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No. 905565
>>905552I’m not sure how it is depending on pandemic regulations where you live, but a nice change of pace might be a local park or forest preserve, they sometimes have areas with tables or for picnics and I kind of liked that a lot of them don’t have internet so I just took notes and did readings without a lot of distractions. A museum might also be a good idea, especially if you can find one that’s relevant to the subject you’re studying in some way.
You might also like going to places at different times, I used to go to this older university library and study on a floor for a specialty subject that barely anyone used in the evening and it was totally different from being there during the day. Good luck studying, I hope you find a nice place!
No. 905567
There’s a podcast called Asian Efficiency that had some really nice older episodes about productivity. The new episodes suck ass, though, so scroll all the back to the start and check out the ones that sound interesting
>>905552There really aren’t any, unless you can study some without internet. Then you can take your book and journals to a park mall bench/cafeteria or something.
No. 905609
>>905595I use a bullet journal. If you have a lot of meetings you might want to have events and meetings in your google calendar and just use bujo for tasks and notes.
Having a mindful habit of using your planner every day is much more important than what planning system you use
No. 908957
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>>908918I started making a few of these lists to keep track of habits and life events, you mentioned some additional entries that I'd like to include like sleep, weather, books. I realized that maintaining a record of this stuff has been a really effective tool for managing my anxiety. It's proof that I'm not aimlessly floating through my day because I'm constantly making observations and accomplishing things. I struggle with issues relating to memory and time management, this type of journalling basically provides a concrete foundation that I can build on everyday. Pic rel is my favourite notebook. The pages are structured in a multi-divided line-dot-grid format.
No. 909099
>>908929It sounds redundant because dipshits keep making pictograms with the A as “attainable” instead of “actionable”. That makes the “realistic” part redundant.
Actionable being instead of writing “lose 50 pounds” you write “work out 3x a week”
>>908924Smart goals is the kind of thing you have to read about once and then it’s always in the back of your mind. Nothing complicated about it
>>908918The most important things a bullet journal gives are clarity and a sense of direction. You don’t have to use a bullet journal specifically for that, of course. If you just want to do schoolwork and don’t have other goals you need to organize and work toward then it’s a lot less useful. It is also nice to see what progress you have made
No. 909853
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I got this cute planner from barnes and noble. it was kind of expensive though. do you guys use planners, and do they help? I am hoping it will help me get more done.
No. 909858
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>>909853Wow this is really pretty!! I love paperblank notebooks but they are expensive as well
No. 909860
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>>909858they always have really ornate designs and I love how the cover always has indentations in it
No. 909864
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>>909860ugh I want them allllll
No. 909872
>>909870I have a tendency to not be present and dissociate and also to procrastinate so sitting down and writing my plans down is really useful. It also anchors me a bit in reality I think. And it's not just for work I also write down what books I have read and plan to read and same for movies. It's nice not to have to think back what I watched or read since I also have a bad memory.
I understand what you mean and it is a
valid opinion, but personally it's not the case for me. Good night anon, sweet dreams
No. 909877
>>909872I have bad self control so I am replying. Obviously making to do lists is a good idea. You can use literally any notebook for this. But if you didn't actually do your last to do list, then you need a different approach.
You all know what productivity is, you all know that buying more notebooks is not productivity, you all know that watching youtubers talk about how productive they are is not being productive.
Anons upthread are talking reasonably about how to corner oneself into being productive which is the right approach. I'm just
triggered by notebooks, youtubers and bullet journaling which are just excuses to buy more crap and watch more youtube.
No. 910047
>>909877Stfu you stupid bitch. Some people waste time doodling in a notebook and others waste time writing long winded sperge posts about people who want a cute journal on an image board.
I hate the over focus on stationery too but you can have a cute journal and be productive. And for some having a cute journal helps them use it. Taking a first step and being a bit more productive than before is just fine.
No. 913840
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I was looking for a journal where I can put in different categories and change pages. I found this Atoma Notebook. From the first look it’s not worth the money but I’ll try to use it for a little longer.
Maybe somebody has a better suggestion. I want to be able to take out pages and put them somewhere else. Please no filofax I already have two.
No. 915085
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>>914459Yes I know exactly what you mean. The only thing I could think that works is that meme planner the hobonichi techo.
No. 917315
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I'm having fun planning out a bullet journal for the first time. It hasn't come yet, but I've been planning out spreads.
No. 917661
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I’ve set up the Notion template from Janice Studies to map out my course deadlines and grade calculator. I don’t think I’ll use it for notes beyond maybe linking for quick access. It’s very aesthetically pleasing, no idea about how much it’ll help with organization or productivity but I’ll let you know how it goes in about a week or two.
No. 1106346
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I actually really like some Erin Condren stuff
No. 1106476
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for the first time i am using a planner almost every day. it helped that it was a used one so i didn't feel bad about ruining it. i track my classes and work hours there, my period, gym times, and my plans to go out. i tried a daily checklist but i never finish everything within a day. what i want to do more of is art projects and organization.
No. 1406420
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>>1403528Samefag but Hemlock and Oak is probably my only serious contender right now.
No. 1652089
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>>1514869Have you tried time boxing?
I like the layout in this planner from Kinbor for that purpose:'re undated so you can just use it when you see fit.
No. 1652928
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>>1652804Use whatever (extra) fine point pen and it's no problem. Muji has 0.38 pens. Personally, I like that it's compact so that I can carry it around. But if you want a larger one, there's also an Kinbor A5 avaible, I used one with this same layout but it's dated. Or just get the Hobonichi Cousin (of which Kinbor is a more affordable dupe).
No. 1653036
Additionally I have been pressing my flowers in them into the days I picked the flowers. Everyone should do that.