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No. 1924412
Pride month is still far away but last year's thread was also made around March and it included all kinds of discussion including speculation of what could happen that year, so enjoy!
>Input your predictions and general thoughts. DiscussLast thread
>>>/ot/1518006 No. 1924414
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Posting this too because it was the thread's pic runner up
And my prediction for this year will be that furries will continue to dominate LGBT discussion in 2024
No. 1924497
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It's that time of year approaching again
No. 1924725
I am looking forward to all the overpriced pride junk Disney is going to put out for sale this year. They always make the tackiest fucking shit.
>>1924713bunch of newfags or just 'her' trying to falseflag since her latest bait in the fandom discourse thread backfired.
No. 1925832
>>1924710Based protestards.
>>1924700The thread pic is cringe fujoshit because it's a joke anon. This is a making fun of pride thread.
No. 1927062
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I can't wait to (hang on lemme check my bingo card)… wear a slutty outfit to pride? Maybe Walmart or Target will design one for me. As always I feel like these threads would be better if we had a separate containment thread for tradnonnies but I guess we all dream of things we cannot have.
No. 1929581
My prediction is easy; tons of Palestine flags. Because every cause has to be protested at all times. You already see it with any other leftist protest, and while Pride isn't a protest really, it generally attracts the exact same crowd and I don't doubt for a second the conflict will be brought up tons.
As for other things, I wonder if pinkwashing will be called out more, but considering these same (often teens) will still buy big corpo items because they have a rainbow or pronouns on it, I'm not too sure it will.
>>1927062I feel like I'm staring into the abyss of the worst aesthetics that were popular during tumblr all at once.
No. 1930200
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>>1929797It's already been done! kekk
No. 1930260
>>1929414not normies but other gay/bi people. I’m the only non soft gay I know.
Also can’t be open about my contempt for gay/bi moids or troons
No. 1943875
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I predict 2024 will be the year of the intersectional pride pileup. We're about to find out how many identities can fit into one movement. Also, someone might get stabbed.
No. 1943951
>>1943944Once marriage equality was achieved and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was overturned in the US, all the gay non-profits were shitting themselves because they were about to become irrelevant. Instead of pivoting to eradicating homophobia globally, these retards made up the tranny genocide and now look where we are. Even in America, people are becoming more homophobic because the mainstream LGB orgs hitched their wagon to a disgusting and
toxic movement. It’s a fucking shame what’s happened. The US LGB movement could’ve made a huge difference in the world
No. 1946830
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Amazing. So many clashing colours, so little time.
No. 1946842
>>1946830Ah yes, Pride is about celebrating everyone in the GBTBBBB* community
*gay bi trans black brown black brown
No. 1946888
>>1946848Rainbows are transphobic now.
No. 1946923
>>1946842I always wonder how conservative
POC feel about this flag
No. 1947033
>>1946830This is such a joke, they can't be serious. Isn't the rainbow supposed to be all-inclusive to begin with?
>>1946837The rainbow flag is supposed to represent all of LGBT, gay men have their own specific flag like lesbians do. I guess the flag is accurate in having troons and bihets take over gay spaces.
No. 1947569
>>1924606>female imageboardMa’am all we do is talk about men here. BL/yaoi, husbandos, ugly fictional male characters, handsome men, ugly men, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, tims, drag queens, male celebrities.
Pick your type of moid.
Female-centric threads are hilariously dry and slow, outside if gossip ofc.
No. 1954337
>>1954310Being charitable, it's an excuse to have fun, I guess. It just seems hollow now compared to what it used to be.
>>1954313>>1954289If gayborhoods and gay bars/clubs wanted to run special promotions for the day that's one thing but the parades themselves feel like a whole lotta hoopla for a whole lot of hoopla now and it's inconvenient for everyone else because it displaces traffic.
No. 2015747
>>2015709when my gay friend turned 25 he was like "I might as well be dead" I was like ??????
then he clarified, that in the gay community you're basically a grandpa after that. men age a lot faster than women do though maybe they have a point.
No. 2015790
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>>2015747Gay men and their obscenely delusional standards WBK. If they left everyone else alone it would be fine but this new brood are obsessed with bullying women and believing in their minds its their birthright and they need to be put in their place. Like no. YOU ARE A HAIRY APELIKE AGING MALE. LEAVE WOMEN ALONE.
No. 2015794
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Last year, she was one of the few people using the original rainbow flag. She also came out as a lesbian in her book, so I thought she was maybe on our side regarding LGB. However, this year she released an action figure with the troon flag. She was also on Ru Paul’s Drag Race recently so I guess that’s that.
Maybe dumb but I thought her merch last year was more tasteful and like I said previously she was one of the few that didn’t transition to the tranny flag then. Disappointing. Being a lesbian I wonder if she actually supports troons or is just doing it to remain relevant and not take a hit to her career.
No. 2015837
>>2015800I dont know why some of you have to lie so much. Its not just some twitter girls. Its almost every female community and that involves real life.
Both in high school and in college there was always that gay man who was part of a female friend group and he would always bully other outcast girls together with those women becauae he thinks he is part of those girls (aka regina george).
I even saw a video recently of a gay man and his female friends who were taunting this other student, and he kept calling her a slut and talking about her sex life and when she got pissed off and insulted him back for being gay then he beat her up and everyone said it was her fault.
Honestly whether it be a gay man or a straight man, women will worship it and love it unconditionally.
I get really surprised when women act like gay men care about womens rights becauae in my experience it has been the total opposite and i have met only extremely mean, hostile and misogynistic gay men.
The only women gay men care about is sexualized female singers/celebs/influencers and thats because they use those women to self-insert.
Who gives a fuck about some fag defending charli xcx when that is the same faggot who says how female domestic violence
victims lie and that many women have things to gain by lying.
No. 2015989
>>2015884Im not that anon, i don't agree with them alogging you. Im the one who gave you the the response which made you call me a grandma and then a retarded esl.
But its actually hilarious how your saying "i was agreeing with you" when you never did that. Are you doing some form of troon tier gaslighting or are you just one of those bpd infighters.
No. 2015992
>>2015987>Most gay men are just boring normie moids that enjoy Golden Girls or whateverAnon wtf are you talking about. These ARE the most misogynistic gay moids.
(formatting) No. 2016169
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My town has an all ages “DIY hormone therapy/gender biohacking” workshop, meant to destigmatise DIY transition because self harm needs to be destigmatised apparently. Pic related.
I’m not seeing any furry or ageplay shit on the official website but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time, because last year there were puppy pride flag posters all over the city centre, including the playground and the area where they were holding toddler dance workshops. I had to look that one up because I didn’t recognise it and it was worse than I had imagined.
No. 2017352
>>2015837this post is based and factual, my ex best friend for years is a gay moid. gay men see us as competition and cope by believing women are lesser, plus they think being all "heh heh women are retarded am i right" will get them laid with a straight guy. i've never had any male be so rude (to my face at least) to me and we were close friends for a long time. it was so jarring especially when i ended the friendship officially
>>2015987idk mine was a normie who watched golden girls but had to always start drama everywhere he went. he hated femme guys and was obsessed with "looking straight" (he didn't)
No. 2018024
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I think this year people will keep in mind non-binary stuff more but I doubt it will have any impact since everything has to be about trans and war. Also remember how the "trans genocide" was a thing until the war happened? Kek
But yeah basically because of this year's Eurovision I think non-binary men (focus on men) will be more vocal. Doubt it'll have the same cultural impact as Conchita Wurst had though.
No. 2018390
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It's gonna be a rough June this time around. I hate seeing the corporate drivel and the genderspecials compete to see who can be cringier and more out of touch.
No. 2022160
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If the pride month fairy (picrel) chose to grant you one wish this June, what would you ask for and why? disclaimer: he won't give you a gf because he's a dick
No. 2022167
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>>2022160To peak the whole world against troons
No. 2022180
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>>2022160>>2022167>>2022175the world when the LGB officially oust the TQ+
No. 2023018
>>1954267I live in a conservative state so even if gay marriage is legal in America I kind of understand why local events would matter for the sake of meeting friends/community. But in blue states and periodically selling rainbows every June? Who gives a shit? It makes me scream how liberals and queers will talk about how "capitalism is bad" but then buy Disney pride flag merchandise. One of the Targets in my city stopped selling rainbow merch because of backlash from the Republican majority, so it's only just making money off people when it's safe to. This wouldn't have happened in the 90s because it wasn't profitable.
>>2015794>Being a lesbian I wonder if she actually supports troons or is just doing it to remain relevant and not take a hit to her career.I have a hard time believing a woman as old as her would wholeheartedly believe in TWAW or think that lesbians can date TIMs, but I don't blame celebrities and public figures for holding their tongue about TQ. You saw what happened to JKR for speaking out. She sounds like a faghag that likes drag queens and HSTS TIMs which a lot of liberal 50+ women do. My mom is her age and is skeptical of AGPs being real women but has tons of gay male friends.
No. 2023660
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Not in my Gielinor!! The Elder Gods would not want this!
No. 2025592
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>>2023660fellow scaper
nonnie! ♥ they have been pushing the pride events hard the past couple years. i cringe so bad when i see trannies wearing their cosmetic trans items. picrel nasty tranny i see sulking regularly in w302 vwest bank
No. 2026729
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>>2026199i've played since 2007 and played osrs since the day it came out, the first pride event was 2017 and i was taking a break at the time but it apparently had huge backlash. i dont remember if it was mod mmg or mod mat k but some jmod interviewed saying the riots were from outside anti-lgbt groups but makes no sense because why would randos who arent familiar with rs norms or culture like how we riot know to set up cannons in fally square or wear pink or know how to/what to spam lmao. what veteran player would believe that. and who are they even trying to attract to the game, it's extremely popular with autists and they know unless they fuck up really bad again we're going to keep playing and paying for membership anyways. the pride events seem to be written by ten year olds and the only pride gear i see players sporting is the tranny shit. i bet this year's event will have a special focus on troons.
No. 2026738
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rs3's events are even worse tho. 2022 featured:
-an "aromantic asexual dragonkin"
-armadyl the god of justice is a gay man
-tranny elf
-gay werewolf couple
-zanik the cave goblin is bisexual and apparently is attracted to the player (you) and a milkmaid. maybe it's just me but i assumed zanik was like 14 years old.
No. 2027251
>>2026729Do you only play osrs? I play the up to date version Runescape which I think is RS3? I'm so surprised osrs is doing this because it was my impression it was supposed to be like classic, traditional 2007scape without the new skills and events. I checked out some old reddit posts about it after I found out about the pride event and saw how much backlash it caused, it seems like a good majority are not wanting pride to be incorporated in the game and then the pro pride group are just shouting them down and calling them homophobic/transphobic. There's even people who are so pro pride they say the events aren't good enough and more needs to be incorporated into everyday game play. It's so lame, this is why games and companies should never bend the knee to troons and twittergays, it's never good enough they always want more. But yeah that would make no sense for the anti pride riots to be coming from outsiders, there would be no point for random people to make accounts just to riot, if they don't play the game why would they care enough to do so kek. I saw on the reddit that one user was permabanned for "offensive speech" which is crazy to me, some people put decades and hundreds if not thousands of dollars into building their accounts. I would be so heartbroken to get banned after that, I didn't even know users could get permabanned.
>>2026738Omg nooo what the fuck, I thought Zanik was a kid too. I honestly haven't done many quests but I'm trying to do more so I have more access to locations and things, but from what I remember stuff like romance and relationships were never a heavy theme throughout them. I remember there was a romeo and juliet quest I did like 10 years ago but that's the only one that sticks out to me. I'll be so fucking sad if RS goes down the troon pipeline and makes literally everything catered to them and twittergays, it's so unnecessary. And I hope they don't change old quests to always include a tranny, or straight up nuke certain quests or characters out of fear of them being offensive or something. I never thought RS would end up going down this path, it's so disappointing.
No. 2028835
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I hate these degenerates for both ruining pride and our image
No. 2029487
>>2029354>hiv testingKEKK sounds like a male pride where males can be as degenerate as possible while calling it queer and progressive. Don't go anon.
>>2028835Isn't this like… a crime? Pretty sure you can't flash people with your moobs and ass, especially if children are there. I feel bad for those girls, you can tell they're tired and disgusted.
No. 2029589
>>2015794I think that Elvira is a consummate businesswoman who has been making money off of marketing her image for the last 50 years, and she (perhaps correctly) decided that it’s more profitable to pander to the queer market that uses the woke pride flag (since these are the people who throw money at stripey socks and spinny skirts from Amazon, pronoun pins, etc.) at the risk of alienating the older LGB crowd who prefers the original flag.
As a lesbian, Elvira has been marketing a sexualized image of herself to coomer moids for the last 50 years. I remember right after she came out, I was listening to a podcast with a TIM guest, and he was gushing about how excited he was that she was a lesbian just like him. I’m sure that Elvira sees it as the most profitable to continue marketing herself to coomer moids, and these days a bunch of coomer moids call themselves transwomen and demand that stuff have the troon flag.
No. 2030039
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what happened
No. 2030081
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>>2030039Not gatekeeping the trannies and porn and fetish becoming more and more prevalent and visible in gay men culture because surprise surprise gay men are like any other scrote
No. 2030083
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I am a russian febfem, so my expectations for pride month every years are as such:
>western people engage in even more retarded idpol every year, invent a thousand more flags, act degenerate, become even more hateful and divided as a community and towards each other over their own retardation and degeneracy, twelve hundred pointless kink at pride discussions, women erasure as always, TWAW to the point that trannies do absolutely reprehensible and criminal shit while being untouchable WHILE whining about being literally genocided, uglier and uglier rainbows everywhere to the point where not even the proud gays would buy the merch because it looks gross.
While I sit behind my PC in a country where wearing a single vaguely rainbow thing will not only get you hatecrimed, but possibly in jail for 15 days and heavily fined for "propaganda".
Yay, pride month, or whatever.
No. 2030217
>>2029487Yeah pride is clearly an event for the """sexually liberated""" regardless if they are gay or not, it really does include everyone now. It's more of a celebration of deviancy and loud flamboyant shit, it clearly was turned into something where faghags and males thrive. Like, it really is male oriented if you think about it, it's all about trannies, drag queens, puppy dog men, bdsm, women with straight husbands, and tifs.
We really need to decenter men and come up with our own Lesbian-Bi female alliance type of celebration. I think it's pretty much impossible though. But it would be nice to see women starting to organize this type of event with no males on the spotlight. Gay men can attend too I guess just not the degen ones.
No. 2030218
>>2030083>While I sit behind my PC in a country where wearing a single vaguely rainbow thing will not only get you hatecrimed, but possibly in jail for 15 days and heavily fined for "propaganda".Yay, pride month, or whatever.
I mean it's not like pride month was created for or by russians let's be real.
No. 2030536
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SF Pride is now centering furries and weed companies. This is at the top of the site right under the list of events.
Looking back over archived versions of the site from past years, it's both funny and sad how the focus shifted away from marriage equality and anti-discrimination laws to basically just a free for all kinky party. What's been consistent from the early 2000s though is the trans inclusion, corporate sponsors (media, alcohol, travel, and pharma companies mainly), and celebrity guests.
They used to have a "heritage photo gallery" of flyers for past events, which is no longer featured. I guess they've forgotten their heritage. Pride used to be called Gay Freedom Day in the 70s, then switched to International Lesbian and Gay Freedom Day in 1982, then it became LGBT Pride in 1995.
No. 2030577
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>>2030083This reminded me how hypocritical the whole corporate pride is. The company I work for has the cutesy rainbow flags going on but happily sells products to countries in which being homosexual is illegal and where homosexuals get killed. Same with virtue signaling of womens rights.
No. 2030590
>>2023660>>2025592Third Runescaper nonna (osrs only), holy fuck I'm surprised they'd add this type of shit in osrs. Been playing for some years but never encountered anything like picrel (thank god) and usually I didn't play the game in summer so damn I didn't know there's a pride event… topkek
I haven't played in a while and now I kinda want to, it would be really cool if all 3 of us met in-game
No. 2030593
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>>2026738This is so fucking dystopian, what do fucking sexualities have to do with RUNESCAPE. A fantasy medieval game. SET IN THE MEDIEVAL TIMES.
No. 2030621
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Can't wait for June to fly by.
No. 2030652
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Time for everyone to start using this thread for its TRVE purpose- awful examples of rainbow capitalism
No. 2030680
>>2030083Trust me, I'd rather trade places with you in a heartbeat. At least kids in Russia aren't being exposed to this shit by their
abusive parents.
No. 2030846
>>2030083I totally get you, nonnies here really don't understand how weird it is to be in a homophobic country where visual indicators of being gay can and will get you in trouble. You see all that discourse that's not even possible where you live. It's cringe but at least they can do what they want but also how did it go so wrong so quickly like
>>2030081For all it's worth the hype and excitement around it has basically died. In some countries you have to pay a lot of money to join the pride marches
No. 2031137
>>2030081Gay men are worse than straight men because there are two times the degenerates. Men are obsessed with sex for some reason. i dont get it. It's like they cant stop thinking about it. So two men together will end up being hyper sexual and now that gay men think they are accepted everywhere, they flaunt their degeneracy in public. I really wish there were more lesbians just being chill. Gay men (and men in general ) ruin everything
>>2030335I stopped attending pride 10 years ago because shit got bad. Now it's worse
No. 2031650
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i'm so glad other women exist on the internet that aren't brain rotten by moids, like a little part of this site
this shit sucks bad in general and it's getting worse, fuckers are putting blame on women for "accepting" these fags' degenerate, horny moid-like behavior and "encouraging" them
it's always going to be about them, right? and it's always our fault
idk how to not let it affect me anymore, my country is one of the faggiest and trooniest there is apart from the us/uk and it's so disgusting seeing that moid degeneracy in public events where there are children and families around, not all men yet it's always a man, they don't have a sense of dignity or they think it's kewl to flaunt it, we get it, u're a slutty kitty femboy or u're a bondage sissy or u're a bad bitch (skinny fag with a maid dress)
i'm so tired, it's not even funny anymore
No. 2031841
>>2031740They already are increasingly centered in 'queer' spaces, publications, etc. it just hasn't gotten to the point of NAMBLA proudly marching at Pride (again) yet. But a lot of what is going on there is already pedophilic like the video a nona posted above, people encouraging small children to engage with puppy play events and so on. Children being allowed and encouraged to go to these things and engage with naked moids and kink shit is already centering pedophiles just not explicitly by saying 'yay pedos' but as you say it's only a matter of time.
>>2031650Yeah it's extremely disappointing that even when non-radfemss or men see this shit as wrong and dangerous they always start ranting about how 'feminists wanted this' and 'feminists asked for this' because they associate degenerate moid/troon shit with women and claim women started it.
No. 2031995
I went yesterday to pride and honestly it was alright. There was some cringy shit such as the palestine flag and some ugly dressesd moids, but this year I saw a looot more lesbian flags and even a huge labrys flag. I'm glad that pride here doesn't look as deranged as it does in the US.
>>2031989Yea, some of the homophobia is wild. Moids or not, I don't trust anons who fixate on a moid being gay, they can probably turn on us just as fast.
No. 2032086
>>2031989I'm a lesbian who thinks "LG solidarity" is a joke and doesn't really like gay men (they're still men and privileged, many of them don't even believe lesbians exist or face homophobia too) but I have a hard time trusting straight and het-partnered bi anons aren't going to be similarly homophobic to lesbians who step out of line. That's my experience in real life too.
>I think a lot of self-described "radfems" on this site are actually just moderates who hate trannies and hate men. Radical feminism is about more than just hating moids, you know.99% of self-identified radfems are anti-trans and anti-male libfems. Which is fine, but that's not solely what being a radfem is.
No. 2032346
>>2032278Especially since their alternatives to the "shameful" pride parades are "normal women" being out in public. I think pride parades in liberal states are shameful, but if seeing a rainbow makes you think of gay groomers and troons, that's your problem. Why are you letting a loud minority change your opinion on normal gay people? I like wearing pride stuff to show people you can be LGB and a functional adult, I don't care if it
triggers GCs and make them think I'm a degenerate by proxy when they won't bother to talk to me and ask about my political views. I'm anti-kink in public and gay scrotes should keep their BDSM shit in nightclubs, but these same women who think all pride parades are just nonstop porn and fetishes shriek when a lesbian is openly sexually attracted to her partner.
No. 2032490
>>2032389Nta but what are the threads or boards where you find lesbophobic anons and posts? I remember a couple of celebricows ago some newfags insisted on calling Barry Keogan and other ugly men
dykes, and then there's the
bislut baiter but he larps as a lesbian… Some anons don't like when a nona says "now kiss" after an infight but I think it's super cute. I personally don't follow any lesbian/bi cows so maybe I'm unaware of a lot of nasty nitpicking about that.
No. 2032510
>>2031989I do see some posts that seem very homophobic but I think a lot of the reason women say gay men are 'worse' is because some of gay culture has indeed been very fixated on introducing 'kink' and sexual displays to the public. Most of the time even if straight moids are inclined to be just as bad the women they're dating rein them in somewhat but with gay men the most degenerate ones (and tbf I have quite a few gay male friends and none of them are like this, I think it's just a subset of gay men) are often the ones most heavily involved in these types of events. Radical feminism is about more than hating moids but at its root radical feminism is about women as a class being oppressed by men as a class, so it is entirely normal for anyone calling themselves a radical feminist to prioritize women over all men, including gay men. They're not better than other men just because they're gay. They're probably not worse either. But they are men and according to radical feminism they are therefore part of the oppressor class. And I say this as an LGB person myself, I don't feel any more 'camaraderie' or 'solidarity' with gay men than I do with straight men just because they're male-attracted. Some of the gay male friends I had in the past sexually assaulted me and were homophobic against lesbian or bisexual women so I don't think they felt solidarity with me either.
I think the drag queen story hours and shit like that also set a lot of women off, it is literal grooming and it's supposedly run by gay men even if some 'drag queens' are now AGP troons as well.
No. 2032587
>>2032557i was gonna reply smth like this lol
why would we put lesbians into this? it's always men doing the most, straight or gay idc, they're a team of sexual pests
the only thing i was a little bit concerned with in pride parades were women with their torso naked, at least in my country that was happening a lot and i agree with their message but,, that's them just unintentionally being targeted by creeps, judging their body for not being skinny or their chest being "tiny" or "saggy" or behaving like apes bc the girl is pretty
i didn't see women being part of those degenerate kinky acts at all, not in public at least
also lesbians/bi girls r the coolest and the least judgemental at least in my experience, religiously hetero women get infected by the pickme and tradwife moid thought process and they're horrible to other women bc they think that puts them higher in the moid value chart, i think that just makes them highly insecure and sad bc i was like that when i was like 14-15
sorry for the rant
No. 2032590
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Saw this on my TL and this is such an idiotic take, i literally just do not go to pride. If all the gays were to kick out every straight couple out of our bars and celebrations we'd get villainized and harassed for being too "exclusive". We'd get told we must unlearn our prejudice towards moids. We'd get banned from those events too. Like wasnt a lesbian group banned for doing that somewhere in europe??? Lesbian bar culture is basically dead too with the only people caring about it being kweers obsessed with being revolutionaries either that or said bars are open to men/agptrannies. so i dont go to lesbian bars. why should i care about pride too? it's all straights and degenerates, i dont care anymore. its frustrating and disheartening but there's quite literally nothing i can do about it as a lesbian
No. 2032899
>>2032822I'm anti-Israel too but what is this going to accomplish? America is Israel's ally and Republicans and Democrats alike support it, the best that will happen is a two-state solution after most of the population is nuked by the IDF.
Also, lmao at the asexual flag in the photo thumbnail. It's so funny how people who don't have sex want to be special.
No. 2033316
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>>2032849This is hilarious to me, I wonder how many other graphics like this are out there.
Apparently there are no gay people in Palestine, though! Link describes protests and outrage from 2023 over attempts to establish rights for gay people in Gaza. No. 2033733
File: 1717424733778.jpeg (195.2 KB, 750x749, B5458683-269F-4434-8D1C-57F63A…)

can’t tell if it’s just my latent misogyny or if bi women (“””””bi”””””) are way more irritating than bi men. at least bi men actually fuck other men
No. 2033831
>>2033744>>2033750>>2033782Honestly if gay people who are virgins are still considered gay, I don't see why bi people who haven't entered a same-sex relationship can't be considered bi. They're just less likely to face biphobia/homophobia if they live a straight lifestyle and need to admit that. It's mainly bi women who only pursue men and bring up being vaguely SSA when convenient and complain how LGB spaces are "too gay-centric" that are the problem.
>>2033815Gay men often don't want to date bi men either. I don't blame them or straight women for that.
No. 2033881
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>>2033733oh my god nonnas i came here specifically to talk about this because i feel like i’m going crazy. my mutual tweeted this two days ago which is what has sparked all this idiotic twitter “discourse.” and i hate that they’re referring to it as discourse when it’s literally just bisexual women who have misinterpreted this tweet to the most insane degree and are now using it to victimize themselves and act like people don’t want bisexuals at pride events. in reality, this was a half-joke tweeted by a lesbian woman of color about feeling uncomfortable around straight men. i actually feel so bad for her because she’s such a sweet person and people are saying the craziest shit to her over it.
i also consider myself a gold star bisexual, because i’ve actually been with women romantically and sexually before. i’m with a man now though, and i just don’t understand how these “bisexual” women can get themselves so worked up about this shit. especially when they’re in monogamous long term relationships with their fugly moids. i’ve fallen far down this rabbit hole this morning and i’ve seen so many tweets from “bisexuals” about how they feel sooo unwanted and have been crying about this because it’s just so unfair how hated they are in their own community!!1! it was never that fucking deep. go eat some pussy and then you can talk about oppression
No. 2033897
>>2033889i’m ngl i had no idea about that because i’m hardly ever on twitter, just saw all this shit after logging on for the first time in a while and had to come bitch about the annoying “bi hate” here. i’m a crypto
terf because my income is dependent upon my involvement in my small town art community that’s chock full of trannies so i try to avoid that topic altogether
No. 2033957
Not going to pride this year and will probably never go again. God bless
>>2033900Kek I know, anons in this thread are literally the people this thread was created to laugh at
No. 2034088
>>2032587>lesbians/bi girls r the coolestAs a
probably straight woman I agree; most of the women I’ve looked up to over the years turned out to be lesbian or bisexual. You ladies deserve all the love in the world
No. 2034141
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>>2034136She could inspect the crowd first, if it looks anything like pic related, run.
No. 2034176
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>>2032838Yeah, actual Arabs/Muslims don’t fuck with the “queers for Palestine” protesters. Vidrel always makes me kek
No. 2034193
>>2034089That flag is so ugly. I went down a rabbit hole and looked at the other flags designed by the same guy and they're so fucking bad I started laughing. he just have incredibly bad artistic sensibilities or was he a troll??? No wonder some lesbians don't want to use it. I would bet anyone $100 that he was making axe-wound jokes when he designed it.
No. 2034204
>>2034193I don't know why radfem lesbians keep insisting on using it, it is just so fucking ugly and I can't unsee the joke. I didn't even know it was designed by some guy when they kept screeching about the history of it.
The only other terfy signalling could be the double venus emoji used on twitter but might be too 2022 old
No. 2034261
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>>2034204the vice president of this gay club is who invented the labrys flag. It's just so cringe. He probably thinks pussy is gross.
No. 2034350
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My favorite thing about pride month is that we get another round of bi women justifying why they should bring their creep and/or homophobic boyfriends everywhere. They don't even bother denying it anymore.
So many of these boyfriends are unicorn hunters and behave predatory towards other lesbian/bi woman.
No. 2034386
>>2034378The focus on identity also takes away any sense of accountability or responsibility to others. Even if there were cases of bi women who had
abusive homophobic boyfriends why does your boyfriend being homophobic to you justify letting him be around other women who could potentially also be victimized by him?
No. 2034485
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>>2034415nayrt the labrys had lesbian roots to begin with, seems he just did a paint by numbers edit 10 years later
No. 2034591
>>2034076I'm not personally offended because I genuinely don't think bi women usually 'fit in' with lesbian culture unless they're febfems, but it's kind of funny to see this sentiment when 'B' is also in 'LGBT' or even 'LGB' if you exclude the T yet most actual homosexuals want bi women (women specifically, not men) excommunicated even if they are real actual bisexuals.
Anyway idc I actually do think the bi experience is very different than the lesbian experience, the lesbian experience is very different than the gay (male) experience, and the troon experience is so far removed from all of these they should be discounted altogether, I just think we should stop pretending there is a real 'community' of SSA people when there isn't.
No. 2034638
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I'm bi as in fuck women, kill rapists and pedos. Happy pride month. Trans women are men
No. 2034887
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Which one of you is this.
No. 2035057
>>2033890itayrt, her audience and follower count is irrelevant, it's still annoying. not because of the "bi hate" (for me at least) but for other reasons such as:
1) talking over that lesbian musician
i never heard of her before btw and making up rules that don't exist. i'm pretty sure she doesn't care who listens to her music and goes to her concerts as long as they pay for their ticket. she has to make money either way
2) acting like straight cis men are scum of the earth. because obviously the second a man decides his pronouns are now they/them he becomes queer and therefore safe. because she can always tell who is straight and cis at first glance. because she relies on people's appearances and stereotypes to make conclusions about them. so progressive
3) because she expects women to leave their loved ones at home for her own comfort
>>2034089i've seen TIMs use the labrys flag. not sure why
No. 2035100
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>>2034866Kek, reminds me of this
No. 2035327
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>>2035100I want this person to debate Varg.
No. 2035452
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Pink News dropped a new guide to all the retarded flags you could see at pride. The author notes that the lesbian flag is disappearing from marches. Wonder why that possibly could be?
No. 2035805
>>2035438>>2035788I was trying to say pride is too "inclusive" anyway, as anyone can be queer these days.
>>2035453Thanks looking foward to dying alone. But fr "haha women that dont eat pussy must be hetero" no, women just wont let me do that.
No. 2036618
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>>2036614Sadly I do not have the gif ver of this one on hand
No. 2036651
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>>2036634They're just being character accurate
No. 2036899
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Every June, without fail, I see spicy straights vigorously defending kink at pride on social media. It has to be the most annoying type of virtue signaling.
No. 2037687
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>Israel having pride flags
A Palestine lover's s going to see that, and it'll blow their mind.
No. 2037766
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>>2037763found it, happy pride
No. 2037839
>>2037835Yes I have noticed this and agree it is really weird. I even have straight friends who will recommend me like soft indie movies about MMF poly triads that are so 'artistic' and talk about how dreamy it is and how they want a man like that, meanwhile as a bi woman I'm like 'wtf why would I date two people at once?'
I only knew one openly bi moid and he was so predatory and confusing it scared me off even casually socializing with openly bi moids forever. I assumed he was gay at first so I acted pretty open with him and then he started being clingy and touchy with me.
No. 2037887
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Let's start a therapy group for everyone who has to watch this sort of shit to be done to their favorite gay characters every June. Gay man? Nope, say these artists, it's a straight TiF with a vagina and boobs. Lesbian woman? Have a hairy man with a visible penis!
No. 2037900
>>2037864I've basically sworn off dating all types of scrote at this point, but I'd have a particularly hard time trusting a bi Nigel, because men on Grindr have zero standards. If a guy isn't morbidly obese and he lives in an urban area, he can get casual sex basically right away on Grindr. It would be so much easier for him to cheat, and so much more dangerous because moids often pass around the nastiest bugs. At least for straight men, it's somewhat hard to get a woman to agree to casual sex, you usually have to buy her drinks first. Gay and bi moids will just blow each other in a parking lot on their lunch breaks, they have zero standards, not because they're gay, but because they're moids. Men have a diminished sense of fear and disgust; they don't care about putting themselves in danger, fucking up their health, or damaging their relationships because they're retarded apes who prioritize sex above all else.
No. 2037908
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>>2037906I like to imagine that homosexuals will look upon this bout of severe affectation and cringe and go back to being an actually cool demographic that doesn't lilt their voice into that annoying nasally whinge that nobody really has while trying to be black women. That would be cool. Go back to developing their own personal identities outside of twitterspeak and explore hobbies in a natural way that puts them back into the fabric of pop culture in a way that contributes creativity and innovation instead of the endless churn of molten SHIT they are currently offering.
No. 2037912
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Idk what woman made this but she deserves to be thrown into na oubliette
No. 2037914
>>2037912It's hilarious when fags support palestine.
>free palestine!For what? So they can go back to stoning you? Kek.
No. 2037985
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>>2037952I don't like Israel's government but I hate Hamas and their endless fake propaganda far more. Anyway I wanted to post this cool rainbow hotel in Tel Aviv. When I saw it (as a student on a year-long research trip), I always imagined coming back someday and staying there because it looked so fun. I wish I'd been able to spend more time in Tel Aviv but I had a lot of work to do & I also didn't really have anyone to go there with.
Interestingly I never saw or heard anything about trannies in Israel while I was there. No trans flags, no ugly triangle flags. I wasn't in Tel Aviv for Pride, and Jerusalem is a lot more conservative as a city. But I appreciated the less sexualized Pride events there. No furries or fetish gear or public pet play. But my single experience there might not be the norm, I know. It was also right after the borders reopened (again) so many tourists hadn't returned, could also be a factor. I just really liked seeing only the normal rainbow flag.
No. 2038092
>>2037297As a bi woman I hope I can explain. I online dated a bi man before back when I was freshly 18 and didn't know what was so awful about them. He would write fanfics (on either wattpad or AO3, I don't remember tbh) about me having a dick and him sucking it or me fucking him with it. Awful. When we would video call each other while playing games, one time he was jerking off and I didn't even know it and then he came and scooped it up to swallow it, trying to brag to me about it. Also, just statistically they are superspreaders of STIs. Not safe to have sex with. All of this shit, and somehow
I'm comparable to shitheads like that just because I'm a bi woman? No way.
No. 2038117
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>>2038092nta but jesus christ
No. 2038138
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No. 2038150
nonnie did you make this? it's spot on
No. 2038401
>>2038138This so much.
>>2038118All bi men are gross fucks and all bi women are cool.
No. 2038694
>>2038680no one said anything about hamas taking over? stopping a genocide has nothing to with that. besides gazans have much more to worry about than gay rights atm.
nonnie just mentioed "endless fake hamas propaganda" which i found funny considering, well the pinkwashing tactics for example
No. 2038710
>>2038092ayrt, just so you know my post wasn't meant as an attack on bi women, i literally just think it's funny and based how y'all will go from
victim to perpetrator in a heartbeat
No. 2039105
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>>2037887Okay this one got me mad. These dumb fucks really just made the only gay people STRAIGHT and wouldn't it be better to say Jake is bi anyway? Every possible ship that could have made some sense in canon has been straight-ified, it's actually impressive. The longer I look the straighter it gets. Also, as an ugly fatty myself, why are we making characters obese and ugly? I thought that was Guillermo De La Cruz with a mustache kek
No. 2039210
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>>2039105It's so confusing and nonsensical that the artist actually included a fucking
key explaining the headcanons. Which includes autism, for some reason, even though that's not a gender or sexuality? They don't even make sense between each other. If Jake is gay and "transfemme," wouldn't that mean that he only dates women, ostensibly "misgendering" Dirk, who is a TiF attracted to men? And Jane only shows attraction towards men in canon and is even stated to be heterosexual, yet she's somehow a "transmasc lesbian" here. They made Roxy an AGP with a visible penis, because apparently it's physically impossible to have a vagina and like computers. How the fuck can Calliope be "transfem" when her species is hermaphroditic and has no sexes? How is she a lesbian
and aroace?
Tumblr was a mistake.
No. 2039302
-Retarded gay dude
-Retarded straight woman
-Self-hating lesbian
-AGP with a dead libido
No. 2039366
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It turns out that those queer elders were NAMBLA members in the 70s.
No. 2039381
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>In Galileo’s Middle Finger, Dreger offers another insight: since autogynephilia involves a fantasy of truly becoming, or already being, a woman, any reference to it can be experienced as an insult. “There’s a critical difference between autogynephilia and most other sexual orientations: most other orientations aren’t erotically disrupted simply by being labelled,” she writes. “When you call a typical gay man homosexual, you’re not disturbing his sexual hopes and desires. By contrast, autogynephilia is perhaps best understood as a love that would really rather we didn’t speak its name.”
>This explains why such rage is mostly directed at women, even though it is men who commit almost all anti-trans harassment and violence. Blanchard’s observations of extremist trans activism in recent years have led him to believe that the leaders are mostly autogynephiles. Their anger results from “envy of women and resentment at not being accepted by women as one of them,” he has tweeted. “They direct their ire at women because it is women who frustrate their desires. Men are largely irrelevant.” No. 2039408
>>2037763>>2037766Haven't seen the Noiz one before (I only seek out Clear) but here's some more videos of the stageplay, for some reason 99% of them get uploaded to Chinese niconico only.
>> pride nonnies, I hope everyone enjoys these weird ass shows as much as I do.
No. 2039433
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>>20394161860s England. Just because rich ladies wouldn't be caught dead in unfashionable clohtes and they only deemed themselves to be worthy of making it to history books didn't mean it wasn't quite common among normal working class people
No. 2039443
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>>2039140nonacita i will hold your hand while i say this, but i never mentioned hamas nor zionism. i literally just linked an article about pinkwashing tactics. i'm not dying on any hill here
No. 2039489
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Alright, I'll be playing Devil's advocate as the annoying evil braindead libfem scum, but: clothes don't have gender.
You nonnies are talking like it's physically incapable for a man to like "womens" clothes without malicious intentions, you're basically conservatives.
No. 2039499
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>>2039489men literally wear skirts in certain cultures. Some anons are extremely conservative.
No. 2039509
>>2039489I mean, it's true. And a little false at the same time. It would be completely true if our culture was different or everyone was completely objective at all times but that's not how the world currently is.
If men wore skirts etc. for as long as women wore pants and no one ever enforced the idea that skirts are just for women and the essence of feminine mystique and whatever other retarded shit, men with a cross-dressing fetish would be less common probably, since it's the exclusive association to womanhood that creates the taboo which makes these pieces of artifice so exciting to them. However our current culture is the way it is and most men who gravitate towards "female" clothes do it for the same reason other men stay away from them : fetishization.
Going kinda off-topic but this was always my pet peeve in science fiction works, people will write stories 4000 years into the future but the relationship between clothes and gender is somehow the exact same as in the current day. Like, they're this much ahead in science and technology but still believe in the gender god ? Be serious.
No. 2039512
>>2039503>GNC women and crossdressing menYou mean GNC women and GNC men? Or crossdressing women and crossdressing men? It makes no sense to regard men’s clothes for men and women but women’s clothes only for women. “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine” isn’t a reasonable attitude to have.
>degrade > ‘less than’ Are you sure you aren’t projecting your own hatred of femininity?
No. 2039523
>>2039489Men can like women's clothes aesthtically, or for fun and dressing up as a women for theatrics. Most people don't even mind that as long as they don't pretend to be actual women.
AGPs are specifically men who are turned on by the idea of seeing themselves as a woman(/girl, sometimes a literal female baby or toddler). If women and men dressed exactly the same except that women also wore a little top hat - then these men would wear the top hat becuase it gets them off to mimic women and the actual clothes do not matter to them. For some of them they get off on dressing in a women's basic t-shirt and jeans that look like normal male clothes at a glance - because in their head they still know it's women's clothes and that turns them on. I personally have met an AGP who gets of on dressing in male style suits because he has a butch-lesbian fetish.
No. 2039639
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>>2039489isn't this what the majority of lolcow users think? i see the same thing being said in GC-adjacent threads pretty often. this thread is just plagued with conservative tradthots so it might be an exception
reposting because dropped image No. 2039645
>>2039512>your own hatred for femininity Be real. Women are socially expected to be adorned in degrading ways like an object. Things are considered feminine when society hates it, not the other way around.
A man who crossdresses puts effort into being seen as feminine, any woman who is naturally herself (no facepaint, no body hair removal, no hair styling) is considered GNC. One is being her authentic self, the other is doing a performance.
No. 2039679
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>>2039677fletcher shears from the garden. not sure how old is he in that pic though
No. 2039705
>>2037864>The belief that they're somehow morally better or have more feminine traits is probably rooted in homophobiait is, or just generally hate themselves for having feminine traits which they exaggerate anyway. the one bi moid i knew
slept with sorry i was young and dumb but never liked him seriously claimed his dad always called him a fag growing up and this dude was literally barely even metro, he just wore regular earrings and thought it made him feminine. he wasn't predatory per se but was 10000% a sex addict, i mean it was an obsession and extremely unhealthy how he was always thinking about sex, trying to hook up even with people he said he found ugly, or jerking off to porn. absolutely pathetic and seems to be common with bi moids.
No. 2039876
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As long as it's not sexual, crossdressing is harmless. It only becomes a problem when the person doing it is getting off on it in public, which isn't always the case. Robin Willaims wasn't popping boners while he was playing Ms. Doubtfire. We need to normalize non-sexual cross-dressing and aggressively shame sexual cross-dressing imo.
Crossdressing was a thing among 80s hair bands because they were all heavily influenced by the New York Dolls, who cross-dressed in the early 70s as a way to be subversive in a proto-punk way. Basically, those guys had an artistic reason to be doing it. Almost no one does that anymore, and the guys who do (like Harry Styles and Gerard Way) don't commit, it's a half-ass one-off thing that they don't actually integrate into their performances or aesthetic long-term.
No. 2039888
I'm so glad people are having this conversation here because these questions have been floating around in my brain for a while.
No. 2039903
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>>2039878it really helps to have rich parents
No. 2040118
I used to be one of those people who thought it was equally harmless and even a social good for men and women to 'crossdress' or 'be GNC.' But as I met more people in my personal life who did both my opinion changed, not because I'm socially conservative but because it became obvious the motivations are different.
As another anon pointed out things that are considered 'GNC' in women are often just women existing in their natural state and wearing what's comfortable for them, a woman might wear a suit cut for the female body and be considered GNC, or have short hair or just not be into wearing makeup and be considered GNC, or not want to fuck up her feet and knees with heels and that's considered some form of masculine rebellion. That's because most of the things patriarchal societies and moids have labeled as 'feminine' are things that are uncomfortable, unsafe and signal a subservient attitude towards moids and moid-driven society, so they are considered to some degree humiliating both by men and women. Things that are currently considered masculine are for the most part just whatever is easiest, cheapest, fastest and most comfortable.
When women do whatever is cheap, easy and comfortable, no one bats an eye (except the most sexist or religious people) because everyone understands the basic motivation for doing things that are easy and comfortable. When men go out of their way to 'perform femininity' by slapping a bunch of makeup on their face or wearing shoes that injure you and make walking uncomfortable, this isn't really an embrace of gender nonconformity. A male choosing to be kind and socially oriented/cooperative or non-competitive is an embrace of gender nonconformity. Wearing heels and drag makeup as a male is a signal that the man is drawn to the humiliation rituals imposed on women. Of course inherently that doesn't have to be true, and there were cultures and times where wearing makeup was normalized for men. In the renaissance/baroque period in Europe men wore little minidress-type jackets with tights and heels to show off their legs, which was actually considered masculine back then. So it's not that these things are inherently effeminate, it's the fact that as time goes on men reject these uncomfortable beautification rituals and they're pushed on women more. Your average male who crossdresses gets off on the association with femininity and thus with subservience. Pointing out that men wear kilts in some cultures doesn't prove anything because in that culture a kilt is considered masculine so they're not doing it to get off. 1970s artists who dressed GNC didn't do it to humiliate themselves but to stand up against hegemonic culture. Now if you meet a moid who's dressing in aliexpress/amazon miniskirts and stockings that most women stopped wearing 20 years ago, there's a high chance he's doing it specifically because he fetishistically associates it with women/girls. Why do women find so many different ways to be considered GNC yet men are only considered 'really' GNC if they pick the most fetishized items of female clothing and presentation and go ham on them?
No. 2040407
Curious about the demographics of anons posting ITT so I made a poll: If I had to guess I'd assume most of us are lesbian/bi with a dash of tradspergs
No. 2040596
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Won't someone like JKR who wouldn't give a damn if people have HP houses in their bio? The comments were always "If you like HP, it means that you hate me and support a literal nazi".
No. 2040632
My mom once said that women have a lot more freedom than men when it comes to fashion at formal events, and I probably disagreed with her at the time, but thinking about it now she's not wrong. It's usually just seen as acceptable for men to wear similar black/neutral suits, but women can wear all different kinds of dresses, fancy shirts, and suits and it usually won't be considered weird, likely because it's more acceptable today for women to step out of the femininity box that
>>2040274 described.
(Not trying to cape for men/disagree with any of the ideas above; just giving another opinion I've heard)
No. 2040654
>>2040632I’ve seen this sentiment a lot but I don’t think that being expected to be decorative is a great privilege. Men aren’t required to put in any effort beyond basic hygiene and a plain suit because they’re people. Women, on the other hand, are eye candy. If a woman showed up to a social event in a plain comfortable suit with zero makeup and hair that she only ran a comb through once there might be one or two people complimenting her for being gnc but the majority of people would be complaining behind her back that she’s not trying hard enough. If plain suits and makeup-free faces were the socially acceptable default for both sexes and only one sex were allowed to wear colour
if they wanted then I’d agree this was unfair, but that’s not the case. The expectation that women adorn themselves to be as visually pleasing as possible is a signal of our place in society. Men who decorate themselves are frowned upon not because they’re being oppressed but because they’re lowering themselves to the place women occupy.
No. 2041017
>>2040821Bi men I've known have been all about Grindr. Because getting no strings 'there's always someone who'll do whatever you want, same day' on demand sex with men is that easy. Probably better that they just stick to their random grindr hookups because they've been the most nonchalant people I've ever met when it comes to how many partners they have between testing.
Had a bi male friend who we kinda just saw as gay because of his non stop male hook ups and his stories about them. He got an std after a long gap in getting tested. Maybe the std was his wake up call to cut the shit out but then he.. immediately went on a date with a woman all while still being treated for said std and was in the (dilemma?) of whether or not to just go ahead with it if she was somehow so charmed by him that she'd wanna fuck right away. She didn't. Dude why after years of gay hooks up are you waiting for the exact moment you know you have an std to get back into dating women. Ex friend.
No. 2041047
File: 1717868565973.png (278.51 KB, 898x946, IMG_2120.png)

Why are they all so obsessed with fighting cops?
No. 2041094
File: 1717869858124.jpeg (18.28 KB, 275x208, 1660512077106.jpeg)

>>2041017This is a good example of how, no matter the sexuality, moids are moids. Moids generally have a lower respect for women, even if they're straight. Straight moids will fuck women, even though they're misogynistic because their sexuality is liking women. Gay moids are moids so they don't respect women, nor will they fuck them (because they're gay). Bisexual moids are moids, so they don't respect women, but because they like women AND other men, this combines into a sexual hierarchy where bisexual scrotes will absolutely adore other moids but will still fuck women but only
after they've gotten their fill of enough scrote ass. Bisexual moids are bisexual and moids, so they will make it clear that they respect women
less both socially AND
sexually. Your semi-faggot scrote friend specifically choosing a woman as a cumrag AFTER he gets an STD is the perfect demonstration of this detail about bisexual scrotes. And yes, I'm aware that the vast majority of bisexual scrotes are in "straight" relationships, but IME for every "shelter gf" relationship a bisexual moid has with a woman, there's one hundred fag sessions the bisexual scrote had with other moids BEFORE he got a girlfriend.
No. 2041312
File: 1717876902696.gif (622.98 KB, 220x124, pompo-the-cinephile-typing-fas…)

>>2040744Omg you're that hacker with the guy Fawkes mask? So creepy, please don'T HECK my computer!
No. 2041686
File: 1717891775209.jpg (224.47 KB, 1536x767, gay-officers-league-prode-para…)

>>2041061>>2041047I think a lot of zillenials skipped straight from stonewall to 2015 in their understanding of gay history, because in the 90s, gay police officers organized and sued their departments for the right to attend pride in-uniform. Imagine taking your employer to court for the right to attend an event for a minority you belong to only to later be banned by the organizers of the event. Pride may have started as a riot, but if they want the culture of policing to improve, they shouldn't put gay police in a position where they have to choose between their job and their community. What happened to their obsession with "representation"? Don't they understand that part ox the solution to making policing less bigoted is to diversify the field, not punish gay and non-white people for choosing that line of work?
No. 2041871
>>2039366What a shock. Disgusting men never grow out of their degeneration
>>2040596Rent free. It's funny because when I first meet people, the first thing they usually notice is my HP lanyard at work or pin on my sweater. It's like a subtle kek
No. 2042127
No. 2042164
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>>2042158To elaborate, I'm not annoyed in the way boomers are and I don't think visibly gay people need to be shoved in the walls like Anne Frank. I also actually like Carson Kressley for the most part so it isnt personal. It's just a retarded, dated joke that they repeat on a loop like theyre broken. I don't understand the point in being a person incapable of developing any sense of self outside of obnoxiously telling everyone how much you love cock. Like we can see that, you don't have to repeat it like a parrot. Do a flip or something.
No. 2042248
File: 1717939704552.webp (5.26 KB, 1504x960, indigo.webp)

Why isn't indigo in the pride flag? A rainbow is 7 colors. It feels weird for it to be left out.
No. 2042690
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No. 2043398
>>2042690The tryhard
terf joke as her username really puts the icing on the cake here kek. Actual satire could never
No. 2044240
File: 1718046690914.png (604.2 KB, 902x761, IMG_2129.png)

>>2042251The point is that the stonewall riots is a creation fantasy for the lgbt, A couple years ago there was a movie portraying the event which received flack for allegedly being wrong. The movie depicted most of the attendees at the stonewall bar as white(which aligns with reports and physical photos), the movie portrayed marsha johnson as a gay crossdresser rather than a tim(which is also true) ad the movie did not depict a violent bloody uprising but rather showed the police stepping back(which also happened)
The thing is that every group, from trannies and even lesbian feminists tried to claim a piece of it and gay men greatly exaggerated it
No. 2044341
>>2044337Yeah my Stonewall history is rusty but I thought it was something similar to that, I feel like I remember reading the brick thing was fake but she was the one who caused the riot to be started.
Now people talk about Marsha a lot (who wasn't trans anyway) but they used to include Sylvia whatshisface too who wasn't even there and said he slept through it.
No. 2044568
File: 1718068062464.mp4 (1.84 MB, 576x1024, 1000003956.mp4)

>>2044341Revisionism has everyone in a chokehold. I've seen many accounts that Marsha did not identify as a Trans woman and maintained that consistently. That stonewall movie was bad anyways and they were trying to make it for years, it's just fantasy.
No. 2044772
File: 1718081413231.jpg (63.53 KB, 775x293, Protestors Outside of the Ston…)

>>2044240>>2044301>>2044337Look at photos taken the night it happened. It's almost entirely men, most of whom are white. This is because NYC was still pretty segregated in the late 60s and early 70s. The civil rights movement was still going on. It's kind of sad that the film is berated for its accurate portrayal of the demographics, when that was actually a pretty diverse crowd of people given the location and time period. The limited number of gay gathering places at the time is probably why, and I think that's actually a nice sentiment: people cared more about their shared identity as gay people than about ethnicity, to some degree.
All of this is setting aside that it really doesn't matter who threw what first. Who cares about the stupid bar riot? It was all of the picketing and charity work in the years that followed that made the real difference. Like other anons have said, there was gay advocacy going on before Stonewall, the riot is just the first time gay people made national headlines. I guarantee you, the gay rights movement would still have happened without Stonewall, because the 70s were when miscegenation laws were being challenged.
No. 2045456
File: 1718136428358.jpg (127.77 KB, 1280x720, image-w1280.jpg)

>>2044240There's only one legitimate gay movie and that's "Cruising".
No. 2046007
>>2045562>the smiths referenceKek I love it. Morrissey is just as gay as Elton John to be fair, if he wasn't so uwu
problematic he could have a large Gayden following
No. 2046016
File: 1718173282865.jpg (163.69 KB, 1178x1862, 1000003959.jpg)

What da hell is the Yello triangle for
No. 2046290
File: 1718207155590.png (1.6 MB, 1212x1216, lime scooter.png)

KEK okay perfect so now if you try to drive the scooter through the CROSSWALK it will stop moving and launch you into traffic lmao
No. 2046300
File: 1718207560643.png (2.01 MB, 1210x1778, what a faggot omg.png)

this guy calling it vandalism is being a huge faggot I'm sorry wtf is this horseshit? I can't believe he's a reporter with a real job. I think lime scooters are annoying but tire marks aren't vandalism
No. 2046787
File: 1718231873425.jpeg (254.29 KB, 1356x2048, 991C22E3-8AE4-4149-AAB8-D0E647…)

>>2042690This is her and the husband doing a reylo cosplay shoot
No. 2046794
>>2046327Happy birthday
No. 2046832
File: 1718234074787.png (485.59 KB, 592x793, gayflagtiremarkshirt.PNG)

>>2046300Didn't see a single comment agreeing with him but that like to comment ratio is sad. Also they wasted no time capitalizing on this supposed hate crime
No. 2046873
>>2046327Happy birthday,
No. 2047102
File: 1718247945256.png (1.12 MB, 711x711, lionblanket.png)

>Introducing Lionhearted Blanket: a stunning, artist-designed woven piece celebrating queer joy! The lions' hearts beat with the colors of the rainbow and trans pride flags, representing resilience, love, and the courage to be yourself, despite everything.
Imagine wanting the blanket for the gay lioness but you have to buy it with the trans shit colors.
No. 2047181
File: 1718252790672.jpg (394.71 KB, 1348x1079, Screenshot_20240613_071350_You…)

I went to pride parades back when there wasn't marriage equality in my country. After we finally got same sex marriage, I stopped going because what was the point? Homophobia hadn't really been a visible thing that affected anyone anymore, so I just stopped.
Well, I moved to a new city some years ago and decided to go check out the pride parade that summer and
>a moid and his harem of handmaidens waving a polyamory flag
>child aidens flying troon flags and asexual flags
>drag queen block party
>a middle aged, balding man wearing a pink mini skirt and a childrens crop top, picrel
>also, an event for lesbian and bi women that was actually "open to all" as if that makes any fucking sense
No. 2047182
>>2042690Her using the word comphet is making me kek
>is accused of being a straight woman in a straight relationship pretending to not be straight>wow, are you seriously impliying that I'm a lesbian forcing myself to not be gay?Either there's some context missing, or we have a comically serious case of internet user just throwing random words around because they're popular without actually understanding them
>>2046016That's to represent intersex, but it's not new. I already saw it a bit last year and it pops up occasionally. There was a version with a red umbrella instead of the purple circle to represent prostitutes, but I think barely anyone used it and I've never seen it again.
>>2046289Hasn't this happened a couple times before? Middle Eastern countries will paint American and Israeli flags on the floor specifically because it's on the floor so people are gonna walk over them, why do western countries keep painting rainbows on the road and getting mad that the road is being used?
Even if the kids did it on purpose, it's still goofy as hell. It's like vandalizing a buffet by eating too much from it. You could just make fun of them for their vandalism being so meaningless and it would make more sense.
No. 2047237
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No. 2047437
File: 1718277937025.jpg (111.15 KB, 660x660, tin-foil-cats18.jpg)

>>2047212>>2047238>>2047233Nice try but I know what I see. Look at the designer's other art No. 2047485
File: 1718285346487.jpg (99.85 KB, 800x800, 1000027748.jpg)

Was looking through local pride collections, can someone tell what the ever loving shit is this??
No. 2049879
File: 1718451886707.jpg (450.08 KB, 1071x2216, DvkRz46.jpg)

I love how a gay man makes fun of bisexuals and they bring up lesbians. They will only ever criticize lesbians and gay men for biphobia because they aren't interested in calling out bigoted straight people. They just want lesbians and gays to baby them
No. 2049884
File: 1718452482367.jpg (229.44 KB, 1080x1179, g16lhUp.jpg)

>>2049879The most popular porn tag is lesbian even on videos that feature men thanks to bisexual porn actresses enabling fetishization but people calling fictional characters lesbian is literal violence and bi erasure
No. 2049899
>>2049884>francesca bridgertonI was so confused until I realized I haven't watched this week's episode. that would be cool if they make her a lesbian, I thought she was just a pianoforte autist.
fandom discourse getting extra retarded for pride month I guess?
No. 2050009
>>2042690>straight bland and vanilla That’s almost every single queer person’s identity in a nutshell. Just anything to show that they’re actually Cool or Not An Oppressor
Tumblr brain rot
No. 2050211
File: 1718475085089.jpg (61.49 KB, 1200x1200, 12124.jpg)

Looks like NAMBLA rebranded and they're trying to worm their way back into Pride. They're really pushing to add the "P" to the LGBTQ+ this year.
Other horrifying shit in this merch shop includes t-shirts saying "I stand with children" in front of the MAP flag, "…allegedly" in MAP flag colors, "do it for the lolis" over a picture of pedobear, and "T4T" that incorporates their boy love logo. Basically if you see one of these shirts at Pride, call the cops.
No. 2051249
File: 1718539542908.jpg (17.77 KB, 391x289, hjffhd.jpg)

my country is still somewhat conservative and we're not getting gay marriage anytime soon (it's legally impossible). i've seen our left slowly getting poisoned with western gendie retardation over the years and i'm worried it will lower our already low chances. please just be normal until LGBs get a right to marry. please
No. 2052662
File: 1718624807353.jpg (131.21 KB, 750x750, gross.jpg)

>>2052023>one of those cool female such thing.
No. 2053395
>>2052023She’s a tankie and perpetual
victim. I’ve seen better art.
No. 2054261
File: 1718729450319.png (805.47 KB, 973x1050, 1273168854651.png)

>>2047437>"Black biracial illustrator trying to survive capitalism ☭"Dude.
No. 2054382
File: 1718733178307.png (19.76 KB, 275x211, 1718697832561.png)

I'm starting to believe that maybe from now on a lot of companies won't care about pride anymore because of all the backlash and it was all performative wokeness anyway. It can't be just because of the war, can it?
No. 2054400
File: 1718733696131.jpg (671.03 KB, 1220x1420, 1000007945.jpg)

>Thailand approved the same sex marriage
>cannot decide what is cringe: The flag or that the city is from Sao Paulo, Brazil
No. 2059054
File: 1719007219938.png (551.43 KB, 720x987, IMG_20240621_155829.png)

I'm guessing this is why pride month feels so quiet this year
No. 2059307
File: 1719022261418.png (767.91 KB, 598x1045, Screenshot1.png)

Why, David?
No. 2059331
File: 1719025698954.gif (10.06 KB, 100x100, OSHITWHO.gif)

No. 2061121
File: 1719157698051.png (46.21 KB, 912x282, 3323412.png)

>>2059307He's been very adamant about dying on the "trans kids" hill. One of his kids is an enby at a questionable 10 years old (photos are out there, but I refuse to post them here). Uninformed pandering celeb at best, pedo at worst.
No. 2061793
File: 1719193787144.jpg (517.98 KB, 3300x2460, 20240623_214437.jpg)

A survey I took today. What a joke.
No. 2061842
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>>2061793What fucking Indonesian man is taking this test?
No. 2061874
File: 1719201615839.jpg (131.33 KB, 600x600, dean-and-sam-6080.jpg)

>>2061793"Abroromantic", you say?
No. 2062108
>>2059447The majority of gay people I know are completely in denial about Muslim homophobia. Whenever they’re confronted by it it’s like their brain resets and deletes the memory. On one occasion an ex-Muslim gay man was talking about how his brothers and cousins beat him within an inch of his life because they suspected he might be gay, and the response from the local gay community was to emphasise that his family wasn’t representative of the Muslim community and it’s very important to be tolerant and understanding etc. etc. basically minimising what happened to him because they didn’t want the Muslim community to look bad. He never came back.
>>2061793How many can you select at once?
No. 2064292
>>2054400When the fuck did they add a circle? I swear to god, the pride flag keeps changing every time I see it. Like a new DLC I have to keep downloading every few months.
>>205124930 years ago (yes, I'm old) i remember being a kid and hearing about gays who only wanted to marry and be happy to hold hands with their spouses in public. How the fuck did we go to that to actually mental illness on display? I hate that troons and actual pedos ruined real gay pride for lesbians and gay men.
No. 2064352
File: 1719363451987.png (248.15 KB, 876x462, fugly flag 1.png)

>>2064292It's the intersex pride flag, nona, and they added it was added in 2021. I saw one the other day like picrel. It's really a perfect representation of the collapse of the LGB movement. The perfectly fine rainbow flag is given less and less space as these niche identities that are unrelated to same sex attraction take over the movement. The red umbrella in picrel represents sex workers for whatever reason, btw.
No. 2064358
File: 1719363529289.png (507.57 KB, 818x446, fugly flag 2.png)

>>2064292>>2064352Samefag, here's another atrocity as a bonus because bisexuals weren't already included in the rainbow flag I guess?
No. 2064388
File: 1719364662313.jpg (61.6 KB, 500x324, 1624_500.jpg)

>>2064292>30 years ago (yes, I'm old) i remember being a kid and hearing about gays who only wanted to marry and be happy to hold hands with their spouses in public.We went from picrel to "If ill people want to be miserable like the rest of us, I say we should let them".
>>2064375If it helps, not many people takes the MLM/toothpaste flag seriously.
No. 2064391
File: 1719364739659.jpg (14.83 KB, 472x264, 1719258299774645.jpg)

>>2064386>Now everyone is queer. it's weird to be straight and cis.Even if you're straight and cis, you can find any -sexual/mantic and bam! You're queer too. And back in my old days "labels were for soup cans".
No. 2064434
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>>2061799sorry nonnas, spent too much time on this now I have to post it
No. 2064473
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>>2064413Being misgender back in the old days: lol someone needs glasses.
No. 2064595
File: 1719371708693.jpg (11.09 KB, 262x275, 1682650288277.jpg)

I wonder if posting in this thread and laughing at the silly bullshit people are doing counts as "internalized biphobia" in the eyes of Progressive Queers
No. 2064678
>>2064595Criticizing the commercialization and mainstreaming of pride is ok by them, but laughing at bullshit identities and the related slacktivism is a cancellable offense. They'd probably say something like "you can't be queer unless you support
all queer folx!" so we'd probably be considered evil cishet oppressors in spirit or something.
No. 2070354
>>2064360Because they know they are uggos and mediocre actors who are only popular among quirky fandom girlies 90% of which trooned out at this point because they want to gay-fuck Sherlock so bad. Basic fanbase pandering.
Off-topic, but honestly. Even as a lesbo I can recognize when a man is beautiful and Matt Smith and Benedict are fucking butt-ugly borderline reptiloid looking fuckers, I would get so much whiplash on tumblr seeing constant praise of how beautiful and gorgeous and sexy they are. These men look inbred to the highest degree. For good reason (britbongs)
No. 2070408
File: 1719645886942.jpg (84.12 KB, 1080x866, y9uh8qezssr91.jpg)

>>2064375Ever seen the swallowtail rainbow flag? It's the retarded progress flag, but reversed and with the stupid shit cut off. The idea is to show that the gay rights movement lost a piece of itself when it became more focused on race and gender than on sexuality-based solidarity. Intersectionalism divides people, the original pride flag was meant to unite all gay people across races and sexes.
No. 2070714
File: 1719671897407.png (757.02 KB, 766x1538, 1718904660025.png)

>>2070677Not gay, but queer, yeah
No. 2070792
>>2070714modern day homophobia. queers should kill themselves or make a new group if they hate gays so much lol
Also, thank god this month is almost over
No. 2071443
File: 1719715989176.jpg (93.62 KB, 1500x1000, regina.jpg)

>>2070714So you agree? You think being queer has nothing to do with being SSA and everything to do with performative identity politics?
No. 2072152
File: 1719758654547.png (301.95 KB, 1125x2184, 104146.png)

>>2070792>>2070869Bad news, nonas, we’re not out of the woods yet
No. 2072677
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No. 2072921
File: 1719789180130.png (208.57 KB, 900x907, IMG_2126.png)

No. 2073570
>>2072753Yeah, I expected something funny to happen but all that I experienced was having a girl telling us "happy month of the faggots" (because she's bi, guyz) after playing DnD and seeing an uglily decorated bus on a picture that someone sent me from another country.
Tbh, I honestly just also haven't opened Twitter in months already so maybe the milk was there all along.
No. 2073596
>>2073531same, Kai to me sounds like a fat balding old man
>>2073553>"how are they harmed"Most male answer. Grooming is literally a crime. Exposing yourself is a crime in itself too.
No. 2073651
File: 1719846616832.jpg (79.24 KB, 520x655, pride stickers.jpg)

enjoy these tumblr-approved stickers to commemorate Pride 2024
No. 2073693
File: 1719849169409.jpg (1.69 MB, 1920x1080,…)

>>2073653It always amuses me that this is the dude who put the "special stripe for the blacks" onto the flag.
No. 2073712
File: 1719849888862.mp4 (397.28 KB, 1280x720, YBQvI3ow9RRVqPW7.mp4)

Pride month is over. Back in the closet with all of you.
No. 2074539
File: 1719901110260.jpeg (603.62 KB, 1242x2264, IMG_4627.jpeg)

>Let's shut down the Pride Parade to make people support us!!
I'm so tired of these people. Why does everyone try to make LGB community about everything else besides SSA? First it was weird BDSM shit, then it was troons,
then it was racism, now it also has to include Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It's like god damn this is supposed to be about people attracted to the same sex not a circus for every issue that plagues the world at large.
No. 2074553
>>2074539This is truly the best shot of this conflict. Gaybird manlet has nice wings.
I typed up a lot about a personal lolcow and how she proves to me that many Canadian protestors are getting paid, then accidentally refreshed the page. Anyway her pipeline: bisexual OF/camming + irl escort on every goddamn site imaginable (up to nov 2023) -> cares suddenly about Palestine (mid-nov) -> begins to protest -> "reads Qur'an" (jan - also I doubt she did) -> starts wearing full hijab and calls herself a revert (late jan). She has no job and has a nice apartment in Canada as a single mom to an autistic kid.
I really thought she would go back to being bi and wearing pasties for pride month but the money must be too good.
No. 2075569
File: 1719968422225.mp4 (1.21 MB, 320x540, 1000003996.mp4)

Why do gay men constantly use videos and gifs of fat women or women being degraded as reaction images but never vids like this? Like okay you can humanize fat men but women in any sort of degrading position are hilarious to you
No. 2078192
File: 1720138740961.jpg (141.44 KB, 1290x1809, 449770083_1064130578616108_338…)

I bet he's crying because is not the original gay flag.
No. 2128568
File: 1723225588091.png (2.08 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20240809-134529.png)

I found this video on my explore page of this guy selling pride bracelets and one of the bracelets is the MAP flag. What in the Diddy is this?! No. 2128580
File: 1723226276384.jpg (18.97 KB, 1000x599, kweer.jpg)

>>2128568if you're talking about this one it's a queer flag
No. 2128581
File: 1723226348631.png (4.14 KB, 2560x1760, MAPs_Pride_Flag.svg.png)

>>2128580MAP flag looks like this
No. 2128879
>>2128581>>2128580Seriously what's with the fucking flags? This is so retarded, both of them look way too similar, it's insane. I swear I'm taking crazy pills dairy because i don't understand how the fuck is it that every single one little retarded loser needs a fucking special OC flag.
Jesus fucking Christ this is so obnoxious. Like I don't understand what's the point of saying that yeah, you're definitely queer, and you seriously need to have a rosegender and a bearpride flag everywhere.
Like what's the point? Why should you make your jackets and bags look like a shitty tinder profile?
>oh yeah this is my pansexual flag, it means I'm desperate and have never had sex with the same sex as I am, and this is my teratophilia flag wich means I'm attracted to bad dragon dildos, I also have this pink pin that means I just like the color pink, what was you name? No. 2129138
File: 1723251868894.webp (196 B, 500x300, IMG_0220.webp)

>>2128581Allegedly the MAP / Pedophile flag was based on picrel which is a trisexual flag, apparently the trisexual flag here was scrapped cuz it implied there were only 3 genders instead of the fact that the Diddys based their flag off of it. Blues Clues did some pride parade skit and apparently had this flag in it and people thought it was a Diddy flag
No. 2154879
File: 1724660311299.mp4 (4.89 MB, 854x480, HqWaAAo.mp4)