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No. 1558543
Repent or die.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1535816 No. 1558753
>>1558724Same. I found out about masturbation from an ecchi anime where two sisters hump a pillow. Yuck…I was 11.
I also grew up reading shoujo manga so now I can only get off on guys that are dominant and straightforward and I get really shy about sex for no reason still with new people. I feel like most adults aren't like that.
No. 1558797
>>1558753Omg nona was it kissxsis? I was around 9-11 years old and I had my first orgasm just from watching that show then it devolved into me starting to masturbate which is the worst thing to have ever happened to me. Before all that I would search up anime people kissing and at around 6 years old I had already started fantasizing about having sex. My dad caught me watching the kissing compilations one day and my mom sat me down to talk about it but I still continued watching that filth behind their backs.
When that show wasn't enough for me anymore, I started watching actual porn (irl porn with a moid scared me at first so I watched either cgi/animated or solo female/lesbian porn up until even that wasn't enough and I started watching porn with moids in them) but I eventually stopped at 15 when I went on the hub and saw a thumbnail of either a very young looking woman or an actual child and I stopped dead in my tracks and never looked back. I had started watching the most deprived shit including loli nonsense and that thumbnail made me realize that what I was getting off to was basically the same thing but in an animated form.
I still kept my masturbation habit on and off especially when I'm stressed, and it turned me into such a coomer that I can't look at a man without thinking of jumping his bones. My self esteem is wrecked and my relationship with my faith has plummeted because I can't bring myself to pray knowing what I do when Noone is watching.
I picked up another stupid habit because of anime which is reading gay fanfiction which is what I'm currently struggling with now. It started with those animes with the "pick your favourite boy based on his personality!" type shows and I was so obsessed it lead me to the world of fanfic. I started this when I was 14 I think but I'm not into anime anymore and got into superheroes which is the type of fanfic stuff I consume now.
Gosh this was long, I'm sorry but I've literally never told a soul about this and if any of you have any advice on how to stop this, (cleanse my mind from all the sexual content) that would be great.
No. 1558798
>>1558753>>1558724You can just try to rewrite those things. It took me years to notice that yeah, maybe thinking of getting molested and raped is quite a fucked up idea, so now they’re not my main sources of pleasure like when I was a teenager.
Just try to think of other things that are healthy and not self-destructive. Like you know, the feeling of being in love or 4-D chess-gaming your brain into saying “you know what? I don’t want this redflag because it’s like this, I want this redflag because in fantasyland I can change things and make him turn into a good dude.
For example: I still like /some/ dominant traits in guys, but that’s because I want him to be dominant on command, not because he would think he can actually dominate me.
It’s just all about playing 4D chess with your brain.
No. 1558800
>>1558783Nta I don't think that 3-4 is plausible but you can definitely get orgasms before puberty. When I was 9 I just randomly noticed that when I had a full bladder and grinded against a chair it felt nice kek. No one demoralized me with porn or sex talk, I just noticed that randomly and did it when I was alone 'cos it felt nice. I got my first period at 13 so it was before puberty
The downside is that I conditioned my body so strongly that now after many years I'm not able to orgasm unless I need to pee. When my bladder isn't at least half full and I touch myself, I literally don't feel anything, any pleasure, nothing. Only when I need to pee. Fuck
No. 1558825
>>1558753>two sistersIt was Kiss x Sis wasn't it? I'm glad I only got mildly curious about it and didn't wactually watch it
I know a bi guy who's obsessed with that anime. Gross
No. 1558837
>>1558783Sorry for being confusing, I have a few memory fragments before 4 and I definitely remember masturbating to fall asleep. My parents also told me that i had been basically doing it right in front of them for a while but they didn’t know how to approach it. My aunt just went up to me and told me that’s something I need to do in private, like using the toilet, and I was apparently just like oh okay and started spending more time in my room. I don’t have the memories of that.
>>1558803I also never thought about sexual things when I did it until I was around 9 and watched interview with a vampire alone in my room and wished I’d get pushed against a wall and kissed passionately. I didn’t even knew how sex worked until I was like 13 though.
No. 1559058
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I'm not over my extra-marital crush. In fact I also have a new one too. I have never cheated but I also haven't had the means or opportunity.
No. 1559098
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nonny. I'm kinda autistic so not normal in general. One crush I've had for a year and a half on someone I know IRL and the other is a parasocial thing with a cafe worker I see when I get my lunch.
No. 1559185
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With all of this issues going on with trannies in the world. I absolutely regret not studying medicine, I also regret having a shit GPA to go to a college to study medicine. Just thinking about the absurd amounts of money that ~gender reassignment surgeons~ must be making makes me want to cry because they don’t even need to do a decent job to have heaps of retards going to them like a herd of retarded sheep.
I could’ve just said that I only work with moids over 15 years old and that I can’t operate women because I would totally not know how to reconstruct a dick, and breasts wouldn’t be easy to work on or some other bullshit.
I doubt this whole trans stuff will end soon, if anything it may double down in the next 5 years and the tranny bubble will pop when some parents ask for their baby to get her uterus extracted or something like that.
I could’ve made my patients sign a Non Disclosure Agreement and I don’t know, hire ninjas with the revision money to make sure my patients don’t even post about me online, maybe I could’ve used some pseudonym so I could carry on having a double life, doing real surgeries on even days and tranny surgeries on odd days.
No. 1559197
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I'm the anon who originally posted the source for that cringeworthy 'implying i'm not a 10/10 model material' banner lmao
TBF, I was modeling at the time for a recognizable brand and I've ended up with an atrophy wife lifestyle alongside a FAANG/MAMAA coder who makes six figures. Life's been good to me. I think I've done okay for myself even based off the preemptive bragging like a decade ago.
Will fully acknowledge it wasn't a good look but tbf that was in a thread where I was trying to post a 'good thing happened to me' and then got a flood of 'lmao no it didn't you liar' when what i was saying was true.
I cannot believe it's nearly been a decade since.
all's well that ends well.
No. 1559202
>>1559201you caught the joke!! yesssss.
but yeah, i don't really have anything to do these days. I need a hobby. Probably why I'm checking out lolcow right now.
No. 1559208
>>1559185these men would have jacked off to having a female doctor doing their procedures, a woman performing any part of their "feminization". i get fantasizing about the money but
nonny lawyers aren't cheap either if you have bad results.
No. 1559225
>>1559208You’re right tbh, maybe this is just the best time to be a lawyer, no strings attached, just laws to read out loud for the idiots and sweet talking people into believing my client of the moment.
I also wouldn’t have picked psychology/psychiatry because I can’t even begin to imagine the troubles in which the ~gender specialists~ will get not too far from now for letting children and teens get “hormone therapy” and stuff like that.
No. 1559248
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I secretly like teasing and flirting with the metalhead bartenders at my local dive even though they aren’t very attractive. I’m extremely discreet about it and have tons of plausible deniability, but its fun because they both rush to serve my friends and I whenever we go up to the bar, and one always gets a little flustered by me and gives us lots of free drinks.
I’m into metal myself and probably have a fetish for metalheads but I’m in deep denial about it and only ever date normies.
No. 1559378
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They're posting Niko's ass again
No. 1559391
>>1558770You responded to my post to tell me about how you masturbated at 3 and were molested? That shit is not normal but masturbating at 11 is nor is it relevant to my post.
>>1558797Yep it was KissxSis. Don't lose your faith,
nonnie! I'm sure God would want you to pray and get rid of your bad habits. He's there with you and will guide you away from your sins.
>>1558798Thanks for the advice nona
No. 1559401
>>1559382Honestly? Same, that's how I knew
nonny isn't living her best life.
No. 1559414
>>1559409>thought the only good sex was anal sexHe’s a faggot
nonnie, I’m sorry a dirty faggot abused you. Hope he gets lots of STDs
No. 1559418
>>1559409He sounds disgusting. I had a similar guy, said all women broke his heart and cheated on him, cried when I turned him down. Guess what he did? Attempted to rape me. This 40kg anorexic faggot tried to rape me in a public space knowing well I could kill him if I hit him too hard.
Weak men like that are more dangerous than we take them for. I hope he gets the same treatment from a man that he gave you, hope he's unwilling when that happens to him. He sounds disgusting
No. 1559431
>>1559249lmao it's happening again
>i have a good life>no you don't i bet your husband's uglyseethe & cope.
>>1559368>fuck you i used your copypasta once like five years agoman i am not trying to be a dick but that is on you.
No. 1559472
>>1559444Don't worry,
nonnie! I did get to visit other counties, but in my late 20's. I was hired aboard as a tour manager for a fancy company that contracted with rail companies (in America) and cruises (globally). It was a pretty good gig because of the tips + wages + comped expenses. I'd love to go back to some of the countries I visited, though, Europe's coastal towns are very pretty.
>>1559435I gotta say, this isn't the insult you think it is. He's not the most attractive guy in the world, but he's funny, clever and kind. I think I'll enjoy growing old with him, when looks don't matter but affection and being able to hold a conversation does. Shame on shallow nonnies.
No. 1559476
>>1559475>if you plan on having sex with him…do you think that hasn't already happened?
As long as we both keep in shape, I'm happy. Drop-dead gorgeous guys have too much of an ego tbh.
No. 1559658
>>1559397it is, I've heard many times from parents that they caught their toddler touching themselves or dry humping something, like while watching TV. it is usually discovered by accident and, being a child, doesn't think anything about it other than it feels nice.
there is a line between natural discovery and discovery after having been abused. but it is definitely normal for toddlers to masturbate in their own way
No. 1559662
>came back to lolcow years later to stick it to usor
>never left lolcow at all>all's well that ends well No. 1559686
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>>1559676verified found a pic
No. 1559776
>>1559716he's the same age as I am (sctually a little younger due to birthdays).
>>1559662kind of the latter. I still occasionally browse threads I have a personal interest in but I am absolutely not as active as I used to be. There's a healthy balance, anon.
No. 1559985
>>1556327Me too kek
Shame on that artist for pandering to degenerate tranny/moid tastes when she can design guys so cute
No. 1560650
If I wasn't such a narc I think I'd kill myself. I'm not happy, I'm constantly dissatisfied. I live comfortably, my husband pays for everything so I sleep a lot and do some hobbies to keep busy, but I am so unhappy. I just feel like there should be something more, I've always felt "well as soon as I'm done with school, as soon as im married, as soon as I'm stable, then I'll be happy" and it hit me that I have all that and I'm not happy. I'm so fucking depressed. I don't even want to talk to my husband anymore I just want to be alone. He's young enough that he could remarry, I'm pregnant too but it's early, just 7 weeks. I am thinking about it very heavily but I keep thinking about that one passage in dante's inferno where the souls of people who commit suicide get stuck in the trees in hell, and it spooks me out. I just want to be alone and quiet and not dissatisfied anymore.
No. 1560653
>>1560641I’m the disabled anon whose bf takes care of her and he is a very handsome man. He’s got an aesthetically pleasing cock that’s well above average in size. He’s not a manlet. He has beautiful eyes, very bright light eyes which are especially interesting mixed with his other features, which are very Mediterranean. Very striking, good bone structure, a truly excellent nose for a man. And his hair is god tier. Soft, gorgeous loose curls. Never met a man with such soft hair, dudes usually have weirdly coarse hair. He doesn’t do anything special to it but besides use decent shampoo and conditioner instead of 3-in-one manwash. He looks handsome both with and without a beard. Most guys I prefer with a beard, but I prefer him clean shaven because he has nothing he needs to hide or obscure with a beard (most guys do). His only real fault is that he can get overstimulated sometimes and can act shitty when that happens, but he’s aware/apologetic and working on it. He has severe ADHD.
We’ve been friends since high school. I was dating a diff guy freshman year, who was kinda faggy and obsessed with his hair. When my ex started being shitty to me I would make him cry by complimenting my current partner’s beautiful hair in front of him. My ex literally banged his fist on the lunch table when I did that and ran away crying. I still laugh thinking about it, he was cheating on me anyway so he deserved it, and his hair looked like a bunch of pubes on his head. He could never have hair like my partner’s hair, not even in his dreams.
No. 1560688
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I saw movies with them in it.
I'm THAT racist - -
No. 1560709
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>>1560688I'm not racist, but if these are the types of black moids being shilled as attractive I feel sorry for bw, like their are attractive of black moids like picrel
No. 1560804
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I've given up on my addict brother. I don't care if he fails out of rehab for the zillionth time. He's a bad person and probably stuck on this level of samsara for a reason.
No. 1560841
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I don't have a single real life friend and haven't for years.
No. 1560848
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>>1560843thanks nona, I appreciate it. It sucks because him and I were thick as thieves since we were little. He's a different person now. I didn't want to give up on him because he's been there for me but unlike him I was always trying to do better and improve my station in life.
No. 1560855
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>>1560646i will literally never forget him. what was anon thinking when she decided to post him here KEK
>>>/m/234429>I don't know who this Paul Dano guy is but he looks exactly like my hung-like-a-horse boyfriend.
>HAHA SUCKERS No. 1560868
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Wtf…yesterday I was roofied like a dumbass by what I thought was a homo. Luckily a security guy threw me out of the men's room and then I sobered up and decided it was time to go home. I think taking concerta helped so I wasn't completely out of it. fuck you creepy moid!!!
No. 1560972
Today is my last day of grad school and I’m sad realizing that I didn’t meet the love of my life here and that now I’m single, constantly horny, and I have to go to the shitty apps to swipe left through 90% of scrotes who are inevitably less educated than me. I really wanted to find someone with similar background here and I didn’t; most guys were too intimidated by me and it feels like there is no one out there who will actually just approach me instead of staring from afar. It just fucking sucks. I guess it’s pathetic that I don’t feel so happy to celebrate graduating in the first place and instead care about this but I really want a family and a love of my life. Why is it so fucking impossible.
>>1560968Sorry I deleted my original post but my job will most likely be remote so I doubt that’ll happen. It just feels like I’m gonna die single because I detest the apps and never meet anyone. the apps are full of manwhores and absolute bum ass losers.
No. 1561012
>>1561007He is angry because his pregnant wife is crying? Now imagine him when you have a constantly crying and screaming baby. It won't be good.
>>1561010Why were they telling her that?
No. 1561017
>>1561007This man is abusing you, men usually show this side when you're pregnant and dependant, you being financially dependant as well only gives him more power. Do you have any female relatives or friends you can vent to? Do you have anywhere safe to go if he gets violent?
Also you won't be a good mother if you're suicidal. This is really mean, I know but I knew plenty of women like you and their children always ended up messed up. Having an
abusive father and a mother who wants to kill herself is a recipe for disaster even for the healthiest child. Please consider your choices and try to fix your relationship with your husband, if you think you'll kill yourself at any point, abort the child. No one deserves to go through this.
No. 1561031
>>1561007Spend the rest of your pregnancy with surrounded by friends and family to show you aren't dependant on him as much as he thinks you are and don't let him "bond" with the baby (touching stomach, talking to the baby) Say something like your mom wants to keep an eye on you to make sure everythings all right, your friends wanna grab some food with you or some other excuse.
Or ignore him further but discreetly. Knit something for the baby, read maternity books, browse stores online for baby related stuff, pregnancy stretches idfk. Something subtle to let him know that you and the baby take 1st priority over him and that he can throw as many tantrums as he likes but ultimately this is your moment.
Also keep him out of the delivery room. Say you're female relatives will be there and that's already enough to stress you out so staying either at home or outside would help you out a bunch.
No. 1561038
>>1561007Had an ex who raged out when I cried on the anniversary of my moms death. I had to spend the rest of the weekend trying to calm him down while getting berated in the process. He never let me live it down and never changed his version of events that I was in the wrong that day. He later talked about how women all just put on crocodile tears to manipulate men.. said it while drunk. It was the most honesty that he gave me about what his thought process was. I did alot of crying.. in private in that relationship. Lots of secret crying sessions so as not to have him make my life hell. Its emotional abuse.
>Don't you dare bother me with your feelings. Let me 'outfeeling' you and make a scene to get attention back on what matters… ME >Better learn to hide your feelings or else you'll have to deal with silent treatment, guilting, shaming, and angerThere's no sane reason why a man should react to tears like that. He either hates that all attention isn't on him (bad indicator when you've a baby on the way) or he has that mindset where women are all emotionally manipulative masterminds who only ever express less than happy feelings as some grand scheme to piss men off or inconvenience them. Hes acting like this is a battle for control/power because to him it probably is how he views relationships/women. Will go downhill very fast once the baby is there. You need an escape plan. To stay/get close to anyone else you have around for support.
No. 1561045
>>1561038The way he reacts to my emotions, it's like it's an inconvenience to him and he gets angry at me for ruining his mood, he has been short with me and keeps bringing up that I've been "snippier" but I don't think I have been. I think it's just that I've been more distant.
I dont have many options for anything else, hes not usually so mean but he's been meaner lately. Pregnancy was just a mistake
No. 1561061
>>1561045>>1561053>Its common for men like that to wait til you're pregnant to 'get meaner' He sees that baby as a chain that'll keep you there no matter how he treats you. Its his 'she'll never grow a spine and actually leave me now' card. You're seeing him for who he actually is. Yup. This is exactly what happened to my mom, except he changed the day after they married because he knew she'd never leave out of religious obligations.
Not saying that's definitely what going on here but please be very confident he'll be a good father and husband if you choose to continue the pregnancy.
No. 1561062
>>1561045You need to get away from him, he is
abusive. There are always options. Google a women's helpline in your country and discuss your situation with them.
No. 1561107
>>1561043It's when a woman gives birth and there's some tearing from the baby coming out, and the doctors decide to give you some extra stitch(es) to make the vagina tighter for the husband's pleasure, as opposed to giving just enough stitches for the woman to heal and be just like before. Which is often painful from what I've been told. Nta but all women should warn their doctors that they'll sue if they do that to them regardless of whether the husband is
abusive because many doctors do it without asking anyone, not even the husband.
>>1561007Girl get the fuck out now. I mean it. I'm a perpetual kissless virgin but I'm saying this based on my parents and many of the couples I've seen while growing up, it'll end badly if he doesn't get his shit together (unlikely) or if you don't leave. You don't want to be a battered wife? Leave while you can, and think about whether abortion is the right choice for you in that case and if that's legal where you are.
No. 1561116
>>1561107>It's when a woman gives birth and there's some tearing from the baby coming out, and the doctors decide to give you some extra stitch(es) to make the vagina tighter for the husband's pleasure>Which is often painful from what I've been toldI will never have children, what in the absolute
fuck, what in the actual fuck
No. 1561266
>>1561116some people lose teeth, get irreversible health problems, plus permanent damage from birthing or C-section or epidural, all sorts of stuff.
and the thing is, it's taboo to talk about. old grandma's will sit there and say "don't look into pregnancy before you're pregnant" because a good chunk of people never would have gotten pregnant if they knew the risks. go in blindly so it is too late to go back.
of course there are some people who have very easy and healthy pregnancies, typically they're the people who love being pregnant. they are the lucky ones. but also the ones who tell others "oh it's not so bad", simply because they didn't experience the bad parts.
No. 1561269
>>1561249I worked in a hospital for years and I heard so much of the negatives, and the scariest of them all being losing a ton of blood while in labor and almost dying on the table with six doctors rushing to get the baby out and stop her from bleeding to death. terrifying stuff that no sane person would willing jump in for, but the price comes with a tiny human (sometimes, not always rip) so it's that pro/con list for those that want one or some.
there's women who are excited to be pregnant and have kids and then have such horrible pregnancies and births that they decide right there absolutely not again. you never know what you're going to get when you're pregnant.
No. 1561441
>>1561430Not really. Women of all races step up to raise children when necessary (overall), perform well in school when given the opportunity, etc
But male behavior does tend to vary drastically depending on culture a bit more than race, yeah.
No. 1561558
>>1561554this site is full of white feminists hiding their bigotry behind being a
terf lol
No. 1561564
>>1561563oh, I'm sorry nonna, I didn't know every
terf was a pure human being with no bias, no racism and there are definitely no tradthots chasing the trend because they also hate scrotes in dresses. get a grip.
No. 1561576
>>1561554i think more people now think of race as behavioural characteristics of the culture the people are from not how they look. Some cultures just have more
abusive moids than others because they're raised in that mentality. I guess a white european can be shitty in a very different way than a for example romani european and then it just depends on what shittiness you're able to tolerate more.
No. 1561577
>>1561563>>1561569Nta but you definitely just completely misconstrued what that anon was saying. Also,
>despite them not being women…?
No. 1561587
>>1561580Exactly a lot of nonnas will say x race of men are the worst and then imply or implicitly state that white men are the least
toxic race of men aka the best when that is further from the truth. That’s the issue I have with labeling the best/worst men based on race because it’s always under the guise of white supremacy. And not only that but it completely undermines the millions of white women who are brutally murdered/raped by white men everyday. And it also is dangerous thinking because so many minority women get into relationships with white men who end up putting them through crazy levels of racism with their friends/family. A lot of nonnas don’t understand how debilitating racism truly is to experience. If they did they wouldn’t be casually using the n word on here like it’s candy and trying to justify the use of it. But meanwhile the word nonnies has a red text. This site is unserious as hell
No. 1561589
>>1561587Oh so now they don’t wanna red text
nonnie lol. But another thing all men act exactly the same when they are in the army. In fact a lot of men join the army so that they can rape and assault minority women in war torn misogynistic countries. Never forget
No. 1561597
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I told him he looked handsome when he didn’t at all. His hair looks stupid and I want him to fix it. He always blow dries and hairsprays his hair in a way that it sticks up and back. But he would look so much better with his hair styled down. Someone had tagged him in a candid and that’s when I noticed his hair looks terrible and then he sends me a selfie from that day and it looks equally bad. I was gonna ignore the selfie and pretend I didn’t see it but then I saw he untagged himself in the ig candid which leads me to believe he was feeling insecure about it. I felt like me ignoring his selfie would’ve been adding to his insecurities so I lied and said he looked handsome. I mean he did but from the neck down. I feel terrible for thinking that because he isn’t even ugly it’s just how he styles his hair is! It gives Asian johnny bravo.
No. 1561616
nonnie is. It used to be a way of detecting newfags from other sites but it isn't anymore, it shouldn't be redtexted any longer.
No. 1561654
>>1561620Personally I feel like that's a different matter. It's natural that you'd hate the men from your own race more than others because they are the ones who harm you more frequently and more directly. I'd you have to deal with them on a daily basis, they are indeed the worst to you and I'm sure you have a thousand d practical reasons to hate them. And I wouldn't even call that racism at all. But I don't really believe when it comes from an outsider, because I wasn't born yesterday. People putting conditions on their prejudices then expecting someone of that group to believe that doesn't apply to them, so they won't be questioned is nothing new. We're on the fucking internet, so I might engaje those people occasionally, but irl, being a non white woman, if someone told me that I'd be like "oh ok" then keep my distance from them. I do not believe they wouldn't be shit talking me behind my back or using prejudice against me the second I disagree with them or something. This is something I've seen on LC before, usually when a poster is known to be Muslim/of muslim origin, they get into an argument then some shit head will start saying things like "shouldn't you be getting married to your cousin". Anyway, I took the opportunity to rant but I don't disagree with you.
No. 1561690
>>1561688What's stopping you?
>>1561689Oh I should try an older age too, then people will be like "Wow what's your secret!?" Lies honey, the secret is lies, and moisturizer.
No. 1561701
>>1561694Idk maybe but don't really care, I'm not opening bank accounts or using it to do things as a minor, it's just to show other people who don't need to know anything about me.
>>1561698Lol sometimes I go get new shampoo and feel like it's a fresh start, it's whatever makes you feel good
No. 1561705
>>1561690>What's stopping you?The modern world. It’s pretty much impossible to ditch your life like you could before computers and the internet. Now, even name changes are a matter of public record and it’s incredibly easy to track someone’s moves. Getting a new identity would involve getting a fake social security number, which is costly and difficult.
Fun to daydream about, though.
No. 1561736
>>1561734But I didn't. I said it to say that I understand where they're coming from
and so no anons would come at me and say I'm just against interracial dating or anything else crazy. Let it go, I don't even understand why this is making you so bothered.
No. 1561747
Why did this turn into a discussion about divestment? Isn't that a thing among black american women? I at least never seen the term in regards to other contexts and
>>1561620 might be an Iranian woman in Denmark for all we know.
No. 1561781
>>1561709Well I'm not in the US so they'd have to catch me first, they can't even find where I keep my money so doubt that.
But I did look it up and it's a fine for having one but a crime if you use it for fraud obviously.
No. 1561783
>>1561620>I'd rather be single if I can't get a white man.See this logic is retarded. I'm nonwhite as well but white men I've dated haven't really been angels either, in fact I'd say some of them were worse than men my race because even the "least racist" white man brings up your ethnicity and culture during arguments or stuff to use them against you. They also fetishize nonwhite women which is just another messy topic.
I do understand having a hatred for your ethnicity because of traumatic past experiences but please don't expect white men to be perfect, they're also men and they're the group of man who has been excused for their crimes the most, the type that could get away with anything in the past.
No. 1561792
>>1561554We have a lot of white women who aren't feminists here. They have no issues being racist to asian/black women the same way they're racist to men.
It didn't use to be this bad until the website went down once, I think the racebaiters are newfags who found this website as an edgy female 4chan to post their shitty takes because of this.
No. 1561855
>>1561374Tbf, i've been scolded by anons for trying to imply that certain men from certain cultures and races are just worse that others when it comes to race. I'm not going to pretend that all men approach misogyny in the same way or have been all been exposed to the same variables that would build up their hatred towards women. It's annoying that we can't point it out without it turning into this group of women have it worse or people getting offended when they feel like their experiences are erased because they are part of are group of women who statistically experience less violence from men. We wouldn't be having this discussion if we were all allowed to bash all groups of men equally without people getting offended.
>>1561850I 100% agree with this perspective. Honestly, most social justice pertaining to black people is really only about black men. When you open your eyes to that, it honestly sets you free from feeling like you have to deal with their baggage for the sake of defending yourself, when most of that stuff really has nothing to do with you. like for example, i remember seeing a news story about a black woman who wanted to get a mortgage on a house. When she did it in her own name, she got the same normal price a white person would get. When she added her husband, the price went up.
No. 1561866
>>1561855Finally some logic. Thank you.
in b4: "b-b-but you're a t-terrrrf!!"
No. 1561892
>>1561864"I'm honestly scared at how much we flow"
Lmaoo, easyyy
No. 1561900
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>>1561784I hope you get to see a UFO
nonny. It’s a really cool experience.
No. 1562038
>>1561724Samefag, how was this racebait? The last sentence was about
divestors. Annoying jannies.
No. 1562087
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>>1562007i voted twice, one presidential one midterm, don't plan on voting again in my life. maybe, maybe something like mayoral races if i live in a very small town. but otherwise i dgaf
fuck the vote
No. 1562233
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I secretly hold some fascist political beliefs.
No. 1562355
>>1562233I don't hold any beliefs about politics and apparently that's bad for some reason
>>1562350Nta but none of these words are important to me since they don't affect my life
No. 1562399
>>1562392New generations won't be able to do that because everything is fast fashion that will disintegrate in a few years.
Meanwhile I can still wear some clothes my mother wore when she was young (and I'm not young anymore either).
No. 1562481
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every few months or so i open notepad to fill up the friend finder thread questionnaire only to never ever post it despite not having made a friend since the ninth grade. this time around was a close call since i actually made a proton mail account. at least i won't risk talking to males which i am debiliatingly afraid of and i know i won't be or even look like a good friend anyway. i won't get rejected if i don't post so it's for the best really.
No. 1562482
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>>1562475That's how I feel about that mob psycho guy, kek.
No. 1562538
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I love writing bad, cringe, edgy and self-pitying poetry
No. 1562542
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>>1562475>>1562510I'm sure everyone's sick of seeing your husbando too
No. 1562578
>>1562550Since this is the confession thread I'll confess that those post made me fall for him same with the riddler thread, Leon is a hottie though and he will always be i'm sure the other
nonnie will come around and see that but I do think his older model is hotter.
No. 1562637
>>1562550>>1562570Calm down, no one's hating on the character or the anons, it's just that sometimes when you don't find the guy attractive at all you get kinda tired of seeing him all the time when you wanna see more variety
>>1562542No because I don't post mine lol
No. 1562861
>>1562538For me, it's haikus.
The format is like catnip.
Yes, I'm autistic.
No. 1562918
Years ago, i was an nlog… I still cringe remembering that
I thought that just because i don't fit the stereotypical idea of a woman/being butthurt of other women being unnecessarily rude to me, I was somewhat better than most of my peers (women). When i grew up a little (mentally), i realised how gross and wrong, now i always try to lift up other women, not put them down… I was a stupid teen…
When i like something about another woman - clothing, make up, dress, their creative projects - I love telling them that i like it, and ofc not only that, i am grateful that i actually am more realistic now, i value women and connecting with woman a lot more and i am proud of myself that i did grew out of that phase, women should support other women. Now i aways try to be nice, understanding and supportive to other women, albeit sometimes the other side doesn't do the same. But whatever… I know for me, personally, i would always try to help/support women
No. 1562965
>>1562657I do post about him but never say who he is because I want to stay anonymous
I'm aware that nonnas also get tired of seeing posts like those kek
No. 1563051
>>1563048I ate a lot of red things before I went to be and I also think that my period "Blood breds blood equals red dreams", so maybe my brain made me think of the most masculine "Red man" I could handle.
However I find the rapper "Red Man" very attractive so I wonder why it went to red fast food character? Maybe it was because I was eating unhealthy red foods
No. 1563120
>>1558797nonna im similar but started later, with anime like kissxsix, i was groomed all throughout high school and that didnt exactly help keep me from segwaying from older man x younger woman hentai shit to older man x younger-younger woman hentai shit and… you get the idea. i have to make peace with myself or die and im not gonna an hero so i do the former. the way i think about it, its ok to want sex. we were made as sexual beings, to have both desire itself and the desire to be desired. something that makes you feel like youre desirable, especially when you are young and your brain is still developing, is like poison. the poison will arrest your sexual development or pervert it. the poison doesnt have to be a predator or an abuser, it could even be just premature exposure to porn. but seeing a man treating a girl your age with that powerful desire, while you are that age, is damaging. that part isnt your fault. but how you deal with the damage in its wake, that part is your fault. i know its not going to go away for me fully, i cant forget how i felt back then, youth is always going to hold some kind of association in my brain with sexuality. accept it and move on. in your fantasies at least if you must fantasize about it then you can fantasize about adults only. think of how it made you feel, how much it hurt you, and carry that feeling into those times where you are tempted. you would never wish what you experienced on another girl. you know that. let your thoughts be aligned with your values. you can control it.
No. 1563155
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Watching romantic movies/series and playing dating games makes me feel so weird.
I’ve always been addicted to romance, it’s not just something I like, like I need to have romance in the media I’m consuming or it has to be braindead or really, really interesting for me to like it, and I still end up thinking “but what if these two characters dated? Wouldn’t that be nice?”.
I don’t know why I’ve always been obsessed with love, it hurts a lot because I want to love but I’m overwhelming, also pretty fucking ugly too, I’m pretty sure I will never have one of those cute moments in which you just meet a new person and fall in love with him/her, and that love is corresponded.
Being like this is just annoying I guess, being ugly, sometimes I can’t help but think that me also being very picky (having standards and not accepting anyone just because I’m lonely) has made me wonder if I missed out on anything special like dating in high-school or during my uni years.
But then I stop thinking about those intrusive thoughts for a while and remember that life won’t end when I hit my thirties, maybe I’m actually saving myself from annoying moments or memories that I wouldn’t want to deal with, maybe I should be glad because in the end, I’m actually safe. Thinking about that actually makes me feel better, I don’t have to deal with moids being moids, I’m safe.
I can’t help but think that it’s sad how it’s impossible for men like in romantic stories to exist, the world only has moids, I wish men were real.
I just don’t want a moidfriend, I want a cute boyfriend who is cute, nice, responsible, patient, not pornsick, is healthy, likes animals and is just a great man with goals that he does his best to accomplish.
No moid will ever reach the place that my husbandos have, seriously.
In the end, I don’t even know what to do, I’ve been so disillusioned by moids all of my life, I still feel this need to love, but doing romantic things with my best friend is considered weird because she’s a woman as well.
I just also keep thinking about many things, and maybe now I think about them even more because I will be 30 years old soon and I still haven’t done anything in my life other than studying.
Do I want to ever live away from my family? Do I want to make my own family? It sounds so lonely but also impossible.
Like I can imagine myself having a child, but I can’t imagine myself having a child with a moid, being happy with that moid and having a cute, happy family with that moid.
How can I dare imagine such things when I’m so ugly? If I was cute I could date my best friend or get a boyfriend, I could be on my own and I wouldn’t seem pathetic.
No. 1563188
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I frequently post makeup looks on reddit because I'm too ashamed to make an instagram/tiktok. If I made an acc and someone found it and thought I was trying to be an influencer I'd die of cringe.
No. 1563248
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>>1563231>>1563241This was written by picrel kek
No. 1563254
She's not wrong, I'm het and I regret it every single day kek
No. 1563258
>>1563257Like they either write
exactly like redditors with muh devil's advocate braindead paragraphs or just act like moidchanners (barely any difference)
No. 1563307
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I basically grew up on imageboards and it fucked with my head.
I turned 30 a few months ago and despite looking in the mirror and seeing a young person who doesn't look any different from when she did at 25, I convinced myself I must be delusional and only I think so whereas everyone else sees me as old.
I read too many posts calling 30 year olds wrinkly hags and expired, or using being 30 as a gotcha or an insult, that it completely warped my view of what 30 should look like.
None of my friends, even those older than me, look old or wrinkly aside from a few who worked night shifts and drank/sunbathed often. But those people looked like shit at 23 and 25 as well, their bodies could just handle it better.
No. 1563320
>>1563307I'm really sorry you feel that way and I wish I had the words to comfort you Nonna.
The people who go on and on about the wall do so because they don't have girls tripping over themselves to be with them so they like to cope with the wall. No one looks better with age. Your hair thins, skin sags, you get weaker physically and these are not markers of beauty yet women get crap for aging even though everyone shows signs of aging the same way. Men like to lie, it's all they do. A 20 year old man w money VS a 40 year old man w money. Who wins? The 20 year old ofc
If they don't like aging women, they can move to a country where the life expectancy is low
No. 1563449
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i post on a few obscure (female-adjacent) imageboards that aren't lc and i feel my reliance on them for social satisfaction is becoming dangerous…or is it, is it wrong to think of a bunch of anonymous strangers as my friends?
i've had deeper conversations with random women online than i ever have my coworkers, anyone i ever attended university with – arguably even my own mother. arguably even the "friends" i hold irl. and what with gender plague spreading so deeply into my hobbies (offline and online!) it does seem that i won't even be able to make pals that aren't suffering from normie brainrot.
anyway what i'm trying to say is that i had the creeping thought if anything happened to lc or [redacted] ib i'd feel so desolate. i love my friends, i know that sounds insane.
No. 1563459
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>>1563449I totally get this and actually get scared sometimes. Like, I don't know what I'd do if I lost the [redacted] ib, kek. I like to wonder how I'm gonna feel a decade into the future, I think I'll still think about this, where I felt so wholly understood and accepted. It actually makes irl feel so dull and robotic, like I know I'll never feel as understood by anyone as I feel by these places, I'll never find that connection. Which makes me feel even scared of losing this all, I don't know what I'll do, how I'll talk to. Picrel is how I sometimes feel irl, even now, with a job and shiet.
All that to say, I get you.
No. 1563557
>>1563466nta but all the ones i can think of are
fujochan choachan and cryscafe. could be one even more obscure i'm not aware of though in which case i'd love to! i'm so curious kek
No. 1563575
>>1563459you really get me nona
anonymity allows me to open my heart and be as retarded as i'd like. always been insecure about how i communicate/type, but if it's anonymous that barrier just fades away. people can't form lasting opinions about me here, and i can't form lasting opinions about them either. it's a transient way to feel like i exist and am being seen i suppose
No. 1564072
>>1563844>Explains a lot of the sperging and derailing in almost every thread about fair features.Exactly. The fact of the truth of the matter is that brown hair and brown eyes
is the "femcel phenotype".
No. 1564101
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I’ve started wearing crop tops and I’ve hated them for a long time but when you wear them with the right pants I think they can be kinda cute actually
No. 1564185
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I hate having to wear high waisted bottoms. Low waisted looks so bad on me so I don't even try. I'm bummed out because a family friend gave me some cute pants and I look like trash in pretty much every one of them. I can make the bootleg, more slight flare than bootleg in my opinion, work but only because it's medium high waisted. I want to rip my hips off because without those bastards I'd look better.
No. 1564202
>>1564197because money was exchanged, and i am quite positive it wasn't via a brown paper bag drop at a park bench at midnight.
i have found people from less information than that.
No. 1564220
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Me and my friend used to play this game that we called “cyberbullying Russian roulette.” We created this roulette wheel with various different options for who we would cyberbully (various types of degens such as troons, furries, weebs, etc). When we got bored we’d spin the wheel and one of us would scroll through Tik Tok until we found somebody that fit into the category it landed on, and then we’d leave a mean comment on their video unprovoked. Part of me feels bad, but I can’t help but chuckle every time I remember when my friend commented “you attract all the haters because being the size of a planet gives you your own gravitational pull” underneath a HAES activist’s video.
No. 1564253
>>1564194I was "paid" in Visa Vanilla gift cards and Uber gift cards codes. He'd scratched the code off the back and take a picture of it. I never received cash directly.
I also have a fake PayPal that did not have a real name, bank account or address associated with it. Never used it though
No. 1564302
>>1564219Explain? I just googled Bellingcat and I don’t see anything about what you’re talking to.
I’ve sent nudes to random scrotes from 4chan and dating apps while I was having mental breakdowns. Sometimes I wonder if the scrotes looking at me like they’ve seen me before in public have seen my nudes floating around, kek. Guess that’s just life when you’re crazy.
No. 1564784
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I have similar proportions to Grimes: thin with big hands and feet, but slightly shorter which makes me even weirder
No. 1567051
Long ago everytime I heard about immigrant boats coming to Europe in harsh conditions I always felt bad for the immigrants just trying to make do. It all stopped when one of my cousins became one despite not being destitue at all, despite being a spoiled brat still living with his family, and he was committing petty crimes in several countries in Europe, my aunt tried to convince my mom to keep him i our apartment (illegally of course), and once he was finally caught in Germany iirc he got deported back to his own country, and he still lives with his parents, including his father who's a maths teacher from a private school. Meanwhile his little brother is studying in my country to become and engineer, he's working hard, living his best life and that's despite him not being as spoiled as his retarded junky brother. I had other cousins from the same country coming to Europe to study and/or get married the entire time this was going on too. Now I always wonder what's the background of the guys who come here by boat.
>>1567046It's funny, I remember seeing him for the first time in videos years ago after being told about him and my very first reaction was "wait, is she trans or am I paranoid?", then I was definitely sure of it because of pictures of him next to a bunch of different men and women. When he finally revealed it I felt like a genius kek, but I really don't care about makeup in general so I haven't seen a lot of his videos, just like 2 or 3.
No. 1567374
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I've been religiously taking notes on the husbandos posted on the husbando thread and I want to draw most them. My wish is for my fellow husbando nonnies to find art of their husbandos in the wild and hopefully that makes them happy.
I am posting this here because I am embarrassed about it and most likely I'll be laughed at
No. 1567516
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I feel like people can sense when I get a crush on them and avoid me even though I try not to show any hints. It's happened too many times not to be confirmation I'm creepy and repulsive but I'm also a paranoid type person so idk. I guess you can be two things.
No. 1567641
>>1567607This, also being a weirdo surrounded by normies is already hard enough, I don't want to give them any more ammunition. I know some coworkers feign being nice while having some contempt for you, I never liked their reactions when I said I went to a concert or something.
>>1567622Huh, I never realized it, it's true that when you divert the conversation back to them they forget about you, nove strategy.
No. 1567793
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No. 1567841
>>1567822You don't need to be specifically catholic just because you believe in god.
There are so many anti-women aspects of that branch. As well as
victim-blaming and hiding abuse in the church.
I can relate to wanting structure and being part of a religious community though. It's really difficult because I think it's a naormal human thing to wat yet so many are negative to women.
No. 1567945
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Found out that my abusive ex is a tranny chaser kek
No. 1568093
>>1567374If you do draw something you should just post it in the thread if you want people to see it. Nobody there will laugh at you.
I actually don't look around for fanart a lot because my characters are from older games and I hate trying to navigate twitter.
No. 1568128
>>1567822I hope you find a beautiful way to live your spiritual life. I wasn't raised religious but eventually God found me lol. I'm still wondering if I do even consider myself "Christian" since there's a lot of of aspects of the religion I do not want to practice nor I agree with. But I have found out that there's no hurry to do so. If the seed of divine love is in your heart, there's time to figure it all out. I hope you come across a peaceful path to it.
These years I have learnt that moids always try to keep us from finding our own way through faith and beliefs. Some of them don't even believe, they just love the power religion gives to them. So, even if you don't strictly live just as organized religion says, you are already living in the spirit, through love and faith. God bless you
No. 1568249
>>1568138That's great nonna, i never understood how can anybody just send money to people they don't know. It's so stupid they desereve to be ripped off.
>>1568191The only healthy way to ship
No. 1568275
Not to tip my fedora but I hate religion and refer to myself as an anti theist because of every Christian I have ever met, only two accepted me as a lesbian. A Christian family member tried to sign me up for conversion therapy behind my back after findijg out, and my moid neighbor implied he would rape me to have me learn my place.
Essentially, religious nonnas I know you're probably not like that but I fear some of you are the "kill the gays" types every time I see you and will never be able to trust you by virtue of your spirituality.
If it helps, I grew up Southern Baptist.
No. 1568287
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I had my first therapy appt today and I started crying over her asking me the basic shit like where i live and who my family is, etc. We sat in awkward silence for like 10 mins while I tried to stop. Wow I feel so socially retarded nothing even bad happens to me and this is how I react? How tf do i even start talking about my other issues
No. 1568301
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>>1568296>bring in a stuffed animal or blanket to be more comfortableit's probably not treating you like you're autistic, but bringing a stuffed animal/blanket does help make the place feel more comfortable than just a very invasive interview, it's supposed to be a place where they help your mental state. And it's only your first appointment, you'll probably see improvement after some months, you'll get there.
No. 1568316
>>1567424Thank you, I think I felt a bit embarrassed to devote this time to people I don't even know, but I like it here and this is the best I can do.
>>1567428Thank you so much
nonnie, I am happy I am not the only one, I hope you have the best of days.
>>1568093I would but I did this on a different board and I always feel anxious somebody will find out about it. Since I do this as my job, I don't want people knowing I post here.
>older gamesBy any chance, are you one of the Tf2 posters?
No. 1568371
>>1568364>they don't have rapist ftm who could force them down, beat them, kill them, impregnate them and scream in their face how they're a real man.Yes, they do, sans the impregnation part for obvious reasons. But I've seen a shockingly large number of them be extremely
abusive or violent when they're treated as women. On Tumblr, on Discord, on Twitter, hell, even YouTube. I've seen them act on it and beat, rape/SA, and pull strings with their partners. Some even threaten to kill themselves and blame it on their partners or friends, or even fucking strangers. I've seen this multiple times and it's almost always a fakeboi, on exceedingly rare occasions, a trutrans. I've seen some violent trutrans on Tumblr almost exclusively.
No. 1568485
>>1568429Recent small YouTube commentary drama between BunkPolitics and his ex-gf Clancy, had a sex tape as soon as both turned 18 (I believe Clancy is a month or two older but I could be incorrect), turned into an actual relationship full of suicide threats, sexual harassment, hurting herself and blaming him, et cetera. Clancy makes no attempt to look masculine, and in fact, became far more feminine after coming out and calling herself gay. Wants to be called "it/he," recently became just as hated as Repzion's ex for the same behavior, and Repzion is arguably a fag too.
Bunk isn't necessarily gay but he is highly effeminate without going full troon.
I also knew a radfem couple where one would rape her disabled GF nightly and beat her senseless, and now the rapist trooned out herself.
No. 1568657
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I'm unironically classist, I can't stand poor, uneducated or 'ghetto' people kek, at least when the poverty is clearly due to their own actions
No. 1568731
>>1568657Same but it's because I lived in a country where most of the population was poor, and I worked with these poor people my whole life. I do not consider them to be as human as I am.
>>1568708Because they're stupid, and that's either because of lack of good education or no will to get it. Even if they were educated, their genes still make them stupid, but at least they wouldn't be as bad as they are now and more of them would grow out of poverty.
No. 1568734
>>1568657I was about to post a classist confession too so I might as well piggyback ride of this confession.
I hate hanging out with my poorfag friends. Im by no means rich but I have some extra money for leisure. Whenever I invited them to go eating or shopping they spend the whole time complaining that they can't afford anything. If they knew money was tight why did rhey accept the invention in the first place? I also hate when I
specifically invite them to dinner and when they arrive they say they have eaten at home so they will only order something to drink which leads me to an awkward situation where I have to eat while they starw at me or skip dinner completely to avoid that. If they wanted to save money by eating at home they should tell me so I too can eat at home and then we can meet up and drink coffee. I know admitting having money problems is embarrassing but if you can't afford an event then decline.
I'm completely content with doing low cost stuff too. I do invite them over to my place to play video games or just chill and buy pizza (which I'll pay) but they don't want to do that either
No. 1568739
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I was poor growing up until mom went and got a degree when I was 13. My confession is I used to hate it when I’d be at my poor friend’s house and her family wouldn’t let me have dinner with them. I’d have to sit there waiting in her bedroom. This wasn’t just her house but another friend’s house too. Like dude when I had friends over as a kid my mom made sure to feed all of us. When I was in my early 20’s another poor friend of mine kept stealing shit from me too. My family wasn’t even that rich either just middle class.
No. 1568868
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i want to be guarded and controlled. i care less and less about my reputation and perception and act shamelessly autistic and weird around people. i always had some social anxiety but it thankfully stopped me from embarrassing myself more. now i have suspects at work that i am an illness faker because i act happy one day and sad another, and this is some horrible sin in customer service. when i had my guard up i could keep a straight face most of the time. instead the anxiety now doesn't stop me from acting weird… i blurt out jokes around new friends they probably won't understand based on antisocial memes. most of my mind is composed of memes now. so i miss the anxiety days where i was still the same but with more shame, even though i felt like shit, i felt more in control back then.
No. 1568884
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Today i cried for my female ancestors. I simply know there is a lot of girls in my family who hid a lot and lived with pain. I'm probably one of the frist ones that wasn't abused or had to flee somewhere.
No. 1568890
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I'm slowly reaching the point where I want to toss aside social morays and just demand what I want. No, company I'm applying to, I don't want to apply via general application. Just point out the art director to me and I'll sit him down and show him my fucking portfolio.
No. 1568963
>>1568657I used to live in a ghetto because white flight made living in a dingy apartment 15 minutes from a massively expensive theme park seem doable to my parents because my grandmother was the worse option– and for 14 years, we could not afford to move for any reason because everywhere in the surrounding area ranged from double to triple the cost of a $1400 mold covered shithole.
And my dad spent most of the money on weeb shit, WoW, or weaponry so moving took forever.
No. 1569222
I think I'm beginning to realize something
I don't like wearing pink.
It's sad because I have a lot of pink clothes, girly clothes. As a matter of fact, I'm beginning to spite wearing girly clothes too.
I usually dress casually;only a print t-shirt and sports shorts. They're comfy. I wouldn't want more, nor ask for more….
But yet….. I still do, no matter how. In a way. I do.
I still acquire girly looking clothes even though I do not wear them. Even though I do not want to wear them… seems such a waste, huh?
I honestly think I have come accustomed to wearing such casual clothes, I think a event in my life, a casual experience mind you, not a life-changing one, just a really fun memory, has altered my taste in wear. A original character I have created has imprinted herself into my mind's eye for quite a while as well…. it adds on to each other. Making myself a prime target for being like a tomboy. Whom only mission is to collect girly, pink and pastel outfits… without ever wearing them. Or only rarely. When she feels like it;when she's in a special mood.
No. 1569443
sometimes i send tradthots and ancap christmoids on tumblr very crass anons about how if god is real why doesn't he fix their mental illness, but conversion therapy works? and i keep being extremely annoying in their askbox including writing about how hot women are until i either get blocked or they have a homophobic meltdown kek
anons are fun
No. 1569464
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Last night I drunk posted some lyrics, I ate some garlic bread and cheesy bread, with fried fish that tasted disgusting. I woke up with Poop in my butt that I had to dig out. The black is how much I drank, I'm surpised I'm not more hungover.
No. 1569468
>>1569449Oh my god, we might share a personal cow, is she Scottish and started trooning a few years after having her daughter, and homeschooling her because they won't use her "it" or whatever pronouns and her kid is tooooootally Autistic and nonverbal? I have other personal cows, but I also recognize that I'm one of radblr in general's personal cows. I've been trying to be less unhinged but I used to go after radblr daily before learning some radblr people are actually some of the kindest, most enjoyable people on the site, and have since made me not hate them. With exceptions, clearly.
I'll occasionally remember the dumb ways I used to "own" radblr at 16 and either cringe or laugh.
No. 1569481
>>1569468As much as I wish this to be a wonderful Cinderella moment, no, it's a different cow. My one's Australian and trooned out after excessive fanfic consumption. She's married to a man who's totally ok with it, but they now have an open marriage and he's seeing other women, kek. She's very into mutual masturbation sessions with "gay" men she meets on grindr, although she gets penis envy during these sessions and sadposts about it. One time she even posted a long ass multi-paragraph post about her favourite porn video being deleted. Apparently watching a man masturbate gave her "gender feels" as she imagined it was her. I used to frequent radblr too, but after experiencing some homophobia and being told I'm too mean to troons - particularly Aiden's who are poor widdle
victims who must be coddled - I gave up. I don't even post anymore; I just lurk a few fandoms from the shadows with a blank blog with a tumblr generated name.
No. 1569511
>>1569506I woke up in a haze, still drunk, when I felt the poop, I didn't know what it was, I legit thought a mouse or something had crawled in my bootycheeks, so dumbly I reached and literlly pulled out poop.
I then showered and got the reast out.
No. 1569575
>>1569569When I was 15-16 I would go out of my way to harass radfems, I lived in a ghetto in a mold-ridden tiny apartment my dad paid $1400/mo for and everything expensive we had was either a gift or a prize (slot machines was her focus; a gift from someone for my dad's job), sans his WoW laptop and katanas, and he was blowing all his funds on everything that wasn't a bill.
So she accused me of being rich because her impression of where I lived was "rich celebrities and toootally awesome mansions!!!" due to a reality TV show from 2002, when it has one of the highest crime rates in the country (On a scale of 1-100 with 1 being the most violent crime, it was officially rated 18 for gang violence and homeless people) He was forced to move us after a pipe burst and we all got brain & lung damage from mold, so no Menalez, I am not nor was I ever rich. There's also a big difference between the north and south cities in the county there. Although, this is 2019 drama so it's far from recent.
No. 1569638
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>>1569636is this not a loop?
No. 1569644
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>>1569642I learned like picrel, o with a loop and normal t.
No. 1569646
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>>1569636This is not the cursive I was taught. This is how we did it:
No. 1569677
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>>1569636>>1569644there's a lot of differences in how cursive gets taught between countries.
i was taught the o with a loop like in picrel
(t. baguettefag)
No. 1569678
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>>1569636>>1569644there's a lot of differences in how cursive gets taught between countries.
i was taught the o with a loop like in picrel
(t. baguettefag)
No. 1569692
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I genuinely can't wait for the weekend to be over so I get an excuse to see this girl I have been taiking to. I miss talking to her but our relationship isn't near the point where we can text each other. It's been so long since I had a friend and I really enjoy her company but I'm scared that I come off as too clingy
No. 1569697
>>1569692You're cute
nonnie, I wish you two the best. Making new friends can be exciting, so there's nothing wrong with it.
No. 1569927
>>1569801>>1569838Me three but without the rape and I imagine my
celebrity husbando being extremely devastated, sometimes even crying on live tv if I'm not thinking of his characters specifically. If I'm in a better mood I imagine him saving me from a suicide attempt tho.
No. 1570203
>>1569923no not that at all
just being a little shithead in general and I made some incels mad enough they won't leave me alone
No. 1571091
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>>1571053I feel ya nona… My bestie is in a relationship with a wonderful guy. We both had a promiscuous phase around the same time. I did get into a relationship with an fwb but it didn't last. It's frustrating. You probably shouldn't wait for that guy to change his mind and move on to someone else.
>>1570406It fucking sucks to see people going forward in life while being stuck in your own.
No. 1571098
posting this here instead of the MTF thread cause I don't wanna cop a blogging ban but nonas, let me tell you
I went to a show recently in brisbane and the entire line was obviously autists (myself included) and I saw this troon in line and ngl I was a little tilted. the traditional greasy, unkempt and coomer attire with one sad aiden handmaiden beside him. I saw him inside later at the bar, decided to be a toxic bimbo and instead of complimenting his choker, shein dress, weird wig, shitty eyeliner or hulking form I pointed down at his shark-patterned socks shoved into dirty dusty new balances and said "oh my gawwwd so cute!" as backhandedly as possible and left. I aint about to get murdered before a show but I had to get a dig in. my nigel (who knows I'm radfem) said "wow you could have been hateful but you were nice!" makes me think that shit went right over the troons head because a woman-brained WOMAN would see the insult lmao. regina george is alive in all of us, you just have to summon her to put the AGPs in their place.
the show was great, didn't see stinky troon again but I have literal footage of the state of the bathrooms (unisex, obviously) which was like a literal fucking trench, male piss everywhere.
tl;dr backhand compliment a troon today, their ego will take it as gospel when you're really saying YWNBAW
I also printed out a bunch of ADULT HUMAN FEMALE stickers so if you see them around on QLD east coast know it was a potential farmer
No. 1571105
>>1571100ayrt oh shiiiiit nona NICE lmao! cause that isn't transphobic at all it's AFFIRMING
you are a goddamn genius, I file this based knowledge away for later.
No. 1571127
>>1571124how was it?
>>1571121doing both, immature in my own time because I am petty. sorry it annoys you but it brings me joy. I like the cut of your jib though nona, stay vigilant and mature. I will do better with you in mind. I'll think of you every time now.
No. 1571137
>>1571130don't apologize nona, I shouldn't have been so flippant. if anything I gave into my ~feminine socialization~ and didn't say enough. I appreciate you pointing it out, makes me even more determined to do something that matters. thank you, I'm sorry about making you be bitchy tbh cause yeah, could have done more.
hope you are well sweet nona, if emojis were allowed it would be a billion hearts
No. 1571141
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>>1571127Amazeballs this guy looked like Matthew Lillard and had a big fat dick.
I might try to get it again!
>>1571129Thanks Nona this makes me feel better
No. 1571197
>>1571173>>1571183sorry to make you question yourselves nonitas but uhh don't trip about yourselves please. I can't believe I have to say this but I did the very least and the idiot deserved it and somehow you turn this around on yourselves and feel insecure?
the troons win in that case. I'm genuinely sad if this is the state we are reduced to.
nobody is making fun of you, an autistic woman, and if they do they are retarded. admitting someone gets a backhanded compliment and you qq about it, pls work on yourself sweet girl.
No. 1571241
>>1571173Same. Backhanded shit IRL annoys me because it's too long-winded and seems autistic to me. If you cut the shit and respond directly, the type of person who does that typically starts to play
victim, and then you get gaslit. It's a dumb game.
I kind of prefer not acknowledging or even recognizing backhanded compliments, because the people who do it are often weirdly dissatisfied when you don't give them the reaction they want, but are too cowardly to be as honest as they want to be. Also, whoever didn't fight back typically ends up looking more "innocent" and above the mean booly in other people's eyes.
No. 1571261
>>1571098I exclusively use male bathrooms because I live in a very homophobic area, and they're actually far cleaner than the woman's a majority of the time. Plus most men either don't give a shit or think I'm a little boy.
Back on topic, as an autist that doesn't come out backhanded whatsoever. You probably thought you were hot shit in the moment; but a backhanded compliment is very specifically an insult presented as a compliment, I.e. "You don't look
as fat today!" or "Better outfit than yesterday!" You gave a hollow compliment. Also, did you ever start doing drugs or alcohol underage? You seem stunted. Maybe I'm biased because I'm completely neutral on troons and apathetic to both sides, or I say that but some radfems are chill but I hate a lot of them as well, probably hate more than I like but this site (exception of noni) is more understandable than the batshit insanity of radtwt, radblr, and r/detrans so that could change, given time.
No. 1571281
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>>1571108It's OK nona, I get it. I also miss such a person. I'm envious of people with longtime partners, having the safety of someone accepting you for who you are. My fwb turned bf had hang ups about the way we met (hooking up on tinder). In the end that never went away so I had to break it of. But since he was less invested, it still feels like I "lost" if that makes sense. And even though he was the least attractive of my fwbs he was the best sexually and I miss that a lot kek
Wishing you good luck anyhow. Love is pain!!!
No. 1571298
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>>1571281Thank you
nonny, I really appreciate it! Sorry it didn't work out for you and I wish you good luck too!
No. 1571370
>>1571291Easy; the ones only doing it to seek help for their GID and want nothing to do with the "community" are normally fine, if not enjoyable, but the AGPs and fujo-gaydens are fucking insufferable and I actively hate them.
The former, I'll be polite to them, so long as they respect me too. The latter, I go out of my way to poke fun at or even bully them. Overall, it rounds out to neutral. They don't bother me, I don't bother them. Same with radfems, even if we disagree on a lot, we can agree on women's only spaces (trannies need their own tranny-only spaces, not to invade female or male ones) and women's right to choose. At least for me, it's a relief to not give a shit so long as I'm not in active danger.
No. 1571487
Sometimes I think nonitas switch the sexes of the people in their vents to either get better advice or bash someone respectively and this partially confirms it
>>1571324For example, an
abusive mother becomes an
abusive father or grandfather, or when they want actual advice that isn't "lol dump him," they larp as a lesbian to try and get real answers
No. 1571499
>>1571487Only partially related to your post, but it made me remember certain cases where my lesbian friends/acquaintances romanticized absolutely hopeless/
toxic shit only because it was relationship with a woman. These exact women were unforgiving when it came to men, but with women it was a whole another story, and it's so wrong. So I hope those larping anons would still get "lol dump her" heh
No. 1571629
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Sometimes when I'm talking to several online 'friends' while simultaneously judging them behind their backs, I feel like a platonic slut. I even shit on person A while talking to person B, then do the same with person A while talking shit about person B this time. I know, those who are willing to talk bad about others with me, probably does the same with me behind my back. I just don't care. Also nonnas better not come after me for using the word 'slut' I found it funny and only use it for myself
No. 1571685
before I peaked, I remember when Khia (the rapper, My Neck, My back rapper) and TS Madison (trans woman, pornstar that was on Tosh.o) had a beef. I remember Khia immedietly started saying that TS smelled like a working man (or something, just said he had man funk) and a bunch of other shit. At the time I was like, "OMG why is she being transphobic?"
Now i look back at that shit like, "Wow" mind you, back when they had their show, TS Madison would use the bathroom with the DOOR OPEN in the background. You could see him standing up to pee from the back. Every intro to their videos he'd get up and shake his man tits.
Back then I didn't see it as gross scrote shit, just as, "Wow brave and stunning'.
I confess this to say that a lot of people can brain fuck themselves into feeling bad for clearly gross shit,I don't know why it didn't compute.
Also, I mad a pro-trans post in Shay's thread years ago, before I peaked, kek I feel like I was banned for it but I can't remember.
Anyone else remember their silly post-peaking expereinces and cringe?
No. 1571718
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>>1571660Now I'll talk shit about you too.
No. 1571722
i lie about having been a tra to give more credibility to the idea that lots of radfems are ex-tra, but i never really drank the koolaid. or rather i did but i only felt that way because i'd never sat down and talked myself through it. i did have a brief she/they era but even that was more me telling people that i didn't think 'they' was bad, as it's gender neutral.
>>1571487ayrt but i've ever switched sexes personally
No. 1572081
>>1572045Start doing stuff with your other hand. Brush your teeth with your non dominant. Open doors etc. smoking was a a part of your routine. Your brain likes routine. Doing it will help with the cravings anon.
I chewed thick jerky that took a bit when I needed to handle my oral fixation so I feel you.
No. 1572262
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I really relate to Anthony Soprano. I know moid shit aside, him and I had very similar dynamics growing up. My bpd mother killed my adult brother and played the victim. My brother was much like Christopher, and I feel some peace watching the show. I have explosive anger, but working on it with therapy.
I know we aren’t identical, but I am glad his character exist
No. 1572280
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I kind of regret ever posting on here and wish I only browsed. I did help some anons in the past though, so I guess it isn't too bad. I wonder how many female anons that don't post come here? How do they refrain from typing, like ever?
No. 1572294
>>1572280I feel the same way
nonny and try to stop but we're here forever
No. 1572319
>>1572316It was too late and my parents decided it wouldn’t be best, guess they thought it wasn’t their problem which is kinda fucked up.
It was the schools fault for believing a 6th grader over an actual teacher, they are the ones who mishandled it and fucked the teacher over. I do feel guilty about it and I’m not avoiding responsibility but children have a lot less control over themselves than adults and it was wrong of them to ruin her life like that over nothing. I
No. 1572342
>>1572319>>1572312if it makes you feel any better nona my ex-bf accused his dad of molestation as a child without realizing, all the other adults around him basically coerced it out of him? him and his dad are good now but it nearly ruined both their lives
you were a kid, if you were an adult pulling that it would be different.
might be uncouth but would getting in touch with her about it help whatsoever or just open old wounds?
it's a dark night of the soul indeed but you will earn your own forgiveness, it starts with not hating yourself about it.
I'm sorry this happened to you both.
No. 1572386
>>1572384That teacher should have sued your parents and or the school, the fuck?
America is so fucked
No. 1572400
>>1572384It’s fucked up. Like I’m sorry you feel bad about it. But it’s so fucked up what kinds of things can get a teacher straight up fired, and the fact that she wanted to kill herself makes me think that maybe she couldn’t get another job somewhere else because she probably got her name in everyone’s mouths.
This is why I don’t like teaching, one tiny little mistake or proof that you can feel negative emotions and your life is ruined. And I don’t even know what’s the solution there, because kids like you will feel shit 50 times more than other kids and will talk to any superiors like how you did.
How did she even yell at you? What did she say that made you want to report her? What were you doing?
I’m just curious because when I was doing my internships, I only got to witness two reports; one to a teacher that was being too sarcastic in class which made the kids feel uncomfortable, and another to a teacher that was supposedly taking pictures of a girl with scandalous hair to report her to the direction.
No. 1572446
>>1572400Honestly she didn’t really do anything I only had one encounter with her I wasn’t even in her class she just told me to leave her classroom after I was interrupting her lesson, I guess I got in my feelings about it. I told the school she threw a chair at me when she didn’t do that, I’m surprised they took it so seriously.
Apparently she was a good teacher and the other kids liked her so I was kinda ostracised for a while after that
I really do feel like shit about it I wish I could go back
No. 1572467
>>1572453>>1572457These nonnies are both right, you had the opportunity to save her job and whatever else what may have been at stake but you just watched a woman who did nothing wrongs life crumble.
Do you have any idea the level of misery and grief someone has to achieve to fucking kill themselves?
Fuck you
No. 1572478
>>1572358That's a normal reaction to seeing gore and especially knowing that it was done in the context of transing (mental illness, self harm), don't let people gaslight you into thinking you are the one that is crazy when these people post pictures of their government assisted mutilation scars. What kind of fucked communities are you even in where that is something people do? Do they post their cutting scars in chat also?
>>1572463I second this.
No. 1572479
>>1572453Nta and what anon did was completely wrong, but she did say multiple times that she regrets it. Idk why you're acting like she said she doesn't care.
>>1572319>It was the schools fault for believing a 6th grader over an actual teacherBut anon, if that happened then children who are actually being mistreated by their teachers would just be ignored. You just messed up by lying about the situation.
No. 1572485
>>1572482>She only feels bad because all her classmates hated her.I only saw the thing about her being ostracized mentioned in one post so I'm not sure what gives you that impression. Anon's posts just read as her being ashamed to me.
Also, no offense but it's so annoying when you all yell "scrote!" at everything. No, a woman/girl doing something wrong doesn't make it "scrote shit".
No. 1572490
>>1572457I agree it's old enough to know not to lie on someone, I just doubt she knew how far things could go. She mentions telling her parent's the truth
>>1572342 so I would split some of the guilt to her parents as well. I think she came to post in the confession thread because she is guilty over it, at least I hope so.
No. 1572553
>>1572446>>1572471Honestly? All I’m seeing is people just being incompetent. The nurse should’ve noticed that you weren’t hurt, the principal or person in charge of like supervising stuff or whatever should’ve asked for witnesses to intervene.
There would’ve been enough noise for other classrooms to notice that a chair was being thrown because they’re noisy as fuck.
It really sounds like everyone somehow had the perfect excuse to fire that woman.
No. 1572569
>>1572558It feels like it was both parties being irresponsible.
She is a fucker for saying such a vile lie and never doing something else to actually tell the truth, she washed her hands and still acts like a
victim. She deserves feeling like shit forever.
But in any school, people search for the truth, and have some common sense.
How can a nurse see a perfectly healthy student ask for an ice pack and not ask what’s wrong or where does it hurts? How can the people in charge of security or whatever hear the very severe allegations of a teacher throwing a fucking chair at a student and not investigate more? It’s really fishy.
Like at the school I was, a teen boy (15 years old) punched a kid (around 10 or 11 years old) we had to do CSI level of investigations with secret pictures taken to the suspects and everything before throwing accusations against anyone.
Unless everyone in the classroom somehow liked anon (who sounds like an annoying bpd-cha) and decided to lie to save her ass. It sounds to me like it was an excuse to fire that teacher.
No. 1572595
>>1572312As a csa
victim and someone who has had a shitty 6th grade teacher who verbally abused me every day and pit students against me so I'd be bullied because she didn't like that an autist was in her class– I legitimately hope hell is real, if only so you can rot there, and I'm not even religious.
No. 1573058
>>1572932The ex's name – James Joyce.
>>1572982Same, I don't see a point in going through all the discomfort without a guarantee that the penetrative sex will actually be pleasurable.
No. 1573122
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I'm with my current boyfriend only for benefits (help with relocation and finding a job in a new city). His pornsickness and inability to be romantic pisses me off, but he's got his life together and I'm a mess, so I'll take advantage of his help.
No. 1573222
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>>1573065i'm probably (? depends on the post) one of those dogpilers and never dated a man
No. 1573229
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>>1572292I love the way you spelled it out i can hear it!
Thinking fondly of you Christopher. Re-watching season 3 right now
No. 1573252
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im attracted to libertarians
No. 1573302
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>>1573229T! I'm gonna start another rewatch next week when I've got some time off. Your post gave me the itch. There's no chemical solution to a spiritual problem, but watching The Sopranos helps. Say hi to Aunt Carm for me.
No. 1573388
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>>1573302My favorite cousin, of course you’re busy, being a made man is a big deal.
You can always come by, the manicotti is in the fridge. You’re family- anything you need- its
can we keep this going when you rewatch? this is fun and i feel like we would be friends irl, watching the show and making meals together. No. 1573392
>>1573375Same. Was thinking about this maybe an hour ago.
I guess in my case it's because I haven't accomplished shit in life, even tho I earn enough to support my parent and sibling without issues.
No. 1573420
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i try to bait a guy i used to hook up with in 2016 into talking to me when i feel sad and horny and starved for attention and it never works and i don't know why i keep trying
he used to hit me up all the time after he moved away up until like 2019 when i finally told him to fuck off for good because he hit me up on snapchat at 3 am to ask for nudes and then told me directly that he was "using [me] as an escape" because his gf didn't fuck him enough and i was i guess his personal pornhub even though i hadn't sent titty pics in years at that point.
but if i'm being real i have pretty much always been lightly in love with him lmaoooo, he's such a fucking scumbag and yet also my dreamboy in almost every other way and he was so obsessed with me for so long but i was in a relationship and he lives several states away and now i'm a lonely piece of shit and post shit blatantly trying to bait him into hitting me up again even though i know he has a girlfriend who he seems very happy with. idk if it's the same girl he tried to cheat on. i'm objectively an asshole for doing this shit but to be honest i just really want to feel desirable and like anyone would ever want to jerk off to me in general (which is pathetic kek) and i've never gotten over this guy for some godforsaken reason.
he still looks at my stories though, which like… why do that if we don't speak and live several states away if he didn't at least still think that i'm hot
maybe that's just my autism kicking in though
in any case
i feel like a real piece of shit. i'm sure this girl is lovely. she doesn't deserve to have some insecure asshole trying to unsuccessfully bait her bf into cheating on her. i suck and i probably deserve to be miserable about this anyway
No. 1573422
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I'm so bad at imagining sex with my husbando that I have to look up sex scenes from shows and movies
No. 1573425
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>>1573388So what? No fucking ziti now? I will be loyle to my capo, though. Ziti or no ziti. Actually, I was thinking maybe we could get a Sopranos thread started in /m/? You can probably count us Sopranosfags here on one hand, but I figure with our combined autism we could keep it going. It could be a real classy establishment, like a hotel at Captain Teebs. If you wanna make sure there's no feds in your rearview mirror though, I could always make a discord and post on the friend finder thread or something. Either way, I'd love to keep this going! I'd be so down to hang out with you irl. My friends would be relieved that I finally have someone to sperg out with, kek.
No. 1573829
>>1572457ALL of these takes are terrible. She was a little kid. She did a wrong thing. She should have walked it back and maybe it is a character flaw, or maybe she should be able to forgive herself. But jfc she said she's been in therapy ever since what more do you want? The school did a poor job investigating, and anon's parents did a poor job making absolute sure she wasnt lying. And yes parents usually know you're lying even when you think they don't. For something like that they should have made damn sure. They were weak for not fixing it once they knew or suspected. But anon's not responsible for the teacher's emotional state
>>1572558 anyone 13 in 6th grade is retarded and has failed multiple grades. I was 10. Most are 11.
No. 1573916
File: 1683819163308.jpg (30.07 KB, 563x556, nanerr.jpg)

I hate myself for always going back to this one moid because his dick is perfect. I'm sorry you had to read this nonnies.
No. 1574058
File: 1683826971350.gif (1.38 MB, 494x414, im still mad.gif)

i unironically feel like i'm ftmtf sometimes
>programmer (half-baked but it still counts)
>like traps
>never fit in with other girls
>like bladee
>wicked sense of humor
>get accused of being a troon all the time on both lc and other online platforms for the above reasons
>pretty "masc" irl (don't wear makeup, don't shave, haven't worn a skirt in years) and whenever i try to dress feminine people clock me as a tomboy
i dunno. i will never do what kikomi does but i get it
No. 1574088
File: 1683828189882.jpg (77.26 KB, 604x582, 20200826_173034029_iOS.jpg)

I haven't watched Eurovision in years because I stopped enjoying it for some reason. It's like I just don't have that capacity for whimsy and joy in me anymore and I miss it.
No. 1574116
File: 1683829558471.jpg (102.18 KB, 850x477, sample_51b5668e61879a56f2fe0fc…)

I was banned at home (I am on vacation) because I lied about my age a long time ago and posted a screenshot where I lied about said age (I wanted to provide proof a troon would be a creep towards me on twitter if I pretended to be underaged and posted said so screenshot). This was about two years ago. I was always of age, but I was too lazy to repel the ban and prove that I was 18 at the time, which I was. I am glad to post again, two years of not posting and only lurking.. My cat images and whatnot can now be posted! That is my confession nonnas..
No. 1574130
>>1574095Ok maybe I will. Thanks
No. 1574149
>>1574146Addictions are hard to break but watching porn is subhuman behavior so I am contractually obligated to tell you to kys. Kys
No. 1574183
File: 1683833965125.gif (2.75 MB, 175x219, optimize-5.gif)

i'm literally ovulating TODAY but the new hornyposting thread pic has the gross rapist moid on it and it totally killed my mood to post. i'm so mad. locking myself in my house so that i don't maul anybody from how horny i am.
No. 1574184
File: 1683834064626.jpeg (40.59 KB, 843x770, Fbx0u-GakAAdRnA.jpeg)

I'm officially an alcoholic now… My whole life i stayed away from drinking, but lately I've been miserable (even more than normally kek) lately I drink at least a bottle of rosé on the daily, I'm finishing my second bottle now and i feel worthless
No. 1574189
>>1574183type it out
nonny, don't let that deter you!
No. 1574198
>>1574183never heard of the husbando general until today kek
quick glance tells me it's all pretty cringe. but i can't judge too hard, i'm into cringier things
No. 1574420
>>1574270You're the one ruining a relationship with your wife over something that isn't here and might not ever happen. Anon didn't even say anything about being childfree kek you don't need to turn into a sperg just because she mentioned getting a dog. I agree with her, if you can't even hold it together before you have the damn thing, god knows how you're going to behave when something actually catastrophic happens.
Get your shit together, have a conversation about what you said here with your wife, admit there's a chance you will have to adopt, and then go to couple's therapy.
No. 1574557
File: 1683869361190.png (893.82 KB, 1245x485, over9000.PNG)

My goal in life is to create a character that inspires this level of autism.
No. 1575003
File: 1683907634500.gif (3.13 MB, 498x371, di-gi-charat.gif)

>>1574058I feel you girl, i'm very similar in that regard.
>regularly use rateyourmusic and listen to trannycore musicians (death grips, bladee)>mostly consume male-oreinted media, that's not to say i dislike stuff aimed at women bc i definitely don't>have moid nerd hobbies (anime, vidya, programming)>simp over a fictional character that's such a scrote where people think i'm a tranny>degenerate fetishes>never fit in with girls, but never fit in with boys either>autistic>frequently get mistaken as a moid or tranny not only on lolcow, but various other websites>edgy sense of humor, but it cancels out bc it's usually at the expense of males>tranny irl called me "transfem coded">>1574077This post about sums it up, especially if you were raised on the internet or male dominated spaces.
No. 1575081
>>1574933We've been friends since we were 6. Even now we still have a lot of things in common and can talk all day. But her wanting to hang out all the time makes me feel like I'm chained down and forced to entertain her. I like being alone and doing things at my pace most of the time. It's just so tiring, even though she's my best friend.
>>1574977I've tried to talk to her about it, but she doesn't get it. I should be direct and tell her I want to be alone most of the time, and wait for me to invite her. It feels selfish of me to ask that of her.
No. 1575114
>>1575081Look, anon, I get what you're feeling because a lots of women struggle with the anxiety of "disappointing" people or whatever, but you are kind of self victimizing and being neurotic about it now.
Sit her down. Have a talk. Explain that you need to be alone a lot or you start feeling sick. Tell her you appreciate her and are flattered she wants to hang out all the time, because it means she likes being around you so much, and it makes you happy that she is such a loyal, affectionate friend. But because of your low social energy, you can't meet in person as much as she wants. Encourage her to find another friend who can hang out in person so you guys can keep being best friends over text with occasional meetups, with both of your needs being fulfilled.
No. 1575151
File: 1683912597034.png (360.81 KB, 1040x1093, madokahomura.png)

>>1574058>>1575003I relate to you nonnas. I'm still anti troon though.
'ate troons
'ate men
luv being a femayle
simple as
No. 1575405
>>1575135Good luck, nonna.
Just remember that setting those boundaries helps both of you. Helping her form a healthy network of relationships is good for her. Letting your resentment build up until you explode isn't good for either of you and isn't fair to her. You can also help her learn how to relate to other people when she brings it up, asking her why she feels that way and encouraging empathy.
But definitely have that conversation asap.
No. 1576049
File: 1683953737562.jpg (140.75 KB, 850x1200, sample_a0a295fba5d196d19e072ef…)

>>1575003>di gi charatkek holy shit nona this is one of my favorite things. do you like alien nine? i've noticed a few autist
or autist adjacent i guess, i've never been tested for anything but add anons really enjoy it.
but anyway i also use rym
albiet infrequently, have been called 'trans coded'
by tifs, admittedly, enjoy a few things lc considers degen (see picrel, but i also enjoy abo kek), etc.
i think if i hadn't peaked i'd probably be identifying as nonbinary right now or something, simply because i often feel "othered" no matter where i go. maybe i'd be one of those grub/frog retards with neon green hair and find community with fellow delusional.
No. 1576082
>>1576054You can't fix someone who's already broken. And you shouldn't. You're not their free therapist. Women are always expected to hand out free emotional labor like it's nothing. Even to their lovers. It's disgusting but thankfully this generation of women seems different and hopeful. It's within your best interests to get out of that relationship
nonny, I believe in you. You deserve much more than what you are getting right now.
No. 1576141
>>1576113As a turk, wtf. All turks lie about being another ethnicity because we all hate ourselves, it's kinda ironic to see someone lying about being turk.
But yeah it's not a big thing, just don't bring ir up again. I'm aure no one remembers it.
No. 1576386
>>1576375I don't know how many times i have to say this; but i'm only into ageplay, not diapers. Come up with another joke. Not like it matters because the only people who egregiously hate me are hambeast femcels or bpd-chans
>>1576383I'm just honest and unapologetic about who i am and i wish others were too
No. 1576405
>>1576400I'm so sorry nona, I hope ghosts are real too. I can't imagine what you are going through.
>>1576396Just people giving obvious bait from attention whores attention
No. 1576409
>>1576332Wow. I expected something awful, because of how anons were talking about it, but this video was actually beautiful. Yeah it's very sexual, but at least it's actually artistic. No scrotes, obviously made by/for bisexual and lesbian women, older women representation(!!!).
The only moids I saw were either fucking gay or literally in the background, completely irrelevant. Way better than the usual straight moid-pandering garbage.
No. 1576418
>>1576401Thanks queen
>>1576404Never compare me to shayna again
>>1576405Wait until you realize everything i say is 100% genuine and just because i have a more aggressive demeanor doesn't mean i'm baiting
No. 1576450
File: 1683995565173.jpg (2.85 KB, 191x264, 1655292436391.jpg)

… saved
No. 1576477
File: 1683996940025.jpg (11.97 KB, 610x427, 1675685241181.jpg)

what the fuck
No. 1576490
File: 1683997351819.jpg (6.88 KB, 243x208, download.jpg)

No backsies this time Rancefag, leave this up
No. 1576494
>>1576487>You should still delete beore moids and trannies see, we know you're not a troon and the copers will cope eternally.This, seriously, I saved your pics already just on milk-reflex, I fear
any lurking moids have definitely already saved them too
No. 1576512
>>1576509she's one of ours, nona, we must rise above moids and show a modicum of care, but
only for our own
No. 1576516
>>1576510The boob and vag is the point of the pics
nonnie. Why she took the time to censeor a dildo though is weird. Does she have her name chiseled on it or something?
No. 1576554
>>1576547hey ! don't bring us into this !
>>1576551Kirdede-chan as banned ?
No. 1576572
>>1576564Nta but everyone mentioned here
>>1576473, the anon in the "things that make you a scrote" thread (who had a similar breakdown like this) the anon who posted her boobs twice for the hell of it in some other confession thread a few years ago
No. 1576578
>>1576572nta just throwing it out there, there were actually
3 different grown ass women who decided to post their boobs here
No. 1576586
>>1576572oh and also the anon who posted her boobs on new years
>>15765789 if you add them all up
No. 1576599
>>1576596Oh hey, what about that girl a few years ago who was posting drunk nudes on the toilet?
Did that turn out to be revenge porn, or was it legit mento illness? I can't remember
No. 1576602
File: 1684000618884.png (Spoiler Image,621.08 KB, 609x849, Screenshot_5822.png)

>>1576597You admitted you were a male, and saying i am jealous of you? Ok
>>1576597My bmi is 18 and i don't want to rape him, i want HIM to rape ME. I don't want to physically overpower him, i want him to physically overpower me, and use my fucking body around like i'm a ragdoll.
No. 1576608
File: 1684000860909.jpg (32.22 KB, 748x456, 1b7344af76e2141dc4e7cd9759528b…)

>>1576602rancefag let's take a break, I don't want you to kermit after you sober up from this episode. stay an insane legend but you gotta stop rn.
No. 1576613
File: 1684000975426.jpg (45.94 KB, 600x600, 40101014_p15.jpg)

>>1576602>i want my generic husbando to rape meyou have the lamest most vanilla fetish ever wwww at least kirdede wants to fuck a pink ball with a slit on it
No. 1576615
>>1576613Idc furfag. You wanna fuck ANIMALS. ANIMALS. You are a PEDOPHILE
>>1576610My only true love is Rance so KILL YOURSELF MALE
No. 1576645
File: 1684001717347.png (770.67 KB, 930x910, bmi.png)

>>1576631go back to edtwt
No. 1576663
File: 1684002309624.jpg (51.22 KB, 500x500, fordearestrancefag.jpg)

hushshshshhhh lil ranchan, here's Rance, your beloved! he's here with his handsome face, calm down now.
No. 1576672
File: 1684002568962.jpg (31.72 KB, 417x626, 0ba77ac8392c4ce3489033917cd203…)

I wish for rancefag to find health and happiness in her future and that she lives a long life, ishhallah.
No. 1576681
>>1576674nta but whatever, she may be annoying but why give MORE scrotes the chance to get their hands on those pics. assuming
>>1576670 isn't a male which i fucking doubt. rancefag's obviously deeply troubled.
No. 1576692
>>1576685Where is the muscle definition in this picture?
>>1576649 she looks smelly and skinnyfat kek. She also has fat man hands.
No. 1576695
>>1576663Shhh he may be a lil bit ugly from time to time but i still love him
>>1576668I literally took a shower before this moron, that's wet hair
>>1576675Lmao it's so funny when jealous anorexics try to make me feel bad about my weight because i know im skinny, bye
>>1576679Today's not a work day so i'm just chillin
>>1576689LMAO i wouldn't pay someone to post nudes, wtf. Those are mine. Hit me up on discord if you want TRUE and HONEST proof
>>1576691That's not me
>>1576692I regularly ride my bike and workout from home when i can't
No. 1576702
File: 1684003221450.jpg (930.82 KB, 3024x3599, 9288348372.jpg)

Yep i have "fat man hands" you win, anachans
>>1576699I have frands i hung out with them yesterday
No. 1576714
File: 1684003430193.jpg (63.73 KB, 904x864, exh pepe.jpg)

>>1576705>You're cute and you seem funny>"cute" "funny"Guess it's too late. Kys moid
No. 1576721
File: 1684003532880.png (6.52 KB, 872x235, emptypo.png)

Anyone else seeing this?
No. 1576727
>>1576695>18Why would you do something so stupid when your life is just starting? This sort of thing can have serious connections if people start connecting dots where dots should not be connected. I would suggest cleaning up what you can for your sake at least. Do as
>>1576711 don't share anything, delete everything and so on. Seriously. You're not in a right state of mind and what you're doing could have lasting and damaging consequences. Stop before it's too late.
No. 1576734
>>1576710Kek idk what that means but ok
>>1576732You always have to look out for yourself
No. 1576739
File: 1684004137165.png (955.97 KB, 1280x725, dafjbvjdfncv.png)

>>1576711Rancefag, you're real fucking weird but you ought to follow this advice, here's Rancey telling you to as well
No. 1576752
File: 1684004655275.png (54.56 KB, 541x188, 1454717173759.png)

Rance-chan please get your shit together, stop posting personal info or your nudes, log off a little bit and come back only after you sobered up.
>>1576740Yes he has a stupid name and stupid looking teeth.
No. 1576758
>>1576739I'm fucking dead, i actually don't have a rance tulpa tho. Or any tulpa
>>1576749K i never thought it'd get to this ptoint but it's really fucking annoying, let me cope with my trauma how i want, as tiktoktard as that saying is.
>>1576752>Yes he has a stupid name and stupid looking teeth.LMAO
No. 1576760
File: 1684005050544.png (133.19 KB, 1280x768, 3-593796329.png)

>>1576758Can your husbando do this?
No. 1576770
File: 1684005292496.png (951.11 KB, 1280x725, LEAVE.png)

>>1576758you do now, here's Rance telling you to get the fuck off LC
No. 1576772
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>>1576758surprisingly insightful advice from a rapist
No. 1576777
File: 1684005594140.jpg (15.33 KB, 300x300, a2qfb.jpg)

no more tulpas now, i'm gong to bed.
No. 1576780
>>1576777good night
nonnie, you deserve it
No. 1576794
>>1576789I've been waiting for this!
So i've known about it forever, but my obsession with him began nearly a year ago when i played it and his behavior reminded me of my previous husbandos a little bit, but 100x worse and i thought that was really hot. And i love fictional dominant men.
>>1576791I'm not
>>1576777 No. 1576799
>>1576797Dio brandothen before that tohru adachi
>>1576798Hey, i could do that too i'm just tired, granted kirbyanon has a way with words so i don't even think it'd live up to whatever she writes regardless of length