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No. 1745716
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People really seem to underestimate how merging families can ruin them. With how atrocious step siblings can be, the merging of families often turns into giving a kid some new bullies that will pick on them in their own house. Contrasting parenting styles can collide badly, which would confuse the kids on how punishments, schedule, and chores are supposed to work. That's not even getting to the stepparents treating the stepchild like dirt because they think any child that isn't their blood is disposable and to be a punching bag, or that fucking their parent every night and putting dinner on the table will outweigh how much they hate the kid. It's even more insulting if the parents are the type to marry quick, so they're pretty much forcing their own kids to suddenly adapt and take orders from a bunch of "new family members" that are essentially strangers. I can go on, but I feel like I made my point. Yeah yeah yeah, nOT aLl merged families are like this, but I'm pointing out that the idea to just merge families isn't as wholesome as people shill.
No. 1745823
>>1745716It's fucked how moms forget their girls can get sexually abused by their new "family members". Like sure, okay, you're fucking her new stepfather so he deeeefinitely would NEVER touch your daughter. But his brother? His father? His sons? His grandpa? His friends?
Like you're fucking this one dude and suddenly every male in his circle is safe? How fucking retarded can you get?
No. 1745849
>>1745716The thought of this happening to human children is spooky because I've seen the same situation play out in my relationships involving shared pets–obviously not the same seriousness as neglecting a human child, but it's there.
It went like this: If my exes had pets they would always favor their pets over mine. Whenever they were mad at me or resentful, they'd get that way towards my dog. They would blame and frustrate at my dog for having basic needs, but meanwhile their own pets got away with being destructive and shitty. I was just expected to handwave that all away for them yet be a strict disciplinarian towards and not make any excuses for my own. Always gave their pets more positive attention.
All I'm saying is, if it happens with pets then you can bet it happens with people too and it's dumb of people to pretend otherwise.
No. 1745855
>>1745833I hate it because it perpetuates the myth that you need to eat north of 2000 calories a day in order to get fat.
Weight gain happens to most women I know if we eat little north of 1500 calories a day.
Only faggot men can physiologically get away with stuffing 2k worth of pizza and beer in their faces every day. It's why fat men need to be culled–they are objectively bigger drains of resources.
No. 1746373
>>1746135What is Joji even doing now? I remember him being kinda popular as soon as he started being a professional "singer" (if you can call his mumbling singing) but then he stopped for a few years. Last time I saw him was at coachella where he had to abandon his performance because of "health issues" aka he probably smoked/drank/did drugs too much to perform right.
I loved his stupid lore videos with chinchin and the ones with the cancer crew, especially the deadly twisters and the gentlemen's guide.
No. 1746550
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>>1746252Dr Dray's crazy adult bib wearing ass is the only person to be trusted when it comes to acne advice I fear…
No. 1746743
>>1746620>She also gained weightLike 5 lbs
maybe but yeah she does look better right now, she was getting kinda spoopy last time I saw her
No. 1746747
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>>1746735she looks like she has mosaic down syndrome to me. nothing wrong with that though.
No. 1747652
>>1747435Not sure what point you're trying to make by sharing that your maintenance is 1750. She said:
>if we eat little north of 1500 calories a day>little north (as in "more than")If you ate 350 calories over 1500 yourself you would gain 12lbs per year. I would call that a little north.
No. 1747755
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>>1747699Walking an hour a day is considered sedentary. If your maintenance is 1300 you are either clinically underweight/anachan, missing some limbs, suffering from dwarfism, or a child. Unless you're handicapped you shouldn't be worried about gaining weight (not that you said you are, but in that case she wasn't talking to you).
No. 1747825
>>1747652My point was it seems unrealistic to claim that "most women" would gain weight from eating over 1500 daily, in my experience that would only be true if they were really short or sedentary. Building muscle and staying active helps increase your TDEE, allowing you to eat more and not gain weight.
For anyone over like 5'4 1500 is still pretty low, unless of course you're sitting in front of screens 14 hours a day. Also it's an unpopular opinion of mine but 1500 calories of teacakes and Starbucks is not the same as 1500 calories of nutrient and protein dense healthy food. Eat some chicken and vegetables or something
No. 1747892
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I don't care what anyone says, i am so envious of the anon who get to seduce the grandpa of her dreams and there is nothing in this world that will make me feel guilty for feeling this way.
No. 1747911
>>1747897Not any anon lol but women in developed countries are also overweight and the more you weigh the more you burn. I think people just tend to underestimate what they’re eating. So this
>>1747652 is not how it works. Your BMR/TDEE gets higher as you get heavier because you expend more energy to move your heavier body. You would still gain but it’s not a flat exchange, you’d have to do some compounding interest-type math to figure out how much.
>>1747835You are probably so cute and tiny and I love you.
No. 1747929
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>>1747911Last anon. And thanks, first time I feel good about my height kek. I have long legs and arms and torso and even face despite the short height so I at least look like an adult and get mistaken for a professor or lecturer because of my more adult/vintage style.
No. 1748124
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Munchie mothers like this are not cute or doting, they’re weird and need to get over themselves. When you get pregnant you have the whole 9 months to get over the fact that your child will eventually leave you. And then after the child is born, you have like 18-21 years to get over that fact again. Obsessing over your kids and wanting them to live under your thumb forever is weird.
No. 1748143
>>1746738I don't see women wanting to be her. More like young girls who are brainwashed and groomed by all this baddie oversexualized thing.
>>1746751The difference is that Megan is actually talented.
No. 1748149
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>>1748143I do wish she would stop wearing heavy makeup on her face though. It gives her such an exaggerated appearance. It reminds me of drag makeup and I hate that shit.
No. 1748172
>>1748150Nta, but kek, anon, you just recognized yourself that she dies what she has to for her career. Enjoys, lmao.
Anyways, I agree, she is amazing without makeup.
No. 1748186
>>1746735Reasons why Ice spice is popular
>shes super light skin/biracialSelf haters/colorist in the black community don't care if she's untalented. She has a big butt and she's not brown skin or fully black. Her look opens the doors for moids to "help" her aka try to sleep with her by using clout/opportunities as bait (like "Drake").
As much as I hate to say this too, but a lot female rap fans (the ones on twitter/creating stan accounts) are just as colorist as scrotes. They will uplift any non black female rapper like Saweetie for example or semi talented people like Cardi, then have crazy standards for black female rappers or black female artists in general.
Also her skin color also makes her more palatable towards some non
-black people.
It's also why people call Ice Spice adorable/cute/princess but will use words like vulgar,raunchy,explict and sexual aggressive terms towards monoracial women like Meg thee stallion Chloe Bailey etc.
Even though Ice spice is just as hypersexual if not more (she literally bends over showing her bare ass in most her performances. She has to use her hand to cover her coochie.)
> She acts retarded, looks young and despite her being hypersexual she moves like a drugged up puppet being made to act sexual. She gropes herself like she is unaware of her body, it comes off like someone mentally delayed.I'm serious. Ice spice has very dead eyes. When she came out she was dressed like every other fashion nova instabaddie. Then she started with the clunky y2k shit.
They dress her in mini skirts, clunky boots, alot of her photoshoots have cheap themes. Because she's so short and baby faced she looks younger then her age so her being so sexual is what creeps love.
>some female rap fans are weirdAnyone who pays attention to twitter and the loud part of the female fanbases can tell you.
The gay scrotes and female stans are weird. Femald Rap music has become so much about personas, Hitching yourself to a moid, being a prostitute chasing the bag (city girls), and making "cute" music that everyone knows sucks but they have a weird relationship with the rapper so it doesn't matter (Ice spice & saweetie).
I wrote this before but deleted I hope it makes sense, I'm black and I've watched how people in my own community treat Ice spice vs. Every other female rapper.
There's a pattern. I'm also drunk, so I hope someone reads this shit
No. 1748191
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>>1748186>she looks younger then her age She's only 23 and looks her age. What is she supposed to look like?
No. 1748200
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Maybe I'm old, but even if she's 23 she looks younger and the y2k looks makes her look younger. She has a big head and she's not as curvy as the internet makes her she edits alot. When you catch her out of photoshop she's dressed like this. But maybe I'm just older
No. 1748208
>>1748204Which makes it creepier that she or thru (her management) has made her signature move to bend over showing her ass in tiny dresses/thongs, covering her coochie and walking around in tiny skirts/dresses she has to pull down.
I'd honestly like her better if she was just the princess cutesy female rapper who didn't have to do that and those weird dead eyed photoshoots that look like they are shot in a dirty hotel room.
No. 1748296
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>>1748247Florence wasn’t just made fun of for her looks, her looks were brought up because she seems like an industry plant or someone who whores herself out to get roles because she’s quite plain. She’s also a pickme with a father fetish.
(stop) No. 1748373
>>1748366Posting your face once just introductorily and being willing to maintain some kind of relationship with the entirety of the website I feel like is more than enough. I think it’s weird that we have no way of knowing if cerbmin is a man or a woman and I can’t even remember the last time we heard from her. Like yeah I guess if someone was
really dedicated to invading the boards they could ask some egirl to borrow her pics and link her socials to the website so that the population of nonnies would just think it’s her, but I don’t think anyone is going to go through all the effort that requires.
No. 1748380
>>1748366IMO, hypothetically, a vc with anons or something like a podcast where you make it clear that you are the admin, you're reading posts, answering questions, etc and talking candidly would be good. it's easier to gauge a genuine person from one acting (eg discord kitten told to do the job) that way, too.
it means that you'll have to reveal your voice, but unless you are a public figure, it's not a big deal. no one is going to get doxxed solely by their voice, there'd have to be more info than that.
No. 1748396
>>1748385yeah, I don't have a KF account and only lurk, but I respect them for multiple things. There does seem to be more trust and organization in their moderation and familiarity with the admin does play a big role with that.
The other big thing is that I feel like there's less alogging, or at least people call it out as retarded more often. I feel like a lot of posters here lean towards getting riled up and sneering with a furrowed brow at cows or at random dumb crap instead of just sitting back and chuckling at the stupidity.
At the end of the day though I mostly like this place for being female-centered and anonymous
No. 1748409
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Being a woman is kind of boring if you aren’t pretty. I Can’t enjoy all the cute clothes etc because I’m fat and I can’t enjoy makeup and cute little skin care products because I’m a pizzeria face that’s allergic to everything and it just makes me uglier. I get all the cons of being a woman but none of the pros. I feel cheated. It’s wack.
No. 1748446
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Morel orel is such a pretentious and preachy and boring show and I absolutely hate it, even though I barely watched it
ooOOOoooohH look at my trauma haha so deep amirite
No. 1748448
>>1748438>"oldfag" acting this male, new, and retardedNope. Go back to Twitter and don't forget to take your faggot AIDs, tacky ass makeup, and shitty standards of what it means to be a good entertainer with you kek
Nobody here needs you at this point.
No. 1748476
>>1748468>I don't know what that meansWho is the twitterfag again?
>I'm living rent free in your headMore twitterspeak, and outright fanfic
>your clown taste in makeupI prefer her without makeup, but my preference means nothing. She is an entertainer doing her job.
No. 1748480
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>>1748476I ship you with antipsychotics.
No. 1748493
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I hate tattoos. They look shit 100% of the time. My parents were right (and I hate admitting to that more than anything) and I’m so fucking glad I don’t have one because she’s 13- 19 I wanted all sorts of quirky emo shit tattooed on me and when I was legal I was jus too poor and too busy to get it done.
I seethe like a fucking incel about how 99% of men on dating apps or in general are covered in shit tattoos. Scrotes only do things that will make women like them, and 90% of women have shit taste and PREFER men with tattoos. Therefore the untattooed scrotes feel like they will get laid less without them and HAVE to get some.
Then occasionally I see something really diabolically ugly like picrel. I genuinely think some people get something like this and then it’s so hideous and they’ll never successfully get it removed because it costs 1000s and never truly works, so they just get 100s more tattoos all around it to take the attention away from how truly embarrassingly awful it is. Like lots of stick n pokes. I bet this person drew the design themselves and is really proud of it. Well you shouldn’t be. If this was a street art mural then not even the drunks would piss up it.
Anyways, I hope you all have a nice day today, tattoos or no. You deserve it. It’s your body, your choice after all.
No. 1748512
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>>1748446agreed. people also kept praising that one scene with that age-regressing nurse but i just thought it was distasteful. i don't know how to put it into words but it didn't seem like it was trying to portray sa
victims in an empathetic light but a mocking one? am i crazy? i'm not into this dark edgy humor stuff so it may just be me
>>1748493speaking of tattoos, fandom and weeb tattoos are the cringiest. even if done well (rarely) i really don't get the trend of permanently imprinting something you hyperfixated on for a few months at most on your body. i also hate flash tattoos. they look like scribbles on your arm and people just get random shit so it doesn't even look cohesive.
No. 1748536
>>1748493>>1748519agree. tattoos looks so unappealing me
>It’s like purposely making yourself less symmetrical and putting a dark blotch on your skinsomeone finally put words on how i feel alol. I get that tattoos are art but it always looks so weird seeing scribbled lines on someones skin. Even when they have spend years coming up with a tattoo design with a deep personal meaning and have commissioned a skilled artist for the design.
I don't think tattoos makes people unattractive(it depends) but i dont think it makes people attractive either. I have just accepted that i will never get to date someone without tattoos. tattoos aren't a dealbreaker and i will never discourage a friend or girlfriend from getting one. but im not going to be into it either
No. 1748545
>>1748493this kind of corny shit is cringe, but i suppose i am the basic bitch here who finds them
No. 1748556
>>1748496Of course she doesn’t have to be breathtakingly beautiful, it’s just strange that she became an a-lister suddenly when she overacts, which worked in midsummer since it was dramatic but her acting is silly in everything else, and now she’s being shilled as a beautiful starlet and cast in sexual roles she doesn’t really fit
>>1748508That’s backwards, I’ve only ever heard women compliment her appearance and I think it’s because they aren’t intimidated by her looks. I’ve never seen or heard any moid compliment her appearance online or in real life, but I see them making fun of her appearance and calling her plain or ugly all the time
No. 1748661
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>>1748296how many more times are you gonna sperg about her being ugly, getting couch casted and having father fetish, you fucking retard? you literally made up the last two of these in your head
No. 1748862
>>1745833Adding to this, sedentary people do not need 3 meals a day. This is why most office workers are obeasts. No workout? No dinner.
Americans are fat because they designed their daily life around sitting in a car instead of using their legs to walk anywhere. God forbid anyone gets exercise.
No. 1748898
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Locking the Israel/Palestine containment thread because of racebait reports is a stupid idea. No I didn't post in it, but I was reading it and racebait is basically half of the discussion anywhere you go. Of course there will be people shitting on Israel and shitting on Palestine, it's the containment thread for it. A lot of the discussion was interesting and explained the history of the conflict. Now nobody will be able to discuss it because of hurt feelings. Reee we can't have strong discussions and opinions on this anonymous imageboard. Now we will have to wait and see if the Palestine versus Israel discussions will leak from their containment zone now that it's locked.
No. 1748918
>>1748898the problem is that whenever a thread about big events is made, retarded failmales from /pol/ and /r9k/ come in to either spam gore/CP, misogynistic bullshit or racism while trying to live out their tranny fantasies online (sometimes all three if someone
triggers them). this also happened with the amber heard and johnny depp threads. i really wish there was some sort of technology to detect dick/balls/y chromosome online so they could all be auto-banned.
No. 1748929
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>>1748926mods THREATENED by hamasrael
No. 1748988
>>1748940>having a thread like that open keeps other thread on topic and “clean”.no, it doesn't. it just becomes a space for racist moids and underage (or just straight-up retarded) tradthots/pickmes to feel comfortable, so they invite more of their kind, and they leak out into the rest of the boards due to entitlement.
we actually used to have "incel containment threads" thinking it'd tamper down on the moid problem, and it just had the opposite effect, so we stopped and banned male posters altogether.
No. 1749119
>>1748493I wouldn't care so much if they weren't so normalized. Sometimes people don't "get it" when they ask what kinda tattoos I'd want to get and I say none.
Some tattoos are ok but they always either worsen someone's appearance or don't affect it, I've never felt like someone looked better because of one. I can appreciate some where it's clear that someone's super passionate about something but it's still like "dang that looks hideous but I'm happy for you"
My sister got matching tattoos with her boyfriend, I can't really decide if that's weird or cute. They've been together for over a decade so it's kinda like their non-married version of wedding bands
No. 1749172
>>1749058This is how it was in my country before consumerism hit. Kids got presents, teens got sophisticated, age appopriate presents from parents and maybe best friends, adults get presents from lovers or as housewarming gifts.
No "run around all December getting worthless gifts for every person you know and work with, using money you don't have so they can return it the week after" tradition.
I saw an episode of some American sitcom and the dad was whining about getting a lame gift, it was disgusting and completely childish and un-masculine. I was appaled at how utterly retarded it was because it seemed to be a sentiment echoed in the youtube comments… for full grown adults to be pissy about not getting the prezzie they wrote to Santa about.
No. 1749203
>>1748920If you get accused of being a male you’re either
>acting like a pickme>being misogynistic >spouting the same stupid edgy shit your ugly polcel channer discord bf says to you In which case you deserve to be dogpiled tbh
No. 1749227
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>>1749203I know right?
>user acting like a melodramatic tard over the most nonoffensive shit>gets accused of being a male>"waaaahhh you think im a man!!!"Then stop acting like a faggot. I'm not denying that there are those users who accuse others of being moids for miniscule reasons, but you can't storm a thread with the temperament of a pitbull and expect people not to think you're an angry fag from twitter, reddit, or tumblr
No. 1749314
>>1749244These days you also have to fucking pay for the gift card, on top of the value of the card. And then the company makes even more money off whatever gets left unused on the card (which has gotta be a lot, a few bucks here and there adds up).
Gift cards were a go to obligation gift for people I don't really feel close to but now they make me seethe and I won't buy them.
No. 1749365
>>1749322I feel like any sort of sex work that allows the woman to be in charge 100% is fine. Although I wish more people acknowledged the economic issues that drive women to sell themselves. Back in the day women became strippers/escorts if they were single moms completely on their own, had a large bill like for uni, or just wanted a glamorous lifestyle and needed to fund it somehow.
Majority if not all women in SW don't even want to be there but now you see women who have careers and stuff getting into it to make money on the side just because it's so damn hard to live on your own now and if you don't have friends or partner willing to split bills, your next best option is a stranger roommate, which is dangerous for women. There's also a lot more job security especially since employers seem to be abusing the right to work laws and just fire everyone willy nilly
No. 1749374
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>>1748421true beauty is based on bone structure and youth. You can be groomed and clean but that doesn't create beauty
No. 1749393
>>1749374>>1749385it's literally bone structure/ how well you carry yourself. I once worked with a girl who was fat and had flaky skin with big pores but had multiple guys crushing on her (including very fit 18 yr old moids) at work just because she had an extremely pretty face and carried herself well. I also knew another girl with bad an obvious acne but had looked like a slavic model otherwise and still got tons of male admirers
if you want to level up though getting fit + having good skin and hair is one of the first steps though, regardless of where you are on the natural attractiveness scale
No. 1749406
>>1749393>if you want to level up though getting fit + having good skin and hair is one of the first steps though, regardless of where you are on the natural attractiveness scaleit's like you completely skipped over
>i was skinny without skin issues my entire life and still called ugly, got compared to monsters and beasts, etchow much more do i "level up" when i'm still called mannish and ugly even at the supposed "good" level. even at my lowest weight. i never even reached overweight which makes it weirder.
No. 1749411
>>1749406I understand that, that is why I started out with "it's literally bone structure"
skincare + weight loss is the basics of improving your looks, if you're already there then there's weight lifting to build your butt/make your body more feminine.
I also notice a lot of women who don't have great faces can level up by investing into their hair and getting a nice sew in/extensions with Hollywood waves. It's probably one of the most universal ways someone can drastically improve their looks. do you have a celebrity look a like?
No. 1749425
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If I hear somebody use the words "feminine" or "masculine" I just automatically assume their IQ is sub 80.
No. 1749454
>>1749406Adding to what
>>1749411 said, from what I've seen being fit/working out and eating healthy can improve your face more than being just skinny/low weight. Being underweight obviously makes you ugly as well.
No. 1749500
>>1748764Um no I don’t, I’ve barely mentioned her recently you’re just obsessed with me after all this time. I said this
>>1698633 in response to this anon
>>1698488 saying she was itching her disgusting genitals in this picture
>>1697679 and I also posted this
>>1713287 which wasn’t even mean.
(personalityfagging) No. 1749503
>>1749381Sensory issues is becoming a buzzword like any other phrase related to neurodivergency or mental illness and it’s being used the most to excuse mindlessly following beauty standards or to cover up for insecurities, it’s fucking infuriating they’re just finding more ways to say that it’s all totally for themselves. Can’t wear makeup, wear a bra or tight clothing, shave your body hair, or have long hair? Thats just because you’re lazy and gross! I used to not put my comfort and sanity first, I kept my long thick hair even though I’d have break downs and hate myself from just feeling it touch my skin and the nightmare of keeping it looking good. I didn’t want to cut it because I didn’t want to look ugly but I just said fuck it one day and cut it short and life is so much easier now. I have others that would make me look genuinely insane to other people if I told them, god this shits not a quirky thing or just something that makes you
slightly uncomfortable.
No. 1749506
>>1749500>>1748764I also got redtexted for saying rape apes should be lobotomized
>>1724256 and here you are getting away with literally hunting me across the site to say I should be given brain damage when I never did anything to you
No. 1749537
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Men aren’t simple. They’re not. They’re complex and emotional. I am so tired of all scrote behavior being waved away as men being too retarted to understand the basic aspects of being a fucking human. I do think men want real, reciprocal relationships with others. I think they want intimacy and close friends but they are too self obsessed to ever achieve anything meaningful so they live as perpetual angsty children who curse all the externally good things in their lives for not fixing them. Scrotes will waste the best years of a woman’s life because she was good enough for the time and then lash out when they realize they’re unfulfilled. They never actually vet women initially though, they just glob on to whatever poor soul crosses their paths when they’re lonely enough to pretend they can handle commitment. They say shit like how they’d be happy with any woman or they just want someone kind yet tear down any woman who shows them these things without being the perfectly curated mind gf. All of the moids I’ve dated have so painfully obviously wanted to be seen emotionally and yet when you do that for them they can’t handle it. It would be tragic if it wasn’t such a pathetic way to live. Why can’t moids be better?
No. 1749542
>>1749537Because they want things to be
simple, men often don't want to handle the effort it takes to make meaningful intimacy. They think giving for example flowers to someone who's cross is enough and not on the
why a person is cross and what did he do wrong. Is it enough to just say sorry without meaning it or why he's saying sorry besides "so you won't be angry anymore"
No. 1749587
>>1749567>minecraft is boringagree, its only fun when you play with friends
>takes a million years to loadi think your computer just sucks
No. 1749637
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>>1748661No one made up the fact that she has a father fetish are you insane
No. 1749640
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>>1749637Here’s pug and her ex
No. 1749641
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>>1749640And here’s her dad
No. 1749643
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Look how old he is too, there’s no way it isn’t a father fetish
No. 1749776
>>1749707The word
femcels came to fruition because moids were angry that we had plenty of male centric insults and populrized/twisted by tiktok/twitterfags. The fact that the word incel came from a woman who wanted to speak with other people who's involuntarily celibate and wanted to overcome it before the word got popularized/twisted by moids that forcibly joined in to the point the woman regreted making said group.
Even then some anons view the word incel as an nusiance since you could just pay a prostitute.
>>1749741Who cares. Post about your ideal man in the correct thread, next time.
No. 1749783
>>1749119>I wouldn't care so much if they weren't so normalizedI feel like tattoos have become a form for rite of passage. The majority of people I know got tattoos as soon as they turned 18 some even got them when they where younger.
Some girls in my class (we're around 18 then) talked about a local tattoo artist they liked. They said the guy was nice and made them comfortable. They also admitted that he wasn't very good artist but it didn't matter because he was nice. Some of the girls even had several tattoos done by this guy even though they didn't like his work.
I just don't get it. Now they are stuck with tattoos they think are sloppy. Sure, they can just cover them up with another tattoo but they could also just had researched different parlors and looking at tattoo artists portfolios before getting their first tattoos.
>Sometimes people don't "get it" when they ask what kinda tattoos I'd want to get and I say noneI know so many people who got tattoos just because "everyone else has them". Not to mention the people I know who got them to spite their parents. I know that tattoos aren't harmful if its done right but I can't wrap my head around sinking so much money and time into something just because it seemed thrilling at the moment
No. 1749789
>>1748493>Scrotes only do things that will make women like them, and 90% of women have shit taste and PREFER men with tattoosYou sure? I'm positive scrotes get tats because they're impulsive and make brash decisions to impress other men and to feel badass.
I, as a woman, have never given a single shit about male tattoos and have no tattoos myself.
In general perhaps people get tattoos just to show up other people with tattoos. Sorry if I hurt feelings with this it's just that I never notice tattoos at best and notice the shittiest tattoos scratched on someone's body like a bad homeroom doodle at worst.
No. 1750025
>>1749741Do you know what
unpopular opinion means
No. 1750115
>>1750084it's true, all male gym bunnies suck cock or are
abusive angry pigs due to the roids
No. 1750130
>>1750080That's the thing, because they're the beauty standard some anons here gets pisses off about their existence and try to make them seem bad whenever they're mentioned. Just read
>>1750115. I'm sure anons who like muscular/gym guys only care about the looks and aesthetic and aren't serious about dating them. But there will always be a bunch of artists so
triggered at that they have to mention how muscular mem are actually evil for…working out? And it always delves into shoutafagging/genshin impact boys/kpoop guys/nerdy guys/thin twinky gayer looking guys vs. muscular guys every single time. Some even think liking skinny guys who are "non threatening" is feminist but liking muscular guys is "anti feminist" and the downfall of female communities or something and are so dramatic about it. I don't blame that anon for thinking her opinion is unpopular with all of this on this ib. You yourself even said that they look/ act gay proving my point that muscular guys are hated here.
No. 1750153
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Women cannot rape or sexually assault men. Id even argue they can’t molest boys. Rape is traumatic for women because males are stronger and more violent. It’s more intrusive and dangerous for women and girls. We get pregnant. We are more likely to get STDs from men than vice versa. We are more likely to get injured or killed. Men fantasize about being raped by women while women dont. Men don’t get life long mental issues from being raped from women. Rape is easily avoidable for men while it isn’t for women. It is also logistically difficult for a women to rape a man in the first place. I was reading a Reddit thread on the topic of “women raping men” and it was mostly porny babysitter and mommy fantasies. Even if they were real they pale in comparison to the shit men do to girls.
No. 1750164
>>1750153I mean, women can molest children and it is traumatic for a child regardless of sex. But moid teenagers are stronger than an average adult woman, hell, they’re stronger than trained adult women, moid teenagers literally can’t get raped by women because all they need to do is move away and that’s it.
Plus it’s only rape if someone is getting penetrated without consent, unless a woman is a real freak/very traumatized and uses a dildo or something to penetrate a moid, then it’s not rape, it’s just surprise sex to moids.
No. 1750191
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>>1750140I saw the opposite but I guess both exist. Imo the thin one woth big lips look more gay than an average guy with some muscle. Straight women are attracted to men hence to masculinity and muscles (sometimes) because it's part of a man's image (for lack of a better word), and so do faggots. They're both attracted to the same thing essentially because that's what's a stereotypical man like. While faggots themselves are usually attracted to straight men, so they present as effeminate as a way to resemble a woman and get a chance to sleep with the straight man, and they're the kind that I see and automatically think "faggot". Ones with slim or skinny fat bodies, big lips, longer than average hair, makeup or reddish skin, specific sense of fashion that shows skin but somehow obscures their masculine figure as much as possible, like shorts to show ass and thighs but kinda baggy shits to hide their chests and shoulders. I don't know how to explain it but you know that type when you see them. Ofcourse there are muscular masculine gay men but those are usually top and can pass as a straight man sometimes. While the bottoms are the more faggoty ones to me, the actual twinks (not the modern social media definition) that I see some anons finding attractive here. Just go to the youtube hate thread and scroll a little bit up and you'll see images of some youtuber who is supposedly gay or bi and anons find hot. He looks like a faggot to me. Picrel. A muscular guy would never look this faggoty kek.
>>1750150Ok? We're talking about normal muscular guys who work out and have a healthy diet specifically. Anon above said "natty" as in natural. That's a thing. No one said they find actual literal roidpigs hot because they do look disgusting and unstable. You're just proving my point because your mind jumps to "roidpig" whenever you read "muscles", as if there isn't any healthy way to gain muscles ever or something.
No. 1750228
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>>1750164My retard ass should’ve clarified the molesting part more though my opinion is still gonna remain unpopular even on here. but what i meant to say was that it isn’t as traumatic for boys to be molested by women as it is for girls to be molested by men. It just isn’t the same. There’s also less social consequences when a boy is molested by the opposite sex vs a girl, especially in certain 3rd world theist countries.
No. 1750278
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>>1749365>Back in the day women became strippers/escorts if they were single moms completely on their own, had a large bill like for uni, or just wanted a glamorous lifestyle and needed to fund it somehow. yeah, the milky cow camgirl you see on /snow/ like shayna isn't the norm for majority of women starting onlyfans, it's quite literally just the toll the economy is taking on people. every since 2015 and going on it's been a problem for home and rent prices being unaffordable, along with bills and everything else and now that food inflation is through the roof of course we have women literally begging for peanuts to feed themselves. We shouldn't be pointing the finger at women for making ends meet, but the "SEX WORK IS WORK" reaction libfems aren't helping, these women don't WANT to do this, they NEED to do it to scrape by
>>1749544>privileged western women who decided to perform sexually for men for easy cash. You’ve clearly never met any or you would know how unlikable they all are.isn't America technically a 2nd world country now?
No. 1750310
>>1749707i wish that were true, all the self-proclaimed
femcels are just trannies or pickmes. I want a true misandrist uprising, please.
No. 1750323
>>1750310I feel like more women are
femcels than what people think. Incels biggest argument is that women can just hookup on tinder or something and boom you don't have to be a virgin but they don't realize how many men are perfectly capable of hooking up on dating apps but literally think they're too good to put in effort to talk/not come on too strong or even admit they want women to appear at their doorstep
I feel like outside of the literal celibate term, majority of women struggle with finding male partners who actually respond to them, who are reliable in a medical emergency and who are willing to be with them long term. Literally majority of relationship vents I've seen are women struggling to get their partners to text them back, where as when moids get into relationships at least they're easily able to find someone they can rely on and who doesn't ignore them frequently
No. 1750330
>>1750302>basedfrom a black rapper
>redpillfrom two tranny brothers
>pepefrom left-leaning stoner comic book artist
>cottagecorefrom non-binary tumblr girls of all races
"alt right" people and /pol/tards can't come up with anything, honestly. they have no original culture, no aesthetic sense, no skill in word or rhyme, no creativity. for all their bleating about traditional european culture(s), they barely even give a shit about that or know anything about it. all they do is copy, steal, repost and cheapen like content farm slaves.
No. 1750348
>>1750324>>1750326It's just that it is not "technically" correct because first/second/third world aren't about how developed or civilized a country is. The terms actually don't even make sense anymore cause they they refer to the world order during the Cold War: first world countries were USA and their allies (capitalism), second were Soviet union and their allies (socialism) and third were the ones not aligned. Because the USSR is done with and the cold war is over, technically there are no more first, second or third world countries, but people just got used to calling developed and underdeveloped/developing countries like that. But point being that by definition USA wasn't and wouldn't be a second world country. Fun fact, a lot of what we call third world countries nowadays, several latin american countries for example, were first world simply because they followed the USA. So yeah, just nitpicking, if you didn't know, now you know.
No. 1750352
>>1750348thank you
nonnie you are very smart. what terms would be more accurate?
No. 1750390
I literally see rooms for rent in homes on in NY for as low as 500 a month, let's say she gets that and has a few bucks in taxes taken out, plus phone bill, insurance, whatever, lets round up to 1000 all altogether. she still has 1500 a month. As long as she isn't eating fucking caviar and champagne and isn't going to the doctor because of every cough she will be fine without only fans. She's literally too stupid, plus financial advisors are what, 200 an hour? just quit a few consoom subscriptions like Netflix for a few months and she can easily afford it
No. 1750441
>>1750425I make 18 an hour so I make 2200 a month and my health insurance comes out of that which is 80
Car insurance, water, gas, electric, rent , phone bill is 923 a month. After paying all my important stuff that leaves me at 1277 a month for extras like gas and food. You don’t have to sell pussy hunny just learn to do basic math.
No. 1750449
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This is the peak form of broccoli. It taste like shit when it’s too dry, no redditor will ever convince me that raw or grilled broccoli tastes better than mushy microwave steamed broccoli.
No. 1750522
>>1750501Or is lying/isn't being honest about her parents paying her bills. I live very cheaply and the cheapest health insurance my work offered like like 200 monthly, electricity on a cheap month is like 150. I don't even have a water or gas bill and my rent is 800 a month (extremely cheap in USA) and my total amount of necessary bills a month is like 1500, and i dont have a car note but pay 75/monthly insurance (also very cheap)
Anon just sounds very dishonest IMO
No. 1750571
>>1750564A house requires down payment + credit checks which a lot of people aren't willing to just hand out willy nilly especially to someone who needs an onlyfans to scrape by. There's a lot you're not telling, as you likely had a co signer or your parents paid your down payment or it's a shitty house that needs a lot more done in work
>I only live 5 minutes awayIf someone were to down size and move to a rural area you're looking at least an hour drive. You just sound privileged or as other anons pointed out, there's a lot you're probably hiding just to continue the idea that women who get desperate for money are stupid and you're Albert Einstein over here
No. 1750574
>>1750569>BulkGets expensive. If you have 20 dollars left after paying bills you can't exactly make a Costco run
>dollar storeDollar store meals aren't filling and end up giving you tons of health problems which cost even more money
You claim you're extremely intelligent like a master financial advisor but are very vague with how you got a house, an example of a "cheap meal", and then call everyone who has different experiences stupid which in my experience, usually says youre more stupid and ignorant than anyone you're telling about.
No. 1750598
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>>1750593I got this big thing of ground beef and this will last me about 7 months and it was 40 dollars. Just try harder. It’s not that hard to feed yourself as a single person.
No. 1750601
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Speaking of laundry picrel is cool and however disagrees is a stuck up retard and unironically everything wrong with the world.
No. 1750615
>>1750609this. knew a girl in school whose parents did this and she smelled so strongly of mildew it would give me headaches, her whole family mustve gone noseblind to it.
t. lives in a super humid area
No. 1750617
>>1750614Then move.
>inb4 wahhh I can’t moveI’ve moved states 3 times in my life. Suck it up.
No. 1750629
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>>1750620I literally have proof of me paying on my floors. Why don’t you want to try and you just want to use being a woman as an excuse to be a lazy whore?
No. 1750679
>>1750668I can only speak for the few people I know but all sex workers I know will happily wipe ass or pick up turds off the side walk if it had a similar pay/job security as sex work does
Personally I knew 4 strippers, 2 were women running from
abusive situations, one of them actually had cancer, and I'm not sure why the 4th one did but I do know she's like dirt dirt poor
No. 1750683
>>1750682I’m not talking about traffic
victims and you know that lol
No. 1750708
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>>1750702i dont live in america, in my country we have actual meat for dirt cheap.
>>1750598 this is puke inducing. I have this every weekend. Cope ameritard, go eat your pre-paked mystery meat in tubes kekekeke.
No. 1750713
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why are you all like this? this is your one life. pls anons…
No. 1750718
>>1750710I wasn't even the anon you replied to kek. Why'd you get so
triggered I pointed out your contradiction
No. 1750725
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>>1750708>boluda fighting with a burguerI don't know what side to be on…
No. 1750739
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>>1750734The amount of overlap between medical professionals and strippers is actually shocking. It's not uncommon to see women who became strippers to pay for nursing school, there's even running jokes on tiktok of RNs who admitted to stripping in the past. Are they evil and lazy as well?
No. 1750770
>>1750752I personally wouldn't do sex work, but damn you
really sound like a twitterfag right now.
No. 1750785
>>1750772>Yes it does, it also makes all women look like prostitutes and whores who can be bought and soldI always thought about this but guess I'll get my ass obliterated for saying it. Defending prostitution is wild as hell, they even using twitterfag arguments
>Did a prostitute fuck your bf???Come the fuck on, embarrassing
No. 1750796
>>1750786Nta but I think it's likely because a lot of anons are referring to strippers, cam girls, etc who don't
actually have sex for money. Sex workers is just the correct and easy term to use for it
No. 1750815
>>1750807Prostitutes =\= strippers
Also a good chunk of strippers already have a college degree, another big chunk are still in college. It's actually sort of unusual to see a stripper with no further education than HS No. 1750818
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>>1750787Man, this thread seems to attract the biggest spergs. You could be saying the most innocent, nonconflicting things, and they will turn it into a massive, 137+ post argument about why you're a tard, why you're a bitch, why you're untalented, why they're better than you and everyone that agrees with you, and why it's
you that's the schizo, and why the thread going to shit is somehow
your fault. It reeks of how twitterfags socialize with each other: acting like complete fucking monkeys with the temperament of pitbulls and slinging shit at each other, unable to converse their points without throwing an insult at you with every post, but calling you "reactionary and whiny" as soon as you tell them to fuck off and breathe. The user immigration from Tumblr, Twitter, and Lipstick Alley all have one thing in common:
shitting up this site.
No. 1750819
>>1750812It was years ago in an unpopular opinion thread. I'm sure you can probably Google the "anti loli anon" and see anons flipping out on them
>>1750814The full word makes me feel gross just saying it
No. 1750826
>>1750785>Did a prostitute fuck your bf???What happened to this site lol? Posts like this would be laughed out the door yesteryear. Wtf is happening is this an invasion from libfem tumblr and stan twitter? Tfw when lesbian who's anti prostitution then the intrasexual competition and catty female competition for rapist males kicks in. Extremely pathetic.
>>1750774>wait until your blue collar husband is now surrounded by loose moralled pretty fit ex strippers kekIt's not all about males and you fucking them, catty intrasexual competition anon. It's possible to call prostitution pathetic and disgusting without appealing to other irrational intrasexual fears smooth brain. The remainder of posts defending womens idiotic decision to whore themselves out is beyond bleak. There's no amount of money that can buy self respect and dignity.
No. 1750831
>>1750661They could pick up more shifts or work in a gas station or something, not subserviently worshipping men
>>1750664I haven’t either, they all want to be perceived as attractive and they think being bought is proof of beauty when really men will buy anyone. They’re vapid sexdolls who speak at a 5th grade level and can’t accomplish anything other than spreading their legs on a stage in front of predator losers
No. 1750844
>>1750728 and
>>1750738 but then i am a ''twitter libfem'' for calling out an obvious pickem tradtoth anon
No. 1750846
>>1750845how do you explain
>>1750844 then?
No. 1750853
>>1750850Would it kill you to have some accountability for fucking once? Stop talking about moids and analyze
your horrid behavior towards other women, why would you fuck a man if you knew his wife is dying?
No. 1750868
>>1750730I know but like, it
is an argentinean on the other side
No. 1750870
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>>1750850In situations like Stephen Hawkings mistress I think him cheating was more her fault than his. He can’t speak or move so the cheating was majority on her lol it’s not like he could win her own with his charm because he can’t talk. In his case I don’t blame him for cheating.
No. 1750873
>>1750855>Who cares about prostitutes bragging about fucking married men? Because it's pickme behavior, retard, if they fucked married men and stfu about it nobody would be mad but yet they gotta flex because they're pickmes after all
>>1750866I'm not the same anon, plus this
>>1750869, you're morally bankrupt if you think some dollars are worth participating into something that vile
No. 1750881
>>1750730 No one thinks ~all prostitutes are privileged~ but we keep reiterating that we are only criticizing the ones who are, and we are not criticizing the ones who are trafficking
victims. Get it through your thick skull.
No. 1750888
>>1750735Women who sell themselves to married men are also at fault, as evidenced by how often they boast about it and “taking his children’s college fund”
> and instead shit on women for picking a job where they don't get beat by old peopleThat’s just silly, there’s an endless amount of jobs where you won’t end up hit by men and prostitution is one of the most dangerous industries where men pay to be able to hurt women while fucking them and a lot of prostitutes end up dead. Haven’t you ever heard men joke about dead hookers and strippers?
No. 1750898
>>1750864>it's his fault and his fault aloneAgain, two to tango, get some accountability
>>1750887Cool, those statistics are from third world countries were women actually don't got no options left. Fuck off
>>1750889Are you trolling?
No. 1750913
>>1750774>Even if all strippers became mechanics are welders en masse their incomes would probably half, it's more dangerousThey would make significantly more, don’t play dumb. They can only sell themselves for a limited amount of time anyway. Prostitution is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, any trade would be safer.
>and sex harassment would increaseProstitutes don’t experience sexual harassment? Really? Women who work normal jobs experience more sexual harassment than women who exist as holes to be bought and used?
>If you think strippers are bad for entertaining married men wait until your blue collar husband is now surrounded by loose moralled pretty fit ex strippers kekThere it is, prostitutes are alll about “stealing men” that’s what their entire life revolves around. You’re not pretty or fit, strippers come in all shapes and sizes and the ugly hooker stereotype exists for a reason, pretty women can get men to marry them and find their lifestyle while plain dumpy women have to degrade themselves to strangers for pennies
No. 1750921
>>1750916I know right? Like what the fuck kind of answer was that? Yes moids will cheat if they want to, but are anons really sitting in this circle and dying on the hill of saying it's okay for women to
help men betray their wives? The hell??
No. 1750937
>>1750933News flash, they don’t care about the wives. They’re not rubbing their hands together hunched over thinking
I’m going to steal this man from his wife they’re concerned about how much money they’re going to make at the end of the day. It boils down to the man who seeks out prostitutes/sex employees. Him purposefully going out and breaking his vows is his own fault, not the prostitute who’s only there to do her job. How is she even supposed to know that he’s married kek? You think they run around screaming “Hey I’m married and fucking you” like maybe some scrotes do because that’s their perverse fetish but I don’t think that in the majority of situations it’s the prostitute trying to steal a guy away from his wife.
No. 1750938
>>1750903>Is it immoral because the cheating would cause the wife emotional distress? MaybeYeah, that would be just
kind of fucked up, just a little bit
No. 1750939
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>>1750815First of all the article you posted literally says that most strippers are privileged, isn’t that funny?
200 in the UK were interviewed, that doesn’t prove that strippers are all educated. In the US most prostitutes are dumb and uneducated. I shudder to think of these repulsive losers joining the workforce and socializing with normal people afterwards lol
No. 1750945
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>>1750940Oh wow Einstein, big discovery. Prostitutes are mentally ill. Who fucking knew!
No. 1750956
>>1750949>>1750951Uh who the hell said I thought it’s okay? I’ve never participated in sexual slavery for money but there are obviously women in the world who are, and that will never change.
>>1750952Then go do that instead of crying about prostitutes
>>1750950Who the hell said that being a prostitute is morally superior kek?When was that statement made? Does anyone wanna link it? Because I’m pretty sure we’ve all unanimously agreed that sex “work” is unacceptable.
No. 1750963
>>1750955It takes two. The man and the woman. He's at fault, and so is she.
>>1750956It's still fucked up that a woman would help a man emotionally destroy is wife, regardless of what my job is. It is what it is.
No. 1750972
>>1750965But how are these random hookers and strippers supposed to know these men are married? That’s the question. Do you think the men are like
ha I’m married and I wanna have some sex outside of my marriage the moment he pulls up to the strip club. How do you expect the stripper to know.
No. 1750977
>>1750975>>1750974I can read what you’re saying but you’re still not answering the question,
how would these random sex slaves know that the men are married? You’re saying “Ugh we’re talking about the ones who do it with married men on purpose” but how would they know they’re married. You’re throwing accountability onto this woman who’s flirting with a man that she likely does not know and has never met before, solely for financial gain, when it’s really the males fault for seeking out sex in exchange for money to begin with.
No. 1750984
>>1750974I feel like you’re getting really in your head with this whole narrative of
>Oh there are whole prostitutes who scheme to steal men from their wives and girlfriends because they’re disgusting bloodsucking whoreswhen in reality they’re just women who are looking to make a quick buck off the pornsick population of men. It’s a real Rube Goldberg machine scenario you’re imagining that these women somehow form entire bond with these men, find out they are married, and formulate a plan to get the men to leave their wives so that they can give them more money.
No. 1751011
>>1750998Prostitutes can't really turn down paying clients unless it's some escort thing which is really not what most prostitution looks like. Idk, how much is the man to blame for fucking his friend's wife?
>>1751005The absolute majority of them want to leave, what some sugar babies say to cope or advertise themselves doesn't change my opinion that prostitution is awful, that they should be able to leave, that it's not a moral failing on the part of the woman and that if all men were killed tomorrow there would be no need for it.
No. 1751018
>>1750979Just stay on the same subject idiot
First, sex workers are narcissistic to get a normal job or live in a lower middle class home
Then when you realized that wasn't the case, your biggest thing against them was that they're too stupid to figure out how to budget correctly
After that when that wasn't the case you claimed they're just lazy and/or crack heads
When that wasn't the case your last thing was that sex workers are bad because married men consume them, you can't even defend any of the previous points you were once foaming at the mouth about
You're literally all over the place, the only "
valid" point you have is sex workers that knowingly sleep with married moids, but as others have pointed out the ones that purposely seek out and get money from married moids aren't the majority, most men even go out of their way to conceal their identity so strippers/SWers don't know they're married, there's even sites where moids give other moids tips on how to hide their identity when hooking up with prostitutes yet you still dont want to admit men are the problem
Basically - the only thing sex workers are guilty of is giving moids an easy and accessible way to cheat easy, but IMO moids cheating with co workers and such are typically worse
No. 1751033
>>1751014I'm not doubting majority of sex buyers are married, but a lot them go through great lengths to hide that they're married. A lot of them have jobs that don't allow them to reject/black list men they know are married. Strip clubs aren't sitting around checking men's records to see if they're married or not, if a woman is working for a "ring" she can't necessarily turn down clients she knows that are married. There isn't any software on onlyfans/fansly that prevents married men from buying
I think you should be worried about the normie women who actually take pride in being the side chick and then get involved with emotional and sexual affairs, which IMO is worse than just sexual affairs with strippers or something (still bad obviously)
No. 1751034
>>1751024My argument isn't that sex workers are 'better' than nurses or that it's better than any other job. It's obviously not a job, not because it's not labour but because you can't give consent under duress. My argument was that most hookers aren't really lazy and narcissistic and go into it because they think it will be fun. I think they should be able to leave and the absolute majority want to. And that being a pimp or sex trafficker is the real evil.
And again, who is more wrong in this situation? Do you really think they're equally guilty?
No. 1751042
>>1751026>knowingly fucking men who will spread their diseases to innocent women makes it even worseI bet they got an excuse for this shit too kek, i wish they applied these fast resolution abilities at a job at target or something
>>1751030I mean, would else would give that much of a shit but one of them? i know i don't
>>1751039two to tango, retard
No. 1751050
>>1751043>it's the same anonNo, not everyone is insane and coping with awful life choices, there are several of us
>>1751048I give a shit about those in actual bad situations, like thirdie prostitutes, you will never convince me your circumstances are the same
No. 1751051
>>1751045>go sell yourself The only question that was posed is
How would these women know that the man is married and you’re still incapable of answering it, so you’re resorting to calling random anons whores because of the behaviors of men in your life. You know that these women usually don’t know, don’t care to know, and simply don’t ask because they’re not worried about that. They’re worried about how they’re going to keep a roof over their head.
No. 1751053
>>1751042Not pearl clutching about 'le evil man-stealing whores' and having empathy for them doesn't mean I support prostitution.
>two to tangoSo because two people were involved in this situation they're equally guilty? That's your argument? If a man is intensely fantasizing about another woman every night and would drop his wife in a heartbeat if she let him, and the only thing stopping him is the other woman saying no, how is that not already betraying and breaking up the family?
No. 1751059
>>1751042It's been proven majority of applications are ghosted, on top of that a good amount of people are fired before they even pass their 3-6 months. Majority of women are literally able to walk into their local strip club and make hundreds within the same week and it's harder to be fired. If you're starving and about to be homeless yes you will choose the easier option before you can wait around for your 2000th job application to be responded to, nevermind wait another 2-3 weeks for pay (thanks bi weekly pay)
Please tell us how a woman, who doesn't have parents or friends to go to, is about to be evicted because of how shitty the job market is, is starving, can get lots of money to pay for rent and food ASAP?
No. 1751064
>>1751053>So because two people were involved in this situation they're equally guilty? Uh, yeah? kek. If she got paid to hide a body instead she would be guilty of that, because she's literally particpating
>>1751058>>1751062They could all flip some burgers tho, living in first world countries allows them to have options, several more options than those of poorer countries, that's why i don't give a single shit
No. 1751065
>>17510511 prostitutes brag about it, they love it
2 anons have admitted to being whores, that’s why they’re defending men buying women on a female imageboard in 2023
3 there aren’t any men in my life, I only date women and only have female friends and I don’t talk to my male family members anymore
4 I know that they know because I see them joking about it. Spend some time online and see for yourself.
5 they aren’t just concerned with keeping a roof over they’re head, they’re privileged enough to have countless other options available to them.
No. 1751066
>>1751062The anon straight up said she was able to save thousands by making less than 20 an hour in order to own a home (I also suspect she likely had mommy and daddy as a co signer since someone wouldn't be able to get that low of mortgage without a cosigner). She definitely lived with Mommy and daddy while working at Taco Bell to save up or whatever, that's not the situation for sex workers though. As the previous anon said a lot of sex workers are escaping
abusive situations
No. 1751070
>>1751059>Please tell us how a woman, who doesn't have parents or friends to go to, is about to be evicted because of how shitty the job market is, is starving, can get lots of money to pay for rent and food ASAP?I imagine people who are in these situations are extremely stupid. If you're able to just deal with your "
abusive" parents until you have a steady job or don't get an apartment you can't afford
No. 1751078
>>17510651. And you take this at face value?
2. Nobody is defending men buying women, were saying the women didn't create this demand and are at minimum not as morally culpable as the men.
3. grats
4. They made some jokes wow
5. This is just untrue for the absolute majority of sex workers even in first world countries unless you mean cam girls or something.
No. 1751088
>>1751076>>1751069You talking like these bitches living in Rwanda wtf, literally go and flip some burgers it cannot be that fucking hard
>>1751075>Everyone who opposes me is X-chan>>1751078>they made some jokes wowIt's not like those jokes actually show their character, not at all. Be so for real right now
No. 1751092
>>1751080They brag about taking money from women by selling themselves to married men, and they pretend to make more than they really do. 99% or prostitutes are poor, those things don’t contradict each other.
>>1751081You’re not making sense. They could go work a minimum wage job instead of selling themselves, that what we’ve been saying from the beginning. No one is making fun of underprivileged women, we’re making fun of privileged women with other options like the article posted earlier showed.
>>1751083You know you’re arguing with multiple anons right, more of us are against prostitution than in support of it. I never said anything about shayna, you’re responding to a different person.
No. 1751093
>>1751088What is their character? They're all lazy and threw away opportunities to study at college because they watched Pretty Woman and thought it would be fun to steal someone's man?
>>1751089Ok? That was your only point? Yes there are. And I feel bad for women who do that, and I doubt the majority of them do it by choice, and I hope they can leave. I don't think shaming them further is going to help. My focus is on men who actively pay to have sex with an non-consenting woman, who are always absent from this conversation whenever it comes up.
No. 1751101
>>1751096damn, it's almost like you shouldn't sell yourself to begin with
>>1751098Nta but literally just go to any social media or site available
No. 1751107
>>1751093We can discuss what’s wrong with women who obey men by selling themselves, it doesn’t mean we don’t think that the males involved are evil, they obviously are. The women are also horrible.
>I don't think shaming them further is going to helpI do, I think it helps them speed run their life lessons
No. 1751110
>>1751092You’re not even reading what anyone is saying.
These are women who can’t find normal jobs for whatever reason, and that’s why they’re selling their bodies. They could be mentally unwell, drug addicted, homeless, abuse
victims, it could be anything. The heavy majority of women participating in sex work are not doing it because it was their first choice.
No. 1751113
>>1751102>it's going to take weeks before she gets paid, nevermind the hiring process itself can take another week or soRather that than suck a dick, and this is coming from a former dish washer, cope and promptly seethe
>>1751110>They could be mentally unwell, drug addicted, homeless, abuse victimsI'm all of these but drug addicted, yet i knew better, now what?
No. 1751126
>>1751117>women who are forced-Hold on, who the fuck is talking about trafficked women dumbass, we talking about people with options
>>1751119I can rent a computer at the cyber from time to time to do some paperwork or simply lurk, wow. Being homeless just means not having a stable home but i still can access some stuff
>>1751120>there are women who have it worse than youWow really? they should trade countries with me or any women here
No. 1751129
>>1751127As i said several other times, there should be other options before resorting to that, at least if you're living at a first world country
>>1751128Me being poor at a third world country is not far fetched you retard
No. 1751134
>>1751132fapping? what?
>>1751133>Even if they are bragging about it, why does that matter?How cute
No. 1751142
>>1751138>They didn't brag about fucking married men!!>and if they did, nobody cares!!>>1751140I know what fapping means, what i don't understand is why would you accuse me of being a man just because i don't agree with you
>>1751141Google is free, and in your case, twitter too
No. 1751158
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my unpopular opinion is that anyone who wants to argue about prostitutes should just read the previous thread instead because these posts are a verbatim rehash
on topic, I really love houses that have "dated" details. Especially old colorful tile kitchens and bathrooms with color-coordinated fixtures really make me happy. But almost every time I see old houses up for sale they've stripped out the original interior for the trendy gray look… I predict retro houses are going to start going for a premium because of how rare they are, or maybe restoring vintage details will become popular.
No. 1751208
>>1751189>>1751196Me personally, I've seen sites like LSA and related discussing such phenomena sometimes, because it is a thing and a polemic topic, i didn't download any screenshoots because i didn't imagine i would find a retard defending it here to even warrant evidence
>>1751204for real
No. 1751214
>>1751212>you’re so stupid because I don’t have any evidence to support my claims Yeah ok
I’m the stupid one…
No. 1751219
>>1751215I'm going to be honest I truly don't believe you at all because most csa
victims are aware of how it hurts you and that more gruesome and horrific forms of abuse exist than anyone can imagine without breaking into pieces. Your crudeness and lack of empathy is honestly very testicular
No. 1751220
>>1751215CSA, abuse, and rape are not the only experiences that women can have in their entire lives. Sure, you experienced abuse and went a different direction. These women experienced different abuse and subsequently went a different direction themselves. Really not hard at all to have a nuanced understanding of how other peoples lives can be different from yours while they can also be
No. 1751223
>>1751160What? The good arguments, IMO, are things like the anon pointed out, where a lot of people are applying to multiple entry level/no skill/etc jobs for months on end and not hearing anything back or getting rejected and need to quickly find money for survival, it quickly get shat on by people claiming girls with
abusive parents are just stupid and should just stay in an
abusive situation until they can buy a house, another anon completely ignored everything about the long process and acted like these women went straight to sucking dick after the McDonald's job interview. If you want a proper debate and to really convince women out of Sex work you don't just look insane and delusional, make good points, bring up good options, and acknowledge others arguments as well
No. 1751226
>>1751219Your entire post reads like it was written by a man including the defense that prostitutes are all poor little rape
victims. Around half of all female children experience CSA and yet we don’t go on to service men sexually, because we’re better than that.
No. 1751239
>>1751228We’ve been talking about strippers, cam girls, and onlyfans whores. And we keep repeating the fact that we’re talking about privileged women, not trafficking
victims or women in third world countries.
No. 1751243
>>1751239You don’t have to be a trafficking
victim or live in a third world country to still be a
victim. Not sure what’s hard to comprehend there.
No. 1751249
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Maybe not really an opinion so much as a prediction, I just figure this is the best thread.
The internet is basically going to die over the next ten years and become a more transitory internet, more decentralized and like what it was back in the late 90s. Videos on youtube older than 2-3 years that don't get much views will be purged, all the old facebook posts and all that accumulated user data will be thrown out. I actually don't think user data is as valuable as people think, with enough past data each marginal new data becomes less valuable, and its value is predicated on globalization. Globalization is right now in the process of unraveling with the breakdown of the current world order, the escalating conflicts in the middle east and europe, the isolation of large markets like the Russian market, are just going to intensify.
Simple reason, the world's running out metals, particularly copper, and nobody is going to be paying to host that free stuff when it becomes too expensive. It's free because we are the product and there's a gigantic capitalist structure driving us to buy stuff advertised to us, but as the economy tumbles, countries like india develop, more rare metals are needed for the energy transition for electric cars, much of the free internet is just going to disappear as that narrow business model falls to the wayside. Why advertise when people are spending their money on necessities?
It's a really narrow profitability model and people don't realize how much of a knife's edge these big tech companies are on. Twitter teetering at the moment and the rapid collapse of My Space in the past shows how fast a collapse of social media can happen. Within the space of two to three years most of the internet that people waste their time on just could go, either in a desperate pay to view model. Maybe the government will step in to save it. TikTok itself might not even be valuable and just be a branch of the Chinese government, could western social media be the same? Maybe.
Maybe this process has already started and the increasing government intervention into social media isn't really entirely about control as people think, it's because they're basically trying to prop up crumbling infrastructure.
No. 1751251
>>1751240There have been several other anons like me who got kicked from their houses by their
abusive parents or after fights, my situation is not super crazy. I'm not a man
>>1751244If that's the case why aren't most women selling themselves too? if nobody's getting applications and 90% get ignored?
No. 1751260
>>1751078Ntayrt but
>and are at minimum not as morally culpable as the men. Are women not directly involved in prostitution themselves? They are culpable for their own actions, talking of whoring yourself out like it's a moral argument is moralfagging, but we all know selling yourself is pragmatically idiotic; it makes you open to diseases, it's social suicide and humiliation, it's a poor long term mode of making money, it often It often involves child trafficking and child rape, it normalizes male violence and entitlement, it makes one open to abuse and mental illness and damaging in a myriad of ways, it's also male worshipping, is patriarchical by design and is engaging in male supremacy. It also makes all women look pathetic and reflects on all of women. You are not in retarded choice feminism "you go girl humiliate yourself!" whore pride stan Twitter nor is this "woe is me women are forced into prostitution, prostitutes are hapless
victims uwu Tumblr. Have a backbone.
>>1751192>My point is feminism is about uplifting women as a class not only those you deem pleasant enough to deserve it.No. feminism is not about uplifting women to make them feel good uwu it is about equity and women being seen as human beings with a baseline level of dignity prostitutes work against this by making the example that women are meat to be bought and sold. How do you rationalize this in line with uplifting women as a class? What you're describing is liberal can do nothing wrong feminism by the virtue of being born with a vagina. Part of seeing women as human is being able to point at what behavior is degrading and humiliating, what is damaging to all women as a class, and prostitution only uplifts rapists. Part of feminism is being able to criticise womens poor decisions. Prostitution is perhaps the purest example of patriarchy and is male supremacy.
No. 1751261
>>1751244Outside of pay, the most convince arguments for SW I see is
>Being in control of who you service and who you're around, if a creepy moid is harassing you, you're able to kick him out or block him. Majority of fast food places let sexual harassment slide>Job security, these women need jobs that won't fire them over menial things or made up things>Fast responses, fast pay, as other anons have pointed out the job process in America can take literal months even for shitty fast food or gas stations. Even when you get technically hired it takes almost a month to get your first paycheck. A lot of people who have bills to pay can't risk letting them pile upAnyway - the original point was that anons were blaming the economy for the rise in sex work, which is true, but house anon just kept screaming about how the female EMT mentioned was just too stupid to budget. The anons sperging about prostitutes are proving everyone's point though, idk why some of you are jumping through hoops to ever admit maybe the economy is the problem instead of women who don't want to be on the streets
No. 1751275
>>1751269No one is talking about trafficking
victims though
No. 1751281
>>1751260Yes women are directly involved but in the vast majority of prostitution- ie not camming and onlyfans- it's not really a choice. Yes it's a bad decision, but I don't think it's a shameful one. I don't think hurting yourself is as bad as hurting others. The vast majority of prostitutes want to leave and would if they could, that's just a fact. I find it weird you're accusing me of Twitter choice feminism and while insisting that prostitutes choose to do it. But again even if they do, and even if they're mean on their forums, the solution isn't moralfagging and scolding. I don't think it's particularly a good thing to do, but I don't think it's morally wrong. They're absolutely not as culpable as the men, prostitutes wouldn't exist without men to buy them.
I never said anything about making women feel good. Other people's main arguments is that prostitutes are unlikeable and mean, and my point is it doesn't matter if some individual ethot was catty on a forum somewhere. Where do you get that I support prostitution from, the fact that I don't shame them and scold them and think they should get out safely? You think the vast majority of prostitution is women's poor decisions? Or you think camgirls and ethots are responsible for the men seeking them out?
No. 1751282
About 50-60% of young adults live with their parents lot of women who are abused by their parents either have to hope they get lucky with the job market, find someone to live with/get married ASAP (likely to a shitty man who will abuse them too), or they end up homeless and/or sex work. It's harder to find a job than ever, and near impossible to find one that's livable if you don't have connections. Not everyone is able to go months on end being unemployed and still have a bed to sleep on and food in their stomach, if your parents are
abusive that is not an option, regardless of how ~smart~you are
No. 1751286
>>1751277If you keep calling everyone who disagrees with you a scrote, including women who mention being rape
victims, then you can’t use that argument sorry
No. 1751287
Do go put in a fingernail worth of effort and go find some evidence, because you could’ve posted it a long time ago to shut us up but didn’t kek.
No. 1751290
>>1751286Claiming you’re a
victim of rape doesn’t erase your tone or the obvious, painful samefagging.
No. 1751299
>>1751294Why do you care so much about camgirls and stuff though? Like it's just putting the blame on the woman, which men have done forever. Yeah Shayna isn't a
victim of anything. She's also not responsible for sexism.
>>1751297>being financially forced into it doesn't mean that you don't have a choice No. 1751306
>>1751299No, being
financially forced into it
does mean that you did not have another choice. Get over it. Pretend to be a nun who’s so much better than prostitutes if you really think it’s that ghastly
No. 1751314
>>1751311In case you can’t read I’m responding to where she tried to disagree by saying that being fiscally forced into sex work
does not count as being “forced”
No. 1751317
>>1751308One side has been talking about how privileged western women strip, cam, do only fans, have sugar daddies because they’re dumb and lazy with personality disorders, and brag about what they’re doing online. The other side keeps bringing up impoverished rape
victims in third world countries who are being trafficked or live in poverty and can’t find a job. No one is even arguing about the same thing and it’s fucking annoying to read though.
No. 1751318
>>1751317Yeah because one side thinks that the women who are forced into prostitute
all must be sugar babby wannabes who wish to do onlyfans forever
No. 1751319
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>>1751315Kill yourself, immediately
No. 1751322
>>1751306What? This argument started because someone posted a female EMT who had to start onlyfans to pay bills. The house anon started replying and calling her stupid, bad at math, etc and then called her stupid again for not up and moving right then and there as if that's how it works.
Looking at the EMTs pictures she doesn't wear makeup, have fancy nails or hair, her apartment is pretty empty. I doubt she's just doing onlyfans for luxury items like the house anon claimed.
No. 1751325
>>1751322Ok so it
is survival sex work that she
was forced into, and there’s nothing to even challenge or disagree about. Easy. Glad you agree.
No. 1751328
>>1751319Middle class
background , doesn’t mean that they’re currently middle class at that point in their lives. Means that that was how their parents lived.
No. 1751340
>>1751326>>1751328>>1751333They’re not impoverished homeless
victims though, they had many options to pay their bills and they chose to perform sexually for rape apes
No. 1751386
>>1751281>I never said anything about making women feel good>>My point is feminism is about uplifting women as a class not only those you deem pleasant enough to deserve it.Is uplifting not the same as "making women feel good"? What are you uplifting women from? Certainly not being seen as meat since you're supporting that they sell themselves, albeit softly in a "be nice" feminism, acquiescent way reminiscent of the true harmn of female socialization. Your be nice all prostitues are
victims and women are innocent uwu logic opens the flood gates for males to expand and normalize human and child trafficking.
>the solution isn't moralfagging and scolding.Are you not the one who started moralfagging? you're only using the term in the first place because I drew attention to you using it. By the way it's not "moralfagging" to state the obvious, call foolish behavior foolish and what society says about prostitutes. I'm not coming up with solutions to human trafficking, that is not a burden I am faced with and neither are you, we're just talking about it. I'm not here to solve the ills of the world and never claimed to be. If you see my criticisms as petty scolding you really don't give a shit about uplifting women as a class like you say, you only want a comfortable cage for women to be in. Women could escape prostitution more if it were hardline banned and treated as criminal but advocating for being nice only gives traffickers more outs and normalizes that women are actually meat. Being nice gives men an inch which turns to a criminal mile.
>Other people's main arguments is that prostitutes are unlikeable and meanI'm not making those arguments of other anons but you have to wonder why that would be true in the first place. Could it be because prostitution is playing exactly into patriarchy and male supremacy, in it's betrayal of women and that an individuals actions don't exist in a vacuum? I didn't make this argument but it makes sense, I can't think of a more sick intrasexual competitive behavior, one that captures female betrayal, or a more patriarchical and male supremacist action than literally whoring yourself out to your rapist oppressors.
You don't have to defend prostitutes and idiotic women from meanie bombeanies, we can discuss why prostitution is retarded, illogical and the women who engage in it are benefiting male supremacy and the patriarchy while hurting all other women without playing grandstanding Olympics of who's the nicest and who's the meanest. You also don't get to argue that all women exist in a vacuum where their behavior will not reflect on others. You "can't not all men" prostitutes to women; prostitutes by in large are women. Utterly limp wristed and spineless.
>Where do you get that I support prostitution from, the fact that I don't shame them and scold them and think they should get out safely?The fact that you seem incapable of criticising prostitution and prostitutes as they benefit patriarchy and male supremacy while humiliating women, the fact that you automatically see them as
victims when they are complicit in womens suffering as a class, something you claimed in a earlier post to be "uplifting" women from.
>You think the vast majority of prostitution is women's poor decisions? Or you think camgirls and ethots are responsible for the men seeking them out? I don't care if prostitution is a decision or forced, please don't include whorish examples I'm not interested in them. I don't blame prostitutes for male biology, no. But the logic still rings true regardless. Again spineless and toothless "be nice" feminism isn't even rationally sound let alone what you're trying to argue is morally sound, "grandstanding won't someone think of the prostitutes uwu" arguments are dime a dozen. If you aren't ready to criticise idiotic grown womens decisions and how their actions trickle down to human and child trafficking being normalized you never will be capable of seeing women as human.
No. 1751387
>>1751342Try it on banana slices and try a dollop of it in a light smoothie with coconut water, oat milk and a banana. It enriches anything fresh you eat it with.
If your concept of peanut butter is processed Reeses pieces shit or bland lunch sandwiches this may change your mind.
No. 1751402
>>1751386Uplifting just means putting women's interests first which includes exit from prosecution regardless of how they behave as individuals. And I wasn't grandstanding about being nice, I was saying other people's arguments were 'prostitutes are unlikeable and mean' which isn't really a political position or moral argument. You sound really naive if you think prostitutes go into it for reasons of 'intrasexual competition' or trying to prove how hot they are. I just have empathy for them, that's it. It's an awful situation that all of them regret. Thinking prostitutes are hurting themselves more than they hurt others isn't supporting it, stop putting words in my mouth. I don't think prostitutes deserve to be punished but pimps do. I hate prostitution as an industry, women who 'choose' to do so are such a small minority it's not worth discussing, but I don't hate prostitutes. None of the people here were criticizing prostitution as an industry on the basis that it hurts women, they were saying 'sex workers brag about stealing husbands' and other individual focused criticisms. Any criticism of men was notably absent. Most prostitutes are forced into it economically through other means, but even if someone makes the choice to do that, they're not responsible for misogyny. I think focusing on the "idiotic whores who chose to do so" is a distraction, we should focus on pimps and sex traffickers and help women exit. I don't actually see how some ethot like Shayna's decisions trickle down to child trafficking no. Human trafficking still happens in countries where prostitution is entirely banned, who's to blame there?
>whorish >won't someone think of the prostitutes uwuYou didn't answer my question, you think all prostitutes are the result of 'idiotic grown women's decisions'? You don't think it's a painful and traumatizing situation to be in?
No. 1751459
>>1751452I like how you acknowledge it's
abusive and traumatizing but still thinks it's easy money. Go sit on a cactus until it's smooth.
No. 1751486
>>1751479I’m not that anon
>you have sex for freeI’m sorry I fuck men I actually like and not men who stink and are repulsive for gas money
No. 1751489
>>1751481I'm literally not telling you which country because I don't want you american bitches moving here. stay on your yankee hellhole.
>>1751486you're literally a tradthot whining about women who get paid for sex, you're probably marrying someone for money that you're not attracted to because you're a vain bitch so stfu you're not better than a prostitute. assuming you don't look like a paper bag full of dog shit and can actually bag a man with money.
No. 1751509
>>1751503when people say sex work is degrading they also mean cam girls. I dont think you understand being objectified in any way is degrading and horrible for your mental health. yes less than 1% of sex workers are bagging millions but that doesn't say anything about their mental health.
>>1751505you're literally shitting up a virtual neighbourhood being a fucking retard
No. 1751514
>>1751512(citation needed)
also voices in your head doesn't count as citation.
No. 1751521
>>1751517yes, you see, it's bad. you would literally go under physical torture than do it yet you say people do it because they're choosing to. you're a schizophrenic tradthot.
>>1751520you're also broken but you will never see it.
No. 1751528
>>1751521I hate men but I'm a tradthot? Make it make sense.
>>1751508 and I could sue my workplace if an accident like that happened to me, I doubt you can take any legal action if you decide later on you don't want any sexual imagery of yourself going around because you legally consented to it beforehand you daft retard
No. 1751532
>>1751529they're not excuses, they're reasons and you don't get to invalidate anyone's life just because you dont agree with their circumstances. you sound sheltered and privileged, because you can't acknowledge someone might be going through something you wouldn't even understand how hard it could be.
>>1751530why do americans assume only europeans criticise them kek the entire world mocks americans.
No. 1751537
>>1751534NTA but I can tell you've never talked to a french person because french people hate talking to anglos or in english kekkk of all europeans you had to mention the french who just refuse to speak in english compared to other european countries.
>>1751535>food stampssperg-chan I dont think you understand the rest of the world exists
No. 1751544
>>1751516American states each have their own individual government, hence why it’s called the United States. Every state is different and comparing the laws in one state to another doesn’t make any more sense than comparing all the different European countries
>>1751526Asking someone which country they’re from and telling them to look at their own country’s abortion laws isn’t what whataboutism means
No. 1751546
>>1751541>germanyyou realize prostitution is legal in germany (not that I agree with it) and if you want to apply for unemployed benefits and you're a female they literally tell you to go work on a brothel. also tons of people get trafficked to germany due its' lax prostitution legalization. it's the same with netherlands.
>sweden>finlandthese countries have next to no prostitution thanks to the nordic model. also welfare system is strong af.
>UKa certified anglo shithole where people get human trafficked and acid thrown on a daily basis.
No. 1751554
>>1751549>stop being lazy"haha just stop being mentally ill. abuse? just get over it LOL. you're too poor to have time to study and need to work? I'm so much better than you, totally."
this is how you sound.
No. 1751572
>>1751522Because the dollars to hours ratio is quite high, say 100$ per client and ten clients a day is 1000$ earned relatively easily and quickly.
What jobs are around which can make you earn more than 100$ per hour including taxes?
No. 1751583
>>1751573ugh i meant beauf* but whatever
>>1751574that sounds awesome, i wish i could do that but nudity isn't allowed in my country or i would try it too. i got a full bush as well and growing it out was my best decision. i love how it looks !!! i couldn't ever go back, just trimming here and there. it's just so comfortable and natural. even aesthetically it looks heaps better and
i wasn't ever insecure about the shape of my labia or like whatever, so it's not about hiding or anything. it's freeing enough to just have it so i can imagine how it feels with beach breeze and all. i know i'm going to sound like a tranny and i'm sorry but i especially love the womanliness of it, the pattern and "shape". being female rules
No. 1751585
>>1751582then don't hate women who do it. hate the system who makes these women do that, hate the johns, the pimps but don't hate the women in it because they're
No. 1751588
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I'm starting to feel real bad for SW defender anon, not because I agree with her but cause she's been trying to pretend she's not a SW herself but you can see her miserable job being discussed or criticized at all triggers her. She's a living example on why SW should never be a career path under any circumstances unless you a thirdie, trafficked or worse. If you got options, any at all, use them, don't ever think about getting into sex work, getting a retail job will not give you this amount of regret, waiting some time for money will not fuck you up like that will, she cannot live with herself and it's killing her inside and that's why she's so eagerly forcing everyone else to approve of her job despite the several and seemingly infinite downsides. Don't ever get into sex work, it ain't worth it and everyone telling you otherwise ("it's fast money!") It's lying blatantly about the actual consequences, you cannot undo the damage it will do to your mind, it will never be a viable option
No. 1751592
>>1751587most cam girls and onlyfans girls lie about their status because it attracts other girls to work with them. it's kinda like a pyramid scheme thing.
>>1751588>>1751591sorry I actually care about all women including the ones you deem not worthy of being defended. I don't have to anonymously prove to you I'm not a prostitute simply by virtue of me not actually caring what literal nobodies think of me. I'd rather be called a prostitute than let some women think it's okay to degrade and think less of other women because of what circumstances they live in. you can keep seething about it, I'll keep defending these women and your mentally ill asses can keep thinking I'm a SW to justify me defending these women you hate so much.
No. 1751593
>>1751585I dont hate women who do it, but alot of women decide to enter into it themselves, they aren't all manipulated into it by men.
The rise of OF etc. Alot were told that it was empowering by women who want other women to feel as miserable as they are.
I feel alot of sympathy of those who have chosen that path. But they are
victims of their own poor choices.
I feel sorry for some men who feel the need to get human connection by buying a hooker also.
No. 1751595
>>1751593>I feel sorry for some men who feel the need to get human connection by buying a hooker alsoso you don't feel sorry about women who decide to enter prostitution for whatever reason but you feel sorry for moids who hate and objectify women enough to seek prostitution?
this place is really in the dumps.
No. 1751601
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I hope you all get permabanned.
No. 1751614
>>1751607You know that mods could easily check my IP post story, right? You can't accuse everybody of being the same person you were talking to
>>1751612You're going to get actually banned, calm down
No. 1751616
>>1751606If it was a sex trafficked woman in a sleazy brothel then I would, as she was sex trafficked.
But an OF model whos picking and selling sex to who she wants, no that isnt rape to me.
>>1751610No as she has passed out and unable to make decisions for herself.
No. 1751623
>>1751620Are you trying to say an adult women who choose who she sells sex to is the same as a passed out woman who is being raped?
Should women not be able to make their own decisions then?
No. 1751625
>>1751571England isn’t ghetto kek, some areas are rough though but that’s like anywhere.
>>1751571Ireland has some real dangerous areas. Although people like to ignore or are just unaware
No. 1751633
>>1751627She is selling sex in exchange of money. She is willingly providing an act. She is consenting to the interaction for profit.
To lump that in with a woman passed out being sexually assaulted is pretty gross.
permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
No. 1751642
>>1751628the whole of Ireland is a ghetto bordering on third world shithole. doesn't matter if it's north, south east or what.
>>1751625That's because Irish act like fucking animals and I'm saying that as an Irish person. I've been here 4 months and I fucking hate my life and these people. never seen anything like it in my life
No. 1751643
>>1751638yeah but your version is literally not what happened.
>batting away all the dirty hoes is topkekyou sound like a moid.
>>1751640because you can't make your body feel arousal or attraction on demand. you can make yourself do things like work but you can't make yourself feel pleasure or orgasm on demand. it's literally a bodily response to arousal and attraction, not an act you can choose or not. accepting money for someone to use your body is rape as your psyche has not consented and your body will not respond as such.
No. 1751645
>>1751643Ok, so if she is attracted and turned on by the John then its not rape?
What about women who get turned on by actual rape? And cum during it? Does that not count as rape?
No. 1751648
>>1751645>so if she is attracted and turned on by the John then its not rapenow you just want to fucking nitpick. this situation doesn't happen most of the time. johns are usually disgusting men who can't form relationships with women normally. figure out why women don't want them, even though we already have low as fuck standards as it is.
>What about women who get turned on by actual rape? And cum during it? Does that not count as rape?what in ao3 fanfic bullshit is this? you realize most if not all people turned on by rape are turned on by the fantasy and the control they have over the fantasy and not the act itself, right?
No. 1751654
>>1751648>now you just want to fucking nitpick. this situation doesn't happen most of the time. johns are usually disgusting men who can't form relationships with women normally. figure out why women don't want them, even though we already have low as fuck standards as it is.My conversation throughout this whole exchange isnt sex trafficked women, its women who have chosen to be sex workers. OF models turned prostitutes' etc who can pick who they bang for $.
>what in ao3 fanfic bullshit is this? you realize most if not all people turned on by rape are turned on by the fantasy and the control they have over the fantasy and not the act itself, right?I am talking about women who have been raped but now feel shame having had their body react and "enjoy it". There have been many campaigns about trying to stop women feeling guilty over thinking they "enjoyed" their rape because their body reacted/orgasmed over it.
I'm not a guy, I just have a different opinion on OF prostitutes' being rape
victims in the circumstances I've said.
No. 1751662
>>1751659I acknowledge sex trafficked women and those manipulated by others into SW are getting raped, not OF SWers who are choosing their Johns. I have said this further up.
This is my last reply, neither of us will change our mind on the subject.
Genuinely enjoy the rest of your day/night, you've given me food for thought.
No. 1751790
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>>1751782I agree with you. I met a few males online and asked them if they would marry if they dated a woman for a long time, and accidentally got her pregnant. They said they would take care of the baby, but still wouldn't feel like getting married. Personally, I just think it's really trashy to bring a kid into this world without being married to the person you
love and having the baby
with. The child should grow up in a home where both parents have most things sorted out with each other, not with a structure where their dad (legally) is still in the role of some common boyfriend. So yeah, men who say they can love and have kids but never marry, they're trashy to me.
No. 1751882
>>1751402>None of the people here were criticizing prostitution as an industry on the basis that it hurts women, they were saying 'sex workers brag about stealing husbands' and other individual focused criticisms. I was and am. There is no "sex workers" you mean prostitutes. You conveniently ignore prostitutes empowering patriarchy and male supremacy in favor of a one stroke brush paint of "all prostitutes are
victims uwu". Again please have a backbone to see women as humans worthy of criticism.
I don't use this site to gossip about mentally ill women much, I use it to discuss things that are taboo for women to discuss since most topics are censored and completely unable to be discussed by women in the real world and on the internet. I don't care about prostitutes on this site or their opinions. Anyone who actively supports patriarchy and male supremacy isn't an ally of women period, including other women. Making concessions and playing nice is what led to trannies and male centered-feminism under the guise of protecting and helping male supremacist women that you are arguing for concessions to and the normalization of paid rape.
>we should focus on pimps and sex traffickers and help women exitThere is no "we", normative statements like that are moralfagging and prostitutes wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. You know that males will never change regardless of what laws you put in place to make paid rape more palatable. The tired argument of we should punish men for mens crimes has never worked in history and never will, no one's advocating for women to be punished. I said laws should be made against prostitution, I didn't say prostitites should be punished for it but they should be told and reminded that they are pathetic and contributing to their own suffering the continued suffering of women and girls forever. I never argued that prostitutes main motivation is intrasexual competition but this can't be denied through actions; they are a part of patriarchy this is inseperable, it's not my opinion, the patriarchy is not some intangible concept floating in the ether it's women who contribute to it, those who marry, coddle and whore themselves to the oppressor class. You seem to think women can do no wrong and are perpetual
victims, uplifting each other out of the goodness of their hearts but prostitutes are literally part of patriarchy and male supremacists who allow this machine to continue to function. Prostitution could actually end and cease to exist tomorrow by in large in the developed world if women stopped whoring themselves out and had class solidarity and respect for themselves but self loathing and male worship in women seems unquestioning so much so that you actually believe it would be possible to punish men for mens inhumanity over simply women stopping selling their own bodies. Let's see how successful that's been historically in the last 2000 years. Try to advocate for the punishment and execution of rapists/pimps aka rape traffickers but you know it will never happen. You are trying to police male biology. Also there's no reason that this can't be attempted while also speaking truthfully about prostitutes male supremacy.
As I've said before your opinion is the default opinion from female socialization and by far the most common run of the mill liberal feminist one, but the problem with this is it's shrouded in lies for the sake of protecting males and patriarchy. Women could protest and refuse to aid this machine but too much is gained from whoring out oneself, too much is lost from women acknowledging that they are aiding the oppressor class and diminishing their own, while gaining a small individual benefit as a reward for playing correctly by the ones in power. You can never stop males from raping, no amount of slaps on the wrist will stop male biology. Actually uplifting women would be telling them this, not sugar coating it, making excuses for rapists to continue raping and mentally ill male supremacist women. There is almost always an alternative to whoring yourself out everywhere in the developed world. The only true
victims of trafficking are children. Women make their choices and choose males over other women. Your bullshit concession is not choosing class solidarity or uplifting women, it's a concession of rapists, rapists logic and rape defending women. Also fuck off with "the no one blamed males for engaging in paid rape uwu". No shit, paid rape is self-evidently abhorrent and par for the course in male biology. It bares no mentioning.
No. 1751927
>>1751901I agree I think they're just narcissistic sociopaths who don't even attempt to assimilate into society. basically every man is autistic. makes sense.
>>1751882I agree. I really hate prostitutes and their feral moids. tired of them all. in my world prostitutes and their moids would be off to the de-pornify camps. the ones who can assimilate back into society and be normal can stay the others..well it it will be hard labour for 80 years. no mercy not even for the women they are traitors and contribute to the image of every woman being a whore.
No. 1751937
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I do not give a fuck about black anime fanart as long as it’s not fuckin ugly. Unless it’s a borderline caricature, who the fuck cares that a teenager went on ibisPaint and darkened the skin of her favorite genshin character. It doesn’t do any damage. Or if someone wants to draw their favorite anime husbando as black, or with textured hair, it doesn’t matter. I genuinely don’t see a problem with it, unless it’s clearly meant to be racist. If you think it’s cringe, that’s fine, but the reaction some people have to black fanart is so extreme. People on twitter were seething at the fact this one artist drew Anya as black, calling her a slave and n word, it’s anime art! Stop being threatened by anime fanart that isn’t gonna hurt you!
No. 1751955
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>>1751937The issue is that anime characters don't look like white people or Asian people, all we know from their appearance is that they are light-skinned, all you literally have to do is just make the skin dark and that's it.
No. 1751976
>>1751937i agree. it genuinely doesn't matter IMO if someone draws a character as a different race, as long as it's not ugly or hateful.
>>1751955i agree with this too, though.
No. 1752135
i know it is unlikely to be "unpopular" here specifically, but i fucking hate the word "mistress". But every time i have to define exactly why it makes me so uncomfortable I cant really explain it well. Idk if its the fact that theres no male equivalent, and/or the fact that it isnt used vitriolically at all, even though technically, out of all the words used against women who express their sexuality in ways society deems "unacceptable", homewreckers are really the group most deserving (if not the only group) of hate-filled deragatory names. But something about the word, or moreso the way its used maybe, sounds so….glorified? I really feel like male infidelity is extremely sensationalized but its just barely covert enough to where if you try pointing it out, people are gonna call you a deranged feminazi, but its real, and everyone knows it is.
No. 1752200
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My unpopular opinion is, every single one of the New Colonisers need to get out of my country. I'm 25 years old and my long dead grandparents wouldn't recognise London today.
No. 1752211
>>1752193It’s just obnoxious, nta by the way, because when you’re looking for some nice fanart, you see these weird OCs tagged as the things you’re looking for, and it clogs your feed with shit you don’t want to see because it’s literally an eyesore.
Is it a crime? No, but it’s utterly annoying. Like, I want to see my hot ass sexy demon man wearing cool clothes, not this weird ass gremlin fucker who’s somehow autistic and a tranny with a bunch of weird ass color palettes that are supposed to mean other “genders” and “sexualites”.
>inb4 just hide it lolYeah, I do that, but
because it’s tagged with tags I give a fuck about, that shit will appear again, and again, and again ad infinitum.
No. 1752228
>>1751679You sound like a
femcel: tattoos on men are a good
femcel repellent just like tattoos on women are a good incel repellent.
No. 1752234
>>1749365All sex work is about pleasing men. Even if you’re busting mens balls and spitting on the floor for them to lick up, you’re still getting them off.
I remember a lot of dommes saying that their clients, despite being subs, are always very picky demanding and exacting about everything, despite claiming to want the woman to be in control. At the end of the day it exists for mens jollies alone.
No. 1752237
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>>1752234SHUT UP. PLEASE.
No. 1752239
>>1751642Irish ghettos, gangs and murders don’t get any media attention because everyone in them and going them is white. Crime is only bad when it’s
poc doing it. Otherwise it gets glorified: see the massive popularity of mafia movies and series.
No. 1752241
>>1752228God, I love that
femcel is redtexted
No. 1752244
>>1752228Oh yeah, I can’t wait to date a moid with a retarded tribal tattoo, it really shows how he’s definitely not some slave to his impulses.
Idk, dating someone with random scattered tattoos sounds like a bad idea, at least date someone who isn’t addicted to the feeling of the needles on their skin.