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File: 1722700707450.jpg (34.95 KB, 676x960, burger.jpg)

No. 2119208

No. 2119214

A+ threadpic kek

No. 2119215

How can you stream the olympics for free?

No. 2119227

shouldn't she be called burger KWEEN?

No. 2119228

No. 2119229

Do you mean kweer or is that some way to spell queen that I'm not know?

No. 2119233

File: 1722701253322.png (527.04 KB, 769x798, Screenshot 2024-08-03 180551.p…)

Not sure if this was posted before. He later said that he puked because of the heat…sure

No. 2119237

No. 2119244

Which one is dirtier - the Seine or the Thames?

No. 2119248

anyone watching the pommel horse final?

No. 2119253

Perhaps it was the adrenaline. Its not uncommon for athletes/runners (Shacarri Richardson is the most recent that comes to mind) to throw up after performing. Marathon runners can even shit themselves as a result of adrenaline.

No. 2119255

Is that boxer a man or woman, I can’t believe anything anymore(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119256

running long distance in heat does cause vomiting, can confirm. i ran xc in high school and saw it a lot

No. 2119257

im joking about both of them since they were all drag fags

No. 2119259

The Thames. But both are like bath water compared to rivers in India

No. 2119262

the theory is its a intersex person who was believed to be female at birth but as they hit puberty they developed more male features but still chose to live with the female identity (not they/theming cuz of gendie shit even i dont believe it anymore the way s(he) speaks arabic is very masculine but fuck if i know)(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119272

I've seen pictures with how the rain overflowed the sewer into the water, it was choke full of trash Imagine the smell.

No. 2119277

sure bud

No. 2119290

The theory is bunk because there is zero proof of this DNA test ever happening as they don't release results and she got disqualified in the first place after soiling the undefeated status of Russian boxer Azalia Amineva. IBA is considered shady as fuck and has extremely strong ties to Russia. An Algerian woman beat a Russian and an organization controlled by a Russian disqualified her. You do the math.(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119295

She doesn’t look like an athletic man who trains everyday to be an Olympic boxer, she looks like a high T woman.
the average mtf troon that never gets off their couch have a larger build than her(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119298

Not denying that the river is filthy but it's certainly possible. Sometimes that level of activity can make someone vomit. It happens.

No. 2119303

As someone who has done a lot of half triathlons, I can't imagine doing a full one. All the ups and downs does make you sick. There's a reason you don't go from swimming to running.

No. 2119312

There is your proof.
You might as well call everything on the Internet a lie, schizo. Treat your mental illness first.(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119316

File: 1722703390167.jpeg (370.08 KB, 578x890, 1722637511395.jpeg)

>She doesn’t look like an athletic man(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119317

what ? the way she speaks arabic isn't masculine at all kek i'm not saying this in a passive aggressive way but what gave you the impression ? it sounds neutral to me as a moroccan(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119318

File: 1722703420060.jpg (12.76 KB, 228x275, bait.jpg)

Let's all remember what happened last thread and just report and ignore.

No. 2119322

nta but idk why you cut off the part where it says an athletic man who trains everyday. like that's the focal point of the sentence kek. read things fully before you break your nails trying to speedrun replying, damn.(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119325

>Marathon runners can even shit themselves as a result of adrenaline.
How do they live with themselves after? I think if I was competing in a televised race and I won and the camera zoomed in on me and I had shat my pants like, that's it, my life is over. Is it just accepted in the athlete fandom that shitting yourself and throwing up is okay if it's after a run? Or do even they think it's gross too and so they'll ostracize you?

No. 2119327

>Idk why you cut off the part
Because it's a retarded troll that's been baiting and infighting about this topic for the past 30 hours, just report and ignore it.

No. 2119336

File: 1722703736669.mp4 (2.78 MB, 1280x720, 9gYLy9I2wPrBWF5-.mp4)

stop shitting up the thread and look at this

No. 2119338

Nta, but it's because people just.. understand? The people who watch those sports know about what happens. It's outsiders who spectate who think it's gross. I mean yeah, it is gross, but your stomach is being shaken left, right, up, down, and all you are drinking is water. You're going to get nauseated and some of them toss.

No. 2119339

look at what, he's balding

No. 2119340

KEKKKK omg. i would kms. wait i need to know a de/g/enerate's take on this

No. 2119341

Let's go Clark Kent

No. 2119344

it took me 3 times of watching to recognize what happened, and major KEKKKK

No. 2119345

Why isn't be wearing a jockstrap? Like holy fuck. Or even get him a dance belt. That's so embarrassing, yet.. a proud moment I guess for a guy?

No. 2119346

honestly i didn't even look at his head

No. 2119351

Cock rubbed and bouncing on national television

No. 2119354

KEKK looks like fucking bouncy ball

No. 2119359

I see it now lmaooooooo

No. 2119362

i meant as in tone and not linguistically but i admit im a bit tone deaf so its hard for me to determine male and female voices

No. 2119374

you think a moid boxer could have that slender arms and slender hands? hers are still smaller than a featherweight XY(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119377

lmao I watched this several times but had to read the replies to get it. Good one, I'll be showing that to a lot of people today.

No. 2119450

While it's funny I have to ask how this never happened in the training period lol you'd think he'd have this problem at least once before

No. 2119457

he just wanted to do that on live tv

No. 2119459

Yeah I know but if that shit is filmed for the Olympics…. for a worldwide audience… I'm not about to be a Twitter meme for Gen Alpha. That's why I'll never go to the Olympics or do a marathon. I really think if our bodies are forcing us to shit ourselves and throw up after doing stuff like this that's a sign we shouldn't even be doing it.

No. 2119486

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his upper body is so wide

No. 2119499

Frog bodytype

No. 2119506

You need so much upper body strength to do this

No. 2119512

I feel so bad for him but this is hilarious.

No. 2119516

I just showed my mum kek

No. 2119523

Why does this make my horny. I dont want to feel this way

No. 2119528

what did she say?

No. 2119537

She laughed, asked to see it again and then asked me to send it to my sister

No. 2119607

This is gonna be another castor semanya bullshit where someone is obviously male playing on the female team and you’re not allowed to call it out because “woc just look like that sweaty, stop being racistttt” until he marries an actual female in a country where same sex marriage is illegal/fathers children just like castor semanya(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119683

File: 1722713462662.jpg (182.45 KB, 1200x852, 1722707532923.jpg)

fucking retard. why can't people just keep their uninformed opinions to themselves until we get more information?(this topic has been quarantined to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2119709

Sorry for the retarded question but what sport is this?

No. 2119712

pole vault
the top google results are hilarious right now

No. 2119718

Thanks. I'm using DuckDuckGo instead and ogling the male athletes bodies, their bodies are kinda my type. Some have okish faces to them as well. But I found one that looks like Mark Zuckerberg and I'm dying.

No. 2119722

What did I just watch? Ugly man flashes families watching TV with his nasty maggot?

No. 2119724

Does anyone else think the female pole vault uniforms are downright degrading and pornogaphic?

No. 2119765

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No. 2119774

Yeah and you know why they chose those uniforms

No. 2119817

At least they have a choice in what to wear unlike gymnasts and beach volleyball players.

No. 2119824

>losing in the olympics because of your own dick
KEK you can't make this shit up

No. 2119879

I expected nothing less from them degenerates KEK

No. 2119899

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Day 7 or 8… I've lost count.
It's too long to screenshot the whole thing.
I wish there was a recap vid of just the ceremonies from the day.
That was fun when they did that at the winter olympics and just had all the ceremonies at the end. Also wish they gave them the plushie instead of the poster box at the ceremonies, it would be cuter.

No. 2119955

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women's 100m was won by julien alfred for st. lucia. it's always lovely to see small nations who don't get medals often get olympic gold
do you think only french people have dicks or something?

No. 2119958

Imagine losing because of your slutty whore body KEKKK I’m enjoying this

No. 2119975

File: 1722723326450.jpeg (473.12 KB, 1290x1591, IMG_4854.jpeg)

we got a strong contender for next threadpic already. vive la france

No. 2119980

De/g/enerates, gather ‘round! Which sports has the best body type? I’m into junkie looking freaks so I pick marathon runners.

No. 2119990

imo it's diving for both sexes. their body types are pretty balanced, no midgets, not too many anas, not too many roidpigs, no hypertrophied body parts. they look pretty harmonious in general.

No. 2120130

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Yeah I can see what you mean, they look like decent fellas.

No. 2120156

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wrestling. however i'm into chunky muscled guys so it might not be for everyone…

No. 2120160

male figure skaters have the best booty

No. 2120162

I thought they shot harambe a decade ago!

No. 2120165

File: 1722731885541.gif (801.91 KB, 220x198, blanket-attack.gif)

he's alive and i'm biting his pec like picrel

No. 2120169

Homosexual moid taste.

No. 2120176

Not hating but he does looks like he has shoulders ls coming out of his shoulders

No. 2120291

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No. 2120303

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No. 2120437

Gymnastics, no doubt

No. 2120439

Holy shit, that's hilarious.

No. 2120446

can you really call it the best body type when they have to be manlets?

No. 2120453

who cares?

No. 2120518

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And Thea Lafond won Dominica's first medal with a gold in triple jump. It's nice to see the sister islands get their first ever medals on the same day at the same Olympics.

No. 2120552

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A new meme dropped.

No. 2120594

Female olympians who are roiding won’t be accused of being female. Why is every single athlete on roids?

No. 2120596

The sport that induces the most hypertrophy because of anabolic steroids, so bodybuilding for men.
Female gymnasts are short so I’d say track runners, volleyball babes have the best bodies. Especially the drugs they’re taking that maximizes their glutes.

No. 2120601

>Why is every single athlete on roids?
It's an advantage, they're probably all but forced to otherwise they can't compete, and there's really nothing stopping them. Funnily enough, there's what's supposed to be 'natural' bodybuilding competitions and yet all the competitors still use drugs (at least at some point). There's no way to prove it if they're not currently on something.

No. 2120607

Sweaty sex with every single Olympic sprinter

No. 2120610

I've had that slomo vid of the guy pole vaulting and hitting his penis stuck in my head all day

No. 2120611

>so bodybuilding for men.
yuck no, they have small pps and look like gorillas

No. 2120612

I'm talking about the women but I hope that guy's dick is okay

No. 2120621

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No. 2120624

Well if you’re objectifying men at least do it right, see them for the animals that they are.
Then they shouldn’t whine that WoC athletes get accused of being male when they quite literally have pumped themselves with male hormones to look like men. So maybe the Italian crybaby bitch was half right, that the north african virilized pseudo-troon is on too much roids.(take it to the gender ideology hate thread)

No. 2120626

I am so sorry for forcing heterosexual chatting upon you

No. 2120634

No. 2120657

i am not going to objectify ugly men

No. 2120678

I had no idea Simone biles was only 4'8, I thought she'd be at least 4 inches taller than that. Anyways she's incredible

No. 2120810

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No. 2120865

it was nasty dirty piss/poop water because parisian are dirty, smelly pieces of shit(baiting across multiple threads)

No. 2120934

KEK the good thing about this century is that there will be fanart of anything

No. 2120957

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This is actually offensive(boxer bs outside containment)

No. 2120963

What are they implying, they think Diana wasn’t a bio woman either? Have these people ever seen regular women in their lives? Both of them look normal.

No. 2120967

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Enough about those boxers, let's talk about the difference in outfits for men and for women.

No. 2120975

everyone should wear speedos and nothing else

No. 2120978

Its honestly very telling that despite all the troon pandering on the opening women still wear porny outfits while men are allowed to wear comfortable clothes. If you look at older olympics footage, like from the 70s or 80s , men actually wore teeny tiny shorts, and they were fairly equal to women. But slowly men stopped wearing such revealing clothes while womens clothes kept getting more and more porny.

No. 2120985

I will never forgive men for their stupid retard insecurity over being seen as a homosexual.

No. 2120988

No. 2120993

We desperately need to return to 70's maleslut shorts. Women should get to wear comfy shorts but men should be pieces of meat.
It also makes no sense. If women are the "weaker" sex why are their bodies on all but totally full display most of the time? If men are the "stronger" sex shouldn't they reveal it in a tantalizing manner since their bodies are more obviously affected by muscle growth since it's easier for them, therefore their gains would be more impressive and "worthy" of showing off?
The fact men don't care about looking sexy at all and are content with their fugly thick joggers or whatever they have is worthy of their suicide and "lonliness" rates increasing tenfold.

No. 2120995

men are the stronger sex so they forced women to wear revealing clothes and women can't force men to wear revealing clothes(derailing)

No. 2121001

I'm voting Kamala for male genocide and ritualistically forcing beefcakes to strip and wear ridiculous bootyshorts while they are all designated to goverment-assigned janitorial jobs.

No. 2121006

same nonny, i should have been born in the 80s to enjoy peak male slut era

No. 2121036

One of the most popular assets on CSP in the last few days was the target shooting stance kek

No. 2121038

I think it probably is embarrassing for them, but it's common enough to excuse it and be like whatever. It even has a name, "runners diarrhea".

No. 2121144

I like the way you think.

No. 2121191


No. 2121312

Proud of my Hungarian girlies

No. 2121313

Why tf does this moid have a boner on live television.

No. 2121317

why do you have to be a cunt across every thread(infight bait)

No. 2121325

How am I being a cunt?

No. 2121346

Kek, that can't have been comfortable at all.

No. 2121355

File: 1722806138250.jpg (120.35 KB, 960x779, emura.jpg)

Emura vs Balzer was so cool. It's apparently not the first time they cross and it makes me mad that I didn't get into fencing earlier. It might sound superficial but I love that the two most elegant and badass looking girls (imo) fought the final duel, it was a fanart worthy moment for sure.

France TV is really annoying though. And the presenters are fucking retarded sometimes, I tried to watch BMX the other day and when it was the women's turn the guy would not shut up about Sakakibara. He could just say once "she is Mahieu's gf" (or nothing, because it's none of our business) but no he had to go on with his fanfic of them having passionate sex on the gold coast, sir I do not care about her private life just say her achievements and move on. He had no problem saying her name 10 times in a row like a tongue twister but messed up the japanese contestant's name somehow. And he gave maybe one quarter of a fuck about the actual french contestant. Also, I don't remember what sport it was but someone said Shrek instead of Czech and he tried to fix his mistake by saying something like "oh, he is really the Shrek of this discipline though" I was rolling on the floor. Ozaki from Japan's fencing team got called Osaka 3 times in a row no correction while her name was written right there. Sorry if I sound like a turboweeb but some athletes had wayyyy longer more complex names and didn't get butchered…

Kek accurate. But the French team was really really lucky (to a suspicious degree) that Teddy o'clock rang twice because I don't think anyone else could have taken a second fight. I'm not a judofag so maybe I'm wrong but they all looked super exhausted. Gaba vs Abe was crazy though.

I'd say swimmers, divers, and some runners. Also French men really get mogged by everyone else, it's depressing. Tfw no athletic foreign boyfriend.

No. 2121374

That's not a boner.

Can you not infight?

No. 2121400

File: 1722809721492.png (928.61 KB, 960x626, img-2024-08-04-23-12-22.png)

omg she's so pretty, absolutely mogging all the other Japanese fencers kek inb4 an anon accuses the second one on the left of being a tranny(trying to revive tranny olympics discourse)

No. 2121409

>don't assume she's a troon
>but still says she "mogs" the other Japanese
Nice way to out yourself

No. 2121421

Watching fencing was such an experience. The italian girls lost by one point in the supplementar minute with questionable referee choices, one right after the other. Then they competed in the squad event and won, against France. So the stadium was full of fans against them and still won, again in that last added minute with a decisive hit.
The coach said they got what their worth deserved, with the added taxes kek it was such a dramatic plotline

No. 2121424

I kinda like the look of the woman second to the right more, lol.

No. 2121429

I think you read that post wrong anon. The second one from the left is the one with orange hair, anon was calling the blonde pretty.

No. 2121438

It’s not even forced, most women are brainwashed and gladly go along with it. If they really cared they’d do something about it but they want to be seen as hot and desirable to a public audience. Modern libfems are all about being the best sex object for male viewing and how that’s somehow empowering because of our “need” for male validation. Women think being jerked off to is flattering these days ffs(derailing)

No. 2121509

I can't help but imagine how annoying it is having a wedgie from wearing that. Really goes to show how skimpy clothes like that is just for the pleasure of moids.

No. 2121576

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the mens 100m was something. messy ass fuckers

No. 2121662

Orange shoes to me. His shoes are ahead of the other guy's head.

No. 2121693

The rules are chest over the line first.

No. 2121696

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it ended up being the white shoes in lane #7. apparently he won by 0.005 seconds

No. 2121925

lowkey hate that the olympics thread pic is this unathletic cow

No. 2121932

how tf is a bikini for moids? beach volleyball is a beach sport. you're stupid

No. 2121934

She's the queen of France treat her with respect. she symbolises the French Olympic spirit

No. 2121943


No. 2121955

>how tf is a bikini for moids
Simple because they're to entertain the masses and they should do it the Olympian way being naked or else they're just phony

No. 2121964

File: 1722835379610.jpg (116.88 KB, 816x602, bbc.jpg)

France is a third-world country kek.
>Belgium have pulled out of the Olympic mixed relay triathlon at Paris 2024 after one of their athletes fell ill.
>De Standaard, one of Belgium's biggest newspapers, is reporting that the 35-year-old has contracted E coli but BBC Sport has not been able to verify this claim.
>Swimming in the river had been banned for over 100 years because of high levels of pollution and the risk of disease, but French authorities have invested heavily to make the Seine swimmable as part of the Games' legacy.

100% this.

No. 2122023

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No. 2122035

Ewww I knew this was going to happen

No. 2122053

If they invested that into building a pool it would be safer and more useful in the future. I get the idea of using an iconic river but they had to clean it for a century's worth of disease and dirt accumulation and they obviously couldn't.

No. 2122060

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that a lake with shit water leaking into it might make you ill. They wasted a billion on this

No. 2122063

She got sick before the event.

No. 2122071

Scrotes are something else entirely. To rape some 12 year old girl and then be able to go to the Olympics? How do they live with themselves? Why did the Netherlands think that was a good move? Why did he accept the invitation? Such a piece of shit I hope he goes home to Holland and puts a bullet in his brain.

No. 2122073

Wish there were protests about that or something, so gross how they get to get away with it

No. 2122080

Time to watch cartoons and then some sweaty cuties on the tv

No. 2122096

It's not unique to France. It's true of every river in any major city in the world, moreorless. Maybe industrial economies a bit worse because of industrial pollutants.

No. 2122106

I missed this yesterday but perfect scene for the occasion. New motto for male athletes!

No. 2122114

>Why did the Netherlands think that was a good move?
A country of pedos, for pedos.

No. 2122119

i'll never forget these countries had actual dog and child brothels …the fuck

No. 2122205

Carlos Alcaraz crying after his loss was very cute, he's so young and earnest I found it refreshing to see him not behave like a retarded ape and just have a good cry and move on. I'm sure he'll get his gold medal one day.

No. 2122212

lots of crybabies in the olympics this year

No. 2122232

>dog brothel


No. 2122236

I want to kiss him on his forehead and tell him everything is going to be okay.

No. 2122265

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No. 2122272

File: 1722856460208.jpg (46.92 KB, 600x800, Athens_athena_model.jpg)

a bit late but how dare you talk shit about Phevos and Athena. The are based on a greek statue. Not that this will stop anyone from calling them ugly(many people have)but at least they were inspired from history
I always found them cute and maybe I'm biased and I'm a greekfag and those were the first olympics I experienced

No. 2122285

Having a thin piece of cloth constantly wedged between your ass cheeks is uncomfortable and I can't help but think it would be more distracting than if they just wore some tight shorts. It is for no other reason than for show.

No. 2122306

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i'm probably biased as a swimmer myself but i think swimmer guys have the best bodies and they're typically tall. a lot of them are uggo in the face tho unfortunately.

No. 2122311

these are the same people who didn't want to invest in air conditioning even though paris gets hot as fuck in august and claimed that cooling pipes were enough despite the humidity and all the concrete baking mofos alive. expecting them to make rational decisions that aren't based on woo woo or social media pandering was optimistic at best.

No. 2122326

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Divers are at the perfect crossroad between skinny and muscular imo

No. 2122331

>they had to clean it for a century's worth of disease and dirt accumulation and they obviously couldn't.
Don't forget the corpses rotting in the river, either people who committed suicide or who got murdered. And maybe a few undetected WW2 bombs or shells here and there.

No. 2122389

I'm BR and I am so glad Rebeca got gold, so proud of her!!! It was so close to Biles I love their rivarly haha

No. 2122393

Of all the pictures to choose to illustrate your point kek

No. 2122395

Same. And Chiles didn't deserve the bronze, honestly. Both Ana and Sabrina were better than her. Fuck murica.

No. 2122400

>And Chiles didn't deserve the bronze, honestly.
lmao give me a break

No. 2122405

Why on earth does swimming have 37 events?

No. 2122409

track and field has 48 - you'd be surprised even with swimming that the training and individual specialties for different strokes and distances is quite different

No. 2122414

Okay but why does swimming still have so many, it doesn't even make sense

No. 2122432

how did simone lose the floor? I just woke up so I didn't even get to watch

No. 2122434

they're just wearing zinc sunscreen

No. 2122435

2 instances of landing with both feet out of bounds - apparently her calf was injured because she had a fall during warmups and fell on the same pass when she warmed up for qualifications

No. 2122437

She stepped outisde twice and lost to Rebeca by 0,33 point

No. 2122444

well there are 4 separate strokes with varied distance races for each, the IM which is all 4 strokes in one race, factor in that men and women compete all of them separately as well. there are also men's relays, women's relays, and mixed (w+m) relays.

No. 2122445

Individuals, doubles, team relay. Now do all these for every event: single dive, double dive..

No. 2122458

I was so heartbroken seeing Ana all happy holding her flag and then suddenly looking up to the score change as Chiles and the coach started screaming and jumping. NBC also showed slow mo of her crying and disappointed after learning she’s not on podium ugh. I’m not trying to hate but Chiles had a meh routine with pretty messy landings compared to usual and I agree 5th would be the ideal place for her.

No. 2122460

the point change was on her leaps, not her tumbling passes

No. 2122466

Regardless what the change was, it’s still disappointing to cheer the podium placement only for someone to take over with a score change at the last second based on an inquiry for one tenth. People were also saying the leap wasn’t executed fully or did a proper turn. Idk it’s just a shitty sad end for the last event to see a girl have her dream snatched away in real time.

No. 2122470

it's on her coaches for giving her the flag and not double-checking for inquiries and celebrating too early tbh. the scores were so close they should have expected a challenge especially since there had already been an unsuccessful one right before.

No. 2122658

Seriously fuck america's entitlement, our ro gymnast was fucking robbed
I get a deja vu with THE SAME FUCKING THING that happened to Catalina Ponor in 2012 I think

No. 2122662

kek seethe, it's not over til it's over. inquiries in elite gymnastics are not rare.

No. 2122694

File: 1722877112720.png (230.6 KB, 387x765, 2024-08-05 12_56_07-Window.png)

OK I'm sorry but how are you trans and nonbinary? I'm so confused.

No. 2122711

Theythems should not be allowed to participate in gendered events. Oh you want to be in the women's event? Sorry, women only! We can make a nonbinary event where you compete by yourself!

No. 2122718

true. what the fuck is this shit

No. 2122847

i'm so happy for you and Rebeca, nonnie!!! watching her this Olympics has been incredible, i'm so glad she got a gold medal, very well deserved. her energy is amazing, and it was super impressive that she did her last routine so cleanly, as if she hadn't just been competing for the past week and more.

No. 2122895

>the only significant change has been their pronouns
So what's. the. point. How is this a radical change in your identity and presentation? Idiot. She just wants to rack up snowflake points. And Wwhat is she "educating" people about? What is there to educate? This is like a Rosalina going by Rosa and expecting laurels for her radical change.

No. 2122905

i don't know who suggested watching the artistic swimming but holy shit this is insane

No. 2122960

she's just taking advantage of being XX to get her Olympics sponsorship money and then she'll get to coast on all that sweet trans controversy afterwards

No. 2122998

watching artistic swimming atm, and i think i heard the commentator lady say that from now on men are allowed into the sport as well… why do moids have to ruin everything?

No. 2123020

So there’s no reason to tune in anymore, thanks for saving me time.

No. 2123024

If anyone knows the specifics, are they in their own category? If so I don't care but they better not let them get close to women

No. 2123047

i caught that too. my understanding from what the commentator was saying was that they had the option to incorporate males into their routines but these absolute stacies kept their all-woman teams.

No. 2123056

File: 1722884145742.png (10.98 KB, 627x143, 2024-08-05 14_54_54-Window.png)

No. 2123097

hell yah

No. 2123198

File: 1722888624050.jpeg (297.92 KB, 1170x2039, GUOajudW8AAyuel.jpeg)

It gets worse.

No. 2123225

File: 1722890289995.png (735.14 KB, 1094x592, Peacock — Mozilla Firefox 8_5_…)

Duplantis got that world record again.

No. 2123237

i don't speak baguette what does it say

No. 2123245

POV: You make more buzz for your package than your performance.

No. 2123255

what is it with croissanthommes and having vacant expressions?

No. 2123276

File: 1722892607516.jpg (63.72 KB, 1200x675, rc5ysj9fydxfk6axp52161ircxsygp…)

ily julka go for gold queen

No. 2123280

It’s so boring when westerners get medals, like you’re rich and have infinite support. Yawn. I will always cheer for third worlders

No. 2123302

Based nona.

No. 2123304

I love this. I hope it stays that way. I've never watched synchronized swimming, guess I'll look up some videos now.

No. 2123311

This sounds aggressively tumblr.
>wyt pepo doing anything bad, poc doing anything good

No. 2123314

I'd look just as fucked up if my genitals made me lose a competition and everyone all over the world saw it in 4k on tv or online.

No. 2123323

They seriously need to bring back cheek swabbing and blood testing so the DSD folk can have their world crumble around them in private and no I'm not joking.

No. 2123324

File: 1722896145742.webm (3.01 MB, 856x826, 1722895763885030.webm)

Stacy move to ignore the pathetic moid.

No. 2123325

He lost his chance to compete in the finals, but he never had a chance to win a medal in pole vault anyway.

No. 2123326

KEK he looks so sad

No. 2123332

I'm confused, what's he doing?

No. 2123338

I think it's the sponsor phone they give the athletes for podium selfies.

No. 2123339

Trying to give her a fold able camera to take a selfie on the podium with all the medal winners.

No. 2123342

he looks like a granpa who should be giving out werthers originals

No. 2123388

File: 1722898012936.jpg (82.05 KB, 1230x888, 1722897849484124.jpg)

Whale at the surfing.
Some interesting webm material in these comps. But actually watching it is way too much sitting around waiting for the waves.

No. 2123396

omg that's so cool

No. 2123411

File: 1722899353944.webm (2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1722897329786555.webm)

No. 2123420

The Gojira guys must have cummed their pants

No. 2123445

Cool! It has front row seats.

No. 2123448

Duplantis is also American so it counts even less kek he speaks like 2 words of Swedish

No. 2123457

Sooo, who’s autistic enough to make that google doc of the hottest male competitors completed with pictures?

No. 2123458

File: 1722901501648.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.91 KB, 766x1280, IMG_20240805_204344_203.jpg)

So cool! That explains the lack of waves kek

I'm sad br dude didn't win, like damn he wasn't even able to surf a second wave. But hopefully BR girl will win. We're in need of gold medals ppl!!!!

But kek. I don't even usually find 3D moids attractive but damn. Medina is something else. Spoilered because shirtless Moid sorry

No. 2123466

The lack of waves is all weather, they had some good ones in qualifiers, then some days where the waves were too big. And this was the last day it could be delayed too so they had to compete with what was there.

Tastes are too divisive here.

No. 2123641

File: 1722912940038.jpg (79.79 KB, 720x900, 1000014072.jpg)

I am too lazy to attempt to do that, but Ran Takahashi should be added to the list, its a shame Japan didn't make semifinals

No. 2123746

File: 1722918884787.jpeg (496.28 KB, 828x1604, IMG_6446.jpeg)


No. 2123761

I was talking about a guy with a dick big enough to make him lose the pole vaulting competition in front of the entire planet, idg what cheek swabbing has to do with this.

No. 2123762

I think nonna is just a fan of underdogs. POC Westerners exist too.

No. 2123763

>he speaks like 2 words of Swedish

Why's he representing Sweden then?

No. 2123764

Nta but Sweden sponsored his training probably. Or he wants to get them a medal and be given the right to live there. A lot athletes represent western countries they're not from simply because they have better training and facilities.

No. 2123769

His mom is Swedish, they offered his dad a coaching job, and this way he doesn't have to deal with US Trials.

No. 2123784

File: 1722923043574.png (612.87 KB, 955x533, Untitled.png)

Idc what some nonnas say, what he did was very impressive. I was waiting to see how my country's guy would do(he got bronze) and then sat around to see if Duplantis would break the world record. Idk why he chose Sweden over the US, but I'd rather see Sweden get the gold. Also he looks very cute. A mix of Cillian Murphy and Timothee Chalamet if they looked normal kek. Tbh all the poll vaulters on the podium are cute kek

No. 2123825

File: 1722929628185.jpeg (73.46 KB, 1280x720, IMG_7830.jpeg)

He looks like one of the creatures from that Eiffel 65 song, I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder kek

No. 2123834

It went boing

No. 2123857

No. 2123860

The turkish grandpa is everywhere I hate it

No. 2123885

I like that gay middle aged dude that can't stop trying to covertly check the athletes out being in the background of a lot of media I see surrounding the male divisions

No. 2123888

No. 2123929

File: 1722935243349.jpg (62.18 KB, 377x845, 1000004234.jpg)

No. 2123946


No. 2123970

File: 1722938992103.jpg (3.52 MB, 2103x3109, oh yeah.jpg)

Borderline NSFW kek.

No. 2123973

There's really no point watching summer sports as white person. Almost zero whites among the top athletes, except swimming.(racebait)

No. 2123978

File: 1722939952797.jpg (107.92 KB, 800x1200, 1000019997.jpg)

He looks like an Antz character to me kek but his body isn't bad.

No. 2123992

Do you try to live vicariously through them or something?

No. 2124036

Hot moids with shitty ink piss me off so much. Imagine having a canvas this good but instead of something beautiful and cool you get this extremely mid big titty waifu tattoo that will stare into your girl's soul while she sleeps next to you, and add religious preaching right next to it for extra retardation. Sometimes I'm almost tempted to agree with the anti-tattoo weirdos just to avoid disasters like this because I've seen too many athletes with dumbass ink

No. 2124066

Everytime I look up events there's always some referee/judges complaints.

No. 2124081

File: 1722948075185.jpg (667.09 KB, 2048x1318, 20240806_073803.jpg)

I'm sad Brisa didn't win and later she also lost the possibility of bronze but the whale was cute at least. I hope she participates for the next Olimpic Games.
I didn't see it live but I heard the judges being mostly Brazilian gave favouritism to Weston-Webb and that that penalty was exaggerated, but maybe that's people from my country being sore losers. Again I didn't see it live so I can't form an opinion yet. I heard also they did the same thing in male surf to the Peruvian surfist against a Brazilian one but who knows.

No. 2124115

On first read, I thought you meant you hope that the whale comes back for the next Olympics to participate again.

No. 2124122

File: 1722951550962.jpeg (26.05 KB, 547x456, images (2).jpeg)

Whales are great and I love them so I wouldn't say no to that

No. 2124401

File: 1722964666706.webm (2.94 MB, 1280x720, 1722875123905584.webm)

No. 2124403

I know it's supposed to be a hat but it's just funnier to see the Olympic mascot as a clitoris

No. 2124406

so cute

No. 2124435

the artistic swimming stacies are live right now again for anyone interested

No. 2124502

my new favorite sport

No. 2124606

same, i'm obsessed. it's swimming, dance and gymnastics in one. i have no idea how they do it and they all look amazing on top of it and have amazing costumes as well. sad they're going to let men compete now, i hope they keep the all-women teams a thing for as long as possible.

No. 2124615

I don't get why they allow men to compete. It would give any team that has even one male a great advantage over teams that are all female. Plus men are ugly and I don't want to see their nasty bodies sully this beautiful sport

No. 2124637

i consider it a safety concern too. apparently the concussion rate for this sport is already incredibly high, i can't imagine what would happen if a woman accidentally got kicked in the head full force by a man much larger than them…

No. 2124642

why would it give them an advantage?

No. 2124646

nta but they get scored on height for lifts and flips - if they have a man as a base they'll be able to throw the women much higher

No. 2124648

I see, that's bullshit then

No. 2124816

They look so beautiful. I wouldn't have watched if you hadn't posted. Thank you, anon.

No. 2124948

glad i could share. mexico did that same routine yesterday for the technical final and i thought it was fantastic. spain's was also amazing (they did same routine in vidrel)

No. 2125329

File: 1723012741683.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720, will he recover.webm)


No. 2125341

goddam i cannot stop staring at his peccies

No. 2125449

The way the logo showed afterwards, lmao

No. 2125461

This thread

No. 2125714

File: 1723043370107.jpg (155.59 KB, 647x642, lel.jpg)

No. 2125717

That one of the left would look so much better if he shaved.

No. 2125718

Based Stacy

No. 2125723

disagree. we should gender segregate society and never waste time ogling at anything.

No. 2125728

Wow, the second swimmer has a crazy body. Is that Ceccon? I'm suddenly interested in swimming!

No. 2125730

That's just Saudi Arabia and I hate Saudi Arabia. Cringe.

No. 2125732

I doubt those swimmers would find women ogling them to be degrading.

>"Oh no!!! Thousands of women find me sexy and hunky!!! I feel so degraded!!!"

No. 2125733

I meant having women only countries

No. 2125737

Ah, nvm that would be cool actually

No. 2125772

File: 1723046693143.jpg (209.64 KB, 1200x675, Thomas-Ceccon.jpg)

yes and he does have a great body

No. 2125778

his body looks like the sole of a foot

No. 2125780

I’m sorry but his thick neck makes his head look like phallos

No. 2125783

His proportions are really strange. He looks badly drawn.

No. 2125786

His proportions might be abnormal but in a seriously hot way. Love the middle pic.

No. 2125791

File: 1723048166034.jpg (87.03 KB, 1300x1390, alien-creature-isolated-PW7XGB…)

I swear he looks like an alien cartoon character but I can't remember which one. His torso has just too long and his arms weirdly skinny in proportion to his shoulder width.

No. 2125796

I don't understand this, he has an ugly bug face and his body is just weirdly… long

No. 2125817

he looks like a thumb

No. 2125851

The guy on the left is really hot. Swimming is definitely the sport for good looking men and women.

No. 2125858

File: 1723052418171.jpg (250.58 KB, 1080x1350, 20240807_143706.jpg)

This makes me happy, skateboarding belong to the little girls. Can't wait to see how awesome they will be in 4 years or if they will be out played by even younger girls.

No. 2125861

File: 1723052533197.jpeg (90.39 KB, 980x653, IMG_9017.jpeg)

Hes ugly hot imo.

No. 2125874

File: 1723053132764.jpeg (146.16 KB, 1080x1350, vinesh-phogat-has-been-disqual…)

Vinesh Phogat from India has been disqualified from Olympics wrestling final for exceeding her category's (50kg) weight limit by 100 grams. I would be so mad.

No. 2125876

File: 1723053252565.gif (28.83 KB, 200x300, 5CCC76A5-EAEA-4183-A8E4-8E19F7…)

No. 2125877

She's very attractive. There are so many hotties in the Olympics.

No. 2125878

That sucks. She is so hot too.

No. 2125883

Do not insult Prometheus like this

No. 2125885

File: 1723053609527.jpg (19.97 KB, 686x514, vinesh-phogat-faint_2024087842…)

Samefag but apparently she fainted too. Poor girl, I feel really bad when athletes have a bad time at the Olympics.

No. 2126036

kek my mom complaining about female gymnasts having stupid leotards and then telling me to get married to one of the guys from the japanese basketball team and listing all the olympic sports they did in school in the 70s-80s

It's so frustrating that judo barely has any hot guys. Like what do you mean I'm going to watch sweaty moids fight to take each other's shirt off and they're not even going to be sexy ? unforgivable

No. 2126051

>ugly face
>weird alien body

No. 2126074

She was probably desperately trying to make weight.

No. 2126093


No. 2126136

Damn that really sucks. As if 100 grams would make that much of a difference. Maybe she should focus on gaining and try to compete in the next weight class up?

No. 2126212

File: 1723066022501.jpg (296.24 KB, 1080x1774, Screenshot_2024-08-07-23-26-20…)

Its messmer

No. 2126217

I swear every moid above 6"2 specifically is built like this.

No. 2126232

This is supposed to be her last year wrestling

No. 2126246

File: 1723068102818.webp (56.87 KB, 600x780, 1000006576.webp)

He should have been the mascot, not the clit-hat!

No. 2126250

File: 1723068196180.webp (37.44 KB, 600x800, 1000006577.webp)

No. 2126265

File: 1723069237999.png (628.37 KB, 1079x792, 1000006501.png)

No. 2126501

Has potential, needs bigger arms, smaller neck, lighter skin, and to shave. Maybe bleach his nipples while he's at it.

No. 2126504

How do you think they get so good at their sport? I'm sure at least some of those Olympic athletes have some sort of autistic fixation on their sport

No. 2126511

They're so awkward, it's kinda cute.

No. 2126513

>one of the guys from the japanese basketball team

Which one?

No. 2126523

File: 1723087879787.mp4 (3.02 MB, 720x1280, 1000014148.mp4)

Late but i found osmar olivera kinda cute. Plus he has a great body.

Guy in the middle could use a razor, but based journalist nonetheless

No. 2126524

File: 1723088453622.jpg (31.19 KB, 463x536, 1000014149.jpg)

>bleach his nipples
Kek are you the one who keeps sperging about bleaching nipples on the male body thread?

No. 2126538

File: 1723089561939.jpeg (379.45 KB, 828x1152, IMG_4906.jpeg)

he was ugly under the mask. clit-chan is the superior choice

No. 2126543

Oh…I like her

No. 2126547

I just want to say that I'm so grateful to the Olympics for being a congregation of hot muscular women. That is literally my exact type and even though I don't watch the Olympics, I still get to see some toned hotties.

No. 2126549

File: 1723090508870.jpeg (17.13 KB, 849x361, I'm_so_ronery.jpeg)

>tfw when literal teenagers are bringing medals to their countries and making a mark in history
>meanwhile, I'm older than all of them and all I do is browse lolcow

Man it hurts

No. 2126551

Unless you're going to do something to change your life, what is the point of moping

No. 2126560

some competitors in shooting or equestrianism are way older than that. the oldest competitor in the games is a horse rider in her late sixties.

No. 2126566

Which webtoon is that

No. 2126571

I don't think I've posted something like that there, but I do prefer pink nipples and dicks. Whoever said that in the thread is based, my sister in aesthetics.

No. 2126582

So you would have rather your entire life be solely dedicated to one athletic ability? Most people are nothing like trained Olympic athletes, its fine.

No. 2126622


No. 2126641

No. 2126644

These marfan syndrome athletes are (insert another word for snatched so im not crucified)

No. 2126695

hilarious observation. It really does.

No. 2127179

File: 1723144425341.jpg (39.48 KB, 620x413, z31213430Q,Adrianna-Sulek-Schu…)

i have incredible respect for her. she literally came back to sport 6 months after giving birth. and she just finished 1st at her start in 200m in hepathlon… i kneel
our female athletes are treasure. they won 5 out of 6 medals poland has so far

No. 2127191

the women are swimming the 10k in the seine right now, i feel so bad for them

No. 2127195

5 out of the 6?? Holy based

No. 2127237

yes, only 1 bronze was won by scrotes. for sure we'll get another female medalist, julia szeremeta and volleyball scrotes will secure another medal but polish moids are truly pathetic in olympics so far.

No. 2127238

Anybody else watch the Olympics and feel like they've done fuck all with their life lmao

No. 2127367

File: 1723150232239.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1192x1192, IMG_1584.jpeg)

did anyone watch the sweden vs japan table tennis match or see harimoto’s breakdown after? he screamed a lot during the game when he did well, pissed a lot of people off apparently. after his loss, some people on twitter said he should commit harakiri if he’s so upset about “failing his country” (their words). cruel.

No. 2127368

based japan

No. 2127395

I know the pressure is immense on athletes during the Olympics but a fucking meltdown is just pathetic just get over it moid cry back at home

No. 2127469

Not really. I don't take competitions of any kind seriously and I don't like the idea of sport existing as a competition and trying to know who's "best". Kinda boring. I prefer doing it for fun and as a social activity with friends, street style. I play volleyball and basketball with my sport major friend in uni and her team sometimes while they're practicing just because it's very entertaining and feels good physically. I did attend the football matches they had though to pick the team that would represent the university, and my friend's team won and she got a medal, yeay. But the injuries were insane…some girls fainted while another got a nose bleed from the ball hitting their faces. So mucu unnecessary aggression and violence because of the competition aspect. I'm not missing out on anything tbh. I'd rather stick to my tech major and singing and dancing hobbies, I'm safe from brain injuries and nose bleeds this way.

No. 2127499

It's lame how people start claiming matches are "rigged" or criticize the victorious athlete's performance when their country loses.

No. 2127575

especially for table tennis kek there are people that compete at the olympic level well into their 40s and he's only 21. he can try again in 4 years.

No. 2128039

I hope they won't get any nasty infections… I got an Enterococcus infection once from a jacuzzi at a spa. Chlorine doesn't kill this shit, especially in warm water. Be careful, nonnies.

No. 2128109

Seeing him lose after all that obnoxious screaming was so satisfying.

No. 2128119

The mentally unwell Olympics

No. 2128138

The Paralymlics.

No. 2128327

File: 1723213455360.jpg (120.43 KB, 840x1110, julia-szeremeta-walczy-w-spodn…)

she'll win

No. 2128361

there's a woman in the crowd of rhythmic gymnastics who keeps waving whenever the camera pans to that particular side of the stadium… it's so distracting and i don't get why you wouldn't just focus on the performance from the hardworking athlete in front of you? it's retarded.

No. 2128415

yes, it looks so goofy, esp with those big MC's, kek. it seems like it gets decided who gets the most votes from the judges?

No. 2128446

File: 1723219628822.gif (6.78 MB, 426x240, 1000020175.gif)

My fucking sides

No. 2128447

The dances should all be paired with this song.

No. 2128464

I wish I had this confidence.

No. 2128515

I thought this gif was from some comedy skit at first.

No. 2128523

>Who would really want to top that
Ouch, she really roasted his looks, kek.

No. 2128629

she just like me fr

No. 2128937


No. 2128952

I'm confused, is that a part of whatever sport this is?

No. 2128956


No. 2128961

breakdancing and yeah

No. 2129010

This feels like a fucking SNL skit! omg, they have so much good material for their new season lol

No. 2129088

Breakdancing should never be allowed back in the olympics. I love Raygun's little sped tantrum but holy shit man

No. 2129090

Hold on to your ass because Olympic hobby horsing is on its way

No. 2129119

Well, if videogames will be part of the Olympics, I don't see why not, kek. Maybe add something like dog and cat shows or extreme sewing.

No. 2129124

Inb4 a hobby horse breaks its pole and has to be tragically euthanised (swept up by a janitor) on live international TV.

No. 2129139

File: 1723251909008.webm (3.92 MB, 1920x1080, 1000020398.webm)

its just so… bad

No. 2129234

No. 2129269

average australian woman

No. 2129290

kekkkk i wonder how bad the other dances were if something like this managed to win

No. 2129310

Okay, I get it, capoeira is a thing and it requires you to have lots of mobility and control, I can see some animal flow movements and whatever else but Jesus, this isn't even truly interesting to watch.
I wonder just what were the guidelines, like what was allowed and forbidden, because an animal flow contest could be really fucking cool, but this looks like a sketch where two speds are told to bring their coolest dance moves to prom.

No. 2129331

sorry for no screenshots or video but the canadian women's volleyball team outfits are ridiculous

No. 2129357

File: 1723262678950.jpg (119.82 KB, 960x636, 1000051511.jpg)

Wtf why is this uniform?

No. 2129358

Volleyball is an eye candy sport

No. 2129359

Not to mention all the jewelry they wore during games. They were playing against Brazil and their players looked modest in comparison

No. 2129362

that is not going to get them another gold medal kek

No. 2129368

*Latina, kek.

No. 2129393

I wanna see Sped-chan fanart, I love her, she makes me proud of australia even though im not australian

No. 2129416

now women won 6 out 7 medals for my country. scrotes are useless this year

No. 2129433

She didn't win, looks like it was Japan/Lithuania/China.
I gotta watch the replay.

No. 2129615

Fuckin' oath mate!

No. 2129878

I feel sorry for them.
How are they supposed to focus on playing well with the constant danger of flashing the audience?

No. 2129904

I think the US lost both breaking rounds lol so mens and women's. We aren't advancing anywhere except when >>2129139 danced yesterday lol

No. 2129938

File: 1723307259799.jpg (256.18 KB, 1299x992, 1722897412587605.jpg)

I guess breaking isn't so bad after all.

No. 2129946

File: 1723307591881.webp (38.81 KB, 860x550, dda290ca-5a09-4635-89eb-a39a21…)

She's great. I am so happy she won.

No. 2129951

File: 1723307752720.webm (3.94 MB, 1280x720, 1723301653150508.webm)

We got two guys in the quarterfinals and I think this Jeffro guy has a real chance.
That was actually pretty fun, nice beats, nice flippy shirts, lol.

No. 2129952

File: 1723307914756.webm (3.48 MB, 1280x720, 1723303204442606.webm)

No. 2129953

I think they'd be happy to flash the audience if it got them attention. It's canada, they think it's sexual liberation to objectify women

No. 2129965

We lost to Japan in the first round though

No. 2129980

Anyone know why he cried?

No. 2129981

I love her

No. 2129986

File: 1723309915525.png (1.08 MB, 1311x642, Screenshot 2024-08-10 100246.p…)

Two Americans and It wasn't a one loss you're out competition.

Didn't qualify, the spins were impressive, but apparently breaking is more about variety and musicality.

No. 2130016

File: 1723311797211.png (929.01 KB, 1067x1700, hahaha.png)

Ready for use.

No. 2130020

File: 1723311868517.jpg (113.13 KB, 1200x675, 1723281962542920.jpg)

TMI the sport.

No. 2130094

High quality webms are a blessing for art references. These are way better compared to the ones I had saved from the winter olympics

No. 2130108

marysia lost, i feel sorry for her… the pressure was too huge on her and she couldn't top her elimination and qualification scores

No. 2130118

So if you run and another competitor pushes you on purpose to make you fall the competitor won't get disqualified by default? wtf did I just watch? The male French team is dead last on the 4x400m race because a South African runner pushed one of the French guys out of the way and he ended up on the grass. There was another race where some guy was pushing everyone out of the way on purpose too. Nobody gives a fuck when that happens?

No. 2130164

File: 1723320207474.webm (3.67 MB, 1280x720, 1723317152977221.webm)

I just stole em from /sp/. If you wanna sift through all the coom in the archive.

No. 2130168

File: 1723320307971.webm (764.28 KB, 1280x720, 1723319215855520.webm)

Canada/France/USA btw

No. 2130201

AI images fuckups be like:

No. 2130564

Oh fuck that was nasty LOL

No. 2130693

Stop dismissing the rest of the contestants.

No. 2130697

File: 1723367619606.jpg (250.7 KB, 1080x812, Today_I_am_here_3.jpg)

b-girl ying zi is so hot

No. 2130726

I'm starting to believe she's trolling.

No. 2130884

That's what happens when you come from a country that expects you to bottle your emotions until death.

No. 2130890

Damn, they got moves.

No. 2130893

It's cute both parties look like they're having fun. Probably the only "sport" where either don't want to kill the other after someone wins.

No. 2130972

File: 1723390070052.jpg (134.31 KB, 1080x1104, 1000020354.jpg)

USA has officially won the Olympics.

No. 2130977

File: 1723390264150.gif (1.41 MB, 500x500, 74eff7ee1797d4a266ecbe0a41d648…)

Just as expected. USA USA USA!

No. 2130981

File: 1723390760192.jpg (128.81 KB, 1920x1080, Highschoolvolleyball.jpg)

The sad consequence of overdosing on sports anime.

No. 2130986

both need to be consistently chevked for doping, china and usa. if they got kicked out like russia did before for doping olympics would be more fun to watch

No. 2130987

agreed! i noticed her as well.
seems easy to do when you send 592 athletes… china is second, with "only" 388 athletes. oh well, i enjoyed watching it either way.

No. 2130991

The only reason the us doesn’t get disqualified is because they buy them out

No. 2130992

File: 1723391422193.jpeg (686.98 KB, 1067x1971, IMG_3614.jpeg)


Sorry but the real winner is Grenada

No. 2130995

exactly, US and China literally own IOC
US was using extemptions for top athletes and i swear it was a loophole to dope their swimmers, gymnasts and track and field athletes the most. china and US will use shit that WADA doesn't test for as they won't be caught unless testing for these substances will become commonplace

No. 2130997

Thought you misspelled Greenlad or Canada for a sec, what the fuck is Grenada. This is literally my first time hearing that country.

No. 2131027

I won't argue with that.

No. 2131038

Island in the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean)

No. 2131043

my exact reaction when i saw the name of the country while checking out the countries with the lowest number of medals

No. 2131047

Is there an infographic doing this but for gold medals won per capita?

No. 2131052

I don't like how even here she is ridiculed and compared to men as if she didn't get enough sexist and misogynistic comments and posts all over the social media already. Was she the worst contestant in the women's breaking category? Yes. She lost every 'match' and every round, not a single judge gave her a point, but what is the point of comparing the worst woman breaker to one of the best man breakers in the Olympics? It's like laughing at the last athlete crossing the finish line in a marathon and comparing her to a winner from men's marathon. Just why?

Or was that just a bait?

No. 2131057

Think it was a lost moid who posted it nonnie pay no mind.

No. 2131060

she literally sucks at breaking, what to except from academiafag writing papers about breakdancing lol

No. 2131114

File: 1723395702213.jpg (383.39 KB, 1638x2048, Olympics.jpg)

There are so many good photos from this year. You would think these people were modeling.

No. 2131118

She could paint a portrait with the amount of makeup on her face.

No. 2131152

Tbh when you're healthy and in good shape it's kind of hard to look bad in pictures, someone like her would have to make a really, really silly face from a really, really bad angle to look bad.

No. 2131165

not if you're unfortunate potato looking
if you're cute you look even better, t&f girls from my country were so cute and many other. except iga. iga is literal potato

No. 2131172

A lot of women are just naturally photogenic, I haven’t seen any pics of the men but a lot of men tend to be pretty unappealing in how they look (like being unshaven) so the men’s pics are probably not as good as the women’s

No. 2131194

Wonder if we'll see something cringe in the closing ceremony? Or I wonder if they changed things after the backlash from the opening ceremony

No. 2131196

Not true, ugly in the face is ugly in the face.

No. 2131202

I'm just sad that it's all over. Really got used to watching sports every day and rooting for my nation and other favourites.

No. 2131206

Don't forget about the Paralympics on the 28th of August! It's not over yet

No. 2131210

Oh yeah, that's right.

No. 2131256

The Olympic closing ceremony has just started!

No. 2131261

That's a boring song, I'm already bored.

No. 2131263

Very oui oui baguette, I liked it.

No. 2131266

I don't like that shit, it's boring as hell. This is why I always laugh when French boomers cry and moan whenever the topic of Aya Nakamura comes up.

No. 2131267

Oh, well I'm not French, but I think it's a nice safe start.

No. 2131270

Oh my god not this retard again… Macron démission!

No. 2131271

Feels bad that Slovakia can't get into the top 45 even sorted like THIS

No. 2131276

What sports are popular in Slovakia? I feel like I don't really hear much about Slovakian athletes. Maybe more winter sports than summer?

No. 2131278

I don't feel qualified to answer this as I'm unathletic, but football(soccer) and hockey for sure

No. 2131300

The reason they look like they’re modeling is because there’s tons of pro photographers around and they are snapping pics non-stop. When you have such a massive quantity of images to choose from, it’s pretty easy to cherry pick the best shots from the bunch

No. 2131321

>it's a karaoke of French camping classics
The guys saying the playlist for the opening ceremony was made by and for drunk white 30s guys in a shitty party were unto something.

No. 2131330

Freed from desire! Mind and senses purified!

No. 2131334

I had fun singing and the athletes too

No. 2131354

So far everything's very 'normal', nothing weird or controversial. Typical classic ceremony.

No. 2131358

An absolute classic, they just had to play it for the opening AND the closing ceremonies.

No. 2131365

I think it was played at least once in every single sport during the breaks. I've probably heard it every day.

No. 2131370

Because it's just THAT good.

No. 2131377

What an incredible performance, the costumes, the decorations, the music and lights. This looks so much more polished than the opening ceremony. I wonder if it's all because of the stadium.

No. 2131383

It looks way easier to organize than a show in an entire city along a river while it's raining, so I'm sure that's why. But I find it a bit boring right now. My mom fell asleep when it started and now she's snoring kek.

No. 2131387

Some of the symbolism is going to send NWO schizos into a meltdown, but I'm not sure if it's possible to create an Olympics ceremony that doesn't.

No. 2131389

I guess it is kinda slow, but the artsy direction is so beautiful.

No. 2131390

>NWO schizos
I'm watching with one right now, can confirm kek

No. 2131394

I wish I had such vivid imagination…

No. 2131396

Yeah I like it a bit more now that there's more going on.

No. 2131397

trust me, you don't want to live like that

No. 2131406

Why are they showing people falling in the most brutal ways possible?

No. 2131408

Sporting spirit

No. 2131415

I just felt bad for the athletes when watching this.

No. 2131420


No. 2131459

More boring speeches, so now I'm not paying attention anymore.

No. 2131461

Do we have the most athletes too? Damn

No. 2131462

I think it should be over soon, LA has to do a little introduction too.

No. 2131480

File: 1723412101347.png (69.13 KB, 756x663, 2024-08-11 17_33_43-Jordan Chi…)

funny you posted this as they've apparently announced they're stripping chiles of her bronze medal on floor as her coach's inquiry on her score was allegedly submitted 4 seconds too late.
they're now saying she has to forfeit the medal which is the first time in olympic history that an athlete has had to return a medal due to a scoring error.


No. 2131487

Why did they invite a scientologist? Americans have enough action stars to choose from, why him?

No. 2131488

I can't stand Tom Cruise who tf does he think he is?

No. 2131494

ewww red hot chili peppers… esp anthony kiedis, isn't he a massive creep? (like every other scrote in rock)

No. 2131495

It seems like LA is going for a more popsy, relaxed vibe. I mean it suits them with beaches, sun and all that jazz…

No. 2131503

American culture is so exported I wonder how they'll make a ceremony that won't look too inauthentic in 2028. Not trying to be insulting but when I see Billie Eyelish I don't think "oh shit that's a typical American singer" but "it's that one girl that's famous everywhere and who's always on the radio"

No. 2131510

I'm following this in gymnastics circles and the level of fucked-up this is … is unbelievable. I can't believe this is being done. They should have just given out two more bronzes and been done with it.

If I were Jordan, I would not relinquish the medal. It was given to her. She did not cheat. It is hers. Let the judges and the organizations fight it out. Sorry they all suck at their jobs so badly and the IOC can't fucking cough up two extra medals so that this is settled with dignity. There is no reason to punish and treat athletes like this for scoring or administrative errors.

There was no standard clock footage or proof of Jordan's coach's 'late' appeal, so who the fuck even knows if it was even 'late.' The last gymnast to perform also gets a much shorter time to appeal (others have at least 1.5-2m because it's according to beginning of the next routine).

No. 2131517

Who is this singing My Way? I missed it if the commentators said.

No. 2131530

Thoughts on the closing ceremony? Compared to the opening one it was kinda boring, it had cool things tho.

No. 2131551

Iirc they're also going to use already existing buildings to host the games.
Trying to give it a bit of a less expensive vibe, I guess.

No. 2131572

I found it boring too, I cpuld have watched something else instead and just checked the parts where things actually happen later.

No. 2131583

Highlight for me was Snoop performing both of his meme songs during the handover.

No. 2131614

I feel so bad for her. I know it's "just" a bronze and she won 2 golds, but wow how disappointing must that be and all because of a judge error. If it's not illegal, I hope she refuses to return it. She won her medal fair and square.

No. 2131632

File: 1723421225414.png (114.19 KB, 696x492, PARA_VAINQUEUR.png)

Now that the Olympics are over, are you gonna be watching the Paralympics? Will your country participate for it?

No. 2131750

File: 1723424792874.webp (215.32 KB, 640x790, IMG_6271.webp)

I agree, can't really think of a previous year with so many good photos

No. 2131780

We've had a bunch of athletes completely stripped of their medals due to doping. Over 150, about 90% of them were from drugs/doping. Here are the most notable at least recently and some of them lost medals and weren't sent off to the Olympics. Poor countries are just more desperate. We actively have amazing practice arenas, venues, coaches, some of the events are fully funded.. We have a lot of advantages that places like Russia don't and we already know Russia and certain other countries always play dirty or try to. This isn't a secret.

>Rick DeMont [urinalysis tested positive for traces of the banned substance ephedrine contained in his prescription asthma medication]

>Jack Egan [He lied about his real name: Frank Joseph Floyd]
>Lance Armstrong [Major doping for decades]
>Marion Jones [admitting to steroid use]
>Relay team (Antonio Pettigrew, Jerome Young) [admitted to doping]
>Tyler Hamilton [more doping]
>Relay team (Tyson Gay) [anabolic steroid, but was not banned and returned later to win silver]
>Jordan Chiles [This doesn't really count though, it was about time, not about drugs]

No. 2131842

File: 1723428535227.jpg (118.83 KB, 982x917, 1000015893.jpg)

yep. out of all the fucking bands/singer they could have chose…

No. 2132156

yeah i guess it was a little boring, but i also read that they changed up some things after the backlash of the opening… i guess they snipped some of the more interesting/potentially provocative things, so that others wouldn't throw hissy fits lmao. i still enjoyed it tho!
there's a bunch of athletes from my country participating, and i'm pretty hyped to watch it!

No. 2132184

This is why you should never pander to illiterate religious people, they always ruin everything anf think fun or weird things is a personal attack against them.

No. 2132297

File: 1723466008308.webm (3.45 MB, 1280x720, 1723423249827784.webm)

I gone have to rewatch some stuff.

No. 2132486

For anyone who is using Peacock to watch the oympics, you have until tomorrow and then everything is removed from their streaming

This is ridiculous. idk if other nonnas saw this, but I did when I logged in to watch the closing ceremonies because I worked and couldn't watch them yesterday. That's crazy, right? What the fuck is the point for something pre-recorded??

No. 2132502

If you're in the UK or use a VPN the BBC are keeping up all of their coverage until the end of the year.

No. 2132513

That is so helpful, thank you! I was hoping to keep it for the month and catch up with things over the next 2 weeks, but guess not.

No. 2132529

File: 1723478130099.png (64.46 KB, 251x227, Excalibur_face_1.png)


Where is that confirmed? Honestly, I would have preferred something weird and controversial over what we got.

I can't be the only one who thinks that the closing ceremony was lacking. I liked the performances don't get me wrong but they were suited for ordinary concerts. There was barely an essence of Olympic Closing Ceremony flare (except for the opening and the ring performance). I was really expecting something grand and was left disappointed.

Then half of the ceremony became the America show. I'm watching the NBC replay so maybe other broadcasts showed different.

No. 2132532


They already cut all the spanish audio recordings

No. 2132547

so, how your country fared at olympics in the end?
>only 10 medals, only 1 gold
>track and field athletes gave up under pressure, generally it was so weak this time compared to tokyo. anita finished 4th, ewa swoboda didn't qualify, maria andrejczyk was last in final, adrianna sułek finished 12th. only women's 400m bronze, natalia kaczmarek
>first medal in boxing since 1992
>first medal in volleyball since 1976
>iga gave up and ended up only with bronze (lmao)
>aleksandra mirosław set the world record in women's speed climbing
>daria pikulik wins unexcepted silver
>8 out of 10 medals were won by women

No. 2132559

File: 1723479648879.gif (57.71 KB, 293x343, Betty-Boop-Glitters-50.gif)

We were the best.

No. 2132571

you or china always win, though this year china had it easier with russia gone

No. 2132587

lame, I don't know if I'll bother watching the stuff I missed.
Wonder if they'll leave it up on NBC Olympics and let you log in with peacock there? Should've bought a month of hulu or youtube tv.

No. 2132628

File: 1723481537512.jpg (591.28 KB, 4000x3000, olympic cat.jpg)

I know it's supposed to be the continents, but I prefer arrow-cat.

No. 2132698

I don't even care about my country. I was rooting for my favourite country. They're so cool.

No. 2132705

>got a meme out of it
Enough for me

No. 2132753

WTF is Tom Cruise there!

No. 2132789

I'm rewatching and I honestly love the LA party part at the end of the ceremonies

No. 2132812

File: 1723487277071.jpg (56.67 KB, 960x720, 1000023072.jpg)

>19 medals in total
>6 gold
>7 silver
>6 bronze
>Michelle Gulyás won the women's pentathlon

No. 2132832

hungary did really well, congratulations magyar nonna

No. 2132850

File: 1723489328964.jpg (123.62 KB, 664x480, Screenshot 2024-08-12 114924.j…)

the gymnastics medal situation was confusing to me but this cleared it up pretty well i think. it really bothers me that people online (and jordans sister) are trying to turn it into a race thing. jordans sister also made a comment about jordans medal being stripped "not because her foot stepped out of bounds" which kind of seems like a dig at sabrina…

No. 2132943

Ty nona!

No. 2132954

yeah, that looked fun and inviting. Its raining where I live so I would love to sit on a sparkly beach like that.

No. 2132974

The takeaway here is that the coaches and commission screwed up by miscalculating points and not appealing on time, and now a bunch of young girls are dealing with the repercussions and emotional turmoil. The race card is stupid and doesn't work outside of America because Romania is the pariah of Europe and no one would favour them over the US lol.

No. 2133044

I wish I could do that.

No. 2133049

Men are so emotional.

No. 2133056

Stacy living her best life.

No. 2133066

People on IG made a post about the badass Korean mom with her kid's plush on her hip and every male in the comment section made it about the turkish moid. I hope he dies

No. 2133187

>Romania is the pariah of Europe
No they aren't, you stupid Amerifat.

No. 2133439

Everyone's acting like Jordan is the biggest victim here, but I feel worse for Ana and Sabrina. People need to understand that, even though Jordan is marginalized as a black woman in the US, in the context of gymnastics she has a big advantage over the Romanians. There is a political side to athletics, especially pertaining to sports like gymnastics and figure skating that are somewhat subjective. Also, Jordan has a bunch of fans online defending her and attacking the Romanians; she has over 1.4 million IG followers versus Ana and Sabrina having less thank 50k each. Finally, she already has another gold medal anyways, whereas the other two girls have nothing. I could ramble more about this, but I won't lol. I'm just annoyed with Americans having main-character-syndrome over this whole issue.

No. 2133485

you're right.
plus people rightfully point out how it made her feel but conveniently forget the same bait and switch happened to Ana bc of the american coach filing that last minute appeal. she was already celebrating and she had to hand over the medal live on camera.
>main-character-syndrome over this whole issue.
yup. medals getting revised or taken away happens regularly, you just hear about it now bc it's a famous US gymnast with a million fans and not, say, some poor mongolian weightlifter.

No. 2134100

File: 1723561473958.jpg (270.31 KB, 974x730, dff.jpg)

No. 2134109

File: 1723561894930.jpg (228.61 KB, 1000x1000, Feature-Get-to-Know-The-2024-U…)

It came out a few hours ago that Jordan's coach actually submitted the inquiry on time.

>The governing body said in a statement that it has submitted the video, as well as a formal letter, to the Court of Arbitration for Sport as part of a request to reinstate Chiles' score of 13.766 and allow her to keep her bronze medal from the 2024 Paris Olympics.

>"The time-stamped, video evidence submitted by USA Gymnastics Sunday evening shows Landi first stated her request to file an inquiry at the inquiry table 47 seconds after the score is posted, followed by a second statement 55 seconds after the score was originally posted," USA Gymnastics said in its statement.

>"The video footage provided was not available to USA Gymnastics prior to the tribunal’s decision and thus USAG did not have the opportunity to previously submit it."

No. 2134111

>medals getting revised or taken away happens regularly
Not because of an error made by the judges, this is the first time that has happened.
>last minute appeal
Jordan was last, any inquiry filed for her would've been last minute.

No. 2134119

>Is a child rapist
>Has a child
JFC. The moid should be crying in a dark prison cell, not participate in the olympics or procreate.

No. 2134143

still it's weird they bumped the score despite that move being scored at 5.8 before twice for her

No. 2134144

File: 1723563593474.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3287x3287, nRT11XP.jpeg)

must be wild dating an irl cyborg

No. 2134180

I agree, it's weird. Like, why give her a higher score when it's questionable at best, but they wouldn't give Sabrina the benefit of the doubt on whether or not she went oob?

No. 2134195

yeah, the b-dance is nice too

No. 2134240

sabrinas coach forgot to slip something in with her inquiry

No. 2134484

that is insane control, holy shit

No. 2135129

aw this s cute

No. 2135189

they're married and have been together for like 7 or 8 years, they seem pretty wholesome tbh

No. 2135239

If his own kid got raped I wonder if he would expect people to forgive the rapist. Probably yes since rapists sympathize with each other.

No. 2135302

I'm more worried about him being a danger to his own kid.

No. 2135385

i have to say it was a really good olympics and very exciting. i'm very excited for LA 2028 since i am from here. i really want to volunteer

but also…
>will be 30 years old in 2028

No. 2135389

Can you not volunteer when you're 30+?

No. 2135423

Calm down and try again anon, I'm Romanian myself. People have massive prejudice against us and other Eastern Europeans anyway so there's no way they'd favour Romania of all countries over the US. Scuze daca sunt prima persoana care iti zice asta

It does feel like greed on Jordan/her team's side when she's "taking a mental health break" over having her questionably obtained bronze taken away from her while she already has a gold. It's also retarded on the gymnastics community to demonise Nadia Comaneci who sided with the two Romanian athletes. Any post mentioning Ana, Sabrina and Nadia are deleted on the gymnastics subreddit and the user who posts them gets banned.

No. 2135465

i think i can but just the thought of the olympics being that far away but really not that far at all is depressing
dont even know if i'll still be in LA 4 years from now

No. 2137212

>Any post mentioning Ana, Sabrina and Nadia are deleted on the gymnastics subreddit and the user who posts them gets banned.
That's not true at all. A lot of the users there agree that if there had been no judging or administrative problems, Jordan would not have gotten the bronze. Sabrina is the one they think should be 3rd.

I just find your statement here so disingenuous since I think everyone on that subreddit is appalled and hates what the gymnasts are going through. There has been a ton of extra traffic and insulting posts there because of the situation and afaik the mods are working overtime to corral all of this and delete hate directed against anyone. They didn't want 50 new posts every day about the medal situation so have funnelled them into megathreads.

There's been a ton of racist hatred against both Romanians (calling them gypsies) and Jordan. It's pretty sad. No one should blame the gymnasts, but this process is so fucked beyond belief. It's unheard of for administrative/judging errors to be handled like this. Let me remind you that no one has apologized for the administrative problems at all. That's reprehensible.

No. 2137351

File: 1723738741394.png (73.77 KB, 979x426, Screenshot.png)

I've seen plenty of inoffensive posts made right when they did a recount of the points that got banned for no other reason than mentioning the three. I see that is no longer the case, apologies about that, but it was a real issue in the first few days following the scandal. I'm not really sure where you got that there's megathreads on this (couldn't find any myself) or that people think Sabrina should've been third, more often than not posts mentioning that she deserved the bronze get downvoted (picrel is one of many I could find). This all is trivial stuff anyway, I agree with you that all three gymnasts (Jordan, Ana and Sabrina) were done dirty by the judges.
>Let me remind you that no one has apologized for the administrative problems at all. That's reprehensible.
I agree, I've acknowledged this since my first post. There's no argument to be had about this.

No. 2137721

File: 1723749507208.jpeg (411.09 KB, 1284x1274, 4xdkckgxmvid1.jpeg)

Jordan Chiles posted this on IG in response to the bronze medal being stripped

No. 2137728

Classy response I really feel for her. It's unfair to both athletes that this has been such a flip-flopping mess. Fuck the IOC

No. 2138355

File: 1723775769281.webm (954.5 KB, 864x480, 1723489223179887.webm)

No. 2138378

Imagine marrying a child rapist and having a child with him. Wtf.

No. 2138404

I like how this is written to mock him kek

No. 2138458

She and nicki could be besties

No. 2141543

File: 1723972902517.png (379.11 KB, 561x593, dKn47KZ.png)

there's also this blind runner and her husband

No. 2141667

This picture is so cool

No. 2141674

The daily mail is a sensationalist rag but they do make some based articles about child abusers.

No. 2147320

File: 1724258665659.png (401.91 KB, 1073x581, WGKwd5L.png)

li wenwen, the chinese gold medalist celebrated her win by dragging her coach on stage

No. 2147321

File: 1724258691233.png (427.98 KB, 1080x597, 2WZiXRB.png)

No. 2147325

She's so freaking cute, her coach is so damn proud

No. 2147331

File: 1724259137562.png (365.11 KB, 1075x604, kJfgYMM.png)

No. 2147333

I love when their coaches get some spotlight too

No. 2147393

This is so wholesome.

No. 2157910

Anynonny watching the Paralympics opening ceremony rn?

No. 2157943

I thought that was what the Olympics' opening ceremony was

No. 2158120

Yes! It’s positive vibes for a Wednesday night. I’m enjoying the dance more than the stuff from the closing ceremony, it’s interesting

No. 2199848

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No. 2199855

Not trying to start any infight, but my life has been insane since the Olympics. Did the XY boxing situation ever get resolved?! I mean, I guess in some ways it will be resolved by not having boxing at the Olympics again. I have no idea why they let it happen, such a farce.

No. 2200089

It's only got worse.
>The International Olympic Committee (IOC) asked member nations to de-recognise national federations that remained aligned to the International Boxing Association (IBA), further escalating its feud with the suspended body.
>The IOC further stated in a letter sent to National Olympic Committees (NOC) on 30 September that boxing federations that do not sever ties with the controversial organisation will be barred from competing in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.
>Boxing is currently not a part of the 2028 LA Olympic program.

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