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No. 1744694

Discuss topics relevant to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Keep any and all discussions concerning the conflict contained to this thread. This thread can be used for discussing the history of the conflict as well.

No infighting, derailing or baiting. Please report any infighters or baiters.

No. 1744702

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>not using this as the OP
Shit thread

No. 1744706

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No. 1744712

>No infighting, derailing or baiting
You wish kek

No. 1744714

This but also the Israeli flag (Mossad) lel
Cute, I hate moids and their stupid wars but I can appreciate stuff like this.
This fighting is stupid. They should just make out already

No. 1744720

Does someone have a link to a comprehensive history of the conflict?

No. 1744721

both sides are retarded
true, US literally made islamic radicalism rise. also that meme would be so true with israel's flag

No. 1744723

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sigh I know.. It's just to iterate to anons that they'll get banned. If the Ukraine/Russia threads were anything to go by this will be a mess.

No. 1744738

>No infighting
What the fuck was the point of this thread then? Any mention of the conflict is literally nothing but fighting.

No. 1744739

Why is Israeli media so atrociously bad?
>upload fake recordings of Hamas fighters with clear Israeli accents
>gay little songs to strength identification with the West (all the kids were off key)
>recycle old well-known stories and testimonies from the Deir Yassin and Sabra massacres
>no serious propaganda

I know a lot of the PR are done by young girls (like late teens/early twenties), so they run it like a stan account, not understanding the situations calls for the vigor present in the Celebricows thread. I’ve been tinfoiling because this isn’t normal. These people are losing the media war on purpose. Not very good hasbara!

No. 1744743

>recycle old well-known stories and testimonies from the Deir Yassin and Sabra massacres

No. 1744749

File: 1698685264778.jpg (106.8 KB, 558x758, tweet.jpg)

I'm not sure why it's so bad and embarrassing but this tweet made me kek
It's horribly unserious for an actual official account though, reminds me of those big brands that try their best to appeal to zoomers over social media.

No. 1744751

Since when have you guys cared about an OP post saying not to infight?

No. 1744762

This is a good doc on the subject, covers it from the very beginning and explains why; https://www.bitchute.com/video/hgTUbr5gM5Eo/

No. 1744764

Because boomers and NPCs eat that shit up.

No. 1744770

Robert Maxwell was key in the formation of Israel.

The expansion of Maxwell’s prominent contacts paralleled the growth of his media empire. By 1980, he had acquired the British Printing Corporation, which he renamed the Maxwell Communication Corporation. Just a few years later, he bought the Mirror Group, publisher of the British tabloid the Daily Mirror. This was followed by his acquisition of publishers like MacMillan and later the New York Daily News. Money “borrowed” from some Maxwell-owned companies was allegedly used to finance Mossad activities in Europe and elsewhere; then, the funds were restored before the absence was noticed by company employees not privy to these operations. Maxwell later derailed this well-oiled system by dipping into these same funds to finance his own ostentatious and salacious habits as well as attempts to further expand his already bloated media empire well beyond its means.

During this period, Maxwell's ties to Israeli intelligence deepened in other ways, particularly during the time when Yitzhak Shamir was prime minister. Shamir, previously a leader of a terrorist group known as Lehi or the Stern Gang, deeply loathed the United States, a sentiment he confided to Maxwell during one of Maxwell’s visits to Israel. Shamir told Maxwell that he blamed the Americans for the Holocaust because of the US’ failure to support the transfer of European Jews to Palestine prior to the war1* Shamir’s very negative views about the US likely informed Israel’s more aggressive espionage operations that targeted the US during this time and in which Maxwell prominently figured.

No. 1744797

Still struggling to decide if Israel's retarded terminally online inflammatory PR approach is a 4D chess move or if it comes from a place of genuine stupidity

No. 1744798

It feels like the only people who support israel in the west are bought off politicians and evangelical boomers, and America is getting less white and less religious, so its only a matter of time till the boomers die off.

Could see israel going to way of south africa in 20 years or so

No. 1744803

the very concept of the nation was retarded an unsustainable from its inception. i don't think Israel itself will last beyond a few more decades at most

No. 1744807

I'm not baiting, I just don't know anything about this war and haven't been following it but can someone give me an answer why Israel is the bad one in this? I was told that they were the ones who were provoked and that innocent people died. If someone can fill me in that'd be great

No. 1744832

Theyre bad because they hit military targets and innocents get killed as collateral damage, but not before they give them forewarnings in the form of roof knocking to evacuate their buildings

No. 1744842

Yes, all those military targets in hospitals, schools, and churches that were definitely real. Israel would never kill innocents of course, don't mind their politicians calling for ethnic cleansing.

No. 1744852

Israel didnt bomb the hospital give it a rest. What's so far fetched about hamas, who celebrate martyrdom and death, putting their people in harm's way? What would stop them? They have every incentive to. Not only do they hold death in high regard, they encourage it in their people. They see it as something worth celebrating.

Im assuming those people arent affiliated with hamas but

No. 1744854

I know the issue is very complicated, started decades ago and was kickstarted by America and the UK ruining everything for everyone again but thinking about how all of this is caused by some geriatric retards fighting over having different interpretations of their schizophrenic ancestors' tulpa is fucking me up. People on both sides are committing mass rape, torture and murder just because they have different headcanons of their fictional character. And we have to take they're shitty opinions seriously because of oil in the region, because of previous wars between plenty of different countries and because of terrorism all over the world. We're fucked as a species.

No. 1744856

So way back in like 1917 during WW1 UK minister of foreign affairs (Arthur Balfour) made a promise to the jewish population in Europe to give them a new national home. He decided that new home would be in Palestina (now Israel). The British "won" Palestina during WW1, so they could just decide who would live there. For Jewish people Palestina is holy ground, they used to live there but were chased out by the Roman Empire a long time ago. So during this time there was a lot of Jewish hate (WW2 would soon happen), so the UK minister quickly wanted to move them.
They were also offered other options to move like USA or to colonise Oeganda. But none of these places are holy for the Jewish.
So during the 20s and 30s a lot of Jewish people went to Palestina, which is also a holy place for Muslims and now the muslims live there almost for a thousand year. Back then 90% of Palestina consisted of Muslim Arabs.

In 1930 the Arabs revolted because there kept being conflicts with the increasing amount of Jewish people coming in the country. The UK helped shut down the Arabs, they were very brutal. So the British in 1937 decided it was better to devide Palestina in multiple parts. most of it would go to the Arabs because well they were still the biggest population back then. Jeruzalem would be an international zone that the British would rule.
The Arab leaders said no to this offer, because they saw it as there country and didn't want to give up 1/4 of it to the Jewish.

In 1947 there was a new plan for dividing the country, but made by the USA. This plan gave about 56% of the country to the Jewish (the reason why they were given more land was because of the holocaust). The Arab refused again, during this the UK also decided to leave and pretty much left there mess without fixing anything.

1948 the state of Israel was proclaimed, this caused a war with neighbour countries who wanted to help Palestina. Israel won the war (back then they already got a lot of funding from the west), and conquered additional territory. So the 56% that the USA "gave" the Jewish suddenly got around 85%. The other parts that were left were not give to the people of Palestina. Egypt and Jordan got the leftovers.
So right then the people from Palestina suddenly have no ground, there country was completly taken over.
700.000 Palestina fled during the war in the hope to eventually return after it ended. But that was no impossible, Isreal forbade the Palestinians who fled during the war from returning.
A lot of families that fled during 1948 still live in refuguee camps in Gaza, you can search up these camps and you can see that they eventually started building houses because they have been stuck there 70 years.
Israel did keep accepting Jewish people from other countries of course.

1967 Isreal decided to attack neighbouring countries (six day war). in the first few hours Israel destroyed the air forces of Syria and Egypt. According to Israel, they did this is a preventive measurre. Because they believed that otherwise they would be attacked themselves. According to other countries it was just Israel being aggressive.

Okay so now Israel has taken also the parts of Palestina that was incontrol of Egypt and Jordan (they also took some new parts from Egypt and Syria land). In 1973 Egypt and Syria strike back and Israel won again.

So now we are getting terrorist groups that are trying to attack Israel. During the 70s PLO commited bomb attacks, hijack jets and killed 10 Israel athletes during the 1972 Olympics. During the 80s PLO lost its popularity and a new terrorist group in 1987 became more popular named Hamas (the name means Islamic Resistance Movement). So in Palestina citizens also try to resist more (intifade). They threw stones and grenades, it was crushed by Israeli army.

During the 90s the Prime Minister Rabin of Israel and Arafat of the PLO reached an agreement (Oslo accordance). Here they agreed that Israel will eventually withrdraw from Gaza and the West Bank and the Palestinians will then get self-goverment there. But then the Israeli Prime Misiter got attack during a peace demostration by a Jewish Orthodox student who was pro Israel and against the agreement.
More Palestinians joined Hamas which commited a lot of suicide bombings, on buses, cafes and schools in the 1990s. In the meantime Jewish settlers were occupying more of the Palestinian territories because they believe it belongs to Israel. These settlers are supported by the Israeli goverment with money and weapons. So they are pretty much taking over the West Bank which was a part what they gave back to Palestina during the Oslo agreement. The current Minister of Finance from Israel who is also responspible for the settlement policy. Currently lives in one of those illegal settlements.

In the Gaza Strip there are no Jewish settlements anymore, because in 2005 Israel cleared them all. For the first time there were elections and Hamas won. So since then a terrorist organisation has been in control.
In 2007 Israel decided to completely close off the Gaza Strip from the outside world. Because of that the economy collapsed and became unlivable. No one could leave.
Since then Israel and Hamas keeps shooting rockets at eachother.

I didnt cover everything because it is a lot, but in the end it's also UK's fault kek. Sorry for my bad grammar. English is not my first language and I did skip some things because there is to much to cover.

No. 1744857

samefag but oh god i didnt realise i wrote so much. Oh well, i hope it is still helpfull for some anons who don't know anything about the situation.

No. 1744862

Hamas was created with the help of Israel

No. 1744878

>Israel hates Palestine and they've bombed countless schools, churches, and other hospitals
>including the same hospital not even a week before the bombing you're referring to
>except no they didnt, they'd never bomb a hospital and hamas did it to THEMSELVES despite having no where near the firepower required to pull off such a feat!

No. 1744879

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Found this interesting

No. 1744887

So afraid of communism, they funded stupid radical groups that get more radical with each passing generation. I unironically believe I would have been better off in a Communist nation. if communism is/was a failed ideology, then why bother to sanction or force regime change huh?

No. 1744890

Thank you nona. I appreciate it!

No. 1744892

They realize that with Hamas they will just have another ISIS to deal with. But if they say this out loud they will also have another ISIS at hands. These religions and regions fueled by moid rage are retarded and will always be retarded.

No. 1744901

For nonnas who like good documentaries and history, this one explains really well the history of Palestine and Israel. It's 4 parts and the last one is the most relevant.


No. 1744902

More interesting information

The prime minister himself spoke briefly at times about his position regarding Hamas. In March 2019, he said during a meeting of Likud MKs, at which the subject of transfer of funds to Hamas was under discussion, that, “Whoever opposes a Palestinian state must support delivery of funds to Gaza because maintaining separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

In a tweet two months later, Channel 13 quoted former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as telling a Kuwaiti newspaper: “Netanyahu isn’t interested in a two-state solution. Rather, he wants to separate Gaza from the West Bank, as he told me at the end of 2010.”

Gen. (Res.) Gershon Hacohen, a prominent right winger, made things crystal clear in an interview with the online magazine Mida in May 2019. “When Netanyahu didn’t go to war in Gaza to defeat the Hamas regime, he basically prevented Abu Mazen from establishing a united Palestinian state,” he recalled at the time. “We need to exploit the situation of separation created between Gaza and Ramallah. It’s an Israeli interest of the highest level, and you can’t understand the situation in Gaza without understanding this context.”

No. 1744903

Makes sense. Hamas cannot be controlled especially if they succeed and grow. It will be islamic state 2.0 and just send the economy and education progress back another 50 years

No. 1744904

“You have two hours to evacuate a hospital” So fuck those little kids? People in comas?

Not to mention the intentional killing of journalists

No. 1744907

>except no they didnt, they'd never bomb a hospital and hamas did it to THEMSELVES despite having no where near the firepower required to pull off such a feat!
The feat of… barely killing a hundred people despite the numbers being reported as 500 initially and destroying a small parking lot? Really? Keep sucking on their ugly pubes, and no i'm not talking about the ones on their face.
They have a record of using human shields and schools and hospitals for storing weapons
>including the same hospital not even a week before the bombing you're referring to

No. 1744909

File: 1698692611523.mp4 (5.27 MB, 480x850, 1698692577479.mp4)

We're queer and we're here to free Palestine

No. 1744911

They didnt bomb the hospital

No. 1744921

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No. 1744925

Girl what country?

On a similar note, I can see why western “queers” defend Palestine. It’s hard to exist freely if you’re community s constantly bombed by air strikes. Like most Muslim communities, you can be open because of the religion. but westerners have made any honest discussion anathema.

No. 1744928

>The power of sisterhood is not war-power. There have been and will be conflicts, but the Final cause causes no by conflict but by attraction. ― Mary Daly

There's something profoundly unsettling about protesting against violence while simultaneously celebrating sexualization and objectification.

No. 1744930

Not surprising. The Saudi petrodollar elite have a behind the scenes agreement with Israelis. An example is the relationship of Adnan Khashoggi with many prominent Israelis.

No. 1744935

Rome, Italy

Exactly, they can't bother being modest for one moment to respect the people they're protesting for, they're turning their protest into a fucking circus and it's not helping anyone. Leftists will never seem to understand this.

No. 1744939

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>barely killing a hundred people
"Barely a hundred" innocent Palestinian lives are worth noting but would you care to remind me how many Israeli citizens have been killed as a direct result of this conflict?

No. 1744942

It has nothing to do with modesty. It just doesn't make sense to celebrate male violence to protest against male violence.

No. 1744947

I don't like how when people express support for the Palestinians, people immediately go "but the Hamas!". It just shows a lack of nuance to me. You don't have to support Hamas and their actions to think that what is happening to regular Palestinians is still wrong. I think it's wrong to expect an entire group of people to be the perfect victims.

No. 1744950

Ive never seen the queer movement and the taliban so united before

No. 1744961

Hamas not comparable to ISIS. Hamas is allied with Iran and Iranian funded Shia militias. It was Shia militias that fought against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It's entirely possible that current Hamas fighters gained experience in Syria.

No. 1744976

File: 1698694823937.jpg (21.89 KB, 417x393, 1698693438707465.jpg)

the shill itt needs to be escorted out, I too am sick of
>muh taliban
>muh isis
>muh dirty mudslime terrorist villains of the week, they deserve this
>remember 9/11 and pearl harbor and the holocaust?
>why won't you take everything bibi says at face value, goy?
and propaganda

No. 1744980

I remember people parroting this with Russians until it turned out that it's not just Putin, most Russians are violent psychopaths and support Putin because that's what they're taught to do and they can't live without their big father figure. Most of the population of Gaza is young adults who grew up to follow the ideology of Hamas and they will always be like that.

Don't get me wrong, I also believe all Israelis want to kill all Arabs, whether it's justified or not. But if you're going to support Palestine then you need to accept the fact that they support Hamas and their actions, otherwise you're just a hypocrite.

No. 1745000

Sorry that your dreams of a pro-hamas circlejerk cant be fulfilled. You'll have to make due with them gang-raping you for not wearing a burqa instead. Btw I saw you delete and rephrase "taken by hamas" to "escorted out", mind elaborting on that?

No. 1745007

It has to be bait, right?

No. 1745021

Wow thank you for writing all that! You're a saint.
>A lot of families that fled during 1948 still live in refuguee camps in Gaza, you can search up these camps and you can see that they eventually started building houses because they have been stuck there 70 years.
>In 2007 Israel decided to completely close off the Gaza Strip from the outside world. Because of that the economy collapsed and became unlivable. No one could leave.
Personally I think these facts are "why Israel is the bad one?" as >>1744807 asked. Palestinians are banned from leaving Gaza via Israel and Egypt isn't gonna take them all either. The palestinians are boxed in with nowhere to go and physically not enough places for all the civilians to take shelter from a bombing campaign this extensive (the numbers are actually crazy, thousands of bombs in a week.) Israel government knows they're killing a lot of civilians, they're keeping them in there while they bomb them. It's pretty fucked up. I'm not even trying to be supportive of palestine I just have eyes to see.

No. 1745024

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I was going to write it again

No. 1745028

No. 1745030

File: 1698696034604.jpg (611.17 KB, 2618x1575, Pkjz7CZbkyF.jpg)

I hate libfems so fucking much.

No. 1745036

ET phone home!

No. 1745040

post more sexy men nona

No. 1745043

File: 1698696217613.mp4 (1.16 MB, 480x852, rJ7ThE4HGmPaWYta.mp4)

I see shilling itt but not for Hamas

Post silly zionist moments

No. 1745047

I've been following a lot of palestianins on Instagram (people who are living in Palestine, who are just documenting the damage around them and asking for it stop) and it's been so heartbreaking and awful to see all the dead children and shit. So when I saw this I rolled my eyes so fucking hard. The civilians need that aid , especially the women and children, getting some moids dick off is not gonna do it

No. 1745051

hubba hubba

No. 1745052

I cannot stand internet sex workers, holy fucking shit.

No. 1745061

File: 1698696552551.jpeg (79.58 KB, 720x1369, WhatsApp-Image-2023-10-20-at-9…)

An influencer called Faryal Makhdoom claimed to have been threatened by Israel for posting about Palestine.

No. 1745062

Well, Mcdonalds has been giving out a lot of free meals and discounts to the IDF.

No. 1745071

The one palestinian guy everyone is following, Motaz I think? Someone said he got threatened by Israel as well.

No. 1745072

I think they or some zionist leaked her phone number.

No. 1745073

I could believe that she got threatened (wasn't even Bella Hadid and her family getting threatened?). But this method of threatening people seems a little…off.

No. 1745076

Oh shit I was just at Sluts a few months ago. It's a pop-up bar that used to be a different venue. Halfway into my glass of wine while waiting for a friend, music started blaring and an obese themby with a neon buzzcut started dancing around the tiny stage in the corner with a stripper pole, it was embarrassing

No. 1745078

Yeah, as well as Gigi getting publicly threatened by the official Israeli govt IG. Its so crazy what they're doing on social media

No. 1745083

samefag lol I meant as in posting anymore pictures, since he lives in Gaza

No. 1745086

Sorry anons, I reposted here.

I guess if they're willing to threaten people over IG they'll do it through text.

No. 1745093

The way he looks this man is going to die of a massive coronary at 28.

No. 1745096

Well. Someone call that number and see who answers

No. 1745099

and play hot yaoi drama cd or whatever

No. 1745102

Another influencer claiming he was offered money to make posts supporting Israel

No. 1745110

File: 1698697145554.jpg (151.67 KB, 1024x1024, OIG(134).jpg)

I'll try to make more but bing is my biggest hater(derailing with AI spam)

No. 1745113

Seems like just regular trolling, why would it be a USA number? Probably some butthurt jew and not the actual government kek

No. 1745116

he needs longer hair tbh. everything else is fine

No. 1745117

lmao threaten him with what? isn't one of his videos about how a bunch of his family died in an air strike? what are they gonna do worse than that?

No. 1745118

No. 1745119

I'm just so sick of the either or, sides bullshit. I'm more horrified by the violence men are capable of when they someone as less. It's women and children suffering, while a bunch of pushed up men make shitty ass decisions. I can't even go on twitter without radfems having full on slapping wars, it's ridiculous

No. 1745120

ayrt, I'm not sure I'd have to find the comment again. I guess it's just killing him.

No. 1745122

no facial hair plz

No. 1745123

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this made me audibly kek like what the fuck… they're trying to garner sympathy with AI generated voldemort? israel's war propaganda machine is broken

No. 1745129

I don’t think people realize the extent of this.
The leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, George Habash, was a Palestinian Christian who returned one day to his home in Lod to be forced out of it. This resulted in the Lod death march, where they made the Palestinian inhabitants march for three days in exile, without food or water. His sister died in the march. The PLO adopted secular marxist ideals later on, and they made a distinction between Zionism and judaism. Think of this, coupled with Abdelnasser (socialist leanings), with the explosion of Arab marxism back in the day. The US ended up propong Saudi and wahabist Islamic thought to combat Arab marxism, knowing that Islamism is incompatible with marxism and communism and whatnot. They killed off the PLO, only to have Hamas replace them. What they hadn’t accounted for is the result of their actions would be much bigger than anticipated.
Similar thing for Bibi. He is dependent on Hamas and he had made sure there will no possibility for a two state solution in the near future. And he has propped up Hamas in the past. In a way, he’s getting exactly what he paid for, only at the cost of so many innocent lives.
Add to this the recent uptick in religious Zionism. These psychos think they are promised Judea, Samaria, and Mount Sinai. Herzl wanted to have a part of Jordan and el-Arish. If things were bad before, they are way worse now.

No. 1745137

I wish they'd get sued over that but it would probably paint the ones suing (jkr? warner bros?) in a bad light kek

No. 1745139

How convenient. Nothing to see here.

No. 1745140

File: 1698697713157.jpg (134.73 KB, 1024x1024, OIG(133).jpg)

I got one like that before and the headband I wanted but sadly its a little off, the background is bad, and the cow has downs…

No. 1745141

Ohhh that's my man right there.. the cow looks a little retarded but its okay I love her anyway.

No. 1745142

very nice… thank you nona

No. 1745143

And Epstein totally killed himself

No. 1745144

first one's hotter

No. 1745145

nyart but haven't they been bombing multiple hospitals and schools?

No. 1745147

Its their go to because its the MSM go to, they are brainwashed retards who lack critical thinking skills.

No. 1745150

Is that a hamas headband, anon? Seriously?

No. 1745151

Actually most of Gazans are children who see their parents, friends and family be harrassed, arrested and bombed on a weekly basis, can you blame them for hating Israel? I would hate them.

No. 1745152

no need to moralfag a cartoon picture, girl

No. 1745156

File: 1698698119265.jpg (53.38 KB, 636x382, 43561763-0-image-a-57_16222063…)

not only that but they keep shilling idf onlyfans thots on tiktok too kek

No. 1745158

Why is idf so fucking weird like this Lmao

No. 1745160

It's a show of solidarity. Why. Support palestinians, not hamas for christ's sake. Wow some of you disgust me

No. 1745162

imagine going to war and dying and these are the thots your government celebrates and pushes to the masses kek. i would be so embarrassed to be an IDF soldier

No. 1745165

Yes nonnie, lets sit back, shut up and let Israel kill all the Palestinians in peace! Based queen(derailing)

No. 1745168

>show of solidarity
its a cartoon thirst trap be fucking serious. learn to separate fiction from reality before accessing the internet

No. 1745170

nonnita, It's just an anime guy shitpost drawing, we know what is happening is horrible and we're not standing with retarded military males

No. 1745171

Yes, but those havent exploded(pun intended) on social media so they dont bother denying it.

No. 1745172

All women serve in the idf aged 18-20, you think none of them would be regular stacies that love to post thirst traps in or out of uniform?

No. 1745175

Many people start going "But supporting Palestinians means supporting Hamas!!1!!" so I can't blame them. Many feminists that support Palestinians are being called Hamas sympathizers when in reality they oppose Islam and male violence.

No. 1745180

Its their narrative, and it is working for the retards and zionists among us.

No. 1745181

File: 1698698625027.jpg (137.15 KB, 1222x751, 32875026-shani-louk-hamas-20OQ…)

Hamas "militants" do it for you anon? Good to know. I cant blame you, truly a good looking bunch.

No. 1745183

Nonnita, maybe you should visit /g/

No. 1745186

File: 1698698695980.jpeg (48.66 KB, 484x484, OIG.jpeg)

Sorry anon

No. 1745189

I'm gonna stay triggered and seething on /ot/ because she could have easily gone with a palestinian flag which id have no problem with but chose to go with that instead. Sorry

No. 1745190

>wow you like hot anime boy who is not real and didn't hurt anyone?? you must fucking love real rapist murderer moids!
this is how you sound right now

No. 1745192

not the girls fighting over anime boys

No. 1745193

Look if Hetalia can make hot WWII boys then I can make a cute Gaza-kun with big brown eyes and cool guns and a pet cow

No. 1745194

You sound like a retarded lolicon "bu-but theyre not real! So what if it gets me going!"

No. 1745195

Tbh, I wouldn't mind a palestinian anime moid. AI nonna make one now for my pussay

No. 1745201

It's just a cool headband

No. 1745204

please try twitter. you will find more people who agree with your line of thought there

No. 1745205

File: 1698699064907.jpg (82.26 KB, 720x678, Screenshot_20231030-174922_X.j…)

Could be but some of her tiktoks scream military propaganda and the IDF has posted similar things before

No. 1745207

File: 1698699101480.png (385 B, 255x153, 255px-Transgender_Pride_flag.s…)

They're just cool colors
Unironically i think radfems should claim this flag tbh

No. 1745210

Yeah, because that's definitely what I said. You're retarded. I'll see this thread closed in 8 hours and that's generous.

No. 1745211

if they pay random tiktokers to support them ofc they would also pay random female soldiers to take these photos.

No. 1745216

File: 1698699421081.jpg (225.25 KB, 1024x1024, 1697310558228.jpg)

This thread is going to get killed, isn't it?

No. 1745218

not until I see a palestine flag anime ai guy. Please farmhands … be kind.. be mericful

No. 1745220

if they kill it, the fighting will just go back to clogging and derailing other threads. better to have at least some containment.

No. 1745225

File: 1698699718840.jpeg (48.33 KB, 484x484, OIG (1).jpeg)

What would you do if you were an IDF soldier scouring the floors of devastated Gazan buildings for remaining survivors to eliminate and after hours of nothing but children, you found this?(ban evasion)

No. 1745228

you are posting too much AI art, it's not cute or fun anymore

No. 1745229

No. 1745231

I'll take it to the AI thread now

No. 1745233

lmao the little tuft on the baby cow's head.

No. 1745240

File: 1698700483266.mp4 (2.19 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_59456D6ABE…)

most of the motaz_azaiza account is absolutely horrific footage but this was nice. saw a different vid of someone carrying their cat out of the rubble, it was all dirty and sooty but looked to be in good health alhamdulillah

No. 1745261

No problem.
>Personally I think these facts are "why Israel is the bad one?"
The Israel goverment and Hamas are the bad ones. And ofcourse UK and USA who pretty much created and funded the Israel state. But yes, theyre indeed keeping Palestine locked up with noway out and shooting rockets at them.

Anyway I think all women can agree that war hurts us the most, because you have raging moids raping everywhere and acting like monkey. It's horrible to think what the women and children of Palestine and Israel are going through.

No. 1745262

Arabs are based in their love of cats

No. 1745269

Yeah I agree. The video he posted (it got removed but is on twitter if you search his name) of the child who was blown apart by a bomb but still alive on a stretcher fucked me up. It is nice to see the animals and children be saved and cared for.

No. 1745272

And utter disgust of dogs

No. 1745281

>no big brown eyes

No. 1745285

Further derailing/shitposting of AI generated husbandos will result in bans and the posts being deleted. You have other threads for this shit. Stop.

No. 1745292

Based farmhand I kiss your feet

No. 1745294

Drop the prompt please(AI derailing)

No. 1745297

No. Fuck off

No. 1745299

Bummer. I know dogs are considered to be ritually impure but hatred?

No. 1745300


More like you kiss her ass lel.

No. 1745301

Yes. You fuck off.

She's also in >>>/m/328297(AI derailing)

No. 1745302

The first one looks gay as fuck.
these are the only good ones

No. 1745303

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IMO the reason the Ukrainian War thread was a disaster was because it was overrun by robots /pol/tards and other moids and “burgers butt out” because of a couple of pearl-clutching Fins pretending like they were affected. Then the burgers and those larping that they aren’t burgers got bored, so it died. This one is bound to be worse though, picrel is an article with an anecdote about a bartender not allowing a single nazi into their bar, not even a “nice” one. Because after a while, more show up and eventually you’ve got a nazi bar. You open the door for anti-Semitism and before we know it we’ve got a nazi board. NatSoc orgs have already come out in support and praise of Hamas. Seems fine now but the moids will find it. The moids will come.

No. 1745304

Inb4 thread lock kek

No. 1745306

It's only a question of when.

No. 1745311

Jannies are probably looking for an excuse to lock it, the husbando/AIfags were the only thing that could have reduced infighting

No. 1745314

tbh (NOT encouraging it) But it did make me laugh a little bit since the whole situation has been such ass and making me sad as fuck. Nonnies always make me laugh. I hope they don't lock it for a little bit though because I like reading about news or stuff through the lens of the women here

No. 1745315

Husbandofagging keeps the /pol/tard away, that's a known fact.

No. 1745327

>no infighting
literally impossible

No. 1745330

>I hope they don't lock it for a little bit though because I like reading about news or stuff through the lens of the women here
same anon. Hope we'll get some quality posts among the husbandofagging

No. 1745333

this is quite depressing. religious fundies of any denomination are a scourge on women everywhere
I do wonder who's going to be the next burger-funded group that backfires.

No. 1745335

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No. 1745384

i hate to say this but they gaza west bank are definitely gonna be ethnically cleansed and replaced with israeli settlers by the end of this conflict. if not gaza then the west bank.
of course it will a conflict involving two ethnic groups the racebaiting anons love to bring up

No. 1745391

it is so sad. I think that's whats going to happen too. They have no fighting chance. At least not the civilians. I don't think Israel can hide behind that at all. A lot of people are waking up to it

No. 1745393

honestly tho. everything i see when i enter twitter is extremely infuriating and depressing stuff, and images of dead and half-dead palestinian kids. i dont know if im just too sensible, but i muted everything related to this war otherwise i cant go on with my day, i did that for russia-ukraine as well. i wish i lived in a bubble or something.
sorry for blogpost

No. 1745395

I get it nonna. It's so hard to see that stuff and it definitely isn't healthy to see everyday, poor people over there

No. 1745414

like that scene from apocalypse now but with tiktok.

No. 1745419

No. 1745440

They're backed by the Powers That Be so that means they're colonial oppressors, pretty much.
>muh british and US decided who got what
Yeah that's literally how most modern states were established, shocking news.

I don't understand why leftists are caping so hard for literal muslims, the people who have a literal morality police that regularly beats women to death for showing hair. When the fuck did "burkas are feminist ackshually!" libfemism get back in style?

No. 1745458

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The ashkanazi and Sephardic jews are from Europe. Even 23andme says they are more European then Semitic .
So way displace the natives like indigenous people in the new world or South Africa

If Hitler fluid the crime why doesn’t Germany/Austria give them a territory?

No. 1745461

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Defund the iron dome
Literally thousands die there in poverty but they kill 1 Israeli then it’s omg

Third world lives matter

Israelis are no different from the nazis that they escaped
Palestinian Holocaust indeed

No. 1745464

>even 23andme

those autosomal DNA tests are really inaccurate, they're a scam basically

No. 1745477

You couldn't be more wrong
>Ashkenazi Jewish people settled in Central and Eastern Europe in the late Middle Ages, but their modern descendants remain genetically more similar to other Jewish populations than to their European neighbors, reflecting shared western Asian origins.

Where did you get your info from if you don't mind me asking?

No. 1745484

I went to the Jewish pro Israel part of Tumblr who and it's surprising of many of them are pooners.

No. 1745487

Maybe they are just jewish themselves?

No. 1745490

it isnt really, I've heard about them converting after they troon. why do they do it? god only knows. I guess it adds oppression points.

No. 1745496

You can convert to Judaism…?

No. 1745499

Converting to Judaism and trooning out are the two ultimate band aids over white guilt for people with no real issues.

No. 1745501

Lmao judaism is one of the hardest religions to convert to, whatever it is that theyre doing it is not conversion to judaism

No. 1745507

My friend who did a 23andme and that 7%!I think f ashkanazi jew came up, labeled it as European then Semitic

Think it’s the mizrahi jews that are the more pure middle eastern Semitic people
I heard European Jews are 80% European then Semitic .
Can’t the same be said about the Roma ??they’ve been in Europe for a 1000years now and have a mixed foreign and native dna.

No. 1745510

I don't think Judaism is accepting of troons either. Maybe if the troon was an ethnic jew but a convert troon?

No. 1745511

How so
Can’t be harder then islam

No. 1745512

nta but not really. i mean technically you can but jews don't seek out converts and don't think other people need to be jewish to be saved like christians or muslims so conversion is almost never done unless someone marries into a jewish family. troons love to ignore this and pretend that they're converting without having any connection to the community or any intent to follow through (which would take years of work) because being "jewish" gives more minority points.

No. 1745515

No. 1745516

islam is stupid easy to convert to nona

No. 1745519

>submission means peace

No. 1745520

Nona, there is a reason why there is like 100x more Muslims than Jews. Also, have you asked yourself why there are like no black Jews but plenty of Muslims and Christians? Is because Judaism is ethnic based.

No. 1745523

Not only that but they also claim the Talmud mentions 4 extra genders when it was just refering to biological abnormalities.

Kek yes they seek out people to convert all the time.

No. 1745524

You can convert to Judaism as a religion but it doesn't mean you're part of the tribe or "gods chosen". You will still be considered a goyim

No. 1745529

The reason why Judaism is matrilinear was to force men to either marry a Jewish woman or to force their brides to convert in order for their children to be Jewish.

No. 1745531

you can start calling yourself jewish and call everyone who questions it or anything else you say an antisemite

No. 1745534

Neither of them. Both of them are from like, England

No. 1745603

I don’t think the genetic or homeland thing is valid anyway. It’s like a bunch of native Americans shoving every white American out of their homes and off their land because they claim ancestral rights to that American land. Even if they were right about that from say a genetic standpoint, then it would still be wrong to force people from there homes and kill them just because the natives were there first.

No. 1745605

Actually there are quite a lot of black Jews. Ethiopian Jews/Beta Israelites. There’s about 170,000 of them in Israel. The Israeli government was exposed a while back for injecting black Israeli women with birth control shots without their knowledge or consent to keep the black population down.

No. 1745607

Also, Moses’s wife, Zipporah, is said in many Rabbinic interpretations to be a black woman, although some interpreters disagree.

No. 1745609

It doesnt matter what people are being genocided, genocide is WRONG. And how can you demonize an entire group? Not all muslims are extremists. There are christians in Palestine, and along with that most od Palestine is CHILDREN.
Zionists are evil, fuck Pissrahell.

No. 1745610

From what I’ve read, Roma gypsies have overwhelmingly European and Near Eastern (meaning Turkey and such) maternal lineages with some South Asian maternal dna, and mostly South Asian and Middle Eastern paternal lineages. The original Roma homeland is said to be in north India near Rajasthan and they were likely Indo European nomads.
The Roma who live in Eastern Europe seem to be quite dark skinned and look quite Indian, but the ones I’ve seen in the UK basically just look white.

No. 1745615

To be honest I don’t see converted Muslims as real Muslims either, or Muslims who grew up in USA. They’re always American first and follow American values, they’re completely different from those Muslims immigrants in Sweden etc. That’s why they shouldn’t be talking about islamophobia because the way they practice Islam is far too liberal and not authentic.

No. 1745650

Yeah Arabs are known to value cats over women. So adorable

No. 1745658

>And how can you demonize an entire group?
>fuck Pissrahell

No. 1745667

Pissrahel is not a group, not all jews support them, many infact are anti zionist.

No. 1745690

Kind of weird how Jewish people complain about being holocausted due to Nazi eugenics, which of course is terrible. But when you look at the eugenics movements scientific and political fields in America and Europe, a lot of them are Jews. You would think being deemed subhumans by the Nazis would stop them labelling others with the same stigma but they seem to be strangely racist and ableist too.

No. 1745715

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I honestly don't get how Americans let this shit slide, people are barely making ends meet at this point and yet billions are going to Ukraine and Israel.

No. 1745720

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No. 1745726

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Speedrunning the cancellation of the woke SOON?

>After Donald Trump was elected, Emily Rose, 51, flew to New York with her daughters to walk in the Women’s March. She demonstrated on the streets of Minneapolis, where she lives, in the days after George Floyd’s murder. She donated money to small, black-led movements and social justice organizations that she believed in. She unlearned and then re-educated herself, as white Americans were instructed to, and read the teachings of anti-racist scholars like Ta-Nehisi Coates.

>But then, after the massacre in Israel on October 7, when some 1,400 Jews were brutally murdered, not to mention the rapes, beheadings, and instances of torture, Rose began to notice something odd from the cohort of fellow progressives she admired: they were cheering for the other side.

>“I started to see these intelligent, educated people, whose mission is to make our system better for people of color, suddenly posting all this anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian stuff,” Rose said. “I’m not changing my values, but screw the allyship. I will not stop fighting, because I believe in the causes themselves. But as for going out of my way to support, to post, to give money? I’m done.”

>While professional politicos, like DSA founder Maurice Isserman, are publicly stepping down from their parties and denouncing organizations that justify, or even cheer, the events of October 7, and wealthy Jewish donors claw back their millions from elite universities that they say helped foment antisemitism on their campuses, there’s a quieter, more personal reckoning happening among progressive Jews. Like Rose, they feel betrayed by a left that they thought would have their backs.

>Dov, 30, a Canadian musician who didn’t want to share her last name for privacy reasons, is transgender and a self-proclaimed “political progressive.” Since October 7, she says, “Every time I open Instagram I’m just like, blocking or deleting people that I thought I knew.” She calls anti-Zionism “cloaked antisemitism.”

>Josh Gilman, 37, who lives in Arizona and prides himself on having friends across the political spectrum, says he has been muting even close friends who espouse anti-Zionist views. “I don’t need the emotional distress,” he told The Free Press. “If there’s someone who is truly my friend, it makes me feel that they very much don’t understand who I am as a person.” He’s cut out people he had invited to dinner at his home, and who he had trusted around his family and children.

>“There’s a line in the sand, which is Israel,” he said.

>Nate Clark, 34, lives in Virginia. He’s marched for gay rights, and in 2020, for the removal of statues of Confederate soldiers in his home state. He said his choice to stand up for others is rooted in his Jewish identity.

>“As a Jew, I feel like it would be weird if I went to Germany and took a right turn down Hitler Avenue or saw a statue of Eichmann, and then hear people claim ‘Oh, it’s our history. We’re just proud of our history,’ ” he told me.

>Since October 7, he’s found himself “politically homeless.”

>The Jewish progressives The Free Press spoke to said they no longer believe in a left that sees their own people’s plight. They feel torn: they don’t want to give up on the progressive causes they’ve marched for and believe in. But groups like Jews for Racial and Economic Justice and Jewish Voice for Peace don’t speak for them, and they don’t feel kinship with Israel’s allies on the right—like evangelical Christians and social conservatives.

>“When you look at the political right you see a group that seems very comfortable with Jews in Israel and very uncomfortable with Jews at home. And when you look at the political left, you see a group that seems very comfortable with Jews at home and very uncomfortable with Jews in Israel,” Clark said.

>Amelia Adams, 26, a writer and comedian in New York, told me she first noticed Jewish suffering being downplayed in May 2021, during the last bout of violence between Hamas and Israel. She called it “the start of the gaslighting.”

>Now, she said, it’s at another level. “People who have a lot of friends in the gay community and the trans community are like, ‘Are you kidding me?’ It’s hit LGBT Jews really hard. It’s like, ‘Where do we go from here?’ ”

>Jack Hazan, a therapist in New York, agrees. He’s been hosting virtual group therapy sessions for Jews in the wake of the massacre. “I have clients in tears over this; we spend the entire session talking about it,” he says. A theme that’s come up again and again is betrayal, by best friends who parrot lines like “Israelis are guilty of settler colonialism,” or committing genocide.

>He says there’s an element of shock among the many other Jewish people he counsels.

>“You’re mourning the loss of who you thought was this confidant and friend, but what makes it doubly sad is that you feel the world is turned on you.”

>So why does he think the left has turned on its own people?

>“It’s not based on values or beliefs,” he replies, adding that the left’s view on Israel is part of a set of ideological platforms they can’t break from.

>“Therefore,” he says, adopting the thinking of the progressive left: “I have to stick to my guns even though, you know, it seems a little crazy that a ninety-year-old woman is being escorted out of a tunnel, but it must not be that bad and there are two sides to the story.”

>He concludes: “It’s totally sick.”

>Clark said that for older friends he doesn’t keep in touch with, the block button has come in handy. For closer friends, many of whom work in academia, he’s taken a more tactful approach.

>“I’m trying to explain to them why this is so important, why Israel matters and why Jews need a homeland.”

>But some aren’t open to hearing about Israel at all. Adams told me about talking to a friend’s boyfriend at a wedding when it came up that her cousin was in the IDF.

>“I was talking to a white guy from New Jersey whose family probably came here on the Mayflower, and he turned to me like, ‘Why would you be proud of that?,’ like ‘Ew.’ ”

>She was caught off guard.

>“I responded like ‘She doesn’t, uh, well, do the bad things.’ It was humiliating. I stumbled over my words.”

>Thinking back, she asked, “Why did I say that? We don’t need to apologize for our existence.” She called the phenomenon of white, liberal Americans looking down on her Zionism as “West-splaining,” a term borrowed from Einat Wilf.

>Adams is a law student and a liberal. “I’m very pro-choice, I’m very for bodily autonomy. I spent the better part of 2020 concerned if I could get married to my girlfriend. I was terrified my rights would be taken away.”

>I asked her if she still thinks of herself as a woman on the left.

>“If you asked me that three weeks ago, I would’ve said yes.” But now, she says, “Honestly, I don’t know.”

>Asked if she thinks that the past few weeks will affect how she casts her ballot in 2024, Adams replied, “I can't vote,” because she is an immigrant, but added, “I feel lucky that this is a decision that I don’t have to make.”

>As for Rose, she says her party registration isn’t shifting quite yet, though her media habits are.

>“My friends and I are like, ‘My God, we find ourselves watching clips on Fox News.’ ”

No. 1745730

If we can talk seriously, the only way the conflict can ever be resolved and the two sides can move on is if the side's respective dream since the end of WW2 die:
On the pro-zionists'/Israeli religious extremists' side to have a "great Israel". That ain't happening, there's no majority for it in Israel, and even when it comes to their army they don't compete with other countries in that regard.
And on the other side, Palestinian extremists with their "that's our ancestors' land" (when the Earth's livable land and configuration moved due to the tectonic plates rubbing on one another so often in over 800k years, the population that settled down there is not native of "one true land", they've been there maybe since the 17th century at the very latest) need to give up the dream of "recovering" their "ancestors' land" and learn to move on.

And because both fronts are culturally and religiously convinced they have a right to be stubborn and "win", I don't see those two sides ever stopping. Which is a real hurdle for the whole area, and all the rest of the officially Muslim countries of North Africa etc. to finally catch up economically and culturally with "the West".

No. 1745737

Fuck man. IDF ground invasion. They’re arresting civilians.

No. 1745739

>when the Earth's livable land and configuration moved due to the tectonic plates rubbing on one another so often in over 800k years, the population that settled down there is not native of "one true land", they've been there maybe since the 17th century at the very latest
I'm not Pro-Palestinian in the slightest, but what you wrote about land and geography is wrong and retarded. White people are the natives of Europe and their earliest European ancestors(who were the European Hunter-Gatherers) have lived there for at least 20,000 years, in addition to the Neolithic farmers and Yamnaya/Aryan(Indo-Europeans from Ukraine and the southern European parts of Russia) ancestors of White people.

No. 1745756

Uhhh not really, Modern Europeans or ‘white people’ came from Asia.

No. 1745769

>It’s like a bunch of native Americans shoving every white American out of their homes and off their land because they claim ancestral rights to that American land
Im sorry but thats unfathomably based and you just made a great case for zionism lmao

No. 1745771

That's because there's no semitic category in 23andme. Ashkenazi is a group that originated in europe but that doesn't make them more european than non-european. Holy shit how retarded, some of you collectively share one brain cell istg

No. 1745798

Is there a source for these numbers that isn't Hamas? You know, the people who also said there were 500 dead in a hospital that wasn't blown up?
It's nearly 50% of the entire planet's Jewish population.
There is no way out because the exit routes (which Israel texted to civilians, airdropped leaflets of maps with, and turned on the water in the areas that wouldn't be hit), were all bombed by Hamas to stop their civilians leaving. So that 'useful idiots' like you could say stuff like this. Oh, and also because their other border country won't let them in, but you're not going to say anything about them, huh?

Can't believe the amount of woke garbage talking points being regurgitated here.

No. 1745810

It isn't just a "woke" thing to hate Israel and, moreover, genocide. It's normal for normal people no matter where in the political spectrum you fall. Your shilling isn't working.

No. 1745814

Don't know why some people got mad at you. European Jews are extremely white, lmao.

No. 1745817

>bombed by Hamas to stop their civilians leaving
Why are you lying lol? that doesn't make any sense.
The Egypt crossing is closed because Israel bombed it multiple times –not that Egypt would let a bunch of people cross right now (they explicitly said they wouldn't because they don't want fighting to spill over into their country)

No. 1745831

File: 1698757113628.png (240.73 KB, 1428x978, Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 8.46.…)

>[Oct 18th] The World Food Program has warned that Gaza’s population is at “the risk of starvation” if 310 tons of food aid languishing at the Gaza-Egypt Rafah crossing are not urgently let through.

>[Oct 24] supplies that have come through are a fraction of what’s required for the 2.2 million people crammed into Gaza under a blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt. CNN calculations suggest that Gaza is more than 7,200 truckloads of aid short of what would normally have been delivered between October 7 and October 22.


>26 aid trucks arrive in Gaza from Egyptian side of Rafah crossing. Meanwhile, 34 trucks are still undergoing security checks, and 15 remain to be inspected.
So they're gonna starve to death.

No. 1745834

>yes they are a group that originated in Europe and are 80% European heritage but that doesn't make them European

No. 1745838

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Ismail Haniyeh (he leader of the terrorist group Hamas) supports the deaths of Palestinian civilians in a war that he started all while living in a villa in Qatar. I hope Mossad pay Ismail Haniyeh a visit soon.

No. 1745846

Not really
>A number of recent studies have shown that Ashkenazi individuals have genetic ancestry intermediate between European (EU) and Middle-Eastern (ME) sources [4–8], consistent with the long-held theory of a Levantine origin followed by partial assimilation in Europe. The estimated amount of accumulated EU gene flow varied across studies, with the most recent ones, employing genome-wide data, converging to a contribution of around 50% of the AJ ancestry

This is easily verifiable information but I guess we'd rather just spread misinformation instead. Bukharian jews originated in bukahara but theyre persian not uzbek.

No. 1745850

Jesus fucking christ. Those people are living in Hell right now. Literally trapped. If not bombed, starved to death. I want to cry

No. 1745851

I cant find any proof of your 80% claim, can you cite your sources please

No. 1745857

>Based on accounts such as those of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, by the time of the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70, as many as 6 million Jews were living in the Roman Empire, but outside Israel, mainly in Italy and Southern Europe. In contrast, only about 500,000 lived in Judea, said Ostrer, who was not involved in the new study.

>"The major Jewish communities were outside Judea," Ostrer told LiveScience.

>Richards and his colleagues analyzed mitochondrial DNA, which is contained in the cytoplasm of the egg and passed down only from the mother, from more than 3,500 people throughout the Near East, the Caucusus and Europe, including Ashkenazi Jews.

>The team found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA, and that all of these founders originated in Europe. The majority of the remaining people could be traced to other European lineages.

>All told, more than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with only a few lineages originating in the Near East.

>Virtually none came from the North Caucasus, located along the border between Europe and Asia between the Black and Caspian seas.

>The finding should thoroughly debunk one of the most questionable, but still tenacious, hypotheses: that most Ashkenazi Jews can trace their roots to the mysterious Khazar Kingdom that flourished during the ninth century in the region between the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire, Richards and Ostrer said.

>The genetics suggest many of the founding Ashkenazi women were actually converts from local European populations.

>"The simplest explanation was that it was mainly women who converted and they married with men who'd come from the Near East," Richards told LiveScience.

No. 1745861

>maternal lineages
Anon doesnt know how genetics work and think her mitochondrial dna makes up her whole genome, which explains her retardation ig

No. 1745864

Where do you think Indo-Europeans come from? There's a big hint in Indo-European.

No. 1745867

i didn't say that and wasn't in your argument, but a genetically european people with historical roots outside of the ME are, shockingly, genetically european. there's no way of escaping that.

No. 1745869

Yes. 50% european through their mothers which is common knowledge, not 80% european like you seem to believe.

No. 1745871

Before the war wasn't there a political confrontation between Mizrahi jews and Ashkenazi jews?

No. 1745874

Are you talking about the protests against the judicial overhaul? No. Mizrahim seem to be overwhelmingly pro-bibi and far right but it wasn't a mizrahim versus ashkenazim thing

No. 1745875

converts trying to gatekeep and insist their religious is actually a race is just kind of hilarious.

No. 1745878

Researches like that are made to prove that Jewish people aren't just unlucky people who randomly picked the wrong religion but chosen and totally God's favourite. So not very scientific. At one point during the middle age in Europe, people didn't even know if they were Jewish or Christian. People didn't move around like they do now. Religions spread because they gained new converts. So no, Jewish people aren't genetically different. They are just people with a different religion.

No. 1745880

Jewish isn't a race, its an ethnoreligion and no one is claiming otherwise. Meaning that its an ethnicity along with being a religion one can convert to, which is why hitler didnt only target those who practiced judaism but those who were ethnically jewish but didnt practice it too. He even targeted jews who converted to Christianity if my memory serves me right, feel free to correct me.

No. 1745884

someone ITT was literally claiming it's "ethnic based" and there were "like no black jews" in this very thread >>1745520 because they and many ashkenazi jews try to posit their religion as something that makest them "not white". also, the whole thing about jews with hitler was that they could be anyone around them, specifically because they were phenotypically near-indistinguishable and had to be identified by their neighbors and wear a yellow star to "mark" them as other. on top of thhat, ashkenazi jews who had blond hair and blue eyes often escaped persecution.

No. 1745886

Has anyone been posting all of Schumer's posts? I haven't looked at Celebricows recently, but it probably fits here better

No. 1745888

Thank you for the explanation. I was reading that it was mostly the more liberal Ashkenazi that were against the judicial reforms that Netanyahu was trying to implement, while it was supported by mainly Mizrahi. I guess outside sources missed a lot of nuance.

No. 1745891

Yes judaism is ethnic based. There are black jews more specifically beta israel jews but iirc theyre mass converts to judaism and not ethnically jewish.

>also, the whole thing about jews with hitler was that they could be anyone around them, specifically because they were phenotypically near-indistinguishable and had to be identified by their neighbors and wear a yellow star to "mark" them as other. on top of thhat, ashkenazi jews who had blond hair and blue eyes often escaped persecution.

Not exactly. The blue eyes light skin thing is very stupid because using that logic I can say palestinians like ahed tamimi are european, blue eyes and blonde hair did not originate in europe and your phenotype has little to do with your genotype, there are many things at play here. Theyre not indistinguishable from germans that's such a stupid claim lmao, jews on average have darker skin, darker eyes, curly hair. You can easily tell an ashkenazi apart from a standard european

No. 1745894

that reminds me I need to go post her in the punchable faces thread, I can't stand looking at her or hearing about her

No. 1745899

what did she say?

No. 1745900

>that's a stupid claim
then your fight is with nazis in the past lol. whole post of cope to try and stop people from acknowledging what's clear to everyone about european-descended jews from a physical standpoint.

No. 1745903

File: 1698762077941.png (419.5 KB, 813x728, putin-speech.png)

Putin blames the US for the chaos and bloodshed in the middle east

>We must clearly understand who is really behind the tragedy of the peoples of the Middle East and other regions of the world, who is organizing the deadly chaos, and who benefits from it…. It is the current ruling elites of the United States and their satellites that are the main beneficiaries of global instability. They extract their blood rent from it

>The terrible events that are now taking place in the Gaza Strip, when hundreds of thousands of innocent people are being indiscriminately killed, who simply have nowhere to run, [and] nowhere to hide from the bombings, cannot be justified in any way

Putin supports the foundation of a Palestinian state
>The key to resolving the conflict is the creation of a sovereign independent Palestinian state, [and] a fully-fledged Palestinian state. We have frankly and openly spoken about this … more than once

>The US as a world superpower — everyone sees this, understands it even from trends in the global economy — is weakening, losing its position. The American world, with one hegemon, is being destroyed, gradually but steadily becoming a thing of the past. But the [United] States do not want to put up with this, but on the contrary, they want to maintain and extend their dominance, their global dictatorship

>I repeat, those who are behind the conflict in the Middle East as well as other regional crises will use their devastating consequences to incite hatred and push people against each other all over the world. This is the true and selfish goal of such geopolitical puppeteers

No. 1745904

File: 1698762103426.jpg (297.2 KB, 1290x1807, F9dAYqsXgAAZh4J.jpg)

she is pro zionist

No. 1745908

File: 1698762437284.jpg (92.59 KB, 800x571, 800px-Black_colour.jpg)

No I think you're projecting your own coping onto me and like to go into denial mode when faced with facts. Id like to to tell me which one is ashkenazi jewish and which one is arab since you seem to be so knowledgeable lmao.

No. 1745910

I'm sure there are some western retards unironically defending Hamas on twitter or some shit, but the majority of people are just sympathetic to the palestine because they aren't psychopaths. I'm not sure what one has to gain pretending these two groups are the same (other than a reason to attention whore), because it's not like it'd change anyone's mind. Someone in the celebricows thread also posted an ig(?) post of her based on that Martin Niemöller poem, but being like "we stood for gays and pocs or something but now they aren't standing with us", dude, no one owns you anything

No. 1745912

File: 1698762880898.jpg (177.96 KB, 946x1440, 20231031_093052.jpg)

nta but a bunch of israel boomer propaganda and "woe is the jews, bawww antisemitism" crap. her and a lot of other millionaire jew celebrities living in LA are making themselves out to be biggest victims of all in this situation, in grave danger of muh antisemetic hate crimes.

No. 1745914

>my wife is Israeli
Since fucking when has Amy Schumer been gay?

No. 1745915

KEK nonna, the poster of that is H3h3, Ethan Klein

No. 1745916

>millionaire jew celebrities living in LA
They are the antisemitic propaganda lol. They are unironic caricatures of themselves

No. 1745917

that's h3h3 I was just using his post as an example of one of the other celebs making everything about themselves

No. 1745919

Oh my gosh, don't ever scare me like that again.

No. 1745929

Nah I've seen plenty of people being either pro-hamas or just straight up antisemitic shit. And I'm not talking about people being against whatever Israel is doing, I'm talking about people saying things that would make Hitler proud.

No. 1745935

>complete schizobabble when faced with actual facts

No. 1745936

>just straight up antisemitic shit

No. 1745941

Calling for the death of all Jewish people is based? Mask off moment

No. 1745948

thought crime doesn't hurt you. you are not a victim no matter how badly you want to be.
>Mask off moment
it was never on

No. 1745949

File: 1698764662493.png (15.26 KB, 977x86, gas-reserves.png)

What the war is really about

Israel needs to depopulate Gaza so it can access the gas reserves on the Palestinian coast. The Ukraine war ended Russian gas supplies to Europe and the Israeli's want to profit from selling gas to Europe.

>Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes to Plan”.

>In the current context, Israel’s “All Goes to Plan” option consists in bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”, as well confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars.

>The ultimate objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves, namely those pertaining to the BG (BG Group) in 1999, as well the Levant discoveries of 2013.

No. 1745954

I dont think antisemitism is allowed here
It's not a thoughtcrime when jews abroad who have nothing to do with israel are mercilessly killed and synagogues are attacked

No. 1745956

>Hamas orchestrated the largest attack on Israel in decades to give Israel an excuse to kill them for gas

No. 1745959

What facts? Apparently amin al husseini was an european since he was named an honorary aryan by hitler and the nazis for his blue eyes! That makes total sense

No. 1745960

That is if you believe that it wasn't known something would happen. And even then opportunism is a thing.

No. 1745961

I don't think you can reason with logic with these anons. They'll just say that too was propaganda.

No. 1745965

so true! and transwomen are being killed and attacked by TERFs on a daily basis too!!

No. 1745967

>That is if you believe that it wasn't known something would happen
Even if thats true it would have been very easy for hamas to just, idk, not do it. But I dont think they care about israel "genociding" their people so they went ahead and took the risk anyways

No. 1745969

What? Trans women are not attacked by terfs, jewish people are really attacked based on their ethnicity it's not some silly conspiracy. Go back to /pol/ or kiwifarms or wherever you're from

No. 1745970

Of course they don't care, but what does that have to do with anything?

No. 1745971

And to you it makes more sense for Hamas to orchestrate an attack to give Israel an excuse to wipe Gaza off the map than for Israel to stage an attack to give themselves an excuse to wipe Gaza off the map? You people lie like you breathe

No. 1745974


No. 1745976

What exactly do you mean with "you people"

No. 1745977


No. 1745978

bitch he has an isreali wife why shouldn't he care about this, it does actually affect him wtf

No. 1745980

you're shitposting, but it's true that israel supports trans people.

No. 1745983

No. 1745984

I guess the evil antisemits who dare question Israel's pure hearted motivations kek

No. 1745985

>a-logging because you were told to calm down
these religions of peace, man

No. 1745986

I'll take my ban(calm down)

No. 1745987

good, that's all you can do.

No. 1745994

anons just made some schizo claims saying hamas is going against their own interest just to put the blame on isreal, how is that questioning isreal in any rasional way

No. 1745997

No. 1745999

That wasn't the point

No. 1746000

Israel has some of the most advanced surveillance technology in the world and yet it completely missed that Hamas was planning a major attack? Israel will now use the excuse of wiping out Hamas to access natural gas reserves worth billions of dollars.

Thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians are being killed and over 300 IDF soldiers have died so far but all the US and Israel governments care about is the profit that will be generated from oil and gas reserves. It's no different to Iraq, Syria or Libya. It's all about giving US oil corporations control over gas and oil. Did you also know that there are oil and gas reserves in Ukraine?

No. 1746001

The 500 death toll was reported by the health ministry in gaza which is controlled by hamas

No. 1746003

I was referring to the number of dead palestinian children.

No. 1746005

No way they didn't know when they have produced some of the most highly advanced spy softwares like Toka and Pegasus.

No. 1746006

Here's how I see it as a non-zionist Israeli Jew, Our country has been on the brink of a civil war due to Judicial reform, Nonstop protests against the government for uhhh 9 months something like that, Some violent some peaceful. IDF intel has been notified of the upcoming attack from Hamas, My friends in combat said they were told even a few months ago a war on Gaza might break out, Bibi ignores said intel and warnings and chooses to sacrifice the civilians, foreign workers and tourists in Israel and let the war happen so people will forget about the Judicial reform for a bit and so the Israeli government has the opportunity to solve le Palestinian question via genocide. No government cares about the civilians in this situation be it the Israeli, Palestinian, American or any other, We are all simply pawns in the hands of geriatric power hungry moids.

No. 1746008

Imagine thinking governments care about their people.

No. 1746010

Hell earth.

No. 1746012

Hamas is the governing body of Gaza. Where are Israel's death tolls? If they ever drop them, no matter the number, will you immediately dismiss them as exaggerated because the IDF are lying terrorists? We're seeing an endless flow of footage of mass graves and dead children in Gaza despite their internet and power being out for days, but not a lot of Israeli deaths since the music festival. What little we do see gets outed as AI generated hours later kek.

No. 1746015

למאו, החברים שלך בקרבי? אשכרה? למרות שאין לי ספק שביבי מסוגל לדבר כזה והתאוריה שזה הכל חלק מהתכנית שלו להשמיד את הפלסטינים בעזה כליל ולבנות מגרש חנייה לא מעלה בי הרבה ספקות כי הבן אדם פסיכופת טוטאלי, איך זה שהמידע הזה הגיע לכל כך הרבה אנשים ובכל זאת אף אחד לא היה בכוננות?

No. 1746022

huh didn't expact to find another isreali nona here,
>as a non-zionist Israeli Jew
same, I also heard there would be a war coming soon It's astounding, it feels like everyone knew about it yet did nothing. I really want to get out of here goddamn.
לא אותה אנונמית אבל
<איך זה שהמידע הזה הגיע לכל כך הרבה אנשים ובכל זאת אף אחד לא היה בכוננות?
אני מניכה שזו בירוקרטיה הבכירים בצבא או הממשלה לא הפעילו פעולות אז החיילים לא היו יכולים לעשות כלום בלי פקודה, פשוט סיפור חוזר לגמרי של מלחמת יום כיפור

No. 1746025

Exactly, it's not about protecting innocent people, it's about control and profit. Whatever way the current conflict is framed, it's a tragedy for both Palestine and Israel.

Hamas is prepared to allow thousands of Palestinians to die in bombing raids and the Israeli government is prepared to allow Israeli civilians to be killed as well as sending the young men and women of the IDF to die against brutal and ideologically driven Hamas and Hezbollah fighters. All while the leaders of both sides are safe in their bunkers.

No. 1746026

>"outed as AI"
Outed as AI using an unreliable source that detects photos that are clearly made by AI as human and photos that are made by humans as AI-generated. it has the same legitimacy as that one website that detects essays not written by chat gpt as written by chat-gpt lmao, the website is literally in its beginning stages, plus if u scribble out the part where its censored itll show as human. The puppy photo that was posted as "proof" of it being is literally AI , how gullible are you

No. 1746028

Some of the footage being circulated is awful. I saw a video of palestinian children with their heads split open. It's astounding that people still deny that children are dying and suffering.

No. 1746030

כן, סיפרו לי שהם בחצי כוננות כזאת למלחמה על עזה כבר כמה חודשים אבל לא סיפרו להם למה, אני מאמינה שרק בכירים בצה"ל ידעו את כול הסיפור ושבכוונה השאירו את זה בשושו בשביל שהחיילים הצעירים לא יפתחו את הפה לכול העולם ואישתו בטיקטוק
I get you so bad, I've always hated living in this hellhole and I wish I could move away but unfortunately I'm too young and retarded to do anything about it kek

No. 1746031

I guess some people when they see Israel being criticized interpret it as "the israeli population deserves this" instead of understanding it's aimed towards the government, that clearly doesn't give a fuck.

No. 1746032

>Israel has some of the most advanced surveillance technology in the world and yet it completely missed that Hamas was planning a major attack?
Because Israel doesn't have perfect surveillance of everything, especially the people who have had decades of experience in evading surveillance.

You've fallen for Israeli propaganda used to reassure foreign investors if think that Mossad or Shin Bet know everything that happens within their borders.

>It's all about giving US oil corporations control over gas and oil. Did you also know that there are oil and gas reserves in Ukraine?

US corporations already dominate the oil and gas markets. Is America is energy independent to the point where they're now a net exporter. If America was really wanted to take over the gas market in the Middle East, why didn't they let their allies in the Gulf states crush Qatar and take over their existing position?

Instead they're apparently turning down easy money to instead start a risky proxy war that just gets them involved with more disputes with other Mediterranean powers like Turkey and Cyprus?

No. 1746035

eye.on.palestine, shaun king, motaz, and other accounts are posting what is happening.. I follow those pages and every time I open Instagram it is something so horrible. Countless videos and photos

No. 1746038

>non-zionist Israeli
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You want your own country to stop existing?

No. 1746039

>shaun king
The racefaker guy Sean King? How is he grifting money off it this time?

No. 1746042

>כל עם ו'
>מניחה עם כ'

No. 1746044

I think she means she's against Israel as a country only for Jews, as opposed to being a liberal democracy that has Jewish and Arab citizens.

No. 1746045

NTA but it’s not that hard to grasp, it’s sort of like a white American saying they’re not a white supremacist. Or maybe more like a German who didn’t support the Nazi regime.

No. 1746049

I think these hypernationalist Jews exist because of simultaneous generational anger over the Holocaust and the desire to be on the other side of oppression, like they want to make up for what the Nazis did to them by doing it to the Palestinians so that they can experience what it’s like to not be oppressed for once. They wave their little Israeli flags because they want to feel in power.

No. 1746050

>non-zionist Israeli Jew
Assuming you live in Israel, is this a frustrating position to be in? Not necessarily in regards to what your government in doing (cause obviously you don't like that) but with interacting with other Israelis. I imagine the overwhelming majority of you are in support of Israel and don't care for the Palestinians.

No. 1746052

nta but for me it's just not being 'patriotic' and being against settelmnts, wanting peace and a two state solution. maybe it's surprising (or maybe not) but a lot of isrealis see wanting peace and a two state solution as being a 'traitor to the country'.
…what are you trying to say with that?
היא אפילו לא כתבה "מניחה עם כ" אנונימית

No. 1746055

>a liberal democracy that has Jewish and Arab citizens.
Which is what Israel currently is, Arab Israelis(both Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs) have the same voting rights as Jewish Israelis.

No. 1746060

היא כן. משהו פה מסריח אני מקווה שזה לא חבורה של אנשים שמתחזים בשביל איזו אגנדה

No. 1746061

As someone from the other side of the world, the Netanyahu thing is what stands out the most. For quite a while, Israel only showed up in our news because of his shenanigans and him subsequently getting in hot water, now he's like this saviour of the nation. The other day he gave a a speech saying that everyone including himself would be held accountable? But only when this situation was over, which is super convenient for him, cause no one knows when it'll be over.

No. 1746062

I got sent this video from an alleged Israeli veteran who claims Israel knew of the attacks and provides a timeline. His account got banned but the video was reposted.

No. 1746063

Right but in 2018 they changed the constitution to make Israel an explicitly Jewish state that should expand.

>The Basic Law recognizes that “the right to national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish People.”

>The Basic Law further determines that “[t]he State views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its establishment and strengthening.”

No. 1746074

Yes exactly, I also do not like how heavily church (or synagogue in this case) and state are intertwined, This is not just a state for the Jewish people it is a Jewish state first and democratic second, Especially if the judicial reform passes which I believe it will no matter how many civilians are against it
Majority of Israelis are very patriotic due to generational trauma around the holocaust(Ashkenazim) and the Jewish exodus from the Muslim world(Mizrahim)and it is VERY frustrating to talk about this subject with other people. We have this collective fear about being visibly Jewish outside of Israel (which I think is justified) So we see this country as a safe heaven from antisemitism, And because there are so many Muslim countries people think the Palestinians should just fuck off to one of those and let us have this small piece of land that according to the Tanach is ours
אני סתם כיתת מב"ר ושמאלנית kek

No. 1746076

מי לעזאזל יתחזה לחבורה של אנשים בפאקינג באתר הזה חח, אני בכלל מופתעת שיש פו שלושה ישריאליות (כולל אותי), לא יודעת מה להגיד לך אבל זו הדעה האמיתית שלי, מה את חושבת קרה אם לא זה? למרות שבכנות אני גם סתם מנחשת אין לי שום מושג בצבא, קיבלתי פטור אחרי שבועיים בטירונות
i'm not denying that - and I don't condemn the war going on now either, but if it comes down to it it's either peace negotiations or we wipe them all out (which I don't think will happen but who knows) at the end of the day I just don't want anymore useless wars in my country.

No. 1746077

פטורניקיות on top

No. 1746082

I can believe it. Everyone remarked it was weird/alarming as fuck how successful the Hamas attack was. And like this guy said if it’s not an inside job that would mean the IDF is literally the most incompetent military on the face of the earth which I don’t think is true

No. 1746091

לא נראה לי היא בהכרח ביביסטית, יש המון אנשים גם במעגלים השמלאניים שאני נמצאת בהם שברגע שמשהו ביטחוני קורה פה הם נהיים ימניים אורגינל, מצחיקולה זאתי

No. 1746092

ברוכה הבאה לאתר ניופאג, זה לא קונספט תלוש מהמציאות שאנשים יתחזו לשם השגת מטרה כלשהי, זה אתר אנונימי ואנשים לעיתים מנצלים את זה עבור האינטרסים האישיים שלהם. יודעת מה, אני נוטה להאמין לך שאת ישראלית ושפשוט למדת איך לכתוב מילדים במיקמק.
גם אני קיבלתי פטור אגב, אני חושבת שהאתר פשוט מרכז את כל הישראליות הדפריות פה

No. 1746094

אני לא ביביסטית או ימנית אני פשוט מתעבת שמאלנים

No. 1746098

File: 1698772094548.png (36.44 KB, 1380x263, Russia-Iran-China.png)

Article about what is happening behind the scenes with Russia, China and Iran

>Iran is able to block the Strait of Hormuz in a flash. For starters, that would be some sort of poetic justice retribution for Israel aiming to gobble up, illegally, all the multibillion-dollar natural gas discovered offshore Gaza: this is, incidentally, one of the absolutely key reasons for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

>So when push comes to shove - and way beyond the defense of Palestine and in a scenario of Total War - not only Russia-Iran but key players of the Arab world about to become members of BRICS 11 - such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE - do have what it takes to bring down the US financial system anytime they choose.

>Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has already warned that oil to western markets could be put off because of what Israel is perpetrating in Gaza. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has already called, on the record, for a total oil and gas embargo by Islamic countries against nations – essentially NATO vassals - that support Israel.

>There are no illusions in Moscow. The intel apparatus knows well that Israeli Mossad agents have been advising Kiev while Tel Aviv was supplying weapons to Ukraine under serious US pressure. That infuriated the siloviki, and may have constituted a fatal Israeli mistake.

>China will continue to firmly support Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity, and will strongly oppose any external forces interfering in Iran's internal affairs

No. 1746103

לא, גם אני לא פשוט לא קראתי נכון סורי בגלל זה מחקתי
>יודעת מה, אני נוטה להאמין לך שאת ישראלית ושפשוט למדת איך לכתוב מילדים במיקמק
קרוב אבל לא, אני פשוט לא יוצאת מחדר שלי וקוראת רק אנגלית אז העיברית שלי חרא.
וכן אני מודעת לכך שיש כאלו קבצות, אבל בעיברית? ועוד באתר הזה? אני בספק שבכלל יש קבוצה גדולה מספיק של אנשים שמכירים את האתר הזה ושיודעים עיברית שיעשו את זה, וכמו שציינת יש לי שגיעות כתיב אז ברור שזה לא גוגל תרגום.

No. 1746116

soo are we all gonna like die

No. 1746117

Numerous times? Hamas agreed to a two-state solution in 2002 - it was rejected. And seven years ago, they presented a charter with the 1967 borders. Netanyahu has made sure that there will be no two state solution and continually supported Hamas to justify his obsession with the West Bank. Even now, he won’t eliminate Hamas fully, because he needs them. The psychotic string of prime ministers from Ben Gurion to Netanyahu are responsible for this.

No. 1746120

I find it interesting so many nonas support Islam considering how bad Islam is for women's rights. Not saying I support zionism either, I think both sides are terrible.

No. 1746121

I just feel bad for the innocent civilians. Islam is shitty like most religions, but needless wars are retarded

No. 1746122

Israel had received warning of this beforehand from Egyptian intelligence, but did nothing. Similar to 9/11 where the US received warning from Egyptian intelligence as well, but ignored it.

No. 1746125

America is seriously going to fall in our lifetimes…im sure of it.

No. 1746128

Not supporting innocent civilians being killed =/= supporting Islam. There is no "both sides." Retarded.

No. 1746133

Yeah, but jews are the biggest supporters of multiculturalism and third world immigration to Western countries, i'm guessing their plan was to escalate the clash of civilizations in order to get westerners fight islamists for them, or maybe they wanted to weaken christianity, or turn Europe into a melting pot similar to USA?

No. 1746134

I don’t think many support Islam or Islamist rule as they don’t support a bunch of people coming to your land and pressuring a bunch of Brits to take it and then committing a couple of massacres along the way. The Palestinian Front for Liberation was spearheaded by a Christian Marxist, encouraged participation of women and trained little girls, had both Christians and Muslims in its ranks, and possessed no particular Islamist streak. It used Marxist and leftist language and marketed the Palestinian cause as a liberation cause against colonialism and fascism. And it was relentlessly spoken as the head of “terrorism” by the US media at the time. And they funded extremist groups anyway.
I mean, Saudi was worse than that. You couldn’t drive as a woman. The morality police would stroll the streets to look for women who hard their hair out of their hijab and would yell at them in public. If they show men wearing shorts they’d yell at them as well. You couldn’t travel without your male guardian approving of it first. You couldn’t even study without the approval of the male. If your parents died, or you were an orphan, you were put in a dar (housing facilities) for women, and you wouldn’t be able to leave because you had no male guardian to issue his approval, so you spent the rest of your life behind walls. Imagine the freedom you have of getting in a car and getting pizza rolls without worrying whether your ankles showed. Until recently, they didn’t have that. Loujain al-Hathloul, a Saydi woman who broke the driving man, was thrown in prison for years and only had been released recently. She reported getting threats of rape inside.
My point is these aren’t things that women stand by either. But they didn’t bat an eyelash or protest US relations with Saudi Arabia because of American propaganda and because of the very simple fact that Saudi is strong. Palestinians were simple olive farmers who lived humble lives in villages. It’s the strong vs the weak, not Islam vs whatever.

No. 1746140

File: 1698774872611.jpeg (36.14 KB, 225x225, IMG_3764.jpeg)

Princess Mashaal bint Fahd al Saud was a Saudi princess who liked music and didn’t relate to her family. She was executed by the royal family when she was 19 in 1977 for falling in love with a guy. He was the son of the Saudi ambassador in Lebanon. They executed her in front of the man she loved by shooting her and then took him out to behead them and it took four hits of the sword to sever his head off from his neck. They excused this by saying Sharia law asserted that falling in love is adultery. But no one exactly protests against Saudi - it’s just the strong vs the weak. I mean, maybe the US should’ve “liberated” Saudi instead of Iraq (Saddam’s second in command was a Christian despite them painting him as an Islamic terrorist figure) but what do I know.

No. 1746141

>As an old school Deep State higher up, now in business in Central Europe, stresses
>As Persian Gulf traders told me
>The intel apparatus knows well
Literally "My uncle works at Nintendo" geopolitics edition.

Why would they be so willing to throw off the American hegemon to replace it with a Chinese one that's already genociding Muslims for being Islamists? Why would a bunch of export dependent countries want to destroy the customers their economies rely on? Wars are fought to advance their goals and this doesn't explain any of that.

No. 1746155

File: 1698775265674.jpeg (346.56 KB, 1170x1357, IMG_3767.jpeg)

In addition, the UAE had just jailed a female influencer for five years because she made a video “verbally abusing” men (she said they were useless and not to wait or depend on one). Five years in prison and fined for….saying men aren’t reliable.

No. 1746163

not to derail but china isn't genociding muslims so take that out of your calculations

No. 1746164

Another world war is inevitable and that scares me

No. 1746168

someone hasn't heard of the Uyghur genocide

No. 1746169

Who? Tell me what nona is supporting Islam. Is not wanting kids to be killed = supporting Islam?

No. 1746193

This thread will fill up and there'll still be dumbasses pretending that there's no difference. Or acting as if there's anything feminist about this entire situation because islam bad, ignoring there's nothing being done for Palestinian women.

No. 1746199

Fr. They'll say it's for the kids and women but they're still muslims, the woman will still raise Islamist children, the male kids will grow up to marry young girls and abuse them later on.
Honestly I could not care less about either sides. Maybe this is a first worlder thing, where you have nothing to do so you parrot behind the current fashionable political movement. Like BLM or something. I come from a shit country where people die every day, children get abused every day, women get raped every day. This bleeding heart support for either side feels so hypocritical to me. Much worse things are happening around the world but nobody is boycotting businesses and having twitter protests en masse over it. You'll forget about it in a month.

No. 1746200

I believe it's mostly one poster because she has posted with similar wording before.

No. 1746205

Agree with you. You can't change the Muslim mind set at all. These women will still value their sons over their daughters. This war has been going on for 75 years now. Why should we suddenly pretend to care

No. 1746213

Why does not wanting babies and women killed at unprecedentedly high rates mean that we love Islam? I myself may not like or agree with Islam but I’m not going to treat its followers like subhumans with cheaper blood just because of that.

No. 1746221

>They'll say it's for the kids and women but they're still muslims
kek the large christian population aside, you do want them genocided then? sounds like you are in direct support of their death because you're under the impression that all these people dying are subhuman rapeapes and handmaidens, and their dying babies who are nothing more than aspiring rapeapes and handmaiden. absolute sociopathy.

No. 1746222

>much worse things are happening!
>you'll forget it in a month!

No. 1746223

I need to go shopping in my (bong) nearest city centre tomorrow and I am scared because there were loads of huge protests today and the town will be swarming with Muslim scrotes (even more than usual) with a reason to be angry. I hate religion.

No. 1746226

America isn't liked by anyone outside of the west because American three letter agencies constantly interfere in other countries. Look at what was done in South America and Asia. The global south wants nothing more than to be free of the threat of US backed regime change.

No. 1746229

God you “both sides” people are so immensely fucking retarded.

No. 1746230

Idk about you but some of us do help by donations after knowing about these issues. I didn't know about the Congo/Sudan situation but after becoming informed through social media I made donations to organizations helping the women in there. We can't solve these but showing empathy and compassion isn't wrong. I am also from a third world country that is going through problems right now.

It does. It reminds me of someone too.

No. 1746240

Nta, but why? Do you not care about the women and children being killed on the other side too?

No. 1746245

>I come from a shit country where people die every day, children get abused every day, women get raped every day. This bleeding heart support for either side feels so hypocritical to me.
hope you know that by this logic, you should also be genocided because obviously, your abusive moids and the mindset of your women letting it happen can never be changed. the second nonny might come in with a "well i'm a first worlder", but she's forgetting that whatever circumstances led her to lolcow.farm are a black mark on her entire bloodline.
the lack of empathy is a very large part of what's making the world bad, and people are too fucking dumb to see it. there's nothing wrong with wanting to help the innocent.

No. 1746250

Correcting myself: I should have said “neither sides” people. The whole apathy act is so trashy to me.

No. 1746254

>she's forgetting that whatever circumstances led her to lolcow.farm are a black mark on her entire bloodline

No. 1746258

I'm an exmuslim and I hate Islam so much, so much but every single person I love is a Muslim, my family is Muslim, unfortunately . I don't want a bomb dropped on them because of the fact. The religion is horrible, but kind people exist in it. Good people will exist despite religion. All those women, children do not deserve to die in this. The children alive with their whole families dead, I don't even know what to say, how can you ever be normal after that? It's insane how little human lives matter all for some stupid war, though we should know it my now. Those who survive this will never recover.
A bit of a derail but, as an advice, I implore anons to make some visible change in their own place, we can't really do jackshit about the war much, do e-sims work? But what we can do is volunteer locally and donate to local charities at least. I volunteer at a hospital and it's a bit shit sometimes but I am glad I do.

No. 1746296

>. I come from a shit country where people die every day, children get abused every day, women get raped every day.

This is damn near every country, though. Just say you don't care because it's not directly affecting you like the rest of us lol

No. 1746349

true, always the most slutty men and women, who never wear hijab praising islam for its "
feminism". Objectively worse than the violent muslims in Londonistan. More people should mock the "muslim in name only" crowd

No. 1746353

I remember some black chicks talking on LSA how most of the funding for BLM came from wealthy jews and seeing them support palestine, makes me laugh. BLM is so fucking dead. An embarrassment in American history. Most feminists I know ignore the rape of the female festival goers, even joking about "thot-patrol" Western feminists will always defend the biggest, brownest men. I hope all the jews get it together, pull rank and minimize connect with the ungrateful.

No. 1746358

being slutty and retarded is retarded sure but not worse than being an outright rapist

No. 1746371

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Of course your racebaiting sweaty moid asshole would be here (If you didn't create the thread yourself), /pol/tard-chan. Israel sucks, but no one who isn't schizoautist and blind will fall for your "white european (((Khazar)))" bullshit. Jews and Muslims generally look like each other physically and culturally, with some looking more Semitic (including some Ashkenazi) and others being more white-lite, like picrel palestinian. Stop acting like the """illuminatti joos""" are all blue-eyed gingers and arabs/palestinians/etc are all "brown opressed poc oriental people can say the N word" or some shit.

No. 1746388

BLM did not help black people. it just resulted in destroyed black neighborhoods and worsened race relations much like other things "for black people" that are funded by wealthy, ethically questionable Jewish moids", so there's truly nothing to be grateful for in that regard lol. you are played like a damn fiddle.

No. 1746390

I think that's the best option. I wish there was more deradicalization groups.

No. 1746393

Why people feel a need to always bring up black people I will never understand

No. 1746398

Lsa is full of non black people too so idk why that poster brought it up. It comes off as racist.

No. 1746403

black people honestly live rent-free in some people's heads. literally their favorite demographic to weaponize, use as human shields and scapegoat whenever possible. it's very weird behavior. they'll probably try to derail this thread into an argument about using the n-word next, there's already one poster itching for it.

No. 1746405

I bet it's the same poster that went to the black girl thread to complain about lsa and black twitter

No. 1746406

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I wish the Americans nuked Mecca. I wish Americans were more racist and islamophobic after 9/11. Fuck George Bush for his lies on "religion of peace"

In the ever shittening economy, more blacks will be left behind to suffer under the tyranny of "prison abolition". A generational curse for defending rap music and other degeneracy.

Because black people, especially black women keep putting themselves on the frontlines. No one wants their thoughts and opinions but they always shove it into our faces. Look at Ryna Workman. Dumbass just had to defend racist arabs and now all her jobs offers have puffed up in smoke. Hope she likes being a "social worker" with 400K in debt.

Mark my words, the future will be so bad you will wish for whiny debates. You have made your bed and now you suffer. Chickens coming home to roost.(racebait)

No. 1746409

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you are the degeneracy, and the world is realizing it. keep screeching into the ether.

No. 1746412

Why is the middle of the bridge of his nose rectangular?

No. 1746413

A racist calling others racist kek. Black stay rent free in your head

No. 1746421

exactly, lmao. imagine being that much of a self-victimizing hypocrite and crybully. really making everyone want to support their "side".

No. 1746463

Most ultranationalists arise because they are or used to be the underdog. Like, just look at some countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. The other type is the opposite, they typically come from "empires" (USA, Russia, China, etc) and use the economic/militar power of their countries as a way of asserting themselves because they are mediocre as individuals.

> Majority of Israelis are very patriotic due to generational trauma around the holocaust(Ashkenazim) and the Jewish exodus from the Muslim world(Mizrahim)and it is VERY frustrating to talk about this subject with other people. We have this collective fear about being visibly Jewish outside of Israel (which I think is justified) So we see this country as a safe heaven from antisemitism
> the Jewish exodus from the Muslim world(Mizrahim)

I'm not Jewish, but that's the main reason I'm annoyed by the more extreme side of pro-Palestinians. To them zionism it's just a matter of ~le ebil greedy happy merchant wanting to steal some land~ and that anti-semitism began and died with Hitler (when they are not openly holocaust deniers btw). And calls Israeli Jews fearing being exterminated in a possible "from the river to sea" Palestinian state "racism/islamophobia". Guess it's bigoted not wanting to be dhimmi again, lmao.

No. 1746468


You two should go back to /pol/ or any edgy scrote majority place

No. 1746469

I wonder if people are going to start coming for beyonce not saying anything on the matter

No. 1746473

No, probably not. Beyonce is known for being quiet and selectively putting out statements so there's no reason to expect that. She didn't say anything about Ukraine either but she did wear outfits and hats designed by Ukrainian designers, so if she does do anything it'll probably be subtle.

No. 1746477

No. 1746488

i think it is best for celebs to not say anything. people will always find some way to turn it around

No. 1746518

Idk if I should even bother saying anything here but hey, why not. I'm Jewish-Ukrainian living in a European country. I've seen what war has done to my friends in Ukraine and what it's doing to my friends in Israel. It sucks. Do I want Palestians to be treated badly? Absolutely not. Do I think that after Hamas attacked Israel, the world has shown it's antisemtic colours? Absolutely. I support jewish people having their own country, I support palestinians being free of Hamas. But people being happy for the attack in Israel, even celebrating it? Sorry, that's crazy.

No. 1746519

Reminds me of the video from a hollywood publicist that said most celebrities are dumb and need handlers to curate everything around their image.

No. 1746532

> there's already one poster itching for it

If you're talking about me ( >>1746371 ), i have nothing against black people (i'm fucking multiracial) or want to "derail this thread into an argument about using the n-word" (i never use it), wtf?!?! I just used an example bc I think it's annoying when ppl compare palestinians to them ("it's totally like slavery and apartheid!") and trying to make the Palestine x Israel conflict as "white vs poc" when it is not.

No. 1746534

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No. 1746555

>world has shown it's antisemtic colours
Funny you say that, because palestinians are pure blooded semites, israelis on the other hand are intermixed with all sorts of ethnicities due to geographic branching, doesn't that make israelis the actual antisemites in this situation?

No. 1746559

Interesting. I know Ukraine and other slavs countries used to be violently antisemitic and probably the reason why zionism was born in the first place. Have things changed?

No. 1746579

Eh, you know what I mean.

My family has immigrated to a European country when I was a kid so I can only tell you a purely anecdotical evidence. I have always lived with some horrible stories of them being treated like subhumans because of their ancestry. We're not religious, I must add, "just" Jewish. But it was really bad for them. For me, when we moved away, it didn't play a big role. But when I met Russian and Ukrainian friends over the years who came to visit me when we were all 20+, they made some absolutely random antisemitic jokes which where just so off. No one of them knew about my ancestry because I normally don't tell anyone, they just felt very comfortable so I feel like this is something that's still pretty normal in post-soviet states?

No. 1746581

based chinamen

No. 1746585

Yeah it is just like that sadly… don’t think much has changed since Soviet times

No. 1746645

I heard the britbong protests were peaceful and the news was lying

No. 1746704

Same with idiots saying only women should be allowed to immigrate. They will just organize and lobby to bring over their scrotes and produce more islamist scrotelets.

No. 1746710

The second generation of immigrants is usually more radical than the first as well.

No. 1746737

Don't say Ukraine and other slav countries when you mean Ukraine and Russia…

No. 1746739

Okay what slav countries are known for being accepting of Jews then lmao?

No. 1746741

Czechoslovakia… Germans and Russians oppressing us annihilated our Jew population. If you think this is the oppressed country's fault idk what to say. No one jokes about Jews here like anon said Russians and Ukrainians do.

No. 1746759

>treated badly
That is one way to put it, kek. I get what you mean by how something like this shows people's true colors. Whenever attacks by Islamic terrorists happened, it was like people wanted me to explain it or acted like I was somehow part of it and should be 'taken care of' or whatever.

No. 1746766

>Funny you say that, because palestinians are pure blooded semites, israelis on the other hand are intermixed with all sorts of ethnicities due to geographic branching, doesn't that make israelis the actual antisemites in this situation?

No. 1746816

NTA but I mean technically it does. Those people in the Middle East are literally direct descendants of those people who’ve stayed and been in that area for thousands of thousands of years. It’s actually insane that a bunch of Russian, Euro and American Jews are trying to kill off the locals and take over their land and think they have a right to because they’re 6% Khazarian Ukrainian or some shit.

No. 1746818

Jews and blacks have a long and negative history together. Most of the merchants who brought slaves over from Africa were Jews, because it was an extremely profitable industry. The KKK is know to have had many Jewish members, historically.

Malcolm X discusses Jews a lot in his books. He talks about the stuff that blacks see as status symbols, like gold jewellery, diamonds, fur coats etc were pedalled to them by Jews, because most goldsmiths, jewellers, and farriers in Harlem and Roxbury NYC in those days were Jewish owned businesses. Jews have a long history with those industries. I don’t even live in America but fur stores and jewellers here were usually Jewish owned too.

Same with drugstore and liquor store owners. He accused Jewish business owners of trying to get black people hooked on drugs and alcohol and then when they would make their money the Jewish families would move out of the area to a nicer area, and that area would become a ghetto full of drug and alcohol addicted black people committing crime to get more drugs and liquor.(racebait)

No. 1746820

Reposting the video on the origins of zionism


The media wants everyone to hate and kill each other.

No. 1746821

>Israel has offered
But it’s not theirs to offer, that’s the point.

No. 1746822

And why couldn't those Black Americans refuse the drugs and alcohols pedelled to them by Jews? Its not as if Jews forced liqour down the throats of every Black American.

No. 1746823

Why don’t Jews just make a part of Ukraine their new homeland? They have more ancestral and historical claim to it than anywhere in the Middle East, anyway. Once the war blows over maybe they should think about building a new Khazaria there. See how the Ukrainians like it.

Maybe that was the plan all along, who knows.

No. 1746825

Maybe because blacks still had a shit ton of familial trauma from slavery, depressed and traumatized people are more likely to get addicted to substances.

No. 1746826

>familial trauma from slavery
158 years after slavery ended?

No. 1746827

>conquered land
Scrote moment.

No. 1746830

>158 years
Where did you get that figure from? This was happening in the 1920s and 30s, which would be barely 50 years after slavery ended.

And yes blacks were still targeted by Jim Crow laws until the 1960s. Intergenerational trauma is a thing you know. American Jews who live in multi million dollar apartments and who’ve never stepped foot in Poland still act like they’re being holocausted daily 80 years later, why is victimhood and protected status only valid when it applies to Jews?

No. 1746832

>’I didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually, I began to hate them.’

No. 1746836

Jews have been legally expelled from dozens of different empires and nations 109 times. Everyone from the Romans to the Mongols to the Russians to England to Spain hated them. I wonder why.

No. 1746840

I’m from the UK. The protests were peaceful. Nobody got shot or killed despite there being hundreds of thousands of Muslim men present. Meanwhile just daily life walking down the street means you can get shot in the US.

No. 1746843

Because, much like gypsies, jews tend to stay within their own and they don't integrate. Of course that's going to make them an easy target to blame all societal issues on.

No. 1746844

It’s a sad state of affairs when Beyoncé is expected to act as a political diplomat. That’s what these overpaid scrotes job is. And they they’re so fucking dogshit at it. Beyoncé would probably unironically make a better international diplomat than any of these neocon pedophile scrotes. But her label and her masters are Jewish, so I doubt she will say anything.
It’s time to just accept that men are the problem and the world will never know peace as long as scrotum havers are in control of international policy.

No. 1746845

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>conflict between Israelis and Palestinians
>black people randomly brought up into the conversation for no fucking reason other than what seems like an attempt of distraction
i'm not sure why I expected anything different at this point.

No. 1746846

Gypsies haven’t been expelled 109 times tho. And actually it would make more sense to expel gypsies because they steal and commit a lot of crime.

No. 1746847

>Scrote moment.
Dear nonnie, whatever land you're standing on this right very moment is probably conquered too kek
Besides, palestine was in the ottoman empire prior to being conquered by the british who sold it to the jews, and I don't see anybody critiquing turks and brits for bringing us to this situation - why not?

No. 1746849

Jews have used blacks as literal and figurative slaves for centuries so yes it’s relevant: they’re still profiting off of black artists in the music industry and making billions.

No. 1746852

>Gypsies haven’t been expelled 109 times tho.
Yes they have kek, it just wasn't as documented because gypsies tend to live more wildly while jews prefer to climb social ranks. Go read about the roma people in any country and you'll see they suffered just as much, if not more, than jews did. Roma hate is also completely normalized nowadays, while being antisemitic is highly penalized, but the two groups share a lot of similarities in how they were treated.

No. 1746854

Conquering somewhere 20,000 years ago where both sides are using sticks and spears and clubs in a war between small populations is not comparable to using machine guns and tanks for mass murder landgrabs within the last 50 years.

No. 1746855


No. 1746857

Jews already have a Jewish Autonomous ethnostate granted to them in Russia. Why did they all leave? Why don’t they want to live there among their own kind and have their own peaceful republic with no wars or threats? Makes you think.

No. 1746858

Also, it’s larger in square km than Israel is. Kek.

No. 1746859

Jews like to play both sides. They larp as an oppressed ethnic minority when it suits them, but also larp as white when it suits them too.

No. 1746860

I don't know how a 'peaceful' two-state solution could ever happen after this. What really is the endgame? I don't know if any Palestinian who would survive this could ever feel whole.
Stop. This sort of thing helps no one.

No. 1746861

The Talmud literally says raping goyim girls that are as young as three years old is kosher. And it says non Jews are bastardized animals, lower than cattle. Just because Jews don’t have actual laws against non Jews doesn’t mean they don’t look down on non Jews as subhuman slave chattel and think themselves the chosen superior race, who think the endgame of humanity is for Jews to rule the world and everyone else either enslaved or killed off. They absolutely do. Their book tells them to.

No. 1746864

Africans wouldn’t ever have come to America if it wasn’t for Jews.
Jews were heavily involved in the slave trade.
1 in 4 hispanic people have Jewish ancestry because many of the conquistadors and merchants who travelled on the ships to Americas were Jewish. But they never talk about that.

No. 1746868

Not to mention that the Roma were ethnically cleansed by the Nazis just as much as the Jews yet nobody gives a single fuck about it to this very day. People are even so bold as to call them less than human in 2023. Because of this stigma many Roma have to lie about their ethnicity and say they're Spanish or LatAm, have a really hard time getting jobs on top of people constantly making shit up about their culture.

No. 1746869

Let's not respond to anti-Semitic bait.. come on nonnas.

No. 1746909

Please do not respond to obvious bait. Antisemitic conspiracy theories don't belong here, we are not /pol/. The majority of the bait is one idiot samefagging, and they have been banned.

No. 1746910

I didn’t know nonas were so based and redpilled on the JQ.

No. 1746911

When were they expelled 109 times in the last 2000 years?

No. 1746914

No. 1746922

Yes my country should absolutely be genocided. We have huge drug trafficking cartels run by the government filled with the most violent moids you can imagine. Years of government corruption have absolutely destroyed the population and culture. The people from my country are absolute garbage shells of what they once were and are considered an unwanted plague in many countries.
You can call it lack of empathy if you want. It's just recognizing that there are some problems that can't be solved by being nice. I don't expect 1st worlders living in nice countries with little crime and suffering to understand.

Yes. I don't want Islam to keep spreading. They will never stop being muslism, they will never renounce their religion. Until they can do that, I don't care about them.

No. 1746938

>Yes my country should absolutely be genocided
if you really believe this (you don't lol), then do it yourself instead of chatting shit here. your edgy doomer self doesn't speak for the third world, by the way.

No. 1746959

How do I cull a large portion of the population by myself? I do believe it. There are issues that are ingrained so deeply in the people, in their culture, their beliefs and way of life, that a country wide reset is needed. You could also fix it with education and access to self-population growth control (abortions) but that will take multiple decades and the state will never take measures towards it. Similar to Islam.
Yes I know there's plenty of 3rd worlders who are too stupid to realize their misogynistic men and traditions are in fact not comfy and wholesome.

No. 1746969

if you truly are a third worlder, it's not hard to cause a lot of damage.
>You could also fix it with education and access to self-population growth control (abortions) but that will take multiple decades and the state will never take measures towards it.
and you'd rather post online kissing the asses of first worlders who would still want you dead if your circumstances were better than even think about how one might topple the corrupt state powers to improve things. the non-edgelords aren't stupid, they're less dead weight than someone who goes "omg why won't someone bomb me and everyone else already???".

No. 1746972

>They will never stop being muslism
girl there's plenty of exmuslims on this very website and even one who posted in this thread, relax. you're acting like it's something embedded into genetics like what races are or some congenital terminal condition kek. selfhating losers like you are so loathsome, your delusion is not even worthy of pity. you're so dramatic and genuinely immature kek and i'm a third worlder in a muslim country (nowhere near asia) born and raised so don't try it, if you need me to spell it out for you no i don't support the religion yadda yadda yadda

No. 1746981

The damage I could cause would be insignificant, don't be obtuse. The point is things won't improve, because no muslim country wants to stop being muslim. So if you asked me today, I wouldn't give a shit about this conflict and I wouldn't support the muslim country.

The amount of exmuslims is tiny compared to the rest. The only genetic factor is the lack of intelligence stemming from decades of shitty living conditions, that prevents them from abandoning Islam. Try what? I already said I know there's plenty of 3rd worlders too stupid to realize there's no way out.

No. 1746988

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No. 1746990

stop being a faggot.

No. 1747017

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Since this thread exists I won't respond to my original post from the tinfoil thread >>>/ot/1743933 in that thread so I'll post it here.
But the feds caught the guy pretending to be Hamas/Muslim making threats to Jewish students on campus. I don't know if he is pro-Israel (probably has no dog in this fight and just wanted to sperg), but he's obviously not a muzzie. You'd think an Ivy League-educated CS major would know how to fedpost without leaving any crumbs but I guess not kek

No. 1747064

What’s the point of these threads nobody is going to agree. Pro Israel and Jewish people will take one side and believe they are correct. Muslims and Palestine supporters will take the other side and believe they are correct. Nothing will be resolved.

No. 1747066

Stopping circumcision would stop mental illness in men from proliferating so rapidly, from a start. There’s a reason circumcised men are always chimping out and it’s because getting their dicks cut up damages their psyche forever. It’s time to ban circumcision as a practice altogether, it’s stupid and barbaric.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747068

The point is so that infighting retards don’t shit up the other threads in /ot/ with random Israel/Palestine debates

No. 1747070

My two cents is Jewish people are really desperate for their Messiah to come and they are trying to speed up the process by self fulfilling many of the prophecies. One of the main prophecies that’s key in Messianic Judaism is the rebuilding of the Third Temple for the Messiah. Problem is that Muslims already claimed that area for the last 1300 years and it’s where their famous al-Aqsa mosque is. My tinfoil is that they want to bar Muslims from entering that area altogether so they can tear down the mosque and begin rebuilding the temple that’s so crucial to their prophecies. Obviously that won’t be possible unless Muslims aren’t allowed anywhere near it and can do nothing about it, so I’m assuming that Israel is going to try and make inter-religious security in the area so unstable that Muslims will be completely ousted and not allowed into the area under a pretense of terroristic threats. I think this whole war is basically a cover for this goal. Because many Jews are deeply concerned about rebuilding the temple and their messiah coming. Israeli government and scientists are working on projects that they hope will fulfil other prophecies needed to signal the coming of the Jewish messiah. Even if many Jews claim to be secular there’s no doubt a huge amount of Jews take this stuff very seriously.

No. 1747076

I also won’t be surprised if Israel launches some kind of false flag rocket strike or bomb on the mosque as an excuse to tear it down. Calling it now.

Even if this seems like religious schizophrenia to us, there’s a massive amount of Jews who really believe in the idea of the Jewish savior coming to earth and desperately want to set the wheels for it in motion. They can’t do that safely until all Muslims are barred and blockaded from the Temple Mount area for good, and even then there is obviously going to be backlash, so it’s risky.

No. 1747079

Or an artificial earthquake.

No. 1747082

Most maternal Ashkenazi DNA is European. The Paternal DNA is a mix between European, Turkish, and a tiny amount of North African or Middle Eastern. Interestingly many Ashkenazi Jews carry the paternal DNA z93 which is an Indo European lineage strongly associated with the Aryans.

No. 1747085

I’ve already said this but there was a Jewish Israeli girl on tiktok who worked at the military camp right next to the desert where the attack took place during her time with the IDF. She said security was extremely tight in that area and that their sonic and visual surveillance tech could pick up the tiniest sounds and movements from hundreds of metres if not miles away. She said she got woken up by the sound of insects one night because it sounded so loud on their monitors. She basically said it was impossible that the IDF didn’t see or hear the attack coming way earlier and that it’s not possible they were surprise ambushed. And that either they must have ignored the intel or it was an inside job. Definitely something very fishy about the whole attack.

Also I find the reporting on the victims very strange. Some Israeli hostages said the IDF killed the Israeli hostages with gunfire, and that the terrorists had treated them well and that there was no rape or beating or anything like that.

Also regarding the infamous dreadlocks/tattoo girl, Shani Louk. I’ve heard multiple conflicting reports on her demise from MSM. At first I remember them saying she had been dragged away and gangraped and shot. Then a few days later I remember her mother saying she was alive but in a coma in a hospital. And now they’re saying she’s dead and that she was killed almost immediately on the day of the attacks and was identified by a piece of her skull. Wtf? Why were three different front page stories with completely conflicting details of her death? It’s so weird.

No. 1747086

Also I saw some videos of the Israeli girls being dragged. For some reason many of the terrorists looked black or maybe very dark North African. They definitely didn’t look Pali or even Arab. Some of the hostages were saying that certain terrorists could not speak any language that was mutually intelligible, English Hebrew or even Arabic. It’s like they were foreigners with no knowledge of local words or language. Was Hamas recruiting African militants to do their dirty work or something?

No. 1747087

Yep, All hardcore pro Palestinians and antisemites always forget about Mizrahi Jews. "Go back to your own land" Alright, you wanna banish my grandparents back to Yemen? lmao

No. 1747091

True but less than 1/3 of Israel’s population are Mizrahis. The name Mizrahi means ‘easterner’ in Hebrew which shows they came from Iraq and Syria and Central Asia or whatever. Nobody has a problem with Jews living in Israel, they simply have a problem with Jews trying to create a racist fascist ethno-religious state that treats non Jews like crap and forces them out of their homes and neighborhoods that their families have lived in for centuries.

No. 1747093

>Some Israeli hostages said the IDF killed the Israeli hostages with gunfire, and that the terrorists had treated them well and that there was no rape or beating or anything like that.
you're probably talking about Yocheved Lifshitz, Her husband is still being held hostage, I believe she has a reason to lie so they won't kill him same thing for any other freed hostage who has friends and family still there.

No. 1747094

Nope, it wasn’t the old lady, it was another Israeli woman whose husband was already killed. She said that she saw IDF bullets and grenades killing fellow hostages and that the IDF killed her Jewish husband while trying to ‘save them’ and then tried to blame his death on the Muslim terrorists gunfire which she said was untrue and wrong.

No. 1747102

they even treat non-white jews like crap lmao

No. 1747114

Dumb question, but how did they trace him in this case? Just through his IP they were able to pinpoint his device? He wasn’t using a reliable VPN?

No. 1747115

I hated jews before it was cool.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747123

There are more mizrahi jews living in israel than there are ashkenazi jews living in israel, just fyi. Ashkenazim constitute only 30% of the israeli population while mizrahim constitute about 35-40% of the people living in israel. For comparison 20% of the jewish population are israeli-arabs or palestinians as you like to call them

No. 1747140

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No he wasn’t using a VPN at all. From the affidavit (picrel): The website that he posted the threat (GreekSocial or something like that) gave over his user info to the feds, and the feds traced the IP to his internet service provider, which they gave over the exact location. From there it was pretty easy to figure out who was at the residence(s) and the feds interrogated the suspect. Affidavit is here: https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/USDOJOPA/2023/11/01/file_attachments/2667102/Dai%20Complaint.pdf

TL;DR he was a dumbass who didn’t know to cover his ass and posted with his real IP and got unsurprisingly ratted out

No. 1747148

He’s a lefttard so his beliefs are genuine

No. 1747158

File: 1698852003060.gif (300.95 KB, 244x130, rbd-esdificilseryo.gif)

Man, I got banned for mocking about chicanos once, but this gets no redtext

No. 1747173

Poland? There were tons of pogroms in Poland during the first half of the twenty century. Slavs are violent, irrational apes and Jews were always their main scapegoats.(racebait)

No. 1747176

kanye west on MY lolcor?

No. 1747181

I don't think this is about muslims vs jews per se. but if nobody says anything about them being killed en masse it sets a precedent where US- ahem, Israel can just go do and do it again with another country next time.

No. 1747245

No. 1747260

File: 1698855646241.png (917.17 KB, 686x681, shelling.png)

Repost of what I posted in the tinfoil thread

More articles suggesting that most of the deaths from the initial Hamas raid were caused by the over reaction of the IDF.
>The terrorists shot them?
>No, they were killed by the crossfire. Understand there was very, very heavy crossfire.
>So our forces may have shot them
>Undoubtedly. They eliminated everyone, including the hostages because there was very, very heavy crossfire. After insane crossfire, two tank shells were shot into the house. It’s a small kibbutz house, nothing big

>Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen.
>the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages
>A separate report published in Haaretz noted that the Israeli military was “compelled to request an aerial strike” against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza “in order to repulse the terrorists” who had seized control. That base was filled with Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers at the time.

Image shows the damage done to Israeli houses.

Note that I don't claim that these articles are the truth, I posted this in the tinfoil thread for a reason.

No. 1747283

So you know that muslims literally brainwash their kids, at pre-teen age they have them memorise the quran, hold contests of it, and they won't stop repeating it at least 5 times a day for their whole lives. Also the sleep deprivation tactic when they have to get up in the middle of night for their prayer and it's broadcast loudly so no one can escape the sound. There's almost no way out of it let's be real, no wonder they can't form an independent thought, I doubt I'd be different if I was raised like that. It's very rare to see actual exmuslims and I don't believe immigrants would be able to easily shake off years of brainwashing.

No. 1747299

Its the same shit for jews, why not heat for them? Why not generalize all of them?

No. 1747322

I don't want to pick sides. I don't want to pick sides. I don't want to pick sides.
I'm so pissed at my news stations, at the articles they bring, at the way I get shit comments for simply saying that both is horrible.
Yes, I saw the videos of multiple dead women. In the back of pick up trucks, the one women so horrifyingly raped she was bleeding all over, achhilles heels cut.. I also see kids without water, trapped in a fish bowl being bombarded because finally, some dude got the reason to. How is it so fucking insane to just say "both suck". They do.
Both fucking suck and it's just women and children caught inbetween. It's always just children and women and I'm so tired of that. It's everywhere.
At the same time everyone got this whole "either/or" side down, not realizing that it doesn't fucking matter. It's still kids and women that suffer.
I hate war, I hate conflicts, I'm still being called a fucking nazi (yet again) or if I'm just not being emotionally involved with the Jewish population enough (again, I'm a nazi for that considering my countries involvement) the moment I just say "well, both can fucking suck, have you been paying attention?"
Doesn't make me a fucking nazi, for fucks sake. The victim complex my country got though, and to what standards they hold everyone to.. It's all just so fucked

No. 1747324

Pretty much all black people agreed with him on that one cuz we watched it play out IRL and in history. Hell, someone link that video of the Jewish leader of something that met with like 80 black delegates and said the black American youth is the biggest problem for the Jewish community and Israel rn. They're obsessed. They constantly use us as props for their agenda, much like trannies do. Islam is its own issue but at least they aren't as slimy and sneaky as Jews are. They're more direct in their hatred and manipulative ways.

No. 1747327

Does anyone here actually live in Israel or Palestine

No. 1747349

Because this wouldnt be happening if it wasnt for the colonizers.

No. 1747355

But aren’t they both jewish? I don’t really understand how you can be colonized by your own people

No. 1747359

Well then maybe those faggots shouldn't have converted to Islam and then they’d be held in higher esteem

No. 1747363

eurononnies, is antisemitism really on the rise right now? i'm having a hard time distinguishing between what's staged fake news and what's real. no one really gives a shit about any of this where i'm from (my government is falling apart again)

No. 1747370

Sorry to say and fuck up your assumption, but my country never colonised anyone. Literally not a single time. What do you want me to do? Please stop assuming, thank you. That's just embarrassing

No. 1747377

We were talking about muslim immigrats and how hard it is to become an exmuslim and that realistically muslim immigrants don't shake off their religion that much. Any religion is cancer and I don't know that much about Jews. I'd assume becoming an ex-jew is pretty hard too. I just know that compared to muslims, christians basically do religion on easy mode and it's easier to shake it off unless you're like some super specific cult-like type of them.

No. 1747380

I don't think that antisemitism is on the rise necessarily, but this war has made people more comfortable in expressing their beliefs publicly—and it seems that antisemitism is "on the rise" perhaps because those beliefs are more widespread than many had originally thought.

No. 1747383

when you find out large record labels are mostly owned by rich jewish scrotes, it clicks why mainstream "black" music is largely negative to the entire community and preaches degenerate behavior. it's always been on purpose to maintain an easily-controlled underclass. the musicians that get chosen and propagated are not coincidental, they're not decided on by most actual black people and they're nowhere near merit-based. it's really funny to see posts that are like "how dare black people not support us, after all we've done for them!!" like we don't all know what's been happening from the start up til now. everyone's aware of what it means to be "goyim". it's just not PC to say it out loud.
also, i honestly hate when pro-israel people try to make it a thing of "do you think islam is good, then?? choose" as if both aren't fucked. normal people either stay uninvolved, or they want innocent people to survive, and all power-hungry, genocidal terrorists to fuck off.

No. 1747385

Yes, a nonna living in Israel was talking about the situation from her perspective above.
I feel like the destabilization, destruction, meddling with politics by foreign powers for decades, all that and more, never gave these countries a chance. Things like that makes the populace more hateful, and extremist in their beliefs. But, we can't undo all of that. We can't undo that a Palestinian kid's whole family just died, the kid is probably always going to remember Israel with hate, and this sort of thing builds and builds. Not that it excuses any act of terrorism at all, ever. But a place cannot flourish if it is always under stress, I feel like. If given a chance, I think Islam could be transformed into something less shit, because I've seen Muslims who are great people, just like I've seen kind people of any other religion. I really do hope religion loses popularity as a whole but, you know. Not that I think half this war is exactly about religion. It's horrible bloodshed and it's gonna result in lasting damage to Jewish people and Palestinians. It's insane how little value human life has to these unfeeling spear headers of war, it's all flimsy causes.

No. 1747402

Was that confirmed though kek or did she just say “I’m israeli I know what’s going on”

No. 1747453

Literal tinfoil sperging

No. 1747464

ok lol

No. 1747470

It's damn near documented fact at this point but continue to be a retard.

No. 1747481

>Muslim countries are solely responsible for the horrible state they are in
This completely dismisses American involvement in Muslim countries. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somali, Syria, Libya. The Soros and CIA backed colour revolutions have all fucked up these countries.

No. 1747531

Can a farmhand confirm if this is the same /pol/tard samefagging again

No. 1747542

Can we agree that jewish food is really good though? Like all this conflict aside I’ve never had bad food at the bat mitzvah

No. 1747550

I don't see a reason she would lie because it isn't like she said anything really wild that she could defend with her claim of being in Israel, but you never know.

No. 1747556

I love bagels

No. 1747604

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Sorry but Schumer randomly dming people about her posts is kind of funny to me

No. 1747618

Yeah the food is amazing. And even when it isn't, it's always fun to try new things. Sometimes I think about all the incredible food I had in different countries and then the world doesn't look too bad. I wish things were different.

No. 1747676

This is an anon board fuck you want me to do post a video with a menorah and a dreidel singing the Tikva in Tel Aviv? Also me and a few other Israeli nonas were speaking in Hebrew above

No. 1747682

>Was that confirmed though kek

No. 1747691

>privileged elite within the tribe of elite whining about plight


No. 1747700

Poor blonde eyed millionares are truly the most oppressed of all, she must be scared for her life. Palestinians need to shut up, that six ywar old kid who was shot in cold blood was a one off, Amy and her ilk are in much bigger danger!
I wanted to share a youtube video but i cant get it to embed, it used to be as simple as just pasting the link, can a kind nona educate me on how it works not? Whats wrong with this link; https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0?si=38fA5BIPYAdK3WND(lurk more)

No. 1747708

Yes it is required

No. 1747715

Slavs have valid reason to dislike Jews, communism which was a Jewish ideology killed millions of them and caused unimaginable suffering to their people.

No. 1747720

Yeah personally I don’t care about the religious factor at all. I couldn’t care less about Islam Judaism or Christianity, they’re part of the same scrotey Abrahamc schizophrenia. If you look at this from a purely political and secular point it still feels very wrong.

No. 1747729

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What the Hell!

No. 1747730

i hate everyone involved and i wish all the moids would give up and all the women and children would be safe. fucking sick of scrotes starting wars to rape and kill women and children while they are untouched. this would never happen if scrotes didn’t exist, they are blood thirsty and there is no saving them. rip to all the women in israel and palestine killed by senseless moids

No. 1747733

Well I’m not really surprised that only black Jews would have the upper body strength to engage in fistfights kek.

No. 1747736

sadly antisemitism has been on the rise for a while now. it has unironically been since kanye did what he did

No. 1747741

I mean the typical American Jewish male is scrawny and they join the American military at a nearly zero rate. They're not fighters and neither are the reservists in Isreal, they are just good for standing around and harassing civilians

No. 1747743

Right but thats kinda beside the point, fact is Jews, Muslims and Christians lived alongside each other in Israel for like 1300 years, obviously not always peacefully but they had some kind of functioning multicultural and multireligious society going for them, like I said no one has a problem with Jews living in Israel, they simply have a problem with Jews trying to throw everyone else out and make it into a racist ethnostate that treats all non Jews as second or third class citizens.

No. 1747745

in the last week i kissed my 20 yrs of being a leftie goodbye. I’m fucking furious at entitled muzzies and how soft the west is towards these selfish woman hating religious nutcases. islam literally needs to be destroyed.(stop racebaiting)

No. 1747748

You know, i could say alot worse things about jews and their atrocities but i wont since the mods are biased.

No. 1747749

It's honestly kinda astonishing how different Jewish men are between Israel and western nations.

No. 1747750

This is what I can’t understand. When someone says ‘I don’t like Israel’ the typical defensive Jewish response is ‘OH SO YOU HATE JEWS AND WANT US ALL GASSED HUH? YOU WANT PALESTINIANS TO KILL US HMM? YOU THINK I DONT HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE IN THE MIDDLE EAST HUH WELL LOOK AT MY HAPLOGROUPS SWEATY 3/4 OF MY ANCESTORS ARE MIHRAZI BTW IN FACT MY GREAT GRANDMA WAS A SYRIAN JEW BORN IN ISRAEL AND MY GRANDPA WAS AN AUSCHWITZ SURVIVOR’ like no….literally nobody is saying throw all Jews out of Israel kek. We just think the way the Israeli government and army treats non Jews like crap is wrong. Why is this so hard to understand.

No. 1747752

Jews don’t practice a religion that exists to turn women into animals. I live in a country that has mass immigration of muzzies, and also a decent Jewish population. Never had a negative interaction with the Jewish in my life, just normal people. Muzzies on the other hand, not a single one of them were normal except the ones that had bravely ditched their religion.

No. 1747754

i was pro-palestine for a while because i think the senseless killings of random people especially children in hospitals is horrible but i cannot say i am an ally of palestine anymore simply because of them loving islam. they behead gays and lesbians, they abuse women, they abuse little girls, their religion is fucking sick. even though i am not a fan of the way israel is going about this with senseless killings, i think the hamas attack proved how fucking evil their army is. going after innocent women and raping them, we already know who will be the first victims if hamas gets their way. i am far more neutral now but i am starting to lean far more towards giving all my support to israel. still have to act like i’m pro-palestine with the lefties in my life so my life isn’t ruined(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747756

All muslims i have met have been amazong, kind and gracious people. I have never met a jew to my knowledge so i cant speak on them, i only know about them from history and what they are doing in our modern society.

No. 1747759

Will be interesting to see if this racist pos getd banned since anons have gotten banned for stating way tamer things about jews.

No. 1747761

Have you ever heard anyone say: "hey, lets order some jewish food!" I rest my case.

No. 1747762

I’ve always been neutral in the past simply because I don’t like killings of any innocents. But now I realized there’s serious issues with Muzzies and you can’t just ignore Islamic terrorists trying to bomb you all the fucking time. Radical islam is a danger to all humanity and that’s what Hamas is, and that’s what the left is cheering for. Just made me sick enough that i’ll happily be called right wing now.

No. 1747765

How can someone whose religion believes women are inferior to men and should be owned by men be kind and gracious. It’s literally not possible. Either they’re not Muslim, or they’re not kind.

No. 1747766

That’s why I don’t have any stereotype of Jews, I’ve met super laidback stoner hippie dippie Jewish boys who surf all day and have blonde hair and blue eyes and have never had anything to do with Jewish culture since their bar mitzvah or circumcision. I’ve met Lithuanian bear jew moids who can out-deadlift any slavic caveman. I’ve met the typical ringlet and beard having Hasidic Jews who basically just don’t talk to non Jews and are kinda fascinating since they do almost everything in a very religious ceremonial way. I’ve met preppy Jew twink moids from Brown who eat bacon and are completely secular or even celebrate Christmas. I’ve met snobby Israeli kids who think they’re gods gift, but also very nice Israeli kids. I’ve met Jewish men who look like Arabs and could be mistaken for Osama and love to argue and get into confrontations kek. Jews go from the whitest white to dark brown and everything in between, people need to accept that.

No. 1747767

All religions believe that since all religions were made by men. There’s no religion that says men and women are equal really. Even christianity says women should basically worship their husband and defer to him. But there’s still plenty of kind Christians.

No. 1747768

I don’t see Christian men making women wear headscarves and full body coverings to indicate that they shouldn’t be raped by other Christian men?

No. 1747770

Terrorism is a meaningless word. All it means is committing violence and killing people for political or religious motives. Armies do that all the time and get paid for it, so technically they’re terrorists too.

No. 1747773

Everyone involved is a terrorist. It is all killings of innocents

No. 1747774

Christian fundies can be incredibly toxic, and yes dressing modestly is a huge thing in many Christian movements too. I’ve seen many Christian fundie women saying women shouldn’t be allowed to vote and that women who get raped brought it on themselves by not being modest enough or going outside without their husbands, that women should be prepared to die in childbirth because it’s their duty to bring life into the world etc etc. All religions are toxic as fuck because they were invented by men.

No. 1747775

A lot of pro Israel people are insane it is why i cannot pick anyone to support and why my views keep changing. I just don’t want to see people killed

No. 1747776

This is why we need to go back to having goddesses. Athena, Isis, the statue of liberty, whoever doesnt matter. Males don't have nipples just to say we were made from them kek.

No. 1747778

People who fight back aren’t terrorists or criminals or anything of the sort. Self defence is a necessity in everyone’s lives. If you kill the person who breaks into your house, that does not make you a violent person.

No. 1747780

People will always be killed when they live under Islamic reign. The problem is Muslims are brainwashed and can’t help themselves.

No. 1747781

Go after IDF soldiers though, as Israel has to go after soldiers too. All are meaningless attacks

No. 1747782

Muslims are just super autistic about every single example story and rule in their book. There is no passage in the Quran that says women must wear burqas or headscarves, it was simply an anecdote in the Quran about how the women covered up their hair and bodies when they were outside one day because they didn’t like some men staring at them. Muslims believe in prophet infallibility, so they think everything Muhammad ever did is perfect and they try to copy it, even if he never explicitly said you have to do it.

No. 1747785

The difference is fundie Christians don't really pass it down. Their kids go to school, chill out, and many rebel. And the worst fundies stay away from the cities anyway sonits not like they can beat you up for wearing a miniskirt downtown.

The other fundies do pass it down and the kids can be even more fervent and violent and they congregate in cities

No. 1747787

Uh they definitely do pass it down lol. Many of the fundie women in the fundie thread have been exposed beating or abusing their kids which is gonna stay with them for life. Another example. Most Amish stay in their amish communities even though there’s a long history of domestic and sexual violence against children in their communities, and even though they’re allowed to experience rumspringa and whatever. It’s also not true that Muslims don’t rebel, many do.

No. 1747788

christian fundies are still pieces of shit even if they suck at brainwashing

No. 1747789

Jews have raped and killed countless children and raping 3 year olds is literally considered kosher in their book but go off…

No. 1747790

This is not a religion thread, how much you hate muslims and want them massacared is irrelevant to this thread and frankly disgusting. You are probably the same type to cry about anti semitism on the tamest shit.

No. 1747792

all abrahamic religions are disgusting. I don’t know why so many modern radfems give christians a pass. Read some of the misogynistic verses in the bible

No. 1747794

They do pass it down in a major way and they even try to spread it by converting people. You're probably just blind to it because it's so pervasive. Open your eyes nona.

No. 1747795

Yes there are extremists in every demographics. But that doesn’t change that Islam is a bigger threat to humanity than all other religions combined and quadrupled. There are no exceptions when it comes to Islam. There is no soft or humane Islam.

No. 1747797

Jewish food has always been pretty disgusting imo, all that gross slavic peasant shit like gefalefish and weird soups and bland soups with dumplings and whatever. Levant Jewish food is pretty nice though.

No. 1747799

Jews were behind the soviet union, they raped, tortured, starved and mutilated about 19 million slavic christians during the reign of the red terror, one of the first things they did was make anti-semitism a criminal offence. They also killed gay people. Any word on them?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747801

I give Christians a pass because Christianity is not law. It can be practiced in various ways. Christians can divorce, abort, have sex outside of marriage, and only a select churches would disapprove. Muslims girls have been murdered by their own families for the same.

No. 1747802

I’m Jewish and grew up in a heavily Muslim area in the west. To be honest I’ve never had any problems with Muslims in 30 years living here, especially since they don’t know I’m Jewish. Maybe if I looked much more Jewish and talked about it I’d be treated worse but they basically just assume I’m a regular goyim white girl. They don’t steal my doordash, which is great. I remember a couple weeks ago I was crossing the street right outside a halal butcher shop. While walking my shoe kind of slipped off and I fell in the middle of the road while a car was approaching quite fast, two of the Muslim men in the shop had seen me through the window and immediately rushed out to help me, after I assured them I was fine they were saying they were worried because they thought I’d been run over or was about to get run over. It was nice tbh. I’ve had quite a few good experiences with them, even though I don’t really interact with people outside much in general. They seem less stuck up to me and more hospitable than other groups. I also have a few Muslim female friends who know about my background and they don’t care. If anything it feels like we have something in common since our cultures have Middle Eastern roots.

No. 1747803

This is my stance. I just don't want to see women and children being killed on any side. But someone will take this statement and will start making assumptions lol.

No. 1747807

I have no words on completely made up history that has the sole intention of trying to divide Ashkenazi Jews from fellow white people.

No. 1747809

5-10 million Ukrainians were starved to death in the Holodomor.

No. 1747811

I think if Muslims want the Jews to return to Europe, then Muslims should leave Europe and return to the Middle East. Something tells me they wouldn’t be very happy about that though.

No. 1747817

Jews intentionally flooded europe with Muslims. It’s part of their prophecies. They believe that Muslims must displace and destroy europeans for their messiah to come, and intentionally caused wars and funded rebellions in the Middle East to encourage the refugee crisis and destabilization of Middle Eastern countries like Syria. So yeah, another thing jews are behind.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747820

footfags gonna footfag

No. 1747821

Well these things are the beliefs of the anti-semite. But Judaism is in fact a harmless ideology. Jewish people are not a threat to me. What is a threat is when Muslims are running around my country with bombs, raping and killing and claiming discrimination in the name of their religion.

No. 1747822

what prophecies exactly nona?

No. 1747826

Judaism and Zionism is a far bigger threat to the world. Jews caused so many world wars and will continue to do so until all non Jews are destroyed as they see fit. They were behind WW2. They were behind communism. They were behind 9/11 and the Iraq war and Afghanistan. They were behind the Syrian war. They were behind pretty much every Middle East conflict in general. And now they want to start WW3 and have another billion people die for them. Fuck them, they’re behind everything terrible and bad in this world.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747827

I’m curious are you white?

No. 1747829

I’ll never forget ISIS apologising to Mossad for accidentally killing IDF soldiers. Kek.

No. 1747830

you should ask yourself why they had to immigrate in the first place!

No. 1747831

I don’t like how you shift the blame of Islam and its followers onto Jewish people. Muslims can make their own decisions, they choose not to. They’re not puppets. They’re raised by other Muslims inside an evil ideology which is Islam, something they can never recover from.

No. 1747837

The ones the psychopathic rabbis in this video are talking about, that genociding Europeans ‘isn’t about right or wrong, it’s just a matter of fulfilling our prophecies so the Jewish messiah will come’


No. 1747838

Is the jewanon calling for arab ethnic cleansing ban evading or are the mods dead?

No. 1747840

don't use emojis

No. 1747842

Are you on drugs?

No. 1747843

There simply is no reason that could ever be rationalised other than the evil of men.

No. 1747844

>video of rabbis calling for total goyim genocide
>um sweaty dont use emojis x

No. 1747845

Sorry, you must be either Muslim or Neo-Nazi. Maybe both.

No. 1747848

My 20 years of covert antisemitism is still going strong

No. 1747849

Have never talked about ethnic cleansing, but very Muslim of you to act a victim

No. 1747851

inb4 someone starts reeeing and calling you a /pol/tard for this

No. 1747853

If you’re a Muslim, then that’s expected. If you’re white, you should love your brothers and sisters more for the good of your family.

No. 1747858

Not a muslim, but you are deeply mentally ill!


No. 1747861

These are taken out of context and theyre not calling for western genocide, it looks like theyre just explaining what will finally lead to one with the muslims taking over. Which is exactly what they want - to impose sharia law on the western population. Muslims are quite open about it too

No. 1747863

White people are white people. Jews and Christians alike. The day we stand together is when we can actually fight off Islam.

No. 1747870

No. 1747873

People forget that not all muslims have the exact same beliefs, culture or behaviour. Like Christianity and Judaism, Islam has it's own sects with different beliefs surrounding their religion.

The vast majority of muslims that I had a positive experience with have been Shia from the middle east. They are vastly outnumbered by Sunni muslims in most western countries.

The New Testament does say that a woman should obey her husband
-Ephesians 5:22
>Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
It also instructs men to love their wives and treat them respect and dignity
-1 Peter 3:7
>Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
-Colossians 3:19
>Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.
-Ephesians 5:25
>Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,

It's not acceptable by todays standards but it would have been an improvement in women's rights 2000 years ago.

No. 1747874

But then why do they worship a pedophile? Even Christianity with its flaws doesn't do that.

No. 1747878

No they’re not, they’re getting horny at the thought of evil whitey being destroyed and it bringing their Jewish messiah skydaddy ever closer.

No. 1747879

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First and foremost ashkenazi jews are a socioeconomic class, which is so inbred and cliquish that they became a false race, which in turn masquerades as a religion. Sometimes they even shapeshift to "fellow white people".

No. 1747880

Is it really so hard to both condemn Islam as a religion while still being sympathetic towards those in Gaza being killed? The obvious lack of nuance on this just tells me you're retarded, or a burger.

No. 1747889

No, they just practice child marriage, which is sooo much better. https://www.equalitynow.org/learn_more_child_marriage_us/

No. 1747893

It’s not even a poltard take, it’s simply what many rabbis believe and teach and is taken from their talmud and torah.

Only Christians believe Jesus will come back and save everyone and that everyone will be friends and worship Jesus together.

The endgame/apocalypse in Judaism is that nearly every non Jew gets destroyed, Jews rule the entire planet, and the remaining goyim survivors are made in a slave class born to serve their Jewish masters for all eternity.

Many rabbis believe that Gog of Magog in the bible is code for Iran, Turkey and the Islamic world. That’s why they want to destroy Muslims and even want Iran to get involved because they literally believe it’s Jewish destiny to destroy the ancient land of Persia referenced in the bible. This entire conflict is quite literally a schizophrenic holy war based on 2000 year old fairytales and their deranged sky daddy worshipping scrotes.

No. 1747899

It’s easy to tell a blonde haired blue eyed Jew from an Aryan. Jews always have an uncanny almost demonic look, even if they’re as white passing as they can be.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1747900

The left these days just seems like the islamophile party because they'll throw all other groups in their coalition under the bus for muzzies

No. 1747901

No Muslim ever called me femcel.

No. 1747906

how many times will you make this post? the last time you did it, you were calling /pol/ bc there was a brief discussion on the history between black and jewish people. multiple people can say things you dislike, deal with it.

No. 1747909

they're not. let's call them to ban you and your racebaiting so we can have a sane discussion itt. your schizoposting is only making shitrael look worse.

No. 1747912

must be projecting because if someone did the same thing with all the shill posts itt they'd be right about them all being her kek her posts are very easy to clock

No. 1747937

Nope. The bottom 4 (not last one tho) are my posts. I’m the nona who believes Jews want to destroy humanity and my views are probably more extreme than other nonas ITT. I probably sound like a poltard and I’m fine with that.

No. 1747942

I think you're based, nona. Don't let anyone bully you.

No. 1747943

Only one of those posts are mine. That other nonna was right, you are only deeply embarrassing yourself. I’m sorry for your mental illness.

No. 1747950

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i said the first one to see how unsaged boomer and pol nonna would react and you nonnas are dumb now. women in these countries don’t deserve death because their scrotes are shitty. this place really was taken over by poltards and schizos. israel has killed thousands of women and girls. the imperialist machine will never care for women. none of these scrotes will, if israel wins males will still have their way. even if they are baiters a lot of radfems have these stupid beliefs now

No. 1747958

Absolutely not made up, from a jewish source
>> At the party congress held in August 1917, a total of 29 out of 171 delegates were Jews, the second most represented ethnic group after the Russians; moreover, 6 of 17 Central Committee members were Jews.
>> Jews accounted for 10.9 percent of delegates to the Sixteenth Party Congress in 1930. Indeed, they still formed 10.1 percent of the Central Committee in 1939 (11 full and 3 candidate members)
>> Most important, they were highly overrepresented in the Bolshevik leadership. Significant figures included Iurii Kamenev, Maksim Litvinov, Karl Radek, Iakov Sverdlov, Leon Trotsky, and Grigorii Zinov’ev. This was so blatant that anti-Bolsheviks frequently associated the party with Jews in order to contaminate the party’s public image.
>> At the party congress held in August 1917, a total of 29 out of 171 delegates were Jews, the second most represented ethnic group after the Russians; moreover, 6 of 17 Central Committee members were Jews. The Central Committee was responsible for directing party work between congresses.
>> The number of Jewish party members swelled after the Bolshevik takeover in October 1917, especially in the first decade of Bolshevik rule, when, among others, the left wing of the Bund (the Komfarband) and that of Po‘ale Tsiyon (the EKP; Evreiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia) joined the RCP(b), in 1921 and 1922 respectively. Indeed, it was from among these socialist factions and parties that had traditionally worked in the Jewish street and knew Yiddish that the Evsektsiia (the Communist Party’s Jewish section) drew its personnel, including its senior echelons.

Trotsky and Marx are also jewish. Atleast read some history before you dismiss people.

No. 1747960

You can wish ethnic cleansing and death upon all muslims but dont mention that jews are overrepresented in hollywood or you get the ban hammer.

No. 1747961

Imagine several anons disagreeing with you, that would never happen. Especially with your insane takes, nope, must be the same anon kek …. Projection much

No. 1747965

you're right, nonny. i've been seeing deranged takes just like that from ""radfems"" on twitter, turning their backs on women who had no say and don't support the violence.
i've also seen actual tradthots insisting israel is only getting a bad rep because of their "adjacency to whiteness" (the implication here being that people should be pro-israel because ashkenazi jews have more european ancestry and/or look whiter than palestinians lol). the levels of evil and psychosis some people are exhibiting are wild.

No. 1747969

Do they forget Mizrahim jews exist? Kek

No. 1747982

i hate when killing innocent women and children is condemned and they come in with “but do you condemn hamas too?”. almost everyone does. hamas aren’t the civilian women and kids in the gaza strip. do you ever notice how so many so called radfems now are borderline tradthots that interact with misogynistic conservative moids? maybe that’s why a lot of them are spewing that rhetoric now. israelis and palestinians practically look the same but you can show a photo of any blue eyed blonde haired israeli/palestinian to any rw tradthot and they would pick whichever side you showed them. i’ve seen some tradthots support palestine just because they hate jewish people, tradthots are mirrors of moids. moids only heavily support things when they seriously hate the other side for some schizo reason. it’s why so many rw pro-palestine moids are antisemitic and why so many pro-israel rw moids are racist boomers

No. 1747988

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>my views are probably more extreme than other nonas ITT
You are not alone, nona.

No. 1747996

I've seen many "radfems" follow literal racist greek statue pfp accounts that post misogynistic shit and are lolicons so none of this surprises me. The subsect of poltard tradfems may be small but their presence is troublesome.

No. 1747997

there is a big pro-zionist tradthot that will tweet radfem tweets but her likes are all trad moids hating women

No. 1748009

Anna Slatz? Who is it?

No. 1748014

What does that even mean?

No. 1748019

Nta but god she's annoying as fuck. Sometimes I feel like she either posts here or her orbiters do, some posts reek of her retarded takes.

No. 1748021

she used to post on r9k so I wouldn't be surprised if she posts here too

No. 1748022

Anna is pro-palestine but likely because the moids she interacts with are. I think I am remembering d*keshapiro or someone in the same circle. Most of dasha’s followers are the same way. I don’t know what RFH has said. I think shapiro had a tweet saying just because Israel is the “lesser of two evils” for women that what they’re doing is okay.

No. 1748023

Did she selfpost? I remember hearing something similar

No. 1748030

Many of them are on edtwt too which is so ironic.

No. 1748033

I understand it is an illness but how are you for women yet want us to be weak and underweight? So many of them promote edtwt to young radfems

No. 1748041

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Some of the comments ITT are so ridiculous that it's making me kek. Keep it comin' nonnies, this shit's too funny

No. 1748052

Decreased brain matter does that to someone.

No. 1748059

Israel probably conspired for this attack to happen so they could level Gaza leaving only the West Bank for Palestinians.

Egypt warned Israel about a threat and Israel responded by having lax security at their excessive military border. It took over 9 hours for IDF soldiers to respond to Hamas terrorists crossing over with intent to murder. Where the fuck where they all?

They've been delaying the ground invasion because they're cowards and don't want to incur anymore Jewish casualties. The people they left to be murdered and kidnapped were the only viable collateral damage they'll allow. They thought it would be enough justification for the ongoing air raids. I don't believe Israel believes any hostages have a hope in hell being returned or even being alive. There's no logical reason to believe hamas would think they could bargain with Jewish hostages. The entire invasion is a load of shit. Israel need the weakest link to scale a full on invasion, we're watching the destruction of Gaza. Around 45% of the population in Gaza is under 18 years old. There's no way for the population to recover and to condemn a society where nearly half of them are children not at all responsible for any politics is absolutely abhorrent. Absolute shame on Israel.

No. 1748072

they hate dogs and pigs, does not make sense. they will kill dogs.

No. 1748091

I hear dog meat is super tasty, don't know if they eat them over there though

No. 1748126

This. Hamas are TERRORISTS,is a given most people disagree with their action even if they agree with their motives.

No. 1748129

Being white doesn’t make you Jewish, unfortunately.

No. 1748130

You're wrong, most people here in muslim majority country will tell me Hamas never killed civilians and any mention of that is fake news/AI or that it's their first time to hear about Hamas killing civilians at all. That Hamas are heroes.
Stop being an edgelord. Eating carnivores is a health risk and it's logistically braindead.

No. 1748140

obviously not, they do not consume swine either. they will kill dogs for existing because of their prophet, despite him owning dogs for protection.

No. 1748153

Aligators and tuna taste great, dog meat is supposed to be tender, fatty, and taste like mutton but better. If a pig is smarter than a dog or w/e I don't see why it makes me edgy to want to try dog meat.

No. 1748160

not edgy, just subhuman.

No. 1748195

Cool racebait attempt but no

No. 1748212

There is rapey/pedo shit in the Talmud (like every fucking scrote created religion including "based" Christianity and "muh ancestors" paganism), but they are mostly related to JEWISH girls, that sociopaths like you would like to be raped and exterminated but at the same time cry "b-but the woman and children in Gaza" whenever muslim scrote psychopathy is brought to light. None of you actually care about women and children and always masturbate if the victims are "from the other side" and the barbaric rape ape murders are of yours. BTW, a lot of rapey/pedo shit in judaism is shared with Cuckristians (like Numbers 31), I really want to see the tradfaggots here going full apologetics to justify this.

> "B-but Matthew 18:6"

Who cares faggot, in practice you defend spanking children as "discipline", that child rape victims must carry the rapist's baby, that your own god got a 12y old pregnant (regardless of how much you try to desexualize it it's still sick), Cucktholic Church pedo scandals, Orthodogs have at least one pedo saint (Stefan Milutin), etc etc. I don't even need to say anything about Muzzies. If you're gonna cherry pick just the good parts the jews do it with Judaism too. Either you actually hate all desert cults equally or you are a hypocrite and just wanting to pose as a politically incorrect edgytard and should kill yourself.

>Slavs have valid reason to dislike Jews
It would make sense if they were only racist towards Jews and not towards absolutely everyone who is not white, lmao. The Russian Empire had committed genocides against their Muslim minorities and still treat them like shit. There were several cases of racism against black people during the World Cup in Russia too. They hate even each other, like the Balkans. The most tolerant historically were the Poles but nowadays even they aren't.

> Christianity is not law. It can be practiced in various ways. Christians can divorce, abort, have sex outside of marriage
Nowadays maybe, but not in the past. And in some countries christianity still interferes with the laws, like the Philippines not having divorce and LatAm shitholes not having the right to abortion.

> only a select churches would disapprove

Only if you're from Western Europe, North America or Australia/NZ.

>I don’t know why so many modern radfems give christians a pass
Not everyone who hates trannies and porn/prostitution/etc are radfems, this site for example has several tradthots. There are also women from countries where the majority religion is another and they tend to romanticize white/christian moids, as if our rights had been won just because they are nice and civilized gentlemen.(take your meds)

No. 1748216

Isn’t it something to do with opening up a river trading route? Egypt makes billions a year from letting cargo ships pass up and down their river, I heard something like Israel wants to nuke a small section of Gaza that’s blocking the way so they can connect their trade routes to it too or something

No. 1748217

I'm not sure why this is being discussed, but no way dog meat is tender unless you are eating some overfed lap dog.

No. 1748220

Yeah, nice try JIDF kek. You were flooding /pol/ with a hundred ‘JEWS ARE WHITE AMIRITE FELLOW NAZIS’ threads every day after the attack and /pol/ was clowning you for being so obvious. You got the whitest Israeli crisis actors you could find to try and get the world to sympathise more with Israel because Jews are totes white guys. You racist freaks make me sick.(stop)

No. 1748222

No. 1748225

>TW, a lot of rapey/pedo shit in judaism is shared with Cuckristians (like Numbers 31), I really want to see the tradfaggots here going full apologetics to justify this.
Christians don't follow The Old Testament/Torah, they follow the teachings of The Son of Man and His Apostles which is the New Testament. No religion follows the laws of the old covenant. Christians follow The New Testament, Jews follow the Talmud and Muslims follow the Quran. Certain sects of the different religions may also follow other texts such as the Sunnah in Islam.

No. 1748229

Anyone else feel like no Israelis actually died in the attacks? I think it’s all bullshit. Crisis actors and AI generated crap. I saw so many videos of supposed hostage taking and they all looked fake as fuck with terrible acting and them pretending to be scared.(bad bait)

No. 1748232

Jews are the ones flooding our countries with Muslim rapists after destabilizing the Middle East and traumatizing people by killing their family members in front of them until they become psychopaths. You should know, since it’s all part of your Judaic ‘prophecies’.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1748233

You are not even trying anymore, retard.

No. 1748234

Show me the bodies then. Real bodies, not Hollywood sfx blood and AI generated pictures of burnt cookie dough and charred lambs.

No. 1748237

Most terrorists are simply mentally ill people who get groomed or MK ultra’d by feds. Mental hospitals and psychiatric prisons are rife with brainwashing and illegal experimentation. Or they’ll get groomed by a fed posing as a Muslim down their local mosque. All terror groups like ISIS and al qaeda lead back to the CIA. Notice how barely any terrorists ever successfully target politicians, lawmakers, actual war criminals etc? It’s always the civilians they target. That’s how you know it’s government bullshit. If an Islamic terrorist wants to make an impact, he’s gonna assassinate the president or some shit. Not kill some civilians at a supermarket or concert. It’s all bullshit. People need to open their fucking eyes. All war and terrorist attacks are orchestrated and allowed to happen by politicians.

No. 1748242

I remember reading that Ziad Jarrah (one of the 9/11 terrorists) had family members who were spies for Israel/Mossad. Thought that was really strange. What are the odds Mossad agent spooks and 9/11 Islamic terrorists would come from the same family?

No. 1748243

>it’s why so many rw pro-palestine moids are antisemitic and why so many pro-israel rw moids are racist boomers

Not just the rw ones are like that, believe it. Scrote opinions are shitty and expendable, same the ones of their braindead simpers/handmaidens.

No. 1748246

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Same way ‘Lucky’ Larry Silverstein had a dermatologist appointment on the morning of 9/11. It’s all just a coincidence. Now go to sleep goy. Stop noticing things.

No. 1748251

The slogan of the illiterate and lazy.

>Christians don't follow The Old Testament/Torah
Apologists always says this, but in fact most Christians believe that OT came 100% from God and defend it with tooth and nails. They are always citing Levitical to hate things like homossexuality and even fucking tattoos. Also, Evangelical Zionists are always quoting their OT gay prophecies to justify their opinions.

No. 1748260

I think eating both pigs and dogs is morally wrong. Dogs were bred for companionship so it's a double moral failing to eat them in my opinion. I agree to disagree because people don't change opinions on this anyway.

No. 1748275

All three religions believe that the Old Testament/Torah come from God. Where they disagree is what comes next. Different sects of the different religions have different beliefs regarding homosexuality. Orthodox Jews for example, generally consider homosexuality to be a sin, where as Anglican Christians allow gay people to be priests.

No. 1748341

agreed, but you are responding to some attention-whoring edgelord, nonny, kek.

No. 1748422

i do believe that hamas are the best (and only) avenue for palestine as of now, but i’m honestly shocked to see so many self-proclaimed socialists and marxists venerate this group. they are reactionary islamists who were supported by israel in the past in order to weaken the secular opposition in palestine, and yet any response to them that isn’t unadulterated fanaticism is met with vitriol and accusations of chauvinism. i don’t get it…. a part of me feels as if it’s because most of these people hold contempt for third-world women (who are the primary sufferers of islamism), as shown by their insinuations of palestinian women being “privileged” in comparison to their men due to the “women and children” framework

No. 1748427

The means justify the ends foe these agencies. X amount of people has to be sacrificed to achieve X goal. Epstein and Ghislaine were allowed to abuse kids because they were intelligence. Operation Underworld and the May Day 1947 massacre in Palermo that was allegedly orchestrated by Frank Coppola (linked to Jimmy Hoffa) and supplied by OSS agent William Donovan. These operations were the precursors to what we see today.

No. 1748542

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Well, the Jews were originally a Levantine people. but majority of their actual working peasnet population was killed off, sold into slavery, or relocated during the war against the Romans. Only the priestly class, the Pharisees, who didn't engage in combat, survived. And that's what they did for 2000 years above all else. Also the fact that Jewish women either had consensual or forced relationships with non-Jewish men didn't matter because they allowed only matrilineal births. So even mixed Jews could survive if the Jewish community remained. Israel is an interesting phenomenon, as a small minority of Western ex-military officers from the USA, UK, and France created an army from the ground up. They had to incorporate nerdy intellectuals or basically rabbis who wouldn't go anywhere without their books into a proper army

No. 1748547

I doubt that. Israel doesn't like to work with Arab nations, look what happened in 1968, Israel went against the original treaty and wanted to landgrab more from the Palestinians. The Israel border never got defined in Lebanon and Syria because settlers from Israel kept encroaching and taking land. And it's hardly like Israel struggles with trading, the west loves Israel which is evident from the lack of government officials in the West speaking any criticism against them. Israel already fucking control Gaza, Gaza has so many trade embargoes slapped on it, Israel didn't need to invade to secure a trade route. They've all the fucking routes they need. Fuck sake they can drop bombs on civilians and get away with it.

No. 1748549

You mean how the president of Israel before this current wanker was assassinated so Nehatwank or whatever could become president again and put Palestinians under more control and restrictions and take more land when things were getting more stable?

No. 1748552

Hamas is telling civilians to stay when they're informed that Israel is attacking a location. Hamas wants those women and babies to die to ignite antisemitism worldwide. They also will not stop until jews have died, their babies and women. It is not about land to Hamas, it's purely about Islam. Look up the founding documents of Hamas. I can not see how that is a good solution to you, Hamas will deny any and all compromises until they get to murder the other side.

No. 1748557

Hamas are a terrorist group, they shouldn't be representative of a whole society. That's like saying any society that has gangs present should all be punished for the few. And is it any wonder Gaza has terrorism within its society. It's a heavily restricted and oppressed society, it will generate opposition and extremists wanting to fight for "freedom". I live in Ireland and could you imagine if the response to the IRA killing 1000s of civilians was for Britain to start dropping bombs in heavily populated areas? I mean the IRA still has support to this day but it's a minority and average people just want to be able to work within the framework of society, afford things for their families and live in peace. The middle east isn't just a place of religious extremists that's why there's so many refugees. I had Syrian and Lebanese professors in my British university and they're secular and fleed war. If Gazans were allowed to live in an actual functioning society there wouldn't constantly be tension between Israelis and Palestinians. And what of the orthodox Jews in Israel that spit on Christians and Muslims. They're not just against Arabs. Go to the international city of Jerusalem and they'll be gatherings of those little faggots in their orthodox attire and gay hair inciting hate speech against any other sects. That's religious extremism. Turfing people out of their homes is religious extremism. The Jewish ethostate is a failed project, it should become an international state the way Jerusalem became an international city. It's the true melting pot of culture and giving superiority to one sect just causes issues.

No. 1748602

Modern Jews are not real Jews, they’re the synagogue of satan(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1748604

I get that this is a containment thread but what the fuck are these replies. I feel like I'm being fucked with kek.

No. 1748605

The IDF is a terrorist organization, only difference is it’s approved by the US so it’s seen as fine

No. 1748607

Being persecuted is what Jews want. It says in the end days, Israel will be attacked and persecuted. The religious doomsday psychos in the Israeli government probably allowed the terror attacks to happen because they see it as fulfilment of the scriptures.

No. 1748617

kek anon same. it is kinda exhausting as it is a lot of infighting

No. 1748619

Magog is mentioned as a large empire to the north of Israel and home of the Scythians who were Slavs, my guess is it means Russia. Her allies will be Persia/Iran, Turkey, Libya, and the Caucasus. The bible and Quran also say something about the ‘kings of the East will dry up the waters of the Euphrates’ and amass an army of 200 million people. So I’m guessing that’s referring to China.

No. 1748622

Ever notice that the common thread of these conflicts is that everyone involved are men? Destroy them all and give the land to the women tbh

The actual truth is that most modern Jews are just atheists. Not whatever retardation you schizos think

No. 1748625

Fair preposition:

We replace Netanyahu with Ezra Miller

Negatives: Israel leaves Palestine alone but has to invade Hawaii.

No. 1748628

>There's no logical reason to believe hamas would think they could bargain with Jewish hostages.

Just uninformed and only getting on this bandwagon in the past few weeks like most people here? Israel famously traded 1000 prisoners for only 1 hostage in 2011. Then many of those same prisoners went on to take part in October 7 attacks, one of is a high rank in Hamas. That’s why they’re trying to do it again but for around 8000 prisoners this time. The rest of your post just makes it sound like you are too stupid to add commentary to this situation at all.

No. 1748632

2011 was the start of the Syrian war and look how that has destabilised the middle east massively to this day. Syria another area Jewish settlers famously encroach on and turf out residents. Why was the heavily monitored border without forces that day and why did it take IDF over 9 hours to attempt to do anything?

No. 1748633

The Syria conflicted lasted throughout Obamas presidency and Trump put the entire thing to bed within a month of being in office. People laughed in 2021 when I said you’ll miss Trump and wish he was back, look how Biden managed to drag the US into war on 3 fronts within one term.

No. 1748634

So why do they still identify as Jews? Judaism is a religion.

No. 1748636

Yeah it did and israel was turfing out residents along the border they can't agree on because since the 60s Israel has been intent in expanding out against the original treaties. Obama and the Democrats love to fund terrorism in other countries to destabilise secular governments that exist in the middle East and progandise that they're all a bunch of unruly Arabs without the right to self govern.

No. 1748637

So you think it's somehow the right choice to let the killings of innocent jewish families happen instead? Because it will as Hamas wont just stop to Palestine being free. The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7). Just like not every palestinian is not a jihadist, not every jewish person is a zionist. Why do people feel compelled to side with bad choices, there must be something better than either of these. We're basically trying to pick which one gets genocide which is lunacy. We're ironically picking the people that Nazis tried to kill before while crying out for years how anti-semitism is bad.

No. 1748638

But there are people unironically saying that they should all leave and give all of the land to Palestine, they are called tankies. I’ve seen it randomly on faggy tumblr posts and in interviews from Palestine rallies.

No. 1748639

No, obviously murder is wrong. How did such a militarised state with such a state of the art defence border system let a fringe group from a fucking chained area infiltrate, rape and murder unchecked for 9 hours?

No. 1748640

I don’t care about what happens to Jews at all.
t. /pol/nona(go back)

No. 1748642

Stop pretending talkies represent the entire left

No. 1748645

half this thread is replies that would fit in perfectly with /pol/ so just take that as not trying to have any sort of fruitful discussion on here.

No. 1748646

Jews lived in Palestine before the establishment of Israel. Right now there's jews living in Iran. The idea that muslims want to kill all jews is false. They want to destroy Israel because Israel is threatening their existence and killing muslim civilians.

No. 1748647

It’s mostly for the culture. They describe themselves as secular or straight up “atheist Jew” which is kind of a meme in the community.


No. 1748649

My quote was directly from The Hamas Covenant. Their direct goal is to kill jews. "The idea that muslims want to kill all jews" is directly from their own documentation.

No. 1748651

That's like saying all Irish people agree with an IRA manifesto.

No. 1748653

You’re completely ignorant

No. 1748654

Calling yourself a /pol/ nona is incredibly cringe lol

No. 1748655

Uh oh some European descendant is getting hot and bothered.

No. 1748656

They or you said “literally nobody” was saying it. Tankies are unfortunately real people

No. 1748657

The world should find ways to free Palestinians without letting Hamas genocide Jews, but instead people are directly supporting Hamas. It is different to feel bad for the civilians than to support a terrorist organization that simply sees this as an opportunity to get to murder Jews without anyone stopping them.

No. 1748658

Hamas came to this conclusion because of Israel. Israel is why groups like Hamas and Hezbollah exist. If there was no Israel or US involvement in the middle east, resistance militias wouldn't have any support because there would be nothing to resist.

Is there any particular reason why I'm ignorant?

No. 1748660

I don't think it's correct to say Hamas are genociding Jews. Jews live internationally all around the globe. The palestinian death toll is much higher than the Jewish one. Palestine also has a much younger population demographic and the bombings are absolutely decimating their population, most of which won't be terrorists. The combined women and children will outnumber any number of terrorists. If israel was intent on diminishing casualties they would be putting their gay soldiers on the ground and actually putting faces to their targets instead of indiscriminately bombing civilians. That's genocide.

No. 1748662

It definitely is. Like invoking /pol/ to add more edge factor to their posts and namefagging is also newfag behavior kek

No. 1748666

Issa man

No. 1748672

Every Palestinian child that loses a family member in this war is going to grow up hating jews and will probably fight for Hamas when they're older.

No. 1748673

Talking about Palestinians like it's a well defined nationality is absurd, when it's just an Muslim Arab country like plenty of others. Hamas locating their military power purposefully in civilians areas is also an issue, Israel did warn about their attacks and Hamas purposefully didn't let civilians save themselves. Idk where you're from since your claim about Jews being everywhere is so random but worldwide there are evidently way more Muslims and Arabs around than Jews. Several of their communities all around Europe have proudly gone on the streets en masse to yell about how they wish to replace other cultures with Islam, yet barely anyone has ever even met a Jew. You should go traveling if you think Jews are as common as in the US.

No. 1748679

And muslims massacred them long before the declaration of independence or any partition plan for a jewish state. See the safed looting, the allahdad pogrom, the mawza exile, the hebron massacre…

No. 1748682

Palestine has existed for centuries, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm not equating every Arab and Muslim as one race either, Palestinians =/= Iranians, Syrians etc. There are east Asian Muslims and African Muslims do you consider them and Palestinians the same? Palestinians obviously are a recognised identity, or do you consider them Egyptian Arabs? What of the West Bank where do you want to send those arabs? Guess it's only the Jewish people allowed freedom of movement and to mix with other cultures but claim European descendants as indigenous to a middle Eastern area. Guess white Americans are indigenous to arizona too

No. 1748684

Taking my white Irish ass to Africa to go back to my genetic homeland.

No. 1748689

I fail to see how this wouldn't radicalize even more Palestinians, especially the children losing their homes and loved ones. A child that survives that will come out the other side completely broken, unless you have an impossibly strong mental capacity. Nobody wants even more extremist Muslims…

No. 1748697

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Meanwhile in the West Bank (where hamas is not in power)

No. 1748699

They children are not gonna radicalize they’re gonna starve to death

No. 1748705

>safed looting
This was part of a wider revolt against Egypt and was ended by Lebanese soldiers. Calling it a pogrom is like saying BLM riots were genocide against white Americans.

>the allahdad pogrom

The cause of this was jews being suspected of working with the British Empire to undermine Shia muslims. It's an example of why indiscriminate killing based on religion and ethnicity is wrong. Few of the jews that were killed or forced to convert were working for the British.

>the mawza exile

Caused my jews conspiring with Ottoman Turks against the Yemeni kingdom.

>the hebron massacre

A part of the Buraq Uprising which was a reaction to the Balfour Declaration and an increasing number of Ashkenazi immigrants which also caused tension in the existing jewish community.

My point is not that any of this was justified, it's that nothing happens without a reason. These were not spontaneous events where muslims decided to kill jews for the sake of it. Posting these events without context is disingenuous.

That seems to be the Israeli hope but I doubt it will be allowed to happen. If it was that simple Israel would have done it years ago when the gold calf of the US wasn't reaching the end of it's global dominance.

No. 1748706

israel’s claim that they are only bombing hospitals where hamas resides was already stupid, i wonder what their excuse for this is now

No. 1748713


No. 1748718

there's nothing based about sharing ideology with porn-addicted men and trannies lol

No. 1748728


No. 1748742

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No. 1748760

>I doubt it will be allowed to happen.
Huh? What world do you live in, it's happening right now.

No. 1748773

jewish men when they turn 19

No. 1748830

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Unconfirmed reports on twitter of Hezbollah firing Iranian Shahed-136 drones into Israel. These are a loitering munition that is also used by Russia in Ukraine where it is known as the Geran-2. Russia has used the Geran-2 with brutal effectiveness to take out western made armoured vehicles, artillery and tanks. Western air defenses also struggle to shoot them down.

If this is confirmed it could change the course of the conflict. Hamas is already able to disable Merkava tanks with the Iranian made version of the Russian Kornet ATGM. North Korea also produces a version of the Kornet.
Kim Jong-un has threatened Israel in the past
and is now pledging to support Hamas

No. 1748863

Over half of the reports we have right now are for racebait from this thread alone. I’m locking this thread because you all can’t behave.

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