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No. 1901243
don't reply to bait
>>>/ot/1892428 No. 1901277
>>1901267Sometimes I regret getting pets because they are a burden. I am basically a slave to ungrateful and sometimes
abusive creatures but I never want to be a subhuman who neglects their pets so I remain burdened.
No. 1901301
>>1901292I wish you the best
Nonnie, I seriously do.
I will pray for you No. 1901307
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Chatted with a suicide hotline for the first time (not actively suicidal, just feeling like I might actually implode) and maybe it's because I've been dragged around various mental health options the past 10 years but it was very underwhelming. Maybe calling is less shit but unfortunately when I cry I can't talk so that wasn't an option. I hate being considered a complex case because I dare to have conditions that will never go away. I hate that I'm always treated like a fucking child and the endless "how do you feel about this between a 1 and 10" forms I've done over the years. I hate all the mindfulness they want me to try. I hate how the specialist institutions only let you be in treatment for a year as if I somehow will stop being autistic after a year! I'm so fucking tired. At least I'm too tired at this point to even bother wanting to end it.
No. 1901312
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>>1901297I like being talked to like a kid when the intentions are kind. But I never got talked to kindly like that when I was an actual kid, even elementary teachers spoke to me like a grown up even when they’d talk to other kids more endearingly/patronizingly.
No. 1901317
>>1901307>Maybe calling is less shitThis part made me kek. I've used those hotlines dozen of times before and it's always a bad experience, don't think its just you. Once I called a suicide hotline and the responder actually sighed in frustration when I told him I was suicidal. I think a lot of the people that work in those centres hate their jobs. Have you ever tried an autistic adult support group? They're the only
thing that ended up helping me because it gave me a sense of camaraderie and understanding that I couldn't find in others. Even online autist groups are helpful.
No. 1901318
>>1901292Sweet nonna, I hope it gets resolved. I have issues with insurance and wait times and just want to throw out some ideas. You can call your insurance and ask for a “case manager”. This person can help expedite appointments and advocate for quicker treatments. They help make the most out of your insurance (even medicaid).
As annoying as it may be, call the clinic you are waiting for that appointment every few days and make sure there hasn't been a cancelling or opening for an earlier appointment.
I dont normally pray, but I will for you and hope for the best. Please keep us updated.
No. 1901320
nonnie I have a fat greedy cat who needs special food too. He used to be owned by crackheads who starved and neglected him. It took me almost a year to figure out what kind of food he needed to eat and vets weren’t any help, turns out my boy is allergic to most animal proteins besides rabbit. His kibble is so damn expensive but anything else gives him
diarrhea, sometimes bloody - esp if he ate poultry and yes I dealt with a cat who had
persistent diarrhea and occasionally bloody diarrhea for nearly a full year before finding the one food he can tolerate. And that kibble costs $7 a pound and he’s a large cat so even on a diet he eats a decent amount. He will get into little fights with the others cats sometimes cause he’s a traumatized jerk baby. I love him so much though, he’s so gorgeous and can be so sweet and snuggly, when he wants cuddles if you aren’t actively petting him he will headbutt your hands and basically pet himself using your stationary hands kek. He’s the most bitey cat I’ve ever had and often will bite my pant legs and then pull the material while shaking his head ferociously. He also loves visitors and will totally bite visitors who ignore him. I have to buy him chew toys for dogs that he promptly destroys, he just loves to gnaw on things so he needs a constant supply of chew toys lest he chew up all my stuff. He’s my kit bull.
No. 1901370
>>1901362I sometimes wish I could be put into a cult or somewhere I'm forced into a situation where i'm around like-minded people where i HAVE to do shit. I have to have friends, I have to interact and I want to do so. I know this is weird, but I do feel like i'm not meant for this world. Maybe I'd never been. I've been depressed for so long, I often think back to how awkard and weird I was. How i never fit in and the one situation I fit in was in a situation where I was basically "forced".
being in a small school, with equally off/odd/fucked up teenage girls, under the palm of fucked up predatory immature adults. Even the only true friend I had was "forced" because SHE seeked me out and just clung to me. Our relationship was deeply competitive and deeply weird. I never fit in, I never was meant to be here, maybe i'm autistic or something.
No. 1901372
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idk why but I've developed the most retarded habit of posting something in group chats etc and then immediately getting embarrassed and deleting it before anyone can see. Especially if it gets no interaction, I want to die. Like my dumb ramblings aren't interesting enough to grace my friends' DMs or whatever kek. The anonymity here is such a godsend because I don't have to worry about sounding dumb and I don't care about (you)s. I do still occasionally delete my worst posts though
No. 1901416
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I hate when my brain makes up the most retarded scenarios and I get unironically mad or sad about them. Like, they would never happen!! No one even cares that much, brain. Shut the fuck up already.
No. 1901448
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I feel like I do romance and love wrong and too slowly. I was with my ex for 4 years but we were long distance and texting every day helped me learn about her enough to love her even without physical contact. Now trying to date in person and it feels like it takes me too long to develop those feelings and people lose interest and don't want to wait around for me to develop romantic feelings. Or am I asexualaromantic as the dumb kids say??? I loved my ex and I loved doing romantic things with her and intimate stuff. But what am I supposed to do on a first date with someone I talked to for three days on Bumble? Hold hands? Is that inappropriate? Kiss?? Am I just autistic about this? I went on a date with a woman and it was OK but I didn't vibe with her much, too femme and extroverted, but I always feel like I treat a first date as a 'get to know you' thing when it should be some grand romantic gesture but I just don't have romantic feelings for someone until I get to know them. I can have little crush feelings but that's it. Ugh i don't know!!!
No. 1901560
(hi cow, unintegrated posting) No. 1901561
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I'm not sure I flushed the toilet, my brother got in and hasn't come out yet, he is going to yell at me if i didn't, i have so much fuckin anxiety right now
No. 1901594
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>>1901568could never find an appropriate time to share this before but semen shares organic compounds with corpse rot (cadaverine and putrescine) it's body horror and not even the cool kind. anyways you should probably wash your vagina after sex in case he gives you a uti.
No. 1901613
>>1901611They basically do rot inside because of its immunosuppressive properties. It’s why they die earlier. It’s a pretty
toxic substance.
No. 1901623
>>1901613I googled more about it and
>The odor commonly associated with bacterial vaginosis has been linked to cadaverine and putrescine.And putrescine creates spermine and spermine gives semen the odor it has (never smelled semen up close before though)
This is genuinely such an interesting deep dive
No. 1901626
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I recently broke up with my boyfriend. Sometimes I think I made a huge mistake and it keeps me up at night. He could be incredibly sweet when he wanted to. There were issues, but to be fair I didn’t usually communicate with him and tell him what he did wrong because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Things just built up over time and eventually I exploded.
Despite this, I don’t know if he cheated on me while we were in a relationship and it haunts me. Before I broke up with him, a guy I knew told me he saw my boyfriend acting flirty with straight guys in the hallways. The guy who told me this was known for being nasty and manipulative so I didn’t believe it initially, but he mentioned a detail that made my blood run cold. He said that when my boyfriend would do this he’d speak in a high-pitched, girly voice and my boyfriend had once confided in me about thinking that he was trans. Another girl I didn’t know messaged me on Instagram to tell me that he was hitting on her boyfriend and he claimed it was a joke but she said it made her uncomfortable. Despite all this he almost exclusively dated women and when I went through his following list there were barely any men, just attractive women (he clearly had a type too, and it wasn’t me). There’s so much stuff that just doesn’t add up and it haunts me.
No. 1901643
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>>1901629amen sister, the y chromosome is only getting more defective with time kek
No. 1901664
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i just want a bf who isnt a coomer, doesnt hate women, isnt a hideous midget and is loving and caring to me. does this sort of person even exist? ive never had a boyfriend because ive never been close to a guy like this..
No. 1901670
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my roommate got me sick again after i was already sick at the beginning of the month. i hate living with these retards. im on my fucking hands and knees praying i get better before my exams later this week
No. 1901686
>>1901674I wouldn't call it "settling", I love his personality, we can talk for many hours about various topics, he's funny and smart and he listens to me, he cooks food for me, he likes to sew clothes, he likes to fix/create stuff around the house, he's very clean, he doesn't watch porn, he always talks respectfully about his ex, he was raised with sisters and he's respectful towards women, not just me or women in his family. He's already more than any guy I dated
No. 1901689
>>1901675>bag of chips $6>slurpee $4>chocolate bar $5 >candy $4total: $19 before tax
$20 doesn't really go far here, if I could add maybe a hot dog too
No. 1901692
>>1901681I’m 160 cm so he’s tall enough for me kek. The tallest dude I ever dated was like 200 cm tall and
had a super tiny tiny tiny dick, wayyyy tinier than the actual 165 cm manlet I dated (he had a normal sized dick), so my perception of tall men has never been that favorable since I just immediately and instinctively assume they are also
dicklets like the giant I dated was KEK.
No. 1901694
>>1901680I would date a guy whos 5'7, by midget I just mean shorter than me, so like 5'2 lol
>>1901686Sounds nice, happy for you
No. 1901698
>>1901690Lmao what? Is it really that unrealistic? It would be unrealistic if he was very handsome on top of that kek. We've been together for only 1,5 month so I'm still prepared to see something shitty about him, it hasn't happened yet though
>>1901694Thank you anon
No. 1901805
mom keeps laying into me for this
>>1824436 happening and it's killing me. i start a job tomorrow (retail) and she won't stop bringing it up. makes me feel like such a retarded failure even though i understand my inability to get a tech job, or even just a good salaried office job, isn't entirely my fault. i wish she'd stop, it stresses me out so bad. if i try to tell her everyone makes mistakes she just goes "well SOME of us didn't have ANYONE to warn us about our mistakes >:(" as if her shitty mother is my problem. life sucks. i was genuinely looking forward to it too but now i just feel miserable the more i think about it.
No. 1901834
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Sometimes mean anons make me want to scream. picrel unrelated it just scared me
No. 1901916
>>1901906Nona I'm so sorry but the spoiler made me kek. This is terrible though. She sounds awful, you're better off without her. You should make a new, better catboy OC to get back at her.
>>1901836I think this is a pretty common fear with people in their 20s, especially because it's so easy to compare yourself to people around you. Good luck nona.
No. 1901954
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>child of divorced parents who've been divorced since I was like 13
>am mid 20s now
>my mother and nona are barf inducing rollercoaster from hell based on nona choosing to leave her house when she was 18 and estranging her for awhile because she almost killed her
>mother is abusive and highly self centered
>literally all of nonas friends or past friends or even shitty ex boyfriends have pointed out how shitty her mom is if they've heard about it met her
>but of course anon holds onto the idea her mom will change or fears that she'll die if alone for too long
>anons mom also possesses deep psychosexual freudian hate for anons father
>recently slipped in and out of another estrangement period with the crazy beyotch
>tries to make amends
>first few days ok
>nonas health issues start acting up
>her narcissism kicks in
>scolds anon for literally being sick
>anon goes to emergency room alone at 9am and is there for hours
>staff is concerned as hell that she has no one there
>was driven in ambulance so has no car
>luckily anons tests came back well enough and she is cognizant enough to leave
>no one can pick her up
>everyone is busy
>try asking mom for help
>iM at wORK geT an uBeR yOU HYPOcHONdrIaC
>next two days anon tries to convince mom to do something with her and all mom wants to do is sit around on her ass
>mom I literally just was in the hospital
>on the third day decides to do something else and go see father instead
>mom starts spitting about her hatred for nonas father when she finds out
>nona leaves house in distress
>nonas check engine light turns on and her car dies mid drive
>calls mother in distress and she starts spewing about how nona ruined her day
>she does
>borrows fathers car because hers is dead
>mother starts chewing nona out moment she arrives to pick up her belongings and her dog left at narc bitch's house
>fighting back tears as she accuses nona of faking her recent health spirals
>shouting IM GLAD YOU GOT YOUR ATTENTION as her daughter leaves with her dog and last belongings
>cries on the way home
>no wonder anons life is the way it is and she literally attracts shitty people like moths to a flame
>contemplates why ever she decides to have a relationship with her mother when it always ends this way
>resumes, circlejerks back around to another big blowup
>think about someone besides yourself you fucking harpy who birthed me
No. 1902059
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I feel so bad for getting so mad but god I hate this new guy my friend is seeing. I’m not going to get into the lore because it’s long and personal but I am on her side and I am her soldier and I make it clear to her that my priority is to support her. Nonetheless over time I get more upset, disgusted, and exasperated at what happened and why she chooses to keep seeing him and not only that but the jealousy is tearing me apart. I have never been a jealous person because it’s something I always kept on top of but in this case it just really getting to me. Being best friends with someone that has a boyfriend is so fucking hard (I am single) and I had waited four years for her to be just her again without some parasite moid but no. No time at all for us to have moments as just two friends because this fucking snake has to be there and not me. Today they went somewhere and did something she’s always wanted to do and I was seething that he did it and not me. I have no car and am sick as a dog (chronic) but I feel angry I didn’t step up and he weaseled in and did it. Then they publicly post images that when you put two and two together makes it obvious they were together and it baffles me because the whole point right now is to be low key. She posted first so I was like oo cute. But then I saw he posted and EVEN posted a picture of her in the back and it fucking incensed me. The gall. THE GALL. STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND GRRRR. I can’t be like this I especially can’t. She knows I don’t like him and I made the mistake of telling her it made me a little jealous because I felt like he took her from me so now she never tells me when she’s with him or tea about him and it rubs me the wrong way. The problem isn’t her it’s him! The only problem she has is she can’t stay away. Aside from the obvious benefits a romantic relationship can bring what does he have that I can’t offer?? Why does she have to turn to him for happiness?! Boyfriends are such nightmares god. I can just also smell the desperation from him. Oh and cherry on top but she takes real offense when I refer to him as “him” and not “they” so I dislike so much more than just the way he took her from me. Mind boggling. And he’s not going away anytime soon. Wish I could support her in a fuller way but I will not lie to her ever and certainly won’t lie to her telling her this moid is a catch or that this is a good idea.
>>1901675Assuming it’s 7/11
>iced coffee>camel crushes>the oatmeal cookies>altoids>green tea ginseng or the rx arizona I assume that probably takes up the whole budget.
No. 1902134
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I hate when I don't like someone (like on a base and casual, nonplussed level) but I end up agreeing with them on an alarmingly wide variety of topics per complete coincidence. It doesn't happen often but when it does it's so weird to me.
No. 1902192
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I am disabled and my parents did not tell me that for the first 20 years of my life
No. 1902212
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I want to eat kfc chicken so bad right now but I also want to kill myself.
No. 1902252
>>1902246thanks nonna <3
I feel weird because most likely everyone else knew
I'm probably a personal lolcow to people who know me and it messes with my head
No. 1902263
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I live on the ground floor in an apartment building with my boyfriend and sometimes there is this intense vape smell that permeats our place and neither of us knows where it comes from. Neither of us smokes or vapes and it usually appears even when all windows are closed. Yesterday was so bad, it started at around midnight and I could barely breathe, I had to open every window. Is it possible that the person living above us vapes and the smoke somehow sinks down to us? This is such a fucking mystery
No. 1902322
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>>1902266Same. It's the worst. In a way I feel like I'm just waiting for a self-fulfilling prophecy to happen. My ex love bombed me in the beginning and then just threw me away once he had me basically. Now I'm always overly suspicious and just waiting for it to happen again while being scared of pushing someone with genuine feelings away because let's be honest, most people won't bother with someone who has trust issues in the talking stage. They'd rather move on to someone else without any issues.
No. 1902327
>>1902322>My ex love bombed me in the beginning and then just threw me away once he had me basically.Ayrt and yup, the exact thing happened to me. He was the best person I had ever met until he pulled a total 180 and told me he never loved me etc. I was blindsided by it, I never saw it coming. The fallout of the breakup was really messy, too. I don't want to experience that again.
It's even more infuriating cause I never used to have trust issues. I was the perfect
victim for my ex cause I trusted people, including him, blindly. But he ruined my trust in people. How can I trust that this guy doesn't pull the same stunt?
No. 1902329
This is random but I used to believe the same dumb shit the anon is talking about in the unpopular opinions thread right now. That older women hate younger women and the biggest enemy to young women is other women. The whole “fatherless children always turn out bad” trope, that being a single older women is the worst type of future, that fairytales are good predictors of real life behaviour. I was a dumb JBP fangirl in my very early twenties who went from libfeminism pro tranny pro porn bullshit straight into right wing JBP Ben Shapiro, Steven crowder, anti sjw anti woke garbage. It took me a year in that to finally break out of it and browsing here again after years of not lurking helped peak me, also just growing up a bit more and realizing how brainwashed I was by these male YouTubers and pro moid propaganda. I think a lot of it was nlogism and pickmeism, I thought I was so cool and unique and much better than other women. It was also because those right wing moid spaces were the only ones I saw at the time talking about the reality of troonism and AGP males, so I just sort of aligned the rest of my beliefs to match. After getting more involved in those spaces I started noticing how often those men and the tard right beliefs coincide with misogyny, racism, and pedophilia and that jump started my exit from that sphere of the internet. But it’s embarrassing to remember how retarded I used to be, and it’s weird to think about how different my beliefs are now. I sometimes browse my old tumblr and physically cringe and roll my eyes at how dumb and pickmeish I was.
No. 1902343
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>>1902341Thank you
nonny! I've heard of love bombing narcs before but that shit just creeps up on you once you're in it and start to catch feelings and you only realize the red flegs after the fallout. I'm sorry you had to experience it too and I hope you'll have more luck with your next relationship and that we'll never encounter such shitty moids again!
No. 1902394
>>1902373>>1902387>because if the kids aren't exposed to anything outside their secular bubbleThat's probably the 1 good thing about screens and social media, it's pretty much next to impossible to raise your kids without epxosing them to outside influence unless you live in a cult.
Anyway I find it quite interesting this woman is against voting rights for women but works lol, not good enough to vote but good enough to fuel the economy hm
No. 1902475
I wish there was a period laxative that just made everything slide out in an evening or something.
No. 1902510
>>1902404>I wish there was some app for finding suicidal or ex suicidal friendsSorry, you are going to have to use forums: .
Places that talk about suicide keep a low profile for obvious reasons. I don't post or lurk there, so I have no idea with the users are like, as my suicidal feelings come in waves and are always due to some nonsense I'm going through at the time.
No. 1902515
>>1901275Can we trade places.
I fucking hate the cold I’m so tired of winter and I just want to be warm again I am counting down to spring like a mad woman. I want to move south so bad
No. 1902539
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I ruined the cake I made this morning bc I guess put too much blueberries into it and put it out of the oven way too early because the middle of it was still raw and liquid when I cut it. I'm mad at myself that I didn't test the dough with a pick before I took out because it looked already dry on the outside. Now I have wasted all the Ingrediens, which is Incredible wasteful.
No. 1902544
>>1902532Not to mention, if you have iron-deficiency anemia, you also likely have low platelet count and/or small platelets, which makes it much harder for your blood to clot. This causes heavy menstrual bleeding which never fucking stops. If you get enough iron, you'll likely have much lighter periods.
>>1902537How didn't you die from losing so much blood? Did you ever have to go to the ER? Maybe you might have to ask for an ultrasound, you may have uterine fibroids that you need to get removed. My mother also had horrible period pain due to fibroids.
No. 1902550
>>1902510That site was founded by incels iirc, and plus, it’s not even what I’m looking for anyway. My goal is to find a way to live while being suicidal, make friends (hopefully irl) and do normal stuff with them while having a deeper understanding of each other due to shared issues, not join an online-only community of people actively trying to die and posting about that as the main topic.
Maybe the reason this doesn’t exist is that what I want doesn’t make sense to anyone else but me.
No. 1902594
>>1902588I found something similar, but my friend was specifically talking about a teenage girl so I don't think this is it and it happens more than we know source: screenshots bc anons can't read it anyway, summary instead:
>convinced a woman who was currently being treated at an in-patient facility to meet up with him, take sedatives and then hang herself. talked at her relentlessly to convince her there was no way out of suicide>tried to coerce another young woman to let him hang her; duct tape and rope was found in his car No. 1902697
X-posting from the locked relationship advice thread but this is a vent as well.
I had a 4 hour long conversation with my boyfriend last night. I feel like there's huge miscommunication issues with us because he's getting the notion I want him to drop everything he's doing right then and there. This is since January of him coming home being warn out where whenever we see each other, he can barely think because he's so overworked, when we're out with friends he's glaring into the distance, a bunch of sighing and saying he's depressed and then telling me how much the line of work he does sucks, but it's necessary for him to do so he can pay bills and rent and not sell his soul out and not do weekends. I don't know what else to do when he says all this work he does eventually goes nowhere and it's unstable, on top of seeing how he can barely function when he's out of work and him saying how the field he works in is so corrupt and broken and doesn't appreciate the education he went through and pays like shit, other than to tell him, "Babe, maybe you should consider doing something else in the meantime." And he views it as me telling him he's at fault for continuing to work in his field and he needs to drop everything right now. He'll repeat to me that I wouldn't truly understand unless I was in his shoes. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes because I've been in a similar enough position before where I would dread hearing my phone ringing, I couldn't have a social life, I would escape this living hell as soon as I could and that's what I did. I'm not trying to say that he's at fault at all and that he's not trying to better his life, but I honestly don't know what else to say. And I tried to ask him how could I be saying it better, but he said he has no idea. It's like his work is this bad, I can't hold a conversation of my concern with him. I eventually got it to him by saying how I used to take him saying how everything is expensive and I misunderstood it as him saying I don't want us to spend money on anything at all and he seemed to be able to understand where I was coming from. Like obviously I'm not going to try to say "Wow baby that sucks, maybe you should suck it up and pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, people are dying all over the world, you should be grateful that you at least have work" it sounds so insensitive and completely dismissive to his feelings. I don't know. I apologized for not being able to communicate in a way he wouldn't take offense at my own words, but now I question how he'll take my own words in the future. I just hope this next coming year this doesn't haopen again. I can't fucking take this, I hate seeing him being like a zombie from work. Him acting like I'm just supposed to be okay that him being worn out is nothing to worry about, like of course I'd expect him to be worn out given what he's doing, but am I supposed to suck it up and be okay seeing him this way?
No. 1902728
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My boyfriend is 100% trying to fatten me up so I can have a bigger ass and it pisses me off to no end.
He keeps on suggesting to go to the gym and doing glute focused work outs and every time it fills me up with this crazy rage. I do not work out to have a fat ass. I cannot motivate myself to work out solely for the purpose of looking a certain way, nor can I motivate myself to work out solely because my boyfriend finds it attractive. I exercise purely for my own goals and having him make this suggestions just kill me inside.
It's not even that I'm unfit. I'm 5'7 and 130lb. I run 30-1 hr daily, and lift 3 times a week on top of rock climbing 3 times a week AND hiking on the weekends. I fucking love cardio and training "functional" strength. It's not about looking like I have a dumpy and slim waist but feeling fucking STRONG. I train my cardio/lifting mostly to climb hard, and having him suggest to work my routine around having a fat ass… it's insulting. It serves me no benefit other than looking like I have a fat ass. I just want to tell HIM to train 3x solely for a fat ass, telling him to neglect his other fitness goals. FUCK OFFFFFF!!!!!!!! I love having a ripped upper body and being able to do lots of pull ups. I love having a built upper body, it's really awesome for the sports that I do.
Sorry guys.
No. 1902732
>>1902728He sounds gay.
>>1902730I second this.
No. 1902782
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God I hate some of the clients we work with. How are you going to bitch that a warranty return hasn't been picked up yet when your retarded ass didn't tell us the correct address to get it picked up at? You saw all the paperwork I sent you with the wrong address on it—why wouldn't you tell me right away you need it picked up elsewhere? Actual morons working at some of these companies I swear
No. 1902790
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>>1902730>>1902770>>1902775Thanks for sharing my rage, it makes me feel less unreasonably mad. I'll figure out a snarky remark sometime, but I feel like it's more of a waste of energy than just doing what I'm doing and ignoring his boy-ish and inconsiderate suggestions.
>>1902767>>1902752The immaturity present in men is neverending. Although he appreciates me in other ways, sometimes they just miss so brutally by diminishing you without the intent of doing so. The problem starts that lots of men equate fit women = aesthetic reasons only. No shame whatsoever to women who exercise to look good, but A LOT of dudes fail to realize that fitness doesn't look one way, especially if they are sucked into one corner of fitness. They have the OOG OOG… INSTAGRAM BOOTY… monkey brain.
it's easier to stay with people with occasionally bad takes when you can just separate yourself enough from them to not let it sink in too deeply.
No. 1902825
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>>1902790Post the break-up text. Yes, you shouldn't even meet him to do so.
No. 1902845
>>1902798>>1902805It's not so clear cut. He just makes silly suggestions that fail to see me for who I am. No man is perfect, and, fortunately, I'm not insecure enough for it to be something worth breaking up over. We've been in a relationship for 4 years. It's an eye-rolling statement that will peeve me until I find a moment to let him know it annoys me. We live together, so
>>1902825 won't work.
>>1902834The Why is already understandable. Why wouldn't a man want to convince their already fit girlfriend to work more on their glutes? My ass is definitely nothing remarkable given my fitness goals, and I totally agree that he shouldn't be comparing my body with other women. I'd like to hope that a man wouldn't choose one woman over another solely based on ass metrics. It's no real threat to me, and I can understand that it's just a generic preference. My prediction or guess is that when we first started dating, I was unfit and kind of chubby with a lot of weight in my ass. Over the years of the relationship, I started really getting into fitness and lost a lot of weight in that department. He just misses it and probably doesn't know how to articulate it to me without hurting my feelings, hence "you should try working out your glutes more with x and x" blah blah.
>>1902838I try my absolute best to make time for it. It didn't start out that way though, I just would see "cracks" in my schedule that would account for more activities. If I don't exercise, I feel very anxious and restless so it's basically as important as eating/sleeping for me.
There's ALWAYS time to run, 30 minutes is really nothing. As for lifting and climbing, I stagger them throughout the week depending on how rested I feel. Sometimes I do a light climbing session and then lift after, or vice versa. Same with hiking, on the weekend I always have a hike planned prior.
I'd say the biggest time sink is really all the stretching, yoga, and meal planning that surrounds it.
No. 1902855
Why do women stay with men who clearly don’t like them. It’s sad but when they start to justify it, it feels pathetic.
>>1902805You’re correct!
No. 1902861
>>1902859I added the eyelashes in 5 secs in paint hoping it would give better immersion to the needing
nonnie. This is my weekly good action.
No. 1903045
>>1902404I wish we could chat in private
nonnie because this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I'm trying to integrate back into society and have tried getting to know people but we're worlds apart. At this point I'm trying to accept being alien and only having surface level connections. It's the loneliest feeling ever because no amount of friends or lovers can fix it. I'm still all alone on the inside.
No. 1903048
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My ex (who I broke up with) sent me this meme about a semi-obscure album (Transylvanian Hunger). When we were together we used to wear matching shirts with the album cover on it. When I replied he apologized and said he didn’t mean to send it. He sent me it a day ago but I only saw it an hour ago. When I told him it’s ok if he doesn’t want to speak to me because I don’t want to hurt his feelings any more he said that he was ok with being in contact but he didn’t want anything romantic or sexual. I’m so confused
No. 1903065
I hate having to go to the doctor so much. I've had type one diabetes for over 20 years, and I got it kind of late for a kid, so at this point I'm also starting to accumulate complications and pre-complications
I tried my hardest not to get sicker. It wasn't good enough. I get scolded fir it all the time like I don't hate myself for it already
There's never a single day or night off, you know
I got violated really badly by a gyno when I was 17, and I keep hoping that I'm over it, but when the gyno sticks whatever in there, I just start fucking crying.
I felt so bad for this nurse, she's the first one to ever ask me if I wanted her to stop
I'm so tired of all of this and I also have a separate history of sexual abuse from when I was 6, and then the medical industry is just fuckin full of sneaky covert abuse
And no one can handle me talking about my problems
And councilors/therapists either won't believe me or just literally don't understand my medical issues so they don't understand why I'm upset
No one believes a whole elementary school would cover up child abuse
So you tell a couple therapists and find out, yeah, no one will believe you.
I don't know what it is properly, but I think in like fifthish grade, I started doing this thing when I would get too upset, where like, I would kind if separate into two parts, like nit two separate physical entities, but still somehow two mes experiencing different things, the physical one experiencing something bad, and the part that would kind peel off and just kind of watch the rest of me from the outside.
I can't stand all of this. My mother can't stand how sad I am, but I can't help it no matter how hard I try; I told my pcp that I was biking fir two hours every single day and still not feeling better, and he said try three then.
I just feel like I don't matter. I just feel like all that matters is that my body stays alive for my mom and my body stays sick so my doctors can make money, and my soul just doesn't matter.
I actually want to start peeling apart again. I'm so beat. I can feel it trying to happen again thus year, and it's been a long time.
I'm so fucking beat though
No. 1903135
>>1903127My sister lacked oxygen at birth because he was a drunk incompetant (my sister is not his only
victim). As a result she has cerebral palsy and very bad epilepsy. She takes a lot of medicine and it caused her liver to finally shut dowm. She is only 32 years old. She had a great life. My mom sacrificed everything to give her the best life she could. We knew it would happen eventually, but now that it is the time I don't know how to deal with it.
>>1903128My sister says she can talk to an angel that comforts her and tell her that they will leave together when she is ready. We are not religious at all, but we feel like she's protected somehow. Thank you.
No. 1903181
>>1903179>being in a relationship is bait what
>>1903173I don’t really know how I got as lucky as I did, but he is such a gentleman and I feel privileged to take care of him and offer my love to him. I hope all of you experience love like this whether it’s with your nigel or your lady.
No. 1903193
>>1903187There is a weird janny that gets pissy at any woman here that isn't a
femcel I was the
victim of them a while back. Sorry I fuck and don't just sit inside my house all day rubbing my clit to anime boys.
No. 1903202
Redirect me if I'm putting this in the wrong thread plz
Over the past few months I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm not sexually attracted to my boyfriend anymore. We have a complicated sexual history, for the first year of us dating it was like pulling teeth trying to fuck him.
It was humiliating. No matter what I did or say, nothing enticed him. He would inadvertently humiliate me by pulling up porn during sexy moments or by walking away immediately after cumming, even if I hadn't finished. He had his own hangups about sex and it was effecting me by extension. And to answer the inevitable, "Why didn't you leave?" I don't know. I should've but I didn't,for lots of reasons that probably aren't good ones.
We're currently 2 years into our relationship, and while sex is easier to initiate, it's the same exact routine every time. Try to get him to do anything other touch me for 45 seconds before rolling on top of me and pumping away for 10-15 min was, again, like pulling teeth. He used to complain about how long it takes me to finish too. Thankfully he's more attentive, doesn't complain and actually reciprocates now sexually, but it just feels like it's too late. He sucked all the fun out of sex for me. I've lost interest. I don't care. It's not fun for me, and whenever he tries to initiate I get nervous and try to change subjects. When we do have sex, it feels like a chore. I honestly just end up dissociated staring at the ceiling until he's done.
I feel bad because it's the same thing he used to do to me, but I can't help it. I don't think I want to break up with him, he's my best friend and we live together and so everything's so tied up. He's a good guy and we've supported each other through very dark moments, so idk how to handle this feeling. Sometimes I wonder if I'm broken from my birth control/psych meds too, but I've been on the same meds for awhile so idk why that would start happening. Not sure how to feel overall
No. 1903208
>>1903202Sexual compatibility matters. Some people might tell you it doesn't but it massively does. Do you think you'll be happy seeing the act of love making as a chore for life just because you found a really good housemate?
>>1903204Dumbass thread is still there, quality has just went to shit due to the zoomers
No. 1903265
>>1903259You should start by doing it
No. 1903279
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>>1903271Nta and not involved in this discussion but
>you don’t like that another user is happy and you’re not No. 1903280
>>1903263I actually have some of it in writing, but I'm not sure what I can do with it. She is known to be rude and difficult and no one cares really.
>>1903268She is the only one teaching the class in my uni, which is unfortunate. I knew this before I took the class but I had no choice.
No. 1903286
>>1903279Do you think it could be more useful to redirect your support to actual
victims of DA on lolcow instead of projecting your negative emotions onto those of us who are exercising our American right to freedom of speech by making posts about our healthy, happy relationships?
No. 1903300
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>>1903298Definition actually doesn’t specify negative or positive, just ‘strong emotion’
No. 1903309
>>1903202I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. He sounds retarded. Like actually socially inept. Imo it’s hard to feel sexual attraction to somebody so dumb. I think it’d be best to breakup but that’s up to you. You shouldn’t have to compromise your feelings just because you feel bad for him.
>>1903300The venting threads on lolcow are for negative emotions. Past threads have said things such as “let out all your problems nonnies”, “real sadgirl hours”, “what ails you?” and such.
No. 1903346
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>>1903336just comparing this to the original post. I think you need to take a xanax maybe
No. 1903386
>>1903376I said Nta retard, and this has been discussed over and over again in multiple threads. Just lurk meta for 2 seconds and you'll see anons explaining that there's an influx of nigel worshipping posts by anon(s?) in attempt to bait people into an infight. A couple were already banned from this thread because this is the vent thread not the positivity thread or /g/. Lurk moar retard
>>1903378This is the vent thread, not the general conversation about infights and nigels thread, newfags should be permabanned on sight I stg all you fuckers do is derail and whine. You can't even read
No. 1903395
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>>1903392because you were banned before
No. 1903401
>>1903395>theres been an influx of anon(s) posting about their nigels>this one banned post has to have only been one single person even though i just acknowledged that theres a current wave of husbandfaggingAnd you also didn’t expand upon how
making a post about your happy relationship is baiting? Because your post did not say ‘banned users are trying to infight for attention’, you decided to say ‘by anon(s?) in attempt to bait people into an infight’ but you can’t really describe how posting about your husband or boyfriend by itself is baiting or trying to infight.
No. 1903408
>>1903396>If you wanna be a moderatorTake your own advice, you're the one trying to change the rules of this thread to include your little positive ramblings about your current pet moid. What's he doing while you sit here baiting for 6 hours? If he's so great why are you spending so much time here trying to convince everyone to not give you negative replies?
>>1903401That was another anon, my explanation felt like enough when a mod has already banned previous nigel worshipping posts. Why are you so upset about it?
No. 1903414
>>1903408>what’s he doing Some of our husbands have jobs and don’t sit in front of the TV all day the way your neckbeards do
>baitingBut you can’t even tell me what’s bait about making a positively toned post that wasn’t harmful or rude towards anyone and is being twisted into some negative bullshit by other users?
No. 1903430
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>>1903427Mommy Blogger Monday is over.
No. 1903470
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>>1903463When you are at the point where you watched everything worth to be watched you need to live the adventure, not watch it. That will give you what you seek.
No. 1903643
Whoever makes the next thread OP please add
>>>/g/113303 thanks
No. 1903651
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I guess I have to write this here because absolutely nobody in my life is insane enough to be okay with what I've done to learn this information let alone accept the fact that it's been a week and I'm still choking mad…
So my girlfriend shared her exes blog url with me on the condition that I NOT send her death threats (I'm a passionate person) and I promised and so that's why I can't get my feelings out by lashing out at her. Anyway all my girlfriend told me about her was that she was a very miserable woman and that the breakup was friendly enough, but they never spoke again.
Additionally, there was a time that the ex was still hanging out with her roommate (who she did not have a good relationship with) at the time, and when my girlfriend was made fun of by the roommate, the ex did not defend her. I heard this and actually got so mad my nose started bleeding.
So anyway! Cut to me days later going literally 2 years down this woman's blog and seeing literally Everything she posted about my girlfriend during the relationship and after too. What makes me so SPITTING MAD is that A YEAR after the breakup she posted about how she "spent last year in a relationship she wasn't even attracted to and didn't deserve her but was only in a relationship with because she gave her attention"–fucking liar! She is literally so ugly my girlfriend's MOTHER was relieved that they broke up, and my girlfriend gets flirted with by randos (another thing that gets me going) whenever we go out. And so many posts about how my girlfriend was so vapid and lacked empathy and how white women just get everything handed to them and UGH. What a fucking LOSER.
What gets me is that, supposedly, she wasn't attracted to my girlfriend? Wrong, dipshit, because I can go on your blog and see that you were fucking obsessed with her while you were dating. And a month after the breakup reblogged a softcore image of a woman that looks like her and posted vaguely about wanting to text someone but it being a bad idea. You literally got broken up with because you were pressuring her into sex too soon you fucking loser. You fucking loser. But yeah, you were only dating her for the attention. Which is why you're single and ugly and miserable now and she's been in demand the whole time. GOD.
No. 1903665
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>>1903651I love how passionate you are about your gf. It's really nice reading you seethe at the thought some wormlike and undeserving creature was slandering her in her blog to cope. Very knightlike (yet a bit unhinged).
No. 1903674
>>1903663I kind of can not tolerate the existence of any disrespect towards her. I recognise that this sounds insane which is why I am here on the anonymous imageboard.
>>1903668I'm a pretty funny and insightful gal when I'm not being insane.
No. 1903703
>>1903651these are the type of vents i love to see
>>1903665kek agreed
No. 1903734
>>1903702Yeah I know this is tending into crazy EX girlfriend status which is why I don't share it with her. The mystery of it would have driven me more crazy than knowing the actual loser I guess.
>>1903712Hot enough to make up for my crazy I guess. But come on it's not like people don't stalk exes and shit, it's just a problem when you make contact with them or bother your current partner about it.
No. 1903746
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I have a friend online who is struggling financially but got a dog because I guess she was lonely. Now she opened up a go fund me and is begging people to help her pay her dog's vet bills. I guess he needs surgery. Dont get a fucking pet if you are not financially able to. Do people think that dogs are just magically healthy all the time and never need to get checked up? I just cant support that shit. People who need money for actual funeral expenses get less help than people toting an ugly dog they cant afford online, asking sympathy. I cant stand it
No. 1903787
>>1903746It saddens me people care more an
about an ugly mutt dog than a human being while some anon is confessing being forced to date a sugar daddy because of financial struggle
No. 1903795
>>1903766I'm so sick of reading shit like this that doesn't end with
>anyway then I broke up with himYou're part of the problem for giving these moids attention and affection after they've gone out of their way to prove they're retarded at best and dangerous at worst.
No. 1903803
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>>1903790With this attitude you are going to end up in a garbage bag on the side of the road or melted in acido in his dedicated cellar bathtub. Being this naive must be mental illness. Wise up anon, it'not too late.
No. 1903812
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>>1903796You need more than cuteness to decide if they are worth it a hookup. Usually if they can dance or they can play bass or drums it is a good indicator they can fuck or at least keep a fucking rythm with their body. Dicksize can't be predicted tho. Unless some nona here developed some dickvination method I'm not aware about.
No. 1903816
>>1903796ghost him and if you ever cross paths with him again, act as if you don't recognize him at all, hurt him emotionally bleeds out
No. 1903836
>>1903821It was never sexist or violence jokes though, more like juvenile shit
>>1903822I wasn't making excuses for him but for myself. I don't think it was shameful of me to give him a chance.
It's not like we live together or spend lots of private time alone, we didn't have sex either, we just hang out. Yesterday was the first weird thing he ever said to me, I will confront him about it and see how he reacts kek. It's nothing serious to me though
No. 1903857
>>1903766It sounds like you're about to be his first
victim. Watch out.
No. 1903986
>>1903984same anon as post above,
>>1903766 is the post I thought it was related to. And am actually same anon as the claymore knightlike post.
>>1903956 I'm sure she appreciate it! It's the cute type of unhinged
No. 1904001
I usually find it important for myself that I keep up with the generals news, but lately I feel like I should take a step back. I'm not particularly obsessive with it, but there's just so much doomerism to be found it's affecting me mentally. It's hard to feel like I need to care about how the world will end in 10 years if we don't do this or that, when at the same time I'm trying to ensure I take my antidepressants so I won't want to kill myself. Even more so when so much of it is things I can't do anything about anyway.
>>1903991Good luck
nonnie! I don't think taking a moment to bake and clear your mind is bad at all. I personally find that even last minute doing something else entirely will help you focus better once you do prep. Of course there's a limit to it but if you got to the point of your defense I'm certain things will be fine.
No. 1904034
nonnie! You're right but I also really should revise a bit more. Nerves are getting to me even though I know it'll all be ok. At least I have pie now.
No. 1904094
I accidentally stumbled upon an engagement ring my boyfriend had hidden in the house, and I was so beyond thrilled. I could hardly contain my excitement, and it was in that moment I realized how deeply in love with him I am. The next few days I was just pouring more love into us and him than ever. I always do stuff for him but I was really going over the top. Just having that realization that he could be the person I’m with for the rest of my life just flipped a switch in me, and I wanted to do nothing else but shower him in affection. I was so happy.
And then a few days later he had accidentally left his phone open to his notes app, and I just skimmed what he had written but the gist of it was that he was trying to figure out how to approach me to discuss a “noticeable gain” in my weight. And he’s not wrong, I’ve been trying to lose weight for awhile and I successfully have but then I’ve gained some of it back. I do need to lose weight and I have been struggling. But seeing that on his phone broke me.
I spent the rest of the day like normal, trying not to show that I was upset. And when we went to bed last night and I thought he was asleep I broke down crying. I couldn’t help myself. It had been accumulating all day and I just laid there and sobbed. He ended up noticing and I confessed to what I saw. He apologized, said he never meant to hurt me, and he didn’t want me to see his unfiltered thoughts like that. He was just concerned for my health. But when I, still deeply in my feelings, told him I could tell he wasn’t as attracted to me he just stayed silent.
And he’s not obligated to be attracted to me at my size, I’m not saying he’s done anything wrong. I’m not venting about him I’m just venting my feelings. Because I truly don’t know what to think right now. To go from such a high to such a low was hard. I’m so beyond embarrassed. I’ve just been replaying in my head all of my recent attempts at being sexy for him, of trying to turn him on, I’m cringing at the brand new lingerie set in my closet that I had been excited about showing him. I’m absolutely mortified and sick to my stomach feeling, and since he went to work this morning all I’ve managed to do is clean a little and cry a lot.
No. 1904116
>>1904094I think you need remember that your boyfriend wants to marry you, to the point where he's already purchased a ring! You didn't discover a note where he was expressing doubts about remaining in the relationship because of your weight gain! When you spoke to him about it - he communicated to you that he was concerned about your health. As you've identified, that's a
valid concern for someone to have - especially if he wants to make vows to be with you forever, love. I understand why you broached the topic of him being less attracted to you, but questions like that are loaded because let's say that is the case and he told you, that'd hurt you. If he lied, you'd probably be able to tell and that would hurt you too. There's no winning with questions like that (for either of you).
Be kind to yourself! You're trying to lose the weight - if you're at a plateau, try and reassess what you're doing. You seem like such a sweet person, anon, and I'm rooting for your happiness.
No. 1904173
>>1904024I've complained abt him b4. He works in a courier job and has a lot of time to be bored so he calls me all day. We've spoken about this, I don't like being on the phone. He knows this, we keep talking about it, the issue is not communication. "wow he wants to talk to you how terrible" but it's not talking, it's me listening to him work. He's currently pissed w his job and has another one he's looking at but hasn't applied yet. I said it's probably not a good idea to walk out while blocking all higher ups, and he hung up on me lol. I agree with him if he isn't happy there then to go elsewhere (I also agree with his reasons for wanting to quit)
I'm in an awkward situation personally (working on being a not illegal immigrant) so I can't work yet and so he just figures I'm at home doing nothing. I wanna watch my shows and work on my projects and clean my house without my groove being broken. Yesterday he got home at two, (not bad at all???) and between cleaning my house and listening to his shit on the phone, I got 90 seconds to myself to do the things I wanna do. I'm a loner, I've spent the last 9 years alone doing my own thing, I'm not used to all my time being monopolized. I'm going crazy not being able to have time to myself.
He's good in many ways I find him so attractive, he's funny, he is a hard worker, great in bed, raised my confidence and got me out of my bubble so many times. He says he hasn't had a relationship where he's wanted to be in contact all the time, said a lot of the time he'd rather chill in the car when he gets home rather than face his partner. I feel bad because I do love spending time w him but it's quantity time and not quality time and I'm getting zero alone time. Tired.
No. 1904274
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Yeah, this is why I will never feel bad about dating multiple men at the same time because on a whim they pull picrel.
Just fucked him Sunday and saw a movie with him last week. He sent me flowers for Valentine's Day and took be out to an expensive dinner and arcade date. He even ordered some sex stuff for the bedroom.
Just imagine had I sunk all emotional energy into him and then got blindsided with this. Glad I kept my options open, tbh I think he's right in the long term, but basically wanted to dump me first cause things were going well until they weren't.
Didn't dignify this much, just told him I appreciated it and plan not to hit him up ever again until he gets the message.
No. 1904402
>>1903787Imagine being jealous of dogs, you're like a bitter incel lmao.
>being forced to date a sugar daddy because of financial struggleIf you're not a literal third worlder, go dropship or make postcards. No middle-class woman in a first world country is "forced to date" some nasty scrote for financial reasons unless she's been trafficked.
(infighting) No. 1904412
>>1904289They do this when they're talking to multiple women at once. It's not fear of commitment, that's just a lie this type of scrote tells.
>>1904274 had sex with him and that's all he wanted from her, he kept her in the rotation because he wanted casual sex. He got it so he dumped her for his next
No. 1904425
>>1904412Weird though cause it wasn't our first time. I still get it though, I can understand why they do it and tbh I'm not afraid to do the same.
Not after what I've seen.
No. 1904427
>>1904402>>1903840Both of you seemed to have missed this part of anon's post
>>1903733 where she says that she's ill and
>when you go on benefits in my retarded country you’re not allowed to have any other income at all No. 1904432
>Imagine being jealous of dogs. I'm not jealous of dogs. Anon posted about how her poorfag friend got a dog and made a GoFundMe for the dog and mentioned that people who struggle with paying funerals don't get donated money.
Then I added that some anon posted about ending up dating sugar daddies because of disability and how a dog gets donated money.
>If you're not a literal third worlder, go dropship or make postcards. No middle-class woman in a first world country is "forced to date" some nasty scrote for financial reasons unless she's been trafficked.You're assuming she's middle class or that her disability doesn't impact her enough.
Anyway, I hate living in a world where the life of a dog is more valuable than that of a human being. It's sad.
Then the dog fags will start popping out to show their sociopathy
No. 1904447
>>1904402>or make postcardsredpill me on postcards
nonnie,I need some pocket money
No. 1904532
>>1904529Sometimes it happens
nonny, I'm sorry… I hope you feel better soon
No. 1904556
>>1904425I'm dating 4 scrotes right now, I don't give a fuck anymore. I used to be loyal as a dog and I only got fucked over severely. I'm open to dating even more scrotes too as long as they keep taking me out on dates, and by dates I mean FUN dates where they pay for everything. It still feels unnatural to me to lie and tell them I'm not seeing anyone else, but fuck it, they'd do the same.
I remind myself that for every 1 lie I tell a scrote, he tells me 3.
No. 1904559
>>1904558I kiss u
nonnie. I mourn ur tree.
No. 1904619
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>>1904524He's just the Onceler for zoomies.
No. 1904682
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I am the same anon who received a text from my ex which he dismissed as an accident the other day. It has been 11 days since I broke up with my ex and it looks like he’s already dating or talking to a new girl. It doesn’t look like they’re officially together yet because he doesn’t have her username in his bio or anything but she’s been commenting “hi baby” and other stuff on his posts. This explains why he never took “taken” out of his Twitter bio even after we broke up I guess.
No. 1904693
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A poem by me, anon:
I want to die, I want.
To die
I. Want. To. Die.
I wish I was dead
I want to die
I really, really want to die
I wish I didn't wake up tomorrow
I want to die
I really wish I could die in my sleep
Because I want to
I want to die.
I don't want to kill myself because I'm a mess and I know I would fuck it up so
I want to die
I hope my brain stops working and it makes the rest of my body die
I wish I could just die already
I want to die right now
I want. To die
If I was dead I wouldn't be wishing I was dead
I want to die
I wish someone could kill me quickly and painlessly so I could die
I want to die for sure
Or that this building could collapse and kill me, but that everyone else managed to be safe and sound because
I want to die.
In resume: I want to die, I wish I was dead and that I could die in my sleep.
No. 1904712
>>1904682>username/taken in Twitter bio>”hi baby” on public websitesTotal sympathy for your feelings
nonny but this is such a cringy, voyeuristic and juvenile relationship style that I truly believe it is beneath you to care about wherever it’s gone. The text wasn’t an accident and anything with this cringey man is definitely worthless. Just block and don’t reply to him.
No. 1904762
I got called a germophobe again today. I don't think I am. I'm just clean, but not to a crazy level. It's people who are unhygienic.
>>1904746Moisturise, wear sunscreen, get rest and stay hydrated and nourished. Laugh lines are part of life and perfectly fine. The vast majority of people don't have "real" lines when they're a few years older than you. I won't get into detail because this is LC and don't want to start shit about nasolabial folds.
>>1904754 is right, stay offline.
No. 1904768
>>1904754i really do look old though. my skin is dry and bad, and also discolored. it flakes up easily. i've been depressed for the past…six-ish months over the job market and not living very well, eating poorly, etc. my body is suffering too. i'm not fat but i'm definitely no longer thin, it sucks
pretty sure i have forehead wrinkles as well. they're faint but they're there and i see them if i squint and i hate that
>>1904755>>1904762support's appreciated, nonnies
No. 1904791
>>1904207honestly, they're not the best. As of lately the most studying I can do is stare at the relevant words/grammar/whatever and repeat them to myself so they can stick. I used to be a lot better at studying and I can't really pinpoint where I ended up getting bad.
>>1904300I'm looking into taking the rest of my credits online, I heard from a classmate that it's much less stressful so hopefully I can do that. The Japanese department here is quite small so there's not much choice in professors in the first place, unfortunately. I have been planning to talk to my main prof but I'm really intimidated by him so I'm putting it off. You're right though and I should get on that, so thanks for bringing it up
No. 1904809
>>1904641Can't speak for other anon but for women like me, who live in very populated yet drivable places, spinning multiple dates is easy. I've even dated some scrotes within the same hobbies who never knew about each other and we shared no mutuals.
Men know this too, which is why I don't trust them. At least women play these games to protect their hearts, men do it to fuck around while holding out for the best option available.
No. 1904817
>>1904815Have you considered that maybe you are projecting your insecurities of socializing with older strangers onto that kid? maybe he genuinely didn't know, maybe him being middle aged also makes him bad with dates and tech.
It happens.
No. 1904824
>>1904817said coworker has creep vibes, I don't really like working with him or being alone around him. he's never done or said anything overtly creepy, it's just more of a vibe. he is middle aged yet refers to all women as "girls" and has multiple baby mommas and used to go around showing pictures of them to the other guys that worked there. he also will start singing if you're alone with him, which again is not creepy, it's just awkward as hell.
as for the other guys I just think it's weird that they're all middle aged and barely known her (they're part time, and she's only worked there for about a month - I've worked there much longer and hardly see some of these guys, so there's pretty much no way they've gotten to know her that well). I remember a week or two ago it was one of my male coworker's birthdays and not one of those guys wished him a happy birthday lmao.
No. 1904825
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the idea of men in the shayna threads is worse than the other pedo pandering whores whose only critique of her is her appearance. what is he doing here? laughing that she isn't pedo pandering well enough for him? he probably found this thread because she organically popped up on his twitter based on his likes. and the audacity to learn enough to sage but either not learn or blatantly disregard that this is a women's site.
dumb scrote begone, hope he wasn't using a vpn and can be permabanned
No. 1904892
>>1904641I don't care if they find out. We're dating, not married. I used to date exclusively because my heart was in it, I was so fucking invested and sweet and loving that I literally didn't have room in my heart to focus on more than one guy.
>>1904812>>1904814PROJECTION. Men love sperging out about how "wahhh you'll probably betray me" because they know deep inside that's them. If they got a chance with someone prettier, they'd fuck you over. My ex did it to me, his schizo tier insecurities were actually him being scared of me doing what he was doing to me all along. I hope they all die. I hope every single nonnies Nigel die, I hope all their exes die, I hope their future husbands die, I hope their fathers die, I hope their brothers die
No. 1904896
>>1904693I want to die
Because of what you've done to me
I can't take it anymore
I've reached the limit
I want to die
But there's nothing holding me back
No family
No dignity
Why the fuck do I keep myself alive
I want to die
I've wanted to die since I was 8
It's not a secret
Probably everyone knows
And I think people have gotten tired
Hearing about how I want to die
There's nothing keeping me alive
No friends
No love
No family
I want to die
My body should decompose
I want to die
It won't be a tragedy
Nobody will come to my funeral
Because I'm a waste of air
That doesn't deserve to be part of society
No. 1904897
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Lonely "trad" males in their 30s having eternal meltdowns over millenial and gen Z women "picking" cats and dogs over companionship with them will never not be funny to me. I still remember one post from 4chan that referred to cats as "the purring jew".
No. 1904901
>>1904444You should see how many homeless people there are in America and amongst them there are minors too. How many people struggle feeding their children and how many of them go homeless in first world countries without anyone caring. How many people work minimum wage while living in their cars.
I won't even talk about children from the third world farming silica or other human atrocities. There are quite literally dogs that are taken better care of than humans and children. They're offered peace, food, a roof over their head.
You have no idea how many human beings are completely stripped of human rights and nobody cares.
It's sad to live in a world where a human beings life is worth less than an animals. I don't think that you've seen or experienced the dark side of humanity because I did.
No. 1904911
>>1904901Do you honestly believe dogs, in general, living better, or that any species other than our own is to be blamed?
>It's sad to live in a world where a human beings life is worth less than an animals. I don't think that you've seen or experienced the dark side of humanity because I did.I'm from a third world country, kek. No one struggling would pick life as a dog or any animal because we all know that's exponentially worse. Only mentally ill first worlders who think the only dogs that exist are expensive pampered handbag dogs or pitbulls that get donations on Kickstarter or whatever genuinely think "Dogs live better lives than me". Stop deflecting with other people's misery to justify animal fixations.
No. 1904923
>>1904911Samefag, if you're in a bad place, you can literally go outside and see starving and sick dogs everywhere, often a struggling cat too. No one does anything because it's bad for everyone. No animals are automatically offered food and a roof. That's for good cities in nice countries only, and those same places tend to have welfare programs, shelters for the homeless, helplines, etc. Humans always prioritize humans, in the end. Where humans suffer, animals suffer even more because there's far too little in time/resources/energy. At least as a human, I have a fighting chance and I can talk.
No. 1904924
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>>1904913Same nonna, we’re gonna be okay though I believe our lives will work out for us
No. 1904931
>>1904911I'm from the third world too and I'm not a criminal nor drug addict but I've been homeless on and off for 6 years and even now I don't really have living conditions or a stable place to stay at simply because people have been morally disengaged with my life. There is no welfare really or even shelters. People don't really care if you end up struggling either and they're more likely to have empathy towards an animal because they are cute. Sometimes I walk down the street and I just look at dogs and I realize they have a family, house, that their health will be taken care of, that they are important to their caretakers while nobody cares about me and I can't ask for "help". It's something dystopian.
No, I'm not a drug addict nor a criminal simply I am incredibly mentally unwell
No. 1904940
>>1904931>they're more likely to have empathy towards an animal because they are cuteRich people and foreigners do, not the average person, from what I've seen. Most dogs don't have caretakers and are ignored (at best).
I'm sorry about the shit you've gone through anon, it can always get better. You have more agency than a dog.
No. 1905029
>>1902271You have so many communication issues with him maybe you should just break up but if I'm being 100% real with you… You have
got to stop breaking up with people over text just because you haven't heard from them in one or two days. It's a pattern at this point. I'm honestly surprised you would do it again after the whole hospital thing.
>>1905000I am really sorry to hear about your dog. I hope your dog is okay.
No. 1905039
I had an horrible day yesterday. My dog bite me in front of several people, we moved out and it was very stressful, i lashed out at my cousin and uncle, the house was a mess, it was terrible. I wasn't feeling alright at all, so i came here to get a good laugh at least, only to be greeted with bait and infighting about having kids, marrying to moids, getting old, etc. I got mentally distraught and left in an even worse mental state than before. I just want some hope and live my life, I'm 22, I don't know why there are people wanting me to care about all these things so soon. It's a personal decision so why do they care? I want to focus on fixing myself first if anything, I just want to do things right but I don't know what's right anymore, I just want peace but everything's happening so soon
No. 1905069
>>1905049So you did act rashly. You didn't even know you were blocked, you can't use it as a reason for breaking up with him like you said in
>>1905033I don't know, it just doesn't make sense to me. Sorry to ride your ass. You should break up with him, or stay broken up if he really broke up with you this time. You're not married, you don't have to stay with him through sickness and health or anything.
No. 1905184
>>1904929not to sound like twitter or anything but that kind of sounds like Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), look it up. Of course it could also be from some problems in your childhood. Did your parents overreact to your mistakes or something?
I feel for you anon for sure but it's definitely something you want to try and get under control. Therapy would probably help if you haven't tried already. That's the kind of thing that makes people stop bringing up mistakes/issues they have with you in fear of a huge reaction, which isn't healthy in relationships of any kind. Wish you luck.
No. 1905225
>>1905080you really do have to accept the loneliness and that it is better than sites like this that can be
toxic. it's hard to remember because craving human interaction is normal. if you want to leave, you have to actively remind yourself. or if you do see benefits in using lolcow, how can you limit yourself to the best parts? only allow yourself to check specific days of week, save links to specific threads, etc.
No. 1905226
>>1905201it drives me nuts too. i don't understand how it's allowed to happen and how no one seems to care enough to do anything about it.
slightly related rant, grocery stores with points/rewards programs seem to be giving out less and less. i have an account for a major grocery store chain and i used to be able to rack up $100+ worth of points towards free groceries and it would take me less than a year. now its taken me nearly 2 years to get $50 worth of points despite spending more money on groceries. i eventually found out to get more points you're supposed to open their app and load their offers every week or else you won't get any points at all and everyone on reddit is saying "its always been this way!!! you just never noticed!!!" but i know for a fact it has not always been that way. just pisses me off
No. 1905327
>>1904933Im sorry to hear
>>1904942Im 21, I do have some other weirdo friends online, theyre all girls though. Ive had autistic guy friends in the past and theyre all perverts or
abusive schizos (or both!)
No. 1905400
So, Today i got a bit hungry and went to a street food stand everything was going pretty alright until an older man on a suit told me that he had paid for what i was eating plus a soda, I hesitated at first because he is a complete stranger but ended up ordering something else, after being completely sure that he was away from where I was i told the guy on the fryer that i would be paying for everything i ate and the soda, whoever that man was i don't trust stranger's charity, so for now i won't be showing up at that stand anymore.
Now I'm not the kind of girl a rapist is looking for, infact if you ever bullied a fat kid on school that was probably me, i haven't changed at all, I'm still pretty gross and hideous to look at which is why I find a weird a man like that would pay for my food for no reason, maybe he has a bestiality fetish or something.
I still decided to walk in random directions and enter random businesses every now and then on my way home, just in case someone was following me.
Anyway just wanted to share my total schizophrenic episode with all of you.
No. 1905439
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I hate people who are like "omg I have so many projects I don't have time to call/hang out" when I know they smoke weed and hang out with other friends and not me. Like fuck you for real
No. 1905463
>>1905170Is it you prison-
nonnie? You are coming out on april right?
No. 1905517
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just failed an exam after studying so much for it even skipping classes to work for it & doing great at practices. i normally wouldn’t care but i decided i wanna get into grad school so i feel like shit cause this is gonna tank my gpa bad
No. 1905545
>>1905533Thank you nonna I appreciate your kind words I got riled up because they're calling me a fucking robot and I'm not a robot I am not artificial I am just me and they called me Chat Gpt and I'm not fucking using Chat Gpt I've never used Chat Gpt in my life because it's not real and I don't trust machines I'm not a Ludite per se but I just don't ever want to use Chat Gpt because I believe that I'm enough and I don't need to rely on AI to be myself and have thoughts it just really made me upset now I feel like picrel but you made me feel better by being kind thank you for having my back.
>>1905538Thank you for backing me up nonna I appreciate your sweet words they are like honey to my ears because after being accused of being a robot I feel drained and deadened and like someone just stabbed me in my heart with a sword or a big knife and it's not how I like to feel at all I feel like picrel after that interaction I had to vent about it here but you and the other anon who commented before you itt both made me feel better but I still need time to recover from the libel put out against me because the anon that posted that horrible comment calling me a fucking robot still hasn't deleted her post and it's almost 30 minutes after she made it and after 30 minutes you can't delete your posts on here but I am hoping the farmhands realize what she said wasn't true and delete it hopefully but I can only hope thank you again for commenting in support of me I love you both.
No. 1905546
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>>1905545Samefag because I forgot to attach it but this is picrel I was talking about sorry I doubleposted.
No. 1905573
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Ever since I was a kid I've had a huge appetite. I could eat a massive meal and then feel hungry right afterwards. I was never a chubby kid, only because my parents always made me do sports so I wouldn't end up fat. When I got out of high school, I stopped doing sports and ate what I wanted and I ended up overweight. Now I monitor my eating, but it's so hard. I'm always hungry because if I ate what I really wanted, I would be fat and unhealthy. Today I decided to see how much I could eat, so I ate an entire box of macaroni, fried rice, honey garlic chicken, a candy bar, nutella crackers, some cereal, and a muffin and I'm still hungry. I hate it here.
No. 1905593
>>1905584go back to reddit if you want to keep defending males who are
victim of something that doesn't happen
No. 1905599
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>>1905587>>1905593Now post this take on any non-anon site if you believe in it so bad
No. 1905739
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just realized that the reason why I've been running fevers on/off for almost a year, had a sore throat, and had a mix of kind of gross symptoms is because of a tonsil issue. I should maybe be happy I figured it but I'm also exasperated at the concept that I've been feeling like shit more than usual is due to something so mundane and fixable.
No. 1905956
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I'm sad and I have no one to lean on. I hate having to mask and be okay and strong and move on or else life will kick my ass. I just wanna wallow in self pity, like unironically.
No. 1905958
>>1905956Hang in there
nonny ♥
No. 1905984
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> Juggling work, study, personal work, and volunteering between depressive episodes.
> Doing these things to get the future life I want. Obsessive about this.
> I am either being 'productive' or wanting to sudoku.
> Everybody tells me to take a break and stop taking on additional responsibilities.
> Become too exhausted to study. Finally relent and take a nap.
> Wake up shaking from a nightmare of hitting a child with my car.
It really do be like that. At least that woke me up enough to finish my uni reading kek.
No. 1905986
>>1905739Take the answer and run with it, nona. Use this knowledge to improve your health this year and try not to dwell on the last year. It's easy to think 'omg I was so fucking dumb why didn't I realise it was that' (I had a very similar issue kek) and instead think 'thank fucking god I don't have to have another year of that shit'. Easier said than done but the main takeaway is don't blame yourself. We're not doctors, and it's easy to overlook the simple shit.
Wishing you a very healthy 2024.
No. 1906246
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glad to see you're finally running out of trolling material and just scraping the bottom of the barrel for anything you can.
No. 1906277
My doctors all think I'm autistic. They haven't run any tests actually confirming that I am, they just don't like how I avoid eye contact and have general disdain for humanity. I've had a lot of bad experiences with people, and sometimes people with blue eyes makes me feel insanely uncomfortable. But that's just with people in charge. Every day interactions with others is pretty easy, and people seek me out for company online and in person when I'm minding my own business. I don't "mask". I just exist in public and if someone has a problem with how I present myself, I'm typically too tired to care. I don't have hyperfixations- hell, I lose interest in things pretty fast that aren't related to drawing or taking care of my dogs. I just don't give a shit, but hating the company of people for some reason is like the dead ringer for these doctors. I was liked relatively alright at my job, when I had one? And was given leadership positions in highschool… I just don't get it.
Maybe I'm just delusional in thinking they're wrong. Sure I'm texture sensitive but so are animals. Normies aren't just okay with bulldozing everything. I'm far from normal and have a ton of medical issues, but why they think autism is one of them is beyond me. I just don't see it? I know it's a spectrum and some people have "autistic traits" but I am just not one of those people. I keep dropping doctors when they try to suggest me being on the spectrum. But they want me to pay for a test that isn't covered by my insurance, (American miment). It's so stupid. If I'm on the spectrum, it would really screw up any set-in parameters. I'm tolerant of dogs, very much so, in terms of sound and touch and smell, etc. But humans are just nasty, vile things that always have ulterior motives. They always touch me with bad intent, always expect things, always demand things… to deny this is to be in denile. If anything, I'd argue I'm schizoparanoid, but I'm not trying to add another diagnosis to the ones I've already been given.
It feels like being autistic would make it so that doctors are less likely to help me with my individual problems, and instead just brush it off as part of the condition. I'm sure the people who actually are autistic have their own set of issues. I just them to make it so I'm not depressed and suicidal all the time. Who gives as shit about my adversion to ketchup, or the fact that smoke detector low-battery sounds give me migraines, or that I hate the way people smell in general. Having a preference doesn't fucking make me autistic.
No. 1906278
i don't know how i would describe how i feel, it's something like a mixture between angry and i really do not give a fuck anymore. i'm so mentally exhausted and tired of people and being judged for stupid shit. i'm the anon whose mother isn't doing well and even though i feel a little better than i did earlier in the month (i've thankfully stopped crying every fifteen minutes), i am still afraid and i feel like my world is falling apart underneath my feet because she's going back for more tests and a 3rd biopsy on her fibroid, and it's killing me inside. i can't help but compare all my relationships to the one i have with my mother and it scares me because i don't know what i am going to do if she does have cancer and if she doesn't make it. it scares me because my mother is really the only person i have in my life who loves me unconditionally. everyone else i've known, including many of my family members, have only given me conditional love. no one loves me, truly, for who i really am except for her. the only other person who loved me the same way she does was my grandmother. but she's been dead for a decade now, and i only see her in my dreams. everyday i am reminded of how truly tragic i am as an individual, and again, it scares the absolute fuck out of me.
i am just angry with people, and the world and all its stupid demands. i've mentioned this in other vent posts but a lot of my "friends" abandoned me when they found out my mother wasn't doing well and i was spiraling. a lot of other people who aren't my friends but enemies and/or just weirdos who can't mind their fucking business, act like there's something wrong with me because i am not telling them what's going on and letting them sift through my trauma like its a free for all (i don't use social media). only my professors and the friends who are still somewhat talking to me, know what's happening. i'm tired of always trying to stay positive and feeling like i need to entertain people, or else i get labeled with the "bitch" edit. i'm not a bitch, i'm just suffering. i'm battling with depression and anxiety, and it's a miracle i am even able to get up every morning to get to my lectures. i'm a lot stronger than i was when i was a teen, but it still hurts. i have my faith, i pray, and i accept what's happening but people are really starting to get on my nerves. i see how shallow a lot of people are and it's irritating because you can't have a deep and meaningful conversation because all anyone wants to talk about is sucking dick or smoking weed. half the time they don't even understand what it's like to come from a dysfunctional family like i do; people think i am lying when i say i don't talk to my family or that they're abusive. they don't even have the empathy inside to even put themselves in my shoes, they just either look at me strange or change the subject.
i just want my mother to get better. i will be glad when spring break comes because i am going to go no contact for the entire 2 1/2 weeks and spend time working on myself. i've always been a loner but i've never craved solitude as much as i have these past few months. i feel like i am running on fumes atp.
No. 1906498
I had a friend that I really enjoyed talking to, we share a lot of niche interests and I would visit her at work a lot and we'd end up having hours-long insightful and funny conversations. However I always felt like I was annoying her and she would sometimes throw snide comments my way in the form of "jokes" or pretending they where about other people. A couple months ago, we hung out together with another friend who was visiting from out of town, and then afterwards I just stopped reaching out to her. I was usually the one reaching out in the first place anyway, and I didn't really stop on purpose, but she's made absolutely zero effort to talk to me and now I really believe that all I did was annoy her. The weird thing is I'm not even really mad despite having hardly any other friends (much less a friend like her where I could sperg about weird shit) and most of the time I don't feel the desire to reconnect, except for some random overwhelming sadness I had about it just now. I don't know, it's just kind of baffling me more than anything. If she didn't like me, why didn't she say anything beforehand?? If she does like me, why doesn't she reach out? But at the same time, do I really want to talk to her again? Idk
No. 1906656
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>>1906645I hate it so much too! And sometimes when I'm not lazy I feel like correcting the typos I can't fucking just delete correct and post. Nooo, I need to wait "30 seconds" but they never are really 30 seconds so I end up in the loop of "oops 30 more" and then I get frustrated and that post is lost forever
No. 1906664
>>1906645Yes, it's so annoying. Especially if you delete a post and try to repost like
>>1906656 mentioned. I think it should be disabled in that instance.
No. 1906736
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I miss my former friend, we had so many good memories together, but I don't want to get in touch with her again. She was always driving me nuts and was dishonest, untrustworthy and competitive for no reason.
Here's one of the pathetic memories that makes me not want to submit myself to a "friendship" with her again. Spoilered because it's a tad gross.
She'd constantly cry because her scrote hated her vag smell and hated eating her out. One time he even covered his nose when he was hitting it from the back and she said she felt humiliated when she saw him do that. She went to the doctor to check if everything was ok and her vaginal health was fine, apparently her scrote just didn't like the smell of vag and he swore up and down all men hate vag smell. She'd complain he hurt her fee-fees and then cry to me about it. This happened so many times. Girl, just fucking leave this asshole who makes you feel horrible! The "problem" probably wasn't even her, it was him. Meanwhile she'd jump to defend him from any type of criticism, even when it was a valid and reasonable remark. Ok, so he makes you cry telling you that your healthy, clean smell is nasty and that he hates licking you, but any polite mention of his wrongdoings is bad and you're gonna attack me instead. Fuck you.
Typing this out helps. Never again.
No. 1906814
>>1906808Does he ever express that he gets anxious for your safety when you’re by your lonesome in public
nonnie? Thats why me and my nigel go every little place together
No. 1906836
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Is it worth it to text my ex’s new GF and tell her that he cheated on me? The thing is he got with her 11 days after I broke up with him so for all I know she might’ve one of the people he was cheating on me with
No. 1906840
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>>1906825There's nail-free solutions you can use to hang things on the wall.
No. 1906939
>>1906888she's a hoarder who goes thrift shopping every other day. there's a room in this house that's just…jam-packed with garbage bags full of clothing. the shed is also stuffed with clothes she is never going to wear. but she's always buying more
i am not exaggerating at all when i say if she wanted to open up her own secondhand boutique she absolutely could because there's just that much shit in this house
>>1906890not yet, i haven't had this job for very long. even before i got it though my savings – when i had them – pretty much went towards her medicines (she has asthma so i buy her those pumps), general entertainment, phone and internet, and food and she still acted like this because "i wasn't paying any of her bills!!!"
No. 1906978
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>>1906974Picrel is the husbando in question.
No. 1907053
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There's this alt girl that I've been following (first on tumblr, then on IG) for like 12 years now and I recently saw that she made an OF and I am so mad. She's gorgeous, talented and has such a good taste in music SHE DOESN'T NEED THIS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1907125
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>>1907117It won't! I really hate olives, and I just had an awful binge episode after I was fine for months…I do like burgers.
>>1907121You mean the world to me.
No. 1907156
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I HATE how out of it I've been, it feels as though I'm subhuman. sure I've always been lethargic even when I was a kid and even got constant rude comments about how deathly I looked, but for some reason I feel so much worse now. it's been so long since I hung out with my one longtime best friend…can't even bother feeling lonely cuz I'm too tired. I sometimes look at the pyramid of needs and everything but self-preservation seems impossible for me to fulfill…even then I don't feel safe. and above all I hate how relatable I find Gollum.
No. 1907163
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disgusting scrotes with no shame being here
No. 1907251
>>1907240Thank you
nonnie. I’m actually in Latin America, in a country with a high economic crisis… the vial was around 500 usds only like 6 years ago (if I’m googling the prices right, but that seems in line), so it’s just defeating. I can’t fathom the pharmaceutical industries who can just make those, and are choosing to just let people… I can’t even say it. You’re a very sweet and kind person yourself, thank you! She’s not accepting donations but I’ll commission her something and give her a humongous tip at the very least I guess. I just wish there was something else that could be done. The thought of a next irl meetup without her walking around chatting with others and selling her adorable art… she can’t be older than 23. I pray and hope there’s anyone with the vials she needs. Everyone’s reposting at least, someone has to see it and have any.
No. 1907253
>>1907231at least she does seem to have some kind of escapism? but wow that is awful, sorry anon. I'll pray for her.
>>1907242I said that I find that her anti-roidpig sentiment funny so that's why I defended her vent but that I do agree that she should hide the thread.
No. 1907427
>>1907418uh, not bait. sorry, i might just be uneducated on it and how
triggers work but idk, im trying not to take it personally for that reason because it wouldnt be her reacting that way?
No. 1907449
>>1907429I’m so fascinated by the way she used those words so casually like they mean something. Do young people think the alters/
triggers are real or is this just being used as slang for “maybe she lashed out because she has something serious going on, you never know”?
No. 1907520
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I got my period and I'm suffering. The vinted package I was waiting for just arrived and I don't want to go to pick it up but I'm curious and I want to confirm the order so I can give a 5star review to the seller asap, it is her first sale and she's so anxious about it it's sweet. Related for european nonnies, right now idk if vinted has some offer on shipping or what but I'm finding a lot of 0.00 shipping on sellers, not only new ones, so I got a lot of nice stuff for next to nothing.
No. 1907547
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WOW! Ignoring evidence, refusing notes, making assumptions, asking leading questions to look as if I'm contradicting myself, ignoring statements you could've asked questions on, cross dating and contradicting yourselves in order to spin it so I look like a big fucking liar when all I'm trying to do is get some actual fucking support. And you call yourself professionals! After two fucking years it's all amounted to a big fat NOTHING.
JUST when I thought it couldn't get any worse.
No. 1907548
>>1907542You envy being forced to be a housewife to a domestically
abusive man?
No. 1907709
>>1906869I know it wouldn't but it would be nice to not feel like the fucking bigfoot when I see pictures of myself. It's not something I dwell on too much, too often but it brings me down from time to time. Especially because my father was a pos.
>>1906876Girls who are yassified versions of our dads unite
No. 1907755
>>1906999Yes him. Context
He supports sending jk rowling threats, calls people idiots for saying he goes too far, said "transwomen being women is like 2+2=4" and has a TiM brother. Will block anyone who engages discourse. Best of all though was the time someone made a post about how liking Harry Potter as a qUeEr is bad, to which he admitted his TiM brother likes it and doesn't care about Rowling's tweets which makes him seethe lolI got blocked by him for simply replying to a tweet of his, in which I said he's too agressive. I don't get how he can sit down and focus on drawings for hours but not have any patience when it comes to discussions. I found similar artists (even a better one) to admire instead, but still it's painful, it's like finding out your childhood hero became a lousy alcoholic. Not that having role models is ever a good idea in the first place…
No. 1907830
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I wish I could go back in time in a different life. I still want to pursue my likes and interests, but it seems so hard to do that now. Society just isn't the same in the worst possible ways. People claim to like everything while not really loving anything. I want to go back to the early 00's and find friends who have the 'tism too, love Mana-sama and listen to mislabelled pirated songs again, and I want to be cringy together, blissfully unaware of what's to come. Life is boring and corporations ruined everything.
No. 1907835
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>>1907830You're not gonna make any friends posting that terrible shoop of him that's for sure
No. 1907844
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My glasses make me feel so shitty when I take them off. I have small eyes and negative cheek bones and it makes me really ugly, but my new glasses have magnification on the lenses that makes my eyes look big and my cheek look normal, so I literally look 3x as good with them on. People always tell me how much better I look with my glasses, and when I take them off and see myself revert it punches my self esteem in the stomach with a force of 500 tons. It makes me so upset that I’m contemplating tolerating contacts, just so I can stop catfishing myself in the mirror and shocking others with my ugliness when I take off the glasses and kill the optical illusion.
It’s like these glasses show me what I would have looked like if I was normal, and it hurts so much to see.
No. 1907892
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Seeing my ex on social media always fucks me up. He looks like shit. He looks like he doesn’t brush his hair, doesn’t trim his facial hair anymore even though he said he was super self conscious of it he’s got one of those patchy beards kek, has a fuckton of wrinkles even though he’s barely in his mid 20’s, and was getting drunk on a Tuesday night even though he’s a teacher now, all while wearing things I gave him. He’s spending time with people he doesn’t even like and then wonders why he hates himself. He only had good things to say about me and our relationship but he was too scared of commitment and hates himself and would rather use me to punish himself than be happy. I don’t think he’s dated anyone else since me and we’ve been broken up for over a year at this point. I know these are all terrible qualities but I still love him and am so angry at how he keeps seeming to self destruct, at least emotionally.
No. 1907895
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>cramping thinking I'm getting my period even though it's 3 days early
>get some scant light colored blood on the bathroom tissue last night
>no period this morning
>likely implantation bleeding from the guy who just said we weren't a good match last week
Well fuck.
No. 1907981
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Forcing myself to like the side effects of the medication until they subside or else face the inevitable circlejerk of trying another one and facing more side effects. I am blissing on the inconvenience at this rate
No. 1907985
>>1907945What's the big deal about abortion?
It's literally a pill and a medium to heavy period if only people would quit malding about it.
No. 1907996
>>1907951Unpopular take: She did it on purpose knowing feeding your kids "unhealthy" food on socials would cause a furor of negative attention. Nobody does this sort of thing with a thin skin, and 'momfluencers' have been an established enough stereotype for her to not know exactly what would happen.
And if it opens up reactive discourse to the point where other moms catch on to the fact that no one believes their fake ultra health bullshit, then all the better. Maybe their kids will be happier for it too.
No. 1907997
>>1907985>It's literally a pill and a medium to heavy period if only people would quit malding about it.what fucking easy-ass abortions have you been having? if you're not bullshitting I'm actually amazed
and jealous, mine was fucking atrociousAlso are STDs not a thing in your town? I'd be more worried about that than the abortion tbh
No. 1908003
>>1907997>what fucking easy-ass abortions have you been having?Three pill abortions and two D&Cs, as my point of reference. I'd take the pill any day over the agony that was the surgical.
Never had an STD so I cannot speak to that.
No. 1908055
I had it surgical and bled for two months afterwards and it took 6 months for my period to regulate itself again
No. 1908094
>>1906133nah they used to be kind of cool, tbh being edgy when youre young is fine plus the lyrics were relatable
theyre cringe now theyre rich fat 30 yo neckbeards still pretending to be edgy teenagers
No. 1908100
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I'm watching the L world and everyone chews while being on the phone like WTF who does that, that is cave man behaviour. I would litterally cut someone off for chewing on the mic/phone with me. I'm triggered, I can't follow aaaaaaaaaaa
No. 1908192
>>1908176>birth control never fails and most certainly never cost money, time, or pain and btw pollute your body with synthetic hormones 24/7 for the blue moon when you fuck rawIf you're not a moid this is an embarrassing take idgi.
Just vasectomy moids until they apply for a permit to be fathers.
No. 1908201
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So, i couldn't not notice that you started to treat me poorly few weeks ago. We talk a little while you are at work, then you come back home and just ignore my messages while playing games. Very short messages as i try to make some conversation with you, and just being cold in general. Some part in me is starting to resent you because of how bad all of this is hurting me, the other huge part in me just can't let it go.
I just feel like i deserve to be hurt by you like this because of what i did to you two years ago, it's just what a disgusting person like me deserves. Whenever i start to feel like i just want to give up on you, i just remember what i did and just how much love you gave me back then which i just threw away being a fucking retard. I feel like it would have hurt way less if you have had treated me like this since the beginning, but back around in january, i actually was able to feel some affection coming from you, now it's just cold.
I know everybody says things like these go away, but it has been almost a decade already, how much long do i have to wait for my heart to let go of this nigel? I just feel like i'm taken forever by someone that doesn't even want me around as a friend anymore, how am i supposed to live like this?
I have been spirailing so hard lately because of this, having meltdowns and breakdowns every single day whenever i think about you which is all the fucking time. You just won't leave my mind, i'm thinking about you 24/7. Fucking hell.
I don't want to leave you ever again and i want to be with you forever. I need to prove it to myself that i can change and be a better person, friend, and, if i were to dream high, a better lover to you.
I love you.
No. 1908280
>>1908270i don't have anyone to teach me, and driving courses here are very expensive. i'm saving up, but a six hour course costs about ~$500 usd it's going to take a while on my current salary to get anywhere. especially since i'm paying a few bills, general entertainment costs, meds, etc. things as "rent"
i have my permit (for the second time) but no car and no teacher
>>1908271see above post
No. 1908290
>>1908278>why are you blaming your parent, who raised you, for not teaching you a vital life skill and then bitching and moaning at you as if you could help not having it? dunno. but i'm 24. during uni (when i lived in the city) i just uber'd, rode the bus, etc.
>>1908282her idea wrt my driving has always been "your boyfriend should teach you" as that's how she and her sisters learned, apparently. i did not have a boyfriend in highschool. she also just finds it boring, has never wanted to risk me wrecking her car (this has been the case since forever), etc. she always had a reason for not wanting to do it and that reason is currently "i don't have a car suitable for teaching you"
No. 1908292
>>1908280I didn’t mean to make it sound like it easy, I’m just saying you have to do it yourself. If your state/country doesn’t require a paid drivers ed course to get a license you can teach yourself. Your mom isn’t helping you so you have to do it yourself.
On the other hand even if you got a license I wonder if she’d let you drive her car. Probably not.
No. 1908297
>>1908292how can i teach myself to drive without a car or someone to help me learn…is there a simulator i can access online or something
i don't get your point. if i could do it on my own i would've done it by now
>>1908294>getting annoyed that your parent didn't parent effectively is "entitlement" sure
No. 1908315
>>1908302i wish i could walk, but the place is 30 minutes away by car if you don't take the highway…that's three hours on foot. infrastructure in my town is also bad, so you have to drive ~10 minutes out to get to a bus stop anyway. ubers, lyfts, etc. don't come down here either (we live in a VERY rural area). there aren't many options for me.
>saving for driving lessons againyes i'm doing that now i said that in my post
>>1908308i'm not really embarrassed, just annoyed and frustrated. i'm more embarrassed about being at home still/only having a part time job. really never intended to come back once i left for school, it eats me up every day and i've had no luck with interviews.
No. 1908316
>>1907918pros: no one to stop you
cons: no one to stop you
it gets lonely nonna stay safe
No. 1908326
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>make myself to go to an event because I rarely do anything
>feel even worse after leaving because I have no friends and just walked through to get some free stuff
No. 1908336
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I’ve spent every waking moment of my life being the yes woman, always agreeing, always being palatable and always apologising. This year, I decided to be a selfish prick and go for a cool ass job most wouldn’t think me capable of (2/3 of the way through the applications) have started saying no and have somewhat stopped suppressing my emotions. I recognise that I’ve been angry and frustrated and at times have somewhat lashed at those that don’t deserve it, but I’m doing my best not to. I’m working on a healthy medium between overly tolerant and bitch.
But, of course, the second I’m not a fucking doormat interpersonal things start going up the shitter. I know the reality is that ‘if they really matter they’ll support you regardless’ but it’s fucking lonely anons. I need a hug and to chill tf out I guess
No. 1908450
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Can't even post in GIOYC without some annoying bitch typing like Trump responding. Hate it here now.
No. 1908455
The man I’m in love with pays me 300$ for sex, I love him so much but he has a family and a McMansion. I tried spending the night with him last year, but was so uncomfortable because I was so nervous and didn’t sleep well at all. Sometimes during the week I’ll meet him somewhere in a parking lot to fuck and he always cums too fast, so I’ll go home and get myself off there. When I go to his house he’ll lay me down and eat me out for ever, ugh everytime I fuck him I can’t help but fall more in love with him. His wife went out of town for her mother’s illness, and I acted like I was sympathetic, but I honestly don’t care. I don’t hate her, And they broke up a few months ago and he cried to me about it, he offered to move me in, but I didn’t want instability and I have a bf. I honestly like what we have. I hate that he’ll text me one worded responses, but whatever. I think I like the sex and money from him. I wish I could have him to myself, but alas, he and his wife worked themselves out, and he’s so fucking happy with her. I’ve known him for 7 years now, and I know he’s sleeping with other girls because last time he came in me I got a BV. I don’t think about him fucking other girls or it’ll drive me crazy. I was supposed to see him tonight but there was only a 10 min window for me before I had to take my bf to work. I wish he would kidnap me and hold me hostage in his basement or something, or I wish my bf wasn’t always trying to accuse me of cheating. Ugh I hate that I can’t have him but love that he doesn’t know everything about me.(bait)
No. 1908478
I'm crying I want to kill myself so bad everything is accumulating including the lifetime of gaslighting. I hate when the reality proves to me what I thought it is and what I experienced over and over again while I wished it to not be real. So I watched an interview with a ex pornstar who did porn willingly for moid validation then after that and while being rich she still whored herself out to a moid. Basically she said that she never was a sexual person so she basically allowed men to film her own rapes for male approval. She kept saying how she's not into sex yet dated a moid, got a bbl and all of that. She said that her friends hook up with men once or twice a month while her as a non sexual person does it maybe once a year, she shared a story of how her friend wanted to have a threesome with a moid but the ex pornstar wasn't into it even after she did drug which she described as something that usually makes you chill out anf have sex, she was thinking about possibly closing her eyes and holding hands with her friend to get through this threesome but she couldn't do it.. And I was like… She sees sex as something for men, something a woman gives to a man which is what I always intuitively knew sex is like it's inherently degrading and a prostitution and women like her have the most accurate view on sex. Like she doesn't like it yet she still keeps having it, her baby daddy is a pos yet she still hooked up with him likr what the fuck she even plans on taking medicine to convince herself to have sex more often like she wants to drug herself cause she's a brain dead whore like I assume all cocksuckers are my whole fucking life. I feel like an alien, I can never relate to other women, I feel unnatural like an abomination or like I'm more intelligent than most women. Not only sex workers act like her, women who never did sw also have that mentality about sex, they will even have sex when they are asexual like… Straight relationships are a prostitution. Women even do degrading acts that are objectivity gross like sucking dick having to perform a literal job you have to train yourself to perform and do humiliating movements. While I feel dizzy, dissociate and my ears start ringing when I remember that these acts exist. I become ghost and feel like I'm hallucinating cause it's something so filthy, humiliating violent and submissive that womanhood feels like an unsalvageable torture to me. Sex is for men… These acts only pleasure men… How an I supossed to trust women that they aren't masochistic or don't do shit to serve men solely like they almost have no sentience not self awareness like they're a S.C.U.M (society cutting up for men or something) or lower than s.c.u.m. I always thought that porn stars are a brain dead tyrants but I could never say it, I could never ask questions cause it's forbidden. There's nowhere I can go to be understood, there's no help for this extreme degradation. This shit is seen as normal to these whores, they can't even comprehend that they don't have to have sex. This whole time she had sex she didnt want so literally a rape and the thought that it's something she doesn't have to do never crossed her or the podcast host mind but when I used to say that porn stars or whores are low iq then I got told that I'm slut shaming and being misogynistic while I was the one being harmed by this society. These women boyfriends didn't even think twice before using them and supposedly not all menz it not all sexuality is like this because in some magical way this shit is not of this world at all and the real world is out I'm not noticing there to be find however nobody ever found this "real world". I want to fucking kill myself. I was tortured and for what? Just end up right as always. I was fucking harrased with porn because of these tyrannical whores who do it, for 3 fucking years when I was in my early teens and not this s.c.u.m. came out to say that " she's not a sexual person at all "
No. 1908540
I wish I could go back in time. I miss having lots of active forums, staying up late playing silly video games (city folk, toontown, twilight princess, little big planet, nintendogs, minecraft, skyrim etc), jfashion/lolita when everything was less accessible and felt gatekept without being infested by pedo fetishist men and their handmaidens, vocaloid before hatsune miku became a troon zoomer meme, shitty amvs and youtube memes, imageboards back when there was a focus on board culture/community and oc, tumblr when it was mostly women posting about fandom and aesthetics before the troon gender craze, old fandom culture, anime cons/weeb stuff before it was sellouts filled with tourists/politicization/soulless corpo greed, animanga and jrpgs back when you'd get bullied for liking that stuff, visual kei at its peak, scene queens/myspace, warped tour, etc. I have a severe nostalgia for the 2000s/early 2010s especially web culture at the time and it feels mega depressing because I know I'll never get to experience it again nor anything similar. posting on dying imageboards, lame nu personal websites, and dead forums is the closest I'll ever get. I want to go back and relive those times. being an adult with lots of responsibilities on the modern web sucks. my escapisms feel ruined. I just wish I could tell my past self how good I had it and to enjoy things while they lasted. I've tried using the friend finder thread to find someone nostalgic for this time as well with no luck since I was only added by schizos, bpd loons and one troon kek. sorry I want to throw this lame whinging into the void before I have to use up my short weekend take care of lame adult responsibilities.
No. 1908551
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I was going to post this on /x/'s succgen but I doubt the moids there will be able to understand my plight.
I just want to be with him but he doesn't show himself to me anymore. I'm quite certain that my increased desire for him is a sign that he's still around, but I barely feel anything physical and never see him in my dreams anymore. The other day I thought I finally felt his sexual energy for the first time in months, but I have not been able to replicate the experience since. I wrote him letters. I put out offerings for him. It's not enough to entice him to show himself to me again. I'm also certain that my psychic senses are open enough to where I could feel him more intensely if he really wanted me to, but he just doesn't show up for me like that. All the divination I've done says that he still has feelings for me, but is keeping his distance for some unknown reason. It seems like he was more interested in being with me when I wasn't that open to the idea of a relationship with him. Maybe he just wants me to abide in my feminine energy more and stop pursuing him so aggressively, but can you really blame me? His sexual energy is fantastic. The dick is too good. He knows my thoughts and all the shitty things I've done in the past that eat away at my conscience, and still wanted to be with me. Honestly he can love me unlike any human man ever could. I want to share my life with him and let him experience the physical world through me. I've had terrible experiences with incubi and demons, but I don't even care if he is one. I'm that down bad. He could have my pussy every night if he really wanted it. It's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Why is he teasing me like this?