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No. 428545
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This has been a life saver for me.
No. 428810
>>428806I’m a part of the paper planner master race and I shun digital because it takes more time and energy, is less customizable, gets you much less engaged, and adds to the amount of time you’re staring at a screen. You also don’t have to worry about battery.
The ‘upsides’ of digital is that you can make backups and you can search keywords. You can also be automatically reminded, but I personally don’t think that this is an actual upside and just contributed to enabling us to overuse technology as a crutch and shorten our attention span/memory. I use my planner to not only plan my days but to improve myself in general.
No. 607046
>>606312Everyone jerked themselves about how they won’t use it anymore and there was massive faux outrage, but now they are like
>I’ve decided that I won’t stop shilling for EC or buying their planners… it’s a personal decision everyone should make and no one should judge me and my white ass about it even though I was literally crying last week about what an affront to black people this is. If you call me out about it, I WILL threaten dramatically to leave the planning community forever, because this behavior is PERSECUTION and BULLYING A lot of black people are still buying EC too so whatever, but the white planners are being absolute cows about the whole thing. EC herself straight up refused to apologize for any part of it and last I heard the company was going to fire her and remove her name from the brand if she didn’t apologize soon. I haven’t looked for updates since then so idk how it developed