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No. 2077788
no bait
board rules apply
>>>/ot/2062621 No. 2077856
>>2077840Lol. More like, sis be pissin'. Nevermind, I liked yours better.
A little vent to keep on topic. The vast majority of animal owners are cruel to their pets for no reason besides convenience. It's so sad how much better people could make their pets' lives with only a little bit of work.
No. 2077916
>>2077913Regardless of if you were correct or not, what you did was rude and now she doesn't want to be around you which is fair enough.
Watch what you say and who you say it to if you don't want it to spread to other people
No. 2077946
>>2077887 >Anyway, now my friend tells me it seems the spicy straight poly couple are having some relationship troubles and the girl’s in a bad wayLong time ago now but I used to be around alot of this crowd and never had the nerve to say the obvious. The worst part is when there's fallout like this and you're meant to keep up the charade that her breakdown has nothing to do with the lifestyle. You have to pretend it's normal relationship drama. But their breaks/break ups and relationship problems are on a whole other scale. Elephant in the room. Be delicate with so and so tonight because her perfect poly relationship that she'd otherwise be gloating about has run into another bump. Now lets enjoy the party where that's all she'll be talking about all night..
If you're polite to a fault you just become the shoulder to cry on.. over and over all while biting your tongue about how much they're setting themselves up for more of this bs. They bend over backwards to be cool gfs but drain every female friend or even sort of friend for support all so as not to ruin the cool girl illusion they have going with the gives-no-fucks-about-her poly bf. It's never the bfs having breakdowns or feeling delicate. Coz he never even emotionally checked in.
Don't confront it, don't try and save em, don't become their ear to rant into when it's bad or gloat into when it's good. Just keep it light if it's a friend group you otherwise appreciate being in. They're heavy on trying to ban people from groups.
No. 2078023
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Why is it that no matter whether I change my IP or not I still seem to be banned from crystalcafe? I was able to get around any senseless ban they handed me before, now it won't even work if I change my IP(wrong thread)
No. 2078047
I think my relationship with my parents is really difficult, because they treated me really poorly when I was a little girl (i.e., beating me for pulling too many tissues from a tissue box, yelling at me for hours for knocking something overt things like that). But my parents treat me super good as an adult. When my car broke down and I thought I would have to charge it all on credit, they were there to help me pay for it. When I needed help getting to work, they helped me get to work (more car shit). And when I was sick, they let me use their insurance. Financially, I am legitimately spoiled by these people. I'm not afraid to admit that, that's just the truth. I had a good life financially because of them. But they still beat me (actual beatings, if it matters), and they even used to choke me on occasion. I wouldn't say I'm close with my parents, I'm not even sure I can say I love them, but I'm grateful the safety net is there as an adult. It's so… Dichotomous? It's like fucking whiplash. You would assume I love them to death, that I go out with them all the time, but it's not buddy buddy like that.
When I was in highschool, I wanted to leave my parents and go no contact the second I turned 18. And then real life kicked my ass, and I came crawling back. Well, now I'm grateful to them, like I said.
Can anyone else relate? It still causes me some mental pain to think of the weird shit they did to me. But now they take care of me when I don't have anyone else.
No. 2078051
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I'm visiting my sister soon and her boyfriend wants to introduce me to his family. Why would he want this? He doesn't have any single male family members to introduce me to or anything like that. I don't want to wtf.
No. 2078064
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>Going to the Off License to get a bottle of wine
>"Not getting the usual? Haha"
Kill me now. Don't care how much it hurts, just do it.
No. 2078072
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I need a friend who I can vent to about how much I hate my friends for venting to me nonstop like I give a fuck about their life problems and their drama with their other friends. The point in friendship when they get comfortable whining is when it's time to go ghost.
No. 2078102
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Ive been left with so much anxiety around dating due to my previous relationships. I hate having to hold back the enthusiasm, curiosity, and excitement I want to give when I’m interested in someone! But moids only respond to one thing: the chase. Even if some guy pursues me strongly as soon as I give any reciprocation in feelings it’s like he instantly starts losing interest. Do I just attract avoidant men? The only good thing about these experiences is that it’s hardened my heart and I have no qualms about cutting things off when they’re not working now…
No. 2078106
>>2078074Lol I love when my friends tell me shopping t about other people
You can just tell them you are not in the headspace and can't really focus on them, and that you need to take care of your mental health and that too much second hand negativity is making you feel bad. This shit always works
No. 2078110
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Jetblue lost my fucking luggage. All my favorite clothes curated over the years just gone. Yes I know I can make a claim and buy a new wardrobe blah blah but I'm still in the grieving stage.
No. 2078138
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Maybe I'm such a cunt because I've been perpetually miserable and ill for the past 12 months with zero progress and away from my hometown and family, just a guess. If you ever get to experience something remotely similar to my situation you would be a cranky enraged bitch too, imagine waking up everyday to a fucked up body and even more fucked up mental stability just to hear mfs talking shit behind your back and judging your every step. I'm a damn mess and I'm aware, but if y'all keep playing me I'm going to make it everybody else's problem too. Just leave me tf alone
>You'll get better soon, just have some patience uwu~
When bitch WHEN??! it's been 365 days motherfucker i'm about to turn 24 and I'm still on this mess?? I'm losing my youth to this crap, can't even go outside or enjoy anything and you just want me to be all calm and reasonable about it?! fuck everyone involved, fuck your grandma, fuck those useless meds, fuck moids for not taking "female" conditions seriously and most importantly fuck you, fuck everything
No. 2078452
>>2078109Gooooood I hope it's not my fucking deodorant cause it's the only one (that I've tried) that really works for me and I stocked up on it.
>>2078158Tbh, I'm not sure what soft or malleable means. But yeah I'm not worried about it because I've been getting them every so often for a while, no other symptoms.
No. 2078503
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All I have to do is make it to the next 4th of July. Everything will be okay then. I can do this on my own.
No. 2078608
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>>2078597This is such a terminally online post, you know animals have been drawn with human traits outside of the furry community before, right? Before the internet existed even?
If it's wholesome it's wholesome.
No. 2078636
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I popped an internal dangler this morning and my ass has been bleeding ever since, it's been most of a day, I am wearing a maxipad for my asshole-blood
No. 2078699
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I know there's no use in being envious and I typically use other people as motivation rather than get jealous, but I can't help but feel so jealous of wealthy people. Especially those who were born rich. Even just a million dollars would change my life and there are people who were born with so much that a million is just play money to them. People that have never had to work in their life, or live paycheck to paycheck, or be concerned about finding employment or college, or consider selling their body for quick money. I have ideas on how to increase my income but actually executing them is harder.
No. 2078738
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>spot a cute French moid in a movie
>his head is shaven for the role but he has interesting exotic and youthful facial features
>go the usual route of checking all obscure shitty tv series and movies with him in bit parts/supporting roles
>find out that my man peaked at the age of 17-21 (!) and then started fucking balding at 23 (!!!)
>the face is still much cuter (to me) than most moids' of his age + great body, but the appearance is completely ruined by a receding front hairline (yk when the hair gets thinner and falls out at the forehead but remains at the sides of the head)
>so, there is literally only a couple of things where he's young and beautiful, with the nice long hair and good haircut
>in the later roles he's not even trying to hide the hair loss and just has a short haircut that emphasises this abomination on his head and colossal forehead
>apparently he quits acting at 31 as the last IMDB credit is from 2014 lol
God I hate men and their retarded genetics so much. I can't even have an eye candy that doesn't expire in the early 20s. Hope the moid offed himself after realising that he hit the wall and got unacceptably ugly
No. 2078757
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I dont really feel jealous of people with better means than I since most people in my age group are just terminally online and uninspiring regardless of their possessions or achievements (sorry) but I do feel a little jealousy of people who make me smile a lot. Just genuinely personable and entertaining people that aren't putting on an act are so special and unforgettable. It's really cool and I dont consider it imitatable I just appreciate it as a very special trait to have
No. 2078765
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>Live in a hoarder house with mom
>No matter what I say has ever changed the way he behaves or thinks
>I run out of my meds I take for depression
>My doctor is on vacation
>Get overwhelmed by the house
>Trying my best not to say anything to her because if she gets upset I'll end up feeling like shit
>I feel gross, the house feels gross
>constantly hungry but don't want to go to the kitchen
>I try to clean my own room
>constantly breaking down over small things
>feeling like I'll never get it as clean as I want it to be
I hate that I'm back to thinking about ending it all, because I feel like there could be way out of this but at the same time this is all my life ever was, it was shit from the start
No. 2078885
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Being excluded from a group of "friends" full of TiF, one of them tarnished my name with lies, and now people think I am her bully. We're going to table at FL Supercon (not at the same spot), and I am scared to see her and that she'll start something, like: "Anon came near my table, I bet she was spying on me!"
How can these kinds of people be like this when I have done nothing? Nobody cares about the wrongs she has done to me, but they would support her in her wrongs no matter what.
How can I find friends who would shield around me? I am tired of being loyal without receiving loyalty in return. How do I get loyal friends around me?
No. 2078928
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>>2078471I’m so sorry nonna. I don’t understand women who choose their man over their own fucking children?! I really don’t have any sympathy for these type of women at this point. I hope you’re able to move on from this but when its your own mom I know how impossible it feels to separate your wellbeing from her life choices.
No. 2079085
>>2079009numbed emotions and flat affect are also major signs of depression.
for example no longer deriving enjoyment from any of your hobbies is a warning sign
No. 2079092
>>2079009>>2079034Thanks nonnas. Even if I'm depressed it's still a relief that I'm not evolving into a serial killer or something. I booked an appointment with a therapist next week. Hopefully she can get my shit together and I can feel like a human again.
I don't get what
triggered this. I am typically a very positive person. Just out of nowhere energy depression bomb shits on my life. I guess everyone has it but I'd like to know the reason.
No. 2079093
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I hate being the child of an addict. Even when they get sober they still have the fucking ego and victim complex they had when using. We both want a close relationship but it’s so hard to do when you remember the younger version of yourself cowering in her bedroom wishing she was somewhere else.
No. 2079125
>>2079120are we supposed to just roll over and take it? i don't see why women
shouldn't be upset about this issue and think about it often. it's being forced on us. telling you that they're "living rent free in your head" is fucked up. like sorry for caring about an issue that effects 51% of the population? gtfo
No. 2079134
>>2079125>like sorry for caring about an issue that effects 51% of the population?real as hell and you put it into words so well. bit ot + rambly but it's becoming incredibly common in rf spaces online to yell at other rfs for "focusing on trannies too much" like…men are trying to dissolve 'woman' so they can wiggle themselves into the definition, how is that not a serious issue? i get that complaining about them online doesn't do much, but it does soothe mental irritation and personally i've gotten anons where libfems are like "you're a dirty
terf and i'll break your kneecaps pee your pants but x post did get me thinking blah blah" like is that not a good thing?
No. 2079137
I went out with my friend yesterday for a drink, and realised that I haven't felt happy or excited in years. I'm not sure if I've ever felt love or appreciation for anyone in my life. I don't feel an urge to make friends and other people are mostly an annoying chore, and yet I feel pain at the fact I come off as 'boring' and dry around others. People don't like or trust me at all, and I can't come to terms with that. It's like every facet of my personality is at odds with what society wants me to be, and nothing will let me get what I want (to be able to live my own life the way I choose, without being bothered, basically).
The only things that seem to excite or move me are violence and power. I crave violent sex but I hate men and I would rather dominate them than be submissive. I can't be bothered to build my career because it feels so pointless; being a woman means power comes with more useless responsibilities and judgment. So many people around me are irritatingly passive and fickle, too scared to do things, but even when I have good ideas and leadership I'm never listened to, because muh hierarchies. I don't even care, I just want to be a massive cunt to people. I'm tired of pretending to be nice because that's what young women are 'supposed to do'.
No. 2079139
>>2078597If simply seeing something you don't like being discussed
triggers you this badly you need to get off the entire fucking internet.
No. 2079158
>>2078637>Trying to bargain semantics is useless and bad faith arguing when literally everyone knows what "furry" is used to refer to.This. Furries are sexual degenerates with a fetish for antro animals, which also half of the time translates onto real animals too, everyone knows that. Everyone who identifies as a furry knows it too.
The ONLY people who think furries can just mean "liking cute cartoon animals" are literally children who are actively being groomed by older adult furries into being furries, to fuel their own adult fetish. It's been said before, but there are very clear parallels to how troonism works with the grooming of kids by insisting the something that has always been sexual at the core is totally just a cute little innocent identity.
I still think the so called "wholesome" furry fetish thread should just be locked, I do not want such degenerate coomer shit brought here.
No. 2079164
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>>2079158Would you say picrel is fetishistic?
No. 2079215
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I can't stand being a poorfag anymore. I just received my salary and I already will have to spend half of it paying debt. I need to get a second a job because this one isn't enough.
No. 2079237
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>>2079235Sry reposting cause I had to crop my pfp out
This is absolutely INSANE advice to give women and I am saying this as a sahm w house and kids!! I don't know who sold this poor bitch the lie "just shut up and make him happy and you will be rewarded!" Every single girl I know who had this mindset got fucked over, this girl looks young so I guess she's still inexperienced but the more you let men walk over you the less they respect you and the worse they treat you. You 100% have to set firm boundaries and expectations and make yourself heard and never do shit "just for him hehe<3" including sucking dick. I don't suck dick and I would whip my husband's ass if he stopped doing his share of housework, women need to be firm with men otherwise they'll walk all over you. Also why is it always the women giving this garbage "shut up and serve king" are always dating pervert bisexuals or
abusive men double their age? I didn't check this girls account but I just know it's the later
No. 2079265
I am 21 years old and I’m questioning if it ever gets better, or if I should just give up or what. Being halfway through the year is really getting to me and I don’t like it. The thoughts that have been pushed to the back of my mind and ignored are now front and center and I’m forced to confront them and I don’t like it.
It doesn’t help that other people around my age (extended family members) seem like they have shit going for them. Nursing school, married, welding job, engaged. One of them is like 20 or so and he’s already got a baby boy. That guy’s a total abusive douchebag and I know I’m definitely not ready to have a kid anytime soon, but I still can’t help but feel a tinge of envy towards these people. They feel like adults, while I still feel like I’m stuck at 18. It doesn’t help that I live like a teenager anyway, considering I still live with my parents, have no relationship experience, don’t have a job, am basically a shut in, and am still in school. Which even if I graduate, it’s probably not going to be on time since my mental health was in the garbage for most of my college career. Only now am I trying to fix things, although it feels like it’s too late. Even then, I still have to figure shit out and get an internship or a job or something, anything, to give me purpose and at least let me look like I have my shit together. I don’t know what to do, maybe 21 is too soon to tell but I genuinely do feel like a failure.
I wish I just had some Jiminy Cricket guy on my shoulder to tell me what to do, how to not fuck up my life and how to be a responsible functioning adult and not be a total disappointment to my parents.
No. 2079270
>>207926521 is barely any different to 18, the claim that you are 'stuck at 18' sounds absurd to my 32 year old ears. And being jealous of an
abusive 20 yr old moid for having a kid??? Feel sympathy for the mother instead maybe, you're really losing sight of what's important here. That is too young to have a kid for almost anyone let along an
abusive male who is likely to ruin 3 lives.
Go get a part time job at a fast food restaurant or something, it doesn't have to be a fancy job. You'll make friends and money and have something to put on your resume.
No. 2079271
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In my 20s I was really into techno, I started collecting vinyl, had decks etc.
Long story short I ended up leaving all my vinyl behind when I moved out of a flat about 11 years ago. By this time I’d not listened to them in a few years and they weren’t popular, so although I was pissed, I let it go.
Well, either it is my insta algorithm or all that stuff is currently in.. I just hope whoever found my treasure chest of vinyl kept them and didn’t use them as quirky decor.
That fish56octagon guy plays a lot of it and he’s currently viral so that could be it.
It would be worth so much money now!
No. 2079273
>>2079265None of the stuff you're worrying about even remotely matters, like graduating in time or whatever your relatives are doing. Just chill out, calm down, live your life.
>does it ever get betterAbsolutely not and you need to accept it as soon as possible if you want to survive
No. 2079278
>>2079273>>2079265This. The sooner you stop caring about what other people are doing at the expense of your own life and happiness, the better you'll feel. You'll get there eventually
nonny, just stay strong and immerse yourself in as much fun stuff/hobbies as you can while you have youth and free time.
No. 2079286
>>2079270I mentioned him since he’s extended family and see him around rarely. I avoid him though, he’s awful. The mother I’ve seen maybe twice, and I’ve never talked to her so I she’s basically a stranger to me. I hope she leaves him though, she definitely deserves better. Last I saw him, he was just holding the baby and talking to other extended family members that I don’t really go out of my way to talk to either. He’s an
abusive piece of shit and I’m partially relieved that he had a son and not a daughter, though it’s a double edged sword because that means he’s probably going to raise another piece of shit moid. I only brought him and the baby up since I’d like to be a parent and be married too someday, I didn’t mean to sound sympathetic or jealous of him.
No. 2079307
>>2079265I was in a worse position at your age, now I'm 27 and roll my eyes at my younger self so hard thinking how I could've ever thought things were "too late" or that I was a "failure" at only 21 years young ffs. It gets better, you're only 21, you're allowed to mess up and you don't have to get from A to B in a straight line. Never mind the fact that your problems honestly aren't that bad.
Don't be jealous of people stuck in marriages or with kids in their early 20s btw, one of the stupidest things you can do is chain yourself down when you're that young and lack basic adult life experience. By time you're 30 many of them will be unhappy behind closed doors or divorced because they were too young to make good decisions about their life partner.
No. 2079337
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i wish for nothing more than to be on disability and have money while still being a mentally ill NEET!! my boyfriend is willing to provide for me while i don’t work to fix my health but i love money way too much. not in a materialistic way, i’ve just grown up kinda poor so i never knew what it was like to have that security. my job makes me miserable and i consider quitting every single day but my boss likes me and she’d be torn if i quit and everyone knows that. i don’t want to fuck anyone over i just want to fix my mental and physical health!!!!!
No. 2079356
>>2079352What scares me the most is that he’ll be on the floor, with other women and customers and doing bra fittings. I wish I was in a higher position to do something
>>2079347Gay or not no man should be in a place targeted towards women for women, gay moids are just as bad as regular moids.
No. 2079380
I just want to fuck someone and get over my ex so bad, but none of these chuckleheads actually come through. They always weasel out of it. I had something lined up for today after work, and I'm like, damn, finally. The 4th fucking guy. And he won't send me his fucking address so I can swoop in, bang him, and then vanish. Like, HELLO. They ask me what's up, if I'm free, if I'm down, and I'm like yes, yes, and yes. SO WHAT IS HAPPENING. OMG I am JUST going to buy a vibe, I swear to GOD. What is wrong with these pathetic losers that they don't want to bang? The red pillers promised me a cock carosel and I haven't even seen a merry-go-round or even a see-saw, what the HELL.
No. 2079418
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No. 2079467
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>>2079418it was literally this temp yesterday nonas I’m dyin
No. 2079484
>>2079338aren't you allowed to express concern or surprise even if you're "only a sales lead"? hope the customers will complain..
>>2079164nta and it's not, but why the fuck would someone call it furry on lc of all places, this term is undeniably associated with male degens at this point
No. 2079563
I visited my autistic friend last week and it shocked my how gross her room is. For the record she's high functioning and very sweet. She still lives with her mother. She has a small lap dog who she feeds in her room (iirc it's to prevent a larger family dog from eating it first) the bowl is a mess and there's sloppy dog food all around it on the floor, literally her bedroom floor. I'm not sure if she's really a hoarder, but she has a lot of empty boxes and unsorted things she's bought. I honestly think it's just a lack of energy, she doesn't want to live in a mess but she doesn't have the energy and executive function to clean it up due to the autism so the empty boxes just remain there and slowly pile up.
She gets along great with her mom, but she's meek and often says she doesn't want to bother her mom and make her do even more work. After visiting I'm honestly annoyed with her mom, I know your child is an adult but you KNOW she's an autist who needs help cleaning! And it's her house, she shouldn't let anyone live in a bedroom with wet sloppy dog food all over the floor to begin with. I know my friend, there is literally no way she'd refuse the help if it was offered to her.
She also has 3 adult non-autist siblings living just around the corner. You couldn't arrange it so one person just cleans up the dog food for her? Or help her to feed it outside, or in a different room or something? I'm not saying they should clean up ALL of her messes for her, but if you see something isn't working out that just isn't ok - like living in a bedroom with wet dog food all over it - then why wouldn't you step in? It's not "teaching her to be independent" to make her live in her own mess when she's unable to keep up with cleaning, you have to actually help her find ways to deal with it.
No. 2079678
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>>2078777same here
nonnie, i have the same exact nut allergies and i have to carry an epipen at all times. i wish i didnt have to live in complete paranoia and exhaustion, and not being able to do basic things like order food, go out to eat, or go anywhere out in public worrying about what i touch
No. 2079760
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It's so hot today that my plants were already limp this morning before I could move them from the windowsill, I'm so sad, one of the flowers had finally sprouted and now she's all withered. Fugggg
No. 2079903
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I wish there were still any decent MMOs to play around. Sometimes I just get this random urge to chat with randos online (general loneliness/urgent desire for a conversation asap) but going to anonymous 1 on 1 chatrooms just pairs you up with horny moids. I miss the core of an MMO being this "public group chat" in a way.
No. 2080156
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why the fuck aren’t there any good nsfw bl games. dmmd and nucarnival are ugly as hell.
No. 2080251
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I hate how Sailor Moon finally got a new artbook, but instead of just reprinting the old art as is, we got a hot fucking mess of 700 illustrations squished onto 200 pages. It looks worse than those Chinese pirate artbook magazines.
No. 2080363
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It got so stuffy and hot in my room I woke up having a panic attack because I CANT FUCKING BREATHE. And it hasn't even reached 100 degrees yet, but it will be 100+ for the next two days, I'm gonna fuckinh die
No. 2080540
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No. 2080542
>>2080494You sure it was a girl who asked you that
nonnie? Usually that's a guy trick to see you without makeup to judge how pretty you are.
No. 2080577
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I confronted my Nmom with the fact that she abused me. I was so nervous but of course it was pointless. She claimed that she was shocked and told me that she will 'ask her friends to confirm if she's ever been abusive'. Then she immediately switched narratives and asked me if I considered that the 'abuse' I'm talking about was actually just the fact that she was a single mother, which was HARD.
I came home crying. A part of me still wants to be cared by her and validated by her. But it's all futile. She spun this narrative of me being a selfish, careless, disobedient daughter and her being a martyr who tried her all to raise me to be a normal human, but alas she failed. She also cited me as the reason for her illnesses (due to the stress I caused her). I'm still crying. The whole thing feels so fucking unfair. She raised me to be a nervous, socially anxious mess who is unable to make friends but since she built the image of the popular, loving mother, everyone near her believes her story of the selfless mother who was unfortunately cursed with a weird daughter.
I feel like my life still revolves around her and I often find myself wasting time with pointless fantasies of her validating my feelings or admitting that I'm not worthless after all. And this is after literal decades of therapy and attempts at self-improvement. I just literally don't know how to move on
No. 2080583
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Men are just all the same.
>fall into meme of caring about a man after his insistence about wanting a relationship
>guy toy out of state when I am in his city for business, so it makes matters less lonely for me
>doesn't act like a pig to me, good fuck … that's about it
>don't get sucked in too deep, don't announce a new relationship, had a feeling
>his room is messy, his employment is so-so, his car just broke
>seems to like me for the fancy dinners I take us to on my company's dime
>ask him what he likes about me, he talks up big what we have in common but notice he does not say a lot about my looks which bothers me cause I am way out of his league
>he sleeps in today
>I check his browser history
>two days before I got here he watched porn and chaturbates of le thin women big implant tiddy trope
>you know, everything I'm not
>he wakes up, slightly apanic that I am at his desktop but plays it cool
>I lie and say I am looking for a game to play
>he swiftly sets me up with a game to play while he goes to cook breakfast
Idk fam, a few days of porn out of a month when I am not here I guess is not so extreme but it spoils it for me knowing I'm not who they'd pick if they had the options.
No. 2080594
>>2080583I sympathize.
I have never been fully attractive to any of my partners, so I just fetishize it. I'm the creepy ogre taking advantage of them.
No. 2080694
>>2080577If she really is a narcissist then she will never admit to treating anybody poorly. They always prattle on and on about whatever makes them look good and everyone believes it. Even people who are trapped in the abuse cycle believe it. She's got you under her thumb and you have to break away.
It's so fucking hard though. I completely understand what it's like to crave love and validation from a mother who is incapable of giving those things. Honestly, I could've written your post. It's awful being raised by someone like that and nobody fucking understands. If you've tried and tried and tried with her and she's still being a piece of shit, then unfortunately it's time to cut her off. Maybe not all the way at first: look up low contact first. You need to separate yourself from her manipulation and grow by yourself. This involves kind of "re-parenting" yourself too. Give yourself the love and nurturing you didn't get from her. I know not everyone can just up and move out but if you live with her please try to make a plan to leave. Run for the hills, try to heal and grow, and do not come back. I believe in you nona.
No. 2080787
>>2080577My mother is a narcissist and I agree with
>>2080694. They will never change. The only effective thing you can do against a narcissist is create physical and mental distance from them i.e. moving out. Possibly never speaking to them again but that may be pretty difficult if you are already pretty isolated like I am. I moved out but I still spend the night at her place and call because I have a grand total of 0 friends and no relationship, and she is the only person that remotely cares about me even if in a twisted way. There's still alot of remaining codependency. Still better than being under the same roof any day though, of course.
No. 2080800
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Wish we could just piss our period out in a single sitting instead of having to wait for it trickling out like some chunky birch sap.
No. 2080851
Dont judge me, I know its bad
This started during the pandemic internet brainrot part, I was too online
I want to be famous, I want to be good and great and someone. For good reasons of course.
Again, dont judge me,I KNOW its bad
The chance I actually become fanous is small so Ive done "things" online, nsfw stuff. I havent shown my face that much really
I am just worried it will haunt me if I ever become famous. The kind of things Ive done are bad, and yes there is photo evidence, videos, that was the whole point
I WASNT thinking
The moids that have those, some dont have them anymore I think, Im stupid, I did it again today. Trust me that you would never take someone seriously if you knew what im talking about
What do I do? I think its fun, what I do I mean, im fucked up or whatever but i like it, I just dont know what to give up
I dont know if its too late given whats already out there so might as well stop trying to be famous and do whatever(unintegrated posting style)
No. 2080852
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>>2080806Nowhere did they say that. You're probably retarded so I'll just tell you: They're talking about fireworks and america in the same post because it was just Independence Day / 4th of July in the USA and everyone had been blasting off fireworks for a week, tons of vendors and shops selling fireworks everywhere, people literally set them off in the day for fun around this holiday.
No. 2080874
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>>2080864Update, I just submitted a ticket to discord support. 15 is the AoC in her country and 16 in his, I'm not sure what can really be done, but I tried. I really did.
No. 2081028
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well nonnas, I think I just saw a brown recluse spider on my closes and I'm horrified. not really sure what to do tbh.
No. 2081049
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fucking jobless stoner upstairs keeps the television on at a volume where the conversations are unintelligible but the music rattles my goddamned ceiling and skull all fucking day because she's looooonely… because her pet penis is off at his security guard gig. some of us have the weekends to ourselves and are okay being alone without constant fucking noise, brenda. some of us wanted to have a nice quiet Sunday. SOME of us really don't appreciate that you're doing this shit AND have set the smoke alarm in the hallway off twice today with your fucking eyesearing dank ditch kush, you fucking dipshit!
No. 2081060
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damnit its hard to give a quiet person the silent treatment!
No. 2081079
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>don't go on dates
>feel like a freak
get depressed
>go on dating apps
>all hideous moids or gross fuckboys
>go on dates anyway
>it sucks
get depressed
It's an inescapable loop but possibly only solved by accepting my fate of dying alone, which i cannot
No. 2081216
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>>2080352>>2080360Ugh, I just noticed I meant I'm
>>2080319, not
>>2080348. My bad. Anyway, I did order these cute ANBOW ear plugs I found because I'm desperate. My neighbor screams and laughs like an insane person (Which is what I think every person that laughs and screams that loud is). I hate people here so fucking much its unreal. Here's to hoping these actually fit this time. The reviews seem pretty good, at least.
No. 2081225
>>2081024i've had plenty, and they've all been self sufficient enough to be home alone for days at a time. it's a cat, not a child, retard.
>>2081042pets personalities are a reflection of our own, maybe if you didnt coddle your cat so much, it wouldn't have that anxiety.
No. 2081226
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> be me, asleep
> I almost never have wet dreams
> suddenly this one time I dream that I meet an extremely hot and interested woman
> we flirt
> "say anon, if you meet me at this specific door in 10 minutes we can take this further"
> ohyes.jpeg
> 10 minutes pass
> venture out into the complex-type building my brain has conjured up to sweep my waifu off her feet
> think
> get no action
> wake up absolutely malding
No. 2081241
nonnie no that's absolutely tragic
No. 2081243
>>2081240What are you anxious about,
nonnie? It may not help but this video always helped me when I was having terrible anxiety. Please feel better soon.
No. 2081399
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I can't fucking take it anymore, my lower back hurts so much that I got roughly 1.5 hours of actual sleep. Didn't matter what position I was in, it still hurt so much.
I want a 2 week medical leave but of fucking course I won't be allowed to do so for bullshit reasons. At this point I need horse tranquilizer or something.
No. 2081403
a bunch of years ago, i was almost carjacked in front of my house. it was street parking, 10 feet from my bedroom window. i never get in the car and wait to drive off, but my friend was having an emergency and calling me. i had seen a strange woman sitting on a power box nearby in a way that gave off weird vibes, so i had my suspicions up, so i didn't relax while quickly dealing with my phone. some random urge said to look up at the rearview mirror and i saw a man crouched against the driver's side door of the car parked behind mine, in the street, looking like he was holding something and like he was trying to avoid being seen. he saw me notice him and bolted for my car, but i already had it on and slammed on the gas too quickly. the lock on the back door behind me was broken, so he would have gotten in. this happened almost 10 years ago now and i still can't relax when sitting in a parked car. i was lucky to escape unharmed, but i don't think the trauma will ever leave me.
No. 2081529
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I'm short but my body isn't petite. It's just very proportional for my height. In saying that I'm also not overweight, and I've been working out a good bit and I've slimmed down a few pounds as well. I was in some group photos recently and I look fucking massive. One of my friends is genuinely a bigger and taller girl. We look nearly the same size in the photo. Why the fuck do I always look terrible in candids?? It's fucking with my dysmorphia because I know I'm doing well for myself. Am I bad at posing? I can't smile? Nothing looks good. I feel like specifically iphones make me look like shit, I'm not sure if it really is focal length or me aaaaahhhh
No. 2081531
>>2081528Ayrt and
Nonnie I also fear the cia is after me in an only half kidding way
No. 2081629
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I want to be able to live for myself but I don't even know how to. I have a STEM degree, I work full-time, I go to the gym and eat well, present myself well, am frugal with my money and don't have "toxic" vices but I don't value any of it. I feel like I live a very miserable and soulless existence trying to meet the expectations of a well-adjusted person. Before getting my shit together, I was a NEET and I enjoyed it but also used to have severe anxiety attacks daily because I was so worried about the financial instability. If I went back to NEETing it would be self-sabotage of the highest degree, but at the same time, the way I live now is only serving my employer, my family, and society at large. Maybe I should just get an iron infusion
No. 2081768
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my 7yr old phone is finally dying and im pissed i have to buy one of those quick degrading phones now
No. 2081854
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I fucking hate the anons on this website, they ruin everything for me. This is the reason why I hate having female friends or having female coworkers or even talking and being around female coworkers they just fuck your shit up. You want this one sliver of happiness or joy out of slaving away and surviving irl. Nope! Go fuck yourself basically, at least with moids you already know what you’re getting, with women they put on a mask before they reveal they are cunts from the depths of hell. I rather take a parallel universe of being in middle school getting teased and bullied by other little girls than this shit, I just want one thing you and fuckers can’t simply have someone have a nice thing this is why we can’t have nice things I fujcign I just feel like one automated bot getting my data stolen and it’s been a waste of time, none of this shit is real and I want to wake up from this nightmare. Wake me up goddamn it wake me up
No. 2081874
>>2081867Anons think attention and replies don’t matter. Yes it does and it doesn’t make you a cow for wanting attention, that’s a normal human thing and it doesn’t get removed with anonymity
>>2081870Have you noticed they’re redtexting people now for doing the crime of being mean to someone, didn’t know that was against the rules. Infighting rule is too strict and rigid there’s a difference between a passionate heated convo and an infight
No. 2081875
>>2081854i wrote something very similar to the farmhands when they banned me for rightfully telling a retard
nonny to jump off a bridge
No. 2081876
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>>20818544chan is down the hall and to the left
No. 2081894
>>2081892Who’s taking it more seriously, the bitch that decides to act like a bitch to you and then get mad when you don’t like it. I was going to finish my post with a point but I don’t know where it was going but I hate when it goes like this
>someone posts >another anon doesn’t GIVE A SINGLE FUCK and does something that annoys you and hopes you’ll be ok with it>is annoyed by their action that they know would’ve annoyed you >states you’re annoyed >muh rude and mean Fuck that, I don’t care if we’re anonymous I’m going to call your stupid shit out I fucking hate them and everybody right now
(infighting) No. 2081895
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>>2081885There are a lot of sincere moids there you can frolic with then complaining about how evil wahmen are here
No. 2081900
>>2081894If you don't want a thread here, don't act like a cow.
No. 2081903
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Great now the fuckers are going to create a new rule or some shit that’s just gonna make it shittier and less fun to post in the thread, I hate it brahhh, men get their 4channels and we get censorship and banned for that and banned for this why can’t I be free as a woman?? There’s nothing wrong with shitting up anything while men get to shit up everything on the internet
No. 2081908
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>>2081906atheist when they have to explain why their grandparents are hominids
No. 2081920
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>>2081916Oh hell yeah. Finally some good fucking food. Keep going off schizo
No. 2081935
>>2081928>the rudeness of that anon??
No. 2081962
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>>2081960Nonnie, it's time to stop and log off. You don't need to keep explaining yourself and have others laugh at you. You'll do another reading another day.
No. 2081980
>>2081971>chatbots, sexbotsHope they crawl into their internet hole and stay the fuck out of civilized society forever. Nothing of value is lost when moids give up their lives for bots.
>surrogatesShould be illegal in all circumstances. Incels talking about it like it's a good thing just reaffirms my belief that it's immoral.
>gene editingKEK like they could even afford it. It's great when moids shout from the rooftop about how irrelevant they are.
No. 2081987
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I feel so ugly these days, it's like after years of building my self-esteem it just came crumbling down so you have to rebuild that confidence again day by day and it can be an excruciating task. You took one step forward and two steps back, that's usually how it goes.
One of my bad habits that I tend to do is looking at other beautiful people and feeling bad about myself. Why can't I be that pretty? Why am I so ugly? Why does my body look like that?… It's a neverending cycle, it feels like I'm in hell.
I'll try to unlearn my bad habits, I just want to feel beautiful and accepted.
No. 2081989
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I will never go to another too many games. I’m prone to catching illness at cons. Thought I was safe with hand sani, vitamins and keeping my hands off my face. but the day after I come home I started feeling symptoms. It’s been about a week and I’m on my period, have a cold and now I’m fighting a sinus infection. It’s absolute hell and I’m not going back next year or to any gamer event again. I’m supposed to file papers for starting a small business this week but my plans are ruined.
No. 2082064
>>2082049My sister did that to me so much. I've always been really into music so as a teenger there were a lot of bands i found just before they really blew up. My sister would make fun of me for my music taste so hard, but multiple times she then turned around and started loving them as soon as her friends started to listen to them. She was super
abusive to me in general this was just one of the ways she would find to criticize me for just being myself.
No. 2082115
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>22(almost 23)
>from a shitty third world country
>mediocre at everything
>no job experience
I dont know what to do, i feel like i have already ruined my life to a point of no return. I want to study something, but i feel too old and retarded, i can barely commit to drawing once a week, so i am not sure i will be able to stick to college, plus my grades in hs were terrible. I feel so lost. tfw so retarded i accidentally posted on the wrong thread.
No. 2082146
>>2082136I had a boss like that. She acted buddy buddy but then threw me under the bus for a CLIENT’S MISUNDERSTANDING (I did everything correct and by the book and was carrying the entire operation, was always 24/7 on call, etc) telling them over the phone
>I’m so sorry about anon, she’s very young and inexperienced and it was our mistake to hire someone like herShe said this while I was in earshot. Why?
I gave my 2 weeks notice the next day. Fuck that two faced bitch.
No. 2082277
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Today is my birthday, which makes me even more self-conscious of how shitty my life is at the moment, having so much problems going on and seemingly endless health issues and scares, I just cannot truly enjoy this day, this year's has been terrible for me and my family. I just want things to get a little bit easier for everyone and for me, that's my birthday wish, I'm not asking for miracles, I just want everything to ease a bit, to catch a breath in the middle of the storm. I'm so, so tired…been through so much that a single moment of peace is all I can hope for and all I want
No. 2082347
>>2077788I wish young women would wear work-appropriate clothes again. I hate seeing college girls at retail jobs having their ass ogled by every man and her coworkers literally following them around with their heads pointed at the ass in front of them. Stop wearing fucking shape wear as top layers, have some goddamn self respect. Dont wear midriffs, stretch pants and streetwalker chic then complain online about old men looking at you.
Real fucking empowering to be a piece of meat though, right?!
No. 2082360
I have this idiot family member who I practically raised when I was a teen. Her and her siblings. And when she was like 14 she decided fuck me and everything I’ve done with her, she didn’t want to abide by my rules anymore, and she moved back in with her parents. Which fine, whatever. But she immediately went off the rails and I found her tiktok that showed her hanging out with some older female friends that were 18-19, and grown as men that were 21+. Videos of her literally blacking out, half naked, binge drinking, just trashy ass behavior that was the complete opposite of what I had tried to instill in her. It only took like a year of being back with her parents for that all to start happening. So I compiled a bunch of evidence and took it to her parents, and they continued to not parent her.
She ended up having a baby at 16, the bd bailed, and now her parents are split up and the baby is pretty much full time with her father while she goes out and parties. She was dating a guy for a little bit when she was 17-18, but they broke up and she’s just been acting like such a trashy thot lately and it kills me. All she posts on tiktok is her whoring around in clubs trying to make her ex jealous and I just never wanted this life for her. It makes me cry all the time, I did everything I could. Sacrificed so much of my life, worked all through college for her, I did everything and gave up my teen years when I wasn’t even 10 years older than her to try to be there for her. And now all there is to show for it is her underage drinking in trashy dirty clubs while her baby is states away. I hate this.
No. 2082375
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And people say relationships with women are easier and healthier..
No. 2082452
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It's almost 5am where I am and I've been awake since 2am because of the heat. Send help
No. 2082457
>>2082284Anon, it seems to me that the problem is them, not you. The way your mom made your suicide attempt about herself is especially fucked up. I'm sorry you have to deal with these losers
>don't really have friends outside of my boyfriend, so maybe that just makes me focus on it moreCorrect. The more you focus on developing your own social circle and doing your hobbies, the less their malice will affect you. Give the book 'Adult Children of Emotionally Immature parents' a try, might be a useful read. Also look up the grey rock or the yellow rock method on how to deal with these people
No. 2082481
>>2082424I lost 30 pounds and my upper body looks almost skeletonized, you can see my ribs above my breasts, but my thighs did not lose a single fucking inch. I only lose weight from the hips up. I have short disproportionate legs and the only thing that could make me look normal would be to slim down my fat legs, but even after 6 months and huge weight loss, they are untouched by all my effort. I'm not being bdd, I measured. I literally only started losing weight because of my thighs and nothing even happened in the end. I can't lose more than 10 more pounds without going into underweight BMI.
Anyway I hope you have more luck than I did.
No. 2082549
>>2081587If you live in the US, try taking your test at a different dmv. That's what my sister and mom ended up doing. The driving instructors vary in their adherence to the exam in every dmv.
>>2081740>a slow rotting disease that creeps up out of you when it needs to be transmitted to another person irlNTAYRT but this actually does happen to me occasionally with increased use of this site kek. While polyfaggotry is degenerate,
nonny should keep the sperging to a minimum irl
No. 2082598
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>be me
>report someone for constantly smoking weed and committing ID fraud
>cops do nothing except 'note it down'
>now I'm in trouble with my family over it and I might become homeless despite paying rent
No. 2082645
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I dont feel like im ugly and like the way I look now compared to years ago. But people make me feel ugly. I feel like i get treated like shit by my boss and coworkers and just people in general because Im not pleasing to their eyes or something. Like would I have no problems with others if I was a normie's idea of a 10/10? I keep wondering what's wrong with me. I suppose my personality is shit too bc Im too weird for most average people but too mundane for other weirder people. I feel like i don't fit anywhere. It's a feeling that's always been with me but wont go away.
There's many things that make me feel like this but one of the main ones is the dates ive been going on recently. I dont really feel like anyone is pursuing me, even after dates. It makes me feel self-conscious. Like would someone prettier ever feel that way?
I just wish I could restart life with a more normal brain. Then maybe i wouldn't have to even worry about looks as much.
No. 2082887
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Of course management is so fucking out of touch that they don’t understand the productivity expectations they have are impossible to meet most days with the way they assign out work. I can’t do shit if certain people aren’t here and instead of giving me permissions and access to do things on my own they’d rather have me sit on my ass then give me lecture about why my numbers aren’t looking good. I have a one-on-one meeting coming up in a couple weeks and I’m ready to let them all know how incompetent they are. Can you explain to me why our workflow is donethis way if it clearly hurts our overall numbers? Fuck these dumb boomer bitches.
No. 2082897
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I can feel my friends drifting apart. I knew it was too good to last. Back to being on my own.
No. 2083171
>>2081740ayrt, you have a point about regular lc use leading to brainrot sperging in public, just wanted to vent but I came out of this with some pretty helpful albeit unsolicited advice so I’m glad to have this space even with retarded bait like this
>>2081799 I’d rather listen to women rationally outline their opinions than their greasy nigels, I didn’t talk to her moid because I don’t care what he has to say kek the only way to interact with scrotes is by ignoring them
No. 2083198
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Just applied for some jobs at walmart. I hope I get a job there, but even if I do get a job there my parents are still going to be disappointed in me. I mean, I know their approval does not technically matter but damn does it hurt being the stupid bitch of the family. I'm not gonna say I'm the black sheep or anything, but no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to 'make it' elsewhere. Damn…
No. 2083225
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>>2080348what does it do to them? I've been wearing earplugs every night for the past four years…
No. 2083299
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>No more money
>No friends.
>Isolated from sister
>Having a hard time finding another job
>Feeling perpetually tired physically and spiritually
>Been bleeding out the vag for at least two weeks now
>Have pcos
>Feeling trapped in situation
>Epitome of prolonged shit life syndrome
>Still in early 20s but getting to the point where my will to fight against my suffering is fading away
This is why women get married out of desperation. I would get married to a man with money but most men are broke and useless.
No. 2083349
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I'm 26 and it just clicked for me that my mom's love is toxic. She embodies the devouring mother archetype. I always considered her to be the most loving, caring, nurturing woman in the world so I could never associate her with dark traits. But now I see it- as a child she always found it too cruel to task me with chores, too painful to deny me desserts, too harsh to ensure I did my homework. I grew up given any comfort I desired, was never pushed to stay in any sport I picked up, never made to challenge myself in any way. She even let me drift out of high school simply because I didn't have motivation. I essentially had to teach myself how to be independent later on yet never saw any flaw in how she raised because it was so kind, so gentle.
Now I can see that this has all been a subconscious effort on her part to ensure I lack independence. She openly admits her dream is for me and her to live together again. She really thinks that me moving back in with her would be positive growth & she suggests it often. Note: I literally have my own home, a stable career and a supportive partner. We're even planning on children- there is no reason for her to suggest this. I feel her desire goes beyond healthy maternal love and missing me.
As I've gotten older and parenting comes up in conversation with her, she's always very quick to call me cruel for stating that I would make sure my children have responsibilities. She visibly pouts, gets upset, and says I'm being "mean" to her dog when I don't give him french fries or chips from the table. Any sort of discipline, restriction, or resolve-building behavior she sees as tyrannical or abusive. I now see how much this hurt me growing up. I'm finding it especially hard to forgive my literal child-self for flunking out of school because she never put any expectation on me. I feel so heartbroken and evil for even recognizing these dark aspects- ultimately I still think she's a good person- just broken and using me and her role as Mother to try to soothe herself.
No. 2083351
I'm so tired of my bf's mother. She's overbearing, but in a subtle way that makes me feel bad for letting it bother me so much. Any "quick" stop over at their house turns into an hour of her practically demanding that we take tons of food, before getting upset that we don't want all her extra costco food. She needs to stop buying food with the intention of pushing it on others. She has no respect for boundaries, not out of ill-will, but general obliviousness. She attempted to come in to my room at 7:30 am once, because it was an "emergency" (she and her husband needed to give someone a ride to the city, and wouldn't be around for breakfast. A text would've been enough). I wanted to finish up in the bathroom the other day and she insisted on coming in and taking all her stuff out so I could have more room and asking if I needed anything etc. I'm not a child, I can move an object if it's obstructing me.
>bf and I go to pick something up from their house
>I'm super sick, ask if I can grab some water to take some ibuprofen
>she freaks out, tries giving us boxes of tea, sends bf to get some lemons for me
>I'm left standing there while she explains different remedies I need
>bf returns with lemons, she's upset because they're not the ones she would've chosen, has to go get some herself
He and I ended up leaving with a bag of like 20 lemons, a huge thing of honey, and boxes of tea. I never got to even take my ibuprofen.
It sucks because she's genuinely looking out for everyone, but it turns into her attempting to mother grown adults constantly. It feels silly to take such issue, but the frustration adds up as it's so constant. It's hard to even talk about it because it sounds so minor, but it's draining. Her fussing is constant, you can't even get a glass of water without her practically offering an entire beverage menu and trying to fill your glass herself. Asking her to politely stop feels like kicking a puppy. "It sounds like she's just trying to be nice!" She is, and she doesn't stop. She has covid rn, which is why I'm so frustrated right now. My boyfriend and I cat-sit for his parents over the weekend, when they got back, they tested positive. They're not super sick which is good, and he and I wanted to leave as we both have work and don't want to get sick. It took us twice as long to leave while we tried to pack everything because she kept interrupting. Tried to get us to take her entire kitchen practically. She kept coming in to the room to point out all the things we needed to pack. What happened to trying to keep just a little bit of distance from someone when you're sick? I find her fussing to be disrespectful, and then I feel crazy because she's just being nice, and then I get mad because for the love of god she won't give me any space, and then I wonder if it's just a me thing.
No. 2083379
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Wish I had no social skills like I had (or hadn't) until just a few years ago. I didn't see what's wrong with being blunt and standoffish when someone did just as much as giving me weird vibes and didn't even think about considering anyones feelings when voicing (only ever when asked, because I didn't talk to anyone at all unless spoken to, which's another thing I miss) my opinion or anything, because why would they ask if they don't want me to be honest?, but then something just switched in my head when I turned like 20 and nowadays I feel like I'd be the worst person ever and it'll ruin my actual entire week because I keep ruminating on it if I don't try to act like the most pleasant and kindest version of myself I could ever possibly be, even if that person actually doesn't even deserve anything more than the absolute barest minimum of basic politeness, can't believe I miss my uberautistic ass
No. 2083390
>>2081535that doesn't sound very fun either and I'm sorry to hear that, but atleast you could maybe try hiding things you don't want to be thrown out..?
I feel so trapped here, I want away from everything.
No. 2083476
>>2083436Don't know a lot about how to care for kittens compared to puppies, but I know the one difference is that kittens need to be stimulated in order to use the bathroom until a certain age. I found this guide when looking kitten care up online: Can any cat owner nonnies give advice?
No. 2083533
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I don't want to cry myself to sleep again.
No. 2083641
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I'll get called out tomorrow at my job because of a mistake I made today. The manager already sent an angry message to my coworker.
No. 2083656
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Ugh, I cannot stand my mother at all. Somehow get talking about an old friend of mine who was bilingual, could speak German and English. My mother goes on to asked if she and her siblings were born here or in Germany. Told her not sure but then she goes on a crazy ass rant about them being anchor babies. Like what the fuck?? My mother knows nothing about my old friend except her parents were German and she had quite a bit of siblings. My mother never really talked to my old friend's parents so she knows absolutely nothing. I hate when she pulls shit like this. It's so messed up.
No. 2083717
>>2083701There are honestly so many scrotes and scrote brained women on this site anyways, hurt dogs holler
nonnie. You can always tell
No. 2083720
>>2083701I don't get this behavior at all, tbh. Go coddle men literally anywhere else. I'll side with a
nonnie on here over her scrote any day. Key his car, queen. Yes, you should break up with him because he left the toilet seat up.
No. 2083771
>>2083763I reject your curse, lesbian
femcel witch
No. 2083776
>>2083771nta but it's not really a "lesbian
femcel" thing to point out hypocrisy kek. it makes no sense to date someone you hate.
No. 2083793
>>2083701I don't think I ever done it here but I can understand them. It's shitty or at least dumb to crap on your partner - if you feel this way about them, why won't you leave? Find someone decent or be single. It's really hard to sympathize unless you're in a really complicated situation and can't leave just now.
>You never see men doing that to each other when they vent about their gfsSince when do we use such men as an example? It's normalized for them to disrespect their women and live with someone they despise because they know no one else would take their shit and they're not capable to have normal relationship anyway. It's not the life you want.
No. 2083801
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My hard work to quit being a loner paid off and I found a friend. Problem is, she's new to the city and therefore doesn't have anyone but me to hang out with, and now I'm worried she's going to ask if I can introduce her to people or take her along to social outings. I don't know how to tell her that I was too depressed to keep up with human relationships for 5 years. The only one I could introduce her to is the guy I'm dating, but they'd absolutely HATE each other kek so I'd rather avoid that even though she's mentioned she'd like us all to do something together.
I wish I didn't fuck up all my friendships because of my shitty mental health, it's so difficult to make new connections as an adult.
No. 2083848
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My mom just vented to me about how annoyed she was at her chronically ill sister. (For context they never got along and her sister never was a good person before getting sick). She told me she hated hearing her moan or cry in pain, it bothered her and made her angry. She thinks she's doing it for attention and has no sympathy for her. She told me nobody likes sick people, nobody likes dealing with sick people. Nobody likes being around sick people, that people just want to avoid you when you're sick. But I'm also sick, I also have a painful chronic illness, I also cry in pain, I also look and act sick in front of other people. It hurt so much to hear her say this. I know it's true, that's why my fiance left me when I became ill. My mom lives in another country so she doesn't see me suffer every day but if we lived together I guess she would say the same things about me. I know she does this because she grew up in an abusive home where nobody cared about her feelings, but it still makes me so sad to hear that from her. She has always been dismissive of my illness, my pain, saying it wasn't real or that I could just think the pain away.
No. 2083943
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Men are spastic gorillas.
They're moronic. They are walking bad omens. Coked-up retard strength at all times. And what's worse? They have the fucking AUDACITY.
Clumsy, thoughtless, brain-dead, stupid, spastic, roided-up apes.
No. 2084044
>>2082682I mean I understand that, but also he was the one who called the cops and then ran away before they came. I had him on video shouting at me before the call, so might as well release everything I had on him so it's on record. He is a physically
abusive/cheating/controlling moid so even if she hates me, I'd rather him be out of our lives. Better that she hates me than her being dead a year down the line when I can't be there to protect her.
No. 2084066
karma is real - what you put out into the universe will come right back at you tenfold. my awful, piece of shit grandfather got into a car accident with a police officer. from the damage i've seen and the location where the accident occurred, i do believe the police officer was also at fault (he clearly saw my grandfather's big ass car and still hit it dead on). instead of apologizing and just letting the police do their thing so that he could walk away without any issues, my grandfather apparently started mouthing off at the police officer, told him it was his fault, he was stupid, just stuck his whole foot in his mouth. so now the police cited him and his license got suspended. i would feel more sorry but my grandfather has been terrible to me these past few months since my mother died and up until recently did everything in his power to try to take my inheritance from me. he tried throwing me out, not paying bills, not fixing things like the washing machine, taking my mom's car so i couldn't drive, stopped giving me the money my mom asked him to give me while i waited to get everything from my trust sorted. not only did he betray me, he betrayed my mother, even after claiming that he loved her so much and would do anything for her. and it was all based off of pure greed as he has more than enough money and just sold a house, so he is far from broke or destitute. it's sad that families are often like this but i have zero pity for him and i am enjoying watching god kick his ass. i just saw on our mail digest that he's getting a citation so he is totally not walking away from this situation at all and i fully expect them to revoke his license. serves him right.
No. 2084102
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>pour my heart out to therapist about being unloved and too traumatized with other people
>"Just love yourself"
I don't know what to say. Why do all therapists eventually come back to this retarded point. If I knew how to love myself I wouldn't have these issues. How do you justify loving yourself when no one else has.
No. 2084107
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>>2084084I'm in the same position and it sucks and I hate that everyone has expectations of you that are out of your control.
No. 2084109
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I gained a little weight, and now my thighs are looking big and bloated, like in pic rel. Not good.
No. 2084110
>>2084102Skill issue my therapist never said that shit to me.
Jokes aside, your therapist doesn't seem very good if they reduce their suggestions to just that. They should be helping you find reasons and ways to strengthen your relationship with yourself, not just telling you to do it.
No. 2084126
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>>2084109Look at how gross it gets. You’re fine
nonny but this is just nasty like cottage cheese clumps, shayna tier. At least shayna looks clean
(derailing) No. 2084167
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researching on a horrorcow and now i want this world to explode
No. 2084286
I've been best friends with this person for almost two years by now and recently we started to talk less because of some stuff on my end (my routine got busier, I'm trying to fight off burnout and avoid depression, among other shit). I joined a server for a fandom we're both in because I felt like I needed to be exposed to a more social environment and talk to more people in general and I'm honestly thriving, but my friend is fucking pissed at me because I'm not talking to them as much. I talk to them every single day, literally every day, but they get mad at me because I talk too little or because I'm giving too much of my attention to the fandom server (my social battery only goes so fucking far). For days now they've been sending me pained and angry tirades about how I don't really care about them, how I make them feel lonely, how I'm not doing enough for them, how I'm not giving them enough attention, how they don't believe I love them (platonically ofc) because my actions don't show it (because I'm not replying to their every message withi a 10 minute timeframe). I promised to talk to them more and I did, but after I took a brief pause to do some chatting in the fandom server they flipped the fuck OUT at me and started giving me the cold shoulder and are at it again saying I'm a shitty friend for ignoring them simply because I made the choice to talk to someone else first and left them on standby for…one or two hours. Like LITERALLY I just stayed away from their DMs for around two hours max to talk to other people.
I love them as a friend. They're my best friend. But I'm so fucking tired nonas. Nothing I do is enough. I want to talk to them and I do want to do better as a friend but I also want to have a broader social circle and talk to other people without feeling like I NEED to be at their beck and call at every second. This is fucking destroying me because it's making me think I'm an awful fucking friend who's prioritizing others above someone who I'm much closer with but…at the same time…why can't I talk to other people? Why can't I take a break and chat with others? For just one day? What is going on?
No. 2084327
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>>2084286>>2084298I feel the exact same way with most of my relationships but I never say anything because I know it's irrational and unfair to the other person. It's silly but I only realized it after seeing posts like picrel. Now I still agonize over it despite knowing that late messages don't mean I'm getting ignored, people can have multiple friends and that friendship can't be ranked or compared. I really don't think there's anything you can do about it beyond the reassurance you've already given them, at this point it's their personal issue. In my case it happens because I haven't had secure friendships growing up and it only gets better when I'm busy irl or talking to multiple people at the same time. When I'm fixated on one person and don't have a job or classes to focus on it literally kills me that they aren't also available 24/7. Even if they were to go out of their way to make time for me, if I later see them leave a comment somewhere or chat in a server I'll feel betrayed and hurt even if it's 5 hours they spent with me vs. one small joke they made to someone else. If your friend is anything like me nothing will be enough until they work on themselves which you obviously can't do anything about. Maybe it would help if they also joined the fandom server so they could talk to more people while also being able to talk to you at the same time?
No. 2084394
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Some autist over at 4cuck has begun stalking threads around a game/character I like because according to him it's "off-topic" to the board in question. I could call him out but I feel like that would only exacerbate things on account of being a relatively well known personality, yet I feel more and more uneasy starting any conversation around said topic in fear it will make him snap or something else.
No. 2084468
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I’ve been unemployed for about awhile now and I desperately need an income so I can apply to housing aid. I can’t live in this place anymore, I hate almost a majority of my family and I can’t rely on anyone. Every single person in my family is unreliable. I don’t care if you call me some “welfare” moocher for applying for this aid, it’s quite possibly the only way to get out of my shit living situation, it’s the only way to pull myself up. The only thing I need is just a stable job but the job market is so brutally fucked where I live (US anon) and I have no connections. I’m too scared to try to market myself on social media to get my tiny rinky side business rolling. I’m looking for one sliver of luck and fortune to be on my side, just for once. Let me have some real good luck please
No. 2084502
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>nobody ever talks about the profound sadness of drifting apart from an important woman in your life like your sister
>women only talk about how much they love their stupid fucking fathers and brothers when they will never know the love that’s held between two sisters struggling under the same situation with different circumstances
>she’s older and i’m younger and we are drifting apart and she no longer understands or probably cares about me anymore
>it hurts so bad and i didn’t understand how much this hurts until i started randomly crying
>doesn’t know if i’m crying over something that was an illusion or something that was actually there like our bond
>loves my mom but i always felt emotionally separate and distant and even drained from her because whenever she is sad i want to be sad and whenever she’s happy i’m happy it whenever she’s depressed it makes me want to stay far away from her because i can’t handle it sometimes seeing someone who needs help and i can’t help because i also need help
>male family members remind me of wandering dogs and not actual human beings with any sense of care, depth or empathy
i feel so lonely because nobody understands this feeling. i miss my sister niggas and i don’t care if she probably doesn’t feel equally the same anymore because we haven’t really spoken like we used to in a long time
No. 2084516
>>2084084>>2084107Living through a hell nobody in your life will ever understand is torture. It has destroyed my life, my hopes, my physical and mental health, and my everything.
I hope for the best for you nonnas. I hope we find ourselves again.
No. 2084578
>>2084502>she’s older and i’m younger and we are drifting apart and she no longer understands or probably cares about me anymore Why do you think that anon? Is there anything you can do to try and stay or get close to her? I can't imagine she would stop caring about you if you had a close bond to begin with, sisterhood isn't like a normal friendship where you can easily lose interest in each other.
I'm an older sister and I can't imagine ever not loving my younger sis even if we become less close. She's having a baby soon and I'm scared we'll drift apart because she'll be busy and her new family will be priority but that couldn't change how I feel about her.
No. 2084595
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>tfw once again find things I threw out reappear in the house
I swear to god I’m at my limit anons. My mom is psychotic. Literally keeping broken shit under the bed and yet will continue to complain about the house being too small and not having enough space. I hate the boomer mentality of hoarding random shit. Especially clothes that don’t even fit her. There’s been time where I throw things in the garbage bin outside and she’ll go out of her way to pick it out and put it back in the closet. I’m lucky she’s a nazi about cleanliness otherwise she’d probably be saving actual garbage and rotten food. I want to move out so bad. I can’t deal with her unhealthy addiction to saving all this junk and only decides to purge it when she wants to fill it with different junk.
No. 2084913
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>>2077788I don’t know if I can ever learn to love or even accept being a woman. Remembering sexual dimorphism exists is enough to send me spiraling, and the fact that I have the biological capacity for pregnancy and my entire body is constructed around it makes me nauseous. Fighting the troon demons like crazy right now. Anyone have any advice for dealing with dysphoria?
No. 2084993
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>>2084913Yeah. I got ~misgendered~ again by a complete stranger normie IRL just a few days ago and it fucked me up so bad and really made me think about how nobody even permits me to be a woman for being a butch lesbian following a masculine code of conduct due to being raised with a brother and boys around me, and even working in a male-dominated field. Radfems can keep telling me how magical my body is for being able to get pregnant (can't even do that due to dysfunctional ovaries so lol, lmao) and my breasts are so boobily wonderful but if the signal I get from everyone around me,
including a lot of "gendercrits", is "we don't see you as a woman" then why should I do it either? The only reasons I haven't trooned out is because I couldn't bear the stress of living stealth, my already minimal puddle of a dating pool would dry up completely and I would set myself up for a significantly shortened lifespan, numerous medical issues and possibly irreversible baldness and body hair growth.
And I don't even hate being a woman, god no, I would not want to be a cis man because they're subhuman beasts. The issue is that I'm constantly being denied my female sex. I just want people to leave me alone, respect me and stop giving me shit for minding my own business and not actively corresponding to their shallow view of what a woman should be like. I sympathize with a lot of depressed SSA TIFs and "non-woman enbies" because no matter how cringe they are, I know how painful it is to always be denied womanhood but yet be hated for leaving it altogether. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Apparently the only acceptable option would be to turn tradfemme and personally I would rather kill myself than go down that route.
No. 2085013
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heres something you might find useful, anon
No. 2085021
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No. 2085023
What's the fucking point of venting in this thread if everyone is going to infight about irrelevant shit
>>2085014Same here, like, what in the schizo rant did I just read?
No. 2085047
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It's so hard when one of your best friends struggles mentally and gets herself into trouble. I know it's not my job to be the hero and save her, but on the other hand what kind of friend doesn't even try? So I'm stuck in-between and don't know what to do while she keeps clowning around.
She's not formally diagnosed but as someone on the spectrum I can tell she's also on the spectrum, and she pretty much agrees and have had therapist who thought so too, they just never got around to actually test her. She is a former sugar baby obsessed with expensive fashion. She stopped for a while it after she was raped by one of them. She did report it to the police which I'm proud of her for, but it's likely not going to go anywhere since there's not much to go by and he used a fake name deleted his sugaring profile. I thought that had finally made her stop for good but then she recently got back into it, just this time she's just scamming men online by leading them on so they buy her expensive brand items before ghosting them. She's still making plans to meet some of them though, just pulling out last minute with some excuse, meaning they still have a rough idea of where she lives. It's so incredibly stupid of her to get back into it when it already got her raped before. Like did she seriously not learn the lesson? I keep telling her it's a bad idea and she agrees and says I'm so nice for talking sense into her and being realistic, but she just keeps doing it anyway being all "I can't help it, I'm sorry".
She says she's too mentally unwell to work or study. She lives for free with supportive parents and nearby adult siblings, nobody is expecting her to pay anything any time soon and I still see her vent on her secret social media about how "she has no choice" but to be a sugar baby because of money. Our mutual online friends are like "sex work is real work, you go girl" because they all have fucking brainrot, but since I know her irl I know every single penny goes not to living expenses, but to expensive fashion. She is clearly mentally unwell but idk how to be supportive or help her when she acts like this.
I honestly think she wants to do sugaring for 2 reasons: the male validation more than the money. She's not conventionally attractive so this is a way she can pretend all men want and chase after her. Secondly she's always been into dark fiction and tragic aesthetics (think reading rape fanfiction and worshipping Lana Del Rey). I think she's maybe sort of subconsciously living out those fantasies by making herself into the beautiful abused victim who gets compassion from everyone. Then I feel bad for thinking she caused all this herself.
No. 2085229
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My roommate, who is nearly 40 fucking years old pissed me off so much tonight. Our dog has diarrhea right now so when my bf and I came home we noticed he went by the front door. I went to go clean it and locked the door since I didn't want anyone swinging it open (for context its usually unlocked since we live in a good apartment building and only two of four roommates have keys). I forgot and went on with the night. Come 3 hours later around 2 am my roommate starts banging on the door as if he's going to break it and I run over after hearing it right away. I unlock it and say oh sorry we forgot to unlock it and he just starts yelling at cursing at me. I explain it was an accident I forgot to unlock it then he continues to throw a fucking tantrum. My boyfriend wakes up and tells him to just chill out and listen for a second but he's so fucking stupid and keeps repeating "I can't come into my own fucking house?!" like what the fuck. Then I absolutely just exploded because it's just been a long time coming. I told him to fuck off and to not speak to me like that. Its also 2 am and we do have neighbors so him trying to break the door down was stupid and he could have easily texted or called anyone. I yelled at him and told him to get the fuck out of my face and go to bed lol. I haven't been this angry in a long time. My adrenaline was going for nearly an hour after and even hours later I'm still pissed. I just can't believe I actually sent him to his room like a child. Or I can believe that because he acts like he's 16. Pathetic. I wish he would move out but he couldn't live on his own, he's that useless.
No. 2085365
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I just found out I have a long lost sibling. Not only that, but they've had a super hardcore life. I'm talking about watching people die in front of them, bullet scars, having to change names, John Wick tier. Plus they have really attractive and successful genius kids and ngl I'm a loser autismo fujo weeb neet.
Obviously I want to try to connect but what the fuck do I do?? Like bro, they walked past my anime calender I am so lame.
No. 2085373
>>2085365Same. I have a half-sibling whose a math wiz and is going to uni. Meanwhile I'm stuck with my shitty wagie job and have no friends. romantic experience and post regularly on lolcor.
Worst yet, they're a year younger than me—yeah it's a super small age gap, but where I'm from high expectations are held on the older one.
No. 2085393
I have to learn to stop seeking validation from my father because he's an asshole. In other ways though, it's like sorting a pros and cons list in my head
Pros of my dad
>helps me fix things
>helps me financially with my car without me asking (ever)
>gaslights me about literally everything - will literally lie to my face about shit and when I call him out he gets mad and doesn't admit anything
>has never apologized to me for anything, for lying or thinking the worst of me when it wasn't true
>typical appeal to authority political opinions where he thinks he's smarter than everyone else but watching fox news and reads the epoch times
>treats my mom like shit, talking over her, yelling at her
I already know what I can do but I feel weird doing it. And then my mom is worse in some respects:
>used to tell my brother and I all the time that she wants a divorce, she regrets getting married and having kids, that my dad doesn't do anything to help, that my dad is a loser, and a coward, and lazy, and disorganized, and x y and z
>but now that we're all grown up and out of the house, my mom continues to complain and I say "then get a divorce" and she goes oh no haha no I wouldn't do that
>constantly talks shit about my dad in front of him to me like he's not there
>complains about how my dad is a coward and a liar and all this bullshit but still acts shocked Pikachu face when I tell her what he said or did like a fucking idiot
My stupid parents will never learn or understand how I feel because they think they know everything and like to pretend that my feelings don't matter. I've spent most of my life trying not to cry or show any kind of emotion, or tell them my issues, yet they still treat me like a histrionic freak when I get upset at them
It's like they don't understand how their constant bickering doesn't stress me out because I used to think that if I was a good kid and I did everything right, their marriage would improve and things would be normal. They don't give a fuck about any of that, and if I told them that, I'm sure they'd act like I'm an idiot. I feel so crushed all the time. Like nobody takes me seriously and nobody thinks I'm going to be okay. I hate the fact that I can't connect with my parents on literally anything, and they refuse to connect with me. I'm sure if they read this, they'd act like I'm exaggerating or making everything up and feign outrage and "reassure" me that everything I feel and think is wrong and I'm just insane. I fucking hate them. I wish someone could see what they do and tell me that I'm right, or that I have a right to feel this way. It's so frustrating.
No. 2085504
>>2085365>Obviously I want to try to connect Why? It's a complete stranger, why do you feel the need to talk to this person? Don't force a relationship just because you're related. If your sibling has expressed interest in becoming friends, then that's great, but also don't be disappointed if they aren't interested in spending time with you. Tbh, if I was them I'd feel spiteful as fuck that you got to live an easy life while mine was that fucked up kek.
Just an anecdote, but I have a half sister who's way older than me. We talk once a decade at family get togethers because we have absolutely nothing in common. If she one day tried to become close to me for the sole reason of us having the same father I'd feel really uncomfortable.
No. 2085510
>>2085504I probably should have added that they were the one to find me and my other siblings and expressed that they wanted to connect.
I just don't want it to be one sided on their part, or have them be so disappointed after going through so much.
No. 2085557
Does anyone have any insight on how to make life fulfilling?
I have a Nigel where I am positive that what fulfills him is making me happy and my life comfortable. But I don't have a drive like that. My entire goal in life was getting out of my abusive upbringing. I got out…and now what? It's been years laters and I engage in interests. But there's nothing driving me.
I read, I journal, I love listening to music and reviewing it, I make bracelets, I have many niche interests (autism-tier), I take college community classes for fun, I love online communities and I've been visiting lolcow since 2016, but none of it makes me feel like I am doing anything meaningful. I was a wagecuck project manager and at least I felt 100% consumed by that and it did fulfill me, I suppose. I liked having goals to meet all the time. However, I literally didn't think of anything else then and I didn't read or do any of the above hobbies. It is as if I forgot entirely who I was. I would have been happy to move out and live in an apartment all by myself and look through spreadsheets and projects all day. But I know that lifestyle also made me depressed, but it did fulfill me.
I've thought of volunteering at a horse therapy place near me so I can learn about horses and so I can possibly help out teen girls who are going through a rough patch. But then I think about how selfish my decision to do that is. Of course, no one is purely altruistic. But I'm no role model or someone who should help the younger generation. I don't want children.
I now am helping my Nigel build up his father's business and I guess it's cool, I get to learn a trade and honestly I enjoy how much more active I am. I still am bored to tears by it, though. Small businesses are busy, but not in the way it is when you're a project manager and have 100s of projects to go over. Small businesses are simple and slow by comparison.
What do any of you nonnas do to enrich your lives?
No. 2085569
>>2085557You feel disconnected from a purpose because nothing you are doing right now
has a greater purpose. You should volunteer with the horses. It’s not selfish, it’s just a good fit for you because your life experience gives you direct empathy and skillsets those girls need to develop. People gravitating toward helping causes that affected them is a
good thing.
No. 2085577
>>2085569nta but what do you mean has no greater purpose
nonny? working in a family business and caring for your loved ones does sound purposeful
No. 2085604
>>2085563Yes, I love being outside as well. My Nigel and I always take a 20 minute walk everyday before we get to work. I should work towards being outside more instead of staying cooped up in our room or my office. I think what's interesting is my Nigel feels like the one taking care of me…he doesn't like to burden me with anything and he considers it a privilege to simply know me in the way he does. He loves listening to my thoughts and much of his "value" from me is just who I am intrinsically. I love my Nigel, but I don't think he means the same to me in terms of being an enduring life goal in the way I represent that to him. Maybe I am too selfish of an individual to experience that kind of fulfillment or joy.
>>2085569I need to set that up. I keep on telling myself that I don't have time, but I definitely do. I'm just so used to spending all my time for my own wants.
>>2085577Your comment has made me think that maybe it's that I'm not valuing what I provide for others. I do help my Nigel's mom out and she does appreciate me a lot. Maybe I don't value helping people enough.
>>2085588It's their own business and it's B2B. It's a trade related to manufacturing. It is cool seeing where the parts end up, it's not for a nefarious reason. His father is retiring soon (end of year) and my Nigel and I are set to continue the business. I expect that might make me a little more busy. It's just not like I ever thought as a kid what job I'd do because I was so focused on the steps to follow so I could get out of my bad family situation. I feel like a lot of my feelings are related to the fact I "reached" the goal I wanted to and now I have no idea what to really continue on for. You are correct that I'm not really benefitting anyone else other than myself, my scrote, and his parents.
No. 2085617
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Am i the only one who wants to kill myself to the point where they have the whole thing planned out, method, place, mode and outfit? I can't fucking do this anymore.
Pleaee tell me something encouraging. I cannot fucking take anymore. I can't live with myself, my actions, my inactions. I can't live with the things iVe done.
I don't belong here
No. 2085622
File: 1720726274153.jpeg (418.09 KB, 1284x593, IMG_2693.jpeg)

>love playing Yorick for Lea*ue of Legends
>Not many high ranking out there
>YouTube Recommends a 1+ year old video of Guy name slogdogs
>Watch it but can't enjoy because he is simply too vulgar and disgusting attitude
>Whatever I go click on his twitch link on YouTube
>Pic related
>Immediately disgusted and angry
Angry moid to pornsick troon is NOT a myth.
No. 2085663
nonnie, I hope this message reaches you. I used to fantasize about killing myself all the time and even have a couple attempts but now I am not suicidal at all and enjoy life. What changed? I tried about 5 different mood stablizers and now eat a protien-based diet where I eat a lot of chicken and fish. I am currently on ablify and it works very well. Sometimes I get intrusive thoughts about suicide which I like to indluge in occasionally but things are much better on medication. Things can get better and failing is the only way to succeed. Do not be afraid to fail. I wish you luck
nonnie. If I can do it you can too.
No. 2085698
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I'm so tired of being socially awkward and mute but I've been like this for years and I don't know how to change.
No. 2085783
File: 1720737035308.jpeg (142.3 KB, 828x1284, IMG_1743.jpeg)

I was psyoped into believing a cute nerd who has never been with other women was the way to go. But he thinks all women look like instagram skirby abominations and that I am a strange exception because I have body hair and a labia. I almost married him. There was a reason he had never been with anyone else because other girls could tell he was a creep but my scrotometer was broken so I thought I was just lucky. I feel stupid. I’m not even sad really just disappointed in myself.
No. 2085810
>>2085803kek nta but ill hire you one day
>>2085783write his flaws to him as a mega paragraph
No. 2085818
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I hate getting recommended tiktoks of women who have nice jobs and live in nice places and can buy all these nice things. Some of them have amazing jobs where they get decent pay and don’t have to interact with people. I’m so angry that that isn’t my life and I’m almost 30 and still stuck at my parents and trying to finish school with little to no money. It makes me want to scream and off myself. I WANT MY OWN PLACE. I WANT TO GET AWAY FROM MY PARENTS. ITS NOT FAIR
No. 2085821
>>2085746Stop doing their work for them nona. They're just gonna make you keep doing it and everyone will end up assuming that was your job to begin with, because you seem to "happily" do it everyday while they don't.
Just let things go to shit unless they do their part, that's not your problem (I'd look for another job tho, sounds like a shit place)
No. 2085867
>>2085783I'm sorry you allocated your time for such a loser without having an idea of his true nature, but at least he chose to reveal it before you got married. He sounds so nasty and petty, probably won't find any sense of happiness with that character of his.
On a side note I love how much he's seething in those messages. Trying so hard to find anything to pick apart and bully you about so that he feels victorious. If those were recent I'd call him a faggot and move on. Hope you didn't take those messages to heart, the things he listed are extremely common and normal.
No. 2085876
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total moid death NOW. I’m not joking anymore
No. 2085902
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I contacted my father today, for the first time in my life. I still feel all jittery and weird and elated about it. I'm glad I finally did it, it had been hanging over my head for so long. He was willing to talk to me, at least a bit, which is a good start. I'm still stressed, I don't know how this will go. I wish I could just relax but it's so weird.
No. 2085919
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I hate my face, I hate my looks, I hate my hair. I think about cutting my face off all the time.
No. 2085922
I want to cut it all off, all of it coming off. No one likes me anyways, no one has ever been a single friend and my life is shit, so why not embrace it? I want to cut it all off. Clearly state just how I fucking feel.
No. 2086026
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I shouldn’t have looked her up. She’s moved city for college and has followed all these pages about anonymous love letters at the college. It’s not normal to still be this obsessed and depressed over her 8 months later. I’m going to be sick on myself.
No. 2086100
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I’m so excited for a shit-tier retail minimum wage job that I could possibly get an interview for if the recruiter responds to the email. I’m this desperate, I’ve been unemployed for awhile and had to stop my college classes just to work and I lost everything. I feel so pathetic but the job market is so fucking shitty and life keeps getting in the way of me trying to figure out what the fuck I’m going to do about my education fiasco. Also for sure it’s a job that’s going to roast and spit me out like a gutter hog but I desperately need the money. How do I survive a potentially shitty job for a few months if they do contact me to interview me and decide to hire me? I also plan to find something on the side to give me some small income here and there.
No. 2086169
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i dont know how to exist without a constant yearning for company. I have 2 friends that i see about every 1-3 months but i dont feel that close to them. i always have these things happening in my life that i get excited about and want to share with someone but i always feel like theres nobody to turn to. Im tearing up writing this, not even sure why. I just have this hyper clingy weird gross little part of me thats always clawing at my insides trying to make me latch onto any new friend that gives me a crumb of attention. I feel pathetic and alone. i just want to learn to fully appreciate my own company without a part of my brain going "lets message that one person and ask them to hangout soon." "lets share this to someone". i just want to be completely alone and be okay wtih it since irl everyones either a shithead, annoying, or thinks IM the annoying shithead.
No. 2086213
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I’m a German-Turk and my dad’s cousin married a useless young toyboy from Turkey and brought him here. He’s jobless, lazy, fat, failed his German language test and recently started pretending to be depressed because "he doesn’t even have any children”. Yeah no shit if you marry a woman in her 50s. Now she keeps coming to us crying and complaining about him. She refuses to divorce him because she’s scared they’ll deport him back to Turkey. Who the fuck cares if they do? It’s not a dangerous war torn country kek. There’s absolutely no reason to have a guilty conscience about a lazy scrote being deported back to a completely safe country. It’s so fucking frustrating trying to speak sense into pick mes.
No. 2086234
>>2084167which cow
nonny I'm curious
No. 2086248
>>2086100> How do I survive a potentially shitty job for a few monthsCount down the months and keep applying for better jobs. My only drive right now is to improve my situation.
>>2086234I wanted to ask her that question yesterday as well but forgot, so thanks for doing that in my place.
No. 2086406
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>>2085783send him meitu'd chinese male thots and start complaining about why he doesnt look like pic rel, i do that with every scrote i interact with just to put them in their place before we even start a friendship
No. 2086454
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>>2085081>Why do you think that male bodies being constructed around fucking non stop, violence and dying easily is the better option?Waow, I actually never thought to associate the sexually dimorphic features of the male body solely with their role in reproduction the way I guess I do with the female body. This helps a bit, I guess. I definitely have a lot of internalized sexism I need to unpack. It doesn’t help that everyone’s a gendie now so I can’t find many GNC women to talk to or look up to.
No. 2086465
>>2086454Nta but they're so right. Women's bodies are made so they can give birth, but even if they don't they're still made to nurture minds and teach other people, to be social pillars of society, to create and to have fun with each other. And men are made to fuck. They're nothing but fuckable toys meant to bonk other men with a club so they can stay the most fuckable toy to women. It's pathetic really.
Men try to tell themselves it's the other way around, but men are the ones obsessed with sex to the point it dictates their whole lives while women can chill being celibate and still enjoy life because there's so much else for us.
No. 2086496
>>2086495How is this
sus? You’re supposed to wash those areas. Moids never wash those areas and if they do they never do it well
No. 2086511
>>2086485>>2086493I'm gonna do an experiment for two weeks
Week 1: 5 minute shower every day and change of clothes daily
Week 2: 30 minute showers every day and only 2 changes of clothes during the week
I want to smell which option stinks less overall
No. 2086516
>>2086479Why do I need to exfoliate
>>2086493Those things take literal seconds to do
No. 2086523
>>2086511Why would you ever not change your clothes everyday this is an absolutely retarded idea.
>>2086516I can smell your flaky ass from here
No. 2086571
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>>2086536>you’re fat if you like being clean!Kek what is this logic? Moving the goalpost because you’re chronically stinkyyy
No. 2086591
>>2086574Not even possible because we’re not all the same posters
>>2086581Ntayart they are cheapskates who decided to get a male roommate over a female one. I can’t take anybody on this site seriously
No. 2086604
>>2086594I mean if posting on lolcow is the number one thing going on in YOUR life….
Farmers go off the absolute rails over other people’s hygiene habits. It’s such a reminder of how many autistic women are here it’s insane
No. 2086721
>>2086708sounds like she is just excited nd wants to see you. she probably would do it thats why. but your decision is
valid. good job on standing up for yourself nonna..
No. 2086800
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I'm doing nothing for this summer, i'm just staying at my house playing game i'm completely ok with it. It's just that i'm 22 and i feel like i'm wasting my youth by not going on vacation with friends. I'm been to the beach for a week with friends but it was very weird, they didn't intend to invinte me in the first place and i just hated not being able to be alone. But it seems like such a part of everyone else's youth. This year i went to spain with my university, so some friends were here but once again i hated it. I guess i also don't have any friends group, i pretty much everyone and the only friend group i have i hate them too, i just stick with them to have a friends group. i hate goinf aboard, i hate doing tourism and i'm pretty sure tourism is so heavily promotted just as a way to make more money. I know this kind of lifestyle isn't for me, i'm not a big beach person and none of my friends would like to go hiking and as a woman i'm scared of doing it alone.
I'm the first one to say that happinees doesn't look the same for everyone but i feel like i'm missing out, like i have a problem for not wanting to travel. the only times i regret not travelling is when my best friend went to one of her onlien friend's house but we never went together i suspect i'm in love with her and that's why i'm so jealous of everyone who comes near her. Next year, i'll have to do an intership aboard so it will be stupid to spend money to act like a tourist when i'll travel for work and things i actually enjoy next year (i like to travel if it's for work, like an actually purpose, not just tourism) so it's a good things i'm not spending money rn to spend on useless things.
TLDR this intelligible rent : is it weird to not like travelling with friends during the summer ? will i regret this later in life ?
No. 2086922
>>2085783>cute nerd who has never been with other women>thinks all women look like instagram skirby abominationsDid you mean: IncelAlso this
>>2086388 , don't bother giving him any more of your time and energy. He just wants attention and will 100% be ultra seething afterwards over never getting to touch those "molded flaps" ever again.
No. 2087009
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>watching an old recording from 1995-2000s nick
>still has the ads included and there’s one for Space Jam
Man, this makes me feel so damn old. The passage of time is so scary. I had almost forgotten that Space Jam is an old thing and it was new at the time this was airing.
No. 2087137
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I'm in a low place and wish I had the guts to OD. I collected enough medication from the 6 months my doctors used me as a guinea pig, now this one is starting not to work and all I can think is how much it'll hurt for my heart to convulse until it stops. I'm tired of this fucking pathetic ghoul obsession coming back to haunt me, it makes me want to fucking die. Everytime I try and escape it comes back. Every single fucking time. And I for one am very tired of the effect that this ordeal has had on my mind and body that I already feel half dead
Maybe I'm not built for meds. I probably fucked up my body too much with all the self mutilating. Damaged nerves and shit
Time to find a new therapist.
No. 2087148
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>>2087137I shouldn't expand upon this but I'm really disheartened that there are no spaces for former celebrity obsessed ppl to convene and discuss the effect of it on their mental health. It'd probably turn into an oppression Olympics circlejerk, but I'd literally take anything to discuss with others who've gone through the same for advice and support. Everywhere has been a dead end. The one BBS forum site I found was straight up dead. I don't really think r/limerance will work, I need something specific to celebrities. There's no AA for stans. There's no AA for a lot of very specific and harmful obsessions, esp not in my bum ass shit fuck city. Hell, my city is so ratchet it doesnt even have a support group for adult self harmers. There's one for teens but not for adults. This is what I get for still being stuck in this southern trash can
Considering what a problem "stanning" has become with deranged Swifties, kpoppies and other fandoms polluting social media, I am surprised there are no formal or even informal support groups for this kind of shit. None online and none irl. Am I just not looking hard enough? Or is it really that unrecognized and uncared about?
No. 2087161
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I have such a terrible phobia of pregnancy and babies that it's ruining my health and relationship.
>panic attack everytime i have piv sex
>developed ed due to dumb thought process if i starve its less likely ill get pregnant
>horse dose of birth control thats probably killing my sex drive and fucking up my liver
>cant get sterilized because i had a bad reaction to anesthesia before
I don't know what to do, my therapist doesn't know how to deal with this, there's no resources anywhere, my mom is starting to worry about my physical appearance and how ill i look but i don't see any way of feeling better.
No. 2087197
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I was on the phone to my friend explaining my roommate being a dumbass the other night and some random dude walking close next to me turned and went " You need to give that guy love and respect, he doesn't need advice from a single woman!" And I just fucking looked at him and went "dude you don't know what you're talking about" and he responded with "YES I DO". I just laughed at him said ok and walked ahead. He then caught up behind me at the next light and my friend on the phone asked what I was doing now. I just turned around, looked at the guy and said "Going to the beach to meet my boyfriend unless some weirdo wants to tell me otherwise" and walked away. I don't think I've ever had a man say I was single lmao. That guy hates women. Kind of wish I said more but I think that guy must have been triggered by something I said kek
No. 2087394
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>>2087283I'll be looking forward to it nonna, I'm interested in the topic. Here's to hoping you come back and don't forget!
No. 2087413
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why every time i start working am i expected to know everything already and do everything at the speed of light??? i am already dumbing down my resumes so these hr nobodies do not feel mogged by my experience and education and this shit still happens. i am not a classist snob so get off my ass. fucking tards suck each other off in the break room or what? retarded scrotes snitching on me with made up slights because i won't suck them off? that or a post-menopausal roastie karen finds any and every way of making my life hell while i just want to exist and earn a living. dumb motherfuckers should really experience some kind of trauma to transform them into compassionate beings. fucking faggots. if i were to pass down half my childhood to any of them, guaranteed these fugly bitches would not be alive for long. let me torture and murder my ex coworkers in minecraft. for justice.
No. 2087432
>>2087407>despite getting clear instructions on how to specifically not overwater.Fucking dumbass probably didn't even read them. You should ask him what the instructions you left for him were, if he doesn't know after 5 weeks of doing it you know he didn't even care to read. If he knows them, he clearly didn't follow them on purpose.
Keep seething, he deserves it.
No. 2087439
>>2087433Are you ok
No. 2087483
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I am so fucking done with dating. I am so fucking done with moids. I am fucking done. I can't fucking stand this. These fucking idiots just want to sit on the apps and send me bullshit comments like picrel or "wyd" or even just emojis.
No. 2087488
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>>2087483And the ones that can actually string a sentence together it won't actually ask me out. Oh my fucking god. I could not make it any easier. Just ask me out. I will go. I will fucking go. Let's just go do something. I am tired of being on the apps. I want to go out. Even for coffee. Just to get out of the house. Just ask me out! Just fucking ask me! Oh my fucking god! Could not be any easier! How are you still failing! Moids are completely worthless.
No. 2087502
>>2087476Police on Monday motherfucker, I'll make sure she takes you down this time. And I know she didn't tell me about so many other things. But someone told this time. They write me from fucking Italy. Your wife has more friends spannong the globe than you could ever imagine. And now I'm involved again. And just like last time, there'll be hell to pay. Should've fucked off to Thailand. She tried to keep it from me to protect you for a very good reason. Now you crossed the line.
I want this fucker to burn so damn badly, guess I'll have to start with his precious car and bikes.
No. 2087508
So my dad died recently. It wasn't a major shock or anything, he'd been ill for a while, and we were told there was no hope left by the doctors the last few weeks of his life. But even so, it has been very hard on all of us, and for my mom especially.
But that's not really why I'm posting this here. You see, we got access to his cellphone after he passed, and going through his chats, I saw that he'd been sending and receiving explicit texts to and from a whole bunch of thots online going back to several years. It's been a huge shock for me and my mom. For me especially, cuz I always knew my dad as a sweet, kind, caring, generous man. He'd never hurt anyone. He was always cheerful and easygoing. Never once was abusive to either me or my mom.
I want to mourn his death. I want to cry. I want to feel sad. I want to miss him and love him. But every time I think of him, of all the good times I spent with him, these horrible chats come to mind instead. It's all I can think about. My last memories of my dad are now these disgusting texts to these whores. I don't even know who my dad is anymore. I don't know what to do.
I guess on one hand I shouldn't be shocked since most men cheat, but I really did think my dad was different. I really did.
No. 2087602
>>2087491>>2087498Nah you're right, I'm expecting too much from scrotes. I deleted my account, and I'm just gonna be single. It'll probably be better for me instead of getting annoyed. Better for me in every way.
>>2087499Hey gorg
>>2087507Nah. But literally I put a lot of effort in my profile to let them have plenty of stuff to respond to. That's my fault for expecting the gender that will fuck canteloupes to have working braincells.
>>2087500>>2087494Unmatched that fucker literally right after taking the screenshot. Coffee in this little town is $2.50, fucking worthless scrote can't find $2.50 of change in the parking lot? He can't find it in his couch cushions? Completely disgusting, he should be composted.
No. 2087677
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My own mother photoshopped a photo of me like picrel to post it on social media, knowing I have severe body dysmorphia. Who the hell does that. I found it last night and it’s still bothering me.
No. 2087805
Why can't we think shit is gay? I don't get it, people want to share their kinks all day everyday, but we are expected to have no opinion but "Slay king/Slay queen". I do not get it. If you say as a moid you like to be pegged, I'll say it's gay, if you don't think it's gay cool, but I can have my opinion. Don't share it then asshole.
We've come so far as a society where everyone can proudly post their assholes like they are posting a picture of their cat, but we've not come far enough where people can't have opinions on it? Unless it's what you want to think?
I'm never going to buy in having basically gay sex with men, isn't gay. I'm not going to be guilted into sticking my fingers up a moids manhole, or putting a plastic dick in their asshole without giggling to myself how gay this is.
Thats what they want, they want women to have gay sex with men and they want the world to normalize it.
If you don't want to be judged, don't share your sexual preferences online dummy.
No. 2087808
>>2087805They are trying it with the "Ass Eating" shit, then it'll turn into, "Finger his ass" the it'll be, "Pegging your nigga aint gay" then it'll be, "Yeah go ahead and stick your whole fist up his ass while we wears your clothes"
It's all some kind of society brained bullshit, to get women, (especially black women) to allow bisexual moids KNOWINGLY into our lives.Deal with your sexuality on your own. I've noticed all kinds of gay shit being pushed by famous men/women in the black community. Slowly trying to plant the seed of bullshit into our brains. I will NOT allow it. Instead of men coming to terms with their sexuality, they want us to slowly accept certain shit. I'm onto it. I will never touch an moids asshole, even if there was a gun to my head.
No. 2087923
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I just had sex with this guy I’ve been seeing for the first time and his dick was so big and fat. I couldn’t handle it, I thought I was gonna evacuate my bowels at one point. I really like him he’s so attractive but I’m scared to do it again.
No. 2088031
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Am I becoming schizo? I was just browsing Youtube today, eating Taco Bell while I started to watch The Late Show and then suddenly got a video suggestion about Stephen Colbert talking about Taco Bell. That's far from the only incidence. Algorithms have been suggesting me things I've never even searched for or at most just mentioned for two seconds to someone in the background in passing. But it's got even worse. Recently I attended a job training where trainers would say something exactly about the topic I was thinking, every single time. I see comments that I feel read my mind and are some part of simulation being transformed according to my thought patterns. Same with posts here. Because there's no way other people can have THIS many similar thoughts and experiences to mine THIS many times. I'm no unique butterfly but this is getting weird. I really feel like big tech is Big Brother'ing us all. The more often I pick up on it the creepier it feels.
No. 2088078
>>2088071how is the "you're being spied on through your phones mic" thing not common knowledge at this point. come on
nonnie it's 2024
No. 2088512
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>>2087795Dropped thread after I got off work, hopefully it stays up
>>>/ot/2088507 No. 2089293
>>2089076I have the same issue with some people. Sometimes it's not even big things…
I had a neet moid friend who complained about being lonely and having many friends or a girlfriend. His one room apartment was so barren and pathetic, he didn't even have anywhere for guests to sit besides his dinner table, which he used for storage of random shit, no TV, and his only entertainment was a PC that did not have speakers so only one person could hear any sound from it. I suggested getting a sofa for starters and he thought it was stupid since he didn't get many guests anyway. I literally was a guest telling him how to make friends more likely to want to come over, but no, better to just keep whining about being lonely…
No. 2089329
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My boss and I live on the same street and we work the same hours, and every time he drives by me walking toward the train station, he ALWAYS offers me a ride. I decline every time, and I even joked to him about how I’m in my own world listening to music and stuff and want to be alone (which isn’t really a joke lmao) and he still hasn’t taken the hint. Am I wrong for being annoyed? It’s really lowkey embarrassing every time he drives by me and asks. I was polite at first but now I just look away and shoo my hand. Am I being autistic?? idk
No. 2089365
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well, just realized that a series of new really bizarre yet very specific symptoms I've been having on/off for the past few months probably are liver problems and I'm a bit horrified about it as it would make a lot of sense.
really hoping it'll go away.
No. 2089384
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I'm 28 and have been severely mentally ill for the last 10 years or so (I have bp 2). In my early-to-mid 20s I decided to spend what little energy I had on school and work, basically doing my best to build a career, which has paid off. I also had a glow up during this time as a result of being too depressed to eat kek. These factors make people assume I'm more well-adjusted than I actually am. Like my school and work accomplishments don't reflect me as a person at all. I'm terrible at making long-lasting friendships and have a lacking social life as a result in addition to have been too exhausted and mentally ill to date, yet people assume I have a rich social life and several ex bfs.
I got put on the right meds last year and feel somewhat normal for the first time ever. I now have the energy and motivation to go out there and date and make new friends, but the fact that I lack these things makes me feel really embarrassed and anxious. I enjoy spending time alone, but would love to have a couple of solid real life friendships and be in a loving relationship. But the thought of being like 'yeah, this is the first time I have proper real life friends and a boyfriend' horrifies me. Like I've not even had a situationship or gone on a date, and I know I could lie about it, but I still find it really embarrassing when my online friends ask me about my dating life. Even if I'm honest and say that nothing is going on, they don't fully believe me like the truth is literally that I've only had crushes and that's it. I could tell them this and don't think they'd care too much, but I know they'd be surprised and that makes me feel like an imposter. Ughhh.
No. 2089402
>>2089384What people assume about you is their issue, not yours.
I think if you want to you could be honest and say "no, I was honestly too horribly depressed in my early 20s to even think about dating. I've finally turned things around and feel more ready now" and people would accept it without fuzz and appreciate the honesty. You don't have to go into more details if you don't want to.
We're the same age and I only got my first real boyfriend last year, nobody ever gave me shit about it.
No. 2089412
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I feel like a piece of shit saying this but watching my miserable depressed friend stay miserable without even trying to get better is getting on my nerves a bit. I know it's hard but she keeps coming for advice and I give genuinely good advice that is within her limits, flexible and realistic, and I'd be happy to help and support her with because I've been there and gotten out of depression myself. She keeps coming to me asking for advice, asks follow up questions and so on and goes "that all sounds great" and then she doesn't even try to do it. Or anything else. I feel like I'm wasting my time and that I'm being used to enable her. Like she asks me so she can feel like she "tried" because me doing the work and plans for her is "doing something". And like me and others feeling bad for her and pitying her is the only "positive" attention she gets so she just wants to stay miserable.
And there are always so many excuses to why she can't do this and that. "I was too tired today, I'm sorry" Excuse me? She doesn't need to make excuses to ME. That's another reason I feel like she's using me as an enabler, because she makes little comments that suggests she treats me as an authority. Like I'm the one in control of her life, so she can "blame" it all on someone else - in this case on me. I've had depressed friends in the past but it's never quite been like this before.
No. 2089484
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I found a baby sparrow almost dead last night that probably fell off her nest and took her home not really hoping she'd make it the night bc of how weak I found her, but after giving her some food and water she bounced back really quickly thankfully. She made it the night and when I went to check on her this morning she was chirping and trying to fly, I was soo happy. I went to work and took her in a box with me so I could keep an eye on her, and left her next to the door on the hall so she was close. Someone left their dogs tied next to the box unknowingly and when I went to check on her, her neck was bent and she was almost dead. I am so fucking upset right now, she was doing so well and I was really hopeful she was gonna start flying in a couple of days, but because of my dumb fucking mistake she's now dead.
She loved hanging in my hand and fell asleep on me a couple of times, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, you little baby. So sorry.
No. 2089499
>>2089491>>2089484Samefagging but want to add you at least gave her a couple good last days in earth instead of passing cold and alone after falling from the nest. Mother birds often start throwing chicks off the nest when the time comes, regardless they are ready to fly or not, and if they are not they are supposed to die off cause they are not strong enough to make it on the wild.
Nature is brutal but we do our best to soften the blow whenever we can and I think that's awesome.
No. 2089502
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BF has left to go drinking before the Euro football finals today. He's one of the few men I can stand but my God is he intolerable when he's drunk. Not abusive just so fucking annoying, like a drunk Labrador. He's taken tomorrow off work so win or lose he's going heavy. I think I might stay in my mum's place tonight. I should probably tell him to clean it up but I'm annoying af when I'm drunk too.
No. 2089504
>>2089490kek sorry I wrote it while I was sobbing so it's probably full of mistakes. I meant that I left the birb inside a box in the hall, right next to my door (it's a pub, so behind the bar there's a little hall that takes you to the terrace).
>>2089491Thank you
nonnie, I did my best. I didn't count on her making it through the night, so when I saw her thriving this morning my dumbass decided to get attached.
And yeah, it was just too much bad luck, the customers that left their dogs there had no idea. It must've been like a couple of minutes that the dogs were left unsupervised, and when I realised they were there and went to get the birb somewhere safe it was too late.
>>2089499That's nature for you I guess, sucks sometimes. If it wasn't meant to happen then it wasn't meant. I just know at least she was warm tonight and I gave her a chance at life.
No. 2089537
>>2089492lmao women don’t have hair on the arms that go down to their hands
also what dumbass leaves a vulnerable bird in a box in public, the bird would be been fine at home.
No. 2089570
>>2089537i wasn't gonna reply bc weak bait
but the bird wasn't outside, it was in a room right next to me where she was supposed to be safe bc customers can't go there, but they are friends and usually leave their dogs there
No. 2089615
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>>2089484Depending on her condition, you either should've put her back where you found her after she perked up or left her alone completely, she's a fledgling and the parents were definitely still taking care of her. Juvenile birds like this only need human help if they're visibly injured or in acute danger. This sparrow looks healthy, and was most likely just tired from learning to fly, or froze from fear when you came close (camouflage is a fledgling's only way of avoiding predators, since they can't defend themselves or fly away yet). It's nice you tried to help, but please leave birds like this alone or place them in a bush or tree nearby if where they are isn't safe. Check on them an hour or two later if you're concerned, but don't kidnap them. Fledglings are almost always fine, they only look and behave awkwardly because they're still learning how to bird.
Sorry for being a cunt and berating you when you're upset and meant well, it's just that I work in a wildlife rehab and WAY too many people fuck around with baby animals who don't need rescuing.
>>2089499Fledglings are meant to be on the ground and choose to leave on their own, it's how they learn to fly. Their parents still feed them during this time. If it was a nestling (see picrel) it'd be a different story, but anon's sparrow was old enough to be out of the nest.
No. 2089836
>>2089615I initially left the bird close to where I found it because I thought it was pretty much dead at that point, it was in the middle of a dirt road where lots of people and animals are around, so I just put her out of the way so she wouldn't be stepped on. As soon as I put her on the ground she hid in a bush, so I left her there. I did feel pretty bad after a while and came back, and since she was still there and hadn't moved that's when I took her home because she wouldn't have survived the night. It was nighttime so I couldn't see if there was a nest nearby, I would have left her there if that was the case!
But I do agree with everything you've said about leaving wild life alone kek that's what I always do, but in this case I think it was justified to bring her home with me and see if I could help a little.
No. 2090169
"My girlfriend will be at your ass"
Mother fucker, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. You've been spinning yarns and filling me full of bullshit for a year now.. and we go from "you're so lucky I don't ravish you on the spot" to "my girlfriend will beat your ass" in less than 6 hours. And you're 44, you fucking retard. Telling me that some 26 year I was, up unto that point blissfully unaware of, is gonna kick my ass for some shit you orchestrated? Absolutely pussy shit. I knew a lot of things about you, lots of the ways you are fucked up, but I have to admit - " coward" really surprised me. I'm so fucking annoyed that I fell for your bullshit, and forgave you for certain things along the way. I wouldn't have empathy for me either, probably. Venting and ranting on some stupid fucking anonymous image board isn't going to make a lick of fucking difference, but I'm so fucking angry I don't know what to do with myself. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at me. I'm mad at her.. cause now that I know who she is - are you fucking serious? Nothing like being bulldogged by someone almost half your age that has tried to ruin your life every time she doesn't get her way. How fucking stupid do you have to be? I'm not surprised you've been fucking with her again, but I am shocked that you let her threaten me. Again - absolute pussy shit. You know this is all your fault. Pretty sure I've lost all respect for you. The more I think about it the more fucking angry I get. So. Fucking. Stupid. Why is everyone so fucking stupid and selfish? Everything is fucked and it always has been, and it's heartbreaking in the most irritating fucking way that we all just keep perpetuating the bullshit and no one wants to fucking admit it. Fuck you.
No. 2090224
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I absolutely hate complaining about getting the wrong/incorrect order and I never send things back - but my nigel ordered personal "build your own" pizzas online ahead of time for us, and when he brought them home, we discovered they switched our little sauce toppings.(He entered the order in correctly but the shop got it wrong.) His got the pesto I ordered on top, and mine got his basalmic glaze on top.
I feel so guilty for being disappointed but I was. I normally don't mind balsamic glaze on some dishes, but it was just so sweet and sugary that's all I could taste and it ruined the salty flavor of the cheese that I was looking forward to. I've also been avoiding extra sugar in my diet recently, so the sweetness was just so overpowering. Nigel got all huffy (not with me, but just in general annoyance at the store and regretted not just ordering in-store or cooking ourselves) and asked if I wanted him to go back to the store. I said yes, if he wouldn't mind. So, he reluctantly went to go back to the shop. So now I'm sitting here as he just left.
I absolutely hate complaining and I don't want the pizza to go to waste (maybe he'll eat the rest of mine). Why do I feel so, so guilty and awkward and bad about complaining about something (when we're in the right and didn't get what we paid for)? Why do I feel weirdly sad? Nonas, reassure me about not feeling guilty for wanting what we ordered.
No. 2090229
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there's a girl at my work (a restaurant, basically glorified fast food) she was 18 when she started, I think she's about 20 now. she had a cool name from greco-roman mythology but changed her name to "finnegan" and insists everyone call her finn. she is petite and girly looking and still wears glittery nail polish and shit like that yet she insists everyone refer to her as he or they. she has beefing hard with one of our managers right now because he misgendered her by accident. I don't know all the details because I wasn't there when it happened (I'm pretty sure it happened more than once… although I'm surprised it only happened with one manager so far). it's so dumb, it feels like I'm watching tumblr play out in real life. I hope she grows out of this
No. 2090237
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Sometimes I legitimately wonder if I've got a personality disorder kek. When I like someone platonically or romantically I'd do anything for them, and I enjoy being nice for niceness' sake, but sometimes when I'm angry with them all my rationality just evaporates and I want to break their possessions and say unforgivable shit and light their cars on fire. I've never done this, but only because I restrain myself. And then the rage just -poof- stops after a few hours and I'm totally fine again, as if a switch has been flicked. I wish I wasn't like this.
No. 2090286
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>>2090219yeah im thinking about it, the scarcity of men who arent neet coomers makes it difficult
No. 2090348
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IDK if I have SIBO but I boiled water for a ginger & sugar drink and immediately after I started sipping my stomach started cramping like crazy and feeling bloated. I'm so annoyed because it seemed fine all afternoon and now it hurts because of a stupid fucking drink
No. 2090496
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Just dropped a chicken wing on my shirt
No. 2090707
i have to post this here because i genuinely dont know what to make of the interaction i just had and i cant tell if im autistic or if this person is legitimately a fucking weirdo.
long story short my bf and i realized that somehow a baby rabbit had gotten into the stairwell part of our apartment building. i looked out the back door and about 10ft away i see a mother rabbit staring toward the apartment building so its clear this bunny isnt orphaned or hurt, he just somehow (still dont get how tf this happened) got in when someone was coming in from outside.
naturally, my bf and i want to help the bunny because we're not assholes. so we're in the stairwell with a broom just trying to guide it toward the back door so it can run out to its mom. this is obviously difficult bc we're dealing with a very very scared wild animal and its about 90 degrees in the stairwell, but we're not being loud or frantic or anything, just calmly talking to eachother as we try to maneuver the situation. we start making some headway when for some reason this chick in our building wearing a mask weirdly walks down the hall to the stairwell door and just stops and is looking at us. my bf is like "its ok you can walk through" bc he thought she was trying to go out the back door, but she didn't respond or acknowledge him, just was kind of squinting watching us, then silently and slowly walked back down the hall with her hands behind her back like a teacher when the class is taking a quiz. my bf and i both look at eachother like "??? wtf was that" then get back to trying to get the bunny out.
then we're actually about halfway to getting him out the back door, but someone is loudly walking above us back and forth down the hall, and its making the bunny not want to come up toward the back door. at this point im annoyed as fuck bc its hot and this person is making it impossible to help this animal. then we hear someone come into the stairwell area and walk down toward us and i look up and its this same fucking bitch with the same weird ass energy, and she says in this condescending way "do you guys need help with something..?" while looking at us like we're insane. my bf says "uh no we're fine. a baby rabbit is stuck in here, we're helping him out." then she comes past my bf and gets close af to me to look down where the rabbit is, and goes "that looks like a rat or a mouse. watch your head btw." at this point im kind of rude because im not a fucking retard and i know what a bunny looks like. so i say "yeah i think i know what a rabbit looks like. its a rabbit." and she goes "…so are you going to call someone..?" and finally i snap bc im wondering why the fuck im being interrogated by some random bitch for no reason. i say "listen we've got this under control and we really dont need you down here with your weird ass energy so can you please leave?" she clutches her pearls and (once again, condescending tone and rude as fuck) goes "um i was just trying to help. because you guys look like you're struggling. i did a lap through the building and you're still here." and im like "yeah no shit we're struggling, we're wrangling a wild animal..?? just get out of here" and she gets all huffy and continues looking at me like im a crackhead or something and starts to leave, but before she walks away she scoffs and goes "and what unit do you live in??" and i laughed and said "none of your business" and then she finally left.
what the fuck was any of that about???????? i feel bad for snapping and kind of escalating the situation but im standing there in my pajamas and rain boots sweating balls in a 90 degree stairwell at 10pm trying to help out a bunny and this bitch decides to autistically vibe me out for absolutely no reason. am i reading the whole situation wrong? is there a scenario where her behavior and attitude makes sense? bc i am just bewildered and also fucking annoyed. we ended up getting the bunny into a box and being able to take him out and set him about 5 ft from his mom so its a happy ending and im glad we took the time to do it but i can't even feel positive or happy about it bc im so pissed off at this weird ass lady. why do people act so fucking weird?
No. 2090758
>>2090721its funny you mention narcissists because everything about her demeanor from her tone, body language, expressions, etc reminded me of how my narc mom would act when she was trying to make me feel stupid/insecure about something i was doing. probably why i got mildly
triggered and snapped when i normally am super nonconfrontational and polite. she even sat down on the step at one point blocking the path we were trying to guide the bunny toward to get him out which pissed me off too–like how are you "trying to help" by sitting in the way and questioning us like you're a cop? i get i looked a little disheveled but nothing beyond a person in pajamas and the first shoes they could grab who didn't expect "rescuing a baby bunny" to be a part of my bedtime routine kek.
anyway thank you for responding nonna. just one of those situations that leaves you unsettled af and wondering why people go out of their way to be rude for no reason.
No. 2090945
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Why are people on the internet such antagonistic arseholes that they do not even consider the appearance of innocent children off limits? What a frustrating interaction to have to have. She really went out of her way to let this mother know that she finds her baby ugly.
I do not agree with posting your children online but this person was such a bitch for this.
No. 2090954
Turns out some people are spreading that I had inappropriate conversations with a minor in my server and am a creep and a weirdo. Never did any such thing of course, and they provided zero evidence, but they were also saying I’m manipulative and masquerade as misunderstood because I post a lot of vent art. It’s so annoying. A lot of old members from my server hate me and shit talk me but I never would have guessed they’d stoop this fucking low. God damn. I’m not even a very talkative person and I have an adult partner. With shit like this going around, wonder if it’s a matter of time before I’m considered a lolcow myself. I just wanna live in peace, man.
No. 2090992
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i had this gigantic lump in my bellybutton. pic related but black and not a piercing. protruding black ball. you could see it even standing/not touching my stomach. like one m&m on top of my bellybutton. google said its a navel stone and need dr removal. i don't have insurance or money. i read you could use some tweezers, cotton swabs, glycerine and pull it out. i tried.
it was WAY too big to come out. i had to take it out bits by bits. big chunks at times. it smelled like SHIT. but no matter how much stuff i pulled out there was so much more. i was too deep in to stop (literal hours in istg). when i finally got "deep" and yellow stuff started coming out (sign of infection per google) but there were still brown chunks so i kept going. then white stuff. i started feeling like i needed to throw up so i stopped. my stomach rumbles and im feeling really lightheaded now. i think this bitch is infected or will be infected soon. wtf did i do… will I die?
No. 2091026
>>2090992The feeling sick part might not be a symptom of infection
>"At the navel, you have the ability to stimulate not only the skin overlying the navel, but also the fibres of the inner lining of your abdomen," "As you stick your finger into your belly button, it sends a signal from the deeper fibres that line your inner abdominal cavity to your spinal cord."People have different levels of sensitivity to it or report diff uneasy sensations but feeling queasy or just off after digging in your belly is a thing.
No. 2091028
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Autistic doctor keeps accidentally walking in on me using the bed pan… I'm sick of it.
It's hard enough having rock solid constipation from a renal diet without having scrote consultants swanning in while I'm pushing so hard I get dizzy.
No. 2091067
>>2090595They'll larp as having mental health sensitivity all day long to serve their own. Then flick a switch when suits. A tran with 5 mental disorders is a hero for getting up in the morning and existing. A young autist male who kills someone.. that's a sympathetic
victim with a no-fault card. But any autistic detrans woman who dares to just reflect and share her own fucking experience.. why that's just your crazy bitch disorders speaking.
They'd be hard pressed to find a detran sharing their story and not talking about having a disorder or two. That's the point. The disorders were there the whole time and usually were contributing factors to that phase ever happening. They're insufferable when it comes to taking that part in as it threatens their narrative.
No. 2091106
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this happened to me like actually
No. 2091112
>>2087488he wants you to pay for the coffee
No. 2091116
>>2091100People kept asking when I was gonna make one and I felt really lonely, but I had no idea shit would implode like this. I haven’t even done anything, these people just suddenly turned on me because the server was growing really fast. I know that sounds
sus and like I’m obscuring facts but no, that’s literally just it. I tried to communicate with them to find out why else they were being so aggressive with me but was shut out. Like if you’re gonna do that, at least move on? Why keep this up?
I don’t deny I’m a lolcow in some capacity, I’m not stable mentally and I’ve made public spectacles, but I do try to actively learn and reflect and change my behavior when I fuck up, and above all else, I would NOT go after kids. Make fun of me for being mentally fucked all you want but clown on me for things I actually did, man. That’s not cool.
No. 2091122
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In March, I fell and broke 4 metatarsal bones and got a Lisfranc injury. I ended up having two surgeries, including K-wires, like picrel. I really thought I would be okay by now, but it still hurts so much, and it swells up like crazy, to the point I can't put on shoes. I obviously can't walk either. I used to be quite active before my surgery, but from what I have seen, 100% recovery with a Lisfranc fracture is quite rare. It's been difficult for me to accept that, and I feel so anxious about how good my recovery will be. I moved to a city I've been wanting to move to for the past 7 years, and I haven't been able to go out a single time. I really hate having a gimp foot, nonnas.
No. 2091245
>>2091235Nobody feels like a woman. Being a woman isn't a feeling, which is why trannies can't be women.
Think about it like this, do you feel like a human? No. Being human ins't a feeling, and you can't change into another being to know what it's like to not be a human. Being a human is just biology, like being a woman.
No. 2091358
>>2091268Can you file a police report for it? People tend to accuse
victims of lying or doing it for clout if there's none even if there are oftentimes good reasons for not doing it and obviously no clout to be gained from being assaulted.
No. 2091381
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The more that I live and my female rage builds it’s making me observe that many people, including your family members, are too incompetent and stupid to be alive. My empathy for everyone except for two people (who are both women) is completely gone. Working retail makes you learn this but when you start taking that experience and comparing it to your own life, it fits like a glove. There’s nothing social Darwinist about that, many people’s retardation is the reason why families are broken, men are parasitic and useless, custom service is garbage, employees and customers are useless and rude and just about anything else I can’t take anymore. I’m living in complete clown world and instead of it making me filled with rage it’s a range of emotions going from slight annoyance to deranged amusement. I almost want to laugh at these failures especially the men walking around like they don’t have privilege at their fingertips to exploit, the failmales that pass down their failure genes from one son to the next. Seeing women walking around their pet nigels and mothers cherishing those beasts makes me want to laugh so hard, while I feel completely alienated from just about anyone because people aren’t as sensitive as me. We are living in literal clown world
No. 2091444
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Another day, another mysterious clog in the plumbing since the new roommate moved it. Guy roommate says the smell will make him vomit, new roommate starts crying at the thought of fixing it (she'll trade any chores to avoid it, so noble), landlord says it'll be a week before he can send someone out. I'm pretty sure new roommate is either flushing her tampons or baby wipes like a retard. So here I am again. putting on the big girl pants, shoving a big bendy tree branch down the toilet so I can shit again.
God I wish I lived with functional adults.
No. 2091718
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I hate how much I crave being in a relationship despite feeling so much better while single. When I'm interested in someone, I end up scaring them off by being too much, too fast. I know that this is a result of my AP attachment style, and I also know what I'm meant to do to keep that unhealthy behavior in check, but it's so difficult to actively work on that while dating someone. No matter how much I try to keep myself occupied with my hobbies and other social connections, I lose sight of myself and get anxious about the future as soon as I really like someone. That premature intensity understandably turns them off, and they leave. Then I feel like shit for ruining what might have developed into a great relationship. Rinse and repeat.
No. 2091812
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Im so sad my uncles are going to be selling off my grandparents to some foreign real estate agency that will just turn it into a tourist flat. I hate the idea that once my grandmother dies (which sadly will be soon) I'm not going to be able to go to the house where I was raised anymore and how I used to say hi to all the old people of the street when I was a little kid but now I only see young tourist that think my country is only cheap alcohol and parties.
I fucking hate my uncles and how they spend all day saying "the people of our country come first" when talking about refugees but when it comes to selling the house, it should go to the british or the germans "because they handle the money better". And it would also make more sense to just rent it within the family than sell it, because then it can be passed down to the next generation. My town is now filled with tourist flats and its impossible for people to live here in the winter, because those flats just stop accepting people.
Im not anti-tourism but I hate that my town has just become a playground for rich western europeans and its affecting the house where I grew up. Do any southern European nonnies get me?
No. 2091855
>>2091235Not being "hyperfeminine" doesn't make you less of a woman. Just because a hobby/interest/domain/whatever is male-dominated it doesn't mean a woman liking it/partaking in it is "less of a woman" or whatever bullshit. I fucking hate these stereotypical gender roles so much. A girl playing with toy trucks? Good for her, she's still a girl. A boy playing with dolls? Good for him, he's still a boy.
>yet I’ve always related to male characters way more than woman characters and always though they were coolerIt's because lots of female characters are made either as "token females" or just to be there for the "male gaze". But, at the same time, there are lots of female characters who are the opposite (for example the female characters from Stardew Valley).
>I’m not that good at being a woman.Yes you are because there's not a set of rules a woman has to follow to "be" a woman. There is no wrong way to "be a woman" and "being a woman" is simply being born female.
No. 2092077
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Setting a timer to ghost my friends for a week. Because I'm tired of always texting first and if it was a romantic relationship I would be considered clingy and putting in more effort. I'm tired of crying over feeling ignored or avoided
No. 2092239
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i’m about to evilmaxx this summer. picrel is my mood right now. honestly same
No. 2092249
>>2092242Yeah I'm gonna speak for the majority of straight women when I say a lot of us crave dick and we're not handmaidens for wanting to satisfy a biological desire literally encoded into us.
Not everything is for men.
Including our right to decide if a pregnancy from sex is a consequence we ought to face.
Why are you so delulu? As if you saying that bullshit changes reality.
No. 2092263
Sometimes I wish I could let go of the past. When I was in high school, I was extensively downplayed by girls. I was told my boyfriend who I was with for all of high school was "too good for me". I had an admirer who would leave notes in my locker telling me how pretty I was and a girl told me that had to be fake and that no guy would ever say that about me. Even my "friend" would tell me I was not as smart or creative as her and that I was at least good for getting guys, but I was only "average pretty". In college, any female friend I made friends with would talk competitively to me and as an adult, i feel like it's very difficult to form friendships with women because of how encouraged we are to be pit against each other.
I feel so hideous and I've always wanted for a pretty girl to find me attractive. But this really stems from not only high school but also my past. I was molested and told I was ugly. I feel like no one will actually love me if I'm not attractive. I try hard to be attractive. I have been called attractive by strangers since high school, but never by girls that get close to me. It's rough because I don't like comparing and I get scared of mentioning any accomplishments. I have a Nigel, but I'm always afraid I need to be attractive even though he does love me when I'm unattractive.
When I have female friends, I always initiate the hangouts, I get gifts, I try to show them how much I appreciate their friendship. But I get ghosted or left. I wish I could have a girlfriend and female affection, but I understand that's a dream. There is clearly something about me that repels women for a reason.
No. 2092298
>>2092288Because at a point it's not medically sound to perform and some women can have complications and need a hysterectomy
>>2092291You can use more than one contraceptive at a time, and there is also emergency contraception. Not every country has the same access to abortions why not simply advocate to take precautions
(derailing) No. 2092314
>>2092286>>2092289I am pro-choice, in fact I’m pro abortion lmao.
I’m just saying that the debate shouldn’t center around some handmaids tale type of feminism (because letting guys cum in you raw is not feminist) and instead should center around a yee yee my body my choice libertarian narrative instead. In fact iirc that is how abortion became legalized in Kansas, the anti-abortion laws were compared to mandatory vaccines.
No. 2092366
>>2092319Jannie is on a power trip, this isn’t even infighting.
Why is any dialogue frowned upon
No. 2092519
>>2092194samefag I saw a giant mosquito flying around a few hours later right in front of me and couldn't catch the motherfucka
my legs will continue to be eaten
No. 2092742
>>2092740>pedometer virtual petsOhh like which ones?
You sound very cool btw, I like what you collect. How come you don't like them anymore?
No. 2092762
>>2092742thank you, that's very kind!
my favourites are my black d3 digivice (modded to contain the circuit board from the red one so i can have tailmon), teku teku angel, and my pokewalker and pocket pikachu.
i do still love them, but since my mid twenties my interest in anime and especially kids media has seriously waned and has affected my engagement with things like toys and collectibles. do you also collect virtual pets?