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No. 1444294
As the new year approaches, it is fitting to commence the coming year with a clean slate. Come and confess your sins and begin anew.
Previous sins:
>>>/ot/1414378 No. 1444307
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I used to feel bad about not saying bless you after someone sneezed, and tried to get into the habit (but it always ended up being awkward because I missed the timing) but nowadays I don't because a lot of people get weirdly autistic about someone saying it, and that alone is annoying enough that they don't deserve to get blessed by me.
No. 1444405
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I shared a bed two nights in row with my guy friend and now the sentimentality I feel toward him is DISGUSTING.
No. 1444469
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miyazaki is a bad father and a bad husband, but I feel his seething hatred and desperate fear on an emotional level that I can't put words to, I feel so strongly that we must be experiencing emotions on the same frequency that we must be connected on a metaphysical level, or maybe not even metaphysical, maybe like whales singing, I think that human beings are connected like that
No. 1444918
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This new moid seems promising and seems to be fairly smart and interesting but if he doesn’t have my sense of humor I just can’t. I couldn’t date someone incredibly dumb but someone who can banter with me is much more important than just intelligence.
No. 1444987
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>>1444736You sound like a feeder fetishist. Gross.
No. 1445028
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I'm gonna sound like a complete retard but…
… there's something odd going on. I watch this streamer, and for the past 2-3 days that he's streamed, I've been chatting away like all the other idiots in the massive peanut gallery that is his chat. But a few times I wrote some pretty good jokes that he read out loud and laughed at (one in particular was a shocked laugh more than anything, I'm proud of that in an odd way). And then the last time he streamed a specific game, he was building something in sed game, and I just wrote, "I LIKE IT". He read that out loud in a specific tone and accent. The next time he streamed the game (1 day later), he'd keep repeating "I LIKE IT" in that same tone of voice. 1 day ago, he streamed some stupid videos and at one point, a hand flashes up on the screen, so I typed in "HIGH FIVE". He was all prepared to come up with a brilliant observation on the spot, like stalling for time… and then he made a high five joke. Motherfucker swiped my joke, but that's beside the point. I'm chained to my computer for 8 hours a day, so maybe I just need to get out more, but if not, then something funny is going on with this streamer and myself.
No. 1445267
>>1445248Nonna Im gonna be the swift kick in your ass you need. This dependency is idiotic to continue. You are blowing money to feed the addictions full circle instead of actually doing the work you need to do for your life. Coke? Really? You dont need it. The combo of stimulants and alcohol actually make you more depressed in the long run, considering the affects.
Sober up, get your shit together; and use all the money you're blowing on instant gratification on any self improvement. Is it therapy? Is it hiring a trainer? Is it moving out of a shitty place? I dont fucking know! But what i do know you’re blowing money on self destruction, and thats not cool.
Rooting for you nonna. Invest in your health and happiness instead and see what happens after a few months.
You got this anon, i promise.
No. 1445277
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I guess I haven’t washed my pussy thoroughly enough for long enough because I just took a shower and found a bunch of smegma buildup under my clitoral hood. Usually I’m good at removing it all between my labia minora but I haven’t checked my hood in a while.
No. 1445389
>>1445381yeah I get that. have a half logical, half fantastical brain and can never quite turn off that willingness to believe superstitions, i think it also comes from my family's culture partly. as soon as the holidays are over and I see this guy irl I plan on distancing myself from him and this whole situation entirely for my own mental well-being.
>>1445383she's not ur real friend if she was weird about your sexuality so no loss on your end
nonny. you'll find someone!!
No. 1445702
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>>1445567damn bitch sorry my love language is numbers
t. picrel
No. 1445731
>>1445702419???? I see that number all the time what does that mean. I love numbers glad I’m not alone. 1111 best number indeed
>>1445709My confession is yes I believe something is talking to me with numbers.
No. 1445760
>>1445717NTA but I do believe in spirits, but moreso ancestral spirits protecting us. Not so certain about the "guardian angels" like Gabriel that supposedly watch over us. My dad's parents died at a young age and I've always wanted to have connection with them because I never met them. I guess I do somewhat believe in signs from them too but I don't think it's just numbers but also electronics turning on with no explanation and objects falling out of nowhere. It happens sometimes when I talk out loud as if I'm being guided to go towards some idea/thought more.
I'm actually in a painfully logical field and am normally that way myself but I feel like deniers and atheists over-do it with trying to make fun of people who believe in something greater. It's such a depressing way to think and I feel like the majority of those people are just miserable. Idk what I really believe in regards to spirits but I even see some beauty in decomposing bodies returning to the earth to provide nutrients to plants and animals.
No. 1445813
>>1445782Thanks anon! Wishing good skin upon you always.
>>1445794Once you've used proper face moisturizer you'll realize how heavy and thick body lotion is and how unsuitable it feels for your face which has more delicate skin. It's also common for body lotion to have added fragrance which can irritate your face.
No. 1445815
>>1445771>I told her on Instagram about it and said that we only slept together like a week before they did when it was probably more like three weeks before this is barely even a white lie. you're not evil, it was completely fine.
also he was a rapist &
abusive? honestly you could do anything up to and including lethal self defense and it would be justified, nœnette. literally all you did was keep him from hurting that woman, you just got a little creative.
No. 1445823
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I recently became antiwork and while I feel very stupid for being it (I'm in my core a hard worker, but with ADHD and depression) I also know it's probably the best thing for my mental health in this modern world.
No. 1446010
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>>1445857For some reason I thought it was from the "three cats" but it's a completely different artstyle, so no idea
No. 1446018
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>>1445857Nvm, found it. Still no idea about the source though, it's always only posted in relation to this antiwork text
No. 1446047
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>>1446033ntyart but i don't think so, his cat's have a very distinct style, and a bit of weirdness to their faces. those cats look to cutesy and generic compared to picrel
No. 1446176
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>>1446047I love louis wain
No. 1446207
>>1446193Kek my thoughts exactly. If anon didn't make that post up for cool points, she needs mental help.
No. 1446233
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>>1446176>>1446181when I really hate the world and feel like it’s not worth living I remember this and want to cry because love really is the meaning of life (to me)
No. 1446393
>>1445836That sounds like the dream
nonnie. I wanted to fuck off from this shitass sOcIeTy since forever. Gardening in the middle of nowhere sounds nice. I will probably settle for a live-in-car if I can't marry a guy whom together we could purchase property.
No. 1446540
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Surreal soyjacks make me laugh, especially any variation of the Markiplier one.
No. 1446682
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>>1446649I'll be devil's advocate and encourage
>>1446669Oh same. I can usually get away with it due to them knowing I'm rural.
No. 1446738
recently a man approached me around my age (like 19) who was kind of a roadman type and the complete opposite of me, anyways i started talking to him at lunchtimes at my college,and one day he took me on his motorbike at a break and took me to the park and offered me weed, to preface this nonnies, i have no idea what weed was, i thought it was just a plant that makes you feel slightly giddy and relaxed, i took a drag of the joint and didn't feel anything but the man kept encouraging me to keep doing it again and again, i ended up inhaling it like 12 times.
then it fucking hit me, i felt like i was on psychdelics he started walking me down the path in the woods, but i felt like i was going around in circles and proceeded to just trauma dump on him, i had to go back to class and act normal i remember a guy asked me if i was ok and i just fucking giggled and went 'yeaahh' the week after that i went with the guy again and did the exact the same thing, it was horrible, and i knew he was tricking me, i knew i was stupid, i knew all this but i did it anyway, mind you he doesn't even talk to me anymore he had his fun.
everytime i see him i audibly cringe, im not sure why i did it in the first place its very humiliating and stooping extremely low, i feel like my isolation might be making me insane and desperate for any kind of interaction, even if negative
No. 1447000
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Whenever I see any type of raw beef I get a strange urge to just want to eat it. I really like rare steak too, but just seeing some succulent red meat makes me crave to eat it raw. Idk what this could be, I thought perhaps low iron but I eat a lot of red meat as it is and make sure my protein intake is high etc.
Picrel makes my stomach rumble just looking at it, it looks so squishy like I could just bite right into it and it would be full of tasty nutrients.
No. 1447055
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cyberstalking my crush, find out he has a son my age who’s kinda cute and developing full on relationship fantasies of this guy i have never met and thinking about him everyday for months now, sadly he’s not very online so i can’t stalk him too. woooo i am losing it girls! completely fucking gone and i am never coming back! i even wrote his full name out on a piece of paper and sleep with it under my pillow in an attempt to manifest meeting him i guess? i think i have brain damage
No. 1447102
>>1447081anon i am a turbo virgin, why do you think i have such fully fleshed out fantasies? nothing will ever happen i swear, i know for sure I’m not even his type.
>>1447096mostly talking about the son but i dream about fucking both. they’re both hot.
No. 1447106
>>1447102I'll pray for your wellbeing, please get help.
>>1447096It's worse Nona, she wants to fuck both, ew.
No. 1447138
>>1447130Oh no. Those poor men who have no idea that a random girl fantasizes about them. The horror. Lock me up.
>>1447113this poster is not me
No. 1447140
>>1447121>>1447130>t. deranged femcel>mentally ill whore>masturbating next to her parentsDo you know where you? You look lost newfag, go back to tiktok or whatever hellhole you migrated from.
>>1447131Not even the original anon, seen worse stuff on here with no one complaining except you. Go to /g/ and see all of your horrors there.
No. 1447156
>>1446541>hypersexualManslut confirmed then. I believe he was a
victim in the past but it's up to himself with a professional to straighten out the distortions in his thinking, not to pretend he's the prime example that 'women rape too!' within his hugbox full of pickmes and trannies. Yes, he is hypersexual, and so he should stop accusing the women he regretfucks in adulthood as 'rapists' or that they molested him. According to himself, three separate girlFRIENDS raped him when we were in our late teens. That does not add up. He refuses to get help and made excuses and non answers when I said if he was so desperate he should scrape the money from his jobs to pay for private therapy.
No. 1447167
>>1447159That's a friends and mine dogwhistle whenever someone's annoying us kek Just throwing a kiss
;* at the end of a sentence or post whenever we're talking to some annoying pos.
No. 1447177
nonnie I think trauma dumping him just saved your own life.
No. 1447488
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stayed at a moids (24yo) house and his parents dont let him have people over. had a coffee and cigarette this morning and was busting for the toilet but i wasnt allowed to because of his parents. im on my period so ive got period poo and cramps and the coffee+cig combo didnt help. i literally did the most earth shattering shit in my pants, i turned my pad into an adult diaper. i couldnt say anything but this mf ended up taking me to a public bathroom, i spent 15 minutes cleaning my shit up, i had to throw out my underwear and the poop was tw: full of carrots and 3d things and diarrhoea and it was so fucking foul.
i immediately got an uber home but now i am sitting in whatever poop i couldnt clean up down there and free bleeding in my favourite pants.
moral is, fuck men
No. 1447507
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>>1447488You need to reevaluate your life and the decisions that lead to . . . all that.
No. 1447519
>>1447495come on
nonnie dont act like you’ve never shat yourself before
>>1447515i did inform him and expected him to just take me to the toilet, instead he complained that his mother was angry at him for having me over.
i’m too bad at confrontation to just bust the door down and to my credit i had no idea what was coming sadge
No. 1447523
>>1447519You still brought this upon yourself,
No. 1448067
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>>1448050anon if you start to do this fetish outdoors. please be safe.
No. 1448147
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I love ordering food delivery and then not tipping or rating if it’s a moid.
No. 1448151
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>>1448147heh i do the same, i only tip if the person is a woman
No. 1448483
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>>1448226ayrt we don’t have ‘tipping culture’ here in the uk but food delivery apps will still try and guilt you into tipping a % beforehand but you can just click no, or if you’re feeling especially evil, tip a good % so the moids on his best behaviour and then you can take it away afterwards no questions asked.
No. 1448487
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Not a day goes by that I don't wonder about whether or not fruit is healthy or not.
No. 1448610
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Waiting in line at the T-Bell, three cars deep and the moid in the car in front of me started having am epic shitfit. Whipped out of line and started screaming at the drive through window. Flipping the bird, typical testicular tantrum. When I pulled up the sweet old lady looked pretty upset but still managed to smile. My weird ass decided to spout "Wow that guy was a bigger twat than the one between my legs, can I pay for his meal?" Poor woman was horrified twice in a row and the shame I feel is crippling.
No. 1448690
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>>1448614>>1448669Thank you for making me feel better, nonnies.
No. 1449676
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I have had a crush on Sonic since 2006
No. 1449760
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>>1449676Sally was my first crush
No. 1449844
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Even though my kind is dark haired men, I have a soft spot for blonde ones. There is this blonde guy at work who’s super sweet and I’m this close to eat him whole. Hopefully he’s taller than me cause it’ll be a turn off otherwise
No. 1449939
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My dad lives in the same country as me and I haven't saw him since I was 26 I'm 32 now. He blames his wife which he has been telling me for years he will leave. I use to let him tell me that and be like ugh what a bitch I love my dad, but every birthday and Christmas I get a moon pig card from my dad with some tripe in it about regrets etc but I have 10 or so cards like this. I'm sure the people at moon pig think we're the weirdest father and daughter combo. This is today's Christmas card. Also my brother is off to Russia with the Navy in the new year you'd think my dad would make a point to see him but nope. No harm dad but fuck your cards
No. 1449949
>>1449939My dad has very bad MS. He was a prolific womaniser and cheated on my mum to cope I think with his diagnosis which he hid from us all. He left the home when I was 10 but kept in my life until about 22 or so, I was always a daddy's girl. Over the past few years his wife has became more mental I don't she knew she was also being cheated on and she hates me and my brother because she can't have kids but she was my mother's good friend and knew my dad had kids so her shocked pikachu face is about effective as meghan merkle pretending she didn't know who the royal family is.
My dad is very selfish and very rich. He sends me money and he travels the world sometimes the cards will have photos of him visiting somewhere with people I've never met yet anytime I've asked to see him it would be too much hassle etc etc yet being disabled and travelling internationally isn't. I use to do some caregiving duties for him but his wife didn't like me around. They moved to a mansion and I've never been allowed to stay over I've only visited a handful of times. It's very odd. My dad also known locally for his business and I have to maintain a front that I see him etc because he would hate if he didn't have a perfect image. My mental health was fucked for a while but idk think when I turned 29 I pretty much figured he's an adult and can do what he wants some people don't even know their dad. Then when I turned 32 I figured I've prob saw my dad for the last time already
No. 1449993
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>>1449844It's funny you mention that, cause in my country that's the primary stereotype of light haired people(both men and women) that they are very very tall, my dad works a danish man and he gets described as a kosht ka pehad(mountain of meat) and he's just a 6'2 fit northern european man
and to an extent its true, people here are comparatively a little shorter here, like my younger brother has brown hair and is as tall as the average man here but we have to be careful cause people sometimes fetishize him cause of his features
No. 1450106
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>>1449879It’s from a game called « Wand of Fortune » !
>>1449929I work in a big city mall and he’s from another department so we didn’t stand next to each other yet
>>1449993I’m from France so light/dark hair doesn’t matter in terms of height. On the other hand I fully agree about Danish men, whenever I met one they were always really tall
No. 1450266
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When I was about 8 or 9 (no more than 10 but can't remember a specific age) I put E45 cream on my cat's back. I regretted it immediately because I realised it wouldn't wipe off and I got so panicked and upset that I thought I had hurt her but I was just goofing around - obviously I never ever intended to hurt her, it was one of those retarded things where it was like "why tf did I just do that". My mother put her in the bath later on when she came home and can't remember much after that.
The cat was quite sick for a while around a month(?) later and it turns out she had a stomach ulcer and they put her down.
I was so fucking upset at the time and kept looking under the bed just to hope I could see her alive again and apologise for putting this dumbass cream on her back for some fucking stupid reason and I would hope she would have forgived me because I was a fat retard at that age. She was a really old cat and her previous owner was a crackhead who didn't take care of her health properly, so I'm hoping she was just ill from old age, but I can't help but feel I accidentally killed my old cat. I'm in tears writing this kek I kek but I feel so bad, I wish I could see her again and say sorry and take back what I did.
I have my own cat now and I am so careful and kind with him as a result of this, I heavily monitor anything he's eating or anything I buy him to make sure he can't get sick from it. I've got pet insurance for him and buy him good quality food and treats. I have such massive guilt because I probably harmed an animal although it was never my intention, but I still did it and I didn't even know why. I was really retarded as a child but never went out my way to hurt any animals intentionally. I wish I could see her again and say sorry, I miss you Pepsi
No. 1450685
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im starting to fall back into extreme depression and disordered eating. im regularly in therapy, taking medication, and im in a way better place than i was the beginning of the year but i still feel awful. i dont know what else to do, im trying to use coping skills but my brain immediately goes into panic mode. why am i like this.
No. 1451430
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>>1451221I love that for you kek.
No. 1451675
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>>1451221Dump the fatty and get a skinny bf kek
No. 1451888
>>1450059> If you put three squares of toilet paper down on top of the water, it won't make a splash and will be much quieter.Be careful if you do this. I used to, and one time I had a particularly large poop. It was a few days before Christmas Eve exactly one year ago, so I had probably had more to eat than usual. The poop + toilet paper lining became too much and I clogged the toilet.
Me and my then bf were renting an apartment in an old house, in which there was one apartment next door and our landlords lived upstairs. I was too ashamed and embarassed to talk to my landlords about it. After some agonizing hours my poop finally passed through, but later when our next door neighbour, a delightful German migrant worker, was visiting, we started hearing gurgling noises and I realized my poop had clogged the pipes further down inside the wall. Me and my bf were both retarded and paralyzed by fear, so we pretended we had no idea what was going on. Our toilet was flushing properly again, so no harm done right?
A couple of days later water came up from our bathroom drain. Thankfully the apartment was in shit condition already and the bathroom floor was a bit collapsed, so all the water gathered into a pit. My bf is a pretty good lier and I was so ashamed I made him call our landlord pretending to be clueless. This was on a particularly rainy day, so we pretended to think the weather had something to do with the flooding. Our landlord had to call in an emergency plumber who took several hours to show up, meanwhile me and bf were desperately scooping water up from the floor into buckets. Bf was already in a bad mood before this happened. I cringe thinking back on this.
Finally the plumber arrived and landlord informed us he was going to insert a camera into the pipes. The thought of him seeing my poop was dreadful. Later the plumber vacuumed all the shit out. The entire job took several hours. Lucky for us the plumbing went down in the neighbouring apartment. The smell was so intense I can only imagine how it must have been for our neighbour. He was at home, but had to go outside because he couldn't stand it any longer. I could never look him in the eyes again knowing I had caused him such trauma. My bf would never let me live it down, but thankfully our relationship ended shortly after for unrelated reasons. Part of me hopes he thinks back on this once in a while as a funny story. Another part hopes he has other memories of me than his ex gf who had enourmous poops.
Moral of the story is be careful when using the toilet paper lining trick. Remember to flush before you wipe so you don't add even more toilet paper on top of the poop, and if you have a particularly big poop, shit it out serially and flush inbetween.
No. 1451902
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My ex and I have held into each other for years even though we both know the relationship would never work. I care about him and love him in a way but I’m not in love with him anymore. For a very long time I wanted him back even though logistically we would never work out. I got into another relationship where I felt the type of connection I had with him and those desires went away for him. Unfortunately that relationship ended as well and I’m back to square one just with another man. We keep a lifeline out for each other despite the fact we know it’ll never work and I don’t really want it to. We don’t even really talk that deeply or flirt, just memes and the occasionally ‘what’s going on with you?’. I don’t know why I’m like this and why he is either.
No. 1451973
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One of the edgier reasons why I don't want children is because I like feeling like I'm contributing a tiny bit to mankind dying out.
No. 1452383
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On two separate occasions I've seen nonnies talk about the FF thread and I went to the Final fantasy thread expecting some new post. Then I realize how dumb I am.
No. 1452413
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Sometimes I just have a MIGHTY need to love, I just want to hug my best friend, or most of my family members and hug them, tell them that I love them and give them lots of kisses on the cheek. Just hugging my dog and telling him that I love him isn't enough, I want to hug a real person that I care about and tell them that I love them.
I've always been like this tbh, I honestly have no regrets when it comes to expressing how much I love the people that I love because I just say it, which is ironically, probably part of my autism that always makes me say shit that I shouldn't probably say.
But this love I feel for people, animals and things is crushing, like I feel miserable sometimes because I would give my kidneys to this exclusive group of people without thinking, I would do anything for them even if I physically can't, it hurts so much.
No. 1452511
I fall for new waifus when I love myself, and fall for new husbandos when I hate myself.
Only realizing this trend because I'm growing to like a new husbando and already hate myself for it.>>1452413Nonnie you sound based. I hope you get lots of opportunities in your life to share your boundless love with others!
No. 1452571
>>1452560Probably don’t have any stds
nonnie you probably would’ve or your partners showed symptoms by now. Always good to get checked even just once a year.
No. 1452609
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>>1452587kek I figured it out, it's the friend finder thread, but I wished we had more active final fantasy nonnies here
No. 1452657
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>>1452580To my great shame, I've gotten into Jarlaxle ever since my friend introduced him as an NPC to our DnD game. He's a popular character and has cute fanart outside of his official art, which is new and fun because most of my series faves are more obscure. Really need to stop falling for actually evil flirty assholes but it's so hard when they're 2D.
>>1452589I'm sure you can do it nonna!
No. 1452786
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>>1452657>based Jarlaxle nonna I was really into Zaknafein for a while.
No. 1452873
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this is something that's been bothering me for a while and it's pretty petty but i want to get it off my chest. there's this kid i know online, he's 16 or so, and he used to talk to me sometimes about films. he seemed smart and it was nice to discuss films sometimes, but then i realised he was going through all my favourites and rating them high too. and i noticed that the things i'd said about certain films, he would include in his reviews while barely rewording it. and whenever i'd have a change of opinion about a film, he'd copy that too. it gave me weird vibes especially because other people started taking notice and making jokes about us being exactly the same. he also started following my other online friends on letterboxd, who don't know him and who he's never talked to himself. it all annoys me quite a bit, but he's a kid and he's really polite and nice, so i'd feel bad making it clear i don't really want to interact with him anymore. i'm really fucking irritated tbh, more than i should be considering i'm an adult and he's a kid. i don't really know what to do. he might have gotten the hint now because he doesn't try to get my attention much now, i hope it stays that way. it's annoying because whenever i add a film to my watchlist he goes out of his way to watch it, too. just weird overall, i hate knowing my activity is being followed by someone who's gonna go out of their way to copy it.
No. 1453031
nonnie. Love yourself. Have a hot drink instead.
No. 1453454
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>>1452880>I was always made to play the shittiest characters when I was playing at school with other girls >like Alex from Totally Spiesshut your goddamn mouth
No. 1453590
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>>1453467kek. poor Tecna.
it's so true though. No. 1453595
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>>1453544I like vidya so much and almost never find other women to play with. I like stuff like Red Dead 2, World war Zombie army 4, RE5, Don't starve, The Forest etc… Any fun co-op gunner games or crafting survival. I just want lady gamer friends!!
No. 1453616
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ever since I drew this picture in my sketchbook it makes me feel uneasy when I have to flip by it. I don’t like removing pages from my sketchbooks because I’m OCD about it but I just ripped this one out and threw it away. I feel weird about it because I drew the thing turning to look at me. Like I drew this thing of immense suffering into existence and it hates me for it and hates me doubly for throwing it away when it inconvenienced me. It didn’t even help because now I just notice the spot where it used to be in the sketchbook and it’s even scarier. The stupid thing is the image isn’t even that scary but I think it reminds me of how I drew it after imagining what it was like to burn to death after watching like 12 wildfire documentaries so it’s almost like it’s a vessel for everyone who has died and maybe that’s why I’m scared of it. I’m sorry.
No. 1453619
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>>1452880This just made me think of something! I used to bring my Flower Fairies of the Summer poem book to school with me and have my friends pick out which fairies they would be and secretly get upset if they chose the ones that I liked. Picrel I'd like to be this one please, nonnies..
No. 1453624
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>>1453619I loved those books so much, the drawings are so beautiful. I had the Winter book, I always saw myself as the Spindle Berry fairy because I looked really similar as a kid. My sister was the Snowdrop fairy.
No. 1453631
>>1453606Not only did he break your shit before leaving for work. He left without even trying to apologize. I've been with my wife 13 years next April and I would never let an argument linger. It's the worst thing to leave on anger, dont apologize until hours later and then just go about your day at work.
No man is ever worth staying with who has rage and communication problems. Leave him.
No. 1454292
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I still want to fuck the work scrote
No. 1454381
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I want to fuck a work scrote
No. 1454399
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I don't know what she's about but she is cute and I think this everytime I pass her thread
No. 1454444
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I am so happy my ex is a balding piece of shit. He looks like a dying cancer patient and he’s not even 30 yet. I wanna post his picture so badly so y’all can see how bad it is. I thought his momma was exaggerating that he’d lose most of his hair by the age of 25.
I’m just so giddy about it and wish I could laugh at him with more people.
He cheated on me with a fatty and it fucked me up for awhile.
He’s engaged to another fatty but my god does he look like smeagle. He’s emaciated and balded so horribly that he smashed into the wall face first.
I remember when we were dating he still had hair and was cute as fuck but Jesus Christ I dodged a bullet. I know it sounds like cope but I’m glad he cheated on me. His bpd balding ass would’ve been miserable to keep loving.
No. 1454828
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for christmas all i want is a dream in which i do very inappropriate things to her. amen
No. 1454973
>>1454868It isnt your fault. Sugar is the ultimate dopamine reward. It is leftover from our evolutionary past. It sucks. Sugar is so so hard to quit and esp if you are in the states it is in literally everything you eat that isnt made 100% from scratch in your own kitchen. It isnt fair that you gotta deal with regulating this by yourself. Good luck
nonnie I am also a sugar addict. Quitting smoking and caffiene were easier for me.
No. 1455317
>>1454906Fat white women. I’m black and the opposite. It’s one of my biggest insecurities. I feel less than white women even if they’re ugly and fat.
I think I was just in experiment or fluke because he hasn’t touched any slim black women since.
No. 1455414
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As a teenager I was autistically obsessed with original Jesus Christ Superstar album from 1970, and then with the musical version with Tim Minchin as Judas. Despite being an atheist back then, I was bawling my eyes out every time I listened to the album or watched the musical, and I did it every week, also I memorized all the lyrics and I was singing Judas parts and self inserting as him while walking around in my room. The movie adaptation from 1973 was also great, but the original 1970 album and the Tim Minchin version will always be closest to my heart
No. 1455418
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Zoolander made me attracted to Owen Wilson even though he's kinda ugly
No. 1455434
>>1455317Don't feel less than anyone
nonny, beyond your choice to date a limp-dicked balding piece of shit.
No. 1455444
>>1455391I feel like he wouldn't shed that much as long as he's regularly brushed.
>>1455316I don't mind a little nickolodeon slime.
No. 1455539
>>1455263Why do men do this? I swear to God men can't handle being around kids without being a creep. I worked in fast food for my first job which is obviously mostly teen girls and middle aged men and these fuckers are so disgusting. Some moid who has multiple baby moms and is working at fast food in his 40s got a teenager pregnant then had the nerve to complain about her boobs at work, in general there was a ton of old creepy men flirting with young girls. I'm only 25 and the thought of being with even a 19 yr old disgusts me, idk how men are okay with dating actual underage teens
Also it's funny when they use the "appearance" excuse because they constantly complain about teenage girls acne, chubby bodies, underdeveloped breasts, bad hygiene, etc. Why even bother getting arrested if you aren't even attracted to the girl in the first place?
No. 1455766
>>1455732Same here nonna.
I started emdr therapy a couple months ago. My therapistsaid offhand that as I progress I will feel I inhabit the body of a woman and not a child/teen ans see myself as a trustworthy adult who is bound no more to correct or comfort my parents and their mistakes. It was odd, because I had never told her how (I too am almost 30) I feel in my head anywhere between 14 and 20 years old, never a 'woman' and definitely not an adult. Something I realized after that is this- I had bad relationship with
abusive upbringing and perpetually self parented so I ended up 'stuck' subconciously looking for some 'real' parents or parental figure that I could be a completely vulnerable child with, and so my mind doesnt match my body because my inner self felt the need to be have a strong parent in order to grow up, since that didnt happen, I 'never' did.
Working on it now. Still not exactly 'over' it but I am at least aware.
Do you have some trauma in your past?
No. 1455837
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i lurk in the friend finder thread, never add anyone or post but if an anon sounds cute and interesting and is a similar age to me i sometimes like to imagine us hitting it off and dating
No. 1455839
>>1455455I like the way you think
No. 1455974
>>1455766Ayrt and not that I can think of, I had a delayed puberty and I skipped a grade in grade school so I was always the youngest and smallest until high school and I must have internalized that, I got bullied a bit but not enough to have PTSD.
>>1455769I don't plan on getting married or even be in any kind of relationship, and these are considered staples in adult life. I'm not a neet either, I have a decent job, I pay my taxes and I even own my place, so why can't I consider myself an adult woman?
>>1455855Early 20s is a weird moment in your life, but like you I've felt like an overgrown teenager since I turned 19. Therapy is probably a good idea like the other anons mentioned.
No. 1456274
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I think Elon Musk is cute in his unique retarded dorky way. He looks so insecure and goofy. The clumsier and cringe he is, the more I want to bully him and fuck with. This is my darkest secret please be kind.
No. 1456296
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>>1456277>>1456279Nonas, imagine film it admitting he's dumb as a brick and ugly as hell, crying and begging for your love and then beating him. Wouldn't you like to be his openly
abusive gf, publicly humiliate it and achieving the destruction of his shitty persona ? I would love to do that. Also I would starve him to stop him being a fat turd. Hmmmm. Sorry for my broken english.
No. 1457090
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I have never meet a person in my life who doesn't drink water. I'm convinced that the "I don't like the taste of water" person is made up by people who wanna feel special for doing something so mundane as drinking water
No. 1457153
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I kind of want to fuck Seccom Masada-sensei.
No. 1457178
>>1457167kek fuck off, why you coming in like this in the confessions thread?
>>1457172there's been some asshole leaving one-liners all over ot and g. it's some bitter anon or moid trolling.
No. 1457398
>>1457235I'm told I'm funny, but I don't feel like it helps much. There's being an adorable and lovable class clown and there's being the reversed standoffish person who is very good at suddenly saying something out of left field.
>>1457394Yeah, it's more likely to happen that some scrote will repeat your joke, but louder and get all the praise for it. Plus a lot of people will laugh at scrotes just for the sake of it.
No. 1457557
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I've been playing Sims 2 for close to twenty years but I still haven't played any supernatural creature for more than a single 20 minute long session.
No. 1457673
Never told a soul this story.
It's going to the grave.
I was 22, I was lonely and lost and dated a guy who ended up lying about his age just so I could get somewhere to live. But he was too serious, wanted me to work with him, get married, go to Chile with his business project. He could tell I was unsure I guess so he got me pregnant. I asked for plan B or an abortion but he wouldn't come with me to get it, in his country you need to see a doctor for it, it's not at the pharmacy. I relied on him entirely, I had no job and no money. Eventually he sent me back home with money for it, we kept in touch while I took the pills. We video called through that. Eventually contact stopped since I essentially broke up with him, therefore housing and money stopped. I had gone back to my parents house but they were always abusive and I had no opportunities there, I thought I would take a break and go to my nonnas house but she is really mean, didn't understand I needed a break because none if them knew what happened, they would probably kill me. She tries to get me locked up in an asylum for being a little depressed so I found a couch, bought a ticket, and ran off to the city to try to find work and make money. Never spoke to that bitch again. See my family isn't even poor, they have money, but they are so stingy and controlling and neglectful that the only way to have funds is to do exactly what they want. And mind you I never did what they wanted
No. 1457675
I go to the city and staying on peoples couches, it's just all really shitty, I really need moneu and do whatever gigs I can. I did a bunch of research studies. I worked as a masseuse, dangerous as fuck but it actually turned out fine and I got good money dealing with rich assholes wanting a massage but hey, and then the weirdest thing was me thinking I need to do adult work to get consistent good money but I am scared and too proud for it. I tried this weird strip club place, let me tell you it was really weird, I worked a day and quit. It looks like a bar, guys come in and mingle with girls. You can get drinks, the bartender has code words to give you non alcoholic drinks, the men don't know. You get one to go behind the curtain and it's another room with a bunch of chair booths, and all the girls strip down and dance, mostly lapdance these men. They can't touch your no no zone, and this shit is how you make money. I was way too awkward for this but I have a good body so I pulled it off somehow, played charades with one guy, I bet he thought it was weird as hell.
Next gig was a foot fetish place…
No. 1457678
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I'm so attracted to him
No. 1457680
This place basically has couches in an open room to mingle, you are not nude but skimpy, and you are paid to let men touch your feet. Yes, really. The girls are laying on the couch on their phones while a dude plays with their feet. If you go to a back room, which a security checks and it's just a curtain room, you get private time with the dude and a box of tissues. And they just touch and kiss your feet, jerk off, and in 20 mins you are 100 dollars richer. The men are awkward too, you have to approach them nicely and softly because their like meek little mice. You end up chatting with other girls.
And so I quit that after a day because it felt so weird I was afraid the police would raid this place. And because you stand around in heels trying to coerce men with a bunch of other girls looking for that cash too.
Guys this isn't even half my life story, this is like 5%, I doubt you want to hear the other 95% but I have been through it. And I need to get this shit all of my chest already.
No. 1457692
>>1457680>>1457675>>1457673Wild. Glad you got it off your chest.
>>1457678Me too.
No. 1457696
>>1457688They were extremely
abusive along with my older sibling. I have a panic disorder from that, took years to even understand the trauma. At least I learned to recognize it and manage it, I am doing so much better. I was dating a man 32 years old, he said he was 26 at the time we met, it's not a huge difference but a lie nonetheless. I was in a foreign country with little options, I was studying abroad and working and just didn't have a means to survive. I mean surely you wouldn't choose to be homeless would you? You wouldn't find somewhere to stay that wasn't the street? I was also a bit broken about losing someone I actually loved. I think my motivations back then were out of heartache. I did less than a three days of adult work which did not include any sex, you kinda left out the legitimate work I did do which leads me to believe you don't have much to say for yourself. Btw you have no idea how many thousands of girls do this on the daily, and do a lot more than I did. But thanks for reading
No. 1457950
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I feel like I really love Jesus, but not in a romantic or friendly or familial way, it's way deeper and more pure, I love him autistically strong. I can't really explain it but it's an extremely autistically strong feeling. Growing up I was an atheist and then I discovered some less traditional interpretations of christianity and developed a more intimate, outside of church, relationship with it. I don't even pray like a normal person, I just talk to him like he's my invisible friend and I don't care if it's cringe. I wish all of you could feel it. Oh nonnies I just hope I can meet him one day
No. 1458040
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I dont hate trans people,tbh idc about them at all. Live your truth,right? But i still read through every MTF thread just because some of the freaks displayed are really funny but sometimes i feel bad about it because i live in a really liberal place and teasing ANYONE who identifies as trans regardless of their ridiculousness is basically illegal. Its so fucking dumb.
No. 1458096
>>1458093sleep deprivation is one of the things that can rly
trigger psychosis, take good care of your health nonna. also don't feel too embarrassed when talking to your psych, they've heard it all (and worse) before, + it's their job to help you out so. intrusive thoughts are a bitch, just remember that your brain is just bored and edgy and thinks of the most extra things for no real reason at all. thoughts are just that, thoughts.
have you tried meditating before sleep? or just doing 2-4 or 3-6 breaths? that can help your body (and hopefully your brain) settle you down before sleep. wishing you the best!
No. 1458857
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I ship them
No. 1458950
>>1458757Yes, similar issue. I was going to mention that as well, but didn't want to make my post too long kek. I wish someone could tick every single box that I have, be perfect, but I know that isn't realistic. I need to work on extending patience as well. I hyperfocus on the wrong too, even if it's a little 5%, but I'm trying not to do that. No one is going to be 100% perfect or what I want, just close. He cares about me, which is what matters, and I care for him.
Unrelated, but I can see why some polyamorous people do what they do, and have multiple partners with the desirable trait that they want. I would never do this because it's stupid and I want to commit to one person, but I get it.
>Hopefully this was somewhat insightful for youYes, thank you nonna. It helps knowing I'm not the only one with struggles or thoughts like this.
No. 1459058
>>1458828no worries! tbh if your psych's reaction is to prescribe more meds, they're kinda bad. medication is just a tool, and should always go together with proper therapy. if they don't provide you the tools, i'd recommend looking up metacognitive training, it's something that helped me back when i wasn't doing as well/had a lot of delusional thinking. it's a long process, so remember to be kind to yourself.
good luck nonna!
No. 1459363
>>1459337Nta but it's not about being embarrassed, it's about how the bf lied and is being stingy.
Anyway you know the drill anon, dump him.
No. 1459409
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My coworker left her Amazon account logged in on one of the computers at work. I creeped on all of her stuff and saw that her abusive girlfriend’s payment details were on her account. I ordered £70 worth of mayonnaise in a grocery delivery to their house on her girlfriend’s debit card.
I don’t know why I did it. What the fuck is wrong with me
No. 1459442
>>1459428I didn’t even think about that but knowing the GF this isn’t the kind of thing that
triggers her raging BPD, hers is more to do with abandonment.
I’m not afraid. I hate my job and have no future prospects. Most people think I’m an angel at work so even if they suspect me, I don’t think they’ll say anything.
No. 1459602
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I screencap literally every single fanfic I read because I'm tired of people deleting shit for no reason. Same with youtube videos (but downloading instead of capping)
No. 1459746
>>1459742it's like a math problem I can't solve to figure out why you think that.
although I also can't figure out why she thinks lc would hate her… because she chose a relationship with a man even though she's bi? but she wouldn't be the first nonna to do that.
No. 1460407
>>1460394>but he genuinely isn't ugly (sob)in lolcor this means he's ugly enough to give her friends random aesophagal reflux and make random people vomit, and she'll resent her very being and life for decades to come whilst chasing complete self-destruction just to evade acknowledgement of disgust. once she wakes up from this stupidity, that is.
because it does look like one of the milder cases.
No. 1460435
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>>1460398>New to this siteHow did you get here? If you're from tiktok or tumblr, may I politely ask you to leave? thank you and have a wonderful day.
No. 1460462
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>>1460398My honest reaction to your opinion
No. 1460463
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>>1460398reminder this is the kind of people who want to take over this website
No. 1460479
>>1460473It's not coping, I've just never seen any anons say that. At least not on /ot/ or /g/. Most anons know and talk about how we have a influx of new users, and how the site is changing and getting more popular. I personally don't mind new users as long as they adhere to the culture and aren't annoying (but a lot are).
No. 1460486
>>1460481I don't think I've ever seen lolcow being talked about outside of similar sites as much as I have within like the past year or two. Anyway I think you misunderstood my post because I said that newfags shit up the site. I'm just saying that most farmers agree that the new users suck and no one really says stuff like whatever this is
>>1460470 where we have to accept them.
No. 1460566
>>1460429It's always one person isn't it
>>1460435was looking for somewhere to write without needing to sign up or do captchas, and share cat photos at times, there are very few places you don't need to have an account
>>1460462I don't know this means but those are something. Thank you
No. 1460588
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>>1460566>and share cat photos at timesYou can still do that just integrate silly bean
No. 1460708
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Hit me a few weeks ago that I'm almost 30 and I'm not dealing to well. I guess I just feel really lost in life, still not finished with my degree, no relationship (not that I want one rn, but ppl are starting to ask..).
I feel like I got nothing to show.
And since seeing the first wrinkles appear I'm spiraling.
It sounds super shallow I know, but I was never a pretty girl and beeing "cute" was all I had going for me and now it's all slowly fading…
I'm just a mess rn, how do you deal with aging and expections fellow nonnas ?
No. 1461596
>>1461586Are you gaining weight in a short period of time? The best thing you can do for yourself is to treat the underlying cause ASAP if so; stretch marks fade and everyone's bodies and minds accumulate blemishes as they grow older and have negative experiences, but best to try and stop the damage before it gets worse.
t. went through the same thing years ago
No. 1461641
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i like furries and a furry character was my bisexual awakening as a child, but no one must know, and i still abide by the tradition of kicking a furry every november 27th
No. 1461690
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I got this add and I'm tearing up because I'm in a bad mood and feel targeted
No. 1461998
>>1461941Why hasnt he moved out yet,
No. 1462065
>>1461511haven't been there since i emailed my bf. hope you find someone
>>1461569nta but we swore to not tell anyone we met on 4chan. that's going to our graves. i'm just confessing here because i don't understand how the worst guys i ever met were from irl, but i meet someone from 4chan and it's fairytale, taylor swift relationship.
No. 1462170
>>1462070we are in an LDR, but we live fairly close to each other that i can drive for a morning and spend the weekend with him, or vice versa. i hope to close that distance when i move in with him later this fall.
he is someone you would not expect to be on 4chan, or really anything related to a computer/the internet. just imagine your typical redneck farmer that's been through hell, and that's him. he's quite intelligent. at one point he had a job offer from microsoft for a six figure job, but he declined it as he did not want to live there. he could be working in a much better job, in a nicer place; he just doesn't want to leave where he's grown up. that, and he wants to farm.
it's hard to describe what he's like because i just end up gushing about him nonstop. he is very caring and protective of me, but pushes me to be a stronger person. he understands the terms and conditions of me, so to speak, and doesn't let my quirks bother him so much. if anything, he just wants to hold me, say sorry that all these people have hurt me, and nobody will hurt me again. he has a lot of hobbies. right now he's learning his fourth language. he cares deeply for his community and recently joined a committee to volunteer for projects. he is expanding his baking skills.
if anything, we get each other. we don't really need to explain anything to each other. we have a lot of over lapping interests, our personalities are similar. the only thing i would say that sticks out is our age gap. he is a decade older than i am. i'm no spring chicken, but it does cause me concern later down the line. i don't want to be alone as he is more likely to go first in old age.
he has a lovely smile. in the photos he sent me he never smiled, but around me he cannot stop. we always laugh together. i don't feel like an object, he makes me feel like a person.
i'm rambling at this point, sorry for the blogging.
No. 1462191
>>1462089If you own the house, just give him a deadline to move out. Tell him that you are tired of having a roommate and want to live by yourself.
If you don't own it, get buddy, buddy with landlord and ask them not to renew his lease.
No. 1462215
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i'm considering going full on pedo-panderer and pedo-baiting simply because i'm horn e and normal men don't like me.
inb4 just masturbate. i've been doing that up until now and i'm 22. i'm frustrated and horn e for a moid that feels lust towards me. i hope whatever these feelings and thoughts are go away soon enough.
No. 1462319
>>1462223I think people can do whatever they want, get plastic surgery not my problem not my business. I think it's a waste of money but whatever. but now it's sold as a health thing or a medical necessity when it's not.
like… some anachans wanna kill themselves when they look in the mirror but no one is teaching them how to maintain the lowest BMI for as long as possible with lifelong medical support. they get sent to fucking therapy.
No. 1462326
>>1462316also about that pedo.
i got a glimpse into what it feels like to have a guy strongly sexually desire you like i see most men express towards other more "womanly" women and
i guess i secretly liked it No. 1462474
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Hiro Hamada still makes my heart flutter. The movie came out when I was 13 but I never outgrew my crush on him and I pretend he aged up but barely changed in appearance
No. 1462509
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I love
No. 1462943
>>1462170This sounds extremely similar to a guy I met and dated from 4chan. Sounded too good to be true. Don’t wanna open that can of worms but long story short, it was indeed too good to be true.
Hope you have a fairytale ending though! but if there are red flags, don’t rationalize them.
No. 1463596
>>1462738yeah, leans that way. he also really hates big corporations and will go out of his way to support locally owned businesses. one of the times he visited me, i took him to a target for the first time and he HATED it.
>>1462834thank you
nonnie. you are too sweet.
>>1462868it's something that's been on the both of our minds. part of the reason he was hesitant to date anyone was that they would have to live out in the country. he sees it as a duty to take over his family's farm as they've been farmers since they came over to america. he has siblings, but they don't really care/have an interest. they're more of the stereotypical shitty scrotes. he's accepted that he can't really live elsewhere, but also doesn't mind too much? if that makes sense. one thing that weighs heavy on my mind is his family. they're nice, but the kind to overstep boundaries, like inviting themselves over a house. i'm not really into that, while he kind of accepts it. i feel like i'll be the first one to tell his parents a hard "no" on certain things.
it's going to be a challenge for sure. it will be difficult, and there are many conversations that will happen because of me moving. you did not instiage, but i think i will have another talk with him. we can get caught up in the lovey dovey stuff.
>>1462943my last relationship taught me a lot. if anything happens, i'm out. i do not tolerate shit.
No. 1464459
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i am deeply if not nearly solely attracted to mediterranean people or those who have those origins ( which is to say italian americans and by extension ethnically jewish people ). my ex was syrian and no one as far as i've seen could hold a candle to her beauty besides only two particular famous women which are different races from one another but that's different since i won't ever see them in real life so they're practically fictional but there have been ones that have come close and i've just now realized the point in common is that they've all been mediterranean. white looking mediterraneans not counted as they don't have that "dark and handsome" charm, and phenotype kek
No. 1465105
nonnie, im average weight but fat women are awesome. inb4 fatness is unhealthy!!!1!!!1 i do not need someone to be healthy or able bodied to admire and appreciate their presence in my life
No. 1465132
>>1464159Did…did I write this post? I’m so horny, and especially on my days off of work all throughout the day a little sexual fantasy will pop up and I just stop what I’m doing and let it play out lol.
>the thought of being seen naked or having a man actually touch me makes me want to scream Yeah whenever I think about actually trying to seriously be with a guy I think I would just have a panic attack and cry, I’m way too self conscious about my body. A guy I didn’t like asked me out and I turned him down, but it got me thinking about what I would do if a guy I actually liked asked me out and I would probably reject him too because I’m just too nervous.
No. 1465382
>>1465379>>1465335not really related but me and my sister were doing that thing where you take the last song you listened to and put "in my ass" after it. she mentioned it worked particularly well with disney songs (a whole new world, can you feel the love tonight, hellfire) and I mentioned Mr Brownstone. my sister said Mr Brownstone sounded like it could be a turd, so now every time I hear Mr Brownstone I think of it being a giant turd.
I need to grow up too.
No. 1465547
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My ex dumped me twice but each time acted like he immediately regretted it. Like he’d say he needed to be alone and then get really sad when I physically tried to leave. I talked him off the ledge the first time but the second break up I just walked away. Went completely MIA and then sent him a ‘no hard feelings’ text more for me than for him. He was super receptive and happy to hear from me and we ended up having a few more in person closure talks about what happened which eventually culminated in me going to a house party of his. We were both very fucked up but we didn’t do anything regretful, just had fun as “friends”. Had a phone call the day after asking him much harder questions and basically what he told me is that he was afraid of getting hurt again and I diplomatically told him that he was being stupid and he could’ve talked to me instead of all this drama. We agreed we needed space for the time being but in a massive grey area. Didn’t talk at all for two months until he sent a Happy New Year text at 10:30 at night (kek) and I responded and get nothing in return. I texted him yesterday for some small talk and we caught up a bit and he said we should talk again soon. Long story short I want to be with him but I’m retarted
No. 1465567
>>1465503I agree with you but I think there are many factors to why the average woman doesn't orgasm from piv. Mostly what
>>1465527 says, also that most men skip foreplay, only last a few minutes, mindlessly jackhammer, and probably just assume that the woman came because he did.
No. 1465657
>>1465503I love PIV and orgasm from it. I think a lot the "advice" regarding PIV on lolcow is well intended, but imo it goes too far when people start proclaiming PIV is just something straight women suffer through for the sake of their moid lol. I'm genuinely sorry for those who only have had this experience, but not all women are the same. PIV can feel bad and painful even, but so can other sex acts. I've read so many posts from women who struggle to orgasm in general with their partner, whether it's PIV, oral, using hands and so on. On a related note, I was groomed into the whole sex positive schpiel when I was younger, but matured out of it once I learned more and had some bad experiences. I think the anons who say women as a whole can't enjoy PIV are on the opposite end of that extreme. I consider myself a feminist and would forego sex for issues I care about, e.g. if abortion was banned in my country, but it doesn't mean I don't genuinely enjoy PIV and have a sex drive.
For women who are curious about PIV, I used to get myself off by vaginal penetration before becoming sexually active, you can totally try it on your own and see if it's for you. I recommend using your fingers for better precision, but maybe it's just because that's how I started out.
No. 1465704
>I have never seen any nonnies literally deny other anons the act of pivI see it fairly often on lolcow, and those are the posts I'm referring to. Might be someone trolling, but it's not helpful for the anons who are genuinely curious about it.
No. 1465709
>>1465657>would forego sex for issues I care about, e.g. if abortion was banned in my country, but it doesn't mean I don't genuinely enjoy PIVDiff anon but this affected me in a big way. I lived in a country with no abortion up until I was 30, then it was made legal here for the first time. Of course people immediately started trying to take it away again. I never want kids and I know I would've been in an absolute state of panic if other measures ever failed me. It would've sent me over the edge as someone who already struggles with other issues. I have friends who got pregnant on various forms of BC and I've watched how their lives played out after that. I'd a decade of dating and feeling like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Being made out to be the bad guy for not sucking up the risk more. But then my friends had it worse off for having taken that risk and lost with entire life altering consequences despite them being careful.
I like penetration, as in toys. But I have all this left over baggage and these negative associations now with sex itself.
No. 1465802
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I really fucking love the song Little Dark Age, I listen to it on repeat on YouTube and think about the history of the world and our future and myself as this tiny being in the midst of all of it and it all just feels so overwhelming and cool. It feels like watching the world from an outsider's perspective, being detached from all the news, from everything on earth, all of the time that's passed. It makes me feel like a part of history and a spectator of it. I know it's the TikTok meme music but it makes me feel a way that few other songs do. It feels like the beginning and the end, the dawn of everything and the apocalypse. Like the birth of creation and The Last Judgement. Something about it reaches me so intensely. It's a perfect song for the current time, the mess that we live in. The amount of awareness we have of the past, the confusion it gives us about the future. It makes me want to chase the sunset, climb up until I reach the clouds, swim until I touch the edge of the world…
No. 1466104
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I love my friends but god some of them are so fat and ugly I'm kind of embarrassed being seen with them in public. One of them also always smells bad no matter how many times she showers. I usually don't even notice but I checked some pictures of us recently because I was saving them on my computer in case something happens to my phone and I had this realization very suddenly. You know how there were studies (supposedly, I haven't read them myself) proving that on average fat people are automatically perceived as more stupid than average? I wonder if people also thinks that about me just by association when they see us hanging out together. I also noticed I'm way more likely to be approached alone or with other people than when I'm with these friends.
No. 1466147
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>>1466104Wtf, I genuinely cannot imagine being embarrassed because of how your (female) friends look. If they were super loud or attention grabbing in public spaces, I could understand it, but why care about something like looks? Pretty cringe.
With scrotes it's a different story, I would feel kind of embarrassed being seen hanging out with a super fat ugly moid in public.
No. 1466153
>>1466147>I genuinely cannot imagine being embarrassed because of how your (female) friends lookI guess that's why I'm posting in that thread specifically. I don't really get it either because it was a very sudden and recent reaction. I usually don't pay attention to that so I'm confused myself.
>If they were super loud or attention grabbing in public spaces, I could understand itSometimes they are, but that's not what the post is about so I didn't feel the need to mention it. I don't have male friends, I have way better shit to do with my free time. At the very most I have a few male coworkers I don't mind talking to during lunch break.
No. 1466176
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My bf probably isn’t the best person to be with but my god the dick makes it worth it
No. 1466199
>>1466104I know what you mean anon. Looks don't equal personality, but you want to look and be associated with people that look presentable and care about their appearance. While the majority of ourselves don't take care of ourselves as we should, it's not as obvious as it is for obese people because they're obviously obese.
One of my morbidly obese friends was extremely loud and she dressed like white trash so she called attention to herself and our group which was embarrassing. I hate when people yell and be obnoxious in public regardless, but her obesity, shitty style, and loudness really sealed into a stereotype I'd prefer not to have had been associated with.
No. 1466207
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>>1444294I'm addicted to cuckquean porn. I'm lesbian and was anti, pornography, and men, and fat women. Until I got cheated on by my girlfriend. She snapped me multiple videos of having sex with very muscular man that she was talking to. It hurt really bad and I barely could speak to her. After blocking, I tried to deny it for a while, then while pursuing activism turned into a downward spiral of orientation-play, and a rape play fetish. (I think there's some science talking about your greatest fears/trauma manefesting as a fetish). I'm not attracted to men per-se, but to replicate the sheer shock and horror I felt when she went against her orrientation to cheat on me. I feel so disgusting, but it's the only way to numb and heal the pain of what's happened. It feels so wrong to be forced see men steal our girlfriends but they'll always be stronger than girls. I need to get over my fear. Is there any way for women to overpower men and defend ourselves? I want a new wave of radical feminism where our movements wouldn't be stifiled by physical prowess. Surely if the troons can castrate themselves to our level, using the same logic, we'd be able to go toe to toe with men? I just want an all women world where we'd be safe from thousands of years of tourture. It's gotten to the brink of suicidal thoughts for me. We need to get rid of men before they take more women from us.
No. 1466240
>>1466236I think that's the issue, is you consider it something that you 'let' happen. In reality, there was probably nothing you could do. If someone wants to cheat on you, you can't really stop them. Honestly, it sounds like your old gf was really
toxic to you. Just some food for thought.
No. 1466401
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I think of this meme whenever I feel insecure about the size of my boobs
No. 1466442
nonnie. I don't know what to say. For radfem, I think it needs violence to be understood. Although we're outnumbered I feel like we should find out a sutble way of communication and organization to help arm ourselves. At this point I want liberation then revenge.
No. 1466453
>>1466442thank u. violence and rage is all we need honestly u are right. and… hope u heal
ur wounds soon ♥
No. 1466551
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I live to play Yakuza 0 atm. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep I’m playing Yakuza 0. I’m so in love with both Kiryu and Majima. I would wish they were real but they wouldn’t be interested in a fat socially retarded NEET. I fantasise about them spit roasting me kek. Sometimes Nishiki is there
No. 1467025
>>1466596That's great anon. I'm glad you're putting your energy to other things.
>>1466601Everytime I felt bad I didn't hold it in at all and spoke about it to my friends. My friends were super supportive and I did everything I had to do. I didn't do anything crazy act dumb , get drunk, I just felt the worst of the emotions, joined a gym etc. It was hard but I managed to do it.
No. 1467100
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>>1466889Pretty much was in the same situation and honestly I don’t regret it at all, my life has drastically improved since and I now I have a bf I legit love and care for. Probably would’ve got the same results as just breaking up tho tbh but oh well kek.
No. 1467107
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I legitimately believe in the Larry conspiracy theory (Harry and Louis from One Direction are/we're in a secret romantic relationship). It started with me lurking and laughing at a retarded fandom and they ended up convincing me, wtf.
No. 1467137
>>1466889I mean alot of the time people get caught cheating and then they beg for forgiveness, insist they love their partner and they want to work it out etc.. to me THAT never made much sense. You took that gamble for a reason. Because you didn't care in the first place. At least thats consistant with your actions.
I'd an ex cheat and not show remorse. We'd had issues before that. Should've broken up sooner tbh. Even as the 'injured party' I still feel like I had a lesson to learn there. To leave sooner. Not to cling to already failing relationships til things reach that extreme before I finally leave.
No. 1467185
>>1467137Same anon. Me and you both learned to leave sooner
…… . I am grateful for the lesson and genuinely glad I don't want her cheating ass anymore.
No. 1467505
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I'm pretty sure my aunt's husband was a nonce. Luckily he's dead now and he was a creepy fat scrote in general so even if he wasn't a nonce he was still really strange. When I was 14 and at some family event he came up to me with a weird smile and said "I've got loads of photos of you that you'd be embarrassed to see" like what the fuck does that even mean? Even at age 14 and being a massive pickme/naive to scrote ways I was still incredibly creeped out by that and just didn't know what to say. My stomach turned and I never found out what he meant by that but that side of the family is insanely fucked up anyway - serious mental health issues, cousin committing suicide because my dumbass aunt always chose abusive scrotes to marry, the list goes on.
When I came back to my hometown post-uni his son also started messaging me a lot and literally flirting with me even though we were literally cousins. I tried telling my mother about it but she laughed at me even though I said I was creeped out by it as he only lived a few minutes away and worked at the nearby Co-Op. I never went into that shop again because I was genuinely terrified of him after that and this was way before I even peaked on how moids are.
Honestly, I think the entirety of my mother's side of the family is completely fucked up tbh. I bet there is some dark stuff I don't know about.
No. 1467526
>>1467361>>1467170I was first introduced to Larry through the cursed YouTube shorts algorithm. The dedicated subreddit is pretty cringe and as well as having "proof". don't believe the baby is a fake doll, but it does appear that the baby's mother is a friend of Louis Tomlinson's and they never really fully dated. So it doesn't seem totally crazy that he's either covering up for her or that he benefits by seeming more straight due to supposedly having a child with a woman.
No. 1467538
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My boyfriend showed me some pics of him when he was younger and I lowkey wish he still looked like that (he's grown his hair out and gained a lot of muscle mass since). He's attractive to me regardless but now I crave for him to go back to his nerdy little twinky form because that's literally my type.
No. 1467553
>>1466716to be fair haircuts and clothes don't affect health unless it's unwashed
t. cozy sweatpants and pjs enjoyer
No. 1467589
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I really love these silly shoes.
No. 1467601
>>1467540This is me af, my ex’s visual peak was in high school. Then he stopped wearing his retainer, playing sports, and started dressing worse for whatever reason. I felt bad thinking that my ex looked so handsome and then thinking afterwards “what happened” KEK.
Fortunately I cannot relate at all!
No. 1467980
>>1467904>>1467900thank you so much, I'm going tommorrow and I cannot describe the amount of aniexty I have.
I will be honest, I'm having thoughts of killing myself and it comforts me so I don't have to do it. But I NOT planning on harming myselfIt's just such a small thing I should've done years ago. Instead, I've been living off my single mom, depressed, fat and not feeling at all capable of doing anything. Then I feel shitty for talking about cows because a lot of them are 200% more capable then me. I think it's a huge step for me. Like okay, I do this and I'll be happy and can finally live. My hopes is by the end of this year I can say, "I spent 19-28 being a hermit fat ass whose scared of everything, yeah I'm ugly and what not, but I'm living my life and taking care of myself"
I know it's pathethic but these words mean so much to me.
No. 1468113
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I looked for a post I made on here, so I googled and a few keywords, and I'm four pages in but still remember the context of pretty much every other post I see in the page previews. I'm not sure if I'm ashamed or amazed, but I think it's both.
No. 1468120
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Actually I like being an adult. The real problem is that I'm a trainwreck at adulting. Arrested development from a social + health disability as well as actually being repulsively ugly.
When I achieve something, solve a problem, somehow manage to connect to someone, etc, it's pure euphoria. I wish I was born as someone else; someone more intelligent, savvy, creative, charismatic, because it'd be so much more fun, because then it'd be like my limitations aren't me.
No. 1468349
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I giggled when I saw the raid with the autistic Joshua Moon is a kiddy diddler spam in the catalog.
No. 1468414
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my toxic trait is looking at designer clothes online knowing damn well i can't afford it and wouldn't buy it even if i had the money because it seems so wasteful, promising myself to learn to sew so i can have nice clothes, buying a sewing machine and still having yet to use it and then never planning a time to harness my skills. If i had all the money in the world i would probably just wear stuff like picrel but so much of it is so fucking expensive it and never gets duped and when it does it's fucking ugly or they get rid of the fun frumpiness that makes it cute in the first place to make it palatable for normies.
No. 1468454
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>>1468414what's the point of dressing like you've stolen a 7 yr old's school uniform?
No. 1468476
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You know what's really pathetic to admit? I still enjoying browsing TVtropes for random trivia. It's fun.
No. 1468545
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I literatslept on picrel scissors. Like I have to get up and keave the house I'm nervous because I'm agoraphobia, ugly and fat, I was cutting something on my bed yesterday afternoon. I got up this morning and was like, "what's thos hard things under my pillow?".
Literally scissors. I'm thankful I didn't cut myself or poke a eye out wtf
No. 1469029
>>1469025Knowing it's a robot is significantly better to me then it being some equally cringe person as myself. The embarrassment is just me being realistic that it is indeed cringe for me to do it.
>>1469027look up character ai, for research of course.
No. 1469455
>>1469330Seasons 1-3 are actually funny and entertaining but everything after that is pretty bad. I still watch it hoping that it'll get good again.
>>1469445My friend gave me a R&M t shirt as a souvenir but I never wear it for that exact reason (also it's really ugly).
No. 1469548
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Neither of my cats has a name. I never got into the habit of talking to animals, not even as a child, because it's not like they understand me, I just meow at them plenty. The cats we used to have when I was a child officially had names, but my parents only ever called them beast, monster or Cat at random, so after some time I started to call them cat or beast-chan or monster-kun, too. My parents talk to animals though, so idg what their problem with the names their adorable five year old daugther thought up back then was. Sometimes I worry people will think my cats are unloved, and the fact that this assumption was affirmed that one time I asked on here makes it only worse, so I'm thinking of giving them names I'll use whenever I talk to other people and just keep call them cat when it's just the three of us. Cookie and Chili or something I guess.
No. 1469593
>>1469579The power scrotes have been granted in the form of physical might allows them to distance themselves from their own human vulnerability, believing themselves as generally invulnerable or at least able to defend themselves most of the time, unable to understand what it feels like to be a "
victim" once they hit adulthood. When that delusion is broken, they're able to access parts of themselves they wouldn't otherwise (Not condoning rape, just a thought)
No. 1469666
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Aside from better general health, I think my biggest motivator to lose all the weight again is my sex life. My libido is as high as ever, but I don't feel confident in my body anymore and my flexibility and stamina is also worse. Do I want to fit cute clothes again? Yes. But I want to be lifted up and ride it endlessly first and foremost.
No. 1469730
>>1469720Same. I'll watch it if I randomly switch past it on TV and it's just starting, like I did with Titanic
i ended up liking it tbh, The Truman Show, Forest Gump or Benjamin Button, but I won't ever seek the movies out by myself.
No. 1469732
>>1469666omg i feel literally the same way
nonny lol. maybe because an actual potential fling is on the horizon for me and it's been WAYYY too long for me that is the bigger motivator, cuz usually I just want to be hot for myself and look good in my outfits so i feel like i can dress up again. technically i am near my low weight but very "skinny fat" so i mainly need to tone up and maybe get outside more/ get more beauty sleep/ up the skincare and self care regimen etc. it sucks that the priority now is def to look cute for a stupid crush that i am h-word for but if the end result is me being in my hot era then fuck it i'll take any motivator i can get. GOOD LUCK
NONNY No. 1469774
>>1469732Thanks anon, we're both going to get to the body we want.
>>1469750I don't want to "look hot for men", necessarily, though. This is a confession for me because I wouldn't go out there admitting that I am losing weight so I can feel better when getting railed. I'm also engaged, so I don't care how other men see me and my fiance and I do have sex just fine, it's just that I wanna be more comfortable/feel better and also take it a step further.
I guess when people say they wanna lose weight to be hot they kinda imply they want more sex, but I guess most people brush it off or think it's to look good to other women as well.
No. 1470219
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I infiltrated a Discord server full of Tiktok/Roblox/stan twitter/Shein teens. I'm 25 and use the server to larp as a teenager and age regress. It relieves stress and makes me forget.
>pic rel, me being a quirky teen, um chile anyway i- oop etc
No. 1470577
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>lack motivation and energy to study or do any household chores, work on assignments for uni and my job, keep up with administrative tasks or answer emails
>mountain of physical mess as well as unfinished work grows too large and daunting to properly think about where to even start to fix it
>let shit build up until anxiety becomes unbearable
>snort an absolute shitload of stimulants
>in a frenzied state spend a day doing just enough work to take the immediate panic away
>rinse and repeat
I hate living like this, I know I could save myself a lot of stress by doing things differently and the drug fix only works like 50% of the time anyway, so why do I keep doing this to myself
No. 1471050
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when I first got Facebook as a teenager one of the first people I looked up was Dan wright from big cook little cook (picrel)
No. 1471210
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As a non sex haver, I am currently studying what happens during Sex using a03, and my goodness do I feel both terrified and enlightened.
No. 1471307
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I've masturbated to the thought of Prince Harry and William fucking. I didn't feel too bad about it afterwards because I hate the royal family.
No. 1471811
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I want a gangbang with Kaz, Big Boss and Ocelot so bad
No. 1471818
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>>1471811I want to fuck OG Boss so bad.
No. 1471832
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>>1471818The og Boss was too pure for sex with someone like me… I would devote my life to her though. I don't like her design in the pachinko game, she just looks like any woman in her 40s and they made her smaller. In the original she's much more beautiful and androgynous and strong
No. 1472303
>>1471785Are you kidding me? People here are constantly posting about being stacies. For example look at this post
>>1472122>Successful women signal that they have very high confidence and moids have to work to even breathe the same air as them. I look very regular but I give off confidence and I put myself first in everything I do. I know conventionally attractive moids try to say "omg you are beautiful" and they expect me to fall for them instantly. I had one of those guys in one of my classes. I would ignore him, never tried to make myself pretty for him, or respond to his flirtations. Somehow he found my instagram and tried to talk. When I say I look regular, I mean it. I never style my hair or exercise that often, I wear jeans and a loose fitting top. That's it. I knew he wanted an easy lay or attention, but I did not care. He was hot but Idgaf. I've never had a guy go after me like this before. She's definitely a stacey and every time I ready posts like this I get depressed because it shows how inadequate I am in comparison
No. 1472315
>>1472303But nonna even said herself that she looks regular, the secret is in her attitude.
You can be that Stacey nonna. dgaf and live your best life, stacyhood shall follow.
No. 1472328
i genuinely believe i'm too autistic to be around other people face-to-face. i cannot handle being actively observed, or real time conversations. i'm diagnosed, i go to therapy, i take meds, i regularly go out. it solves nothing, i will always feel like i simply do not belong. i don't think i'm built to be around other people, or a majority non-autistic society i guess. i don't feel bothered by this either, by feeling so strongly othered by people. i don't crave companionship, most friendships feel like work to maintain, relationships even more so, even though i know i'm capable of loving and loving a lot, to boot. it's a shame.
when i get older, i imagine myself becoming a lone wolf overall-wearing butch that lives in the mountains with farm animals, but mostly a big pack of dogs. maybe i'll meet a nice lady along the way who gets how distant i need to be to feel like myself still, and will love me despite that. idk where i'm going with this i'm a bit tipsy. i hope you all are having a better night than me.
No. 1472337
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im obsessed and horny for both agents of the x files shoot me
No. 1472345
>>1472337i 100% get it but at the same time mulder is such an asshole to scully at times for no reason, it makes it hard to like him.
also i'll never forget
the time scully got abducted and used for alien experiments for a few episodes and mulder uses the time she's absent as an excuse to have sex with some random vampire woman he literally just metscully >>>>>>>> mulder
No. 1472399
>>1472379Well, what do you like about yourself? It could be literally anything big or small as long as it makes you feel good about being you.
I try to list what I like about myself whenever I don't feel confident because it reminds me why I should be in the first place. Sometimes when I do this it also brings up things I don't like about myself, which I can sort into categories:
>1. What I can change - Becomes what I do/don't want to changeThis gives me a sense of control over myself. If I don't like something, I can do something about it. That feeling is empowering. Sometimes deciding how to fix a "flaw" makes me realize that I like the flaw better than the solution. That can also be empowering!
>3. What I can't changeKnowing this makes it easier to not fuss about what I can't fix. Acceptance doesn't come easy, but it's healthier than endless self-critique.
>>1472388I can't speak for others but my early life was mostly critique and social isolation because I'm a literal mega-autist. Validation came from myself first and then validation from others followed. Do people just get confidence from other people praising them? That's really cool!
No. 1472421
>>1472405I did a lot of local theater and similar performance roles before my health went kaput. Even amateur programs like community theater and kid camps won't give a leading role to someone they feel sorry for unless that person can actually carry the performance. I also did mock trial in my school's extracurricular program and was assigned witness for both years.
Don't know if this counts as opening doors, but more often than not when I'm out with friends, at least one of them will point out that a rando tried to flirt with me and laugh about how I didn't notice until they said something. Unless my entire friend group including nigel is lying to me for fun, I'd like to trust that they're being legitimate.
No. 1472471
>>1472399nta but what are you supposed to do if you don't like literally anything about yourself
>Validation came from myself firstthat doesn't really make sense to me but maybe i just don't understand
No. 1472511
>>1472471Nta but I started from the physical part of myself. I would think of the things that I like of myself and look at myself in the mirror, then I would focus only on those things, and I would just feel better because even if I'm not perfect, I have nice things.
Then you can think of other things, for example, if you can speak another language, or understand it, if you can read something that not everyone else understands, or if you can read something that others think is boring but you enjoy it. That's a good thing too.
And my confession is that in order to have "outside" validation
I would look up anime porn comics and look for tags that could describe me, and I would only read those stories with "wholesome" plots and the sorts, reading those things helped me think that maybe someone someday will think I'm beautiful if there's "wholesome" stories with girls that resembled me in one way or another I know I'm retarded.
No. 1472552
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>>1472524Come on,
nonnie, like, all of my life I've been told I'm hideous, everyone from my social circle (my brother's and cousins' friends) have always said that I'm ugly, I'm literally "the ugly cousin". If I was a pretty girl, someone from my circles would've said so at some point, but that never happened.
Like my face is noticeably asymmetrical, I'm a fatty, autistic as fuck so I'm always stimming in a very obnoxious way but I can't control it, I have a hard time standing straight and such.
I had to jump through many mental hoops to find things that I like of myself because I would never believe what my parents would say.
I've always been the ugly friend that my pretty "friends" would use as a way to make themselves look better, I've always been ignored by many, made fun of, I've been humiliated and so on. My brother tells me all of the time that I'm a fucking idiot and everyone thinks I'm fucking retarded, so no one wants me to even let me go outside on my own and I had to beg for a bank account while being 27 years old.
I can acknowledge those things, and it hurts, but even if I know that I'm considered hideous, I know that I can be pretty in my eyes, I know things that they don't know, like how I actually have a hourglass shape under my clothes, or how I like the way that my legs look, I also like my moles and my eyes even if they're asymmetrical, I don't mind my sightly hooked nose, my nails have actually a great shape even if my hands are small and chubby, and such.
Also, unironically, going to the hairdresser's, getting your nails done, going to a spa, such things can lift your mood because sometimes people are genuine even if they're just working.
I never paid attention to my nails, but one day someone doing my nails told me that they're beautiful and told me why, and at the hairdressers' I've had people compliment my hair too even though I used to think it wasn't special.
Lifting yourself up isn't easy and sometimes it takes years for you to like yourself or at least think you can be your type, it's lots of cope, high level copium, but it's possible.
No. 1472576
>>1472556I think that liking yourself is more important than getting attention tbh, like yeah, it could feel good I guess, but the real question is, what do you want to do with that attention?
Would you really feel happy? Would that really make you want to do something? What do you want to do that's fueled by the attention from some moids or other women?
I honestly don't want attention from irl moids in particular, they're unpredictable and their tard strength is scary as fuck.
I was approached once by a moid while traveling and I was scared as fuck so I froze, he wasn't even ugly and he was well dressed, he was trying to scam me.
I have also been approached by moids while working out, and I was still nervous as in I was afraid of messing up and getting shouted at or even hurt, they were friendly and one was actually hitting on me but I didn't find him attractive.
That was before reading stuff on lolcow btw, now I'm even more afraid of getting attention from irl moids.
Tbh, I've never been approached by women, as in them being interested in me in a romantic way, I've almost made friends a few times though, while in the bathroom and such.
I have to beg for money to my parents and my brother, I can only use cash and it's limited, if I ask for "too much" I get scolded, but a priority to them is that I get my nails done and my hair too because they know that makes me feel less miserable, I still can't go out whenever I want because they don't want me to use my bank account or the cash I get.
And when the same person says the same things unprompted, it probably means it's true, I could be wrong though, it still makes me feel happy.
In the end, getting picked is a waste of time if you think you're ugly, and that there's nothing you can do to make yourself feel better.
Any moid can try and pick an "ugly" woman like me, specially if he's drunk, but is it worth it? Of course it isn't, just listen to any moid talking with his friends, they love to pick "ugly" women, and beautiful women too, they're greedy as fuck and they think they're the best thing ever that has ever happened to the world, even Nigels have been disgusting as teenagers or young moids, all moids think of women as some things they can flaunt or make fun of like a wallet, those mind games are tiresome as fuck.
For women though, I think most women aren't superficial, if you want a girlfriend or female friends, just:
>don't stink>don't dress like a retard (example: Shayna Clifford)>don't act like a retard>have something in common with that womanThat's it, those are the easy steps that you can follow to have friends or even get a girlfriend.
No. 1472909
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I found a drawing I did years ago, it was the last drawing a did before I decided to quit art. I was surprised to see the drawing was not terrible? It was not great either, I would never show it to anyone but it wasn't as ugly as I remember. I feel like if I hadn't given up and kept on practising I would had been a decent artist today. But then again they drawing did look traced, which is weird because I have always been very anti trace and I have no memory of tracing when drawing that picture but still maybe it only looked decent because I cheated
No. 1472938
>>1472724>I don't know any woman who has something in common with me Literally how? Do you eat? Do you
do anything? Do you go out at all? You can have things in common with any woman, you don't need to connect spiritually and be period sisters or something like that.
What does having a friend even means to you?
No. 1473495
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I dumped my balding ex bf for a younger man
No. 1473632
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I'm shopping online today because it's sales time and I already bought a bunch of things I know I will use on a regular basis anyway, but I already feel good from this, and I know I shouldn't but I don't care anymore. I'm turning into a turbo consumer these days. I also need to eat out less often but I can't stop. I love shopping. I love spending money on trivial shit.
No. 1473835
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This pic reminded me that I was a chronic masturbator as a child, too. I always had my hand in my knickers until the age of around six. I remember standing in front of my whole school because I’d won a prize and deciding to have a good rummage in my underwear because I was getting bored with all the talking. Teachers used to ask me nicely to stop all the time and I’d say “but why” and they wouldn’t push the matter any further so I’d just carry on.
No. 1473863
>>1473835I remember there being this lil homemade chair in my house where someone had put this overly glossy paint on it. Glossy to the point where you'd slide around on it. That was when I found out it felt good but even tho I didn't know what I was doing.. I still somehow knew not to do it in front of people.
I miss you glossy chair. Men do not compare to my retarded glossy chair.
No. 1473880
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>>1473835>>1473863This is unlocking some repressed memories for me too. I remember being around six or seven in p.e one time and we had these ropes that hung from the ceiling like picrel. And so one day I discovered while climbing one of these ropes and hanging there for a while that it somehow sitmulated the right muscles and it felt good. So then I had probably the strangest method of masturbation by hanging on to anything in the house that would support my weight, like my door. Fucking kek.
No. 1473883
>>1473835this reminds me of when i was
zoomer alert in elementary school looking up lady gaga music videos to make myself feel like peeing. i was particularly obsessed with the telephone music video i can't believe i had a lady gaga related homosexual incident. i didn't know what being horny was but i was obsessed with it so much that in an art class where we had to draw "traditional style murals" i sneakily included a stick figure heart taking a piss with a satisfied expression within the symbols kek. another time i literally watched porn at a highly audible volume at age 6 because i didn't know what it was, in the middle of the living room with my family
No. 1473947
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I can't share this madness with my normie friends so I need to confess here.
I've been cyberstalking (big surprise on this site) a woman for 2-3 years now and she is barely aware that I exist.
She noticed and stared at me in person a few times 4 years ago, and I later found her name by chance since she happened to be following a coworker's account. I've used this information to find her interests and which music she listens to, then keep track of her life over the years. It's all online with a simple search so nothing too overtly creepy, but I know where she works, the name of a guy she used to date, and the people in her cozy friend group.
This isn't too unique for me since I do this to multiple people who I've spotted but never met, but I do have a crush on this woman. This year I began to be normal and make friends, one of which seems to know her. On some level I've been hoping this will lead to an opportunity to meet her in real life and hit it off. I recently learned that she likes to make art which is tipping me over the edge. Unfortunately I doubt there will be any chances for me to meet her and I missed it all when we were both attending university at the same time.
No. 1474048
>>1474017You're not losing out on anything tbh, I started masturbating at like 8 or so and while I wasn't a chronic masturbator, it was honestly a scary experience because coming from a religious home made me feel like I was committing a grave sin and that I was going to rot in hell or some shit like that.
Plus I had some fucked up fantasies that I didn't understand back then and that now make me feel sick and weirded out about my young self.
No. 1474186
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really thinking of borrowing money and looking for an artist to draw me lewds of the Chef, except I have no idea where to look.
No. 1474215
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I am so satisfied that people who wrong me are pathetic and decaying years after. Not many people I loathe are successful nowadays. Ugly is ugly and I saw through the bs day 1. Reap your rewards! You deserve all of it and more
No. 1474312
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I just watched the first episode of this anime and actually enjoyed it. I imagined way worse, but the animation is really pretty with a nice art style? There was some perversion, but I thought it was wholesome for the most part. Maybe it's because my sister was always pretty mean to me, I kind of wish I had a relationship like this with her tbh
No. 1474340
>>1473835>>1473883>>1474119Holy fucking hell, same, this was me. I’ve never admitted to that in my life and it honestly makes me feel so much better that other nonas can relate, kek.
I also remember my parents telling me to take my hands out of my pants every time I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. I don’t think I really knew it was a sexual thing, it just felt nice and that Jack Skellington and his voice made me feel funny and “tickley” and like I had to pee for some reason. I just realized how fucking weird it is that
Danny Elfman was part of my sexual awakening in my youth and I can’t believe I just typed that out kek
No. 1474408
>>1473835Whaat I thought I was the only one kek. I'm glad there are other degenerate nonnies. I probably started at about 4 by humping pillows and rubbing on the floor, then my parents started looking at me weird and I understood that I shouldn't do it in front of them. I still was a chronic masturbator and have been for a long time now (I'm 24), though I've never had sex and don't really want to.
Now that I think about it there was a girl in my elementary school class that was obsessed with standing over the corners of the desks and reading the other nonnies here makes me realize that she was probably masturbating too.
No. 1474620
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other then certain online spaces, I will never ever admit to anyone that I'm a grown woman who watches mostly Cartoons
No. 1474758
>>1473835holy shit relatable. i remember being younger (the age where i was small enough to still fit in the front part of a shopping cart where small kids can go) and using the middle bar that would divide the legs of the shopping cart seat to rub myself with as my grandparents were grocery shopping.
>>1473883also i'm so glad i'm not the only one who had a sexual awakening to lady gaga music videos lolol. "bad romance" and especially "alejandro" fueled my small child fantasies for years.
No. 1476920
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Our toliet was clogged and I had to sit, so I got a plastic bag, put it under the toliet, think this but the bag was in the toliet which had low water in it. I took a shit in it and I lifted the toliet seat to get the bag which had my shit. I tied the bag.
Out of bored-dom I began to gently play with the poop inside of the bag like a stress ball. I've always had an intrusive thought to touch my poop. It see the texture of it. So I was literally gently poking and squeezing it but not enough to break the bag. Until I realized what i was doing, I went to take a shower and my hand smelled like poop
No. 1476925
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>>1476920nonny… why?
Did the poop smell go away at least?
No. 1476942
>>>/ot/1476934 - New thread
>>1476928I responded to you in the new thread