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No. 1619287
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Last thread
>>>/ot/1562935 No. 1619310
File: 1687934238997.png (966.4 KB, 656x2592, CAPTURE.png)

I hate surrogacy but I despite seeing gay men make almost these mocking attempts of trying to replicate women caring for their children, its disgusting.
No. 1619361
File: 1687940213923.jpg (5.18 KB, 209x208, 81c8ed6cbeb1f48c82f8ed8901ab6c…)

>Picture of a full grown man
>comment section is
>He is so babygirl
>it's my wife
>my daughter
I get it, but I still hate it.
No. 1619369
File: 1687941285415.jpeg (37.63 KB, 640x455, 145AA63B-A6D1-4BB3-A164-47BFD6…)

>>1619361I hate it those too anon. Especially on Pinterest. I hate the “blonde men are women to me” one especially. It attracts ftms like crazy and they of course have to bring up if they’re still
valid men if they’re blonde etc
I hate it. I wish I could delete the pics and users off places like Pinterest.
No. 1619375
>>1619369I hate that one too.
Twitter and Pinterest are filled with shit like that. I already thought the barking comments were retarded, but these take the cake.
No. 1619387
File: 1687943684732.jpeg (120.04 KB, 923x923, F9B78770-0D8D-4F69-8FA9-13491B…)

>>1619310I can’t believe this shit is legal. I also hate when faggots taking pics like that as if they were the ones suffering through the pregnancy and birth. Fuck right off.
No. 1619410
>>1619401>>1619398It's not so much about if they actually look like women or not, it's more about
>>1619361, they are attracted to the guy and keep saying female adjectives for some reason. A mix of of delusion and retardation.
No. 1619419
>>1619410>>1619412Maybe its because of BL as well,
? I notice that in a lot of Yaoi covers, the Uke's tend to look like young blonde children most of the time, while the seme looks more like a Japanese man
No. 1619434
A youtuber I like said "we're pregnant" ughhh, I know it's a bit of a pet peeve but man she's pregnant not you. You're both having a baby but she's like birthing it. It's dumb I know.
>>1619369Use 'blond' otherwise you're feeding it.
No. 1619461
File: 1687952238879.png (898.38 KB, 641x2111, Screenshot 3.png)

>>1619361>>1619412I discussed this with a mutual of mine, I think that many young women and girls who spend a lot of time online and lack real-life experiences, think that the only way sexualize men is to use what they think are derogatory terms typically used for women(I'm not insinuating that moids don't use misogynistic terms to sexualize women, but no one uses shit like babygirl outside a03). For instance, some on Kpop Twitter refer to men as "my wife/gf" or comment "she's so cute"(on a pic of a kpop star showing his fit body). In reality, I suspect that 99% of girls who engage in such behavior are likely virgins and have not even touched or ad a full conversation with a man in their entire lives.
No. 1619534
File: 1687959825629.jpg (185.61 KB, 1200x900, gottschalk.jpg)

Big package sizes. I have no self-control, stop selling me 300g packs of gummibärchlis.
No. 1619584
>>1619570Me too
nonnie but just be careful cause I literally just gave myself a hemmorhoid doing this a couple days ago when my period started and I was bleeding from both ends
No. 1619664
File: 1687971471657.png (718.84 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BZTIyZTJhOTctY2Q1Yy00NTJiLW…)

I hate movies that have a blue, green or yellow filter for their entire runtime
No. 1619692
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>>1619291And you will suffer for it.
No. 1619752
File: 1687980039573.jpg (133.1 KB, 859x931, you_ready___fnf_fanart__by_ney…)

>inb4 who cares about this autistic newgrounds rhythm game
I just watched an iceberg on FNF drama and the worst ones were of course cases of grooming. Every single one of the groomers had she/her pronouns and of course every single one was a confirmed tranny. I hate that all of them also got defended just because they were trannies. I also hate that the only people that see through this facade are edgy males and its so hard to find women who do.
I also hate having non normie interests because there are troons EVERYWHERE and they always get coddled. I'm so fucking tired
No. 1620147
>>1619709Based post.
>I think the most infuriating thing is that every time I tell stories of my mom and other countless women that I have seen get scammed and killed, the women I try to warn always tell me that they’re special and it won’t happen to them because they are too smart to let it happenThis. I have never seen a case that didn't end up with the wife being miserable in the end. Being a gold digging SAHM is literally being a parasite and intentionally making you dependent on men who despise you. The kind of men who take them in are also the kind who will end up cheating on them and divorcing when they start losing their youth and you'll be left with literally nothing, rotting away with no qualifying professional skills, money or anything to rebuild your life on. And even when they won't outright leave, they'll most likely use you as a punching bag either physically or emotionally while your only purpose in life is to be a maid for him. It's beyond incomprehensible how it's being framed as some epic dark triad stacey girlboss manoeuvre to prostitute yourself to your husband for money, I would literally rather die than live out of a man's pocket waiting for my expiration date.
No. 1620265
>>1620253To me it's the same, telling a grown man he's something tiny (either a babygirl or a babyboy) is insulting for him.
>>1620251I don't think a woman is demeaning herself too. Women know these terms are things men can't stand if applied to themselves, so they simply use them as an insult (for men). By itself "babygirl" isn't really demeaning, but men think of it as such, so imo it's fine to use it against them.
No. 1620267
>>1620251I get where it's coming from, but it just seems like a non-issue. Maybe because I'm ESL and don't really "get" the connotation in English since it's not my first language but going on tirades about how women calling their favourite male characters or idols "babygirl" is actually devastating to women as a gender and selling out your entire sex is being unnecessarily hypervigilant. It's entirely understandable to be annoyed by it or think it's cringe but beyond that it's just a waste of time to get so worked up about young girls using a silly term ironically to the point you're writing tinfoils about "young women being terminally online and never having talked to men before in their lives like the femcels they are!!!!!!"
which sounds suspiciously moidbrained taking the issue so personally like one of the posts above is so fucking goofy it makes me laugh.
No. 1620272
>>1620267>never having talked to men before in their livesLucky them. I don't know why that should even be considered an insult, kek.
>unnecessarily hypervigilantPersonally I think it's another one of those things that's casually misogynistic, and nobody ever points it out. After a while it gets annoying because you see this shit everywhere.
No. 1620362
>>1620284>"baby boy" is just a cutesy term men don't feel threatened bysays literally who? I've never even heard "baby boy" being used to refer to adult men, I feel like its usually used for like, a pet or something. I think it actually would shake things up to start endearingly calling men "boys". Grown women are very regularly called girls but the reverse is not true. In fact the most common scenario I've seen of a grown man getting called boy is another grown man trying to demean him. Anyway, misogyny IS genuinely everywhere, and while I am certainly very pro-demeaning and sexualizing men, it feels misguided to do so by calling them blatantly feminine things. IMO it only perpetuates the idea that being sexualized is inherently female in some way, its slightly subversive but ultimately upholds patriarchal ideals. In a similar vein, I fucking hate the term malewife. The meaning seems to be like, a submissive man or a househusband, which, I don't see how it doesn't feel insanely sexist to directly make the implication that wife = submissive homemaker. These kinds of things being "progressive" only works if you're using gendie logic
No. 1620364
>>1620284Its the equivalet of seeing gay adult men(and faghag women) calling other grown women "mother" its just cringe, like really cringe and also what
>>1620362 stated
No. 1620409
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>>1619664Don't watch Traffic (2000)
No. 1620488
>>1620267>It's entirely understandable to be annoyed by it or think it's cringe I'm OP and that's how I felt. I just cringe and find it idiotic. I see it repeated a million times, which prompted me to post it in the first place. I haven't thought that deeply about it before other nonnas started discussing it, to be quite honest.
>>1620284I feel
>>1620362 explained it really well, and I agree with it. Though I don't necessarily think most if not all young women who are using these terms are consciously saying it to make a huge standpoint. I doubt they believe they are taking power back or that they are demeaning female terms, I feel they are probably just saying it because they find it funny and I don't personally hold it against them. I would never go picking up fights or thinking less of them for that, but I still hate it regardless.
No. 1620859
File: 1688103040407.png (Spoiler Image,476.23 KB, 1400x1800, 87739782_p6.png)

>>1620521>>1620267I'm the OP, I never used the word "femcels". I only implied that most of the girls making these comments are likely inexperienced, not just physically but socially as well. However, I will say that with regards to all the "bara tiddies" posts and art, it is very obvious that they are by virgins who have never touched a man.
No. 1620890
File: 1688105903971.jpg (190.49 KB, 720x1002, Mosaic Icon - Portrait Of Virg…)

I hate antinatalist weirdos, especially the ones who insist on how much a woman is going to be damaged and digusting post birth, you're claiming mothers have been brainwashed by the patriarchy yet your main argument is that giving birth is gonna make you uglier ? "I want to keep my tight vagina and not get my insides blown out by pushing out a fuck trophy", their langage is so violently misogynistic. Not everyone should be a parents, but if you're a feminist, you should be fighting for the rights and protection of ALL women, yes even the "mombies" who disgust you so much.
No. 1620921
>>1620877 said, who gives a fuck? That bara titty trend is so ridiculously tame compared to like 10% of what moid hentai artists create. And are you implying that once you have sex you're only attracted to super realistic depictions of bodies and sexual situations because I would actually claim otherwise, IRL sex is an awful experience for a lot of women and most people like to fantasize about it being more exciting and better.
No. 1620930
>>1620859This looks like shit and I will immediately assume anyone defending it itt gets off on this type of stuff
>>1620903You ain't fooling no one, coomer
No. 1620940
>>1620890You're right, but those people just want to shit on mothers because they hate women to begin with. Antinatalists (men) are really aggressive about it but will strangely never lecture men for not getting vasectomies, there aren't any talking points mentioning skyrocketing birth defects in babies born from crypt keeper sperm etc. Women who agree with them just parrot the same talking points.
I do have a problem with 'mombies' because most of my friends have lost themselves after becoming mothers and all they talk about is baby this or baby that. But that's not really their fault, it's one of the few things acceptable for mothers to like and if they spent money on their hobbies people would say they're taking away from their baby.
In general, motherhood sounds fucking depressing to me. Most men I've spoken to including my dad see kids as another stamp in their manhood achievement collection, not something they actually want - and worst of all they see it as their right even though most of them won't do shit to take care of them once they're born. They also tend to order kids like it's a McDonald's menu: I want 4 kids! I want 6 kids! Then they'll let the mom birth them in the hospital while he's eating snacks and playing video games when she's in labor. They will maybe change a diaper once and then they'll say they're "working hard and bringing the money home" and expect praise and a blowjob while the mother does the exact same thing, but also has to take care of the kids. But dad gets to be the 'fun' parent!
No, I don't like motherhood. It's a shit deal for women.
No. 1621034
File: 1688121798573.jpeg (95.26 KB, 913x1078, 8BE453DF-0771-4F1C-8FF6-917423…)

I hate retards. Like actual people with downs. Nobody has it better off than retards. Neurotypicals love retards and will bend over backwards to be nice to and accommodate them while simultaneously being ableist towards regular people with mental health/developmental issues like adhd. The government also coddles tards and they’re set for life on that aspect. They add nothing to society and only take away. I seriously wish it was mandatory to abort all downs babies. We don’t need literal retards as models or doing anything. I hate having to interact with these troglodytes.
No. 1621124
>>1621118nta but its not a big stretch to say anyone who draws anything like
>>1620859 has not had any sexual experience with a man.
No. 1621203
>>1621036Love how this is the only argument ESLs ever have
t. also ESL
No. 1621348
>>1621341I understand when kids do it (harmless fun and all that) but when I see adults doing it I give them the side-eye. Obviously it's still harmless fun and I shouldn't care but it seems…sad? To still be
that invested in media and characters
No. 1621540
>>1621015>implying pretty women aren't as equally asspatted for low performance and talent Hate to 'we live in a society,' yet people are just going to naturally notice who stands out more.
It's average talented folk who stand to lose for not falling in line of either extreme.
No. 1621843
File: 1688200575281.jpeg (85.44 KB, 600x600, 5d2f624366ddf.jpeg)

Every time a man posts to out himself it's always "male here and I know you didn't ask my opinion but ackchyually you're totally wrong and here's why". Like if you're going to cop a ban at least make it entertaining and not prove the point that XYs are retards.
No. 1622013
>>1621919Not to mention just as there's plus size brands, there's brands just for petite women too, or even just ordering online from taobao or anything.
It's so obvious how they always have to humblebrag when they complain. You aren't actually worried about clothing, you just want to brag you're the tiniest person in the room.
No. 1622105
File: 1688231924815.webm (2.9 MB, 640x360, 4sgWlUVj76bzk-Kd.webm)

How radlibs have just completely demonized JK Rowling and now view her and her work as offensive when it obviously isn't. God I wouldn't blame her if she shifted towards the right-wing after this.
No. 1622121
>>1622111she's a domestic violence
victim and lead to creation of a support service for
victims called Beira's Place, she'd never go rightoid because she understands the dangers of male violence and supremacy.
No. 1622469
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>Let's do it without paying mind to our scores/placements, the most important thing is to have fun after all ♥
I hate all of you non-commital fucks, I'll pwn you all, eat my dirty dust reeeeee
No. 1622698
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>>1622692I could have blowflies in my pussy and I would still be right.
No. 1622712
File: 1688281541890.gif (2.75 MB, 424x239, 1687753105858169.gif)

>>1622698You literally can't even wipe your ass properly, so delusion is not a surprising trait for you to have little miss dingleberry
No. 1622735
>>1622712link the thread about
nonny talking about her poppy vegana i need to read
No. 1622753
File: 1688287621457.png (279.3 KB, 940x788, crying-kid.png)

When a child is doing something extremely annoying and disruptive and a horde of total strangers come into the child's defense when you criticize its behavior.
Obviously I know the kid isn't doing it on purpose! I know it's "just a kid"! I have eyes, I can see that! But am I so terribly wrong in assuming that child has parents, who should maybe teach it how to behave and talk to it so that it can learn how to regulate emotions properly instead of wailing and thrashing about on the floor in a public space for 10 minutes while being totally ignored?
No. 1623261
File: 1688340793975.png (37.41 KB, 778x498, pedo.png)

Just stumbled upon this shit opinion and I fucking hate it. What's with these women who think it's okay with being a pedo? Fuck off, you're just as much of a pedo as a male lolifag is.
No. 1623519
File: 1688369403192.jpeg (92.36 KB, 828x818, 93C44A13-F2E7-467D-BBFF-D21116…)

>catch glimpse of some hentai tags
>first result is abortion
I hate jp scrotes so much. Even the gay ones make the most disgusting and bizarre shit. I remember finding one that drew a bunch of men on an island that could impregnate the young boys they had on it. It’s genuinely why I have so much trouble trusting fags because they can’t seem to keep their degeneracy in check.
No. 1623576
>>1623179I love air conditioning since I’m from a tropical place and would literally be dead without it (trust me you wouldn’t be able to deal with 96 degrees and 80% humidity either).
However I hate heating. It never gets cold enough here to need a heater. I love the winter when my house is regularly in the mid 50s and hate for my peaceful cold to be ruined by artificially heated air. Also the one time I traveled somewhere cold during the winter I was disgusted by the heated air inside everywhere and constantly having to take off all my coats the second I walk into a building lest I overheat. At least when it’s hot outside you need the same amount of clothes (none) to be able to deal with the outside temp as you do the air conditioned inside temp which is usually a balmy 74-76 and is still too warm. Before you say I’m fat I’m not I’m closer to an underweight BMI than overweight. I was just born with extremely hot blood. People are often surprised at how hot my skin is. I’m a polar bear cub.
No. 1623630
>>1623576AYRT, I don't mind heat and humidity, as long as I have moving air. So a fan is enough for me. Air conditioning is too much. But I hate rapid temp cycling in general. So I also hate going from cold af outside to hot af inside, like you.
I'm from somewhere with consistent temps most of time.
No. 1623801
File: 1688407562047.jpeg (56.43 KB, 750x913, IMG_3319.jpeg)

Edits of social media screenshots/memes with fictional characters are so corny.
No. 1624056
>>1623868Don't worry
nonnie, it makes me seethe too kek. I hate the whole "I'm aro/ace so I'm not only
VALID and KWEER, but also soooo oppressed by those EVIL gay/lesbian perverts- I mean allosexuals!!1!" spiel. Idgaf if you're ace/aro, but it doesn't compare in the slightest to being attracted to the same sex and having homophobes who despise you everywhere, from the street you live down to in high-ranking political spaces where they actively try to delegislate your protections (if they even existed in the first place). If anything, homophobes would prefer if we were asexual than to be attracted to the same sex.
If you saw me post this three times no you didn't, I'm retarded No. 1624534
File: 1688490618406.jpg (146.34 KB, 852x1320, doorofperceptionmagritte.jpg)

I hate police, military and other such hall monitor types. People who prioritize fallowing orders/rules/laws over their conscience are automatons, they are more akin to a blind force of nature rather than conscious living beings.
Pic unrelated.
No. 1624668
File: 1688503567239.png (652.66 KB, 618x1283, Screenshot.png)

There are ever increasing moments when I hate leftist moids more than any other group, simply because of their absolutely hypocritical consumerist nature. They believe their progressiveness and "wokeness" somehow excuse their abhorrent misogyny, which they think is fine as long as its directed towards women from the "wrong side" of their political beliefs
No. 1624676
File: 1688504181314.jpg (64.42 KB, 1083x1029, F0Jo4paXoAEyGYY.jpg)

>>1624668look like a turbo coomenr who will probably troon out in a few months.
No. 1624679
>>1624668I hate rightoid women but she’s pretty. Men don’t know how to criticize women without turning it into degradation based on sex and looks. I agree with
>>1624676 he looks like a pre-troon and he’s probably jealous and daydreaming about wearing her skin.
No. 1624688
I find it funny how
problematic men who are attractive can still be seen as attractive, but
problematic women who are objectively attractive can't be seen as attractive or men/women will try to convince everyone they are just so ugly or "mid".
>>1624668 is attractive.
>>1624676is ugly as hell, and probably over compliments any troon he sees, or actually isn't even attracted to women at all. Right wing/left wing scrotes are all equally sexiest, misogynstic and fucked up if they are extreme with it. Shit even the one's who aren't. Neither side gives a SHIT about women outside their narratives.
Left wing men don't even try to pretend to be "male feminist" anymore. They'll cape for troons be misogysntic as fuck towards women, and still expect us to date them/pat them on the back.
While a lot of conserative male, just hate gay men/ugly troons, because they are homophobic. Yet they'll have Blaire white on their platform or use him as the "See? Troons can be attractive and sane".
No. 1625085
File: 1688546973030.jpg (144.91 KB, 1280x960, emdCnxU.jpg)

I hate all the americentric hate for millenials that defines them from the US perspective that leaks into the entirety of the western hemisphere. In my country millenials suffered through the worst depression of our modern history with the economy borderline crashing down in their childhood so a lot of us had to deal with alcoholic parents, poverty, broken homes, public services being shut down etc. Around 1/4 of us have some sort of a diagnosed mental illness and we were raised by parents who were born directly into or after WW2 with our country in near shambles, carrying the generational trauma. And not to mention when we became adults another market crash hit in 2008. Shut the fuck up with this "millenials being self absorbed disney adults am I right" bit. Also fuck zoomers for sucking Gen X dick trying to cause some retarded cultural war against millenials just to peddle some retarded Y2K culture wares and to divert attention away from bezos, musk and others like them.
No. 1625087
File: 1688547148058.jpeg (212.36 KB, 818x1303, D123ABA8-8E72-4054-AA57-AC666A…)

Wtf is this shit? Lmao
This looks like a whole ass woman so I guess they got that right
No. 1625194
File: 1688565130883.jpeg (78.51 KB, 1170x580, E3572BF4-7EDF-4AAD-8148-0FAC43…)

>>1625104>Noelle StevensonAh that explains it. I miss before she trooned out and made genuinely cute art.
No. 1625210
>>1625085>>1625119I love how
nonny actually recognized the country kek, truly a collective trauma
No. 1625281
File: 1688576534080.jpg (573.75 KB, 2160x1850, image - 2023-07-05T110251.169.…)

Nothing spells corruption like being banned for 2 different reasons (with none of them being the truth) :D(:D)
No. 1625715
File: 1688605192421.jpg (208.79 KB, 1280x1280, Artist, Historian, Certified N…)

When I'm reading a crochet pattern and they tell me to make a gauge swatch. I do not wish to do that.
No. 1625781
File: 1688610931212.jpg (492.29 KB, 2500x1667, 230210154814-03-gender-affirmi…)

i hate the phrase "trans kids". i'm not even a burger but i keep seeing it brought up as a talking point by every lgbt group in my country. i can't tell if it's referring to 14 year old tif victims of social contagion or really young children under 10. i hate it either way. i'm a childless bi woman in my late 20s, why would i ever be so focussed on children when i want to meet other gay and bi people?
No. 1625977
File: 1688628170748.jpg (26.62 KB, 540x392, 1624050548639.jpg)

The trend in yaoi manga (probably just the translations, I HOPE) of having the guys yell shit like "Get pregnant" and "Breed me" and "bussy". Seriously, if that's just the scanlation groups doing that shit, then whatever. I'll read the original scans. But if that kind of writing is in the original to begin with, then the authors should consider glassing themselves. I'm so sick of the womb envy from them. I want to read about two dudes fucking. Two men. 'Kay?
No. 1625991
File: 1688629863855.gif (607.22 KB, 500x360, sigh.gif)

When all the icecream in the freezer is melted despite it working properly
No. 1626073
>>1625977Not sure what type of BL you're reading but I've seen some trap shit mentioning pussies and getting pregnant a lot and it's always kinda gross. Or maybe you're reading omegaverse, in that case it's just regular omegaverse.
>>1626065Unless they use meme terms like "bussy" I don't think it's the translator's fault, some authors really just include extremely cringy and disgusting dialogue.
No. 1626134
File: 1688649886202.jpeg (94.48 KB, 519x465, FCEB8698-F711-4B2E-870D-80AE1C…)

I hate breakfast, it’s absolutely the worst meal of the day and the most annoying to prepare. I made pancakes this morning to treat myself and the amount of cleanup afterwards is a pain in the ass. If I’m not doing something special I just eat a glob of yogurt or oatmeal because I’m sick of sugary cereal. After a while I realized that my dad puts so much effort in cooking breakfasts for himself because he just leaves everything on the counter and makes my mother clean it all up.
No. 1626192
>omegaverseI read one and got a few pages in and started feeling nauseous. I hate omegaverse so, so much. Even more than the stupid-ass "get pregnant" shit.
No. 1626286
>>1626269Not the same thing, imo. It's the fact that people are so quick to silence women compared to men when doing anything.
If a woman wants to exploit moids by making money off of the moids being purely sexualized, that's based. You will likely see 10x more backlash against her though, with a "but its still wrong!!!" attitude.
No. 1626624
File: 1688689147751.jpeg (710.45 KB, 2778x1974, 33960DBE-7507-4C20-9E09-9D0EED…)

>>1626605they were made to be eaten by frogs
No. 1626642
>>1626640That kind that
No. 1626658
File: 1688691616345.jpg (91.95 KB, 563x750, 40537569.jpg)

>>1626645I didn't know there were any places without them. I'm jealous.
No. 1626676
File: 1688692816143.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.69 KB, 732x549, shutterstock_1057275197_thumb-…)

>>1626663It's a horse fly. They're big blood sucking flies and their mouths are razors. Their bites hurt like hell and if you're unlucky enough, they look like this.
No. 1626705
File: 1688694141724.jpeg (695.98 KB, 1179x1199, IMG_0213.jpeg)

>>1626676That’s probably not horsefly bites, or maybe it is since type of insect isn’t specified and it’s a stick image, but they’re just labeled as infected bites. it does show up in google images when you search horsefly bite but it’s just the computer being stupid, the image is from a separate article on the same website as a horsefly article
No. 1626798
File: 1688700830367.jpg (203.84 KB, 1024x683, istockphoto-939342626-1024x102…)

>>1626730>>1626765what if the demographics of every anonymous website are the same, and it's just the same people changing their attitudes and personalities to conform to the different sites. All the screencaps of reddit moids are actually self-posts, and these two posters are actually the same person who is also me
No. 1626955
File: 1688716476649.jpg (99.02 KB, 1080x471, IMG_20230707_095332.jpg)

Found this comment on a video of some lady talking about her lawn claiming the grass she's using is native to where she lives. I hate this dumb shit, I'm so close to posting an eyeroll emoji
No. 1626958
File: 1688716899713.jpg (60.38 KB, 500x654, romanstyles.jpg)

White women who police other white women unnecessarily about "cultural appropriation". I was looking at the instagram of an animal rescue and the founder was depressed over a fox pup who had been injured. But comments were full of idiots talking about her braided hair instead and how it's stolen from black women like she literally ripped it off their heads. I really don't think braids are copyrighted, and hairstyles with intricate braids have been part of european culture for millenia. It's like they were just power tripping because they could smell weakness.
No. 1626965
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I hate people who still shoot off fireworks like 1 in morning even after the 4th of July. They should be fined for that for being a public disturbance to those who needed rest to work on the following day.
No. 1626975
>>1626730Its very obvious with posts like
>>1626472 either lurking moid, troon(which is the worst type of moid) or fakeboi
No. 1626983
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>>1626968No they were scolding a woman who rescues foxes from fur farms because wears her hair in tiny braids like rasta style, while being white. This is misogynoir and disrespect apparantly.
No. 1626988
I hate when people think "white people food" or whatever that means is yucky and bland while any other culture has wonderful savoury food. White people have plenty of savoury traditional foods but I don't expect the average twitterfag to know that. No, your dish made out of cheap meat drowned in a shitton of random spices hardly counts as indian food, and you'd retch at actual traditional foods that aren't trendy for turists. This shit always comes from americans who eat shit fast food, processed crap and 10 soda cans/drinks a day who feel superior because they tasted sushi from a chinese restaurant once.
>>1626983I thought you were talking about Mikayla. It's so petty because this woman does a lot for foxes and other rescues animals but nope, gotta scold the nasty white woman because she wears tiny braids because she clearly enjoys the style. I guess black women aren't allowed to have straight hair because it's a "white women thing" then. I hate that you can be as misogynistic as you like if it's a white woman.
No. 1626999
>>1626988Mikayla works so damn hard to help those foxes and other animals, it's ironic how the social media commenters focuses on her looks negatively instead of her work and the animals she cares for. The usual sexism, but make it woke.
>>1626991I know, I'm sick of it.
No. 1627665
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I hate toll roads! They're nothing but a legal way to scam drivers especially for those who went in by accident. Plus they take up highway space that could've a been better use for the public.
t. Nonna who went in a toll road by accident last night
No. 1627775
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i want to strangle annoying faggots on discord who backseat mod
always jumping in and trying to tell you what to do like they're reliving their glory days as the school hall monitor
No. 1627813
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>>1627673 that anon but it’s here
There’s more shit if you Google it and find the official report
No. 1628216
>>1628127NTA but you are exactly right. It's how women are shamed for wearing certain outfits and
victim blamed when men will literally assault women wearing ANYTHING. So obviously clothing is not the issue. It's men and how they are taught to view women as property.
It's like the whole bullshit of virginity being 'sacred' for women but no one cares about men fucking 10 women at a time.
No. 1628228
>>1628089I thought it meant that the child had their innocence about the world and people taken from them. That the child has now learned that there are cruel and
abusive men out there.
No. 1628361
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I saw a moid yesterday at the discount grocery store wearing a fucking Ethereum t-shirt. Y'know, Ethereum, the cryptocoin. And on the back of the shirt it said "We're all gonna make it." He was buying shitty factory farm-brand chicken when I saw it, too.
No. 1628589
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Those weird single mom jokes. It’s even worse watching women trying to make them only to get made fun of by scrotes. I don’t know what pickmes expect.
No. 1628590
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Seen the word faggette here and there on here, truly uninspired and in the same vein of bluette, pinkette, yellownette don't ask and just reminds me of spaghetti. Highly certain that it's the same person using the word based on vocabulary and typing style, hoping it would catch on or wanting to fit in a female-centric imageboard after getting molded by male one. Loser
No. 1628610
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This shit from grown "men" online. I don't know if he's being real or not but I hate it.
No. 1629129
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I hate this shit, I wish anyone who jokes about shit like this gets a vest with bombs tied to their bodies so they can experience the fear that many children and women have to go through.
No. 1629175
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>>1629129how do you people survive on the internet?
No. 1629209
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I hate this and whatever this embodies (late stage capitalism? Idk)
No. 1629256
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always hated her. felt like content for neets and incels
No. 1629269
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>>1629260yeah looking at her insta now the only hanger-ons really are just pathetic tradcels
No. 1629274
I think it's because a lot of these games have shit communities or the game itself has some sexism/misogyny in it
No. 1629330
File: 1688932400705.gif (1.72 MB, 405x316, therockeyebrowthing.gif)

When my anti-tranny memes get taken down but other people's homophobic and woman hating memes stay up
No. 1629534
I hate how everything is sexualized these days. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of things considered sexual even in the past, but nowadays, it's gotten ridiculous. For example, when I was a little girl I remember being obsessed with school outfits and dress up games. I used to always play those games and save super cool outfits because I thought they were cute. I thought everyone else liked those outfits and things for innocent reasons, and then growing older and finding out that men jerk off to school girl outfits and shit like that. It's so frustrating. Maybe it's because I don't have a very sexual mind (I guess?), but I just saw a video where this girl was wearing a velvet dress, and while I don't know her 'intentions' wearing the dress, the comments were insanely sexual, insisting this girl was wearing it to show off. Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot of videos and tiktoks are made to be overtly sexual, but there are also a lot of other ones that are not IMO. I also just recently saw a post where it was a stock photo of women bullying another women, and the top comments were ALL talking about how this reminded them of porn.
I just feel like if you're a woman, no matter what you do, it will be sexualized. whether it's dressing up, or eating chicken wings, or just bending over to pick something up, people will think it's sexual. I definitely think porn has made it worse in recent years. I swear the internet didn't used to be this bad….
No. 1629589
>>1629534I know exactly what you mean. It didn’t used to be this bad and I truly believe it is because of porn.
My friend recently had a visit from CPS because her
eleven year old son sent explicit texts and pictures to a girl in his class. Until recently this kind of behaviour was almost exclusively a result of childhood sexual abuse. He got the ideas from TikTok.
I hate how normalised porn is. I don’t get how it became something that’s just totally acceptable to talk and joke about in public, especially with stuff like Blacked, incest porn, and cuck shit. It’s gross and I’m really worried about what the future holds.
No. 1629608
>>1629175Fuck off, it’s retarded, fetishizing and making fun of shit that happens to people irl. Not only that, most of the people sharing those pictures are like “lol cute little girl wearing le funny vest with bombs lmao lol” when they don’t even understand where are those things coming from.
It’s of such bad taste, I don’t give a fuck if you laugh at people getting honor killed and if you masturbate thinking about getting put in a situation like that, but I will complain and tell the people sending that shit to me or to the online spaces I am, that it’s fucked up, I will explain where the funny lol bomb vests are coming from and what are the people wearing those things thinking about.
Because laughing at people getting used for suicide missions is at the same level as laughing at kids getting raped or murdered.
Like “lol look at this cute little anime girl getting raped by her uncle, how can you survive on the internet? What a snowflake” maybe log off and read a book for once.
No. 1629623
>>1629611The original pic comes in two parts, she only reveals the bomb in the second panel. It was supposed to be a joke about opening one's coat and flashing strangers, but the twist is that she's actually carrying a bomb.
The cheap copy is more fetishy and depressive-suicidal than funny. It's more waifu moeshit art rather than an edgy joke.
>>1629608>Like “lol look at this cute little anime girl getting raped by her uncle, how can you survive on the internet? What a snowflake” maybe log off and read a book for once.Yeah this, I hate edgelords who act like you have to worship fucked up moid "humor" and degeneracy to not be considered zoomer SJW snowflakes. They never realize that a lot of imageboard oldfags have grown up and even though they tolerated or even liked that bullshit when they were young and edgy, they now realize it's not healthy or correct to support those kinds of things and that we're allowed to criticize it. I have seen the worst shit imaginable on the internet both fictional and real and have come to the conclusion that such things are horribly morally wrong and anyone who is proud of that being their "culture" has mental issues and shouldn't be listened to.
No. 1629656
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>>1629623This one? It's actually funny, imagine if it happened in real life and suddenly the flashers would be afraid to flash random women (or at least Muslim women).
No. 1629676
>>1629656Kek no, I was talking about this picture
>>1629175 there's a first part before she reveals the bomb. That's the joke.
No. 1629707
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>>1628197>absolute degeneracy that makes you wonder why the author is not being locked into an asylumThe moomins only have fanfics like those, I hate them all, I just wanted to read cute stories about the Joxter and Mymble.
No. 1629708
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Don't hate this but the trend of wearing lingerie and calling it high fashion is boring and looks tacky (to me) most of the time.
No. 1629730
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>>1629724they're not that different to me. another example i present is this dress that Florence Pugh wore recently. there are ways to wear sheer dresses but draping it over yourself and highlighting your underwear or body is lazy and unimaginative.
No. 1629738
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>>1629731Nta but I think it was great when Rihanna did it. I think you need to have a certain presence or aura to pull it off. Although their dresses aren't the same, Dua Lipa in that photo looks uncomfortable and like she's fighting the urge to pull up her arms and cover herself. The way she's posing makes it look as if she wasn't 100% sure about the dress. Plus something about the panties (the shape maybe?) look awkward.
Also, strange choice for a Barbie carpet. I know the new movie isn't really for children so I guess that explains why she's so bare but at least be on theme. When did Barbie ever wear a sheer dress with her nipples out?
No. 1630081
>>1630071Oh ok then. I hate Koenjihyakkei too, can't believe they're from the same country as the genre of japanoise.
Univers Zéro can be interesting but they're way too melodic
No. 1630197
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When there's a drama in my fandom and a lot of people who had never even touched the media in question suddendly come out to sperg about it. You can give your opinion, you can be firm about what you believe, I don't even care much about the whole "fake fan" thing or newcomers, but don't spam everywhere about it as if you were an authority in the fandom when just a few days ago you probably didn't care or know about this piece of media.
No. 1630303
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What is the point of a handbag so tiny. Why would someone buy them? Just for shits and giggles?
They make me irrationally angry.
(I accidentally posted this in the stupid question thread and didn't notice until now, I meant to post it here, oops, my bad)
No. 1630633
>>1630303Looks silly.
>>1630478Strikes me as vain and impractical, a person who sacrifices comfort for perceived status points must feel quite insecure in their status. I'm somewhat well off and i don't feel a need to signal my wealth, on the contrary, i try to hide it.
No. 1631551
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all the retarded individuals on social media who keep copy & pasting each other's long winded completely INANE posts like demented tech illiterate boomers instead of just sharing normally making the keyword search function damn near unusable
No. 1631637
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I FUCKING HATE JUNKIES. I live in a shit area with a lot of junkies and alcoholics, and now that it’s summer you can’t go outside without running into hordes of them. They are a nuisance to passerbys, and I feel it’s genuinely unsafe sometimes. Cars and bikes get broken and stolen, there’s graffiti everywhere. Junkie groups sit in the forest patch behind my house, listen to rave music loud as fuck and shoot drugs. A mother living here was walking with her 4 year old kid and some lowlives shouted at the kid how nice her moms ass is and how much they want to fuck her. She said she’s moving out as soon as possible. I fucking hate it here, I wish I never moved here.
No. 1631738
>>1631637Fuck junkies and anyone abusing mind-altering substances. I have patience and compassion for people with a mental illness or disability causing them to act weird and/or slow but someone who willingly chose that is fucking infuriating.
>rave musicOf course they're ravefags. Can't fucking stand dance music and dance music culture because of breeding and encouraging junkies.
No. 1631900
File: 1689186804349.jpeg (108.98 KB, 750x533, IMG_2126.jpeg)

>looking for new distro
>see that arch is very performant and not trying to be mac
>kinda wanna try it
>look up more info
>everyone using it is a faggot ass weeb pogtard dank memer
>looking for a new text editor
>huh maybe it’s time to get into vim
>nah I don’t want to memorize all that shit
>oh look neovim looks very cool
>watch their tour video
>it’s full of memes
What the fuck I will never use this shit now. Why is tech so full of retards and why are all of the most retarded ones using these? I wonder what percentage of arch and neovim users are trannies
No. 1632047
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>"it's not fat, it your UtErUs!!1"
No bitch it's fucking fat and unless you are pregnant or have some kind of condition it's never going to be your fucking uterus. I go into tard rage mode whenever I see a woman post this shit, HOW do you NOT know where your fucking uterus is???
No. 1632129
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Artists that copy other people’s photos without credit, like this. To me it’s on the same level as AI art. The only person I’ve seen get shit on for doing it was some euro painter that copied a photograph of straycatj, which J’s owner recognized and called him out for.
No. 1632146
>>1632047>>1632068Do you all really not see how strange those lipo’d bellies look on women? I can clock people and celebrities who have had this done instantly because it looks so unnatural. Almost all women except for extremely trained athletes have this pad of fat on the lower abdomen. Believe it or not your body does have areas of fat that do not need to be removed. An animal without fat is unwell, it’s the same for humans. Inb4
>no, being fat isn’t healthy!!!1!I am not saying being fat is healthy. I’m saying that when you are a healthy weight with healthy diet and exercise, women still have fat in certain places and it is natural. It’s a female secondary sex characteristic. It is honestly depressing to see women become so neurotic that they think completely natural and healthy features of their body need to be removed. It’s actually creepy to me.
No. 1632277
>>1632184I actually think gatekeeping is great. People who openly give outfit deets are angels of course, but people aren't entitled to know what work women get done to their body or face and sometimes when people ask for where they got something from, they could've just easily googled it.
I personally hate that so many people seem to be incapable of googling stuff, although tbh Google has gotten noticably worse this year.
No. 1632358
>>1632354Nta but it was much better. The amount of bizarre, entitled, parasocial microcosms that exist solely to tear people down and look for faults in everyone is exhaustive. You ignored weirdos and you stuck with your people, there were no weird political angles, and most of all people didn't try to monetize everything they did or peddled so that alone made it better and more sincere. Mundane is the best word to describe it, it was viewing and sharing the way viewing and sharing was meant to be before everything became a cashcow to be milked with frenzied desperation. You could argue that more predators could hide in plain sight or whatever but the simple truth is that there are more predators than ever and people don't care about
real predators, they care about calling out and belittling people they don't like.
No. 1632376
>>1632354atyrt and
>>1632358 has it down to a tee. things were more blunt, communities were more rigid and functional and less rife with divisive conflict. we didn't have proship antiship bullshit discourse we just didn't talk to people that liked things we didn't like. labels were stupid but made relative sense (lemon for straight on nsfw and lime for light nsfw for a lame but relative example) and "DON'T LIKE DON'T READ" was common doctrine like normal folks. you kept to your people and your people only and, most importantly, you weren't subjected by absolute bullshit MOGAI-tier ridicule by people who've never heard of nuance or developed critical thinking skills.
call me an old fandom fogey (even tho i'm just cusping 30 LOL) but i consider it the golden years and i don't really care if that makes me some cringy zilennial geek or whatever. i miss it and i want it back.
No. 1632434
>>1632301I tend to skip fandoms and just get my friends into whatever I'm into, and get into whatever they're into. Way easier when everyone's already on the same page, no shit takes and no getting cancelled for having the wrong opinion on a cartoon character or whatever. It only sucks when I'm hardcore into something that they aren't into, I hate talking on social media so I have to suffer in silence. And people treat fandom like it's a fucking job now. I've even heard of drama over "stealing someone's headcanon". I just want to talk about shit that's too nerdy for IRLs, why does it have to be like this.
>>1632383>let's all singlehandedly revive livejournal or something.Please anon. With all the social media sites crashing and burning a small old web, old fandom revival might be possible. I've heard dreamwidth is a good LJ clone but can't say much about the community, it's always seemed a little dead when I've looked around there.
No. 1632743
File: 1689263750932.jpg (884.62 KB, 4096x3586, 20230713_115621.jpg)

Idolmantises on twitter, a 'trans gay' (aka straight… but is a lesbian????) 'artist' that's obsessed with bugs and… sexualizing them? Yes, she somehow sexualizes bugs. Her trans characters piss me the fuck off. It'll just be a regular ass looking female and she slaps the label trans male on her, or the opposite way around. For example, her shitass devil x angel 'lesbian' ocs, which is… literally just a straight couple as the angel literally just. Isn't a woman??? It fucking pisses me off, way to taint the lesbian couple name and stretch its meaning so trannies can appropriate it more. And the devil girl is hilariously pornified to the male gaze. She's a sex worker too, so take it as you will. Lesbian doesn't even mean anything anymore on twitter I guess. Anyway, picrel is insane to me. He/they lesbian… what???? Yes, they're bugs, but these things are so obviously female. Trans people don't even try to pass and expect everyone to bow down to them.
No. 1632751
>>1632743honestly this is kinda good in roundabout way if you're worried about the medical industry preying on autistic girls and chopping their tits off. if it's normal in retarded niche online communities to have a huge rack and be a he/him perhaps the urge to alter themselves physically with go away.
excuse my stoner-level logic. sorry, it's hard to take this stuff seriously.
No. 1632844
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i hate when people argue about a point i agree with so badly that it makes me want to "switch sides". it's really outstanding how thick in the head and obtuse people can be. sometimes anons on here truly remind me of fox news "litter box in school bathrooms for students identifying as cats" levels of feigning outrage to confirm their own bias, like do you not fact check or even think on your own about things seriously before you feign outrage? be real for a second. or when they painfully misconstrue the opposing argument. there are countless examples both online and in real life and it just drives me up the wall like not only do i feel unbearable amounts of second hand embarrassment but you're making me ( and others with the same view ) look as retarded as you are. they're always the absolute loudest too. i mean i appreciate the sentiment but leave it to people who weigh their words and know what they're taking about. PLEASE STOP blog but it takes me back to when i would get defended by the girls in my class or teachers against those who bullied me and the way they did it made me seem and feel like such a lowly pitiful worm that i wished they had never been involved. just made me feel even worse despite knowing that they meant well. probably stung even more due to the fact tbh
No. 1633083
>>1633072Kek you really think your amputee torture porn or whatever really is morally superior.
Sorry nonna this is what happens when you follow fucked up people, they get progressively more fucked up. This is a sign to stop being a weirdo.
No. 1633097
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>>1632743>>1632895>>1632968The bee reminds me of this fucking abomination (her boobs bounce in this frame too eww) from Vinesauce's ad-watching stream. It's so obvious that the male who animated this commercial is an internet coomer
No. 1633733
File: 1689362232929.png (270.68 KB, 325x407, Capture.PNG)

I know it's the nature of tiktok, but I LOATHE people who make super crazy faces like all the time. I constantly get this chick on youtube shorts, every single thing is being half hispanic which is whatever, but the way she moves her mouth, it's all so dramatic. From her accent, from her constant faces she pulls. I think this is why i don't get tiktokers. Maybe I'm just too Shay-pilled but when I see these girls making these crazy faces i'm reminded of the retared faces shayna makes.
No. 1633859
>>1633843I even saw a old clip of her i hs talking about how she looks white but she's really not. I know her mom is a latina but it seems so comical and legit kinda offensive. I wonder if she even has real friends in that culture. I also heard she's really fucking rich but because her dad is just boring white she doesn't speak on him much vs. constantly bringing up her mom because..well we know why. I just find her so odd. The faces, the eye fucking, no other personality besides that. If it's true she's rich she could'nt come up with anything else to get attention but this?
Makes me feel like she's really annoying in real life. All that said, maybe she's a sweet girl and i'm just drunk and annoyed right now lol.
No. 1634031
>>1633969glad i'm not the only one who finds it odd, I felt bad for thinking it, one of her newest videos, she talks in what I'm sure is her normal voice, then when jumps into spanish it's fucking LOUD aggressive, every single word is emphasized to the max, she starts making her faces extra retarded. It's so weird to see her normal voice vs. the "I'm a latina" voice. Again, it comes off like a joke. She just comes off like a pretty woman who doesn't have much to talk about or be about, so she makes it about being half latina, having red long hair and being pretty. I'm going to find a way to make sure she doesn't show up in my youtube shorts, cause I often go down the rabbithole of "IS there more?" with her and I just wanna see cats and cakes kek.
No. 1634705
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I hate this sticker but I can’t pin point why
No. 1634934
>>1634705I think she's just calling herself a womanchild who doesn't have a lot of experience with adult responsibilities such as taxes despite being at an age where she should know how to do all those things. She's calling herself immature for her age in a self-deprecating humorous manner.
Maybe you find it annoying in the same way young millennial adults saying "adulting is hard" is cringey. They're trying to make their immaturity sound quirky, relatable, and funny.
No. 1634955
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Autistic rant incoming:
I hate it when dumbasses can't tell when something is obviously moidgaze and mistakenly shill it as "female oriented".
I was reading some otome game blogs and came across this blog post. The screenshots this girl shared make it obvious that this game is for pedo scrotes but she calls it a game for girls just because it has a cute aesthetic. She told the one commenter (who has more than one braincell and immediately recognized it's a game for moids) that "Sailor Moon has fanservice too like every anime" (bullshit, plus nudity is not inherently sexual or fanservice), and the protagonists are girls, so this game is totally for girls. Ugh. Like girl, have you ever watched more than one magical girl anime? I bet she would call something like Prisma Ilya an anime for girls because it's about "cute" magical girls even though there's constant lolishit fanservice in it (from what an ex-friend who was a fan told me). It couldn't be more obvious that this game is for perverted male nerds. Some western weeb women are so blind. Shit like this game, Prisma Ilya, etc. are part of a sub-genre of magical girls targeted at males and it's literally a corruption of the original concept of magical girls that were targeted at a female audience like Sailor Moon. This is basic shit.'t get me wrong, I don't care if some women enjoy scroteshit and are able to look past the obvious problems that kind of media has. I do have some moidpandering guilty pleasures of my own, too. What I hate is when someone is so naive, or ignorant, or disingenuous, as to recommend this shit to women, lying about it being for girls because they can't tell the difference, defending the obvious degeneracy, etc. It reminds me of this other game that's on Steam, I think it was Little Witch Nobeta, about a little girl who's a witch that you play as, and there were people in the forums asking if it was a pedo game or safe, or female-friendly, but a lot of people replied it's completely innocent. Even though the devs had literally tweeted softcore porn of the main character. Just looking at the game's header image should tell you everything you need to know, but a lot of people who aren't very familiar with how Japanese creators cater to different audiences/Japanese anime art styles, would not be able to notice until there's literal porn being released by the creators themselves.
There's a reason they segregate stuff by gender demographic in Japan, women and moids know what's made for them and what's made for the opposite sex, usually they can tell just by art style alone. But in the west, this distinction is only beginning to be acknowledged and most people still can't distinguish between shoujo (female-oriented stories about girls) and bishoujo (moid-oriented, sexualized "cute" girls), to give an example. And of course the most affected are girls because they're pushed to consume anime media with supposedly cute and relatable girls, but they're not prepared for the tits and ass and pantyshots everywhere, or the retarded waifushit characters made by moids who can't relate to women at all, and they're forced to endure it because it's what the whole anime ""community"" is watching, and they can't criticize it either because they'll be told it's just the way le Japanese culture is and you're a cringe prude SJW for not liking it.
We need to bring the sex-segregating part of Japanese otaku culture here. The problem is that due to tranny ideology that would be very hard to achieve.
No. 1635208
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>>1634955This is the game the posters are discussing about. Very ~~femgazey~~ indeed, kek.
No. 1635216
nonnie I hate you for mentioning Little Witch Nobeta. My monkey brain was curious and now I want to pour bleach onto my eyes. Disgoosting.
No. 1635304
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>>1635208I hate this style and I hate the trend of making anime characters with the same face, with only slight variations to the eye and hair. This only worked with sailor moon because they had vastly different hairstyles and colors, besides having more of an nonrealistic style. When I see these drawings with realistic shading and features plastered with these moeblob faces it pisses me off.
No. 1636104
>>1634955You're so right
nonnie. I noticed younger girls/women (like aged 13 to 20) into anime struggle a lot with this concept. I can't even count the amount of times I've seen girls collect obvious sexualized and moid pandering loli anime merch and figurines but it's okay because the lolis are acting dumb and relatable. If you dare to point it out it'll be turned into the "you're just jealous, well actually YOU'RE the one that's sexualizing them" shtick. Some of them also tend to verge on this weird brand of pickmeism in which they signal to moids that they love moid pandering media and will gladly listen to them sexualize the characters, which clearly implies they know what kind of media that is, while scowling at women that call a spade a spade.
No. 1636145
>>1634955I'm reminded of straight up arguments I've gotten into with dumbasses on manga sites for calling out incorrect tagging of scrote porn as "shoujo" or "josei", like holy shit, open your eyes, "well I'm a girl and I liked this!" don't care, stfu. This is also maybe a bit of a spicy take, but I also feel like the emphasis on gendie shit and "queerness" as a cool thing online amongst girls who are also into anime has led a lot of them to not really care, or even swear up and down that they like all this anime high school girl sexualization. My teen sister and her group of weeb friends (who are almost all they/thems) who love to gush over anime boy fanfics and talk about their irl crushes on boys will also watch anime together full of boob-jiggling fanservice because "we're bi and like boobs too!" which fine, maybe so, I'm just a little suspicious that that's also what every weeb 16 y/o they/them I've ever seen on the internet is saying. Idk, it feels like a weird protective cope like "no no, I'm not bothered by all the scrotey tit and ass shots everywhere because
I like those too! This isn't
just for men!"
No. 1636154
>>1634955This reminds me of all those times when people thought anime, manga and games featuring beautiful, attractive male characters were targeted towards scrotes because they "had male protagonists". The complete level of obliviousness kills me, would they consider BTS and other male k-pop groups "male music" because they're male only bands too or is this some weird occurrence of gaslighting?
>>1636145>"well I'm a girl and I liked this!"I hate this so much, especially when these people accuse you of internalized misogyny and NLOGism when you don't enjoy female characters obviously made to cater to men, I don't know if they're just playing dumb about it or genuinely intellectually challenged to not realize how fucking stupid they sound, or maybe they're just coping hard in their denial of most media being made for coombrained men like you suggested. Yeah she might have a pretty outfit you find cute as a woman or you memed yourself into slobbering for mommy milker anime tiddy trash but that doesn't change the fact that she's entirely made for moidgaze and their enjoyment and any woman is completely justified in not appreciating it.
No. 1636628
>>1636609I never really watched the Disney movies (always hated Disney for some reasons, can't even explain why), but I read the original fairy tales a lot as a child and this
>I wanted the cute dresses, to talk to animals and go on adventuresis what I also always wanted, not waiting for a prince, not waiting to be rescued, being independent on my own adventure and speaking with animals.
>>1636616Kek, Snow Tan, we should call that movie Snow Tan in the future
>>1636619It would be so nice if they would just look up folklore or fairy tales from other cultures and make movies about that. Why change the skin colour of a long known character if you can just look into the stories of other cultures and make amazing movies out of that.
No. 1636630
>>1636541You do realize Disney only does this because they don't have to pay screenwriters for a new idea and to renew interest in and to extend the sales of the original movie by casting
PoC actresses to create controversy and ragebait so people will sperg online about how Disney is selling an evil NWO agenda to destroy the western society and racist conservatoids will use that to their advantage? Congrats on buying into it.
No. 1636673
>>1636608maybe this is a dumb opinion, but if they wanted to cast a
POC, why not an East Asian? Many naturally have pale skin and black hair (obviously, not all do). I wouldn't have minded something like that. I also didn't mind Ariel being black (the original had a lot of Caribbean influence in the music anyway) but I didn't see the movie because it looks lame as hell. I just can't deal with what they took out of the plot (not spoiling it for others here).
No. 1636853
>>1636728Reminds me of the Finn and Rose fiasco from
Star Wars. They were completely original characters that weren't derivative of someone else yet people still complained about their existence. Wonder why…
No. 1637185
Over the top exaggerated accents, doesn't if it's a bad British, Southern US, or New York accent, I genuinely skip movies or TV shows that have them because sometimes it physically pains me to listen to them. For instance, a few weeks ago, when I was watching Birds of Prey with my friends, I found Margot Robbie's Brooklyn so accent just intolerable, and I had to stop watching it, myfriends made fun of me for this for weeks, but I stand by my position. If you can't do an accent or impression, just don't do it, or try to make it subtle.
No. 1637217
>>1636630Kek I ain't buying into shit cuz I don't have money to waste to go to see any new movies.
I haven't seen a Disney movie in the cinema since Moana, which had at least the merit of being original and not just taking an IP and race switching characters cuz it's "new and original".
I could make the same critique about any race switching in an IP to be original in any type of media, it's bland af.
Even worse with the new "women don't need no man to have agency" trope of the last 15 years.
There are tropes in every form of story telling, sure, but I would rather watch a campy B horror/comedy/romcom movie with the tropiest of all the horror/comedy/romcom tropes instead. At the very least people working behind the camera of those movies don't take themselves so seriously they think they're more clever than their audience.
No. 1637658
>>1637650I don't understand why the mods allow the blackpill thread to stay up, it's just misogyny general at this point. I checked it out since anons were talking about it the other day and I can actually believe the posts are made by women because they sound like that certain brand of homeschooled always online
femcels with no friends mad at imaginary staceys taking all the equally imaginary good men, but some of them have a distinctively male incel tone to them.
No. 1637704
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Hate this scrote and the faghags thinking he totally wasn’t getting off to it
As if any grown ass adult needs someone to show them how to put cream on their asshole
No. 1637875
>>1637731Are you sure it’s a stereotype
No. 1637923
>>1637904Yeah I fully agree, that's a term that is used about animals, not humans.
>>1637919It's a porn effect. Whoever is using it is coombrained.
No. 1638415
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This shit. Whatever that "honest game trailers" shit on autoplay is I'm not going to watch any of these videos. Horrifyingly retarded.
No. 1638558
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Ugly plastic surgery monster siberian husky bitch. Donatella Versace has had less fillers and botox than this.
No. 1638565
>>1638558I was beginning to think I was the only one who felt this way.
100% true.
No. 1638797
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I hate when people babify teen men. I understand people want to see the best in everyone, but there have been more cases of teen moids raping women and getting away/getting really light sentences for being teens than actual women abusing teen boys. It does nothing but justify teen scrotes being disgusting human beings, for what? the one in a century case of a woman raping a teen boy, the literal non-existent case of a woman raping and murdering a teen boy? I think more women should be wary of teen scrotes, instead of trusting them because ''they are just kids!'' no, retard, that ''kid'' can and definitely will crack your skull open with a hammer if you lower your guard. And guess what? after raping and murdering you the baby boy is going to get a light/nothing sentece, he's just a baby uwu tiny smol boy! Always remember that Junko Furuta's rapists, torturers and and killers didnt get jail time for being minors. Teen boys arent equal to teen girls, they are physically stronger, more mentally unhinged, angrier and nowadays addicted to pornography.
No. 1638804
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>>1638797What? Anon, I know you're worked up, but that isn't true. See picrel of the sentencing for Junko's rapists/torturers/killers
No. 1638849
>>1638814I already said I wasn't commenting on the rest of what you wrote. Posting blatantly untrue things makes you look like a gc sperg who is too retarded to read a Wikipedia page, especially if you fly into a rage when someone notices you're lying kek
You sound hangry, eat some chocolate.
No. 1638925
>>1638554All the wikis worth anything have already moved to self-hosting, Miraheze or other platforms. Fandom is for 13 year old gen alpha retards.
Wikia (the previous iteration of Fandom) was okayish though.
No. 1639442
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I hate those "why are you, as a man, doing x thing? for other men?" memes, because it doesn't feel like manhating/making fun of men to me. It feels like something some quirky retard girl would post to tease her boyfriend who she thinks is gay because she's a they/them idk
No. 1639544
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I hate this man on tiktok and yt shorts that comments on women’s diets. All he does is seethe every time a woman eats 1400 calories and says they’re promoting anorexia to children, especially if they start the video with a body shot. He will go on about how body checking is so bad. If a curvy or chubby girl has a body shot, he won’t say anything though. He is so fucking annoying, idk why this shlubby little man feels qualified to comment on women’s diets anyway. He just has the most annoying voice and mannerisms too.
No. 1639726
>>1639656I have this complaint about my couch. Sitting on it gives me horrible lower back pain. I try to sit in seiza instead, whether on it or on my floor cushions. I think it's because everyone here is fat. Beds here also give me back pain. They act like their obese flabby butts are precious soft bananas that need 20 layers of cushioning. I prefer furniture that isn't spongecake.
I'm also fed up that everyone drives cars everywhere. You aren't stuck in traffic–you ARE the traffic. Cars are outrageously loud and I'm tired of constant car drone noise. I wish I could shoot their tires out. I just want to fill the arterial road with cement barriers and stop these fucking cars for good.
No. 1639957
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That hyena laugh loser dude bros make when the least funny shit ever happens.
No. 1640544
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I’m so exhausted from Barbie marketing. It’s convinced me to pirate the movie at this point.
No. 1640597
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Patricia Polacco. Her books are not only unenjoyable as both a child and an adult, but who the fuck allows this to be illustrated in a book with their name on it? The drawings are horrendous and the way their faces bend in the split of the book is pissing me off so bad. I can’t wait until she dies
No. 1640673
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Studytube. I hate that most youtubers have no personality outside of aesthetics. Before I bought an iPad, I had done some research about useful note taking and drawing apps but all I could find was “how to take pretty notes”. EVERY unboxing featured girls with acrylic nails, oversized sleeves covering their hands and everything was white and kawaii and shinning. Ugh. Also the ASMR plus the consoomerism gets on my nerves every time. Seemed like I was watching the same video over and over again because I couldn't tell them apart.
No. 1640745
>>1640680>Kinda like the bullet journaling trend that was supposed to help you be productive but instead they would just spend hours on making pretty pagesnta but if I'm not mistaking the guy who invented bullet journalling has spoken up about how bastardized it has become.
It just depressing how everything has become an industry now. A new method meant to help people organise? Let's sell a bunch of decorative items for notebooks and pay people on social media to promote them! Bullet journaling was never about organisation, silly it's about making pretty pages you can show of on social media!
Reminds me of art hoes. it may had started with passion for art but then it just became about owning starry night prints and hoarding art supplies. To be fair though many art hoes do paint but they spend so much time taking photos of their oil paints so they can get the most clout instead of just painting because they enjoy it. Social media ruins everything
No. 1640788
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So many Incels are so fucking obessded with men's looks that they they come across as gay, The guy on the right is actually kinda cute, and yet incels are convinced that unless someone looks like a male model, no woman will desire him, cause of maybe previous negative experiences combined with cognitive biases towards blackpill internet forums, they assume all women want Ken doll and self-deceive when it’s unlikely. Their perspective is so divorced from reality.
No. 1640935
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I hate twitter commies so much(I'm saying this as a socialist) imagine being so disconnected from reality you think that tens of millions of people losing their jobs is a "good thing" cause it will cause civil strife and a possible communist revolution.
No. 1641259
>>1640980I'm surprised that you're surprised at this. Did you think that if someone is "charming" they couldn't be a bad person lol
There are countless examples of psychopaths who have had good reputations and you got fooled so bad.
No. 1641381
>>1640788What's their fucking point lmao, that people of differing appearances exist? Do they think any random fit woman looks amazing next to a victoria's secret model? Everyone gets mogged by better looking people once in a while, it doesn't mean they're doomed to be alone and there's no point in improving your looks or seeking a relationship.
But ofc, the incel's only goal in working out is to get a 10/10 perfect stacey gf. Seeing a pic like this reminds them that won't happen because there's 10 perfect chad men dating those women instead, and they can't cope.
No. 1641461
>>1636145>Idk, it feels like a weird protective cope like "no no, I'm not bothered by all the scrotey tit and ass shots everywhere because I like those too! This isn't just for men!"Yes, it really is a cope, I used to do it too. It's a way to cope with both not having anything that panders to you (having to choose between moid media or unbearably girly media made to brainwash you), and learning about the degenerate, woman-hating nature of moids who constantly create and enjoy depictions of women as nothing but sexual objects. So instead of fighting it, you accept it and then meme yourself into liking it, but you're still just pretending to be the "cool girl" because deep down you hate it and would love an alternative that is actually made for you. It's definitely a way to cope with the massive disappointment that results from it all.
>>1636577Now you're just wrong. No other Latin American I've ever talked to hated Cubans, in fact I've heard the opposite. Maybe you mean Cuban-Americans?
No. 1641576
>>1639826Nta but they should be 'tubers', but we call them
potatoes instead. But I know 'potatoes' usually reference children with an unfortunate disability, usually due to their parents' dumbassery, but still. Would make me kek a lil.
No. 1641692
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I hate whatever shit this is. Female mangaka with terminal malebrained coomerism draws unga bunga honking tiddies. Never mind the fact that it's obviously made to appeal to a male demographic anyways. So feminism!!! Such a gay lesbian!!!
No. 1641697
>>1641692The japanese already received divine retribution for their coomerism. Their birth rate is like 0.78 and dropping. Imagine breeding with a moid who looks at huge tiddy animoo softcore all day every day. And the female mangaka who do this shit are just pickmes. It's especially hilarious because the average Japanese woman is like a b-cup but all the anime drawings have tits bigger than their heads. meanwhile the males are featureless skinny blobs.
She knows the only reason anyone buys a manga about mahjong is to stare at the comically large tits. This manga has a huge male following and none of them care about mahjong.
No. 1641776
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i found out about the "underground subliminal community" through the personal cows thread & this is honestly one of the most retarded & pathetic things i've ever seen. i refuse to believe anybody over the age of 15 is actually watching/listening to these. also "federal agent beauty" kek.
No. 1641844
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zoomers trying to emulate 00s styles while either completly butchering it by adding tranny garbage or thinking slapping a 200x stamp will fool anyone. I specially hate this thing, the author didnt even try to make it look like faux anime of the 00s or hell, even dl flash and try it to realize that type of lineart quality was impossible in the program.
No. 1642005
>>1641969Patriarchy bad and this speech that America Ferrera's character delivers to Margot Barbie who's having a crisis, "You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but also you have to be thin. You have to have money, but you can’t ask for money because that’s crass. You have to be a boss, but you can’t be mean. You have to lead, but you can’t squash other people’s ideas. You’re supposed to love being a mother, but don’t talk about your kids all the damn time. You have to be a career woman, but also always be looking out for other people. You have to answer for men’s bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you’re accused of complaining. You’re supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you’re supposed to be a part of the sisterhood. But always stand out and always be grateful. But never forget that the system is rigged. So find a way to acknowledge that but also always be grateful. You have to never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line. It’s too hard! It’s too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you! And it turns out in fact that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also everything is your fault."
>>1642002Yeah, I only remember complaints about the artstyle.
No. 1642046
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No. 1642100
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I'm watching The Crown right now and the actress for young Diana is very good, but I hate when she does this Dreamworks smirk
No. 1642123
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Vtubers are the new furries and I'm tired of pretending they're not
>trying to search fanart of my favorite series on twitter because it's the hotspot for artists
>1/2 of my results are contaminated with vtubers announcing their streams and fanart of the vtuber being self-inserted into the game
This is the same reason why I hate twitch/e-celeb culture in general because the discussion revolves around this fucking loser nobody and only uses the game, anime, whatever media to cling onto their coat-tails and nothing more.
Streamers are glorified NEETs with zero talent or skill. At least Hollywood celebrities actually have to work and have to put in effort into acting and singing. The only purpose an e-celeb serves in my eyes is being a laughing stock when they inevitably fuck up.
No. 1642259
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>>1641920The story was fine, I just really fucking hated the art-style.
>>1641925Literally one posted defended him and they were immediately called out for it.
No. 1642399
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>>1642259Anons in that thread were going "I hated how Turning Red was clearly a PERSONAL!!!11 story which means I don't get it and it makes me angry!!" which is exactly what men say about movies mainly directed towards women but when they have to remain tact about it. They feel threatened when they can't relate to a movie because everything is a zero sum game to them. I'm not Chinese and don't live in Canada yet I was fully immersed in the portrayal of those feelings and moments experienced by a young girl in her early teens because as a woman I went through similar, universal experiences and because I'm also capable of basic human empathy and understanding the distress the characters go through.
Also anons got really weird about the period thing. It's as if they were trying to lowkey call the movie creepy and pedophilic for saying that girls have periods and that it's a life changing event. The "ackshually the mom was in the right for protecting her daughter from becoming a slut" angle cemented the fact that the thread is dripping with autistic scrotes just like the artist salt thread and celebricow thread. Picrel, if this wasn't written by a man then I don't know what is.
No. 1644062
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I am fucking mad, anons. Project Moon, a Korean game company fired a female artist because she once tweeted against creepshots in women's bathrooms. Reddit is saying that she wanted fo abort male fetuses and 4chan is being reasonable? Fuck this world
No. 1644166
>>1644062How the fuck is creepshots comparable to male castration? One is blantant invasion of privacy
besides men should be south Korea has to be one of the most misogynistic Asian country next to China. They literally had a docu series of how big the industry is. Fucking gross The poor artist she was def scapegoated
No. 1644200
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>>1644062>she once tweeted against creepshots in women's bathroomsA female vocaloid producer (Hitoshizuku) recently got cancelled by the western fanbase for saying the same exact thing. God I hate them. I hope women only continue to speak out against this shit.
No. 1645291
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So the other day in the celeb thread I saw someone mention something weird about Jane Birkin’s daughter… I just googled it and it was hard to find anything but finally was led to this. What in the ever living fuck lol. The whole Wikipedia article is just everyone in the world downplaying it and saying it’s harmless and innocent. What is this clown world
No. 1645523
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Big dogs who are untrained. I watched a dog for my friend for the day and Jesus Christ. Literally gets in your face and shoves his face at your food, shoving him back does not work to the point I had to eat standing. Tries to climb onto my lap despite being a full grown Dalmatian and once again shoving his face into my face. I tried to lie on the couch and he immediately tried to climb on me and once again shoved his huge head at me literally wiggling around to try and get up to the point of head butting me. I’m extra crabby because I have scoliosis and general joint issues so I’m in pain every day, and having to push him off killed my back. My friend definitely doesn’t exercise him enough and definitely didn’t train him properly. I blame myself for taking him on and he obviously doesn’t know any better but girl train your dog to at least not jump on people damn I’m going to have to recover for a few days.
No. 1645836
>>1645695there's a barista at my local starbucks who always puts a similar sounding male name on my cup even though my name is a very normal common female name and the male name is very odd, old fashioned, and not at all unisex
not gonna doxx myself but it's like if a girl was named lena and you went out of your way to write "leonard" on her cup
it's not like i look like a tif or anything
No. 1645854
I really don't like dogs, and I'm badly allergic, and I wish less people would have them. Lots of women– only women, why?– have service dogs and stuff. Not like, real ones for blind people, but for anxiety or "ptsd" or whatever. There's half a dozen on campus and I try my best to dodge them during the semester. There was a psychiatric service dog in one of my uni classes and I skipped all the time BC I didn't feel like pregaming my calculus class with benadryl. I told my prof and he just shrugged. OK cool. Glad Kai's ADA accommodations are being respected.
They're also just really badly behaved animals and really gross. The service dog I mentioned spent all class licking it's junk, every day. Idk how people deal. It's like if I grabbed one of my geese and brought her around on campus and in class. Oh she's loud and shits everywhere? Well same with the dogs. She bit someone? You must have spooked her. I'll let her off leash and when she charges at someone I'll just shout "she's friendly!"
Lots of the women I know have dogs "for protection" and "to feel safe" or because they want a furbaby. But their whole lives are run by the dog. And it's nearly always a large breed and they don't train it. It's constantly "oh Diesel has separation anxiety so I can't leave the house longer than 2 minutes or he'll obliterate everything in sight." Or "Daenerys is reactive so I have to walk her after the moon sets. At least 40 miles." "Bluto is allergic to everything except Dodo meat, which sucks because they're extinct. So I need to work overtime to afford lab grown dodo." Like what the hell. Why do you want to live a life like that? For it's whole life you want to be beholden to this animal? Can there really be joy there?
Idgi. I guess it'd be nicer if they didn't affect my life so much. People bring them into grocery stores, bars, hiking, camping, etc. Even if I say I'm allergic. Plus, I live rurally and people dump dogs here every once in a while. Then they chase and / or kill some of my livestock. I'm really tired of it.(take it to the dog hate thread)
No. 1645887
>>1645873Yeah a lady at work has a pit mix who's aggressive named daenerys, like GOT. She has to jump through hoops every day to make sure the dog doesn't attack someone.
I think starbucksanon should say her name is Sephiroth.
No. 1645908
>>1645854I understand where you're coming from, but PTSD dogs are a very real thing and real PTSD dogs are specially bred and trained for that purpose. They're not ESAs (which is probably what you're thinking of) they're actual service animals. I personally know a veteran who has a legit one.
If a purported PTSD dog is distracted by human beings other than its owner, it's probably not a legitimate service animal. Real PTSD dogs are trained to be completely calm and focused entirely on their owner.
No. 1646003
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It looks like mustard poured on a carpet
No. 1646207
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>>1646091Now I wanna know about all of your interests
No. 1646591
File: 1690491717804.jpg (213.78 KB, 1050x480, How-Plums-become-Prunes-1050x4…)

My name is Prunella and I hate it. Stupidest and worst name. But I feel like It's too late to change it.
I don't have a middle name so I usually go by Ella and try my best to hide my full name from people. Most people think that Ella is short for Eleanor or Isabella, and I always feel shame whenever people find out it's….Prunella.
I hate my life.
No. 1647055
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I have no clue who she is and maybe she is fine as a person, but this girl is always suggested to me on Instagram (even though I've never clicked on her videos) and I cannot stand her ugly sunburn blush the dumbass smirk she always does!!!!
No. 1647064
File: 1690522986446.jpeg (29.77 KB, 480x360, E1984097-EED4-4D56-B3A4-632B9F…)

>>1646591Nooooo I have never ever ever met anyone with that name and it immediately made me think of her, Prunella sounds cool
No. 1647236
>>1646591Its fine and also original. One day you'll love it.
>>1647055She looks cute.
No. 1647338
>>1646413>28 minutes longDamn.
Nonnie can you just give us a tiny summary or at least tell what was sick about it?
No. 1647348
>>1646413>>1646595>>1647338Sex as a right for disabled men. (I don’t speak German and I’m not going to watch it all but nonna seemed to imply the gist could be gotten almost immediately.)
Don’t forget, if sex is a right then refusing to have sex with them will become a violation of their rights, not yours! If sex work is work then sexual harassment is just a misunderstanding of the goods and services you provide. If sex work is work then rape is just theft. If sex work is work then a boss sexually assaulting his staff is ok because it’s part of their job. If sex work is work then the government is allowed to pimp you out before giving you access to social support networks.
Rape is not a right.
No. 1647407
>>1646595>>1647338sorry for posting and then leaving, i kinda thought you'd immediately see what it is about when she goes to his bed
on the one hand it's disgusting how prostitution is pushed as something normie in germany but in this case i actually find the prostitute creepier/in the wrong. and the parents/caretakers hiring her…now words. the guy in the video is a total vegetable, so how can she claim that he wants sex, that he wants her to do this to him? even some german comments pointed out, how the fuck can somebody like this consent in any way?
the later part of the video is about a retard couple. this is also something i hate, yes these people should be able to live life as normally as possible but thinking about letting them have children or even having sex is retarded.
i especially hate that in those cases the woman is often much more disabled than the moid (e.g. he has just autism), so it just feels very wrong. i once interned in a school for disabled kids and young adults and while those who had down syndrome definitely can reach a good level of independence, they nevertheless stay extremely gullible, e.g. the teacher tested them by telling them they made a mistake while baking and instead of questioning her because they read and followed the recipe, they immediately said oh ok - meaning men too could tell them anything and they'd immediately believe it and go along with it.
No. 1647466
>>1647236I think she would be cute with decent makeup and a normal facial expression, it's the ridiculous makeup and the DreamWorks smirk that drives me up the wall
>>1647108This is the perfect description and why I hate it
>>1647243I feel like a boomer when I watch videos of Tiktokers speaking like this, it's very irritating and I'm not sure why anyone enjoys watching it. Guess she won the algorithm jackpot with it though
No. 1647511
This is a really weird thing to complain about but hentai from two decades ago was so much more tame and it was watchable to women as well, I actually liked a lot of the hentai that I read and watched and the girl characters often had pretty interesting and spunky personalities too. Now you literally can't find shit without fetish level inflated breasts, grotesque x-ray shots, extreme monster cock penetration, cervix penetration, urethra penetration, nipple penetration, lactation, anal gaping, violence, blood, dismemberment and so forth, the girls are like dead sex dolls personality wise or one note dommy mommies. And the straight porn made for women isn't any better, it's an ugly douchebag you're supposed to consider attractive raping a self insert void of personality. I miss all the edgy dystopian animes that just happened to have sex scenes and the silly high fantasy porn comics.
No. 1647601
File: 1690574800673.png (11.06 MB, 2990x3444, frwhy.png)

I'm watching this youtuber and I hate how often she checks herself out in the camera. Picrel is her staring open-mouthed in silence, like she does multiple times in every vlog. The comments say she looks like a pinterest girl but she genuinely just looks retarded doing this? Also kek someone even called her out for it in one vlog and she decided to keep that in.
No. 1647633
>>1647613I feel very bad for you guys, really. It seems everything crashed down the moment those people came to Europe, it used to be a chill area but now it's literally on shambles and it happened so fast. Violence, rape, crime, chaos, I can't believe I'm actually glad I'm not living there atm, at least our people would be allowed to fight back if that ever happened to us, but it seems you guys are expected to just shut up and take it which is extremely infuriating. I'm very sorry, I hope your people find a way to recover what those lowlifes destroyed, they didn't deserve your hospitality. Very tragic
No. 1647656
>>1647647>I hate scrotes shitting every threads on this board with random stories about muh muslim men destroying Europe.Are you for fucking real? Right after I posted about being anxious about terrorists threatening my country? Fuck off.
>>1647633Thank you. They really don't, and people are waking up fast about it. Which country are you from nona?
No. 1647660
>>1647613But anon Islam is a religion of peace uwu
I also have so much hate for them. Men are all bastards but the way muslim men act is just so much worse, they worship a literal pedophile and expect everyone to follow their shit religion and they will kill and rape anyone who doesn't agree with them or dares to make jokes about them. They're okay with honor killinga ffs, why are they even allowed to exist? Is "muh religion and culture" really a good excuse for murder, rape, abuse and subjugation of thousands of women and children?
No. 1647709
>>1647608Strong agree. I see a woman wearing anachronic makeup in a historical piece and think about how she should be fired and the directors should be shot. Stop being cowards you cowards. Show her with accurate makeup or nothing at all.
>>1647654Thanks for the advice nona, she got me until you brought me back down. It's such a shame though. As an exchange student, my friend and I got drunk at 18 and rode our bikes back home in Stuttgart at 2:00 am. I would have never done that in America, yet back then it was still safe enough to do that in Germany. On our ride we saw mothers pushing babies in strollers and an off duty police officer walking his dog who greeted us.
No. 1647739
>>1619287#I hate when old people complain about their problems like they are the only ones who suffer
# I hate it when hot food gains a weird layer on top of it
No. 1648000
File: 1690618485335.png (226.09 KB, 461x547, retarded hunchback.png)

>Woman athlete films some moid lookin like a dumbass while he's working out. She had a chuckle about it>She didn't even show his face>People seethe because how dare a woman laugh at him!!!1!>A gross roided up gym influencer uses this as an oppurtunity to get asspats from the internet, mansplaining how she ~shouldve showed him the correct way~ instead.>seething males (and pick mes) circle jerking continuesPlease, If it was a moid making fun of a woman doing the same thing, they'd just comment same the cringy "women coffee cup emoji" like they always do. They'd even go "Does she see anyone else doing it like that?" etc. But poor wittle moid, amirite? He's just starting out, cut him some slack! Bad woman!
She should never apologize (as she should). If it was a moid making fun of a woman looking stupid in a gym, it wouldn't even get this much attention.
video: to convert it to webm but it's too large apparently No. 1648946
File: 1690713323543.png (51.74 KB, 798x253, whatthefuck.PNG)

troon infestation on spacehey. the fuck is this
No. 1648949
File: 1690713590603.png (62.18 KB, 321x299, lol.PNG)

>>1648946samefag, why would you put all this in the about me like nobody gives a crap that you're "gay as fuck". poor girl. shes 16 too
No. 1649265
>>1649207This is a phenomena irl too. Like okay we get it miss 2edge.
>>1649257You'll see any sort of opinion about anything that doesn't make sense if you spend enough time online
No. 1649364
>>1649207literally who does this? i agree with
>>1649257 most of the time you cant call out feminine shit without being called an nlog. Pink is an ugly color anyways, it's like blue where it has been so commecialized it seems plastic and boring. Green is the best color ever.
No. 1649613
File: 1690773005535.jpg (19.24 KB, 501x300, WHUPTEEDOO.jpg)

I hate how fucking filthy green onions are! It's like they dont even rinse them off! Every one is impacted with soil! Every time!
No. 1649725
>>1649637Oh I know I just hate having to take all that time splitting/rinsing them just to have a sprinkling of onion on my dang potato. Thank you though
nonnie, someday I will finally eat a leek and think of you.
No. 1649918
File: 1690792160219.jpg (163.69 KB, 977x827, Screenshot_20230315_130736_Chr…)

People who type like that, reread yourself before posting.
No. 1650049
>>1650042Barbie and Oppenheimer got released at the same time. One is a comedy about a plastic doll that tons of girls and women love, then other is a biography of the guy who made the atomic bomb. The contrast seemed funny to some people and they made some crossover photoshopped posters of that, the Barbie movie official account replied to some tweets about that with dumb shit like "it's going to be a memorable summer uwu" and just yesterday a lot of Japanese accounts quotes and replied to these tweets telling them to fuck off and to stop joking about the atomic bomb because their parents and grandparents were direct
victims and they themselves are probably more at risk of various cancers than average as a result. Some of them are posting edits of the twin towers with bright pink smoke kek as a result.
No. 1650052
File: 1690807323450.jpg (248.12 KB, 1136x2048, 20230731_144419.jpg)

>>1650049samefag but pic related.
No. 1650055
File: 1690807563943.jpg (250.26 KB, 1080x1920, 20230731_144813.jpg)

>>1650054There's more with #NoBarbenheimer
No. 1650057
>>1650047>>1650049Oh I see. I thought Oppenheimer was a generic WWII movie going by the German title, I didn't realize it was about the atomic bombs specifically.
>Some of them are posting edits of the twin towers with bright pink smokekek
No. 1650058
File: 1690807706371.jpg (111.88 KB, 1170x1115, 20230731_145002.jpg)

>>1650057>>1650055Yeah it's the inventor's family name more specifically. I had no clue until I heard about the movie. And here's more.
No. 1650068
>>1650058 for context. I know about the events as much as most people. I don't have details like the names of specific scientists in mind because I didn't learn them and since I'm not American we didn't focus on this kind of details in class. In high school I chose options that allowed me to have 4h of history and geography class per week instead of 2h like the other options so we really went into details for Europe since my country was directly involved in the war, and we also really went to details when it comes to the direct and indirect consequences of the war in my country, in Europe and in the world. America only became really relevant in the second half of WW2 in comparison on top of that.
No. 1650096
>>1650087I'm not surprised by that. I chose to learn German in middle and high school
and miserably failed and during class we almost only talked about WW1, WW2, Germany being separated in 2 and the destruction of the wall in Berlin, and food and beer obviously. English classes had more diverse topics on the other hand. Maybe it's because Germany as we know it is a recent country? We never talked about Switzerland or Austria though for some reason. Meanwhile here in France WW2 had direct and indirect consequences on most of France's ex colonies and there were a lot of things we studied but there wasn't enough time to learn details like individual names of people who weren't politicians or highly graded soldiers. I have no clue how Americans studied it in their schools, I wouldn't be surprised if they also mostly focused on the role of their own country in WW2 instead of talking about everything because there's so much you could talk about.
No. 1650116
>>1650096kek, I would say beer is the most important thing to talk about when you have to learn something about Germany. We only talked about Austria in relation to WWI in my history class, never talked about Switzerland. France, Great Britain, Japan and USA in mostly in relation to WWII, while we would still discuss the Roman Empire and the French Revolution in full length. Only thing in history class concerning USA we talked about was the discovery of the new world and slave trading. Other things about USA were more a topic in my English class, like presidents, wars, etc. We never really talked about most Asian countries, Australia, Africa or South America, sure, history is a huge topic but would have been nice to just get away from all the talk about WWI, WWII, cold war and Germany for a while. It probably because WWII is one of the biggest historical events that happend not even 100 years ago and they somehow hope that if we learn enough about it we won't repeat it.
And to get back to the "things you hate" topic of this thread. Stupid me avoided learning French in school, thought Latin would fit me better. Today I regret it as you French people never put English subtitles on Japanese movies and therefore I can't buy French blu-rays or dvds and now I'm torn between learning Japanese or French to enjoy things that will never be released in my country.
No. 1650139
>>1650136They probably didn't have that context and even if they did I still get why they'd be offended since many of them said their parents or grandparents got their lived ruined from it and they most likely have a chronic illness or two from their parents or grandparents who were in either Hiroshima or Nagasaki when the bombs were dropped. Most of the
victims were civilians and not involved in the Japanese war crimes you're talking about too. And humor isn't the same everywhere too.
No. 1650199
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The way he says Sookie. Eric said it much nicer.
No. 1650240
No. 1650271
File: 1690829329716.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.62 KB, 548x914, IMG_2410.jpeg)

I hate this
CW: troonery
No. 1651373
File: 1690932163065.jpg (275.59 KB, 1200x1784, buffalo-wings-1.jpg)

I hate the smell of buffalo sauce.
No. 1651449
>>1651306Hate that rich autist’s total waste of paper and tape and ink on all that waifu and meme bullshit. Imagine the mountain of trash he creates.
And yeah have also hated vtubers since forever, it’s like scrotes have tricked themselves there AREN’T the e-girls they say they hate behind them.
But I also just hate all streaming. I will never understand wanting to waste time watching people play stupid video games.
No. 1651714
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>>1651306Am I missing something here? These don't even look good, it's wrinkly. Western otakus couldn't use their autism to save their lives if they needed to.
No. 1651735
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>>1651670Are you an alien?
No. 1651791
>>1651735No I just hate most music, melodies and repetition type shit you'd never catch me listening to that no way in hell. Stupid brain numbing mind-drugs
>>1651736It's your natural instincts kicking in to protect yourself against the brainwashing of music
No. 1651875
>>1651782I don't give a shit about "gay man fetishization" but the way TIFs do it is so annoying and self-righteous "it's ok for me AND ONLY ME BECAUSE I'M A GAY MAN MYSELF AND YOU'RE NOT"
same for TIFs saying faggot. I don't care to get offended by it but it's really retarded when TIFs say it all the time because they think they're "reclaiming the slur" (and ofc they get butthurt when "waaa cis women reee" say it) lmao
No. 1651883
>>1651877This. It's always rooted in protecting and upholding their own males by deflecting or trying to make another group seem as more evil. It does anger me when they try to portray it as something noble when they don't give a fuck about the
victims they use in their ideological or religious crusades but ignore the ones in their own communities and even silence them when they speak.
No. 1651898
>>1651892>>1651883okay, but one culture is significantly worse then others and its not racial, cause men who are the same race as them but different religion(the sikhs) don't engage in these activities en-masse
like this
>>1651892 was by a Muslim
Its also really offensive to those unfortunately suffer at regions where the arab pedophiles laws are common. something like vidrel and the comments supporting it would never ever be found with any other group
No. 1651925
>>1651898>childhood is a social constructSuch is death moid, now face the wall.
I hate braindead moids.
No. 1651936
>>1650836I can help a little.
>You should eat fruit every day, the vitamins and antioxidants are healthy for you! Correct. For fruits and veggies, most vitamins are held in or near the skin. So berries will hold more antioxidants than an orange, because you can eat the skin. Some skins we don't eat because it's inconvenient, such as kiwi, are safe to eat. Others, like oranges, cause upset stomach. And one, mango, is safe at first, but repeated exposure can lead to you developing an allergy to it.
>Noooo actually you can't it's full of fructose and gluctose, you're just eating sugar for not that many good nutrients! If you can, try to buy heirloom varieties from trusted farms.
Modern fruits have been bred to be so sugary that we can't even feed them to fruitivore zoo animals because there's too much sugar. Older lines are much better because they're closer to the wild variety. Meanwhile, all mass farms have completely depleted their soil of all nutrients, so smaller family farms are usually better. But this is true for all foods, not just fruits. I haven't been able to refind the source, but in human nutrition 101 we were taught that an orange you eat today is only 25% as nutritious as an orange your grandmother would have eaten because of soil depletion.
>But no you can actually eat it because the body doesn't proces it like table sugar! We are still at the beginning of understanding the human diet and nutrition. So while less sugar and more fiber are overall better for you, "natural" sugars seem to be better for your gut biome than processed sugars. Sugars should be from raw or cooked fruits with pulp, honey, or maple syrup.
High fructose corn syrup should be avoided because it seems to encourage bad gut flora that can cause autoimmune digestive issues and GI cancers. We don't know why though. In all cases, even with the most sugary fruit like grapes, eating fruit is better for you than eating candy or dessert. This is because the pulp creates a gel lattice within your GI tract that makes the body absorb the sugar more slowly, leading to less sugar spikes in the blood stream. Fruit juice, since it does not contain enough pulp, is basically as bad as candy, but a little less so since it's not made with high fructose corn syrup. Side note, high blood sugar, especially repeated spikes, is not only bad for you in every other way, but will also age your cells faster and make you look older.
>Eat nuts, they're super healthy and filling! Wait no actually don't, the human body doesn't digest nuts well!Nuts are a healthful food that are a great source of nutrients and protein. But nuts, being a form of tree reproduction, don't want to be digested. They want to be eaten by an animal and then pooped out in a new place so they can grow. So they are digested less well than we originally thought, but are still great for you. Roasting them makes them more calorically available, but decreases nutrients. Eat away though.
>Smoothies are healthy! No actually they're not because you're destroying fiber, they're pure sugar! A small amount of fiber and antioxidants are destroyed by the blender, but most people are willing to intake more fiber if you make it into a drink form. So better to get more nutrients of lower quality than no nutrients. If you are overly concerned, blend your ice and milk/water to desired consistency first, then add fruits and blend as little as possible. Again, better to have the nutrients than not.
>Seafood is full of healthy fats!Completely correct. Wild caught seafood fats are miles better than laboratory fats and better than farmed seafood fats. But, they also contain microplastics.
At this point, microplastics are everywhere. They are in our blood, probably our brain, and definitely our bones. In fact, the big secret is that based on the recommendations created in the 1960s, food itself is no longer safe to consume. There's so much plastic and heavy metals in the soil that plants suck it up as they grow and we eat it in the fruits, veggies, and grains. Were we to actually test our produce and hold it to standard, everywhere would fail. So we purposely don't test and the people who know look the other way, because there's nothing we can do that wouldn't lead to the complete destruction of the stock market and or economy.
With some exceptions, the lower down the food chain, the less plastic density you'll find in your seafood. Filter feeders filter it out of the water, they're eaten by little fish, and then they're eaten by bigger and bigger fish. So shrimp is safer than salmon. But the salmon is also the one with the best fats, because she creates them using the proteins gathered from eating meat.
Really the only thing you can do is clear the gut of the animal you're eating (which is standard procedure anyway) and donate blood and plasma as often as you can.
No. 1652197
File: 1691020521122.jpg (1.6 MB, 2495x2500, 1690857350222.jpg)

Men who make faces like this. Open your fucking eyes.
No. 1652363
>>1650049It's rich of the Japanese to demand an apology for #Barbieheimer marketing allegedly making light of the a-bomb while Japan still refuses to apologize for the absolute depravity the country showed toward the Chinese, Koreans, etc. during the war.
No. 1652364
File: 1691034290406.jpg (116.27 KB, 1920x1280, 1690996229178.jpg)

This art style
No. 1652505
File: 1691046993103.jpeg (177.26 KB, 828x1174, IMG_0205.jpeg)

I hate how much the MLP fandom and most fandoms of tv shows created for children are dominated by adult males. Brony fandom was filled with men who have fragile masculinities crying out about how it’s not gay to like MLP back in the show’s prime, now those same men are trooning out
No. 1652513
>>1650058kek I vote this for next threadpic
No. 1652552
File: 1691057762715.jpg (111.06 KB, 1024x573, 911_never_forget_by_slgq4_deqt…)

>>1652363you're absolutely right but I still want to see a 9/11 anime. Preferably with a Sonic the Hedgehog cameo in there too for the deviantart nod
No. 1652665
File: 1691069089945.jpg (30.74 KB, 563x684, 402735921048.jpg)

People who type "yall"
No. 1652668
File: 1691069454994.png (135.63 KB, 800x802, cowcat.png)

>>1652665What yall got against yall
No. 1652680
>>1652668it's y'all
not yall or ya'll
No. 1652689
File: 1691071645667.jpeg (16.46 KB, 556x552, images (1).jpeg)

>>1652680What ya'll got against yall
No. 1652932
File: 1691094349837.gif (47.31 KB, 316x400, 7.gif)

>>1652689"ya'll" is exclusively used by posers. IT'S Y'ALL
No. 1653063
File: 1691103371777.jpg (128.89 KB, 640x622, eb.jpg)

I hate all the wojaks/soyjaks/pepe shit so much, why haven't these memes died out yet? People have been forcing this fugly shit for too long, I only ever liked it in the context of PPP or in other nicer contexts but they're still very much ugly and annoying.
No. 1653419
>>1653063i like only the animal ones like spurdo, gondola and apu
>>1653413those were even uglier
No. 1653426
File: 1691130915124.jpg (59.29 KB, 891x501, 1260585284155_copy.jpg)

>>1653419>those were even uglierrage faces were cute, i used to have a crush on the cereal guy
No. 1653498
File: 1691141480968.jpg (1.84 MB, 2256x2980, DR.jpg)

I hate plebeian lack of taste. I hate that so much resources get wasted on creating ugly things. I hate contemporary materialistic architecture and fashion, i want to live in an aesthetic, uplifting environment.
No. 1654188
File: 1691195225987.png (156.75 KB, 752x1766, seethe.png)

Letterboxd is such a cancer. I like the interface better than imdb to discover new movies but the reviews are
>irony poisoned twitter faggots trying to be funny with zero analysis at all
>long paragraphs of pointless drivel in an attempt to look deep
>troons crying about an actor, director, or person tangentially related to the film
>posts grieving over "problematic" dialogue or themes in the movie, no matter how the issue is portrayed in context with the message of the movie much less the time period the movie was created
No. 1655126
>>1655073with cars and bikes: it can see sharp turns and recorded high traffic accident rate
with traveling on foot: again, crime statistics by area + type of crime (pickpocketing mostly happens in very popular areas that are usually safe from assault, for example)
No. 1655290
File: 1691273129004.png (198.14 KB, 1898x612, Screenshot 2023-08-05 180533.p…)

I hate that this exists and that there's multiple topics just like it of men fetishizing real women's rapes. And yes they actually post the women's pictures. No. 1655294
File: 1691273292671.png (125.9 KB, 1902x725, Screenshot 2023-08-05 180934.p…)

>>1655290 but men deserve to be tortured and killed en masse for this, I genuinely am enraged.
No. 1655306
File: 1691274842499.jpg (266.98 KB, 1080x1955, Screenshot.jpg)

>>1655294>>1655290Men were a mistake
No. 1655776
File: 1691320221841.jpeg (26.61 KB, 586x524, 1675340034292.jpeg)

People who defend "copyright" in science, especially if they are researchers themselves. The big publishers literally use researchers' free labor to make insane profit and in the process, barr people's access to scientific data and suck public funds that go into libraries buying access or paying scientists extra to be able to afford open access fees, when all that money could go to more research. I have a couple of colleagues who are spineless maggots and won't upload their papers online due to "copyright" although everyone else does it. Imagine being that pathetic.
No. 1655836
File: 1691324335918.jpeg (607.18 KB, 828x1213, IMG_7969.jpeg)

I don’t get it, all the comments are saying what a “strong mother” she is but aren’t we at a point in the medical world that this would be easily caught early on in the pregnancy? Is it not incredibly selfish to keep a pregnancy when THIS is what is bound to happen?
She didn’t separate them because one single doctor said not to—what about a second opinion instead of making your daughters live a torturous life?
No. 1655853
File: 1691327344412.png (5.13 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0904.png)

>>1655836Yeah she has videos where drs would tell her to abort but she moved to Houston. Tbh this shit is so fucking selfish. She probably knew she could monetize her daughters and feed her ego.
No. 1655863
>>1655852Are you retarded? Autism can't be detected in the womb, if it did half of the userbase wouldn't exist because your mother's would've aborted you.
Only major birth anomalies and very common genetic disorders like down can be detected by basic testing that's done to every pregnant woman.
No. 1655864
>>1655853Any time I see a ‘mommy blogger’ with a disabled kid, I instantly eyeroll. They aren’t “raising awareness”, they’re monetizing them. I can’t remember her name (I posted her in the tiktok hate thread) but both of her kids are severely disabled and she was made aware early in both pregnancies. Didn’t terminate.
And would you look at that, every single video is tagged as some bullshit like “tough mama” or “strong mama”
No. 1655968
File: 1691338358498.jpeg (76.39 KB, 650x622, 7D6D1755-AC69-4F8C-80D5-F18F74…)

>>1655922Same, I’m sick of seeing anything with children saying “deep” shit, let them play with toys and think that the moon is made of cheese for a little while, is that so hard? I also hate any piece of media with super ultra smart children, it’s obnoxious because it also makes children think they have to be really smart and get exposed to “deep” content, but it also makes their retarded parents think that their child may be the next mega smart baby that cures liver cancer at 5.
No. 1656584
File: 1691380651696.jpg (5.76 MB, 2886x4361, 20230806_235919.jpg)

Fuck ragweed. All my friends hate ragweed.
No. 1656635
File: 1691387040148.jpg (56.14 KB, 800x450, 3273859751280.jpg)

Women whose only topic of conversation is men. I'm not interested in your relationships.
No. 1656648
File: 1691388475506.gif (13.18 MB, 640x506, clown-mirror.gif)

>>1655472Agreed, and piggybacking on this to add that some people who just hate everyone from a certain country will use this to justify their hatred even if a person doesn't support/like the government.
I was born in a retarded banana republic whose leader is a rich oligarch that elected himself through ballot stuffing and other crooked business. He then changed the constitution to allow himself to be forever president, I wasn't even old enough to vote at that point. He's been in power ever since and is ruining our lives.
I emigrated so I could have a better future and send money to my family, but the country I'm from is unpopular here. People used to be mean to my face and call me a war criminal because of where I'm from. When I say that's why I emigrated, they say "well you elected him!". Meanwhile these people live in one of the least corrupt countries in the world and just elected a whole government full of literal Nazis. It's a rich ass country too, so it's not like people were bribed by free milk, money and food to feed their families either, like we were. Curious!
No. 1657044
File: 1691424871113.jpg (25.41 KB, 417x585, orpo.jpg)

>>1656648Olen pahoillani nyymi.
No. 1657048
So, this guy(Shahid Bolsen) is the new rising star of Islamist social media, he's a Western convert to Islam who is an actual murderer (he killed a German Jew) and is married to a Palestinian woman 15 years younger then him. His entire schtick is just talking like Malcolm X and saying, 'Islam is perfect and Western societies are awful compared to glorious Islam ' If someone mentions Islam's legacy of slavery, he says, 'Islam gave slaves rights and freedoms, and it was not based on race like evil Western slavery, which is still ongoing cause of the prison sstem' And as for the treatment of women, he said, "The West had witch trials and now has prostitution. We gave women legal rights." For some reason, Andrew Tate fanboys and old uncles are sharing his videos. It's just infuriating to see
No. 1657155
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"Make offer" instead of listing a starting price before negotiating. I'm trying to find furniture in a specific style for my apartment and I don't know shit enough about furniture to "make" a respectful "offer" or not get scammed. Plus there's always gonna be someone with more money to make a better offer. I feel like people who just go "make offer" are too fucking lazy to find out what their ugly formica camping tables are worth and will inevitably refuse when I give them a reasonable price. When it happens in person at swap meets too, do they think I've memorized the average prices of every type of secondhand home decor item before coming?
No. 1657232
>>1657175I wish I had the budget for auctions, I'm looking for secondhand (preferably late) mid-century modern furniture and decor to fix up. Actual mcm doesn't go below $300 (seen $1600 for a small cabinet) at local antique shops, so I'm afraid auctions are similar, and instead I look at swap meets, estate sales, marketplace/secondhand sites. It's a small apartment and I have the transportation, so I can aim for max. $100-150 apiece, but somehow every marketplace listing has 2 photos with a description like "vintage chair looks ok make offer". It's such a massive pet peeve when they expect me to be able to make an offer without being able to physically have a look.
I guess it's more acceptable at the swap meets in a way but I hate looking like a cheap philistine when I give a pretty arbitrary price, since I can't take anything a seller says at face value. I don't really care if it's actually from the 60's, if it looks good then I'll take it - but if they're inflating the value based on the year they claim, it gets so unnecessarily complicated.
I'll also take this occasion to say I hate inspecting furniture, cameras or records at these sales and having the gross moid seller initiate conversation like "budding photographer/collector/whatever are we?" in this really condescending tone. I know they don't mean ill but it's so irritating, I see them talking much differently to buyers that aren't young women.
No. 1657516
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>You know how women have been asking for more pockets, and more room to carry stuff around and more flattering cuts of jeans? Let’s do the opposite of that!!!
No. 1657720
>>1657717making moids self-conscious about their ugly lard bodies is based as hell but everything else is shit
>>1657716if they ever take over all clothing stores women would have to resort to thrifting which is also based, ecological and cheaper.
No. 1657894
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Watched the new Little Mermaid movie and holy shit is it so bad. I thought I was just being a hater and that since I wasn't a little kid that I wasn't getting it, but nope, it's just that bad because I watched Puss in Boots right after and thought it was great.
In the new Little Mermaid movie, not only is the CGI wack enough that the animals don't show emotions well (tell what emotion you think this fish is feeling in this screenshot), but there is zero chemistry between the main characters, the plot has no pacing, and the songs are so so bad. The first time I heard a song from it, I thought people were fucking with me and it was a fake cover made by racists. Nope, it was an actual song from the film. And the worst part? The dialogue. The writers must have thought that a cow actively having a lobotomy was their target audience because they spoon feed you everything and characters do stuff like say, "I'm going to kill the princess because I'm evil and it's an evil thing to do to kill the princess."
No. 1659626
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The cat hate thread is fucking disgusting, I hate these people so much it makes me sick. I have a hard time believing they are even women when they say and do such evil shit to animals and act like they are the normal ones and not the people who have pets. Like honestly I a-log all of them so hard, if hatred could cause harm they would be having a bad fucking life.
No. 1659828
>>1659626>>1659785Posters in both the dog and cat hate threads call non-psychos "dogfuckers" and "catfuckers".
It's literally the same people. They get off on bashing animals, and are likely men addicted to bestiality porn
>>1658716KF is honestly a shithole. They're good for exposing and keeping tabs on some of the worst people online, but that's about it