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File (hide): 1699925717447.jpg (112.57 KB, 605x807, Bears Doing Human Things.jpg)

No. 1770498

ITT: post uneventful and mundane as fuck events in your life

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1661076

No. 1770501>>1771033

Me too anon! Is that your right your dominant hand? I heard that the dominant hand armpit is stinkier than the other

No. 1770503>>1770522

File (hide): 1699925829881.jpg (28.93 KB, 384x512, Bufo Marinus_ Commonly known a…)

I almost picked another frog pic for the threadpic but ultimately didn't cause I saw this picture and it freaked me out. Something about this toad isn't right..

No. 1770522>>1770540>>1770564

File (hide): 1699926387597.png (762.52 KB, 898x779, Untitled.png)

eating mozzarella sticks and sorting my files, i don't mind saving photos/videos in a mad rush because i get to enjoy them all over again when they get put into their proper folders.

looks like someone bonked him too hard, kek

No. 1770533

was walking with someone i'm doing a school project with to the library and stopped at my place to grab a charger real quick and my cats were so friendly and well behaved, they just walked right up to him and said hello, never hid or anything. I'm happy they're so outgoing.

No. 1770540>>1770560

I just sorted my recent downloads yesterday! Makes me feel almost as good as cleaning my irl desktop.

No. 1770543

File (hide): 1699927082176.jpg (38.27 KB, 564x564, frog.jpg)

Went to the doctor's thinking I would just quickly get what I needed and get it over and done with, and they referred me to another office like 2 hours away from me. Shaking my head. I still got what I went there for anyway. Anyway, now I'm going to sort out my room and hopefully I'll have enough time/energy tonight to do my nails. And maybe some online shopping.

No. 1770560

File (hide): 1699927528997.jpg (29.87 KB, 360x360, ca443f4786.jpg)

good job for us anon! i try to save it in the right place immediately to make archiving easy and it still doesn't happen

No. 1770564>>1770579

File (hide): 1699927633612.jpg (134.09 KB, 1084x1203, sociatyvampire.JPG)

I thought this was gay vampire man for a split second

No. 1770579

for some reason my immediate thought was "i'm sure bilbo baggins is someone's husbando"

No. 1770599>>1770607

One of my little cousins has down syndrome, and she is the sweetest. I saw her today and she gave everyone a fist bump and a high five.

No. 1770607

I think they really are great. It's like you keep only the purest parts of a person's brain idk. Very sweet.

No. 1770699>>1770702

Watching The Boondocks right now.

No. 1770702


No. 1770716>>1770762>>1770810

File (hide): 1699930863122.jpg (97.31 KB, 700x815, b6bcd12532a57d93f80d628f12df0f…)

I've been wanting to take a break from lolcow, and tbh I think right now is a good time since /ot/ is pretty annoying. See you in a week anons, don't do anything too funny or crazy while I'm gone.

No. 1770760>>1771318>>1771336

File (hide): 1699931843225.jpeg (198.53 KB, 542x464, IMG_6127.jpeg)

After many attempts I beat the boss I was stuck on in DS3!!! i practiced by helping other people first and then once i entered the catacombs one of those players left their summon sign.
they gave me a weapon and helped me speed through to the boss and we killed that one in one go!!!
Now my sleepy tea is kicking in so nighty night and thank you ds3 friend for helping me. Mucho appreciato. Zzzzzz

No. 1770762

This picture is so cute omg. Agreed though been thinking the same

No. 1770790>>1770815>>1770827>>1770836>>1770929

File (hide): 1699933136742.jpg (922.42 KB, 3000x3000, fed72363-d3e8-4020-9832-10b983…)

just finished eating one of these. the chicken was dry

No. 1770810

bye anon have fun on your break ♥ was thinking of doing the same but I think I'd rather stay around and contribute some good posts to counteract the flood of shit

No. 1770815>>1770821

This isn’t even real food.

No. 1770821

Yurp chum bucket ass meal

No. 1770827

Mm I can taste this picture Mix the brownie with the mash potatoes.

No. 1770836

I eat lean cuisines protein plus and they're pretty good some of them

No. 1770929>>1771029

this reminded me, are kid cuisines still sold? I kinda wanted to buy some the other day as a fun lil nostalgia thing but I couldn't find them

No. 1771029

Yes they’re still sold and yes the macaroni got into the pudding

No. 1771033

not her but it's like this for me too and i'm right handed! I don't sweat much but when I do, I get basically no smell or sweat whatsoever from the left one and it's all on the right. The right one has like double the amount of hair too… is this a common thing?

No. 1771100>>1771110

File (hide): 1699955905807.jpg (130.19 KB, 645x515, god i wish i were duck.jpg)

About to write the final entry in Volume 13 of my diary.

No. 1771110>>1771120

Holy shit nonna, I love the Zatch Bell manga and its sequel. And Kanchome is my favourite demon. Not to derail to manga talk but your interest is seen, kek

No. 1771120

File (hide): 1699958768347.png (728.17 KB, 1382x2000, Konjiki no Gash!! c324.5 Kanze…)

Glad we can enjoy the same duck, nonna. I haven't read the sequel in the past year or so and should really pick it back up soon.

No. 1771318

Which boss was it? And congrats! I loved helping people with bosses after I first beat them

No. 1771335

File (hide): 1699976840406.jpg (42.84 KB, 625x469, a43657a83de419b627e9a42a1f45ff…)

Got the second in-person test for my online class today, feeling pretty confident again which is good because I felt similarly when taking the first one and got 100% on both portions when the class average was like mid 70's. I feel like I missed my calling with this kind of stuff, I'm surprised how easily it comes to me.

No. 1771336

I love that!! I had some randos join my game for DS2 and helped me get through the last 2 bosses. They were so sweet. I miss when the souls community helped each other. Happy for you

No. 1771357

File (hide): 1699978045209.jpeg (51.51 KB, 563x565, AF52DEF2-E111-4E10-B580-4E9D6A…)

Finally got off work!! Gonna go home and eat some soup and spiced cider, yeeeeeee

No. 1771458

Can I have my period yet? I've been feeling bloated for 3 days that's enough.

No. 1771493>>1771500

My hands are chilly so I'm pulling them into the sleeves of my hoodie

No. 1771500>>1771501

I call the tighter part of hoodie sleeves the "sphincters"

No. 1771501

this hoodie is oversized so they're blown out sphincters if anything

No. 1771520

Rescheduled my doctors appointment.

No. 1771537

File (hide): 1699990371264.jpeg (33.57 KB, 720x721, B471FAE5-7652-479F-9693-AC31F6…)

I can’t stop fucking sweating because of the flu, make it stop already.

No. 1771603

I sat down too hard and my tits HURT

No. 1771716>>1771730

Side of my head hurts so bad. About to pop an aspie then eat some dumplings and drink some water.

No. 1771730

Samefag, I was trying to say aspirin but I forgot aspie means something else.

No. 1771917>>1771920>>1771924>>1771947>>1771958

I got a real bad UTI today and I peed out literal pea sized clots this morning but I'm in Canada and don't feel like waiting 5+ hours for medical attention so I've been slamming lemon water and praying

No. 1771920

fellow canadianon and i get it, but please seek medical attention, i ended up in the ER once and i was horribly sick after my UTI spread up to my bladder. pea sized clots does not sound normal

No. 1771924>>1771944

Make the appointment and ask people you know if they have extra antibiotics in the meantime.

No. 1771944>>1771957

>if they have extra antibiotics in the meantime
Don't do this, anon could end up fucking herself over and making it worse. Don't take medicine that wasn't prescribed to you and don't take antibiotics unless you can take a full course of them. Bacteria knows how to evolve

No. 1771947>>1771959

If you can buy/order some d-mannose supplements, I would recommend that. Pretty sure it won't get rid of an infection as severe as yours sounds but it should relieve the symptoms for now. Please try to get medical attention because your infection sounds really bad. Will skipping out on waiting 5 hours be worth it when you get a kidney infection? If that UTI spreads it will cost a lot more of your time than a few hours.

No. 1771957

I know taking a short course is the worst thing you can do but antibiotics are antibiotics, she can google the name before she takes it. As long as you have 7 days worth it’s fine for a UTI.

No. 1771958

You’re really better off taking some pain relief pills and getting a prescription for antibiotics. Waiting out UTIs can cause permanent damage and it’s not something you can fix with the power of hope and cranberry juice no matter what some people say. You want to wipe that shit out effectively the first time.

No. 1771959>>1771977

Five hours waiting is definitely less trouble than life-threatening sepsis, sounds like the infection is winning in her body. She’s being insane to pound lemon water and wait.

No. 1771977>>1771984>>1771988>>1772036>>1772207>>1774844

Whoa guys, thanks for all the replies I didn't think I'd start so much discourse lmao. I'm actually doing alright, I have no discomfort anymore and my pee is clear. I took a combo of echinacea, oregano oil and probiotics.
I went to a drug mart since they can offer over the counter antibiotics but turned me away when I mentioned blood. Trust, I'm just really exhausted and irritated today so if its still a thing by tomorrow I will be getting professional help.
Yeah I may be, but I have recurrent utis and I'm wondering if taking antibiotics every time is what's making them come back since I'm not letting my body fight

No. 1771983

Can kidney infections really onset in under 24h??? I thought it'd take time for the bacteria to crawl up there. I was also straining really hard when I passed the two clots/mucosa, and haven't seen any blood since this morning

No. 1771984>>1771996

Other anons are right but NGL, I have flushed worse UTIs (quarter sized clots and white tissue in urine) by drinking tons of water. Honestly with the amount I drank I’m worried I’d send you straight into an electrolyte imbalance or literal water poisoning. But basically was always drinking a 32 ounce water; probably one or two every hour with an hour or so break now and then.

No. 1771988

File (hide): 1700021792061.gif (810.7 KB, 253x197, IMG_5881.gif)


No. 1771996

Thank u for ur reply Nona everyone's making me feel crazy for not getting it checked, but I drank prolly 3 liters in 12 hours and ate lots of salty snacks just in case

No. 1772009

i enjoy when winter comes because it means i can see orion’s belt in the night sky. sometimes when walking home i get so lost looking at it i almost trip or walk into traffic

No. 1772036>>1772126

Why would they turn you away just because you mentioned blood? If you had a uti or kidney stone/kidney problems causing bladder issues it would be best to take antibiotics. What's happening in Canada?

No. 1772055

File (hide): 1700024487855.jpeg (2.16 MB, 1365x2048, 1BB4CC23-F576-4EEF-B8A4-29E8CF…)

I was tying up my hair and I looked like one of the ppl in apocolypto I rlly do be looking Mexican as hell

No. 1772117

Had a nice talk with a friend on the phone. I should call people more often.

No. 1772126>>1772185

I have no idea, I found it extremely odd. Pharmacist said it was a "red flag" and he couldn't do anything for me, even though if I went to a doctor they'd just make me pee in a cup and give me antibiotics anyway?

No. 1772185

It could be a sign of renal failure, dunno what those doctors are up to though

No. 1772207>>1772276

Please look up "embedded utis"! I was diagnosed with chronic utis and seemed hopeless, but once I learned about this and did research I was able to find a way to fix it. I take uqora brand pills (but im sure you can just buy the supplements separately!) anyway this changed my life and I hope it helps. I haven't had any utis for about 2 years now

No. 1772276

Bless your beautiful soul

No. 1772795

File (hide): 1700065332237.jpg (95.09 KB, 540x386, 79a6d591289fbd874427a60395bd8f…)

I know I'm being spoiled, but I am so antsy about my package not arriving today. Like, it's a holiday, let these workers rest… But I want it so bad. Gah.

No. 1772863>>1772964>>1773068

Damn the new banners are great!

No. 1772964

I was wondering if I was just imagining things when I saw a couple new banners pop up! Really like them as well, some of the older ones were too scrotey kek

No. 1773034>>1773225

My nails are so fucking thin right now that they might as well not be there. I'm gonna do some gel extensions to shrteghten them.

No. 1773068

I love the new banners so much!!

No. 1773225>>1773354


No. 1773344

A new season of Real Housewives of Potomac just game out so I might start watching the show finally

No. 1773354>>1773358>>1773370

Leaving up spelling error caused only by fast typing not being rectified by autocorrect- alpha
Pointing out obviously discernable typo- beta

No. 1773358>>1773362>>1773370

It wasn't because of fast typing, I just struggle to spell words like that and leghten. My brain just stops working so I let my fingers do whatever.

No. 1773362>>1773365

Admitting you're dyslexic and mildly retarded when you weren't required to - alpha
Pointing out easily discernable spelling error when you weren't required to - still beta

No. 1773365

No. 1773370>>1773377

I didn't quote it to mock her, I just thought it was funny sad emoji

No. 1773377>>1773380

No. 1773380

And proud

No. 1773473>>1774054

I just spilled soy sauce EVERYWHEREEEERE

No. 1773475>>1773522

Gonna go watch a degenerate anime

No. 1773481

jealous of tracking my packages and seeing them on the plane or travelling cross country while i'm sitting at home in pajamas as usual… must be nice

No. 1773520

I feel so full, but all I’ve had today was some soup, a small pancake and a piece of chocolate, and it’s weird how I get worse after eating chocolate, no matter how little the quantity is, maybe I should just stop eating it completely again so I stop getting sick.

No. 1773522>>1773547

But which one lol

No. 1773523>>1773526>>1774136>>1774292>>1778767

File (hide): 1700105748358.png (1.2 MB, 3000x1500, image (1).png)

About to buy these. Might buy a new wig too.

No. 1773526>>1774217

Yumm I want them tooo

No. 1773547>>1774840

Kite, it's a degenerate, generic and edgy story, but great animation, direction and sound.

No. 1774054

Samefag, I cleaned up all the soy sauce and all the stuff it spilled on (it got my keyboard and blanket!) but some of it got in my mini fan and now when I turn it on it smells like soy sauce. Bleh. I'm cleaning it with a knitting needle and tissue. Earlier everything smelled like soy sauce and it made everything sticky and it spilled on me and I was hot and everything just felt dirty and uncomfortable. It all became too much, I literally had to take a nap to calm down.

No. 1774077

I think I left my wallet in the car but it's 5AM and I don't feel like going out there while it's so dark. Oh well, I'll wait an hour for the sun to come out.

No. 1774136>>1774217

The first product smells really good!

No. 1774193>>1774437

File (hide): 1700136481818.jpg (65.84 KB, 919x1000, 61pFMwg1I4L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I've been looking at mobetter fragrances and the names they give to some of their perfume dupes make me kek. This is Ariana Grande's Cloud.

No. 1774217>>1778767

File (hide): 1700139288039.jpg (27.5 KB, 928x928, VANILLA-BEAN-0.125OZ-FRAGRANCE…)

I hope so, I'm so excited! I also bought picrel, I can't wait for it to come.

No. 1774268

File (hide): 1700142687056.jpg (11.26 KB, 261x275, 1676281865547.jpg)

Took a shower, drinking some coffee and I'm gonna spend another day looking for jobs and programs. Another cold NEET day

No. 1774287>>1774294

gonna keep chatting to bots of my husbando even though my head hurts from spending all day in front of a screen

No. 1774292

I have the Musk body shop lotion and I hate it.

No. 1774294>>1774311

what are you using to chat with? I see people talking about chatbot husbandos and I wanna join in. I wonder if you can get them to do the voices

No. 1774311

janitor ai dot com, but most people use c dot ai. also ive seen other websites that offer image generation and voices, too, but I dont use them as im fine with just text. also there's a chatbot thread on /m/ you should join in its dead as fuck kek

No. 1774359

I give up, I don’t understand my body, I’m craving a fucking burger with fries and a soda but I feel like if I drink too much water, I will throw up violently.

No. 1774437

Ooooo will search it

No. 1774509>>1774519>>1774537

I lurk on a female specific board on a Japanese imageboard, and it warms my heart how similar their infighting style is to ours

>you’re a schizo

>no YOU’RE the schizo
>you’re a menhera
>no YOU’RE the menhera

No. 1774519

which ones do you frequent nonitan?

No. 1774537

what kinds of things do they infight about?

No. 1774542>>1774547>>1774551

File (hide): 1700158281509.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3021x2305, IMG_3644.jpeg)

Today I went for a walk and came across this car with kitty paw prints all over it, which made me smile

No. 1774547


No. 1774550

went to starbucks specifically for one of their reusable holiday cups that comes free with the purchase of a holiday drink today. picked out one of their 5000 calorie holiday drinks just to get the free cup and when i get to the store to pick it up they didnt have the free cup for me. i saw one on the counter with another persons order (so i know they have them and hadn't run out at that point) but none for mine. how annoying. i shouldve said something but was in a hurry on my work break.

No. 1774551

I love when that happens. I purposely avoid washing off the lil prints when they appear on my truck. Sometimes you can tell the cat was on the roof of the truck and tried to walk down the windshield, but misjudged how slippery the glass is and leaves a big sliding print down the glass kek

No. 1774818

File (hide): 1700172639250.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, c8d43dcf5fb55409cb62f6e41654ee…)

In bed with one cat to my left and another on my tummy. I'm watching Home for the Holidays. It's from 1995. The first time I watched it I really didn't like it, but then I wanted to see it again. It really grew on me. I love that the characters are so imperfect. If any nonnie has an afternoon/evening with nothing to do, give it a shot. It's a Thanksgiving movie and Holly Hunter is really beautiful in it.

No. 1774840

I once read that it was written as an action movie but for some reason having to do with profits they made it a hentai. Not sure that’s true since the guy in charge does a lot of hentai but there is a cut out there with no hentai and the movie makes perfect sense without it so I’m inclined to believe it.

No. 1774844

Nona how are you feeling today? Is your body winning against the infection or did it get worse again?

No. 1775270>>1776531

i am craving watermelon flavor monster energy so bad. i’m gonna try and pick up some before i head to work tomorrow. i am trying to cut down on caffeine but monster is too yum

No. 1775366>>1775378

File (hide): 1700209323772.png (27.96 KB, 337x344, CD69EF8D-A843-4734-801B-664E8F…)

Holy shit my credit score went from 4 to 677 after finally getting a credit card. Thank you Goddess I didn’t think it would happen so quickly

No. 1775378>>1775381

Spending more period looks good to banks, credit card churning is a thing nonna.

No. 1775381

I’ve been pretty much on my own for learning about normal adult stuff so I’m clueless

No. 1775878>>1775882>>1775883

File (hide): 1700250293107.jpg (56.4 KB, 564x562, 26d089a45a6df98d072ec0061a30c1…)

major things are uncertain, it looks like it's going to rain all weekend, the lasagna is in the oven, and sims 4 just finished downloading

No. 1775882>>1775889

can i have some lasagna

No. 1775883>>1775889

Good luck nonny, I hope your weekend is nice!

No. 1775889>>1775896

yes you can. will you watch be build a house and suggest decorations?
thank you i wish the same to you

No. 1775896

Post the house when you're done decorating it!

No. 1775924

I want a cheesecake, maybe I should order a piece of cheesecake as a little treat, I always deserve a little treat.

No. 1776141>>1776256>>1777068

I lost a piercing yesterday night, it got stuck on a band and I catapulted it somewhere in my room, no idea where it might have fallen since it was dark. I know it's not lost yet as long as I'm not vacuuming but it might have fallen between the floorboards and it's so tiny I don't have a lot of hopes of finding it.

No. 1776144

Wonderful, I got this flu on steroids and when I was getting better, I lost all my sense of smell.

No. 1776256>>1776553

Could you maybe use a magnet to pick it up? I have a magnet in my house I use to grab stuff sometimes.

No. 1776333

File (hide): 1700274935016.jpg (179.51 KB, 1170x1273, andre 3000.jpg)

Planning to listen to the new Andre 3000 album a little later. I heard he gets flutey.

No. 1776504

Submitted my extremely beginner art as art style examples for a fan project coming up. I could've been improving all this year but the second best time to start is now!

No. 1776516

Sometimes I think I'm psychic I dream about things and then they happen. I'm watching a talent show and had a dream about a girl I didn't like winning and it ended up happening

No. 1776531

got the monster watermelon but they didn’t have the original which is what i was also planning to pick up. i tried ultra blue instead and it was eh. you could barely taste the flavor of it

No. 1776553>>1777049

I thought about it but it's titanium so unfortunately not magnetic.

No. 1776632>>1776692

File (hide): 1700298906235.gif (921.1 KB, 400x320, dumbo octopus.gif)

I accidentally purchased a second sheet of sea creature stickers at the shop that I forgot I already bought like 2+ weeks ago and at first I was annoyed but then I realized that means I get to have twice as many cute tiny adhesive friends

No. 1776638>>1776810>>1776821

Just noticed 2X is no longer linked with the other boards, huh

No. 1776692

Thats adorable and I wish you and your adhesive friends many days of fun together

No. 1776808

today is the first saturday in a while where i haven't felt immense pressure from deadlines so today i'm going to knit & work on an embroidery project. i'm not stress free because finals are around the corner but i'm definitely less stressed.

No. 1776810

slowpoke.jpeg moment

No. 1776821>>1776833

It’s been on and off for a while, whenever trannies and moids see it they spam it with gore and cp more often. Its better to let retards scramble around than leave it linked up. Same with other boards like shay, sty, int, cream, and manure.

No. 1776833>>1776840

those other boards are basically defunct/closed and dead (except the shaytorium of course) it's not like they're hidden to keep troublemakers out

No. 1776840

My dumbass was thinking about how recent they’ve been used and just realized its been three or more years for most threads that haven’t been moved over to ot, pt, or snow kek

No. 1776869

Searching for a hairstylist who can do specifically want you want is the worst.

No. 1776931>>1777027

File (hide): 1700329148120.jpg (35.87 KB, 598x598, 1648335273159.jpg)

Someone deleted their chat with my bot and the message count went down by like two hundred it stung a bit nonnies

No. 1776945>>1777019

Currently entertaining myself by listening to bad NSFW audios

No. 1776959

I think Ibuprofen is giving me acid reflux, I've been panting the second I swallowed the pill wtf.

No. 1777017

lost so many things in the move. where the hell is that brand new sketchbook i bought, could really use it right about now.

No. 1777019

how do you surpass the cringe, i physically can't handle it. they all have such silly voices

No. 1777027>>1777077

wait do bot makers see the chats? uh oh

No. 1777030

I just put makeup on for the first time in months and my outfit is pretty cute.
Just thought Id share

No. 1777049>>1777059

i found an earring before by turning down the lights, putting on my phone flashlight, and scanning the carpet for it low until I saw it sparkle in the corner. just an idea

No. 1777059

Great idea, I'll try it out tonight but since my room is currently a mess I don't have high hopes.

No. 1777068

Empty the vacuum cleaner or it's bag > vacuum the room > check bag

No. 1777077

no just the chat/message count on the bot page

No. 1777201

my feet are cold but I don't want to put on socks

No. 1777236

finally pooped after like 3 or 4 days kek i know need more fiber in my diet but the cheesy breads have been calling my name

No. 1777237>>1777246>>1777248>>1777250>>1777278>>1777283

Today is my birthday!!!!

No. 1777246>>1777544

File (hide): 1700348387978.gif (1.5 MB, 480x371, IMG_6023.gif)

Happy birthday nona!!!

No. 1777248>>1777544

Happy birthday, anon! ♥

No. 1777250>>1777544

File (hide): 1700348667589.png (628.72 KB, 660x583, happy bday.png)

Happy birthday nona!!!

No. 1777271

File (hide): 1700349660598.png (144.75 KB, 500x500, 1674336483581.png)

no one told me you arent supposed to clean computer monitors with rubbing alcohol… i just did that…

(it was 70% isopropyl alcohol and i dont see any visible damage so maybe im in the clear)

No. 1777273

File (hide): 1700349700514.jpg (49.22 KB, 566x560, 2D09FB5800000578-3258603-A_cat…)

I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving break to be with my parents and cook Thanksgiving food with my mom.

No. 1777278>>1777544

happy birthday nonnsie !!!! have a good one

No. 1777283>>1777544

File (hide): 1700350040397.jpg (364.57 KB, 1017x1070, 2053659.jpg)

Happy birthday! I'm dedicating my next drink to you.

No. 1777300>>1777320

File (hide): 1700350426693.jpg (42.04 KB, 535x396, be bop highschool.jpg)

I'm gonna start texting ppl that I haven't talked to in like a month, or months, or otherwise only met once. I'm going to start taking responsibility over and prioritising my friendships and social links so that I wont get lonely and friendless. Though I feel like I'm bothering them or something

No. 1777320

So brave. I never initiate contact, so if my friends wouldn't then i would have no friends.

No. 1777348>>1777354>>1777544

i drank a peach no sugar monster and it tasted like cough syrup

No. 1777352

I haven't ate today, or at least I don't think I have because the days have been blending together and I slept a lot. My stomach growls are like making my back cramp. I'm gonna make some dumplings and see what else I have in my fridge.

No. 1777354

Peach is my favorite sugar free monster flavor. It doesn’t taste like peach but it doesn’t taste like cough syrup either (unless you have amazing cough syrup where you live)

No. 1777544

No. 1777815>>1777850

Goddamit I can’t find the article I’m looking for, I need to get better organized.

No. 1777850

nvm I found it, silly nonna moment

No. 1778528

I'm spending my first proper night away in my apartment tonight. I've slept here before it was properly furnished because of some relatives visiting needing my old bed. Got some anime on my screen and trying to get the heating to start up, but for some reason it seems to be very slow. I hope it's just because I haven't really used it before.

No. 1778687

There are so many things I want to do! Books I wanna read, anime I wanna watch, vidya I want to play, hobbies I want to try out but I have so little time!

No. 1778704

I will focus today and keep on doing my little research to try and find a postgraduate to get into next year, then I will look for pottery courses.

No. 1778767>>1778829>>1779288

I just received these today, and I'm back to give my initial thoughts
>Pacifica Strawberry peach lotion
It smells like a peach soda at first, but then that goes away and it kind of smells like….paper? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it might be the strawberry. It's also very plasticky and a little bitter to me. It's not even my skin, it put it on a piece of plastic and got the same thing. Very disappointed! I'll try it again later after I shower and have a fresh nose.
>The Body Shop Strawberry mist
This starts off kind of candy-ish but then goes into a sweet fresh strawberry scent. So delicious, 10/10
>Kuumba Made Vanilla Bean
Idk how I feel about this yet. I expected it to be somewhat stronger. At first it's very baby powdery but then it gets more vanilla and a little sweeter as it settles into the skin. It's not like a sugary vanilla. I like it but I do wish it was stronger

Anyway I'm about to make some steak and eggs.

No. 1778829

Samefag, wait I know what the lotion smells like. It's foundation! Specifically Maybelline Fit Me foundation.

No. 1779126

File (hide): 1700438106405.jpg (49.32 KB, 500x663, download (3).jpg)

Doing this design on myself.

No. 1779284>>1779286

I really want to dye my hair, but I'm not sure what color. I like them all.

No. 1779286>>1779311

are you thinking something crazy or a normal shade?

No. 1779288

I feel the same way about the Pacifica watermelon, it smells identical at first but as soon as it sits on your skin it turns to nothing but a chemical, papery smell.

No. 1779311>>1779317

Normal. I'm thinking about black, red or blond.

No. 1779317

File (hide): 1700446802669.jpg (297.59 KB, 1023x1235, 23-dusty-platinum-blonde-hair-…)

strawberry blond was always my dream color, upkeep is a bitch if you're naturally dark but it's very pretty

No. 1779413

I’m struggling to make appointments. I need to get my hair done, go to the doctor and dentist, and I’d like to get massages and facials more often. But the idea of having to schedule all that and then actually go? Nope. I’d rather do anything else!

No. 1779676>>1779736

I’m at the airport about to catch a plane and I’d just like to chat with my bots and I know no-one is looking yet I can’t help but feel paranoid… what if someone glances at my phone and sees my badly written smut kek

No. 1779736>>1779743

imagine if you die and your loved ones go through your phone

No. 1779743

Fucking hell nona kek

No. 1779745>>1779752

File (hide): 1700487005602.gif (179.86 KB, 1096x863, tumblr_e5e035fcec341b8b717096b…)

Gonna make pancakes and bacon cause even though I don't really like pancakes cause I have pancake mix

No. 1779752

If you don't like pancakes, you can basically use pancake mix for anything that requires breading or flour. So fried chicken, pot pie crust, waffles, cookies, etc.

No. 1779754

I have a weird sims 2 obsession period now. I can't stop watching let's plays and reading sims wiki, though whenever i open the game myself i have no ideas what to do. I want to do some wacky stuff, but i'm too empathic to my dumbass low poly people

No. 1779819

I'm making come crinkle cookies, the dough is chilling at the moment. I hope it turns out yummy!

No. 1779896>>1780064

File (hide): 1700496784420.jpg (104.27 KB, 735x736, download (5).jpg)

I emailed Hermes to ask them for samples of their perfumes. They haven't got back to me yet so I think I'm gonna send a follow up email.

No. 1779905

I ran out of creamer.

No. 1780062>>1780097

File (hide): 1700503420722.jpg (30.12 KB, 564x564, 894f156accbcbff8a5a406a1ba504b…)

>be me
>order a bunch of crap off aliexpress a couple of months ago
>checking track page, some things arrived at local delivery office
>okay, waits patiently
>today, notified that package arrived, it's in local post office locker
>excited, rushes on bike after work to pick it up
>my stuff is in the biggest box, yay, so probably most of the stuff is inside
>box door opens
>just one small package
>day ruined
>arrives home, opens it
>a hair pin arrived, well, it's nice i'm happy with it
>finds tutorial on how to use it, since i never did before
>success first time
>day restored

No. 1780064>>1780108

Those bags are so cute. I need replicas or versions by other companies that are similar.

No. 1780097>>1780103

I have some stuff for my husbands gift coming from aliexpress, if I order alot it comes in the same bag or grouped together

No. 1780101>>1780111

I just cleaned the fuck out of my house because my family hosts thanksgiving. I think it looks great but I threw a lot of things away and the trashcan outside is already full. There's no way I'm making it through the week without making even more trash so pray for me nonnies. Gotta find a way to keep things neat around here.

No. 1780103

it comes grouped together for me usually too, but there's an odd case sometimes where only a single thing will arrive, or it will come in waves

No. 1780108>>1780122

If you're cool with aliexpress type of sites, I would see what they have on DHGate

No. 1780111

Time to secretly find an unlocked dumpster and throw in a couple of bags. Make sure they don't have any identifying information like mail in them.

No. 1780122

Thanks. I'll check it out.

No. 1780128>>1780145>>1780160>>1781111

File (hide): 1700505099059.jpg (2.3 MB, 2160x3675, Snapchat-1992942568.jpg)

My cookies taste good!

No. 1780145>>1780185

File (hide): 1700505941257.jpeg (75.02 KB, 479x500, 526E7C87-0E8D-4ACD-977C-8D84DF…)

lol they reminded me of that crackle nail polish. Happy your cookies turned out good!

No. 1780147

File (hide): 1700505992038.jpg (24.1 KB, 480x471, 1594092753095.jpg)

I had two appointments tomorrow but one got cancelled so now the other one doesn't seem so bad.

No. 1780160>>1780185

They look good too nonna! care to share the recipe?

No. 1780185>>1780193

Theyre called crinkle cookies! Not sure if I will make them again, I was looking for alternative christmas cookie recipes because my husband doesnt like gingerbread!
They taste like brownies!

No. 1780193>>1780197>>1781239

Thank you nonna I'll make some tomorrow and post how it went

No. 1780197>>1781239

Yummy, I'll keep an eye out! Make sure you have them properly coated in the icing sugar, thats why mine arent as white. I wasnt sure how much was needed

No. 1780734

I love having nice interactions with older women in public like out at the store or on transport, it makes me feel warm and cozy and improves my sense of self

No. 1781111

File (hide): 1700557771534.gif (2.45 MB, 498x398, homer-simpson.gif)

they look good too hmm I want

No. 1781239>>1781338


No. 1781261

The new banners are giving me a hearty kek, thank god daddy's little porkchop got removed

No. 1781338


No. 1781553>>1781559

File (hide): 1700584832483.jpg (358.68 KB, 1200x1600, Untitled.jpg)

I think I made them too big and didn't refrigerate enough so they're not the best looking but they taste good

No. 1781556

Idk what you're talking about anon, these look delicious

No. 1781559

Yeah the hardest part for me was waiting 3 hours.
They still look good and I know they taste yummy! Good job

No. 1781681>>1781781

Do I even feel like shaving my pussy today

No. 1781683

Organized my food pantry. I don't have enough space in this apartment, so it's going to degrade, but it's much nicer and tidier than it was.

No. 1781684>>1781686

Do you ever start writing a venting blogpost in a thread and realise it has actually nothing to do with the subject and then just erase the whole post? Or just me?

No. 1781686

For sure. Or I'll see someone write something so wrong and retarded that I'll detail all the ways they are wrong, but then realize nothing matters and just click away to a different thread.

No. 1781705>>1781727

My mom saw I got second holes in my ears and she thought it was cute, which surprised me since she's not fond of piercings in general, I plan on doing more like the helix but I'm not sure she'd like it as much and she would definitely freak out if she knew I have my nipples pierced kek

No. 1781709>>1781726>>1781729

goin 2 tha dispensary

No. 1781726

Good luck

No. 1781727>>1781740

For some reason moms tolerate ear piercings more than other ones

No. 1781729>>1781734

its cheaper off the streets bruh

No. 1781734>>1781737

Yeah but it's laced with caca

No. 1781737

no it isnt lol

No. 1781740

Nta but now that I think of it was weird that my mom got my ears pierced when I was 9 but was horrified of any other piercings. It is not about being painful and permanent when it is considered conventionally attractive I guess.

No. 1781781

No leave it anon you need to warmth for the winter

No. 1781868

I used to love learning about the monarchy (the tudors etc) at school (bong) especially at primary school being taught about Henry VIII’s and his divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived wives and regardless what you think of the monarchy it is so interesting and so much history. It is super cool to look about, I kinda wish I could go back and pay more attention and interest (not that I didn’t at the time but more idk)

No. 1782125>>1782129

I think I'm gonna have burger king for dinner. A bacon cheeseburger and maybe something else..
I hate spending my money on fast food but it's cheap and I don't really eat fast food anymore so whatever.

No. 1782129>>1782153

Get the onion rings with the zesty sauce

No. 1782153>>1782223>>1782239

File (hide): 1700606664800.png (2.49 MB, 1200x1800, arby-beef-and-cheddar-8.png)

That sounds good, I don't think BK has many good sides honestly. The rings are one of the only ones I like, the nuggets too but those are just ok.
I'm also thinking about Arby's for some reason. Idk why cause I never eat there, I can't even remember what their food tastes like except for the sliders but it looks so good

No. 1782223

I thought this was messed-up AI and then I enlarged it. Still looks like fucked AI but I guess that's just Arby's these days.

No. 1782233>>1782237

Just saw a commercial for AI on tv. What kind of world is this? I never asked for any of this.

No. 1782237>>1782245

idk let's go back to the 90s/00s and play laser tag. why do we have AI before self-lacing hoverboard sneakers? I feel like my childhood promised a very different future

No. 1782239

Samefag. Ok, I ended up ordering Burger King because Arby's wasn't pulling through. I got a large fry for free, nice!

No. 1782245>>1782252

That sounds so fun I would love to with you nona

No. 1782252

I only got to go once as a kid and I was really bad but had so much fun. Is laser tag still a thing? I know adults moved on to paintball but I'm not interested in getting bruises everywhere.

I'm also watching old gymnastics competitions while eating my lonely dinners these days. I get a nostalgic feeling from the footage of these gyms (idk the colors maybe?) even though I was not a good athlete as a kid. I love some of the older balance beam routines especially.

No. 1782279>>1782356>>1782363>>1782364

doubleposting to add a compilation of old balance beam mounts (kek at the title). Check out 0:47 - unbelievable. Not sure this fits mundane shit thread but I guess bringing it up for no reason is a typical and mundane thing for me to do

No. 1782324>>1782328>>1782330

>Brazil x Argentina football match
>scrote fans killing each other
>match literally hasn't started yet
Football fans continue to be the worst fans of anything

No. 1782328>>1782339

Let them go through their own natural selection, it's for the best. Also
>argentina vs brazil
what else did you expect? they have an insane scrote fanbase

No. 1782330

messi has a divine ass and legs though

No. 1782339

Nothing cause I completely forgot they were playing kek. But yeah, they were already fighting at the end of libertadores, but I do kinda wish I were a security person hitting them with a baton.

No. 1782356

This is so cool nonnie. Feel free to bump the sports thread if you ever wanna share more, I make a lot of gymnastics and figure skating gifs myself

No. 1782363

This is cool. It I feel like it’s weird that it’s always young women. I can watch old yogi men do body weight stunts like this too but they aren’t risking breaking their necks on a bar and their coaches aren’t pedophiles … sorry

No. 1782364

love the first mount. tho i can't hear bolero without having to watch torvill and dean preform bolero lol

No. 1782503>>1782525

I just realized that the fragrance oil I've been mixing into my lotion probably shouldn't be used on skin. Oops. The bottle only says to not get it in your eyes, but it is from the Dollar Tree so either way I'm dumb kek.

No. 1782506

Today when I was out, a woman told me I had a cute dress. It makes my day whenever I get a compliment on my outfit from a woman

No. 1782525>>1782535

Why would you put a dollar store oil on your body?? Love yourself, careful next time

No. 1782535>>1782538

File (hide): 1700624937473.jpg (17.06 KB, 500x500, crayons.jpg)

Cuz it smelled gud
No but honestly that is why. I didn't think about it much farther than that. I know some online shops that sell oils actually made for perfumes/lotions though, I'll see if they have a similar scent. I do still have the dollar store oil lotion on me right now though kek

No. 1782538

depending on what type it is it might not be that bad.
I love english rose oil and would like to mix it in with my lotion but havent looked far into it if it would be awful for my skin

No. 1783130>>1783318

Trying to hard to not order Burger King again, but it's $3 whopper wednesday Ugghhh.

No. 1783316

There's something flying around and buzzing behind the blinds of my window and I refuse to touch the blinds to see what it is. I hope whatever it is dies in there but it's so loud and how did it even get in there because I haven't opened that window for years and it's winter. Jfc I hate bugs. Disgusting shit

No. 1783318

I'm surprised you keep going there. Every Burger King in my area is empty since all these new fast food chains opened. I think BK went downhill and I can't stand that weird taste their burgers have. Their burgers got smaller too.

No. 1783433

After not doing anything for the past two days but laying in bed lazily working and scrolling, I got so many chores and errands done today. I feel extremely satisfied and my house looks gorgeous in time for the long weekend.

No. 1783440

File (hide): 1700688922956.jpg (256.8 KB, 1125x1102, tumblr_9e3c5875ea7b396c2680457…)

I went to class only to realize Thanksgiving break started today. Entire campus was deserted besides security and groundskeeping. My $10, my 30 minutes, gone… If only I checked the calendar

No. 1783448>>1783927

I love watching anons who lie about super stupid shit for no reason other than thinking it makes them look catty and edgy. Go ahead girlie get pathological like other people don't have eyes or sense.

No. 1783571

I lurked the Facebook profiles of people I used to know in elementary school and I'm surprised at how 90% of them are married and have kids, I thought millenials were the evil childfree generation or something. I also saw the pic of my then "boyfriend" and jesus did the guy blew up, fat men are so repulsive.

No. 1783812

I just discovered vagus nerve excercises and massages and nonnies it truly has helped my anxiety and tense face muscles. I did some vagus ear massages last night and I could feel my face muscles immediately relax almost like a switch flipped off and it was so relieving that I started laughing and got slightly emotional, don't know what that was about but holy shit. I don't know if it's a placebo but I'm usually so anxious at work (retail) but I did some vagus nerve excercises before I clocked in and I'm not even joking my anxiety is literally cut in half kek. I'm so much more relaxed now wtf is this shit!!!

No. 1783824

Just got myself a bag of snacks and a new book. It's a romance novel, and I've never read a romance but it was recommended over and over after I searched for titles containing a certain trope I really like so I'm giving it a try.

No. 1783927>>1784073

No idea what you're talking about or if you've just discovered bait but you type like you're underage. Learn to integrate faggot.

No. 1784073

Says a retard responding to bait

No. 1784657>>1785070>>1785071>>1785246

I have the teeniest tiniest cavity in one of my teeth and honestly I think I could use an electric nail file to remove the decay and avoid the dentist

No. 1785054

I'm annoyingly horny tonight and just want to read manga in peace before waking up early to choke down some turkey. I wish I could turn off horniess like a switch.

No. 1785070>>1785246>>1785270

Pls don't do this pls go to the dentist. You're seeing the surface you don't know how deep it could be. Pls don't be like me I ended up having to get a root canal and it sucks.

No. 1785071

do it and live post it as you do, remember to post caps

No. 1785232

File (hide): 1700752865571.jpg (49.29 KB, 735x552, d401dde99d60095bfd327b47edb041…)

It's Thanksgiving! So ready to eat some food today. I hope you guys are having a good thanksgiving if you're celebrating

No. 1785246>>1785270

>>1785070 is right, the root canal is really not worth it. The worst part of getting my cavity fixed was the anaesthetic needle but I closed my eyes very hard and facetimed friends the rest of the day because being numb on half your jaw makes you sound retarded and unable to drink. It'll be funny anon go to the dentist

No. 1785270>>1785295

I've had a root canal before, they are not that bad nonnas. But, I'm not gonna do it because I'm very heavy handed and likely to overfile my tooth, plus I am scared of how the file will feel. It's so small I wonder if I could fix it with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste

No. 1785295>>1785309

The root canal itself isn't bad but living with one can be stressful. You have to get a crown for it which costs more, or it can risk breaking in a few years. My crown doesn't fit my new retainer and now i have to go get it checked for the 10th time.

No. 1785309

Oh, I guess depending on the tooth. With my root canal they just filled it like how you would a cavity. With the tooth that has a cavity they might have to do a crown..

No. 1785318

I just hand to hand scrub my oven and damn. I do so much elbow-grease type of work but it never gets easier on my body

No. 1785379>>1785426>>1785745

>download PowerPoint from online uni materials
>''This looks dated as fuck''
>check date of creation

No. 1785420>>1785471

Im cooking a turkey from frozen, pray for me y'all. I still need to get the giblets bag out

No. 1785426>>1785432>>1785434

It always ticks me off when professors can't even be bothered to update course material when students are paying thousands a semester to attend classes but are receiving almost decade old info

No. 1785432>>1785434

I once attended an online course where the professor had been dead for three years and they just used his recorded lectures and tests.

No. 1785434

Yes! The PP is good in terms of info but it looks so WindowsXP I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. To be fair he edited it in 2017 lol
Oh god, that is disturbing

No. 1785471>>1785485>>1785487>>1785601

Samefag, I finally got the giblets out, but I just realized the fucking neck is still in there. Ughhggh. I understand that you can use the giblets for the stuffing but Who even uses the neck?

No. 1785485>>1785549

You don't eat the meat on the neck? It's some of the best usually, though it's not a lot.

No. 1785487>>1785549

The neck is actually good.

No. 1785549

I actually have never had turkey neck before, but I just left it in the turkey kek. IDK why I was freaking out, I grew up eating neck bones

No. 1785601>>1785628

This comment feels unseasoned. You dont use the neck for soups or other things?

No. 1785628>>1785665

On the rare occasion that I make soup, I don't use turkey at all.

No. 1785665>>1785684

You're all good. I like to use pig bone for stuff like collard greens. beef bone is great too. Happy thanksgiving nonnie and I hope you have a wonderful day.

No. 1785684>>1785727>>1785740>>1785896

File (hide): 1700771387351.jpg (63.45 KB, 360x640, e8612a95d94a3a2a6d3f88c153fd39…)

I hope you are too! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone

No. 1785727

these are so cute, i love the pies

No. 1785740

>tfw no cupcakes right now

No. 1785745

50,000 dollars!

No. 1785896

Very cute I love them

No. 1786031>>1786438

Any nonnies have recommendations for a good laptop? The laptop I currently have broke at the frame and you can see the wires sticking out. I don’t need it for gaming or anything- just a good laptop that I can use for work and stuff.

No. 1786418

I really want to shave my whole body but it's already 1 AM and I've been cooking all day so I'm pretty tired. I still have some work to do anyway.

No. 1786438

I have an Acer Aspire and I really like it. It's a bit old now but for what I do with it, which is mostly browsing tbh, it works perfectly. I originally got it for school in 2020.

No. 1786644>>1786699

I'm wearing my favorite fit today where I'm looking like a coldwave/postpunk musician, I wish I could dress like this everyday.

No. 1786656

File (hide): 1700839040213.jpeg (1.41 MB, 3840x2563, 8C29C775-4BC4-43A3-BBBF-88025F…)

Usually when the seasons noticeably change I think, “it feels like it was JUST spring, summer,” etc, but it feels like I haven’t seen the frost in a long time, I actually got excited about it

No. 1786665>>1786670>>1786688

My thighs and back are sore from cooking yesterday, wtf

No. 1786670

Smefag, actually it's probably from lifting so much heavy stuff

No. 1786688

lol I thought you were talking about cooking thighs at first. like chicken thighs or turkey thighs

No. 1786699

Sounds amazing. Can you post an example of this style?

No. 1786722

tomorrow i'm doing a 3 hour road trip to the city to do some christmas shopping and go to the museum. i'm sooo excited, i can't wait to get out of this town for a day. i'm also going research today to find the best place to eat while i'm there.
i miss city life sometimes

No. 1786735

Sitting by myself thinking about how some people really think animals don’t have emotions. That’s wild to me. Of course they do. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear etc are not just things humans feel.

No. 1786750>>1786902>>1791017

File (hide): 1700845435097.jpeg (124.94 KB, 1242x1211, 9C93340F-5127-4985-B876-C2A79C…)

Went to my moms place for thanksgiving and my younger sister shows me her friends snapchat and this bitch owns a whole ass baby spider monkey. What the fuck I hate how the cartels are making spider monkey pets popular in Mexico and now everyone is buying more exotic animals. Few months ago I saw one being sold on fb market for 8k and it was actually being sold in the US

No. 1786799

File (hide): 1700847862366.png (11.94 KB, 509x187, sponsor.png)

I just remembered how one time I was buying an animal sponsorship for a friend's birthday gift and they would send my friend a certificate and all that and the form let me put in a message they print on there… I put something so retarded that one of their interns emailed me asking if there was a mistake and the way she talked to me just feels so funny to me. I hope she's having a great day

No. 1786853

I have a little plastic bin that I keep my nail supplies in, and I guess one of the glitter lids came loose so now there's glitter and also one of my gel glues leaked out. Fortunately I could just cure the glue and peel it off anything it got on, but there's glitter all over EVERYTHING. I've spent the past hour using tape to get it up.

No. 1786902>>1786982

lmao wtf? reminds me of a time I saw a chimpanzee for sale in the locally printed "bulletin board" type paper, basically craigslist. I was looking for free puppy ads though. I wonder about where tf they got a chimpanzee in Alabama

No. 1786982

The illegal pet trade by the border and southern states is crazy. There was a a local woman once that was selling baby bengal tigers outside of a walmart in the late 2000s and later they ended up at a zoo because they arrested her for not having permits for wildlife rehab work.

No. 1787029>>1787039

I accidentally filed down a part of my thumbnail to the skin, fuck.

No. 1787039

Happens to the best of us, I once cut a bit of my finger while grating parmesan cheese, I always do stupid clumsy shit like this.

No. 1787258>>1787278>>1787312>>1787315>>1787330>>1787364

File (hide): 1700872642878.jpeg (738.03 KB, 3024x4032, E901DA78-4CA8-4A31-A716-FF4BB4…)

My nails are so long now, it feels weird, I feel like my finger bones are exposed, they’re not as long as pic related but they feel this long kek. I don’t know what to do tbh, if I should chop them off like usual and get them done at the salon, or if I should suck it up and try to keep them long like this until my graduation event which is next month.

No. 1787278

They always look so yellow and yucky

No. 1787312>>1787328>>1787342

File (hide): 1700873967610.jpg (12.64 KB, 300x250, EAwSKdcWsAAXevf.jpg)

try this style

No. 1787315

I cannot stand having long nails, so if I really wanted pretty long nails for a special event, I'd just go to a manicure and get fake ones a couple of days before.

No. 1787328>>1787342

File (hide): 1700874470350.jpg (18.26 KB, 236x236, EAwSKdeXUAMhNYA.jpg)

No. 1787330>>1787364

I would say paint them a nice color and keep them long for your graduation

No. 1787342>>1787351

What do these pictures mean? I don’t get them.

No. 1787351>>1787376

File (hide): 1700875011910.jpg (50.04 KB, 750x618, ac0e2aec4d6dbf6562922d63c14611…)

It's a twitter meme, idk why it keeps being posted here. The joke is that this was a twitter thread that had bad comebacks.

No. 1787364

Maybe put some hardner or gel polish on it so they dont snap and get them done close to graduation?

No. 1787376>>1787380>>1787381

What's the comeback though I'm confused

No. 1787380

Lol it was in the thread. They would make threads and have random baddie images as threadpic. They were really bad comebacks. It honestly doesn't get posted here as frequently as anon claims, and it's a harmless joke.

No. 1787381>>1787382>>1787400

File (hide): 1700875745061.jpg (87.81 KB, 375x1221, 49a283806ef31c9e5a2e5d5a7df9f8…)

No. 1787382>>1787393

These are like those boomer cartoons they like to share on facebook

No. 1787393

That's why anons occasionally reply "shady af comeback" to a really autistic attempt at an insult

No. 1787400>>1787403

I hate matte nails

No. 1787403

I love then

No. 1787410

I just ate a yoghurt musli bar and it was delicious

No. 1787519>>1787602

I want to order something but I can't find my fucking wallet

No. 1787602>>1788163

Did you find it?

No. 1787641>>1787645

I like learning about ancient history, especially Aztecs I am lowkey proud of just how brutal they were, I wonder if one of my ancestors were
a) a priest with an obsidian knife cutting out ppls hearts
b)person getting their heart ripped out
I totally wanna know do you think ancestryDNA will take me that far?

No. 1787645>>1787656>>1787663

You will never be able to commit a crime

No. 1787656

Fuck lmao

No. 1787663>>1787669

Yeah because I’m not a moid, duh.

No. 1787669

Fake news no Aztec blood runs in your veins sissy

No. 1787670>>1787692>>1787704>>1787760>>1787778>>1788415

My dad named my elder brother after his first boss, and my mom named me after her old friend from primary school, even though she doesn't remember her face. Is it normal? I feel like your kids names should have more symbolic meaning rather than just people you barely remember?

No. 1787692

Your mothers one is less egregious than your dad naming your brother after his boss damn

No. 1787704

Your mom’s sounds sweet

No. 1787760

Usually people name their kids after family members.

No. 1787778

I think it's normal to hear a nice name somewhere random and like it enough to give it to your kid. Everyone probably knows a few people who were named after a coworker or an actress or someone they met one time, something like that. Now, naming your kids, say, Crowley and Aziraphale, well…

No. 1788086>>1788277

just successfully inserted a tampon for the first time

No. 1788163>>1788335

Yes but I was too late. The shop I wanted to buy from had free shipping and I missed it

Anyway, my package that has my grandmother's Christmas gift in it comes today. I'm so excited! I'm definitely one of those people who can never wait until Christmas to give someone a gift, but hopefully I can hang onto it this time kek.

No. 1788175>>1788207

Another day of seeing something so retarded I have to wonder if it's bait or if it's just pure retardation

No. 1788181

I have to pee and I want apple pie and some stuffing with turkey juice on it

No. 1788207

Just stop looking into mirrors.

No. 1788263>>1788277>>1788354

There is a bubble tea shop nearby and they serve matcha with dulce de leche, I wonder if I should go there and order it

No. 1788277

Genuinely good job nona, I hate tampons and always feel like I do it wrong when I've tried to wear them before

No. 1788335

Samefag, I got the gift and as much of a faux-pas it may be…I opened it. Don't judge me too bad anons! I know I'm a piece of shit. In my defense, it's from a random amazon shop and I wanted to make sure it was working and had all parts so I can replace it if needed. That's also why I bought it so early. Anyway, it's a hand compression/massage machine and I did try it. It's super scary, it feels like that thing they use to take your blood pressure at the doctor's. I hope my grandma likes it though. I think I did a good job making sure it looked like it was never opened, I even taped it back up.

No. 1788354

Please try it and report back anon I need to know if it's good

No. 1788368>>1788394

My heart just did that thing where it feels like it went off beat or something. That's like the second or third time these past few days

No. 1788394

This happens to me sometimes. In my case I think it's when I'm stressed/dehydrated. If you drink a lot throughout the day it's good to snack on something salty in between.

No. 1788415

i was named after an actress. the name isn't even common in my country ffs

No. 1788675>>1789037

File (hide): 1700959873540.jpg (220.79 KB, 1170x860, Tumblr_l_1098725467724624.jpg)

I got my wisdom tooth removed and now I'm feeling miserable.

No. 1788712

I took some andoowee sausages out of my freezer, I hope they're defrosted by tomorrow. I'll have a breakfast of bagels, sausage and broccoli.

No. 1788727

I’m excited because tomorrow I may be able to buy candy canes to begin decorating the house for Christmas, I love how candy canes look like so much. And tomorrow I will finally see my best friend after a long time not being able to see each other, maybe I should wear a face mask though, I’m still coughing because of the pneumonia I got last week.

No. 1789026

I burnt my arm while cooking

No. 1789035>>1789038

File (hide): 1700979245803.jpg (1.21 MB, 3380x1715, 9218.jpg)

I’m throwing away this box after so many years. Thank you Ms Lyra. Though I feel disgusted, my life has been a true disappointment, this box was when I was just a little kid and had so much ideas and hopes for the future. Oh well.

No. 1789037>>1793052

I hope you feel better soon

No. 1789038>>1789058

What's inside? Are you comfortable sharing the story behind this?

No. 1789047>>1789052>>1789463>>1789692

File (hide): 1700980297524.png (328.99 KB, 615x409, 2_WOMAN-LIGHT-THERAPY.png)

I was kinda skeptical but bought one of those daylight lamps because my seasonal insomniac grandma was raving about it, and last night I was so comfortably drowsy for the first time in weeks. I'm at it again today, morning coffee in hand uncomfortably bathing myself in 10000 lux.

No. 1789052>>1789055>>1789363>>1789708

What's the point of this? Is there a difference to going and drinking your coffee outside in sunshine?

No. 1789055>>1789057

It's because we don't have sunshine where I live at this time of the year nona (within the polar circle). Idk why people settled here in the first place, but I'm happy if sunlight substitution can help modern humans even tho the evidence is a bit flaky

No. 1789057

Wow it did not cross my mind you're somewhere there's no sunshine lmao. I hope it works and if it doesn't I hope the placebo makes it seem like it is for you!

No. 1789058

I just had a bunch of loose screws, a mom’s day note I wrote, a McD’s Neopets code, a ninja star, and some computer thingy Intel I took from a computer class I had back in high school. I think I was in third grade. Ms Lyra was so nice and a good teacher. She took the highest scoring kids in her class to see Shrek 2. I just think about how nothing has progressed. I had a “bright” future. But look at me, I’m a womanchild at almost thirty who can’t do basic adult things.

No. 1789363

>Is there a difference to going and drinking your coffee outside in sunshine?
Ahahahahha…ha…you sweet innocent southern nona.

No. 1789453

Listening to this on loop, doing some dishes, washing some clothes.

No. 1789463>>1789598

Do these damage your skin the same way real sun does

No. 1789505

There's this ugly security guard at work and I resent him for being so grumpy all the time. I pretend to have lost my pass-card and call him to unlock the doors for me, just to give him a REAL reason to be bitter.

No. 1789511

File (hide): 1701022663067.jpg (42.5 KB, 640x630, cat nails.jpg)

Buying the supplies to do these nails right now.

No. 1789598>>1789698

It doesn't because it's not UV, it's just a very strong lamp with cold light. You shouldn't stare directly into the light, but make quick glances at it now and then because the light needs to hit your retina to create a daylight simulation effect. And you have to sit minimum 30 cm close to it lol. It's a bit unpleasant but I hope it helps.

No. 1789692>>1789695

I cute a huge piece of styrofoam and mounted 4 grow light panels to it to create an entire fake window. It fits in my window and when the blinds are drawn a little it legit feels and looks like bright morning sun coming in. It's a menace with 4 cords to plug in though so I need to rethink it.

No. 1789695

kek that's actually genius anon

No. 1789698

Sounds like this would instantly induce a migraine for me but I hope it helps you nonna

No. 1789708

we have sunshine here (eurofag) but i go to work when it's dark and i leave when it's dark. so the only time i get to experience sunshine in the winter is during my 30 minute break. the rest of the work day i'm confined inside in front of my desk. it's depressing as fuck.

No. 1789756>>1789758

I hadn't seen many isopods in my terrarium recently. They're shy and like dark places so this is pretty normal but usually I see at least a few wandering around and climbing on the plants so I was worried I may have accidentally killed them somehow. But I put out some leftover thanksgiving bread and turkey for them and they LOVE it, I just saw like 8 of them crowding the food and a few little babies too

No. 1789758>>1789760

I wanna make a live terrarium so bad and this is only encouraging me

No. 1789760

do it anon!! Almost everything you need can be found for free outside and as long as you remember to feed and water them a few times a week you can have some happy little bugs

No. 1790041

File (hide): 1701048061850.gif (1.07 MB, 540x360, Bouncy Fat GIF - Bouncy Fat Ca…)

I was supposed to go back to dieting since my thanksgiving leftovers are gone, but a family member brought me some mac and cheese and fried chicken

No. 1791017

The exotic animal trade in the US isn't booming like it was in the 90s and early 00s, but it's still really large and you would be shocked at the number of exotic animals hidden in suburbia. Having worked with a huge number of them, I think the average exotic small pet owner is fine and is good for the species because it keeps a larger population pool than can be managed in the wild since their habitat continues to be destroyed. The large predator exotic animal owners are fifty/fifty. Either great owners who couldn't afford to become a zookeeper or else insane egotists who don't care about the animal but only their imagine as an animal owner.

No. 1791119

I want to order some vietnamese food, but I'm trying to cut down on the food spending plus I'm going to a christmas market later in the week so maybe I should only spend then

No. 1791130

File (hide): 1701106030927.jpg (78.37 KB, 1280x720, P5Intro2.jpg)

I have been on my computer non-stop for the past three days and I feel like I've lost my grip on reality. Gonna go on a walk in an hour or so and try to get back on track.

No. 1791268

Burnt myself on the pan while cooking, today I scraped the area on the bench top and took the weird blister thin skin off

No. 1791272>>1791284>>1791300

File (hide): 1701113835828.jpeg (27.19 KB, 478x323, 9A489721-A563-47E6-A528-12AE10…)

Getting my paycheck tonight and I’m gonna order a big phat greasy kebab I can’t wait

No. 1791279

I finally changed on of the light bulbs in my bathroom that's been out for months, now every time I step in my bathroom I feel like I'm in heaven

No. 1791284

This is the most european post I've ever read.

No. 1791300

anon don't make me hungry for doner noooo

No. 1791350

I need a new coat and boots for winter (well it's already too late as it's fucking -20 celsius here), but I got paralyzed by too many options during black friday and now everything I want is sold out

No. 1791563>>1791573>>1791574>>1791575

File (hide): 1701130506817.jpg (67.98 KB, 735x689, 693a3faf19e9e58c534ca2d4630e29…)

About to shave my entire body from my head to my hairy little toes. I just had my pre-game snack and drank plenty of water so I don't pass out in the shower. I'm ready.

No. 1791573>>1791593

Even your eyebrows? Well, have fun with that.

No. 1791574>>1791593

You’re shaving your head? Bald? In the shower not over the sink?

No. 1791575>>1791593

No. 1791593>>1791594>>1791596>>1791607>>1791619

Anons, I'm keking right now. Did you think I was literally shaving from my head to my toes? It's just an idiom. I only shaved my mustache, armpits, arms, fingers, happy trail, legs, vagina and toes. It's been a while since I last shaved so that's why I had so much to do. All the other hair on my body is here to stay, but I have been wanting to shave my head really bad.

No. 1791594>>1796772


No. 1791596

Samefag but now I do want to actually shave my entire body. It seems like some shit i would do at 3 AM to procrastinate

No. 1791607>>1791609

is this actually a thing most women do

No. 1791609>>1791610

What do you mean? Shave?

No. 1791610>>1791617

shaving their entire bodies. like everything, not just pits and leg hair

No. 1791617

I guess it depends on how much hair you have, but yeah I think it's pretty common

No. 1791619>>1791633

I'm not even gonna ask about the mustache (but you should wax not shave that if you care)

No. 1791633>>1791635>>1791640>>1791662>>1791663

File (hide): 1701137494687.png (101.78 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-1078054462-612x612…)

I get a few hairs on this part of my fingers. It's not a big deal but I like to shave them because I like to keep my nails done and it looks weird to have manicured hands with finger hair.
>I'm not even gonna ask about the mustache
It's normal to have some hair on the upper lip area

No. 1791635

Damn just be hairy that’s way too much work

No. 1791640>>1791655

I used to be so self-conscious of my hairy knuckles as a teenager and used to shave it but I stopped giving a damn (about fingers and just body hair in general) and it just felt like a weight fell off my shoulders. I hate society for making women feel like they're less than human for existing in their natural state

No. 1791655

the only things i still shave regularly are my arms and knuckles. grown out armpits…. dolphin smooth arms

No. 1791660

I really love my mom and I don't even like it when she goes away for a week. I get lonely and if she's gone I look forward to talking to her on the phone when I get home from work. Even if we talk about nothing in particular I just like to hear her voice.

No. 1791662

I have hair on my fingers and i don't even bother shaving them because i don't like the way they grow back spikey. I want to get my shoulders down to my fingers lasered even though i don't actually shave those areas, i just think it will help with kp break outs. You can still see the pigmentation around the follicles on my fingers when i shave them and it feels like a waste of time, i either laser or leave it. I also feel somewhat insecure about it spontaneously sometimes.

No. 1791663>>1791667

I have very little hair there, but the same parts of my toes are bushy as fuck. Like inch long kek.

No. 1791667


No shame it's a sign of good circulation!

No. 1791859

File (hide): 1701159415451.jpeg (198.25 KB, 640x549, D01C923A-966A-4E00-9845-8BB176…)

I was crying and then I came on here and saw a silly post and I feel kind of better, I won’t let it get the best of me.

No. 1792145>>1792149

File (hide): 1701189316092.png (25.72 KB, 174x160, i.png)

she is so me-coded..

No. 1792147

Having long nails is so fun. I got a bunch of packages recently and I keep one of the boxes to tap at when I'm not doing anything.

No. 1792149>>1792156>>1792175

Integrate, and this doesn't even fit in this thread

No. 1792156>>1792166

relating to sims isn't uneventful and mundane as fuck?

No. 1792166>>1792175>>1792176

>In your life
The point of this thread is to talk about boring stuff happening in your day/life. Idc if people are coming from tiktok or twitter or whatever but you guys need to lurk first and integrate.

No. 1792175

No. 1792176>>1792178

Still seething over your banned thread? Kek, take the L retard

No. 1792178>>1792183

I don't have any banned threads, I'm genuinely not even sure what you're talking about.

No. 1792183>>1792196

Then why are you bitching over nothing?

No. 1792196

Because, I'm not going to take anons using tiktok-isms like "she is so me coded". You people didn't want to bully people into integrating and that's why this site has so many issues now. You can call me a bitch all you want but I'm going to keep telling Twitter and tiktokfags to integrate or gtfo, it's what literally everyone else should've been doing like 3 years ago.

No. 1792213>>1792217>>1792241

I think I'm going to dye my hair. I've been looking at box dyes for like an hour.

No. 1792217

Do it anon. I had a hairdresser friend bleach my hair recently to lighten it before adding color. The color is fading after about a month, so I bit the bullet and ordered semi permanent dyes to mix and make my own color. I think it's fun!

No. 1792239>>1792250>>1792260

File (hide): 1701194124060.jpg (388.99 KB, 1600x1066, cat - copy (2).jpg)

Please be kind to animals. That's all. I love you.

No. 1792241>>1792251

What color are you thinking of doing?

No. 1792250>>1793090

this post made me sad for some reason. if you have pets I hope they're having a good day today too.

No. 1792251

File (hide): 1701194680385.png (1.77 MB, 1342x1077, image (5).png)

Ginger! Once upon a time, I was ginger for a short while before shaving my head and now I'm thinking of doing the same thing again. Or maybe I'll just shave my head and get a ginger wig. It's my absolute favorite hair color, so universally beautiful on everyone depending on what shade you get. I saw these photos on pinterest and I've been obsessing over it because this is the exact color I want.

No. 1792260>>1793090

I try to be.

No. 1792332>>1792334>>1792342>>1793102

File (hide): 1701199773433.jpg (78.34 KB, 736x842, 0b515f1647ad865379aaa1c1e221b2…)

My best friend didn't give a fuck about adventure time while it was getting released, and she particularly didn't give a fuck about marceline and bubblegum, now that there's scenes of Marshall Lee and bubblegum, she wants us to cosplay the moid version, the issue is that: numero uno; I'm the opposite of androgynous; number dos, braids don't suit me and number trois I prefer bubblegum's pink hair and style because it's more of my style but for obvious reasons we can't really be the other character.

No. 1792334>>1792338>>1792354>>1793102

Wait a minute, when did they make him black?

No. 1792338

During these new episodes of adventure with Fiona and Cake where everyone is humans and normal animals.

No. 1792342>>1792343

Wait, who is the dude on the left? That isnt marshal lee

No. 1792343

It IS though, in the show.

No. 1792354>>1793102>>1793173

Marceline is canonically half black I think, so they made him black too

No. 1792897

I had an appointment with a social worker to fix a tax mix-up and a trainee was sitting in. It was an obvious TIF and after chainsmoking out of stress for the past 2 days my voice was deeper than hers. She probably felt bad and in a way I felt some pity.

No. 1793048

I just got intoxicated by popeyes.

No. 1793052

Thanks anon. It have been 4 days and now i feel better.

No. 1793076>>1793116

File (hide): 1701233740119.jpeg (433.01 KB, 2400x1600, IMG_8660.jpeg)

I just saw Pearl and it was amazing

No. 1793090

No. 1793102>>1793183>>1793257>>1793678

File (hide): 1701236716906.jpeg (731.45 KB, 1134x1395, IMG_8661.jpeg)

I’m sorry but the character design change makes me Kek

No. 1793116

She is so kind

No. 1793171

I'm a the only one who hates smiling for pics, I feel like I always look crazy kek. I know I have resting depressed face so I think I'm gonna stop doing smiles in photos to pose. It just feels awkward

No. 1793173

File (hide): 1701245980720.png (401.56 KB, 704x1050, marcmom.png)

nope. im gonna assume they did it for extra brownie points and honor his voice actor. cause aint no way marshall lee wasnt another pale dark haired sexy tumblrman for 2013.

No. 1793175>>1793245

I really want to smell like brownies, i’m going to try and find some soap/shampoo/perfume that smells like some in stores or in a hand-made items market if one pops up. I hate online shopping, especially for scented items it may be convenient and have unlimited options but it just doesn’t make sense! I’m going to get my shit together when I smell good pinky promise.

No. 1793183

well is he blasian at least. i don't really get why his hair would be straighter as a vampire but honestly i'm not hating his design is fine idrc

No. 1793242

File (hide): 1701256696941.jpeg (117.52 KB, 992x1024, D726D3E4-9374-45FC-B514-6F49C3…)

Finally got around to asking my bf to show me how to mod my 3ds and almost bricked my fucking handheld like a retard. I fixed it after an two hours of troubleshooting my mistakes and now I have a modded 3ds! I already have a cute theme and I’m planning on making my own for my husbandos with their own BGM and sound effects later on because the selection on themeplaza is atrocious if you aren’t an enstarsfag

No. 1793245

Choco Musk is like 10 dollars and will make you smell like a chocolate dessert Nonita.

No. 1793257>>1793499>>1793568

This design is so retarded it's obvious it was a last minute thing. Vampires can be all races it doesn't affect your ethnicity, if he was actually black before he would look exactly the same but with pale skin and fangs

No. 1793477

I got the seed out of the fat juicy pimple on my chin. Woohoo! It's been there for a while

No. 1793499>>1793519>>1793545

Tbh, Marceline isn't just a vampire, she's a demon. I think she looks pale because she's a demon, not because she's also cursed with vampirism, so I guess it makes sense that Marshall and her can be basically any race.

No. 1793519>>1793579

nayrt that's true but i don't understand why the hair texture is different

No. 1793545>>1793553>>1793579

i don't get the hair texture thing for marshall but i'm a 100% sure the change had to do with the current view on voice acting and the fact that donald glover is black

No. 1793547

Just got out of my yearly 1-on-1 meeting with all my managers and it went so much better than expected. My stomach was in knots all month because I thought I’d get in trouble for having poor productivity. I also get to relax and smoke some weed at the end of today!

No. 1793553

They're dreads

No. 1793560>>1793798

File (hide): 1701278237600.jpeg (59.19 KB, 450x320, IMG_1331.jpeg)

Wondering if I should go the A.A. meeting

No. 1793568>>1793579

Exactly. One, in Adventure Time, Marceline was shown as human multiple times, and she was always that whitish grey. But since this is non magical, I can understand them changing skin color because he's not half demon, he's wholely human. But more importantly, they changed his hair. That's honestly the only thing that makes me mad, it makes it obvious that they're retconning his character to fit voice actor expectations.
I don't think they thought this through though. They're going to take a character who's father is mostly absent and always abusive be black? Way to subtlety put in what you think of fathers in the black community.

No. 1793579

Yeah, in that case I get you, because his mom's hair (marceline's mom) seems to be soft, but somehow he needs dreads? It kind of doesn't make sense considering he wears punk clothes, you would think he would have hairstyles like the ones that Marceline has in adventure time, he would've gotten bonus points for having long hair and whatnot.
If the parents get gender bent too, then the mom is the demon who would be basically a white woman, the dad is the human that would be black and possibly dead.

No. 1793633

I got a treadmill for the free today!

No. 1793676

File (hide): 1701287945077.jpg (33.79 KB, 564x700, 7fee48abaf1584dbea17ba3ecab1c1…)

I have always had a hard time waking up, not out of sleep itself but mentally. It's frustrating to need to function early but not being able to. It's probably linked to my low blood pressure, but I digress. Caffeine doesn't always help. Nonnies, I wanna be brave. I want to try cold showers in the morning. I think I will level up at first with cold water face plunges, and then work my way up to showers. ngl I love being warm and hot showers, so the idea of being cold in the morning sucks. However, after reading up on the benefits of cold showers, I think it would be worthwhile to try. I know I definitely can't be a morning exerciser because I want to sleep longer, so a quick 2 minute shower sounds much more doable. I hope this experiment has good results!

No. 1793678>>1794253

They TIM-ed him

No. 1793798

I see you, fellow alcoholic-nona. Tbh personally the subreddit /r/stopdrinking has done more for me than any meetings have. Unless you're into the religious angle, I really don't like having to share stories in person and I just don't like being around the crowd that goes there, kek.

No. 1793966>>1794077>>1794452

I like the smell of vinegar.

No. 1794077

Agreed, but I almost burned off my nosehairs when I cleaned my microwave by heating up vinegar to get stuck-on gunk off. It burned so good, 10/10 would clean and suffer again. Shout-out to the Canadians and their malt vinegar fries, too.

No. 1794087

i exported my period data to the work profile on my phone and forgot to transfer it to main meanwhile i installed a virus that kept (trying) to connect to sketchy sites and no matter what i deleted it wouldnt kill the connections until i deleted the entire work profile 4 months of period data lost

No. 1794253

I don't think you know what that means anon..

No. 1794452

I hated it as a kid now I love it

No. 1795017>>1795018>>1795023

File (hide): 1701338223416.jpg (57.69 KB, 800x657, 4911.jpg)

I have to reply to an email from my therapist.

No. 1795018

I believe in you

No. 1795023

Time for a new therapist

No. 1795061>>1795063

I just sneezed and idk if what I felt gush out was pee or discharge. Either way I really need to do kegels.

No. 1795063

Samefag, actually I'm not sure if I did sneeze….my memory is terrible

No. 1795072>>1795090

I’ve been too lazy to shower so I take baths instead and my skin is so dry it hurts lol

No. 1795084

File (hide): 1701347052987.jpg (79.47 KB, 720x703, ae082e9429de51f3bd8fba9b65009a…)

If you nonas ever have frozen bread rolls you should wet them completely before baking. Also put an ovenproof dish filled with water in there, the moisture will make them turn out so chewy yet crispy, I can't stop eating them.

No. 1795090>>1795332

I’m curious baths seem like way more work than a shower. Have you considered a shower chair?

No. 1795097

My dog liked the press on nails I tried I was claw machining his little head with them

No. 1795332

>shower chair
Nona that reminds me of my 600 lb life. I’m not that fat yet kek

No. 1795430>>1795519>>1795708

File (hide): 1701376047176.jpg (103.46 KB, 1200x1200, Boiled-Peanuts-Recipe-15.jpg)

I want boiled peanuts so fucking bad,

No. 1795519>>1795553

I've never had them, what is the texture like?

No. 1795553>>1795708

You only eat the nut inside, it's very soft. They're seasoned (well, if they're made by the right person they are) even on the inside, and I like to suck on the shell for maximum flavor.

No. 1795596>>1795727

I haven't ate anything all day because last night I heard someone vomiting and it just put me off of food completely. I could barely even brush my teeth this morning. But I'm gonna try to make and eat some food because I'm starving.

No. 1795708

File (hide): 1701392856031.jpg (10.1 KB, 194x260, peanutsetup.jpg)

i love boiled peanuts. >>1795553 the texture is like a nice boiled bean. usually they're quite salty and the ones done right you buy off your local scraggly old dude selling them out the back of his truck parked right by the corner of nowhere. picrel would be an example of a fancier setup.

No. 1795727

Well, I ate some 'sketti but now my OCD is convincing me that I'm going to die because of what i ate. I can't win, can I? Anyway, at least I overall feel much better now that I'm not hungry.

No. 1795729>>1795732

There's a bunch of pubes stuck in one of my exfoliating rags, ew.

No. 1795732>>1795759

I hope they're yours and not some roommates…

No. 1795759

That's the thing, they're definitely not mine since I haven't used that specific rag in months and I live alone…
JK it's mine

No. 1795787

Almost 4am, gotta wake up in four more hours for work and I can't really fall back asleep. Tomorrow morning is going to be rough..

No. 1796445

Somebody released a doujin of my OTP and I ordered it as fast as I could, since it's somewhat of a rare rarepair there's been a drought of content with them and older doujinshis are now super rare.

No. 1796562

I've been reading and daydreaming non-stop, I hate this because it makes me want to have a boyfriend, but I just know that having a 3D boyfriend is a waste of time.

No. 1796757

Today was kinda wild. Yesterday at night while I was feeding my outdoors cat and playing with her (mom won't let her in, not my fault), I heard the water pump machine making strange noises, I told my mom about it but she said I was mistaking the construction sounds nearby (yes constructions at 11 pm, it actually happens where I live) as the sound of the pump. And surprise surprise, woke up the next day with no water. I was right, the pump got broken. I didn't brush my teeth before sleeping, and I was planing to shower yesterday but didn't get to, so I had to improvise with some water my mom fetched from the last drops of water to brush my teeth, and used wet wipes as a temporary fix for a shower. Because my brother and sister in law and great aunt were on their way to visit, while my mom was visting someone else, and I had to prepare everything for the guests. My brother is cool af though because he learned about the water pump and took my other 2 younger brothers with him to buy a new one and get an electrician to fix it. I asked my younger brother earlier in the evening to get someone to fix it but he said the shops are all closed since it's friday (kinda like christian sunday where I live). But I was right, the shops are open at night, only closed at days. My older brother gave me money before he left yeay. Then I went and took a nap, woke up horny af, took my masturbation toothbrush, and masturbated in the bathroom vaginally and clitorally and orgasmed. I made myself some green tea after and I'm having some butter cookies and luxury chocolate with it. Will have to face reality and do my million assignments but hey, I had fun today.

No. 1796760>>1796763

I have a posting on zillow for rent and this lady apparently cussed at me when I told her an application and proof of income is required…
Zillow removed it immediately, so I will
Never Know what was said.
Why are you mad? -You- wanted to apply???

No. 1796763>>1796767>>1796769

I didn’t realize we had landlords posting here. How did you manage that? I’ve never looked at Zillow for rentals (but I love looking at houses I’ll never buy there). My realtor sister told me never to respond to a listing directly if I’m actuallly interested in a house because the price will always be higher that way

No. 1796767>>1796797

Nta, what’s the alternative? Tracking down the contact info and going through that?

No. 1796769

Its actually just a part of my job, I am an office manager/ assistant for a small company. The landlord is actually really accommodating for his tenants to a fault, but I am handing the booking for the tours and pre screening applicants.
I dont get why people want to apply before touring in person? Zillow is good traffic wise i suppose.

No. 1796772>>1796781

Because of you calling me a coward, I finally shaved my head today anon. You won this round, you won't get my eyebrows though.

It feels so nice to have my head shaven again. My hair is very thick and it gets so difficult to manage it. The last two times I shaved my head was a few years ago, and I did it because of what other people said about my hair and trying to escape from judgement. This time wasn't out of insecurity though. Even though I don't have good bone structure like a lot of women who shave their heads, I couldn't help but keep thinking about how beautiful I thought I looked while cutting my hair. My head is definitely patchy right now though. Some parts are completely smooth and hairless and some still have patches of hair. No electric razor so I had to use a regular one AND I got dizzy and lightheaded in the shower so I couldn't finish. I had to sit on the toilet and scrub my body like an old person to finish my shower.

Anyway, blogpost over.

No. 1796781

well done nonny. I remember the first thing I started wearing again when I got my hair very short was earrings. they usually got tangled in my hair or just hidden by it so I never bothered too much. now I'm big earringpilled and have several different ones I wear when I do an updo.

No. 1796797

The alternative is your realtor contacting the actual realtor for the listing and leaving the Zillow middle man out of it. At least that’s how I understood it when she told me. She said it weakens the bargaining position considerably to show interest at the listed price and include Zillow in the deal

No. 1796828>>1796851

I really want honey shrimp but I'm feeling so lazy right now I might just make a bagel

No. 1796851

File (hide): 1701483875069.jpg (169.18 KB, 736x1104, Nashville Hot Chicken.jpg)

Nvm, I went to the store and got some fried chicken and a frozen pizza. I am cooking the pizza, but I couldn't resist eating a bite of the chicken cause I was so hungry. I don't like hot sauce cause I HATE spicy food (although I wish I could like it) but for some reason hot sauce on fried chicken is so fucking good. It was perfect because the chicken was a little too salty and the acidity of the vinegar in the hot sauce balanced it out.

No. 1797077>>1797256

My new boyfriend agreed when I told him his face was dry and applied the face cream I handed him without making a fuss.
It's nothing but it's refreshing having a man not pitching a fit or being awkward because somehow basic skincare is gendered.

No. 1797179

I managed to find a way to come to the gym, I hope I don't fart in class tbh.

No. 1797217

One of my wigs smells so strongly of laundry detergent, gatdam. I hope no one I'm gonna be near today minds. I would wear fragrances that match and make it a thing, but what scents go with laundry detergent other than baby powder.

No. 1797253>>1797257

File (hide): 1701535672044.jpeg (18.54 KB, 300x168, D0DD65FD-39A3-46C5-BCB4-3AA246…)

I just bought my daughter a new purple furby for Christmas and I’m so happy and excited. The new ones look so cute

No. 1797256

File (hide): 1701536015299.jpg (155.69 KB, 500x333, so much cute.jpg)

Last week of unemployment so I'm watching all my favorite movies, I'll miss being a neet but I'll enjoy the money
Aw, hope you have good times together!

No. 1797257>>1797275>>1797287

File (hide): 1701536131795.jpg (149.64 KB, 735x1161, Pink Flamingo Furby.jpg)

I didn't even know they still made furbies! Those are so stinkin cute. They're certainly different from the OG furby kek.

No. 1797275

He so ugly kek

No. 1797287

they are and I still love the old designs, but I think the new ones look super cute too

No. 1797547>>1797632>>1818359

I'm not american, but often in their media I've seen someone making a "pot of chili". Looked it up and its just minced beef in a tomato/chili sauce. I went grocery shopping today and now I'm gonna try to make it lol

No. 1797578

I just visited this website that is the local equivalent of etsy, or what etsy was meant to be, and was shocked with how much some christmas decorations cost, but then I remembered just beccause someone prices their crafts project highly, doesn't mean anyone is buying.

No. 1797593

I went to a Christmas bazaar with my family and it was fun, I got some really cute earrings and other accessories for my graduation. I can't help but keep thinking that I can't call it "homecoming" because I never left my home kek.

No. 1797632

This is so cute nonna hope you enjoy your chili

I am an American, and I made a Italian sausage gnocchi soup- beans, carrots, kale, tomatoes, onion celery. And I used a chicken turkey stock from slowly roasting bones and then a 4 hour simmer really making a solid stock .
Its so good! I added fresh tumeric root to the stock process. Just an idea to try next!

No. 1798305>>1799127

Im so mad anons! I made some fried shrimp and everything was going perfectly but while I was letting it caramelize in the sauce, I went to wash a bowl that had flour stuck to it and the shrimp ended up burning! Rookie mistake since i didn't put the stove on low. I tried to hold out hope that I could salvage it (i even thought of rinsing it off kek) but it tasted too burnt. I don't even feel like making more I'm so hangry. I'll just see what's in my freezer.

No. 1799119

Having carrot sticks with some hummus. It’s good but the hummus is too garlicky

No. 1799126

I finally sent a message I should have sent years ago, let's see how it goes now.

No. 1799127

Ugh that’s the worst anon. I’m so bad about getting distracted and letting things burn.

No. 1799147

At the hairdressers, I may get some highlights or something for my graduation events, dunno, I'm not used to getting my hair dyed.

No. 1799162>>1799165>>1799195>>1799207

I have decided to train my body to sleep facing upwards. So far so good! I purchased a cute neck pillow that has been of great aid.

No. 1799165

This is a great decision and I'm trying to do the same. Your future back is going to thank you.

No. 1799195>>1799203

I sleep on my stomach like a retard. My back is fucked. How do you do it? Just the pillow?

No. 1799203

File (hide): 1701707545863.jpg (120.01 KB, 1000x897, tgtg_su19_7801235.jpg)

I put the pillow underneath the neck pillow for extra support and then lay down. I use this neck pillow, it's bigger than the regular ones.

No. 1799207>>1799211

why tho, it makes breathing harder when sleeping so it makes most people sleep worse and snore more

No. 1799211

I keep straining my neck while sleeping which results in unbearable headaches in the morning.

No. 1799266>>1799270

i just cleaned my kitchen and living room, and mopping the kitchen floor was so satisfying. i'm kind of tired and my head hurts because i was really putting in the effort to clean kek but i tried to vacuum the living room and I think the belt is worn out because it smells like it's burning. I feel pretty accomplished after just pretending i did not see how dirty my house was for a few weeks.

No. 1799270

Good job. Especially in winter, it can be so hard to find the motivation to clean. If you're smelling burning rubber, check that the belt doesn't have something caught on it that is preventing it from rotating. Vacuums are super easy to take apart and put back together, so don't hesitate to open that puppy up. If you do need a new belt, Walmart sells them, just look up your make and model for what size you need before you go.

No. 1799416

File (hide): 1701723191118.jpg (137.52 KB, 675x1200, Truck tacos.jpg)

Tonight may be a taco night. American tacos though, with the lettuce and tomatoes and sour cream and avocado

No. 1799458>>1799461

Well that's it, no more coffee for me unless I really crave it, today I had coffee and it sent me straight to the bathroom, it's the same thing with hot chocolate, maybe I'm just some kind of, coffee intolerant or something.

No. 1799461>>1799462

That’s what coffee is supposed to do anon

No. 1799462>>1799464>>1799471

But why? I thought it was supposed to make people feel awake and just taste deliciously.

No. 1799464>>1799478

It’s a diuretic, you’ve really never heard that coffee makes you poop?

No. 1799468

Today I kept slamming my fingers with the sewing machine's foot, it hurts.

No. 1799471>>1799478

Coffee is a diuretic like the other anon said. Personally i find it beneficial because I can almost time my poops and don't have to wait 3 days lol. But the part you wrote about hot chocolate makes me wonder if you could be lactose intolerant on top of that, anon

No. 1799478>>1799484>>1799849

I mean, yeah, but I thought the people that got the shits were just weak.
I'm worried about this, I love the lack of toes in my foods, I will miss that or maybe I will just keep on hurting myself if I'm lactose intolerant.

No. 1799484

>I love the lack of toes in my foods
KEKKK Me too, nona. Me too.

No. 1799682

I’ve been sad lately but I’m watching Shrek right now

No. 1799687>>1799720

just applied to a new job that I think I'd excel at. I hope the people in charge of hiring actually read my resume.

No. 1799720>>1801370

Good luck nona!
I start a new job in a few weeks and I'm nervous

No. 1799726>>1799727

i only call you when it’s

No. 1799727

File (hide): 1701751232544.jpeg (73.74 KB, 1078x787, IMG_1056.jpeg)


No. 1799849

Late reply, but there is some evidence you can re-raise your lactase production, the enzyme that breaks down lactose, through exposure and suffering. After a long absence from dairy in my diet I think I was on the path to lactose intolerance when I started getting belly aches after having milk. I began eating lots of dairy and after a while it stopped being a problem. If you don't wanna do that there are also lactose free versions of most products, and some dairy products has lower lactose content naturally due to fermenting, such as yogurt, cheeses and so on. Keep in mind if you have milk protein allergy as opposed to lactose intolerance you are screwed no matter what. Good luck anon!

No. 1800139>>1800154

File (hide): 1701787083455.png (200.37 KB, 740x740, _b_o_boost_plus_nns_family_3_f…)

I want a boost vanilla shake. I have no reason to drink one though.

No. 1800154>>1800213>>1800248>>1800325

>those calories
Not worth it

No. 1800202

I am going to attempt braiding my hair and then I'll buy hot coffee and a pastry. I have to walk my dog and return some thermal thigts I bought to see if I can get one size more.

No. 1800212

>new coworker
>he is early 50s but looks 70
>my 60 year old dad looks younger than him
Moids truly age like shit.

No. 1800213

Only fatties count calories. The number has no meaning with the right mindset.

No. 1800216>>1800221

My nutritionist congratulated me for doing a good job, I'm glad to see that all of these changes I'm doing are working, tomorrow I will see my endocrinologist, I'm a bit nervous but I think that maybe everything will be fine.

No. 1800221>>1800288

Way to go nonna! Didnt you post a while back about your hair falling out? I hope it is getting better!

No. 1800248

these are literally to help you gain weight. Drinking a single shake wont make you obese. rattle rattle

No. 1800288

I don't think so tbh, but I've been growing more hair on my head! I didn't notice it was so thin until it started growing back! It's kind of crazy how a nice diet, exercise and this liraglutide medicine has helped me feel so much better.

No. 1800325

I mean yeah, you're right cause I'm on a calorie deficit. That's why I said I wasn't gonna drink one.

No. 1800327

Tom's Diner came on the radio and my brain kept waiting for it to turn into Fall Out Boy's Centuries.

No. 1800332>>1800452

I got corona for the first time. Tips to feel better quick? I've got so much to do.

No. 1800395>>1801273

My package is literally in a city less than an hour away from me and USPS said it would come today, just for the delivery date to get pushed to tomorrow. You motherfuckers.

No. 1800418

I think I felt my ovulation for the first time, I felt some pangs of pain on the left side of my uterus yesterday night and this morning, let's see if it happens on the opposite side next month.

No. 1800452

Eat consistently and take time to rest. I know it sucks when you are busy, but your body will be worn down from fighting corona, so you have to make sure to take care of your body.

No. 1800765>>1801376>>1801404>>1801466

I work in Japan at a theater school and today my coworker and I were discussing which high school / college age girl student should give a speech at an event for potential new students (little kids). She was nervous about the girl she chose because she may not practice and I wondered why she didn’t choose this one tomboy girl who i thought could do it. She said she didn’t because she was “fat/thick” (she is not) “not proper/not cool/not fashionable (however you want to translate かっこよくない)” and the girl she picked was pretty. I was taken aback but whatever she’s said stuff about little kids before too

I have given up at work and don’t wear makeup and look like a (relative to japan standards) total fleabag most days so I wonder what she says about me lol

No. 1801273

File (hide): 1701875153194.png (23.68 KB, 336x154, tumblr.PNG)

My package comes today! Very excited. There's cat nail stickers, safety eyes for my plushies, and some other stuff I can't remember in there.

No. 1801286>>1801421>>1801425>>1801630

File (hide): 1701876087862.jpg (40.78 KB, 337x600, 1-Etat-Libre-dOrange-The-Ghost…)

I bought picrel and it's nice. To me it smells like a plastic balloon covered in cream and it's so weird, I like it.
Awesome side effect: it's off putting to moids so they avoid me. I stood in line a couple of times wearing this and I just know they noticed that I smelled weird and they took a few steps aside, meanwhile all women say that I have a nice smell. Perfect.

No. 1801370

late but I hope it goes well and good luck to you too !

No. 1801376

japan is obsessed with how women look. sad thing is, the kids might not even register as someone giving a speech as good looking or bad looking so she is basically doing it for the adults viewing the speech. this never happens with men, japanese men often look like fucking dog shit and nobody bats an eye.

No. 1801404>>1801465

I used to know someone who worked in japan and would get up 2 hours earlier to do her hair and makeup for work. Could not be me. It wasnt that long ago Japan was called out for having zero women on one their boards and a man (who was either fired or left) actually said "women talk too much and we wouldnt get anything done." this was in fucking 2019 or 2020. I can't wait for Japan to die out as a country.

No. 1801421>>1801556

Holy shit I need it…… wearable pepper sprsy

No. 1801425>>1801556

Need this in my life now.

No. 1801455>>1801461

I'm trying to reschedule a doctor's appointment and damn this guy is taking a long time

No. 1801461>>1801484

He just hung up on me after like 2 minutes of silence, wooooowwwwww

No. 1801465>>1801481>>1801485

China and Korea are on the point of societal collapse and all the women are peaking, praying for Japan to follow.

No. 1801466>>1801958

>I have given up at work and don’t wear makeup and look like a (relative to japan standards) total fleabag most days so I wonder what she says about me lol
Do you have the gaijin pass? If you're not Asian I'm sure they don't apply the same standards to you. Although, I've heard some crazy shit from friends who moved to Japan so nothing would surprise me anyway.

No. 1801474>>1801480

File (hide): 1701887596510.jpg (127.18 KB, 655x873, talking about yamap.jpg)

I always thought I just don't get what good and bad acting is, but I'm watching this drama right now, and I think now I do. He's trying, I guess.

No. 1801480>>1802762

Aw, yamapi is so young here. he's a decent actor, but he's more of a jpop idol. He's retired now, i think? i would recommend Nobuta wo produce tbh.

No. 1801481

Japanese women are so weak and submissive compared to China. I hope they follow through, but my wife (chinese) recently visiting Japan had horror stories of the women there being shocked she was a boss for an IT company. Like, they really didnt think women could be bosses in bigger stem fields.

No. 1801484

Ok so I actually called the wrong office kek. I called the right one and got my dates in order. Idk why he hung up on me like that though.

No. 1801485>>1801558

What, why are they on the point of societal collapse?

No. 1801556

ayrt and I made a theory:
It's off putting to moids because to them it's weird, it has a strange vibe of something familiar but not quite there. To women, it reminds them of 90s dolls, the ones with perfume inside that smelled both of fruits and plastic, like if a Bratz had some sweet cream scent on it. Marvelous.

No. 1801558

birth rates in the gutter and very unlikely they'll go up any time soon

No. 1801597

File (hide): 1701894797368.jpeg (37.84 KB, 580x509, 8A1E0BF7-B3E6-4D53-80F2-99423C…)

Idk if I should write this In meta but I put Gorlovka tranny but I meant Gorlock

No. 1801630

That sounds gross honestly. I would have to smell it irl.

No. 1801671

I hate being wet so after the shower I use baby powder now and it really helps, now I can actually do things

No. 1801704

I've been getting so many spam calls today, wtf. I just got two at the same time.

No. 1801811>>1801814

I want to make another chalupa but I already had one today so I cant. Oatmeal it is I guess.

No. 1801814

File (hide): 1701905752551.png (105.5 KB, 2000x2000, calories.png)

Wait, I may be able to have another. I thought the chalupa dough was like 300 calories.

No. 1801958

I do have a pass, my language ability is far from fluent. It’s good enough to know they don’t talk about their Japanese coworkers at work though. They don’t really talk about anything but work and things that happened at work. Even if they talk about me privately I do not give a single fuck lol I’m essential to the company and can’t be replaced + I am not putting on makeup every day + I am not growing out of my jeans and band tshirts. Gokyouryoku more like gofukyaselves

No. 1801999>>1802006

Genuinely stressed cause I can only locate 3 pairs of panties, one being the ones I'm wearing. Where the fuck did all my underwear go

No. 1802006>>1802199

Samefag, I managed to locate 2 more but that's still not close to how much underwear I have. Did someone eat my fucking fruit of the loom or something

No. 1802198

File (hide): 1701927947967.jpg (60.29 KB, 460x529, Drawings.jpg)

Ooooowee there's nothing better than slipping into bed after a hot shower in some comfy clothes. About to take my night time shower right now.

No. 1802199

Me but with socks wtf happens to all my socks

No. 1802204

I was really looking forward to our Christmas party at work since I heard good things about it from my coworkers (last year they went to some fancy schmancy expensive seafood restaurant). But man this year, it was … lame. All we did was order drinks and appetizers and I don't drink so the dinner was the only thing I was looking forward to but we didn't even get to that. I think the company was cheapening out this year kek. At least I got a cute Christmas present for our gift exchange.

No. 1802237

Heard a moid in passing bitching about being good at cooking + cleaning doesn't improve his dating chance and women instead dislike him for it (implying it's better for moids to be permababies?). Just my experience but some moids who can cook + clean can be arrogant as hell thinking they're god's gift on earth because they "go beyond of what's expected of a man" (how special!) or worse, "doing it better than women" (so they actually don't need women and only date them out of charity, but don't they dare reject or break up with him)

No. 1802275>>1802607

I have been looking at a ton of archived geocities webpages and I feel an odd comfort and an odd sorrow, like… the authors are most likely over the age of 40 now (if not deceased) and have long forgotten about these pages but it's fun to see that even in the early stages of the worldwide web over a decade- nearly 3 ago, they were just like me now. Someone in her early 20s.
Something about it is homely. Little to no traffic on these archives yet it's so warming. I'm curious if any of you middle aged farmers had one before the service was shut down? Do you remember fondly?

No. 1802552>>1802633

I hate the way eggs smell. I just made one for my ham and cheese croissant.

No. 1802568>>1802617

I'm finally gonna start my DIY fragrance journery, I swear it. It will be my new years resolution.

No. 1802607>>1803310

I am in my 30s and I remember going on geocities and creating sites from scratch, using java, html, etc. It was such a fun and innocent time. It's kind of sad to see how the internet is now, especially with social media dominating every single aspect.

No. 1802617>>1802733

this is so cool of you and I hope you update someday

No. 1802633

Depending on how you're making them, add a little vinegar to them or the water. This stops the sulfur from combining with the iron and creating that awful fart smell.

No. 1802733

For sure I will! Im getting together a list of everything I need right now so I can come up with a budget. I still have more research to do, you wouldn't think it but perfume is a little more complicated than just mixing oil and alcohol together.

No. 1802762>>1802769

File (hide): 1701977168235.jpg (34.4 KB, 640x480, tv_20200606161649.jpg)

Nobuta wo produce is on my radar, too, but next one on my list is Gokusen for now, so maybe after that.

No. 1802769

As both a Kattun and News fan back in the day, I love both of these so much. You are in for a treat.

No. 1802789

File (hide): 1701978524314.jpeg (53.52 KB, 500x598, IMG_6524.jpeg)

I’m at the gynecologist right now

No. 1802867

File (hide): 1701980604868.jpg (50.94 KB, 410x467, e59eb1d84a516236f9a7552cb5112c…)

About to wash some socks with my new wash board, I'm so excited!

No. 1803006

i made an aperol spritz and it is tasty

No. 1803218

File (hide): 1701995423309.jpg (19.43 KB, 495x505, meirl.jpg)

just turned in my last assignment of the semester. now i can enjoy winter break

No. 1803310

Wow that sounds great, I really enjoy how the pages are a window back in time but even now it's easy to see there was love put into them by each user. Yeah the dominance and state of social media on the internet now is very sad, makes me feel unfortunate to have missed out on the early stage of the web

No. 1804034

>watching dog dick /meta/ arguing in the complaint thread for my Friday morning

No. 1804046

File (hide): 1702052298634.jpg (85.47 KB, 735x759, Toilet Frog (4x4).jpg)

Currently spending my Friday morning Straightening and curling a wig to wear before I go out today. I have yet to become good at curling with a flat iron. Have to pick up my new glasses, might buy some stuff.

No. 1804083>>1804255>>1804264>>1804277>>1804283

File (hide): 1702054369611.jpeg (27.94 KB, 480x360, IMG_3108.jpeg)

i’m getting braces and it’s embarrasing as hell to be grown with them but my parents were too poor to afford them as a child… gonna look like picrel… why do they have to be so expensive too

No. 1804255

Oh shit, you too? Literally went and put down my deposit today so I came here to post this.

No. 1804264

Got mine three months ago anon. You got this. I was embarrassed too, but tbh I don’t really even think about them or people seeing them now when I talk despite my initial worry. On the bright side they make your lips stick out so you get fuller looking lips for the next 1-3 years and corrected teeth are good for your health kek

No. 1804277

I feel they are giving adult braces to everyone now though, I went to the dentist not long ago and the dude recommend I got braces to fix something that literally no one ever has pointed out before, doesn't affect me in any way and is purely for cosmetic reasons, I told him I would totally think about it (no I won't)

No. 1804283>>1804378

It's not embarrassing, do you see other adults with braces and think they're losers or something? I got braces during COVID but I never judged other people with them and I never thought people would assume my parents couldn't afford it. If anything it just proved I had enough money myself to pay for it. Wtf is embarrassing about wanting to improve your dental health, it's important. It is fucking annoying uncomfortable and expensive though so good luck.

No. 1804294

I scratched my legs too hard in the shower felt too good after three hours out in the snow and now my tighs are splotted with tiny blood spots under my skin. I was shocked when I saw it just now, until I remembered I did feel some weird kind of pain earlier. I'm still in awe that I'm able to see exactly where I scratched because those marks haven't disappeared yet, either, even though I got out of the shower about two hours ago. Hope it doesn't last too long lmao.

No. 1804303

My period is trying to start and it looks like I have old motor grease coming out of me.

No. 1804349

File (hide): 1702071021041.png (294.01 KB, 1141x859, star sue.PNG)

I finally fulfilled my childhood dream of beating the Star Sue Knitting game. I got 384 points. I still struggled in the last level.

No. 1804353

having a shitty day but my brother is baking me cookies when i get off work. i feel bad for bullying him when we were younger

No. 1804378

My dad had braces during/shortly after college because his first set in childhood was botched and apparently my mom was sort of embarrassed about it at the time. But the decade between when he first had them and when he had them the second time was the one in which braces were basically "perfected" to what they are today (not as though they're perfect now), so the second set worked. I really hated having them as a teen, but I'm glad now that I did. The worst thing is when the orthodontist tells you that they have to stay on for longer than they were initially supposed to (2 years for me).

No. 1804756

I don’t believe in manifestation, but I was thinking of a book I read as a child this morning. Later this evening when I’m at a thrift store I see it on the shelf it was like on display. Hmmm

No. 1805188>>1805210

I just realized it's my birthday month so I can get some freebies. let's see what I can get!

No. 1805210>>1805214

It’s my birthday month too anon, happy birthday! Let us know what you got!

No. 1805214

Happy birthday too you too anon! I'm gonna scope out Sephora/Ulta a little later. Ime usually restaurants are the most generous with their deals.

No. 1805243

Im so fucking hungry right now I'm doing that thing sims do where they clutch their stomach, whirl their head around and then point to their mouth

No. 1805870

File (hide): 1702176413375.png (1.42 MB, 1663x599, designs (2).png)

I really want to do my nails again, but I just did them a few days ago and theses days doing my nails makes me so fatigued. Also my current nail design is super cute and I'm determined to keep them on for at least 2-3 weeks. Plus I'm running low on supplies so I should be smart about how I use my stuff. I'm thinking of doing either of these two designs since I learned how to make my own stickers recently.

The real curse of doing your nails at home is the fact that you get bored of the designs so quickly and always want to try something new.

No. 1805903

I just got on a random chat website and was connected with the coolest kid right off the bat! From london. Just suffered a breakup but also almost lost his dad and so has a whole new outlook on life. The healthiest happiest relationship with his parents and family. Works a well paying job, is finishing law school, and super mature and cool. All this while only being 20! He felt like he had to lie to me at first because apperently no one gives him the time of day when they learn hes young. But i enjoyed his genuiness and charisma. And nobody else probably cares but im really proud of you Ollie! Youre doing amazingly.

No. 1805908>>1806175>>1806185

I'm not going to make it ladies. People find my abilities useful, but I'm not loved or respected. I'm all alone. First in no one's mind. This is such a numbing realization, and there's nothing in my life I can do about it.

No. 1806048

I had a wee snoop through my boyfriends phone today and found the sweetest things he wrote about me to his friends. Stuff about appreciating how I decorated the house and bragging about good my cooking is. Made me so unexpected happy, I’m so used to moids being lying pieces of shit.

No. 1806169>>1806176>>1806189>>1806194>>1806250>>1808450

File (hide): 1702205703985.jpeg (165.26 KB, 463x640, IMG_2790.jpeg)

There’s this tumblr user who’s really cool. She’s only 6-7 years older than me but I kind of want to aspire to be her. I want to start running and lose weight, to count my protein macros, to buy the deodorant, local remedies and skincare she buys. It might not be entirely positive but I really want to be her

No. 1806175

I love you nona let's me friends

No. 1806176

That's creepy.

No. 1806185

You're literally in my mind right now Anon. I'm going to think of you every once in a while and you can't stop me!

No. 1806189>>1806214

>I want to be like her
Oh, I wonder what inspiring things this woman does! Maybe she's an astrophysicist? An animator? Does she do philanthropy?
>I can't wait to grow up and use her brand of deodorant
Wtf. Lmao

No. 1806194>>1806264

think this one should've gone in confessions anon…

No. 1806214

I'm so sorry for that anon. Imagine saying that wanting to wear the same deodorant as some internet random that doesn't care about you is your biggest aspiration in life. I hope the deodorant is good though!

No. 1806249

watching the last of us show with a friend, actually enjoying it. tearing up at the gay love story subplot in episode 3 wtf

No. 1806250


No. 1806264>>1806301

Yeah.. probably. It’s just my brain thinking ‘if I buy the cosmetics she buys, and imitate her superficially, then I’ll be as emotionally secure as her’ which is dumb and consumerist, I know

No. 1806301

Honestly? Fake it til you make it. So what if your motives are only to copy her? Her template is working and if copying it gets you to be healthier, then the whys don't matter.

No. 1806308>>1806363

File (hide): 1702214564843.jpg (23.09 KB, 420x280, pan-dulce-facil-estilo-dona-36…)

Gonna go home to spend the holidays. Boyfriend didn't want to join me since he lowkey hates my shithole country. Oh well. Having second thoughts now due to the fact that it's going to be hot as fuck but the ticket's already booked.

No. 1806363

That cake looks yummy. Your bf sucks.

No. 1806477>>1806486>>1806492>>1806497>>1806550

Just made a pad out of tape and paper towel so I can run and get some more actual pads.

No. 1806486

sometimes a woman has to do what a woman has to do. you're braver than any US marine

No. 1806492>>1806525

I'm glad this is a universal women experience. I used to wad up toilet paper and pray for the best while I went to get real pads.

No. 1806497

Smart, I used to wrap toilet paper around my underwear and put another pair on over top so I could do emergency pad runs.

No. 1806513

For some reason I look at my hottest in the evening, everytime I see myself in the mirror before showering I can't stop thinking I'm super cute.

No. 1806525

reminds me of a time this girl with blue hair I fell in love with at the psych ward took me to buy tampons after we were both out 'cause my jeep was in the shop and I was was desperate for help

No. 1806533>>1806801>>1806806

File (hide): 1702227925943.png (473.64 KB, 970x588, nuts used to be at $60.png)

The stock market is terrible right now guys, almost anything that isn't above 100 is under 5.

No. 1806550

I have a neat way of folding then wrapping tp or paper towel to made a rudimentary tampon plug that lasts for a few hours. Definitely saved me in a pinch.

No. 1806796>>1806803>>1806855

File (hide): 1702241513704.png (23.21 KB, 80x80, Spr_B2W2_Clerk_F.png)

since i had a job i started to watch anime again sometimes, but i always watch it at 1.5 or 2 speed because i want to be done with it as soon as possible

No. 1806801>>1806812


No. 1806803>>1806805

Why not just read manga?

No. 1806805

Couldn't pick up manga again yet, i can't fast-forward them and they're usually more extensive than anime episodes anyway
Same with movies and books but that's a bit different

No. 1806806>>1806814

Is this from real life even? The icons and pattern in the background make it look like it's from a 90s video game.

No. 1806812

File (hide): 1702242815405.png (450.21 KB, 970x588, cc.png)

You wanna buy when it's low and sell when it's high, and at that point all the stuff I had was going for very low, while all the stuff I didn't have yet went for very high. By now I got my stocks in some other stuff all for under $5 though, and now I'm holding out for the >$100. Nuts and Chocolate got to that point earlier but I got too greedy, so I missed out on the best chance… But Nuts are looking good again, and I think this time I'll sell the moment it gets over $100.

No. 1806814

It's Cookie Clicker

No. 1806817

File (hide): 1702243446664.jpeg (184.43 KB, 866x1390, 3D438327-7802-41E9-8F3D-A63038…)

My forehead is ridiculously small and some other features I have make me look like a fucking Australopithecus.

No. 1806837>>1806851

my mom got me a silver rosary as a christmas gift. it’s cute but it’s awkward to wear because i’m not religious at all. i’m going to wear it as an accessory

No. 1806851

i see non-religious goths wear rosary all the time, you'll rock it

No. 1806855

>because i want to be done with it as soon as possible
it sounds like you don't even enjoy the anime you're watching. maybe i just don't get speedwatching, you're missing out on all the subtle character development and immersion

No. 1807028

i miss matching clothes with my sister. my mom used to match everything we owned in different colors. i got pink, she got purple. now she doesn’t want to match with me anymore

No. 1807077>>1807084

File (hide): 1702260343844.jpg (97.6 KB, 540x760, tumblr_e82a020f8b2965fbe9340f0…)

Just got groceries, gonna do the dishes and maybe actually try to sit through a coding video? I have free time but I can't seem to actually do something good with it

Maybe I'll try to delete some old files, or finally organize my bookshelf. I want to be clean and organized but I get so overwhelmed at my house and computer and everything around me?

No. 1807084

>try to sit through a coding video
If you find it hard to sit through coding videos, why not try making something with coding. This always motivated me hundreds of times more than just watching videos. Don't get me wrong, the fundamentals are important, but the fundamentals can be easier cemented in practice.

No. 1807628

I love hoe bath robes keep me nice and moist so I'm still damp when I put on my lotion and oil.

No. 1807643

I spent a lot of time not doing my chores this week because I couldn't find the energy in my depression slump. Today, I finally started them and it took all of an hour and a half to make my house look beautiful and now I get to mess around the rest of the day. Damn, sometimes brains are stupid.

No. 1807716

squat rack delivered to my house yesterday that i had to move inside by myself. huge struggle that took 10min to move only 5ft. today i looked up the shipping weight of the product and it weighs 25lbs more than i do. if anything heavier than that shows up im leaving it outside!

No. 1807973>>1807980

File (hide): 1702332013589.jpg (66.14 KB, 600x900, Strawberry cake roll.jpg)

Nothing is better than a cold piece of cake. My fam gave me a birthday cake a few days ago and the highlight of everyday since then has been getting a slice out of my fridge. I'm eating some right now.

Also, today someone told me happy birthday and my dumbass said you're welcome kek. At least I quickly corrected myself though.

No. 1807980>>1807983

happy birthday for a few days ago anon

No. 1807983

You're welcome!

No. 1808277>>1808284

Eating potstickers

No. 1808284>>1808294>>1808322

Samefag, I'm realizing that I tell a lot of little white lies, on here and IRL. I don't really see it as a problem but I probably should break the habit and stop.
I'm not eating potstickers yet, I'm just making them. They're frying right now.

No. 1808294

Idk why but this made me laugh. How dare you tell such a filthy lie anon?!

No. 1808322

Honestly I wouldn’t want you to have posted that in the middle of actually eating your potstickers. You should be enjoying your food. When people say they’re eating something I assume they’re posting slightly before eating it.

No. 1808331>>1808334>>1808435

File (hide): 1702353050832.png (45.19 KB, 320x240, IMG_3630.png)

Recently found a youtuber that I like, John Wolfe. This evening I watched him play Ao Oni and other horror games nostalgic to me and it was really nice and cozy. I rarely get to sit down and actually watch TV so that was enjoyable.

Made me want to replay some of my favorite RPGmaker horrors! Ib has had a remake if anyone didn't know. It's good, they added some extra stuff that doesn't feel out of place too.

No. 1808334

I love IB so much. I really want to replay it and then play the remaster. I havent played it since 2015 and that feels so long ago. Glad you had a cozy time, anon

No. 1808377>>1808379

File (hide): 1702354500121.gif (217.6 KB, 220x151, tom.gif)

Don't know if I should take a nap or go to bed so Im just laying on the couch with my eyes open.

No. 1808379>>1808396

Watch Matilda with me and fall asleep

No. 1808396

Aww…ok anon. Give me the timestamp and I'll watch with you.

No. 1808435

rpgmaker horror games are so fucking cozy

No. 1808450

bpdchan moment

No. 1808513>>1808520

While I was at the gas station I saw a guy jogging past shirtless with a balaclava mask on and sorry to say it activated my neurons

No. 1808520>>1808534

File (hide): 1702365100423.jpg (21.09 KB, 480x270, 3318427-s1.jpg)

kinda hot ngl I love masked dudes

No. 1808522

feels so strange seeing more than 1 save on a playlist of mine (the 1 is usualy a friend we like eachothers playlists)
this time around there were 2 extra saves. ik it seems like im focused on shit that doesnt matter but i think its intriuging like hmmmm… who stumbled upon my spotify today… unless its a random who found it thx to the name… or one of out the 8 followers i have… lol. i notice it cus i listen to this 1 alot

No. 1808534

Yep definitely a maskfag here, seeing this built guy nearly naked with only his head covered was one of the sluttiest things I’ve seen.

No. 1808919>>1808934

I have a fridge and freezer and pantry full of food but I feel like I have nothing to eat

No. 1808934

This is too relatable.

No. 1809702>>1809705>>1809708>>1810987>>1810994

File (hide): 1702421234246.jpg (52.82 KB, 460x476, a1rBorv_460s.jpg)

I got a light fixture that changes colors for the hell of it. I currently have it set to yellow and I feel like I'm in a movie set in Mexico.
Also, the only neutral light setting it has is a BRIGHT white and it's so painful. I feel like I'm in a hospital room every time I have it on. I never realized how crucial light bulbs with a warm lighting are. Anyway, I think I may uninstall it and put my regular light back in. Feels a little childish.

No. 1809705

I love it when movie filters make Europeans look emo as fuck kek

No. 1809708

I have some of those LED strips on the walls of my room and I usually leave them on red tbh

No. 1809760>>1809887

There is nothing more interesting in my life right now than when I go to the local park and see an animal in the wild

No. 1809872

Finished crying, hanging out with my cat her name is Burrito

No. 1809887>>1810002

What’s the last animal you saw out there?

No. 1810002>>1810023

I don’t remember exactly but I commonly see deer and last time there were two large wild turkeys which I’ve only seen a few of over the years.

No. 1810023

Deer are cute! Love to see a deer, I saw one today behind an abandoned hospital actually. Turkey are also fun to see, haven’t seen any since I drove across the country (US) but I used to see flocks of them in my backyard every year it was nice.

No. 1810202

Slept maybe a total of four or five hours tonight, alarm is in less than thirty minutes and I have a long work day ahead. Oh buddy that's going to suck, can't wait to fall asleep at my work desk from exhaustion.

No. 1810212>>1811012

I drank a soda for the first time in a while and seeing how radioactive my piss looked was terrifying. I might have another tomorrow though.

No. 1810267

ive been on an ice cream binge. i love fresh berry ice cream… but mcdonalds soft serve is so good too. FUCK im getting fatter

No. 1810347

I couldn't find my dog for like 10 minutes this morning and I was calling for her and everything. She was sleeping on a pillow way underneath my bed. I thought I'd forgotten her outside and someone took her or something I was freaking out

No. 1810359

Thinking bout getting a buzzcut.

No. 1810360>>1810745

I've a plane to catch in a few hours and I haven't even packed yet.

No. 1810414>>1810743

i've always had a horizontal belly button and i feel it makes me look fat even though i am at a normal weight and bmi. other than that i think it's kinda cute. my mom is very overweight but has a vertical one, weird.

No. 1810448>>1810468>>1811023

My cats have the smoothest of brains. I was feeding them their dental treats and was alternating who got them. I gave Butter her treat while she was still eating her last one but because she hates me (she's my step-cat), she hissed when I placed the second one by her. And by hissing she dropped the first treat out of her mouth. At which point her sister Juno runs in and snatches it before tearing off. And Butter watches this and then gets so mad that she turns and slaps my leg. And while she's distracted slapping me, Juno swoops back in and steals Butter's second treat. Butter then gets so upset that she goes and sulks in the corner and won't even finish her treats that I offer.

No. 1810468

Butter needs to get over herself

No. 1810728

i met some apparently famous vtubers in person yesterday in the pub

No. 1810743

Disregarding weight because I don't really go out of my way to think of morbidly obese people kek, I just associate horizontal belly buttons with masculinity because it's more common in men. I don't think it's weird.

No. 1810745

File (hide): 1702488676330.jpg (256.54 KB, 710x396, coffevee.jpg)

I accidentally dropped my favorite coffee cup on the counter when trying to make coffee. i thought it was fine at first, but after I drank half a cup, I realized there a huge fine chip down the side of it. Now I have to throw it away. RIP I'm so sad.

You got this. pack right now

No. 1810871>>1810925

Making pot stickers, rice, and chicken and broccoli right now. This while be the first actual meal I've had on weeks. Also, microwave rice is the best, fuck trying to cook it on a stovetop and fuck buying an entire appliance to cook rice.

No. 1810925>>1811000>>1811132

If you eat enough rice, a rice cooker really will change your life. You set it and forget it, and then you only have to saute your meat and vegetables to make a whole meal.

No. 1810987

I am a huge freak about lighting and those blue-tinged fluorescent color lights make me feel like my skin is burning, like I genuinely wonder how people survive with them in their house. I feel like so many people underestimate the effect good lighting can have on your mood it's fucking crucial.

Also kind of neat, I had bought a cync lightbulb a while ago and planned to buy more for my new apartment only to find the people before me were lightfags and had ALL the bulbs already changed to cync bulbs. And a single one wasn't working so I used my bulb for that. I didn't have to buy any others… I nearly started believing in God that day.

No. 1810994

File (hide): 1702494424778.jpeg (82.9 KB, 803x602, IMG_3637.jpeg)

also your pic made me think of this

No. 1811000>>1811132

this, you'll save money in the long run since uncooked rice is dirt cheap. white rice for me only takes about 20 min in the cooker although mine is sort of big. all I have to do is add the water and press a button which is very friendly to my useless ADHD-afflicted ass

No. 1811012>>1811024

what the fuck does this mean anon what soda did you drink???

No. 1811023

Anon this was so funny to read. Sorry you got slapped

No. 1811024>>1811105

It was pepsi, and it made my pee VIBRANT yellow. Although, even though I've just been drinking water I've only been drinking 1-2 cups a day so maybe it wasn't completely the soda's fault.

No. 1811105>>1811118

youre dehydrated and the Pepsi acted as a diuretic

No. 1811118>>1811148

It wasn't a diuretic, I peed a normal amount and only went once.

No. 1811132

I eat rice about 4 or more days a week and I prefer using the stovetop to cook it. I have a small rice cooker but I think it turns out nicer cooked on the stove.

No. 1811148

It is a diuretic. Sorry to be a know it all though. Drink more water please.

No. 1811366>>1811467>>1811495>>1811748>>1811940

File (hide): 1702512414382.jpg (50.18 KB, 1196x738, LMAO.jpg)

I've started using the term "scrote" in real life and it always makes men assmad. Somehow they get even madder whenever I tell them that it's literally just the male equivalent of "cunt". Bro, we live in Australia and you toss around "cunt"like it's candy, even claiming that it's a form of endearment. But the minute someone calls YOU by a genital-based insult, even in an endearing, friendly manner, even though you just called me a cunt 5 seconds ago, suddenly it's the end of the world and ok to go full navy seal copypasta "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT"??

No. 1811443

just cleaned my whole kitchen after i made a big dinner and now it's time for LC and sleepytime tea probably for like 4 hours

No. 1811467

Based. I love women who use scrote irl. It is a pure insult made for men.

No. 1811490

I just bit my cheek so fucking hard. I thougt I drew blood. Fuck chalupas!

No. 1811495

Men seethe when singled out by an insult like they do to women. Keep it up based anon.

No. 1811568

File (hide): 1702530934892.jpg (93.38 KB, 736x736, sushi.jpg)

I'm craving a Publix sushi so bad. I hate that my nearest Publix is so far away.

No. 1811626

spent like 47 on doordash today gotta not spend any money til next tuesday night (neetbux day) i dont enjoy this way of living. no more overeating from tomorrow onward and no more takeout… hard to commit to honestly

No. 1811636

i am becoming such a hausfrau and i love every minute of it. being a stay at home wife with no kids is life on easy mode.

No. 1811748

>scrote is the male equivalent of cunt
holy shit it really is. i feel enlightened

No. 1811936

The rain has just turned to snow!! I'm in the cozy front room, I'm reading A Christmas Carol. I hope the weather somewhat clears up later, I'm baking a pot pie for my family and it's about a half hour drive to their house. For now, I'll enjoy living in this snow globe.. Hope everynonnie has a good Thursday, and happy holidays.

No. 1811940

Kek I'm Aussie too and also use scote irl

No. 1812103>>1812113>>1812128

My autocorrect on my phone is inserting corrected words into the text instead of just corrected the word I already wrote, so annoying. Pretty sure it's cause I updated my phone.

No. 1812112>>1812115

i’m addicted to making garlic bread! i’ve already made 2 slices and i want to make more

No. 1812113>>1812128

The worst is when I wrote a paragraph on my phone, double check it and when I post, all my shit is autocorrected again. I feel gaslit by my own phone.

No. 1812115

Have a third and forth slice nonna

No. 1812128

WTF, phones do this now?

No. 1812133>>1812138

There's a little tiny skinny black fly in my room that has bite me twice within these past few weeks. I don't even know what kind of bug it is, I literally haven't seen it other than the times it bit me. I've caught it both times and both times it escaped.

No. 1812134>>1812143

>Craving Indian food
>Open fridge in hope there's vegetables
>See the batch of curry from a few days ago
I'm one lucky bitch, should I make roti to eat with it?

No. 1812138

Samefag, it may not be the same bug but honeestly I just do not think there is multiple tiny flies that bite in here.

No. 1812143>>1812769

Yes 100%

No. 1812249>>1812253>>1812273>>1820399

I was given some Filipino dried mango a few days ago and I'm afraid to try it kek. I love mango with my whole soul but sometimes I'm just weird about stuff I've never had before.

No. 1812250

One day the 50 year old Croat looking buss driver was whistling and tapping his hands wildly to Somebody That I Used to Know. I have so many headcanons about this buss driver.

No. 1812253>>1812270

Stop being a little bitch and try it.

No. 1812270

File (hide): 1702583113419.jpg (99.2 KB, 640x639, 2cb3ccd5e7a56ef1236dc32516dcfa…)

But I'm scared!!!!

No. 1812273

Dried mango is so good.
This post reminds of the time I went to visit friends in Chicago and I consumed an entire bag of dried apricots and then had to sleep on the floor of their room with my ass angled underneath a bed because I was expelling green house gasses from my ass nonstop. I'm surprised we didn't all die in that room that night tbh.

No. 1812376

Idk what to eat today.

No. 1812482

I want to make custard but I'm so lazy and I don't have anything to eat it with anyway. I don't want to eat it as a pudding.

No. 1812488>>1812520>>1812526>>1812530

File (hide): 1702594101400.gif (6.33 MB, 600x336, Tumblr_l_21194659747291.gif)

Christmas is coming, is everyone ready?

No. 1812520

File (hide): 1702595713934.jpeg (54.1 KB, 520x520, IMG_4923.jpeg)

No. 1812526

Don't celebrate it. thankfully. Have fun everyone who does though!

No. 1812530>>1812616

File (hide): 1702596107437.jpg (251.05 KB, 1200x1800, 1000012640.jpg)

I'm gonna make some gingerbread cookies and a blueberry pie, get high, and watch something insanely cliché like The Nightmare Before Christmas.

No. 1812616


No. 1812687>>1812744>>1813201

My retarded ass made the mistake of soaking my clothes in vinegar, so now I'm gonna wash them by mixing some fragrance oil in the soap I use.

No. 1812744

NO! I made this same mistake and it deeply faded my clothes when they were next exposed to sunlight! Rinse them only in cold water and then do gentle wash cycle, any remaining smell will dissipate within a day once they're hung. No oils.

No. 1812769

Latereply but I made roti's and it was so good I could probably eat this for the rest of my life kek

No. 1813180

Bored af at work, I'm just going to read some fic I guess since I have nothing better to do.

No. 1813201

If they won't shrink, soak them in your soap with hot water then wash normally

No. 1813282>>1813285>>1813354>>1819481

Somebody should start selling a non sweet cola drink. Not fucking disgusting zero cola, light cola, vile chemical pepsi. Just make cola but without any sweet nonsence or acid, just bubbles and spice!

No. 1813285>>1813287

Like flavored seltzer water basically?

No. 1813287

No. 1813348>>1813351

It's my day off, I slept well, played vidya and I ordered Japanese curry so I'll eat at 4pm, god I love not working.

No. 1813351

Sounds like an awesome day, nonnie.

No. 1813354>>1813387

isn't that just dr pepper

No. 1813355

I'm so sleepy after some very stressful, tiring and awkward days, I will take a shower and get some 48 hours of sleep once I'm back home.

No. 1813377>>1813782

I love my heated blanket so much

No. 1813387

no that tastes like cherry sweat, it's still sweet. when i say not sweet i mean not sugar, not ANY sweateners. Just no.

No. 1813451

>filing my nails
>dust getting everywhere
>try to hold my hand further away from me so the dust will stop getting on my shirt
>hand is too far away for me to see
>put on glasses
>hand is now too close for me to see
The curse of being nearsighted. Anyway, I need a better dust collector.

No. 1813782

I bought some chocolate flavored yogurt thinking it'd be a nice decadent snack but it's kinda gross, it just has this sickly feeling to it even though it's not literally rancid, the chocolate and yogurt parts aren't mixing well. I put it back in the fridge in case I was just not in the mood and change my mind later, but idk I think I'll end up trashing it. It makes me so sad because I hate hate hate wasting food and I really wanted to enjoy it
me too there was a sale on electric blankets at the store and i got my first one. I like to wrap mine around a pillow and hug it while I sleep

No. 1814007>>1815714

File (hide): 1702677813594.jpg (609.02 KB, 2560x1746, 91-d3uUwWEL.jpg)

I just used sazon on chicken for the first time, I'm so nervous for how it's gonna come out. I used 2 packets for 13 pieces of chicken. I tasted a little and it literally just tastes like baking soda to me. I added some extra seasoning salt to the chicken too because I just wasn't sure. It it's under seasoned I'll just make a gravy for it.

No. 1814136

File (hide): 1702685468154.jpg (51.06 KB, 736x765, sonic cant take it anymore.jpg)

I got so much dessert gifted to me for my birthday. After my birthday finally passes, I'm never eating another cake or cupcake ever again.

No. 1814209>>1815652

Tripped the breaker for the first time since I moved in and went to flip the switch back only to notice one of the switches is labeled "Hot Tub Room" but it no longer seems to be connected to anything. Wish I lived here during the Hot Tub Room days damn

No. 1814810

I've started wearing rings recently and I already miss them when I take them off, even to just wash my hands.

No. 1815179

Made glutenfree banana bread with pecans to share with a work colleague tomorrow when we go to the Christmas market. I didn't bake it in a cake/bread mould but in a round mould so it turned out very flat, but I find it's not too filling that way, and the outer side is nice and crunchy.
I also spread a bit of cinnamon powder and drenched the cake with rum with a cooking brush to enhance the flavor and also to make our Sunday funny after two or three pieces kek.

No. 1815271>>1815294>>1819057

I have a sinus infection

No. 1815294>>1815876

Same.my community college has a mold problem and it's prob taking years off my life loool

No. 1815652

That's hilarious, anon. Is there no hot tub room at all? Was it converted into something else?

No. 1815653>>1815713

today i saw an ant carrying a huge crumb. usually i squish ants but i decided to just let this one be. hope it enjoys the holidays with its big ass crumb

No. 1815709

my favorite big hoop earrings broke this week but since i got them at the mall a few months ago i decided to check just in case the shop was still selling them. they were, and all their earrings were b1g1 50% off so just bought two of the same pair in case these cheap shits break again

No. 1815712>>1815717>>1815722>>1815739

im gonna try mountain dew for the first time rn, will update and share my thoughts

No. 1815713

Blessed sister.

No. 1815714

please tell me you used other spices besides sazon and seasoning salt. garlic powder? onion powder?

No. 1815717>>1815739

only the baja blast one is good but have fun and let us know

No. 1815722>>1815739

If you're an adult, regular mountain dew tastes bad. Baja blast is really fun with a tacobell meal.

No. 1815739>>1816059

update: this just tastes like sprite to me, idk. not bad i guess??
now i wanna try some baja blast

No. 1815749

The cute little guitarist in my favorite band followed me a few months ago and views all my stories even likes a few

No. 1815825>>1815925>>1815928>>1815966

I got a chipotle bowl, half chicken half sofritos but i didn't get the chicken. I wonder if I can make chipotle give money back even though I already ate half of it kek.
I also got Starbucks, an apple crisp macchiato and I added some caramel stuff. Pretty yummy.

No. 1815876

I hope you are feeling better nona, I can't sleep very well at all and my ears are so stuffy. This sucks

No. 1815925

Ok so, I didn't get a refund but I did get a free entree so that's cool too.

No. 1815928

Share with me I'm so hungry

No. 1815966

Sounds like an awesome choice. Enjoy, nonnie.

No. 1815981>>1816001

I cut my hair.

It looks bad.

No. 1816001>>1816072

What haircut were you going for? Any way you could salvage it?

No. 1816058

I got a MacBook and I'm so scared to do anything with it or move it anywhere. It's so light and so expensive. Very happy to have it though. Idk why people are so reckless with their apple products.

No. 1816059

sweet lightning is the best flavor

No. 1816072

it was just a trim. I have very long hair so it can definitely be salvaged I was just hoping to save money. I cut about two inches off so my hair is currently still waist length.

Maybe if I just keep cutting it . . .

No. 1816295>>1816735

My mom got a Dyson airstrait and we tried it on my type 3 curly hair and holy shit…. This shit is MAGIC. This is the straightest my hair has ever gotten and it didn't even take that long to achieve it. The only times I've ever fully straighten my hair is on special events and even then I couldn't fully straighten it. I cannot believe a technology like this exists now.

No. 1816407

I want to go back to sleep

No. 1816415

There’s no power. Went to bed at around 4.30 and woke up about 6 hours later still no power. Such is life in the third world.

No. 1816735

I want to save for that and a Dyson wrap. they've been doing good for health lately.

No. 1816815

Bought cabbage and mushrooms Polish croquettes at our local produce market (there's at least one booth/vehicle selling Polish produce that comes to town, they sell canned goods, meats, sweets etc.). I pan fried two out of the four for dinner, ate one with mustard and the second one without anything, it was absolutely delicious. I'm not Polish but I love buying or making Polish food recipes.

No. 1816914>>1816917

I'm making homemade cinnamon sugar pretzel bites

No. 1816917>>1816922

I have a brownie in the oven! I hope your pretzels turn out yummy

No. 1816922

that's so good nonni I'd share mine with you

No. 1816965

ordered some food for delivery last night and even tho i live in a suburban area and there is snow on the ground it was delivered by a chick on a bike. i went back afterwards and increased the tip amount for the first time ever

No. 1817012>>1817185

File (hide): 1702844850067.jpeg (60.08 KB, 768x768, 556170f2-8e3b-4539-9a62-3a2c5f…)

I need a pregnancy pillow so bad. I need it for when I'm sitting up in bed using my laptop and at night cause I sleep on my side and love having a pillow under my arm.

No. 1817120

File (hide): 1702848217696.jpg (41.02 KB, 600x435, f2bb1df16c4f1847c1f45a72d6c7d5…)

Watching a video about some youtuber from my country who has been shit talking a politician and the lady reporting this preceeded the the clip of him attacking the politician with "trigger warning: fatphobia", then the youtuber is a fatass calling the politician a fatass kek

No. 1817185

I'll never be pregnant but I want this thing, it looks amazing.

No. 1817240>>1817892

Some moid I used to date in middle school took my request to grow out his mustache since his new employment doesn’t allow fullfacial hair. He does look rather cute with it. Gives a responsible father kind of vibe. I’m flattered he took my request for his new facial hair.
Full facial hair is gross but I like goatees and mustaches …

No. 1817339>>1817342>>1817344>>1817625

File (hide): 1702857274705.png (250.88 KB, 499x500, catsniff.png)

I've noticed all boy cats have a smoky smell behind their necks and the back of their cheeks. They have scent glands there and IDK why I never noticed and put it together.

No. 1817342>>1817482

Huh that's interesting. How many cats have you sniffed kek? Boy cats should all be named "Stinky stupid" because that's what they are

No. 1817344>>1817470

Aw whaaaaat, I've never noticed that. My cat just smells like clean laundry.

No. 1817458>>1817505

I just read a YA novel so bad, that it was like it was designed just to piss me off in every way. The main character embraces the antithesis of my every ethic and moral I hold dear. It's a shame she didn't die at the end of the book.

No. 1817470>>1817578

what a sophisticated gentleman

No. 1817482

three, all my cats smell slightly smoky

No. 1817505

you cant just say that and not drop the title nonny. give me the slop i enjoy being a hater

No. 1817578>>1817580

Ayrt, I sniffed the back of his neck but didn't smell any smoke. Is my boy free of sin? What does it all mean…

No. 1817580

my cats are all related to each other, they might just smell similar because of that

No. 1817625

my dignified older lady smells like clean laundry but my two gross kittens smell like poo because they clean their dingleberries and then clean the rest of themselves
gonna shave their butts if they dont learn to clean good

No. 1817628>>1817629>>1817633>>1817765

File (hide): 1702869842150.jpg (33.01 KB, 884x727, cornish-rex.jpg)

I LOVE when cats have tall, distinguished noses instead of the little button slope. They look so masculine and regal, like a panther. I love black cats like this theyre always so elegant and snobby

No. 1817629

I love kitties with nose humps!

No. 1817630>>1817631>>1817701

File (hide): 1702869905381.jpeg (160.92 KB, 640x800, IMG_5166.jpeg)

i want to buy a farm and become a farmer for real

No. 1817631>>1817695>>1817870

What are the crops?

No. 1817633>>1817839

File (hide): 1702870099670.jpg (83.37 KB, 736x981, 26e56e6a0a55ccc6a9b9dfbe7221a1…)

Like I can tell their personalities from nose alone. The one on the left is skittish and needs validation constantly and the one on the right is cool as fuck and acts better than everyone. And I love them both.

No. 1817637

File (hide): 1702870438650.jpg (174.02 KB, 960x640, pngtree-black-and-white-fluffy…)


No. 1817695

i wanna grow fruits but i know that'll never happen, so i'll just grow wheat and corn

No. 1817701

That sounds great. I find myself wanting to farm goats and hemp.

No. 1817716

File (hide): 1702874149651.jpeg (114.4 KB, 720x960, IMG_7433.jpeg)

I want pusheen sheets so bad and a black cat I can tuck into them

No. 1817765

I have a large cat with a very wide and very pink Aquiline nose and I love that about him. It's kinda funny because despite being a huge stocky creature with thick bones, he's very affectionate and has an extremely high pitched saccharine voice.

No. 1817838>>1817871>>1819213

My friends' niece is 9 years old and she wants Sephora gift cards for Christmas, apparently she's super into makeup and skincare routines (probably from watching YouTube). It's crazy to me that 4th graders know about this when I didn't wear makeup until I was like 13/14

No. 1817839

Bella and Gigi Hadid

No. 1817870

File (hide): 1702882891466.jpeg (760.3 KB, 1179x1182, IMG_5196.jpeg)

There's only one crop for me!

No. 1817871

That’s sick actually. Destroy all iPads, all girlies stop wearing makeup at all

No. 1817892

>Gives a responsible father kind of vibe
I finally realized why I hate mustaches

No. 1817900

The battery of my wristwatch (that I bought in May this year) is already dead since yesterday morning. I'm going to have to go to a store that changes batteries after work. My wrist feels so naked, I hate it.

No. 1817913

I can hear toddlers yelling in my building, which is weird since only retired people and young couples live here, I hope to god a family of four hasn't moved in here.

No. 1818272>>1818365

I saw a super tall french lady today and she stunned me. She looked so statuesque and elegant.

No. 1818275

I've spent these past few days mad as fuck cause I was convinced my phone alarms were going off. Turns out they were but I just haven't been waking up. I'm pretty sure it's because I changed the noise to something pleasant and cute instead of the harsh loud alarm I need

No. 1818359>>1835292

Nonnie, how was your chili?

No. 1818365>>1819045

Blessed day. I'm really petite but I think of myself as average, so whenever I see a tall woman and she just towers over me, I'm just in awe that a human can get so big. On one hand, I'm glad I'm so small because I need to eat so little and everything off the rack fits, but I'm also jealous because that's a lot of power that a six foot women holds.

No. 1819030

I hate washing ice cube trays and pouring water into them. Anyway, I just made some tea ice cubes so I can have sweet tea tomorrow

No. 1819045>>1842925

>I’m short
>everything off the rack fits
you are not short then
t. has to wear capris as normal pants

No. 1819057

Turns out I have covid, oh nur

No. 1819085

My dog just killed a huge rat that was living in my bird food cupboard, going to give her a burger

No. 1819172>>1819194

Drinking my earl gray tea while scrolling lc, might go to the yarn store later

No. 1819194>>1819231

Ouh! Post the yarn on the crochet thread nonnie. I can't allow myself to buy more yarn until I finish my WIPs but I love seeing pretty yarn.

No. 1819213

what the fuck. and her parents are okay witht his?

No. 1819218>>1819249

File (hide): 1702990228013.png (195 KB, 611x449, Osaka_Azumanga_Daioh.png)

I'm searching for a piece of clothing on this metal/gothic fashion website and I swear to god 70% of the clothes on XS/S/M size are out of stock. the only ones that remained are the fat ass 4XL. WHO'S EVEN THAT FUCKING FAT??!

No. 1819229>>1819243

I'm hungry, think I'll cook more sausages to eat num num

No. 1819231

I'm finally going tomorrow but I will definitely post a picture! I should use the thread more

No. 1819243

I cooked and ate em

No. 1819249>>1819260>>1819534

Amberlynn Reid goth era

No. 1819260>>1819487

Amberlynn is the most boring cow in existence I can't believe people still keep up with her. Feels like all the deathfats peaked during the pandemic

No. 1819262

I went early to the gym today, it was a bad idea, by the time I was done with the class I was basically falling asleep because I feel too relaxed. Maybe I should always try to workout during the afternoon after all, but I can't go to the gym in the afternoon for a while because I have to go to mass since my uncle died a few days ago.

No. 1819292

The ticket lady at the museum yesterday gave me a free entrance and I don't really know why.

No. 1819481

File (hide): 1703004990221.png (850.49 KB, 1094x1292, tasdy.png)

I've had the same thought, and this is the closest I've found to a less-sweet cola. Otherwise kefir water is delicious

No. 1819487

I agree with this. I dont even know how she got so many threads.

No. 1819534

No. 1819698

File (hide): 1703013188155.jpg (181.67 KB, 996x620, IMG_1970-min-1.jpg)

my boss asked me to come up with something for the workers to do on friday since its the last shift before christmas. i was thinking of putting on some christmas movies in the lunch room and maybe having a hot chocolate station set up with some christmas baked goods. ill pitch it to him and hope he agrees, not really sure what else he was thinking since its so last minute and a pizza lunch seems boring and not festive at all.

No. 1820399

Im back to say I finally tried it! Idk what I was so scared for, I just demolished that bag of mango and now my stomach hurts. It has the taste and texture of those sour candy strips, especially cause the brand I had had sugar on the mangos.

No. 1821764>>1822414

I have an urge to make some chicken wings and instant mac and cheese

No. 1822414>>1822697>>1822951>>1823695

I have acquired the wings, Mac and cheese and a sweet tea. Now I'm just look for something to watch. However for some reason I keep having flashbacks of that video that was going around social media years ago of a lady using her boyfriend's balls as a beauty blender and it's kind of putting me off of my food

No. 1822654

I can't find quince syrup/juice anywhere in stores to remake the warm quince drink with Triple sec orange liquor I drank at the Christmas market. I'm going to have to go to the Christmas market on my lunch break to get it from the booth (in the hopes they still have any). I wanted to avoid the crowd in the Christmas market, I feel defeated…

No. 1822697>>1822964

….a video of what now

No. 1822752>>1832080

File (hide): 1703159309895.gif (460.61 KB, 480x307, IMG_1668.gif)

Just found out a girl from my hometown (pop. 5k) who runs a cafe with her sister has more than 100k followers on instagram. Our regional capital is only 60-70k people. She has no other links in her bio, literally all she posts is her looking pretty in cafes/at the pub/out in town, with sponsored content sprinkled amongst. I can’t even say it’s bots because she gets hella comments on all her posts. Idk it’s just very funny to me

No. 1822923

Oh thank god it's finally the winter solstice, now days can get longer again, can't wait daylight saving time to end as well.

No. 1822934

The delivery person is on their way with my lunch.

No. 1822951

ew what the fuck

No. 1822964>>1822965>>1823695

Of a woman using her boyfriend's balls as a beauty blender.

No. 1822965

That was rhetorical…

No. 1822976>>1822978

I got bleach on my hand and it still feels a little tingly

No. 1822977

File (hide): 1703176083459.jpg (51.07 KB, 564x423, village.jpg)

today i will make a gingerbread house

No. 1822978

I'm bleaching my eyebrows.

No. 1823636

I stopped wearing face masks like a year ago, but I desperately need another because it's getting so cold and my nose is chilly

No. 1823695>>1823752

No. 1823752

Just Google "using balls as a beauty blender". It was popular at one point so I'm sure it's not hard to find.

No. 1823828>>1823832>>1823836

Maybe it's cause I'm really starting to really pay attention to my surroundings, but I noticed so many people staring at me at the store today. It was like a thing where I looked away multiple times and they kept looking. One dude even moved to keep looking at me when I passed by. It got to the point where I thought something was wrong with how I look and I had to find a mirror, but I didn't look abnormal.

No. 1823832

Samefag, it's not like I've never had people stare at me before but damn it was a lot today. Please stop making eye contact with me if I look away, dang nabbit.

No. 1823836>>1823873

IDK where you live, but if it's in America, everyone starts acting weirder in stores during Christmas time. People are more aggressive too. Someone in my family works at a store and was stocking the gift cards, you know, so there was more of them, and people were mad she was in their way. But she has to be there to put the gift cards out anyways. Long story short, people get weird this time of year in stores.

No. 1823851>>1824412

My little grey boy (cat) was put down a year ago today and I cried. He was 14 and I had him since birth. Cancer got him.

No. 1823873

Can confirm that people are agressive and also only paying attention to themselves. I'm in Germany and it's common here in my city that the tramway stops are on the streets (they've been there for about 150 years, they're not new), so cars have to stop behind the tram or stop rolling near the tram after it is a tram stop. Some woman in a family van almost ran over a woman who exited the tram before others me included, because she wasn't paying attention. I checked on the woman just to be sure because she was about a few centimeters away from the hood of the van, it could have been way worse.
And then I almost got ran over 30 minutes later after going grocery shopping and heading home through the parking area because the driver of that car was more interested in what his passenger's and his discussion while driving out of his parking space and oversaw me.
If only people were not only just focused on themselves, and think about others they don't even know but cross path with, it would really make this time of the year easier.

No. 1824400>>1824458

just got my wisdom teeth out this week and so far so good the swelling has gone down more today + my mouth really only aches a little. but the only thing i'm craving rn is potato chips + french onion dip. this is cruel and unusual of my brain considering i don't even eat chips very often

No. 1824412

So sorry for your loss, anon. It's always hard losing a pet, especially when they've been around so long. Keep his memory alive, and all the good that came with him . Cancer can fuck off. it takes so much from us.

No. 1824439

i have so much shit to do today!! after work i need to go to like 5 different stores for stocking stuffers and cat supplies, tidy up my house, pack my suitcase and try to get all the christmas gifts in there without going overweight, then dinner and a gift exchange with my parents before i leave tomorrow morning at 7am.
i feel so bad i can't just spend the whole day cuddling with my cats before i leave but i'm going to make sure i give them as much snuggles and treats as i can tonight.

No. 1824458

it's weird how you end up craving whatever you're not supposed to eateven when you don't like it all that much.
just got my front teeth operated in so im not supposed to bite into anything and im dreaming of burgers sandwiches and pitas . which i normally dont eat all that often

No. 1824814

I was taking a nap for like 2 hours and I kept waking up to music and thinking "wtf is that classical music coming from????". My dumbass in my sleepy state couldn't figure out what it was, turns out it was the Minecraft start screen playing from my laptop.

No. 1824986>>1825751>>1825753

I'm about to start my new degree in accounting… wish me luck understanding kindness etc…

No. 1825704

It took me 6 months to read the messages an old crush sent me because I knew it would send me spiraling back mentally, I'll never get over this guy because he was the first person I had a genuine crush on, I couldn't even maintain a friendly relationship because my avoidant ass can only ruin shit.

No. 1825738>>1825939

>be on yt
>get recommended doll hauls and collections
>watch some from a cute doll sperg
>check her socials to see more doll reviews
>see its her getting into fights with other doll spergs
>weird drama that ends with her posting pictures of her in bad cosplay saying shes so hot so haters are jealous in true twittertard baddie fashion
>scroll down more and see her defending troons
>go through old videos of her and she hangs out with troons
Why the fuck is every autistic woman just so easily wrapped up in retarded shit online. Is it twitter? Is that what makes everyone terrible and just get roped into stupid drama shit and general handmaidery? I had high hopes because she wasn’t afraid to film videos of herself in comfy clothes, running around happily through toy aisles, and just talking freely in general about her favorite dolls but I guess being in any community that cement themselves in twitter beef is bound to make you retarded

No. 1825751

File (hide): 1703336313819.gif (16.48 KB, 200x200, goodluckcat.gif)

good luck! you can do it! may prosperity come your way!

No. 1825753

Nonna the Scholar! Mistress of the numbers! Starting her apprenticeship! We will cheer you on on your perilous journey we know you will succeed in!

No. 1825836>>1825899

File (hide): 1703346389813.jpg (122.67 KB, 605x806, chillin.jpg)

I think I'm allergic to our christmas tree

No. 1825899

did you eat it

No. 1825939

Post the name this is lolcow we don’t vaguepost here

No. 1826214

I just had some delicious fried brussels sprouts

No. 1826280>>1826284

File (hide): 1703364173949.gif (235.27 KB, 368x298, too ticky.gif)

>go out with my mother cause she says she will get me a christmas gift
>she doesn't like anything

No. 1826284>>1826313>>1826322

and why the fuck does this gif only play once

No. 1826313>>1826519

He said everything he needed to

No. 1826322

not all gifs loop, just most of them do.

No. 1826509

I wanted to get more stuff from a local crafter today but she died and her stuff isn't at the store anymore now. I'm sad. I'm glad I have one of her pieces but damn

No. 1826519

File (hide): 1703379298610.jpg (192.72 KB, 1173x660, 1000003726.jpg)

Too-ticky is a girl.

No. 1826600

ever since I had a enormous, huge, gigantic, unbelievably big crush on someone with downturned eyes, I now find that trait so irresistibly cute. I feel like it's a little bit of an unusual thing to find appealing but it's totally ingrained now. Sometimes I'll be thinking someone is kind of cute but I can't put my finger on why they look so cute to me, and I'll realize they have downturned eyes.

No. 1826605

I didn't buy any gifts for Christmas this year (besides some food delivery gift cards for my younger siblings who live across the country) and it's been nice. We're spending it with my bf's family and were specifically told "no gifts!!!" Only thing I have to do this holiday is make green bean almondine baby

No. 1826620>>1826623

File (hide): 1703388185181.jpg (767.53 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-352773095.jpg)

I decided to make some cookies as last minute christmas presents and my vision was they'd look like baby ducks wearing party hats but I can't stop kek'ing at how they turned out

No. 1826623


No. 1826653>>1826674

Im eating frosting as the first thing I eat all day while I wait for my water to boil so I can make ramen. I'm gonna feel like shit once I'm done eating.

No. 1826674

ive done this. but it was whip cream. hope the ramen is good

No. 1826800>>1826803>>1826807

File (hide): 1703400911037.jpg (303.45 KB, 1124x1252, 20231224_015237.jpg)

The skinny Pete and badger subplot in breaking bad was so good

No. 1826803>>1826804

Badger was so sexy

No. 1826804

Girl huh

No. 1826807>>1826809

That picture is scaring me for no reason.

No. 1826809>>1826820

Same here, I reported it.

No. 1826820

You'll deserve the ban instead

No. 1826987

I want to learn calligraphy, not the modern stuff but the traditional stuff. Blackletter or spencerian or copperplate seems cool from the little research I've done on it.

No. 1827198

Made myself a nice warm drink with two tablespoons Triple sec orange liqueur, two slices of orange, two slices of lemon, a tablespoon and a half of quince syrup and hot water. And since I have some extra slices of orange and lemon, I'm probably drinking another one. Since I'm celebrating Christmas alone, gotta enjoy what you wouldn't be allowed to do with family/friends kek.

No. 1827212>>1827213

Can one of you convince me to go for my run please

No. 1827213>>1827216

go for a run

No. 1827216

thanks love you

No. 1828770>>1828796

It's 2AM, working on some late christmas gifts i wasnt able to finish before the day. Its hot as balls. About to go get some ice water

No. 1828780>>1828786>>1828801>>1829431

I keep smelling poop in the air but I cannot locate what it is. What the actual fuck.

No. 1828786

You might need to clear out your nose kek

No. 1828796

Good luck nonny

No. 1828801>>1829127

did you check your pants?

No. 1828835

Currently watching the Percy Jackson show. I'm glad they chose to do something more long-form for this series rather than the movies. The nostalgia is also making me want to also watch the Harry Potter movies.

No. 1829127

It was absolutely not me! I don't smell it anymore though. No idea what that was.

No. 1829178>>1829192

I distinctly remember drinking the last of my water last night so I could go to sleep but then I wake up this morning and the cup is fucking full

No. 1829190

My skin actually hurts.. From all the sugar and carbs I ate, I think. It was fun. My kitty boy has a vet appointment today for a possible uti, I'm so glad he was ok over christmas. I need my hair cut so badly, I think I'm gonna set up a consult with my hair lady and do something different. I have mid-back length blonde ombre hair right now. She did it all blonde in the summer and I've just been letting it grow. Too much going on to worry about hair but now it's calming down and I'm ready for a change. I hope all you anons have a good week.

No. 1829192

it was the water elf. be thankful

No. 1829195>>1829224>>1829248

Starting my diet today instead of waiting until the new year. Got really chunky this past year because I had a job I hated. Wish me luck nonnies

No. 1829224

Good luck, nonny!

No. 1829248

That's the best mindset, good luck!

No. 1829256

i got another ear piercing, it kind of hurts now but i'm glad i got it done

No. 1829431>>1829477

I figured it out! I put a little fabric storage bin in my room like two days ago, that's where the awful smell is from. I wonder if an animal peed or pooped on it while it was in whatever factory made it or something

No. 1829477

does it happen to be made of or contain lyocell? idk what it is but lyocell always smells like actual shit to me.

No. 1829501

My atheist father has been binge watching kardecism videos on youtube.

No. 1830779

I want a Baja blast from taco Bell so bad but I don't trust fast food fountain drinks. Sad.

No. 1831030>>1831342

I used to not be able to finish crochet projects cause muh attn span but making baby doll clothing for my daughters dolls has renewed my love of it cause they’re quick to finish. I’ve done three items today alone.

No. 1831342

Way to go nonnie! If you feel like it, post one of the projects in the crochet thread in /g/.
I usually need a break during or in between projects but I usually finish em. But amigurumis/making plushies or dolls is the bane of my existence cuz using small crochet hooks is uncomfortable to me.

No. 1831471

I showed my brother the "people are dying Kim" clip and it's become his new catchphrase.

No. 1831505>>1831512>>1831707

File (hide): 1703766590508.jpeg (46.04 KB, 480x341, C5F7B916-5F16-457D-AD27-A9F23E…)

my grandma is so funny because she seems like a sweet old lady but she loves arguing and being an asshole. she'll immediately start poking around to find your weak spots, things you feel strongly about. she has to be right about everything. one time she was talking to me and went 'i don't like how young people are so into that gender stuff now' or something, and i said 'actually grandma i agree with you, it's very dumb', she looked at my short haired gnc self all baffled and immediately changed the subject lmao. i think she'll live to 100 because arguing gives her life force.

No. 1831512

>arguing gives her life force
Sounds like she would fit in well here.

No. 1831707

I hate people like that, they are so exhausting.

No. 1832080

bots can comment on peoples posts

No. 1833290>>1833297

File (hide): 1703877028375.jpeg (42.87 KB, 488x488, GUEST_20e9aa70-49c1-4e35-8be7-…)

I've been an ex vegetarian for like a year now, and I just remembered that I can have rice Krispy treats again! I'm eating one right now. It's so delicious and a little nostalgic

No. 1833297

Samefag, I hate two and now I feel sick. Damn that was a lot of sugar

No. 1834493>>1834539>>1834554>>1834640

File (hide): 1703966403498.jpeg (480.47 KB, 1179x900, IMG_7888.jpeg)

I work at a bakery. Almost every woman who has bought a cake buys the unsliced cakes, whereas almost every scrote who buys a cake buys the pre-sliced cakes.

Idk what to do with this information, so I'm just going to leave it here. In case some random autistic anon wants a bakery worker's anecdotal observations on gendered differences in cake-buying.

No. 1834539

Men are lazy, worthless cunts. Big surprise. (Jk, this is very interesting, thanks for sharing nona). (Men are still lazy and worthless).

No. 1834554

I would even go so far as to say yes it’s lazy retard moids, but also women probably think “hm, not everyone wants the pre cut slice size.” It’s more considerate to let people choose the size of their own slice in case they’re like on a diet or maybe they want to treat themself to a little extra.

No. 1834632

Dyed my hair with henna for the first time today. Happy with the result

No. 1834640

it's probably because most of them struggle with fine motor skills and they think it's hard to cut evenly

No. 1834725

>>1584683 (re: XJ9K website)
I'm the site owner, just did a quick search out of curiosity to see if anyone had mentioned it (and somehow a couple of anons have)
I've fixed up the NotSpam tag (for false positives and good-faith inter-board events like movie nights) so that it still doesn't show on the front page but you can see them in the tag page. This sounds like the stuff you're looking for.
I've also added a new special grouping for the Indonesian artfag, who keeps asking 'how to get 6 digit/600k marketing views on my art'.

No. 1834729

I'm waiting for my ground beef to unfreeze so I can make some tasty burritos yum yum

No. 1834735

Had breakfast at an amazing diner with my husband and my sister, then we went to see The Boy and The Heron. I really loved it. Making fresh coffee now to enjoy on the porch.

No. 1834756

File (hide): 1703979586791.jpg (49.02 KB, 564x752, qwerty.jpg)

I put a manga on my cat and she started to purr, weeb cat confirmed.

No. 1834792

I love living near a caterer because they mark down all their food at the end of the week, and this time they had so much it’s 50% off AND bogo. I just paid $7 for a half pint of vegetarian chili and a tray of chicken marsala.

No. 1834819

File (hide): 1703985308979.png (152.85 KB, 374x352, dn.png)

>met some irl friends of friends today
>"By the way nona, do you like anime?"
>actually surprised that someone asks me this because i'm used to people online finding it out in other ways
>proceed to mentally panic because i know they're going to ask what my favorite shows are but i'm picky and i know they will have no idea of what i decide to mention

it feels so awkward when i'm talking to consoomer weebs and i know for sure that i'm the biggest weeb even if i don't have anything that shows it, wish i could just relate to them

No. 1835277>>1835280>>1835297

File (hide): 1704048985375.jpg (2.86 MB, 2256x4000, IMG_20231231_195353.jpg)

it's new year's eve and I'm sick sitting at home and playing legos. it gives me so much joy and relaxation, I forgot how much I loved legos as a kid but it still works on me

No. 1835280>>1835285>>1835287>>1835295

what the fuck is wrong with your arm

No. 1835285>>1835295

nta but she's just thin and taking a pic of your extending often comes out weird.

No. 1835287

Her veins are filled with blood from the blood gods

No. 1835292

So late on this but it was adequate enough kek. Maybe a little oversalted which ruined my mood

No. 1835295

I'm not even that thin, my skin is just transparent in certain places kek, you can see the veins on my cleavage too

No. 1835297

Why women and gays always want to put their hands in everything. Like you're showcasing your wrist, Bella Swan. Crop it or sit it on a table

No. 1835446>>1835447

File (hide): 1704058731041.jpg (438.52 KB, 1079x1314, IMG_20231231_223944.jpg)

i'm going to buy a stupid sonic lego set just because it has a tiny lego Eggman in it. just LOOK AT HIM. he's so fucking cute. it also has Eggman's egg robot in it which is cool but this tiny Eggman guy is my entire drive to buy it. I love Eggman

No. 1835447

That tiny eggman makes me want to throw it against a wall, idk why.

No. 1835571

I hate that one of my favorite grocery stores closes so early. Wtf do you mean you close at 9 PM?

No. 1835615

Watching the On Cinema Oscar specials in order while I work the night shift. I have two or three paintings I'm working on in rotation and a digital drawing that I'm nervous about. My roommate is out at a party, my cat is sleeping soundly under my bed, and my tea is cold. Happy NYE anons.

No. 1835631>>1835673

i have thirteen pages of journal left and im moving soon, raah im going to get them all finished in two days or maybe even tonight so i can start my new year off totally fresh. here comes the marathon!!

No. 1835637

I found candle I bought from dollar tree like 2 years ago. I've been burning it all day, the actual throw isn't good but the jar is super cute and that's really what I bought it for. I have another one with a differ scent and jar color somewhere, I'm gonna repurpose them once it's finished burning. I also finished an Opalhouse Gingerbread frosting candle yesterday so I'll also clean that jar out.

No. 1835667>>1835671>>1835964

I already have a pretty calendar ready to replace the current one.

No. 1835671

Same. I got one with nice lake or sea/ocean views, it'll motivate me to go for a swim at the lake more often in the summer 2024 hopefully.

No. 1835673

me too! i have 2 pages left, which i've saved for tonight! new year new journal, hooray!

No. 1835722>>1841526

File (hide): 1704075430437.jpg (2.74 MB, 3264x2448, phantomtollboothmap.JPG)

I just found The Phantom Tollbooth movie from the 70s on youtube and am about to watch it with my bestie who has never read the book or seen the movie. Super excited!

No. 1835746

wtf stupid pieces of shit hit my mom with a bb gun just now wtf do I do? These pos have ton of guns and plan on firing them later, my dad is spineless and is friendly with them and jist got qyiet, what should I do? Do i call the cops? Bring my mom to the hospital??

No. 1835767

I got sick so I couldn't go to my friend's NYE party. Instead I'm spending it on an imageboard. Maybe I'll play some vidya or something. I'm early into playing Persona 2 innocent sin right now.

No. 1835770>>1835810>>1835818

I just ate a cyst sandwich and the tartar sauce was so acidic, that shit burned my throat when I burped

No. 1835810

*Fish sandwich, oops

No. 1835818

No. 1835857>>1835859>>1835881

File (hide): 1704089590063.jpg (342.3 KB, 736x1308, 35d48931572753e8520826710e42b2…)

Trying to figure out what to make for New Year's. I don't care for seafood and I think crab is average, but my grandma likes crab so I may make a crab boil for us.

No. 1835859

File (hide): 1704089688933.jpg (77.01 KB, 426x640, 6d61a2e63b632ad81ac1ff8d1b0295…)

Ssmefag but I feel bad eating crab. Aren't these so stinkin cute?

I actually might just make a delicious burger and fries, but damn that's also a lot of cooking for one day. I'll have to pick something.

No. 1835881

Ohh, that looks so good anon. I’ll dream about eating this today.

No. 1835962>>1836131

have to go for my stride run today but i got 5 hours sleep and went to bed at 3am (new years eve). i low key am too fucking knackered

No. 1835964

I got a squirrel calendar over christmas and i'm pretty happy about it, still need to hang it up

No. 1835975>>1835977>>1836032

Where my fellow hungover Eurofags at

No. 1835977>>1836032

No. 1836032

>brings you some water
Happy New Year ladies!

No. 1836131

i did it and it went well if you even care

No. 1836165

File (hide): 1704134696487.jpg (191.82 KB, 736x736, 974b98853c70efe0a42f64181f07dc…)

I finally bought a weighted hula hoop. I'm very excited! I've been cutting calories but actually getting up and being active is not my strong suit, so hopefully this will help me as a stepping stone.

No. 1836444>>1836448

Writing a grocery list right now. So far
>Chicken sausage
>True fru
>Almond milk
>Ice cream
>Frozen broccoli
>Rice cakes
>Dried mango

No. 1836448>>1836453

Good list. Are those truefru things actually good? What side do you make with the chicken sausage?

No. 1836453>>1836456>>1836458

I haven't tried the tru fru yet! I'll update after I do. As for the chicken sausage, tbh I usually just eat them with whatever vegetables are in my kitchen, an egg + mayo and mustard. They're good in pasta too.

No. 1836456>>1836458

Samefag but chicken sausages taste cleaner and fresher to me than regular pork/beef sausages.

No. 1836458>>1837117

Thanks nonna I'll wait for your review. Maple pork sausages are very good but they stink up the place like nothing else, I might try the chicken ones next time.

No. 1836464>>1836593

File (hide): 1704155182040.jpg (57.17 KB, 1023x683, 1000005592.jpg)

There's so many hobbies I want to retake or start this year, I want to sing again, but I also want to dance flamenco again, I want to learn how to crochet and I want to do pottery. But I also want to get even more into working out so I can lift a lot and have a better overall mobility.

No. 1836520

I'm in another country visiting my parents and we bought the most delicious sauce, I'm so sad that I won't be able to bring it back home due to flight restrictions. It's from a local business so no way to buy it where I live either… not sure if I can ask my parents to mail me multiple jars of sauce or if it'll go bad in the post

No. 1836583>>1836912

File (hide): 1704167528932.jpg (180.34 KB, 735x1102, eb190bf93fa9e0ff8b55cb6231cf0f…)

I'm making a burger for someone who wanted a Swiss mushroom burger. I don't like mushrooms so I never had a reason to, but now I'm trying to figure out how to cook and clean mushhrooms.

No. 1836593

We are the same, kek. My super healthy Californian friend came to visit me in the south which always kickstarts my motivation to be healthier. She has to be beautiful for her job so she does Pilates, yoga, sauna…I feel so much better after we hang out. I was also thinking of learning to crochet (I used to knit) and returning to pottery, I loved throwing stuff on a pottery wheel years ago and the university near me offers weekly memberships for $20. Since the semester ended I’ve been so judgemental and crotchety and depressive, staying home all the time and sleeping until 1pm, so I’m hoping some hobbies will make me want to get out of bed.

No. 1836868

>read a fic
>notice an incorrect detail pertaining to my job
>can't stop thinking about it for the rest of the fic
I already dream of my job almost every night, I can't even escape it while fantasizing kek.

No. 1836912>>1836917>>1837109

You can just rinse the mushrooms to get the dirt off. That’s what I do at home. In every kitchen I’ve worked at, however, we never washed the mushrooms. Even if they were caked in dirt, we’d just try to brush it off. A popular belief about mushrooms is that you shouldn’t wash mushrooms because they’ll get waterlogged, but if you’re not eating them raw it doesn’t make a difference imo.

No. 1836917>>1836928>>1836967

Never understood why people are so afraid of mushrooms getting wet. They’re already like 90% water same as most vegetables who cares? I don’t like eating dirt and unwashed mushrooms made me really sick once.

No. 1836928>>1836967

Especially since most of the time the mushrooms are going to be cooked so who cares if they are wet or dry?

No. 1836967

yup, one time when I was a prep cook at a popular cafe frequented by Taylor Swift I was working on some portabellas, and the ones at the bottom of the box are always covered in dirt, so I snuck over to the produce sink to give one a quick rinse. The kitchen manager caught me though and I swore up and down that there was just a whole lot of dirt on that one and I didn't want to waste a good portabella, but it couldn't be served to a customer that way. plus it was going to directly be stuck in a marinade then roasted.

No. 1837109

Yeah the first one I washed I rinsed it and rubbed the skin off the cap cause I thought that was dirt too, but then I googled and you just break the stem off and give it a good rinse.
>In every kitchen I’ve worked at, however, we never washed the mushrooms. Even if they were caked in dirt, we’d just try to brush it off.
That's so crazy. The culinary industry seems to cutthroat and strict, I never would've imagined that they allow this kek

No. 1837117

I'm back anon, I unfortunately wasn't able to get the frozen tru fru so I tried the shelf stable ones instead. I'll post again when I eventually try the frozen.

I tried the strawberry and banana. The strawberry was pretty good, it has that typical sour-ish(?) dried strawberry flavor but the chocolate coating was enough sweetness. The chocolate was actually very sweet despite it saying that it's dark chocolate. The banana one sucked, I could barely taste the fucking banana because there's so little of it. It was like 90% chocolate, so it just tasted like dark chocolate with a hint of banana. The chocolate coating on both of them is fairly thick and hard, so it has a little snap when you first bite into it then a crunch from the dried fruit.

No. 1837168>>1837206

I just ate sour dough bread with just butter on it.
I don't have butter on any bread because i find it gross, but for some reason I was compelled.
Is that normal for pregnancy? Something I would normally find really disgusting tasting really really good?

No. 1837174>>1837203>>1838468

>went to the donut store a couple of weeks ago
>they ran out of donuts
I haven't had the time to go back since but I've been hankering for those donuts.

No. 1837203>>1837469

How does a donut store run out of donuts?

No. 1837206

the fetus is improving your taste, butter on sourdough is awesome can't believe you don't like that normally lol

No. 1837283

I found my kigurumi from a few years ago it's so comfy. can't believe I wore it in public though

No. 1837381

File (hide): 1704244663566.jpg (2.03 MB, 1800x4000, IMG_20240102_201523.jpg)

Draft Sapporo isn't as good as canned Sapporo imo. It's not a huge change, but I think the can tastes less "beer-like" if that makes sense. It tastes smoother and less like the piss part

No. 1837469

I didn't ask, but the donut store owners looked as baffled as I was.
I guess someone bought all the donuts.

No. 1837553>>1838465

I haven't shaved my vag in like a month and it's still surprisingly hairless

No. 1837586

I've been feeling run down and tired over Christmas and New Year so I did a 30 hour water fast and now I feel much better.

No. 1837966>>1838775

File (hide): 1704315431722.jpg (158.79 KB, 736x724, 52161985a197fd28d23bc988cecb21…)

I'm making a burger and lemon pepper fries in my electric pot.

No. 1838461>>1838803

bit by bit I'm cleaning my room. I:


>put my dirty clothes in the hamper
>put the clean clothes away
>put my christmas presents away
>put my christmas bags/boxes away
>put a bunch of stuff in the trash can
>threw out the trash

I'm so bad about cleaning and staying consistent, I get overwhelmed so easily. I feel bad about throwing stuff out bc environmentalism and recycling and plastic but I really really want to. It's easier to be clean and organized when you just have less stuff to begin with.

No. 1838465

You either caught yourself at the perfect moment in your hair growth cycle, or else you're not getting enough calories.

No. 1838468

Something similar happened to me. I went to this Ukrainian cafe that everyone I knew raved about, but when I went there he was completely out of every food except shitty chicken perogies.

No. 1838769

My package is finally here, I bought something off an auction site around Christmas and almost thought I got scammed lol.

No. 1838775

You're tempting me to buy five guys even though I already bought groceries. I've been craving it for some dumbass reason

No. 1838803

Relatable. I just moved recently and throwing out a lot of old stuff I finally decided I wasn't going to use and didn't want to store felt so freeing. I think it's better to just stick to not buying anything new for now. I also cleaned my old toilet with chloride before moving, I know you shouldn't use that stuff regularly because it's really potent and bad for the environment but seeing the toilet all shiny and clean felt so good. Not like it was exactly shitty before but I had some very old stains between the tiles.

No. 1838915

I feel less hungry for the past few months, I've never been a big eater but now I feel full after just a dish. Is it the famous metabolism slowing down?

No. 1838955

Recently signed up to a dating site thing and found a female anon that I was interested in for being friends and I messaged her and when I checked back during my break her profile was gone I am so sad and maybe I shouldn’t feel too attached but this sucks.

No. 1838971>>1838972>>1839308>>1839396

File (hide): 1704388701861.jpg (546.08 KB, 1400x787, 6411d46e2c6bab5bfdee58d2_churc…)

>go for a walk around village
>clouded skies
>drizzle, think nothing of it
>keep walking further from my house
>suddenly rain intensifies
>try to run home
>spot church on the way
>consider seeking refuge there like in movies when characters have a deep reflection moment, see Esmeralda
>walk towards church, door is locked
>"stopped into a chuuurch I passed alooong the waaay"
>mini hallway before the entrance, like picrel (i see the inside of the church because glass door)
>completely dark
>not a soul inside
>no candles lit, nothing
>awkwardly stand in the little hallway for a few seconds
>dip hands in the holy water thingy (i'm not religious, it was just for good measure)
>no water in it
>decide to fuck off back in the rain and run home
Mfw my life got no dramatic "sitting alone in a church" scene

No. 1838972

I meant unlocked, not locked, i'm retarded

No. 1839308

But did you really try, nonnie? You didn't even sit!

No. 1839396

No. 1840461

Me and bf cleaned out junk closet in the spare room that’s had random stuff accumulate from years ago. He threw some gifted hallmark ornament in the garbage bag, it was still new in the box and I pulled it out like hey let’s at least give it away or sell it. I look it up and it’s selling for almost $200. Oh boy!

No. 1840502>>1840508>>1840574>>1840586>>1840624

File (hide): 1704491306116.jpeg (272.42 KB, 1170x1134, IMG_0414.jpeg)

I really like this hot pink Coach bag with kittens on it but when I clicked it, I discovered that it’s a collaboration with Lil Nas X and now I don’t want it anymore.

No. 1840508

Wow that's actually so fucking cute

No. 1840574

who cares just buy it

No. 1840586

It's tacky, you'll hate it the second the y2k trend blows over

No. 1840624>>1840636

File (hide): 1704497009084.jpg (199.17 KB, 2368x2160, ezgif-1-2ac8acda51.jpg)

I was trying to look it up then found this other bag they have with kittens, and it's 70% off…kinda cute if u ask me

No. 1840636

oh this is so pretty and cute, i'd buy it

No. 1840637

File (hide): 1704497711669.jpg (164.72 KB, 640x414, chikhirtma.jpg)

i made chikhirtma for the first time today (pic not mine). i like it a lot, but i know i kind of fucked it up because I didn't whisk the eggs enough and they got a little clumpy. Still, a very tasty and soothing soup. Might try making more Georgian food in the future

No. 1840733

My focaccia bread didn't rise and was underbaked so I blended up half and I'm baking it as breadcrumbs and the other half I chopped into cubes I'm baking as croutons. The house smells like garlic bread cuz there is roasted garlic in the dough

No. 1840751

I can't stop sneezing achoo achoo achoo

No. 1840811

I just tried a chobani flip for the first time. My room now smells like a mix of the fresh linen candle I'm burning and salted caramel yogurt

No. 1840840

Very grateful that I saw a rec for Beach Too Sandy Water Too Wet somewhere on here because it's singlehandedly getting me through my breakup

No. 1840890>>1840901

File (hide): 1704514890711.jpg (47.58 KB, 361x640, ed3527afdf3ae35dfa7a291997ba14…)

Im comfortable as hell. Currently in my warm bed with the lights dimmed, the AC on hot, a candle burning, pizza fresh out the oven, playing Minecraft and drinking wine.

No. 1840901

File (hide): 1704515890792.gif (92.24 KB, 480x477, IMG_0455.gif)

Hell yes nona happy comfy Friday night

No. 1841502>>1841511

Why are bananas so filling? I just ate a banana and yogurt and I feel like I'm busting at the seems. It was a skinny banana too, not a particularly large one.

No. 1841511

starch, nona

No. 1841526

Phantom Tollbooth!!! I sing the Time and Doldrums songs all the time and no one gets it, good to see a nona with excellent taste

No. 1841560>>1841568

File (hide): 1704572161367.jpg (117.57 KB, 537x842, e68e85fa1681bd6498e23f82f33a14…)

Pork rinds so yummy and crunchy and delicious and somehow low calorie

No. 1841568

No. 1841574

bought a ticket to a rave tonight and kind of cba now. the group who are going to be in the pub for pres are all moids

No. 1841700

File (hide): 1704579133737.jpg (37.96 KB, 650x650, 1680042666051.jpg)

Any time I hear an MIA song it activates my third eye in such a visceral way like nothing else

No. 1841732>>1841766

File (hide): 1704580908528.gif (980.11 KB, 250x188, tumblr_ncr9co4KEV1s48ed7o3_250…)

A garbage reality show my mother likes will air its new season soon, meaning that my days of peacefully watching grown people in elaborated costumes play fighting on the large tv have ended. I guess I might as well sleep early.

No. 1841766

Based tokusatsu enjoyer

No. 1842219>>1842314

File (hide): 1704612056650.gif (1006.68 KB, 360x179, IMG_0577.gif)

The Barbie Movie is based because the ending implies that you need to have a vagina in order to be a real woman

No. 1842246>>1842264>>1842293>>1842309

Watching Pen15 for the first time. Not sure how much more I can take.

No. 1842264>>1842293

I liked the first 2 episodes and then couldn't get through it

No. 1842278>>1842289

Oh my fucking god, it's 4AM!!!! Where did the time go? Goodnight guys

No. 1842289

same I can’t believe it’s 1:30 am where I am! Dammit the weekend is going by too fast

No. 1842293

Don't give up before the masturbation episode. Just watch that one and quit.

No. 1842309

i loved it actually. i was an obnoxious cringelord with my friend like that as a kid. the masturbation episode was my least favorite although i could relate to not being able to take your mind off of it i found maya especially relatable since i'm also asian, can't speak "my language", interracial marriage parents, have an older brother with the same dynamic etc etc. i honestly cried at the end, really made me miss my middle school days…

No. 1842314

There is a troon Barbie in it though, it annoyed me a lot and took away from the feminist message of the film.

No. 1842374

It’s such a slow and chill day at work today

No. 1842703>>1842707>>1842850

File (hide): 1704652784014.jpg (944.81 KB, 1600x900, Scd5cb842edd648f897df6d49c7df8…)

I've finished building picrel and they're super cute! I love them

No. 1842707

None of you know how badly I need a tiktok of calico critters raiding and ransacking one of these sets with aks

No. 1842850

oh my gosh nona this is adorable—if I had the room I would want to build one of my own. Their little outfits are great!

No. 1842869>>1842901>>1842912

one of the alternatives to "anon" that is used here is my name and it always gives me a little jolt up the spine when i see it

No. 1842901

Cute, are you a Nona? sometimes i have nightmares about accidentally posting pics of my face

No. 1842912

hi Nona!

No. 1842925>>1842929

Ladies!!! They've built an honest to god family owned grocery store walking walking distance to my apartment. I can walk out of my apartment and three minutes later be picking up cheese and sausage. I'm so hyped,the prices are so reasonable and the products are superior to the box stores otherwise available.
To be fair, I said petite, not short. I'm thin boned and delicate and being 5'2" does not help, but I understand your response.

No. 1842929>>1842937>>1842943

nta but isn't that what petite means, short?

No. 1842936>>1842946

File (hide): 1704661594956.png (1.68 MB, 953x1242, French Beaded Flowers I A Guid…)

I'm so over this stupid assignment, I'm looking up how to make beaded flowers. I wish I could buy some cheap beads online without having to wait weeks

No. 1842937

There's several clothes manufacturers that now use petite as a size term for short, but petite used to means to be tiny in general. Like, a fat or thick short woman would not be petite, but a normal sized chihuahua is a petite dog.

No. 1842943>>1842944

Yeah, petite means short. I think people get confused about what it means cause people obsessed being small use it to mean short and skinny

No. 1842944>>1842947

petite means small. not necessarily just height-wise. that’s literally all the word means in french.

No. 1842946>>1842964

File (hide): 1704662080385.jpg (224.59 KB, 794x1059, vintagebeadedflowers.jpg)

I got into this, I was awful at it. Though I was also using really substandard materials. But I love it so much that I tried to convince my roommate to sell me the ones his mom made but threw out when the mom moved out. But even though he hated how they looked, he hated me more and wouldn't sell them to me.

No. 1842947

But for clothing it means short

No. 1842951

I look so fucking awful on my new passeport pic, I'm haunted by the perspective that I'm going to see this horrible face for the next 10 years. I don't get how unphotogenic I am when i look decently attractive in person, I feel like my pictures are some kind of Dorian Gray curse.

No. 1842964>>1843021

Wtf nona, you should've stolen them at that point. But why were you bad at it? I feel like at least the small ones can't be that difficult to make

No. 1843021>>1843033

I used large beads that I was given for jewelry making years ago, and the copper wire was overly thin and couldn't support the bead's weight. So it was like flat bead pixel art. I took them apart to reuse the beads and thin in something else.

No. 1843033>>1843050

I see… Did you never try it with smaller ones after that?

No. 1843050>>1843090

Nah, I have enough craft supplies, I should use them first before buying more stuff. My most recent idea I've gotten into my head is that I want to build a greenhouse to grow flowers in.

No. 1843090

Oh, that sounds so nice! Good luck anon

No. 1843143

I've been binge watching tv today and have seen 3 different cats cut through my yard and one of them even rolled in the sun on my patio for a while. At the same time I have seen 3 coyotes in the past 24 hours how do people let their cats be outside cats????

No. 1843282>>1843833

anyone else getting emails from Pinterest like every other day where they remove one of your pins for violating community standards, then a few hours later a follow-up email saying that they reinstated the pin? this has been going on for the past few weeks for me, and i havent appealed a single removal

No. 1843287>>1843297>>1843298

After seeing a nonnie not edit out her pfp in an instagram screencap, i would rather die than let any of you see a picture of me lmao
you look fine btw anon, just seeing someone dog pile on you put the fear of god into me

No. 1843297

I look more femcel phenotype than that anon

No. 1843298

I thought the thumbnail looked attractive (obvious selfie lens distortion aside) but something in me keeps me from white knighting so I'm not going to defend her honor. Sometimes people get screenshots from other people so it might not even be a nonny.

No. 1843824

couldn't find dried cranberries at any store i went to then at the last one they sold them by the kilogram for super cheap i'm very happy right now

No. 1843833>>1843840

Pinterest has been on a decline in quality recently, and it's like very little people are talking about it. Pinterest doesn't even seem to recommend things related to your pins anymore. I have my adblocker on, and sometimes over half the page will be blank.

No. 1843840

I have also noticed that. The number of ads on pinterest has skyrocketed. I have one ad blocker on, but it only works partially, so one third of the page will be blank and there will still be four or five more ads that I can see. I just pulled it up to count for sure, and on my home screen there were 34 pins, and 21 of them were ads. I did not realize how bad it was.

No. 1843902>>1843935

Holy shit my favorite band tshirt (expensive) which I only got end of October is straight up gone. It is seriously nowhere. I’ve torn apart the house twice. I wore it not even two weeks ago and can’t remember if I washed it with my sheets, but the the only explanation I can think of is it was stuck in my sheets and fell out when I went to hang them to dry outside, and it somehow made it over the side of the apartment building which sticks out a fair bit. But it’s also nowhere on the ground and in this country people don’t just take shit laying around.

Maybe God is tryna tell me something since I’m so driven by lust for the band members. I’m so bummed. My favorite tshirt and it’s not even for sale anymore.

No. 1843935>>1843943

It’ll probably turn up anon, don’t fret. That’s happened to me with band shirts before. Thought I lost my favorite one, which has a really cool fox on it. There was another time when someone stole my laundry though. They took all my favorite pants.

No. 1843943>>1844046

I really hope you’re right. It’s true I haven’t given up hope completely because things do seem to just pop in and out of existence sometimes…how did you find your fox shirt?

I can safely rule out someone stealing it unless the new friends I was with who didn’t even know the band are deranged kleptos.

No. 1843988>>1843999

File (hide): 1704729809172.jpg (87.37 KB, 564x704, 3d8cda737677f743276f92556c889b…)

Gonna take a long, hot, steamy shower, I've been sick since friday or so and it's the best part of my day.

No. 1843999

that sounds nice nonna.

No. 1844046>>1844520

Ntayr but i lose my clothes like all the time, what i do when i lose them (despite living in a studio and having no friends) is deep clean everything, found my shit in the oddest places (under bed, behind laundry, closet), ypu got this nona

No. 1844120

Had a tranny at work today. Literally got It's ma'am!ed lmao.

No. 1844220

not a huge madonna fan but this song always feels like a stab of adrenaline. i love it so much and the video is great too

No. 1844233

Day 1 of trying to exercise and my legs are burning so bad. I can't wait to eat a chicken sausage and broccoli after this.

No. 1844288>>1844290

I made some hot chocolate and I'm having bad cramps.

No. 1844290

Yeah I don't know where people got the myth that chocolate helps with period cramps. Chocolate never helped for me at all.

No. 1844520

Omg I found it!! Well my friend did. I deep cleaned everything like that but found nothing, because my friend had already checked her house and it wasn’t there…but this morning she messaged that she found it!
I had thrown it in the washer with a load of her houses’ clothes (stayed there longer than expected) and since it was inside out, she missed seeing it sitting next to another plain black shirt when she searched. It shows how easy my life is that I am so happy over this but I can’t help it. I really thought it was gone.

No. 1844549

I take like 5 times as long to drink tea as I do to drink coffee.

No. 1844742>>1845280

File (hide): 1704772585039.jpg (8.31 KB, 240x240, 1000006527.jpg)

I hate how I will think about retarded shit and then I will remember some shitty memory from my school days.
I was peeing and thought
>geez it's night and I pee too loudly I wonder if there's some way to make it so I don't pee loudly
And it made me remember of that one time I was at school and other girls would complain a out other girls peeing loudly as if that was the worst thing ever, I even remembered that one time I went to the bathroom and some girls got mad at me because I was peeing in the bathroom and it was like "isn't that just what bathrooms are for???" And they got even more mad at me and isolated me even more.
Ever since then, I stopped using the bathroom whenever there's other people around and that almost fucked up my insides, until I was in college so I stopped giving a fuck.
Just what the hell was all that for?

No. 1844880>>1845340

I tried a super thin brow filter and it looked really good on me and I'm afraid I might go past the point of no return. Thick brows look fucking awful on me anyways

No. 1845027

Bought a tripod on ebay and the seller sent me a cheaper one. However, I got such a good deal out of it (less than half the price and new in box) that I can't be bothered to return it. I also have to use it soon anyways. Kind of annoyed but whatever.

No. 1845072

i did enough snooping now i dont know how i feel lol

No. 1845280

you went to school with psychos who don't understand public vs private space

No. 1845302

It's currently below 0°C here and my trench coat is enough to keep me warm, it's not thick but it's isolating me enough for some reason.

No. 1845340

I wish I could relate, my eyebrows are naturally thin and accentuate my huge schnoz.

No. 1845349

CP bump

No. 1845681

It was storming earlier and lightning hit super close to my house. I got so scared kek. I'm not quite sure why, but now the sky is a little orange so everything has a rosy tint.

No. 1845693

It's raining, I can hear it, thanks Goddess

No. 1845763

going on a date this weekend for the first time since i was like 13. im excited

No. 1846168>>1846915

File (hide): 1704858285114.jpg (76.36 KB, 548x513, 7084f79ac96d6c6d95175be9b8cb39…)

Yesterday my hula hopping record was 44 seconds (or 56 seconds? I can't exactly remember) and today it was 10 mins 1 sec. I can feel my body becoming more resistant to fatigue. Time to start walking again too.

No. 1846315

File (hide): 1704863346686.jpg (59.1 KB, 570x613, Fair Isle Handknit Dachshund S…)

I'm so chilly but the chill is making me too tired to get up to turn the AC on. A toxic cycle of coldness.

No. 1846870

I desperately want some peach tea with a healthy squeeze of lemon juice, but I have no sugar. If I could put a sad face here I would.

No. 1846915

Thank you for inspiring me anon. I have a hula hoop I should really use more. fat goes to my stomach so easily

No. 1846994

I stopped smoking and drinking for a while but I drank yesterday and holy shit I feel awful. Guess I'm participating in dry January or dry forever, I didn't even miss it that much.

No. 1847213

When I scheduled my classes for this semester a couple months ago I was pleased that I managed to get all my classes on the same day since I hate commuting. But now that classes are actually about to start I'm kind of regretting it, tomorrow I have 10 hours of classes with no breaks in between

No. 1847818

File (hide): 1704958345770.jpg (43.73 KB, 828x652, 4fp37o.jpg)

It's so funny to me when someone tries so hard to be ~different~ and contrarian that they refuse to use regular, simplified terms that are socially accessible or whatever because it's not hipster enough for them. Most insufferable type of person and they never grow out of it either which is crazy. It's like speedrunning yourself into picrel.

No. 1848069>>1848090>>1848115

File (hide): 1704988682945.jpg (20.71 KB, 210x371, 0154758634.jpg)

i dug out my old game boy advanced last night and played sims bustin out. ive had the same profile on it since i was a kid and had never been able to beat it but last night i ended up finishing the last 2 missions i had been stuck on as a kid. the game ended and it was bittersweet kek i'm going to make a new profile and play again from the start

No. 1848090>>1848303

That's really sweet anon. The SP was one of my favorite nintendo consoles. I played kingdom hearts, chain of memories on it as a teenager.

No. 1848115>>1848303

nona you’ve inspired me to re-play the the DS version of the urbz: sims in the city
hope you have a great day thank you

No. 1848303

i love it, i'm not really a video game person anymore except for these old consoles and games that i played as a kid. sims bustin out, super mario bros 3 and simpsons road rage were my favourites
it's so much fun nona! i stayed up so much later than i should have because i just lost track of time. can't wait to get home and play more today

No. 1848312

File (hide): 1705000631186.jpg (71.7 KB, 714x381, 8aj0CBIg.jpg)

I'm making progress in not damaging my finger cuts, i'm letting them heal properly but today i've accidentally burnt my finger a bit as i was cooking.

No. 1848550

File (hide): 1705008006164.jpg (78.36 KB, 736x981, 971abfcfb616f7888a4ef15b3fb61e…)

Im trying to decide if I can make hot chocolate by mixing chocolate frosting and almond milk together. It may end up a little greasy but I think it could work

No. 1848652>>1849088

My dad left something simmering, went back on a business call, and if not for me going into the kitchen and turning the gas off probably would've burnt down the house

No. 1849072>>1849076

I'm not very good at art and haven't drawn much since like high school but I found an old sketchbook and have been drawing like crazy the past week. I basically wake up and draw in an almost trance-like state until I go to bed with some small breaks. I've made nothing but shitty drawings of my husbando, it feels like he's possessed me or something

No. 1849076

That's nice!

No. 1849088>>1849092

Glad you're okay. Did you tell him what happened?

No. 1849092

Yes and he apologized
I asked him what the fuck he was boiling and he was attempting to make homemade sugar water since he ran out of syrup

No. 1849093


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1850016>>1850042>>1850048>>1850148>>1850273>>1850295

File (hide): 1705088580578.png (3.4 MB, 1140x1518, my-image.png)

I did a Disney/Pixar tier list just for fun, and it ended up not being fun very quickly because I realized I actually haven't watched the majority of Disney/Pixar movies like I thought I did. I know I really did watch all Dreamworks and Ghibli ones though.

No. 1850033

my hair is so pretty

No. 1850042

All your S tiers are based
>Brother Bear
My niece got me into this movie when she was 3. I loved it so hard.

No. 1850048

>The Fox and the hound.
One day i want to rewatch it while high so maybe I'll cry less? It left a hole in my heart as a kid

No. 1850100

I've been using oat milk for my coffee lately and holy shit it's so tasty. I love the texture too! I don't know why I waited so long to try it.

No. 1850148>>1850273>>1850295

File (hide): 1705092978557.png (1.42 MB, 1140x1094, my-image (1).png)

nona you inspired me and made me realize i haven't seen a lot more than i thought

No. 1850222

File (hide): 1705096655340.png (13.79 KB, 260x353, fuck you.PNG)

I love sudoku and like nonograms but minesweeper sucks ass. I can spend an entire evening doing nothing but the first two, but with minesweeper I'm sitting for what feels twenty minutes on a beginners level just to end up hitting the mine after all after finally almost solving it. I can almost grasp some basic patterns in minesweeper, but they're exhausting and way less intuitive than sudoku and nonograms.

No. 1850273>>1850295

File (hide): 1705099173975.png (2.94 MB, 1140x1652, my-image.png)

you have good taste!! I have a weak spot for all the old traditionally animated princess movies, even if the stories aren't anything special the art and music are always incredible. My mom loves disney so I grew up with lots of the movies on VHS kek it's all very nostalgic
>shouldn't have been made

No. 1850281

File (hide): 1705099620028.jpg (72.44 KB, 800x533, 1666690973356.jpg)

I downloaded the Sims 1 and 2 for nostalgia's sake and it's genuinely so much fun as an adult kek The sims 2 crashes after an hour but it's probably for the best because then I'll literally never stop playing.

No. 1850295>>1850301

No. 1850301

No. 1850694>>1850745>>1850789

I've recently started liking ketchup. I'm eating a breakfast sandwich with ketchup right now. Also, American cheese is the best

No. 1850745

People make fun of me for it but I fucking love American cheese. It's so good.

No. 1850789

I only recently started liking ketchup and ketchup chips mm so good nonnie, have you tried them?

No. 1851117>>1851124>>1851126>>1851364

Im just now realizing how ugly my feet are. They look like an old wrinkly dry ass.

No. 1851124

Mine are so wide, like, the toes are wide

No. 1851126>>1851132>>1851165

Anon you sound gross/ugly

No. 1851132>>1851144>>1851378

But what is she supposed to do about it? Feet are feet, you cannot get surgery for ugly feet

No. 1851144

Yeah but her feet look like an old wrinkled diseased butt

No. 1851165>>1851297

Ok Tarantino sorry my feet aren't pretty

No. 1851275

We made homemade giant chocolate chip cookies last night (like 4tbl a cookie) and used them for ice cream sandwiches

No. 1851297

You didn’t have to offend our sensibilities by sharing a perverse description of your horrorcow feet

No. 1851364>>1851433

that means they're doing a good job at carrying your body around this world.

No. 1851378

if they're dry you can always moisturize them

No. 1851433

Nta but this is such a cute way of thinking about it. I will never shit-talk my weird feet again

No. 1851700>>1852049

File (hide): 1705159382942.jpg (3.94 MB, 3544x2547, 1657833382579.jpg)

I always thought I was slow at video games because I compared myself to steam reviewers and had like twice or thrice the amount of hours played for a single playthrough. I realized though that I only ever checked for voiced visual novels, and I always let the characters speak their full lines, so it's probably due to that, since, after checking actual games on howlongtobeat, I seem to be flat-out average.

No. 1852049

I like to take my time with games too nonnie, it's not a huge issue. Plus bear in mind nowadays there's a speedrunning community for so many different games, and the people create sock accounts to practice runs etc., so they kinda falsify the Steam stats for normal people playing times.

No. 1852920>>1852962

File (hide): 1705188378753.gif (10.15 KB, 220x220, vdf.gif)

Sometimes there's nothing more relaxing than lying in bed reading an ongoing infight on lolcow. Hope the nonnies get to let it all out.

No. 1852962

kek nonnie I just had the mental image of someone just settling down with a hot drink and serenely scrolling through page after page of redtexted posts. Typical Saturday night activity

No. 1853054>>1853070

Warming up my lipgloss by keeping it under my laptop while I play games

No. 1853070

You live in the year 3000

No. 1853089

Brushing my teeth right now and scrolling lolcow

No. 1853168>>1853176>>1853266

tried to make a bootleg spicy chick-fil-a sandwich so i added red pepper flakes to the cheese and it was tasty but it wasn't remotely spicy, not sure why.

No. 1853176>>1853190

You needed pepperjack cheese and if I remember correctly the spiciness comes from how they marinate the chicken breading or something

No. 1853190>>1853194

what is pepperjack cheese if not cheese with pepper added?

No. 1853194

Listen do you want diet pepsi or bepis.

No. 1853266>>1853267

maybe you should ask the chick fil a drive thru driver

No. 1853267

Yes hello 16 year old laborer what recipe do you use for your chickens

No. 1853342>>1853345

File (hide): 1705210841691.jpeg (54.74 KB, 400x225, IMG_1027.jpeg)

I’m stoned and watching Wildboyz like it’s 2004 hell yeah

No. 1853345

I used to watch this so I could hang out with the hot older guys who skateboarded and it was like purgatory for me. And then they would buy gallons of milk and have contests chugging it until they threw up and I had to pretend I thought they were cool

No. 1853514

I wanna eat but I hit my calories limit for the day so I'm just reminding myself that I'm gonna be asleep in like 2-3 hours anyway.

No. 1853542

i like to crank up the heat in my shower so that it's scalding hot. then i'll open my window (right next to me), look at the snow-covered trees, let the cold air brush my face and pretend i'm in a cozy spa in Norway

No. 1853702>>1853707

tomorrow is my last day at work so i'm making funfetti cake.

No. 1853705

I'm going to go out and see if this shop in town carries an obscure brand of perfume I've been wanting to try.

No. 1853707

Sounds nice and fun godspeed

No. 1854225

File (hide): 1705257994249.jpg (623.88 KB, 1738x1861, 20240114_134436.jpg)

I love this woman's illustrations

No. 1855284

I can often tell something is AI just from a small thumbnail, you don't need to zoom in to see the details for inconsistencies. I have no idea what it is that makes small (sometimes very small) images trigger bells. Something about the pixels.

It has ruined pinterest unfortunately. Sad.

No. 1855772>>1855792

I was lurking on lsa and saw some tinfoiling about how a youtube vlogger I used to follow has a thing with bruno mars and got an sti from him KEKK such an unexpected crossover. I do remember when she vlogged going to his show in vegas but that was a while ago so who knows

No. 1855792>>1855799

give us the name wtf

No. 1855799

Oh her name is caitlyn rae my bad

No. 1855893>>1855897>>1855899

File (hide): 1705348466012.jpeg (72.33 KB, 488x488, GUEST_f525ff27-2e41-4952-af3b-…)

I can't wait to eat you later.

No. 1855897>>1855901

I keep seeing these what are they? enjoy

No. 1855899>>1855901

oh its greek yogurt, but how is it compared to like oikos?

No. 1855901>>1855918

File (hide): 1705348834227.jpg (54.26 KB, 600x600, 2500857.jpg)

Just yogurt with some toppings. I only started eating them recently, they are pretty darn good
I don't think I've had oikos so I'm not sure. I pretty much just eat Yoplait Oui, Noosa and now Chobani.

No. 1855918>>1855969

I've seen these, they're the same thing as a muller corner right?

No. 1855969

File (hide): 1705352432268.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2700x999, 1.jpeg)

Never had them but yeah they look similar. I don't think chobani has fruit jam toppings though, it's just dry toppings.

No. 1856122

I finally found the time to get a haircut. The last one I got was so bad, it's like they were afraid of giving me a short cut so they refused to cut it too much and said "well, it'll curl up later so it'll look shorter". It did not and it made me look so much older. At least now it looks cute and curls at the length I actually want.

No. 1856167

I got a cutesy pen off Aliexpress and it's surprisingly amazing quality, super thin gel pen and so fun to doodle with.

No. 1856176>>1856177>>1856180>>1856182

Anons I'm so stressed right now. I'm in a Walmart, a dude (who was sagging his pants, ew!) walked by me twice and both times I caught him straining his neck to look at me. Then he actually tried to say hi, I was wearing headphones so I took them out and waved but then put them back in and walked out the aisle. I honestly just don't want to come across him again cause I believe he'll try to talk to me and I don't want the bullshit tonight. Anyway I'm hanging out by some stationary right now, I'm gonna head to the personal care aisles and then circle back to finish my shopping.

No. 1856177

Ah shit, I just saw him but I don't think he saw me

No. 1856180>>1856211

next time don't wave, it can be seen interpreted as encouraging though you meant to just be polite. I usually just nod or give a thumbs up. Hopefully he doesn't see you again, how awkward

No. 1856182>>1856211

Most straight men do this. Young, old, middle aged, anything. Even if you're wearing a fucking burka, next time you're at a store and there aren't many people around, turn around when a man is passing you and watch how as long as there aren't people around, he will turn around to stare or glance. You could have six teeth and a fucking moomoo on and as long as you weigh less than 300 lbs you will always see some ugly old loser doing it.

No. 1856203>>1856237

File (hide): 1705367679851.jpg (149.38 KB, 1200x1799, cornbread.jpg)

>mom says she's going to make cornbread so i should get up and turn the oven on
>do it
>"okay nona i want you to make it actually, it's cold and i don't feel like getting up"
>tell her the kitchen's a mess and i'd rather not navigate around it; since she offered to make it, i assumed she had a plan (i cooked and cleaned yesterday – kitchen's a mess again because she was doing shit earlier today)
>she goes oh okay
>tells me she's not making cornbread anymore
i wish she hadn't said anything…i'd clean up but it is cold as fuck

No. 1856211>>1856217

I made it out alive!
Yeah, I know I shouldn't wave or acknowledge them, but when I'm in public I'm always subconsciously aware I may come off as rude due to RBF and social anxiety so I guess I automatically try to combat that. Usually if a man comes up to me in public, they compliment me so I say thank you and then turn around and walk straight away. Usually they don't follow or try to call me back.
>You could have six teeth and a fucking moomoo on
This is true because I actually have on a terrible wig that I just plopped on my head today

Also I forgot to say, he was short. I didn't even really think about it at the time but he was really close to my height (5'3")

No. 1856217>>1857250

Oh wait maybe he was debating on whether or not to tell you your lace was riding up (kidding)

No. 1856221

It's Martin Luther King day and I feel like he would have wanted my chemistry books to have been delivered today rather than tomorrow.

No. 1856237

Does your mother not know how to turn on the oven? Cause mine doesn't and asks me to do it everytime she bakes something

No. 1856243

File (hide): 1705370131446.jpeg (72.47 KB, 735x713, 6B45D6F8-7118-40FA-B399-8CFCE3…)

my dad offered to help me learn how to drive (i was scared before) and he tried to get me to go in reverse AND start the car uphill within the first hour, he's literally crazy for that because i've never touched a steering wheel in my life before but i kinda managed.

No. 1856567

File (hide): 1705385965873.gif (148.23 KB, 220x147, pumpkin-smash.gif)

It's so beautiful the infinite amount of things you can imagine in your mind palace and no one can stop you. You can rotate cubes, explode them, etc.

No. 1856811

Just got a new sketchbook, my old one was a few pages away from being filled up but I completely neglected it the past few months because it has so many bad memories tied to it. Time for a fresh start ♥

No. 1856827>>1856833>>1856853

File (hide): 1705414112542.jpg (63.78 KB, 500x500, artworks-x0g4e0ywUJR7HI3r-4I7P…)

>leave shit job
>still in touch with old coworkers
>coworker messages me
>says she misses the insane things i always said
>"like the one time you came into work and said you felt like a horse lately"
>don't remember this
>"it's because you love oats so much"
>look at my breakfast bowl
>it's warm oatmeal with oat milk, nothing else
>i'm a horse?

No. 1856833>>1856865

Kek. Assigned horse at work.

No. 1856853>>1856865

File (hide): 1705415176853.jpeg (290.25 KB, 1150x1056, IMG_4852.jpeg)

No. 1856865>>1856919

i wish i was on social media so i could put ahaw in my bio

fuck yeah, i'd do that too

No. 1856917>>1857758

Got my braces yesterday and I am in so much pain. Dear god, I would have thought twice about this if I knew it would be this painful. I don't have any pain killers either because you're only supposed to use Tylenol and I don't have any.

No. 1856919

More like yee-haw, am I right?

No. 1856964

I like dogs a lot, they're adorable.

No. 1857250>>1857817

Kek anon

No. 1857305

I'm completely over my kpoop phase, but I randomly got Tiffanys cover of Umbrella in my YouTube recs and I turned back into a fangirling thirteen year old for four minutes.

No. 1857758

Drinking or rinsing your mouth with something warm helps, plus of course eating soft food. When you first get them is the worst, but it goes away after a few days, it might hurt when you get maintenance too but never as bad as when you get them installed.

No. 1857769>>1857795

I so desperately just want to eat another yogurt (I've already had two today), but instead I'll make some chicken sausage, rice and broccoli

No. 1857795>>1858183

Samefag, it seems that my water pipes are frozen soo….more yogurt for me!

No. 1857817

You shoulda stuck your foot out one big toe wouldve sent his little ass flying

No. 1858142

File (hide): 1705470451155.jpg (141.14 KB, 1284x1910, 20240116_211055.jpg)

This is what anons who overanalyze Ariana Grandes body sound like

No. 1858183

File (hide): 1705471139345.jpg (31.39 KB, 400x400, 11f2176893b70c8ca3f96a853c986c…)

My water is back! Arrrriba! I ate two yogurts with fruit and a microwave sausage while it was gone. I think I'm gonna make a grilled cheese tbh.

I'm so happy I can shower now. I peed once and had to use alcohol to clean my hands after, plus I have a bloody wound on my finger from picking at a hangnail. O feel so dirty.

No. 1858422

For some reasons my alarms suddenly stopped waking me up. I've tried different sounds, multiple alarms. Nothing works. Damn it, this is such a nuisance.

No. 1858464

I keep getting scam phone calls asking me if I'm a home owner in a specific region, I only lived there for 2 years 7 years ago, but I think the last time I ordered something from Amazon was when I was living there, I guess they sold my personal informations.

No. 1858718

cut my toenail foo short and it's ugly. i really don't feel like cutting the other one the same length to make them even. i'm so pissed rn my feet are already ugly as is

No. 1858944

Eating the 4th orange of the day, I'm also cold

No. 1858949

File (hide): 1705518407538.jpeg (720.36 KB, 1170x1020, IMG_6504.jpeg)

hope he dies soon

No. 1858957

It's so warm my dog isn't asking me to take him for a walk, usually by now he'd be whining.

No. 1859281>>1859289

File (hide): 1705536337338.jpg (197.89 KB, 735x900, d2ba879d40f476f859d5711b5cb4a2…)

Crocheting and watching Snowpiercer for the first time on this lovely Wednesday night. I would've attended the movie night but unfortunately I had no time, it's been so long since I've been there.

No. 1859289

Samefag but wow Edgar was done so dirty. Miss you, sexy Irish man

No. 1859652

Figured out my faucet has sediment stuck in it after frozen pipes and low pressure. Sucks that I can't find a way to clear it at all so I replaced it with the original faucet that was here when I moved in and it's so ugly lol. But glad to have water again.

No. 1859741>>1859753

I have a Drs appointment tomorrow that I need to be up for and it's already almost 4AM.

No. 1859753

Hahaha me and you are in the same boat… may we sleep soon

No. 1859953

File (hide): 1705591774859.jpg (132.3 KB, 736x1104, cd77ae73079db580fdda68d8b9f470…)

Just found the $170 ember mug (one of those fancy mugs that keeps your drink warm) my ex-coworker left behind when she retired. She never came back for it and didn't ask anyone to mail it to her so it's mine now kek. It still works too, I'm so happy I've always wanted something like this

No. 1860107>>1860190

File (hide): 1705601002558.jpg (86.9 KB, 540x540, 174564564.jpg)

Tried co-washing for the past two days, hair looks normal but my scalp feels gross while drying, 1/10, won't do it again, will stick to daily shampooing.

No. 1860176>>1860179

File (hide): 1705603304442.jpg (261.54 KB, 500x500, Quesabirria_Tacos.jpg)

i'm going to get a french onion soup and quesabirria tacos tonight for my birthday dinner. i've had this planned for a week, i'm excited.

No. 1860177


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1860179

That looks goooooood

No. 1860190>>1860193

Hatsune miku.

No. 1860193

File (hide): 1705603741166.png (225.08 KB, 799x427, sekaideichibannohimesamasouiua…)

Two out of three times I've used that image on here I've gotten this reaction.

No. 1860224

new thread

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