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No. 2000171
follow board rules
don't reply to bait
previous thread
>>>/ot/1990478 No. 2000182
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Sad that post 2,000,000 was completely wasted by being deleted
No. 2000220
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I want to go back to the time when I was a child without responsibilities who spent my days playing Barbie. I hate what my life has come to.
No. 2000357
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Literally the only way I can go to the gym and not have some sort of mental breakdown about my appearance is if I wear hoodies to cover up my torso as much as possible. Except that's going to become a problem now that it's getting warmer and I'm probably gonna look like an idiot while everyone else is in booty shorts and a crop top.
I have a buffalo hump(?) like a pad of fat on the back of my neck that isn't even hidden by stuff like t shirts, so high-neck stuff and hoodies are the only thing that hides it until I lose weight and it disappears again. This sucks. I really envy women who can gain weight and have it go to more favourable places like just their chest or hips whereas I just end up big-backed and built like a 13th century farmer because I just don't suit a heavier frame or being at heavier weights.
The thing is I could actually deal with and manage being chubby, or having a chubby stomach or "normal" problem areas. But the only people I see with this neck fat are middle-aged obese women yet I'm not even obese. I feel like everyone stares at it or thinks there is something wrong with my back. I'm hoping that once I lose the necessary 20lbs and get back down to my healthy weight and also put some muscle on, that it will be gone. It's honestly the bane of my existence and makes me feel so disgusting.
No. 2000373
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I haven't used LC in 3+ weeks I can actually feel my blood is vibrating inside my veins and my bones rattle and my cerebrum is pulsating I need to post on my beloved Lolcor… I have such withdrawls that everyday is hard because I think "What's going on in /ot/??? What's happening in /m/??? What's the newest milk???" I need Lolcor I need it so badly. This is the first time I've been on LC in so long because of the shit service here and no internet at all. I can't even browse threads but I had to post this today because I'm going crazy without it. I'll never forgive my retarded HERETIC (he went against the will of God and thought he was Jesus 2 but he was NOT the second coming) grandpa for dying and making me come to this shithole place across the sea away from internet…. Right now I'm standing on a hill with my arms stretched up to Heaven saying Lord God please give me 2G signal please I need to see LC and I'm not ashamed to say yesterday I cried myself to sleep because I missed my nonnies and my autistic LC shenanigans… I'm going back to civilization tomorrow I'm so excited to be using LC for 12+ hours every day again and not being restricted to having to walk 30 minutes through the woods to reach 1 hill on which I have to stand to pray and hope for a mere 2G because in this place there is no 5G not even 4G I'm basically in Hell or some sort of demented sick and twisted purgatory. I'm leaving tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning to go to the boat to get back home and then I have to drive 1000km but at least I rented a chair on the boat to sit down. If I get seasick I'm going to try and vomit on an ugly scrote to express some of my inner anger and release some psychic tension. Everyone in the village knows my grandpa's corpse got eaten by cats as well so wherever I go they say "So sorry to hear about your grandfather Anon, it was so sad what happened to him what with the cats (cats ate him)" and I smile and say "Yeah." because to me it's kind of funny that they ate him but apparently that makes me a psychopath or some kind of degenerate but come ON cats ate him like that's kind of funny right he's probably laughing about it down in Hell (he is in Hell because he was a heretic as well as for making me come here and thus barring me from my LC postings which I consider a grievous sin). I bought him a cat statue for his grave and everyone is gossiping about it. They are saying "How can she do that when cats ATE his body…" well Stupid Fuckers he LOVED his 15+ cats even if they ate him in the end he didn't know because he was DEAD (fucking DUH) so why wouldn't I put a cat on his grave? I hate retarded village-folk. I'm so excited to go back to my home and have my laptop and get a real spray tan instead of using stupid rub on tan like I'm some kind of Australian convict. Picrel is where I have to stand to get signal on the edge of the cliff facing the sea and sometimes I think about throwing myself off of it because I know in Heaven there is better Wifi than here but also suicide is a sin so I can't jump. I'm hoping once I get back to civilization I find LC as how I left it and not full of retarded Twittertards and baiters and fucking idiots and other bastardly types because that would really piss me the fuck off I noticed that the retarded ban thread was kind of high up on the catalog when I just got on 10 minutes ago to post this and that kind of pissed me off badly because usually that thread is filled with devious and foul-hearted baiters and charlatans that complain about my beloved farmhands but alas I was incapacitated by my dumbass dead grandpa so I couldn't catch up on the drama and bullshit. I'm happy that this thread features Psyduck though as when I left there were a lot of poor choices for thread pics so this one is very nice and pleasing to my eye and I hope it's indicative of a general pattern. I have to go now to the shack in the wood that I stay in because my arms are hurting but I will be back soon after I drive back to home from the frontier I can't wait to talk to my nonnies and laugh and cry and have a fun time with my beloved nonnies and catch up on my favourite threads and post 100+ times a day again. I think other nonnies will be happy I'm back because of how often I was featured in the funny screencap thread as I'm very humourous and sort of like a comedienne (I'm thin as well). I just hope that LC is the same and not full of retards (the annoying kind not the funny kind) and that I can resume my postings in peace with prosperity and joie de vivre in my heart Amen. Please pray for me sorry my vent was disjointed I'm basically foaming at the mouth just to post I hope to God this sends and that it uploads last time I posted it took 25 minutes for it to post Please let it go quicker this time I hate it here so much it's unreal
No. 2000383
>>2000209op here and wtf
it's a reference to the scream. the duck is stressed out. where tf do you get
toxic positivity from bc i'm genuinely baffled
No. 2000386
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>>2000383Psyducks been through some shit
No. 2000475
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>>2000373What not having LOLCOR for a few weeks does to a
nonnie… Stay strong soldier
No. 2000501
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i took a break from lolcow because some anon called my husbando ugly but now im back, what did i miss? (also i have no idea where to post this wtf)
No. 2000579
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This will shock everyone but I have a complicated relationship with my mom! I love her and want her to be happy, the problem is that keeping her happy is kind of a full-time job she refuses to do for herself. I took her out to lunch today and she said some pretty weird shit about how she keeps smoking because she wants to die sooner and how she needs to update her will. If you're thinking, wow your mom sounds depressed, you should help, guess what, the people who love her all feel obligated to help, including me since I was young. But no matter what I say she won't choose optimism, won't see a therapist, won't stop dwelling on how everyone has wronged her, won't change a since thing in her life. If getting sad and waiting for someone else to solve the problem can't fix it, she won't do it.
I want to move far away (for other reasons), still keep in touch but get out from under her dark cloud. But it's harder than it seems. Everyone else got tired. My siblings managed to move, sister doesn't even stay in contact, and now it's just me. The oldest daughter, naturally. I live on my own but in the same city. I stupidly said maybe one day she could come live with me when I have my little farm in the mountains or whatever. I still feel responsible for her. It's so hard to stop.
No. 2000589
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Idk how any scrotes can relate to this shit. These two remind me of me and my sister (I’m obviously gon because I’m the youngest) they remind me so much of women. Scrotes can just never understand, that rite of passage shit is just not for them it applies so much to the female experience no matter how diverse and varied it gets. Scrotes never endured the amount of pain and tests that women have to endure every damn day and I will stand by that I don’t give a fuck anymore
No. 2000603
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Trying so hard not to a-log the aggy pedo troon rn
No. 2000738
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Decided to hate-watch the new episodes of Doctor Who (used to be my favourite show ever, back when it was good.) But nothing could have prepared me for this. An actual tranny in shitty drag makeup jumpscaring me in the 2nd episode. What the fuck have they done to this show? It's not even the same fucking thing anymore. They've ruined it. This is the worst fucking series of the decade. This creature, who is supposed to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe, actually gets offended at being misgendered in the episode KEK. I'm done
No. 2000767
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so I’ve realized that when I’m outside walking I walk very fast in like a weird way that people might notice. I think I walk fast becuase I don’t like being around people and I’m trying to run away. Ugh i guess I just have to remind myself to keep it slow. Fuck fuck fuck. I get super nervous and my heart beats fast when I walk normal.
No. 2000833
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i want to move i don't want to make this commute i need my probation period to be over so i can go hybrid already i hate being social at work i'm not good at it and art is hard aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee
No. 2000868
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>Look through old FB profile before I nuke it
>Check up on people from high school for nostalgia
>So many people I disliked are now single moms or have children but are not married. Many pumped out at least 3 kids within a few years of each being born.
>People I liked are living their lives and thriving
>Guy who rejected me is now ugly as sin
Feels good. I'm glad teenage me was completely right about everybody kek
No. 2000887
>>2000884Because I would need a tummy tuck and major plastic surgery to fix a 30+ year old body with a lifetime of hormonal and metabolic issues.
Great hygiene that I already have won't mask my loose skin gunt apron in a string bikini, anon.
I wish it were so simple.
No. 2000913
>>2000887I feel you. I sometimes wonder if it's even worth it to lose weight when I carry years and years of neglect that my shitty parents kickstarted by controlling me through overfeeding me since early childhood. I already have loose skin. I'm only 28. I can't do this anymore. I have loose skin since elementary.
I wish it was easy to say "just lose weight" but it's so much more complicated than that. I want to undo all the damage they did to me, but I can't even be done with the mental damage they subjected me to yet. I don't know how to work out with my skin constantly touching and flapping on top of itself. It really makes me want to end it sometimes, surgeries are expensive as fuck and people are judgemental whenever I subject myself to it or now. In any case sometimes being overweight or having loose skin is more of a mental challenge than a physical one, but not many people know this because they think loosing a few pounds is all you need to do.
No. 2001114
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I'm this close to re-enlisting in the military. I'm sick of pretending to give a fuck about things. I got discharged 3 years ago and I have to work with the public now. In the army I got to be autistic. This goes in this pocket and that goes in that pocket. I'm tired.
No. 2001140
>>2001126being a shit person is subjective, shit people are going to think youre a shit person for not dealing with them
just do whats convenient for you
No. 2001266
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I cannot be fucking sober today I'm so miserable and I'm gonna smoke even though I risk having a panic attack I don't care I hate my fucking life I hate my fucking life. Hope I die in my sleep, peace out
No. 2001268
Today Im feeling fat, always hungry, angry, harassed, annoyed, i feel like I’m annoying everyone too. Im nauseous, stressed, anxious, gross. My back teeth hurt. My clothes don’t fit me right, I look disproportionate, top heavy and pot belly and the opposite of cute. I look aesthetically horrendous, like those lumpy modern illustrations of overweight purple or green women with leg hair and a light moustache. If someone I know sees me on the commute home I might throw up on the spot from shame. I think I stink. Not from BO but my natural pheromones that no scented body lotion or deodorant can hide. I want to literally punch myself in the stomach. I want to skin myself alive. I want to drown myself, fill myself with water on the inside and maybe I’ll feel cleaner, relaxed. I’m so AGITATED and can’t get rid of the feeling because the problem is literally my body, mind and soul.
No. 2001300
My BF is quite fat, and I feel like I'm being gaslighted by everyone about it. To be frank, he was already overweight when we've gotten together, but it was (I naively thought) our common goal to both lose weight. I'm no anachan, I'm on the upper end of the normal BMI, but I'm quite unfit also. He eats so fucking much, and even if I consider him being a taller, more muscular guy, it seems excessive. He has a very prominent belly now.
The gaslighting part comes in where I've discussed weight with him for the 20th time, and he says he knows he's slightly overweight, but not fat, and I was so confused, because he's way past the point of slightly overweight, he's like 92 kg to an average EU male height. He has met my parents recently, and since they've known him from before they've mentioned how much he changed and I've said "yeah, he's pretty chubby" and my parents went "oh, no, he's not fat at all". Do people just think any 25+ man growing a protruding belly is normal??? Yesterday he showed me some older photos (2-3 years old) and he was so skinny then, inside my head I went "holy shit, that's the guy I want to date". I know couples can work out together and motivate each other and shit, but the main problem is that he won't ever be able to outrun his fork. I won't be his personal chef, I don't even eat healthy, I just have good portion control for the most part. I just want him to lose weight and have the silhouette of a healthy man again.
No. 2001305
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>>2001300I don't see how you can deal with this without finding a way to cchange his food habits
I'd say cooking healthier meals would be a good start, if you could cook them together he'd learn to be autonomous as a cook
If he can't help but get big portions, he needs to get big portions of low calory foods
No. 2001306
>>2001274I don't think that's it because I woke up this morning period kek, I don't really feel dizzy or confused now just tired.
>>2001286No oddly I remember taking the hotdogs out of the fridge I think I just had a massive brainfart
No. 2001326
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I'm heading to my first music festival next weekend and I am freaking out. I'm terrified about drunk high people breaking into my tent while I'm asleep. I can't bring pepper spray or anything else so I have nothing if I get attacked. The ticket was a birthday gift from my friends so I can't not go. I think I'm just going to fake sickness on the first day and bail.
No. 2001327
>>2001300You should bully him tbh. I bullied a bf into working subtly by saying how I missed feeling his muscles and then going to the gym regularly myself and causally dropping stuff like
>ugh, I had to work out on machines that are facing the guys side of the gym so we had to stare at each other the whole time! It was so awkward>on my way out of the gym I turned the corner and this huge built guy was walking so fast he collided with me. It was like full body contact and he tried to catch me. God it was so embarrassing I had him pick me up from the gym a couple of times to make sure he saw how nice the guys bodies are there too kek. I also once bullied someone into losing weight a little more accidentally, I just couldn’t contain my awe about how often and how much they ate. He would say how hungry he was and I would be like “
again? We just ate an hour ago” he’d whine like I need to eat more than once a day and I would say “I’d hope it would last you a little longer than an hour though, wtf”. Or I’d be watching him pour honey and granola onto his bowl of yogurt endlessly and just stand there gaping and be like that’s so much honey holy shit, you’re going to get diabetes. One time when I was drunk I poked him and said “you are so round” kek. Eventually I challenged him to go sugar free with me for 2 weeks and negging him how he probably can’t and he accepted. After that he was complaining about how boba and lattes are two sweet and started eating a lot better. You should really consider because at this point there’s not much to lose, you should dump him if even the bullying doesn’t work.
No. 2001353
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Even when I moved away and our friendship pretty much turned to long distance, it was strong but it feels like she has become a lot more distant. Making new friends I'm proud of her, but whenever she talks to me it's always about her friends, the drawings they make of her, their group photos, the funtimes they have together, their tastes or how about how her job sucks it's getting on my nerves. Never a "how are you" or "wanna hang next month" even after mine and last time we actually shared a heart-to-heart it had to do with how she felt betrayed by one of her friends. Eventually sorted. She didn't even remember my Birthday. Like I know people move on and whatnot, every individual can do what they want, how they like… but seeing your once best friend do so in realtime with stamps stings more than simply being told to fuck off
No. 2001368
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I played myself. I work at a mom and pop place because I wanted an easy, laid back job and all I've done is make them richer. They go on multiple family vacations a year, have a homestead and are expanding to an air bnb, and I barely have gotten $2 more per hour since I started years ago. I know I have no one to blame but myself for the sad sate of my life, but I don't have the energy to apply myself. I don't want to work or pay thousands of dollars to learn a trade that may or may not make me successful, I don't want to do anything. I just want to lie down in my casket already.
No. 2001385
nonnie I ended up just crying a bunch and watching my favorite show. I'm just so exhausted all the time, my days off are coming up soon so maybe I'll feel better.
No. 2001433
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I hate this retarded stupid boat ride. It's been 4 hours already I want to see land. I am not a fish I don't belong out here. I'm getting sea-crazy. I'm foaming at the mouth. Why is the cellular signal better in the middle of the ocean than it was on land in the shithole place? So many questions. Part of me wants to burn this boat to the ground (waves technically) and sail away on the escape boat and watch them all flap in the water like ants but I didn't bring a lighter.
No. 2001437
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I was shopping at the store I work at, off the clock and out of uniform, and I said "excuse me" habitually to a moid who wasn't even in my way. As I was walking away, I heard him say to his wife "That doesn't make sense. Don't say excuse me, just walk past." OKAY. Okay. I'm so sorry that I'm habitually polite. I will be a rude, disrespectful bitch from now on lmao. I will go out of my way to bump into you. Might spit at you, too.
No. 2001439
I hate haaate hate people and especially moids who think of themselves as ~so sensitive and emotional and delicate.~ I blame my father for this, being raised by a male who thinks he's the most misunderstood, deep empath despite being constantly abusive and self-victimizing about his own awful behavior is a special sort of hell. I cannot stand him. Useless, unemployed leech of a man, emotional vampire who projects all his weird bullshit onto everyone around him and expects everyone to read his mind and know exactly what he wants, when he wants it, and if you don't give it to him, you must hate him and also be a deeply bad and selfish person. He flipped out and chain smoked this morning because even though he told me I don't have to cook breakfast for him, he apparently expected me to magically know that I should ask him if he wanted some anyways. My mother is always doing clean-up for him, trying to relay his tragic childhood trauma to me so that I can be "more understanding." It pisses me off because I don't even pick fights with him or argue back, when he has his meltdowns I just sit there and take it because I know it's useless trying to reason with him. But that's not enough, I have to apparently also genuinely not hold it against him that he's a massive retarded faggot. I only came here because my mother was crying on the phone about how everything is falling apart and she needs to me to look after my younger sibling since she doesn't have the bandwidth (shocker, my father does not do any childcare, and never did for me either). But somehow, my father is absolutely convinced he's the most considerate, selfless, noble creature on this planet. Fucking insane. I cannot wait to get the hell out of here, I don't know how I'm going to make it another week.
No. 2001446
>>2001437Average dumbass moid. It's like saying "behind" in a kitchen, it's just in case they didn't see you. It's manners. IDK why it pisses me off so much
nonnie, but honestly I might have fought him for you over that. What a stupid bastard
No. 2001451
>>2001436kek former soviet block country , yes
don't get me started on the fact that I had so much unpaid overtime previously and HR got alerted when I reported 1.5 extra hours one month (and then they fire you, because you want to be paid a little bit more because you did so much bs that is NOT in your JD)
overworked and underpaid is the worst, while my former colleagues earned 2-3x and didn't have 1/10th of the stress I did, I hate my luck (or lack thereof)
No. 2001466
Inspired by snow/res/1984807.html#q1993633
I don't understand why people nowadays can't be a little weird without going absolutely delusional about things to the point of fucking their lives over it and I'm growing tired of it all. It's like people don't know how to play anymore, if that makes sense? They can't seem to enjoy and entertain ideas without them being "valid" or without literal psychosis attached. See, I don't think there actually is anything wrong with having weird ideas or fantasies, that's what makes us human. But people seem to take everything too seriously nowadays, I'm not sure if it's autism among specific demographics, or society in general went insane. I never truly understood otherkin because the whole experience of relating and projecting onto characters, animals, nature, and such comes off as such a basic human trait, I don't see why it needs a separate identity label and more so, I don't see why it needs to be twisted into a literal psychotic experience where you deny your own reality in this world.
Why do things need to be taken to the point of absolute delusion for the sake of being valid anyway, what's the point? Same goes to gender. It's fine to entertain and indulge in ideas of being the opposite sex, or come up with abstract ideas about sexless society. Hell, screw it, it's fine to entertain these ideas sexually. But why is there a desperate need to make fantasy a reality? Why do people literally meme themselves into things? Are these people really that boring? I'm so tired. Technically I'm much more aligned with weirdos than normies, but these people aren't weirdos at this point anymore, they're straight up braindead and psychotic and can't turn off their larp mode when it's not appropriate anymore. I'm tired.
No. 2001480
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>>2001264>>2001233More willpower than a marine
No. 2001541
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I thought I had banished my disgusting eating disorder mentality back to Hell where it belongs, but GOD DAMN this entire fucking balletcore-“coquette”-ArianaGrande-Ozempic-KPop era of the past few years is doing its best to fucking resurrect it and Jesus Christ I hate it so much, it feels like I’m right back in 2004 again
No. 2001583
>>2001562Are roomates really better than family (let's say if they weren't straight up
abusive) ? I've always wondered
No. 2001591
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I wish I had a female friend but I was in a male dominated industry for years and in general normies get put off by my awkwardness so it seems like I can only be friends with people as awkward as me lol. I had a close friend in my early 20s but she hurt me a lot and I put up with it for years, eventually I couldn't take it anymore so I distanced myself even though it hurt. I made a friend online a few years ago, it was my first new friend in so long and I was so excited because we had a lot in common, had the same niche interests, she seemed really nice and was also a slow replier and patient with replies like me, but then she suddenly went nuts one day and was messaging me frantically that she was gonna kill herself and I just kept saying I was gonna call an ambulance and to please tell me her exact address (we live in different countries) and after a few hours she said forget it sorry and never talked to me again.
I know she's still alive thankfully because I see her online but that scared the absolute crap out of me. Since then I've been too nervous to try meet new people on or offline and my remaining friends from college are lost in the gendie bullshit ether and they just keep getting worse every year, at this point we're all into our 30's so it's getting embarrassing. I expect they're both eventually gonna fully interrogate me and make me spit out that I don't buy into gendie delusional shit and exile me to their terfberia, so I'm preparing to be friendless soon. I just wish I could be irl friends with another nonnie but I'm too scared to try to search for one in my backwater country.
No. 2001642
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I WANNA SCREAM THIS WEBSITE IS BECOMING SO FUCKING BORING THE SAME TOPICS CAN SOMETHING INTEREST ME PLEASE. I gotta be a bad nonnie, I got be a smooth nonnie, I gotta be a slick nonnie, I gotta be a baiting nonnie
No. 2001649
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After 8 hours I made it. I feel so jubilant and relieved. My ordeal is nearly over… Now I just have to drive 2000km back home.
>>2001445I've made a few posts itt (like
>>2000373 ) and last one but basically to make a long motherfucking story short basically my dumbass retarded grandfather died and got eaten by cats and nobody else besides me could leave their life in a minute to go plan a funeral so I had to drop everything (using LC for 12-14 hours a day) get on an airplane and travel across the sea, over the mountains, & beyond the trees, to the edge of my SHIT country's frontier where I've been virtually held prisoner by filial duty and no cell service for 5 long weeks in an isolated village of 35 people a 2 hour drive away from the nearest grocery store. I originally thought it was gonna be like a week or 2 but nooooo this place is so backwards and bureaucratically braindead that I had to wait 3 weeks just to have a funeral after begging people to help dig his shit grave and then I had to wait 4 weeks to get an appointment with his bank to get an estate account and I'm STILL waiting for the autopsy report because they couldn't even analyze it in my country they had to send the samples to America for real experts to analyze it. Until I get the estate account basically I'm fucked for money as I used up all my tard bux this month AND last month so I have just enough for the gas to make it home and maybe get food once or twice on the way. Overall, people dying is really fucking annoying and I don't recommend it to ANYnona. If you can; live a life of hermit-like tranquility that way you don't have to bother with planning funerals, picking out urns, begging people to help dig graves, worry about grave robbers, etc..
>>2001457If by peaceful and fun you mean horrifically foul and sickly then yes you're right. I understand why sailors go crazy. There's nothing here except stupid water.
>>2001454I appreciate your optimisim and zest for life but dolphins are weird and tbh I'd never want to interact with one because of their association with France (re: dauphin) as well as their general appearance (shiny and hairless; too much reminds me of male baldness which makes me sick and disgusts me) as well as because they are the "tricksters" of the sea and I'm NOT the person they wanna be trying to "trick" …
No. 2001658
>>2001648Looking at threads made even 2-4 years ago make me extremely blackpilled. We used to have so much fun, anorectal vibes are over… if that meme was made today the anon who posted it would have been called a tranny/porn-addicted moid who likes anal and would’ve been redtexted for such a funny joke. Sad!
>>2001650Ngl I’m gonna have to blame the performative radfems for this
No. 2001662
>>2001649that sounds exhausting anon, i hope your life settles back to normal soon.
you're completely right about both seafaring and dolphins.
(btw can i ask what your issue with france is?)
No. 2001666
>>2001642Lolcow has gotten so stale for me I started using discord again, kek. Sometimes I accidentally almost call a discord gendie “nonna” or say something
problematic and blow my cover though. I miss my real nonnas, but spending all day here was like rotting in a prison
No. 2001689
>>2001672Ayrt I joined a niche bl server so even if it’s full of gendies, at least there are no actual moids present, just women. They mostly just talk about weeb shit and occasionally have virtual signaling competitions over palestine, but they’re honestly not any more annoying than anons acting retarded here
>>2001675I lurk on the other farms, but I’ve never posted/don’t have an account. Although I can enjoy following their cows, I’d rather interact with weird gendie women who are ultimately harmless and have the same interest as me than /pol/tards who have migrated to the scrotefarms
No. 2001699
>>2001693>muh internet pitchfork wielder Stop trying to be a detective. Seethe. Not a newfag and never will be.
>>2001689Isn’t that just the equivalent of lurking, so you don’t really talk to anybody just use them for entertainment? That’s barely worth it… you can practically just do the same thing here
No. 2001799
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I just want someone to make art with. I want someone who looks interesting and is willing to be my muse. Or someone who wants to get better at art and is as obsessive as I am. Please. Fucking god. We don't have to be intimate, it can just be simple and carefree.
No. 2001801
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>>2001799Me too but I am retarded and extremely avoidant
No. 2001812
>>2001768yeah like the majority of adults don't like either of those things. whenever i mention games as a hobby, people think i'm weird.
>>2001794were you buying candles for the interesting shapes or because you actually wanted something to smell good? most people making scented candles on etsy are making them in their kitchen, with no knowledge of scents, and are using pre-made blends of fragrance oils. etsy is really only for buying novelty candles not meant for burning. if you want better candles, try goose creek or kringle candle.
No. 2001877
>>2001583In general, yes. Regular people who are around your age will not feel as entitled to your attention, nor will they have ridiculous expectations. Nor will they have a long history of your conflicts built up to the point of constant stress. When I left my shitty family, roommates were a breath of fresh air. If you're thinking of getting your own place with roommates in an effort to leave your dysfunctional family, I would recommend taking that leap, even if it makes you ridiculously financially unstable. It was the best decision I made when I was really young.
(The only thing that could go wrong is if you end up with a bpd-chan roomie … I would take my shitty family any day over a bpd-chan roomie. Sometimes, you just get dealt a crazy hand.)
No. 2001908
>>2001819Nta but this has been a problem since before dumbass shit got sage. Imo the thread used to have a lot of discussions mixed with silly, low effort shitposts, but recently it was like anons were using it as the absolute shit post thread. Just filled with low effort posts and anything else got ignored. Possibly newfags who don't really get that it's not actually a shit post thread? Idk. Not to mention the infights that spanned across multiple threads like a month before it got banned because of spergs.
I've been posting against the autosage cause the reasons the admin gave were awful and nonsensical, but tbh when I remember how much it sucked before it was autosaged idk if its even worth it for it to be back. I will keep asking them to prune /ot/ of the actual bad threads though.
No. 2001926
Today I have been like physically unable to peel myself out of bed. I feel so awful. I have been so horrifically depressed. My body dysmorphia has been making it hard to shower or even look in the mirror. I have been trying to battle it but today. Can’t. This is not what the kids called based, red pilled or epic. Ugh.
>>2001908 this is a better convo for meta but I think even if we don’t bring back dumb ass shit a general discussion/conversation thread. I had some good back and forth conversations with some anons in dumb ass shit. The shit posting was annoying but there were a few gems here and there. The infighting was awful tho. Autosage exists and I feel like it should be used more but I digress.
No. 2001941
>Mother, in shocked pikachu exasperation asking, after performing the barest of minimums for me in life while placing ridiculous expectations and stress on me while I struggle to navigate independent life with no financial, emotional, or physical help from her or anyone in my shitty family: "What will you do when I am gone?!"
Sell your fucking house. Your car.
Liquidate anything I fucking can to eliminate the debts I had to take on to get me by in life which now cripple me in adulthood (that you blame me for) all because I had only the most meager conditional support from you.
What the fuck do you think, bitch?
Who are you to larp as a concerned parent now? You were fine with bullshit like, for instance, forcing me to sign away my only inheritance to go to you from my last living grandparent when he passed. Or constantly threatening to kick me out or telling me to go shack up with men whenever I would dare inconvenience you by not abiding your every mental illness request.
I'll always 'joke' with people that for my first house, lost to my scrotoid ex who sued me for the sale of it, I actually bid against my own fucking dad for it–he lost cause he is a loser too. My family has never done shit for me besides be my main antagonists.
I love hearing my mom fear terminal illness and how she would go to Hawaii to "Kevorkian" herself, not because I give a shit that her poor choices like chain smoking will rightfully catch up with her, but because that way she isn't burning up any savings or getting her property confiscated by the government to cover the medical care. Her death will be my holiday!
I cannot fucking wait, and I'm so angry that my family is so shitty that I do have ghoulish thoughts like this and absolutely no love for them as they do unto me.
I tried. And I still try. I wear the mask now and play nice to their faces so that way I can vulture their carcasses for all they're worth when they are gone.
I hate them.
No. 2002096
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My life is changing and I’m happy and excited but I also feel scared and alone even though I’m not. I don’t know if I’m making the right choices and I don’t want to disappoint the people I love. It’s overwhelming and I just want to run away but I know that won’t solve any of my current problems.
No. 2002176
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I hate my mother. She does everything she hates other people doing to her, e.g. cut her off mid sentence, to me. Can't point it out because she'll pretend she doesn't. She also has a terrible temper. Literally screams first and might apologize later although she barely does that to me. I just walk away for the most part anymore because I figure what's the point. She'll never change because she celebrates her shitty behavior, she calls it standing her ground.
No. 2002184
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well, lc was name dropped on xitter a bunch of times under this tweet. at least if the twitterfags think we’re fascists or some retarded shit like that they’ll stay away, I hope?
No. 2002185
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>>2002184I hope kiwiscrotes die
No. 2002199
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>>2001449>>2001542It's Challengers , maybe I was too harsh when I said it's braindead but it was completely lost on me and I didn't find it as thought-provoking as it probably wanted to be. He thought the characters were well developed and he liked the conflicts between them. We've talked since then and I feel like I took his opinion too personal, guess I just wanted someone to hate on the movie with kek
Slightly tangential but we've been talking about watching Poor Things together (he doesn't know anything about the plot). I got spoilt about some stuff and as someone who struggled with csa I decided against it and I told him he's allowed to watch it but I don't want to talk about his thoughts on it, I'm sure I'd really lose my shit if he liked that movie and defended it
No. 2002206
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Feeling very doomerpilled. I'm 22. I have a job that pays alright, more than a lot of my friends get and basically the average for my country. I live at home. I don't spend much on going out, I don't smoke, I basically save 90% of my paycheck each month. All of these things considered I won't be able to buy a proper apartment for myself for at least another 8 years if I even manage to secure a loan, and even if I manage a space of my own, I would not be able to buy an apartment in my own city, which I love to death, for at least 15, not a decent one. I can practically consider myself lucky if I secure myself an apartment above 35sq meters that I'll be paying off for another 30 years. Anons I don't want to be 35 living in my childhood weeb room I might just seppuku.
No. 2002283
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I hate books that use random words from languages the main characters don't speak in the book. What the fuck is lulu lala bitch I just know there's an equivalent in the English language for family members. No one uses their mother's language only for family members I in fact call my grandparents grandma and grandpa in English even though I don't speak English in my daily life. If someone irl told me "I was talking to omma yesterday" I'd stare blankly. We get that they're not like any other Americans, they're Americans with ~culture~ and we do not give a fuck. You can make it sound normal when it comes to traditions and holidays why you gotta make it so unrealistic and overused when it comes to random family member words
No. 2002287
nonnie I always thought it was weird too.
No. 2002323
>>2001591you sound somewhat sane nonna, I really with I had a friend like you.
In my 30s too and only got one close female friend and I cherish her a lot because we've been through some tough times together.
I don't tolerate the gendie propaganda either and have had a huge fight with a group of casual friends who don't find anything wrong with trans"""women""", I was so disappointed in them lol.
No. 2002404
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Occasionally there's a style of clothes that comes into trend that like… irritates my autism. Makes me viscerally disgusted, I don't know why. Right now it's crop tops that are tight and button down the center, triple points if they're not wearing a bra. I think it's cause I imagine it on myself and the fabric would cling and rub my fucking nipples and AUGH I can't even stand looking at it. I can't wait til it cycles out last one was those tops that have like the cross lace v necks I'm so fucking glad they're gone
No. 2002415
>>2002395Don’t be a cunt.
No. 2002420
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No. 2002425
>>2002413>The nigels I’ve seen that have been posted by anons themselves are nothing to envy overI have no dog in this fight but it's true. I always remind myself of this when an anon posts here complaining about how shitty her nigel is but then starts defending him when other anons tell her to dump him. There's no helping people retarded enough to cape for their ugly scrote because he's nice to them once a fortnight kek
>>2002420haven't you already been redtexted for using these stupid gifs? quit it already
No. 2002460
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>>2001305We don't live together, so there aren't many opportunities to cook together, and me preparing him food for him to take for days ahead is something I'd want to avoid at all cost, as I do not wish to become his mother. He does eat out a lot, which is in direct relation of him having zero control over portion sizes. He can cook, he just doesn't most of the time.
>>2001327>>2001336I guess bullying is the way, although I'd say I've already made countless comments and jiggle his belly, and question why he's eating
again after a full dinner and make direct comparisons between what I ate and what he ate on the days we spend together. He himself, to his own horror, told me that when he visited his family this weekend he probably ate like 4-6k calories in a day, so it's not like he's completely unaware of CICO or calories in general, but he thinks he can just "work out more" and will start losing in no time after this few months period of stressful life stuff is over. I've sent him a video of a guy basically spending most of a day's time to burn 6-7k calories to show how absurd it is he thinks doing some pushups etc. before bed and maybe 1-2 hours of cardio a week is going to do anything but barely slow down the rate he's gaining. If I don't see any genuine effort after his stress with buying a home and dealing with that clears up, I'll surely make an ultimatum because I don't think my attraction will hold up once the new relationship energy completely runs out.
No. 2002469
>>2002456You had me going there for a while but now I'm 90% sure this is trolling. If it's the other 10% you have a very sad life where you can't empathise with someone being happy and that makes you happy. Get checked for APD and I hope you can work yourself out of it. It's never too late to get a redemption arc.
>>2002458She might be from the UK or Australia where it's not a gendered slur. Even then she was being a cunt, fuck her.
No. 2002483
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>Mixed race ex tells me I’m not his normal type white as hell
>Dumps me because he says I’m amazing and it scares him
>Doesn’t date for awhile
>Gets with another white girl who shares a lot of the same traits with me dollar store edition
What is wrong with moids. I wouldn’t think much of it but when he’s saying he likes black girls, leaves you because he doesn’t feel good enough, then moves on with the next white girl with bangs it really makes you wonder. Same hair color, similar split dye, she definitely recently cut her bangs probably once they started dating, similar style to me, similar body type, both have glasses, for fucks sake we even have similar names. I feel like he’s trying to skinwalk our relationship because he knows he fucked up. I look like the polar opposite of his ex and this girl and I have way too many similarities
No. 2002493
>>2002483You're better off without a loser like him
No. 2002498
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Anons with hypothyroidism, does it get better? I feel like picrel, so sluggish, slow and retarded. I'm always so cold, tired, dizzy and extremely depressed, the mental brainfog won't let me get shit done I get exhausted so easily I feel like a grandma. I'm getting my meds tomorrow, it's been so long since I felt normal, I'm sick of being sick
No. 2002509
>>2002476Yep, I wish people understood that you can't fight other people's battles and demons. If they get pissy and defend their
abusive moids then it's time to let it be, if they like it I love it. Help them when they do feel ready to get out
No. 2002530
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>receding hairline at 22
>Deep ass voice
>Very hoarse, dark body hair everywhere
>Extremely oily skin, you could fry an egg on it
Just got told I've hyperandrogenism, it's so fucking over. Whatever went wrong is making me look like a fucking tranny and I CANNOT cope
No. 2002536
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Why are moids like this?
No. 2002542
>>2002536Did he
ever actually play any of the games? Black people have always been present in Fallout.
No. 2002579
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For years, decades even, sci-fi was suck if you were a woman reading it. Yeah, there were the greats, the female authors who wove amazing tales while not succumbing to self hatred or sexism, but they were rare and far between. Everything else was written by men, centered on men, and was saturated by casual misogyny.
But then starting in the mid 2000s there was a golden age. Where thousands of female authors started writing and the sheer volume of available works meant that you could find hundreds of stories to your taste or liking, in the exact world building settings you preferred.
But now, the sun is setting. Stories are containing less and less women, and more and more non-binary they/thems. Stories are no longer about girls bucking traditions in order to dominate in a men's world, they're now about girls bucking traditions because they were secretly men all along. Like this screenshot. This is a story about a dystopia robot spy network, and the other spy robots stop to ask the spy robot its pronouns? It's a robot!
It's such a shame, it was amazing while it lasted.
No. 2002601
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No. 2002602
>>2002579Gender ideology IS misogyny, always has been. That's why it was adopted by the mainstream so quickly. We were groomed for generations to hate ourselves and idolize men. Feminism is hard and painful because it breaks our conditioning. Gender ideology came in as a cooler, more liberal feminism, but it actually gave women a way to hate ourselves and feel good about it.
I"m very pessimistic about our prospects for the future. Worst case scenario women are kicked out of the concept of womanhood and it becomes exclusive to males, and we become idk, something else. Uterus havers. Breeders. Whatever it is they wanna call us. And we'll be clapping and thanking trans women for dignifying us with the soles of their boots.
No. 2002610
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most of the time i live in dissociation or something, but sometimes i wake up for a while and i'm like wow everything is fucked. my whole life and everyone else's has been fucked because people are so stupid, including myself, even with endless resources at their hands everyone is just too tired, helpless, nutritionally weak, tricked by others to care about the things that really matter. sometimes i think about the world and look around and i see a nightmare all around that we've built and i feel so alone because it's like nobody else can see and feel it. it's like i can smell the rot in the air and feel it on my skin, taste it in the food and can never get away. i wish i wasn't in so much pain over this, something i can't even describe without sounding crazy and retarded. i think i'm just too sensitive
No. 2002616
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Not a suicide post, but I'm genuinely tired of living sometimes. Every day we wake up, have to eat, and then fall asleep. Days pass like water dripping into a lake. I'm tired of not having much to look forward in life. I feel like I will never find the love that I'm looking for, have my dream career, or look the way I want to. I know this one girl who is perfectly pleasant, but she has everything that I want and got it because her parents are rich. She's under 30, owns a house, has a career in my hobby, is married, and is now expecting twins. I'm not angry at her life or wish her ill, I just don't see myself getting those things that I desperately wish for. I feel like a broken thing, born imperfect to actually get normie goals. It's not that I want to die, moreso I wish I was some sort of omniscient being that could observe people's lives instead of living my own, but not be "alive" myself. Or be able to go into a pod for like 10 years without aging to get a mental break from living.
That being said, I'm not complaining and doing anything about it, I am actively working towards my goals. I finished my degree last week, my self-esteem is much better than when I was younger, and I'm hopeful for jobs even though the search sucks. I just wanted to sigh and vent here a little bit. You know those days when you wake up and sigh because you didn't really wanna start another day? Shoutout and hugs to other nonnies going through it.
No. 2002617
>>2002610It's always been like this, I think. The type of suffering changed, and now we have way more time to suffer (imagine living until you're 90 and your body is failing and begging to die and you have to keep it running by increasingly more complex methods bc dying is a no-no). Well tbh the old way of suffering still exists, but it's relegated to the third world and people in abject poverty.
Anyway, the solution is to become selfishly dedicated to pleasure and distraction.
No. 2002625
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>>2001649Sounds like the start of a cheesy romcom. You will encounter your soulmate during some shitty accident (you slip on the side walk, the car brokes down, ect etc). Same shit as the hallmark christmas movies but without christmas. Good luck nona! Destiny is calling!
No. 2002676
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Man, I want to cry. I fell into a deep depression years ago, which made me distance myself from all my friends, so I have none at the moment. Not even online ones. I've also quit university and have been unemployed ever since. But now, I'm finally tackling my issues after getting properly medicated for my mental illnesses - I am applying for jobs, trying out new hobbies, working out, and am becoming more social again.
These past months have been great thanks to all my effort, but whenever I tell my mom about the positive things I've been accomplishing, she subtly shits on them.
For example, I just texted her I have two job interviews this week, which means a lot to me. All she said in reply was, "Ok. The field fits what you studied really well."
I dropped out of a STEM degree and what I've got lined up are shitty jobs because that's all I can mentally handle for the time being. Would it kill her to praise me for once and tell me she's proud of me? I'm already upset enough with myself for wasting all my potential and this many years of my life on nothing, all because my brain is broken. Like, my bad for not landing a prestigious job in my mid-twenties like she did, but I'm unfortunately incapable of pulling a doctorate out of my ass, so what am I supposed to do? Would she prefer if I sat at home and kept being depressed? Sign up for uni and become even more of a failure by dropping out for the third time? I don't understand what she wants or expects from me.
She acts like I'm crazy for agreeing to go to those job interviews, and like I'm a weirdo for volunteering at an animal shelter. When I tell her about the creative projects I'm spending my time on, she talks to me like I'm a little child showing off some macaroni art. She's so, so, so overprotective of me, even now that I'm pushing thirty. Going hiking on trails with plenty of other people in the area has her worrying like I'm at risk of getting ambushed by a rapist kidnapper the instant I set foot in the nature reserve. I lost 15kg, and whenever I mention working out, she treats me like I'm an anachan despite my healthy BMI.
The worst part of it all is that she doesn't seem to do any of this to be malicious or sabotage me. I've mentioned how she reacts like she's disappointed or upset with everything I choose to do, which genuinely surprised her. She really doesn't notice the way she treats me is unhealthy.
It has given me weird complexes and anxiety disorders that have always made me feel like I'm too retarded and frail to work. I've been mooching off the government since my mental health began spiraling, and whenever I struggled with money, my parents let me live with them for free and gave me monthly allowances. I know I'm super spoiled and this sounds like an absolute dream, but the fact I've had them as my eternal safety net and that my mom insists on doing everything for me has prevented me from ever actually becoming a functional adult. I have no idea how to handle any beaurocracy stuff, I don't have a driver's license, I lack any income or savings, I'm incapable of basic grown up tasks like remembering to pay my bills on time. I have NOTHING to show for my almost three decades of being alive. The last time I achieved anything worthwhile was getting my country's equivalent of an associate's degree close to ten years ago. I'm the biggest womanchild in the entire world.
If I wasn't fixing my life and my parents spontaneously died in a few years, I would be fucked. They're the only people I interact with on a regular basis since me and my ex broke up, and who the hell would want to be friends with, date, or hire a dropout loner with close to no work experience in her 30s?
Because of all this, I can't help but feel bitter due to how my parents raised me, which in turn makes me feel like such an ungrateful piece of shit. Other people go through actual abuse, while I'm here whining about being a middle class NEET whose parents coddled her too much.
No. 2002697
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I feel like my personality consists exclusively of negative thinking, worry, anxiety and catastrophizing
No. 2002748
I'm having trouble figuring out what's real and what's fiction, but my therapist doesn't take me seriously, even when I thought she would, as a woman. I keep thinking that if I don't do a certain thing, someone might die, even if it's unrelated and nonsensical. She laughed at me and told me to rationalize it but no matter how I look at it, how retarded it seems, fake or not, it makes me so afraid.
These thoughts have been plaguing me since I was 11 and they've caused me to drop out completely, I have no friends on the web or in real life, because I am so scared of losing somebody to this compulsions, so scared to talk to anybody or gaining something to care for. My mother is so sweet, but she's falling for "Spiritual manifestation" slop on Facebook and telling me that if I keep thinking about this, I will attract it, and it's driving me insane.
No. 2002759
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>>2002707I completely get what you mean with the no place to vent about it thing. Helicopter parents basically love you too much, so it feels tone deaf to say it fucked us up too much to study and work when there are people out there who got physically and mentally abused but can still get a degree and hold down a job. It's heartbreaking to think about how simple life was supposed to be. Study, get a degree, find a job in the field. Should have been easy, and yet for some undefinable reason it turned out to be impossible.
Thank you sweet
nonnie, I hope things look up for you soon. The best advice I can give you if you aren't currently working due to anxiety is to go volunteering, the low stakes environment helped me a lot with gaining enough confidence to trust myself with talking to people and completing basic tasks. It helps that many volunteers are really sweet middle aged to older ladies. We got this, we're still young.
>>2002748Are you diagnosed with OCD? Look up magical thinking if you aren't. I'm sorry your therapist sucks nona.
No. 2002790
>>2002716You sound bitter, your sister is right. Cats are not retarded dogs and that shit is not
toxic. Cry more. And yes, I have multiple cats and I fdo gardening. Even the vet kek'd about you. Get over yourself
No. 2002830
>>2002676>Would it kill her to praise me for once and tell me she's proud of me?Nona, we're proud of you! Some poeple just aren't that expressive, especially through text and especially older people who didn't grow up using chat rooms and emojis all the time.
>She really doesn't notice the way she treats me is unhealthy.Moms worry, it's what they do. It's hard for them to turn off mom-mode and not see you as the little baby girl you were. It's a bit annoying, but it's honestly easier to accept it and let her have her little baby moments with you - she's the only person on earth who gets to do it after all. Try to meet her half way and say like "thank you for worrying mom, but I can handle this. I would appreciate if you could show some positive support and say that you believe in me too". Ask her if she can teach you practical house stuff too so you can learn to be a functioning adult. I'm sort of in a similar situation to you actually, I'm both grateful my family lets me take things on my own slow time but I'm also wondering how much I'm stunted becuase they insist on doing things for me that they think I can't handle but I wish I could learn how to do on my own. I think it can be hard for people who weren't coddled to understand just how isolated and incapable it can make you despite it looking "easy" from the outside.
No. 2002837
>>2002748>she's falling for "Spiritual manifestation" slop on Facebook and telling me that if I keep thinking about this, I will attract itObviously that is NOT true, however… your brain gets good at what you practice so when you constantly let your thoughts get the best of you like that you do manifest bad things for yourself and train it to keep doing it.
Try looking into it medically. Get hormone levels checked and so on, gut health is linked to anxiety so perhaps a better diet can keep you more in check. It won't remove the thoughts, but if they're easier to handle you can get back to having a more normal life
No. 2002881
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I hate how intersectional every one of my hobbies has become with politics. I agree there should be basic awareness on global events, but why do I have to see Palestine updates on my cosplay account? Why should I care about “transphobia” in my Lolita communities, and gender fluidity in fairy kei?
Regardless if you feel like certain fashion/music subcultures are inherently political, it feels like it’s so much more in your face and you can’t escape it.
No. 2002911
>>2002881It's honestly ridiculous at this point, while yes, being into obscure shit or random shit has never been 100% politically free (look at nazi furries, ignorant Hetalia cosplayers and manga, anime and other cartoons having references to past and modern politics) but I think leisure spaces just shouldn't be centered around a constant contest to see who is the most politically conscious person in the room.
Like yeah, there's war going on (there always have been a war going on somewhere but they're not ready to acknowledge that) and schizos are trying to tell us that we shouldn't worry about the pedophiles wearing diapers changing their clothes around little kids.
But do we really need to remember this every second? Even the most retarded and random communities have people talking about shit like why we should accept mediocre moids with feminization fetishes in women's sports and why Muslims/Jews depending on the team you support, should stop existing because your team is better or whatever.
You seriously can't do anything without someone talking about their newfound sexuality (ew) or about how they read the news about this or that person who has an opinion on whatever new concept has been changed to accommodate some retard that hates his/her body, sometimes there's also just obvious shit stirrers trying to find a way to cull anyone who does wrong think, and names new public enemies that only those that check Twitter daily could know about.
It's just ridiculous.
No. 2002921
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i have three bald spots on the back of my head now from trichotillomania. i’m scared, what if it doesn’t grow back this time? i keep plucking and can’t stop. life is currently too stressful to find better coping mechanisms
No. 2002943
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I was leaving the shop and there was a gang of young scrotes standing outside. In typical scrote behavior they thought it would be funny to run up and start screaming at me and laughing. Maybe it's for Tiktok or some shit? I don't know. I seriously want to go back and execute every single one of them.
No. 2002981
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>>2002921I don’t know how to help you anon but I have a similar problem. I pick at the skin on my scalp until it forms scabs and then I keep on picking at it some more. It’s a vicious cycle that has my hair and fingertips reek of blood. Maybe you can try to pick the hairs off of cleaned mango seeds?
I know it’s retarded but on the plus side you eat a bunch of yummy mangos No. 2003005
>>2002998My bike is black with pink and purple flower patterns, but i was wearing a tie dye shirt with blue, white and magenta with shorts and gymshoes. That might explain it actually, thanks for helping me rationalize it
nonnie kek
No. 2003015
>>2002981I have that same issue. I have a bunch of old scars on my legs and thighs, I’m such a hopeless retard. That is good advice though, mangoes are pretty expensive but I can try with something else and I don’t want to become more emotionally dependent on food. I have to learn to distract myself with the stress but it’s getting harder and harder nowadays. Thanks though nonna ♥
>>2002985Unfortunately no. If I did I wouldn’t be a hairy yeti kek
No. 2003035
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I never though I had a strong accent but then today I was watching a presentation I did and I sound like such a dumb rural idiot. Why has no one mentioned this to me before? I thought I sounded neutral. Fuck. I'm a living stereotype.
I don't hate where I'm from but fuck I sound dumb af on camera.
No. 2003097
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My mom bought some food for my dad and she got his order slightly wrong, next thing you know he's screaming at the top of his lungs over a minor mistake. Hate living with this obese retard, thank god he's probably gonna croak soon kek.
No. 2003116
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work was stressful and annoying today and when i got home all i did was read rather than practice art. this is our busy period but i hope tomorrow's not like this. i'm even going to bed an hour early, goodbye
No. 2003162
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Haven't had a smoke in 1 1/2 years but I need a cigarette NOW
No. 2003171
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My parents have the emotional intelligence of young teenagers and oh my god is it tiring.
No. 2003187
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>>2003143Of course she just hit me with the “we all have issues going on” when I tried to stick up for myself.
No. 2003261
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My sister's moid pisses me off so much it's unbelievable, I want him to fuck off forever. He's younger than her (they're both in their 20s but she's more late 20s and he's more early 20s) and I really feel that he's a retarded sperg and wasting her time. He tried to get her to agree to be polyamorous because he caught feelings/attraction for some chick he barely knows 9 months into their relationship, which my sister shot down so he backtracked hard on it. Whole time gaslighting her about it. He supposedly promised to go to therapy for his attachment issues but I don't buy it for a second. I told her to dump him if he doesn't get a therapist soon but I doubt she will even if he doesn't. Even her friends that know him told her to dump him and that she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. Apparently her therapist (who is a gay moid) called her friends "reactionary" and told her that if she sees a future with someone who's "willing to improve themselves" that she should do what she wants. Isn't that terrible advice to give a woman dating a manipulative loser??
No. 2003475
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nonnie… I wish I could take all your troubles away
No. 2003477
I hate my job so much. My whole day is ruined whenever I have to work, I can't wind down normally from it so I 'have to' smoke weed after in order to not go insane when I don't even think about it on free days. I've been getting sick every 2 months since I started working again, plus stress at home, I can't take it anymore. I don't want to give up on life but I'm just so exhausted. I don't want to rely on tardbucks (I don't even know if I qualify but the shame of it all is too much) and I don't want to rely on some tradwife fetishist either. I wish I were dead.
>>2003470I'm so so sorry nonna
No. 2003481
>>2003470Nonna, I’m so sorry that you’re resorting to sugaring, please let someone know where you are when you meet this guy in case anything happens and take all the precautions you can to stay safe.
It’s fucked up that you can’t work part time on welfare, welfare programs should encourage people back into work, not scare them away from it.
I wish I could help you
No. 2003563
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>>2003475>>2003477>>2003481thank you so much nonnas, i appreciate your words so much. i’ll let my best friend know when it’s time so she knows where i am, ill be as careful as i can.
No. 2003647
File: 1715778121122.png (676.28 KB, 714x669, IMG_20240515_145855.png)

>wear a real bra instead of a sports bra or tank top for the first time in 3 years on my quest to become a normie
>end up looking like picrel in all the non-slobby clothes I own
I swear this isn't a humblebrag. A disgusting scrote is ogling me like I'm walking tits as I'm writing this. I hate this so much but I like my boobs and really don't want to get a reduction just because men are apes
No. 2003658
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Had unprotected sex just over a week ago and the guy was kinda freaking out incase I got knocked up, I said it’s all fine because I’ve got an implant but now im lightly bleeding and praying I’m just spotting from my bc implant and it’s not actually implantation bleeding.
No. 2003666
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>learns about illusion of choice
No. 2003667
>>2003658Like the implant that gets inserted in your arm, or the one that goes in the vag? If it's the arm one and you've had it a long time (like you've had multiple implants over a ten year period) I think bleeding is quite normal. I've had mine around ten years now (this is my 4th? I think) and I've started spotting and bleeding recently after a blessed decade of no periods.
But do go get a pregnancy test for your own peace of mind!
No. 2003709
File: 1715781538725.webp (36.28 KB, 390x390, IMG_2542.webp)

Omg i’m going crazy; i need to vent before i start encouraging my friend to commit crimes. She just broke up with her nigel and i thought they had a pleasant normie relationship, now i’m finding out he
> took her money for frivolous shit despite having a high paying career + investments and her being early in her career (if i knew i would have told her to absolutely not give him money)
> didn’t pay her back for YEARS, didn’t help her in any way financially to get set up
> broke up with her because he was too much of a weenie to mention her to his ethnic family for YEARS and folded on the first familial objection
This guy was our college senior and i used to respect him and thought he was a not terrible nigel for my friend but he’s just another scrote in the end. They’re acc all so selfish and horrid omg
Bumble was wrong acc celibacy IS the answer. I’m glad she’s out now but i feel awful for her
No. 2003719
>>2003470>i’m going back to sugaring but i don’t want to.Nona don't be stupid, you don't
have to at all and you are actively CHOOSING to do it. You just tell yourself you "have to" so you can use it as an excuse to use it as a form of self-harm again, stop fucking lying to yourself and others about it. Stop that shit and don't meet up with that gross retarded moid anymore or any other moids who want to buy your body for sex. Just ghost him, delete your sugaring accounts and fuck off. I don't fucking care, just don't do it.
Let's be realistic for a minute, shall we? You say you know you have trauma from doing this before. You know the sugaring shit ruined you and is what made you hit the rock bottom you're at. So why the FUCK do you go back to the thing that didn't work before? The thing that literally created the situation you're in. All you'll do is get newer fresher trauma to suffer even more from. Are you that desperate to let the moids ruin you, are you hoping they'll rape and kill you so you don't have to be the one to kill yourself? I don't care what "sex-positive" "sex work is real work" shit you've read on tumblr because none of it is true and like you've already experienced you'll only meet the sickest rape ape moids who will harm you. Being poor is a billion times better than being rich and getting raped. I'm asking you seriously: Do you WANT to get better, or not?
No. 2003754
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Love getting a response of "I have no idea." to a kindly worded inquiry sent to a manager at my job kek. No offer to look into it, no suggestions on where else I could find out how to proceed, etc. Just straight up being catty for no reason other than that she's in a bad mood. What a cow, if you're so miserable working here then quit and save us all the trouble of dealing with your bipolar ass
No. 2003800
>>2003748not just single moids, it's unbelievable how many moids who have steady relationships who fucking reek. and I am a
BO enjoyer not poop, mildewly laundry and bad breath though!
No. 2003807
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>Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life
This is some top level bullshit we need to stop telling kids. I was a nerdy teenager so I picked a degree in Computer Science and Video Game Development. After 5 years I have a Masters and all I could get was a job in mobile games. That sucked so I switched to web development. Most of my day is just spent in meetings deciding if we should move a button 15px to left. In college I was messing about writing mods for games and other fun stuff, now I can't even look at an IDE outside of work without feeling annoyed. Everyone here is such a transparent sycophant.
Corporate life kills passion
No. 2003811
>>2003470You're pathetic and whoring yourself out isn't exactly university material, nor something you can attach to your LinkedIn but it's likely your studies and contribution to the world as well as yourself are not worth anything if you value yourself as not worth anything. You're not a ally of women nor a
victim; you're an enemy of women and a ally of rapists. Consider getting a hobby you can make money from that isn't whoring yourself out and getting a part time job instead of bringing all women down to the level of cumrags and then complaining about your pathetic failure of a self-centered yourself.
(infighting) No. 2003875
even if i don't want date men i still care because even outside of a relationship im valued for how attractive i am. The most status i can get is a young woman. If men were women they would kill themselves so fast.
No. 2003962
>>2003811Great work,
nonnie. Tell that mentally ill woman how pathetic she is and everything else she already knows. That'll show her.
No. 2004041
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>>2003811Bait used to be believable
No. 2004102
>>2004059> accuse older women of being jealous for calling them outTHIS OMG, I actually had this happen irl once, it was crazy. I notice it a lot online too.
Media definitely groomed them since most are into the "daddy" kink bullshit
on what planet is a 14 year old difference NORMAL?
my biggest problem is that most think they're better than grown up women and that they're super cool for dating older men and for having sex nonstop (they always, always brag about the sex).
>>2004046had it happen irl several times and I see it so much online, media brainwashing
No. 2004104
>>2002986I had the opposite scenario tbh. I shaved my head a couple of years ago because of irreversible bleach damage, so I’d wear a beanie and my typical dark baggy clothing, and one day at work a little girl, toddler age, pointed to me and referred to me as ‘she’ to her mom. idk how she knew, because I was also wearing a gay mask. It made me feel less ugly.
Sorry not tryna flex on you, you just helped resurface an interesting memory
No. 2004114
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>Ex personalityfag
>Got my act together once I got properly medicated and started focusing on actual important shit as well as my hobbies
>With all of this in mind, I haven't done my antics in about a year and have acted in line for the most part, and when I don't it's detached from said personalityfagging
>Used as LC boogeyman for random retards on this website now for threads I've never posted in
At this point it's more funny than anything rather than a serious vent, but it did bother my autistic ass at first
No. 2004140
>>2004132Not disclosing who I am for obvious reasons but you got it all wrong, I'm a fujoshi and yumejo
nonnie, I'm gonna give myself self-inflicted schizophrenia by locking myself up in a closet and doing nothing but LSD, thanks for helping me reach enlightenment.
No. 2004184
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You guys I’m very nervous. I’m poor and get government benefits but I secretly got married to my foreign friend in exchange for money, and I’m afraid my benefits people are gonna find out about my marriage. I have the meeting in two hours and my ass is all tight and my stomach hurts I’m so nervous. My mom is fin and there too and I don’t want her to find out either
No. 2004200
>>2004184> I secretly got married to my foreign friend in exchange for moneykek spill the tea
nonnie, what country is foreign friend from? how old are you and how much money, need me a friend like this kek
I'd do this too, based nonna for bamboozling the system
No. 2004214
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>>2004114i'm also an ex personalityfag whos ashamed of my behavior. i've been thru hell in a handbasket and i'm truly apologetic and sorry for the times i went off. the meds still haven't fixed me entirely yet but i am facing my future, so that's progress. after years of struggling with mental health, my dangerous decisions, partially being unmedicated, self harm and also the remnants of my eating disorder coming to bite me in the ass, i think i shouldn't be alive sometimes. but i am.
i don't visit this site or imageboards much anymore.
No. 2004219
>>2004200He’s from Russia, tbh I don’t remember the year I got married to him but it’s been a while now. Maybe 2017? I initially got paid $1k a month but now he just pays my phone bill. I‘m actually gonna divorce him later this year especially since I don’t get the $1k anymore and this kinda stress isn’t worth the phone bill. HOWEVER if you’re not like me and you don’t need to keep the marriage a secret, it’s totally worth it.
I was originally gonna marry a Vietnamese guy for money (he offered me $2k a month) but he wanted me to live with him and actually act like his wife, so I went with the Russian instead. My russian husband and I only meet like twice a year for document reasons. He should have his green card by now but he’s too esl to explain to me his situation.
No. 2004248
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I lied down with my cat for a short nap and woke up 5 hours later.
No. 2004344
>>2003470Good luck anon, please be safe. I am very similar to you, but ptsd from childhood. I am small but still ended up getting a foot in the door doing manual labor that was rough at first, but better than the sex work I was doing. Manual labor moids don't have good social skills, and they expect the few women around to be weird. In my experience, you get cut a LOT of slack if you're pretty (I'm almost never on time, I constantly ask for help, I say weird stupid shit all the time, disappear into the bathroom when I need an extra break). But if my messy retarded ass can work part time to scrape by, I'm sure you can. You are more than you think, I promise. Before this job I racked up like 10k in debt because I was mostly stuck in bed shaking and sobbing for most of a year, lmao. I had to get to rock bottom before I really started to come up, and have been through many meds and therapists over a lifetime. Maybe if I was given housing etc I never would have been forced to try something completely new when I just couldn't deal with sex shit anymore. I ended up growing my social skills and confidence a lot, and my anxiety turned out to be OCD which is now treated by the correct medication. I think a lot of anons are like us and I want you all to know there is hope. Not to magically become normal or healed and fit in with everyone else, but to find and/or carve out a space in the world that fits your unique shape. I'll keep you in my heart. You deserve better and I know you can achieve it. <3
No. 2004354
>>2004219ayrt thanks for the details, holy kek this is great, is the rusky handsome at least?
I hope your meeting goes well!
were you younger than 24 when you married him?
god damn it where was this kinda shit when I was young kek
No. 2004380
>>2004354he was kinda out of shape and unkempt when I first met him but he’s lost a lot of weight since then and styled his hair so he looks pretty decent now.
>>2004371you can do it at any age. Actually he’s a few years younger than me, some of his friends married American women in their 40’s (the women know it’s transactional and aren’t in love or anything)
>>2004360thank you omg, just telling people this makes me less anxious
No. 2004389
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My older sister came to visit last minute after a long while to help with some sad stuff happening in the family. I was happy she finally was able to drop by, but it became apparent she was more torn up than I thought. Things pretty suddenly fell apart, I tried to reassure her and she started attacking me, as well as saying a lot of things about personally and stuff.
I'm still really shocked and I messed up saying a few choice words in return, but I mostly just feel sad and confused about the things she was saying. We had a rough childhood but she's been kind to me the past several years. So it all felt pretty out of nowhere, but very detailed and specific like she'd been stewing. I understand she was probably just stressed out and it wasnt really "about" me, more the trauma of the family situation. So I feel even worse to have said anything back. But I'm still pretty gutted, as well as about the fact she's saying we're "over". I know we've all been suffering to no ones fault, but I feel like I lost so much so quick.
No. 2004399
>>2004376We will miss you
nonnie and be waiting for your return. Much love
No. 2004409
>>2004392I was trying to get my dog back from my ex. He's a worse piece of shit than me. My pup would've been dead in weeks
No. 2004414
No. 2004416
>>2004376Why are you doing this?
But it’s just theft, it’s not like you murdered someone. You’ll be fine in the long run
No. 2004503
>>2003470>>2004344Anons, I have a friend going though a similar experience since about a year back. Is there ANYTHING a friend could have said or done to make you stop? I'm offering her support/love best I can and I don't judge her for her decisions even though I don't approve of her selling her body.
Idk how relevant it is, but for some background info she lives with her parents still and they're very supportive of her, so is her older sister. They literally let her live as a neet for free for 5 years and don't even expect her to pay rent, yet she acts as if doing sex work is her only way of paying that non-existent rent. (I've talk to her parents, indont think she knows I know she doesn't pay rent at all) Does she really truly just want to engage in dangerous behaviour as self harm?
To be fully honest I'm hurt that she doesn't seem to care I (and her other friends and family) have to worry about her safety 24/7 because of it. And then she thinks if she just don't tell us we'll worry less? That just makes it so every second of the day I don't know where she is I'll have to worry instead.
No. 2004533
>>2004516First rule of /ot/: you don't eat while lurking
Second rule of /ot/: you don't eat while lurking
I've had so many meals ruined by posts, most of them involved pictures of male celebrities tho
No. 2004596
>>2004123kirbyfag still posts, she made another post in the husbando thread around a day/hours ago and some days before that too
>>2004130nah pakichan doesn't type like that, hasn't stopped posting for a year like op said and isn't into weeb shit like strike witches. it must be one of the weebier ones like ko-chan, rancefag, etc.
No. 2004601
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>>2004114also congrats going on meds. the side effects suck and urge you to want to quit sometimes but eventually it's worth finding something that keeps you stable
No. 2004639
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They really are just banning anyone these days huh
No. 2004662
>>2004654Nonnas learn from this never ever set others up to succeed, when you leave a job or when you are at a job don;t leave instructions, don;t leave templates, don't do or leave anything that can help others, delete everything.
>>2004657Possibly on my old employers system that i dont have access to. But they wouldnt help as if he wins it looks good for them. I would just come across as a jealous ex-employee making up shit.
No. 2004669
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I don't know where to put this, it's a little too dark for the mundane thread even though I was doing something mundane. I guess it's a vent because it pissed me off.
I walked into a random clothing boutique today, the type with aesthetic displays that sells new frilly clothes of mid quality, dresses made of vaguely stretchy fabric, chunky jewelry, greeting cards, maybe some candles or journals, that sort of thing. This was on the wall in the dressing room. I have been thinking about it all day. I think this is supposed to be a feel good photo and message. But her working conditions look totally fucked up. She's been employed there for ten years. She sits on the floor. She's not wearing shoes. What the actual fuck? Am I supposed to look at this and feel like "yes I am supporting a working mother by buying the chunky jewelry"? Because I just felt like I would be contributing to her exploitation. There's no way she's getting paid enough. It's literally a picture of a third world sweatshop. Not only are they exploiting her labor but they're exploiting her image as a PR tool to convince people this is somehow a good arrangement? It's outrageous.
No. 2004768
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>>2004669This is for sociopathic rich people who get off on women like that being "lesser" and also want to feel like they're doing something good at the same time. Suffering is "authenticity" to that crowd. It wouldn't hit the same if she wasn't hunched over in a sweatshop.
I agree that they should improve that woman's workspace and give her and other workers better pay than what they probably do, but they won't because they can get away with this shit and richfags like it.
No. 2004778
File: 1715824021423.png (816.11 KB, 1080x1105, 1715801487770.png)

Women like these give me the ick. It really grosses me out. Be normal.
No. 2004785
>>2004778What the fuck is with the repeated mentions of looking underage? Especially knowing how she's made other comics where she draws herself in a more sexual light.
>I'm not a child!>Often mistaken as a minor>Baby face>often asked for IDs>Fits in children's clothesBarf
No. 2004791
File: 1715825023769.jpeg (Spoiler Image,255 KB, 2048x1327, 1715806678307.jpeg)

>>2004785>>2004780>>2004778I know a girl just like this. She's Chinese but has a Japanese nickname, is short as fuck, wears school girl skirts, likes genshin and kpop. She has a YouTuber bf with a discord server where she constantly attention whores when people post their pets (LE HECKKIN CHONKO DOGGYUWU type of shit) and she's totally ok with the moid talking behind her back about how much cum he leaves inside her. I want them to fail so hard, I really do, but it feels like people like these never break up with the whole "manic pixie dream girl meets depressed coomer moid with clout" being so prevalent in society. They met each other on a dating app too.
No. 2004802
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>>2004785>>2004791Random vent, but the fact that so many womanlets obnoxiously bring up getting mistaken for a child, many of which are
proud of it bleeds into the realization that it's to
brag about getting mistaken for a teenager or a child. Seriously, this artist
>>2004778 brings up having a small body and getting mistaken for a child like one hundreds times in one comic panel alone. But why would a woman want to always talk about and brag about getting mistaken for a child? I've notice that womanlets who do this are always terminally-online, where the pedophiles like to congregate. So me thinks these women are so drunk on the kool-aid of pickmeism, that they even digested the pedophilic sense of males' attraction to the female gender. So instead of being embarrassed to be mistaken for a child and shutting tf up about it, femlets go on Twitter and blog endlessly about how basically proud they are that they look like children because to their sad, strange little pedophile-complacent minds, looking like a human with an underdeveloped body, age, and brain is the new "sexy".
No. 2004822
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Why would the tech industry become oversaturated and hard to get into right as I want to get into it? It's like I have bad job luck. I thought I finally found something good and that I could do. I just want money damnit!!!
No. 2004849
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>>2004847Female (posted a cute male as compensation)
No. 2004887
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my tonsils hurt and i think its due to my acid reflux. fuck my life
No. 2004918
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I met up with my boyfriend at a park and I brought him a dried rose as a surprise. He left it in a tree instead of taking it home because he said it would get crushed if he put it in his bag, even though I told him he could just put it in a container. When we returned to the same spot it was been crushed and destroyed because he just left it there. I’m so pissed off
No. 2005002
nonnie he sounds like a good person, can you message him to hang out sometime or something? Yes yes I know moids in general suck
Speaking of moids sucking I have a friend but I haven't talked to him in a while. Recently he ended up being in a relationship with a 23 year old. For context he's early thirties. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that I just didn't want to talk to him anymore. He was venting and I acted disinterested so we stopped talking. He feels like a pedo to me even though I guess they're both adults? I feel like I'm losing my mind.
No. 2005013
>>2004654Nona email the organisers of the prize about it. Show any proof you've got, like proof of employment and say you're open for further questions.
If they don't reply start a social media campaign, just write it all down and tag/contact the creators of the other nominated works.
No. 2005088
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I told my mom I probably gained a few years of life by not having a boyfriend and plan to keep it that way and she immediately got offended and made passive aggressive remarks? Like damn, especially you out of all people, who had to live through abusive deadbeat and childish moids, should agree with that? I swear I could say the sky is blue and she would still find a way to disagree.
No. 2005098
i’ve talked to this guy online for the last 3 or so years, we were romantic on and off, would go long periods without contact etc. i always found him super cocky and insanely egotistical, but i figured it wouldn’t be a problem as sometimes it was kinda endearing and/or for cute ‘playfights’ where he hopefully would just drop it a bit and laugh about it.
after we tried to make it serious near the start of this year, to no ones surprise, he is incapable of getting his head out of his own ass. he is so condescending to all of his online/irl friends and verbally shits all over them. he gets into strange moods where he thinks he’s really witty and intellectual, and makes off the cuff disses and jokes for a few hours (admittedly, sometimes he can be funny) these jokes are usually at the expense of others, especially if they interrupt his ‘bit’ or change the conversation topic from him.
this behaviour has always gotten on my nerves about him, and after talking so often this year, i found myself getting progressively angrier (ofc.
i expressed to him that i’m sensitive and have attachment issues blah blah, i’d like it if he was completely honest with me and reassuring/compassionate. due to the nature of him finding himself a comedian, i would always be included in his little moods as well. constant jabs at my intelligence, generalising my friends as all stupid for finding him annoying, backhanded comments.
i eventually got sick of it, after so many fights stemming from me just expressing my feelings and wanting some affection.
he always goes on about how he can’t handle jealousy from women and thinks the trust should already be earned. first thing he says when we break up is that i’m an ‘attention seeking clubber who doesn’t know any better’ and ‘have a hugbox of simps i can always crawl back to, i’m way too friendly and personable with men’.
ironically, the only simping i’d encountered in the last year were from HIS weirdo friends negging me (projection?). called me ‘obviously more stupid than him’ and said ‘if we both know you’re dumb why should i have to pretend you aren’t?’ mainly because i didn’t feel like watching arthouse movies the last month because i was binging shitty comedy movies and trying to take my mind off of life.
he resorted to just saying i’m libtarding out and got mad that i called him egotistical because ‘thats a gay word’ while i was trying to have a serious conversation about how he made me feel.
he’s 27 btw. lives at home, kek yes im retarded nonas ik
No. 2005113
>>2005088She got offended precisely because she has a history with deadbeat moids. She feels like you're calling her out for making shit decisions and/or wants you to suffer because she did and feels jealous.
t. I came from a long line of boymoms and middle-aged pickmes who made shit decisions and then made it their female children's problem.
No. 2005158
>>2005088I don't get this either, my mom pities me for not wanting to get together with a scrote at all even though my dad treats her like garbage right in front of my eyes, was
abusive to my sister and I growing up, etc. How retarded would I have to be to want to potentially be in the same miserable situation? It's like because they know they made a bad decision they want to suck other people into also making bad choices so they aren't the only one who has to suffer
No. 2005186
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>hasn’t spoken to online friend in a month or two
>she randomly messages me she’s finally graduating
>immediately suspicious feeling like an “last option” friend for her
I feel so awkward considering for some reason we were both flirting with each other KEKKKK. What a blurb. I’m sure she will probably see this anyways, she seems like the type to lurk this site, not really post but lurk it from time to time or maybe I’m too hopeful
No. 2005203
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My step sister has come to live with my parents and I, and she brought her two kids with her (of course) because she realized way too late (eight years in) that her boyfriend is a fucking loser. I like her, but I hate that she had kids so young because they burn me out every fucking day. It's the type of energy-drain that's making me tired of being in my own motherfucking house. It never occurred to me how much mess a child makes until two of them started living with my parents and I. Every single day, the house gets messed up because of them. I have never cleaned this much in my life, and I had to let children stay with me before. I have to eat in my room because no matter how much they're told to stop smacking, they keep doing it and it's almost painful. Seriously, the eat food in the loudest way imaginable, it sometimes feels like they do it on purpose. The bathroom. My god, do they fuck it up. They manage to leave food debris and toilet paper on the floor, deliberately choose not to flush, and leave the sink running even when everybody tells them to stop. They're eight and five so they can't be that retarded, but then again my sister did fucking coffee and pot while she was pregnant with both of them so maybe they are. They have no indoor voice at all. Any dialog from them is in the form of a scream or a yell, and it makes me hate talking to them. I hear everything they do, everyday when they get home from school. They are perpetually sick, and they cough as loud and open-mouthed as possible every fucking where and no matter how much their mother tells them to cover their mouth. They never leave anyone alone when someone's in the living room. A movie can be taking place, and they'll throw themselves in the center of the room dancing, cartwheeling, and play fighting to obviously get attention. They always look over your shoulder and want to know what you're doing. They sit on the stairs to fucking SPY on you when they know they should be upstairs and asleep. They constantly lie about what they like, so a lot of their snacks go uneaten unless it's by an adult because they are never honest about what they know they like. I tell myself that they're like this simply because they're children, but even then I have met a dozen kids that are so much less annoying than they are. What I hate the most about this is that it's making me experience a quarter of what it's like to be a mom when they're not even mine, and when I never asked for this. They can be playing together just fine upstairs but if they catch that someone is downstairs, they're gonna come down here to play now because these particular kids aren't the type that can be 100% fine by themselves in a room. These particular kids are the type that chronically need an audience. Again, they're not even my kids and they drain me out so fucking much. I like their mom, I can chat, go out with, and watch shows with her, but the kids? I don't hate them, but I really wish they weren't born yet, my step-sister was too young when she had them anyway. yeah yeah, I know I need to get over myself and learn to like kids more.
No. 2005279
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>>2004376I got a suspended sentence!!!
I've never been so relieved.
The system works.
No. 2005282
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>>2005279YES! Congrats on only getting probation nonna! Were you able to get your dog back?
No. 2005289
>>2005282No, unfortunately not. As part of my sentence I can't go near my ex so I probably won't see my dog again.
My solicitor said I could open up a civil case to try get him back but the whole burglary thing isn't a good look.
No. 2005310
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>>2005303Nts but that would be weird cause those definitely aren't tiktok terms lol. I remember my first exposure to maxxing and mogging was years ago here on lolcow, before tiktok existed.
No. 2005337
>>2005322I know language is fluid and all that stuff but I get why anon is mad at anons letting the tiktok and twatter lingo win.
This just means that it's so used everywhere that even spaces like lolcow will end up talking like a retarded tranny in less than a few months with stupid shit like
>fishy>serve (or serve cunt)>cunty And so on.
Actually I'm annoyed by how there's a retard in a tiny group of kind of friends of mine, that keeps talking like a tranny because all she does is consoom, and I'm kind of bitter about it because I drew probably the best animu boy ever with a cool pose and she said he looked "cunty" I wanted to kill myself in front of her.
No. 2005361
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>my mom is invited to someones house by relatives. she does not know the host
>she is way too drunk and starts yelling at the dogs and swinging at them
>attacked by dogs
>needs surgery
Hopefully she'll realize that treating everything less powerful than her like a punching bag is a bad idea but I doubt it. I wish I could say I'm living vicariously through some dogs but I can't even muster up the feelings to do that. I just don't care anymore.
No. 2005383
Wasting my life away as a NEET but when I tried to get out of it I attempted suicide, it was too much for me to bear. I want to be alive, but I don't want to be alive in this way.
Feels like I've never had a time I was happy and satisfied, but isolating myself is the closest I've ever been to "that", and I don't want to leave this. At the same time I know I'll get tired of this too and if I don't leave now it'll be too late, or maybe it already is, I don't want to find out and I'm so afraid.
The way I am now, I'm scared of everything, I struggle to post even anonymously, I'm so anxious I can't even raise my voice to speak to my therapist so I'm just wasting money, and I was assaulted a little bit ago so I'm petrified of going outside, even just hanging around in my porch. My family members tell me I'm looking worse and worse everyday, even started saying that I'm looking "old".
And at this point I just hate receiving advice, I feel too retarded to even follow it correctly. I'm living this way on purpose and wishing someone would take me out of it by force, but no one deserves that responsability. I'm just so lost.
No. 2005412
>>2005337>she said he looked "cunty"Gross. I hate how much drag show speak is infesting everything. You should've pretended you had no idea what that meant and gone "ew what does that mean" kek.
Reminds me of when I bought an anime boy sticker at a convention and my friend called him a femboy. But it was just a regular cute anime boy with a hairclip in his hair. Society is in shambles.
No. 2005480
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There’s this guy I talk to in a beginner German class we take for fun unrelated to our degrees and I keep running into him outside of the weekly class (we dont study the same degree). As a result he lives in my head daily with me imagining delusional scenarios about us even though I know he’s just being a nice civil person like he would be to anyone else who would have ended up sitting next to him in that class.
Even today we both coincidentally had an exam in the same hall, he smiled and waved at me across the hall despite me being several rows across and away behind. I KNOW that meant nothing to him but to ME thats A LOT.
I do this with every guy who ends up being nice to me, even last year I was in a group project with a group of friends and we had to use discord regularly to complete it together and there was one really cute guy in the group who was so sweet to me making sure I was included and my voice was heard during calls, I ended up finding his IG and concocting delusional thoughts of us interacting.
I’m literally the female equivalent of men who fall for any woman being nice to them except I’m not delusional enough to think they like me back or that I’m being led on. I hate getting a reality check about it though
No. 2005548
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i know im dying. ive felt sick for so long but it has just been played off and ive persevered. i shouldnt have ignored the mark that started appearing on my boob a few years ago. i get breast pain all the time now, and i have several new moles that have grown bigger and darker. i feel my body shutting down now before i can even get help. my bones crack every time i move them, im so tired, i feel sick all the time, my legs tingle and feel numb and i twitch all over, im finding it really hard to walk on my leg now. if you can, please pray for me. i have a doctors appointment hopefully soon as ive been too scared to go before. i guess this is it
No. 2005611
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So for the day I move far from my current location and sit one inch away from changing my identity to start a new life, should I post an enormous final message on my "family" social account to reveal the pain my family had been putting me through and why I never truly liked them, or should I move in silence and go out like a ghost?
No. 2005630
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I hate “damaged” men so fucking much it’s unreal. Any man who makes being sensitive and emotional his whole personality is even more likely to be a predator than a regular retarded jock. They’re covert narcs who pretend to be more insecure and fragile than they actually are so that you’ll validate them. When someone made fun of my ex for sexting with his significantly younger female friend’s 53 year old mother when he was 16, he threw a fit and said told them he was groomed but when I asked him about it he was laughing and said he just did it because his friend thought it would be funny
No. 2005633
>>2005630hard agree. literally every predator justifies their fucked up actions as them having some sort of damage/struggle in the present or the past. the sensitive virtue signaling ones are just the type of men who will be able to manipulate women around them to get close enough to harm. most rape isn’t violence from strangers. it’s men who women personally know who are justifying it in some way or other. it’s sad but a lot of them justify it because of “their trauma”. you never see female
victims go on to prey on men for some reason though hmm….
No. 2005636
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Spoiler because it's too long I got sick + anxiety and it's hard for me to eat, I can stomach few stuff nowadays and most of the time I'm not hungry. Got told I should eat several small meals through the day while I get my appetite back with levothyroxine, pretty easy and straightforward if only my parents didn't antagonize me for eating less than I used to, they straight up believe I'm deliberately starving they don't understand I'm literally sick no matter how many times doctors explain it to them. Not only do I look wasted, the added stress of these two literally fighting me daily over not gorging myself it's draining me, it makes me feel guilty for something I cannot control. I force myself to eat, yet it's not enough, eating with no hunger is awful yet they cannot even appreciate those efforts. I know I look ass but I need more patience
I don't like getting dramatic in here but this is genuinely one of the worst eras I've been through in my life. Despite being just an hormonal dysfunction, this situation really has destroyed me physically and mentally, I literally got no pride left. I cannot look in the mirror, I don't even go out nor like to take showers because then I would've to touch and see my body. My favorite meals gross me out, they look at me crazy for eating oatmeal, I forget stuff and mess up more often, i had to drop out for some weeks. Everyday it's some bullshit and I feel so alone, I don't even know how I managed to not kill myself, prolly because I'm so stressed I just forget about the days as they go by, i cannot remember what happened last week for example. I pray every night for literally any type of help but it just seems like the same damn day repeating itself, I feel like I'm on a permanent dejavu, trapped into another dimension with a body I don't understand nor recognize. I'm miserable and deeply scared, any improvement in my quality of life would mean so much for me. I just want to be normal again but it's been so long it sounds like a pipedream to me at this point, I cannot remember what life felt like before all of this, i just cannot believe a pill could fix this fucking mess but I sure hope it does
No. 2005773
>>2005636I sympathize deeply with having to eat despite having no appetite because of thyroid issues. It's so disgusting. The physical disgust you feel when you place it in your mouth, the meaningless as it sits on your tongue as you get no pleasure from the taste, and the mechanical chewing followed by the nausea and choking feeling from swallowing. And then you're expected to do it like fifty more times just to finish one meal. And then you're expected to eat three meals a day. It's exhausting and it's just easy to not eat and lose the weight.
I hope it gets better.
No. 2005893
>>2005872Should have smacked her upside the head when she passed by. Say something like "Oops, I have autism and tourettes. I was
triggered." Fuck em.
No. 2005944
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Did a person, especially a family member, ever scream at you that you never share your true thoughts, opinions, feelings, and interests with them but you're okay with that because you would rather die than fully trust them?
No. 2006046
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I hate the favoritism shown to a scrote at my work. It’s so tiresome seeing this moid being treated like a god and his arrogance growing by the day as a result. There are plenty more capable women at my job but ofc they get overlooked. Fuck working, fuck scrotes and fuck pickme enablers of this behavior.
No. 2006107
sorry for laughing
nonny, that does sound cringe inducing
No. 2006110
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Nonnas, can you be honest with me? Do you think my teeth is ugly?
I think they’re fine and never had any problems with them until one day I saw someone on tiktok said that its not good for you and you should invest in braces (which I currently don’t have the funds to).
No. 2006130
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i met a guy off the internet and i think i have a crush, but i am so ugly i am fearing meeting him. At first i though he was going to be equally ugly but he sent me a photo and he's pretty cool, definetly beyond my league. I dont know what to do i dont have money to invest on my looks and he wants to meet soon.
No. 2006131
>>2006129ntayrt but it looks like her canines are twisted on their sides so we're seeing a sort of profile angle rather than the front on look of the teeth.
>>2006110i wouldn't think twice about your teeth if i saw you out and about, they look like the average person's teeth. when i see your teeth i don't think anything. you have ambivalent teeth. most people have somewhat crooked teeth anyway. even after i took out my braces, some of my teeth shifted from their "perfect" positions (even tho i wear my retainers every night) and the dentist told me that everyones teeth are constantly moving as they get older. i recommend you talk to a dentist not about braces but just a retainer for night-time wear. even though they look normal now and you don't have any dental problems yet, in the future something could happen so you should try to preserve the nice smile you have now. retainers are usually priced in the 100-300 dollar range so its not a total crazy rip-off like braces. at the end of the day, making sure your tooth enamel is healthy and that you avoid cavities and tooth loss should be a #1 priority in everyone's life.
No. 2006134
>>2006070I have no idea
nonnie, I vaguely remember I ripped them off from the base of the nail (near the cuticles) but the ones on my thumbs have visibly been chewed on. I’m doing some serious drunk forensics to figure this out
No. 2006153
nonny, its just that he's the rare moid that isnt a bridge troll or unemployed thats actually interested in me. I got 0 money to buy anything so i guess i will try to brush my hair nicely. It truly sucks being a poorfag.
No. 2006181
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Nigel broke my heart and left me and is some stranger idk probably gonna kill myself can’t stand living with my parents my dad is so fucking abusive everyday with him is hell at least I could delude myself into thinking my Nigel loved me and he did a lot more for me than my dad ever has if it weren’t for my mom I wouldn’t have a place to live can someone please come put me down like ol yeller. I literally have a court case after this man hurt me so many times the one time I defend myself I’m being charged. I’m too loyal and too poor to get into it even good lawyers were telling me this isn’t something I wanna fight in court. I hate life. I hate not having a lover to be next to. It’s just fuckboys and smelly losers. I hate being disabled. Fuck my life forever. That man was my best friend and now I can’t even go home. He probably wants me to die and if he doesn’t it’s because he wants me to suffer. I still love him. I’m a fucking retard.
No. 2006206
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>>2006181Samefag at least I have (prescribed) benzos to keep me in some sort of stasis of false sanity for now, bless. Wish I could feel somewhat whole without another person to love me. Wish my family could be more supportive and not so antagonistic, wish I didn’t move from a bustling fun hip place to the middle of fucking nowhere bullshit sticks ass super old people area. Just fucking sucks. If I do find anyone else it will probably me settling for some ugly scrote my dads age ffs. That’s not the life he ever wanted for myself. What’s the POINT. My ex broke me down to pieces and I’m in little broken bits with such a distant support network. I wanna spend most days with somebody, how am I ever supposed to get to know someone if I’m not seeing them multiple times a week? I hate talking over text. But then meeting people in person I’m fucking AUTISTIC with bullshit issues like what I have all the cards stacked against me. Fuck my Saturn return fuck being this big age and living with my shitty dad I hate this.
No. 2006221
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>>2006216>I'm 25>I've spent all my "goog years"Nonnie, the good years have just begun
No. 2006247
>>2005822Latereply but thanks
nonnie, I hope you can get out too. I feel so sick from worrying, wish he'd break up with me.
No. 2006249
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I feel like I will never escape my mother's programming. She raised me to be a helpless, dependent child with zero self-esteem. She was always right, I was always wrong. I'm always the one who needs to be corrected and directed because otherwise I will fuck up things and get lost. She's always been conditional in her support; she will financially support my education, but only if she picks the degree I will study. She will give me money so I can buy myself clothes but only if she gets to pick what I should wear. She always knows best.
Recently I got engaged and literally my first thought was, 'oh no, she's not going to like this'. And when I mentioned it to her, naturally, I was called rash (we've been dating for over 2 years) and stupid. Then when she dealt with the shock, she told me 'that I am on my own now'.
I hate the depressed, helpless and dependent baby she raised me to be and I hate that as an adult in her 30s, she's still emotionally the center of my universe. Whatever I do or say, I feel like she's in my brain, monitoring and judging everything. I have been in therapy for decades with multiple therapists and the topic has always been her her and her, and yet I feel like I haven't improved anything and nothing has changed.
No. 2006284
>>2006110Love the fangs
nonny, I think they’re cute. Keep them.
No. 2006300
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Why cant I wake up to a body like this.
No. 2006352
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Im not a TRA or woke but also not a radfem. I'm not a radthot or pickme but I dont hate men. Why is the internet full of discourse I just want to have fun
No. 2006365
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I really hope that anon answers my questions for the tarot read for read kek, I’m going to get upset if I don’t get it honestly
No. 2006425
>>2006422I have only one tomato left and I have to save it for my family, but thank you for advice
nonnie. It’s only today’s dinner anyways so it’s not that bad.
No. 2006428
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I wonder when I start to feel an adult? 24 and everything in life feels unreasonably difficult. Feeling like a toddler with adult responsibilities, so overwhelmed.
No. 2006524
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>7 hours later
>nobody replied to my vent
Screaming into the void someone please open it up a little for me so I can just jump in fuck
No. 2006573
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sometime i wonder if my mental health is bad or if i just feel like shit. as per usual i woke up yawning and exhausted. i have only woken up feeling refreshed once in my life and it was the best day in my life, i was euphoric…solely because i felt good and could think straight. now that i'm getting up in the years i realize that things won't really get better for me.
No. 2006889
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>>2006869Start looking for affordable yet fashionable eye-wear like picrel.
No. 2006905
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Nonnas, I am tired. Idk how they do it but literally every moid my age I talk to is already in a relationship. The supposed male loneliness epidemic I swear must be some fucking psy op. I've met males who were deathfats, unwashed, uncharismatic, uneducated, poor and worse and they're all in a relationship. Idk how so many women seem to be able to just conjure a Nigel out of thin air whenever, when even the bottom of the barrel moids are all taken. I know this is retarded, heterosexuality should really be classified as a mental illness I kniw, but, man I want a Nigel too!
No. 2006962
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I miss art communities so bad. I miss having mutuals in online art spaces getting excited about each other's creations, collaborating and giving each other ideas. We really had it all. I'm actually crying because I feel so lonely. Every piece I finish just sits there useless and unseen and even if I put it online it's not the faceless internet crowd I want to see it, but people I have a bond with. Having 5-6 art space friends who all like each other's stuff is 1000 times better than tons of unknown followers and likes. I miss feeling seen. I miss taking part in other people's ideas. I miss that connection so bad.
No. 2006985
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>>2006962Please don't remind me. I used to be a Deviantart kid in the early 2010's. I've met so many fantastic friends there, and we used to spend all evenings talking on Skype about our OCs, fandoms, art trades etc. Now all of them are either troons or no longer artists and the friendships fizzled out after so many years. Fairly sure it's now impossible to form such (surprisingly healthy) connections in this way. The internet used to be so human wtf happened??
No. 2007009
>>2006962that sounds so fun
there used to be sites where you could roleplay by drawing your oc and making them interact with other people through drawing
I wish I could find a place like this
No. 2007040
>>2006962as someone who used to be on dA a lot in the mid 2000s, I miss old internet communities like you wouldn't believe, we really didn't know how good we fucking had it
hell , even early tumblr was good
No. 2007060
Can this summer depression shit just stop? I hate it so fucking much. No one understands it and everyone thinks it's something like "oh, you hate your body, so you hate wearing short clothes and therefore feel depressed during summer" or "you can't afford a vacation, that's why you are depressed". No, you fucking pricks, I have summer depression, I'm depressed, my brain is a stupid shit and is making a fuss about sunshine and heat and the only way to heal it is medication (no money) or having a cool room I can go to and recharge (no money, again). There is no cure like a daylight lamp, because the massive amount of daylight is the problem for my brain and it's nice that no one understands it, but all those suicidal thoughts are creeping back into my mind and I know that I will have to avoid certain spots in my city in a few months again to not act on something I don't really want to do. And if anyone ever tells me again that I just have to thing positive and go outside to catch some sunlight to make my depression go away and how nice the weather is, I might lose it. If people tell me that they are depressed during the winter, I understand it and won't give them any needless advice or act like they are imagining things, just because I love winter and feel the best when it's cold and raining, so why can't they shut up and stop treating me like a stupid child who doesn't know what is good for it.
No. 2007169
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Goddamn, I never realized how fat people can fuck up some furniture until I got back the office chair that my mom was borrowing. It feels wobbly in odd places, like it's going to dismantle on its own eventually. No offense to any overweight anons.
No. 2007367
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So my grandmother's cars have all been hand-me-downs from my grandfather and thanks to that she has this track record of cars that last 2-3 years and breakdown, she has one in the local garage getting a new motor and few other parts right now. Anytime a car breaks down, my grandmoid always blames her despite being the one who keeps preventing her from getting herself a good fucking car.
Today they both pissed me off. That asshole had finally suggested she look for herself a car with his insistence and I'm jusy asking my nanna… who's paying for it? "Oh he is!" The idiot is on the pension while you let him bum off of you, he can barely buy himself food, how the fuck is he going to pay for it? Not to mention this manchild has this thing where he helps pay something just to have the upperhand on you until every cent is owed, he lacks a bone of empathy or kindness.
Long sperg but tldr my granddad is a despicable, entitled manchild of a moid and my grandma never learns… it's only my business because I'm living with them, but I'm so sick of her justifying his every dickhead action in life out of pity
No. 2007575
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My boyfriend knows I love kids and hate work so he told me he wants to work hard to support me and hypothetical future kids, in a way I think it's sweet that he thinks about our future together but it makes me feel stuck and I don't know how to tell him. I'm 20, why would the next step in my life be to settle down with kids from my first boyfriend? Thinking about this type of life for the rest of my life feels suffocating to think about, I believe he really thinks it's what I want too but I don't. I'm not ready for anything this set in stone. I love him but I do not want this, I don't know what I want but I definitely don't want to feel pressured into anything until I've set a clear goal. I don't think he has any ill intent it just makes me feel so hopeless knowing my future will probably be like this because I'm horrible at saying no to anything. I want to at least have a chance at a normal career for myself, much as I hate it relying on someone for all income scares me a lot. I feel so hopeless and like my life and what I do now don't matter because I'll be stuck at home for the rest of my life anyway. I know he thinks he's doing me and himself a favor trying to split it like this but I want a life of my own too. I don't even want to break up, I'm fine with the way things are now but the future seems so daunting, almost like I don't have a choice. I wanted this life beforehand but not anymore, at least wait a while to build my own life and what I want. The thought of the future being this set in stone is just overwhelming, I don't want to end up like some Ibsen character because I deluded myself in my 20's into thinking this is what I wanted. If it reaches this point there's no way out, I need to talk to him about it and if he dumps me that's that. I don't know anons, I feel so lost in life.
>>2007533Your boss sounds retarded anon.
No. 2007580
>>2007557this is like having a monster in law, run
nonny if he's not willing to stand up to them
No. 2007633
>>2007533Samefag, this was a fucking work day from hell. I'm not fulltime employed there, I just work at one of those agencies that offer you day jobs each week because I need the flexibility. There were supposed to be TWO other people like me, and I only took this job because I was under the impression I wouldn't be all alone. As it turns out, FOUR (!!!) of this retirement home's usual employees are sick and I was then supposed to fill in for all four of them because the other 2 guys who were meant to come along with me were also missing KEK????????? I've never been at this place, their actual boss wasn't there, I barely have any work experience in this type of job (worked as a hotel waitress before) and then the employees were all getting snippy and rude with me when I was floundering because I didn't know what the fuck to do. I have a decently thick skin but today almost made me cry. Between retarded employees yelling at me left and right for not reading their minds and being slow, to being expected to do the job of 2 to 4 other people when I have never even BEEN TO THIS PLACE BEFORE was so fucking draining jfc. And then they handed me some phone with their real boss who yelled at ME as if I was somehow responsible for the two other guys from the company I work for not turning up.
At least the old people were all cute and loved me. They kept asking if I'll be back tomorrow and I kept saying "aww unfortunately not" even though I was counting down the seconds my shift ended and spiritually cursing the employees around me and the missing faggots. I got up at 5am and endured 8 hours of this shit I want to die at the thought of doing it again on Wednesday. The other jobs I've done have always been fine, but holy fuck was this the biggest shitshow I've ever had to witness.
>>2007583I'll do that from now on too, fuck this
No. 2007701
>>2007694>If that were the case they would've never banned women from votingWhat?
>The Congress can force 9 year olds to have rape babies and apolitical pacifism won't save themOh are you referring to the case of the migrant girl that for impregnated by a migrant man? Or the migrant girl that was found with the dna of dozens of men inside her at the border?
No. 2007707
>>2007702NTA but saying "banned women from voting" implies that women had the right to vote and then had it taken away.
>you think abortion bans only effect the disgusting immigrantsWhat? Where did she say that?
No. 2007711
>>2007702When were women in America banned from previously voting? Is English not your first language?
Also “trumpina” lmfao I’m not Republican or conservative in the slightest. You won’t even acknowledge why some women feel unsafe around migrants and why we won’t continue to vote in democrat politicians that create the policies that allow child rapists to walk away with a slap on the wrists.
Fucking retard, go suck off the hiv ridden dick of a disgusting migrant if you feel so bad for them
No. 2007755
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>>2007748>that gets her opinions from the most upvoted Reddit commentsNTA but
No. 2007761
>>2007748Liberal? I vote for anti immigration parties in my country, I just don’t believe in excusing child rape even if the
victims are immigrants. You can see forced birth happening to good white people too, but I bet you enjoy it.
No. 2007779
>>2007773>>2007775Why does she respond to one anon saying that congress can force children to have rape babies (and that that's bad) with "Oh are you referring to the case of the migrant girl that for impregnated by a migrant man? Or the migrant girl that was found with the dna of dozens of men inside her at the border"? What point was being made there? It doesn't exactly sound like it's coming from a place of compassion or care for girls who aren't white and/or born in the US, especially when she was complaining about migrants from the start.
Like, why would migrant men raping young girls ever be a "gotcha" to someone saying forced impregnation of young girls is bad? A normal person would just think that's all the more reason to vote against a party making that possible/legal, so what was anon trying to say? Think logically.
No. 2007785
>>2007761When did I ever excuse child rape you stupid bitch
>but I bet you enjoy itkill yourself
No. 2007787
>>2007768??? what LMAO
Me being anti-migrant means I’m pro white men raping brown girls? help lmfao
>>2007779Anon was berating another person for not voting and I chimed in by saying both sides were trash, libs for importing more criminals, and conservatives for wanting to imprison women for getting abortions. Then she went on to talk about child rape
victims as if that had anything to do with what I said, moron.
No. 2007794
>>2007785NTA but can you respond to
>>2007759 if that's not what you meant? Like, explain how migrant moids raping children is a good reply to "Child rape is bad". The whole world wants to know.
No. 2007797
>>2007793NTA but
>e-everyone is samefagging if they disagree with meYou really must come from reddit. This is pathetic.
No. 2007803
I’ll summarize
>both parties are bad, voting is useless anon:
>yes but what about children who get raped? she’s implying that voting democrat is the lesser of two evils because republicans are anti-abortion and would want a pregnant child to give birth
I respond by saying that the very case she is referring to was because a migrant man raped a child.
My point is that both sides are evil.
Also nobody ever said white/American men are perfect angels and would never rape children. I’m against importing MORE moids to this country when we already have our own share of disgusting men
No. 2007812
>>2007787>Anon was berating another person for not voting and I chimed in by saying both sides were trash, libs for importing more criminals, and conservatives for wanting to imprison women for getting abortions. then she went on to talk about child rape victims as if that had anything to do with what I said, moron. This doesn't answer the question, kek. If it has "nothing to do with what you said", why wouldn't you just say that? Who would see someone saying child rape is bad and being made legal by moids in power, and then think "Well migrant moids are raping migrant girls" makes sense as a response? That just means the right-wing moids in power are enabling rapists from abroad
and at home. It does sound like you're dismissing child rape as a "migrant issue".
No. 2007816
>>2007806Try asking the mods. You won't because it's probably what you're doing and you don't want to get called out.
You sound like a rapist enabler covering up for disgusting male behavior. And no, it didn't happen because of a migrant. This has been their plan for a while, and it's also why they're fighting against it being illegal to marry children. Are you going to reply that this is because the South is ackcheally pro-Muslim or something?
(infighting) No. 2007821
>>2007816She's going to weasel around with semantics and call us samefagging scrotes forever. Don't even bother, she's retarded. She doesn't care about child rape
victims because she was never one herself, selfish racist bitches can't be fixed.
(infighting) No. 2007826
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Can you guys stop arguing
No. 2007839
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stop arguing in the vent thread please
No. 2007850
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>>2007844Kinda resembles this baby
No. 2007861
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I can't remember what thread someone posted this in but I bought some for my dry skin and my skin feels so good. Thank you nonnie. Posting in vent thread cause I'm mad I forgot what thread I was in.
No. 2007871
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I feel so invincible now that I know I can use divination to get info on an anon’s life, including her deadbeat nigel she loves to brag about kek
No. 2007880
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Hearing people say that period cramps legitimately aren't supposed to be that painful is freaking me out, because my whole teenagehood and even now my menstrual cycles have been very painful to the point where it felt crippling. Almost every cycle, it even made me throw up. My mother and even teachers always told me that painful periods are just unlucky, but now I'm seriously questioning if I had something like endometriosis this whole time.
No. 2007885
>>2007880Was gonna say you probably have cysts or endometriosis, definitely get checked
nonnie. Period cramps are somewhat normal but if it’s so painful there’s definitely something wrong
No. 2007927
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>>2007866I always assume most of them are Eastern European.
No. 2007966
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>someone spergs to me for the 4th time in the past week that they need to drill a new hole in their belt
>the first few times I just politely smile and say nothing
>this last time I say “oh wow! Are you excited about that?”
>”ermmmmm……. I guess ?!” in that you’re so rude I can’t believe you just said that tone
No. 2007991
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>>2005257Update: I went downstairs into the kitchen and those two kids made such a fucking mess with their chips and other snacks, that now we have ants swarming the floor to eat and carry all the fucking food they spilled and didn't even bother to clean up. I've seen dogs eat, shit, and play with more grace than these two children, I am officially done with living alongside my family. There's too many people I lost trust in/secretely resent, and now there's two children that aren't even house trained. Fuck this house, fuck this family, fuck this life. I cannot wait to disappear from this all.
No. 2008060
>>2008058No I haven't, he just assumes it's 4chan I'm talking about
And yeah I don't get why they always try to compare the two activites when they're completely different. "Oh my woman buys romance paperback? Guess it's ok to subscribe to Onlyfans now"
No. 2008194
>>2008186for the mailing i dont think id trust mailing services for a computer
itd be a hassle moving the desktop but i think ill end up doing it, i thought it wouldn't be necessary since im out of my room literally 10 hours a day
if she was just a bit more respectful and prioritized finishing her work (its not like she doesnt have time when she takes 3 hours naps on the afternoons) over leaving it until my bedtime it wouldn't be necessary but what do you want
No. 2008260
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I swear I will spam this gif everywhere it’s just so on point. I have enough anger to explode 1000 planets simultaneously. Trying to be a nonny and not alogging is like biting your teeth, sweating, clenching your pussy lips together so you don’t say the magic words: kill yourself or I hope he dies. I get it’s just words on a screen and I should relax but I don’t know how much longer I can contain my female rage that’s been fermenting for years
No. 2008297
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>>2008270using this as my 3-leaf clover to protect me from the jannies
No. 2008328
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>>2008260You will never be viewed as fully human. Just stop giving a fuck, be selfish, and have as much fun as you can. Humans are as retarded as they are ephemeral. Hope that helps, nonna-chan!
No. 2008336
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>>2008303KEK oopsie
>>2008328Good advice, thanks nonna!
No. 2008348
>>2008260>>2008270>>2008328oh but when
I express my rage i get called a sperg. anons have double standards for other anons.
No. 2008379
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That moment where you realize you are karmically attached to the same fate your mother has. I am literally going to live and die just like my mother, I will never experience the feeling of euphoria or the happiness that can lift your spirit. My soul is practically dead
No. 2008381
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>>2008348i'm the anon who never called you a sperg. uhm, hi.
No. 2008389
>>2008379you know what is the problem, you can change it,
nonny. your fate is on your hands, I believe in you.
No. 2008451
>>2008379Please watch the
Joy Luck Club (1993) so you can remove this mentality.
No. 2008550
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>>2008548Wtf is this thing?
No. 2008575
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I work at a grocery store as a “personal shopper”
I pick groceries for people and then hand them off to uber/third party drivers. anyway an Uber driver came in saying that he was here to pick up an order, so I asked him to grab a shopping cart since it was like 7 or 8 bags, and then he got all pissy and said he’s “not here to pick up groceries, so good luck with that” and then left. like hello..? What did you expect when you were pulling up to the address and noticed it was a grocery store?
No. 2008579
>>2008548same. it makes me nauseous
>>2008574it's a cow foetus tgat didn't develop properly
No. 2008581
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>>2008548Interesting that the majority of the photos of it are censored on google. I guess a lot of people find it uncomfortable to look at it.
No. 2008586
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my husband and i want kids so bad but we aren't financially stable and are of course choosing to weight until we are but sometimes i get a little sad when i hear about my siblings or cousins having babies and i wish that were me kek, obviously i know i am making the correct decision but i yearn to care for a sweet child and give my undivided attention to it
No. 2008671
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It’s that time again before my period where I go absolutely insane again. I’ve been having intrusive thoughts again and it’s killing me.
No. 2008701
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Do some things ever stop? I haven't self-harmed in years but I still feel the need for it, thinking about it, hoping I will have dreams about it. It's like my brain chose this as the ultimate addiction, everything else is okay but not quite right and it's so hard to resist, because it's cheap, always available and if you do it right, no one will ever know. Guess it's time to search for a therapist, but wait, it takes at least 9 months to get one and I want to move in 7 months, so, at least another year dealing with my brain all by myself.
No. 2008722
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I downloaded some dating apps for the first time and I don’t know what I expected but all the women are either pronouned, hyper feminine (I’m not into feminine women), or actually gnc (nice) but FAT AS FUCK. Why are they all fat? I hate being a burger. I HATE BEING A BURGER. Why am I the only boyish woman under 130 pounds in a 50 mile radius. I’m sorry I’m not trying to shit on these poor fat women they probably have stuff they’re going through or something but let me be selfish for a second here because I just want a boyish girlfriend who isn’t overweight that’s it that’s all and god is telling me I can’t have it in the American south. I hate being a burger!
No. 2008752
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Sometimes I really wonder how do women just not become terrorists from the amount of brutal mindfuck we are forced to endure and experience? This world is just so fucking awful, men have absolutely fuck all nothing to be violent or angry about. They are so lucky women don’t wake up and smother their asses with a pillow
No. 2008861
i feel really empty today and wish i could sleep. have slept all day already. wish i could call my grandma. just want to talk to her. idk.
>>2008737oh BIG time. i went to bring up a bug (ironically involving the minigame from the POTS
trigger person lmao) to the devs when i saw the "don't use the word crazy" message and had to close discord cuz i couldn't believe it.
No. 2008868
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Another day, another show I watch that makes me wish I was born in a first world country and that my family lived in a first world country with me.
Watching these shows with kids being talented always makes me imagine what my life could've been like if my country hadn't gone to shit progressively as I grew up.
I feel like I would've been able to do something if everyone would've taken art seriously.
I also feel like idk, I just wasn't very lucky with all that stuff, my parents didn't have enough money to pay for my extracurricular activities or the affordable schools I would go to would close after a while because barely anyone was into the stuff I was into, those with lots of money could go to fancy schools but I just couldn't.
Then I would lose any interest I had because I couldn't just be comfortable practicing at home, because I felt directionless and like I was just wasting my time.
I think I had potential but it all died as I got older, seeing all of these kids that were also truly dedicated to their stuff is so impressive too, I didn't really have that sort of dedication.
I wish I have had the music autism and not the stare at something I like for hours autism kek or the good at languages autism.
Like yeah, I learnt a whole ass language on my own, and I can imitate many accents easily, but no one even seems to appreciate that, it's not the cool autism that makes you be able to compose music at 5 and that gives you a nice sense of rhythm at 10 so you can dance in a cool way.
But now that I have a job, even if it isn't something that's secure and all that stuff, I have the goal of at least enjoying the hobbies I liked when I was a kid, like dancing and singing.
I want to try joining some dance lessons soon, maybe I won't become famous and a millionaire because of some amazing amazingness within me, but I can at least have fun and do the dances I've been dying to be able to get out of my system even if they suck and make no sense.
No. 2008969
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>writer describes male characters as "His body was a work of God that was so attractive that 100 people out of 100 people would turn their head for a glance of his handsomeness"
>the artist sucks at drawing
No. 2008993
>>2008973Kek. Same age and situation
nonnie. All my friends tell me to get on the apps but I just can’t bring myself to sift through ugly moids for hours on end to maybeee match with one that meets the bare minimum of standards.
At this point I’m completely OK with being a legbeard husbandofag for the rest of this life.
No. 2008995
>>2008993I guess I’ll join you in being a husbandless legbeardfag or maybe join a convent.
I’ve actually considered the second option seriously in recent times.
No. 2009031
>>2009002Oh, thanks nonnienonas. I’m glad you have found contentment while remaining single. My mentor is struggling to find an SO at 55 years old and warned me severely that dating gets worse and harder as you age—especially for someone who looks like her and I. She told me that finding a suitable boyfriend should be
one of my top priorities as a young woman.
No. 2009133
>>2009054The lies were that he didn't care about me and never tried to reach out to me (he did, a judge proved it to me sometime in my late teens when CPS intervened) and that he hit my mom (impossible since she was holding me, he just held her back and pushed her to a wall to keep her from taking me away, my grandma told me this because she was a witness).
He's a hothead due to his anxious and short-tempered personality, very little things can make him passive-agressive. He spergs out but rarely hits (he just spanked me once when i was 3 or 4 for pooping myself).
My friends all tell me he's a bad person and even his new wife used to tell me he can be too harsh, and I agree with it all. But I can't stop myself from loving him and wanting my dad in my life. We are very much alike in some aspects, except that he has a "eat or be eaten" mentality he always wanted me to have as well, while I'm a softie. He also doesn't understand my mental illness, and would say things like "Why are you anxious if there's nothing to worry about?" or "The psych diagnosed you with that? But you're such a smart girl!"
I also think he's forgetting about me because he has a new daughter, 12 years old, who keeps winning sports competitions and tops her class, not like her mentally ill sister who's still in high school in her 20s. I love her (and I'm heartbroken that I don't get to see her anymore) but if he has that much of a better child, he has no reason to bother with a complicated one who just drags him down financially. I know he's cold-hearted but I am also partially to blame for my situation. I just want a dad like everyone else. I had one again after so long just to lose him. I don't want to be his regret. I don't want the "you just hate men because of your dad" crowd to think they're right. I went through enough in life, I should be able to at least have normal parents
No. 2009209
>>2009031Honestly that's the worst advice ever, that's the best way to end up putting up with shit you wouldn't otherwise
I know it's a buzzword but you really need to be happy single before looking for a relationship
You need to be ready to accept being alone until death, feel content with your life such that prospect doesn't bother you that much, before you get into the dating scene
Otherwise you'll end up making compromises because "muh I don't want to end up alone" and it can get you in shady situation
If a man senses finding a man is your priority, you're fucked
No. 2009215
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I'm so lonely. My ex and I broke up a good 8 months ago, and since then I've been living without any deeper human connections. The last time I was hugged by anyone was an awkward 0.1 second long side hug from my coworker for my birthday 3 months ago, and the time before that was when my ex and I were still together. Maybe I should go back to having other terminally online internet friends to at least be able to talk to someone about my life. Right now I don't have anybody at all other than you nonas on here, but being anon makes it all too detached to get much out of it in the way of connecting socially
No. 2009216
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stupid tim director making me want to a log so FUCKING BAD!!! hes so typical filmbro coomer loser ‘my taste and my movies and my opinions are objectively better and smarter than yours!’ add the fact that hes a ‘sapphic nonbinary’ and you have the perfect fucking retard. hes so disgusting and his movies all fucking suck and its only a matter of time for him to be outed as a pedo or rapist
(picrel) does he really think his gaping maw deer in headlights look make him look more feminine?
No. 2009218
>>2009133nta but your dad isn't all that great either, I'm sorry. Please stop blaming yourself for not being 'good enough' for your dad to care or love you. You're not to blame at all. If you were in your dad's position, would you have given up on your daughter like that? Knowing that she lived with an
abusive mother without you?
No. 2009276
>Haven't been feeling so well, really tired>My boyfriend calls me>"Hey anon how are you">"Not that great but blablabla">"How much weed did you smoke or are you drunk or something lol"This mf knows I've been clean for almost a year and how much shit it took to get here but nice to know you still view me like this. Eat shit.
>>2009215I'm sorry nonna, maybe try to look at events or free festivals if you can go? You could try to make new connections or at least have a fun time on your own.
No. 2009284
>>2009133Every time you get honest about the shit your dad has done you immediately minimilize it or rationalize it or excuse it. You don't do that for your mom because she was present (while
abusive too) It's common to recognize the abuse of a parent that's present and then downplay the abuse of a parent who was out of reach for much of your life. The pedestal/longing for his approval effect fucks with your judgement long term.
He's old enough to know his role in your issues and still abandon you willingly this time with nobody else to shift the blame onto. Knock shitty dads off their unearned trauma response pedestals.
No. 2009286
I've recently met a guy who is 19 and have been talking to him for a couple of weeks, and he's somehow infinitely more mature and thoughtful than men my age and older. Even though I'm way older, he doesn't want to rely for me on money and doesn't let me pay for our dates. The way he speaks and moves is so elegant, he dresses nicely, he's fit and takes care of himself, he listens to me very intently and is quiet and thoughtful. We can talk for hours and hours. He's easily the most emotionally intelligent man I've ever met. Of course, I still need to get to know him more and I'm very cautious about overhyping him, but I'm seriously considering him at this point. The vent part here is that I'm 30 years old and I feel like such a fucking groomer. All the 19 year olds I've known can barely string a sentence together and even if they can, it's usually about inane bullshit. But somehow, I've had better conversations with a zoomer than I have with older men. On top of that, he seems to genuinely know what he wants from life and a relationship, while men my age are still fucking around and trying to push women into situationships. It's baffling.
No. 2009291
>>2009286Looks like you've found a decent one, happy for you!
>The vent part here is that I'm 30 years old and I feel like such a fucking groomer.Don't. Older women don't take advantage of younger men the way old scrotes take advantage of young women so it's not remotely comparable. You found a guy who seems stable and knows what he wants, you're not grooming him for anything if you happen to want the same things as he does.
No. 2009297
>>2009291Thank you! I'm still cautiously optimistic, but I'm thrilled with how emotionally intelligent he is so far.
>Don't. Older women don't take advantage of younger men the way old scrotes take advantage of young women so it's not remotely comparable.The funny thing is, I realize this, yet I still feel self-conscious about it. I know my family and friends will give me shit for it, but in the end, who cares. I'm also somewhat relieved at the same time because I don't want to date guys my age, they're ugly as shit.
No. 2009351
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The proana scumbag threads are hardly people making fun of proana cows and is always 90% anachans making fun of mentally ill women who are bmi 16 instead of 14. Like damn they're making fun of a girl who gained weight in recovery. I just can't even look at that thread anymore.
No. 2009476
nonnie, cause he’s old and dying and I want his house. Duh.
No. 2009515
my brother makes it super awkward whenever I talk about something he has an inferiority complex about
like if I talk about school or reading he'll call me a nerd, tell me I'm only pretending to enjoy reading or art, and I know it's because deep down he feels insecure about not having the patience to read anything and being a below average student (he doubled a year and gets worse grades then me, we're in the same degree and in the same class although he's a year younger)
idk, I personally couldn't care less and don't think of myself as better than him for doing any of what I do, but when he starts calling me "fucking boring", telling me to shut up or making me feel bad every time I bring up a related subject, it's really annoying
it's to the point I have to consciously avoid talking about certain things out of fear of having him make it awkward
Like, fuck you, if you want to be insecure that's your problem, don't make me feel bad because I bring up that thing I'm reading or that grade I got once per month
No. 2009545
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Lethargy and a heavy feeling in my eyes as if a magnetic force was trying to close my lashes
No. 2009560
>>2009525Teach her to give as good as she gets, call CPS on the boys' parents if they do anything that could be considered indicative of an
abusive living situation (basically if they threaten her or call her a bitch or do anything else that's not age appropriate), make formal complaints against the teachers and go to whatever governing bodies you can. If none of this works, keep all the evidence and go to a news outlet. It's not overkill, moidlets need to be taught boundaries while they're still young so they don't need to be put to sleep by a chair when they turn 18. You're doing everyone a favor here.
No. 2009612
>>2009560Thank you nonna. I’m tired of seeing her light slowly dim and being gaslit by other adults every time I bring it up. It’s disheartening to see how girls are taught to put up with
abusive male behavior from such a young age, and how little has changed since I was her age. Girls deserve better.
No. 2009619
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>>2009286Where did you meet him nona?
No. 2009748
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>buy cervae after a bit of research on good skincare products
>do spot test of the cleanser
>skin not burning or otherwise feeling bad
>wash face with it
>spot test moisturizer
>"feels good"
>use that
>go to sleep
>wake up
>skin looks worse than before
i know nothing about skincare and i lack other moisturizers so i just rubbed some vaseline on my face. i hope it goes back to some level of normalcy within the week and i hate that i have this expensive(ish) shit i can't even use
No. 2009754
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This place is full of hypocrites. I’m tired of these fake ass overzealous terfs and radfems shitting up the boards. They love dunking on husbandofags but spend hours discussing men, at least the husbandofags are fully honest about what they like. It’s absolutely hilarious to see the cognitive dissonance unfold(bait, infighting across threads)
No. 2009779
>>2009756Nigga I just wanna talk about different shit. You’re all just weaponizing the robotic ass mods against others who will ban you for making jokes.
>inb4 saying nigga isn’t feminine enough Tiresome.
No. 2009789
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>>2009758clogged pores i
think, or eczema. i have a lot of little bumps on my face that i'm pretty sure aren't acne or keratosis, and the cerave just inflamed them. i really don't know but something is wrong, wish i could see a derm but i don't know when i'd even have time. maybe doctors will be open on memorial day? kek
No. 2009840
>>2009779>>2009784samefag kek
>>2009748your skin might be purging, when I got salicylic acid cerave my skin looked like a donkey's asshole for a week then it cleared up.
No. 2009919
>>2009888You’re cute and hot
nonny I think you missed the part of the dream where he was flirting with you
No. 2009925
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this guy's hot ok??????
i'm loving the show because he's hot.
No. 2009936
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>>2009925You can’t just drop a cutie like this and not give details
nonnie; who is he
No. 2009942
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>>2009936it's mark ryder, he plays cesare borgia in the eponym show
I wish he'd sin with me
No. 2009953
>>2009916Kek thanks nonna
>>2009919>cute and hot What can I say kek
All I remember was that I found him in a bed. He was butt naked but we went under the covers for whatever reason and he looked me in the eyes and the thing happened
No. 2009954
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Mundane vent sorry. I can't get into period or fantasy shows/movies anymore because all of the actors look too modern in the face. I feel like I have picrel's problem but with everyone in Hollywood aged forty and younger.
No. 2009962
nonnie, no, I'm an intrvert with a very small group of friends, I don't hang around with such people like he sounded kek but I'm getting a pepper spray and a hidden knife, my city is safe but you can never know
No. 2009969
There used to be this guy in the social circle I’m in who literally no one liked. He was incredibly socially awkward, not good looking, just generally the autistic outcast kind of guy and he always inserted himself and tried to be involved despite being the butt of every joke. I thought it was really sad so I went out of my way to include him all the time, and I ended up being the only person he really talked to. I would stay up late at night giving him advice about getting back together with his ex, and then later on helping him get and plan dates with other people. I was ride or die for this guy I didn’t even really like because I felt so bad for how he was treated
Then that larger social circle kind of narrowed down into smaller, closer group of people who all hung out more. These people still didn’t like him and didn’t want him around, but I made it clear no one was to be outright cruel to him like before. And so they weren’t, they just tolerated him. But this made him think that these people actually liked him and wanted him around. So how does he repay me? By being disgustingly rude and nasty to me every chance he gets, trying to make the other guys laugh and accept him more. He frequently makes sexual jokes towards me, calls me a bop, interrupts me, makes jokes at my expense, etcetc all for a laugh from the other guys.
If I told literally anyone else in the group I wanted him out, he would be gone because no one else wants him around. There’s just a small part of me that feels too bad to do that because I know he’s only being this way towards me because he wants acceptance from the “bros”. Disgusting moid.
No. 2009972
>>2009963>>2009966Not entirely related but my mom’s bf used to scream at me and kick me outside whenever I used nail polish remover, because it made him “literally sick to death”. He would fake wretching and gagging and say he couldn’t breathe and must be allergic to the smell.
Years later now that I have long moved out, he keeps it by the gallon and uses it to clean on a regular basis.
No. 2010033
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>>2009979I dont think it's homophobic to be against surrogacy. There are people that are infertile, and go their whole lives not being able to have biological children. That's life. A fag needs to understand that in a homosexual relationship, he cannot have children with his spouse as they are both men. He is a homosexual, and in a relationship with a person that couldn't give him a biological child. That is life. But no. The fag is selfish, so despite being a grown male in a relationship with another male, he dangles money to coax and drag a
woman into his greedy demands submit her body and to birth his genes, all so he can narcissistically have his cake and eat it too. It bastardizes pregnancy and birth, and in a way that's so painfully capitalistic. Yet, liberal feminists (who seethe at the word 'capitalism') insist that there's nothing wrong with such a dehumanizing practice.
No. 2010051
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No. 2010071
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Nonnies… I have a date tomorrow and I'm very nervous.
We met online and he looks good in his pics, but what if they're old and irl he's fat and balding? We are obviously meeting in a public place, but not one that has a huge crowd of people. What if we don't recognize each other? What if I make eye contact with him, but don't recognize him, and he has to come up to me like "hey uhh anon? haha you didn't recognize me?"?
I have the type of nose that's narrow but long from the side, and I obviously didn't use any pictures that just show the full side of my face because who the fuck uses those types of pics. What if I accidentally catfished him by selecting flattering pics of myself, and when we meet and he sees that my side profile is like < he realizes I'm an ugly butterface and regrets asking me out? My big boobs can't hard carry my entire appearance.
I can fake it till I make it and be charming around people once I'm over the initial awkwardness, but these first 10 or so minutes freak me out. I've met people irl that I originally connected with online, but they all had some really distinct characteristics while this guy is just generically cute with glasses. Please can someone soothe my anxiety?
No. 2010094
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Crying with bloody inflamed gums and a terrible headache as my dentist reschedules my tomorrow appointment for the end of the month
No. 2010123
>>2010094I've went three time to emergency tooth pulling and got it done that same day, do you not have the same
nonnie? I'm a neet and I'm drunk rn, so excuse me if I'm dumb. I'm sorry nona
No. 2010142
speaking of dentists, i’m on my once a week outing to attend a dentist appt right now. i missed the last one because of anxiety. the only way i can get myself out of the house for tasks such as this, is someone else accompanying me, or a shitton of self assurance beforehand. i’m coping by listening to stereolab at full blast right now. i’m an adult, but i’m still stuck in two minds about the whole ‘adult’ thing, and wish i could retreat. the idea of having to do all of the admin kind of stuff, paying for the appointment, talking to people i’ve never met before in a professional environment, its so overwhelming. i already suck at just seeing friends, how am i expected to do all of this shit on my own? one step at a time i suppose. i was born to rot, forced to live…
No. 2010275
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I can't stop ruminating over how socially awkward I was. Either I'm mentally ill or I ruined our friendship by letting you get close to me; truly the more you hear me talk the less you like me
No. 2010342
nonnie. Fandoms stopped being fun at some point and I don’t know what/who to blame. I miss the peak days of Tumblr that actually had quality posts and you could get to know people in the community. The degradation of fan spaces due to tiktok/twitter is exactly the reason why I stopped engaging in visual kei content on social media. Bangya have always been unhinged but this current breed of fans are a different level of insufferable.
No. 2010354
>>2010306just dump him now jfc. you call yourself a pushover retard and still wont change?
seriously though why not just ditch the entire trip if uninviting him wont work? can you not cancel reservations and get refund money/credits or something? will your friends not back you up in uninviting him?
No. 2010392
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>>2009925literally pic related
No. 2010460
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Also I think the show has great photography, so many scenes are beautiful and look like paintings
I like historical shows so much for that
I just hope it doesn't get corny because the pictures I find on google don't appeal to me as much
No. 2010542
The guy I'm dating has been having very hectic work month, yesterday I sent him a message telling him how at this point it feels one sided and I feel like I'm being strung along because he's not really prioritizing me. I feel bad, because he did tell me work would be stressful, I just didn't know how stressful it would be for him. We aren't committed yet, I just kind of felt spoiled from the previous month when he gave me more attention and we got to go on dates a few days apart. Maybe it was good I expressed my feelings, because he did take the time to call me and reassure me he's not intentionally trying to give me less priority. He also said he doesn't want to come off as too clingy so he has been holding back. I thought for a bit about it and I think if he was clingier, my feelings would've been way stronger. Almost every week I'm unable to see him, it becomes difficult for me. Next weekend, I'm unsure if I'd be able to see him, but he ensures me come June we'd be able to hang out. Work is what gets him going day to day so I can't really complain about it, he said he can't do much unless he finds something else that could replace it. Just having him around when I can see him is so wonderful. I've never been treated better by someone else. I guess I just crave more of that.
No. 2010557
>>2010542When a guy does this it means he doesn't care about keeping you around. Even if he can't go out on dates with you (understandable with his work schedule), he can plan calls at the very least and send you gifts so that you know he's thinking about you. Your time is valuable and should not be wasted; if you find yourself waiting around for a man, you should just let him go. He should be afraid of losing you. Once he's taken your presence for granted it's over.
>I've never been treated better by someone else.This doesn't mean anything. Most men put on an act in the beginning and fail to keep it up, as you're experiencing right now.
No. 2010563
>>2010360> I just need to see him in person and Ill change my mindnonna his behavior reeks of trouble, seeing him in person won't change shit,
fake sick or if you can have your parents make something up that they need help and you can't go
you need to learn to say no, please don't be such a pushover
No. 2010570
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I had a brief encounter with the goth/alt girl fetishizing moid in my extended acquaintance circle (my fashion sense is adjacent to that) and I have a new appreciation for how mice must feel when they stare into the eyes of a snake.
No. 2010644
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I'm having such a hard time finding fellow loser women who aren't the K-pop/K-drama lover/either obese or anorexic/uses TikTok lingo/virtue signals/Kawaii wannabe/Discord/Minecraft/DDLG type. I'm 26 and thought this type of woman couldn't be older than like 19, but my age group is full of them too. It feels like the only other female losers I meet is exactly this type, and we're just far too different. Maybe I should look for loser women in their 30s instead?
No. 2010651
>>2010645That’s not a loser that’s a Stacy
>>2010644I met a female loser recently but she was a touch me while we play GTA pickme
No. 2010653
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I started dating a guy from a culture where women are held to a very high standard with regards to beauty. I don’t really know anything about makeup or how to dress well and trying to ask my mom for advice all she ever gives me are platitudes like “everyone is beautiful”. Even after I’ve explained to her countless times that people don’t think like that there and that I will be judged for how I currently present myself. He doesn’t have a problem with how I look ofc but thinking about visiting his country again or meeting his family makes me want to die when I feel like I just come across as a slob.
No. 2010685
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i did 4 gacha pulls and i got 2 5stars but none were the card i wanted. Why do i have such bad luck with rate-ups.
No. 2010747
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I sent my mom this skirt to see if she thought I should buy it, and she said it's for teenagers. I'm only 25 and she made it seem like I'm too old to wear something like this. I wouldn't think anything of it even if I saw a 40 year old wear it. I mean it's not like I'd wear a graphic tee and sparkly Jojo Siwa sneakers with it?
No. 2010800
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I don't think I'm stupid or anything but I just experienced being the dumbest, quietest person in a room full of super smart nerdy people for the first time and I want to die. I swear they thought I was retarded when really I just couldn't get a word in. They were all basically reciting research papers to each other with no breaks in the conversation and I'm not the type to cut off other people while they're talking so I just… sat there quietly. For hours. That was so miserable
No. 2010802
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nonnie I feel this every day in med school. I think I'm pretty smart but in a room full of gunners with multiple research projects I look like I eat crayons in comparison. Sorry you had to feel that way, it's humiliating for sure.
No. 2010863
>>2010755Only teens are allowed to feel good about their bodies and experiment with fashion, once you hit your 20's you are supposed to feel ashamed for having the audacity of growing older and be told for the rest of the life that you are basically a geriatric with one foot in the grave once you hit 25. Meanwhile men are allowed to wear the same clothes and style they've been wearing since they were 13, because they will of course only look better with age!
God I hate this world
No. 2010888
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Please, I just need someone to tell me it's gonna get better. Recently crawled out of 5+ years of NEETdom and FUCKKKK the post-depression depression is actual agony. At least when I was depressed I didn't feel anything, but now I am feeling all of it intensely. The shame… The regret…. The guilt… All the lost opportunities. Ironically enough, now that I am "cured" I feel more suicidal than ever. Just picturing my life as it could have been, if I actually put in the effort and went to med school at 19 like I was supposed to… And I hate admitting it and using the word "triggered", but yeah hearing about my friends graduating/getting pregnant/finding jobs etc. actually triggers me to cry. How can it not when like 80% of conversations people have is just bragging about their personal achievements, and I not only cannot contribute but am ostracized for being lesser, for not having that shiny paper that dictates my worth as a human being. It's doubly humiliating because both my parents are doctors, I was supposed to continue that legacy, and now I feel like I have humiliated them most of all. I am too ashamed to mention that fact normally, so whenever an acquaintance offers help or advice it's always something akin to "find something fun to study/work with. There's soooo much fun jobs out there, I'm sure you'll find your calling soon" and I'm just left smiling politely but internally screaming "WHAT DOES IT FUCKING MATTER WHAT I LIKE WHEN I CAN'T BE A FUCKING DOCTOR!"
No. 2010970
I've found some nice people on and Facebook, but everyone there is looking for someone to move in ASAP. Does everyone want currently homeless people for roommates?
>>2010710>state school with an online program Wise choice. It sound like you still need to pay application fees. Hopefully you can get someone from the financial dept on the phone to help you, if the state school is local you might also be able to go in?
No. 2010981
>>2010888Did you actually WANT to go to med school or did you only do it to please your parents? If you have good parents, they'll love you either way, and if you have bad parents who are upset about this, fuck them. This is your life, not theirs. Your worth isn't tied to a made up social construct.
And anon, keep in mind people only share positive things about themselves and their lives around someone they don't know incredibly well. It's like when couples post about how happy they are on social media, but then their actual relationships are dumpster fires. Everyone has issues, and you have to live on hard mode because of your mental health problems. It isn't your fault.
Losing your NEET status is huge, and I'm proud of you for achieving this. It shows you're on the right path, and you'll keep on getting better. Please don't feel like a failure or ashamed. Persevering despite all these hardships shows how strong you are.
No. 2010990
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I'm so sick of people telling me I'm "mean" or stuck up when all I do is have basic boundaries, self esteem and mirror their own energy back at them but actually still way nicer than whatever they act like towards me. It's like they can never take what they dish out even when it's like, 5% of their own energy and they'll chimp out and act like I'm a bad person like are they even hearing themselves. If I'm a bad person for doing even a tiny bit of what others do what does that make others lmao.
I've noticed in general it's like the average person has no self awareness of their own behaviors, they'll ask for things from me they would never do themselves and don't seem to see any issue in that, so if you give people even a taste of their own energy or don't let them walk all over you, they lose it even though they're fine treating you that way themselves and they'll call you "mean", all while not realizing they're way, way worse. Me being "mean" to others basically amounts to making some benign jokes everyone else does and having basic boundaries, but somehow I'm the stuck up egotistical bitch kek. I don't want to be an asshole regardless of how shitty everyone else is since I don't want to become what I hate, but man do I hate these retarded double standards. It feels like it's literally never enough no matter how nice you are unless you literally just have no boundaries and lick the boot of everyone else, that seems to be the only way anyone will consider you nice in this world. Especially as a woman. In general it's just like, retards will demand things from me and a saint like patience when they'd never be ok if it was reversed or do that but 50 times worse then somehow claim I'm a bad person compared to them, and I'm tired of people thinking they can speak on me when they're actually so much worse than I could ever be. Even when I'm having an off day I unironically still have more compassion for others than they do on their normal days, so it's really funny that it's others criticizing me on that. I would only be able to take it seriously if they were actually good or better people than I am so it always just comes across as ironic. Like being a master at something and some amateur retard coming up to you and saying you're actually worse than them
No. 2011005
Just like a lot of people I am feeling a lot of crushing loneliness. I used to be the one to arrange events and reach out to my friends a lot to hang out, mainly because I know that a lot of them struggle with doing it themselves because of anxiety or other reasons. And I would tell myself I was completely fine with it, that it was always worth the effort because of how fun we have and they would usually treat me to dinner or other treats as a thank you and because they feel bad for having me putting in the work.
But in late 2022 I was going through some personal things, and I kinda went completely offline and stopped reaching out to people while I was mostly crying on the couch trying to cope with life. Of course, no one really took notice. People were aware that I was struggling, but I also understand that everyone have their own struggles to deal with and it can be a lot to shoulder someone else's while you're dealing with your own life. But since then it's kinda been my turn to feel unable to contact people first, mainly because of a part of me felt tired of being the one to chase others and that was causing some resentment to grow inside of me that sometimes rears it's ugly head causing me to have anxiety attacks because said resentment I feel towards others is also aimed at myself. I am not invited anywhere and no one contacts me, it makes me upset but I also wonder if I might be self-sabotaging by not keeping the status quo that was set before?
That said, I do still have a small handful of friends that I feel I have a two-way street relationship with, we put an equal amount of effort into the relationship but we are also in the same boat - we are done with putting in all the work into the majority of our relationships and would focus on building stronger bonds with each other instead and being each other's cheerleaders. But it also causes a lot of loneliness, and while these friends are also finding communities where they are invited out a lot lately I feel like I'm still stomping in the same place I've been since 2022. Don't get me wrong, I am genuinely happy that they are finding the peers they've been searching for and I might honestly be self-sabotaging because I'm so used to being isolated.
But these anxiety attacks caused by how lonely and worthless I feel all the time is becoming too much and I want to reach out to my current friends about it but I don't know how or what to say, because I feel like a whiny baby that might not see the forest for the trees just because I don't have the big social circle I used to have. It all makes me want to commit suicide or harm myself, but what good would that do? What should I do nonnies? How do I reach out for support so I can get out of my own head and see the whole picture instead of being weighted down by own self?
No. 2011030
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You know that I love you. You know that I've loved you for 17 years. I've loved you more than anyone has ever loved before. It started small like a mustard seed but now my heart bursts with it and I can hardly contain it. My love for you came for me like a thief in the night; silent in the dark. I'll love you until I can't love. In the ground when my body rots and worms make food of my heart they'll choke on all the love I have for you. When the Earth is over and our beloved star, the Sun, is dimmed and approaches the end, and even when all the lights across the infinite worlds go out and all that's left in the sea of space is dark lonely coldness, all that will be left is my love for you echoing across the confines of space-time, an eternal testament to the victory of love. I love you. So, why do you continue to shed on my bed? I know it's the beginning of summer so you can't help shedding your winter coat, but still you know I don't like it when you shed all over my pillows because then I choke on cat fur when I wake up. Why must you be so difficult? Please shed in the living room so at least I can just vacuum it up. Please.
No. 2012120
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I just want to grow up. Like be an actual adult with a career and own my own home. I've been in school for what feels like ages and I'm also super socially inept due to a strict upbringing. I feel like my teen self but locked in a hag's body. I feel like I'm in a constant dormant state.