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No. 168737
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No. 168738
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No. 168739
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No. 168741
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No. 168742
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No. 168743
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No. 168744
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No. 168745
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No. 168748
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No. 168749
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No. 168750
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No. 168751
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No. 168752
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No. 168753
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No. 168754
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No. 168755
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No. 168756
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No. 168757
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Hate these nepotistic bitches but ngl their outfits are super cute here.
No. 168758
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No. 168759
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No. 168760
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Posting for vintage Moss.
Gods she was glorious.
No. 168763
>>168761No, the Victoria's Secret aesthetic is p. gross imo, I don't like the way most of them look. Too stringy.
I mean the "high-cheekboned, groomed browed, shapely-nosed, blow-job lipped, likely inappropriately clothed for the weather" look.
No. 168764
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>>168762Same fam', I wish to join their ranks.
Probably getting lip fillers soon - just subtle ones tho.
No. 168766
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No. 168767
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>>168765What am I supposed to be salty about exactly? I say stringy because often when those women actually get onto the catwalk, within the last 3 weeks or so they've over-exercised and fasted to the point where they have very visible muscle but retain a very low body-fat. They literally look stringy, like if you had to eat them it'd be all tendon and no meat.
Anon it's fine if that's the kind of aesthetic you adhere to, but don't get pissed because not everybody finds it to their taste. Calm down.
No. 168768
>>168767So anyone who disagrees with your salt is angry and needs to calm down? Ok lol.
I still can't take you seriously. They still look better than a majority of the population, I feel no need to split hairs because I w a n t to find something wrong with anything. It takes salt to reach that special level of bitter. Lots of healthy girls adhere to the glowy, polished look.
No. 168769
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Ugh Anon I love this aesthetic too. Wish there was a proper name for it that's not just "instagram girl".
>>168746>>168747>>168741>>168758next lifetime I wanna look like this, fucking perfect
No. 168770
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>>168768Once more Anon, what am I salty about exactly.
And yes, you sound exceedingly perturbed for very little reason. Your anger at the moment essentially boils down to "she doesn't like what I like how dare she".
I don't give a flying-fuck what you think the rest of the population likes; what I like is all that matters to me. Deal with it m8-o.
>>168769Instagram girl is pretty appropriate lol
No. 168771
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>>168736I think she went overboard with the lip injections
No. 168772
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>>168771Yeah, I mean I was kind of hoping she was just pouting since it doesn't look that pronounced in her other recent pics.
No. 168773
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No. 168774
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No. 168775
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No. 168776
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No. 168779
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>>168778Nah mang I get it.
I don't really possess most of these features but I did get bullied to shit for my eyebrows as a kid.
Today I see some of the girls who have picked on me in the past who are now drawing/tattooing on their eyebrows to about my natural size because they overplucked them to shit, and I absolutely cannot help but feel reprehensibly smug about how the tables have turned.
E-eat a dick Danielle you sow.
No. 168780
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No. 168782
>>168771If so, they're well done.
Big lips don't equate to lip injections.
If they are fillers, it's very hard to achieve such an attractive outcome with fillers. They look good.
No. 168784
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No. 168786
Its called "basic bitch". As long if you arent autistic you too can look like this. Only chick thats pretty in this entire thread is taylor hills.
>>168785Just overline your lips wannabe basic bitch
No. 168787
File: 1457144303122.jpg (61.68 KB, 400x589, Max3.jpg)

I thought she was soooooo pretty when I was younger.
No. 168788
>>168783I feel like you've come into this thread confused about something.
At which point have I stated that I'm disgusted by VS models, and I reiterate for the third time now, what exactly am I salty about.
I don't understand what it is you're attempting to argue here at all and honestly it just sounds like you've had a bad day so have come here to argue for some nondescript reason.
No. 168790
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No. 168791
>>168790Holy shit I'm the Anon that usually posts Stefania so I had to do a double take when I saw this.
Nice to see there are other people that appreciate her appearance, though be prepared for people to come in calling her obese.
No. 168792
>>168790How did this shit come to this? When I had this body people called me a landwhale and now this is suddenly considered attractive?! I hate trends so fucking much.
>>168789Please accept your natural lips just put a clear lipgloss or something to enhance them.
No. 168797
>>168794Lol she still doesnt fit the OP aesthetic you dolt
>Girls who look like they could be high-class prostitutes.>Girl who look like they're probably getting their lips topped up semi-regularly.>Girls who look like they probably have thousands of followers on Instagram.>Girls who have almost definitely had numerous surgeries.Ok she probably does have numerous insta followers like most people do these days and she could
maybe be a high class prostitute but I'd rank her at low class compared to the other girls in this thread
No. 168798
>>168797she's got a fine face and a curvy figure.
most of the 'high-class' johns that I've met wouldn't mind paying a k or so to smash that.
No. 168801
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No. 168803
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Vintage version
No. 168805
>>168764Me too, I used to be on the fence but I've seen some really subtle ones, I just want to enhance the shape of my top lip (I dont have that cute dip) more so than crazy volume.
I want those qtp2t 20's flapper lips.
No. 168806
>>168751This is what I would want to look like body/hair wise.
My hairline is too shitty to wear my hair parted in the centre. Forever salty.
No. 168807
>>168790she look like a cheap prostitute, so she semi-fit the
theme. If she wasn't a fatty she would be okay.
No. 168809
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No. 168810
>>168797Why are you so salty? There's nothing trashy or ugly about her. She's really fucking hot.
Go complain about her body in the thinspo thread.
No. 168814
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>>168813Stefania's weight is actually about 171lbs but she's like 5'8" and actually pretty muscular.
Anyway it's my thread so you don't get to decide what gets posted to it. I set the criteria and I believe she fits it. Don't like it? Go make your own thread.
No. 168815
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No. 168816
>>168814>Anyway it's my thread you don't get to decide what gets posted to it.Fuck off, everybody was posting hot girls who take care of themselves, this cow doesn't fit in simply because she can't take care of herself, nobody should look up to a fatty.
BMI of 25 is considered overweight btw.
No. 168817
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>>168816lol and BMI was formulated with the intention to evaluat average weights and heights% of a large population on a large scale, it is NOT intended to be used with singular people because it can't take into account numerous factors such as muscular mass.
>everybody was posting hot girls who take care of themselves Yeah, me. I was. And I still am. Now fuck off and go make your own thread.
No. 168818
File: 1457181798890.png (637.18 KB, 607x601, Capture d’écran 2016-03-05 à…)

All I see is a fat eminem
No. 168819
>tfw the ana-chans discover a perfectly good thread and begin ruining it with their autism Anybody that can say
>>168814 is obese clearly has something wrong with them.
No. 168820
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>>168819you know that angle can do wonders.
No. 168821
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>posting an image taken over a year ago when she was heavier>comparing it to an image that even says it was taken one week ago when she's lost weightAnd to top it off she still looks hot lol
Boo-bye-bye-boo Ana-chan.
No. 168822
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No. 168823
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>>168821It was a month ago, Honey.
>Boo-bye-bye-boo Ana-chanI cringed.
No. 168824
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>>168823It's an older picture taken from back before she bleached her hair blonde actually.
>FrenchThis explains everything….
No. 168827
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>>168826In your country everybody is a hairy, cowardly, cheese-eating, rude asshole. There's a reason why there's so many horrendous French stereotypes you know. You even had to resort to putting up signs in your own subways to stop people from behaving like cock-logs.
I went to France once and tried to use a public toilet off a motorway. Piss all over the floor, shit smeared all over the walls. Never a fucking again.
Clean your shit-holes up you pig. Ya'll are nasty.
No. 168830
>>168821She's still fat in this photo
>>168814 . It's not ana chan behaviour to find overweight people unattractive. It's normal and healthy.
No. 168831
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>>168818Holy shit she does look like a fat lady eminem
No. 168832
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No. 168833
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No. 168834
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No. 168837
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No. 168838
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No. 168840
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No. 168846
>>168844I agree.
Not really much of an it girl factor but that doesn't really bother me. I just look at them, don't really want to be them. I like a more sultry look.
No. 168849
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I'm a bit obsessed with instagram model before/afters.
It shows you can rise to a 8 or 9/10 with some surgery, change in makeup, and fillers. I believe pic related had weight loss too. It's inspirational to me.
No. 168863
>>168861I feel like nose jobs can never really do massive changes. The best nose jobs are always the more subtle ones. It's too easy to find a surgeon that will do whatever you ask even and go too far.
I knew a girl who wanted a less prominent nose but she was so OTT about having a cute little ski slope that the surgeon took away too much and she had a little gap in her bridge that she could actually feel under her skin. It made me so squeamish that I just stopped contemplating a nose job even though my nose isn't perfect.
No. 168868
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>>168862I'm sorry you'll never be this cute nor this fuckable :(
No. 168876
>>168875You're so angry and insecure Anon it's not even funny, it's just sad.
>>168874Yup, lilymaymac had been posted here:
>>168745>>168746>>168747>>168824 No. 168878
>>168877Yeah, Filipino descent I think.
She gets lip fillers though.
No. 168882
>>168880The girl you posted was cute but that doesn't make you any less autistic.
>>168866She's mixed, I think?
>>168837I like her hair.
No. 168885
>>168884If you're actually interested in an explanation, for me, as a woman, it's because she appears overly fertile.
She's got a big, juicy, pert rack, big hips, T H I C K thighs and an ass you could dine on. Even better that she actually does possess pretty visible muscle underneath her fat deposits so everything is held up pretty nicely. It also signifies physical strength and good health.
Her short hair provides a contrast with her overtly feminine, pixie-like features and fuckable bod and her skin is pretty flawless. She's the picture of physical health really.
Honestly I just kind of want her to pin me down and smother me with those glorious tits.
Not everybody has to like her ofc, but I don't know why people are aping out over people posting her. Some of you guys need to learn that not everybody likes the same things. Daily I see women posted to lolcow that I don't find attractive but I keep my mouth shut and keep scrolling because at the end of the day my opinion isn't worth shit, and no offence but neither is yours.
Sage for OT.
No. 168888
>>168886Really, cause it only took one picture of her being posted for people to flip their shit
>>168790Every single other picture of her posted following that was obviously posted to annoy you.
No. 168897
>>168888For what it's worth. I been following this thread from the beginning (I also like this aesthetic) and yeah, she was posted ONCE and immediately people started freaking the fuck out like they do about any women who isn't skinny.
I honestly don't understand why you guys hate this model so much. She's not lulzy, she's not particularly interesting at all on a personality level. Is it really just because she's fat? She's not even the ugly kind of fat. Damn.
No. 168898
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>>168889>wanting to be with a nigger ball playerEw.
A lot of these whores get pooped on by rich arabian men.
No. 168899
File: 1457241101923.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, inspo.jpg)

i think people use the term "basic bitch" for this look because it's the norm. it's basic, something most girls do or want to aspire to be. it's our beauty standard of 2015/2016. it's not really an insult, it's just the truth. every girl does it so it's basic. doesn't mean it's ugly by any means, but it's the same as when uggs became so popular, all the basic bitches wore it.
(this is totally the look i want to go for. get a tan this summer, work out so i can have a cute bod and dye my hair red so it makes my green eyes pop. i think this girl is gorgeous)
No. 168907
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No. 168908
>>168895lol if you don't have any muscle how tf are you walking about.
Women with low muscular definition look absolutely fucking disgusting, that's exactly how you get skinny fat.
No. 168910
>>168909I looked it up and apparently girls with a toned big booty already had a big booty before. I knew it!
There's this fat girl, she has no butt at all but on instagram she has this waist and butt. Its easier for fat people to do these poses than it is for those skinny ones. And dont forget that if they do not do those poses they photoshop. And if they do not photoshop they wear buttpads. On the beach there are few with butts like this and a brazillian butt lift is expensive/not that popular outside of brazil.
TL;DR most if not all of these instagram whores with big butts are faking their booty just like kiki kannibal faked her makeup
No. 168914
File: 1457268376478.jpg (139.03 KB, 1066x653, 1453485644284.jpg)

>"almost all of us find muscular or husky women repulsive"Nah nigga u just gay.
>"as a male">he thinks his opinion is valid or important hereAway with ye' neckie, shoo, shoo.
No. 168915
>>168912>as a maleWhy the fuck are you here in an Instagram girl aesthetic thread of all places?
You don't belong here, GB2/r9k/.
No. 168920
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Sarah McDaniel literally looks like an OC I created when I was 12. Ugh she's goals
No. 168921
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No. 168922
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>>168920Whoa, her eyes are real!
No. 168923
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No. 168926
>>21710Nice silicone ass, but she can hop on her butt like a hopper ball
>>21713Hi basic bitch, I call girls basic bitches when they look basic and not unique. And when they think they are pretty when they are not. Girls who think that they are Kim K are also basic bitches to me. Have your own style.
>>21720>>21719>>21721>>21722Basic bitch with fake eyes. But this girl isnt the only one who tries so hard, that I can say. She is definitely not ugly (in fact a bit pretty) but also not a special beauty, basic bitch with a fake right eye I say. Why doesnt she change her eye permanently?
No. 168930
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>>168929She blocks everyone who points out that she wears a contact
No. 168934
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No. 168935
>>168921>>168922Today I learned the secret to Instagram popularity if you're an otherwise basic bitch is to wear mismatched contact lenses.
No. 168945
>>168943Well, she didn't really manipulate anything. she deserves her followers. Because they are so fucking stupid. whoever believes an iris or ass can have this shape deserves to get insecurity issues.
>>168939You need an anatomy course fam
>>168930This girl is basic to above average but this shoot is very poorely done. Also this is what you get when you do instagram makeup, shit dont work in realistic photos/irl.
No. 168946
File: 1457284851152.gif (1.22 MB, 480x270, tumblr_nd5q5lJuMo1s3vp5uo1_500…)

>>168945Kek I don't need an anatomy course, you need a reality check.
I also have naturally thick eyebrows and a naturally big ass but I don't go throwing it in people's faces nor acting like it's something special when it isn't. You're deluded if you actually believe that an ass like
>>168914 cannot be attained by working out and show you've obviously never done a donkey kick in your life.
Just FYI you can start off with a nice, round ass, but that shit needs to be maintained so you better get squatting.
So get over yourself Pancakes, you're not special and you're not unique.
No. 168947
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This bitch is 17
No. 168950
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No. 168951
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No. 168952
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No. 168953
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No. 168954
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No. 168959
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Gonna post photos now because I feel like I am spamming. I know not everyone likes Cindy but imo, she doesn't really DO anything so who cares
>>168958Primarily because I don't feel I have a lot to offer otherwise. I have a plethora of emotional issues that make it terribly difficult to deal with me. When I was younger, I accepted I would never be pretty and buried myself in my studies to have some form of worth. It's really the only reason I have ANY skills at all. But, I'm not very good at any of them.
Men also tend to only bother with me, I find, because I'm marginally attractive. I highly doubt I would have had any men proclaiming weird love proclamations at all if I were less attractive because my emotional baggage and personality make tolerance of me very difficult.
So, long story short: It's important because it's all I COULD have to get people to stick around.
/saddest song on tiniest violin
No. 168960
File: 1457299068589.jpg (23.14 KB, 386x500, image.jpg)

More Cindy. Who looks Armenian. But the kind of Armenian that only gets displayed in the media but not the average Armenian.
No. 168964
>>168948Cindy just got a nice style, just dress nice wear the same makeup etc and you will probably be just as pretty as her.
No. 168975
File: 1457329505914.jpeg (72.31 KB, 540x458, image.jpeg)

If that's not a contact I don't know what is
No. 168976
>>168975100% that is a contact lens, what a snowflake.
Can we get anyone to identify the lens? I know theres some lurkers who know their contacts.
No. 168977
>>168968That's a big bowl of food.
inb4 >4u
I wonder if these girls actually eat all the food they photograph.
No. 168978
>>168964you're sweet - danke.
>>168977well, it's a big bowl but it's also a lot of damn greens. so, even just eating half she's not even at 500 cals (unless she drowns it in dressing)
No. 168980
>>168975Honestly somebody needs to make a thread on her in /snow/. Blocking somebody for pointing out your circle lens is hilarious.
I was watching a vid of her on Stephen Colbert yesterday and the dress she wore was beautiful but far too low cut and she obviously didn't do a sit test before going live, the result being that as she's attempting to chat with Stephen that she begins falling out the top of it and Stephen has to take a piece of paper and place it on her chest. It was pretty embarrassing.
No. 168982
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No. 168983
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No. 168984
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No. 168985
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No. 168986
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No. 168987
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No. 168989
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No. 168994
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No. 168995
>>168992My mistake, I'm retarded lmao.
Why hasn't anyone made it a >thing to wear mismatched contact lenses on a regular basis for the sake of photos? Just wondering.
No. 168996
File: 1457349949390.jpg (92.04 KB, 540x528, icecram.jpg)

No. 168997
File: 1457350095766.jpg (141.37 KB, 750x923, asssss.jpg)

No. 168998
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No. 169005
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No. 169006
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No. 169008
>>169007You can't spot reduce, but yes, losing fat from your body does result in reductions every where. Whether it's a small or large reduction however is entirely dependent on how your body stores and catabolises fat.
Increasing your muscular mass generally just helps with every thing. It reduces cellulite and gives fat deposits a firmer wall for which to cling hence why you can get girls like
>>168823 who have a higher fat % but retain a flat stomach, perky tits and virtually no cellulite.
No. 169014
>>169010But my post has this unique icon though…
I feel so fly right now, I'm feeling this icon!
>>169005Omg she is the only girl itt who is not basic at all, she can look like a bombshell even without makeup or photoshop!
No. 169015
File: 1457377170301.jpeg (87.96 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

She doesnt need to wear makeup or bathe and she will still look glamorous!
No. 169016
>>169015She will absolutely be wearing something in that pic, be it a little bit of foundation for a more even skintone or some brow makeup.
Agencies say that you're supposed to be makeup free for your polaroids, but that's usually a case of the model walking into the agency, the photographer asking her "are you wearing any makeup?", her replying "no", and then they take the shots. They're not totally strict on the rule, as long as it's not glaringly obvious makeup like mascara, eyeshadows, lipsticks etc.
No. 169017
File: 1457380409123.jpg (553.45 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20160307_125242.jpg)

No. 169019
File: 1457384492428.jpg (91.08 KB, 640x640, 10919306_1384375465202343_1806…)

>>169018I actually think the beauty of this is its versatility.
Take my image for example, she still embodies the look but it's a very light no-makeup makeup approach. And then you've got girls like
>>168738 who take it a bit heavier, and then girls like
>>168827 who just go full-HAM.
No. 169026
>>168912r9k pls
as if you could ever even get to sniff the dirty gym sock of a muscular girl
No. 169028
File: 1457427258983.jpg (141.08 KB, 800x800, mari05.jpg)

>>168985This is her before the surgeries.
It's simply astonishing what a good ol' rhinoplasty will do to one's level of attractiveness. She went from a potato to an angel.
No. 169031
>>169016>skintoneHaving a naturally good skin is as important as having the good measurment in the modeling industry
>Brow makeupHer brow are very clearly patchy in this pic.
No. 169032
File: 1457447354678.jpg (93.8 KB, 500x625, tumblr_o3iogtDCLf1u8bprdo1_500…)

>>169031Yeah her skin is good but I don't know what makes you think she's completely bare in that picture. Wearing neutral/nude makeup isn't specifically disallowed in polaroids, only heavy stuff that distorts your features.
Again, a little bit of foundation and brow makeup is okay. Taylor is definitely wearing some.
No. 169039
File: 1457485059778.jpg (17.61 KB, 500x500, image-motion-blur-effect.jpg)

>>169038I'd like to imagine you see everything like this.
No. 169041
File: 1457487369215.jpg (17.65 KB, 255x200, 1406893087179.jpg)

>>168758Is this a sex doll?
No. 169042
>>169034Why is the possibility of lighting ruled out?
>biologically our face is made up of three different pigmentation tones - redder tones up top, yellow tones in the center and greener/bluer tones around the jaw/chinW-what?
No. 169045
File: 1457493108272.jpg (143.53 KB, 861x960, IMG_20160308_201043.jpg)

This girl
>>168758is this girl
>>168766She's crazy looking.
No. 169047
File: 1457496143082.jpg (82.67 KB, 736x898, e98d542f2ea6c167984f63a935fdb3…)

>>169042It's true! Kinda weird. I learned it in reference to portraiture.
No. 169051
No. 169054
File: 1457517571259.jpg (543.3 KB, 1280x1784, tumblr_o3hl91zO9B1v16r4uo1_128…)

>>169053lol wat no it's not, but it is some very shoop.
Anyway, have to say again, I hate these bitches but god fucking damn do I love these outfits, especially Gigi's pants and top.
No. 169061
>>168947>>168955This is why we need radical feminism.
>>168968Her nose and eyes remind me of Jennifer Carpenter. At least with that makeup look.
No. 169066
File: 1457535755900.jpg (69.22 KB, 540x533, glamazon.jpg)

No. 169068
>>169053No, seriously just go to her instagram…it's right here
>>169045She's got heavy makeup, lots of surgery, photoshop, and obviously works out a lot. Apparently she was on "joe millionaire" before looking like this.
No. 169071
>>168959>>168960One M. s00ped those pics to hell, she doesn't look like that. I was in the same event haha there are pics, if you wanna see how she really looks. She's a mess irl
/sorry for double post
No. 169072
File: 1457553808268.jpg (142.61 KB, 634x908, 310A74ED00000578-3440293-image…)

>>169071>>169070Wow, I cannot believe this is the same girl.
No. 169074
File: 1457585613590.jpg (27.33 KB, 540x303, im1.jpg)

>>168937Get a tan and get lip fillers tbh
No. 169075
File: 1457596869424.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.42 KB, 550x314, cw1.jpg)

>>169074nagl, she looks like one of those women who resemble felines after too much plastic surgery.
>>169054outfit on the left looks so stupid. digging the right though
not to turn into a le sjw xDDD but if there's one thing i don't like about the IG hoe trend is how the look is perpetuated as being totally natural. most of these girls abuse photoshop and/or get some work done, but refuse to admit it which is so damaging. it's particularly annoying when girls photoshop their bodies into these hyper-curvy barbie figures and insist it's real. not every girl is born with a figure or face looking like she was plucked from a Jessica Rabbit drawing, and that's okay.
with that being said, i do enjoy how the aesthetic looks and would try to apply it more to myself if i wasn't a sad, jealous fatty with uggo features No. 169077
>>169075That aspect bugs me too, honestly. The whole idea behind it is to look like you naturally have the key IG girl features and that you barely need any makeup (though we all know it requires TONS of makeup, it's still breathtaking and purposefully envy-inducing).
That's why there's so much emphasis on contouring - the idea is to try to come off like you naturally have a certain jawline/cheekbones, your brows are naturally full, your nose that small, and your lips that plump. Makeup can only do so much and that's why surgery is married with this aesthetic moreso than say, grunge makeup or bright 80s makeup, etc.
tl;dr- This style is more about emulating gifted genetic perfection rather than artistic self-expression, which is why I find it ~
No. 169080
Yeah I'm sorry but girls like this always look like shit irl unless it's natural, which for 99.99% of these instahoes its not. They are literally wearing 4 layers of makeup and their skin is so shit underneath. I knew a girl like this and all of her pictures always looked perfect, and she looked semi-decent in real life (maybe a little more beat) but I ran into her at the dermatologist without makeup on as I was leaving, and her skin was atrocious and covered in cysts, her face looked bloated from lack of contouring, etc etc.
>>169072 is an accurate representation of what they look like in real life, to be honest. Cute but not supermodel-tier pretty like they represent themselves on instagram.
No. 169089
File: 1457859087789.jpg (63.19 KB, 600x598, tumblr_o11yjkFdA51qcqckto3_128…)

don't let this die
No. 169090
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No. 169091
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No. 169092
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No. 169098
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>>169097Hahahaha your post makes me forget my tootache, so much rage just because I dont agree with you!
I think picture related looks better without makeup…
No. 169099
File: 1457929286284.jpg (42.91 KB, 599x752, tumblr_nr8qttAlND1r8efu6o2_128…)

>>169098i don't think she is raging. it's just kind of one of those unneeded comments in a place where we're appreciating peoples appearances.
so, i, as well, am just not a fan.
No. 169100
File: 1457929335629.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1078, tumblr_nxxnbuY90L1qm5ly1o1_128…)

No. 169101
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No. 169102
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No. 169103
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No. 169105
>>169104unnecessary comments in a thread where it's rly just about appreciation
not saying it's not allowed, just know that no one has to like it and we are also all free to say so
No. 169106
>>169098IMO that girl you posted isn't nearly as pretty as
No. 169107
>>169106That's your opinion and I disagree
>>169105I agree same can be said about you
No. 169109
File: 1457935010219.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>169108…yes….I know…no need to repeat yourself…
No. 169110
File: 1457935431073.jpeg (75.82 KB, 407x379, image.jpeg)

The original
No. 169111
File: 1457935537218.jpeg (127.15 KB, 640x430, image.jpeg)

No. 169112
File: 1457935721254.jpeg (165.31 KB, 750x934, image.jpeg)

No. 169114
File: 1457937193366.jpeg (99.35 KB, 746x741, image.jpeg)

>>169113What only works for attractive people, samefagchan?
No. 169115
>>169114Erm, what the fuck?
>>169113 was the first time I've posted in this thread in awhile, and it was referencing the five minute makeup challenge only looking good on attractive people such as herself? Christ.
No. 169119
File: 1457949365701.jpeg (92.81 KB, 736x1103, image.jpeg)

>>169109why is this in the hot Instagram girl thread tho
No. 169121
File: 1457949839754.jpeg (309.78 KB, 960x1013, image.jpeg)

I really like her makeup
No. 169123
>>169122? They really aren't that bad, nor harsh, and they suit her face
how shit must your taste be
No. 169124
File: 1457955969831.jpg (79.85 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ny8gx7TDRL1s20yd2o1_500…)

>>169122I wish you jealous bitches would just leave the thread already. Nobody wants you here, go drag your mother of your friend down with your catty negativity instead, they're probably used to it.
No. 169126
>>169125lol I don't know the bitch personally, just saying that she sounds like one of those insufferable mingers who're constantly biting at other girls who actually take pride in grooming whilst looking like a ham sandwich herself.
>"ewww her eyebrows!"Pls post ur mush Anon, I desire a chuckle.
No. 169127
>>169126Yes! Sick of these gals infesting lolcow as of recent.
I have major side eye towards girls who diss other girls that wear flattering makeup/styles etc that suit them and aren't harsh because it's obvious they desperately want to shit all over anyone that puts forth effort while their greasy fat asses marinate in their own shit particles.
No. 169130
>>169128You left out the entire context of the post you angry mongoloid
>towards girls who diss other girls that wear flattering makeup/styles etc that suit them and aren't harsh Nice try
No. 169134
File: 1458406419118.jpg (85.21 KB, 500x500, 54.jpg)

No. 169137
File: 1458649060062.jpg (40.23 KB, 598x589, smokerlips_insta.JPG)

No. 169142
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No. 169143
File: 1458776491280.jpg (51.8 KB, 600x747, ducks-open-season.jpg)

Dude lurking here, I feel compelled to interject.
Please don't do the lip injection thing. Shit's ugly.(mail here XD)
No. 169144
File: 1458780080156.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, image.png)

>>169143he thinks his opinion matters
No. 169146
File: 1458780984932.gif (338.28 KB, 275x185, 1454901846380.gif)

>male here! xD :pDie.
No. 169154
File: 1458789419742.jpeg (70.88 KB, 640x633, image.jpeg)

All she needs is some hair dye and she looks like an instagram model. She doesnt even need makeup or photoshop. Gorgeous imo.
No. 169156
>>169153You're begging with your ass in the air to be fucked with the banhammer.
>>169154It isn't really the IG aesthetic then since its natural. There are girls who look like this naturally and they don't really count for that very reason.
No. 169157
File: 1458790414575.jpeg (391 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

>>169156Eh, I dont really beg to be banned though. But you can slap my ass with your hand if you want to :3
You are right though, I keep confusing this thread with pretty girls thread. What about picture related?
>>169155I know ;__; I'm so old
No. 169158
File: 1458790668268.jpeg (141.73 KB, 750x751, image.jpeg)

She definitely belongs here i think
No. 169159
File: 1458790711215.jpeg (96.97 KB, 750x623, image.jpeg)

Her face is pretty but her ass is grotesque jesus christ
No. 169160
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No. 169161
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No. 169162
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No. 169164
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No. 169165
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>>169163Kylie is not an instagram escort?
No. 169167
File: 1458793391617.jpeg (129.71 KB, 750x747, image.jpeg)

>>169166Ok is pic related better then
No. 169168
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No. 169169
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No. 169170
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No. 169171
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No. 169175
>>169174It's so funny how you hate her yet you decided to be in the instagram girls thread. If you get
triggered by these girls why are you here? This thread is meant for positivity thus a hugbox. Go away if you only want to be negative. I don't really care about her but this is not gurugossip.
No. 169178
File: 1458852665063.jpeg (297.73 KB, 960x1280, image.jpeg)

No. 169179
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No. 169180
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No. 169184
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No. 169185
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No. 169186
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No. 169192
>>169190She doesnt look like shakira to me at all but she got the booty i guess
>>169190looking exotic is in nowadays
No. 169194
File: 1459208697436.jpeg (142.84 KB, 749x731, image.jpeg)

>>169193If this lebanese whore looks like she is specifically from Nigeria to you then you need to check your eyes. It's called exotic, deal.
(derailing) No. 169200
File: 1459276387737.jpg (51.99 KB, 490x382, big sheep little sheep from tu…)

>>169195black hair isnt curly its just like wool, curly hair is very much a white thing
(derailing) No. 169201
File: 1459283828236.jpg (12.02 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>169185Her eyes look drawn on
No. 169204
File: 1459304941637.jpg (50.3 KB, 736x335, b6515c9961d4cf5841b1293f45f48c…)

>>169200Their are different hair types.
No. 169208
Obvious surgical implants give me the uncanny valley willies.
Do not want.
No. 169211
File: 1459571334181.jpeg (84.29 KB, 640x406, image.jpeg)

She's a qt.
No. 169215
File: 1459659154256.jpg (87.79 KB, 917x917, tumblr_n70xz27SY31s9y3qio6_128…)

i love her eyebrows
No. 169216
File: 1459702313600.jpg (75.68 KB, 600x1065, CcRFpLiXIAEWOIO.jpg)

>>169211Is that Daruska/Avdotiya/Daria?
No. 169217
File: 1459723195522.jpeg (93.82 KB, 640x482, image.jpeg)

saw this on tumblr in b4 ~le tumblrina~ sjw accusations and I agree with the sentiment. I do like the Instagram aesthetic but it is definitely less fun and IMO less creative than the previous trends
No. 169218
File: 1459723432754.jpg (101.4 KB, 576x1024, v6Su1kf0A-c.jpg)

>>169217That's why I like Avdotiya so much, because she brings the gap between Instagram "eyebrows on fleek" and trashy, "methy coke whore" to a close.
Ofc she was legit on hard drugs so…
No. 169222
File: 1459953372906.jpg (199.1 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n1omy2R9ay1rmfsfho1_500…)

No. 169225
File: 1459961068506.jpg (258.35 KB, 1242x1207, tumblr_nlo1vvCiV61sqhjvzo1_128…)

No. 169227
>>169224Sorry about your insecurities, anon. I didn't mean to
trigger you.
No. 169228
File: 1459972875803.jpeg (88.8 KB, 600x830, image.jpeg)

I know cleoleaf/cleo lazuli has been posted before but ugh I just love her whole look
No. 169230
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No. 169231
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No. 169232
File: 1460026052644.jpeg (69.21 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

No. 169233
File: 1460026090452.jpeg (62.72 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

Hnnnggggg I'm in love with her aesthetics
No. 169237
File: 1460041935997.jpg (127.15 KB, 408x500, priyanka-chopra.jpg)

Been watching Quantico and for some reason, Priyanka Chopra's face always gave me this plastic surgery-ish feeling, even though she probably is an all natural. She's very pretty though, and she has a nice body too.
No. 169243
File: 1460054912650.jpeg (44.12 KB, 320x412, image.jpeg)

>>169238I'm going to post another
triggering photo just for you anon. On a serious note Felice was without the scary photoshoops genuinely aesthetic.
No. 169244
File: 1460058525334.gif (756.65 KB, 350x374, tumblr_ntpnmtIxIT1udxdwao1_400…)

>>169233yes. very aesthetic.
No. 169247
>>169246Well for starters I didn't post her in the first place, but it's my fucking thread so you can fuck off and stop shitting it up with your irrelevant hateboner.
I literally hope you get attacked by bees.
No. 169248
File: 1460063382178.jpg (80.55 KB, 750x523, tumblr_o1x6votn1b1skqlxjo1_128…)

No. 169256
File: 1460067847053.jpg (131.93 KB, 1065x1197, tumblr_o3ksbvvMZn1rfe12ko1_128…)

>>169255Either contribute or leave.
Johanna Herrstedt's thread can be found here
>>>/pt/40500. Use it.
No. 169258
File: 1460108965683.jpg (155.83 KB, 1080x1080, 12519398_1159281134082404_1785…)

No. 169259
File: 1460114740931.jpeg (107.71 KB, 750x742, image.jpeg)

This is going to trigger a lot of jealous faggots but idc she belongs in this thread
No. 169260
>>169259Who is this?
Also jesus christ this thread is filled with autistic fags
No. 169264
File: 1460124821228.jpg (71.17 KB, 640x640, 10684145_870790869598471_20472…)

No. 169265
File: 1460124839514.jpg (58.4 KB, 500x500, large.jpg)

No. 169271
File: 1460147319340.jpeg (33.92 KB, 400x400, image.jpeg)

>>169261The founders of this flawless high class las vegas hooker aesthetic are everything but basic bitches, You popping that booty, wearing that peplum top and wishing you had 800k followers all thanks because of that KKK family. Heck even if you dont want to kiss her ass you still are, as most clothing you see in clothing stores are inspired by what celebrities are wearing. Unless you look like an autistic unkempt weeb. Go derail somewhere else. Pic related; ontopic contribution.
No. 169274
File: 1460148786870.jpeg (48.61 KB, 728x547, image.jpeg)

>>169272>>169273Idc and d e r a i l somewhere else
No. 169275
File: 1460148954873.jpeg (82.68 KB, 750x740, image.jpeg)

No. 169276
File: 1460149019590.jpeg (82.29 KB, 960x960, image.jpeg)

Can't believe no one posted her yet
No. 169277
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No. 169279
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No. 169280
File: 1460149661021.jpeg (87.18 KB, 930x945, image.jpeg)

No. 169281
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No. 169282
File: 1460149883865.jpg (165.84 KB, 580x580, jen-selter.jpg)

No. 169283
File: 1460150257120.jpeg (139.91 KB, 750x903, image.jpeg)

>>169282was just about to post her lol! I noticed those with perfect bodies have usually "ugly" faces (compared to their bodies)
No. 169284
File: 1460151848218.jpg (68.29 KB, 450x450, saythelees-450x450.jpg)

>>169282>>169283DAAMN is that Booty real? Because if it is I'm deeply impressed
No. 169285
>>169284Jen Selter
>>169282 is kinda fake, just arches her back, poses and edits. Her butt isn't bad, it's nice, but it's not huge like she makes it out to be. Pic related, it's from a video of her that someone else filmed and uploaded.
>>169283 looks totally legit though since her thighs are buff as fuck. Also impressed
No. 169288
File: 1460183716337.jpg (1.32 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg)

Wat about this random girl do u think shes Qt? Lebanese russian mix chick
No. 169293
>>169291This isn't the thread for selfposts and "rate me" bullshit. Please leave.
Also you are very white shut up
No. 169296
File: 1460195433520.jpg (75.57 KB, 540x540, insta.jpg)

No. 169298
File: 1460196449446.jpeg (38.84 KB, 410x625, image.jpeg)

>>169296>tfw im not white>>169288Why are you giving us free bikini photos? Like prostitutes get money, instaheauxes get followers and eventually money bc they promote their shitty shit, but what do you get? Or perhaps you are a troll/imposter…anyways you do not belong in this thread and if you'd work out/photoshop you'd be really cute and fit in this thread. 7/10 face 5/10 body.
No. 169300
File: 1460200295027.jpeg (130.51 KB, 750x743, image.jpeg)

Curvy has become the new anorexia it seems lol, her body is so envious. I know its fake but I've seen a national geographic video of an african woman who had this body. She was tall and fucking fit, and her face wasnt bad either (if I remember it clearly)
No. 169303
File: 1460204553253.jpg (84.99 KB, 615x728, Russian-Kim-Kardashian-model-A…)

>>169300She denies plastic surgery, despite having the same titbump issue lotta lotte has. To me she's just fat and squeezed into a corset because trust me, any chubby girl will have that upper body if you force it into a too-small corset.
No. 169304
>>169301>>169303I agree, her face looks very fat. She could be wearing a corset, use photoshop and/or had surgery for the tits. Like Trisha. I dont understand fat women who have boobjobs. Regardless I dont think her face is blasted like anon said, unless you have very high standards. Her face is at least better than jen's.
>>169302I agree…personally I adore this type of body but I dont think its any healthier than the anorexia body, at least the anorexia body is realistic.
I found the video of this african girl btw, and she is not fit at all lol I'm bad at remembering things I guess. But its so weird because when I was young I thought her body was fucked up, but now we all wish we had her ass. She has nice legs too, her body has so much potential! She needs to lift take a shower and then she'd have 1 mil followers on instagram.
No. 169305
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Rita is a hit or miss
No. 169306
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No. 169307
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>>169300>>169303Maybe I'm just immature, but I would be so embarassed to have a body like this. I would feel like a walking pair of tits and ass.
Obviously she worked hard (or paid a lot of money) to get this body so I guess she like it.
No. 169309
File: 1460209254925.png (831.3 KB, 1079x874, Screenshot_2016-04-09-15-39-13…)

My personal favourite Instagram model ❤
No. 169310
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No. 169311
>>169309why does she look exotic even though she is probably from the most whitest country it the tan? Photoshop? Or both?
She is the most beautiful blonde, if not fake, I've ever seen. Damn. Wow. Omg.
No. 169315
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No. 169316
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She is pretty but…doesnt belong in this thread…Dont get me wrong btw she is imo prettier than any tan instagram chick.
No. 169317
File: 1460210154048.jpeg (121.7 KB, 750x742, image.jpeg)

>tfw I have no bimbo orange sidekick friend who looks identically the same as me besides the eyecolor
No. 169320
File: 1460217171426.jpg (89.48 KB, 500x600, Meredith-Mickelson.jpg)

>>169318is this the same biddy? this was one of the first images to come up when I googled her. if so, she looks way different outside of her instagram… but she's got the same blonde hair, thick lips and nose as the IG thottie
No. 169325
File: 1460218238474.jpg (1.66 MB, 1000x1500,…)

>>169309Unfortunate snout
No. 169326
File: 1460218345293.jpg (232.71 KB, 1080x1080, marii212121_10375556_169191716…)

I just can't get over with this Dagestani angel, her face is pure perfection. I know she got rhino & fillers and looked totally different before, but still…
No. 169334
>>169331No, but it does mean they're
more likely to be smart than the average jealous uggo desperately looking for reasons to shit on them.
No. 169340
>>169311>>169314also she has fairly upturned or slanted eye corners, most people have around neutral (average) or turned down (ugly)
>>169322can't even make it a minute, god how aggravating
No. 169346
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>>169342>>169342Katy perry looks like an ugly swamp monster tho
No. 169348
File: 1460318724230.jpg (32.62 KB, 500x364, 11111111.jpg)

>>169237Well, you're not wrong, she got her nose done, which is pretty natural and normal for Bollywood Actresses, and she got her nose done like, years ago? It's been a long time, lol. But otherwise she's pretty natural.
Sage for talking about Miss World 2000 lol.
No. 169350
File: 1460453931843.jpg (55.41 KB, 640x640, 12120422_1826556744247275_8166…)

No. 169352
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No. 169354
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>>169348Oh, I never knew that plastic surgery is common in Bollywood too. I use to think that Bollywood celebrities mostly are naturals since actress like Aishwarya Rai and Kajol are, afaik. I guess I learn something new everyday, hahaha…thank you for the information, anon.
Anyway, Olivia Hussey's daughter gave me the same vibe as Priyanka, plastic surgery-ish, but probably all natural.
No. 169357
File: 1460488910767.jpeg (69.76 KB, 612x612, image.jpeg)

>>169346sure she does jan
No. 169360
File: 1460489560454.jpeg (185.76 KB, 738x924, image.jpeg)

She has the thickest hair ever, its all natural btw.
No. 169361
File: 1460489808950.jpeg (101.55 KB, 750x746, image.jpeg)

I know she is the most whitest girl ever but her facial structure looks very Somali slash middle eastern. I think its the eyebags.
No. 169363
File: 1460493094226.jpg (109.53 KB, 1080x1349, 12750013_1155465647806245_5695…)

>its all natural btwAre you sure? The bottom looks like extensions to me and it looks like she took them out for this photo.
No. 169364
>>169363 Her hair in your picture is BONE STRAIGHT. That is why I will always repeat that people with naturally straight hair cannot have thick hair unless they give it texture at least a little bit. See related video.
>>169362But the "ugly" katy perry photo isnt really a perfect representation of the real katy perry irl either.
No. 169365
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>>169362This better then?
No. 169366
File: 1460494480271.jpeg (140.27 KB, 729x718, image.jpeg)

i remember when they said being e famous is different than being irl famous. Half of the stars we find today were famous thanks to the internet. Heck stars are now promoting themselves on the internet and if they dont do it they will remain irrelevant. /blog
No. 169368
File: 1460500223751.png (576.42 KB, 595x592, Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 6.28…)

Some of these girls are beat af but I find this one pulls it off well… and she's fucking 40.
I can only pray I look as half as good as she does at her age. I love the barbie aesthetic
No. 169373
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No. 169374
File: 1460558017122.png (1.19 MB, 1080x835, Screenshot_2016-04-13-16-32-57…)

>>169366Ahh yes, Gigi Gorgeous.
Does she count too?
No. 169377
File: 1460563162246.jpg (35.32 KB, 500x500, Jasmine Sanders 8.jpg)

No. 169379
>>169378His nose is awful and his lips are comical, like duck mouth. I prefer thick, but not so wide lips like
>>169373 but I mean he is a man so of course he has a wider mouth.
No. 169384
File: 1460668368829.jpeg (105.33 KB, 743x750, image.jpeg)

Some new faces
No. 169391
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The queen of 'm all
No. 169394
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>>169393Jealousy is an ugly trait plastic surgery cannot fix boo
No. 169395
>>169394Jelous of what, Looking plastic and old?
I can pay a few dollars to look like this lmao, and she looks just like Kylie who i think is very unattractive as well.
No. 169398
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No. 169399
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Made a thread for this on /b/ but I just discovered this site today and I had to share it here too.
>guy pretends to be millionaire playboy living in Saudi Arabia>privately messages popular Instagram hoes offering money in exchange paid sex weekends>stuff like jamming a live salmon up the girl's asshole, shitting on her chest etc. for large sums of $$$>they accept No. 169400
File: 1460790365763.png (599.5 KB, 1076x900, Screenshot_2016-04-16-09-03-22…)

No. 169404
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>>169402I am absolutelt not a fan of the instagram aesthetic (yet I try to contribute a lot kek)
But even though that anon is trolling this thread constantly (i dont blame her i did too) IMO fetus carly shat on all of us. Damn even in high school she looked pretty good!
No. 169405
File: 1460844409568.jpeg (60.87 KB, 600x600, image.jpeg)

Both belong in this thread, this bish is so goddamn butiful
No. 169406
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No. 169407
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No. 169409
>>169408Just search instagram makeup.
So did Carly have a nosejob?
No. 169411
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>>169410Why are you so butthurt? Does she remind you of dark times in high school?
No. 169412
File: 1460892504341.jpeg (81.29 KB, 529x529, image.jpeg)

If Rihanna would have curly hair instead of kinky hair and a smaller nose she'd be literally one of the most beautiful women ever. I know she is beautiful even now btw. Regardless of that nose she belongs here imo
No. 169413
File: 1460892658440.jpeg (92.51 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

I credited Kim for this look but thats unfair as Kim's inspiration was Jennifer Lopez. Jen's butt is nicer anyways.
No. 169415
File: 1460905272408.jpeg (75.15 KB, 352x336, image.jpeg)

a lot of the girls posted here have exaggerated features and a lot of makeup. They're beautiful ofc but I prefer a girl with more delicate features. There is something so beautiful about refined, not in your face features. Like waif-like muses.
No. 169416
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No. 169417
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No. 169422
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No. 169425
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No. 169426
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No. 169427
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No. 169431
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No. 169433
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>>169405Can't tell if she got a nose job or if that's just contouring, but I loved her nose in the before picture. I haven't seen many girls with that nose shape but I think it's adorable.
Anyways, this girl is named Joanna Kuchta and I've been seeing her everywhere. She has close to 1 mil followers and she's a model. She's pretty cute ngl, but she says her nose is 100% natural and I'm not sure about that - it kinda looks like she's had plastic surgery.
That's her with her (ex?) boyfriend Joe Fahy, I can't get over how edgy it is.
No. 169436
File: 1461003898142.jpg (36.78 KB, 606x361, 907689689.jpg)

>>169435I don't know much about plastic surgery, sorry. It just looks weird to me. I found this and it's supposedly a picture of her when she was younger - she looks really different.
No. 169439
>>169436She changed her eyebrows, m8.
That can change a face radically.
No. 169440
>>169427get naila the fuck off of here i hate her jesus
No. 169443
File: 1461028058454.jpeg (158.25 KB, 750x934, image.jpeg)

Can yall stop derailing the thread? At least contribute when you do so and post some sloots kbyethnx
No. 169445
File: 1461070408776.jpg (151.1 KB, 620x413, pia-mia-touch-11-02-2015.jpg)

Idk if pia mia was posted yet but I think she fits this aesthetic. Tbh I'm envious of her skin tone
No. 169447
>>169445Her face looks off somehow, but I can't tell you why.
It's almost uncanny valley like
No. 169449
File: 1461070928117.jpg (74.67 KB, 336x336, pia-mia-perez-makeup-16.jpg)

>>169446It's the wide nose that makes her look potatoey I think.
And her natural eyes are brown which I actually think suit her better, pic related
No. 169452
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>>169451How many the fucking times do you have to tell everyone you're the op? We get it, do you want a golden star?
No. 169453
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No. 169460
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Lets not shit up this thread again plz
No. 169461
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No. 169462
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No. 169464
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No. 169465
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No. 169468
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No. 169471
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>>169470Lol thank you. Well it's annoying how everyone criticizes each other I mean they at the end of the day all look like instathots with lots of followers. I-I-I thought /g/ was a normie friendly bitterfree board why cant we be all nice to each other?
No. 169472
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No. 169476
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No. 169478
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No. 169480
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No. 169481
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No. 169495
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No. 169496
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No. 169497
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No. 169498
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No. 169499
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No. 169500
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No. 169501
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I have nothing to do lol
No. 169502
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No. 169503
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No. 169506
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No. 169507
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>>169503On a second thought I regret posting her lmao
No. 169508
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No. 169509
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No. 169510
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No. 169511
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No. 169512
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No. 169513
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No. 169514
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No. 169515
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No. 169516
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No. 169517
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No. 169519
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No. 169520
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No. 169521
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Her makeup is perfection
No. 169522
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No. 169523
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No. 169524
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I hate her and her sidebitch Nesrina but they are so goodlooking even though they are rotten inside
No. 169526
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>>169525A n h e r o y o u r s e l f
No. 169527
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No. 169528
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No. 169529
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No. 169530
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No. 169531
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No. 169532
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No. 169533
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No. 169548
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No. 169555
>>169436It's the same nose, and it's pretty big imho
>>169499>>169500Awww cute, but I think this fits the kawaii white girls thread more
No. 169556
File: 1461093917910.jpeg (137.12 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpeg)

>>169555Yeah I agree tbh, some pics were posted accidently because i was spamming the living shit out of this thread
No. 169557
File: 1461093935163.jpeg (150.18 KB, 738x924, image.jpeg)

Sorry, I'm going to spam again
No. 169558
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No. 169559
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No. 169561
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No. 169563
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No. 169564
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No. 169573
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No. 169574
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No. 169575
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No. 169576
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Idk if she belongs, but Selena had that aesthetic going on. Of course this was in the 90s before contouring, but look at her eyebrows and her lips.
No. 169577
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No. 169579
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No. 169580
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No. 169581
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No. 169582
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No. 169583
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No. 169584
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No. 169587
>>168901Some people feel intimidated by the level of attention, positive and negative, that you would receive is what anon meant.
Personally I like to live vicariously through these girls but I'm more of a Kate Middleton than Kim Kardashian. I'd love to dress up like this and be super confident but I'd probably feel miserable because of all the sleazos hitting on me and getting unwanted attention, girls calling me slutty and being bitter etc
No. 169593
File: 1462408908262.jpg (21.2 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>168736Can I contour my nose to make it look sharper like in that pic?
My nose is the same shape as pic related, with a tiny bump and slightly bulbous tip, except mine is actually nowhere near as big as this and actually suits me. It's just the shape that's similar.
No. 169595
File: 1462417541299.jpg (393.04 KB, 777x616, makijag_nosa_6.jpg)

>>169593Use either a narrow contour brush or an eyeshadow brush and take your countor shade down the sides of your nose, V-ing towards the tip. My nose is wider at the tip, and going straight up and down the sides does nothing. If it hooks down like that pic, apply to the bottom as well (mine doesn't so I don't have to) and if you want a button nose kind of look, apply it in a line across the bridge, but only about 2/3 of the way down. And of course, blend it out like crazy and try to highlight as well, using just a bit on the tip of your nose.
What I do is basically the middle girl in this pic, but that's because I'm, but it would still work for other non-Asian nose shapes too.
No. 169599
>>168736Women are weird. Imagine guys looking at pictures of men all day.
Why are you so obsessed with how people look?
No. 169602
File: 1462589244974.jpg (612.78 KB, 3000x3000, 1453101780705.jpg)

>>168736Why do girls like this date shitty guys? I don't understand
File: 1463006564446.jpeg (20.77 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpeg)

the only thing i don't like are how overdone the inner parts of her eyebrows look, but aside from that danggg
No. 169608
File: 1463018576180.jpg (98.59 KB, 640x640, 11008377_323349667861811_51789…)

>>169606it really does look like a unibrow. it seems like the heavy makeup/contouring/Kim K look is going out of style, which i am totally a-okay with.
No. 169614
>>169218holy shit daria, i used to follow her on tumblr and insta years ago but then i couldnt find her
does anyone have any links to accounts she uses now or did she just drop off the face of the earth?
No. 169617
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No. 169618
File: 1463274861267.jpeg (53.5 KB, 641x960, image.jpeg)

>>169217jesus fucking christ i hear everyone saying this "last night's eyeliner xdd" "hot mess XDDDD" why does everyone copy each other?! Is she trying to be original? She should really shut the fuck up, but I guess she cant help it that she is another brainless beauty. Sorry for being
No. 169620
>>169614>>169615Her new tumblr is I think she abandoned Miles and the methhead gang
No. 169627
File: 1463298723707.png (455.34 KB, 623x599, Capture d’écran 2016-05-15 à…)

>>169624Dug her up just for you, I love her very dark cool toned skin.
No. 169629
>>169624is that
problematic for you?
No. 169632
File: 1463312734658.jpg (33.26 KB, 604x326, 51.jpg)

No. 169633
>>169622she or you is or are imo not so good looking thats why i asked if you posted yourself here. Whoever posted her should read the description of this thread
>Girl who look like they're probably getting their lips topped up semi-regularly.She looks very cheap not high class and she looks oily. It's weird that you didn't say anything about the girl below her even though she looks 500 times better.
>>169624LSA out
No. 169634
File: 1463313564855.jpeg (127.04 KB, 750x934, image.jpeg)

Ok lets please a certain type of people where they can relate to :^)))))
Can you relate to her blonde hair?
No. 169635
File: 1463313720402.jpeg (27.04 KB, 320x320, image.jpeg)

;^) can you relate to her blue eyes
No. 169636
File: 1463313859055.jpeg (33.93 KB, 320x320, image.jpeg)

Do you already feel this is your safe zone?
No. 169637
File: 1463313977863.jpeg (87.88 KB, 630x630, image.jpeg)

Could you be their third good haired friend?
No. 169638
File: 1463314028751.jpeg (272.51 KB, 1200x630, image.jpeg)

Does the softness of her hair scream "you"??????
No. 169639
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No. 169640
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No. 169642
File: 1463314324086.jpeg (81.02 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

What am I doing wrong? They belong here? They are not everyone's taste granted but…still…
>>169641 No. 169643
File: 1463314857643.jpeg (203.98 KB, 750x937, image.jpeg)

Well….I hope I made the zone more friendly
Make sure to post such girls to make sure everyone doesn't feel outcasted!
No. 169644
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No. 169646
File: 1463315019712.jpeg (156.23 KB, 750x744, image.jpeg)

This is a beauty YOU must be able to relate to
No. 169648
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>>169647she has good hair so she does trust me
No. 169650
File: 1463315841631.jpeg (128.19 KB, 750x715, image.jpeg)

>>169649Good hair shortish can easily grow out in a year especially because she doesnt have curly hair but straight hair. Must take you 10 years to grow out that "bob" huh?
Pic related; fine example of the whole pedestal theory
No. 169654
File: 1463316502349.jpeg (798.14 KB, 1000x1362, image.jpeg)

>>169653>implying I'm a newfag:^) you know exactly what I mean.
No. 169655
>>169654No, I don't. You're talking nonsense for no reason and acting like there's some obvious hidden meaning that makes you sound clever and witty. It's just weird and you sound mildly angry.
I'm out lol
No. 169657
File: 1463317197843.jpeg (74.87 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

>>169656what is my problem?
No. 169660
File: 1463328438801.jpg (208.31 KB, 1200x1184, kelsey calemine.jpg)

No. 169661
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No. 169662
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No. 169663
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No. 169664
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No. 169670
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I love the sharpness and clean lines of instagram makeup
No. 169672
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No. 169673
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No. 169674
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No. 169675
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No. 169676
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No. 169677
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No. 169678
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No. 169680
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No. 169687
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No. 169688
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No. 169689
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No. 169690
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No. 169691
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No. 169693
File: 1463512544952.jpg (205.18 KB, 800x1001, Thylane-Blondeau-Teen-Vogue-20…)

>When a 15 year old girl is hotter than you'll ever be
No. 169696
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No. 169697
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No. 169698
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No. 169700
>>169695You could probably do it with a hairline transplant.
I'm surprised you want it though. Not that any things wrong with baby hairs but theyre kind of a random thing to find desirable. I know Kim kardashian had all her baby hairs removed.
No. 169703
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I'm gay for indikos.
No. 169705
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No. 169706
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No. 169707
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No. 169709
File: 1463684465851.png (431.24 KB, 640x640, 1463679211655.png)

No. 169715
File: 1463889638627.png (350.05 KB, 446x564, Mee.png)

pic is me, do i fit the description lol
No. 169716
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>>169715You look better here tbh
No. 169719
>>169713She said Arab moroccan
>>169714Who are you mentioning
No. 169724
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No. 169725
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No. 169726
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No. 169728
File: 1464394030819.jpg (41.86 KB, 468x617, Spanish model Nereida Gallardo…)

>>169727"Spanish is white"
>mfw this comes up for spanish woman(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 169729
File: 1464394210142.png (71 KB, 191x240, marissa1.png)

>>169727"italian is white"
No. 169731
File: 1464409792084.jpg (59 KB, 306x245, untitled01.jpg)

>>169728>>169729>>169723Both spaniards and italians are white for the rest of europeans, and even USA census defines white as:
>"A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."And "big lips" isn't a common feature neither for italians or spaniards, it's fine to be uncultured but at least use your eyes.
File: 1464441152711.png (42.99 KB, 174x150, 1463684465851.png)

>>169722>her lips look normalu think this is normal? lmao that's a shitty plastic surgery job
No. 169735
>>169732Pretty obvious anon. But when you start going east people start falling into the asian category apart from the Russians?
I still dont get why people think Kim K is white. Armania is right next to Turkey and as someone who lived in Turkey theyre Asian. Some are kurdish and are lighter than others with green eyes but they are asian people. I thought Kim was asian by first glance anyway before people started branding her as white.
No. 169738
>>169737As someone who's visited both Italy and Spain, yes they do. Some have light hair/skin/eyes, others have medium to dark hair/skin/eyes. They're still white/Caucasian/European.
ITT: dumb Americans being borderline skinheads
File: 1464496761992.png (1.13 MB, 1047x1432, Screenshot_2016-05-28-23-33-17…)

>>169738Yep just look at this white woman.sure Spanish and Italian are European or Caucasian because of their roots and skull types but they're not white although some can be, I'm guessing next we're gonna start calling mexicans white because that's where a lot mexican roots come from
No. 169742
File: 1464498829528.jpg (110.83 KB, 573x757, IMG_20160529_071006.JPG)

>>169741No anon, that's how beautiful puerto rican women look, not spanish or italian.
No. 169745
>>169743>>169744So? If some russian goes to Ghana and makes biracial children there, you will show a picture of this children as a example of how russians look?
In Puerto Rico some people look more european and other people look more native, but the girl on the picture looks mostly native.
No. 169746
File: 1464511546570.jpg (168.79 KB, 670x1000, spanish.jpg)

Who is this tard claiming that Spanish and Italian aren't white? How about Greeks then? Jesus…
You've probably never even visited any of those countries.
No. 169748
File: 1464514701235.jpg (49.25 KB, 634x411, 2F33251900000578-0-It_is_uncle…)

Alright nobody really cares.
Let's get back on topic, shall we?
No. 169750
File: 1464532391451.jpeg (211.5 KB, 1825x1217, image.jpeg)

>>169734thats nesrina and she is moroccan, she always had thick lips. Also Angelina Jolie has thick lips too. And pic related is italian.
Lets not sperge too much itt plz, insecure people plz stop derailing this thread.
No. 169752
File: 1464542940264.jpg (93.35 KB, 700x423, blanca-suarez-gtres--t.jpg)

>>169741really? Because I'm spanish, I have light skin and blue eyes. That woman doesnt look spanish. even the average spanish looks white.
>Pic related is Blanca Suarez, spanish. No. 169755
File: 1464562274938.jpg (177.2 KB, 500x500, Amanda Steele.jpg)

No. 169756
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No. 169757
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No. 169758
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No. 169759
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No. 169760
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No. 169764
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No. 169765
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>>169742>>169705>>169706>>169707I see Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2013 shows up on Google search, lol. She's one of the few I like with "this aesthetic" and isn't too obnoxious or superficial about it.
No. 169766
File: 1464592965981.jpg (29.16 KB, 640x424, 2a5naps.jpg)

>>169765More Miss Universe Puerto Rico 2013. She was always my fav and I wish she win. Oh well; she has a successful career with IMG Models now.
No. 169770
File: 1464593753924.jpg (155.29 KB, 1024x1024, The-reigning-Miss-Universe-Pia…)

>>168874The only ones I know of are beauty pageant contestants. It seems they (Miss Universe at least, as shown with Miss Puerto Rico 2013 posted here earlier) tend to have "this aesthetic" as their standard. Because really… I'm sick of the kawaii uguu sharp V-line jaw look, too, and can never take a model or pageant contestant seriously if they look like that.
I think import car models also have "this aesthetic", although more skimpy than the couture and pageant models.
No. 169771
File: 1464594221086.jpg (314.32 KB, 782x1024, 509574480.jpg)

>>169770>>168874Miss Universe Philippines 2015
No. 169773
File: 1464595015371.jpg (57.36 KB, 454x683, 000000324580-riyo_mori-fit.jpg)

>>169770>>168874>>169771Miss Universe Japan 2007
No. 169781
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>>169770>>169771>>168874Miss Universe Korea 2015
No. 169783
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>>169773>>169781>>168874Miss Universe Thailand 2015
No. 169811
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>>169797>>169783>>169770I think Miss Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand have the most Instagram trend/basic bitch/"this aesthetic" looks out of all the other Asian contestants.
No. 169816
File: 1464619725145.jpg (71.82 KB, 634x640, 3295161500000578-3510821-image…)

And Garcia
No. 169817
>>169814>>169815Uh no lol these are contestants from Miss Universe. I'm sorry you don't like the pic spam but I was replying to
>>168874, because I see this aesthetic more in modeling or pageantry than whatever kawaii crap Asians pull off these days.
No. 169818
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Anea Garcia
No. 169822
this is the nicest trend I've seen so far
No. 169824
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>>169815>>169817>>168874Okay fine here are some 'Instagram trendy' non-pageantry Asian models
No. 169831
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>>169765>>169768That's Monic Marie Perez
No. 169834
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No. 169835
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NOT Kim Kardashian
No. 169838
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No. 169839
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No. 169842
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No. 169843
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>>169830Asian Instagram trend setters are easy to find if you know where to look.
No. 169845
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No. 169850
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No. 169851
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No. 169854
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>>169835NOT Kim Kardashian
No. 169856
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>>168874>>169843I have a love/hate relationship with the Instagram look. It's too much for day time, and even at night it sometimes still looks heavy. It's great for photo shoots, cosplay, drag performances, or theatre, though.
But I actually don't mind seeing it on Asians for once it's refreshing to not see kawaii uguu shit.
No. 169857
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No. 169861
a lot of the girls being posted lately straight-up look like drag queens in day-wear. i'm definitely not in the "omg 2 much makeup xDDD" camp, but maybe a full-faced/hyper-contoured/smokey eye look isn't appropriate for literally every single occasion despite what IG may lead you to believe
>>169764fat eyebrows + FaceTune =/= IG aesthetic. smells like selfpost
No. 169862
File: 1464824802852.jpg (24.28 KB, 330x330, mbnwvi-l-330.jpg)

>>169861Yeah, it does look good in photos especially since contouring gives that airbrushed magazine look, but it can be strange to see in real life where it looks overly cakey in the daytime and when paired with normal casual clothing.
No. 169864
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No. 169865
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No. 169866
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Does Carly Bybel count?
No. 169869
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No. 169870
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>>169859Yeah…I got chipmunk cheeks, too.
I have the brows and lips though.
No. 169872
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No. 169873
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No. 169874
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No. 169876
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>>169856Yeah I'm really digging the clean Instagram look on Asians. Uzzlang was fun for a while but then I got tired of seeing that.
I like the IG look, when it's also done right…reminds me of late 90s/early 2000s when a lot of Asian women were into the whole gyaru/Fast & Furious import model look – except this decade's trend looks a little more refined.
No. 169878
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No. 169888
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No. 169891
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>>169881I think she's black American? I'm so jelly of her jawline.
No. 169892
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>>168947she looks like a super average girl (but with really big lips) irl, she also wears colored contacts
No. 169893
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>>169890I don't like the Kardashians, but I always thought that Kim K was pretty and pulled off this look really well
No. 169894
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No. 169895
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No. 169899
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>>169893I despise Kylie Jenner though and just her whole face in general. She had a really short square face and this Instagram look just ages her.
No. 169901
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No. 169905
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No. 169906
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>>169902>>169903The funny thing is that I first found out about her on a popolar tumblr post before knowing that she was on America's Next top Model. Oh well, I don't watch ANTM as much as I used to anymore so I didn't care.
I don't have muchanged opinions on this Winnie Harlow chick, aside that I do think that her vitligo creates interrsting symmetry. The only thing I've her in regards to attitude is that those who went to her high school, said that she was hardly ever bullied for her skin condition and she was more of the school bitch anyway.
I really can't say much since I don't really follow her, but I do think that she's pretty and is a unique model.
No. 169907
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No. 169908
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No. 169910
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No. 169911
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No. 169914
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No. 169915
File: 1465716251628.jpg (97.77 KB, 500x500, marii212121.jpg)

No. 169916
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No. 169920
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>>169918you're right anon holy shit
No. 169921
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No. 169924
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No. 169927
>>169921>thick eyebrows are trendy now?Back comb eyebrows and fill them with eyebrow powder until you can't even see the skin beneath
>big lips are trendy now too?!Oh heck I'll just photoshop them until they look like I've been stung by a bee.
And the cherry on the top had to be the 90s scrunchie. Hell yeah. Get ready to be insta famous.
No. 169929
File: 1465785943815.jpg (100.5 KB, 650x379, fb.jpg)

>>169920nvm. Her rhinoplasty still came out amazing, but not a miraculous as I thought. She still shrinks her nose even more in photoshop. this whole time i was wondering why she was suspiciously covering her nose with her cat or her hair or an object in all of her instagram videos if it was so perfect now, now I see why.
No. 169936
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No. 169937
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No. 169938
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No. 169939
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No. 169940
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No. 169941
>>169937Ew, no
>>169938lmao ps
>>169939moar ps
>>169940maybe could be pretty but is ps to hell
No. 169942
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No. 169943
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No. 169944
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No. 169945
File: 1465886209400.gif (1.95 MB, 500x300, BitTorrent.gif)

>>169941>maybe could be pretty but is ps to hellZendaya look amazing without ps, don't worry.
No. 169948
>>169913Nope sorry, looks like you're the only one. Give it 5 more years and then this will look dated.
Although I do like the girls who are naturally like this and don't Photoshop at all.
No. 169949
File: 1466046885398.jpg (341.19 KB, 1200x800, jennifer-lopez-selena.jpg)

>>169916She looks a bit like Selena
No. 169951
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No. 169952
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No. 169953
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No. 169954
File: 1466227473407.jpg (78.65 KB, 600x600, fb.jpg)

>>169951her friend Sabina apparently got a nose job when she was very young, I wonder if Mari felt like the "ugly friend" and grew a huge complexity over it, particularly for that feature. in her old photos she used to filter and blur the fuck out of her nose (pic related), and now still contours + shoops it after getting a nose job.