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No. 497325
As we witness more and more corporations buying big platforms and mistreating them and their userbases, I think it's save to say that websites could completely vanish from one day to the next.
One of the absolute worst offenders of that is Yahoo/Verizon (who also own Tumblr and killed Geocities, Polyvore, parts of Flickr, all their Yahoo! sub websites like Yahoo Answers,-Blog,-Video, and many more) who now actively tried to prevent archival of their latest
victim "Yahoo Groups" (if you want to read about it, here's a summary:
Even Twitter startet to delete accounts who haven't logged in for 6 months, starting on December 11th this year.
Are there any websites or blogs you achived or you think are important and worth to be saved as a part of internet history?
Are you salty about a website that got nuked in an unfair way?
Any other thoughts regarding Internet History? Are you worried?
Discuss and Vent.
No. 497333

If the internet started dispersing I have a feeling a lot of people wouldn't notice. I feel a lot of people simply don't know how many small videos are on youtube, that are nowhere else. Look at this video and playlist
>'s 2,000 songs, most who only have <50,000 views at their best and the video I've linked has 1,000 views. If that 2,000 song playlist was deleted no one would notice. If that song was deleted no one would know or care. if you go through a random youtube comments profile they've uploaded one or two videos with <100 views. All those videos combined could be deleted with no one noticing. Even if a video has a lot of views will it be archived?
> link has 2.3 million views, but will never be archived. if it's deleted it's gone. People from groups to stupid to use archiving softwares will be hit hardest.
No. 497429
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>>497326In the same vein, has anyone found a good substitute for Svpply?
I loved it for fashion and decor finds that were design-oriented. It shut down in 2014, and I've since migrated to Pinterest. It's an okay alternative, but it's really too full of crockpot recipes for stay and home moms for me to really enjoy it. I use Pinterest more for saving things I already know about than for new discoveries, which I miss.
No. 497447
>>497429God I miss these types of websites with actual user-made product lists. There was so much crazy stuff and handmades that I couldn't afford at that age but was fun to discover anyway. I was on a similar one called Kaboodle around 2009, people also used the system for website lists, blogs or recipes and would casually comment whenever they liked a list or profile.
Also same about Pinterest
No. 497456
>>497454That thread was moved there months ago, and it didn't die immediately because….it isn't dead? People have been consistently posting in it. Besides if that thread about internet nostalgia belongs in /m/, than this thread about internet nostalgia belongs in /m/, so it should be moved there where it can "die immediately" as you say.
You can't just recreate the same thread on a different board because you don't like the board mods decided it belongs on.
No. 497464
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>>497459>If you wanna stay anonymous it means that you're toxic or have something horrible to hide.Do people actually say this? Does no one value privacy anymore? Jesus Christ.
No. 497467
>>497466I don't understand what's stoppying anons from accessing the other board when they know that there are interesting topics to discuss.
/M is the best board tbh
No. 497498
>>497464NTA but they do. I'm oldfag enough to remember the time when we were told to use nicknames and never tell our names to strangers, and now kids are running around letting out their full name, place of residence and all personal history on social media. If you want to stay anonymous, they'll claim you're some sort of a nazi frog avatar predator out to kill minorities. It's like some sort of a fucking topsy turvy world where real life moved online.
>>497468100% this. People need to be able to attack a person and become afraid and confused if they're fighting with a faceless enemy.
No. 497564
Does anyone feel sad over the fact that forums aren't as popular as they used to be? I guess the rise of social media has taken over those kinds of discussion places. I'm not really a fan of Taylor Swift anymore but I used to go on her official forum when I was younger a lot and it was great, and suddenly it shut down and a new phone app has taken its place, and I think that made me realise this sort of thing is now the norm, idk it makes me sad
>>497498Yeah, I remember being a kid and my school making a big deal out of only using nicknames when we were online and to only talk to people we knew, what a complete change nowadays, and you just know this shit to expose all this personal information about yourself has been encouraged and pushed by mega corporations wanting your data so they can advertise 24/7 and governments spying on what you're doing.
No. 497605
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Everything on MySpace before 2016 was totally wiped, supposedly by accident when they were moving servers. The biggest loss was probably the old music files stored on there.
>>497564There are still some that are active and I find browsing them a much more pleasant experience than the cesspools we have now on social media sites.
No. 497614
>>497464Yes, which is why I never got on the social media bandwagon.
I am used to that time when your internet persona had no connection to who you are in real life, and no one was trying to invade your privacy and get in your mind.
Nowadays people have been brainwashed on this “authenticity” bs, which time and time again makes us vulnerable, but if you go anon and don’t engage the way people think you should, you’re obviously hiding something.
I don’t understand why I need to post photos of my face and precise geo location on twitter, so that some keyboard warrior can use it to harass me or my family if I say something they don’t like.
Normies don’t care about anything because they’re fed on this ideal that we need more control on the internet so that they can’t read or watch anything that challenges or upsets them.
I just try to enjoy it while I can because there’s really nothing any of us can do to stop it.
No. 497864
No, you can go on as much as you like. I'm beyond tired of this shit and seeing my internet becoming this boring, soulless crapfest we have now. And I barely have any place to discuss this with anyone because most of these sites are full with the same people I'm criticizing. I know so many people, including myself, who get their content deleted by robot "admins" on websites (or even forums) for breaking the rules 'supposedly' for it just being SLIGHTLY racy; and this goes for pictures, videos, words, ect, whatever. Shit is making me sick right down to the bottom of my guts. Internet right now wants you to uniformly fit into the mold of what is acceptable and considered "right think" just like the real world was when we went to the internet to get away from that b.s.
Ah god, fuck YouTube. Seriously, beyond the EXTREME problems it has with the content restricting crap it keeps doing, on a more personal note i Keep having youtube randomly delete musics from my playlist for random fucking reasons..
No. 497876
>>497821Yes. Holy shit, yes, I'm particularly mad at how being interested at something obscure enough to become good about it basically makes you into an autistic sperg. On the internet.
We used to go online to be able to express ourselves without having to deal with this bullshit. You met people who were passionate and there had the chance to develop their talents and skills freely. Welp not anymore.
And I don't know how to express this but… I just noticed people nowadays just don't give a fuck anymore about anything that requires a minimum of thought to it? Like it may be just me having bad luck with my friendships but I gotta be hella careful not to show too much interest or be too knowledgeable of anything in general, cause that makes people go silent (and judge you I suppose). Idk, it may be that I'm just nostalgic but I don't remember people being this dumb. I used to be able at least to express my points of view in a respectful manner or to reflect on slightly deep stuff. Again it may be just my depression but I'm tired of dealing with fucking zombies. I'm starting to take the NPC meme literally anons….
No. 497880
>>497876No, it's not just you. I used to befriend many online friends who could respond well to my knowledge about a particular (or different) subjects and we'd engage in some pretty insightful conversations that I remember to this day. It felt deeply satisfying to do that. Those friends still act the same. Even some of the friends I met recently, but who were on the internet in the 2000s, can keep up the conversation and engage with me. They all similarly bemoan their problems with the internet becoming more shallow these days being full of normies who judge you for basically being a nerd, when the internet was started by nerds to begin with.
I definitely have a lot of experience with people going silent on me (and this is about stuff we have a mutual interest in and that they bring up in conversation & wanna talk about,) and only being captivated by the most minimal of details.
I remember I used to get excited online because of how the users would notice even the little things and talk about them or really develop a skill over the time but that seems less common?
You can even see that on imageboards these days. Try having an eloquent and well thought out response about any subject and they will just say, "lol sperg" and I honestly don't fucking get it. The internet is basically words on a screen so why not use it to your advantage? I didn't really see people have a problem with this until recently so seeing that shit confused the hell out of me.
No. 497882
>>497876I've noticed something similar, but I don't think it's because of how people are nowadays, it's a certain subset of people that have become dominant.
My mom has always been like this, making fun of my dad and I who are both huge computer nerds and rolling her eyes whenever I start getting excited about something.
I now work in data infrastructure and I can't talk to anyone about my work because just… Nobody cares about this shit anymore unless they're 40+ with years of industry experience. I was once invited to hold a lesson at my Alma mater and a student legit said "oh my god, who cares about stupid cables" and "who even uses this for programming anymore". Motherfucker, you just might when everyone who knows this shit dies of old age and everyone starts crying about it. Everyone wants to be a game developer nowadays but jobs that actually matter are mocked.
No. 497893
>>497882>Everyone wants to be a game developer nowadays but jobs that actually matter are mocked.Oh my God this, fucking scrotes. Almost EVERY DUDE I get to know in my programming courses that got into it vocationally pulls the "I wAnNa MaEk GaEms XD" or this sort of super shallow reasons as their goddamn motivation. They are infuriating because it shows how little fucking idea they've got about the field they've chosen; if you wanna learn a videogame engine there are plenty of unity and rpg maker toturials both paid and for free out there. And then these are the same sexist pieces of shit who mock women on computing on the internet; irl I have to get up from my seat and go explain again constantly whatever the teacher just said moments ago to these fucking cumbrains and the best part is that I'm still learning myself. they can all go fuck themselves.
Anyway anon, your job sounds pretty interesting. I'm just so glad there is people like you left who worries about this sort of stuff instead of always picking the easy route. I wish you tons of luck at your job, it's very motivating personally to know people like this exist.
No. 497897
>>497880>You can even see that on imageboards these days. Try having an eloquent and well thought out response about any subject and they will just say, "lol sperg" and I honestly don't fucking get it.Damn it, exactly. I noticed this too, and learned the hard way not to make any sort of insightful remarks on a place like 4chan that takes more than 4 words to write because there is no point to it and it feels like you are just wasting your time. Hell I can't even reply seriously in some threads on this site sometimes because I know the replies will completely miss the point or just dodge the issue and reply with some logical fallacy. Sadly most of people if they run out of arguments, they'll play dirty to win an argument instead of shutting up or admitting they were mistaken.
Also I've got this personal theory of mine that there are many people with an attention span so short, it's very difficult to them to read more than 3 or 4 line of text straight… These sort of people are into imageboards for the shitposting culture and the epic maymays I suppose.
No. 497943
>>497882glad people like you exist Anon.
I work for a hardware company and in a tech hub city full of software scrotes… I don't even know what to say 99% of the time bc I see their eyes glaze over when I give even the layman's rundown but their egos refuse to admit defeat and I'm not even a Dev. just trying to even explain what my company does makes ppl self destruct
No. 497979
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>>497830That's why I still like to browse Tumblr sometimes, it's one of the last sites I know of that gives you free reign on customizing your page. I still see some interesting ones from time to time.
>>497867I'm noticing this shit seeping into every website I visit, even on places that have nothing to do with politics.
No. 498061
>>497564>Does anyone feel sad over the fact that forums aren't as popular as they used to be?Yeah. I first started going to forums way back in the late 90's, and they were usually related to bands I liked or record labels. I wasted years on messageboards like that, having fun, discovering music, even meeting a few people in real life.
The ones that exist now are mostly just hobbling along, with only a few posts a day. Everyone just posts on social media instead. I miss a more decentralized internet.
No. 498119
>>497821>>497876Honestly I thought it was just me, I'm so relieved to see people agreeing with the observation that it's no longer socially acceptable to be passionate about things that aren't unbelievably shallow. I'm a cosplayer and before it was shameful to cosplay as characters you didn't even know for attention, but now it's more or less encouraged because it would be ~*autistic*~ to actually enjoy anything else than social media recognition. It's like it's some embarrasssing repetition of the casual normie dominated high school world, people who have no ambitions get threatened by people who give a shit about things.
Also I really hope social media dies in the 2020's. The websites only exist to gather user data to sell to companies at this point, they don't give a shit about their users as long as they get that profiling done. People campaigning for muh creator rights left and right thinking they can change Youtube or Instagram or whatever but no, it's not gonna happen. Why would they spend their time catering to the needs of the "creators" when they can't profit off of them? As long as they get to earn billions tracking your behavior they're good. It's better to make a personal website if you want to be 100% in charge of your own content. At least that way you won't be permanently banned and removed from your source of income the moment you break some of their everchanging rules no person can keep track of.
No. 498129
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>>498127im none of those anons you quoted but you just proved their point right, cornball. L.
No. 498141
>>498119samefagging to fix *become threatened by fuck me autocorrect
>>498136I'm pretty sure anon's just trolling to prove a point. But that's how a lot of people are in the online communities now, having any interests or passions is considered to be ew creepy yikes!!! as everything has to cater to the mediocre casuals. Internet used to be for us autismos having communities where we could be passionate about whichever thing we loved but after the commercialization of the internet everything has to be bland and forgettable.
No. 500654
>>500623Hard agree on everything being controlled now. I had some fucker report my content for being something he personally disliked (despite it not breaking any actual rules whatsoever and fitting within the community I was in) in which he managed to get the ENTIRE hashtag banned just by using multiple accounts to report me over and over again!
Guys, I'm just not having fun on the internet anymore. Everything is just coming out of habit. It's only to keep in contact with some important people, some news, and listen to music these days and that's all. Even forum discussions is not doing it for me anymore.
I also agree again on the passionate thing, I've had so many people over the years in modern internet times act like I was a dork or weirdo for talking about something in depth (even something as simple as modern culture) yet what's funny if you talk about something that SEXUALLY interests them they can't stop rambling about it. Ugh, fucking coomers.
No. 500694
>>500664fuuuuck seriously???
i'm so fucking sad now
No. 500697
>>500694yeah…they say that they are out of cash and lost listeners due to spotify taking over and them being unable to keep up pretty much
also they already shut down at the end of the year i forgot it was that soon
No. 500705
>>500664Yeah I heard about that, it really made me sad because I've been using it since like 2014. Also, did you see that Moshi Monsters will no longer be online and now there's an app? I introduced my little cousins to it - now they can't access it online. It just added to my frustrations about everything being an app now, it's the format that sells more and it's so sad because so many online games and website are shutting down now because of it.
I miss the popularity of forums too and websites made for individual movies and books and such - I get such a thrill when stumbling around the net and seeing some website from the early 2000s for some character from an old show. I love how you could customise your own page and blog, now everything looks so minimal and alike on social media there's literally no individuality. I just love the look and feel of the 2000s internet, maybe it's just nostalgia but I miss it all
No. 500725
>>500639I just wanna say that I completely sympathize with you. Most of the internet communities that I joined, I found out about just around the time they stopped gaining traction. And even when I started using tumblr in like 2013 or whatever, it never really felt like a place that promoted discussion EVEN if I shared the same interests with these people, or at least not in the circles that I was following. It was always just sharing fanart and short funny banter / memes.
It turned out that in all the years I was there I managed to add a whole total of two (2)!! people on Skype, shortly after which we stopped talking. I know the drama on that hellsite could get to batshit levels, but I still wish I'd been a part of it just so I could laugh about it to my other friends.
No. 500942
>>500937Apologies here to OP, ended up just nostalgia blog posting instead of putting any thought or focus to the topic at hand.
Though I suppose it was in consideration of the topic at hand that I came to lament these things.
It's something I think draws a lot of people's curiosity towards the darknet, that it feels like a little untouched piece of the internet that still hosts all the mystery of the old internet.
It hurts to see all of these corporate giants eat up and dispose of all the old internet, all of these grains and tidbits of information I truly wish could be fully archived. But that's life and age, and our current societal climate, I suppose… as soon as it became clear the internet could be used for profit and revenue, this outcome was inevitable…
No. 500951
>>500654Just so you know you're not alone, I've had this happen to me a few times online. It's gotten to the point that I no longer post on social media or message boards where people can attach names - even fake ones/pen names - to accounts because I am so sick of this shit. I get tired of randoms whom you have never interacted with, suddenly going apeshit on you because you said something that offended them or because they're bootlickers and want to raise their points by getting in with authority.
>>500692I don't know if it will be the internet as we know it now but I think there will be something in the future. But, then again, as I get older I don't really feel as attached to the internet as I used to. It's not the same anymore. Now everything is surface web shit, sjw kool-aid, outrage culture and witch hunts, normies whining and bullying people. The web has turned to shit. It's the regular world now with all its tragedies and failures condensed into a digital space. I used to go online to get away from the bullshit, because I felt like I could actually be myself. Now being yourself makes you a target. I hate it.
No. 500956
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RIP due to rumors of child pr0n
No. 500962
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RIP imdb message boards
No. 501037
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>>497865>censoring anythingwe used to have a literal pedobear
cp has always been against the rules, but censoring any speech, INCLUDING "it's ephebophilia actually" and everything you might hate and consider immoral, goes against the spirit of what the internet used to stand for
No. 501062
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No Lain in a thread about internet overcoming real life?
My main hateboner is directed to kids/gen z online. Remember the paranoia some parents used to have from online predators? Where has that shit gone to? The internet will never be childfriendly. Aside of interacting with users. Nothing will compare to flash games. Apps are literal trash and I'm sure it will affect them. Try to download any app from a youtube add, and it will storm you with adds. If kids had less attention span with console gaming and cartoonnetwork/nickelodeon, now they will have 0.
Have someone noticed how internet also affected the toy industry? There is a literal unicorn that poops diarrea. Most popular toys are blind bags. Emojis everywhere, not even disney, emojis.
Tinfoil, but everytime the US has election campaigns, everything goes to the trash. I can't wait for it to be over so everyone (somehow, probably won't) chill out.
The switch between eras occured while I was offline. I moved to my grandparents house while it still was (in my region) shameless to like superhero movies and memes, not everyone would watch youtubers. One and a half year later (once I got a computer back) and the normiest of my friends had a lol-trollface-fuuu-pedobear-etc banner on her facebook profile and everybody was talking about memes and "geek" content. It was sureal for me. Mostly because I knew that if I tried to introduce them to that stuff myself chances are I would have failed.
Now massive tinfoil, compare society now with art movements. I don't jerk off to the Mona Lisa, but the sudden shift to weird and effortless works, plus those stupid "it's about how you perceive it" can be the first signs of how society changed now.
Corporations know they can directly force the rules (they actually do, but) they have to paint it all in pink with toxic hugboxes so everyone can simulate they have control.
I will finish my ted talk saying that "tl;dr" is for twitterpussies. I can keep sperging and blogging about how society doesn't care and don't have the minimum reading comprehention, but that might be out of topic.
No. 501281
>>497325Yahoo is cancerous; every decision that they've made in the past decade or so has been a disaster and when Yahoo! Finance and tumblr inevitably lose their already-dwindling popularity then they won't have much left.
Here are some resources related to the dying internet:
>If you're interested in archiving websites for all to see, has a tool that allows you to do so easily (and access dead sites easily, though for some reason they've been having issues with losing what seemed to be archived sites and loading certain archived content over the past few years):
>If you're interested in doing some hardcore archival, reddit has /r/datahoarding.
>If you're feeling nostalgic for web 1.0 then there's a search engine for old sites that are still alive:
>If you want to look at old usenet content then it's all(?) on No. 501519
>>501471It's the actual worst thing ever, sometimes it even feels like a concentrated attack on small scale forums and blogs in order to keep us in the lane of Big Social Media and listicle sites. Google's preferences for Pintrest and YouTube has single handedly killed my ability to learn things with Google.
>>501476I keep trying to do this but it's hard to change a regular habit. I hope their functions improve as more users move to it.
No. 501604
>>501471Fucking this, Anon, I've taken to using duckduckgo like another suggested but even then it really feels like I can't find tons of sites I'd have easily gotten to a year or two ago, even.
It's ass and I constantly use the add "reddit" to the end of it thing too, it's infuriating.
No. 501605
>>501589I'm assuming anon meant more along the lines of "too old to be online" as in wasn't born into a generation that was as impacted by it/it wasn't as accessible to them. They didn't grow up on it.
Lots of us are older now but started coming online in our youth.
No. 501625
>>501471>>501604Same, anons! Conspiracy that Reddit and Google are in on this together?
Remember the good old days when you can type in your question and the first results would be the exact words you asked?
Anyway, Bing is no better. I used it today to search a hotel and the actual hotel's website was the fifth search result down and also preceded by a map with recommendations of nearby hotels.
No. 501675
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Fuck it, I'm so tired of the current internet anons. Nothing is stimulating to my mind anymore, I can't find any new information unless I dig extremely deep for it and go to the trusted websites I know (that Google refuses to index). The internet is just boring and one big corporate advertisement right now. Everywhere wants to watch what you do, and collect information on you, and try to get you to think about things you don't feel like thinking about.
I'm just so tired. I can't even find solace in the "interesting" communities anymore, you know the ones of my hobbies and interests, because all of it is so decentralized now yet centralized at the same time, there's only few places where people really go to congregate to now and mostly everything else is a fucking ghost zone. Nobody really holds that passion and ire for their hobbies and interests anymore, it's all the same surface level shit being discussed just like a bunch of boring normies in the real world unlike the way it used to be with the most passionate of nerds coming to talk about their hobby and learn. They only wanna talk about the most over exposed, mainstream shit, and just want to repeat whatever they saw before over and over again, again like ads. They try to silence you for disagreeing with them. They only want the most shallow and surface level type of discussion, and maybe look at pretty images, and that's it. It's not satisfying. It's not deep. It ain't fun either.
I'm tired of the current internet crowd either. They have so much "hobbies" but they have the attention span of a gnat and don't wanna talk about anything and they don't wanna bond either. I'm tired of pretty much the only fucking traffic and "interest" going to ad driven shit, or pornography/sex crap.
I don't know what to do with the current state of internet. It's not a place for me or anybody like me anymore. It's just real life without the real touch and fun you get from it. There's no real point of the internet anymore. I noticed this change since 2008 but it's still hard to believe how much downhill it's gotten in just over a decade..
I'm not looking forward to the state of things as this decade progresses
No. 501678
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>>501675I am feeling the exact same thing, right now. I'm trying to detoxify from the internet, so I can expand my attention span, but it seems so hard right now, I always jump on the internet trying to find something to satisfy my mind, but I guess the only escape is books and dig into obscure communities.
I would like to find something new on the internet, but I don't know any interesting site. Mind to share, maybe?
No. 501682
>>501678I don't know any interesting websites unfortunately, I just keep wishing between other imageboards and some forums to get some true gold content. It delivers very rarely, but eh. Those places are at least filled with other people like me, even if they aren't particularly a majority.
>>501679I'm definitely going to try to get off the internet considering I was on it too much during the 2000s and 2010s. Too bad where I currently live there's so much suburban sprawl and everyone (especially the young people, who are all socially awkward/reclusive) keeps to themselves in a bad way. Not sure if that's an American thing, or a global trend, or just my city though.
No. 501683
>>501675>Nobody really holds that passion and ire for their hobbies and interests anymore, it's all the same surface level shit being discussed just like a bunch of boring normies in the real world unlike the way it used to be with the most passionate of nerds coming to talk about their hobby and learnShh, don't use the n-word, someone will get mad here and call you a sexist incel or something.
On a more serious note, I've noticed the same. There is a large forum for all the people working in my industry and recently there's been an influx of millenials and zoomers posting stupid questions instead of doing their own research (which would be way faster and easier since there's slow days on the forum and most things that are discussed are news and changes).
Sometimes they're even brazen enough to address it in their OP, like "hey guys! I know you get these questions every fucking day and I'm so sorry (but I'm still not going to google it or look for older questions because I want you to cater to ME specifically), but I need help with xyz", or "what should I study in school to get a job in this industry and make BIG BUCKS? Is this an industry where I can make BIG BUCKS? I specifically want a job that gets me BIG BUCKS, did I mention that? I guess the thing you do is kinda cool too and I'll say a few vague things about why I "love this industry so much", but I want to make it as clear as possible that I'm only interested in the money." They make it really hard to not get called a shallow normie.
If there are any location-based communities I was a part of, they all got flooded with Americans and Canadians asking dumb tourist questions, calling themselves a "dumb American" then proceeding to ask more dumb tourist questions they could have googled, and outsiders generally wanting to be spoonfed, then getting pissy when people tell them to make their own itinerary and that we're not their personal travel agency. You can't have proper discourse anymore about your local issues in the one place on the internet people won't assume you're a yank, because yanks will just insert themselves there anyway and make it about them. Thanks, I hate it.
No. 501704
>>501700i read your words anon, i'm always here to observe you and i cherish every letter you type.
tbh tho i agree w what you're saying, so many people online seem to lack any reading comprehension and it isn't even esls that do that. or just reply to you in convo as if you had never given any input and they're just monologuing about their own bs. frustrating.
No. 501762 spent hours poring over this website; it's nostalgic yet ahead of its time. The creator uses his real full name, location, photos, links his social media (lol xanga and MySpace) and there's a lack of shorthand "tech speak", which was practically unheard of in the early 00s. Even his neopets username was a reference to Area 51!
This website has been defunct since 2012 or 2013. He's not really indexed in search engines either. This guy is around 40 now. I hope he's doing well and making that big tech money. He really paved the way for younger millennials like me.
No. 501873
i think the internet really started going to shit when big companies bought all the popular sites and apps like Facebook, twitter, youtube etc. they used to be creative and fun and more authentic in a way, now they're completely dominated by google, political agendas, and just overall shady business controlling every aspect. youtube is now filled with ads and talk shows and horrible content creators being pushed out by trending for example. it's so easy for the companies owning these platforms to control the users with what they're allowed to see and not see, the news they show, the people they promote etc, it's just killed all the fun good stuff of them. every time some new social media app gets popular i just think how long it'll take until a huge tech company takes over and ruins what was good about it. that's why smaller niche communities online are nicer to visit, they haven't been infested with that stuff.
it's also interesting (and a little sad) how often i'm hearing about how people used to take a break from life by going online, and now it's the exact opposite. online is almost exactly the same as your real life by now, with all your life necessities and hobbies on your phone, it makes it impossible to live without. like now people are totally okay with putting in their full names and address, their school, talking about life events and showing their face. their online persona and real life are interconnected now.
No. 501876
>>501607Not to burst your placenta but I'm not the anon who was saying you're 'too old for the internet'. I didn't really state that anyone is 'too old', for that matter.
>>501620Yeah, I know exactly what you mean sis'
>>501637If I'm being honest, I don't think they always were. Or at least, I don't think the content creators who were older necessarily participated.
I mean, when you consider it, lots of edgy and out there spaces were indeed ran by people who really weren't that old. Look at Mootles and 4chan, for example.
Not the OP, but if anything I'm pretty sure most of the people I interacted with were other teens my (real) age who were all (also) lying about their real age (being older than we are).
Though maybe that varies a lot based on where you hung out. I remember lots of adults using MSN chatrooms for ERP, but as far as I could gather they were open/upfront about their ages and it wasn't based on age realted deception (beyond maybe cat fishing if pics were involved)
No. 501877
>>501647I know. I have a super old account with relics of nostalgia and pre-teen to teen photos I've got no other copies of, and they won't even let me DL them.
People can't seriously be paying into memberships for PB. My theory is they shut down to push traffic towards Imgur. And maybe my memory is defunct but I don't even remember anyone using Imgur back when Photobucket was still good to go… It was like Photobucket, Imageshack (I think?) or Tinypics, haha. Or those few weirdos who would direct link from their own Angelfire websites for some reason.
No. 501925
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>>501873TikTok is the social media app I'm scared of most since it's Chinese owned. Makes me wonder what intel the ChiComs and globalists are gathering worldwide.
No. 501947
File: 1578415784365.png (40.99 KB, 570x470, 234976587.png)

One of the biggest changes I've seen on the internet is on 4chan. The memes were a lot edgier but at least it wasn't as normie as all of the twitter memes are nowadays. People are too afraid to makes jokes that are potentially "
problematic" now and it ruins a lot of the internet humor.
>>501931Reddit has become infested with idiotic men. Maybe it's always been that way, but I seriously can't stand it at this point. But it's one of the only websites where you can learn helpful things or ask for advice, so I'm kind of stuck.
No. 501949
>>501947anon please explain this image what is happening.
Also, 4chan is still edgy to me, I don't see a change at all honestly except for BLACKED, n-word and ((())) memes still being prevalent for years
No. 501982
File: 1578423222874.gif (888 KB, 400x225, IfdS.gif)

>>501964Can somebody explains what does Youtube gains by acting the way it does and demonetizing so many videos, including content by popular youtubers? I really don't get it, it's like Youtube is giving an incentive for people to leave its platform and seems counterproductive in the long run. I know there is no serious competitor at the moment but I still don't understand what's Youtube exactly gaining from all of this.
No. 501991
>>501982I don't either. I opened my app this morning on my phone and had no idea what was going on as I was trying to find something to listen to while I was making breakfast. I did a quick google search and saw on reddit it's due to the COPPA (sp?) ruling or whatever. I can't be assed to read through all the bullshit or read between the lines on their reasoning but the changes make no sense if they're designed to somehow protect kids???
It's pretty counterintuitive and while at the moment it hasn't affected everything I watch, it makes me leery that it is only going to get worse and worse to the point where you won't be able to watch or use the site effectively without hitting these retarded roadblocks. It's like they're actively trying to fuck themselves into oblivion.
No. 501994
File: 1578425199765.jpg (22.1 KB, 512x384, 2q3ifl.jpg)

>>501982Gather around me children, and I shall sing lute of the time when YouTube was a rising and popular platform with creators who produced content before monetization and ads.
Turns out the creators were too whiny and inappropriate for what advertisers wanted, so now they're pulling the rug before YT gets into legal heat which would be more expensive to them than losing a few unboxing prima donnas.
No. 502006
>>497564Count me in among people missing forums.
I know it's partly just that I'm older, but it feels like it's the same shit over and over and over again on the internet now. Felt like there used to be more personality and character before, but know basically everyone follows the same trends, same media, same jokes - like take "best of" lists, I think they used to have a lot more variety across websites and people, now it's the same overhyped shit on every site (80% of which will be forgotten in 5 years).
No. 502009
>>501675This. I want to find and talk to people who have DEEP interest in my hobbies, not people for who it's a passing fad or a very casual hobby. You'd think in the entire internet I'd be able to find SOME people.
The only times I do tbh is on certain chan boards because they attract people who are as autistically obsessed with things as I am, but often I just don't have the energy to weed through the incels and people who just want to push their agenda or rile up retarded debates to find the one or two people who actually know what they're talking about.
No. 502019
>>502017Yeah, for long form there's only really reddit which is a horrifying mix of idiots with the most normie tastes who think they're cultured intellectuals and shame you for being "elitist" or "gatekeeping" if you have actual standards.
Also, tumblr was a mess at best, but I hate how over the past few years fandoms have basically moved to twitter (or reddit/discord), the character limit is too, well, limiting.
No. 502022
>>502019yes! tumblr had a soft place in my heart for being so versatile in customizing your blog and what types of posts you could make, but it was pretty impossible to have conversations as reblogging was so cumbersome and resulted in long, long posts.
i liked it for fandom type things but all the fandoms i was into are long dead, and searching for fandom content on twitter is near impossible because its search function sucks and no one hashtags their stuff (understandably). I despise twitter
No. 502023
>>502021The way nobody seems to torrent anymore is bizarre. I get that Netflix is convenient but I see a lot of people who struggle with money paying for multiple streaming services, and it's literally the easiest cost to cut when you want to save money. I don't believe for a second it's out of any moral obligation to support the industry, it's like people literally just don't know torrenting exists or how easy it is.
Oh well, I hope it never catches back on so ISPs don't start cracking down on it again.
No. 502026
>>502022I used the tumblr messaging lol (I think it was added in some form in like 2014?) and eventually if I talked to someone long enough, we'd swap contact details for something like Line. But yeah, reblogging was horrible for having conversations, which is why I stalked blogs of posts I liked, and then messaged them.
It's funny, I used reddit way more (though not for fandom stuff), the drama and histrionics were the worst on tumblr, and I constantly felt I was walking on eggshells in my public posts - but everyone I actually got to know personally somewhat and talked one-to-one online I got to know via tumblr.
>>502023Ikr? I think people are just put off by the original learning stage and just want immediate convenience. I'm stunned at how helpless many are when it's not on streaming though, like if I figured this shit out on my own at 12/13 being quite new to the internet, I'm sure you can do it without handholding every step of the way. I hope.
Also, the people that DO torrent act like you NEED to pay £50+/year for a VPN to torrent, and while it depends on your ISP, I've torrented god knows how much tv, anime, music (does soulseek count?) etc and never got so much as a warning letter. Even when you do get a warning letter, it doesn't normally actually do shit.
>Oh well, I hope it never catches back on so ISPs don't start cracking down on it again.Problem is, we need people to seed shit/put up torrents/links for more obscure stuff. I swear there used to be more options.
No. 502053
>>502028i think normies are more afraid of piracy now, whereas back in the day it felt like just about everyone pirated. they probably think it's the only way viruses are spread now or something
>>502023i got into private trackers because even though i have access to streaming services, they often don't have what i want. sometimes i actually want the files too. i also find it's a good way to discover new media because the people on those sites are normally very interested in the media being shared, so they have developed tastes.
but i swear there is a weird taboo around piracy now, at least in some spaces. video games are probably the worst for this. if you admit to pirating sims 4 on simblr you may as well say you were a nazi guard
>>502026it depends on country/isp. but yeah people don't generally need vpns. if you get on private trackers you definitely don't need one. you can just not respond to the threatening letters isps send and nothing will happen anyway
No. 502059
>>502053I think it's also that people are moving away from keeping digital copies of anything, they want to stream and never worry about saving or organizing their files.
I'm the opposite, I can't stand not having everything saved and backed up, perfectly organized and cultivated with custom icons etc.
No. 502063
>>502059Haha, I'm the same. Got a 2TB external drive of everything (tv and movies, old personal files, even youtube videos incase they're removed etc)
>tfw still have the very same painstakingly organised iTunes library I've had for over a decade (since I got an iPod for my 12th birthday) now with over 100GB of just music files. Fuck streaming music especially, I want to control and organise and not depend on an internet connection or things being taken down.
No. 502068
>>502063Oh man, same! I'm still clinging to itunes and my 160gb ipod classic. It's clunky software but I love how manual it is, I need that control over my music collection. Not only do I hate spotify, I hate using my phone for music in general because I can't use the control buttons without looking at it.
Recently I somehow wiped my ipod and my itunes library at the same time and had to use a 2 year old backup, somehow all my new music reappeared and it's fine now but I was so devastated kek. I cried my eyes out thinking I'd lost everything I'd saved in the past few years.
No. 502069
File: 1578440137000.png (184.61 KB, 573x678, bots.png)

>>501931I recently learned how many bots and how much advertising being disguised as genuine posts goes on on reddit. I've also seen posts that people believe to be literal propaganda. The bot thing is the creepiest for me because I don't really understand their motivation for doing this (aside from the obvious spammers). They tend to have years-old dormant accounts that all "wake up" at the exact same time and start posting innocuous things in random subreddits. Honestly I refuse to use "mainstream" reddit now just because I'm not sure how much of it is fake, it'll probably ramp up with the American election later this year as well.
No. 502077
>>502068> had to use a 2 year old backup, somehow all my new music reappeared and it's fine now but I was so devastated kek. I cried my eyes out thinking I'd lost everything I'd saved in the past few years.Oh no, I would totally understand the pain lol!
That's why I'm kinda obsessive about regular back ups. I hate being so attached to something so easily lost and probably soon to be obsolete, but on top of all the time I put organising it properly, it's like 10 years of history. Like if I browse through by date added, I can see my tastes slowly change from top 40 pop to emo shit to p4k/mu-core shit, to older and older shit before getting into Romantic Era classical shit. I can see the exact date I suddenly discovered The Smiths (and like every teenage girl, thought I had such cool alternative taste…).
Ah, I just want to archive everything - in general I hate seeing all this data slipping away to a point where it can never be retrieved. People say that what's online stays online forever, but imo the internet actually has a very short memory and technology becomes outdated so fast.
No. 502112
>>502006>>502017No, you're right in that the same shit over and over again is only popular on the internet, and that people ignore you, or smother your opinion down with theirs, ect, if you AREN'T posting about the same shit. Everything also feels very forced, like a bot is controlling most things talked about. Even the funny stuff gets tiring after a day or two. Nothing is authentic.
Only superficial and shallow shit has been rewarded in the past 5-8 years online and it really has shown in the "next gen" internet stuff.
>>502009I don't know what happened to all those people but I am assuming something happened to them like they just gave up on the internet or forced to abandon their old interest due to how so many people say "lol you're autistic!1111" or meet them with silence for having interest.
>>502021People on the internet got so fucking retarded in the past decade, I swear. They might as well be your neighbor Thomas down the street.
No. 502152
>>502109The OP is 100% in the wrong, though. I've hiked that trail a few times and it's packed as fuck.
BUT I think there are worse threads. The ones I can't stand are the AITA threads when a man cheats and everyone responds "ohhh noo he has children and a wife don't tell you'd ruin everything" versus if a woman cheats they say "Dump her! Once a cheater, always a cheater!"
Reddit fucking sucks.
No. 502158
File: 1578457685618.png (430.83 KB, 569x336, 1486006140552.png)

>>501519>>501471This. Plus, I noticed a short time after they launched their image search function, they somehow changed it to barely find anything, or only pinterest links, which basically made it useless. It's terrible. I just use yandex image search nowadays.
And by the way, if you want to avoid pinterest in your search, copy-paste the following and add your search term at the end:
No. 502163
>>501647>>501877To view the non-manipulated images, you can use the chrome extension "Photobucket hotlink fix". To download public Photobucket albums (without the blur and watermark!), you can use gallery-dl ( It's a bit of a hassle to set up if you use the Pip way but it's an amazing tool. If you go with the Standalone Executable way that they recently added, you simply download the Windows or Linux .exe file, open the command window (just click on the windows button on the button left and type in "cmd", that's an easy way to find it), and then type in the location of your exe file + the website link. For example: C:\Users\YourName\gallery-dl\gallerydl.exe youtube download tool "youtube-dl" also works the same way btw)
You can save many other websites with it too, all neatly sorted in folders and subfolders. And I noticed for tumblr, they also download the censored "adult" posts! Here's a list: if I sound like an ad or something, but this tool and its developers and helpers are simply amazing. I already saved 2 TB of data thanks to it.
No. 502182
>>502006I miss forums so much. I used to spend way too much time writing on different forums and met so many fun people that way. I also miss chat rooms and irc channels, I still have friends from back like 2005 that I met through different chat platforms. Now people just use Twitter and Instagram and never have to learn to tolerate different people, something you absolutely had to do in IRC channels and forums. Now you can just block anyone with a different opinion and continue living on inside your hollow echo chamber.
>>502019>Yeah, for long form there's only really reddit which is a horrifying mix of idiots with the most normie tastes who think they're cultured intellectuals and shame you for being "elitist" or "gatekeeping" if you have actual standards. This. Gatekeeping is the stupidest fucking buzzword of the 2010s and only used by normies who are butthurt that dirty nerds don't fall to their feet worshiping them for the great virtue of not giving an actual fuck about something.
No. 502200
>>501964A song I was listening to from 1971 was marked for kids because it's called, "Family Affair"
Fucking YouTube, man. The walls are closing in fast
No. 502203
>>502193They're all fucking annoying and make my skin itch
Sadly the aita threads get worse than that
No. 502213
>>502184This. My friends give me shit for online streaming having "inferior quality" when nowadays you can stream most movies in 1080p HD and that's fine enough. Putlocker has like every movie ever available, Netflix has nothing.
>>502109Nah anon, that OP is a cunt. I have zero mercy for people who play music from bluetooth speakers in public, let alone a place where people come to enjoy nature in peace. Multiple people even before the rude couple told her politely to shut the music down and she didn't budge. Yeah yeah you shouldn't call a stranger a fat bitch but she gave them attitude in the first place and probably redacted all the snarky shit she said herself.
No. 502744
>>501770No way, but I bet they sell out one day and all the data they claim not to track you with goes for $$$$$
I don't trust any devs. I use it over Google as at least I'm spreading the info around a bit.
No. 505362
Came here to complain but another example:
I just googled "elder scrolls 6" because I wanted some updates on it.
The first three results gave me generic game news sites that look like they've been made by the same people because every site asked me to not run adblocker or else pay them. A pay wall just to look at fucking gaming news? Please.,,
Come on. This is all the same people paying to be at the top of the search results and then getting more ad revenue or being behind a paywall. This is ridiculous. And I'm sure it extends beyond just games with how many websites they own and get money from.
Also meant to reply to this anon but forgot
>>501625There was another instance I googled something that shouldn't have pulled up a reddit thread at all. I forget what it was. But reddit threads were the FIRST result for no reason. I don't know if that's the algorithm for me sometimes typing reddit on the end or what.
So I'm going to buy into that conspiracy now.
No. 505363
>>504573>I miss the days when you could find fanart of a character that wasn't saturated to the brim with artists fishing for followers and instead drawn by people who cared more about the work an the character.God. This. So much this. I had already forgotten how things used to be, a lot of fanart just doesn't do it for me anymore because the stuff you see on your feed is obviously made by people fishing for likes and exposure. They barely even know the character's name, they just want to milk on the popularity.
I hate social media for "connecting" everyone, as in putting them in the same space which obviously creates clout farmers and sociopaths going at each others' throats. Everything seems so disposable and disingenuous now.
No. 505789
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I really miss xoJane, especially Cat's old articles. 90% of the time I was just hate-reading, and I disagreed and even disliked a lot of the writers, but it had a certain je ne sais quoi that Manrepeller and lolcow just don't fill. Maybe I just miss hot mess culture.
No. 505876
>>505815>>505792>>505789That's interesting because when that culture came on the internet and I knew the internet's demographics was shifting and more normalfags were coming online.
While I do agree this era had more media made for and by women the gossip stuff was particularly littered with a lot of misogyny and hateful attitudes about different types of women outside the molded norm. Idk why so many anons are nostalgic for the "dumb bitch" culture of the 2000s when it was focused on making women look as dumb and as much as slutty fuckups as possible? It was fake too but in its own way.
No. 505878
>>505792>>505815You guys seem completely blinded by nostalgia goggles. Places like jezebel and xojane were originators of woke cancel culture lmao
>>505789Kinda ot but does anyone think it's fucked that the founder of manrepeller got married to an investment banker?
No. 506342
>>505876>>505878I don't think xoJane/vain was ever GOOD lol I just miss hate reading messy stories and comments (hence why I come to lolcow). It does annoy me that women are always on their best behaviour online lest some scrote use them as an example of AWALT, or because some bitch is going to feel "shamed" by what you said. I also feel like everything is overly curated these days whereas being online used to feel like a break from that sort of IRL perfectionism (at least for me).
>>505878I get it because clothes and fashion cost money. MR used to somewhat interest me for her kooky choices, but now it's just xoJane without the funny parts. Everything is so bland.
No. 507676
>>501964>>501982>>501991>>501994You all getting it wrong, it's due to some stupid US based law was lobbied by, big surprise, streaming services who had to compete with free child content.
The "real" reason behind it is "to protect the children" from being data mined by Youtube (to make matching ads- which was very profitable for gulag), because you know only children privacy matters.
>>501989>>502157I miss the AMVs and not being forced to use gulag account.
No. 523138
>>505363>Everything seems so disposable and disingenuous now.It really does. I don't know what to really do now. Making fan art and connecting with fans through it was my favorite hobby to do after work. It's very therapeutic. I've considered making a fan webcomic. Webcomics seem to be one of the last things left you can do that requires connection to create and consume.
>>521570I don't think it's weird you're getting upset! My friend and I were discussing Livejournal and Dreamwidth the other night. She talked about how she would roleplay, and I talked about how I would follow the roleplay drama communities. Everything was crazy and cozy. You had that nice mix of social media connection while you could still stand out. I miss it.
No. 546423
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>>546419most of them get removed from the playlist automatically but there's a few still showing up like this (private and deleted)
No. 546438
File: 1587940365934.jpg (639.74 KB, 1824x1300, 1345830369414.jpg)

Everything in this thread is spot-on on how I feel about the ugly corporate shill internet. I wonder why these weirdo CEOs who have money, WANT MORE FUCKING MONEY. Are they fucking hoarders or some shit?
Whenever I see a youtuber plugging in a forced script sponsor, I can't help but feel disgusted. It used to just be a minor peeve, but its gotten so common that its not fucking funny anymore. It even gets me mad sometimes.
>>501947I started going there less and less after 2012; in its own way, 4chan has become like the mainstream culture of corporate ad spam, but instead boards are over flooded with the same old shitposting. Its gotten harder and harder to find that one thread that has actual discussions and annoying newfags.
No. 546466
>>505726I know this was 3 months ago but if you still pop in here anon, thank you!! I'm downloading it now! I also started using duck duck go more and I like it.
If anyone has any suggestions for phone apps for these problems I'll take them!
No. 577652
>>501471I think the disappearance of the internet is more about corporate monopoly and information consolidation and control.
You get your official narrative on things from few websites usually through google. Wikipedia only uses "trusted" sites for news stories. Even if the original events/research run counter to the opinion of the article.
Reddit, Youtube and Twitter are able to control through bots what is trending and what isn't.
This is more about turning the internet back into TV/Newspapers, they all follow the corporate talking points.
No. 606428
>>602425Same anon. Deviant art had some decent dress up games too.
Also who the hell makes those fucked up Elsa games anyway? why would the website switch to those? I know if I saw that as a kid I’d click the fuck out.
No. 606639
>>602425I created SO many OCs on elouai candybar doll maker and dreamed of wearing these cute outfits I picked. It was back when ordering clothes online wasn't very easy or popular (plus I was underage and didn't have a credit card) so I just had to save all my dream outfits for the sparkly dollies.
>>606452Same. Only wish zoomers didn't fill it up with "create your own fat acceptance disabled trans nonbinary poc" ones.
No. 607197
>>602425YES!!!! to everything you just said, i agree. i am also on the old end of the zoomer spectrum and i honestly still play dressup games. ggg sucks now, but elouai still exists and you can still find old roiworld dressups! webkinz was also good and i liked habbo a lot too. although payment was involved for furni/hc which had its benefits, i got most of my stuff through scamming kek (i guess thats how i got creative).
club penguin became crappier when disney bought it but was still occasionally fun. some other great games were poupee girl, tinierme (only for reasons of dressing up lol), millsberry, and even though they are disney i thought pixiehollow was kinda cool (for the short time it was out) and vmk (just because i liked going on the monorail but i hardly played). its sad how many games have disappeared or are on the verge of disappearing especially because i never thought online games would be phased out/replaced
No. 607198
>>606452also samefag but agreed i have been using it for that same reason.
>>606639kek agreed i only do the cute ones
No. 780117
File: 1618056534190.png (5.69 KB, 300x168, αρχείο λήψης.png)

Yahoo answers will become read-only on April 20th and the archives will be deleted on May 4th.RIP
No. 837647
File: 1624561095997.jpg (35.86 KB, 600x450, 1500009940643.jpg)

Sorry for the necro, but another batch of information is about to be purged forever. This time youtube again but this time with unlisted videos and google drive links.
Youtube-dl also has been extremely slow lately due to a change on youtube's website, so if there's any playlists you want to save that might include unlisted videos, you should hurry up.>In a blog post today, Google announced a series of new security enhancements that will make many publicly accessible Google Drive links no longer accessible. The enhancements are being brought to Google Drive on September 23rd, 2021. XDA Developers reports:>Once this change goes live, Google says that users will need a "resource key" to access a publicly shared link. However, users won't need an updated link with said resource key appended if they've already accessed that file before in the past. As a result of this change, we can imagine that lots of Google Drive links shared online on forums and other sites will no longer work as their owners neglect to update them, leaving them only accessible to the people that have already clicked the links before.
>According to the post made on the Google Workspace blog, this won't affect all files. Users who have shared a file that is affected by this change will get an email from Google informing them of this change and how to opt out of needing those files from being updated. These emails will be sent out to users starting on July 26th. Google shared a copy of a sample email to show end-users what the message they'll get will look like. The company doesn't recommend opting out all files and says that only the files that you want publicly accessible should be opted out. Users have until September 13th to decide if they want the update applied, so if you have no files that are publicly accessible, then you won't need to do anything.>YouTube is also making similar changes. "Starting on July 23, Unlisted videos uploaded before the January 1, 2017, system change will be automatically made private," reports 9to5Google. "That said, YouTube creators can decide to opt out of this change. Filling out this form will let you 'keep your Unlisted videos uploaded before 2017 in their current Unlisted state.' Other options include making Unlisted pre-2017 videos public or re-uploading as a new Unlisted video at the expense of stats." No. 837659
>>837647The google drive stuff I can see it being an issue because of piracy
the unlisted youtube video thing just fucking sucks though, there's so many good videos unlisted and now they'll be gone forever.
No. 837885
>>837659piracy is good tho
but yeah to me it smells like they needed to do the thing with the unlisted videos because of something their legal team said, and they're doing the thing with the google drive to save bandwidth / hit forums and this is an opportunity to prove they're related.
No. 998256
File: 1639818585852.png (1.79 MB, 1531x846, picrel.PNG)

Man, if this is ever the thread for me. Glad it's been revived. I love the old state of the internet so much, and I have good news for you all nonnies!
A website had emerged in the past year called Spacehey. It's a Myspace reproduction made by a Zoomer German dude who missed out on the bulk of myspace popularity and wanted to create it for a younger generation. The platform is still in its infancy, but has a forum section (as many have pointed out, they've missed), customizable HTML profiles, and a bit more.
The only thing I don't see is the ability to create photo albums, which I honestly don't mind as I share the sentiment with many on this thread that the internet has become way too much about putting everything in our lives out there instead of engaging with others on topics, interests and hobbies.
It's attracted a lot of zoomer scene and emo kids who want to act like it's 2008, and it's really fascinating to read through these modern profiles. I ended up spending hours just combing through them.
Picrel is a random profile I pulled up as an example of what you can expect.
No. 1040504
>>497325If you had to ask me, I actually prefer this modern "breakdown" of the internet as opposed to the "old" ways of early social media.
Not because I like omnipotent, centralized platforms, but because I think this will convince more people to use the web less. Isn't it better to have less internet usage???
Also personal sites are better than social media anyway. Embrace geocities No. 1040658
>>498017>does anyone else think it might come from a heavy anti intellectual trend in US society right now?It has been going for a decade now. It started with far-left (in the woke sense) university culture. Some subjects of debate and research are shut down with outrage tactics. It's pretty crazy to witness this anti intellectual culture being born out of places meant to be the most intellectual of society.
>>497880>You can even see that on imageboards these days.It probably has to do with the fact that social media fries people reward system. Why should you take the effort to write a 10+ lines essay for "nothing" : you will get no engagement, no karma, no likes, no followers, no dopamine induced notification sound ?
Obviously, th younger people start to use social media extensively, the worst the results will be.
No. 1041149
>>1040658Oh wow, nice to see someone replied to my post from 2 years ago lol.
>>1041134Yeah, that would be correct. Unfortunately, anyone else just ignores it and pretends it's a non-issue. It amazes me with how "big" the internet is these days it's still the same groups of people talking over and over again.
No. 1047948
>>1047314That's probably a factor, but imo the three biggest reasons why the internet was less shallow are:
>pre-myspace, most people who talked to strangers online were outcasts or turbonerd hobbyists who were using online communities to meet their social needs or improve their craft>back then, the internet was mostly used as an extension of someone's 'irl' identity or a way to explore a more shameful aspect of themselves rather than the primary way through which people defined themselves and gain social capital>people had to primarily communicate with each other via text and (prior to myspace) there weren't nearly as many extrinsic factors driving trends and rewarding extreme beliefs/aesthetic choices/content With web 2.0, the internet basically transformed from an extension of normal human communication for weirdos into a skinner box where communication can't be unbound from extrinsic reward, whether people are conscious of this influence or not.
No. 1051448
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>>1047314The internet always had kids, I think the problem is they're spending longer time online due to parents letting them and other factors, but theres also no longer dedicated big websites for them now, everything needs to be for "everyone" and profitable enough.
When you used to go on disney or any other kids tv channel website there used to be always minigames to keep kids entertained or they could go play neopets, club penguin, flash games…etc
Now the younger kids are watching hours of youtube per day and older kids are on tiktok and instagram. Theres no dedicated platform for kids anymore so they just go and infect everywhere else. The platforms who try always fail cause parents aren't gonna put their kid playing animal jam and they wont search the content by themselves anymore due to not having the skills kids used to have and google being shit. There also isn't the moderation those sites used to have anymore, its all automated or corrupt mods now, you can see that in roblox for example.
Also the amount of kids getting groomed nowadays is scandalous where tf did the parents go???
No. 1052161
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My favorite dollmaker site elouai just went offline. I know that this style of dollmaker has been out of style for a while, but it's been up for so long it didn't occur to me it would go offline. RIP
No. 1052562
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>>1052161perhaps there is hope
No. 1055010
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A bit of a vent but I think it fits better here than the vent general
It might be a bit bitter or selfish, but I miss how you could actually have gatekept, productive, niche communities and interests on the web. I think a lot of the "disappearance" is a behavioral problem that is motivated by social media content whoring.
At some point the internet got weirdly anti-"secret club," like having a thing that you only want a modest number of people exposed to is inherently bad; as if getting some satisfaction for knowing about something cool and being able to share it only with people you trust is inherently toxic.
I remember how I would start building places like these into my personality, old game modding forums and flash game reviewer sites and the like. Nowadays the very concept of niche has been completely paved over by mouthbreathing fucks, like the absolute worst most annoying pricks on youtube and whatever social media site. Just turn some group of 30 or 40 people's life's work into a 50 minute iceberg video and the whole thing is fucked. Everytime I see one of those trashfires recommended to me on youtube or by someone on discord and it's about something I actually like my heart breaks. If you want to meet new people "with" your "interest" you have to wade through godawful communities of people who "like" the thing you "like" and treat it like a cheap novelty because they learned everything they know about it in 2 hours.
You used to be able to get a group of 100 or so people together and gather them around some common interest without 25 of those people trying to find a way to monetize anything resembling esoteric or interesting discussion. This also has the added effect of making it much harder to find out of someone is "into" something or if they just want to seem like they're into it because they watched some british scrote read their 9th grade essay about or whatever they want to ruin next.
It also makes trying to get anonymous or pseudo-anonymous people together to work on a fan project or something nearly impossible without going through social media or reddit and selling it to the lowest bidder. Someone will always get possessive and try to take credit or derail the project, because there's no way to gatekeep so that only people that really care about the thing will actually work on it.
tl;dr Teenagers are selling the entire history of the internet for 10 bucks a month on Youtube and the only way to gatekeep anymore is to make your community completely watertight or make the focus of it so vague that it's impossible for uncommitted people and teenagers to fixate on it.
No. 1055029
>>1055010I hate how imageboards or thread forums (e.g., reddit) seem to be the only place to garner enough people for a community, but as a result of it being part of a larger public that people can just troll across, you get so many filthy casuals or people not even interested in the topic/hobby but still want to put their useless opinion in. It seems to influence what people are comfortable with saying or sharing because they know they always have someone staring through the peephole.
I miss the good ol' days where, to find a community, you had to either spend your day typing in random interest-related words into the address bar and guess what it would be called, or you'd join a chat room based on the interest, and only when the regulars deemed you worthy, would give you the link to the secret forum where the full spectrum of the community was hiding.
Old internet was so wonderful that way. Now everything is becoming a homogenized blob where everyone shits where they eat and there's no fences. Hell, LC is in an absolute scrote troll spike right now, probably because someone screencapped some stuff to an incel sub
No. 1055093
>>1055028>>1055028Nayrt but pick any topic with lore or discourse and search it on YouTube or tiktok like an old video game or cow from /snow/ and someone somewhere will have made a video essay where they only scrape the surface, go out of their way to not alienate viewers who are new to the topic and then they never return to it again.
One thing that really annoys me is when these lazy people ask the audience to comment below what they think about blanks in the story that basic investigation would have already solved
No. 1055112
>>1055010This is so based
nonnie, you put into words the exact thing I've always been upset about. Whenever I tried to explain it, I was "elitist" or whatever. No one person needs to be able to have access to everything.
No. 1055181
>>1055010You're right, I hate that too. I think it has more to do with social media replacing forums than with youtube and tiktok, since both platforms are usually used as some sort of extensions of social media nowadays.
If I want to talk about my hobbies I either come here or go on /v/ even if it's a shithole, that's hiw bad it has gotten. Being too enthusiastic online is seen as socially unacceptable, you have to be cynical all the time. And what people consider nerdy is related to what you like now, not how much you like these things, so you'll have a bunch of retarded normies who'll say they're turbo geeks because they play FIFA and PES sometimes but they'll shit talk you if you say you're into JRPGs or strategy games or niche murder mysteries adventure games that you ACTUALLY play, as opposed to watching some e-celeb's playthrough on youtube. I've had this type of conversation irl and online too often. Example of retards pretending to be super fans of a series I like: in the third game, two characters were engaged to each other but it's only 100% confirmed near the end. It's a huge plot point that explains everything about the story, and it's an adventure game or VN so the story is everything. I've seen so many bitches saying that they've played the whole series being shocked when other people told them the pairing was always canon and saying shit like "I thought it was a crack pairing!!" or "but I thought the girl friendzoned the guy!!", like the two characters weren't canonically fucking. How do you want basic conversations from them? Annoying as fuck, then they'll finally admit they just watched playthroughs on youtube and skipped a bunch of videos because their favorite youtuber talked less in these ones.
No. 1055272
>>1055181Oh fuck me, the biggest problem I have with current social discussions online is how they expect you to be overly cynical about everything and if you, like you said, are enthusiastic you're a weirdo or an autist (kek) whatever. I guess I can accept being called a weirdo but when those cynical nihilistic faggots start projecting other terms on me and other people by calling us coomers or autists for daring to like something more than a passing interest it gets pretty fucking retarded. There's also a heavily boorish and anti-intellectual approach to this too, as if you're not allowed to be knowledgeable on the thing you like.
The only thing you're allowed to be enthusiastic about on the internet is stuff to coom to or to virtue signal. This is why RPing has gotten so looked down on yet erotic RP is everywhere and nobody makes fun of it despite it being 100x more depraved than regular RPing.
Not only that, but it's very conformist and a sign of digital social shaming because as soon as you step out of the box others come attack you for it to put you back in your place. I witnessed something absolutely fucking crazy on Twitter the other day where someone wrote an awkward lengthy essay on a character (but it was harmless) and he got quote RT'd so hard that people were calling him mentally ill, schizo, and legitimately getting angry at this man for something that would've just been made fun of and left alone on the internet a decade ago.
That's something I experienced myself, people getting really angry at you for having too much knowledge on a subject or expressing even a slightly unpopular opinion while justifying it by calling you autistic. It's nasty, ugly, and a disgusting mix of Something Awful goon culture with woketard puritan sensibilities.
No. 1088424
>>497325I accepted this happening in the 00's. It was the last time I really enjoyed being on the internet. It feels like a necessity now, but it used to be such a playground where you could find basically anything if you put your heart to it.
Geocities going down, all those shrines, tears in the rain.
No. 1108046
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I miss the era of blogs, like actual, customized blogs dedicated to someone's interests without trying to turn into a business
I love browsing old blogs with dated graphics ran by gen x women and checking if they're still active, they're usually interior design or arts and crafts related
I would love to start a blog (tried last year) but all the platforms are shit kek
blogspot is owned by google, wordpress is useless and focused solely on monetization
Do any nonas here know of a good blogging platform? Neocities has limited storage so it's not a good choice
No. 1112032
>>1108891ayrt and I actually do have a tumblr but I disagree that it's good for blogging, the site itself has a lot of technical issues and it's like a warzone out there, the userbase is obnoxious
however I will say that it is one of the better social media sites we currently have, all content monetization attempts fail, there is a sense of privacy, you can customize your blog, it's easy to block content you don't want to see and it feels slightly less performative than other major sites
No. 1361366
File: 1664733588843.jpeg (1.99 MB, 2732x1822, rip docuindex dot org.jpeg)

Necro cause I remembered this website existed and got sad it's gone. It had a cute unique layout that was easy to use and was a great way to find new documentaries.
No. 1361901
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>>1089440Oh I'm so glad it's back, I love these! Here's my self portrait
No. 1538120
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internet archive may be up next. donating to their appeals fund is the only time i've ever given money to a website, if it get's taken down i think that will truly be the death of the internet for me. i've discovered and been able to see so much rare and niche media because of this website. No. 1543436
>>1538120I didn’t even know the internet archive had a lending-based library.
I doubt it will close down, but forced monetization is incoming sooner or look later. Keep in mind that even though the lawsuit is from 2020, it's interesting that this happens only a few months after zlibrary got seized.
No. 1543667
There was a discussion upthread a few years ago
>>501683 about the lack of internet literacy and how people want to be spoonfed and it's so true you almost can't believe it. I just saw someone asking a question about if some characters were reoccurring on a tv show, when there's a wikia, imdb page, and dozens of other people who have asked that exact same question online. I genuinely cannot comprehend how these people use the internet. I'm not super into tech, I have no concept of how social media works, I can't explain how wifi works. But I know how to google something. Most people I know around my age are pretty decent at looking something up, but every time one of my friends googles a basic question and then clicks on one of those shitty advertorials as though it'll actually contain the answer and isn't an auto-generated jumble of search engine optimized words and affiliated links, I want to scream.
The two things that are the most insane though, is 1) the fact that a lot of tech companies design their products to hold the user's hand and 2) people are completely self aware of their own laziness. In regards to the first point, I think there's a whole conversation to be had about the oversimplification of websites in the name of "user experience" that's really just a way to control information. For instance, website search engines that hardly function, which is especially insane because I mostly see it from news outlets. As for the latter, I'm mostly referring to people blatantly acknowledging that they don't know what they're doing and the don't really even bother to figure it out. Take that tv show, it's been around for over a decade, people had to watch it and figure stuff out as well. There was a time when you just wouldn't know if some characters would be on the show again, and if you wanted to know you'd just have to be patient and find out. There's absolutely no respect for anything that isn't instant on the internet and it's absolutely abysmal. People will hound creators for update content faster, they'll beg for someone else to come up with their essay topic or to explain their math homework to them, because they can't be bothered to look around themselves. They say "sorry this is my first time in this class," as though the people who they're begging for explanations from didn't also have a first time. Why is it acceptable to openly say "yeah I could do it my self but I thought I'd ask other people instead"?
No. 1543741
>>1543667double posting, on the topic of internet literacy people also group both the elderly and children into the same group of "people who have no literacy online." I think it's silly because they are facing two different problems. Elderly people see an article listing the 10 best books to read this summer, and they take it at face value because they don't understand that ten different agents would be paying to have a book promoted via a random article online. Young people on the other hand just don't read, like I genuinely think they don't see the words "affiliate" or the disclosure about money. They don't know how to look at all the words on a page, just click buttons and look at pictures until they've read their word quota of the day (10 words) and go on to tiktok. At least I can explain to my mom that whatever yoga blogger she's reading is getting paid. Young people just don't care.
The internet sucks nowadays, everything is hidden behind paywalls and the same handful of public discussion sites, but we're absolutely complicit. There was a headline the other night that 90% of parents think their kids are at the normal reading level, while only 30% actually are (for 8th grade). I'm sure I probably accumulated god knows how much malware on my mom's computer back in 2009, but at least being on the internet back then, and seeing a wide variety of styles of content made it so you can recognize bad websites, recognize that it doesn't have to be like this. When I'm looking for materials for my classes, I can instantly tell a website is likely bloated with information the second I see how long it's taking to load, or if there's any pop-ups, etc. At this point I have at least 12 different chrome extensions (I use it for school don't judge) just so things are useable: one that hides youtube comments/recommendations/trending, one that lets me block channels from ever even appearing, one that reroutes youtube shorts to their normal video url, one that reroutes the wikipedia url so it's the old layout, one that lets me block sites from appearing in my google search results, two ad blockers, and one that filters recipes on websites so you don't have to read someone's search engine optimized blogpost "today we are going to bake a pie but first I'm going to explain the entire inner-workings of an oven as well as every single kitchen utensil in your house, while name dropping at least 30 other of my recipes." I feel legitimately crazy, but this is all just to make google useable. I can't believe that people are okay with this. Even the ones that complain are usually doing so over everything getting the minimalist alegria redesign, rather than the fact the the sites themselves are clogged and convoluted.
No. 1555554
>>1555431Finally got too big to justify the server costs or someting, or people have been uploading too much porn/possibly illegal shit.
If you really like an image you see on the internet you really should save it rather than bookmarking it anyway, it's not like most of them have huge filesizes.
No. 1555585
>>1555554They host whole image albums who sometimes aren't directly downloadable.
>>1555571On the desktop version. You used to be able to do it on mobile too but they changed it recently.
No. 1556456
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>>1555431are they actually deleting it or just the items that go against their rules
No. 1559713
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>>1559174I miss doing that nona. Not to derail but my parents would go through my shit when I was younger and a partner found my diary as an adult so the anxiety is too much now.
No. 1579814
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Starting next december Youtube videos (and entire accounts) from users that have been inactive for more than two years will be deleted.
Not sure if it's being discussed in any other thread but it's extremely relevant here.
No. 1579906
>>1579904>I’m happy my YouTube account from middle school I can’t get into anymore will be deleted, I didn’t want those videos of me hanging around foreverMe too,
nonny. It kind of feels like a prayer was answered.
No. 1580655
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>>1579814Thought I'd update with some good news, they've listened for once and backpedaled on the Youtube side of things!
No. 1580831
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i will never get over stumbleupon being taken down.
No. 1581147
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apologies for the brainless, sleep deprived rant but i really miss being able to personalize things. after 2009, it feels like every website would sink if they didn't go along with the new FB agenda. every thing is corporate, faceless, and without character. now it's all about selling yourself. all the fun aspects of the internet slowly disappeared and now people who spend all day online don't even know what that was like because they were born a few years before all these measures started taking place. so they have no idea of the system they are complacently participating in.
if a website didn't cater to corporate america buying the internet so we could be tracked, advertised, and fed algorithms easier, and then stripped of any personalization or uniqueness, everything is now a "trend" ect, that website would go down. sink or swim.
it's unfortunate how lonely of a place the internet has become when you used to be able to find and talk people in communities easier. but now it's just a swarm of politics and shitty opinions and content creators being shoved in your face all the time and theres no escape from it. it's so alienating for everyone. i briefly joined twitter last year and far too often i saw people 10 years younger than me just posting sad lonely shit all day on the TL, like they have nothing better to do or nowhere to go. they grew up with twitter so they probably think followers = worth. people bend down and suck up to anyone with a high follower count because now the norm is parasocial. have you ever heard that word before the last 5 years? it wasn't a problem before but the internet is now catered for everyone to wish for more.
because the internet got bought out, because they recognized it could be a money making machine. and instead of viruses, you can fool people into downloading your corporate spyware. "smart" phones were for stupid people who would say that the internet was a dangerous place just only a few years before they buy their stupid spying devices that will weave so intricately into human daily life that people are oh so content watching tiktoks at work. it's all about sharing, but yet i've never felt so alone.
remember when hosting a website was decently affordable? now any website that isn't owned by the major corporations is at threat of going down any day.
like, gaiaonline is still around and hardly anybody uses it except for mentally ill millennials who have nothing better to do but stir up actual years of drama on the CB (i'm serious, every day i visited, there's years worth of drama unfolding with the same group of people, it's impossible to keep up with.) all the forums are mostly dead asides from the CB. the website is constantly trying to scam so much money out of people for virtual items, because let's be real, how would the site be standing otherwise? all the flash games are still broken, people bicker in forums all day and it's hard to want to go on the site anymore seeing it in ruins like that. there's still some good people on it, but they are hard to find.
i absolutely hate it. the internet used to be an escape from reality and now it's just the harsh reality of nothing is safe or sacred in a world of greed and lust for power. sorry for the huge rant but this seems like the only place online where i can talk about it. it makes me feel so old lmao.
No. 1593282
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RARBG went down. It was one of the best pirate sites and it just vanished overnight. I know this sounds dramatic but I'm devastated.
No. 1604707
>>1581147>people bend down and suck up to anyone with a high follower count because now the norm is parasocial.> it's all about sharing, but yet i've never felt so alone. I posted something similar in a thread that I've forgotten somehow. It really is a different place. You can't just chat over weeks and exchange ideas. Almost nobody will talk to you unless you're "famous", and all the big sites (except TikTok) are now over a decade old, there's no way for anyone new to get a foot in the door unless they act like a spambot everywhere 24/7. On top of that, you have to be wealthy, buy a constant stream of new things, have a home studio and likely no job. Otherwise, there's no way you can churn out daily magazine quality photos or weekly videos staged like QVC or PBS. The demand for new "content" is constant.
And the parasocial bit is so true. You see regular people sending gifts and money to rich YouTubers who already own literal hoards of unused stuff. Fucking why? (I'm not jealous, put that money into yourself/family, not a wealthy/rich stranger.) You can see that whatever hobby/interest they get into is just hijacked as a reason to be a talking head. It's like those old women who would obsess over QVC hosts. These people aren't friends.
No. 1679189
>>1679175Not just youtube anon, archive
everything. Music, movies, shows, photos, anything and everything. Don't rely on streaming, actually own a copy of your own media.
No. 1723918
Bandcamp got sold and sounds like it's about to get polyvored.
>Bandcamp, founded in 2007, is beloved by many artists for providing a place where musicians can foster loyal fan communities and receive a generous share of music sales. Bandcamp pays artists 82 percent of every transaction, while Spotify is widely reported to pay a small fraction of a cent per stream. When Songtradr announced its acquisition last week, the Future of Music Coalition, a musician advocacy nonprofit, posted on X (formerly Twitter) that the company’s leaders should “do what Bandcamp's fine employees have done for years—seeking constant artist/label feedback at every iteration. Don't screw it up!”
>Those employees were not included in Epic’s sale of Bandcamp. Songtradr purchased the platform’s business and operations but not its staff, according to Sandy Pope, bargaining director for the Office of Professional Employees International Union, which since March has represented 67 out of some 120 Bandcamp workers.
>Based on its current financials, Bandcamp requires some adjustments to ensure a sustainable and healthy company that can serve its community of artists and fans long into the future,” says a statement provided by Songtradr chief marketing officer Lindsay Nahmiache. No. 1734731
File: 1698011455298.png (168.5 KB, 830x790, youtube-2005.png)

can anyone recommend a tool to bulk download youtube videos or entire playlists? i'm looking at yt-dlp but would like other suggestions too.
No. 1734740
>>1734733calm down
nonnie. i didn't say i can't or won't use it, i'm looking to hear how other people are archiving youtube videos.
No. 1752852
Cool and very salient thread
>>1579814Terrifying, the clock is ticking now. I have a lot of mounted G. drives that I guess i'll be moving over to a different cloud like onedrive or relying on physical/analog digital storage from now on.
No. 1752884
>>1734733kek the redtext
Yt-dlp is great but installing it can be an incomprehensible mess for the average person. Thank god there's a youtube tutorial for everything.
No. 1760476
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Omegle died, rip
No. 1760538
>>1753317sktblog was the first time i cyberbullied someone rip
jikes aside it was such a huge part of interest history in francophone countries. just gone like that.
at least l-enfer-de-la-vie's insane ass blog was archived. she was probably the last skyblog user
No. 1762404
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I wonder if Tumblr will finally truly die. Granted it's survived a lot of upheavals but this doesn't seem promising.
No. 1762511
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>>1762426One of the (former?) staff users posted it.
No. 1763018
>>1760476Full text:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its
victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” — C.S. Lewis
“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.” — Douglas Adams
Dear strangers,
From the moment I discovered the Internet at a young age, it has been a magical place to me. Growing up in a small town, relatively isolated from the larger world, it was a revelation how much more there was to discover – how many interesting people and ideas the world had to offer.
As a young teenager, I couldn’t just waltz onto a college campus and tell a student: “Let’s debate moral philosophy!” I couldn’t walk up to a professor and say: “Tell me something interesting about microeconomics!” But online, I was able to meet those people, and have those conversations. I was also an avid Wikipedia editor; I contributed to open source software projects; and I often helped answer computer programming questions posed by people many years older than me.
In short, the Internet opened the door to a much larger, more diverse, and more vibrant world than I would have otherwise been able to experience; and enabled me to be an active participant in, and contributor to, that world. All of this helped me to learn, and to grow into a more well-rounded person.
Moreover, as a survivor of childhood rape, I was acutely aware that any time I interacted with someone in the physical world, I was risking my physical body. The Internet gave me a refuge from that fear. I was under no illusion that only good people used the Internet; but I knew that, if I said “no” to someone online, they couldn’t physically reach through the screen and hold a weapon to my head, or worse. I saw the miles of copper wires and fiber-optic cables between me and other people as a kind of shield – one that empowered me to be less isolated than my trauma and fear would have otherwise allowed.
I launched Omegle when I was 18 years old, and still living with my parents. It was meant to build on the things I loved about the Internet, while introducing a form of social spontaneity that I felt didn’t exist elsewhere. If the Internet is a manifestation of the “global village”, Omegle was meant to be a way of strolling down a street in that village, striking up conversations with the people you ran into along the way.
The premise was rather straightforward: when you used Omegle, it would randomly place you in a chat with someone else. These chats could be as long or as short as you chose. If you didn’t want to talk to a particular person, for whatever reason, you could simply end the chat and – if desired – move onto another chat with someone else. It was the idea of “meeting new people” distilled down to almost its platonic ideal.
Building on what I saw as the intrinsic safety benefits of the Internet, users were anonymous to each other by default. This made chats more self-contained, and made it less likely that a malicious person would be able to track someone else down off-site after their chat ended.
I didn’t really know what to expect when I launched Omegle. Would anyone even care about some Web site that an 18 year old kid made in his bedroom in his parents’ house in Vermont, with no marketing budget? But it became popular almost instantly after launch, and grew organically from there, reaching millions of daily users. I believe this had something to do with meeting new people being a basic human need, and with Omegle being among the best ways to fulfill that need. As the saying goes: “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door.”
No. 1763022
>>1763018Over the years, people have used Omegle to explore foreign cultures; to get advice about their lives from impartial third parties; and to help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. I’ve even heard stories of soulmates meeting on Omegle, and getting married. Those are only some of the highlights.
Unfortunately, there are also lowlights. Virtually every tool can be used for good or for evil, and that is especially true of communication tools, due to their innate flexibility. The telephone can be used to wish your grandmother “happy birthday”, but it can also be used to call in a bomb threat. There can be no honest accounting of Omegle without acknowledging that some people misused it, including to commit unspeakably heinous crimes.
I believe in a responsibility to be a “good Samaritan”, and to implement reasonable measures to fight crime and other misuse. That is exactly what Omegle did. In addition to the basic safety feature of anonymity, there was a great deal of moderation behind the scenes, including state-of-the-art AI operating in concert with a wonderful team of human moderators. Omegle punched above its weight in content moderation, and I’m proud of what we accomplished.
Omegle’s moderation even had a positive impact beyond the site. Omegle worked with law enforcement agencies, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to help put evildoers in prison where they belong. There are “people” rotting behind bars right now thanks in part to evidence that Omegle proactively collected against them, and tipped the authorities off to.
All that said, the fight against crime isn’t one that can ever truly be won. It’s a never-ending battle that must be fought and re-fought every day; and even if you do the very best job it is possible for you to do, you may make a sizable dent, but you won’t “win” in any absolute sense of that word. That’s heartbreaking, but it’s also a basic lesson of criminology, and one that I think the vast majority of people understand on some level. Even superheroes, the fictional characters that our culture imbues with special powers as a form of wish fulfillment in the fight against crime, don’t succeed at eliminating crime altogether.
In recent years, it seems like the whole world has become more ornery. Maybe that has something to do with the pandemic, or with political disagreements. Whatever the reason, people have become faster to attack, and slower to recognize each other’s shared humanity. One aspect of this has been a constant barrage of attacks on communication services, Omegle included, based on the behavior of a malicious subset of users.
To an extent, it is reasonable to question the policies and practices of any place where crime has occurred. I have always welcomed constructive feedback; and indeed, Omegle implemented a number of improvements based on such feedback over the years. However, the recent attacks have felt anything but constructive. The only way to please these people is to stop offering the service. Sometimes they say so, explicitly and avowedly; other times, it can be inferred from their act of setting standards that are not humanly achievable. Either way, the net result is the same.
Omegle is the direct target of these attacks, but their ultimate
victim is you: all of you out there who have used, or would have used, Omegle to improve your lives, and the lives of others. When they say Omegle shouldn’t exist, they are really saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to use it; that you shouldn’t be allowed to meet random new people online. That idea is anathema to the ideals I cherish – specifically, to the bedrock principle of a free society that, when restrictions are imposed to prevent crime, the burden of those restrictions must not be targeted at innocent
victims or potential
victims of crime.
No. 1763026
>>1763022Consider the idea that society ought to force women to dress modestly in order to prevent rape. One counter-argument is that rapists don’t really target women based on their clothing; but a more powerful counter-argument is that, irrespective of what rapists do, women’s rights should remain intact. If society robs women of their rights to bodily autonomy and self-expression based on the actions of rapists – even if it does so with the best intentions in the world – then society is practically doing the work of rapists for them.
Fear can be a valuable tool, guiding us away from danger. However, fear can also be a mental cage that keeps us from all of the things that make life worth living. Individuals and families must be allowed to strike the right balance for themselves, based on their own unique circumstances and needs. A world of mandatory fear is a world ruled by fear – a dark place indeed.
I’ve done my best to weather the attacks, with the interests of Omegle’s users – and the broader principle – in mind. If something as simple as meeting random new people is forbidden, what’s next? That is far and away removed from anything that could be considered a reasonable compromise of the principle I outlined. Analogies are a limited tool, but a physical-world analogy might be shutting down Central Park because crime occurs there – or perhaps more provocatively, destroying the universe because it contains evil. A healthy, free society cannot endure when we are collectively afraid of each other to this extent.
Unfortunately, what is right doesn’t always prevail. As much as I wish circumstances were different, the stress and expense of this fight – coupled with the existing stress and expense of operating Omegle, and fighting its misuse – are simply too much. Operating Omegle is no longer sustainable, financially nor psychologically. Frankly, I don’t want to have a heart attack in my 30s.
The battle for Omegle has been lost, but the war against the Internet rages on. Virtually every online communication service has been subject to the same kinds of attack as Omegle; and while some of them are much larger companies with much greater resources, they all have their breaking point somewhere. I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection. If that sounds like a bad idea to you, please consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization that fights for your rights online.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who used Omegle for positive purposes, and to everyone who contributed to the site’s success in any way. I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep fighting for you.
Leif K-Brooks
Founder, LLC
If he doesn’t bring it back in some way i’d genuinely be surprised. Moids never truly take down their services even if they are harmful.
No. 1766265
File: 1699727411956.png (47.38 KB, 1660x1004, adblock.png)

well youtube has become even more unusable now. i understand it's how youtubers make revenue but at least it was always a choice to use adblockers. there are some workarounds but they're getting complicated.
but tbh i'm glad because i wasted too much time on there and this has put me off. grabbing all my old favourites from it and then i'm out.
>>1753859thanks for the suggestion
nonnie. it works well! i'm using it with a linkclump extension which makes it smoother (you can quickly copy all the links in a playlist and paste into jdownloader)
No. 1766578
>>1766265Get the Container Tabs add-on for Firefox. Use your regular YT account and right-click open video in a Container Tab (e.g. labelled 'Personal' or 'Work', but whatever session doesn't have a logged-in account). Adblockers are blocked on an account basis, but this method lets you browse your subscriptions and recommended videos and also actually watch them.
Container Tabs is a good add-on for other reasons, letting you have multiple sessions running in the same browser.
No. 1768281
File: 1699799094341.png (131.75 KB, 1014x772, omeagle.png)

>>1762404Tumblr has never diversified its means of communication and interaction beyond promoting degrading porn of women to a mostly female audience like anon mentions
>>1762533. As you can imagine this was an expected failure, ironically tumblr was probably known for being one of the only sites that didn't force women to interact with humiliation and degrading content like all of the internet. Its limited in what you can do; you can make posts, reblogs, write notes in other users blogs, and answer questions in addition to the new porn of women streaming feature, and that's about it.
>>1763018>C.S. Lewis scrote quoteWhat does that word salad even mean? greedy people who are honest about their greed are better because we know they're honest about it (I'm very smart). Greedy people who aren't honest and are doing vague bad controlling behavior under moral direction are worse because they are controlling us over their own guilty conscience uwu. What in fake-deep shit hell.
>vague pseudo-deep Douglas Adams quote that's meaningless for more added male worship.This needless male worship and pretentious shittery aside his reasoning for closing down the site is hilarious. I didn't realize a goofy old video streaming site known for its child exploitation had so much recent filth associated with it. Some of the shit he says is fucking asinine in this closing message. Why is he talking about women being blamed for their rape? Where did this even come from? Why is he poorly arguing that blaming women is a possible argument worth fucking arguing?
>One counter-argument is that rapists don’t really target women based on their clothing; but a more powerful counter-argument is that, irrespective of what rapists do, women’s rights should remain intact.What does this even mean? "Rapists don't target women based on their clothing" isn't even a possible counterargument to rape apes raping, its just incorrect. That's something insane rapist males would say and argue. Women shouldn't live in fear of rapist males and therefore males freedom should be restricted but womens should be left untouched, is an actual counter argument that he was looking for, coward. Imagine using women being shamed and blamed by men for being raped like a political chip for your shit argument. Imagine not even envisioning this as an option because "muh freedom" is too important while trying to argue you care about possibly curtailing the "freedom of
victims" whatever that means. Grand standing spinelessness. You'd think a
victim of rape and male abuse would know this. The second sentence doesn't even follow with the first, who undermined womens rights in this scenario? Was it him by seeing slut shaming as a "possible counterargument" rather than the more logical one of rapists being shot in the head rather than their
victims and future
victims living in fear. Good riddance to yet another dime a dozen rapist streaming site only known for its child rape, recent political sperging retardation, alt right males and typic calls to violence and streamed porn. Kek at trying to argue that there were any uses for it other than being traumatized as a child by old mens dicks.
No. 1768291
No. 1897785
File: 1708628404348.png (810.62 KB, 2000x1347, vice2.png)

The entire VICE website might be deleted due to the company's financial difficulties. At least in the past they released physical magazines but now everything they published exclusively online could be gone forever. I know VICE was shit anyways but it's interesting how an entire news archive could be there one day and entirely gone the next.
No. 1898737
>>1897785Sad to read this. I was never a regular reader of Vice but they covered some really random topics no one else would.
Sharing this gem before it disappears: No. 2194816
Nowadays it feels like there is nowhere to actually talk to people online or even entertain yourself anymore, everything you see online is like some uncanny facsimile of interaction. There are no more forums, chatrooms, games for the sake of being fun games… Well, nothing active that isn't in decay, anyway. Everything left feels like it's a platform to either buy a product or sell a product (literally, or figuratively by selling yourself). There's obvious stuff like Instagram/Tiktok influencers but even with something that seems innocuous, like an informative website, you can tell that you are the product as they're vying for clicks and traffic.
I enjoyed tumblr for a while recently because the clout grabbing was lower and you could post whatever you wanted in theory, but aside from the obvious issues with the deranged userbase, there's still this sense of like… It's not like a place where you chat and meet friends, there's this subtle dynamic where there is a performer and an audience. Posts are often soapboxy and impersonal even when they're supposed to be personal, they're simultaneously addressing everybody and nobody. And it's not about anonymity, it's strange how people can overshare so much about their lives yet still come off like a brand or character.
Maybe I'm just retarded and autistic but as I got more followers I began to hate how this oxymoronic feeling I had of intense attention and loneliness. There's all these random people you don't know watching you, yet in a sense you're utterly ignored because you only get superficial acknowledgement and occasional short remarks. I abandoned my main blog without warning and made a sideblog where I just schizopost absolute nonsense that only appeals to me to 0 followers. I feel mixed because apparently some people are sad that I disappeared… I had one follower who said she was fascinated by my mix of interests and way of viewing the world, and once said she was so sad because she mistakenly thought I'd vanished because of a site bug. Now I actually did stop posting.
I dunno, this isn't a cool thing to brag about but I think that since I was regularly using the internet so young with vivid memories of stuff I did online as a 3 year old, before it became a true phenomena with iPad babies, I'm having a hard time adjusting to the concept of there being nothing worthwhile online since it was always a centerpiece of my life. Often I find myself wasting hours digging to try to find crumbs of human to human interaction or genuine straightforward entertainment and just coming up empty. Imageboards are the last thing that appeal to me because of the format but most IB users aren't nice people to talk to or get to know. I have a tough time making friends irl too so I think I want to give up on the internet and develop a new hobby like walking in the forest or making art without showing anybody.
No. 2200838
File: 1728535944626.jpeg (974.33 KB, 2048x1445, IMG_5388.jpeg)

>>2200831I saw this hideous website recently and i loved it so much. It’s ugly but this is way better than the nothing we have now. I have a retarded theory that ipad children consume color vomit brainrot content because the internet lacks interesting design so they consume weird Elsa gate vomit to compensate.
No. 2422594
>>2200831>I also visit websites everyday for information on something and they all have the same exact minimalist design: white with the websites name on top, and a bunch of ads that glitch me to the top of the page before i can finish reading.Ugh I hate this shit. The new cookie shit is annoying too. Even though websites are bland there's so many fucking pop ups (way worse than in any point in the 2000s). Pop ups are not just ads to me. I mean shit just pops up and there's always something moving on the screen now too which bothers my ocd. Always some video autoplaying or some fucking autoscrolling shit or live feeds moving. Like just stop.
>>2422300That's sad. A lot of awesome images were first posted on there before heading to Tumblr.