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File: 1717416876253.png (297.12 KB, 1001x666, Zanaris.png)

No. 388670

For all our nonnyscaper needs, including but not limited to:
>you want to get into runescape, we genuinely ♥ noobs
>what you're up to in osrs/rs3 lately
>hype for new content
>general opinions on old and new content
>content you wish for
>post your accomplishments, gzposting replies encouraged
>discuss lore, who is best god?
>discuss quests, what's your favorite questline?
>show off your pets/POH/bank/cashstack
>complain about rs3 (highly encouraged) but rs3 nonas welcome
>husbandoposting and waifuposting always encouraged in my threads

No. 388672

File: 1717417434018.png (662.91 KB, 1403x937, darkmeyer.png)

i'll start off to say the vampyre quest series is by far my favorite (i also like the elf series but FUCK Mourning's end part II). Darkmeyer looks really cool!

No. 388675

File: 1717417880729.png (82.07 KB, 402x720, 402px-Vyrewatch_Sentinel_(6).p…)

also this vyrewatch sentinel is my waifu

No. 388834

i love zanaris so much i stay there for hours and craft cosmic runes for myself even if everyone says running cosmics is a waste of time. im just there for the vibes honestly

No. 388984

I play osrs but I haven't really done much yet! I'm excited to get more into it. I've mostly been doing what I did as a kid, cut down trees kek.

No. 406848

File: 1722621773500.jpg (11.87 KB, 561x565, 1h57bfa1cdh71.jpg)

On osrs, a while ago, in December, I got gifted fucking 200k gold by a player who disguised as Santa. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm grateful though kek

No. 406890

My sister gives me 200m for bonds sporadically because I refuse to spend money on the game and she wants me to play with her.

No. 407249

Random acts of generosity are fairly common on RuneScape, I remember the very first time I played after I finished the tutorial and stepped out of Lumbridge someone stopped me and gave me a bunch of coins and weapons. That was in like 2009 or something, and just about a month ago someone stopped me at The Beach and gave me like 40 mil in coins. I think he had been botting though but it was still nice.

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