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No. 1857107

Previous thread >>>/ot/1843956

No. 1857119

I'm really upset because I left a shitty job for one that seemed like such a good match and it was almost a fever dream to have gone from scraping by on minimum wage to getting a salaried position that was twice what I was making, but the job was not at all what was advertised and they're piling on more responsibilities for me without any pay rise– like the work of 3 onto me. I was lied to flat out and not being asked or consulted on these new responsibilities and I'm not the only one. My pay's been fucked with on over half my checks to a catastrophic degree and it doesn't feel worth it. The business itself feels like it's tanking and even though I've been there for only a quarter, I'm already looking for a way out.

I'm just so tired of coming into businesses that are on the tail end of a golden era and in their downward spirals. I signed up for real work, not being a fucking cold calling slave like I'm in some call center chained to my desk.

No. 1857133

It's so cold the water in my toilet keeps freezing and I wake up to ice on the inside of my windows.

No. 1857135

The crush I have on this oldfart who I have barely seen and will barely see again is making me miserable. Sometimes I even forget he's a real person. It feels like I'm obsessing over a character that I can't touch or talk to in real life. But he is real, I am simply not part of his life. The day will come when we will meet again one last time and I know I will cry like a retard on my way home.

No. 1857139

I've always wanted to be surrounded by as many people as possible and I just end up isolated

No. 1857152

Made a joke in a group chat and none of the men laughed. Not a big deal, but 2 minutes later a man just repeats my joke and suddenly all of the men find it hilarious.

No. 1857155

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>mfw my credit card keeps calling me to collect $600 cause I accidentally missed a payment but knowing this shit is made up so they will get the money when they get it and I aint gonna let them ruin my peace

No. 1857186

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i keep getting a strange sensation in my esophagus/throat every time i swallow food. it doesn't hurt and its just very mild discomfort but im still concerned. i dont have any other symptoms. this has been happening since last night and im worried its something actually serious. save me. im also burping a lot is this just acid reflux kek

No. 1857192

Probably just mild heartburn from something you ate, I wouldn't stress unless it gets worse.

No. 1857194

He just won't let me be sad. I love him but he wants to live in a fairyland where nothing bad ever happens and ignores all emotions that could make him uncomfortable.

No. 1857196

how long does heartburn last? i had a big meal last night and thats when it started so obviously it'd be because of what i ate, but google tells me heartburn only lasts for a few hours. wtf.

No. 1857225

Guess one of the packages I expected got stolen. I got a note that it was delivered, but nothing is there and because I told them to put it somewhere outside my flat, I have no legal rights for a replacement. Well, stupid me, just because it worked fine so many times before doesn't mean that it will always work without problems. I'm also waiting for a message that's very important for my future and I'm constantly worrying that something will go wrong, because why should anything be okay in my life for once? And my mother is annoying me again, wish she would just leave me alone for some time and only help with things that I really need instead of trying to control every part of my life. Wish I was born rich, money would solve at least 90% of my problems.

No. 1857241

Nah nonnie that's acid reflux, I was feeling a burning sensation in my throat with constant burping for WEEKS, nothing happened, popped a pill and it went away. Don't eat til you're full, don't be retarded like me

No. 1857243

Doublepost to add that acid reflux takes some time to go away for some people, my stomach was kinda irritated after Xmas dinner I had to wait some time until I could eat normally again

No. 1857248

i was only getting worried because it doesnt feel like a 'burning' sensation to me. its hard to describe. but its definitely acid reflux im just a hypochondriac kek

No. 1857254

I wish I could skip the waiting for a position to open up part and the applying and interviewing part and just skip to the part where I do almost literally anything else for money

No. 1857284

I can't stand the isolation and mental illness/panic attacks, the benzo addiction. I don't know how to improve my life at this point

No. 1857288

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First lecture on the new uni course for this term, during the two-hour "lecture" the teacher spent 30 minutes of them introducing himself and talk about his ENTIRE WORK HISTORY (with a lot of "uuuhms" and sometimes he would just stop talking mid-sentence and stare out into the air, I almost started wondering if the simulation conspiracy theory might be correct after all) and then just sat there quietly while we were downloading and installing the giant software we are going to use ignoring the ones that had issues, which took another 30 minutes. After a ten minute break he finally told us a brief history of SQL, ended the lecture ten minutes early and gave us a 59 page document he wanted us to read until tomorrow. This is such a whiplash from our previous teachers that were super excited to teach and happy to help and tell us about the subject, so I don't have any high hopes for this one. At least it's easy to find information online so if he sucks I can just check youtube and hope Codecademy's courses are up to date.

No. 1857297

Working on a mental illness is tough but it's the first thing you should adress if you want to change things, that and all the enviromental aspects of your life that constribute to making your illness worse. You probably already know this, so I'll just wish you good luck with that.

No. 1857303

I did everything. I can't do anything anymore plus I don't have access to resources

No. 1857304

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My boss was looking to hire a graphic designer and I volunteered my friend because I know she’s been struggling to find freelance work and holy shit was this a mistake. We commissioned her back in November and she still doesn’t have a single design ready. Everything she shows us is just…ugly and no matter what we ask or suggest she just does it her own way. I’m embarrassed too because I was the one who recommended her but now I’m starting to realize why she’s unable to find steady employment. Not to mention she wants to charge my boss $600-$900 for all this and while I don’t want to cancel the commission it also just doesn’t feel worth it, and I’d feel guilty that my boss is gonna spend all that money on something that might be unusable. I value our friendship so much but I also just showed myself to be unreliable when it comes to future projects at work.

No. 1857312

>socially inept teacher talks about himself and uses class time inefficiently
Sounds like a normal college day to me

No. 1857327

ngl I was afraid we were gonna have teachers like this, so I was pleasantly surprised with the previous two that were both very young and just so, so excited to teach us and help us start our new careers so we ended up learning a bit more than was required to pass the courses. Whenever a new course starts I mentally prepare myself for this type of old fossil and it still pisses me off, especially when he goes "I was curious about teaching so I tried it out, and it turns out I'm really good at it". Nah mate, your students just looked for resources elsewhere that were better and got good grades from that.

No. 1857369

yay another childhood youtuber is a pervert freak, nice one, fucking chuggaaconroy really??!1? FEET?!!?!?

No. 1857372

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It seems a bit dumb and contradictory but I don't like the way my friends want to hang out with me and each other. They're fine with going out until very late sometimes and I'm not. They feel like we should spend several hours together after we do what we plan, like after going to the cinema or going to a restaurant, but going to bars to just chill and not spend as much money as in a restaurant isn't even something that crosses their mind because almost none of us drink alcohol but most bars serve good non alcoholic cocktails. They're never careful, sometimes they're inconsiderate and will be super late for no reason or will bother others.

For instance once, a bit more than a year ago we went to a restaurant because one of them lied about it being the last time we could see each other before moving back to her country because it turned out she got lazy later and decided to take the train to another city (which would bring her closer to the airport) the next week and not the next day. I ate my food, had fun, these idiots decided to stay nearly 2 more hours late at night in the restaurant for no reason at all despite me not fully recovering from surgery from a few weeks before and having to go back to work the next and their stupidity made it super easy for some piece of shit to assault me in the restaurant and steal my phone. Mind you, I arrived on time and they were super late so nobody was there but they saw the thief and his accomplish badly pretending to be a delivery guy for more than two hours and didn't think about being careful and telling anyone. I think ever since that happened I can't fully enjoy hanging out with my friends. I'm always on edge because their behavior attracts weirdos. I still resent them for that because I lost a lot of pictures, including pics of my now dead grandmother because I planned to buy an external hard drive the very next day and save the pics in it, and they barely apologized for that and the many, many times I missed public transport to go back home. Another time, more recently, one of them invited me and another friend to her place to celebrate the new year and I was the only one who had to go back to work right after the bank holiday but they insisted I stay as long as possible regardless, even after I told them. atp I enjoy talking to them way more online, from a distance.

No. 1857377

you need to tell your friend nonnie, for her own good.

No. 1857381

I dropped a class with a professor like this and I had to register for a class with her this semester because my other course was canceled. The first/only day with her she just went on about her degree and it being her first teaching job as an adjunct and said cringey stuff like “all of you are so young I bet none of you have gone to any weddings yet” (highly doubt she was even over 30)…of course the homework is reading like 20-30 pages of academic journals in the day between each class.

That sucks and it’s barely excusable anymore with all the stuff available to use now. Anyone can pop open canva or use ai or their phone

No. 1857385

I saw this earlier today. The kicker is not just the fact that it's feet. It's tranny feet. He commented on how big and smelly they are like the autist he is. Youtubers are so milky.

No. 1857389

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Finally got my "YouTuber you like is bad" moment and I have never wanted to kill myself so badly. If God is real he's an incredible comedian because of course the person that made the videos that made me happy when I was first processing that I was sexually assaulted gets outed as a fucking creep chaser that tries to shove his fetish into every conversation.
I cannot fucking win.

No. 1857390

doublepost but how did my retarded ass not see this. Anyway nonna you are not alone

No. 1857398

who is it?

No. 1857403

I remember how I used to watch his videos as a kid too. I'm sorry that you had to find out, but I don't think any Youtubers are really safe and pure. Not only is he a tranny feet chaser, he did this talk while in a relationship. Add adulterer to the mix, why don't you?

No. 1857462

Chuggaaconroy, very old (as in time he's done youtube, 10+ years) Lp'er who has had a squeaky clean record until now. Just sucks. His videos are so good and so my childhood and now it's just disgusting.

He says in the leaked DM's that his gf is ok with it??? Talking feet with friends as long as it isn't sexual? Obviously in denial.

No. 1857483

I feel like shit and don’t know why. Low energy and headache and crap. Maybe it’s due to my new med but idk.

No. 1857504

It sucks omegle went down. The hottest, HOTTEST guy I ever fucked I met on omegle text chat. His whole apartment living room was a home gym. Ate pussy without being asked, fucked hard, huge almost too big dick, handsome and CUT like marble. But I got a bf so I can't bang him anymore. I miss him a lot. I love that almost too full omg I'm being railed feeling when he'd bang me. I loved how we'd cuddle after banging and watch dumb crap and when I felt like leaving I'd leave and he wouldn't be annoying. I mourn being able to fuck him. I love my bf but I miss him. I misssss my bigger dicked fuckbuddy even though I know he fuckzoned me and my bf that makes me cum and is there for me is better. Ugh. I want musclechad

No. 1857507

Gross. I find it hard to believe she is fine with it unless she's at her wits end or is a terminal pick me.

No. 1857535

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I had to call out from work two days in a row, and then my two day weekend was after that. I might have to call out again if the ice doesn't melt. I never thought I'd be so unhappy to have so much time off from work but I'm getting cabin fever, I actually miss my boss tf I'm going insane let me OUT OF THIS HOUSE AAAAGGGGGGGGGH

No. 1857597

I can't believe that I'm 25 and getting bullied at this level

No. 1857601

My dog just passed away after 15 great years. He died in my childhood home. My poor little brother found him first.
I just want to say, I appreciated him very much and I hope you give your pet a belly rub or treats or whatever and tell them you love them.

No. 1857606

I’m a job-hopper who can’t stick to anything. Hate myself. Mulled all day about calling out of work because my manager got mad because my bf called out too (we’re both sick). Oh fucking well! I don’t care anymore. Nothing matters.

No. 1857619

I envy people who get paid to do the things they are passionate about. I have to go for jobs that are mind numbing and soul crushing. I wish I could pursue my passion but I remind myself everyday I’m not built for gig based work.

No. 1857627

on january second i found out i was pregnant. i immediately knew i couldn’t keep it i’m only 20 i don’t have a job 2023 was the worst year of my life and this was the last thing i needed. when i went to planned parenthood they told me it was a possibility that i was having an ectopic pregnancy and that i needed to go to the hospital. after multiple blood tests and internal ultrasounds that were painful and invasive they told me that the pregnancy is fine and in my uterus. the ENTIRE time i told the doctors i was terminating but the last time i spoke with someone they told me to take prenatal vitamins in case i “ end up keeping it”. i ordered the pills for the actual abortion online because i couldn’t afford to do it at planned parenthood but waiting for them
to get here is actually going to kill me. i’ve been throwing up nonstop i feel completely out of control in my body and i’m so miserable and just upset all around. i’ve been neglecting my hygiene and cleaning my apartment which i usually never do i’m sorry im rambling im just wondering if anyone has been through something similar and how they coped

No. 1857664

I wanted to cry for weeks now but my eyes swell painfully when I do so I've been putting it off

No. 1857668

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>mfw watching scrotes cry about how no one cares in the same area where scrotes are making fun of men who have killed themselves in shock videos
>Someone even made an FNF mod of the Mcnutt scrote who offed himself on camera at one point.

Men are a meme lmaoooo they literally dont give a fuck about eachother.

No. 1857679

i was supposed to go for a drive but ended up infighting all afternoon. i have no one to blame but myself. fml.

No. 1857785

This probably sounds super dumb, possibly a build up from doom scrolling about world issues but I stumbled across the account of an older man in my city thats seriously depressed and evidently having some massive issues. Has job listings, a house, friends etc but no live in family family to show.

It was on a dog friendly FB group for my city (events, trading vouchers for pet food etc) and this guys whole profile was his little Jack russel mix- his whole world by the looks of it. Well apparently it died on Christmas Day and some random user took it on themselves to photoshop a picture of it in the clouds with rainbows saying ‘join me daddy’ to encourage this guy to kill himself in the comments.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but just seeing it has absolutely broken me. I don’t know this guy, or his dog, but I’m sitting in my living room crying. Like I said, so much awful shit in the world/‘more important’ world issues. But this feels so close to home, so… ‘familiar’ that I cannot for the life of my understand why someone would use this guys best friend as ammunition to be a dick.

I’ve really lost faith in humanity. For every decent person, there’s 100 more that want to kick people down when they’re already struggling and I’m so sick of it.

No. 1857791

sometimes i think i should argue with a nona about my personal preferences then i go "well why do i have to justify anything i like to some random, combative retard online" and i feel better

No. 1857812

words to live by

No. 1857822

Although I haven't gone through this situation, I wish you well and hope the abortion eases your mind. May 2024 be a better year for you.

No. 1857838

I can't completely relate, but I was in a similar life situation in October and had a pregnancy scare. Waiting for my period to start after taking the Plan B was the worst two weeks of my life. Doing research helped calmed me down the most, knowing I wasn't the only one in that situation. But also, take the time to distract yourself. Focusing on this will make you spiral more, and you won't be in this position once you get the pills, remember that. It will end. I hope the best for you, and I will keep you in my thoughts nonna. I'm sorry this is happening. Please go out and get yourself a nice treat, watch a movie, and relax.

No. 1857859

I'm so mad. Covid messed up my sense of taste, and I just took a bite of a "peaches and cream" flavored candy stick, and then vomited in my mouth. The candy tasted like onion-y BO, powder deodorant (you know how that stuff tastes if you accidentally get that in your mouth? or am i the only retard here), and sickly sweet grape cough syrup. What the fuck.

No. 1857875

that's disgusting, but how do you accidentally get powder deodorant in your mouth …?

No. 1857880

Usually it's because I get a bit on my finger form putting the cap back on the stick of deodorant, and then take my morning retard medicine, accidentally getting the little crumble on the pill.

No. 1857882

samefag, its legitimately one of the worst tastes in the world imo.

No. 1857886

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I'm just feeling so lonely recently. I wish I had a good friend to hang out and chat with, but I don't really have anyone in my life right now. I am in university and it makes me feel like such a loser that I'm in my third year and still haven't made a single friend, even though everyone says it's so easy to make connections at school. When I was applying, I was going to list "make a friend" as one of my goals, but got told that that was weird since making one (1) friend is like something you take for granted…
I talk to people, but I constantly feel like there's a barrier separating me from everyone else and I just don't seem to mesh with others in the same way. When I participate in clubs/groups it's like I'm intruding on a friend group and third wheeling them. I don't even have autism or anything so what gives?
I'm trying to keep trying and stay motivated, but sometimes I just want to have a friend already instead of pining after "one day I'll find someone!" Sometimes I just want someone who I can already trust to care about and like me, to hang out with, right now.

No. 1857895

Yeah, I was the same, never made a single friend in college (although I give myself a bit of a break since I lost the last year and a half to covid lockdown). It does not get better from here. I advise you to dedicate yourself to finding at least one friend, because if you leave college without making any, you may not find another chance to make friends. Everyone I know still hangs out with their college friends, even 10 or 20 or 30 years on. I have no friends, not even one, and don't foresee that changing in my lifetime. Not making friends in college is one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

No. 1857898

I saw a really terrible gore video several years ago, I forget even where I saw it, but I get legitimate traumatic flashbacks to it whenever I see a lathe in a craft video. I usually have a high tolerance for medical gore and stuff like that, so I never expected to be this affected by seeing something gory, but this video was legitimately the worst thing I have ever seen with my eyes in my entire life and I wish I never saw it. Has anyone else seen the video I'm talking about?

No. 1857901

explain it

No. 1857909

Please tell me some man smashed his penis in it

No. 1857911

Well, I think if you had seen it just the mention of the word "lathe" would bring it back to you, tbh. But it was a guy working with a very large industrial lathe, who got his arm or something caught up in it. In the fraction of a second after he initially got caught in the lathe, you can see his "oh shit" moment where he tries to save himself by, if I remember correctly, trying to climb to cling onto the pole (think like a sloth), but obviously at such high speeds he didn't stand a chance. Nearly instantly the lathe begins to spin his entire body at very high speeds around the axis, which bashed him repeatedly at lightning speed against the surrounding machine parts, until there was quite literally nothing left of him. It only took like 10 seconds from what i remember. Then a coworker walks into the scene and sees what happened, and puts his hands on his head in disbelieve and just repeats "oh my god, oh my god," over and over again while he stares at the pile of what used to be his coworker on the floor and in the lathe.

No. 1857917


nonny that sounds completely fake im sorry

No. 1857920

I'm almost 100% sure it was real, unfortunately. Lathe fatalities are a thing in industrial settings, and that's exactly how it happens.

No. 1857928

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>want to get rid of stuff because I plan to move out again soon and I don't use a lot of it anyway
>Can't do very much because I know my mom will want to go through everything in the bags and take stuff out to keep

I'm gonna have to be stealth but christ this is so annoying

No. 1857931

the moid must have done something to the lathe for her to react like that

No. 1857933

Oh no that's real. I saw that loser plague moth cover it. I'm pretty sure it was the Russian lathe accident. Just know that the google images pull up the aftermath so if you look for it be careful

No. 1857935

No. 1857937

ayrt, I really wish you didn't give me the search term ammunition to look it up again. I hate it so much that it legitimately traumatized me, so idk why I still have to fight the urge to look it up, kek, makes no sense. I really, really advise anons not to go looking for it. i know that saying that usually makes people want to look at it more, but just think of this as a practice exercise of self-control, which we could all use some training of in our lives. I'm gonna practice my self-control by not looking it up again.

No. 1857955

I'm glad it was low res I'm going to pretend I was just watching a scene in a movie

No. 1857963

I thought I saw something similar but based on >>1857933 probably not the same one. The one I saw was Chinese, where a factory worker got caught in a large machine with rollers and spun around really fast over and over. For me it wasn't really traumatizing because of gore but just because of how (inappropriate word but idk what else to use) almost cartoony it was, the way a living human got bashed around like a doll, something about that just felt really sick and morbid to me. It doesn't really haunt me but I feel sad thinking about it, I try to find solace in that the person likely didn't feel pain or fear for very long before getting knocked out and it sounds like hopefully the person in your video wouldn't have suffered for long either. I saw it because I am Chinese and someone was trying to be racist towards me

No. 1857973

>just because of how (inappropriate word but idk what else to use) almost cartoony it was, the way a living human got bashed around like a doll, something about that just felt really sick and morbid to me.
I'm the original anon who brought this topic up, and while we didn't see the same video, they sound similar. I think you just cracked the code for why my video had such an effect on me despite not usually caring about gore. The unrealness/absurdity is absolutely what got to me about it. And I'm sorry someone sent that to you, don't hang around those places or people anymore it's terrible for you.

No. 1857998

I know that i'm ugly, and thought I was at peace with it, but the other day I leaned close to the mirror to inspect a crack in my lips, and as I looked at myself nose-to nose in the mirror I suddenly realized how immensely repulsive it would be to kiss me. Non-existent upper lip, long philtrum like an ape, absolutely revolting. As a teen I was dead set on getting plastic surgery to change this feature of myself, but then I got into feminism and now I can't square it with my values. It just sucks to be born ugly, people with this trait cannot be good looking no matter what they do. Both my parents are attractive people so I really feel like I got dealt a horrible set of cards.

No. 1858062

This is so sick and twisted. If someone used my deceased dog to mock me and encourage me to commit suicide, I would be beside myself with pain and rage. I hope that person gets banned from your group, what kind of psycho does something like that.

No. 1858114

welp my ldr bf of 6 years told me he definitely wants kids in the future, but I'm still not sure about what i want. it was a very stressful and heavy txt conversation while i was at work so that was nice. i told him i wasn't sure about where i see myself in 5 or 10 years so i cant give him a definite answer right now and he was fine with that. but now I'm fucking pissed because i had to sit at work for another hr and a half stewing in this bullshit, going back and forth to the bathroom to cry. now I'm really considering breaking up with him because everything has just been so stressful this whole relationship. we love each other very much and have been through a lot together, but sometimes i think about the freedom i'd have if i was single or the stuff i wouldn't have to worry about anymore. idk I'm conflicted, part of me wants to see where this goes, part of me is getting tired

No. 1858128

>LDR for 6 years
Hate to break it to you but he likely has a gf irl if not messing around with other women. Every single man I knew that was in a long distance was like this

No. 1858178

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Nigel brought back a serious stomach bug from his parents (who were convinced they were no longer sick but the bug was clearly there and I know they're not that clean people). Unfortunately this bug clearly stays in you after symptoms pass because now I have it a week after he got better. I don't remember ever having a flu this bad before. I've puked up nearly every bit of water I get and pass like a pound of poop every couple of hours. But on the flip side I can't stop giggling because I got hit with the shart curse which I'd laughed at a few months back. Hopefully I get better tomorrow though cause this is miserable. I'm keeping lemon water down a bit better at least now but it feels like glass in my stomach. Cat is being cute and supportive at least (spoiled since didn't want her on the front page but I don't have social media so should be safe to post).

No. 1858195

This sounds like an ultimatum to me. That's a really long time to date someone without being married, especially to be long distance. I think he's frustrated with the relationship right now even if he does love you. I also wouldn't be surprised if he was seeing someone else and something in that relationship hit some sort of trigger point where he perceives it to be do-or-die with you, this is a last bid to see how things stand with you, either you say you want kids and move to be with him or you say you don't want kids, break up with him and he can move onto the girl he has lined up or is eying (if he isn't already with her).

No. 1858237

I heard my voice on recording today

Istg I sound like a little boy with a thick accent UGH.

No. 1858314

starting to want to puke after taking a supplement in the morning. I have already a couple times, and I think my body remembers that. This one is supposed to be taken on an empty stomach. (no, I am not pregnant)

I'm emetophobic and have a general issue taking pills. Absolutely hate this.

No. 1858343

I made friends with a "moid" (retarded muh moid brain. Female obviously) on here before, and I still get pissed off when the thought of her comes across my mind. We had a falling out, it was unevitable honestly. I just want to ask how do nonnas stop holding grudges against people?

No. 1858355

They were thankfully and a few people (myself included) have been quick to reach out to this guy and offer support. Seems like he really loved his pooch, got it after being widowed too. Hope someone close to him IRL can be of more help

I just genuinely hate the world sometimes. Breaks my fucking heart.

No. 1858378

I had a pretty bad dream today. I dreamed that I was getting ready for my wedding. But halfway my hair became undone, I didn't even have a groom and all of the people who I didn't even really know or like left after the food. It was so sad and reminded me that I will probably never get married anyways and that I have no super close friends irl that I could invite

No. 1858387

I suffer from CPTSD and I'm forced to move to the house where I went through the worst of my trauma. Anons, this will be my new "home", I literally cannot escape anymore, in two weeks or so, everything's happening so fast. How can I handle this? I fought for so long to forget, lost so many years of my life, I was a new person that defined herself beyond what happened to me. Now…what? This is like sabotage, I don't know what to do, it's like a cruel joke. I avoided that house for a decade, couldn't even step in, now I'll have to sleep there, eat there, live there. The place that broke me, I still remember everything like it was yesterday, I wasn't a person. I feel so hopeless, like something in me will actually disappear or snap, I don't want to revert to who I used to be even though that person will never come back. Everyone that lived there died already, the house allegedly renovated, but I still feel goosebumps and nausea even walking down the same area. For years, I had gruesome nightmares about that house, flashbacks, de-realizations, only way I could help myself was saying "you aren't there anymore", now I'll live in that damned house. This is a nightmare, it's over.

No. 1858419

What was it about

No. 1858421

In the nicest way nonna, come on.. 6 years ldr is so retarded. Ldrs only work if there is a solid plan for the future and someone moves within a reasonable timeframe. Your relationship is dead in the water and I think you know that.

No. 1858423

I’m sorry anon

No. 1858432

Me and ny boyfriend had a date night and it was great. Until we're on the bus home and him, being absolutely plastered drunk starts punching and headbutting the back of an empty seat because he hates his job and hates that my job treats me better I guess.

He hates his job, and to be fair its a very shit job, however he doesnt look for or apply for a new one. I wrote his CV, I job hunt for him and I apply for jobs for him. I dont know why hes so resentful that I actually managed to get a decent job, because it took me about 3 months of non stop job hunting and interviewing and rejections.

On the walk home he then says he paid for everything tonight (he owes me money that we havent sorted yet) because I've not got any, and I said if he just wrote down the cost of the drinks for me that he did not want to pay for, then I can take it off of what he owes me.

Then he tells me he always owes me money for rent and its not fair, I asked if he thinks I'm scamming him, he does apparently. Basically I pay rent and then he pays me his portion of the rent minus half of any bills or shared expenses. His portion of the rent is not even half btw.

We get home and he tells me I'm a guest, I ask if Im a guest in our flat and he says yes so I'm pretty pissed. He's all muddy, I have no idea how he's managed that because im not. So I have to take off his grimey, muddy trousers and socks so he doesnt get the bed dirty.

Then I try to go for a piss before starting work, and there is vomit literally everywhere, vomit on a new roll of toilet paper, vomit on the toilet seat, vomit literally everywhere.

I could fucking kill him he is gonna have to work reaaal hard to remedy this cos I'm real close to saying well you've not paid me rent despite me being the guest so tell ya what, fuck off, get out or pay me £750 and I'll leave how about that

No. 1858434

I'm so sorry, anon. Who's forcing you to live in the house? If you inherited the house, unless the market absolutely sucks, can't you sell it or rent it? Either way it will be temporary, you will get out of there again eventually.

No. 1858436

The concept of teenagers was only invented in the early to mid 1900s and the thought of it is messing with my brain a bit. There wasn't any consideration for teens being a particularly bad period of a persons life either, it's making me wonder how much of teenage depression and such is man made from shit like the sexualization of teenage girls and the hyperfocus on mental health. We've seen now that putting counsellors in school and doing mental health checks on all the kids actually makes them all worse. Asking a person "are you ok mentally? Is anything wrong? Are you depressed?" actually just puts in in their brain that that's an "option" and then as soon as a tiny bad thing comes up they think "oh shit I'm clinically depressed and broken". When you ask what's wrong you put the idea in their head to look for flaws and wrong things. If you hadn't asked, they wouldn't have thought about it and would have been fine. It's a self-fulfulling prophecy.

There are about 100 year old articale from my country where 16-17 year old girls are expected to still play with dolls because they were seen as kids, something now expected for girls to have grown out of by the age of about 10. A teenage girl is seen as childish and odd if she plays with dolls.
Even here people somewhat mistakenly point to child marriage in history, but in reality that was extrememly uncommon (in my eurofag country), it was an exclusively royal/noble people thing to keep their alliances and bloodlines going. It wasn't actually normalized at all. And since we kept marriage records for hundreds of years we even factually know marriage wasn't at all common for teenagers (and fun fact women being older than their husband was more common than it is today).

People always say "studies show men prefer teenage girls over adult women hurrdurr" and shit like that but is that even real or was that a manmade phenomenon created by turning teenage girls into a sex symbol? We don't really have studies from before that happened, and at least outwardly adult men from before this time (again, from what's recorded in my country) expressed seeing teenage girls as immature uninteresting children. They could of course have lied, but as we've seen with troons it's SO easy to meme men into thinking even some retarded gross shit is sexy. Troons will wholeheartedly argue they are sexier than actual women, and they really truly think so. So why wouldn't people have been affected by the sudden outburst of "actually, teen girls are sexy" that came in the 1950s or so?

And then we have shit like kids now hitting puberty literally years earlier. Like did you know there are old all-boys choir songs that are now impossible to perform? Because historically boys would hit puberty around 17-18, when they were taller and bigger, their lung capacity and technical skill was more developed while their voices hadn't dropped yet. You'd have 17 year old boys with high voices and the body/skill to sing it while today for the same voice range you'd have to go to 12-13 year old boys who aren't physically capable of singing it because they're still too small. So those songs are kind of "lost" forever, they can't be performed as they were written anymore. Same for girls, puberty is now hit around age 9-12. 9! Not even double digits before she starts developing an adult body.

It's messing with me so much nonas, my head is spinning and there are a billion directions to go in.

No. 1858447

I saw this a few months back. Hopefully the pain came and went in and instant and he found himself on the otherside. Dude got a shit deal.

No. 1858448

just so you know being a mommy to a parasite isn't really a partnership, and I don't know what you expect out of the future with him.

No. 1858452

We all know hes not changing, enjoy being his second mother that also fucks him

No. 1858456

You probably already know this deep down but you deserve better.

No. 1858479

Putting yourself out there can be hard, but you should keep trying to join different clubs or talking with people that seem interesting to you. Heck, even the way that you dress is important. I met my college friend at orientation when she came up to me and complimented my dress. Among the other people in our group/major, she said I looked "normal and approachable." I believe in you, and I hope you may find someone to befriend.

No. 1858489

>violently lashes out when frustrated
>argues with you over finances despite owing you money
>calls you a scammer
>you're paying the majority of the rent
>calls you a guest in your own home
>vomits all over the place and leaves the mess behind, likely with the expectation that you'll clean it up
why are you with this moid nonna?

No. 1858490

I fucking hate making smalltalk and having to talk about myself especially my job. Why do people only ever ask me about my job and why I'm doing it, isn't it obvious?Everybody has to pay bills. But that is not a socially acceptable answer. I already have to think about my job 50 hours per week so I don't want to talk or think about it in my freetime. Anyways I often lie during smalltalk or make up shit on the spot so people stop asking me about myself. Idgaf anymore. My favourite new thing is to ask the other person a bunch of questions so they are busy talking about themselves.

No. 1858495

>before telling someone I'm on the autism spectrum
>me: "I fell down quite the rabbit hole this weekend about [subject]"
>"That's interesting anon, tell me more!"
>after telling someone I'm on the autism spectrum
>me: "I fell down quite the rabbit hole this weekend about [subject]"
>"lmao you mean you were hyperfocusing on your new special interest?"
I'm more than my diagnostic paper Stephanie

No. 1858500

There's something morbidly hilarious about how many spaces regarding eating disorders will be filled with 'guys' who either explicitly state or you can figure out are TIFs, somehow not making the connection between the fact they hate their bodies so much is a disorder only when it comes to the weight aspect but somehow thinking they're a total dude is legit. Even when they don't state it in any way, it's obvious because there's no way that a disorder that skews so heavily female would have so many guys in its community. Even the memes they make scream they are women.

God I hate that shit so much. Once people know everything you do becomes "oh is it because of the autism??"

No. 1858505

Don’t forgive him just because he was drunk, if you were thinking of doing that. You deserve better.

No. 1858509

i have noticed this too. it's mindboggling how women in these spaces will try to be supportive by insisting that you don't need to damage your body with disordered behaviors in order to achieve an ideal figure, then turn around and say it's okay for a tif to have her breasts removed if it makes her feel more like her authentic self.

No. 1858510

this man literally hates you. leave him

No. 1858511

Abdominal surgery in a few hours and I'm absolutely terrified. Afraid of waking up in the middle of it, afraid of not waking up at all. I'm just scared nonas.

No. 1858513

Winter is such an odd season. I would love to see people in the same frequency as usual but I'd rather just go to work and then sit at home reading with a cozy meal. My social battery drops to zero and I start doubting every facet of my life. I don't even dislike winter per se I just wish I could be a hermit for the entire time. I don't feel like I want to off myself or whatever I just feel so insecure, I want to stay inside.
I feel you nonna. I've just stopped telling people I'm autistic aside from close friends, there's no use. People either baby or belittle you for it anyway, better off having them just assume that's my personality.

No. 1858518

It may sound silly but try doing some breathing exercises. It'll help your heart rate go down which helps you feel calmer physically. I've been put under anesthesia a whole bunch of times and honestly you're asleep before you know it, and then you'll wake up. Try not to search things up if you were doing so, because remember that people will only mention if something happened but not if everything went as it should.
Good luck nonnie, I hope the surgery overall will go well!

No. 1858519

>Once people know everything you do becomes "oh is it because of the autism??"
Exactly, and it drives me insane. People think they are being open and understanding but instead they are being insulting in the way that they rather see me as a walking diagnose instead of a person with interests and personality. I'm also very far out on the high-functioning end and always hated the actual limitations I experience due to it so it hits even harder.
I typically don't say anything, if I need accommodations I usually say it's because I've been burnt out (which is true). But I've been "outed" by people I thought I could trust or had to out myself once because my manager was very against having his kid diagnosed, since the kid was struggling in school he obviously needed any support he could get I ended up talking to him about it to convince him since he considered me one of his most capable employees.

No. 1858520

Everything will be alright, anon. I suppose you will have general anesthesia, right? I had a pelvic surgery 7 years ago. When I just arrived at the operating room I was told to inhale through a machine (the anesthesia would be delivered by it) and the count to ten. I couldn't even reach six. I was so sleepy I only woke up 4 hours after the surgery had finished, and I was still sleepy. That shit is great, don't worry about waking up, it's not going to happen. Don't worry either about not waking up, your body will just catch up on its sleep needs. Enjoy your easy sleeping and come back to shitpost after your surgery.

No. 1858524

you'll be alright nonna! i had to have abdominal surgery years ago and i was absolutely terrified but everything went fine and now i'm glad i had it done. like >>1858520 said take this opportunity to rest up and then come back to join us.

No. 1858529

The anaesthesiologist is usually the highest paid person in the room and for a very good reason they are really good at their job. You'll be fine. Try to score some take home morphine after.

No. 1858543

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>Feel to nauseous to eat
>Start feeling more nauseous after not eating for a whole day
>Can’t even bring myself to think about putting any type of food in my mouth without vomiting

No. 1858547

I’m so sorry. My dog passed away last year and I still have days where I’ll dramatically sob and look at pictures of her. I like to think the rainbow bridge is real and every animal we’ve ever loved and cherished is there waiting for us.

No. 1858549

I feel nauseous when I'm really hungry and having a little snack always fixes it.

No. 1858567

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I'm stuck in a Whatsapp group I really want to get out of but I don't want to seem like a bitch. All they do is post about how hard it is to live in a first world country and woe is me. Fuck off you're doing fine. If they see this Joyce your alright. Also stop posting Ben Affleck shit, it's weird.

No. 1858582

Nonas my heart goes out to both of you. Currently sitting with my 17 year old girl, in what may be the last week of her life. I believe in the rainbow bridge, and I know she'll be waiting for me. Sending you love, nonas

No. 1858588

just mute it?

No. 1858592

They are big on @ing people. If I don't reply in a day or two I get DMs. I miss when you could just disappear

No. 1858603

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On a 3 hour quarter planning meeting. Everyone is using flowery language to promote their shit. All I could think was pic. I have to speak so I actually have to pay attention, jfc

No. 1858604

I don't think you, a normalfag man with a normal life and a steady job, who never had a fucked up sleeping schedule and who isn't an overthinker with anxiety and depression, has the right to tell me I can fix my sleeping pattern in a few days and that the only reason I don't is because I don't want to. You clearly have no fucking clue that 6+ months of going to bed between 2-4 AM can not be fixed "in 3 days if you really want to" . I am trying really hard because I want to go back to my semi-normal life, I have good days and bad days, but I'll eventually fix it. But quit judging me you bitch, I hate the fact you never dealt with a single fucking problem in your life and have ZERO empathy or emotional intelligence.

No. 1858614

I have gotten into the habit of going to the gym at least 3 times a week, I've always watched what I eat but it doesn't seem to be quite enough and I wanna lose 10kg (~20lbs). I'm already normal weight but I'm the upper end of the bmi spectrum of it so I wanna get down to my ideal weight for my height for summer.
Anyway, there was a snow storm today so I poked my head out and said nope and now I feel really shitty about it. I know I can compensate it by going for another day this weekend instead but I still feel awful for it, maybe it's because I'm also on my period so I'm extra bloated and critical of myself.

No. 1858627

Just go to bed early, it’s literally that easy

No. 1858642

My life doesn't get better. No matter how much effort I put in. I just end up cast away and isolated. I've always hated being isolated.

No. 1858715

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Does anyone ever wake up feeling refreshed? I have been going to bed early, not drinking, exercising, taking melatonin and sleeping pills. Still though I wake up like the crypt keeper. If my bedrooms lights weren't set to flash with my alarm I think I would sleep forever. What's the secret? I want to know. A pint of cold brew coffee and a fag is the only thing to make me functional.

No. 1858720

Nope, never do. A while ago I discovered I was anemiac and was like: God damn this is why I never wake up refreshed but now that I'm no longer deficient, I still don't wake up refreshed. idk what it is.

No. 1858723

me too, i feel like i wake up more tired than when i went to bed even sleeping full 8 hours. But i've read that also has to do with REM sleep, i might also have apnea and not know it.

No. 1858729

That would piss me off so much. wtf

No. 1858738

I might’ve punched my eye too hard. I know, retard behavior.

No. 1858742

Preface with not an expert but one long sleep phase isn't natural. Before air conditioning people in Southern Europe used to do a 5-6 hour sleep during the night and an hour during the hottest part of the day. The bible mentioned that we had a period where people got up and prayed and fecked about during the the night. Our current 8 hour sleep cycle was born out of factory work and the industrial revolution.
During Covid with work from home I switched to 6 hours at night and 1 hour sleep at lunch and I felt amazing. They are bringing us back into the office now so I'm back to shitty sleep. Idk maybe I'm over thinking it and need some more potassium or something.

No. 1858749

Yep, biphasic sleep has been natural for a lot of history. As a NEET I slowly regressed into a two part sleep schedule, one at night and one in the afternoon.
Also I’m not sure why but I personally feel most rested on 9-12 hours of sleep when I do sleep the full night, I wake up so relaxed and focused. 8 hours is ok but not as good and 6 hours is insane to me, I don’t know how people sleep on that amount.

No. 1858764

No. 1858773

A korean artist got her official art deleted and the game I play issued an official apology because she… made a tweet celebrating international women's day. She also had other tweets about how women should have equal pay which is apparently a crime too and worth caving to incel demands apparently. Why is Korea so FUCKED for women? It genuinely seems so bleak when you realize how much men genuinely hate us just for asking not to be treated as subhumans

No. 1858792

huh who?

No. 1858834

No. 1858871

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I'm almost 30 years old and when I think back to how much time I've wasted being retarded and mentally ill I actually want to kill myself. I never learned to draw, never picked up any skills or hobbies, never been in a relationship, never went to school, never had a career, have almost no close friends. I feel like your 20s are for setting up the foundation for the rest of your life and I have absolutely nothing because I didn't think I'd make it this far. I just lived from day to day in a dream, and now I'm looking down the barrel of the gun on turning 30 and scared shitless.

No. 1858876

I’m sitting in a bus for 40 minutes and in the middle is lying shit. It smells so bad

No. 1858881


Aw nonna, I'm in the same boat as you

No. 1858888

You can still do all of that though. But it takes some guts and not falling for the trap that is the "it's too late" mindset. I can somewhat relate, I went back to univesity at 25, which isn't as old as you but still much older than "everyone else" and I felt very behind, it was daunting, I felt like shit over so much wasted time and financial means.

No. 1858894

nonna, don't be scared! you can still learn skills, go to school, have a career, and find friends and love! there are people who go to college at 30! there are people who go into the trades at 40 or 50 or 60 or even older! you will never be as young again as you are now! the first twenty years of your life you couldn't do anything. so what if you are 30 now. once you start going to school you're gonna meet so many people who are even older than you. and later, when you have a job and people talk about their life so far, you'll be surprised to hear how different everyone is. don't be scared just because you took the scenic route. i did it too and i'm proud of what i achieved because it took a lot of hard work and perseverance to overcome the hardships thrown in your way when you break out of the mold. you can do it!!!

No. 1858904

I feel you nonna, what I wouldn't do to go back in time and change everything so I wouldn't be 25 with no friends, never having had a boyfriend or girlfriend, not particularly good at any one hobby, and with a crappy office job that doesn't pay me enough. It's good that you're coming to realize this now though, no matter what anyone says there's always time to get it together and change. I'm currently taking online courses at a college so I can get a better job and am choosing to focus on myself and doing what I actually want to do instead of procrastinating for any longer. Maybe you can even start today with something small! Try watching a youtube tutorial for beginner artist, even if it turns out bad no one is going to see it other than you. Good luck nona, just know you aren't alone in feeling this way

No. 1858909


Nonita, it's not too late! My mom also felt like that way until her late 60s (bc she only lived for other people) until one friend invited her to the gym. From that, she gained confidence in herself — not only her body, but her capacity to be disciplined and make friends outside the family/church circles, which then led her to regularly go out to dance halls for people her age, and she's felt happier, healthier, and more fulfilled now at 70 years old than in her entire youth. Just be open to try new things — sooner or later you'll find something that will rock your world! Wishing you the best!

No. 1858911

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honestly, if you are living in a first world country at least you are doing better than me

No. 1858915

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I got my degree in October. Been applying everywhere but I got zero responses despite having done an internship. Marketing is a dumb shit degree. My dad says I can get a job at McDonalds or work with him as an apprentice electrician but something needs to be figured out come March. I don't hate the idea of working with my hands but I'm nervous about the "lad culture" on building sites. Any nonas have any experience?

No. 1858928


No. 1858932

Taking anti depressants literally destroys my libido and as a result i always hate men 10x more when I’m on them. When I’m off then I yearn for a mans touch but now I’m on them I just see them as pointless wastes of space and I only ever want to talk to women. Like right now I’d love to live in an all female commune but when I was off them all I could think was “I wanna have sex with a man and sleep in his arms every night”.

No. 1858935

In my second major, there are quite a few older adults in my classes. There is even a woman in her 50s studying with us. I know you feel old among 18-year-olds straight out of high school but don't let that deter you from pursuing a degree.

No. 1858947

I did it myself

No. 1858950

My life is deprived of anything constantly. Everything is so boring and stale. I wish I'd get groomed.

No. 1858953

Now I'm not confused by the who but I'm still perplexed by the how. Was it an accidental, intentional?

No. 1858954

i feel terrible because i begged and whined for my mom to come see me in paris this january and her trip was awful. her flight from california to france was delayed due to the snowstorms in chicago. she got stuck in illinois for 2 days and managed to get here eventually by the absolute grace of god. we went out properly for one day of shopping and having a late lunch at eataly, then she woke up with a stomach ache due to anxiety from my grandfather terrorizing her back home. so we just walked around my neighborhood, got ubereats, and did a little more shopping due to sales. then on top of that she somehow hurt her ankle, literally woke up and couldn't walk on her right leg, so she was bedridden for the last 2 days of her trip. i got her coffee, lunch, and took a nap in her hotel room as my uni classes started this week and i have big gaps between classes this semester.

she left today, and her flight to denmark was delayed due to the shitty cold weather, so now she's stuck in a hotel in copenhagen cause scandinavian airlines cancelled all their flights for today. i know realistically it isn't my fault, but i still feel so guilty because if she hadn't come or we had gone to britain like i had originally asked, maybe her trip would have been better. i should go back to california, but i just hate going home as i don't really have a proper family and no friends back in the states. i just want my mom to get home safely and to never fly with scandi airlines ever again.

No. 1858977

oh my god, shut the fuck up

No. 1858981

I fucking hate these software engineers who complain the company offered them "only" 2.5k EUR salary. For eastern europe that's a lot of fucking money. I'm struggling to find a job and always had bad luck in my IT jobs, with shitty projects and especially people, earned like a third of what they get and was worked mentally to the bone.
I want to strangle these ungrateful fucks who go on expensive holidays, already bought an apartment and shit yet still complain that they earn in one month what I earned in 3. I swear I'll never have their luck, I'm exhausted.

No. 1858982

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Anyone with misophonia who is dealing with it effectively? It is genuinely ruining my life, I am not even exaggerating, well… maybe I am. But it really feels like it's taking over my life. I cannot talk to anyone, be with anyone. I feel like the number of triggers are growing. Every noise, every single noise puts me in this blind suicidal rage or sadness, I end up crying, hurting myself physically, I have scars on my face from hitting myself because I just cannot take it. I can't watch certain scenes in movies, songs, restaurants. The noise of kissing. I couldn't listen to lectures because of the sounds, fucked my GPA up. I can't listen to my boss or my coworkers. I am so snappy and isolated because of it. Noise-cancelling headphones have been effective, they're not a solution though… and I don't have them with me all the time and people find it rude, it's just a mess. I feel crazy, miserable and alone. The only person who understands is my mother because she has it too, so she can empathize. Anyone who got better? if you saw me posting this on the advice thread, no you didn't

No. 1858999

Same but I straight up have no friends outside of some online ones. Every day is the same and I feel like there's no escape. I'm convinced I'll never make irl friends because I'm too old now and most people's close friends met when they were kids so even if I do find a friend I'll always be the awkward one out.

No. 1859006

I'm a qualified lady trady spark and I'll be honest the first few years really fucking suck. Constant misogyny, terrible working conditions and just regular shit. Half the men on the site are coked up. Unless you speak up you'll probably be put on traffic management. Keep at your boss to get you on real work. Once I qualified I only did local housing stuff like installing lights or fixing circuit breakers. I worked about 3 days a week.
One of the good things is once your qualified you can go anywhere. I've worked in Ireland, Australia, England and Germany and get really good money every time.

No. 1859017

I can't talk or present myself in society no matter how many things I learn and my life remains miserable. I can't pursue anybody into anything and I can't prove myself.

No. 1859027

Everyone I meet at work and out in the world seems to like me, people usually react nicely and positively to me wherever I go. But it doesn’t make me feel good, because the persona I put on for others is the exact opposite of my real personality. Outside I am:
>bubbly, smiley, laugh all the time, a good listener, very humble, quick to apologize for mistakes, hard working
But my true personality is:
>cynical, low energy, rarely laugh, don’t care about or want to converse with people, harsh critic, think I’m better than others, rarely apologize for hurting feelings, extremely lazy and unmotivated to do anything
So I know that no one would like who I really am. Even my parents who love me a lot say I’m difficult to be around. Since I am never being genuine with anyone I meet, I don’t have a single friend because my bonds with others stay attached at surface level to my fake facade and if I let it down it would shock them. I really don’t know what to do. I think I’m doomed to this miserable fake and empty life forever.

No. 1859029

I love my current job but it doesn't pay me enough to live off of so I need to find something else. really not looking forward to the job hunt

No. 1859088

kek anon i am the same way in some sense. everyone is wearing a mask to some degree so don't beat yourself up, it's a survival tactic for most us. there are people walking around who act like they are all sweetness and light, but legit have murderous thoughts of revenge over even the smallest slights or are absolute walking shitstains who shouldn't even exist. then you have people who are fucking assholes in public but are genuinely kind and gentle on the inside. sometimes it's good to hide your real personality from the world, not everyone is your friend and if you can use it to your advantage, you might as well.

i think just so long as you aren't intentionally hurting anyone like playing with other's emotions, manipulating people for no reason other than your own pleasure, who really cares? people think i am am a ditzy girly girl that they can bully. i have baby pink accessories, spend way too much money on clothes, giggle and laugh a lot, then they mess with me and i turn into a full blown tiger and they realize they totally misjudged me. and the funny thing is, if they were really paying attention to the things i said, they would realize i am always dropping hints that i don't like people messing with me or giving me a hard time for no reason. but all they see is the pink and it goes right over their heads.

No. 1859111

Im lactose intolerant and I keep getting the runs but I can't stop eating yogurt. I feel so gassy and crampy. I didn't even know I couldn't eat yogurt.

No. 1859115

I've spent my whole life in hell. I realized that I can't even be a prostitute because nobody cares about me. I can't even complain about being sexually objectified or my problems because I've never been told that my issues are valid. Simply, nobody has ever cared.

No. 1859129

I unintentionally did something fucked up and will have to face it in an uncomfortable way in the next few days. I let this happen because I was overworked at the time and didn't properly follow up but even then that's not an excuse. I feel awful and just typing this is making me physically ill.

No. 1859147

The public transit bus drivers are on strike in my town and have been for a month or so with no end in sight. The only other option for transportation (if you don't have your own car) is to try your luck with one of the three cabs in town. Every single time someone posts in the community facebook group asking when the busses will be back running they get bombarded with people raging at them "the drivers dont make a good wage! you should walk. i have no sympathy for you" as if it's the people who rely on the busses fault that the drivers don't get paid well. God I hate facebook boomers

No. 1859151

My boyfriend broke up with me after we had a fight. The fight was because I didn’t have sex with him after he rolled over to me and said “I woke up with a boner” so I don’t know how to feel.

No. 1859153

is he 12? consider it a bullet dodged

No. 1859159

My dog ran away yesterday because three retards (brother, mother and father) were yelling at each other like monkeys, didn't close the front gate and didn't check on the dog. I had to go outside while it was dark and fucking freezing to go look for her, then she came back by herself but I was rightfully angry at them because they know the gate doesn't close properly, they know they should always check if it's closed (not only for the dog) and they know they should call the dog and watch her while it's open. That's what I do too. So I was fucking angry at them being idiots over stupid shit and SOMEHOW now I'm the bitch and I'm getting the silent treatment for a mistake they made. These fucking bastards have the gall to get mad at me while they're the ones who caused problems kek fucking clowns, narcisistic fucks, stupid ass retards. They're lucky the dog is more intelligent than them because holy shit it could have gone a lot worse and I don't know what I would have done to them then. Pieces of shit. Keep being grumpy over a mistake you made, I couldn't care less about you throwing a fit. Stupid assholes.

No. 1859162

I'm in a similar boat, well, in a few different ways. I got afraid to contact people after something happened in my life. And I'm supposed to be speaking at a thing soon except I didn't contact the person when I was meant to, and I know they are going to let me do it in the end but why am I sabotaging my whole life? (there are worse things I have fucked up with my anxiety than this) This thing is all I have to look forward to rn and I'm so fucking retarded for being afraid but I'm shaking.

Anon, I am with you in spirit and the only way I can get through this is by reminding myself that I want to be better and do better, and this thing I did (or didn't do) is not indicative of how I am as a person. It's a symptom of stress. I know I just beat myself up above and believe me, there's much more serious shit I have fucked up, I'm just not mentioning it bc it's not immediately relevant and will stress me 1000% more to fix, but I do have hope that we can fix these things and recover from them and be even stronger. You're a valuable human being.

No. 1859169

I've been so mentally ill but I've never had anyone fully involved in my life. I've never even been told my mental illness or suffering are justified

No. 1859173

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I'm 90% sure I fucked up the production deployment. I was supposed to have 2 senior people helping me with this but both of those people are OOO. I asked my useless boss to switch to someone else but he said this is a great chance to prove yourself. I'm convinced I fucked it up and I'm just waiting for QA or our partner that sounds like shittybank to say something. 2 hours ago I was crying but now I'm numb. Just drinking wine and smoking waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Who does this shit on a bitch who's 5 months out of college, fuck

No. 1859174

med school anon here so I'm going to sperg about everyone's sleep
Anon, if you haven't been to the doctor in a few years, I'd recommend going to get various levels checked like TSH (thyroid), vitamin D, iron. Those things can make you ridiculously tired, and you can easily be deficient if you don't go outside much (no judgment) or if you don't take a multivitamin. I think it's worth a shot. Could also be sleep apnea or something, but they will probably rule out the more minor things first with a blood test.

It sucks because anxiety screws up sleep, and screwed-up sleep worsens anxiety. I don't wanna push medicine on anyone but being on antidepressants for anxiety and depression changed my life. I hope you can talk to someone about it and look into different options. I don't think it's your fault sleeping has been hard.
If medicine isn't your thing, I hope you could try things like working out a few hours before bed, meditating, things like that. It might sound looney but they really can improve mental health if you aren't already doing those things.

No. 1859192

I hate my cousin so much. She's 10 years older than me and saw me grow up from baby, and ever since I was old enough to be insecure she has bullied me. Ive had a hair pulling disorder all my life - she just recently visited with her newborn baby girl and one of the first things she does is make fun of me for not having any eyelashes. Even though it's been a while since she has seen me and they have grown back completely, I've done a lot to recover…. My lashes are literally longer and fuller than hers now… She's made fun of my body when I first started puberty, my acne when I was a teen, my father's death, my suicide attempts in high school. I don't understand how someone can be so evil to their own family. Like she had already graduated college and was making fun of me as a struggling 15 year old girl going through a lot of shit. Now that I think about it it's strange how none of the adults at the time ever stuck up for me either, they just called it teasing even when she made jokes about my father dying and she knew I was suicidal. There is really something monstrous about her and she scares me but my family doesn't believe me

No. 1859200

Oops sorry, yeah, it was intentional. Was hoping that it’d brighten my mood afterwards like it usually does but no luck this time. Oh well.

No. 1859215

I hope both of my parents feel like shit for reproducing me

No. 1859222

did they clone you

No. 1859231

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My brain keeps telling me that I'm dying. I have nothing, I'm perfectly healthy but it's all mento illness. Despite knowing this, despite being on anti anxiety medication, my head still keeps spiraling. I hate it here!!!

No. 1859232

Nonna your not barb the builder. You’re not even building him as he’s rolling in the mud. Leave and stop being financially & emotionally abused by this idiot

No. 1859253

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Milk Bar, a dessert company that I enjoy, made a fucking delicious dessert called "Crack Pie". The joke is that it's so good, it's "like crack" because it's so addicting and tasty that you'll want to keep coming back for more.
Turns out they changed the name of Crack Pie to "Milk Bar Pie" now instead, because the name is apparently horrible and racist because "criminalization of crack cocaine possession and mandatory minimum sentencing specifically targeted and wreaked havoc on Black communities". Okay.
Then, they posted a second apology for "not acknowledging the insensitivity of the original name in their first statement" and that the name, as well as the first apology itself "came from a position of privilege" and promised that they'll "do better".

Like. I mean, I get it. It comes from a good place but who are these people actually complaining about this? I know it's just a stupid pie name but I'm finally at the point where I agree that comedy is dead these days. No, I don't want to give scrotes a free pass to be racist, sexist, etc. but it's retarded that we can't even make dark or slightly edgy jokes about drugs or death anymore. Dumb.

No. 1859262

I woke up today feeling SO GOOD and now my cat just died, why did i even choose this day to feel anything, i can't even say that she died without crying because i feel so awful, she was pretty old and the time was coming but she was such a cutie you'd pet her once and she wouldn't leave your side, You put her in your lap and she wouldn't want to get down, she was always there with me and i already miss her anons, idek how to cope with this feeling, it's really breaking my heart. I'm even more afraid because our other pets are the same age and since She's already gone they might go at the same time…
Last video i recorded from her was from like a week ago i wish i had something more recent, i'll always love her so so much

No. 1859264

Isn't it more racist to think any reference to crack is targeting black people…? As if other races don't experience crack addiction? I ate plenty of christmas crack over the holidays (named for the same reason) and just thought of it as dark humour.

Anyway I feel bad for them being pressured into posting some pathetic grovelling apology. Just changing the name was more than sufficient.

No. 1859302

trying to stay off benzos and ambien and it's now my third day of not falling asleep until 7-9 am in the morning and also getting less than 3 hours of sleep each night despite not sleeping the previous nights. it's 1 am and i'm not even close to being able to fall asleep. my life has just become repeating cycles of relapse and withdrawal while i ignore all my responsibilities and rot

No. 1859536

I just heard this random beeping noise in my apartment that I never heard before. It wasn't my smoke alarm and was coming from the direction of my furnace heater, so I panicked and took all of my clothes off of it (I had a good amount of clothes piled on there) and after that I haven't heard the beeping anymore. I looked it up because I was a little nervous and now I'm seeing online that four beeps and a pause is an indicator that there's a carbon monoxide leak?? I heard it beep four times with a pause and then repeat that twice. I got freaked out and took my clothes off my furnace and now I don't hear it anymore. I tried looking around the area of my furnace to see if there's a carbon monoxide detector but I don't see one. If it isn't beeping anymore, then do I assume that it wasn't a carbon monoxide thing or what…

No. 1859549

Your apartment has its own furnace?
Anyways, restricting a detector's airflow can give a false positive. I've seen people set off multigas meters all the time with no actual gas present. Also you can doublecheck your smoke detector as they are often hybrid detectors that also do CO. Depending on where you live I don't even think the apartment owner couldn't have one and only rely on an external alarm on the furnace.

No. 1859552

>boss scheduled another 8AM meeting
I wish the fat moid retard would just FUCK OFF! Maybe if he didn't use his kid as an excuse to leave early everyday we could have the meeting this afternoon instead.

No. 1859554

I've been sick for over 10 years, my life basically stopped at my teen years. Got stuck, shut in this entire time, barely started working and it's as if the better I get, the more I'm making headway and finally working, trying to decide what to do for college and getting my life back on track. I just get more depressed, more angry, more meltdowns and more spiraling. I'm tired, I've holding on mentally by the grit of my teeth, no alcohol no drugs, no external coping mechanisms but I'm getting worse. I thought once I could finally start knowing it was like to have a life outside my bedroom I'd mentally start to feel okay, and now it's just worse. I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired, I don't want to keep going. At all. I really fucking don't.

No. 1859555

Kek I just realized I'm an idiot and I meant radiator, not a furnace. I checked around the radiator to see if there was a Co2 detector, but I couldn't find one. My smoke alarm is fine and the light is green, so I'm hoping that the radiator just overheated because of all the clothes I had on there and was beeping to let me know.

No. 1859562

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Judging by the way you’re repeating phrases I think you might have mild carbon monoxide poisoning, it can make people confused (kinda joking but for real go get some fresh air to be sure)

No. 1859567

Nonnie you freaked me out enough that I went downstairs to get some fresh air lol. I haven’t heard anything since I made that last post, but damn I have to go to bed soon but I also don’t want to die lol.

No. 1859571

At this point, all moids should be born blind. I'm sure all crime rates across the world will decrease significantly.

No. 1859575

I would look into selling it or renting it out

In the meantime you can try some simple home redecorating so it looks different. A new coat of paint, wall hangings, room dividers, burn some incense, get a pet.

You could also try getting the house blessed depending on whatever faith you're of. Get a priest, imam etc, burn some sage.

No. 1859579

I'm really afraid of getting ass cancer. It takes perfectly healthy young people and decimates them.

No. 1859586

Most radiators are either heated by steam coming from your building's boiler or they're electric resistance heaters like portable heaters. They aren't CO sources. Don't just check your smoke alarm-look up the make and model. Though I'm certain of anything in your apartment is a CO detector it is your smoke alarm. Plugin CO detectors are extremely conspicuous.

No. 1859593

In fairness, depression has always existed though it was often called something different (like melancholy) or attributed to different things. But I will agree the focus on mental health can easily rebound and make things worse for people. I also think the shifting age at which people experience puberty is important but this is difficult to study well because some of the late maturation seems tied to malnutrition which puts us at a bind. Humans are probably not 'meant to' undergo puberty as early at 8-10 as happens with some girls now but it likewise seems cruel to deliberately underfeed children to stave off puberty.

No. 1859611

I feel you nonna. For me, trying to cut back on edibles and alcohol. Its also day 3 of barely any sleep because it was the only thing that even helped. It's only 8PM here but already might just fucking take something because I know I'm not going to sleep again tonight. I hope for the best for you fight on. Either let the exhaustion hit you, or try some sleep bath bombs or something

No. 1859720

being medicated and relapsing my cutting habit for two days and stopping realizing the urge hasn't fully dissipated is so so so soooo much fun

man nobody told me that recovery is a journey and not a destination and that journey is up a very icy mountain where the cold whip of the wind is making my eyes scorch

No. 1859770

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Someone armchair me for my retarded trait that I hate and want to work on. Whenever I get a crush on someone I obsess over them in private, I keep scrolling through their photos admiring them, I go above and beyond to be polite and encouraging to them, I daydream about our life together, I give them small gifts when it's appropriate etc but never really make my feelings that obvious. But whenever I find out they started dating someone else I become so bitter and jealous I'm immediately annoyed by their presence and turn passive aggressive and resentful towards them when they've done nothing wrong and it's my own fault for not properly approaching them. I hate being like this and I feel like the anger is mostly directed at myself for being so coy but the feeling of being irritated by being around them is still very real to me, I don't externalize it at them directly but it definitely makes me moody and disappointed.

No. 1859779


>Limerence is a state of involuntary obsession with another person. The experience of limerence is different from love or lust in that it is based on the uncertainty that the person you desire, called the “limerent object” in the literature, also desires you.

No. 1859818

I'm officially a neet, getting myself fucked up on wine and benzos at mid-day today. I've been sober-ish (not abusing my meds) for months now but fuck it. I have nowhere to be, nobody to see. Might as well have some fun.

No. 1859832

thank you sm nonna and good luck to you. i did sleep a little better today. you just have to have patience and trust that your brain will adapt after a while and be normal again.

No. 1859837

be careful with that combo nonna. alcohol and benzos paired together can cause some serious problems for you

No. 1859880

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>late 20s kissless virgin
>proud of muh virginity, think sex is such a huge life changing thing and that i should wait forever, yada yada
>hang out with guy i'm really into
>he puts his hand on my thigh
>get really turned on and kinda attack him because i've waited for way too fucking long
>we have sex and it's great
>we lay in bed holding hands after and he wants to keep dating

What a SCAM!!! They're SCAMMING virgin women into thinking sex is something it's not. Yes, the experience meant something to me, but it didn't change me at all. I feel the exact fucking same. It "changed my life" as much as a really good massage would, AKA not at all. Holy fuck imagine if I actually went through with waiting until marriage and the guy had a small dick or something. I was nearly SCAMMED! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1859901

I'm also a kissless virgin despite being nearly 30 and I wish I could have normal relationships and sex but I feel like I'd be too scared and traumatized by my religious upbringing to actually enjoy it. How did it go for you? You said it feels like you didn't change but the mere fact that I never had a bf or kissed a guy makes me feel a deranged outsider, I wonder if I'll ever actually enjoy sex someday.

No. 1859902

Virginity was never a big deal but saying so as a 'deflowered' woman makes one a jealous whore apparently.

No. 1859914

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I hate elective cosmetic/plastic surgery and all brain damage it’s caused. If you scroll this comment section, you’ll find that anything describing a woman’s face that hasn’t been poked, prodded, and pulled is “putting women with work done down”.

No. 1859918

I will gladly shit talk women who got plastic surgery anytime I want idgaf if anyone will misinterpret it as me being sexist or obsessed with purity. These same people talking like the pic you posted also tend to treat body parts like trends so the hypocrisy is laughable.

No. 1859923

I don't Know what I've done to deserve this.

No. 1859925

That’s what gets me the most. They tell women to do XYZ to their bodies because it’s eMpOwErInG then say a few months later to do ABC because XYC is out and make the woman saying “this is what a normal face looks like” the villain.

No. 1859927

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This anon coming back to report that i confessed to him, and told everything that happened. Wish me luck, nonnas.

No. 1859928

I was literally about to take a shower (like literally had a foot in the bathtub) and my water cuts off AAAAGHHHHHHHH

No. 1859931

I think that I've been removed from the moral considerations of society

No. 1859932

All the things people tell me are so useless and cut off. I don't feel like I've ever had an actual proper conversation where I was understood. That was mutual and open.

No. 1859936

untouched faces are based, plastic surgery is for pickmes and other brainlets who fell for the "mutilating your face and body and injecting chemicals into it is TOTES empowering, it definitely doesn't have anything to do with how i want to be perceived by men!" meme kek

No. 1859941

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They remind me of druggies that freak out when you say you don’t drink or do drugs. It’s a massive cope.

No. 1859954

I hate the terms sapphic and wlw with a burning passion

No. 1859955

I had to put my dog to sleep yesterday. I know she was sick and wouldn't get better. I know it's better this way. But jesus I want her back I want my baby girl. I miss her fuck I miss her so much I could scream!!!!! The fact that 17 years passed so quickly destroys me

No. 1859960

No. 1859961

I have so many problems with the plastic surgery trend but I get beyond upset when I see retarded guys pick on girls who are natural and compare them to a "natural" beauty who's had her whole face and body redone

No. 1859998

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I'm >>1857288 and holy fuck I'm about to go insane. Two hour lesson, again, where he goes through the absolute basics. And when I say basics, I mean
>"when you press this button that says start you see it now says stop"
>"if you want to copy a text mark it like this and press ctrl and c"
>"this text that says zero lines was sent means there were zero lines in the document"
>"the green checkmark you see is to indicate that the data was sent properly"
Then he sends us a 77 page document he wants us to read about the actual subject, he doesn't even go through the document or talk about the content neither before or at the start of the next lesson, I can't even laugh at his random pauses anymore I just hit my head against the table. All he taught us IN TWO HOURS was how to make a table in mySQL and was a bit hesitant to teach us how to edit because he had planned to do it next week but when "what the hell, why not!" and did it anyway. All of this could have been taught in ten fucking minutes, this is fucking ridiculous. I'm glad they let us review teachers already after the first week and all of us went bananas with the complaints because we are so unhappy with this setup.

No. 1860011

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"anon i don't get why you're annoyed, there's nothing to be mad about it wouldn't affect you anyway"
>was trying to go behind my back and bring her ugly moid home to stay overnight
>admits she knows i wouldn't like it
>only found out about this because i took tomorrow off work at the last minute otherwise she would've tried to hide it
a simple "nigel is going to come over after work on friday" would've sufficed. sure i wouldn't like it but i'd begrudgingly accept it. trying to be sneaky and hide it like i wouldn't hear them when they get home and am too retarded to notice a random pair of shoes that don't belong to us at the front door is what's pissing me off but she can't seem to grasp that at all despite me saying that multiple times. i pray for the day will finally come when i can afford to live alone so i don't have to deal with this bs

No. 1860030

I just want to stop losing so much fucking hair. I now have a star-shaped bald spot in the front of my head and my part just keeps widening. I just want it to stop…

No. 1860033

Please am I being a bitch or what? This woman doesn’t wanna do physical work yet she doesn’t know how to use a computer well enough, needs my help understanding what some emails we get mean (she’s ESL, I mean so am I ?), and it’s just not fair. And she just got out from an interview for an accounting position?? Wtf . I need to get the hell out of here, there’s so much nepo going on(she’s got friends helping her out within the company) uggh

No. 1860043

sorry to samefag but now she's trying to get me to change my plans like ughhhh fuck off, i don't want to haul my ass to work and back in -20C weather for half a day when we're slow just so your moid can come over and hang out. if i refuse to she'll be all pissy at me all weekend but if i concede i'll feel like a pushover. might as well just say screw it and work all day tomorrow because i feel like my day off has been ruined and it hasn't even started kek

No. 1860051

I want a warm body to cuddle while sleeping. Don't want any other thing about relationships except maybe sex with someone you trust but I can live without that. But the need for physical comfort while sleeping? It's bothering me too much. Literally can't sleep because I want to hug a warm body so badly.

No. 1860053

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>Living in the city
>Drinking, taking drugs and partying way too much
>Complete mess
>Move back to my village to right myself in early December
>Can't get drugs so I beat that, but my flat is two minutes away from a liquor store
>Promised to quit drinking after New Years
>Drank 15 days this year
>Mum called in randomly and found me passed out on the toilet
>Family knows I'm a pure degenerate now
>Doctor won't prescribe me naltrexone unless I do AA and I don't want to go near those religious fags
Not a real ending here. At least I've still got my job. I'm drinking a little less but who knows how long that will last. Maybe I should go live on a island somewhere with nothing on it until I can right myself idk.

No. 1860056

You sound bored.

No. 1860060

Sometimes I think of that time my irl friends found my fanfiction (this was when I was in early school so you can imagine the quality) and read it aloud and lowkey made fun of it.
The imageboard user part of me feels like I deserved it for posting maximum cringe, but the more "personal" part of me still feels very conflicted. I feel like it's one of the reasons why I feel like I can't open up with people. I'm still friends with them and to this day I never talk to them about more serious stuff because I feel like they'll laugh at me.
I don't even know where I want to get at with this post. I just feel so empty. I wish I could go back to those cringe days, yes my content was laughably bad but at least I actually made things without fear of being judged

No. 1860061

I am pretty bored. Drinking makes me ok with that. Although I would still probably drink if I had stuff to do. City life was exciting and I still was wasted most of the time.

No. 1860065

Hope it works out for you nona

No. 1860074

Hemingway wrote books and contemplated life while drunk.. Anyway, You're fixated on substance abuse, but that's not the real issue, is it

No. 1860085

is there a thread for ranting about dumb inconsequential internet shit that pisses you off

No. 1860089

Yeah drunks and poetry go hand in hand. I like Patrick Kavanagh and James Joyce. I write a little poetry myself sometimes. It's not good but I think I like doing it.
When I was in the city I went to therapy and they put me on medication. I didn't feel better but was just more functional. I felt like a robot.
I joined the local tennis club when I moved back and I just really didn't like it at all. I used to be crazy about tennis in my teens. It feels like my ability to like or be enthusiastic about things just went away after my 25th birthday. Stopping drinking wont fix that but at least I'm not using it as a crutch.

No. 1860103

I want to have friends. I want to have girl friends online or in real life. I am so tired of the people I talk to being men. I only talk to other women when I am at work and I am not close to them because none of them are my age or have responsibilities like taking care of their children or parents. I haven't had a best friend since high school. Every friendship circle has been whoever I date + his friends. Of course, none of those friendships last because they are dudes and stop talking to me after I break up. I tried talking to some girls on the friend-finding thread but I'm too anxious and/or the conversations died off. I feel like I can't relate to women at all because I've been in male centered communities for so long. It's my own fault for never trying to branch out and I probably deserve it. This is pathetic but I am tearing up writing this. I want to make one single friend by the end of this year. I doubt it will happen.

No. 1860109

Had my abdominal surgery and it went just fine. Thanks for all the reassurance nonas. My last memory is being wheeled into the operating room, and then waking up after surgery in the recover room being moved to the recliner. It felt like I woke up out of surgery and was immediately ushered home, but that’s fine.
Pain today is manageable, they gave me a nausea patch that’s supposed to last for a few days so I’m actually not nauseous at all which is incredibly shocking. I’m so happy for it to be over. Incisions look a little gnarly, I’m embarrassed to admit that’s even a concern for me right now. Of all things I should care about I shouldn’t be concerned over the surgical scars.

No. 1860111

it's just me and my big ass ribcage against the world

No. 1860122

The dumbass shit thread?

No. 1860126

Sorry but I don't give a single solitary fuck about moids who get hurt playing football. They make more in ten years than most people will make in their entire lives (including people who work much more dangerous jobs). If they're so worried about injury or discomfort then they can come wageslave like the rest of us.
Especially cause it's usually women who don't even watch football that are caping so hard for them. "Ohhhh their poor little fingies are gonna get cold!" Boo hoo. Not to mention so many of them are rapists, wifebeaters, and animal abusers too.

No. 1860175

I want to bash someone's head in and tear their skin off their face
I can distract myself all I want but my anger is potent

No. 1860183

I'm not even allowed to complain about my problems even though everyone is going through the same shit.

No. 1860204

I really don't want to go to the dentist. I already spent a lot of money on my teeth last year but I still have some cavities that need filling. Sigh.

No. 1860229

When I moved cities I used Bumble to find friends. They have a whole thing now for finding pals, it's not just dating. It was my first weeb friend too.

No. 1860262

Nonnas please I need your help. How do you calm yourself down when you're feeling extremely stressed? I've been having a rough few weeks (because of exams and looking for a new place to live) and I just can't stop crying and feeling unwell physically because of all the anxiety. It doesn't help that a person who I'm usually very close to is being a total retard about the whole situation. She's one of those people who doesn't really consider other people's emotions because she herself isn't very emotional. She's trying to help me by asking questions about how the flat hunting is going and telling me what to do, but every time I tell her something has gone wrong or that I didn't manage to do something because of fear/stress she becomes such a rude and passive-aggressive ass. I hate it so much. If you're gonna cause me even more anxiety just shut your mouth and stop acting like an emotionally stunted step mother that hates my guts, thanks. How do you even deal with such a person?

No. 1860267

Somehow, I am evil after everything that everyone has done to me

No. 1860275

Anons with much younger siblings, how would you feel if they told you your parents were abusive towards them?
I'm 10 and 13 years younger than my siblings and both of them moved out at 18, so we haven't really grown up together. My sister moved to a different town and my brother was off doing his own stuff and while we are all mostly connected nowadays I'm still somewhat distanced from my siblings even if I know they would do anything to help me if I asked and I feel the same towards them (having mom screaming at me over the phone for an hour when I was 20 over that I don't rely on anyone of them and how selfish I am for it didn't quite help either). But mom would often compare me to them already in middle school, giving me shit for not being as good of a student as my sister, not being as charismatic and clever as my brother. She would also call me an accident, that I was worthless, dumb, fat, selfish, that nobody actually liked me, etc. so when I became a teen and mom became more unstable I started closing myself off more and would shut myself in my room as much as I could to get some peace, which my family still give me shit for 10+ years later but since I don't know how much my siblings know nor don't want to trigger my mom to spiral into mental illness again now that she's better I just shut my mouth. I know my siblings also had their issues with mom's temper growing up, which is why my sister left town, but I don't know if it was as bad as what I experienced and I don't know how to talk about it. I know I mentioned that she would call me fat all the time to my sister once and she looked appalled.

No. 1860277

>mother telling me i'm not the only one who had a bad childhood so it's wrong to get hung up over it
loses its teeth when she's one of the reasons for me having a bad childhood, but alright. also i'm pretty sure there are countless studies on how badly bullying fucks up a kid…you've basically been loved and cliqued up forever so how could you ever understand

No. 1860289

My mother is so stupid. She told me that we couldn't have a gun in the house because my dad would have killed us all then himself with it. She told me when I was only 11 that she had dreams about him cutting me and my little sister up into pieces. And yet she never even tried to leave or get us away from him lol, all it took was for him to die for me to finally live a safe peaceful life So stupid. Even as a little kid I could feel how palpable the danger was being around him but I was too young to really understand. so now I am just fucked about it trying to understand and forgive my mother and even him

No. 1860298

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I really want to become a state or national park ranger but I have no idea how to go about that, plus job openings seem so unstable. I would be able to pass the pack test no problem and would gladly take the challenges that come with the ranger academy but it seems so unlikely to be hired. I cant go back to office work nonnies, I hate being stuck inside and sitting around all day.

No. 1860302

hi nonnie…i have no advice for dealing with people like that, but for the anxiety perhaps. you may not like what i have to say because it takes some work, and even then, it does not work for everyone, but it has worked for me to a degree and i have very bad anxiety and stress issues.

limit caffeine, sleep well, do yoga or some sort of mindfulness activity, break things into small and realistic tasks. avoid nicotine because it makes anxiety worse.

im sorry you have probably heard it all before but if you cant remove the stress right now just remember its temporary and do your best to manage it. you are not superhuman. do what you can and need but no more than that. take care of yourself please nonnie!

No. 1860303

I deal with stress taking a warm shower (washing hair and face too, later I'll wash my teeth), tidying up my place and allowing myself to rest and check on my phone clothes/patterns/books I'd like to buy someday. Rain sounds and Zelda music help a bit too, although I've actually never played Zelda in my life.

No. 1860304

why not look into freelance things that give you more of a work life balance so you can have more time to spend outside? like taking on clients for something such as animal care or tutoring

No. 1860305

when i was little and first got diagnosed with cptsd, i was told that the rest of my life i will have to heal/it will be hard.

it was upsetting to hear at the time and felt quite harsh for a young girl to hear. but it was true, and 10 years later, albeit not a perfect person, i have improved a lot. you look back on the hard work with a smile and the view from the top of the mountain is lovely. you still have to hike, but its less uphill. its scenic and peaceful at times. sometimes tiring…gotta trudge through mud…etc.

but you can do this nonnie. its true when they say take it one day at a time. each day you avoid the urge, the less strength the urge has. and if you relapse one day, try again tomorrow.

you either accept the addiction and embrace it, or accept that you wish to change it and do so.

you can do this. but understand it will take time!

No. 1860318

I'm going to try this. Thank you.

No. 1860319

Every zoomer at work is addicted to their vape pen. They try to hide vaping on the job but I can clearly see them do it and they don't care. I've complained on here before about a coworker doing it but he quit and the new zoomers show up and do the same shit. They don't even care enough to go to the bathroom to do it. Did they do the same thing in school, vape when the teacher turns her back, they have to had learned this from somewhere. No respect for their surroundings or people around them. Little vape junkies gotta suck their concentrated tobacco or weed every ten minutes and management does nothing about it.

No. 1860320

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On my period so I'm having a rough night with both anxiety and cramps, I don't wanna take my anxiety medication this late because I'm either gonna sleep half the day away or be a zombie until they're out of my system if I do and I don't have time for that.

No. 1860321

No problem, best of luck nona

No. 1860326

Thank you so much nonna, your words really made me feel better and I needed them! This may not be a quick and easy fix but it sounds like a good way to not let stress affect you so much in the first place. I will try to implement all of these things so they become habits.
These are all very good ideas nona, thank you! I've only listened Zelda OST a couple of times but I really liked it.
Thank you both nonnies!

No. 1860334

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I had a musty scrote blow that shit in my face one time, so fucking gross.

No. 1860343

I need someone to commiserate with on a bad haircut.. I feel so sad

No. 1860348

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I'm trying to learn to crochet, this shit is so incredibly hard I'm going to comming sudoku with one of the hooks any minute now. All of the fuckers on short form videos who brag about learning in just few days or even hours can eat my ass!!

No. 1860351

I'm in the same situation right now good luck nonnie

No. 1860359

What a coincidence, I also got a bad haircut today. Tried making my bangs short and ended up looking like a she/they, cried for an hour.
Hang in there nonna, wishing your hair fast growth.

No. 1860383

You are not responsible for the narrative people make about you. You are not to blame for how people treat you, and how you react afterwards. You are a human and deserve respect and love and understanding. I'm still learning that as well, and still think of how wrong I was done and then blamed for but you will be okay nonna. Surround yourself with people or experiences that will cover up this feeling.

No. 1860384

I use my fingers and I'm still bad.. better than with the hooks but still bad

No. 1860385

i'm a burger so i need a job with health insurance (which freelance wont have) but i might pick up some freelance jobs like these while I figure out what im doing with my life

No. 1860392

This may be a local thing, but people at climbing gyms have the worst gym etiquette I have ever seen. Since climbing shoes aren't meant for walking around in, people use that as an excuse to walk around barefoot everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE: main area, locker rooms, bathrooms, while using exercise equipment like rowing machines, even the fucking parking lot. One time I saw a girl clambering around the power cage/safety racks as if she was on a jungle gym, getting her nasty bare feet all over the dip bars and other things. And don't even get me started on the general lack of spatial awareness, especially in the bouldering area. People walk right under overhanging walls while you're climbing like oblivious cattle and act like it's your fault when you almost fall on top of them. They'll cheer on experienced climbers who are just slowly warming up as if they're struggling, and tell their idiotic bros destroying their joints by thrashing around on the first move of a "hard" route for five minutes straight that they're SO SOLID, BRO. They utterly refuse to take turns and let other people try popular routes during peak hours. They'll claim benches with their waterbottles and jackets and camp out for hours doing benchxinfinity with five other guys. I can't wait for climbing to stop being popular because it's like neverending January 1st in here.

No. 1860396

>meet a sweet guy who loves doing acts of service for me, is funny, smart, likes my sense of humor and knows how to fix stuff around, unlike most late 20s/early 30s men
>he's also tall
>but he's balding
Nonnies I hate it, am I being shallow? Every time I look at him I think "if only he had more hair" kek. He already has that small almost bald spot on the back on his head and it bothers me every time I look at it. Balding is just something I can't overcome when it comes to physical attraction. I myself was diagnosed with AGA 3 years ago but I managed to fight it with topical minoxidil and also diet for insulin resistence (AGA is fueled by androgens which are fueled by insulin), diet and physical activity also helped me with managing PCOS naturally, without hormones. I know I was lucky, but it seems like many baldig guys don't even look into reasons of their balding, they just say "it's genetics" and call it a day. Hair is really important for me, not just for aestehic and attraction, but also because I battled so hard to save mine. I really want to gift him some 5% minox while his hair follicles are still alive but I don't want to offend him kek

No. 1860398

oh nonnie…i hope you are not considering letting him go just for his lack of hair? its ok to have preferences and i suppose if this will get in the way of things then yes, by all means leave him. maybe at some point you can convince him to allow you to help with the hair situation but dont depend on letting him allow you to change him.

No. 1860405

This is so gobsmackingly accurate that I legit wonder if you and I actually go to the same gym.

No. 1860406

My coworker is so exhausting. She’s a stereotypical they/them tif except she’s twenty years my senior, which just increases the obnoxious condescending tone. I always put up my most compassionate, patient, sweet yet sincere behaviour when around her, but she still always finds some way to twist the conversation and bait me into a discussion that is so hard to resist. I really try my best to stay as “neutral” as possible and ask critical questions as opposed to just argue, but man the mental illness is so obvious. It’s just blablablabla I know better than you you know nothing. No actual critical thinking is present, just me me me look at me. She doesn’t realize that half the things she talks about I have gone or been exposed to too, I simply don’t respond in the same attention-seeking way. Her head is too far up her vagina to recognize that just because other people aren’t retarded genderspecials doesn’t mean they don’t know what it’s like to have a difficult life too.

No. 1860407

Why are apartment maintenance workers so incompetent? I had the same issue at the last place I lived at (in fact, they were even worse). I genuinely don't want to be a bother, but I wouldn't need to call in about the same issue four times in a row if they would just fix it properly to begin with.

No. 1860410

Would you be attracted to him if he wasn’t bald? If yes, maybe suggest the hair stuff. If no, probably just move on for both of your sakes. I tried being in relationships with guys I wasn’t attracted to or thought were just ok or slightly cute, but then dated a guy I actually thought was hot and it’s a whole different world. Dating someone you aren’t attracted to is not worth it.

No. 1860413

I suspect I may have AGA too and seeing men with genetic baldness depresses me because it seems like such a death sentence. Like I should stop trying and let nature do its course. Idk if any treatment will work for me but women tend to try harder in seeking out solutions for it. What do you take for insulin resistance, anon?

No. 1860426

>It felt like I woke up out of surgery and was immediately ushered home, but that’s fine.
Unfortunately a lot of hospitals do that now, at least it allows for recovery in your own bed. I'm glad you didn't wake up during surgery and it all went well. I hope the recovery is good and easy too!
Maybe try some silicone patches on your scars if your doctor gives you the ok (I think how early they can be placed depends on the wound)? Getting those on as early as possible and a main thing of keeping the area super moisturized should help. Bio oil or a vitamin e oil can be used if it's available and you want to get fancy, but slathering it with vaseline or shea butter works too. My surgeons in the past have said just vaseline but I prefer shea butter with vaseline on top because the butter will add moisture and the vaseline locks it in. If you have stitches the vaseline also prevents them from over drying out which helps them fall out when it's good and makes it easier to remove the rest in a follow-up.

No. 1860428

I take inositol (but only myo inositol. There's also d-chiro inositol and for some women it's the best to take them in a 40:1 ratio. But d-chiro inositol may increase testosterone which is often already elevated in women with PCOS. That's why it's important to do blood tests and your own research and consult with your doctor if you're still not sure. I only take myo insoitol). It's important to stick to diet for diabetes. Not only because androgens feed off insulin but also because insulin resistence is associated with poor blood circulation. Your hair feeds off your blood. Diet + mild excercise routine + scalp massages. Everything to improve blood circulation. It's good to reduce inflammation in your body in general. In my case, I not only cut out sugar but also gluten (I noticed with time that the inflammation in my scalp decreased. I also got rid of sinuses inflammation and that constant bloating I was struggling with). Focus on protein in food and heme iron in meat (mostly liver). I aslo drink spearmint tea for its anti-androgenic properties and I eat pumkin seeds. Supplement with D3 + K2.
I wash my hair every 2 days, with ketoconazole shampoo (nizoral) alternatively with natural bar shampoo. I apply rosemary water on my scalp and massage it in every day. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties. I use topical minoxidol every 2 days.
Of course, every case is different but in many women hair follicle miniaturization IS reversible and I've seen women with AGA and pcos who managed to grow their hair back after managing their insulin. But it takes time and work. I was often tired and angry for having to focus on all that shit but then I remembered that 3 years ago I already had small bald spot between my bangs and now it's gone, and I also have more hair on my temples than I had 1 year ago and then I don't regret anything kek. I never took any oral meds like hormones, spironolactone or finasteride.

No. 1860429

Doing that work for an apartment complex is a lowest of the low job. There's a shortage of good general maintenance people, especially young ones. If they were any good they could be doing the same thing in a pharma factory or a gov't facility and get paid way more.

No. 1860432

I looked into it before and IMO not worth it. Most of it is seasonal work and you start applying for your next post the instant you start the one your own. Permanent positions are highly coveted and competitive.
You could look into becoming a Conservation Police Officer, though you are officially a cop by doing that.

No. 1860444

Thanks anon for this detailed response. Where do you get your rosemary water? I have been applying the mielle rosemary oil on my hair wash days and washing it after but I'm going to see if I can mix it with water in a spray bottle and start using it everyday. It's highly unlikely I have pcos as I have had regular periods all my life and my only symptoms is the hair thinning and excess body hair (I've always had a mustache since I hit puberty but I wonder if that's just because of shit genetics). I'm planning to bring up my issues with my GP but it feels like I'm running out of time and I'm getting stressed out at seeing all the hair that's falling out while I'm trying to seek treatment.

No. 1860455

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>Where do you get your rosemary water?
I just buy fresh rosemary, put a 3-4 springs in a boiling water for 15 minutes. Then just let it cool down and put it into a jar and keep it in the fridge. I put some in a spray bottle to use for my scalp and the rest I use to rinse my face. This way it's cheaper and you get a fresh product

You still should check your sex hormones. My gyno diagnosed me with pcos based on my ultrasound and blood test results. My periods were usually regular, well now they're regular thanks to inositol and lifestyle changes, but before that, I used to have a few regular periods in a row and then suddenly skip one etc. Having more stress than usual was enough to cause me to skip a period or delay it
But remember, your gyno will definitely want to put you on the pill. I didn't want to put up with the side effects and having my breasts checked every year because the pill increases your risk of breast cancer and I'm already at risk because my mom had it. If it's possible to manage it naturally, I won't put myself on hormones

No. 1860460

Also, don't stress over it because cortisol is also linked to higher blood sugar kek. I know what it's like anon, after every shower I used to find a clump of hair that looked like an alien life form, I was even counting that hair and it used to be around 250. You can buy minoxidil even now and start using it, it's OTC so you don't need prescription, same with myo inositol, those two and rosemary water is the stuff you can just start right now, before getting to a doctor. It won't hurt you. Idk where you live so I don't know if you have to wait long for an appointment, but there's still something you can do even before seeing a doctor and you have some
agency over your body. Start making small lifestyle changes now.

No. 1860461

one time i went in for a simple bang and hair trim, came out with uneven bangs plus my waist length hair was cut to my breast. cried in the car afterwards cause she didnt even ask before cutting it that much. on another note i am so damn sick of my light period that seems to drag on for an actual week now. it used to be heavier but over a lot faster. the blood annoys me so much every month. feels disgusting to be taking a dump while bleeding in the toilet.

No. 1860463

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And also, get this guy, he's your friend

No. 1860464

I had my hair past my shoulders finally after a shit cut a few years ago and the salonist butchered it this weekend. I feel like I will never have long hair.

No. 1860477

I hate my coworker so fucking much he needs to shut up and kill himself

No. 1860505

I saw an ex best friend of mine at work yesterday and I cannot stop thinking about it. It was my first time seeing her in 4 years and we were friends for 7, but she ended up bullying and backstabbing me before we were supposed to go off to college. I saw her and it felt like the entire world closed in and all I could do was look at her face. She looked like she did when we were young girls, she had lost so much weight and her cadence and posture was really childish. I was shaking like crazy and felt tears well up in my eyes while I was helping another patron. I watched her go up to my co worker sitting only 2 feet away from me and we locked eyes and I just wanted to scream. I had to stay in the back the rest of the day and felt paranoid every time I heard a patron come in. I don't know why it is bothering me this bad, it's like I felt sadness, anger, and nostalgia all at once when I saw her.

No. 1860522

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i want to go back to making music but i want to feel some purpose with doing so. it makes me really happy! but sometimes its hard to justify my happiness. i guess thats an issue i need to work on alone. when i was little, i loved to write sing and act. but i also liked being praised when i did well. but i also didnt like to show many people, either.

i just wonder if i can finish and produce something for myself and not just say fuck it just because i dont want other people hearing it. why not for me? why not do it because i can?

when i have some free time, anyway…

No. 1860524

I'm glad I wasn't born later in life because my mom has gone full retard with anything having to do with the medical field. Today she told me about her neighbor having issues and the doctor checking her lungs for clots with an ultrasound. The neighbor didn't have any but my god my mom would not shut the fuck up about the ultrasound had to have radiation and how bad that is. The icing on the shit cake was her talking about how the ultrasound had to be frying babies. You can't correct her because she won't listen. I'm close to breaking her tablet and phone because she watches these creepy cult streamers who feed her words she commonly misuses and "facts".

No. 1860529

Your mom believes the photoshopped image of Taylor swift wearing a hat of human faces sewn together is real

No. 1860535

She hasn't seen it yet but she definitely would. She also thinks Swift is a man not a woman.

No. 1860537

I poured a bag of little cookies into a bowl for my boyfriend and I, and as I went upstairs to make a tea he ate every single cookie. How long does it take a kettle to boil? I am so unattracted to his ever-fattening ass at this point. Boring, fat fuck. Literally doubled his weight during our relationship. T-shirt in the pool ass motherfucker. Breaking the couch ass motherfucker. Big Homer Simpson ass dent in the bed motherfucker. I look like Olive Oyl so when we stand beside each other we look like the number ten. I fucking hate fatties, he doesn't even care. Dude's self esteem is zero now that he's fat, and instead of changing it he's just wallowing in it.
Unrelated but I also wish he had a normal family. His parents are like.. TV watching alcoholics with the dirtiest house in the world. They were more normal when we started dating but now the mom has blatant alzheimers and nobody cares enough to address it, so it's REALLY weird going over there.
I'm so mad I got like.. two tiny cookies. Teddy Grahams. Jesus christ I wish I could go back in time and just date him for a year when things were fun and sexy, not fat and boring. Stinky. I'm literally never dating again after this idc, I can't pick correctly. I want my mom to arrange a marriage for me and I'll never want for anything, she'd know what's best.
I don't want advice, I'll leave him when it's financially viable, yadda yadda.

No. 1860540

Samefag. As an update to this, I just realized that not only did they still not fix it this time around, they actually made the problem worse! Now my ceiling is leaking from two places instead of one. What the FUCK

No. 1860546

I don't want to go to work tomorrow, I want to stay home and fry my brain cells getting high as fuck on cold medicine, either that or break sobriety and get as drunk as I possibly can. Only thing stopping me is knowing that if I do I'll only be more disgusted with myself. Life sucks when your actions are unchangeable.
I have this experience about once a year living in my town. Never really gets any better. Sending love, anon.

No. 1860558

Sucks to hear nona, hope you’re able to leave soon. I used to put my past bf’s on diets.

No. 1860563

>I look like Olive Oyl so when we stand beside each other we look like the number ten.
KEK i'm sorry nonna

No. 1860565

Nonna I am really sorry, but also
>T-shirt in the pool ass motherfucker. Breaking the couch ass motherfucker. Big Homer Simpson ass dent in the bed motherfucker. I look like Olive Oyl so when we stand beside each other we look like the number ten.
is pure poetry

No. 1860578

Hate myself so much for having barely any confidence. It didn't matter that my skills got better at my hobbies. That I managed to glow up after high school. My social skills are so messed up I probably am retarded. All I want to do is have the confidence in myself to escape my toxic job. Feeling anxiety on my days off is so twisted. Can't seem to eat, which makes me feel sick, then feeling sick when I do finally eat. People expecting replies from me over all sorts of things. These days I barely keep myself together but then I still have people expecting to listen to their vents. I really can't deal with it right now.

No. 1860654

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Don't know where this should go, LC seems to lack a general fandom salt thread, but whenever I see a scrote admit to enjoying yume content because it's essentially just hetero content I sigh. Why are fujos shat on for being deranged coomers all the time when yumes are literally feeding scrotes? Enjoy what you want of course, I enjoy scrote shit myself, but where's the yume cringe thread kek

No. 1860655

I think I'm the kind of person that my friends would only hang out with when they have nothing else better to do…

No. 1860662

Thank you lovely Nona I just saw this.
I hadn't relapsed in nearly 2 months and I blame myself. a trigger edged me into cutting again and I blame myself for responding so clumsily, impulsively, angrily

I am a lot better than I was a few months ago, where I was completely miserable and falling apart. and I will be better tomorrow, and I will continue to be better even if I stumble. I write mantras in my journal about how things can and will hopefully get better between passages about my trauma and fears. It calms and it soothes, if only it were always easy to balance the positives and the negatives

No. 1860679

I went up 30mg on my antidepressant and my sex drive completely evaporated. It was probably on the higher end of normal and now literally nothing. I can look at the most attractive person ever, people I used to fantasize about, and not want to fuck them at all. I’m really upset about it. But I will have to adjust to life without a libido because this dose is the only thing standing between me and the great beyond.

No. 1860713

did you steal that looking like the number 10 line from Foodie Beauty?

No. 1860734

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What the fuck is "corpse goth"??? Oh wearing corpse paint is fucking trendy now?? I can see the 100+ screenshot plagiarism callout posts coming now. You're a ""mall goth"" for wearing a choker and listening to lil bo peep in 2024??? Wearing g-strings with half your ass out is "Y2K", making the skirt black makes it "alt"??? Defending literal prostitutes pretending to be part of our scene and selling ass pics to the men who objectify us??? I need to support old decrepit gay men naked in public every June because "Being alt means supporting everyone!"???

No. 1860735

Anons on here will literally criticize big titty anime girls but then turn around and jerk off to yume content with sexualized big titty anime girls being fucked by their husbandos. Like ok…

No. 1860737

It's just black metal aesthetic without the retarded music, finally embracing the reality that black metal "fans" are fakers akin to teens who say they listen to Merzbow

No. 1860739

there was already a day long fight about this in the fandom drama threads

No. 1860755

I don't get the yume v. fujo thing cuz I like content from both communities. there's been males that have admitted to liking fujo stuff too, particularly the more degen or bara stuff (which isn't all made by gay men), but either ways a man admitting to liking either thing is extremely rare so I don't really understand your fixation on this.
nonny, this is an anonymous IB, you don't know what user is doing what.

No. 1860776

but anon you dont get it, if you want anything but a big titty coomer anime girl in your yume content that makes you a tif who only wants fat gendie dyke blobs with leg hair

No. 1860777

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It’s been four years zero contact but today my narc ex messaged me on Snapchat. It was some corny monologue about missing me and “unanswered questions” while also oh so casually dropping he “has a wonderful woman” and they’re expecting - but he always imagined it would be me in the delivery room. A couple years ago before I deprogrammed I might be flattered, but now I’m just so grossed out. My life got 9000 times better in every conceivable way the literal moment I cut contact. I do not have a single fond memory of the time I spent brainwashed by him. Pretty sure this clown is still waiting tables, odds are still a junkie, definitely still an alcoholic, and he calls the mother of his child “his woman” while disrespecting her and her tremendous sacrifice of pregnancy and motherhood by messaging me trying to accomplish god knows what. He would send shit to his ex before me while we were together and it fucking crushed my whole entire soul to read those messages and he KNOWS that, god we fought about his ex for seven fucking years, so like WHY do you think I would participate in that conversation on the other side of it? He’s a narc and a manipulator, so he probably was trying to goad an any response from me - positive or negative, doesn’t matter, as long as he can get me talking he’ll be able to spin the conversation around. Knowing this I wanted to bin the messages without reading them but truth be told I was worried about my dog so I’m glad I read them so he could remind me what a fucking loser he is. No response! No reaction! Blocked! I’m brand new and you don’t get to know this me. Not a single fucking thing.

Won’t talk about this anywhere else because I won’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing that my jimmies were rustled. Putting this here and forgetting about it. Pray for “his woman” anons, God knows she’ll need it.

No. 1860835

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What a pathetic loser kek, how sad must his life be if he's in your dms trying to make you miss him when you broke up 4+ years ago and his wife is expecting. That's so fucking disrespectful towards both of you. Pathetic clown narc.
You did the right thing by completely ignoring him nona, as you said the only reason he sent you this dumb wall of text and casually adding that he has a "wonderful woman" by his side is just to rile you up and get any sort of reaction, ignoring such a message is the worst (and therefore the perfect) thing you can do to a narc.
As someone who has also dealt with such manipulations by an ex I want to tell you I am proud of you nonna. It is infuriating when idiots like this remind you of their existence but remember that you're the one living your best life and taking zero shit from him while he's so miserable that he's reaching out AFTER 4 YEARS KEK.

No. 1860955

hate how mentioning the word white gets you banned for racesperging on this site, mods go back to twitter and cry your while guilt tears

No. 1860960

find out who "his woman" is and send her proof he messaged you with the "i miss you" shit while she's fucking expecting

No. 1860979

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When are we going to see men get killed, raped , and humiliated on screen? Seeing an anon’s review of “the poor things” makes me so annoyed that scrote directors make this shit of women but we never see it done to men. IM TIRED

No. 1860981

Message his expecting partner that he’s saying that to you. Maybe she can still abort it.

No. 1861052

The mental image of me slitting my wrists open keeps popping up in my head even though I dont want to actually kms. Sometimes when im stressed i run my bare hand down my wrist and i dont even realize im doing it. Wtf is this

No. 1861054

these are called intrusive thoughts

No. 1861057

Heres the thing, i almost went forward with OCD testing, but I do nothing about my actual intrusive thoughts because I know theyre not real. They still weird me out but not to the extent that the diagnostic says theyre supposed to. I also hate a mirror checking compulsion but calmed down lately, and has nothing to do with my intrusive thoughts. Idk. I have more and theyre also disturbing but this particular one only started appearing recently.

No. 1861060

it's probably stress related then, I wonder if the thought could be reoriented or redirected with a bracelet that had some sort of figurative element on it. So you look down and see like, a cute panda bracelet on your wrist or something so you associate your wrist with something else?

No. 1861061

I would lose my mind if that was my bf/husband messaging his ex of 4 years saying he always thought itd be her in the delivery room. Holy shit. Please tell her nona. I seriously think I'd abort, and thats coming from someone who is currently pregnant.

No. 1861066

I joined this app called Peanut, its for mums to find friends.
I had a lovely woman message me from GB.
She was asking about a post I had done about my first ultrasound, how the dr thought I was 2 weeks further along that I was and the ultrasound showed otherwise.
She was after reassurance about her own pregnancy, she was very early and had gone for her first dating ultrasound and they couldnt find anything.

She has had 3 miscarriages and the baby is so wanted. She told me how she had passed a blood clot a few days earlier and had some spotting. I told her to wait until her second scan before she starts to worry.

She went for her second one today and it turns out she has an ectopic pregnancy in her fucking cervix.
Shes going for a second scan today to confirm, then has to decide what to do. If it continues too long she may need a full hysterectomy?

I didnt even know thats a thing. I feel so so sorry for her, I cried when she told me which sounds so stupid because shes only a new friend and its not my baby but I know how much she wants to be a mother.
Life is just so cruel and unfair. I have no idea how to comfort her because what can you even say to that? I've told her I'm here if she needs somewhere to vent and how very sorry I am. What can you even say.
The chances of that is 1 in 9000.

No. 1861087

that's pretty much all you can do for her nonna. you're being a good friend by offering your support and letting her know that you're there if she needs someone to listen or lean on.

No. 1861100

Someone had a copy of Julia Fox's first book and God I Really Wish I Didn't Attempt To Flip Through It. I want to scrub my brain of it's existence.

No. 1861104

For seemingly no reason my monitor stand is refusing to hold my monitor flat and keeps tilting it downwards.

No. 1861109

I'm very hesitant to make this post but I need to get it out and this is the thread for it. I haven't heard from a nona I met on the friend finder thread for nearly a week now. I know she has her own life to deal with and I'm not entitled to anyone's time/attention etc but I'm just sad because we were getting along so well. Did I say something wrong? Did something happen to her? This uncertainty isn't good for me

No. 1861110

I have no idea if you're talking about me but you just reminded me to reply to someone I forgot to reply for almost a week. Thanks

No. 1861119

I hate having such severe anxiety and such a huge fear of strange men. I live in an apartment building that gets pest control once a month and thankfully they respect the sign I put up asking for my unit to be ignored, but the knocking and yelling the guy does every time he comes sets me on edge so hard, my hands shake and sweat and I start panicking. It's like I can't breathe until he's done and gone.

No. 1861128

Something is wrong with me and everyone thinks I'm crazy but when I die of undetected thyroid cancer or some shit I'll be like fucking told you so

No. 1861151

I feel like my life would’ve been better if my parents actually loved me. My dad is absent in my life and I feel like my mom hates me because she wishes she never had children. When I was young my mom would beat the shit out of me, and she still threatens to beat me now even as an adult when I make minor mistakes. She wakes me up at 3AM sometimes just to threaten me and scream at me. My dad doesn’t give a shit about me either. I just want normalcy, I want a normal family and to be loved. My mom never even hugged me when I was a child or say “I love you” or give me any affection and I feel severely fucked up from that. When she sees my younger nieces she gets super affectionate with them and it messes with me. I think to myself “why not me”? I just want someone to care about me. I feel so alone.

No. 1861160

She's just busy with her life, nona. Some people take a while to respond.

No. 1861161

I want to smoke weed but my bf has his friends over and one of them is a cop lol (weed is illegal here)

No. 1861172

ALSO I need to shit really bad but I don’t want to go the bathroom bc they will hear, I will legit go the mall bathroom near me kekk

No. 1861176

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Washed my hair today while out of shampoo. Never again. I think my co-wash expired because now my head smells like cold clay and my hair is as stiff as it too. Gonna reorder more shampoo because apparently that's the only stuff that works for me and I can't go without it if I want my hair to be longer than a centimeter. Ugh. It's the new year so I really should just shave it all off but I've been too lazy to pull out my buzzer. Oh well. Guess I'll be rocking the greasy vampire hair slick today.

No. 1861203

Basically two years ago I was friends with this girl. She’d come up to me constantly and ask me to wait for her after work so she wouldn’t be alone and told me everything about her life, even her issues with her parents and some pretty traumatic stuff. She made it seem like we were very close. But she would always tell me things like, “We should go to X this Wednesday.” I’d adjust my schedule and get ready and then she would just ignore me. Which would drive me insane because why say anything at all even if you’re trying to be nice.
Now I admit I was unreasonable. I didn’t do or say anything, but I became super attached to her. I was very, very lonely and somewhat depressed, and I’ve never made a friend on my own before. I could go months without going out. The fact that she acted like she wanted to be my friend made me joyful, especially because for the entire year I’d been trying to open up and talk to new people, and put myself out there, but people would just keep it strictly polite or ignore me, so all attempts at being a normal person failed. I just felt so demoralized, and then there was this person who acted like they wanted to be my friend, and it was a revelation for me at the time. She’d tell me everything and complain about how other girls didn’t understand her like I did and how I was non-judgmental unlike her X work colleague. It’s dumb, but it made me pleased, because it seemed like I was finally getting the hang of this thing.
Then she pretty much ignored me. Would not respond to my texts. Would barely talk to me. And this wasn’t like previously, she just fully ignored me. And it kind of fucked with me because I was very lonely and depressed and mentally fragile at the time and it made me feel like there was something deeply wrong with me that I couldn’t point out. After all why’d she act super close and then ghost, you know? But here’s the thing. I saw her a month ago and then flew into my arms and kept talking about how much she’d missed me and how much she wants to hang out and she says to text her. I think she’s being legit and I text her, and she ignores me. Again. Then I say her a week after that and she does the same routine and it feels so genuine. Then I ask her what she’s doing here. And she says she wanted to hang out with X, the person she constantly complained about. And says to text her. I do. She ignores me. Again. Here’s the funny thing: I keep having dreams about her. I feel hurt and upset, yes, because having friends is very hard for me, but I don’t get why she wants to act close. It’s just hurtful and fucks with my brain because I can’t tell social cues. I know I’m dramatic but I’d be less so if I was casual about friendship. I just don’t understand why this matters to my brain.

No. 1861204

What a horrible person. You should ignore this narc.

No. 1861217

I feel like I’ve wasted my early twenties. I didn’t party or have fun or do memorable things with friends or even spend that time on building a career. I spent it locked in my room having bad depressive episodes. Now I can’t find a job, I’m behind on everything, and quite honestly I’m a failure, but I don’t have anything cool to show for it. And even if I wanted to change I’m not sure I could. I never knew how to make friends and when I try now it feels too late. Even if I find myself trying to come out of a depression episode, wanting to take a shower and get out, I just think - with whom to go? I don’t have anyone. And I’ve tried and it looks so easy for other people but doesn’t happen for me.

No. 1861218

>bought an ergonomic mouse for my laptop
>have been using it for a few weeks
>sisters barge in my room
>"lmao anon wtf is this? why are you trying so hard to act like you're white?"
What does that even mean? I can do literally anything and everyone in my family acts like I'm a race traitor to the point where it gets absurd. Can someone explain what their thought process is here?

No. 1861225

I hate when my mom goes into religion sperging. She has never read the bible but she knows the stories which most the time she gets wrong. She was raised as a Methodist but very rarely went to church. This wouldn't be as big of a deal if she wouldn't act like she knows everything about the bible just because she believes in god. I'm so tired of it and she's gotten way worse in recent years.

No. 1861233

Went out for dinner with my family last night. The waitress comes around and asks if we're ready to order and we all collectively say yes. She turns, leans in and stares at me for a couple seconds so i'm like "oh sorry, i'll have the–" then she stops me mid sentence to tell me she wasn't ready and has to get her notebook. She comes back and my mom makes some silly comment about how i've known what i wanted for a while because i read the menu before we came and the waitress says in a kind of snide tone "thats why you're so eager to jump on me then huh?" and im still thinking about it. You asked if we were ready and then stared at me after we all said yes, of course i thought you were waiting to take my order. The fuck is that supposed to mean?

No. 1861236

I think I fouled my ankle or something. It hurts to walk but it doesn't look like it's broken.
I live in a medical desert so it's not like I can have check it out by a doctor.
Should I limp along and see if it's get worse before taking a month+ apppointement to de fr doctor ?
It's a little swollen but bareky but it hurt a mf if I put ma weight on it walking.

No. 1861237

I got in contact again with a guy I used to play alot of games with 10 years ago. Eventually he got on the topic of my mom's cats, so I told him they have since passed away and how I have the ashes of the cat who meant alot to me inside a necklace. His response was "oh you're like a pokemon trainer haha" I'm still not over losing that cat and I haven't replied and likely never will because of his awful joke. Shit made me start crying over losing her again.

No. 1861243

>oh you're like a pokemon trainer haha
wtf is that even supposed to mean?? god, what a piece of shit. my cat passed away over ten years ago and thinking about him still makes me cry. it's so sweet that you carry your fave cat's ashes with you, nonna.

No. 1861271

I twisted my ankle a couple years ago and what I did was ice it, elevate it, and wrap bandages around it for most of the day until it healed. I was too cheap to get an X-ray but it eventually healed up

No. 1861272

It sounds like something fumbled in her mind, so it's on her for staring at you as if expecting you to order. I swear some people are such NPCs.

No. 1861291

Too much fucking misogyny at once
First an obnoxious guy at work who constantly asks me why I don’t cook for my lunch for the week and seems obsessed with the fact that I don’t do this (his wife makes his food)
then some rando on Reddit trying to tell me “actually the Ted Bundy movie was good and your opinion on it is bad”
Just little fucking MiCrOaGgReSsIoNs that pile up day after day and I want to stop existing for awhile

No. 1861300

>mom out of nowhere messages me that "it seems I have zero drive or ambition" (apparently a real chuckle riot of a joke)
>get insulted and say exactly why it hurt because her autistic ass needs me to spell out that when someone is ambitious and working hard at something despite serious life things getting in the way, a sudden message out of the blue that they're not actually that is just a randomness of mean? Maybe kicking someone while they're down? also highly relevant point she knows I left a physically abusive relationship and was badly raped and assaulted not that long ago which is why I'm taking like 1 course a semester. Didn't bring it up now because she's already seeing me not just laughing at another one of her mean jokes at me as an insult but holy shit maybe that's why I'm still working on my degree years later? I cannot believe she used "well you're still working on it so long and haven't given up for an easy degree I want for you" as an excuse for why I'm supposedly lacking ambition (?) after already backtracking and claiming it was a joke but wtf is the punchline here? Yes haha, I'm so lacking in ambition I didn't end my life and give up when my ex fucked me over and have been pushing with zero support to complete my education, somehow heal my shit, and even got involved in local fucking politics and community work with her.
>Mom, "wow I can't tell you anything I was just joking about your lack of ambition. Well that's never going to happen anymore because now I will not talk to you ever again". And also "it's ridiculous I cannot even slightly criticise you".
So which is it?? A joke or a criticism?? But by all means keep ignoring that I spelled out exactly why it was an insult and an unfounded criticism invented by your stupid paranoid autistic brain that barely sees me as more than stereotypes on tv. Go ahead and threaten to abandon me to distract from the fact that you cannot refute what I said like you've been doing since I was a child, it never distracted me from your mistakes anyways, just added extra stress on my life when I was young enough to believe you would. In her stupid world having ambition is to give up on literally everything when shit goes wrong. Her best "support" was to tell me to give up and let her arrange a marriage for me with some rich doctor before this new thought train of "get any stupid degree instead of your passion". If I were the daughter she wanted I'd be the most pathetic girl in the world and an absolute joke for women in our family.
Now she's going to totally ignore what I said and either come back later with some suibait or two days later try again with making herself the victim here as typing this she literally messaged my friend about how shitty of a disrespectful daughter I am?? Wtf you psycho this is why I don't give you my friends numbers. Also she's done this instead of respond to me. I didn't even blow up at her, I literally said "this is insulting and here's why" but I guess I also dared to say "us never taking has never and will never be what I want and you cannot do this every time we have a disagreement". FFS no wonder I thought my ex was such a nice guy.
Also I still can't get over the fact that when I finally confessed a year ago why I've been struggling she told me to never speak of it again and that I hurt her to tell her such an awful thing happened to me as if it affected her so much but totally ignores how it affected me to actually LIVE IT and takes every opportunity to tell me I'm slow and failing because I'm slow. Is there a pill for autists to learn some fucking empathy?? Holy shit I'm going insane and I know this is the vent thread but I'm sorry for how messy this post probably is if anyone reads god I wish I had an empathetic mom or older woman to hug and help me through this nightmare

No. 1861309

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kek I was frustrated over my mom making obsessive comments about my weight + "fat" body + eating habits turned out that I gained no weight over the holidays, but she just told me she did. well, I guess maybe seeing me eat twice as much as all the men at the thanksgiving gathering and binge sometimes like a cavewoman scarred her or something. I am the only person in a healthy BMI range in my entire family and yet I never make comments about their eating habits or whatever. I don't want to resent her, though I am frustrated at her making me feel more hyperaware of something that doesn't at all matter. also off-topic but I heard a random kid outside scream "PIKACHU!!" and I am shocked.

No. 1861310

Remember when pikachu used to be fat.

No. 1861314

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He wore it well

No. 1861316

I had the most rotund plush of him back then. Was like a ball with a tail n ears.

No. 1861320

I think I had the same one. I won it as some small carnival. I used to sleep with it for years and was really sad when it started falling apart.
I like fat Pikachu more. Skinny Pikachu seems, I guess, too generically cute? Fat Pikachu feels jolly.

No. 1861328

>The Death of Fat Pikachu: Back in the old days, Pikachu was fat. But why's he so skinny now? According to Ken Sugimori, the change was made for the anime - it was just easier to animate. Then all the games made afterwards simply mirrored the Pikachu design seen in the TV show.
Lazy bastards robbed us of ballchu

No. 1861342

Bleh that sucks. You would think with all the variations of Pikachu we get every generation we could get a fun chubby one again but nah just some dumb extra generic cute stuff. Raichu is a thing but Nintendo doesn't seem to care about it. Raichu had an Aloha form but that was ugly af.

No. 1861343

I want to start a petition to bring back our lord and savior chonkachu. also I looked up fat pikachu on google and I've seen things you people wouldn't believe…

No. 1861349

When Googling Pokemon or Sonic always brace for the worst

No. 1861354

Any beloved childrens character with 'fat' added on is a risky image search.

Fnaf too

No. 1861381

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I Just got out of the shower and I'm looking real fucking cute right now but my boyfriend is ignoring my advances while watching fucking cops on YouTube instead of fucking me.

No. 1861392

I'm sure you're cute, he's probably being a tunnel vision fool. Men can't always recognize someone trying to get their attention, sit on him or something

No. 1861479

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This post is old but kiwis are so fucking annoying.

No. 1861487

I am afraid of having things. I am scared that I will have to leave everything behind again. One day I will own a large house that I will clutter with my plushies and they will be safe there.

No. 1861510

Try some cop role play? Get a cute costume, point a gun at his head when he's asleep, taze him, mix it up.

No. 1861522

even one of the important and safe places i have has been invaded. now everytime i go there i will be as constantly on edge as i am at home. nothing on this earth will ever be safe for me. i wish i had the guts to make a change

No. 1861533

I feel like that little girl nobody wanted again, that little frumpy girl nobody cared about and everyone discarded. I was so hurt, so unloved, today I experienced rejection again but it felt different, I don't know why I'm handling it so badly this time, like I'm actually feeling rage over people I didn't date or don't even know, I feel so embarrassed and ashamed, I'm really losing it again. Some kids were passing by, I think they were talking about me, usually they have good intentions, but today I felt like a little girl being bullied again which is stupid because I'm too grown for that, I don't know what's happening to me. Where's my self-esteem? I used to feel so powerful and unstoppable, now I feel like a fragile kid everyone can mess with, I don't feel pretty even though when I look in the mirror I know I am. Self-esteem is really like the fuel of the soul, without it, I feel like shit and everything triggers me. I feel like a fucking loser and it's eating me inside, I hate myself so much

No. 1861537

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I got permanent remote work so I moved out to a cheap place near my family. It was great for the first few months but now some gang of teenage knacker scumlet scrotes moved in and their favourite sport is to run up and scream at people while recording it for Tiktok or whatever. My nice scenic walks are ruined. I got a lend of a German Shepard from my step dad but I shouldn't need him. I want to live in a place where I can have a gun or at least pepper spray. Fuck me I hate lawless useless youth.

No. 1861542

I bet everyone noticed my foolishness and stupidity, the humiliation I was so used to long time ago. I want to be a strong again, I need to find myself and learn to forgive my mistakes. These days feel so unreal, like a dream, afternoons skies have this aggressive orange color now, light its so bright is blinding, it's like all colors are 100% more saturated what the hell is that? I don't want to lose myself again I was in such a good track

No. 1861549

Ugh my Nigel is being so fucking frustrating today. I’ve been texting him literally all day trying to find the answer to ONE question: What size shoe his dad wears.
Had to ask him like 3 times to text his mom and ask. Had to ask him another 3 times to get him to tell me what his mom said. He said that the shoe size she told him was wrong. Had to ask another 2 times to get him to text her again for clarification. Had to ask him a bunch more to figure out if she ever texted him back with the new shoe size. He just keeps fucking ignoring me and not responding to anything I ask, and I have to repeat myself 100 times to even get acknowledgment.
I asked wtf that was about, why he’s been like this all day. “Idk no particular reason”. What?? So I had to talk to him like he was a literal toddler and tell him not to ignore me like that anymore and that he was being rude. It’s little things like this that make me terrified of a future with him, having to coddle him like I would a toddler. Jesus Christ I’m in such a bad mood now.

No. 1861560

Omg it reminded me of my ex
I feel like it's some passive aggressive crap in combination with apathy. You know better nona, but if you have bad feelings about it don't ignore them. People don't really change (especially men)

No. 1861561

I'm getting tired of this weirdo bitch in my fandom. She's specifically obsessed with this one LI/LI ship and no matter the topic of discussion, if it involves either one of them, she'll be there. And if it doesn't, she'll find a way to make it about them. I don't even know why the fuck she's even here, but her sperging ends up attracting/enabling all the other aidens, tifs, and they/thems of the fandom and their political views, talking down to everyone as if they aren't the fucking anomaly in said space and the only reason no one has told them to fuck off is because majority women fandoms are horrible at gatekeeping and too focused on "keeping the peace," which is why we find ourselves being shoved out of our own communities because these assholes have now flipped the narrative we created along with the handmaidens who enable them. Of course, she's also "nonbinary and asexual," yet self inserts as one of the male characters of her ship and constantly draws porn of them fucking. That, and she goes on essay long posts of how she thinks an otome game is suppose to cater to her ship while having this weird "lets all get along and make peace" attiude even though some of the responses she makes to others who counter her arguments are patronizing as hell. What's worse is that the fandom isn't very big, so no matter what website I go to, she has a profile there lol, which I've had to block numerous times. She once responded to one of my fics regarding the character she self inserts as and said that "I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but he would never behave that way." And it's like, yeah, it's why I put OOC in the tags! Why are you in my comments!?

No. 1861574

Why are FNF mods always themed around the most unhinged shit? I remember in 2021 there was one about dementia…

No. 1861579

My day was mostly pretty good today yet here I am with this depression chest heaviness and ideation love it

No. 1861582

he just doesn't care that much, he also probably benefits in other ways from you infantizing him so he has 0 reason to change. you should be terrified of the future if you think you have to mother and stay with him.

No. 1861651

feeling relieved that i can't understand most of this post. im sorry youre going through that though nona

No. 1861699

No, it's something my 80 year old grandma says but that's funny.

No. 1861845

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Can somebody please tell me where to even start with fixing my life? I am unemployed because my job was killing me. The uni program I enrolled in is not responding to my calls, emails and is being useless whenever I approach their desk in person. I have enough savings to pay for my rent and food for about a year but that's it. I can't commit to a new job without knowing my school schedule first, and these shitheads won't answer me about an ESL test they require me to take. This stupid place keeps asking for my documents, which I have brought in, and THEN NOTHING HAPPENS. They say 4 years of highschool in English and me working IN AN ENGLISH speaking country for nearly 10 years is not enough for proving that I can speak it. I can't start a job and I can't start studying and I can't sign up for a sport because I NEED TO SAVE MONEY.

No. 1861858

>She once responded to one of my fics regarding the character she self inserts as and said that "I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but he would never behave that way.
Damn if someone who was already annoying me said something like this, I would unironically be pissed. I'm genuinely sorry you have to deal with someone like that. It sounds irritating.

No. 1861921

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My husbando keeps getting passed over in every single promotional/marketing thing in favor of irrelevant waifu shit I am apoplectic with rage rn fr.

No. 1861930

Today I went to the store because I was out of milk and veggies and I chose to put on this green and white gingham dress I bought at a little etsy store that's no longer running and my nice brown boots and I saw a guy on a motorcycle go really fast it made me wonder if I could go on a motorcycle but while that was going on I dropped some eggs and people saw but I kept it moving because that's what you got to do sometimes it reminded me of this movie called The Florida Project I watched last night about some poor people living in a motel near Disneyworld but they only called it The Magic Kingdom I guess it was a copyright issue some of the main characters were a young single mother she was a prostitute and her daughter she was trying to raise but neglecting her landlord was a nice man albeit strict but she'd constantly bring in johns and antagonize people and steal shit her daughter and her friends blew up an old abandoned building once and faced no real repercussions the mom yelled at the landlord and stuck her used pad on the door in a fit of rage because he wouldn't allow her to bring men into her room anymore anyway a lot of things happened but I think it actually made me less sympathetic to prostitutes because she was so vile and irresponsible and unfit but she kept it moving through it like I moved through the eggs I stepped on the shells and almost slipped but I got what I needed only to have my dad remind me about the jars and I said I'm not responsible for that I didn't eat shit but I have more now and I'm just chilling at home rn with some truffle mac and cheese

No. 1861934

Samefag the reason I didn't explain what veggies I bought is that I thought it was kind of unimportant I really like carrots just to munch on I suppose I'm kind of a rabbit in that sense but I do have nice eyesight thank you very much I was watching peppa pig and realized I'm not such a fan of grown up music myself after so many years on this earth I love a good pop banger like firework or roar by the amazing Katy Perry or Diamonds by Rihanna I always loved them both they're both gems I want to make an edit of my husbando with the song Roar but I can never seem to find the wherewithal my favorrite ones used to be Disney fan ships that was a great fandom community I'm painting my nails with a green apple design to match my dress from today and I got some sunflower shaped earrings might go for a tan in a week I love the beach I used to be afraid of crabs but now I'm cool with them the sand's texture is great I used to eat it as a kid while building castles

No. 1861950

I posted this a few days ago and as if in some fucked up sympathy twist of fate I last night came very close to loosing my less than one year old puppy that was happy, playing with a friend and eating normally until early evening. Spent all night at the emergency vet, she’s home now and starting to come back to her friendly, bright self but fuck anons.

I have never been so scared. It was anaphylaxis but they didn’t know what caused it. Beyond glad she’s home and making a full recovery but I just hate to think of what would’ve happened if myself or my mum hadn’t been home. I know she’s ‘just a dog’ but getting her had been literally the only thing to make me happy last year so I’m terrified of it happening again

No. 1861951

just start the job. losing money and not having it is not fun. Once you start school have them accommodate you or look for a new job once you get a schedule.
As for the trouble with the uni, talk to the registrar in person and keep track of their name and what they did for you or have an advisor escalate for you

No. 1861952

I read this as
>My husband keeps getting passed over for every single promotion in favor of irrelevant wives
and I was so confused for a solid 10 seconds

No. 1861972

You dropped eggs and didnt pick them up?

No. 1861975

I slipped on ice, got up, puked and almost fainted lol

I didn't even hit my head, just fell on my wrist, which still hurts a lot but it's not even swollen. But I still feel so embarrassed for puking on the street, hope none of the neighbours saw.

No. 1861981

How can you not laugh like a maniac when something like that happens? Everytime something stupid straight out of a cartoon happens to me i cant stop laughing. Its like i can almost see the audience and hear the laugh track play as i lay on the floor.

No. 1861990

I guess I'm ending my 'relationship'. I can't go to his place because his landlord doesn't autorize visitors (could be true, it's hard to find accomodations here and landlords make up shitty rules). His car broke down the day I needed him for my move. He gifted me a plush for my birthday. I have no interest in plushies and never seen the movie the plush is from. It's been a year.
Sure, he message me all the time cutesie stuff. But hell, I'm going on my 35. I want stability. I want to live with a partner.
I was willing to put up with all of that because I wasn't ready for a relationship and the fucking was nice. But calling me 'his love' meanwhile nothing is progressing in a year…

No. 1862004

Is January a lonely month or something like every guy I've banged has crawled out of the woodwork even from like last summer. I got a hey stranger text from a deleted number no idea who it is. I leave the past where it belongs but it's funny they all decided Jan is the month. Kind of irritated but not replying is easy

No. 1862011

I quit my job to try and help my mum get sober last year, she relapsed after 4 months. I was so proud of her for trying though, that's the longest she had been sober for over a decade probably. She's trying to get sober again, she lasted 3 days and now I'm finding wine bottles in her bed again. I don't know how to support her without getting my hopes up too much, but I'm determined that I won't fuck parts of my life up again to support her if I don't think things will stick. Idk. How do other children of addicts / alcoholics cope? It's so hard watching the person who raised you (however poorly they did that) be unable to stop destroying themselves from the inside out.

No. 1862017

Yeah, they tend to do that around January. Seen it happen time and time again

No. 1862019

why does the same society that shits on women for our bodies/faces but also expects us to be 100% secure and shits on women who aren't?
I just had a deep thinking session about how fucked up it is, to be called ugly, dumb, sloppy etc. your whole life, but then when you let all that shit way you down people go
>You should just love yourself!
Or you gain some unhealthy ways of coping everyone looks at you like, "What the fuck is her problem, why can't she just do xyz". Even as a literal babies we are judged for our looks but we're all just expected to just love ourselves.
Some do and some don't but damn, what is this world?

No. 1862053

The big lie that putting various substances on your face is more important for preventing sagging and premature aging than facial excercises and massages and diet is something I just can't get over with. Do people forget that their faces also have muscles that can shrink and shit? It's like saying that your body will look better from putting a certain cream on your skin instead of excercises/yoga and healthy diet. Why do they think their faces are any different in that regard from the rest of their bodies? It's such a scam. I just can't get over it, women and girls being lied to. Seeing a bunch of 12 year old girls buying cosmetics at Sephora they don't even need. Seeing women having 20 step skincare routine and thinking some magic serum will prevent their nosolabial folds from becoming deeper but doing nothing to release muscle tension in their faces etc. I see more young women waking up to this scam but it still isn't enough

No. 1862061

congrats nona! you'll be so much happier without him.

tends to be a month where a lot of people are ending their relationships so its possible that these guys are looking for a rebound fuck. obviously do what gives you pleasure but proceed with caution

No. 1862071

my friend got an internship job that pays as much as my former job, where they fucked me royal time. She has 0 experience in this area and wanted to be paid more (her former job paid better), but I tried telling her how lucky she is to have been accepted and get paid that much considering most internships don't pay. Wtf girl, they'll hire you in 3 months and you'll get more!
It was so unexpected to hear she got this job,I want to fucking die, meanwhile I'm still job hunting and nothing. Good om her for switching careers but it's a case of "you seriously don't realize how fucking lucky you are, be grateful"

No. 1862073

My neighbors have an indoor gym in their apartment. This would be ok if they were normal people but they never stop moving it's just heavy gym equipment noises and SNAP CRACKLE THUD SNAP CRACKLE THUD SQUEAK stomping and pacing all fucking day even at 4am. Is this mania? Autism? Are they Sims? Don't they take breaks?

No. 1862077

Man those generic target kcups never taste like their supposed flavor. I tried the dark double chocolate and peppermint ~limited edition~ christmas kcups and they just tasted like coffee. Now I'm trying their strawberries and cream ~limited edition~ valentines kcups and….. they just taste like coffee. Both coffees smelled delicious but they just taste like regular old premium roast coffee kcups. Fuck this shit.

No. 1862080

>Are they Sims?
Kek I hate when sims just randomly start doing push ups. I made one of my Sims active and it was such an obnoxious trait that I killed her. Like, why do you always have to be running or doing push ups and being a moody little bitch if you haven’t exercised in five minutes?? Sorry bout your neighbors, nonnie. That’s annoying.

No. 1862121

i hate feeling the need to dress up, put makeup on and struggle with my hair for five fucking hours to go out to the club/bar. and i hate the fact that if i don't put that much effort in my appearance no one gives a fuck about me. i just tried out doing two hairstyles for like 30 min to consider how i should do my hair tonight and now i'm so tired i feel like i'm going to pass out. why is it so hard

No. 1862159

I know this sounds sad but I am still so debated over my haircut. She did not listen to my needs at all. After washing it I now noticed how uneven the bottom is cut. It’s such a blunt straight short cut and what I showed as reference looks so different. The one thing that really added to my beauty was the length of my hair and now I’m just botched. I hate this

No. 1862172

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I am so tired of this situationship shit these days. I don't expect to get into a relationship with someone after only knowing them for a couple of weeks but 9/10 they only want to fuck if they say "I just want to see where this goes". I've seen it happen with friends too. They'll see each other for months, go on vacations together and whatnot, just for the moid to finally come clean and say "I'm not ready for a relationship right now" or some other bullshit, even though it's clear that he just wants to look for other options. Fuck this, I'm out. I'm taking myself off the market. I'm doing really well with my job and uni, I am a good friend, daughter and sister and I sure as fuck won't entertain moids who feel lukewarm about me or just see me as a hole anymore. I wish them all receding hairlines in their 20's.

No. 1862179

Sometimes I'd feel good about my body but then I see some ethot cosplayer on social media and start feeling bad that there are women who are so much prettier than me. But then I start noticing the blatant Photoshop smudges and start feeling better again.

No. 1862190

>go to the doctor
>explain I'm sick and have been getting sick every 2 weeks for the last 2 months
>explain I have weird symptoms, akin to before I got on thyroid medication + horrible fatigue, muscle aches, weakness, low grade fever and dizziness
>Let's test you for covid and the flu first, it's probably that
Surprise surprise it's not covid, or the flu or anything I was tested for. I'm not fucking crazy, something is wrong with me and no body is listening. How can I be getting sick every two weeks at 25? Do I suddenly have the immune system of an AIDS patient? What the fuck?

No. 1862206

>make plans with my mom for Monday
>she immediately overshares everything with my dad, telling him what time, place, my schedule and her schedule
>he immediately announces that he wants to go to _____ this weekend with her, which will inevitably cancel out the plans for Monday because she’ll have to make food for him then

And right as I typed this he started throwing a screaming fit because the slices of ham in the fridge are “too tiny.” He just uses my mom as a housemaid and cook

No. 1862287

I'm frustrated that my parents were so neglectful and weird. They were there (well, not my father) and they bought a ton of things and took us on expensive trips but they did literally zero parenting. I can't remember a single real conversation with either of my parents as a child. No chores, no rules, no encouragement, just nothing. Only stilted fake pleasantries if anything

I was just left to cry myself to sleep in my room mostly. When I really began to show symptoms of mental illness as a young teen (severe childhood neglect and incessant bullying will do that) they just put me on meds and that was that

I'm really resentful now that I'm trying to recover from the lifelong depression and anxiety issues I've let fester. I'm really just supposed to learn everything a normal parent was supposed to teach me myself with zero support, huh? I don't know how to be a human being. I'm fully adult yet a complete child inside

No. 1862288

oh man that really sucks, its not shameful to feel sad for her and I hope everything turns out ok so she doesn't need the hysterectomy

I hope you can move out and find peace. Once you have your own place you should adopt the most snuggly cat or dog at the animal shelter

No. 1862316

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Why does lolcow feel more dead than ever now. Especially the threads I liked, nobody has been posting in them in weeks and others get only one post every 2-4 days.

No. 1862319

confession, sometimes i reply to my own posts pretending to be someone else just to bump the thread and that gets other people to look at it and suddenly the conversation is back on again kek

No. 1862324

Your post has motivated me to lurk less and interact more! I'll vent now as well, I think I have anemia or B12 deficiency again, great

No. 1862330

Doesn't the fact that there's no customer support for facebook weird people out? I've been forced to make an account to find renters because that's where the entire market is, and they kept on hassling for IDs, more personal details, etc. When I forgot my password and got locked out of my account, the recovery options didn't work and I was met with a "there's nothing we can do". I've been emailing for a few months now trying to contact someone, and I've just been met with silence.

Why does everyone use this piece of shit website?

No. 1862336

The huge increase in racebaiting and infighting upsets me too much so I'm coming here less now, plus sometimes I get weird aggressive responses towards my posts. I feel like I'm becoming too sensitive the more I spend time here. Nothing here really appeals to me anymore like it used to.

No. 1862347

I hate being compared to my cousins by my family. Even though one of them was a meth addict now they do everything better than me according to everyone. I love all my cousins and i am happy their life is good. My life isn’t good but i’m trying, everything just falls apart once i have one day of peace. A screw on my car battery got stuck so i couldn't open it to charge it…therefore i had to listen to my toxic mother go on and on about me being a dissapointment because i just needed to ask about some ideas how to fix the screw. It always ends up with me not finnishing university or not having enough money to fix bullshit that constantly breaks at my place right away. Meanwhile all of my cousins are "getting married, getting pregnant, their houses are lovely and fine, their man drives them so car is not their problem.."
I'm so tired, why wont my family let me be in peace? why does my mother need to be toxic every time we call? She employs my cousin's boyfriend no wonder they are doing fine!!! Easy to find a job when you just get it like that. It really hurts me that they think i'm a dissapointment but i'm just being myself and trying to live the only way that it's worth living to me. I wouldn't be here if i had to do things they wanted me to do. My peace bothers them, especially mother, so much they do everything to make me feel bad. All i wanted was peace and quiet, it's not much! I'm going to straight up tell her tomorrow that she's hurting me to the point of suicide. My cat is the only reason why i'm still here.

No. 1862353

The aggression here can be wild and nonas can be straight up cruel over petty bullshit. I don’t get internet fights. It’s male behavior.

No. 1862392

I have not had a single professor spell my name correctly since I started college. I hate my name so much, it's some made up quirky unique shit and I hate the abusive asshole who gave it to me. I want to change it so badly

No. 1862404

>I feel like I'm becoming too sensitive the more I spend time here.
I am too and I also am this way on other websites. I feel like everyone has a shorter fuse lately. I think it's just the general social climate. People are stressed an all, but it still sucks because I won't even talk in places I used to write spergy walls of text in.

No. 1862410

Same. I only follow like two threads these days and occasionally scroll through /ot/ (like I was doing now) only to shut down the tab. So many of the threads I used to frequent have been ruined by aggressive spergery and infighting, I can't handle it anymore. It's not even debating in good faith, it's just treating the thread as their personal vent blog and getting irrationally angry at anyone who's not giving them unconditional ass pats.

I've been here since 2015 but I'm not even sure anymore if it's just me getting older and softer or if the site quality is going down, I guess it's both because reading up on old threads low quality posting did exist but anons weren't nearly as snappy and aggressive at each other. I think it's just a reflection of how the real world has become post culture wars and the pandemic, polarized and losing respect for other people. The racebait and homophobia in particular have been unbelievably out of control for the past year and it makes me really uncomfortable, and the tranny hate has lately been used as a convenient bridge to start sperging about muh progressives and sneaking in some conservative tradshit. I've dropped so many threads for becoming focused way more on complaining about "leftist liberals" than actually sharing milk.

I feel like it's a mix of really young (i.e. under 22) girls from tiktok with repressed rage and stunted social skills and actual men enabling them with bait.

No. 1862411

How can you use lc out of all places and get angry at meaness.

No. 1862434

Why does spending money feel like a crime. Like I can make smaller 20, 30 dollar purchases and not feel a huge amount of anxiety and be happy that I'm treating myself and indulging in things I like but anything past that and I go into an obsessive spiral that lasts for days. Like okay I don't NEED new boots but I have money, and fun money and savings, I have a fucking job things are fine I'm not going to die if I spend $200 on something I've wanted for years. But I can't pull the triggers because something in my brain is screaming that consoom bad, you can put more money into savings etc but it's not like I DO anything or go on trips every month or have hobbies but maybe I would have hobbies if I didn't spend all my fun money on clothes and makeup ARGH fucking kill me I should have been born back when we lived in tribes I would have been so good at collecting berries and cave drawing

No. 1862451

I was a very lonely child and obsessed with the idea of romantic love and that I will one day find someone who will truly love me and basically be my friend forever through marriage. I am now mourning that fantasy, since it will probably never ever happen. I've dated a few moids and even entered a relationship, but those guys were absolutely awful, the one I was in a relationship with abused me. All they want is sex and the easy route and if you don't want to give it to them, they get angry and just discard you. They are annoying and talk about themselves the whole time and aren't even interested in me as a person. I tried to focus more on my family and the new friends I made at work which is going great but it still bothers me.

No. 1862454

lethal company has friends playing with one another or with other friend groups which is cool! i don't have a computer that can run it, so i'm never included which is understandable. good for them, i'm glad they're having fun. it just has me feeling really lonely a lot of the time…
tonight, it stung very bad because there were initial plans with one friend to drink or simply hang out that were cancelled due to work tiring them out and they imply they're going straight to sleep as they go home, so there's been like 6 hours since last contact (when they got home) come to find they're playing LC with other friends. (they do not play alone) i only find out since i spontaneously open steam to play some shitty valve game that my laptop can run. i sound clingy and possessive but no… i don't expect them to tell me every single thing they do and i'm ok with hanging out alone but i just feel a little lied to and very lonely again.

No. 1862455

it's worse now, infighting might be ocurring in multiple threads at the same time.
where are these younger users coming from? who is talking about lolcor on tiktok, i'm sick of this.

No. 1862463

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I keep seeing sentiments like this even on 4chan and i am like really? You guys have very selective memories.

Literally the first thing that struck me when i first discovered this site was how mean it was and how quick were the nonnas to trigger into hostility. This was like seven years ago.

So my two cents are: Maybe you are just depressed and projecting your fatalistic outlook or you are simply getting old. Is not a jab, i am getting old too, we have to cope with it. Maybe the hustle and busstle of shitposting eventually takes a toll and one needs to retire to browsing nephew pictures and tweety bird memes on facebook with all the boomers when our time comes.

No. 1862524

Came out of the grocery store with my buggy. It’s cold and dark so no one was really still there except for a few people, mostly empty parking lot. I started putting my groceries away and then I heard angry/upset screaming coming from the other side of the parking lot, obviously a woman’s voice. I looked over and I could see a woman/girl sitting on the sidewalk, screaming at whoever was in the still running car parked beside her. I didn’t know what to do or what was going on, so I put my groceries in my car and told myself if it was still happening when I took the buggy back inside and came back out that I would go check on her.
So I go inside, come back out, the screaming has only gotten louder. And I’m standing by my car for a few seconds just trying to get my nerve up to go to her. Can’t see who is in the car at all, and whoever it is has turned their headlights off now too. So I get in my car, lock the door, roll down my window about halfway, and drive over to where she is. She calls me a dumb bitch and tells me to stop gawking. I try to tell her that I’m just checking on her and making sure she’s okay, but then she just starts screaming that I’m racist and I’m so confused because we’re both white women. Then I see the person in the car is a black guy, so I’m assuming that’s her boyfriend she’s arguing with and that’s why she’s now screaming at me calling me a racist bitch. She started throwing shit at my car before I could even drive away.

No. 1862527

Damn. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's a shame because there were times in public I had old dudes harassing me and I wanted nothing more than someone to check up on me, but then other people get mad when you are trying not to be a bystander. Yeah it turned out just to be a fight, but I think you did the right thing in checking. It's fucked up the woman yelled at you and called you racist though.

No. 1862542

Well 4chan definitely got pozzed by stormfront faggots who joined gamergate at its tail end to the point the place lost the last bit of any charm it ever had. The cancer spread from /pol/ to every single board there was, I actually had a lot of fun browsing hobbyist threads but almost overnight everything became about jew conspiracies and """joking""" about wanting to fuck little girls. Having grown up on the 00's internet I thought it was just a big edgy joke at first but it soon became clear it wasn't.

No. 1862563

my ex spent years blaming me for his inability to finish during intimate moments. he would say so many things like i get too wet, i'm not tight enough, or i'm not attractive enough. all those years i was so stressed out and worried if there was something just completely broken within me. i had so many doctors visits, i read so many articles, i tried so many products and exercises to fix myself but he just couldn't ever finish. we broke up after 2 years because he couldn't take it anymore and my self-esteem was at rock bottom. i avoided relationships for a long time because i was so worried i would just disappoint whoever i dated next.
i eventually started dating my current boyfriend after he pursued me so hard. we took things very slowly and after 7 months i finally felt ready to try being intimate again. not only did he help me reach my first real orgasm but he didn't have any trouble either. i felt such a heavy weight fall off my chest, i can't believe i really thought it was completely my fault
i'm so mad i spent so much effort trying to fix myself when he was likely the problem.

No. 1862582

I mean this sincerely, in the least problematic way possible but I am SO tired of Martin Luther King Jr. In 5 required classes at my college we have had to write about the I Have A Dream speech. I am tired of it! Pick a different speech already. I have had to write about it for both of my English classes, for Public Speaking, for American History and for Political Science. None of these are even relevant to my degree mind you, I'm a STEM student! And it's a good speech, it's a fine speech, but why can't we pick another one? Or talk about someone else? How about some awesome, inspirational black woman who was a great orator who we never talked about because we were talking about MLK Jr in 5 classes!

No. 1862587

Death grip when he was jerking it undoubtedly, probably had nothing to do with you and everything to do with his masturbatory habits.

No. 1862597

Sometimes I worry that people will be too afraid to help women in genuinely abusive scenarios for fear of being accused of something.
There was a case near where I live where a cop got blasted to hell and back because he restrained a man and that guy later went online to cry that it was unprovoked racism, but then weeks later footage came out and it turns out the guy was threatening his gf outside and acted aggressive when the cop showed up to see what's up.
It was a retarded mess all around because people were literally hanging up posters with the cop's face and calling to witchhunt him, then when the narrative changed they were putting up posters of the other guy kek

No. 1862600

4chan was hostile and edgy long before /new/ even existed. I still remember posting for the first time and instantly getting told to kms.

Toxicity have always been part of the anonymous IB experience. If you have been on these types of sites at all is because you also find at least some aspect of it appealing. I'd be hipocritical to deny it.

No. 1862611

not really sure if I'm just dumb, but I feel weird about my new doctor. so a few things. I asked for a zinc test because my last one showed a severe deficiency. she said there's no research "backing it up." I'm not sure what it meant. she also blamed my severe fatigue issues on my yearlong, intense allergies. she also said claritin wasn't strong enough for them and she just prescribed me zyrtec intead, but I genuinely doubt it's much better. I really hope the next visit goes better and I'm able to get healthier with her help.

No. 1862615

also she said nothing about my extremely low blood pressure. it is half of my mom's, kek…

No. 1862617

to me clartin-D is the best and actually made me feel alive weirdly enough. but since it sits behind the pharmacy counter with an expensive price tag here i rarely buy it. right now i use a knock off zyrtec a friend bought with their costco membership that will last a whole year. do you have cats or dogs anon? when i left a house with them i felt a lot better away from pet dander.

No. 1862633

God, that sucks. This is why a lot of people don't reach out and help others. It'll just sour your mood more.

No. 1862665

the mouse/rat being in MY room at the head of my bed (i pray it's in the wall void and not underneath my bed in one of the drawers that i can no longer open because the frame has sunk into the goddamn floor) confuses me. i never ever eat in here, i go through great pains to ensure i bring no crumbs in here, there isn't a source of water in my room – i have a carpet so i'd smell it if there were. is it because i share a wall with the kitchen? if that's the case then why isn't the little fucker hanging out in the living room! god i hate rodents so much

No. 1862669

This was going to be my vent but it’s the probably underaged newfags responding to moid bait. God i fucking hate when i post good milk but it’s drowned out by retards responding to obvious bait or infighting over Fujos and not even saging.

No. 1862670

i guess it could be because of the shit in the corners but i literally can't do anything about that. it's my mom's place and she's a chronic hoarder…who denies being one because she "deserves to have things!!" so she's always to going to buy shit she won't use and stack it everywhere and anywhere. god

No. 1862676

We had an exterminator out in November for mice. He said that they like to keep to warm places. I stopped using the heat at night, switched to an electric blanket and warm covers and we've only seen them in the kitchen since. If use get traps put peanut butter in them instead of cheese.

No. 1862682

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I know i shouldn’t let it get to me but it pisses me off so much when men try to scare single women with the wall and cat lady thing or even better: they think women feel threatened by ai taking our “jobs” of being bang maids. Like no wtf? Women don’t value their worth on having sex like men do. Women don’t mass murder strangers and/or commit suicide because they are virgins at the ripe old age of 20. Do moids really think I'm seething because they don’t sexually harass me? I never wanted a boyfriend and am content with my animu boys and am not seething about single men the way men seethe about single women. Leave me an my autistic Haifu alone and clean your fleshlight moid.

No. 1862696

I can't stop pushing away the people that I like or that I want to be around. It's so weird.

No. 1862712

Sometimes I wonder if I'd have bigger boobs if I wasn't an anorexic teen. My ribcage and shoulders are HUGE so I feel like having fuller breasts would even out my proportions or make my body look more feminine. I've never met anyone with such a fucked up build like mine, I feel like I straight up look like a tranny. Other women with wider torsos are beautiful and I'm just there. My body shape is just so odd.. I see body positivity stuff all the time and I get a bit jealous because a lot of the body types shown are common and regular. I've always felt isolated because like I said I've literally never met someone with a similar body as mine. Every day I wish I could be granted a new body because I could never understand how anyone could love mine.

No. 1862722

hey i don't know if this will make you feel better about your body but you're not alone, it sounds like we have almost the exact same build. my shoulders are wide muscular plus i'm literally flat as a board. i don't/can't wear bras because there's nothing to fill the cups, my ribcage sticks out further than my nonexistent boobs kek. in photos with other women i look huge even though my weight is normal. since there's not much we can do aside from maybe body recomp through exercise, and trying to love yourself when you're not part of the norm is hard, i try not to think about my body too much. at least we have legs that carry us around every day and our senses that allow us to enjoy the world. and you could never be built like a tranny because you were born a woman. love you.

No. 1862734

Nta but thanks nona

No. 1862744

Aw nona, I appreciate you. If I tried to describe… My torso is short, giving me a more stocky look. My hips are wide, so I don't look good masculinely, yet they aren't bigger than my shoulders so it's not a typical female build. My trapezius muscle bulges out like a triangle, making my neck look shorter and my shoulders sloped down until it stops suddenly at my shoulders that jut out. My breasts are big enough that I can cup them with my hands but my ribcage dwarfs them. With how wide my ribcage is, they're so wide apart they look like moobs lmao, unless I stretch and I can then see the natural form of the breast. I hate that my body is such a mix between feminine and masculine because any style just looks weird on me- I love long skirts so it's a bit of a bummer. I've been thinking of getting buff as hell because with my wide shoulders, I'd look super intimidating if I was jacked, and it'd be easier because I like eating and I'm a bit short. I've been looking in the mirror more and trying to be more appreciative of my body these days, I like how my collarbones are shaped and the slight pinch of my waist. I hope we can both learn to love our bodies soon nona!!

No. 1862748


ayrt that's so funny about your traps, mine also bulge alot from working out and carrying tension in my shoulders. can totally relate to the hip-shoulder ratio width too, i have found that tight skirts accentuate my hips better so i compensate wearing those with something baggy up top to create contrast and make the shoulders look not so wide. hitting the gym sounds like a great idea, it's so good for you both mentally and physically. thanks and i hope we do too, just gotta work with what we have!

No. 1862753

that's another thing: my room is cold! bed's right by a window that's quite literally frosted over right now, i'm typing this while wrapped up in a blanket. the warmest places are the living area, where my mother is, and the bathroom. we only have two radiators. it's really baffling to me. i produce a lot of body heat but i dunno if it's enough to warm a room and everything i've read about mice/rats tells me they're not wanting to cuddle up to something as large as a human. so what freaking gives

No. 1862767

There's some cystic acne looking spots on my face right now all cause I ate food at work which was contaminated with something I have an allergy to. They won't pop they just sit on my face for a week or more while hurting. I dislike food at this point and just wanted to enjoy something. This is bullshit I hope some other anon is enjoying food cause I just can't find joy in it anymore other than consuming to give me energy.

No. 1862773

There's a black out and I couldn't heat up my microwave burrito.
I'm so hungry.

No. 1862775

Light a candle and heat a glass dish of your choice with the burrito in it over it suspended via something like toaster oven slats idk

No. 1862785

I’m socially anxious and I’ve been roped into babysitting some little shits cause I’m just here and it sucks these little demons make me wanna stop being a damn neet

No. 1862865

What if you asked one of them to stream on discord so you could at least watch/have it on in the background to hang out

No. 1862869

Ngl I ended up just drinking sangria by cellphone flashlight.

No. 1862871

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Most beautiful thing I've heard today

No. 1862881

I'm awfully exhausted all the time, I haven't been able to get help, and I'm starting to realize my life might already be over before I hit 30 and I don't know how to deal with the future, and I'm starting to wish I just was never born. Like holy shit, I forget stuff more than my parent, make more mistakes, and can barely focus on anything in spite of my attention span being very good. I hate this, and I hate that I can't just sit there and feel…idk…alive? Is that so much to ask? I don't care about being lonely, I don't care that I'm not thriving. I don't care that I will never go on adventures or hold someone's hand. I don't care if I am mute for the rest of my life. I've given up on any sort of higher purpose. I don't care if nobody loves me. I just want to feel physically ok, is that so much to ask for?

No. 1862887

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My partner (of 3 years) has a moid ex who keeps inserting himself by sending texts and then a $400 dog bed anonymously in the mail to our house then texting her “how does [dog] like her new bed? :)” I have told her this moid hanging around likes bad smell makes me uncomfortable and annoyed. I have no concern she wants anything actually to do with him since she was a closeted lesbian for most of their relationship kek
Anyway she refuses to “be rude” to him by telling him not to text or send shit in the mail. The dog bed was the last straw so I cut it in half and threw it in the bin (obviously regrettable) but she retaliated by throwing my bike at my computer screen and smashing it. Of course she went straight on text to her cuntiest friend who has always hated me and I’ve always hated her. She told the friend I cut up the dog bed but conveniently omitted anything about my smashed screen. Anyway of course the friend is GLEEFUL we are breaking up. Anyway there is a housing crisis in my city and although I can pay a bond etc the prospect of moving it stressful. What a mess.

No. 1862888

You cut up an allegedly 400$ dog bed, an item that mind you did not belong to you, you're a horrible gf.

No. 1862893

i think both of you need therapy

No. 1862894

while I do agree I suspect everyone in that situation is whack. I literally don't understand how people can get this strange.

No. 1862897

>refuses to 'be rude' by establishing boundaries with an ex
>perfectly happy to violently smash your property and commiserate with someone who hates you

I mean you also sound crazy for cutting up the dog bed instead of dealing with the situation calmly, but it seems like she cares more about him (or the stuff he gives her) than you. I guess you're breaking up so that's fine…

No. 1862899

I’m glad this is actually some balanced nonas still here who don’t rush immediately to judgement.

I regret trashing the dog bed obviously but it may extenuate the circumstances that the dog we share as well as the house and by extension was shared property.

No. 1862900

Sometimes I wonder if my mom wished she had all boys because she was physically abused by my grandparents, she doesn't know how to interact with a daughter.

No. 1862903

fatass tranny stole my fucking guitar hero guitar
i’m coming for you tyler

No. 1862904

this is going to sound nuts and very "but have you tried yoga?", but are you in a position to start taking creatine? what you've written could've come out of my diary a few months ago. one scoop of powder in a glass of juice or tea daily (which is less than the "recommended dose" if you're using it as a workout booster) has given me back a level of energy I thought I was never going to have again, and that's improved my mental state.

No. 1862909

I drank a bottle of wine and downed about 40mg of xanax. Did nothing. Total black out. But I guess I fuck up my feet stumbling. I can somehow walk but it hurts and I have a big bruise.
My life is pointless and lonely. I wish I were dead.
Better luck next time. I guess I didn't drink enough alcool. Or that my xanax tolerance is fucked up.

No. 1862936

Chin up nona, it clearly did something. You’re making spelling and spacing mistakes. Go drink some water and do not fall asleep on your back

No. 1862941

kek, actually nonny I already do take creatine. not very consistently and mostly because I weight lift. I think I did feel a bit better on the day I put it in some water to take with me though so I'll try doing that more. also at this point I'd try yoga unironically. for some reason just walking around is very tiring so maybe another kind of exercise would help me.

No. 1862944

I can never go to bed before 3am even on workdays because I hate living so much I don’t want to enter the sleep portal to another day. I’m not even doing anything all night, just refreshing the same pages for hours even though they never have updates.
It’s to the point I’m falling asleep uncontrollably at work while doing paperwork and I have huge purple puffy eye bags. I can’t stop myself though and I don’t know why because I have good self control at other things

No. 1862948

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I don't want to go back to my dogshit college/work. I did need to go back to school, so I'm fine with just dealing with the social cancer, but it doesn't make it less annoying or more avoidable. If I didn't work here, I'd have transferred out. The kids are such pieces of shit. Finally blocked as many as I remember having the misfortune of watching be fucking awful to each other, bully other kids, spread career-ending rumors about faculty, or directly insult me. They keep saying "it's the year, sorry, we're so sorry" to me but I'm so fucking sick of it. I do agree 90% of the shitters are in our year, but there are others I cannot trust worth shit in later ones. I had a bad feeling about last semester, I was right. I have a bad feeling about this one. Fucking says something when your students are so awful, you have to dedicate an entire 3-unit class to telling them to not be pieces of shit every week.

Hoping the place just fucking finishes losing money and closes, as unilaterally bad as that would be. I'm too old for this shit. I hope everyone also having a shit time just quits.

No. 1862966

I accidentally put my wool scarf in the washing machine. Now I have a tangled mess which looks like a doormat. Why am I so stupid

No. 1862969

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I feel like everybody either doesn't care about me or is using me
My parents are the only exception
I find the world to be a very sad and disappointing place, I don't know why
I guess it's entitled to expect people to do stuff "just for you" and not for what they get in return, but still I find it sad?
I want to be alone now, at least in my imagination people are nice and they love me for me

No. 1862972

relatable, I have the same problem
I still haven't found a solid solution to this
1. work so hard and exhaust yourself so much that you fall of exhaustion into your bed
2. create a routine where you watch one or two episodes of a nice show before bed
3. make yourself a delicious drink when waking up so waking up isn't associated with so much pain anymore
4. most efficient but sadly can't work long term due to addiction… benzodiazepine drugs

No. 1862978

I relate to your experience
I'd rather live in a fantasy world than date for real at this point

No. 1862990

One day my mom found a crocheted plushie. It was wrapped into a plastic bag and came along a note that said "I'm not lost, I'm just looking for a family!"

It means someone took the time to crochet this plushie just to make a random stranger smile. There was no contact for a thank you, no name on the note, just the plushie.

I hold onto it and cherish it now ; I sleep with it, I keep it close to me when I study all day.

To me, this plushie is the proof that some things are free in life. Some random stranger can take all this time just to make you smile. This plushie is to me the proof that there is some disinterested good in the world. That deep down, humans have this desire to make each other happy, in spite of all the hardships that fill the world with selfishness.

I can't really make a decent living of this random kindness, of course I have to take part in the awful awful world of adults ; but when I feel very low, I have him there to comfort me

Thank you random stranger

No. 1863008

I was visiting my friend in another country. I live in a country where I don't have to drive, and their country doesn't have a bike culture, so the bike they dug up for me upon my request was rusty with broken brakes. I took it to the supermarket one day, didn't even bother chaining it because it was that shit. When I came out, I found a plastic bag attached to a railing near the bike with two crocheted four-leaf-clovers inside, and a message just like yours.

It was very touching to think someone specifically saw the busted bike and thought, this person needs a pick-me-up.

Also post pic of your plushie

No. 1863010

I’m not well at all. I sleep because I can’t stand to stay awake because the obsessive depressive thoughts I get and when I wake up from 10+ hour sleep I feel so upset because the depression is still there. I’m so behind on everything. At this point I don’t care; I’ve been wanting to take sleeping pills to sleep even more. What’s the point if I failed at everything when I was trying? If both outcomes are the same I might as well not wrestle with being in my brain. I’m a dead weight on everyone. I couldn’t even get a job. I can’t do anything because I can’t stop thinking about how much I want to off myself. I can’t even stand to face the people I know.

No. 1863018

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I have mad executive dysfunction and I constantly feel like I do not have time for anything. On weekdays I am so drained from work that I basically fall into bed afterwards, on the weekends I have to visit family or meet with friends, clean, cook, etc. I have no idea how normal people make time for their hobbies. I always feel like I'm either out of time or out of energy for doing things that I would like

No. 1863030

TA-DA! Isn't it so freeing to learn that sex is actually just…totally fine and feels great. I grew up as a guilty Christian who thought that I'd get "in trouble" with God and Jesus for having sex before marriage and I learned it's really not a big deal. It's not some huge, holy, life-changing, transcendent event. I also felt lied to, kek. It's SUCH a scam, because they want you to be reliant on men and they lied to us

No. 1863041

i'm so behind everyone intellectually it's so infuriating how retarded i am. at least other dumb people make it up by being socially skilled but i'm autistic so i'm just retarded in every way and i'm not interested in anything valuable. i feel especially insecure about my stupidity nowadays. i can't write, draw, or even speak the way i used to just a few years ago and i'm only getting worse. i'm degenerating and i wasn't even just "decent" to begin with. it's really humiliating how mentally deficient i am.

No. 1863044

Someone made a tongue in cheek comment about that "would he peel an orange for you" meme how women in straight relationships have such low standards for men that peeling a fruit becomes a heroic deed and people got so mad at her for it screaming about how "it's a bare minimum test". Why are you getting so mad at someone making a pretty apt observation? Even anons on this site despite being all manhate at 5 and cleaning after their redditoid boyfriend at 6 get the short end of the stick in relationship dynamics. Every time the guy is actually doing something helpful and being considerate in a relationship it's because he's pussywhipped by an unstable BPD-chan suicide baiting his ass every day and even he is developing an exit plan relationship in secrecy so that he can jump ship the moment the side girl is hooked properly. Women need to ditch this "bare minimum" shit and start making memes about how if he doesn't actively defend women's rights he can go to hell or something.

No. 1863051

One who sleeps is without sin.

No. 1863056

Can't take a shit in my own house if my bf is over I either get interrupted or he makes a shit ton of noise when I'm in the bathroom and stresses me out so I can't go. I'm so constipated I feel pregnant

No. 1863058

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>if he doesn't actively defend women's rights he can go to hell or something
I know it's just a random example but aren't the vocal "male feminists" oftentimes the worst offenders kek

No. 1863060

I'm genuinely sick of people bringing up the "male feminists are predators" meme as a gotcha to shut them up when women expect men to do better. "Actively defending women's rights" doesn't mean performative social media posts but actually making a difference in the world like using their male privilege to help women out.

No. 1863064

Are you me? I only had time and energy for hobbies like drawing and reading when I was a neet. Best time of my life. Also no idea how other people do it

No. 1863070

people who spend more of their time supporting things through words rather than actions should always be ignored

No. 1863073

I almost had sex with a guy and I felt absolutely disgusting just from a man touching more intimate parts of my body and when I actually saw his dick I thought I'm about to puke. I will never understand how women can allow them inside. Having your body touched is nice and male faces are attractive but anything besides that is just gross. I'm not a lesbian but I will never understand sexually active straight women either

No. 1863087

I don't get that POV is it because you think sex would sully you or because men are gross so them touching you is gross? You had to have got along well enough to let him touch you so weird the switch flipped abruptly. Maybe you weren't hugged enough when a kid so have intimacy problems

No. 1863091

"this faggot with the deepest voice and huge skull and huge shoulders and porn addiction actually uses she/her pronouns please!"
Fucking kill yourself you stupid fucking handmaiden I hope both you and that tranny die. How is a transphobic company hiring trannies to represent them anyway? These parasites are infiltrating everywhere.

No. 1863097

Well human biology is disgusting in general but especially male biology, it's parasitic. If men were like Ken dolls down there I would probably likw them kek. I still find their faces and their overall form attractive and just touching and making out with a guy would be enough for me, maybe mutual masturbation too but without inserting anything inside of me.
I have an incredibly strong feeling of body integrity and I hate the idea of anything going inside of my body. I would never use a tampon etc. When I masturbate I just touch my clit and it's nice. But I have no desire to put my finger inside etc. I never had any sex-related trauma, I've always been like this. My only hope is to find someone similar to me but eh. If I won't find that person I will just live alone and that's also fine.

No. 1863099

Also what does being hugged as a kid have to do with sexual intimacy kek. We were talking about the sexual part, not about intimacy in general. I like being hugged a lot

No. 1863105

I hate being a woman. The constant fear or the anxiety you get when you see a bad news headline and realize it might be you. Or the fact you’ll never be 100 percent humanized. I wish I could move to the mountains and live alone

No. 1863108

I get that. I unironically eliminated all straight men and women who live with men from my personal life and it's much better now. Their way of life is suicide inducing. I don't want to see this day by day

No. 1863111

The fact that I wish I could live alone also in the woods but I'm more scared of a man somehow finding me than dying of starvation or being ate by a cougar is terrifying to me and I already live in cougar country.

No. 1863118

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I've been doing quite bad mentally lately and I've been thinking about going camping by myself over the weekend once the weather gets better but I'm just too scared that I'll come a cross a creepy moid or something. I don't feel safe travelling by myself but the point of me camping by myself is to be alone for a bit. Sigh.

No. 1863121

maybe you can buy a satteliete phone nonnie or go to a private campground.

No. 1863122

No I agree with you, but if supporting women was memed men would get in on it and just start spouting phrases with nothing behind it. But that peeled orange meme also won't have any real effects, so I guess these things don't matter anyway kek

No. 1863134

>study in a big technical university whose students make up 1/4 of the entire city's population
>4 out of 5 students are unwashed pimply scrotes who can't keep eye contact or shower
>look for a place to live
>60% of advertisements are dorm floors with 15 scrotes who are looking for a 16th
>30% are apartments with 3 scrotes looking for a 4th
>it's snowing outside
>the scrotes make a dick instead of a snowman
I can't wait until I graduate and move to a place with normal demographics

No. 1863138

Woke up this morning and immediately stepped in cat vomit. So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?

No. 1863152

nta but I strongly relate to this too, especially the ken doll part kek. there's literally nothing appealing about dicks, they're a turnoff

No. 1863185

This situation killed that spark in me, I'm so depressed. I wish things were different and I could've more options instead of this shit. I was doing just right, just being a normal, carefree early 20s girl now I can't barely sleep or focus on my hobbies, nothing really feels exciting anymore. I miss who I was before these news, I feel so foggy and out of everything. Just waiting for a miracle at this point because I seriously don't know how I'm going to live this way, barely keeping it together and just kind of existing instead of actually enjoying life. I'm seriously depressed and nobody gives a damn, they just sabotaged my life, I keep having dreams were things get better but reality is so crushing. I just wanted one thing, didn't ask for money or luxuries, just wanted everyone to stop dragging me back to my past, guess I can't have shit. I want to enjoy life again, now I'll have to cope with everything again, feel heavy again. Just when I was healing, they just took my happiness outta my hands and told me to accept it. I deserve to be happy and feel safe too, I'm not ready yet.

Sometimes I wonder why did I survive that car crash, I was convinced God was talking to me, promising me a better life, now this bomb just exploded right in my face months later, ruining everything. Am I here just to suffer? What's the point? He doesn't answer me, I wish he did, for everything I've been through, it's like he keeps me onto this life just to get traumatized over and over instead of just giving me a hand at least once. I don't have a lot to my name, not a lot of money or friends, I live a very humble life, what else should I lose? I don't want to be famous, nor anything spectacular, I just want to be at ease, at this point is all I can ask for. Why do you keep doing this? Please answer me, what's your plan?

No. 1863215

I can't cope with being ugly despite having been ugly all my life

No. 1863220

lc has been intensely aggressive and pointlessly rude lately, i feel you. other ibs i use are experiencing the same thing, it’s like people think of the worst thing to say then say it

No. 1863231

Totally. At what point is it considered in-fighting?

No. 1863242

>Even anons on this site despite being all manhate at 5 and cleaning after their redditoid boyfriend at 6
I like this sentence.

No. 1863262

I hate how normalized it is to make unsolicited comments about a woman's appearance. I only see my family and relatives 3-4 times a year because I live far away from them but EVERY TIME I visit them I get at least a couple of random comments. And they don't make any sense either. One day my mother was like "you've lost so much weight, you're so thin" and then literally the next day my cousin told me "anon I really like your healthy look, I can see you've put on some weight!". My mother also has some serious small boobs complex which she loves to take out on me (all women in my family are small) and she has said shit like "Wow this dress really makes your breasts look bigger!!" on multiple occasions. She's been doing this for years, she even got a push-up bra sewed inside my prom dress without asking me first because "this will make your boobs look larger"… Good thing I'm an adult with her own mind now and their comments don't make me insecure but it's so annoying.

No. 1863266

I would go with you nonna. My mental health is in shambles and I need to be in nature. I'm just too poor and isolated, friendless to afford going out in nature.

No. 1863306

I totally empathize with what you're feeling. Are you in an area where you're able to rent a cabin by yourself so that you feel more secure than you would in a tent? Vet the area you want to camp in and if you're in a country that allows it, having a small gun or even just an OTF knife to keep with you might put you at ease too.

No. 1863310

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>Say something romantic and intimate to my boyfriend since he's at his hometown right now and I'm missing him
>He replies with a memaw-tier "That's nice dear, thanks"

No. 1863318

i'm not able to make money anymore so i'll have to kill myself soon and i just wish it didn't have to be this way. i iwsh i hadn't been born in the first place so that this wouldn't be a problem. poor people legally should not be allowed to have children because all they do is spread their disease to them

No. 1863326

I think the only repulsive thing about them is if men expect you to sexually service them or something, if they are just a decoration/eye candy then I like them.

No. 1863327

can i ask why or how you're unable to make money anymore nona?

No. 1863330

i'm physically disabled and i was fired from my last two jobs due to the inconvenience it was posing to my bosses. I applied for disability, but i've been waiting for 7 months. i'm not going to get it. and even if i do, it'll be too late already.

No. 1863332

I'll probably be on the same boat too soon because AI and there's literally no other options for me at my age and in my shithole.

Not like i want to see what becomes of this horrible world in the future. Humanity will deserve whatever its coming to it

No. 1863333

second ayrt, i dislike the look of it too. it's more like eye poison for me.

No. 1863373

My sister died last year and I miss her so much. I got sick after her funeral and just haven't been right since. I've had two bugs since Christmas and my body is just sapped of all vitality. I get up and drag myself to work, feel fatigued all day… I think about all the things I could do after work, clean, draw, read, craft, play a game…. But my commute home sucks, and by the time I get home and feed myself…. I fall asleep on the couch. Then it's bedtime and it starts all over again. I want to take up my exercise routine again but I feel so worn out, it's so dark out and the weather is so shitty. I do a lot of self care, I take my vitamins, I meditate, bla bla bla… I have a loving partner and good support. But in spite of all that…. there's no magical thing to make everything better. There's just no getting around it, sometimes life is really fucking hard.

No. 1863374

i’m going insane with my 4 month old. all she does is cry and scream. the doctor yelled at me because she’s eating 5 ounces every 3 hours but she will scream her throat raw if i try to push her feedings any later. she won’t go to sleep in the crib, she just kicks and cries as soon as i put her down. so now i’m co-sleeping with her even though i know it’s dangerous bc i need sleep and there’s nothing else i can do. she’s up every 2 hours screaming and kicking anyway so i don’t even really get sleep. like i used to think that you’re a monster for shaking a baby but i nearly got to that point today. i just want the screaming to stop. this was such a mistake, i never should’ve had her.

No. 1863380

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I fucking HAATTTEEEE the lard ass, obese fucking nasty and smelly "goblins" I have to fucking work with!

Fucking would not call yourself a they them lbr if you were a normal human size, and they are so so soooo disgusting. And cause I am the only not white or white washed one here, the fucking racisim!

Got to leave fucking Tranada honestly, I am spent

No. 1863382

>poor people legally should not be allowed to have children
i agree, as a poorfag, life is hell. i look at retards who are similar to me (fellow low scorers in highschool, who went to community -> uni -> got a degree) and they're doing better. why? rich parents with connections, it's all rigged. unless you're doggedly persistent or very lucky your origin will always hold you back.

No. 1863387

I am so sorry, sweet nonnie. It sounds like you’re doing the best you can do and it’s good you have support. What was your sister like? What’s your favorite memory with her? Don’t feel obliged to answer, but ime I found it helpful to talk about my loved ones who passed.

No. 1863392

I'm so sorry nonna. The first year after the death of immediate family members is the hardest. It's very normal to be sick a lot. It's okay to be grieving for awhile.

No. 1863395

Oh nonna, you need help. You can't deal with that while you are sleep deprived. I am old but I don't have any kids thus have no wisdom about them. Have you got any older women or fellow mom friends you can ask for advice or help?? You need like a kindly non judgemental old lady who has lived through everything. It sounds like a living nightmare. Obviously you gotta get some help to figure out why your baby won't stop crying, but additionally maybe you can get some of those earplugs that filter out the stressful higher registers, but still allow you to hear. They are generally targeted for autismo's but I have some and they take the edge off stressful noises even while allowing me to still hear and hold conversations etc. I find loop more comfy than flare audio but they're both good.
https://www.loopearplugs.com/products/engage -

No. 1863402

This is retarded advice maybe but have you tried switching to anti colic baby bottle nipples? Or an anti colic formula? This sounds like hell nona I'm so sorry.

No. 1863406

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Thank you so much, nonnies x she was my eldest sister. She was a wonderful person and an extremely high achiever and prominent in her career field. I'm a lowly worm compared to her, but the difference is I'm pretty happy in my little life, while she suffered so much stress and worry all the time. We were very different people but still two birds of a feather. I was really hard on her before she got sick and died because the stress levels in her life were so high. I kept telling her that it wasn't right what was happening to her. Her husband was emotionally abusive. It was hard to accept someone like her could end up with an asshole. How stupid was I, it can happen to anyone.
Yet I have to put my feelings towards my brother in law behind me so I can have a relationship with her kids, who I love … and yet I have some anger at her teenage child who really made her life miserable for the few years before she died. Gender bullshit. Self harm. My sister was so worried about it. She's got one kid who is quite autistic and another who is the exact opposite… But I know how much she loved both her kids and just wanted them to be happy and successful in life. But ughhhhhh. I hope I can still be a good auntie to them.

No. 1863416

it's annoying as fuck

No. 1863432

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We have an influx of teens who are at default full of shit and love this newfound ability to be a cunt without consequence after feeling like theyre constantly under duress with a social microscope over head. But we also have (really persistent) men pretending to be women who get like a heroin-level dopamine receptor rush from the dupers delight of making you all think they're just trad women and not lonely fags that consider harassing women a hobby.

No. 1863445

feels like everyone is living life except me. i feel like life is just passing by and im not living it, im just on stand by. i feel so bad over this and anxious

No. 1863468

Same. I feel like I have a target on my back just by being alive and it's exhausting

No. 1863469

I'm another anon with even more retarded advise: take her to a witch and ask her to ''check'' her for any curse. By witch I don't mean a neo-pagan teenage larper, but an older woman who does that sort of thing privately. My mother took my sister to one once and she cured her constant colics at once.

No. 1863472

I wouldn't be surprised if it's the trannies that lurk around on here

No. 1863479

I want to have kids but I'm also scared that if they scream to the point of me losing my sanity I'll just want to throw it out the window

No. 1863525

i just switched her to sensitive formula yesterday i’m hoping it’ll make a difference but i’m not holding my breath. right now she’s using the dr brown’s bottles which i was told were the best bottles for colic but idk if it helps or not.

No. 1863531

Got diagnosed with PCOS 3 weeks ago, but I've always known there was something up with me (since puberty, that is). I've always felt like a lesser woman. I've had this internalized feeling that my body is messed up and hideous, even when the other girls had acne, theirs was normal-looking, and mine was disgusting and cystic, I looked disfigured. Other girls, even if people would nowadays describe them as """mid""", grew up to look like normal girls and women, while I looked like a freakishly tall, chubby child with several adult featured tacked to a kid's face up until I was about 16 years old. I don't think my self esteem can ever recover. I never understood why I couldn't lose weight even if I counted my calories, and every single day would turn out to be 1200, and so on. At least I know why now, but that's besides the point.
Something that's been really bothering me lately is a handmaiden friend saying I'm actually intersex because of my PCOS. I rarely ever vent to my friend group, which is all tenderqueer young adult women (I know, I know, I still value and love them, and hope they grow out of it), one "any pronouns" moid (in a straight relationship with one of them), and one normal straight one. All of them, except for maybe one and the handmaiden in question are more or less reserved about it, at least compared to what the standard is generally. The handmaiden is dating a walking caricature of a TIM. I rarely vent to my friends because I've internalized that nobody gives a fuck about how an ugly woman feels, but I've actually opened up about this whole thing to them, and only two people really cared. It's mostly fine, it only stings a little. One was great about it and it was a massive relief to have someone actually take me seriously for once. That was nice. But then the TIM-lover girl's idea of "support" was saying that haha I'm actually one of them now, I'm not cis anymore haha! Others either played along with it or did nothing. I kinda wanna die. I'm normally not this sensitive but my womanhood-related self-esteem issues are my weak point. I can't get this off my mind, the fact that the supposedly progressive people think of me as not-a-woman, because one of my ovaries is a little fucked up and I'm ugly and unhealthy because of it. God, I wish I was just normal. For most of my life I've had mostly male friends because I couldn't fit in with the girls, also because of my sexuality. Sometimes I wish the female friend group dynamics were as straightforward and retarded as the male ones, and I could just tell the handmaiden that I don't like her, that she should shut the fuck up, and then we would just avoid each other. I can say I'm feeling bad about the whole thing but I can't even do so much as insinuate not liking to be pulled into the whole gender shit. At the end of the day, just the simple fact that I'm a biological woman kept me sane, and now the people who I've grown to be emotionally attached to pull that kinda thing on me. I know they're not being malicious, just stupid, but I'm insecure and I wish I wasn't. Stupid rant, but it is what it is.

No. 1863532

where would i find a witch? are there societies or something i can look up?

No. 1863534

File: 1705866139530.jpeg (50.14 KB, 827x792, 1681623948213.jpeg)

>new relationship, bf not into intimacy
>express that it makes me feel unattractive and undesirable
>"A few years ago I was dating the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and I still had the same issue"
>realize what he just did (he's autistic and let's shit slip, it wasn't negging)
>tell him he just made it a thousand times worse and made me feel so fucking ugly i feel like crying
>start crying
>he gets annoyed because i'm "trying to make him feel bad"

No. 1863563

I wish I had friends to play vidya with.

No. 1863587

>bf not into intimacy
>makes you cry but gets mad

You better dump him now or else I'll jump through your screen and do it for you

No. 1863590

Girl, it's this bad already, unless you're using him for money, dump him and start looking for someone else.

No. 1863629

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I feel horrible remembering some of the messed up stuff my ex used to say to me. Some was vitriol towards me, some was unhinged rhetoric towards other people (and animals), and some were twisted hypotheticals that he'd muse about as if he was some intellectual. I don't even want to repeat exactly the stuff he said for the last category but like one example is "a solution to the problem of child molesters" (that didn't involve pedos getting punished) it makes me feel so sick not because I had to listen to it but because I never did anything. i didnt leave i barely pushed back and i genuinely loved this man and ignored all his dark parts. im complicit im half responsible im just as bad for standing by him
The other day someone nice was talking to me and then looked me in the eye and told me that I seem like a really kind person, and on the inside I just felt this immense shame and guilt. I'm so stupid for thinking I could help him be good.

No. 1863642

Money or a stable relationship with a man that's on my level of intelligence would solve all of my problems.

No. 1863651

Drink a bottle of wine before you pump and it'll put her to sleep

No. 1863657

poison him

No. 1863658

Nona please don't blame yourself for the fact that you did not do/say anything back then. When you're in a relationship with someone new I think it's normal to view things through rose-colored glasses and not register bullshit easily. This effect is even stronger if this was your first relationship, you're a more agreeable/non-confrontational type of person or when you're dealing with a narc/abuser/manipulator. Now it's much easier for you to make an assessment of his words because you're not together anymore. I've been there too and I know how you feel. It may not be easy for you to stop blaming yourself, but you really should. You didn't say anything when you were affected by him (whether you realized it at the time or not), but right now your perception is not clouded and you're having a completely different reaction. You know which of the 2 reactions is the more objective one! So please don't be so harsh on yourself, this does NOT make you complicit in his shit or a bad person, quite the opposite actually because you're thinking about it. An actually evil person would not feel any of the remorse and guilt you felt, I can assure you.

No. 1863661

>I made you cry but YOU are the problem
He's already gaslighting youu, dump before you invest too much time.

No. 1863662

Wow nice unfunny joke

No. 1863679

thank you nona, your words are very kind and comforting.
I'm trying to be compassionate to my past self especially knowing that I was a teenager for a large part of it. I hope that I can learn from my experience and help other women

No. 1863680

I just wish I could be fine all by myself

No. 1863685

>doesn't think of your feelings
>not into intimacy
just dump him? there is literally nothing else he offers a friend couldn't. I think the fact you're dating him is a detriment, you guys should be friends only.

No. 1863687

What do you think this is.

No. 1863688

so i feel grateful to my mom for letting me crash but i also kind of don't…the cons outweigh the pros and it's not like i want to be here, it's just that my sole other option outside of this is homelessness. i had an option to go stay with a cousin instead but my mother freaked out hard about it so that's no longer a possibility for me…anyway i'd much rather live in a matchbox apartment and budget like crazy to afford food and whatever because at least it would mean i had privacy and quiet and could do my laundry if i needed to. the peak of life isn't actually "not having to pay bills or rent" and it's weird that she seems to think it is…anyway i'm gone as soon as i can get a job that lets me put down the initial payment for an apartment kek idgaf about a "nest egg" anymore

No. 1863689

It sounds like such an unfair situation all around. She didn’t deserve any of that bullshit, especially when sick. Thanks for sharing her story. May she finally have some peace. You’re a great auntie. Hang in there.

No. 1863694

like genuinely she and other older adults are constantly like "ooomg, living at home is the best thing ever you do NOT have to pay rent!!! you're gonna HATE it when you're out on your own and you have to pay RENT AND BILLS >:)) !!!" and i totally do not understand it……of course i'll have to? i don't give a shit about paying to keep my place, so long as i can afford it (this is how we keep infrastructure going)? did boomers just not pay bills in the past, i don't get their hatred of it

No. 1863699

This sounds like colic. Talk to your doctor about gripe water. It's basically a tincture of herbs that soothe the digestion system. Do make sure that you are buying a reputable brand that is safe. I used it and it seemed to help. Some of my friends that have children have also had success with it.

As for her not sleeping I had this issue with my daughter. When she was a newborn she slept next to the bed where I sleep in a bassinet. I tried to move her to sleeping into a crib as she got older. She resisted and wouldn't let me sleep, so what I did was I put her back in the bassinet and then gradually moved the bassinet away from the bed each night until it was next to the crib. Babies find the sound of their mother's breathing to be comforting, so try not to get angry with her. She's crying because she loves you and wants to be with you.

No. 1863707

No. 1863714

I am glad my words were of comfort noni. If talking about it helps you and makes you feel better, don't hesitate to write more, that's what the vent thread is for, after all! And you being a teenager when these things were happening is yet another reason for you to not be too hard on yourself. I'm sure you already know this but as a teenager you're still developing mentally and you're very likely to not have much experience both with relationships and spotting red flags fast. This is okay because we all learn, I'm sure this was a learning experience for you as well considering that you remember it and think about it. What matters is that you are compassionate to yourself. Imagine a teenager, a one like you were at the time. Would you blame her and call her a bad human for not realizing that her boyfriend is saying some shit? I don't think so! She's still young and learning and that is completely normal! And I know that sometimes it's hard to treat yourself with the same grace you treat other people, but if you keep repeating to yourself these things I told you it will start sinking and it will become something like a thought pattern. And you won't feel this immense guilt every time people (rightfully) tell you you're a kind person.

No. 1863717

Just ask older women around you, they will know some witch for sure
Fuck your retarde friends, seriously. I can't believe how insensitive people can be about this. I don't have PCOS but dealed with acne from age 11 to age 21 in face, body and partial limbs, it screwed my teenage years completely along with stretch marks and my crazy body hair. I'm sure I was exposed to some endochrine disruptor as a kid, but now I'm starting to think that traume actually messes up completely a girl's puberty if it happens before the age of 7, it makes everything come sooner and weirder. Long story short, things like that are important aspects of your life and I'm so sorry your friends don't support you the way they should. I think you can lead a very normal life with PCOS and its symptoms, although it takes effort daily. Hairy women aren't ugly, I myself stoped shaving my legs and armpits (never shaved my arms, cheeks or chest). Men hate hairy women because at some point of their lives we will have more hair around our knees that they will have on their head lol

No. 1863726

"you're only crying to try and make me feel bad" People sometimes think tist males are too socially retarded to be playing games but here they are reading off the same shitty bf script as the rest

No. 1863728

Another vote for dumping him. There are many people out there who will not get annoyed and have the audacity to accuse their partner of making THEM feel bad when THEIR SO is the one crying. CRYING BECAUSE OF THEM. Are you looking for a boyfriend who gets annoyed when you're sad or a boyfriend who does their best to make you feel better? Would you like your partner to try solving the problem and look for the blame in themselves or to automatically dismiss you and tell you you're the problem? I'm sure you know the answers to both of these questions. Please anon, you deserve so much better, don't let this inconsiderate and selfish person ruin your mood and waste your time and energy any longer because you don't deserve it!

No. 1863732

i'm not listening to all that but it's interesting someone is brave enough to post a whole ass vocaroo

No. 1863733

stop being attention seeking oyu little faggot

No. 1863819

Anyone stuck in their life?

No. 1863848

File: 1705880866902.jpg (133.96 KB, 700x910, 7539785.jpg)

I just saw someone bash my favorite book, and then I found out that the author is a blond woman with grey eyes (like me), and has partial central heterochromia. I just know all the negative reviews are people who have seen her and are jealous, kek.

No. 1863851

She’s ugly though(bait/infighting)

No. 1863854

File: 1705881429854.jpeg (744.19 KB, 1800x1200, IMG_1168.jpeg)

I have the privilege of a well paying job with a wonderful set of coworkers and I just want to quit and be a hermit.

I don’t have any motivation to be successful in my career.

No. 1863855

That's a weird way to admit you're envious and bitter, anon.

No. 1863857

Gummy smile, small sunken eyes, dull skin, hook nosed, nasolabial folds. What’s there to be jealous about?

No. 1863869

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The idea of splitting the bill on a date is fucking disgusting, especially if the man was the one who came up with the idea of inviting you somewhere. My art teacher was a gay man and he sometimes invited his favourite students to a popular local café. Even he, despite being a gay man, always paid for me because he thought that "a gentleman should always pay for the lady" and also because he was the one inviting me, not the other way around. How is it that a gay man gets it, but a straight one doesn't? Pathetic. I never had sex and I dated only once in my life, and I just felt weird and cringe to always split the bill, even for a fucking pizza. I felt like for him I was not worth investing in. I even gave him a small gift once, as a nice gesture, but he never did anything similar for me. Now, I fear dating men for many, many reasons, way more serious than splitting bills, but the general idea of 50/50 is one of them. Men still earn more on average and I, as a woman, put myself at a much higher risk while dating or having sex with a man than the man who dates me etc. The LEAST he can do is fucking pay!

No. 1863884

nta but you should stay off incel lookism forums, nonny, it's not a good look.

No. 1863888

Lol anon you wanna say you don't have folds when you're smiling? Just a glued on smile on a completely still and flat face?

No. 1863896

File: 1705883751499.jpeg (320.64 KB, 1515x2273, 806A3B44-9823-4992-A09D-CE6E23…)

Not everyone has deep ones like that when they smile.(no kpop allowed)

No. 1863897

>at 20 I thought Kurt Cobain's music taste was cringe and I didn't believe he could genuinely enjoy most of that stuff and I thought he was a contrarian hipster
>at 27 I genuinely enjoy basically all of the music he did
oh so that's being old feels like

No. 1863902

>shows a plastic girl in a photo filtered and smoothed to hell and back to support her argument

No. 1863903

Starting self improvement as a NEET triggered this intense suicidal feeling I’ve had for the past few days because all the problems I’ve been repressing in life bubbled up to the surface at once and it makes me feel so alone and helpless. Before I was just living in a dream consuming media and the internet all day with barely any worries.

No. 1863906

fourth wing sucked

No. 1863917

my boyfriend broke up with me because his mom hates me. his mom also told the entire family how much she hated me and they agreed that i wasn't good enough for him.

guys im just so heartbroken over this. we were together for so long.

No. 1863918

She looks like a deluded wine mom of two who writes erotica because she hadnt good sex in years.
Shes ugly(bait/infighting)

No. 1863920

I'm sorry that happened to you. Mommas boys are the fucking worst. You're a grown man but can't make a decision without your mother is embarrassing. I know you're hurt but trust you dogged a bullet.

No. 1863921

>What’s there to be jealous about?
She's blond and has grey eyes. I know it's hard being a brunette with boring shit-colored eyes, but that's just life. Get used to it instead of seething about those of us who fit beauty standards.

No. 1863923

That may be true, but she's still prettier than you.

That's your opinion, but it outsold and you'll have to deal with it.

No. 1863924

I'm light haired with blue eyes and am not seeing what there is to be jealous about

No. 1863925

File: 1705885653093.jpeg (730.66 KB, 1284x1093, 4448B560-D3A8-4637-A353-D95944…)

Eye color and hair color aside she’s still ugly and needs surgery to get her gums reduced. Pretty blondes exist like Pic related.

No. 1863927

you could've chosen literally anyone but a kpop idol kek we all know how groomed they are for a flawless appearance

No. 1863929

Why do people think it's alright to just violate my personal space. Don't touch my fucking butt.

No. 1863931

aw I'm sorry nonnie. I know that hurts but he did you a favor in the long run, you deserve a man who can stand up for you.. I know it hurts right now and let it but I'm sorry nonna

No. 1863933

Post a middle aged blond with no make up on that isn't a model and hasn't had any plastic surgery nor fillers that you think is a normal, obtainable level of good looks for the average woman.
Also are you baiting on purpose? it's fine if you like her book but I've seen all kinds of women critique her book.

No. 1863934

of all the people to go to bat for, it’s some author of some mediocre fantasy series? you know she’s not gonna see this, right?

No. 1863935

Disclaimer: I'm on my PMS.
My father in law works as a farmer and he found a dirty cap laying around from another worker. He brought it home to my boyfriend and without washing my boyfriend started using it. I already yelled about lice, about the dried sweat on that thing from a random guy working hours under the sun doing hard labour and yet he still uses the thing. It's visibly dirty. He will do his funny thing to piss me off and show up wearing the hat and he always gets a reaction because it's so disgusting. I want to burn the fucking thing.

No. 1863936

Why? I wanted to post an attractive blonde not a below average military wife

No. 1863938

One time I punched a moid in the ass when I was 9, then he dumped my sister

No. 1863943

you just admitted that anyone that isn't above average to you is ugly because I clarified "average", not "below average", which is what I suspected. I bet you think average women should get plastic surgery.

No. 1863948

File: 1705886892573.png (1.34 MB, 1303x822, THIS-is-what-has-y-all-by-the-…)

>thinking women need plastic surgery to be attractive
Kekk, brunette plastic surgery golem detected

>Also are you baiting on purpose? it's fine if you like her book but I've seen all kinds of women critique her book.
Yeah, and they're all unfortunate brunettes who need a pound of makeup to look good(bait/infighting)

No. 1863950

File: 1705886953624.jpeg (612.17 KB, 1648x2500, 274ED38D-9228-4AA9-870E-0393B5…)

Shes pretty but not in the picture you posted

No. 1863953

It's a bestseller critically acclaimed, and I am her strongest soldier

No. 1863962

>falling for bait

Also I’m legitimately light haired and blue eyed but I’m plain. They didn’t magically make me attractive unfortunately…

No. 1863964

It's the same old song and dance. The bait will always be eaten.

No. 1863969

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I want to start going to a gym, but I don't know how to use the equipments and I'm afraid the instructors there won't help me

No. 1863979

Fear not, nonnie. You can watch videos on YouTube to help you with figuring things out.

No. 1863987

They will nonna. Using gym equipment wrong can be very dangerous and no one likes a lawsuit.

No. 1864002

I'm not a gymgoer but I've always heard that lots of people love to help newbies learn proper technique. I'm sure there will be someone who'd gladly give you advice, everyone likes a chance to tell someone about their passion right?

No. 1864031

They won’t. They usually kick you out if you don’t know how to use the equipment.

No. 1864052

When you sign up for a membership, depending on the gym someone will show you around and may show you how to use some of the machines. In addition you can look up the machines on youtube and get a tutorial as well. Some of the machines will have pictures too, but I'd suggest always looking up a video to be certain you're doing it right. People at the gym are very non judgmental despite what you may think, many would be happy to assist you. Don't let your fear own you nonnie!

No. 1864079

I'm a fucking retard. I let myself be financially dependant on my husband. We used to barely ever fight, maybe once a month, always made up easily. Then we had a kid and he changed, he criticises me for everything and when I try to fo better he finds something else to criticise, if I make one mistake he blows up on me. I'm constantly walking on eggshells, I accidently spilled water and my first feeling was dread. Today it just clicked. I used to see him and love him so much it hurt, and now I look at him and I just feel dread. I want to go home but this is my home. Not sure if this is worse or trying to leave would end up being worse. Sucks

No. 1864081

Men really are a special kind of stupid, and pointless. I was in the kitchen trying to get my cats food together and then make food for myself, just casually saying how I have to print return labels for some parcels I need to send back soon and my dad goes "How do people print the label if they don't have a printer?" And for some reason the rage this sparked in me is immeasurable. What kind of stupid fucking question is that? How the fuck am I supposed to know and why would I care? I have a printer, that is not my concern. Maybe they go to a fucking library? Maybe they try to return in store? Maybe they don't order clothes online? Who the fuck cares, what answer is he expecting? And if he's going to ask stupid fucking questions then why stop there?! Why not ask how people without a computer even order clothes?! Or how people without money even buy clothes?! What answer does he want?! Maybe don't buy stuff you might have to return if you don't have a printer. What does he want, the clothing company to print a label and mail it to them? The clothing company to supply the buyer with a free printer? hOW dO PeOpLE wItHOuT a pRInTeR rEtUrN tHE cLoThEs?!?!? Shut the fuck up, useless fucking questions I stg are you 6? That's a fucking dumbass question a 6 year old would ask, fuck off

No. 1864086

Double post but holy fuck anon I am so sorry, I feel bad posting my pointless vent directly under yours but I hadn't read any other vents before posting. I hope you are okay and find some solution out of the situation. I wish I could offer some advice but I have no idea what I'd do in a situation like that. Do you live near any family and friends you could maybe stay with for a few days if things get really bad?

No. 1864097

This is really pathetic but I've been having a pretty difficult time mentally lately and venting in /ot/ has been helping me a lot. I know it's not healthy to be so dependent on it, but I know during Hellweek I'm going to be struggling with nowhere to vent or talk about dumb shit to keep my mind occupied.

No. 1864103

The vent thread will still be open afaik.

No. 1864126

I think a lot of fucked up things today trace back to artificial midcentury teenager shit pushed by the MSM. So many people will not give up their "cool" teenager act for anything, not turning 30, or 40, or 70. And that's before all the unnecessary anger and angst that doesn't need to exist. The entire left in America is going to crumble thanks to middle aged retards who can't move past their Hot Topic phase.

No. 1864129

This is really interesting. Curious as to what country you’re from? I was shocked to find out that despite the “teenagers used to be seen like adults” claims, the age of adulthood in Britain (and America) was 21 before they lowered it to get 18 year old boys to be able to sign up for the army without their parents permission.

No. 1864142

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I will never understand why it's the most uninspiring people that think everyone is biting from them when they literally steal everything from people who actually create or have their own thing. They will be an amalgamation of various people they obsess over online and mirror literally every single thing about other people on social media and then pretend they're originals or tastemakers or something? Like random silly unserious example but someone will repeat a phrase they jacked from someone else too much and then when they see other people using it online they'll complain about how they're the ~blueprint~ incessantly. Is there a nice way to break it to these people that most of us just are not inspired by people like this? Why on earth would I admire someone who is just a chimeric parrot. God don't get me started when they don't create anything, only rely on copying other people for talking points, are obnoxious or cunty etc. Just the most delusional people alive convinced everyone has them on their moodboards when everything they have ever posted is either generic or vague and ripped from someone else. PLEASE do something else we don't want it!

No. 1864165

I thought I wasn't going to randomly cry and hyperventilate tonight, but here we are lol it seems like it just gets worse

No. 1864171

she looks like that one girl from the "i drank coffee now my husband has to deal with me being annoying for 3 hours" video

No. 1864181

I’ve spent the entire weekend alone. I’m so lonely that an unexpected nice message in a YouTube video I had randomly selected is making me cry.

No. 1864182

File: 1705900402967.jpg (20.34 KB, 735x504, 0b8b6f71f269ba0f696eae2f8f3f6a…)

i feel embarrassed and depressed whenever i think of my past self. 19 year old me really did think i could:
>get a cozy, but safe office job
>purchase a small cheap apartment and save up
>move out of state
all within a year or two of graduating uni (with my big fancy STEM degree). that is not remotely the case. i am hoping again…again…that the probable interview i will get after i phone this guy tomorrow works out, or maybe one of the dozens of jobs i've applied to this year alone will get back to me as well. but otherwise it feels so fucking over.

No. 1864184

I wish making and keeping friends wasn't so hard. I'm lonely but so scared to talk to others

No. 1864186

Your eyes are not Grey. They are blue. Please integrate into reality.

No. 1864240

The key thing is that it used to be expected that teenagers were actively turning into adults and working. It wasn't like now, where scrotes in particular think they are entitled to have zero responsibilities, to never work, to party and act like animals, until some time after college graduation. And they act personally wronged if they have to get a job before that. One of my exes was still carrying on like that in his late twenties. Heaven forbid a 27 year old man have to get a fucking job instead of sneaking back into college parties

No. 1864264

Nonnas please pray for me for this thing tk work out i need it

No. 1864273

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My mom finally bought tarot cards after gushing about her conspiracy influencer using them to predict shit for months. It was bad enough when she was openly shitting on this type of stuff before because devil worshipping or something. But now because her stupid ass influencer uses them it's okay because "she's using them for good intentions". I rolled my eyes when my mom pointed out she got the "good vibes" ones, it's on the label. Good I hate this MAGA religious conspiracy bullshit and the fucking influencers who push this fear mongering agender for monetary gain. I want to sleep and never wake up. just 2 more weeks patriots

No. 1864286

Pregnancy hormones are wild.
I yelled at some dude who kept beeping at a learner driver as we crossed the road in front of him.
He looked so shocked.
Yeah buddy you're not anonymous just because you're in a car cunt I see you and hear you stop being an asshole to teenagers trying their best.

No. 1864287

Samefag, I'm back because I'm literally am still mad even though I'm trying not to be. Women (even relatives) literally think it's ok to touch other women inappropriately just because we're both females. It makes me uncomfortable. It makes me fucking sick. I had to learn that you have to get mad and cause a scene cause a simple "stop" or "no" doesn't work and they think you're just joking around.

No. 1864299

My mom use to do this until about 2 years ago. Her excuse was "well I made you so I get you randomly pat your butt". Any time I told her to stop she would use the excuse from above and that I needed to "lighten up". None of my friends' mom did this and it pissed me off how she'd just write it off. The one that pissed me the most off was when I was a young teen. I was going through puberty and was getting hips. My brillant mom decided to grab my hips and tell me I was getting love handles. It added more issues to my already existing ones. I wanted to punch her later on but I froze because I couldn't believe she did that. I wanted to cry. I'm sorry your female relatives do this and don't respect boundaries. Proud you're standing your ground. I can't tell you exactly why they do this but don't think you're weird for finding it crossing the line.

No. 1864300

Absolutely based of you, and congratulations to you and your baby!

No. 1864309

Lmao thank you nona. I hope my anger chills out the further along I go

No. 1864315

This is embarrassing

No. 1864316

>remove everyone toxic in my life
>dump toxic boyfriend
>accept I might die alone
>realize living my life alone is probably better than living it with a scrote

I feel immense peace within me
Some doubt too but a lot of peace

No. 1864318

it's gonna be OK

No. 1864324

Adult women who still use heavily self loathing self deprecating humor always seem to be mostly surrounded by homosexual men. Hmmm

No. 1864331

>dad: you're literally 25yo get over it already!!
>Me just being 23
Why is he doing this? It's not helping he said this the moment I confessed him I had issues over seeing my cousin getting raped repeatedly as a kid, I don't get it. We haven't talked in days now, he seriously ruined it with his little monologue, it's not even the first time he judges or criticizes someone else's trauma. I never understood what was his fucking problem

No. 1864335

He’s male so he lacks empathy. I’m sorry. He might be “one of the good ones” but the truth is he’s simply devoid of humanity and higher thinking power.

No. 1864337

Why do I feel so lonely, desperate and hopeless when my life is objectively good?

No. 1864338

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So I am unemployed. I get by on commissions and make maybe 100 dollars a month right now but I get by because I'm lucky enough to live with my parents so I have few expenses but that doesn't mean I'm comfortable. I take as many commissions as I can and I apply to at least 3 jobs a day, though my options are limited to places nearby because of my lack of a vehicle. None of the jobs near me ever even get to interviewing me. The ones in the shopping center near the bus stop used to be interested but now I don't hear anything back. I just want to save up for a car so I can work wherever the fuck I need to work. But it's hard to find anything at all. I've decided to work on my art,I want to improve so I can make my own living because businesses aren't hiring at the moment and it's really scary to think about what could happen if I didn't have my parents. I have lots of retail experience and food service experience…why am I not getting back something as small as a phone interview for a position like "fry cook" at McDonald's. This has been a major stressor and insecurity for me lately. Anyway I put away half of the money I make and put aside about 40 dollars for myself every month so I can do something with my friends or eat out. My friends like to hang out every few weeks I feel like that's not totally irresponsible? Maybe I'm wrong but so far I've saved decently…not enough to get a car but decently for the amount that I make. Anyways today me and my friends went to an arcade for our hang out. My friends are all male including my boyfriend. All of them make really good money except for me and my bf. He works at a grocery store and makes minimum wage. One of my friends has a government job working at his college, he got it right after he graduated and the other is a manager at a factory. Both of them make a ton more than me and my bf. They also have pretty well off parents that travel semi-often which kinda played into their success. The friend that is a manager at a factory, he got that job because his mom recommended him through her own connections. They both got cars as soon as they turned like 20 because their parents gave them to them. To some degree, I must admit, I am envious of them. They're my friends and I love them but we argue about this sometimes. They get sorta judgemental about how I use my money. Like everytime we hang out, like for example today at the arcade. I had my 40 bucks for the month, right. I was buying an arcade card and the payment didn't go through. It didn't go through because I forgot to transfer the money from my Cashapp to my bank. Anyway they got really judgemental about it. They said stuff like "wow, so you have less than 10 dollars in your account?" And I just felt really embarrassed. My friend insisted on paying the 2 bucks left on the fee and I was insisting to them that I just have to move the money from my Cashapp which they looked at me with such obviously skeptical expressions. And it frustrated me because I wasn't lying and I was already feeling pretty humiliated because I specifically told myself to put the money on my debit card before I left the house but I was too focused on dressing up and now I'm being subtly called a broke bitch by my friends again! I already know I'm broke! Anyway so I put 40 onto my debit card and pay the rest of the fee without any problems and Everytime I play a game they're just like "Would it financially responsibile to play the claw machine a second time?" And I'm just thinking the claw machine is the only game I really wanna play but now im being shamed for it so at this point i just really wanna go. I used the rest of the points on my card to play a rythm game and we leave. Anyway at some point we end up at a Starbucks where I got a volume of a manga I'd been collecting and a coffee. As my friend was buying his coffee I said the cake looked good and if he wanted to try it because i'd only wanna get it if we could split it. He goes "No because I'm financially responsible and don't buy things I don't actually need" with this really smug smirk. And I just changed the subject because I didn't know what to say to that. I thought that it was okay to set money aside for myself I didn't think it'd be such a big deal? Should I stop doing that should I sit out on hanging out with my friends until I have a higher income. Do my friends like me? They know that I save money, they know that I put money aside for myself after putting money into my savings but my eldest friend thinks I should put every dime away to save and also that my boyfriend shouldn't pay for anything which I understand because I want my boyfriend to save for college so I try to be self reliant to the best of my ability. They always make fun of me about my finances and it doesn't feel funny to me especially when they're making really decent money. One of them has enough to buy a house and is just living with his parents to save more. Everything I make is like a joke to him. My mom wants me to focus on school instead of working but I'd rather work than never be able to hang out with my friends without being criticized.

No. 1864339

Something is missing. It's normal to feel like something is missing. You have to unclench and accept monotony

No. 1864341

I understand. Mom for some reason never judged my traumas, even though she's not perfect at all. She simply understands it was "not okay" for me to have witnessed all that instead of telling me "it's not that bad/ not my problem" like dad, I just don't understand how can you disconnect your feelings from people that you were so close with. I didn't like seeing my cousin suffering like that, what kind of person would I be if I just "didn't care"? What the hell

No. 1864344

Take it’s as a compliment. Boy mums only do this to beautiful, talented or intelligent women that their sons date, and only approve of girlfriends they aren’t threatened by. Every boy mum like this just wants to get railed by their own son and is only happy when they have a dumb and ugly daughter in law.

No. 1864345

Samefag to say, I don't fear growing up but atm, I'm just getting my degree, getting side jobs and doing my best at 23. I'm not this fully graduated, experienced 25 years old yet, I've lot of things to learn. The disconnect he has over my actual stage in life and his delusions is honestly baffling. I'm not there yet and it's okay, everything will come together eventually

No. 1864346

How do I let go of what's missing?

No. 1864347

I'm sorry nonnie but these people don't sound like your friends. It sounds like they see you as a doormat they can walk all over without consequences. Did you tell them that you don't like these comments and to please stop when they make them? Since you mentioned this wasn't the first day it had happened.

No. 1864348

Yes but they say they say this stuff because they're worried about me. We had a pretty big argument once and I told them if they wanted to actually help me they could send me applications for work and help me with my resume which they actually took me up on which was nice of them but they still can't seem to help themselves with making little comments.

No. 1864352

From just being a fellow nona in an anonymous site and not having a real view of your situation at all, just the comments worry me. They obviously don't make you feel good. This looks like a clear case of boundary pushing to me, which can happen even amongst good friends whenever one party develops bad self esteem or is going through a difficult period, which seems to be the case for you. To me it seems they make these snarky comments because you don't push back when they happen, so they know where your boundary lies and seeing this opening, they've all fallen into a pattern of pushing that button to make you feel bad and themselves good about perhaps not being in your situation. It's a bit sadistic, if you ask me, but I believe it that they're your friends and have helped you significantly over the years.

Normally I would suggest you to start standing up for yourself when these comments happen but to be completely transparent if you suddenly switch from seemingly tolerating them in silence to suddenly asking them to stop they might react aggressively and this could cause issues in your friendships which I'm sure you don't have the mental capacity for right now. But think about it for the future when you're in a better place. It's not okay that they treat you like this, even if they have been good to you.

No. 1864357

You were like a little brother to me. I let you live with me when you had nowhere else to go. I would have given you the clothes off my back. You haven't spoken to me for months and I don't know why. You messaged months after I told you my dad died, and haven't heard from you since. I left your birthday present and Christmas present by your door and never heard from you. I was open to understanding whatever you were going through. I want a relationship with you, but you obviously don't want one with me anymore. You'd rather have one with the people who repeatedly screw you over. I'm done waiting. I love you and I always will, but I will not wait anymore. I will move on with my life like you seemingly have. There are people in my life who deserve the time I spent trying to reach you. Good luck. I think you'll need it.

No. 1864389

My physically disabled relative with a do-nothing house husband is finally pushing him to get a job. Who knows how this will turn out. Never fall into the "house husband" scam.
The peace is a prize.

No. 1864420

I'm isolated and hated everywhere. Even by people that are like me.

No. 1864437

I have problems just like pretty much everyone else but somehow I am not allowed to complain about them or I don't deserve empathy. Also, I've been demonized most of my life even by people that hold the exact same values and I can't say anything at all…

No. 1864439

I'm so fucking childish, I wanted to treat myself to some limited edition drink and bun that a coffee chain serves so I tried ordering some home because it's a bit far away and they had free delivery anyway. The order was not only late, but I got someone else's bloody order that had none of the things I had ordered and a coffee I can't drink. Sadly I couldn't catch him before he drove away when I tried to chase him, and the food ordering app doesn't allow you to chat with the delivery guy (probably to avoid harassment from either side, because I know there was a function like that before) so I couldn't ask him to come back either so I had to contact customer support and they'll refund me and also send me a coupon. While I'm feeling bad that the person whose much bigger order I got is gonna be without their items and the most likely very stressed courier is gonna get shit for this I'm really, really annoyed that I didn't get what I wanted and it kinda ruined my afternoon (though now that I've mostly gotten this out of my system, I'm mostly feeling sorry for the courier).

No. 1864443

Has anyone struggled with homelessness.

No. 1864452

I've dumped him. And thank you nonnies for your support. Never date an autistic man, they have even maler brains than normal males. Take the lack of empathy from normal males and triple it. Take the selfishness and triple it. Take the shallowness and triple it. They're not human.

No. 1864468

Based. I'm glad you had the resolve to dump that useless autist.

No. 1864486

Thank you so much. I need to surround myself with women. I'm blasting Nirvana and sipping my huge iced coffee. Finally got out of the pajamas I've lived in for 5 days without showering, now I'm going to workout and get some rage out. Fuck men holy shit. This was my first relationship ever, and I used to think I hated men before. But now? The rage is unreal. I want to stomp his head into the pavement American History X style. I want to kill every single male on earth, I will kill each and every one of your boyfriends, your brothers, your dads, no one is getting away, I'm also going to continue my cute little kitchen garden, I'm going to love my mom and all the women in my life. I've vented about this to other women in my life and they've all been so fucking helpful and supportive including you nonnies. Love you

No. 1864506

When I've been abused and mistreated. Nobody has ever told me that my problems are justified.

No. 1864508

An old acquaintance who I care about decided to go full steam into doing sex work for the past several years of her life. It's so frustrating and sad to see her post about her struggles and "flexes" knowing she lives a very traumatic lifestyle thinly veiled by airs of being a baddie. The reality is she has too low self esteem to have tried being anything else but a prostitute, and that alone indicates some kind of mental or intellectual vulnerability that made her the prime sort of woman to be exploited in this industry. After all, she feels she has no other option to make money and is too good for work she would be qualified for, i.e. customer service, but just wants the instant gratification of 'easy' money so refuses to see also that she wouldn't have to deal with half the bullshit that comes with being a SWer.
The shit she deals with is terrible.
>constantly deplatformed off socials which is how she advertises to johns so tomorrow is always 50/50 as to whether she will have reliable income
>will post occasional clothing or makeup haul to prove she is spoiled but never posts about being able to live in a nice place and have her bills paid
>bullied by other sex workers because they're all competitive for their audience of johns
>bullied by normies or who she refers to as 'civilians' because normal people think whores and their attitudes are problematic
>will boast about johns paying for her travels yet never posts many pics of leisure since all she does at these destinations is entertain cock inside neckbeard dens and dingy hotels
>complains often about johns acting shitty or treating her poorly
>seems to have no real friends as most new women who enter her life only want to be adjacent to her for SW tips or collab, with the former she intensely despises cause it's like being asked to mentor one's own competition
>posts about finding dead johns or experiencing some kind of male threat/violence
>echoes poor morals around handling moids, like not snitching to their wives and gfs that they are cheating, bc money and does not want to inconvenience herself by turning down income by being choosy
SW is one giant cope party.

No. 1864509

>get suckered into a friendship with someone who mislabels their personality disorder as autism
>gets upset when I confront them, vaguely threaten suicide and guilt trips me, labels themselves "demand avoidant" and calls their shitty behavior their "neurology" that they can't change
>this is because I asked them to move a box in the kitchen
>get in huge fight, "make up"
>come back home from other friends house, decide they need to fuck off
>kick them out, they guilt trip me more
>tell them they can leave at their own pace, they tear everything out of the place within a week, don't pay their half of the utilities, and bounce
>starts vague posting about how you need to give "intimate partners" the chance to make mistakes and not "discard" them like they're "broken" and "it's giving capitalism" LOL
>we are not intimate partners bitch we're literally friends/roommates
>I told them to move a box and they called themselves demand avoidant and basically said "because you asked me today and it seems like you're pissed at me I'm not going to do it" but pathologized it by saying they're "demand avoidant", like a bitch
>kept asking me for reassurance after that I wasn't mad, said I wasn't mad twice but then got irritated they kept asking
>"well, it's starting to annoy me that you're asking me for reassurance"
>roommate has personality disorder attack - face goes blank and it's like they're actively contending with the fact that I didn't give them the reassurance they want
>runs into their room and cries for hours, loudly, with the door shut
>bursts out of room hours later, raging at me that I didn't reassure them
>told them it's bullshit that they want me to reassure them, and it's bullshit to say their behavior is their "neurology" and it's an excuse
>make up but later kick them out because I realize the gravity of them threatening suicide/leaving/reassurance baiting because I asked them to move a box
>guilt trip me, try and make me feel bad because "wow, I can't believe you're kicking me out during a housing crisis" as if they didn't have an entire state they could move back to, parents with more than one property to live at, or a boyfriend they could go back to living with
>they leave

months later
>ex-roommate vague posting on social media, talking about how I was their "little friend" who they hurt and tried to compare our apartment to a "stage" and the fight to some "drama"

This bitch has been framing this fight and falling out as if this is a learning experience for them, as if this is all part of their crunchy grifter tarot astrology life and takes this conflict we had and uses it to sell their shitty advice to people on patreon. Why am I ranting about this now? because THEY'RE STILL TALKING ABOUT IT! say it to my face you fucking freak.

No. 1864513

Went on a trip. Had a lot of fun. Back to the NEET life. Realizing how much I hate it and need to break out of it. I don’t got much to work with but I hope I can figure something out. I hope.

No. 1864515

> I definitely won't go to bed at 3AM today!
> goes to bed at 6 am
well shit,that didn't work

No. 1864522

I vented about my needy coworker before a few threads ago. The same boomer that said it was “hurting her feelings” when I don’t have small talk with her. Last Friday, she had some mental episode and blew up again. I didn’t file a complaint last time and let it go, because I figure her life is lonely and pathetic (which she constantly projects onto me). Thought things were going okay because we exchanged gifts for Christmas and she even took me out to lunch for my birthday, but this happened:
>”Anon, you’ve been here 6 months and don’t do anything”
That’s not true and you know it kek. Delusional. Besides, I was never properly trained by you and whenever I do ask for help, you get mad. I do what I can.
>”You only do what you’re told.”
Yeah? That’s how work works. I’m not going to go out of my way and do shit that’s not asked of me. We’re underpaid in a dead end job. There’s no incentive or pay raises for overworking ourselves. I’m not going to show up 30 minutes before work and work before I’m even on the clock like you do, idiot.
>”My mental health is really bad”
That’s not my problem. Go to a therapist. If me not being your bestie at work is hurting your mental health, then something is wrong with you. We literally have nothing in common. I come to work to work, not make friends and entertain your lonely ass.
>”Do we need to talk about this to the supervisor? There is something going on between us.”
If you feel that way, go ahead, I don’t give a shit. I think this asshole is bipolar because for a while, I thought we got along okay and like I said, we even went out to lunch and exchanged gifts. That’s more than I’d normally do. I’m never rude to her, meanwhile she always makes jabs about how I’m not a morning person or an extrovert like she is. I told her that I’m not you, and she misinterpreted it as some “young vs old” thing.
Anyways, today we haven’t been talking. I’m not going to say anything because I don’t want her twisting anything and saying I’m the “aggressor”. If she tried talking to me, I’m going to tell her that I’ll be leaving soon anyways and to not make a huge fuss. She’ll have all the work to herself and no help soon enough. Turning in my 2 weeks in on Friday and I cannot wait to leave this stressful job and her dumbass behind.

No. 1864525

I remember your post. The replacement will have a grand time with her. I hope your next job will be less irksome too.

No. 1864527

oh god kek I remember your post—this woman sounds unhinged. good on you for getting out of there, I couldn't imagine working with her any longer than you already have

No. 1864539

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I haven't seen much of a difference in the mirror since I started going to the gym to lose some weight, but I realized today when I put on my sport bra that I didn't have any of the….squish? that gathers underneath the armpit when I put them on. It's a baby step but it still made me really excited and even more motivated!
I just really wanted to share this somewhere since the dumbass thread is locked for hellweek

No. 1864540

I wonder how many other families have been fucked up by r/raisedbynarcissists convincing people that anything but wholly embracing your bad choices is abuse and you should totally go NC with your narc biomom or whatever

No. 1864541

Thanks nona. I applied somewhere else and it’s more of a solo position with its own office. It would be great if I got it because then I won’t have to deal with a crazy coworker.
>The replacement will have a grand time with her.
Yeah kek. She has a weird hate for millennials and gen z. Not sure why she is so concerned about having a work friend too that will overshare. I keep my work and personal life separate.
Ty for the support nona. She’s got to have something mental going on. Definitely unhinged.

No. 1864545

I hate those carnivore diet tiktoks, not even because I am a vegetarian but because they are so revolting, just eating meat and butter and are so anti vegetables/anything else and also refuse to accept the fact their diet is horrendous and disgusting

No. 1864566

You could've used the positivity thread, it's kinda weird seeing this in the vent thread

No. 1864568

My face changed dramatically recently and I’ve been having intense dysmorphia and depression episodes. I can’t even stand to look in the mirror. I feel like I’m not real, especially when people comment on the change. How do I stop this, especially the spiraling and obsessiveness? It’s been interfering with my life. I don’t take pictures, I make it a point not to look at myself in old photos or look myself in the mirror, but sometimes when people comment on the change (which is a bad change) it can make me spiral because it reminds me of my physicality and that I am really here and I look like this. How do I stop this spiral? On top of it causing me genuine pain I’m not particularly proud of being vain or self-obsessive. I just want it to stop

No. 1864572

What is wrong with positive vents? There are no thread rules that says it has to be only negative thoughts and feelings being vented here.

No. 1864580

My mother did that diet, but she couldn't stick with it. Shocking. It's the most retarded diet and only idiots think that the people online actually eat like that every meal. What's even worse is that my mom got my grandparents on it, and they've both had heart problems in the past, including quadruple bypass heart surgery. I was so pissed at her. It felt like she wanted to kill them.

No. 1864582

while there isn't really a rule to it, we do encourage using the positivity thread for more happy/positive 'vents', but we won't punish people who do post it here.

No. 1864584

>Friend suddenly messages me about serious issue in her life
>I ask her what's up
>She tells me she'll explain later, kinda annoyed
>I say fine and then she tells me
>A few days pass, I ask her how it's going because I'm worried for her
>She tells me she doesn't want to talk about it, now sounding really annoyed
I swear I'm gonna fucking ghost this fuck holy shit. Do you want to tell me about your issues or not?? You tell me something's up but then you don't tell me and you act annoyed if I ask about it. Then why did you tell me in the first place? Why are you annoyed if I ask how you're doing?? She always does this, she tells me something but then she doesn't want to tell me and I'm kinda confused because obviously I feel bad for her but she won't even explain the situation so how am I supposed to understand?

No. 1864588

Attention seeking behavior. Have you tried talking to her about it? Though she doesn't sound mature enough to have a real conversation. I just wouldn't engage with her when she acts that way if I were you, nonnie.

No. 1864596

im so tired of having menstrual cramps all the time. I even get them during ovulation. I just want to be normal.

No. 1864602

I’d block him and act as if he does not exist. You owe moids none of your attention, you have better things to think about I am sure.

No. 1864608

Delete/abandon the old account and make a new one with a new name, preferably keeping it private.

No. 1864621

>haven't gotten my period in months not pregnant, just fucked up kek
god why couldn't i have been born normal with a body that works right

No. 1864629

same on both fronts except i hope my period never comes. i have 0% intention to have kids so it's whatever

No. 1864647

i don't want kids either but i also don't want endometrial cancer since the cells still multiple in your uterus even if it isn't being shed every month also miss the crazy ovulation horniness i'd get over my husbando KEK

No. 1864665

I love my bf but I’m tired. I kinda wish he didn’t live with me. I want to live with my friends honestly, I want some freedom that I’ve lost ever since he moved in. He doesn’t work that much, he has a ton of medical issues that I have to help him sort out, I have to do all his “adult stuff” like applications and whatnot. It’s tiring, I’m not even married. I want some of my freedom back. I want to do the things I please, I’m only barely in my 20s.

No. 1864666

When my boyfriend and I started dating 5 years ago he was chubby and I was skinny. Now it's the other way around. He won't stop buying me candy because "it makes me happy" and "he just wants to cheer me up", but I keep begging him to stop because I know I can't control myself around sweets. He thinks it's funny but I'm getting really upset that he won't listen to me. Then I feel guilty that he bought it for me as a gift, so I eat it. Rinse and repeat.
When I was single I did not have a single piece of chocolate in my house because I was raised to clean my plate and never leave things sitting if they are bought for me to eat. Meanwhile he buys entire bags of cookies and candy and just leaves it sitting there for months because he felt like eating it one time months ago, took two bites and didn't want any more. He also hoards food which goes bad and then it's somehow my fault for not "eating enough".

I'm starting too feel he wants me to be fat and is sabotaging me. Whenever I refuse food of any kind he accuses me of losing weight the unhealthy way and starving myself which "makes him worried", but I have a stressful desk job and no other way to lose weight.

No. 1864668

Consider pushing him to do his own applications and take on more responsibilities. Speak honestly with him. Otherwise, you have the power to dump him. It's easier since you're not even married to him.

No. 1864669

> he wants me to be fat and is sabotaging me
Maybe he is a feeder anon..

No. 1864681

I don’t really know how to do that… he’s sensitive and would immediately assume I’m upset at him or something. Is there a way to push him in a way that isn’t being mean?

No. 1864687

I'm tired of my friend trying to push me into liking her friends. We don’t get along, I don’t understand why she would try to force our friendship anyways. It’s not that I dislike them or anything like that, I’m pretty selective with my free time and the people who I spent it with and I’m not the most social person, so I think it’s pretty obvious why we don’t hang out as much as they do. She’s always complaining about the same thing and I couldn’t care less tbh.

No. 1864688

I get so annoyed any time I see an article on how men are the true victims of feminism and especially when they bring up education. For most of history, women weren't even allowed to learn, the entire system has been set up for men and the only reason so many teachers are women is because nobody respects teachers anymore and any job that improves the life of children is considered feminine. Which is also why their pay is shit.
Yet the moment girls do better in class because they aren't yelling the entire time or making a scene, it's an issue. Seeing men unironically claim that boys should start school a year later because reasons is absolutely mindboggling to me. Girls don't mature faster naturally, they're forced to by society.

No. 1864692

> I want some freedom that I’ve lost ever since he moved in
Then dump his ass, imagine having to baby this grown man for years to come. I'm sure he can figure out how to fill out forms and stuff on his own, he only chooses not to because you do it for him. If he were on his own you'd best bet he'd figure out at a way to do his "adult stuff"

No. 1864701

consider that you have the right to be upset if he is using weaponized incompetence to let you do everything for him. if he is upset you're upset he can cry about it. people who immediately get upset whenever they get called out about anything shouldn't be in relationships to begin with.

No. 1864708

If you want to do it in a way that isn't mean, focus on being honest about your feelings. Center it around how you feel and that you need help too. "Hey, I've been feeling really worn out lately. I feel like I can't get everything done in time. I'd love it if you could do X for me while I do Y." Maybe something like that? Remember, if he loved you as much as you loved him, then he would notice how you feel and step up to make your life easier. He has no excuses. He should be making your life easier and stress-free, not the opposite. It says a lot about him if he can't focus on what you're going through as well.

No. 1864710

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Help me get over my ex
Picrel is his hairline

No. 1864713

Please delete this or spoiler it next time. Nobidy wants to look at a greasy rat's rest.

No. 1864714

Real sick of this woman's shit. Why did we even let her in the group chat in the first place.

No. 1864717

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Having premenstrual madness and cannot stop crying and questioning every choice I've ever made and feeling like a fucking failure. Make it stooooop

No. 1864719

kek that's his scalp/part, not his hairline but you can tell he's prematurely balding already. also this greasy fucker needs a shower

No. 1864723

File: 1705959835460.jpeg (121.36 KB, 828x971, 1700541612631.jpeg)

oh boy a thread of my favourite series and how the guys would peel an orange for you, lets see what it says about my husbando!
>scroll until I get to him
>poster makes it about this retarded ass ship people are obsessed with despite him and the other guy having literally less than 10 interactions throughout the entire series
>to top it off it's completely ooc and retarded
this is true suffering, may you nonnies never have a husbando that gets beat to death with the fanon stick

No. 1864735

i have an exam in three days and could barely study for the past week because i have been sick.
i still have a massive headache and it feels like nothing is sticking even if i try to study at least a little. I even took time off work to study for this. I'm just so pissed off and upset

No. 1864744

Every little inconvenient sends me spiraling. I hate being this menhera and I hate being a fucking grown up woman that still fantasizes over suicide because I can't handle life at my age.
My Nigel will leave me and I will kill myself because I won't be able to live by my own.

No. 1864751

I fucking love Edgar Allan Poe and I miss those nights were I would go to sleep listening to narrations of his tales with additional sound effects. Your post reminded me that I was reading the wikipedia article of The Fall of the House of Usher, the sources of inspiration section is so interesting. I wish I could make a small trip to Boston and make some Poe themed activities… ALAS, I LIVE IN EUROPE!

No. 1864755

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Nta, I hope you’ve seen picrel.

No. 1864757

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Replying to my own post because I just found out our manager wants my bully to become one of our shift leaders. I couldn't believe this, I was trying really hard not to cry when I heard this. Yeah she's very outspoken and has no problem with telling people what to do but basically nobody really likes her besides like maybe 2-3 people. Not just me, most people know how she really is. I don't know if our manager is blind or she simply doesn't care. I read that NPDs are really good at climbing the corporate ladder and this is a perfect example. If it actually happens I will have to fire myself because a) I will be in constant fear that she will try to fuck me over and if that happens her words will always be worth more than mine, and b) I just can't stand the idea of having my bully tellig me what to do. This is a cruel joke. Why are people like this constantly rewarded in life??

No. 1864765

I haven't but I will as soon as I can, thank anon!

No. 1864777

Was eating a doughnut in the break room and my coworker was like ‘you are proof that being thin is just genetics’ as if I just eat and sit around all day like she does and it’s just magic that keeps me from being a fatass. Kek way to disregard my efforts and use me as an excuse for your failures all at once.

No. 1864786

I know it's awful of me but this is why I always choose a high calorie item when I'm eating out with people, if they want to think that I eat like that 24/7 that's their issue. Imo it's better than choosing a "healthier" option and have them think I'm doing it purposefully to rub it in their faces, or that I'm a poor starving wife that needs to be liberated

No. 1864791

This isn’t really a vent but I wanted somewhere to share. I was at Target and I saw this group of older teen girls messing around and like giggling to each other, and I just peeked to see what they were up to. They were buying slime.
They had some big bucket slime kit and they were like hurrying to the register with it. It just really made my night. Even for one evening they were young girls just being girls, excited about playing with slime together.

No. 1864793

This reminds me of that one girl from /cgl/ who would intentionally fake how much unhealthy junk she was eating to mock her fat "friends" and also put nasty stuff in their food… anyone know what I'm talking about?

No. 1864802

Kek I had a similar story. When I was in college I did like 3 sports and then lifted daily so I'd need to eat frequently or I'd look like a skeleton. A lot of women I worked in the restaurant with would call it unfair I can eat that much but stay slim even though I was always open about how often I worked out

No. 1864807

These past few days
>wake up at 1pm
>stay awake for a few hours
>take 2-3 hour nap
>Stay awake until 4-6AM
I feel like literal shit, plus I'm getting sleep paralysis again. It's currently 7pm and I want to nap but I'm trying to stay awake until 10 or 11.

No. 1864808

i hate dick worshiping women so much. why is your online alias a porn category why are you happily calling yourself a "coomer" my god

No. 1864812

I hate men and their coomer brains so much. Stop being proud of being disgusting, it makes my skin fucking crawl.

No. 1864814

A lot of women refuse to work out and do weights because they believe it will make them look like roided she-hulks

No. 1864817

I want someone to hold me

No. 1864835

peeping tom’s deserve worse than jail

No. 1864864

It sure felt like there wouldn’t be consequences! But there will be! No matter how old I get the siren song of dropping my filter and burning my life down calls to me.

No. 1864890

Nta but as a fellow gymrat nonna this part actually makes me go nuts because of how much extra effort women have to do to build and even maintain proper visible musculature much less look actually hulking. However they’re the ones that end up at best doing some light cardio and spending their lifetime wondering why they aren’t getting a toned body kek

No. 1864900

The female fantasies thread has been so ass lately

No. 1864918

i think the futa lovers might have been my last straw. Then they go posting random cosplayers. smells underage or barely 18 zoomer imo

No. 1864924

I am so touch starved it hurts but I know I am not capable of falling in love with anyone so I'll be stuck like this forever. I just wish romance and crushes came naturally to me like they do for other people. I don't understand why I am the way that I am and I hate it every day. I am so jealous of others and mad at my lot in life.

No. 1864925

I hate transpandering discord servers so much
I post about a genuine achievement: crickets
TIF posts news about getting thr tit chop: YASSS KING GOGOGOGO
So fucking dystopian

No. 1864928

I consoomed so fucking hard during christmas because it was such shit and I was buying myself so much because teehee it's christmas for me haha well I am still consooming and it sucks because I just feel so empty and hopeless and I feel like I'm either stuck consooming or getting high. Idk how to feel whole, or like a person. Or feelings that aren't superficial. I'm just so fucking tired.

No. 1864934

I just want to be loved! I’m really a catch. Why do I only attract these awful people who just use me? I’m a doormat. I hate this. I hate these awful people I surround myself with. They make me feel just as shitty as they feel and I can’t take it.

No. 1864937

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Knowing an obsessive, mentally deranged abuser that runs a super creepy misogynistic "satire" twitter account that just sexually berates and makes fun of women makes me wonder how many abusers secretly run accounts like that. I wonder how many creepy accounts making fun of women that look like bots are actually these kinds of deeply deranged, terminally online men with a psychosexual hatred for women? Surely he can't be the only one. Men are sad as fuck.

No. 1864941

Why do you keep making this same post every so often? Were you not also the anon who said there was a secret darkweb cabal of hackers who watch random women through their phone selfie cameras and this Dr. Skittles or whatever the account's name is is tweeting hidden messages targetted at the woman he is stalking through her phone camera? Iirc a mod banned you or that anon if not you for schizoposting and not posting your/their definitive proof of the darkweb stalking rings.

No. 1864944

No. 1864947

Excuse my schiz-ability but I swear to god there was an anon who claimed some gay faggot was stalking her and has been stalking her for years just to post retarded tweets that target her and only her but disguised as some post ironic tranny faggot humor satire account on twitter.

No. 1864949

Just fyi the owners of the drsweety303 and poopyskittles accounts deactivated their Twitters and abandoned their Tumblr blogs with complete refusal to share any trail to their identities. You're kind of doomposting I think but getting angry over a vent that doesn't even namedrop and addresses a common reoccurring social media phenomena is more of a (You) issue. Multiple anons have dealt with stalking and harassment from moid misogynists. Are you going to theorize every anon who has been abused by a chronically online man with a stalking fetish is a crystalcafe schizo or smt? Because it's 2024.

No. 1864950

Ayrt, I didnt accuse anybody of being a crystal cafe schizo…. and I'm not angry. Or doomposting? That post was almost word for word the same as other posts I've seen about the same topic. Are you good lmfao?

No. 1864952

if anyone wants to talk its not hellweek over on crystal cafe /b/ board kek(offtopic posting on purpose)

No. 1864954

You can ignore vents if they bother you FYI. "Why do you post a vent in the vent thread" because I'm venting? Hop off me omg. Apparently this phenomena is common, my fucking bad for being the victim of some deranged man's violent tism.

No. 1864956

I remember this vividly because it scared me.

No. 1864957

Anon it didn't bother me I was literally asking if you were the same anon. Because the entire situation is very specific? And I just wanted to ask why you were posting so much about it.

No. 1864958

The futa lover just seemed like one anon. Didn't see that much before that.

No. 1864959

Ayrt, exactly. I was on her (original poster of the whole thing) side until she posted that google doc or something? At a point it was obvious she was mentally unwell and paranoidposting.

No. 1864962

I wouldn't be so quick to disparage paranoidposting. Did you see that recent bit in the grimes/musk thread about how Elon Musk promoted a small team of men to view thousands of hours of camera footage from private tesla recording history and save videos of people having sex? I am not going to be surprised when it becomes evident that this sort of exploitation happens on a much larger scale. I've also seen several techie women on twitter encouraging women to switch to "dumb" phones but not publicly elaborating why there's a new sense of urgency. I should start hoarding this shit to share here when I see it, nothing surprises me anymore. Things are getting very strange.

No. 1864963

I'm going to export all of my data to an external harddrive so it's no longer on my software's cloud, I want to begin to hold more physical copies of photographs instead of just hoping that they'll remain accessible electronically forever

No. 1864966

This is also some word for word stuff that anon said before being banned for schizoposting.

No. 1864969

What are you talking about? The discussion in the grimes thread is fairly recent if I remember correctly and ive never seen it mentioned? It sounds like you're the one being a schizo, weird.

No. 1864971

This anon remembers it >>1864956. That anon who posted about the drpoopy thing would write very long posts about darkweb stalking gangs and then mentioned that techie women have warned to use old phone models to circumvent the darkweb stalking.

No. 1864976

That's what you gathered? I'm talking about basic discussion points of healthy digital sceptism I've been seeing on programming Twitter as of late and you're tinfoiling about it? Truly fuck off kek this is ironic. (Actually a digital sceptism thread would be great for infodumps, you're welcome to keep up whatever it is you're doing tho nons)

No. 1864977

I'm tinfoiling because that anon seemed very schizo and promise she'd provide proof of the stalking gangs but then just never did iirc and mods ended up banning her for being schizo. These replies >>1864949, >>1864954 feel so weird too.

No. 1864980

I actually think it's going to funnier when women have to reckon with the fact that they cruelly mocked and doubted women giving accounts of the abuse they faced just because of general gray-area tech illiteracy. You're very dedicated to trying to derail.

No. 1864982

Where am I cruelly mocking you? I have not mocked you in any reply. Yes I doubt because it sounds insanely schizo to believe some fag would stalk you for years and just post retarded tweets making fun of you on twitter.

No. 1864987

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I never said you mocked me, nor would I give a fuck if you did. Why are you going in circles? Also my vent wasn't about a fag…? Anyways can you go attempt to bully someone else kek I'm bored of you, go continue to accuse all distressed victims of abuse of being schizo elsewhere. God some of you.

No. 1864993

You implied I was mocking you here >>1864980, literally who else would you be talking about kek. You are not being stalked by a faggot via le darkwebs and he's not posting about you on his tranny humor twitter.

No. 1864995

You know nothing about me or what I'm talking about, but I can tell you really want to. Are you said supposed twanny on the offense or something? Really starting to sound like it. I love how you are jumping to "you were never abused" kek fuck off faggot.

No. 1865000

Yeah I'm just playin' I was the faggot all along and you're right those twitter posts were about you and I'm looking at you through your phone camera right now. Bouta post some fire post ironic tweets about your poorly decorated house.

No. 1865005

Can I ask why you're taunting an innocuous post in the vent thread repeatedly and telling an anon saying "I was abused", "you were not abused"? Very weird behavior from you. I genuinely believe you're the schizophrenic here, you're very aggressive and insistent.

No. 1865006

nta but we can all read the posts, you read too deeply into it and got kinda aggro about it and then denied being aggro about it. Just take the L.

No. 1865009

You believe the darkweb stalking cabal thing? We're all in agreement that anon was talking about that drpoopy fag? Well I'm saying it's schizo because the anon who was schizoposting about drpoopy within the past year or so was schizo as fuck. You had to be there, truly.

No. 1865015

One thing I have observed is that literally any time an anon vents about abuse, there's an aggressive series of replies telling them they weren't abused? Odd as fuck. I've even seen at least two anons say they're scared to talk about abuse now because of it. In the year 2024, when men make burner accounts by the dozen to bully and harass women and young girls, spamming revenge porn, making ai deepfakes, making AI voice-models using audio clips of women talking, etc. and there's really some angry as fuck anon going around saying this doesn't actually happen and women are just crazy schizo karens? Fat kek.

No. 1865020

I hate when schizos come on my board venting and doomposting about very specific and detailed things that haven't actually happened to them because then they fearmonger and make a bunch of long, schizo posts about being gangstalked and anons eat that shit up so the schizo cycle repeats. Schizos leave.(continuing infight bait)

No. 1865021

You're literally malding holy shut(stop)

No. 1865022

I’m intentionally vague now, years ago I went into details about a problem and the first couple anons had me sobbing telling me I deserved it. Everything gets treated like some shitty reddit AITA thread and I guess it’s more fun if YTA.

No. 1865023

You're not being stalked by darkweb faggots.

No. 1865024

You’re the only anon who read ‘wonder how many of these twitter misogynists are actually irl misogynists’ and thought about stalking cabals or whatever, take your fucking meds.

No. 1865025

It's fucking weird. I have a hard time believing it's women, most women are aware of what men are capable of and will do for literally no reason except the thrill of inflicting pain. Posts like this >>1865020 make me wonder if it's self-conscious men because what on earth is going on suddenly? Then again I guess there are women who are just angry when you talk about real life experiences they know nothing about and refuse to acknowledge that their limited view of reality isn't the finite one we all exist in.

No. 1865029

Come on Hellweek, lets ban these bitches already! Im bored and they need to take their fucking meds.(not a vent)

No. 1865032

>multiple anons telling me I'm fucking crazy are the bitches
Unironically you are the one that needs to take your meds, the malding is getting pitiful

No. 1865033

Holy shit are you newfags? Do you seriously not remember the walls of schizo text that one anon would write about "@drpoopy" on twitter? Anons believed her, then she'd continue to write about these darkweb stalking rings and promises she'd post proof but was eventually banned for being a schizo. Seriously. I feel like the only anon who's been here for the last five years and not just a few months.

No. 1865035

You're STILL insisting of this. You know we can read your posts in relation to the rest of the posts upthread right now? You are the only one insisting upon talking about this

No. 1865039

Yes because everyone forgot about the schizo drpoopy anon for some reason.

No. 1865042

You're the only one talking about it, namedropping, repeatedly sperging about it when it was never mentioned. You don't think there are multiple cases of men harassing women online? Go stand around some trees omg you must be dizzy from this soapboxing.

No. 1865043

Samefag, I only kept responding because this reply >>1864949 was so weird. My post it was in response to wasn't even angry, I was genuinely asking a retarded question because I have seen the same post made almost word by word a few times and that drpoopy shit is difficult to forget. Then they randomly mention crystal cafe and then this post >>1864952 is also weird as fuck. This entire exchange has felt slightly schizo the entire time on both ends.

No. 1865044

Be glad you've been made fully aware of the "ur manipulative" scam starting early. If they get the chance to be sneaky, they will ruin a woman's whole life with it.

No. 1865050

I always ended up just skimming her walls of text because I just didn't have the energy for schizo rants kek. Was she the same one who kept insisting about dark web sites where you could type in anyone's phone number and then magically have access to their entire phone for like $400? And anons believed her

No. 1865052

Yes I believe she was the very same. I also think she created a whole new thread about it? Or resurrected a very old thread for the topic? And I believe in that thread was where she was banned and redtexted for schizo fearmongering and no proof. Iirc.

No. 1865053

This has become a game of telephone, did deepdive and no such other thread exists btw. Why does this all read like samefagging?

No. 1865054

I lost a lot of weight a few years ago and went from a bmi of 35 to a bmi of 18. I’ve since gained some weight back, but since then I’ve been trying to find the root cause behind negative social interactions. The change of going from obese to skinny, then to gaining the weight back has had a fairly drastic effect on my day-to-day social interactions. The way I was treated by strangers was night and day at my different weights. I’d been fat my whole life so it was an eye opening, but seriously unsettling event. I ended up gaining all the weight back because it was such a huge shift on my perception pf society. Im working on losing it again and it’s going well, but I now analyse my social interactions in a more analytical way than I did before. Like was it based on my weight, perceived wealth (clothes, hair, etc), my personality, my social skills (did I do/say something that could be considered rude or weird) or was the person dealing with something and took it out on me. It was a completely unexpected result as well, but regaining the weight back was the biggest shock. I’d just about convinced myself that people had always been nice and all my anxiety had just been in my head after all. But when I gained the weight back, and I was still acting in a confident and happy manner, at a higher weight the treatment from people around me went straight back to being as nasty as it had been before I lost weight. And everyone who’d been nasty to me at a high weight and nice at a low weight went right back to being nasty again. I’d tried to lie to myself because it was so sudden a change. No one knew I’d lost the weight and I lost it fairly quickly.

Sorry if this sounds like a humble brag, it’s meant to be a vent/observation on how cruel society can be. Im a fatty again anyway.

No. 1865055

Why the fuck would you call me at 11:30 on a Monday night to hang out and drink with you? Either you're retarded or you're deliberately trying to sabotage me. Either way I'm baffled. I was unemployed for a whole year and I never shoved my dysfunctional way of living onto my friends with jobs and responsibilities. Fuck and I thought I was unhealthy

No. 1865059

I feel like you're trying to bait and I admit I probably shouldn't reply but the fact that other anons clearly remember her and some anon who types in a very recognizable manner keeps chiming in to say "it's not true btw" is very strange. How could you have done a deep dive for a thread you don't know the name of KEK? I tried to search "drpoopy" and "@drpoopy" in the search function but nothing relevant came up, but clearly it happened because so far two anons have said they remember it all. Such weird, erratic replies to all of this. And I believe I know why kekkk.

No. 1865060

Nta, I've been here for like close to 7 years now and I don't remember any anon sperging about a drpoopy kek. What threads were it in?

No. 1865061

I'm starting to believe it's an elaborate samefag, she keeps sperging about it when I find no posts mentioning this account in what, almost a year? Unless my search function is magically less powerful than theirs. I've also already said like three times I'm not that anon and she kept harassing me, I stopped replying to her and now suddenly there's soo many posts interested. Is it the OG anon wanting us to talk about it? A schizo? Who knows. I want no involvement tho.

No. 1865065

Ayrt, I can't remember which threads exactly but I believe it was a vent thread or maybe a few, and I also recall something being posted in the tinfoil thread?? The posts were pretty coherent and I swear they were breadcrumbing for a while until anons kept asking and she revealed the drpoopy and the other skittles account or whatever, then she kept posting about le darkwebz gangstalkers and how it's relatively inexpensiveto totally hack someone's smartphone and access every detail of their's. I hope there's another anon with receipts because I can't find those posts in the search function.

No. 1865066

Tbh I don't remember anything about a drpoopy but I vividly remember than thread because she riled up a ton of anons about cybersecurity and how it was literally inevitable that people were going to gangstalk every single woman. She kept sperging about having entire write ups about all these different deep web programs being used to scrape any and all information about different people yet when asked to make the thread she said it would somehow take months for her to piece everything together? I remember it specifically because it pissed me off at how obviously retarded everything she was saying was but if anyone called her out anons would dogpile them kek.

No. 1865069

YESSS this is exactly what I'm talking about!! I knew I wasn't going schizo. It was so insane, also it's insane because I genuinely believed her until she kept postponing everything.

No. 1865070

I remember that too. not vividly but I do remember some nona going wild about being gangstalked in a schizo way.

No. 1865074

You can still see some of her old posts in the snoop thread

No. 1865076

Didn't she say she chickened out from genuine fear? Reasonable. Anyways if you search up the real account handles (corroborated with screenshots, not just the random mishmash anon keeps using) they no longer exist, and when I first searched them up there was not a shred of real information on them, even the emails linked to them were burners with no hits to other existing accounta. I am just nosy, as a programmer I am not surprised by any of this. I don't know why that suddenly means every anon whose abuser cyberstalks them is the same person, however. If someone wanted to make a tech paranoia thread, I can share some horrorspo, but no masterdocs or anything too groundbreaking.

No. 1865079

was it this from the tech thread?
here's one of the banned posts

No. 1865080

Oh my god and I remember she kept making these word salads of technical jargon that sounded legit but in reality probably made no sense to anyone actually in cybersecurity. I think that's why so many anons took her seriously because she kept insisting she had a very prestigious engineering job in the field.

No. 1865081

>Anyways if you search up the real account handles (corroborated with screenshots, not just the random mishmash anon keeps using) they no longer exist, and when I first searched them up there was not a shred of real information on them, even the emails linked to them were burners with no hits to other existing accounta.
Ayrt. Sorry, but I don't see how this is relevant and why it's so notable you couldn't find anything? They were probably just bpd gayfag shitpost accounts if we're gonna be realistic. I'm sure there's a chance it could be a cyberstalking darkweb faggot but I kind of doubt it.

No. 1865084

I reead all the posts the last hour and there is genuinely no mention of being a prestigious anything? It sounds like you're adding in your own creepypasta. Care to link that post? I can't seem to find any claim of that at all.

No. 1865088

one thing people who claim to be gangstalked and/or have paranoid delusions never take in account is that they're not important enough to be gangstalked, in the sense there is no reason anyone would be setting up organized surveillance on them. and if they were, they wouldn't be talking about it publically anywhere, because people who have actual reasons to be stalked by malicious third parties usually already take several precautions and one of them is not talking about it to strangers in public because that would tip off their stalker to begin with. there are a lot of people who are delusional about it and talk about it on places like reddit like it wouldn't be dangerous to begin with to do that if you were actually being gangstalked. so deep down they probably know there is no real danger.

No. 1865089

I'm sure we will find out eventually. Not to fearmonger but in technicality, all the claims are plausible. This is actually inspiring me to save all the niche programming posts or articles I find in the future to post here, I'm a little shocked by nonnas lack of cybersecurity knowledge. Doomposters are insane but unfortunately when it comes to the limited knowledge of smartphone capabilites slash vulnerabilities, they are right. If any of you have happen upon any technodoomposting with sources, feel free to share here, I have a lot myself I can eventually pile into the tech thread if anyone else is interested. If not I dont really care, some of its cool, some of its kind of scary.

No. 1865091

She posted about this in a ton of threads over several months and her story kept changing. The particular thread we're talking about she claimed to have a ton of experience in the cybersecurity field. Don't know why you're so set on acting like anons are pulling things out of their ass despite several of us saying we remember her schizo rants.

No. 1865093

Yeah okay but why would a darkweb cyberstalker just make retarded tweets about their victim. That anon never claimed they did anything IRL I presume, it was just the tweets thing. The anon was definitely mentally ill, c'mon.

No. 1865096

This isnt the account. The account deactivated and a uwurandom user stole the url.


Yes, I've read them all, in real time just like you. I am an actual programmer–nothing special or arcane, but it's why this really drew my interest in the first place. I dived into it then and I am re-diving now and all I see are the same claims I noted before, there is no mention of prestigious jobs and its all the same claim that their abuser(s?) paid some guys on tor to repeatedly harass her and make accounts about her talking about her daily life, maybe jumbled through a bot or something if I can remember that detail, I'd have to look. If you have other info I would be interested in seeing it. I've been watching this space for awhile.

No. 1865097

the thought of 3 people spending hundreds of dollars in the deep web so they can observe a cow's daily life sounds absurd to me but not at all impossible.

No. 1865100

>make accounts about her talking about her daily life
okay but where are these accounts? all I see is posturing about this event happening but 0 proof of it happening.

No. 1865101

Afaik anon said a few times it was one autistic man who had a yearslong obsession with her payed other men to do it with him and that she was really afraid of retaliation.

No. 1865102

So you're saying it's possible for someone to gain remote access to the entirety of someone's phone by entering their phone number into a deep web site without any way to physically access their phone? I'm aware of how parental apps can be exploited by stalkers but the way she was wording it was incredibly schizo.

No. 1865103

sounds like she is either mentally ill or actually being stalked by someone but you'd think that person would go irl. I would bet mentally ill.

No. 1865104

They both deactivated August of last year. The last remaining account mentioned, at least from what I have nosed around in, is the jessi_rihanna account. I don't have anything else to share as I don't know anything beyond that I began watching them after they were mentioned. Their posts were super weird though, especially if you looked in archive. This is vent thread though and I consider this topic stagnant, I'm moving on from it personally. Let us know if you see anything wacky I guess.

No. 1865105

i wish the internet was never born sometikmes

No. 1865111

I wouldn't say it's that simple. Do you mean someone can pay an individual via access to the dark web to remotely overtake a cellular device using their phone number or icloud handle? The answer to that is yes. There are several methods to that I believe. It's plausible but requires wealth or the personal knowledge to do so, whether through kernel security, elaborate phishing, bribing an apple employee (yes, "bad faith actors" do exist), there are even apple employees who moonlight blackhat on the side. I guess you could say it is somewhat similar to bribing a twitter or ig employee to unsuspend your account. It's much easier if you have someone's icloud handle, even easier- frighteningly simple-if you can get their password. If you have someone's handle and pw, you can in fact view their every keystroke like you are watching a TV screen. That isn't fear mongering, and it's a popular form of stalking.
Many stalkers have gone underground and online because they can sate their voyeurism fetishes without fear of jail or protection orders. You technically can get far more intimate access to a person through their tech than through standing outside their window. Don't let it make you live in fear though, most are lucky enough to not encounter those mentally ill enough to do it. They do exist though, and they are very persistent and mentally ill men. Be careful out there. Maybe this convo is better suited to a tech or snoop thread?

No. 1865116

At this point it has to be one anon trying to prove that one schizo anon wasn't schizo.

No. 1865118

if the problem is exclusively a smartphone, why not get rid of it? if you know you're being surveyed through it I first thing I would do is getting rid of any in my life. technically you do not need a smartphone if you own a computer, you can just use a flip phone. that's another aspect that makes it questionable for me, if you know you're being stalked for sure and you don't get rid of the very thing you know it's being used against you. there is nothing that would justify that person keeping a phone around even though she knows she is being stalked through it.

No. 1865119

Count me out, I'm just passionate about computer chips.

No. 1865121

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Stalking Real Hahahaha Nonna Just Walk Away From The Smartphone Like Nonna Close Your Icloud Account Haha

No. 1865122

Yes. My point isn't that I think it's impossible for her devices to get hacked it was that the ways she was saying they were happening weren't clear and she wouldn't elaborate on how they worked. >>1394162
That thread had a majority of that night's rant. I think she talked about making a new thread in a different thread though.

No. 1865123

I think it sounds funny but the issue is that most women are never made aware this is happening to them.

No. 1865124

Here we go. All women are being cyber gangstalked again?

No. 1865125

I understand it's entirely possible to get your smartphone to get hacked but she is making it seem like they hacked even her Wii and LG Smart Fridge. just get rid of your fucking smartphone and adjacents if that's what the stalker is using to watch you.

No. 1865127

What? I'm agreeing she was schizo.
Also kek >>1394089
>Your cyberstalker is probably my same stalker you're not special.

No. 1865128

My assumption is just fear. If I were distressed, paranoid, and afraid I'm sure I would sound like a lunatic as well, but I can't speak for everyone or vouch for them either. My commentary is from a place of compassion because I have a near-autistic interest in computers and smart devices, and have also seen many plausible horror stories. I do understand the aspect of "gatekeeping" it out of fear of a fledgling incel finding it and becoming inspired to seek out the resources with a newfound "guide" of sorts. I don't know anything else about those posts but I do know that all these things are rather unfortunately technically possible. I wouldn't want to hand ammo??? to any deranged passerby or visitor, but this has made me decide to screenshot and file away any new exploit pieces or warning posts I see to toss into the other thread! It doesn't hurt to be more knowledgeable about how powerful these devices are.

No. 1865129

Of course not, and only a juvenile would interpret my post that way. Its just unfortunate the rate of technological advancement makes it very easy to do this if you really truly wanted to, and there are sadly men who are insane enough to want to. That just means a theoretical victim could go months, years without knowing this was happening to them. I'm saying "fuck these nasty ass pancakes" and you're saying "oh so you hate waffles? Psycho bitch!" kek be calm.

No. 1865130

You're being dense. Here's why anons thought she was schizo.
And this was just from the one thread.

No. 1865135

Something interesting was that anon said the guy was a longtime lolcow lurker or user and actively did so at that time. Great crowd we have here these couple years eh

No. 1865136

File: 1705994524050.jpeg (873.12 KB, 1159x2161, IMG_7109.jpeg)

Not to sound schizo myself but there is a device program called Pegasus that can monitor smartphones, it's expensive and not easy to get. Was developed by Israeli intelligence company NSO group and its existence is quite worrisome

No. 1865139

you are accrediting multiple anons' posts to a single anon actually

No. 1865142

Pegasus is just fancy overpriced packaging on a heavily used, upgraded, and often modified exploit. To avoid collective panic or lawsuits, they tout Pegasus as one of a kind and inaccessible when the exploits they use are not by any means fancy, elusive, or proprietary.

No. 1865155

Haha,glad to hear that nonna! I posted that image because I love his stories as well (also Harry Clarke's illustrations) and would love to go to Boston but I'm based in Europe too so it won't happen anytime soon unfortunately kek

No. 1865164

i want to return this face oil which burns my face but a tif who works there is very chummy to me, and i dont think this was the first time. really cant stand self hating women anymore they weird me out.

No. 1865165

You are an adult. Return the freaking oil.

No. 1865221

Someone down the street gets up in the morning like an hour before I normally wake up, and when they warm up their vehicle the noise makes it too hard for me to fall back asleep. There’s their pulsating noise repeating until they leave. I just have to deal with it because it’s been pretty damn cold outside so I don’t blame them for having to do it

No. 1865222

I'm 24. Have been suicidal since I was 8 and nobody has ever been fully involved in my life. It feels like I'm cut off from the moral considerations of society

No. 1865234

Moral considerations are a luxury, something slaves can't practice.

No. 1865248

Thanks. That's very nice of you.

No. 1865254

I'm actually on track to get WLS atm and this is honestly one of my main fears. Like yes I worry about loose skin and all that, but I heard your story from many people and as someone that always felt invisible the idea of people treating me different is kind of terrifying. Guys my age already treat me as a nuisance for daring to be around them (I'm just talking normally why are they acting like I'm offending them?) and as a legit sperg I'm kind of scared I will be easily manipulated if I do loose that weight.

No. 1865256

My friend had a baby a few months ago and everyone just calls her 'mom of (insert childs name)' now. Or the nurses at the hospital calling her 'mom' when she goes to a check-up with the baby. It is so weird it is as if she isn't my friend anymore and has lost her identity in other peoples eyes. She is just the role "mom" now.

No. 1865261

This is a major part of the hesitation to have children no matter how economists blame it on finances. When you have a child you just sort of die as an individual to most people. You just become a womb and a pair of working hands. No wonder the rich hire both.

No. 1865278

I'm 90% certain I just ripped off the tip of my thumb nail from the nail bed. I was trying to peel apart a huge ass strawberry and it was hurting opening it, but I kept peeling it apart. Now there's pain and it hurts to touch around the nail bed.

No. 1865280

Ouch, disinfect it and wrap it up

No. 1865285

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I wish I was pretty like Emiru, I've always been compared to asian women since I was a teen. And I'm just a doughy white woman, it feels pathetic still having these thoughts… I'll never be this pretty no matter what I do

No. 1865288

Nona just think, at least youre not a tranny!

No. 1865289

My energy levels are so low.. I'm tired all day even after sleeping 8 hours. It's 2pm and I'm yawning.

No. 1865292

did you get your iron levels checked?

No. 1865293

File: 1706015010561.jpg (49.95 KB, 310x531, 1662672079195.jpg)

well this is her without make-up (apparently) and she just looks like a normal/average girl to me? make-up truly does so much for some women.

No. 1865294

Stop looking at e-thots and go touch grass

No. 1865296

Chink e-whores are great at morphing. Is she still with that old fat neckbeard? L(racebait)

No. 1865297

Nta but wow she’s way prettier without the makeup

No. 1865299

shes with mizkif

No. 1865300

Makeup can do a lot but that first picture anon posted looks quite edited/filtered. When you're constantly looking at edited pictures online it can become hard to tell.

No. 1865305

So another fugly moid. What a loser. Uglier girls can score better looking less shitty moids than her

No. 1865309

How the fuck did social media manage to set people backwards 100 years by believing anything over 23 is old?

No. 1865311

I downed 3x0,5mg of xanax the other day. With all the beer I has laying around. I thought I took half of that but I must changed my mind while hammered 'cause it's all gone.
I blacked out and stubbed my toe at some point but nothing crazy. How do people overdose and die so casually? Should I be doing harder stuff?
My life is shit right now. wouldn't mind just drifting off whule sleeping.

No. 1865312

You are tempting fate, nonnie. Don’t be a retard

No. 1865319

People who survive jumping off the golden gate bridge have said the instant they jumped they regretted it

No. 1865325

And it was not 3x0,5, it was 90x0.5. A month worth of 1,5mg a day. But I guess I have such a tolerance now, I just stumbled around my house and slept it off, feeling ok the next day.
I guess I'm a drug addict. That's pathetic.

I don't think I would tho. I wouldn't jump a bridge. But the comfy sleepiness and deshibinition, I would gladly welcome.

Sorry if this feel edgy nonas. I'm in my thirties, it's not even like I'm a teenager that's going to grow out of it.

No. 1865327

I suspect everyone who jumped didnt think they would regret it either

No. 1865332

I find it disturbing. Obviously 20s is very much a complete adult but technically on a biological level, 23 is still somewhat adolescent. People are being considered old before their brains and pelvises have stopped developing kek. 30 used to be young, now it’s old. It seems like the bar for “old” is getting younger and younger, how did we get here? And when is going to stop, will 20 be old soon? It’s sad because I see people venting that their lives are already over before it’s even begun.

No. 1865334

Seek help. I genuinely mean this and not in a snarky way.

No. 1865356

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I'm so fucking lonely I took some cuddly toys that I'll carry around, sleep with, watch shows with and talk to all day
I might be going kind of crazy dunno.. It's really improving my mood though and feels much safer than actual humans

No. 1865362

>then she'd continue to write about these darkweb stalking rings
Don't remember the drpoopy thing but I definitely remember an anon writing massive paragraphs about being gangstalked/cyberstalked by a group of men for years. Not sure if it was the same anon but I've been using lcf since like 2015/2016

No. 1865363

overdosing is not the peaceful death like people think

No. 1865364

I got a call from the gynecology clinic and it turns out the cells on my cervix are pre-cancerous. It's a relief but I have to go back for a leep procedure. A part of me can't stop worrying about how there's a chance it might not completely work and I still get fucked. I kept upsetting myself all day yesterday because I kept having shitty thoughts thinking about having cervical cancer when I'm older. On top of that, my contract ends in 3 weeks and I have 0 leads on a new job. I'm so broke and only really pulling myself out of debt now so I worry about going back into shit debt. Everything is so fucking expensive and I'm hoping my unemployment insurance can at least cover rent and food. I can't stop stressing myself out. Also I've read about the leep thing and it's freaking me out a bit. I dont want to be in shit pain for 3 weeks. The healing process sounds terrible.

No. 1865367

There are teenage girls on TikTok talking about being scared to turn 17. 17. It’s insane.

No. 1865370

what about family, your mom, dad and siblings?

No. 1865372

It's probably me. I have to get up this early.

No. 1865374

My therapist cancelled our appointment today in a message earlier. I'm mad but I feel awkward bringing this up at our reacheduled appointment later this week.

No. 1865378

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Trying bumble bff to see what's out there. I am chatting with a couple of girls, but I'm seeing a stupid amount of trannies and ofc the grossest one likes my profile. I only think he liked my profile because he wants to skinwalk me. If I don't get anywhere with the two ladies I am talking with, I am going to delete the app.

No. 1865384

I am not part of society and my problems have never been taken seriously and probably that's the most painful thing a human being can experience

No. 1865385

I remember a movie on TV from when I was a child where some girl made a wish to be thirty, flirty and thriving on her birthday. Nowadays, between thirty-somethings themselves making self-deprecating jokes about being grandmas and calling themselves old hags (millennials grow a spine challenge), men doing the same about women, and teen girls making up bullshit stories about jealous older women bullying them because they're young and pretty, I don't find it so surprising that 20 year olds cry about getting aging. Let's not forget the tweens getting on retinol and having anti-aging routines because of the internet and their parents' inability to set boundaries.

No. 1865404

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omg that movie was hilarious! loved the motivational speech she gave to the (other) teens that was just the lyrics to Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield"

No. 1865412

I don't doubt this is influenced by misogyny/bad science, but I wonder if some of it has to do with the failure to launch syndrome. Back when my parents were young it was still common to have a career trajectory, children, own a house and so on already in your early 20s. They were so young but still much more established than the average 20 year old is today. These days it's not uncommon to be in your 20s without having anything to show for, meanwhile you see peers and everyone on social media seemingly having made it, so you start feeling like you are lagging behind and that it's too late for you.

No. 1865415

>thirty-somethings themselves making self-deprecating jokes about being grandmas and calling themselves old hags (millennials grow a spine challenge
I agree with this. I understand where it comes from though, teens online thinking anyone over 25 is old, and growing up online yourself before social media and not meeting many older people or even adults. Then there is of course the misogyny from scrotes that you mention. But we should be prouder. 30s is still young. And you're not a grandma at 40 either. It's weird that teens still have the outdated idea that they own Internet spaces. Now all ages use it and those of us who first grew up online are getting older.

No. 1865420

what kind of problems do you have?

No. 1865425

I used to think I was kind of meh, but from the treatment I get from men, my family and friends, I'm starting to believe that I am actually repulsive

No. 1865426

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There are a lot of lonely, unwanted folks out there, especially old people, just waiting to die.
I cope by reading books, especially those written centuries and millenniums ago, perhaps you too have more in common with some of those long dead people.

No. 1865431

Looking for a place to live is so damn stressful. Every option is failing. I still have ~5 weeks until my current lease is over but the pressure is immense. I hate it. I also hate that I can't talk to my parents about it much because they are getting even more worried than me and I giving them another problem is the last thing I want right now. I know I sound like such a baby but I just can't stop crying because of it all and I can't vent to anyone of my close people either because they will either get even more headaches than me or just not give a single fuck about my feelings and literally just reply with "rip" and nothing else.

No. 1865435

Socially rejected. No family. No friends. No support. Harassed on the internet. Been stepped over my whole life. Bound by a different standard. People being incredibly hateful towards me and denying my problems or harassing me for things people get support over then villanizing me to justify the mistreatment. Basically I have been dehumanized my whole life

No. 1865442

In the middle of working out I think, why am I doing this I’m just gonna die anyways?

No. 1865447

one of my worst ODs I had a horrific lucid hallucination and borderline NDE. I swore I felt my heart stop. I swore for a second I saw the light. It was too late to get my stomach pumped and I didn't want 72 hour psych hold so I just rode it out and cried while convulsing in my bed until I fell asleep and thought I might not wake up alive. funny thing is I still attempted after that

No. 1865450

I'm sorry if I am bringing up an uncomfortable topic, please don't answer if so. But is your family alive? (I'm so sorry for bringing it up if they're not, my condolences) And if yes, do you not talk to each other? And are people harassing you on the internet also in anonymous spaces like imageboards?

No. 1865461

My mom committed suicide when I was younger. Most of my childhood I've been tossed from household to household. I've never had a stable home. My "family" made my life hell. My dad abandoned me until I was 8. I lived with my extremely mentally ill and physically abusive mother until I was 8 in extreme poverty. She placed all of her emotional burdens on me. Was extremely neglected. Then was about to go to the orphanage when my dad's side of the family picked me up.

He left me with my grandparents and aunt. They told me I was the mother of a bitch, of an insane woman, that I didn't deserve to live. They were also relatively poor and obsessed with money. My grandpa was an alcoholic. There was always physical and mental abuse. My aunt would tell me I am useless and she'd always gaslight me. I was allowed to shower only for 6 minutes. Wasn't allowed to eat properly. When my dad would come back from work he'd take me in his car and take me to bars while the car was full of cigarette smoke. Then, when he's take me to his apartment he'd just have women over and ignore me. I had to clean, cook, do everything like a slave while dealing with extreme mental health issues. I became suicidal at around 8 and nobody at school fully cared. I am 25 and have over 15 suicide attempts and I can't find any peace. I keep trying to run away and find some stability and freedom. I've never had anyone fully concerned about me. I want to get a boyfriend or a husband and to heal from all the abuse and to escape that household but I know that for some reason I will never be part of society.
I can't keep a stable job because of emotional trauma and physical illness. My dad is now unemployed and still to this moment he is placing all his emotional problems on me. Wish I had friends or a stable support group or a boyfriend to pull me out of this hell but I know that nobody will ever fully give a shit about me and my problems. I am 25 already. Also, a lot of it is resulted from lack of financial stability. If I had financial stability I would be able to get away. I have never had minimum living quality and to this moment I have nobody decent, reliable or supportive in my life.

I've never even fully disclosed my problems towards anyone because I am just told to 'get help" which is financially impossible in my case. It's weird because I constantly see celebrities or even normal people fully disclose their problems and people are fully invested in their stories while my life is as horrible as it could possibly get and absolutely nobody is fully involved. I just get told to "get help' which is impossible.

I don't think that I will ever get away from here or heal. Not even on a basic level. Or have any kind of peace.

I am 25 and have been trying to escape the same situation since I was 8 and get at least 1 person that loves me and cares about me but I know that for some reason, despite all the effort I've placed into my life, all of my aspirations. I will always be alone trying to escape the same hell and that society will abuse me even more. So, I don't even try to reach out to the world. Although, it's very hard to keep everything in.

No. 1865467

My only boyfriend would call me a "bitch" or a dog. I've never had a sex life and I've never been respected or treated like a human being. I JUST realized that for some reason I'm outside the bounds of moral consideration. I can't find any stability, peace, freedom, love, empathy. A bunch of world wide famous artists are harassing me while life is just passing me by and I just wish for once that I'd get to experience what is like to live like a normal human being.

No. 1865477

Nona I'm genuinely so so so sorry for everything that has happened. I know that just a random stranger on the internet saying "sorry" won't really change anything, but I don't know how to describe it with other words. Everything you've gone through is so painful and you don't deserve to have been treated like that by your parents, grandparents, aunt and all of the idiots that have harassed you without ever knowing what you've endured. This "boyfriend" you've had was a heartless dumbass who did not deserve a relationship with you. You are a human being that deserves love, not a "dog"/"bitch". And when it comes to your family and the horrible way they raised you, you did not deserve that, regardless of who you are. Nobody deserves this. I'm so sorry anon. You've endured so much.

What would be most helpful to you right now? Maybe venting, or maybe brainstorming of little things you could do to improve your life even by 0,1%? Is talking in this thread making you feel better and would you like to keep chatting here? Don't respond if doing so will make you feel worse, but if it will help, I am here for you.

No. 1865507

Anon get free healthcare at DES. Go to a doctor about depression, they will refer you to a free counselor or therapist.

No. 1865525

File: 1706038252667.webp (9.99 KB, 205x172, D3B7D6D8-9392-4C70-A1B8-A1A822…)

I suck at telling jokes every time I think I’m making a lighthearted dig I can see people wince and I just come off as a total bitch. I swear I didn’t mean it like that

No. 1865528

I was gonna suggest the same. If you have a physical/mental illness, are you not eligible for a free therapist? Not sure how it goes in the country anon is from and how helpful they will be, but it's worth giving a try.

No. 1865533

How is it besides the trannies? I'm this close to downloading bumble because I'm tired of having no friends or anyone to talk to outside of my family kek

No. 1865538

Nonna, as someone who had a similar upbringing, level of neglect and early onset of mental illness, i can tell you it gets so, so, so, so, so much better once you leave. Regardless of the problems you'll face, it'll be like you're on another plane of existence. Life will be worthwhile, in pain and joy. You'll be able to appreciate many things people with simpler childhoods take for granter, existing will be sweet and special even on the bad days. I hope you find a way out soon, even if it's something like a husband. I don't know enough about your circumstances to offer helpful advice, and this is very sappy but it's true.

No. 1865566

I have a brother and a sister, we are in our late 20s-early 30s, none of us are in a LTR and my mom is apparently freaking out about it. Last time my sister was at their place she went on a tirade about how she was worried that we would be alone forever (nevermind that we have friends and I've always done shit on my own) and that it would be nice to bring somebody next Christmas. She's in a loveless marriage with my dad, why does she want the same thing to happen to us??? Also if I ever get into a relationship (doubt.jpg) it would only be with a woman and there's no way I'd tell her since she's a lesbophobe.

No. 1865587

First of all, holy shit you did NOT deserve any of that. The fact that you're still here to type this out is a miracle. You're stronger than you think.
You've told others your problems, chances are they've never dealt with anything like this and have no clue how to help. Look up CBT resources online, do the exercises no matter how stupid you think they are, keep going. You need a shitload of therapy, and worksheets from the internet won't be the same, but believe me, they help a lot. It's a way to keep yourself grounded in reality while you deal with all the other shit. Look up grey rocking and read through the narc parents subreddit, they have a lot of resources for dealing with this sort of shit.
I know you're trying to escape, I know your family make it as hard as possible on purpose because these people are evil, so you have to think outside the box. Can you do some extra cash in hand work, like cleaning? Those jobs are usually very casual, so you don't have to worry about holding down a job. If your family have access to your bank account, open a new one and deposit all the cash into it. It's a slow way to build up savings, but it's not money you'll spend on day to day stuff, it sits there and builds interest. Obviously don't tell anyone that you're doing this, or they'll find some way to take the money. Also, I don't know the extent of your illness or what could set off your trauma, but cleaning hoarder homes pays pretty well, if you can manage to clean maybe 1 or 2 a month that'll go a long way towards helping you move out. This is seriously taxing work, emotionally and physically, so it's a last resort, but if you're desperate for cash, it's a better option than most other quick money makers. Way better than selling drugs and being a hooker.
Please don't look to other people for approval and love. You won't find either from the people you live with or any moids you date, there's no point in giving their opinions any weight because their opinions are worthless. No matter what you do, they won't appreciate or love you; save yourself the trouble of being humiliated over the crime of existing and just stop trying to people please.
The effort you've put into your life hasn't been wasted. You're 25, you're still very young- there are 50 year olds going to college to get their first degree and start a brand new career. I totally get that it doesn't seem realistic that you'll ever leave, but you need to remember that you've been stuck in a nightmare for your whole life. 25 years of being told you're shit and 15+ suicide attempts are bound to set you back. You've only been legally able to move out for a few years- you've made it this far, you can make it out.
Take it slowly, one day at a time, one hour at a time if you have to. Don't set goals you'll be crushed at not achieving, set simple small ones that you know you can do, and build up from there. People leave situations like yours, and worse, all the time. They go on to live happy and successful lives. You can do it too.

No. 1865588

File: 1706043005422.jpg (303.41 KB, 1280x903, 1703970294562.jpg)

I'm not finding a ton of people right in my town. The two matches I got are about 45 minutes away from me, and the conversations are fine. If you're in a more populated area, it will work better for you. The trannies are easy to spot.

Hopefully I will make a friend or two but I'm uncertain. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

No. 1865593

I def do not think I'm fit for University, or maybe I am and I just don't have confidence. I have shitty memory and it sucks. I am also seeking advice

No. 1865595

don't worry nonna, I know you'll find love.

No. 1865596

>I've been in male centered communities
What kind of male centered communities nona? I'm the same way as I have malebrained interests or whatever and every weeby women I've tried to meet on there want to talk about husbandos or yaois which I'm not interested in.

No. 1865602

It's interesting how men will almost never be friends with a woman they deem as unnattractive, unless MAYBE the woman holds a position of influence so they can kiss her ass and get up in life/job position/etc. I do see naive women befriend ugly men, though, and SWEAR on their lives that the guy would never want to "have sex" because the friendship is "too important him/he's a good guy".

No. 1865605

Of course trannies would be using that app. I thought they all would use Her and leave women alone elsewhere.

No. 1865621

I used communities incorrectly here as I was just really upset last week. I meant to say friendship circles. I am in a few discord servers where I am the only woman on it, or there are other women, but they are not very active in it. That is my main form of social interaction that isn't my boyfriend and his friends. It's getting to the point where it's super grating to be around those kind of men.(Online, not irl) I want to branch out and get away from a portion of those dickbags. Like I'm used to banter or whatever because "woman bad lmfao xD". It comes with being on the internet. Having it be the main source of my socialization is pathetic on my part. I feel like I don't even know how to relate to women anymore because I am so "malebrained". I find it easier to talk to guys than girls. There's probably something wrong with me Nonna.

Like you I'm not super into husbandos or yaoi and have found that a bit off putting. Not saying it's bad, just not something I want to talk about all the time.

As I said, they're really easy to spot and you can just ignore them. It's just offputting to see a troon pop out of nowhere.

No. 1865627

It'd be fun to play Pokemon GO with a nona. This image brought that to mind.

No. 1865629

God I fucking wish

No. 1865633

Samefag, meant to respond to this. Am retarded.

No. 1865639

What are your interests?

No. 1865650

File: 1706048503384.jpg (16.82 KB, 236x236, 3ecfa77ea931b0075e3d792e6bfc3d…)

Other than vidya, manga, and anime, I like to craft things. I like working with my hands, I'm not any good at it. Eventually, I want to branch out into creating things like picrel. Maybe woodworking too. I read books - whatever is interesting to me. I like fiction, historical, nonfiction, and fantasy. I love movies - again with books, anything that interests me except for Marvel capeshit. I enjoy cooking, I try to get into fashion and makeup. The weather is shit where I am, but I love being outside, walking around to music or Pokemon Go. I'm trying to branch out more with hobbies, so I'm learning a language for fun, botany when the weather gets nicer. I'd like to learn more about the local vegetation around me.

I don't want to derail the vent thread too much, so I am holding myself back a bit.

No. 1865656

Crafting and sylvanian families are extremely ''fembrained'' activities. I say this as someone who can relate, but my hobbies are actually autistic moidshit like building panzer kits. Genuinely just join a craftong facebook group or something.

No. 1865665

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False autism diagnosis has ruined my life. I was born traumatized because of an accident to my mother during her pregnancy, so everything felt too intense and painful to me when I was born. I was scared and couldn't open my eyes, I felt like I was choking so I couldn't speak. So I was sent to a retard house where they would feed and clothe us but I wouldn't play or talk, and when I did, they yelled at me that I am such a retard, and showered me in scalding hot or icy cold water. When I started to open my eyes and talk, they let my mother take me home but from all the bullshit they said to me I became violent and beat other kids and killed animals. Then they still berated me constantly so I started lying, and then was titled a psychopath. After this, even my own parents constantly yelled and denied me. The doctors told them to treat me like this, and even for my entire teen life I was controlled. My laptop was monitored, I could not use a smartphone, any boyfriend I had turned out to be an autist in the program, subtlety introduced to me so I wouldn't know they're also treated as retards. I was not doing drugs, I was not allowed to have friends over or attend parties so I didn't, then I got berated for always staying home. If I went on a walk they would yell at me for going away "God knows where". I was put on various drugs throughout my life that made me forgetful, unable to sleep and stupider. I tried to kill myself multiple times in childhood, then when I joked about it in my teens they thought I was serious. Sorry for blogposting but fuck this entire shit. I wish I could've gone into the military when I was a teen, then I could've made some real friends in a disciplined environment, friends who weren't absolute doormats and autistic anime retards also on drugs. My entire life feels delayed and wasted on autistic shit I was forced into "for therapy".

No. 1865673

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I did everything for myself. I have nobody decent in my life after 16 years. I carry horrible amounts of interpersonal abuse. I realized that nobody will love me. Nobody will care about me or accept me. I accept death. I know my next attempt will be my last.

I wish that I knew what was like to be loved. I've never experienced that. I've never been wanted, desired, appreciated, needed, surrounded by positivity. I've never been in a relationship with a man that is on a similar level of intelligence and attractiveness as me. I've never experienced love or care and I've never been at "home".
I'm cut off from society entirely and I continuously have no living quality or anything. I know that I did everything for myself but for some reason moral consideration doesn't apply to me.

When I was 8 I told myself that I would die by 30. I did everything that I could for myself nonnies. I did everything I could for others. I gave everyone my soul. But nobody in my life has ever been there for me or treated me well. I've never felt like a human being and I never will and I've never been taken seriously. My pain. My abuse. The isolation I have experienced from society have never been taken seriously. Even when I was in therapy. I went to therapy for 3 years. Was on over 6 antidepressants and it felt like the therapist couldn't understand my pain. No matter what I do. I can't aquire anything for myself. I can't aquire any friendship, social status, freedom, care, approval. Anything that is needed. I wish that I could live in squarolor. It would be much better than my situation. But I lose any sort of connection with society. I wish that I could be a drug addict but I can't be even that. I haven't lived my life. I wish I could do for a glimpse and no matter how hard I try to run far away from it. Everyone tells me the same thing that my family told me I AM WORTHLESS I DONT DESERVE TO LIVE TO EAT TO HAVE FUN I DONT DESERVE LOVE I DON'T DESERVE PEACE I DON'T DESERE RESPECT. It's really painful because I had aspirations and I have accumulated a lot of information but I've got burnt out. I know nobody. Absolutely nobody will be there for me. I'm jealous of people that live in squarolor or that are homeless and in relationships. They have so much more freedom. I've never had anyone fully involved with me.

I've been told that I'm like a dog by multiple people. I can't work. I wanted to have artistic freedom and have intelligent people by my side. Nothing that I do is good. I get tossed aside and I live underneath my worth. I can feel my body crumbles underneath the pressure of my existence. What people have put me through is unbearable. It's sad…I really had aspirations and I've placed a certain amount of intellectual effort into my life. I've placed effort into my looks. I don't know why I've experienced so much rejection. In my life I've never heard of anyone be treated the way that I have and it isn't socially acceptable but in my case it is socially acceptable. In my case anything floats. In my case anything is allowed because I don't matter and in the end like my grandparents used to say and everyone around me.

I AM CROOKED, USELESS, A WASTE OF AIR, SHOULDNT BE FED, IM THE CHILD OF AN INSANE BITCH, I SUFFER FROM SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS, IM A BURDEN. Like the country kids that would pull out my hair would call me a freak. I thought that I could find freedom, connection, peace and especially artistic freedom on the internet and that I'd finally be surrounded by like minded people but it isn't the case.

I know that the only place where I am allowed is to climb on a 10 block building and throw myself. I'm completely isolated by society and it's not even an exaggeration. It's depressing because I had certain expectations.

Everything is like with my parents. My whiny mentally ill mother placing her extreme trauma on me. Having to make sure she isn't crying or threatening suicide. My grandparents and dad placing their emotional traumas onto me and making me carry all their burdens WHILE MY NEEDS, EMOTIONAL, EDUCATIONAL WERE NEVER MET.It was always about them. THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM THEM. NEVER ABOUT ME. If I said something about my needs, my emotional pain, if I showed any amount of discomfort, sadness or depression I'd just be punished.

It's the same on the internet and in real life as it was in my family. I'm surrounded by people and their needs and wants. They have BPD, they were abused by their family, they are unstable, they want this and that but my needs have never mattered and I have to pay attention. To carefully thread around their huge fucking Ego's just like with my parents or they SNAP. Because if I state my needs, problems, wants I just get ignored and berated and isolated because IT IS TOO MUCH AND IM EVIL.

I'm evil just like my parents would say. I DESERVE IT BECAUSE I AM EVIL. I DESERVE IT.

I'm 25 nearly. I have nobody in my life. I never will. I know very well t