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No. 1299734
The stupider, the better
Last Thread:
>>1282105 No. 1299844
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Since AO3 is might have to follow Chinese laws, how do I save the fics I like? Even if the five I like get wiped off, if I just used Ctr + S, does it just save the fic?
No. 1299951
>>1299934Idk if it's normal or not but I also have set phrases I say to myself throughout the day depending on what's going on. "I wanna die" in like a pained old person voice if I remember something embarrassing/drop something/do something dumb/etc. Do you smoke weed? I've been smoking weed more regularly and I've noticed that since then I've started to talk to myself more when I'm around others and I have to stop myself kek. I don't think it's
not normal, just a little goofy but that's it.
No. 1300078
>>1300037>>1299951I'm really glad it's not that abnormal, I though I was being a real weirdo lol
I don't smoke weed but I've always talked to myself, it's just the automatic phrases that made me worry a bit.
No. 1300374
My sister says she wants to join the Peace Corps. Can anyone help me figure out a way to convince her it's a bad idea? It's just for lazy washed out white people who want to avoid working for two years in a shithole country. I'm going to completely lose respect for her if she decides to go through with it. I really desperately need to convince her not to do it.
>>1299439Peace Corps isn't that hard to get into. I've met a couple of volunteers and their accomplishments weren't that impressive. Most Peace Corps volunteers come straight from uni anyways
No. 1300611
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I know r/vindicta has some strange users there so I shouldn't take it seriously (plus these posts are old anyway) but do you think she could be right? or is it just bs?
No. 1300628
>>1300611I don’t really know what the poster is saying here. Being overly introverted or extroverted in an extreme way probably
is a sign of something wrong, but I don’t see what it has to do with being attractive. That sounds general and could apply to anyone.
No. 1300684
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Did Kikomi anon invent the afab transwoman trolling method? Or did similar satire exist before her posts? Using nonsensical gendie word salad to confuse and enrage TRAs who use the exact same arguments is next level hilarious, I love seeing it catch on and even more so if it originated here.
No. 1300723
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Have any anons tried Solstice Scents? What did you like?
No. 1300801
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How do I make friends online? It worth It?
No. 1300860
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No. 1300862
>>1300801by joining an online community of people that have something in common and chatting frequently with the same people
you will likely end up being ghosted or dealing with unhinged annoying people but there is a small chance you can make a genuine lasting friend, so it's worth it if you are able to
No. 1301135
>>1301131nta but yes, flea bites are perfectly round, red marks that itch.
You didn't mention what kind of allergic reaction you got, was it on your skin?
No. 1301141
>>1301135my face especially my lips got really swollen and red and numb, the swelling didn't go down until I took anti-allergy meds
>>1301136dang that does suck, I guess the same thing happened to me
No. 1301170
>>1301169Samefagging. British VPN*
It's in /meta/.
No. 1301380
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Is Bridget from GG really a tranny now or is that the typical case of mistranslation? I swear I am so confused.
No. 1301476
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I can't find my khaki colored pencil anywhere, would it work if I mixed green and brown together?
No. 1301482
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i want to live somewhere in the united states where there is nightlife, nature, and a significant punk/indie music scene but the young population is sane. i love asheville, denver, philadelphia, seattle, raleigh, miami, and the idea of california but i wanna move somewhere where the residents are a little less gender studies obsessed. does such a place even exist?
No. 1301588
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Is there any ArtAI sortware/webstie that's on par with something like midjourney but doesn't require a discord account, east to use and I can remain at least somewhat anonymous
No. 1301949
>>1301940You can use it to dye food, I worked at a cafe that would use beets in peppermint smoothies
>>1301903>>1301945I wound up buying a pint of ube for my freezer and a cup of lemon to eat tonight
No. 1301976
>>1301965The texture is a good thing.
If you go to buy cheap printed “paintings” from a big box store they actually fake put on texture over top of the print.
If you don’t like it, use thinner paint by watering it down, or just use watercolor paint or gouache instead. Gouache would be a good transition from acrylic while still remaining mostly smooth.
No. 1302048
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Why are my so stinky? I wear sandals all day long, sleep with the air conditioner on, take showers daily, workout naked, and they're stinky to the point that sitting on a chair for too long makes them smell a lot.
What should I do?
No. 1302339
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>>1302313Not sure but I think IT. What's a fact though is that working in the medical field will fuck up your mental health
No. 1302342
>>1302339Ohhh I love this little kitty so much. Enough to melt my brainnn. I heard medicine can be really rough mentally.
>>1302338 that makes me sad, I’ve been looking all online and that’s what is being repeated, doing compsci is worth it over being an MA.
No. 1302363
How often do you splurge on a hair/skin product? I saw this expensive but supposedly good conditioner, I want it but my brain says no because it's so much more expensive than my normal one. The one I have right now works okay but it smells awful, like those old 'Vogue Girl' deodorants with the cats on them.
>>1302339This is too precious, what a cutie
No. 1302532
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can someone explain how and why wojak edits became so popular on twitter out of nowhere and are still being used despite there 4chan origin ?
No. 1302533
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>>1302532also there seem to be way more personalized female variations then males
No. 1302539
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>>1302532It's not a new phenomenon, rage comics were insanely popular with normies despite the origins. They'll be selling them at WalMart in a couple years.
No. 1302554
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>>1302532The original Wojak/Feels Guy was just a sad character that people attached to posts on 4chan where they expressed sad feelings. People started editing him with different emotions and in different situations like they did with Pepe the Frog. Then a few years later people started making jokes about older users on 4chan calling them "30 year old boomers" and so edited him into an accompanying boomer character. People took the "-oomer" thing further and edited him into different characters like doomer (depressed), zoomer (gen Z), bloomer (optimistic), etc. then that spread to LatAM and Russian meme spheres and eventually started entering normie spaces, the template for "chad" also came from /v/ about an impossibly masculine gamer guy, eventually that was used that used for the template for aryan chad, the mediterranean chad, then arab chad, then black and asian chand
No. 1302650
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asking again. bone pain because of contraceptive shot depo. Where do I get estrogen? I don't wanna take just calcium. I have unrelated bone issues I dont want exacerbated and want to make double sure this contraceptive isnt gonna fuck me up long term
No. 1302668
>>1302557>>1302561>>1302562This was always really bizarre to me since the normiesphere seemed to think that "ok boomer" was referring to literal boomers and not 30 year olds on a forum who have different opinions about video games.
They used it enough that I think the meaning
shifted to refer to actual baby boomers and people considering it some kind of cultural revolution for zoomers. There were articles written about it from this angle, which is just wild: No. 1302742
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What does it mean if a guy you've hooked up with in the recent past agrees to come over but once over doesn't want to have sex? We made out for a long time and then he explicitly said he didn't want to have sex. When I asked him about it (I wasn't trying to be pushy, just wondered if everything was okay) he said he wanted to take things slow. But… we had already had sex in the past? I pushed a little further to see if he was hiding something and he gave vague answers, including, "I want to get to know you better." I'm too socially retarded to understand. He also wanted to schedule another date so he's clearly interested, but in what way exactly is unclear.
No. 1302824
>>1302743>>1302749>>1302763>>1302764>>1302766>>1302792>>1302795>>1302803Thank you all for the theories. I forgot to mention something important which is he did bring me a thoughtful gift, which is a bit much for a hookup. I'm biased because this is what I would prefer (over STDS and manipulation, lol) but I'm thinking he wants a relationship and to show moid respect, kind of like
>>1302803 said. He actually directly said as one of his many reasons (most of which were super vague and nonsensical, such as, "this is my first time in your apartment, I can't have sex with you.") was that he doesn't want to objectify me by having sex each time we saw each other. I just discredited this because he said so much other strange shit. Anyway, who knows, male logic is strange.
No. 1303005
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Sorry, BUMP
No. 1303006
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Still BUMP, my bad
No. 1303007
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The raicebaiting scrote is back up to his shit, sorry to clog up the thread, ladies
No. 1303034
>>1302667I'm a Virgin dumbass
>>1302671You must be over the age of 18 to post here
No. 1303072
>>1303066Nah, i would assume she either works with kids or just likes that hairstyle a lot i guess, this
>>1303071 too
No. 1303258
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Is entering into an introductory art class at a university/college fine if you're a beginner? I've been trying to learn on my own for a few months, but find it hard and thought doing in-person classes would be better to learn from. (So I could have some guidance & advice) I'm concerned about taking the class and finding everyone else is already at a much higher skill level and the class itself being too advanced.
Non-college/university adult art classes focused on actually building skills in my area are priced about the same as the actual art school courses, so.
No. 1303262
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Why don’t Scandinavians have air conditioners? Even hotels lack them that is so embarrassing.
No. 1303278
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>>1303258Before I was allowed to take an actual basic art class my college made you take an “introductory to art” class. Before I could even learn beginner techniques like shading I had to take a fucking art history class.
No. 1303301
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Can food delivery apps ban you from a restaurant? A week ago I wanted to order food but it did not go through, I tried like 5-6 times to get the app to open my banking app like usual but nothing happened, then right after that the restaurant just closed and has not been available since??
No. 1303406
>>1303322I have an Ameribag "The Healthy Back Bag" and I love it. Idk if you're a burger (or if they ship to your country or whatever) and if you're into this look but there are pockets and compartments everywhere inside and outside the bag, spreading the weight out and making it more comfortable. They come in every size, color, and fabric imaginable. I have this one: (black one in picrel) which is actually a diaper bag but I just threw away the changing mat and use it as a regular bag. I love it
No. 1303469
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Smart nonnas, what is the person doing this stuff called? The machine is a double cone blender
No. 1303582
>>1303575Nta have you never heard stories of people working in food/catering spitting in orders? It's quite common.
That said I order food from apps. Idk I think it's a waste to be scared of absolutely everything you know, you might as well stop existing at that point.
No. 1303604
>>1303406>>1303407I don't intent to come off as rude but whats the point of this product? A regular backpack distributes weight evenly to prevent shoulder/neck issues. This is like reinventing the wheel
>>1303575Are you too young to remember the burger king lettuce incident,
No. 1303615
>>1303607Why are you mad at women when you could be mad at a scrote,
nonnie? This is a great opportunity to point out moid degeneracy and their disgusting antisocial behaviour but instead you call women retarded for eating food prepared by somebody else. It’s starting to smell like smegma in here
No. 1303639
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Who’s gonna tell him he doesnt fit?
No. 1303647
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>op of the ubereats post
No. 1303690
>>1303675>>1303686what about
>>1303611 and bk foot lettuce
No. 1303710
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When will my reflection show who I am inside?
No. 1303741
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>>1303717Im have transcended
No. 1303760
nonny you unintentionally namedropped the person I know does this and reason i was asking
No. 1303788
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Nonnies can you recommend me a sunscreen? I have normal to oily skin, and acne prone but it's gotten better the last few years. Is chemical or physical better? Also drug store if preferable (I'm burger) but if something is really good from Sephora I'm willing to splurge.
No. 1303794
>>1303788Whatever you do, don't buy the mineral sunscreen from The Ordinary. It's cheap but it literally makes my skin turn GRAY. I look like an actual corpse that's been sitting on the ocean floor for 84 years. Not good.
You'll probably have more luck in the skincare thread
>>>/g/225928 No. 1303813
>>1303808Pack it away and see how you feel about it in a year. I’ve kept everything I was gifted by exes but they were
abusive scrotes so it felt like partial compensation for emotional damages kek.
No. 1303824
>>1303808No, unless it's expensive.
and apparently my type is broke boys. I don't keep much from exes.
No. 1303834
>>1303808Hell yes, it's a gift and it's mine now. If it's a painful memory though, like
>>1303816said, you might be able to hide it or store it away until one day when the memory isn't painful anymore. I can finally look at pictures of my exes when at the time I never thought it would be possible.
No. 1303868
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Should I join the spotify meme?
I would probably try blockthespot and modified apks first because I hate the ads and shit. Always used to download my music before this.
No. 1303963
>>1303962Depends if she's popular. If she is really just some rando you could say
>haha, would you mind if I drew a photo study of you? Sorry if it's awkward, I'm just practicing on different peopleand then send it later
No. 1304073
>>1304071Eh, you don't want to dox yourself and without screencaps there will be less value to those claims
And if she's not that popular it's not worth risking your privacy
No. 1304077
>>1304074Don't do it, eat a nice tasy breakfast in the morning
you'll have shitty sleep if you eat
No. 1304450
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>are there really men out there who fetishize fujos?
Yes. Don't give a fuck about whatever disagreement went on from this question, but it is absolutely a thing. Never underestimate male desire, and ignore all copes one way or another about it. There is no such thing as a "type" of woman who's exempt from fetishization
No. 1304460
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>are there really men out there who fetishize-
yes. everything and anything
No. 1304660
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are there any particular benefits to drinking oatmilk vs other plant milks? I bought oat milk for my protein shakes because it was cheaper than what I usually use and I didn't realize how high the calories were compared to almond milk or cashew milk…plz tell me it has some particular benefit so I can not feel so bad about the extra calories kek
No. 1304670
>>1304459Nayrt, same here. But idk I'm also someone who would ask my friends and family if they're okay on occasion because I'm genuinely concerned and want to make sure they're alright and if not, how to help out if I can.
So I'm not 100% sure how to approach it because I don't want to make people feel worse by asking, but do want to reassure loved ones that I care and am there for them if they need. If they say they don't want to talk about it then I know to back off
No. 1304794
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What do you have in your bookmarks?
For me:
>photopea (online free photoshop)
>1337x torrents
>gog games
>nyaa torrents
>4chan vg
Also unsplash for wallpapers
No. 1304816
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>>1304794I prefer creating folders with bookmarks.
>wishlist>gifts for irls>recpies>websites like MyAnimeList and links where to watch them online>art dump with stuff like ClipStudio materials No. 1304837
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Can anyone identify these books for me? I always see them on Pinterest in Russian “What’s in my Bag” photos
No. 1304848
>>1304840Samefag, top row is Three Comrades, Shadows in Paradise, All is Quiet on the Western Front
Middle is The Promised Land, Black Obelisk, Heaven Has No Favourites
Bottom is The Dream Room, Arch of Triumph, The Night in Lisabon
No. 1304994
>>1304523where I'm from it's also commonly not a sincere question. sometimes the southern chit-chat hits me though, like if you're a regular at particular place you can kind of gauge how honest you're allowed to be with people and pick up when someone is actually concerned.
like the gas station manager down the hill from where I used to live. she saw me all the time and apparently noticed something off one morning. the "hey, you doing ok?" was asked in a much different tone than usual. that's only one example, but when someone like that actually demonstrates care/understanding/concern, my little hermit heart cries a little.
No. 1304995
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I have recently had a very bad mental health episode and realised I am probably going to spend my whole life alone, because of how unlikeable I am as a person no matter how much therapy I get.
Nonas, what makes you feel better about that type of realisations? What makes you feel better about being alone?
As in, how do I become a true schizostacey and stop relying on validation and attention from others?
No. 1305003
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>>1304995Be too self-absorbed to even get a chance to be bothered about being alone and be too busy figuring out how to better yourself. An interest in more hobbies and media than you could possibly try in your entire life helps too. In short, be delusional kek.
No. 1305006
So I may have gotten a bit too indulgent over the summer and I've noticed some slight cellulite on my butt and the back of my thighs. Would exercise reduce it and if so what exercises should I do?
>>1304995As someone who went from being super dependent on others to being completely alone it feels like you're about to die at first but it gets better. It gets better when you unlearn the claim that you need other people to be happy and instead realize that you can spend quality time with yourself and you stop feeling dependent on other peoples validation.
No. 1305048
>>1304995Focus on the hobbies you like. Learn to appreciate being alone, while still being respectful of other people (don't become a complete misanthrope, it isn't worth it).
Remind yourself of all the times when being around people hurt you. Whether it was because of social anxiety, fear of crowds, or a difficulty to form and maintain relationships with others. Think of it this way: "Last time I tried to be social, did it work out? Nope, so why should I keep trying? I'm better off alone."
It's okay to feel lonely sometimes, humans are social animals after all. A good crying session will help. Or maybe even some liquor. Good luck, nonita!
No. 1305067
>>1305016NTA but thank you for your post.
>when you start taking accountability and having a positive outlook things get betterI feel this way too. I felt like I finally took charge of my life a few years ago and things have just gotten a lot better in my life and I'm overall happier with minimal effort. I've been struggling to figure out my relationship with religion. I'm drawn to Christianity but grew up in an areligious household (but vaguely Buddhist) but it feels strange and difficult to turn to a thing that I scoffed at and truly did not believe in for so much of my life. I wonder if I should attend church, but other anons and some friends have told me that that isn't necessary to form a relationship with God. I suppose I'll find my way there.
I didn't feel the need to turn to religion at my worst points, but now that I feel a lot more fulfilled, I think, "wouldn't it be a nice thing?" so I feel like pursuing it kek.
No. 1305398
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Is it a migraine or a headache?
My head hurts quite often, twice a month to once a week if I have more stress.
It's always one sided stabbing behind one eye. It usually lasts two days, sometimes I feel light pain third day too. I feel nausea but it isn't severe at all. The headache pain also isn't as severe as I imagine migraine pain should be. It is very unpleasant but if I get some painkillers it's bearable and I can more or less painfully get through the day. Sleeping worsens it terribly. I always wake up feeling worse, sleep never makes it go away. Exercise also worsens it.
I don't have aura - used to have these as a kid but with no headache following. I also had it once few months ago but also without any pain so I'm not sure it's connected to this chronic cephalea.
What do you think? I feel like migraine should be more severe pain and severe photophobia and other stuff. But I also feel like an ordinary headache shouldn't last 3 days and be present this often.
No. 1305740
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Recommend me a good book light to read in the dark please!
Problems I had:
>light doesn’t reach both pages
>has to move light around too much
>too bulky/heavy
>blasts directly in my eyes
No. 1305741
>>1305551It is if you're into schizo esoteric shit.
I would also recommend Ergo Proxy and Texhnolyze if you like Lain.
I am personally very into that type of stuff, but all of those can be pretty boring tbh.
No. 1305745
>>1305740city of thieves by david benioff
siddartha by herman hesse
No. 1305849
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anyone else remember when there were crips and bloods fighting on gaia online?
No. 1306132
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16 year old bpdfag girl with a 19 year old bf who has a thing for mentally ill girls because they get attached, how bad is it?(underage)
No. 1306138
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>>1306137I'm easily gaslighted
No. 1306174
>>1306151This might make more sense. Fent is a synthetic opioid. Think like super herion. There’s real Fent made by big pharm which is supped up morphine (that’s not what’s in most of the street drugs) and is addictive and dangerous and very hard to get.
Then there’s synthetic Fent coming from places like Mexico out of horse tranquilizer and shit. That’s what’s being cut into things like heroin and coke and stuff. It gives you a much higher opioid high but yes the risk of od is so great that most people won’t touch it straight. Normally a narc meeting in my area will always have at least one person who knows a friend who died of Fent. Fent has a lot lower tolerance and is much easier to OD. So I think it’s the availability, the type of high, and the fact it’s a real problem among addict groups now that keeps them from resorting it. It’s the mentality of I’m bad but I’m not doing fent bad. That would be crazy partially I think.
No. 1306175
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>>1306156No, I'm an autistic woman from a very conservative background and in my early 20s, I had a thing going on with this 25 years old Dutch guy and he cut me off after I expressed my anger about the fact he got together with a 16 year old at 19. Calling him a groomer, saying I feel like the kid deserves financial compensation from him. Also she cheated on him 1 and a half year into the relationship which is a fun little fact. I just can't believe he doesn't see what he's done as wrong so I wonder if it's just me being weird about it
No. 1306176
>>1305398that sounds like a migraine
nonnie, I'm sorry.
No. 1306189
>>1306128people do buy straight fentanyl,
nonnie. it's a cheaper opioid so it's often cut into non-opioid drugs which is why there are so many ODs now. people don't know what they bought is laced with fent so they end up taking a lethal dose since it's so powerful.
>>1306142fent is not a horse tranquilizer, that's ketamine lol. fentanyl is sometimes used for anesthesia in medical settings. also narcan will work for a fentanyl OD because narcan is specifically for opioids, you may just need more of it because of how strong fent is.
No. 1306194
>>1306179You’re welcome anon. Glad I could help clarify. The reporting on Fent isn’t great.
Sidenote since we’re talking about both the standard morphine kind can be helped if you OD. It’s the synthetic illegal tranq kind that can’t.
No. 1306200
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>>1306197Pyrex? They're microwave and dishwasher safe, and the lid is microwave safe too (not sure about dishwasher). Only downside is that it's glass, but that's also an upside since it's not like stuff like curries and sauces can stain/get baked into the material. Long lasting as long as you don't drop and break it kek
No. 1306345
>>1305192>>1305238>>1305315Thank you all
nonnie, I'll stay in the corner shop for a month or two eventhough I'll only be working on sundays, I actually had to quit my last job a month ago as my shift manager started to mock my laugh and made weird jokes about my clumsiness and why that made men kill us(women), I was so anxious I ended up having a panic attack….so I guess I'm going to be using this job as a training ground to get back out there, realistically as I'm rn I think I would be throwing up working on a more "serious" job even tough I do need the money
No. 1306401
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Do I paint my nails dark teal, neon pink, neon yellow or forest green? Gonna use a holo topcoat.
No. 1306480
>>1306401forest green
>>1306432why would that mean from the centre anon lmaoo
No. 1306488
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>>1306401>>1306429Dark teal anon was right
No. 1306535
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What's the most tasty but not common seasoning or toppings that you've put on your popcorns? I always eat mine plain but I want to spice things up.
No. 1306570
>>1306560"It" because it's a body part no matter how much people humanizes them.
No, boobs aren't "girls" either, it's just how some people refer to them as a way to censor themselves because saying "breasts" or "boobs" isn't okay for the Tv or radio.
>inb4 that means having an uterus isn't a woman thing because uteri are "IT" and not "SHE"!!!!Being born with an uterus means that a woman is a woman, having XX chromosomes means that a woman is woman and no twisting of words will change that.
No. 1306593
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Does any of you feel like they struggle with self image more after covid?
Going out and seeing other women I've always considered myself safely mediocre, not really attractive but not embarrassingly ugly either; but now every time I go to do anything I feel like bottom tier worm crawling in the dirt, even on the days when I put effort and feel good about what I see in the mirror. I'm not even sure it's covid related but it seems to make sense, as if I can't readjust after working from home and not going out much for 1,5 years. I have no idea how to deal with it and at this point I'm curious if someone maybe has similar experience?
No. 1306610
>>1306597It gives me some comfort to not be alone in noticing this, so thank you for responding nonna. It sounds like logical explanation - that isolation has negatively impacted the way we perceive ourselves - but then just sitting and feeling like that for so many months already it's tough to not think that hey, it's a cope and I'm actually really unbearably ugly compared to others. Now having said it and having you share your similar story, there's hoping that knowing more people may be experiencing this it would be easier to convince the mind to let go at least a little bit on this matter and help it become less critical… I really hope so.
>>1306602It's definitely true, but then I go out and everyone is fit and radiant, or so it feels like alternative universe next to all the stories of covid stress' impact. It's really cool how going feral helped you bond with coworkers though! Maybe paradoxically it would be harder if covid didn't happen and you wouldn't have a thing everyone immediately had in common? Makes me think of the tip for dealing with awkwardness in social interactions, which is to address it head on, seems like it really can work
No. 1306618
>>1306587>>1306594Oh ok thank you. I've never seen one in person, only in videos worth subtitles.
>>1306580But usually there's a story, so the lyrics are important too afaik
No. 1306628
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Why do men think being degenerate and emotionally retarded is something to brag about
No. 1306690
>>1304840Thank you
No. 1306843
nonnie, what's her channel
No. 1306883
>>1306843I'm not sure, I don't watch her regularly. The video just appeared in my feed and she had pretty purple hair so I clicked. I don't think the audio/poetry was hers though.
>>1306794kind of glad I'm not the only one who thinks so
No. 1307030
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How do you save yourself from a nuclear plant filled with radiation…
No. 1307035
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is having had people see you with acne and facial hair a social death sentence?
No. 1307037
>>1307035Why would it be unless you’re like 14? Fuck caking your skin with sketchy chemicals and pulling out your natural hair
nonnie, be free
No. 1307044
>>1307035No? It might be a bit embarrassing but from the observer side, I don’t think much of it when I see someone with a breakout. But I do have pitiful thoughts when the acne is caked in makeup, like that can’t feel good. If a girl has facial hair that is dark enough for me to notice from speaking distance then I assume it’s a choice (based).
Pizza face in men is repulsive and likely their own fucking fault tho.
No. 1307116
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>>1307078it must be in my head but i feel that people ignore or are repulsed by me when i have pimples and don't attempt to hide them. i liked wearing a mask when i got breakouts.
>>1307037>>1307044thanks. my facial hair looks like picrel (illustration of hirsutism) though if i ever grew it out. kek, i tried during the pandemic and some hairs were strong and black and curly. it did not look like a beard but i was afraid of being thought of as a slob or a troon.
No. 1307147
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Can nonnies recommend good channels about life in Japan or South Korea? (I prefer Japan but its ok) I don't know who to watch. I know about language learning channels but sometimes I want to just watch someone living a life there and talking about a culture, or just cool places, whatever.
I know a lot of redditors watch TT but I feel like they are degens. I even watched PewDiePie Japan vlogs and loved them whilist I couldn't handle watching some TT guy talk about anime boobs and bragging about watching Euphoria.
No. 1307183
>>1306821Late but in my bf's defense he
did wash his ass but in a very stupid way that involved using wet tp out of the shower and wiping. I was like, why don't you just wash your ass in the shower instead? And it clicked with him kek. I'm definitely not his wrangler or poop cleaner, don't worry.
No. 1307213
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Will I break out if I drink lactose free milk? I noticed I do a little bit when I have some but I'm not sure if it's that
No. 1307298
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what's the female equivalent of a ''literally me'' character?
No. 1307320
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>>1307298sorry for samefagging, here are mine. Also, i hate how trannies stole Lain from us, no, you aren't Lain you stupid mentally deranged troon.
No. 1307328
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>>1307298First one that came to mind. Even thought she's been called a manic pixie dream girl a lot I actually think she's extremely relatable, it's easy to guess what kind of life she has outside of the main storyline.
No. 1307362
>>1307351I have only seen the first 6 eps of Community and i like parts of her character so far, but i hate how extremely pickme-ish she is - I hated the obviously male writing of that episode where she consoles Annie in the bathroom and its played off as this "uwu feminism is so empowering! going to the bathroom together yaaahh!" thing.
The rest are Dobbie from Peep Show (highly recommend if you like dark, dry British comedy), the main character of Fleabag (again - dark, dry British comedy - but more female-centered), Sylvia Plath, Jane from Breaking Bad, Audrey Horne from Twin Peaks, and the main character of My Year Of Rest And Relaxation. Id actually give all the media and one author here a try, they're all good.
No. 1307374
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Would you out at 36c while having periods? I don't have anything to eat in the fridge.
No. 1307465
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>>1307298It's picrel for me but I don't know what you meant by "literally me character". As in characters we relate a lot to, or the female version of the "literally me" stereotype?
>>1307320I only recognize Lain, who are the rest? I don't watch a lot of movies/TV series kek
No. 1307539
>>1307362thanks gonna check them! I also only watched a few community eps but I am pretty sure it's supposed to mock white feminists.
>>1307465>It's picrel for me but I don't know what you meant by "literally me character". As in characters we relate a lot to, or the female version of the "literally me" stereotype?no right answer I guess, I just wanna know what nonnies think its the female version of Joker/Gosling/Trevor, either their personal opinion or in general. Princess Jellyfish is amazing, wish the anime had a second season, the manga is fun but I am not a hugeee fan of the rough artwork.
>I only recognize Lain, who are the rest? I don't watch a lot of movies/TV series kekIn order
>Lee Geum-ja from Lady Vengance>Brigitte from Ginger Snaps>Reki from Haibane Renmei>April from Parks and Rec>Woman with the blonde wig from Chungking Express>Lain>Veronica from heathersall heavily recommended in my opinion
No. 1307574
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>>1307095is there a gender critical shitpost thread? I don't want to spam the snow thread
No. 1307626
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What are your favorite 2000s-2010s tv shows and movies?
No. 1307673
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>>1307626LOST, hands down. There are a lot of tv shows I remember fondly, especially from tumblr's golden age (so yeah, the one you posted too unfortunately lmao), but LOST is really special. I remember vividly sitting in front of tv with my mind blown and rushing to school day after to discuss what just have happened with everyone. I've rewatched it years later and was worried everyone only liked it so much because it was first, but it still holds up as one of the best tv shows ever made imho.
As for movies, Lord of the Rings trilogy, ofc I had the DVDs i'd go back to constantly, and me and my friend would go to watch a directors cut marathon every time it happened in my city, which ended up being a lot of times because once we got caught by surprise by organizers coming out before movies played to "celebrate the 10th time they're doing it" lmao
What are yours anon? is it Sherlock or did you just post it to grab attention? (sure grabbed mine)
No. 1307720
>>1307539Thank you for answering
nonny, I'll be sure to watch/read all that stuff someday. I also wish Princess Jellyfish had a second season, but it'll never happen cuz josei almost never gets anime and it's an old manga. It isn't fair.
No. 1307954
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Why are there so many radfem kpop stans? like It's the least feminist thing ever in every way, like sure they "stan" girl groups who sing feminist anthems but those girl groups are under the control of some male media exec who controls every aspects of their lives
No. 1308025
>>1308008I don't think the tweet in
>>1307954 is actually saying their shitty corporate garbage music is feminist, just pointing out that actual Korean feminists tend to be radical feminists. An idol obviously could not be open about that, but I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest some of them might secretly believe in radical feminism if they call themselves feminists.
I'd agree that anyone saying the industry is feminist or arguing that the men in it suffer just as much as the women (something I
have actually seen) is an idiot, but they don't have to represent all radfem kpop stans any more than crusty pronoun patch wearing fake punks have to represent me, as a radfem who prefers punk music.
No. 1308098
>>1308075It's honestly difficult but the best thing you can do is take a deep breath and tell the kid as firmly as possible that saying such things is wrong and that girls are more than whatever sexist shit they're saying. Shouting at kids is basically asking for them to continue doing something because it bothers you. It's better to explain to them that what they're doing is wrong and why it's wrong.
Just remember that kids are repeating what they're hearing at home, specially if they're like 9 years old, they're parrots, so talking to the parents could end up being a waste of time.
T.had to teach at a school with dumb kids that had shitty parents.
No. 1308145
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What is a good place to buy these scarves secondhand? When I look them up on my countries' auction sites nothing comes up and if it does the price is ridiculous. Picrel is from Etsy but they all look the same and are probably made of crappy material. I bought a woolen one for my birthday, it's so pretty but I can't afford to spend 15+ euros and shipping for headscarves. I thrift from time to time but never see these sadly.
No. 1308259
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>>1308252Drink some cool water and maybe have a snack.
No. 1308570
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when the fuck did zoomers start crushing on bob odenkirk(saul goodman) seems to have come out of nowhere No. 1308582
nonnie. Debating whether I want advice or not, but don't really want to deal with any negative comments either.
No. 1308837
>>1308810Haute couture and runaway is different coz it’s not to cater to the general public aka you and me and the admin and mods, it’s for the people who believe they’re god’s golden turd. And then it’s another thing “expression of the designer’s art” ahuh sure thing but it’s why the models wear garbage bags for dresses and why you see relatively normalish clothes irl. That is if they haven’t started to imitate the runaway yet. As for predictions, it’s just a scam, celebrities wear something and then it’s the new trend. Or tiktok does it and then it’s the new trend. As for season “predictions”, when vogue predicts something it means “go get it”. Fashion is beautiful when you are a fashionista but it has its ugly ways as well. you either follow trends and become a
victim of a deprived wallet and soul, or you start the trends so others follow you. Your choice, nob.
No. 1308847
>>1308810A lot of what you see in fast fashion stores is designed based on concepts created by fashion trend forecasting agencies. Basically what they do is analyze everything going on in the world, not just fashion, predict what that's going to mean for fashion and interior trends in a couple of years time, make books consisting of moodboards and colour palettes and sell that to people/brands who're gonna design those clothes. Basically a good chunk of what we're going to be able to buy in the stores in 3-4 years, is already being decided upon now. That's why you often see various stores and brands suddenly selling the same trend (army green or ripped jeans or logo shirts or whatever) because they all bought the same forecasting books and used it for their designs.
Then there's also industry manipulation like
>>1308837 said. You know why Vogue can put out an article that says something like: "Yellow skirts are this summer's trend as seen on 5 runaway shows!" because they do behind the scene manipulation.
No. 1308893
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Should I get a sparkly gif cursor or will I get many viruses. I just want to relive my childhood on da puter
No. 1308922
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>>1308893go for it!! i get my from this site which i used back then too. picrel is some random rat cursor i found. you can also always get them from deviant too, which should be pretty safe also
No. 1308966
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>>1308922how do you even add cursors to your computer I found these very cute mew ones
No. 1308987
>>1308984samefag, not directed to you anon
>>1308969 I love the cursor posting. Just poor timing for my burning question
No. 1309021
>>1309016you sure he doesn't have cancer
nonnie? looks like so
No. 1309164
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I can't find this cosplay anywhere. Any AliExpress links say not available or out of stock. I'm thinking about maybe just making it instead. Does anyone know what exactly I'd need? Like what fabrics.
No. 1309237
>>1308893Also you can make your own cursor if you want to be super extra safe
>>1308634Google says around 6 months and I believe eit
>>1308563The GIOYC thread is for writing things that you wish you could say to specific people you know, writing your posts as if they were directed at that person. The vent thread is for blogposting basically, about your feelings, but not directed at any one specific person.
No. 1309255
>>1309252A husbando is a fictional guy that you want to love in a romantic way that often leads to sex.
A "comfort" character is a character that you like and imagine comforting you like that one platonic love friend you could never have but crave.
No. 1309262
>>1309260Correction, on bumble I have 2 pic, one full body pic, one selfie. I have no interesting life, just one friend, what kinda pics should I put up? Help this forever aloner. Ree.
>>1309256But the blue check kinda defeats the point of being accused of a catfish right?
No. 1309271
>>1309262Go outside to a nice private place or a park or somewhere else pretty that you like and set up your phone/camera on a tripod and position it in a way that makes it look like it could have been taken by another person. Have it take a photo every few seconds and just gaze around the pretty place and pretend the camera isn’t even there. Eventually you’ll get a nice photo of yourself off guard. You might have to position the camera around a bit so make a day of it. Bring lunch. Or just have your one friend take a picture of you. A selfie is fine too. There are many options.
Also fill out your description somewhat.
No. 1309279
>>1309262Honestly nona I would think you were a human trafficker- verification and two photos, no description raises alarm bells and plenty of people use dating apps. I'm sorry, I know you're not a moid
nonnie but moids do use women. Especially in my country (1st world) the malls are very awful for that.
No. 1309464
>>1309417What's your regimen,
nonnie? I'm also a nootropic enjoyer
No. 1309743
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>>1309741Oh yeah. I’m actually retarded.
never done it before sorry No. 1309895
>>1309857the reason the anon asked that is because if you take vitamins high in vitamins A,D,E,K it can more
toxic than the water soluble vitamins (B, C…etc) Basically watch out especially that you don't take too much A. The other ones are hard to overdose from in comparison to vitamin A. Usually vitamin A contained in vitamins aren't derived from Beta Carotene, which the majority of vegetables contain. (Your body converts beta carotene into vitamin A) Don't eat too much liver from animals and take Vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A is stored in the liver. Hope that helps a little bit.
No. 1309902
>>1309897no it's not?
also do asexual guys get boners? He's my friend btw
No. 1309959
>>1309953Thank you
nonnie, I am just trying to understand this woman from irl. I am concerned for her but i am not sure how I can even act around her anymore.
No. 1310061
>>1309948Asexually means not feeling anything over sexual contact, it does mean not being repulsed by it - that's trauma.
>why would you want to sexually engage with someone who’s not sexually into youThere's more to relationships than fucking? Lmao what kind of question is that.
No. 1310412
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This is green, right?
No. 1310427
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>>1310423That's not pine green.
No. 1310453
>>1310440She was wearing bikini the triangle type, and she doesn't take BC because she hates men and hasn't had any issues with her period.
I'm honestly glad to see that she looks better now, she used to look like she would snap in half with the caress of a mild breeze or something like that.
But now she's worried and wants to lose weight but I think she looks great.
No. 1310459
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>>1310445Keep creating arbitrary names, nonna.
No. 1310510
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Is a really sore neck with pain radiating into the left arm a valid reason to go on a few days of sick leave?
There is also a numb/twitchy feeling in my neck and along my spine. It's been like this for a week and not getting better and sitting in front of the computer/working is really uncomfortable. Should I exaggerate my symptoms a bit when I go to my GP? It genuinely is painful and annoying and I also just need some days off from work
No. 1310530
>>1310510sounds like you tweaked a nerve or something. You probably dont need to exaggerate but don't undersell the problem either.
also i fucking love the princess and the goblin
No. 1310572
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>>1310570You can't just vaguepost like that, c'mon, spill! Whadya doooo
No. 1310576
>>1310572When I say it, I guess it's stupid; I said I was going to try to hunt down information on someone and then start a thread when I had enough interesting shit on them
I'm not gonna do it btw and I didn't find much, just first page of Google shit
No. 1310608
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>>1299734I stopped using fabric softener and started using vinegar instead and now my clothes don't seem to get as clean anymore? They have MORE lint and fluff on them than before washing and just smell a bit bad, kinda lowkey moldy like a towel that needs to be swapped out after using some days. So I swapped back to using softener again, but no change. Did I break the fucking machine? I thought the opposite would happen
No. 1310616
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>>1310608Try using a washing machine cleaning powder. I've been experimenting with different alternatives to the usual tablets, liquids and powders and I've found that it while clothes are fine, natural detergents don't seem to keep the machine itself as clean.
No. 1310716
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Anyone do a (paid) coursera class? I'm curious and want to get a cert, but also I am afraid that in the end, employers look at this and think it's hot useless garbage
No. 1310738
>>1310728Moids don't want you to have any sort of high standards in any shape or form.
If you know what is it like to have a healthy diet, wear nice clothes that are flattering to you, take care of your body, make sure you have good quality things and such, they will mald and tell you to lower your standards because they hate seeing a woman that's happy on her own.
Pickmes also hate seeing women with high standards because deep down they know that they're fucking up but don't want to stop receiving moid attention.
No. 1310770
>>1310728From what I've seen men just judge it off of whether you get your nails done professionaly and whether your lashes are obviously fake. I don't think they have any concept of how much maintenence also goes into alot of other areas like skincare, looking after your weight, keeping long hair healthy or shaving.
When a guy says 'I like low maintenance women' its nearly always bullshit. Unless they're cool with a shaved head and unshaved legs..they want plenty of effort to still be spent on maintenance.
No. 1311041
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No. 1311383
File: 1661126813867.jpeg (159.78 KB, 800x772, D51E7C38-BE86-4818-8910-D703BC…)

>>1311370Of course not, there's even water bottle carriers with straps so they don't bother you too much while running or so you don't suddenly lose your grip on the bottle and send it flying towards someone's head.
No. 1311398
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i don't get it, did Walter leave jane purposefully to die to help jesse or was it an accident?
No. 1311408
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>>1311400damn waltah, i rooted for your man and you do me like this
No. 1311989
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How I'm supposed to wear a bra with a top like picrel? I have strapless bras but it doesn't look as sleek, how can I achieve this neat result? I just don't want my bra to be so obvious through the fabric
No. 1312126
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>>1311989When you see perfect lift and no bra showing on instagram/clothing sites it's surgery + editing. That being said, there are different types of strapless bras. A balconette or a full cup will show through tops unless those styles fit your breast shape perfectly. I always get weird gaping with them. For example, pic rel styles work better for my chest.
No. 1312192
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>>1306535Soy sauce and/or garlic salt.
No. 1312222
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>>1307331Ask an eye doctor about punctual plugs. They cork your tear drain holes. Painless and non permanent, every couple years they notice one fell out and stick another one in.
No. 1312437
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How common is it for adult women to squeal at a cute guy in a film or something when watching it in a group? When I was a teenager in my school’s movie club, we’d all loudly squeal whenever a cute male actor was on screen. Is it something that ppl grow out of?
No. 1312524
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I catched a total of 5 colds/flu/whatever this year. I have asthma and a few allergies so i know i have a predisposition for it but this is a new record, what i can eat to bost my immune system? I already do exercise regularly and i try to eat somewhat balanced but at this point i know i'm lacking something.
No. 1312567
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i started my period but i have a car trip i cant get out of tommorrow. is there a way i can delay the period shidding phase? pepto and ibuprofen dont do dick for me
No. 1312699
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>>1312567Tomorrow? No can do. I'll keep you in my prayers though.
No. 1312726
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Is it unreasonable/mentally ill to unmatch with a guy on a dating app because he posted a screenshot(on social media) of him talking to another woman? I kinda regret it since it felt like he actually had a personality and not a bore to talk to.
No. 1312766
>>1312751Art tips, somehow survival tips? They started appearing out of nowhere but I appreciate them, craft ideas, jewelry making ideas, outfits, cute fanart of my favorite characters, spicy fanart of my husbandos, cute art in general that also works as inspiration for me to draw, makeup ideas, nail art ideas, writing tips, workout tips, healthy recipes and not so healthy recipes and hairstyle ideas.
No. 1312769
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>>1312751Cats. Just cat pics, gifs, and videos. What else is pinterest even for?
No. 1312843
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>>1312099I'm jealous but glad I reminded you of those I hope they work out!
No. 1312892
>>1312862Literally just because 1) they lack empathy, and 2) they're programmed to prioritize cooming over anything else, so they think women don't suffer at all since we get attention and sex more easily, and they don't even consider that there are worse things in life than not getting laid, or they think that since we get regularly treated as little more than subhuman sex objects to be abused we must be really happy with all that "positive" attention we're presumably getting. I don't know, they just seem incapable of seeing women as autonomous human beings with their own lives and aspirations, as people who can suffer psychologically, capable of thinking and feeling independently from men. They'll make fun of us for being "overly emotional and sensitive" and later call us "emotionless cold bitches" and "manipulators who fake being
victims" even though moids have been proven to have less empathy than women on average and chimp out and commit mass shootings when no one wants to fuck them because they think they're entitled to women. As always, it's projection from males.
>>1312879Yet they love to make themselves look like
victims at the same time they abuse others lmao
No. 1312934
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Pepsi or Coke?
No. 1312937
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>>1312934Mexican Coca-Cola
No. 1312964
>>1312953Wrong and invalid
>>1312948Correct and
valid No. 1312990
>>1312964>Wrong and invalidthink you meant to reply to
>>1312967 tbh
No. 1313015
File: 1661241936439.jpg (7.29 KB, 195x258, index.jpg)

Nonnas! With autumn approaching, I am wondering what is your favorite hot cocoa. I want to try making a 'fancy' one, other than just buying cheap instant cocoa.
No. 1313164
>>1313158No, you are not. This "someone" is though.
>just haven't found the right time to break up with herBullshit.
No. 1313165
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>>1313158Anon you’re terrible and no better than people who actively look to homewreck relationships. The way you gain this moid is the same way you’re gonna lose him
No. 1313190
>>1313165Nta but I had an ex dump me and tell me about his new gf literally a couple days later. He tried to pretend like there was no overlap but he'd been acting very protective of his phone for a couple months prior to this. I moved on (taking a massive hit to my confidence and staying single for ages afterwards) and when I eventually gave in one day and snooped on him just to see if karma broke them up again.. they were in an open relatiosnhip where he sleeps with men and xdressers.. but don't worry he doesn't sleep with other women lol. I was shocked at first.
Cheaters gonna keep on cheating. The main shithead is the the actual cheater, but anyone who enables a cheat can hardly complain when it comes back to bite them. All the cliche sayings about cheaters are true. I just wish I hadn't blamed myself for years before that finding out.
No. 1313323
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>>1313243>>1313246>>1313251>hey i find life a little overwhelming somet->OMG babe you literally have a personality disorder, you're autistic as shit, you have extra chromosomes, you're literally one depression nap away from developing schizophrenia and severe downs syndromeRespectfully, shut the fuck up. Life is hard and there is no name for it. It's just shit, often times. You're not fucked in the head just because you aren't happy and can't find motivation in this retarded and gay life.
No. 1313334
>>1313323 >You're not fucked in the headIf
>>1313243wants to identify as fucked as in the head I think it's JUST VILE that you would say otherwise. Respectfully, some other avpd fucker.
No. 1313355
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>>1313323lmao anon i get why you would think that but i do come from a csa survivor background + fucked up parents like this isn't me just getting randomly sad for like a week, its been a constant thing from years that currently with the tools i have it isn't sustainable
>>1313246>>1313251thanks nonnies i did ask my therapist if i had autism n she said it wasn't probable but from what i've read avpd and me with my sudden bouts of neetdom do seem likely, im going to bite the bullet and ask for forgiveness for not coming in today without telling her beforehand n try to tell her what im feeling, wish me luck
No. 1313530
nonnie why is this post so funny, I think that you are wrong in this case because of this anon past but I wish you could bonk me on the head every time I get lazy and weak, legit gonna screencap this as motivation
No. 1313574
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What was the gender demographic for Tatu? I remember it mostly being young women and teen girls, but their gimmick of being ‘hot schoolgirl lesbians who kiss each other in the rain’ seemed really moidy and intended for men
No. 1313611
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>>1313243 part about feeling pressure makes me think of perfectionism. not a mental illness but you might find something useful here and the workbooks on this site are designed for self-use. in my experience they can actually help a lot. probably not good a good site for hypochondriacs and those prone to worrying they're crazy, but if you already know something is bothering you the workbooks can be a useful took to work on it.
No. 1313639
>>1313158>Am I technically a cheater if I caused someone to cheat?No, you have no obligation to keep the virtue of someone else's relationship.
>I sexted and sent nudes to someone who was already in a relationship Dumb, never leave traceable receipts or fucking pictures of your dealings. If he or his girl are psychos, they can use those things to run you through the mud. A man will ALWAYS lie and save as much face as possible even if it means throwing you under the bus. He is a cheater and you cannot trust him.
Always communicate in person or via call–if determined enough, they can call their carrier for transcripts but at least you wouldn't be handing evidence to them on a silver platter like a text or pic would.
>haven't found the right time to break up with herHe's feeding you a line to keep you hooked as the sidepiece, why would you want a cheater anyway? He lies when it suits him and he will do it to you too.
Your best bet would be ghosting him and praying he doesn't develop a sudden conscience to cover his tracks and humiliate you. I can't believe you sent him photos, stupid move.
>>1313588>Remember: men don't cheat with better, they cheat with easy.Except for when they do get better and it hurts a lot of feelings to see shitty and dishonest people live their best lives even though they do not deserve it. Why spread around an untrue platitude like this?
No. 1314100
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>>1314080i liked the bad guys for the animation. Anything by cartoon saloon is great too, wolfwalkers, the secret of kells, song of the sea, the breawinner
No. 1314224
>>1314205Ayrt, I’m more curious why I said r-word first and then said it multiple times uncensored.
Anyways w-word is dumb, I was being misogynistic and a pickme, sorry.
No. 1314288
>>1314224The w-word is "woman"?
Are you talking about some kind of assisted living? Every single person in your household sounds socially disabled, including you.
No. 1314385
>>1314128because the word had v in it and it was the most common condition i could think of with a v. why does everything has to be
one letter pee dee? writing out borderline, bipolar and avoidant pd would put things into context more for people who weren't interested in psychology or english before. even then i have read pd as police-department in the past kek.
No. 1314411
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I asked this before but which one is hikaru and which one is kaoru
No. 1314421
>>1314417At the same time, baby girl.
No. 1314436
>>1314288A woman is a queen so obviously I didn’t mean that.
Though, I had to google what assisted living is, how do you know what this is? You ever done that?
>>1314312Dementia is a based disease tbh.
No. 1314581
File: 1661358754168.png (221.39 KB, 1284x721, twitch ad.PNG)

Can someone recommend a twitch ad block that works? The one that I was using was working fine for a few weeks but now I started getting picrel ugh.
No. 1314626
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Is it good/better to date men who have a fetish for you? For example, as a ""BBW"", would I be better off dating chubby chasers than "average" men?
No. 1314840
File: 1661367955232.png (39.54 KB, 414x273, 1661066130841.png)

why is it when a married/in a straight relationship moid comes out as gay and dates men he is always believed to be definitely gay by everyone, but if a woman does the same and comes out as a lesbian and only dates women, she's seen as a poser and secretly loves dick
Its one thing for rapey moids to be obsessed with the "lesbian conversion" shit, but the most irritating is seeing other women and lesbians push that narrative. Even under the guise of gold star, isnt this just a 4D chess way of handmaidening for moids by pushing away the lesbians who escaped the moids?
No. 1314949
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Nonnies, what is the best plateform to post weird and small slice of life comics ?
No. 1314966
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This was in my crush's gallery but he claims he's "pro-abortion", he said rape is the main reason, he also knows the 13/50 meme and claims he knows it from 9gag, should I be concerned
No. 1314972
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>>1314966The screen is mine, he sent me a screen recording of his gallery and I reverse searched it:
No. 1315080
>>1308418I'm not trying to be quirky or a special snowflake, I just want to know what disorders I have so I can get proper psychological help and not accidentally get a prescription drug that will worsen my mental health
There are many things that are still being figured out by psychiatry and not every doctor has the answer to all the mysteries of the human brain so it's very easy to get a misdiagnosis, especially when you're a woman or when you have some comorbidity
No. 1315099
>>1314415you know your shit
nonnie, I’ve watched the show a bunch of times but only remembered their incest fuckery thank you
No. 1315278
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Nonnies please help me, does anyone know what is the specific name for this air force 1 colorway? Searching 'nike pastel' shows up too many different results, I'm looking for this one specifically!
No. 1315282
if you don't mind me asking, what's your idea? maybe I can make the banner for you
No. 1315285
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>>1315278That style is called color blocking so that’s why you couldn’t find it. I tried finding it for you it’s called Air Force 1s Shadow for women sadly it’s no longer available on the Nike store nonna. I’m using a vpn so maybe it’ll work for you I think I also found it here with the color you’re looking for (looks more realistic and less bright): sure how reputable this website is though kek
No. 1315607
>>1314626>>1314684This is not true. Men who have fetishes only see you as an object to help him coom. If he is a chubby-chaser, he will leave you if you lose weight or if he finds a bigger woman. Plus, fetishes come and go, what are you going to do if he loses his fetish or if he gets into something else?
Better to find yourself a normie man to date, unless you want to date a porn brained Coomer.
No. 1315623
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I get along well with my parents and my other family members, but for some reason, I just cant seem to keep up with people my age. They all talk in this way that I couldnt embody? imitate? and for some reason, I find it more pleasant to talk to older people.
I was included in a huge friend group in college and they all talk in that way I couldnt copy and it makes me feel like i
Im a drag to them. I feel like an outsider. And get this, I fake a shy personality around them too cause theyll probably all think Im a spaz if they knew how Im actually like. Could this be a symptom of aspergers or am I being overdramatic?
No. 1315651
>>1315647She's reaching so hard her back broke 3 times.
>lists random normal things>iS ThIs aSpErGerYou can't tell me she doesn't want it if she's reaching that hard
No. 1315801
>>1315629Im the op. Its possible that Im reaching kek, but people have always called me "weird, unusual and noisy" and have said things like "Ive never met anyone who talks like you" and most of the time it isnt from close friends either. I stopped hearing those things when I started faking a personality. People also listened better when I stopped "acting like a sperg". I cant help but think im some autist when I couldnt even fit in with people my age. but as anon stated, maybe my brain didnt rot from tiktok enough. My peers are all noisy, but none of them were called weird or unusual.
>why does everyone on lolcow want to be mentally challenged. How has this become a thing people desireI mean, some people ~desire~ it to use for attention or to add it on their twitter bios, but idk how you thought that was my intention when Ive stated I wanted to stand out less in the first place.
No. 1315817
>>1315810I love weirdos. I hate the medicalisation of everything under the sun.
These people who made a whole generation ask themselves are they pathological in this or that way, do you think they are doing things in your interest? Whose interest is that in?
No. 1315818
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Does anyone have productivity tips? either foods, habits, tips to concentrate, whatever I just want to stop wasting so much time and do the stuff I need to
No. 1315827
>>1315818Here's a thread you might find useful tips in
>>905546This one too but is older and locked
>>428516 No. 1315885
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>>1315862>americunts will be paying the debt of philosophy studentscan't wait!!!! they are going to end up like my country, filled with young people with utterly useless degrees like philosophy and psychology. This is for ruining Latam with the plan condor, putos.
No. 1315993
>>1315862Simple; forgiving student loans is a good investment whereas forgiving people eating themselves sick is not. One will help the other, while the other is useless and/or dying
>>1315885Te pasastes de ridicula
No. 1316014
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>>1315993>implying americans will study anything usefulArgentina 2.0. The biggest population of students of liberal art dances incoming.
No. 1316028
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>>1316022most people that studied arts in calarts can't even draw or animate they just go to get contacts and find their new gender lmfao imagine having to pay for this
No. 1316041
>>1316028Because Calarts is the only school in the whole of America. You guys know it's a country with
millions of people right? I know it's cute and trendy to shit on Americans but it's literally millions of individuals in a massive country.
No. 1316044
>>1316014Spoken like someone who has never been to an American university
>>1316036Exactly this. People should refrain from commenting on things they don't understand
No. 1316054
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>>1316041all of the people that actually end up in animation are calarts graduates, its supposed to be the most prestigious one yet this is the best they can offer
>>1316043imagine paying for some tranny to get contacts so he can make more propaganda bullshit
No. 1316055
>>1316014This is weird. You know americans don't get anything out of larping as americans, don't you? I guess keep coping that absolutely all americans get liberal arts degrees I guess.
>>1316022Yeah so lets make it harder for people that want to help these people, including lardasses? right? lol
I refuse to believe you guys aren't retarded
No. 1316060
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>>1316039I haven't done this myself since I've always used firefox, but firefox has a way for you to import your bookmarks and other data from google chrome if you want to make an easy switch. If not I suppose chrome should have something similar for you to block websites. Good luck! No. 1316073
>>1316061Your anecdotes have no impact on the real world.
>>1316054It doesn't matter how "prestigious" the school is, literally every art school is going to have shitty talentless students. It doesn't matter if they're learning classical painting or animation, not everyone who attends is going to become someone and make some big waves in the animation world. You pick out the loudest minority with your ugly twitter drawings, meanwhile the actually talented graduates are just out there working in their field like normal people do when they graduate. Get over your Calarts hate, because i can tell it's based entirely on what other people have fed to you and that's pretty lame nona.
No. 1316085
>>1316041> it's cute and trendy to shit on Americans Nah, it's pretty atemporal
>>1316054In regards to the dog animation anon linked, I dunno, in the description says it's their first animation and apparently done by a single person, depending on how much time they had and what year they are on, it's probably pretty good, animation is a lot of work and it's just a student project. I hear a lot of stuff about calarts so I dunno what is true or not, but I've heard that many students' art get worse once they enrolled (your picrel being an example if I remember well), apparently there are other art schools in the usa that are stricter on techniques but I guess they aren't animation oriented?
No. 1316111
>>1316093>my country is actually compared a lot by economists to the USA>scrolls up to find out what country nonnie is from>ArgentinaHuehue. The americans will probably be fine either way,
nonnie, I feel like you are overestimating this uni thing, there is more to economy than this and living in a country which economy hasn't been shit since god knows when is like living in another reality.
No. 1316136
>>1316131kek you just reminded me, I transferred to another school because I was going insane being surrounded by speds, but at that first school this autistic guy in one of my English classes spent a
lot of time ranting through a mouthful of spit about how the holocaust didn’t happen and that mf now has a college degree. Save us.
No. 1316207
File: 1661446353124.jpg (45.71 KB, 700x500, 3704-700x0.jpg)

I'm trying to find a nice keyboard for my new computer, but all are so ugly and expensive.
My ideal would be black, slim (picrel) and wired. Possibly with light behind letters but that may be asking too much.
Logitech have good prices but are ugly.
Anyone have recommendations?
No. 1316360
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>>1316328Mirrors. Front facing lenses also have distortion.
No. 1316413
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Are Casetify cases worth it? Like compared to just a generic Aliexpress case? Yes these are horrid I know kek
No. 1316420
>>1316417>trounced instead of troonwhoops i meant trooned* not troon twice kek
right, so its not a filter. can you girls fix your damn autocorrect ? its happened enough times that ive noticed it across different threads and boards, and only today have i seen it happen so much so i doubt its a default autocorrect thing like fuck getting changed to duck and such…
No. 1316569
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What's the name for Japanese pixel art/online stickers/pixel emojis like picrel? I think it was something like decoga…
No. 1316582
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>>1316473I definitely have mento ilnes luv but I like shiny things in my face and have always loved tattoos even as a kid. Even the stupid ones I smile about, it’s kind of like tiny time capsules on my skin that take me back to specific moments in my life.
No. 1316986
This isn't a joke question, this is what I am down to, there are no other opposing, I will be dead soon.
Do I become a sexworker or do I kms?
I can no longer afford insulin, test strips, kidney pills, heart pills, and some other medical equipment that is not covered by medicaid.
Would it be better to stay alive with no dignity, or should I just do it? To be entirely fair, death would literally solve all of my problems, and I don't care about myself anyway; but I know my family would feel bad.
Would you rather have a whore for a daughter or just a dead one?
No. 1317001
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>>1316986Anon tf why turn to sex work, go get a job. You won’t be making easy money doing sex work just take a peek at any SW threads and you’ll see women selling themselves for $3. You’re better off working at starbucks and trying to see if they have insurance that can cover you. If you’re in certain fast food chains some can even cover medical costs. You’re way better off working for a steady paycheck and benefits than depending on depraved moids to foot the bill.
No. 1317014
File: 1661490720221.png (2.55 KB, 186x186, download.png)

I know that thia sign means lane ending merge left but I don't inderstand the symbol. What is it representing? The dotted and solid lines don't make sense.
No. 1317017
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Would you drink Garlic flavored Coke?
No. 1317021
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>>1317011Yeah just seems like babbys first crisis when choosing between work and sex work.
>>1316986Nonnita if you’re still struggling I recommend telemarketing jobs or any at home jobs. Apple right now is hiring alot of at home workers and provide all necessities. There are also at home jobs tied to helping college students with their loans, since they have ties to federal funding they can be pretty cushy jobs. They also are short staffed and can set aside extra money for you to buy a desk/pc/etc. So pls don’t do sex work, it’ll just make your mind and body feel worse
No. 1317065
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Nonny, what are your favorite comfort movies or tv shows? I am sick and can barely do anything, so I am thinking of watching something.
I've got Disney+ sub if that helps.
No. 1317077
>>1317028Omg it's in the negative space!! I see it!
>>1317036Like I said, I understand the meaning of the sign, retard.
No. 1317078
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>>1317065For some reason, the film Firestarter (1984) is one of my comfy movies. Alternately, Homeward Bound (1993).
No. 1317094
>>1316406my brother did
>>1316986don’t do it because you probably won’t make that much anyway but hope you’re okay
No. 1317180
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>>1317065Nonnie I dont know if you’re still looking for recs but if you’re in the mood for cute shows I know some! Old Enough! Is a show on netflix about young japanese kids doing their first errands. Theres also the Return of Superman, a korean based show about fathers spending time with their children and bonding with them without their mom around! Theyre all kid oriented so i dont know if you’re the type to find baby fever tier shows good kek. But they do have sweet moments!
No. 1317188
File: 1661501392778.jpg (40.49 KB, 1200x675, g-cost-plus-drugs.jpg)

>>1316986Have you checked out nonna? Some guy started it because pharmecutical companies fuck us so hard. I keep reading about it in the news. Don't kys or become a whore. Reposted with picrel for visability.
No. 1317360
>>1317180NTA but holy shit I was typing out a separate reply and went to look up an old clip of Sarang to attach to my post and JUST SAW THAT SHE'S MADE A RETURN TO THE SHOW?? I think for just one episode but AHHHH!! She's so big now!!!
I loved Return of Superman so much. I originally watched it for Tablo and Haru but I looooved watching Sarang's segments too (skipped the boys kek). I stopped watching before even Tablo and Haru left the show but I was sad to find out when Sarang eventually left too. But she's grown up so much now! All the clips with young baby Sarang were so cute. There's just something about seeing her literal MMA fighter buff dad helplessly dote on her that just warms my heart up so much. There's also the clip were Tablo takes Haru out to see her grandfather's grave and she puts those warming packets on the gravestone so he won't get cold… I bawled.
No. 1317382
File: 1661523924469.jpg (746.03 KB, 2500x1750, FbBYvJpXEAAWzp_.jpg)

So what the fuck is the deal with lolcow getting invaded more and more lately? Or is it all about a few schizo trannies who are permanently online?