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No. 1943114
the shitty glitterfy edition
board rules
>no racebait >no infighting >no bait in general>rest of /ot/ board rules apply >jannies are always watching previous thread
>>>/ot/1932315 No. 1943165
>>1943135It’s a shame CC is so dead, but I think the fact that moderation is so shit over there has contributed to that. At the end of the day, farmhands may be
trigger-happy here, but they keep the site afloat and relatively raid-free. CC is so scrote-infested and “
femcel”-based (in their own words, which I find cringe), it’s unusable for me. I get how some nonnas might not like cow culture and just want a female IB, which CC provided, so it had a more cozy feel. Personally, I still follow a few cows, but I’ve been losing interest in them, so I wish we could split /m/ into /media/ and /img/ like it is on CC so that there are more off-topic boards to use. The one thing I appreciate about CC still is how when an obvious scrote posts, like 5 anons reply “kys moid” kek. We’d get banned for scrotefoiling/responding to bait for that here sadly
No. 1943185
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I don’t know how unpopular this is, but I will never date anyone with body image issues ever again. It always rubs off on you, and their insecurity leads to craving validation which leads to cheating. It’s exhausting because anything you try to say to comfort them when they’re venting could possibly make it worse
No. 1943220
>>1943192I don't think anon means mock but complain. End of the day it's a choice if you have the money and those that make the choice will forever know they paid money to alter their looks at a surgical and evasive level that you can't truly walk back from. That surgery isn't going to fix the mental issues where they can't accept themselves for who and what they are.
You can form your own opinions about plastic surgery and if you want it, but I do agree the people that complain about others getting it are probably caught up in the mindset of unfair beauty standards and think those people are cheating when you're all losers for being vain.
No. 1943407
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I think the dumbass shit thread should come back before the year ends. It was nice to have a thread for random topics of discussion. Or maybe someone can make a "random topics of discussion" thread too, so then the newfags won't use it to drive attention to themselves
No. 1943697
>>1943693Anon what are you smoking? Fancy handmade chocolate in the US is not a rare thing at all.
>>1943694I don't think that's incorrect, I'm just confused to anon bringing up Japan (which generally isn't known for good desserts, and are pretty bad at them from what I've tried) to the US which while I wouldn't say is on the level of european chocolate (obviously) it's pretty common to see fancy stuff here.
No. 1943703
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>fluffy cakes, pancakes
I hate the overuse of eggs, eggs are gross.
>delicious sweet snacks
Those things are nasty, I'm a huge weeb and even I can admit that. Japanese desserts focus on looking cute instead of actually tasting good.
No. 1943707
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>>1943697>>1943703Just say you have shit taste and go
No. 1943710
>>1943707>the only good dessert is mont blanc which is french not Japanese, parfait which is based on french desserts and some dried fruitK.
I really don't get elevens obsession with putting 10 eggs, mochi and red beans in all their desserts.
No. 1943727
>>1943710Japan has always taken stuff from over countries and put their own twist on it when it comes to certain foods, especially desserts.
Their obsession with mochi is because mochi is made in Japan? lol Also, not every dessert even has red bean paste. You sound dumb as shit.
No. 1943732
>>1943727>Japan has always taken stuff from over countriesNo one was denying this, every country on earth does this anyway.
>Their obsession with mochi is because mochi is made in Japan? Aaaand that's why the majority of their desserts are disgusting, mochi is fucking gross.
No. 1943733
>>1943724Yeah, it's very similar to spanish flan, but tastes a bit fluffier, more airy? I like both a lot.
>>1943723They use real whipped cream for the most part. I wouldnt trust 'viral' shit you've seen on tik tok to be the real experience of japanese foods.
No. 1943734
>>1943720I love it too, vanilla and strawberry are my favorite flavors. Pistachio is good too.
>>1943707Some of these are admittedly really nasty sounding and don’t seem like dessert at all. Agar kinda sucks. Plus if you don’t like red bean paste then a lot of these things just won’t taste good at all. But things like cornetts and brick toast are delicious.
No. 1943849
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I think that those 70s hairstyles are super ugly. They remind me of weird mushrooms. Esp the bangs are atrocious
No. 1944030
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I know the original tweet is by a ragebaiting retard but I do think it's weird for males to snatch babies from mothers immediately after birth. It screams jealousy and pussy envy. Even weirder when they're shirtless in an effort to mimic breastfeeding.
No. 1944371
>>1944153This, can't fathom being such an irredeemable pickme that I'd give a fuck. The problem with age gaps between older men and younger women is not that it's inherently
abusive and evil (because then what if he's not
abusive, is it suddenly ok?), it's that it's a pattern of behaviour that is widespread in society, which devalues aging women and venerates aging men to an extent that it is internalized by everyone. The few examples of age gaps with older women are not a pattern, they are anomalies with no significance in terms of gender relations. A younger man is going against the grain if he's with an older woman, not being pressured into it by societal norms. It won't make anyone think less of older men or find them less valuable because it's so rare. Big fucking deal.
No. 1944591
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>>1944536>>1944551>inb4 they inevitably divorce/she drops dead/falls out from a cheating or criminal scandal from either party like a typical hollywood couple because they’re both weird but at least one is hot (it’s not the horsefaced woman who should be dating a man her own age) kek there is no such thing as a “horse face” stacy. stacies are only extremely pretty and skinny, ugly women can’t be stacies no matter how much they tried. I wish anon would just use the correct terms for her which should be “ugly ass bitch with sagging breasts and sagging knee fat”. there’s nothing to champion about this, a bunch of old anons are just trying to make younger women feel bad for being attracted to a celebrity in their appropriate age range because they’re constantly try to prove to people that older women are just as fuckable and attractive as younger women and deserve the same things younger women have even though both groups are at different phases of their lives, it screams incredibly insecure. plenty of beautiful 33 year old women around his age and they would hilariously be called “old” even though they’re way younger than that hag spiritually leeching off of aaron by making him impregnate her. there’s such a thing as “aging gracefully” and there’s tons of things you can say or do to counteract against prejudices against older women instead of cheering a groomer on. plenty of older women to support and cheer on that aren’t fucking a younger guy but they choose a groomer as a person to project their beliefs on. older women just need to bow out gracefully, it’s jarring seeing them constantly trying to interject themselves into spaces where they’ve already gone through and should be entering a different phase in their lives. bella hadid is a stacy in every way and ugly/old bitches need stop trying to outwit ugly and outwit the objective standards of life, you’re not proving nothing but wanting to have your granny cooch be “proven” that it can still be smashed in by moids and that is a terrible example to younger women but what the fuck do I know, I’m just a “haydurrr” and “sperg” for stating reality.
No. 1944600
>>1944592women get beat and abused because they’re women and all women are practically targeted and oppressed no matter if they’re pretty or not. it’s not a lifestyle, stacies are always gorgeous.
>>1944596it’s the unpopular opinions thread and I can write whatever the fuck I want, go away stupid bitch
(infighting) No. 1944606
>>1944591shut up
>>1944592I've seen average to ugly with skin deep fried by sun and hair deep fried by bleach women with adonis tier bf/husbands and being treated and acting like stacies merely for being confident. I wish I had that in me but I don't, I applaud them for it.
No. 1944625
>>1944617>You’ve seen a raritya rarity that happens on every fucking town and everyone knows an example of? kek
>People who go outside, have eyes, have an observant eye and an intelligent brain will see attractive people with attractive people because attractive people usually have higher-paying jobsyou're under the illusion that being attractive makes you instantly not poor. sometimes you win the genetic lottery but you're still poor, even if being naturally attractive increases your opportunities. maybe you're coping because you bought your way into beauty with PS or you have celebrity brainrot that makes you think money=beauty, but it ain't it..
>Makes them look extremely attractive in comparison to the delusional averageoid who thinks the attractive man/woman is with them out of love and respect kekkkkkkkkkkI don't know how to tell you this but there is only so much you can do to your appearance with money. a lot of rich people buy into looking presentable but at best they look plasticky (kardashians for example, some are attractive, others like kylie were always "averageroids" and now just look uncanny valley) and at worse can look like a blown up doll.
>What Americans got wrong was caste-mixing, which is why we have a bunch of bizarre looking caste-mixed freaks and ugly/average women thinking they can genuinely bag a hot guy without the stark difference of their hilarious fugliness and his hotness showingyou're giving too much emphasis on appearance and linking it to wealth, I think that's your issue here. when you're rich and everyone you know is attractive because they bought their way into it, there is more to it than bagging an attractive partner. you'd know if you were attractive yourself.
No. 1944632
>>1944625Anecdotes don’t work, people are prone to lying and fabricating. There are also people (like you) who think they are observant and think it’s a regular occurrence just because they saw one or two anomalies out in public, but can’t notice consistent patterns. That’s a sign of low intelligence, anon idk what to tell you.
>you’re prone to thinking attractive people aren’t poor General rule still applies. Most people aren’t comfortable with having attractive women visibly in pain or suffering, while uglier women are expected to take the abuse and stress. Attractive people are viewed differently than uglier people, incel moids like to call that “halo effect” but there’s nothing oppressive about it, it’s psychological because harmony, balance, novelty is more inviting and exciting than chaotic mess, which is visible ugliness and deformities. There are things people just naturally know like it’s a pulse in their body and can’t be explained, like the quiet boy everyone avoids who eventually ends up shooting the entire school because people know something is wrong, it gives an aura of off. Ugliness is a sign of poor genetics such as being bad-built and having poor fat distribution in a woman is which signals a lot of underlying health problems. You can’t conceive of a world where people can have ulterior motives compared to what they superficially represent. Attractive people develop narcissism, narcissists have a savior complex, the narcissist with the savior complex who was turned narcissistic will of course “save” or play hero with someone who’s obviously ugly and downtrodden in society. How hard is it to scrutinize the reality of people’s intentions in relationships? I actually even view an ugly person getting a hot scrote as a huge power play or show of dominance from his part, he can get practically any person he wants while the ugly woman is way more restricted than he is. It reminds me of rich men, but their wealth is in their body and face. That’s just how it is.
No. 1944638
>>1944625Samefag this logic makes me laugh so hard though
>when you're rich and everyone you know is attractive because they bought their way into it, there is more to it than bagging an attractive partner>also assuming normal attractive people are kardashians with the same kind of money, mental illness, and connections they’ve always had to begin with, are publicly known for being posers even in Hollywood who bought their way in and are seen as ANOMALIES there High-strung on that copium.
No. 1944644
>>1944602Its because pregnancy was patriarchilized. If we were living in a matriarchal society with actual research on how to battle pregnancy, partum and post partum problems it would be different.
>>1944616Im tokophobic af but you sound really troubled about your female anatomy
>>1944608Congrats nona, I wish you the best for you and your baby
No. 1944703
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>>1944692>meanwhile the ''stacies'' are dating these creatures from the depths of hellbackies are just jealous they waste thousands to be appealing to men and can only score 5/10 porn addicted men while horseface stacy gets to bang cuties in their prime
No. 1944726
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>>1944703She’s in Japan so she probably spent thousands on plastic surgery just to marry one of her middle aged nerdy fans
No. 1944733
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>>1944724No she isn’t, she’s average looking.
Anyway I think it’s funny with age gaps how when the woman is the older one, they usually look the same age and it isn’t even obvious that it’s an age gap relationship, or she might seem a few years older at the most.
When the man is the older one though, he always looks like the grandfather or dad of the younger women, even if it’s a smaller age gap of like 10 years.
No. 1944742
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>>1944692Caping for an ugly hook-nosed bitch just to be a troll, kekk.
No. 1944746
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>>1944737I don’t understand all the mockery of her looks, it seems like people are just jealous of her and their relationship. She’s in her 50s here and has had 4 or 5 kids, and I’m sure she looks better then all the seething
femcels who are obsessed with her
No. 1944749
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If people want a stacy who looks hot and is with a man a lot younger than her what about Kristin Cavallari? She’s 38 with a 24 year okd
No. 1944750
>>1944746You don't have to be
femcel to think she's unattractive
No. 1944757
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>>1944591>sagging breasts>sagging knee fat>try to prove that older women are just as fuckable and attractive as younger women and deserve the same things younger women>hag>older women just need to bow out gracefully>bella hadid is a stacy in every way and ugly/old bitches need stop trying to outwit ugly and outwit the objective standards of life>granny coochYou're soooo scared of aging kek that you adopted scrote language as well. OP is prime representative on who is buying out anti-wrinkle cream and caking talc makeup products on
No. 1944765
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>tfw you have to battle with the cock-obsessed granny anon (baiting/infighting)
No. 1944773
>>1944757I’ve noticed that a lot of the women who hate his Stacy wife have an extraordinary amount of internalized misogyny and talk about women and aging in a very creepy way.
I just saw some woman online saying that Aaron should leave “expired granny” for her because she’s “a beautiful ripe young teenager” because she’s 18, she sounded like an incel.
And notice how Sam is a devious groomer for dating Aaron at 18 years old, but if Aaron left Sam for an 18 year old his fangirls would all rejoice
No. 1944774
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Same vibe honestly
No. 1944777
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>>1944767(((nasolabial fold))) anons when their mouth flaps can’t fight off those nightly hot and cold flashes. aaron is for the younger women, go slap a bladder pad in your panties and stop trolling
(baiting with atj) No. 1944798
>>1944794Nta, but same nona. I find it very hard to see women as ugly, they're all cute to me in some way or another and I'm not saying this as some cringe, fake-positivity, love laugh live shit.
Moids on the other hand, I'm very strict with. 99% are ugly as sin.
All that fighting up above is so ridiculous to me kek
No. 1944801
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This is a perfect example of a Stacy with an older male, who just so happens to look like a deformed mental patient. He looks like an old man compared to her, despicable. Women should never date or entertain older men. If they were the exact same age he would automatically look older. Men simply do not age well, too bad for them and their pickmes.
No. 1944812
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>>1944807And when does menopause start,
No. 1944829
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>>1944804Marilyn can’t lose her Stacy status regardless of how many fugly men she dated, she’s one of the ultimate Stacies
No. 1944839
>>1944800"Grannies are still fighting for the D at 50"
You should never fight for the d. A wasted life is not one worried over your aging looks its one worried that males will never find you attractive. What's it matter if a woman is ugly, if she doesn't simp for men then she has her life straight. "Leave the men for the young girlies" you can have them, especially since you're competing with said old women, raw chicken, and dogs.
No. 1944840
>>1944825This. It also never made sense to me anyway, because women have at least one egg each cycle until menopause, even if she has fewer eggs it literally doesn’t matter because she’ll have eggs until she’s physically incapable of getting pregnant. She’s not going to have thousands of children so it doesn’t matter how many thousands of eggs she has left. It doesn’t matter that much which age she decides to have children either, her 30s may be the safest decade but 20s, 40s and 50s is also fine if that’s what she wants. Men in the other hand can only produce healthy children in their 20s and early 30s, and their sperm count lowering does strongly affect their ability to reproduce, unlike the egg count lowering. It’s all just projection on their part.
Anyway, every time people talk about this I get more and more glad that I’m child free
No. 1944849
>>1944834She OD’d, but yes she was exploited and had a difficult life. Being mistreated by males doesn’t make her less of a Stacy, that doesn’t make sense
>>1944836She wasn’t pathetic, and she wasn’t a thot just mentally ill and vulnerable
>>1944837I’m the one defending her and being a Stacy isn’t purely about looks. I’ve also been calling Sam Taylor Johnson a Stacy and she’s not as attractive as Marilyn
No. 1944856
>>1944828Soft goat cheese is nasty but solid sheep’s/goats milk blend cheeses are
wonderful. Midnight moon is one I’d highly recommend
No. 1944872
>>1944868you are beautiful too
nonny dont get jealous
No. 1944876
>>1944868So what if this is lolcow. I think all women are beautiful in their own way. Women have been told their entire days they are worthless unless they look a certain way, but men's tastes in women keeps changing and is usually false anyway. The amount of women who killed themselves on the operation room table to get shitty implant or BBLs is sad. Women need to stop hyper focusing on looks and build their mind and personalities.
Men's opinions of women aint worth shit.
No. 1944957
>>1944915>>1944892Mensa level IQ, BMI 15 over here and 5'10 with a perfect walk, actually. Gave up an engineering degree to rise up. Keep reaching with the granny
femcel projections.
(infighting) No. 1944967
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>>1944861>I'm a modela model citizen of lolcor you are
No. 1944969
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My unpopular opinion is that he’s the only attractive man in hollywood at this point in time. There are 2 or 3 who were attractive when they were young, but they’re old fuglys now(baiting after farmhand post)
No. 1944970
>>1944959Aaron Taylor Johnson
No. 1945052
>>1945050Good thing I'd fuck Marilyn in a heartbeat too! If Marilyn resurrected
right now and said "lets fuck" to my good ol Nigel I'd probably ask to watch.
No. 1945054
>>1945050yeah that's exactly my point, she was a massive pickme and was not a "girls girl" type of woman, she didn't have female friends. since fucking when being a pickme is stacy behavior? happy birthday mr. president was the cringest pickme shit from that era.
>>1945051I guess my unpopular opinion is that marylin monroe was not a stacy and was a pretty sad woman.
No. 1945070
>>1945054The crazy thing about it she did the whole
Mr president right in front of his wife with no shame. I worked in a nursing home and all the old women there thought she was a talentless thot(or whore as the silent generation would say). The feeling bad for Marilyn girls support girls is just some zoomer shit.
No. 1945079
>>1945068back to where? I've been here for half a decade.
>>1945070I think she was able to do it because nobody took her seriously. it always irked me she had very few female friends. even decades after she died not a single actress from that era stepped up to say anything good about her. as much as she's iconic I bet she was insufferable to be around and a massive nlog.
No. 1945102
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No. 1945112
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>>1945110made it even smaller for you, eat shit
(infighting/derailing) No. 1945117
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I love Sexyy Red's fashion style and how she always dresses consistently.
No. 1945146
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>>1945122she's the ghetto princess!
>>1945125Imo sexyy red's face is cuter and she didn't twerk in the school, she flipped them off
No. 1945152
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>>1945125>>1945133And picrel isn’t ghetto and trashy? Ohh, you’ve both fallen for that ridiculous Roc Nation funded psyop that ratchet Meg is “classy” kek.
>shorts a size or two short wedged into her buttcrack wafting her ass smells into the camera >mm much class Nonnies, it’s rap ffs, most female rappers are ghetto and that’s ok
No. 1945159
>>1945152She's pretty, so yes, it's trashy, but it's not as bad. Pretty privilege exists, you have to deal with that.
A pretty, clean-looking girl engaging in trashy activities isn't the same as someone who straight up looks and carries themselves like their entire life/persona is trash doing it.
No. 1945201
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>>1945198Me when I’m telling the truth. Pic related. Sexxy redd is a hood rat embarrassment and i find nothing she does cute.
(self posting autism) No. 1945207
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>>1945204Twerking has historical context. If you feel twerking is ghetto and slutty that’s on you.
No. 1945209
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>>1945135Absolutely. Her music is terrible, absurd and campy that it almost seems to be a parody. It's not meant to be taken seriously at all lmao. It's so bad it's good and she's trolling.
No. 1945218
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>>1945213How is Ice Spice classier than her when she dressing like pic rel and rapping about shit and farts?
No. 1945220
>>1945204Samefag, I notice right-wingers like Ben Shapiro are the ones who obsessively shill Sexxy Redd. Right-wingers and ghetto people. They must share a brain defect. She supports Trump, too.
>>1945207That video you posted isn't from the 90s, and you made up a lie about a "traditional African dance" to try and legitimize trashiness. The things you attribute to "natural blackness" are either false, or fucked up/much worse versions wrought by a bad past in America.
No. 1945222
>>1945211Samefag I think weave-wearing white dick obsessed coons like
>>1945201 that self-post are even more pathetic and majorly hypocritical. Sexxy Red is a cute ghetto thuggin Stacy and you’re mad. She’s had that same racist shit you spew told to her by many just for the misfortune of her being born a poor black woman, she even publicly said she was raped only to get laughed at by a bunch of black men for saying she was which explains partly her behavior. You’re a disgusting self-hating sheboon, have some shame
(racebaiting infighting) No. 1945240
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>>1945235Ice spices image is just New York girl who is laid back and keeps it cute. She gives she twerks at the club and goes home to a high rise luxury apartment. I’ve never seen sexy redd wearing anything classy or nice, she always looks like she shops at simply 10 or rainbows.
No. 1945252
Reminder that the sperg who keeps posting about how they "just like" ghetto rappers/"thots" also calls black women sheboons, coons and other insults at random if they don't like it:
>>1945222They posted previously about being attracted to bimbo aesthetics, has spammed photos of the Claremont twins in previous threads, etc. They'll never provide any proof they're a woman or black, because they're probably neither (and no one should be providing them with proof they are, because they'll probably steal the photo to try and catfish). Even if they are, they're mentally unwell and clearly have internalized racism/misogyny from porn brainrot and a pickme mindset they project on others. This isn't a sex work positive space, most users don't like white or black "hoe" celebrities, and they're not wrong for disliking that sort of thing. End of story.
(infighting) No. 1945259
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British food is better than Japanese food
No. 1945273
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>>1945259There's a lot of things wrong with Japan, but their food just isn't one of them. Even their weeaboo snacks are better, picrel.
But why those two countries in particular, anon?
No. 1945289
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Maruchan ramen is disgusting, and massively overhyped. Only Top Ramen and Cup Noodle are as bad.
No. 1945350
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Women who joke about being the other woman are usually unattractive or plain, and are just overcompensating
No. 1945356
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>>1945350And people who overline their lips are mentally ill
No. 1945365
>>1945339>he's an average white guyNah, the average white guy (or average guy for the matter) looks much much worse than this. But I do feel kinda annoyed at him due to over exposure on LC and as seen in
>>1944746 the age gap is becoming rapidly irrelevant.
No. 1945382
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>>1945365Same, I've never heard of him before because Idc about Hollywood shit in general and don't watch marvel slop which seems to be where he's frequently featured, but seeing all the posts about him here made me despise him and hoping for a big scandal between him and his wife where he's the bad guy or something so anons would stfu about him. So much for the "ugly moid psyop" sperging when this is the guy infighting ensues over. Picrel looks like a terrorist.
>inb4 the body is attractive though What's the difference between him and ugly incels who work out thinking it would make them hot then? The body alone isn't enough, any moid can have a fit body if he works out, but he can't work out the ugly off his face.
>>1945376That's wholesome nona, you can have that.
No. 1945393
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>>1945382>Picrel looks like a terrorist.Anon, kek. He was cute when he was young, he’s still good looking for a male over 30 imo
No. 1945405
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I really don’t care if Kylie is 98% plastic I think she’s really beautiful and I hope she’s happy with her kids. I think she still would’ve been just as beautiful if she never got plastic surgery and just allowed herself to grow into a woman.
No. 1945420
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It’s actually concerning how quickly men age, this is less than a decade apart. It would take a woman like 20 years for her appearance to change so much
No. 1945519
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>>1945393I'm genuinely not trying to be contrarian or infight but I don't see what's hot about this either. Reminds me of picrel but no glasses and blue eyes, his eye color is a nice shade of blue though. I'm so sorry I don't see it.
No. 1945685
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I don’t understand the whole “middle child” thing. I almost feel like I’ve been Psy-oped into thinking it’s the worst thing in the world but I never felt that way at all? I never thought OH IM NO LONGER THE BABY OR OH IM ALWAYS IGNORED. It was never like that for me yet people keep pushing this meme. I never thought My parents had a favorite either mostly because my mom has said nasty things behind my sisters backs that I’d know for sure would make them cry. I’ve just accepted that they’re fucked up no matter what.
No. 1945892
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>>1945648Boy moms love their sons because it’s the first time in their life they have experienced unconditional love from a male. The love they have for their sons turns sexual.
No. 1946074
>>1946071I never said “icky daughter” retard, did you read my post? I said having a
daughter who hates you is much more painful than having a retarded son who doesn’t take you into consideration. Also I’m not a single mom so that’s just not a possibility.
No. 1946076
>>1946074doublepost sorry and not even just that: my son being a criminal is something i could live with, my daughter running away or deciding she suddenly doesn’t want to be around me anymore after I
created her with my body would be much more traumatizing than my scroteling doing that to me.
No. 1946286
>>1946276i didnt post it for anyone to care
nonnie..i was just posting my opinion
No. 1946293
>>1946256lmao you tried to start an infight by missing what I was saying and assuming I disagree with radfems and their presence here. you’re exemplifying exactly what I was talking about kek
>anons when you read another person’s posts, acknowledge what they say, add interesting additional inputs to make it a conversationcool, you did none of the above
No. 1946294
>>1946283just look at teh redtexted posts in the threzd. or at the current knfight in/ meta/. some anons are really defensive over their husbando.
i know it's tempting to defend your fave characters, but some people just don't know when to hide a thread
No. 1946365
>>1946340What annoys me most is the
>"Why can't we hate ugly men? Are you saying we can't hate ugly men??? Is that what you're saying that we can't hate ugly men????"No, that's what nobody has been saying. Nobody has said they can't talk about something or can't have an opinion. As if they're that special. Some anons are just annoyed they have the carnal need to bring it up literally everywhere and anywhere and get offended when you someone shits on them right back. Not to mention the subtle treatment and view of all women as a monolith and that any woman who doesn't abide by their strict standards of what a woman should like is a psyopped pickme. The most egregious thing of all is that all of this multi-thread diarrhea autism started not because of an actual terrible ugly man that some anons were being genuinely delusional about his ugliness like Wario or The Duke but over the most milquetoast average anime man. If this started because some anons were reee-ing that other anons didn't find the Duke hot then I'd be 100% on the side of the uggoschizos but it wasn't which pisses me off the most.
No. 1946393
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>>1946309Even Mr. Clean!?
No. 1946429
>>1946400>granny ass>little boy fuckerskek that's not even what the thread is about
people are discussing casting choices and character design. it's not just about husbandos.
you could want to fuck emperor palpatine personally and still agree that male character design trends shift toward older and less conventionally attractive men.
>>1946340there are longstanding threads where you can gush about husbandos with negative comments being banned. i don't see why the reverse is so bad. just hide the thread.
No. 1946435
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>>1946309If we're simply talking about looking okay bald, Latinos and some East Asian men pull it off just fine without it hurting their general attractiveness, imo.
No. 1946436
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>>1946434tl;dr its just this
No. 1946438
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>>1946309UHH You're forgetting someone…
No. 1946463
>>1946426No offense, but how? If you're already attracted to that type of man, your standards were already at your personal baseline it was neither higher or lower. This is even more weird when it's applied to fictional men. It's only pickme behavior if you're hurting others or yourself at the benefit of a man. It would be pickme behavior if
>I'm not attracted to this bald egg head man but I will pretend to be attracted to him for male validation and I will also call women who don't like bald men shallow bitchesbut how is it pickme behavior if
>I am attracted to this bald egg head man because I like bald egg head men, I've always been attracted to them they're my typeThat's not being a pickme, that's just unconventional tastes. At this point, it's starting to become what
>>1946425 said where you're considered a pickme for not following a imaginary monolithic standard for what women should like and be attracted to. I find it annoying and a little gross, it's the same as moids who call women bitches for not following a specific standard of attraction they deem appropriate. Women can't be individuals, they have to follow my standard. That's what I've been getting. I feel like I have to make this clear since 95.5% of you jump to this conclusion, but I'm not saying you can't criticize or shit on someone's tastes this is lolcow after all and some of you have a point where Holly Wood does push a dynamic of ugly old man and beauty model-esque young woman but I'm just confused on how a woman becomes a pickme for liking something that isn't the norm. It sort of devalues the word 'pickme' into "you are not acting to my standard you bitch".
No. 1946494
>>1946483Nope. No. It's my fault I should've included the sentence.
>Nor am I saying you can't call a man ugly, fat and or old when the man in question is ugly, fat, and or old.If I had included that you've wouldn't have missed my point or got confused and jumped that hard. Ot but
sorry mods, I was using a VPN to watch a show and forgot to take it off before posting here. No. 1946532
File: 1712005237900.jpg (49.29 KB, 770x480, Women-Shaking-Hands.jpg)

>>1946526>barging into spaces women createdI have not done that. Actually, this is fruitless and stupid. I'm a disgusting pickme who's lowering the collective standards of all women, deal?
No. 1946538
>>1946536Then why do they get so pissed when women call them ugly? kek
>>1946532they are already low, that's why those ugly men are allowed to exist in media in the first place.
No. 1946547
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>>1946466I will pray to the mother Mary to return your sight.
No. 1946605
>>1946429Not the first anon, but while the discussion is interesting, the problem is for some reason the anons who usually start it are enstarfags and genshitfags who think underage looking shota characters are the peak of male beauty, and they claim their shotas are bishies. They tend to dislike actual bishie, i.e. young men and older teenage male characters with mature builds and faces but still pretty, and call them "roidpigs". I know because I got into infights with one of them once. They're always the first to call any animu or vidya character that doesn't look 8 an "ugly roidpig" and that's why everyone is so done with them and hate their obnoxious attempts at pretending to care about male beauty standards, and why anons call them "boyfuckers". I remember one of them sperged so hard about one of the enstars character being called faggy and feminine because he wore dresses and skirts, and she was attempting to redefine femininity and masculinity to try and prove she isn't attracted to a faggot boy animu boy, when nobody would've really cared if she didn't say he wasn't faggy and feminine. This is usually in the fandom discussion threads iirc. The current sperging anon who started the ugly men discussion yesterday and made that thread reminds me of those anons in her talking points and style, so she could very possibly be one of them, and it's probably why anons are suspicious of that faux concern thread.
No. 1946636
>>1946606>>1946610>>1946615>>1946616I wasn't even involved in the infights yesterday or in the current discussion thread, and none of the characters or people criticized are my husbandos, I'm just saying there's a pattern to that. Every time some anon criticizes someone else's husbando for being ugly and she gets asked to share her "superior" taste, she always posts a genshit or enstars character, so now everyone assumes the "ugly psyop" anons are those kind of anons. I personally like Leon and think he's hot, but I did see some anon recently saying he's as ugly as Astrion from balder gate or whatever it's called, and there have been some anons who claim any adult looking character is ugly period. You can see it even in the AI generated images thread, if some flat animu boy is posted no one says anything, but once it's a more mature/adult male character some anons gets pissed and called it ugly. I haven't read all of the ugly men psyop thread yet, the discussion isn't a bad idea, but as some other anon mentioned it's sometimes over the most milktoast average looking characters ever, like the Laos guy or whatever his name is. He's not hot but not glaringly ugly either, but some anon insisted on sperging about him out of all characters and actors worth complaining about. I think she even created the thread out of spite that no one took her sperging seriously because the character she hates is inoffensive. And I bet if we ask her to post her taste it would be the flatest most plain anime boy ever. Anyone who feels the need to put others' tastes down and brags about their own taste usually has shit taste themselves and are insecure about it and projecting real hard onto the other anons. I don't even like dungeon mushi or whatever it's called or the characters from it, but I'm on the side of the anons who like the laous guy because they didn't do anything wrong to deserve being attacked and called "pickmes" and be blamed for all women rights violations for liking a 2D drawing of a bulky man. It's so retarded to get so heated up about that. I don't like many of the husbandos anons post about, but I simply hide their threads or ignore their posts and let them be, it's not that hard and they're very harmless autistic women, just leave them be. If you want to blame someone for the ugly Hollywood actors, it's the old and possibly gay men running Hollywood's fault, not the anons posting about their husbandos. Same thing goes for the ugly characters, it's the artists'/character designers' fault, and people who are into that kind of stuff just happened to flock into it because it's their thing, not because they forced the artists to draw these characters or something. It's not like they'd go to every artist drawing attractive youthful characters and demand them to change the design to fit their own tastes, at least not the anons here, maybe twitter and tumblrfags though. I'm weirded out by this
victim complex some people have over this topic ajd trying to act oppressed regarding it, I never find any trouble in watching shows with attractive characters or finding fan art or original art of said characters, so I don't understand the need to act like male beauty in fiction went extinct all of a sudden. Why are you even looking for male beauty in Hollywood when Hollywood hasn't made a decent movie for more than a decade now? It fell off a long time ago and it's pointless to search for anything of value in it, simply look at other forms of entertainment and you'll probably find something you like. This seems like a non-issue to me and a very terminally online one at that. This is all I'll say on this topic, to each their own.
No. 1946652
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>>1946636What is wrong with you, we're not making fun of anons posting their husbandos, the only ones we do make fun of are the ones who keep posting their husbandos itt going "I know he's old and ugly but I like him uwu".
>If you want to blame someone for the ugly Hollywood actors, it's the old and possibly gay men running Hollywood's fault>Same thing goes for the ugly characters, it's the artists'/character designers' faultThat's what the fucking thread is for jesus christ, that is the literal thread topic and discussion. We're not blaming women for any of it, minus the anons who were calling that twitter user who self ships with deathfat Jeff the Killer a pickme for some reason. It's one thread, hide it if you get so offended by a thread you haven't properly read.
No. 1946665
>>1946636jfc use the enter key. this is unreadable.
im sorry a gachafag was mean to your ai husbando or whatever this novel is all about, but you're coming across as unhinged.
the ugly man psyop thread has been mostly serious discussion so far, no one is posting shota or enstars.
no one is saying shit about your husbando in that thread and even if they were, that's allowed here.
people are allowed to dislike something you like. there will always be anons disagreeing with you and saying shit you don't like. get a grip.
No. 1946680
>>1946665Fascinating how disliking something one likes is allowed but the inverse isn't. The entire infight and the thread were born because of some unhinged anon being like "why do people like this character I don't like?" and now we're here trying to pretend it's some huge political scheme or something instead of simply differences in taste. And again, I'm not into ugly or old characters and would never defend their appearances, but I find anons who husbando them to be endearing, something the anon who started all of this is incapable of doing for some reason. She was calling them "pickmes" and other insults, and it's very obvious from the op and thread pic it's probably her who started the thread to play
victim after anons opposed her way of criticism in the fandom discussion thread.
>there weren't any genhshit/enstars/shotas discussed Yet. Give it some time and they'll reveal their true colors as they always do. They use the "ugly men psyop" and "bishies aren't allowed anymore" talking points all the time to shill their attraction to shota, and if you have been present in the previous fandom discussion threads you would've known. The ugly men thread doesn't exist out of genuine desire to discuss a phenomenon, but out of a petty infight loss, which is why I'm and some other anons wary of it. Give it a day or two and it will get locked because it's gonna turn into infighting central thread pretty soon. I'm not against the discussion but it's obvious the one who started it did so out of bad faith and she'd probably start baiting in the thread in no time and ruin it for those who take it seriously. I was tempted to post some characters in it but I thought it would probably start infights or would end up coming across as mean spirited to the anons who husbando the character I was thinking of, and I don't mind those anons in the husbando thread, so I decided to not do it because they're really not hurting anyone. Only complaint is the amount of fan art of that character clogging tags of other characters I like.
No. 1946682
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lmfao i cant believe anon got so pissed over her aislop moid getting called ugly she had to come here to write walls of text about it. Anon was right, she is unironically autistic.
No. 1946687
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>>1946636>>1946682literally the OP pic
No. 1946711
>>1946701I'm not saying you have to care, it's just another reason why DM is average as fuck and why a lot of people don't care for it. Your manga is very unremarkable in several aspects.
>>1946704Two females in the maim cast and they're both kawaii uguu tards. Thank god Falin is gone.
No. 1946719
>>1946680you're paranoid. this is an anonymous website, there's no point in trying to divine who's posting what. not every anon is the one genshitfag you're obsessed with. many people don't like AI shit and they're going to talk shit about it.
if the thread devolves into infighting mods will lock it, it's not your problem. in the meantime just get a grip and ignore it.
people are allowed to be mean here and shit on stuff others like. if you want a bastion of civility i would advise against frequenting imageboards.
No. 1946740
>>1946719Then explain this
>>1945856Someone already sperging about how only gacha games characters are attractive.
>>1946726There are infights between those who like the ugly men and those who dislike the ugly men already from the get-go of that thread, are you blind?
>>1945802>>1945829>>1945398>>1945550>>1945703While the anons who liked the characters shouldn't have replied to the posts, their replies weren't attempting to start shit and some agreed with the thread, but some anons still attacked them for it.
No. 1946757
>>1946741ayrt i know this discussion is confusing but am not the ine calling anyone a paedo. i'm trying to explain to the aitard that there are worse things than being called a pickme on the internet
>>1946747stop rehashing every stupid interaction you've had on this website, no oine cares that you disagreed with some rando about anime boi #374895 once. if someone posts somthing you don't like you can either report it or move on.
No. 1946763
>>1946762Yup. I thought that thread was gonna be fun to discuss actual
real men shilled as attractive, but of course the weird anime weaboos had to come in and ruin it with obsessing over cartoons. It's so weird because how can anybody be so obsessed with 2D moids?? It makes my head spin.
No. 1946779
>>1946763>>1946770Did you read the thread at
all? Hell even scrolled it?
No. 1946783
>>1946636they hated
nonny because she spoke the truth
No. 1946806
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I'm middle eastern and I think American women will end up just like us very soon. This is how it started
No. 1946815
I got a bit overweight last year, and I was really worried because I was convinced it was going to be hard to get my weight back down based on how other people talk about losing weight like it’s one of the hardest things to do in life. So I didn’t check the scale at all in fear of it being discouraging and just blindly cut down my portions at meal time and eliminated snacking, not a huge degree, I was still comfortably full at all times. I was actually shocked at how easy it was. I checked the scale again for the first time after a couple months of doing that and I had dropped 15 pounds, right back to my healthy weight.
After that experience, my perspective on the weight epidemic totally changed, probably for the worse (less compassionate). I used to have a lot of empathy for fat people because I figured it was really hard to lose weight. Now that I know how insanely easy it really is, it makes me look at overweight people totally differently. I mostly just can’t believe the majority of the population doesn’t have the willpower to eat 1 scoop less of mashed potatoes at dinner. I’m already pretty cynical about most things about society, but this has been another blow to my faith in humanity. When faced with food over abundance, humans apparently just eat blindly and find themselves incapable of not doing that, even with the education about healthy portions drilled into our heads since pre-K. The urge to Kirby-inhale overrides all common sense. It just is so bleak.
No. 1946840
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>>1946810LOllll, nonkaaaaaaaa I'm howling
No. 1946858
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>>1946844You should try middle bacon.
No. 1946932
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celebrities are not like us
No. 1946954
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No. 1947110
>>1947107Well if you knew why you wouldn't be such a fan of blue cars either, but sometimes in life you don't get to have all the answers. I would have told you too if you weren't such an armchair
No. 1947129
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>>1947021Um ackcyually you're lying and you're mentally ill and you're baiting. I am very smart.
No. 1947173
>>1947169What was said was
>Basically I just hate blue carsI dont think thats bait but thats just me
No. 1947176
>>1947173Nah, it was
>>1946545 and
>>1947021 idk if we're looking at the same posts
No. 1947178
>>1947176In this post
>>1947021 the very first line is "Basically I just hate them (blue cars)" which is what I just typed in my post
>>1947173 so maybe the posts are just different on your screen
No. 1947211
I love lolcow so much, where else on earth can one witness a hours long sperg fight about blue cars.
>>1947194I agree.
No. 1947398
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I disagreed when the scrotes complained about Aloy's ""facial hair"", but now that I started playing Horizon Forbidden West I can't help but think she looks like she's been very heavily drinking the whole six months between the fist and second game
No. 1947471
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>>1947452Fuck hyperrealism. Bring my porcelain faced pretty boys back. I need ethereal, otherworldly beautiful men.
No. 1947495
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>>1947476I'm glad Square Enix still values beauty and hasn't changed up too much. And yes nona, Vincent is awesome.
I just want to be whisked away to a beautiful world with beautiful people when playing games. Just like the golden age of gaming.
If I wanted to see fugly men, in a fugly environment, I'd just have to step outside.
No. 1947516
>>1947449I don't necessarily agree with the younger comment but it's always very obvious when it's a couple where the woman was motivated by money. You see a lot of Indian men with White women where I am and the guys are always doctors or lawyers and almost always much less attractive than their wives (even more than is usual).
These are how dead bedrooms are created btw.
No. 1947518
>>1947515You can't talk about the fact that SK is a shithole that went from a massive birthrate to the lowest because they don't take care of their homeless elders and their society is literal bug kingdom shit
It's an Asian country so feminism and diversity are bad there even in the eyes of many leftist westerners. Double standards because truly they see their nations as superior in some ways
No. 1947562
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>>1947524I'm not that far in yet, I was just distracted about them changing a perfectly good face (which is what you look at the most in the game). Though you did remind me of the travesty of changing this guy into a fucking redditor
>>1947534Speaking of sexualizing, I did the mistake of looking at mods for Horizon Zero Dawn and literally half of the mods are making her topless… the second game just launced on PC and it already has tit mods too
No. 1947572
>>1947558Kind of harsh. They're
victims of propaganda.
No. 1947646
>>1947532ugh same, and actual rad fem ideology is so niche that you have to walk on eggshells to not offend libfems.
t. comes from the most progressive country of latam
No. 1947787
>>1947748Yes it is, I hate moids. The only thing that doesn’t exist is
femcels but normies see us as misandrists and it is realistically true. I hate men and don’t value them.
>>1947757Not everyone is a full lesbo/asexual anon kek
No. 1947834
>>1947449Based young
nonnie, come over to the cougarhood.
Seriously tho I'm in my early 30s and the only dude I dated older than me (by less than a year) was so heavily deranged even if he appeared normal. I don't date anyone under 25 but 26-29 is prime in men. My current moid told me from the start he was into older women and worships me.
No. 1948336
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I'm neutral about pitbulls. I think they're too common for how specialized their training/space needs are, but I don't dislike them, nor do I defend them wholesale.
No. 1948358
>>1948344>>1948042I don't think it's so much that "cow culture" has dried up like some other anons have said in the past few weeks in different threads, but more so that there are lest dedicated farmers now than there were in previous years.
I usually skim through the Personal Cows thread once a week or so just to keep up to date, and there are a few posts that I think could be funny threads with interesting milk if anons did more digging. I remember with Soren's thread, it was like anons were actual detectives going through old password-protected blogs, finding fanfiction, etc., and with Nemu it was crazy seeing how many anons seemed to have ties with her as an artist from her Tumblr days. I think that that style of posting and sleuthing is less common now, more people wanna be spoonfed, more people want to nitpick (like do we really need 150+ threads on Shayna? I know she's a pet favourite but come on her threads have been the same dozen comments regurgitated over and over again, it's so boring), and, fewer people want to spend hours digging up good milk.
Right now, most threads consist of pretty boring "milk" for legacy cows that IMO, are pretty milkless and just not funny to laugh at anymore. I think that's the reason I prefer reading through old threads (from circa 2015-2018) so much, because the anons in those threads seemed a lot more robust in their approach and desire to milk a cow for everything they were worth, plus there was a lot more insight and humour and not just "she is fat! HA!" or "she got a boob job! HA!" type of comments. I wish that there was like a dedicated timeframe or something, kind of like Hellweek, where users were really encouraged to try and find new cows to milk. I understand that most cows, even really funny ones like Phoebe, start out in the Personal Cows thread or one of the funnel threads like the Pro-Ana Scumbags, but sometimes I think it would just be fun to encourage farmers to farm like they haven't farmed before and see what new lolcows we can start milking.
No. 1948362
File: 1712112329788.jpeg (613.97 KB, 3022x1576, 8D98D623-8783-44E8-9717-80CBF3…)

No one talks about the untold 2XX terf-chan to /g/ fag husbando pipeline. I keep flickering on and off, but /g/ and watching some anime while being a current NEET and bored has made me seen the small pros of attractive, bearable moids.
No. 1948373
>>1948362I didn't know crystal cafe had a
terf board
No. 1948435
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>>1948418Heath Ledger was really hot in it, though. Honestly, just watch a Youtube compilation of his scenes in it and skip everything else kek.
No. 1948495
File: 1712126319548.png (280.59 KB, 575x562, Captura_de_ecra_2020-02-25_as_…)

I don't think Porfirio Rubirosa was all that and I don't know how he swindled all those rich women to marry him.
No. 1948577
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men who are attracted to "femboys" are just pedophiles
No. 1948636
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>>1948633absolutely based
No. 1948649
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>>1948598>>1948643she says that and immediately goes full ick mode when she sees someone mentally ill or even slightly weird in public, let alone working in service industry, would go karen immediately.
No. 1948681
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>>1948673>She was convinced I was trying to tell her to back off so I could have more for myselfHoly shit, did she think there are like 20 people in Korea?
No. 1948794
>>1948426Thank you! You are an amazing
nonnie and I wish you nothing but only good things this week. I hope you find money.
No. 1948841
File: 1712162031660.jpeg (817.82 KB, 1284x996, IMG_2907.jpeg)

Women who date men old enough to be their grandfather are just as weird as the older man in the relationship. They’re because equally perverted with strange fetishes.
No. 1948845
>>1948841She's a
victim. This is not consensual. If you have to pay a woman to fuck you it's not a relationship, it's abuse.
No. 1948847
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>>1948845Naw she probably genuinely has a fetish and enjoys it. She has Lolita shit on her TikTok. Of course when she ages out of being desired by pedos she will say she was groomed.
No. 1949053
File: 1712171838332.jpeg (143.76 KB, 828x828, ygg2pec1.jpeg)

>>1948707Either way, you can't be a tradwife or a girlboss CEO even if you wanted to. As of now, you are either living with six other people in one apartment or moving back in with your parents.
No. 1949182
>>1949151Agreed so hard. They're literally attracted to child-like bodies. It's not that these are chibi characters doing cute kid things and acting non sexually. Drawn pedophilia is still pedophilia. If it weren't specific to the child-like aspect they'd just be attracted to all cute characters, not just the loli ones yet you don't see chibi appreciation forums…
Also over time I've noticed loli designs getting more explicitly sexual by including massive breasts and thighs even in mainstream manga and anime. It's meant to be titillating and unfortunately it feels like mass grooming to shove this in people's faces all over while trying to get them horny.
Jumping off of this to add that I think mostly the same of shota lovers. It's creepy and gross to be attracted to kids or things drawn as kids when you're an adult. I've heard people claim it's purely cause they find them "cute" but again, they don't tend to like cute characters, only shota and usually end up revealing attraction to shota or read shota doujin anyways.
two anons mentioned some shota doll came with a tiny penis in another thread and how "cute" it was and it made my skin crawl. How do you say these things and not realise what you're saying? Imagine if a scrote got a loli doll and was happy to report it had a "cute" vagina or something No. 1949250
>>1949151I am an hypocrite because i hate loli and lolifags but i enjoy shota. I have liked it since i was like 12 and i still do to this day. At least my excuse is that the type of personalities i like in male characters are never given to bishies, only to shotas. Pretty much all bishies are annoying stoic borderline
abusive dominant guys and i just like cute and blushy characters. I watched so much shoujo shit trying to find male characters i liked to no avail. It's painful.
No. 1949264
>>1949255NTA but what stuff are you finding where bishies aren't cold
abusive assholes? Outside of yaoi, I haven't found many.
No. 1949268
>>1949255care to give some examples? pretty much everything i have tried has those type of characters. Hell even the thread pic of the otome thread is making fun of how common it it. I dont remember which shoujoshit it was, but there was one that had the exact same type of character i like, but the female main character still rejected him and choose the
toxic dominant faggot over him. I fucking hate Usui so much, he's the absolute worst and my friends in high school were obssesed over this faggot.
No. 1949278
>>1949274nta but
>cant give a single recommendationso you agree? kek
No. 1949282
>>1949277>Adorable, innocent, and sweet—there is no greater combination! However, to her utter annoyance, it is a guy with the exact opposite personality of Madoka's typeThe art's cute and assuming he's not a
toxic male lead I'll add it to my list, but other nonna is into shota because they're the most likely anime boy demographic to be cute and sweet, and they're less likely to be
toxic or assholes.
No. 1949283
>>1949255>>1949274The vast majority are. Stop getting offended over nothing and give recommendations instead.
>>1949268Try Otomen. I read it a long time ago but I remember it being pretty cute. It's about a stoic-looking guy who has traditionally feminine hobbies like sewing. He's very moe.
No. 1949292
>>1949283> It's about a stoic-looking guysorry
nonny thats exactly what i dont like… i like guys that look cute and act cute… like a genderbent of the female love interest in romance anime for moids that are kawaii desune blushy and extremely nice to the protag. I watched way too many of those because i liked to genderbent the roles in my mind kek
>>1949285>Mizutama Honey Boyhas crossdressing and i hate tranny shit like that, sorry. I already made an excetion for princess jellyfish that i regret deeply, so now i just see it as a red flag and avoid it.
>Beware of the Villainess!I will give it a try, although i find manwha very offputting.
No. 1949307
>>1949298I will check it out, i like the mc is GNC, but the moid looks like typical stoic bishie trash.
>>1949302>The whole point is that everyone thinks he's a cool stoic ikemen i get it, its supposed to be gap moe. But even just looking stoic is unattractive to me, he needs to look cute and have a cute personality. Sorry, i know my taste is extremely niche, thats why i stick to shota.
No. 1949332
>>1949326yeah i was thinking of checking it, to be fair i dont like shota made by men but its the only alternative.
>>1949328its my favourite, i love it. I am so sad its been on hiatus for so long, i hope the author picks it up some day. I would kill for some normal shoujo about a cute boy and an otaku girl(that actually looks like an otaku, not pretty girl who happens to be an otaku).
No. 1949375
>>1949356i agree with this part, there are studies on this, like how tiktok mimics adhd symptoms but the symptoms resolve when tiktok is taken away. however, i don't think autism is overdiagnosed, i think it was just previously underdiagnosed, like most disorders in general have been. there's evidence that high-functioning autism was prevalent historically, but didn't cause issues with blending in society like it does now. either way autism tests are very in depth and it's very difficult to get an actual diag. it's not like adhd where kids with too much sugar got the label slapped onto them despite it being a complex disorder, it's costly and expansive. what is a problem is autism fakers, pretending to have been diagnosed but are lying to fuel their
victim complex. that's a huge problem because it leads to people not understanding that even high functioning autism is really disabling and being "neurodivergent" is some cool quirk meant to be celebrated rather than a wall that separates you from others.
No. 1949383
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I think it’s kind of funny how much Gen z girls seethe over Aaron Taylor’s wife. They don’t even care that he’s been groomed they just are mad they can’t get him. By their morals they’re too young for Aaron anyway, he’s in his early 30s and most of the gen z girls bitching look early 20s and late teens. They just can’t stand seeing a woman who doesn’t fit their beauty standard with a good looking men and shows.
No. 1949394
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>>1949383The guy they're hating on her for:
No. 1949397
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>>1949383>he’s in his early 30s and most of the gen z girls bitching look early 20s and late teensyes because he’s fairly young and attractive and women like dating men who appear young and attractive. no one wants to have him literally you fucking spastic granny retard, the rules of having a celebrity crush is that if they’re with someone the crush is automatically ruined because it ruins the FANTASY. it has nothing to do with the “youngins” being jealous of that hag, ironic considering that girl in the tiktok doesn’t look the bit least attractive but old bitches are just gonna be nasty, old bitches like always carrying a vendetta against younger girls because of past trauma. like stfu anon, stop pretending to act stupid, no one really wants him especially since these girls figured out he’s a nasty granny fucker with a punchable face and low self-esteem. young guys who fuck, date and marry older women have a fetish just as much as the fatty chaser or trans chaser, they’re not chasing you for your personality~ or not being like the other girls in this context not being like the hotter women around his age that would actually look like a normal trophy couple, men who bat for older or younger women have mental issues and in this case aaron just wants to be appeased and praised by some retarded hag with a zillion eye bags because that’s how grooming works. older women don’t have anything in common with younger men at all, you can throw away that horseface “gigastacy” cope and troll away because it isn’t working anymore
No. 1949407
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>>1949394they’re honestly so pig-disgusting now that I think about it, him and the both of them. that nigga is dead to me, literally looks like a photo OP of some christian mom taking her drug addict son to therapy, yuck. men who fetishize near-graves (older women) or cradles (jailbait women) are gross as fuck and would fuck about anything and have absolutely no standards. bitch walking out there looking like youtube ceo susan wojcicki and he looks like a retarded o-shaped mouth soyboy thumbnail vlogger kekkkkk. trash
No. 1949412
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>>1949407Draya Michelle has a 20 year age cap with her scrote and she’s hot. She probably looks better than the average zoomer girl.
No. 1949416
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>>1949415Draya Michelle is 39 and her baby daddy is 22. She looks better than him tbh
No. 1949419
>>1949412Literally no one cares about anomalies because we all know that is a rarity.
>”w-well those ZOOMIE WOMEN T-THEY DON’T LOOK LIKE THIS EXPIRED SPRING ROLL INFLUENCER TAKE THAT”Cope. Leave younger women alone. I honestly don’t know why older women have such a vicious bull-headed vendetta or anger towards younger girls going through the same things they probably did when they were younger too, makes absolutely no sense to me. Aaron is the equivalent of expired milk husbando for young girls, no one is fighting for that shit especially since they found out he had kids with the granny and that makes him infinitely less attractive as most women prefer men who are bachelors or signal some form of independence. That man just wants another gross mommy wife; Freudian dynamic. Moids who grow up with no moms be like
No. 1949423
>>1949419Samefag but it’s hilarious too that you
>>1949416 used some eventual baby mama/sneaky link rotation woman when basketball american basketball players are known to be one of the most downlow hypersexual, serial cheaters of the entertainment world. No one wants or desires that man kek, Mulan can keep him
No. 1949443
>>1949432if you're actually young, i hope you never live long enough to be old since you hate old women so much. wouldn't want to become what you hate, right?
>>1949383I don't like age gaps but it's funny to me seeing what moids usually do to women get reversed
No. 1949444
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>>1949436>old>bitter>likely lonely >no kids>old bitter and browsing lolcow kek, this is too fucking rich
(infighting) No. 1949464
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No. 1949515
>>1949514I'm sorry
nonny, but it's not my fault if skinniness is aspirational, I don't make the rules.
No. 1949527
>>1949523The birth rate is only down by 1.6%, it's not having an extreme dip kek. Also most women do want to have children, it is usually men who are aversed to children and are the most commonly
abusive parent.
No. 1949532
>>1949529but female orgasms do aide reproduction
>>1949530grab your husbands finger or tongue and put it directly on your clit next time, i cant find the sensitive spots on my moids dick i'm not psychic
No. 1949559
>>1949555No, you said "allowing rape is allowing access to a womans body" in response to my statement being that even married rape
victims are still capable of receiving attention.
No. 1949566
>>1949562What law says "any man can have sex with any woman he wants"? You're oversimplifying abortive laws, you're not capable of comprehending that the majority of abortions are from
consensual sex.
No. 1949567
>>1949558You said the point was to reproduce, not make money and help your kids live and propagate further. In America, tons of parents kick their kids out at 18 and think that's normal, in fact. Don't move the goalposts now.
>>1949561And having kids doesn't make them think everything's hunky dory and okay and perfect.
No. 1949584
>>1949577Men bastardised women's right to choose their partners for centuries. Majority of women feel a biological urge to reproduce, birth rates drop due to the economy and opportunities provided by the times.
Also societies in India with female infanticide shows how deranged men are in regards to women.
No. 1949610
>>1949584even over 1000 years ago - like in ancient Babylonian history - stuff like treating little girls like cattle to sell off and tie to older men existed. it might have not involved the whole political systems that emerged in prior centuries, but the reduction of girls and women into commodities to control instead of as whole people treated the same as men has been long lived. some governments explicitly wanted to use women as broodmares to produce more working bodies and soldiers. a lot of people also treat babies like commodities. that's why they want them so bad even under horrific or exploitative circumstances: they aren't little people…they're public goods to those sickos.
it's often a psyop meant to get women to both work themselves to the bone (let's be honest most potential AND devoted male partners can't comfortably support a whole family + healthcare + enrichment), bare children, and then caretake for other people that never will fully reciprocate the care. this system makes a lot more sense when you realize it's parasitic; a lot of people depend off of women being chumps that self-sacrifice themselves.
>>1949601I love that you believe that babies are a consequence. happy for you
No. 1949615
>>1949601>consequences of consensual choicesSo, it's not the reason we exist, but a consequence? Like what, a punishment? That's not adding up with it being the point of us being here nonna.
It's not easy to reproduce when the money system is penalizing you and grinding down on your soul all the time, when housing is fucked, etc. Other species don't need to do or make all that shit to meet and have kids. We didn't in the past, either. Birth rates were higher way back when, too.
No. 1949658
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>reeeee you roastie's reason to live is to be our breeding sow and it wasn't for feminaz- I mean, selfishness, you wouldn't be misguided now
The same bait. The same infight. Every fucking week.
No. 1949664
>>1949658This was the original post
>>1949473 this never ever pigeonholed women. I wrote the original post, I mean it when I say
EVERYONE exists for the sole purpose of reproduction. Men, women, rats, fish, every single species. If you don't like it then argue with science
No. 1949665
>>1949650I didn’t say that? But if you’re worried about future generations there are far more lasting ways to impact them than having one or even several children.
>>1949654No, it doesn’t make sense, because you’re saying they do it with an expectation that their genes will be passed on even if they do it against their will or for a reward. You’re ascribing a reasoning to the action that isn’t there.
No. 1949669
>>1949664Only by technicality.
>>1949666Did you know that the male penis is evolutionarily designed to shovel out the semen of competitors? Just a fun fact.
No. 1949678
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>>1949666>>1949668>so mad you replied twiceCalm yourself. I know in an incel's mind it's either bedrotting or nuclear family, but the world is bigger than that. I promise. Your failure to reproduce doesn't make you worthless, only your bitterness and forcefulness toward others. I'm sure you could attract a nice partner with a change of personality!
No. 1949684
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>>1949669Did you know that the male penis deserves to get chopped off and most men are only deserving of being penis-less eunuchs which in turn will turn them into less violent and easily controllable creatures? I sometimes wish a gynocratic dictatorship existed. I would prefer a misandrist fascist leader over whatever XY-sucking slop were force fed now ugh
No. 1949703
>>1949697>we evolved to exercise reproduction, b-but Ok glad we can agree on that, thank god that discussions over
>>1949700Men and women hate each other equally nonnalita
No. 1949732
>>1949731I just acknowledged you calling yourself what you are, and no one calls lesbians fags. You can't even LARP properly, it's sad.
>numb skullDefinitely an old queen.
No. 1949750
>>1949739Honestly an admin like null (not in personality obviously) but public-facing, having streams with the user base, having a verified face would be good for the site. I understand why no woman would want to commit future career sudoku but outing herself as a
terf website admin, but it would be good transparency.
No. 1949760
>>1949750that’s exactly what I was thinking and wanted to say but didn’t, would be way more beneficial for them but tbh it’s not worth it for a website that has a lost more than half of its former userbase. null can be up on streams talking shit about trannies but it would become like
terf holocaust here if they figured out this was a haven for women to dunk on genderbenders and trannies and say whatever they want. they hate spaces and platforms that allow women to be fully truthful with their speech
No. 1949774
>>1949770That doesn’t make very much sense. Why would an incel hide away from women in the real world and instead try to continue to separate himself from women by arguing with them online? If he wanted to reproduce with someone he wouldn’t try to convince
women as a whole to go out and find a nigel they love to reproduce with, he’d just go find a lady and make her love him so she’d like to reproduce his genetics. Isn’t that what they do?
No. 1949776
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No. 1949814
>>1949813I’ll tag the whole conversation because newfags don’t know how to fucking read
>>1949795>>1949800>>1949803>>1949805>>1949807Come on already. You can’t even pinpoint which posts you think are masculine. Just give it up.
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it's adorable that fairytales about a cannibal eating children inspire how you think about real life. sending you many e-hugs, with much love.
No. 1950165
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>>1950112mmm I want a nice juicy cheeseburger rn
No. 1950302
>>1950293I see racebait against middle easterners get banned
unless the anon is wise enough to insert “moid” in her post. my unpopular opinion is that farmhands are too permissive of racebait mentioning males. it’s like when white moids are being misogynistic but they are sure to mention “white women,” except with racism
No. 1950354
>>1950334Kek I agree with you. Those types of jobs will give you the shittiest work once you put in the 2 weeks notice anyway.
>>1950337If you're okay with making a website, you can get a domain and an email address for less than $10 a year, so you can build a fake business website and use that as your references. Google Maps doesn't vet what locations are added either, so you can make it pretty realistic. I have two websites I use as reference that way. Everything on the internet is fake anyway so if they believe it it's their fault for trusting what they see online kek
No. 1950367
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>>1950283i love making very edgy about men tbh too bad I have to do it anonymously because then they’d sperg the fuck out. It’s also interesting how moids casually make racist and edgy jokes all the time and no one cares, but a woman would not survive doing the same thing around a group of women. To a certain degree I’m jealous of that freedom to not be constantly policed. Can’t even post a tame tranny joke meme around my female friends because then they’d scream
TERF and ostracize me immediately. It’s exhausting.
No. 1950377
>>1950374Plenty of women can leave
abusive men but don’t because they think they can change him or the fear of being single out weighs the con of being abused
No. 1950381
>>1950367That’s because men will continue being friends with pedos, only hangout with women they want to fuck so they’re just giggling a long with you to get your pussy one day not because they actually find you funny and try to fuck their friends wives behind their backs. Men don’t care about their friends which is why they don’t mind hanging around degenerates. If you actually care about someone you’re gonna worry about having
toxic/gross people in your life and hold them to a higher standard.
No. 1950383
>>1950377That makes no sense. They usually can’t leave because of threats of violence, blackmail, her abuser lying and manipulating her support network including her friends and family that turn her into the bad guy or makes others distrust her which is why we have so much retards who don’t get why she can’t leave. Moids try to bury their female
victims into a state of shock and forced captivity. Her brain molds itself to this unnatural state of isolation and adapts to it, that’s why we call this behavior where they love going back to their abusers “Stockholm” syndrome.
No. 1950385
>>1950383My mom was in an
abusive relationship and plenty of times he kicked her out and she would be back making excuses and letting him beat her ass and molest the kids etc. Yeah there are women who can’t leave
abusive relationships because their life is in danger but their are women who just genuinely love their
abusive scrote and want to be there
No. 1950393
>>1950392Could be but she definitely wasn’t forced to be there. Also if you’re a single woman who lives alone dealing with a woman who has an
abusive bf or husband she’s inlove with can be dangerous for you because she’s going to bring her drama over to your house and put not only her life at risk but yours. That’s why I don’t hang around women who have extreme relationship drama.
No. 1950398
>>1950385a lot of people don’t understand that this is the reality for a lot of abuse
victims. it doesn’t matter to them how the
abusive partner is acting because their love is just unconditional.
No. 1950403
>>1950383There are millions of
victims who don’t need some extreme web of blackmail to feel the desire to stay with the person who used to reciprocate the love they have for them. Some women just want to stay with their nigel, simple as that.
No. 1950449
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>>1950434Exactly! Everyone has a good time when we’re able to just have fun together and enjoy each others company
No. 1950461
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Transatlantic accents should be brought back. Use em on radio, or the news or something. They sounded great
No. 1950462
>>1950454It’s ok
nonnie you can always dox them back, then stalemate!
No. 1950509
>>1950495Well why don’t you talk to your friends in real life instead of needing to come online to have people be nice to you? We can both pull that card kek
>>1950498I like to infight on r9k the most
No. 1950570
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>>1950566I feel like the Biden era made little impact globally I have heard fuck all about him apart from he's sleepy, falls down steps and he loves to come over to Ireland to big up the 'RA, this was put up on a route he'd be driving along. He's been a shit export from America. I couldn't even tell you who the fuck the first lady is
No. 1950681
>>1950664same, especially since I have some
problematic likes and opinions, and have been living under a rock and have zero social skills
No. 1950774
>>1950715They memefied Little Girls? Scrotes will literally turn every piece of
valid criticism and commentary against their degeneracy into a way to coom.
No. 1950804
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Europeans and Americans often don't realize how freakishly massive you all are.