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No. 1060474
>>1060419I wish I could delete my facebook account completely but my friends want to only use messenger and nothing else to communicate in group, and some of them are abroad now. It's annoying because we used Line before I was basically forced to make a facebook account for university, that shit worked the same way as messenger on smartphone, but my friend pretended it was less convenient that fucking fb of all things. I hate this shit so much. For now I only deactivated my fb account to be able to use the messenger app.
I also made an instagram account not long before it got bought by fb, since I used the same email address for both fb and instagram I kept having the same shitty recommended accounts. As soon as I deactivated my fb account my recommendations were a bit more relevant. My recommendation page is always a complete mess, I have no idea how a company that invasive can recommend me completely inaccurate shit I never gave a shit about.
No. 1060501
>>1060474Algorithms… probably "curated" by the AI equivalent of a 20-something unemployed neckbeard in their parents' basement.
Deleted all my Facebook & social media accounts a few years ago. No regrets.
No. 1060533
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>>1060501>>1060505I wish I could also do that. Aside from fb, which I deactivated but didn't delete (yet?) I have a twitter account I use only to look for gay fanart of some video games I like, the instagram account I talked about that I also consider deleting because I barely use it anyway, and… fucking linkedin, which I can't get rid of now because I work in HR. I made an instagram account because I wanted to start posting pretty pictures as soon as I got my second smartphone but it's really not convenient at all. I have one post of a summer trip that always looked completely fucked up. Half of the pictures of that post don't even appear, instead it says "Couldn't load image. Tap to retry" and tapping doesn't do shit. It resizes pictures into a blurry mess too, which is the exact opposite of what you'd want for an image based website/app.
Aside from that I used to use tumblr on a regular basis since 2011 but deleted my first account in 2016 when fandoms turned to shit, and remade two accounts later that I also deleted because I didn't find anyone to follow. Not social media either but I had a wordpress blog and deleted my account as well not long ago because I abandoned my blog and decided to start a journal instead.
>>1060518No idea how that works, but I though fb automatically deleted accounts with fake names and nicknames? If that's still the case maybe you can make fb realize somehow that you used a fake identity? Either way, good luck.
No. 1060587
>>1060544this is extremely weird and specific, but i always imagine the future to be like in this cassia & ky YA book series, where they like ban all books, movies and songs and then select a handful of books, movies and songs that people are allowed to enjoy. so they only have 100 songs and 100 movies and 100 books. i doubt it's going to happen but i always imagine the future to be like that kek.
also i remember in the scythe series, people have jobs only for their enjoyment so they do research on stuff that is already known just to be busy and then re-discover stuff that's already in databases. i'm too old for YA books now but i always like dystopian/utopian future settings and small details like that. scary how some of the ideas from the ugly/pretty/special series came true with social media, filters and instagram and shit.
No. 1060667
>>1060514Sounds like she doesn't play the latest and most demanding games, so a lower end computer should be good.
This is good resource for what can be considered bad, good and great. It even includes builds for specific games: focused on building your own desktop, so it includes cases, fans, power supplies, etc that you won't need to worry about. The other stuff is pretty much the same for a laptop except the graphics card where they make specialised but weaker models (since normal graphics cards are physically way too big for a laptop).
I would stick to a 1080p screen since more pixels require a lot more processing power. 60hz is a good enough refresh rate on the screen. In terms of memory you'll want about 8GB but more is always better. For storage you'll be able to get better value from a hard drive (HDD) instead of a solid state drive (SSD). I'd say something like 500GB is a decent level of storage. A lot of computers these days come with both SSD and HDD which is totally fine.
CPUs and graphics cards I'm not so sure about since its been a while since I've actually bought a new computer, but you can always just google the name of the CPU/graphics card and then include "benchmark" to see how it compares to others.
The other thing to consider is getting a prebuilt desktop. It is cheaper and upgrading is simpler compared to an equivalent laptop.
Here's an example of a laptop that would be more than capable of the games she plays:
No. 1060699
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>>1060667I really really appreciate the info and for the clear explanation! Thank you so much. This is the best resource, i will look into it
Ps i made this silly thing 4 u
No. 1065800
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I found this on how to make Windows 10 run faster (aka forcing Cortana and shit to not run in the background) and on my very old laptop my disk went from 100% to fucking 7%
No. 1065804
>>1065800Is that good or bad?
Anyone know how to clean up your PC to make it run better? I have a shitlist of programs on there but I don't know what is actually useful to me. I just want to clear out my whole computer and make it easier to run
No. 1068986
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anyone have any input about Shadow Tech? Looks like you "rent" a high grade computer and then use your own laptop to mirror the screen. I'm not tech savvy, but it seems like a good idea?
No. 1069056
>>1068986You probably need really good internet for it to work. And maybe privacy concerns.
I really don't like the idea of cloud streaming actual games and programs. Tv is disposable, but I want to own some things.
No. 1069427
>>1069056You do own the games. It looks like you just rent a quality computer? (Most cloud servers for gaming require you to rent the games/ buy from company store. This one is a whole computer.) Idk, i want to play the new Elden Ring, but i dont have enough space on my mac to do bootcamp. Theres options to do an external ssd, but this seams to allow me to screen the computer monitor to my phone/tablet/tv/laptop.
I could also get back into video editing too… idk I'm mulling it over. Could work as a temp solution while I save up for a proper pc. My mac is too old, and apparently one of the models with the fixed ssd internally.
No. 1070488
I have a laptop that is not a gaming laptop but can play some games, I played through spyro and alice madness returns pretty well (although during alice sometimes it would randomly minimize the window for some reason, and a few times it froze and I had to reboot it) it also seems to run skyrim okay. that being said it struggles with some games, like I was trying to play DAI and sometimes it just lags really bad and makes me not want to play it. not to mention I only have 256gb of space and many games are like 40+ gigs and I'm already running out of space.
I bought a nintendo switch last year as a birthday gift to myself, and I've played it a lot and I like it, but most of the games I want to play (like dragon age, shadow of mordor, fable and others) aren't on there.
ngl, I really want to buy a steam deck, even though I know it would probably be better just to save up for longer and buy a better gaming laptop because I'm not crazy about playing those games on a small screen anyway. but at the same time, it would be so convenient, and much cheaper than a good gaming laptop. I used to play all my games on xbox but I can't have a tv right now because of reasons I won't go into.
No. 1070972
>>1070966idk if they sell your data but i use this one i never use it outside of checking when it's supposed to be due when i feel off and then hitting the period started/ended button. you can also enable notifications so you get a push notification 1/2/3 days before your estimated start date.
No. 1071173
>>1070972>>1070981I'll look that up. I found this list, it could be interesting for some anons:'m European so I guess I should worry too much about the way companies handle my data but I don't want to have issues with creating new accounts for new services and being bombarded with ads all the time. The reason why I asked for recs is because I got a new phone months ago but the app I used before that has been discontinued and it was fairly simple and didn't have too many features that clutter the app and that I don't use, the name is Selene, the icon has a cat on it.
No. 1075741
>>1071173i use the same app as anon
>>1070972 and it's pretty simple and easy to use.i dont remember if you are REQUIRED to use an email,but it's useful in case your period history gets lost due to whatever happens to your phone so you have it backed up.i havent received anything annoying from this app
No. 1080981
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has anyone run into this issue? i don't think it's a graphics card thing since it's only happening inside chrome. images will randomly glitch out like this. not sure if i want to fix it that bad since it's kinda cool. picrel is supposed to be an ukranian flag.
No. 1094234
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Ok nonnies I’m planning on getting a MacBook. I’m using a laptop right now that i want to upgrade. What MacBook do you use and would you recommend it? I’m not looking into getting the newest model as I’m new to macs
No. 1094257
>>1094234I have strong feelings about this. The best one is the 2021 MacBook Pro, the one without the touch bar and all that crap. This is said to be the spiritual successor to the 2015 MacBook Pro, which prior to the 2021 model was often said to be the most perfect MacBook ever made. I got my first MacBook Pro (a 2012 model) in 2013. I got my second one (a hand-me-down 2015 model) in 2019. I couldn’t bear to buy one of the new ones, which lacked the features I wanted and had lots of extra features I hated. It was a good good day for me when the 2021 Pro was announced. I had honestly been thinking I might be forced to switch to a PC when my 2015 died.
So anyway, first place is the 2021 Pro, second place is the 2015 Pro.
No. 1095126
Has anyone thought about doing some digital decluttering? I've been looking through my emails these past few days to see if I should get rid of some emails and I'm always hesitating with emails I get after buying something. I throw paper receipts I don't need as soon as I can but for for some reason I always go "we never know" or "just in case" with emails so I keep them.
>>1094234I don't think you can play most video games or visual novels on macbooks? I'd like to know for myself, my laptop is working just fine but I'd like to anticipate anything.
No. 1095321
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Oops, made a tech thread in /m/ because I didn’t know this one existed. Oh, well, it’s deleted now. Anyway, I need a new phone. I don’t want another iPhone. There are a lot of androids out there with way better specs, from what I can see. However, then why does Apple top every “best phone of 2022” list? Is it paid promotion? They’re objectively NOT the best…right?
No. 1096043
>>1095321I have the phone on the very right of this picture. It's the "mini" version so I'm guessing the camera is slightly less good than for the og version but it's still a very good camera. It's not too expensive, and I have the 128go version in pink.
Problem is, if you don't check you settings for some apps you'll get ads everywhere (I got ads on the music app because I didnt' know I could turn it off) and you can't deactivate bloatware which is really fucking annoying because I could do that with my previous phone and it freed a lot of space so I thought that was possible on all phone. The logos are ugly but you can get themes for free if you want. I regret getting that one just for the bloatware and because it's too big for my hands, even if the camera is really good. I'd recommend it if you don't have a ton of money to spend on a phone but you want a recent model. I wonder how long my phone will last.
Actually I've been starting to think about maybe getting an iphone next time, depending on how their products will evolve, but their prices are really off-putting.
No. 1096050
>>1095402Apple products turn laggy when new products are released. My old ass ipad from 2014 that I forgot about still worked completely fine when I turned it on many years later, was quick, no issues, until I turned on the wifi then I started lagging like hell and crashing.
Scam company.
No. 1096067
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Anons, do you know any nice screen tablets that you can carry around? I know iPad is incredibly popular but I know nothing about Apple other than that their phones are crap, but art-comm had its moment of obsession with iPads.
The problem is that my health doesn't let me spend me enough time in front of a computer, I can't sit for a long time and all I've got is my huge Wacom Pro. There are way too many iPads out there and I just want to know what are the ones that are good for art and whether they are worth buying.
No. 1096080
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>>1096050>Apple products turn laggy when new products are released.That's what I fear the most, I'm eyeing the Ipad Air with the pen for drawing, but I want it to last minimum 5 years. Does anybody have experience with Samsmung's tablet, and does it have the same problem of gradual lagging to tempt you to upgrade?
No. 1096096
>>1096067Just make sure you get an iPad that uses the Apple Pencil. first gen pencil will obviously be cheaper so go for models that support it.
I’m not sure how you’ll be using the iPad if you can’t sit up or stand up, you can draw why lying down but wouldn’t that strain some muscles?
No. 1096102
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>>1096093Playing a game from an external SSD should be fine. If you're using USB 2.0 to connect the drive you will probably see performance issues because it's a lot slower than the internal SATA connection. If you're using USB 3.0 or above you won't notice a difference because it's either about the same or faster.
>does it mean storage offered by the website or the storage the laptop can handle"up to" would imply that the website offers options up to 1 TB. You can check how much storage your laptop actually has by opening a folder and clicking on "My Computer" or "This PC" depending on your windows version in the left panel. Your drive will be called something like "Local Disk (C:)"
No. 1096185
>>1096131Whatsapp is the norm in the majority of countries. Discord isn't bad, if you're going to use to socialise with irl friends then it becomes like every other app with extra features, just don't join other servers if you just want to interact with irl friends. Telegram is a good option.
The tricky with with messaging apps is that your friends also need to use it, none of the apps will mean anything if no one uses it except for you.
No. 1096285
>>1096172I've been told it's kind of similar to Signal, but Telegram has a bad reputation because of big group conversations linked to far right and terrorism cases in several countries including mine, would you say you have a preference for one or the other, or you're only really familiar with Telegram?
>>1096185I hate Whatsapp and any app that will automatically add your phone's contacts. I've used Line a lot before and you can just delete the people you don't want to talk to from your list of contact on Line, but I've used Whatsapp before because of my family abroad and when I noticed it automatically added my managers and some coworkers from back then because of their phone numbers I tried to delete them from Whatsapp but it was impossible on purpose. I also have a visceral hatred of the "stories" icons automatically showing up at the top of my screen when I'm on the page showing the conversations I have, it's not something anyone I know ever used, it's a waste of space. Same deal with Discord and the features that I don't use, I'd rather have a more minimalist app that won't shove stupid, invasive features down my throat.
By the way, the reason why I'm thinking about moving from messenger to another app is because one of my friend and I have issues with notifications and messages only appearing whenever they want. Does anyone else have that issue? I've missed entire conversations not just because I don't get notifications on my phone, but also because when I opened the app to directly check if I got new messages there were only old messages. And then at some point, hours later or the next day, I get bombarded with notifications from back then. It's annoying.
No. 1098107
>>1095321The only Apple device I would go for over android is an ipad, since I have yet to see a really good for it on android.
For phones, android is always a better value. If you're looking for a rec, you should check out Google Pixel. I suspect that they're artificially lowering their prices right now to secure a bigger market share, but for now they are offering really great phones for a great price. I have a 4a, and it's super fast, with a great camera and plenty of storage.
No. 1104775
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>>1104771Do you have a "Fn" (Function) key? On my laptop you need to hold that key down as you press the F1, F2, etc. key.
No. 1104782
>>1104775Oh that's it! I had no idea that's what that key does, thanks a lot!
>>1104774Well turns out it's the Fn key but thanks for responding!
No. 1112214
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I’m getting bored of iOS and my iPhone XR’s mediocre camera, but I’m overwhelmed by the Android options
Can any anon here please recommend me a wallet friendly Android with a good camera and decent speakers? I don’t use my phone much, just want something that won’t require an upgrade in a year or two, and I don’t care about gaming on it or 200fps performance or whatever. Also, I’m from Europe
Been eyeing the Samsung Galaxy A52s, but I’m not fully convinced
I tried a Mi 9 Lite when it came out and liked it a lot, but the ads and being asked to hand over all of my data just to use stuff like the gallery app turned me off. I guess if those are my only option I can figure out a way to circumvent it
No. 1115688
>>1112214If you want a cheap Android this is a good site for comparing them: focused on the European market but you should be able to get any of the phones to anywhere.
No. 1117769
>>1117718For what platform? PC? Android? iOS? Mac? If you’re using PC/Laptop, MusicBee can sort by genre and further subgenres (
No. 1120134
>>1119229Completely agreed. This shit is 20x greater a cancer than wikihow articles were.
This is compounded with the fact that a lot of people that would've written blogposts had they been born 10 years earlier are instead making YouTube videos about whatever issues they have, since many people view it as the best way to monetize their knowledge. They have their uses, but generally, videos are such a bad format for storing and retrieving information.
It's actually insane how much more difficult it is to just google shit compared to just 5 years ago.
No. 1123830
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i should probably use the stupid questions thread for this but since my question is related to tech i figured i might ask here instead
technologically illiterate nonnie here, if i jailbreak my nintendo 3ds ( and i dont know how ) install homebrew(?), will i lose all my data ? as in, does that entail a factory reset ? im really sorry for this probably very retarded question but i read somewhere that it did a long time ago and i just want to make sure.
thank you in advance…
No. 1123838
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>>1123830 go to this site and go through the tutorial a few times before starting on hacking your 3ds so that you have a sense of what is happening when you finally do it. I have done this two times before and went well thanks to the guide and you should always save your current data in a separate folder just in case. I also recommend on looking at 3dspiracy and 3dshacks at reddit as multiple users has done it with that guide. Let me know how it goes for you I can show you where you can get games and stuff later
No. 1130133
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I want to have a better setup for drawing and not sure what to do. Currently I have one monitor and a plain drawing tablet that doesn't have a display. Here are my options that I'm considering:
>Buying another monitor. The problem with this would be that my desktop PC has only one hdmi port (to which my current monitor is attached to). The other port is DVI and afaik, the quality would be much worse. I know that hdmi-dvi cables exist but heard that they are often unreliable and don't work)
>Buying a tablet with a screen instead (is it worth buying one that's specifically for drawing, or would an iPad Pro be sufficient? Also, I read some opinions somewhere that tablets with screens are especially bad for your neck/back, is this true?)
>Buy a laptop and use it with the tablet and the monitor I already have (I had a laptop which I recently sold, and I was actually pleased with this setup, but the laptop was old and really struggled with Photoshop)
No. 1130143
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>>1130133 Buying a tablet with a screen and using it the same as you’ve been using the tablet without a screen will be bad for your back. If you want a tablet with a screen you need to use it on a table like picrel. the really big screen tablets often come with stands to function like this table on their own. Otherwise stick with the non-screen tablet, the worst part about them is the learning curve and it sounds like you’re already over that.
No. 1130170
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>>1130156Buy a cheap workstation card for around $30 and a second monitor. is an AMD FirePro W4100, it has double the VRAM and is considerably more powerful than what you have now. It has four mini display ports on the back which can be used to connect up to four monitors. Mini display port can be connected to HDMI, DVI, VGA and full size display port by using the correct cable. Display port has backwards compatibility with DVI and VGA so this won't cause an issue.
No. 1132526
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>>1132515I use these, so if you do need your webcam, you can just slide it across to uncover it
No. 1132577
>>1132524I could put a sticker over it I guess but I don't really wanna have to peel it off and find a new one on the occasion I have to use my cam. It's not often but meh
>>1132526Oh cool I didn't know that's a thing. Now I wish that came build in with my laptop instead of that dumb killswitch. Thanks!
No. 1133054
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Can someone pls teach me how to dox paedophiles? is leaking IPs really that hard? I'm on my last hair here
No. 1133758
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>>1133386The litecoin miner is usually why people have issues with uTorrent. Personally I use Deluge, and I like it well enough.
No. 1138139
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i have two vga monitors and my laptop has one hdmi port and one vga port. is it better to get a hdmi>vga converter or one of those two female/one male vga converters? what will be better quality/performace-wise?
No. 1164418
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I’ve been using a small iPad Pro to draw but I’m kind of interested in buying a Cintiq. There are always a lot of the DTK2200 22HD models being listed on eBay, but I was wondering if they are worth it or are they getting dated compared to new models? I read that Cintiq is only making 25” and 27” sizes now.
No. 1164561
>>1164355thanks for the recommendations, bypass paywalls, of course there would be an extension for it, sweet! here's some of my faves
>google dictionary (by google)great for esl anons, double click on a word anywhere and little message thing pops up with a definition, pronounciation. if it doesn't exist then you get a search the web button, really useful!
>Hover Zoomseen too many tranny abominations thanks to it, but you can disable it per website
>Rescrollermakes the scroll bar nice and thin
>Humble New Tab Pagesimple but highly customizable new tab page. you can put any image as the background, customize the text color, size, selection roundness. background can be a gif too which is really neat
>>1164359cool, downloaded!
No. 1166250
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Can old LCD monitors be used for a dual monitor setup? Or should I buy a new one? I'm broke at the moment, that's why I'm considering buying a cheap-as-dirt retro one. Would the resolution difference be jarring if the old monitor would have 1280x1024 resolution? I need it for drawing and the setup would be that I would draw on my current monitor and would use the old one for reference pictures
No. 1175044
>>1060614I had a thinkpad and I honestly hated it. Chunky and heavy with a garbage touchpad and keyboard. The supposedly good models are like a decade old by now.
I'd consider a framework laptop if you're into that repairability/upgradability stuff.>>1164355>Bypass PaywallsApparently that comes with google analytics bundled, the clean version removes it.
Chrome: filters:>Google TranslateUnless you need whole pages translated in-line I'd just use a bookmarklet: use
>bitwardenLastpass, but without a history of security scandals
>bustersolves google captchas
>canvasblocker>JShelter>Random User-Agentanti-fingerprinting
>Dark ReaderDark mode for websites. Firefox still doesn't have a native solution for this ffs
>LibRedirectRedirects youtube, twitter, reddit, tiktok etc. to lighter and more privacy-friendly alternative front ends>LocalCDNBetter maintained than Decentralyes
>ViolentmonkeyI have userscipts for
>Lolcow & in-line catalog search (bit slow and doesn't search thread subjects)>4chan captcha solver>4chan X >OneeChan>AO3: Fic's Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks>ao3 crossover savior No. 1179959
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Halp. I connected a second monitor to my PC and now my first one stopped working.
>Problem 1:
Monitor1 (Acer) has VGA and HDMI ports. It always did this weird thing where…if I connected an HDMI cable only, it wouldn't detect it at all, only if I connected a VGA also, and then it'd autoselect HDMI. So when booting up the PC, it would always did this choosing game of 'detecting VGA' and 'Detecting HDMI' and it'd then go for the Hdmi.
Monitor2 (the new one, a Dell) that I have just connected has VGA and DVI ports and it works fine with the VGA, but the PC now doesn't recognize Monitor1, since it only has the Hdmi connected. I'm planning to go and buy a DVI cable and use the VGA cable with Monitor2 (the PC has only 1 VGA port) but I guess I'm just worried what if that doesn't work because let's the new monitor doesn't love it. What other choices do I have? VGA - HDMI adapters don't work at all apparently because VGA is analog and HDMI is digital.
>Problem 2
Even though I set the brightness of the new monitor to literally 0, it's still superbright. It's as if it didn't detect at all me changing the brightness. It's literally the same brightness be it a 1 or a 100
No. 1180873
>>1180066I assume you initially plugged your monitor into the motherboard slot, which may be turned off automatically if a graphics card (which I assume is behind the the lower one) is detected.
Dunno about the brightness, are you changing it on the monitor itself, or via some software on your computer? Does it change at all, and it just still looks too bright on low, or does it stay the same regardless of what you set?
No. 1191461
>>1060419I want to become a software engineer and I was wondering which laptops are good to make shit running in the background and using virtual machines.
People keep recommending me Macbooks but I've been kinda paranoid on Apple recently. Any other suggestion?
No. 1191758
>>1191705I am not an infosec
nonny, but I have friends and colleagues who are. none of them uses an iPhone. Take that as you will.
No. 1191980
>>1191705This is a lie from very good propaganda and marketing. iPhones have the most exploits of any modern smartphone and can be overtaken remotely in seconds without you ever knowing. Apple fanboys are on the same tier as Tesla fanboys.
>>1191758 No. 1200002
nonnie from meta has a work-around
>>>/meta/32215>Download the app VLC (it's orange) Then download the webm. I download through safari, tap on the file, hit the corner button, then view with VLC. No. 1250340
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A random number texted me with an obvious spam link along with a strawberry emoji right after it. I didn't click it, but I did block the number and delete the message. Am I screwed? Do I reset everything?
No. 1253022
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I've been using Linux Ubuntu for awhile now. Since a month or so ago, every time I put my laptop into "suspension" mode, when I open it up there's a 50/50 chance this will happen at the bottom.
What could be the reason? Could it be my shell, app theme and extensions not working together?
No. 1254096
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This evening I started getting this error when trying to open literally any image file on my computer on both my SSD and external hard drive. All the other file types work fine though.
No. 1254118
File: 1657224986306.png (16.25 KB, 763x353, windoze upd8s.PNG)

>>1254110I just started an antivirus scan. The last Windows update I got was on 18.06 but I also have this optional update. Would it help?
No. 1254122
>>1254118Fixed it: Settings -> Apps -> Microsoft Photos -> Advanced Options -> Terminate -> Repair -> Reset
Now it works fine just like before.
No. 1259863
File: 1657645320992.png (979.8 KB, 687x350, 1280.png)

Nonnas, I actually raged about this today as well and found a solution:
- Use Ublock Origin (browser extension)
- In the Extension (settings) options, in Filters, paste this: #div[role='dialog'] #[id$='PromoSlot'] #html->body:style(overflow:visible !important;) #html:style(overflow:visible !important;)
(Remove spaces between the #'s, the formatting interprets consecutive hash symbols as spoiler tag)
Bim bam bom, fuck you Twitter, problem solved permanently!
No. 1262875
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How easy would it be for me to learn SQL if the only coding I know is HTML/CSS from fucking around in website layouts? Also, does being a woman make it easier or harder to break into the industry? I've heard conflicting things.
No. 1263098
>>1263064Anything that requires specialization is going to be easier to climb into more money. You end up with a toolkit that’s hard to replace and you can get a comfortable amount of money in database work either SQL or Admin to start and build from there. With SQL either go towards visualizations and tableau or if you’re less of a people person focus on combining SQL with something like Python or another form of automation. Most people never go beyond the basics. Shoot for remote jobs and don’t feel bad about leaving for another position after two to three years if you’re someone that wants to make more than comfortable money. Most IT related jobs are focused on getting new people in, not keeping the people they have. They already have you why do they need to pay you more?
If you’re looking for side money. Hide your sex and offer freelance SQL work on GitHub once you have enough skill. Sorry
nonnie. Just being honest, hopefully it gives you a better idea?
No. 1263219
(i hope this is the right thread for this)
anyone here uses note taking apps for windows (evernote, onenote, notion, etc)?
I was a big evernote fan (free legacy version with endless notes and notebooks, fast and simple to use, monthly limit for notes but no overall account limit), but their new version is slow and buggy as fuck (i hate electron with a passion). i want to change for another app, even if i have to pay (once, not subscription), but all of them have the same problems that evernote now has (shitty block formatting, buggy interface, low limit for notes/books, even with "premium").
the most similar thing to what i want is Joplin, but they don't offer cloud backup and that was one of my needs. i don't care much about privacy/data breach because i use evernote for normie work/study shit.
No. 1268261
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>delete my YouTube account a while back
>still visiting the site every day
Why are there no other options yet?
No. 1268386
>>1268261Hey queen what’s important to know is that we use these quick refresh/divert sites for reasons other than just ‘entertainment’ sometimes, we’re trying to push away stress, loneliness, emptiness- or we’re just addicted. So you first need to address
why you’re using it. And then, practice going without. Forgive your slip ups, cultivate self awareness, find things to do that don’t require a phone. I would meditate if I were you. I cannot meditate as whenever I try to do it the spiders start crawling under my skin again. But meditation has so many benefits. Anyway I can see you want to get better and that’s a great start. Good luck queen.
No. 1274020
>>1268261If you grew up with the internet it's just a habit at this point you didn't have other alternatives.
If you want to limit coming to this website then download an extension that limit which websites you spend time on. The general advice is to pick up a hobby, read books, go to the gym/take regular walks, go out with friends, take a class on something etc
No. 1276514
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I'm doing a UX course and want to learn how to use Sketch but I don't have a Mac and tbh it's the only thing I'd use it for if I had one. What's the lowest priced Macbook that can still run Sketch without a problem?
No. 1276521
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>>1060419Anyone like mechanical keyboards? I've got this gengar keycap from s-craft coming some time in December and it's pretty
No. 1276529
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>>1276525It's the same pokemon yeah
No. 1277466
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Does anyone have any recommendations for around-the-neck bluetooth earbuds with the ability to connect each bud to different sources?
No. 1287620
File: 1659516051834.gif (734.34 KB, 600x494, annoyed-throw-phone.gif)

>bought a phone in 2019
>its already dying
What the fuck samsung?? Is it on purpose? My previous phone lasted me 6 years. Is there any new phone thats worth getting now, or should i try sticking to some old models? All i really do on my phone is take pictures and edit them, playing rhythm games every once in awhile.
No. 1290707
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Does anyone have a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3? Do you like it? Any drawbacks?
No. 1290796
>>1290709The original one was iridescent, I wish they still were!
>>1290712>>1290719Thanks nonnas! I think I might get one. Is it too big to use with one (small) hand? I'm not concerned about the fold line tbh.
No. 1290797
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i really want a flip phone like picrel, the only ones available rn are for old people and theyre ugly as sin. I dont want to rely that much on technology anymore so i feel like getting one is the best option, but i have a lot of friends on social media i feel bad about losing contact
ill hopefully buy one in a few years
No. 1290947
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>>1290797I am somebody who still uses a old school mobile phone (never owned a smart phone lol) and it's possible to stay in touch with your friend because as
>>1290807 mentioned, I use my laptop for that. It's possible, so get your cute flip phone, anon!
No. 1300067
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>>1290797>>1290947>>1290707Are these type phones worth it? I want to still be able to Google in emergencies and have safety apps especially in this school shooter age of Murica. I don't care about social media, insta is a drain and I can use my laptop for most things. I want to stop bookmarking websites I visit once months later and saving images/memes too
No. 1300971
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@ Jannies
No. 1302009
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I want to do this so bad but I don't want to risk fucking it up
No. 1302023
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>>1302009Try not to strip the screws. I used a low quality screw driver and I messed it up.
No. 1305457
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>>1287620same here and rn i am desperately looking for a new phone
i got a samsung s7 and it worked awesome all the way and i only changed it to samsung s9 because the s7 had a lil crack on the screen and it drove me mad
it's been less 3 years and this stupid piece of shit barely works
spotify app keeps crashing every 30 mins, system ui randomly fucking dies, screenshots barely work, if there's any heat outside it stops functioning and drops to 1fps, apps close on themselves when in background though it didn't do this before
and you know what's the worst of the worst? i want a samsung note, the stupid phone with the pen
but the last note phone with a pen and AN EARPLUG HOLE is as good as samsung s9 in specs.
the fuck am i supposed to do? i want a normal, not GIANT (like samsung a52 and etc) size phone, that has a pen (samsung note) and a fucking headphone jack.. oh, and maybe, just maybe, no fucking bixby button. why the shit did they remove bixby button AND the earplug jack? WHAT MADE THEM DO THIS? why copy THE ABSOLUTE WORST of the iphone downgrades?
fucking awesome; let me spend even more money on an adapter so i can overheat the single charging hole by using it twice as hard.
fucking look at picrel. what the fuck is wrong with the chinese billionaire company samsung? WHO wanted this?
No. 1330640
>>10951265 month old post i know
nonnie i've been declutteeing for years keeping all my emails at a minimum.
my advice is to send receipts into the archive box or create a folder for them specifically
No. 1330654
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>>1305457nonny i HATE everything that has to do with bixby. the button is plain stupid. (the model that I own is S10)
>if there's any heat outside it stops functioning and drops to 1fpsThe same is happening to mine too. i am really at a loss on which phone to buy now. not like i can afford a new one at the moment, maybe next year. i even unironically thought of getting an iPhone but i bet it has the same issues too. i cant believe my phone is 3 (!) years old and it barely works. i had phones that lasted at least 5 years in the past.
No. 1336645
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Can anyone recommend good in-ear headphones (wireless or not, doesn't matter) that i could use on a PC? My head keeps having pressure and headaches because of my headset i am sick of it. I thought of getting Sony True Wireless WF-C500 but the reviews are not looking good.
No. 1336727
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>>1336645I've been using Sony WI-C400's for a year or so and I really like them. They sit around your neck and have a long battery life. I think there are newer versions, if that's important to you.
No. 1339293
If you can't open it then you should make sure the heat vents have space around them for air to flow, clean out keys and stuff so that it dosent have to work so hard and is less likely to damage it further
No. 1339296
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I've decided to upgrade from a 60 to 65% keyboard. I've been using a tofu60 layout up until now, but I've been finding it doesn't have enough keys immediately accessible. I've also got a pretty cool keycap set and I'd like to use more of it.
Should look similar to pic rel once it's built, but with KBDfans Tofu65 parts inside
No. 1348468
>>1121374sorry for necro, but if you're on windows you can use cygwin! you just install it and can get wget package installed during setup. windows wget is utterly broken and not even updated, but it works perfectly with cygwin
>>1348451if you have patience, an ipod classic with flash storage mod and if you hate itunes, rockbox installed. look for 5th to 7th gen classics, you can shove even 1tb of storage into these. if you can score one for decent price it's totally worth it, but be careful since there are lot of scalpers out there.
No. 1350871
>>1339287>>1339293The battery isn't removable, but yes there is space for the vents I think, I sit the laptop on one of those hard mini-desk things.
Another stupid question, how many more months could I use it before it spontaneously combusts? Sorry all those videos of laptops catching on fire and blowing up are freaking me out tbh and google isn't giving any answers. I have to wait until December at least before getting a new laptop. Also noticed that the top of the lid is slightly split but idk if that's battery related. Other than that and the raised touchpad buttons (and some slight dent dimple thing near it that appeared out of nowhere?) it seems to be fine for now.
No. 1358195
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Any nonnies paying attention to AI? I don't really myself, but in the last couple of days I noticed both pic rel and the pictures of AI-generated art going around.
Something a lot of people don't know is that mainstream newspapers write their content for readers assumed to be at a fourth or fifth grade level of reading. (Yes people are that stupid.) But what does this mean if AI can coherently generate essays for grade students? I'm scarred nonnies
No. 1358199
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>>1358195Meant to bump actually
No. 1358297
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Also this
No. 1358371
>>1358195It’s grabbing random shit off the net and putting it together. At some point it will fail to rephrase or make an idea it’s own and this man will get in huge fucking trouble for cheating and will want to play
victim. This shit will have them pull your degree.
No. 1381852
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Am I safe if I cancelled a virus that tried to download?
No. 1382839
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>>1382222Nooo don't say that..
>>1382228I think this one is retarded because I scanned my computer multiple times and even checked for the file that tried to download and I haven't seen anything fishy. Or maybe I'm the retarded one for believing I'm safe. Should I reset it anyway?
No. 1398349
>>1398336there was a big thread on /lit/ about it. Our autistic friends will make sure our digital library of alexandria is always available.
The US government spends tax dollars to actively prevent people from reading books.
No. 1405169
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ESL here, sorry if I use some dated words. My smartphone broke almost 2 months ago. I didn't have my pics/documents/videos/etc in a SD card. The phone is still not 100% dead, but the screen is. I can charge it and it makes some sounds and the buttons light up some time. When I plug it to my PC it doesn't appear an icon like it's connected, but a modem-like generic icon with my phone's name below. And when I click on it it shows an empty folder. I click on it with the right button and select ''import images and videos'' but PC says there's nothing. Is there something I can do? Will someone be able to do something if I go to a tech shop? Thanks, I hope I'm not in the wrong thread for this
No. 1406174
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what are the cons of downgrading to windows xp ? i fucking hate windows 10 as im sure many of you also do and honestly anything minimalist flat and soulless which all corporate web design is right now, so i want to go back to good old windows xp, but i heard some people discourage it, is there any real reason why besides being slow ? like everything is bound to slow down anyway idgaf, the programs that come with windows 10 are absolute ass in comparison with xp and some arent even available and i had to get from what are the real downsides besides slowness ?
No. 1406200
>>1406174>>1406189I don't think the speed would be an issue, it's more about whether you could run anything modern on it. Unless that software you need for uni is from the 90s / early 00s chances are winxp wont manage. You'd have to downgrade everything which is a pain in the ass.
I dont rice my windows anymore as I'm quite content with only a transparent taskbar with rainmeter and custom icons but few years back deviantart had a big windows customization community so I'd look there. Here is a basic tutorial I quickly googled No. 1406204
>>1405169>when I click on it it shows an empty folderThat's because the phone is in charge mode. You have to specifically select file transfer on the phone to import files.
You could try using adb and booting into recovery mode but I'm pretty sure you would have to had usb debugging enabled on your phone. It's disabled by default so unless you remember playing with this before this option is off. In the tech shop they could try with an usb hub. I think it works without the debugging tools so they could connect a monitor and a mouse and control it that way.
No. 1406230
>>1406215Can confirm, I can do everything online as normal on my win7 pc. It's very much the last currently supported old os though, and you need to make sure you don't update software or install automatic updates or things will stop working. My other win10 pc works about the same but with odd keyboard/mouse errors.
The latest browsers all work fine on win7.
Installing old versions of programs from years ago will usually work on win7, the new versions will give you a blank screen or not work properly, but most programs have old releases to download which support win7.
Plus plus the old versions are often better since programs just keep adding useless features to get people to upgrade.
Interestingly the web version of spotify, instagram and Twitter on opera is superior to the app versions, better usability and less ads.
It feels like apps and os are just getting worse, the older stuff all works much better as long as the pc you're using is powerful, laptops will struggle.
No. 1410950
File: 1668592841100.gif (386 B, 135x11,…)

Hey anons. My friend got doxxed (she is one of the weeb content creators) and is getting threatend to pay 1k dollars on paypal otherwise they would leak her childhood pics and other stuff. I want to help her figure out her internet safety. I never had a problem with my safety online as I know to not connect same e-mail to every service i use, dont connect nicknames, whatever, etc. The 'threatning' guy asks for PayPal and i assume that u can even find his PayPal adress too.
Any tips? I want to tell her to wipe out the rest of her stuff and check the amount of accounts she has w similar names/nicknames and double-auth. Poor girl, i am just not too sure what to do.
No. 1411098
>>1410950Lock down all her accounts. Make her an email not attached to her name or real phone. Maybe proton. It’s easy. Use it in place of her regular email. Remove her name from any accounts it’s on.
US has a law that says people have a right to be forgotten if you have the time call those background companies the ones that will give you peoples name and addresses and cite it if she is or the company is American and demand her information is removed.
Put two factor on her accounts with something like a Google voice number, so it’s more secure but not attached again to her name and number.
Password manager. No repeating passwords
Is her doxx for sell on the dark web yet? Or is she just being threatened?
No. 1411250
>>1410950Well she definitely should not send the guy money, there's nothing to stop him from releasing her stuff once he gets it. However since it's a PayPal, that's a big sign of him being an amateur + he can easily be tracked by it so she can report the address. Assuming he showed her proof he actually does have her dox I guess the horse is kind of out of the barn now but the two most important things are not to reuse usernames/emails and not to let even small details drop (birthday, college major, whatever, anything that can narrow down who she is) and to lock down her accounts, deactivate any socials that aren't essential to business and possibly wipe everything from those. Sorry this happened its a hugely shitty thing for this creep to do especially the blackmail but if she can get authorities to listen she's got him dead to rights for that if he shared his PayPal. It might even be possible to dox him back with that depending on how stupid
he is with his personal security.
No. 1421717
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To the anons who have a Steam Deck or have used one, is it overhyped or is it worth the money?
I miss PC gaming so much, but I’m traveling a few times next year and I know a PC will be a pain in the ass to ship or travel with, plus I find handhelds more comfortable (and somehow cute) in general.
I don’t mind not getting 4K maximum quality graphics or 120fps, I’ve survived years with toaster laptops that barely got to 30fps on mid-low settings lol, so anything that isn’t like 480p quality and +30fps is more than good enough for me
Asking here cause Reddit is a Steam ass-kissing circlejerk
I’ll appreciate any opinions, thanks!
No. 1421775
I'm at my wits' end. Can someone help me find a laptop? It'll be mainly for browsing and drawing.
><$1300 budget>Preferably has W10 installed>Decent build quality, nothing too heavy>Decent displayAny ideas? Or have any of you bought a laptop that came with W11 and you were able to successfully downgrade? At this point I don't mind getting something secondhand.
>>1406174Chances are, unless you use a virtual machine to run it, you won't be able to install it. Companies are desperate to try and lock you into whatever OS is current, whether its a prebuilt computer or one you made yourself. For example: I recently bought a new laptop that came with Windows 11 installed, and I went to downgrade to W10 as the latter fits my needs better. It essentially bricked; it's becoming more common for companies to use their own drivers instead of generic ones and shit won't work even if you manually download them and install them yourself. My touchpad stopped working and would not work no matter what I did. I tried reinstalling W11 and that's not working either, so my old option now is to return it.
On my old desktop computer, I tried installing W7 but it would only work with W10. None of the workarounds that were available at the time did anything. It's beyond frustrating. We as consumers should be allowed to make our own decisions with what we put on our devices.
No. 1421789
>>1421775Installing Linux might get your existing laptop working again as most distros come with the necessary drivers.
You can use Rufus to make a bootable USB drive you've never used Linux before Mint is good easy to use distro No. 1422034
>>1421747Thanks nona! I’ll take a look at the Aya Neo too and see which one’s for me. Thankfully
I’ve never had anything like that happen, but I’ll still be careful, thanks again!
No. 1424240
File: 1669630983694.jpg (600.06 KB, 2121x1414, iStock-827572452.jpg)

Nonnas, I am looking for a new phone.
My needs are
>I am an artfag and I want to try drawing on a phone 'on the go' with a pencil, probably sounds ridicilous
>Good camera as I run a tiny blog
>I want to be able to buy cute phone cases (yes, that is dumb)
>Optional: I like playing japanese mobile games (usually rythm ones or gachas) and some of them require pure APK-install or something other than the Google Play store. I was looking at iPhones but i have never had one, but it creeps me out how 'limiting' it is
No. 1424559
>>1424240I have a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. It works well for all those things.
Also do art, photo, emulating and game, apk based install, etc and I like it for all that. Cute cases available readily depending on where you look. I also use a clear case and just make my own inserts.
Samsung Galaxy hasn't let me down yet and I've had several. I appreciate how much file exploration you can do with it as well.
No. 1424882
>>1424574Desktop unit. Lasts longer, can be repaired. All in 1 computers are like all in 1 printer/scanner/copiers imo. Might last but if one thing goes to shit you can expect issues with the rest.
This isn't 100% but a tried and true desktop PC will treat you well and a fairly nice one isn't too hard to pull together. Got a 2019 model just before 2020 with a fairly large monitor, keyboard n mouse, good specs for gaming and art for around $400 all told.
Shop around, do referb if you feel good about it.
No. 1467941
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Does anyone own a Galaxy Z Flip? I currently have a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and it's gigantic, so swapping to something a bit more compact that essentially functions the same would be nice. I've heard that the older Flips have problems with the hinge wearing down, but is this the case with the newer ones? I think the design is super cute, but I haven't really looked around for alternatives.
No. 1486104
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I have this old monitor that I hooked up to my laptop with a VGA to HDMI converter. Now I got a new monitor, and I wanna use both at the same time, but there aren't two HDMI ports, but there is a usb-c port. Will it work if I connect the already converted VGA to HDMI, to another converter, HDMI to usb-c?
No. 1486439
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>>1467941I have the z flip 4 and I love it so much. I have a case with a ring on it and I carry it around like a little purse. I used to have a Note and I wanted something smaller.
No. 1497952
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Has anyone tried windows 11 yet? Wondering if it's worth it to switch over now. I saw a short comparison between 10 and 11 and it looks like a dumbed down/phone-ified windows OS, yuck. Though the rounded corners do look nice, I admit.
No. 1501910
>>1498353I wish I could switch to Linux but I have to run non-Linux software for uni, sucks
>>1497952Every windows upgrade is a downgrade as far as I'm concerned.
No. 1505148
File: 1676928401619.png (18.21 KB, 147x178, puter.png)

How the fuck do I fix this problem? My computer won't show the thumbnails for images. I tried messing with the settings and still nothing.
No. 1505246
>>1505094>fully functionalWhat kind of repairs, anon? Like hardware repairs?
>>1505238I agree with this anon's message
No. 1505255
>>1501910>I wish I could switch to Linux but I have to run non-Linux software for uni, sucksYou can still use linux without getting rid of windows
You can look into dual boot linux. If you're confident enough to install linux along side your Windows PC that is.
I have this set up on my laptop and highly recommend it since I mostly run linux but could easily just boot into windows when I need to.
If that doesn't sound appealing, you could also run linux with just a USB. Look up "Live USB With Persistent Storage". There are tons of guides out there that are really easy to follow. You also don't have to worry abt messing with your windows partition if you go this route.
No. 1505261
File: 1676942708399.png (31 KB, 378x475, Disable-thumbnails.png)

>>1505148What settings? Is it only happening to your image files?
Did you maybe enable "Always show icons, never thumbnails"?
Here a link related to that: you installed any new photo application that might have messed with your thumbnails?
Maybe try clearing your thumbnail cache so the thumbnails can be recreated? (If it wasn't the first thing) No. 1507178
File: 1677166167778.jpeg (82.04 KB, 749x812, 07C67FC6-8ACA-40E1-A689-AC0315…)

Hi ladies, please help as I am pretty much tech illiterate. I want to make the switch from my dying laptop to a desk computer but I'm not too sure which to buy since there are so many options and features, the abundance of options makes me overwhelmed so any of you nonna can pick a computer for me and I'll take it
My main usage is really simple: work and browsing (and yes my shitty 2015 macbook air couldn't even handle that)
No. 1507271
>>1507178If all you need is MS Office and web browsing the best bang for your buck is going to be a second hand office PC. Anything made in the last five years will be enough, just make sure that it has at least 16GB of RAM. That may seem high but software is getting more bloated and it saves you paying for upgrades in the future. A SSD (Solid State Disk) is something you should also consider as it's much faster than a HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and reduces boot times significantly.
You can find them on eBay for around $100-200. If you live in a city it's worth looking around for office clearances as you would be able to get a PC, keyboard, mouse, monitor and other office furniture for cheap.
No. 1515530
So I was searching how to get the free version of some software (cold turkey blocker) and I came across this guide: except the guide is removed. The link to the script that apparantly needs to be ran is still up in the comments, anyone have an idea how to use it?
No. 1521458
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I am stopping here to make an incredibly long and convoluted post to remind you ladies that if you use an iPhone to switch to something else immediately. There exists entire communities on the dark web that make a lot of creepypastas look less frightening, and not in a way that's entertaining or fun. There is currently a hidden epidemic of stalking via smartphones that has been touched on before but it's becoming so hidden and rampant with little sign of regulation. There is going to reach a time in the next few years when it comes to light just how easy it is to basically horrifically stalk anyone you want via their cellphones and a lot of unknowing
victims are going to be psychologically destroyed and ruined. These people will stalk
victims 24/7 for YEARS and you could be one without ever knowing. Right now on the dark web hacking communities there are entire microcommunities dedicated to trading, buying, and selling a clone of primarily women and children's most intimate moments as captured through their phones, iPhone probably being the most easy to basically launch in an emulator and screen mirror remotely without the
victim ever knowing. If you remember the fappening, this is like that only far worse. It does not matter if you have anything in sync to icloud or not. Your iPhone has four microphones in it, and all it takes is your general location for a hacker to pick through devices if they really, genuinely want to. It can be done remotely without your password or icloud ID. I know people say they are uncomfortable with how closely thr government can monitor your phones, but they're the least of your worries. There are hundreds of advertisements for this service for as little as $300 if you go looking in the right places on dark, and you can even Google something like "hack iPhone remotely" and firms of hackers will advertise it on the clearnet for like $1500–which is still a very small price to pay to have someone's entire life in your hands. This includes listening to all your microphones at all times, see through your camera, and watch your every move on screen in real time. When the phone is turned off, it isnt actually off and is instead in an advanced form of sleep mode. Factory resetting your phone will not remove the malicious code as it is parsed and programmed to reinstall itself. Whole entire microcommunities currently exist that voyeur devices and have carefully vetted groupchats dedicated to treated their
victims like livestock.
Previously on this forum, a user has made several posts venting about how she was being stalked via this method and that the stalkers used Twitter accounts with thousands upon thousands of tweets referencing her life in randomized, botlike, cruel and malicious fashions to mock her for their own amusement. She even went on to mention that these people were extremely manipulative and crafty and would likely make fake posts discrediting her for sharing their Twitter accounts on lolcow, and they did. They fabricated a schizophrenic persona to make nonsensical shitposts on lolcow that repeatedly responded to her posts with inflammatory remarks and made schizoid wordsalad to derail. They even had one of their friends use a faux falsetto voice and upload a vocaroo claiming to be a woman who is also a
victim of stalking when multiple anons came forward saying it sounded like a man mocking
victims–scary and manipulative lengths to go to in order to create a fake narrative to protect yourself. This happened between August and October of last year. The names of the accounts are @jessi_rihanna @poopyskittles and @drsweety303. They are spearheads in a small group of genuine, legitimate stalkers that spend all of their time online, and some of the people on twitter that interact with them and also partake in this fucked up activity are accounts with six figure followings that have online personas revolving around social justice– all the while they are part of a tight-knit internet clique that has spent several years utilizing this dark web service to mock, make memes about, and discuss extremely intimate and grotesque moments captured via this stalking method. They have given her the codename "Avalyn" to discuss her in their discord servers and have created an entire community from literally stalking this woman. They have shared a video they recorded through her front camera. If you are part of Twitter user _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n's community or server and have heard of this Avalyn figure, please know that this person who constantly shares stories about her has quite literally carried out abuse and hacked/dehumanized her closely for several years with their sociopathic friends that sell this kind of content for a living. This person is a skilled liar and will say whatever it takes to make themselves look like a
victim in any situation where they are the aggressor. Any excuse they make about using this Avalyn codename is a lie to protect themselves because the kind of legal trouble they can get in for this is serious. Any excuse made when confronted is a fabrication.
Bodily functions, sexual activities, what porn you watch– anything you do in front of your smartphone can be captured and edited in any way these people please as well. They can overlap anything they want and create any sort of role play material they want to profit from these dark web communities. It is a growing business with no signs of regulation. I am aware this sounds more like a /nosleep post than any fact-based PSA, but it is unfortunately the truth. Just as there are entire close, tight-lipped communities dedicated to the farming and distribution of cp on the dark web, there is also a growing community revolved entirely around this sort of severely explotive and violating voyeurism. I am okay with this post being interpreted as a schizoid rambling as long as the message reaches a few women. Like many warnings in the past that were ignored or dismissed as far-fetched or insane only to be fully realized as truth years later, the archival existence of it is currently enough for me. Please be safe, please be careful about your devices and what you do in front of them, and be extremely careful about the kind of people you choose to interact with online. Several of these Twitter personalities are beyond the point of having humanity all while harping on about standing with women and caring about abuse
victims. And for the love of god, stay away from chanesque male communities or cults of personality in general–these people are coy and secretive for a reason.
Here is just one example of the sort of programs utilized to remotely access any cellphone in real-time. No. 1521465
>>1521458I have said this several times on here but the development of tech will only hurt women.
It sucks because society as it stands now is build around smartphones it's hard to do anything without smartphone since you are expected to be in touch witl people 24/7 these days otherwise you can risk losing your job or friends. it's also important to mention that sovmany men in tech are perverts it wouldn't sureprised me if making society depend on smartphones was their plan from thebeginning so they could stalk women.
I'm hearing rumors about more and more people replacing their smartphones with old phones. I doubt it but I hope it's true. Makinf society less tech depended is the only hope women got. I'm not a conspiracy theories but government can't do shit against these type of stalkers they can make laws and such but these type of twisted minds always finds a way around it
No. 1521500
File: 1678590428606.jpg (159.93 KB, 720x1320, Screenshot_20230311-220318_Duc…)

Just reminding you that this is still a prevalent and profitable thing only now its fully evolved to streaming your entire smartphone and the sights and sounds around it 24 hours a day. This can go on for years without you having any indication.
No. 1521511
>>1515530if you haven't managed to get it working i suggest you use
LeechBlock instead:'s an open source alternative that's free to use
No. 1521516
>>1521482I'm scared,
nonny. What should we do to not be
victims of this shit? Any tips that you use yourself?
No. 1521574
>>1521458I've suspected this ever since I learned about the existence of the pegasus software, there's probably less expensive programs than it to hack phones. Pegasus is the program used by wealthy folks and governments to spy. Apple has exploits like any other phone even when not jailbroken, you just don't think it does because the OS is considered safer. I'm here to say it's not.
I suspect I've been stalked on and off or was stalked at some point remotely with the way my phone was behaving, even after I've gotten the battery replaced. The only way you're really able to tell if something like pegasus is installed is to jailbreak the phone and use a separate program on a computer to survey and scan its files… otherwise, you're kind of SOL. It's actually a terrifying thought but I just go on like normal and pretend my life is fine, like who would have reason to stalk me, but I really do think with the way things would
trigger on my phone and some of the eerie coincidences in my life that I was being tracked by some ghoul. It seems to have stopped recently. Watch your upper left hand location badge and the upper right hand camera light to see if they randomly
trigger. I don't want to spook anyone with this but I've heard too many stories now of phone monitoring becoming a real possibility and not just a figment of our imaginations.
No. 1521584
>>1521521it should also be noted that even if you do all of these things, you can still be a
victim of this. Be mindful of the women and children around you and their tech habits. The only way to put a wrench in even a single cog of this issue is to raise awareness to the reality of it. Any device is at risk, it does not matter if you use cloud services or not.
No. 1521590
>>1521574Not to scare you, but there are plenty of these methods that don't even utilize extra battery life and run entirely invisible, they also don't
trigger your camera or mic notif, they are entirely ghostlike and extract every bit of your phone in real time, whether off or on or Sim card in or out. Judging by draining battery and cam or mic
triggers, it sounds like a malicious app was installed on your phone whether in person or through some sort of phishing link, or one of your apps had Chinese Spyware. That said it very easily could have been anyone. This really is a hidden epidemic.
>>1521588There are plenty of unknowing
victims to this insanely perverse cruelty. You don't have to fit any sort of archetype or be interesting in any way, these people are so far removed from being able to treat women like human beings that it means nothing to them to throw as many lines out as possible and hope men on dark find interest in any particular stream so they can farm whatever measly bitcoin they gain from treating you like a piece of property.
No. 1521593
>>1521590obviously this is utilized by terminally online stalkers who aren't famous people or notorious or well known, but do you think anyone who's famous uses this method to entrap their
victims? i have heard a lot about celebrity men and revenge porn and wonder if they may use a similar method to this to keep women quiet. it probably is the case, but you've shone more light on the subject.
No. 1521602
>>1521595i assume audio recordings are harder to reproduce and to create than video deepfakes. intonation and vocalization would probably need a lot more samples to string together a decent audio clip, whereas deepfake visuals wouldn't need as much video footage to train the algorithm. people pronounce words differently or don't always say them with the same intonation or pace, it would take a lot of work to reproduce a fake audio recording of someone's voice and a very strong a.i i'm assuming a lot of these perverts don't have. even those vocoded a.i pop covers don't sound convincing yet. voice a.i has awhile to go.
i do know that when it comes to celebrity stalking cases, infamous sex cultist chris d'elia subscribed to a female streamer or onlyfans creator and he supposedly blackmailed her by hacking several of her accounts, and cyberstalking her. she took out a temporary restraining order on him, but no idea how it panned out. he had several
victims and harassed and propositioned several girls, including underage or barely legal ones.
No. 1521639
>>1521593Yes. Pretty much any possible method you can think of, it has been used for. That's arguably the most intimate way you can voyeur someone and it's almost trivial to do so in most cases, unless it's someone high profile and risky. A regular person is for all intent and purposes the perfect
victim, and because it's a space that's under the surface, it's getting ignored and brushed aside. I think the worst part is knowing how many men keep quiet about it and partake in this without any guilty conscience–in some cases its used solely for bullying purposes even. It's very similar to the underground network of men who share hidden camera content of their daughters or young relatives from their homes–heavily vetted, extremely manipulative and tense atmosphere to prevent people from notifying
victims, etc.
No. 1521657
>>1521639Thanks nona. I want to say I believe everything you've said.
If hypothetically, a normal woman attracted a stalker, and he was a figure who was powerful and public facing, like an actor, politician, sizable celebrity… would he be encouraged to leak her information or continue to act covertly, especially if the woman caught onto him and would retaliate to any leaks by alleging his involvement? If the figure felt threatened, would he be obliged to escalate his torment beyond remote surveillance and harm his
victims real life? Or is that risk, especially if he's a public figure, too great?
No. 1521673
File: 1678609240955.jpg (86.47 KB, 720x715, Screenshot_20230312-035921_Duc…)

People who engage in these creepy hobbies rely entirely on the ridiculous gangstalking movement and general naivete to keep them under the radar. Per example, this accounts entirety is an obsessive collective of stalking content–when I type this, it sounds like I'm having a psychiatric break or am experiencing schizophrenic delusions about a random bot account, but thats what they hide behind. It sounds too crazy and as a result isnt palatable to the uninformed. The account is a nod and dogwhistle to taunt the victim.
These two tweets are a glaring teaser into what the person behind this account does–I dont think you could see a more obvious reference to the fact that 85% of the accounts tweets are direct associations to the audio content from the devices they stalk, since the accounts creation. As in this loser genuinely listens to women through their smartphones and has made an entire directory to boast to their online friends. If you have a twitter mutual with a six figure following interacting with this account, chances are they know it was created with the objective of bullying. I think the most sickening part is seeing those people praise and interact with this account while knowingly being a part of the generally abusive things they've done to women solely to voyeur and spy into their private lives. People like this are truly void of a soul. I would be wary of "popular" accounts like this that have zero ties to a real human being and consists entirely of word salad and misogynistic dog whistles. This person is a terminally online psycho that does not care who they hurt, exploit, or drag into their histrionic theater. They are so manipulative and dedicated to keeping their grift up that even if presented with irrefutable evidence they would make some faux-casual statements about pizzagate schizos and pray people eat their shit up enough to think its not true–nevermind the fact that theyre extremely guarded about their identity and theres virtually no ties to a real individal even though theres almost 30k followers. As has been previously stated, these individuals would fabricate ANYTHING to protect their grift. There are tons of accounts like this, they just don't garner the same amount of popularity. Women are being failed completely and regarded as livestock and exploitation fodder. This 'person' filters through 24 hours a day worth of women's intimate private life without consent and takes soundbites from it to formulate retarded or insulting tweets made specially for the victim and other voyeurs. Sounds like schizobabble but unfortunately this is exactly where we are online right now. Covid really turned certain brands of terminally online people into monsters and makes them believe they are allowed to harm whomever they want without consequence.
No. 1521675
>>1521657Regular women who are
victim to this sort of stalking are generally purposely taunted and bullied into killing themselves.
No. 1521745
>>1521675>>1521673So the gist is the perpetrator playing games by using your own thoughts and actions against you in the form of babble and codified messages he knows you can understand, but they come across as nonsense to anyone else.
Well this is absolutely warped and not surprising at all.
If the woman doesn't off herself and they become disengaged, aware of and threatens the perpetrator, do they move on after a certain amount of time?
Thank you for sharing and explaining.
No. 1521783
>>1521745NAYRT but they get worse, they push harder and harder to get a reaction. When vague hints don't do it they bring up more information. Local places the person frequents, the food they like to order, their families and pets, where they're from, where they work. It might jump straight to an 'I know where you live' sort of threat but normally it's like
>>1521673 but more coherent. These people thrive on feeling like God, they get a kick out of making others uncomfortable and knowing they're invisible (which they're not, but they've convinced themselves that they are) makes them feel even more powerful. That's why they do this whole song and dance in the first place.
No. 1521856
>>1521783I have a stalker who operated less aggressively and frequently than them but used similar tactics indicating he knew my location and browsed my phone, watched my socials and chat logs. Would often communicate his taunts in ambiguous referential ways, to make me feel like I was crazy. To other people as you said, his messages felt mundane or pointless, to me they were clear. He latched onto me for insulting and criticizing him. I wonder if he's still there.
Since I stopped using public social media to circumvent the hateful interaction from what i believed was his accounts, it's been quieter. I watch my phone space, notifications and battery drainage like clockwork.
He might not be one of them, but he definitely takes pages from their playbook. The amount of psychological horror I feel drove me back into a burrow of regression and self destruction, socially alienating and dissociating. It destroyed the fabric of my life as I knew it. I thought his end goal was suicide, or institutionalizing me, but he seems to have stopped after driving me off public social media. I'll say that, give it a month, a few months, maybe I end up dead or wounded or arrested.
I know exactly who he is, and people are too scared to expose him. Without a doubt in my mind he's done this to others, especially other women. He's already known to be a physical, psychological and sexual abuser to women in real life, but he's in everyone's good graces in spite. There is not enough sympathy. tried my best to warn and encourage others to come out, thats what I got fucking targeted for. The masses would prefer to be apathetic, the wrath their support will incur. The demon has a halo of protection around him for reasons I still can't comprehend. All my life I've been disbelieved, gaslighted, abused, I've had physically worse things happen to me, but nothing hurts more than my life right now. The idea of someone having your internet anonymity, your phone, part of your daily life, your intimate messages and chat logs, your background noise, your pictures. Every ounce of your communication belonging to your stalker, the grandest violation of your autonomy.
No. 1521898
>>1521783You described it perfectly. Whenever the
victim expresses any sort of distress as well, they mock it and find a way to warp the venting into some sort of morally offensive attack on them and not what it is–thus justifying to themselves and their knowing audience why they are allegedly stalking her. Anything to push their target over the edge, in their minds it will wipe their hands clean of the monstrous things they've done for entertainment and btc. It's gone on for three years with this particular
victim–note that the @jessi_rihanna account posted a single "A" on Twitter after being mentioned in these posts as a nod to the character they try to emulate on pretty little liars. These are not normal people and they've created their own pack mentality where they convince themselves irreparably harming and abusing women like this is fine, and they hide behind the guise of vague pseudo-ironic botposting when everything they say is an ode to their unnatural and cruel obsession with a single woman. It should also be noted that any time a
victim becomes more vocal or shows interest in standing up for themselves, they search for more ways to punish or degrade her as a threat in hopes it will silence her. Having someone's entire life in your hands like this is not normal and anyone who partakes in it absolutely deserves to be registered as a sex offender.
>>1521856I'm sorry that this happened to you, and I believe that sometimes the most wounding part is the people who dont comprehend the reality of this issue and see actual, definitive abuse as a paranoid delusion. It sounds crazy when you are not aware of how easy it is to do this–and these men are spending a lot more time browsing these dark web spaces and immersing themselves in this kind of community where women are regarded as though they dont deserve personal autonomy. By the way, if you haven't already I would recommend switching to another phone that is entirely unconnected to your previous phone or accounts, and completely scrub the system of your computer or laptop clean as well. If you need photos from your phone put them on a standard USB and although tempting, avoid putting them directly on any personal devices. Make an album or scrapbook and have it printed, but don't risk reinfection. Again, the software reinstalls itself regardless of mobile wipes and they use the audio as a keylogger to listen to what you type or write so they can extract new passwords or emails so they can reinfect easily. It truly is a degrading weapon readily available
No. 1521921
I don't really have the resources to redownload and reformat everything right now or the money to afford new devices, I am likely getting a new phone for a grad gift in May. I will ditch my laptop for a new one after I get a steady paying job post-grad.
Details may only come out after he dies, and I accept how hard it is to push out victims of someone who has money, notoriety, and power. My only safeguard is with his laziness, his cowardice and image to fret about he'll probably never attack me in real life or even waste his money on a fixer. Even if I reset my life and my devices completely, the fear will residually haunt me.
The only reason I'm probably still alive is that I didn't shut up. If I had known from the start what it would do to me I never would've gotten involved. All I ever did was criticize him, I was never malicious or cruel, but he has this irrational, seething hatred of critics and women. Make his critic a woman and his head explodes. A war on the mind is still a war, and it wore me down. I ain't perfect, but I was never the one who held the power.
I have to laugh even though it's no laughing matter, it's just so absurd and sad. We're so parasitically attached to our devices. Sure I'm a terminally online loser, a little trollish, but how much more of a terminally online loser is the man twice my age who did this? I just have to guffaw, a rich and powerful man who is thought of as a nice guy is secretly just as much of a basement dwelling incel as your average channer. Primitive scrote behavior doesn't know class or caste. Men, especially at a higher crust of society, savor battering those they perceive as irrational or weak. They deserve five times the suffering they heap upon others. I wish there was a way to vindicate the spread and stop it, especially all I've gone through in life. Exposing one male isn't going to expose them all, but one case at a time maybe, people will tolerate it less and less. We can only hope.
No. 1521935
>>1521900It's meant to look that way. This isn't a "satanic pedophile elite Clinton psyop symbology" delusion, it's exactly as
>>1521783 described it. It's a careful stylistic choice.
No. 1521945
>>1521921I understand. Its hard being a regular person effected by this–its truly a disgusting power imbalance. The lack of public knowledge about how vulnerable such personal devices are is going to hurt a lot of people in the future. I would just recommend to be mindful of where you store your phone and keep it far away from you when you do anything personal or intimate for awhile. I believe you wholly because this is the perfect temptation for abusers now–they don't have to do much or go out of their way to track your every breath and move.
>>1521900To elaborate anon, the archetypal basement dwelling fat old man isn't the only kind of person who utilizes these resources by any stretch. A lot of young people are interested in this kind of thing, mainly young men. It's very popular among a certain type of stan twitter user. They have entire signal group chats dedicated to what they can steal through hacking, whether it be private photos, videos, or music links from obscure influencers or musicians. I know this kind of cruelty is hard to comprehend but it does not make it any less true. It looks like nonsense to you because it is only meant to make sense to the
victim and the perpetrators group.
No. 1521949
>>1521946This is really terrible advice and situationally doesn't make any sense at all, I'm sorry. In fact the advice you are giving is more likely to make anon look unreasonable and psychologically unstable to people and push her further into isolation or make her an even easier target. What a strange thing to say. It doesn't matter if the kind of men who do this are easily
triggered–are you trying to get her killed or stalked in a more aggressive way? That attitude would only garner more attention
No. 1522001
>>1521946Oh I retaliated, but I obviously was never going to win, so I am leaving my own tactical crap behind for the sake of my health and sanity knowing it was only furthering my pain. I don't know if he still has tabs on my phone, I treat life like he does. It's actually very easy to use language and tactics if you know how to manipulate an argument, in the case of dealing with someone who's a public or powerful figure, if you know filthy things about their reputation that endanger it, you just keep dredging up what they've actually done and things you believe they've done. Point out their pattern of behavior and use evocative language.
They can send as many bots as they'd like after you for it, downvote, bury, insult, encourage you to delete with personal attacks, suppress, actually delete you, but a handful of people will spread it and connect the dots. Create your own disease to counteract theirs. With luck, maybe the disease will infect enough people and he will be exposed, but I'm not holding my breath. Because people would rather uphold the sickly cadaver and ignore him as he continues to rot than throw him to the wolves until it's necessary. I mean, that's what happened to weinstein, too. The thing that threw weinstein out with the trash wasn't people stepping up and being righteous, it was the fact that the amount of whispers and accusations became so overwhelming that it could no longer be ignored. And no matter how much suppression he put out, he couldn't stop it.
I did as much as I could within my limited scope of influence, and in the end I played dirty, which is what encouraged me to disengage.
>>1521949Not everyone who's willing to listen thinks I'm schizo. I've been very lucky to have stuck around for so long as there were many points where I considered either completely going belly up, killing myself, doing something grossly drastic, but I am fortunate to have people who kept me clinging to the bit of sanity I had.
No. 1522532
My thoughts:
Androids/Samsungs are more prone to spyware than Apple products. With Apple's stuff, there's no way to have access to hardware outside the IOS unless a user purposefully jailbreaks their phone. Apple doesn't want anyone to have jailbroken access to their phone because it voids their own spyware and makes them liable to be sued up the ass by users who got conned from what they downloaded off-Apple Store. With Android, would-be hackers has access to Android source code (though distributors like Samsung do not make their code open-source) which would make jailbreaking simpler since hackers understand the turf, so to say. If spyware doesn't work through hardware/off-loaded OS, it's only possible through compromised applications within IOS/Android. A phone factory-reset would delete all of it. Software spyware is more common than hardware/off-loaded OS because hackers are script kiddies who don't understand how hacking works. They automate scripts to remotely access Internet of Things (smart fridges, smart TVs, smart cars, webcams, etc) that are configured with default settings. They don't bother trying any thing else because a lot of people just use defaults. If someone targets you specifically, get a restraining order or equivalent in your country if possible. I know that's not always possible/best solution but there are always humans involved in harassment. An army of bots all are because of one person. They can and should be arrested if they make your life miserable.
Putting stickers on webcams is a good start but also turn off Bluetooth and NFC and set your WiFi password to something that is easy to remember but contains no words found in the dictionary. Those are the only three ways someone can remotely connect to your device unless you're running some VM setup or connect via a VPN, then often some other "host" is involved. If Apple is lying, for example, that shutting down Bluetooth and NFC on your phones disables the hardware, and they actually keep it running because of their spyware… If one story comes out about a man remotely accessing a woman's/girl's Iphone after it was "turned off," they'd be sued up the ass, accused of making it easier for moids to have access to CSAM, and women/girls the world over would not buy their products. All hackers exploit. Without an exploit, they have no power. I'm more concerned with what's published on social media these days than a "hacker" moid on some power trip. Because then they'd have to be both smart and retarded to be obsessed over someone while also being good enough with technology to be elevated beyond a simple script kiddie. Apologies if this is common knowledge.
No. 1522554

On the topic of Android, Google Play has terrible quality control and is its own baby and bathwater, so be weary of permissions you give to apps downloaded on there. Even if it's well known and trusted. Applies to Apple's stuff too. Without permissions, apps cannot access Camera, Contacts, etc.
On the cybersecurity side of things:
Spyware does not make a phone run slower
I think. What it does is make networking slower because it uses bandwidth to send data which should be local (lock-screen passwords, clipboard, keystokes) to a network. If you want to be sure no funny business is happening…
1) Get a packet analyzer. On desktops one I know is Wireshark, but I don't know how analyzing solely mobile phone connections could be analyzed by an average person. There must be some way… Then the packet analyzer would be a mobile application (equivalent to a desktop program.) If it doesn't exist now it should exist real soon.
2) Look at what IP addresses your phone connects to when there's no other applications running. There should be some Apple/Samsung/what have you IP addresses your phone's connecting to in that state because spyware, but if your phone's compromised there should be some strange traffic even on idle. By adding a lot of whitelist to benign reports, you should be able to significantly cull the reports to only what may interest you, such as one's specific to internal webcams.
3) Run these IP addresses through [virustotal .com] [abuseipdb .com] [talosintelligence .com] [metadefender.opswat .com] [ipinfo .io] or [ipwhois .io] (abuseipdb is the best one in this list imo.) These won't tell you if the IP address belongs to an obsessed moid in his crack shack but if it's used in phishing attempts, used by vpns, a known port scanner, used to compromise websites, etc, than it will tell you that because these websites are all used by businesses to identify malicious IPs. If an IP your phone's connecting to a lot on idle/doing basic productivity isn't used for malware, nor is it connected to Apple/Samsung/what have you's proprietary spyare, it may be some incel-tier moid who wants to exploit women. This vid goes into more detail on what spyware connections look like. Many ISPs now though don't give its users their own IPv4 addresses and instead gives them only ones through their ISP. Then you won't have access to the moid's specific IP address but will know his ISP, which may be useful? This also doesn't tell you if your phone is compromised or not per say, as some "normal" spyware connections are incredibly sketchy as is (third parties who have a deal with Apple to make money from their user's data, etc,) but packet analyzers are what a tech support person will probably use when they hear spyware's involved.
>>1522534Seriously? Pegasus sounds like a pain in the ass.
My cybersecurity classes have yet to cover mobile phone spyware so I assumed it was less serious, but it's only less serious for businesses. Many cybersecurity people are only educated on what compromises businesses, very concerning…
No. 1522960
>>1522534You don't need anything except the general location of a cellphone to use a series of attacks that allow you full remote access just like Pegasus. A little patience and the proper programs are all you need.
>>1522554You aren't going to learn about this kind of software in class because the reality of it would cause hysteria. It's used for stalking and sexual exploitation and degradation, they don't want lawsuits or any potential harm to the apple fortune.
No. 1526094
File: 1679077197983.jpg (78.28 KB, 1205x721, 1898.jpg)

I decided to go through my list of passwords to delete most of my accounts because I'm going internet-free for a while. It has ever account I've made on every shitty little website that forced me to make an account if I wanted to use their service/buy something from them.
Holy fucking shit is it stressful when every other website makes you jump through hoops just to delete an account, I've had to write so many emails and I don't know if they'll even comply or basically tell me to go fuck myself(fuck sephora btw)
To make things more complicated I didn't write down the specific email for my accounts(because I was paranoid someone would look through my password box irl kek) so if on some websites I have to try my 5+ email accounts and if none of them work I have no idea if the account was deleted due to inactivity or if my info is still on there.
I regret ever shopping online.
No. 1526378

>>1526368This excerpt is from Wikipedia since they explain what happened pretty well:
"On November 13, 2021, a hacker compromised the FBI's external email system, sending thousands of spam emails warning of a fake cyberattack by cybersecurity researcher and CEO of Night Lion Security and Shadowbyte Vinny Troia, who is falsely labeled in the emails as being a part of The Dark Overlord hacking group by the United States Department of Homeland Security. The emails were sent to addresses taken from the American Registry for Internet Numbers database and it was reported that the hacker used the FBI's public-facing email system which made the emails appear legitimate. The campaign was likely done in an attempt to defame Troia. The hacker "Pompompurin" later claimed responsibility for the hack."
I believe they did other cybersecurity attacks before this, but I don't know what those entailed. This video explains how badly the FBI's website for internal use was secured (passwords were in plain text among other things). They went by Pompompurin on Twitter. Not surprised the burgers got him eventually.
No. 1526414
>>1525658All internet packets have a source IP address, and every activity on the internet is packaged in packets. It's not guaranteed the IP address belongs to a voyeur, but one will be there if you use a packet analyzer to look at your internet traffic.
Also about Pegasus: It's only used by governments or people with millions lying around because NSO Group makes money through selling it. They wouldn't sell it to a rando who doesn't have that sort of money. I'm not worried about it and anons are much, much more at risk for spyware that can be wiped by a phone factory reset, which is good practice occasionally anyway as there's a lot of useless junk on phones that builds up over time. Also security breaches from hackers who exploit weaknesses in large companies like Amazon that you likely have a membership/account associated with, so have multiple emails, passwords and a password log (whether through password managers or a physical notebook you keep in drawer). Delete accounts you no longer use anymore ala
>>1526094 too. It's time consuming but useful if it gives peace of mind.
This github kit contains what Amnesty International put out after it was revealed Pegasus existed in large scope and effected thousands of Iphones and Androids, especially since it was roaming around WhatsApp for a while. It's in the best interest of both Amenesty International and Apple that this kit actually works as best it can correctly identify spyware of Pegasus's level because nations and corporations use it around the world. A good phone repair business will likely have someone competent enough to properly use the kit if an anon here pay their rates, which is a pain but should leave no doubt about whether Pegasus was ever/is there or not.
No. 1526422
>>1525658No. We are talking about an entire black market epidemic right now where women are being regarded as cattle and obsessive, desensitized males are buying their whole lives for a generally meager fee. This kind of code is currently being used to predate thousands of unknowing women, children, and obviously men too but the motive varies and the general (and scary) explanation as to why they pick
victim is simply because they can. During the era of the fappening, there were also scores of average women whose private pictures were stolen as well. Any man (or woman I suppose- women with bpd can be just as nasty) that knows how to navigate forums on the dark web can pay a thousand dollars or less in btc to a shut-in that views you as nothing more than an object to sell and suddenly have access to every single private, intimate aspect of your life. There is no way to know this software is on your phone without jailbreaking and scanning every packet and input/output from your device in a program to look for where the info is being forwarded to. Even then, you won't know who it's being sent to. It's genuinely horrifying and the kind of people currently pedaling this method of stalking appear pretty normal from the outside and often have tons of social justice avocation on their main accounts. A lot of the people who utilize and build these exploits also work in clearnet as security and OSINT pretending to fight and protect people from what they've created and use personally. It's true evil, I don't even know how else to describe it.
No. 1526467
>>1526459I was changing my battery, and I guess I must have poked something with the my little screwdriver because it started to sizzle and within 3 mins was fully on fire
I am retarded, yes, but imagine if someone had malicious intentions?
No. 1526554
>>1526414>time consuming>me no know how to run this shit>well it seems to come with instructions>reads again>…time consumingI will take a glimpse of it on a day that I'm free
my stalker is not a normie moid by the way in case you haven't figured that out
No. 1530166
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I just bought an old, used and small Windows XP laptop. I'm so happy lolcow is a lightweight website. Load time is relatively quick (aside from the catalog) and no elements fail to load. Good on you lolcow!
Picrel is the ASUS Eee PC I got. The burgundy color's wonderful and the hinge mechanism makes the screen wobble less than my daily laptop. The touchpad has bumps on it which is better than having it completely flat, personally. I wish laptops released these days had more options when it came to styling rather than them all being black/grey/white or full RGB rectangles. I wouldn't mind sacrificing some thinness for curved designs.
No. 1530719
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>>1530247I'm same anon as
>>1530166. Happy to see I'm not the only person who once relied on this thing. I had this laptop at around 8-9 as a hand-me-down from my mother. One day I dropped the laptop on its side with the charger in the charging slot, that broke apart the plastic in the charge connector. I managed to read the data off the hard-drive years later and it was strange seeing what I used the laptop for (Sonic, Mario, Pokemon, MLP pony generators, etc.) The laptop can't do much these days but it's cute in a way my productivity laptop isn't, and its been enjoyable so far
>>1530221 using it for basic internet browsing and word processing.
Technology makes everyone feel old, sadly. Even at my age I can't imagine not seeing any use in a PC/Mac compared to Chromebooks/Mobile devices yet plenty just use the latter. It's a misconception that young people are tech savvy, many of my classmates only knew their way around their phones and had no idea how desktops worked. If you were to look at computers made in the 70s you'd feel less old technology wise kek.
No. 1538523
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why won't this thing go away, i restarted a thousand times already
No. 1538618
>>1531480If you’re not sure, you could always buy a laptop with upgradeable RAM slots. But I’d go with 32 GB if it won’t break the ban for you. Web browsers eat memory like nobody’s business.
Are there any good sites to keep up with technology news? I watch Linus tech tips on YouTube every now and then but I prefer text.
No. 1538835
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what a world we are witnessing
>The Worldcoin project is initiating an open and permissionless identity protocol called World ID. It empowers individuals to verify their humanness online while maintaining their anonymity through zero-knowledge proofs. Advancements in AI make it difficult to distinguish between AI and humans on the internet, highlighting a need for authentic human recognition and verification. To help address this, individuals can receive a future-proof unique human credential through a secure biometric device in a privacy-preserving manner. Importantly, this enables a path to AI-funded non-state UBI and the equitable global distribution of digital currencies. The project's early contributors have developed initial versions of a hardware device, a mobile client, and a deployment mechanism—all of which will gradually become decentralized. World ID will ultimately enable the protocol to be governed by the people, ensuring that the protocol benefits everyone. No. 1553237
File: 1681831329301.webm (4.03 MB, 720x1280, chinese cbdc board of social c…)

>In China, CBDC is linked to your Digital ID.>If you go jaywalking, the facial recognition system will immediately display your face on a public board of shame, before automatically deducting your fine from your digital wallet.similar link: No. 1555551
>>1555546yt-dlp the description is too complicated for you, you can also look up tutorials on youtube. It's a really neat tool, you can even download data like comments with it.
No. 1555559
>>1553237This is exactly what they rolled out on the uyghurs area before they went full technocratic hellhole on them. One woman escaped and said right before she left, it got to the point where you would subconciously hold your face in an impassive expression because showing emotion would be picked up by the cameras and could
trigger a visit to their house from an agent to check for "ideological disease". Scary, glad I don't live there.
No. 1558971
>>1521458Anon..I'm the one who posted that vocaroo and another
victim of stalking. Don't just discredit people because they're taking attention from your story. This happens to probably hundreds of people but what I'm interested in is how to sue apple over this.
When you accuse another person claiming the same thing of being a stalker instead of relating to it, it makes you sounds aggro and crazy. Just be aware of that.
No. 1558997
>>1558973Yeah. They will scrape at any possibly angle in attempt to socially justify what they do to anyone beginning to show opposition or questioning of their actions. They have a lot to lose, so if they feel their target isn't doing 'enough', they will absolutely fabricate whatever necessary to feel they have strength in numbers. I mean genuinely degrading, disgusting, unfathomable stuff. It isnt even the archetypal basement dweller per se (although there are certainly tons of them involved), a lot of these people are zoomers and young millennials desperate for btc. As you can imagine, there isn't a single justifiable reason to listen to the audio and watch the recording coming from a woman or child's phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, often for years at a time. These are people with stan twitter accounts in signal and telegram groupchats discussing what porn girls are allegedly watching, their bathroom habits, etc. Completely detached from reality and wholly convinced women are their property to voyeur.
No. 1559001
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>>1558997Same anon, reiterating to all of you that several of these weird, hypersexual misogynoir word salad humor accounts on twitter with zero trace of an identity attached to them are not just bots, they're directories of referential material to taunt their
victim. It really is just a bunch of creepy terminally online losers trying very hard to live out their Black Mirror power fantasy. The account attached is used with the sole purpose of humiliating their
victim and trying to roundabout reference various random aspects of her life, conversations, actions, insecurities etc. obscurely. There is a ton of fluff mixed in for plausible deniability. This account contains years of attempted degradation, with intimate life details shoehorned in that were never shared online by the
victim. It sounds like a creepypasta but this is just the sociopathic internet culture we are in. Fuck twitter and fuck people who protect, encourage, and foster this environment online. There are a few women who do this too btw, although far more men. You may start to notice more creepy obscure accounts like this, plenty are innocent and linked to real people having fun but there are dozens that are not. Creepy shit like this is generally a hallmark. (1/2)
No. 1559003
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>>1559001Mind you this account and a few others are on a very focused campaign of trying to make their
victims commit suicide. This phenomenon is going to eventually end up in a case study I believe. The internet is so vast and it makes these people feel protected. (2/2)
No. 1559014
>>1559003This is so creepy wtf. This post
does feel like it's directed at someone in particular. I feel bad for the
No. 1563265
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New to Dicord, can someone explain how to accesses "direct messages" no matter how much I click on it and can't seem to access on it.
No. 1568231
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Hello, I and a couple other people have posted about our experiences with modern cyberstalking and how scary and invasive it is in the recent years several times on lc. I and another anon have mentioned about our experiences with the accounts @drsweety303 and @poopyskittles on Twitter and how they are in fact harmful accounts documenting stalking and harassment rather than edgy coolgirl ai bots. I am going to reiterate that when you are being targeted by an obsessive and mentally ill k3wl haxxer they do not care how many devices you throw out or how often you avoid the internet - they will pour their time and resources into showing they have full control over you. Changing devices and getting burners will do nothing to aid you because they have your location and lockdown and if they have money they will often pay to have nearby PIs physically stalk you as well. Never underestimate the terminally online males obsession and ability to desire harming others.
I am bringing this up again just to casually document that my activity online is always watched closely regardless of my security habits being perfect and all my devices barebones and locked down. This is easy for people who dedicate their entire lives for cyberstalking. I may have mentioned in the past that these accounts even reference benign posts I make on lolcow. @poopyskittles claims to identify as a transgender woman on this burner account which no one that orbits them can confirm because they are totally anonymous accounts with no person tied to them or claiming credit for them, and trusting the word of someone who stalks women for a living would be stupid. I made the above joke on lc yesterday in the twitter hate thread in reference to mtf who commit heinous crimes like rape and murder getting their identities respected after acts of brutality while ftms dont because its a funny double standard. Several hours later, @poopyskittles used the verbiage in a tweet directly referencing my post. It is an uncommon phrase and has no context to it.
It is documented once here that @Drsweety303 has done it as well to a post I made also a bit afterward
>>1530917>>1532372This isnt particularly interesting but I would prefer to discourage them from this psychotic and calculated loser behavior in any way I currently can. It's infuriating to have legal obligation to not mention their identities or the Twitter personalities they are associated with for the time being, but it is nice to leave little breadcrumbs here for now that will be useful in the future when they are exposed. For the last 3 years they have loitered lolcow and have used posts here dating back to 2019 for inspiration in their tweets and I only just now thought about recording it here.
How they have managed to convince anyone online that they're cool and not the nasty freaks they are is beyond me.
/pt1 of 2
(take your meds nona and see a therapist) No. 1568882
>>1568502I understand how this appears if you are unaware of what is currently going on in hacker-based tor communities, but unfortunately it is the truth. The one good thing about the truth is that even when someone doesn't believe it, it objectively remains true.
Victims who get justice often have to wait years for it, and only then do ostracizers apologize. I have no delusions of grandeur, I am simply a
victim of cyber-obsession by terminally online sociopaths. I understand why you replied this tho kek.
No. 1583508
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>"The review found that Micron's products have serious network security risks, which pose significant security risks to China's critical information infrastructure supply chain, affecting China's national security," the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) said in a statement.
>Micron said it had received the CAC's notice of conclusion of its review of the company's products sold in China, and "look forward to continuing to engage in discussions with Chinese authorities".
>The CAC neither provided details on what risks it had found nor what Micron products would be affected. war now chip war now
No. 1584216
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is it worth it to jailbreak my Nintendo switch if I only want to add a video player so I can watch movies? I have jailbreaked consoles before but it's consoles that are no longer being supported because I don't want to risk bricking
No. 1597929
>>1597902You can also try Linux Mint, I've heard good things about that distro in terms of user friendliness
>I can't write code or troubleshootYou can use Linux as an opportunity to learn how to troubleshoot! A lot of it is just knowing what to Google search at first. Once you start to see patterns in things, it becomes way easier to figure out what might be going wrong
No. 1605354
>>1605040I bought one for $10 five years back. I was really skeptical about it at first and still am but the key is still going strong kek. Just listen to this
>>1605210 nonna, it's not worth paying any money for windows
No. 1609792
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Anyone else here who like keyboards? A keycap set I saw last time and really liked (but missed) is on round two pre-orders right now but I have no keyboards I could use it for that would fit them. But they're so cute! Arrrghhh!! I can't make buying this force me into buying another keyboard, these things are expensive enough as they are.
No. 1610091
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I don't know who the fuck keeps trying to access my email (outlook) but it's pissing me off and I have 2FA enabled as well (email + phone).
Some of the IP addresses used:
Annoying as FUCK. I think it's one person using multiple VPNs. And my address is my (firstname+lastname) so I'm thinking it's someone I pissed off? I almost fell victim to a scam once so maybe that? Just fuck off already lmao.
No. 1610668
>>1610113I've used sites like before, maybe it will be useful?
No. 1610882
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>>1609792That happens to me with every keycap, I've learned to stop yearning for them because I don't want to make the piles of keyboards I have any bigger lmao
My dream is to have some fancy split keyboard like an Ergodox or just something wild like picrel
No. 1611070
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>>1610882Damn I never thought I'd find another based ergo yearner/user on here! I've been thirsting over the angry miao hatsu but I personally dislike angry miao as a company so I'm totally saving that insane price tag the hatsu has. I just really want a metal CNC'd version of the dactyl manuform (picrel). For now I'm picking up a soffle which will probably end up meeting all my needs, time to give up on the hobby and embrace one final ergo. But maybe I'll go as far as to 3D print and build the dactyl, or get that sexy as fuck moonlander
also I can't imagine ever daily driving your picrel what the fuck
No. 1611123
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>>1559001Oh kekekekekek this one was actually about me oh well. except i really deserved it i think, but i don't think i do anymore so im throwing my phone away now
No. 1611161
>>1611147Theyre lying to troll and discredit anon for speaking out about abuse, it started yesterday when this was posted in vent thread
>>1610390 They want a reaction, ignore them.
No. 1611162
>>1610113Work out your budget and then look at the recommended system requirements for the games you want to play. You want a computer that exceeds those system requirements for longevity reasons. None of the games you want to play need a high powered gaming rig, so something like a Ryzen 5 5600 or the Intel equivalent will be perfectly adequate. For the GPU decide if you want AMD or Nvidia. AMD matches Nvidia in rasterization for less money but the ray tracing performance is much worse if that matters to you. Always read tech reviews or watch reviews on youtube before buying anything.
You can use PC part picker to help select components
https://pcpartpicker.comHere's an example build for under $1000 how to build a PC, there's instructional videos on youtube.
No. 1613156
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Hope it's the correct thread because I have no idea where else to ask this. Tech nonnas, should I be worried about receiving picrel from an unknown account in some foreign language? Idk if it's some common spam or my email got leaked/hacked, I checked it on haveibeenpwned and it says my email haven't been breached or pasted, but I'm still worried because I'm a total noob when it comes to all this stuff. I absolutely don't know this person and didn't open any of the pics/links, I created this email just recently for my laptop and haven't used it for any social media accounts either. Please help if you can nonnies, my dumbass is freaking out over this here.
No. 1613398
>>1613156HaveIBeenPwned doesn't cover that many cases.
Here are the criteria from their website:>Has the impacted service publicly acknowledged the breach?>Does the data in the breach turn up in a Google search (i.e. it's just copied from another source)?>Is the structure of the data consistent with what you'd expect to see in a breach?>Have the attackers provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate the attack vector?>Do the attackers have a track record of either reliably releasing breaches or falsifying them?In short, many breaches aren't included in HaveIBeenPwned. Your email could also have been straight-up sold by a scummy company.
PDFs can contain viruses that
trigger upon opening the file in a PDF reader (including readers embedded in your web browser) can also be phishing way, don't open the attachments and you should be fine.
>>1611147Schizo has been having an episode all over this thread starting here
>>1521458, as well as the vent threads. She seems to think she's being gangstalked.
>"Here is just one example of the sort of programs utilized to remotely access any cellphone in real-time.">Links to a github repo meant for creating a fresh virtual smartphone and securely connecting to itI can't believe nobody called her out for this.
She doesn't provide any proof for her claims, and she frequently refers to herself as if she's a different anon. I wouldn't be surprised if both that anon and the anon that replied to you are her, especially since she has a penchant for posting those cutsey, crystal-cafe-y sorts of pictures and bringing attention to her previous posts.
>inb4 she claims i know this because i used SVMP to remote into her device No. 1613890
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>>1613398>>1613521Thank you so much nonnas!
No. 1614271
>>161407206/21/23 (Wed) 04:51:30 PM
>>161408006/21/23 (Wed) 05:01:10 PM
Look, if you really believe you are being cyberstalked and posted about on Twitter, stop making yourself so easy to track and stop being terminally online. You are basically avatarfagging at this point. IF (and that's a big if) these Twitter accounts are actually posting vague cryptic messages based on your lolcow posts in an effort to get you to kill yourself, stop making it so obvious which posters are you.
No. 1617139
>>1617127Get a Samsung, that's what I use and they have a good camera.
Also I think a new phone is better than an older phone, because the OS is up to date. An older OS has security problems.
No. 1617578
>>1617327I assume there is a reason. Nothing that was said is unbelievable in any capacity if you're
actually knowledgeable about the real capabilities of technology, it's only a matter of time.
Victims of abuse generally aren't afforded the luxuries of compulsion as audiences often think they are.
No. 1619691
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>>1610975Bing + Yandex
Google is so trash these days (and censored). DuckDuckGo is censored too.
No. 1872823
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ANOÑAS PLEASE. I need a new laptop, what should I get?
No. 1872836
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>>1872823nvm the decision has been made
No. 1883955
>>1872823Any, just put Linux on it. Windows is cancer.
>>1617683I use Zorin too!!! I'm getting pretty frustrated with it, frankly. (Yeah I know I recommended it above. Web browsing is fine, and I like the free apps.) Wine is no substitute for Windows. Have you got your game to run?
No. 1883969
>>1305457Hi anon! Unfortunately no current phone will satisfy all your needs.
1. iPhone SE 2022. I got this because it's small and I wanted to try out Apple. It runs better but has no headphone jack or pen.
2. iPhone SE 2016. It's smaller, and has a headphone jack! No pen, and it's pretty old. I can't really recommend it.
3. Motorola. Still has a headphone jack. Some models have pens. Not small. This is probably your best option tbh.
No. 1887131
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Im completely tech illiterate and can anyone explain how P2P programs like soulseeks actually works? if i download a song from soulseek, then the song will only download when the uploader is online, correct? Can I download music from there without having to share music? Can other soulseek users see files on my computer?
No. 1895769
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nitter is dead, girls. with all the frontend alternatives for reddit/instagram getting shut down recently i've lost hope that the modern internet won't be a desolate wasteland with login walls on every website. fuck you if you don't have 384297 social media accounts to look at fanart i guess. glad lc is still alive and kicking in current era when people are happy to give their phone numbers and address to corpos so they can post memes
No. 1897334
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>>1895769>>1895870Don't give up, there are still some great resources left and being made, as long as eastern europeans, south-asians and south-americans have the internet we'll find a way to get around singing up or pay for movies and tv, the only thing that will stop us is if all our nations get fascist or communist governments that ban the general internet. (Then there's probably not much we can do) No. 1913317
>>1913079You missed
FUCK discord
No. 1913916
>>1913884FUCK “people you may know”
(I do know them and I haven’t added them for a reason, leave me aloooooone)
No. 1960286
>>1960047The best thing to do is make a live USB stick of Linux Mint and try it. You can boot into Linux without installing it to see if you like it. If you do then want to install Linux you can wipe your windows partition and exclusively use Linux or have a windows partition and a Linux partition for when you need Windows programs.
Personally I use Arch with Windows in a VM with a GPU pass through. While this is ideal, you need two GPUs and it's not easy to set up. You also need to make sure that your motherboard, CPU and both GPUs are compatible.
Before you start using Linux you will need to decide on your desktop environment. If you're currently using windows I would recommend KDE. It's a popular, well supported DE that will be more familiar for windows users.
Starter distros
Linux Mint! OS to make a bootable Linux USB drive in windows No. 1963575
File: 1713118715929.jpg (22.87 KB, 735x438, 1000018345.jpg)

so without my knowledge, my dad "upgraded" my PC(I just asked him to get someone to change the casing) and the C drive was wiped, now I had bookmarks I had saved for years now, is there literally anything I can do get them back?
No. 1963645
>>1963575There is actually. There are a lot of data recovery tools you should try before using that drive any more. Disk Drill is a popular one but maybe look into
leddit for more reccs. As long as the files weren't overwritten with something else they are able to be restored!
No. 1963758
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>>1960047it is free as in freedom and just better overall>>1960286i like linux mint as a beginner distro too
No. 1963861
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>>1963575update, so I never told my dad what had happened because I didn't want to seem ungrateful. but my dad noticed my sadness and I eventually opened up to him about the situation. He explained that the he asked the guy to copy C-hard-drive, which saved all my files and bookmarks, so yeah.
No. 1963925
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I'm buying a new PSU and looking them up I found that many of the budget ones I'm considering are said to be "bad". I'm looking for a 700~W PSU to pair with a RX 7600. Any anons here have experience with these "E tier" PSUs? Are they really that much of a disaster? I'm not sure about the legitimacy of these lists.
No. 1973520
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Nonnies, I need help with a webcam problem on Linux. I'm on Linux Mint Cinnamon, I installed it last month on a new Dell laptop. It doesn't detect my built in webcam, I already enabled it in BIOS settings.
I tried looking for solutions online but I'm a total Linux newbie and didn't really understand what was being said lol (It took me three days to even install Linux on my laptop).
No. 1973602
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>>1963925Tier lists aren't necessarily about price. There are expensive PSUs that are E tier and there are inexpensive PSUs that are A tier. PSU tiers come down to quality of design and manufacturing. To complicate it further very few of the companies that sell PSUs actually make or design them. All PSUs are manufactured by a limited number of OEMs and each OEM has their own platforms.
From looking at reviews here's two decent PSUs that are under $100
Corsair RM750x - rated A tier by Cultists Network
Review: Toughpower GF A3 750w - rated B tier by Cultists Network
Review:>>1973520What software are you using to access the webcam? If it's a very new laptop, it may be a case of needing to update the drivers through the software manager.
No. 1974317
>>1974179gallery-dl can be used to save pics from Twitter if that's what you're looking to save
I've only used this to download account posts and not likes so I'm not 100% it'll work for your use case though
No. 2127396
>>2127391I don't have copilot but everything I've heard about it is negative. AI "assistants" in general make everything so awkwardly stilted and tedious, plus you still have to do the work of fact-checking it anyway. I can't believe they're actually training AI
with AI though, that defeats their entire objective.
No. 2147970
>>2145594Unless you specifically seek out a local computer store that specialises in refurbished ex-office, Win10 laptops.
Bought 2nd hand PCs for many years and aside from one that had a shitty HDD (that dropped stone dead one day), never had an issue.
No. 2206763
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does anyone here have a media server? whats your set up? i've been using plex for years but thinking of changing to emby or jellyfin, because i don't trust that plex is always going to allow me to host my own media in the future. plus you have to pay for the pass.
No. 2220331
>>2212581nona your setup sounds like my absolute dream, so thanks for the inspo. i really need more storage so i'm looking at NAS options atm instead of my current hdd. and i guess there is no harm in trying jellyfin in addition to my plex server so i can compare.
>more work than some nonnies want thoughall part of the fun…
No. 2266436
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Any nonas here with an AWS certification here or the like? I am currently studying for the AWS Developer Associate (DVA-C02) exam. Honestly I don't care about Cloud and I doubt the cert would help on a resume or anything but I may get a bonus if I manage to get it so that's why I decided to try for it. lol
No. 2328928
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Especially with the introduction of AI, I think it's important to remind any female passerby that the privacy schizos are right and you need to be very careful with yourself and your online footprint. It's been brought up before, but I think a lot of you are maybe too young to know of sites like anon-ib and pinkmeth and how they caused women to kill themselves–those sites and communities are far worse than before, but they hide in telegram and on tor. The forums on tor are way worse. Just because you don't see this info in a youtube essay or through Google search engine doesn't make the bleak reality less real. Sexual degens have created huge networks for "pocket stalking", and they go to great lengths to fuel these communities and share content. There could be archives full of pictures of your teenage sister, your cousin, your coworker, or you and you would never know at all. I'm not trying to induce latent schizophenia in any of you, but be less trusting off your cell phone and network security. You're never going to hear any snappy articles or youtube essays about this because it would put a target on the back of whoever shares it. Men are becoming so obsessed with these closed communities that they submit hidden camera images of family members using the bathroom even, and it isn't high priority on the gubments list of bad guys. This is barely the tip of the iceberg and it's only getting worse.
No. 2391493
File: 1739163768983.jpg (524.87 KB, 1217x772, pcparts.jpg) a total beginner (going from hp laptops to my first PC), how is this build? Any recommended changes to improve it? I picked a parts list from the winter 2025 best buy guide on /r/buildapcforme and edited with recommended upgrades, then downgraded the gpu a bit because I don't really need high quality gaming graphics
>use: adobe creative cloud(art/video/2d animation/graphic design), making music, light gaming (steam indie games and maybe sims, but I only really game for a few short periods per year)>budget: $800>already have a monitor and another ssd and hdd I've been using for external storage>outside the stated budget I plan to spend $250 on an iris ergo split keyboard from No. 2391750
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>>2391493Why the Intel CPU from 2022? If you're going to be doing creative work in Adobe programs, you would be better off with an old AMD Ryzen than you would with an old Intel Core.
No. 2392878
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>>2391750Because intel cpus were the only ones that appeared under the compatibility filter and when I switched for AMD ryzen and a different motherboard, I wasn't sure what to do for the memory component because the OG list's parametric filters were no longer compatible. I researched a bit more on that now though, thanks for the graph.
I updated the CPU, motherboard, and RAM on the list. Stretching the budget but I can handle it, I wasn't feeling confident about the reviews on the lower-cost alternatives. How is this?
No. 2392957
>>2392893Ayrt, there was also the
>Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AX($66)>Gigabyte X870E AORUS ELITE WIFI7($160)>MSI B650 GAMING PLUS WIFI ($150)>MSI PRO B650-S WIFI ($131)Would any of those be more fitting? I was also considering an ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi for $140 as it had more positive reviews, but wasn't sure since it's micro ATX form factor.
No. 2392973
>>2392878You could save some money and still get better performance than the Intel 12400 by going with AM4 instead of AM5. AMD is still producing CPUs for AM4 with the 5800X3D which you could update to in the future.
AM4 Ryzen 7 5700 - $126.98
AM4 Ryzen 7 5700X - $154.99 MAG B550 TOMAHAWK AM4 - $119.99 16GB DDR4 3600 C16 No. 2393126
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>>2392973Thanks for the recommendations. Will an AM4 pc be an issue say, 5, 10 years down the line? Like would they still be producing parts for those?
Opting for the 7600x so I added a cooler. Also added a wi-fi adaptor. The PSU went out of stock since the last list I posted kek, but I can wait.
No. 2394077
>>2393126>Will an AM4 pc be an issue say, 5, 10 years down the line?Any 10 year old computer is going to run into software support issues. It's not a problem if you're using Linux but in 2034 you may find that Windows will have dropped support for hardware of that age. For example I have a computer from 2013, while it's still perfectly functional and still performs well for it's age, I can't install Windows 11 because the hardware is no longer supported.
>Like would they still be producing parts for those?Probably not. There will be a plentiful supply of second hand parts. You could upgrade to a 5950X or a 5800X3D for cheap in a few years. You will also be able to upgrade the RAM to 64GB or 128GB and upgrade the GPU as needed.
No. 2405070
>>2405015There's actually multiple phones he broke that had photos. The two most important ones were:
Galaxy S7 (that broke 5 years ago, has pics of my dead cat)
Galaxy A03S (vacation phone)
I did not try replacing the screen, maybe that would be easier? One of the phones is slightly bent, I'm not sure if that would make it impossible to work with but it's just a slight bend?
This is what we bought to try to get the screen onto the TV:
Ablewe USB to HDMI adapter (type usb 3.0)
You use a USB computer mouse to navigate, we never got to try because the screen never came on.
No. 2405125
>>2405070why are you trying to connect the phone to a TV instead of a computer? plug the phone into a computer and download the photos? only the screen is smashed right??
I guess if suggest doing auto sync with Google photos or something so you'll always have the pics since this is clearly a pattern
No. 2407015
File: 1739952607200.jpg (85.47 KB, 1139x268, Clipboard01.jpg)>Starting on February 26th, 2025, Amazon is removing a feature from its website allowing you to download purchased books to a computer and then copy them manually to a Kindle over USB. It’s a feature that a lot of Kindle users are probably not aware of, given books can be more easily sent to devices over Wi-Fi, but it’s especially useful for backing up purchases or converting them to other formats compatible with non-Kindle e-readers.>It doesn’t happen frequently, but as Good e-Reader points out, Amazon has occasionally removed books from its online store and remotely deleted them from Kindles or edited titles and re-uploaded new copies to its e-readers. In 2009, the company removed copies of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm, explaining the books had been mistakenly published. More recently, many of Roald Dahl’s books, including Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, were replaced with updated copies featuring modified language on various ebook platforms. It’s a reminder that you don’t actually own much of the digital content you consume, and without the ability to back up copies of ebooks, you could lose them entirely if they’re banned and removed.>The feature is also the easiest way to convert books purchased from Amazon to other formats like EPUB that can be used on alternative devices such as a Kobo. Books downloaded through Amazon’s website are delivered in the older AZW3 format which allows DRM to be easily removed using various software tools.>Older Kindle models also store books in the AZW3 format, and they can be extracted by connecting the device to a computer with a USB cable. But modern Kindles use the newer KFX format (first rolled out in 2015) which introduced improved font rendering, better layout capabilities, and DRM that’s nearly impossible to circumvent. No. 2412344
>>2412113I am seriously considering it
The only thing stopping me is that I want to play pirated Sims 3 with tons of mods, and it looks complicated to set up
I've been stalling with installing until I'm ready to dedicate myself to learning all that
No. 2412516
>>2412335I still use 7 on my old laptop and old desktop. The problem anyone will run into is that most browsers no longer provide updates for Windows 7. The only browser that still supports Windows 7 that I've found is Yandex.
>>2412344You can dual boot so you have Windows and Linux. If it's only TS3 that you want to play you could use an older version like Windows 7 which has better compatibility with older games and then have Linux as your main OS. One of the reasons I still keep an old computer is because I play TS2 which has serious issues running on Win10.
No. 2431273
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>>2431183i'm assuming you're using a relatively modern version of Windows, so if it's memory, there's something you could check out:
go to task manager, and from there, startup apps. Check out the list of stuff, and see if there's things there that you don't really need starting up with the machine. Stuff like game launchers, messaging clients, etc. If you are running out of memory, it's probably random programs running in the background that are eating it. Pic related is what that menu looks like on Windows 11, in there you can just click on any program to select it and then click disable to make it not start up at startup. you can find guides for doing this on older windows versions too, just by googling "manage startup programs <windows version>".
also, i don't want to sound condescending, but a general tip for getting tech advice: try to list off as much information in your question, everything helps, nothing is too much. Stuff such as
>what operating system are you using>when was the computer bought >(if you can find it), what model / specs does it have>how often do you shut it down>do you have multiple people sharing it or is it just you>etc.and yeah, if you're never shutting down the computer completely, that might be the issue, and just a periodic reboot (like once every few nights) might help. you might also look into just reinstalling the operating system completely, saving your files off to a external drive or cloud storage and whatever and then just installing Windows again from the ground up, and starting fresh. But that's a slight bit more involved.
>t. professional IT and systems administration person, browsing this thread while psyching myself up for calling a client company's CEO for a computer issue he'd been having. No. 2431436
>>2431273Thank you nona, you're right I don't shut it down often (except in situations where the computer's 100% frozen on the weird cursor screen for hours), I tend to just put it on sleep most of the time. I'll start changing these habits. And yeah I got most of the startup apps disabled
>what operating system are you usingWindows 11 Home
>when was the computer bought 2022
>(if you can find it), what model / specs does it haveLenovo Ideapad 3i, Intel Core i3, 8gb RAM, 512 gb SSD
>how often do you shut it downUsually only when I truly need to restart it when it crashes, so like a few times a month (maybe around 4 times per month or so) but then get back on after a few minutes. I'm starting to realize it probably needs to rest longer kek.
>do you have multiple people sharing it or is it just youJust me
Also I normally use Brave's browser, sometimes with some Chrome tabs opened too but mainly Brave. Most of the random screen blinking and crashing happens when I use Brave though
No. 2432787
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I've been an iPhone user for more than a decade now, but lately I've been thinking about switching to a Samsung - specifically, the Samsung Z Flip 6. I'm still using an iPhone 8, and although there's nothing wrong with it, I think it's time for an upgrade. I've seen a few anons ask about the Flip models itt, but since there's a new one out I thought I'd re-ask.
Is it worth it to switch from iPhone to Samsung? Does anyone have the Flip 6? What are its advantages and disadvantages? I've looked it up and researched, but sometimes the tech jargon can fly over my head. I'd appreciate any insight anons have to share.
Is Samsung photo quality still bad? That was the major thing that held me off from getting a Samsung back in the day. I always felt as though iPhone had way better camera quality than Samsung, but now that it's been so long I'm not sure if that's still true.
No. 2432797
>>2432787i was an android user for the longest time, but i've been using iphones for around four years now, and honestly the biggest difference is the ecosystem. like, do you have other apple stuff, and expect them to work seamlessly with your phone, with airdrop and Find My and such? If so, then you'll be disappointed when you switch to samsung. that's genuinely the main difference, Apple has that 'ecosystem' stuff kinda figured out, and nothing on androids works that smoothly.
But from what I know, the cameras nowadays are pretty much neck to neck in terms of quality. Both apple and samsung have put almost two decades and billions of dollars into figuring out how to make the best possible small camera, and they've both pretty much reached the point where there isn't even any real progress to be made, they're almost as good as they can physically be.
The iphone 8 is almost a decade old, so any current flagship, be it samsung or iphone or even something like oneplus, will be a night and day difference from what you have atm. none of them will disappoint you.
No. 2432872
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>>2431615Depending on the laptop model, it might be possible to order a new button and replace it. Power buttons are sometimes connected to the main board by two wires that connect to pins. If it's soldered, it would be much more difficult.
Picrel is a power button from an old ThinkPad. You can see the button itself and the wire to connect to the main board.
No. 2435228
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Anyone use mechanical split keyboards? Did you seen an improvement in your hands over regular keyboards? Asking as someone with arthritis/hand and wrist pain problems (yes I do the doctor-recommended exercises, take breaks, etc)
No. 2435364
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>>2435228I have one that's just a normal keyboard but split in half (pic related) that i use at work, and it's definitely helped with making my carpal tunnel generally less bothersome. Plus it forced me to learn to touchtype.
I wouldn't recommend this exact model, it's fine but I just got it because someone was selling it for like 20€ on a local buy and sell site. But generally split keyboards are great and probably make you a better typist too.
No. 2443594
nonnie, life changing if you need one. I use a Kenesis Freestyle and my carpal is BAD. Life has been markedly better since getting it.
No. 2448317
>>2448240I use an iPad for this purpose (except I move my music there over from a local network share when at home and not an SD card) and it works great
I wouldn't have bought it for this purpose ever but I happened to get it for very cheap from work and it's genuinely nice. I keep it offline most of the time and only really connect to the network to move roms and mp3s over from my home file share.
No. 2462384
>>2462069what model of laptop do you have? i've seen this touchpad issue happen with some specific models that have trackpads from some smaller companies that require installing their drivers separately. Those kinds of non-generic special drivers sometimes break with updates.
Generally you could try something like, it'd help you narrow down if the update was really the problem.