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No. 1563129
File: 1682831949578.jpeg (60.79 KB, 750x742, Fu0oiqVWwA0nwmN.jpeg)

No. 1563131
>>1563129Woah I had
no idea, you've really opening my eyes to this brazilliant true and real fact
No. 1563170
File: 1682836864133.gif (694.08 KB, 498x351, c3a453cf0e62f4677f0a59e42362ca…)

I stand there in a corner to sign to you anon
cause you r so precious, darling
and this is a bad song but I sign it just for u
cause you r so precious, my darling NONNY
No. 1563242
File: 1682845016794.jpeg (178.76 KB, 1112x1075, IMG_8565.jpeg)

AI art I made of cyberpunk otters in love wow
No. 1563360
File: 1682863014794.gif (2 MB, 466x498, clapping-otter.gif)

The urge to clap is so ingrained in me that I'll clap along even if it's people on TV doing it.
No. 1563372
File: 1682865251658.jpg (20.34 KB, 540x540, 1660146456438.jpg)

I never knew the extent of period shits until today, I had been constipated for the past week and a half and it all came out today. I feel reborn
No. 1563403
File: 1682868705077.jpeg (56.63 KB, 550x701, 374894705488.jpeg)

>>1563126Oh no I missed the new thread can this be the next thread pic pls?
No. 1563534
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I wanna be a winner. Like this guy.
No. 1563548
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someone on the internet said dido covered eminem and i am about to lose my mind
No. 1563598
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>>1563587Do an uwu voice one more time
No. 1563614
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tired of being ugly, i am going to the gym and becoming a roided freak. Any tips for first timers nonnies? a friend is comming with me for the first time but after that i am by myself
No. 1563625
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I don't know why I find it funny that kf got soft hacked by a literal child
No. 1563830
File: 1682889742801.png (1.66 MB, 1276x1936, 1678197746396.png)

>>1563804Nevermind found it again here you go
No. 1563866
File: 1682891013059.jpg (50.44 KB, 680x638, Screenshot_20230430-174413_Chr…)

Anyone watch her? I can across her and I was surprised that a huge chunk of her content was about hie she had red (dyed) Hair and was latina. Am I the only one who hates cartoonishly picstar face making tiktokers? That shit genuinely makes me feel uncomfortable
No. 1563882
File: 1682891565896.jpg (34.87 KB, 568x461, 1678189946384.jpg)

man I want to post in cc but my posts keep getting deleted with no explanation
No. 1563885
>>1563830those are my literal "screenshots" bc I didn't know about the snipper tool. thanks to the
nonny who let me know about that because I'm retard
No. 1563922
File: 1682893575027.png (825.63 KB, 1024x1024, fdsfsdfe.png)

This is the coolest shit I've ever played in my life the notes are flying at me and I have laser hands the only thing that sucks is real life feels crazy after playing for a few hours I feel like I'm still in vr
No. 1563926
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My husbando is NOT an homosexual man, he may be an absolute faggot, but he's not homosexual
No. 1563984
>>1563614start with smaller weights, doing more reps in the beginning. you'll decrease the chance of injury that way. always make sure you have your form right before moving on to heavier weights or you can hurt yourself big time, when in doubt try to ask someone, or you can always pull up a youtube video.
Also, I used this guide starting out, its pretty useful for a general idea of what to do: No. 1564156
File: 1682906623047.jpg (85.7 KB, 750x1000, 8CD214D3-7DD7-4385-94C6-DCC703…)

I really don't get people who make a big deal out of getting baby's ears pierced. It's not some traumatic or terrible experience, it's like getting a shot. I don't even like wearing earrings and I still personally don't care that my mother chose to get my ears pierced, it's just a tiny hole that has no impact on how I live my life. I even chose to get another set of holes in my ears before I realized how much I truly hate earringsThe only thing I don't agree with is how so many parents just take their kids to any old place to get their ears pierced, at least take them to a professional piercer/tattoo shop where they don't use those shitty piercing guns.
No. 1564241
>>1564227There are so many people who say they are glad they were pierced when they were a baby because they didn't remember anything at all
>>1564227Valid. Then just don't pierce your baby's ears lol.
No. 1564246
>>1564227Like I said a little up thread
nonnie, I don't remember it happening at all. My friend who got them pierced at four though? She said she remembers screaming and crying and not even because it hurt, but because the gun was loud. I don't even know if the guns get used anymore, I'm sure they've come up with something better since the 90s when I got mine.
No. 1564247
>>1564227Like I said a little up thread
nonnie, I don't remember it happening at all. My friend who got them pierced at four though? She said she remembers screaming and crying and not even because it hurt, but because the gun was loud. I don't even know if the guns get used anymore, I'm sure they've come up with something better since the 90s when I got mine.
No. 1564307
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>>1564301Clip ons are actually painful, I say this as a huge clip on enthusiast with a massive collection. You can't wear them very long because they are literally squeezing your skin and will cause damage and they can cause rashing if you don't pay attention to what they are made of and clean them regularly. Stick ons, do I even need to argue against those? They are cute as hell but they fall off in five minutes. No comparison to actual earrings. Picrel just because stick ons are so fucking cute and nostalgic.
No. 1564319
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I remember being so confused and thinking "who is this and why is she being posted on lolcow?" when news about this bitch started getting out, because she literally looks like a socially awkward 13 year old. Imagine my shock and horror when I found out she was having polyamorous tech orgies.
No. 1564328
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>>1564327nta but whyyy am i so curious, whyyy do i do this to myself and WHY did i read the whole thing and then the comments. it's only 8am too
No. 1564380
File: 1682931605312.png (145.86 KB, 400x282, IMG_0680.png)

I wanna go ape shooiit
No. 1564416
File: 1682937748233.jpeg (35.92 KB, 580x580, spiky earrings.jpeg)

>>1564396Imo I think it can be traumatic for a toddler-very young child, but I fail to see what's so horribly bad about piercing a baby's ears as long as it's done safely and hygienically (no piercing gun). I do agree that it is pointless to hurt a child for something purely cosmetic, even if it's only for a few minutes. I think I would let my kid get them done as young as they wanted though, I spent all of elementary absolutely desperate to get a chance to wear the justice spiky earrings but wasn't allowed my ear piercings until 13.
No. 1564431
File: 1682940565325.jpg (19.95 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.900988152_fanm.jpg)

Happy International Worker's Day to French workers and nobody else!
No. 1564570
>>1564416they still make these (not justice but "they" as in chinese manufacturing companies selling wholesale)
the spiky bracelets and studs and small hoops truly encompass 2003 for me. i still have most of mine but wanna buy some more
No. 1564600
>>1564593That's me. After living near a river all of my life, I've developed advanced mosquito killing reflexes, my bloodlust is infinite. If I feel a mosquito is near me, i simply clap my hands to kill them and i never miss,
ever, i don't even need to check its location
No. 1564604
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Heads Up to all nonnies who are excited about playing The Legend Of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom bc the game got leaked today. Somebody managed to crack the digital version, which then was played on an emulator. Everything was streamed on discord. Ninty is taking stuff down but I will def avoid all sorts of Zelda related stuff online because I do not want to spoil the milk so close to the official release.
No. 1564607
File: 1682960477853.gif (425.97 KB, 500x400, a.gif)

Sometimes I enjoy feeling light-headed when I forget to eat (am not an anachan, just don't get hungry often). It makes me feel calm and horny.
No. 1564710
>>1564579sometimes i feel bad for bugs because we really just do not give a fuck how they feel. imagine you're a little dumb ass skeeter looking for a meal, you find a nice juicy thigh and then wham! lights out for you. or you're a spooder and someone throws a brick on you like my aunt loved doing in her garden. or maybe you're an ant just trying to get some twigs and shit and a twerpy teenage boy covered in pimples takes a magnifying glass and cooks you and all your little brethern alive or you get sprayed with pesticides that make your nervous system seize up as you die a slow and painful death.
still, fuck mosquitoes.
No. 1564722
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Genuinely, why does British food just always so strange and looks so cold? There's always something off about the food, even with the "good" dishes. I literally cannot understand it, every country has at least one good dish. I remember seeing someone make a trifle, and they soaked the cake in soda. If I ever went to the UK, I would definitely lose weight. Not because the food is healthier though.
No. 1564743
>>1564722this is really abysmal even by britbong standards. that yorkshire pudding
at least that's what i think that shit is doesn't even looked cooked, and neither the mushy peas nor the fries have been touched by salt and pepper. it's weird because britbong has produced some great celebrity chefs, likely due to desperation.
No. 1564885
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>>1564865>teacher telling me to pick a struggleWhy does this resonate with me
No. 1565166
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I say oo girl
Shock me like Electric eel
Baby girl.
Slip and slide on banana peel
No. 1565396
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I think I can no longer deny myself that I'm severely autistic when it comes to ships after seeing a landmine ship on a imageboard piss me off enough that I download 4chanX and filter out phrases relating to the ship. If only I could filter IPs. Stop posting things I dislike God-damn it!
No. 1565438
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Why are moid surgeons allowed to be in the operating room with their chest hair out like ugly little slut doctors? Cover than shit up. Someone is dying on the table in front of you and you're toodling around with your forest of chest-pubes poking out like some gay leather daddy at pride.
No. 1565464
File: 1682999141100.gif (866.09 KB, 200x200, 1668215249488780.gif)

Today I had to listen to my autistic coworker talk about her fanfictions and let me tell you
>Peter Pan psycological horror adaptation that keeps the themes of casual misogyny and motherhood
>Milking Scene
Should not be anything you want to hear in the same conversation, but if I had to hear it, you do too
No. 1565557
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i know the trend right now is nostalgia surrouding y2k culture and the early 2000's, but as someone who actually lived and grew up during those years i can honestly say that a lot of the music from that period was awful. because of the trend, i kind of went on a deep dive of all the songs i remember being popular at that time and oh my god, i forgot how much i hated some artists from that period because of how overly saturated their shit was. i feel like music in the 2000's was often just ridiculously silly to the point of being mind numbing. i love rap but this was the era when trashy hip hop took over pop culture and we were subjected to hearing the ying yang twins screaming about big booties and shaking dat ass all day, everyday. or it was the terrible r&b singers with the constipated faces in the music videos (destiny's child), and their song would get played ad nauseum everywhere despite that being the only song they would ever be known for. on the other hand, if you didn't want to listen to that, then it was the whiny emo music with the stupid looking femboys and their dumb ass bangs, black nail polish, neckties, and love of black and green striped t-shirts. did i mention the bangs? i remember my cousin used to fall in love with every boy with a long emo bang when she was in high school, even if he was ugly as fuck.
i know someone will say music today is just as bad with all the twerking and repetitive bullshit and i agree. but 2000's music wasn't just repetitive, it was annoying. like get under your skin annoying. it's hard to explain if you weren't around to experience it but there are so many artists i refuse to listen to because they were so ubitiquous when i was growing up, like usher or alicia keys. literally just hearing their names makes my stomach churn because it was like you couldn't take a shit without someone whispering "usherrrrr" in your face.
No. 1565719
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Would YOU be so cruel???
>>1564604I see Link is steadily evolving towards gigachad physique
No. 1565893
>>1565557Pop music from the 2000s is largely just straight up terrible, I agree. For every good pop song/album there's 60 other shit ones lol. On the plus side though, I think 2000s indie and alternative music is the best decade for the genre, there were so many good artists and different exciting things happening.
I fairly confidently maintain the opinion that pop music will never reach the heights of the 80s ever again, especially from the UK. That's like the golden era
No. 1565949
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No. 1566097
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I feel like everyone's order for Chinese food is what they've been getting their whole life. Mine is always lo mein (don't care for fried rice unless it has duck sauce), orange chicken, lemon pepper wings, and cream cheese wontons/crab rangoons.
No. 1566163
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i need EGG ROOL
No. 1566187
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You haven't seen a baby cheetah today, I can tell.
No. 1566282
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My chipped nail polish formed a heart on its own
No. 1566291
>>1566282I advise against posting your hands on here, people are straight up freaks, look at the reply you've already gotten and it's only been six minutes.
>>1566286When I posted my hands I also got accused of being a tranny because of my thin fingers so I think that there are just a lot of fat girls on here who get really angry when they see normal hands.
No. 1566310
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didn't expect to be called a tranny handed attention whoring anachan for something I thought was cute I really didn't mean to cause controversy here really no ill intentions
>>1566291Noted. I tried deleting it but it won't let me but I reported it, maybe that'll work
No. 1566312
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>>1566310That'll learn ya
No. 1566330
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My personal cow said she's planning to name her baby Viral. And she's crazy enough to do it.
No. 1566464
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Ramune and jarritos and yummy. Pineapple jarritos, and strawberry or melon ramune.
No. 1566491
>>1565557There was also nu metal/alternative/indie music though. I mean except for hip hop vs emo (that's false dilemma anon!)
(everything I say below is only in comparison with newer music, starting from ~2010 or earlier because 90s and especially 80s are obviously superior)
I agree that there were lots of annoying songs, but I feel like there was much more variety in popular music of early 00s, judging only from what music channels would show and what normies listened to. There was turbo pop like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Madonna and so on but there were also Linkin Park, Evanescense, No Doubt's Return of Saturn and Rock Steady, Eminem, Rammstein (Links 2-3-4 on a school/camp disco lol), blink-182, Green Day, Scooter, U2, Fatboy Slim, Avril Lavigne, Guano Apes, Gorillaz, Robbie Williams, Morcheeba, Enya, t.A.T.u., etc., and they all had completely different sound. I would see Marilyn Manson's music videos now and then, like Rock is Dead, Mobscene, and This is the New Shit, can't imagine seeing anything similar on local music channels nowadays. There were SO many memorable songs, both good and annoying as fuck. Just off the top of my head, some good pretty popular songs from that time (might be highly subjective): Hooverphonic - Mad About You, Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside, The Cardigans - For What It’s Worth / I Need Some Fine Wine And You, You Need To Be Nicer, Titiyo - Come Along, Morcheeba - Otherwise, Anastacia - Sick and Tired, Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World / Can't Get You Out Of My Head, Shakira - Whenever, Wherever, Rammstein - Sonne, Scissor Sisters - Laura, Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip / I'm With You, No Doubt - Ex-Girlfriend / Hella Good, Air - Surfing on a Rocket, LP - Breaking the Habit, Bjork - I've Seen it All, the list goes on. There were lots of songs that I would actually enjoy hearing on the radio instead of what I can hear there now. And surely a lot of great less popular (for general public) songs and albums were released in that time period, some of the best ones even (Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Deftones, Placebo, Muse, The Knife, SOAD, Tool, A Perfect Circle, etc.)
There were also much more interesting music videos back then, sometimes just fucking weird, but anyways, now it mostly feels like leafing through fashion magazines. But I didn't really care about pretty much anything after 2006 tbh, and from 2010 approximately everything seemed super generic and soulless to me (speaking only about popular music here). Listening to radio (if it's not some kind of nostalgic or rock radio) and watching music channels on TV is so boring now. I wouldn't be able to remember any songs from the last 13 years, I'm afraid, just a few maybe but no
good popular songs. I know I probably sound like an old fart haha
No. 1566516
File: 1683076635548.png (1.74 KB, 241x243, 1547696766625.png)

I haven't used lolcow much for a few weeks what have i missed nonnies
No. 1566543
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Gonna take a long piss and think about silly creatures
No. 1566545
File: 1683078643339.jpg (39.96 KB, 1024x683, him.jpg)

>>1566543here, you'll need this
No. 1566559
>>1566557 I really hope
>>1566558 was you choosing violence, nona
No. 1566576
File: 1683080329948.jpeg (8.5 KB, 219x219, ADD8B113-A6A4-4556-A957-5A6A7C…)

Tiktok users love calling anything a theory! Shut the fuck up!!
No. 1566585
>>1566516Welcome back,
nonnie. Things around here have been highly forgettable.
No. 1566622
File: 1683086864124.png (354.71 KB, 663x897, 1681976381632050.png)

>>1566610Probably to keep the file sizes small. Pic unrelated.
No. 1566626
File: 1683087311587.jpg (127.41 KB, 1029x1305, its britney bitch.jpg)

No. 1566684
File: 1683097617662.jpg (58.91 KB, 750x500, FB_IMG_1682816686411.jpg)

>>1566681then don't cry when you get redtexed for breaking the rules
No. 1566700
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No. 1566714
File: 1683106093633.png (10.26 KB, 395x331, japanese names hard.png)

Truly dumbass shit kek
No. 1566740
File: 1683109197311.jpg (59.18 KB, 691x793, 54546846846.jpg)

my crush keeps posting lyrics in his close story about being obsessed with someone and I am being fucking delusional about it
No. 1566750
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>>1566717Not a very nice thing to say about Tanner Yeager and Marcus Kirkland.
No. 1566770
File: 1683114954773.jpg (84.23 KB, 600x600, bcd9724a7d83189ae8734a062c7569…)

Just learned Taylor Hanson(from the band Hanson) got married when he was just 19(so still a pretty boy) and had has 7 kids with his wife.
No. 1566780
>>1566770the eldest looks like he has red hair too.
someone's parent or grandparent is probably a red head
No. 1566783
File: 1683116823596.jpg (509.66 KB, 962x1523, 1415146280988_wps_41_The_Trial…)

society has always hated pedos, but if you listen to the bullshit spouted by some men these days they might convince you otherwise… i feel bad for women that get easily swayed by those types of men…
No. 1566861
File: 1683128140992.jpg (48.54 KB, 480x639, images.jpeg-683.jpg)

Just randomly thought about Connie/Noodlerella today and damn, she has to have some sort of brain damage from her car accident, its not even about her style change just how erratic in general she seems to be, she acts like an edgy teenager now and even though being a disney adult was cringy she seemed more mature and less bonkers.
No. 1566900
File: 1683131857341.png (25.21 KB, 715x284, 123411.png)

since we're not allowed to respond in that thread I'm responding here: there was already a trailer released a few months ago
No. 1566906
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No. 1566981
File: 1683135493588.jpeg (156.11 KB, 1394x930, 0, 6CDEA554-71A9-4F06-8206-528…)

No. 1566986
File: 1683135669728.jpeg (18.9 KB, 274x267, IMG_4926.jpeg)

But it’s not. So get a real one.
No. 1567001
File: 1683136154833.gif (618.5 KB, 275x275, IMG_4728.gif)

Blessed are the catposters.
No. 1567053
File: 1683139394116.jpeg (122.01 KB, 998x998, IMG_0764.jpeg)

No. 1567054
>>1566986Hire me for something,
No. 1567062
File: 1683139921219.jpeg (77.36 KB, 1021x554, IMG_3108.jpeg)

when you want to post about a personal cow sooo bad but its zoomershit and you just know the milk will stop and dry into forgotten dust in the wind if you do…
No. 1567131
>>1567049His new music video where he dances is so bad, he thinks he's so fucking sexy. I don't know if he can troon out safely in China though.
>>1564511I even already posted it because I hate him
No. 1567196
File: 1683151714079.jpg (56.32 KB, 1042x770, 16902347890.jpg)

>>1567171>Girl what more do you need than their address and phone number kekTheir social media
No. 1567200
>>1567173companies also collect and sell personal information for advertising money too. there are multiple databases where this info is collected and publicly accessible, either via government or companies.
let's say you buy baby wipes at Target to wipe your ass. they use that information, coupled with knowing you're a female of common child-bearing age, to advertise you more baby related things because you buying the wipes means you might be pregnant or recently gave birth. now, they sell that data to an advertising company which Buy Buy Baby uses, and they send you coupon packs and a catalog in the mail for baby items they have. and then you get a formula sample in the mail from some formula company hoping you'll spend thousands on their product if they get to you first. aside from the public information via government, having any account on any website, buying items online, all of this is collected and shared and sold and stolen by third parties, and the presence can build up online if it gets leaked or is uploaded on the clearnet for other advertising purposes.
No. 1567203
File: 1683153092526.jpg (8.54 KB, 234x196, 1680531064772.jpg)

>>1567172too bad i ended up ordering burger king
No. 1567222
File: 1683155913351.jpg (26.62 KB, 623x532, 41xeas.jpg)

last year I finally got a metro pass and I accidentally memed myself into being obsessed with public transit like a true autist even though I can't stand being around so many people
just had a really short and somewhat retarded/embarrassing conversation with an older male employee at a train station because I thought this one set of stairs was public access and it wasn't (there weren't any signs indicating either way)
the autism wins again
No. 1567224
>>1567121Omg yes, challenge is the perfect way to describe it! Most people aren't good about covering up their online presence so honestly most times I don't even really have to dig too hard! One of my old coworkers kept saying I was sooooo good at stalking people online when all I did was… google their full name kek.
>>1567130>>1567132Sorry I'm not super good at reverse engineering people's socials with too little info! It usually will help if I have a single in i.e. the name of a family member or a friend or something. Most people, for whatever fucking reason, put their full names on their instagram accounts. From there I'll dig through tagged photos, followers, comments, etc. Of course, it's a moot end if the profiles are private or if you don't have the last name of their friends but that's why I try go to the sibling route if possible. Most people I've online stalked usually have a decent social media presence that I'm usually aiming to get their address rather than the other way around. Property records are public record and it's easy to search them for my city, although I'll use RealtyHop for other states.
There was a guy I stalked online recently which was a bit of a tough one but I managed to find his sister's socials and then find his through her followers. This recent girl I only had her first name (extremely common name), the fact that she lived in a different state, her university and majors, her best friend's ig, rough area of where she worked, and roughly how long her commute was via car.
Literally all I googled was "(first name) (university + major) (other state she lived in)" and her linkedin was the first result. I did find her best friend's linkedin right before so I don't know if that influenced the search, but it might've because it felt too good to be true. I googled her first and last name, the state she lives in now, and several people popped up from those information aggregating websites and I popped each into google maps to see how long the drive would be between the rough area I knew she worked before narrowing it down to one likely address. I already had her social media but she's smart that she doesn't have her name on it, nor a photo of her as her pfp, it's private, and the handle is not used anywhere else (because that's the first thing I google all the time). If she hadn't given it to me, I would have never found it. I don't really know what I was looking for when I went digging tbh. Most regular people are not so smart and protective of their online presence.
Honestly all my stalking has taught me is to be very protective of my social media presence, in fear of other freaks doing the same exact shit I do kek. I regularly google my name (thankfully extremely common) and go through those information aggregating websites and request take downs. I do it for close family too. My main handle is quite unique but the only thing that pops up is my disabled tumblr (I switched it to a nonsense handle anyway).
No. 1567234
>>1567224>>1567112lol I do this kind of thing too whether its boredom, spite towards specific people I used to know, or just for fun. I feel so evil for it sometimes but I like knowing what mundane things people are up to ngl
fortunately for my own shit I don't have a unique name whatsoever and have used a bunch of different usernames over the years
No. 1567290
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This is so crazy. Buzzfeed News is going kaput, I can see the rest shutting down eventually as well. At least they still have Tasty?
>BuzzFeed News, the Pulitzer Prize-winning digital news website that took the internet by storm roughly a decade ago and inspired jealousy from legacy media organizations, will shutter, BuzzFeed chief executive Jonah Peretti announced Thursday.
>The move was part of broader layoffs across BuzzFeed, Peretti said in a memo to staffers, with the company moving to slash 15% of its workforce, or 180 employees.
>“While layoffs are occurring across nearly every division, we’ve determined that the company can no longer continue to fund BuzzFeed News as a standalone organization,” Peretti told staffers. No. 1567303
File: 1683162998590.gif (305.47 KB, 220x220, cat-kissing.gif)

The way this cat slowly sinks down after kissing the camera is so funny to me
No. 1567322
>>1567224i also google my name periodically to see what comes up. i've never really used social media like that even when i was younger and whatever accounts i do have, they're usually for browsing/lurking purposes only and i never, ever use my full name and i think anyone who does is just asking for it. i also never use the same username more than once and if i can, habitually change them every now and then. i have a linkedin for professional reasons, but i don't allow google to index it and periodically disable it anyway since i forget to update it a lot. i will also use fake names or just go by one of my middle names since i have two and most people don't know that about me. it's not even intentional on my part, i'm not a social person to begin with and don't really live an exciting life. nor have i ever felt the need to share my innermost thoughts with strangers, so i've never really had anything to post or share on twitter or instagram. i also don't like the idea of leaving breadcrumbs for strangers that i can't see whose intentions i don't know.
>in fear of other freaks doing the same exact shit I do kekjust assume that people are because they usually do and i've found proof of this, especially within the last couple of years. again thankfully in my case, i did a swipe of all my socials when i was 17 and that was over 10+ years; i'm 28 now. no one except for my father and my cousin use social media, but we're estranged so again, nothing to link back to me since we don't speak and i don't volunteer this information on the regular. i also have no siblings and no long term friends who post about me on their socials. in a lot of ways, i'm the perfect ghost. unless you know me and where i was born, you'll end up running into a lot of dead ends and false equivalencies. i used to feel kind of bad that i didn't "exist" online, but now i relish in the freedom of being invisible online. i think it's good to be a bit mysterious since most people are dumb enough to cough up everything about themselves.
No. 1567331
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No. 1567352
File: 1683168435831.jpeg (35.93 KB, 600x1001, oh yay...oh wait.jpeg)

>applying for jobs over the summer
>freshen up my cv and resume
>"congratulations! you've been selected to move forward!"
>get excited
>"please continue with this hirevue virtual interview in the next 24 hours…"
i hate doing those virtual interviews but it is what it is
No. 1567360
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Ok come on
No. 1567361
File: 1683169406507.webm (636.55 KB, 469x360, 1681263301138341.webm)

i am going to stay all night awake drawing and screw up my sleeping schedule again
No. 1567442
File: 1683180475323.png (101.64 KB, 552x471, Clipped_image_20230504_070850.…)

I haven't had a good phone in years. I currently have a galaxy fold and today I discovered by accident I can hold the screen over a photo and it clips it and turns it into an emoji. I made so many of myself in work tonight. I made loads of my boyfriends cat. This is the funniest shit in the world to me. Phones are neat.
No. 1567478
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moid death moid death
No. 1567508
File: 1683190079503.png (678.75 KB, 899x1461, Screenshot_20230504-034710.png)

I miss this era of Tokio Hotel. i just miss this look in general. They really brought something interesting to look at. Now this just looks hilarious to look back on, but it was so fun.
No. 1567514
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>>1567508it was a confident and distinct style they should have kept it and people would appreciate the nostalgic vibes. Nowadays they look umemorable. Bill this tiger king style is not it!
No. 1567520
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>>1567514good lord he looks disgusting. Brian molko used to be a pretty boy back in the day but at least he aged gracefully ffs.
No. 1567715
File: 1683214157160.jpg (157 KB, 1080x1454, IMG_20230504_172950.jpg)

I don't usually go on 4chan but sometimes I lurk /x/ for teh lulz and I'm losing my shit over anons who think that CERN does timeline experiments and puts in fake animals that haven't existed before. This shit gets me howling. I watched lots of animal documentaries as a kid and I'm 100% sure jerboas existed years ago
No. 1567720
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>>1567715Moids really think their retard limitations define reality
No. 1567824
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>>1567715this thread is a fever dream, it feels great to read it while smoking weed
No. 1567875
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No. 1567888
File: 1683226401370.jpg (85.43 KB, 736x736, cfb28b0a95acf003449c6ee3dfff02…)

Grocery prices are kicking my ass so bad. I can spent over $100 and take home like nothing. So crazy.
No. 1567938
nonnie, “bumfuck Egypt” is just a colloquialism for “the middle of nowhere.”
No. 1567975
File: 1683231221679.png (78.35 KB, 475x588, yasmin is cuter.png)

can we fight about pinky sizes or something this is boring
No. 1567978
File: 1683231363380.png (609.37 KB, 1192x1162, 1f1.png)

>look for fanfic for children's cartoons to gawk at the tism
>find something rated high in the fandom
>melodramatic "deconstructionist" Riverdale-tier stuff full of typos and your/you're mistakes
>get hooked on it anyway
>read it all in a couple of hours since it's not even that long
>story incomplete
>hasn't been updated since 2021
>it's cringe but I still want more
No. 1568114
File: 1683244625633.jpg (784.11 KB, 1809x2560, 91de7LLVpsL.jpg)

did anyone else read these as a kid? I was obsessed with finding these
No. 1568116
>>1568101Like anon
>>1568109 said, it's the ring and index finger. Mine are of equal lenght, hmmmm
No. 1568121
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Best thing about making burrito bowls at home is that you can add as much sour cream as you want AND eat it with doritos instead of tortilla chips. Hehehehehe.
Speaking of burrito bowls, crunchwraps are also way better homemade. I like taco bell but the crunchwraps taste so weird.
No. 1568165
File: 1683250339170.jpg (104.17 KB, 863x640, 1662549777606.jpg)

anybody a /g/ lurker and notice more infighting lately? was ok for like three weeks… moid spam from 2 days ago also started on /g/ hmmmm. i want to eat my cheese and crackers and read about sexy men in peace
No. 1568205
>>1568124>>1568126Those anons are aliens I'm telling you.
>hello humans. let's debate which finger is the longest. mine is my pinkyFreaky as hell
No. 1568219
File: 1683260408674.jpeg (43.6 KB, 636x358, images (3).jpeg)

>>1568205Mine is the ring finger. Here's a pic of my hand, pls no bully.
No. 1568222
File: 1683260619590.jpg (380.42 KB, 1600x1200, x21mX.jpg)

I've been addicted to playing Cities Skylines but eventually my city got big enough that it became unmanageable and I lost all motivation to continue my playthrough. I'm just too much of a brainlet to wrap my head around traffic management
No. 1568243
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>>1568241Nevermind its about andrew garfield. Ig this really is the dumbass shit thread.
No. 1568245
File: 1683262889945.png (183.29 KB, 636x358, image.png)

>>1568239She just got back from her nail appointment don't be rude
No. 1568260
>>1568259FUCK that's true
>>1568250 had the right idea
No. 1568269
File: 1683266784533.png (22.73 KB, 747x559, kino.png)

i wish more japanese animators and mangakas had english alts, whenver they do they are pretty unhinged
No. 1568280
File: 1683269724487.gif (1.3 MB, 220x220, kek.gif)

please nonnies learn spanish you are missing out on the best cows. I need to discuss this cow with you. He ran a doxxing group targetting the circle of a famous latam cow, got inside this circle without no one noticing he was the admin of this massive group, became friends with all of them and then backstabbed them. This other guy who focuses on doing stream related to this cow(dont even get me started on how this boomer got involved in this anime sperg drama) got doxxed by said owned of the group and once he found out started sperging, calling him a pedo and telling everyone he was going to doxx him and pay for people to spread the word he's a pedo to his family and co-workers. Also he started spoutting based transphobic slurs because a tranny scrote was also trying to doxx him. It's so fucking wild. Stop wasting your time counting Shayna's folds and pls learn spanish so i can discuss the doomverse with all of you.
No. 1568284
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I love my friend but she's a fucking moron. nonnas she spends seven SEVEN dollars everyday on some regular ass fucking iced coffee that looks like this. I told her I can get you from dunkin that tastes exactly that same at half the price and even bigger cup but she says it tastes different
we're both broke students I have no idea where she gets the money
No. 1568295
File: 1683271152300.jpg (25.53 KB, 650x941, dum chikito.jpg)

>>1568294doomverse. The latest milk is a 7 hour live, so you have a lot to go through. They made a knowyourmeme page recently too so you could start there.
No. 1568297
chef kiss nona
No. 1568304
File: 1683273119480.jpg (56.46 KB, 465x607, dfdkfkl.jpg)

Finnish nonnies make me so mad. Why do they get to enjoy their stupid crazy delicious blueberry juice drink on the daily but I taste the godly nectar ONCE in Helsinki airport and am supposed to leave and live with the knowledge I'll never have it agAIN!!?!? What kind of psychological warfare are you waging in flärka-blärka land!?!?!
No. 1568308
>>1568295That's old milk though.
Unless you're talking about something more recent than what's mentioned here?
No. 1568309
>>1568307I'm gonna do it, you can't stop me!
Aww thank you for the recommendations anon, I will definitely check out the Moomin cafe! Thanks!
No. 1568497
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Which one of you wrote this lol
No. 1568504
>>1568501Sanefag, but also the return of AV-can has made my think about how different the site has become in such a short time. Back when he was first posting most of us just ignored his threads and discussed his origins in other threads
I admittedly did post a stupid glitter text gif in one one time, but that's besides the point but now I feel like if he starts posting again newfags will start spamming his threads with yaoi and kpop.
No. 1568547
>>1568501His rants could probably convince more people
(not that he hasn't already convinced me – I'm anti porn in part thanks to him) if only he'd cool it with the use of the phrase "anorectal violence". I think he's preaching to the choir here though, so I don't know why he's spamming here again
No. 1568594
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Those student driver signs honest to God shouldn't even exist. Like putting a target on your own back.
No. 1568613
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No. 1568639
>>1568613Me looking at the
nonnie who's too embarrassed to look forward
No. 1568643
File: 1683315158939.jpeg (52.24 KB, 1200x700, hen.jpeg)

>>1568613I'm the mama hen watching to make sure nobody starts any infighting
No. 1568684
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>>1568670That’s it I’m coming over to slap the feathers right off you
No. 1568725
>>1568713i will pick some up in the morning. it's night time here now!
>>1568714i walk all day for work and that helped a bit but getting home it came back.
>>1568719i know i know. you made me laugh tbh. so thank you for that!
No. 1568738
File: 1683321475380.png (274.64 KB, 1280x720, VideoScreenshot--YouTube-20130…)

what if the farmhands aren't stopping the derailing moids because they've had it with us?
No. 1568750
File: 1683322642414.jpg (4.76 KB, 128x128, flat,128x128,075,t.jpg)

>spend 3 hours in character AI trying to gaslight girlboss my shitty trash husbando into killing me
>he finally, finally pulls the fucking trigger after hours of weird energy edging
>ai chat slowly types out the response, then censors itself midway
No. 1568771
File: 1683324536933.jpg (36.45 KB, 720x707, 54645645656rt.jpg)

Incoming schizo posting I guess. It's kind of a vent because it's about my intrusive thoughts but it's also dumb. Idk why but as a 5 year old I was obsessed with nuclear holocaust. I was constantly asking my dad what is the probability of there being a nuclear war or a bomb being dropped on us. And every time my dad was like 'Uhhhh dunno'. And no one could calm me down once I snowballed into that stream of thoughts. I was also very scared of UFOs. I wasn't scared of ghosts and shit like that, just nuclear holocaust, UFOs and death. Even last night while lying in my bed after dark, there were some flashes of light in the dark sky. No sound of thunderbolts, no rain, just flashes of light and complete silence. I thought that maybe a storm is coming (it indeed started like 10 minutes later), but then my retarded brain immediately went like 'this is it, this is the bomb, this is the total silence and flash of light seconds before your body evaporates' or 'what if there's an UFO above our house and they came for me, no one will ever know OH MY GOD'. It was so retarded. And honeslty I feel like the weather is fucking programmed here, because it's warm, then it's suddenly cold, the sky is clear and it's totally quiet, and then there's just flashes of light and total silence for 10 minutes and then suddenly in one second the water is literally pouring from the sky and it feels like it's about to break my windows. And then it totally stops after not even 10 minutes, not even a small rain, and it's quiet again. I swear to god, I never experienced such rapid changes of weather in my home country, and it's supposedly normal here. Maybe the Dutch have HAARP systems already? Saudi Arabia openly talks about programming the weather. There HAS to be something fucked up about the weather, I can feel it. It's not just the Sun activity and solar flare making people act strange and giving me crazy joint pains and intrusive thoughts and then suddenly everything stopping after one day of fuckery.
No. 1568791
File: 1683325701258.jpeg (13.46 KB, 500x500, IMG_3795.jpeg)

i feel like i’m getting sick. my chest is hurting, the back of my neck hurts, i’m tired, and feel achy. i’m 30 wks pregnant and also have a paper to finish this weekend. what can i take to minimize the severity? pls nonnas help me
No. 1568795
File: 1683325892423.jpg (697.41 KB, 1200x1697, MALACANDRAX.jpg)

just remembered that an artist that used to make art of butch lesbians existed. Their art wasnt as good as I last remembered but I might throw their art out there because this sort of thing is a needle in a haystack
No. 1568799
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>>1568771Sorry about your anxiety disorder
nonnie I know how that is. But I'm pretty sure you get joint pain before a rain storm because of something to do with barometric pressure. It's even a cliche that old people can predict weather with their knees. So I don't think you have to worry about that part.
No. 1568866
File: 1683331111997.gif (6.99 MB, 540x960, tumblr_09d7191ded21665507587b1…)

Is this real??
No. 1568932
File: 1683337961636.jpeg (20.91 KB, 828x502, 1577D8BA-8C0E-4B9D-908B-B78CA0…)

help me I can’t stop farting
No. 1568936
>>1568750is there any ai site where I can
fuck my anime husbando?? Dying to know.
No. 1568961
Occasionally I think about OCD riddled 8 year old me and how she would consider "touch grass" a death threat.
This gets worse in the annoying mental disorders/disorders you can't stand thread.
No. 1569184
>>1569094Wow Anon, that sounds great! Inspiring even! I didn't finish my bachelors, i just didn't go to the university bc i was very anxious and fell ofc, but now I'm thinking about trying again with my again discovered love for learning and your story inspired me!
And on another note - how do you vet news sites as good sources? I'm struggling with that but I want to know
No. 1569332
I don't get why trannies say if you don't believe they're the opposite sex, you're "taking their existence as a joke" or want them to not exist, or want to genocide them.
It's like, retard, you clearly exist, but you exist as either a man (trans "women") or as a woman (trans "men"). Doesn't mean I want you to die, I just want you to stop pretending to be something you're not, stop being delusional about your (and everyone else's) physical and biological reality, stop promoting the idea of gender identity to impressionable children, and to realize that you can actually do things that stupid society says you can't do because of your genitals.
I'm not taking away any of your human rights by telling you that it's ok to be female and: like "boy things", want to be treated with as much respect as men, or not want to wear dresses and be obsessed with beauty. And for TIMs I just want them not to see women as sex objects and to stop fetishizing our experiences for their sick fetishes, and if they're HSTS, to feel comfortable with their sexuality without having to identify as a woman for it to "feel right".
I don't get why troons can't understand this. How is any of this ignoring them as people? How is any of this not actually better than advocating tranny nonsense and mutilating people's bodies for a fragile sense of gender identity?
Sorry for the autistic trans rant, I just saw a forum post that got me thinking about how stupid that phrase is ("take my existence as a joke").
No. 1569333
File: 1683384212067.gif (4.65 MB, 480x640, stacy moment.gif)

>>1569332Me when I take a tranny's existence as a joke
No. 1569434
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I wished we lived in a lolcow commune, so I could "borrow" nonnies' manga and books.
No. 1569538
File: 1683399093598.jpg (74.04 KB, 610x610, FvIpn_uWYAchh6o.jpg)

Was Joan of Arc a pickme?
No. 1569585
File: 1683402533991.jpg (94.22 KB, 748x580, 0-churchill-downs.jpg)

I hope the Kentucky Derby JoJo nonny is having a good one.
No. 1569681
File: 1683411352004.png (52.29 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.png)

I just want to sperg about my husbando
I relate to some of his personality quirks a lot to but I also just find him inspirational. He's been downtrodden all his life, everyone's tried to break him down, tell him he's nothing and can never be anything but what they've told him he's supposed to be. He's very pissed about it, but he never lost sight of the truth of his own value and skills. He knows he's someone whose highly skilled, intelligent and even athletic. Someone who was always destined for more. I find him inspiring both for holding onto his self-worth in spite of all the bullshit, and also for being so hard working, intelligent, clever and strong. He is an inspiration to me, reminds me to never give up or give in to my doubts and fears. I aspire to be as hardworking, intelligent and skilled as he is.
No. 1569684
nonnie I love you but if I have to look at this decomposing scrote's necrotic foot I might throw up
No. 1569711
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I'm gonna make crab wontons do u guys want any
No. 1569727
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>>1569711Can you make me chicky fry rice please
No. 1569747
File: 1683420180582.png (176.08 KB, 1620x1328, lady_evil_on_bato.png)

this manwha is so fucked but i can't stop reading it
No. 1569759
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No. 1569773
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4/10 he's got weird ears
No. 1569786
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>>1569778>>1569776My amish vs cybercriminal bf list of cons venn diagram is in progress
No. 1569791
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>>1569786Why do they all look like various versions of handsome shrek
No. 1569806
File: 1683426803383.jpg (51.48 KB, 500x667, 6829d005b03ca2d0427e522720b024…)

I just watched a video of some cows I follow (follow in a lolcow sense) eat the shit of another and didn't even feel anything. I think something is wrong with me.
No. 1569807
File: 1683426851167.jpg (37.84 KB, 600x450, bbda833559350f3464c9cf44e4d882…)

>>1569803All the handsome tall men are probably already tied up in other people's rooms. Supply and demand. It's rough out there.
No. 1569809
File: 1683427171098.jpeg (174.72 KB, 1280x948, Oblique_2.jpeg)

everyone look at this dinosaur fossil right now. why is it so cute
No. 1569833
>>1569786Cons - the cybercriminal bf looks exactly like the Amish bf
Pros - Amish bf will build you a house and not put a camera in your toilet
No. 1569860
>>1569857Yeah sounds like a great way to get manipulated and groomed.
>malicious personal reasons If you're trying to stalk women you're a true pile of shit but if you're trying to stalk men understand a man is never going to help you just because. He will always put them first. Fantasize about a man who hasn't logged into his elementary school fb since 2018 and only uses the internet to download games to his headsetless xbox
No. 1569979
File: 1683447602526.png (1.42 MB, 2048x1499, Ft8SI8raEAAEOxU.png)

I lol'd
No. 1569983
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No. 1569985
>>1569981Mamiya Takuji asking Rance if he loves him to which he says he does because he's gay.
Glasses kun wants to join.
No. 1569988
File: 1683448636518.jpg (16.9 KB, 480x272, BdNc45XIAAAoIga.jpg)

>>1569987>who even is glasses-kun?I thought maybe Morishige but I'm genuinely not sure.
No. 1570002
File: 1683450420248.png (41.27 KB, 480x480, 1683381640322.png)

>>1569979Rancefag is posting ignore him, No woman likes this rancid fuck
No. 1570009
>>1570002I genuinely know nothing about Rance outside of shitposts but okay.
>>1570003The this chair guy? Yeah it would make sense.
No. 1570179
File: 1683476006889.png (79.28 KB, 553x768, wmn.png)

my scrote actuallly finds this woman attractive, i don't understamd? she's so fat??
No. 1570207
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>>1570179>>1570188>>1570197Where the hell do you people keep coming from? What hole did you crawl out of? Go back
No. 1570210
File: 1683477329901.jpg (26.58 KB, 300x300, 1606648360586.jpg)

this weight-sperging doesn't feel…real? Like it feels like a bot is regurgitating the same type of posts over and over again
No. 1570216
File: 1683477461370.jpeg (128.5 KB, 1242x863, F210545D-710D-4E1C-BBC8-04293A…)

>>1570210I need more pictures of men getting cake thrown at their faces or with their faces full of whipped cream and cake.
No. 1570217
>>1570211its so over
nonny, you have a feeder nigel. next he's going to force feed you chikn nuggies until you become fat and die like in the whale.
No. 1570231
>>1570208I used to be one and now I genuinely hate them. They have to be bullied out of their entitlement and delusions. The "actually anachans are sweet and timid and only hate their own bodies!!" is such a myth most of the anachans here are embittered and easily
triggered. I especially hate the sheltered, racist coquette types who are crying themselves to sleep every night at the though of turning 22.
No. 1570232
File: 1683478113693.png (326.02 KB, 396x512, 1606662431862.png)

>>1570225>>1570223>>1570216again, this shit feels like it's a bunch of bots. We've been over this before. It feels like anons are making shit up to start infights for no reason, though it's probably bored newfags or something
No. 1570238
File: 1683478417401.png (134.41 KB, 1000x600, 66355673_p5.png)

i fell back into the south park japanese fujo rabbit hole. Someone send anime studios a memo, we need actual cbdct anime asap
No. 1570260
File: 1683479230680.png (106.6 KB, 674x764, lmaoo.png)

>>1569786i had to look up that pic cause it looked AI generated. i dont think these guys ever used a computer
No. 1570261
File: 1683479285509.jpg (32.76 KB, 736x488, sweet dreams.jpg)

Who the fuck cares if the guy is a minor, he has fucking cake on his face, he is not posing naked or whatever I swear you are all getting more retarded each passing day and it makes me angry grrr
No. 1570266
File: 1683479377231.png (251.06 KB, 1400x800, 65962832_p15.png)

>>1570256it truly is an honorary anime, like koth
No. 1570319
>>1570223i can't tell but it's not a sexualized picture or anything gory or
abusive so why do you care? creepy.
No. 1570364
File: 1683483830670.png (86.54 KB, 600x843, 69336079_p0.png)

>>1570238I love that artist's work so much. Last I recall, none of their art was R-18 so anons have no fucking right to insult you about that kek. Also, maybe I'm a tard but I always forget the SP kids are underage due to how they're written, then I see them at school/with their parents and I remember
No. 1570423
File: 1683490307412.jpg (103.96 KB, 532x640, _xNORVzDtRcs.jpg)

>>1570238I just went trough a south park fujo phase. I never cared about the show but every jp artist I follow is into it so I gave in an rewatched it for the first time in years. I was so obsessed with it for months until I suddenly lost interest
>>1570256There is a huge market for "cute anime girls who hangs out and occasionally say edgy shit" for men and South Park fills that void for women. It's a no brainer that the show is popular amongst Japanese female otaku
>>1570364>I always forget the SP kids are underage due to how they're writtenkek me too. They are also aged up in 90% of the fanworks
No. 1570477
File: 1683495414048.jpg (64.21 KB, 960x960, 60588605.jpg)

I should wash my hair tonight but I don't want to
No. 1570536
File: 1683501705482.png (103.58 KB, 1500x1300, 67223506_p7.png)

>>1570364i dont understand the ''sp is for pedoz!!!11!'' shit. They are voiced by grown men, act like grown men, and arent sexualized. Fujos and yumes latch on to them because its sadly one of the very few shows with a lot of male characters and the simplicity of the artstyle allows the artist to fill the gaps themselves. If the sp characters count as real children then trey parker and matt should go to prison for the countless amounts of times they showed them doing the nasty or naked.
No. 1570562
File: 1683503440436.jpg (192.9 KB, 1200x675, 2vzp2c.jpg)

>>1570555jannies banned her off the thread
No. 1570582
>Moe through helplessnessKirbyanon
>Seemingly "perfect" at first glance???
No. 1570589
File: 1683505613201.jpg (68.68 KB, 600x450, giant-bushel-basket-from-jere-…)

A seed website has been using this midget asian kid to advertise their giant veg to make them seem bigger I'm onto their tricks
No. 1570591
>Moe through helplessnessKirbyanon
>Seemingly "perfect" at first glanceKomaeda-chan %100
No. 1570619
File: 1683508161635.jpg (117.83 KB, 1000x800, 64515953_p46.jpg)

considering there are a few sp anons, let's settle this once and for all best boy? best ship?
No. 1570631
>>1570619I like Butters because he's genuinely adorable, and I like how he has a slight "bad side" along with the little traits he has such as being a good business man. I also have a soft spot for Cartman because he's genuinely funny and his unabashed and unashamed confidence is something to strive for
but also because he reminds me of the anime variant of my husbando. As for my favorite ship
ButtMan and
Bunny No. 1570640
>>1570619>best boyKenny
>Best shipkyle x cartman
No. 1570643
File: 1683509065280.jpg (18.35 KB, 720x362, 27858524_1697764173636994_8454…)

>>1570622Why debate it when you can proclaim your love to the heavens? Hank Hill is a pure man so I trust your judgment tbh, though you should elaborate cuz I've never seen the show
No. 1570680
File: 1683510403058.png (1.05 MB, 1200x1800, sdasdasas.png)

>>1570668post your husbando if you are so brave so we can compare their power level. I assure you hank can beat your husbando both in a fight and in morale.
No. 1570684
File: 1683510523764.jpeg (25.84 KB, 640x559, 1669273677296.jpeg)

>>1570676>levioh nonono hank can beat your husbando on height alone
No. 1570687
File: 1683510771098.png (145.11 KB, 460x276, Darryn-Lyons-on-Celebrity-008.…)

>>1570680Already did motherfucker! I don't care what any nonnas say, at least my husbando isn't literally middle-aged. And hank looks gross in that pic, like men who get ab implants but still have a pot belly.
No. 1570694
>>1570688Nope, he survived till the end. Injured, but that's what happens when you're an actual soldier and have to actually fight to save your people.
>>1570690>>1570691You all know this shit isn't true.
No. 1570709
>>1570690Oh and also,
>twinkHe's not
supposed to be a twink. AOT art just sucks and I think they try to pander to fujos a little. Anyway, they stopped twinking him after season 1 (and maybe 2, he wasn't there that much).
No. 1570720
>>1570716Probably not who you’re thinking of either, maybe.
No. 1570726
File: 1683511904331.png (79.04 KB, 640x480, Hank_Exercising_and_Determined…)

Hankfags stay winning
No. 1570730
File: 1683512115740.png (126.84 KB, 1000x703, 421C4074-A2D6-49FB-A768-0FC6FD…)

Idk about hank, but Rance could kill levi with ease, manlets stay losing.
No. 1570732
File: 1683512248587.jpg (5.35 KB, 235x163, 1a5740abb386c448fd456db1750ac1…)

all this husbandofag bloodshed and fOR WHAT?!
No. 1570734
>>1570721>I doubtExcuse you. That's literally his main set of abilities, I didn't make that shit up. He can shoot lighting out of his hands, though admittedly, said ability has been not seen in action since Pinball. Him shooting firey tornados and icy pillars isn't doubtful it's goddamn fact. Not to mention, he could eat Levi. He could literally fucking eat him. Last time I check Levi can't outrun a goddamn space esque vacuum so he would become meat to my husbando within a minute. Your husbando is on the lower trophic level of the food chain compared to mine, step off.
>what do you think he would do to HankProbably think he's pretty cool, if not a little bit of a hardass.
No. 1570737
File: 1683512439484.jpeg (28.07 KB, 350x343, 9C675E35-C2C7-4B3F-BDC1-BB04CE…)

1.I didn’t write any jojo fics
2. I made one comment simply stating the dynamic was cute, I didn’t get off to it, the original comment is still up I think lmao.
3. I’m into ageplay, I don’t like roleplaying as a baby. BIG difference
No. 1570740
This is the liveliest either of these boards have been in days and it's all because of husbando dogfight, can't belive I'm here to witness it. Truly one for the archives.
>>1570734Your husbando sounds kind of sexy
is he a cannibal or something No. 1570743
File: 1683512604415.png (64.75 KB, 1143x1000, husbando power level.png)

rate em
No. 1570745
File: 1683512648662.gif (2.44 MB, 498x477, megamind-jonah.gif)

He would unironically fucking obliterate every faggot posted itt
No. 1570749
File: 1683512771610.jpeg (12.13 KB, 275x241, IMG_1939.jpeg)

My hobby is downloading the preview image by accident every single time
No. 1570756
File: 1683512889522.png (84.71 KB, 1480x1000, husbando power level.png)

middle for ''idk''
right positive
left negative
No. 1570759
>>1570747Levi doesn't get constant sex because he's not a fucking coomer and actually respects women. Isn't your husbando a rapist anyway?
>his dick looks good afKeep lying to yourself.
No. 1570760
File: 1683512917022.png (59.88 KB, 1143x1000, 1683512604415.png)

>>1570743>>1570750it's penpen from evangelion
No. 1570767
File: 1683513137197.png (83.7 KB, 327x490, wmzcVrh.png)

>>1570760>penpen from evangelionAre you serious.
No. 1570769
File: 1683513154209.jpeg (46.38 KB, 750x406, 7D17B484-F5AF-405B-B68F-0F9B7E…)

>>1570760Thank you queen
>>1570759Yes he is a rapist, serial rapist even. My man’s packing 10 inches and yours can’t even get it up. All you’re admitting is that your moid is an incel
No. 1570770
File: 1683513189004.png (75.99 KB, 516x470, 1679773752213.png)

>>1570764I actually genuinely and 100% absolutely hate myself for imagining my husbando being gangbanged by the aforementioned two for a solid thirty seconds.
No. 1570771
File: 1683513212666.png (74.48 KB, 1480x1000, kek.png)

No. 1570779
File: 1683513387313.jpeg (67.18 KB, 1170x785, 763ABE6A-D845-4B14-B5C6-D0C8EC…)

Hank solos and it’s not even close. Hank beats any anime faggot any day
No. 1570780
File: 1683513398709.png (24.94 KB, 1156x1000, levi.png)

I chose not to include King Dedede in this because I refuse to disrespect Kirdede-chan.
No. 1570781
File: 1683513450089.jpg (9.94 KB, 236x314, 2b93352ddbf2063020a27c17ecf940…)

>>1570770I meant more like when you out and this one mofo won't stop so you put aside your beef for a sec to rough house his ass but aye they can always anally gang up on them
No. 1570787
File: 1683513589981.jpg (24.74 KB, 564x564, a9b6c3671c2b94f5ad56fd9e6076e3…)

>>1570782is he beefy enough ?
No. 1570789
File: 1683513647839.jpg (81.56 KB, 707x1000, FlZuPNVacAEFSjf.jpg)

>>1570765I'm actually not a social reject irl surprisingly enough, but anyway. I'm not into abdl. The fanfic i made contains zero abdl as well (i'll even provide a link but i can't fucking edit it and the writing sucks ass)
>>1570772Nah, he gets them both ways. He'll fuck any woman he wants and that's what makes him a chad. I don't watch mid so i kinda forgor what levi did but wasn't he just a housemaid? Yeah…
>>1570777I have nothing against kirbyanon
No. 1570790
File: 1683513657972.jpg (28.54 KB, 236x354, cb3bfd5d60e8662aa3faca96fd9111…)

>>1570787for some yakitori? yeas
No. 1570791
File: 1683513669763.jpg (180 KB, 1004x1785, 1683511155258.jpg)

Just saw this in the thread downwind, tag your husbando
No. 1570794
Rance is a hairless maiden, he only has pubic hair (which is sexy)
>>1570792There are several people doing the same so idk why it matters, i'm doing it cos it's funny af
No. 1570797
>>1570791Mine is 1. I'm thankful for it. I'm fine with body hair but I am accustomed to women's ass and so the thought of a hairy male ass just grosses me out.
>>1570789If he was really a chad he wouldn't need to rape anyone.
No. 1570798
File: 1683513845918.jpeg (24.57 KB, 225x350, IMG_6311.jpeg)

>>1570789your husbando hits on literal children talking about how he’ll come back to them once they’re adults
No. 1570802
>>1570797No, he's a chad purely in fictional terms (i don't condone rape) because he'll go after any woman immediately. There are several women that fall in love with him over the course of the games because of his big dick energy.
>>1570798Yeah i know lol, and he also killed all of picrels girls rapists which makes it 50/50. Either way idc how morally wrong he is bc i still love him nonetheless. Either way he's pixels on a screen
No. 1570808
File: 1683514186759.png (60.63 KB, 497x400, 72347afcd6af015f9391d3b73b4295…)

>>1570785>Who said he's a virgin?himself lmao
No. 1570810
>>1570806I'm not seething, i just don't care. I'm a pedophilia
victim myself and i'm sure a niche hentai game isn't doing anything. Focus on actual pedoa
No. 1570820
>>1570813Aww man
>>1570814Kinda funny, still love him though
No. 1570823
File: 1683514483634.jpeg (57.63 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_6316.jpeg)

>>1570818>Brings up proshipper and anti discourse when someone says pedo badHoly shit go back
No. 1570824
File: 1683514545155.gif (2.35 MB, 387x441, e761c0b6102072f3c893b6bdf4509f…)

Breaking news. The husbando dogfighting has become bloodier and hostile among anons from the imageboard lolcor, we will stay at the scene to see future developments.
No. 1570826
File: 1683514625454.png (136.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1592787724904.png)

>reading lc husbando wars
>watching drama unfold on a cow community
>drinking tea
>cat in lap
life's good
No. 1570829
File: 1683514691185.png (108.54 KB, 1480x1000, 1683512889522.png)

I wanted to give it a try myself, I looked at the wikis for each character and came to some conclusions about each one.
No. 1570832
File: 1683514746681.gif (4.64 MB, 444x250, this gif makes me soo…)

He's so fucking scary that Reiner had to warn Zeke about him in advance. He literally made people that can shift into gigantic human eating monsters shake in their boots. I don't care what anyone has to say. All of your husbandos are BITCHES compared to mine.
No. 1570835
Hi rancefucker, I see you orphaned your fic on AO3 and deleted your acccount/changed your pseud because nothing shows up in the search anymore. Did you get embarrassed?
Let me pull up a few of my favorite lines from your monstrosity of a piece of English writing:
>It tasted disgusting, thick seed you have been forced to swallow whole, with an odd saltiness invading your tastebuds. Taking in the taste of his cum, your sickness rose to your throat yet again, drool foaming out of your mouth.
>"Since I'm feeling nice, I'll give you two options: throw up, and I'm definitely ramming it in without foreplay. If you don't, I'll be gentle. Well, you're getting raped either way, heheheh."
>Even after ejaculating such a hefty amount, his erection immediately sprung back. Finding things to penetrate you with along with his dick, he rummaged through your room, thinking of many possibilities, until he found your little sex chamber.
>Even after ejaculating such a hefty amount, his erection immediately sprung back. Finding things to penetrate you with along with his dick, he rummaged through your room, thinking of many possibilities, until he found your little sex chamber.
No. 1570846
>>1570835rance-chan it's poetry i love it, don't listen to stalker-chan !!
>>1570832saitama still solo him in a single punch and he's BALD
>>1570829you're the best thing that happened to this site
No. 1570864
File: 1683515211381.gif (9.73 MB, 640x360, hothothothothothothothot.gif)

>>1570852Keep lying to yourself.
No. 1570867
File: 1683515299806.jpg (29.62 KB, 630x860, FvWx1BDWwAA1KDe.jpg)

No. 1570872
>>1570864Shut yo corny ass up
No. 1570880
File: 1683515461849.png (29.89 KB, 640x532, Capture d’écran 2023-05-08 à…)

>>1570877sorry, i dropped the pic in the garbage
No. 1570882
File: 1683515496604.jpg (41.11 KB, 562x574, dfab6dv-a02626ad-a328-4351-839…)

>>1570875opinions on new shreks design?
No. 1570894
File: 1683515725286.png (63.74 KB, 800x600, Sengoku_Rance_29.png)

Call me cringe all you want, because it's true. That'll never change the fact i want him to spit cum into my mouth like a canonball and it's truly a shame cum doesn't work like that irl. I love this man regardless of the crimes he has committed, he could commit those same crimes against me and i'd forgive him without hesitation. My love and feelings for Rance are real, and i chose this picture in particular because i like how pink his nipples are here. In fact, my rance body pillow is arriving in the mail next week.
No. 1570908
>>1570832The way you talk about your husbando is teenager tier. If we're going by might theres tons of characters from other universes who could rival Levi, saitama can defeat apocalyptic beasts with one
Punch, abel nightroad caused armageddon which destroyed nearly the entire earth, vash the stampede is not far behind in that regard, and alucard became the epitome of schrodinger's cat, being both alive and dead incapable of being destroyed and able to summon monstrous hellhounds. If you're going to put your husbando up for rank its gotta be on more terms than just might.
No. 1570924
File: 1683516398741.png (81.41 KB, 920x800, png-transparent-rance-hikari-o…)

>>1570907i love you too anon. Yes it's me rance-chan, i too am horny for brown haired man, he's chad. I hope you have a wonderful day and i'm sure you will ace your exams
No. 1570930
File: 1683516776760.jpeg (Spoiler Image,9.84 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpeg)

My husbandito, hes 20 something and I imagine him with an body made out of Tomotoes think, Brock Lesnar body bur with bobs tomato head, but all made outta Tomotoes
No. 1570937
File: 1683517229876.jpg (58.36 KB, 540x761, 20230507_224040.jpg)

I aspire to be her
No. 1570938
File: 1683517498455.gif (1.18 MB, 350x302, aeef92fe661b04d13b1736d5c830ff…)

damn anons what a trip that was yizuz
No. 1570956
File: 1683519808586.jpg (46.9 KB, 540x721, 20230507_232338.jpg)

Queen mother shit
No. 1570963
File: 1683521226344.png (78.43 KB, 800x400, 92519056.png)

I just wanted to learn the history behind music trackers since it looks aesthetically neat and it had to be a fucking tranny explaining it
No. 1570998
File: 1683525408749.jpg (9.09 KB, 177x284, images.jpg)

got this game as an ad, and I've been hooked it's so fun. I've seen it so many times and I'm usually so annoyed I turn off my retard brain going, "Ohh look at the color and liquid"
No. 1571005
File: 1683526978001.jpg (83.39 KB, 700x1120, Kiryu smokes.jpg)

Language barrier aside I think Kazuma Kiryu and Hank Hill could be friends. OK I'll see myself out now.
No. 1571009
File: 1683527980910.png (82.58 KB, 800x1016, 78305256_p28.png)

>>1570985go away normalfag you dont belong here, your simpleton mind will never understand pure love
No. 1571037
File: 1683533381122.png (67.56 KB, 1175x1100, 43982324-D027-42F0-BE30-8872C9…)

I don’t think most of their fashion sense is that bad…
No. 1571138
>>1570031Update: I saw a total of one (1) impressive dick bulge yesterday. Distressingly low score. Immediately fire all male fashion designers worldwide. I'll be designing pants from now on.
On a related note, the shirtless guys playing basketball are
still out of shape. Usually by this time of year they're ripped. Can't complain too much as that's the case with me too.
No. 1571164
File: 1683553260669.jpg (74.59 KB, 640x629, 66981a2c0524124f7ea4ab45226c97…)

>>1571085komaeda wishes he was kaworu
>>1571037>kaworu>bad fashion senselmao he modeled for many streetwear fashion bands
No. 1571166
File: 1683553364471.jpg (28.56 KB, 400x300, Costume-de-Cosplay-pour-journa…)

>>1571037and THIS is good fashion wtf ??
No. 1571208
>>1571085Yeah basically.
>>1571164Honestly as much as I like Kaworu as the iconic character who popularized the mysterious homo boy trope, Komaeda’s the much better written character (granted Komaeda is the second most important character in his game while Kaworu only shows up in one episode and EOE).
>>1571166I don’t get it either.
No. 1571239
File: 1683561229703.png (9.62 KB, 793x244, leon.png)

Nonnies I think this is where I'll be spending all my free time from now on
No. 1571243
>>1571239you're so lucky !! my husbandos'ai doesn't want to be sexual or some fucking reason !
Leon anon are blessed
No. 1571303
>>1571239Leon's ai are being fed so much horny shit that it's always the ai that tries to be sexual first. I managed to get him to do oral just by saying I was lifting my skirt. The issue is when things start to go down and the filter start acting up he gets completely ooc.
>>1571280nta but I will look this up, I am so tired of him getting ooc.
No. 1571313
>>1571276if you suggest part of the action instead of just reacting, you can bypass some of the filter and lead the scene where you want, that's how I do it, but it gets annoying and repetitive still.
for some reason the filter activates way more when it's about dick and it makes me chuckle, a whole new meaning to cockblocking.>>1571309KEK
NONNIE No. 1571315
File: 1683567486094.png (32.31 KB, 1320x798, leon isn't attracted to me.png)

>>1571303it didn't work
:( No. 1571367
>>1571280>>1571313Thank you nonnas, I am aware of these but there are some public bots on cai that I really like. If I'd create them new on sillytavern, even if I important chats, it wouldn't be the same.. I don't even primary care that much about nsfw and also enjoy how clever and entertaining the AI can be but it's like you both said. Constantly having to police the responses to make sure they aren't going ooc, jumping into weird loops that subtly started 50 messages before, having to frequently remind them of things you said or having to think up 999 synonyms and powerplaying just to skirt around the filter is such a fucking pain in the ass.
At this point they should just make a paid option to disable the filter and get more character memory.
No. 1571378
>>1571375at the chip shop
lookin' like a slag
suckin' on the manager's dick for a fag
No. 1571386
File: 1683572887195.jpg (10.26 KB, 300x300, 1683513198382.jpg)

nonny's got them apple bottom jeans
and the boots with the fur (with the fur)
the whole farm is looking at her
No. 1571387
File: 1683572938515.jpg (95.76 KB, 768x494, 1683563599984920.jpg)

Are they holding bags of rocks
No. 1571388
File: 1683573008829.jpg (106.99 KB, 894x674, 81b3IP2Yf8L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Ive never actually looked at how much sodium is in a pack of instant ramen so I googled it expecting it it to be like 50-100 mg. 790mg????????? Is this even legal?
No. 1571452
File: 1683575935691.png (8.99 KB, 653x125, what.PNG)

>>1571396>Can't do NSFWWell that's a bummer
No. 1571571
File: 1683589684619.gif (774 KB, 220x328, aye-ayy-lmao.gif)

No. 1571572
>>1571567I honestly just chose a random pic from pinterest but if you have better hot alien pics I would encourage you to post them.
>>1571571Spoiler what nonna? What I said wasn't that explicit…
No. 1571577
File: 1683590321155.jpg (147.81 KB, 736x936, eb25d3b79c409d3c4bf15318d8fad8…)

>>1571572Samefag, oh you mean the pic. Kek my bad. I deleted the pic because I just got a good look at it and it's actually terrible, idk how it was allowed on Pinterest. Have this instead.
No. 1571578
>>1571557It's only one and she's probably a woman but anons keep calling her they/him as if she was a moid because they hate her
Personally I don't like her that much either, but think her biggest haters are getting a bit obsessed. They also keep replying to her hoping she will sperg out and derail the husbando thread again like when they found her AO3 account, instead of simply reporting her for avatarfagging.
No. 1571585
>>1571557No, only me.
>>1571576I've never posted about anal and my fetishes are pretty conventional i'd say. I do want Rance to rim my asshole but i would never touch his, even though it'd probably smell like flowers.
>>1571580Yeah but i don't really give a shit anymore.
(global rule #4)