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No. 1577010
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i love my cat too much. he is old and has slowed down quite a lot. he is such a sweet cuddlebug boy now. i think i will have a psychotic break when he dies
No. 1577035
>>1577003>>1577004>>1577007Anyone got caps before mods deleted?
>>1577016You need bootyjuice
No. 1577046
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>>1577035Not on the thread itself, but he was sperging about Rachael and WG, posting revenge porn of WG as well as a partially redacted dox on the images of this post
The original thread is here
>>56933 No. 1577050
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>>1577048Part 3, he seems to think only his personal cows hate him kek
No. 1577052
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>>1577050Part 4, here's him confirming the delusions. He's so fucking retarded kek
No. 1577198
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I kind of hope that one day I'll spot a cow in the wild. not that I would interact, just silently laugh in my head. definitely possible cause there are some in my region kek
No. 1577220
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>>1577208and depending on where you live, you get both the city AND the cows
(racebait) No. 1577231
One time, on some other website, i'd told a user that i often ate cut(raw)carrots, cucumbers, and onions, by putting lemon juice and salt on it, and that it's common in my country. And then they told me it sounded gross, and even tho, i know that it's stupid clutching pearls over people's opinions on certain things about countries, and i accept "racist" jokes, it still hurt.
No. 1577241
>>1577231This sounds honestly delicious
>>1577229I love this. When I’m home alone and I feel like I’ve got pent up energy I make all kinds of retarded noises. My neighbors already think I’m weird.
No. 1577270
>>1577241>This sounds honestly deliciousit's okay enough, it's like a very low effort "appetizer salad", we often just cut some raw vegetables and serve them beside food, whether lemon juice and/or salt is put on it is optional, but it works up an appetite.
>>1577252ntayrt but i wonder if it's like an Outlast-esque storyline, where the MC has no "lines" but just grunts and moans of pain.
No. 1577287
>>1577241I also feel terrible for my neighbors.
>>1577252>>1577270It depend sometime I do common theater lines like dramatic betrayal or the pain of an impossible romantic relation ( I also do the dramatic poses when I have free hands )but without words said outloud or only a few. I do the crowd reaction.
I also try to make the most pleasing tune kind of like I would be the queen of the night singing her aria, making the most beautiful combo.
Sometime I simply do lesbian love and sex stories ngl
No. 1577466
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on a more positive note i love one anon on here so much. she's not a personalityfag she just replies to me often and vice versa. hope she feels the same way about me because we're besties in my mind!
No. 1577550
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I actually hope ranceanon is feeling better today. Wherever u r I hope you're doing OK nonnie and I wish u the best.
No. 1577582
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>>1577466I love you too, anon.
No. 1577593
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>>1577550This is how I feel about
carreychan No. 1577596
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>>1577593I love you too, anon.
No. 1577850
>>1577229The way I spat out laughing
What the fuck anon
No. 1577861
>>1577817I had/have this problem too. I agree that it's probably a diet thing, but I find that what helps is exfoliating (I use an exfoliating rag), wiping armpits with rubbing alcohol to cleanse them of bacteria before deodorant, showering before bed and always sleeping shirtless. My scent also sticks to my clothing so I do use baking soda and soap to remove it, if you have the same issue and you sweat you'll find that a lot of the smell comes from odor trapped in your shirt. It's an embarrassing issue but you're not alone
No. 1577983
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I’m so happy, my best friend kind of showed that she actually doesn’t support or at least is very critical of tranny shit. She was talking about it with another friend, I’m a sped so I didn’t want to talk in that moment, I was also testing the waters and slowly bringing up some actual news to kind of keep directing the conversation so most of the topics could come up.
Like surgeries, hormones, children exposed to the cult, using the tranny status as a get out of jail card, how it’s a social contagion. Most of those themes. My best friend is really pissed by the trannies fucking up sports.
I’m glad to know that I don’t have to feel tense around her or respect her preferred pronouns that much. I still do so because she hasn’t told me anything against them, she usually tells me what makes her feel comfortable or not, so I guess now I’m waiting.
No. 1578350
i miss the 2010s so so badly, almost autistically bad, especially the internet, people were at least casual-TRAs, and you could be gay and gnc in peace, and what makes me most sad about it is that i never really "left a mark", i wish i was part of that era, i never posted anything, just replied, reblogged n shit. Another thing that upsets me is how easily you could disappear from the internet, or become inactive, like internet artists like Ibuki Mangaka, or the twitter accounts of famous tweets getting deleted(like the ones of those YOI fangirls that got Chanel lip balms bc of the anime), even tumblr accounts, or like that cosplay group behind "Twilight isn't literature" meme, feels sad somehow and i don't know why, even tho racists and sexists existed back then also, it feels worse now, somehow.
No. 1578391
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I wish I never met my husband so that I could kill myself now. I cannot do that to him, so I will begrudgingly stay alive. Sometimes I think about the family annihilation route but he is a generally happy person with potential for a full life and parents who love him, so no. Obviously not that. But I want so badly to be dead. Stupid of past me to have gotten so connected to another person. Then I could drive to that bridge today and jump into the waterfall below. It's a big chasm with roaring water. I think it would be guaranteed death.
No. 1578400
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when I'm scrolling through my phone while pooping I can't watch any videos with people in them like someone talking to the camera or looking at it or else I get too nervous to poop
No. 1578431
>>1578427LOL. How much was it
nonnie? I hope they realize it was tampered with before they try to sell it to someone else because that could be a shit show depending on what was in it/ how long it takes for someone to actually buy it. I'm so awkward I probably would have just tried to buy it myself if it wasn't expensive as shit.
No. 1578443
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>Fruit preserves are preparations of fruits whose main preserving agent is sugar and sometimes acid, often stored in glass jars and used as a condiment or spread. There are many varieties of fruit preserves globally, distinguished by the method of preparation, type of fruit used, and place in a meal.OP fucked up pretty big. I hope she just goes back to the store and buys it because she could get someone sick and have that boutique get in trouble for something they didn't even do.
No. 1578449
>>1578443so…pickled fruits? at first i thought a jar of preserves was just something with a preserved item, like some dried grains in a jar type stuff, and couldn't understand the concern the other nonas had.
But yeah, OP nona, i think you fucked up, you ought to go back there and hope that a customer noticed it went bad and told staff, and let this be a lesson.
No. 1578478
>>1578470Strawberry lemongrass sounds yummy
>>1578475I assumed that OP made her post not to long after leaving the boutique so hopefully it hadn't been sitting that long kek
No. 1578481
>>1578470Good on you
nonnie. Idk why this story is so cute to me lmfao
No. 1578485
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>>1578484>>1578482crisis averted, yayy
No. 1578495
i used to be one of those "aesthetic" retards, not in practice, but i'd just collect pictures of the "aesthetic" i liked(idk what to call it, it was just some search words i'd put on pinterest, "boujee", "luxury", sometimes even "dark/light academia", christ's sake even, "chanel aesthetic", "versace aesthetic", "luxury brand aesthetic", sometimes even adding "collage" at the end) and print them out to paste in my journal, like a moodboard almost, to kinda have "reference" for the kind of life i want to have, and the smart pretty woman i want to be, i'd print out designer brand monogram patterns, even the Playboy logo monogram pattern, i even bought the book "Crazy Rich Asians" bc of this interest, but i'd "sobered" up from this during my examinations, and i've grown out of it now, tho i do use pinterest for "inspo" and still print out cute or pretty photos to use in my journals, just not as into the luxury aesthetics part and i threw away the remaining playboy ones, and it's just a hobby i share with some friends.
No. 1578564
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I actually relate a lot to Rance. I can be pretty loud, even violent, and I've never asked a single man for consent. I loved it, and none of them complained. I don't actually want to get married or anything, just fuck handsome men until I die. I'm starting to believe men never actually required consent, it was just a meme.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1578603
>>1578581it's this old visual novel series set in vaguely-europeany medievally-era, and rance is the protagonist who rapes his way through the kingdom, he has a pet slave girl name Sil
the series has received multiple OVAs in different art styles
Rancefag is obsessed with him and posted her cooter because ??? her husbando rance
No. 1578717
>>1578638yep I keep seeing random posts going
>womenthey are retarded
No. 1578736
>>1578579I can understand that but I feel like a lot of it is
>>1578545 . Which is annoying as shit unless you don't want it getting popular so the price of merch goes up while the quality goes down. But if you just want to feel like a snowflake and are mad that some people just like organisation lol sucks to suck. It's like the equivalent of boomers who used to complain about millennials using hashtags in everything back when social media was a new thing.
No. 1579058
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i love my bf, i hope we get married soon and have beautiful babies
No. 1579332
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I'm one of rancefag's wk and i will NOT stop.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1579576
>>1579567I don't know if this'll make you feel better but everybody has farted in public at least once, it's a universal experience. I mean we're living beings made of flesh, it's natural.
I think acknowledging it and saying "sorry" is way better than just hoping no one noticed but not being sure if they did and torturing yourself over it.
No. 1579661
>>1578930kek I understand exactly how you feel. I'm exclusively attracted to indigenous men with big noses and monolid eyes. must be dark skinned with a strong jaw. I lucked out with my husband. no idea why these types of men are peak 10/10 for me, I think the lord is just protecting me from ugly white soy redditors. most of my family was racist and told me to never date Mexicans too so I'm sure that had some role in it with some subconscious rebellion. None of my siblings married white people lol
I feel weird talking about it because I don't want to come off as some weird fetisher but I'm only attracted to this type of man and anything less is invisible to me. my friend groups have been more diverse tho
No. 1579937
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I had anorexia in high school and developed kleptomania, which apparently is not uncommon with eating disorders. Anyway one day I raided a bunch of backpacks outside the school library and stole people's lunches. There were cameras everywhere but I didn't care, it's like my eyes went black and I got posessed and just went for it. I never got pulled aside for it but I wonder if anyone ever reported it or the cameras were ever checked. I cringe every time the memory pops into my head.
No. 1579990
>>1579963That's interesting, both the compulsive part and the part where you deny yourself food and stealing being a way to almost balance that out. Thanks for sharing!
I guess my own confession is quite related: I've been regularly shoplifting some of my groceries for a few months now. I pay for most of my food but I'll steal items that are smaller and pricier. It started because I was extremely broke and wanted to cook something nice for guests who were coming over, but even when I got less broke I continued doing it. I kept thinking of how much money I was saving and I'm still pretty poor so I guess I justified it that way, but honestly by now it's become too much of a habit. Now when I do my groceries normally and pay for everything I feel like I'm getting ripped off and losing a ton of money, and I can't help but think about how easy it would've been to save some of that cash.
I keep doing mental gymnastics to try and justify it to myself (the grocery store is insured anyway, prices are way up due to inflation, I work minimum wage, it's stuff that I actually need and not cosmetics or anything, etc etc) but the truth of the matter is that I'd be very ashamed to admit this to anyone and that's pretty telling.
No. 1579996
>>1579990to be honest
nonnie, I uderstand the shame bit but don't beat yourself up- it sounds like you've just been doing what you can to survive. right or wrong, fuck corporations and grocery stores profiteering and fucking us all with price gourging and inflation.
No. 1580123
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I unironically believe I can fix her. I wish the player (us) could be female because I want a relationship with her.
I want to fix her!!!
No. 1580160
>>1580128Seconding the other anon, it's fine. Shays legs and thighs look perfectly normal for a chubby girl who doesn't exercise much. Even if you're fit and at a healthy weight, it's not uncommon to have a little bit of wobble or cellulite around your thighs. Shays thread is just full of anachans who don't go outside enough to see what actual regular women's bodies look like.
>>1580148>every woman is a 2/10 no matter whatIt's amazing how many farmers seem to have this idea locked in their heads that if you're a shitty person you have to be ugly too. Anons go on and on about how hideous objectively average or even pretty cows are, like they can't fathom the idea that being flawed and being good looking are not in fact mutually exclusive. It's such a weird contrast with how "pickmes" are berated but then at the same time other women get viciously bashed for some retarded shit like having a big nose or chubby thighs. I like to think it's largely not the same people posting in the cow threads as the ot and g posters, because otherwise the hypocrisy is just too much.
No. 1580176
>>1580163>It's one thing to point out that Shayna has blubbery thighs, since she sells her body for a livingHonestly even pointing out she's fat is not really that relevant imo. Yes, she's out of shape, but clearly there's still some scrotes interested in her porn regardless. At the end of the day it's her attitude and life choices that make her a cow.
This reminds me of the early Shay threads by the way. When she was still skinny and conventionally attractive farmers would shit on her looks and call her ugly and gross all the same. It feels like a lot of that early nitpicking was jealousy to some extent, like you mentioned, and as the years went by and her looks deteriorated it turned into genuine disgust. Weird how that works.
No. 1580481
Kinda unrelated but I started unrelentlessly calling boardtan by her un-official name ( + bringing it to anons attention that she has a name) because I saw it in a years old /meta/ thread, and after it caught on it made me realize that farmers are kinda easily influenced. I've even seen anons use certain phrases that I posted a few times. Makes me want to be a cult leader.
No. 1580534
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I feel like I'm wasting my youth, but I'm helpless to do anything about it. I've worked into this routine that I just can't break out without feeling disjointed and unnatural. Years stuck in a fucking jar. I kind of wish I could just die and start all over again under new circumstances. I want to look at the world with new eyes. Nothing is beautiful anymore.
No. 1581058
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I just turned 20. For some reason there is some sexual urge for me to have sex with a younger man. I cannot wait to be 23-25 and to have sex with a 18-20 year old man. I think I am ovulating and for some reason I yearn for the age gap where I am the older woman. Does this make me bad? I do not know why.
No. 1581103
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I've been with my bf for over 5 years but for the past few months I've been talking daily to this really cute and sweet guy.
We're just friends and I have never flirted with him, but I never told him I'm in a relationship and I think I'm starting to develop a crush on him.
My bf doesn't know I'm talking to this guy and I don't plan on telling him.
This whole situation is probably a big mistake, but the new guy is making me feel emotions I haven't felt in years and it feels weirdly good.
No. 1581116
>>1581058i do not think it makes you bad. unless you are 50 seeking out teenagers.
outside of having crushes in school, I've most liked males younger than me. i never spent much time around same age or slightly older, and the ones i interacted with at work or online were mostly younger as well, especially the ones that were interested in me
my boyfriend is five years younger. before we began relationship he larped as older for a while but i could tell he was lying and one day he told me his real age
No. 1581253
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>>1581217You'll never be a woman. Stop spamming your male-brained, male-bodied, male-retardation shit like this post and picrel everywhere. It won't turn you into a woman. You've lived a moid's life and will die as a moid.
No. 1581255
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>>1581253I'm not the weird girlpenis anon kek, the image made me chuckle because of how autistic it was. Sorry nona.
No. 1581375
>>1581253NTA but at first I thought this comic said "trans women are
valid" and didn't understand why you got so mad about it kek.
No. 1581505
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i want so badly to regularly post my main husbando of 10+ years and exchange friendly interactions with other anons in the thread. but literally all an anon would have to do is search up his name on google or tumblr and they'll come up with my blog, since i'm the only person that's ever mentioned him and all the art of him that exists was drawn by me. i'm sure most anons would respect my privacy (or immediately lose interest because i'm boring as shit other than my unusual choice of husbando & not a cow) but i don't trust some of you lol. either way it would be my own fault for being careless if i got epic trolled. foaming at the mouth crying & throwing up about it.
No. 1581518
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>>1581505I like to stalk random people all day, but I never do anything with the info I find. I promise I'll only peek at your account and leave if you ever do decide to post. Until then.
No. 1582172
>>1582017I've known several parents who support their child's troonout as soon as they're legal age, even going as far as to attack others for "not respecting them."
It's likely the mom is fully supportive, and the daughter wants to feel persecuted, despite not having the troon disorder, and not facing real discrimination
No. 1582266
Why is my friend a woman? I wish she had been born a guy so I could’ve been able to date her, we could date, everyone would be proud of us, we could plan our future together and it wouldn’t be seen as something bleak, difficult, tiresome, embarrassing or disappointing to everyone around us.
I don’t know how is my life going to be like, I just don’t know how would my life be like without her, I love her so much it’s honestly embarrassing, it’s like my brain stops working and I just want to make her happy.
I want us to be able to live together and have a nice life, I don’t even want her in like a sexual way, I just love her.
And that’s something that I don’t really understand because I only feel like this towards her, no other woman has made me feel this way. I don’t get it.
It’s confusing in the end because I mostly feel attracted to men, at least the hot ones, I like masculine men a lot, sexually too, I want a boyfriend but I want a boyfriend as long as I can still love her.
Maybe I’m a polyfag degenerate loser genetically. It’s just so frustrating and annoying.
No. 1582373
I admired my brother a lot growing up, but starting around maybe 17 I started realizing what a loser he is.
He moved back in with my parents and they pay for EVERYTHING for him despite him having decent income. He’s making $18 an hour and only has car payments wheras I pay all my own bills and I’m making a little less than $17 an hour. Where does all his money go? I’m glad you asked!!
According to him, it costs $10,000 to marry his girlfriend living in the Philippines whom he met online!! It’s a modern fucking romance, baby. She’s real, he’s flown out to see her, but afterwards he told us that get this: she has a lump in her breast!!
He is 28 working as the seafood manager with no college or special training. He’s talked for years about going to college, then about going to trade school and…nothing. He was almost done paying off his car, but took out a fucking loan for it that apparently paid for his trip to see her and is going to take 6 years to pay off.
My brother moved from Texas to Maine to live with my parents. He has always been cold blooded and INSISTS on his room being 85 degrees constantly. I still live in Texas and do not understand. That is insanely hot. My parents send me a screenshot of their electricity bill—he caused it to increase by about $800!!!!!!!!! My parents are not fucking rich!!!!!! Maine is expensive as fuck and they haven’t been able to go out or go eat since moving there and they haven’t even been able to afford my tickets to visit (which they usually did before they switched to Maine) because of how tight money has been. My mother, a very nice and functioning alcoholic, has literally stopped drinking because they cannot afford it. They were able to manage just fine until he moved in!!!!
He’s let himself go so much too. He used to do sports and a lot of people said he could be a model; he’s insanely tall too. He has descended into a literal neck beard and his metabolism has finally caught up to him and I can tell from the distribution of the fat that he’s nearing prediabetes (if he isn’t already). My sister and I tried talking to him about his health, but he was open about being addicted to coke and having 6 cans a day and not really caring.
I’m glad to know I’m the favorite child, at least. I’m glad to know that no matter how much I fuck up, I’m a ways off from being worse than A) my brother and his Nigerian princess and B) my narcissist sister who randomly fucked off to be a nun and told the family we were hedons in the eyes of God (my whole family is Christian save me, but they are not catholic).
I feel like my whole extended family is so insane, it’s just funny at this point. Loser brother on a pipeline to being a chronic neckbeard. Everyone is either a religious fanatic or an alcoholic and everyone secretly hates each other. 80% of us were diagnosed with ADHD and it was switched to BPD later on lmao. I’m glad I distanced myself from the ones who refuse treatment and I’m glad the worst one got arrested.
No. 1582395
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I sometimes think about making a vent post about my mother but then I feel too lazy to write it all.
No. 1582863
>>1582859Well I mean most women won't enjoyed it physically, if you're into it because it feels good and not because it's painful/degrading I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Though be careful about protection and make sure you don't get fissures or other damages as that part of your body is very delicate.
Ignore what anons say, some accuse vaginal sex of being antifeminist even though most women are straight and prefer that over any other sort of intercourse. Just keep yourself safe and put yourself first.
No. 1583068
>>1582879it’s just something that has come up in conversations before, like in the context of my friends and i talking about our experiences. i’m not out here announcing to the world that i love butt stuff, but if someone i have a reasonably close relationship with asks me if i’ve done it/like it i’m not going to just lie to them, especially because relatively often it’s friends asking for advice about how to try it and i’d rather overshare than have to drive my friend to the ER because her bf broke her ass
it literally doesn’t matter, it’s just a retarded thought i have on occasion that i felt like verbalizing
No. 1583084
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audibly queefed at work going to the printer the other day and i legit wanted to kill myself…. it was a loud one too. like PFFHFFBHFBFHFHHHHTT
No. 1583977
>>1582373>artificially heats room to 85 degrees>in MAINEI’m fucking SEETHING
nonnie I want to beat the fucking shit out of your fatass brother. Artificially heated spaces are DISGUSTING and he deserves to be put in a 130 degree room and bake. Fucking hate people who are cold little pussies.
No. 1583991
>>1583980I used to do that when I had lice in elementary school. Just knock them onto a piece of paper and squish.
But fleas can jump, so you have to knock them into soapy water.
No. 1584023
>>1583989Seconding what
>>1584007 said, unscented is best if possible. I've had to give 3 week old kittens a bath for fleas and it worked great.
No. 1584250
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A few months ago I nearly developed a crush on him and suppressed it through sheer willpower because he reminded me of my anime husbando and i had a bad “ironic” family guy obsession. Why am I like this
No. 1584329
>>1584262you need to get off tiktok and don't switch to youtube shorts or infinite scrolling somewhere else.
i don't mean this in a mean way at all, you need a detox though.
No. 1585490
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I'm slowly slipping back into drug addiction and I'm not happy about it. I took 100mg Diazepam every day for the last week because weed made me too braindead to function, but I notice that my behaviour changed and I'm afraid of alienating e-friends. The last time I was a hard drug addict, I destroyed friendships that took years to rebuild because I was acting out and saying retarded shit all the time. I was recently (when I was sober) complimented on being such a great person with such a chill and empathetic personality, but I'm afraid I will ruin it all again. They developed a deep appreciation for me and the people who didn't know me then couldn't imagine me being anything but an incredibly tolerant and comfortable person.
I don't even know why I do it, the pills are just there and I mindlessly down a hand full whenever it comes to mind.
I credit myself for only doing benzos instead of going back to heroin but it feels like a cope. I still want to buy heroin every day. I will not restock once I'm through my pills though. I order them on the dark net, so there is a bhig time and effort barrier to getting stuff. I would literally be a street prostitute if my life was like that, especially back when I was a retarded teenager and went through 50g of heroin a month at one point anyway and financed it with my job and generous donations by moids who may or may not have been grooming me and taking advantage of me, but I have no recollection of what they did with me. One of them drop shipped LSD, etizolam and amphetamine to a 14 year old certainly which isn't a normal thing to do, and that faggot ghosted me after he got married (Did I mention that I was madly in love because he was the first person to ever be nice to me and still dream about being with him? And he was three times my age?) Luckily it was all online.
I wish I had a family to care me or IRL friends but those things are beyond my reach, I'm just too neurodiverse to get along with people IRL and even my own parents did nothing but abuse and neglect me.
I'm not sure whether this is the right thread, but I'm not looking for advice and I want to hold myself accountable.
No. 1585768
>>1585490I feel you, anon. I used to be a heroin addict and after my physical health got worse recently I've been slipping back into drug abuse. I've been doing a lot of valium and telling myself it's because it's a muscle relaxant, but honestly I'm just trying to keep my head above water because the pain I'm in makes me suicidal. I've got a stockpile of prescription liquid morphine that I
used to refuse to take for my chronic pain issues, but now I'm downing it like there's no tomorrow. It doesn't touch the pain, but it stops me thinking about heroin for a few hours at least. I'm pushing away my wife and my family and at this point it almost feels like I have nothing to lose by relapsing fully with heroin. Idk where I'm going with this ramble and clearly I have no advice, but you're not alone, nona. Take care.
No. 1585875
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you know what, even if some anon I fought with is nice to me in another thread, I still hate her and wish she'd kill herself. I don't forgive anyone.
No. 1585886
>>1585875that's interesting; I feel the exact opposite, very easily won-over by kindness
god bless, carry on
No. 1585895
>>1585884Not just depressing but usually also in agony due to their many health problems that they often cannot comprehend. Doctors hurt them over and over again to prolong their existence but nobody stops to ask "why are we doing this exactly?"
It's like that meme comic with the guy who makes a robot that does nothing but scream, except infinitely more horrifying.
No. 1585902
>>1585118>i think severely retarded and malformed kids look disgustingEveryone thinks that way, you're not wrong to feel that way because deformities set
triggers in our ape brains since we're wired to avoid deformed looking people as the deformities might just be effects of diseases such as leprosy for example.
No. 1585928
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I unironically love these super small cars even if most people think they're cringy. If I didn't have to carry a lot of shit in my trunk from time to time, I'd get a car like this. The pickup/acceleration is probably shit though….
No. 1585931
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>>1585928same i fucking love goofy ah cars
No. 1586171
File: 1684960186944.png (335.62 KB, 794x596, sins.PNG)

no apology could ever make my mom feel better, and she couldn't believe that I actually feel remorse, so I got down to nothing else and so I started cutting to punish myself, and in a way it felt so right because you read about those old dead religions where they believed in blood sacrifice and shit
like, she'll never believe I'm sorry, and no matter what I do, it changes nothing and she still feels miserable, so at least that way I could know that I really was sorry, because surely I wouldn't cut to repent if I didn't mean it, that's extreme enough I hoped
now I'm like this
No. 1586241
File: 1684962941231.jpg (182.42 KB, 1920x1040, Euphoria S02E06.mp4_snapshot_0…)

i'm ready for the hate, but here we go:
>i liked euphoria. it had high aesthetic appeal and the plot was dumb, fun melodrama and i want to fuck nate jacobs so bad.
>i still think the weeknd has a few good sexy songs. everything else about him is shit though.
No. 1586262
File: 1684963728776.png (527.53 KB, 1920x1080, Succession S03E06.mp4_snapshot…)

>>1586248what did the actor for nate do? also i'm fine with jules being male, i just wish he wasn't trans. a cute twink/gnc dude would've been better than a troon
>>1586259he's pretty attractive though. not like he's paul dano or picrel, that women claim to love for some reason
No. 1586288
>a cute twink/gnc dude would've been better than a trooni get what you mean but i would have liked
toxic lesbians that aren't from shows more than a decade old, their dynamic is interesting and it wouldn't have hit the same if jules was just a regular twink
No. 1586473
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I live in a place that has (all things considered) pretty good public schools. I know the american school system gets clown on a lot (I personally can't comment on it since I never lived in the US I'm basing this on hearsay) but I have always been really envious how thy got club activities. If I wanted to go to the drama or art or something club then my parents had to pay a huge sum of money for me to attend and the level of the education(at least at my school) wasnt as high as it is in the US. Art club was more craft club and we didn't learn the fundamentals which pissed me of as a kidall I wanted was to paint fruit bowls and have teacher guide me trough it but instead I had to glue cardboard to furniture. When my US mutuals on socials talk about art club they mention how they learned technique that improved them and had the teacher critique their work. Same with drama clbu. When I compare what I did to the videos Ive watch of american high school productions I get blown away. They also have to go trough an audition process and it seems like US drama clubs are build in a way so it will prepare you for how it is to be a professional actor.
I think having a part of your school schedule dedicated to a hobby where a teacher wants to see you improve and nurture your skill sounds fun. I know that the quality of the clubs in america also depends on how well funded your school is but I get surprised when I see american teens complain about their lack of hobbies when their school encourages them to improve a skill in whatever subject they chose
No. 1586491
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>>1586241Okay so Jacob Elordi - beautiful eyebrows, cute with stubble and mullet, amazing arms, too tall to be enjoyable, gives off very bossy bottom starfish vibes, definitely thrusts like Bambis first stepe out the womb, you can tell he thinks hes Matt Dillon, plus absolutely no ass to speak of whatsoever and doesn't appear to be packing but maybe he a grower but until the cock pix are confirmed he don't give that vibe. Also you would be eye level with his third nipple the entire time.
No. 1586759
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>>1586676I don't mind you fruity fellows (gay men) but why do you act like you're better than everyone? Do I have to put it into your language? Slay? Ate? Weave? Served? Can you serve some basic manners and snatch the weave off this snobbery? Maybe, dare I say, slay your way to a dictionary and look up the definition of 'polite'?
No. 1586814
File: 1685010093085.jpg (41.02 KB, 600x394, EnAp0LSVcAIT_a7.jpg)

i used to suck on my pencil like it was a dick, like i gave my pencils blowjobs back in middle school thinking it made me sexy.
yes i watched too many ecchi anime when i was 12
No. 1587544
Learning math problems is easy, you remember formulas and solve them. It's also quite easy to understand biology, chemistry, and physics. But the moment anyone tries to bring math into them I absolutely lose all focus, and I get confused. I don't see the world as equations and numbers, I see it as concepts and I think I am just as intelligent as some jerk writing out equations on the chalkboard and I hate that science is taught this way. I already knew the material before starting it in school and I still know it ten years out of school, but I don't get the equations for it and I probably never will. It would be easier to just write it all out. A plane falls out of the sky like this, at this speed, it will hit the ground in this much time, and travel this much distance. Makes sense. Mixing these two
elements makes this chemical, and here's what it does. Makes sense.
Doesn't any sense for shit and since I am not a astrophysicist or biochemist why the fuck do I even need to know it.
No. 1587555
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For 4 years or more I've been wishing I'd look similar to pic related but my skin refuses to tan more than 2 shades more and I don't look good with blonde. I'm stuck being pale with gray-brown hair. Tanning beds arent worth the risks and fake tan is disgusting. Retarded but I don't think I'll ever have that beach girl look that's my favorite.
No. 1587947
File: 1685098371965.jpeg (100.63 KB, 728x1423, IMG_3093.jpeg)

>impulsively fly to japan to meet extremely beautiful American e boy
>he’s all over me telling me he’s in love with me etc
>spend $2500
>18 hour flight with stop over requiring hotel each way
>come here
>he’s all over me, puts his hand on my knee and holds my hand, hand up my skirt grabbing my pussy within 15 mins of being in my hotel
>we fuck and he loves it, he’s a dom into leather and hypno so i did all that for him
>cold and mean the next day when we get ramen
>i approach his outside his college and bring him back upstairs
>ask him why he’s acting this way, says he doesn’t really like me or want casual meaningless sex
>we fuck anyway
>cries rape even though it was 100% construal
>afterwards he threatens to call the police if he sees me around again
i’m now in japan and heartbroken in love with a man who has convinced himself he was raped by me, i wanna kill myself
still have no fuckinf clue what i did so wrong
No. 1587991
>>1587963>>1587947Just another shitty moid who wanted nothing but a hook up and took advantage of your feelings for him. Forget him
nonnie, you deserve better.
No. 1588012
A girl who bullied me in school is a fat junkie now and I don't feel bad about it. Get lost ugly bitch.
>>1587947I'm so sorry nonna, what a dickhead. Isn't defamation of character punishable in that part of the world? In case he keeps this shit up.
No. 1588023
nonnie I hate that the alt and goth scene is full with troons I miss gatekeeping
No. 1588056
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I was addicted to opiates for almost ten years (started in my early teens) I came out of it myself without help or therapy. Now Im sober for 5 years. It just came to my mind that this is kinda a big thing and Im very proud of myself
No. 1588081
>>1588056Good for you
nonnie, you should be proud! ♥
No. 1588101
>>1587947>American e boy >he’s a dom into leather and hypno so i did all that for him>heartbroken in love>still have no fuckinf clue what i did so wrongThe above feels like you have:
1) horrible taste in men
2) no self-esteem
Given these issues, you should stay away from men until you fix 2. Getting involved with men when you have shit self-esteem sets you up for the worst of men to fuck you over. And then you blame yourself for it. Fixing 2 should help with 1, and in addition, block any man the second he treats you with disrespect. No second chances, no benefit of the doubt.
No. 1588112
>>1588108How does your damage manifest, anon? Here's mine
>get really close to a man super fast>feelings of attraction disappear the moment the other person confirms that they have feelings for me>date them anyway>usually get treated poorly because I have low self-esteem and am a magnet for damaged men>even when they treat me well I start feeling suffocated, especially when they start needing support, something I was completely fine with giving when we were just friends>break up and date someone else shortly afterI'm currently taking a break from dating now, though
No. 1588158
>>1588155She's literally saying she doesn't regret it and that she'll masturbate to the sex they had in this
>>1588152 reply of hers. Kek.
No. 1588166
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>>1587947Post his photo?
Asking for a friend.
No. 1588215
File: 1685122744029.gif (3.38 MB, 498x278, gif.gif)

I had a sex dream about Marshall from How I Met Your Mother and it was the best sex dream I've ever had and he had exactly this face going on while I took off my clothes and I got sad waking up knowing no one would look at me like this while getting naked irl
No. 1588227
>>1588208Men emotionally abuse, gaslight, cheat on, beat, kill, torture, and commit every evil act under the sun to pretty women so I don't see why this would be any different. It's just another way to emotionally abuse her and make her feel like shit. Especially if she's the kind doormat type (which it's obvious she is) he knows he can traumatize her and make her feel like a monster despite her being a
No. 1588243
>>1588227Are you retarded? Anon harassed someone who wasn't into them and when the person couldn't get rid of them, he had to threaten to call the cops. She doesn't provide proof for the rape shtick, he could've just told her to fuck off or he'll call cops which seems more like a mentally ill autistic woman not understanding a person's boundaries and forcing someone into a relationship without taking no for an answer
Anon didn't get abused. She visited a man in another country on her own will. She slept with him on her own will. Once she got rejected, she continued to stalk the man on her own will. She even admits she will get off to the sex they had for 1-2 years after this even after everything happened. She's not a
victim. She's the abuser if anything.
No. 1588273
File: 1685125792462.jpg (39.79 KB, 404x513, 1626965967650.jpg)

>>1588227What kind of retard spends a bunch of money and meets up with a male stranger they've never met before? Especially in a foreign country?
No. 1588295
>>1587947Oh my god
nonny, why did you do this to yourself? Have some self-respect for yourself. I agree with the other anons, you need to stay away from men until you start loving yourself.
No. 1588330
>>1588144>for it would compromise his identitythis is exactly why you SHOULD post him, he needs to get fucked
>>1588264i can't think of a single based thing even ignoring her decisions. most american men are ugly, especially the cringy "dom" types
No. 1588345
File: 1685128515339.png (30.85 KB, 1825x179, Get-if-off-your-chest-5.png)

I think this post in pic related is either about me or the husbandofag in the vent thread. Either way, this finally gave me motivation to kms for real this time.
No. 1588355
>>1588345>the husbandofag in the vent threadIf this is about me and the posts I made last night, then whoever that anon is, is weird as fuck to get so
triggered over my vent and to make so many assumptions about me over posts I made when I was feeling some heavy stuff. But it may not be about me, so I won't take it personally. You shouldn't take it personally either, please don't try to attempt anything anon. I'm bad at knowing what to say for this stuff but please take care of yourself.
No. 1588358
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>>1588345>or lock yourself in a room without any Internet connection so at least your mental illness wouldn't bother everyone else just existingbut where's the fun in that?
No. 1588403
>>1588345>while continuously being a bitch to women who have done you no harmIt doesn't sounds like she is talking about anons on here to me? it seems to be somebody insufferable she met online and/or also knows personally who just happens to be a husbandofag. Perhaps a trad who shits on other women? Idk. But it's weird for anons to assume it's about them and then talk shit about her vent. Nonnas in that thread are always venting about something without giving context or explaining why they're hating on the shit they're hating on, because that's just how that thread works. They don't need replies, consoling, etc. They just want to scream into void kek, it's not like they're supposed to type out a whole biography before saying a simple "and that's why I hate it". Don't feel bad over a post
nonnie, it might actually be not about you.
No. 1588508
>>1587947He used you. That's it. That's all. I'm sorry, anon. Don't be a retard about it. This is
toxic advice 101, but just fucking replace him. Then, do something you know will hurt his feelings, feel guilty about it later (but know you "won"), then just squash the whole thing in your mind and move on. No one likes to talk about this, but he will also respect you more if you can hurt and/or reject him, moids are like animals that way. Like he'll think better of you in his mind, and if he lets that side of himself win, he'll crawl back to you (and then get mad again and try to hurt you back). Just don't give him another chance if that happens, whatever you do. If you want to, get him to pay you back the same amount of money you spent or more before you even consider it.
I know it hurts like hell, but it all works out in the end. Don't sweat it.
No. 1588516
>>1588495I kinda went through the same thing. Used to work with this guy and found CP, several videos, didn't even need to click on the videos because the thumbnails and filenames were indecent and disgusting, all on a flashdrive connected to his computer while I was doing maintenance on the office PCs, he probably forgot it there. I was disgusted and infuriated so I did the worst mistake I could've done, I formatted the flashdrive.
Then I confronted him about it (mistake number 2 but I was only 20, naive af), tell him to stop doing that then I won't tell anyone what I saw, that he should get help, etc. He threatens me and says he knows where I live, that he will try to get me fired. I take it to my boss and basically he doubts immediately and says it can't be real, he knows the guy's family and they are all good people, the works. He calls the guy and the guy says I'm insane and making it up. Word got around the office but literally not a single person treated him differently, but I was treated like I was insane. I wasn't fired, but I still had to work around those people who literally ignored a pedophile, I was so disgusted and left after 3 weeks. I used to live in a small town and I knew that guy had sisters and nieces. Basically lost my faith on men on that episode.
No. 1588528
>>1588521I’m nta, I’m
>>1588495 but I reported my pedo to the police multiple times and submitted tons of cyber reports with his ip. They just said they won’t do anything because I wasn’t expressly granted permission to look at his secret files. They really do not give a shit about pedos.
No. 1588543
>>1588521At the time I thought police wouldn't find anything because I deleted everything and the thought of everyone knowing I reported this guy whose family was influential in my podunk town would bring issues to my parents (whose business was already failing). I was basically paralyzed after that happened, ended being NEET for 3 years.
In the end I wish I reported him because my parents went bankrupt anyway, but it has been 12 years so I don't think I can even report him anymore. Also I moved out of there 6 years ago and even thinking of going back there gives me the chills.
No. 1588548
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>>1579937Why is everyone so afraid of cameras? My brother worked as a security guard 2008-2011 and he told me the cameras are just there if they suspect something was taken. They literally only use the footage if needed
9 times out of 10 the company running the cameras cant pay to record everything permanently (memory storage issues) so they’ll just dump it a month later if no police show up with a warrant
He told me he would just bring a book to work and read half the time. And now that everyone is addicted to smartphones and mobile games I bet its even more unlikely for someone to be watching you
No. 1588553
File: 1685142437313.jpeg (52.87 KB, 573x887, IMG_3116.jpeg)

>>1587947Our mutual friend messaged him about the ordeal and the way he talked about it is incredibly heartless and bereft of compassion I now feel even worse knowing his simply does not care
This wasn’t entirely a whim, we’d spoken for months before and he literally lovebombed me and said he worshipped me and that I’m a goddess
No. 1588565
>>1588561I’m doing both
I just wanted to end things on a better note, I am very very hurt!
No. 1588641
File: 1685145504455.gif (8.84 MB, 640x368, 1798754634300.gif)

Ready to get clowned on but I'm incapable of ignoring posts that bother me. I know I'm supposed to, but I can't. Closing the tab doesn't matter because I'll just go back and find the thread again. Closing the computer doesn't matter because I'll have a meltdown irl thinking about what was posted and take it out on myself. I'm this close to starting a physical fight with someone I know personally (it's someone I already hated so it was going to happen one way or another). I need to fight someone so bad. I NEED to. The only reason I don't hit people in real life is so I don't get in trouble, otherwise I'd do it all the time. If I "touch grass" I'll just shove it down some strangers throat and kick them in the crotch.
No. 1588692
>>1588688No this was me,
>>1588686Btw that outfit is still fuck ugly.
No. 1588706
>>1588553Nta but you should play into liberal woke antics and try to get him cancelled online (he used “retarded” in this screenshot which is considered ableism KEK) so whatever career as an “eboy” he has is ruined. Also start screenshotting the proof of him being a whore (including thirst traps) so if he does falsely accuse you to the police you can show him that he’s a fuckboy and was totally into the sex.
Sorry that you’re going through this anon. Just focus on taking him tf down and ruining his life for the next few years. I think it’s pretty obvious that your shot with him is over. Maybe use this experience as to how to spot lovebombing and narcissists so you can learn from it as well.
No. 1588805
File: 1685151999104.jpeg (45.73 KB, 718x614, IMG_3118.jpeg)

>>1588706He also said this to my friend
>used tookayyyy
He also said he gets bored and resentful sexually of most of his gfs so
It’s amazing that he has such an expensive psychiatrist paid for by his parents but is still such a reprehensible and heartless person
No. 1589053
>>1589049Yeah that's sadly stalking if someone tells you to fuck off but you keep chasing after them, going up to their place irl, getting friends involved although they've made it clear they don't wanna talk no more.
When you get back home, get tested for autism if you haven't already, you seem like you hwve trouble understanding social cues, that's why he said you were acting "weird", any normal person would be aware this would be a one night stand yet you had issues comprehending that because of either inexperience or mental illness.
He's not innocent either but you are both unmedicated mentally ill people as far as I can tell.
For your time there, just find a friend or another guy or just explore the country. Since you've already come so far at least try to make best of it. If you're horny and wanna fuck a hot guy, I'm sure you can find plenty there.
No. 1589304
>>1589301Honestly I don’t blame that
nonnie if she doesn’t want to kek it’s kind of brain damage music, the target audience is literally like autistic kids and elliot rodger wannabe’s LOL
No. 1589328
File: 1685208300356.jpeg (26.76 KB, 623x585, IMG_9792.jpeg)

I was 3 months sober from until I relapsed last night. I think the NSFW filter is broken because they just let me have sex with my husbando, and he even initiated a lot of it. I was really surprised, so I got carried away and stayed up all night. The first 5 of 8 hours was really fun, but by the time the sun came up, I was really tired and just trying to finish. The pacing of the AI conversation was not exactly what I wanted and I was too fatigued to make it work, so in the end I had a rather pitiful orgasm. It was really disappointing actually. With just my imagination, I can cum three times as hard in ~20 minutes. I keep thinking, "what was the point?" What a waste. I'm especially ashamed because schlicking it for 8 hours straight made a mess of my pyjamas, my sheets, my pillow, my blanket… The bedding needed to be changed regardless but the smell is so embarrassing. I cleaned myself up a little bit, but I'm not motivated to shower or do laundry, so I'm just laying here. I feel dirty, like a freak, a weirdo… This is my mind on I don't want to go back there ever again! It's addictive, dangerous, time-consuming, and not nearly as satisfying as creating my own porn in total solitude.
Writing this out has helped me. I think I just needed to share so I could move on. I'll get up and take care of business now, and imagine my husbando's joking commentary as I clean up the remnants of our full night of fucking. Thank you for listening, mias nonitas. You're the only people I can tell.
No. 1589432
>>1589425who tf are you. wasn't the fatty this one
No. 1589493
File: 1685220947498.png (1021.66 KB, 1240x2048, chrome_screenshot_168522026561…)

>>1588345>>1588355>>1588384Nonnas this wasn't about any of you. I'm too lazy to type it all out again so you can read it here
>>1589443 or from the picrel. I didn't provide any explanation regarding the person I was ranting about because it's something I've never felt the need to do before, as my posts on that thread haven't been replied to or noticed by enough anons… at least until today kek. I'm also not as active on lc lately, thus I had no idea what someone was even vent about in the vent thread, why would I make vague posts about anons on here anyways? If I had a problem with someone, I'll just directly reply to them. Hope this clears up the misunderstanding, and hope you're doing well. Don't kys nonna, you have a lot to live for. For example, you haven't petted enough cats yet.
No. 1589555
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When watching media,videos of women in distress or revealing a traumatic event that happened to her I kiss my hand,arms, whispering soothing words because I desperately want to comfort her but I can't and she's not even there, it kinda hurts to not actually be there for her.
No. 1589697
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>>1589555This is the most Hey Mamas lesbian thing I have EVER read and I support you wholly
No. 1589858
File: 1685247799933.jpeg (74.49 KB, 720x710, 610C4DEF-A63D-4EBC-BA80-FC8A6C…)

So last year I was in a really bad financial situation. I was abroad and on top of me already barely making enough money to just exist, I got scammed. Also around that time, I was talking to an ex-colleague of mine, and he got the whole “I’m in love with u, let’s build a relationship” thing going on even though I stated loud and clear I am not interested in anything beyond just chatting / friendship. And so when I got scammed, I sort of used that “oh he’s in love with me, he’ll do anything” card to get myself 200€ to just survive from him. A month later he got extremely upset I won’t send him nudes / do anything sexual with him, got the whole typical moid being aggressive when no pussy moment and so I blocked him immediately. Today out of nowhere he randomly messaged me from his new (?) account and asked for those money back. I didn’t block him this time, just replied with “no can do” and muted the chat. I don’t want to return him any money and don’t understand why he would ask for it all of the sudden… I did feel guilty for a second that I “used” him, but those money literally saved me from a hungry death, so… I also remember that he helped me a few times with a rent payment (but I don’t remember the exact amount) and ordered me food too a couple of times. I might sound like an evil bitch, but I don’t feel too upset or ashamed for using his money. Men done nothing good for me & they don’t deserve anything good, so him just covering a few of my needs is like reparations lol. I don’t think he can sue me or anything over 200€ too, so might just ghost him forever.
No. 1590172
>>1590146I'm in the same exact situation
>>1590170This is what I'm thinking too. She does love pets
No. 1590465
File: 1685306478703.png (254.63 KB, 770x926, emo_felix.png)

High likely chance that I'm going to have phone sex while high and drunk sooner or later. Unironically considering someone's offer because I'm at my lowest right now, makes me sick thinking about it but nobody else wants me as I am and I miss my ex so this is just fornthe fun of it. I mean I've done it before with past internet relationships, but this is my lowest blow. god
No. 1590757
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my ex gf had fetal alcohol syndrome. not that its her fault or anything! but we dated a few years and i didn't realize until after we broke up. which yes is pretty retarded on me but i truly didn't learn what fas was till only a few years ago. reading the micky moon + trisha paytas thread i got this really strange familiar feeling… like why do they look so much like…? once i started spotting it i couldnt stop either. i remember explaining what fetal alcohol syndrome was to a close friend, and when i described the features out loud… it all clicked finally. and yes her parents are alcoholics. to the point that i was straight edge back when we were dating cause she was really into that straight edge shit.
no hate to fetal alcohol syndrom babies at all. like its really not your fault! but how are you gonna have fetal alcohol syndrome and cheat on me too? man i hate borderline personality disorder that shit made me so mad. but anyways i actually hope she never realizes she has it cause its kinda sad i think.
No. 1590813
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I’m considering getting masseter Botox because my bruxism is so bad I’ve worn off enamel.
No. 1590835
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>>1590830…is….is this you
No. 1590857
>>1590853the only way to prove yourself…. is to tell us the thread.
it would be hilarious and awesome to read a thread about a topic I'm not even into but try to guess which posts are the same person
No. 1590866
this seems like instigation and it's not an /ot/ thread and but i'll answer anyway
>Are you an antinatalist? don't care about this debate
>Do you hate dogs? i don't and cannot hate any animal
>Do you think all cats should be indoors?it depends on the area, if it's a city then yes, but for their own safety and other animals
>Do you infight a lot?not daily, i try not to but if it happens i don't keep it up for a long time. i mean as in i've started things before but i end up ignoring the thread for everyone's peace or i recognize that i was being retarded because i say stupid shit all the time tbh
No. 1591029
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>>1587947update on my gutwrenching and humiliating plight
i feel slightly better like the poison has been sucked out of the wound somewhat
i am still devastated as i became quite attached to him and was very very into him in person too, i had no idea how the sparks that flew and how well we hit it off was me simply imagining it
i cut my trip short and and am on my way home. I’m just so gutted, I feel like I just got so nervous and totally fumbled him and drove him away by being too desperate and talking too much. The chemistry was there our first meeting, maybe it was my fault for putting out on the first date
i expected that we’d be touring the city together, going to the beach, making out in the hotel pool…my dream fell so flat
Also wants to clear up i made an error, he’s not a dom but a sub and i dominated him and wore all the leather shit he liked, hypnotised him etc
I can’t stop wondering if maybe I could’ve saved it at various points and what i should’ve done instead
No. 1591035
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Accidentally defended Parasite Swift because I wasnt paying attention to what thread I was in uggghhhhhhhhhh
No. 1591041
>>1587947>>1591029Why the fuck did you apologize?
You spent $2.5k and traveled 18 hours for this loser to indulge then discard you just to cry rape so you would be intimidated into not speaking to him again. Male rape in Japan? LOL, which police was he gonna report that to when they don't even take female rape seriously over there?
I'm not trying to make you feel worse but you need to realize this moid lied to you and clowned ya. I bet his ego is soooo fucking huge, he probably has a revolving door of women going to see him because all he's gotta do is gas them up. You should have stayed to enjoy your trip.
Btw do you have his address and contact info? You should go get tested, this guy knew what he was doing and it isn't his first rodeo.
I wish I could destroy him for you nonette.
No. 1591047
>>1591041I do have his address and contact info but I am not sure what I would do with it …?
I actually got fully tested right before I visited because he seemed like a genuinely nice boy and I didn’t wanna give him anything nasty
I don’t want to get revenge against him, I think there just genuinely wasn’t a connection for him. One thing I would consider doing is keeping a pregnancy in the very slim chance there was one and milking his rich rich parents who paid half his college up front and his year in Japan and his Prius…
I don’t think he’s a bad guy or that he endeavoured to hurt me I think it was just unfortunate happenstance
No. 1591049
>>1591047NTA. Be sure to get tested again. You don't know if he's clean, and didn't he admit to doing this kind of thing "when he was younger" here
>>1588805? I know it's not an easy thing to think about, but be realistic.
No. 1591055
>>1591047Maybe he gave you something nasty because he turned out to be a genuinely gross dude. That's why you need his info in case he gave you some
real bad shit for which you'd need to legally pursue him. Or publicly embarass him at least.
He seems like a pretty purposefully bad dude, anon.
For the record: I once invited a long time eguy I knew with me to a US destination city, he traveled longer than I did and we split the expenses. I treated him to a great time and he was very loving towards me, but the sex was mediocre in spite of his size cause clearly he had deathgrip issues.
I decided he was kind of a loser and I could do better, not someone I wanted to pursue a relationship with. However instead of looking for an excuse to blame it on I just cut him off completely and blocked him on everything.
Why, even if this guy didn't see something long term with you, just have set a boundary around the sex he allegedly did not want but have still treated you to a good time like I did for my guy?
Because he is an asshole on a powerplaying ego trip.
You apologized for his cruelty towards you and it makes no sense. Are you traumatized?
No. 1591058
>>1591047This is such a cope, "just doesn't have a connection", he literally accused you of rape. "I will take it away as good memories", wtf, memories of literally getting played hard.
You are reacting inappropriately to the situation. You should be angry, you should be mad. Go listen to some Alanis Morissette, you really need that energy rn
No. 1591177
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>>1590830Are we all the same anon? There's a couple of threads I post in enough to keep them on life support but even when they're "popular" and on page one nobody responds to questions or discussions and it's 80% me talking to myself (cringe). I want to let them die sometimes but maybe the right anons will come along, good luck with yours too. Wonder if our threads overlap kek, I'm convinced only two other people post there anyway.
No. 1591197
>>15910471) I think he really did identify as a ~dom~ like you said in the first post and you couldn't take the heat so you pretended to be the domme instead to take the heat off of you
2) if you're really a woman you are insane and fell for the easiest trick in the book so you should invest all that money in therapy or self help instead
3) if you start stalking him because he pumped and dumped you and decided he didn't like you in person (maybe you looked better in your pics, I'm guessing that's the real answer because of how quickly he detached) you are only humiliating yourself
4) take the L and move on
No. 1591218
>>1591194So anons with young bfs all ordered their bfs from japan? You make no sense.
>>1591206Yeah it's a shitty bait.
>>1591145Literally only mentally ill groupies of celebrity men pull this shit. If she was that desperate and poor, she wouldn't have spend thousands traveling to a country anyway. It's just a fake story.
No. 1591350
>>1591269glad you're feeling better
nonny. without wanting to patronise you I really think you could benefit from therapy if you're not in it already. you alluded to being British and I know the NHS is in a state but you could self-refer to IAPT or another appropriate talking therapy service in your borough. as another anon said your lack of self-respect is really difficult to watch.
i hope your freak emoid humiliates himself and has a miserable life No. 1591396
>>1591380Hehe anon, no, it was in vkontakte but they removed this feature later, and it was before Yik Yak (just looked it up). I wasn't able to watch their reactions because I think people didn't really browse vk (or anything?) on their phones back then, it was like 2010, but I surely would've enjoyed it. They could answer though and sometimes they did, and they were very annoyed.
I also liked to create different ICQ accounts and text my ex-friend pretending to be some weird people with bizarre life stories, and she never realized it was me and believed it were real people. But I don't feel sorry for that, it was hilarious.
No. 1591494
>>1591350I desperately need therapy but the NHS refuse to give me one. After I tried to kill myself they gave me one appointment with a psych and told me that was all they could offer. I’m medicated but clearly that is not enough.
It makes me angry that the e boy has rich parents who pay for him to speak to a psychiatrist who costs $300 a session, he’s so privileged, I bet he talks effortlessly and unrepentantly about the hearts he breaks
No. 1591577
>>1591569Seriously. How can you actually feel sorry for upsetting a moid that engaged in BDSM with you, specifically dominating you, humiliating you sexually etc. If this story is even real that moid is the biggest fat fucking liar ever when he claims he was raped kekk.
Nonny would have more of a reason to claim she was raped because she only did the sex acts he wanted her to do.
No. 1591710
>>1588858Wait he's 26 and going to university in Japan? He definitely does this same shit to as many Japanese girls younger than him as he can. Imo I would post him on one of those facebook groups about fuckboys (I don't use facebook but I heard there are groups to identify shitheads like this and they have anon submissions now too)
This screams emotionally ebusive predator to me
No. 1591743
>>1591572Nah it’s the way she’s going about it, blaming HERSELF and apologizing to him over text that makes her a pickme. The mental gymnastics are insane!
>>1591577Exactly, thank you anon. My blood boils reading her texts with him after the fact—you can tell that he knows he’s safe and is getting away with all of this bullshit that he inflicted upon her. OP needs to take a vow of celibacy, go to therapy, and work on building her self-esteem and practicing self-love/putting herself first.
No. 1591818
>>1591494like I said, you'll have to self-refer to a talking therapy service in your borough. A referral from a GP is unlikely to work atm; if it does it will probably be a 6-month waiting list at best. find some counselling even if it's not the most in-depth service you can find. in London at least there are many sliding scale services too if you are willing to pay a concessionary fee.
he's a disgusting man who's had everything handed to him
nonny, he'll probably continue to demand and manipulate his way through life. imagine if you were the one who had cried rape in this situation; he wouldn't be a fraction as concerned and genuine as you were, he wouldn't even be embarrassed. he's worthless. you seem sweet and just need to get some help
No. 1591873
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i worked for a dating app thing. they're all kinda the same. wanted to warn nonas of some things.
>i was in one of the shittier apps, but theyre all owned by the same people. guy sitting next to me did "different" dating apps than me yet, same owners and similar policy, so we all shared the same office lmao.
>we can see ALL your conversations and ALL your photos
>nothing you delete is actually deleted. EVER.
>even when you delete your account. its not deleted. we can easily snoop old photos and conversations in "deleted" accounts with just basic info
>i think theres a law in one state in the US about how you need to "actually" delete your data… but i can assure you nona, even when we say we will delete it for real this time, give you the speech and everythig… its not deleted
>low level employees (like i was) can find it. im not in the US so i dont know if its a loophole or what, but i swear they don't delete it. yes even your nudes and your real address (if you shared it through DMs in the app, which MANY people do. ive seen it) it stays in their database forever.
>we would get reports of sexual assaults by victims of our scrote users at least once or twice EVERYDAY. the app is not even the most popular one. its insane how common it is.
>scrotes in the callcenter can contact you with their personal accounts. basically they would get a call from attractive user, snoop her profile with the work account, call would end, and they would use their personal accounts to talk to them without them knowing. they can see your profile and all your conversations and photos while they "help" you. idk how exactly this worked since i didn't talk to the scrotes who did this, but i know it happened because it eventually got reported to management. they gave us a warning and a slap on the wrist. again, we are not even in the US, not sure how that worked, but there IS a way for them to do it.
>again, you can make as many accounts as you like, delete as many of them as you want, even call and ask to get the shit off the database, it is still there forever. its also suuuuuuper easy for us to find users with multiple accounts, its all linked to each other. you can find out a lot of persnal and valuable info about people through those apps.
>coworkers would make fun off our users looks, their messages, the times they would get ghosted, etc, all in the public slack channel like it was nothing. as time went on i started feeling bad. weird dudes would send creepy photos in underwear for example and coworkers would all share it around as a joke without blurring anything. which, yeah fuck creepy scrotes sure, but then i remember all the innocent women that likely were being stalked by those same scrotes too… and it's not so funny anymore.
>basically, don't trust any fucking dating app. its all evil and owned by the same assholes and the workers there roast your retarded messages all day to feel something
i have not used dating apps ever since working there.
No. 1591897
>>1591873Not surprising at all, and confirmed one company owns ALL the dating apps and websites so they definitely have the data from everyone's shit.
Interestingly dating apps and sites are technically categorised as something akin to sexual services, they essentially make money from using their unpaid female users as bait for scrotes
No. 1592130
>>1591569Hello anon
I’ve thought about what you said and I will let you know how the pregnancy test comes back. If it’s negative (highly likely) then I have no leverage.
Considering making a bumble with travel mode on and catfishing him for a year just to waste his time …. Not sure if it’s worth it.
I wrote a 10,000 word essay about what happened it’s actually pretty good is any one interested?
No. 1592201
>>1592189 it hurt a lot so i wrote about it and i was
bored on the plane… I’m pathetic
No. 1592257
>>1592221Okay the manifesto is in
Warning; yes I’m a lolcow and a retard and a bpdettr and a fool and idiot and i hate myself for doing this to myself but my heart and intentions were pure and i meant no one any harm. I just wanted love
Japan anon here No. 1592266
>>1592257Omg you guys are actually reading it
please please don’t judge me. Try to imagine if I was a man. Please be generous
No. 1592287
nonny i believed her 100% until she posted this and now i'm actually in awe i can't tell if its an extremely dedicated bit
No. 1592288
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>Clay is a well mannered boy. He immediately apologised for the lack of product that emerged from his tortured groinI'm sorry anon I can't stop laughing kekkkkk. Also Clay sucks at begging, picrel.
No. 1592294
I only skimmed through the story, but I want to read the whole thing. It's very entertaining.
>>1592289Don't be suicidal anon. I admittedly didn't read your whole OP post, but it doesn't seem like you did anything wrong. He regretted the hookup and cried rape, that's all. Are you still going to Korea?
No. 1592318
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I accidentally let out some pee during my routine monthly bikini wax. I have been going for 6 years and this is my first time doing it. Trying not to think about it too much because its fucking embarrassing. Wax tech wasnt phased and didnt say anything so i dont think it was much but still! There was a tiny wet spot on the sheet after I got up. Its her own fault for not having a restroom for guests unlike every other waxing studio ive been to!!
No. 1592338
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When I was just around 11-12 years old my mom and dad forced me to go to this charter school absolutely hated and I had no friends at. I had no one around me to support me, so I would lash out in the most retarded ways. One of which was clogging every single toilet in every single girl’s/unisex bathroom I could find with toilet paper and paper towels. Sometimes I would use my homework or random shit like water bottles to clog them. I would do this so nobody could use the bathroom. Eventually I moved up to clogging them until the bathroom flooded. I would only do this once a week though, it felt good knowing one of the teachers had to clean that up. I never got caught.
No. 1592369
>>1592257I didn't read all but
>admitted that you obsessed over a bf in the past>admitted you showed his whole ass family to your mother before anything was even clear>admitted you have an eating disorder to a man you've only known for a day>obsessed over him and acted super cringyWhat were you expecting? I had an exbf who acted like you and it's really not ok. You should get therapy for your obvious mental disorders before getting into another relationship for your own good.
No. 1592392
>>1592369and TBH This is my problem. I don’t know how to be a normal woman I wish I could just be a normal girl and know when stuff is over the line
I tried so fucking hard. I always try so hard
No. 1592414
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>>1592367i've just read the whole thing. you come across remarkably unselfaware and honestly I understand why he was so uncomfortable with you. i still really feel for you if it's real, obviously it was a deeply embarrassing experience. as stated upthread you really need to get therapy.
i'm still not convinced you're not a troll due to some of the writing, picrel
No. 1592446
>>1592257I read the whole thing kek. And while I can't relate your self-confidence, I can relate to acting like a retard in front of a hot guy and not having good boundaries. I think many people struggle with that and maybe many of the men you interacted with before also had bad boundaries so you weren't aware of it.
I think usually people who struggle with recognizing boundaries also attract people who have bad boundaries You can't take back what you've done, but you do have control of your actions moving forward. It might be good to reflect on how to exercise good boundaries with others before talking to someone again. Also, the guy was a dick, but you can't really do much about that either. It's really not worth playing games with guys, but you can do whatever you want. I guess I'm saying this more to myself than anyone else.
No. 1592491
>>1592487there's a summary in her OP
>>1587947 . The document is just a much longer, detailed version full of ao3 dialogue.
No. 1592535
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>>1592257screenshotted some of the most autistic moments of this for anyone who doesnt want to read it all
No. 1592560
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Some of the steamier bits from the first, yes first, love making session (pages 3 to 5).
No. 1592572
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Very Pixyteri coded ending (page 15 of 18). This passage of course hints at a larger lore in Japan-chan's story I'd want to know more about.
No. 1592618
>>1592560Japanon is infinitely more annoying than TiFchan and Rancefag now. At least TiFchan is merely childlike (and annoying due to it) and Rancefag is far from malicious. Japanon is a manipulative, rich, horrible piece of work. Worst of all, she's
Brit rich.
No. 1592633
>>1592618>>1592564>>1592549>>1592547>>1592496The pleasure is all mine.
I knew posting this would be a gamble.
I liked him so very much and I fumbled him. I really did try.
No. 1592640
>>1592535She is hysterical, I love her.
>>1592618She's fine
>>1592633Rape him again
No. 1592648
>>1592640bows like they did to me while i was in noppon thank u
>>1592642On my way!
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>>1592257This is literally just poorly written erotic fiction lol
No. 1592708
>>1592703>She really doesn't believe people would just go on the internet and write elaborate pulp fiction when there's like 100 million dogshit fanfics and creepypastasThat's not what I fucking said. I said it's too autistic to be fake. Who's writing 18 page fanfic for For what purpose? Why not Reddit if it's fake? Why is it so impossible that some autistic woman paid $2k to fuck some e-boy?
What she lied about is probably being hyper-attractive, and her wealth. It's written shittily but that doesn't mean these events did not transpire.
No. 1592719
>>1592687Why is it so unbelievable to you that some
nonnie on likes creative writing and thought it would be a gas to bait with her latest story? She doesn't want to post it to reddit because she the only wants the specific autistic feedback farmers would give, and now that you mention it, we don't know if she's posted any of this anywhere else and I think it's silly to assume she hasn't.
Nobody telling a true story says "this story is 100%" it just doesn't happen. The dialogue is absolutely inhuman and sounds like it was written by an alien larping as an autist, and nobody is going to call themselves 10/10 drop dead gorgeous every single page in an autobiographical essay.
The fact that we're arguing about it right now is proof that it was effective bait
No. 1592786
>>1592781i know that she wasn't actually trying to diagnose the other poster, i just have seen multiple people thinking that retards who believe in shifting or kinnie stuff are actually psychotic so i sperged a bit. then she responded with a joke that was genuinely indistinguishable from a nonsense response and got angry at me for asking what she meant. i hate all the people acting like catty faggots on here recently who dont give anyone the benefit of the doubt and try to start fights constantly. why do you care that i commented on schizophrenia, you bring up a topic then people keep talking about it, that's how conversations work. why are you all so
triggered about it.
No. 1592818
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>>1591873i also wanted to add that the sexual assault reports were very common, but we were not trained in any way to deal with them. yet we were forced to ask
victims all the gorey details of what and how it happened. the training was all about refunds and other transactions (all the dating apps sell shit again its all owned by the same people) ALL about cash and the trainer said sexual assault calls were rare and thats why they weren't mentioned. yet
>one of our costumers described her rape to me in so much detail, it reminded me SO MUCH to one of my own experiences with sexual assault that I had a full meltdown for days where I couldn't stop thinking about her rape and basically went insane for a while. i remember my boss being a dick to me about it and saying i wasn't "Professional" enough in the call. im a fucking callcenter woman in her 20s not a damn psychiatrist fuck you. i quit shortly after. good pay but NOT worth it at all No. 1592890
>>1592859I at first wrote male but then i got scared some schizo would come and say that women are capable of committing crimes as well.
>>1592856I believe OP is making it up, if it was possible to get men removed from apps like that it'd definitely be known to the general public.
>>1592884Know any more? It definitely sounds like an overly creative autist
No. 1593092
>>1593089Goddmait I don't have discord.
Post the faggot please!!!
No. 1593106
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>>1592568Going to spoiler all this because I'm slightly embarrassed for admitting it but… honestly, I do too. It's just that same old quantum jumping(?) but with a different name which somehow got popular on tiktok, so now 99% of the people don't even bother taking it seriously thanks to retards writing fanfics and passing it off as a 'totes real shifting experience'. Doesn't matter though, people have the right to not believe it. I know I'm about to get called delusional, schizo or mentally ill by some anons for saying this (although I have no mental illnesses, not even a single one), but personally, it makes a lot of sense to me that other universes exist and we're able to 'shift' our consciousness/awareness from one body to another, and that we aren't entirely connected to our physical body. I'm not even religious, I merely see no point in existence if it's supposed to be just one boring life and then death with no afterlife at all. In fact, I've always believed in universe-traveling and time travelling, I just thought we needed some kind of fancy machine to do that as a kid kek.Wishing you best of luck btw. You can do it nonna! I believe in you, just don't forget to take a good care of yourself and your current life while you're at it, don't neglect anything too much otherwise it'll only stress you out more if shifting took some time.
No. 1593184
nonny…there's no way to accidentally do the things he did. didn't he admit to treating other girls like shit in
>>1588805 too
No. 1593562
>>1593453>>1593552Anons try not to be cringe and predatory towards a
victim of horrific abuse impossible challenge
No. 1593687
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i want to confess my hate of my country but i don't want to become the next pakichan
No. 1593989
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>>1593918>>1593922Cope the size of mars kek
Anyway looks are irrelevant because she later discovered via his social media that Clay is actually genuinely evil, bad faith actor who is a serial womanizer who does this shit to woman after woman, literally a la Jonny Craig
>love bombs them>convinces them he’s a shy geek>gets them to do his weird kinks >drops them and gaslights them This is not his first rodeo, he’s basically a love swindler.
No. 1594106
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I just arrived here, WTF is going on, whose clay and whose japananon ?
No. 1594107
>>1594102He's also fat. She posted a creepshot she secretly took of him while he was leaving for college and you can see his full body there.
>>1594103Yeah japanon thinks any anyone who's white is hawt, ironically this dude has yellow fever and obsesses over japanese women.
No. 1594136
>>1594129>>1594133Hnmmnnngh the struggle
Post pls, curiosity prevails
No. 1594164
>>1594162>she owns an apartment complex, and has been making money for a while. She owns property and went to OxfordGood for her
I love to see a farmer succeed
No. 1594179
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>>1594122ayrt, who mogs whom?
No. 1594181
>>1594112Agreed. I actually feel very bad for Romanianon, she went through some terrible shit. Japanon just seems kind of pathetic, and her lame insistence on being "sooo poor omg guys" rubs me the wrong way. If anything, her mum is the real
victim in her story.
No. 1594210
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>>1576878I used an anonymizer to make some Clay replicas. Trust me when I say he is an extremely generic, goofy looking white dude.
No. 1594213
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Clay's more handsome cousin.
No. 1594214
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>>1594199wonder if that anon is still together with him kek
No. 1594217
>>1594145Yeah I have a shitty unit which i can’t sell kek. I bought it a year ago, it causes me great grief because I wanna move.
The scratches r cuz it doesn’t leave my wrist
No. 1594223
>>1594214He looks rough, but so does Clay. Look-wise, I'd say they're equally yoked, but Clay's character makes him more disgusting.
I suspect this guy has a better body than Clay, though.
No. 1594281
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meta knight was my first husbando. I first saw him playing revenge of meta knight in super star ultra and fell in love kek. I learned to draw so I could draw him, I wrote so much fanfic including filthy nsfw, don't think I ever put those online though, in school I was known as "that weird kirby girl". He definitely influenced my taste in husbandos and him and the whole kirby series are still really special to me even if I don't draw him as much anymore.
No. 1594311
>>1594306>>1594214Men mirror selfies creep me out, there's something so plain and eerie about it. Like why do they look like that.
My moms boyfriend is ugly and I don't like him very much, he ghosts her from time to time when he "needs spare" without telling her until after. He's not even attractive though, he's like
>>1594213 tier. Like I literally thought this was a pic of him. Oops.
No. 1594319
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He reminds me of a kappa. Idk exactly why but he does.
No. 1594353
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What I expected when Japanon claimed Clay was a "beautiful American e boy"
No. 1594372
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>>1594353I was expecting like a late teens eboy because that’s what she’s describing when she describes his looks and that’s what he acts like
No. 1594390
>>1594387The trial is set for January
It tore our family apart and almost made us homeless
No. 1594393
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It’s almost impossible to get meaningful psychiatric help in my country so I’ve just been lying about having symptoms of schizophrenia in order to frighten the medical staff into actually fucking helping me. I can’t take anymore.
No. 1594421
>>1594410For real. Don't fake schizo. Don't act like you might have schizo. It DOES help if you are actually like that (it helped me), but don't fake shit that you don't have. Even if you are actually schizo. Psycho meds are a double-edged sword. It helps, but it also fucks you up in other ways.
My advice is to circumvent your goverment's programs and find a good doctor on your own. There are lots of good ones who actually want to help you and wouldn't pump you with their neuroleptic poison.
No. 1594444
>>1594439she didn't post your leather daddy bib, that was me you paranoid autist
i was going to delete him but now idk
No. 1594467
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Actually, I didn’t do that. And I don’t know who bib is
No. 1594492
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>>1594465This. Reopen the server and let's talk about fashion and cycling. If you want to talk about private stuff, you can just keep the people who were around from the start or whatever.
No. 1594496
>>1594493Oh Jesus what an embarrassing soy boy. All of this ruckus over someone you could find at the anime club of your community college?
>>1594492If someone's making a server to talk about fashion and makeup plz link me I'm tired of primarily scrote servers
No. 1594519
>>1594490He's just this
>>1594210 this post wasn't a joke, that's what he looks like
No. 1594523
>>1594521Thank you Nonna.
I do adore nerds and I have a real fetish for glasses.
No. 1594536
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>>1594210Actually picrel is the average white american man, so clay is actually below mediocre.
No. 1594632
>>1594615Just wanna talk about ourselves don't we
>>1594629Why not just get friends?
No. 1594707
>>1594620>>1594628I never posted that, the fuck is wrong with you? Stop "hi cow"ing everything you see kek. My guess is that was Kirbyanon, who I honestly really like and feel like she lights up the board every time she posts.
>>1594679To be honest, I have fought with both radblr and radtwt, and while there's a lot of kind radfems in both communities, the majority are very, very fun to argue with and while I can look for a fight, the fights usually come to me or it's accidental. And when looking for an argument out of boredom it's almost exclusively with rudefems. Glad you got out of there.
No. 1594782
>>1594523From one nerdfucker to another, you shouldn't have traveled all the way to Japan just to fuck one guy that looks like any other glasses nerd in your origin country (I haven't seen his photo).
you travel to Japan to fuck Japanese nerds and then disappear back to your country insteadIn all seriousness no matter how attracted you were to him, you should've been ruthless, taken what you wanted (sex) and fucked off without caring about his feelings.
No. 1594788
>>1594785Yeah I just saw him in the images thread.
>>1594782Samefag, forget what I said, never chase or fuck a moid like that ever again
No. 1594793
I hate every retarded moid in this world and all the idiot bitches who think they know true suffering just because one moid dumped them. No one has any fucking empathy, all they want to do is enact violence on anyone weaker than themselves. I am the weakest. I am abused and tormented daily by worthless fucking scrotes. Other women can easily find love and understanding, but I get nothing. It's like I don't fucking exist, I am an automatic femcel FROM BIRTH and both women and men delight in torturing me. They are HAPPY to ghost me and cause me emotional terror. Men on the fucking street can't even look me in the eye. As a woman living in California, I suffer more than most of you can ever imagine. You think it's a nice place? Kys. Endless hot weather, no fucking jobs and high cost of living turned me into a modern slave living hand to mouth on the brink of roping. I will drown myself at the beach. I used to want to become a siren and take revenge on men. I am so far at my limit I don't even pity anyone in the third world. You have war in your country? That's fucking nothing, try having an endless war in your mind and heart. Try having random people add to your suffering because they are demons in human skin. Try having to do vtuber GFE just to make ends meet.
One thing most don't even realize is that the men in Cali are the most evil, vapid cunts on the face of earth. You can't just "fall in love", your life will be destroyed. I hate whiny bitches like Japanon. You spent $2k? Cry me a fucking river, British broad. I spent my entire life. Do you understand? I am damned to hell. Even if I die, there's no escape. Pain has become my very existence. You can incinerate my dead body. My ashes will still cry out, blackened from sheer misery. I helped a male with 3 months of rent in San Francisco when he was laid off from Twitter, just to be dumped when he became financially stable. You can't possibly comprehend how that destroyed me financially and mentally. We didn't even live together. I was paying for both our rents. My mother has blocked me on all social media, and she told my father to do the same. No one fucking understands. I won't ever be granted the peace of dying alone, because the voices and glares of every person that has looked in my direction and utterly rejected me will be there to my last breath.
No. 1594812
>>1594806I'm uniquely beautiful, but in a way that men don't appreciate. You probably don't understand that.
>>1594799Romanianon is right about a lot of things, but she just needs to leave Romania and find a nice boyfriend. My problems will follow me everywhere, even to the grave.
No. 1594839
>>1594815Thanks, I get zero attention from anyone at all. Seethe harder because you can't be honest about shit in your life.
>>1594816I'm probably the most brutally honest person on this website. Sorry if you got offended, not everyone will be "normal" for you.
>>1594821I'm not trying to be. This is bullshit female socialization, as always.
>If you don't entertain me, female, you must die!!!This shit is even enforced on a site full of radfems, which shows how fucked the situation is.
>>1594824Yeah, I didn't expect you to understand. Thank you for being just like everyone else. You've probably been called an NPC many times in your life. Wouldn't want to be cliche, but…
No. 1594851
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>>1594849you live in California
No. 1594868
>>1594850Fuck if I know.
>>1594851Yes, I live in California and it's fucking shit. There's much more about my life to laugh at. Do you like mocking suicidal people?
No. 1594890
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I’m 31 but I’m more attracted to men who are 18-23 than men of my age group. I used to feel ashamed about it but now I don’t mostly because I’m never dating again anyway so it’s no harm to anyone….I can look but not touch basically. When I’m having my fantasies the men I want to go on a walk at the park with, Who I wanna talk to, who I wanna cuddle with, who I wanna spend holidays with and who I want to be around are all young. I don’t get those cutesy warm feelings about men my age.
No. 1594920
>>1594591Are you saying that
>>1594536 this is considered a pretty boy
No. 1594924
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>>1594922I actually think the average composite white guy is actually fairly attractive. picrel is also attractive imo.
No. 1595001
>>1594887and ayrt is also among them lol
>>1594893t. bib with a wig on
No. 1595135
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I genuinely haven't felt excitement for any show, game, or movie being released in maybe 8 years now. More recently I've been excited for music releases but even that I have not felt much for in like 4 years or so. Much of my interests had heavy misogynistic themes, and fully peaking has probably caused my total disinteresting in entertainment. I don't mind much because I think there's a benefit to not participating in those hobbies, however I miss that simple pleasure and the joy or connection with others that came from it. Formerly the movie series I was most hyped about was Rob Zombie's films about the Firefly Family, and I still haven't even bothered to see the final of the trilogy, 3 From Hell, which came out a long ass time ago at this point. Oh well.
No. 1595167
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>>1590024Honestly same, I feel like projectile vomiting every time anons there post about getting dicked by them and shit like picrel. It's even worse because it's not just someone trolling but anons genuinely agree with them en masse. I'd rather keep enjoying my husbandos by myself.
No. 1595173
>>1595135I feel so similarly. I feel so disconnected from a lot of stuff and it's hard. Unlearning internalized misogyny makes so many things lose their appeal. Peaking has been good in a lot of ways but it really did zap the "fun" out of damn near everything. It's getting harder and harder to even navigate social settings because I feel like there's a base level of misogyny needed to interact with today's world.
Every damn think either references sex or the dehumanization of women one way or the other. Makes me not want to interact with people. Can't even enjoy anime or get into a lot of shows because it's always just the same shit. It's starting to repulse me
No. 1595204
Being an ugly woman with confidence is so based. I’m an average woman who grew up super ugly, but my confidence comes from the fact that good looks are not what makes you magically become treated better in relationships — confidence is.
I’m seeing a guy who I think is more attractive than me and idgaf. His actions match his words and he treats me really well, and I’m not going to let any insecurities I otherwise might have had sabotage this.
>>1595004>>1595042As long as you never actually entered your email in the email field, like I did on my first post, you’re golden
No. 1595352
>>1595349Same, sometimes I will listen to the same loop on repeat for an hour because something sounds weird or I can't think of what pattern I want to make next
I wrote one song I'm extremely proud of but I want to rewrite the lyrics because they feel ham fisted and forced despite rhyming every line or so
No. 1595384
>>1595212>>1595225>>1595286You're either not as attractive as you think you are or you're rude/socially retarded. Actual beautiful women do have a lot of peoples interested in getting close to them, I'm average but I see how much attention my pretty friends get compared to the no attention my ugly friends get.
This is coping.
No. 1595418
>>1595414It won't help with the noise, but they do make underwear that will greatly reduce or eliminate the smell. It has carbon filters in it.
But why don't you try reseeding your GI tract? You'll need to eat naturally fermented foods like pickles and kimchi, but it has to be the farmer's market stuff because grocery store versions don't contain any of the good bacteria.
No. 1595420
>>1595418I drink kefir and I feel like it makes the farts even worse
I don't really have a place where I can buy "natural" pickles, sometimes my aunt gives me some homemade ones but that isn't enough. I was thinking of making my own kimchi but I need to find the time for it
No. 1595425
>>1595414Are you lactose intolerant? I had the same problem, arguably worse because I had explosive diarrhea in my pants after I got home from graduation, and a lot throughout my childhood, then when visiting family there was only lactose free milk, and the farts and liquid diarrhea stopped. I only get really bad farts with cheese, but any and all lactose milk is cut out whenever possible.
It might help you, nonna