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No. 55513
>>55502Just keep it to one or two colors, not ten, and don't change it even month. And don't be pastel goth. Or wear nerd shirts.
Tumblr just ruined fandom. I feel like it's a very impersonal place and I never made friends there, compared to lj or forums.
No. 55514
>>55502Same. But I must admit, it has helped me to get away from arrogant people lately.
And even if I'm being a shallow asshole, all the people I meet last year with pastel colours in their hair have been whiny passive-agressive bitches… oh, and a "they/them pronouns plz" tumblr specimen.
No. 55526
>>55495Hamilton. It was obvious though, but still. I loved that musical, but in tumblr they mix it with real historical facts, and it's disgusting. And Les Misérables. Jesus, people have some weird ass headcanons about Enjolras being a tranny, or basically every fucking character being a tranny.
Actually, tumblr has ruined everything. Apparently every fucking human being was
problematic for some shit that happened decades ago, in a different time with a different kind of morality.
No. 55554
>>55499 I wish I wasn't the type of person who starts disliking series when the fandom gets out of control but it keeps happening every time something I read gets an anime adaptation. It's kind of weird going from getting into shows because they're popular to discovering a good manga series and witnessing its fanbase turn into some lovecraftian tumblr monstrosity as soon as it gets animated.
I have a feeling Bungo Stray Dogs is going to get raped next season, it's not a series I really even care about but people are going to go batshit over shipping bishie japanese novelists.
No. 55563
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Even though I tried my best to ignore the "fandom" of this game, it got ruined for me anyways.
Now everytime I see it, I can't help but to think of the obnoxious tumblr fan.
No. 55566
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>>55563yeah I'm with you anon, I feel like it's mostly the underage fans who fuel that. I honestly can't stand people who fight about Frisk being "gender neutral, use they/them pronouns when referring to them!!1! or else your oppressing them/and us!!" or those people who hound artists; "when you draw frisk don't make their skin yellow because that's racist!1!!". And not to mention all the awful cosplays and headcannons floating around
I mean as obnoxious the fandom/tumblr can be, it's churned out some really nice fanart at least
No. 55571
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>>55569Yeah, it's pretty great (if you're into games like Mother/Earthbound/Yume Nikki/ OFF you'll probably like it)
No. 55575
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>>55573I'm glad to hear that!
This game is a thousand times better when you experience it for yourself and for the first time
(lets plays honestly don't any of it justice, it's really disappointing knowing most of the fandom hasn't actually played the game themselves but oh well)
No. 55578
>>55575You're making me so excited to play it!!
More on topic, tumblr has definitely ruined indie music for me. I like a lot of fairly basic indie/rock bands (Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, etc), and I feel like people assume I'm a tumblspaz when they see me wearing any of the merch. Not to mention all the "shipping" stuff I see, which is great when it's dealing with characters, but when people are shipping ACTUAL PEOPLE it just gets weird and uncomfortable.
No. 55583
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>>55571I'm a big Yume Nikki fan!! It's actually what attracted me to the game. YN was really trippy and sad and just.. great game. So I thought Undertale would be similar, but stayed away from it since it exploded on tumblr so badly.
No. 55584
>>55574I have a preference for woman with short hair. I hate tumblr so much. Obviously they didnt create that look, but so many of them do it.
The best thing your friend can do honestly is get in shape and lose the cow ring.
No. 55587
>>55554> I wish I wasn't the type of person who starts disliking series when the fandom gets out of control but it keeps happening every time something I read gets an anime adaptation. I'm the same anon. Every time my favourite series gets an anime adaptation it's just forever ruined. The worst case being Hetalia, I used to be a huge fan of the manga and the fandom was very small and sensible, if you could believe that looking at what a monstrosity it became.
But back then it was like this at its worst
>"omg these two are gay don't you dare say otherwise REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"Now it's
>"these two are translesbians, this is nonbinary, she is a transwoman, they are aromantic demisexuals, she's an asexual, and he's a demiboy, she's canonly overweight AND black and if you disagree you're a transphobic racist bigot and we will drive you to suicide with callout blogs, hate anons and emails to your employer uwu"And if you like the wrong ship, you'll get called out for being a supporter of abusive relationships and whatever. I fucking hate what Tumblr did to fandoms, I didn't think they'd turn worse than they already were.
No. 55591
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>>55578>You're making me so excited to play it!!haha I'm glad!! I hope you enjoy the game as much as I did
>>55583Yess Yume Nikki is the shit! I'm glad tumblr never really got a hold of it
Well you can always wait for the hype to die down, and give it a chance
>>55590Well it might not be Yume Nikki/IB levels of creative but it has it's charms
No. 55598
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>>55499I was going to say the same thing, although I watch anime since I'm a child and I feel like tumblr is mostly ruining recent anime. Then again I've unfollowed so many shitty blogs that maybe I'm missing the ones ruining fandoms nowadays.
It's the same thing for video games. I noticed with the Megami Tensei series: Persona 4 and Catherine are talked about avery often because of their
problematic content (transphobia and homophobia in both, which is wrong, the serial killer being /r9k/ incarnate in p4, and talking about this like they're not even spoilers), but as I'm playing more and more of the previous games or less-known one, and there aren't any sjws talking about them, only people who like the games for what they actually are. It feels great not having to see posts about how someone likes a character "but not because they're [insert
problematic things here] it's because they're well-written I'm not [insert same
problematic thing here] I swear!!1!"
Another unrelated thing, tumblr totally ruined the concept of "love yourself, treat yourself" and self-acceptance/self-confidence. These people don't know how not to seem like annoying show-offs instead of confident people. It's the most visible during "blackout" days or any similar days for other minorities. Sometimes they even show off because of other people's accomplishment who are unrelated to them, except for being from the same minority as them. I'm not sure how to explain how and why exactly it pisses me off so much though.
>>55592I barely know anything about this game but I think you might be talking one of my friends' favorite character from this game. She complained about something similar once when she tried to convince me to play Life is Strange or to watch a playthrough.
>>55597>but they're SJWs who also hate anime and shitYou mean people who dislike anime ironically or the SJWs who hate almost every anime ever because they held them to American standards of what's politically correct?
No. 55605
>>55598It's mainly recent anime that has been ruined, you're right, but not only. I mainly follow blogs that rarely interject their personal opinions into things (and when they do I agree with them) but it's mainly when I go actively searching for new content that I see sjw "Misato is a sexual predator!" "Don't sexualize the Evangelion kids it makes me uncomfortable uwu" while simultaneously obsessing over Kawoshin because it's a canon gay couple, even though they're still 14/15 years old. Fetishizing gay kids is TOTALLY FINE though because the person who owns the blog probably identifies as gay since they are a genderqueer girl who is into boys.
They always seem to forget that all of the characters are Japanese and stories take place in Japan unless stated otherwise so they will draw characters as black/South Asian/Indian/anything that is not white or Japanese doing things in not-Japan thus erasing their precious POC characters in favor of having other, more oppressed POC characters. The same people who talk about cultural erasure will go on to erase all semblance of Japanese culture from their fav anime, maybe because certain aspects are
problematic to them, or maybe because they are so Americentric that they think any character with white skin is white. Or maybe they feel like they are appropriating Japanese culture by drawing a girl in a yukata or something.
Any pairing you like that is not 100% light and fluffy or same-aged people is supporting abuse. And also every character is an asexual demiboy because like…they didn't have sex in the show or something? They wore pants once? They made a joke about wanting to be the opposite gender once? All tomboy characters are now trans as well.
But in general the thing that bugs me is just how overbearingly into the shows tumblr fandoms tend to be, but on a completely SHALLOW level. Like, please write tons of theoretical essays about an anime or manga for me to read, or analyze some seemingly unimportant detail, or something. I love that shit. But I don't care about headcanon #63726 that deals solely with gender and sexuality of characters. If that is all you got from the series then I don't know what to tell you. Look at what the tumblr JJBA community looks like. A series with decades of lore and yet tumblr just wants to ship them all and call them trans because they are flamboyantly styled.
I realize all of this can apply to most things tumblr gets its grubby hands on.
But as I said it rarely actually pops up and bothers me personally, and there are plenty of great artists and blogs on tumblr. And it's certainly not JUST tumblr that has made me generally avoid other anime fans. I think as someone who has been actively into anime since the mid to late 90s it's been a bit frustrating to watch things evolve as they have. Yaoi fangirls nyaaaing all over the place and cosplaying their yaoi schmex used to be the shame of the anime community but now we have this shit.
No. 55607
>>55605Thank god I learned very quickly how to avoid the idiots in the Jojo fandom once I started the anime. I find it amazing that so many tumblrinas like the new trendy animanga even though these series have a bunch of things they hate in them, like fanservice with underage character for example. I'm only counting NGE and JOJO because of the Rebuild movies and the recent anime adaptation, respectively.I wonder if it's because they're trying to stay relevant or if it's because they genuinely like these things but they don't want to seem
problematic for loving something that isn't 10000% in the eyes of some of the craziest bloggers (you know, the ones who make a lot of callout posts because somebody reblogged a fanart of a character who is the evil antagonist or something).
No. 55617
>>55613I've been surfing the fandoms actively since 2000. There were no limits back then, nobody got called out for being a transphobe/racist/whatever and you could write just whatever sick stuff came into your mind and people either ignored it or laughed at it. I honestly don't remember coming across crazy SJWs back then on the internet until like 2011 or 2012. Sure there were shipping wars and headcanons but the headcanons back then were pretty much limited to "he's gay and he likes this guy". Not "he's an asexual PoC transboy". Nobody gave two fucks about video games being "sexist", the girls played them just the same and never felt attacked. We just liked the jRPGs that had pretty boys catering to us.
The callout culture existed before the 2010's but it was mostly for those that were actually considered to be whacked, like the people who were otherkin and 50 shades of crazy. And the "callouting" was limited to a thread on Something Awful or a humor article on some other satire site like Encyclopedia Dramatica. It ended there. Nobody was fired or attempted suicide, people just laughed at their shitty Sonic OCs. Pretty similar to what we have here on Lolcow now. Not "this bigot tweeted ableist slurs, SJWS ATTACCCKKK".
And this is what fucking kills me. After over 15 years of being online and relying on the Internet to be the ultimate zone of free speech and expression, you see people like fucking Shmorky siding with the SJWs and coming out as a genderfluid. Plebcomics is doing stuff that's a LOT tamer than what we had in 2001-2006 and she gets shadowbanned on Tumblr and tons of hate anons who got her fired by harassing her employer.
So yeah, tumblr is ruining the whole internet for me. I'm thankful for places like lolcow where things can be kind of how they were since most places are now either coddling to the SJW feefees or the gathering of the most paranoid /pol/tards blaming jews for everything.
No. 55625
>>55576>trannies/cross dressingThis.
I enjoy traps because they are boys in dresses, that's all about it. Not some alternative genderfluid transgender xD bullshit.
I have some serious personal grudge against that place. It ruined several of my friendships and relationships. I can't go talk to my close friends about some subjects at all that I would had debated with them before because tumblr brainwashed them, and I know they'll answer me with tumblrina buzzwords. It confused one of my boy friends into thinking he is a girl when he doesn't suffer gender dysphoria (because for tumblrinas if a boy is not a horrible person or masculine then it means he is a girl). I'm legit worried about a girl I know because she started a hormonal treatment and it gives me vibes what she's going through it's just a phase and she's gonna regret it in the future. I had also this girl I knew that was kind of a (forgive my weeb) senpai to me. She had been in my main fandom for years before i got into it and she was super reliable. I didn't talk to her very often, yet she was that person you know you can say something to her at any moment and she will answer you back. She would even give me advice if she saw I needed it sometimes. Tumblr fame turned her into a self-absorbed cunt. She's unrecognizable compared with her self of 3 or 4 years ago. It hurts me even remembering about it.
No. 55632
>>55598I'm a big fan of the classic SMT games myself and used to participate in the fandom on Tumblr back when I was totally naive to the site's userbase. Other than a few people they're all batshit insane too and a lot of them never even played the old games, they just watched LPs and claim to be fans for some kind of RPG hipster street cred. It's really weird. Absolutely nothing is safe from Tumblr.
I miss when we could just have fun together.
No. 55633
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Online art scene/cliques
Wouldn't be so awful if twitter users hadn't started adopting the whole asspats/clique system as well
IDK, as an artist I feel like I've never had any clique of other artist friends that I can communicate with for support or concrit, and now it's virtually impossible to find normal art people to befriend because you need to follow certain trends (ie the most appealing/acceptable, safe art style, constant fanart for one particular fandom, a gimmick, etc.)
The struggle is real
No. 55634
>>55625I'm the complete opposite, I have a thing/love for reverse traps (girls in boy's disguise), and have considered pulling off that sort of thing, but now I feel so bad about it because of tumblr and the notion that "oh, well you wear [insert gender] clothes, so ur a trans/nonbinary/genderflux sweetie :)"
no bitch I just wanna go all Ping from Mulan for a day, I don't wanna get surgery to change my tits/genitals
No. 55642
>>55617Something Awful went to shit during 07. Thank Ozma and her catlady brigade / beta orbiters of her fat ass for ruining that site.
Callout culture got it's traction in the LF days and from there, it's been a real scourge of the net.
No. 55647
>>55613I didn't know English yet at the time but I was still on the Internet a lot. I feel like it wasn't all that different in French fandoms and in the English ones, headcanons were also all about who was in love with who/who was gay. Teenagers were more on skyblog than on myspace too. This makes me feel nostalgic.
>>55615Dangan Ronpa are fun games, I wanted to check it out on Something Awful but once I had enough time to do that they blocked the translation or something because of the people from tumblr spamming. I decided to play the games instead and before I could do that a bunch of fuckers wouldn't stop posting spoilers without tagging it as such because they wanted to point out the transphobia or ableism in the game. They didn't spoil everything though so it was still worth it but I'm still salty.
No. 55652
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>>55615I bought myself a PS Vita just to play the DR games and I REALLY enjoyed them both, much more than I thought I would. The fandom is disgusting cancer though. Why are there so many young 14-16 year olds into it? Kinda urks me. I'm in my late 20s and love horror games and consider the DR games horror in its own right, but it's sad I have no one to really talk to about it.
No. 55712
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I think maybe that's why art like pic related have been showing up, people try so hard to appeal and please tumblr for followers/e-fame/recognition that a lot of their originality starts to disappear and becomes very cookie cutter. It's a shame really
>>55632>Other than a few people they're all batshit insane too and a lot of them never even played the old games, they just watched LPs and claim to be fans for some kind of RPG hipster street cred. It's really weird. Absolutely nothing is safe from Tumblr.fucking this
Also, I think Lets plays are becoming cancerous, well mostly their fanbases. Especially because a lot of people on tumblr practically worship these people and even go far enough to cosplay them. I mean personally I only like two best friends because they're chill, genuine and their fan base is tame. But channels like GG, Markiplier, cryotic etc. always seem to have the most insane and obnoxious fans and do play a part in attracting them to certain games/fandoms
No. 55731
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>>55724Also, there was a girl on tumblr who was sexually attracted to the Cleric Beast from Bloodborne, but since she's a lesbian she became convinced the Cleric Beast was female (because wanting to fuck a boy monster would be too weird, I guess), despite the fact that it looks like pic related and clerics are historically male, not to mention there are plenty of canonically female beasts within the game. She would get actually angry at people who referred to the Cleric Beast as male.
No. 55751
>>55750you've got to be shitting me! Then again, I've seen enough people complain about words like stupid, foolish, idiot, cretin etc. because ABELIMS*
*don't judge me I'm dyslexic!
No. 55754
>>55633I completely agree with this.
The thing that
really irks me about it though is that these people can sometimes draw very well- but they don't put their talents to good use, and instead draw the Game Grumps fucking each other in the ass. Some of them clearly have skill but
choose to draw fandom-related or 'Tumblr safe' (ex. fat trans girl in pastels).
But hey, you don't get asspats being original anymore. Gotta draw Usagi as a trans person if you want to rake in those reblogs.
(btw, wish more artists were like Terrible Terrible Terrible. There's not enough comics like theirs)
No. 55756
>>55755I dont see why the way i type has any?? effect?? on u??? like ur being
problematic by assuming adults should have a basic understanding of grammar??? omfg anyway u can fuck off hunni because I type how i want as a strong trans-ethnic woman :)))) (✿◠‿◠)
No. 55758
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>>55648Yeah, even the old games. It's not super overt since the series is niche and most people just wanna reblog art, but I saw some random "Tamaki is trans" "Zayin is otherkin" type things. Then there's Raidou being a gay sex symbol even in Japan so things get kinda weird there. Most of it is definitely centered around more recent titles like Devil Survivor or even Digital Devil Saga though. I'm also referring to the attitudes of people in the fandom themselves. I got to know a lot of them and watch them spiral into insanity over a few years, so even if they aren't pushing any politics on SMT at any given time, they're still incredibly high-maintenance people I'd avoid. The ones who weren't like this were some posters who frequented /smtg/ back in the day. I'm not sure if any still do or even if they're still around since the general died out a while ago.
I definitely understand the suffering of the Europoors, but what I meant were the older titles that can be easily emulated and have translation patches, or games like Soul Hackers that got recent ports. There were a few times I wanted to talk mechanics or what demons someone ran with on a few titles, then they'd straight up admit they never played it and only said so to look cool or they gave up and watched an LP instead.
Look into emulating Raidou 2. I think like Raidou 1 it runs pretty well in battles and the overworld, just lags in the city. It definitely emulates better than DDS1&2 though.
>>55712Not even just YouTube LPs, but this one girl I knew only read those SA forum LPs that are just images with text. She had no idea how to play the games and had virtually no context for anything, then tried to act superior to people and make fun of them when they posted about struggling at whatever point in the game. She also took anything anyone from SA said as the gospel truth and got super angry if you even lightly criticized them.
Back before LPs became this huge personality cult I used to think they were nice for getting a look at a game before you bought it, or seeing any content you might've missed on a playthrough, or just looking up an old game you could never beat and seeing someone else fly through it. What the fuck happened?
No. 55761
>>55758 OT but before pixiv becoming popular, back when the megaten webring was really active there used to be a shitton of Raidou porn on the internet. I swear one of the first things I ever downloaded from 4chan was a folder from Megaupload that was a gigabyte of Raidou art and doujins, it's a shame it probably disappeared in the purge years ago.
I'm kind of glad I got into Megaten a while ago (even knew a couple people older than me that bought the ps1 games waaaay back when they were kids) because I finished playing through most of them before the internet fandom became a disaster.
>>55755 Not to. Mention putting periods where they. Really. Don't belong.
No. 55772
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I always wondered why pic related did't become popular with tumbrl I mean it has all the things they like, gay couples, crossdressing, multicultural party,the bad guy is white, etc.
No. 55779
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my sister had been trying to get me to play that love live game for a while now, and i almost started, but tumblr makes me feel sick to look at it now. all the characters are trans lesbians and have horse faces… the fanart is all so fucking ugly. and the one sensual lookin one with the low pigtails? ALWAYS depicted as a potatofaced whale, usually with jungle legs. why? what fucking reason?
No. 55780
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>>55779Just don't let tumblr ruin stuff for you and go on Pixiv if you want cute art.
No. 55798
>>55712I used to watch Cryaotic a lot years ago- maybe three to four years now? Which seems crazy. However, his fanbase has grown to the creepiest fanbase I've seen that openly admits to wanting to suck his sick or masturbate to his voice. It's…ugh. On top of that, he seems to have become a bit sjw-ish. Lately, I've become really attached to Two Best friends because of their brilliant commentary and tame fanbase.
It sucks so much when a fanbase ruins something for everyone.
No. 55799
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>>55731That's so fucking dumb. I'm a lesbian and I've been attracted to fictional male characters. Nothing wrong or weird about that. I've spoken to other gay women who have had similar experiences. You can be attracted to someone without wanting to physically fuck them- and if they aren't even existing characters, then what the hell is this bitch upset about? I'm attracted to Link from LOZ. Don;t feel bad about it.
If a character is a canon male, it seems shitty to change their sex. I wanna slap this idiot.
No. 55828
>>55759Can't blame them for that.
>>55758>>55761>there's Raidou being a gay sex symbol even in Japan>there used to be a shitton of Raidou porn on the internetI can't believe I missed all of this. I'm kind of new to the games actually, since I didn't have a PS2 when the PS2 games were released and I didn't speak and understand English well enough back then, anyway. I finally got a PS2 though and I ordered DDS1 and 2 and Nocturne, but I haven't ordered Raidou 1 yet. I'm only playing the games released in Europe right now and I'll move on to emulating once I'm done with them, but that's because my computer is a piece of junk.
The games are so unknown where I'm from that I can only talk about them online, and now I know how to avoid the worst parts of "fandoms", so it could have been worse for me. I think more people are talking about the series now that SMT IV Final has been announced.
No. 55830
>>55615>>55752I got into DR a little after the initial hype died but before the anime came out and I loved it. The whole "chihiro and sakura are trans uwu" bullshit didn't make it into my vision until much later so I thankfully missed it. DR is all kinds of ~
problematic~ with violence, murder, manipulation, mental illnesses and whatever, why are these people even into it?
And that's actually my main problem with SJWs. Instead of supporting things they like and feel comfortable with, they police around other people's interests and want everything to feature an obese transgendered PoC disabled person and a cast with only marginal minorities. Do you see bullshit like Gen Zed getting a big applause from them? No, because they won't be satisfied with anything they've given. They ignore it completely and instead focus on things meant for OTHER focus groups and demand them to change for their needs. This is because they don't actually give a shit about the social justice cause but their own need for self-importance. And because it's a profitable source now, a lot of people cater to them and give into their needs because they're the loudest and most aggressive, all the while ignoring the original audience who feel alienated by it. This happened with a game project called Mighty No. 9 which was a crowdfunded project by the creator of the Mega Man series, they hired a fullblown SJW bitch as the western community manager and she started banning everyone who disagreed with her SJW thoughts on the forums and tried to change the main character to a female avatar of herself. Thus, they lost a lot of support.
They're just a product of the generation that has been taught to demand their rights but not make any compromises. Maybe someday this bullshit will subside and video games, comics and anime will return to obscurity.
No. 55834
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I feel so awful for normal Love Live fans. I would tear my eyes out if SJWs tried to police my iM@S waifus.
Luckily they'll never touch it because "wah wah pedophilia waahh" and they're too stupid to get into something like SideM because it's all in moon. I have to admit, I did have a small heart attack when then mobile rhythm game came out back in September…
No. 55835
>>55526>Hamilton>Les MisSame anon, same.
My latest one is Heneral Luna. It's a nice biopic and all, but man does it feel so incongruous going on tumblr (or on facebook, so many people at my school are tumblr defined and I've given up unfollowing them) and seeing people call national heroes, real soldiers "bae". What's worse is that the movie takes place during our country's war against the Americans and most of the fanfics (yeah, of course they make fanfics) and fandom stuff feel so Americanized, even going so far as to call this one man named Gregorio (who was a general and died in a historic stand off against the Americans) 'Greggy'. His nickname is Goyong. Most history books mention this. The movie itself uses the nickname. It feels so wrong calling a man who fought against the Americans an Americanized nickname, idk.
The thing that weirds me out the most is that they treat it as fiction but they take the entire movie as fact, even if the movie makes a disclaimer at the beginning that it's not supposed to be taken as such.
A sidenote: am I the only one that feels that tumblr has a certain American-ness to it? Even users who are neither American nor live in America have that air to them if they're the tumblrina type. I can't really describe it, just that it's most apparent in the lingo and the 'politics' (sjw stuff)
No. 55837
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Mental illness tbh. Because of tumblr snowflakes, i now cant help but judge someone when they talk about their mental ilness. I just assume its something they claim to have to seem special, until proven otherwise. I even feel embarrased to talk about my own illnesses online because of this shit.
No. 55841
Not even the dead are safe from this faggotry.
No. 55842
>>55772Probably because it's too dark for them and it
triggers them or something. I'm actually glad this flew under the radar and Undertale became popular instead, not to sound hipster.
No. 55844
>>55799I'm also a lesbian, and I must say, Link made me realize a lot of stuff about myself when I was growing up and reading the mangas/playing the games, most of them related to my love for the female body. To this day he's still my favorite vidya character, and with the latest design he's got hhnngh.
But of course tumblr ruined it all with "omg link looks soo girly! He must be a trans genderfluid polysexual fairy kin! Don't you dare saying otherwise or you're hittler" No, Fuck you and drop dead.
No. 55845
>>55830Then be happy because mighty no9 looks and plays like shit and people are demanding refunds everyday because how cheap it looks and because the game was supposed to come out in april last year but Inafune keeps delaying it.
Fucking 4 million all spend on useless low quality merchandise.
No. 55846
>>55834>they'll never touch it because "wah wah pedophilia waahh"Is it just me or tumblr is sickly obsessed with pedophilia recently? Like if you're 18 and they're 17 they'll curse you to hell and back calling you pervert if you dare to call them out in their bullshit or just talk to them.
Like "ewww you're a grown ass adult, why are you fighting with an underaged kid telling me that 'i dont know shit'? eugh so creepy kill urself gross pedo" or if you ship something they don't like "omg this [tumblrusername] person is a paedophilia apologist, go burn them my minions"
Even if the character you're shipping are both adults but with a big age difference. It's mind boggling.
No. 55850
>>55592I like auron x rikku (from final fantasy 10) and once I drew some fanart of them hanging out being cute. I always highlight that this is an older 19 year old rikku.
I still get sjw hatemail. I get thinking it's creepy or whatever, but it's just a videogame, why do people care about what I draw? I should be able to draw whatever the hell I want.
No. 55852
>>55828Really? From my perspective it feels like there's less chatter about Final than there was compared to IV. This is even considering all the newcomers IV brought to the series, but it seems like interest just isn't there. Regardless, I hope you do enjoy the games even if you run into obnoxious people.
>>55830Just look at how they absolutely turned on Urbance once the project was announced. They got their all-POC cast, their all-gay cast, and the gender wars they have every day but it just wasn't good enough. None of them even cared about the animation quality, it all just came down to moving goalposts and whining about trans*@!pan otherkinsexual erasure.
>>55846I saw this one hilarious post by an 18 year old trying to lecture other "adults", and more specifically anyone over the age of 20, of what it meant to be an adult and how to be responsible on tumblr when you have so many precious, impressionable, clingy kids who hang at your every word around you. It boiled down to never talking to them about anything that wasn't an approved safe topic and don't talk to other adults about things only older people can do where the kids can read it because it makes them uncomfortable you gross pedos.
No. 55857
Also, I'm sure I'm not the only one who think that, but I think tumblr ruined comedy/humor/jokes/memes whatever you want to call it. Like, when I started using tumblr I found whatever silly posts on my dashboard funny, but now the humor changed. People became painfully unfunny by spamming the same shitty memes over and over again, and by trying too hard to stay politically correct or something. Once, I stumbled on some blogs run by stuck-up SJWs/fandoms, like dragondicks for example and they were all so painfully trying to be funny it was sad. It's like tthey're trying to stay relevant to some sort of unfunny audience on tumblr. It's hard to express, sorry if it seems vague.
>>55852Don't worry, I enjoy the games very much so far! I didn't follow the news for SMT IV because I thought that it would never be available in Europe so I can't say, but at least /smtg/ is more active since Final's announcement than before. Although some people think that Final will be a new edition of IV instead of the sequel/AU it actually is, that could explain it.
>>55780I'm going to vomit.
>>55779This artist looks like they could draw some great things if they want to. Too bad they obviously don't.
No. 55861
>>55835Tumblr is definitely americentric. I saw a girl talking about it, she's a bit of a sjw but not as annoying as the other ones. But yes, tumblr is too focused on what happens in the United States. All of the awful social justice they follow is based on the things that go on inside their nation, and the bad thing is they spread it to other countries. I had a twitter friend who was really into social justice (I was a liberal back then, but never a sjw type) and she began to see oppression everywhere in her country. She's only an example, there's a bunch of sjws in South America, most of them middle class young girls who think they're oppressed because a boy called them a name once.
And about Hamilton (i'm the anon you answered), I knew it was going to happen. I mean, all of the """PoC""" actors playing white cis males and females, it was a storm waiting to be unleashed. I still enjoy the musical, but the fandom is… repelent. Like, the shipping it's awful. Fucking John Laurens with Alexander Hamilton, or fanfics about Philip being the son of Elizabeth and John. It's repulsive, and frankly, really stupid.
No. 55864
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>>55861I confirm, it's super focused on American issues, even when people talk about things that have nothing to do with America (be it the US or even North and South America). According to SJWs:
>North Africans and Middle Easterns are privileged white people>although sometimes North Africans become honorary black people to further black americans' agenda, whatever it is>think Muslims are an ethnic group, white or asian people converting to Islam are appropriating Muslim culture>white people can't be victims of racism but Irish people and Italians were oppressed some decades ago in the US, so they aren't white anymore according to them>same shit applied nowadays to Latinos who almost only have white European ancestors, they're fully PoC since white people can't be victims of racism>All Africans are the same peaceful homogeneous ethnic group>same shit with Asians>only white people are violent according to history, even though every country and region of the world has been involved in conflicts to the point where it could be argued that humanity as a whole is terrible>there aren't any PoC in Europe EVER! Good thing there are terrorist attacks in France, it's not like the PoC population will be attacked as well since they don't exist!!1!>reading or watching animanga is cultural appropriation/problematic even though people watch American tv shows and movies LITERALLY ALL THE TIME AND ALL AROUND THE WORLD>sexism is exclusively when men spread their legs while sitting in the bus and women are laughed at when they armpits are hairy, it's not like it's worse anywhere else (although sexism exists in the USA too I'm sure, my point is that it's most likely not damaging the way it is in other countries)I'm sure I missed other things so add whatever you want to complain about. Sorry if it's not coherent, I'm a bit tired.
No. 55868
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>>55779Big tits = land whale according to Tumblr. Tumblr had never seen a girl who's thin but still has large tits (large for her frame).
I can't be the only one tired of seeing Tumblr use hijabs as a kawaii pastel uwu accessory, right? I'm not Muslim but it's still just so dumb. It's all because there were girls on GirlsChan who thought hijabi lolitas were kawaii and then weebs picked up that "Japan thinks pastel hijabs are cute!" and now kawaii hijabs is a thing.
No. 55877
>>55798what's funnier is that I know cry from HS and he's not what they expect him to be.
At all, AT ALL. I'm waiting for the day someone finds photos of him, it'll be great.
No. 55881
>>55846I think they're just stuck-up kids who hate that they aren't being allowed to do what they want. "Ew, adults! Why can't you let kids be kids!"
I saw a post on tumblr where some self-righteous asshole said that there was no reason for someone over the age of 21 to speak to someone under the age of 18. Luckily there were a ton of level-headed people present to go "But teachers? Siblings? PARENTS?!?"
No. 55897
>>55870that's pretty fucking normal, weirdo.
people have been attracted to drawings since the stone age.
No. 55920
>>55772I fucking love LISA. It's honestly kind of an unusual, uncomfortable creepy series, since it's always had those uneasy pedophilic subtexts to it.
Most SJWs are too scared by actual real world issues and would rather make up they're being oppressed, like being an otherkin or fake panic attack. They just roleplay that and can turn it "off" if they want. They often times appear bothered so they can feel special. LISA isn't a game I think you can fake feeling
triggered over. It's "too real" for a lot of snowflakes.
No. 56020
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>>55613>I remember any angst fanart/fanfiction used to revolve around either domestic violence or self harm. Those were the big things.I remember talking with someone how Naruto fanfiction had an inordinate amount of stories taking place in mental hospitals/asylums, and someone pointed out that the height of Naruto's popularity in 2005-2007 coincided with the insurgence of emo subculture.
No. 56024
>>55926That's what buzzwords do, anon. You see, a vast majority of tumblrinas are retarded commies who know nothing about politics and spit out things they've read online, most of which come from buzzfeed.
"Trump is Hitler" is basically a meme. A dumb meme, but they're stupid enough to swallow it.
No. 56026
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>>55926The sanders worship is truly amazing. And it shows how they play favorites since they completely ignore his rape article but crucify other celebrities for nothing.
No. 56028
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>>55722>>55798Aahh It's nice seeing other two best friends fans, I hope that channel stays chill and away from tumblr nonsense
Funny how Cry gets those even though none of his fans know what he looks like(I always liked to think he was probably ugly or maybe he just really likes his privacy)I'm sure Markiplier gets those often as well and I can bet most are from the under aged.
But yeah, fanbases(made up of a large tumblr audience) lately have been becoming more and more insufferable. Which is why Steven Universe ; the ultimate tumblr show, has a ton of problems within it's own fanbase. Which sucks because it's a really cute show but sometimes I can't stand looking at without being reminded of it's super shitty fanbase
>>56020maaaan I remember being obsessed with Naruto during 2007
I spent an unhealthy ampount of time watching amvs, Naruto fan flashes, and Naruto abridged
No. 56037
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>>55844Awesome, nice to meet another lesbian who likes Link. I'm actually pretty excited for the new game, whenever Nintendo decides to release it.
No. 56040
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>>56028Yay for more Two best friends fans. Haha, Cry fans thinks he looks like pic related, but I imagine him to be a typical looking neckbeard. He sounds like he's really out of shape since he spends so much time on the computer.
And man, so did I honestly. I had a pretty big Naruto obsession during 2006-2008. I went to anime cons and panels and shit. hah, those were good times honestly.
No. 56051
>>56040I imagine he's either a regular looking guy (the kind you'd pass on the street and not notice), or very unattractive.
High-school anon should pull out the year book.
No. 56057
>>56051If he really is uggo, then it was smart of him to hide his face.
I second this, high school anon. Dig out the ol' yearbook.
No. 56073
>>56067Well, some muslim women don't wear a
hijab because it's not mandatory, unless the law of some countries explicitly says it is, although it is recommended and very common. I'm that anon
>>55871 and I didn't say that I was muslim myself because religion just isn't my thing, so I can't tell for everyone, but some women don't give a fuck about showing their hair or not, and some women still try to look fancy while wearing a hijab, in their everyday life or during special occasions. I live in a European country so it's different where the majority is muslim I guess. And things like family pressure or the community can force one to wear the hijab too or they'll try to ruin your reputation or some shit.
Also, lmao whenever people say they don't want to be muslim I always expect them to say that they want to keep eating pork and meat that's not halal. You made me laugh.
No. 56075
>>55772Too many unattractive men (like there isn't a single "bishonen" character, even the crosdressers have beards and shit), and a story that isn't some "the kids aren't ok" thing about mentally ill teenagers, or a generally happy fantasy world with a little bit of human suffering involved like Undertale.
Plus you have to make actual hard decisions, you can't be the "good guy" in this game and survive easily. All these things make it non-palatable for Tumblr audiences.
No. 56080
>>56075>too many unattractive men>there isn't a single bishonen and even the crosdressers have beards and shitAnd here comes another thing I find specially obnoxious about tumblr.
Have you noticed how they will demonize many male characters who aren't handsome or are unattractive?
Like, you have two characters. Two boys. One is handsome, the other is ugly. Both of them have acted like jerks at some point yet they have done good deeds as well.
What is gonna tumblr do? They are gonna put the handsome one into a pedestal ignoring the fact he's/has been a fucking jerk, only taking into account the good stuff he's done. They're gonna bash the ugly one to death ignoring the fact he's done good stuff, only taking into account that he has been a jerk.
Fuck those double standarts. Then these fucking hypocrites come bullshitting at you with their talk about body image/beauty standarts. This shit makes me so mad.
No. 56082
>>56080Like, you have two characters. Two boys. One is handsome, the other is ugly. Both of them have acted like jerks at some point yet they have done good deeds as well.
I think modern tumblr will claim the pretty one is an abusive trans boy; he's abusive and left with several mentall illnesses due to being bullied/abused by parents/society for being trans. They'll bend backwards to defend any of his shitty actions because he is a precious damaged snowflake; the other half of SJW will constatnly make call-out posts and sent death threats to everyone who dares to like or ship said character.
The ugly one will be drawn as fat.
No. 56091
>>56082Even more often than that, if the handsome one is shitty enough, they'll just use it to fetishize him.
We've all seen "I love [insert douchebag character here] I'm trash
I've fallen so far" shit.
No. 56092
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>>55632You were right, I haven't noticed back then but there are some stupid people in this fandom too. There's truly no respect for anything anymore. Can't wait to see her reaction when she'll see Nanashi's frilly dress used as an armor.
No. 56126
>>55847This. Emos, scene kids, and edgelords ruined mental illness already. Tumblr kicked the cringe to a whole new level however.
>>55877Pls post yearbook pics if you have them. I want to see this monstrosity.
No. 56128
>>55642Have you tried going back to GBS? I find it's pretty fun and I usually agree with a lot of people say there.
Like this is a cool thread I found on the front page right now: wouldn't find that shit on the rest of the internet that's for sure.
No. 56151
>>56128GBS only got decent after Lowtax dropped all the un-necessary rules and let people actually post what they wanted. It's been slowly sliding back to the old strict rules mainly because people (especially the D&D types) find non-PC jokes/opinions too
triggering for them.
No. 56169
>>56116Oh my god I just want to add on to this. There was a crazy girl at my school who was the whole tumblr package, Muslim, middle eastern, "trans boy", "mentally ill", went by a Japanese nickname etc. but the best part was that she faked being raped. She'd be an absolute shitlord online, openly shitting on white people and cis people and then claimed she was doing it because she was raped. The problem is that she gave a specific date that she was allegedly raped on and there were no reports of sexual violence on that day. (Sexual violence against minors is also publicly reported in my city but there won't be any details like name or location, just the time). Then she deleted her blog last year and admitted that she faked being raped because she just wanted attention.
Way to devalue rape, rape accusations, and rape victims.
No. 56188
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>>56092What an idiot. The same thing happened when all we had for Flynn was the back of his head and a silhouette. People just get interested if there might be a girl protag since Mainline has never had one outside of Tamaki, and even then she's just one of two choices who got canonized because she was Tadashi's waifu.
And always with the fucking Devilman avatars. You'd think all the graphic content would
trigger them straight the fuck out of there. Why do these hypocrites even bother trying to take the moral high ground?
No. 56196
>>56182precisely. It makes me sick to my stomach.
But you can usually tell whether these people give a fuck about anyone else other than themselves. But still, it's so fucking detrimental to the overall cause and conversation.
No. 56262
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I don't really think Sanders flying coach a couple times is that meaningful…
No. 56320
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>>55877Please post anon. I highly doubt he looks like the fanarts on tumblr.
No. 56513
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>>56495Do you mean the ones that look like pic related anon? That's Scott Jund, not Cry. If you're talking about a different pic, I haven't heard of it.
No. 56529
>>56513I don't know for sure because like I said: I didn't care enough to look. All I remember is that people lost their shit and then said to
respect his privacy' blahblahblah.
If what you posted is what was going around, then these people need higher standards because he's not worth the freak out.
No. 56539
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>>56188>You'd think all the graphic content would trigger them I'll post the picture under a spoiler because benis, but an artist deleted their tumblr account after making fanart of Ryo/Satan that wound up getting reblogged to a bunch of SJWs that harassed her for demonizing transsexuals.
No. 56610
Tumble has ruined sexuality. WTF is a demisexual? I still don't understand how "not wanting to have sex with someone you don't get to know first" or whatever is an oppressed sexuality. It sounds like a bunch of straight people wanting special treatment.
Also, Rooster Teeth.
>>55850That's my favorite FFX pairing. I am so glad tumblr was not around when I wrote fanfiction though. I can just imagine what kind of anon hate I would have gotten.
No. 56613
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>>55499Especially sports anime. Haikyuu doesn't deserve the shitty fandom it ended up with.
No. 56616
>>56610It just means that you don't want to have one-night stands, that you need a deep, emotional connection before you can be sexually active with someone.
It's fine for just describing your sexual preferences, but then they start talking about how they're UPPRESSD and shit.
No. 56622
>>56618Yeah, it's just a sexual preference. Idk why they have to get their panties in a twist.
Sexualities are: gay, straight, bi. That's it.
No. 56649
>>56628So I should probably go to a doctor because I don't get sexually aroused by anything?
I mean, it hasn't been terrible for me. It's probably the easiest of the 'snowflake' sexualities to pass off in real life because you can just say you haven't found the right person yet or that you're not interested in someone that way.
No. 56679
Tumblr also ruined the entire concept of "art". Now every tumblrina spits on their Wacom and calls themselves ~artist~. And oh are they overly attached to their shitty ~art~.
One time, last year, I found a nice doodle on Pinterest and saved the pic, there was no mention of the artist anywhere but I wanted to find him/her.
So I uploaded the pic on my tumblr (smol blog with, like 30 followers?) saying clearly in the description that I "do not own this, but since I like it and I'd like to find the author, if you know his/her username let me know so I can edit the post blah blah blah". People press like, people reblog, and finally the ~artist~ comes. Her reaction was baffling. "Ummm ur not allowed to repost other ~artists'~ work, you're not obliged to post here everything you see on the internet, if u dunno the source dont post it, it's not that hard, and even if you write the source it's still problematic since you may get more notes than my original post, so delete it"
Since I was a little bit surprised by this unnecessarily bitchy behavior I asked "Why so rude?" and reminded her that I don't get any money from notes, that there was no way that my blog could make more views than hers, and that she could've asked me to put it down politely, and what happened next? She basically capslocked something we could sum up in "PUT IT DOWN PUT IT DOWN REEEEEEEE TRIGGERED!" and sent her followers after me to inbox me other crazy mad shit. Bitch was crazy, and wasn't even the only one. Half of tumblr ~artists~ behave exactly like this, and maybe even more than half.
No. 56692
>>56610Ugh. I don't go into the RWBY tag because everyone is drawn as trans/race bent/etc.
Like, Blake's race is already discriminated against in the show. There's no need to make her black on top of that. Do they make her black because her name means black? I don't get it.
No. 56695
>>56689I've made some "art" before and if I will ever go back on that route, I'm sure I would be super chill about that. I mean, just put on watermarks. And as long as the reposter doesn't claim your "art" as his or removes watermarks, I can't really see the issue. I think these tumblrinas are just bugged by the fact that other users could make notes with
their "art". It's about possession, likes and reblogs. Just like when kids go like "Mine mine mine mine MINE"
No. 56704
>>56649Only if you want to fix it.
imho being asexual works nicely, less likely to do stupid shit based on my horniness.
No. 56718
>>56539Fucking unbelievable. Even if they didn't know the source material, how hard is it to go to the original post and look at the tags?
>>56571In Devilman, that character in the drawing is Satan, who is depicted as a hermaphrodite in the manga.
>>56679It's always mediocre artists who flip out the most. When I used to drawfag, things I drew would get reposted on tumblr all the time and get more notes than any drawings I posted on my blog. It's not a big deal, very few people check out your blog when they see something they like anyway. And it's not like throwing a fit after the fact is going to change much. Messaging someone politely is much more likely to get their cooperation.
The artists who flip their shit about these things remind me of all those nasty girls who used to hang around oekakis back in the day. The deviantart scene sparkledog types. If you drew anything mildly resembling one of their 5000 wolf pictures, they'd gang up on you and rip you apart.
Something that always confused me about these types of people on tumblr too are the ones who wanted more than anything to get a hit post with thousands of notes, then when they finally got that, they'd turn around and complain about it and fake panic attacks about the post geTTtinG NoTES agAIiIN. Gotta double-dip on that attention whoring for all it's worth. Did anyone else ever see this sort of thing happen?
No. 56734
>>56188Flynn looks so weird without his fringe.
>>56539I haven't read Devilman but isn't that character supposed to be an angel, as in genderless? How does he have a "transfeminine body" then, if he(?) isn't a man or a woman in the first place?
>>56623They're not into anyone, right? They must be tired of hearing about all the """queer""" tumblrina going "i'm so gay" literally all the time, or at least most of them.
No. 56754
>>55868i was on instagram and found a random ass white girl wearing a hijab. Curious and hoping I wasn't just being racist, I went and checked her IG. I scrolled down to see that her pretend Islam came on randomly. She just posted a picture in a hijab and said something in Arabic. No previous pictures or captions stated that she had always been Muslim. In one comment she even told a guy that she couldn't speak Arabic.
The kicker is that she was a "pastel muslim" and would cosplay as well. Using people's religions for oppression points is just so sick to me. Like, the SJW's are more prejudice then the people they hate.
No. 56760
>>56738I get turned on by the way people dress and not actual people (or genitals).
I just want their clothes. But no sex feelings happen to me.
There's probably something wrong with me in the long run. I've had it too good for too long in the health department with little to no maintenance. I've never had the generic knee reflex that happens when you hit it in the right spot… but how do I go about checking these things? I basically never go to the doctor so that's foreign territory to me.
No. 56765
>>56040Haha I know right?
Is like, when they draw Suzy and Arin from game grumps as slim, athletic and beautiful when we already know how ugly and fat they are irl.
No. 56767
>>56395Me too.
And when they make one of the boys a ~transboi queergender demiautistic bae~ I want to kill myself over that heresy…
No. 56773
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>>56765Wtf anon, I just left the Suzy + Game Grumps thread.
Just kidding, I could complain about Game Grumps all day. Her tumblr fans love kissing Suzy's ass and they draw her like pic related. She's nowhere near that slim or cute. And then if you dare voice your opinion about suzy, people on tumblr + suzy herself scream "SEXISM!!" because there's no way it's her personality, right?
No. 56774
>>56679>Now every tumblrina spits on their Wacom and calls themselves ~artist~.Truth. We have more art majors than any other major in the humanities (my university is divided into different schools, humanities being one of them) and so many of them go on and on about how they're artists and shit. What's killer is that all their 'art' looks the same since they all do generic tumblr digital art shit, which is probably why a lot of them get culled after their second year (it's the painting-intensive year). Even my painter friend, who's an angel and is extremely non judgmental, admitted she found it hard to take them seriously.
ugh, I always thought digital art was such a promising medium but they've ruined it for me
No. 56807
>>55613Oh, you're right–I never noticed that they were trends, but I can see it looking back. A little further back, but my pet peeve was the glut of 9/11 memorial or response one-shots. Like, why the fuck would some of these Japanese characters be traumatized by shit happening a world away?
I wonder what the future will bring for fandoms, too, and what trends may crop up in the next decade.
I really miss old school fandoms. I know the internet has changed, but I'm still nostalgic for pre-striketrough2007 LJ. I wonder how the true old school fans (the ones who mailed fanzines back before online fandoms took off) feel about the evolution of fandom on the internet or if they've all just moved on. I wonder if one day I'll move on, too, but at this point I have been enjoying fanworks for most of my life–probably not going to stop any time soon.
No. 56866
>>56773Ugh, such a waste of cute artwork.
That another thing that kills me, a lot of good artist have also the shittiest of tastes or the tumblr'est of opinions
No. 56884
>>56846>especially with the movies that were remade and now another series or something coming out You know what sucks? People only getting into series because of really shitty reboots, like the Berserk and Evangelion movies. It's actually difficult to find people who watched Neon Genesis Evangelion before Rebuild even though it was THE anime series in the english community for, I don't know over a decade?
I've heard that there are people who only watched the Persona 4 anime adaptations instead of playing the games, too.
No. 56894
>>56884I watched Evangelion on TV way before the movies were announced, I was in middle school, this anime scared me so much because of some scenes in the last episodes. I noticed that more people were into it because of the third Rebuild movie and Kaworu.
I also discovered Persona and SMT thanks to the Persona 4 anime because SMT isn't popular at all were I live, but at least I played the remake. Some people write long essays and character analysis on Persona 4 even though they only watched the anime, it's so cringe-worthy.
No. 56928
>>56894The thing I hate the most about the P4 fandom is the fans who are like "ADACHI SO PRECIOUS DONT HURT MY CABBAGE BABY UWU" like no… this guy murdered people. Stop.
Persona 1, 2, and 3 are ignored. 3 sorta gets attention because of the movie but even then, it's only people who've played the game who pay attention to any Persona/SMT games other than P4.
No. 56930
>>56649>I've never had the generic knee reflex that happens when you hit it in the right spot… classic symptom of endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism.
>but how do I go about checking these things? I basically never go to the doctor so that's foreign territory to me.You go to the doctor now, or you wait until it gets so bad someone has to call an ambulance for you.
No. 56936
>>56933Well, hypothyroidism was just an example. Your diet doesn't really have
that much of an effect on your health unless you're severely lacking in a specific vitamin or mineral, and it's actually pretty hard to get in that state unless you're only eating one food day in day out.
No. 57021
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>>55495They ruined being mixed race.
You can no longer meet a person without them being either overly politically correct around you or shit talking you behind your back because they assume you're the type to pull the race card at every chance you get.
I'd much rather people didn't notice and point it out every time but oh well, At least i'm sexy as fuck and my friends don't seem to care when they're around me
No. 57023
>>57022Thing is i get shit from both mixes i was made from and people constantly mistake me for random races because either i don't act/talk how they expect or I don't "look" it.
It's funny too cause i'm racist as fuck all the time to everyone and find it really disturbing when people chastity themselves around me and be all PC when i'm the type to throw around slurs like it's nothing
No. 57120
>>55513tumblr ruined fandom 10000%
I can't enjoy Doctor Who or anything now. Thy ruined sherlock and supernatural for me also. And most anime
No. 57151
>>57149Ha, just go to Ao3 to any popular fandom and see the tags.
Dangan Ronpa is ripe with "Chihiro explaining Oowada that SHE'S is ~TRANS~" stories… That ironicaly end in hawt yaoi shota smut.
No. 57152
>>57151Ah thank you Anon, but I meant the 2nd fic about the culture of victimization stuff, sorry I didn't specify! I'd just love to see how the author of that fic described the idea and what kind of comments they received
>>57150Is Superwholock an actual inter-show ship (like, idk, SherlockxDrWhoxDean triage?) Or if it's just for tumblrs that post content relevant to all 3 shows? Sorry if this is stupid, had my Sherlock phase ages ago and never really got into fandoms, always found it weird that these shows are so unrelated to each other
No. 57153
>>57152That line is almost a throwaway line from a minor character–a high schooler is arguing that characters in the school play shouldn't be interpreted through the lens of the "nineties culture of victimization" and then goes on to read a few lines of the play. Nothing deep or especially interesting by itself except that it shows there was at least the perception by some that there was an issue with how some people were always reading victimization into everything (which seems very tumblr to me). I was a kid in the 1990s so I don't know how widespread this was, but it makes sense that these ideas didn't just spring fully formed from tumblr and that they were touching online communities and fandoms (even tangentially) 20 years ago.
The fic is part eleven in a longer Gargoyles story: "Sterling Silver" by Christine Morgan. You can do a search to find how little of an impact that line makes on the rest of the story. Unfortunately, really old fics like this are usually hosted on webpages with no built-in comments sections–maybe you can find some commentary on the site its hosted on, but it's not super obvious.
OT but if anyone could rec some good Gargoyles fic I'd appreciate it. This story's not bad, but it's not really scratching my itch.
No. 57158
File: 1452217078010.jpg (101.32 KB, 600x475, superwholock_by_reapersun-d5cg…)

pretty sure Superwholock just refers to the fact that Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock all got pretty popular on tumblr around the same time, so fans tended to make a ton of fanart such as pic related. The fact that the shows all starred attractive men is probably the main catalyst for the "phenomenon".
No. 57160
>>57158is it bad I recognized the pic was from reapersun before I read the file name? damn Gaia days.
anyways, yeah. As someone who was a superwholocker in the hayday (though not a spergy one), it was mainly because all three shows were popular and had relatively attractive actors at the forefront.
No. 57162
>>57159>>57160They also have very loose canon and can easily fit in fanworks and fan speculation/fanon without it breaking the suspension of disbelief too badly. Doctor who and supernatural more so than Sherlock are also really badly written, so even things like OP Mary Sue self inserts aren't too far-fetched. I think they also know their userbase quite well, so are very careful never to outright deny certain ships etc. that are popular.
Speaking of doctor who actually, I've never understood how not-British, and particularly American people like it? It's kind of accepted here that it's a campy show that's supposed to be bad, and the whole nation enjoys it as a nostalgia irony thing. Without that cultural context, it's just a badly written show with appalling special effects.
No. 57166
>>57120Honestly, I tried to watch supernatural because everyone was so hype about it. Maybe because of that hype I just didn't see the value. Could be that I was just expected more than it was but I blame tumblr regardless.
I do find it funny that everyone dropped doctor who when they got an old dude to play the new doc. Kek knew they were in it for the actors and not the show itself.
No. 57176
>>57174All tumblr fandoms do is focus on shipping anyways, regardless of whether the series has any romance at all.
It's honestly annoying
No. 57178
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>>55495tumblr doesnt gravitate to fight games. why do yall think that is?
No. 57190
>>57174I had no idea that so many sjws were into South Park. That seems so bizarre–you'd think they'd find the show too
No. 57196
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>>57178>>57194It might be that fighting games are pretty inclusive in terms of POC (the new Street Fighter character who's Brazilian for example was very well welcomed; her boobs are ridiculous but other then that she looks to kick much ass otherwise) even if in the past portrayals of various ethnicities were very much less then PC.
It's also probably harder to project onto characters when fighting games aren't generally very heavy on plot.
No. 57198
>>57194eh they typically reserve trans for hyper feminine characters like bayonetta or maybe sailor moon
>>57196>It's also probably harder to project onto characters when fighting games aren't generally very heavy on plotgood point
No. 57207
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>>57178Yeah it's kind of strange, especially since there's Bridget. Bridget could be their fucking mascot.
No. 57237
File: 1452255788717.png (794.91 KB, 1008x1320, street_fighter_bishoujo_poison…)

>>57207What about Poison. Canonically, she's a post op transexual (or newhalf, in Japan terms) and also hot as hell, like, she would be the poster child if tumblr were to give a fuck about games. Thank good they don't give a fuck about vidya. Poison has been my main for years now, I don't want them to ruin her any further, the fandom itself is pretty obnoxious already.
No. 57258
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>>57237also what about erica from catherine? she's cute and canon trans. these people don't even try to research.
No. 57332
>>57331>>57178My hypothesis is that there's actual learning involved with fighting games. Accurate inputs, timing, and combos aren't intuitive, you have to learn how to do those. Tumblrinas aren't going to put the time and effort into learning one game when they could play easy to play games instead.
The fgc is also highly competitive and social (tournaments, playing online, etc.) and Tumblrinas wouldn't be able to handle it because muh social anxiety.
For anyone worried about their mains, don't worry. Tumblr is too lazy and anti-social to invade the fgc.
No. 57336
>>57332Oh and adding onto my previous post, fighting games aren't "Tumblr popular" so no one would get popular overnight by drawing fan art of fighting game characters vs. say Undertale fan art.
I'm so scared of the day Tumblr gets their claws on fighting games because my 2 of my mains are possibly sjw-headcanon worthy. (Poison, muh trans babe uwu and Amane Nishiki, muh pre-HRT trans woman eggplant baby)
No. 57338
>>57332>>57336They could invade, if fgc was a mainstream genre, thus a worthy target.
Compare to Mass Effect and Fallout - poking FPS/RPG wasp nest this large is a sure way to attract all that sweet sweet /v/ legionfag nerd rage clicks.
This is not as much as intention to invade and ruin the genre, as simply picking suitable niches with good drama potential to be further capitalized on, IMO.
No. 57339
>>57257Ya, Poison having a dick is an overused meme in the fanbase. Weird how in Japan people make lees of a fuss over it, most just draw her with a pussy and call it a day.
Still, kind of funny when you know that one of her strongest specials is a nuclear nutshot.
No. 57357
>>57356fgc is also one of the few internet subcultures where black and white guys coexist, peacefuly, and most importantly in equal representation.
maybe that would be trampling on sacred cows.
No. 57365
>>57357This is true. White, black, latino/latina, and Asian players are more or less all treated equally and coexist.
Tumblr wouldn't be able to handle that.
>>57356Of course the fgc is still majority male but it's not that hard to find female players at tournaments.
The number of female players who go to sessions near me is growing and it's really nice to finally have some female fgc friends.
No. 57377
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>>57194>I can imagine them ruining Cammy by making her trans or some shit I could see that happening to Natsu from Rival Schools if the series ever comes back.
No. 57386
File: 1452312355425.png (3.66 MB, 2634x1791, 6GMr75j.png)

>>57383SNES version of Samus's power suit mechanics makes me yearn for more commanding and powerful women.
No. 57399
>>57383Men also have to be pastel, fluffy shy flower crown shota babies too now. uwu
No. 57509
File: 1452367321025.jpg (296.42 KB, 833x1115, 2241822-ghost_in_the_shell_mot…)

>>57386Urghhh I fucking know.
Bring back powerful, intelligent 80's-90's power women pls.
Characters like Samus, Xena, Brienne, Motoko etc. give me such a lady boner.
No. 57564
did they make poison a tranny? There are other female fighters in the series, wouldn't the same concern of a man hitting a woman apply to them too?
No. 57566
>>57565What about Chun-li?
And in tekken there's tonnes of female fighters. Maybe namco doesn't care about it as much as capcom.
Admittedly, I'm not as familiar with street fighter as I am with tekken.
No. 57607
>>57564>>57566Final Fight is older than Street Fighter, also they didn't just changed Poison to accommodate American standards, on the concept art the designer had write down that he wanted Poison to be a newhalf and Roxy to be a regular woman to reflect the wide arrange of thugs and people you can see downtown, it's even written down in the original Japanese game manual that she's post op. Now, when the game reached America, they just didn't take it and redesigned both Roxy and Poison to be generic male punks because "hitting women is bad".
Oh, and street fighter got censored too when it came out, they gave Cammy leggings since nintendo of america through her magnificent almost bare ass was too much for the kids to handle at the arcade.
No. 58042
>>58034Oh no, please. Don't remind me of that damn comic.
You know what I hate the most? That these shits say "its not a fetish, I just wanted to draw them as TRANS cuz representashium!" Then they draw a pin up of a boy in girly underwear or a girl binding her chest on inappropriate poses, then they proceed to sperg on the tags "omfg look at muh trans babyboo using his binder isn't he the cutest???????? "
Damn you tumblr, damn your hypocritical bullshit.
No. 58049
>>57507Very few people story mode though. People play fighting games to… well, fight and play with other people.
I'll admit that I have literally no idea what the lore behind Soul Calibur, Blazblue, and Guilty Gear are despite playing all 3 since I was a kid.
Street Fighter is a little easier to keep track of since each story is really personal to the character.
Tekken and King of Fighters both have really simple plots since the goal is just to win the tournament and then other story elements get tied into that.
>>57607Ugh don't even get me started on R. Mika's ass slap getting removed from SFV. I actually loved it since it's such an R. Mika thing to do. Capcom shouldn't have taken it out.
No. 58079
>>57507>most tumblrites don't even play the game themselves, they just watch someone else playing and commenting on it.This is another thing that also inflates my balls about tumblrites. How from out of 3 times 2 and a half they won't play the fucking game they are talking about.
I have an irrational anger against let's plays and let's players because of this. Why the fuck would you care about a videogame if you are not going to play it?? I can understand sometimes you can't afford the game yet you want to know what's the fuss about, but I feel they got a lot of people into videogames who wouldn't care about them otherwise. And shouldn't care either. I dunno, I feel the last years' shitstorms involving videogames have been really influenced by this kind of thing.
No. 58084
>>58082Nope, just incomplete.
I'm just telling stuff that came out after years of reading interviews, commentaries and bullshit from the designers.
No. 58085
>>58079Let's plays are good if you want to see if a game is worth your money or not, too. I try not to watch too many of them because I find it frustrating to watch a game I want to play even though I know I won't be able to play until a very long time (my best example is Bayonetta, I'd love to play it but I don't have any of the consoles for it yet). Sometimes I watch playthroughs of gaes I already played just to listen to somebody's comments on them, I almost always play things by myself now.
I agree with you on the shitstorms about video games these days. It really feels like the people complaining about sexism or the lack of representation of minorities in video games don't actually play video games or don't know shit about gamers/fanbases. In the West there are gamers of all age, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation but these people don't give a shit and try to make video games look like an evil hobby because they only sort of know one or two series.
No. 58086
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>>58049>R. Mika's ass slap getting removed from SFDon't even mention it. I'm still crying.
My beautiful Mika…
No. 58172
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>>58042Do you mean this one? IIRC the guy who drew it is pretty chill and wasn't trying to force his trans Buttercup on anyone, that was just the way he wanted to interpret it. I was more bothered by the way he drew Bubbles as chubby lol. Fighting crime is a pretty good workout, I imagine.
No. 58203
>>58196Yeah the stereotypes piss me off. Dolls and reading are for girls, and cars and video games are for boys.
No. 58207
File: 1452454718250.jpg (32.02 KB, 600x600, 1452451356589.jpg)

Tumbr is ruining magical girls. I fucking hate how they take every single magical girl show and make it all about themselves, shove their terrible OCs in it and rage about their fave "being totally trans!!!1"
The Sailor Moon fandom is a mess. In order to get any attention or approval, you need to draw Usagi as a fat PoC disabled genderqueer autistic sparkling princess in a hijab, there are constant battles over the Senshis' sexuality ("they're all gay because duh, why else would the girls socially interact with each other?!?!!?!??!") and gender ("Makoto is trans for x bullshit reason!!!") and it basically attracts every kind of SJW.
Joke is, Sailor Moon is kinda progressive especially for it's time, and there are canonical gay/genderfluid/poc people but noooo, not progressive enough until you draw them all as 400 pounds morbidly obese red-nosed spaghetti limb figures.
Similar for the Madoka fandom (friendlly reminder that they tried to edit one character's gender to "trans" on the Wiki until the page had to be closed), and all the "OMG teh abusive friendshipppp ;___;" bullcrap is almost as bad as the constant gay/gender arguments.
Don't even get me started on any OCs.
And of course every tumblrina claims to have some special connections to magical girls; it's basically their spirit animal and they're sooo in love!! because they watched an episode of Doremi in the 90's. But since magical girls are "in" everyone tries to hop n the bandwaggon, from SJW to shitty (SJW) artists.
>yes, I'm mad
>pic related, from the ElleJay thread
No. 58279
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>>58034yeah I feel this
Buttercup was always my favorite, ever since I was a kid but for some reason according to tumblr because she's a tomboy, she HAS to be a transman there's no way she could grow up as a regular woman like her sisters. And it's always buttercup too, it's never blossom or bubbles (they always make bubbles fat too for some reason)
No. 58301
>>58207Seconding this. Having been a Sailor Moon fan since the 90's I'm appalled at all the tumblrinas who make hijab wearing fat ugly translesbian Usagis and decide that all the girls are lesbians because they act like normal teenage girls and that Makoto is totally transgenderfluid because she's a tomboy uwu. The way they completely ignore the other characters makes me doubt if they have ever even watched the anime or read the manga. I never see anyone mention Fisheye (a canon trans), Kunzite/Zoisite, Fiore or pretty much anything else than Haruka and Michiru. And even Haruka has to be a transman even though she was inspired by the takarazuka revue.
>>58237God, NO. Not TMM..
No. 58363
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>>58301Haruka is definitely not trans. She's probably just an average woman, but if anything, Haruka could be interpreted as genderfluid/nonbinary. In the manga at least (my memory of the anime is more hazy) Haruka is publicly known as a male racecar driver and also at times wants to be seen as male, at least in the case of first meeting Usagi and intentionally keeping her sex a mystery for a while, though of course that could just be because she feels it's easier to flirt with Usagi that way. Also, at one point Neptune explains that Uranus has "the strengths of both genders." Obviously none of that actually means Haruka isn't really just a woman who chooses to masquerade as male when it can gain her something, but if Tumblrinas wanted to see special gender crap in the series, they could just look to Haruka without making any shit up about her being trans or other characters being shit they aren't.
It's just another case of Tumblrinas having a shitty grasp on the series they claim to like and preferring to pull things out of their asses rather than use what's much more tangible already existing within series.
No. 58468
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>>58172>wasn't trying to force his trans Buttercup on anyone, that was just the way he wanted to interpret it.literally for what purpose
No. 58596
>>58324The easiest way to filter out bad Pixiv art work is to stick to the {seriesname}1000users入り type tags.
E.g ラブライブ!1000users入り or セーラームーン500users入り
Either that or buy premium and sort by popularity.
No. 58602
>>58599For some reason that made me laugh.
I think I need to stay off tumblr. Someone of the blogs there look like they could have been written from some Heaven's Gate survivor. I wonder how long before we can classify tumblr as a cult. It fits like most of the criteria at this point. Makes me want to do an official cult checklist.
No. 58609
>>58555>dat happy trailNooo, not Zakuro!
It is really annoying how Tumblr can't accept a character as is, unless they are fat, hairy, trans, or tan with an ugly man face. Probably projecting.
And Tumblr artists are talentless hacks that all draw in this same hideous big-nosed art style for some reason.
No. 58624
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No. 58626
>>58079Tbh I watch Let's players for horror games because I'm too scared to play it myself. I've almost broken stuff before from getting scared.
The ones that confuse me are for storyline games where there is social choices. Like The walking dead game or Life is strange.
No. 58631
>>58555W-what they did to zakuro….
>>58609They always draw the same because they are not talented enough to learn how to make a proper realistic face without drawing in some hideous cartoon shit style that not even nowadays cartoonists use anymore.
Ironically, they can learn all the bullshit colouring techniques and all the sai brushes you want, but take that from them, give them a pencil and a piece of paper and they can't do shit.
>>58324Holy shit they invaded pixiv too?? I've haven't been there for a while since I left I think the last fandom I used pixiv for (ironically, because a tumblrina infested my favorite tag with her shit and I thought it wasn't worth of browsering anymore). … Don't they see the japs couldn't care less about their horrible sytle??
No. 58635
>>58602But it is already a cult that moves through a mass-like mentality… If a post has shiton of notes it means whatever it says it's true because most of people say it. That shit is pandering to the most influenciable and gullible minds. I don't think young teens (or teens in general) should be there because of that.
Btw, take my advice and use tumblr only when there is literally nothing else to use. And also having in mind all the people there always moves the same, thinks the same and watches the same that is what is a trend in tumblr. I've seen people there who were supposed to be anti-tumblrinas/sjws yet ended up watching the same shows as them and doing the same shit.
No. 58636
>>58626Same, I love horror but horror games are too much for me to play without having to sleep with the lights and the TV on for the next two weeks. I like watching other people play them so walkthrough videos are a nice option.
However the tumblrinas who never play games instead of just watching let's plays can all go suck a cock.
No. 58639
File: 1452533476470.png (424.59 KB, 1280x736, tumblr_nxng72eE921qe8we7o1_128…)

>>58555The sad thing is, tis isn't even the worst of the worst yet. It's only the beginning.
Pic related (which is still one of the tamest beach pics around).
No. 58647
File: 1452534415812.gif (21.06 KB, 149x516, Manga-Makoto-Kino-Sailor-Jupit…)

>>58555Zakuro is a famous model, why would she be the one to have dark skin… JS that is extremely unlikely in Japan given their beauty standards. Purin is already naturally tan so why not just leave it at that.
>>58639Jesus Christ what is this? I didn't even know what series this was supposed to be until seeing Usagi's hair. Ami's body looks like something out of a horror film.
Minako and Usagi are supposed to be practically twins. Why is Usagi a deathfat dwarf and Minako looks like she powerlifts daily? And Makoto is an insult to her true character which is a strong fighter yet extremely feminine young girl.
No. 58661
File: 1452539100415.gif (83.41 KB, 245x200, internalscreaming.gif)

>>58639Someone I despise reblogged a bunch of fat Usagi pics with the caption:
"I've never watched the anime or anything but I see on here she's always talking about how she's fat so i think it's good to see her drawn like this uwu"
Like please stop. You realize that Sailor Moon was a manga before it was an anime, right? And that the artist's style was to draw girls with long, pale limbs? And that Usagi wasn't actually fat because she FUCKING SAVED THE GODDAMN UNIVERSE EVERY OTHER FUCKING DAY GOD DAMMIT
I hate tumblr so fucking much.
No. 58665
makota was supposed to be pretty insecure about her height/strength. drawing her in some kind of sporty bikini hefting watermelons just makes it seem like the artist never even researched the fucking series…
No. 58687
>>58639of course the fatty is being bought food by an attractive guy.
Every tumblrina's wet dream.
No. 58688
>>58667well you know anon, Rei is Japanese, and everyone knows all japanese women have shapeless 12 yr old boy bodies.
I love how tumblr's desperate attempts at being as inclusive as possible almost, everytime, reinforces the racist/gender stereotypes.
No. 58690
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>>58687The guy looks like a Moon Over June character.
No. 58691
>>58661The manga depicted her as a lazy teenage girl who loved food and vidya, and the anime did even more so. I wouldn't mind her being drawn a little chubby, it would fit the canon. As much as I love Sailor Moon, just because Naoko Takeuchi can't draw more than one generic body type doesn't mean there should only be the canon of a 14 year old with boobs and the body of a fully grown adult.
But of course, tumblr can't draw anything under 200 pounds because muh represantation!!!!11
>>58687Haha yes because who'd want an unattractive guy?!?!!? Eeeew, am I right?
No. 58704
>>58691Well that's alright, I mean you obviously have your reasons for thinking that way because you've see the manga and watched the anime. I agree with you in a lot of ways.
But what pisses me off is people who haven't watched/read SM at all, but are forcing obese land whale versions of her everywhere they can just because they've seen a few screenshots on dumblr of her saying she was fat. Fuck this world, tbh.
No. 58725
>>58599Notice practically all rhetoric on race on tumblr basically is about US blacks in the end. For all the talk on POC being all nonwhites, I've slowly noticed latinos start to be called "honorary whites" by blacks on tumblr and East Asia is started to get shit on. Dare I say it, nonblacks being included in the POC banner only happens if they want to include a few more easy-to-score points in whatever arguments they're making.
I only say all of this because it freaks me out how Americo-centric all of this is, and trying to force it on other countries in the world, most of which are by definition singular-nation-states, seems like it will end in disaster for the USA.
No. 58893
>>55846I once had a discussion with a girl on tumblr who was 19. As soon as she found out I had a job (didn't even tell her my age) she posted on her wall "omg I'm being bullied by a literal adult"
wtf? It's not because she is too much of a lazy shit, people of 19 can't get jobs.
And even then, 19 = adult
No. 59115
>>58961no they're not and saying stuff like "yeah I really liked David Bowie" or just posting something on your facebook wall about it isn't pretending to be a huge fan for attention. It's just respect.
Or are you mad you're not a unique snowflake who's his sole fan? Almost everyone loved this guy, what do you expect?
No. 59120
>>58961This is so legit.
>>59115Stop projecting.
No. 59131
>>59120oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you're obviously the one and only David Bowie fan
>>59130this I do agree with
No. 59190
Also this brings back memories of when I was in primary school and me and my friends would "LARP" as TMM characters. I was always Lettuce and every time we always had to transform and attack whoever was the enemy (and by that I mean they pretend to be hurt).
No. 59214
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>>59190Haha my friends did that with W.I.T.C.H. in elementary school.
No. 59218
>>59214Shit man, me and my prepubescent friends did that too. I would always fluctuate between Cornelia and Hay Lin (Cornelia because she was so pretty and Hay Lin because I wanted air powers).
We were REALLY into it.
No. 59219
File: 1452712472372.jpg (77.38 KB, 500x364, goku_ssj_sad_dbz.jpg)

>tfw born 1991 so kids in my era roleplayed Dragonball Z
>too many kids wanted to play, not enough characters to go around
>I had to play being Dragonball V or some shit
>had to go behind a tree and curl up into a ball and wait for kid Goku and kid Krillin to come find me, pick me up and put me in a pile with the other ball kids
No. 59222
>>58691>Haha yes because who'd want an unattractive guy?!?!!? this shit is so true though and it just epitomizes why neckbeards and leg beards are the opposite sides of the same coin
>i'm a wonderful gentleman m'lady, i don't have to work out like all those chads and anyone who doesn't like my fat greasy, real man self, is a whore!>also don't be fat, i only want the most prim and proper woman to make my sandwiches!legbeards:
>i'm totes not liek the other girls! fuck those bitches and whores, i'm a beautiful curvy full figured woman!>i don't have to work out! HAES! i also don't wear makeup or dresses cause fuck gender stereotypes if you don't accept me you're just part of the fatshaming cishet patriarchy!>i only want a super sexy guy, no gross misogynistic nerds, make you a sandwich i'll make you a sub lol literally! xDboth are just equally cringy as hell, yet they think everyone else is.
No. 59408
File: 1452785173263.png (112.64 KB, 703x909, oh my god just fuck offfff.png)

Went through a shipping tag and it's being spammed with posts like these.
This never happened back in my day, what the hell is happening with this entitled attitude?
No. 59409
>>59408This is why I wish fandom would go back to using journal sites like LJ.
Back in the day every ship had their own (usually locked) community, where everyone was free to discuss and write whatever they wanted.
Now the ship tags on Tumblr are full of tween fandom police, and theres no way to kick them out so if you ship something "
problematic" well sucks to be you cause your ship tag will be spammed with gore, hate, everything really.
Funny how they don't care much about "
triggering" when the victims are shippers of EreRi or FriskSans or Reylo.
No. 59418
File: 1452789214402.jpg (62.42 KB, 640x668, 1452735792707.jpg)

Saw this little gem today.
No. 59425
>>59408>>59409It's like you've forgotten LJ Strikethrough 2007–arguably the reason fandoms have mostly abadoned LJ at this point and become scattered. I was in the Harry Potter fandom at the time and it was godawful: so many authors and artists' accounts deleted for "CP," so many communities lost and works deleted.
>>59408On another note, in response to the post you ss: I have no idea how old Frisk is supposed to be or which fandom this is for, but part of this argument is fundamentally flawed: it assumes the artists are pedos viewing the kids through an adult gaze. As someone who was going through puberty when HP made it big, I was a young teen viewing the characters and ships from the younger person's eyes… maybe that's the case in tgis fandom, too. Saying all shippers are pedos is a bit extreme.
No. 59431
>>59424Yep, apparently its "abusive" and "rapey" and "incest" (even though nobody knows whether they're even related or not)
>>59425I know LJ isnt perfect by any means, but I do think locked communities are the answer to many of these problems. A lot of kink memes are on Dreamwidth now, maybe that could be a solution?
No. 59434
>>59425>>59418so what if it was pedo, anyway? Its wrong to fuck children, not be attracted to children. Loli and shota besides /ss/ wigs me out, but I dont think its somehow like actual bloody child abuse.
I want to learn to draw and make a manga where I make a 5 year old and a 25 year old bang and write in it:
No. 59445
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I'm happy to say that South Park doesn't get to much PC shit in the tags, but I have been noticing (and not with just SP) the trend to make clearly WHITE characters black/tan. People would get all pissy if you made a brown character white so why fuck with that shit. Im sick of tumblrtards diversing everything.
Pic related I thought it was fucking Token for a sec dressed as Craig.
>>57158As much as I love all three shows, and have been watching from the beginning, the fandom on Tumblr can be pure batshit. It's really fucking hard finding sane people to talk about them without wanting to talk about their ship from the show or some other dumb shit.
No. 59479
>>59431I think most people ended up at Dreamwidth or InsaneJournal following the Strikethrough exodus. The problem with locked communities is gaining and keeping momentum.
>>59432Sounds odd. I have no reason to disbelieve you, but this seems very strange–how did you come by this "fact"?
>>59440I can't think of anything, really. They are very different platforms–what kind of platform are you envisioning?
No. 59527
>>59520Lol, I got for shit for telling a minor not to send anything to my ask. I was speaking to a friend and we were doing the reblog + notes thing and they got offended by a conversation that had nothing to do with them. Didn't know telling some kid to not speak while the adults are talking would be so
triggering. How do these kids make it through the day.
No. 59546
>>59520 It really is a stupid argument. Honestly, most of the time children aren't even written like actual children in media. Writers seem to have a hard time with it,so you either see them acting more like adults are way younger then what they are supposed to be. But even then, they are still fictional. I can see it being a tad bit creepy if you wrote fanfic based on a way young character in a live action series, and even way over the line to draw porn of said actress.
But when you're discussing this sort of matter over a character that is literally pixels, that's when it is ridiculous.
No. 59585
>>59574Preaching to the choir.
I enjoy reading fanfiction. As you say, many stories are incredibly complex and beautiful. Sometimes these stories deal with difficult issues, like a character grappling with betrayal and dealing with the aftermath of being raped. I don't particularly look for stories with noncon, but I have discovered that I like my beloved characters to suffer terribly before they perhaps get their happy ending. I like fics which make me cry; they're cathartic. That's partially why I find the idea of blanket bans of certain literature to be repugnant; who are they to judge something based on a tag?
Even if a rape scene is just for titillation, is it really hurting anyone? Maybe if it was a how to guide on kidnapping, raping, and murdering children I would support it not being easily shared far and wide, but that's probably not the case for most noncon-warning fic.
No. 59587
>>59585>Even if a rape scene is just for titillation, is it really hurting anyone? I find this a little weird, since tumblr is fine with alternative sexual orientations so I figured they should also be against kinkshaming. You'd think they would know that fiction and real life are 2 different things, instead it's like they're literally going back to the whole sex policing thing they're fighting against. Next thing you know, creating and consuming pornography will go back to being a crime.
>>59586>but now I'm back to being a little more carefree and over enthusiastic about things. Spoilsport here, I'm jealous. Sounds fun!
No. 59600
>>59589Ugh anon, I wish I had a friend like you. I miss being a weeb, I ended yo giving it up and hiding it because anyone else into it was a nucleur mess from tumblr. Nobody could just be a chill weeb who also acted as a decent and functioning human being with a job, social skills et c
Mid to late 2000s Fandoms were the best. Maybe I have nostalgia goggles but it seemed like Fandom wank was an outlier, not the norm.
No. 59642
>>59619This is where I miss having a large active fandom the most: all the rec lists! Doesn't help that some huge archives have been deleted, too. So it goes.
I'm actually rather fortunate since snarry is one of my favorite ships–it's always attracted an older crowd and a generally higher average writing ability–less shit to shift through.
>>59628Dubcon are some of my favorites, too.
No. 59664
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Star Wars
No. 59749
>>59656AO3 is vastly superior to–I have no clue why some people are hanging onto that site. That said, the lists on the latter site tend to be of dubious quality. I really enjoyed rec lists like those of painless_j, who had rec lists subdivided by categories and others who maintained meticulous themed rec lists.
I'm sorry, anon–this is one thing I am nostalgiaing hardcore.
>>59660You're making sense. I misunderstood you; thanks for the clarification.
I have no idea what alternate site may be good, but I am generally encouraged that others miss discussing their interests in longer, ongoing conversations.
No. 59928
>>59749I don't completely throw away because 1) in my mother language, which happens to have quite astrong presence in fanfiction, AO3 just hasn't such an strong presence as had in its days 2) some of my ships and old fandoms have a lot of more material there than in AO3 and 3) for what
>>59760 mentions. Tumblr shit has somewhat a presence on AO3 and is a way of avoiding them.
No. 59969
>> was the first one I signed up to back in 2005 and yeah, it's dying out. AO3 IS taking out.
I do wish there was a site where authors could make money off their stories tho
No. 59970
>>59600Agreed mid 2000s fandoms were the BEST
then it changed when 2010 came
No. 59977
>>59973>>5996950 shades is a rewritten fanfic of twillight and look how much that made
that's all fanfic writers need to do in order to make money off their shit, change the names and obvious details, and voila, you have a bestselling romance
No. 59980
>>59973I agree. I know anon was just making a wish, but all I heard was, "All fanfiction has been officially outlawed and DMCA requests have caused all fanfiction archives to go black."
That said, I wish I could've tipped a few authors back in the day. There were a few stories which were soul crushingly good and I would've liked to have paid the author for a bit of their time.
No. 60090
>>60050Now on Ao3 every character is genderfluid or deminisexual
and I just cringe
No. 60141
>>60137How is it sad? My fandom is pretty old. I just don't find the popular fanfictions to be any good at all while there's a couple of titleless kink meme fills that are dear to my heart.
>>60139That is stupid. But even before the whole social justice thing got big in LJ scanlation circles you had to be friends with and answer ridiculous questionnaires about BL doujin scanlators in order to get access to their material. Even then if you dare share it elsewhere you bet your ass you'll never get anything from any of them again. I think it has just as much to with power tripping and pettiness as it does with social justice.
No. 60206
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Yuri. Genderbending and making certain characters trans. I think the one that pissed me off the most was SP, the headcannons were so stupid.
No. 60232
>>60141Ugh, I remember the power tripping BL scanlators. It got so ridiculous when they shut everything behind seven locks and you'd basically have to sell your soul to them to get an access and god forbid if you ever did as much as used a panel somewhere. I understand that it takes time to translate shit but geez, if you don't want to share it with the fandom, why bother doing it in the first place? It's just as ridiculous as those scanlation groups who ragequit and delete everything they've scanlated because someone else started translating the same series.
But to stay on topic the SJW rules are pretty much the same type of powertripping. They rarely think it's actually pedophilia or "
problematic", they just want to be in control and abuse their power to feel important.
No. 60247
>>60234>>60244I'm the opposite. I lve good smut stories that are detailed. My problem is the ones that are aimed to be non-binary. Their confusing and pretty much a waste of time. Those are the ones that should just cutout the smut.
He put his member in their holeShe inserted her fingers in their entrance. When I want to read yoai/yuri/hetro I want details. I might be the minority here…
Also wtf is with the pegging in fanfic I've been seeing. Maybe it's just me, but are that many people into that? Ugh.
No. 60270
>>60234I don't mind smut in fics, but I like a lead up to it and it should be well written. I actually enjoy when the two characters are fleshed out instead of jumping into bed with each other because reasons. badly written sex scenes leave the worst taste in my mouth.
I do believe there is a place for PWPs though for people who just want to write sex and get off.
No. 60320
>>60315It's so annoying. These are the same assholes that write SI/RI with the same gay ass characters. Take Guts x Griffith fans of this pairing will overlook all the shit Griffith has done (I'm super salty about him raping Casca) and even overlook that Guts x Casca is canon. If you question them jfc do they resort to acting like kids.
I used to write Guts x Casca fanfiction all the times but I would get flamed a lot by Guts x Griffith shippers. I put the pairing in the summary, so they knew what it was. I don't get the point on leaving a stupid hate review just because you hate the pairing.
No. 60396
>>60271Some of my favorite fics are from kink memes. People were truly allowed to be free there.
At least my favorite fandom still has an active kink meme.
No. 60437
>>60320Funny, I've had your same experience, but as a Guts x Griffith shipper (with Guts x Caska shitlords flaming). Tumblrinas hate Griffith because blah blah he's
problematic and a rapist blah blah (eh, there was a discussion about Berserk in another thread and there were made interesting points on his behavior) and Guts is too manly to be homo blah blah. I stfu when people ship Guts and Caska (even if I don't like them together they're canon, and I don't give a fuck about what people ship anyway), but if someone chimps out when I reblog Guts x Griffith doujinshi and starts raging I disintegrate the fuck out of them, because GxG is canon too (even if not really in a physical way unlike GxC) and I won't care about their childish
triggers if they can't even understand what they're reading. Yeah, Berserk fandom is the shit
No. 60485
>>56774What's with the big red nose trend? Everyone looks like they've got a raging sinus infection. Everyone is just copying the same ugly style.
I'm glad that most of the games I like are too old and/or obscure to get ruined by tumblr. At least I hope they won't be.
No. 60519
>>60090It's awful when you're a fan of a series or a pairing that has few fics, find some, get excited and then realize they were all written by the same fucking author who always writes one of the characters as trans or nonbinary or some other shit. It's always the more flamboyant/feminine characters, too.
>Forever bitter about Terence/Vanilla Ice and Shuu/Tohri fics with retarded pronouns and/or anatomy that shouldn't be thereAt least the stupidity hasn't spread to Pixiv
No. 60545
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>>60475 >>60485
I'm just gonna leave this here for you.
No. 60586
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>>60577The blog made a big deal out of it, too.
No. 60665
>>60586This looks like one of those joke blogs that make fun of genders.
>>60655Remember that whole thing about a Japanese trans woman saying that Chihiro is a male and then Tumblr ran her off saying that she's wrong?
Tumblr tries so hard to be a kind space where everyone is accepted uwu but really they're super backwards and have no problem talking over people to enforce their headcanons.
No. 60735
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The tumblr fandom of this comic is so fucking stupid.
At one point the artist uploaded a drawing of one of the character's (who is a minor in the comic but was aged up in the picture) in a somewhat sexual pose and tumblr lost their fucking shit. They went on this huge witch hunt, called the artist a pedophile and had her deviantart suspended, all because "THE PICTURE MADE THE MINORS IN THE FANDOM FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE!!2!!1"
Even though the comic is rated M so minors aren't even suppose to be reading it in the first place.
No. 60737
>>60735Ah deviantart another waste of space.
These kids are infuriating.
>don't talk to me if you're an adult>goes on an adults page>check archive since they're into the same fandom>omg triggered>harrasses said adult>adult either ignores or makes snarky comment>kid gets butthurt and makes dumbass call out post>adult is harassed by more kids that don't bother checking the factsThese kids are so damn entilted. Wasn't there someone who was doxxed and they retaliatedbaby getting the cops involved or something. Does anyone remember that?
No. 60738
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>>60735I just looked it up and this is the piece apparently?
It doesn't look sexual at all though, I don't understand…
No. 60741
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>>60738The piece I'm referring to is this one but the one you posted got shit on as well because of the sheer fabric.
Also, lots of people have called it abelist because the characters use words like dumb and crazy.
No. 64472
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What would you call galaxy themes, chunky shoes, dyed hair, sometimes shiny tight fabrics, and the whole kind of "tumblr aesthetic"/hipster style before it was even called that? The closest I can think of is it was a little vaporwave (don't know if that came before or after tumblr) and maybe a bit 80's inspired. Did it have a name before tumblr just claimed it for itself?
I'm really sad because I could grasp that style, maybe a milder version of it, long before tumblr ever hijacked it. You'd see it on CD covers and music artists would style themselves with it, and occasionally it'd show up in fashion. Was anyone else like that and wanting to experiment with something akin to the style, and now feel like they can't get near it?
No. 64489
>>64472Closest thing I could think of is probably uchuu kei. /cgl/ has threads on it occassionally.
Not sure if that;swhat you're looking for, but based of what I've seen, uchuu is planetary/galaxy/alien/astro– inspired. I'm not going to provide pics because I don't want to choose the wrong one..You can search in the /cgl/ catalog/archives and see what you get though–
No. 64491
>>64472I think the photo in your post is supposed to be seapunk? If you search "seapunk" on Google images, you get similar things. The Wikipedia page for seapunk mentions celebrities wore this aesthetic before. It also mentions it originally came from Tumblr.
The other style you are talking about (platform shoes, galaxy prints, etc.) the closest I can think of to it is 2011/2012 nu grunge, which is like a hipster trendy version of the 90's grunge style. I remember lots of people on dressing like that. A lot of those girls had blogs too.
idk, both styles were pretty Tumblr-centric to begin with. I wouldn't let the association to Tumblr stop you from experimenting with fashion, though.
No. 64917
>>64518So many teenagers were so proud of themselves because they strated to read and watch porn early on because of, the kink memes on livejournal or pixiv some years ago, I can't believe teenagers now (not even the 12-14yo ones, like the ones who are nearly majors) act like seeing a 2d picture of a half naked woman is offensive and
triggering. It's even easier nowadays to avoid seeing things like that.
No. 65015
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>>60741Late to the party, but the most idiotic thing about the uproar over this image is that the main characters are all supposed to represent each of the deadly sins. This character's sin is lust. What the fuck were they expecting
No. 65029
>>60735I read that series a while ago but she fucked off for ages and now i'm disintrested in continuing. how does it have such a large fan base for not much actual plotline?
didn't know there was drama regarding it though.
No. 65557
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no idea where to put this, but since i found it on tumblr this seemed the best choice.
appearntly rowling is telling everyone that all the students at hogwarts have CIRCLE JERKS all the time. i grew up wanting so badly to go to hogwarts. but reading this, i'm glad i couldn't.
No. 65561
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>>65557>no sex-ed because conservative>conservative …. at a wizard school>group jerk off sessionsIs this real? please fucking tell me this isn't real. I'm a huge HP fan and it was the better part of my teenage years, leading into early 20s and I cannot read this without wanting to cry. What the hell is JK doing to her fanbase?
No. 65562
>>65561that was my first reaction, too, was wanting to cry. it made me so deeply disappointed.
can you imagine being a kid and going to hogwarts for the first time, all excited to learn magic with friends. and then when you walk into your dorm everyone is all huddled together going at it with each other. i'd be traumatized. i'd want to go home that night, i wouldn't be able to sleep there i'd be so sick. what is wrong with rowling?!
No. 65566
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>>65563she sounds like this
No. 65767
>>64456Casca is not a strong female character, she's never been one. She knew how to fight, yes, but was a mediocre fighter (actually, looked like a damsel in distress many times). At first she was psychologically dependent on Griffith, she was obsessed, just wanted to please him and was always salty with Guts because "he was taking Griffith away from her". Then she started having better taste and choosed Guts as a love interest instead (but was still really attached to Griffith), Guts had to rescue her multiple times for the silliest reasons (standing on the top of a cliff ready to jump because "so tired"? Wat)… Now that I remember that, she was so annoying
(Sage for OT)
No. 70416
I HATE TUMBLR SO MUCH but a lot of my friends use it so Id like to clear some things up. I am genderfluid, I learned that term from youtube and google, and I REALLY hate all the association with tumblr and that word. Secondly, if youre just there for the porn and gore, and block all the hate blogs, it's not bad. My friends dont share all those stupid fucking tumblr opinions (Bernie Sanders, POC and fat everything, I have no fucking clue what queer-baiting is, uwu, social justice makes us laugh, classic memes are v nice, and our favourite shit is a as "problematic" as possible), and Id just like to say Tumble tries to act accepting, but as soon as you say youre genderfluid, or even that you ship this one thing, youll get hate, death threats, and literal children telling you what's right and wrong. (sorry I forgot my point)
No. 70426
>>70416>I am genderfluid, I learned that term from youtube and googleStopped reading there.
You use the same bullshit terms. You categorize and self-diagnose yourself based on bullshit you read online. Your retardation is clearly as bad as Tumblrtards. Leave lolcow and never come back.
No. 70429
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Legend of Korra
Shit's fucked.
but I still love it
No. 70435
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>genderfluidJust stop with the made up bullshit already. You're no better than the rest of them if you actually believe shit like that.
No. 70436
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>>70416I know this could be bait, but it's too good.
No. 70463
>>70462Mine, too!
Tumblr would probably turn 2x4 into trans lesbian trash.
No. 70476
>>70465I love fanfiction and am reading GW fics again for the first time in years. You make a fair point, but all it would take is an influential fan starting the trans train for the trickledown effect into other works to begin. Glad we dodged that bullet.
I was a boring 1x2 fangirl, but now that I'm older I really wish there were more well written 2x5 fics.
No. 70483
>>70476Haha, I was guilty of neglecting Wufei. :(
1x2 wasn't my favorite, but it was the most popular, so I went with it. I wish 3x4 had been as popular. Such a sweet pairing.
No. 70491
>>70487Hm, I don't remember seeing any 2x3. I'm a big fan of contrasts when it comes to slash (my OTPs are some variation of quiet guy/brash guy), so I'm surprised that it didn't even occur to me.
You're right that there wasn't nearly as much to explore with 3x4, but it's so sweet and makes me feel warm inside to this very day haha.
No. 70498
>>70491Hah, I did a search and found a bunch of 2x3 fics.
>Ask and ye shall receive.Guess others weren't as oblivious as we to the appeal of this pairing.
Thanks for chatting with me about the GW fandom. It makes me nostalgic and it's been nice to reminisce.
No. 70502
>>70457Oh man that was my jam.
I was weird though I was one of those 13x5 ppl
Honestly hate to admit it but I used to be crazy about gravitation yami no matsuei and the like in my lj days
No. 70504
>>70498:') Likewise. Those were good days.
>>705025 was always so ignored haha. And yep…I was one of those Gravitation people, too, though I dropped it once Murakami went off the deep end. Never got on the Yami no Matsuei train.
No. 70518
>>70502I always thought 13x5 was weird, but as an adult I can sort of see the appeal. I'd like to read a 13x5 fic one day.
Speaking of weird, I always thought the clearly deliniated seme/uke notation of the GW fandom to be rather odd. Guess I'm not too fussed with who's fucking whom as long as they're fucking each other. It seems a charming quirk in retrospect.
Even if tumblerites shat on the fandom, I would enjoy a resurgance in popularity if I could read more good 2x5x2, 2x5, 5x2, 2+5, 5+2, 2+5+2, or any other permutations on that theme fic.
I really enjoyed Gravitation's manga and anime, but never liked any fanworks I happened across back in the day. The series hasn't grabbed me enough for me to want to revisit it. Never got into YnM at all.
No. 70533
>>70518>I always thought the clearly deliniated seme/uke notation of the GW fandom to be rather oddngl, the seme/uke thing had serious implications on my understanding of sex as a tween/teen.
Seeing as how Murakami drew her own doujinshi (some of those remixes were downright wrong), I'm not sure the Gravitation fandom was in much need in that regard.
No. 88934
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Honestly, tumblr ruined Persona 4 for me.
80% of the tumblrinas in the Persona fandom draw Naoto as a trans male so they literally missed the whole point of her character smh
No. 88943
>>88934>>88941I had one follower send me an ask telling me to tag pictures where Naoto's chest isn't all flat or screenshots referring to her as "she" as it
triggered them. I'm so glad I finally decided to delete my blog so I won't have them ruin P5 for me as well.
No. 88949
>>88946We are the same person anon, I swear.
I miss when tumblr used to have decent edgy guro blogs that were pretty without being ott actual gore photos, but didn't sweat the small stuff. Now it seems completely random whether a cute guro themed illustration will hit it big or whether the artist will be attacked for glamorising self harm or abuse or something. Whatever happened to ignoring things you don't like?
I s2g I'm not a serial killer, so let me look at pretty pictures in peace!
No. 88978
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i'm not sure how to describe it, but a lot of the communities/fandoms i was involved in consisted of whateversexual/kin 'uwu' sjw snowflakes who loved to brag about being suicidal and always threatened to kill themselves when no one paid attention to them. it's not that they were glamorizing mental health issues and depression, but rather they just took it too lightly.
my mother was clinically depressed and had bipolar disorder and it took us years to figure it out, because she did NOT want people to know. but then tumblr flakes with the same disorders brag about how fucked up they are and how much they want to die? it makes no sense.
there was a seriously unhealthy group of people i associated with and being around them made me feel like shit, but they'd find a way to guilt you into sticking around. i made sure to avoid readmores like the plague.
i've been unlearning that attitude since i deleted my blog and cut them all off because tumblr also made me into an obnoxious sjw brat and i look back at the 5 years i spent on that site and cringe.
No. 88988
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>>59408Ugh, undertale has really caused a shitstorm with the whole Frisk thing, same with the skellys.
Osomatsu-san has been taking a lot of the tumblr shipping heat lately
I've visited multiple matsu-related blogs and almost all of them had "I DO NOT support Matsucest/please don't ask me why" or something similar written in their main description, hell even nsfw fujo artists who drew naked matsus had the same thing on their blogs. I thought that was really interesting, I mean I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I'm under the suspicion that they're just really afraid of the backlash they might get if they did like it.
I'll never get why tumblr feels the need to attack or even threaten shippers over FICTIONAL characters
like, why is bullying artists/other fans on tumblr a thing?
No. 88989
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>>88934If it makes you feel any better, most of the trans-naoto crowd have given up after they got BTFO by Persona 4 Golden. All the fetishy binder fanart on Tumblr can't deny these boobs.
No. 89422
>>89051Nah, tumblr are the biggest prudes when it comes to kinks (except when it comes to fetishise trans headcanons and shit like that, then is "acceptable" because is "representation" and that is never wrong, let alone if they only get turned on by the idea of boys in panties and masculine looking girls, nah it's a-okay when we do it!)
Let alone if you're an artist, they'll even call you a pedophile, an abuser, an harasser, and make blogs about you and "your sins" just because you drew some porn featuring some fictional character who happen to be siblings.
Ironically there are tons of rp blogs (or kin blogs, whatever they're called now) that love to make long ass fanfics full of matsucest.
It really is a clusterfuck in that website.
I don't know why anyone would want to post their art there too, it's such a messy layout.
No. 89441
>>89422The most absurd part for me is they will present themselves as moral guardians and patron voices for victims of some sort of abuse in denouncing things that normal people would just wrinkle their nose at and call disgusting or stupid.
They can't call something out for being simply gross without having being self-serving. Instead of "sexualizing kids is bad" it's "You're perpetuating abuse and I'm helping victims by telling all my followers!"
I highly doubt people who create or consume undertale porn are neighborhood pedophiles. They were probably young people and teens raised to be accepting and liberal on sex like many of their detractors, so how is it a big surprise they fucking go on to create shotacest or whatever the flavor of the month is.
No. 89853
>>89422I think I should move from there. I have friends that don't want to click on my blog because it is tumblr and they don't want to support tumblr in any way. I had no idea tumblr was terminal cancer when I made that account. I'm constantly afraid I'll post the wrong thing and get hundreds of hate notes for upsetting some safe space babbies. Or the classic "I'm a minor and you are making me uncomfortable".
Then get off the internet kid.
No. 90569
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>>70476>am reading GW fics again for the first time in yearsOh man, me too although I'm actually just decades late to the fandom. It's great that we don't have unfortunate trans headcanons for any of them but at the same time, I feel like older fic/fanart is too quick to make Duo bottom because of his hair. I don't think he's girly at all but people seemed much more inclined to write him as feminine and submissive. I think if GW got popular now it would be more balanced, people don't seem to get too caught up in the uke/seme thing.
Goddamn I really fucking love Duo though, long haired boys are the best.
No. 90585
>>90569I'm glad a lot of my 1990s/early 2000s anime series haven't been ruined by tumblr. (Duo is best boy.)
Was never a Sailor moon fan, so I could care less what they do to it.
No. 90962
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>fat trans Jotaro
No. 90970
I saw less people with "mental illnesses" in fandoms as well, now it seems wherever I go they've got a string of random mental disorders in their profile descriptions. I don't even know how it's relevant to fandoms.
No. 90986
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>>90962The trans shit is bad enough but it's fucking blasphemy to turn a Jojo fat. Fucking hell, why are they even interested in a series that goes out of it's way to glorify attractive, masculine and/or modelesque bodies?
No. 90990
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>lolcow getting this triggered by drawings in this and the bad art thread
No. 90992
>>90990Oh yeah, totally, Hmm-hmm.
Comedy Gold.
So anon, which trans headcanon is yours eh? Did ya get posted on the hideous art thread too? It must be tough.
No. 90999
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>>90992>I got nothing except for an ad hom attackTime for some self reflection, retard. You and tumblr merely are two sides of the same coin
No. 91428
>>90999Are we not allowed to find bad art ugly anymore?
Not the anon you replied to, but if you can't see the difference between this thread and tumblr, you either don't go on tumblr or need to re-read the thread.
No. 91509
>>91428>you either don't go on tumblr I don't. But I don't need to in order to see that you're getting
triggered by pieces of drawings.
>waaaah, this shitty drawing ruined my shitty weeb fandomWow what a tragedy you drama queens. Tell me exactly how you're not upset so easily, exactly the thing you make fun of tumblrtards for?
>>91466Wow, another great comeback. You're so good at arguing. I've posted my art here:
>>42722 Does that look anything close to tumblr?
No. 91570
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>>91509I don't get
triggered by someone else's art. I'm more fascinated at how deeply some artists skew a character to suit their own vision that it barely resembles how the character looks in canon.
No. 91582
>>91568I personally avoid DA fandom as much as I can, I just follow two or three DA themed fb pages that behave in a very chill way and just post fanarts.
But there's this famous page, Dragon Age Hell, I had to run away because god admins are really sjw-y sjws, the cringiest type. You could see rants about muh elves oppression, admin that claimed to have ptsd and so "indentifies with Fenris", rants against people who uses mods, all on a daily basis. Plus they ban and delete comments like crazy, I got banned for simply stating a different opinion in a non-rude, non-sarcastic manner… then I understood why every single one in the comments section agrees with admins lmao. It's funny how sjws are always the naziest nazis of them all, but never allow these people to ruin your fun. Yeah Bioware panders a little, but the games are still enjoyable.
No. 91647
>>91614The worst thing is the intersectionality.
If you want to be a feminist these days, you basically have to buy into the whole BLM, black victimhood, asian micro-aggressions and a plethora of other crap.
No. 91651
>>91650No, I'm "implying" that some old white couple asking you where you're originally from isn't a "feminist issue". Nor is attempting to gloss over the obvious issues both African American and Asian cultures have with women, and I mean, quite explicitly here, that their men are far worse than western men are and their cultures far more misogynistic.
I've noticed this is something Black and Asian women hate admitting, which I'm guessing is motivated more by ethnic pride than anything else - hardly "feminist".
No. 91652
>>91650Why exactly should white women care about black and asian women when these groups, at least within feminist circles, basically mock any white woman's complaints as "white tears"?
I've seen these sorts of people literally lay into a white girl who complained about the harassment she received in Latin America as "racism".
No. 91692
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>>91612You seem blown the fuck out. I'm sorry my post was so right on the money you have nothing to say to it except for "u-u mad!"
No. 91732
>>91651What are you even talking about? You just brought up unrelated shit.
>the obvious issues both African American and Asian cultures have with women, and I mean, quite explicitly here, that their men are far worse than western men are and their cultures far more misogynistic. This actually is a feminist issue, and fits into the category of interesectionality quite nicely. If you have a problem with instersectionality, then you would be fine with this being glossed over because you'd have no idea about it.
>>91652>loud minority acts retarded>this justifies racismNo. I never mentioned any group "caring about" the other, either. It's just stupid and somewhat reprehensible to think a movement that is made with the female gender in mind should only be for one type of woman, or only address issues related to that group all because someone on the internet insulted you.
No. 95234
>>56933>>56936I mean the leading cause of hypothyroidism in later life is iodine deficiency, so you might be onto something there.
IIRC a lot of foodstuffs in the USA have iodine artificially added for this exact reason.
Definitely worth going to a doctor about though. Those are all the classic symptoms of endocrine illness.
No. 96758
>>96749>>91614Tumblr gets too bogged down with details instead of the bigger picture. They'll spend three weeks complaining about a little thing instead of focusing on the cause of the thing.
I think the inclusion thing is a problem mostly because it's very extreme. I have no issue with the inclusion of trans women but I hate that tumblr says things like "if you wouldn't sleep with a trans woman, you're transphobic." That's not inclusion, that's creepy pandering. I don't like that a movement that should really be anti-rape and anti-sexual offences tries to guilt women into sex they don't want. They do it with a lot of shit and tumblr feminism shiftered from "equality and choice" to "snowflake olympics and guilt trips".
No. 96939
>>91614>radicals>the ones concerned about banal shit and not violence and reproductive issuesare you fucking serious
Where do people in here drink their feminism kool-aid from jesus christ, from facebook, twitter and tumblr?
No. 96992
>>96990She's actually right. There's a burgeoning subculture on tumblr of Jews attempting to re-assert their whinority status, personally and for once I think it's thankfully a fool's errand.
Jews are just too obviously and plainly extremely wealthy and powerful for the average person to accept their victim status. It is slowly being eroded.
No. 96997
>>96996It's just the whole Jewish historical narrative of Jews as helpless victims of tyrannical goyim. Growing up around Jews you grow used to this sort of nonsense.
Jews are just like any other ethnic group. Sometimes they've been in positions of relative privilege and lorded it over others, often cruelly, sometimes they've been victims. But Jews conceptualize themselves as a people unique among all others, it's basically religiously codified racial supremacism. Tikkun Olam and all that.
Best way to deal with it is to remind Jews that they're just like any other ethnic group, this is what they hate most.
No. 97004
>>96997>> pogroms in rome>> forced conversions and massacres during the middle ages>> anti jewish violence during crusades and the inquisition>> being accused of causing the black death epedemic>> jews getting kicked out of spain>> pogroms in eastern europe>> 19th century: a whole movement creates the name antisemitism. antisemitic parties all over Europe. Even the french and the germans agree on hating jews>> world war two>> stalin>> sometimes they've been victims>> just like every other ethnicityYes, almost every group has experienced violence but not many other groups have been hated by so many others this consistently throughout centuries. The only other groups with a similar history are snit and roma and Armenians. But I suppose these are all lies made up by the evil powerful jews like the Rothschilds.
Btw, calling jews powerful through history completely ignores the history of litvaks and eastern Europe in general but whatever.
>>it's basically religiously codified racial supremacismSure mate. Accusing jews of racial supremacism is the number antisemitic argument. Every religion considers itself superior and chosen by god. Christians were pretty pissed that jews didn’t approve of jesus. And before you say : But they could convert to Christianity and they would have been fine !!!! look up the spanish Blood Purity Laws 1391. That’s actual religiously codified racism before the term racism even existed.’m not a jew, I’m catholic and I'm going to hide this thread now because I know this discussion is going nowhere.
No. 97007
>>97004>Btw, calling jews powerful through history completely ignores the history of litvaks and eastern Europe in general but whatever.Jews pretty much ran the slave trade in the Ottoman Empire, which partially explains Eastern European aversion towards them.
>Every religion considers itself superior and chosen by god.Christianity and Islam are not ethnoreligions though, they are universalist scripturally and for the most part, in practice too. Conversion is discouraged in most branches of Judaism and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel frequently declares conversions null and void for this reason.
>That’s actual religiously codified racism before the term racism even existed.The oldest anti-miscegenation laws on earth are from China. Fuck off with your horse shit.
>jews getting kicked out of spainBecause they sided with the Muslim overlords and enjoyed a position of privilege and power over Christians in the period when Iberia was ruled by Muslim Emirates.
Don't be retarded. There is nothing unique about Jewish suffering, I could conjure up a similar sob-story about the Greeks, but the marketing budget there isn't as large.
>calling jews powerful through historyI didn't say they were powerful throughout history, I'm saying contemporary American Jews have a hugely disproportionate amount of wealth and power and that whining about fly-over state hicks not liking them (despite half of them being Christ-tards who have been duped into believing the greatest ally narrative) is absurd.
American Jews are by far the single most powerful self-defined ethnic group in America, bar none.
>I'm catholicSure thing Ruth.
No. 98796
>>96989I'll never forget that blog from some kike called "goyim tears".
Tumblerinas just don't live in the same world than us
No. 98797
>>97004>>97007>Because they sided with the Muslim overlords and enjoyed a position of privilege and power over Christians in the period when Iberia was ruled by Muslim Emirates. Basically fucking this. I could go on about how jews were suspected of many stuff, included making it easier for muslim conquests to enter into Iberia and Europe but I prefer not to start a discussion about this subject on here.
>>98703Fuck off kike.
No. 99601
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>>70427It's sad that most of ONTD's members are in their late 20s-30s acting like this and starting race/sexuality/gender arguments and oppression olympics in every post now.
Why even bother bringing the Tumblr mentality onto a celebrity gossip site in the first place?
No. 99641
>>99601Imo because there's a lot more pressure on LGBT regular Joes now to buy into the whole SJW thing than there ever was before. If you're late 20s-30s and frequent any big social media type site you've gotta get with the times (i.e. acting like a 16 year old retard) unless you want to shrivel up and become a real old
problematic gay.
No. 99645
>>99601I don't understand why you'd bother trying to be PC on a site for shit talking people. The whole concept is "
No. 100302
here's what I dont get.
they act like there are more than 2 genders in this world. that you dont have to conform to them, but then immediately call themselves he/ she/ they/ it/ ze/ what the fucking ever
because they felt like wearing a dress, but still want to be called a boy?
its called crossdressing.
its not like any of them go to get their genitals mutilated through surgery, and then have tons of psychothereapy on top of it all to cope with their transitions–it's just a trend to them, and its kind of disgusting.
I mean every fucking day I go on instagram SOMEWHERE on my explore feed its like:
picture of person with dress on
tons of cleavage is showing
makeup, long hair, tons of bows or sparkles
Caption: He/ They pronouns please uwu
This makes no sense to me, since, if you are crossdressing or crossplaying for that matter, you'd want to be the sex you are portraying, right? What the fuck? I dunno, I'm just really fed up with this shit.
I feel horribly for all of the actual transgendered people out there, who have a hard time accepting and living with themselves since they feel so horrible.
whatever. fuck tumblr
No. 100313
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>>100303In my language there are 3 genders (he, she and it). Everything has genders. Even genders have genders.
Feels good being the living embodiment of tumblr and kebab cancer, if only we didn't actively encourage them by sending fat lesbian twinks to Eurovision for dem sweet oppression points.
No. 100315
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>>100313Well, in exchange we have like half a dozen ways of saying "you". That's a whole different level of fun.
>dem sweet oppression pointsWhat, you want it to be about the songs? Don't be silly.
No. 100317
>>99601ONTD is so PC until it's a celebrity they don't like and then suddenly they can say what they like. I've seen plenty of female celebs called whores, sluts, ugly, too fat, too skinny, etc, but if you make those comments in a post about somebody they like, you're doomed.
They also flip flop when it comes to celebs they do like. Suddenly they're not SJWs and the'll defend anything from racism to abuse.
No. 100319
>>100303I remember a girl on YT complained how Japan uses specific gender pronouns and how it was discriminating and oh so wrong lol.
^ It's scary because those fuckers are going over there to live there
No. 100338
>>100302I think a big majority of the influx on social media is due to cosplay and anime influence. people just want to be a kawaii fuckin fuckboy uke desu whatever the shit.
this is the same shit we've had since 2000.
I periodically see handfuls and handfuls of people on instagram getting testosterone when theyve been seemingly 'trans' he/they/him uwu for about 4 months. do they not get that this shit is permanently going to do /damage/ to their bodies? once the fads die and they grow up a little, they might have done some irreversible shit to themselves.
its usually girls => boys and not the other way around for some reason.
I dunno. I want everyone to just shut up and keep it to themselves. its your life, so deal with it privately. If youre so tormented by your body image, why do you have 300 instagram posts of your selfies every day? It just doesnt make sense. Validation on instagram is fucked anyway. if I see one more fucking cosplayer with a face full of caked on makeup and caterpillar brows, followed by the hugest amounts of mascara and eyeliner wings claiming to be a haikyuu special snowflake au of some masculine muscled high school BOY I am going to delete my account.
No. 100419
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>>100338Haha this reminds me of that one yaoi loon from back in the day, that Neo-classic-Neko chick
No. 100443
>>100426>>100441I feel you. Thank god my favourite slash fodder series ended in 2012 so they didn't rape it with trans!mentally ill!gendersexual!queer!AUs as much, and you can still eke out some relatively fresh content every now and again.
But fucking hell even in 2012 I had friends who were full on SJW fangirls of the show and would still manage to find fics where the main character is a magical intersex creature or something.
No. 100464
>>100443I think the fanfic writers who almost always write these kind of things are actually a very vocal minority when I think about it. Like I said, sorting fanfics by kudos/likes or comments makes it easier to find fics that are well written with character that don't act too OOC and without all the SJW bullshit. I don't think writing characters as trans is SJW by itself, but the way it's often done makes it look like mostly SJWs writes them. Even in kink memes, from what I've seen, requests about making cis characters trans for no specific reason and weird SJWs shits are mostly ignored. So there will always be good fanfics I think.
Even in kink memes, where you can request sfw fics, I've seen someone complain about how one request was about a character who is a minor even though the request was completely safe for work and it was a fic to give more background to the character and nothing else. A bunch of anons told her to shut up and gtfo because she was a newbie and it was obvious that all types of stories could be requested as long as it wasn't illegal. Honestly, I could go on about how tumblr ruins fandoms all the time by trying to police artists and writers among other things.
No. 100479
>>100426Agree, I just want to read some nice slash like in the old days, not your melodramatical projection on body issues and one sided binder erorica.
I remember my first encounter with "trans!character" was when I was searching for dangan ronpa fanfics some years back. I started reading not minding the tags and then, before I know it the characters are spewing some mechanical sounding "eugh cis people are gross" noncense for 5 lines straight and basically something that said "even boys are best at being girls that girls" at the end I was so fucking confused.
No. 106862
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>>100426Yeah, I've started writing fanfic recently and I know I'm not a very good writer but god damn if I'm not better than at least 50% of the weirdos who are just using the characters for tumblr bullshit.
No. 108190
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>>108170Maybe because hair dye has existed decades before tumblr? Fuck off.
No. 112325
>>112319I have short bangs and dress vintagey/pinup and it works well. I don't think short bangs really work unless you do some sort of vintage fashion. Even cute 80's (think Nancy from Stranger Things) fashion works with short bangs imo.
Do what you want, I think mine make me face look less round and more defined.
No. 112459
>>112296I think shorter bangs (not super straight like that) are pretty cute and as someone with a potato nose it really helps.
Just make sure to cut by your face shape
No. 180698
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Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but Tumblr's Voltron fandom ruined the show for me. With all the shipping drama (shipping Shiro = pedophilia apparently) and their insistence that Pidge is "so totally trans!!11", I've been turned off from the show. I was so hyped for season two back in summer, but now I don't even want to bother. Pic related.
No. 180756
>>180698I only know the 80s cartoon. But it looks like the newer one has a really toxic fandom. I had heard it was canon that Pidge was a girl in this version. Is that true or is that people from tumblr just making stuff up?
Tumblr also had a bitchfit over that new M. Night Shyamalan film, Split. As you can guess it's mostly self diagnosed DID kids.
When I am uncomfortable with a work of fiction I just avoid it. I don't understand why tumblrinas can't just go that route and respect that a writer or artist has the right to explore their own creativity any way they want. I'm sure if you told the tumblrinas that they couldn't draw fat, hairy legged, big red nosed, vitiligo suffering versions of normal looking characters they'd have a meltdown.
I wonder how they feel about documentaries and serious dramas concerning pedophilia and abuse. Sometimes these subjects need exposure to raise awareness. You can't just ignore and condemn all the time. That doesn't make things go away.
No. 180857
I'm not really a Tumblr person and none of my friends likes it either, so tbh I've never spent a long time around it, but just from browsing lolcow I feel embarrassed just to think about Lolita and Nabokov. He's one of my favorite authors and that's one of my favorite books for over 10 years. Now I feel like people will judge me for liking the book or the author, and that I romanticize abuse somehow. It makes me feel bad and angry, all at once
No. 180858
>>180857And it's been*
I'm sorry, I'm a bit drunk.
I also forgot to mention that they pretty much ruined school shooters stories, lmao. I like reading about famous crimes and now there's a ton of cases I can't read about or watch anymore without thinking about fucking tumblr and girls who romanticize teenage mass murderers
No. 180860
>>180857I'll never stop being mad about people ruining Lolita and making their gross misunderstanding a fashion statement.
Child rape isn't cute but you can't tell these women that without them acting like you're harassing them. Like okay bitch enjoy your pedophilia worship I'll just leave you and the rest of the less-than-forty-IQ club to rub one out over molesting girls
No. 180897
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>>180860well tbf thats no a tumblr thing thats a general thing, because of how the fashion is interpreted a lot of people confute lolita with that, maybe if they had picked a different name it wouldnt be.
No. 180903
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Bands and music, in general.
I'd really love to look up stuff about my favorite bands, but as usual, Tumblr turns everything into a fandom, yaoi shit, or tries to make shit too PC.
God, I just want to read stuff about Ghost without Tumblr writing gay fanfic about the band members or giving them all dumb as fuck nicknames like "smol".
No. 180935
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>>180903this. the tumblr ghost fandom is so creepy, i remember reading a text post about how someone was sad they knew who cowbell ghoul was under the mask because they couldn't imagine them having sex anymore.
i would delete tumblr entirely if it wasn't for the fact that the Ghost subreddit moves at a snail's pace and there's not an official fan club or forums.
No. 180937
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Welcome to Night Vale and all those Rip-off Hipster Horror Podcasts. Like you think SU as a fandom was bad? WTNV was pretty much that fandom that was never called out. Not even once.
No. 180993
>>180937This. I also feel like Tumblr influenced Nightvale as it went on too. In the beginning, Cecil(?) had a deeper, more monotone voice and his attitude about the weird and strange was normal.
Now his voice is higher pitched, he's perky, gushes too much about the scientist, and now finds the strange thinges in this town as weird.
Not to mention the additional voice actors get annoying because half of them can't act. (Tamika Flynn being my biggest peeve. Shes supposed to be a young teen but sounds like a 30 yr old) It's fine of you get one or two voices once in a while because the appeal for me was Cecil being the only voice we heard and played as them.
I feel that the tumblr fandom influenced these changes in the show as it went from creepy and neutral to flamboyant and cheerful. Nightvale died after the Strex Corp incident ended.
No. 180995
>>180993Well, it wouldn't be the first time Tumblr has influenced one good stuff. Case in point, Supernatural and Once Upon A Time.
Both started out as pretty decent shows and now seem to just pander to whatever their Tumblr fandom wants. Especially Supernatural.
No. 181429
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>>181086I stopped watching right around season 5 because it felt like the writers had started pandering too much to SJW/fanfic shit. A lot of people felt there was some sort of lesbian thing going on between Emma and Regina and it felt like they kind of played that up a little. They also started introducing some gay characters, which is fine to do, but not when it felt like they were shoving it in your face for the sake of being "progressive". It didn't feel natural and organic. I also felt like the whole Frozen schtick was kind of pandering/milking the Frozen train and really lessened the overall plot of the show.
Pic related, feels like LGBT pandering between Dorothy and Ruby
No. 181645
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>>181592who cares? he's a video game character. you can like characters even if they are "
No. 181646
>>181645i'm pretty sure that anon ment that that side of tumblr doesn't see Big Boss as ~
problematic~ because they wave all his ill deeds away, blaming it all on his pats. which isn't accepting, liking, a character, it's making excuses for him, to fit their moral standards..
No. 181665
>>181592>>181645>>181646Happens pretty much with every villain character to be honest. I'm sick of people being like "noo they're not
problematic they just had a rough childhood!!!" because they can't admit that they like a character who is "
No. 181708
>>58207I wonder how tumblr would feel about Cutie honey, which is also a magical girl show but full of boobs and nudity.
Also Fancy Lala, where there's a canonically gay character, strong female characters and a stay at home dad.
No. 183379
>>180845>mfw girl starts taking testosterone and dresses like a guy but says refer to me as they/them idgiI'm doing the same thing, tbh.
In my case though, it's because I feel like a freak who was never a woman but will never be a
real man either. I'm what you might call a "middle of the road" person when it comes to gender, but the brain constantly screams that the body should have been male anyay.
Dunno if that makes any sense or not, but it's my two cents.
No. 183423
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>>183421yup basically :/ I honestly miss him and I love him but fuck him and his new tumblrina girlfriend or whatever.
No. 183435
>>183416a website filled with 14 year old girls posting cutesy feminist quotes ruined your life? nah m8, your lack of communication ruined your relationship. your lack of interest in the interest of your partner ruined your relationship. my SO and i don't have the same political opinions, but its not a big deal if you act like a grown up about it.
> I wished each of those fucking tumblerinas would get raped.see this edgy shit is probably why you got dumped. i doubt she would be happy to read that, let alone dating someone who spews shit like that. fucking move along anon, you clearly weren't compatible. it ain't tumblrs fault that your ex had different interest as you.
No. 183439
>we dated for 11 years and things were fine actuallyI guess you do have a point there if they wanted to leave they would have left long ago.
Listen anon, I think you need to forget about this person and move on already, drinking poison and expecting the other person to die isn't gonna help you in any way. You need to chill and think about what you want to do with your life, clearly we dont know what really went on here in regards of your relationship, but you're pretty much acting on anger atm, so let it go fam, they sound like a piece of shit for leaving you for something so petty but you do need to work on yourself as well, chill and wish them the best because that's what someone mature does, so grow up anon.
No. 183452
>>183449>i didn't meant that the quotes were cute. i just meant that they do this thing where they make pictures with quotes in a pastel pink and fill everything with cutesy things like hearts and 8bit shit. this much effort…
>what all those ""scary"" feminist blogs post mean the blogs you follow, lets face it you're from tumblr and don't deny it because if you werent from tumblr you wouldnt even know these "cutesy feminist quotes"
2/10 for effort