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No. 2178237
Post deranged things only a defective male would say.
Previous thread
>>1484820 No. 2178266
>>2178254This. Women will never understand.
I accidentally showed my powerlevel at work today and yelled 'retard niggerfaggot roastie egg carton whore!' at my biohole coworker because she fucked up our project. She gave me dirty looks but I could tell she was secretly wet as fuck.
Anyway I've got a meeting with Stacy from HR about it in the morning, she said my behavior is 'deeply concerning', but it's cool because I washed my balls with tactical soap tonight so I know she's gonna end up slobbering on my dick tomorrow instead.
No. 2178275
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i swear by this stuff brehs. i used it once and looked in the mirror and noticed my canthal tilt became positive and my jawline increased by like 5mm. my eyes are also starting to turn blue when they were hazel before, i shit you not. you can buy it at anonstacticalsoapthisshitwillturn youintobradpittiswearimnotashillpleasehelpmebuymoretendies (dot) com. not my site btw brehs im just helping out a good friend.
No. 2178276
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dont take my word for it just look at these reviews from various chads
No. 2178623
>>2178368These are my conditions for marriage
>no older than 18 years and 1 day, max>must never have touched kissed or even looked at another guy, not even her brother or father>must have at least 8/10 face and 9/10 body (will consider 7/10 face as long as she has 10/10 body)>no makeup EVER, must be a natural beauty>never raises her voice louder than 5 decibels>DD cup minimum, must have perfectly pink small areolas, absolutely NO sag or stretch marks must be perfectly perky otherwise into the trash she goes>must be natural blonde, absolutely no hair dye, fuck fake blonds btw>must have no pubic hair or body hair (but must not shave either)>must have perfectly pink small untouched virgin butthole>must never have masturbated>must never have used the internet before >must never have spoken to any man including her family >no hymen no diamond>must give me money and financially support me (betabuxxing is for cucks a woman doesnt love you unless she's paying your way)>must be willing to do anal at least 3x a week minimum, blowjobs and sex whenever I want, raw always, no condoms ever, must spend at least 10 hours a day on her knees blowing me>must be great at sex but never watched porn ever (she must accept the fact I will watch porn though)>no birth control ever>must be trad and christian >her mom must be hot and no older than 35 just in case I want a threesome with a milf one day, she should also have a super hot sister that she lets me fuck too>must weigh no more than 95lbs but have perfect slim thicc figure with breeding hips and completely flat tummy + perfect ass too (not too big otherwise my dick cant reach in doggy)>must be right wing and hate minoritiesNo I will NOT compromise or settle, settling is what the Jews want.
No. 2179198
I don't know why my girlfriend keeps giving me attitude about not doing chores. How am I supposed to know that she doesn't want to see my pubic hair all over the toilet and sink? If she wants me to clean, she should tell me where to clean, how to clean, how often to clean, how to put soap on a rag, how to turn on the vacuum, how to wipe crumbs off the counter, scrub the toilet… she should show me how to put clothes in the washing machine and then press the button to wash them. She should have told me that she's tired after work and doesn't want to do more chores. And she needs to tell me more than once! I have ADHD and my parents got divorced so I never remember anything except the names of my favorite spank videos and the password to my XBox account.
Why didn't she wake me up for work yesterday!? Just because I turned off my own alarm and went back to sleep doesn't mean it isn't her responsibility to wake me up, clothe me, bathe me, pack my lunch and kiss my forehead before she does all the chores and then goes to work!
No. 2179203
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reporting on twitter/discord should be banned ,good on you for clogging the report queue with bullshit nobody is going to care about. loli art isnt actual borderline cp and does no real world harm, child abuse and hate campaigns against men are on yt but you are bravely calling attention to the poorly drawn cartoon also dont ask if i donate or help actual real children
No. 2179276
File: 1727285656560.png (1.52 MB, 1458x1072, 73a.png)

UOOOOHHHHHH CUNNY! BLUE ARCHIVE! JAPANESE GIRLS ! why are white foids so ugly, mannish and haggard bros? they hit the wall at 17 unlike japanese females who look 10 forever !! we should summon Adolf Hitler back from the grave so he can send all white whores to death camps and import kawaii japanese tiny girls for white giga sigma aryan gods like us! Save the white race ,HEIL HITLER ! (don't forget to join my telegram group unless ur a nigger or a foid over the age of 14)
No. 2179549
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>>2179389Exactly, foids over 30 will never understand that they aged out of men's preferences. They're not young and hot anymore. They'll regret not settling down with a nice guy like me when they were in their prime.
>>2179276Hey bro sent you a request on telegram
No. 2179956
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(sigh) Y'all hopeless gooners disgust me. Females are such pure fucking amazing specimen to exist in the earth. They all the jewels, the pleasure in this world, the birther of the future, and the nurturer of mankind. Us men are made by god to protect, guide, and appreciate those females, don't defile yourself and defy your purpose by gooning and committing faggotry (trannies, femboys, and traps ARE homosexual). No wonder the modern world is doomed. Shame on YOU.
No. 2180145
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Man I hate those Muzzies but they got the woman question all figured out, that’s for sure.
Imagine the peace and quiet. Honestly considering moving there and living like a king, my neetbux would basically make me a millionaire by their standards, I could probably fugg all kinds of blue eyed Pashtun qts.
No. 2180149
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>>2180145Bros need to save based patriarchal muslimchads from the evil matriarchal israelisois. We can’t let feminism win.
Those IDF whores are hot thoughever and VILL be allowed into the Aryan ethnostate. Hitler would approve and I will breed them all.
No. 2180154
>>2179830Dude I've masturbated listening to Andrew Tate's podcasts at least twelve times now but I don't think that really counts as gay because it's not like I love him or any faggot shit like that. It's like the time I got hard when Sneako's nudes leaked, just appreciating a bro's form.
>>2178606Bro mind telling me how to sign up for the seminar? Also do they do a taste test too? Just want to get my money's worth.
No. 2181044
I can't believe how utterly psycho, mentally, spiritually and morally inferior, emotionally volatile, unreliable, narcissistic, entitled, mean-spirited, sexually degenerate, judgmental, only-want-to-bounce-on-Chad's-cock, reckless, irresponsible, unrealistic, useless, and whiny women are. Men truly are the builders of civilization; without us, nothing would function nor would any buildings have been erected, the infrastructure of all societies would rapidly disintegrate, and those same femoids who sit on their flabby, cellulite-riddled asses all day screeching about men would be placed in a significantly more primitive, dog-eat-dog world where they are raped by migrant savages like they deserve to be. We are the creatures of rationality, enlightenment, morality, human exceptionalism, and spiritual, artistic, and intellectual grandeur; they are the human equivalent of sewer rats. Women should stay in their place and be bred like cattle, because realistically, that's all they could ever amount to anyways. We're actually doing you untermenschen a favor by telling you stupid bitches what to do and how to act, and instead of thanking us, you view our chivalrous instincts as abusive and controlling? GO GET RAPED THEN YOU POST-WALL ROASTIE WHORE. Dumb cunts. It's actually scientifically proven that women lose their looks, charm, worth, and fertility if they engage in too many masculine activities (e.g. studying, sticking up for yourself, seeking independence of all forms, not revolving your entire identity around your dad and then partner, etc.), and women should never develop the ability to reason or argue, because there's nothing less attractive than a woman who pretends that her words have any significance. Stay inside and thank us every day for what we have done for you. Don't you even DARE TO TRY TO OUTPERFORM ME YOU WORTHLESS STUPID FUCKING WHORES YOU PEAK AT 12 WE PEAK AT 70 CHECKMATE FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCKYOUASFGURDYHUFGDIFSZ
No. 2181373
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How much does a Russian tradwife cost bros?
Thinking of moving there. I’m sick of this western gynocracy.
I love Slavic women they’re thin virginal tradition Christian and submissive and they all look like models and don’t care if you’re broke fat and ugly like Boris they’re not superficial. Peak female performance, western hags on suicide watch.
No. 2181375
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>>2181373are you a gerontophile? looks way too old. also filler fish lips are ugly 2/10 quite literally would not bang. slavic women are gold digging whores, get some real standards like Yeji. only asian women can truly love white men.
No. 2181382
>>2181228Women will truly never understand male suffering. Gooners are braver than any US marine, we are standing up to roastieocracy and censorship like true pioneer Chads. Porn should always be enshrined by the first amendment, only women hate porn because they know they can’t compete with my legal loli goddess Belle Delphine.
>not having an emergency goon kit and fap folder at all timesNGMI
No. 2181384
>>2181373I hate ziggers but man I looooove their women and will breed a harem of Russian qts. I just hope our sons get my superior WASP Chad genes and not her roundheaded Mongoloid Slav features. Death sentence for male offspring.
>>2181375Konnichiwa dude, Asian girls are docile and tight as fuck and I would definitely cheat on my wife with them, but I’ll never impregnate one. I don’t want Elliott Rodger sons. Unfortunately you need white women to make white kids, sucks I know.
No. 2181662
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You fucking bitches think you're so special just because you have tits. Newsflash sluts, every other cunt has those too! You're a dime in a dozen. You pathetic femcels, crying about how hard life is. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe if you stopped being such insufferable, man hating harpies, someone might actually want to fuck your sorry asses! You act like you're goddesses that men should worship. In reality, you're all just entitled, whiny feminazis
No. 2181756
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Could transitioning have saved him?
No. 2181801
>>2181662Foids are literally just children. They really live on easy mode but think they have it so rough because they get pumped and dumped by Chad. Must be nice to get matches for just being a foid meanwhile I get one match a week on Tinder if I'm lucky even though I pay for the premium membership. And of course it's a landwhale or a single mother every time KEK. I'm holding out for 18 year old virgin pussy since the average western roastie has a body count of at least 70 by 21.
>>2181384Bro getting them pregnant is the best gift you could give them. Every Asian woman subconsciously wants to give birth to a child with superior white genes. They cry with joy knowing their son will be a sigma half white among beta chinks. They don't even need a father if they have blue eyes and white man height. I never use protection when I go to Cambodia. I cum in them every time. I get bricked just thinking of all my spawn that must be running around by now.
>>2180140When will foids learn to accept that 13 is prime breeding age and they're almost eggless by 20? If we're going to save the white race we need to abolish age of consent before it's too late!!
No. 2182216
File: 1727443733011.jpg (84.51 KB, 700x687, 1727443214550124.jpg)

I should have been born in japan, I can't stand the fact white women age like milk! only white men and asian girls should exist in the entire world, no white hags, no chinkcels, no fat bitches, no subhumans, only me and a harem of cute japanese girls and I am saying what every white man thinks we all love docile sweet asian girls because they are cute, submissive, virginal, good in bed , look neotenous as fuck! white women have man jaws , eyebags , too tall, horse noses!
Let's pray Donald trump pays for all the white chads so we can live in japan, and Hiroshima (japan's president) deports all the ugly chink boys to US so they betabux for white foids and we get to marry and impregnate japanese cuties.
No. 2186546
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Me after my girl is finally done getting ready. Am I right fellas? Women, I swear!
No. 2192947
>>2187503Bro its so easy to get these hoes to stop nagging,
3 easy steps
say you're so sorry and try to ham it up as possible to play on her feeble emotions,
say you will never again seek out pornographic material (LOL)
3)you can appease her on instagram but just make a ifunny or go on shein you could also just make another instagram unbeknownst to her where you can scroll with your dick in your hadn while she's not around. and look at whores on a more obscure app because she's going to be watching your instagram like a hawk. She sould be Hawk tuahing like that one girl am i right bros?
Never let a broad get in the way of your gooning
No. 2194498
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1. Be skinny
2. Have ginormous tits
3. Have the face of a 12 year old
Why do 99% of womyn fail this basic attractiveness criteria bros? We're not even asking for much. Cant wait for sexbots.
No. 2194550
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See, this guy gets it.
Not cool calling my waifu Belle a roastie though. She's different from other girls, she's actually INTELLIGENT and redpilled and outjew-ed the jew. Only based grill on the planet. I worship her.
No. 2194551
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so true!
No. 2194552
5/10 women: live on tutorial mode. free shit given to them, 200% more likely to get a job, opportunities everywhere, society is catered to them, can easily get chad and then get a betabux when they hit the wall. can coast off their fake rape stories and write a bestselling book about it and become billionaires from selling nudes, even as grannies.
5/10 men: nightmare mode, scum of the earth, everyone hates you, boomers shit on you, gen x shits on you, millennials shit on you, all older generations steal your women, job market is fucked, housing is fucked, you're stuck with your parents, no money, your generation's women only date chad.
women will NEVER know what men go through.
No. 2194555
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>>2194552Women have always been on tutorial mode, even in prehistoric times. Their only job was to carry the baby and feed it booba milk. Piss easy, not even a job at all.
Men had to do literally everything else - that's just the way it is.
Fuck women. Go out there and be a badass and invent some shit, fuck some PTP or just become a tranny. Better yet, kill yourself faggot.
No. 2194557
>>2194549Society doesnt give a fuck about sub 8 males bruh. That's why I don't owe society shit, unless they give me a 10/10 virgin loli state mandated wife.
No. 2194561
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I love /pol/. Everything they say is so based and ebin and real. True frens.
I spend like 18 hours a day everyday on that board since I was 13 and I'm 36 now, no ragrets bros.
No. 2194605
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>>21945502 weeks til the eggless, decrepitness hits
No. 2196703
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sabrina carpenter is a cutiepie legal loli with the voice of a siren that's why hags on reddit and lolcow hate her, bros how do we save our princess from these man-heighted freaks?
No. 2196740
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This is one for the history books. I literally cummed in my pants from excitement seeing this image. Do you guys think we can get a cute trad foid if he wins? frens that'd be so epic. Remember that they took the japanese mcdonald's ad away from us, they took joker and buttraped him, they took our traps and made them trannies. we have to go back. we can NEVER let that foid win I'd kill myself or trans out, because at that point they'd try to make the male population go extinct. They're already putting estrogen in our waters what else can we do???
No. 2204283
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So true!
No. 2205870
>>22042834/10 on left, -400000/10 on right.
Why are women so bad at being attractive, this is why I only fuck traps
No. 2206317
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The new masculinity hack to break out of the Matrix… Stealing the BBC from white femoids. My testosterone raised substantially just from watching this video, it would reach uncharted levels if I teamed up with a strong Black man. We'll beat those Westernized harpies in their own cuckoldry game. Trust me bros, this is the 200IQ next-level chess move.
No. 2206510
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No. 2207298
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Went out to the gym and saw the cutest Loli today
No. 2207321
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>>2207305I would but the old hags who run this site would ban me for "being a sick fuck" or something like that. She kinda looked like my waifu tho
No. 2207734
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On the 8th of October 2020 an angle secured his place in Heaven and 4chan history. I'm talking of course about the late Brendio.eee. He was one of the greatest and bravest spokesmen of R9K to ever exist. He is the only Incel to go on a mainstream platform to fearlessly pour his heart out, and shamelessly answer questions like "Why do you hate women?" and arguing with feminist whores to put them in their place. In these selfless acts, he acquired himself quite some fame and he managed to catch the eye of the beautiful but evil fembot Tahlia, who fell head over heels for him. They e-dated for a while but inevitably the harlot broke his heart and they grew apart. Which was the catalyst for him to fall into deep despair and depression and ultimately he decided to take his life by ropeing in the woods. Before he ended it all, he dumped the whore's nudes all over the internet, in true hero fashion, so that we all may coom.
Brendio. The genuine Robot role model, may his soul rest in peace. We will never forgetti.
No. 2207736
>>2207735He did die man here's the stream would never have the balls to go on a platform like Jubilee and put feminists in their fucking place to their hag faces. You do it comfortably anonymously behind you're screen like a true faggot. Brendio is a hero compared to you bitch. The beta uprising is here.
No. 2207752
>>2207743Fuck u faggot this man was the ultimate R9K chad and god. The only guy to not be afraid to voice his goddamn opinion, while u all hide behind ur screen all day posting lame shit. He voiced his sexism in front of millions of people, advocated for 13 year old loli trad brides, and made roasties seethe. Which is why he deserves all our respect.
Rest in power king.
No. 2207754
>>2207753Women love pedophiles though. Women love bad boys and rapists and sex offenders.
If you arent rapistmaxxing in 2024 then its over for you.
No. 2207768
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>>2206317>>22077644D chess. I like it.
No. 2207772
>>2207754I would never rape a woman because I know those whores will just get multiple orgasms from it.
Think about it logically: raping a woman is the ultimate simp move. Not only are you giving her mind blowing orgasms from raping her (women dont deserve pleasure) but you're also boosting her ego by making her think she's so desirable that you were overwhelmed with lust and had to rape her. Plus you risked fucking JAIL TIME over a hole. Rape is a female-centric fantasy and for absolute sois. There is nothing women love more than being raped.
This is why I'm never losing my virginity. No matter how horny I get I would never rape a foid. Women don't deserve my dick. I just ignore those holes in public and it makes them seethe like nothing else. Take the monk pill. Ignore thots, attain spiritual knowledge.
No. 2207774
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>Ignore thots, attain spiritual knowledge.
No. 2207812
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>>2207610>>2207321I'm a nazi but I'm only racist towards men and ugly women. I listen to my dick when it comes to beauty and dont discriminate. I'd love a cute brown wife to save the white race with.
No. 2207907
File: 1728991469872.png (Spoiler Image,233.31 KB, 309x633, brendiofatcuck.png)

>>2207734Never forget that this is how this utter subhuman used to look like. Jfl at attempting to kill yourself for a roastie like Tahlia just for her to get impregnated by a nigger. Such is the life of the cuck
No. 2207959
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>>2207930His reaction to this
No. 2208152
>>2207959Alas, poor Brendan.
I knew him, Brendio – a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy…
No. 2208161
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Day 1 of Nofap…getting urges to stick this random veggie I found in the refrigerator up my ass. God I'm so horny bros. Idk if I can do this for another whole 12 hours. This will be my longest streak ever.
No. 2208164
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This is now a Derrick mourning thread. I miss this little guy like you wouldn't believe.
No. 2208165
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A god among men. A sultan among thieves. Goodnight prince. You will be missed.
No. 2209110
>>2209063My girlfriend broke up with me because she didn't like it when I recited the vaporeon copypasta while I forced her to do anal, why are foids so boring? She also didn't want to wear the pichu cosplay I got for her.
I just wanted her to tell me that she was a naughty pokemon egg because I hate old bitches.
Anyways I'm trooning out and I will call myself Lopunny because I want to be a sexy gym girl, kind of like my ex but I will be sexy and dress like a Lopunny.
No. 2210858
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Simple as
No. 2210861
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>>2210858Females will seethe over this because they've been BTFO in the makeup department by trans girlies
No. 2210865
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>>2210858Not all women are like that. Some, like picrel, are beautiful without any makeup and hair dye. Why can't all women just let themselves look this way? It looks so much better than that caked up clown face.
No. 2214542
File: 1729408819351.jpg (69.8 KB, 730x430, rCHBcE2wao6ZUTOJhZGx0XBtf5zcQI…)

Why are western foids so ugly and haggard compared to kpop goddesses? The average western roastie gets completely mogged by the average korean qt.
No. 2217576
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The comments I’ve seen from foids thirsting over this character are so disgusting, how come people only mention male porn addicts when female gooners are even worse, anyways I’m gonna go play this rape visual novel that I just downloaded.
No. 2219233
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>>2219129I like BBM (big boobie milkers) fatties BTFO
No. 2219265
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>>2219233Her tits are mid as fuck. How am I supposed to goon to that? This hoe is way hotter and has hentai tits.
No. 2219787
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>>2219438DFC for the win ,how can these fags like baloon tit hags ? cunny nation forever vroski
No. 2222359
File: 1729830225376.png (166.22 KB, 360x360, mfw traps.png)

Fellow Chads I'm looking for some advice. I want a threesome with my gf (she's 3D) and a trap but I don't know how to ask her without her sperging and dumping me. What do?
No. 2226372
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Posting like a moid be like
No. 2227209
File: 1730080881501.jpg (62.23 KB, 700x707, ana-de-armas-without-makeup-v0…)

I can't believe you cucks simp for this bitch. She's clearly a 3/10 at best. Her negative canthal tilt and non existant chin are huge failos. She needs lefort and eppley implants to at least be considered a 5/10. Those hollywood jews psyopped you simps into finding subhumans like her attractive. Her looksmatch is starving to death in Cuba.
No. 2227218
File: 1730081343838.jpeg (37.3 KB, 450x675, 00007-3274138791.jpeg)

>>2214547Based. Western women have been ruined by birth control and hypergamy. Every western woman I know has been fucked in every whole by Chad. That's why I'm moving to Japan to search for my pure Japanese waifu. Don't let your dreams be memes, bros, take the yellow pill.
No. 2228133
File: 1730143230976.png (332.58 KB, 480x360, @hitoshisama on Twitter.png)

Fucking hate those damn feminist gooks. Constantly talking down on my beloved nippon. stupid whores I hope their country disappears in the next few years
No. 2228273
File: 1730146311351.jpg (58.8 KB, 500x500, schooli.jpg)

>>2227218Ew wtf is that old hag? I need a sexy school girl from le based homogenous Japan land! Imagine all the panty shots you'd get… Sugoi!
No. 2228323
>>2228273I remember watching a porn video with school girls dressed like that, they were all barely legal girls too, the title said so! And I was so disappointed when I went to go get some food near a school and none of the girls looked like the girls in the videos and the uniforms didn't look like your Pic related.
I hate how society has made us unable to have fun.
No. 2228329
File: 1730149020199.jpg (45.83 KB, 1280x731, me.jpg)

I was a straight white male until I was assaulted by a young black male I was robbed then he sexually assaulted me and I didn’t resist cause I really wanted that big black cock deep inside of me and to be filled with his black cock cum. I was fucked for hours felt like every organ in my body had been saturated with his cum now I belong to him no more pussy for me black cock only!
No. 2247531
File: 1730950930896.mp4 (4.05 MB, 576x768, 154dcbbfe4c4d0b907f172ceeddd53…)

Why wont latinas date me?
I don't know why latinas are so repulsed by me. I do everything I can to appear attractive to them. I dress nice, I am sophisticated, I am magnificent. I have a nice car, a teaching job. . . I am polite. I am the ultimate male.
And yet, latinas never give me a chance. I don't know why?
I feel so invisible as I walk through the highschool I teach. Their revealing crop tops, smooth black hair, and pretty faces. I want one for a girlfriend.
why wont latinas date a older white man?
why do they insist on going for edgars?
I'm a Nice guy and honestly a perfect man, and yet no latina will give me the time of day because I'm not a teenage edgar with a pick up truck.
why wont latinas just give me a chance? its like there's something wrong with what latinas are attracted to.
im a white guy and I see all these beautiful latinas on campus, taunting me with their soft bodies. I just want to squeeze them. but in all my years I have never been approached by a single one.
why is there attraction so messed up, that they only want hood spics, and would never give an older, blonde, racist, tall, teacher white male a chance????
as a white guy teaching in California, I walk past hundreds of latinas a day, and they wont even smile and make eye contact with me.
All I want is to have cute mixed babies with them. I want my daughters to look like Jessica Alba.
why oh why do latinas only go for latinos? they will only mistreat you. only tall racist white men could truly care for you.
stop going for those Edgar brutes.
No. 2247612
File: 1730953085888.gif (186.14 KB, 220x216, ooooooooooooh.gif)

when bro says he can't hop on fortnite so I just sit on spray deodorant can in a condom and ride it til I'm bleeding back there.
No. 2250253
File: 1731054900841.png (385.56 KB, 604x1085, Senshi.png)

>>2217576Fr bro, all bitches are whores deep down inside them and yet have the audacity to call us men for being disgusting degenerates? Not all men are like this and women can be one too! Lusting after young boys without consequences and thinking about having sex their dogs when no man wants to fuck their roastie cunts. Fucking hypocrites. All of them.
Also Gojo is mid. Why do bitches lust after faggy-looking men when you have picrel as the perfect ideal man? My waifu Makima could whoop Gojo's skinny ass. And also fuck these fujos for ruining shounen yet again with to their faggy animu boys and yaois.
No. 2251241
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dumb whore
No. 2252626
File: 1731177440065.jpg (290.26 KB, 1536x2048, GUmjAF7WYAA-ZIO.jpg)

I saw porn threads of pics like these on 4chan and whoever gets off to them are faggots and trannies. There are no girls on the internet plus these don't have shotas or femboys in them.
No. 2253645
File: 1731220470121.jpeg (Spoiler Image,19.56 KB, 500x500, images (76).jpeg)

Guys, have you ever tasted your own juices?
No. 2253656
File: 1731221823588.jpg (142.39 KB, 1080x1440, 1000100031.jpg)

>>2253645My online Norse shamanic priest says that regularly ingesting seminal fluid restores T levels. Sometimes I swap with the homies. Don't get jealous but look at what it's done for my hairline
No. 2253666
>>2253645No, that's gay
>>2253656You're a faggot. I bet you kiss your gf after she blows you
No. 2253728
File: 1731231226337.png (527.94 KB, 598x769, CC67E75E-14AE-4D05-A771-1CB77E…)

Is this the ideal MATURE hairline, bros?
No. 2262105
File: 1731701447253.jpg (41.42 KB, 1170x630, Gb1Bo7cWsA02wTm.jpg)

>Pussy town
>Residents: me
Bros we fucking won. The next four years are going to be so fucking (both kinds) sweet
No. 2264120
File: 1731818810622.gif (342.75 KB, 200x200, jdv.gif)

>marine leading the crusade against whores by wanting to ban abortion
ngl i'd let him stretch my hole, but in a straight way
No. 2277949
File: 1732660377404.jpg (110.74 KB, 1043x245, 1000001443.jpg)

Women have no hobbies.
Women have no interests.
Women don't speedrun as fast as me.
Women will never understand why we have redundant competitions about how fast you do anything.
In a Petersonian sense, it's never about the hobby; take for instance; reading.
Literature is about being hyperaware of how many intellectual points you score by pretending you did read to a bunch of retards online on /lit/ and not having a different opinion other than;
>book fucking sucks and you're a retard if you think it's good
to show dominance; of course.
Any% speedrunning everything in my life including laundry, washing myself and my education which has benefited me in the mere hours it's saved me in my entire life; Women are the truest of fags.
No. 2284540
File: 1733014499598.jpeg (75.46 KB, 640x800, IMG_5710.jpeg)

James sapphire is the ultimate mogger and not a single female would reject him. He’s the face of male beauty and he mogs everyone around him. Boys if your girlfriend saw him, she’d leave you for him in an instance.
No. 2285029
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No. 2285031
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No. 2285032
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No. 2286100
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No. 2286202
it's not 4chan since the post numbers are too low
No. 2289805
File: 1733350327336.jpg (50.04 KB, 500x500, artworks-LiW8cGkJUbfUZECG-TyfD…)

Bros is life really worth living if you're not a chad? Think about it, they're the only ones that truly get to live life by fucking hot stacies and mogging us subhumans. There is nothing more to life than this. If you're not in the top 2% of looks its ovER might as well rope or become an oofy doofy to a fat 30 year old hag with mixed race kids.
No. 2289904
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Aryanbros How cope with not having lived in the glorious Roman Empire?
No. 2289916
File: 1733354499760.jpg (59.84 KB, 640x640, 3322968_1550516077962.jpg)

>>2214542No, that's a yellowfevercel cope that is promoted by ((them)) to end the white race, remember the one who devised the Kalergi Plan, a half kike half nip.. Aryan princess fog flat face alien asian girl, don't forget to save Europe and have children. Do not forget the beauty of the Aryan woman cannot disappear from the face of the earth 1488
No. 2293508
>>2290035Me too bro I need one with the body of a 16 year old and the mind of an 8 year old.
>>2289916Yeah chink roasties actually aren't pretty. I went to Thailand once and it was either ladyboys (sucked my dick super well tho) and these ugly real women
No. 2348411
File: 1736998920944.jpg (179.19 KB, 310x311, 1000000374.jpg)

Hello my babygirl this is your love Brad again
The doctor says I have to undergo yet another life saving surgery. I am still stuck in foreign country with no wallet. Please help me survive so I can come back to you my lovely baby. We will be united soon. The flight from Serbia is 100,000 dolhars.
Brad (Pitt)
No. 2348953
File: 1737047016365.jpg (64.82 KB, 735x858, e741501acf0751117bdd8a815505aa…)

Bros I am so lonely. All I want is a cute gf that looks like pic rel (might even date a chink if she looks like one of the Twice girls). I tried to go on tinder but all I get is black women and whales. I refuse to settle for them so I am gonna die alone.
No. 2349626
File: 1737075726264.jpg (180.35 KB, 1592x2132, GgPzCySasAArKr6.jpg)

REEEEEEE how is this possible when women and fictional men are a terrible market?!?! Where do these foids get their money from?! Prostitution?! Sugar daddies?! I refused to believe this shit is real and is probably rigged when we know the world wants waifus and cute anime girls instead. Come on bros we can't let these foids and their faggy unideal "men" win!!!
No. 2351583
Also gay sex has many health benefits
I have exclusively been taking it up the ass for the past 5 years in order to cure my enlarged prostate ( Joe Rogan recommends this)
I have AIDS and anal cancer now but my prostate is cured . I am very happy
No. 2351629
File: 1737179187361.jpeg (31.18 KB, 736x768, LArExZKcNV3WcoOB.jpeg)

"Michelle" is clearly Michael. Wake up
No. 2352089
File: 1737219955882.png (888.57 KB, 1446x2048, disc-my-dog-becomes-a-human-ch…)

WHITE WOMAN MANGA. If you're a foid and think the dog guys are hot then you're a DOG FUCKER. Who knew foids have always been this degenerate on wanting to fuck animals. Disgusting whores. Also this manga needs more dog waifus for me to jack off to.
No. 2384754
File: 1738847110177.webp (58.84 KB, 787x624, IMG_1139.webp)

Bitches love calling us porn addicts and gooners while in reality they are the ones who are the real porn addicts! This is the stuff they’re playing with and apparently they even track their periods, they’re having imaginary sex with these faggot characters, this is so degenerate.
That’s why they’ll all end up as old 30 year old hags.
Brb I’m going to play my high school hentai rp game now along with my onahole. See you later bros.
No. 2384818
File: 1738851097805.png (196.31 KB, 962x701, 10.png)

>>2178237After you take a shit you can wipe your ass once, twice is allowed if you have especially watery diarrhea. However if you wipe any more than that you are a raging faggot.
No. 2384837
File: 1738852698763.jpeg (Spoiler Image,129.53 KB, 947x821, IMG_1144.jpeg)

>>2384828Here is picrel fam. I’m waiting for my mom to do the next laundry in the meantime.
No. 2384858
Misandry kills males, yet women always claim it doesn't exist. It's a crucial factor in the disproportionate number of male suicides, combat deaths, and the cover-up of male victims of rape or murder by females. Not to mention that misandrists have frequently expressed genocidal intent against males, as evidenced by hashtags like #KillAllMen, the "bear and man" discourse, and how they literally call for a male population reduction. It's no different than Nazi talk. Additionally, the "women and children" language consistently and purposefully disregards the pain of male victims of war, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc. I used to support feminism, but it has gone too far and completely disregards the roles of men in society and just views us as the enemy.
No. 2385179
File: 1738866512065.png (635.91 KB, 567x637, [23-12-23] 1738515921122291742…)

>>2178237These disgusting fujo bitches are always hating on my beautiful, powerful waifus. Misogynists, the lot of them. Women just hate seeing a girlboss who is comfortable enough in her own skin to fight in a tiny bikini while I fap it to her tits until my micropenis shrivels inwards. It's sexual empowerment, the end goal of Feminism! But these dumb cunts are too stupid to understand that. Misogynists like them should get off the internet and go back to the kitchen where they belong.
No. 2385500
File: 1738876827491.jpg (80.19 KB, 640x794, 1000032585.jpg)

>>2385450Oh no…I'm hotter and more beautiful than all the women on this site, I must be in danger! (picrel is literally me, if only my webcam wasn't broken)
No. 2385557
File: 1738878671400.jpg (131.52 KB, 1280x720, 1000032589.jpg)

>>2385542Hehe, once I get my cute strawberry-scented cyberpunk vagina I'll totally be the best wife ever. Just for you I'll post a selfie where I feel like I pass really well.
No. 2386163
File: 1738909083990.jpg (70.04 KB, 1024x768, 1738737708061.jpg)

Got a stiffy from picrel when I was browsing /m/ earlier and feeling a bit freaked out about it tbh. What does it mean, anons? I'm straight and have a healthy sex drive, been limiting my faps to once or twice daily since January as part of my 2025 resolution, maybe I should do a 3D porn cleanse where I only look at 2D for the next month? I don't want to feel like a faggot
No. 2386699
File: 1738948014828.jpeg (246.32 KB, 1321x1021, yTU5sp5.jpeg)

that gooning game that the foids are obsessed with is from china! this means it will be tariffed holilooyah! eveyday these roasties are getting digitally gangbanged by their harem of twinks (inb4 - i haven't played it cuz i'm not a fag but i saw picrel on reddit so there's your proof) but once those tariffs hit it's over for those sluts. they'll be coming to us instead and we'll turn them down and they'll seethe! fellas, we've won!
No. 2388048
File: 1739027255219.png (614.15 KB, 838x1153, kotori.png)

I love fat girls. pic rel.
No. 2391560
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No. 2397933
File: 1739481870049.jpeg (63.13 KB, 583x339, 94965605-14371955-Addressing_t…)

Why is Kanye so based bros its like he's saying what we're all thinking.
I hope that Jew shopify owner puts his site back up, I need to cop one of those Yeezy swastika shirts, they're so dope
No. 2397969
File: 1739482498582.png (593.54 KB, 1388x1056, Screenshot 2025-02-13 at 21.31…)

Why are women such disgusting whores bros? All they want is to get choked and raped and killed by Chad.
Meanwhile men just want to live a wholesome homestead harem life with a big titty hucow wife, a loli daughterwife and a catgirl concubine. And yet they try to shame us for this perfectly natural lifestyle. Why is the female gender so utterly disgusting and depraved?
No. 2397978
>>2397969Isn't it actually super fucking crazy that woke internet discourse will be far more likely to criticize the bottom scenario as "
problematic" and "misogynistic" much moreso than the top scenario?
There are literally factions of terminally online weirdos who will get
triggered and butthurt by the bottom fantasy scenario (a harem of big booba anime girls) but not even say a single peep about women having sexual fantasies of being choked, verbally abused, physically abused, and sometimes even rape fantasies!
It's fucking insanity!
No. 2409659
File: 1740078757280.png (2.08 MB, 1170x1555, 1000013583.png)

It's fucking retarded I have to fix every game by installing mods just to make the women look acceptable. Rape mod i installed broke my save file
>>2397969Literally this
No. 2409879
File: 1740087400079.webp (134.22 KB, 1000x1000, please-headpat-the-marian-than…)

>>2397969I just don't get it bros. Last evening I even posted my screenshots of my self-insert giving headpats to my new cute recently adopted daugteru. She's such a headpat slut. I'm going to give her lots of love tonight as her daddy. She literally made to be taken care of.
Btw did I mention you could savagely rape the girls in my game? I won't do that to my cute daugteru because I'm a gentleman. Why yes I did try the routes where she was taking 5 dicks at once and got hard while doing so.
No. 2424872
File: 1740861913386.jpg (1.61 MB, 2160x3840, kratos-god-of-war-game-766@1@h…)

When will western devs understand that we want strong masculine alpha protagonists like picrel and not limp wristed beta bucks like Leon Kennedy? Kratos is what every man wants to be.
No. 2424903
File: 1740863549454.gif (20.81 KB, 220x220, IMG_9564.gif)

I’m an autistic 6’0 male, but aren’t men supposed to have the upper body strength?? I thought i’d be able to rape any foid!! I was shouting shit at this foid because she looked libtarded, I mean she was bigger than me, not height wise but she was a total landwhale bro. I tried to pin her down with my superior tard rage but she ended up just punching me in the face like a total bitch. Why are modern women so fucking stuck up??? Bet she was roided too. Let’s just ban women from the gym since they go there looking like whores anyways
No. 2426883
File: 1740996310863.png (125.89 KB, 1075x759, Screenshot_2025-03-03-11-01-01…)

I couldn't even come up with half the nonsense I come across online
this one made me burst out laughing
No. 2428250
File: 1741094349353.webp (118.52 KB, 1024x1024, 1hIMBCMVSneTdqKX8BATLQ.webp)

>Woman when she is 365 days, 12 months, 1 minute and 60 seconds away from turning 18(ai outside of containment)
No. 2431477
File: 1741261470219.jpg (133.68 KB, 880x1024, 1741252973670242.jpg)

white whores could never look this attractive
No. 2433363
File: 1741384511966.jpg (104.09 KB, 720x899, JD Trance.jpg)

>be me
>transwoman, 5’9” of pure glittery estrogen-fueled chaos
>decide it’s time to infiltrate the sacred realm of a girls’ sleepover
>like, ohmigosh, it’s literally my destiny to be one of the gals
>spend 3 hours picking the PERFECT pastel pink pajama set with ruffles and a matching scrunchie
>curl my hair into bouncy ringlets because DUH, I need to slay
>practice my high-pitched “teehee” laugh in the mirror for authenticity
>arrive at bestie’s house with a tote bag full of nail polish, face masks, and a copy of Mean Girls on DVD
>knock on door like I’m auditioning for a romcom
>“Hiiiiiiii girlies, it’s ME, your newest sparkle queen!”
>they open the door, all wearing mismatched sweats and eating cold pizza
>mfw they didn’t even coordinate their outfits
>“Um, excuse me, where’s the vibe? Where’s the aesthetic?”
>plop down on the couch and whip out my 12-step skincare routine
>“Sooo, like, are we doing a pillow fight or a gossip sesh first? I need DRAMA, babes!”
>they stare at me like I’m a glitter-dusted alien
>start fake-crying because no one complimented my custom lavender-scented pillowcase
>“You don’t GET me, I’m too fabulous for this!”
>storm off to the bathroom to reapply lip gloss and text my group chat about how “basic” they are
>overhear them whispering about how I brought a ring light for selfies
>decide I’m the misunderstood heroine of this sleepover saga
>emerge triumphantly with a tray of cucumber slices for our eyes because “hydration is EVERYTHING”
>they’re already asleep, snoring over a half-eaten bag of Doritos
>mfw I’m too extra even for the girls’ sleepover
>post a dramatic selfie on Insta with caption: “Surrounded by peasants, still a princess #Slayover”
No. 2456318
File: 1742613057901.jpg (71.76 KB, 480x511, 1000014025.jpg)

How come when girls are perverted its cute and quirky but when im perverted i end up on a watchlist? Women's depravity completely eclipses anything I could think up
No. 2456326
File: 1742613711794.jpeg (8.42 KB, 275x183, IMG_2225.jpeg)

Lol women wanted equality and now they’re asking for segregation in a gym??? Why?? That’s actually really sexist against men. Men are the biggest victims in this hate crime. I hope your woman only gym gets infested with trannies.
No. 2456395
File: 1742618176270.jpg (111.28 KB, 1024x1200, e0409a168446fba04775e7650c3bee…)

I've decided to run for president in the next election. I already know EXACTLY what I will do once people elect me (confident I'll win because I'm a hot blonde fogger looks maxxing chad.)
1.lower the age of consent or abolish it
2.Kick all the BLACKS and BROWNS out of the country. except if they're a cute loli.
3.Free weed for everyone, because why not.
4.Free healthcare because I'm a good guy.
5.Build a giant wall around California, because fuck Californians.
6.Make it illegal to say anything mean about me or I'll send you to a concentration camp.
7.Free gym memberships for all.
8.Ban all the SJWs from the internet.
9.Free guns, because the second amendment is the only one that matters.
10.Replace the dollar with Bitcoin.
Sounds good bros?
No. 2456434
>>2456395>free healthcareYou are a faggot (the bad kind). Women will use it to get abortions you retard.
Replace it with banning divorce (unless I want it), we need the white population to go up.
No. 2456646
File: 1742640315984.png (217.8 KB, 998x700, ddjkgyv-a9a4b84c-390b-49b3-af6…)

Femoids need to be virgins or I'm not interested in them. I refuse to date women my own age who have similar life experiences and goals, bc I'm not actually interested in a conventional relationship, since then they would find out how pathetic I am. A young girl who has never been exposed to a degenerate like me probably won't find out til years after I've died of liver cirrhosis, since I've ignored how society has changed and don't realize this is common knowledge now
No. 2457316
File: 1742673816493.jpeg (16.07 KB, 236x176, IMG_2228.jpeg)

Women are actually the most fertile at 13. So it’s only natural for me to be attracted to kids. You old hags are just jealous that I thirst after children instead of you. Pic rel is me. This is what an alpha male looks like. I don’t make the rules I just enjoy them.
No. 2457340
File: 1742675088466.jpg (5.4 KB, 184x195, og_copy.jpg)

>>2457316Le topkek good sir
No. 2457719
>>2457588Goddamn shit dude i’ve been a LITERAL
VICTIM o the same abuse. It’s even more shitty knowing the kinds of abuse us men face, when our girlfriends withhold sex from us annd they anlways make such an fake excuse that “my grandmother died” like I know they’re lying bitches fuck you darla I can’t believe she did that. They laugh at us because us men also cry about this and think we aren’t also abused by sexist women like that. I feel for you dude it will get better, know your worth and hold your head high king
No. 2459408
>>2456395black lolis are hideous
should be deported too