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No. 1744398
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse, particularly that which has a twitter or tumblr flavour to it.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Sapphic Underrepresentation in Fandom> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashing vs Blackwashing> ‘[Insert Sexuality]-Coded’ Characters> Sapphic vs Fujo Misogyny AccusationsPrevious thread
>>1727146 No. 1744412
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Kek Alice Oseman is getting cancelled for being a Zionist because she called the situation in Gaza a conflict and not a genocide back in 2015 and was happy that Heartstopper got a translation in Hebrew in 2020. It’s retarded but she reaps what she sows for pandering to the worst type of audience.
No. 1744424
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>>1744415There’s also the ”my tweets are literally keeping people alive” activists.
No. 1744425
>>1744412The term zionist is as useful as facist/nazi/racist now. Even using the name Israel instead of occupied Palestine or whatever means that person a zionist even if it's more likely that they're simply clueless about the Israel/Palestine situation. Same shit happened in 2021 when most of the 15 year old armchair activists didn't even know about the issue until that year either.
>>1744419None of the Japanese artists I follow have tweeted about it, even the ones that regularly post non-art tweets and interact with English speakers. Every single translated tweet was about other stuff.
>the only one I know of, it's the westaboo mangaka of witch hat atelierIt's cringe how people use the WHA mangaka as their token native Japanese person for whatever politics they want to push when she's not the standard and clearly "Westernized".
No. 1744479
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Seems like people are already getting tired of the whole activism thing and now realize they actually just want to go back posting Genshin porn.
No. 1744526
>>1744428I saw that too, linked alongside a thread railing on the author of the Percy Jackson books for some blog post he made that incorrectly acknowledged the situation or some shit. They were also mad that he was wasting time writing books and promoting his most recent novel or something instead of idk saving Palestine. They were also being snide about the rest of the twitter fandom not doing enough, either– aren't the Percy Jackson books for like 13 year olds? What're they gonna do? kek
I can't imagine going about my day with a brain like these people's, it sounds so tiring and messy
No. 1744559
>>1744424>>1744479I am so glad I quit Twitter. What the fuck are average western civilians supposed to do about what's going on in Palestine (for those who don't have family there)? Like I'm sorry, I do care about politics and current events but I know that I only have so much power as one person. I remember when the protests during lockdown were going on I donated to funds in private, but does that not count because I didn't virtue signal about it? What does purposely
triggering my own PTSD by constantly looking at photos of war and genocide I have no power in stopping is going to help? You can say that's a matter of privilege, and I agree. But basically everyone in the west is privileged to some degree. It's a privilege to sit on your phone doomscrolling and browbeating others to do the same. Whatever happened to "stay in your lane" being SJW 101?
>>1744428They only care about having the most radical points of views, not anything feasible in real life. I don't support Israel but it's not going away for the same reason America won't be dissolved, I always thought a two-state solution was probably the most realistic outcome even if it isn't fair.
No. 1744578
>>1744398I honestly think the best thing the west can do right now is shut up and go back to fandom tweeting. No matter what 'side' you're on everything on social and mainstream media is propaganda. Nothing on social media is organic, nothing is grassroots, if a tweet was actually radical it would be immediately removed from Twitter. If you are participating in a political movement on social media it is 99.9% likely to be astroturfing. Pro-Hamas accounts are probably Isreali psyops, pro-Isreali accounts are probably Hamas psyops, the situation is much more complicated than "if we get #IsrealSucks trending Palestine will be free!!".
Peak western exceptionalism is thinking that you as a random middle-class American are going to "set Palestine free" by scolding other middle-class Americans on Twitter. You are trying to extinguish a fire by throwing gasoline on it just shut up.
No. 1744591
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>>1744578No nonna, we need more theybie zoomers with ”typing quirks” to have their say about this issue
No. 1744597
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>>1742477>>1742413>>1742395Okay, so I understand that wokeness didn't kill comics. But there can still be some level of equality control. Take this Jadzia Axelrod, for example. This is a troon writing the HawkGirl comics, but the title character barely shows up and is only used as a mouthpiece for the author. His original characters (all lesbians) are the real protagonists and are "effortlessly badass" and "super cool". I know Hawk Girl isn't the most popular character, but this man is using her to publish his own power fantasies in every issue.
No. 1744641
>>1744578not all of this fandom activism stuff is american or western exceptionalism or whatever. the cringe fandom activism
>>1743886 from the last thread for eaxmple was from an algerian muslim. many of the fandom accounts tweeting about palestine in between anime and gacha pulls have indonesian, malaysian, etc., flags in their bios.
No. 1744658
>>1744638Pro-Palestine movements have always been fueled by Russia because of their history with Soviet Union and because it decreases political stabilization in the West, and obviously Russia also promotes anti-Ukraine stances. Back in 2014 it was the mostly leftists in Europe who were calling Ukrainians Nazis and saw Russians as the
victim in Crimea, most of them changed their opinion after the current war but you still have the whole anti-Nato sentiment which is behind it. Basically your average leftist in Europe is a pro-Palestine/anti-Israel queer trans rights activist.
I don't think most people outside post-Soviet countries and Russia's neighbors genuinely cared about the whole thing, Ukrainians turned out to be too racist and normal middle class people so it's not so hip and cool to support them.
No. 1744676
>>1744648You can see of them try to show their activism isn't performative by retweeting about the genocide in Sudan but it's obvious they're all just doing this because their mutuals are. None of them are tweeting about the Sudan stuff beyond a single retweet, most of these people would've never looked into Israel/Palestine if there wasn't any prompting, and no one tweets about Ukraine anymore even though the war is still ongoing (but they all justify this by saying Ukrainians are white so it's more important to spread awareness about
POC). It's BLM era 2.0, I tolerated it back then but I think I'm done with actively engaging with these types of Twittards.
No. 1744724
>>1744676Exactly, they wouldn't give a shit about Sudan if the Israel/Palestine war wasn't the hot thing to tweet about so they're just doing an encore performance after their usual "BOYCOTT XYZ!!!" posts.
>I tolerated it back then but I think I'm done with actively engaging with these types of Twittards.Same, once you take a step back you realize how fake it all is and it's more so a matter of keeping up appearances so they don't get called out than actually caring about the people suffering you can't unsee it. I remember during the last BLM era you'd have people trying to bring attention to other issues in other parts of the globe (believe there was flooding in SEA at the time) and most of them would just ignore it. It's pathetic and a waste of time, I just donate quietly and continue on with my life knowing I've done more than the most vocal armchair activists kek
No. 1747679
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>>1746700Repeating this from another thread, In all of Fandom spaces, the demographic that I hate more then any other group and I personally find the most nefarious are Transbians. Unlike other fandom groups, they are fully aware of their intentions but barely mask it under a veneer of progressiveness. Anyone who dares to question or challenge them risks being labeled as bigoted or transphobic. See even the most extreme man-hating lesbian radical feminists don't dislike straight men as much as "transbians" In Fandom spaces, they harbor an intense disdain towards straight men, specifically those deemed attractive to women. Their contempt stems from their own insecurities, as they have never been considered attractive themselves. Lily Orchard, Eldena Doubleca5t and magdalene visaggio all exhibit similar patterns, wherein they usually just ignore m/m relationships, whine and raged against m/f ships and excessively fetishized f/f
I remember in his Harry Potter video Lily Orchard talked a few times about how Hermione and Luna should have ended up together and then shared a fan fiction from one of his friend, of Harry discovering he's a trans-girl (and lesbian).
They'll always find a way to mask their disdain for attractive males, hiding behind some woke excuse or another. they claim, 'I can't stand this character because he's a cis hetero straight white male, and you're all bigots for finding him attractive' And even if that character happens to be non-white, they'll say, 'I still dislike this character because he's just a cis hetero male enforcing patriarchy, and somehow you're all bigots for being attracted to him.'
No. 1747694
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>>1747679i think all thembies are like this, not only trannies. izzy also complained in her tumblr sexy man video that women who like tumblr sexymen are bigoted
problematic racist straight womyn blah blah tipical gendie bable complaining about women while ignoring men boycotting videogames because the women dont look like sexdolls No. 1747753
>>1747694>>1747735I view this as more of an obligation rather than genuine hatred. It seems like they feel compelled to make a comment about attractive men are "
problematic", even though they don't fully comprehend the reasons behind it. However, there is no genuine hatred involved unlike with the transbians.
No. 1747791
>>1747694tumblr sexymen are and always have been for aidens who would ree if you call them straight women, but it's clearly written she/they wuhluhwuhs who would ree if you call their mtf bfs a straight men. ouroboros moment?
how is this even an argument. they prefer male characters because they're attracted to men. they're not forcing themselves to like men the way some girls force themselves to like women to look cool for social media. is that who this is supposed to be for? a callout to the women who thirst over men that while pretending to be lesbians…? this bullshit is why those "male lesbian" memes and using female pronouns for male characters started. just be straight and accept that sometimes, most times, it
is a phase.
No. 1747948
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>>1747694>skinny white anime boyThis barely looks human to begin with, much less an anime boy. The part that she talks about
>tumblr was choosing to popularize the same attractive skinny white dudesis confusing, wasn't the whole joke about tumblr sexy men that they were not attractive to begin with? Most of them look fucking weird and cartoonish.
No. 1747973
>>1747796god yes, something about the way they type and sense of humor is aggravating, i can't look past it despite having similar interests.
>The discussion of my interests on boards sucks though or is practically non-existent. I'm at my wits' end.i relate to this part as well. i saw like maybe one or two nonnas who had the same taste but they never returned again. it doesn't help that some of the series i'm into ended decades ago.
No. 1747986
>>1747973>something about the way they type and sense of humor is aggravatingI agree. It goes beyond politics and troon worshipping for me, almost everything is ear-grating. Maybe I'm just some weird elitist but 75% of the stuff people post on their comes off as performative like what other anons mentioned about old man yaoi,
toxic yuri, how some proshippers are overly edgy to show how counterculture or whatever they are, headcanoning m/f ships to f/f and other things. It all seems very showy to me. While there are people like this on imageboards it's not as incentivized since everyone is anonymous and there's not really much reputation or image people have to uphold.
No. 1747987
>>1747679>>1747735Transbians are the ones perpetuating the "not having big booba waifus is LITERALLY misogynistic and lesbophobic!!!!!!!" narrative, all the time. In gacha games with a male and female audience like Genshin Impact and Star Rail
I swear to god if that one sperg starts shit now they always kick up a stink about a new attractive male character being released and throw a shitfit telling women to go play other games, just like the dudebros they are under that greasy overgrown hair. They always spin it around arguing how the female characters running in a bathsuit with heels are "actually created for lesbians" like "her"self so that even bringing up the point about objectification and aggressive sexualization of women gets silenced immediately because CatGirlGameDev (She/Her) calls you out for "repressing female sexuality". Absolute clowns. And the worst thing is that all these naïve 15-16-year old rudefem polilez babies that are 2 years away from dating a Nigel pick up this rhetoric and run with it.
Actually, no, the worst and bleakest thing is that so many people see the lesbian flag and she/her pronouns and assume that this person is an adult lesbian woman cooming to momma milkers and demanding more and then run around telling everyone that lesbians who are caping for this coomershit and that it's the lesbians who these obviously male-pandering caricatures of women are made for. A true fandom blackpilling moment.
No. 1748006
>>1747992I guess it depends on the type. I'm a fujo so I usually stick to stuff adjacent to that, I'm not willingly looking for scrotes' 2D waifu coomposts. But I do find watching anons slinging slurs at each other more bearable than Twitter SJWs crying -phobic and running people off the site all the time.
>>1747981Exactly this, no one minds their own business anymore. A fandom I was in had almost weekly drama over blockable shit and it wasn't even a big fandom like Genshin. It was like being stuck in a time-loop because people would argue over the same things every time, one of my mutuals was being called out monthly by the same group of people.
No. 1748016
>>1747981It's not even about "tranny pandering" or something like that. Let's be real, unless you're being genuinely bigoted nobody really gets mad about petty shit like that. Sometimes you get the autist with a Furry making a callout post obviously taking something you said out of context and twisting around just to create controversy and net more attention, but generally It's always used as a weapon to attack someone you have a more nefarious reason to dislike like interpersonal drama or them being a part of a clique you want gone. You can be as clean as the perfect fandom saint can only be but if you piss off the wrong nutjob they'll throw anything at the wall to assassinate you, just out of spite and their own incompetence in handling their emotions and coping with their grudge. What I personally fear the most is some unhinged bitch from my past surfacing unprompted with Discord DMs of me saying something potentially
problematic in what I assumed was trusted company and twists everything around with half-baked drama making me public enemy number one when I barely even remember their name. Like you can get cancelled for using the word "retard" now when in 2016 everyone was using it everywhere and that wasn't even a long time ago. People just go straight to public lynching instead of addressing personal things privately first because such behavior has been so normalized in the past years.
No. 1748481
>>1747679They've also completely polluted femslash/yuri/anime/game fandoms with how they try to skinwalk SJWs but reframe it to suit their narrative. EX: Normally big titty ecchi anime that fetishizes lesbians would be deemed
problematic and sexist in normal standards, but
they like it and find it validating so criticizing it is "lesbophobic" to them and "transphobic" if you think it's suspicious if an "AMAB" likes it (because maybe they're a translesbian egg who hasn't realized their gender yet!).
I don't know how many other FE anons are in this thread, but the whole discourse about Fates and the Soleil character was kickstarted by some pedophile horsefaced transbian claiming an out-of-context fan translation was literal "conversion therapy"; It was badly written/OOC on male!Corrin's end and Soleil is a unfunny parody of the S Class trope, but it's so weird how he was claiming to be against the game for feminist reasons but stanned anime that was just as
problematic like Valkyrie Drive and sexualized underage Love Live characters. Not to mention the whole scenario of that support conversation is a trancel's wet dream, so why was he railing against it?
>>1747987>Actually, no, the worst and bleakest thing is that so many people see the lesbian flag and she/her pronouns and assume that this person is an adult lesbian woman cooming to momma milkers and demanding more and then run around telling everyone that lesbians who are caping for this coomershit and that it's the lesbians who these obviously male-pandering caricatures of women are made for.It's their fellow straight men who buy it too. I used to be in those fandoms and I left the moment I realized any self-proclaimed "lesbian" also into the same ships/characters is male 80% of the time is what made me leave Twitter entirely.
No. 1748554
>>1748481The funniest part in that whole Swedish autistic tranny debacle is that it made the localizers so worried about FE Fates being too
problematic for the West thay they butchered the entire game just in case and not just Soleil, and when asked if he were actually interested in Fates or even FE in general he said he had absolutely no intention to play the game regardless of alleged lesbophobia… The entire game became an incoherent mess because of a diagnosed retard who isn't part of the audience. No wonder fandoms in general are so cancerous.
No. 1748585
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Not my moots retweeting about "#FreePalestine children in Gaza are dying right now, so talk about it or you're literally a Zionist." With a silly fandom call out post about an edgelord fujo tif in between. Yeah she's unhingedfor showed her genitals in stream but I can't believe they're even focusing on shit like picrel. Callout document in thread.
No. 1748668
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>>1748585What the fuck is this? Kek this is so pathetic, I'll never understand how these situations come to be. Just leave the discord if you feel mistreated. And OP sounds so annoying, I hate this kind of person that acts all kind while being so gleeful about getting to talk about other people's bad experiences. All the Trigun fans I've talked to have been like this, there would be a conversation about some media they've never even seen and they'd go "Didn't one of the actors say something racist? Let me find the screenshot" with such unbridled joy
No. 1748671
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>>1748585this girl gets that many likes with that art? damn and i am grinding like a loser to make good art
No. 1748677
>>1748585Literally the only claim worth addressing in this entire schizo word salad is using the N word repeatedly and even that one is put under "has a weird kink" so that's some prioritizing right there.
Generally speaking people taking their fandom discord drama to Twitter is so fucking cowardly and stupid I hate that it's become such a norm. You know these people stood there saying nothing when the situation was ongoing and instead gather screenshots to post later giving people no chance to talk it out with them or defend themselves. I remember when a bitch like this tried to start shit about a discord I was in making these inflammatory accusations of bigotry (at a majority female server with a strong feminist leaning) and nobody even knew who the fuck she was and had no idea what she was talking about because it was some lurker who never spoke up ever despite making a snarky comment once in the past, but thankfully it never went anywhere since the dumbass only had like 2 followers to begin with. Seriously, unless laws were broken you should just talk like fucking adults instead of going on social media to hire a personal army. Like all of the screenshots in this stupid document are complete nothing burger toppings about some friend group's personal relationship drama, who seriously gives a fuck about this?
No. 1748752
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>>1748585Most of the screenshots compiled are either edgy jokes (who cares) or the writers overexaggerating things to be
problematic when they're not (who cares). People calling themselves
victims and saying they were abused over this are literally hysterical. Do people just see
TW: muh racism, muh transphobia and retweet with no thought put into it?
No. 1748834
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>>1748752Yeah a lot of those screenshots are just "look at this bitch eating crackers" level petty discord gossip, the "racist comparing being black to being trans" part the callout is really hyping up was literally picrel kek. I had no idea the nuTrigun had such a cancerous fandom when the original is mostly beloved by older millenials nearing their 40's
like myself, giving Vash a k-pop hairstyle was a life-altering mistake. How are these kids ever going to make it in the workforce where they have to tolerate other people with their flaws and confront them like adults in order to gain a living genuinely worries me.
No. 1748883
>>1747948You're right, most of the 'tumblr sexymen' are all some flavour of non-human and cartoonish (actually, are any of them not cartoons/from western media?)– the only times they're 'skinny white anime boys' tends to be when people make humanisations/gijinka art of them (and even then, I've seen shitflinging about how so-and-so's depiction is bad because white/pretty but some other person's is the superior choice because non-white/ugly). I remember watching infighting about that go down when I was a kid over Bill Cipher kek, tumblr went nuts for that little triangle.
I don't see why people get so twisted over women going for what is essentially an edgy manic pixie dream girl of a male character– I don't have a horse in this race, but I can understand why women might gravitate towards husbandos that are very animated/expressive and often some level of loser or dork while still having power. Makes them 'dangerous' and fun but also 'safe', as they're kinda pathetic and also lack a lot of traditionally threatening masculine traits (both physically and behaviour-wise). Or, y'know, these ladies are just just monsterfuckers, either/or.
Idk, I think this trend/phenomena is an interesting part of current fandom behaviour, especially with how creators seem to be trying to cater to the niche, with varied levels of success, and how fights and discourse can be started over what are barely even fanon depictions of these characters.
No. 1748976
>>1748554>when asked if he were actually interested in Fates or even FE in general he said he had absolutely no intention to play the game regardless of alleged lesbophobiaI was super into FE when that "callout post" dropped, and even when I was memeing myself into being a TRA I raised an eyebrow to why some transbian is raising hell about this (Tumblr was full of cotton ceiling shit even back then) and when I skimmed his archive, he barely posted anything about FE in general (IIRC just fanart of Tharja from Awakening like a typical male coomer). Nearly all of my mutuals back then were SJWs who didn't even care about FE started railing against the game, but when Persona 5 (which is arguably equally
problematic as modern Fire Emblem) was out they rushed to buy it. They can't even think for themselves.
>The entire game became an incoherent mess because of a diagnosed retard who isn't part of the audience. No wonder fandoms in general are so cancerous.I hate how you can't say the localization of Fates was awful without being accused of being an Otaku Gamergate guy who thought Soleil's characterization or the weird jailbait shit was good. Half of the voice cast was awful and despite being a "sanitized" version, it butchered the actual bisexual characters and took away their sympathetic aspects. The S support between Niles and male Corrin and Rhajat and female Corrin was completely different. So both the English and Japanese versions of the game are homophobic, go figure. I almost don't want to play modern games anymore, anything released after 2016 has been tainted by the culture war.
No. 1749151
>>1749056>and even a conversation that was kinda gay.I watched the gay supports that were censored (there's technically multiple, since like Three Houses there's a character that's flirty regardless if your character is male or female) and it's typical how moids write this off as a matter of "go woke go broke" when the truth is "wokeness" is kind of conservative at the end of the day. It just plays things safe to make the most money (aka Capitalism).
>Really strange to see people defend the translations just because it get rids of dating a 13 year old when some of the lines are completely different from JP to EN.Censorship always goes for things that are initially agreeable to most people first. I'm personally not sad about pedo-adjacent shit in a mainstream game being gone but I don't understand why there can't be more nuance. Just because one "bad" thing was removed doesn't make the things that weren't remotely offensive being changed "good". Are people too scared to have "moderate/in-between" opinions besides "this is wholly good" and "this is completely bad" nowadays?
No. 1749179
>>1749151I get what you mean. Personally I'm a no censorship at all person, just because whiners on Twitter dislike something in fiction doesn't mean localizers should have free reign to remove it. People have been "critically consuming" media with
problematic content for years now, Tumblrites complaining and raging on their blogs for a week but continuing to post about said media anyway is nothing new. Plus the gross stuff is still in the original game and you're still paying those "weirdos", so I don't see what going ham with censorship achieves.
No. 1749190
>>1749176Good point, it's a T-rated game so obviously there's going to be just as many 13-17 year olds playing as there are 20+. I feel like that's one thing fandom discourse over games with dating sim elements seem to forget. For other games I've seen Twitter whiners say "it's so creepy how you can romance either 16 or 25 year olds!" - God forbid there are multiple options so a player want to romance a character closer to their real life age?
>>1749179>Plus the gross stuff is still in the original game and you're still paying those "weirdos", so I don't see what going ham with censorship achieves.Also true. The Fire Emblem fandom is hypocritical because they love going after fanartists who draw incest/age gap/etc. even though the canon itself has that. Play a different game if you don't want to be in a fandom that will naturally gravitate towards ship dynamics like that.
>>1749186Self-hating gay people trying to become straight are nowhere near the same or as bad as self-hating straight (or bisexual) people trying to become gay. A lot of HSTS are often sexist (especially the men) or annoying but they're mainly hurting themselves at the end of the day.
No. 1749204
>>1749186I have no issue with that either but unfortunately the LGBT community doesn't accept any kind of criticism to trans anything. Like you can't even say some people are not really trans and just fetishists you're being a truscum transphobe everyone is
valid uwu. Even if some gender specialists have analyzed even people like Ted Kaczynski claiming to be transgender at some point and all his writings pointed towards him being fetishistic/misogynistic and not actually transgender. The community is littered with people like that and nobody wants to talk about it because you're automatically attacked if you do. It's literally impossible to advocate for LGBT rights anymore because it's all being lumped with genderspecial pornsick retards who have no business actually taking hormones and actually just need to drink water, eat vegetables, get a good haircut and clean clothes and get off the internet.
No. 1749213
>>1749204It's probably because gatekeeping has gone down in US in the last decade. I see UK troons bitch about the waiting list, but in America anyone can swing into a Planned Parenthood and get hormones if they want. In the 90s-00s you had to basically LARP as another gender for years before you were allowed to do anything medical and you needed surgery to have your documents changed. (Obviously sex change isn't possible and SRS is horrific, but it weeded people out from trying.)
I'm in the LGB camp now because the T community is broken and won't separate HSTS and GNC people who drank the Koolaid but are otherwise harmless from the predators using self-ID, but trans was really not nearly as much of a problem when it was seen as some kind of mental/medical condition only 0.001% of people had, instead of something anyone can be if they want. I didn't even know what a detransitioner was until more of them started speaking out.
No. 1749255
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Music fandoms are one of the worst groups on twitter. Imagine your whole family dies in a car crash and you wake up to people mad at you because you didn’t stream a song
No. 1749264
>>1749255k-pop fandom is
not something we are equipped to discuss here that is a different beast altogether. something i was really surprised about during my stan days is that kpop twt has a pretty sizable number of terfs compared to other fandom spaces.
kpop twt is where i first got peaked lol No. 1749335
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>>1749321>>1749269I think she's referring to girlgroup stans who unironically believe that supporting a brand filled with plastic Idiots and buying their merch somehow support any sort of feminism. It's kinda fascinating how many of them genuinely think that women who sacrifice their entire identity and even their own bodies to become an idol would possess even the most basic feminist qualities or attributes. It's basically cope and or a extreme denial of reality.
No. 1749343
>>1749335im the anon who brought up kpop terfs. this exists but isn't what im referring to. you'd have to go on twitter to see what i mean not YT. they're kpop girlies who get peaked and post
terf talking points stuff in the middle of their normal kpop sperging. they'll sometimes call themselves
femcels or fujos as well depending on the account. they're closely connected to radblr
No. 1749417
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>>1749343Kek like this one?
No. 1749494
>>1749283it's more of a crazy internet thing than a
terf thing. It's like they agree with the fandom on everything but gender and get kicked out and then become more radicalized in whatever else. Honestly, I wish people were normal.
No. 1749512
>>1749501people have been doing this with tlou since the neil druckmann stuff came out. i don't see why this posturing is necessary in the first place when it's possible to recognize that a show/movie/game is good while the creator is a pos simultaneously. or they only choose to callout said media for being "__phobic/ist" when something happens and were conveniently ignoring it beforehand (wouldn't really say people are "ignoring" but they just start making shit up about why x is
problematic). it's like people can't comprehend anything beyond "this person is bad so everything from them must be bad too"
No. 1749673
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>Just cast a skinny 5'0 he/him-woman as a character who is supposed to have the physique of an Olympic gymnast
The absolute fucking delusion.
No. 1749675
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>>1749673This is the character they want her to play btw.
No. 1749710
>>1749549Honestly this, some anons on this site are just against anything "wokies" support just out of principle even if it was a
valid issue to be for. It's so childish and petty.
No. 1749764
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>>1749512>neil druckmannMy knowledge on tlou is minimal but I lurked a little on twitter and everyone is calling this guy a zionist because of what he said in pic related. The things he mentioned in the interview seem reasonable enough to me. I looked up Ramallah lynching - an incident in which a Palestinian mob, who were angered by the killings of over 100 Palestinians in the preceding 2 weeks - proceeded to brutally kill and tear apart the bodies of 2 random Israeli soldiers who had accidentally entered Ramallah. You can also see the photos of the mob holding the organs of the soldiers on the net. Feeling resentment over something so inhumane and barbaric doesn't exactly make him a zionist imo.
No. 1749796
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>>1749738>>1749335The weirdest part for me is how they're in a one-sided war with boygroup stans (both fujos and yumes), even though boygroup stans don't even think about them. It's genuinely one of the most bizarre internet conflicts I have ever come across, it's literally picrel.
No. 1749942
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>>1749673>>1749675never let it be said that handmaidens don't have a sense of humor
No. 1749952
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Every time I see her I feel so sorry for her but at the same time kind of want to laugh because she genuinely looks like the world's most perfect Shinji Ikari cosplay and I can't unsee it
No. 1749956
>>1749942I just can't stop giggling over how absurd she would look. I would laugh uncontrollably when she started talking because it just would be so damn funny without really trying.
>>1749954Oh god, imagine the attempt at doing a sultry feminine voice.
No. 1750045
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>>1749957women horny post about this?
No. 1750050
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>>1750045u have no fucking idea
i havethey have also hornyposted about this dude he gaybaited with on a song
No. 1750078
>>1750050>>17500453dpd nonas
please get better taste, it literally hurts to see this
No. 1750087
>>1750085When straight women say that though, it
really pisses off lesbians.
No. 1750127
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>>1748585>a mod (Sanzu) saying the N slur several timesno…he would never say that….
No. 1750143
>>1749102The internet is forever, just remember that nona. Their content and faces will be around a lot longer than their relevance.
>>1749255This is one step away from the shit you see in pyramid schemes/MLMs, tbf with these superior critical thinking skills that's probably where all the K-pop zoomers will end up anyway.
No. 1750372
>>1750353its like you dont get the point. imagine being straight, imagine the sex you are attracted to also being your biggest predator, also imagine that the average straight moid is balding and fat by 21 and that most married women are unhappy and overworked, it's literally a curse. Now also imagine that other straight women lust after uggos like
>>1750045 furthering fuelling ugly male's egos. It's hell. I have choosen the path of wizardom, but so many straight women who suffer from loneliness end up in terrible situations because their innate biology tells them they have to find men attractive. The vent thread is filled by depressed lonely straight girls who get cheated and abused by their moids.
(derail, infighting) No. 1752694
>>1750372>The vent thread is filled by depressed lonely straight girls who get cheated and abused by their moids.Topkek
>>1750085>>1750353>>1750372Retardation. I can't imagine justifying your own misery in this way and venting about it further mentally exhausting other women, bleak.
No. 1754554
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I honestly feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because, on one hand, I don't believe in unnecessary censorship that alters the true essence or intent of a piece of media. On the other hand, the only people who are "on my side" are porn addicts, coomers and fetishists who think not seeing near naked women wearing fetish armor is literal oppression. I don't want to support or endorse either side.
No. 1755748
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I have to ask, why does it seem like everyone started hating Lin-Manuel Miranda? Like, I was never a fan of him, but it seems out of nowhere people started hating on him all of a sudden in these past few years.
No. 1757811
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Christ, so much of modern media is pretentious tumblrite power fantasies.
No. 1757986
File: 1699384167348.jpg (381.66 KB, 1290x1935, F96OhNBXoAADBUp.jpg)

These are the top "reader insert" characters on a03
>#9-Suga at 2383
>#8-Sam Winchester at 2386
>#7-Batkagou Katsuki at 2715
>#6-Jungkook at 2863
>#5-Steve Rogers at 3660
>#4-Sans at 3773
>#3-Loki at 3819
>#2-Dean Winchester at 4187
>#1-Bucky Barnes at 6661
No. 1757991
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>>1757986>women and teenagers STILL want to fuck the fat skeleton from uttertailKEK
No. 1758122
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>>1758108He looks fat as hell, and his manlet height only helps make him look fat even though he's a skeleton. Reposted for dumb typo.
No. 1759581
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I am so tired of women always having to be the ones to give up their space for the autistic needs of others. Even in escapism we are always the punching bag of everyone else. Moid are allowed to have their drama free art/fandom spaces, but good luck finding a female art/fandom space in the west that isnt invaded and overrun with trannies/gendies/retards. I put women in big letters in my art account just so i could signal other women in my niche hobby that i am not a troon, and even then the troons of twitter ask my fucking pronouns. It's so annoying. All i want is a drama free art/fandom community.
No. 1759748
>>1759557That's very true. Western visual novels tend to be trash not only for the writing, but for the diversity that borders on the line of offensive. Plus, the art tends to be ugly as shit because they're so focused on making realistic body types that they forget that we also have to want to date them, too. I'm a yumejoshi, so I tend to stick to otome communities, but I do play BL games occasionally (a hot man being ravaged is a hot man being ravaged, regardless of whose on top/bottom imo). It's funny you mentioned Nu Carnival because I actually downloaded it in the past after seeing a few posts on Tumblr and enjoyed it, but I never engaged in the fandom there because it's fucking trash lol.
>>1759581Men get to have their spaces because unlike women, men don't have to worry about being harassed or threatened. Ive noticed the difference in reactions, and men, for the most part, can speak their minds and are very adamant in telling these people to get the fuck out when any one of them come in with their bullshit. They feel safer to spread their shit in female spaces because they know they won't get pushback from us.
No. 1760070
>>1759748I agree with you, but I think there's a problem with women trying to be uber accepting– I remember not too long ago women online being much more happy to gatekeep, push back, or be otherwise disagreeable within fandom spaces, but then the narrative of fandoms being these magical, super-accepting places for the socially disenfranchised to flourish really started taking hold (while at the same time the gendie/idpol/sjw shit was also gaining momentum). There was also the push for fandom to be a form of activism, which I think was at least partly motivated by women's tendency to try to (often academically) justify anything 'subversive' that they enjoy, instead of just enjoying it (easy example would be stuff like slash shipping being billed as gay rights activism, instead of just romance/porn a woman might enjoy). You can also add in how it became trendy to have nerdy interests, which brought a lot of, I guess, normie women into fandom spaces who didn't get the culture or just didn't care, but wanted to play social games and used social justice as a cudgel to get their way. I don't think any of this is all that new btw, but it's all become so excessive, as
>>1759945 said.
I generally hang out in art/fandom circles that are either mixed or majority male where the women involved are chill and fun to be around, and can both give and take criticism. People have to be allowed to be wrong, too, can't always be bending over backwards to validate someone before disagreeing with them or proving them incorrect. It's so tiring and false. Finding new female friends with similar interests outside of these established groups is so fucking hard though and I hate it
No. 1760126
>>1759955Not saying you're like this, but the self projection fans are the reason why so many fandoms suffer from the most horrendous takes concerning characters. There are too many people who start their character analysis with "I had this personal experience and that's why character A is bad" all the time on Tumblr and think that's a
valid form of criticism.
No. 1760148
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>>1749343I think I found a more appropriate example.
No. 1760470
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>>1760189this reminds me the other day i found out a japanese artist i like is a TIF. Super weird for a japanese artist to be so open about themselves normally they discourage talking about their beliefs/opinions, but at least it didnt affect her art. I hope it doesnt become a trend
No. 1763306
>>1747679Somewhat related but does anyone else also have a hard time finding video essays about your favorite niche internet media that AREN'T voiced by some nasally tranny?
It seems as though every time I go deep-diving on a topic or see a recommended video on my feed about an obscure interest, nearly 99 percent of the time it starts out with that disgusting nails on a chalkboard ass congested shrill from years worth of half-assing voice training. I searching to see if anyone had written or made a video about this one untranslated denpa/guro eroge that I was fascinated with, and the only video about it is subject of one of the worst tranny voiced I've ever heard. It's gotten bad enough to the point where I have to cross my fingers every time I open a link and I'm actually relived when I hear the average monotone moid voice.
If anyone can recommend any youtuber video essayists who are either obviously men or are women who aren't condescending and shitlib-pozzed, I would highly appreciate it.
No. 1763336
>>1763306Which denpa/guro eroge? Now I'm curious…
I liked Bowl of Lentils' video about the history ofLeaf, creators of ToHeart, and also enjoyed the other ones related to eroge/galge.
No. 1763475
>>1763336I also really like that video. The eroge I'm refering to is Sayonara wo Oshiete ~Comment te Dire Adieu~, a fair warning, it is quite graphic and disturbing in nature yet also quite fascinating in its whole presentation, truly nothing like it out there.
As for other obscure eroge/vn youtubers I also enjoy, I found BaseSk8er recently and while his voiceover isn't the greatest his subject matter and editing is entertaining as all hell.
No. 1763559
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Marvel and it's consequences.
No. 1763740
>>1763475Thanks for replying! I'm aware of SayoOshi, I want to play it one day even if I already spoiled myself years ago kek. I love the OP theme, one of my favorite songs from an eroge.
And thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a watch.
Like you said, it's really sad searching and finding youtubers that cover interesting topics and hearing the typical troon voice/mannerisms. Even worse, I imagine, would be a creator whose work/style you like and bam! he/she suddenly troons out.
No. 1763757
>>1763575Seconded! I've rewatched all her videos so many times. My favorites are the one about the Immortalists, the Breatharianism one and the "acclaimed south korean director/actress couple gets kidnapped to make movies for North Korea's leader" one, but all of her videos are a nice watch.
>>1763747Kek you're right
nonnie, but I still want to complain.
No. 1763813
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So, Blue Eye Samurai is a fairly mediocre show with a crappy romance. I feel it could have been great, but the famdom discussions on Twitter and Tumblr is not even focused on that. Almost all of it is focused on how the MC is a gay transman because she disguises herself as a man in an ultra-misogynistic society, and how the love interest is gay/bi because he finds himself falling in love with the MC despite believing she's a man.
No. 1764060
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>>1763813The funny thing is, if her character had actually been a "cis man" in the show they would have been like oh I headcanon her as a trans woman uwu. I think it's hilarious how many fakebois are seething about a female character being female.
No. 1764401
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oH God, No.
No. 1764797
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Why can't fandom be just picrel?
No. 1764837
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I don’t get why some people can’t admire male characters the way they are instead of projecting femininity onto them. I could care less if someone calls their fave “babygirl” but people who headcanon them as women/go out of their way to feminize them will always be strange to me.
No. 1765444
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>>1765048Based. I've been wondering how many aroace women would just be straight if we just normalized being misandrists more. Picrel makes me wonder if she just wants great female friend to be around with and maybe media failed to give us non
toxic female friendship models lel.
No. 1765475
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I really don't understand how someone can consume a series that is intended for Japanese young boys and then be surprised when the characters are depicted with the fantasy of young boys, such as being big and strong.
No. 1765490
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>>1765444i hate these people so much. Labels are for soup cans.
No. 1765597
>>1765038It isn't new at all. Sexualised men have been branded as gay for a long time. Think about sexy calendars, yaoi, buff men, K-pop idols or men just caring about how they look. We have been calling those things gay for a long time. The difference is that now some girls and women refuse to identify as submissive. But since they see being submissive as natural for women, it must mean that they are secretly closer to men, gay men for refusing to imagine themselves as submissive. That's why every yaoi fans is into that shit, they can imagine themselves as equal with men. Even if they identify with the one getting penetrated, they identify with a man, who isn't naturally submissive, so it's for them. It's like men into BDSM, they know that even if they are shortly abused, they still hold power over women.
No. 1765613
>>1765597>That's why every yaoi fans is into that shit, they can imagine themselves as equal with men.not every yaoi fan is a self inserter. I am not a fujo anymore but when i was at age 12-14 i liked yaoi because it was the only type of media with cute submissive men, in contrast to shoujo/romance for women were the men was always an angsty
abusive faggot.
No. 1765634
>>1765607You are so strong nonna.
>>1765613That's exactly what I'm trying to say. It's easier to enjoy yaoi as a girl or woman because it's two men. I'm not blaming 12 years old you. It's bleak how women are more comfortable imagining a gay relationship than allowing themselves to lust after a man as a woman. And that's because women are expected to be submissive. Creating or even enjoying girls or women being active in a relationship is still not the norm.
No. 1765659
>>1765644Tbf the women who want submissive men have always been a minority. I wish they'd at least make a dominant man who isn't
abusive but our society also primes women for abuse from birth. No wonder they learn to romanticize what the world has told them what they're destined for
No. 1765743
>>1765669I think the reason why women are also repulsed by submissive men is because sexuality is still geared towards men and in their pleasure and view. Submissive men are actually not submissive at all because they expect you to please them or be sexy for them while they do nothing. Many sub men are also bisexual and closeted and want women to peg them or eat their assholes.
Both dom and sub men are disgusting in their own ways and are coomers who are only after their own coom and have very fucked up views about women.
No. 1766027
>>1765475gotta love the accusations of
toxic masculinity and misogyny (?) towards depicting adult!Deku as being super buff with a shorter haircut, as if he couldn't possibly look like that while also retaining his personality and core traits… wouldn't that be actual
toxic masculinity or whatever? That only idk, feminine twinks can act like him? I gave up on MHA years ago, but Deku was always drawn very muscular, just more so in that wiry way an extremely athletic teenager might be (as were a lot of the teen cast) rather than jacked like the adult characters, and haircuts are a common way of showing the passage of time or growth in character design, with short, neat hair = maturity (generally).
I'm so tired of people bitching because the creators of media didn't use their psychic prowess to reach into their specific mind to learn the true version of their works and cater to them. It's not even childish, it's just pathetic and self-absorbed.
No. 1766070
>>1764837Stuff like this only feeds into my belief that fandoms just hate women or maybe it's just that a lot of women in fandom seem to hate themselves. It seems they only like femininity when its applied to a male character, while female characters are only acceptable if they can somehow make them less feminine. Expressing femininity as a woman is mocked, while it's praised on men. Then have the audacity to equate it to "feminism." You giving a shit about women only when they're in proximity to men/maleness/masculinity is not "woke." It's weird.
>>1765597If there's one thing I can admire about fujos it's the fact they deliberately ignore both canon and reality for their own means. If it's so "painful" being a woman, then what's stopping these people from creating what they feel is the "ideal" woman without all the added trauma? People find self inserting, OCs, or yumes to be cringe, but I don't find it anymore cringe than the self hatred that inevitably leads to hating women and the argument of wanting to skinwalk or live vicariously through a man because you're traumatized over having a vagina.
No. 1766130
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>>1766104how? ''femininity'' is a made up concept made by moids, that's why only men and their pickmes throw a tantrum party every time a female character gets ''masculinized''.
No. 1766165
>>1766143Thank you for at least grasping the point of my post.
>>1766162Cool. Still not my point.
No. 1766243
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>>1764949Some anons mentioned how female weeb culture was way more openly sexual towards men back in 2000s or so. And right now depictions like pic rel feel so rare kek. I've seen a few kinda recent ones from italian comic artists for some reason. If anyone knows more horny hettie girl rep, I'd like to know.
No. 1766248
>>1766230What's considered "GNC" now was considered basic femininity decades ago. Women who do non-actions like not wearing makeup and dressing comfortably are considered "masculine" somehow. I only wear a little bit of makeup and T-shirts and jeans, no dresses or skirts, that's considered "GNC" even though I look like a woman in every other way.
>>1766235>But these people don't really care much for GNC/masculine women either, femininity is basically only celebrated in men which is why you see so many women start trooning out but still retain their femininity/look female.This one artist I used to be mutuals with a decade ago went from being a "cis" woman, to a TIF who identified as a man, to a "nonbinary" TIF who presents as a hyperfeminine woman and draws "he/him" characters with boobs and vaginas. GNC women are pushed to identify as men or agendered for not being feminine, but feminine women who do these things also are encouraged to do that because it's subversive. It's a weird obsession with labels over actions. Using different pronouns or a label somehow nullifies that you're behaving the same way women are expected to act.
No. 1766264
>>1766203I think, in the context of fandom nonsense, it's less about celebrating 'feminine' traits in male characters or the feminisation headcanon thing, and more about being 'subversive' instead of 'boring' (especially when it comes to het shit, but slash is normal now so gotta jazz that up too I guess), and also to mask interest in things that might get you ridiculed by using woke/social justice shit to deflect criticism. These same things are also used to socially beat other women in-line within fandom spaces, so it's no wonder it's become their tool of defense, too.
I'm probably going to get flak for this, but a lot of women, especially in fandom spaces, have been immersed in media (either fan content or published things like YA) that is intended for female self-insertion, and I think that too much of that content (along with broader social trends that are outside of this thread's scope) leads to a lot of people who are self-absorbed/have stunted empathy that can't engage with media without forcing it to relate back to them directly– I think one of the reasons why these women dislike female characters so much is that they don't want to be confronted with a story about a woman different from them in any potent way, they just want a sufficiently blank skin to crawl into to imagine themselves pawing at a pretty boy. Which should be fine or whatever, but we're talking extremes here. I've noticed a similar trend in men who only like the most bland of isekai MCs and rage at anything that has more depth or a stronger personality, so this isn't just 'women enjoy things and that means bad' situation. I think this
>>1762735 was also a pretty interesting point as well. None of this is new, but I can't be the only one to have noticed an uptick in y/n x character content in recent years, and I've never liked the ethos behind writing female MCs when it comes to female dominated genres/niches of fiction. I'm also biased because I don't want to ~relate~ to characters or see me represented in them, I want to understand and maybe sympathise with them, so I don't get this stuff at all kek
Sorry for the ramble, I'll leave it at a lot of fandom ladies being unable/unwilling to divorce themselves from the media they consume and only mostly tolerate female characters that are meant for self-inserting/are very vague and easy to warp, and see more fully-realised female characters as idk an obstacle or threat to… something. Not sure what, I'm sure it varies, but they do not like them all the same and will either ignore, shift attention away from/'neuter' them, or outright bash them.
No. 1766298
>>1766281What always got on my nerves was when the "fandom feminists" (usually lib/choicefems) always praised female characters who were "badass
and feminine", but I can't think of any female character in mainstream media that isn't any more masculine than a tomboy. The vast majority of female characters are some form of feminine in some way. I don't necessarily mind that but "badass and feminine" is the norm and I'd like some variety.
No. 1766493
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The baldur's gate fandom has such an annoying population of moralfags that whiteknight for this twink it's actually unreal. I always was irritated with people treating fictional characters like they're real with actual feelings that could be harmed but with Astarion it's insanely prevalent to the point it's very hard to find content of him that isn't super vanilla. You'd assume that wouldn't be the case since half the man's appeal is how pretty and tragic he is, but god forbid you actually enjoy him for that fact and explore it in your art and writing, or twink protective services will be knocking down your twitter DMs telling you to kill yourself. There's just this everpresent feeling in the fandom space that you're not allowed to touch him in any way deemed unwholesome, more than any other fan community I've been in. There's barely any nsfw of him either because people breathe down your neck if you dare sexualize him, and it sucks because he's quite literally the perfect archetype of the cute sad boy you wanna hit with a brick
No. 1766573
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You people are fucking cooking me
No. 1766764
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>>1766493REEEEEEEE listen I love astarion as a character and YEAH I get it that he's important to some SA
victims and it's easy to project onto him if you were abused I get that I get that. But fuck. Moids literally sexualize underage fictional girls all the time and draw disgusting porn with them and literally nobody cares. Fuck, men online don't even care about REAL women being abused, not to mention fictional ones. Meanwhile women all over the internet police other women about their "treatment" of a fictional adult male character. Jesus christ really????? If men gave only an ounce of the fucks that women give about male feelings, maybe the world wouldn't be so fucked up. But they don't. Men will literally never care about women, their lives and their feelings. It's so laughable to me. This is NOT the thing they should be giving that amount of energy and attention for…
No. 1766777
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>>1766645This post made me picrel
No. 1766806
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>>1766493Fuck Asta and his insufferable fans. At first I was attracted to him but now I'm so over him and I even started to see him as ugly, I also want to hate him just out of spite for his retarded fans. Gale is better anyway
No. 1766856
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>>1766810That's Link from good mythical morning, a male lesbian.
No. 1766965
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You guys are mean
No. 1767220
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>>1767149well at least he looks masculine, he's autistic, nerdy, he likes cats and it's heavily implied he's great at giving oral. That's all I need
No. 1767330
>>1766493I get you, none of this would happen to a female character with the same background, it only happens with him because Astarion attracts the same women who were previously discussed itt. I can't tell if they need to feel special and superior for pretending to see him beyond some pixels on a screen or if they are genuinely autistic. Either way, insufferable and makes it another fandom impossible to be part of.
>>1766764Their moralism is fake and dumb. If someone puts Astarion in skimpy underwear or asks you to join him in a a orgy with the drows, ascends him or whatever they deem bad? "You are
so evil! How dare you?!" but when Astarion lures in children for Cazador, laughs at people dying, suffering or being tortured then "Ooh poor baby, he is traumatized he doesn't know better!" kek. By liking Astarion they need to automatically ignore his immorality, but they police everyone in the fandom, it's so funny to me.
No. 1767464
>>1766493I think these people can't separate themselves from characters they like/relate to/insert into/or even just feel compassion towards so any unkindness or 'nasty' act depicted happening to the character registers as a personal affront. Particularly large and rabid fandoms with this mindset also often adhere to 'good endings only', such as when people used to get a lot of hate for either doing in a let's play or just admitting to having done a 'no mercy' run in Undertale. Hell, they probably still do. It circles back to the discussion of too much projection and self-insertion to media, they can't handle anything grim or stressful happening to their little blorbos (ugh) who are an extension of themselves and wildly divergent from canon due to the prevalence of headcanons/fanon. There's also an activism angle to characters like Astarion specifically because of the SA element, which causes people to attack anyone interested in playing around with those concepts or just being horny, as if failing to do so is failing to be a good ally to SA survivors or is, again, an attack on them personally. Not a healthy way to be kek.
I hope you find a niche merrily creating the Astarion content you're after, BG3's fandom has honestly made the whole thing repellent to me so i can imagine it's pretty rough to already be into it. I'm so glad that the characters I'm currently fixating on are either such unlikable cunts that no one cares how they're treated in fandom or are from media with microfandoms of chill people that can't spiral the way that large and fervent fandoms can.
No. 1767543
>>1767464This and people taking what you do in fiction as activism and what you'd do irl or w/e. If you find a character who is an SA
victim sexy and make porn of them then that MUST indicate how you'd treat real life
victims too. They think all of your tastes and interests in fiction 100% map on with what you do irl. It's like a remix of "don't shit on a random person for being fat because it can harm someone you know who is fat" but retarded because they're extending that thought process to fictional characters.
No. 1767630
>>1767543It's really annoying because you can't criticise or explore anything interesting without some fuckwit barrelling in to complain about it, let alone there being a wrong way to be horny for some adult character or other. It also feels a bit weird to essentially imply that SA = a person can now never be sexual again otherwise they'll idk wither and die. Perpetual
victim shit, no thanks. Depicting characters failing to get past their issues and suffering is not morally wrong or bad or whatever they say either, in fiction it's just interesting.
The whole 'you can't enjoy something in fiction without condoning it irl!!1!!' crap is so tiring, especially since so many of these people froth over fantastical media with concepts that would be a reach to apply (even allegorically) to real life situations, so you'd think they'd have a better grasp on this shit but no, they do not.
No. 1767698
>>1767032That seems so tamed compared to what actual SA
victims irl go through, which can be much more violent and traumatizing. What the fuck are his fans even complaining about
No. 1767919
>>1767464>'good endings only'Yes, this is annoying, specially when it comes to BG3 fandom, I won't derail the thread by getting into details, but the whole concept behind the game
is roleplaying. If someone wants to explore a bad character and a bad ending, what's the big issue? They are already in the game. Maybe I am looking back with rose-tinted glasses, but I don't remember the fandom being this moralistic back with game like mass effect and dragon age origins, I feel people understood it's just a game and when you picked evil options you were just… playing a fucking game and having fun with exploring the narrative.
>>1767630>>1767543I genuinely feel this. I want to explore a dark narrative with the character, but I know I would be crucified by these people. To be honest the SA survivor thing feels like those instances where they try to win the discussion with
victim points, as a SA survivor myself, I can't even say I want to bully the pixels on my screen before being accused of being "insensitive and tone deaf".
>>1767698nta but in case this isn't bait, he does get physically and emotionally tortured in some extreme ways for centuries.
No. 1768021
>>1767919one of the ayrt, but yeah I think I started seeing more of this behaviour in roleplaying games with Dragon Age Inquisition, I remember seeing posts about how 'if you like Bad Character and don't stop them or dare side with them to see what happens, then you are a Bad Person'. I was never into those games so I only saw this in passing, so I could be wrong though. I also remember some nonsense about joining the wrong factions (or being horny for its leader) for one of the Fallouts, but that was back when people were more likely to push back instead of fold and cater to these people so it wasn't as bad.
It really sucks that this stuff does come down to
victim points and also encourages/demands people to admit something extremely personal just to be 'allowed' to make content or discuss things the way that they like (and even then it won't be enough and I've seen people get their SA used against them or told they deserved it because they drew something risqué of some freak's Precious. Vile). Hope you're doing okay though.
No. 1768158
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pro-shippers are absolute morons.
No. 1768161
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>>1768158This game was absolutely made by a scrote and he projects into Andrew. All the other characters are women except the villain who we are supposed to hate, very sexualized (Andrew looks normal as child, while Ashley is "pedobait", she could have been drawn normally but she's drawn in a childlike way that scrotes specifically find appealing), Andrew doesn't look like his father while Ashley and her mother are identical, plus you know how weird scrotes' fetishes are.
No. 1768181
>>1768168I think what
>>1766264 said might be one of the causes of this. People want to be spoonfed morals in media because they're unable to realize it's not real. Well they do realize it's not real, but… Even if they understand a story is a story (unless someone is completely delusional and most fandom participants are only a little bit so they don't actually confuse stories with reality) they still relate to it and anthropomorphise it so they don't want to see immoral things in it. They emphasize more with fiction than reality. It's like people who emphasize more with toys than people. Also certain fandoms attract autistics and mentally ill people, so even if someone isn't one of those things they will try to act like the people surrounding them to fit in. In the real world if you're being weird towards someone they'll tell you to cut it off, but a fictional character won't, so they project onto the fictional character. Also participating in fandom for many of them is political, so they actually think being immoral in fandom matters as much as being immoral irl.
No. 1768222
>>1768181kek those were both me, but yeah I agree with your points too. Ive also noticed that some people try to inhabit as many 'correct' (usually popular in the right way) fandoms as possible, even if they don't actually like the media it involves all that much, which I think plays into what you said about people acting like those around them to fit in, which causes them to clash with actual fans. The fandom as political activism crowd will never cease to baffle me though, you can enjoy one thing without relating it to another and you don't need to elevate your interest in anime or a pretty boy or whatever by adding politics.
>>1768185nta but i think a lot of normal people, when told the basic idea of what pro and anti ship stuff is, would side with the pro just because on paper it sounds like mashing whatever adult characters you like together because it's just a bit of fun or interesting, and most well-adjusted people wouldn't jump to pedo shit (for example) being part of that unless prompted to. That's my guess for what anon was getting at, anyway. Plus a lot of the dynamics/tropes antis complain about are common in general, romance, and thriller fiction, especially anything marketed as being dark or intense, so plenty of normies might already be familiar with them and not care.
No. 1768454
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I have never understood this mentality, cause never of these people ever actually watch these diverse movies they always push for
No. 1768474
>>1768454I personally don't care about racebending and only take issue if it's done for woke points instead of some fun thing (like Brandy's Cinderella) but these people's obsession with it is just lame as fuck. Especially with how defensive they are over it because people can't possibly take issue with racebending unless they're evil white supremacists. The Disney remakes are garbage either way and making new characters that are
POC will always be more meaningful than the raceswapping shit, it just comes across as settling for hand-me-down scraps.
No. 1768573
>>1767630>It also feels a bit weird to essentially imply that SA = a person can now never be sexual again otherwise they'll idk wither and dieThis is something that always bugged me too. I know it's just fiction and people will have different interpretations, but the way people infantilize characters that are canonically SA
victims and headcanon them as "asexual" or incapable of having sexual relationships anymore feels the same as how GNC characters get headcanoned as trans.
>>1768168It kind of scares me how so many of these people need their hand held and have media tell them the "
problematic" things happening are bad. It's like they don't know how to tell right from wrong otherwise. I've watched movies and listened to music by sexist artists that "glorify" things or handle topics like abuse in ways that weren't tasteful, and I still knew they were wrong even if that media said otherwise. If looking at that coomer incest games suddenly makes you think incest is good instead of going "that's gross and the creator is a pervert", it says more about them and who raised them honestly.
No. 1768794
>>1768167I don't know about the "lean on proshipper" part but I definitely agree that the whole black and white thinking is ridiculous. not every probleematic thing is equal to each other. I feel sorry for every 14 year old thinking she has to side with lolicon moids just because she ships two characters that the fanbase has deemed "like family" even if they're not actually related
>>1768207>normies liking incestonly if they're not blood related
sadly No. 1768907
>>1768785Used to make fanart for a decently sized fandom with gendie wokescolds and the best thing you can do is to ignore these people. Don't make a statement about it, apologize, or bother defending yourself, just don't acknowledge those replies whatsoever. I'd preemptively block/mute those kinds of people so they wouldn't start shit with me besides complaining about being blocked. Unless you're in a very gendie or "anti" heavy fandom most people won't care so you don't need bring attention to someone being weird in the comments (they usually won't push for you to reply anyway because they're too pussy say anything more beyond a single tweet). I never brought up trans or political stuff, once you do it sets a precedent and people expect you to be open to those conversations or tweet about it. Also I would just avoid following or being mutuals with those types of people but depending on your fandom it might be hard, mine was kind of split between two groups of hardcore gendies who'd complain about
problematic stuff 24/7 and normal people that just post ships/art with no politics so I mostly stuck with the latter.
No. 1769190
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I hate how artists jump from fandom to fandom in the span of a month nowadays. The don't like the source material and are just hoping on trends to garner likes and hopefully sell their shitty merch/patreon. That's why these people art is always soulless pinup or ooc meme shit. I respect japanese/asian artists because they like things with a genuine passion, and it's nice to see their art even if you aren't into the media itself, you can tell the artist actually cares about what they are drawing and didnt just jump on a trend. Pic rel has been drawing EEnE fanart daily since 2015 and i find it really cute and miles more interesting to follow than artist that draws only popular shit with 0 personality.
No. 1769232
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This is the manuscript wishlist of a literary agent. The current literary market is gatekept by a03 using who are also terminally online twitter users.
No. 1769236
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No. 1769242
>>1769232This is so unprofessional.
>dark academia, but replace "academia" with e-sports or tabletop gamingKEKKK
No. 1769307
>>1769187>>1769203It's so deep within nu-fandoms that you see it happen even on Lolcow all the time. People genuinely lack media literacy so bad they only make a very surface level interpretation and run with it. Let's plays and commentary videos have made it so that people will only take some entertaining youtuber's purposefully bombastic opinion (that they took from someone else) as truth and don't want to experience the source by themselves. They watch a video telling them how to feel about something, for example Lolita, and then screech and yell about it glorifying pedophilia despite never turning a page in that book by themselves. Worst part is, they refuse to change their opinion because that would mean they would out themselves as losers who don't actually process what they read so they go full overdrive accusing you of being this and that to make you get off their case.
>>1769232>>1769236I'm speechless. She mentions violent uprising and political complexity being one of the inspiring traits in works that influence them but then demand fluff pieces about muh found families and enemies to lovers doing heists by the power of friendship. YA is just synonymous with amateur writing relying on tropes to lure in the readers.
No. 1769338
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>>1768573>I know it's just fiction and people will have different interpretations, but the way people infantilize characters that are canonically SA victims and headcanon them as "asexual" or incapable of having sexual relationships anymore feels the same as how GNC characters get headcanoned as trans.Tying into the broader conversation of self-insertion and projecting into media being encouraged nowadays, is that really surprising? Because a significant part of women and girls who troon out do so because they are traumatized by the fact of being female, in many cases due to sexual assault as a teenager or child. They troon, but they are still sexually traumatized and due to being chronically online fall easily into escapism, adopting labels like "aroace sapphic" and living through fictional characters on which they project their total lack of sexual desire onto.
Seeing someone else sexualize their blorbo is actually re-traumatizing for them because the blorbo is them.
No. 1769344
>>1769307When people like this ask for political complexity or uprisings, they don't want anything with depth or nuance or creativity, they want another Hunger Games, with all that fluff padding out the majority of the novel like any YA that advertises itself as anything actually interesting. People praise Hunger Games like it's not just a serviceable baby's first rebels vs oppressive government story suitable for a thirteen year olds, and it's influence on YA as a whole is still very present– just now combined with other big series too to make the thinly veiled romance books that the category has become.
Your comment on how shit like lets plays (and commentary vids, but them in particular) effect people's perception and understanding of media is something that really ticks me off, mostly because games are usually played during their most crucial weeks of sale and the way many streamers play them is detrimental to anything that isn't a straightforward pvp fps (eg rushing through and talking over everything, not reading lore/skipping cutscenes and then complaining that they don't know what's going on, having the observational skills of a spoon). Capital-G Gamers have to be one of the worst audiences as well, I've been in chat with people playing a game who've told me they refuse to touch the in-game lore we just unlocked or discuss it until they go watch some youtuber's explanation video, chirst.
>>1769327Fullmetal Alchemist is fine because it's about brothers and ~found family~! cool magic! a cute boy with a cool jacket! state alchemists aren't basically cops/special forces, i swear! or some shit, whereas Military Sci-fi is a stodgy genre with too many moving parts and is probably fascist or involves nationalism/patriotism so it's not okay. Military sci-fi obviously only appeals to men, whereas shounen… wait.
(a legitimate reason could be that sci-fi literature is kinda struggling at the moment, unless it's YA jane austen in space or some shit/very normie-friendly/barely sci-fi, so working on publishing anything on the hard scale of sci-fi and within a niche genre might be beyond this agent's scope)
No. 1769350
>>1769338It's weird that at some point we crossed that line of making all fiction's sole purpose to be escapism and wish fulfillment, not people expressing themselves, telling stories they came up with, creating entire worlds, exploring new ideas etc. Now people can't imagine enjoying entertainment without either a parasocial relationship with the entertainer or self-insertation. If the fiction challenges them, they get upset. If the fiction breaks their own headcanon of blorbo they made up, it's a personal catastrophe because blorbo has to line up with what they want. I get getting upset at an author ruining an enjoyable character by bad narrative decisions but if your interpretation was based on thin air to begin with then it's all on you.
>>1769344>rushing through and talking over everything, not reading lore/skipping cutscenes and then complaining that they don't know what's going onShit like this is so normalized it makes me insane. People skip cutscenes and dialogue just to rush through the game as fast as they can't without really processing the information because "it's boring" an then get mad at the "bad writing" because they weren't paying attention themselves and now have no idea what's happening. Everything has to come in form of an affirmative youtube/tik tok video with flashy effects, funny meymeys and jumpcuts or their brain shuts off.
No. 1769351
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>>1769327It's bizarre and shows complete media illiteracy. It's like she empathizes, she doesn't want novellas or military science fiction. Instead, but asks for seires with the same "vibes" "black mirror" and series like Gundam.
No. 1769656
>>1769351embarrassing that the fantasy examples she picked are are all terrible, milquetoast books that no one cares about. no wonder the SFF genre is so shit nowadays if people like this with awful taste push what gets published.
>>1769353>written by Westerners who barely understand their own cultures and couldn't be bothered to do any proper researchit's because people like this agent can't handle anything too complex or else they just give up on it after 20 pages because "it's too dense" kek people won't even read books over 300 pages anymore because it's too much effort, so expecting them to read translated works or anything that isn't westernized to death is too big an ask
No. 1770054
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I'm fascinated by people who are obsessed with less popular fandoms or ships that have long lost their relevance. A few days ago, I came across a twitter with a user whose account was dedicated to being a fan of Regina Mills/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time. I scrolled through their posts, which consisted of pictures, gifs of the character or actress, and even some rare fan art all in the year of 2023, these posts received a few likes and retweets, but nothing more than a few dozen. It amazes me how someone can care so deeply about a show or ship that ended years ago, had mediocre quality, and made no significant cultural impact. It reminded me of this fan-site I came across a few years back, dedicated to an actresses who was popular in the 1960's, to the point they would feature any mentions of her in media
No. 1770341
>>1744398Nonnas I've really hit my breaking limit with fandom. I'm not sure whether I should've posted this in the vent thread but holy shit the autistic people I have to tardwrangle is driving me to the brink. The other night I snapped because I'm taking a break from fandom (reasons undisclosed for not doxing) but somehow one of them found my main blog and has sent over 15 messages I've ignored and I had to tell them politely to leave me alone, but just doing that gives me anxiety because the fucking lot of them throw tantrums when I draw one measly boundary. Literally what is the point. I want to post my fanfics but if I have any personality whatsoever they get butthurt at me and upset I don't want to be their friend and just want to talk about the media at hand so then I'm the fandom bitch.
It doesn't help that I don't want to hurt people's feelings, I had to convince myself 'the lolcow nonnies would tell them to fuck off and be ashamed of you if you didn't' to go through with it at all. It's possibly the dumbest fandom I've ever spent time in but it seems like most fandoms are this bleak with the most socially inept retards populating them. Holy fuck.
No. 1770617
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>>1766493Astarion's case proves to me that I must be a contrarian by nature or something. When the game came out and I had absolutely zero idea about his fanbase; what people think of him; haven't read any comments about him and his voice actor etc., I loved him and I loved his VA. Now, having interacted with his fanbase, his VA's fanbase and all that cringe, I honestly began to hate his character, his virtue signalling VA, his snowflake fans, just everything. I don't even feel physically attracted to him anymore which is so funny because I remember writing on lolcow like 2 months ago how much he ticks all boxes for me and how perfect he is. It's amazing how much a fandom can affect not only my perspective but also my fucking libido. I almost can't believe it.
>>1767330>but when Astarion lures in children for Cazador, laughs at people dying, suffering or being tortured then "Ooh poor baby, he is traumatized he doesn't know better!" Ackshually he was conditioned to be like this for 200 years uwu and he hates helping weak slaves because he himself was a weak slave and nobody helped him back then so he's just bitter now uwu and if you still don't sympathize with him you just don't get his character (even if you're perfectly able to describe the psychological mechanisms behind his behavior while still not liking him) and you're
victim blaming uwu. Even his voice actor is implying that you don't get his character if you ascend him. Bitch????? Maybe people just want to explore other scenarios out of pure curiosity, like how the writers handle his character if you ascend him etc.? Not everything is about hurting your self insert just because you happened to project onto him. These people are fucking 30-40 years old. They're older than me. And they act like fucking babies. I'm actually autistic and even I don't present this level of cringe regarding my favorite characters. Now I regret I'm not a streamer, I would be shitty to Astarion just to
trigger those retards
No. 1770660
>>1770617I get you, but I can't stand letting fandoms have priority hold over the text. No matter where you go now, a majority of media is dictated by idiot committee applying a select few of acceptable archetypal palettes. The way I view it, it's less that Astarion is the problem (his VA is kind of annoying though) and more the baggage that loud and stupid fandom drags to the table. People like you who actually care about the story are worthwhile having around to challenge it. I get the contrarian thing though, but sometimes there
is a correlation of a bad fandom with a bad text (Marvel, Homestuck). In that case my issue is still the latter.
>>1770359I didn't think of it that way, but you're right, the general cultural shift is probably a part of it too. I just can't understand how you wouldn't get the message after not responding once or twice. And this isn't even a moid I'm talking about, but they also pull similar shit. I actually feel insane having to tell people to please stop being weird and rude, why do you not have basic decency. It's baffling.
No. 1771117
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Why do Twitter handmaidens and trannies keep defending the fanservice scenes in CSM like their life depends on it? I have never seen any other male mangaka who gets dickridden to this extent and it is genuinely funny to me.
>Fujimoto puts a color spread of Quanxi scissoring her girlfriends
>"OMG he did it for the lesbians"
>He dedicates one whole chapter to Power acting like a retarded babygirl, taking a bath with Denji and eventually leglocking him and sucking his blood
>"This is peak sibling behaviour and only porn addicts will find this scene sexual"
>Makima who is the control devil needs to resort to sexual manipulation to groom Denji
>"This scene is super pivotal to the story and it establishes Makima as a predatory groomer"
>Asa - a "femcel" who is shown to have crippling anxiety in social situations - nonchalantly strips down to her underwear to fight off a devil
>"The way he draws teenage girls bodies is sooo realistic and this scene is supposed to make you uncomfortable - it is not remotely sexual!!"
>He drew Asa and Yoru in a bunny suit and cheongsam respectively in the volume extras
>"Asa's bunny suit isn't sexual at all - it is totally something that an actual teen girl would wear!!1"
The list is endless - he stripped down Quanxi and Reze in their volume covers and battle scenes while Denji only lost his shirt, he had another adult woman grab Denji's dick in part 2 and very much every other woman in his story is super sexualized but Fujimoto fangirls are always ready with some 3deep5u explanation for why he draws such scenes.
Also funny how he claims to like irrational and dominant women but not even a single female character in his story is allowed to be stronger than his self-insert. His older works like Imouto no Ane, Fire Punch are even more gross when it comes to the way he treats his female characters. Bar for male mangaka is so low that women on Twitter unironically see Fujimoto as some groundbreaking, revolutionary feminist and perhaps the only mangaka who is capable of writing male/female romance(Asaden), lesbians(Quanxi), trannies(Togata), etc etc
No. 1771124
>>1771117cause they have to justify liking it in someway, due to the insane standards they set for themselves. like I remember on twitter people finally started bringing up Stephen King's creepy childsex gangbang after he made some pro-Israeli statement, only when he had the wrong political opinion, then your work is
No. 1771129
>>1771117Can't speak for CSM but tbh this is pretty typical fan behaviour– you can never just like something and admit to it containing unsavoury things at the same time, apparently, instead you have to justify it by claiming things like depth or a higher artistic purpose for those things' existence. I feel like I see slightly less of this from male fans these days (some still do, obviously, and some male fandoms are so up their own asses about how no it's totally art and intellectual, you just don't get it you pleb), and I think that has to do with 'nerd' stuff and being in a fandom having much less stigma/being more normal now than it did in say the 2000s where I remember seeing a lot more of this from guys. Women, on the other hand, looked like they were heading the same way, but have back-tracked and can now be way worse with the need to justify their interests as being anything but base or simple enjoyment. You gotta rewrite the media you love so that the fandom police won't come beat down your door. Also feels like a lot of younger female shounen fans struggle with not being the target audience for the things they love, and I wonder if part of that is because markets for media like animation are now more general audience cartoons & female audience cartoons, rather than the older male audience cartoons & female audience cartoons. Just a thought.
No. 1771168
>>1771117This isn't really a troon thing, a lot of CSM fans are just genuinely braindead and for whatever reason put Fujimoto on a pedastal and think he's not like other shounen mangaka. I'm a fan of his work too but they view every single element through a deep philosophical lens and believe he's above basic anime tropes/fanservice. Every sane person recognizes that Asa stripped down scene as fanservice but CSM fans will find a way to wax poetic about it. But in general, I'm seeing this kind of incessant defending grow even among shounen dudebros who wouldn't have even cared about fanservice 5+ years ago, it's really weird. Like they'll fight over "YOUR mangaka is a pedophile but mine isn't!
screenshot of bnha fanservice scene" "ackshully your mangaka is a pedophile too *insert screenshot of orihime with her boobs out" "well at least my mangaka isn't oda (one piece) who got 2 pedophiles (kenshin/toriko) back into the industry" shit - that is a normal conversation between shounen moids on Twitter these days. More specifically the "normie" shounenhead types though.
No. 1771180
>>1771117>>1771168This is something that genuinely mystifies me. CSM is generic edgy coomershit for teenage boys yet people pretzel themselves into believing that it's Super Deep and Not Just Author's Thinly Disguised Fetishes. What the fuck is it that makes people whiteknight it to the point they embarrass themselves like this when anywhere else in history would this be labeled as exactly what it is? It's hypersexualized women fighting for a teenage self insert hero's dick. Yet you're supposed to act like Fujimoto is the wokest man in Japan. I don't even care if they like it because it's none of my business but a spade should be called a spade. I've never seen shit like this, usually even the fans just go "yeah it's fanservice, it is what it is" but CSM stans would rather be nailed to the cross than admit it. Why?
Also kek @ them acting as if Power and Denji are a "healthy couple". I swear either the bar for these people is in hell or they will accept anything if they can look at it and say "he/she's just like me fr".
>>1771138This. It's like treading water trying to explain to these stupid fucks that just
maybe the author included a superficial oversexualized lesbian relationship because he can coom to it and not as a shout out to all the WLWs of the world.
No. 1771187
>>1771180>Denji and Power are a Healthy CoupleKEK what? I thought the idea of Power was that Denji could have a resemblance of a family with Aki and Power, which means both of them act like siblings to Denji.
I’m sure the author isn’t trying to do anything deep, and that he’s just baiting random possible couples with Denji for the sake of creating porn of the characters, but Denji is so unlovable in the story, that it almost makes you believe that the author is trying to show that maybe all you need is a family and friends instead of a romantic relationship if you’re an immature manchild that got too traumatized to the point of being numb.
No. 1771243
>>1770054Blog, but I'm one of those people you're talking about (except the obscure content I like is good kek). People generally find it interesting/quirky, but sometimes I do feel a veneer of disrespect in my interactions with others, especially if the characters you like best are unpopular even within the fandom compared to the ones that are typically more acceptable for obsessing over (male, more easily palatable, etc). There's barely any content so I have to make my own, but it doesn't get much traction either (and people can get weird with you in the comments) so I've been really just making it for myself for a while now instead of posting because I feel extremely self-conscious over making most of the content. A lot of the time I wish that my brain had laser focused on some more popular character(s), just because my faves could be getting loads of fanart instead of maybe one piece every month if I'm lucky kek. People mostly just mention my favorite characters to hate on them so it's a bit disheartening at times, but oh well. I love my
problematic women too much.
No. 1771385
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Least misogynistic Helluva Boss fan
No. 1771464
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>>1771287I'm bi but I only care for fictional scrotes and excuse me Gale is hot
No. 1771551
>>1771485NAYRT but CSM is such a coomer fest that there's barely any male character worth a damn. It's actually a pretty funny case of a shounen jump series having an almost reverse effect on fujos, whose drive is essentially a cast of well written male characters interacting with each other, a trait almost inherent to shounens since they're all mysoginistic garbage (see: Naruto, MHA, JJK).
Usually this would fuel fujoshi en masse (and it has with most FOTM series) but in the case of CSM it conspiciouly hasn't. I've seen people try with Aki/Angel but that's such a low-tier, oncelercest desperation ship that you can immediately tell it's cause they had no choice kek. Even Denji seems to be too repulsive to ship with Aki.
The recent isekai trend of shounens which are essentially harems of females (+1 femboy) definitely has a fujo-warding effect that I've noticed. CSM is just a harem masquerading as something else so it's no surprise it fits the bill. Curiously this caused some fujo shippers to become hetshippers in this case.
No. 1771564
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>>1771287Can't forget that the last game where the BG3 target audience got to fuck some low-poly 3D men was Dragon Age Inquisition in 2014, where pic rel was the hottest husbando of the year.
By comparising to Solas these new crusty middle aged men might as well be Adonis.
No. 1771570
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>>1771287>Japanese current-gen game tries to make the characters look as realistic as possible with face scanning and mocap>the guys looks good most of the time, maybe a little bit uncanny valley if we're talking about some PS4 games>Western current-gen game tries to make the characters look as realistic as possible with face scanning and mocap>the men look like shit or like the typical 2012 era tumblr husbando, which means they look like shit but in a specific waySomeone please explain that shit to me. How does Capcom manage to make Leon, Carlos, Dante, etc. look so fuckable but Western devs give us… that?
No. 1771573
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>>1771564Cullen was normal looking though
No. 1771579
>>1771564Maybe I'm too much of an otome/2Dfag but this is why I could never get behind these 3D western games with dating sim elements, the characters are too weird looking for me to think of that way. And even then,
>>1771570 is right. It's always the 3D western games that do this. I'm not into moids but I 100% get the appeal of Dante and Leon, but almost all of the men and women in Bioware games or BG3 are too uncanny valley for me.
No. 1771580
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>>1771573Really, nothing has changed. I liked old 2D men so I like them all (except Solas) but really, put Cullen next to Astarion and tell me which one is more attractive. A real question because I can't tell. They are both simulataneously switching between ugly and hot like a kaleidoscope.
No. 1771586
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>>1771551You're right, I never got why people like any characters in CSM besides looks. They are all shells for telling the story and nothing else. The second part has somewhat better characterization and made Denji x Yoshida possible though kek
No. 1771600
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>>1771586STG after he posted about reading Sleeping Dead this guy is just leafing through BL manga to add a bunch of bait
No. 1771602
>>1771580>They are both simulataneously switching between ugly and hot like a kaleidoscope.kek I did say once that this vampire or elf guy either looks good or really ugly depeding on the screenshots I saw and anons started debating over how hot or ugly he truly is. I guess I get the appeal in theory but in practice… no, I think I would have been all over him if he were in a JRPG with less realistic graphics.
>>1771582>because reeeee vidya is for boys only no girls allowed handsome men are fags reeee.Fuck you're onto something. Reminds me of JRPG's reputation in the West, especially Final Fantasy, for having "whiny, faggot protagonists" just because the male main characters aren't unga bunga muscular tards and act like human beings. And Square-Enix listened to these people so much they changed the original Nier's protagonist so he'd be an albino gorilla looking middle aged man instead of a pretty young male adult. I'll never forgive them for this but now that the remaster is out maybe I'll finally give this game a try. In Japan a lot of games are marketed towards everyone while the West was always like "reeee girls don't play games!!1!", to then make games bland, shittier and uglier in the 2010s because "oh no, we could have had more consoomers if we didn't do this shitty marketing tactic back in the 90s and 2000s, time for muh inclusivity now!!!" I'll never forget MGS being marketed for boys back then while Kojima was actively trying to pander to girls and women but making Snake have a fat ass and giving us Raiden, which resulted in Western guys calling MGS2 and Raiden gay. Megami Tensei is more popular with women than men in Japan and ads reflect that, and Atlus hired a lot of women recently for that reason but in the West you wouldn't know that.
No. 1771623
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so do twitter south park fans just. not. watch the show?
No. 1771644
>>1771634>but you still have to at least watch the playthrough to be a fanYeah but no. It only works for visual novels, maybe including some of them with the occasional puzzles and minigames but nothing else. If you watch a playthrough you aren't experience the gameplay, you're not doing shit, and many streamers suck ass at games and miss a lot of side quests or items or optional cutscenes. Even then, I've seen plenty of zoomers claiming to be hardcore Ace Attorney fans but not even knowing what's going on in their alleged favorite series of games even though it's explicit canon things that have a huge impact on the whole story. In a visual novel.
I still can't get over them missing that Mia/Lana is not canon, that they never, ever interact on-screen, that Lana's case was added in 2005 in the DS remake/port of the first GBA game, and that Diego/Mia is so canon that if that weren't the case the entire third game wouldn't have happened. They always think the most OOC shit about the main characters of the games it's insane. And again, it's a VN with one ending and maybe a few bad ends here and there if you manage to get a game over in the last cases.
No. 1771662
>>1771634>>1771637Some videogame canons I'm only familiar with is due to watching LPs/walkthroughs, because I don't have time to play every game that piques my interest when I'm an adult with a job. But I've never called myself a fan of that game or recommended them to play it because I haven't.
>>1771644That's so crazy. I'm awful at video games and I got into Ace Attorney in 2007 because it was a super simple visual novel and portable to boot. I'm guilty of missing canon details often due to memory, but Mia/Lana was literally implied via one line and like you said, Mia/Diego was basically canon enough to be a major part of the third game's events. I can't imagine only being into the "fandom" version of a series via memes and fanfics.
No. 1771712
>>1771662The problem is instead of playing a game all the way through because you want to, people are suffering from FOMO and have to consume as much game media as possible, so they watch streamers and LPs and claim to be into those fandoms.
>adult with a jobYes, that's most of us here. Games are expensive. most people are adults with jobs who play them. It took me a few weeks to go through FF16, but I'm glad i did. It's a whole different experience playing the game yourself. It always is. I'm tired of a lot of fake gamers who claim to like this and that fandom without ever picking up a controller or mouse/keyboard
btw not trying to argue with you. so i apologize if i came off odd because of text. No. 1771725
>>1771696No I get you point, I mostly disagree with you but I definitely see where you're coming from.
>>1771712>It took me a few weeks to go through FF16, but I'm glad i didSame. I'm busy and tired so I only played during the weekend, and it as very different from watching other people playing
very badly or skipping a lot of quests and dialogs or listening to the English dub that changes a lot of details that end up making some scenes nonsensical like, idk, Dion suddenly becoming the emperor as soon as his father dies in English and in none of the other languages which changes his motivations for executing his little brother a lot. I'm very picky because I lack the free time needed to really get into a lot of video games, and because of university and then work I still have a backlog with some games I bought a few years ago for the 3DS. But you don't see me calling myself a Bravely Default fan for just playing the demo and having a copy of the game I barely touched just because I know I'll love it because of the job system inspired by FF3 and FF5.
No. 1771963
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I remember reading a Tumblr post about why Japanese content tends to be more "creative" than Western. It stated that the Japanese have a broader culture of reading classic literature and are also more open to watching documentaries. Interestingly, documentaries are commonly watched in Japan almost daily. Could these two factors really be the reasons behind it?
No. 1772037
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The hilarity of gatekeeping husbandos by race aside…
who the fuck is hobie anyway?
No. 1772098
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>>1772086creative liberty in japan means taking a 4koma cgdct manga and giving it an unique art direction like with Hidamari Sketch. I dont know what that anon is drinking.
No. 1772105
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>>1772094if you want to develop depression at record speed remember that American artists used to draw like this a century ago
No. 1772116
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new genshin discourse just dropped. people were genuinely mad over this tweet with some even calling op a terf/accusing her of hating trans headcanons
No. 1772132
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>>1772104>I'm not a communist or whatever but in America at least I notice media has just become increasingly more corporate and for-profit in the last decade. They just want to superficially pay lip service to social issues using characters people already like because it plays it safe. When I was a kid/teen I would see a lot of shows that were really interesting and creative but short lived just as much as I saw bad shows that didn't last, but that's apparently too risky to try now.I know exactly what you're talking about. This weird liberal corporate PMC-guided form of "anti-racism" which requires making these very awkward-sounding declarations to be considered non-racist, non-transphobic, non-right-wing. 99% of non-white people are frankly weirded out by this behavior, except those in the Professional Managerial class. For example, picrel was from the Harley Quinn show in Batman's cave and not presented as a Joke.
No. 1772143
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>>1772116OP seems based, lmao.
>>1772130If the male characters that get headcanoned as lesbians were R63'd or headcanoned as actually women I'd be into it (some male characters I would like 5x more if they were female instead), but 9 times out of 10 it's just more annoying trans content or straight sex with pronouns slapped on.
No. 1772199
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(more tumblr husbandofags since I find them absolutely hilarious)
I think the whole proship vs antiship thing is retarded
but why is someone's husbando invalid if it's 'proship'?
by that logic like a good 50% (or more) of joseimuke characters are out
No. 1772411
>>1771570I work with 3D and I'd say that a lot of it comes down to differences in mentality and goals. Western games tend to avoid deviating too much from the face-scanned model's features (this is also why I feel concept art can end up looking very vague in the face until a face model is chosen), for various reasons such as chasing true realism (which means keeping flaws and rough edges, then adding more such as scars to fit the character), wanting to keep an actor's face as recognisable as possible, or otherwise not wanting to 'beautify' a real person's face for whatever reason. Sometimes you also get weird hybrid faces that are a mix between the VA's and another person's face scan. I feel like Japanese devs, for example, often start with a stronger look for a character while designing them and then adjust their face-scanned meshes more to match, seeming happy to include more stylisation in their realistic works. Or just outright sculpt the face from scratch, maybe using a specific irl face model as reference, which gives you much more control (which I also prefer to do tbh). Personally I don't like face scanning or heavy mocap reliance, as it's often used as a crutch.
This isn't just a problem for male characters either, as many female characters will look a bit dumpy in the face too by the time they make it into the game, and it's not because their real life models are ugly or anything.
There's also the issue of game engines, which can have all sorts of optimisation requirements that end up fucking with how your human characters look that I will not sperg about here.
(please take everything I said here with a grain of salt though, I'm still a junior and this is mostly just based off of my observations and personal research into the industry)
No. 1772460
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>>1772058OT, but I absolutely loathe with the American correlation of viewing welfare as socialism. It's not! In the Harley Quinn show Joker, defunds the police, provide welfare benefits, and establish community centers for criminals and that magically solves all of Gotham's problems. And the writers may believe in that, but that's not socialism at all. It's simply a well-planned, non-retarded liberalwelfare policy.
No. 1772528
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>>1772494it makes me kek trigun when from a somewhat obscure anime/manga normally only talked about by 30+ weebs to 15yo gendie n1 animu thanks to nutrigun. I hope they never make nu-hellsing or i will riot.
No. 1772618
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>>1772530No, literally no one ships that shit you have such an insane hateboner for. Neuvillette gets called lesbian by the worst subsection of delusional fujos who make shit like picrel unironically
No. 1772837
>>1772199"Your husbando loves you, unless you have opinions I don't like." He's not real, what if my "F/O" agrees with me.
>>1772460To be fair, the conflation that basic welfare is socialism is a typical bootstraps Republican POV. It's weird to see "liberals" repeat those same talking points.
>>1772618WTF are those other flags besides the lesbian flag???
No. 1772952
>>1772927When Tumblr was peak SJW hell there was discourse that using the words "husbando/waifu" is racist and proposed "fictional other" instead. I saw some of the OG hardcore husbandofags like Nemu use it too.
>>1772935There was also the argument that "gender and sex is different" so drawing a canonically male character with long hair and big boobs doesn't say anything about the character's gender identity or whatever. I saw artists try to placate this crowd by drawing genderbends but calling them "cisswaps" or "presentation play" but of course that didn't please them because they're
triggered that the fact biological sex exists.
No. 1773073
>>1771570stylization>hyper realism
I believe that the closer something tries to look realistic, the easier it is to spot the irregualirties. You know what reality really looks like and how it behaves.
No. 1773158
>>1773079You should check it out if you enjoy the art, it reads very well and the story is interesting enough. I never understood why it even got a fandom in the first place though, none of the characters are really fit to blorbofied and it seems like half the fans are just in it for gore and boobs, they don't understand the simplest themes
>>1773084>>1773091Yes, and since all media looks similar it becomes difficult to think of new stuff or convince execs that people will like it. Anime becoming popular has started to lead to change, but I wouldn't say it's been getting much better
No. 1773555
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I seriously can't get enough of this chick, she's fucking hilarious.
No. 1773585
>>1773555This is so dumb. Literally selfship cockwatching. Posts like those aren't going to encourage anyone to genuinely yume with darker skinned characters anyway, if anyone feels guilted over it they'll just have a token black husbando and it'll be like the performative "step on me queen" womenposting while not actually caring about the character.
Semi-related but I come across a lot of TIF yumes who have female self-inserts/OCs. At least they recognize they're women at heart in some way.
No. 1773631
>>1773555Stuff like this is always "damned if you do, damned if you don't". I'm sure if someone's character list had mostly non-white or dark skinned characters she would be equally suspicious.
>>1773585>Posts like those aren't going to encourage anyone to genuinely yume with darker skinned characters anyway, if anyone feels guilted over it they'll just have a token black husbando and it'll be like the performative "step on me queen" womenposting while not actually caring about the character.That's how people are with ships involving non-white characters too. I care about racism but I don't think fandom (especially in areas that heavily revolve around personal feelings/preferences like ships/yume) is the place for faux-activism like that.
No. 1773633
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>>1773073It's the old adage sometimes less is more
No. 1774008
Sage for no screenshots of it, but there's a tweet going around of some Neuvilette/Furina account that listed all their straight ships they like and they're getting such an insane amount of hate. It's honestly disheartening to see because it was such a normal post and people are genuinely calling them homophobic for not shipping the characters with their popular gay equivalent instead.
>>1773995Of course you don't deserve to be witch hunted for it, but I think even you can agree it was stupid to say in the first place.
No. 1774024
>>1773993>their preference doesn’t even want themand you would know that by their preference openly sharing their own preferences, right? kinda a retarded point to make and is just a way to imply someone is undesirable by not being of interest to an entire ethnicity/phenotype.
I don't think anyone really should be out there declaring whether they find one race or other attractive when it's probably evident from their interests and only matters to who they choose to date. I don't get why that's anyone else's business, and have seen way too many witch hunts over eg an artist gravitating towards x or y characters that share a common trait in their skin tone.
No. 1774096
>>1774057They say it all the time
>bootlicking moids Who is even doing that, you just make up shit to screech about
No. 1774116
>>1774039>the women dating the men you trashNo one is dating white men with yellow fever, retard. Even then, not like Asian women saying they don't wanna date white men or white women saying they don't wanna date arab/afghan men are saying it to annoy those women's gfs.
When women talk about their preferences, we don't do it in a malicious way, we usually do so to vent. I'm half white and I had a ton of brown men only be into me because I'm "pale" and they'd lose their mind when I mentioned wanting to darken my hair when they themselves have the features they hate on women such as ugly noses, dark hair, skin, etc.
No. 1774120
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Anyone remember this.
No. 1774130
>>1774120i think i may have just died of second-hand embarrassment, thanks. what motivates this? (aside from being a sped, ofc)
>>1774123People who want to self-insert or like the combination of him being non-threatening/'cute' and a power fantasy, I guess
No. 1774132
>>1774126Every woman is a feminist long as they vote and work lol so this topic isn't about feminism. Yeah I won't date dangerous men from regressive cultures neither will I date neonazi white boys, stay mad about it. Love how you bring up feminism when women are just talking about normal stuff as if everything women do and prefer has to be political and we can't just refuse to date a group of people known for being
abusive, unattractive, ugly, poor, etc. because we don't wanna.
No. 1774139
the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
By using those rights and living equally to men, you accept that women deserve equal rights and by definition it makes you a feminist. What else did you think feminist meant?
No. 1774214
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First off, i don't know anything about these characters. I randomly came across this post and it made me so confused, it reads like a bait shitpost you'd see here kek.
No. 1774245
>>1774214i think the first tweet is trying to say that the same people who liked a regal damaged sad boy asshole character still like those kinds of characters (not sure if I'd personally put these two in the same category but whatever), probably as some sort of dig, and then the other one is spazzing out because Loki is a shapeshifter, which in this day and age means queer gendie shit no matter how the character actually behaves in canon.
What I do know for certain is that I feel dumber for reading it.
No. 1774266
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>>1774257that was for a few issues but I haven't read it, I did read kid-loki(It's actually what introduced me to comics) Honestly I wish the show took the same direction and had an excuse to replace Tom Hiddleston with a younger hotter actor.
No. 1774297
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>>1774214Samefag but this is too funny. Oh noo not the poor tims, no longer able to trust women over… Fictional character comparisons? acting like the op hatecrimed some troon kek what a joke
No. 1774304
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>>1774271This reminded me of the discourse surrounding the shipping of Lutece twins from Bioshock on Tumblr. In the game, these two are fairly important side characters, and early on most people assume that they are siblings because they look similar and refer to each other as brother and sister. However, It's later revealed they are actually the same person, with one of them being from an alternate universe and they instantly develop a liking for each other because they are the only ones who can understand their own genius. Their quirky dialogue, as well as their genuine closeness, made them very popular on Tumblr, I'd wager they were the most discussed characters in the entire game(at least on Tumblr) and they were frequently shipped together as well. And that was the first time I encountered "anti" discourse, as many argued that it was immoral to ship them because they were essentially siblings.
No. 1774344
>>1771570No they don't. It's obviously somewhat stylised based on scans of models. Look at the actual models.
Also, the graphics in Japanese games are inferior, as always, but the art stylisation is better and cohesive. Older Western games did this better than any currently do.
No. 1774494
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>>1774304OT but this takes me back kek. I miss the era of Bioshock popularity on tumblr. Crazy I lived through an era where it was majoritarily normal to ship siblings,
I miss it No. 1774515
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>>1774304tbf, it's like they were asking for them to shipped. They had the perfect couple dynamic, playfully teasing each other but never saying anything truly hurtful. The fact that they were the same person but with different life experiences due to their sex was also intriguing, and they were subtly physical with each other.
No. 1774655
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tweeting "you're not a lesbian if you want to fuck a man" is now a controversial enough opinion on kpop/anime twitter to warrant 1,400+ quote retweets. every response just reeks of internalized biphobia, these people sincerely believe attraction to celebrities bears no relevance to your sexuality. i have no doubt in my mind that 95% of these "lesbians" mad over this tweet will realize they're bihet and end up dating a man within the next 3 years kek
No. 1774679
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>>1774299They are kek. It's a mix of seething at random media or celebrity related tweets and talking about highschool bullying that she's not over yet or how much her life sucks in general. Picrel made me giggle, this is the funniest phenomenon to me. Talking about 2D characters sexually like that is almost seen as trendy or funny, but the words have literally no meaning
No. 1774703
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>>1774655The QRTs are something else, porn addiction mixed with extreme irony poisoning.
No. 1774720
>>1774703the lesbian masterdoc and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>>1774698>>1774691same, i've never seen a lesbian over 30 doing this. i suspect it's because older people are less terminally online and don't see this "straight = lame, queer = cool and subversive" stuff. plus by 30 most people start settling down so it's not like they're capable of larping anymore (aside from spicy straights and "lesbians" dating TIMs), by then fakebians accept they're het/bi. the majority of people in the qrts are 15-18 year olds who are too online to date or even interact with people irl so they can get away with id'ing as a lesbian because all homosexuality is to them is making "i love women" tweets
No. 1775808
>>1775689>Literally ask any normal lesbian woman if her attraction to Jodie Foster counts or not and she'd think you're crazy.I think I mentioned this in the other thread but there's a similar dissonance when it comes to fictional characters. These same polilez types will talk about how characters like Shego made them realize their same-sex attraction, but when it comes to wanting to suck on some hypermasculine anime guy's dick it's "just fiction" and doesn't count (even though the fiction argument is about your IRL morals don't inherent correlate with stories).
>these people have never read the original essay about it let alone know that Adrienne Rich wrote it. I don't entirely agree with her views because she was on some polilez stuff"Compulsory heterosexuality" and "comphet" are two different concepts at this point. I feel the same about Adrienne Rich, but that essay was one of the first second wave writing I read over a decade ago and it really made me think about the way I was before coming out and how the straight/bi women act in my life. A stopped clock is still right twice a day. I feel like the watering down of the term happened when Tumblr sapphics found out that Rich was a "
TERF" so they just bastardized the concept as a way to distance themselves.
No. 1775931
>>1775836My friend is into Thai BL and she said the same thing, it's just something you get used to as you watch. I'm not into it myself but compared to other countries it has a lot more live action BL so to some fujos they might not want to miss out on a bunch of series just because of the language.
>>1775910>That's just your own weird hangup because you're not used to hearing it, nonna. Chinese sounds just as awkward and yet you see no problem with it.I have no studies on this or anything but I think certain languages mignt come off as weird-sounding at first listen to many English speakers while others don't (not that it makes those languages objectively bad sounding). Personally I never had to get used to Japanese/French/Chinese but Thai sounds odd to me. I don't know the rationale behind it, maybe it just has to do with some weird phonetics stuff or that some languages share a similar tones/flow of speech with others.
No. 1776252
>>1747796>even the atmosphere of edgy Twitter proshippers is a lot different than the average 4chan degeneratedear lord, they are so fucking annoying. they have the same immature holier than thou attitudes as the 14 year old antis but at the same time they want to have their cake and eat it too. they morally weaponize their opinions and think their brand of degeneracy is deep and "complex" while other degenerates who like a ship they don't or some other asinine shit like that is
problematic. at least the 4chan degens know what they are and don't need to lie about it and virtue signal.
No. 1776490
>>1776399>I'm sympathetic to people who are into noncon/dubcon content for trauma reasons, but at the same time they use their trauma as some trump card against any kind of criticismYeah it's not like something being done as a coping mechanism gives you a free pass. Some behaviours can be harmful to you and/or others. Even if it's done for coping purposes I doubt any therapist would recommend them to post about those things publicly let alone discuss it with hundreds of other people in a non-critical setting. Why not just admit to finding those tropes hot like channers do instead of trying to politicize your way through it? Those same people are fine with others engaging with noncon/age gap/
problematic content without trauma reasons anyway so it's not even a relevant argument. Imo it just encourages people to lie about being molested or whatever so they have a "justified reason" to like that stuff when you should just say it doesn't matter because it's fiction and leave it at that.
No. 1776893
>>1776490>Why not just admit to finding those tropes hot like channers do instead of trying to politicize your way through it? Those same people are fine with others engaging with noncon/age gap/problematic content without trauma reasons anyway so it's not even a relevant argument.Probably since a lot of that crowd is mostly women/TIFs so they feel like they have to explain themselves, while men are allowed to just "be" that way. I notice kinksters in general are more like that too, I hate kink culture but I always had more respect for people into BDSM/DDLG/CNC/etc. who admitted it wasn't the healthiest thing but it's their sex life so your opinions don't matter, instead of pushing that it's another
valid form of intimacy and you're basically an anti-gay republican if you don't like it. People can't handle one person expressing disagreement without seeing it as an attack on their freedom.
No. 1776907
>>1773555Late but I hung around people who’d have these takes and when I’d share my husbandos that aren’t white or east asian they didn’t care. People like this also make their own characters that are
poc sometimes but will never make them sexually attractive because it’s all for show and they’re afraid it’s fetishizing
No. 1777013
>>1776974I skipped SWSH but I did see discourse criticizing people saying things like "step on me queen" about the darker skinned female characters in previous games like Candela, Shelly (ORAS), and Olivia.
>>1776976I think the trans trend is going out with a bang in the next several years, both because more people are peaking and detransitioning. Not everyone can keep up the LARP, even online. I follow a ton of fandom artists regardless of opinions and I've noticed a decent amount of female artists went from being he/him transboys to diet detransitioning by using she/they they/she instead. Even the gendies in my fandoms who constantly talked about trans headcanons 24/7 in 2013-2018 don't post about it nearly as much now.
>>1776997It's social contagion since most people don't sit and navel gaze about their gender until it's introduced to them. I had a nonbinary phase too because it seemed like the perfect fix for being an awkward autistic girl, but then I notice there were hardly any "cis" autistic girls in my circles anymore. It's a "minority" position you can choose to be.
No. 1777033
>>1776974Not in the Pokemon fandom and this isn't about Raihan/Leon specifically, but I definitely saw discourse over people making thirst tweets or sexual content about Raihan. More or less what
>>1776967 said, if you ignore a dark skinned character then you're racist but if you're openly lusting about them then there must be a racial fetishization element to it. People do this with Kaeya too. Awhile ago there was a tweet where someone edited him to be naked and it got a bunch of people mad because the editor was "fetishizing/objectifying/exotifying" him because he's tan. While ignoring how people literally do this for every Genshin male because the fans are just horny as fuck.
>>1777013>I've noticed a decent amount of female artists went from being he/him transboys to diet detransitioning by using she/they they/she insteadI've seen people slowly phase out of their he/him queer trans man stuff too. Long time mutual I had for a couple years recently went back to being a normal she/her despite tweeting about how gay she was for men and that being trans is one of the best things ever. These types do it quietly and still act like detransitioners don't exist because it was actually them simply "exploring their gender identity" and not detransitioning.
>I think the trans trend is going out with a bang in the next several years, both because more people are peaking and detransitioningHonestly I have no hope for this (though I am an extreme pessimist) because even though you see people get out of their trans phase, the majority of them don't really peak and still support troons. They just go by she/they and tweet about not gatekeeping transition even after realizing their own experiences with gender dysphoria was faulty. The trans phase just goes onto the next wave of 13-15 year olds anyway so I don't think it'll ever truly die down. Unlike alt/emo phases trans people attach themselves to a sociopolitical movement which makes it harder to push back on. The left would rather implode on itself than move back even a step on trans issues which is why you have even Instagram list neopronouns.
No. 1777047
>>1777013>I did see discourse criticizing people saying things like "step on me queen" about the darker skinned female characters in previous games like Candela, Shelly (ORAS), and Olivia.tbh I get it it was annoying as hell and very performative as opposed to these people actually having these characters as their waifus but at the same time. Did the people who complained about it realize it's partially their fault? And that if they didn't whine that dark skinned characters have less groupies then nobody would copypaste the same phrases when talking about these characters to make them shut the fuck up?
>>1777033>but if you're openly lusting about them then there must be a racial fetishization element to itkek these people think too hard about things that don't matter. Would I be racist against myself for buying and reading gay porn doujinshi of Raihan and Leon according to these idiots because Leon's skin color is close to mine? Non white men irl straight up brag when they get a white gf so if they don't mind that, why feel bad for male anime and JRPG characters of all things?
No. 1777075
>>1777033>Honestly I have no hope for this (though I am an extreme pessimist) because even though you see people get out of their trans phase, the majority of them don't really peak and still support troons.>The trans phase just goes onto the next wave of 13-15 year olds anyway so I don't think it'll ever truly die down.The thing is, I grew up a geek who was in "misfit" communities and transgender stuff always existed even back in the 00s and even 90s. I discovered labels like "neutrois" and "ze/zir" pronouns in high school, it was just really niche and even a lot of LGB people thought it was weird. Normie LGB people only nodded along with adding a T because trans was synonymous with HSTS. I only knew 3 or 4 transpeople on Livejournal, but now everyone on Tumblr and Twitter are some kind of trans. I think the best we'll get is the political activism gets more backlash, it stops being cool to support, and it'll go back to being a subculture/lifestyle only some people choose and not everyone. Most liberals probably won't jump on the anti-trans train but I notice more are waking up to the AGPs/AAPs (my normie liberal pro-gay marriage mom has), child transition, the homophobia, how transmen have replaced masculine women, but don't care about well-meaning people who are only hurting themselves. The last part sucks, but I used to be hardcore anti-religion and that has all the same parallels, a lot of atheists I knew don't care if people are Christian as long as they don't force it onto people and have religious friends they choose to not talk about their differences with.
No. 1778106
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>>1775836I totally get it, I'm one of those who recently became obsessed with thai bls. 2 major factors imo is that Thailand simply is extremely beautiful, always hot and many of their actors are surprisingly handsome and a tad more "manly" than their east asian counterparts. Most thai bls are more fun/sexy or even have a thriller storyline, so I started prefering it over japanese/korean bls who are usually slow slice of life or depressive. Many also have a chill lesbian or straight side couple, so no more stereotypical evel bitch trying to get in the gays way type of shit.
About the language I felt the same at first but now it sounds completely normal to me. I also found chinese ugly and after getting used to it, I now find it nicer than korean.
Of course no series will ever meet the beauty and storyline, alongside 50 episodes of chinese dramas, but they're completely banned by the ccp now, so we sadly have to find alternatives…
No. 1778380
>>1778365the pro/anti discourse is shit because the ''anti' people are always fans of something that's
problematic. They arent part of the sesame street fandom they watch evangelion or other
problematic media.
No. 1778384
>>1777058As an oldfag fujo I find a certain fraction of those reactionary "fujoshis" ultimately detrimental to the community because you see NLOGs labeling themselves as such just to "own the SJWs", so you see people who never give a single shit about BL or m/m shipping claiming to be a "proud fujoshi" to get a reaction out of people. They're so fucking annoying for turning being an edgy contrarian their entire identity and if you tell them you don't want to hear about their shota incest rape fetish (which they don't even have but claim to to sound even edgier) at every given chance you're a snowflake who should fuck off back to the hugbox they came from. They can't even participate in the community because all they do is complain about every original BL being boring as they want everything to be smutty porn with no plot, preferably with a self-insert angle. They often act really homophobic towards same sex attracted fujos because they simply don't consider same sex attraction real and treating them with basic human decency is "being a LGBTBBQA+++ shill", for these people the entire point of "fujoism" is just gawking at attractive males with no female competition making them way more closely related to yumes like
Rancefag was. The only reason they're even there is that they're just pinkpilled enough to stay out of the pornsick male spaces they grew up in but still need to get their fix of feeling superior to other women. The fujo community is so strong and has a constant stream of content being created that it attracts malevolent freeloaders like this.
No. 1778409
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>>1777445There are so many people like this pretending to be into yuri and then they have zero standards and praise coomershit like this as ”good”. They clearly have never been intimate with another woman.
No. 1779300
>>1778365Proshippers only started pulling out the trauma card because people made them. I used to openly talk about my age gap/incest/dubcon ships in the 00s and felt no need to share my trauma reasons for it because "ship and let ship/"don't like don't read" was the motto everyone followed, even people who were anti-
problematic ships. Now Carrd culture makes you share every aspect of yourself for "accountability".
No. 1779331
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>>1779300>I used to openly talk about my age gap/incest/dubcon ships in the 00s and felt no need to share my trauma reasons for it because "ship and let ship/"don't like don't read" was the motto everyone followedSeriously. It gives second-hand embarrassment when content makers (whether artists or writers) try to make a little essay explaining why their creations soothe their childhood trauma or whatever in response to angry comments. If you're at the point where you're into the "darker side" of content and letting it "out there", you might as well just own it. Personal issues do not need to be forced out of you. I'm not a fujoshi and I aint really into yaoi shit or whatever, but it would be a sad day to watch one get bullied into chalking her interests up to trauma. Just go with the flow.
No. 1779437
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Direct fandom sperg but the crack theory that Asuka is a lesbian annoys me so much.
She's openly homophobic and spends a large portion of the show and manga simping over Kaji (in the manga in particular, since she thinks of him during the EOE segment)
Asuka is my favorite eva character and it annoys me that tumblr people cope that she's a lesbian since it ignores a large portion of her character in order to erase her being homophobic with 'muh comphet'. Characters are allowed to do very unlikable things, doesn't mean they're less well written.
No. 1779449
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>>1779397I feel like it's mostly troonsbians/spicy straights/bihets that like it honestly. If you look at the newer qrts more 'sapphics' are coming out and saying how they don't like it because it comes off as male gazey and that the characters have no chemistry (which was the whole point of the scene).
No. 1779461
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>doesn't care about women other than her dead mom
She and Hikari are friends, but that's the closest I can think of. For some reason they always ship her with Rei even though the only times they interact is when Asuka calls her a doll.
>Worse than the Kirishima is gay coded truthers
Not that into BNHA (dropped it halfway through season 2) assuming you're talking about that particular Kirishima but the only character I think is gay is Deku for Bakugo.
No. 1779468
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No. 1779477
>>1779456I love when Tumblrqueers make a list of all their headcanons and it's always the villains or most unlikable characters they assign "cishet" or sometimes even "cisgay" (mask off homophobia).
>>1779461Has OP never been friends with straight/bi girls who have crushes on guys older than them? I swear to god this is borderline a fetish for them. I don't want to see female characters who canonically pursue men be assigned lesbians for no reason, that shit is fucking traumatizing for actual lesbians.
No. 1779482
>>1779480I guess because people aren't really used to bisexual male characters who cheat on their wives for men? I think he is bi though since he cheated on Bloberta on their wedding day with another woman.
Clay's a shithead either way so I honestly don't think it's THAT important if he's bi or gay.
No. 1779490
>>1779487Gonna guess they found it through South Park, which as established earlier in the thread they also haven't watched.
Also to be fair there are actually gay characters in Moral Orel anyway.
No. 1779492
>>1779490I know Clay's bi, that creepy blonde coach, and that lesbian daughter of the priest. But it's like with the tumblrina headcanons, they crank it up and with
all the characters kek
No. 1779528
>>1779523It aired in the early 2000s and got canceled in like 2008 for being "too dark" for Adult Swim.
how the middleschool gendertards found it, I have no idea. Maybe they got lost in their parents DVDs
No. 1779735
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>>1779456How is Kaworu asexual, he's like the horniest motherfucker in the series. And of course the gay guy is "nonbinary" so that Aiden can self insert.
No. 1779773
>>1779480It's so weird how these concepts get watered down. "Compulsory heterosexuality" was originally a feminist concept proposed that all women go through (even straight/bi women), I'm aware gay men in real life force themselves to be in straight relationships but IMO that's more of a matter of homophobia, since men are seen as complete people by themselves. When I watched the show I thought it was clear he was a self-hating bi man, since it's about a fundamentalist Christian community where everyone has secrets.
>>1779528Moral Orel initially got popular with proto-gendies in 2011, but they didn't go all-out with the queer headcanons back then. There were just weird "transboys" who kinned Orel. Things have gotten worse with the identity obsession. Trans headcanons were a niche a decade ago in most of my fandoms.
No. 1779788
>>1771117The anger over hypothetical denji x power shippers is so weird to me. People ship characters that are just good friends with each other all the time, but for some reason csm fans absolutely seethe at the thought of anyone shipping them together and will go as far as claim its the same as literal incest. If they were two guys, itd probably be the most popular ship in the series.
It sort of reminds me of the Jack x ashi drama, but at least that was more anger at the writers for forcing a clunky romance subplot into the story out of nowhere than at irrelevant twitter fanartists
No. 1779815
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>>1769232>>1769236This is the natural outcome of these Idiots confusing fan-fiction and the glorified erotica they consume, as being representative of any sort of literary genre. They never bother to engage with genuine works of fantasy or science fiction; instead, they consume fiction if contemporary series set in vague fantasy realmss or just read glorified smut/porn stories disguised as YA(see the works of C. S. Pacat).
No. 1779828
>>1778469I hate that's made a come back and gen z are missing the point entirely. That comic was meant to be
toxic. Scott is a loser. Ramona is a pick me and plays with people's emotions and manipulates them. Only person i felt bad for was Knives.
No. 1779838
>>1778160>>1778427Alright, gif in my last post is from Kinnporsche which is probably the most famous one, it's basically about thai mafia except everybody is gay, ripped and in way too tight suits.
Manner of Death is about a doctor moving back to the countryside and then his childhood friends start getting murdered/get roped in illegal shit, quite thrilling for a bl.
Not Me is about uni students trying to expose an evil politician, the main guy pretends to be his twin brother (who's badly injured) and then falls for one of the guys in his gang.
My Ride is very sweet and slice of life, a young doctor falls for a poor motorcycle taxi driver.
Laws of attraction is about a greedy lawyer who helps a poor karate teacher fight against a politician who killed his niece.
The recently most popular one that just finished airing is called Only Friends and it's 90% just sex scenes, with tons of cheating and betraying among slutty "friends".
I personally prefer "older" characters/actors (meaning they're late 20s instead of 20 kek), so if you like school settings you probably have way more options.
>>1778345That's what I meant too. Less makeup and many are tan and you'd never see korean (and most chinese) actors with body hair or unshaven face while Mile and Apo show up hairy quite often and nobody minds.
No. 1780115
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>>1779915So? Fujopilled and based. Pacat is of the likes of Hanya Yanagihara writing to fulfill her own male suffering fetish unapologetically and I respect it. Well a bit less because she came out as a gendie, but Captive Prince is genuinely a good fantasy BL
like MXTX novels if, of course, you are the target audience who reads BL.
I much prefer compulsory homosexuality twinkland to George R.R. Martin's obsession with huge dark nipples.
No. 1780858
speaking of puriteens it looks like made in abyss started making the rounds after some kpop group mentioned it and the kids are piling on the pedo accusations
a broken clock is still right twice a day, and for once the puriteens are actually targeting the right people. i hate to be on the same side as antis - and kpopfags at that - but when the proshipper side is unironically defending lolicon it goes to show the depths of retardation they sunk to. play stupid games, win stupid prizes! pro/anti discourse, where nuance goes to die.
this is the worst possible timeline, where women with weird or dark kinks are grouped with friggin lolicons.
>>1780842based. hanya yanagihara is my idol for basically peddling her personal oc hurt/comfort fic as literary fiction. she's living her best fujo life and of course she got backlash for unabashedly indulging her male suffering fetish while scrote authors can get away with the most depraved things, irl and in fiction, and still be considered geniuses.
No. 1780883
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The mainstream has been contaminated by perversion and sexual degeneracy from all sexual orientations, to the extent that we absolutely despise witnessing this garbage. It doesn't even contribute anything meaningful to the plot or story, it's just writers fetish.
No. 1780897
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>>1779735>he's like the horniest motherfucker in the seriesEh, I feel like Asuka, Shinji, Kensuke, Toji, Ritsuko and Kaji all got him beat there
but Kaworu's still a horny fuck.
No. 1780900
>>1780858The mangaka's lolishota torture fetish is very obvious in the manga and I remember that back when the anime started everyone agreed on this and just accepted it. However I think most people who liked it was not about that at all but the fantasy world and mysteries behind it, but the further you read it the more you understand what the author is really into.
It's same as how Kobayashi-san's mangaka obviously has the same loli fetish and pretending that it's "uwu wholesome lesbian representation" makes you look like an idiot. If you do like that kind of thing then go ahead but don't try to make it into something more it truly is.
No. 1780905
>>1780895Nta but>When four classmates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they're broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor; JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world; Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm; and withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their center of gravity.
>Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to realize, is Jude himself, by midlife a terrifyingly talented litigator yet an increasingly broken man, his mind and body scarred by an unspeakable childhood, and haunted by what he fears is a degree of trauma that he’ll not only be unable to overcome—but that will define his life forever.What's so uniquely evil about this? Are women not allowed to write about suffering anymore?
No. 1780911
>>1780905why didn't you included the full description
>its focus to Jude, a corporate litigator whose decades-long struggle to repress a childhood of unrelenting torments — he was raised by pedophiles in a monastery, kidnapped and prostituted in motels, molested by counselors at an orphanage, kidnapped again, tortured, raped, starved, and run over with a car — ends in his suicide.This isn't about suffering, as it is about the writers obvious perversions.
No. 1780912
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>>1780900Also the Made in Abyss mangaka in question is the one behind this tweet.
No. 1780917
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>>1780914Yeah he isn't exactly ashamed of his tendencies. In fact he even says that his "love for children" is what fuels the whole story and its characters, not sure what kind of love torture is supposed to be though. It always makes me laugh when the fans of this manga say it is some kind of dark fantasy masterpiece and deny what it's really about. I'll stick to Berserk, thanks.
No. 1780918
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>>1780911? That's literally the full description on goodreads. I googled your greentext and it's nowhere to be found. Why lie?
No. 1780929
>>1780925>which isn't promoting pedophilia considering he suffers from the fact he was raised by pedosCrazy how people will think a piece of media is
glorifying a subject matter just because it's IN the media. People say they want more serious stories, but squeal to run and hide at the slightest mention of being serious being in the story.
No. 1780947
>>1780883I mean look at crap like Outlander where every single major character gets raped or sexually assaulted, and it's so obvious the writer has general some non-con fetish.
>The lead female mc has been SA three times.>The lead male mc has been SA twice.>Their daughter was gang-raped.>Their adopted son was a child proustite.>Their nephew is SA once, as a teenager and later made into a sex slave by a witch.I'm probably forgetting some, and I stopped watching after Season 5 so anything that has happened in S6 and 7 is unknown to me. But yeah.
No. 1780953
>>1780933based and pinkpilled. if only women would unanimously focus on calling out male degeneracy, both fictional and irl, instead of having pointless ass circular debates on whether fiction affects reality.
at the end of the day, women can tell the difference between reality and fantasy while men will always go out of their way to inflict their depravity on women. fujos writing self-indulgent whump fic aren't going got go out of their way to molest boys or kidnap men to fulfill their male suffering fetish. meanwhile, men literally have entire industries built in order to cater to their degeneracy.
No. 1780970
>>1780965>Ugly bastardsToo far too far
Ugly bastard is disgusting
No. 1780987
>>1780973 I guess you are right, since the ugly bastard is usually their self insert.
The best revenge is drawing female characters with hot men instead.
No. 1780996
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>>1780973>>1780987could someone post that newspaper column from the 1950's or so, of an actresses complaining about how she gets set up with ugly old men and now refuses to star in a film if her leading man isn't a man closer to her own age and then some scrote replying that it's cause older male actors are simply more experienced.
No. 1781026
>>1780947Outlander really is such wasted potential, but the author ruined it with her rape fetish and this fetish actively destroyed the story and narrative. here's an example from the first book, so we have this character whose an ancestor of the main character's husband and strongly resembles him (in the tv show they're played by the same actor) who rapes both the main female character and the main male character. Later, the main male character seeks revenge but the female mc makes him promise to not kill him, so he instead beats him in battle and castrates him and that ties everything up.
Then basically every subsequent book has a graphic rape scene in it. the worst one being when
female mc is gangraped, and the male mc kills everyone involved, and then two have sex and so if she ends up pregnant, there's a chance he's the father. No. 1781050
>>1781045You're underestimating how much normies are unable to read into fanservice. I after in season 2 more people started realizing it because of the loli with big boobs and futa Kobayashi episode but a lot of people had no idea when it was just season 1. At that time you had literal Tumblr SJWs who were against lolis/
problematic stuff recommending it. I agree the scenes are pretty obvious but to this day you literally have people debating over whether or not the Nezuko aged up boob transformation is fanservice and people will call you a pedophile reading into it too much if you say it is.
No. 1781089
>>1781082Reminds me of justpearlythings. I think it's obvious that female writers and artists indulging in degen shit (though I wouldn't call this degen compared to shit that moids put in their "literary classics") are coping with their socially stunted, awkward, introverted and often traumatized real life. This is why I can't blame women for being yumejoshi or fujoshi or whatever, most of them are some level of autistic and socially isolated (or at least used to be in order to become what they are.)
Sometimes when I come across an author with strange fixations with unhealthy sexual scenarios just makes me sad for them, like Nabokov and his books. If you read them for one second you can tell he wasn't a pedo, yet he kept writing about it through horrific lenses. Compare this to Tsukushi.
No. 1781135
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These posts genuinely get more and more hilarious everyday.
No. 1781144
>>1781082>>1781089Then you have authors who did write fucked up shit and were fucked up people.
>Issac Asimov was infamous for being a serial groper and general sexual harasser/assaulter at fan conventions/>Marion Zimmer Bradley physically and sexually abused her daughter and assisted her husband to get child victims.>Harlan Ellison thought not a rapist had a reputation for being a violence and vindictive man who would form of personal vendettas against people who slighted him. and there are some other cases I'm forgetting
No. 1781194
>>1781180>male on male rapeBoring, played out
>female on male rapeBased
No. 1781343
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>>1781315its literally on the wikipedia page of 50 shades
>Coinciding with the release of the book and its surprising popularity, injuries related to BDSM and sex toy use spiked dramatically. In the year after the novel's publishing in 2012, injuries requiring Emergency Room visits increased by over 50% from 2010 (the year before the book was published). This is speculated to be due to people unfamiliar with both the proper use of these toys and the safe practice of bondage and other "kinky" sexual fetishes in attempting to recreate what they had read. No. 1781373
>>1781369i dont blame the
victims, i blame the author. Normalizing BDSM to women is fucking vile as shit, specially since there are studies that show women into BDSM are extremelly mentally ill and men can easily take advantage of them. I am all for women drawing disgusting shit as long as its not ''men beating women is so kinky tehehe'' pickme handmaiden shit.
No. 1781387
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I cant believe some of you are defending BDSM and 50 shades. Normalizing BDSM is fucking vile pickme behaviour.
No. 1781411
>>1781392again, i never said the
victim was at fault, do you fucking read?
No. 1781445
>>1781433drawing men getting beaten doesnt correlate to men irl getting beaten. No woman is going to go beat/abuse a man because she saw one of my drawings, because women dont abuse/rape/murder. Grooming women(the
victims of most murders/domestic abuse/rape) to think BDSM(abuse) is normal and a way to spice up the bed is extremely dangerous. BDSM isnt good for women anyways, it's all about pleasing the fucking moid while he beats you and doesnt make you cum, its a low iq fetish and its no wonder extremely mentally ill women with depression/anxiety/self steem issues and BD gravitate to it.
No. 1781481
>they need to be protected from themselves by being sheltered from false portrayals of what BDSM actually is.BDSM is abuse, the fact that a movie potraying women being abused reached the big screen just shows how perpetuated misogyny is. Friendly reminder the barbie movie was called ''misandrist'', but when the 50 shades movie came out everyone was defending BDSM and complaining about 50 shades, not because it potrayed abuse, but rather because
abusive moids and their pickmes were calling it out for ''badly potraying bdsm''.
No. 1781487
>>1781481Portraying BDSM as totes sexy and romantic is also a "false portrayal",
No. 1781507
50 Shades wasn't some random smutty pulp novel that less than 5000 people read, it was a cultural phenomena (possibly global, not sure how far it spread beyond the west) for months at its peak and was considered a must read– literally everyone and their mum was either reading it or talking about it at one point. Men absolutely did read it as well, whether to laugh along with those critiquing it or to see what all the 'sexy' fuss was about and get pointers because, clearly, it was what women were into (ugh). It's more retarded to think that they couldn't have possibly had an impact on people's behaviour and actions than to think they could. I hate how every time people try to talk about the rampant abuse apologism and romanticisation/sexualisation within the romance and erotica genres it gets shut down because women write and enjoy it. The violent actions of men are a problem, yes, fucking obviously, but women can also be at fault for other things at the same time (while not excusing the actions of a man) such as encouraging dangerous situations and the ignoring of red flags.
Fiction doesn't equal reality, and most people re mentally sound and intelligent enough to know this, but cast a wide enough net like media such as 50 Shades managed, and you will catch people who aren't or who are looking for something that justifies their shitty behaviour or can be used as a tool for manipulation or think that anything trendy is worth trying. 50 Shades may also seem quaint by today's standards, as many of the works its success inspired are escalations of the same core ideas, but you can't deny that it helped to revive and popularise/normalise openly reading erotic fiction.
(also I am not necessarily saying topics should be banned from fictional works, but am more frustrated that you have to walk on eggshells to even discuss this stuff because either you'll get the 'no kinkshaming!' from the retard crowd or 'but actually this other (male) thing is way worse!' response from here– and yeah, it probably is, not disagreeing, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about a lesser evil too and how it might negatively influence women as well. two things can be bad without being equally so)
No. 1781512
>>1781135It must be so exhausting to wake up and go "Now how do I become a
victim?" retards
No. 1781523
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>>1781507these anons have to be very, very young. I remember i was 16-17 when the 50 shades craze began and it was insane how girls my age started to get mentally brainwashed into thinking it was hot and kinky, its no surprise it was at the same time ddlg became a thing.
No. 1781524
>>1781507no one is saying you can't hold this opinion, just that it's retarded, especially when you make insane claims like that these books somehow literally correlate to more men suffocating women to death. also
>Men absolutely did read it as wellplease be serious. men would never read anything other than pastebins of mass shooter manifestos, much less some office AU twilight fanfiction.
No. 1781544
>>1781528that still wouldn't prove 50 shades of grey in itself
caused any of it because violent bdsm porn have also increased in popularity and accessibility during the same timeline. how do you think the 50 shades books came to be in the first place? do you think this "author" invented bdsm or something? men have been doing the same shit since before 50 shades was even written according to your own source kek. why are you refusing to acknowledge this because it goes against your narrative??? lol
No. 1781552
>>1781523I was in high school at the time too and a classmate brought up reading it because of the hype.
>>1781524from the Romance Writers of America, around ~18% of romance genre readers are men.
>>1781509>mom tier fetishes of being saved by an oily pirate or dating alligator furry manDo you guys even read romance novels? The men being creepy and rape-y to appear brooding and intense is common in these books too.
No. 1781560
>>1781552>Do you guys even read romance novels? The men being creepy and rape-y to appear brooding and intense is common in these books, but man its sad that maledom is so shilled to women.
>>1781557you are the one that has been trying to defend a book that resulted in women getting hurt and killed, absolute pickme behaviour. Why would anyone defend 50 shades if they arent into the shit that books preaches? you want me to believe someone will biasedly defend a gross book/movie that doesnt have a single redeeming quality while ignoring how it contributed to an spike of women being sent to the ER for BDSM injuries?
No. 1781576
>>1781545The article posted doesn't prove anything except that men had another excuse to blame women for male violence. This article only claims sex-toy related injuries (usually removal). Nothing about bdsm crimes.
No. 1781591
>>1781524I wasn't the anon who posted about the correlations between the book's popularity and bdsm-related injuries btw, just to keep things clear.
>please be seriousI am. There were two main camps of guys who read it, from my memory: those who were part of the crowd mocking it and tearing it apart (a lot of them having previously done the same for Twilight), or those who were trying to use a book widely televised as the most erotic thing ever for women to their advantage to learn tips or to model their behaviour off of. Honestly, I'm glad you managed to escape witnessing the Christian Grey larpers (and the Edward Cullen ones before them), it was very cringe. I'm not saying these were the men who saw a convenient excuse in a popular book after having murdered a woman, I'm just saying that when something is as stupidly popular as 50 Shades it becomes mainstream and consumed by anyone who wants to be in on the trend, not just its regular target audience.
Veering off topic a little, but if men want to get anywhere in communities like booktube/tok, then they will read and review mostly romances (especially popular YAs), as anything else gets practically no traction or views– and not just to shit on them, either.
No. 1781602
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Despite reading 80% of the manga so far, I kind of glossed over Chainsaw Man because of the awful fucking moid fans but the more analysis of CM I see on Twitter, the more intrigued I get. It seems like the author really did go all in with the little details; the dialogue, symbolism, callbacks, etc. And I love that the female antagonists are genuinely fully fleshed out in a way that you don’t often get from shounen. But like I said, I really can’t get over how awful the male fandom is. They’re a bunch of disgusting, horned up pigs. I hate them all. They’re also unavoidable, given the fact that it’s shounen. Then you have the female fandom, which is marginally better given the aforementioned media analysis, but still chock full of TIFs and the stupid proship/anti beef (trying to cancel Makima, the villain, for being a… villain). Maybe I’ll just brave it on my own and cultivate a small group within the chaos. It’s just hard because these retards are so fucking loud, and they come at you from every angle too.
No. 1781611
>>1781599Oh and
>And the overwhelming majority of these injuries – 83 percent – require "foreign body removals."Which kinda implies it was people getting dildos and shit stuck. Also the article mentions "There's no proof that the book caused the surge, but we probably can thank Fifty Shades of Grey, which featured bondage and other sex practices, for at least some of this phenomenon."
As far as I can tell, unless someone finds bdsm related crimes statistics, 50 shades didn't cause a bunch of murders but instead gave men excuses to use when they murdered their wife or tinder date.
No. 1781617
>>1781605I need a breakdown of how she got so big. There are so many romance novels out there yet she goes viral, including those with technically
abusive male love interests.
No. 1781620
>>1781596what? calm down kek
>>1781611>>1781599i just knew it was dildos
No. 1781647
>>1781614I think she's written a couple 'thrillers' or 'romantic thrillers' (eg Verity), but they're indistinguishable from her regular romance novels imo (same for the one she wrote that was apparently about her mother's abuse). I've read horror-'romance' stuff before and enjoyed it because it was all about that spiralling dread and tension, you know, and the bad ending is framed as that and inevitable, but that's not the kind of ride Colleen Hoover is about kek.
>>1781617I think she just lucked out with the right people reviewing her early books and helping to get eyes on her, and then she had a steady output of easily consumed and (at least) mildly unhinged romance novels that have strong fanfiction vibes. iirc she had a sudden popularity boom on tiktok or something a couple years ago? Can't remember why, but her fanbase is massive now and can be very defensive of her and their shit taste kek
>>1781630fuck I forgot about that, miss zlib so much
No. 1781680
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>>1781669Care to share with the class?
No. 1781692
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>>1781669This is literally the one thing in this I care about, please give source.
No. 1781713
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>>1760457Late reply, but Jung described this phenomena as the 'function of image as power'. So, Freud, had broadly generalized as this being all about phallic symbolism. However, Jung had the bright idea that it has more to do with someone's own psychology, as well as specific cultural standards of a given region and era. The women in that video posted at that moment were 'perfect.' They are talented, confident and conventionally attraticve. It doesn't matter the abuse they suffered beforehand or how their career will likely end up. Just the image of that moment becomes something that gives people a experience on par with religious zeal.
No. 1781825
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NTA above but over on Twitter they’re arguing about where the line is between CSA and idk, lewding a teenage anime boy or girl. But these morons can’t see how simple the answer is.
There’s an old adage. If you’re arguing which of two slurs is the most offensive, and you won’t even say one of the two words, then that’s the worst word. Likewise, if you come across something you perceive to be CSA, then follow this helpful flowchart. Would you share this content, along with a caption calling out the creator, to raise ‘awareness’? If yes, it’s not CSA. If no, and it’s because it will ACTUALLY get the FBI on your ass for redistribution, then it is in fact CSA. See! It wasn’t that hard now.
No. 1781834
>>1781706You're better off just settling with yaoi for gay content. Had the same complaint years ago (but mostly about how Dynasty was for scrotes because troon shit wasn't as big then) and gave up on yuri. BL is made for women by women at least and the only time trans stuff pops up is if you're looking at fancontent like fics.
>>1781820>usually korean ones, that are obviously made by and for women, but when it comes to the japanese stuff it really is largely moid centralThis is true too. I think manhwa/webtoons tends to have more variety than Japanese manga, not just with setting (JP is high school fluff 99% of the time) but the types of couples. You can find some butches in Korean GL while they're basically nonexistent in Japanese work.
No. 1781855
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>>1781834Kek, Koreans are even making the classic trashy dramatic love triangle smut that's filled yaoi and het stuff for years. Finally, lesbians can also hate-read soap opera porn made for them
No. 1781873
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>>1781855I don't know if this will be considered race-bait of whatever, but korean media(both mainstream and self published) seems just very superficial, like it's style but no substance, there's just something uncanny about it. not just the art-styles but the stories themselves.
No. 1781899
>>1781877I'm not caught up. I know there was a boy the MC tried to date at the beginning, but idk just how far they got. I agree the pink hair girl was the best, I'll have to catch up with it.
>Some Korean yuri webtoons feel closer to yaoi than their Japanese counterpart I think it's because some of the women who write yuri manhwa also write BL and the tropes crossover. I welcome it personally, we need more women fucking nasty and just being horrible people
No. 1781907
>>1781834>You're better off just settling with yaoi for gay contentI hate this response because it screams giving up. I don't want to see men. I don't want to see men packing fudge into each other's anuses. It is gross. I am not going to lower myself to some "substitute" that isn't even something thing I want.
>>1781820I'll give you that. Hell, most of the yuri I do read is KR and CN webtoons because they seldom ever feel moidy or moid pandering, they have nicer stories and better chemistry and they never shy away from actually saying the word "lesbian" or that the characters are lesbians rather than the common ambiguity in manga. The only thing I don't like is that a lot of the art has this thing were it's a very obvious 3D background with 2D characters pasted onto it. I have a guilty pleasure that is basically
Giga BPD-chan on BPD-chan drama chaos shitstorms and KR and CNs are the only people who produce that sort of thing. I don't know I just wish there were more good high quality yuri manga.
No. 1781931
>>1781706As a lesbian I have met one other lesbian who has actually liked yuri and she was a complete and utter unironically on the spectrum autistic ultrafemme weeb obsessed with anime girls made for middle aged men and yelled lesbophobia and misogyny on everyone who didn't share the sentiment. The rest have been straight women, men and trannies. Korean webtoons have a better track record with GL but let's say it like it is, Japanese yuri is infantilizing dogshit to begin with and that's why trannies like it. It's often an unrealistically romanticized portrayal of lesbian relationships and makes them seem way more like a sisterhood handholding situation and usually there's the "extroverted best friend bringing you out of your shell" storyline troons love.
>>1781873And this is honestly why I can't get into Korean webtoons either, even if they do have better representation. Everyone looks like a plastic doll and the storylines are like transliterated k-dramas where the point is just admiring how attractive and flawless so eh, dried up my alley. Like you said, style but no substance. It's the same with Korean BL too, there's little to no story and it's just beautiful people being beautiful which gets really boring especially if you prefer messier characters.
No. 1782290
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>>1781706Iirc the previous admin of the site was a troon (I say "was" because they passed away kek), so of course it's going to be pro-troon. The greater community has always been cringe but I don't remember this being overrun by troons, like say 10 years ago. I'm not surprised to see the state it is now since yuri has always attracted men (especially of the autistic kind, picrel) who fetishize lesbian relationships and at the end of the day Japanese yuri is an idealized depiction of lesbian romance. That said, you can find at least some manga written by women for women, and there are women who do like yuri, but I think you're better off consuming Western F/F fiction written by actual lesbians.
>>1781834>>1781721>just read BLUhh… No. I know there are lesbian fujos who exist but some of us just have no interest whatsoever in seeing scrotes. It does make me jealous of fujosisters though since BL often have interesting settings and themes that you'll never find anywhere in yuri.
No. 1782303
>>1782290Himejoshis are stronger than the marines. I cannot imagine having to share your hobby with male troons, sounds horrifying. Unrelated but i hate how romance for women is normally limited to either yaoi or romance with
abusive male love interests. The only cutesy romance i can think of is titanic, lol.
No. 1782483
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>>1781265>>1781512Gotta love the classic tumblrism of getting overly pissy over nothing and then going 'I WAS JUST DOING THING' when people laugh at you for being overly pissy though.
No. 1782489
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>>1782483>P-PLEASE DON'T UNFOLLOW ME WHITE PEOPLE That was sure a quick turn from 'maybe I do hate all white people'
No. 1782526
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>>1781144Honestly Harlan Ellison would be such a cow if he was alive today, He was an angry, hate-filled little man who was nonetheless talented. Here's an example: he got expelled from college after punching a professor who had told him he'd never amount to anything. Afterwards, he found fame in writing. He would send that professor a copy of every single story he published and let him know how much money he earned from it. He would also help minority creators (most famously, Octavia Butler) get their footing in the literary scene. However, he would call people slurs in the middle of a conversation if he was angry enough.
No. 1782619
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>>1781602I am aware that chainsawman has issues, but to me, the best parts of the series is just the characters hanging out. I had to live with my boyfriend, his roommate, and her boyfriend for a few months, and that dynamic is almost perfectly shown in CSM. It is kind of nostalgic to me as well, cause it was the last era of my life when I had truly no responsibilities and freedom.
No. 1782664
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>>1782628White australian woman opens up an "australian style sushi" (yes it's apparently a thing, apparently they're different from other rolls by ingredients and they're uncut long rolls and they're cheap) shop in NYC. This guy tweets about it being an absolute schizo calling her a colonizer and there were a bunch of quote retweets shitting on her. She removed all of her videos on Tiktok because of it but a lot of people supported her afterwards so I think it's fine now.
No. 1782674
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>>1782664Reminds me of the controversy surrounding an English woman who wrote a Chinese-style noodles and dumpling. mind you she had studied in a culinary school in China to earn a degree in Chinese style cuisine. However, some asian american twitter activists were accusing her of being a racist colonizer who was stealing Chinese history, and the one accusing her was a Filipino woman.
No. 1782681
>>1782664Thanks for the reply, as an aussie this sounds mental kek. I wasn't aware selling the basic maki rolls in their entirety was anything odd, you're not going to find anywhere here selling them as takeaway in any other fashion, even from the sushi places run by Japanese sushi chefs (other types will be cut and arranged, and going to an actual restaurant will be different). Sushi's very big here and well-loved, so I feel bad for that lady trying to share that and getting flak for it, glad people realised it was silly though.
>>1782674I hate this idea that you have to have the correct genetic credentials to do basic tasks like cook food– it's all technique, having a good recipe and the right ingredients, things anyone can learn and do. It's never people of the nationality complaining either
No. 1782701
>>1782696I used to work at a sushi restaurant and every employee was ethnically Chinese, I still think it's hilarious that a lot of customers apparently didn't realize and just assumed it was 100% Japanese. It wasn't an intentional deception either, some immigrant employees openly spoke Chinese but I guess some people can't tell the difference.
Once this woman came up to me seemingly super excited to learn about Japanese culture after enjoying her meal and asked me how to say "thank you" in Japanese, and I didn't have the heart to tell her that not a single one of us here speaks Japanese so I just answered her question and she was so stoked kek
No. 1782733
>>1782724holy shit, really? how exactly is 'representation' supposed to work if no one outside of the cultural group, for example, is allowed to depict them? Like, sure, I would love to see media by them, but that sort of stuff often never gets a wide enough distribution, so stuff like FF piquing people's interest through inspired designs is super helpful. No wonder so much shit is bland as fuck lately if you can't draw inspiration from anywhere unless you have the correct social permit. Best to just draw inspo from anglo middle class modern America for everything, I guess.
Reminds me of stuff like Own Voices or the shitty writing advice of 'write what you know'– on the surface it's a solid idea, but it's easy to parrot without understanding that what you know is not fixed, that you can grow and research and portray things outside of yourself.
No. 1782750
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>>1782724>generic Northern-looking design that had colors similar to the Sámi clothing but they could've been just as well from parts of Siberia and Mongolia. You can't even draw inspiration from real life for fictional cultures anymore and it's depressing.This is a thing people sorta tend to forget, most tradational clothing depending on the region can be rather similar, like there's so many garment style across Europe, The Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia that look identical, that doesn't look away from the uniqueness and history of each culture but no one has a ownership of them, picrel is 19th century Ukrainian clothing, you could find regions in the Middle East and as far as Manchuria that had similar styles.
No. 1782761
>>1782733>Reminds me of stuff like Own Voices or the shitty writing advice of 'write what you know'– on the surface it's a solid idea, but it's easy to parrot without understanding that what you know is not fixed, that you can grow and research and portray things outside of yourself.Obviously, I do think people should do some research, maybe read a book or watch a few documentaries on that subject matter (I feel that's the least anyone could do). Otherwise, you get crap like the Jasmine Throne. Nothing about the Jasmine Throne is "Indian" because it's just various vague aesthetics and some common cultural know-how that has entered the cultural zeitgeist. All I got from that book was that it was written by someone very ignorant of South Asian history, and there's absolutely nothing morally wrong with that. 99.9% of people in South Asia would not care, what I personally take issue with is the fact the book was being lauded as telling an authentic Indian story by a queer Indian author. The writer is a British Indian woman. this idea that you can comment on culture, even your own heritage, without actually doing any sort of research, and it gets praised as authentic by these morons is insane to me.
No. 1782894
>>1782832Square Enix literally put out a fantasy game with a female African American protagonist this year. It wasn't a good game, sure, but I guess it's still something?
I just fundamentally don't get the whole representation in media deal tbh. I don't really engage with fiction to see myself or those similar to me, I want the escapism of seeing literally anyone else and their life
No. 1782931
>>1782675>>1782686>>1782694in my experience people like her are almost always 1) hapa and/or 2) filipina. they're 2nd gen asians (ofc white dad asian mom) who have a deep-seated inferiority complex which they try to compensate for by being ultra sjw. for some reason they're usually filipina too. i don't see 2nd gen chinese, koreans, taiwanese, vietnamese, etc americans with this kind of chip on their shoulder.
my theory is that the phillipines, moreso than other asian nations, has a colonial hangover which causes their culture to be white worshipping to an insane extent. chinese, korean, japanese, etc immigrant parents by and far still want their kids to marry within the same ethnic group but filipino parents straight up encourage their daughters to marry white men. so then you end up with these intensely self-loathing kids of wmaf couples. the male ones take the ricecel path, the female ones become turbo wokies.
No. 1782933
>>1782893NTA, but do you play fantasy JRPGs to learn history? I always thought the "muh realism" thing is dumb when it comes to anime, video games, cartoons, etc where people dress in decidedly unrealistic ways, do unrealistic things, have all kinds of hair/eye colors and cultural influences, creatures/tools/foods/references from different times and places, etc.
It's not hard to make a good, creative piece of media, and there's no special thing that makes it so African or other people have to be excluded or else lol.
No. 1782943
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>>1782832The main character of my indie game is a black woman. I wonder if i am going to be called racist or something since i am hispanic. I just saw this last year and i though she could be a cool protagonist for a doom-like shooter.
No. 1782955
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>>1782875>>1782933I think one issue with this is the fact that, aesthetically, there's not much you can to do with with Sub-Saharan African. Before European contact, the only thing resembling civilization came mostly from Arabized Muslim Africans, Middle Eastnern and European cultures were in constant contact and conflict with each other, there were so many things going on and that's why most fictional media is usually around picrel region.
No. 1782959
>>1782955You sound like Pakichan honestly. The Benin kingdom, Oyo Empire and other civilizations were not "arabized muslims".
In any case, it goes back to what the other anon said about not everyone only being in their ancestral home, and also what was said about realism not being a hard rule in fiction.
No. 1782982
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It's not hard seeing the anti-shippers side when crap like this gets popular.
No. 1783079
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>>1783058You're absolutely right, the only other game with english option I can think of is Tale of Food but everything else is either 50% or 80-90% waifus. Pic somewhat related, I saw this on the erolabs website and the huge difference almost made me laugh. Maybe there will be better stuff in the future with more and more women getting into gamedev now
No. 1783129
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>we are no longer allowed to like fictional cops or police procedurals
No. 1783241
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>>1783229>I like your idea but the presentation would matter a lot because I assume the average clueless male shonentard fighting game player would love a game with just guys if they look beefy enough, even if the guys look appealing for women.i think a cutesy style like ensemble stars would filter most moids, plus moid like roidpigs not fit lean guys which most women tend to like. Also adding yaoi fanservice kek.
>I can already assume that more normie women would think that a game with just male characters is automatically for men just because of how video games used to be marketed in the West for a very long time. You know, just like how a clueless normie playing nothing but Genshin Impact and Mario would see Love Live out of context and think that since it has a bunch of cute girls in cute costumes then it's a mobage/franchise for girly girls, and yes I've seen that.i dont think so. I mean everyone knows ensemble starts/free/bongo stray dogs is for women. Specially if its an anime fighter. If i ever get good enough at playing fighting games i would love to make a simple begginer friendly yume/fujo bait fighting game.
No. 1783250
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HoTD shipping and it's consequences(these characters are cousins btw)
No. 1783290
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>>1783250I produce you the Targaryen family tree
No. 1783754
>>1783738Dont tell me you seriously read "predatory height difference" and think this is anything other than a meme making fun of underage antis
>why even make a tweet joking about Because it's funny
No. 1783766
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>>1783754The person who posted that is a twitter "pornstar" who was sadly being a genuine, retard. And I'm sorry you like tweets that highlight your porn addiction to incest and predatory relationships. May you find healing soon or reflect on whatever happened in your past,
nonny. Or transition. Whatever you want.
No. 1783769
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>>1783211I don’t participate in fandoms but Atsushi Kaneko is a manga artist with a background in filmmaking and all of his full length series are fantastic. His stories like Soil, Deathco and Bambi have really unconventional female primary characters (as far as manga by moids go, anyway). Lots of callbacks to famous movies and directors without it being overly obnoxious, too.
No. 1783803
>>1783766I can't believe you're making me defend proshippers, but reading fanfic/literature is not viewing porn; no one is being raped to produce it. You don't have to get the big guns out to epically pwn ships you don't like on the internet. Just ask them what they find textually valuable about incest. Sometimes there are even real answers. You'd be shocked.
And why the fuck do you have to bring therapyspeak into it? It's not funny and it's extremely cringeworthy.
No. 1783813
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>>1781179it's hilarious that this guy's quotes became huge memes among lolicons considering other posts of his like picrel. "Laura B" was a
victim of a pedo modelling agency and "Kimura Hazuki" who's on the right was in junior idoling, which is its own rabbit hole.
>>1780914and yeah the memes are annoying as fuck anyway, i don't know why people think they have to act weird and spergy online just because they like weird things.
No. 1783817
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>>1783813plus some delusional comments from the video anon posted
No. 1783846
>>1783810>everyone you disagree with is a twitterfagGuess twitterfag now means someone who calls people a future tranny
>>1783822 I think people just assumed she was a proshipper because of the content she posted. Putting labels on people who aren't even involved in fandom drama is so stupid. Funny how people(even proshippers themselves) associate the term with people who like incest, pedoshit, and other weird stuff tho kek
No. 1784151
>>1781089I can still find them disgusting despite their life circumstances. There are people who
>>1781144have worse lives and aren't fucking pedo-loli lovers
>>1782526>>1782536Despite his insanity, he did a great job for AM's voice
No. 1784161
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The Twitterfication of media, I honestly knew it was a matter of time but I never expected it to be this quick. So, this is most likely going to be an average A24 movie, misleading trailer and premise, not really scary or romantic, "bone-chilling" or whatever, and lauded by critics. But my issue is that this is only going to further the "baby" rhetoric from Twitter and lessen the necessary fear people should have around men.
No. 1784167
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If fiction doesn't affect reality and has no impact on it, how do you explain the popularity of blackface? Came about after the civil war in America, had it's height during the 1920s (overlap with the most powerful time for the KKK) and was mocked and dismantled after the civil rights era. How do you square that?
No. 1784240
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>>1784161Is is really that hard to inject retarded fetishes and twitter lingo into films and TV.
No. 1784248
>>1782483>>1782489>>1782510Maybe people really are better off segregating. White people hate seeing
POC in their media and
POC hate seeing white people. Let's avoid each other and mind our business, no?
It feels like an uphill battle, We will never see well-written non-corn y black characters and white people are incapable of seeing black people as fellow people which is why they always go full nazi or full woke. No one knows how to be normal so it's impossible. Authentic and well-written dynamics can only come from authentic and experienced authors.
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>>1784260nta but it was done back then as a joke, it still happens in my country and parts of asia, africa and the middle east for comedy, cause a man dressed in drag(especially if he's buff or fat) is considered funny in more conservative societies.
No. 1784331
>>1784272Ethnic people get plenty of credit for their own cuisine in this day and age. It's the 2nd generation immigrants that get mad it's not
them getting credit when they have only the most superficial connection to their heritage anyway
No. 1784874
>>1784126Now you're gonna say that the Sherlock Doctor Who and Supernatural fandom was
problematic too because it was based on real actors.
No. 1784919
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I genuinely hate these people so fucking much.
No. 1784938
problematic about drawing porn of an ugly middle aged man
No. 1784983
>>1783766Seconding the anon who said some users here need to legitimately be screened for autism. Yeah she might be some degen OF thot but most people see
>>1782982 and understand the reference to how moralfags perceive even normal things as "
problematic" and blow them so out of proportions they accuse """proshippers""" of being obsessed with cooming to them, hence the "pyramid of needs" being filled with the most commonly used accusations such as childhood friends being "incest" and height differences being predatory and a 25-year old and a 21-year old having a "
problematic age gap" because the 21-year old is "minor-coded". It's hilarious to anyone familiar with the discourse.
Also "proshipper" and "anti" should really be highlighted words around here to make the twitter migrants integrate. Nobody here gives a fuck about your dichotomy and nobody ever should.
No. 1785041
>>1784983Seconding for the highlight. The twitter migrants ITT act like actual retards and bring down the average age of the thread to about 16. It's like both (equally microcephalic) proship and antee sides think this thread is a refuge from each other because they know if they speak up on twitter their precious mutuals will cancel them. So sick of these newfags who think lolcow is gonna echo chamber their self identified most problematique opinions because this is the "big bad
terf website".
No. 1785046
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So, I know this is just hyperbolic joke, but it still rubs me the wrong way seeing how entitled fans can be towards authors when they've already finished their series. What's the point of milking a franchise further to the point where it becomes creatively bankrupt? It's like these people won't be content until every side character and period on the timeline has been crowbarred out and used to create a new media franchise.
No. 1785082
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>>1780996found it for you nona
I think this is it
No. 1785102
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I couldn't stand watching The Northman because the 20 year old age gap between Anya Taylor-Joy and Skarsgard was honestly unbelievable. He looked like such an unwashed, old, disgusting grandpa moid that the graphic sex scenes they gave him with her (which of course they did) made me ill. If things were already like this in 1925 then things are fucking bleak.
No. 1785109
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Samefag but the pedowood scandals actually destroyed Hollywood. Before that at least the pedo producers were choosing young, attractive males to wring through the Hollywood drug and abuse machine and to cast as leads in films, shooting them into stardom if they didn't kill themselves at 27 first.
I categorically refuse to watch a movie anymore where the leading moid is a geriatric prune while the leading woman is 40 years younger like in pic rel, even if they're not in a romantic relationship in the movie. It only propagates the fantasy.
No. 1785122
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>>1785112Say that in front of Interview with the vampire 1994.
Ages 31 and 32 respectively.
No. 1785163
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So out of curiosity, I looked up the Big Bang Theory on a03, just to see the results. It was actually quite surprising. The most popular M/M ship was between Howard and Raj(the Indian and Jewish guy) which I somewhat expected, What was truly unexpected was the fact that there were straight ships, and the vast majority were either Sheldon/Penny or Sheldon/Amy.
No. 1785168
>>1785123They both look like cavemen
>>1785157He looks 80 years old
No. 1785188
>>178512230+ already post-wall
>>1785163It has to do with the media. I imagine the vast majority of viewers are straight nerds with a couple of fujos in there that just write an excessive amount
No. 1785251
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This girl had to make public apology post for this because she was getting harassed by troons.
No. 1785284
>>1783880This is why I don't consider myself fully "pro-fiction" despite having an overlap of opinion. The go-to defense for lolicon/shotacon is usually that "it gives real pedos an outlet so they won't abuse kids or look at actual CP". That really doesn't sound like "just fiction" or "exploring taboo concepts solely within a fictional realm" at all when you're talking about it's relation to the real thing or how actual pedophiles like it. It feels similar to the argument that men "need" porn so they won't rape women.
>>1784167Who is arguing fiction has no impact on reality? It obviously does when it comes to mainstream movies, novels, TV shows, and obviously propaganda like that, but smaller scale fiction like webcomics and fanfics don't have as big of an impact, even if racist content should be criticized.
No. 1785421
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All of these are straight males.
No. 1785457
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>>1785445Kek what the fuck is this situation. It makes me want to watch the show myself, everyone keeps saying there's "more context" to it and that's why it's totally not malegaze fanservice
No. 1785815
>>1785251>>1785457Do you remember before yaoi being a meme with zoomies there was this way of treating the word like a slur, since around 2017 until recently, and TIFs would be like YOU FETISHIZER ITS A GENRE FOR STRAIGHT WOMEN and some of them forced themselves / pretended to be into bara with hairy roided pigs?
Notice how this never happens with yuri. TIMs never made an effort to pretend not to like yuri because it's fetishizing lesbians for straight men or anything. Instead they force their fetish on everyone.
Imagine if a girl (TIF or not) were telling gay men "if you don't like this yaoi manga you might not be into men", who would be getting dogpiled in that situation would be obvious.
No. 1785859
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>>1781873>>1781931I recently saw this gif, and it reminded me of these two posts. Like, I have tried getting into Korean media, but it has never stuck with me, except for a few films. Korean media has always seemed tacky to me. I don't know what historical and cultural aspects turned Korea into what it is, but the media is just very tacky. It reminds me a lot of stan twitter humor tbh.
No. 1786322
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>>1781712There are the occasional incredibly rare Josei-"Yuri" manga that are the equivalent of bara for women.
>Stories involving real women not high school aged children >Women have actual human bodies>Serious relationship and realism>Sex is actually realisticMaka-Maka comes to mind but I'm still searching for the bara equivalent for gay women lel you're likely better off making your own stuff if you're a SSA woman.
No. 1786600
>>1785457I hate how this person is trying to reuse arguments homophobic straight women accuse lesbians of being pornsick for feeling basic sexual attraction towards lesbians/bi women who are critical of a fanservice scene in a series written by a man.
>idk man I'm not porn sick I just actually want to have sex with a womanDoes wanting to have sex with real women mean you have to like seeing cartoon girls make out? I swear to god so many "wlw" under 25 base their sexuality on pop culture (and the celebrity men they "comphet" for) than real life attraction.
No. 1786746
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>>1786600i am 100% sure its a troon
No. 1787094
>>1786696It's so frustrating how we have both the old school polilez and the new kind of polilez on our asses constantly.
>>1786785I mean some lesbians do like SU (I used to before I got better taste LMAO) but I would barely consider it a good example of "lesbian media" because 1. it's made by a "she/they nonbinary" bi woman 2. SU constantly goes back-and-forth on if the gems really are "women" and if the canon stuff counts as "gay" or not. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
No. 1787113
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>>1784919>>1784938>>1784964>>1784969…I agree that the picrel is cringe and horribly phrased but why does every other
nonnie kick up such a fuss over people liking older men? We get it, you like shotas and/or bishies. Let people have preferences. It's less 'fandom drama' at this point and more of a cheap excuse to vent your own opinions. Keep them in the yume or yaoi thread, please.
No. 1787131
>>1787121Some people on this site are as old as the men they like that get called old. Just saying.
And that’s more of a pickme thing not an nlog thing, but what even are slang words and acronyms online.
No. 1787139
>>1787131very few people, if any, on this site are 40+. I have been on the female side of nerd discussion since forever and only very recently, after people like nimu started making liking ugly old men their personality, i have seen these ''old man'' psyop
victims pop out. I dont know why diaper changers want to be seen as the
victims, either own it up or shut up and get better taste. Shotafags at least own their degeneracy but women who fall for ugly man propaganda get super angry when someone points out they have shit taste.
No. 1787153
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So, a popular Genshin artist just got a call-out doc for 'grooming' a minor. thoughts? Call me an enabler but I just combed the entire thing and aside from some questionable behaviour, I don't know if I'd even call this 'grooming'. At 16 I was hopping from nsfw to nsfw server living my best life, so their eagerness to infantilise themselves just sends my eyes rolling tbh. Not to mention that it's clear they only turned on the call-outee after they cut off their friendship. If anything, wasn't that the appropriate response on their behalf given how weird the whole situation was? Anyway, the subject of the callout is definitely wrong and condemnable for the way that they conducted themselves but if this is what passes for 'grooming' online these days, then colour me a
victim at least fifty times over. Whatever. They're both annoying and I'm already popping the kernels to watch the inevitable fallout. 100k followers… yep, this is about to be a big one. Strap in, ladies.
No. 1787161
>>1787113You're on LC don't even try
>>1787139You need to stop referencing nemu every time someone likes something you don't
>Shotafags at leastNo, we ain't doing this, they're pedos, low tier, bottom barrel. Stfu
No. 1787180
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>>1787153Aaaaand just under 24 hours later, we have the response. Seems like an open and shut case of
toxic co-dependency. Also, reading the opposite side just makes it the whole thing seem more depressing. They really should have dealt with this in private, but, oh well. Hope they have fun with the Twitter mob.