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No. 1986698

A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?
Thread #1 >>1291087
Thread #2 >>1417602
Thread #3 >>1573244
Thread #4 >>1707886
Thread #5 >>1879378

No. 1986700

Literally made this thread so my response doesn't get lost in the void, but can you post the link to the tiktok? I would like more context.

No. 1986702

Hey, i didnt save the link and i only screenshotted it after it showed up on my fyp. But basically they were talking about how creepy the guy in the video (the video has nothing to do with lolcow) was and that lead to some people talking about this site in the comments which lead to people asking what this site is about etc on the comments.

No. 1986703

Also id like to add more context that they were calling the guy a cow pr a horrorcow in the comments which lead to lolcow.farm getting mentioned

No. 1986849

We really are doomed

No. 1986866

Oh for fucks' sake. Tiktok is never satiated till it ruins everything it touches.

No. 1986936

This makes me want to alog

No. 1987126

>tiktok about lesbians experiencing heartbreak
>comments are 70% scrotes being misogynistic or venting about their 'bitch exes' while missing the point completely
Isn't tiktok so eager to collect data? Why are videos exclusively targeted at women even getting recommended to scrotes?

No. 1987136

i don't have a tiktok acc so i can't read the comments. screenshot some?

No. 1987177

anon must be exaggerating because I checked the comments and there’s only a few faggots in the midst saying “well well well” like fucking god people are so annoying, heartbreak in general is terrible and being heartbroken from a scrote who keeps looking at IG onlyfans girls knowing it makes you feel bad and getting cheated on him will never be compared to female heartbreak where you had an actual genuine connection with another woman and it wasn’t just a hetero relationship where you as a woman are just projecting humanity and attraction on to a scrote that outside of the illusion you don’t genuinely love

No. 1987266

Why is tiktok filled with adult men throwing tantrums over nothing?

No. 1987400

File: 1714594093172.jpeg (414.46 KB, 1170x6190, fDyyBV4.jpeg)

imaging making picrel and still identifying as enby.

No. 1988319

File: 1714672458131.webm (9.28 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_qvsdjudkbM1zodjrg.webm)

No. 1988345

She is right tho?

No. 1988387

File: 1714679399230.png (506.31 KB, 1015x849, what.png)

No. 1988392

She's so real for this

No. 1988405

This girl who gets so much hate on every one of her videos because she ‘asian fishes’ (like all egirls), is a weaboo, and likes yaoi? Lmfao hardly cow behaviour.

No. 1988411

You just know those people leaving hate comments on her profile are jealous that she gets to live her weeb dreams in Japan, why can’t they direct this anger towards creepy scrote expats instead?

No. 1988440

>why can’t they direct this anger towards creepy scrote expats instead?
Because they're busy posting about her in the retarded milkless thread she's in

No. 1988443

Right ? Meanwhile e-girls were slanting their eyeliner to their temples, did ahegao poses, dressed like over sexualized caricatures but that was all fine. Muh asian fishing bad but clothes everywhere are covered in random Japanese phrases. She is cringy, and does have a few race-fakers following her content, but the asianfishing police is just self-hating weaboos virtue signaling to overcompensate for their own behavior and weird racial envy.

No. 1988486

Its because moids keep on interacting with these type of videos such as watching them and commenting on them so tiktok recommends them those type of videos even more to them since it's interaction. Thats why you see a moid in the comment section of every video made for women including even the obscure ones with 100 likes will be flooded with moids wanting to bait in the tiktok comments. (+they also like invading womens spaces)

No. 1988524

She's based and everything she said was correct, why are you posting this?

No. 1988662

I sure hope this is just some based girl self posting to try getting some radfem followers cause otherwise what's your problem? Why post this? This is the tiktok hate thread, not the post women saying true things on tiktok thread.

No. 1988706

NTA but the caption at the beginning where she had to repost the video because of "n00d1ty" probably has to do with the fact that it was posted. Her video got taken down because she has boobs and is wearing a low-cut shirt. It's a tiktok hate thread and not necessarily tiktok video hate thread.

No. 1988845

>Obnoxiously long nails
>Obnoxious coffee filled with sugar

Tbh i don't really have any personal beef, but honestly, i feel like these super long nails work as their own special form of rage bait.

No. 1988857

She isn't based at all. She's constantly talking about or referencing her "milkers" and posting coombait while calling herself a feminist, she's a fraud

No. 1989382

>makes coffee for herself
>At home
>Uses plastic cup
This is ragebait 100%

No. 1989563

this comes up on autoplay everytime after someone sends me a tiktok and i laugh my ass off everytime, i can't even tell if it's supposed to be serious or not

No. 1989622

I like a sweet flavored latte every once in a while but there’s so much gunk in that I can’t imagine it even tasting good. I also doubt that’s any cheaper (or healthier) than going to Starbucks or whatever when you factor in the cost of nespresso pods, chocolate, nearly half a bottle of caramel sauce, and whatever that flavored whipped cream shit is. Have people like this ever heard of a French press or drip coffee maker? And damn, the way tiktok creatures paw at and tap their nails on everything drives me up the fucking wall.

No. 1990005

This tiktoker has even been featured on videos talking about intentional ragebait, and is 100% intentional rage bait. Guaranteed no one is actually making coffee for themselves this way at home. Even the ASMR talon tapping is 100% done to enrage people because tiktokers like this know that a lot of people hate ASMR nail tapping sounds.

No. 1990020

Pretty sure this guy is an actor and does extreme scenarios. But the acting is so intense it becomes hilarious lol.

No. 1990026

File: 1714786008670.gif (6.53 MB, 343x374, IMG_0929.gif)

KEK isn’t that this guy?

No. 1990053

Ah okay, that makes me feel better. I had no idea the nail thing was supposed to be ASMR I thought it was just some weird monkey see monkey do tiktok shit. After seeing “watertok” beverage abominations I thought people just got into adding slop into everything they possibly could lmao i personally have no issue with sugar free flavored syrups and would have a hoard of them to jazz up my Coke Zero if I had the space

No. 1990067

File: 1714791390605.jpeg (33.05 KB, 620x271, IMG_0366.jpeg)

>coke zero

No. 1990074

File: 1714792165941.jpg (81.37 KB, 900x896, 1713197166868.jpg)

>adding syrup to COKE
You do know there's other things in artifical flavourings that aren't good for you besides sugar right? Like cyclamate? Just get one of those carbonators and use natural cordial, it'll cost less and is more yummy.

No. 1990080

I love this guys’ videos so much

No. 1990082

Nah I get you. It's like making a drink without the alcohol. Looking forward to that diet coke with vanilla goo

No. 1990083

What's wrong with cancermaxxing

No. 1990095

Idk why do people even drink diet if they don't care for their health it seems bizarre. And then adding more flavouring to their fizzy syrup seems pointless. Cancermax if you want but don't be weird abut it

No. 1990105

Drinking diet coke and smoking cigarettes and only eating things with no collagen is supposed to make you skinny and pretty but it only makes you haggard imo.
In any case it's not about the diet or the health, some people plainly don't tolerate or don't want to drink sugar. Regardless, diet coke is for people with 0 self control anyway, health was never the question here

No. 1990127

I’m actually not a fatty i was throughout childhood but have been closer to underweight than overweight for over 10 years now please clap and just dislike the sugar rush and subsequent crash from full sugar drinks. I’d rather have sugar in the form of candy than soda if I’m going to have it.
Who cares, everything is chemicals and diet cherry vanilla coke zero’s from sonic (or ocean water, that’s the type of shit I want syrups for lol) taste good and are low calorie.
Exactly, thank you. I’m not going to avoid little pleasures because drinking literally impossible quantities MIGHT potentially give me cancer someday. I’d rather consume artificial sweeteners while living a pretty healthy lifestyle than eat absurd amounts of sugar and get fat and/or beetus.

No. 1990287

File: 1714823333881.gif (929.41 KB, 498x280, kek classic.gif)

Kek nonnie my sides. I don't know and I don't care if this is supposed to be intentionally funny or not but the important thing it's that it is hilarious.

No. 1991300

File: 1714896797425.mp4 (7.36 MB, 480x854, qzIYqU7.mp4)

this is the worst genre of leftist male

No. 1991302

He embodies exactly what I hate about hearing liberals talk; how obnoxious and uncoordinated their dialect is structured. FFS a teenager can speak more professionally than this.

No. 1991315

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when the cruelest thing that's happened to you in the world is being thought of as a threat maybe reconsider your status in society. Black women could only hope to be thought of a threat and not be approached.

No. 1991319

exactly, and they respond with some totally original comment along the lines of "stuck in enemy territory send backup STAT"

No. 1991691

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does anyone fell for this though?

No. 1991697

Am I retarded but.. why is this woman trying to cancel this makeup brand? That shade clearly is not for her, she would be a few shades lighter than that. That shade would work perfectly on women like Anok Yai, not her, there are plenty of black women where that foundation would match and they would be way darker in tone. Another retarded influencer who doesn’t even understand basic color theory
>”make sure you make it more brown in the lab hurrr durrr”
Holy shit I can’t wait until Tiktok is banned cause this is hilariously stupid and unnecessary

No. 1991705

>what the HELL is wrong wiff you jessicah

No. 1991706

Kek it is the same guy! I can't stop laughing holy hell. I guess he's trying to be some kind of 'serious actor' but the redfaced screaming with the sad music is so goddamn funny. He's going to burst a blood vessel or something. The comments are cracking me up
>happiest birmingham resident
>bro is paying for our sins

No. 1991707

The hilarious part is that these men think they are not apart of the patriarchy at all KEK, they’re mainly the ones upholding it and get to hide their hands acting like they aren’t it’s so aggravating. I don’t give a fuck how men’s lives would become magically improved if the patriarchy were to fall, realistically these parasitic motherfuckers would finally die off as they have no host to feed off of anymore. When women finally stop being cowardly they would fucking genocide all of these scrotes in a situation where patriarchy would collapse.

No. 1991732

File: 1714933893236.jpg (437.86 KB, 1706x2560, GettyImages-1428769836-scaled.…)

Anon, that color is straight black and no one is literally black. If you mixed that foundation with white, I bet it would make grey. Human skin colors have different tones and colors in them. No one can be pure black, the same way no pale person could be pure white so they couldn't use a white foundation. It's simply just a poorly made foundation shade. Also, Anok Yai is not that color, she's actually around the same shade as the woman in that vid.
>ho doesn’t even understand basic color theory
I'm not trying to be rude but you can't be serious?

No. 1991735

File: 1714933952466.jpg (370.7 KB, 1000x1437, Richard-Burbridge-V-Magazine-A…)

Sorry anon but Anok Yai is definitely not that fucking deep. All those images of her looking DARK as fuck are edited. She has a dark skintone but in the light you can clearly tell she's brown and not some kind of grey coal skinned dark elf

No. 1991756

Samefag, I actually think she's lighter than the woman in your vid, but definitely not literally black.

No. 1991763

These men will complain to women and tell us we're wrong and ignorant for hurting his feelings and daring to see him as a threat instead of ever addressing the cause to the issue. If you want women to not see men as a threat instead of telling they're discriminatory bitches try to think of the very real reasons there are for women to be cautious of them, if your feelings are oh so hurt then help build a safer, more equal, society were we don't have to look over our shoulders when walking alone.
Hold your bro accountable when he's being accused and stand your ground when he says something sexist, if you see a man catcalling someone confront him, if you see an extremely drunk girl don't let some guy take her. But no, as the pathetic faggot he is he'll just complain about muh white wymyn while defending porn and calling himself a socialist.
I hate men.

No. 1991764

Wasn't this faggot grooming teenage boys??? If I remember he was much younger than he looks, I thought he was like mid 40s but was actually late 20s or something.

No. 1991767

But there are people who are as dark as that foundation shade kek, I’m not even being ignorant like seriously there are people who are that dark. And yes I’m being dead serious, she is not the correct person to be reviewing that foundation shade at all

No. 1991770

File: 1714935125126.png (242.11 KB, 1024x1024, makeup-guide-1-1024x1024.png)

Yes there are people that dark but there are no people that are literally black. I think you don't understand that it's not about how deep the shade is anon, it's the actual colors. It's about undertones.

No. 1991773

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Samefag the shade is not for her, she put on way too much, didn’t even put any concealer or highlighter, a lot of these little makeup influencers don’t know how to truly do their makeup. She’s just not the shade that foundation is made for and she incorrectly thinks she is dark-skinned. She painted globs of foundation on her face

No. 1991775

I understand undertones and all of that jazz but still it’s not the correct foundation for her face therefore wouldn’t make her the right person to review it.

No. 1991778

It doesn't really matter who's reviewing it anon. The point she's making in the video isn't that it doesn't match her, she's saying that it's a black foundation that would match no human on earth because no one is literally black. If she's a makeup reviewer, she's making videos for makeup consumers in general not just herself.
>I understand undertones and all of that jazz
I don't think you do if you're still talking about how dark the foundation is

No. 1991783

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Doesn’t look purely black to me uwu. The black paint comparison was such an exaggeration, it’s probably just another crap foundation you have to do a zillion things with to make it look good on your skin. But again my point still stands she is not the correct person to be reviewing it. It doesn’t matter if she’s targeting to a mass amount of makeup consumers, it would make more sense to appeal to the very people which that product would likely match to and of course none of her chitlin fanbase who have like 20% white genetics and lighter skin tones would ever use or touch a shade that dark. It’s just another round of virtual signaling. Tl;dr makeup sucks and she’ll be fine(uwu)

No. 1991784

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Nobody is that shade of black. She compared black paint to the foundation. When you look at Anok Yai pictures and she's wearing a black outfit, you'll notice she isn't pure black. Nobody blends with black clothing the same way nobody blends with white clothing, because humans have blood under their skins there will always be an undertone, nobody is black paint.

No. 1991791

>moar tiktok disinformation videos
Tiktok is not a reliable source, don’t care how much bald scrotes get up on that app and claim to be experts and professionals. I want to see that foundation being used on a person whos skin tone matches that shade or it’s just typical internet retardation.

No. 1991792

>Doesn’t look purely black to me
Well we already know from the Anok Yai thing that your perception is not very good. Also,

No. 1991796

Um are you making fun of a neurodivergent individual, nonny??? Ermm making me hella uncomfortable erm

No. 1991806

It's not even from tiktok kek other anons have explained to you several times why nobody will match that foundation. If you understood undertones you would know nobody has a grey undertone, the blood will still make people some shade of pink/orange/yellow

No. 1991812

I actually wanted to search and on this woman it does look like a shade that would work on someone just a smidge darker. And I don't doubt there are darker people out there than this woman. At least their 590 shade is tested and approved.

No. 1991816

I think anon is just being intentionally dense

No. 1991820

There’s a solid chance they made this hilariously black foundation that no one will actually use just to shut up retards who always whine that shade ranges aren’t “inclusive” enough. Like in recent years no matter how dark a foundation line tries to go people online will whine that they didn’t try hard enough and they’re excluding a handful of black as the night women (and occasionally people will do the reverse and complain that the paper white ladies have been excluded) They preempted that by making a shade that doesn’t exist IRL and it backfired, who cares it’s no reason to feel personally attacked. Making a color like this pretty much just seems like a failed marketing attempt is what I’m trying to say.

No. 1991828

File: 1714939039369.png (63.03 KB, 561x286, Opera Snapshot_2024-05-05_1457…)

So apparently the shade only contains one ingredient, black iron oxide. So perhaps they were trying to cash in on the Krewe of Zulu market.

No. 1991837

I hate summerfags and their superpower of never being able to shut the fuck up

No. 1991841

I feel so vindicated right now, thank you anon I knew I wasn’t fucking crazy
Girl shut the fuck up and kiss my ass(infighting)

No. 1991843

You literally asked if you were being retarded just to get pissy with everyone who gave an explanation on why the foundation is bad. God I'm glad I'm not low enough to bootlick a makeup company, a lazy one at that.

No. 1991844

>tapping everything before opening it
This is identical to videos made for toddlers. Incredible. Adults who watch stuff like this need to be sterilized, and if they already have kids they should be taken away.

No. 1991848

Knowing the foundation would fit someone else’s skin tone who is actually fully black with no slave owner blood ≠ bootlicking the makeup company(bait)

No. 1991858

What do you feel vindicated? it still didn't match her, funny how the one that did had brown in it, huh? I wonder why.

No. 1991864

ot and not to sound male but i wonder how many beautiful girls i've seen are just wearing a lot of makeup kek

No. 1991880

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IME a surprising amount. Look at any A-list celebrity without makeup on. Saw some coworkers and lab mates come around without makeup on a few times, and they looked like they never got any lick of sleep. I get that makeup is an easy mask for any acne or blemishes or whatever, but when you look half dead without it, you might as well just cleanse your face and catch some sleep already.

No. 1991892

Some women look drastically different but the majority of the time I think we are just so conditioned as a society that women need to be presentable at all times that our flaws are hyper focused on when no one would notice them on a moid.

No. 1991897

>Wasn't this faggot grooming teenage boys?
he looks like grooms teenage boys.

No. 1991903

Dark undereyes are genetic for some people and no amount of sleep can fix it. They can't help it nona

No. 1991913

You're right, nonnie I'm sorry.

No. 1991918

>boohoo it's because I'm a black man
>a white girl would rather interact with a wild animal than me
Every black girl I know picked bear as well. Men are trying to play the race card with this not knowing that it literally doesn't matter. White, black, Asian, Latin, purple Martian, it doesn't matter. If it's a moid, always avoid.

No. 1991923

I remember feeling horrified at a footage of two piece of shit hunters breaking into a bear den and illegally shooting a hibernating mother bear and her two cubs. I think anybody with an IQ above room temperature would choose a bear over a moid. Moids can go eat shit.

No. 1991937

I hate this genre of video:
>"I was just a poor kid starting out with no art talent, and then"
>2012 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2013 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2014 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2015 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2016 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2017 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2018 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2019 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2020 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2021 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2022 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2023 poorly copied pop culture photo
>2024 poorly copied pop culture photo
>250,000 hearts
How are there grown ass adults who aren't ashamed to post shit like this? I knew this was embarrassing when I was in middle school and didn't even have the internet yet.

No. 1992110

lmao as if fully black people without a drop of white blood don't havs brown undertones. even literal africans are not grey, including the ones posted ITT(responding to bait)

No. 1992421

File: 1714996666559.jpeg (501.09 KB, 655x1007, IMG_5270.jpeg)

White girl goes to Korea to become a model uwu without studying the language and then being hit with the harsh realities of society.. she’s not ugly by any means but she’s definitely not uwu smol size as she claims. Even by western modeling standards she’s big, she’s just being delusional

No. 1992493

Models are always so retarded but this really is something else

No. 1992496

She really doesn't look small, plus that haircut looks like shit on her.

No. 1992497

It's even funnier when there's literally no improvement. The ones where you can't tell which one is the 2012 and which one is the 2024 crack me up. You've been at this for 12 years and still can't trace a straight line? Come on.
KEK oh yeah, she's a Korean size 0 for sure. Can't imagine why they'd call her a plus size model in a country where normal, not-model women strive to weigh under 50kg. She might not be ugly, but she doesn't fit the current Korean beauty ideals. Is anyone even going to book her? What's the point of moving to a new country where you don't even speak the language if you don't already have something lined up?

No. 1992500

I don't want to be mean but pretty much everyone can be a model now huh. Her face isn't ugly (but also not super beautiful) but she is chubby and her hair is bad.

No. 1992501

the hairstyle of the moid in the background, holy shit please wear a hat.

No. 1992509

I just know this is one of you anons. Come on, speak up and tell us, we know this woman is one of you lol. White women living in EA is not far fetched, Eastern European women are usually koreaboos and go there to model or attempt music careers. They really need to learn to plastic-surgerymaxx, bone-brothmaxx, and stop eating so much. Koreans love pretending fat people or those who aren’t even fat but not bone thin don’t exist so it’s going to be a hard time for her to live there. It sounds like such a fucking hellhole to live in for women now that I think about it, I rather be a dumpy britbong than live in a country like that where I know any public restroom I seat my butt on is going to be surveyed and recorded by one of their perverted men.

No. 1992546

why are koreans so obsessed with plastic surgery to begin with?

No. 1992559

File: 1715009132746.jpg (36.97 KB, 736x290, 1000022464.jpg)

They don't want to look Asian, that's what I can get from the surgeries they get, being the most popular the double eyelid surgery.
Which is funny because lots of weebs and koreaboos would die to look asian.
It's the classic "the grass is greener on the other side".

No. 1992599

gotta correct you, weebs and koreaboos do want to look asian but only if they're a cute asian waifu otherwise never.

No. 1992602

Other nonnies, is the lighting that much brighter in the second photo, or does the surgery actually change her upper face that much?

No. 1992612

I commented on this woman's tiktok that she shouldn't feel the need to put in that much effort for a pasty, overweight and bald manlet and got a warning for mobbing kek.

No. 1992628

All that shit and she looked uglier at the end what the fuck

No. 1992631

her eyebrows look ridiculous after kek

No. 1992636

The way she squirts that perm solution straight from the container nearly onto her eyeball gives me anxiety. Put it on a fucking brush first! You're going to blind yourself!

No. 1992640

This is deranged behavior

No. 1992652

Don’t get me wrong she’s pretty but the snatched facetuned pfps right above the woman looking normal in her videos is always so funny to me.

No. 1992654

File: 1715015392917.gif (6.42 MB, 494x793, oie_qbOtPSnVMTAv.gif)

omg my god when he comes on screen just to flash his fat bald head it's too much

No. 1992674

She looks just like a baby doll! I'm so jealous of her soft cute features

No. 1992753

Damn people are really following trends that don't suit them at all.

No. 1992783

this is ragebait right? the before was so much better… the fake tan and freckles just make it look like she has mud on her face

No. 1992800

next thread pic material

No. 1992802

great work nonna

No. 1992804

>all that money, time, effort, and pain for a fugly scrote
these girls need to wake up holy shit, it doesn't even look good either

No. 1992928

No. 1992965

It could also be intended for mixing - even though they didn't market it that way. But I've seen super pale girls talk about buying plain white foundation to mix with normal light foundations so they get a better color match.

>putting perm solution right next to your fucking eyeballs
what the fuck

No. 1992990

It really is not for mixing, if you mix that black with other foundations it comes out as gray

No. 1993254

"white girl from portland" is exactly how you're acting, sir
also if my white ass said "a black man from l.a." I would get side eye for mentioning race.

No. 1993517

File: 1715054953071.jpeg (110.95 KB, 1500x1500, at_organize-clean_dust-on-furn…)

I actually don't think there is anything wrong with her doing this, but I think you should only put in as much effort in your appearance as your partner does. Shes waxing, laminating, and probably wears makeup so her dude should be willing to exercise, get a hair transplant and have a simple skincare routine. He looks as though he would leave dust on your finger if you ran it over him.

No. 1993626

Idk about other nonas but my recommended related vid for that was her 'sundress' test where she shows her moid groping her because she put on a sundress. And he is wearing some gross stained looking sweatsuit. Why would you brag about the fact you got your disgusting scrote to grope you on camera when he looks like that?

No. 1993698

Literally a jump scare, I gasped.

No. 1993701

I'm a pasty white girl and I don't really mean this to come out offense but if I had this skin tone I'd never wear foundation. Well I only use bb cream but point being you can tell im always tired or when I get a zit. That stuff isn't as noticeable on a dark complexion.

No. 1993710

File: 1715080980564.jpg (221.68 KB, 750x624, Screenshot_20240507_082017.jpg)

Whenever I see a woman with this complexion make some sort foundation review it always feels ridiculous because 10/10 times they have perfect, clear and smooth skin.

No. 1993753

It’s like the cool girl monologue but worse.

No. 1993770

why does every woman from new york sound like that?

No. 1993781

File: 1715085695984.mp4 (272.18 KB, 480x854, h5wT9tg.mp4)

god free my people from gay male humour.

No. 1993805

Sounds like she was describing herself kek

No. 1993825

KEK I don't care what any other anon thinks, she is fun and I want to be her friend

No. 1993968

For sure ragebait. I was gonna give her the benefit of the doubt until she saran-wrapped her eyelashes. Save your emotional energy and don't watch shit like this, nonnies.

No. 1994066

All this bullshit just to look better in the "before".

No. 1994684

I agree, I'm so pale you can see blue veins in my face/under eyes. if my skin was this beautiful I wouldn't wear a scrap of makeup.

No. 1994695

I don't understand a word of this

No. 1994980

ough uma thurman is so hot here waow

No. 1994992

Ayrt and I don’t get it either. I have never met a girl like that. I don’t get how a woman like that would be a pick me.

No. 1995185

She's literally my favourite active lolcow rn.
>posts about love for yaoi and japan
>gets only angry and hateful comments
>accused of ""harming"" multiple people with her posts
>completely ignores and continues regularly posting love for yaoi and japan

she's kind of based and lives by the "cringe but free" lifestyle everyone that hates her wishes they did

No. 1995507

This was funny tbh

No. 1995956

You're retarded, anon. This video goes into it all. There are no undertones to that "foundation", it's literally just black facepaint with no blended colors (in stark contrast to them mixing three different colors for their palest foundation).
It was literally too black for a South Sudanese woman who tried it (again in vidrel), she said the same thing about the brand, and they are probably the darkest black people on earth. You seeing an edited photo of some very dark-skinned people doesn't mean they're literally the same color as your phone when it's off. This is so embarrassing, please never talk about these kinds of subjects again.

She's using 590, not 600. That's not the black facepaint the OP is trying to defend.

No. 1995990

File: 1715219040432.jpg (444.7 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240509_001955_Gal…)

Why are normies starting to use this lingo…

No. 1995993

how is this bad? good for her kek

No. 1996002

File: 1715219767385.jpg (424.5 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240509_002010_Gal…)

No its weird and shows that even normies are becoming chronically online

No. 1996003

Normies have been chronically online for a while, nonna. Such was the downfall of the internet
At least she realizes how exploitative "sex work" is, presumably. Hopefully she peaks the rest of the way

No. 1996020

she's peaking, let her be.

No. 1996026

>she's peaking
Ok this is unpopular but can we find another word for this instead if sounding like cultists who are about to peak someone into a religion.

No. 1996027

Yeah, it started around 2016 but it got worse in 2020.

No. 1996030

It's the concept not the word. All synonyms for radicalisation, and who cares? Every ideology and belief system in existence thinks radicalisation to their own side is a good thing.

No. 1996047

Is she though

No. 1996054

I feel like it has the opposite implication, as in it's the realization that pulls you out of cult-thinking

No. 1996059

Realising its okay to say men aren't women isn't an introduction to an ideology, it's a fact of reality that doesn't link one to anything. Ascribing beliefs such as man always bad is ideological but women peaking isn't in and of itself an ideological matter

No. 1996072

Then, "beginning to disagree with gendiesm". Either way, the word itself comes with no implication beyond the concept. So if someone considers wanting to change someone's opinions to your own as cultlike, it's not the word.

No. 1996227

Yeah I agree. To me, peaking is when you hit your highest point, the peak, where it is just all too much to ignore/too much to continue placating gendies feelings. The dumbfuckery keeps getting higher and higher until you hit the peak and are like "alright enough of this stupid shit"

No. 1996229

I'm so late to this but the 600 shade literally only has the black pigment in it. No other pigments, just pure black pigment. Nobody is that shade, everybody on earth has different undertones, meaning there should be other pigments in it. The pure black pigment being the only pigment in it makes it basically just a sheer pure black facepaint. IF there were other pigments in it then it'd be debatable, but the singular black pigment says all I needed to know. It's just the same thing as the palest person in the entire world is not literally pure white, they still have undertones and such, nobody on earth could match a pure white color because it doesn't exist in human skin tones, even an albino person couldn't wear a pure white shade.

No. 1996871

File: 1715289151976.jpeg (121.62 KB, 644x866, IMG_3409.jpeg)

They want to be oppressed so bad

No. 1996873

File: 1715289176910.jpeg (22.21 KB, 750x200, IMG_3410.jpeg)

No. 1996874

File: 1715289202105.jpeg (24.79 KB, 750x253, IMG_3411.jpeg)

No. 1996882

>women commenting on male behavior towards women: entirely true accounts of irl male violence.
>males commenting on female behavior: misogynistic stereotypes disproved by ten seconds on google (men cheat at higher rates, men are often leeches more so than women, etc.)

No. 1996889

Why can't they type properly?

No. 1996901

>why women choose bear: afraid of rape, getting murdered
>why men choose tiger: getting cheated on, getting judged or mocked
Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them

No. 1996906

Notice they're not afraid of getting raped

No. 1996907

File: 1715289966545.jpg (76.67 KB, 700x927, stacy.jpg)

Yes she would

No. 1996913

>lets start our own trend
How about you just stop raping and killing women? Men are such stupid, emotional babies.

No. 1996914

Every single time, men prove women right. It's insanity

No. 1997260

File: 1715304944313.jpg (70.72 KB, 568x800, 80cdbfad-98b2-40af-a046-1d1af6…)

>she shouldn't feel the need to put in that much effort

This logic is so fucking retarded lmao. I'm convinced yall have no self esteem if you think baddies do this to please their provider moid and not because they love themselves and are vain

No. 1997293

thank you lolcow for my daily men-hating fuel
bet he's broke and lives with his parents, you have no money to worry about

No. 1997315

File: 1715306418645.jpeg (54.72 KB, 559x548, images - 2024-05-10T115825.186…)

>55,000 grizzly bears in NA alone, from 2000 - 2017 there's been 48 deaths in NA from bear attacks
>4,500 tigers worldwide, from 2014 - 2022 there's been 497 deaths caused by tiger attacks
Have fun

No. 1997385

if she loves herself why is she with >>1992654?

No. 1997388

Retarded newfag fell for the psyop makeup and fashion companies lay out. There wouldn’t be a need to do all that shit if moids didn’t make it a forced lifestyle. You don’t see women in third world countries do this shit to make themselves feel good

No. 1997650

that's like saying morbidly obese people eat because they love themselves and not because there is something deeply wrong with them

No. 1997801

File: 1715351855020.jpg (706.28 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20240510_040902_Tik…)

I ran into this live 3 times in the past 2 months. It's always the same, OP playing and not saying a word and just standing idly in front of these NPCs. The woman makes choking noises, all on loop. Am I tinfoiling if I think this is some sort of weird fetish shit? And of course tiktok won't ban it, but saying "(thing) is dumb" in a comment is too offensive for the app…

No. 1997811

This art is so sweet nona, thank you for posting it

No. 1997821

how is a woman going to cheat or be a gold digger when you're both lost in a jungle? men are actually retarded kek

No. 1998211

File: 1715371610691.mp4 (5.77 MB, 648x576, jBZtVFU.mp4)

>the joke is objectification
bet the one on the right isn't even gay

No. 1998217

I don't think a lot of people who are anti-sex work were ever radicalised to believe it was a good thing in the first place. It's hard to think sex work is good as a woman when you are painfully self-aware of the fact that you would rather work in the coal mines than sell your body online and already find porn unappealing without ever engaging without any kind of radfem literature. I've seen a lot of takes by normies making unpopular opinions videos saying that they could never support it and replies saying they feel relieved about being validated for their beliefs. I believe that people who say make the argument that people can do what they want say it to mask their true thoughts. So many people don't support troonery or sex work, but the voices of the minority who scream the loudest about being against such things being an act of bigotry override the silent majority.

No. 1998253

File: 1715375534488.mp4 (2.45 MB, 720x934, ssstwitter.com_1715375274619.m…)

>tiktok assoholes put soap on the floor that's a pain in the ass to clean
>about to slide to make tiktok video
>based employee takes it away last moment
>"it's ok we are on tiktok!"

these clowns have no idea NO ONE FUCKING CARES

No. 1998262

These are the scrotes that need to be put into labor camps where their paycheck at the end of the months get distributed to everyone but them. They don’t deserve to have a dick either, sterilize and chop, turn them into wageslave eunuchs

No. 1998266

Wish they got shot like that one prank scrote

No. 1998342

File: 1715382651573.mp4 (5.05 MB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1715382567256.m…)

No. 1998344

This is fake kek. Yes you can buy these suitcases but they won't be full of new clothes in your size ready for you to wear kek

No. 1998360

I know but still the fact that this is a thing and people make ragebait of it annoys me kek. Didn't even watch the whole video to see if he wore the stuff

No. 1998545

File: 1715400955182.png (2.33 MB, 1080x1806, 1000000225.png)

This is supposedly Nara a few days after giving birth, a back to back pregnancy mind you. Hopefully her defenders don't get assmad at me calling is suspicious, doesn't your uterus not even contract that fact back? Gotta keep up with unrealistic expectations towards women I guess

No. 1998561

I hate to be that person, but some women can snap back this fast if they are gym rats. Plus, we don't know if she has saggy skin underneath because we haven't seen her torso. Not saying that it isn't possible for her to have had one of those tummy tuck c-sections a lot of celebrities get to fake snapping back really fast.

No. 1998562

Snapping back is realistic but a few days after birth? The uterus alone takes 6 weeks to contract back to the original size, we've been on the Internet this long and people still can't admit a lot of social media influencers are artificial

No. 1998564

File: 1715402993609.jpg (103.38 KB, 736x981, 1000000229.jpg)

Example - this lady is more in shape than Nara, still has a uterus bump days after birth lol

No. 1998565

Fair enough, then the most likely answer is that the photo was from before she was pregnant.

No. 1998566

True, or plain ol Photoshop. It just makes no sense to me why so many women want to see her unrealistic lifestyle she presents as ideal, all it accomplished was scrotes and other women having insane expectations of women

No. 1998567

Ot but wow that’s super impressive

No. 1998568

off topic but i remember this lady and her instagram comments lmao

No. 1998576

No because that foundation is straight up black paint while Anok Yai is human with warm undertones

No. 1998689

Did you watch the video? She literally goes "Do you still love me uwu?" in between to her pig tier moid. A true baddie wouldn't give a fuck because she knows she could do better.

No. 1998751

Scrote confirms he can’t fathom being alone with a woman without sexualizing her. Looks like the bear and I will have to rescue that tiger he intends to fuck. ‘Woman stuck with you in the jungle’ isn’t your girlfriend and there is no other boy, weirdo.

No. 1998766

That's fucking weird for sure. It's from the RE7 dlc, the MC is hearing the noises and checking and the father is drowning the mother in the bathtub and it's a looping animation, it won't stop until you walk in. I never heard anyone comment on it until you posted and decided to check. I saw one or two comments saying it was hot or clipping her noises. I think some moids are sexualizing the way marguerite has her ass up and is making choking sounds. Moids are truly disgusting. The creator you posted is probably trying to rile people up for both this weird fetish and normal people feeling uncomfortable with the looping animation or her being drowned. God I fucking hate this so much.

No. 1998786

there's this woman I know who was telling me about one of the times she has given birth(I think her first out of 3 kids) and she was going around the hospital wearing baggy sports clothes and they told her to leave because they thought she was a visitor and wouldn't believe she just gave birth. She told me she only gained weight due to her bump and nothing else and I remember seeing her in a wedding after a while and she looked stunning. And even now, after 3 kids, she looks skinny and athletic and you can only tell by the slight loose skin in the front of her belly that she gave birth

No. 1998898

that's still realistic though, not turning into a victorias secret model a couple of days after birth

No. 1998904

Why are men so butthurt about cheating? Not like she sold you into slavery, calm down with the “betrayal”

No. 1998905

Not gaining enough weight during pregnancy will result in a baby prone to fatness. It's not healthy.

No. 1998919

it also lowers immune system and makes the child more likely for developmental delays, praising women for staying super skinny despite of pregnancies even though it risks her and her child health is such a scrote mindset

No. 1998923

>grimes only eating spaghetti and butter while preggo with elon's kid
neglectful anachan or based elon's-line destroyer? either way a poor baby suffered
I still can't believe she admitted that, and she nearly went bald. fuck oath

No. 1998951

I've noticed alot of celebs and influencers seem to go out of their way to be pictured out and about wearing the whitest clothing right after birth too. Is post partum bleeding not a thing. While other women are in diapers and old school thick as hell pads I just snapped back in that area too?

No. 1998989

Well, they're not going to post themselves in diapers and milk stained PJs on social media. When social media influencers post on social media, it's like mini maternity shoots for them if that makes sense. Normal woman like wearing white in maternity shoots because it's a color that reflects serenity, divinity, cleanliness, and fresh-ness, so that's probably why you see influencers wearing it.

No. 1999244

File: 1715463515726.jpg (6.89 KB, 168x300, 1000000230.jpg)

Influencers absolutely do post reality of postpartum, Nara Smith's entire thing in particular is constantly pedaling about how much better she is than everyone. Even if you call out her being inconsistent her followers will literally DEMAND you be jealous

No. 1999273

I just saw some article about how Ozempic might be interacting with birth control, so women get pregnant while on it and they don't realize they are pregnant. The article ended by saying these women went straight back on Ozempic after giving birth. It was pretty fucked up. I will look for the article but I'm exhausted from working on shit all day nonas, I might post it in the morning if I fall asleep too quickly. pls no ban

No. 1999335

women are really putting themselves through slow painful deaths to appeal to scrotes yet again. The same moids that pressured you into going on ozempic and eating 3 almonds a day will just turn to the thicc trend yet again whenever the media and porn tells them too

No. 1999497

nara is in her early twenties, that's probably why she is able to snap back so fast

No. 1999590

Age wouldn't make your uterus contract back in a couple days, there's teens who don't go back that fast ffs. People will say anything outside of admitting an influencer is fake kek

No. 1999592

File: 1715483622867.jpg (371.94 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240512_051054_Gal…)

Tiktoks obssesion with feminizing Jojo is weird. And you can tell its about that because they always chose pictures of her with long hair, makeup and more feminine clothes as a example of how she needs to look.

No. 1999594

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No. 1999598

File: 1715483958812.jpg (387.79 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240512_051826_Gal…)

No. 1999600

> is in her early twenties, that's probably why she is able to snap back
> there's teens who don't go back that fast ffs
That’s not how that works, age has absolutely nothing to do with how the body looks after pregnancy or how quickly the body goes back to normal. Teenage girls especially are less fertile than adult women, teenagers and young adult women have higher risks in pregnancy, it’s better for women to wait until after their mid twenties at least because it’s safer. It sounds like you’re saying that teens are better suited for pregnancy and won’t be as affected by it or something, which isn’t true. The stomach gets stretch marks depending on how big it gets and genetics, it has nothing to do with her age.

No. 1999601

I thought it was between two men and Zendaya? What part of that is fujoshi? KEK
Even then I’d assume she was just there for the horny anyway like all the women going to the movie. C’mon.

No. 1999606

>Teenage girls especially are less fertile than adult women, teenagers and young adult women have higher risks in pregnancy, it’s better for women to wait until after their mid twenties at least because it’s safer. It sounds like you’re saying that teens are better suited for pregnancy and won’t be as affected by it or something, which isn’t true.
are you okay? I wasn't supporting the idea of teen pregnancy at all, just using it as an example to point out anons argument of "she's young that's why she dropped 50 lbs straight after birth" doesn't make sense

No. 1999607

I do wonder if she'd receive the same level of mockery if she wasn't obviously a lesbian and GNC, like if she was just a cringe straight/bihet woman with slightly worse music than Olivia Rodrigo

No. 1999609

Femcel phenotype with a bad nosejob

No. 1999621

how can you tell its a nosejob?

No. 1999682

Two women in my building just gave birth within the last 6-12 months and neither of them are back to pre-pregnancy fitness although both were thin and fit before, I have a hard time believing that women are 'snapping back' as quickly as some influencers seem to so I assume it's either photoshop or surrogacy. In celeb cases it's usually surrogacy.

No. 1999708

Yes and yes. Idk why anons are pulling the "maybe she's just young! Could be just x y and z" and never "maybe influencers are photoshopping". We have whole ass threads dedicated to cows that Photoshop yet somehow they don't believe this particular woman is kek

No. 1999721

YouTube slash tiktok random pause cadence voice makes me want to throw these men off a cliff

No. 1999729

It looks fake as fuck

No. 1999739

I knew this girl kek I respect that she’s still a proud fujo

No. 1999744

Most of the sexual tension is between the two guys, kind of disappointing that we can’t have any legitimate f/m/m stuff in movies. They’d rather appeal to fags than women

No. 1999747

How do you know her

No. 1999748

Nosy ass

No. 1999749

Then why you bringing that up girl

No. 1999752

My problem with f/m/m stuff in media is it's usually degenerate and implies the men have a deep love while the woman is just a prop or plot device, while f/f/m stuff (like that one shitty woody allen movie) turns both women into props for the gross moid to abuse.

No. 1999764

Wasn't me

No. 1999860

wokies are never happen no matter what

No. 2000100

File: 1715522316779.jpg (32.01 KB, 409x565, shades.jpg)

this. it's either not dark/light enough or too dark/light. it's obvious a lot of influencers have noticed that topics like lack of "inclusivity" or racism bring them engagement and views. who cares if a brand is selling a black pigment, they have 20+ shades that look like actual skintones and can be mixed. but no, let's pretend that this is their only option for women with a darker complexion.

come on, you know damn well the one on the right chose these angles and this top on purpose. you don't need to put the camera towards you let alone your breasts to film a cooking video. at least it's another young woman reacting - gay or not - and not a disgusting scrote, although she must have plenty of those in her comments.

No. 2000109

NTA but you're retarded and don't understand how makeup works kek

No. 2000110

>let's pretend that this is their only option for women with a darker complexion.
No one did this, though. Why make things up?

No. 2000277

please, the woman in the tiktok that started this discussion picked the darkest shade, literally admitting that it looked black on the website, only to get offended that it's too dark on her. in a different video she tries the shade that's actually her color, the undertones are just too warm. it could have been her initial review of the brand but obviously "their darker shades are too warm" generate less views than "you guys need to stop ordering minstrel show black at the lab"

No. 2000281

It's a poorly made product. It's so sad seeing anons whiteknight for these companies, especially a makeup company.

No. 2000338

ya thats cuz im pretty and dont need it

No. 2000409

What a troonish response

No. 2000411

She used the shades intended for dark-skinned people because she's a dark-skinned woman. One was garbage, and she said so. Why is that a problem? Why would a makeup company produce minstrel show black?

No. 2000417

agreed, some people literally worship brands like their life depends on it and it's pathetic.

No. 2000449

Kek yeah my penis is green with envy

No. 2000462

? Meds

No. 2000624

File: 1715547415904.jpg (399.91 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240512_225412_Gal…)

People on tiktok defending stealing people's cats if they are outdoor.

No. 2000631

Wonder if they’d feel the same way if I stole their bike bc it was outside.

No. 2000633

At this point people like you are worse and more unbearable than any wokies. The paint is literal black paint with a literal grey cast, there is absoluetely no one on earth with that color no matter how dark they are. People payed money for that and they are allowed to complain, that doesn't make them wokies. People shouldn't stay silent to appease losers like you.

No. 2000634

They're right. If you don't want someone to take your pet in, stop letting them roam around outside with no supervision.

No. 2000637

File: 1715547731572.mp4 (1.95 MB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1715531285377.m…)

this made me feel disgusted. maybe because it looks like piss? idk. total waste of time

No. 2000640

I don't fully agree with them, but I understand. If you live in a very populated area and let your cats roam outside, you should be glad if someone caring finds them and takes them in, as opposed to some psychopath killing them, a bigger animal attacking them, a car hitting them, etc.

No. 2000645


There are people in the comments saying they took all the necessary precautions to keep their cat safe (chipped them, collar, kept them inside majority of the time) and one time their cat got outside the door or bolted and the person who stole them didn't want to give it back, and people to that replied saying "finders keepers", and whoever finds the cat gets to keep it.

Even with all the necessary precautions your cat can still escape and get stolen.

Also let's not defend animal stealers when most of them are animal re-sellers and breeders.

Yeah i don't agree with cats being outside since it can be dangerous (dogs, cars, psychos) but i still don't think you should steal someones pet.

No. 2000646

That’s the only thing tiktok got right, leaving your pet outside on the streets and crying about it being stolen is on you. Cats are also responsible for the decline of certain bird populations and are more likely to get mauled by stray dogs or hit by cars when left outside

No. 2000648

I find it dystopian the dhit people will do for e-fame

No. 2000649

Exactly. They're defending a shit product to dunk on some weird concept of "muh woke", not unlike moids who seethe about women discussing anything at all and insist it's "muh feminazis".

No. 2000655

To me it all depends on if the cat has a collar and is chipped.

If the cat has no collar and isn't chipped then i guess it's somewhat fine but when the cat has a collar and is chipped and you take it knowing who the owner is..then thats scumbag behavior.

No. 2000684

He wasted a 100 litres of water doing that…

No. 2000696

Some people are so retarded, they have to throw out the baby with the bathwater for everything and cannot imagine not swinging on a pendulum for issues. Who would have thought that the "wokes" aren't always hysterically whining?

No. 2000707

It's not stealing. If you allow your animal to roam outside, you're a bad animal owner. And it's always morally right to take animals away from bad owners.(baiting)

No. 2000735

File: 1715554531445.jpg (470.78 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20240512-195504_You…)

No. 2000748

Kek it's not a one shade fits all. If a white woman picked the wrong shade willingly to complain about it no one would take her seriously. They show on their website who their darkest shade is intended for. It does seem darker than it should be which is a problem in itself and honestly all their colors seems off, so it just looks like a bad product/brand, but not a brand that purposefully offered only jet black for dark-skinned women. People cannot complain about things online without making it political these days.

No. 2000764

Nta but you seem to not understand that the shade match isn't the issue. No shit it doesn't match her, that's not the point of the video. She's a makeup reviewer, so they review makeup regardless of if it's for them. There's some makeup reviewers who will literally swatch entire lines of foundation just so people can see all the colors.

No. 2000789

The picture they used for that color doesn't even depict the model wearing it, and you'd be able to see that if you watched the half-assed tiktok the creator posted where the colors don't match up on either of the men's skin and they do a switcheroo back to 590. Literal South Sudanese people have confirmed it doesn't fit them. The reason it doesn't work for anyone is because there is no undertone to it. You might as well put ash in a bottle and call it foundation. No one competent makes foundation that way, lmao. At this rate, brands should start selling straight-up paste or mayonnaise in a bottle for $50 and insisting it's special moisturizing egg-based foundation for pale northern europeans, kek. Dickriders like you would defend their honor for sure.

No. 2000883

>381 usd for shitty foundation
even dior and chanel foundation doesn't even reach anything close to that price, what even is this?

No. 2000893

Honestly, anyone defending the idea that a straight up black pigment was an honest attempt at a foundation shade has some biases they are refusing to admit and just want to gaslight people. Anon defending this know exactly what they are doing, as did the brand who decided to waste their resources just because black people annoy them. It's pathetic tbh.

No. 2000896

Idk where anon is from because it’s $48 USD on the burger website.

No. 2000915

File: 1715573069536.jpeg (28.18 KB, 828x237, IMG_3779.jpeg)

i don't think those are us dollars. the foundation seems to be little under 50 usd. could be hong kong dollars

No. 2000962

Isn't the owner of the brand from Hong Kong?

No. 2001086

File: 1715591319221.jpeg (3.68 MB, 3098x3872, E3192DA2-10BB-4365-9FB2-9B1571…)

Retarded TikTok user takes “abandoned” baby deer from its established home in forest to keep as a pet. It is physically apparent that this fawn is not abandoned and knows its mother is around. Why can’t people just leave nature alone? The user posted an update and has decided to bring the fawn to a shelter opposed to returning her to her mother/home.

No. 2001135

Idk I live in a rural area and see so many cats hit by cars, I kinda half agree lol…

No. 2001141

I know animals are often pushed out of the nest really young, but I can't help but think that being separated from it's mom was probably incredibly distressing.
>Amazon delivery driver chased deer
>Random human takes it home
This is literally the type of shit in movies that makes animals turn evil against humans.

No. 2001165

Outdoor cats have an average lifespan of 2-4 years, indoor cats have an average lifespan of 12-18 years. There is literally no other information that a person needs to make a responsible decision about their cat. It's pure laziness is what it is. They don't have the time or patience or care to actually engage their cat by playing with them or walking them outside on a leash and harness. If you put your cat outside, you're the enemy.

No. 2001263

This. If you throw any other animal outside with no enclosure, no collar, no chip, nothing it's practically expected they'll run away or get attacked by a predator, idk why people think cats or any different. Even if you throw farm animals outside with no enclosure you'd have to be pretty retarded to think nothing bad will happen

No. 2001576

Deer leave their babies hidden in weird places to bring back food. Mother probably thought a wolf ate her darling….

No. 2001992

Its true. Cats that go outdoors can die or get severely injured.

No. 2002295

File: 1715683298127.mp4 (6.87 MB, 1080x1920, Y2meta.app-J'AI FAIS CETTE BLA…)

the caption is just "who was expecting this ?"
this has more than a 100k likes and this disgusts beyong imaginable. I always wonder why women act in this kind of videos, it's worse than doing onlyfan to me

No. 2002301

If you live in a tiny one room apartment and barely go outside it's common sense that it's immoral to get a big dog. If you have a little garden it's still not moral to keep a big horse in it. In the same way if you get a cat in an area where it's not safe for it to go outdoors, you're just being immoral and a bad owner. The exception are the cat breeds humans have fucked up so bad they can't even go outdoors on their own - and those are immoral to breed/keep to begin with.
And as an owner if you let your animals go free outside you have to be aware of the risks that come with it, that's common sense. Your sheep may get taken by a wolf, your rabbit by a fox. A cat living longer because it's not out in nature doesn't mean it's better for them, just like it's not better for a human to be locked up for their entire lives either - as covid should have taught most people. People just don't care because their own egotistical gain from having a cuddly cat at home outweighs the thought that it may be immoral. Cats "domesticated" themselves and have been used to keep away vermin for thousands of years, it's only a VERY recent idea that locking them in a tiny apartment to keep them "safe" is what is good for them.

No. 2002302

Your idea revolves around that the only two options are "outside or cardboard box apartment"?? Makes no sense

But as for farm animals, even if you try buying a farm animal without a proper fence/enclosure you'll be laughed at and denied, if you have cows but no fence and constantly complain about how they're getting out and people are stealing them you'll get laughed at and people will question why the fuck would you buy an animal you put zero security measures over. Why does this magically not apply to cats? I'm not gonna buy a goat to release outside no fence, chip or anything else and cry when it gets stolen, eaten or anything else. Idk why people decided that cats were the only pet on the planet that doesn't need any sort of protection but here we are i guess

No. 2002303

>I always wonder why women act in this kind of videos, it's worse than doing onlyfan to me
Not to be overdramatic, but it's literally a betrayal. Nearly every woman will have at least one instance of being made to feel uncomfortable by a moid on public transport, and bus and train stations are spots where sexual assaults frequently happen. This bitch portrays it for a lolsorandumb TikTok? Women like her should be burnt at the stake.

No. 2002306

Exactly, at least OF women are honest about their intent, these are not only pandered towards children but anytime these sorts of videos are made people use them as an excuse to crazy -make women that call them out "wow if that's how you saw it you're the pervert" etc

No. 2002314

I view women acting in shit like this as massive cope. Similar to how some women repeatedly stay with abusers because in their minds they made the "choice" to even if there are no realistic options for better men.
Women like this choose to participate in misogynistic discourse cause they are gaslighting themselves and believe the disrespect is ok because they think they're laughing with men who are actually laughing at them.

No. 2002369

Welp, time to get rid of my 9 year old cat that has been with me through good and bad times and love from the bottom of my hearth since it's immoral to keep him now that I moved.
Girl fuck off

No. 2002414

Most cows in the US aren't kept in fenced enclosures. Where I live if you don't want other people's cows on your property you have to fence them out. My chickens aren't enclosed either except at night, I don't have a fence. The cats keep mice/opossums/etc away from my house and livestock and they keep the birds out of my vegetable garden, they're not rally pets any more than the chickens are.

I think it's different if you are in a suburb or a city but you were talking about livestock so idk

No. 2002418

>big dogs and farm animals can't be kept in an apartment and need adequate outdoor space
no shit kek, are cats and horses the same size in your mind or something? cats clearly do well in various sizes of living spaces otherwise there'd be plenty of outcry from animal rights activists that keeping a cat in an apartment is "immoral" and that only people that live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere can own one

No. 2002719

As a (literal) farmer, no. In most states it's literally illegal to own livestock with no fence. Majority of auctions won't even allow you to bid unless you have proven you have a proper land, enclosure and food for the animal. You don't know what you're talking about

No. 2002731

Not you trying to blatantly lie. Not a single state has been a free range state since the 1800s, meaning no you don't live in red dead redemption where cows are apparently roaming everywhere and it's everyone else's responsibility to keep them out

No. 2002737

So you think the meat and dairy industry just let their investments run free and get away, eaten by predators etc? Get real, no way in hell that is happening.

No. 2002755

nta but there's an anon(s)? who've been denying normalities in America, almost positive it's the same anon who claimed all American school buses have seatbelts in the baby thread

No. 2002758

The size of a dog is not necessarily related to their energy/space requirements. Lots of little dogs need yards but for example great Danes or greyhounds make very good apartment dogs.

No. 2003123

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No. 2003134

If a cat is clean, healthy, groomed and has a collar on this is such a terminally online thing to do. If it’s a cat without any identification and looks hurt or sick, then obviously it’s a good idea to care for it. But leave it to deranged tiktok users to have black and white thinking about every fucking thing

No. 2003140

Rescuing a cat to a tiny apartment is better than it being in a tiny cage or euthanized. So long as it has everything it needs and gets like moderate enrichment it's fine.

No. 2003161

The conversation is feeling very black and white, aren't people here capable of nuance?
Cats naturally wander and enjoy going out but they always have a very specific area they don't really go outside of. Obviously if you live in an area full of dogs and cars then it's not safe for the cat to go out but acting like it's morally correct to steal a one if it enjoys sitting at the front porch is beyond deluded.

No. 2003168


No. 2003180

Literally no one is talking about people stealing cats off of a front porch, that's clearly not what anyone means when they say a cat is outdoors.

No. 2003185

How can you be sure though? Do you really think it’s a far stretch for some psychos on tiktok to think because a cat is outside in any capacity they should be removed? This is tiktok we’re talking about

No. 2003192

Anon you are making shit up just for the sake of an argument. When people talk about cats being outside, it's cats roaming outside. If anyone is snatching cats off of porches, it's definitely not the majority.

No. 2003195

Step into reality please

No. 2003247

I didn’t make anything up, I wasn’t the anon you meant to reply to. I don’t think cats should be outside either, doesn’t mean I think these retards on tiktok are in the right for taking other peoples pets when you’re assuming they’re as sensible as you want them to be

No. 2003473

>they always have a very specific area they don't really go outside of
This is a myth. They polled cat owners on how far they thought their cat wandered and how big its territory was, and then they tracked the cat by GPS and the results were magnitudes off from each other. The cat with the largest territory in that study alone wandered across 1,351 acres. Besides, if I have a bird feeder in my yard, your cat doesn't have to wander far to kill all the songbirds.

No. 2003492

Just going to post the same reply I left days ago.
>Outdoor cats have an average lifespan of 2-4 years, indoor cats have an average lifespan of 12-18 years. There is literally no other information that a person needs to make a responsible decision about their cat. It's pure laziness is what it is. They don't have the time or patience or care to actually engage their cat by playing with them or walking them outside on a leash and harness. If you put your cat outside, you're the enemy.
There is no nuance to your cats life.

No. 2003643

>walking them outside on a leash and harness
It's funny how I've never known an outdoor cat enthusiast who actually owns a harness and leash. Apparently they're all for their cat's rights to freedom except when it involves them as the owner doing the slightest bit of work.

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