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File (hide): 1694417444368.png (2.63 MB, 1386x1316, uppies.png)

No. 1694244

Charlie XCX goes on a schoolgirl twitter rant: >>1682311
Meg skinnies up: >>1682372
Jumbo simpson moves to Nashville: >>1682925
50 cent beats a fan with his microphone after throwing a fit on stage: >>1683754
Another woman comes out against Nick Carter: >>1683777
Selena Gomez breaks her strike: >>1683920
World renowned cheater Ariana grande stuns in gollum fashions: >>1684117
Doja cat wannabe 2012 illuminati phase continues: >>1684142
Paris Jackson posts a story about how Michael was a jehovahs witness and never celebrated his bday: >>1684225
Nosferatu is on the festival circuit: >>1684933
Some Irish nobody spoon-feeds the trannies: >>1685806
Margaritaville CEO and Why Don’t We Get Drunk singer, Jimmy Buffett, passes away: >>1686740
Cyrus family divorce/marriage uproar continues: >>1686786
Yet another year of egregious unnecessary sex scenes receiving 30 minute long standing ovations during festival season: >>1687433
We lose Smashmouth frontman and Allstar singer, Steve Harwell: >>1687478
Someone’s grandma screaming crying throwing up and ripping out her stoma over timothey shalmay: >>1689314, >>1688620
Sasha Obama looking like my father in a bra: >>1689316
Dorian electra humiliating himself: >>1689360
Kourtney and travis’ baby needed “fetal surgery” (apparently): >>1689554
emrata celebrates her sons second birthday with a photoshoot for her: >>1689570
Kanye making Bianca wear a styrofoam burqa: >>1690344
Julia fox looking…cold?:>>1690660
Ethan Hawke directs a porn starring his own spawn: >>1690701
Cillian Murphy discovers lolcow.farm: >>1690852
Madonnas daughter looking like a prized hog: >>1690855
Logan Paul wife porn drama: >>1691322
Hugh Hefner’s son beating on his gf what else is new: >>1691510
Kelly Osbourne goes on ozempic: >>1691771
Lana beaming as always on her tour: >>1691950
Timothy Heller selfpoasts because boredom: >>1692157
Rihanna and rocky name their baby “retard”: >>1692298
Amanda Bynes starts becoming cognizant: >>1692371
A third grimes x Melon frankenbebe collab: >>1692622
Sophie and Joe split: >>1692720
Al pacinga splits from baby mama 500: >>1693251
Matty Healy’s fav porn website in legal peril: >>1693401
Pedophile and his grooming victim write letters on behalf of their rapist coworker (shocker, I know): >>1693981
Christina ricci calls them out rightfully so: >>1693072
Chris evans marriage: >>1693993
Kylie Timmy cuddle makes the 12 year olds cry yet again: >>1694012(don't respond to bait ITT, OP is on an infight rampage)

No. 1694245>>1694298>>1694779

Not a ton of celeb milk because 98% if the last thread was florence-pugh chan and infighting…

No. 1694256>>1694259

How do you know that was Timothy Heller Self posting? Are you joking OP? I’m too autistic to tell.

No. 1694259>>1694299

Why would someone randomly bring her up almost 8 years after she faded into irrelevancy? And right as Melanie is finishing up the promo for her new slopmix? I don't really think anyone is keeping up with her and taking it upon themselves to post about her, just based off how long it has been since anyone has given a shit about the whole "molestation" thing(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 1694264>>1694269>>1694270

Does Olivia Rodrigo have breast implants?

No. 1694269

Please don't start

No. 1694270>>1694271>>1694272>>1694534>>1696526

File (hide): 1694421498081.png (1.35 MB, 976x752, botchedballs.png)

It looks kind of like she has implants that are on the smaller side? Whatever plastic surgeon she went to gave her the most disgusting distant Carmen Electra soccer ball tits

No. 1694271

Ok yeah boobs don't sit like that braless in a dress. Def implants

No. 1694272>>1694280

Yeah I know I've grown up when the idea of speculating over the body of someone who was born in 2003 sounds absurd and weird for me to do

No. 1694280>>1694514

File (hide): 1694421962839.png (1.67 MB, 1088x914, botchedpng.png)

Good thing I was born in 2002 so I'm allowed to. She is also an adult choosing to show off her botched look so we have the right to say she paid for a shitty boob job. Here's another example this right tit is making it obvious. Thats just not how a natural large breast sits on the chest kek(already discussed in previous threads, no more boob sperging please)

No. 1694281

Stupid fucking thriftfag anon is in every fucking thread pretending everyone is bullying her. Zoomers are so fucking helpless shouldn't she be working 100+ hours weekly(bringing infight to another thread)

No. 1694298>>1694779

Let’s hope Cillian Murphy and his wife Yvonne don’t bring their hysterics about Florence into this thread

No. 1694299>>1694328>>1694430

Timothy does have a fair few dedicated supporters (one of them being a “themby” friend of hers who I couldn’t remember the name of if you held a gun to my head) and a lot of people still believe her and will bring up her allegations every time MM is mentioned. Doesn’t mean it’s her. Seems a bit stupid to state it like it’s a fact and it’s almost like click bait, people will stop in the thread thinking “what?! Really!?” When really it’s just a simple post that proves nothing about who posted it. Like I agree it totally COULD be her, but for all the proof we have it could have been the fucking pope as well.

No. 1694305

At first I seriously thought it was Timmy and Kris trying to show off that he’s already close to the family or something

No. 1694328>>1694509>>1694695

File (hide): 1694425334052.jpeg (277.09 KB, 1042x582, IMG_4426.jpeg)

>>1694299("hi cow")

No. 1694430>>1694435>>1694460

After amber heard situation, I'll always believe a victim unless it's %100 proven that they're making it all up - which amber wasn't either but she also got painted as a liar. A lot of Melanie's exfans believed the allegations and that's why she's not popular anymore.

No. 1694435

Careful, the thread OP will make your comment into a crying wojak meme if you disagree with her.(ignore bait, report and move on)

No. 1694454>>1694505

>some Irish nobody
I'm going to beat your ass anon. I bet you are american.

No. 1694460>>1694517

Plus Melanie’s fans are known for fabricating evidence and bullying a possible rape victim out of social media. A “video proof 100% real” video by a crybaby aint gonna cut shit

No. 1694471>>1694776

The cast of that 70’s show was filled with freaks. Wilmer Valderrama, who played Fez, dated Mandy Moore when she was 16 and he was in his twenties (and in an interview he bragged about taking her virginity when she was 16) then he dated Lindsey Lohan when she was 17, and then Demi Lovato when she was 17 and he was 29

No. 1694505

I am american And I’m not gonna pretend to care about some tranny dick sucker. You make the thread if you wanna write a paragraph about her

No. 1694509

How is being able to see that a post is a self post a “hi cow”? Because if that were the case then all of the presumed Kiki post history threads would be multiple “hi cow” redtexts according to the new zoomer farmhands

No. 1694514


“no talking about celebrities in the celebricows thread” yeahh…ok KEKK

No. 1694517>>1694521

I’m not even a Martinez fan but the story just sounds like bullshit based off how she told it, really. Any well adjusted adult will hear it and think to themselves Yeah this didn’t happen. Why would she go to her house and agree to have sex with her in the first place? Why would she smoke weed with her? If she suddenly felt uncomfortable about what they agreed to do, why didn’t she get up and go, then never speak to MM again? If it traumatized her so bad, why did she continue hanging out with, following, and obsessing over MM after she claimed it happened? Why was she liking MM’s posts? Why did she have photographs of them together still up at the time she started telling people the story? A lot of it just doesn’t add up…

As for the whole Depp vs Heard clown show was a publicity stunt for all involved due to the actors strike. They need their attention somehow, don’t they?(quadruple-posting ban evading sperg)

No. 1694521

When did I get banned? Your farmhands aren’t very good at checking cookies and assuring they’re actually banning the same person. You guys should really have some kind of training program so your servants don’t make themselves look retarded(still ban evading)

No. 1694532>>1694535>>1694539>>1694553>>1694554>>1694557>>1694596>>1694617>>1694664>>1694668>>1695808

File (hide): 1694448314392.png (208.58 KB, 549x309, 8CDCDBEC-31C8-49DC-B29A-7386A4…)

Hate to admit it but they’re kinda cute together

No. 1694534

She most certainly does in the right photo.

No. 1694535

Eh they just look like people I could take or leave this relationship

No. 1694539

they would be cute together if kylie wasn't botched

No. 1694551>>1694573

Literally never heard of that film, he played a fag in 2017 and that makes him a Hollywood heart throb for young girls? Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall can transcend how ugly and off-putting male homosexuals are. Timmy has no sex appeal.

No. 1694553

I had to look up how old she is because she looks like she could be his plastic surgery mom.

No. 1694554

Kylie looks like she's in her 40s.

No. 1694557>>1694596>>1694985

Omg. I bet kylie thinks timmy can fill the role of Scott in their tv show. Their show is flopping let's see if timmy is the new Pete Davidson comes in for half a season gets secondhand embarrassment when it airs and gets his lawyers to fight with the producers to get written out of the show kek

No. 1694558

Can we pitch in to buy a bunch of red markers and pens for the new farmhand to doodle around her house instead of taking it out on the threads? It's getting so fucking annoying, last thread was insufferable. Not everything you don't like is infighting or bait, some nonas genuinely have these opinions and back and forth replies are kind of the entire point. Even completely logical statements only nazi 4chan fags would deny such as black people being oppressed and white people benefitting from said oppression get labeled as 'racebait' now. Calm down.(complaints go in /meta/)

No. 1694573>>1694574

Its actually a paedophile film

No. 1694574

So he's a Hollyweird plant. Makes sense he's running around with yacht girl kylie.

No. 1694596>>1694624>>1694630>>1694661>>1694824

Most people seem to be unaware of what’s really going on.
There’s a massive beef between Timothee Chalamet and Nicolas Winding Refn. Timothee was part of the casting process for The Neon Demon, andhe was originally cast for the role that was eventually played by Karl Glusman. Basically, while Timmy was still cast, Refn was in contact with Gaspar Noe who was making Love (2015) with Glusman. Noe convinced Refn that Glusman was going to be THE big star of the next decade, and that he should put Glusman in The Neon Demon. Refn agreed and kicked Timmy off the film just before filming started and replaced him with Glusman. Timothee has never forgiven Refn for this. Refn, in his autism, is really mad that Glusman sort of faded away while Timothee became the biggest new male star and Refn somehow blames Timothee for how everything went down (Refn is a turboautist, don’t spend too much time trying to understand his reasoning).

Now, why does this matter? Well, Refn recently partnered up with Travis Scott and spends all his time sucking up to Scott now. Timothee hopes to disrupt all this by banging Scott’s ex, it’s a desperate attempt to humiliate Scott and possibly hurt Refn and his projects in the process. It’s not entirely sensible, but it is what it is.

No. 1694617>>1694623

Kylie deserves someone cuter than mr chlamydia but this couple is still cute.

No. 1694623

I kind of wish Kylie and Travis could just be normal people and parent their adorable kids together. I'm not trying to moralfag but could you imagine their family photos? Like aww

No. 1694624

No. 1694630>>1694631>>1694636

Never heard of the neon demon or love or Gulsman. Hollywood really has fallen off for the young adult demographic. No wonder the younger gen aren't having as much sex the silver screen is full of men that would leave you drier than the Sahara.

Travis Scott never seemed to care about kylie while they were together i doubt he'd strain his neck enough to look up. Beards gone wild. The real beards of calabasas

No. 1694631

You literally hear of more teen girls crushing on 40 year old actors like pascal than the young twinks of hollywood

No. 1694636>>1694637>>1694645

Anon's post was unironically very interesting but my main thought after reading it was "fuck at least we aren't getting this glusman guy being shilled, at least Timothy Champaign is young, nothing is so bad it can't get any worse"

No. 1694637>>1694641

Yeah I had to Google who he was. An ugly 35 year old, timmy's contemporary is a near 40 year old. Hollywood is literally out of male talent.

No. 1694641>>1694654>>1694676>>1694994

Have you all noticed that so many zoomer men are just…ugly? (I know, I know, the obvious joke here is 'all men are ugly', but seriously) So many zoomer males look like a weird vague brown mix with curly hair and they're all either emaciated frail manlets or fatasses. Where the fuck are all of the regular normal looking hunks?

No. 1694645

I remember seeing Love when it came out and not enjoying Karls performance kek…it was basically en par with Timmy's. Nothing special, lots of screaming and crying, sex scenes that don't need to be there, the whole 9 yards.

No. 1694654

They bought into body positivity harder than women did while complaining about it the whole time.

No. 1694661>>1696256

sources for this anon? this is juicy and Timothee has a track record of naming directors which have rejected him (he's mentioned Tim Burton multiple times kek)

No. 1694664>>1694670>>1694679>>1694689>>1694692

File (hide): 1694459600448.jpg (126.55 KB, 750x920, kylie-jenners-transformation.j…)

I know that it gets mentioned without fail every time she is brought up so I'm sorry to say it, but I really do feel bad that Kylie fucked up her face. Even if she stops getting fillers, I don't think it can reverse the aging it's done to her. She should've stopped at whatever she was doing when she first started getting them done back in like 2014/2015. The reason why I feel bad was because she was super young when she started getting work done. I think she said recently that she regrets it and hopes her daughter doesn't get any PS, so maybe she'll break the Kris Jenner curse but I doubt it.

No. 1694668

I honestly love how the teens and sahms are losing their shit over them being together - saying Timothee is throwing away his career; when he's a pretty white boy in his 20s so I think he'll be alright.

Honestly wishing them the best tbh.

No. 1694670

Oh wow she looks a lot like Bruce. No wonder she "transitioned" (so to speak) into a different woman via plastic facial surgery

No. 1694676

I had a 28 year old moid get mad at me when I was 31 and said I thought Tom Holland looked like a fruit and feel bad for young girls. This guy was always overtly objectifying towards women constantly so I liked to not mince words when it came to men and targeting their insecurities. However I wasn't lying when I called Tom Holland soft, boring and short.

No. 1694679

She looked pretty from 2015 till 2018, and her 2018 face with less filler is practically perfect for her (although I’m sure this photo was still edited). I feel sorry for her too, I think she knows that she fucked up her face (her bleph is the most botched I’ve ever seen, she should sue).

No. 1694689>>1694692>>1694696>>1694699

File (hide): 1694461872230.jpeg (81.95 KB, 561x720, IMG_7698.jpeg)

2018 is such a lie lmao. this is how she was looking in 2018.

No. 1694692

Kylie looks pretty and ugly at the same time, very weird.

No. 1694695

The amount of dedication over a lame tinfoil is embarrassing kek

No. 1694696

File (hide): 1694462956438.jpeg (180.99 KB, 800x1200, IMG_2622.jpeg)

She dissolved some filler in her lips in 2018 and looked like picrel, for a very short while though. She went back almost immediately.

No. 1694699>>1694772

My personal opinion is that Kylie was never really pretty. And that's fine. She used to be involved in gymnastics and seemed like she had a cool personality and that should have been enough for her psycho family, but it wasn't. So she went from average, cute on a good day to botched.

No. 1694772

even her best year (2014) is just really average.

No. 1694776

I've always hated fez and his stupid face, he's so ugly and not funny at all. Turns out most of the whole cast totally sucks. Go figure…

No. 1694779>>1694918

File (hide): 1694470802317.jpg (841.14 KB, 2469x1660, MY 600 POUND LIFEs NEWEST STAR…)

I, for one, cannot WAIT for Celebricows #6969: Florence PeePeePooPugh Edition!

until then, we need normal threads pls

No. 1694824

The Neon Demon was kind of bad but the casting choice they made had nothing to do with it. Really pretty movie though. It just made me mad that Keanu played a violent pedophile. Completely pointless.

No. 1694865>>1694867>>1694898>>1694935>>1694950>>1694955>>1695141>>1698013

File (hide): 1694480006502.jpg (139.67 KB, 1500x1000, matty-healy-gabbriette-pda-090…)

apparently Matty Healy is dating a model named Gabriette Bechtel? I followed her because I thought she was pretty and I'm unaware if she is cowish at all, but this was dissapointing. A known coomer? Really?

No. 1694867>>1694872>>1694898>>1694955>>1695141

File (hide): 1694480210001.jpg (273.76 KB, 1216x1519, tumblr_fdf926f60e1017af5fc2c5f…)

I don't know if I follow her, but I've seen Grabriette a few times and she's very beautiful. But this isn't surprising to me because she does have that "look" to her that says this is her type, sleazy band guys.

No. 1694872

ayrt, I like her weird alt styling, but I do think she has had some surgery done to her face or something. Again I don't know if shes cowish at all but Matty definitely grosses me out

No. 1694877>>1694898>>1694922>>1694934>>1704390

File (hide): 1694481115450.jpeg (27.58 KB, 270x480, IMG_4094.jpeg)

Does anyone think Cillian Murphy looks like Oli London?

No. 1694898

They match each other tbh. Weird temporary tattoo tier tattoos scattered all over and everything.

kek. honestly? yes.

No. 1694918

The file name made me laugh

No. 1694922

Yeah and I’ve heard people say they look alike many times

No. 1694934

Oli London wishes with all his little heart

No. 1694935

He has that face that you just want to see punched to unconsciousness

No. 1694941>>1694979>>1695069

File (hide): 1694487789764.jpeg (537.17 KB, 1170x1328, IMG_8913.jpeg)

A blind item from cdan. Guesses included Nic Cage, Alec Baldwin, Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Jack Nicholson and Johnny Depp.

No. 1694950>>1694955>>1694963>>1694971>>1694978>>1694981>>1695213

File (hide): 1694488571716.png (895 KB, 554x694, gevi.png)

Her and bob dylans grandson dated for like a decade

No. 1694955

lmao she looks like every single california chola ever, just not obese

No. 1694956

File (hide): 1694488966740.jpeg (648.72 KB, 1242x1445, IMG_3809.jpeg)

Victim Impact Statement from Jane Doe/Jen B. from Danny Masterson trial… it’s pretty bad.

No. 1694957

File (hide): 1694489009399.jpeg (636.21 KB, 1242x1499, IMG_3810.jpeg)


No. 1694960

File (hide): 1694489107703.jpeg (644.85 KB, 1242x1469, IMG_3811.jpeg)

Kill him tbh

No. 1694963>>1698582

Damn he’s hot. Matty is a huge downgrade

No. 1694971

>The unlit ciggie just for the photos

No. 1694978

You just know Bob Dylan thinks he's a disappointment

No. 1694979

This sounds extremely Sean Penn

No. 1694981

I would.

No. 1694985

Wouldn’t that be firsthand embarrassment?

No. 1694994>>1695023>>1695347>>1695769>>1697031

I can’t think of a single male celebrity around that I could be in any way attracted to. Who do they even thirst after these days? Jimin? Pedro Pascal? That little fucking twerp Tom Holland that looks like he’s hiding a bird in his mouth? Tbh at HPV-riddled phaggot tomato chlamydia? We are living in hell. There’s no more Justin timberlakes, no more male heartthrobs. Yet there’s still beautiful women everywhere. The world really fucking hates women. Can’t they source even ONE attractive male to boost our morale? I can’t think of a SINGLE scrote I would have a poster of who isn’t about to turn 40. All the decent men we had are aging out and we have NOTHING to look forward to. Show me ONE HOT MALE CELEBRITY that isn’t older than 35?!

No. 1695000>>1695003>>1695013>>1695016>>1695026>>1695054>>1695310>>1695978

File (hide): 1694496740309.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1170x1468, IMG_1591.jpeg)

LRD is anorexic af and needs a breast augmentation(breast-sperging)

No. 1695003

Titpicking is now a bannable offence in this thread, everyone report.

No. 1695013>>1695015

>needs a breast augmentation
They get boob jobs and you call them botched and whores. They don't get them and you call them flat and disgusting. Die immediately.

No. 1695015

Report them anon, it’s probably the same ban evading titsperg that’s been devotedly shitting up the thread.

No. 1695016>>1695978

Her gf's looking cute as fuck, as usual

No. 1695023

I have seen cuties on TikTok but they will do those gay POV things to try and show their "acting" skills and it's simply terrible. I think we're getting this now because of nepotism being the only way anyone is getting hired and none of these millionaires are breeding hot nepo men. I like Jack Quaid tho but he's not really heartthrob material

No. 1695026>>1695068

i think she's cute and don't see what's wrong with her breast size, women shouldn't be shamed for having a small chest jfc

No. 1695054>>1698443

No one "needs" a breast augmentation. She is clearly underweight though. I feel kind of bad for her, she took a lot of stick for Idol when the faults of the show weren't her doing. She was probably excited to do the show with its original concept and her playing a young Britney Spears-esque pop star.

No. 1695068

It's a baiter. They were arguing how another celeb is better and we're jealous of her chest in previous thread.

No. 1695069

Jack Nicholson. The infamous Roman Polanski rape took place at his residence. You know he's crazy and has skeletons in his closet.

No. 1695081>>1695089>>1695100>>1696499

File (hide): 1694507398532.jpeg (340.77 KB, 1170x1449, IMG_8871.jpeg)

I don’t understand why people are surprised at Timothee Chalamet and Kylie Jenner dating, she’s absolutely his type. In the past he’s dated Lordes Leon (picrel) Cindy Kimberly, Lily Rose Depp, and Eiza Gonzalez. He’s also friends with people like Leo Dicraprio, Drake, and Pete Davidson. He’s not the soft boy artsy type that his fans want him to be, he’s a known womanizer who spread chlamydia around NYU like a freakish little sewer rat. I don’t understand why he’s famous tbh I think he’s very unlikable. I don’t get how people think he’s too good for Kylie Jenner when they’re equally trashy, untalented, attention seeking and classless

No. 1695089>>1696967

Unpopular opinion but Kylie deserves better. I don't think she's ever done anything too bad and she's doing her best to raise her kid peacefully. His fans are mad he didn't go for a basic girl like them but someone who's like Kylie instead.

No. 1695095>>1695097>>1695114>>1695344>>1696007

File (hide): 1694510095150.jpeg (242.33 KB, 1170x443, IMG_8935.jpeg)

Demi Moore shared details about her marriage to Ashton Kutcher in her memoir. She had been sober for 20 years when he tried to pressure her into drinking again, and told her he doesn’t think alcoholism is a “real thing.” Ending her sobriety led to her having a miscarriage, and her daughters with Bruce Willis cut off contact with her because of her drinking. He then cheated on her repeatedly and convinced her to have threesomes with him and other women (his mistresses I’m sure.) What’s fucked up is that her daughters still don’t speak to Demi, but they do speak to Ashton even though he’s the one who abused their mom and caused her to spiral.

No. 1695097>>1695114>>1695123>>1695666

File (hide): 1694510426560.jpeg (517.63 KB, 1170x1161, IMG_8937.jpeg)

Demi was also trafficked by her mother as a teenager. Her mom let one of her friends rape Demi for $500, then regularly took her to bars and pimped her out to the men there. Demi said that her mom told her she wanted Demi to go so that men would pay more attention to her, but then ended up prostituting her once they were there. Demi also witnessed her mom attempt suicide when she was very young, and had to reach into her unconscious moms mouth to remove the pills that she had thrown up. These experiences are what led to Demi having alcohol addiction in the first place.

No. 1695100

They assumed he would be into nerdy alt girls like themselves.

No. 1695104>>1695122>>1695137>>1695175>>1695195>>1695305

Who the fuck made this thread. The linked milk sounds like a moid trying to be funny.

No. 1695106

stuff like "madonna's daughter looking like a prized hog" like wtf did she do wrong? "jumbo simpson"?
normally it's clever and snarky and idk what's up with the thread title either but whatevs i guess.

No. 1695114>>1695131

God I feel so bad for her. I hope her daughters at least read this book and rekindle their relationship with their mom before it's too late. I can't believe this.

No. 1695122

there wasn't much milk to be linked in the first place, 80% of the previous thread was infighting and sperging

No. 1695123

Jfc burn hollywood to the ground I am begging

No. 1695131>>1695138>>1695175>>1695355

File (hide): 1694515537391.jpeg (770.22 KB, 1242x786, IMG_3812.jpeg)

I don’t know if they limit contact but they definitely at least speak on occasion. Demi was in the room with all of them when Rumer gave birth a few months ago

No. 1695136>>1695526>>1695769>>1695784

File (hide): 1694515712252.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1364, IMG_3310.jpeg)

idk who he is but this is kinda funny

No. 1695137>>1695175

It's made by one of the spergy infighters from the last couple threads

No. 1695138>>1695175

File (hide): 1694515862851.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x2091, IMG_3813.jpeg)

Also Rumer posted this on Mother’s Day. I think Demi and Ashton might be on good terms though? She did this super weird commercial with Mila


No. 1695141

That'sthe girl from the girl band nasty cherry. Charli xcx created them, was a series on Netflix. It was cringe. Gabriette lived to rip off sky Ferreira. Two other band members just charli English mates then the model and an American. Wonder if charli has to source the rest of the 1975 girlfriends. What a sad little club

No. 1695175

These are quite sweet, I hope both her and her daughters are doing better now. Thank you for replying to me and clarifying.
Yeah it was made by an infighter but they got redtexted and probably gave up so it's fine.

No. 1695195

I think it’s the same infighter in multiple threads who anons keep accusing of being a male

No. 1695213

No they didn’t lol they dated for like two years

No. 1695305>>1695311

Can you tell me what part of any of it sounds masculine because it just looks like words describing the minimal “milk” that was included in the last thread.

No. 1695310

Lily Rose is a taurus? Why is this being posted now you’re like 6 months late retard(learn2sage)

No. 1695311>>1695314>>1695320

Hi infighter

No. 1695314>>1695320

Kek, they'd blend better if they at least saged

No. 1695320>>1695329>>1695334

I'm just genuinely curious because it looks like minimal descriptions of the nonexistent milk that was in the last one, since it was just everybody fighting
I didn't sage because I wanted to bump the thread and get an answer, in case that didn't register(shitposting all over the board )

No. 1695321>>1695326>>1695331>>1695666>>1696967

Miley Cyrus is fucking deranged. Get a load of this hot take.

No. 1695326

>my family was on set taking pictures of me naked wrapped in a sheet

No. 1695329>>1695338

>I didn't sage because I wanted to bump the thread and get an answer, in case that didn't register
That's not how it works, you're questions aren't milk kek. Again at least try to blend, you make it so obvious you're a newfag. Your comments are identifiable across multiple threads

No. 1695331>>1695335>>1695360

what's going on with her voice, it sounds like she's on T.

No. 1695334

why the fuck would that register, newfag?

No. 1695335

she had a vocal cord surgery, im too lazy 2 google why, but it changed her voice

No. 1695338>>1695341

You sound schizo of you genuinely think you can identify which anon is which based solely off typing style and word choice. And it’s /ot/ you’re not required to sage, saging is a courtesy. You made yourself sound like a newfag just by saying that lmfao

No. 1695341

it's required in these threads specifically, since the beginning of this year

No. 1695344>>1695355

File (hide): 1694532474666.png (829.2 KB, 727x891, tallulah.png)

>What’s fucked up is that her daughters still don’t speak to Demi
that isn't true, Tallullah posts about her often. sidenote but Tallullah looks so botched lately, this pic genuinely jumpscared me.

No. 1695347>>1695847

ot but Justin Timberlake was hideous and looked retarded. But I agree, zoomer men are ugly mostly, probably due to diet and bad health habits and terrible styling. And it's sad for me as a zoomer woman, but I guess it's time to date a younger millennial man who is good looking.

No. 1695355

Oh I was wrong then, I thought they were still estranged. I’m glad they’re speaking to her again, I feel so bad for her.

No. 1695360>>1695673

her voice has always been deeper. she kinda sounds like Stevie Nicks. I personally really like low voices in women

No. 1695415>>1695536>>1695591>>1696018>>1697022

File (hide): 1694536426209.png (892.58 KB, 620x871, ezgif.com-webp-to-png.png)

Awards season is finally upon us again, and the VMAs is tonight so I apologize in advance to all the anons who hate the red carpet and performance looks spam kek
Nicki Minaj is going to be the host. I honestly think she may end up being one of the worst dressed considering her style as of late. Picrel, what she wore for her Vanguard performance last year. I know she's always been eccentric and what not, but seeing her these days feels like I'm looking at someone doing a Nicki cosplay.

No. 1695526>>1696018

He's a British rapper who named a song after Doja about a year ago, and she got a little upset with him.
>>Somebody tell Doja Cat
>>That I'm tryna indulge in that
>>In my grey tracksuit, see the bulge in that
>>See the motion clap when you're throwin' it back (when you're throwin' it back)

No. 1695536>>1695636>>1695769

She's dressed like she re-watched her old music videos to try to dress more like her Roman era self kek

No. 1695591

She looks like the year 2010

No. 1695636>>1695769>>1695780

File (hide): 1694543001471.jpg (68.04 KB, 640x961, 08208074c87ce8b479f1c69a4ef721…)

Yes, this is how I feel too. Just a tinfoil but honestly I think with so many female rappers coming into the industry, Nicki may feel insecure in her position (hence why she's picking fights with so many of them) so she's channeling her old self. Even seeing recent videos of her speaking, it feels like she's putting on an exaggerated version of who she was. It's strange. I think in 2014/2015 her style started maturing (even when she did the all pink Barbie looks) and then whenever the Cardi vs. Nicki thing started is when she started regressing. Although maybe it was partially people judging her for her wacky Harajuku Barbie style.

No. 1695666

She's never gonna wake up to how exploited/sexualized she was at that age because it would make her confront the fact that her parents were behind it. I kinda get it because if you don't have your parents then you have no one. Plus it wasn't as bad as something like this >>1695097 I guess…

No. 1695673>>1696024

Ntayrt but while her singing is more technically correct these days, her vocal tone is grating as hell. I like low voices on women but Miley's is not it.

No. 1695769>>1695880

True, the normalization of male uggos in Hollywood is disgusting. The latest Batman movie would've been the best opportunity to cast a young hunky nobody, especially since he was supposed to be in his early 20s and they still hired Robert Pattinson who (though still hot) is practically a few centimeters from the wall already. I doubt his looks will hold on till the sequel. Live action superhero movies piss me off specifically when it comes to this because considering they have nothing of value, the least they could do is give us eye candy (and it would be in their best interest since it would sell more too), but they consistently hire one or two hunks in between a sea of uggos and butterfaces. Chris Hemsworth: hot, Chris Evans: butterface, RDJ Tom Holland Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Ruffalo: uggos. Yawn.

He might've been joking but I can't believe how many retarded christians are genuinely scandalized by her piss poor attempt at edgy satanism. The only satanic thing she's actually done is blocking the little girls in her dms telling her her fat bald moid is a rapist and groomer.

It's because she's releasing Pink Friday 2 so yes, it's a callback to her old style.

No. 1695780

Fucking karma. Remember how shitty she was to the old-school female rappers when she was coming up? Little Kim and Foxy Brown in particular. Well, dummy, time marches on and now you're the old-school one with all the eager younger women coming up on your heels.

No. 1695784

I fucking hate central cee he’s such a whiny incel I know he fanboys Andrew Tate.
“She a feminist she think I’m sexist twisting my words I fear she dyslexic”
Nobody has to twist your words, rap is founded on misogyny you stupid fucking high yellow wigger.

No. 1695806>>1695842>>1695849>>1695873

File (hide): 1694548003594.jpg (103.76 KB, 939x769, nsinc.JPG)

No. 1695808>>1695811

when did he break up with zendaya??

No. 1695811>>1696912

That’s Timothee Chalamet nonnie, Tom Holland is Zendaya’s boyfriend kek

No. 1695833>>1696061>>1696090>>1696094>>1696708

I just had the displeasure of watching this almost 12 minutes of Ariana Grande casually gashlighting everyone that she hasn't done any botox or lip injections since 2018 (time stapmp 8:32) and that she's ~ totes cool with herself now ~ and breaking into tears due to how proud she's with herself all while promoting her mid flopping makeup brand that nobody cares about except her fans maybe.

No. 1695842

they all look fucking disgusting and fat

No. 1695847

stay out of my wheelhouse zoomer

No. 1695849

why is that clearly cool toned, possibly even a ginger have loki cosplay, fahr, level of slimy yet dry black box dye going on? tragic

No. 1695873>>1695903>>1696022

they all look so bloated in the face. why do men look like that? someone ansswer me! they start to look like bloated fish in the face.

No. 1695880>>1695954>>1696025>>1696163

>>True, the normalization of male uggos in Hollywood is disgusting. The latest Batman movie would've been the best opportunity to cast a young hunky nobody, especially since he was supposed to be in his early 20s and they still hired Robert Pattinson who (though still hot) is practically a few centimeters from the wall already.

I felt like such a judgemental asshole for having this same opinion anon, thank you! Especially since Batman is my superhero husbando kek.

No. 1695903

They’re supposed to die in battle at the age of 28.

No. 1695954>>1696163

Robert pattinson was really hot in that movie kek

No. 1695978>>1695985

Is Silly Rose actually Bi/lesbian or is she faking for the kweer clout?

No. 1695985

There is no way she is faking with Shake are you kidding? It's Shake that girl's a womanizer KEKKK

No. 1696001>>1696003>>1696456>>1696460>>1696484

File (hide): 1694557525362.png (Spoiler Image,599.99 KB, 545x800, Doja.png)

I looked at this like, "wow what a interesting look" before realizing nothing was interesting, it's just a interesting way for Doja to walk around naked in a thong and call it edgy. This is the vma red carpet btw.

No. 1696003>>1696008>>1696015>>1696035>>1696183>>1696421>>1696723

File (hide): 1694557589403.png (Spoiler Image,742.24 KB, 575x800, Doja 2.png)

No. 1696007>>1696047

Kind of unrelated but i always wonder why women have an allergy to saying women. You were not a 42 year old girl.

No. 1696008>>1696035

File (hide): 1694557694375.png (Spoiler Image,629.91 KB, 534x800, Doja3.png)

No. 1696015>>1696042

File (hide): 1694558040386.jpeg (107.5 KB, 690x1043, IMG_2626.jpeg)

A callback to Gwen Stefani at 1998 VMAs, I guess. It’s fine, she looks pretty, but I expected something edgier from her. Also there goes 'muh Doja hates her fame' but it’s a part of album promotion ig.

No. 1696016>>1696039>>1696067

File (hide): 1694558059479.jpg (152.79 KB, 534x800, 1000002351.jpg)

No. 1696018

Not the Hopsin contacts. What happened to her

Completely fair. If a woman made a song about a male celeb she didn't know asking him to fuck her everyone would call her a desperate slut.

No. 1696019>>1697019

God I wish Lana will be here

No. 1696020>>1696031>>1696429

File (hide): 1694558132039.jpg (165.95 KB, 570x800, 1000002347.jpg)

I feel like she wears the same things, I also feel in a few years she's going to get her breast implants removed, they never look good

No. 1696022

usually alcohol, it bloats you up with long time use. that and "letting themselves go" since there are a lot less eyes on them and surely not as much management etc… no longer any good reason to keep up whereas justin timberlake does have reasons and the resources to afford them

No. 1696023>>1696069

File (hide): 1694558189047.jpeg (117.69 KB, 578x900, F525xblWoAAx0x8.jpeg)


No. 1696024>>1696119

This is pure tinfoil but im convinced she did it on purpose because she wanted to sound more rock n roll. She's also posted a lot of images where she's essentially skin walking a lot of artists from the 80s, specifically Debbie Harry. She's trying to embody something she doesn't have.

No. 1696025

Dw nona! Don't feel judgemental, if anyone deserves the scrutiny is rich and famous moids. He's my superhero husbando too so I've been seething since they miscasted uggo, dadbod-having, gas station man Ben Affleck. But then again, I might just be picky because I didn't even like Christian Bale in the role despite liking him in other movies. He just looked so haggard in the sequel and the suit was a mess, at least the body made up for it. Robpatt is good in comparison but yeah, wayy too old to play a Batman in his 20s. And it kinda pisses me off he thinks he's so cool and different for refusing to train for the role. We get it, you don't hit the gym and you don't bathe. Standing ovation for this average moid behavior.

No. 1696026>>1696038

File (hide): 1694558260143.jpg (144.2 KB, 534x800, 1000002349.jpg)

This lady, sorry I forgot her name, I think it's CharlieXcx maybe I'm wrong, sorry nonas

No. 1696027>>1696060>>1696175

File (hide): 1694558306338.jpg (144.23 KB, 599x800, 1000002343.jpg)


No. 1696031

She looks very pretty and idc about her boobs but I think she did something to her face recently, lip filler maybe.

No. 1696035>>1696122>>1696183

Her left breast looks indented it's uncanny. Was she lying about her breast reduction and just got something else?

No. 1696036>>1696054>>1696064

File (hide): 1694558465973.jpg (185.84 KB, 533x800, 1000002358.jpg)

Cardi…I feel like she wore something like this or similar in gold, underwhelming

No. 1696038

Isn't that Anitta? kek,I'm not sure tho cause I struggle to recognize her face even tho she's forced down my throat every day

No. 1696039>>1696052

this is the best Demi has looked in a loooong time.

No. 1696041>>1696054>>1696058

File (hide): 1694558582778.jpg (227.61 KB, 534x800, 1000002359.jpg)

No. 1696042>>1696053

>A callback to Gwen Stefani at 1998 VMAs
literally how? the eyebrows? the randomly placed sticker shiny dots for children?

No. 1696043>>1696049

File (hide): 1694558641757.png (916.39 KB, 1200x557, vmas.png)

Showtime! Demi Lovato, Karol G, Camilla Cabello. I'll try to post everything from the pink carpet but forgive me if I'm slow, I'm compiling the looks so they don't take up so much spac.e

No. 1696046>>1696056>>1696087

File (hide): 1694558737720.png (573.09 KB, 534x800, 1694556072173.png)


No. 1696047>>1696086

Hmm I wonder why. It's almost as if there was some sort of stigma towards women aging, like women got more and more discriminated against the more we age. Almost as if we lived in a pedophilic culture in which women were made to feel like we lose value once we stop being girls and grow up, which makes some cling to their youth.

No. 1696049

File (hide): 1694558830771.jpg (370.83 KB, 2048x1365, F53B-oMWwAAJ73w.jpg)

Samefag, oh actually it looks like some anons have already started posting kek

There were two KPop groups there. I'm not sure which one this is, I believe TXT.

No. 1696052

ikr, i also think I would wear something silly and modest like this to things like these as well, a rare win for theymi

No. 1696053

Not saying it’s a direct reference, but I do see a resemblance with the makeup.

No. 1696054>>1696057

the detailing in this dress is insane

No. 1696055>>1696062>>1696967

File (hide): 1694559038191.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1170x1863, IMG_4507.jpeg)

Aye dio miyoo

No. 1696056

this dress is atrocious

No. 1696057

Huh yeah i just looked it's make up brushes or something it's very pretty

No. 1696058

Why is she wearing hair clips and mardi gras beads to the vmas. Is this supposed to make a statement about hair or something?

No. 1696060>>1696074

File (hide): 1694559202138.png (850.99 KB, 1100x532, vmas.png)

Bebe Rexha, Don Toliver, The Warning
I'm not sure who The Warning is, but they look so awesome and cool. Not too many good looks yet but it just started.
So beautiful, I love her and the style upgrade she's had.

No. 1696061

Kek this PR move. She absolutely gets lip fillers still, just not as much as she did before. In fact she was still going heavy on lip filler after 2018, the only reason she calmed the deep fake tan and heavy fillers was because she started appearing on camera in ways she cant control anymore–the voice, wicked set. I've noticed a lot of celebrity women are lying about this, claiming they 'used to' use fillers but stop when they clearly still do. Like just stfu

No. 1696062

This would look better with black hair and not in that lumpy ponytail, I hate Nicki Minaj, but she's naturally a very pretty woman even if she's chubby (hey she had a kid, she's in her 40s, plus her surgery whatever).
I just do not get why she went back to this styling. Black hair will always look better on her.

No. 1696063>>1696456

File (hide): 1694559235227.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x2211, IMG_4509.jpeg)

Background of selena’s story looks a little bit like the side of taylor’s face

No. 1696064

File (hide): 1694559282939.jpeg (2.84 MB, 1242x1942, 77047C04-ED2A-4D8F-9932-BE7FF8…)

The gold dress was a beautiful design and fit her well. from far away this looks like she rolled around in aluminum foil

No. 1696065

File (hide): 1694559321165.jpg (167.36 KB, 535x800, 1000002362.jpg)

Troon madison

No. 1696066

File (hide): 1694559367572.jpg (151.46 KB, 534x800, 1000002361.jpg)

I feel like she's so uncomfortable I don't think she looks bad at all though. Just underwhelming in style

No. 1696067

Demi Ozempic Era please everyone wants her back

No. 1696069>>1696073

This is from tonight for real? I'm so confused, she hasn't been this thin in a long time

No. 1696072

File (hide): 1694559514347.jpg (154.28 KB, 534x800, 1000002364.jpg)

Coco jones very pretty lady. She has intense eyes. This reminds me of Normani Met Gala look I hope Normani comes as well.

No. 1696073>>1696086

File (hide): 1694559526203.png (6.57 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4510.png)

Yeah she’s posting on her story in the same outfit right now kek

No. 1696074>>1696085

Everybody pack up these are the worse dressed of the night

No. 1696075

File (hide): 1694559539199.png (431.46 KB, 800x400, mtv.png)

Nev from Catfish, Halle Bailey, New Jersey Devil's mascot.
I didn't recognize Halle, she looks very pretty.

No. 1696077

Bieber just cancelled his tour I hope he shows up in a pair of jorts

No. 1696085>>1696093>>1696096

File (hide): 1694559870055.png (432.54 KB, 800x385, image_9_800x385.png)

Tiffany Haddish (I thought her career was dead?), Kali (rapper), Colton Haynes.
Not so fast nonna. I think this orange dress takes the worst-dressed cake singlehandedly

No. 1696086>>1696123

Girl stfu, at 42 you need to get over it and call yourself a woman because you are a grown ass woman.

She must have lost weight really quickly, I thought it was one of her facetunes for a second

No. 1696087


No. 1696090>>1696723

How can people believe she hasn’t had a brow lift when her eyebrows are stuck in the middle of her forehead. And the left one is all wonky like it was when she first got them done. Ugh she does the same song and dance year after year, scandal after scandal. She deserves the ugly moid she’s living with now.

No. 1696093>>1696098>>1696099>>1696101>>1696103>>1696152>>1696723>>1696909>>1697076>>1701191>>1701537

File (hide): 1694560137842.jpg (337.14 KB, 1469x2048, F53GMpWW4AE87Lk.jpg)

Maneskin. This is actually a rare time where I actually don't mind how any of them look. I actually like this, even the bald bitch. The woman, Victoria I think her name is, looks so different. I think she just has on a different makeup style.
I have to comment on the orange dress again, because the entire look is so bad. The awkward thigh cutout, the mesh that doesn't even match her. Plus the makeup just looks bad even despite the lighting. The whole thing is tacky, unflattering and dated. Sucks because she's a pretty woman, but like many celebrities she got hit with the ugly styling stick.

No. 1696094

This might be retarded but Ariana Grande and Shayna having the same birthday makes a lot of sense to me. One is more talented than the other but both are frauds and despicable terrible human beings with no morals/values.

No. 1696096

Never mind nonny you are right, that orange dress is horrendous

No. 1696098

That dumb ass platinum Donetella Versace unit

No. 1696099>>1696103

who are these bunch of uggos?? the blond and the ginger need to wear masks ASAP

No. 1696101>>1696109

How awful are they usually dressed for you to consider this alright?

No. 1696103

samefag, their clothing isn't even ironed, this is pre fashion college student design tier.

No. 1696106>>1696114

File (hide): 1694560763882.png (Spoiler Image,493.09 KB, 800x400, image_11_800x400.png)

Shakira Shakirrraaaa, Ayra Starr (singer), Yung Miami (rapper).

I audibly sighed at the last pic.

No. 1696109>>1696115>>1696116>>1696119>>1696831>>1698775

File (hide): 1694560883441.jpg (143.21 KB, 1500x1000, maneskin-b0df55c2222b46ea8c80f…)

They usually (or at least every time I've seen them on lolcow) look very drugged out, dirty and just generally grungy. Now they look like someone had them take a shower so to me it is a very big improvement. You can still tell they do drugs but they don't look like they're on the brink of an OD.

No. 1696114

the first two dresses belong in the bin, the last one, on the other hand is quiet nice. The problem is, and this happens to pretty much every single celebrity on earth when they try something different, the garment is wearing them. None of the styling choices did her any favours, there's a huge disconnection between her, the garment and the accessories, like they all come from different planets but sadly crashed in the same crater and mixed like a blob.

No. 1696115

tbf that was when they won eurovision, and they were sweaty from performing. But I agree, they always look quite bad, Damiano usually looks the worst, followed by the ginger. Victoria just tries to be edgy and 'I'm not that kind of girl' wannabe.

No. 1696116

they look a lot better in this pic tbh, they're just butterfaced.

No. 1696119

Sounds scary and risky, isn't the opposite more likely? Going for a rock n roll style after the surgery changed her voice?

The male on the left is repulsive

No. 1696122

To me, it actually looks like she got implants and a lift. Idk

No. 1696123

Never said she shouldn't, you're just retarded if you genuinely have no idea why a woman would call herself a girl in a society that treats us like garbage when we age.

No. 1696125>>1696723

File (hide): 1694561524625.jpg (203.2 KB, 534x800, 1000002369.jpg)

I'm dying laughing, someone slapped a piece of weave they found in the garbage on his head. It's like a alien who saw one picture of a anime and badly trying to recreate the look years later

No. 1696130>>1696196>>1697518

File (hide): 1694561740681.png (Spoiler Image,678.92 KB, 1000x481, vmas.png)

Billy Porter, some fag I forgot the name of, Doechii (rapper).
Everybody is just dressed like shit, I can't take this anymore. Men put on a fucking fishnet shirt and think they're blowing up the fashion game.

No. 1696133>>1696236>>1696332>>1696486

File (hide): 1694561827213.jpg (438.24 KB, 1405x2048, selena.jpg)

Posting Selena by herself because what the fuck, when did she start looking good again???

No. 1696134>>1696204

File (hide): 1694561894175.jpg (191.63 KB, 549x800, 1000002370.jpg)


No. 1696138

File (hide): 1694562271086.jpg (158.24 KB, 534x800, 1000002367.jpg)

Rapper Yung Miami (women who announced she likes to be pissed on by Diddy). What a horrible horrible look.

No. 1696143>>1696146>>1696149>>1696155>>1696288>>1696423>>1696460>>1696532>>1697518>>1701544

File (hide): 1694562376114.jpg (Spoiler Image,256.24 KB, 534x800, 1000002372.jpg)


No. 1696145>>1696213>>1696226

File (hide): 1694562496280.png (738.06 KB, 1000x467, image_15_1000x467.png)

Sabrina Carpenter, Renee Rapp, Rita Ora still somehow sneaking past security into these events.
Nothing special. I hate what Renee is wearing though. And those random platforms that Rita Ora has on.

No. 1696146>>1696219

do any of you remember that retarded animation made by a moid which takes place in "the future" and the new hottest fashion is wearing Abercrombie & Fitch duct tape on your nipples and coochie? this reminded me of that kek

No. 1696147>>1696631

Is this Saweetie’s first time co-hosting? Shes been stuttering and struggling to get her words out the entire time

No. 1696149

Wtf, why? Why would you agree to wear shit like this? We can try to defend some "tasteful" revealing outfits but this is called being naked and degraded

No. 1696152

That man is melting before our very eyes and you don't mind?

No. 1696155

i'd rather kill myself than wear something like this, pickmes are on another whole level of pathetic

No. 1696159>>1696162>>1696244>>1696450

File (hide): 1694563371147.jpeg (154.01 KB, 552x800, IMG_2116.jpeg)

I hate this woman but this is like something that Anna Nicole Smith would wear. It's so retarded looking but it reminds me of 2000s trashy stunt outfits. It looks so cheap, I don't know why i like it.
It's what Flavor of Love girls would wear, like Hottie.

No. 1696162

File (hide): 1694563635677.jpg (212.54 KB, 534x800, 1000002380.jpg)

Something about this clicks with me, just wish Nicki wasn't such a disgusting person.

No. 1696163

Nah, Robert Pattinson is ugly. I never got the hype around him during the twilight era nor the batman era.

No. 1696164>>1696165>>1696168

File (hide): 1694563641036.png (764.88 KB, 1000x493, image_18_1000x493.png)

Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Dove Cameron.
Taylor swift looks underwhelming but Taylor in general is underwhelming. I take back what I said earlier, Nicki isn't the worst dressed but it's not the best. This look has so much potential, I think where it falls shorts is the diaper looking high waisted undies. If it was a long skirt I think she would look like a knockout. I wish women like Nicki would understand they can absolutely be fully covered and still be sexy. Aside from that though, I think she does look beautiful and I'm glad she toned it down. The lace veil is my favorite.

No. 1696165

Samefag, but I'm also just now realizing that the "corset" isn't even an actual corset. The front is just made to look like it. Very disappointing.

No. 1696166

Olivia Rodrigo is such a boring performer. Barely dances or brings interesting ideas or visuals. Perpetual sad revenge girl vibe. And Why are all her backup dancers just teens who look like her….

No. 1696168

Nicki's is ok, this shade of pink is not for her though. Taylor looks bad kek, which is a shame because I liked her previous VMAs looks.

No. 1696170>>1696171

File (hide): 1694564104505.png (672.49 KB, 1000x504, vmas.png)

Emrata, Madeline Cline, Shenseea.

I love what Shenseea is wearing! I'm a sucker for gradient tights. I feel like I've seen Emrata wear this a gazillion times but she looks good anyway. Kind of reminiscent of the green JLO Versace dress. As for Madeline, I feel like this is an example of the wrong way to do clothing that matches your skin. Something about it just looks off.

No. 1696171

goodness me all of these are awful and that gradient to transparency makes it look as if the tight reached its maximum stretch threshold.

No. 1696174>>1696181>>1696204

File (hide): 1694564935598.png (1.27 MB, 1000x739, image_21_1000x739.png)

Flo Milli (rapper) and Chloe.

We've seen the two piece before in a past thread, although I can't remember who it was on. The shoes make the look fall flat. I wish Chloe would stop doing the super high split.

No. 1696175

No. 1696178>>1696182>>1696184>>1696195>>1696196>>1696449>>1696604>>1696967

File (hide): 1694565255728.jpg (357.84 KB, 1365x2048, F53aOOZWwAAHLgq.jpg)

For some reason Ice Spice didn't walk the carpet, but here she is with Taylor.

No. 1696181

Flo looks like she is covered in cooked wagyu kek

No. 1696182

it looks almost like they coordinated outfits

No. 1696183>>1696188


I noticed it right away too and Momokun's (cow who got a reduction) breasts have that squareness near the armpit too and the one breast that shayna got lifted does too but they definitely have more projection than what I would expect from just a reduction so maybe she did get some small boobie balls in there

No. 1696184>>1696196

Ice is so unphotogenic, Taylor is clearly using her and considering that Ice spices hype has simmered down it looks more foolish then it did the first time

No. 1696188>>1696190>>1696204>>1696252>>1696852>>1696967

File (hide): 1694565919014.jpg (246.74 KB, 1365x2048, F53cZd9XMAAho9C.jpg)

Seems like there was actually a lot of people who didn't get on the carpet. Here's Lil Nas X. I was wondering why it seemed like there weren't that many pink carpet pics.
You didn't have to clarify who Momokun is anon kekkkkk

No. 1696190

I want to hate him but I cant in this world of every single feminine faggot transitioning into a woman, at least he remains male.

No. 1696194>>1696203>>1696234>>1696532

File (hide): 1694566432493.jpg (301.04 KB, 1200x1801, Bebe-Rexha-VMAS.jpg)

No. 1696195

i can literally see ice spice's tits. wtaf? like whats the point.

No. 1696196

If she changed her hair it would improve her appearance, that Anniefron isn’t doing her any favors
I don’t care about Taylor either but it would be hilarious if she was called out again
Everyone at this event looks bad and they should feel bad lmao

No. 1696198>>1696201>>1696202>>1696237

File (hide): 1694566562433.jpg (33.58 KB, 640x360, F53fmWSWEAAlXuy.jpg)

I don't understand, why is Doja Cat in this sexy teacher halloween-esque costume for her performance? Blurry pic cause she's still on stage. I'm guessing the concept is gonna be she starts off normal and slowly goes into chaos with each song.

No. 1696201

Samefag, ok so all she did was take off the blazer, take her hair down, and unbutton the shirt. What? I think she could've done something cooler. Maybe I need to watch it again. I did like how the dancers looked like her "Scarlet" character.

No. 1696202

It's entertaining at least

No. 1696203

I hate this fatass. She even thinks she looks good.

No. 1696204

Missy the pony

All of these outfits are very trashylife mid y2k to me but flo milli is probably the only one with the 2000s body, belly ring and everything reminds me of reading people magazines in the early 2000s

Hes getting really thin again

No. 1696213

sabrina is just too pretty to be wearing such plain and boring outfits. all i see her wear is slips. i wish she would switch it up.

No. 1696219>>1696289

File (hide): 1694569137750.png (3.35 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_1095.png)

That was my first thought too kek

No. 1696226>>1696300


I'm just happy that Florence wasn't invited here to expose her slutty nipples.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1696234>>1696239

who is this? horse girl gone Hollywood?

No. 1696236>>1696239

maybe she finally decided to sober up

No. 1696237>>1696238

File (hide): 1694570201573.jpeg (105.13 KB, 421x339, BA661696-9621-4812-BE6C-DD694D…)

lmao who is this

No. 1696238

that's peso pluma

No. 1696239>>1696364

oBeBese rexha
it's the ozempic.

No. 1696244

It’s awful but I kind of love it

No. 1696245>>1696247>>1696251>>1696255>>1696266>>1696301>>1696364

File (hide): 1694571830056.jpg (83.08 KB, 424x674, 8784.jpg)

No. 1696247>>1696248>>1696532>>1696967

File (hide): 1694572108483.jpg (142.91 KB, 561x992, 788.jpg)

teletubbie boots

No. 1696248>>1696545

is this ham smith? does he only own the one pair of denim cutoffs?

No. 1696251

Looking more like Phil Collins every passing day. At least Phil Collins appearing in many things was a pleasant thing. Sam, on the other hand…

No. 1696252>>1696258

File (hide): 1694573314535.png (828.49 KB, 1920x1080, ARWoB1F.png)

I honestly feel like this shit is something he would never do himsrl that his management pushes on him because he is gay and billy porter got attention this way and they want some of that. and I kek every time

No. 1696255

Upon first glance this looked like Jonah Hill kek

No. 1696256>>1696432

the voices in anon's head

No. 1696258>>1696261

knowing that he used to run a nicki stan twitter account, i can believe that he’s a bit extra but yeah he definitely is being encouraged to do this shit. it’s a shame though bc hes honestly a very attractive young guy with great features. he could look amazing if he wasn’t focused on getting attention and being ragebait.

No. 1696261>>1696278

oh for sure he's extra, I just feel like the way it's not even funny or anything feels off

No. 1696266

Scarier than demon Doja.

No. 1696278

right, it just seems to be mediocre looks just for the sake of a dress or lingerie on a man. he pulls it off better than harry styles though, but that isn’t saying much.

No. 1696288>>1696300>>1701544

Imagine thinking you're so hot and unique and bold and daring and trailblazing showing up to a public event with your nipples and labia out just to find out 75% of all other celebrity women also showed up with their nipples and labia out. Like you show up and you don't even at least get the distinction and attention for being the most naked one. Imagine the hissie fits they're throwing behind the scenes kek

No. 1696289

Somebody has masturbated to this cartoon

No. 1696300

Oh Cillian, won’t you ever be quiet!

This is what happens when only the sluttiest women (read, the ones willing to fuck producers and execs) are the ones who get ahead in the industry. We’re left with untalented, uncharismatic, and uninteresting losers who look like prostitutes displaying their wares.

No. 1696301>>1696343

He looks batshit and hideous. Is it just me or does the image on his shirt have a pedophilic vibe? It’s weird.

No. 1696332>>1696489>>1697098

File (hide): 1694580897659.jpg (64.22 KB, 443x562, ugh.jpg)

she didn't

No. 1696343

To me the entire thing has a pedo vibe

No. 1696344>>1696352>>1696547

The same goes for males. Only tomato chlamydia and mr “I’ve got a bird hidden in my mouth” get ahead bc they’re willing to get fucked in the ass.

No. 1696352

That and I swear there’s a psyop to make women feel forced to lust after the old decrepit males in hollywood, if new young hot males are nowhere to be found in any movies or tv shows then we’re stuck with the old ass heartthrobs from the 90s who look like melting ballsacks now. They want to normalize the dilf fetish or something. The young actresses we have at the moment, while lower quality than actresses used to be, are still more attractive than the young actors. We have to choose between weak and frail little gay rats and aged crackheads who are quite wrinkled and worn.

No. 1696364

40 year old faggot tier joke

At what point do you realize that you destroyed yourself and your reputation for literally no reason and that you aren't trolling anyone you just look like shit and have an aura of desperation

No. 1696374>>1696563>>1696852

File (hide): 1694586752936.jpg (100.01 KB, 640x771, GettyImages-1677094117.jpg)

Taylor Swift using ice spice as a handbag

No. 1696386>>1696398>>1696414>>1696604

My eyes misted because im a Shakira simp

No. 1696398

I love shakira so much

No. 1696414

it looks like she's lipsyncing to a pre-recorded track the whole way through

No. 1696421

She's so proud of her new tits.

No. 1696423>>1696425>>1696427>>1697228

File (hide): 1694595495648.jpg (245.13 KB, 570x857, o-MILEY-CYRUS-MET-GALA-2013-57…)

Miley wore this to the MET gala.

No. 1696425

It's a very grunge look, I really like it tbh

No. 1696427>>1696428

She has a full length slip underneath this. It’s not in any way comparable.

No. 1696428

It is comparable. Miley wore it better.

No. 1696429>>1696433

What’s the point of getting breast implants if you’re not going to go Stacy/stripper size? At the size she has you get all of the downsides of breast implants, but none of the fun.(titsperging)

No. 1696432

NTA but it’s so believable I’m happy to believe it with 0 proof.

No. 1696433

Everyone report for titsperg, we must purge this filth from our board.

No. 1696434>>1696437>>1696444>>1696453>>1696455>>1696501>>1696555>>1697249>>1697260>>1698089

File (hide): 1694596327432.webm (13.94 MB, 576x1024, Fdkyddyguig.webm) [play once] [loop]


No. 1696437>>1696441>>1696443

if it was supposed to be an uplifting speech about aging it's not, she sounds like she's very much struggling with it despite looking good and young. it's true that she looked sickly in some recent pictures but overall she looks fine, she doesn't look old (in this video), yet here she is crying about fillers and aging and smile lines… we can barely see them when she's not smiling and some people have them naturally. idk

No. 1696441

It's just so hypocritical coming from her since she had tons of plastic surgery, even after 2018 which is the year she says she stopped Botox and filler, I can't take her seriously lol.

No. 1696443

it was so obvious even when she was at nickelodeon that she was going to be like this about aging. she staked her career on being a tiny little cute doll and now she’s 30 with an increasingly tragic hairline and a tim burton chin. i’m surprised she hasn’t had a full breakdown yet.

No. 1696444>>1697228

Not the homewrecker trying to gaslighting us into thinking that she's natural

No. 1696449

Taylor is so pretty. I don’t listen to her music but it’s nice to see one celebrity with natural beauty who knows how to keep any botox etc tasteful. And doesn’t wear tacky see-through shit just because everyone else is doing it.

No. 1696450

ofc it's custom D&G, so tacky

No. 1696453>>1696967

the way she moves is like a kid trying to recall the things they have to say during a presentation in front of the classroom.
Also, sure Jan your face looks painful nowadays, perhaps admit all the knife work you got?

Is she wearing circle lenses???

No. 1696455>>1697228

Why does she move like that? She reminds me of those quirky youtubers circa 2015

No. 1696456>>1696459

Doja is a terrible human with abysmal taste in men but she is so fine and talented it’s sick >>1696063
Selena looks hot af I’m sorry. She has perfect enviable boobs. I was sad when her and Rema didn’t win song of the year. I still don’t get how Taylor won. No one I met has ever listened to anti hero? I hate that they always give the same big awards to the same people. Taylor’s speech irked me cuz she always says a whole lot of the same thing for the past 15 years. And you can tell everyone in the audience (aside from her fans) were annoyed she won and wouldnt stfu. She so fake and disingenuous idk how grown adults Stan her. I just assume y’all are equally up your own asses. I will never get the appeal and trust me I try. She is a fake self serving “feminist”. Nasty woman.the fact that she is using Ice is so gross. She did the same thing to Lorde. She just latches on to up and coming young ass girls to stay relevant. I see through her fake ass. I hope she is always a bridesmaid and never a bride. Her ultimate karma since she is the OG pickme and you can just tell marriage and kids is all she wants. 1989 still slaps though. I tried to be a fan after that but she is so insufferable and calculated and FAKE! How does no one notice this lol.(titsperg)

No. 1696459

TS must be paying her PR and marketing team handsomely given her world domination the starting this past half decade. Uncanny

No. 1696460>>1696468>>1696490

I am looking.. respectfully. nice bodies of course but like, isn't this free porn?

No. 1696468>>1696474

It’s advertisement because they’re prostitutes

No. 1696474>>1696494

seems kind of redundant. isn't that a known thing for most celebrities already? I don't get why they expose themselves like this too when it's so overdone and not special.

No. 1696484

she is so disgusting

No. 1696486>>1696723

she looks really good! she seems to have lost weight and looks younger

No. 1696489>>1697077

just an unflattering angle. try harder

No. 1696490>>1696499

It may as well be, they look like sleazy hookers who stumbled across the carpet

No. 1696494>>1696900

I don’t get it either, I’m assuming that the men they’re selling themselves to love to see them degrade themselves, the more publicly the better. If the women don’t degrade and humiliate themselves then they’ll just be replaced by women who will, I’m sure it’s pretty competitive.

No. 1696499

They do. Madonna’s daughter literally looks like a street walker here >>1695081

No. 1696501>>1696516>>1696579

Anons there are several newfags in meta admitting they're trying to get celebricows locked, ignore anyone mentioning boobs or other baity subjects because it's probably them
I feel bad for her, she must be struggling with body dysmorphia.

No. 1696516>>1696539

>Anons there are several newfags in meta admitting they're trying to get celebricows locked
Where? There's one anon saying it should be locked, no "newfags admitting to trying to get it locked." Calm down

No. 1696526>>1696539

I don’t understand why rich celebrities don’t opt for a fat transfer it looks a million times better than implants. Pretty sure that’s what kim k did and possibly my wife, amber rose.

No. 1696532>>1696582>>1696646>>1696967

File (hide): 1694612035583.jpeg (40.65 KB, 735x413, IMG_5048.jpeg)

Maybe I should go find my tinfoil hat but it really feels like Hollywood is pushing hard to desensitise us to in-your-face fetish shit. This goes beyond trying to stand out in a venue full of other celebrities. This is normalisation of things that would only have been tolerated in private, niche fetish clubs a few years ago, and it’s creeping me out.

No. 1696539>>1696542

It was said three times in the span of two days. Just hide the thread instead of baiting here if it bothers you that much.
They probably want the unnaturally perky look you can only get with implants.

No. 1696542>>1696584

How am I baiting? I'm just asking you where you saw "newfags admitting to trying to get the thread locked." 2 anons were telling people to relax with the infighting or they're going to get the thread locked, another anon said she hopes it gets locked. You have very poor reading comprehension.

No. 1696545

Yes and they perpetually smell like sharts.

No. 1696547

I still struggle to tell them apart, especially Tom and that Finn Wolf(?) guy

No. 1696555>>1696584

unpopular opinion but i don't mind how she looks rn at all. i'm more struck by her awkward and uncomfortable body language. why is she so anxious talking to a camera but is an international pop star? when i'm noticing someone irl behaving that frenetically i always get a feeling like they've been through some shit. she's a nasty person and a serial cheater but she's certainly been passed around a lot.

No. 1696563>>1696590

ewww her arm is so fat

No. 1696579

Why do you think you can get away with just blatantly lying? You know everyone is just going to go over there and see you’re exaggerating and full of shit right? Or maybe you just lack reading comprehension?

No. 1696582

It creeps me out too(sage in this thread)

No. 1696583>>1696605>>1697073

File (hide): 1694617711774.jpg (37.42 KB, 750x597, F5rVF4cWsAAZiwx.jpg)

You guys have Princess Nokia to blame for Grimes naming her child "Techno Mechanicus".

No. 1696584>>1696586

Keep complaints in meta and stop derailing. Threads don't get locked because someone who wants them gone posts autistic shit.
Wasn't she a nickelodeon child star? That should explain her traumatic responses. It's a shame no one around her is telling her to seek help.

No. 1696586

I wasn't complaining or derailing I was asking where the newfags were admitting to baiting to get the thread locked. Just admit you lied and move on

No. 1696590>>1697238

are you lost

No. 1696604>>1696606>>1696609>>1696649>>1696762>>1696852>>1696921>>1696961>>1696967

File (hide): 1694619107868.jpg (1.15 MB, 2200x3301, F54FbdyWsAAhE22.jpg)

She changed into something else to accept her award I guess. I like this more.
She killed this, I was dancing the entire time. Although I wish she performed Waka Waka.

No. 1696605>>1696696

This is an imageboard are you gonna post the picture she included too

No. 1696606

I don't like this weirdo but this looks nice on her, she needs to ditch that purse tho.

No. 1696609

Samefag, I really hate this whole thing of making a top look like a corset on the front and then having the rest of the top cut out. Nothing wrong with a faux-set but I don't like something about it. Either way, she looks really cute and I think the more girly or youthful style suits her.

No. 1696610>>1696627>>1696649>>1696668>>1696974>>1696995>>1697144

File (hide): 1694619627169.jpeg (43.25 KB, 301x479, IMG_8947.jpeg)

Dylan Mulvaney wore a highly disturbing makeup style to a public gathering recently. It’s like he’s trying to scare us all out of our wits. He claimed he was invited to the VMAs, which is doubtful. They’re probably scared of him, he’s too much like buffalo bill.

No. 1696614>>1696767>>1697248

File (hide): 1694619859959.jpg (198.86 KB, 1080x1349, F54jO8dWcAA1DW_.jpg)

Oh also, Nelly Furtado was there last night. She's so fine. She released a song with Timbaland and Justin Timberlake like 2 weeks ago.

No. 1696627

Humiliation ritual perhaps?

No. 1696631

File (hide): 1694621393949.webm (2.05 MB, 720x720, saweetie.webm) [play once] [loop]

I think the teleprompter must've been messing up or something.

No. 1696646

I don’t think tinfoil is needed, degeneracy is being normalized and it’s easy to do through mainstream media. I went to a high-end department store today and saw a cosmetics brand having a lotion called foot fetish. So yeah, it’s everywhere.

No. 1696649

It looks good, and she’s so pretty. A cutie.
What the actual fuck

No. 1696668>>1697097

File (hide): 1694622731351.jpg (169.69 KB, 860x860, tiffany.jpg)

it looks like he attempted a low rent version of the "drag" makeup this tifany does in order to pretend she isn't just a female putting regular makeup on her woman face kek. She performed on drag race season 13 (right as covid hit) and was in the entourage of the nasty ham smith performance a little while back so Dylan definitely knows of her. She's also notoriously bad at actual drag or male/female impression makeup so hell, maybe he even asked her to do it and this was the result.
Too bad just like with her, the white doesn't actually hide the real features underneath and in his case manages to show off his botched man face even more. Plus adds more contrast to show off that hairline kek

No. 1696696

That's not the point of the post, and an image of text is still an image.

No. 1696708>>1696836

File (hide): 1694624799967.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1919, IMG_4367.jpeg)

>I just think aging can be such a beautiful thing.
Kek, no she doesn’t

No. 1696723>>1697054>>1697181

Anon I hate how you are making me defend her. You can get a brow lift with botox too and she has mentioned getting botox and fillers. Those are called procedures but it's not surgery. I think the only surgery she had was on her nose.

It's kinda creepy how she looks exactly like that Eyeamki woman in this picture, I remember doja fans attacking Eyeamki when she spoke up that doja was copying her a year ago and also said how mean doja was towards her.
For anyone who is confused you just type in Eyeamki and look at the Google images to see how alike current Doja looks to her.

Noooo why did he bleach his hair, he looked so much better as a brunette. He damaged that long hair for nothing when it doesn't even suit him.

This is the same guy who was begging to be put on the cover of vogue and yet he looks like this.

She is a yoyo-dieter, in a couple of months she will go back to being fat again. She always does this. When she had ice cream promotions with blackpink she actually lost weight and when that was done she gained it again. She is going to gain that weight back again.
Also nothing wrong even when she is fat but the problem is that her weight issues and bloatedness were caused by alcohol. I'm guessing whenever we see her non-bloated that means she is sober for a period of time.

No. 1696737>>1696757>>1696762>>1696962

File (hide): 1694626624163.jpg (233.58 KB, 1918x1072, hans.jpg)

Famous chess cheater Hans Niemann reacts to "Demons" by Doja on his twitch stream. He is genuinely outraged and scared, kek. He's 20, it's funny to see zoomers illuminatifagging.

No. 1696757

>He's 20

No. 1696762

Why are you posting a nobodys reaction?
She's so pretty.

No. 1696767

Yess I love that they're back

No. 1696794>>1696810

Stray Kids won the category for "best kpop" in the vma's. I didn't even know a category like that existed before, is this something recent the vma's added to generate more views.

No. 1696801>>1697238

Their performance

No. 1696806

File (hide): 1694629285052.jpg (20.6 KB, 348x377, jeoij3o.jpg)

Some of the stray kids members were hiding their faces during cardi b's and Megan the stallions performance. I guess they did that because they were scared of their crazy femcel fans getting mad if they looked at another woman. I kind of find it embarrassing why go to the vma's if you can't integrate.

No. 1696810>>1696821

Why is there a category for kpop? Don't they have enough award shows on Korea?

No. 1696821

I'm guessing it's for the views since the vma's aren't as relevant as they were before

No. 1696829

File (hide): 1694630190342.webm (4.8 MB, 576x1024, tikcd.com_1694627950.webm) [play once] [loop]

Hyunjin at the vma's .
I think his ponytail looks ugly but his fans are hyping it up.

For the song I tried to remove it , you can just mute the audio.

No. 1696831>>1696833

The one dude with the long Dark hair is hooot

No. 1696833

He bleached it

No. 1696836>>1697755

Cope for her. Nice tactic to open up about the pressures of aging and get emotional to distract from your homewrecking. Admitting to fillers and Botox is the tip of the iceberg for celebrities, even high school kids are starting to get Botox so it’s not even a big deal. She’s still trying to be a fragile smol baby, her entire image and popularity is built on pedophilic standards and she’ll never stop trying to claw her way to that validation from men.

No. 1696852

I love this type of all-white edgy angel look. So underrated compared to all-black fits

No. 1696855>>1696870>>1698172

Demi Lovato performance at the vma's. She actually looks good and like she lost weight.

No. 1696856>>1696953>>1696961>>1697047>>1697070

File (hide): 1694631057532.jpg (246.47 KB, 1200x848, gisele.jpg)

Gisele looks great.

No. 1696870

this bitch cannot sing she needs to take vocal lessons and ive been saying this since i was a teen. she just fucking screams and its so jarring and terrible to have to suffer through. it also pissed me off that we had lovatos stupid ass singing 10 year old songs nobody cares about instead of having Victoria Monet perform. Pissed me off bitch didnt even have an album to promote so why was she there?

No. 1696875>>1696892>>1697061>>1697248

The performance is good but the office worker attire is just so dumb and out of place it really doesn't fit the setting of the background or her song.

No. 1696884>>1696891

>cry about it.

Tbh anon the only one who sound like they're about to cry is you.

No. 1696891>>1696892>>1696898

how boring

anyway do you guys think meg cursed at Justin Timberlake? i think she did because it looked like was touching her butt

No. 1696892

File (hide): 1694632584527.jpg (93.09 KB, 637x850, F52PCnQW0AA8GOb.jpg)

She could've done something way more cool but she just took some clothing and a hair tie off, and the boots didn't even go with the costume. Everything about this new phase just feels so uninspired and more like a cash grab than her previous work and performances. If Doja did a live performance for this sort of concept in the past, she would've got possessed and then had an exorcism on stage I'm exaggerating and joking obviously, but she's had more creative performances
No, Megan is just very animated. I saw somewhere say that Justin said it was nice to meet her and she was saying something about how this wasn't a proper meeting and they have to do it again. Don't know how true it is.

No. 1696898

No. 1696900

ugh that's so disgusting.

No. 1696909

All I see is a bald moid, a tranny, a woman and some guy who couldn't be assed to shave his face, chest or get a haircut

No. 1696912

oh kek

No. 1696916>>1696919>>1696923>>1696925>>1696926>>1696935>>1696948>>1696960>>1696967>>1696997

File (hide): 1694633266965.jpg (37.09 KB, 417x617, isj3j03jd-.jpg)

Selena went viral after her disgusted reaction towards Chris brown. Now alot of Chris brown fans are mad at her.

No. 1696919>>1696925

File (hide): 1694633378034.jpg (33.94 KB, 507x502, ojoj.jpg)

No. 1696921

Incredibly cute and I want to draw this outfit. I don't like her music much tho

No. 1696923>>1696954

I love it, grimace girl, grimace as hard as you can! I cannot forgive Ciara.

No. 1696925

Rare Selena Gomez W

No. 1696926

based of her

No. 1696935>>1696938>>1696944>>1696960>>1697087>>1697142

File (hide): 1694633896654.jpg (236.7 KB, 3284x2048, instagramstories.jpg)

Chris browns response to this on insta.

No. 1696938

He makes me so sick, a-logging hard

No. 1696943>>1696957>>1697584

File (hide): 1694634112011.jpg (97.54 KB, 797x736, Screenshot 2023-09-13 214244.j…)

No. 1696944

KEK pathetic

No. 1696947>>1696973>>1696983

Why are there sex scenes in a Flannery O'Connor biopic anyway? She was a Catholic, reclusive author. I can't imagine her surviving family will be pleased by this. It really seems like they just shoehorned the sex scene in so they could talk about it during press and cause a scandal. It definitely made me lose all of my respect for Ethan Hawke, because he either did it for the viral marketing (pathetic) or he did it because of an unhealthy relationship with him and his daughter (typical Hollywood.) Also at one point Maya called her family "the indie Kardashians," which is both incredibly cringe and kind of narcissistic. Bitch, you are way overestimating your own relevance. People actually know who Kim is, you're just the nerd girl from season 3 of Stranger Things.

No. 1696948

She was based. Why does that woman beating scum have fans still?

No. 1696953

Holy shit, she's shredded. Good for her.

No. 1696954>>1696959

What did Ciara dd anon? did she wk the moid?

No. 1696957


No. 1696959>>1696966

She released a song with him this year, just a few weeks ago

No. 1696960

Selena doing something good for once, proud of her
Yes Chris, you really are the grossest of all time

No. 1696961

Holy shit good for her, suck Tom’s life force away from him!!
I really like this outfit, it looks cute on her but I also think ice spice is cute! It reminds me of old school 2000’s webcore anime

No. 1696962>>1696970

That is a rough ass 20. Men apparently can't do the bare ass minimum of self-care.

No. 1696966

uugh horrible, thanks for the info

No. 1696967>>1697223

nah you're right
Her family is bad and she's not perfect by a long shot but she's seemingly tried to do good by her kid since she had her. She's especially cleaned up over the process of the makeup community chewing her out for every little misstep as she did
>the sexualising of my 17 year old self was important to symbolise the opposite/end of hannah montanah
because there was no other "opposite" from bubblegum pop except sexualising herself according to her parents' teachings
how does this looks so cheap? also half the dresses are look like they were grabbed off the rack that day for the stars so nothing looks like it quite fits and noone seems to be wearing anything that fits any personal style or body type
either the other dresses were so bad I'm now blind or this isn't actually awful cause I like Ice's look. Also Taylor looks cute next to her when I can't see half the dress
this outfit needed another edit, I'm not sure what he's trying to do
considering these 3 poor girls looking lost in latex you're probably not wrong. Though a decent amount of them are actual degenerates too and probably happy they can be more open without it ruining their careers
pedophile, calling it
yeah, kinda counter the speech but tbf she's probably more telling it to herself than to others (at least giving the benefit of the doubt cause she's clearly struggling)
why is she one of the best dressed? this should shame literally everyone else
kek, good for her. Chris brown pick-mes are a special type of idiot and the males are the worst of scrotes so I hope she lets their seething give her life

No. 1696970

is genetics, no amount of self-care could help

No. 1696973

I was super confused by there being sex scenes, apparently it’s the characters in her stories that are having sex. Sounds like the stupidest way to try and shove unnecessary sex into this movie, there is truly no reason.

No. 1696974

He's doing shit like this because just being a troon isn't getting him as much attention anymore. Proof of proof be needed that trooning was just for attention.

No. 1696975>>1696978>>1696979>>1696984>>1696985>>1696987>>1696993>>1697006>>1697271>>1697298>>1697688

File (hide): 1694634710370.jpg (111.94 KB, 503x640, london-uk-kate-moss-shows-8441…)

kate moss looking like shit(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1696978

No fucking way.. She's only 49

No. 1696979

why is she missing her eyebrows and eyelashes?

No. 1696983>>1696997>>1697659


There was a similar situation with a biopic about Emily Brontë last year. They basically made up a romance arc and presented her as being a nympho whose life revolves around a man. Film industry let women rest in peace instead of trying to pornify them challenge

No. 1696984

kate meth

No. 1696985

Don’t all supermodels end up looking like this? Drugs

No. 1696987

i mean… it took a second for my eyes to adjust but this is pretty normal for 50.(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 1696993

She'd look cute if she had brows and had her picture taken at a better angle where she isn't squinting because of sun. This is a weird picture to judge someone.

No. 1696995

His head looks like those creepy realistic masks who look like giant head.

No. 1696996>>1697000>>1697002>>1697021>>1697074>>1697268

File (hide): 1694635607751.png (2.7 MB, 1170x1929, IMG_2412.png)

When Elon and Amber Heard were dating he made her cosplay Mercy from Overwatch. Fans didn’t believe him so he posted the pic. I think she looks very pretty.

No. 1696997

Wtf I love Selena Gomez now.
Lol why??? She never married and never even have any romantic relationships, she mostly stayed with her family iirc.

No. 1697000

He is so obsessed with his exes its sad. I remember some threads ago he got exposed for having alt and talking bout grimes.

No. 1697002

that's such disgusting scrote behavior. keeping pics of your ex and then posting it for other moids to high five you about. yuck

No. 1697006

She's a British smoker who also did coke, meth and starved herself for her job throughout her 20s. What else would anyone expect?

No. 1697019

She won an award and wasn't even there, she was in Montana for whatever reason getting her nails done…..

No. 1697021>>1697030

Amber Heard has been my girl crush since she broke into Hollywood pretty much. But I'm actually bi so I would date the fuck out of her.

No. 1697022


No. 1697030>>1697033

What if she shits on your bed

No. 1697031>>1697094>>1697113>>1697182

File (hide): 1694637872204.png (451.97 KB, 423x644, hotAF.png)

Bill Skarsgard? Always been obsessed with Alexander as well.
Austin Butler
KJ Apa (redhead from Riverdale)
tbh I don't know if Braison Cyrus counts but I always thought he was hot
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Liam Hemsworth
Greg Sullkin
Nicholas Hoult
Jeremy Irvine
I could go on, I didn't even get to the singers yet…. Charlie Puth.

No. 1697033

that wasn't true was it? Also don't believe she "cut off his finger" but Depp stans still love to rave about that on twitter….

No. 1697039>>1697079>>1697174>>1697263>>1697630>>1697699>>1697701

File (hide): 1694638328195.png (1.33 MB, 1000x1293, ezgif.com-webp-to-png (1).png)

Sean Penn saying some bullshit about AI

>He is particularly livid over the studios’ purported lust for the likenesses and voices of SAG actors for future AI use. He has an idea that he is convinced will break the logjam. It starts with Penn and a camera crew being in a room with studio heads. Penn will then offer trade: “So you want my scans and voice data and all that. OK, here’s what I think is fair: I want your daughter’s, because I want to create a virtual replica of her and invite my friends over to do whatever we want in a virtual party right now. Would you please look at the camera and tell me you think that’s cool?”

>Penn pauses long enough for me to check if he is serious. That is an affirmative.

And the on the Oscars slap that for some reason people are still talking about

>Penn tells me he became convinced his only choice was to destroy his Oscars. “I thought, well, fuck, you know? I’ll give them to Ukraine. They can be melted down to bullets they can shoot at the Russians.”

>At the end of our conversation, Penn mentions that he decided not to melt down his Oscars for Ukrainian bullets. Instead, he gave one to Zelenskyy. “I told him to keep it and bring it to Malibu after all this is over and his country is safe,” says Penn with a hopeful smile.
>I don’t know Will Smith. I met him once,” Penn says. “He seemed very nice when I met him. He was so fucking good in ‘King Richard.’” He lights another in an unchained melody of American Spirit cigarettes. “So why the fuck did you just spit on yourself and everybody else with this stupid fucking thing? Why did I go to fucking jail for what you just did? And you’re still sitting there? Why are you guys standing and applauding his worst moment as a person?”


No. 1697047

she looks fucking amazing, i wish being ripped would finally be a trend for female celebs. her triceps are goals.

No. 1697054>>1697078

>the only surgery she's had was on her nose
BFFR, she's had a ponytail face lift, neck lift, and an endoscopic brow lift, plus more. how else do you think she went from having big almond shaped eyes to looking asian?!?!
i know botox can make lift your eyebrows a tad but NOT in excess plus hers are a completely different shape as well as being lifted

No. 1697061

I keep thinking she was going to change or take her office clothes off too. There’s visibly some red lingerie or a bodysuit or whatever under her clothes and the boots match that. The dancers stand in front of her at one point, where you assume a wardrobe change would happen, but she only takes her hair down.

No. 1697070

She looks fuckin GREAT. Looking effortlessly gorgeous and super fit. Living for that arm definition I love a tall lady who looks like she could easily pick up heavy boxes.

No. 1697073

No. 1697074

of course he also likes coomerwatch…

No. 1697076

kek the bald manlet in heels

No. 1697077

Nta but the angle actually looks good. I'm not a Selena fan or hater but I'm very picy about who I find good looking and she actually looks nice in this picture. For once she doesn't look bloated. But I've seen her bareface before so I think it's just the makeup making her look good, if she took the same exact picture without makeup I'd probably change my mind.

No. 1697078

>b-b-but those aren't surgery because they didn't use a scalpel
The it's not plastic surgery, its just botox fillers so it doesn't count is the saddest cope from stans

No. 1697079

only Sean Penn is allowed to smack people around

No. 1697087

Cope and seethe bitch, you're hated

No. 1697094>>1697102>>1697209

>Austin Butler
No. sick of this rat faced fucker being shilled everywhere

No. 1697097

Nta but this is actually a nice look. While the guy looks like a sickly anakun.

No. 1697098

File (hide): 1694643479548.jpg (72.7 KB, 960x960, IMG_0073.JPG.jpg)

No. 1697102

THANK YOU I’ve literally never seen the appeal. He looks like a fucking doofus, and not in a hot way. His mouth shape triggers me kek

No. 1697113

Nta but you have low standards. Sorry. They're all ugly, fugly, or faggot looking.

No. 1697142

Get Out Ass Taint.

No. 1697144

buffalo bylan

No. 1697174

He looks like the german guy who kept that girl prisoner in his basement for decades and he has the personality for that too and I don't know why we let him free on the streets

No. 1697181

Do you think that the existence of ozempic might put an end to yo yo dieting for rich people?

No. 1697182

anon I love bill skarsgard too

No. 1697209>>1697212>>1697305

File (hide): 1694648225057.jpg (72.32 KB, 700x700, 63da30b00951f__700.jpg)

Ever since nona pointed out his nose job I can't unsee it fucking weird, it makes me giggle

No. 1697212>>1697213

It didn't even change he's nose size that much, just made it crooked. And who would even be insecure about a nose like that? He should've been worried about his philtrum.

No. 1697213>>1697273

He looks like male Taylor swift now maybe that was the goal

No. 1697223

>I'm not sure what he's trying to do
I believe he's still just trying to go for religious imagery by looking like an angel and holding a bible, but making it edgy and controversial by wearing effeminate clothing.

No. 1697228

And she thought she was Sharon Stone the whole time

I saw a blind screenshot on reddit that said her and SpongeBob are living together in an apt and everything.

Because she's still extremely neurotic about her looks. She is constantly posing with her chin up to make it look smaller, her neck look longer and more slender, shoudlers up to show off collar bone, and holds her arms away from her body to make them look spoopier. She is very much still a woman struggling with BD and ED. The only reason people think she looks more sallow though is because she's wearing a less dark fake tan (you can still tell it's fake from the darker patches on her hands) and ashy hair/bleached brows. Darker skin evened out all her sallow/deeper lines but I imagine that amount of tanner is extremely aging and impossible to keep up if you're constantly around people.

No. 1697238

K pop is so manufactured that it's boring. It's just Koreans mimicking black people with more surgery than MJ and career-enforced eating disorders. It's just so soulless.

They probably are. I saw a faggot on /tttt/ mention lolcow recently.

No. 1697248

What the fuck is my queen doing next to thar limp wet noodle

I was thinking about that today too, her idgaf attitude is extending to the quality of her performances because that "costume change" was lazy and her install looked dirty. It looked like she rolled out of bed, didn't bother to go to hair and makeup, and glued a wig on herself and called it a day. There was a lot of potential for this to be a great visual performance but she fumbled for literally no reason other than what im assuming is laziness. How could you not be embarassed that you see all these amazing performers giving their all and you are one of the most popular artists of the last 4 years but you didn't care to try

No. 1697249>>1697257

Why are her eyes so creepy? Wtf is going on

No. 1697257

Theyre just dark brown and there's a studio light reflecting. You did make me notice her limbal ring has been looking bigger though, I think its just because she's wearing less heavy eyemakeup

No. 1697260>>1697320>>1697767

This is like her millionth voice, compare it to the one in vidrel. I like Ariana, but becoming a celebrity as a teenager must've messed up her sense of identity.

No. 1697263

Every single caucasian male alcoholic is the same. Everything about him just screams of nonsensical alcoholism. He brutally sexually assaulted Madonna and is still being put on magazine covers. He's one of those self-aggrandizing people that are better off stumbled into a ditch. I feel bad for all the Haitian women that have to pretend to worship him

No. 1697268>>1697277>>1697630

kek you know he still cooms to this every night

No. 1697271>>1697584

File (hide): 1694651065462.jpg (237.46 KB, 503x640, photo 2.jpg)

Sad, because she could have been a smokin' sexy GILF if only she didn't let herself go! Not this Bog Hag BS!(low effort shitposting)

No. 1697273

I can imagine her going for him, she and Joe also looked like siblings or at least cousins.

No. 1697277

Grimes found sobbing on a cardboard box with her head against her ikea desk

No. 1697298>>1697310>>1697712

I mean she's smoking a cigarette. Who does that anymore?!? It's gross on all levels.
I appreciate the lack of fillers and botox. Love your natural self girlll. Even though you're accelerating natural aging by smoking.

No. 1697305>>1697630

He looks like a mouth breather. The right pic reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.

No. 1697310

It's so French. Vanessa Paradis was extremely beautiful and lost her looks to chainsmoking.

No. 1697320>>1697329

I noticed something weird about the video. When she sees pictures of her as a toddler, she keeps saying "that's still what I look like without extensions and makeup". In light of her weird transformation, it either sounds like a preoccupation with looking like her child self, or a desperate lie to cover up all the work she's gotten done. Either way, bleak.

No. 1697329

It's just overcompensation for the fact that she has deep fried herself in a vat of fake tan and gotten enough surgery to be unidentifiable.

No. 1697518

Celebrities never choose big event wardrobes anymore. this isnt a random item from their closet, its direct from the designer. They are essentially independent contractors and they have to follow whatever the agency contract stipulates – hair, makeup, surgeries, relationships, anything (my C list friend was forced to get a nose job and cut her hair before starting a netflix show). the brand deals the agency makes with a label HAVE to be fulfilled by the star or else they dont get to walk away with money. Its particularly fucked for women, even A lister stars like beyonce used to have to beg to perform with leggings on, and the noncorporative "cozy" dressers will get blacklisted immediately.

No. 1697584>>1697630>>1698165

Can you at least stop talking like an LSAfag before you post here
He was most definitely not clueless

No. 1697630>>1698165

'But, but how could he? Amber is chaotic evillll!' kek Sept. 2023 really has not been kind to Grimes.

Didn't he beat and SA Madonna in the 90s? Could have sworn there was talk about him tying her to a chair and attacking her. That's far more serious than a simple slap.

Jon Heder is a dead ringer for a 40+ y/o version of this derpy looking actor.

How does that poster sound like they're from LSA? The comment sounds more like something that'd be on datalounge.

No. 1697659

are you fucking kidding me. isnt she kind of famously a femcel icon. they take everything from us…. but i never heard of it so hopefully it was a huge flop

No. 1697679>>1697682>>1697692>>1697736>>1697779>>1698056>>1698479

File (hide): 1694677840423.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1707, IMG_8951.jpeg)

Florence wore another sheer dress at a Tiffany’s event, British vogue did an entire article about how many see through dresses she’s worn and said that this is like her thing now. This photo is funny to me, with the three untalented nepos all together.

No. 1697682>>1697684>>1697717

being well-off doesn't make you nepo (talking about Pugh, Gigi is obviously nepo and idk about Anya).

No. 1697684

Isn't this Haley Bieber?

No. 1697688

My mum is 64 and has a better face. Good god.

No. 1697692>>1697717

File (hide): 1694680050831.jpg (278.97 KB, 1193x728, grimes-junto-kate-perry-rihann…)

Florence looks out of place next to them. Same vibe as picrel.

No. 1697694>>1697695

Ben and Ice Spice in Dunkin' commercial.

No. 1697695>>1697716

No. 1697699>>1697707

I heard Sean Penn beat Madonna with a baseball bat why do we care about this scrotes opinion!? Men can literally beat up famous women with baseball bats and still get OP EDs about them fuck this world

No. 1697701>>1697703

He looks so ugly like this old ass dog I knew with cataracts and bony limbs, I used to chase him til he peed when I was a small kid

No. 1697703

No. 1697707>>1697708>>1698070

File (hide): 1694681501630.png (470.71 KB, 1125x2436, 4E27F226-B879-4EC2-B3B6-A49F65…)

I just looked it up and apparently Madonna filed a police report that stated he snuck into her house and then tied her to a chair and begin to assault and insult her for 9 hours. Here is the article 1/5

No. 1697708>>1697711

File (hide): 1694681537518.png (443.32 KB, 1125x2436, A803E874-A2E4-46FF-B36E-196288…)

No. 1697711>>1697713

File (hide): 1694681631373.png (998.88 KB, 1125x2436, D3A55047-438E-45FA-A811-D74D78…)

No. 1697712


No. 1697713>>1697714

File (hide): 1694681737207.png (453.42 KB, 1125x2436, DE76096B-0E4E-46E3-AEBF-CA5F14…)

4/5 even a police officer corroborates this story so it breaks my heart she has been protecting this man’s career this whole time

No. 1697714>>1697737

File (hide): 1694681889855.png (2.76 MB, 1125x2436, BBD7583E-9D50-40BE-91E2-22D10A…)

5/5 idk why the article then goes on to question if this even happens whixh is bizarre since she filed a police report. It pisses me off all these celebrities condemning Will smith for speaking up to his wife against a RAPIST might I add! Of course Sean would defend Chris rock because he only allows abuse of women to persist. Ducking ugly inbred looking ass

No. 1697716>>1697727

Dang how she get a flavor before Ben lol

No. 1697717>>1698659

Florence’s older brother was on game of thrones for years and her older sisters are both actresses, so she’s famous due to nepotism. Anya’s parents are billionaires, they’re close friends with the Getty family. Anya was a model before she started acting, and the head of the modeling agency is best friends with her mom. She’s the definition of a nepo baby. The third women is Haley Beiber, and she’s a Baldwin.

Florence looks like a frumpy mother of 7 who asked to take a picture with the two celebrities. They also have interesting body language here.

No. 1697727>>1697741>>1698178

File (hide): 1694683529686.jpg (4.84 MB, 6294x8409, Dunkin_Ice Spice MUNCHKINS Dri…)

Having a 16 y/o twerk in your mv will get you places. I wonder what other deals she will be getting next

No. 1697736

I would actually really like Florence’s dress if it had a slip underneath or something, the shell pattern is pretty and interesting. She really doesn’t have the body for sheer anything, idk why she wants to try and be seen as an attractive young starlet when that’s not at all how she comes across, I thought her appeal was that she’s more of an everyman type. Some celebrities seem so delusional about their level of attractiveness.

No. 1697737>>1698189

I never knew that happened to her. Poor madge. I wish she’d never dropped the charges he deserves to be in prison for life.

No. 1697741>>1697742

How old is ice!? Omg. Also who thinks to put munchkins in a coffee o don’t want to be chewing my coffee

No. 1697742

She's 23.

No. 1697743>>1697744

File (hide): 1694685291282.png (257.78 KB, 861x641, rs.png)

Liam Payne has been hospitalized since yesterday in Italy. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/liam-payne-italy-hospital-1234824066/

No. 1697744>>1697745>>1698056>>1698358

File (hide): 1694685366281.webm (3.82 MB, 720x1280, liampayne.webm) [play once] [loop]

This is from 2 weeks ago, but he had to cancel his SA tour because of a kidney infection.

No. 1697745>>1697756

File (hide): 1694685396962.png (34.56 KB, 494x386, lsig.png)

No. 1697747>>1697754

File (hide): 1694685545378.jpg (15.68 KB, 236x419, concernedLiam.jpg)

I kind of want him to live

No. 1697754>>1697762

why. didn't he date an underage girl and act like a giant asshole or was that a different 1D member?

No. 1697755

Oh yes that's totally for distraction. She's off promoting rem beauty, cloud pink, the 10 years anniversary for Yours Truly (her first album) and she hasn't even touched her serial cheating scandal, I don't think she ever will but if she does she will make sure she becomes a victim once again.

No. 1697756>>1697779

That’s actually sad I hope he recovers

No. 1697762>>1697764

Ok so I didn't know about this, but apparently he got backlash for dating a "18" y/o in 2019 (he was 26) and he responded with "ackshually she's 19" lol. Love how he's always been consistent with being cringe. Was he anyone's favorite here, I won't bully you.

No. 1697764

holy she was 17 kekk wtf now I will bully

No. 1697767>>1697771>>1697796

File (hide): 1694687258611.png (636.67 KB, 960x540, A99815F5-5245-484C-91D3-BF2FEA…)

She has BPD idc and she stole Victoria Monet’s whole identity! I will shout it from the rooftops! Victoria Monet is the soft voiced baddie we deserved but society doesn’t want her for some reason (we know why). I was disgusted when I heard Hair on the positions album I’m like this is a minstrel show. And never listened to that album again. Dangerous woman is an amazing album though. She adopts personalities because she lacks her own identity from being an actor since she was little. She doesn’t know how to be herself. This is what happens when you put kids in theater lol jk.This is the end of my unhinged conspiracy

No. 1697771

She probably thinks rn that she IS Galinda(?) the good witch otherwise why would she damage her already damaged hair by constantly bleaching it when she could’ve just worn a high quality wig?. It’s because rn she believes she is her. Okay seriously I’ll take my meds

No. 1697779>>1699939>>1699940

all 3 of these women are hideous.
I hope he dies.

No. 1697796

Actually agree with you, even as a kid she always rubbed me the wrong way when I saw her on Nick. The voice she used always seemed so weird and unnatural.

No. 1697873>>1697874>>1697875>>1697878>>1697879>>1697883>>1697894>>1697904>>1697916>>1697941>>1697997>>1698004>>1698188>>1698203>>1698348>>1698363>>1698622>>1701133

File (hide): 1694700311681.jpg (103.54 KB, 828x1016, dojacat2.jpg)

'Scarlet' wax figures are around in NY. I don't know how many.

No. 1697874>>1697875>>1697878>>1697904>>1697914>>1697941>>1698004>>1698070>>1698203>>1698348>>1701133

File (hide): 1694700335085.jpg (378.11 KB, 1452x1536, ny.jpg)

No. 1697875>>1697878>>1697894>>1698203>>1698348>>1701133

File (hide): 1694700441452.jpg (289.06 KB, 1170x1695, ny2.jpg)

No. 1697878>>1697886>>1697941>>1697966>>1698004>>1698203>>1698325>>1698348>>1701133

File (hide): 1694700562259.jpeg (275.49 KB, 1170x1594, ny3.jpeg)

No. 1697879

kek I meant statue.. my bad.

No. 1697883>>1697921

I kinda love this even if Doja is just edgy. They're cool. I just worry about creeper coomers wanting to steal them

No. 1697886>>1697904>>1698074

Finally, something cool and creative. This is good promo.

No. 1697894>>1697895

This is actually pretty cool but >>1697875
jumpscared me because it’s the first picture that loaded when I was scrolling up

No. 1697895

kek I'm sorry, anon.

No. 1697904>>1697906>>1697907

Oh yeah, a naked woman with huge breasts, how totally original and artsy and totally not solely meant to attract scrotes' attention…

No. 1697906>>1697912>>1697966>>1698006>>1698007>>1698017>>1698348

It's just her body? A naked woman's body isn't inherently sexual. She is obviously trying to come off as creepy more than anything with these statues

No. 1697907

I'm talking about her putting statues around New York, dumdum.

No. 1697912>>1697933

samefag, it seems like Doja likes to come off as edgy and alt and creepy now and it seems like she finds it funny when the males in her instagram follwers get upset when she isn't looking like a porn star. Didn't she post a story recently with that 4th of July shoot saying "they're crawling on my dick" about this?

No. 1697914>>1697926

So fuckin stupid, I hope these get vandalized or ruined immediately. When will this stupid bitch disappear? I can't wait any longer.

No. 1697916

i think this would be cool if her music wasnt boring plain radio music

No. 1697921

i want to steal one tbh

No. 1697926>>1697935>>1698210

if she's smart she'd know already they will be vandalized and it would be part of the "art" or whatever. recycling carrie for the zoomers is 1. tired, the stephen king renaissance is over thanks to stranger things hammering it into the ground 2. kind of gross considering the story, especially knowing doja/dr luke/the industry there's no deeper commentary here besides shock value (even though Carrie was a lot to do with womanhood, powerlessness within a system and the righteous rage a young woman does and should feel). fingers crossed she does more with the concept because it has potential.

No. 1697933

this, tbh seeing how despite making fun of her shaved head, unflattering pictures and weird outfits, anons still believe that she's trying to attract moids (more than other celebrities apparently), i can't imagine what they would have said if she only posted flattering pictures and conventional outfits. she's just doing her thing

No. 1697935

She just gets her inspo off of girls with smaller audiences on Instagram. She's doing exactly what Zheani (mentioned from the die Antwoord stuff a few years ago) has been doing for a while. The dumb blood/wannabe satanic thing is SO old and boring but that's all zheani does and cries about getting her shit censored while Doja gets away with it.

No. 1697941

All this, just for the music to sound the same?

No. 1697966>>1697985>>1698014

>ugu hentai pose
>not inherently sexual
it didn't have to be, but Doja must pander to coomers at all costs

No. 1697985>>1698014>>1698325

I feel like it's a more avant garde fashion pose. I can see it that way as well.

No. 1697995>>1698005>>1698070>>1698364>>1698487>>1699234

File (hide): 1694706142736.jpg (408.35 KB, 2046x1545, bid for Lena to khs.jpg)

And who will you anons be bidding towards today?
>Actors, writers and directors are collaborating on a charity auction with proceeds going towards helping crew members whose healthcare benefits are currently at risk during the strike.

No. 1697997

Now if only her new music was actually good and not some garbage beat with the same "I'm a hot bitch with big titties deal wiv it" shit over and over and over again, I'd eat this shit up

No. 1698004>>1698071

Cringe bitch. Completely naked but with high heels on. Coomer attention seeker.

No. 1698005

Dinner with Bob and David sounds awesome

No. 1698006

kek, are you stupid?

No. 1698007

Go back to Twitter.

No. 1698013

She looks like the girls who worked at Styles 4 Less in my local mall in 1999

No. 1698014

File (hide): 1694706922216.jpg (18.36 KB, 235x510, avant garde fashun.jpg)

it's basically the coomer mary jane figure pose

No. 1698017

Just her naked body, in stripper heels, sexy pose and with a bit enhanced breasts kek
Not sexual at all of course, naked women in stripper heels are high art.

No. 1698033>>1698035>>1698509

It's so weird how some of the nonas are so easily impressed and try to desexualize or "Owning the moids" whenever a woman goes through an edgy phase. Just like with Jenna Fox or whatever her name is.
>Oh she shaved her eyebrows moids get so mad because she's making herself ugly now!
>Meanwhile she still dresses the same way showing off her surgery altered body to appeal to moids, still a huge pick me/sex worker/troon defender.
>Omg Doja shaved her head/brows and it makes moids so mad!
>Omg she has a statue of her naked body covered in blood, but it's totally different and art!
No, it's the same shit. If MTS did this people would be yawning and calling it hypersexual, it's like Doja could show up to a red carpet with just tape and glitter over her ass/cooch and people would be like
>Omg so different, I like it, it's a different type of nudity
Then do a performance dressed as a truck driver, then people will be like, "Omg she's do deep and so different' while making the most generic puddle deep music.
I think Doja is talented, but lord. Why do people fall for her stunts? There was a nona who believed she "Didn't want to be famous anymore" because the dumbest reason, she loves this shit. If Doja wasn't famous, she'd be a small cow like Poppy or somebody.People would see right through it. Its so dishonest to pretend this Carrie Rip off naked statue, covered in blood with huge boobs and heels isn't sexual.

No. 1698035

I had a whole reply typed out but you just said it, perfectly.

No. 1698056>>1698504

I wish I could have his hair. It would look so much better on a masc lesbian
I'm so sick of this. I've seen more see-through clothes with nothing underneath in two days than I have in 25 years. Bjork caused 20 years of drama just for wearing a swan dress, JLo was super scandalous for wearing a low neckline and having a visible asscrack. Now they're all literally walking around naked as if it's always been like this. And in 10 years when the jobs dry up Pugh, Doja, and the whore with duct tape on her labia are gonna be the first ones leading MeToo2 saying they HAD to fuck old men.

No. 1698070

To make it creepier, they should have added footprints appearing out of nowhere and leading to the point where the statue is standing.
I knew it! Sean Penn really needs to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
If I had the money to blow, I'd bid on Natasha Lyonne helping solve the New York Times Sunday crossword, "Virtual Story Basics Session with Spike Jonze and Lena Dunham," and Ally Pankiw's "Three 1-Hour Virtual Directing Mentorship/Coaching Sessions."

No. 1698071

No no getting naked is totally creepy and/or artistic, that’s why respected male musicians do it all the time and horror movie monsters always have their asses out.

No. 1698074>>1698079

cool and creative. Right…. kek I bet crazy people either vandalize, rob or otherwise deface these things. I'd knock it over if it way in my way getting to the subway.

No. 1698079

Yeah, to me it's cool to put up actual figures to promote her album. If you've been following this entire phase you know she hasn't really been doing anything exciting, and it's also something I've never seen newer artists like Doja doing.

No. 1698089>>1698104

i remember around the time that "Put Your Hearts Up" came out she did an interview (i can't find it anymore but i remember it clearly) where she was talking about Audrey Hepburn and that she said to hope to age gracefully like her. i found it weird to see her face change so much over the years, while it seemed she was kind of against that stuff in the beginning of her career. hollywood brainrot i guess.

No. 1698104

Is that one of the reasons why she's a homewrecker? lol wow

No. 1698165

definitely, it's a scrote. no woman would call someone a "gilf" (grandma i'd like (to) fuck)

No. 1698172>>1699760

I can’t believe she performed. She’s literally so irrelevant, doesnt even have something trending right now, but generally who the fuck listens to Demi Lovato?

No. 1698178

Hopefully Onlyfans!

No. 1698188

She wants to be creepy so bad, it reminds me of lovemelovemealot when she did that self bust
Doja is so unoriginal now and I know it’s hard to be original nowadays but like other nonas have said, she hyped up this change so much just to be same sound

No. 1698189>>1698195>>1698196>>1698364

File (hide): 1694720151746.gif (614.62 KB, 640x470, its-what-she-deserves-kim-kard…)

Good for her. That's what she gets for being a whore and not planning right! Uh, Look at her now with her decrepit cobweb cunt, practically begging for some good dick. But her boytoy has left her now! No amount of plastic surgery will make her appealing ever again! She's COPING - and shouldv'e died back then when she was still young, sexy, and actually deserved sympathy!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1698195

Shit bait

No. 1698196

What the actual fuck

No. 1698203>>1698259>>1698282

I think these are kinda cool but I wish she didn't make it so porny with the heels and the dumb pose in the last one. I wish she just went all out with the creepiness instead of trying to make it sexual, the figures are really good though I thought the one with just her face was Doja at first not just a wax statue

No. 1698210>>1698220>>1698331>>1698451

Is it for sure supposed to be a Carrie reference? If so shouldn't she be in a dress and not like, completely covered in blood? I thought it was more like an Evil Dead reference since she's naked and drenched in blood and her hair is kinda messy like she crawled up from under the ground

No. 1698220>>1698284

To me it looks like True Blood season five Lilith vampire god.

No. 1698248>>1698286

Is public indecency not a crime anymore? Im all for artistic marketing but did she really need to put a blood soaked naked woman in the middle of a basketball court? Not even a regular mannequin it had to have nipples and a fake fat ass?

No. 1698259>>1698282

Same. I wish she would have just went all out for the disturbing factor. Nudity isn't inherently sexual and I don't think the average moid would enjoy looking at these as they are, but she should have just went balls to the walls with the creepy factor.

No. 1698282>>1698285>>1698331

File (hide): 1694726917613.png (125.35 KB, 424x622, Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 2.25.…)

In the remake of Suspiria, they made a really cool and creepy figure of death for the ending scene. She totally could've done something more like this while maintaining some level of sensuality. Instead she went porny.

No. 1698284>>1698285

File (hide): 1694727083953.png (Spoiler Image,267.69 KB, 458x747, lilith-true-blood.png)

That's exactly what it is kek

No. 1698285

Yeah that would have suited her theme better of the whole witchcraft demon-y thing

Ohhhh okay, kind of a random obscure reference lol

No. 1698286

Well tbf, it has a fake fat ass cause it's modeled after a woman who has a real fat ass kek.

No. 1698299

So sensitive.

No. 1698325>>1698331

sorry but in what way does this >>1697878
look like fashion avant garde. maybe coomershit fashion avant garde, because it just looks like "horror" pinup. that's a pinup pose if anyone's ever seen one, come on.

No. 1698331>>1698451

These idiots will use words they don't even know to defend doja and her pathetic antics. It's so tiresome.
For example >>1698210 randomly throwing out the Evil Dead because why, her hair is messy? She's not possessed like anything in the movie. Nothing about the movie is even close to this garbage.
People be throwing out names and references with no idea of what it even is, I'll never understand.

She's literally the biggest pick me bitch out there, of course she porned it up. She needs to keep her edgy 4chan incel audience.

No. 1698348>>1698409>>1698580

I unfortunately like this despite hating Doja, especially the expression and detail on her face. I feel like we don't see promotion like this too often anymore, even if it's exclusive to NYC. I do agree the subway one is in a coomer anime figurine pose though.
And I don't wanna contribute to the titsperg but it's not "her body" lol, scrotes actually got disappointed with her nudes because she didn't have gravity defying pornstar tits, unlike these wax figures.
I doubt she has much control over any of these stunts, I feel like her team is forcing her to stay bald for the majority of this era and she's been hating the backlash and lashing out on social media ever since. And I can't blame her, it's crazy she went from one of the most desirable female celebrities to "weird and unfuckable" just for shaving her head. I'm sure that pissed her off considering she already had terribly low self esteem.

No. 1698358

Who painted him

No. 1698363

Well there's where her vmas budget went I guess..

No. 1698364

Bob Odenkirk and David Cross getting thrown in the fuck dungeon. Nobody will ever see them again

Faggots all sound the same

No. 1698409

>I feel like her team is forcing her to stay bald for the majority of this era
That was her decision. What makes you think her team is forcing her to do it?

No. 1698443

Ur joking right? She defended the show and her character repeatedly, and if she wasn't happy with the changes she could have quit. No one forced her or held a gun to her head. But keep continuing to feel bad for a rich famous model for willingly doing those cringey sex scenes with The Weeknd then defending them and Sam Levinson afterwards. Poor thing.
I'm glad she got called out for supporting and being apart of that shit.

No. 1698451

I'm >>1698210 and why are you calling me an idiot? I'm not defending her I was just saying it's more "Evil Dead" than "Carrie" because she's blood soaked and naked, relax.

No. 1698479>>1698488

Why is Florence touching her genitals in this picture? It also looks like she’s wearing black underwear which is just ugly with that dress

No. 1698487>>1698489>>1698495>>1698507

celebs get their rich friends to win these auctions at all costs so they don’t have to talk to random insane fans

No. 1698488>>1698633>>1698947

maybe it was itchy

No. 1698489

they're lucky my irl husbando wasn't on there because I wouldn't have backed down

No. 1698495>>1698508

Also I read the terms for a dinner one out of curiosity and they don’t even cover the meal kek. You would only win the celeb’s presence.

No. 1698504

I think this trend started because of kim kardashian wearing marilyn monroe’s dress. But that dress was skin tone, not see through, and it was for a performance where she sang under an extremely bright spotlight which made it look like she was covered in diamonds. After kim stole the dress and squeezed herself into it for some random event, it made all of the other narcissist celebrities think they need to wear see through dresses. Except none of them are anywhere near as attractive as Marilyn, and they all look cheap and trashy because the dresses are actually sheer instead of having a sheer illusion.

Most of the women wearing them look like street walkers, and florence is just showcasing her portliness and giant gunt

No. 1698507

I'd say you're right about 95% of the time. But there are a decent amount of celebrities as insane as their fans kek if you peel off the cover for a bit you'd be really surprised.

No. 1698508

That's for liability purposes. The insurance on these types of events is intense, besides whatever contract is written up by the celebs management team.

No. 1698509>>1698518>>1698522>>1698528>>1698578>>1698710>>1699193

File (hide): 1694749481946.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.01 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20230915_123153_263.jpg)

Is this serious, because picrel, uninspired porny lollipop licking, is the kind of promo MTS is doing and when it was posted in one of the threads, anons didn't sperg about sexualization nearly as long as they did for doja. MTS has rather been complimented a lot on celebricows recently. I understand disliking doja but it's ridiculous to pretend that she's less original or more sexualized than other US female rappers with a similar level of fame.

No. 1698518

I hate the music video so bad. All those asses shaking and its like you can smell the musty wind

No. 1698522>>1698559

I hate cardi b and Megan the stallion, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented on either of them because they’re uninteresting. All they do is soft porn music videos and degrading lyrics. Doja cat is more interesting to me for some reason, so I’ve responded to posts about her a few times even though I don’t hate her as much as the other two.

No. 1698528

File (hide): 1694751721628.png (199.19 KB, 440x352, b.png)

Ben Shapiro is about to lose his shit

No. 1698559>>1698591>>1698637>>1698772>>1699035

I don't hate them because that's the only way female rappers go mainstream. male rappers can rap about things that are not fucking and using drugs but female rappers? nowadays? I dont think so

No. 1698578

Cardi is unrecognizable from all the editing kek. She can be cute but this ain't what she looks like. And yeah I find this trashy and uncute too. Megan seems nice and has a likable personality so I think that's why people give her a pass. I personally find Doja likable but could see why she's easy for people to hate and sperg about. Her whole schtick is making people mad and they give her exactly what she wants.

No. 1698580>>1698585>>1698597>>1698773

File (hide): 1694759965857.png (Spoiler Image,392.85 KB, 644x1048, Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 11.41…)

>because she didn't have gravity defying pornstar tits
And now she's had a breast lift and her scars the other night do not look good. They look infected.

No. 1698582

He's hot but he's a huge nightmare to be around. She is too tbh but whatever kek

No. 1698585>>1698597>>1698623

ew wtf
I’ll ask again: Why wouldn’t you just get big porno bolt ons inserted under the breast if you’re going to get some kind of breast enhancement? I nean you’d look like a silly doll, but at least there will be some kind of appeal. Doja’s tits are nightmare tier there. I feel gross and mean talking crap about someone’s breasts like this, but what the FUCK is that?(titsperging)

No. 1698591>>1698772

I agree that it sucks and it’s not their fault that this is the only thing that sells, but they could still just not do it. I’d rather be a nobody working a normal job than degrade myself and sell out all women for fame and money.

No. 1698597>>1698614

They just need more time to heal and for the discoloration to fade. That's nothing silicone strips can't help with. She must have had a lot of sagging if her doctor used a keyhole lift (more scarring) and not a crescent lift (less scarring). No judgement from me, that's just an observation.

Um, because she doesn't want "big porno bolt ons". You're being over the top. You're acting as if her breasts were butchered, but they look fine. There's discoloration along the incision, but that's expected for black, biracial, and brown/dark skinned people.

No. 1698614>>1698618

Hi Doja! You’re very famous and can get any guy you want, why do you choose such ugly men? And why don’t you visit a good surgeon?(hi cow)

No. 1698618

Nta and I hate Doja but this response is cringe

No. 1698622

she’s making sure everyone see her new boob lift

No. 1698623>>1698629

>Eww grosss she has scars on her breasts, she should get implants
Pathetic and moid tier. You realize that she most likely had this surgery because she lost a bunch of weight which often results in sagging breasts, but she hasn't particularly tried to hide them or make them "perfect". Usually anons criticize breasts implants, BBLs and deceit/unrealistic expectations coming from celebrities but now it's the opposite, just because it's doja (or alternatively bc you're a trolling fag)(responding to bait)

No. 1698629

Just report them for Titpicking and move on. We are all tired and we have all told them a million times but they won’t stop.

No. 1698633>>1698639>>1699295

Maybe the alleyway puddle she crouches over to cleanse herself in between clients gave her a disease or infection(sperg)

No. 1698637>>1699035>>1701284

nah, that’s bullshit. it’s bc of rappers like Lil Kim and Nicki that female rappers have to do this. old school female rappers did not have to do straight up soft core porn to get on the charts. Left Eye and Missy Elliott didn’t do that shit. Queen Latifah didn’t do that shit. not even Salt N Pepa. i still maintain that Nicki Minaj put female rappers back five steps when it comes to respect, especially with her fake ass female empowerment bullshit.

No. 1698639

anon kek

No. 1698659>>1698672>>1698678>>1698694

Nona, I support your right to be a hater but you are really reaching by calling Pugh a nepo hire. I spent all of 5 minutes on IMDB and saw that her brother’s “years” in GOT amount to five episodes between 2015-2016, by which point Florence had been in 3 films, including Lady Macbeth. And her older sisters have one acting credit each, one in a short film and one as a bit part in a film nobody has ever even heard of. Give it a rest.

No. 1698672>>1698705>>1698712

He’s been acting since 2008 though, and she started in 2014. Even if he was only in a few episodes, he was still in the industry before her and had connections. I didn’t know the details about her sisters, I heard they were more famous than that. She’s still very wealthy and was sent to an expensive school where she made more connections, I’ll link an article about how british nepotism in the entertainment industry works but she’s posh like almost all of the other british performers and they all know each other, she isn’t famous because of talent

https://www.vice.com/en/article/3adgnk/american-nepo-babies-have-nothing-on-the-british(this is an imageboard. post caps and sage your shit)

No. 1698678


No. 1698694>>1698701>>1698711

So she’s the most successful nepo baby in a family of nepo babies.
Idc if she’s a nepo baby, she’s a good actress. She doesn’t have to be as good looking as scarjo to be taken seriously. We are spoiled for beautiful women. We don’t need every woman to be beautiful as not every woman IRL was beautiful. Like Oppenheimers mistress. She was cute but not beautiful, just like Florence Pugh. What we really need is some stunningly attractive men. It makes me sick to see qts embarrassing themselves on tiktok while tittypee coagulate gets leading roles and spreads an array of STDs to women everywhere he goes. It’s actually a human rights issue at this point.
I can understand the vitriol to Aaron Taylor Johnson’s wife, because he’s the only hot male actor in his prime left and he’s taken. They’d be furious at any woman he was with, they just have more ammo against her bc she’s a groomer. I mean they both swear down that he pursued her but even if he did she probably should have paid for therapy instead.

No. 1698701

There really do need to be more attractive men in the industry, they’re all either ugly or too old now. This is what happens when everyone is from a wealthy family or has famous family members, we’re left with people you wouldn’t look twice at if you passed them on the street. None of them are charismatic either, they don’t have the “it factor” that celebrities used to have.

No. 1698705

I’m a bong, I know about the issues of class disparity amongst actors and I agree that it’s a blight. However, that wasn’t the argument that OP was making and I was simply pointing out that it was disingenuous to call her a nepo baby based on those facts.

No. 1698710

Gross. This is catering for moids only

No. 1698711>>1698789

ATJ is one of the only male actors I can think of that hasn’t hit the wall as he’s got older

No. 1698712>>1698716

>He’s been acting since 2008 though, and she started in 2014. Even if he was only in a few episodes, he was still in the industry before her and had connections.
Kek, I don't think you know what a nepo baby is.

No. 1698716>>1698717

It’s when someone is hired for a job because of their relatives, whether the person who hired them is a relative or because they have connections in whichever industry due to said relatives

No. 1698717>>1698724

The implication that her brother got her roles when he himself can't get any legit roles made me laugh, it's more likely her parents being rich and having connections in the industry is what got her foot in the door.

No. 1698723

Your comments are almost immediately discarded because you don't know to sage

No. 1698724>>1698726

I didn’t even know she had a brother in the industry. Despite that I don’t think of Florence as a nepo baby. Her brother obviously isn’t famous and she isn’t living under his shadow like real nepo babies like LRD and Maya Hawke who will never be known for anything but being the daughters of a celeb

No. 1698726>>1698731

Agreed, the idea of nepotism makes me think of piggy backing off of something else's fame/success/wealth, no one knows who Florence's brother is. I doubt he had ~connections~ in the industry.

No. 1698731>>1698734

Nepotism is getting jobs because of family connections

No. 1698734>>1698738

Yes and I’m sorry but I don’t think an unrecognizable nobody could have the type of connections to get Florence to be as famous as she is now. She can’t act and is average in every way so I don’t know why she’s as famous as she is but I doubt it’s because her brother was a background character on a tv show that ended like 5 years ago kek

No. 1698738>>1698770

He isn’t exactly un unrecognizable nobody, he had a big role on GOT which was the most popular show while it ran. He’s more known for being a musician though. It’s possible he met more important people in the industry through working on GOT, which could have helped her get a role since she’s fairly unappealing and doesn’t stand out. That wouldn’t mean he’s responsible for her becoming an a-lister, but it explains why she would have gotten cast in anything in the first place.

No. 1698770>>1701284

>He isn’t exactly un unrecognizable nobody
nta and i have absolutely no horse in this race, but i don't even know what he looks like/which character he played and don't even care to look it up - i'd assume anyone who isn't a major GoT fan is the same. he's literally a nobody kek.

No. 1698772>>1698784>>1700139

They enjoy being famous by doing softcore porn and rapping about being promiscuous, very few female rappers became famous without sexualizing themselves but of course only very very rarely. But they are proof there is a way to still be famous and successful leveraging both talent and (male, because of course) connections without selling out your body. Two examples I can think of off the top of my head are Young M.A and 070 Shake, but of course since they don't do softcore their fame and reach can only go so far before it hits a ceiling, and I guess most female celebrities aren't fine with that.

No. 1698773

A walking shit stain

No. 1698775>>1698783

I just googled this group because I am both disgusted and intrigued by them and they're fucking ZOOMERS?!?? Victoria is only 23 and Damiano is 24?! Why do they look so much older

No. 1698778>>1701284>>1701311>>1701520

File (hide): 1694785691200.jpeg (432.96 KB, 1170x1420, IMG_8984.jpeg)

Kyle Marisa Roth (someone who reads blind items) made a video about Alba Baptista, and Chris Evens seems to have had her Wikipedia page and social media scrubbed or deleted. Alba was outed at some point for making a lot of antisemitic and racist comments in videos and on message boards (I don’t know which ones, Kyle said “nazi message boards” in her video.) All of Alba’s great grandparents were German refugees who moved to Brazil in 1945/1946 and were allegedly nazis. This information used to be on her wikipedia page, and now it’s gone. Chris Evans is also known to be antisemitic and racist, and an all around terrible and abusive person. Allegedly Scarlett Johansson stopped speaking to him after they dated because she’s Jewish and he’s openly bigoted.

No. 1698783

Bc they do a lot of drugs and like a lot of Italians, prob chain smoke. They are all so ugly and their music sucks it makes me embarrassed to be Italian kek

No. 1698784

Missy Elliott also, to my knowledge. But if you mean current celebrities, then idk.

In general I've been thinking about this lately, but there were way more celebrities in their 30s in the 2000s compared to now. I used to think I was just young so they all looked older but no, when I looked them all up some of the biggest names were 30-somethings. Missy, Gwen Stefani, JLo (wasn't even famous until her 30s), Cameron Diaz etc. And as much as EDs and Playboy were prevalent, in some ways I feel like we've regressed.

No. 1698789

He’s 33. He’s still young.(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 1698804>>1698807>>1698811>>1698813>>1698817>>1698878>>1698921>>1699168>>1699230>>1699295

I love how the milk is always about older celebrities millennials/boomers. You never see anyone talking about Madison Beer, Olivia Rodrigo (except for the boobjob thing), Sabrina Carpenter, Maggie Lindemann, Nessa Barrett (who seems to be VERY fucking milky), unless I am missing something and there is a tiktok thread where they are talked about. But it's just interesting how most zoomers aren't really milky.

No. 1698807

They're milky but discussion is kept in gossip discords and celeb-specific servers from the bigger gossip hubs, and the milk is drowned out in checking each other's language and offensiveness more than actually discussing their cow antics.

No. 1698811

People were talking about them (Olivia and Jenna Ortega used to be frequently discussed), it's just hard because any comment about them is met with a barrage of "you're just jealous because she's young and pretty" which would start an infight. When someone brought up Rachel Zegler talking about Snow White the thread got derailed and it started serious racesperging.

No. 1698813

I never heard of these people except the first two.

No. 1698817

>Sabrina Carpenter, Maggie Lindemann, Nessa Barrett
literally who

No. 1698828>>1699371

File (hide): 1694791284053.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1170x2135, IMG_1629.jpeg)

What the fuck

No. 1698878

I used to follow a lot gossip sites/subs and idk, none of these people seem particularly milky or well-known? Olivia has Taylor drama but there’s little to know about it, Madison doesn’t seem to do anything these days besides being pretty and making mid music, the last thing with Sabrina I’ve heard of was Joshua Bassett love triangle (and no one seemed to care about this besides Twittertards and HSM fans, there’s almost no discussion about it). This Maddie girl was posted in some thread because of her Phtooshop I think and I don’t know much about Nessa, they just aren’t relevant enough to be posted here. But yes, zoomer celebrities are vapid and unremarkable.

No. 1698910>>1698915>>1698929

File (hide): 1694797382291.jpg (77.94 KB, 818x708, shelby.JPG)

Apparently Shelby Lynn is now being investigated.

>What is there to her statements? Shelby Lynn made serious accusations against Till Lindemann. Now the tide could turn. The public prosecutor's office is investigating.

>As the "Bild" newspaper now reports, it is now being investigated whether the 25-year-old made a false statement. The public prosecutor's office is investigating Shelby Lynn - and has been for two months.

>"The investigation was initiated in July 2023 after receiving the statement from the lawyer of the Rammstein frontman (meaning Lindemann, editor's note)," a spokesman for the District Prosecutor's Office in Vilnius told "Bild." However, further details are not known. "In order not to hinder the ongoing investigation, more detailed information will not be disclosed."

>Investigations against Till Lindemann discontinued

>In August, the public prosecutor's office in Berlin dropped all investigations against Till Lindemann. In June, the investigations had begun after several women, some of them anonymously, had made accusations of sexual violence against the singer in various media.However, there had been no evidence sufficient for an indictment, it was said in August.Regarding Shelby Lynn's case, the prosecutor's office said at the time that after evaluating the documents, "no concrete actual evidence of sexual offenses by the defendant" had emerged.The origin of a bruise could not be assigned concretely.The musician himself had always protested his innocence through his lawyers.Only when the prosecutor's office had officially closed the investigation, he spoke out on Instagram."I thank everyone who waited impartially for the end of the investigation," he wrote to his fans at the end of August.The Rammstein frontman has not yet commented on the latest events. However, Shelby Lynn has.On Instagram, the 25-year-old shared a screenshot of the "Bild" article.To this she wrote: "This is damn funny and the first time I've heard of it. No police have contacted me."

In German:https://www.t-online.de/unterhaltung/stars/id_100243474/till-lindemann-staatsanwaltschaft-ermittelt-gegen-shelby-lynn.html

No. 1698912>>1698934

File (hide): 1694797621449.webm (6.57 MB, 888x478, jonathan majors.webm) [play once] [loop]

Tmz released a video of Jonathan Majors, that actor that got in trouble for beating his girlfriend, breaking up a fight between two highschoolers. A lot of people think this is a PR stunt, especially since he's scheduled to be in court today and this video came out yesterday.

No. 1698915

Also Universal Music won't release Lindemann's new album

>Universal Music will not release Till Lindemann solo album

>In November, Till Lindemann will go on a solo tour.The album for it will not be released by Universal.The long-time business partners would have decided this "amicably". For the future, both keep everything open.

>Last Friday, Till Lindemann released his first new song since a perfidious system for providing young women for sexual contact at the concerts of his band Rammstein became public. "Zunge" is just the harbinger of a complete solo album, which Till Lindemann is releasing for the first time under his own first and last name.

>The album is expected in time for Lindemann's European tour, which is scheduled to begin on November 8 in Leipzig. But unlike the vast majority of music recordings in which Till Lindemann has been involved - whether with Rammstein, solo or even the last album of his project Lindemann with Peter Tägtgren - the album will not be released by industry leader Universal Music.

>This was first reported by the Danish music magazine Gaffa . The music journalists had stumbled over the fact that in the small print on Spotify for the new song "Zunge" the note "under exclusive license to Universal Music GmbH" was missing. This had been included with Till Lindemann's solo releases from 2021, such as "Ich hasse Kinder".

>At SPIEGEL's request, a spokeswoman for Universal Music in Berlin confirmed that Till Lindemann and Universal Music had "jointly decided in August 2023 to suspend the collaboration for the solo album planned for fall 2023."

>The background at that time had been the public prosecutor's investigations against Till Lindemann. These have been discontinued in the meantime. But apparently one did not want to wait for such a decision. "In order for the album to be released in time before the start of the concert tour planned for November 2023, Till Lindemann and Universal Music have mutually decided that Till Lindemann can release this album without Universal Music," the record company's statement continues.

>In mid-June, Universal Music had "suspended marketing and promotional activities for the band's recordings until further notice" after the allegations against Lindemann and Rammstein became known. At the time, the company said it was "convinced that a full investigation of the allegations, including by the authorities, is absolutely necessary.

>With the current reference to the investigations by the public prosecutor, which have been discontinued in the meantime, the band apparently wants to keep all options open for the future. In any case, the Universal statement concludes with the sentence: "We will provide joint information on future publications at the appropriate time.

In German: https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/musik/universal-music-wird-till-lindemann-soloalbum-nicht-veroeffentlichen-a-6d4f7899-cfb1-4848-a82d-56420c2f283b

No. 1698921>>1698941

People trash Madison on Instagram for being a stuck up biatch who think shes the hottest shit in the planet. Anyway these gen z celebs are boring as fuck.

Lady gaga was peak 10 yrs ago and is now boring too.

No. 1698929

I think everyone who is deeper into rammstein fandom than just "I like the music and go to concerts" knows that what Shelby Lynn said was being said in this or other way for years now. Of course Lindemann has great lawyers and PR team so we will see fake titles and statements slandering her now. I get it that aging rockmen want to feel young again with the groupies but why not just choose from these many women who would eagerly engage with them instead putting regular, unwilling non-groupie fans in such uncomfortable situations?

No. 1698934>>1698970>>1699295>>1699349

File (hide): 1694798763250.png (266.44 KB, 589x496, TWEET.PNG)

Samefag but just to be fair,, someone did make a tweet with another angle of the video claiming it was a real fight. The second tweet says
>It happened near the in and out inside of school during lunch. The gate was open because a car had just entered. He just went into our campus (skull emoji) Anyways we all think he’s goofy as hell. Everyone @ school is clowning him. 2/2
The third tweet is just them posting memes that people at the school made. Not sure if I believe the incident or not, the fight did look convincing for something that's supposed to be scripted but this also is some stupid shit a celeb would do for PR. Especially when he has allegations of being violent. And why is he dressed like a paperboy.

No. 1698941

Madison did not deserve all her hate which boils down to lying about plastic surgery and using filters which made people feel insecure. She became famous as a teen and said some guy sent her a video of himself fucking a sex doll with her face on it. She’s been dealing with hate, misogyny, and pedo creeps since her debut and that would destroy anyone, she almost killed herself. Any little thing she does people will find an issue with because she’s an attractive white woman. I think in general zoomer celebs are pretty chill because they know any little scandal will get them torn apart and social media is so personal and important to them they can’t handle that. The need for validation is too strong.

No. 1698947

I wouldn't be surprised if Florence had every venereal disease in the book!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1698970>>1699295

Why was he hanging out around a high school in the first place? 100% PR stunt

No. 1699035

Can you quit Nickisperging, we know you have a hateboner for her and blame her for all evils when it comes to female rap but the industry has been massively misogynistic since way before she came along and she was not excempt from any of it. She's opened up about being pressured to get ass implants to fit in, and straight up hated her stage name for years because they forced her to pick it for it's resemblance to the phrase "menage a trois". Like >>1698559 said, they're all forced to do this to succeed in the industry. I'm not gonna tinfoil any of them being secret feminist icons held at gunpoint to constantly rap about how much they love choking on cock, but I suspect we'd get a lot less of that and more songs like "My Neck, My Back" if scrotes didn't have as much control in the rap game.

No. 1699058>>1699191

I agree zoomer celebs are really boring but I love that Jenna Ortega has taken swings at Rachel Zeggler (or whatever the fuck way its spelled) for being absolutely insufferable. She's right btw, Ortega having fun with the Wednesday Addams character is how it should be done, not by crying and pissinf and shitting everywhere with a fake girlboss larp

No. 1699163>>1699168>>1699180>>1699295

File (hide): 1694816844319.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.9 KB, 509x793, sam.jpg)

No. 1699168

What an unsightly beast

Besides Olivia these are all relative nobodies. Madison is well-known because of her appearance but nobody listens to her shit music. None of the legit celebrities I follow follow her

No. 1699177>>1699220

File (hide): 1694818294069.jpg (159.54 KB, 672x865, gaga.jpg)

What's wrong with her eyes?

No. 1699180

I just don't get it, why go for this kind of concept while being an ugly fat moid? And why would anyone consume it? I'm honestly so confused

No. 1699191

When did she do that?

No. 1699193

Did anyone start calling this shit art or acting like it's not sexual? Because that's what people were doing to Doja & that's why I commented on it.

No. 1699207>>1699272>>1699295>>1699393>>1699484

File (hide): 1694822223290.jpg (95.98 KB, 1500x1000, kylie-jenner-timothee-chalamet…)

Timothee is not into "baddies" or "bimbos". Timothee is a gold digger, a sugar baby. His dating history includes:
- Madonna's daughter
- Depp's daughter
- a superstar billionaire (Kylie)
He was climbing the social ladder with the first two.
It's crystal clear that he's going for super influential and super rich people.

No. 1699220

No. 1699230

>tt influencers
>celebrity thread

No. 1699234>>1699244>>1699266>>1699351

File (hide): 1694824307911.jpeg (156.72 KB, 1284x1533, F583iS2WYAAjHmZ.jpeg)

Im picking Daniel Kaluuya.

No. 1699244

Omg kek

No. 1699266

keep him forever by refusing to fall asleep

No. 1699272>>1699292>>1699295>>1699593>>1699601

File (hide): 1694830199896.png (271.38 KB, 591x225, IMG_7748.png)

this guy has terrible taste lmao

No. 1699277>>1699310>>1699322>>1699346>>1699354

File (hide): 1694831511932.png (870.9 KB, 900x586, disgusting.PNG)

Gross "Drake" used Halle Berry's face getting slimed at the kids choice awards for his gross single cover. Halle Berry doesn't like it because he didn't ask for permission.
Here are the lyrics btw, "Drake" comes off like a fucking gay dude, this shit sounds like something Saucy Santana would reference. So sassy, I read the lyrics in a super gay voice in my head.I hate him so much.
Misogyny, a Canadian biracial jewish man with a white mother, using American slavery as a pun or whatever the fuck. He needs to get a fucking diary.
"Bitch next time…" Shut up punk.

"You bitches really get carried away
Makin' mistakes then you beg me to stay
Got me wiggin' on you like I'm Arrogant Tae
You got my mind in a terrible place
Whipped and chained you like American slaves
Act like you not used to Sheraton stays
I met the nigga you thought could replace
How were there even comparisons made?
Bitch, next time, I swear on my grandmother grave
I'm slimin' you for them kid choices you made
Slimin' you out, slimin' you out, slimin' you out
Ayy, this ain't the littest I could get on you bitches
Send wires on wires on wires, like Idris
You lucky that I don't take back what was given
I could have you on payment plan 'til you're hundred and fifty
And my slime right here, she got some bars for y'all niggas
So I'ma fall back and let SZA talk her shit for a minute"

No. 1699292

Kek he likes Bogdanoff lites

No. 1699295

He might be the type to hang around outside of high schools if he hit his ex girlfriend. It’s probably just a weird pr stunt but he could have broken up a fight somewhere other than school property, it’s kind of suspicious

That’s disgusting

I think it’s both, he’s a social climber but he also likes sleazy baddie type women

I think all three of them are ugly

None of the people you mentioned are talented or interesting, they’re bottom of the barrel “celebrities” who just have big followings on ig


No. 1699310

> I'm slimin' you for them kid choices you made
you’re fucking lying he didn’t actually make that into a lyric did he?? god what a corny ass dude.

No. 1699322>>1699738

Always so depressing to see TIFs resort to misogyny in an attempt to pass better. Don't worry Drake (he/him), you're a true and honest man in my eyes

No. 1699346

He acts zesty because hes taking a page out of the book of Prince and Dennis Rodman, Brad Pitt recently, etc. Gay rumors are always better than straight child predator rumors. Diplo has also always played into the DL bisexuality thing although he regularly goes after underage girls. The illusion of liking men makes modern people protect them at default and drops their defenses, and young girls right now are easily manipulated by zest because they are too stupid to understand that it's a tactic to get into their pants and not an actual regular fashion inclination

No. 1699349>>1699370

I had to look up In N Out and it’s a fast food restaurant, but there’s one INSIDE a high school? Am I reading that right?

No. 1699351

He gonna be holding a knife to his throat the whole time

No. 1699354

Drake just wants us to know to understand he and his butt buddy Tory ain't hosers, eh! They hard just like America's niggas.

No. 1699370

Omg that cannot be true, the absolute state of American school lunches jfc kek

No. 1699371

other than being a stupid idea, it also looks stupid

No. 1699391

File (hide): 1694846700727.jpg (20.21 KB, 920x920, drake-search-and-rescue-kim-ka…)

He has hey mamas energy

No. 1699393>>1699396

Yeah if you've read/seen a couple of his interviews it's very clear that he's very ambitious about his career. He dated Madonnas daughter in high school kek.

Anyway, going to win the lottery so I have a shot(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 1699396>>1699441>>1699448>>1699453>>1699459>>1699498>>1699601>>1699667

File (hide): 1694847603466.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.36 KB, 1600x2293, story-image.jpg)

Hes so gross, I will never understand.

No. 1699439

timothee chamalamadingdong reminds me of every single skinny (dumb wigger) fuckboy in highschool/uni, these guys are a dime a dozen. seems like the industry was starving for a twinky brunette at the time, and what do you know? here comes the private schooled industry baby whos classmates include all of our fav nepo babies! just dated his way up kek

No. 1699441>>1699456

ngl I kinda see the appeal, if had a slightly better face I could be into it.

No. 1699448

I saw this yesterday and it traumatized me.

No. 1699453

STD creature

No. 1699456>>1699501

File (hide): 1694853436119.gif (1.5 MB, 480x270, anigif_sub-buzz-7396-163528537…)

Yeah okay

No. 1699459>>1699461>>1699468>>1699501>>1699504>>1699544>>1704457

File (hide): 1694853944156.jpeg (126.5 KB, 634x1203, IMG_6667.jpeg)

Paul Mescal is a zoomer’s only hope

No. 1699461>>1699477

Zoomers? He looks 30, butterface also

No. 1699468>>1699477

This man looks 35 years old

No. 1699477>>1699506

nta. he's 27 kek

No. 1699484

Celebrities with herpes date other infected celebrities. There's a roster of them pr people go through.

No. 1699498

Kinda jealous of him ngl

No. 1699501

Haggard and gross

Ugly disgusting twitchy rat

No. 1699504>>1699547

Then zoomers are doomed kek

No. 1699506

So he isnt even a zoomer

No. 1699544>>1699559

people saying Chalamet looks gross but then drop Paul Mescal as though he doesn't look like every other average britbong (source: I'm from terf island)

No. 1699547>>1699553>>1699576>>1699587>>1699619>>1699814

File (hide): 1694861368497.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1377, 6A4887A7-20B5-4E63-BC6D-D74B11…)

No they aren’t y’all have Jacob Elordi he is literally so fine. He is the most attractive white boy of this generation. Dude is 6’5 with an Australian accent come tf on. Idk how Timothee gets the spotlight and not him. He’s younger than Timothee born in 97 and Tim is born my year 94.

He did cheat on Zendaya though so that makes him ugly to me. But I also like to lie to myself. He also gets points off for playing Elvis Presleys pedo ass. But he is a really great actor I didn’t even know he was Australian until I saw his interviews. You can also tell he truly loves acting and his fans. Saw multiple photos of him at the beach stopping to take photos with fans. And he isn’t out here spreading diseases at least not openly

No. 1699553>>1699554>>1699576

File (hide): 1694862052691.jpeg (29.08 KB, 408x612, 16DB8B12-2D82-40AA-B146-2DB30C…)

One more photo because I need nonas to know what real attractive men look like >>1699547

No. 1699554>>1699555>>1699674>>1699682>>1699741

File (hide): 1694862153265.jpeg (148.23 KB, 1500x2253, 9B7026E2-572E-4019-A17F-B79BBD…)

one of his exes Joey King recently got married to a director named Steven Pienot. She’s 24 and he’s 32.Thoughts on the dress ladies? I like the detailing

No. 1699555>>1699682

File (hide): 1694862186373.jpeg (140.38 KB, 1500x2253, 4BA6AB71-7F94-492C-8D6F-C7476A…)

No. 1699559

He’s Irish but ok. Show us who you masturbate to

No. 1699576

His face and head looks weird to me, sorry nonny

No. 1699587

I'm ambivalent about Elordi, I can see why people are into him, just not for me imo.

But the movie he's playing Elvis in is the Sofia Coppola Priscilla biopic which is going to discuss the abuse she faced from Elvis so tbh I wouldn't knock points off for that one.

No. 1699593>>1699614

How are they ugly? Lourdes is gorgeous

No. 1699601

They're all very much out of his league and only his fugly fangirls think the gorgeous women he dates are ugly.
See >>1699396 he's very ugly

No. 1699614

NTA but because they're all botched. I think chlamydia is on the same level though.

No. 1699619

Good body and height, but his face is mid and birdlike. Anon’s point about lack of attractive men in this generation still stands.

No. 1699667

I don’t like him but I hate when anons use pics that are clearly just unfortunate candid or caught the celeb in a weird expression or angle like poot lovato

No. 1699674

Joey Pienot kek cute name

No. 1699682

She looks so beautiful and happy. I hope her moid isn't too awful but they pretty much all are

No. 1699711>>1699718>>1699831

do you think kylie will have a baby with timothee? she said some years ago that she eventually wants to have 7 kids in total and i dont think she will ever go back to travis

No. 1699712>>1699741>>1699785>>1699814>>1699896>>1700122>>1700481

so Russell Brand's a rapist. Shocker.

No. 1699718>>1699797

I think she will certainly try kek. I think that would be really milky tbh he seems like such a goofball and really idk he gives immature vibes like he would be a deadbeat eurotrash dad. I don’t love Kylie or anything but I hope she would pick someone stable and kind to be her next baby daddy, esp since she seems so committed to wanting to raise her kids right (for what that’s worth w the fam she comes from)

No. 1699738

kek, every time I hate on Drake I dedicate it in my heart to Boyegachan

No. 1699741>>1699901

marriage at 24? she's a child bride.
it's very on brand, isn't it? no pun intended.

No. 1699754>>1699756>>1699762>>1699763>>1699766>>1699840>>1699846

File (hide): 1694888150628.png (281.26 KB, 331x543, doja cat.PNG)

Doja Cat released another song yesterday, called Balut (fertilized duck egg that's cooked, just in case anyone is unfamiliar) and this is what she said on Instagram about it.

The real reason I'm posting this is because I'm hoping someone can make sense of the second half . Wtf does this even mean? She thinks that Elon renaming twitter to X (a failed renaming, btw. everyone still calls it twitter) is going to kill twitter toxicity and stans?

No. 1699756>>1700062

Here's the song if anyone actually wants to listen. I don't want to post every song that she releases but I feel like someone might be interested since it was mentioned. It's alright, I really have nothing to say. I don't hear anything in this song about twitter toxicity, it just seems like lyrics with a broad meaning.

No. 1699760>>1699871>>1702108

File (hide): 1694888840388.jpg (39.9 KB, 300x300, Demi_Lovato_-_Revamped.jpg)

I wouldn't say Demi is irrelevant but she performed cause she re-recorded a lot of her old hits as rock songs, and released the album yesterday. I honestly will probably give it a listen.

No. 1699762

Is she on a goddamn squatty potty with her toes crunched into those weird pointed heels for this pic? Everything she does lately is so try hard

No. 1699763

I dunno but unless Musk paid her to say this shit, she's retarded

No. 1699766

It's not a bird being eaten alive but an embryo killed by cooking, if she wanted to make a cool creepy comparison she should have done her research so she would've known to call it like eating an aborted fetus, which is more in line with the edgier style of music that she wants but fails to reach anyway.

No. 1699776>>1699780>>1699791>>1699886>>1699931>>1700093

File (hide): 1694889984650.jpg (399.89 KB, 1365x2048, gettyimages-1460070121-2048x20…)

No. 1699780

is that…. Sky Ferreira?

No. 1699785

Times did a good article on it. Hope that's Russel Brand cancelled for good. Such an obnoxious pretentious stupid rapist dick

No. 1699791>>1699813>>1700152

holy fuck, is it the heroin or buccal fat removal?

No. 1699797

holy shit can you imagine the melt downs online if that happened kek. I honestly think if they break up it will be because she wants kids and he doesn't. Woman to woman I really hope Kylie does seriously think (and take it slow) about the next possible father of her future children, even if she wants a big family she's already a mother of two and she's in her mid 20s she doesn't need to worry at all about her ability to conceive and think she needs to pop these babies out non-stop

No. 1699813>>1700152

maybe ozempic weight loss,it makes you shrivel right up

No. 1699814

Sorry anon but she's average face wise. Body is nice though, and he has hair! Rare these days kek
Don't know him but googled him
Ofcourse he's a rapist. There isn't a sane comedian these days. They're all abnormal.

No. 1699831>>1700010

Timoxiohee seems like the type to abandon a good connection because he’s “””too young””” to settle down. He seems like he’ll get married in his 50’s and and have some 20 year old model pop out his IVF babies.

No. 1699840

It's amazing how Doja has managed to cover up her gross boyfriend, his racism and confirmed sex pest behavior by making this whole persona, about how she doesn't want want be famous and hates her stan. Her music is doing well and barely anyone brings it up anymore, she basically won. All this to block the true criticism that was about her ugly fat boyfriend

No. 1699846

Is she trying to become incubator #15? why is she talking up xitter

No. 1699871

Demi Will Never Be Taylor.

No. 1699886>>1700241

File (hide): 1694898913577.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1365x2048, IMG_4446.jpeg)

SAD, because she could be hawt if she took care of herself!(ban evading retard)

No. 1699896

is that who that one blind item was about? i know they should be taken with a grain of salt but i can’t help but speculate kek

No. 1699901

> she's a child bride
A little dramatic anon kek, my parents were both 24 when they got married. But I guess different times

No. 1699931>>1699954

she's a heroin addict, she got arrested for heroin possession during the time she was opening for miley. she looks high here. honestly this looks shopped, it's very jarring to accept this is how she actually looks.

No. 1699939>>1700333

Hailey Bieber is hideous? cope harder

No. 1699940

> all 3 of these women are hideous
are you blind

No. 1699954>>1700033

File (hide): 1694905272279.jpg (363.47 KB, 1908x1146, 16426786-0-image-a-6_156395200…)

this photo looks exactly like it was pulled from one of these 'that's how celebrities will look like in 30 years!!!' articles that tabloids used to publish, made with faceapp. and she's only 31. between this and kate moss, drugs really fuck you up, no matter how much money you have.

No. 1699971

File (hide): 1694906791445.jpg (33.67 KB, 652x435, n5t2fjfw4nob1 (1).jpg)

Physiognomy check

No. 1700010>>1700027

so true nona, hes going to replicate j depp and leo dicap into his older years for sure.

No. 1700027

Or maybe he’ll go the Clooney route and go for a super gorgeous (out of his league looks and accomplishment wise) woman more in his age range but yeah agreed tbh. He seems like the “perpetual bachelor/fuckboi” type. Honestly he’s gonna age like milk I bet and I cannot wait it’s gonna be so funny.

No. 1700033

These articles should have always been named "How they'd look if they stopped surgical and cosmetic interventions"

No. 1700062

It's better than Demons and PTTR, but I hate when she uses the yella'd yolandi visser voice. I hate the fakedeep bullshit more though.

No. 1700093>>1700152

still waiting on the new album… would it even be considered new anymore…

No. 1700122>>1700140>>1700173>>1700211

He beat Katy Parry when they where together so I’m not surprised at all. I guess he was on some sort of high after cause he raped a 16 year old months after he and Katy broke up.

No. 1700139>>1700173>>1700196

Young MA is allowed to look androgynous but she still has disgusting rap moids like Kodak Black threatening to rape her to turn her straight, face it women will never be allowed to just exist in such a misogynistic industry

No. 1700140

There was also that time he posted a picture of her close up in bed without makeup in the middle of the night with the flash on to humiliate her despite her telling him not to. Weird guy.

No. 1700152>>1700210

Not to wk but Sky was never chubby so she would have no need to be on ozempic, and her cheeks have always sort of had that shape but it was less pronounced in her youth. I can't really see her getting a trendy cosmetic surgery but I could be wrong, to me it just looks like normal aging albeit maybe a little worse for wear because she smokes and used to have a heroin addiction (possibly still does) and was suspected of using meth for a short period.

I think we might be waiting forever nona kek

No. 1700173

Wow! I thought he was just a slut that cheated on her, I didn't know he actually physically abused her. I feel so bad for her now.
Leikeli47 as well. It's like these women are only allowed to not be presented as a piece of meat when they're full figured and don't have the curves black moids look for. Not race baiting, mods, I'm black and making an observation.

No. 1700196

Young MA sexualizes other women in her music videos though, she even directed a porn film for pornhub or something weird like that. I don’t know anything about the other female rappers people have mentioned here, but young MA was allowed to be famous without degrading herself because she gladly degraded other women instead.

No. 1700210>>1700221

Nona have you ever seen a 31 year old? This isn’t normal aging. Either she has some health issues or she’s an active drug user. If someone quit drugs years ago at a relatively young age they can easily recover and look normal again. This is the face of someone who hit the meth pipe last night.

No. 1700211

He was such a bastard to Katy. Insecure ugly looking neanderthal fuck. My ex boyfriend was obsessed with Russell and was an abusive piece of shit too. He thought choking and slamming you around was never abuse because he never made a fist. Males and semantics is the most autistic duo to ever bless society. Feels like I've retrospectively won every past argument with my ex since Russell got accused.

Russell Brand is such an ugly insecure mess that has severe daddy issues because he was an only child raised by a single mum so all his anger and rage of abandonment is directed at the sex that picked up the pieces in his life. He's a narcissistic piece of shit that's been moving jobs every time allegations or complaints are made and he's exhausted his avenues and went alt right. He's not a messiah, he's a hypocrite that chases money and sex and any gratification he hasn't desensitised himself too. Feel heartbroken this man has a daughter. He should do what his dad did and fuck off

No. 1700221>>1700222>>1700239>>1700598

Finish the sentence, I literally said "albeit maybe a little worse for wear because she smokes and used to have a heroin addiction (possibly still does) and was suspected of using meth for a short period." I'm 28 and my sister 33, everyone I know is in their 30's. Some people age worse than others for various reasons but everyone loses facial fat in their late 20's and early 30's, they lose facial fat all their life but one of the first significant changes in appearance is in the late 20's/early 30's.
>If someone quit drugs years ago at a relatively young age they can easily recover and look normal again.
Not meth and heroin, and again she could still be using.

No. 1700222>>1700223>>1700224

That's not a "little" worse for wear and nobody in their early 30s turns into the ghost of Christmases past just because of fat loss. She looks so haggard in a very druggie way, be so fr

No. 1700223

Okay then take out the word "little," I was phrasing it nicely because I like Sky and think she's sweet. Point is I'm saying the same thing you are, she aged poorly because of drugs.

No. 1700224

>be so fr
Go back

No. 1700239>>1700249>>1701418

Yes even meth and heroin. The only facial damage that would be permanent is to the teeth and maybe a few scars from skin picking. All one has to do is stay clean and maintain a moderately healthy lifestyle for like a year and their facial fat returns.

No. 1700241>>1700242

Who cares is she is hot or not, literal scrote brain.

No. 1700242>>1700246

ffs stop replying to the baiter retard

No. 1700246

No need to be so hostile.

No. 1700249

Maybe for some but I know a lot of people who have used heroin or meth at different periods in their life and depending on the severity of usage it's pretty much always obvious someone has been a user.

No. 1700259>>1700341>>1700691

File (hide): 1694950923524.jpeg (497.02 KB, 828x1193, IMG_1019.jpeg)

Anyone else follow Taryn Manning on insta? She’s been completely unhinged lately. Definitely on drugs. Also defends rapist Masterton.

No. 1700333

Nta but I find her hideous as well. Her face looks constantly burnt, stuck and swollen. And she's a straight up bitch, so she's even uglier.

No. 1700341>>1700368


she looks extremely in character as Pennsyltucky

No. 1700368

she acts EXACTLY like Dogget in season 1&2 it’s terrifying

No. 1700481

Predictably the insecure moids who love Depp and Tate are flocking to his defense as if there hasn't been allegations and rumours about him for years. Brand knows his new audience will defend him like he's a special Golden Calf.

No. 1700598>>1700671>>1700673

I quit meth and heroin/fent a year and a few months ago and I look like myself again. Like a normal 31 year old. So she's either using still or something is terribly wrong

No. 1700671

File (hide): 1694997670239.jpeg (504.85 KB, 1179x1789, IMG_7335.jpeg)

Drew decided to not be a scab after all. I wonder if she’s actually so sheltered that the fact that there was backlash surprised her, or if she went in expecting the backlash but not the severity of it. Was she one of the covid Imagine singers? Kek

Blog, but proud of you.

No. 1700673

Ayrt, yeah it is different for everyone. It also depends on how long the person used for and how often, how their health was during using, how old they were when they started and quit. I believe Sky was (possibly still is) using for around a decade, and she smokes. Both of which can contribute to collagen loss which is probably why Sky looks older than she is.

No. 1700691

Her undies are falling down the entire video and in the last 15 seconds when she's jumping around you can see full bush. Has no one in the comments told her or does she just not care?

No. 1701071>>1701080>>1701084

File (hide): 1695037082227.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1812, IMG_9067.jpeg)

Cher, 77, with her boyfriend Alexander Edwards, 37

No. 1701078>>1701082>>1701099>>1701121>>1701256>>1701418

File (hide): 1695038284742.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1170x1633, IMG_9066.jpeg)

Sienna Miller at London fashion week. Why do pregnant celebrities keep wearing clothes that expose their bumps like this?

No. 1701079>>1701318

Apparently the Turkish president questioned musk about Grimes? They met up recently

No. 1701080

Ew, 37? She needs fresh meat.

No. 1701082>>1701247

She's cosplaying as the giant diapers she's gonna have to deal with once the baby's born.

No. 1701084

He looks handicapped, she can do way better

No. 1701099>>1701102

So that no one will accuse them using surrogates.

No. 1701102

Pregnancy belly would still be obvious even if she dressed modestly, and surrogacy accusations aren't an issue for celebrities because the mainstream doesn't condemn it as a human rights issue (yet, if ever).

No. 1701121

Because they're attention whores

No. 1701128>>1701137>>1701181>>1701287>>1701424

So are we gonna talk about Doja cat jacking Yolanda vissers flow/voice and die antwoords try hard black eye demon Satan aesthetic or nah?. I really hate when bigger artists rip off smaller ones especially If they are easy targets like die antwoord (cancelled and forgotten) cos they know no one is going to defend them. All major labels watch smaller artists for years then blatantly reapply their style onto their bigger artist and its so annoying.

No. 1701133>>1701134>>1701135>>1701140>>1701141>>1701142>>1701427>>1701786

File (hide): 1695044437429.jpg (272.9 KB, 1283x1582, ch.jpg)

Another figure has been found in Chicago.

No. 1701134

I really hate these things

No. 1701135>>1701146

Inb4 a moid tries to rape it.

No. 1701137>>1701158

Yolandi is a giga pickme and rich kid LARPing as poor who stood by while Ninja raped and physically assaulted other women (when she wasn't picking out ones for him to target), they both abused and neglected their adoptive children, she killed a bunch of her own pets for the "aesthetic" while claiming to love them, both are racist, the list goes on. Neither were ever unique, and only retards would defend them. Doja's always had a high-pitched voice, but as for copying, there are more similarities between what she does and Zheani's work.

No. 1701140>>1701146

Ew get it out of my city. There will 100% be scrotes pretending to do sexual things to it and I won’t be shocked if homeless moids jerk off on it. So empowering wow. She is so disappointing like she could be so cool but she can’t stop caring about/pandering to moids.

No. 1701141

What's the purpose of these wax statues of surprised large titted woman in high heels that look like they're covered in blood? Is it to promote some moids porn and or torture porn movie or is this somehow going to be touted as "feminist" because reasons?

No. 1701142>>1701146>>1701147>>1701190

what if a child sees this?

No. 1701146>>1701160

All of those photos are from her Instagram, it wasn't found. I'm pretty sure they're just putting them there for the pictures. They're in highly populated areas and I have yet to see any random fans take photos or videos with it, but idk.

No. 1701147>>1701167

Silly anon, children are sexual beings and we should normalize them seeing naked adult bodies!!! /s but that’s what some troon will no doubt say

No. 1701158

answering you cause I don't wanna answer the bait and they're both paedophiles, in a documentary exposition made years ago, their adopted son explains how yolandi tried to have sexual relationships with him and ninja going after teenage girls. Also they're not uwu small artist by any standard definition. Pathetic.

No. 1701160

Even lamer if true. At least leave them out for fans to enjoy, you coward but she doesn't because knows how gross moids will defile these statues because she made them sexual and coom-pandering. Could have been a cool artist promo installation but no. She had to be the edgiest girl that's ever been picked.

No. 1701167

>Sometimes I feel like everyone is a sexy baby

No. 1701181

usually I would agree with you but die antwoord can eat shit and die

No. 1701190>>1701212>>1701430

the wax figures are cringe af but this question is insane, there are public nude statues in a lot of places. it's literally just art. i would be more concerned about the blood/horror.

No. 1701191

Guy on the left looks like Perry Farrell

No. 1701212>>1701229>>1701260

nta, but did anon complain about nudity?
if a child under 10 or even 12 sees that, they're gonna have nightmares for ages, in movies bloodied creatures like this are adults only for a reason

No. 1701229

she didn't, she might've been refering to something else, but ig i assumed it was about the nudity since anons started replying about how this is somehow pedophilic lmao. but yes the gore is troublesome to me as well

No. 1701247

No. 1701256

Probably to avoid accusations of fake baby bumps.

No. 1701260>>1701312>>1701486

And then they'll get over it. I think this is coomery and the actions of a pickme, but are adults supposed to remove anything edgy/scary from the public because a kid might have a nightmare?

No. 1701284

I can't say I don't agree. Ever since Nicki MTS and Cardi have tried replicating the blue print. I don't dislike either of them as people or celebrities but their music doesn't interest me and neither does the sexualization. It's not empowering when they get abused by shitty men and cheated on left and right. Even Azealia told Cupcakke to get a boob job to make it in the industry. I think she's the best female rapper in the game right now but she's slept on because she doesn't fit the beauty standards.
Even as a GoT fan I didn't recognize him, he doesn't look related to Florence in my opinion. By the way, he played the Martell prince and he only appeared a few times. Not really a major role.
This is very common in countries like Argentina or Venezuela. That's why there was that conspiracy about Hitler living out his days in exile in SA. Chris Pratt is also weird, I think he's a fundamentalist because his church practices conversation therapy. Ellen Paige called him out for it.

No. 1701287

they both think getting naked for moids but having a shitty haircut while they do it is peak empowerment so fuck 'em both

No. 1701306>>1701310>>1701315>>1701335>>1701339>>1701347>>1701364>>1701454

File (hide): 1695062528795.png (601.66 KB, 735x1280, 1695044278991169.png)

Libfem socked that her ideology is so inoffensive and pro male that even incels agree with it.

No. 1701310>>1701320

isn't it literally just bc ryan gosling is their idol or whatever?

No. 1701311

>Chris Evans is also known to be antisemitic and racist,
This is news to me

No. 1701312

yeah, ideally.

No. 1701315>>1701335>>1701602>>1701789

Not to be mean but she is so ugly. There's something repulsive about her.

No. 1701318

We have a Grimes thread in /snow/, you know that right?

No. 1701320>>1701337

I think it’s also because he’s the main funny stupid character which means he gets praise online for being silly and quirky. There’s no way to avoid males twisting everything to be about them, I wouldn’t even complain about it because it’s inevitable.

No. 1701335>>1701602

>culturally appropriate
what culture lol, the movie was cute but it was the epitome of product placement. it was so bland.
are you ok? she looks like a normal lady. looks nice, even.

No. 1701337

>There’s no way to avoid males twisting everything to be about them
They don't need to twist anything. Ken is the symbol of patriarchy now. Greta wrote the script and now she's whining, because she's a dumb bitch.

No. 1701339


No. 1701347

She didn't think that making the villain funny and portrayed by a charismatic actor would make people like him?

No. 1701364

Wouldn't be having this problem if a young and pretty actor was cast

No. 1701418

This is like the opposite of true and only applies for casual users. Addicts are so easy to spot. Meth literally eats away at the collagen and soft tissues in the face and wastes them, that's why they all look the same after a certain point. The way some of you talk about drug addiction makes me think you got your info from fucking Wikipedia

For fun, because they aren't ashamed of their bodies and have no reason to be.

No. 1701424>>1701474>>1701950

File (hide): 1695075043539.jpg (20.78 KB, 500x281, BC79hgVCAAAV3Og.jpg)

Lol thats what I said. She does this with a lot of artists though, and she does it a lot better vocally and lyrically than Yolandi. The only thing that yolandi had was that she was unconventionally attractive with a very striking and unique look. Remember when Hailey Williams skinwalked her back when skinwalking was actually considered embarassing? I'm trying to find the candids from a consert where she had her exact cut and the bleached eyebrows, but they're so much harder to find now. This was like a decade ago. This isn't it, but was right after when she got a lot of backlash. She then immediately started filling them in again. Old lady dramas iykyk.

No. 1701427>>1702279

File (hide): 1695075414612.jpeg (Spoiler Image,12.5 KB, 350x350, Die-Antwoord-Donker-mag-album-…)

No. 1701430

Usually, when a woman is naked and covered in blood on the street its because she's been sexually assaulted.

No. 1701446>>1701484>>1701512>>1703082

I know this is basically old news now but I was thinking about the downfall of Nicki today and how bleak her VMAS performance was. The lipsyncing, the lack of movement, the fact that she's completely alone, the way she of course HAS to claim that everyone wants to be her, Taylor swifts vacant eye clapping, the deliberate lack of panning to the celebrity audience after the reactions they've caught in the past of lil Nas etc. Like she's fallen so hard, and I don't understand why she doesn't care that everyone knows she's harboring a rapist and advocated for a pedophile that raped a child.

No. 1701454

Honestly I thought it was kind of dumb that she made Ken absolutely easily destroy the matriarchy and brainwash all the women and show them being subservient but really happy about not having to do the thinking and leave it to men. It wasn't even properly explained (only a throwaway line about 'they don't have immunity to it' which was dumb and said nothing). The message I got from it was that men can always easily take lead from women if they want to and women can only win when they have elaborate difficult plans.

And that Ken being useless but still moderately respected and with free will is the same as Barbies being brainwashed subservient bang maids and that Kens deserve forgiveness after literally enslaving women.

No. 1701474>>1701701>>1701721>>1701827>>1702279

Ummm…no. say what you want about die antwoord but anri (yolani) and ninja (watkin) are undeniably talented artists.

No. 1701484>>1701485>>1701495>>1701598>>1701701

I don't know why people act like Nicki is shunned or disliked by celebrities, she's honestly not, Rihanna literally took a picture with her, her rapist and their baby. Beyonce still wishes her happy b-day, sent her flowers, besides the ever present female rap beefs and the retarded gay scrotes/teenage girl twitter drama, Nicki is very much liked by the gross folks in the media.
Nobody cares about her rapist husband until they fall out with her, Latto for example was a big Nicki stan, but then they fell out and suddenly she cared about her husband.
If anything she's just older, she's not that exciting of a preformer.
Despite what she stands for Nicki isn't shunned, even the black list she got from the Grammies I heard about isn't because her husband but other shit. Nobody who matters hates Nicki, sadly, the rap beef doesn't count when rihanna, beyonce and others still fuck with you.

No. 1701485

Also, Nicki doesn't seem to interact with any celebrities anyway. She barely goes to their parties, she seems legit like a homebody who freaks out on twitter or some shit.
Not because they'd reject her, she's a rapper, a lot of them are fucked up, like rockstars, actors etc.
Chris Brown still has support and wins awards, every other week somebody is defending him and pretending he was like 17 when he beat Rihanna, even though he wasn't a teen and he also has harmed other women after her.
It's hard to shut these people out because they have a cult fanbase.

No. 1701486

This is such lazy bait. Naked women in heels covered in blood is not comparable to 99% of public art. It’s inappropriate for public settings. I’m an adult and I don’t want to see that shit.

No. 1701489>>1701499>>1701701>>1701726>>1702107>>1702130

File (hide): 1695082138907.png (1.18 MB, 1620x1258, Screen Shot 2023-09-18 at 5.07…)

Hugh Jackman and his wife are divorcing. I remember when everyone thought their relationship was "refreshing" because they were together so long and she's older than him.
Next month we'll see him out and about with a 28-year-old yoga instructor girlfriend, mark my words

No. 1701495

It's not like Beyonce participates in celeb drama anyway. She sent a gift and note to Cardi B somewhat recently and collaborated with Megan. Regardless though, Nicki's career staying afloat doesn't have to do with her friendship with them. It's because she already had a solid (and crazy) fanbase and the love of the general public through her hits when people started realizing that she's actually not a good person.

No. 1701499>>1701502>>1701504>>1701634

Nona, hes gay. Literally been an open secret in Hollywood for years. She probably got fed up of being his beard.

No. 1701502>>1701641

Can confirm he's gay

No. 1701504>>1701515

NTA but the sound of my retarded ass gasping could probably be heard throughout my town how did I not see it lmfao

No. 1701512

Sorry anon but Nikki always sucked. You just realized that now.

No. 1701515

Nta but it's so funny to me that Wolverine's actor is gay

No. 1701520>>1701666

late but nona please i need more milk on chris evans being antisemitic and racist, that's hilarious

No. 1701537

This looks like it was created in AI

No. 1701544>>1701584>>1701711>>1701928>>1701942

File (hide): 1695087705402.png (1.84 MB, 914x1334, Screen Shot 2023-09-18 at 6.32…)

For real. I'm so old I clearly remember when J.Lo wore this green Versace dress to the 2000 Grammy awards and it was a huge deal all over celebrity news because it plunged "bElOw hEr nAvEl!!!" and was considered so risqué that it became this bold, iconic moment. Now you can just show up naked and people don't even bat an eye

No. 1701584>>1701621

Im just waiting for a major celeb to show up in painted on clothes or just glitter and nipple covers

No. 1701598

you can’t get canceled in the rap/hip hop industry. everyone in the industry has done horrible shit and no one cares. their lord and savior Tupac was literally a convicted rapist and they all herald him as this feminist icon.

No. 1701602>>1701789

I thought at first that whoever took that picture hates her because it makes her look as mannish as possible, but even normal head-on pictures of her don't do her any favors. She looks like a troon…

No. 1701621>>1701928>>1702138

File (hide): 1695094575679.jpeg (75.15 KB, 435x580, IMG_7199.jpeg)

Nona you reminded me of this iconic VMA’s outfit, she really is the blueprint

No. 1701634>>1701637>>1701703>>1702279

File (hide): 1695096139437.gif (2.59 MB, 300x533, IMG_9079.gif)

Which other celebrities do you all think are closeted? I think Sam Heughnan is. He allegedly used to be out and had his social media scrubbed when he was cast on outlander. He used to be listed on the gay celebrities wikipedia page.

No. 1701637

they all suck dick. every moid in hollywood has cockbreath even if they're "straight"

No. 1701641

how did you get the confirmation? tbh even though it's been said for years I still don't see it or understand how someone figured it out

No. 1701666>>1701676>>1701746

He’s nicknamed Homelander by people who know him in real life. He’s the type of celebrity who keeps his public image clean but he’s completely different in person, and he’s known for being a massive pos. He’s really misogynistic and racist and doesn’t try to hide it irl

No. 1701676>>1701680

but wasn't he in a relationship with Jenny Slate for quite some time? Hard to believe he would date her if he was antisemitic

No. 1701680>>1702163

Entire generations of men marry women they despise, males call black women slurs in bed, etc. It is very believable.

No. 1701701>>1701728

You're delusional. They had a gimmick but they're awful, yolandi literally won an award one year for being the worst female rapper. Their rhymes suck. Their music sucks. They know nothing about poverty but made it their image and thats the only thing that made them stand out. And your "watkin" wants to fuck his teenage daughter.

I agreed with this at one point but im starting to truly believe things are shifting. Nobody actually likes her anymore, she doesn't get nearly the support or attention she once did.

Sorry to burst your bubble but a majority of the longstanding marriages in Hollywood are only because they are beards.

No. 1701703>>1701728

Theyre not actually closeted, they just don't put it on social media so that they aren't pigeonholed. I'd argue that you're definitely going to get typecast if a bunch of footage of you includes you doing t Rex arms though, they aren't going to think you can fake any sort of chemistry on screen kek

No. 1701711

tfw this dress is the reason google image search was created

No. 1701719>>1702046

File (hide): 1695111412816.png (4.77 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_1694.png)

The fugliest man on the planet. Ariana and Dalton have officially filed for divorce, at the same time, and there was a prenup so she cut him a check. Ariana is now living with Ethan Slater. I’m trying to embed Sloan’s video about it but it won’t work…

No. 1701721

File (hide): 1695112100003.jpeg (16.68 KB, 480x360, contructuscorporation.jpeg)

they were last interesting in/as the constructus corporation but the whole die antwoord era is just embarrassing from the getups to the exploitation of the community around them. RIP in pieces

No. 1701726

with a 28-year-old yoga instructor beard lol

No. 1701728>>1701738>>1701743

> a majority of the longstanding marriages in Hollywood are only because they are beards
Cillian Murphy, I’m calling it

I agree with that but in Sam Heugnan’s case, he’s had a lot of beards over the years. He always just so happens to have a new girlfriend every time a new season of outlander comes out, and his past girlfriends have seemingly made jokes about bearding for him on social media. It’s funny because so many pictures and videos of him seem like he’s very clearly gay. He also had a long term boyfriend who attended some events with him after being cast in outlander, then the boyfriend disappeared and so did all the information online about him being gay. His boyfriend still posts pictures of himself at Sam’s house though. And Sam also made a speech at some awards show where he said “they put me in a box” whatever that means. When he was first cast in outlander a lot of the fans were upset that a gay man had been cast because they didn’t think he would be masculine enough, and that’s probably why he overhauled his public image.

No. 1701737>>1702223

What an extent of sexuality is real and what's caused with them being sexually abused by male producers, like I believe that every popular and minor actor/actresses has been sexually abused, I would not deny it.

No. 1701738>>1701743

This is getting funnier and funnier to me every damn time someone mentions it kek

No. 1701743>>1701753

lmao i thought the rumors were that he was cheating on his wife with you-know-who, which is it

No. 1701746>>1701793

>he’s nicknamed Homelander by people who know him IRL
Whaaaaaat honestly I am not surprised if that’s true he always has given me weird/phony vibes. Especially with the way he constantly would talk about being obsessed with Disney as a grown ass man. Also I’ve people trying to say he has always dated people his own age…yeah when he and they were in their 20s kek it’s wholly unsurprising he married someone younger who looks v youthful. I get a lot of schadenfreude over his hairline tbh

No. 1701753>>1702225

You-know-who decided to be flirtatious towards him in interviews for attention, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t gay. Although he did keep talking about how good she is at filming sex scenes so who knows.

No. 1701758>>1701778>>1702225>>1702551

File (hide): 1695121749564.jpeg (669.46 KB, 1170x1152, IMG_9087.jpeg)

Well, well, well, if someone didn’t read the celebricows thread and get a little nervous… No wonder he’s been anonymously spamming hate here about that fatass piece of trash(stop)

No. 1701778>>1701828

this sounds so schizo lmao where does the Florence hateboner come from? Is it because anons think shes ugly?

No. 1701781>>1701828

I think someone here is clearly jealous.

No. 1701786


No. 1701789>>1701843

you have brain damage. seek help

No. 1701793>>1701815>>1702105

Alba does have neotenous features, I wonder if she’s also a tradwife type given the fact that she’s a neo nazi. It would make their relationship so much creepier than it already is

No. 1701815

TA and I know he’s often talked about wanting kids so I’m sure picking someone who is under 30 was deliberate for that reason as well. He prob thinks women 30+ are “hurrrr durrr empty egg cartons” kek. I think Alba is fully out of his league looks wise but maybe they’re an ideological match.

No. 1701827

Yolandi cannot sing for shit, and Ninja is just a talentless skinwalker copying any and every male rapper.
She was so mad she couldn't sing, she used to seethe about Whitney Houston and once screamed at an actually talented female performer (Natasha Khan/Bat for Lashes) in a public venue for doing warm-ups lol. You dick-riders are sad.

No. 1701828

I think someone here is clearly humorless

No. 1701843>>1701909

Any time I see posts like those I think of that one anon who admitted she compared actual women to trannies/men because her standards were warped by kpop

No. 1701909

most mentally stable kpop stan

No. 1701928>>1701942>>1701945>>1701995>>1702737

File (hide): 1695143415082.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.83 KB, 617x409, rose.jpg)

There was also rose mcgowan at the vma's in 1998

No. 1701942>>1702053

Why are 90s nude celeb bodies so much more realistic? Now it just seems like the only celebrities that are this revealing have the most unrealistic bodies possible like Kim k.

No. 1701945

I honestly always thought this was trashy, like what Tinashe wore at the last VMAs that was posted upthread. At least Lil Kim and JLo were fashionable.

No. 1701950>>1702229

Not wking Hailey Williams because she could have been skin walking but Yolandi didn’t invent the half cut bangs and bleached eyebrows kek

No. 1701995>>1702002

Who wants to bet that outfit was Manson’s idea?

No. 1702002

I thought everyone could've figured that out. I'm surprised she's healthy and natural looking unlike the anorexic with bolt on looks he forces on young girls now

No. 1702046>>1702048>>1702057>>1702232

Ohhh, he UPGRADED, dayum! His ex-hag looks Transgendered but Ariana is SEXYY! WOW! Good for him!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1702048

>looks transgendered
get these faggots off my imageboard now

No. 1702053

bbls weren't popular back then

No. 1702057

Go back to LSA you std ridden freak, take your faggotry elsewhere

No. 1702105>>1702163

I read on LSA that she has done pedo bait-ey stuff in the past.

No. 1702107

She looks younger than him tbh

No. 1702108

thanks for posting about this nona! I gave her new album a listen and I liked it a lot. It's really cool to hear the songs in a genre that complements her strong vocals so well

No. 1702130

the man is a faggot, it was bound to happen

No. 1702138

she killed it, she looks so cute and fashionable ! truly ahead of her time

No. 1702163>>1702183

>males call black women slurs in bed
Yes! Far too many people (even some commenters on this site) don't seem to realize that a racist can see nothing wrong with having sex with someone that's a part of a race they hate.

So he's mediocre looking at best, boring as hell, anti-semetic, and married to a former pedo baiter that's near 20yrs younger than him? He has no appeal and not enough talent to warrant a career after Not Another Teen Movie.

No. 1702183>>1702207

File (hide): 1695162172764.jpg (62.46 KB, 640x829, just-alba-baptista-being-a-mon…)

Yup she even had a lolita pfp in her finsta and was following sugar baby acccounts. Some of Chris' stans are making him out to be the victim of le ebil golddiger but he seems pretty happy to be married to her. He always had an affinity for these kind of girls it seems.

No. 1702207

This is legit gross kek Alida Simone is prob seething tho, she wishes she could coquette-bag a Hollywood creepscrote like Chris. I’m sure once she’s 35 and has had his crotch spawn he’ll suddenly feel like they’re growing apart and they’ll divorce. The fact that she’s young enough to have had a finsta while he prob doesn’t even know what that word means…

No. 1702214>>1702438>>1703147

File (hide): 1695165505026.jpg (522.73 KB, 1079x1726, Screenshot_2023-09-19-16-20-20…)

No. 1702223

This is dumb. Hollywood has a lot of gay men because they're superficial and will go to any lengths of desperation to secure a spot. Gay men are more likely to do favors that straight men won't. Its a hive, it's not because they are turning straight men gay.

No. 1702225>>1702477

You sound like a creepy diehard cillian Stan like that creepy woman obsessed with timothee chalamet ngl

No. 1702229>>1702248>>1702333

You're right, it's just a complete coincidence that an entire random crop of alt women all decided to do it at the exact same time after she debuted and became popular off of looks alone

No. 1702232

File (hide): 1695166404099.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.81 KB, 1000x600, my-frist-pride.jpg)

No. 1702248>>1702255>>1702269

They debuted in 2008 and no one gave a shit about them for years, stop capping kek

No. 1702255>>1702269>>1702571

I dont even like them, why are you trying to rewrite reality? Are you a zoomer or something? When rich bitch and freaky came out and they became more 'mainstream' bitches were copying her hairstyle left and right even though it's ugly as hell.

No. 1702269>>1702273>>1702438>>1702571

>stop capping
Zoomers don't remember die antwoord. And yes I know they're evil blah blah blah but they are artistic and talented for what they do, why deny this?(sage your infighting in this thread)

No. 1702273>>1702294>>1702438

I get a little annoyed when they try to pretend they know anything about that era because im watching myself be gaslit by little retards. It's like when they try to say Taylor Momsen was totes cool and unique when she was a courtney love copycat that never took off because she was a rich girl larping rockstar, she only gets attention from zoomer girls because they idolized how she looked. I hate when I mention something from 2007ish to 2015 and they try to pretend it never happened just because they weren't around for it.

No. 1702279>>1702281>>1702283

Can we stop pretending that edgy satanic imagery is unique to Die Antwoord lmao
Even before the allegations and their adopted son came out I thought they sucked and didn't get the appeal. Also that bidi bidi bong bong song was a response to Lady Gaga asking them to open for her. They're weird.
John Travolta and Tom Cruise, both who are in Scientology.

No. 1702281>>1702377

They weren't, but there are multiple factors that make it plausible Doja took inspiration from Yolanda. She skinwalks a variety of people and right now it's bald bitches with bleached eyebrows.

No. 1702283>>1702290>>1702294>>1702597

Yeah fatty boom boom sucked so bad, hipsters only creamed over them because they were weird and insulted lady gaga. They thought they were so edgy putting the man in the meat dress in the stirrups fishing the prawn out of his 'pussy' and her only response was "we get it, you're not little monsters." They are literally just pretentious hipsters and if Yolandi wasn't cute at her prime nothing would have happened to them at all

No. 1702290>>1702294

>hey it'd be cool if you would open for me (obvious compliment)
>autistic response instead
kek die antwoord are such cows, did they have a thread on here? inb4 spoonfed, LC search and catalog is kinda crap.

No. 1702294

> It's like when they try to say Taylor Momsen was totes cool and unique when she was a courtney love copycat that never took off because she was a rich girl larping rockstar
Kek anon don't remind me. One time a moid recommend her music to me when we were discussing metal or rock and I died inside.
I agree but it's insane to see anyone arguing for their artistry when it's mainly shock value and using poverty and local Black South Africans as props. And yeah Yolandi can't sing for shit. At least I could argue for Alice Glass' vocals despite her lack of musical talent and production value without creepy Ethan at her side.
I don't remember but I think the allegations were discussed a few times. I don't think there was a dedicated thread but Edwins Generation (Onision and Cyr drama) made a video about it during his grift. You can probably find it on YouTube and we all know he uses LC as a source.

No. 1702333>>1702335

I wasn’t talking about “an entire crop of alt women” I was just saying yolandi didn’t create terf bangs and bleached eyebrows, relax sperg

No. 1702335>>1702354>>1702377>>1702418

Were you even old enough to pay attention to the pop culture happenings at the time, because you sound like a child

No. 1702354>>1702388

I’m 28 and was a Die Antwoord Stan in my teens before the allegations, what are you so argumentative about I said one thing about terf bangs and bleached eyebrows not being trademarked by yolandi. How does that make me a zoomer?

No. 1702377>>1702418

>You sound like a child
>For using sperg
>On lc

How do you "skinwalk" several people at the same time based on one feature like a shaved head, let alone shaved/dyed eyebrows which has become super common recently on social media? There's not one pose/haircut/shape or color of eyebrows that's never been done before at this point

No. 1702388>>1702392

These arguments are so stupid. A musician changes her hair and bleaches her brows right at the peak of popularity for another artist (using that term lightly for her) and its obvious at the time why. I don't see why that's such a big deal for you to acknowledge. It was not a thing at the time.

No. 1702392

I said in my original post that Hailey could have been copying her, what else are you looking for?

No. 1702398>>1702418>>1702419>>1702422>>1702438>>1702609

File (hide): 1695184762882.jpg (32.82 KB, 600x450, katy-perry-makeup.jpg)

I want Katy Perry to say something about Russell Brand soo bad kek but I think she won't since she's managed to remain quiet for so long. I've known he's a cunt since he posted this for 45 minutes on Twitter and then deleted it, it was obvious it was to try to humiliate her. Cant believe people are acting shocked that the teased haired menace who was once arrested for public indecent exposure is actually a sex pest.

No. 1702418>>1702419

File (hide): 1695187810369.jpg (72.97 KB, 680x850, hayley.jpg)

You're responding to more than one anon you know, just accept that we don't all agree that Die Antwoord was ever groundbreaking.
>There's not one pose/haircut/shape or color of eyebrows that's never been done before at this point
I feel like it's a bigger reach because Hayley started experimenting with her makeup more during the After Laughter era.
I was wondering about this. He's admitted to violence against women in his own memoirs.

No. 1702419

File (hide): 1695187845498.jpg (148.06 KB, 835x622, katherineryan.jpg)

Here's what Katherine Ryan had to say.

No. 1702422

Im so confused about the pic, is this supposed to make her look bad or something? She looks like any other cute alt girl without makeup, just an unflattering facial expression

No. 1702423>>1702428>>1702438>>1702805>>1702861

File (hide): 1695188435025.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x2001, IMG_9100.jpeg)

Does anyone else think Ashton Kutcher is using Thorn as a cover or something? One of the people on the board, Joe Lonsdale, was accused of raping a woman he dated after mentoring her in college. It’s strange that he was allowed to be on the board of an anti-sex trafficking organization after rape allegations even if he wasn’t prosecuted for it. This along with writing the letter for Masterson, and all the pedo/rape allegations about the cast of that 70s show is suspicious

No. 1702428

I think it really is just a publicity PR stunt. I'm sure he was happy to bring another guy along, I doubt it's some conspiracy that's deeper than what it already appears though. He wanted to overhaul his image, they put a lot of work into that. The org was definitely not put together by him alone, im sure others benefited from its guise as well.

No. 1702438>>1702477

I am as well. Especially since she likes to flip flop all the time on whether she believes/supports her half sister, but usually is throwing her under the bus. For those not aware, their father (John Phillips, famous from the band The Mamas & The Papas) abandoned his daughter Mackenzie until she was a late teenager, then took her on tours where he started raping her at 19. Eventually they had a "consensual" 10 year relationship. Really sick shit & it's almost no wonder another one of his daughter's married a rapist.
California Dreamin just doesn't hit the same once you know.
Ok not trying to draw this dumb shit out, but zoomers do listen to DA. The only person I know who still listens to them was my 18 year old coworker who graduated highschool this year, kek. The kids enjoy trash.
Amen on Taylor, I've seen her get a lot of praise on LC before.
I shouldn't expect better, but it's so fucking discouraging seeing how much he's being defended. I wouldn't blame her for not saying anything or waiting a decade, he's got a lot more power & sway than I realized. I've read there's a reason he started really beefing up his YouTube content around Oct 2017 (Weinstein/Metoo), he knew it was only a matter of time & wanted to preemptively prevent being cancelled or at least create a large fan base to defend him.
Jesus Christ, that's fucking horrifying. I'm so sick of powerful sexpest scrotes & how they're ALWAYS covering for each other & somehow intertwined. Insidious

No. 1702477

Are you autistic? Can you not recognize humor or sarcasm?

I heard that John Phillips was a predator but I had no idea that he abused his daughter, how horrible. I feel so bad for her.

No. 1702551


I watched the movie and sex scenes were pointless and somewhat degrading. Pugh's character is naked 90% of time and is there to show how nerd Oppenheimer has sex and cheats on his wife.

No. 1702564>>1702596>>1702705>>1702924

File (hide): 1695205395657.jpeg (158.45 KB, 941x941, IMG_1137.jpeg)

I’m not the biggest Taylor fan but I can respect her for hanging out with Sophie Turner after her divorce from Joe Jonas kek.

No. 1702571>>1702594>>1702889>>1702891

The album I Fink U Freeky and Rich Bitch were from was unsuccessful. Lady Gaga thought she was cool and a hipster for knowing about them. Donker Mag is when they "took off". Just because you might've been terminally online back then and knew about their painfully shilled content doesn't mean they held so much relevance that "everyone" was copying them. I'm saying all this because I was there.
>wahh you can't say "cap" on muh imageboradd wahh muh zoomerrssss
You are so tryhard and pathetic, on top of your shit taste in music. I know you found out about this place in 2021, kek. There is no "art" or "talent" in some uwu ddlg tard whisper-rapping and trying to look like every girl from Tumblr back then, and some worthless scrote trying to be Eminem. It's insane how low your standards are, I'm sure you think Poppy is unique too.

No. 1702594>>1702600>>1702766

I Fink U Freeky and Rich Bitch are from separate albums.

No. 1702596

kek i don't want to sound like a twitterfag but this is actually "iconic"

No. 1702597

>if Yolandi wasn't cute
I cannot believe there are people who found Yolandi cute at any point in time.

No. 1702600

My bad, both were forced.

No. 1702603>>1702616>>1702622>>1702641>>1702661>>1702743>>1702759>>1702806>>1702817>>1702942

File (hide): 1695215404965.jpg (244.68 KB, 720x735, 20230920_143428.jpg)

I'm really surprised that the comment section is full of people stanning Emma Roberts. There's a looooot more "ok and?" replies than you would expect from the normally overly sensitive stan crowds

No. 1702609>>1702610>>1702653

File (hide): 1695217278100.jpeg (410.59 KB, 1564x1200, IMG_9109.jpeg)

I don’t think she would, she’s weird herself. She made sexual comments about Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes and groped them both when they were minors, and kissed a young boy on his mouth on American idol. She also spoke out about the me too moment and said “anyone can say anything these days”

No. 1702610

File (hide): 1695217302957.jpeg (43.81 KB, 412x324, IMG_9108.jpeg)

No. 1702615>>1702635>>1702807>>1702891

File (hide): 1695218379137.jpg (730.19 KB, 2118x3176, jared-leto-attends-the-2023-mt…)

No. 1702616

based emma

No. 1702618>>1702759

File (hide): 1695219163132.jpg (103.38 KB, 747x682, owens.jpg)

Any milk on Rick Owens?
He has satanic vibes…

No. 1702622>>1702800

Good. I hope this means people are starting to get sick of tranny pandering.

No. 1702635>>1703384

Whoa, Billy Ray Cyrus came out as a fag? Good for him!

No. 1702641

kek that would’ve happened around 2019 then, and he’s crying over that shit now?

No. 1702653>>1702808

lol and there was that moment with Bo. Still love OOTB tho.

No. 1702661

File (hide): 1695223900121.webm (7.34 MB, 576x1024, elderordonez.webm) [play once] [loop]

she'd blend in perfectly here then

No. 1702705>>1702796

why respect her? she's literally joe jonas' ex, by hanging out with sophie turner she is getting the exact type of attention she is craving for.

No. 1702737

Her body is so gorgeous. If it were today, she'd have fake boobs and a bbl. Queen Rose

No. 1702743

Based Emma. Black women deal with enough shit without this faggot larping

No. 1702759>>1702901

File (hide): 1695232938802.mp4 (867.52 KB, 576x1024, v09044g40000c9undtjc77u13ltb4l…) [play once] [loop]

The only thing that is slightly milky is that he is public with having a right hand fag that close to half his age, it seems like he treasures him more too. I used to think Michelle Lamy was based but now this is sad, imagine being almost 80 with a husband that cucks you on the regular. Bi men never once

>>1702603 God bless Emma

No. 1702766

Who gives a shit, it's garbage anyway.. Dick rider

No. 1702796>>1703207

didn't taylor date joe jonas too?

No. 1702800>>1702804

My unpopular opinion is that celebrities adored by coquettes will inevitably keep getting caught up in drama that the coquettes honestly do not give a shit about. If Bella Hadid turned around and said man shoulders aren't feminine enough for womens fashion, they would stand by her in that statement and shit all over trans people. The kpoppies are a close second since they can't stand to see a bulky male body dancing around with tiny Korean idols

No. 1702804>>1702836

except kpoppies love sam smith

No. 1702805>>1702854>>1702947

File (hide): 1695239592433.png (925.18 KB, 1164x876, Screen Shot 2023-09-20 at 12.5…)

Seeing this face pop up when I googled the name gave me an actual jumpscare

No. 1702806>>1702812>>1702813>>1702817>>1702886>>1702899>>1703376>>1703651>>1703852>>1704145

File (hide): 1695239758360.png (559.44 KB, 1084x826, emmaroberts.png)

lmao. I usually can't stand her creepy dead shark eyes but I'll stand behind a based queen

No. 1702807>>1702810>>1703384

Another bold look from julia fox

No. 1702808>>1702838

Bo seems like such a bitchy theater fag, I can't stand him

No. 1702810

No. 1702812

Barely know who that guy even is but I hope this is true lmaooo. No one should ever be respectful towards trannies

No. 1702813

he looks so ultra faggot in that pic

No. 1702817>>1702820>>1702821>>1702837>>1702845>>1702855>>1702959>>1703100>>1703181>>1703386

File (hide): 1695240586776.jpg (172.46 KB, 2048x2048, F6fh0GXbQAAtlff.jpg)

No. 1702820

boooooooo tomato tomato

No. 1702821


No. 1702836

Kpoppies are the only other group of people I hear using "Ham Smith" outside of these threads. They absolutely do not love Ham Smith, and the handful that do are seeing a drag queen and recognise Ham as a gay man larping (just like Harry). Totally different realm to an actual man trying to fit in with them

No. 1702837

Just reading that makes me want to punch him in the face. He's smugly saying "bow to the dick, bitch".

No. 1702838

People have confirmed as much

No. 1702845

ugh so condescending. who is he to follow up on her to "do better" and then force some kind of public support, just take the half-hearted private apology and move on

No. 1702854>>1702947

File (hide): 1695242951452.jpg (26.74 KB, 753x600, 9bb.jpg)

top right image is giving real jeff the killer vibes

No. 1702855

what a tard. there's no point in apologizing since she'll forever be an ebil terf in their eyes. it's funny seeing the gendies in the doll community cry about it though.

No. 1702861

I’ve always felt so weird about Thorn because of Demi Moore being involved with it and her flirting and kissing a child on camera.

No. 1702886>>1703465>>1703640

How is this based? Emma Roberts is a bitchy petulant nepobaby. Have some standards.

No. 1702889>>1702925

>terminally online
I wasn't terminally online. They were just viral online. I hate when you bitches get condescending and try to rewrite history over something so stupid. They got the foot in the door because they were constantly gifed and worshiped on tumblr despite being ass. Also wtf are you talking about–their entire diss on gaga was that she didn't pay any attention to them until after they blew up. It's literally a line in the song. Relax

No. 1702891>>1702925

Btw you're replying to two different anons, I've been here since 2014, and I don't have "shit music taste" just because i acnkownledge die antwoord is shit. Remove the stick from your ass, you're so pretentious over something really inconsequential. Stop talking like a faggot.

I hate his stupid Tyra banks smize so much its unreal

No. 1702899

lmao. based Emma. love her. trannies and fags will seethe

No. 1702901

She doesn't care. She knew what he was going into the marriage, he has been drinking twink piss for forever. I don't know why you'd think the marriage was real in the first place, she chainsmokes and looks 90 years old. Everything he does is to be a provocateur, he's a weird man. He literally has a wax statue of himself jerking off.

No. 1702911>>1702913>>1702919>>1702957>>1702977>>1703008>>1703043>>1703102>>1703264>>1703280>>1703529>>1703626>>1703928

File (hide): 1695248865465.jpeg (256.22 KB, 1280x1740, IMG_3194.jpeg)

What the fuck are these tattoos? I didn't even know he had some. He looks so faggy I can't imagine getting called a slur by this thing and taking it seriously.

No. 1702913>>1702915>>1702916>>1702977>>1703008>>1703043>>1703102>>1703280>>1703368>>1703388>>1703651

File (hide): 1695248896158.jpeg (234.75 KB, 1280x1600, IMG_3198.jpeg)

No. 1702915>>1702922

Wtf is this stupid ass picture. He's just doing shit

No. 1702916

Lmao he's big but that weird fishnet thing makes him look fat as fuck.

No. 1702919>>1703111

File (hide): 1695249338524.jpeg (168.67 KB, 514x759, IMG_4680.jpeg)

His face is so stupid. I remember laughing in Not Another Teen Movie because I thought he looked so dopey compared to the Freddie Prinze Jr. character he was supposed to be a parody of

No. 1702922>>1702999>>1703043

File (hide): 1695249512079.jpeg (150.64 KB, 1280x1600, IMG_3197.jpeg)

Alba's alpha

No. 1702924>>1702929

ot but Sophie is supposed to be 5'9 and she's wearing sneakers and Taylor is supposed to be 5'10 but she looks shorter than Sophie and she's wearing heels so is she lying about her height?

No. 1702925>>1702927

Yes, one anon can reply to two different anons at the same time. Annoying newfags always talk the most shit and seethe the hardest after actually trying to condescend and cry about "zoomers rewriting history". They were not iconic or famous until 2014, cope.
>Also wtf are you talking about–their entire diss on gaga was that she didn't pay any attention to them until after they blew up.
Now this is rewriting history. Lol it was about them being 2edgy and underground for her, and they had a mural in one music video to try and make it seem like they were above the Hollywood "monster" with other celebrities faces. All anyone told you was that baby bangs and bleached eyebrows did not start from this derivative shitty band. Stop cock-chewing, you will live.

No. 1702927>>1703040

>cock chewing
You're mad because Hayley Williams copied her hair once for like a week, why?

No. 1702929

Sophie is closer the the camera..

No. 1702942

This made me happy

No. 1702947

If Jeff the Killer and Patrick Bateman had a son.

No. 1702957>>1702988>>1702990

So ugly, he wasn't a heartthrob when he was young why is he getting pushed now? Have the rest of the world not caught up that none of the marvel movies are cool? The big bang theory is not cool. Biggest marvel fans I know are Christian dudebros aka closeted faggots. Jesus didn't die for this

No. 1702959

Typical male entitlement, hope she donates to a woman’s shelter or womens only rape crisis centre instead

No. 1702977

Pasty looking fag, gross

Also can you anons stop arguing about Die Antwoord, it’s annoying and repetitive

No. 1702988

KEK you’re right tho. He was never anything special, he kind of peaked in the second Captain America movie looks wise imo but even then he was mid. He looks ABSOLUTELY stupid in this shoot for GQ holy fuck. He’s always had some of the most cringe late 90s fratbro tattoos ever it’s so embarrassing. Have fun, Alba. Also we all saw his dick and it’s nothing to write home about…

No. 1702990

Because hes your all American butterface. Gay men are the ones keeping him on a pedestal I think.

No. 1702999>>1703069

I can’t stop laughing at this photo set oh my god. He looks exactly like the type of loser guy who thinks he’s like a ~daddy dom~ and he’s aging like milk quite predictably. You LOSE, sucka!!’

No. 1703008

Looks like he's doing a breast self exam.
His face has strong alcoholic bloat.

No. 1703040

Pure speculation

No. 1703043

Looks like a closeted gay man trying hard to be masc lmao

No. 1703069

>He looks exactly like the type of loser guy who thinks he’s like a ~daddy dom~
Because that's exactly who he is kek he's cringe as hell and has always been fucking ugly

No. 1703082

She looks so bloated and uncomfortable. So much plastic surgery. gross person inside and out.

No. 1703100

Ugh. When is this tranny shit gonna be over? it wont be unless more celeb women start calling them out. it's ridiculous.

No. 1703102>>1703111

holyshit, he hit that wall hard. How old is Chris Evans now? Washed up without marvel.

No. 1703111

He was always ugly from the start >>1702919

No. 1703147>>1703156

he's an out-2D PTS walking PR flap, of course she has to

No. 1703156

>out-2D PTS
what does this mean

No. 1703170>>1703171

File (hide): 1695274412437.gif (684.62 KB, 640x456, 86599282-762A-4255-A942-4A136C…)


that Chris Evans child marriage event bred a new phenotype of inceloids, thinking they have anything more than scrotey moid degeneracy with an entitled, slightly well-groomed actor

inb4 she’s aN aDuLt - pls don’t be dense or idiotically too literal

No. 1703171

anything more in common*

No. 1703181

what a whiny faggot

No. 1703207

yea, that's what i'm saying. she (taylor) is joe jonas ex

No. 1703264>>1703301

So predictable. Middle aged scrote gets married to a much younger woman and tries to act as if he's still in his 20s kek. His looks won't be able to carry him any more and his terrible acting skills are becoming more and more obvious.

No. 1703280

The zoolander faces he’s making are hilarious. He wasn’t attractive when he was young, why is he playing pretend at being attractive now? He looks so pudgy and old.

No. 1703301>>1703307>>1703336

File (hide): 1695299806628.png (72.72 KB, 999x359, cegq.png)

No. 1703307

>get into pottery and smoke weed
I can’t laugh harder than I am right now he is so embarrassing. Don’t necessarily like her since she has questionable background but I hope Alba stays long enough to get that bag then dips for a hotter, less cringe untalented so-what of an actor. Figures he sits around smoking weed, he only looked halfway decent when he was superhero buff and now he looks like the dads I see at toddler yoga trying to hit on the younger single moms.

No. 1703336

>Ultimately I hope to act less because I have other interests.
…then do it? Shouldn't he have enough money to do whatever he wants with a sponsorship deal or cameo every once in a while?
>How quotidian
What a jackass

No. 1703368>>1703374

He looks so mpregnant in this image.

No. 1703374>>1704288

File (hide): 1695307654738.png (Spoiler Image,274.77 KB, 505x504, ce.png)

No. 1703376

genuinely not racebaiting but i see angelica’s doppelgängers everyday…as in i see actual black women who look just like him. i think emma is a tad bit racist and has been weird with black people before. angelica is a troon, yes, but he looks no different to the black women i see irl. masculine features hidden under makeup and a wig. people always that asian troons pass the best but it’s always been black troons imo. i feel the same way about scandinavian troons. both black women and scandi women look very masculine so when their males become trans they pass very easily.(racebaiting)

No. 1703384

my abs hate both of you kek

No. 1703386

not an ally? lmao what about allies of actual women? paid maternity leave? maternity leave at all? no your larp is more important

No. 1703388>>1703389

okay for real though what is he wearing? it looks like my forme power bra to correct posture after boobs doubling size. how big his boobs

No. 1703389


No. 1703404>>1703407>>1703437

File (hide): 1695311863690.jpeg (152.89 KB, 1550x1162, IMG_1149.jpeg)

Joe Jonas is keeping their daughter’s passports away from Sophie and this is basically abduction. I hope he rots in hell.

No. 1703407>>1703437>>1703479>>1703501>>1703502

File (hide): 1695311974344.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1523, IMG_1150.jpeg)

Here’s an article about it that goes more into depth:

No. 1703423

File (hide): 1695314855038.jpg (391.77 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230921_194029_Chr…)

No. 1703437>>1703459

Men thinking they can run off with a woman's children.
What a fucking creep. Any man who pulls stunts like this deserves all custodial rights revoked immediately, they know they don't have a case to win fairly in court so they turn to drastic measures such as these.
It's different when women do it as they're typically fleeing from domestic violence and other retaliation from the man as the reason. They're primary caregivers and default parents 9 times outta 10.
With men, it's all power play.
He doesn't give a fuck about those kids and what this nasty shit is doing to them.

No. 1703459

This. It’s honestly really gross and speaks to his character. I never liked him for her and I’m glad my gut was correct but god am I sad for her. It has to be absolutely excruciating to have your children taken from you and by their retarded ugly scrote father. I really hope she gets them back quickly. Pure evil.

No. 1703465>>1703628

Do you not understand what based means?

No. 1703479>>1703486

basic creepy greasy wog moid

No. 1703486

Kek what time period is this

No. 1703501>>1704060

It's so sad that she passed on his genes. This disgusting moid's line should have died with him even though his brothers already have kids. I really hope Sophie can take care of her children and basically block him from ever seeing them. He doesn't even have a good justification for Sophie being a bad mom! He's desperately throwing various slander to TMZ in the hopes that something sticks when he was the one being unfaithful. Pure manlet energy, he didn't deserve an ounce of Sophie.

No. 1703502

File (hide): 1695320414142.png (131.88 KB, 530x735, flamethrower-worthy.png)

Is he on crack!? The idiot keeps leaking stuff to the press and then backtracking. Did he drown his PR agent in a bathtub or something?

No. 1703529

What a potato nose

No. 1703546>>1703562>>1703575>>1703581>>1703708

File (hide): 1695324250224.jpg (332.16 KB, 1536x1536, STGEO-STANDARD-DIGITAL-3000X30…)

Troye Sivan’s album cover for ‘Something To Give Each Other’
A label rep called the album "a celebration of sex, dance, sweat, community, queerness, love and friendship."

No. 1703562

Everything I hate with a cover I hate even more

No. 1703575

As if these things weren't celebrated for a decade now

No. 1703581

This looks like IRL TiF art, down to the retarded expression.

No. 1703606>>1703613>>1703615>>1703625>>1704152>>1704284

File (hide): 1695330325186.jpg (113.82 KB, 735x531, matty.jpg)

No. 1703613>>1703622>>1704284

File (hide): 1695330811694.jpg (128.47 KB, 1536x2048, F6kr_SUbIAA_wcO.jpg)

No. 1703615

i hate matty healy so fucking much but girlretard has me cackling

No. 1703622

>this never goes well does it
KEK what a scrotoid I'm cackling

No. 1703625

Any time I see him I think about how he called himself Andy Kaufman and it makes me wish lightning would strike down on him and his voodoo ass shrunken head. Men are always like 'I'm Andy kaufman' because of Jim Carrey in that stupid movie. Yes, you are a bloating annoying retard. Jim Carrey terrorized everyone on that set and claimed it was method acting and stupid teenage boys lose their minds.

No. 1703626>>1703877>>1703895>>1704246>>1704284

File (hide): 1695331578200.jpg (77.8 KB, 780x470, image-5806910-1-780x470.jpg)

Why does it piss me off that hes making Billy Ray Cyrus face

No. 1703628>>1704027>>1704063>>1704388

I'm saying some of you are so simple and easy to impress that any old dumb unlikable bitch can do one thing you consider a #twannydis and decide they're just oh so #baseball. The bar is so low. She's wretched and her behavior obviously extends a lot farther than just Angelica Ross.

No. 1703637>>1703639

File (hide): 1695332403919.png (2.33 MB, 1736x1028, Screen Shot 2023-09-21 at 2.36…)

Doja Cat's youtube is currently streaming "The Scarlet Experience" where we see a bunch of bros looking at a bloody naked wax woman in a vat of water. Military guy and bros probably didn't know this was streaming live on Youtube for everyone to comment on. Stream went down for a bit. This feels very much art hoe freshman's first thesis show.

No. 1703639

This was my theory, that they had cameras watching all the statues to save clips of them sexually assaulting it lol

No. 1703640>>1703647

File (hide): 1695332499517.jpg (169.67 KB, 647x762, emma.jpg)

She is based.

No. 1703647>>1703650

It's been rumored for years that she's an edgy racist cunt who treats all the working class people around her on set like dogshit. Grow up and have higher standards for who you choose to flatter and compliment.(attempted infighting)

No. 1703650>>1703653

It's the celebricows thread. Emphasis on cows. Slow day huh, janny?(ban evasion)

No. 1703651>>1703757

I honestly really dislike Emma Roberts (save for her role in Scream Queens) because she's extremely one note and seems like the biggest asshole nepo baby in real life. She's probably also awful to female co-stars, so for all of that I can't see her as based even if I think this is funny. I predict anons trying to turn her into some sort of mascot like Azealia and JKR even though she's not on the same level
I couldn't even buy into the hype when he was at his peak popularity (Avengers) and people were trying to shill him as so hot. Same with one of the other Chris guys who was in Guardians of The Galaxy.

No. 1703653

Fuck off(pointless infighting)

No. 1703669>>1703670>>1703924

File (hide): 1695335703425.png (50.26 KB, 740x539, NICKI MINAJ.PNG)

Some minor drama going on between Nicki and Cardi (Yes, again. It's been 5 years since their New York Fashion Week brawl btw.). To give a little recap, after the VMAs Nicki's thugsband, Kenneth Petty, posted up with some of his fellow goons on an Instagram live to threaten Cardi's husband Offset (1/3 of the rap group Migos). Kenneth basically said his ear is always to the streets and some other gang-related BS. In response, Offset posted a video of him laughing and getting off of a private jet. Because this all started happening soon after the VMAs, some people are speculating that something went down. It wouldn't make sense to me because Cardi and Megan both left right after their performance to host a party, but who knows what happened BTS.

That Instagram live lead to a judge giving Kenneth Petty 4 months of house arrest today for threatening a person. I guess to deflect (?) Nicki decided to post a video of a 911 call that was made while her home was being swatted, see the next post. Nicki said that her home was swatted twice and that claims were made to CPS against her, and that she will reveal some more things about this tomorrow on her radio show.


No. 1703670>>1703671

File (hide): 1695335757237.mp4 (554.88 KB, 728x722, nicki instagram post.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Samefag, here's the video of the call.
Love this MP4 update to the site btw.

No. 1703671>>1703703

File (hide): 1695335868465.jpg (175.7 KB, 1080x1080, nicki.jpg)

And here is the caption to this video. Let me correct myself, this video doesn't sound like a call that was made DURING her getting swatted, it sounds like what lead to her getting swatted. Sorry, dumb mistake.
The "protect black women" line is interesting considering the fact that she targeted her husbands victim and also what she said towards Leigh-Anne after collaborating with Jesy Nelson.

No. 1703703

So it seems she's blaming cardi b for the swatting when it was likely Stan Twitter.

No. 1703708>>1703723

i support naked men being on things instead of naked women for a change. dude looks like he got a hot bod, im not mad

No. 1703723

File (hide): 1695338591833.jpg (39.69 KB, 700x393, Troye-Sivan-dan-Hwang-Hyunjin-…)

Hes just thirsty and wants attention since the music itself isn't getting it

No. 1703757>>1703773

I agree with you on Emma Roberts. All it shows is that she's at least consistently cunty even to troons

No. 1703773>>1703828

File (hide): 1695341188212.jpg (189.39 KB, 634x1091, 2A344ACA00000578-0-Break_time_…)

People have been saying she's a rude entitled snob for ages, she only continues because white gay men live vicariously through her and think that's like totally them asf. She's literally just a typecast nepobaby who is only capable of acting as a bitch because she's a bitch who only gained popularity because gays self insert as her. This would be like calling Ariana Grande based if she said something like "God hates fags". She would still be the same sociopath that is rumored to physically slap her mother and has like textbook BPD.

No. 1703828

what… is that… outfit…

No. 1703839>>1703853>>1703857>>1704128

File (hide): 1695344773363.jpg (409.89 KB, 741x877, RDT_20230921_21022920394537915…)

Noel Fielding, known for his amazing comedic chemistry with Russell Brand, a rumored nonce. Who would've thought

No. 1703852

She also dropped her voice to intimate him kek. All the pose actors seem insane and narcissistic, and their acting is subpar. Especially the one who plays Angel was blaming women for trans women being murdered by men.

No. 1703853>>1703858

Have known people who saw him on his nights out or after parties with his troupes of young girls dutifully following (granted this was a few years ago), always been waiting for it to come out but he hides behind the floaty quirky effeminacy and gets a pass from most women, so annoying

No. 1703857

Doesn’t surprise me one bit, he dated Pixie Geldof when she was 16 and he was 30-something. Hope he gets what is coming for him.

No. 1703858

It should be duly noted that so many sexual predators use the "im just a quirky little guy hehe"

No. 1703859>>1704284

File (hide): 1695345933638.jpg (22.94 KB, 640x480, GQ1023_Evans_02_SD.jpg)

You're such a fucking hoe
I love it
Your boyfriend is a dork

No. 1703877>>1703912

He looks like some sort of pre human Neanderthal, gross

No. 1703895>>1703912

this is why the "celeb died and was replaced" conspiracies happen

No. 1703902>>1704087>>1704139

Agora Hills premier 2 hours, who will be seated

No. 1703912>>1703932

File (hide): 1695348331460.jpg (336.39 KB, 1200x1200, rs_1200x1200-220929093450-1200…)

His gf uses a weird amount of facetune

No. 1703924

her husband is a sex offender and on the registry. literally anyone could swat her house at any point. why would she think it’s cardi?

No. 1703928>>1703935>>1703939>>1703945>>1704157>>1704284

He doesn't even look male. Andropause has rendered his sperm dust and all of his offspring are doomed to be fat retards. His features previously regarded as attractive morphed into ambiguously gendered leprosy lesions hanging off his face with age. What I hate the most about him is his frail jaw. It gives him Long Face Syndrome and it can't be fixed with jaw implants because the problem stems from faulty bone development. His jaw needs to be broken and rewired at a sharper angle.

No. 1703932

Wtf happened to Drake face !!?

No. 1703935

No. 1703939

His jaw was a bit better when he was ultra buff bc extreme working out (and who knows what “supplements”) can give you some more definition/ but he’s always had loser phenotype facially imo. He looks like an Irish American alcoholic who beats his wife now. I loved your description tho nonna I could really feel the vitriol kek it was beautiful.

No. 1703945


No. 1704027

Nta but what are you so mad about? Is this your first time seeing someone like a celebrity you hate or something

No. 1704060

I'm glad she's getting support from the public, if it was 2005 or 2010 everyone would be blaming her.

No. 1704063

>oh so #baseball

No. 1704087

Gummo, VCR, faux low-fi

No. 1704128

I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again: all male comedians with an iota of name recognition are predators in Hollywood. All of them. All. Of. Them.

No. 1704139>>1704147

is doja the worst lyricist in the game rn ?!

No. 1704145>>1704154>>1704167>>1704173>>1704244>>1704473>>1704553

Emma Roberts literally beat the shit out of Evan Peters and got arrested for it. I hate her.

No. 1704147>>1704163>>1704239>>1704243>>1704284>>1704297>>1704465>>1705703

File (hide): 1695358579830.jpg (54.26 KB, 800x529, 20230610_1122472-800x529.jpg)

>like fornite i need ya skin, dont give a fuck where ya penis been
She wrote this about this thing

No. 1704152

That's funny

No. 1704154>>1704165

He’s into it though kek

No. 1704157>>1704164

He's ugly asf, but he objectively does look like a masculine man, also this type of shit genuinely gives troons more confidence that we are forced to go along with.

No. 1704163

ewwww. is he uber rich or an heir or something? cannot find one appealing thing about him

No. 1704164

Why are you replying to that like it isnt shitpostiny… girl

No. 1704165>>1704174

how do you know this?

No. 1704167

Based lol.(sage lol)

No. 1704173

hot. he even forgave her

No. 1704174

Do a two second deep dive on him. Abusive BPD bitches are his thing + he stayed with Emma for like six years after her arrest.

No. 1704209>>1704216>>1704219>>1704226>>1704652

Everyone saying Emma beating her bf is "hot or based" is problematic as fuck, and probably violent and abuses their significant others as well. Disgusting. Be grateful you're anonymous.(weak bait)

No. 1704216>>1704241>>1704260>>1704356>>1704360>>1704373>>1705071>>1705576

File (hide): 1695369191332.jpg (2.83 MB, 1782x2075, NYPICHPDPICT000042500392.jpg)

Halsey is dating Beck from Victorious

Do you know where you are lmao

No. 1704219

File (hide): 1695370383222.gif (32.44 KB, 548x67, smells like moid spirit.gif)

>Be grateful you're anonymous

No. 1704226

I hope she kills him, too.

No. 1704239>>1704522

She must be really desperate for male attention if this is what she's crazy about. He's fat and bald too jfc.

No. 1704241

Wow I didn’t even recognize her, she looks really cute with that style and haircut

No. 1704243

Good to know she doesn’t care if he’s went after minors.

No. 1704244

Same anon. I hate her for that too. I am such an evanfag

No. 1704246

finally, big foot caught on camera

No. 1704250

Fuck Joe Jonas. I hope Sophie drags his name so far through the mud that his kids grow up to hate him. Kids belong with their mothers. Stupid burger scrote. They should be here in bongland not on tour with their dad and his dumb boy band

No. 1704260

He looks like a 16 year old whose parents made him paint the fence before he could throw on his trenchcoat mafia jacket and dad's 70s platforms and go out with his tutor. Cute face tho.

No. 1704284

jesus he never stfu lol
I just know they slap each other's heads during sex.

No. 1704288>>1704315

KEK noni…

No. 1704297>>1704309

Is that her bf? I remember there was a rumour she was dating joji. He’s too good for her

No. 1704309>>1704313

>Is that her bf?
yep, the same guy who's grooming teenagers

No. 1704313

What is it with these female rappers and their disgusting groomer bfs and husbands

No. 1704315>>1704320

File (hide): 1695388792496.png (Spoiler Image,352.65 KB, 507x506, ec.png)

No. 1704320>>1704343

That’s fucked up!! What is that from

No. 1704343

it's real

No. 1704354>>1704405>>1704452

File (hide): 1695392124743.jpeg (434.09 KB, 1125x1688, 1876FE11-063A-4925-842B-A3DEDC…)

Tim Petras is begging his 6 fans to buy a t-shirt with his naked picture on it.

No. 1704356>>1704368>>1704507>>1704625>>1704634>>1704648>>1704780

File (hide): 1695392364748.png (492.99 KB, 596x446, Screen Shot 2023-09-22 at 10.0…)


Modern male casting in Hollywood is actually a psyop designed to make women lower their standards for physical attractiveness and the fact that the only notable credit Avan Jogia has to his name is Victorious is proof. This guy is actually stunning, he's kind of mid actor but so are the ugly mentioned previously in this thread.

Also Halsey is looking so thin, she's a bit of a documented munchie so I'm betting it's ozempic prescribed for insulin resistance or something along those lines. Either that or she's ana relapsed. I really wish she'd stop fucking with her face, she was so cute. Her relationship hopping kind of fascinates me, there really is a certain kind of woman that just can't stay single.

No. 1704360

File (hide): 1695393123756.png (276.37 KB, 511x281, Screen Shot 2023-09-22 at 10.2…)


If I had a nickel for everytime Halsey made a music video with a real life partner that she then had a nasty split with I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but you'd think she'd have learnt from the first time?

No. 1704368

This is a very hot take. Avan has been gorgeous since Victorious (only reason teen me ever sat through that show) and he is reasonably talented. I agree that Hollywood tries to shape female perceptions of hot/desirable men

No. 1704373

Ive never paid attention to either of these people, but I they are an adorable couple

No. 1704388

So you don't understand what based means. Got it.

No. 1704390

I didnt before you mentioned it. I do now!

No. 1704405

>I had to fight tooth and nail to make this shirt happen
Why though? Why would you do that.

No. 1704452>>1704459

I feel like he sexualizes himself not realizing that he's not a sex symbol. He doesn't have a dick so that chops down half his male fanbase, his fanbase seems to be heavily troons and gay men. Nobody wants to see his naked body. With all the actual women showing their bodies off for whatever reason, who would want a shirt with a naked mutilated ugly photoshopped man on it?

No. 1704457

he looks better from the waist down

No. 1704459

trannies want to be sexualised as women for the "validation"

No. 1704465

Ew. Looks like Mrs Midwest's husband

No. 1704473>>1704483

if he really wanted to do something about it he could have easily done so, the same is not true for women. i don't even care about emma roberts but come on, it's not even close.

No. 1704483

Exactly, and I even consider myself an evanfag. Also, he had a bloody nose and a bite mark. She did not beat the shit out of him

No. 1704507

While I agree that modern actors are hideous, he isn't attractive to me. Not ugly but not hot either.

No. 1704522

I agree. I mean she has to be pretty trash with men on her own if dating Sam Smith dressed as a Drag King is considered a good pull.

No. 1704537>>1704758

File (hide): 1695413572684.jpeg (899.94 KB, 1170x1223, IMG_1153.jpeg)

Kathy Griffin suspects Kanye is abusing his wife because he doesn’t treat her like a person.

No. 1704541>>1704549>>1704555>>1704762>>1704860>>1704903>>1705150

File (hide): 1695413812151.jpg (117.35 KB, 650x400, 15.jpg)

Leslie Jones is promoting her new book (Leslie F*cking Jones: A Memoir) by going after everyone she ever worked with.

No. 1704549>>1704555>>1704860>>1704999

File (hide): 1695414606796.jpg (143.76 KB, 654x739, leslie.jpg)

No. 1704553

File (hide): 1695415074118.gif (1.03 MB, 498x276, 4F06163E-3CCE-45B2-9E68-DD9B29…)

>Beats men
>calls men in dressses men

No. 1704555

damn this woman can't catch a break

No. 1704625>>1705458

File (hide): 1695421350373.gif (Spoiler Image,2.81 MB, 540x304, tumblr_po5vyiPJBq1wonjtqo2_540…)

>the only notable credit Avan Jogia has to his name is Victorious
To you

No. 1704634

so based - I'm an avanfag and yeah he's a mid actor but if you watch an interview with him he has insane charisma just let him be casted in more things please.

No. 1704648

are you joking? this guy is hideous, I can literally find carbon copies of him in every vape store or gas station in Mexican sides of town

No. 1704652>>1704998

Oh shut up evan peters is the most mid moid who can easily have a selection of any hot goth girl he wanted, he wanted a violent stacy and that's what he got, cry about it.

No. 1704653


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1704758

hard to extend my sympathies to any woman who knows what Kanye has been up to and still choosing to go near him let alone entering a relationship with him. she's not some uwu victim of grooming

No. 1704762

I remember when 4channers were harassing her, it was so bad. All that just for 150k compared to her colleagues is brutal

No. 1704780>>1704782>>1704854

File (hide): 1695434484509.jpg (248.74 KB, 1920x1489, avan-jogia.jpg)

I agree with this except That man is ugly

No. 1704782>>1704789>>1704797

it's just bad styling, he just needs to shave and grow out his hair. he looked good with longer hair in the past

No. 1704789>>1704792>>1704794>>1704795

File (hide): 1695435646006.jpg (382.46 KB, 2048x1367, licensed-image.jpeg.jpg)

Nta but no lmao

No. 1704792>>1704863

Nta but this is a cute guy with mid-ass styling. You're delusional.

No. 1704794>>1704805>>1704863

like i said, he needs to shave. other than the shitty facial hair what's wrong with his physical features? (you know the eyes, nose, lips, bones)

No. 1704795>>1704855

Not her but I think he's cute.

No. 1704797

Only know him from Welcome to Raccoon City but yeah he had lovely hair in it, very cute.

No. 1704805>>1704810

Can't answer that because I don't want to get banned, but all I can say is I guess he doesn't fit my racial preferences.

No. 1704810

Isn't he half-white tho

No. 1704822>>1704834>>1704896>>1705456>>1705536

File (hide): 1695438986343.jpg (82.07 KB, 400x400, 20230922_185244.jpg)

He is so

No. 1704825>>1704826

File (hide): 1695439085414.jpg (77.25 KB, 634x449, 3556AE1D00000578-3644364-image…)

>anons discussing simple celeb topics

No. 1704826

File (hide): 1695439128155.jpeg (87.87 KB, 1161x760, adobestock_128479387.jpeg)

>anons discussing how ugly matty healy is

No. 1704834

Good lord fka twigs and all the other women who dated him must hate themselves deeply

No. 1704854

File (hide): 1695441571995.jpeg (38.65 KB, 360x644, 538.jpeg)


Avan is a charismatic stunner, and such a threat to other males in Hollywood that they’ve iced him out of any good roles

No. 1704855

Yes but he doesn't look white mostly. But this is enough discussing this topic, we shall stop here before it spirals into an autistic insight.

No. 1704860

I feel really bad for her, this makes me kind of sad. Idk why. I don’t even really know that much about her/her work.

No. 1704863>>1704867>>1704874

have most of you never left your house? He looks like the most basic blue collar worker I cant

No. 1704867>>1704895

I wish blue collar workers looked like him

No. 1704874>>1704969

File (hide): 1695444190044.gif (Spoiler Image,2.86 MB, 540x280, tumblr_po52rqUU2J1y5ozx1o6_r1_…)

This is what the women want

No. 1704895>>1704900

I'm convinced this is some weird psychop. Go do random conjucal visits to random prisoners in El Paso Texas or something if you wanna fuck him so bad(racebait)

No. 1704896>>1705192

He looks like some mid-level tory MP jesus christ why have so many WAY out of his league women have fucked him?

No. 1704900

Why don't you nonas ever post your taste
>inb4 it's another ratface like austin butler

No. 1704903>>1705150>>1705766

That is unfair, but the reason for pay gaps like that is because Melissa is a more popular and well known actress. People are probably more likely to watch a comedy with Melissa in it rather than Leslie just based off popularity alone, but that isn’t fair so I’m glad she’s talking about it. I remember reading that Marisa Hargitay was making like 4 times the amount as her costars on Law & Order SVU just because the episodes with her in it were in higher demand than episodes without her. It’s like they pay based on fame rather than talent.

No. 1704969

I'd be into him if he dressed like a hot swashbuckling pirate

No. 1704998

nta but I love evan peters too. fight me

No. 1704999

kek that is actually hilarious though

No. 1705071

Wow they look so cute and stylish
I find it so wild that young celeb women pop out kids left and right yet can continue to live and date as if their babies don't even exist, meanwhile irl good luck trying to get even the bottom of the barrel moid or job if you're already a mom…

No. 1705147>>1705160>>1705166>>1705461

File (hide): 1695481714240.png (330.74 KB, 592x502, Screenshot.png)


No. 1705150

I remember Jim Carrey was paid a few million dollars for Dumb and Dumber while the guy playing Harry was paid like 100'000$

No. 1705160>>1705518

it's old news that Elvis was a pedophile. Priscilla talked about how he refused to have sex with her immediately after they got married because he couldn't be attracted to an actual woman/mother

No. 1705166>>1705699

Theres a woman I know who is obsessed with Elvis and hates Priscilla that claims Priscilla said everything she wrote in her book that's going to become the movie is a lie. I don't know how any woman can back and support someone like Elvis knowing what he did

No. 1705192

Kek, my first reaction was also “which Tory MP is this?”

No. 1705283>>1705287>>1705336>>1705350>>1705417>>1705699>>1705733>>1705743>>1705761

File (hide): 1695488134806.jpg (69.57 KB, 731x652, troye.jpg)

No. 1705287>>1705349>>1705618

He looks like a gecko. I have just been converted to roidpig supremacy.

No. 1705336>>1705597

File (hide): 1695490719081.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.83 KB, 413x459, troyes.jpg)

Video of him slapping his ass.

No. 1705349

No. 1705350>>1705382

Ewww he's worse than Timothee! Where do they find these disgustingly ugly men?

No. 1705382

YouTuber who fucked his way up

No. 1705417>>1705459

Thought this was cp for a second and had a mini heart attack, what an unfortunate body for a grown man. He’s going to age like shit

No. 1705456>>1705470

Like an Epic Rap Battles version of Bush

No. 1705458

where is that from and is that a man kek

No. 1705459

I thought that too and got jump scared

No. 1705461

Have you been living under a rock anon?

No. 1705468>>1705469>>1705742

File (hide): 1695497785107.jpeg (520.99 KB, 1170x1119, IMG_3397.jpeg)

I am rooting for her sooo hard. I want her to crush him

No. 1705469>>1705483>>1705742

File (hide): 1695497869312.jpeg (352.88 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_3398.jpeg)

Documented where the girls have lived after he said they’ve lived in the US all their lives and shouldn’t be able to move to the UK

No. 1705470

No. 1705483

good on her. fuck the jonas brothers I never liked them and knew the frenzy was bullshit for these little faggots even back in 08.

No. 1705491>>1705497>>1705513

File (hide): 1695499601104.jpg (211.04 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-191108114807-1024x…)

Modern male casting in Hollywood

its shit and we peaked with pic related

No. 1705497>>1705510

Is that Tom Cruise? He certainly wasn’t the peak kek

No. 1705501>>1705511>>1705517

It peaked with the late 90s pretty boys - Josh Hartnett, Heath Ledger, Freddie Prince Jr etc

No. 1705510>>1705527

File (hide): 1695501215052.gif (155.92 KB, 220x183, IMG_4939.gif)

What do you have against tom krews

No. 1705511

I’d say early/mid 2000’s with muscley jock types but I like how we all have different ideas of what type of men are most attractive kek

No. 1705513>>1705524>>1705701

File (hide): 1695501397846.gif (7.55 MB, 540x516, tomcriuse.gif)

Tom Cruise mentioned.

Releasing the Mouseman.

No. 1705517>>1705701

Freddie would've made a good Ken back then imo, but it was his destiny to be Fred instead.

No. 1705518

>be male
>be attracted to a girl
>court her and eventually marry her
>have sex with her once, she's pregnant
>"ewwww, a baby is just a front turd. That's nasty, I'm never touching you again"

I will never in a million years understand moid minds.

No. 1705524>>1705534

His hair looks so retarded here. He's overrated tbh.

No. 1705527>>1705549

Well tbh, everything. But you do nonna I shouldn’t judge

No. 1705534>>1705565

File (hide): 1695502759052.gif (2.89 MB, 540x260, leofromthedark.gif)

lmao yeah, I prefer him with longer hair like in M:I 2. He's trying so hard to blend in with us but he just can't.

No. 1705536

I knew John Mulaney would get back on drugs, jesus look at his face here ffs

No. 1705539>>1705546

File (hide): 1695503178183.jpg (165.49 KB, 1241x930, kdrama.jpg)

Meanwhile.. kdrama actors look like this.

No. 1705546>>1705563

I like the hair of the one on the right I wish men didnt coom all their hair off at 19

No. 1705549>>1705728>>1705731

File (hide): 1695504227770.jpg (46.82 KB, 450x350, tom-cruise-lestat.jpg)

I dont care for him as a person but I think he's a CUTIE patootie in this styling and age. brad pitt too. We will never have a movie with objectively gorgeous, tortured male leads again.

No. 1705563

Agreed. Fucking bring luxurious hair back, tastemakers.

No. 1705565>>1705575

He's short and I wouldn't say any of his features are particularly attractive, yet I still find him so handsome

No. 1705569

Tom cruise is a Scientologist. Which should tell you everything. Gross

No. 1705572>>1705573>>1705704

I can’t stop laughing at Billy ray Cyrus in that pic, he literally looks like a Sasquatch and that pouty weird face he is pulling is so funny

No. 1705573


silly ray cyrus

No. 1705575>>1705583>>1705705

File (hide): 1695506073809.webm (852.37 KB, 720x720, tc.webm) [play once] [loop]

They should've kidnapped and froze him when he was younger.

No. 1705576

At least they're around the same age and he's not a fat ugly asshole

No. 1705583>>1705592>>1705607

File (hide): 1695506581973.jpeg (71.73 KB, 640x991, IMG_3399.jpeg)

do you know he doesn’t see his daughter because she isn’t a Scientologist?

No. 1705592

No. 1705597

that’s another blond twink from the mv, not him

No. 1705607>>1705608

i can't believe i and some other anons were made fun of for liking the victorious guy, but THIS is considered attractive?

No. 1705608

Not any of those anons that were in all of your guys' cases. lol I like both. Sorry you deal with autists who can only like one thing.

No. 1705609

File (hide): 1695508517785.jpg (62.28 KB, 323x642, kate.jpg)

Kate Beckinsale

No. 1705618

Welcome. Glad you have seen the light.

No. 1705664>>1705665

File (hide): 1695514254379.jpg (90.73 KB, 590x514, piss off then.jpg)

Lol why did Emma apologise this literal who really thinks people are gonna cry over his departure when the only reason people know him is because he worked with roberts. Also hes threatened women with violence but had a meltdown over being called what he really is kek.

No. 1705665>>1705666

>the only reason people know him is because he worked with roberts
Wasn't he in Pose though? I thought it was a pretty popular show.

No. 1705666>>1705669

who tf watched posed? Only reason some people know about that was that clip of a troon try to make a woman having an abortion an insult towards her.

No. 1705669

Idk, I got the impression that it was popular. Probably only for gay people.

No. 1705699

I actually really want to like Troy Sivan but I don't. Maybe if he was cute I would.

It's actually really common for the older generation to dislike Priscilla Presley, im not sure what went on at that time but I can think of several people in their age range that have referred to her as a bitch or snob. Idk why

No. 1705701

This post is so fucking funny

Freddie Prince Jr is so sexy I would have went and saw the barbie movie if it was him instead. He would've been able to nail the humor I think, but the press tour wouldn't have been as good as Goslings

No. 1705703

Is she wearing her bikini top fucking upside down

No. 1705704

File (hide): 1695517149228.jpg (138.83 KB, 1200x1199, Firerose-5-Things-to-Know-Abou…)

It pisses me off

No. 1705705>>1705725


No. 1705725

File (hide): 1695517915320.jpg (236.56 KB, 1400x1400, GettyImages-499135456.0.jpg)

Thought that was the prime minister of Canada at first.

No. 1705728>>1705729

that's right nona tell it like it is

No. 1705729

File (hide): 1695518193274.jpg (18.88 KB, 224x469, article-2109446-1201AFBB000005…)

No. 1705731>>1705740

He is and will always be the best Lestat. Only Lestat tbh

No. 1705733>>1705744

JFC, i thought this was a cryptoid edit. He looks disgusting.

No. 1705740

nayrt but amen.

No. 1705742

Supporting Sophie all the way. It's horrible she even has to go through this, but they are HER kids. Joe jonas can die bankrupt.

No. 1705743>>1705748>>1705761

File (hide): 1695519347306.jpg (189.09 KB, 895x1080, troy.jpg)

No. 1705744

same, wtf, homie looks like he just emerged from his matrix pod

No. 1705748>>1705751>>1705752

Is this gonna be reposted every few hours like in the dog-boy days?

No. 1705751

Please no. At least puppy boy was cringe and funny. This photo makes me physically ill

No. 1705752

He's in a different pose.

No. 1705753


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1705761>>1705768>>1705772

This pic is kind unsettling. That head and that body do not belong together.

This ones a lot easier to stomach. Looks like one of those Roman emperors who reigned for 3 years before being killed by the Praetorian Guard

No. 1705766

it makes sense in this context though? they aren't trying to rate people objectively based on their skills. they want more people to watch to get more money.

No. 1705768

If you cover just the head and try to imagine what it'd be like, it'd be like 20% smaller than what it actually is

No. 1705772

File (hide): 1695523326261.jpg (261.39 KB, 800x1087, He-Cong-Troye-Sivan-V-China-Ap…)

I have tried to make myself like him but he really is just your average twink on the precipice of ageout scooped off the street and churning out autotune tiktok bites white practicing kpop choreography. I don't want to be a hater at all but I just think he looks like yassified young Jon Heder and he seems like he thinks he legit looks like a kpop idol idk.

No. 1705785>>1705847

File (hide): 1695524309143.jpg (396.99 KB, 616x836, Jared_Harris_2014.jpg)

None of these moids will ever be as attractive as my charismatic boomer bong king

No. 1705847

Tired of you grandpafuckers. We were literally complaining about this phenomenon.

No. 1707901

File (hide): 1695736852499.jpeg (284.49 KB, 1169x1724, IMG_3429.jpeg)

She needs serious help.

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