File: 1482836506799.gif (Spoiler Image,10.68 MB, 836x891, oh jrgee.gif)

No. 173787
File: 1482884882382.png (732.19 KB, 696x423, how's this possible indeed.PNG)

>>173777Lmao the inconsistency. You have, on one hand, the well drawn, neatly panels and then the art style changes in a split second (picture related).
The author has no idea how to build up tension or how to build a character. They just shoved in our face the fact that the protagonist has to move in with a dude for 5 months from the prologue.
Don't even get me started on the second chapter.
I'm still probably going to read all of that because I like reading bad webcomics once in a while lmao.
No. 173815
File: 1482896906412.gif (233.15 KB, 250x360, 1fcdfo.gif)

So many gifs of tracing on the Sindy Pop threads, mainly on
>>>/snow/198249If you Ctrl+F ".gif" you should find them all. She's still adamantly denying they're traced, and claims it's all "referenced work, and that the lines "don't match perfectly". But if 90% of your lines ARE matching perfectly, that says something
Pic is on the thread, related
No. 173819
File: 1482898621767.png (234.92 KB, 313x461, jackie_diaz.png)

can't have a tracing thread without the classic
No. 173820
File: 1482898717812.jpg (116.1 KB, 558x1023, 1446938611134.jpg)

No. 173871
this person was actually rising to be a super successful and popular artist on Deviantart, she's actually charging up to $500 for commissions (fucking crazy), and is getting $600 through patreon. She has a nice style, so I guess I can see why, but it was recently found out that she traces the mega popular artist Sakimichan.
even worse, she has been caught tracing before, and each time she is outed, she simply abandons the account and comes back with a new name and does the same thing all over again. I read that she's had 7 accounts. No. 173891
File: 1482932363230.jpg (458.97 KB, 1280x1280, fT8h6LV.jpg)

>>173787>>173777Yeah I am also very suprised it's so popular. While looking through it for traced images I was just astounded about how utterly dumb the plot is. They can't even make any of their characters interesting. Maybe it's just that one of the main characters is a Haru (Free) clone. Oh and I guess child abuse makes you have an edgy dark side and a rapist as well.
>>173871It always pisses me off when they are caught and they deny like there's no day tomorrow. It's also funny that she traced off Kuvshinov-Ilya who is another tracer.
No. 173894
File: 1482933293208.png (511.65 KB, 1070x893, aR320U1.png)

>>173892I didn't make this image, but the image lines up perfectly in most parts of the image. Either way if he wasn't planning to plagiarize in the very least, he should of wrote what he referenced to show it was his spin on it. Also he shouldn't of sold that work either.
No. 173896
>>173891he came out and accepted responsibility and apologized for these references/traces. if he does heavily reference, he posts credit.
he hasn't seemed to have done it since he was called out.
ruskie does have skill and it was disappointing to see it go down like that. even those with talent and skill can be dipshits.
No. 173897
>>173871How fucking stupid can she be to copy some of the biggest artists on DeviantArt?? Does she not realize the fact that it's really obvious because of the inconsistency? She has a piece in Sakimichan's style, then she makes another one in Kuvshinov Ilya's style.
>>173891Wait, Ilya is a tracer? Damn, that's a pity, I actually liked him lol.
No. 173901
File: 1482936444265.jpg (155.63 KB, 377x317, AHAHAHA.jpg)

>>173897Sage for samefag but it's baffling how many people are defending him here though the picture he used to illustrate his apology is an EXACT copy.
It's so annoying how he's trying to clear his name by saying that he didn't mention that they were original works, so it's ok!
God, I wish I never heard about this, lost my respect for him.
Also, kek at these comments
>>He's not making exact duplicates of it, he's adding his own twist to it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And
>>what bugs me is that this isn't a big issue when you use photo references, but holy shit, is it ever when use another drawing.I'm all for using references, that's obviously something necessary when you're learning the basics. However, Ilya's works are OBVIOUSLY plagiarized. Plus, he's not a beginner anymore. He should've known better and tbh, his apology sounds VERY half-arsed.
No. 173905
>>173896Oh I was unaware he apologized. At least he owned up to it. He definitely does have skill, however he still used tracing as a crutch. It is definitely sad to see.
>>173901It is definitely a little silly but at least he credited the original artist so that's a start. If he ever gets caught tracing again though the little respect I have for him will be gone.
No. 173906
File: 1482938923134.png (1.18 MB, 1280x1078, tumblr_odisztafVy1vg3n1jo2_128…)

I remember a while ago there was this huge drama on twitter concerning Milkybreads tracing all their art.
It was even worse because they sold most of it on conventions, had an online store and made a lot of money from it.
IIRC they made an apology post after everyone turned to hating them and asking for refunds, but it sounded really half assed and tried to blame her tracing on their medicaton kek
It was even more ironic because they constantly preached on tumblr about not tracing because you wont improve and all that other bullshit.
No. 173909
File: 1482939291902.png (245.42 KB, 500x326, 5555.png)

>>173896>>173901I just realized he still traced after he apologized. I can't find where it is anymore but he did subway sketches after and he claimed this was one of them.
No. 173925
>>173909I mean it's still stupid but hey at least he's not selling the sketches anymore?
Plus, I don't think that can be called tracing, just using references hardcore, the pictures are in two different mediums so I assume he looked at the picture and drew along on paper. I hope this makes sense?
Do you remember if he at least credited the cosplayer?
No. 173944
>>173906 I always get a kick out of traced art when it becomes really obvious that the person can't draw outside of what's being copied.
Here's another one from back in the day. No. 173945
File: 1482950974746.gif (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 400x610, output_ezl0JQ.gif)

>>173925I deleted my post earlier, but the images line up too well to be heavy referencing. I mean if he went lengths to invert the way the seats are going I don't see why he wouldn't change the umbrella position or change the face to better suit his style and proportions. Being two different mediums are irrelevant, there are definitely people out there who would go out of there way to print the picture or just ruin their laptop screen and trace over it. Also no, he never credited the cosplayer or photographer and claimed he drew it on the train. Now again I'm not saying he's not a bad artist, he just has trouble drawing anything other than faces so he uses tracing as a crutch. Like just look at the skirt and the placement of everything, if he was using grids why did he go out of the way to change little details like the length of the sleeves or the indent of the jacket?
No. 173948
File: 1482952548988.jpg (47.4 KB, 500x241, No-Game-No-Life-Tracing-Compar…)

Remember when the creator of No Game No Life was caught tracing?
No. 173952
>>173945Ah damn anon that's really bad.
I mean, I thought he just looked at the picture and drew along but that's clearly traced.
Man, I wish he'd get out of his comfort zone and stop drawing 3/4 ~*kawaii*~ animu girls. He's skilled but he's blowing his potential on generic portraits.
His characters are always floating in this white or colored void, he's never drawing any background to them.
If there's anything I learned in 2016 in terms of art, it's that a picture is much more exciting as soon as you place your character in an environment. Then, you can play around with the shadows, lights, reflections and colors and your picture just becomes overall more interesting.
Artists that don't exploit their full potential and just shit on their own works piss me off.
No. 173984
File: 1482965853326.gif (176.93 KB, 270x360, 15134403_10205920051799519_166…)

More joys from the depths of Sindy Pop's traced art. Except this one is being sold on her Redbubble: according to her in the recent drama where she was denied a vendors table at a convention because the organisers could tell the art was traced, she claims that the lines don't match up, and she just "redrew" someone elses art.
And also claims she
tried to get permission from the original artists before selling it but because of language barriers never got a reply…which totally gives her the right to sell it anyway
No. 173985
File: 1482966722113.png (336.5 KB, 800x447, 2vn0744.png)

That one popular Vocaloid PV artist that traced from stock images. She did art for Magnet, Cendrillion, Just Be Friends etc. No. 173998
>>173947 most recent one was an artist named Junkyardrabbit. She traced some of Slug's drawings and he made a tumblr post talking about it, since he had spoken to her in the past about her tracing via DMs. Slug doesn't give a shit about people tracing his work, but i'm guessing some people kept bringing her up to him and he was fed up about it seeing she didn't stop and learn her lesson. He even defended her and gave her a heads up to not be obvious in the past. It's not so much as her heavily referencing his work, but people did find out some of her work did look suspiciously similar to his. He went on Twitter to voice his thoughts and he wasn't too happy about it. Of course, Junkyard had to defend herself via tumblr and twitter by making excuses that she uses women as a reference but it's pretty obvious. journal is full of salty kids voicing how they hate Slugbox and everything about him because he "should've made everything private and not public". But when you have a person tracing over your shit for a few years and they don't stop, of course you're going to bring it up to the public.
No. 174001
>>173998He really went and called her out, and for good reason. The first few I wouldn't have noticed but the leg tracings you cannot hide at all.
Her bitchfit about getting called out is the most embarrassing part.
No. 174019
Ilya is not a tracer. I literally just came back from /ic/ defending him lol. These things in OP's image are called "master studies", it's when you copy by observation (not tracing) as a way to figure out another artist's techniques or to adopt a bit of their style. The thing is that you're not suppose to upload them online, especially not without credit. That was Ilya's mistake and he admitted it, but he didn't trace.
No. 174022
>>174019>using highly stylised works for master studiesEven if they are master studies (fucking really though?), he should've stated it. Whenever you heavily reference something you should disclose that, it's common practice.
He's a decent painter, but his work is all same-face, dime-a-dozen weebshit. Why people like you work so hard to defend him is baffling.
No. 174069
File: 1483001061007.jpg (319.54 KB, 1100x1328, fb.jpg)

>>174030you're all kinds of stupid and clearly don't know what you're talking about. i'm an artist who does both commissions and freelance work for years. I know how to tell one thing from another. first of all, "master study" is only a word for studying other artworks in order to pick up the style/techniques of the original artist. The word comes from the act of studying the works of the old masters pre-20th century to learn from them (pic related is an example of a master study of a work by the old artist Bouguereau). When someone does that to a photograph like the sketch you showed, it's just called a study. Millions of artists do studies of photos, because it's literally the foundation of how to improve. If you don't know that, then you're either not a serious artist, or just not an artist at all. And btw, you don't need a grid to make a very accurate copy if you're already a good artist. The better you get, the better your observational skills get.
The problem is you're not supposed to post your studies online since they're meant only for practice, especially if you didn't ask for permission to post it. Posting "master studies" is much worse because they're somebody else's drawings, if you don't give credit, then it could easily come across as you trying to pass it as your own. That's what happened to Ilya, and that's what he apologized for. He did not trace, and he clarified that in his apology. At least
>>174021 and
>>174022 are mad about the right thing.
No. 174073
File: 1483002142647.png (170.11 KB, 750x851, IMG_3992.PNG)

I have always suspected ilya of tracing but he always using the term "study" as to imply a reference of some sort. Some of the urban backgrounds he's used look like photos that were heavily filtered and drawn on a little.
Pic shown literally looks like a photo of a toy that was tinkered in photoshop and then drawn on.
No. 174074
File: 1483003038857.gif (1.4 MB, 600x600, 1423193687255.gif)

>>174073That's actually not the worst offense hes done, and the list that floats around showing what he traced wasn't even truly what he did wrong. There were numerous threads on 4chan that found out about how he filtered the crap out of real photos and drew the eyes over it to make it look enough like a 3d painting. Hence why he never showed his layers in his tutorial. After getting caught for a while, He noticeably stopped doing art that looked super realistic, and stuck with flat 2d color painting instead. So it actually was worse than tracing for what people thought- he also copied pasted filtered lips, eyes and reused it on multiple pictures. Like the rotoscope above he traced every frame from the movie and of course a lot of ppl believed he did it on his own lol
No. 174093
>>174030How can you even defend him after all the proof posted ITT?
I mean, I understand the notion of master studying, but he's… not doing that. He's literally tracing the pose (and if you can't see that you might want to get your eyes checked) and changes the eyes to fit his weeb aesthetic. How is that practicing a style in order to pick it up? He was not only posting the
>>>>>>master studiesbut also selling them.
You might also want to check
>>174008where he's, again, putting stolen art up for commercial use.
You're so, so, sooo gullible, anon.
You might think Ilya learned his lesson and credited artists after he apologized lmao.
No. 174094
>>174093Fuck I knew I'm going to mess up because I am on my phone lmaoo. I ment that for
>>174069, sorry!
No. 174099
>>174008I have not seen this until now and it makes me filled with anger. How can this man ever be proud of his work? His is not even good compared to the original
>>174094 It's okay we all make mistakes.
No. 174123
>>174074Pretty sure you're thinking of a different artist with the usage of the same filtered photos of lips/other facial features. That was Irakli or Iraki (I don't remember–something like Nadar Irakli?). Some other artist challenged him to a livestreaming challenge but for some reason he apologized and said "nah, Iraki is all good".
What pisses me off about Ilya is that he's a fucking academically trained Russian but all he does is redraws other artists' work and the same portrait over and over again.
Plus when he's using other artists' work for reference, he gets so fucking lazy and ends up skewing up shit like perspective or foreshortening. The solution is in the original art, all (literally) drawn out for you, and you fuck it up?
No. 174124
>>173985I am very anti tracing myself but I remember the Yunomi drama.
Whether or not she did anything wrong from an artistic point is debatable but she didn't do anything wrong by tracing those pictures. She paid for those stock photos, so she is allowed to trace them if she wants to.
In my opinion it makes her a lazy artist but at the same time I don't think it's exactly fair to lump her in with the other people here who just rip off other people's art.
No. 174129
>>174101>>174077to be honest, i never once considered this to be theft. for a period of MONTHS there was this "redraw screencaps" meme on tumblr and this falls under that.
so i disregard this particular image as a supposed theft.
however the Death Parade redraw he did was basically a trace and had none of his signature style outside of some simple colouring.
No. 174133
File: 1483023645755.gif (716.63 KB, 667x750, 1456428406252.gif)

When does a reference go too far ?
No. 174146
File: 1483033346827.png (713.17 KB, 950x479, 1423151239129.png)

>>174123Nah it was the same guy. You can still find the archived threads from 4chan on it, everyone pretty much hates him there. Some anons even mockingly tried to do his same technique for a few hours and accomplished almost the same look. You don't see much of his 3d realistoc renderings so often anymore maybe due to image flip searches.
No. 174155
File: 1483037903246.png (169.05 KB, 750x1070, IMG_3998.PNG)

>>174149Or download that Prisma app and just pick a filter. I swear that's what his "redraws" look like.
No. 174157
File: 1483038425283.jpg (374.18 KB, 984x1320, IMG_3999.JPG)

Here's a photo of a lemon I took and ran it through prisma. In two seconds I painted a lemon.
No. 174159
File: 1483039596071.jpg (98.61 KB, 616x616, IMG_20161229_122412_processed.…)

>>174155Top fucking kek anon. I downloaded a Nathan Drake pic and ran it through one of the filters. Looks almost like that redraw's style.
No. 174161
>>174073>Some of the urban backgrounds he's used look like photos that were heavily filtered and drawn on a little. He made a tutorial for backgrounds and that's exactly what he does, he uses photoshop to adjust them. Kind of like some manga artists that draw digitally but with less subtlety.
>Pic shown literally looks like a photo of a toy that was tinkered in photoshop and then drawn on. Since he's already been caught copying images of figures I wouldn't be surprised. I don't remember their name but it reminds me of a comic book artist was caught copying a Lego model of a spaceship in a series he worked on.
No. 174187
>>174180I think he intentionally keeps a low profile because he's barely doing anything besides drawing fanart for Patreon while living in Japan. He was at the summer comiket and recently had a small book with his art published but that's it. There's no way he could do work for film or animation studios when his only draw is 3/4 portraits, and he had said he wants to make his own manga but the comic art he's already made is extremely lackluster.
The other thing is that he just makes shit up a lot, too. The "sketch" of the cosplayer is a perfect example, since he claimed to have made it while he was riding a train, but it's obviously an illustration that would have taken 30-40 minutes for him to draw.
Unless he finds a publisher to do book illustrations for or something similar he's going to be lazy and stick with Patreon fanart as his main source of income.
No. 174237
>>174208 He's a gigantic weeaboo and makes over $10,000 a month with Patreon, so I think that says enough about him being able to afford to stay in Japan.
His art is also very popular on Pixiv and nobody seems to be aware of his tracing yet. Even Shinichi Sakamoto
whyyy of all people it had to be him goddammit ;_; made a post on instagram about his artbook .
No. 174784
File: 1483276525845.png (381.1 KB, 542x410, bleh.png)

Is it just me or is the main character of Ecstasy Hearts HEAVILY based off Haruka Nanase? It took me a while to put my finger on it, but I felt like I've seen him before ever since the first episode.
I took a screenshot and flipped it and it kinda looks like him?
Sage for tinfoil hat.
No. 174853
>>174797>>174819Ha, I guess. It's just that his hair (and by that I mean the streaks themselves) looked a bit alike.
But yeah, all the ~*handsome animu boys*~ look alike at the end of the day.
No. 174948
>>174146No, the artist you're definitely talking about is Irakli Nadar. I spent a shit lot of time in Irakli and Kr0n threads–Kr0n redraws others' work (he's technically not 'tracing', he's eyeballing) while Irakli just makes pretty photo manips and chickened out of live streaming. This is one of Irakli's "pieces"
>>174196I can't find the threads about the other guy challenging Irakli but here's some threads:
>>>>>174237>tfw LeSean Thomas bought Ilya's art-book and promo'd it on TwitterI'm salty.
No. 180303
>>173871saddest part is how she became popular by tracing other people's art and some people never realized it, now she keeps getting support, even when her art quality decreased substantialy since she (apparently) stopped tracing, and now she acts like it never happened, she even deleted most of the traced work (which was like, 70-80% of her gallery), also worst part about her $500 commissions is that they were probably traced as well: >>173897she did it purposely knowing that popular artist don't usually get involved in drama (sakimi, kron, zeroni, etc), even when their own art is being traced, it has been like that since she started tracing several accounts ago, she traces popular artist but they never say anything about it so she can get away with it, what I don't understand is what kind of brainwashing she does to her followers for them to not notice it or even deny it even when there's a lot of evidence right in front of them
No. 186254
>>180303>>173871This really goes to show that people who whine about getting no attention for their art really just need to stop making excuses.
This bitch had NO skill but was able to bring herself to great popularity on numerous accounts just by pandering and putting out unoriginal content regularly.
No. 186303
>>186295Dude, they are the same person. He changed his username after he got called out for plagiarism/improper crediting. You know, so he could get lose some of the negativity attached to his name.
But Kr0n numyumy and guweiz are all pretty bad when it comes to theft, Kr0n not so much anymore. Copyright is a bitch, huh
No. 186996
>>186254It's also interesting how people who traces, heavily references or copy from other artists usually gets the more solid fan-base, that one that no matter how much proof you throw at them they'll still believing in the innocence of the thief and even will deny it. There're people who defend Numyumy by saying that tracing and overpainting is something that artist do in the industry so it's completely justified, but there's a big difference between tracing photos to pull out a concept that probably will never see the daylight and tracing photos (that are not stock and are probably copyrighted) to trick brainwashed people to believe that you have more skill than what you actually have, extra points if you claim it's 100% your original work and advertise it on your patreon as such
>>186208heck, if that's true then he's a completely hypocrite will all that "I practice 12 hours a day" bullshit
No. 281870
File: 1534559694814.png (1.54 MB, 1440x1478, 20180817_193131.png)

this girl needs to get off her high horse, honestly. "referencing" images from google doesn't suddenly become your creation.
No. 281871
File: 1534559905237.png (1.32 MB, 1440x1439, 20180817_193152.png)

Their handle is @lulubai_ on Instagram and @lulubaii on Twitter, and all of their art is not even their own. They are a heavy user of references yet get mad when called out for tracing. Like bitch, you copied it. Funny story, they got angry at the artist, Francesco Racano, when the artist approached them. Like the audacity of this girl.
No. 296695
File: 1537171904887.jpg (328.65 KB, 1631x597, 00.jpg)

this guy @rudyao on instagram / facebook, every single stuff is basically just a trace over promo art or someone else's art
No. 296696
File: 1537171978598.jpg (598.74 KB, 1261x589, 01.jpg)

same person @rudyao it's kinda gross how popular he gets too
No. 404691
File: 1556637297210.jpg (197.55 KB, 759x817, overlay tracers.jpg)

This is gonna be a rant. I'm getting sick of seeing a bunch of overlay tracers getting insta famous and sometimes it's so hard to even detect when they just get better at hiding their references and get good with coloring overlays with enough facial distortions to bypass reverse image searches.
If anyone knows Tatimoons she definitely traces and I use to follow her only until recently when all of her followers noticed her drastic improvement within 2 weeks time. Funny enough this caught my attention when some kid called her out and said it must be fake when someone gushed over how she improved so fast. She mockingly replies to git gud and how everyone's just being a jelly hater and I regret not capping this but ultimately its what got everyone suspicious. I think she always did an overlay trace, it was only until now that she over does it and makes it more obvious when she makes the portraits have super good colors and realism but have wonky distorted features at times, with animals or accessories lacking in depth comparatively. And ofc the tutorials she posts online are such half baked crap that doesn't help anyone but only shows time skips of the picture obviously being traced.
Attached pic is her older art from 2017-2018 and its harder to find the references for the images that got her big but I never ever trust people who start off by doing this sort of skeevy shit like Irakli Nadar. I'm just putting this out there that TATIMOONS TRACES for that sweet search engine pulls for anyone curious.
No. 405101
>>405093Anons that screech about nEvEr PoSt StUdIeS are wrong. You can totally post a study as long as you don't try to sell it. It is good etiquette to credit and include the original work you're studying the style of, or the reference image if you've extremely heavily referenced. Most people simply type out the name of the artist for credit.
Make it clear that it is a style study and credit the original artist and you're gucci.
No. 405133
>>173704>>405093Tip from my university: No one owns ideas or styles BUT no two styles are the same either.
Go ahead and take what you love about someones art and try it out yourself until you are happy with it, not until it looks the same. Maybe mix and match, let`s say you love themotives of Frida Kahlo and the paint style of Van Gogh, make your own thing out of it! (Just used those two classic ones because everyone knows them)
If you take someones art thinking "Mine should look exactly the same" and you will achieve that, no one will think it is truly your art - oh and it is also half the fun
No. 481754
>>174187>There's no way he could do work for film or animation studios when his only draw is 3/4 portraits, and he had said he wants to make his own manga but the comic art he's already made is extremely lackluster.bumping this bread a bit to celebrate Irya's success as he can now add in his portfolio that he worked on a feature length animated movie and now on a GitS sequel. What the fuck man, e-fame really can carry you that far.
Also his manga is hilariously lazy and bad, take a look:!L4hUXKZC!Bs79kWquVzXpK2sWHt4Czw No. 482111
>>404691Oh shit this trend has been popping up on my instagram explore page and also on pinterest actually. At first I thought they were pretty but
everyone is doing this same style and thing. They're mostly from "egirl" selfies. Now I don't know which ones are traced anymore. And all these artists have TONS of followers somehow (some slight OT artist salt but I've given up on trying to get a following for my artwork because instagram does not even bring traffic to my art posts anymore).
No. 482222
>>481754as a long time fan of GitS i was so fucking disappointed seeing a massive downgrade to the visuals. when i saw that generic east asian "aesthetic"-faced model of the major i already knew it was ilya's style. the 3dcg looked like those generic hentai models you'd see on DLsite
also fucking lol that comic looks like shit, he really can't draw anything that doesn't involve "referencing". the characters look off model in other frames
No. 547140
File: 1588106454878.jpg (Spoiler Image,906.13 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_03-04-12.11.01.jpg)

Brazen and unfair art theft from Mizucat / Mizucatofficial
Please don't support those thiefs anymore!
She is stealing from japanese artists without any permission.
Why artists do this?
Just for fame and money?
No. 547148
File: 1588107873902.png (1.59 MB, 1200x1200, oni.png)

@oni_core is a twitter artist and i found out she traced from two artist so far but im sure she has done more.
she has traced from @kaya7hara and @itou8
No. 547524
File: 1588187375655.png (64.22 KB, 1301x326, llya.png)

>>173891>>173894I use as little buzzwords as I can but I will confidentially say that Illya's style/redraws are fucking ugly, sucks the soul out of the original pictures in his studies.
He's done comics and a movie which sucked ass, but his new 3dcg models in the Ghost in the Shell remake look decent actually. I think his art style has more potential in 3d than 2d.
No. 547839
File: 1588256217008.jpg (270.72 KB, 720x1146, 20200430_161642.jpg)

>>174239That's him.
Looks like a typical pseudointellectual "not like the others" incel.
Source: I'm russian.
No. 552312
File: 1589070037176.png (698.01 KB, 931x599, tracerthot.png)

found this thot through a friend who was gushing about it. Obviously shooping and layering filters on pictures and claiming it as "charcoal work." Check her page out, its pretty lulzy. It's just so stupid how people are easily fooled and how thots are becoming more frequent in the art scene as tracers.
No. 552574
>>173704how to you guys find the image that a artist traced? the artist was posted here on lolcow before for tracing. What got me interested was that she ripped the body of someones else drawing and denied it despite the evidence against her and went to cry about it on her twitter KEK
Shes old milk however in her some of her art shed have good anatomy and then not in others.
No. 552586
File: 1589153225845.png (1.3 MB, 2718x902, 12214536231432.png)

>>552574samefag but with pics about what im talking about