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No. 1247114
Ask away, dummies
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1228657 No. 1247117
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does anybody else see static in front of everything like you took your vision and put a low opacity layer of this on top
i asked many people irl and nobody sees this is it normal?
No. 1247121
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Is there like a manual for social interactions broken down into the tiniest details?
I mean about like…how to keep the conversation flowing, what to ask when you cannot think of any questions, how long should you stay with one topic before mving on. I have this problem where conversations end super quickly because my pattern is like…acknowledging what the other person says, then move on to next topic because I cannot think of any questions. I already know about the Carnegie book, but I feel like there should be something even more basic out there for people with social anxiety or autism or ADHD. I feel like most books about this topic are super general and are like 'Make your conversational partner feel good about themselves!!' yeah, no shit but how and when and how do I do it without coming across as creepy or overly flirtatious?? Like I need specifics
No. 1247193
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>>1247188There are still redtext bans
such as this retarded one, but what's going on with the admin is a mystery since she won't communicate.
No. 1247201
>>1247193Leon is sexy
Fuck janny lives
No. 1247292
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How can I secure a bag of frozen plant-based meatballs? I am thinking of using only half of the bag. Will 'rolling' the bag and putting it back in the freezer help?
No. 1247330
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>>1247292Here you go Noni
No. 1247346
>>1247327I know it sounds stupid, but I wanted to make sure.
t. left my parents to a different country the second I turned 18.
No. 1247534
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how long until fillers stop feeling uncomfortable? i just got chin fillers for the first time and i can't lean on my hand..
No. 1247676
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would anyone like a mbti thread in /g/?
No. 1247955
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Is there a way to turn off unwanted feelings? I'm sick of being upset by the world, and I'm sick of having desires that will only hurt me. I wish I could accept when things are shit and let them be that way without growing distraught. Is that what DBT and Buddhism help with?
No. 1247975
>>1247955Looking into Cognitive Behavioral therapy. It’s more focused on refocusing your thoughts and changing those patterns to improve. There’s a reason your self destructive. There’s a reason you do the things you do. You have to know what it is and how to soothe yourself when you get like that.
I’d stay away from religion even Buddhism has a clause where women can’t reach enlightenment until they reincarnate as men. Mediation is good. I call my approach radical acceptance which has served me well. I can explain?
No. 1248005
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Who is the John Lennon of One Direction (arguably the most famous and innovative one who will die tragically)? And who is the Paul McCartney?
No. 1248029
>>1248015>>1248017Thanks very much for the explanation. The good thing is I'm currently doing CBT but could use improvement, and your description of how it interacts with DBT is super helpful in that sense. I don't know if you're really asking me to share my past but I will since I don't mind regardless, I would guess it comes from a clingy overdependency on my parents as well as messages internalized from fairytales as a child (true love and happy ever after). So at least I can source some of it, but I don't know how to combat that
especially when I still am overly dependent. Been working on my anxiety somewhat, which I had even as a young child so its roots may go too deep to recall. Thanks a ton though, this helps give me an overview
>>1248022Oh I loved that shit when I read Marcus Aurelius in school. No serious trauma, only extreme anxiety that might affect me in similar ways. I think I will revisit it from this perspective, thanks anon.
No. 1248046
>>1248029I think with the anxiety and codependency that can partially be learned helplessness, it’s common in a lot of women. There was a study a long time ago where they put fathers and daughters in a room with a puzzle and fathers and sons. In most cases when the puzzle became to hard fathers would insist on doing it for their daughters, while fathers with sons would encourage their sons to do it themselves and only give hints and the occasional push. It wasn’t purposeful or malicious in any way, all of these fathers said they loved their children, but that behavior in childhood can teach girls to be infantized mentally and emotionally, so they grow up anxious and under confident in their own abilities, while are socialization forces us to be over qualified for most things. It’s a crippling combination, and it’s why you see women who even with degrees and finances don’t have the confidence to leave
abusive relationships or learn to fix their own car. Because they mentally don’t see themselves as capable. It’s learned helplessness and it lies to you to prevent you from learning, growing and improving.
The way to combat it and a lot of the codependency is to invest in yourself. It’s difficult at first, but focus on what you want and what you want in your life. What makes you happy? What do you want to learn? What do you want that has nothing to do with a relationship? Focus on those things. Build yourself up and use the talk therapy to work through things as they come up.
I fell into the fairy tale thing too, hard. I’m still a romantic. But I don’t think most people are. Romanize your life if you can instead. If you have a little extra money instead of spending it on a something to date a moid, buy yourself some flowers or a nice coffee. Learn to cook for yourself and make meals you enjoy. Date and take care of yourself as corny as it may sound. Learn to appreciate the time with yourself and enjoy the rain or the shower or the fresh sheets or whatever makes you happy.
A rule I have to always keep my feet in a relationship is to never move in with a partner before a year, it takes that long for the initial hormone phase to wear off and actually get to know someone, and there’s never any reason to move in with a partner beyond I want to live with you and in healthy relationships that can wait. It’s a red flag if they push you faster.
No. 1248063
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>>1248027I don't know if there's solid research but in Dr. Jessica Taylor's Sexy but Psycho a mental health employee mentions this happening regularly.
No. 1248081
>>1248071Look up Nikki Maloney‘s what’s stopping you if you can find it. I did as an older teen and it honestly was the thing that opened my eyes. It’s full of stories and exercises to help you recognize common thought patterns we women have. It’s older, but it’s still very very relevant and a good starting place imo.
I’m glad I could help in some way! I know when I started to piece the pattern together it made a lot of things start to make sense and starting to understand the reason behind everything helped me let go of a lot of self hatred that made me self destructive
No. 1248085
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>>1248073Good point, though I'm still confused. Now I'm wondering which is warmer? purple or green?
pic rel
No. 1248086
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>>1248085It all depends anon. Take a look, you can have warm and cool versions of any
No. 1248087
>>1248068In my head, I initially think of red being warmer because I associate it with things that are literally hot moreso than yellow.
But I've also learned about color theory in regards to makeup and fashion and people's undertones…in that context, yellow is definitely warmer and red almost functions as a neutral. Like people with a lot of pink in their skin are considered cool-toned vs people with a lot of yellow are warm-toned. If you wanted to warm up someone's skin/makeup, you'd add yellow. You'd add blue to cool it down. But red is a little tricky in that regard. A lot of red in the skin doesn't automatically read as warm, but it can in clothing and makeup if it's a very warm red…aka a red with more yellow in it.
Sooo I guess it depends on the context? If I had to pick, I'd go with yellow as a final answer though lol
Thought the yellow in this pic
>>1248069 is technically a cool yellow and the red is a warm red. In that specific context, the red is warmer
No. 1248089
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>>1248086wait then apparently there's this
No. 1248092
>>1248083Narcissists can make people follow similar
toxic patterns through the love bombing cycle. The behavior and long term goal and effect of narcissistic abuse is a long term supply that’s addicted to them. The highs and lows of the relationship are severe enough to spike and tank your brain chemistry over time making you addicted to them similar to a drug and over time as their behavior gets normalized and through a combination of manipulation and gaslighting people who previously were not as manipulative as the PwNPD to become such to get the high again. This done by love bombing spiking your dopamine and oxytocin for a period of time and then rapidly taking it away with no warning causing you to crash hormone and chemically making you easier to push for whatever they want. It drives you into codependency
No. 1248108
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>>1248086ugggghhhhh so confusing, I'm going to have a stroke trying to figure this out tbh
>>1248087But when you look at rainbows IRL the color yellow is in the middle/inward while red and blue are outward, meaning yellow may be the neutral color? picrel. I guess it could also be interpreted as "warmest" color being in the middle, but there are discrepancies with that theory
>>1248089Huh yeah, I was thinking "orange is undoubtedly warm" like I do with blue being definetely "cool", but with green and purple, and yellow and red, i'm not sure in which to give the warmer/cooler label. Bringing up variations just seems to get me farther from the answer. Maybe there's no answer, oh well
No. 1248117
>>1248108Assigning temperature to colour in that way is wrong anyway. Blue flames are hotter than red flames.
None of it makes sense to you because it's all bullshit.
No. 1248148
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>>1248108On second thought, I think you may actually be right about yellow being more neutral than red. After googling it, I found various answers about whether red or yellow is warmer. A lot of them said it's subjective, depending on what your warmest point on the color wheel is and other colors' proximity to that point. But I read another source spelling it out in that yellow becomes warmer as it approaches red. Red does not get cooler on the yellow side until it is no longer red (not quite sure what that means lol).
But what was interesting to me is that they said orange gets warmer as it approaches red but cooler as it approaches yellow, making yellow more neutral. This kind of broke my brain because I'm used to viewing it through the lens of fashion and skin undertones that I was immediately like…no??? My brain looks at the oranges in picrel and thinks the yellower orange is clearly "warmer" but now I'm not so sure that's true. Maybe in the context of styling someone in flattering colors but not necessarily in a painting.
This other guy graphed it on a wheel with red being absolutely warm at 0 and cyan being absolutely cool at 180. And while psychologically I can't help but view the darker blue as "cooler" than cyan, the halfway split between warm and cool makes a lot more sense with cyan and red at opposite ends rather than yellow and blue.
I can't believe I'm getting so into this but now I'm genuinely wondering. I guess warm and cool are arbitrary descriptors since they're describing a feeling that the color conveys rather than any actual quantifiable property of the color itself. It's just weird and interesting to me lol
No. 1248203
>>1248117Not literally, just perceptively. No way you don't perceive blue as cold
>>1248148>But what was interesting to me is that they said orange gets warmer as it approaches red but cooler as it approaches yellow, making yellow more pic related? because if so it goes against the very claim they're making. That cold orange is clearly leaning RED in it and the warm orange is leaning YELLOW.
I can actually see how the cyan is cooler than the darker blue though, but maybe it really has to do with like they say and it's subjective. I would still graph coolest at darker blue and warmest at orange, which makes sense since there's no vagueness as to what blue is and orange is the opposite and halfway point between red and yellow. Maybe an easy way to tell which is warmer would be through contrast? but that would require agreement on what end of the spectrum between white and black warm/cool would be in. Personally I associate warmth with brightness, but not all the time. I should stop before I have an aneurysm.
This whole discussion has made me really hate red and yellow too lol
No. 1248239
>>1248005harry is john, easily
zayn is paul cause he's the only cute one
No. 1248369
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How can I cool down my apartment if I don't have an AC? Would mopping regularly help or would that just make it worse cause of the humidity? Or placing icecubes in bowls at random spots in the apartment? I only have a tiny USB fan I'm dying
No. 1248375
>>1248369If you don't already:
Use blinds when there is sunshine outside
Don't open windows during the day, only at night when it's cooler outside
Get a bigger fan and place ice in front of it to spread the cool air
No. 1248542
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>>1248536What machine do you use to make it? Is it a french press? A regular mr. coffee filter machine or a pour over? I think pour overs taste better, especially when you use filtered water and a gooseneck kettle. All these kind of things aside from bean quality can determine the taste of coffee.
No. 1248543
>>1248428Lol how old are you not to know humidity = worse than try heat?
Anyway, placing ice cubes in front of the fan if your best bet. Or; creating draft (Open windows in opposite parts of the flat, hope some air circulates through.) You can "encourage" air circulation by placing the fan in the room and pointing it out the window.
Good luck nona.
No. 1248607
>>1247962Uh, so tedious. It's weird that twitter doesn't have page like that. Tiktok, instagram and pinterest have one and it helps a lot to find a new interesting artists.
>>1247969I had account there years ago, I guess I will make a new one.
No. 1248648
>>1248633I would be interested in those three things.
>>1248640>It is about sexually fantasizing about being a man, not just masculine.Okay, in that case, I guess I don't really have AAP. I used to fantasize about being a gay male and having a penis and raping men (fujo Aiden brainrot), but now I don't go that far. Occasionally I'll think "if I were a guy, I'd be so handsome like this", but it doesn't make me depressed like it used to when I was a teen, and I like the idea of being an androgynous woman more.
>If wearing men's clothes makes you feel good and confident that's fineI know that's fine, the problem is that I also feel kinda turned on wearing clothes that I think look hot on men. Is it a crossdressing fetish or something like that? If that's the case, I'd like to get rid of this fetish, or at least learn to stop feeling bad about it.
Or is being turned on by yourself wearing what you think is attractive normal?
No. 1248661
>>1248655>they'll probably try to put you on pills and turn you into an aiden.There's nothing to worry about, where I live they haven't gotten that far. All my psychologists so far (even the one I told "I desperately want to be a man" when I was in high school) have treated me in a way that has made me feel better with myself as a woman, not encouraged troon delusions.
>What the hell happened to these women obsessed with yaoi. IRL gay men are disgusting and trust me, you wouldn't be handsome as a man. That's a fallacy all aidens fall for.I'm perfectly aware of all of this and I already said I like being an androgynous woman better because I understand that if I had been born male or were on T all my beauty and everything I like about myself would disappear (I gotta thank FaceApp for helping me realize that first kek).
No. 1248689
>>1248648>I used to fantasize about being a gay male and having a penis and raping men (fujo Aiden brainrot>If that's the case, I'd like to get rid of this fetish, or at least learn to stop feeling bad about it.This is autohomoeroticism, which is a lot more common in women than AAP. If this developed due to consuming yaoi it seems more like it can go away, but personally I don't think most fetishes developed can truly ever dissipate unless something drastic happens. I developed a fetish in childhood so high level of sexual obsession is something I get. Thinking of it as similar to intrusive thoughts, where you no longer shame yourself for them but don't indulge in them if you believe it's unhealthy or goes against your beliefs. If I were talking to a male crossdresser I would tell him to never wear feminine or clothes marketed towards women in public out of respect for other people. But in your case, I'd say start to focus not on yourself but what you find attractive in a partner. Maybe get rid of or cover mirrors so you stop obsessing over your appearance.
>I know that's fine, the problem is that I also feel kinda turned on wearing clothes that I think look hot on men.>Or is being turned on by yourself wearing what you think is attractive normal?Other women feel this when they wear lingerie, etc. It's common because we are socialized to internalize male gaze and sexualize our own bodies and get turned on by them. It's an unhealthy dynamic.
No. 1248742
>>1248689>This is autohomoeroticism, which is a lot more common in women than AAPI did use to have autohomoeroticism (being attracted to the idea of being a gay man, rather than being attracted to myself as a man), but right now that's not what's happening. Like I already said several times, I don't want to be a gay man anymore. To clarify, I am 100% comfortable being a slightly masculine woman who is attracted to men, but also I get a bit aroused when wearing masculine/GNC outfits (doesn't mean that I want to be male), which is what I'm asking about.
It seems that the appropriate term would be "autosexual"? Or maybe it's a fetish for certain styles of clothing. Or both.
>If this developed due to consuming yaoi it seems more like it can go away, but personally I don't think most fetishes developed can truly ever dissipate unless something drastic happens. I developed a fetish in childhood so high level of sexual obsession is something I get.Yeah, I don't think it entirely comes from my fujo phase, because I've always been tomboyish, since childhood. Maybe that just made it easier to develop this paraphilia or whatever this is. Porn addiction (which I've been getting over in the last year or so) obviously contributed too.
>But in your case, I'd say start to focus not on yourself but what you find attractive in a partner.The problem is that a lot of features/clothing I like in other people (both men and women) I find attractive in myself as well.
>Other women feel this when they wear lingerie, etc. It's common because we are socialized to internalize male gaze and sexualize our own bodies and get turned on by them.Funny enough, when I see myself in feminine clothing, I just find it aesthetically pleasing in a non-sexual way, and women in dresses are just really pretty, but that's it. I do find women with a tomboyish look attractive.
Thank you for your reply, this makes a lot of sense to me and really helps understand what's going on. I'll get help ASAP because I get a lot of anxiety from these thoughts even though it doesn't really affect my life. It's jsut someting I was wondering about.
No. 1248765
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Is sewing a skirt like this doable with basic sewing skills or does tiers(?) like this involve more experience? Also how much fabric would one need for something like this?
No. 1248774
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>>1248765It's easy. You need a lot more fabric than you'd think, see picrel to work out how much. Start from the bottom tier and work up or you'll get a weird bunched up mess of a skirt. Good luck anon!
No. 1248806
>>1248797As a birthday present, yes, but as a "normal" present, like a "aunt
Nonny came over and brought you crayons!", no.
No. 1248834
>>1248829You do sound a bit paranoid. I mean, why would anyone want to make deepfakes of YOU? Who are you to be that important kek.
Cookies are there mainly for advertising. I only accept the minimum amount because I don't want the "advertising experience to be personalised to me." You do you.
Also you go through the trouble of using DuckDuckGo instead of Google, etc, but I bet you are unaware of how much data Google/Apple have on you already and despite your efforts. I think you can relax with it all, or just do whatever makes you happy.
Your bf is a dick for making fun of you imo.
No. 1248845
>>1248832thanks for letting me know anon, i'll look up brave and duckduckgo
>>1248834i know that apple and google will still have stuff on me, is it wrong to minimize that as much as possible? it really doesn't take much effort other than setting duckduckgo as my chosen search engine.
i'm not anyone special but i have a knack for attracting weird autists (including stalkers) because i'm quiet. moids create deepfake equivalents more often than you think, there's now easy alternatives like awebsite with AI to undress women in photos. if you go to /b/ there's threads with lots of random women who have creeps requesting deepfakes and using websites to digitally undress them.
No. 1248853
>>1248845>i know that apple and google will still have stuff on me, is it wrong to minimize that as much as possible?No, I feel the same way anon. I don't wanna be google or facebooks currency either (and who knows what they're doing or gonna do with the data besides advertising purposes, I don't trust them to stop it there.)
Personally I use firefox and followes some youtube tutorial to set up privacy settings and tools on my devices.
No. 1248867
>>1248742>I did use to have autohomoeroticism (being attracted to the idea of being a gay man, rather than being attracted to myself as a man), but right now that's not what's happening.I understand if it's not the case now but it is related. I bring it up since people who develop one fetish are likely to develop other ones.
>I'll get help ASAP because I get a lot of anxiety from these thoughts even though it doesn't really affect my lifeI wish you well navigating discussing this with a therapist. You might benefit from reading more about fetishes (in women) and their development, etc. before talking to anyone so you can gear your therapist to what help you specifically need. I don't think what you feel is meaningfully similar to AGP, but maybe reading more from Blanchard could be a start. Make it clear your focus is not the sexual interest itself, but your anxiety around it. I used to feel a lot of shame around my fetish, but now sure I see it as cringy but I know it isn't some defining feature and I can engage in it or not depending on if I think it is healthy.
>It seems that the appropriate term would be "autosexual"? Or maybe it's a fetish for certain styles of clothing. Or bothBlanchard uses the term "erotic target location error" regarding AGP but I don't think that applies to you. A fetish/paraphilia implies it is very difficult or not possible to get off without it.
>The problem is that a lot of features/clothing I like in other people (both men and women) I find attractive in myself as well.It's fine this is the case, to want a partner with similar aesthetics, but what I am saying is when you fantasize don't focus on what you think you'd wear or what you'd look like. Think about a partner's body and look that you'd be seeing, and how you would feel rather than how you look like.
No. 1248959
>>1248949turns out i missrememmbered, if you are interested i found this post interesting but if not i understand, it's not bad i just mixed the controversies in my memory
No. 1249073
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What happened ingame during picrel? Never played RE, I just find Leon hot.
No. 1249079
>>1249073A monster enemy (Mr X) is lifting him.
But that pic is just a fan art, he wears more layers in the game.
No. 1249084
>>1248867Thanks again for your reply, I understand much better now. I read a little bit from Blanchard a few minutes ago, actually.
>Think about a partner's body and look that you'd be seeing, and how you would feel rather than how you look like.Ooooh, that makes so much sense! Yes, I will do this. Thank you,
No. 1249158
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Is this Aubrey hepbhrn
No. 1249164
t. weak bladder
No. 1249245
>>1249237>>1249241There's also the "Help me find" thread
nonnieNext time write the lyrics on your phone notes/memos app as soon as you hear the lyrics, or record a bit of the song
No. 1249261
>>1249255>>1249256>>1249259no, thank you though guys
and maybe it wasnt pop rock and rather indie? or ummmmmmmmmmmm, whatever evanescese is, I've been searching around too and that's the closest sounding I've found
No. 1249284
>>1249275I wasn't really listening until it got to that part because it was really catchy so I wouldn't know for sure
>>1249277Which song? she sounds good but doesn't sound similar besides being female
No. 1249373
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Nonnies who are experts in cleaning stuffed animals and the like: How would you clean a huge plush? It has some markings on it and some dirt. I'm tempted to pick up this lovely creature online, but I wouldn't even know where to start. It's not a giant bear it's an animal that I don't want to say because someone on here could find out my location if they're near and have seen it themselves..
No. 1249374
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I always owned Samsung in my life and I am wondering is it worth switching to iPhone? What are the differences? Other than Iphone having a big variety in custom cute cases, i guess.
No. 1249399
>>1249374Is there anything you're missing/anything you want you can't get with Samsung/android? Can you get it with iPhone?
>>1249380>malware protectionapplefags always say this but I've literally never heard of people in my own circles who know not to click on shady links or download shady shit fall
victim to malware.
No. 1249456
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I don't understand the whole "white people have thin lips" meme, cause I am from a brown country, literally every one here has what would be called thin lips, like I legitimately never noticed white people have too big or too small lips, the lips just seemed normal, can an american explain this to me ?
No. 1249528
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Can I can a breakout from drinking milk but NOT from processed milk like crepe, cakes, etc?
No. 1249531
>>1249381Thank you
nonny, but someone has beat me to it.
No. 1249580
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>>1249120Yeah, it's an injustice that should be redeemed soon.
No. 1249618
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Does anyone non-Finnish recognize this? Someone asked a while ago why people draw penises more than pussies and people said dicks are just easier to draw - but here people draw these (pussies) much more than dicks!
No. 1249620
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>>1249618There's different styles to draw them, and they even sell feminist jewerly based on it lol
No. 1249660
>>1249639I would say yes, it's your "shadow" part that release slight stress, anger, sadness that you didn't even know that you had.
There is book "Owning Your Own Shadow: Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche", it doesn't talk exactly about mean thoughts but it explain why we need to release negative energy build up.
As long as they are only thoughts and they are not filing your head space then you're ok.
You can also journal at the end of the day with only intention to release negative emotions/thoughts.
No. 1249665
>>1249639I do not think it is OK because overtime you will do it more and more and you will turn into a disgusting, mean, hateful person.
You should try and battle these impulses and instead think good and nice things about people. Why the FUCK do you feel the need to think "she looks fat today" to keep calm? That is not normal, nor healthy. Imo, it sounds like you are deeply unhappy with yourself and should speak to a psychologist or some shit.
No. 1249666
>>1249658>Could Gender Dysphoria be compared to Body Integrity Identity Disorder?yes
>And if that's the case, how come only BIID is seen badly but trying to cure dysphoria is seen as tRaNsPHobiC?Probably because gender stereotypes are so deeply embedded in every culture that gender non-conforming people literally are treated as "lesser" men or women that need to be fixed in one way or another.
No. 1249694
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>>1249618Interesting, there's a sharper version of this in Czechia. It's a super common and recognizable vulgar symbol, seen much more often than a dick drawing. Pussy hair optional.
No. 1249704
>>1249618never seen those in france, i wish they were a thing
finland is irremediably based
No. 1249711
>>1249704Well, we did believe the earth was born out of of a pussy of a goddess and warded bears off by mooning them with pussies out kek. You can start drawing little pussies in France, spread the word kek
>>1249694That's so cool, I had no idea! Based
No. 1249881
>>1249872I barely post here so I think I'm safe, only mods can see my autism.
Probably I can be recognized by ">tfw no gf" like posts kek.
No. 1249887
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>>1249862Because sometimes I don't have any other photos to attach, but I still want to add a pic, so I sometimes click on a random one.
No. 1249931
>>1249520nta but i do that a lot and am also not white (but yes it's from anxiety or feeling tense)
>>1249868idk about that, i've been accused of being completely different posters sometimes kek
No. 1250106
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Is it normal to feel hornier when I don't eat for a while and whenever I feel lightheaded? (not ana-chan just forgetful when I'm focused on something/slept too long lol)
No. 1250367
>>1250238All examples of "main character syndrome" I see are basically just people lacking manners.
Millenials love giving new complex sounding names to simple old things. Like how a simple jerk is now a person with "antisocial personality disorder".
No. 1250465
>>1250439 but also he would tell you so
No. 1250515
>>1250505I wash my sheets once a week when I'm sharing a bed with someone. And a little less often when I'm single.
In my last relationship even when we had sex every night I wasn't about to wash more often than weekly. I don't live somewhere where alot of people have dryers tho.. it just wouldn't be feasible to do that.
No. 1250562
>>1250532Leave the scrote. He's already showing he's manipulative and very likely
abusive. I believe in you
No. 1250566
>>1250532No you're not an asshole, you'd be nuts to move a scrote in after one month. You can't know him well at this stage. You could be walking yourself into hell and in alot of places he'd be hard to evict again even if he started making your life hell.
No sane man would ask this of you either.
No. 1250602
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Is Serial Experiments Lain good if you're not a pedophile scrote? I never watch anime but this one especially seems to have a lot of pedo fans and it's what stopped me from giving it a chance. Is it actually good or is it scrote-tier "it's alright but most importantly it has a cute underage girl in it"?
No. 1250607
Human rights are things you can not live and develop safely without. Shelter, food, clean water and air, healthcare, education, and so on.
Sex is not a human right and it is not necassarity to survive and be healthy, no matter what incel-types would like you to believe.
No. 1250609
>>1250505No, unless you made a huge mess.
I wash my sheets once a week, and if I skip a week I at the very least wash the pillow cases.
I recommend putting down a towel in sweaty summer months, rather than thining of doing the laundry each time you have sex.
No. 1250619
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Should i play minecraft? Or is it dumb?
No. 1250624
>>1250602There's nothing sexual in Lain. Pedo/tranny scrotes just latch on to it because it makes them look deep and because they can project their mental illness onto the main character. I've thankfully never seen a single piece of pornography involving Lain.
The anime is very complex and confusing the first or second time you watch it. You could've asked this in the anime thread though.
No. 1250630
>>1250626I play most things on PC, but if any game will have decent controls on a Switch it would be this one (Because there are not many controls to think of.) That said, I never actually played MC on Switch, so…
Enjoy and have fun
Ps wanted to add: Idk what your playstyle is, but personally I like explorign maps, findign pretty areas and building houses there. If you like to do the same, Google around to find seeds with nice/unique maps. You can find any type of map you can think of.
No. 1250662
>>1250661Try a therapist that uses a different approach. If you tried CBT, try talk therapy, etc.
Also, mixing medicine with therapy.
No. 1250674
>>1250662I'll try that, I just wish shopping around wasn't so expensive.
>>1250668It was CBT with a few different people. I hated it lol.
No. 1250676
>>1250674I hear you. CBT also did not work for me.
Mental health is expensive but it is also the best investement you can ever make. I hope you find an appropriate specialist soon.
No. 1250689
>>1250676I will be thinking of you!
While you have motivation, research different types of therapy provided in your area. While CBT seems to be super popular right now, there are many other types that might work better for you. I can't even name them all lol.
No. 1250841
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>>1250819So they can just change minimum requirements even when it was supposed to work years ago on this exact machine? Things I hate thread crossover, because I already hated digital copies of games, and now I've got one more reason to hate them.
No. 1250851
>>1250841I assume you have this game on Steam, right? In which case yeah they could push an update for the game, and the game could now be unplayable on win7.
But I mean… Try it? It sounds like this is a simple game so it must take no time at all to download and try.
I hear ya about digital games. I feel the same for all digital content. Books, games, movies… You name it-
No. 1250854
generally if a game has Win10 as a requirement that means that the developers are sure that it can't run on Win7, there are exceptions and it depends on the game.
A lot of software gets its minimum requirements changed by the devs whenever a new Windows becomes standard, because they'll start developing the program on the new OS and not the old one, but it doesn't
always mean that it can't run on the older OS at all. As long as your computer meets the other requirements (
especially having a 64-bit CPU and a 64-bit version of your OS as opposed to 32-bit, otherwise 64-bit software will definitely not run on your PC) you can try installing your game to see if it still runs on Windows 7. It might run flawlessly, run with some glitches, run partially, or not at all. There are other components that are not available on Win7, like DirectX 12, which is required for many newer games.
What game is it? And apparently it's possible to download older builds of games on Steam, so if you have this game on Steam, you could still play it even if the new version doesn't work on your laptop after all.
No. 1251013
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Why do I sometimes feel sick, weak and shaky when I have to poop?
No. 1251055
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bi girl who i talk to and it seems to be going well(in a friendly way) posts shit like this what do i do
No. 1251098
>>1251055Don't. Any type of TRA who is capable of being more reasonable can concede that forcing your genitals on someone is rapey.
>>1251074I wonder too why Viv's tumblr cancellation followed her and her work while someone like Omocat was able to escape it.
No. 1251099
>>1251069i try to avoid the topic and not say much. it feels a little weird having her say stuff like "ugh those ppl are transphobic" while im probably included in this group (since everyone saying stuff against trans ppl are meanies no matter what).
i do think of bringing up the whole detransitioners discourse if i get the chance and that people dont need to do unnecessary surgeries in general in an attempt to soft peak her or at least show her a nuanced side of the whole debate. i haven't had a female friend in a while who i have common interests with but she had to be woke. ugh.
>>1251077the meme may be ironic but she definitely reblogged this unironically.
No. 1251326
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Gonna sound a bit sociopathic here but how do you make yourself view relationships, and social interactions in general, less like transactions? I often see in my mind what I'd gain from someone (usually it's their wisdom because I admire them) but I realize that's selfish, so I think "ok what can I give," and then I notice my entire thought process sounds so deranged and robotic. How do you just… be normal about it?
No. 1251332
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What was the drama around Princess nokia, I have completely forgotten. Was it race faking or something?
No. 1251356
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The original maido thread was a general one, but the new one is for crossdressing men, so I kinda wish to make another maid thread but for women. Are other anons okay with the idea?
No. 1251412
>>1251337I'll try to shift my perspective like this, thanks nonna. From being not so social I developed a tendency to become self-centered that I hope to erase, your words are exactly what I need to reverse that. It's probably also why I overthink things.
>>1251344>>1251355Hmm okay. There's definitely a way you can look at all friendships and see transaction, well that's my exact problem. I most likely am overthinking it, dwelling on it too much. Just didn't wanna be a shit friend
No. 1251486
>>1251173tranny shit isn't as popular where i live and she seems to be pretty ok with being a woman but the they/them part isn't unlikely. maybe i'll try to limit convos to the thing we found each other in the first place and since im getting busier anyway,it will be easier. i dont think she is virtue signalling unless she is hiding under many layers of irony
>RunKek that was a little menacing
No. 1251731
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>>1251055here's a peaking guide kek
I like to lightly peak people by pointing out some bad aspects of the trans community while pretending they're not really trans. You can't be too direct with these people or you'll scare them away completely.
1. I begin with pointing out some super obvious fetishistic AGPs and how they're not "real" trans people and are just giving "real" trans people a bad name. Make sure to add things "right?/don't you agree?" so they have too literally confirm it to themselves. It's super easy to get handmaidens to agree when you angle it as protecting REAL trans people from these fetishists who give trans people a bad name.
2. After that, share and rant more about AGPs here and there. (Don't do it too much though, don't act like you're obsessed) Point out that these "fake trans" people are misogynistic/pedo/sexist/violent, and again make sure to stress it's "unlike REAL trans people" until they seem to feel fully comfortable criticizing these people with you. It's usually easy to use "being trans not a fetish" in your favor when these people literally treat it as a fetish.
3. After they're used to dunking on the obvious AGPs, move on to occasionally pointing out trans people who are "just" sexist/misogynistic. Use phrases such as "a real woman (cis OR trans) would obviously never say/act misogynistic like this". The end goal is to get them to start spotting when trans people are misogynistic, under the guise that they are JUST spotting the "fakers"/AGPS, but in reality they'll end up noticing this is how 99% of them act.
Some key things to remember:
-be gentle and have patience, and don't push too much at a time.
-add lots of phrases that forces them to reply with an opinion (a real trans woman wouldn't say this, right? Isn't this fucked up? This just makes real trans people look bad, isn't that unfair? Don't you agree?) Just a "yes" is good enough of a reply, they just have to affirm the thought to themselves.
-if/when they bring up trans people directly to you, such as "look at these brave and stunning transwomen", simply shortly agree and then immediately change the topic to something different. They can't argue against you when you're already agreeing, but you don't let them get all that saviour complex dopamine by ending the conversation before it begins. ("yeah that's cool/fucked up. hey did you see this cool new game?? i'm thinking of buying it what do you think?")
-praise them lots for unrelated things (but be real and honest lol). They'll be more inclined to agree with someone they like and who tells them nice things, and they'll have less of a need for that savior complex dopamine when they get direct compliments and praise from elsewhere.
No. 1251973
>>1251829I don’t recommend eating just one meal a day. Here’s why:
1. It’s difficult to meet all your nutritional needs in one meal, such as calories and vitamins.
2. It’ll most likely be physically uncomfortable. You’ll probably be starving during the fasting window and absolutely STUFFED during the eating window.
3. You could potentially lose the skill of eating intuitively because you’d be ignoring your hunger and fullness cues.
4. You’ll obsess about food all day. You’ll constantly think about what, how much, and when you’ll eat. Having food on your mind all day is not fun.
5. It could lead to disordered eating (or a full on eating disorder,) like binging, because you’re ignoring your hunger signals.
6. It’s not sustainable. I have yet to hear about a person doing this for the rest of their life, let alone a few years (or even months.) Ask yourself, do you really think you could keep this up permanently?
7. It could ruin your social life. You’ll avoid events that include food or social dinners/lunches/breakfasts because you’re following OMAD. You’ll also probably be hangry, so nobody’s gonna want to socialise with you.
Nonnie, I don’t know what your goal is, but OMAD is too risky. If you want to lose weight, just follow CICO. If you’re aiming for health, find another way to become healthier, like cardio or meditation. OMAD just isn’t it.
No. 1252011
>>1251973ehhh I disagree with a lot of your points
>It’s difficult to meet all your nutritional needs in one meal, such as calories and vitamins.difficult not impossible
>You’ll probably be starving during the fasting window You're not starving just because you're not eating every 3-4 hours, the meal from the evening before doesn't disappear from your stomach first thing in the morning
>ou could potentially lose the skill of eating intuitively because you’d be ignoring your hunger and fullness cues.Most people already don't eat intuitively and don't eat on hunger cues because we eat at set times
>You’ll obsess about food all day. You’ll constantly think about what, how much, and when you’ll eat. Having food on your mind all day is not fun.Or you could experience the opposite: a freeing feeling because you don't have to think about food all day, there's plenty of OMAD practioners who feel this way
>It could ruin your social life. Way to exagerate, just make exceptions for social events
You've got to be really dedicated to make this work long-term in a healthy way that's for sure but damn you're exaggerating and making assumptions a lot to prove your point.
No. 1252035
>>1248829Yes, you are right to do this,
nonnie. Disable HTML-5 fingerprinting as well. your father is a boomer and doesn't understand. also never post any photo ever. even just an innocuous pic of your backyard can result in an address dox. if you are going to use social media, even with a fake name and no identifyers, throw out false information once in a while as a red herring. like, say you were in the school stage crew when you never were, or say you're from indiana when you're actually from oregon. use a fake age as well, even if it's just a year or two off, and falsify your birthday. this will frustrate moid stalking attempts.
No. 1252037
>>1252021here's a video i watched very recently as i was curious about how this would work for women. this guy goes into depth with how women should fast based on scientific evidence. bottom line is you shouldn't fast everyday, as we're more sensitive to this stuff cause hormones and leptins. stay safe nonnas
>>1252029sorry reposting again cause i wrote should instead of shouldn't the first time
No. 1252100
>>1248834there are literally bots crawling the web for pictures to use in deepfake porn
>>1248829you're not being paranoid anon, your bf being male, he doesn't need to care except for when he wants to illegal stuff. on the internet as anywhere else women are not (just) players but the ball
No. 1252212
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>Nice Jewish Boy
>Nice Jewish Girl
>Nice Jewish MtF
What does this mean, and where does this come from?
No. 1252217
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what kei is this
No. 1252227
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How do people even take benzos recreationally? Does it not just put you to sleep? Does everyone just take amphetamines with them?
No. 1252244
>>1251829>>1251973 has basically said it all, but i'd also like to add that your stomach might shrink to that you physically can't eat a normal meal anymore much less a large one. also you might get tired as shit right after eating, and super agitated otherwise, which isn't all that sustainable if you also go to work/school.
Also food is one of the main pleasures of life, no reason to deprive yourself of it THAT much. Also bad breath and constipation of course.
No. 1252361
>>1252319Oooh, thank you
No. 1252486
>>1252475No it’s not exclusive to men. That’s because they jerked off to
abusive porn/fantasy, the come down makes them aware of how disgusting it was.
No. 1252563
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How long will it be before the trans subculture either crashes and burns or dies out? Like how many years?
No. 1252576
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>>1252563Transracialism and transageism hasn't even taken off yet.
No. 1252647
>>1252011>difficult not impossibleSure, but, ideally, person’s day-to-day diet shouldn’t take up a lot of mental energy
>You're not starving just because you're not eating every 3-4 hours, the meal from the evening before doesn't disappear from your stomach first thing in the morningLet’s say they eat around 6-7 pm. They go to sleep 12 and wake up 9. From morning to evening, they have to endure nine hours without eating. I’d say they feel hungry for a big chunk of that time (maybe 7 hours, or even 8 hours since some people wake up and feel hungry soon despite eating a large meal) Do you really think the average person could go with no eating for that long and not feel hungry?
>Most people already don't eat intuitively and don't eat on hunger cues because we eat at set timesYou’re right about the hunger part, but fitting an entire day’s worth of food into one sitting could habituate that person into ignoring their fullness cues. This isn’t great because it could lead to overeating in the future.
>Or you could experience the opposite: a freeing feeling because you don't have to think about food all day, there's plenty of OMAD practioners who feel this wayThat is a possibility, but I’d say my point still stands. They’d have to strategically plan their meal in order to reach their nutrient needs, which is what will make them obsess over food.
>Way to exagerate, just make exceptions for social eventsFair point
No. 1252651
>>1252563I give it 3 to 5 years, maybe a little more or less but pretty sure that less than a decade. The tides are turning, exactly because TRAs' demands are being heard; think about it, people are detransitioning more, obviously hulkish males are entering on women's sports, estrogen for real women is running out because of MtFs, more trans criminals are appearing, people are suing for butchered surgeries. Hell, now every time Sophie Labelle, one of the most well known trannies who interacts with children, gets mentioned is almost certian that his babyfur art will eventually come out too. There will be a moment where the average person's patience will run thin, and given how TRAs are it's not exactly far away.
No. 1252668
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im an old retard, what does glowing mean?
No. 1252728
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We all caught Covid at a different times, and while I'm starting to heal a family member is getting the early symptoms. Will I get sick again right after I fully heal?
No. 1252734
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Anons, how bad is inflation in your country and what measures have you taken to deal with it?
On my side, as soon as I get my salary, I convert it to another currency because the local currency is degrading fast. I'm also thinking about getting another stream of income somehow, although not sure what and how yet
No. 1252758
>>1252754Not just people, every living thing since life first arose.
Millions of years of evolution, vs. what Dr Armchair Nutritionist posts on an Andorran stamp collecting forum.
But you'll try to teach me how to breathe air next
No. 1252784
>>1252781>>1252770I promise you you don't need "a strategic plan" for eating if you're not developmentally delayed.
It's not normal to need a nutritionist to eat properly.
No. 1252843
>>1252837I have study tuition and disability checks, so no housing agency likes me. As for job hunting I gave up. I’m hard of hearing and it seems to really piss everyone off. Together with mental issues I’m unsuitable for any normie job.
>>1252838I hide my disabilities as much as I can but if they really exclude me over it I will karen them. I want an appartment ffs.
No. 1252893
>>1252891If you expect it to worsen, yes, convert to a more stable currency.
Gold and silver are even more stable.
No. 1252996
>>1252989Person not wanting to spend money, time, and effort on children (and spending everything on themselves instead) = selfish
It’s a dumb argument.
No. 1253037
>>1252989Someone has to support the older population, vast majority don't have much saved, if it's not your kids helping it's the younger taxpayers. At the macro level eventually an aging population will smother a country's financial and medical resources, like in Japan and soon to be China. Hence why Japan is importing nurses.
If we all stopped having kids then you can't be upset when there's no one to pick orders, deliver food or nurse you when you're 60
No. 1253048
are seeing a current decline in birth rates overall tho.
>>1253037To be fair though, a lot of those jobs will likely be automated by then and would probably put a lot of people out of work soooo it kinda evens out?
No. 1253056
>>1253048I feel like we're trapped either way. Have more kids to sustain the ever aging polulation and we'll destroy the earth even sooner or we don't and make things really difficult for ourselves because we'll have too few young people, at least for a couple of decades until a large elderly population dies.
In my book having kids or not having kids is equally (un)selfish if we're looking at the bigger picture.
No. 1253216
>>1253121I definitely meant it more as why does my sister thing tbh! maybe like in a way of, do anons have similar people in their lives?
>>1253137he is already pretty fucking bratty, throws fits when people tell him to say please or thanks, nightmare shit.
No. 1253223
>>1253207Seething jealousy and insecurity since black men are assumed to have big dicks. But moids of all races sperg about their women dating other races, it must be a complex on an instinctive tribalistic level, I think black men are just extra threatening and get the brunt of racism in general so white guys sperg the hardest.
I remember my bf and I being like, 17 and him telling me if I'd dated a black guy before he wouldn't be with me. We live in a country with like… no black people lmao idk if I'd ever even met any before at that point, there was no way he organically developed that insecurity. He 100% learned it from 4chan.
No. 1253247
>>1253223>moids of all races sperg about their women dating other races, it must be a complex on an instinctive tribalistic levelmost men definitely still do have many animal and tribal qualities in them.
I mean just look at how their answer to most of their problems is to go on a rage rampage.
No. 1253278
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My 13 y/o niece wants me to make her a reusable cup with ugly, creepy doll or baby heads on it. The cup is easy to get but where can I get some doll or baby heads?
No. 1253299
>>1253282Thanks anon that's a great idea!
>>1253297KEK I didn't notice that. I just grabbed a random pic of pinterest tbh
No. 1253307
>>1253207Adding onto
>>1253223 they also see black men/people as "subhuman" so someone "getting the BBC" is like an act of degradation to them, like most porn acts
No. 1253726
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My friend is a miserable woman. She is obese and at age of 28 she is still obsessed with her body and self-esteem. The reason why she hates herself so much is she got bullied for being obese during middle school, and it stayed with her. Her father with who she never talks now always bullied her aswell. I wonder if there is any book that would explain to her that it's okay to have different body. She is so obsessed with herself that she ends up being toxic and jealous of other women around her, while seeking attention from any man on the internet. She become so desperate that shortly after being dumped she started edating a coomer incel 4 years younger than her. She never wants to really listen to me because she believes that I had my life easy, when in fact she is the one who had it easier than me, but I do not and will never talk about my experiences. The question is
>Are there any good books and/or medias that will somehow help her?
Her mother and grandmother are already tired of her because she doesnt want to work either, blaming her weight.
No. 1253796
>>1253779No but you can unsend the messages and it will
>>1253726Sounds like she needs a therapist but there’s a lot of anti diet books that focus on body positivity or neutrality like the fuck it diet or more than a body
No. 1253847
>>1253826I got out of an
abusive live-in relationship a few years ago, no support myself (glad you're all there for your friend) I was always nervous about my safety and even now I know that emotionally
abusive people tend to play dirty and like to seek revenge through any means. That's an ongoing worry even afte moving away. For her sense of safety I would lean towards just moving on without the gotcha moment.
Abusive people who already lie and manipulate like he did run the risk of always making bitter phone calls or interfering through any means he can reach her well into the future. Family members, jobs, finding her new address. It's not always over once you're out the door. Just my opninon, don't poke an emotionally stunted bear. They don't learn that way. It only makes them feel like they're totally the real
victim or it stirs up even more anger that will be directed somewhere.
No. 1253879
>>1253847all of this, plus women also return to their
abusive partners so often. it is almost like the relapse rates for opioids, there are so many factors at play as to why women go back to their
abusive partners, from trauma bonding to material security, shame and self punishment, or just returning to what is familiar.
i am typically very aloof and reserved, but told a woman-beating piece of shit to legitimately commit suicide and remove himself from the earth for being a subhuman. i don’t really allow myself to lose it or get involved in other people’s business like that.
my friend ended up going back to him, and i can only imagine all of the other people expressing their utter disgust and contempt for him, and how that compounded and complicated the
abusive dynamic she found herself back inside of.
she began to isolate herself from everyone and was not allowed to speak to me.
tread carefully, focus that anger and disgust on supporting and uplifting and protecting your friend. don’t waste the energy on some loser you don’t want to maintain a relationship with. prioritize the relationship with your friend, and making her feel that her support network is really solid and safe.
No. 1253963
What's going on with the cat in this webm?
>>1251694 Is it okay?
No. 1253988
>>1253838Damn this sounds so good but
>>1253847>>1253879You do have a point. He's never been physically
abusive but when we first became friends in college he was a very violent alcoholic and would frequently get into fights with other moids. I wasn't close with him at that time but we got a bit closer after he and my friend started dating because we realized we faced a lot of similar struggles during college and we had grown from them. Well, I had, he clearly didn't. I hope my friend won't return to him. She is depressed and shit (not related to him) but will be moving in with her brother and his girlfriend, so I hope that will be good and grounding for her.
Also, the scrote told me he's already talking to another girl. I wish I could find her and warn her but he cut out her name in the screenshots he sent me of their chat. If he doesn't go full psycho and stalk my friend I worry he'd just take his anger out on this poor girl.
No. 1253993
>>1253988Depending on where you live she may be able to get a protection order against him for the abuse. It’s typically a pretty good way of keeping
abusive cowards away. It can prove the fact she’s really leaving.
No. 1254216
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Are half shaved eyebrows like picrel (with thick black hair and no makeup) acceptable to go outside with? I don't feel like it suits me bad but I always feel like people are staring at me more, maybe it's all in my head though. My style is alternative but not quite, I left my emo phase a few years ago but still wear mostly black and army green, have terf bangs bla blah. I just want some fucking makeup free days again without feeling like I look retarded. Typing this, I should just not give a fuck and go outside shameless kek.
No. 1254222
>>1254216Happy to see you reach the conclusion by yourself at the end of the post lmao
I normally have eyebrows as short as picrel, recently I've accidentally shaved one almost fully so just removed the other one for good measure as well and still didn't get any weird comments or looks, people just dont care. And ultimately it's just eyebrows, if you won't like the look they'll be back to normal in like 2 weeks
No. 1254281
>>1254216Damn are you my ex??? kek. She had her eyebrows done like this too. She didn't really dress alternative but just wore a fuck ton of black, and had silver hair. I always thought her eyebrows were so cute though, from the moment I saw her. I love them lol.
Rock your eyebrows nona. Just know there is a girl like me out there who thinks your eyebrows are cute and it probably suits you really well!
No. 1254288
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Where does the influx of anons using "Y" or "XY" instead of scrotes and moids come from? Is it the same two anons on /ot/? As i have yet to see it on any other boards.
No. 1254337
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who do you think is a superstar atm? like, when I was a kid, it was Britney or Christina Aguilera but I can't think of any modern examples, like Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa are big but I never got the same star vibe, idk anons.
No. 1254540
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Is it possible to get shadow banned from lolcow?
If it is, fuck you ungrateful mods. After all I have done for this site?
No. 1254554
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>>1254542shadowbanned means an user is banned in a way they themselves can not see. they are still able to post on the website, but nobody else sees or is notified of their interactions. shadowbanned users speak into the void. kek, your comment answered my question. guess i haven't been putting out bangers lately. i tell about lolcow to my terven friends, reply to nonnies, post pics more often than not, made inside jokes that caught on, try to cheer up others etc. for years
No. 1254564
>>1254554Well I do love those plushies! also don't worry, sometimes people simply don't reply, but as long as I'm here I'll always read you out
No. 1254606
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I want to create music but have no instruments or money. wat do?
No. 1254672
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why do schizophrenics get such a bed reputation?
No. 1254695
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>>1254692relax, almost all of the first links on the first page redirect back to twitter at least for mobile on google images.
No. 1254966
>>1254965>can't believe i used to work for the first admin though.For free?
>>1254960Group 1 for most of my lolcow career, but I have become group 2 ever since my life has gotten better. You good gals were always nice to me and have inspired me. Wish y’all were mods mostly instead of the group 1 to banhammer them.
No. 1254971
>>1247114How does it feel to have a bf that is
shorter than you?
No. 1254974
>>1254971My first serious bf was an inch shorter than me. I liked it, it suited our dynamic in a way. He didn't have a chip on his shoulder about it and was a pretty chill guy who was happy for me to wear the pants. We were playful about it and he could take a joke. I have a thing for short guys ever since but tbh I think most short men are kinda bitter and
toxic esp lately. I just happened to meet a good one first time round.
No. 1254980
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>>1254966Yes, she did it for free.
No. 1254983
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People probably had all kinds of stupid discourse about this show when it first came out, right? Can you guys pls catch me up on it? I just started watching.
No. 1254995
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Name a single funny Key and Peele skit. Not trying to make a joke, but genuinely want to see one funny video by them. I've watched at least 10 and didn't even chuckle.
No. 1255006
>>1255000Ok, this one was the best I've seen. Thank you anon.
>>1255003This, but also I feel like their jokes are never written past the initial idea. Like the one with the girl who works at a frozen yogurt shop and gets fat; that's the entire joke. There is also a lot of skits of "this person sure is an asshole!" like, a brother who is rude to his family or a girlfriend who is rude to a waiter- but that's it. There is no twist or interesting writing, it's just the surface level idea
of "what if your partner was really rude" and that's it.
No. 1255114
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Has anyone ever had these jelly puddings before? Are they good?
No. 1255145
>>1255120I would say women here adjust their makeup for the occasion and whoever is around also wearing makeup (it's rare to see 1 lady with a beat face around her barefaced friends. it's usually everyone or nobody lol). Like lots of bold lips going to brunch, heavy lashes and glitter outside the bar/club, etc. Even the alt women don't really go full out makeup-wise unless they're at an alt event.
That said, it would be the sweaty looking teen girl in a TikTok egirl fit or ethnic working class lady in low skill service job with the most makeup on in the day time.
No. 1255267
>>1255203Earlier anon who said overly personal questions are intrusive. Ask simple basic things. How was your weekend? How have you been?
Never focus on you but stay cordial. I’m good. My weekend was pretty relaxing how about yours? Grey rock, answer with friendly non answers that don’t really say anything and then throw the questions back at them. People love to talk about themselves and if they’re dumb enough to think work is social hour as long as you act like a friendly npc and stay out of their way they’ll never notice. I’m everyone’s friend, no one is my friend.
No. 1255487
>>1255476What is it about nonna?
>>1255479Celebrities like everyone from the 27 club, for me personally it was the idea of not having to deal with life but that's personal. I imagine it's peer pressure too, like high school kids becoming stoners because the popular kids smoke weed. And sometimes in media they're portrayed as cool and chill people who just don't give a fuck.
No. 1255682
>>1255482most americans eat dinner in front of the TV (or now it's ipads or whatever shit) and they often sit on a couch or everyone goes off to take their plate wherever else. So they only eat dinner at a table without the TV on during holidays. In the same way that americans make a big deal out of "fresh herbs" because they actually almost never use them, even though they cost fifty cents, even though that's just called normal food in every other country on the planet. american families are really fucked up and I wish europeans would call it out more often, because we grew up thinking this shit was normal when it's actually incredibly dysfunctional and pathological. also in most US households they use the dining table as a random crap storage surface. Even in normal non-hoarder houses most people don't see the surface of the dining table except christmas and easter. you can't really eat at the dining table, because everyone tosses random junk there. so everyone makes their plate and takes it off to their own room or the couch or wherever. and maybe they bring the dirty dishes back, maybe they don't. often they just leave the half eaten food laying around for a few days until "cleaning day" where the mother goes through the house and picks up all the trash, dishes, dirty clothes, etc laying on the floor.
you think that sounds disgusting but i've seen at least 5 households operate on this basis so it isn't me. is a very typical american family. I wonder what marie kondo was thinking while filming this.
No. 1255753
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How can i make her pay me? come 2 weeks she will owe me £512
No. 1255808
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Is it better to make cinnamon rolls with pizza dough? I have a normal storebought one for sweet pastry, but I saw some recpies say pizza dough makes it better.
No. 1255971
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Anyone ever had that cliche devil/angel conscience talk to them? It literally happened to me a day or two ago, I was extremely angry and both of them kept bickering. I swear I’m not fully schizo…
No. 1256038
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>>1256014They look like they don’t take care of themselves to an extreme extent. Crumpled and/or dirty clothes that look chosen at random, ratty unkept hair, greasy pimpley face on an adult, maybe fat. One on its own isn’t an issue but when you combine a bunch you get that look.
No. 1256491
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How to stop catastrophic thoughts about a certain situation? I ask because I'm wondering if nonnies here have tried strategies to stop catastrophizing, at least temporarily. There's something that's making me so anxious I feel like I'm sick all the time. Strategies and tips are welcome.
No. 1256564
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>>1256491It helps to remember the other times you catastrophized a situation, only for the situation to not become a catastrophe. Apply that logic to your current situation. This is what works for me, anyways. good luck
nonnie No. 1256577
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nonas has anyone got experience of writing a fiction novel or studying creative writing or something? I want to write a novel, but all I have is a 35000 word long word doc with no structure and very little plot. I don't want to write some huge complicated fantasy epic, just something kind of focusing on a character's internal life and personal growth. I just don't know how to carve something of meaning out of what I have written so far.
No. 1256715
>>1256675Oh ok, I had no idea the plant itself has a strong smell. Still I wonder, I know my neighbors smoke (regular nicotine ofc) in their balconies and unless i walk out on mine, I can't ever tell, so would anyone be able to smell a plant being indoors? But it's a
valid point. I don't really care about weed tbh but it's just so interesting to me how something being in your own home could be discovered by anyone
No. 1256738
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Is there a name/term/explanation for when you wake up yet still feel tired, like you still haven't "woken up"? I feel like I'm in that state where you wake up in bed but are a short step away from falling back asleep. And it sucks.
No. 1256907
>>1256577I think outlining your story and filling it in that way is the easiest way. Once you have a very certain idea of what’s happening you can hit the important plot points and it grows out from there. It doesn't have to be a very strict process, like I wrote a short story by writing the main scenes first which were were occurring over a span of two days. Those kind of parameters and the pov already give some structure, and the conflict is like the life force. The plot and pov are very interconnected, which is something I never realized because I would always separate the two making everything too sterile. Its possible you don’t have this problem but I found it interesting. Anyways, the conflict is important because it keeps you from veering off too much. It sounds obvious but its easy to take for granted.
I did take a creative writing class recently and I noticed that with a previous story of mine it was just like a soggy noodle in story form because I only had a character and certain images in mind but nothing that glued all that together. When we had to write a short story manuscript I had to have a concrete conflict, and my prof really stressed it. I found myself writing in a completely different way. It was still my same diction but, I don’t know, its hard to explain, it was like I switched into a different mode of processing and writing. You already have 35,000 words and I don't know how to revise that much/comb through to restructure it. Im sorry that was kinda your whole question nonna but I wanna help you still. Its possible that you could rewrite key points of the plot, and take what you have written and move it around. Maybe you could tell the story non-chronologically, which could make moving parts around and creating a new conflict easier
No. 1256932
>>1256904 said, and if it's about female friends the answer is no, too.
No. 1257040
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Why most of the beautiful and cute phone cases are for Iphone… that's literally the only reason why i want one now.
No. 1257162
>>1257154I wish i could sleep nonna. On vacation and the bed /pillow combo keeps causing migraines and pain. Ive tried the couch, with-without pillows… le sigh (ty though, image board at least keeps me entertained until my sweet love wakes up too)
I hope you have a good day!
No. 1257198
>>1257162Try keto, it made me drug like energetic, made me able to sleep, which is something you may seek. The food is gross though, I have no love except for good food. I will try the mindset way like many other “alert” people. Hope with keto it helps sleep you better
No. 1257220
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>>1257204no, it's common to wear headscarves. i think it's the way you tie them and the type that you wear that would come off as particularly religious. like picrel does not look religious to me at all
No. 1257221
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>>1257204I have a friend that wears headscarves sometimes and I always thought she looks really fashionable. Surely some more narrow minded people may think it's weird but as long as you feel good about yourself, pay it no mind.
No. 1257224
>>1257211It sounded kind of weird in my original post sorry, I just woke up kek. But I have really long hair (waited for 4 years to grow it out from a bob to waist length) and I want it to stay as protected as possible from outside things that might rip it like twigs or creepy bugs like tics so it feels nice to have something covering my head. Also I like how it feels, this sounds kind of weird but I like having something slightly weighing on my head even if it's light.
>>1257218I guess so. I think I just wanted nonna's on here to tell me it's not weird and I should do what I want lol.
>>1257220>>1257221I leave my bangs/front pieces out so it doesn't look like a hijab or anything, thanks nonna's ♥ Also the woman in the first pic is so pretty!
No. 1257496
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What should I get at Subway. Be specific
No. 1257519
What's with the random greentexted posts like
>>1257505>>1257475>>1257501I'm sure even someone new knows that's not how it's used kek
No. 1257632
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Are there any actual women here who support these sorts of "kids at drag shows" things? Can you talk about your POV on this? I genuinely want to understand. Online, all I've seen are weird men defending it, but it seems to mostly be mothers bringing their kids to these things IRL
No. 1257644
>>1257632The fucked up thing is that a lot of parents, especially mothers, hate their own children and intentionally subject them to horrible things to traumatize them. Then when the child is uncomfortable and crying they laugh at them. Basically, sweet
nonnie, the world is much more horrible than you seem to understand.
No. 1258285
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How do I stop being such a hateful person? I want to be nice and likable but I get frustrated and annoyed very quickly.
No. 1258367
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Sorry for the shit picture but this is like all that came up when I searched hip dips.
Anyway my question is how the fuck do I measure my hips? Like where is the right area to start from? I have narrow set hips with dips and have an unfortunate inverted triangle body type, but an ass that sticks out a bit so whenever I try to measure I feel that throws it off. Do I measure at the dips or the area above that where my waist ends??
No. 1258414
>>1258402I agree hygienic products and such go into the toilet bin because you don't want bodily fluids/matters stinking in your kitchen but
>Rarer trash like toilet brushes belong IMMEDIATELY in the container trash outside, right?why? It's just a piece of plastic?
No. 1258451
>>1258414You could see the brown and poop on the brush in muh kitchen. My roomie is autistic and I’m tired of cleaning up after her or when she breaks stuff. So for once I asked her to get rid of the brush she broke because I was tired of cleaning too much and I bought the third new brush she broke. Then she got rid of it in the kitchen disposal. I don’t care about the toilet bin but the kitchen has become sacred to me ever since I cook for a hobby. Guess why we have an ants and fly infestation now.
>>1258405Well she is a messy unhygienic person. And she does not care about recycling kek. But that’s her issue not mine, I do recycle and it’s my business that I do so. I just find it odd that she dresses like a hippie. Barefooted in public and all.
The issue is the spreading of ecoli, attracting insects etc..
Well if I live alone, I’d put everything in one bin, a recycled plastic supermarket bag, and throw it away immediately outside in the underground container twice a day DAILY. In the morning and evening. Oh the clean house dream.. But the reason why I’d not see poop, blood of humans in the bin of muh kitchen, is because I share germs and viruses with an autist and I like to keep my food and the house I rent partly clean. Or at least pest free.
No. 1258631
>>1258576We have. It’s full of her menstrual pads. The bag she then disposes in the kitchen bin. She has no job, life. So I would imagine she has enough time to clean up after herself and the messes she makes.
To answer you, we have no sink in the toilet hall but we have one in the bathroom. The distance between them is about the same. But I think tbh it may be a cultural thing. Regardless this fat mentally ill autistic pig should respect my culture and pet peeves/tism too, as I have been respecting her. The toilet brush with poo in my damn kitchen paradise i created and keep clean is just too much.
No. 1258743
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Do you believe people can really change? And I mean big, drastic changes from consciously chosen life paths, like IDK, from animal hater to animal activist or from being very career oriented to fully family focused something like that?
I was thinking about this recently and realized I've never had any such major shift in my life and find it very hard to trust people who did.
No. 1258756
>>1258743The only time I've ever known people to change that dramatically is when they've hit some kind of rock bottom and have to change their lives in order to live a good life (or sometimes just live at all). But the second they become complacent or take their changes for granted they're right back to old habits. If they have any sort of social or monetary gain from their journey, know that as soon as they lose their asspats or compensation they'll reveal just how little they've actually changed.
The only people I've known who maintain drastic life changes are the ones who always strive for improvement and never drop their humility. Everyone else ime has proven their sus.
No. 1258795
>>1258731I bought my kindle as a 'gift' option so i didn't need to register it, and kept it on airplane mode ever since. No corporate randomware updates for me, no planned obsolescence for me. I also don't mind the jank though. f, t, same thing really. Honestly ask /lit/.
I don't know what possesses a company to REMOVE a utility from their product but it's way too common. They really love fucking over their own customers.
No. 1258836
>>1258731I just drag and drop epubs and rarely have problems with formatting. And like another anon said, definitely take your device off the internet.
If you really can't work around it, an alternative would be selling your kindle and getting a 2nd hand android e-reader for the that money. I have a kindle as well and am genuinely considering doing it because I'm sick of Amazon's limitations and mine's just one version too high to jail break.
No. 1258948
>>1258920I got some Trader Joe's peach bellini for a pool party and I got made fun of because it wasn't craft beer but fuck it, it was yummy and the people who appreciated fruity drinks loved it. Recommend that one a lot.
See what summer specials they have going on and pick out what's interesting. TJ's is nice because they always have some kind of curiosities on sale, and they're always super yummy
No. 1259155
I only crush on female celebrities but irl only on men (not even feminine ones, just regular dudebros) what on earth is this supposed to mean?
>>1259068Tuna, I've read all of her threads and she never disappoints. She hasn't aged mentally in the past 6 years, somehow keeps doing the stupidest things and never makes progress. She's the definition of a human trainwreck. Also the Instagrammers you hate #2 thread with everything on star_666_ and Astrid, too bad the milk was already spoiled before they got their own thread. Does anyone know of a current cow thread with subject similar to them?
No. 1259261
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>>1259168I have mostly black clothing with a few white items and a few white items with colored sleeves, etc. and I ended up buying picrel and doing all those items separately. I think any color-safe bleach will work in lieu of this exact product.
No. 1259280
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>>1259168I always do colors, whites, darks as their own loads. If you have a decent amount of pink, red, you can make a load of those because red can bleed into other clothes. Also pic related is a god send for white if you rub it on stains directly with some water, let it sit a few hours, wash. Mainly used it in cotton products so I cant say for fake material or nice ones though.
No. 1259325
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what…is this face trying to convey?
No. 1259366
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Is Percy Jackson franchise SJW? I loved the movies but never touched the books, but the fandom is full of genderspecials.
No. 1259484
>>1259477I'd like to know too. Until I figure out the solution, I've been clicking on
log in then I press the 'x' button and continue the cycle whenever the window pops up again. It used to be annoying, but I've gotten used to it.
No. 1259694
>>1259525Thnk you,
No. 1259779
>>1259477>>1259484>>1259764Nonnas, I actually raged about this today as well and found a solution:
- Use Ublock Origin (browser extension)
- In the Extension options, in Filters, paste this: #div[role='dialog'] #[id$='PromoSlot'] #html->body:style(overflow:visible !important;) #html:style(overflow:visible !important;)
(Remove spaces between the #'s, the formatting interprets consecutive hash symbols as spoiler tag)
Bim bam bom, fuck you Twitter, problem solved permanently!
No. 1259817
File: 1657644538332.png (979.8 KB, 687x350, 1280.png)

>>1259779It works! Thank you so much! For those that aren't tech smart click on the Ublock Origin
AD blocker that you have to download yourself click on the gears or settings, go to my filters and input the commands and apply changes!
No. 1259923
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>>1259909>Non-bi anonsDo you know where you are? You're just an androgynes woman or an insecure tumblrina/twitterfag.
Bitch, Check the bisexual thread on /g/
No. 1260043
>>1260036>>1259934Thank you! I wanted to make fried plantain a while ago, but I kept letting the plantains get
too ripe lol.
No. 1260245
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>>1260087Found Crystal Cafe through a radblr Aiden, and found lc from the hate thread on there kek. I've used img boards for over 10 years before but I had no idea there are ones for women, I was so fucking excited
The same question asked on CC though, 90% found the site through their moids, that's why I'm here now
No. 1260287
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>>1260087Somehow I didn’t find out from 4chan or PULL but I was into venus, berrytsukasa and wylona. In fact I think it was some exposé on a shitty wordpress page kek
No. 1260289
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>>1260087I was lurking PULL because I came across the Living Doll Trend on tumblr and got curious, then a site called lolcow was mentioned and I got curious. I was so confused at first since I've never used a site like this and lurked for a good amount of time until I posted since I was scared for some reason lol. This was in 2015 or so.
No. 1260680
is it wrong to continue simping over a celebrity who works with bad people but otherwise seems harmless himself? however i don't pay for the films/shows he's in, i pirate everything. i'm just strongly attracted to him tho i wonder if other people see this as supporting him…
>>1260654there used to be one in /m/ before the wipeout but can't find the link now.
No. 1260698
>>1260634I always wondered what would happen if you started skinwalking the skinwalker.
I'm sure there's a disney channel episode about this.
No. 1260812
>>1260804I've tried, my art sucks
Yeah I'm a burger
No. 1260844
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>>1260799The Lord works in mysterious ways
No. 1260875
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To my nonnies that currently live in Japan- is this kind of hair trending over there or something? These are from the Venus thread in /w/ and the state of her hair baffles me, especially in comparison to her otherwise well made outfits and photos with designer items and such. It just looks so discordant in an image together I can’t understand it. Is she really just unkempt or is there some looks she’s going for that I don’t know about?
No. 1261013
>>1260890I’d dump a man so fast if he starts boohooing because I ran my mouth. You’re not the
victim here because a woman used a tone of voice not fit for your liking, fucking faggot. Those moids are always manipulative fucks who will say stuff like “I won’t talk to you when you’re so meaaaan”. When they know damn well they are the ones pushing a woman and making her feel unheard when she was being calm and nice.
No. 1261187
>>1261180Nonny I have seen your post before and if you are sick then stay at home as what you said here
>9 days of absence. I feel I really needed thatIt's obvious that you aren't well enough to start working. Would you rather go back to work when you haven't recovered and possibly get sick again or go to work when you well again? because if you go back to work when you are healthy and well then it is less likely that you will get sick again.
if your co-workers get to be absence whenever, why can't you take some time off when you're sick No. 1261597
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>>1261346Doubleposting but actually could it be from not having things to do most days? (I do work online but that gives too much freedom) I found that on days when I have something scheduled early on, after doing that I feel so much better. Assuming you're the same, maybe we need something to force us out of bed for that first stretch and afterwards can shift into a good day.
No. 1261599
>>1261583I don't want to scare you
nonnie but I had a reoccurring (what I thought) was a cyst and it turned out I had herpes.
I had only been with one person and found out when I was 16. I have a lot of trauma in general but I still don't know if it was him (I was his first and he was mine) or what happened. Mine had white fluid which is why I thought it was a cyst/pimple too, you should get checked out either way. I don't mean to scare you but I had no idea that could happen to me. I don't get them anymore because it's been a few years but they can come and go with stress. Hope you're ok.
No. 1261601
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Have any of my pear-shaped nonnies tried these elastic belt things? Pants that fit my legs are always too big around my waist, and I’m tired of wearing a belt that’s visible through tighter shirts. Also to get a belt tight enough to keep my pants up means it cuts in under my ribs when I sit down, so the elastic seems nice. Other general advice on modding jeans to fit a narrow waist better would be appreciated.
No. 1261633
>>1261622Have you ever done art/design on a paid basis? When I had an art job it wasn’t the art itself that sucked my soul out, it was the customers who force you to make terrible art. As a related story, my sister was going to school for graphic design when she got commissioned by her old high school principle to make several posters. He had no eye for design but very specific ideas of what needed to be on the posters. She hated the experience so much that afterwards she changed her major kek.
Basically what I’m saying is I don’t think you should commit that much time and money to something like art school until you’re able to try out an art job to know you like it.
No. 1261658
nonnie, there are about 3 paid oil painting jobs on earth. If you’re going to art school just to get better at a hobby that’s fine, but don’t pour all that money/time into it with the expectation that you’ll be able to oil paint as a job at the end.
No. 1261665
>>1261649Color mixing honestly. It always comes out too dark and I can't figure out what the hell is going on. I've been practicing seascapes a lot but the sky has a weird gradient or the colors bleed too much into each other and it all becomes a gaudy mess
>>1261646Didn't even cross my mind as an option! I'll give it a shot.
>>1261652I think I'm going to do what you,
>>1261646 &
>>1261658 mentioned. May have gotten too eager brain storming, I'll stick to a private tutor and go from there.
Thank you ladies for your help!
No. 1261730
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>>1261724No the bread will not be compromised by the stainless steel breadbox as you won't put a wet loaf inside it.
No. 1262166
>>1262146I remember this video of triplet babies where they had different hairstyles to tell them apart, one had a pony tail, one had pigtails, one had 3 ponytails kek
I think with infants they use like color coded bracelets and clothes generally
No. 1262266
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>>1262265Dropped picrel but you see what I mean
No. 1262330
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What kind of propaganda is this? How will it effect the next U.S election?
No. 1262458
>>1262455might've not explained it well enough but i just sprayed water on the shovel/chemical bottle, then poured the disinfectant on and let it sit. I'll still clean the tub, though, thanks for the suggestion!
>>1262456ok, i was really paranoid for a sec, thanks.
No. 1262528
>>1262503I got abnormal results after my first pap smear so idk if they act the same way for normal results. I got a phone call and then a letter arrived the day after the call with my results in writing and a pamphlet on what that means. It explained the different stages of pre cancer.
I then got an appt for a hospital to have a colposcopy, they get a better look at the cervix during that but it feels about the same as just getting another smear but in a hospital with more staff. Experiences vary but I never had pain and the staff made me feel relatively at ease given the circumstances.
No. 1262546
>>1262503This question confuses me but I guess our countries are different. Pap smears are usually part of a routine pelvic exam and you get them every few years. When your gyno is going to town she just swabs your cervix with a brush and twists it a bit. Not comfortable but it's super quick. If you have a gynecologist and get your annual exam can't you just ask for it when you're getting that done?
Your dad isn't being a controlling freak. Every woman should get a pap smear, even if you had the HPV vaccine and weren't sexually active until over 18.
No. 1262559
>>1262546Nta but some countries have free public health screenings for things like this that start at 25 (or at 50 for breast and bowel cancers) It's different than say how the US does it with out of pocket doctors. It's entirely public service based and not really something people tend to do on demand so much.
The goverment determines that 25 is old enough for the risk to be worth the tax money that it costs so you just go whenever the health system tells you to go. They remind you every few years to come get your next free screening then. I had 'squamous cell changes' at 25 and I've happily gone along with every appt since to keep and eye on that shit. I had a bunch of appts the firts year. Then they got spaced out more. It's handy to have a free service that looks after you like that. I lost my mom to undetected cancer.
No. 1262577
Thanks for the replies, nonnas. I'm really sorry you had a horrible experience,
>>1262544 , it's the exact reason I don't want to go. I've read up on how the screening goes in my country and figured that they normally send a letter with the results about 3-4 weeks after the test, so as long as I can prevent my father from wanting to see the results on paper I should be able to fake having gone there.
No. 1262620
>>1260680You can find someone hot and not get too invested in who they are as a person. It's hard to tell how much celebs portray themselves in an honest way. You can only tell so much from their interviews or appearances/socials.
I have a crush on a celeb that's intense lately but I don't get too deep into learning who he is in private. He's hot and he sings well and it's not any deeper than that.
No. 1262722
>>1262713I write down what's bothering me, I read it back, I tear up the paper, I sometimes repeat those steps again. Then bin it all and I blast some music to reset my mood. I could just keep a journal but I feel the need to destroy the writings.
Not saying that's a great cope but its what I do to get by in the moment. Its childhood abuse that haunts me.
No. 1262762
>>1262713I have pmdd which causes me to be extremely angry and irritable at certain parts of my cycle. So much so that I can feel it like a switch gets flipped in my brain overnight. The one thing that really helps me is to just acknowledge the anger and allow myself to be upset. I can still go about my day even if I'm angry, and if someone has a problem with my mood then that's too bad. As long as you're not snapping at people or being mean, no one should care that you're not a ray of sunshine. Preferably I want to be alone when I'm angry, but if you're unable to escape a situation, people aren't going to be hurt by you looking pissed.
Ironically it feels like I've become less and less angry the more I've given myself space to be. Things like
>>1262722 mentioned or stuff like working out or similar is also good ways to deal with the anger in the moment.
No. 1262840
>>1262611it's mostly people online who might ask about it or point out who he associates with, or call out others for still liking him, sometimes even other fans (well ex-fans now). there's even been some slapfighting amongst the fans a few times over this.
>>1262620that's true, i guess i kind of worry it's too late for me since i already watched so many interviews and got invested in his image lol.
No. 1262845
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I mentioned getting a text and a couple minutes later my bf asked me who texted me in a (to me) exaggeratedly nonchalant way, like he was trying way too hard to seem like he didn't care. Who texted me was not relevant to the conversation at all and wouldn't help with providing more context.
Is this a red flag? yellow flag? or am I thinking too much into it? pic unrelated
No. 1262881
>>1262713Have you tried working out,
No. 1263042
>>1263020Either A
>Drink plenty of fluids. Water, sport-drinks like gaterode or bouillon drinks>Eat food>Sleep>RepeatOr B
>Drink plenty of fluids. Water, sport-drinks like gaterode or bouillon drinks>Eat Spicy food>Suffer while sweating/pissing>Fluids>Sleep No. 1263067
>>1263048In true crime shows I've watched, all the pedo murderers who fixated on little boys had wives and kids. That said, they were boomers and it was rare for someone to be openly gay in those days. So idk I know it doesn't answer your question fully but from what I gather their gender preference for abusing kids means fuck all when it comes to their beard relationship. At the end of the day it's all a cover for evil scrotes to get closer to kids to abuse. And now that I think of it it's probably easier for them to trick women into marrying them than having a gay relationship because most people tend to trust women more when it comes to watching over their kids. Assuming they aren't exclusively abusing their own kids, having a wife means easier access to child
victims. For whatever it's worth in those shows some of the pedos had no preference for girls or boys and abused whoever based on convenience of access to the child, whether it be spotting a child alone in public and kidnapping them, or having the opportunity to babysit or tutor or coach them or something like that. I don't think you'd really call them bisexual if they abuse girls and boys, because they're disgusting degenerates who get off on sexual torture of a child. It's kind of a moot point to try and categorize them into a normal spectrum of sexual preference.
No. 1263153
>>1263124I used to envy them when I was in denial of having disordered eating habits and used to be self-loathing. Now that I eat healthy food 'cause it makes me feel good and I'm fine w/ my body, I find that anorexic women look kinda scary.
If you have an ED, my advice would be to stop seeking male validation and put your body first over people's perception of it, get a sense of self-worth, learn how to cook, and read feminist lit.
If you're naturally skinny though, learn to be fine with it FIRST, then start gaining weight if you want to (given that you didn't become this way bc of an ed). You can't hate yourself out of a body you're stuck with until you die.
No. 1263238
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what the fuck is an ENM relationship?
No. 1263245
>>1263238Just googling it brings up this: seems like polyamory under a different name.
No. 1263256
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>>1260087I use to be a pixielocks fan and then got annoyed when she posted this video (not worth watching so didn’t embed.) I didn’t know much about tranny shit back then but it just seemed like such a reach to be a good person. Googled her name and found the threads.
No. 1263295
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Why do many people on the English speaking part of the internet identify as LGBT? (I'm particularly thinking about sites like Tumblr and Twitter where its overun by users who claim to be not straight and/or trans-identifying/nonbinary-identifying.) I'm not trying to be homophobic or anything. I'm just confused as someone who's not from the Anglosphere.
No. 1263394
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>>1263392>Whites don't see slavs as white>Same with white jews, they don't get seen as white. Water poisoned retardo burgers don't make up the entirety of white people.
No. 1263399
>>1263395They call them white but don't treat them the way. You also have no say because you're not slavic, retard.
>>1263394A lot of Europeans also look down on Eastern Europeans and treat them lowlier as if they're not white. It's not just Americans who see Slavic women as sex workers or mock them for being trafficked.
No. 1263410
>>1263405So you admit your people view them as lowlier for having bad economy or being corrupt… Which are stuff a lot of other western European countries are but somehow don't get discriminated against? Ok.
Even if you don't actively view then as Asian, their race difference makes it harder for whites to empathize with them, just like how they fail to empathize with Muslims.
No. 1263437
>>1263431Unless there's some hidden message,
It just means they have 0 kills 15 death and 4 assists kills.
No. 1263506
>>1263503why are you so
triggered by redditors kek
Over Canada no less
No. 1263559
>>1263528Idk about probiotics in pill form but yoghurt and kefir cultures are awesome for lactose intolerant people like me.
Whether you need it really depends on your culture's diet, on your own body etc. I drink yoghurt every day here and I crave it, however when I lived in equatorial Africa I didn't, but my whole diet was vastly different.
No. 1263644
>>1263600Is she bipolar? Bipolars can have mania
triggered by weed leading to psychosis
No. 1263708
>>1263696>My calves feel like they get way bigger whenever I sit downKeep your legs elevated
put a pillow under your calves so that the swelling can go.
down and you can put a cold compress on them for 15 min on then hot compress for 15 min.
>>1263704 Very good advice. listen to her.
No. 1263712
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>>1263709I forgot to add that when you use a cold compress and a hot one don't put it so that it has direct contact with your skin, either wear some loose pjs that covers your calves or drape a hand towel over your the area before using the compress. pic for attention
No. 1263871
>>1263777NTA but while I do support you using your husbando for emotional support while you're alone (because it does help cope with loneliness, otherwise you might feel like you're going insane), it shouldn't completely replace real-life human relationships so I advise you to be open to the idea of forming friendships and accepting people into your life when the opportunity comes. Also it can't be good for you to give
too much importance to fanart and fanfic. They're just files on the internet and just like family and friend photos, they can be lost forever all of a sudden so it's not healthy to get overly attached to them.