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No. 1950917
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >jannies are always watching previous:
>>>/ot/1943114 No. 1950925
File: 1712273056187.jpg (189.3 KB, 900x1200, E7Lr5qFVIAA4YBJ.jpg)

This body type is not healthy nor attractive.
No. 1950945
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>>1950931What they’re all trying to turn Americans into. La creatura phenotype because black moids can’t stop fetishizing and lusting after these genetic types who were created as a form of biological terrorism and enforced racial hierarchies to destroy marginalized groups of people by forcing the dominant group of invaders to mix with the minority ones turning them into an undefined mass that can be easily controlled. Haiti is a good example of what I explained, they used mixed race people that looked sort of like Ice Spice to gradually genocide the unambiguous slave population in the islands. That’s clearly there agenda now and she’s involved with it
(racebait) No. 1950993
File: 1712275089925.jpeg (22.08 KB, 640x520, EfE0F0JXoAM43YS.jpeg)

>new thread
>first rule is no racebait
>anons immediately proceed to racebait
No. 1951499
File: 1712306800568.png (242.71 KB, 508x379, Screenshot 2024-04-05 9.43.26 …)

Women need to stop posting photos and TikToks of themselves online. You WILL be made into AI porn and lose your job.
Women shouldn't have to do this but it's so inevitable and there are little to no consequences for it.
Stop posting to tiktok. Deprive men of their source material.
A crying meltdown is not going to emotionally move or appeal to a male conscience that does not exist.
No. 1951526
>>1951499What kind of response to being slandered and degraded naked is to sit in front of a camera still showing yourself to moids to exploit and degrade sobbing for them. Brainrot.
>Deprive men of their source material.Kek that will never happen. The only reason Deepfakes exist in the first place is women humiliating themselves for moids is so common place that there's enough material to make any women now suffer this degradation. It can't even be denied anymore how pickme women destroy life for all other women.
No. 1951537
>>1951524Do you feel that way for women who don't know about his past of domestic abuse? Because I can understand thinking this about women who are informed and then proceed to mock the past
victims a la Taylor Nicole Dean, but I don't think it's fair if the woman has no idea about his past
No. 1951544
>>1951539you can be fat while eating one tiny meal a day if your thyroid is fucked
you're retarded
No. 1951567
>>1951561You're not going to get fat eating one small meal a day even if you have out of wack hormones you're just very wrong. You sound like
toxic tears who blames antidepressants from 10 years ago for a 69lb weight gain when at most it could cause you a 5% body fat increase. Kaya would have to be over 600 pounds for her figures to make sense. Its literally calories making you fat.
No. 1951592
>>1951567What the fuck are you talking about, who is toxicttears and who is kaya. Are those one of the cows you are obsessed with?
I was just replying to a post that thyroidism and issues like lymphedema affect weight loss.
No. 1951599
>>1951579Anon dont bother yourself arguing with that moron since they dont have the mental capacity to even comphrend what you wrote considering they are replying about some cows they are obsessed with and projecting that onto other anons.
Food in the US is jam packed with some of the worst ingredients and preservatives ever that make your body get a addiction to those synthetic ingredients and also throw your body and hormones off balance also the current way of the workforce also has to do with this due to night shifts or early morning shifts (statistically its been proven that people who have night shifts have a higher obesity and health issue rate such as heart attacks)
No. 1951888
File: 1712330707476.jpg (95.72 KB, 790x835, az0xda1e8xh41.jpg)

The reason this image got so popular is because it has lolifag stink all over it (short, slightly revealing dress, teary eyed anime girl, the threat of impending physical violence towards her). There's nothing wrong with calling it what it is, especially since Japan loves to sexualize little girls.
No. 1951894
>>1951892I also feel a bit uneasy with that Madotsuki image.
The terminater anime girl image also implies through shading and placement of the anime girl in question that she's not even hiding as well as she should be. If the terminator looked down, it'd probably see some part of her shoes if it came any closer. It's just a shit picture and it was definitely made to, at the very least, bait lolifags into liking and sharing.
No. 1951927
File: 1712333207311.jpg (61.23 KB, 563x633, 1693894322389803 (1).jpg)

I'll believe long COVID is real when someone who isn't a Twitter user who also happens to have EDS, AuDHD, POTS, and fibromyalgia and be some flavor of kweer has it.
No. 1952111
>>1951499women should boycott posting themselves online, not just for ai porn but also feeding their image to bigtech every fucking time there's a new retarded face filter. yeah, i know there's cctv and facial recognition irl, but you don't have to actively sign up for this shit.
And the women who post themselves crying about it are just bringing attention to moids to do it to them again, nothing incites them on more than a woman crying 'NOOo men are sexualising me'.
If women want to post they should stay anon and they might find it cultivates their mind, makes them laugh and stop centering their lives around their looks
No. 1952571
Yesterday that anon writing an essay about her sex life with her ex and current boyfriend which then prompted several anons to explicitly describe their shitty sex lives and preferences… take that shit to /g/
No. 1952776
>>1952556Agreed, that's what /g/ is for anyways. Idgaf about relationship sperging.
>>1950925I don't think this an unpopular opinion if your white/asian. I always see women with these body types on black twitter who lose weight and people start attacking them for losing weight saying that she ruined her body, even if they retain the proportions. I think ice spice would still have a big ass if she lost weight anyways, her mother has similar proportions.
No. 1952838
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lolcow is dead because I killed it
No. 1953091
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>>1952944The fact some people need to eat less than a toddler to lose any sort of weight should've been the first sign thyroid problems are very real. Anna Nicole Smith is a good example of this, she had to take tons of drugs and eat nothing for multiple days to lose weight (not even be skinny-skinny either, just "healthy" looking). Once she died it turned out she had hashimotos (?) but didn't even know since most people just excused her struggle with weight as laziness and gluttony. It's no wonder she has a plethora of other health issues and relied on drugs when she was malnourished and dizzy all 24/7 since some people get so
triggered if you mention there's other factors than "calories in, calories out"
No. 1953100
>>1953096No YOU swear they underestimate their calories kek. How do you explain the insane amount of college kids that eat nothing but a pack of ramen all day but gain weight somehow? You're delusional if you think there's no other factors and everyone else is just too stupid to track their own calories
>>1953097This is probably why anorexia is more popular among teenagers who don't need to work, drive and just go to high school. If an adult woman decides to starve herself she'll need to down tons of coffee or drugs to function properly. But at least you're not fat right?
No. 1953111
>>1953095Eat 500 calories below your maintenance intake, drink coffee, blue tea or other low calorie alternatives to keep up your energy. If you've actually decided you want to lose weight, you will figure it out. You are probably not working in an oil rig or as a construction worker, you don't need to eat big meals multiple times a day. Maybe it feels good in the moment, but you don't need it. Unless all your meals are like 3000 calories, it's often literally as easy as eating half of each meal and not the full thing, and continuing life as usual. No need to adopt a whole new eating regimen if you don't want to, no bullshit. Just portion control and calorie counting. The weight will come off.
In fact, if you do a lot of movement, you should be burning more calories, meaning weight loss (if you eat at a caloric deficit) would be
easier, not harder. I'm not sure of a nice way to say this, but it's really a personal choice. I'm tired of people trying to mystify weight loss or make it seem impossible. A very tiny portion of the population "can't" do it, it's just that it's not instant and people lack consistency/patience.
No. 1953112
>>1953109Double posted to add the part about just halving a regular meal, but I saw this and holy shit.
>Eat 500 calories below your maintenance intakePlease read. I hope you're baiting, anon. If you don't know what a maintenance intake is, use Google.
No. 1953117
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>>1953112You still haven't explained anything at all kek. If you need artificial energy uppers so you don't feel like a ghost you're not eating correctly and will definitely suffer uglier effects in the long run other than just being fat
I guess all those stupid fat tribal women are just secretly flying to the nearest fast food place 500 miles away and binging then coming back every night?
No. 1953126
>>1952806Thyroid issues do not violate the laws of thermodynamics. Body fat does not appear out of nowhere. All metabolic processes by which body fat is stored starts with caloric intake. Stored body fat is energy. If calories are not being consumed, the body can not store body fat because energy can not be created out of nothing.
There are various mechanisms that influence this process. The metabolic pathways for each macro nutrient to be stored as body fat are different. The most efficient is carbs > glucose > stored fat, which is why a low carb diet is effective for weight loss. Lipogenesis through gluconeogenesis from protein and fat is far less efficient and will only happen when the body is under carbohydrate restriction as it prefers to use both fat and protein for synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters, cell repair and cell creation.
No. 1953127
>>1953122I'm not fat dumbass, I'm just trying to explain your own logic to you.
>dig up photos of remote tribes you share zero DNA withOkay? Surely if it was all just stupid fatties binging under the table you'd be able to explain how islands, tribes, etc who have almost no access to junk food are able to get so fat in the first place. The most obese nations on the planet are all pacific islands with almost no access to junk food at all kek. Either come up with a good argument or fuck off
No. 1953133
>>1953127Tbh only one of the women in that photo is even fat, and that tracks with different individuals having varied food intakes. Some people eat higher calories and/or get less exercise, others eat lower calories and/or get more exercise. As a result, some people are chubby, and others are thin or fit. This can be changed if you adjust how much you eat and how much exercise you get. Chances are, you don't have a mysterious genetic disorder (most people do not). The funny part is that she'd probably look normal and have a better health outlook than the average burger addicted to fast food slop.
You're making up strawman about "stupid fatties", probably because you're offended by what I'm saying. Maybe you're a bit stupid, but not everyone is, and even if they (or you) are, we can all learn.
No. 1953138
>>1953133Yes? That's what you explained a bunch of different times. You should really study up on the lives of these people, they very rarely can just binge and lazy around anytime everyone else's back are turned. A lot of the time the group makes the same meal, serving out the exact same portions, and throughout the day do all the same activities. The only exception to this is elderly and pregnant who will be served more food and be opted out of more work (obviously)
Even in America you can see this. Blue collar workers are some of the fattest motherfuckers around but will burn up an insane amount of calories all day, sometimes with little to no break to eat. Some of the fattest moids I've ever met lift shit all day and consume nothing but diet coke. American high schoolers often skip breakfast and lunch and do sports after school and are still fat somehow. But you don't care, you'll never hold the broken health system accountable if it means you can get your rocks off shaming fatties for not eating like this is 2014 Tumblr
No. 1953144
>>1953138>serving out the exact same portionsSource?
>Even in America you can see this. Blue collar workers are some of the fattest motherfuckers around but will burn up an insane amount of calories all day, sometimes with little to no break to eat. Some of the fattest moids I've ever met lift shit all day and consume nothing but diet coke. American high schoolers often skip breakfast and lunch and do sports after school and are still fat somehow. But you don't care, you'll never hold the broken health system accountable if it means you can get your rocks off shaming fatties for not eating like this is 2014 TumblrWhat does this have to do with anything I said? Most are not getting "little to no break to eat", and if they are, they're binging at home, which will naturally negate weight loss. So yes, they will be fat. The majority of American high schoolers are not fasting all day and doing sports, that's unrealistic. If you disagree, post a source to back up your claims or stop writing fanfic. The healthcare system is bad, yes. Now, what are you going to do? Be a
victim to it on purpose? Do you want to be some kind of martyr? That's actual Tumblr shit.
No. 1953152
>>1953147>I've been to multiple ones of these countries, and even if you don't believe me there's so many documentaries online, I know the best ever food review and gordon ramsey studies hard on the diets of people in those countries, it's the same routine Routine/diet and portion size are not the same thing. I can't find anything documenting portion size, so I'm going to assume this is something you're extrapolating for the sake of the argument. Fat cannot be made from nothing.
>You need a source on the routine of people in tribal countries despite it being extremely documented but can just freely claim these people are just downing loads of food as soon as they open the door of their homes?>Description. The average American consumes more than 3,600 calories daily – a 24% increase from 1961, when the average was just 2,880 calories. makes you hungry. If you're doing a blue-collar work and want to maintain your energy, you will eat more than that. Since beer-drinking is common, and high-calorie foods are most accessible in low-income areas, common sense would lead anyone to believe that these grown men are eating and drinking heavy at dinner or in the morning when they can. Having no break to eat would also encourage binging at home, this is common for BED sufferers/disordered eaters.
>I don't think you've ever been to an American high school kek. School lunch is so repulsive and majority of them don't even want to eat breakfast since they have to get up extremely early, I was in 3 sports in HS and definitely seen multiple fat kids who ate nothing all day and did sports for hours after school and remained fat. Weirdly enough it's kids who bring homemade lunches that are typically the skinny ones So no source, just stories about how everyone at your HS was totally never eating (and you somehow knew the fat kid's entire lives and what they were eating when they were out of school) and was also an athlete. Okay.
>No, if I struggled to lose weight despite eating almost nothing and working out I'd use my damn brain, see a doctor, get on the proper medications I need and lose weight there. Not starve myself and cry on the Internet about how other fatties are just liars and not starving themselves like meYou're the only one talking about starving yourself. You know what the doctor will tell you? Eat less food, eat healthy shit and not garbage, go for a run. Even if you're part of the tiny percentage of people who have whatever disease you're thinking of, they will say that to you. Magical pills don't make excess calories go away.
No. 1953159
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>>1953152>Routine/diet and portion size are not the same thing. I can't find anything documenting portion size, so I'm going to assume this is something you're extrapolating for the sake of the argument. Fat cannot be made from nothing. There's multiple meal routines available online, almost everyone gets the same portion. I also told you where to find documentaries where you can literally watch them eat but whatever I guess
According to your article Americans average calorie intake only increased 24%, definitely not matching with obesity rates that sky rocketed. People eating an extra scoop of ice cream or piece of bread every now and then doesn't explain how we went from almost no one being obese to almost everyone being obese
>So no source, just stories about how everyone at your HS was totally never eating (and you somehow knew the fat kid's entire lives and what they were eating when they were out of school) and was also an athlete. Okay. Even Europeans who come to America have pointed out it's strange how Americans eat almost nothing all day but remain fat yet Europeans can eat street food and drink daily and remain fit kek. You can't possibly believe everyone is just lying
>Eat less food, eat healthy shit and not garbage, go for a run. Even if you're part of the tiny percentage of people who have whatever disease you're thinking of, they will say that to you. Magical pills don't make excess calories go away.Did you just ignore everything I said and just repeated whatever the hell you wanted? We aren't talking about people who binge and don't workout, we're talking about people struggling with weight despite eating very little and working out, and if you can't understand that idk what would be the point of arguing with someone who can't read
No. 1953172
>>1951546But anon, domestic assault and sexual abuse are underrepresented in records because
victims don't trust the justice system to present charges.
No. 1953177
>>1953159>almost everyone gets the same portion.Once again, not a single source says this.
>I also told you where to find documentaries where you can literally watch them eat but whatever I guessYes, a Gordon Ramsay documentary documents how every single person in the Tukano tribe eats over the course of a year or more. Sure anon.
>According to your article Americans average calorie intake only increased 24%, definitely not matching with obesity rates that sky rocketed. People eating an extra scoop of ice cream or piece of bread every now and then doesn't explain how we went from almost no one being obese to almost everyone being obese And guess what they're not doing as much as they did before? Exercising. Blue-collar workers and low-income people addicted to unhealthy foods are definitely eating way more than that, too, like I broke down for you.
>Even Europeans who come to America have pointed out it's strange how Americans eat almost nothing all day but remain fat yet Europeans can eat street food and drink daily and remain fit kek. You can't possibly believe everyone is just lying I've literally never seen or heard this. It's the opposite, everyone complains about American portion sizes and how unwalkable so much of the country is. A meme picture from like 2013 doesn't reflect the general opinion or reality. Everyone isn't lying, but you sure seem to be. American food is unhealthier, but you're not going to be 300lbs from a slice of pizza. If that were the case, anorexics could not exist in the USA. The weight you are ascribing to ingredients alone could only account for (maybe) 10lbs, not a full-on obesity crisis.
>Did you just ignore everything I said and just repeated whatever the hell you wanted? We aren't talking about people who binge and don't workout, we're talking about people struggling with weight despite eating very little and working out, and if you can't understand that idk what would be the point of arguing with someone who can't readHow many people do you think "eat very little and work out"? Do you think that's the average person? Start from there, and then you'll understand why your ranting doesn't make sense. You literally think eating 500 calories less than your maintenance intake is the same as eating 500 calories and blatantly ignored basic information to reeee about nothing, it seems like you can't read and refuse to try.
No. 1953194
>>1953183>Calorie counting is an exclusively American thing,Incorrect. It varies by country to country.>Looking at the data on a regional level, consumers in MENA (37%) and APAC (27%) are significantly more likely than all global consumers to say they count calories. In MENA, consumers from Saudi Arabia (42%), Morocco (30%) and the UAE (39%) show the highest propensity for counting calories. Consumers in India (42%) and Vietnam (35%) are the most likely to be counting calories among APAC markets.
>In the Americas, a third (32%) of all US consumers say they count calories, followed by roughly a fifth of consumers in Mexico (22%) and Canada (19%).
>Consumers in Europe (20%) are the least likely to say they count calories. Within the continent, consumers in Great Britain (25%), Poland (25%) and Italy (24%) are among the most likely to say they tend to count calories while those in Slovakia (11%), Hungary (12%) and the Netherlands (13%) are among the least likely to agree.>So many ingredients banned in majority of other countries are used in America,Eg:
>American food is unhealthier, but you're not going to be 300lbs from a slice of pizza. If that were the case, anorexics could not exist in the USA. The weight you are ascribing to ingredients alone could only account for (maybe) 10lbs, not a full-on obesity crisis. Portion sizes in America are also documented as being significantly larger:>Over the years, the most significant observation has been that the US has much more substantial portion sizes than the rest of the world. No. 1953196
>>1953192Largest carb consuming countries are actually less obese,is%20not%20a%20common%20dish.
Weirdly enough cultures that consume least carbs are obese ones, intuits for example and Americans typically go nuts for low carb fads but keto fuckers are still fat
No. 1953209
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I wonder if enviromental factors are to blame to a portion of this. Because I'm an Ausfag and we're just above the UK in obesity rates but in general have better food hygiene and fresher food than Americans, and it seems like a lot of the more rural inland population is obese or overweight (with the exception of the Northen Territory)- which beyond the obvious of having to drive everywhere limiting the amount you get to exercise and wasting money on petrol, there also seems to be an persistent issue with food security with fresh produce not being able to be accessed at a reasonable price in certain areas. Not sure if it's like that in the States but it's food for thought at least.
No. 1953217
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>>1953199Surely if it was carbs alone then why aren't countries who's entire cuisine revolves around carbs fat? Makes no sense, there's so many other factors than just carbs
>>1953203I've definitely seen people on keto and every other fad diet stuck and can't lose weight kek. Its basically the 2020s version of the vegan fad that everyone swore you can drop weight on easily and yes, similar to the 2010s there were studies left and right about how vegan diet was a magical fix all and you don't even have to worry about anything else just go vegan. Same shit different year
No. 1953225
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>>1953206Okay. Nutritional information that includes calorie count has been required on packaged food in the EU for some time now.
Here's Saudi Arabia too>Overall, the participants had adequate knowledge and positive attitudes about menu calorie labeling in Saudi Arabia. Menu calorie labeling may be a useful policy tool for promoting healthy eating habits and appropriate caloric consumption.In Japan, tons of foods are marketed as/trend for being low calorie (like konjac jelly, picrel literally has the calorie count printed on the front).
There are also tons of articles on Indian and SEA etc sites for locals talking about what low-calorie foods to include in your diet. Point is, calorie counting isn't just for Americans.
No. 1953229
>>1953209Food security + working. Someone who needs energy and doesn't know when they will be able to eat again will eat whatever they can get their hands on for cheap/free at the time. Someone who is rich and doesn't need to work a lot can turn down food opportunities from family and friends without worrying about if they'll be able to eat again the next day. On top of that wealthy people don't need to do a lot of work and won't need the energy.
Also - a lot of poor people work in food service even if it's a second job. I remember growing up a lot of poor peoples parents would work at a local restaurant or fast food place so they can get free/discounted food for their children
No. 1953236
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>>1953225Someone caring about calories in other countries isn't remotely comparable to the obsession with calorie counting in America kek. Going for low calorie foods to lose weight isn't the same as religiously tracking every calorie, obsessively weighing everything you eat no exceptions, being scared to go out with your friends because the restaurant may put an extra spec of pepper over your calorie limit in your food. Even in countries with the most insane diet cultures don't act like complete basket cases like some Americans do when they're on a "diet" and still can't lose weight
No. 1953241
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>>1953217Any diet is still subject to CICO.
>there's so many other factors than just carbs Correct. Type of fat and quality of protein are just as important.
No. 1953242
>>1953236Don't move the goalposts now, you claimed calorie counting is an exclusively American thing. It isn't.
>religiously tracking every calorie, obsessively weighing everything you eat no exceptions, being scared to go out with your friends because the restaurant may put an extra spec of pepper over your calorie limit in your food.This is the behavior of a disordered teenage girl or woman, not the average American person.
No. 1953243
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>>1953236Nta but in America calorie counting is important because everything just has higher calories. If you’re gonna go out to a chain restaurant that better be the only thing you’re eating that day.
No. 1953247
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>>1953243If Americans were "obsessed" with calories like that
nonny claims, Cheesecake Factory would've shut down years ago, this never would've been made and attached to Oreo's name, and most restaurants (especially fast food ones) would market themselves as being low calorie, lmao.
No. 1953254
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>>1953241We aren't talking about all diets or in general, just Americans who completely foam at the mouth over every calorie. And despite all that stress they can barely lose 10 lbs a YEAR. Yet they still are too delusional to see anything wrong with the fact it takes an entire year of weighing your stuff, notebooking, etc, like you're being monitored in a mental hospital just to lose 10 lbs a year kek. Insane
No. 1953269
>>1953262Not even remotely as high as Americans fast food and even then in majority of other countries there's quick and fast options for working people who don't have the energy to cook.
As for calories being the same, no is McDonald's in Japan - calories are often time less than half of that of America even when portion size was only slightly smaller. Also funny how calories in America barely changed despite going through sizeflation right now
No. 1953273
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>>1953269That’s the calories for one sandwich, not including the fries or drink which is the same as in America. More than 200 calories for a sandwich is insane to me which is why eating out is a no for me.
No. 1953275
>>1953266Lol absolutely not. I went out with friends and even had nights that would be considered a binge, I ate multiple meals a day and even drank soda. Yet people take a damn year of calorie counting obsessively just to lose what most people lose while pooping I can't kek
>>1953267These things shouldn't even exist with calories that high, that's the issue
No. 1953281
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>>1953278A cheese burger is 300 calories in America too
No. 1953285
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>>1953264>>1953254If it takes a year to only lose 10lbs, you are not "calorie counting and working out like a crazy person". That's not how the body works.
That doesn't mean the weight loss isn't
valid, but you're not exactly overhauling your entire lifestyle and obsessing.
You didn't include this woman's story, either. She's been through a lot re: lifestyle and stress. She rebounded and overate and maintained a few times, she certainly didn't "go crazy". She still reached her goal in the end, it just took time.
No. 1953298
>>1953285Idk if you saw the subreddit but that's exactly what majority of people on the sub do, almost all of them are only capable of losing 10 lbs a year
>You didn't include this woman's story, either. She's been through a lot re: lifestyle and stress.I thought stress doesn't contribute to weight gain and we're all just stupid fatties binging when no one looks?
>>1953287It's not hard to figure out what I meant by I just started buying imported food, my diet barely even changed, if anything I started eating out more. You never heard of Americans dropping 10-20 lbs on European vacations without even trying and little to no lifestyle change? It's not uncommon
No. 1953300
>>1953298>Idk if you saw the subreddit but that's exactly what majority of people on the sub do, almost all of them are only capable of losing 10 lbs a yearSo, you admit that they aren't "going crazy"? They're taking it slow, while still tracking their calories and losing weight over time?
>I thought stress doesn't contribute to weight gain and we're all just stupid fatties binging when no one looks?Stress leads to overeating, as she said. Are you playing dumb on purpose? Kek
No. 1953306
>>1953301>Do you mean you only eat important candy from the uk or some shit?you can't be serious. If I want to eat corn dogs and a coke I just go to an asian market and get the soda + frozen food there, I didn't calorie count and buy a whole new weight scale and journal like a lunatic
>Sounds to me like you’ve never had to lose weight on purpose and have 0 clue what you’re talking about kekyes.. that's why I lost the same amount of weight in 2 months as what it takes the "calories in, calories out" drooling retards to lose in a whole year or two
No. 1953312
>>1953307>It’s a question you don’t wanna answer because you’re full of shit.because I don't remember every little thing I ate every single day within a certain time period of years ago? if this ain't proof calorie-obsessers are bat shit insane idk what is. Most normal non-fat people don't even remember what they ate for dinner last night, ofc I don't remember what I ate years ago. No wonder you take a year to lose poop weight, it's not food, it's stress kek
>>1953308>if you’re only eating a corn dog and a soda 3 times a day you’re eating less than 1000k calories a day btwthen by that logic shouldn't have I not been able to change weights in the first place since I ate the same shit just from another country? there's like millions of Americans reporting losing weight on a few week european vacation despite nothing changing and you still won't think it's your food kek. enjoy your cancer and PCOS
No. 1953326
>>1953318>you’re a fat person who wants to blame American food for just being different as to why you can’t lose weightdo you think this is the case with every single American who lost weight unintentionally after moving to Europe? are they all just lying fatties blaming the ultra-processed, over sugared food in the US?
>you’re a skinny person who just barely eats anything and doesn’t notice.okay, but by CICO logic my weight shouldn't have gone anywhere simply by switching to foreign brands kek
>Maybe people on trips lose weight because, shocker! They’re walking more?by this logic people who work labor jobs in America shouldn't be fat then since their diet doesn't change in Europe, and city dwellers in Chicago or new york should all be skinny since most just walk everywhere and these are the same people reporting losing weight without trying in Europe. if walking more alone could make you drop weight the morons from CICO shouldn't take a year to lose poop weight
No. 1953335
>>1953330Most people who lose weight aren't taking a year to lose 10lbs. This is just your delusion and cherrypicking people who didn't go hard on it because you're obsessed with quick gratification and it bothers you that putting down the fork one day won't make you lose ~30lbs overnight.
By the way, no one's actually losing 10lbs in a shit. That's water weight. If you were not fat, you would realize this.
I don't need to flip out because I'm thin now. Didn't take me a year to lose 10lbs, I lost that in like 1-2 months on pure junk by calorie counting. I know you dislike that fact, but it's not hard. Just be patient lmfao.
No. 1953338
>>1953332>If you’re in Italy you’re not going to be eating pancakes and sausage for breakfast and Texas road house for lunch.okay, but Americans still admit to binging a lot more in Europe. Americans go on whole food and wine tours in Europe ffs
>It’s not that the food in america is mysteriously making people fat, we just have different food this logic then eating the same thing just switching imported country shouldn't have caused me or others to lose weight then?
>>1953335>Most people who lose weight aren't taking a year to lose 10lbsalmost every post on CICO is literally 10 lbs per year kek.
>This is just your delusion and cherrypicking people who didn't go hard on it because you're obsessed with quick gratification and it bothers you that putting down the fork one day won't make you lose ~30lbs overnight. you're literally retarded if this is what you take from "I lose 10 lbs in 2 months by switching out american brands"
>I lost that in like 1-2 months on pure junk by calorie sorry you had to starve to lose 10 lbs while everyone else can lose that by simply not eating american food
No. 1953339
>>1953326>>1953330European food has the same ingredients as American food, it’s just labeled differently for legal reasons. All the “banned” ingredients like high fructose corn syrup are still present in the food, it’s just called something different.
>>1953332Americans aren’t eating those things though, you’re ridiculous. America and Italy have similar obesity rates too so you sound delusional
No. 1953342
>>1953339>European food has the same ingredients as American food, it’s just labeled differently for legal reasons. All the “banned” ingredients like high fructose corn syrup are still present in the food, it’s just called something different. wishing I was this delusional kek
>America and Italy have similar obesity rates too so you sound delusionalitalys obesity rate is 12%, and child obesity is non existent. you're kidding right?
No. 1953351
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>>1953338>almost every post on CICO is literally 10 lbs per year kek.Cope
>you're literally retarded if this is what you take from "I lose 10 lbs in 2 months by switching out american brands"Because you're lying and fat, the "i lost 10lbs pooping" thing and refusing to accept that either the foreign food you ate is lower calorie (and therefore, calories do matter) or you were eating less (and thus, you do eat less to weigh less) is insane.
>sorry you had to starve to lose 10 lbs while everyone else can lose that by simply not eating american food>You're literally STARVING if you eat 1300-1500 calories a day and get light exerciseThis is absolute fatbrain, kek
No. 1953355
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>>1953351And before you try "B-but that's a man", I scrolled down like 4 posts and this is a woman who lost 74lbs in 9 months.
>n-no this is cherrypickingI don't use that subreddit, but it sounds like you do. What I'm seeing isn't matching with what you claim. Please go ahead and catalog every CICO post and compare the "10lbs in a year" posters with people like this man and woman. Then we'll know who's right.
No. 1953357
>>1953352>Shouldn’t the mysterious chemicals from eating out at American restaurants prevent you from losing weight? doubting that there's anything wrong with American food at all is absolutely unhinged, as for eating out, if you actually left your bumfuck hometown there's more restaurants other than applebees and texas roadhouse that serve food with little to no processing and imported food kek.
>>1953351he looks the exact same, you haven't proven anything
>>You're literally STARVING if you eat 1300-1500 calories a day and get light exerciseyou claimed you were eating junk food kek, if you were eating 1500 a day in pure junk food that's not fulfilling or nutrient dense. No wonder you're so angry your brain is lacking vitamins
No. 1953364
>>1953357>he looks the exact same, you haven't proven anything>"People who lose 10lbs look the same anyway, hmph!"This is getting sad. It's very obvious you haven't lost weight if you think 10lbs will be a complete and total transformation.
>you claimed you were eating junk food kek, if you were eating 1500 a day in pure junk food that's not fulfilling or nutrient dense. No wonder you're so angry your brain is lacking vitaminsAre you trying to change the definition of "starving" for damage control? kek
I don't still eat junk food, because eating less made me not want it. I'm not concerned with evil American ingredients because I'm not dependent on anything like that, and I'm not an addict. Someday, you'll be able to relate nonna.
No. 1953367
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>letting retards debate about fatties
>banning me immediately for talking about way more interesting topics in this thread
the jannies have been gangstalking me and making me go crazy while they allow these retards to duke out the millionth eurofag vs burgerfag infight that happens on this website every goddamned day. kill this shit and ban these fuckers already or you’re confirmed gangstalkers towards certain users
No. 1953371
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Some anons iit need to invest in picrel and stop fighting about fat people
No. 1953379
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Gorlock did nothing wrong
No. 1953385
>>1953375You are absolutely psychotic. American and European prepackaged foods are quite literally the same, they’re owned by the same few corporations and made in the same factories, they have the exact same ingredients.
>>1953378You can look it up retard, the FDA has stricter regulations and has banned more ingredients than the EU. I hate inbred Eurodivergents so much. You can easily google it and learn something for once
>>1953372Neither of those things are true though, the average American bmi is similar to the average bmi throughout European countries, it isn’t “harder” for Americans to lose weight, and Americans do not have more health problems. What you’re saying is pseudoscience and you sound dumb
No. 1953389
>>1953370>she could've starved all 9 monthsSince she's on CICO and not r/starving, I think the most likely explanation is she
counted calories.
No. 1953406
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>>1953385>You are absolutely psychotic. American and European prepackaged foods are quite literally the same, they’re owned by the same few corporations and made in the same factories, they have the exact same ingredients. Ausfag from the Seychelles, so neither Euro nor burger, but sure they use the same ingredients but there's a definite difference in quality, for example something like American import chocolate tasting like puke and Coke having different tastes depending on what country you get it from.
Also observe picrel.
No. 1953418
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>>1953385>American and European prepackaged foods are quite literally the sameThey literally are not the same. This is something you can easily find online by searching, pic rel as an example.
Links to ingredient lists for just this product, USA vs UK (ASDA is owned by Walmart/is the UK equivalent):
>USA:>UK: No. 1953426
>>1953418The difference is high fructose corn syrup vs pure sugar, and that’s one single example. A lot of prepackaged foods in the EU have higher sugar content than the same prepackaged foods in the US, like bread for example. Eurodivergents love to drool and scream about how American bread is like cake and we don’t have fresh bakery bread, but European prepackaged bread has more sugar then ours and our prepackaged great is located in the same area of every grocery store as the bakery, where you can buy fresh bread.
Side note
>” Many people have misconceptions about regulations concerning high fructose corn syrup in the European Union, or EU. Contrary to common opinion, high fructose corn syrup isn't banned in Europe. Referred to as isoglucose or glucose-fructose syrup in this region, use of high fructose corn syrup is restricted because it's under a production quota. >The production quota for high fructose corn syrup is intended to ensure fair agricultural/economic development across all territories in the EU and is not related to the health concerns many public health authorities have regarding the proliferation of high fructose corn syrup in the food supply. The EU quota was first established in 2005, then amended in 2007, and further amended in 2011. The 2011 alteration was to allow for the production of more high fructose corn syrup, as current demand in the EU outpaces supply.”(ban evasion) No. 1953432
>>1953415All the massive sugary drinks and pastries and cakes that they have for lunch don't count, because they walked all the way to the cafe, burning off 800 calories in the 10 minutes it took to get there. Obviously.
Everywhere I've worked I've had coworkers who blaze through tea and biscuits. They go through at least 2 packs of biscuits a day just mindlessly dipping them into tea and munching away while staring at a screen. Most of them aren't even eating something that could potentially have been called 'healthy' once upon a time, like digestives, it's all custard creams and bourbon fingers. And they wonder why they're on the larger side. One of my old coworkers used to be permanently on a diet, but ate multiple entire bars of chocolate at her desk throughout the day, every day, because of some bullshit excuse she'd come up with. She went to the gym once a month for like 20 minutes, cried about how fat she was, and went home to eat more chocolate. I do feel bad for her but holy shit she was exhausting.
No. 1953437
>>1953430The last one is only true in food deserts, in places known for fresh produce like California everyone goes to farmers markets and eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables everyday, people who don’t are considered freakish.
The exercise thing is true but that’s because of how huge the US is, in Europe you can drive 45 minutes and be in a different country, and you can walk to school or work or to run errands.
In California you can drive 18 hours straight and still be in California, and it’s harder to walk places because everything is spread out instead of being crammed into tiny villages filled with inbred garbage tards.
No. 1953471
>>1953468i addressed this in here
>>1953463the few times small rural areas get a chance to boom it just turns into mini californias and everything just goes up kicking out all residents, then everything just downfalls all together. This happened to lake towns in Idaho now everyone is trying to desperately sell resorts and businesses for half the price because it didn't get filled with magical rich people like they predicted and the rest of residents keeping the area alive all had to leave
No. 1953505
>>1953478I do really hate how blacks across America behave, it’s really just American
POC’s that everyone agreeably hates, not normal ones.
(global rule #7) No. 1953539
>>1953478idk, i was doing a study abroad in ireland these dudes freaked out on the one black dude in our group for dancing with white girls (me and my friends) at a bar and had him kicked out. my
husband wasnt allowed inside a lot of business when he visited korea
No. 1953544
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tila tequila walked so pakichan could run
No. 1953731
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Maledom shit SUCKS
No. 1953877
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No. 1953919
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>>1953886…but servicing the people is what I do as an artist.
No. 1954086
>>1953949I agree. It feels like such a moid term. All the movies including it are all written and directed by men too.
No. 1954540
>>1954193Honestly I have this issue with english language music but Italian is my other main language and I have zero problem keeping up with the latest stuff and idk why that is. English wise I am still listening to Jimmy Eat World and In This Moment like I’m 19 and in a band
take me back to 2013 kek but Italian I listen to the most current rap/trap/pop. Do any other multilingual nonnas have a similar thing?
No. 1954591
I think that women should be more relaxed with pregnancy/fertility problems.
idk what happened with my facebook algo but it's been forcing me to see women that desperately want children, iui failed procedures, harvesting eggs gone wrong and them breaking down crying…like I get it, I get it that you want children but I believe that if the body says no, it's no because it could go wrong or the baby could die randomly (saw that happen)
With all the men that baby trap women, single moms with no breaks from their children, women that end up homeless with children and such, in this year and age I don't think it's that big of a deal being not able to have children. Those procedures are dangerous and spendy and you have to fight against your own body to achieve even just a tiny possibility. Being "infertile" is not a shame and basically tells us that we need to be able to conceive to be valuable or something. I have PCOS, I'm sterile, having children wasn't in my plans even before discovering it but now that I know that I cannot conceive, my life hasn't changed that much. I'm okay with it. I'll live for me. PCOS's infertility is the least of the problems, it's been years since I'm getting treated to be okay, with hormone balancers, watching my diet and shit, I need to live for me because if I do not take care of my body and focus only on fertility treatments, of fucking course they're gonna fail if I ignore all other aspects, if I change my mind one day.
Infertile men should take bigger shame because they're only built for that and yet fail.
Able to conceive a kid? Cool. Not able? Also cool. Even worse: being kinda forced to have iuis because your moid wants children and you want to make him happy? Nah it's not it girl. See the mother role the only role that can add value to yourself? Snap out of it, girl, because you're gonna waste so much money and time on uncertain procedures, there are women that are on a wheelchair from said procedures, totally not worth it if they succeed but you end up disabled.
I'm not shaming motherhood, I'm shaming compulsive motherhood like that's something absolutely necessary to a woman's life that they get groomed into thinking that infertility is a death sentence. Chill more about that. Be the cool aunt. Shame infertile moids instead.
No. 1954596
>>1954592NTA but this is another huge issue. I know women trying for kids with moids who are genuine scum of the earth simply because they see them as a man who will impregnate them and “be a father,” when they would be better off doing artificial insemination, or better yet, adoption, or engaging in another form of childcare like being a preschool teacher. It’s selfish to the point of almost being evil sometimes. Forcing new kids into a world with an
abusive father, or women who also obsessively want to give birth so badly they keep having severely disabled children that continually die or live massively reduced lives with massive suffering and zero QoL. I have very little sympathy for it. Children are other living human beings, not pawns in a personal dream.
No. 1954665
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this is absolutely destroying jounalism
No. 1954670
>>1954591PCOS should make you infertile (very unlikely to get pregnant) but not sterile (impossible to get pregnant). You should probably check your terminology with your doc again just to make sure you're actually sterile and not just infertile. There've been women who thought their PCOS meant they didn't need birth control only to be met with unpleasant surprises down the line.
The women who are undergoing through these procedures are put on tons of hormones, every emotion they feel are probably significantly amplified. It's not surprising at all that they would be breaking down and crying.
No. 1954684
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>>1954677And 10+ years before that you would have had to pay for a subscription to that magazine or find it in a store to read the article. Some organizations like NYTimes do workarounds like bulk subscriptions to schools but magazine and journal publishers are dying because nobody pays to read anymore.
No. 1954788
>>1954780I don't think they think they're particularly special, there are many reasons to want children of your own biology outside of ego.
Health issues, genetic traits, behavioural reasons, cultural reasons etc.
No. 1954797
>>1954788Most of the times, it's the bio parents who don't know that they carry the same defective gene that don't even bother get tested that end up giving birth to very disabled children and usually the situation ends up in the mom massively coping and the dad being absent. You bet that these little shits believe stuff like "children by blood!!!" and then they end up with stuff like the Hartley Hooligans because they sure don't stop at the first child.
Want bio kids? Fine. Get tested then. Anyone who sees kids like they're "minimes" that will lead their so called legacy are delusional, even worse if they are born disabled. If you can procreate healthy kids it's fine, if you can't or can't procreate children at all stop being so obsessed with that idea because you can't play god because if your body can't handle kids, what makes you think you can handle all those procedures and then a kid?
>"B-but nonna wanting only healthy kids is dystopic!!"And birthing disabled children is egoistical as fuck, your point? Birthing screaming sacks of meat that will end up chained somewhere once you die, only because you wanted a biokid, isn't dystopic? Taking care of a bio, disabled kid that forces you at home for the rest of your life is good, even on your health? A lot of people should stop thinking about themselves when they think about children, entitled and cold little shits.
No. 1954804
>>1954742what you're saying makes you sound like one of those ASL activists who complaint about people getting cochlear implants instead of 'just accepting it'.
also contrary to anons here, most adoption agencies will tell you that adoption is not a treatment for infertility and people shouldn't treat it as such.
>>1954797if a couple is doing infertility treatments, they've probably already got their genes tested somewhere along the way and most generally get their embryo's genes tested too.
No. 1954812
>>1954788>health issuesYou won’t know if you make fucked up kids until you’re already gestating them. And if you have health issues yourself you already know you could pass them. If you adopt it’s basically the same chance of something going wrong, less actually because they got through the point for diseases that affect fetuses and infants.
>genetic traitsHow is this a reason? Why are you that invested in your kid looking like you? It’s fucking weird.
>behavioral issuesKids aren’t pets. If they have behavioral issues you work with them to get help. Your own birthed kids could just as likely have behavioral issues. How many retarded moids are out there that should have been culled by their bio parents for hurting animals and girls?
>cultural reasonsThe kid you adopted is your kid. Regardless of what race they are they share your same culture. Because they are being raised in your culture.
No. 1955208
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Sweets with fruits taste horrible and they are better off without them, same with fruit mixed things like strawberry chocolate bars
i'm very sad that i can't like that stuff
No. 1955504
>>1955488KEK don't worry i really wish i could enjoy these things, i wrote that after i was trying to eat chocolate covered strawberries but i just couldn't, even if i love those 2 things separated
>>1955283Yeah i get it, i'm italian and i think people are careful with things like this but i just really don't like the mix of the tastes and how juicy fruits are compared to creamy or dry sweets, on paper and visually they look great to me but everytime i try them i just don't like them.
>>1955437Yeah actually jams are the only things i'm kinda okay with but only if i put them on a slice of bread
I'm so sad nonas i want to enjoy cute sweets with fruits…
No. 1955753
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single straight men should not be allowed to adopt children (especially girls), gay men (single or a couple) should not allowed even near children.
No. 1955858
>>1955842i don't understand why the death penalty is implemented for murder but not cases where the
victim ultimately survives but is left with severe life-lasting trauma or physical injuries that will have to be treated for the rest of their lives. the perpetrator has still completely destroyed someone's life and caused irreparable harm.
No. 1956043
>>1955955>Source: my intrusive thoughts turned out to be true and I am constantly haunted by the knowledge.Counterpoint: Just don't do bad shit. Some of your thoughts being fucked up and/or (self-)destructive doesn't really matter as long as you still have a code of ethics, and act by that.
I used to think I was a bit of a sociopath after taking this approach to intrusive thoughts, but I think it's better this way. Not haunted anymore.
No. 1956226
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A small% partial solar eclipse is more interesting than 99%. More unique shape than just a thin crescent. Obviously 100% is best though.
No. 1956346
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Lunar eclipses are superior to solar because you can stare directly at the moon the entire time and watch it shift without going blind.
No. 1956514
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Women who commit statutory rape crimes like this should get lighter sentences than men who commit them and I don’t care if that’s a double standard. No young man or young boy is going to be traumatized by some young blonde shotacon. The only people who get upset in these situations are women getting upset on the boys behalf, while they’re joking that they wish it were them.(baiting)
No. 1956520
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>>1956516Not saying it’s right but if men aren’t going to take sexual crimes against themselves seriously then why should I?
No. 1956666
>>1956634based and true. I will extend that to "write" in addition to read. Women's dark fiction usually feels like they're letting out some form of trauma inflicted on them through art. Men's is usually born from their own fucked up desires to inflict violence and trauma on others.
>>1956636I have come to believe that men and women experience sexuality (and other sensitive material) in a fundamentally different way. Women tend to compartmentalize it and view it from an objective, somewhat distanced view. Men are unable to do this.
E.g. when a woman has a particular fetish, she often will: read erotica about said thing, but never mention it to anyone. She's perfectly satisfied with this, and has no desire to bring it into her real life.
When a man has that same fetish, not only does it present as 10 times more violent and degenerate, but: he will coerce every girlfriend into participating in it, watch steadily more degenerate self-insert porn of that thing, and MUST drag it into his real life.
Men are incapable of separating themselves from the media they consume and/or create in the same way that we can.
No. 1956928
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Aoki Lee Simmons is really pretty.
No. 1956935
>>1956880LC does NOT pass the Bechdel test. Funny considering how many here identify themselves as Radfems and what not.
>>1956919Nah that's good. Else they sneak in here like on CC
No. 1956953
>>1956941I agree. Abortions for rape
victims should be mandatory by law. Women who keep them are not in their right mind from trauma. It's not fair to them or the offspring. Imagine finding out you're a rape baby.
No. 1956963
>>1956958>>1956955Samefag but before the lesbians joined in pride marches, homos allowed the North American Man/Boy Love Association in and associated with them. Lesbians joined and kicked them the fuck out. Homos have no issue with holding hands with pedos and there is a long history literally to the start of gay pride marches that proves it.
During a NAMBLA meeting they were going over how they could gain access to children easier, one of which was pushing that homos are exactly the same as your neighbor, lawyer, friendly postman and to hide their deviance.
Also drag queen/gay story times for children was listed. You can see it in society today how children are being groomed and parents are happily offering up their children on a plate. Its demonic.
Homo men are sexual deviants and should be treated as such, they could not stop bumfucking eachother to literally save their life.
No. 1956964
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>>1956788Men who look like their mum are more attractive tbh
No. 1956987
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>>1956788I think it depends, I've seen examples wof tall men marry short women and end up with medium to slightly tall sons and I think certain masculine featurers can look good on women if they style themselves well, pic semi-related .
No. 1957027
>>1956995Youre on the money
>>1956992You will continue to be used by men and wonder why youre mental health is taking a nosedive. If anything youre the misogynist for being pro casual sex.
No. 1957032
>>1956936Casual sex per se doesn't bother me. Although I think the "I can have sex with men and feel nothing emotionally/mentally" is a sort of pre programmed libfem spiel most of the time.
What bothers me are women who come on here and make grand, manifesto chan style pronouncements about loathing men, finding them repugnant and then being physiologically incapable of going without a man's dick inside their mouth or pussy every month. Shit is just kinda embarrassing you know?
No. 1957052
>>1957047You cant deny that having casual sex wrecks women.
Women should stop offering up their bodies to men, full stop.
It only benefits men at the detriment to women, that's misogynistic.
If you're having casual sex I dont look down on you, I pity you for being so naive that you've been tricked by men.
No. 1957100
>>1957070I was waiting for someone to come in and warn us all we'd be raped if we seek out sex. Like clockwork. So women who have casual sex are raped, impregnated, diseased fleshlights with ruined minds and bodies according to some in this thread. And this is a feminist/misandrist take somehow. Do you people even hear yourself?
Glad there's always someone on here to remind us we can only be
victims and the only solution is to stay virginal. You're just protecting us poor naive women. Some of you would made great christian sex ed teachers.
No. 1957116
There are Eurodivergents on this website who will believe this video.(trying to start the same retarded infight again)
No. 1957131
>>1957059Yes. And yes. Some actually did. Go check out r/living_in_korea and r/lifeinjapan. Every other week there's either a lolcow worthy story of some white woman divorcing her Japanese or Korean husband. Some of them are genuinely harrowing too, like the girl with a drug addict family who was groomed by a Korean guy online and he ended up beating her up regularly after they had a kid.
Those subreddits regularly have hilarious/horrifying marital stories that fly under the radar.
No. 1957136
>>1957090This is why I don't put too much stock in nonnas who make their entire personality about how they were "groomed" when they're usually moidchan tier porn addicts who are just as into choking and degradation as the moids they meet online. Zero sympathy. They're a huge part of the reason choking and sexual violence is so fucking normalized.
Take your dark sanrio shit aesthetic and crocodile tears about muh grooming and fuck off.
No. 1957154
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>>1957101Not unpopular at all in the US
No. 1957170
>>1957116This woman makes a lot of videos about how stupid and incorrect xenophobic Europeans are, she’s fun to watch. And before the all the euro trash here start panicking and screaming, she’s an Italian woman herself, she’s just lived in different European countries and the US so she knows firsthand that the myths Europeans made up about the US are silly
(trying to start this retarded infight again) No. 1957259
>>1956987What's the source of this image?
I notice a lot of male mating strategy involves public relationship with the left, while pump and dumping the right. They cheat on the left with the right a lot too. (Of course they project that dual mating strategy onto us)
No. 1957265
>>1957249you guys exaggerate the kpop thing just like asian dudes themselves do, if we're exclusively talking about white women, which is, without any conceit, all ricecels seem to be interested in, then the majority still think asian men in general are not really that attractive.
t. I went through an incredibly cringe phase when I was younger of wanting to be an "ally" to asian men and now I just find them ugly.
No. 1957350
>>1957270Doubtful, they’re just cashing in on the true crime viewers and they’ve found another source of
victims to exploit for their own gain.
No. 1957666
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Nerdy men were always degenerate and misogynistic. The only difference between them now and before is that they troon out. And it's usually other nerdy men who convince them to do so.
No. 1957737
>>1957666I mean wasn't it always that way? jocks are better because they can easily be manipulated out of their fratbro attitude but not nerds, nerds stick too much with the stuff that they like and make them happy, jocks don't have that, jocks are happy with sports, meat, sex and that's it whenever they don't have any of that they go full depresso, nerds are always into all other shit that might not give them more friends nor give them sex or a girlfriend but they are okay with that, that's why all of these weirdos will throw a fit over their star wars, star trek or doctor who changing or experimenting with newer stuff, they won't change what they are into even if that means to get into weirder shit.
So if you ever feel like having fun get yourself a jock, they are brainless and don't have real feelings.
No. 1957789
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>>1957751Would it be an unpopular opinion to say that moids are every bit as much, if not then even more drama-inducing than women are stereotyped to be? Not gonna dig through a backstory but from what I've personally seen and experienced, men are exactly just as two-faced, gossiping, lying, manipulative snakes in the grass that even try to tear down your reputation and life, just what they always like to paint women as. It almost kills me that moids like to flap their lips at women for being "horrible friends" and for being instagators at ruining other people's lives, when males are the
exact same fucking way, and that's not even getting into the part where they kill everyone they love and then themselves when their life hits the fan.
No. 1957794
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>>1957789turns out people can be fucking wacko despite sex, which is why it has come full circle to this sort of bullshit
No. 1957795
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>>1957789It is unpopular, but you are correct. For some reason society just upholds this mass delusion of men being le rational sex despite plainly being responsible for virtually all violent crime. I will let someone more articulate than me explain.
No. 1957824
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No. 1957839
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>>1957806Yes. I will edit makeup onto things that used to scare me.
No. 1957990
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>>1957926I'm this anon
>>1957833For one, I technically started my sentence with "seriously", and I think my point stands that whoever says faggot shit like "ugggh why cant loclow users be more funny??? They're justifying the stereotype that women arent funny!!" is either on some NLOG shit, or a moid. Two, I'm not even the other anon that got into a bickering about newfags. You're confusing multiple anons right now. If you're trying to minimod, do it right.
No. 1958385
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I don't think physical discipline is the worst thing that a parent can do to their child. I don't think hitting your kids is okay and I won't be hitting mine, but consistent discipline ("if you do xyz again, you're getting spanked" and then actually following through) is probably less damaging than the absolute chaos of getting mentally and emotionally tortured by your parents at a young age. I am convinced that my childhood gave me brain damage because my mom tried ignoring me, shouting at me, lying to me, hiding things, fake crying, real crying, destroying my belongings, taking my doorknob away, taking my door away, isolating me from my friends, body shaming me, fat shaming me (at 10 years old), and plenty of other things I've probably memory-holed. All of that could not have been good for my developing brain. If all she did was spank me when she already said she was going to, I would probably be fine now. I hypocritically don't trust people who proudly talk about hitting their kids because I don't trust people and figure they aren't consistent and just probably like beating their kids into submission.
No. 1958387
>>1958384I think not wanting to eat
any vegetables when you're like thirty would qualify for being a picky eater. NTAYRT though.
No. 1958559
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>>1958554>this is how male masturbation is cringe picrel is me eating the brick so I can find where and how did you get that point out of my post kekkkkk
No. 1958564
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>>1958562seeing picrel almost makes me want to become an incel. this is so unnatural and weird, his sexy ass shouldn’t be with her but I get that men will fuck just about anything and that they don’t really have any standards. sniff, he’s practically damaged goods now..
(ATJ sperging from the celebricows thread) No. 1958603
>>1958587he used to be so cute like how the hell can I not seethe about it? we talk about stupid shit here all the time, let me live.
>>1958598i’m ready to make a sacrifice for the younger ones unlike you ingrates who have a revenge of the beckys fantasy against young girls
No. 1958618
>>1958610kek no she isn’t, she’s literally hideous. does girl power have to precede honesty because she’s a clear fuggo and i’m sexy anonita with anonface. you’re getting way too personal and heated because i bet you’re as ugly and old as her and think it’s a victory that the rarest thing since pigs could fly is that an older woman was able to get with an immature sexy scrote
>>1958611anon she’s fugly as hell, how is that as far-fetched from all of the shit talk we do on here? /snow/tards would be banned left and right if they used the same catty language they did here.
(infighting) No. 1958629
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>>1958622>mediocre menlook at him. you’re lying to yourself, he’s still hot even though he’s aging like milk. that woman he’s with is just objectively ugly/ratfaced and it has nothing to do with her age, there’s infinitely prettier older women he could have been groomed by but she had to get her harvey weinstein groove on because she had infinite access to hot unobtainable men that would never look her way unless they were forced into the same vicinity which is the case on how they met. stop it look looook
No. 1958648
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>>1958629it's ok nonna, I'm sure this Chad will pick a young girl someday and you can self-insert her. he already looks like a pedo kek
No. 1958666
>>1958657I get why you'd think that but I have a ton of fun with my monochrome black stuff because I love playing with fabric texture more than color (also I'm bad at coordinating colors lol)
No. 1958682
nonnie. I remember my mom wasn't goth, but she was punk and part of both of these subcultures were DIY. So many people learned to sew their own clothing to make vests, skirts, patches etc back in the 70s and 80s. It was alive for a bit in the 90s when I was a kid, but I feel like tumblr in 2014+ killed a lot of that subculture in general. No one makes their own stuff anymore.
No. 1958923
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>>1958919He's not ever the top one.
No. 1959078
nonnie. My ex was the cattiest bitch who always had some shit to say about a woman's looks, but if I said the same thing, he would rip into me, call me jealous and try to humble me by calling me mid. Then when we broke up, he added himself to my group chat and told all my friends I raped and abused him, then after that he started a weird anti-me cult with random undesirable women from shitposting communities on Facebook.
Real, red-blooded men aren't addicted to drama, but autistic low-t beta males are.
No. 1959129
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>>1959124Engineers aren't being held criminally liable either. And something like the CNA Tower/South Wabash in Chicago is an architectural mistake because the recessed windows are a design choice and contribute to uneven glass heating and window shattering. TBH all parties should lose their licenses but glaring design flaws like this is an architectural problem before it becomes an engineering problem.
No. 1959256
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one of these days we will learn to live with AI art and sentient AI, we won't fight and we might even have AI on our side, the future is bright
No. 1959275
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i can't stand motorcyclists. they speed as fast as they can, make as much noise as possible, swerve through traffic and do dumb shit like pass cars between lanes and then turn around and say "drive extra careful around motorcyclists! they're at a higher risk of death in an accident!" like why the fuck should i care more about their safety than they do?
and they look like tools in their little biker getups.
No. 1959499
>>1957789Late, but this is absolutely true. I used to be a NLOG and would hang out with a bunch of scrote, I had a falling out with one of them. We stopped being friends, I moved on with my life, but scrote aren't human and are therefore unable to do so, he immediately started spreading weird fucked up lies about me ; that I tried to sexually assault him, tried to stab him with a kitchen knife, that I was obsessed with his ex gf and threatened to beat her up, shall I say he was a very ugly hairy tunisian and I would not have touched him with a ten foot pole ? Soon the other scrote joined him and they all made up their own vicious little lies, one said I stole money from him and insulted his dead mother, the other that I had begged him to eat me out (??? He was also a very unnattractive moid). When I learned about it I hadn't been in contact with for more than SIX years and they were still spreading those weird lies every chance they got. That's when I learned scrote are the most vicious spiteful creatures to roam the earth. Their hatred and obsession for me was so vicious I feel lucky they didn't beat me up as a bonding experience.
No. 1959542
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>>1959537shut up im not anorexic i just see this face in my head when i hear the name michelle, its not my fault
No. 1959589
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>>1959586NTA but nonna she does look kind of anorexified these days. It is saddening.
No. 1959705
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>>1959701>this is you, the sensitive anon who isn’t ready for this level of thinking at the moment you aren’t ready for this convo yet, this is for the grown ups
No. 1959708
>>1959704i'm all for nuance and mental health advocacy but let's not act like it's okay to kill your own newborn. why do you guys have to be so fucking weird
>>1959705you have no argument lmao
No. 1959754
>>1959745they fall back on rape because it's easier to defend even though there's many cases of women just resenting their infants and killing it. even though abortion isn't an option for many women around the world it's still insane to kill a living and breathing being after you've already given birth to it
No. 1959765
>>1959758How is this a pro-life argument? Being pro-life is being against abortion, which i am not. If you'd like to abort your baby, that is always preferable to
murdering it right after it was born. Because at that point it is no longer abortion, it is infanticide.
No. 1959766
>>1959748This varies from person to person, but from what I’ve seen in my work field and area, these women often come from extremely religious households who are going to guilt her and call her a “deadbeat mom” for not wanting to raise her baby. These babies are often the product of rape, incest, coercion, so naturally, they are a living embodiment of that woman’s trauma. Of course, it’s not the baby’s fault, the baby did not choose to be born, but it’s a terrible idea to put an already mentally unstable woman in the life of a baby who represents her trauma.
>>1959755I didn’t say that it’s better, I’m just explaining
why it happens and what cases I can sympathize with. Killing a baby is an objectively bad thing, but some people genuinely are too mentally ill or do not have the option of giving that baby up. You’d be surprised at how far family, particularly husbands and fathers, are willing to go in order to force a woman to raise her child that she didn’t want. It’s still obviously a bad thing that she killed her baby, but she likely did it in desperation and not malice.
No. 1959779
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>>1959726>I assume the Alexee Trevizo case probably sparked OP's first commentThere was another recent case that sparked the discussion on postpartum psychosis and murder, mom kills 8 month old and rest of family in murder suicide. No. 1959795
>>1959779PPP is a horrible disease, and it's a byproduct of women being expected to juggle motherhood completely alone with 0 support system aside from their husband. this isn't what motherhood is supposed to be. you are supposed to have family members to help you care for your children, and unfortunately people care less and less now about assisting to mothers in their lives.
>>1959783i wouldn't wish an extreme PPP or PPD on my worst enemy, i don't think any mother deserves to kill herself or her children, but it's not shilling pregnancy to think abortion is always the better decision and that infanticide is wrong.
No. 1959798
>>1959779I read this case when it broke and her Twitter account. I think she did have psychosis related to spirituality, but that doesn't mean it was because of pregnancy. She also killed her boyfriend so she wasn't specifically targeting her daughters.
OT but based on her tweets before she passed, I genuinely believe she thought she was saving her children and boyfriend from something bad that she thought would happen during the eclipse.
No. 1959804
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No. 1959810
Motherhood is glamorized so much, that some women genuinely look forward to it, and they crash hard when they realize that it’s not sunshine and rainbows as advertised. A good amount of these women WANT to make it work. They WANT to be good, perfect mothers with loving families and a happy baby, but that’s not reality. They’ll try their best, but their best is never enough, and with his glamorized motherhood is, they probably believe they’re doing something wrong. I can’t even count how many mothers who kill their babies say it’s because they were afraid of the damage they’d do to this child, and wanted them to die peacefully. That is the logic of a broken, empty woman who has hit rock bottom when she expected to be flourishing. I think that if we were honest about how much being a parent sucks, and stripped down the appeal of a new baby with the reality of what work it is, there would probably be a lot less infanticide cases. Some women are not meant to be mothers, and that’s okay.
>t. A mother (not trad-chan)
No. 1959812
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>>1959799I forgot she was big on twitter, here are a couple of her last tweets. Creepy and sad.
No. 1959822
>>1959817Ok then I guess the word "logic" aside, you're still
aware that you will be apprehended if you commit murder against any living being.
No. 1959844
>>1959838But you chose to carry the pregnancy to term, you made the decision to go forth with the physical deterioration that is caused by gestation, giving birth, and the post partum process. Instead of choosing to either get an abortion or consume abortifacients, you choose to carry the baby to term just to kill it. Hell, some mothers, like the one linked above, allow their children to live for months or even years before then killing the child. When you
choose to have the child, it becomes your responsibility to assure the childs safety, or else the law will serve its necessary justice against you for murdering a child. You don't have to kill something that caused you grievous bodily harm, because you can go to the fire station and throw it in the box. You can go to the hospital and leave it on the front desk. You can go to an orphanage, a church, and adoption agency, and they'll welcome it with open arms, no questions asked. If you
choose to commit murder, you're choosing to face the consequences of committing murder. That includes imprisonment or institutionalization.
No. 1959850
>>1959764wouldn't the baby soup be safe to eat if you remove the central nervous system before cooking
>>1959836that's harsh. many mental issues are treatable incl. postpartum conditions. women should have a chance at treatment rahter than be sent to some asylum for life. moids can rot in jail tho
No. 1959856
>>1959850So if PPP/PPD is treatable, why would a woman choose to murder the baby instead of receiving treatment? If you're capable of committing murder against a
baby, a helpless baby, your own baby, in cold blood; you should be institutionalized permanently. Killing your own spawn is a crime that should be punishable by permanent separation from society.
No. 1959869
>>1959864no matter how "psychotic" a mother may be, she still knows that its wrong to murder her own child. we are innately wired to protect our children. women are physically capable of lifting cars off of our children if they're under one.
>>1959866it's not moralfagging at all, also i don't need to "win" because i already do succeed by not killing my damn children ♥
No. 1959882
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>>1959873bringing up the moral/legal dilemma about mentally ill women making their infants meet their maker isn’t “a-logging” it would be a-logging if I were saying the infants deserved to be thrown away and treated like trash which the point we are making is harm-reduction/harm-prevention instead of cruel punishment against women under unlucky and misfortunate circumstances. you want the same harsh punishments and crucification that moids should only deserve, you suck anon
No. 1959915
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>>1959908so she’s basically a baby mama? kek, why haven’t we created a thread about her yet? they both sound kind of milky. it makes me so sad when unbelievably beautiful scrotes believe in bullshit religions where the founder only created it to justify molesting children and married a young girl
No. 1959918
>>1959917im not trying to step on your toes
nonnie but i've been here since before i had kids and even back then i don't remember ever seeing posts saying that women with PPP should be let off the hook if they commit murder. or baby soup posts. kek
No. 1959921
>>1959904Nonna, I am a mother, and if you are a mother too, you absolutely are aware that children, annd especially babies are a pain to raise. I am incredibly lucky that I had a support system, therapy, and a partner who helped me get through it. You are also extremely fortunate, to be secure enough in your mental health that you’ve never had to feel the need to harm your child before. That is something that you should not feel shame for or be attacked about. I am not saying this to attack you at all, but not every mother gets this experience. A lot of women want to be mothers, but they don’t have the support, sanity, or relationships that it takes to support them. I understand that nonnas are nasty to mothers, but do we have to be nasty to less capable mothers? At the end of the day, these women are mentally ill, they don’t think the way we do, not by choice, but because of countless other factors.
No. 1959924
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>>1959915You know what, Nara Smith really lucked out in her marriage, considering she's mormon. From all the fucked up wife and husband combinations religion and arranged marriages like to make, she ended up getting with a young, tall, handsome man that's a fashion model and and actor with wealth. In that regard, good for her, because it seriously could've been worse.
No. 1959952
>>1959883>>1959918are you people really taking shitposts about getting prion disease from baby soup seriously? get a grip.
>>1959909based. there 100000 websites where ppl can doscuss blessed motherhood and be validated for it. i don't hate mothers at all but i hate the ones who expect you to kiss their arse for it. god forbid you should be exposed to childfree talk or hear a dead baby joke on the mean girl imageboard.
No. 1959971
>>1959956>its trendy to hate moms and childrenNah, you’re just on lolcow. Married mothers simply aren’t pandered to due to the demographics and culture here
>not a single post in this thread made by a mom stated that anyone deserves their ass kissed for having a babyI truly do not hate mothers, but did you miss the mommyposter who derailed this thread because she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to moralfag about how much better a mother she is than a literal schizo who killed her child?
No. 1960115
>>1960102>You're not better than anyone for not having sex.Yes you are kek. Gold stars exist for a reason and women are allowed to have dignity and project that dignity on other women. You coping about that is hilarious.
>Lesbians are scrotesHahahahaha. Imagine being this much of a handmaiden for moids, calling women the equivalent of moids because they don't want to fuck them. Couldn't be me.
No. 1960122
>>1960116>women having sex with their partner, you're now an honorary scrote.Women having sex with males and being critical of this makes you a male.
>when you hate them for having been "dicked down", this is moid thinking "how dare you let any (/another) male fuck you ???" just because you're a woman doesn't make it any different. Being critical of women fucking males makes you the equivalent of them.
No she very plainly did, stop lying. Regardless this is a popular opinion here because most here are handmaidens who perform misandry kek.
(infighting) No. 1960127
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>>1960122>>1960115Kek I knew those crazy, hateful opinions came from a lesbian.
No. 1960134
>>1960116>she said that being hateful towards mums and preganons is honorary scrote behavior, She actually said both; she said both women not having sex with men and projecting dignity on others and being critical of other women is male-like then she said women being critical of pregnant women are male like. Criticism of anything patriarchal is male-like lel. Somehow curiously fucking men and appeasing them is not male-like topkek.
>>1960125>i mean you rewrote the quotes yourself, I green texted. Do you know about green texting? It's a direct quote from the post which uses snippets. Also I've used this site since 2013, one space isn't Reddit spacing.
>>1960127Excellent counter argument; othering other women who are minorities in society. Delusional and homophobic.
No. 1960143
>>1960134i think you're overanalyzing the post to the point of misunderstanding it..she said that its scrotish to be hateful towards other women for deciding to have sex with a man and get pregnant, and that projecting some weird kind of superiority complex for choosing against reproducing is similarly male behavior, which really it is. i don't understand how pregnancy and giving birth is at all patriarchal to you…the
mother is the one who creates the child. the mother is the base for the childs entire being. this view you have of motherhood and other mums sounds very doomery and its just depressing to read…
No. 1960153
>>1960138The brainrot has already happened since you've 'tought' yourself to be retarded.
>and not experience motherly loveKek adoption doesn't exist. Bleak. If males obsess over womens sex lives so much and it's so pestering why continue to fuck them? It's clearly not that much of a deal breaker and clearly isn't that bad otherwise you'd reject men who do which would lead to rejecting all men. The issue is women who don't fit the mold of handmaidenry be honest.
>>1960145The argument was judging women with some lukewarm libfem mentality, you're on a site for criticism. Bullying mentally ill women blurs the line with criticism. I've seen genuine criticism of cows here then I've seen catty shit slinging with no reason other than to affirm the pecking order of handmaidenry like you are doing. Also "Biological urges to have children". I thought only trannies argued this with womb envy. Imagine a infertile woman sees this kek. Absolutely vile, some of you are absolutely fucked by misogyny.
>>1960147Is being critical the same as being rude?
No. 1960155
>>1960115shes right though?
>Gold stars exist for a reason this literally only pertains to dating, if your every day communication constantly involves on if you'd date someone or you're no better than most brain rotted ig reels moids.
>women are allowed to have dignity and project that dignity on other womenit's just a different aspiration in life. I personally wouldn't want a lot of common things that majority of people want but I don't think there's something wrong with people who don't think like me
>because they don't want to fuck themdid we read the same post? nothing the anon said even pertained to dating, it's just insane to blindly hate moms. you ended up proving her point
No. 1960156
>>1960122>Women having sex with males and being critical of this makes you a male.y-you had sex with a man that isn't me!!!
grow up
No. 1960162
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look at this stupid fucking evil scrote worshipper! how dare she lose her dignity by not fucking me and not saving herself for potentially fucking who I approve of! seethe handmaiden
No. 1960166
>>1960153Second AYRT, but the website is called lolcow. because the women who get threads made about them are cows. OP's post was about hating mothers and pregnant women as a whole, just because they are mothers. not because they are cows. also
>absolutely fucked by misogynyfor wanting to have your own child?
No. 1960168
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>>1960161retarded female mammals being fucked ! this is repulsive how dare she throw her scrote love on me
No. 1960182
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>>1960169Could it be the same lesbianon that argued that women don't get to feel bad if their husbands cheat on them because that's apparently what they get for even marrying a man? If it is, holy fuck why can't that anon let hetero women be hetero KEK
No. 1960200
>>1960191I bet you're a
terf that tells women they can be whatever they want, hypocrite
No. 1960235
>>1960231Being vile just cause you fuck moids and that's the only reason for the argument, is vile. Lying is also tyrannical. Then you all will turn around and paint yourselves as the
victims then go and be terfs who claim that society makes women hate womanhood and brainwashes them. You are the society
No. 1960236
>>1960224Wow this is some vivid imagery, what else do you imagine
No. 1960307
>>1960158>everyone who has a child knows that adoption isn't comparable to giving birth to your own child and watching it grow. its not bleak for a woman to prioritize that.You're disgusting, misognyistic and bleak. Who said motherhood was about your own genetic narcissism?
>>1960166>for wanting to have your own child?No, that's called biological narcissism.
>>1960156Who said I want to have sex with anyone here? Delusional. Cope harder.
>>1960162People aren't birds. But now that you mentioned it, male ducks do rape alot! Good point, life sure is a struggle for female animals.
>>1960182>>1960169To the homophobic man lovers schizophrenically thinking one single lesbian is posting all those posts please seek medication for your homophobia and hatred of anyone anti-handmaiden. Seek help for your homophobic catty antagonizing bullshit. I wish you good luck policing your moids from porn and their eventual cheating.
No. 1960311
>>1960307>Shit on straight women for not being monk and wanting to have babies>Cry homophobia when told to fuck offThis is why no one likes you
>>1960309Nice schizo rambling
No. 1960331
>>1960311That person reads your responses and starts masturbating, imagining anyone who doesn't agree with them is just a braindead blowjob giver. The trick is that if you agree with them, you're still feeding into the fetish because you have to affirm their other claims that women are biologically hardwired to take and lust over dick (they've posted about this extensively on /2X/). Sense cannot be talked into them, they just need to be ignored and reported.
They've posted the same spiel for years now.
No. 1960370
>>1960366NTA, but I agree. I also think if abortion is made unavailable, infanticide is a natural result, whether anyone likes it or not. Forced birthing isn't just unethical, it can only be maintained by artificial means. People keep trying to romanticize pregnancy, life and death. It doesn't work. Giving a life is hard, and so is taking it.
The "not ensouled and just ceases to exist" thing is just that one cringe twitter meme, too.
No. 1960376
>>1960372Here is an example of a woman with a slave spirit. She has no dignity and breeding more rapists means nothing to her. Seeing her rapists face on a stranger doesn't even cause her to flinch because she is submissive to the bone. She lets rapists successfuly use her as a broodmare and her main goal in life is to encourage other women to be brainless slaves like her. She thinks she's safe. She's not.
Look behind you as you walk, it might be your new baby daddy.
(baiting retard) No. 1960404
>>1960398>>1960400No you're just a unlikeable autist, even back in 2017 you would have been told to fuck off.
Keep on playing with those pads like a agp troon while you dictate what women should do with their bodies as if you are not a prime example on why forced sterilization should be implemented.
No. 1960424
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Oh my god…they're still going.
No. 1960491
>>1960442I do scroll past it, but sometimes it's 99% of the posts so it's like not being able to read an entire thread at all because it turned exactly into that. It's very frustrating when the thread topic isn't pertaining to men at all in any capacity but someone somehow finds a way to find a link and start venting away and starting a shit strom, ruining the entire thread and discussion.
>>1960444I didn't even say that. But if you want me to say something that can actually make you upset, it's that your kind doesn't have any real issues to worry about and you're no better than the privileged kids on twitter crying about their non-issues. The vents rarely warrant sympathy and can simply be solved by not dating men if you hate them so much. And if you like them, don't date bottom of the barrel ones.
No. 1960501
>>1960082The moon doesn’t influence everything. There’s different parts of your birth chart that point out influences in your life. The moon represents femininity, psychic powers, inner subconscious/unconscious realm, personal relationships with the feminine/mother/other women, it’s a good way to learn how you process emotions due to your upbringing along with the sun, which is just as important and talks about masculine influences, your soul identity and ego. These two and your ascendant (your appearance, motivations, goals, how others see you, reminds me of the function of Mars and the Sun) make up your big three. There’s way more to astrology and there’s a variety of systems, the biggest ones would be Western (tropical) and Vedic that can provide people with so much information it would take decades to learn about it and be able to do in-depth chart reading and proper predictions.
No. 1960716
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>>1960701That's definitely a white american thing. Not even just white american, I'd say it's more of a white american guy thing, because the white girls I met typically knew how to cook okay.
No. 1960783
>>1960733You can do what you like, but don’t put them on a pedestal. Remember they’re still moids. They aren’t doing you a favour by being with you, YOU are doing THEM a favour.
I’m only saying this because I don’t want black women hurt and disappointed when they find out white men can be just as
abusive and often closet racists.
No. 1960787
>>1960779In the last thread, someone was posting pictures of Sexy Redd and talking about how they find her "cute". They've posted about that and being sexually attracted to IG bimbo types with lots of surgery multiple times in the past, but in this case, an anon replied saying she found SD gross/trashy. The poster called her a white racist and started going on about how twerking is "akchelly traditional black culture". The anon then posted her arm to prove she was black and doubled down on saying she found SD trashy, and the poster immediately started foaming at the mouth and calling her a "weave-wearing self-hating sheboon". Very obvious moid whose entire exposure to black women is Twitter, pornography and /pol/ stereotypes. This is more than likely also one of his posts:
No. 1960789
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>>1960501>tfw moon in first house>tfw moon in tight conjunction to ascendant >tfw moon and asc are Capricorn >tfw moon and asc squaring Sun Fml
No. 1960803
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>>1960799I think astrologyfags might tell you that the moon as a monthly cycle just like women and their periods. Plus the moon is much nicer to look at than the sun, just like women being more hygienic and nicer on the eyes than scrotes.
No. 1960816
>>1960799moon cycles - periods, female rites of passages and milestones, motherhood, creation/creativity, intuition, it’s ruled by cancer which is known for being maternal and cancer rules the 4th house/IC (imum coeli) which is your inner world, family generations/upbringing, traditions. the sun is virility, fertility, ruled by fire sign leo which is masculine in nature. it doesn’t matter what sign or dominant planet a woman has, sometimes for example if you have more moon influences you can be a bit more sensitive and absorbent than others but a sun influence in a woman can make be perceived as “masculine” or androgynous due to gender expectations. it doesn’t matter what sex you are, the general rules still apply and it’s not “stereotypical”
No. 1960836
>>1960832Remember better next time, here it is:
>>>/ot/1945222>Samefag I think weave-wearing white dick obsessed coons like >>1945201 that self-post are even more pathetic and majorly hypocritical. Sexxy Red is a cute ghetto thuggin Stacy and you’re mad. She’s had that same racist shit you spew told to her by many just for the misfortune of her being born a poor black woman, she even publicly said she was raped only to get laughed at by a bunch of black men for saying she was which explains partly her behavior. You’re a disgusting self-hating sheboon, have some shameWon't bother reading the rest of your post. YWNBABW, dilate and rope
No. 1960856
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>I’m sorry, but I remember that infight and I don’t remember anybody calling someone a sheboon
>Samefag but she absolutely deserved to be called a sheboon
No. 1960878
>>1960854Agreed. I hate country, too, but at least it doesn't glorify gangbanging and tell young girls to ruin their lives for dick, become strippers/hookers, be "ride or die" for worthless moids, etc.
I hate that pornsick retards and libfems start sperging and call it racist whenever you call a spade a spade. Women who go full pickme and try to "cash out" through pandering to racist stereotypes (and thereby degrading both themselves and other women) don't deserve accolades or respect. There's nothing "authentic" or admirable about it, it's all just ugly.
No. 1960921
>>1960556I mean, these days women aren’t really brainwashed into doing anything. It’s popular to not be expected to have kids, most women are encouraged to go to school and get a job, not just get married and sit in the corner of the house all day. Women who make the
decision to have their own children aren’t doing it because their parents or a man told them to, it’s because we are
all (or at least the majority of normal people) hardwired to feel an urge to reproduce more children so that the world can continue moving?? If that isn’t something that sounds welcoming or enjoyable to you that’s totally fine, but to act as if women only feel the urge to experience motherhood and care for a child just for men is appalling. Think about all the single mothers and lesbian moms in this world.
No. 1960927
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>>1960919I haven't participated in the whole motherhood infight, but I don't really get it when people shame motherhood because of the implication that it'll just make you ugly. Aren't there plenty of moms who are healthy and in shape, even right after recently having a baby? I don't think motherhood itself makes you ugly, I think it's the lack of
keeping up with your body after being pregnant and giving birth.
No. 1960939
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>>1960911This. Pic very related, it's from a few months ago an turned out to be a tranny.
No. 1960966
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My unpopular opinion is that women who publicly humiliate themselves like this are retarded. Why are you okay with letting thousands of strangers know you let dudes cum on your face? I understand it's a joke, please. But why do this to yourself when your profile is public with your face in it? Imagine of all the people she knows irl who will see that comment since they follow her. It's utterly disgusting in my opinion
No. 1960979
>>1960971t. the type of users who killed dumbass shit thread
I hate you people so much.
No. 1960983
>>1960968NTA but are you arguing that… admin should
not have banned racebait…? Your logic is evading me here
No. 1960984
>>1960978All of those things are horrible and no one ever once pretended that they weren’t. You’re now trying to divert the conversation away from your own behavior, and are even going back to the original tactic of insulting mothers and calling us “cockbrained”..your behavior is misogynistic as well, however it obviously doesn’t compare to physical abuse. You don’t have to be physically
abusive to still be misogynistic and hateful against the other women in your world.
(infighting) No. 1961012
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>>1961008i don’t think you want to understand because it’s too painful to realize. i’m done explaining
No. 1961022
>>1960952Ok, but why do you defend greasy men who make rude comments.
Are you one of them.