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No. 2011071
don’t reply to bait
it’s sad hour at the bar today
>>>/ot/2000171 No. 2011096
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friend is in another country with no internet and my whole life revolved around her so now I'm not sure what to do.
No. 2011119
>>2011081it's ok he'll probably age like milk like most guys
>>2011092my dad does this exact thing and it's so annoying to deal with, he literally got mad at me once for just putting away some groceries in the kitchen because it woke him up…at like 5 pm.
>>2011096i wish i could feel this way about someone but everyone i know sucks. but yeah, find some distractions
No. 2011163
>>2011149Let's see.
sniff sniff Wow! You smell amazing, nona. Your mom sounds like a schizo
No. 2011176
>>2011149If other people aren't saying you smell then your mom is retarded and she's smelling herself
>>2011164I tried this but then my vagina started smelling like rotten syrup lmao
No. 2011182
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I hope the uni library employees don't think I'm a weirdo for showing up every weekday after the spring semester ended. With no one else around it's the best place to go after work to mellow out and get hobby stuff done, they even have a treadmill desk I use kek
No. 2011210
>>2011190Also nonna you don't seem to be even sure about your relationship, if you can't answer those questions with yes, then don't have kids with him:
if someone told you you’re a lot like your partner, would this be a compliment to you?
are you truly fulfilled or just less lonely?
are you able to be unapologetically yourself or do you feel the need to show up differently to please your partner?
are you in love with who your partner is right now as a whole, or are you only in love with their potential\idea of them?
Would you want your future or imagined child to date someone like your partner?
No. 2011235
>>2011095chase it back with some juice
>>2011096make something
nonnie No. 2011256
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>large black rat snake on porch chair trying to get to hanging flower basket with a baby bird nest in it
>oh no you don't
>get a pillowcase and a grabber
>chase the snake around the front yard trying to get it into the bag
>finally get it in the bag
>show mom who was watching it unfold
>relocate it to the woods about 3 min away
>turns out mom took the worst picture of me that has ever been taken in my life
>mid-sentence, severely distorting my face and upper lip but you can't tell from the photo that it's because I was saying a word, I just look like an actual grandma retard, or a retard grandma
>hunched back too
>mom has sent this image to the massive group chat of both sides of the family without telling me
>easily 50 people
>who don't see me regularly and have no real idea what I actually look like normally
>the first image they see of me in years is in rag clothes, hunch backed, grandma-lipped, retard aura clutching a purple pillow case outside of my parent's house where I still live at 25
>mom refuses to delete the picture saying that it's "not that bad"
>if that picture doesn't look that bad to her, what the fuck does that say about how horrific my face always looks (I'm significantly ugly to start with, but this pic was another fucking level)
No. 2011283
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>trying to find movie
>see forum where they're posting screenshots from movie
>nobody actually owns a copy of movie
>see someone posting short clips from movie
>no response to messages about movie, last online twenty years ago, probably dead
>find someone also interested in movie
>unenthusiastic about helping contact possible leads related to movie
i have been levelheaded in trying to find this piece of shit but repeatedly getting close and never finding answers is making me want to scream. i'm ready to pay someone the price of remortgaging a small home just to find this thing.
No. 2011310
Looking back I'm so sure my ex was either gay, autistic or both.
>>2011256Nonnieee I want to give you a hug kek, you sound cool.
No. 2011322
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I can't stand my medication and I want to stop. I love that I'm not anxious anymore and that I can talk to people more easily but I hate all the side effects. I have zero libido, I've gained so much weight, and worst of all I have zero motivation.
Everyday, I feel like a robot. I feel content overall, but there is no substance to my life. It's a cycle of working and sleep. I'm so exhausted due to my medication and beyond that I can't really be motivated to take care of myself properly. It like I don't worry about those consequences anymore.
Living with GAD is a nightmare, but I feel like everyone needs just a little anxiety. I need to worry about myself. I need to worry about how I live.
No. 2011331
>>2011298>>2011307>>2011310yeah i was really happy to have caught the snake but my whole day was instantly ruined when I saw that picture get sent out (I didn't even know it was being taken). It's really hard because both sides of my family are very beautiful people and I'm easily and by far the ugliest person in my entire extended family by a long shot, and I know everyone receiving that picture is looking at it and thinking
>"my god, that poor girl is so unfortunate looking, no wonder she has never dated like my beautiful and highly successful model children, I'm so happy MY kids turned out normal looking and had bfs and gfs by age 14."I just know I'm being looked down on and pitied and it makes me mad. I'm just sitting here crying in my room now because it just feels so unfair that everyone else in my family gets to look normal at worst and beautiful at best and I look the way I do. And that I can't control that people will always react to me out of pity first and foremost just because of my face.
No. 2011359
>>2011353It's fine nonna, the less you stress about it, the less you're gonna binge on other things.
Don't store food you'd feel guilty to eat.
No. 2011377
>>2011375Autism is a disability.
Lots of false diagnosis or representation of high functionning autist in medias have led people to believe it's "cool" to be one. It's not.
No. 2011460
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>>2011448Sorry. I won't awaken the pedo anons.
(soyjack posting) No. 2011474
>>2011448I didn't mean to start a fight, I just thought maybe I was wrong for feeling disgusted/mixed about it and getting mad at her. She's probably venting to her friends about me as we speak
About the war conflict, I think both sides are corrupt so it's hard to support either
No. 2011479
>>2011470>It's just a cool photo of you doing something epicnot really, i'm just holding a pillowcase with a very strong retard aura
>oh my family is so shallow they're all talking about how I'm ugly compared to their kids! i'm not saying that, of course they wouldn't talk about it out loud, but they're definitely thinking it. And I don't think it makes someone shallow to have those thoughts either, they're natural. When you see someone unusually ugly, you notice and have some thoughts about it. Even something like someone showing you a pic of their baby and it happens to be really ugly kek, everyone has had that experience of thinking "that is one homely baby". Except I didn't grow out of it and just maintained my ogre face into adulthood and it's obvious to everyone why I'm the only one of my generation of cousins who has never dated, which my family values highly and talks about constantly. All of this is humiliating no matter how you try to spin it.
No. 2011494
>>2011479>I'm just holding a pillowcaseYeah but there's a snake in it… That you caught… to save a family of baby birds? Sorry but that's epic I don't make up the rules.
>They've never said that I'm ugly but they're definitely thinking that I'm ugly!.You're not a psychic. All the thoughts you're pinning on them are just your own thoughts. They come from within you.
>When you see someone unusually ugly, you notice and have some thoughts about it.No because not everyone is you. You might notice and have some thoughts about it, other people don't really care and go on with their days. It's like how if I'm always thinking about red cars, I'll start seeing a lot of red cars. If I start thinking about how ugly and ogre-like I am, I'll start seeing everyone else as ogres too. But there aren't any ogres. They're just people. It's shallow to call other people ugly just like it's shallow to call yourself ugly. You're a snake-wrangling bird-saver nona, who care's if you think you're ogre-esque besides yourself?
No. 2011540
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>staying far away from older failson brother that spends all day talking on the phone because sitting in silence for a few minutes will cause him to reconsider his entire life choices because i’m paranoid about any negative entities he has on him that makes him a failson will go and latch itself on to me
i gotta preserve what’s left of my soul, sorry not sorry
No. 2011551
>>2011523I make fun of the cows appearances in a "I'm secure in myself, both my appearance and my Shadow which seeks to hurt the Other through judgement, so I know that all this is fleeting and non-serious" not in a "I'm so self-conscious I need to tear down other people because deep down I hate myself and I can't admit that so I'll just say I hate the Other" kind of way.
>>2011534Didn't say that and you sound dumb. Beauty isn't a currency. How can a sunset by a currency? How can unbridled laughter be a currency? How can the taste of sour cherries straight off the tree be currency? Thinking of beauty in relation to currency and what can be obtained from it or traded for it is retarded and thinking beauty is only about appearances is shallow.
No. 2011566
i turned 29 yesterday. it was my first birthday after my mom died and while it wasn’t terrible, i still feel her absence. i don’t like birthdays anyway so i just got some mexican food, bought a new ipad, and sat in the park by myself thinking about my mom. i wish she was still here. i miss her touch, her smile, her voice. i miss her teasing me and just existing. growing older is a blessing but i wish i could do it in tandem with my mom. i’ll never see her grow old, enjoy her golden years, get gray hair and wrinkles in her skin. it hurt hearing my neighbor playing with her grandkids last week because my mom will never know her grandchild(ren) if i ever had any. instead she’s frozen in time at 57 in the earth where she will remain forever. i just want to see her alive as my last memory of her is her in the coffin, cold and hard. i think about how shiny and black her hair would shine in the summer sun, how i will never see her after she gets off work or go out with her to lunch. i dreamt about her eating her favorite food, sitting with our old dog, so i know she’s at peace at least in the otherworld. but i still miss her so much.
No. 2011607
>>2011566My condolences, anon. I'm sure she's healthy and happy at the other side. They say people die twice, first time is when they physically die, and second time is when they're forgotten. Thinking about her is keeping her alive in a way.
>>2011580Cherish her while you can, you will never know when the time come.
I wish I hadn't taken things for granted.
No. 2011636
>>2011626>B-beauty is just about who wan-wants to fuck who!!! Sunsets aren't about beauty! Laughter.. th-that can't be beautiful!!! Yeah!!!I swear self-conscious people are so obsessed with ugly/pretty dichotomy and it ruins their brains.
>It's literally programmed into our literal DNA!!Yeah so is the Palmar grasp reflex but you don't see anybody clinging to other people's fur while we swing across the tree tops because our species doesn't swing from trees anymore and we don't have fur anymore. So it doesn't really matter anymore, does it? That's what the whole "she is pretty so her life is on easy mode because people see pretty and their DNA makes it so that they're nice to her and that's the most important thing about life and she's definitely only as important as her outer appearance!" bullshit sounds like to me. Like okay shallow people will treat people badly if they aren't attracted to them. That's what makes them shallow. Duh.
No. 2011665
>>2011231lmao nona when i was in high school there was a sped boy everybody liked and was really kind to (which was honestly really nice and refreshing for a hs in a shitty area) except he eventually took an obvious shine to me in particular. i'd try and avoid him on my way to lunch while he would drop whatever conversation he was having with somebody else to waddle over to me and say hello. a few weeks of this came and went, and he eventually added me on fb. lo and behold, his facebook was full of dragon ball art and shitty sonichu-tier fanart. his waifu was bulma. i had similar teal/turquoise hair and that's why he latched on to me, lol. ended up rejecting the friend request and dyeing over the blue in my hair with dark purple. these things combined made him back off.
my point of telling this story is this: scrotes that are autistic/sped are obsessed with cartoons and their waifus. unironically, do you share any traits with a popular waifu character, and if yes, can you change it? sorry if this diatribe sounds insane, it kind of is but im tying to help lol
No. 2011693
>>2011636Kekkk what makes you think I'm insecure? I didn't say anything at all about my own appearance. I like the way I look and it's pretty rare that I feel self conscious about my features.
>she's definitely only as important as her outer appearanceNobody is saying that. You're actually retarded if you think "see attractive, healthy looking person -> I want to fuck them -> I should be nicer to them (so I can fuck them and make healthy babies)" is the same as some monkey instinct to hold onto fur.
Don't sit here and pretend like your subconcious wouldn't make you be nicer to someone you find very physically attractive compared to a visually unappealing person. If you were swiping through Tinder, would you try to match with a beautiful and fit person or some ugly deathfat? The beautiful one, right? Isn't that treating someone pretty better than someone ugly, too?
Before you deeply get to know someone it's impossible to know whether they're a good person or not, so their appearance is always what we notice first. Obviously attractive people have personalities that can be either good or bad, but humans want to procreate with the cream of the crop instead of disfigured uggos. There's a reason we aren't attracted to people born with serious physical defects, we know that they would make shitty offspring. Nothing shallow about that. At the end of the day we are just animals whose mission in life is to fuck and consequently create offspring.
No. 2011752
>>2011005 and anons please, please I really need help with this. I really need help with figuring out how to ask others for help.
Maybe it's because of the negative spiral I had been since the afternoon yesterday or sleep deprivation from a hurt ankle, but I was considering deleting whatever few social media and chats I have. It would of course just be self-sabotaging and make me even more lonely, but in a twister part of me it's sort of like a simulation of suicide since whatever easily accessible proof of my existence would be gone.
No. 2011766
>>2011761KEK that was supposed to be for the loner from
>>2011752 , oops.
No. 2011781
>>2011765Yeah I did notice snacking messed me up sorta but now I don’t snack nearly as much as I used to now if ever and I am still fat.
>>2011768Same medication literally. It’s not even working for me, it literally never has and I stopped taking it a week or so ago. At my last visit my doctor wouldn’t let me go on Wellbutrin because she kept pushing me taking Lexapro more and instead shitted on me for gaining weight while going “b-but Wellbutrin will lower your seizure thresholds!!!” I don’t even have epilepsy or anything.
No. 2011785
>>2011781Throughout my life I've been on escitalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, & bupropion, and so far sertraline and bupropion worked best for me. I used sertraline for my MDD for a few years straight and it worked well but I was always sort of tired and fatigued, which isn't a problem that I experience with bupropion. As I've aged I've stopped using SSRIs year round, instead I only use them for 5 or 6 months during winter for my SAD. I gained weight on escitalopram the first winter I used it, and after that I said no. Like you said, it didn't work for me and it didn't make my SAD symptoms any better even though I stuck with it just for the sake of seeing how I'd feel after a full run of the drug. The problem is that it makes you put on weight so fast, and even if you're not snacking or working out, the weight won't come off. Once you stop the drug, your metabolism will return to normal within 4-6 weeks and after that you'll start being able to lose weight and return back to your regular size. I really recommend bupropion because it worked great for alleviating the symptoms of my depression, left me feeling energetic, and it didn't influence my weight. Keep bringing it up with your doctor and ask to for a prescription for bupropion.
No. 2011790
>>2011760>>2011766I do have hobbies, however they are mostly escapism-related (reading, video games, comics). However, what I mostly need help with is reaching out so I don't feel worthless and not pretend I'm 100% fine. And how do I sound needy? Is it because I'm hurt over the reality of how much the relationships I put so much effort into turned out to really be nothing but a one-way street?
I don't mean to sound aggressive or confrontational, I'm just dealing with a lot mixed feelings I don't know how to deal with without putting a lot of blame on myself for even daring to be upset over anything at any time.
No. 2011794
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>Be me
>Trying to loose weight and I got my 8k steps in
>Happy because I was kind of a couch potato
>Showed it to my friend
>”Oh anon, I sometimes even got 10k steps in some days”
Damn, cant you be happy for me? This isn’t a competition….
No. 2011801
>>2011795Thanks, that did give me a little bit of perspective and calm me down. I did think of the lack of interaction from people during my tough time as something like that, that they might be thinking "oh, she has others that check on her, I might just be a bother", subconsciously expect me to be stronger than I am since I'm the one that others used to turn to for advice, or things like that.
It's not like I think anyone is being willfully mean, I know that people don't dislike me at least and I don't mean to sound like I expect or demand anything, I'm just trying to deal with the hurt I feel during those moments where it just hits me that I AM not fine with the position I am in but I don't want to stew in these feelings and be like "hey, I'm feeling pretty lonely and kinda stuck in my head" to my current friends without sounding as needy as I might come off as in my posts, because I legit don't know how to ask for help or support anymore.
No. 2011805
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In retrospect I think that my ex was a covert narcissist. I’m posting this here because he tracked down almost all of my social media accounts and confronted me when I posted about him on r/narcissisticabuse. I told him off and blocked him on everything don’t worry
- He cheated on me and kept telling the girl he was cheating on me with that he felt bad for me but he still wanted to break up with me because he had lost feelings (this was 3 months into our relationship)
- Told me he loved me within a few weeks of meeting me and used to constantly shower me with praise
- Had multiple sexual abuse allegations
- Would always do and say hurtful stuff to me and then try to pass it off as joke (for instance, he said he was a bad singer and I tried to comfort him by telling him that people used to tell me I was a bad singer but I still became a musician anyways, and in response he said “Yeah, your 10 Bandcamp followers think you’re a good singer”)
- Threatened to kill himself when his ex girlfriend was ignoring his texts
- Would constantly go on about how insecure he was and how he hated his appearance but he would always post himself on social media and even made an account on eating disorder twitter (not because he had an eating disorder but because he said he liked getting validation from anorexic girls because he was skinny and they told him that they wanted to be as thin as him)
- Seemed to have no sense of self or identity whatsoever, he went from looking completely normal to dressing like a skater to being hardcore goth within a couple months and told me that he became goth because his crush on me was so intense that he wanted to be me and copy everything I did (I used to be goth)
- Asked a girl on Twitter who self-harmed to carve his name into her arm and then made the photo his profile picture for a while
- When I brought him flowers he said that he couldn’t bring them home because they would get crushed in his bag, and then he proceeded to take a bunch of selfies with them and post them and then left the flowers in a tree for days (they got crushed anyways)
- Couldn’t stand being alone, he had a very high body count and got a new partner within weeks of us breaking up
- Every time I’d confront him he’d apologize profusely and tell me how much he loved me and promise to change but he’d always do it again and he’d correct me on these miniscule details and then change the subject as if I’d immediately forget about it
- Lied about being gay for apparently no reason despite being obviously obsessed with women and would try to get women to trust him by telling them that he was gay and that he was “one of the girls”, briefly identified as trans and would use the women’s restroom, but then he backtracked and said he wasn’t trans
- Would make fun of people who looked, acted, and dressed very similarly to him but when he did it it was somehow different
- Ruined his little brother’s birthday by having a huge mental breakdown and lying on the floor screaming at anyone who tried to talk to him because he felt bad for “hurting everyone he ever loved”
- For months after we broke up he acted totally normal, like he wasn’t bothered by it at all, and then he suddenly started posting about how much he missed me and loved me
- Watched gore videos
- Constantly begged me to let him start an Onlyfans account, begged everyone he was ever with to make a sex tape with him
- Rejected a girl who had a huge crush on him multiple times and then proceeded to date her brother which made her extremely jealous
- Sexted with his female 13 year old friend’s 53 year old mother when he was 16 (when someone made fun of him for this he got really angry and said he was groomed but when I asked him about it he started laughing and said he only did it because his friend thought it would be funny)
- He was friends with a guy who bullied me in middle school and still laughed about it, and he never brought up this guy until I told him about it, which is when he started bringing he up at every given opportunity and talking about all the funny stuff he did (the guy who bullied me was also friends with someone who killed a guy for no reason, broke into cars for fun, sold my friend laced drugs, and used girls for sex)(formatting)
No. 2011816
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>In living room
>Lounging on comfy chair
>Mom watching Press Your Luck
>One of the prizes is a shitton of sriracha
>Mom without missing a beat tells me there's adrenochrome in the sauce
It's been 4 long fucking years and there's no end in sight. I want to kms.
No. 2011819
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I wish i could open up more but i feel like no one gives a fuck. and the last time i was vulnerable with someone and shared something deeply personal about myself they used it against me, so fuck that
No. 2011971
>>2011907it was in a relevant thread tho kek
>>2011925different thread than that one
No. 2012009
I lost my one friend and broke up with my stupid boyfriend, I have no one left i fucking hate my life. Loneliness is so crushing, I don't want to live anymore if it will be like this.
>>2012004I agree, a containment thread would be nice. On the other hand I feel like it's not that fitting for lc (don't stay with a moid if you're not gaining anything) but it's much better than "muh Nigel" every thread.
No. 2012017
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just saw some overweight dude with fat moobs (kinda troonish) there are zero trans people, but for rabid assholes in my town this is somehow the same picture, this is how they see me just because i'm a tall plain-looking woman minding my business. i'm spiralling into pt-style madness
No. 2012056
>>2012021NTA but are you for real kek
>if you feel tired of having to read endless posts about anons wiping their Nigel’s butts for them and putting up with terrible behavior, that means you need therapy and are OBSESSED with hating mena hit dog hollers I suppose
No. 2012114
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>>2012017>spiralling into pt-style madnessthese mean people are ready to kill me the moment i leave my house. doctors and police want to hurt me. i feel like a cryptid, so alone. i don't wanna be trans. i am not kikomi
No. 2012160
>>2011393Thanks for the advice Nona! When I go in next if he asks I’ll just tell him that I don’t give out my number since I don’t use my phone much. Which isn’t really a lie kek. I’m worried that if I just say no he won’t accept that so I want to use some sort of excuse. Hopefully he’ll understand that I’m not interested then. There’s a line to call for workplace harassment but I don’t want to escalate yet especially since I might not even be at this job for long.
>>2011665It’s okay, nona! The story was entertaining and I have similar stories because I seem to attract this type a lot for some reason. But I honestly have no idea I feel like I look pretty normal? My hair is reddish brown right now and I wear glasses but I don’t think either of those things are super notable? I cant think of any anime characters with that description right now. Thanks for trying, though. Usually when I have to ward off guys I just get a bit detached and they back off but I don’t think this dude is capable of reading social cues.
No. 2012217
One of my male acquaintances is pissing me right the hell off. He's an annoying, very picky, micro-managing busybody who always has an excuse for why he won't or can't do something, and on top of all that he's a literal soyboy mainstream nerd-media consoomer who has the GALL and AUDACITY to be dating one of my closest friends. This maladapted fucker is sucking her dry, I can see it in how exhausted she looks now. When we hang out in a group with her and the new bOyFiE, she's got on way too much makeup and a super elaborate outfit. When it's just me and her, she's wearing public-pajamas and looks like she hasn't showered in a few days. The mask is off: when she's not performing for the moid she can be her true, exhausted self. I don't like where their relationship seems to be going and I don't like that she's dating someone who's such a needy time and energy drain. Not to mention, he gets super handsy when he's drunk and has a history of being girl-crazy so that stupid prick is probably going to cheat on her. The worst part, she seems to think of this scrawny, no-assed, pockmarked, post-wall bloat-faced moid as some kind of sparkling animu bishie just because he has a somewhat alt fashion sense and a fuckass assymetrical haircut. I dream of the day she kicks his whiny vegan concave-ass to the curb.
No. 2012242
>>2012238I never had the chance of building my confidence on being skinny, i had a very harsh puberty and until 22 i'm still fighting to shed some weight off, plus i have curly hair, i'm hairy, i'm naturally smelly, the maintenance my body requires is exhausting. Every 2 weeks it's waxing, every day it's wetting my hair, putting two expensive creams, i also have cysts which leave awful scars, i go to the gym 3/4 times (granted for a while i was depressed and gained a lot of weight) a week and yet i remain mid. Yet i'm still fortunate bc i'm healthy, not obese, and not deformed.
No. 2012243
>>2011096I miss having this so much, my ex bff went insane (she became a tradthot and married an old crusty redditor) and I really really miss having a completely dysfunctional and co-dependent relationship like that.
Maybe I should get a girlfriend
No. 2012353
>>2012229a friend of mine went to the taylor swift show and honestly she serves and is worth every dime. 3 hour+ of concert, different outfits, surprise songs, playing instruments live, her live voice is great plus her charisma is insane
definitely sounds better than paying an overpriced ticket to watch playback
No. 2012355
>>20122892 hours doesn't sound like that much to me, if you meet halfway that's 1 hour ; he can easily spend the weekend over at your place, or you at his
depending on the cost of transportation I'd say that's still a reasonable distance
No. 2012360
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>grow up with bare minimum necessities, poor hygiene, clothes with holes, slept on a mattress, thought we lived in poverty
>both of them each have made 110k+ for years and that doesnt include bonuses
i dont expect handouts from them past 18 but i hope both of my parents die.
No. 2012372
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Tw healing burn wound
I swear I just want to go one week without injuring myself. This isn't even the worst hot glue incident I had in the past two years. The worst? Project turned to absolute shit anyway! All that for nothing.. and it fucking hurts and now I can't get other more important things done either. Everytime I try and get too excited it's just fucking shit.. but then I look at it and it reminds me so much of some SRS/GRS result and laugh because at least this shit will be fine in a week.. kek
No. 2012382
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I don't tell people in my life, because I don't want to seem bizarre, but very occasionally, before my period, I experience weird things.
Just now, I hallucinated peppep pig's laugh, just in my ear. Horrifying. I just want my hormones to not fuck me up.
>>2012372oh bun…im so sorry. that looks horribly painful.
i think these types of burns can progress, so it might be best to get it checked out. and in the meantime, hope that you have aloe vera and sudocrem, and a plaster that has a soft side on it. i also suffer from lack of attention to detail and general clumsiness. i hope you can finally fulfill your project soon.
No. 2012399
>>2012366If they were making that much and being that frugal it might be that they're the type to obsessively save for retirement. There's a generation where it's common for money anxiety and frugality to exist no matter what their income level becomes
Not to the same extent (well almost) but my dad was like that. My mom died young and never got to really live a little because of his saving for the future.
No. 2012403
>>2011071Oh do kick me when I'm hurting, literally! Ouch. Ever left the gloves to the side of you because you just don't think about them anymore because you're so concentrated? I wish it didn't happen but it does, urgh, fucking hate it
>>2012382Thank you sweet thing! Those are definitely better tips than I heard from our actual doctor hotlines! I appreciate it very much. More importantly, I hope you feel better too and maybe find out what's going on? Could it be a neighbours TV? I feel for you
No. 2012464
>>2012431Yeah…I don't know why some ladies but the blinders on. Do they hate themselves? Do they realise that they'll be looking at their friends, mothers, sisters with that hateful regard?
My auntie has been a 'girlfriend' to her guy since they were 18, and they're in their 40s. When she's sick, super sick, and exhausted from work, he won't cook her a thing, she handles that all. She does the scheduling, laundry, handles so many of the household affairs, earns money the same as him, and cooks. Her 'boyfriend' of over 20 years genuinely asks her 'if she ever shuts up' when she wants to talk after a long day. He lusts for tv presenters in front of her, and i know he made a weird joke about me with my other uncle…I don't know why some women lie to themselves. I want to look up to these older women in my life, and then they let this happen.
No. 2012465
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I'm honestly so tired of how revealing swimwear has gotten for women and I feel like I'm crazy for thinking so. I'm not one of those "modest is hottest" people, I think women should obviously be allowed to wear what they want but like… Really? You're walking around with your whole entire ass out, crotch barely covered, half your boobs hanging out? And how are you even comfortable swimming in that flimsy shit, especially at water parks? That shit would fly off my boobs so fast. It makes me so uncomfortable and I wish the norm was women wearing swimwear that made sense. Like your bikini can be attractive while covering more than 7% of your body.
I feel this way about some clothes too (thin yoga pants that are literally body paint, in light colors, as a daily outfit) but summer just is particularly egregious.
No. 2012468
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>>2012453You can do it
nonnie. Be proud of your accomplishments.
No. 2012478
>>2012465I agreewith you 100%
>You're walking around with your whole entire ass out, crotch barely covered, half your boobs hanging out? And how are you even comfortable swimming in that flimsy shit, especially at water parks? I haven't been able to explain this to my relatives without getting the ''Oh, you must really hate you body and feel ugly then'' speech. I love going to the beach and I simply refuse to spend more of my time adjusting a tiny swimsuit or bikini so it doesn't get inside my rack. I have an average-to-slim build and normal height for a young woman in my country but I always have to shop two sizes bigger when it comes to swim suits because they're too tight and uncomfortable.
No. 2012494
>>2012465It's crazy how much of a difference it makes when yoga pants are in certain light colors vs even the same thin ones just in black. The body paint look/see every lil dimple effect. Not bashing on cellulite but yoga pants that are thin and light enough that strangers could draw a whole map of your cellulite even when you don't have much.. Your body is fine but those pants aren't really pants
I remember a guy freaking out years ago when yoga pants were newish to getting popular, he was confused and thought yoga pants meant tights. He thought women were online talking about how they love wearing nothing but sheer tights out in public because they're comfy. Now some yoga pants aren't far off being that.
No. 2012533
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I feel like an awkward fucking middle schooler while I'm trying to chat with the guy I started seeing lately. Everything I say comes out retarded and cringe. How am I so nervous because I'm talking to a moid when I'm a grown ass almost 30 year old woman who has had two 4+ year long relationships before? Fuckkkk my life I am literally rolling around in bed due to embarrassment after every message I send. Those 3 minute pauses between messages every now and then are going to be the death of me
No. 2012588
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>get a job at amazon
>go to the prehire on monday and there's nobody there and everybody has to reschedule
>Do it again today, everybody called off sick and there's only one woman doing everything, with one guy who supposedly is also there for training purposes, but does fuck all
>Going again tomorrow because i really need this job since jobs that pay well and fit my schedule with room to grind hours are scarce
>I also really need to make back all the money i wasted whilst being jobless
>Every other job i have applied for has rejected me or ghosted me.
I am so fucking frustrated i could bite a fucking brick.
No. 2012656
Got into it with my mom because she told me I needed to "be more human" in my cover letter and pretend I'm super excited/passionate about this company specifically and add some personal anecdotes to pull their heartstrings some and differentiate myself. I told her I would do it, but got irritated and said that I hate how dishonest this process is because we all know it's just performance for performance's sake. The company doesn't really care about me, I don't care about them, they want an employee and I want an employer, but we all have to do this song and dance and pretend it's more than that. I wish you could just be honest about your qualifications, explain why you'd be a good fit, and leave it at that. She blew up at me and told me I'm immature, have a bad attitude, said she wouldn't hire me either, and it sounds like I shouldn't apply because I don't even want the job. She said I'm arrogant and that I should consider that the problem is me, not the jobs. Maybe she's right, I don't know. I just hate lying and manipulating, and job hunting makes you do both. I've accepted that I must endure it to exist in this world, but now I have to pretend I like it even when I'm talking to my own mother? It's not like I walk around being a dick during job interviews, I keep my feelings about this stuff close to the chest and perform my ass off when I need to. But it's really bothering me that what I said made her so angry. Am I just a cynical, contagiously miserable asshole who doesn't even recognize it? How am I supposed to have a better attitude? I don't get it. Maybe I just wasn't grateful enough for her advice? At the end, I just said "okay, thank you, I'll do that," but she was still clearly really pissed off at me. I don't know why it made her so mad. I feel badly about it. I also don't like that she talks to me like I'm an emotionless robot and like she can say whatever hurtful thing she wants and assume it doesn't affect me. Of course it does.
No. 2012685
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I am zen. I am in control of my emotions. Life is good. The only thing making my life bad is my overthinking. There is no problem. My skin is fine. My grades are fine. I am not an awful person. I am not getting kicked out. Everything is fine. I am relaxed, calm, composed.
No. 2012721
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I just want to sleep…why can't I sleep normally
No. 2012754
>>2012749> No more "wow I love the use of lighting the artist used, i wonder why this part is such a striking color of blue", no more "i wonder what feelings made the singer write these striking lyrics" because the answer is always just "it has literally no meaning at all behind it".That's why AI will never actually replace actual artists
I've never been moved or intrigued by an AI generated piece because it's soulless
If it ever happened, I would probably mostly look for the original artist the AI copied because it would be 100x better
No. 2012798
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No. 2012812
>>2012779maybe writing songs gets tiresome when you
have to do it for a living
No. 2012815
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>>2012809are you a cis girl by any chance?
(bait) No. 2012820
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>>2012817you wouldn't out yourself if I called you a troon for using the word dismorphia would you
(scrotefoiling) No. 2012827
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>>2012823benzos can be easily prescribed without much side effects.
go to a psychiatrist and tell her how hard it is for you to sleep because of nightmares or something
No. 2012858
>>2012271I hope you feel better too! Or find a medication combo that works for you.
I've considered asking my psychiatrist first another recommendation but I don't think I could go through another trial run of medication at the moment. It's always so hard on my stomach
No. 2012877
>>2012827Where do you live
nonnie? I can only get them online but you get dependent on them way too fast and once the ban is in I'll be fucked. I just keep getting panic attacks I can't take it anymore, all my psych says is "try to breathe and name objects around you" but I'm so tired after every one and they're happening more frequently, it's getting hard to function and I don't want to go to the nuthouse. Just the embarrassment of having been there, my whole family knowing about it and having to come back home just to have my mom yell at me. I can't take it anymore.
No. 2012883
>>2012815Yes, stop using that word and learn to sage while you are at it.
>>2012848 me too. I just feel like at this point it’s troons and Men accusing anons of being troons to get a rise out of them. This image is a tell all for me.
>>2012820 go back.
Remind me to never talk about my weird feelings towards feminine clothes or femininity again. Better then the anon who responded to me talking about suicidal ideation telling me to kill myself one time ig
No. 2012884
>>2012877how old are you?
I moved out from the family home at 18, I lived on my own since in europe.
I feel like your problems are caused by something that is out of your control, so why are you blaming yourself?
I think you should leave behind everything that is stressing you out, and maybe have some meds help you even tho I think you won't need them in the long run
No. 2012900
>>2012809I know this isn't the advice thread but I used to be the same (huge NLOG phase as a teen), and what helped me was wearing them in places where you'd expect women to wear dresses. Casual ones for going to the beach, work events, on a nice walk through the park or restaurants. And if I have dresses I deem too 'fancy' for everyday life, there's always opera or high-end restaurants.
Might be worth trying different types of dresses until you figure out what works with your body and what doesn't, as sometimes certain dresses only look nice if you're willing to accessorise or present yourself in a certain way. I'm too autistic for that so I just stick with more casual looks. Summer is approaching so why not start with a simple a-line dress.
No. 2012906
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Reread my journal entries when I was going through a break up with a dusty ass man. Weird seeing how heartbroken I was.I’m cringing at the fact I let this crusty ass gamer boy even touch me at the age of 18 while he was 26. What was I thinking?
No. 2013018
there’s this girl that used to be my best friend when i was little. we were extremely close until we graduated from the school we went to, until then we had been inseparable. i had always been shy, introverted and a loner. she was the opposite, she was outgoing, had a ton of friends. she was the only person i had, up until that point. eventually i grew sick of being lonely and faked an extroverted personality to hopefully befriend new people and it worked. i was happier than ever. however, my friend wasn’t as happy for me. infact, it seemed like she was jealous. whenever i’d talk about my new friends, she’d bad mouth them and tell me she doesn’t think they’re good for me. which confused me, because i had always been accepting of the other friends she had, and i knew if i wasn’t she’d get incredibly pissed. so i didn’t even dare to. the fact that she told me they weren’t good for me is incredibly funny to me. because once i met said people, i realized how much of a shitty person she was. back in school, if for some reason she got angry with me (she was extremely petty. e.g. she’d get upset w me if i insulted her in a joking way. which she did to me all the time, btw.) she’d bully me to no end, and she’d get the entire class to join her. i had to endure my class insulting me loudly whenever i walked past them. they’d shove me, hit me, throw the chalkboard rag at me, etc. it once got so bad that i had a really bad panic attack and got picked up by my parents. getting this harassed by what felt like the only person in my life felt awful, gut wrenching. it made me feel so shitty, so much so that i cut myself for the first time ever and had attempted suicide. luckily, my mom found me called emergency services. after my friend found out about this, she seemed to feel bad for all the shit she had put me through and i was hopeful she’d finally be nicer to me. but i was mistaken. only a few days later, out of nowhere, she cut off all contact to me, ignored me at school and told our entire class about my attempt. i don’t exactly remember what happened after that, but knowing her she probably started missing me and then got back to me as if nothing ever happened. no apology, no nothing. it’s been many years since this incident and now we’re in this cycle of her texting me, telling me she misses me and me being stupid enough to forgive her, only for her to get mad at me for some dumb petty bs months later (e.g. me “copying” her (we’re both in our twenties btw)) and then cutting off all contact to me again. i’m not sure what to do w her, and i need help. i should probably just ignore her attempts of her trying to be friends with me again. but it’s hard. everytime i’m hopeful things will get back to how they were when we’re little. but they won’t, and i know this. but still there’s something inside of me telling me to forgive her. how do i stop this?
No. 2013063
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>>2012823My grandma has been addicted to Valium for 63 years. It ruined her entire life and the lives of everyone she is close to. She is a hollow shell of a person and can't do anything. At her worst she takes 20-30mg per day because 1 pill doesn't cut it anymore. Valium is not fun. Get on an SSRI and stay away from benzos because they will fuck your life up forever if you get hooked on them; and everyone gets hooked on them.
No. 2013119
>>2012673>works full-timelol that's no excuse
he thinks you should clean because you're the woman and beneath
stop cleaning and just let him sit in filth
No. 2013127
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This is literally me and I feel so ashamed. I feel like I can never be independent in the way this society is set up
No. 2013279
>>2013127This is me too. I wish there was a western name for something like this tbh, most western women are giant pickmes and the rest of us just get silenced.
Femcel doesn't work because it's mostly just pickmes again and tbh being a
femcel is just pickmeism by design.
No. 2013290
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Oh nonas I'm going through it rn I can't stop rotting in my bed. I recently quit my job bc I did something incredibly stupid and couldn't handle the embarrassment (+ the job was making me miserable anyway) and I tried to gaslight myself into thinking that it was actually a good idea by telling myself now I have so much free time to do whatever I want…
But the last few days I've done nothing but lay in bed and sleep. I'll wake up, use my phone until I'm hungry AF, go outside to get some food, eat it and then sleep the day away. Rinse & Repeat. I'm just so sad all the time. I feel like a complete loser.
And I really can't even afford to not have a job bc I'm the breadwinner in my family but I'm so tired of working istg. Every job I've ever had I end up so miserable and burnout. Then it gets so bad I become extremely suicidal until I can't take it anymore and quit.
No. 2013378
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I'm sick of seeing drug addict homeless people wandering around the buses and public places in general. It would be one thing if they were minding their own business but majority of them scream and harass anyone that they come in contact with. And don't get me started on how homeless women have to fight tooth and nail not to get fucked over both literally and figuratively.
If these scrotes disappeared tomorrow, society would actually be a happier place.
No. 2013413
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>>2013385>> you have past trauma/ptsd? anyway fasting is for moids, you're just slowing down your metabolism by fasting as a woman. eat 6 small meals a day instead (1400kcal spread out over 6 meals focusing on protein>fat>carbs). 6 small meals improves insulin resistance and helps you lose weight. weight loss is actually about manipulating and controlling hormones.
No. 2014068
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Gonna be honest, i'm seething over this and similar stuff i hear. First of all, i know people who studied to be voice actors, this is not something you can do out of nowhere just because you can sperg about videogames, and shit like this is why i feel like the voice acting quality in media has declined.
I'm mostly seething because they give opportunities like this to a troon just because he's a known youtuber while there are actual voice actresses, and even lots of women who are even more passionate about your games than him or the usual voice actor that know that if they show their audience that they're female they're going to get creeps obsessing over them and no real woman wants that. Anything about these kind of things sound awful to me. I will sound like an old hag but i wish i was in the early days where companies hired people suited for each job. Hope this troon has fun timing his sentences and trying to control his breath for fighting grunts or whatever, when there are women who already prepared for these sort of things because they wanted it to be their job.
No. 2014230
>>2014068I've heard that it was because of union reasons that they couldn't hire the original VA without breaking the bank but ignoring troonism this totally feels like stunt hiring a Youtuber instead of a soundalike VA.
Like what's next? The get Logan Paul to voice Dante and Mr Beast to voice Vergil. Just hire talented people ffs.
No. 2014234
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>>2013506No, thank you anon. These streaks of shit. These messages were returned 4 hours after I tried to contact their “24/7” support. Now they will not let me transfer the full amount of my account back into my back so I can switch brokerages. Never use Robinhood. What they did should be illegal. This could be someone’s last straw
No. 2014241
>>2014191>I even thought we look similar, idk what to think about that now lmaoAyrt, i get it, i used to watch his videos back when i wasn't really against troons in general, i don't know much about his private life and i know he would mention that he regrets doing tranny porn, but i don't know how true that is, i think it's weird that i know he did that even though i only cared to watch his videos.
Anyway i think facially he looks quite feminine, as long as another woman isn't around, i get what you mean because he sort of reminds me of a girl i used to know too and at least he doesn't look as haggard as the usual degenerate troon, but put him with another woman and you start seeing all the masculine traits.
>>2014230Kek, yeah, it just sounds so stupid, i don't even care if the result is acceptable, it doesn't change that they didn't hire an actual voice actress.
No. 2014242
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I just failed the driving test to get a license to ride a moped. I'm in my late 20s. The shame is unbearable.
No. 2014271
>>2014261That's too bad,
nonnie. I hope she can return the favor and pay for your drinks or food in exchange. At least that would be a nice gesture.
No. 2014322
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Anons! Help! My self-esteem and world view was absolutely crushed yesterday. I was at a meeting and was mingling around with new people there. I was getting along well with this one lady and after awhile she mentioned that I looked like one of her co-worker and I act like her too. She gushingly said that we definitely look like long lost twins. She then proceed to show me a picture of her co-worker on her phone and I inwardly balked. Her co-worker was not good looking at all and she looks way older and heavier than me too. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm sure her co-worker is a very nice person because she kept praising her co-worker during our conversation. I'm more devastated at myself because all this while I thought I look at least a 4 out of 10 (or maybe 5/10 on a good day) but when she mentioned that her friend is my twin… now I know I'm more of a 2/10. I always had low self-esteem because I know all the ugly genes are dumped on me. I'm the ugly sibling and I've accepted that fact a long time ago and tried to at least take care of my looks and be more presentable. It took me years to work on my self-confidence and focus on other things besides looks. But I didn't know that all these while I've only succeeded in deluding myself to think that I rank as a 4/10. In reality people around me rank me as a 2/10! Maybe that's why the men who tried to hit on me or approach me these past few years are all so fucking ugly because they think I'm on their level. I think this is a sign for me to really step up on my looksmaxxing game. Ngl I did neglect on my self-care routine this year due to my busy work life. But man! After this unfortunate conversation, I really need to improve on my looks so fucking uggo moids wouldn't dare to talk to me and think that I'm on their disgusting level. I deserve only handsome men talking to me!
No. 2014336
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>>2014322I wouldn’t immediately take that to heart anon. I’ve had “friends” passive aggressively put me down by comparing me to someone very obviously uglier than me just to knock me down a peg, as well as try to set me up with extremely ugly guys that are friends of theirs or their boyfriends. And of course, they’re doing it in a way that seems innocuous so you can’t say anything.
Women can neg just like men
No. 2014372
>>2014329I don't think she was intentionally being a bitch anon because there was a third lady (i think she was a colleague to this lady) in our conversation group. The lady also showed the picture of her co-worker to this third lady and the third lady confirmed that we look alike. So I was doubly devastated.
>>2014336Ugh! Same anon! Had that happened to me too. My friends tried to set me up with their super ugly moid friends thinking that they're doing me a favour. Sad part is, my mum and other family members also tried to set me up with disgustingly uggo guys. It happened a few times. Bitch please! I have standards! Even though I'm not a stacy, I still know my worth. I only deserve hot men. I say fuck friends and families like these anon!
No. 2014385
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>>2014372I don’t think anyother woman corroborating her means it’s true, though.
My own sister (who I actually get on very well with) and a friend both tried to hook me up with a 5’2” dude who literally looks exactly like this.
No. 2014393
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Is anyone else autistic about flatware handles? I have to get new ones but I can’t find any that are like the old despite going to the same store I bought them from only a few years ago. For months I have been trying every fork in every store that I see and none of them feels good to hold! And what’s up with silverware all having such massive unbalanced heads these days? I am about to have a meltdown over this I will never eat comfortably again
No. 2014413
>>2014410Those posters are most likely the incels that lurk here from 4chan and can't contain their rage when lolcow isn't 4chan for girls and full of
femcels. The same incels that seethe when someone mentions they've a child or are pregnant. Ant mention of evidence of not being a virgin is met with hostility then when you call them out for most likely being virgins they start trying to use their extensive porn viewing as a way to larp as a Stacy and start talking down on vanilla sex even though they'd kill their own ma for vanilla sex with any woman
No. 2014423
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>Landed my first job since graduating.
>5 months employed. No problems.
>I'm part of a team that's split across multiple countries - US, Europe (me) and Singapore.
>The head honchos from the US are around this week to do a team building thing. I really think it's just to make sure we're not fuck ups.
>Yesterday we go out for a team meal all on the companies credit card.
>Small talk. Blah blah blah that's so interesting blah blah oh I'd love to visit one day.
>Then we go out for drinks after on the companies credit card.
>[Scene missing]
>I woke up this morning with vomit on my bed, the shower and a little on the front door.
>My phone screen is cracked.
>One of my shoes is missing.
I did WFH today and I'm sitting here in the dark sipping wine waiting for the daily meeting. I'm going to lose my first real job. My only consolation is that of the 6 US people 2 haven't logged on today. I'm hoping this is just a general fucked up thing that we're all going to ignore it.
No. 2014445
>>2014436Yeah. Sorry
nonnie but I don’t think you were drugged either. Roofies don’t usually make you projectile vomit, but alcohol definitely does. Fingers crossed you don’t lose your job, but if you do, learn from this and move on.
No. 2014451
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I got a law interview for an internship that is only marginally related with my degree (accounting) and I'm so confused how. Were the other applicants that bad that they settled for me? My stomach is already turning because I have no idea how I'm going to sell myself to them in-person. I hate interviews.
No. 2014453
>>2014441The Europe team is pretty young and I think we just got a bit too wild with free drinks on the menu
Daily meeting is starting now. Wish me luck
No. 2014591
>>2014570I wish this were true but I'm not particularly young and it still happens, kek. The much older womens husbands are just too busy cheating or watching sports…
or divorced/dead.
No. 2014593
>>2014465>>2014468The director of my department took the lead on the call. She made some jokes about last night. The 2 US guys who didn't make she laughed about being jet lagged. Honestly the coolest most chill woman I've ever met in my life. It was business as usual after that. No one mentioned me, so I live another day as a mess. I'm going to learn from this though. I can't keep doing psycho shit.
Thanks for the kind words. I wish I had my FitBit on to see how much my blood pressure dropped.
I was going to post a content or happy/relief image but I don't have any in my react folder. Ain't that something..
No. 2014648
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>had two bad days at work, whatever I'll force myself to power through
>get like five hours of sleep last night because I had too much anxiety to fall asleep
>while walking out the door to drive to work this morning my parents tell me that grandma was hospitalized with pneumonia
No. 2014667
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Today at work in the service industry as a temp: I hadn't been on break or sat for over 6 hours, hadn't really eaten since breakfast because they only serve food I can't eat (everyone else takes 20 minutes off for it, otherwise we are only allowed one official 30 minute break about an hour after I start which is retarded as fuck), and I don't go out for smoking breaks which everyone else also does every couple of hours. Usually I pack something small to eat, but I didn't have time this morning. My blood sugar was non-existent because of this. It made me sweat like an absolute waterfall, bad enough to soak my hair and run down my forehead. At some points I thought I'd keel over any moment because I was so lightheaded. If anyone cared at all they'd have asked me if I'm okay, but nobody even gave a shit how I was probably pale, and definitely shaking and sweating like crazy. Absolute garbage humans.
15 minutes before I was supposed to get off, while I was sitting with my eating coworker, another coworker came up to me, shoved some shit into my hands, and told me "do this". I didn't even know what the fuck that meant because it was literally all she said and I had never done it before.
I didn't do what she wanted those last minutes because I'd rather kill myself than spend any effort trying to find someone to explain how to do some menial task right before I was supposed to leave. I was hoping I could sneak out before she came back, but she caught me leaving what she gave me in some random place and started yelling at me, something like "I TOLD YOU TO DO THIS. YOU CAN'T JUST NOT DO THINGS, I NEED THIS READY STAT".
Right that moment, their boss walked by and she pointed at me and told him how I refused to do what she "asked" me.
A man has never given me an orgasmic experience like he did when he said "leave her alone, why are you making her do that? This is something for the evening and not even the morning shift's responsibility", and then smiled at me. No idea whether he did it because he thinks I'm pretty or what, but I'd marry that guy if he kept putting all these retards into place. Unfortunately he's barely ever there, and if I told him about my retarded ass coworkers they'd just double down on their behavior while he's gone.
I am running all over the fucking place because these people expect me to do ALL their retarded little tasks. It's kind of what I'm there for, but Jesus fucking Christ, I need at least a few moments of fucking peace every 3 hours or so.
At one point an employee very nicely asked me to do a favor for her, using please and thank you - words I forgot exist. It led me to a quiet environment in a different part of the building. Those 5 minutes were genuinely the best part of my entire day. Serenity. Absolute heaven.
When I got slow today because I was EXHAUSTED and felt like shit after running around for FIVE FULL HOURS without eating anything more than a bowl of cereal 6 hours ago and a fucking tiny ass pear that was half the size of my palm (I got to eat half of it for 20 seconds before there was a rush of customers, and could only resume eating after like 45 minutes), they got upset with me for being slow. They give me a thousand things to do, they don't let me rest. WHAT THE FUCK do they expect, for me to be a robot Terminator style?????? Are they too fucking stupid to realize how much I do all day because the only time they talk to me is to use me like a slave, even though I'm ALWAYS on my feet and busy?????
The only reason why I tolerate their behavior as much as I do is because I need this job for a short while and I don't want them going to their boss, calling me rude and bad to work with. He'd leave me a bad review because he'd probably trust people he has had employed for 10 years more than some random fuck who's only been there for a week. I'm not even a particularly bad pushover. If my head hadn't been in such a fucked auto pilot state due to low blood sugar today, I definitely would have been more assertive and insisted on taking a break, but I could barely think most of the time.
Next time I get fed up I'll just fuck off, hang out in a random QUIET part of the building away from everyone else, and then pretend someone sent me to do some fuckass task while I disappeared. I hope karma exists and fucks all these shitheads up the ass
No. 2014829
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>>2014802Same, except I have forehead lines. I plan on getting bangs because it’s the poor woman’s Botox lol
No. 2014843
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>no money for toothpaste
>no money for a new toothbrush
>no money for skincare products
i am so tired of being poor i got a date in a week and i am so fucking ugly and there is nothing i can do about it, he's going to be scared of me and run away because i am disgusting and its because i cant afford basic hygene products. I hate that i could be average looking if only i had a bit of money, my skin has been completly ruined because i never had the money to afford a dermatologist. I hate being a poorfag.
No. 2014878
>>2014873i am argentinian
>>2014875>>2014876i dont look normal enough to shoplift i look too ghoulish and everyone will find out also he has money and knows how to cook and told me he was paying for the death and i am hungry, sorry that i want free food.
No. 2014894
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I want to be loved. I want to be someone's favorite person.
No. 2014918
>>2014911i was bored so i dl a dating app, i didnt put my pic only some art i made, we hit it off and he asked me on a date. Please understand
nonny this is the second scrote that asks me on a date and the very first one was a guy with rotten teeth, lice, and that i later found out was charged with cp possesion. This guy is tall, handsome, can cook(literally dont know a single scrote who cans outside of him) shares the same autistic hobbies as me and seems cute. I would think he's a catfish if he didnt send pics of his family and talked with me on discord plus shared autistic terminally online hobbies that are rare here.
No. 2014926
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I tried to plan around it, but I’m going to be on my FUCKING period during my wedding! God damn it!!!!
No. 2014936
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idk the only reason I'm still here is because there are people who would be sad if I died. I have a shitty dead-end job with no future goals or aspirations. I have friends but I can't connect with them on any sort of deeper level and every time we hang out I leave feeling unfulfilled. My hobbies don't even bring me joy. Lately I've been spending my time not at work smoking weed and watching sad anime or playing video games just to fill my mind with something. I feel guilty too, like I make enough money to survive and have a bf and friends. I have no right to be this depressed. But I've been like this for as long as I can remember and when I think about spending 50 more years living this dull joyless life with nothing to look forward to I am filled with dread. Why do I even go through the motions of keeping up appearances and relationships by pretending to be happy it's all so fucking pointless
No. 2014937
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I try not to get hung up on the "what if…"s on things from many, many years ago. But when I was a teen and young adult I would hang out with this pretty toxic people that had no qualms in dragging me down, being one of the reasons why I suffer from paranoia nowadays and a lot of my self-hatred stems from them. I absolutely loved singing, writing and drawing and whenever I got some pointers or training I would develop at a pretty impressive speed (however, I absolutely didn't have any talent I just enjoyed doing these things a lot), but this group would always tell me how much I sucked, that I should just stop trying, etc. I kinda lost it when I started experimenting more with water colors and one of these friends looked at a piece I was really proud of, shrugged and threw it on the floor laughing. I pretty much stopped using any of my creative outlets because none of it was fun anymore, I could only think about how bad I was and how no one would ever enjoy seeing/reading/listen to anything I did. I can't even sing in the shower because it hits me how awful I must sound, even if no one is around. Whenever I try to pick up drawing again I get upset over how I can't do it as well as I could back then ("the knowledge is in there, somewhere, why can't I bring it out???"), and when it comes to writing I get stuck on those dreaded first words and end up throwing it all away because who would want to read it anyway? It will just be trash. I wish I had just told them to go eat grass instead of letting myself get bullied by them to the point where I completely lost myself.
>why did you hang out with them if they treated you like that?
Most of the time they were a lot of fun, these things mostly happened whenever I was making some sort of positive progress in any aspect of my life, and since I have no confidence I thought they were just being painfully honest and internalized a lot of it as absolute truths. Cut them out of my life many years ago.
No. 2014985
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I passed my driving test last month however as a learner and as part of the test they don't teach you how to drive on motorways. Pic related was my first experience on them today. I have to drive on them to get into work and I am half passed shitting myself. I know it's the safest roads to travel but it's all max speed, no slow down if you want to be cautious. 120 km/h is way too fast.
No. 2014988
Learning the hard way that looking like a Stacy will not improve your life if you still act like you're retarded. It's like people talk to me because I dress well and put on makeup to today's standards, but the minute I start talking, their smile fades and they try to get out of the conversation. My psychiatrist told me I don't have autism, so it's literally just over for me
>>2014970I understand, I can't date any guy that's younger than me in general unless it's one or two years. You'll get over it soon when you realize even though the age gap is small, his maturity is still basically the same as a high school boy
No. 2015016
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I hate being an ex-stacey. I hate being an ex-stacey. I hate being an ex-stacey. I hate being an ex-stacey.
Please let me return to being a normie. Life was so much simpler then. I had actual prospects and a future.
Nonas, please NEVER take having a healthy functioning brain for granted. Seriously. I am so jealous and upset at my younger self for squandering so much life.
No. 2015250
>>2015235Sorry if it's "mentally ill" to care about how my roommates think about me? I don't like how you're insinuating that just because I use a gas station bathroom I must be some sort of crazy person.
>>2015238I am autistic, yeah, but I wasn't trying to be funny. Not everything you read has to be funny. Maybe try reading Dostoyevsky and see how unfunny some autists can be.
>>2015239So now I have schizos saying I'm not real but yet they're calling me mentally ill. Great.
No. 2015287
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Me and my boyfriend's 2 year anniversary was a couple days ago, but I literally just don't give a fuck anymore. My boyfriend's got the 'tism & ADHD and his time management is fucked, so he hasn't realized the date has passed already. When he realizes, hes going to balk, "Why didn't you remind me?!"
Because you stupid fuck, like I've told you a million times before, it's not fucking romantic if I have to spoon-feed you what to do in order to make me actually feel appreciated and properly "romanced" for lack of a proper word. We don't even have sex really, and that's a whole can of worms in of itself.
Whenever I bring this shit up to him, he acts like it's NBD until I get pissed off and lash out, which he always manipulates to make me seem like the one in the wrong for lashing out!! He gives me the same excuses every time: tism, PTSD, ADHD. He'll acknowledge my feelings, but never make any action to change the situation surrounding them (if I'm lonely and want more romance/sex, he gives me an excuse and promises to be more romantic "later", and later never comes).
He always tells me to be patient bc he's going to change and I'm so sick of waiting for something that's never going to happen. It's never going to change. It's never going to change. I have an exit plan but I need to save up $$$ for a security deposit first. I'm so sick of living this bullshit. I'm too young for this man. If you're wondering why I've stayed so long it's because I'm retarded and have BPD, was romantically inexperienced when I first met him, and he's basically my only form of social interaction… He makes a good friend but a horrible bf and refuses to admit that he can't meet my needs and we just keep going in circles.
Picrel, it's me after 2 years of this horseshit
No. 2015328
I need to stop procrastinating and buzz my head already. Depression is a big meanieface and I need to kick its butt so I can get all of this heat-trapping mess off of my cranium and actually feel good about myself for the first time in months. Setup and cleanup is such a pain though.
>>2015287I'm really glad you have an exit strategy nonna. Please get out of there quick and enjoy the peace of mind that is not having a manchild moid making his problems your problems.
No. 2015393
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>>2015265>>2015255>>2015251My vent is that this is the problem with you normiechans. You live such an ordinary life, and you live your lives totally unconsciously, unwilling and unable to act outside the structures of normalcy even in the most trivial and inconsequential ways. You're bound to your inauthentic ideas of what a person
should do, like a straitjacket keeping you from expressing any bit of originality and authenticity. When confronted with a modicum of individuality, you're stunned by it – scared by it; you resolve to call it "mentally ill," or doubt its veracity, and challenge the non-conformist with hurtful insults. Yes, I go to the bathroom every week to shit. Yes, I bring my own toilet paper and soap as seen in picrel. You can lie, and mock, and defame me all you like; at the end of the day I don't care because I live a life so interesting that I don't have time to care whether normies believe me. What you consider so insane - so avant-garde, is what I consider mundane. What you consider mundane, I consider pitiable, boring, and semi-retarded. Inb4 "hurr you only go once a week so you must shit in front of people sometimes!" No I don't. I have been training my body for more than a decade to shit only once every week or two. Soon, I hope to expel waste only every month or two. I'm not like you, normies, I am living my authentic self, free from the bounds of conformity. I am free.
No. 2015399
>>2015393>What you consider mundane, I consider pitiableAh yes because shitting in a gaz station is so revolutionary
>Can't shit because you're worried of people's perception of youIf it's true i pity you because you're a slave to other's
You've got writing skills nonna.
No. 2015403
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>>2014988As an conventionally unattractive women, hearing that becoming a stacy won't improve my prospects in anyways is just heartbreaking if i must be honest. I've read anons in the autism thread saying this is their experience also. There is no hope at all.
No. 2015483
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Shitting my brains out rn. I have no clue what is causing this, I've been eating normally, normal bowel movements, drinking plenty of water. God someone please save me it feels so bad. My body keeps trying to expel more but my intestines are EMPTY.
No. 2015491
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>>2015418>>2015410samefag, i feel you nona, i feel you…
No. 2015502
There is nothing good about being a woman.
Why did nature do this to us?
Weaker, slower, smaller, shorter, lighter, agreeable, empathetic, can't defend oneself from moids, which are stronger, faster, bigger, heavier, denser muscle mass, sociopathic, cruel, rape apes. A moid rapes you, you are forced to carry a parasite that leechs off you for 9 months, it kicks you and can fracture you, then rip yourself open so it comes out.
Im so tired of walking on eggshells for womanhood, ive tried to find the validity in this, but im not proud of myself. I wish i wasn't conscious.
No. 2015508
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>>2015502Speak for yourself. Keep your internalized misogyny to yourself.
No. 2015542
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>>2015502Girrrlll that’s why you have to buy a gun and learn how to shoot it. Moids can’t survive a head full of lead.
No. 2015609
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i wish i could escape this flesh suit and throw it up on a coat hanger after a long hard day. being a woman with bad luck and nothing to look forward to is extremely exhausting
No. 2015637
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>>2015578>they don't interrogate me about my bathroom habits, unlike some of the anons itt. I never want anybody to find out that I do that gross actNTA but I'm confused, why did you tell people you don't do it then, if they didn't even ask?
>>2015086>>2015230you PAY to shit?!? weekly? I have so many questions please come back nona
No. 2015646
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>>2015626Samefag but I've unironically thought of trying those Hers medicine since it'll be more bearable and less humiliating than having to speak with a psychiatrist in person. I know anxiety meds have risks and it's hard to wean off if them, but anything would beat 24/7 anxiety.
No. 2015653
>>2015637>Why do you tell people you don't do it then, if they didn't even ask?I don't tell people but I know they probably gossip about me behind my back about how I'm clean and pure and don't need to excrete wastes. The illusion that I maintain is that I am too clean to ever even need to shit; that I'm above it because that's how I feel deep down I resent the fact that I have to use the bathroom at all and I'm trying to cut it out entirely.
>You PAY to shit?Yeah and people pay to watch stupid TV shows on Netflix and pay to get their packages with same day delivery. So, you aren't gonna make me feel bad for using my money how I want to use it. I pay him not to use the bathroom but so he keeps his lips shut and doesn't tell people about my bathroom-use.
No. 2015669
>>2015660>>2015667i think you two are taking lc a little
too seriously
No. 2015670
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My postherpetic neuralgia is acting up probably due to my anxiety which has been high. My chest feels like an elephant is sitting on it. I just want to knock myself out and not wake up. I'm so tired of this bullshit and I will lose my shit if I get shingles a 4th time.
No. 2015675
>>2015640Samefag but all i can say is, cultivate the people that like you, never adhere or compromise yourself to please those persons, they can just feel you're not like them, it's almost primitive. The world is full of things to learn, explore, meet people for an hour or two, accept that most relations are ephemeral and simple; nona we all die alone. Even if we have people we love, we can only face death alone. I personaly mostly cultivate romantic relationship because it's very exclusive/intimate (i have few friends accross the world) and i don't have to court a whole group of people it suffices me.
Also hard work is not necessarily a scam, it's about creating your own opportunities, i could sit here and wait for someone to give me a hand out or go out of my way and get it. Honestly that's why rich people are retarded, it's because stupidity is correlated with risk-taking and entitlement.
No. 2015692
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I’ve fucked up twice at work in quick succession. Both pretty major mistakes. No one died and nothing caught fire but I feel like a retard. I’ve worked here 3 years with no problems but lately there’s something wrong with my brain. I’m worried I’m getting demented or something. I didn’t get in trouble… well yet. But I’m paranoid that a meeting is coming and I don’t handle discipline very well. I would probably ragequit.
No. 2015706
>>2015649>>2015655I admittedly don't know much about the whole process of receiving mental health care, so thanks. I know that psychiatrists are who give actual diagnosis' of illness so I just assumed. I will see what other mental telehealth services are out there.
>what's humiliating about it?What's not humiliating about explaining your poor mental abilities to someone?
No. 2015715
>>2015706>What's not humiliating about it?Nona doctors have to rip cucumbers out of scrotes assholes sometimes in the ER trust me they don't gaf about someones anxiety.
>Psychiatrists are the ones that diagnoseGeneral practitioners can diagnose simple issues like MDD or GAD. You shouldn't feel ashamed of having to go ask the doctor for some anti-anxiety medications.
No. 2015765
I am very level head and stoic as an adult. Normally. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but sometimes very inconsequential things make me have full on emotional meltdowns, however short, as a college freshman. I never cried or had tantrums as a kid or teen, even during actually scary or traumatic things. I don’t know why I’m doing this now.
I can recall the first time this happened. A while ago a road closed on my way to work, so I had to Google map a different way there. My dad called right as there was supposed to be a turn, so I couldn’t see what I had to do and ended up missing a turn. I immediately burst into tears and started scream crying in my car, pulled over, and just cried while rocking back and forth.
It sounds very silly but whenever this happens I feel so, so helpless and small. Like I have nothing I can do other than cry and be scared and miserable, and I always have this sinking feeling of being utterly alone and wishing I had my mom to comfort me. This happens like once or twice a month and it’s always so jarring and horrible it just sticks out. Just now I had a meltdown because I was feeling around my mouth at my braces and noticed my tooth actually is reversing back to its odd placement, and I got irrationally scared and paranoid my orthodontist is trying to sabotage me because he hates me or something. Again I just started crying, loudly, like not just silent tears. Im overemphasizing the crying because I NEVER cry, not even at actually horrific things that has happened to me. I’m typically very resilient, and I’m aware this is weird and me overreacting. That I’m like, reverting to a child like state at stupid shit that does not matter. Anyways, everytime this happens, like right now, I just feel so small all I want is for my mom to comfort me, wishing I had my mom, hell i get so hysterical that I’ll start muttering ‘mom’ or ‘I want my mom’ out loud. I’m scared this is a weird trauma thing stemming from my mom being emotionally absent but I’m too broke and weirded out by therapy. So im posting about it on lolcow instead.
No. 2015774
>>2015765It sounds like you're having a tough time growing up and maturing into a young adult. Lots of people go through this when they start college. You could probably benefit from trying to give yourself an emotional outlet like watching sad movies, or listening to sad music, so that your tears don't burst out of you at weird unpredictable times.
>I'm reverting to a child-like stateIf you're a college freshmen you're basically still a kid kek. You'll mature and grow up. I was acting retarded when I was 18 too. It's just a part of life.
>I got irrationally scared and paranoid my orthodontist is trying to sabotage me because he hates meOkay maybe you need to talk to a doctor about this one because it's kind of schizo but again maybe you were just already really stressed out. Sometimes when we're young we don't realize how stressed out we are.
No. 2015799
>>2015792>Sorry for samefagging so quicklyKek replying to someone isn't what samefagging is anon. Lurkmoar.
>I think I’m just retardedIt's okay to be mildly retarded. At least you know what's wrong with you so now you can figure out ways to cope with being retarded and learn about yourself and grow up. You'll be fine just figure out how to cope with your life better.
>I felt like psychoanalyzing myselfThat's gay don't do that. Just read some self-help books by autists and learn to listen to your body and realize when you're stressed and learn ways to alleviate your stress.
No. 2015809
>>2015792i like psychoanalytical concepts but too much navel-gazing can become its own cope and unhelpful. while doing deeper longterm self exploration, you also have to set and make short term goals and change.
>>2015803have you heard of the term alexythymia? you might relate to the concept, you don't notice when small things bother you but do notice when big things do.
No. 2015830
>>2015809No, I was not aware of that term until now, it does make a lot of sense honestly, for me. I did a quick Google search and the main thing I saw was not being able to identify physical or mental cues, as for the physical ones, that hits home. I’m really bad at knowing when I’m thirsty or hungry, and I can go the entire day without drinking or eating until I realize I feel like shit, I just can’t physically feel when I’m hungry or thirsty. As I’m typing this I’m realizing and remembering a lot of health issues and injuries growing up that went untreated because I couldn’t even tell I was in pain. It’s really retarded but I’ve heard other people on here and online talking about it. It’s truly a mind fuck, how have humans evolved so far for me to not know how to drink water…?
I was being over exaggerating when I said psychoanalyze, I mostly meant that as a funny crutch to explain why I thought my horrible emotional regulation can be traced back to being neglected as a kid, being punished for crying, other family things, you know, the works. Maybe I am being a pretentious idiot about it but I just have a feeling that might be it. I’m at a point in my life where I want to be better, so I’m trying to find the roots of all my problems so to speak so I can make a set plan on how to improve. Thank you for recommending the Alexithymia thing nona, that made a lot of sense.
No. 2016040
>>2016035DLs have nothing to do with you
>you're doing God's workBy… being nosy? OK
No. 2016072
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No. 2016115
nonnie. It's just, my parents won't even let me take the train to a concert a few cities over and then complain I don't do anything with my life. They won't let me leave my boyfriend even tho he wants me to play housewife if it ever goes further, like I'm worth nothing if it wasn't for him. I can't take it.
No. 2016189
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I haven’t even got a chance in this life why am I so freaking ugly. I’ve got to the point where I’ve accepted I am ugly and it doesn’t make me cry anymore I must be improving. I literally cannot stand taking pictures especially from far away I look the absolute worse
No. 2016197
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when will I stop BLEEDING miscarrying sucks and is painful and I have work tomorrow reeeeee not coping
No. 2016426
>>2016292>>2016283>>2016260>tfw babyfaced without fat cheeksi literally just look underdeveloped
wonder how ill age
No. 2016431
>>2016429>>2016422There are 48 occurences of "moid" and 15 of "scrote" ITT
Out of 500+ posts it's not that bad, less than 10%
No. 2016468
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I'm the 3rd of of my parent's 7 children yet the only one they have by accident. always kinda felt it tbh.
No. 2016534
>>2016377You think that's bad..Then wait until you see what a humiliation fetish actually starting the job is. So far we've been forced to:
- Balance ourselves on one leg
- Sing karaoke
- Some stupid shit where we had to make paper airplanes, then throw them at eachother. Then we had to pick them up by rolling around the room in our chairs (Without getting up from it)
- Make drawings that then got posted outside the room. Absolute elementary school shit.
- Drum rolling on the table
- Exec that made several new hires presenting on stage sing "Chug a chug a choo choo" in front of the hundreds of other new hires
- Some networking night that was literally set up like a children's playroom
No. 2016539
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I can finally say that I am definitely depressed and it’s affecting my ability to shuffle tarot cards and it’s making me so angry!! Can my brain just settle down and give me the right answers for once
No. 2016643
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Super extroverted new coworker I met ONCE and had like 2 conversations with is randomly texting me and showing pics of her child and oversharing and asking for my opinions on personal shit and I don't know what the fuck to say. At least irl I can just nod and go "whaaat" or "oooh" or "no way??!!!" or "that's nice" but you can't just keep saying this in text form without looking like a sped. I want to kill myself
No. 2016654
>>2016311I think you got roofed
nonnie. I'm sorry that happened to you.
No. 2016806
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Second day with no hashis and no benzos. Stuck here till tomorrow and the cherry on the cake? No fucking tomorrow! He "has to" go out to dinner with his fatass friend instead of staying with me after we did not see eachother for a week. And tryin to pass me for being the shithead in the situation cause I refused to stay waiting for him at his house while he is out with his friend. Kek. Hope the food is shit and he gets diharrea.
No. 2016873
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>>2016222ok it’s back on .. maybe??? I’m going to clean my teeth and do a diy wisdom tooth removal myself if he flakes again
No. 2016886
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I hate poly couples who treat their relationship like an MLM scheme and "unicorn hunters" so fucking much it's unreal. My sexuality does not change the fact that I'm TAKEN and would never be caught dead with your hideous scrotes.
No. 2016896
>>2016873The wait time to see my dentist is at least 7 weeks and whether you're just booking a routine cleaning or you're in pain.. it's still 7 weeks. Situation is what it is (my whole country dealing with this shit) but I wish there would be a sort of triage approach to it given how bad its gotten.
I miss being able to make an appt that's so close by in time that I barely even have time to dread the upcoming work.
No. 2016947
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>>2016909Wtf I'm so sorry nona. This is deranged. Convincing them to give you antibiotics ??? So you survive while waiting the 6weeks??? Madness. My country used to have great healthcare than is being dismantled in the last years but is still lightyears from your situation and it really scares me for you all. If you ever need it I could ship some antibiotics in the mail. NONNIES DONT DIE , I WILL SEND YOU THE ANTIBIOTICS IF YOU NEED IT and are in a shit-healthcare country.
No. 2017157
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>>2016947I don't need you to send me anything
nonny but that's very kind of you <3 bless you (and the other nonnas who are dealing with this shit)
No. 2017168
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I think it's silly to complain about the consequences of something you're not trying to fix but that said my tongue ulcer is under constant abuse from my eating disorder (yes, that one) and is always painful and healing at a snail's pace if it even is. My eyes are watering.
No. 2017351
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>>2017340leafy green left in the fridge for so long it starts to liquefy. that's my brain.
No. 2017365
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Already regret making the thread after seeing the replies
No. 2017378
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Some old, malformed piece of shit who bleaches his skin like he wants to be a slay queen has delayed my life, but I have so many things he'll always lack: Limitless potential, talent, people who love me for who I am (not what I've stolen), youth, beauty.
I will never trust family "friends" with anything to do with my life again. Old scrotes are worthless husks from the sewers of hell. Should've listened to my gut, not my anxiety or even the pater. Lesson learned.
No. 2017379
>>2015830Nonnie, were you emotionally neglected as a child? I'm not trying to pity you, because I deal with similar things like having breakdowns more frequently and I'm wondering if there's some connection. I'm now in my 30s and dealing with stressful things and keeping things bottled up leads to huge breakdowns over little things. I've lived completely by myself for 2 years now, previously I lived with past exes and I pretty much became codependent with them, so maybe this has stunted my frequency of crying over random shit. I remember having one breakdown as a child over not wanting spaghetti and that was pretty much it, but when I became an adult, I remember having one over not wanting to go to work, being rejected for sex, feeling like I'm being rushed, not being able to see my boyfriend,… Also I tend not to be about to notice if I'm needing water, I just got over a slight case of heat exhaustion.
No. 2017410
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I am feeling the exact same thing Britney Spears felt during 2009. I don’t know how much longer I can mask my mental illness without going completely unhinged
No. 2017434
>>2017415samefag as
>>2017433, to be serious stress and abuse can contribute to health issues so if he may have indeed contributed to your current poor health. i'm so sorry to hear that
No. 2017476
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My tummy hurts and I've had diarrhea all day. I hate this.
No. 2017501
>>2017477Are you me?
My life is perfectly tolerable, and yet I'm a bitter girl who is always on the verge of a breakdown. I take my meds, have a great relationship, work part-time, and exercise, but still I keep having breakdowns. I had to ask for even less hours because I couldn't stop cutting myself at work and then trying to bash my head in at home. For no good reason. Just angry at everything. I am a pest and a leech and just another absolute retard with no hope of ever becoming normal, just ""better"".
I'm sorry you're going through this too. Being a self-aware tard sucks.
No. 2017991
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>Can’t access a client system because password reset needed
>Call their help desk
>”We can’t do password resets over the phone you have to email us a copy of your ID”
>Email copy of ID
>Get email back saying they can’t provide protected passwords over email and that I need to call help desk again
>Call again
>”We can’t do password resets over the phone. Please email us your ID”
What the fuck am I supposed to do at this point? I’ve explained the situation in detail and still get the same answer. I guess it’s my manager’s problem now.
No. 2018144
>>2018101You're nauseous all the time and your ketones are high and they just shrugged you off? Fuck that, you could have GI issues that they're ignoring.
First, let's rule out the obvious: do you drink alcohol frequently, eat a keto diet, are pregnant, have an eating disorder, or exercise a lot (like too much a lot)?
Also, I work today, so I can't ask follow up questions for a couple hours if you get back to me.
No. 2018185
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Someone said something mean about my ship and it's taking all of my willpower to not reply calling them a faggot retard instead of calmly refuting and explaining my ship.
No. 2018211
>>2018144thank you for your reply nona omg! i really appreciate this… i am a little busy too but can check back later if we catch each other (i don't mind if you miss me it means a lot that somebody cares at all lol). i don't drink alcohol because it makes me sick, i don't eat keto at all (i LOVE steak, chicken, bread, rice, oats, and sugar), and not pregnant. although i did have mild anorexia in the past, i've gotten over it at least mentally but i think i still have trouble physically eating enough food in general day to day. i supplement with ensure drinks two a day though, always eat carb and lots of protein every day, but if i slack a little on my eating for even one day i can smell the ketosis fruity scent on my BO and breath and feel horrible. i am very sedentary too. idk maybe it's just as simple as eating more and regularly but i'm small and sedentary so it's not like i need tons of fuel for my body every day anyway. i can see why my doctors are fed up with me lol because it really just sounds like i need to eat more but i swear i do! i even gained weight to be at a healthy weight now
No. 2018292
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trying to not freak out and give into my delusions because i saw a giant flock of crows on my way home which never happens. hopefully it isn't a premonition i really hope it isn't and i hope me thinking this and writing it out doesn't cement it into reality please. i know rationally it means nothing and they're just animals who live in my general area. i can't stop worrying but i'm trying not to. i hate being a retarded paranoiac
No. 2018297
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>>2018288Unfortunately I'm regularly surrounded by people that read and write at a 3rd grade level. As a kid I always had a suspicion that the adults around me were stupid as fuck, but now that I'm in my mid-20s I'm depressed knowing that most people around me are actually chimp-level stupid. It's at the point where reading books is considered a niche interest. Now that AI writing is here, all the retards just use that because they're too stupid to realize to anyone with a >100 IQ the difference between AI slop and real writing is obvious. It's just so annoying being treated like a pariah just because I know words and have a somewhat large vocabulary.
No. 2018315
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I was supposed to be born in a rich, stable family but the universe decided to put me in a family where two men in their 30s couldn’t use their male privilege to stay the fuck away from mummy’s tit. Life is brutal
No. 2018346
>>2017815If he's pulling the "I could never live without you, if you left me I would kill myself uwu" shit, then that's a very
valid reason to get your skin crawling. And even if he's not, it's totally fine if people just fall out of love or don't "click" after the honeymoon phase has worn off. Put yourself first and leave no matter what the others think, nonna.
No. 2018478
>>2018373they're not obese, I'm not in america, just young girls with very well developed chests and childlike faces
I was walking to a supermarket and there were several groups of girls
This is a very common occurrence , newer generation of girls are developing way too fast, back in my day there would be "that girl" in every class with big boobs, and her boobs are smaller than the average I've seen, it's crazy!
No. 2018567
>>2018396First I wanted to tell you there's only so many times you can listen to Cherry Chacha and Dance The Dawn before you start to wish murdering your entire household, and I'm not one of those players, but honestly? A bop. Maybe I'll do so. Thanks.
>>2018401I don't have a phone, but I've thought about having some DVDs run in the background, I still got some anime my dad burned for me on DVD like 15 years ago.
>>2018423Not a fan of podcasts, but maybe I could try see if I can find the playlist I made specifically for playing TS2.
No. 2018620
I'm just being massively fucking retarded today and I hate it.
>bought new phone today
My old ass iphone 7 still works great and if it wasn't for the fact that a lot of my banking apps are kicking me off (they need to be updated and the updates are only supported by ios 17 and above so fuck me I guess), I wouldn't have bought a new phone. But 5 years for a phone is still decent I guess, and I bought it refurbished so at least I saved some money (just barely). Now I can't get it out of my own head that this was such a frivolous purchase, this is money I could've put into my savings, why am I wasting money etc etc etc. Also have to buy things for my thing (case, screen protector) so I hate that too. First thing I'm guilt tripping myself about.
>got out of work early today and wanted to go for a run
I already ran twice this week but I thought it might be nice to throw in an extra run this week since I would have the time. I made a pit stop on the way back home so I got home later than I expected, so going for that run just wasn't that great of an idea anymore, timewise. But since I decided 'hm today would be good for an extra run' I can't stop feeling guilty that I didn't go. Even if I go run now, I'll come home waaay later than I would like, that would push dinner time, I'd go to bed late, and then I'd wake up groggy (weekends are for lifting and I go early to secure a bench, I generally don't run after lifting so my runs are on weekdays). Second thing I'm guilt tripping myself about.
>weight gain
I dropped 3 lbs but I gained it back and it's probably just regular weight fluctuations, but because I ate more indulgently this week (work parties, parents were off and wanted to cook), I can't help but feel guilty that I fucked everything up for myself. I feel so disgusting and I hate how I look in the mirror and my self loathing is at an all time high. Third thing I'm guilt tripping myself about.
I'm well aware all of these things are such non issues (getting 5 years out of my current phone isn't that bad, I plan on going as long as I can with this new phone too and I don't upgrade tech often; I already did my planned runs and they were good runs and I planned to go heavier in my lifts during this long weekend, I'm also participating in a race with my company next week and I wanted to give my body a rest from running before it; it's just normal weight fluctuations and I'm within my normal range, a week of indulgence isn't going to fuck me over) but god my brain just won't shut the fuck up!!!!! I hate being so retarded.
No. 2018646
>>2018174There are certain congenital metabolic disorders and some acquired toxicities that affect the gut's ability to absorb nutrients, so it struggles along as long as it can, but the person would always be on the edge of going into ketoacidosis and eventually they just feel awful all the time. Some GI bleeding disorders will also manifest as high ketones, though normally you see a lot of stool issues with these, like the patient will commonly have diarrhea or constipation and will normally see small amounts of blood in the stool. Even weirder, these can be extremely hard to diagnose because it is possible for only small sections of your GI to be affected. I knew one surgeon who had a patient who only had IBS in 8 inches of her small intestine, yet it caused constant diarrhea, weight loss, and so many malabsorption issues. Surgical removal of the eight inches resulted in a complete resolution of all symptoms.
>>2018211Are you able to start tracking your calories and macros without
triggering your ED? If so, I would recommend starting there for two weeks. Anorexia can damage the hunger signals part of your brain, so you may not be consuming enough fats and proteins, or, you may not have enough electrolytes and you just don't realize it.
My number one suspicion is thyroid issues, though the nausea also makes me suspect it may be your gallbladder. It could be hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, as no one is a textbook case and people's bodies will develop weird symptoms for simple issues. For thyroid, do you gain or lose weight really easily, have muscle weakness, always seem to be on edge and overly nervous or lethargic and depressed, have dry skin, coarse or brittle hair, either really fast or really slow heart rate, and seem to be overly sensitive to either heat or cold? Because if you have a couple of those symptoms, go get your thyroid checked out. Especially if your menstruation is weird, like too heavy or frequent skipped periods. Where you are in your cycle affects your thyroid levels in a major way. If your doctor is insisting on only testing TSH levels, test at the beginning of your cycle when your estrogen levels are low. But if she'll let you, get the fT3 and fT4 tested at the same time as your results will be way more accurate. If your levels are at the high end of normal, or the low end of normal, don't hesitate to ask for a short trial of the proper medication and play up your symptoms. Everyone is different, so you could be having a problem, but your blood work still appear within normal limits.
With the gallbladder, if nausea and keto breath are your only symptom, go get an ultrasound of your gallbladder to see if it's doing it's job, or if it's filling you with a bunch of rocks.
No. 2018669
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My mother has the habit of only using my name when she needs something(usually money), so whenever I hear it said first thing in the sentence like she does, it causes me to freeze up and then go numb.
No. 2018740
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I wish my female friends would stop gassing me up, it feels cruel, like I'm being gaslit. Like, I know I'm autistic, masculine, and ugly. I have eyes and I can see how people treat me. I'm a 34 year old GNC woman.
Why do they always try to convince me I'm so beautiful? I've gotten yasss qweeen'd into some massive L's.
> was teaching yoga for a while
> see some of the same people a lot
> handsome guy new to the studio
> we're making smalltalk before class and he mentions he's a vegan
> I say "oh, (other instructor) is vegan too"
> My other friend who was present: "oh anon I think I was picking up on vibes between you two"
> Doubt
> Later the vegan girl texts me that he asked her out (she's 20 and has a perfect body, literally skinny and toned big boobs etc, super feminine speech)
Turns out he has a kid so yeah, didn't miss much, but why would my friend say she thought he was flirting with me? I knew better and didn't get my hopes up or anything but it still hurts that he turned around and asked my way hotter friend out. Like stop fucking telling me I'm so beautiful, only women think this, everyone thinks I'm fucking gay. Women want me, men fear me. End of. Stop gaslighting me god dammit.
No. 2018800
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its been a few weeks since the breakup but i only initiated no contact today because it wasnt helping me heal to be friends even if i thought it was fine. im so much better than i was during and after the relationship but im still so lonely, i have absolutely zero friends and spend my days alone doing everything. i dont know how to make friends and my part time job is isolating and my classes during the year are online. im thinking of getting another part time job and volunteering but i know it wont fix the loneliness entirely. i think wanting friends is my brain wanting to avoid losing him. i know im lovable and ill be okay but i just cry and cry and sleep and it hurts so bad. i cant understand why he gave up if he loved me like he said. i know the answer is to keep moving and accept it all and i do, but sometimes i just obsess and wonder why and feel like i should wait incase he comes back. im exercising and doing so much for myself but i still cry and feel alone and spend moments obsessing. i hope i get even better. im sure one day id care less if he comes back, but right now its hard to imagine him not coming back down the road because it was a matter of us each going through so many things.
No. 2018822
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>no one at my job cares about trannys
>no one on lolcow cares about my job
i just want to gossip about the new tranny at my job but… no 1 curr. cant even ask my coworkers if theyve noticed this guy w/o divulging my barely concealed terf status
No. 2018845
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I'm gonna start a business and I'm so very scared anons. I just have to keep reminding myself that my biggest obstacle is myself and if I never try ill never even know if I could've been successful
No. 2018900
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Lately I’ve become something of a cocky asshole smug bitch of a woman to cope with all the emotional, physical and mental pain I’ve been feeling. I don’t know why, I don’t want my friends to start hating me but also no one has really checked on me either… everyone is going through their own shit too, what do I matter? No one but my bf knows I had plans to kill myself just a week ago and I had a mental breakdown in my job’s bathroom. Wonder if anyone heard me cry.
Oh to be a female Johnny Silverhand.
No. 2018943
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I’m autistic but I feel like I’m becoming a borderline schizoid. My whole life I’ve wanted to be normal and craved the validation of normal people like a drug, constantly chasing that high of “feeling normal.” But recently it’s like a switch flipped in my brain. Not only do I not care about being normal and LARPing as a normal person (partying, dating, laughing at jokes that aren’t funny, pretending to like people I don’t, etc.), I actively despise normal people. I want to shut myself in a cabin in the middle of the woods far away from society. I feel like I’ve never encountered a person who I genuinely liked. It’s like I’ve been wearing a skin suit for years and I’m itching to take it off.
No. 2018951
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I could kill myself in the garage but I’m trying so hard not to I actually have some fun stuff to look forward to but man the abyss tempts me and I’m lonely most of the time. I keep hoping things will get better and things keep getting worse overall with some spikes of coolness??? Like what’s the coolness when 98% of your year just is misery boredom and pain and even the cool parts are hard to enjoy cause physical and mental PAIN
No. 2018967
>>2018929Nah, I don’t think what I have going on is anything other than me in my survival mode.
>>2018935This too.
>>2018938I’m only rude to people who deserve it, I’m ethical.
No. 2018976
>>2018943I guess you got tired of pretending to be what you aren't. I hope you find happiness being who you are
nonny. it's never too late to embrace who we actually are.
No. 2019043
>>2019019>>2019028my chores are all done and I have no energy to play a game for more than 1h or so.
>>2019031start throwing their dishes and laundry in the trash, worked out for me.
No. 2019093
>>2019045>>2019043I've castigated her for her filth before trust me. She seems to think that wanting to be clean is a privileged stance for some reason (retarded because her daddy owns the property, she makes the most money in this house, and we've literally never seen her clean). No idea what kind of mental acrobatic stances she read online to shape her this way.
It's extra kek because she rants about capitalism. Girl you realize you have to pull your weight in a commune right?
No. 2019123
>>2019097I don't think they'd care, her dad is currently getting sued by tenants at another property for worse circumstances LOL
My lease ends soon so I'll be glad to be washed of this business
No. 2019155
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Nonnies, the Ugly Man Psyop thread has sobered me up to the point of being blackpilled. How tf am I supposed to find an attractive nigel that ages well? Ladies, I am willing to date and marry any fricken ethnicity—and I will travel to all 7 continents—that is capable of producing men that can maintain a good head of hair and hairline, smooth skin texture, lovely facial harmony, a suitable height, and a fit body. Along with other honorable qualities. I’m not asking for super model-esque levels of beauty—like their pointyness and ai looking asses look pretty uncanny and off putting imo. I want someone that delights my eyes and scratches that good part of the brain. I do a moid’s face for the rest of my life. My older sister says my standards and expectations are too high and that I should lower them. Hell no. Based on her history, her taste sucks. I’m not compromising subpar looks for a great personality.
I’m deathly afraid of marrying a guy and 5-10 years later HE TRANSFORMS INTO A patchy hair thinning unrecognizable fugly looking TOAD. I’ve actually stopped my efforts in dating in fear of that happening. Also. EVERYONE HERE IS UGLY. I need to move. I want what the romans and greeks sculpted.
As a kid I’ve always prioritized beauty, and as a teen, young women around me lusted after mid to ugly old farts and I thought I was being unreasonable. Then to my horror the whole “but he’s a goofy funny lil guy” trend took off and I felt…like the folks say.. gaslit. Idc if it’s superficial. Anons here have taught me that it’s alright and that I have the right to want guys who are handsome and dress nice. Personally my looks aren’t extraordinary, I’ve been called cute and pretty a handful of times. But I think I deserve a good looking moid, right? Is there hope? Can average gals get a looker? Where should I look, go and visit(locales or spaces, activities, hobbies, or maybe even globally?) Maybe there’s a handsome frozen prince waiting in Antarctica for me. Reminds me of Giselle in the story Enchanted who fabricated the moid of her dreams and then fell for a mid moid from Nyew Yahk. 10 year old me was seething. I wish I could bake myself a perfect moid. I’d be fine with a hot android at this point. Guess I should get a degree in robotics. Or cope by becoming a master lucid dreamer.
No. 2019589
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Nothing cures my body image issues more than seeing cellulite on a beautiful women. But then I see comments like this from men and I’m back to square one.
No. 2019599
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when i woke up today i immediately noticed a strange smell. i didn't think much about it because that's a regular occurence in our home and i adjusted to it quickly anyway.
when i got to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast i tried to open the cupboard but felt something slippery on the handle. i looked up and saw a huge fucking splatter of oil all over the cupboard doors. i looked around and found more oil on the stove, wall, counter, sink and basically everywhere. there was so much of it it was DRIPPING.
being a relatively normal person i thought that since the stain felt slippery and was located in the kitchen, where people usually COOK, and seemed to come from the general area of the stove, it was probably some cooking accident and the stain was COOKING OIL. it made sense to me because at this point i've already forgot about the smell and couldn't connect the dots.
turns out while i was sleeping and my mom was at work my dumb fuck stupid retard father was going through his pile of useless junk and found a can of silicone WD-40 in there. he took it to the kitchen for whatever reason and it FUCKING EXPLODED. instead of cleaning it up he just left probably to get drunk again and if god is real he'll make sure he never comes back amen
i also didn't notice silicone was on the utensils as well until i finished eating so i ingested some of that shit too. picrel is how i'm about to be in the kitchen from now on.
it's not the first time he fucks something up in there. a few months ago he went out to take care of super important business get drunk obviously and left a metal cooking pot with dumplings on the stove. i was napping in my room and nearly fell asleep completely from the amount of smoke filling the house but pushed myself to get up and turn it off. the dumplings were unrecognizable but he still went ahead and ate them when he returned absolutely shitfaced. later on this retard tried to wash the pot with toilet cleaner which says on the label IS NOT SUITABLE FOR METAL SURFACES ruining it further.
this man is fucking 50-something (i forgot) years old. he convinced himself he is just getting old but it's actually just retardation from poisoning himself with alcohol and cigarettes for 30+ years and still continuing to do so after having a stroke. i wish the surgeon didn't save him
No. 2019654
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there is no hope for women
when can we finally be free?
No. 2019666
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>>2019589>"that's a gross looking rear end">has a gross looking faceThe uglier the moid, the more nitpicky they tend to be. Don't pay attention to sub standard moids nonna
No. 2019733
>>2017830>>2017898>>2017949>>2018346Thanks nonnies. I'll try to gather up the courage, I'm sick of feeling this miserable about someone.
>>2018261Yeah, all he said was 'I love you so much tho I'd change anything about myself to be with you because that's all I want'. Idk what to think about it, I find it pretty manipulative honestly. I should stay with you only because you'd feel bad if I left? He always does this, once he was hours late because he was getting a haircut (kek) and he said 'yah my mom said it was too late to go anymore but I really wanted to see you uwu', like wow what a great guy you are.
No. 2019763
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We have a few slightly cracked/chipped/beaten up dinnerware items and for years it's boggled me that it seems every time I grab something it's always the broken one no matter what. When I do the dishes I always put it at the bottom/back so nobody has to eat on the broken pieces. Yesterday I grabbed a plate and AGAIN I got the chipped plate and glass so I commented that it feels like I alwys get it to my dad who happened to be in the room. He said "oh I always put it at the top/front, it's better to wear out the already chipped ones than the nice ones" and I felt so betrayed and pissed off. We have perfectly nice whole things and he is making us use the broken ones??? It's not like they're fragile or expensive either, and we have way more plates/items than people so nobody would ever have to use it but he forces us to use is so instead the plate that doesn't get used can look shiny and nice at the bottom of the stack, never to be touched or seen by anyone. I truly hate and do not understand that mindset at all.
No. 2019772
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I'm always on the verge of crying. All i want is to cry, to really cry and let it out. I used to be able to do that, cry, purge it, move on. Nowadays any stories make me tear up, breaks up make me sad, but i can't cry, i can't cry and scream in my pillows like i used to. What happened? I don't even know what happened. Even for crying i am lazy. Even for remembering what happened, i am lazy.
No. 2019784
>>2019155These are all my own observations kek and of course individuals may vary, but it seems "twinks" as in "cute" young men age badly, while if they already look "manly" they tend to keep that look. It's kinda like the men who already look like they had testosterone hit them are easier to predict how they'll age, while if they still look "pretty" they're gonna lose it once that hit gets to them. Like a second puberty almost. Of course also always look at the hairline of the father (and grandfathers if possible).
You also can't trust jawlines of skinny men, they only look chiseled because they're literally malnourished and too skinny, and they're 99.9% likely to gain weight. If someone is a bit overweight but still looks handsome that's a better sign that their baseline handsomeness is real.
No. 2019801
>>2019422I noticed him coming online for brief intervals at hours atypical to him (we have a very big timezone gap) before going offline again. It happened when I was gaming/clearly online. I know his idiosyncrasies inside out at this point.
He used to do it with Discord as well, like if someone has it on their phone, their status icon will update if the app is open or idle. He told me on v-day that he still had feelings for me/didn't want me to be with anyone else bc the idea of it made him jealous. Then he spent the day out with his wife, but I could see his phone and waiting on my reply throughout the day.
No. 2019813
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My boyfriend yelled at me again.
No. 2019851
>>2019089Thanks nonna my scrote father wakes me up everyday screaming and cursing at me cause I have the audacity to need to piss at 8 am sometimes. It’s only been a couple weeks here and it’s just getting worse. I have no means to ever move out on my own. I lived with my ex for 5 years and he was
abusive but not like my dad. It wasn’t daily misery. And at least my ex had the common courtesy to lovebomb me.
Honestly at this point I can’t take it. I’d kill myself tomorrow night if I didn’t owe it to my bestie to get her and her kid into some theme parks for free. I’ve got less than a week to wait for that, and I mean I also get to get into expensive theme parks for free and I’ll be staying with my FWB for the weekend. He treats me very well and is very nice to me. I’ll have a man to cuddle with for a few nights. But honestly I wish I could just end it tomorrow. This is torture.
No. 2019862
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Googling a question related to my period and seeing shit like "vagina owners" and "people assigned female at birth" on every single fucking article. I don't even bother reading it, I immediately click away the instant I see that shit.
No. 2019887
>>2018811Random women don't ever compliment me and treat me poorly but men treat me very well so that's you you are hot as hell lmao
On a sobering note I honestly do not know how can you Nonnas put up with this shit from normie women, they are so fake and double faced most of the time. I love my female friends to death but I've learnt to be weary when women I do not know well nor I am close with at work or whatever comment on my looks cause they are usually poisoned comments. Do you guys enjoy thesw condescending compliments from them? I genuinely think you are getting bullied and you aren't aware of it. It's not muh socialization, most of them know what they are doing And I feel bad for butches and autistic girls getting bullied and belittled like that by someone who usually feels insecure herself most likely.
No. 2019905
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nearly all of my girl friends from childhood have either trooned out or became TRAs
No. 2019940
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>>2018811>>2018813>>2018834Wait I don't lie when I compliment other women and they always seem to appreciate it so I hope they don't think I'm being bitchy- there's usually SOMETHING about other people that I like. This has made me paranoid kek
No. 2019947
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I think the psyop got to me. I am in my early 20s and I feel so old and expired. For ex, I was watching a few videos for the past few days about Dance Moms and I noticed how flexible and athletic the dancers were and even if I’m still technically a young adult I could never do any of those stuff that they do. I just feel so weak, frail, old. I swear this isn’t bait I just wish I could be like them but at my current age I would be so far behind and as the years go by it would be even harder for me
No. 2020005
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I developed a dumb girl crush on a coworker because he's nice to me. He looks like he's just like that to everyone and I know I am way too ugly, childish and socially awkward to ever have anything reciprocated by anyone. I hate how quickly and easily I still catch feelings. "Dipping your pen in the company ink" is definitely something I don't subscribe to, so I tried to avoid him but we still ended up alone together last night after landing home from a business trip and everybody else left. We are early-career new hires that just finished the same training/orientation, but I don't think we will actually work in the same domain and due to the nature of our jobs might never even be on the same project together. Is it still a bad idea to make a move? Or maybe I should make an autistic one anyway so one or the other can repulse eachother at least sooner rather than later and shut this down.
However however, we both like creative writing (He brought this up during orientation but I don't know how to bring up to him that I've loved writing too), have studied abroad, and are stoic with a like of dry humor. He likes Warhammer miniatures too. He must be wonderful. Ugh, what do I do nonas? I hope he just says he's married and has kids or something.
No. 2020027
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Went to a convention by myself today. I tried to go with someone else but the plans fell through. I guess just being surrounded by other people chatting with their friends make me feel shitty. Like im probably a decade older than some of these people and theyre living more fulfilling lives with others, having fun. All i have is my cancerous pharmacy job that makes me ill, but makes me money. So i can afford to go to a lonely ass convention by myself now.
No. 2020205
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>mfw I can't vent and barely post without the retards trying to start a fight
I know this has been discussed to death and everyone is already aware of it, but lc is the only place I can post mostly in peace since there's no account attached to and the post usually gets lost after multiple threads
No. 2020214
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I encrypted my old laptop and forgot the passwords.
No. 2020293
>>2019940>>2019892Plenty of women give genuine compliments, don't worry about it anons.
>>2019947It's never to late to start taking better care of yourself. Stretching is very underrated even just a quick routine everyday should make your body feel better.
No. 2020295
I miss so much of my best friend used to be with me.
I knew since I met her that the day l had a long term partner would be the day that our problems would start (she’s as insecure as she can be, after all), it’s not surprising at all because I knew she’d say I was the one who changed and what not but still hurts.
I wish she could see that she’s still one of my main priorities even when she doesn’t deserve it. My partner never ever talked anything bad about her and every time I mention him to her there’s always something bad coming from her mouth (of course she’s trying to blame it on being concerned about me).
I miss when we would hang out and I actually enjoyed time with her, nowadays I feel like I’m playing a character that’s not me. I tried to talk with her about it but I know she’s just seeing it as me trying to make up excuses and that hurts a lot, too. It hurts me that she only sees me as this pathetic version of myself, I’m convinced she doesn’t like me anymore and it kind of breaks my heart because I feel like she can’t be happy for my happiness, and all I tried year after year is securing her well being the most.
I miss the sweet girl that she used to be, the way we used to talk, the things we used to do (nowadays I feel like all my plans are being rejected), I miss how she was before growing up being this resentful and proud person, I don’t recognise her anymore.
No. 2020326
>>2020171Do you think he is against workplace relationships? If he is, unfortunately having invited you to his workplace might have not meant anything either. On the other hand if he's not but still interested, it is kind of strange to insist on pursuing you only as a coworker, when not being one with you would now should give him an objectively better chance…hmm…
>because I'm an avoidant retardayart and I am one as well. He constantly hangs out with the rest of my co-workers but I am extremely socially avoidant (always have been) and don't believe in making friends with coworkers anyway so don't really bother with things like work socials, happy hours, group photos, and things like that. I just spent 99% of the time after work, during this training, in my room. I am an extremely quiet person (Like… actual Ferb Fletcher quiet) but when I do get more talkative I just sound like a high-pitched squirrel. Ugh. All it takes is for me to open my sperg mouth for .02 seconds for me to be unattractive. He doesn't seem like that much of a normie man though and I might be completely off-base, but seems kind of aspie too. His monotone way of speaking, unchanging facial expression, and robotic movements reminds me a bit of a friend in high school that was an actual aspie. (If true, I don't like normie men..they are gross and assholes, so this may actually be an attractive thing for me)
I'm wondering how I could even begin to try to get to know him more without getting suspicious, since I'm such a tard that's so bad at not giving myself away about anything ever.
No. 2020401
>>2020346Me too nona. I've got the cavewoman build, only upside is I look like I can crush a man's skull with my bare cavewoman hands kek
I find that sporty/tomboyish clothes look best on me. It sucks tho because I prefer girly cute shit but it looks awful on me, oh well.
No. 2020408
>>2019975What's the difference?
As teens my skinny underweight friend who frankly wasn't the most attractive got ALL the boys simply because she was skinny. I even heard a boy say he liked her "because she is skinny".
As an adult I overheard middle aged men talk about a skinny woman (she was very pretty imo) saying she was "too thin" and as much as I hate men gossiping about women's bodies it healed me a tiny bit to hear it.
No. 2020472
>>2020408They were nice as fuck to me when I was skinny
tbf I knew skinny women who didn't get attention so idk but my experience as a thin woman seems more universal
No. 2020648
>>2020490I had soft enamel that calcium supplements helped with.
I was also drinking a lot at that time so cutting back on that helped a lot too.
No. 2020671
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No. 2020684
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>randomly brushes hand over face
>feels random hard lump near picrel area of face
>feels hard to touch, inflamed, slightly hurts when i poke at it
omg am I gonna die?? anybody had this before?
No. 2020690
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>>2020685>>2020686It’s something like this and I think it has something to do with my wisdom teeth shit ughhhh
or I could be dying but don’t wanna jinx. I hate surgery and I’ve yet to consult the doctors they told me to go and see to get them all pulled out. I guess the antibiotics wouldn’t hold it off for long. Thanks nonnas
No. 2020793
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I accidentally spilled water on my laptop a few days ago and did everything I could to save it. After a 24 hour period I turned it back on and it worked perfectly, but I just tried to do it again and the inside components must have corroded or something because it won't turn on. Fuck. I don't really have an issue with getting a new one, but I believe in keeping your things for as long as possible and I feel really dumb having done that. RIP my laptop nonnies
No. 2020891
>>2020888Very relatable. We're all freaks here. I myself am in the process of crawling out the ditch.
This next question might sound harsh - Did your perspective of yourself match reality? Were you actually doing badly at things IRL, or did you just feel like a failure regardless of performance?
No. 2020904
>>2020892The paralysis brought on by not making quick progress is also relatable. I hear this from a lot of kids in the school system. It seems to be brought on by giving kids assignments that they're not really interested in, alongside a lack of clear goals.
Imagine you're telling a group of kids to write an essay.
If you give them a topic that they're actually hyped about + an extremely loose grading rubric, they will have a great time writing creative essays.
If you give them a boring topic + an extremely detailed rubric with specific goals to complete, most of them will be able to crank it out even if they'll be bored during the process.
If you give them a boring topic + extremely loose and unclear goals, they will write a bunch of nonsense, and no one will feel any inspiration or happiness as they churn it out. A lot of them won't even really know how to complete the assignment.
For a lot of people, the entirety of the school experience is like the third scenario. We don't really care about what we're learning, and we're never really told why we need it at all. Even my math teachers didn't know what most formulas were for. To add in the feeling of loose, undefined goals, the school system does an abysmal job of explaining how the world even works. Few schools bother to teach the kids how rent, mortgages, and taxes work. At my school, we never learned anything about the cost of living or how to make a budget. They pretend like they help us decide what careers we want to have, but they don't really explain what those careers entail, how to get into them, what they pay, and how to live on that salary.
So we end up studying useless, nebulous concepts for no clear reason, just to allegedly achieve a goal that no one will actually explain.
Now, in adulthood, we have to try and break ourselves out of the bullshit.
For reference, how emergent is your situation? Like, do just you need a minimum wage job NOW or else you'll be homeless? Or are you living with family members who can support you until you get through a training program for a better job?
No. 2020905
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I feel like the combination of depression and the passive consumption of media has made me unable to enjoy anything that requires effort. I used to be creative, I used to draw and write and my recent efforts to go back to them made me realize that I don't enjoy them anymore because they are hard, obviously in the beginning you have to endure boredom and the fact that you suck, you have to brainstorm etc. For the past few years I've only been a passive consumer of media (games, social media, movies) and I never thought that they would make me this dumb. Rationally I know that if I keep drawing or writing, I'll find enjoyment in it, but my lizard brain is like 'but if there is no immediate hit of dopamine, what's the point???'. I'm also hit by self-doubt and ctiticism every time I try. I wish I could go back to being a child with the simple ability of just doing things and enjoying them
No. 2020935
>>2020908OK, it's good that you're not in immediate danger. The not getting out of bed part is not good, tho.
It might be a good idea to get tested for any sort of hormone imbalances or vitamin deficiencies that might be making you feel like shit alongside the general hopelessness.
Personally, I was unemployed for a solid 2 years, so no judgement. After highschool, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew that I didn't want to be in debt. So I decided just to work shitty jobs until I could figure out something better. Luckily(?) my dad needed me as a caretaker after a stroke, so he was cool with me living with him while I was unemployed.
I had a while there where I would fuck up at shitty jobs,and then fuck up again when given a second chance. I had this weird thing where I "cared" a lot about keeping those jobs, but it was really just because I was embarrassed to get fired and I felt shame at the idea of burdening family members with having to take care of me. I didn't really give a shit about them because they were completely meaningless to me. They were just a means to get money. The monotony was otherwise killing me. All my time was being taken up by a 9-5 schedule where I felt I would be stuck forever.
Weird question - do you just feel like you're stuck in a dead end? Anytime you've managed to get a job, does it alleviate this feeling?
No. 2020981
>>2020976Prolactin levels post orgasm increased by 25% and 48%, respectively, after the 5- or 10-minutes non-genitally stimulated orgasm (NGSO), and were still elevated from baseline 30 minutes after orgasm. No changes were observed in FSH or free testosterone. The pattern of sensory, affective, and evaluative orgasm ratings after a 10-minutes NGSO was similar to orgasms induced by clitoral or anal stimulation. Book reading did not result in any change in prolactin.
Can you read?
No. 2020984
>>2020981You literally think I'm retarded
Jesus Christ.
No. 2020992
>>2020968He makes more than me and our countries are equal as far as standard of living goes. 90 day fiance is my biggest guilty pleasure though, that show is absolute trash.
>>2020971Lmao you're right. Kisses to you nonna.
>>2020974I will do that thanks. No but honestly I think a big reason why I'm catching feelings so fast is the idea of him being something I can't quite get for myself due to the fact that he's so far away. Regular moids are boring. He's (kinda) unattainable which makes it exiting and romantic in my weirdly wired brain. I do want to see him again though.
No. 2021013
>>2021010It's still an orgasm though. None of us are saying it is because of emotional pleasure. I am sorry the topic
triggers you, but none of us are crudely acting like it's proof women enjoy rape. Its still an orgasm, which is just a bodily function from stimulation.
No. 2021018
>>2021013>I am sorry the topic triggers youIf you said this cause you think I'm a rape
victim then kys, the other day some retard say "sorry you are a CSA
victim" when i said that orgasms are useless as a woman. Subhuman behavior, I'm not a
victim of any of those. I'm just smart.
No. 2021019
>>2021015Stop it. You sounded like a moid.
>>2020926 this is so rancid and hateful, and you referred to women as "female sex havers". You're our first real
femcel apparently.
No. 2021039
>>2020945Do you think your depression is more tied to neurochemistry, rather than situation?
Even if you can't see a doctor at this time, we can still try and work around this.
Tangentially related question, are you compatible with those jobs in the long term? not to sound like one of the r/antiwork brainlets, but sometimes people just don't click with 9-5 jobs, full stop. I am one of those people, and the only thing that saved me was getting a weird, unconventional job.
When you had traditional 9-5 jobs, were you well-fitted to the schedule? If not, there are other professions that you could try looking into. For me, working a different schedule (longer hours but less overall workdays) was enough to make me significantly less suicidal.
No. 2021058
>>2021000Haha I wouldn't mind even if you thought I was stupid cause I think I'm stupid. When it comes to dating I'm the most jaded person I know but somehow this guy just tore down all the walls I've put up.
>>2021002I described it like that cause he literally said that he refuses. I outright told him that he's just holiday dick (yes, using those exact words straight to his face lmao) and that I would ghost him once I get home he replied "no, I refuse and no you won't." Obviously it's on me to keep entertaining him but the way he refused to be disposable and nothing but meaningless sex just did something to my brain I guess idk. I'm so used to guys who just fuck off once they get sex. We're not super young anymore though, we're both over thirty lmao. But it is adventurous and romantic so I'm just going with the flow now and not resisting it anymore. Saging cause everyone's infighting and I don't want to get in their way lmao.
No. 2021063
>>2021042Lowkey true. I know you're so mad cause you can't understand my pov.
>>2021038Maybe I'm angry cause I'm being gaslight by retards who nitpick and ignore my points or refuse to confront them while babbling off topic responses
>blah blah you speak in schizo way cause you refuse to give in to dumb gaslighting and my rules!! And I hate shit humans do no matter if they are women nobody is beyond objective critique (that makes logical sense and is based on using your brain and imagination to actually connect things)(ban evading blackpiller) No. 2021163
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I literally have no hobbies anymore because everytime I made anything I started criticizing myself and I was plagued by the feeling of not being good enough. Now, I have been in therapy and I know that I just internalized my mother's voice who was never happy with anything I did or said, but this realization does not change the fact that I cannot enjoy anything anymore. I cannot just sit down and draw or paint or do 3D modelling, or write etc. without feeling incredibly shitty about myself
No. 2021165
Saying this is going to make me sound like a moid, but it is so upsetting to me how little self respect young girls have now. Where male attention and male validation seems to come before literally anything else. I know so many young girls, like 18-22, that just respect themselves so little and it’s so gross.
There’s this guy I know who is a total degenerate, he goes to strip clubs and massage parlors all the time and pays women to sleep with him, and posts all about it on his socials and still has tons of girls obsessing over him. They’ll go crying to him in DMs about how jealous they get when they see him doing that stuff, and then he literally will go pick these girls up, have sex with them in his car, dump them off back at their house, and go get himself food. Multiple a night sometimes.
Another moid I know is just the stereotypical frat boy type and he has a new girl lined up every night just about it. And these girls are all fully aware, and doing the same thing where they cry in his DMs about being jealous and wanting to date. But he just tells them he doesn’t dare and only wants to have sex, and plenty of them are willing to drive out to his house to have sex for a night just to get a tiny bit of validation and attention from him.
Even my little sister who is only 19 has gone back to her cheating moid so many times, and whenever they break up she just posts a bunch of tiktoks about how depressed she is while he posts tiktoks with different girls he’s taking to concerts and taking on vacation and stuff. I hate it so much.
No. 2021202
>>2021198mine wasn't short lasting or anything, I don't see what he could have done much better
sex just didn't feel as good as I thought
No. 2021234
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>>2020734Lmfao anon thanks for the advice even if it is a bit schizo. There is some truth in that, a lot weirdos will do voodoo or benefit witchcraft on anyone even their own neighbors by
grabbing people’s hair from their beds, showers, homes or grabbing, their saliva, teeth, the more yk No. 2021277
I generally believe my partners kid (6f) is stupid. Love her, she can be sweet but I genuinely believe she must be retarded or they threw her against a wall. Took her for her first riding lesson, tried telling her before that this time she needs to listen to me and follow what I say. Straight up had a meltdown and ran away when I asked her to look at me. I do not scream, I don't snap, I treat her with respect.. kid couldn't look at me once to just acknowledge what I said.
I've been to this stable since I myself was a kid. 2 week riding holidays all that. Owner is ex military rider, so yeah, I hoped he could with her. Sadly it was my responsibility to clean and tack, where I tried getting her involved and she simply didnt care. Tried saying over and over that she should be careful, etc, nothing ever takes. At the end she just handed me her helmet and i said "would you take it to where we got it from since I'm taking care of the pony" - "no"
My old teacher snapped around so quick, "WHAT??" then she took it finally..
I think she's generally retarded and yes, I cant stand her anymore. "Don't lean on my dogs" "why", "leave the cats alone when they're eating" "why" "stop trying to pick up my chickens" "why" as if I haven't been telling her for a year now.. "move away" and she won't, she can see a chicken throwing itself against a fence trying to escape her and she'll stand there asking you "why" she should move away. To the point you literally have to go there and remove her.
I don't feel comfortable getting loud since I remember my dad but I'm at my wit's end.
I'm so ashamed of how a 6yr old acted, I don't feel like calling for the next time.. I want nothing to do with her tbh. And everyone says its my fucking fault because it's just a kid and I'm an adult and should know better but they've also never looked into her eyes when she says those things and have seen nothing. But hey, at least she's got her damn tablet right
No. 2021291
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I wish I was beautiful. All I really want in life is to be beautiful.
No. 2021312
>>2021277>And everyone says its my fucking fault because it's just a kid and I'm an adultYour partner and their ex are responsible for their shit parenting. Let her actual parents handle their own problem. Not your screwup not your problem, don't assume responsibility.
No offense to you but I'll never understand women who'll let a relationship with a person who has kids from a previous relationship progress to the point they start feeling responsible for that kid. Should've cut that shit off the moment you heard they have a kid. Male or female, a person with kids from a previous relationship should be expired goods to you.
No. 2021322
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>>2021254Come with me. We'll grow flowers and in the summer we'll run a girl's summer camp where teenage girls can learn to work with their hands and take pride in their building abilities while being free of men. On weekends, we'll sell flowers at the farmer's market and the woman who sells goat's milk soap will let us play with her new baby goat in exchange for a bouquet of wildflowers.
No. 2021327
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>Want to buy wine
>The girl in the liquor store seemed surprised I was getting something different yesterday
Why? Why would you act like you recognise me? We had a good thing going. I'm seriously considering getting a taxi to the next village over.
No. 2021343
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>redtexting nonnie
i hope they put lead in the janny’s water supply for this
No. 2021357
>>2021277She’s six. You’re beefing with a six year old child.
>why why whyThis is very normal behavior for a six year old, and proper parenting would involve taking the time to answer her questions and explain things to her. How is she ever supposed to understand if no one ever teaches her? Exactly none of this is her fault. You don’t have to parent the kid, no one asked you to. But you signed up for it yourself when you decided to pick a moid that his own baby mama didn’t even want anymore. What were you thinking?
No. 2021361
>>2018740>>2018811Is it really gassing when it's just earnestly meant? Moids don't know what beauty is, they can't see beauty in anything that doesn't
trigger their peepees. Chances are
nonnie's friends genuinely think she's beautiful but that doesn't have to mean moids will think so too.
No. 2021374
>>2021370Are you sure it was a moid? Maybe it was a woman with short hair and you weren't wearing your glasses? Maybe your high af on cough medication?
This is pretty inconceivable to me.
No. 2021395
>>2018645Thank you nona… You're right. I don't think belittling my problems is always the best thing to do.
Also yes, the banks are being retarded! I don't want to hear the "we need to make updates for security reasons!" when my main bank still rolls out updates that is supported by my ios. I plan on having my new phone for at least 5 years again if I can help it, so the cost in the long run will be ok.
I'm very excited to run! I participated last year but I only walked the route. I decided to start running a few months ago so I could train and try my hand at running it this year.
No. 2021601
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Family friends were thinking of finding a bf for me, mentioned a guy they thought was cute and a good match, I demanded a picture… he's 29 first of all (I am 23) and secondly he looks 40. And he 'stutters when he gets nervous and is a nerd' which would be acceptable if he weren't a fucking walking soyjack. I am insulted that they think we'd be a good match, I am really not ugly.
No. 2021682
A few months ago a man brought his incredibly abused dog to the vet clinic I work at because he had left him locked in a cage without food for more than 20 days, so the poor baby was malnourished and full of infected wounds. This was my 1st time dealing with an abused dog, so ever since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about him because it really, really hurt me seeing him like that and not be able to do anything about it. I looked up the "owner" online and found his and his family's social media profiles, they have more dogs, horses and cats as well. I still keep an eye on them, they've been sued for animal abuse by the clinic because this also wasn't the 1st time he brought more dogs in such a state. afaik nothing has come out of this yet, or at least I haven't found Lucky (the dogs name, ironically) on any adoption sites yet. If I ever do I'd love to adopt him, he was so well behaved, the poor baby.
Anyway, I'm ranting about this because I just saw he got more dogs. It made me so upset I started crying. Why haven't the police payed him a visit yet? If they did, all those poor animals on his care would be taken away on the spot, and he'd be facing jail time. That's how bad the abuse was. It's just so frustrating, I regret it so bad letting Lucky be taken away from the clinic. God, I don't know. I just hope Lucky is okay somehow and not dead from the infection or starvation. And I also hope the fucking piece of shit who did that to him meets his karma one day and suffers as much as he makes his animals suffer.
No. 2021702
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You need to be CURSEMAXXING. You need to be RUINING THEIR LIVES. Let your anger burn each and every one of their bridges. NEVER GET OVER IT. LET YOUR HATRED FLOW. MAY KARMA BE A ROPE WITH WHICH TO HANG THEM.
No. 2021707
>>2021686I know nonna, I know people who are doctors and literally save lives and their income is low, not every doctor is rich, it's so frustrating, not to mention the mental toll some of these jobs can take on you
then you got these narcissistic bitches who wine that it's sooooo hard to be on their own schedule
No. 2021711
>>2021682The way authorities deal with animal abuse is sickening. Sorry to say this, but likely nothing is going to be done. I was involved in a case where a family hoarded dogs. There was so much waste that the floor was rotted collapsing. Holes chewed in walls and dogs crawling through them. Fleas and ticks everywhere. I had to wear a hazmat and gas mask. I was so sad seeing puppies in there. I even saw a mummified dog.
All of the animals were rounded up and euthanized, because the majority were diseased and there were over 100+. They were small dogs so that’s why there were so many. You know what penalty the owner got? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Animal Control chocked it up to “well at least they were complicit and gave us the animals” and didn’t charge them a damn thing. It still makes me mad. All that trauma and horror those dogs went through, and those people weren’t held accountable. I hate this place.
No. 2021777
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Nonnas…I studied so hard.
I did an all nighter with 30 minutes of sleep. I got such a stiff neck it hurt, I missed my period, I felt dizzy, all for exams. I have like 6 exams left.
It's clear that this was bad for my health, this workload, with other things. But since having a day off, and a full amount of sleep, I feel better.
Here's the bad thing.
I feel like giving up. I feel too comfortable again. I pushed myself for ages and now I'm finding it so hard to keep going. I feel so lazy.
Please, somebody, give me a kick and tell me to keep studying. I know it will be worth it, and there isn't long left. Thank you ♥
No. 2021781
>>2021734if there's photographic evidence, that could be given to local media outlets to raise publicity, then the authorities might feel obligated to do something
a similar thing happened elsewhere where a woman was abusing her dog live on social media and it got attention from the locals
No. 2021788
>>2021277The kid is gonna push back and that's not entirely personal. It's the weird role you're stuck in on top of what they already act like at their age, what they might have and not be diagnosed with yet, whatever feelings or behavioural issues stemming from a parental break up (or loss) they're left dealing with. It's alot when you combine it all and you're not a child expert nor a saint but you're just there and trying. Then there's the deal where actual parents can vent to others but you can't without being a monster for it. You're the spare wheel attached to a package deal. Lots of responsibility for a spare wheel though..
> I want nothing to do with her tbh. And everyone says its my fucking faultI wouldn't say it's your fault for feeling done, as long as you are done and don't think that's somehow workable.
It's also a (actual/bio) parents role to vet who they put in that position though. Who they bring in and expect to cope with all of that. People with kids who happily just date people without kids and put them in that role like it's no biggie.. dunno what they expect. Well usually alot
No. 2021797
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Trying to get your life in order and having depression is like playing life on impossible mode. How do I do it? How do other women do this shit? I gotta pick another degree and just stick with it but I always feel so sluggish and sleepy I gotta get my life together in the next few weeks or consequences will rain down upon me the pressure is killing me. I have to be my own cheerleader and friend but that’s so exhausting I can’t play multiple roles for myself
No. 2021929
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sort of got myself a cute younger moid who's kinda dumb but i miss ugly pugfaced retard who i've been crushing on for the last 1.5 year and who never wanted me. he's obnoxious but we could talk about movies and stuff. this is so sad.
No. 2021945
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I feel schizo for finding something wrong with this. If he/she don’t come from a wealthy family then I don’t see the point in celebrating having no degree as a woman kek. I just feel like something is up letting her lag behind while he gains the smugness of having more education and experience than her yuck
No. 2021954
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Just tried to sugar wax on my thighs for the first time and was an absolute retard about it. Recipe said that I could just ball the wax up and use it that way but nah, definitely needed cloth strips. Had nothing, panicked, ended up grabbing a probably not clean dish cloth. My hair growth is so convoluted and I was impatient so I kept forgetting to pull the skin taut, because my hand were already covered in gunk and I just wanted it to be over. I missed a bunch of areas too so it's all patchy and gross. And I couldn't get the backs of my thighs either before giving up because I have a lot of real estate if you know what I mean.
I'm already seeing hella bruising and red on my follicles. Just hope my retardation of using a not clean dishcloth won't cause an infection. Fuck me and my stupid hairy ass. Wish I had hairless thighs genes. Maybe if I die from infection I'll be reincarnated as a Scandinavian instead of a Hispanic sasquatch
No. 2021956
>>2021944Perhaps a dumb question, but have you shown your moid your favorite films?
>>2021835There's no way I could have moved out on my own. The only reason I'm living in a very tiny apartment now is because I have a nigel helping with the bill. It's hard to live on your own. There's no way we could save for a house now, we're likely to be apartment living for years. And no, we couldn't just live with our parents and save up.
No. 2021984
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One of my middle school friends got married and had a baby. While I’m just a kissless virgin at 24 with no dating experiences whatsoever and have zero sense of how to approach a guy.
No. 2021995
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>>2021984>Getting married and have a baby at age 24 in AD 2024.>Someone is actually jealous of thatNona please stop this madness. Your early 20s should be about experiencing the world, being independent, learning about yourself and your beliefs, and growing. Divorce rates hover between 60% to 70% for those that get married in their 20s, compared to 30% to 40% for those that get married in their 30s.
No. 2022031
>I finally met a babyLMFAOOOO WHAT??
Up until now this is your first time interacting with a baby ever? Nonna this is crazy stuff
No. 2022055
>>2022025I get it, a lot of people are scared to admit that their babies are boring and kind of lame. Most of the time they have really simplistic interests as well, like key-jangling, and it's hard to hold a conversation with them that's not super one-sided.
>>2022042>I've met so many women who regret it.I think that's a logical fallacy: to think that most women regret their abortions. The women who regret their abortions are usually a lot more vocal than the women who don't regret them. Abortion is still a taboo topic for conversation, so most people won't actually bring up the fact they've had one, unless it's to sway another person to their side of the debate. I think abortion is just a healthcare right, it's a natural thing that humans have been doing for millennia. ATP I see it as just another mundane part of life that's been politicized as part of the culture war.
No. 2022076
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>>2022072Kek I know nona I didn't think you didn't support abortion to begin with I'm sorry we had a miscommunication
No. 2022246
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I have nothing to vent about at the moment. I just use this thread as an offtopic thread tbh kek
No. 2022285
>>2022055>it's hard to have a conversation with them that's not super one-sidedKEKKK
I do agree though, unironically. To me babies have the same inherent value as a small animal up until toddlerhood.
No. 2022286
>>2022282In my opinion women who laugh at the idea of killing babies are seriously mentally impaired,
victims of serious abuse themselves, or BPD/socipathic
No. 2022292
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Everyone always says to get out and do things when your feel depressed instead of sitting inside all day and all weekend long I've been going out and hiking and shoe shopping and gardening but it doesn't help, nothing helps, I've been struggling with this burden on my mind for 7 months now and I can't move on. My body is doing the activities I prescribe for it and my lower-mind is watching and coordinating my movements and decisions but my higher mind is still completely overcome with the same grief as always. Therapy didn't help. No one in real life knows that it's still the same thing that is plaguing me even after all this time later because I don't admit it because absolutely no one understands why it has affected me so deeply.
No. 2022299
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Someone was rude to me today. It's been hours and I still wanna cry
No. 2022561
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I had no idea where to put this lol. I’m sperging about my posture right now and the way I carry myself. I think because my boobs grew quite quickly, I was fucking up my posture by trying to hide them and make them less apparent during highschool.
After losing weight and having generally bad posture, now my boobs are sorta suffering.
So to account for that, I started trying to correct my posture and I can’t help but think I must look like I’m pushing out my boobs, like how some people say Rachel Sennott does. (picrel)
No. 2022567
>>2022546Going no contact will do more for you overall health than hitting yourself and screaming. She's a grown adult who acts flippant because she knows it gets a rise out of you. Go volunteer at a DV shelter if you want to help women with fucked up lives and leave your fully capable and independent mother alone.
>>2022561Do back and core exercises to correct your posture, if you had shit posture for ages you might be overcompensating when you stand up straight and it could also fuck up your back but in a different way.
No. 2022599
>>2022580try cleantube. what browser do you use? I think youtube cleaner is another one, it'll annoy you with "we saved you 45 minutes of your life!" but could work
honestly fuck youtube in general I agree, it's so fucking greedy and biased and retarded
No. 2022635
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Whenever I'm seriously angry at someone, I'll smash a piece of wood into my leg until it bruises and because it takes me about the same time for it to heal for me to get over it whenever I feel like screaming at her I press as hard as I can on it. This is super fucking retarded to do and I only do it because this person makes me to fucking kill her and I can't fucking communicate with her or get her to leave me the fuck alone because of my circumstances. This is the only person that makes me this fucking angry, I've known someone who kept coward punching me whenever he was having a temper tantrum and I didn't even yell at him, I just left and told other people he was a raging tard to be avoided. Maybe, among other thing, it has something to do with her breaking my shit like a fucking toddler then having the gall to say my living space is a mess because I've given up cleaning up after her tard rages. Literally yesterday she threw my shit down the stairs because her retarded ugly mutt that she never walks got loose which she somehow blamed me for even though I found and brought back her dog (she was in the process of wrecking my stuff as I was walking in the door with the dog so I couldn't do fuck all about it) and I has to throw out so much broken shit that I'm not going to be able to replace.
And she keeps leaving her tampons on the bathroom floor and letting her dog eat it and I have to clean it up and she gets pissy at me about it as if she couldn't throw them out herself in the bin that's less than a metre from the front door. I swear to fucking god I'm end up either breaking my leg or killing this dumbass bitch with carbon monoxide. She's older than by ten years yet she's such a fucking moronic cunt, she's the only woman I completely fucking despise and I'm always hoping she dies in her sleep due to her alcohol abuse.
I wish I could get out of this situation, its fucking stressful being pissed off 24/7 I have to keep taking neurofen because any interaction with her gives me a headache.
No. 2022668
>>2022654I've recently lost my job and live in a extremely rural area so it's hard to do much. She used to be manageable as I was out working while she was awake but now that the only thing I can do is online schoolwork and applying to the same ten service jobs that everyone else is applying for I have to deal with her constantly.
I'm saving up whatever government money I have after rent until I can gtfo but it's going to take a while.
No. 2022741
>>2022635Can you get her to direct her tard rage at something else? She sounds like she'd be into at least some conspiracy theories that you can bring up to distract her.
Second option: piss in her drink bottles. She's too retarded to tell and it's better than you injuring yourself to put up with her shit.
>>2022681I believe you, nonna! The problem is you! Now that you know that you suck, how about you listen to your therapist's advice and go do something with your life that's not navel gazing over how shit you are. You might never stop being the problem but you might be able to fix enough of your broken personality to be able to fool your next partner into thinking you're normal.
No. 2022772
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I was fucking up majorly at my work due to my ADHD and depression, so I was put on a PIP and I started taking medication as well, but despite my improvement (acknowledged by my manager) I was still let go today. I am utterly convinced now that I am completely incapable of doing any job well, even medicated. Hip hip hurray
No. 2022774
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I want to RAGE. I've done multiple interviews now and out of 6 of them NONE allow ANY kind of work-life balance. Like bitch you really think I'll work 3pm-11pm for 800€ and almost no travel cost coverage? Most of the jobs have shit shifts it's incredible. Ooor they don't offer any training and get all upset when you don't know something about their INTERNAL software. Jesus fucking christ. I refuse to be a fucking slave, either pay me properly or fix the schedule fucking cunts.
No. 2022828
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>>2022774Sukuna my beloved…
Are you applying for American companies or just general stuff? I worked for a big American fintech straight from college and it was hell. Hyper competitive, everyone was out to get everyone,
toxic af. I switched to a Euro telecoms company during Covid and they are so much better. Super chill, half day Fridays (if your on top of your tickets), WFH and very little BS corpo speak. The pay is worse but I'm in a much better place mentally.
No. 2022843
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>compliment someone on his quiet, calm demeanor and compare it to how restless I am
>"It's true you're very restless, but I don't mind. I really like how much fun I have with you since we're always up to something because of that"
>mfw have become his manic pixie dream girl
It's only a matter of time until he realizes my ADHD is actually the severe "I can't pay my bills or clean my house and have the emotional regulation of a toddler" type instead of the quirky, adventurous, cute type he's been seeing so far. I've been trying to make this clear, but I feel like the whole extent of my personality is going to be a huge letdown anyway. I hate being a retard so much
No. 2022892
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>>2022635Nonnie bby you need to beat her fucking ass I'm so serious
No. 2028441
>>2016489>college coursethese people are freaks
nonnie, it's likely they haven't matured since age 12 and are deeply confused by anyone acting like a reasonable person. stick with the friend who added you as she seems decent, ditch the weirdos who can't have a normal conversation. you said nothing wrong!