod - for suggesting that people who don't like traffic should cycle instead. Old hag started hounding me with rants about 'what about muh arthritis' kek I hope your PIP benefits get taken away and you have to fumble your miserable way to the jobcentre to get them reinstated so you can continue your pathetic victim larp.
Why is your identity rooted only in victimhood rather than achievements or your contributions? Because you contribute nothing but complaints and benefit suckling.
Not everything is about you. You do not need to be accommodated or included in every conversation especially about RIDING BIKES of all things.
You are not the centre of the goddamn universe and saying 'you should ride a bike' is not 'casual ableism' insufferable morons. How do these retards find their way back home at the end of each day.
I am unmoved by your 'arthritis' bawww. CUNT!
No. 2427349
>>2427346Every utterance should account for all possible outcomes and people and possibilities.
Never generalise, otherwise you're abelist!!!!
No. 2428358
>>2428343Me too,
nonnie, I like to log on Discord from time to time to get worried messages from moids that simp for me, I know it's because they imagine a pretty woman behind the screen or whatever fetish they have, but it's fun to get told that they want to meet me or that they like my voice and such.
The funny thing is that they haven't even seen my face like at all, and at this point they don't even ask for me to post pictures of myself because they just know I won't do that.
No. 2429339
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I like to go through museums’ online collections and find silly things before I fall asleep. Picrel was my finding tonight.
No. 2430972
>>2430270Me too,
nonnie, if it didn't had those retarded coomer moments I could show those videos to my friends that already know that I'm retarded but the coomer shit makes me unable to share them.
No. 2431975
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I think I'm too lame and soft to be
on here. I recently started trying to curse in my posts to fit in better, and I feel really bad about it so I'm going to stop. I should probably quit using this site but I've been lurking for ten years now and I don't know why I keep coming back. I feel bad reading gossip about people and being judgemental, but I get so curious about lolcows. I also feel like I'm able to express parts of my personality better on here (like loving my husbando) than I can with my irl friends. I'm really lonely and wish I could talk to more people like me. I try to fit in here but I think I'm dumb for trying. I'm glad I've spent my time here rather than on 4chan or something, but I'm teetering on the edge of asking to be permabanned in the graduation thread for my own good. I'm such a goody two shoes…
No. 2432851
>>2432615I'm sorry you have a father like that. I'm sure your mother did the best she could. Obviously, the best scenario would have been the you two far from him, but at that moment she was doing everything she could to protect you.
About the topic of co-sleeping, it shouldn't be an alarming issue by itself. We as species have been doing it forever and, with the appropriate safety measures, it's great for the baby and the mother, both for feeding and bonding. Though I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with an older child sleeping with parents, I think co-sleeping with a baby or a toddler is perfectly fine.
No. 2432903
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My confession is that I love Karens and I side with almost every Karen that comes out in the media. QUEENS!
No. 2432934
>>2432924You shall now be stoned to death in the lolcow public sphere
bring your own beverages for faking being a stoner
No. 2432945
>>2432937Kek, yellow fever scrotes can be recognized from a mile away. I’m kind of bummed that his message kind of flew over everyone’s head though, from those who forgot him all together and those who were simply thirsting over him.
Conspiracy but I think he didn’t do it.
No. 2433222
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Every month I put my own period blood all over my face because I think it might be kinda good for your skin or something, like a facial.
I've just never been grossed out by my own period blood before.
I also don't like to sleep with a tampon in because I'm scared of TSS, so in the morning instead of using loads of toilet paper to wipe it all away, sometimes I just use my bare hand to get most of it off and rinse my hand over and over again until it's all gone, then I go in with the TP to dry myself.
Am I gross?
No. 2433299
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>>2433294same. God i wish i was rich or mega talented i dont want to go to college to get a real degree i want to stay at home and draw all day.
No. 2433801
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Pick-mes make up the majority of this ib(not a confession)
No. 2433818
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>>2433803Don’t fall for it, that’s an edit nonna
No. 2433882
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>>2433838honestly when i look at bj-chan..i understand why poland is hated. Bj-chan is like peak poland cringe.
No. 2433904
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I've never found Victoria Justice or people with similar beauty, I don't even know how to explain what that means, but I remember this classmate I had that looked a lot like her. I hate that I'll very likely be called a bitter bitch who envies her because she's beautiful. I don't even think she's ugly, but I'll never understand what people see in people like her.
No. 2433906
>>2433900I wish I could be your friend, nonna. And honestly if you are feeling like you're on the brink then you should be having fun and traveling the world, maybe you will find something that ignites your spark. You could even go back to university with student loans at that point, just study that career you wanted anyway.
>I genuinely think we are sliding into a Gilead-esque stateI'm in a state of uncertainty on this, things look kinda bad right now but things have been much worse. Either way I bought a gun, if anyone starts trying to fit me into a handmaid costume I'll start blasting idgaf. I think all women should be armed, I have way more peace of mind now
No. 2435155
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>>2435150Like Nina dobrev
No. 2435163
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To be honest, I think I wouldn't mind being a tradwife (cooking and cleaning everyday)—it's the "you who have to give your hubby sex whenever he wants to because that's his love language/Jesus said so uwu" that I find completely repulsive.
If I were to magically find a trad asexual man (minus the religious connotations) to marry (they don't exist, lol)—yeah, I'd probably do it.
No. 2435168
>>2435147Kek you don’t slap blood on your face and hope for stem cells to restore your skin barrier please. If you want to be technical you would have to retrieve those cells, put them in a colture and purify before you could even do something.
Let us not be retarded nonnas, don’t slap your period blood on your face.
No. 2435186
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>>2433904She’s an absolute cutie. We really need to stop thinking every woman needs to be some beautiful bombshell, there are next-door neighbor types that are cute and she’s absolutely adorable. There are various types of beauty that isn’t horrifically shilled. Compared to Sabrina, Ariana, she looks decently healthy and pretty here. A lot of the celebs we have now look like gremlins who’ve crawled out from under the bridge, absolutely disgusting messes. I rather have a qt like Victoria over an Ice Spice, nothing wrong with plain janes, it’s why Britney Spears looked so cute during her 90s debut. Not every woman is meant to be model/commercial-pretty
No. 2435192
>>2435171(This is just a tangent which has nothing to do with the original post or poster at all, don't take it as an attack) It's the only option which makes any sense
at all if a woman is determined to go down that route. You can only depend on someone else's resources if they have resources to spare. Men complain about this because they're parasites but it's true. You want to have lots of kids? You need money. You want to maintain the house and cook nice food? That also costs money. You want to decorate? Nigel had better pay up cos those knicknacks aren't gonna buy themselves. You want a big house? Wanna work the land and own animals like your ancestors? Great! Let's hope your man can afford it. To get cynical, a lot of tradwives also need to decide whether their lifestyle is cushy enough to turn a blind eye to their husband cheating on them. It baffles me how many RWers try to pretend this isn't true and they can totally sustain a family of nine on "muh values" or whatever, just because these supposedly "trad" men don't want to get a job.