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No. 1402689
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you.
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/1374929 No. 1402726
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I hate that most fruits just make me hungrier.
No. 1402728
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>>1402727Why you hate me anon?
No. 1402768
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I hate this shit of pride flag it is hideous and beyond ridiculous how a flag that is supposed to be a show of support for the gays, lesbians and bisexuals that got stoned, beaten, raped, made into a pariah and exiled from the country and then some imbeciles from the internet just had include the trannies and people of colour to be more inclusive and just ruin it. What does the colour of your skin matter when it comes to sexuality? if so why isn't there a colour for Asians then? Do Asian homosexuals not exist then? Do you have to be a certain race to be gay? Don't even get me started on the mental illness that are trannies.
People care so much about the gays not lesbians and bisexuals and the trannies that they don't give single thought towards about people with disabilities or mental problems and turn their eyes on the wang out pedophiles overlords that grooms children
No. 1402982
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I hate borzoi haters. Pic related, the average borzoi hater
No. 1403192
I hate how some people here have such rigid views of what their idea of true feminism is. What I mean is that I feel like this brand of radfem that isn't necessarily radfem and borrows principles from pinkpill/FDS is what's shilled and it bothers me how a single dissenting opinion is seen as being a "handmaiden" or a "pick me". I don't think it is necessary for a man to pay for every meal, for instance. It kind of disgusts me the idea of a guy paying me to spend time with him and I don't see how it technically aligns with radfem ideals. But oh, we're supposed to demand the man pay because "what will he think?" of a woman who pays. I feel like that line of reasoning is trash and just ends up valuing the opinion of males, and it reminds me of prostitution. "Oh, but men will take advantage of that!" Well, here's the thing, you can demand that they pay equally or for certain things, and if you have the idea the arrangement is unfair, you can always just leave.
But see, that's just my view on it, to me I see it that way and I understand a lot of women want to be paid since they don't have an idea of how the date might go, etc. I don't view them as less feminist, imo, a lot of girls I meet like that who demand to be paid lack judgement and go out with scrotes who cheat, show lots of evidence of dubious beliefs and behavior, and they still go out with them. If I had an idea my time would be wasted, maybe I would demand payment. But I have such strict rules and boundaries for whoever might take me out that it is never an experience I regret, so I can see why I'd be chill with paying half the time.
No. 1403474
>>1403192The more I read about FDS the more I thought it looked more like tradshit than feminism, I completely agree with finding a man not stingy and not
toxic but getting literally everything paid by a guy sounds so boring.
No. 1404987
>>1404977I know a girl from highschool who breastfed her daughter until she was 5. This 5 year old also has a whole tiktok page where she has a couple THOUSAND followers. There are two videos of her breastfeeding on this TikTok page and those are amongst dozens of videos of her dancing and swimming and playing. It’s so fucking creepy and weird because it’s grown men following her and commenting on it.
Her mom is a fucking narc and loves it though; she thinks it’s perfect.
No. 1405345
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BUMP pls be careful scrolling
No. 1405524
>>1405384but tifs
triggered that male isnt the default for 10 seconds already do that
No. 1405708
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There's something very pedophilic and demonic about liberal mothers.
No. 1405726
>>1405708That is super odd, I remember my mom getting pissed at me for shaving my arms when I was 9.
sage for blogpost
No. 1406061
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hate how rupaul/fag culture worship has inflated every fags head and they strut around w the delusion that all women wanna be their bff. they literally expect every young woman to worship them and they act catty and superior expecting us to fawn over them like sycophants. they disgust me so much. stupid fags. you arent cool and unique and mysterious for wearing hideous makeup/clothes and getting fucked in the ass by randos. the average mousy quiet woman is leagues more interesting than yet another faggot wearing drag queen makeup to their day job and speaking in tiktokisms.
No. 1406106
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>>1406061Same. Gay men are a plague and make me homophobic despite being gay lmao
No. 1406217
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>>1405708I genuinely don't understand how a human being have this thought process, she's six, she probably wants to eat icecream for every meal as well but we all know that's not healthy for her, I'm not blaming the child cause she's a kid, I'm blaming the mom cause instead of teaching your daughter to not cave into society's beauty standards you would teach her to not only listen to them but to abide by them, and basically teach her that the bully's are right.
No. 1406353
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>>1403478Tove Lo got married recently and I interpreted the song as a personal track. Being a stay at home wife sucks. I’m an immigrant and had to wait for my visa to come in. If I had kids that would be a different story but I’d rather be independent.
No. 1406365
>>1406355It’s called writing for a demographic,
nonnie. A lot of pop stars do it. Just because her country doesn’t have suburbia doesn’t mean she can’t use it in a song about not wanting to have babies.
No. 1406366
>>1406353I saw it the same way, a personal song. I also personally do kinda relate to not wanting kids and not wanting to be a wife, but at the same time wondering if I'll change my mind once it's too late. I didn't realize other people viewed the song as any kind of statement. I'll agree it's not exactly groundbreaking if you view it through that lens.
>>1406355I'm not Swedish, but Norwegian. The pressure to be a perfect housewife once you reach a certain age is very much a thing in Scandinavia too. And we do have suburbs. Does she even still live in Sweden? I don't see how that matters.
No. 1406497
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>>1406406Did you ever stop and think to yourself that autists don’t act the same? Not referring to LARPers either. I’ve lost so many friendships because I’ve said the wrong things. I can’t read the room and say whatever comes to mind.
No. 1406554
>>1406497nayrt, anon op is autistic tho?
>Like fuck off, I have autism and difficulties concentrating tooif you're not acting all "it's just my autism", then i don't think op was talking about you.
>>1406406idgi either. when i was diagnosed we were still being taught/shamed into hiding our autism. i don't want to go back to that but i don't get the current wave of autists who can't just say something like "i didn't mean to come off that way, i'll remember and do different next time" or whatever. not every normie is going to be cool, but most are a little more understanding if somebody takes the L and moves on instead of trying to excuse it
No. 1406567
>>1406560"anons do it out of habit" is a fact, but "linguistic habits can be and have been changed" is also a fact, not necessarily speaking about
you in particular. i know "hate" is a strong word, but the "annoying things" thread hasn't been bumped in months, if not years.
No. 1408387
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>>1408382yeah i see what you mean, kind of how picrel has loose strands at the top to "blend" them in. i find that on white people it can look funny if they go all the way to the root with them bc their scalp is very pale so it's more noticeable, but it really depends on the person.
No. 1408450
>>1408261ugh i keep making dumb typos and deleting. bear with me please.
weird, I was thinking about this very this in the wee hours of the morning. I genuinely don't understand what's "
problematic" about it, and even when asking with an open mind I get brain dead responses. Who cares if some white (probably mixed if American) singer/songwriter gets dreads? so what if a black woman working at a bank can't have dreads? yeah, that sucks for the black lady, but that's not the hippie singer songwriter chick's problem, she has 0 control over that. black women in creative fields are given more freedom with their hair than in other fields, too. hypothetical white singer/songwriter chick can't work at a bank with dreads either. why can't the crying people take it up with someone who actually has direct power in changing the dress code?
No. 1408517
>>1408385 and you don't see my scalp. Dreads thicken up and besides, I had like 2C wavy hair that was thick (highlights took around 3-4 hours for me) and somewhat long (hit the bottom of my bra band) so it's not like I had hair to show my scalp anyway. I have bangs with mine, I think the looks cute on fellow white chicks. I will say that the process of your dreads dreading up still seems to work fastest on African American ladies and I love how it looks on them. It can still look bad imo on some white girls but it depends on how it is dyed and styled.
No. 1409069
>>1409068Most of us are against it
because of experience with it if anything.
No. 1409094
>>1409046I don't like anal or clit stimulation. Anal hurts. They literally have to shape medical tools that go up your butthole as small as possible for this reason kek. If anal felt great and only virgin women hated it then doctor tools wouldn't have any problems making it bigger
As for clit stimulation, I hate clit stimulation mostly because I have PTSD from moids who don't know where the clit is and rub my urethra like they're starting to catch a fire and ended up giving me a UTI
No. 1409101
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>>1409097Spoilered because it's pretty graphic for an anatomical drawing but I feel like those outer edges of the clitoris can be felt around my ass walls almost, if I aim upwards, hard to describe kek
No. 1409116
>>1409068Anyone who is sexually active will know that in reality anal only hurts for the woman. You and the anon above who mentioned men liking anal sound like you only look at porn and truly think that the actresses feel good.
The only reason men might feel good in their asses is because they have a prostate, and even then anal sex isn't that common (prostate orgasm isn't that easy to achieve). Women don't have prostates. Unless you have some anatomy defect any kind of deep penetration in the ass is going to be either uncomfortable or very painful.
No. 1409164
>>1409150>> Thus, there is certainly the newest clit. Naturally. Then there is the fresh new Grams-spot. Of course. Oh, and the hard nipples, those people are essential. Hello! Why don’t we remember brand new perineal sponge.Okay, so perhaps you have not heard about this option. The perineal sponge (otherwise PS-sponge) takes a seat with respect to the new climax talk. Why? I think that a lot of people just have no idea it’s truth be told there. We seem to mainly understand what the area ranging from a female’s vagina and you will arsehole isn’t and never such about what it’s. That absolutely nothing destination can also be extend climax, succeed way more severe and even perform that most of the with the the individual.
I repeat you sound like bad sex advice, want to know some other headlines and articles that feature “tips about it” they get worse.
No. 1409186
>>1409157I worded it poorly. I meant to say fewer nerves rather than no nerves.
>>1409166Yup, this 100%. Whenever women are complaining about having been pressured or forced into doing it, pickmes always chime in with "but some women like it!! it can be consensual!!" Shut the fuck up.
No. 1409192
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>>1409164But I don't get it, it's a real thing? I've always felt it even before I knew what it was exactly. How is talking about my body parts akin to retarded made-up sex tips I really fail to understand that, as far as I'm aware this isn't pseudo-science and it's a normal body part.
No. 1409215
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>>1409198Sticking a finger in your vagina and aiming downwards or sticking a finger in your anus and aiming upwards to feel an actual body part is not that insane,
nonnie please. I came into the conversation to offer a perspective of someone that
thought anal would feel good, but was proven otherwise, I literally agree with you.
I realize now I meant to reply to
>>1409069 instead of
>>1409068 as I was rewriting the post since the site died a million times but that doesn't matter, what I posted initially still stands. Anal with a dick doesn't feel good.
No. 1409229
>>1409166Well this isn't that circumstance clearly, lmfao. This is just Nonna's hating on women for merely saying they enjoy it. You guys sound just like moids tbh
No. 1409239
>>1409232You seem confused. I said in the past I thought it would feel good, put a dildo up my ass and concluded it indeed did not feel good. Are you retarded? Weird sex shit? What the fuck are you on about kek
How is it pickme if I say a dick in my ass would not feel good?
No. 1409423
>>1404893That's a reaction to the annoying internet culture that hate everything and hiveminds.
You like something you know is unpopular or largely hated, so outright saying that you love it or that it's good will attract haters like flies that come to tell you that you suck and that the thing you like is shit.
So "Am I the only one who likes *" is the least offensive way most people can think of to start a conversation about the subject they are interested in.
No. 1409442
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I fucking hate this show so much, even seeing it on the homepage of netflix pisses me off. Who the fuck greenlit a show about 12 year olds fucking themselves? It's disgusting. The art is also horrific.
No. 1409448
>>1409442This show somehow has an immaculate Rotten Tomatoes score. Suspicious if you ask me. I hate watched the first few seasons out of curiosity and the humor never lands, it's pure cringe, creepy as fuck. Not only is it about underage characters exploring their sexualities but there's incest too.
Anyone who sincerely enjoys or recommends this show should be put on a list
No. 1409639
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I fucking hate waking up for work.
No. 1409896
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>>1409878>implyingShow me a mentally sane woman or man who’s not black who sports matted uncombed hair? Dye your hair hot pink while you’re a lawyer and it’s much better than being a white laywer with uncombed matted nasty hair. They’re all hippies who are vegan, and you know that vegans and hippies are nutcases. Black women with dreads (I’m not black) tend to be on the other hand much more sane. If you are mentally sane and sport unmatted uncombed hair, I suggest you to comb it and start having normal hair.
No. 1410597
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I hate tech startups, they all have an awful cutesy name that either a) lacks vowels/does weird stuff with 'r' or b) has a 'y'. Literally take any noun (e.g. "Book") and add an 'r' or a 'y' → bookr, booky, booksy are all actual names of actual startups. virtually none of these startups have anything real to offer. are people incompetent at functioning without having a specific app for each individual function? heaven forbid you google dog training or watch a youtube video, instead download puppr, or woofr or barkr or waggly or whatever. 99% are terrible services that do the exact same thing as a dozen other terrible services. picrel is random startups i found from googling around. for some reason we MUST have 14 options for refillable deodorant and their names MUST be as scuffed as possible
No. 1411263
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I hate drinking water!! I hate pissing all the time!!
No. 1411300
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I hate the family guy resurgence!!!
I know that most of the memes are ironic~ but there’s actually so many die hard family guy fans now for some reason and I hate that stupid ass show it’s so low effort and lazy just genuinely horrible, family guy clips are sooo bad I hate it fuck that show omg like just look at the guy who made the show? doesn’t he look like the most obnoxious unfunny weirdo you’ll meet
No. 1411302
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I fucking hate when people announce sage
No. 1411305
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>>1411300WIRED: bob’s burger
TIRED: family guy
No. 1411312
>>1410606I agree with this and had this same mindset since I was 18 yrs old. Why would one be stupid enough to essentially put an expiration date on your relationship as soon as you age out of his preferences? At least women in relationships with rich moids have the excuse of milking him for alimony, child support or simply just saving up. But some of these girls are so fucking stupid that they end up dating moids they end financially supporting. Literal teenagers financially supporting older moids kek. The worse part is these men usually have no respect for the young women they claim to love and end up cheating, disappearing most of the relationship or being
abusive anyway
No. 1411418
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>>1410600I'm the original poster. from their own website:
>elevatr is a fast, beautiful, and fun way to capture, organize, and share business serves zero purpose except making bay area tech managers feel better about themselves
No. 1411520
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I hate it when techbros take any hobby related to cooking and turn it into a "science". Yes, Damien, you are so smart for minmaxing all these variables and importing paper from Japan to brew the perfect coffee, you sure showed your mother.
Same with the "achually making bread is a science".
No. 1411523
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>>1411421Honestly this used to be me and now I'm suffering with chronic health problems, so hopefully it comes back to bite us all in the ass. I've learned my lesson
No. 1411593
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San Francisco is launching a "guaranteed income" program for trannies and I want to die
No. 1411612
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No. 1411878
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I hate the “curly girl method” hair - what’s it even about? It just makes hair look greasy, ugly and unwashed, why would anybody would want that
No. 1411958
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>>1411916I have hair like that and the only thing that helps my hair to be wavier and neater looking is using a hair milk (a hair crème that’s lightweight pretty much) and it makes it look really nice!
No. 1412012
>>1411996i don't want to be that
nonnie but i'm gonna be that
nonnie and tell you to get a husbando kek
No. 1412288
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I hate smokers. Men who smoke are only hot because you can grab their lit cigarette and burn it on their skin.
No. 1412724
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I have a love-hate relationship with these style of dresses. I want to like them, but there's something so tacky about them. They're so Instagram, and the fact that the designers of these dresses always puts them on these ridiculous, Kardashian-esque mannequins drives that home.
No. 1412733
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>>1412724Samefag. These are some dresses in the same sort of style that I do like but again, the mannequins shape just fucks it up.
No. 1412759
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>>1412753For the designer who made most of those dresses, some celebrities and real women have worn his designs. Picrel are some women in his dresses that I think are closest to the average lady
women like Beyonce and Cardi B have also worn them, but they have bodies closer to the mannequins. Some people also buy his gowns for their weddings. Either way it's retarded to use those mannequins because like you said, no one can really imagine themselves in it.
No. 1412872
Looks like a wrapping paper over a human body
It gives me a feeling of not a clothing piece, but a “case” for a female body, idk, call me retarded
No. 1412891
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>>1412759the two black dresses have the most similar skirt to the dresses on the mannequins and they make this lumpy fabric effect at the hip dips like picrel because the skirt is the entirely wrong shape for a woman's body. men shouldn't be allowed to design clothing.
also that orange dress is one of the ugliest garments i have ever seen on a person.
No. 1412893
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>>1411909I think fluffy combed hair like on the left look nice
What I do is wash normally, comb only the head part, sprinkle detangler and comb the rest with wide teeth comb or just fingers, touch tips with oil product to smooth don’t comb further, don’t use hairdryer, touch some more oil on tips when dry if needed
Ideally like picrel, but wavy on the whole length
Cgm can look good only on very thick or short hair, long is just grease bomb
No. 1412898
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>>1412891I actually think the two black dresses were the only good ones, but I see what you mean. When you see the dresses on Beyonce you can tell it's supposed to be for a very specific type of body, and I don't think he takes that into consideration for all of his clients. Not the same dress in picrel obviously, but they're similar. Kind of a shame because they could be pretty.
No. 1412978
>>1412724The mannequin shots of these types of dresses are not the finished products, typically the closures aren't finished before the last few fittings so there's plenty of extra fabric pinned out of sight. They are photographed on window dressing mannequins with exaggerated features, not on actual fitting mannequins. Also, these specific photos seem to be also photoshop (rly evident in the waist on the dress in the left photo lol
>>1412733 )
>>1412898Beyoncé's team sends out different measures for commissions, for gowns the waist is measured with a corset/cinture/spanks on. Also, she has a very talented styling team, who have a network of reliable seamstresses and tailors internationally to make sure the pieces are fitted to her perfectly. It is insane to see, you would assume that the waist is the most constructed part, but in reality its the sleeves!
No. 1413124
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These pony in a jar earrings…
No. 1413290
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I hate tattoos
No. 1413375
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>>1413338Pants unbuttoned and folded down. It's the "new fall trend" (fucking kill me)
No. 1413654
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>>1413342I think Beyonce's body now is a combo of weight gain and some surgery on the lower body. I won't say that it's a BBL because I'm not sure, but she definitely got something done. I think it works for her since she's always been a curvy woman but sometimes it is very obvious. Even a woman as rich as her can't escape how obvious plastic surgery can be.
No. 1413682
>>1413677i went through five stages with her-
>Oh looks woman in weird make up talking about things I like>wait…genderspecial?>Oh nonnie posts she's non -binary…okay done>Oh but I like this video>Her teeth are gross(but not going to shit on her for it, whatever)and I'm here now.
No. 1413953
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No. 1413962
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>>1413954Don't question my feelings you fucking bitch.
No. 1414126
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I hate the show "The Boys". The first season was fine, but it just got more and more absurd and gorey and not to mention all the many times of sexual assault and rape. Teehee its just satire!!! It needs to be more gorey and absurd, funny funnyyy! Fuck off. But what I hate more is the people who watch it, they are all, especially the men, braindead retards with no empathy who think they are homelander and that the deep should get to rape as many women as he wants! It's mostly the reaction of other people that makes me hate this show, because the depressing and gorey nature of the show brings out the true shitty opinions of people and IM TIRED. I DONT WANT TO BE REMINDED THAT THERE IS NO EMPATHY IN THIS WORLD LEFT.
No. 1414556
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>>1413953I hate this movie more because of the artstyle. Can't stand this giant potato nose trend and general blobby look that's taking over so many recent movies.
No. 1414642
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retarded ass braindead comments like this. it actually makes me want to alog i dont give a fuck if its "lighthearted" piss off its moidlike and not funny at all
No. 1415273
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I have a 238 day streak on duolingo but god damn the new update has killed almost all of my inspiration. I hate it. Maybe if I was just starting I'd find the path/map easier to follor, but I'm used to being able to choose and level up whatever lesson I feel like at the time so the new version just feels restrictive. Also wtf are the gems for anymore?
No. 1415279
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>join several women only gaming servers
>all of them have retarded options for pronouns other than she/her
i am so tired nonnas
No. 1415423
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>>1414556why does disney still makes that super realistic everything with goofy cartoony style faces? It looks so fucking uncanny to be able to see every fiber of his clothes and it being attached to a potato nosed freak. Every other studio is mogging the shit out of them in the artistic department. I cant believe Disney makes such ugly as fuck movies nowadays, Tangled looked good but every movie since then has been getting shittier and shittier.
No. 1415535
>>1414480Thank you very much anon for the heads up! I am deeply disturbed by how sexual violence is becoming normalized in the west and how so many men brush over it (worse when women do it.)
I couldnt watch GOT for this exact reason… So tiring. Why do they feel the need to show every SA that happens and why are there so many? Being a woman is exhausting.
No. 1416246
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I hate the fact that Spotify's new lyrics feature is obviously user-submitted and there's no immediate or obvious way to make corrections. Yes I'm being salty about the words of my favourite artists, stop uploading lyrics prefaced with ~THERE WILL BE MISTAKES THIS IS JUST WHAT I CAN HEAR~ when the proper words have been on the internet on various sites for fuckin' years you lazy bastards. I'd unsub if I was paying for it
No. 1416317
>>1416213I agree with you but imo i could never be pregnant because i feel like it would
trigger horrible bdd since i already hate my appearance really bad.tbh that's only one reason but they are irrelevant to the discussion. I would never go out of my way to write that under a woman who was nice enough to share the honest truth of pregnancy to us all, she probably already feels bad so i have some empathy there. Even if i don't have children, i respect them for putting an end to the pressure of bouncing back after being pregnant because it was really
>>1416291Maybe it's good that they are sensible enough not to shit out children who probably won't be bathed and would only eat chicken nuggies imo. At least the teens have some time to grow up though.
No. 1416349
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>>1416213It's such a temporary phase that how could you honestly care when you'll likely revert back to how you were either way. It's usually the weight that women never put off because they never had an active lifestyle before pregnancy, but the wrinkly saggy tummy you get sometimes goes away. Everything you gained also goes away like my hair shed so much after my pregnancy. I couldn't hate my body because it was so temporary that I had no option other than to cherish the moment it while it lasted. Once postpartum hit I didn't even think about my body so much. It was more function over aesthetics at that point, as it should. You might as well consider pregnancy a voluntary puberty phase because the vulnerability is so similar and short-lived. Sometimes self loathing is narcissistic vanity. Like your body doesn't care what your head thinks, it will become what it's allowed to do. To me these people are so obsessed with eye fucking themselves while not being able to have the ability to cope whatsoever over things they can't control. The second they start having signs of aging they're going to hurl and start having breakdowns over being middle aged at 25. It's plain misogyny to berate a woman who just had a child over how her body doesn't pass the qualification of being admired by women and fuckable by men.
No. 1416811
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Self-hating women who write dogshit stories like this and editors/publishers who let them
No. 1417074
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fondant is the devil's playdoh. It looks boring, tastes awful and is more expensive. A chocolate cake or anything else is better and looks better imo
No. 1418685
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>>1417941I'm sorry nona, she looks so obnoxious kek
No. 1418707
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japan had a tranny parade and the people organizing are the "waifu party"
No. 1418758
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I hate waking up before my alarm
No. 1419131
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I want to look better and feel better and lose weight again. But I've seen firsthand how fucking different it is when you're fat vs thinner.
People who were cruel to me when I was fat were SO much nicer to me when I was thin. People noticed me more, complimented me more, and had an overall better reaction to me.
Covid hit, I experienced two big losses in my family and I gained the all the weight back + some and people went back to treating me worse, or just outright ignoring me.
The whole time I was thin, all I could think about was how fake the people around me were. That they didn't love me, they just thought I was attractive. Meeting new people was something I dreaded.
Because I had no idea if they were the type of people my consistent friends were (before I lost weight, they loved me. They still loved me thin too ofc), or if they were just nice to me because I was now attractive to them. Because they defaulted to seeing me as 'good' because I was thin, and 'bad, lazy, etc' because I was fat. Even though I was the same person at both weights, people were much more willing to compliment things I did that they viewed as good when I was thin.
It has put me off wanting to be thin anymore. The most I'd be okay losing now is like 80lbs (which would still be overweight, just less than I am now thanks to everything)
I hate how people treat fat people, as someone who has been thin and fat, I hate it even more now that I've seen how fake people are on the other end of it.
No. 1419190
>>1416877oops sorry nona forgot to check back in the thread
it's called yamada to sensei, a trash 10 chapter manga
No. 1419602
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No. 1419803
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>>1419800So dogs are for males only according to dog hate threads, and moids cannot love cats. But cats are for pickmes and moids as well. What kind of a pet can a girl get then? Fish? Nothing? Not taking care of animals is sign of moid brain no empathy as well of course.
No. 1419810
>>1419800All worthless mutant mutts should be exterminated.
Kill yourself you low IQ mutt lover.
(a-log) No. 1419952
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>no, if you let your apartment cool down your heating bill actually goes up, because you have to heat it up again when you get home!!
No. 1419979
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I hate those delusional airhead women that act like they’re big time well paid influencer celebrities but they’re complete nobodies. They’re always very shallow and only interact with people who look like they do, usually like picrel. When they decide to grace you with their presence they always act like they’re doing you a favour and are so patronising.
No. 1420271
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>>1419800My cat acts like a female autist whose special interest is me.
No. 1420319
>>1419803The simplest answer is that only scrotes are capable of hating entire species of animals, and only malignant scrotes feel the need to sperg about how much they hate entire species of animals.
Ergo, male hands typed every animal-hating post on this website.
No. 1420473
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>>1420369I love seeing males being offended when they get lost and end up here lmao
No. 1420742
>>1419800spoken like an actual autistic moid kek
sorry you're too retarded to read body languages
>>1420503you're western too you weeb
No. 1420760
>>1420319Your post is contradictory unless you are a man yourself.
That said, juicy steak >>> animals.
No. 1420867
I hate it when people inherently respect those higher up in the management/company chain. I know it’s a very basic thing that everyone hates, and I’m not talking about deferring to higher ups, but actually respecting and looking up to these people more because what, they’re your managers manager? Genuinely deifying some fucking goober because they kissed ass well enough? Nah.
>>1420790Off topic but I remember I used to try sleeping with my arms crossed as a little kid because she did it kek, I loved the whole thing she had going on (and turned out to be NLOG as a teen, go figure)
No. 1420994
>>1420964Scrotes whenever they’re stressed/angry and take it out on others.
Mom's bf is like that and she has to feed him so his mood stabilizes.
No. 1422873
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I hate stretched ears. They're so fucking ugly. I have no idea why anyone would want them.
No. 1422882
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gratitude journaling, a friend keeps recommending me i do it and i find it so stupid and useless, kek. I hate stuff that try to force positivy out of people without any meaningful change.
No. 1423067
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>>1423053Never fails to make me lol
No. 1423070
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>>1423068He ended up looking like frankenstein
No. 1423198
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this shirt
No. 1423212
>>1423198i hate ppl so much
when i was 13 i went to Iceland (budget supermarket) and i was disgusted when i saw a man wearing a shirt that said 'make me horny'
No. 1423756
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girls on steam with profiles like this make me sad
(details censored because stalker moids hang around the site)
No. 1423770
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I hate the weird reverence people had for xxxtentacion. I forgot about it until I seen some discussion of him in /snow/, and I'm surprised I forgot considering people still constantly bring him up like some kind of christ figure. Even lil peep didn't have this kind of autism around him and he was the biggest sad boy emo sensitive spooky whatever of them all. I dont understand
No. 1423774
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>>1423760>>1423759How. What's the best games to find them. Do I have to turn my voice chat on and act kawai desu uwu… Please help a broke sister out
No. 1423785
>>1423779Has anyone outright told you that you’re worthless, or is this just how you view yourself
nonnie? As you get older you’ll find that most people really don’t care about that kind of thing. Certain jobs might be harder to get, but you can always go back to school later in life if you want.
No. 1423834
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Men in fandom. Tokusatsu is for women, Transformers is for women, TMNT is for women, MGS is for women, South Park is for women, the horror fandom is for women(I want to sit on Jason's face), Break Bad is for women, Batman is for women. They can go fuck off to the loli anime pedophile fandom(jail) where they belong to complain about not enough coomer content and draw their putrid porn, but NOT in MY fandom. They are always the ones causing drama too, whiny useless scrotes. This also applies to TiFs btw, if they want to be men then they have to fuck off back with them too.
No. 1423927
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>>1423834>Tokusatsu is for womenBased.
No. 1423930
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>>1423927i love you kamen stacy
No. 1426028
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When video essayists make 30-40 minute long videos talking about things like how predatory the makeup and plastic surgery industries are, how social media makes us insecure and unhappy with our faces and bodies, how masculinity, femininity and gender roles are social constructs and not tied to our sex, how the patriarchy brainwashes us all from a young age… And then they go "anyway I identify as nonbinary, rarely show my face without any makeup on, have a nose job and lip fillers scheduled for next week, and don't forget trans women are women!" Like my god how can you talk so much, trying to present yourself as some beacon of critical thinking, and yet not actually listen to a single thing that comes out of your own mouth.
No. 1426149
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I hate how so many shirts nowadays are crop tops or have some retarded quote on them
No. 1426776
>>1426752Part of that comes from popular influencers/celebs being outed. Whether or whether not the claims were true many were quick to jump to the defense of
victims despite some trying to debunk them, but thats not the problem. The problem is that most people were grieving the loss of someone they supported so you can speculate the seething of the movement throwing curveballs on people's parasocial relationships. So, when those unfortunate cases where the accused give receipts and are actually innocent and the fucktards that cried wolf for clout happen, it allowed the people seething to feel better about their doubts and finally give them a reason to discredit what was a brilliant movement.
No. 1428723
>>1428649I would file it under
toxic femininity because this garbage is incredibly persistent throughout female groups IRL across many cultures.
> What is "trashing," this colloquial term that expresses so much, yet explains so little? It is not disagreement; it is not conflict; it is not opposition. These are perfectly ordinary phenomena which, when engaged in mutually, honestly, and not excessively, are necessary to keep an organism or organization healthy and active. Trashing is a particularly vicious form of character assassination which amounts to psychological rape. It is manipulative, dishonest, and excessive. It is occasionally disguised by the rhetoric of honest conflict, or covered up by denying that any disapproval exists at all. But it is not done to expose disagreements or resolve differences. It is done to disparage and destroy.
> This was communicated so subtly that I never could get anyone to talk about it. There were no big confrontations, just many little slights. Each by itself was insignificant; but added one to another they were like a thousand cuts with a whip. Step by step I was ostracized: if a collective article was written, my attempts to contribute were ignored; if I wrote an article, no one would read it; when I spoke in meetings, everyone would listen politely, and then take up the discussion as though I hadn't said anything; meeting dates were changed without my being told; when it was my turn to coordinate a work project, no one would help; when I didn't receive mailings, and discovered that my name was not on the mailing list, I was told I had just looked in the wrong place. No. 1429262
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This is would be an unpopular opinion for me because my style has always been sort of goth-adjacent but I can’t stand the sort of plastic, Halloween store, hyper consumerist goth look that I see a lot nowadays. I cringe when I see goth-y types and their whole aesthetic looks straight off the shelf of party city. It’s kind of a new version of mall goth, it’s weirdly chuegy and try hard. The hyper fixation on ouija boards, horror movie motifs, bats and black cats is so over done imho. I really miss the look in the 80s and 90s where it was black hair and almost “normal” looking clothes but styled in clever ways. I hope someone knows what I’m talking about kek I know it’s a little specific.
No. 1429346
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>>1429262this is why I find "office goth" cuter
No. 1429432
>>1429342>the dark version of Patagonia and Ugg’s You hit the nail on the head. Down the the cringy hauls at places like freakin home goods of all places as
>>1429360 said. I absolutely cringe at the word spooky at this point.
>>1429346This is really cute!
No. 1430274
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This mfer and his "fans"
No. 1430796
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I hate memes like picrel. I hate that things I like that aren't even sexual are degen breeding grounds. I want to rewire my brain so I no longer like vidya, even gritty games like souls or silent hill are plagued with the "femboy mommy milkers pegging man tits" shit fucking degens kill yourselves.
No. 1431073
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I hate it when businesses look for cute young girls to work front desk and be eye candy for them.
One time I was 23/24 and applied for a job as front desk. The employer calls me up for an interview and he’s like “can I talk to your daughter?”. My speaking voice is not that low or anything it’s like any other girl my age. Anyways, I go to the interview and the entire time he’s basically calling me “too old” and seemed super uninterested. I’m so glad I didn’t end up getting the job but I pity the girls that do because they’re going to be harassed by men at work.
No. 1431085
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This haircut
No. 1431134
>>1431131I would turn the radio off every time that stupid "Let Her Go" song came up. It's so fucking
whiny I wanted to a-log every time that dumb intro started.
No. 1431227
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The clean girl aesthetic discourse
No. 1431289
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>>1402689Reminder there are moids lurking and this is one (1) reason why you shouldn't post photos of yourself
No. 1431307
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>>1431301because i was a /b/tard during the 2000s, but the board is unusable now because it's filled with pornsick scrotes who can't post without including sexually explicit imagery. so i'm left with /r9k/ where i tell incels to kill themselves and make demoralization posts
No. 1431315
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>>1431302the average woke twitter user is just as terminally online a the average 4chan user, the only difference is what websites and lingo they use, but they bot suffer from similar levels of brain rot
No. 1431320
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>>1431315>the average woke twitter user is just as terminally online a the average 4chan user, the only difference is what websites and lingo they use, but they bot suffer from similar levels of brain rotreplace "twitter" with "tumblr" and this was essentially angela nagle's thesis kek
No. 1431432
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>>1431315Kek, and of course it's a tranny
No. 1431436
>>1431381>>1431426They actually like her, selfposting here or on CC isn't a good idea
No. 1431445
>>1431413featurism unlike most twitter bullshit is a real thing,
>Featurism is society accepting or preferring certain features over others.>It is the preferential treatment of people with features that have historically been considered better or “easier on the eyes”. The preferred features are predominantly European features that uphold the Eurocentric standards of beauty.>Featurism, just like colorism, affects all ethnicities with characteristic features that challenge Eurocentric norms.a good example of featurism is the fact that east african women are vastly overrepresented in modelling compared to west african women
No. 1431458
>>1431445Great, concise, and should be easy for even the dumbest person to understand. Thanks for the explanation,
No. 1431488
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>>1431445The funny thing is that most of the women in that Twitter thread the troon was complaining about didn't even have "European features". They're just black women who dress and style themselves in a minimalist or "classy" way.
Some people have co-opted the word "featurism" and used it as a shorthand for "they are attractive, and this is
problematic (because I am not)".
No. 1431511
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>>1431500I once saw a black woman be accused of acting white because she was wearing J-fashion….
No. 1431520
>>1431500I'm not black but that's also a thing with my race, specifically with our diaspora. If you say words that are longer than two syllables you're trying too hard to be white. If you're not into shitty rap and obsessed with Nike and Adidas you're trying too hard to be white. If you don't have a specific makeup style you're trying too hard to be white, and if you're into video games that aren't COD and FIFA or into manga that aren't DBZ you might as well be white. If you're a weeb or a koreaboo, you get the idea, etc. And what's funny is that people from the actually country we come from won't even give a shit about any of that and won't accuse you of being a race traitor just because you like to listen to Avril Lavigne. It's weird to see that the exact same shit happens to Black women in another continent.
>>1431511Same, I saw a video on twitter about a teenage black girl wearing jfash that looked a lot like sweet lolita fashion but not exactly playing the bass or the guitar to that one Muse song and some guys were accusing her of suspiciously acting like a race traitor obsessed with white men. For playing a super famoud rock song in a pastel poofy dress. That shit was wild but it was so long ago I won't be able to find that tweet.
No. 1431571
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That men equate giant muscles on a man to giant boobs and ass on a woman. An unrealistically roided up man is just as ridiculous and unobtainable yes but it is NOT sexualized you retards, they are not the same. Coming back to lc was a mistake i was having a great time not thinking about men, those retards shit up literally everything. All y chromos disappear challenge.
No. 1431586
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>>1431571I hope you're not trying to say this isn't sexualized?
No. 1431598
>>1431227The clean girl aesthetic is one of the best normie trends there is. Case in point
>>1431315>>1431488I also like how it encourages healthy living and positive habits instead of just being a style. I've never understood the idea that it's racist, when I have gone onto pinterest and searched the aesthetic, i've seen women of numerous races represented. The only thing I agree with is that it's not a new thing, just the name is new. I don't think anybody was trying to say that and it's definitely overthinking. I thought people would also seethe because it's not an aesthetic that is friendly towards fatties, i'm surprised i've never seen that discourse yet.
No. 1431663
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Good god, why does every thread on this site turn into angry sperging about fujos? Threads like the Fujo cringe one could be funny if the tone wasn't so bitter and weirdly srs bsns all the time.
No. 1431907
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And I hate this shit. Hulk does not have realistic proportions at all, his hands are stupid huge and he’s ugly, meanwhile she hulk is literally just a normal muscular woman who’s green. I hate that when there are monstrous characters the female version is always kept way too human, can’t make her too beastly that’s not sexy!!
No. 1431949
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>>1431571Big over muscled male characters are a male power fantasy and it's weird that they act like it's fanservice for the average woman
No. 1431991
>>1431985Nta but the recent ones were not an obviously so such as from the unpopular opinions thread. Not everyone who says saying
>>>/ot/1425222 is retarded is paki. Not everyone who disagrees is the same person.
No. 1431994
>>>/ot/1425222 , the thread poster
>>>/ot/1430996 is right. Anons can even clarify they don't hate fujo content but hate fujos who sperg about female characters and fujos chimpout about it.
No. 1432024
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>>1431920He got called out for attacking Muslim black women on at least two different occasions. Seems like he hates anything and anyone that reminds him he is a man and that black women aren't just men-lite (like a lot of other trannies).
No. 1432042
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>>1431949Nta power fantasies are just not allowed for women, not even by other women. Every time a new movie comes out everyone falls over themselves to praise how they "allow" the female hero to be feminine and attractive. As if there's a shortage of feminine gender conforming, thin actresses in male gaze costumes playing action heroes. Because of the Atwood voyeur in your own head effect, even many women can only imagine a female power fantasy as being sexually attractive to men. The only times you see muscular women in shows or movies anymore it's as a background character. The background actresses for wonder woman are more buff than SheHulk. Yet people would still screech that it's unrealistic, not feminine enough, a "man's body" or even in some gc's cases the retarded take "this aids the tranny agenda" (which is what I saw in response to Luisa). Someone like Sarah Connor wouldn't even be possible nowadays anymore without MASSIVE backlash, even though she's literally a boymom. We've managed to only regress. Cultural feminism (where they theorize that femininity is oppressed, not women) was a mistake. It has given studios the excuse to always try to make women as dainty, gender conforming and appealing to men as possible, while pretending it's feminism. And a lot of people fall for it too.
No. 1432072
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>>1432069Basically it boils down to men being so mentally deficient they can’t possibly stay engaged with media unless it also makes their dick hard. Do they think women like looking at ugly old fat bald men on tv and in movies? Why isn’t hulk sexy?
No. 1432080
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>>1432072They made her properly massive for once and put her hair in a ponytail so she can actually fight properly and it was a huge controversy immediately.
No. 1432144
>>1431249This is such an America centric view. Where I live there are virtually no black people and no one was ever said gold hoop earring are trashy or slicked back hair was bad. If I wore that and posted a video of it on TikTok, would I somehow be racist just because on the other side of the globe, some people were shitty to black women for making similar choices?
Also why should I in the center of Europe surrounded by 95% white people reject Eurocentric beauty? And if I did start wearing American
POC stuff in the name of rejecting Eurocentric shit, wouldn’t I be doing the exact same thing they’re shitting on? Make it make sense.
No. 1432394
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I hate when ppl in group projects don't give a shit about how PowerPoint presentations look like, and even when given a ready made template from the Internet they just do not know how to use them and RUIN EVERYTHING. I've got better grades from using good templates in the past but so many people are legit retarded when it comes to PP. They all want to use Arial on a white bg and call it day
No. 1432398
>>1432394> so many people are legit retarded when it comes to PPyes 100% and templates in general. like it's not that hard motherfucker. part of my job involves making templates for all kinds of stuff (and my autistic ass loves it lol) but people are so fucking retarded when it comes to filling them in properly. like when I but
>(BRIEF HERE)and people put the brief inside the brackets. dude. wtf.
No. 1432496
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>>1432080Tbh it probably had to do with the conception of she-hulk. She was not designed as to sell a female power fantasy so it makes sense that any attempts to make to make her so will be controversial. She’s a joke character and she has to be funny that’s it. She’s always going to be in that weird position because she’s really well known (by proxy of being a hulk) but she’s not meant to be a proper character if that makes any sense
No. 1432569
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>>1432553nta but comics used to be dumb fun for nerds before the MCU attracted all the retards who want heroes in bright colored outfits to be ''realistic'' and ''deep''. I fucking hate people who see a green monster and thinks ''omg why isnt this realistic?!'', its why comics nowadays are so fucking cringe inducing and boring, its a dumb concept and it should have stayed dumb and fun instead of becoming so preachy and boringly realistic. She hulk is cute and i would take a fun 80s muscle woman over some cringelord twerking or this thing
>>1432080 No. 1432843
>>1432042>Nta power fantasies are just not allowed for women, not even by other women. You are so fucking right. I read an interview by the director of Wonder Woman and she said some bs like "I, as a woman, want Wonder Woman to be hot as hell, fight badass, and look great at the same time — the same way men want Superman to have huge pecs and an impractically big body. That makes them feel like the hero they want to be. And my hero, in my head, has really long legs." about why Wonder Woman was wearing heels.
And nothing makes me want to a-log more than calling a female character a "a man with boobs" if she's not feminine and crying and nurturing and shit and instead is badass, violent, stoic, and wears pants. Totally enrages me.
No. 1433041
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>>1432899Yeah, the other anon is right. I'm sure you smell fine since a little odor isn't usually potent enough to really
stink. There are some people who's smell lingers when they walk away. Like they damn near leave a green cloud wherever they go.
No. 1433332
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I saw old photos of me from 2-3 years ago and I gained so much weight during the end of 2021/beginning of 2022 for some reason. I lost my job and was pretty depressed so I binged. I just want to get back on track but i dont know where to start.
I'm so sad that this happened to because I stay at average weight, but i gained a bit and can see the weight on my face vs older photos. fuck the pandemic weight gain.
No. 1433437
>well as a neurodivergent person I feel like..
Why use this vague umbrella term that can mean just about anything when you could.. say what you have. It only takes away context from a conversation. I mostly link ND to tism but people say it now and they mean social anxiety or depression. Its such a wide net. Just specify.
Google what is neurodivergence
>types of neurodivergence include Tourette's, dyspraxia, synesthesia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, ASD, ADHD, Prader-Willi syndrome, Sensory processing disorders, Social anxiety, dyscalculia, Down syndrome, ptsd, c-ptsd, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, Intellectual disabilities
No. 1433634
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People who have children and don't learn about basic human development. I just read about parents who let their three year olds use a trampoline park and got surprise pikachu face when their kids broke bones and had to go to the hospital. Yes, let's let a toddler with reduced spatial awareness launch themselves several feet into their air and then free fall on cartilage-y long bones. Absolutely nothing could go wrong and we're obviously not responsible for any harm that occurs because how could we know better? /s
No. 1433658
>>1433641Apparently supreme retardation, because I also thought this was common sense. I found the original article link if you want to read four paragraphs of risk calculation: like this make me feel really bad for their kids. They can spend who knows how long researching accident statistics to cite for some journo piece, but they can't take five minutes to learn how their own child's skeleton functions before letting them out into the world.
No. 1433704
>>1433332Start by cutting out or cutting down on junk food that you eat or drink and then just read around on different ways to lose weight. There a lot of approaches to weight loss and you have to find one that resonates with you.
Or if you have a doctor, you can ask them for a referral to a dietitian (not a nutritionist, everyone and their grandmother can call themselves a nutritionist, dietitians have to go school and get accredited).
No. 1434135
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People who post uggos in the attractive men thread
No. 1434159
>>1434135The men in that thread are so bland. It's always a reminder that men are a very aesthetically cursed cohort. Plus, i just don't see the point of the thread, how many women really just fall in a love with a man 100% based off how they look? Of course i am projecting because i always presume attractive men to be nasty and rude people.
>>1434157Kevin spacey? Kek.
No. 1434780
>>1433626I went to dragoncon for it's first year in NYC because I was a stupid bitch who watched RPDR before I realized how
toxic and sexist it was. I didn't see many younger people there, but the thought that dragcon is now all ages is sickening. it doesnt make sense because dragstuff is literally an adult form of entertainment. Why should kids be invovled?
No. 1435405
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the fact that subs even allow this shit to be posted. who wants to see your fucking pills
No. 1435408
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I find black hardware really ugly but I think that's only because I associate it with these modern, minimalistic, stale as fuck styles.
No. 1435603
>>1431520I hate black men
>black women are ugly and disgusting haha! I don’t want no sheboon I like WHITE and LATINA women only >black woman does something she enjoys that isn’t pandering to them>YOU RACE TRAITOR!!! YOU WANNA BE A WHITE MANS SLAVE HUH!!! I hate all men. They all have the same regarded thinking patterns. If they fuck a white woman their retarded brains will think he’s conquering racism, or he’s getting one over on white men because he’s fucking one of “their” women. If a black woman fucks a white man, well that can’t be allowed! Because the white man is fucking “THEIR” woman and that means he’s winning!
No. 1435658
The taboo of critiquing products. Idc that it's too harsh, nitpicky or that it hasn't been released yet "so reserve your judgement". I'd rather sperg about it now so they maybe can fix it before release, than be stuck with something shitty later. Literally every brand, developer, franchise, or whatever ends up with this cult around it which will shout down any criticism. They act like they're gods and we should be grateful to be blessed with any products. Instead of realizing we're customers and decide the demand. Especially with games. How come modders can do a better job for free, or just look at the 90's? Meanwhile people act like the devs will quit like babies if you complain one too many times. Or tech. They keep releasing shit early full of bugs or mechanical issues with the excuse that it'll get better over time and it immediately gets implemented in all new phones, laptops, tablets what have you, but when it finally is great, they will come with something new shit and it'll start allover again. And if you complain, you get treated like someone who doesn't want to progress with the times, instead of just wanting better quality control.
No. 1435921
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The way trad women talk online, it'sso childish.
No. 1436069
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>>1436005exactly. if you're such a normie why are you even here? inb4 its the only place a woman can freely express herself, really ? there's twitter or reddit for you, idk. not even calling anyone a twitterfag or anything but why even complain about weeaboos on an imageboard like yeah, its an imageboard… im sick of people being like i miss when lc was chill like since when was lc ever chill? before everything this place was born for and out of gossip after pixyteri discussion was banned on /cgl/. that's why /pt/ is /pt/. there's forever going to be otakus infighters weirdos schizos etc because they were who made the site in the first place. this point is lighthearted but it shocked me to see how many normies were posting here when i visited the fashion thread for the first time, nothing wrong with that but i wasnt expecting it kek.
i miss when the userbase was majorly weebish but im glad there's a large anonymous female only space with way more freedom to express yourself in and that includes geeks sorry to say to normie wannabes.
No. 1436148
>>1436138and why should we conform to them instead of the other way around? if they dont like it they can go live their normal life with regular people elsewhere instead of constantly complaining about something that was and is the norm
kek before they even came around
No. 1436164
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There is no “peronality” or “genuine wants” there is only a e s t h e t i c
No. 1436194
>>1436148Agree. LC and image board culture shouldnt change for them.
>>1436164Gen z has no identity.
No. 1437927
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I hate moids and I hate the patriarchy. They are literally indoctrinating girls to have bad visuospatial skills.
Men be manipulating.
No. 1438279
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I will never understand how any woman can deform herself like this. Injectors definitely have some responsibility in this shit too. Fucking what could ever possess a human to do this to another person??
No. 1438282
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>>1438279IMO lip fillers should be reserved for women with actually unfortunate lips. Most cosmetic work in general should only really be reserved for this with unfortunate enough features that the work can make a huge difference. Meanwhile you have women who already had big lips getting lip fillers, already had big tits getting implants, were already skinny getting lipo, etc. it just creates an unrealistic standard to the point where women get bashed for having perfectly normal features just because plastic surgery warped everyone's views on how women's bodies look
No. 1438479
>>1438282Those lips are perfectly fine. They're not bad or anything, just thinner than the current fashion industry pushes on people.
>Most cosmetic work in general should only really be reserved for this with unfortunate enough features that the work can make a huge differenceNobody should get plastic surgery done unless it is reconstructing after a disfigurement.
Please leave the maze.
No. 1438567
>>1438479nta, that's the ideal, but let's be real
some women are suffering with features considered extremely out of the norm, and IMO it's too much like gaslighting to make their mindset the problem when society treats them like shit. the world is simply not going to change for them, and not everyone wants to be a constant warrior. some women grow up with extremely saggy breasts, and that's technically not a "disfigurement", just a natural state, but the way it impacts your life in most modern societies is significant. we can post about how it's all about "loving yourself", but real life isn't that simple
No. 1438583
>>1438568You understand some people feel the same way about a facial feature they have as you do about your breats? And breasts are hidden 99% of the time, a face is not. I'm not advocating for plastic surgery etc, but I do understand why some women feel they need it. It's unfortunate, but I understand.
>>1438567 said it well imo
No. 1438586
>>1438583> You understand some people feel the same way about a facial feature they have as you do about your breats?Yes and they should seek mental health improvement instead of surgery. I singled out breasts because they do protrude from the body and can cause real material issues and inconveniences. I'm not saying I approve of surgery, just that I can see an argument being made.
>women are suffering with features considered extremely out of the norm, and IMO it's too much like gaslighting to make their mindset the problem when society treats them like shitThat's delusional, stop hanging out with 80IQ mean girls and this stops being an issue entirely, if it's not made up to begin with. I don't remember the last time I saw someone who was so ugly it was off-putting and even really ugly people have friends and partners and families.
Cluster B chans try to claim all their problems are society's fault but most of them are in their head (and the rest in their cluster B chan social circle).
No. 1439057
>>1438601+1 and also youtubers that break into singing when that's not relevant to their video content
Like, bitch, I'm to hear your dumb video essays, not you mediocre singing
No. 1439060
>>1439033>>1439033Anonita? Are you me?
My parents also have a huge age gap, 32 years, shit was awkward
No. 1439151
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>>1438282This is true. Of course no one needs to have fillers and it's not bad to have thin lips, but if you have regular lips then lip filler will just make them look bloated. However if you have really thin lips then I think lip filler can make them look really nice.
No. 1439171
>>1439158Nta, there's a total jackass I know who isn't religious but thinks he's better than everyone because
he doesn't say god in vein. Doesn't believe in god but talks about tHe UnIvErSe. It'll never excuse his behavior currently or past, or the fact he cheated with a married woman when he was younger yet talks about it like it's no big deal. Fuck anyone who acts more superior because you said goddammit. Gtfo
No. 1439671
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>>1438479>>1438520>Mfw Americans will spend thousands monthly and have to completely change their diet for months to years while they're teenagers over even the slightest crooked tooth as if anyone beside them is going to notice
>Will have mental breakdowns if you suggest someone very unfortunate features get life changing work done that can very well allow them to look more normal and make their self confidence skyrocket, and others will even notice them being more attractive and treat them betterI never understood this logic kek. Some Americans even act this way pertaining to skin and weight. Don't get your teenager a gym membership because they need to love themselves but hey let's take out a loan because Sally has a toothpick sized toothgap kek
No. 1439695
>>1439691Nice try but I'm American and had braces throughout my teen years, was suggested because of a tiny overbite no one, not even me noticed until my dentist pointed it out. My family spent tons of money but would completely neglect my wishes for decent skin care and I had to wait until I was 18 to join a gym. Any sort of plastic surgery would be extremely out of the question. It was painful, unnecessary, lasted for years, I lost weight and ended up being underweight when I had the rubber bands because I could eat anything and I was doing multiple sports at the time.
I definitely did not "drastically change my facial structure" and I have never ever seen anyone's facial structure change like crazy because of braces and I went to a high school where vast majority of kids had to get braces. If we're all here for thousands to "drastically improve facial structure" why the fuck is everyone so opposed to someone turning FAS lips into normal lips or any other sorts of small improvements that can drastically improve ones looks if we're all on board with cosmetic procedures to improve appearances now?
No. 1439707
>>1439694Same with streamers.
>>1439697The color is fine, even by brushing them thrice a day and completely avoiding coffee and cigarettes they will never be marble white. I'm all for braces because teeth placement is actually important but the "American TV news anchor" dentition is unnatural, over the top and kinda creepy.
No. 1439744
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>In the interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Julia Volkova told how Ivan asked her to masturbate in the bathroom in front of the camera. There were only two takes and the second one had to be done for real. Further, during the Show Me Love promo tour in >Japan, Julia imitated masturbation in front of an audience of thousands people right on the stage.
>Timestamp of video is Apr.5 2002
>Julia Volkova Born: February 20, 1985
>Ivan Shapovalov Born: May 28, 1966
Meaning a 35 year old moid asked a freshly turned 17 year old girl to masturbate in front of a camera for a music video. I'm not posting the video for obvious reasons but it's up on yt in 4 fucking K no less.
I reported it for sexual content including minors. Shit's sick.
No. 1439786
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I can't wait until this 'dressing like a hobo but with expensive brands' trend goes away
No. 1439861
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I hate the moids at my local Planet Fitness. None of them can just be normal, they all treat it as if it's an adult playground
No. 1439882
>>1439131By having crippling social anxiety and an eating disorder.
I'm better after tons of therapy though.
No. 1440724
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whose 4chan dwelling nigel is this? married nonas I feel bad for you
No. 1440812
>>1440724Why would any woman, even pickmes, show disgust at moids cheating but then start "joking about them getting a girlfriend"? Definitely larp.
On this subject - why can't these moids just date women who already want open relationships or something? What's their obsession with trying to change women to doing whatever they want when there's plenty of pickmes out there dying for their man to fuck other women?
No. 1440846
>>1439694If you tried being a NEET for a bit you would notice you get tired from literally doing nothing. It's crazy. I study and work now, but there was a small period (couple months) where I was a NEET and I got nothing done, sat on my ass all day and could not even fill the dishwasher before my moid got home from work. Now that I am busy I get so much more done in a day
>>1439754Yes it was, one of them is an anti gay activist these day kek
No. 1440946
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Why do some social media couples give me such bad vibes? There were obvious ones like yumi and splenda when they were a thing, and then ofc that weird TikTok couple and it's some Latina girl with bolt ons and some ugly white guy bragging about cheating and stuff, the ace family, etc but idk why this couple in particular always give me a weird feelings
No. 1441055
>>1441034Because men are animals, it's only natural we refer to all animals as male by default.
The real problem is when people use "she" to describe an object, like a ship, car, computer, etc.
No. 1441160
>>1441127I get where you're coming from but
>Do what’s fucking expected of you if you’re really not gonna put in the energy of accepting new janny/mod applications or have another hellweek.I'm pretty sure the jannies aren't the ones who can open up applications nor are they responsible for the staff shortage and admin has been absent as fuck.
No. 1441194
>>1441186What country do you live in that it'd be at risk of reforming the language in favour of gender politics but not legalizing gay marriage? Aren't all countries that still haven't legalized gay marriage right-leaning and conservative as fuck?
Sometimes I forget how much of a wildly different bunch of countries in the EU really is. You've got the first legalizers of gay marriage and ones still opposed to it in 2022.
No. 1442148
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So I understand the need to discipline your child in case they end up following the wrong path, but why do some parents seem to have a fetish for humiliating their children online
No. 1442463
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>>1442402i love nerds/geeks but otakus are so incredibly cringe and gross, even i cant fetishize them. Hate that every nerdy guy nowadays is some flavour of weeb, there is nothing more pussy drying that a modern weeaboo who just likes anime because its popular/its glorified porn. At least 00s weebs used to be more elitist and dressed in cringecute fashion.
No. 1442511
>>1442469One moid had this argument in favor of AI art
>Art should be accessible to everyone>Not everyone can draw or have time to learn how to drawHe says AI made art is your art because you typed in the prompt and coming up with ideas is haaard.
No. 1442843
>>1442828Admit it, you
were the bully and now you’re trying to avoid feeling guilty.
No. 1442940
>>1442935You only changed your mind because you wouldn't be able to compete - that means you're ugly.
Normal sane women don't consider doing OF.
No. 1442944
>omg such an Lokay you're clearly underaged or stunted, try harder next time.
No. 1443208
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The argument up top gave me a good laugh lmao
I really hate these selkie dresses. No human adult woman looks good in the silhouette, it needs to be left for toddlers. I've always how most women who wear this dress always cover their mid section in pictures or covertly notice how unflattering the dress it.
No. 1443690
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>>1443650for $200 million buckaroos anything is possible
No. 1443749
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This is garbage. There is nothing about this I like. Stiff e-card looking bullshit plot having badly voice acted charmless piece of crap
No. 1443782
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>>1443208Reminds me of what Ariana wore.
No. 1443822
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I hate techbros/STEM dude culture like you wouldn't believe. And I am in STEM.
Recently because of the FTX fail I got into reading about crypto rugpulls, shitty sillicon valley startups and crypto casinos, these people are fucking retarded. How can a fat dude with unshaven legs and in dirty clothes steal billions of dollars while he can't even get out of bronze elo after playing league for years,and he played video games while talking with investors.
No. 1443838
>>1443828>my mom laughing at me when I said I wanted to kill myselfholy shit anon, that would break anyone. Hope you'll be able to afford therapy in the future, it would really help. it may take time to find a good therapist so don't give up if it doesn't work out immediately like in
>>1443830 case
No. 1444138
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>>1439861Same, I hate PlanetFitnessoid moids with every fiber of my being. They are a whole different specimen.
Almost every single one of them is lazy and sits on the equipment as if it's a goddamned couch. Especially now that Sportsball, sorry, the World Cup, is showing on the TVs, they all huddle around and sit to watch, and their rabid hyena cheers set off the air raid siren, sorry, lunk alarm.
Also, the losers who play acrobatics with the weights. I'm Manifesting that they drop one on their foot, maybe only then they'll learn.
And then there's this fat dude who only goes on the pizza days and treats it like a $10 a month all-you-can-eat weekly pizza buffet. I mean, I'm a fatty too, but at least I go there to exercise normally and improve my health.
The worst part of it all is the fact that the management enforces the "no judgement" rule to a T, so you can't say anything about these losers. Yet the moids are allowed to stare at me and jeer/catcall all the time. Jokes on you, megamoids, I may be obese but at least I'm actually trying.
If I weren't broke as shit I'd join a real gym. But until then, hell is real and it's right here on earth, right here at Planet Fitness.
No. 1444195
>>1444138Just lol'd in this planet fitness! That sounds like hell nonnerz.
My pf was actually decent until the other one in town caught on fire, now they've all migrated over here and it's like Edgar city. They just gather around in groups of 6, watching one of their friends use a machine and then take turns on it. Like what is the point of going to the gym if you're just gonna stand around??
No. 1444574
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This post.
No. 1445193
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That weirdo radfem lesbian supremacist lolcow user. You can't be a feminist if you hate 99% of women.
No. 1446372
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I hate stories about men being ignorant about women's bodies. Why do I imagine this was a muslim man who said this