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No. 1246486
ITT: post uneventful and mundane as fuck events in your life
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/1168569 No. 1246489
File: 1656616680055.png (637.56 KB, 454x670, Ham-Egg-and-Cheese-Hot-Pockets…)

I've been craving hot pockets. I might try to make some at home.
No. 1246621
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Bought a canary melon, hope it's yummy and sweet.
No. 1247350
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I rewatched spirited away for the first time in a while, the rice ball scene makes me cry every time
No. 1247673
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I have this ugly ass wall texture in my apt that I usually don't pay any attention to, but today I found some totoros
No. 1247832
File: 1656715983218.png (292 KB, 537x375, tower_of_london_raven.png)

been making friends with a neighborhood crow by feeding her once a week, but now the spoiled tart only eats my pistachios. I suppose its good she leaves some nuts for the visiting squirrel, but those nuts are for her!! I think she's been flipping the dish out of frusteration when the pistachios are gone too, little fucking shit. might have to get a crow puzzle for the naughty cur. she lands on the bannister some mornings to caw and ask for food but hides when I come outside. it makes me happy to hear her caws in the neighborhood.
No. 1248048
>>1248040No no it's ok. I'll eat some icecream
Chunky Monkey superiority to satisfy the part of me that wants something cold, and perhaps I'll eat some yogurt and mango because that's almost like a deconstructed movie. I also want sliders though, hmm. I'll make a smoothie firs thing in the morning.
No. 1248061
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>>1248035come over
nonnie, i have like 20 mangoes i will not eat without a friend to encourage me to make smoothies and no neighbors. we'll have a smoothie party!!
No. 1248100
>>1247906I'm really jealous, there's a ton of crows in my city but they never congregate nearby.
>>1248032I have been leaving peanuts, tho she always leaves them unless she gets bored. A gift is a cute idea but I worry she'll think its food and eat it lol. Maybe I'll leave her some moss or flowers? Might help with her nesting.
No. 1248161
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i put off going to the hairdresser for a year bc i hate ppl touching me and especially my hair but today i'm finally getting the bob i want, need and deserve
No. 1248489
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>>1248191just don't get bangs, especially short ones. my hair looks like picrel except dark
>>1248174you can always get a shoulder-length bob?
anyway i just got it done and im so happy. i shouldn' have put it off for so long bc i hated my long hair. this is way better
No. 1249048
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I finally made my mango pineapple smoothie. Very happy.
>>1248061Oh my gosh anon, I would love to have a mango party! We can even make mango tarts.
No. 1249210
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>>1249173Sounds brutal
nonnie. Embrace your inner self.
No. 1249296
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I think I'll fail the JLPT tomorrow. I'm a bit sad about it, also disappointed in myself
No. 1249350
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>>1249296Aw anon, don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe you weren't ready this time, but the progress you made is still there. You can take it again in the future. If anything, I think you've done better than 80% of weaboos (myself included) who have tried to learn the basics of japanese and can't even memorize hiragana at all. Good luck on your test, and never stop trying! Gambatte neeee
No. 1249608
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>>1249210>>1249211>>1249262>>1249331>>1249339original swede metal guy skinwalker anon here, thanks for the confidence boost nonnies
No. 1250246
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>>1249350Thank you, anon. I am pretty sure I didn't pass, yeah. Hopefully the results will come in before the winter test applications end, but I am like 80% sure I'll have to do it again. Things have been a bit chaotic right now, so I think that by August I'll be able to study more diligently once more. You sound really kind,
nonnie No. 1250553
>>1250457Also it's selfish to cause as much noise as possible at the expense of animals, people with PTSD, and other neurological disorders.
Go to a planned fireworks show in the middle of a field. I don't care. But people who set them off for fun in the middle of neighborhoods are obnoxious assholes
No. 1251958
>>1251819It's not anything special but here you go. Fry or bake the nuggets, I used vegan ones but any are fine. For the sauce, I just eyeball it so do it to your taste. Add this all in a separate pan
>Butter>Honey >Lemon pepper seasoning>Fresh lemon juice>Fresh cracked pepperThen just let it simmer for a minute and toss the nuggets in the sauce.
No. 1251965
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>>1251964bette midler publicly TERFed too yesterday
No. 1251992
>>1251965I used to have a side job where I wrote up articles about sex toys and sometimes menstrual cups or female condoms, things like that. I remember (15 odd years ago) there was this shift starting where you definitely wouldn't get pounced on for calling period products or clit vibes a womans product but it started to be seen as 'the nice thing to do' if you chose your wording carefully. I watched others start to dance around certains words 'just to be mindful' Then I started to get sent products to test out and I'd be emailed instructions on what words to use within the review. It was the only real insert that companies ever had. They didn't even pressure you to write a positive review but they did want you to include that every type of person could use their product. That they definitely weren't just aiming it at women! The whole reason I was drawn to the job was that I was a woman writing for women. I left at a time when that was probably one of the first industries (sex toy industry) that was suddenly screeching about this. I didn't think it would spread tbh. I really thought it was all just sex positivity speil that would stay contained.
Now we're at the point where we're being described as just our bodily functions? Dehumanizing the whole lot of us so as not to offend a few. How does this help trans people? Do transmen even want to be known as menstruators? Last one I knew just didn't want to talk about this stuff much.
No. 1251993
>>1251992If someone called me a "womb carrier" i would probably mace them
>>1251965like, who decides the new terminology because pretty sure no one consulted me before deciding to call me a "birthing person" or "menstruator". So if a woman never gives birth is she not a woman? Not a person? What does that even mean? This shit has got to go. Imagine someone calling you "menstruator" to your face with some shit-eating grin about the social justice upvotes they'll get on twitter later for it. it's just disgusting.
No. 1252072
>>1252059 yeah and he ate it like he was starving to death, 10/10
>>1252068 leave him, it will only get worse
>>1252071 nah im just righteously stoned
No. 1252085
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I think I might be getting addicted to Pepsi, my family has always prefered coca cola and I did until a few weeks ago, I haven't drank Pepsi for maybe a decade even, so when I got one at the college cafeteria it was the best thing ever and now I can stop drinking it, everytime I go to college at the end of class I get one and enjoy it very much.
No. 1252127
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>>1252085Omg I'm addicted but for the caffeine. I'm trying to get off it though, I feel so sluggish if I don't have my PEPSI
No. 1252144
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I'm trying out new recipes for dinner and started a new skin care routine.
No. 1252183
File: 1657050693729.png (847.54 KB, 1050x1042, A96CD3F6-5B94-4937-AB09-F1A9E1…)

Been playing Diddy Kong Racing, it’s always trippy to play old games and see how far graphics and everything has come. Timber best boy.
No. 1252202
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Got three new chickens today. A race almost estinct, only brought back by an extensive breeding program. They're a dwarf breed too.. Tiny fucking legs. They look so funny and adorable.
No. 1252372
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This image made me laugh
I love lolcow tan memes
No. 1252420
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>>1252183I wonder if they'll ever put it on the N64 switch emulator, they got banjo so I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard for them to get Diddy Kong racing.
I mained Tipsy, she is literally me.
No. 1252941
>>1250565What do you mean by "passive work"? Doesn't sewing include active work kek
Anyways love people making their own clothes
No. 1252954
>>1251993I'm pretty sure TIMs came up with it because they don't want the word woman to have anything to do with our bodily functions. It destroys their fantasies. Then it is being pushed by stupid self hating non-binary women, and handmaidens give their okay in the name of all women because they "don't mind those words being used because they're inclusive".
And don't you love it how these TRAs never care about ESL, mentally disabled or less-educated women who may have problems understanding these new terms. Not understanding texts about medical issues can have serious implications. Just shows once again that it's a movement by the privileged.
No. 1253321
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Spent $22.96 on 9 games + 1 dlc in the past 3 days. Am listening to satanic German trance while applying to community college. Going to shoot lanternfly nymphs with peppermint/tea tree oil water tomorrow. The bug reckoning is coming.
No. 1253477
>>1253472The type of spinach dip anon is talking about is amazingly good when it's made well but very VERY high in calories.
Give eggplant dip another chance but get it from a good MENA restaurant
No. 1253503
File: 1657165308637.jpg (77.06 KB, 924x1387, Spinach-Arttichoke-Dip-DSC_089…)

>>1253472Ayrt, if you like creamy and cheesy stuff then you'll like it. Some spinach dips are cold, but I think they're the best when you bake them with cheese on top like macaroni. It's great cause you could actually really just throw any veggies you want in there. I'm just going to make it with spinach and artichoke and eat it with tortilla chips, carrots, and zucchini.
Beetroot chickpea dip sounds amazing btw! I love chickpeas but it's been so long since I've had some.
No. 1253887
>>1252216Yes! Bloodlines got tested, breeding pairs were handed to people wanting to help stock up the breed again and bam. Now we have breeders in the program, that will sell their chicks to normal people. It's the point to make them more common again..
I could technically apply for the breeding program myself, if I were to keep them separated from my other chickens and got a rooster from a different bloodline. It's refreshing to see them become more and more common again. We have breeding programs like that for almost every extinct farm animal from our country. Farmers get them for free, as long as they follow all the rules.
Also chickens are fucking awesome and there are breeds for everyone and every garden. Even some that don't crow. Or don't trample your plants but keep them pest free. Some that can't even fly. Some that only way 800grams. Also egg.
No. 1254134
>>1254116which song is it
nonnie I want to fully visualize your experience
No. 1254144
>>1254116Reminds me of that one time I listened to Stan
pls no bully on my mp3 and just as I was halfway through the song, it started to play on the shop radio, too. This was 2017, so it's not because the song just came out or something. I felt validated.
No. 1254189
>>1254134It was Pull Up the Roots! Honestly not a Talking Heads song I’ve listened to a lot so I’m glad the airport reminded me of how much of a jam it was.
>>1254144Kek anon I feel like that kind of coincidence has to be a sign from the universe although idk what it could mean.
No. 1254746
You know what makes no sense? Some people say that when you can't get a song out of your head you should listen to it again because your brain wants to finish the lyrics or some shit. I get them from listening to the songs in the first place. They just stay in my head until I listen to other songs I guess.
>>1254646I haven't but I think it's cool if you're able to find out more about your ancestors. For me personally it's not something I would have the urge to do because most of my father's family are so shitty I don't even wanna know about the people before them. It might be interesting on my mother's side because we don't know any of them (she was raised by foster parents).
No. 1255012
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Japanese YouTubers spoiled me with them subbing their vids 90% of the time. I wanna watch a video in my native language but I don't wanna put on headphones, but of course there aren't any subs bc the only channels to ever have subs here are those aimed at actually deaf people. Guess I won't be watching it then.
No. 1255231
>>1255222I already do
>>1255176You probably won't regret going window shopping, and most likely will regret wasting your day on YT.
No. 1255298
>>1255222I was gonna elaborate:
I feel way better and I’m not worried about sweating off makeup and I can rub my eyes and I just started liking my face without it. I won’t say my skin has cleared up I don’t think it ever will but wearing no makeup is fun
No. 1255353
>>1255222I never started wearing it. I have friends who need to have perfect filled in brows before they feel ok going anywhere. Meanwhile god blessed me with dark hair on my head and yet these near invisible brows but I just accept it as how I am.
Growing up my mom tried to get me into nails and lashes too but I couldn't force myself to care.
No. 1255437
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I am sad, so I went out and bought origami paper and a book on squirrels. Haven't started the book yet, but I used some paper and it's not an exact square, there's like half a milimeter lapping over, and it's what makes my two-fold folded cranes all messed up. My goal is to fold a thousand cranes anyways, but instead of wishing for the thing I'm so desperate for, maybe I should wish for actually square origami paper.
No. 1255571
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I just got a lot of chores done today that I was putting off and I was super productive. I treated myself to a nice balance of coffee and weed this afternoon, it seemed to help me focus on my tasks and I’m proud of myself! Happy Friday everyone
No. 1256395
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I saw the neighborhood Chowchow again, and it's so adorable, oh my god. It's black, so it's like a tiny storm cloud on four legs and a blue tongue.
No. 1256436
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i went to the beach today and the seaweed was really bad, smelled like clam chowder that was left out too long. the weather was perfect though
No. 1256718
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>>1256436Im at the beach too nonna! Meet franklin
No. 1257066
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>open youtube music to listen to a specific song
>resume listening to the song I was previously listening to
>listen to auto generated playlist for 3+ hours
>only just remember I opened it up to listen to a totally unrelated song
yet another reason I think I have ADHD
No. 1257332
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back with a crow update. didnt see lady for a few days, heard her calling from a nearby tree so I left a fresh strawberry for her. few minutes later i heard a crow losing its shit and saw she brought her whole family over!! 3 babies that were fully fledged but like 2 or 3 inches shorter than mom and making those hungry feeding calls that teenage crows make. i left more strawberries outside and they came back and ate them all by dusk. was probably the first strawberries they got to eat ever. Ugh I love big mama crow SO MUCH. she has me trained so I always go outside to feed her when she visits and calls for me and I'm not ashamed that a crow has tamed me lel
No. 1257350
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>>1257332Corvids are best birds
No. 1257468
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>12 hours till i can hold my big cat and smooch the top of his head
> i miss my big boi so much
No. 1257503
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i don't wanna give af about being a 30 year old KHHV anymore. i hate men, i think all men are psychopaths out to destroy women. the idea of having sex absolutely disgusts me. i just cannot trust another person on that level. i don't even miss non-sexual physical intimacy like hugs. masturbation satisfies me completely, probably because i don't even know what i'm missing out on. all women out there are TRAs and tranny lovers who cry about jkr being evil. normal lesbians probably aren't interested in a 30 year old completely inexperienced woman either, so there's no hope in that department either.
i'm 30 years old, i have a well-paying job and i can do whatever the fuck i like with whatever money i earn. i only feel bad about not being in a relationship because my relatives probably know i'm a virgin, but who gives a fuck. they're the creeps for thinking about their niece/granddaughter/cousin that way, if they do.
it's a spinster life for me, baby!!!!
No. 1257525
>>1257509honestly, idk if i'm bi or a lesbian or just straight-but-thinks-being-with-a-woman-doesn't-sound-gross. i'd probably have to have sex to find out. but that's just not gonna happen, so who knows!!! i was a teenager during the "fuck labels" emo era in early 2000s, so i'm gonna keep practicing that. not the emo part, but the fuck labels part kek. we can still be manhaters together,
nonny, us women have to support each other.
No. 1257675
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>>1257602ayrt, that's so awful wtf. i'm so sorry this happened to you, men really are failed abortions. sending love and hugs to you, sister!
No. 1257840
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Listening to Snoop Dogg and getting ready to make a pizza. I feel smooth and cool.
No. 1257844
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>>1257840that sounds extremely smooth and cool of you,
nonnie No. 1258416
>>1258392Holy shit the dude straight went back to the post office without ringing, I just got a mail saying I wasn't there, fuck you, I was waiting for god knows how long you lazy retard. Thankfully I managed to program another delivery tomorrow in those lockers near the train station since it's a small parcel, I'll pick it up after work tomorrow.
>>1258408I'm in Europe and I order a lot of shit from Japan and I need to cut down my purchases, between the bullshit importation tax and the cheapest delivery methods unavailable since COVID and the war it's becoming ridiculously expensive to buy anything abroad, same with imports from North America.
No. 1258442
>>1258432nta there's online calculators that can help you get an indication of how much extra money you'll have to pay when you order something from outside the EU but it's never accurate because the exchange rates changes daily. And there's also some differences between what postal carriers charge for dealing with customs itself. So it's just a sum of unreliable, difficult to exactly calculate beforehand costs.
Personally I just avoid ordering outside the EU as much as possible because of how unreliable it is. Which is exactly what the EU wants of course.
No. 1258821
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I’m making two posts because I don’t feel like stitching. This pic in the vent thread reminded me of my doppelgänger. I’ll post it next
No. 1258823
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>>1258821Anyone else seen a pic that looks eerily like them?
No. 1258994
nonnie, I watched a Claire Saffitz bagel video so I'm using the recipe she did but with sugar instead of barely malt because I didn't have that. I'm gonna boil and bake them tomorrow morning and see how it goes. I hope they're super chewy
No. 1259234
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She followed me back, so I hope I can impress her a little and maybe even shoot her a message. Not that I expect it to go like my daydreams, but even a friendship would be nice since we seem so similar. I stumbled upon her while dating a man and, among other events and reflections, seeing her solidified what I actually want (in general).
I even returned to this site basically to make contact with her, which I know is dumb and creepy. If she's also unhinged like me maybe I'll tell her that later kek. I'm getting more out of the experience than this now, but she was the catalyst.
>>1259023My mom believes this as well. It's comforting.
But an old friend believed that whenever he felt deja vu, something bad would happen. Such different interpretations of the feeling.
No. 1259360
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Randomly saw Kelly Lebrock in a snow thread and was reminded how in awe I was of these pics when I was a kid omg I thought she was so cool and I was right
No. 1260645
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Had my wisdom tooth removed today, I regret delaying it so long because it was no big deal at all. The dentist was very chill, before we started he wanted to put some music on youtube and we joked he's looking up a tooth removal tutorial. Never thought i'll feel like this but I'm looking forward removing the 3 remaining ones
No. 1261073
File: 1657704876885.gif (9.2 MB, 626x640, crying-smoking.gif)

I'm currently on a linkin park streak and I haven't listened to them in ten years but it still hits just as good as back when I was an angsty teen.
No. 1261179
>>1260778>Damn you stayed awake for that shit? In my country they never do full anesthesia for teeth extraction so it's not even an option; tbh I don't see why would they because it was fast and completely painless. Also, if available, isn't full anesthesia far more expensive than local too?
>>1260647>>1260681Glad my post found you at a good time anons♥ I was stressed before too, the whole idea of having a tooth removed really sounds like it's something drastic but apparently not at all; and that specific tooth was supposed to be a
problematic one so I can only imagine how smooth will be the extraction of easy ones. It will be all fine for you too!
No. 1261284
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Ahhh I have the biggest urge to make steamed pork buns but I have zero energy. They take so long to make and I also have to bike to the store for ingredients. Lord give me strength…
No. 1261721
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4 wisdom teeth removal nonnie has returned. It was fine! I was nervous but the anesthesiologist helped me a lot. I started shaking a lot after I woke up from anesthesia but apparently that's normal? no pain yet. This is retarded but when I was waiting in the chair I was like "the nonnies sent me vibes so I'll be okay" pic unrelated
No. 1262045
>>1261740I did, I had to crush up the pills to take them first because I couldn't feel them in my mouth at all. I managed to swallow the next round of pills though.
>>1261984That sounds awful, really glad that didn't happen to me! The shaking was really weird my dad picked me up and he kept asking if I was cold. I wasn't, but my shoulders were shaking uncontrollably. I also didn't really have the energy to reply to him, so I just kinda grunted at him through the gauze kek
No. 1262812
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I don't know if I should make a doctor appointment or not. For the past 2 days my heart had been beating really hard/fast for no reason. Last night I had some mild chest pains but I'm pretty sure it was from the gas I was having. I feel like my heart is beating at a normal pace now but it just feels… weird, idek how to describe it. But I'm pretty sure it's nothing, as I've been to the doctor for stuff like this before and they never found anything. Plus I hate going to the doctor and always feel stupid when it turns out to be nothing. But I also just really want to hear a doctor tell me nothing is wrong
No. 1262825
I finally spent money on a nice ergonomic chair and it changed my life, holy shit. Was used to using cheap shitty Ikea chairs for so long, but my whole body already hurts less from sitting and working.
>>1262030As someone who used to constantly pick at pimples on my chest, I really recommend using acne patches. It helps them heal better, and also prevents you from touching your skin directly.
No. 1263283
>>1262854Congrats on the graduation nonna! Proud of you for
nailing it kekeke
No. 1263532
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Today I found a grey vintage suit in my size. I look so damn handsome now!
No. 1263705
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Some of my Sims mods are conflicting and I have to 50/50 to find out which one it is, because the effects of the conflict showed too late to say which one exactly it is. I only know it's probably a mod I downloaded some time this year. I dun wanna.
No. 1263750
>>1263643Happy Birthday!
>>1263705If you're playing TS4, maybe try Mod Conflict Detector. It's outdated and it doesn't always detect bad files, but maybe it will work for you. If you're using script mods, it might help to go to the creator page. Most of the time they will state if their mods conflict with other mods.
I was having the same problem last night though kek. I've spent these last 2 days downloading CC (ended up being over 2,000). I was smart enough to make a folder for the new stuff, but not smart enough to divide the batches up, and when my game broke I had to go through all of it.
No. 1263773
>>1263750Nope, it's TS2, thanks for the advice though. I already ran it through Moo's Hood Checker and also the new What Caused This tool, and while I
did find some conflicts I wasn't even aware of, it's none regarding the mod I absolutely need to work, so this means to do the batches after all lol.
No. 1264439
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I am so cozy in bed right now but it's almost noon and I've run out of things to look at on my phone
No. 1265227
>>1265092Is it just your standard mint or sweet mint? Mint is pretty hardy. It likes full light. Not direct. If it’s inside a nice sunny window. Outside think the mint can see the sun. The sun can’t see the mint if it’s somewhere that gets very hot.
Banana peel water and dried eggshells for bone meal and a little cinnamon. I like to sweet orange oil the bottom of my pots because if my mint flowers the ants can smell it otherwise and the citrus isn’t appealing.
If you’re leaves are dying and turning black it’s probably an issue in the soil. You might need a bigger pot or you have some type of rot in the roots. I’d repot and add more fresh soil. I like to mix coco fiber in my herb pots because it helps keep them from getting to moist. If your mint soil is drying in a pot much faster than before. You have more roots and less soil. It’s either time to cut them down or move it up.
For thrips and fungus poor 2 cups warm water and 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide across the soil beds lightly. It kills them on contact.
If you prune it. You will make it focus on leaves and prevent flowering. To propagate more you want two nodes. You know those breaks in the stem more stem pieces or leaves come out? Those are hormone nodes you need two present on a cutting to have enough to make a new plant easily. Then just remove any leaves that will be in the water. Pop the cutting off the plant into the water. Once it has two inch of roots into soil he can go too.
Is there something specific you’re struggling with?
No. 1265492
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>>1265153i know, i just like cooking and would like fresh herbs but i'm beyond terrible with plants.
>>1265227not anglophone, but wikipedia says spearmint ! mine is inside and just fucking yellows and dies in the sun, both times i had one was in summer so i guess it burnt. i will also try the pot thing.
your advice is so detailed, thank you nonna, you
triggered a boomer fucking urge i didn't even know was deep inside me when i told myself i should print your post lmao, can you imagine, i'm just going to screencap it though.
i love you <3
No. 1265536
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>>1265533Nonnie, dear!! What type of iPad would you recommend specifically for art? I really want to get one, but there are way too many choices! I also hope there is a way to use Clip Studio Paint.
I hope your pencil issue gets figured out, if they end up 'dying' just for the lack of usage then I guess it's apple forcing you to keep paying for their stuff. a tech illiterate and I can't spend too much time in front of my computer.
No. 1265892
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i had a nice wet dream about my bf
No. 1266074
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>Have genital cramps while out and about yesterday
>Wake up to liquid flowing from my vag
>Think it's from masturbating and falling asleep last night
>It's period blood
>Proceed to bleed through tampon down into the string and stain another pair of underwear
Thank you pads
No. 1266293
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All of my Choco Boy mushies are melted together in a big ball what the actual fuck. Never going to recover from this.
No. 1266395
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>>1266343your boyfriend fucking sucks. feed the cat.
No. 1266437
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>>1266392Loaded fries it is
No. 1266509
It's been so long since I last ate Takis, I didn't remember them being that fucking spicy! It made me tear up and gave me a runny nose. That's odd, I don't think that had happened before. That's the downside to not eating spicy foods often, I guess.
>>1266422Kek me too, I imagined the dog was male and the vet was a woman.
No. 1267190
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There is no fine mesh sieve in this house so every time I bake, the shitty baking powder clumps stick inside whatever I bake and each bite is this hit of dry bitterness. Just ruined a peach cobbler that would have otherwise been tasty
No. 1267359
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i got a really, really nice Vitamix blender for $20 nonnies, i'm so excited with my savings!!!!!
No. 1269145
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I’m stoned and playing Stray (the game where you play as a cat! It just came out today) and I’m so happy right now nonas
No. 1269485
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It annoys me whenever you're in the middle of being served in a small (one cashier) type of a store and someone just walks in and immediately butts in to ask the cashier to show them where something is.. and they don't mean point them to it. They want the cashier to leave the desk and bring them over and usually answer more questions. It's like you're not even there. Happened to me today and I was fully braced to be left waiting around mid transaction. For once the cashier wasn't having it. I appreciated it. heh I guess I am a person after all and not invisible.
No. 1269556
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From the brothel website kekkkk I cannot
No. 1269565
>>1269558Yeah, totally. You can see the pain? fatigue? flash in her eyes at times when Adam says stupid shit to her during the No Jumper interview. I also think she def fucked the SWU guy kek
I wonder how she really feels inside.
No. 1270045
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I bought some frozen potato wedges lately, I even went nuts and bought branded ones instead of the cheapo store brand I usually get, maybe they'll be nicer?
If you can handle how incredibly salty they taste… you then get rewarded with a type of hangover afterwards. Who buys this? How is this the good stuff?
No. 1270286
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I recently got a tan and it kept bothering me because I knew I looked like someone, just couldn't place it. Decided to wear a sage green blouse today and then it hit me, I look like this bastard.
No. 1270320
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>>1270296some of the parts did feel quite realistic and made me have semi-visceral reactions, but it just made me like some of the scenes even more. I totally see where you're coming from though.
Usually I don't tend to self-insert, so maybe that's why I didn't mind it all that much. Oh and I was also an edgy teen when I played it so I actually treated it as a dead dove do not eat dating game lol
>>1270297Sounds annoying to deal with, hope it'll sort itself out soon
No. 1271107
>>1271074>>1271017Be aware the does make a wincing sound when it dies from enemies, there are a few stressful situations in the game, like a few chasing sequences that are a bit hard. Or well, idk if they are actually hard or I was just so stressed out about the kittycat dying multiple times. The start sequence where the cat
falls into the underworld or whatever was hard to watch, even though they are just virtual cats. I also get stressed out about the kitty being on high dangerous places, it reminds me of all the poor real life strays out there wahh
No. 1271233
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I hate it when I'm blowing my nose and I can feel how the organs in my torso cramp causing me an annoying pain in my lower belly, near my uterus but like, on top of it.
It's like the pain travels from my neck to my uterus.
No. 1271798
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I'm about to make some pasta.
No. 1272607
>>1272597Me too. I already cried like a baby when I heard some strangers cat had died on a Youtube video, how sm I gonna handle my own cat's passing??
>>1272583I love lingonberry juice, it's like cranberry juice but even more sour hehehe
>>1272483Kek I just linked the Big Iron song because the anon talked about iron smelling vagina, is that racist
No. 1272622
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saw him again today ♥
No. 1272640
>>1272607I dramatically sob and bury my face into my cat’s tummy
at least once a week
No. 1272661
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>>1272640I wish I had to bury my face in its tummy
No. 1272731
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I modded the household limit out of TS2 years ago, so instead of choosing a heir to keep playing, I keep every single Sim that joins my family until they die in some way or another. Now I'm thinking about trying a rotational play for once, but it seems so daunting trying to keep track of everyone and everything instead of just playing with sixteen Sims at once, so I don't know if I should really do it… Then again, if I end up disliking it, I can just move everyone back into the main household again, so I don't understand why I'm hesitating like that.
No. 1273398
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Heartburns are killing me tonight holy shit, I want to rip my throat out to make them stop.
No. 1273475
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i haven't used any decongestant nasal spray in a week! i hope this time i can finally kick my addiction for good, especially since i think my nose is already recovering.
No. 1273518
>>1273500i have asthma and bad dust mite allergy and i guess my old dorm room was infested with them because i could barely sleep through the night without waking up with my nose completely blocked and my mouth completely dried out because i was breathing through it. i have since moved out and replaced all my bedding and i think that helped a lot with trying to quit. the first night was bad because i kept sniffling and trying to breathe through my nose but it was completely congested, but it gets better every day and i'm no longer hyper aware of one hole being blocked from time to time. i also feel like the congestion goes back rather quickly.
(i strongly suspect that buying new pillows and blankets helped because i tried to quit before and i just couldn't do it because even after several weeks i didn't experience any of the progress i am experiencing rn)
No. 1273548
>>1273524thank you
nonny, that's really helpful advice. hopefully if i take the weekend to rest i'll feel better by the time monday comes around.
No. 1273645
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I got my driver license two months ago after putting it off for years, but only today did I finally get to practice in the family car. I learned and took my test in a sedan, and my family jar is a big suv so I'm struggling to account for more car while driving kek. I already struggled with turns, and now relearning how to do it in a bigger car just sucks. There's also small things, like the gear stick always stays in the middle. I'll move it to change gears, then it pops back into the middle. I don't know why but I don't like that it does that kek. And the gas pedal has zero resistance so sometimes it feels like it isn't even there and I feel like I can't tell where my foot is. My muscle memory is sort of coming back but I think I need a bit more time and practice, not that it's much help anyway since I really only just learned to drive before getting my license so I've still got a lot to learn.
On the bright side, my dad didn't really flip his lid on me kek. He said it would be better for me to get lessons from a school because he knew he'd get impatient trying to teach me but he didn't today so lol. He's also going to get little sticks or something to stick on the sides of the front of the car so I can actually see just how far the front edge of the car is (which I hope will help me when judging when/where to turn).
I guess it's just a matter of practice, practice, practice. I'll get used to this car and its quirks eventually, and I'm genuinely excited to be back behind the wheel again. I'd say I'm back on mount stupid right now. Despite all the things that make me nervous about driving, I enjoy it and I'm excited to learn more and become more comfortable behind the wheel. Public transport is widespread in my city so driving isn't really necessary (on top of gas prices, environmental reasons, general car costs, etc), but there are occasions where driving is just more convenient, places I want to go to that are difficult to get to without a car, and it's my dream to go on a road trip and go camping.
No. 1274142
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>>1274069It already came in a plastic container (picrel) but it's definitely not airtight so yeah I realize my mistake. I'll transfer them individually to a ziplock bag and store them in the fridge, that way it will stop the spread of moulds. I hate wasting food so I'm still gonna eat it even if it kills me I guess lol.
>>1274084I freeze my bread too but I thought I could go through this entire box before the the end of the week.
No. 1274171
>>1274128They leave it on the counter or rice cooker but it shouldn’t be for more than 2 hours at room or 4 at warm in the cooker. It starts to produce bacteria. Not touching the young adults that leave fried rice take out all night and eat it anyway.
>>1274147It genuinely might be anon
No. 1274216
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finally bought one of those battery whisks and made dalgona coffee for the first time, really glad i never bought one of these at a coffee shop because while it was good, i could barely finish the 4 oz serving i made myself because of how sweet it is. could not imagine drinking 20 ounces of this
No. 1274231
>>1274222yeah it's amazing how terrible normie media is
shit has NO staying power
No. 1274256
>>1274069no need to be so mean to that anon, baked goods tend to stay good for a while after the best/sell by date and i’ve never actually seen mold on muffins. the one anon ate must’ve been pretty moist for it to grow mold just being in the pantry for such a short time
>African Americans for cleaning their chicken with bacteria killing ingredientswashing chicken is not only completely unnecessary by virtue of all bacteria being killed when cooked, it also spreads that nasty bacteria all over the kitchen. legitimately a harmful time waster. no one makes fun of it either, it’s just not necessary, if anything people who wash chicken are more likely to get mad at people who don’t because they think it’s necessary
>>1274081people don’t think rice doesn’t have to be stored. the reason why rice is the #1 cause of food poisoning is the fact that it starts growing bacteria in under an hour at room temperature, and within a day when refrigerated especially if you fridge it when it’s still warm.
No. 1274425
>>1274414I've had similar interactions at makeup stores before. I took good care of my skin but still got breakouts that caused hyperpigmentation. I went to one to get a makeover done to see what products would be best for me, and when the worker was done she said something like
>"Now makeup can help cover up but you really should learn to take better care of your skin"Rubbed me the wrong way and I told her that, despite having a 4 step cleansing routine, I still broke out. In fact it was probably
why I was breaking out. People are judgmental as shit, I dunno. I assume when you work at a makeup store you're trained to find flaws more easily to be "corrected"
No. 1274448
>>1274445>what ifsure lol
anyway never mind, shouldn't have commented, this is just a cultural difference I guess.
No. 1274463
>>1274414I mean that whole industry is built on making women feel insecure while pretending you're also the kind hero providing people with relief from feeling insecure. They're the problem and the solution all rolled into one, profitable.
I have rosacea the last few years and I wouldn't go near a cosmetics store at this stage. God knows what shit they'd try to sell you and what damage it'd further do. I buy 2 basic skin products from a pharmacy that are as gentle as can be and anything new is risk for a flare up. Ime rosacea wants you to put as few products as possible on it everyday. It's like having autistic skin. It hates new things.
No. 1274899
>>1274888Gonna be real with you, girlie, i think you posted this in the wrong thread; also,
>normiesthis is damn near The Normie Thread
nonnie No. 1275124
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I'm currently stoned, lounging on the couch with a moisturizing mask on my face, watching Joe Pera Talks with You with my cat and I have a candle burning that smells like fresh baked cookies. Life is good nonas, happy Saturday night everyone
No. 1275133
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>>1275124Puff puff pass nonna im tryna kick it
No. 1275147
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>help I just realized I have a crush on Samwise Gamgee and I genuinely dont know why.
No. 1276201
>>1275263That's more views than some vloggers who try. Nice job.
Also you can just make it an unlisted video
No. 1276927
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>>1276916Ily torpedo woman
No. 1277076
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There's a quick lofi girl reference in Tuca and Bertie season 3 and I laughed
No. 1277434
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I bought a vent booster fan and it is amazing. It's 100℉ where I live every day and I went from not being able to sleep because it was so hot, even with the a/c set to 70℉, to being almost too cold under my blankets. Bliss. Highly recommend.
No. 1277460
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It would be cool if links to threads could be like, etc. etc. so it would be easier to navigate through the threads.
No. 1277468
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>>1277434Whaaat. What is this. I'm in the desert in California and it's 103-106 degrees all this week. I'm in an apartment with air conditioning, does this just fit into the vent?
No. 1277520
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>>1277507Aw, I love that! I am around your age too and my older sister and her friends were weebs way back in the day. I'm going to rewatch it now as an adult!
Apparently Sanrio is doing a collab with Sailor Moon IT IS SO FUCKING CUTE ANON
No. 1278135
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>>1278076WHAT timer feature
No. 1278286
>>1278283YMMV but i was wearing this canmake eyeliner. it can be smudged within the first few minutes but once it sets its pretty resilient, but comes off easily with oil cleansers have bulletproof mascaras too which are really hard to remove so i don’t really bother wearing them cuz it’s too hardcore for me
No. 1278299
>>1278076holy shit
nonnie same. i used to use duckduckgo since it had a timer feature too but it never works when i use it now for some reason
No. 1279580
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Did a lot of overtime this month and now I have a phat paycheck, gonna splurge when it comes in later tonight and do some online shopping and order takeout hehe.
No. 1279582
>>1279580Sounds like a lot of fun,
nonnie! Hope it's a blast.
No. 1279884
>>1279582Thank you
nonny! And it was! Got Chinese food and ordered way too much clothes and shoes kek
No. 1279910
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i’m going on vacation to a cute island
No. 1281738
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I love my pink 3DS XL. I've had it almost 10 years! Still works, still cute.
No. 1281753
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>>1281738I have this one and still play on it on a regular basis!
No. 1281755
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>>1281738That 3DS is so lovely! The other day I ordered a 2nd hand JPN mysty pink 3ds. Can't wait for it to arrive!
No. 1281768
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>>1281738I'm the OG pink gamer
No. 1281858
>>1281769Around 10000 yen. With the exchange rate now it was around 74 euros
>>1281768Truelly the superior DS
No. 1281962
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my dear nonas i just ordered some plants! i am slowly becoming a plantfag ever since a mystery pot of soil on my balcony started producing spotted lilies. i moved into my dad's apartment after he passed away and it makes me happy to take care of the 2 plants he left behind (hydrangeas), so now i got hawaiian hibiscus tree and a small star magnolia tree! i will put them in my small painting atelier area upstairs
No. 1282096
>>1281974I know the feel; do your best
nonnie>>1282002I didn’t take any pics, but I use Sally’s baking addiction recipes. Just add walnuts and chocolate! No. 1282516
>>1281858That's a great price! I got mine ages ago for 80e but I love it so much, could've payed more
>>1281868The older ones lasted ok on me but the new ones are so nice, the nudes are finally more than pinky milky shits too
No. 1282946
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I wish I had some bok choy to put in my soup
No. 1283126
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Determined to throwing away a lot of shit over this weekend. I wish I could just click on things to vend them like in video games. This is exhausting.
No. 1283210
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I want this plate and I shall go thrifting to find pores like this
No. 1283400
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Just got this shit and it’s so freaking cute I love it! I want to put it on everything. And you can tint it with a little bit of water based mediums for a jelly look.
No. 1283495
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>>1283425Here’s a kinda shitty pic because I’m experimenting but in the bottom left corner I scribbled with neocolor 2 and applied the paint on top in a sheer coat and it looks a bit jelly, but didn’t dissolve the lines fully. Mixing watercolor straight in works better. I decided — so I don’t waste this test paper— to layer a bunch of colors and paint a coat of this and then I’ll paint on top with acrylic.
Then I’m gonna try a tinted layer of the glitter with thick or multiple coats and I’m also going to try putting glass bead gel on top! I’m really excited to see how they turn out.
Speaking of glass bead gel, I found that putting nuvo glitter drops on top of a layer of glass beads looks soooo sparkly and pretty!
No. 1284281
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This might gross out some nonas but I was at the store about to grab a donut and when I was about to open the door to the case there was a single fruit fly/gnat that looked fat and was trying to flap it’s wings to fly. I thought it was kind of cute and funny, engorged himself on sugary treats
No. 1284291
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>>1284281I get it kek, I find it funny that animals are like humans and go crazy for sugar
No. 1284368
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I stopped eating red meat and chicken, and have kept to it. I still eat fish, dairy and eggs so I am not even a vegetarian by any means, but I am proud of myself. Maybe I will progress to cutting out more animal products in the future too.
No. 1284501
>>1284489Well, we have a hightened risk of cancer from drinking.
Personally I'll sometimes have a glass with lunch, that's fine.
No. 1284758
>>1284511It's common sense that people should eat a variety of foods, instead of following meme diets like veganism and keto. People shouldn't encourage her path towards being a malnourished retard.
>>1284700Meat has more bioavailable forms of iron and some other vitamins. Also omega-3 from meat, fish, dairy, and eggs as well. Plant sources of iron and omega-3s are shit.
No. 1284865
>>1284045Sorry nona if you want to laugh at me I was making tea the other day and got the kettle off the boiler only to spout the very hot water directly on my
nipple. fuck it burnt but the tea was good
No. 1284956
>>1284842for whatever reason, meat eaters can't help but sperg when anons talk about not eating meat or just reducing their intake. i don't know why they get so
No. 1284966
>>1284937Luckily it wasn't absolutely
boiling when I poured it or else I would have had to go to the ER for 3rd degree nipple burns kek
>>1284954It was either oolong or green, I cant exactly remember. I was making it at night just be careful pouring tea at nighttime nonnies
No. 1284974
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My fatass wants elote dip with Doritos but I'm supposed to be on a diet
>>1284865>>1284049Kek, I hope you're nipple is ok now nonna. My eye did indeed get better soon after making that post.
No. 1285125
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There are so many kitties living in my neighborhood I love kitties
No. 1285168
>>1285051Both sides of the argument are ignorant of the real issues, including yourself. Most arguments focus on American farming methods (which I agree are bad) and completely ignore how agriculture works in different parts of the world.
>they’ll whine that soy takes up too much space and is bad for the environmentBecause it is.
>the vast majority of agriculture in the entire world is dedicated to livestock feed which goes right into animals bellies just for them to die anywayAnimals are mostly fed chaff which is the parts of the plant that are inedible to humans. Outside of America it's normal to raise livestock on pasture and this is essential for sustainability and soil restoration. There's land that is suitable for raising livestock but not growing crops. The aim should be to use agricultural land efficiently so that less natural habitat is destroyed. This involves both plant and animal based agriculture. Livestock also shit out free organic fertiliser. Without this more potash would need to be mined, which causes huge damage to the environment and more nitrogen would need to be used to grow crops which also causes damage to environment by leeching into water ways and contaminating ground water. Then there's the use of pesticides which most vegans seem to completely ignore.
Livestock convert grain (carbohydrate) into meat (protein). Protein is not an optional macro like carbohydrate, it's nutritionally essential for life because it contains the amino acids needed for everything from cell repair to hormone synthesis.
Food production needs to be sustainable and have minimal impact on the environment. Both plant based and meat based diets have the potential to cause large amounts of environmental destruction. The answer is not to go to either extreme, it's better to minimize your own impact by eating what is available to you locally.
No. 1285403
>>1285168wtf a
nonny capable of nuance? on my lc?
No. 1285584
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>>1285574I bought a clubtail the other day, the orange can. Was my first time trying it and I stg it tasted and smells like a can of nasty sparks. Nostalgic and gross, it immediately transported me through space and time to being blacked out in a field somewhere in the early 00s kek. Does anyone remember sparks? They were 4 lokos before 4 lokos were a thing and were discontinued many moons ago for the same reasons. Anyway I do not recommend this clubtail I rate it 0 out of 5 stars it tastes gross and doesn't even get you buckwild like a sparks would
No. 1285720
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What do you guys think of these Dr oetker pizzas? I have mixed feelings about them the sauce is sweet but they're not loaded with cheese
No. 1285729
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>>1285720I don't really buy frozen food much anymore but I used to like this one a lot
No. 1285817
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>>1285720Best one. They used to cost 2€ but with inflation they cost 5€ here, which is the price of a small restaurant pizza. Crazy.
No. 1285824
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This dude looks like shuwu
No. 1286142
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>>1286138Ocarina of Time gave me nightmares as a kid lol. These things and the skeleton guys that only came out at night.
No. 1286158
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No. 1287006
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My bf ordered me a really nice cake for my birthday. It says it's egg free but still tastes really light and fluffy. Does anyone know what they use instead of eggs? I'm guessing some sort of emulsifier because even the cream is really light and airy.
No. 1287064
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I consoomed today, got this cute notebook from five below (trendy zoomer cheap dollar store type of place in burgerland) It's so cute and the tabs have adorable art. I think I'll use it for just random thoughts or planning.
No. 1287433
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Trying to decide between a burger or nachos
No. 1287451
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>>1285720Personally I find those pizzas nasty. The other line this company makes is probably my favorite frozen pizza though.
>>1285817Saw them going for $5.97 the other day. Inflation is the worst for these kinds of packaged foods.
No. 1287454
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Listening to the Shrek 2 soundtrack on repeat. It's such a bop
No. 1287731
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>>1287011>>1287012>>1287146 Stopped by their bakery today and asked. It's emulsifier with milk powder which is why it's so fluffy. I recommend finding a recipe that uses this if you guys want to try something egg free because it tastes great.
No. 1287736
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>>1287703Fascinating to see. It’s almost a breath of fresh air before it devolved into what appears to be stupidity.
This anon’s response is one I particularly like. I’ve been tempted to share a similar perspective here but usually tell myself there’s no point in it.
No. 1287746
>>1287736isn’t this just common sense though? i feel like most sane anons here wouldn’t disagree that gender and sex based dysphoria exists lol. it’s just, people should be encouraged to go to therapy and make peace with their bodies before ever changing them, just like how people with body dysmorphia shouldn’t be allowed to go under the knife. it’s a tiny bandage on a big wound. and the radfems here don’t care if people crossdress either because obviously clothing doesn’t have a gender and womanhood =/= skirts and dresses. the problem starts when males demand to be seen like they are just as
valid as women as females, even though they lack all the socialization and bodily functioning of those raised as women based on their sex. and those are fundamental differences that can’t be done away with
No. 1287805
>>1287800It’s literally
>>male creates problem >>forces problem on every male>>hurts women far worse in the process >>men shocked no one gives a shit at their self created problem>>W-Why no empathy?? Why evil women so mean to me? Why no mommy?Oh fuck off.
No. 1287808
>>1287800it’s a case by case thing, the worst mtfs are the most vocal and the ones being greedy for attention so naturally they’re the ones we see most often. there is a small percentage of mtfs with legitimate sex dysphoria but i do still think it is a product of both pornsickness and believing that gender roles are rigid (even if they claim to believe otherwise). but id say wanting to chop your body parts off and become something you will never be, cannot be, is definitely pathological even if it’s roots are clearly traceable. i certainly wouldn’t want to feel that way. meanwhile every single ftm is someone who hates what society turned her into, hates being sexualized (usually but not always), hates being seen as an object, etc. so they resent their womanhood.
i have noticed a pattern: trans women want to become women, trans men simply want to escape their womanhood.
No. 1287811
>>1287805Samefag but it’s like the little boys that learn to manipulate mommy to get off trouble. They know what they’re doing. They’ll dance around the
toxic little manipulation word but they’re all doing it. They grow up doing it and they cry like babies and reee if you point it out.
No. 1287815
>>1287808They don’t. They want to own women. They are failed males. Who fail to have a woman that’s “theirs” in the male society. They think they become the woman and fix this failure. They want to own us. That’s the root. They’re not
victims. They are dehumanizing womanfacers
No. 1287819
>>1287805true. and i hate what a shitfest it’s become. like reddit moids crying about how women are the privileged ones now because some parts of society recognizes us as disenfranchised, or because men are expected to pay for dinner. they latch onto anything for a bit of power, even if it’s only power in feeling victimized. they crave what they perceive women as having, secret power. men think rape
victims hold power over their rapists, men think women hold power over men during sex no matter how violent it is, men think being attracted to women is the women holding and exercising power over them, men think women crying is a power play, men think women saying “i am hurt” is power. they want this. their entire view of femininity is fucked and transitioning does nothing to amend it because transitioning is a direct byproduct of it.
No. 1287832
>>1287819Exactly. They’re men. They were raised men. They will always be. Even transitioning they don’t become women. They are just a different category of men. One higher than incel or Internet retard right now. They fetishizes and categories all the women around them. Picking and choosing like fat kids with their fingers in everyone’s pie but they will never be those women. They will never own those women. They will stalk. They will threaten. They will demean but they are still just a failed male in a dress.
Even wedding rings were because of them. Make it so women don’t have jobs. Can’t own shit. Make moids die early in war. Be shocked women need something of value to use if the moid died. It’s all projecting. They’re retards with prostates.
No. 1287854
>>1287845They don’t want to admit it because if it’s mental health a psych has to help and no gender affirming surgeries. If it’s some magical female brain male body and not a mental illness than doctors are free to butcher with no ethics. Someone paid a lot of money to get gender dysphoria out of the DSM
No. 1287856
>>1287852Wrong. It’s literal in the name
> Body integrity identity disorderAlso there’s plenty of types in similar veins like the people who think they’re actually dead and starve themselves to death. The reason they don’t want it in the DSM 5 is it makes the medical practitioners liable for off book treatments of a clear mental health disorder. Something they aren’t licensed for.
No. 1287883
>>1287872There’s differences like women having more brain cells for scent. So we can smell more. There’s also potential size differences and we know the nervous system pain responses between the sexes is inversed.
Raising as the opposite sex has been disproven and that it’s all nurture by the David study with the intersex child that was mutilated anon. It’s a lot more complicated than you’re implying.
No. 1287884
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All this talk reminds me of the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Good book iirc
No. 1287887
>>1287884I need to read that, but not if it calls me a fucking tranny because I am soooo sick of trannies calling me one of them I will butcher one in the streets god damn fucking tranny jannies ruining the fucking site.
>>1287883Hey look finally, another medfag
No. 1287888
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Does anyone have any good suggestions for curry/tagine/stew type dishes?
No. 1287889
>>1287867it does not follow the panic->compulsive thought/action patterns of ocd. ocd obsessions are something of a misnomer. it’s not pleasurable. obsessions are obsessive fears which one compulsively tries to
counteract. an example is someone being terrified that they might become a serial killer somehow even though they’re not violent, so 400 times a day they ask themselves “could i be a serial killer?” and the doubt is never assuaged, they go out of their way to hide knives and make themselves powerless. that is a typical example. the “obsession” is an obsessive fear. another example is someone so scared of contracting a disease they refuse to go outside and constantly monitor their pulse, check their temperature, and only eat bland foods.
transgenderism sexual in nature and absolutely in line with BIID. there is no obsessive fear of harm (either being in harm or at risk of harming) which they try to mitigate constantly. not wanting it to be legitimized by medicalization doesn’t make it OCD. no disorder should’ve been legitimized in the way psychiatrists and the DSM have handled things, so even if you considered transhit a subsection of OCD it would not solve or prevent anything. yes, trannythought is a product of how someone is raised and how they’ve been conditioned to see the world, but so is most mental illness. people have skewed views of how the mind functions, calling transgenderism OCD wouldn’t stop that. they’d still champion them. all these labels are just shorthand vague categorizations. BIID at the very least recognizes transgenderism as someone wrongly thinking their body is wrong.
No. 1287912
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>>1287890I haven't but just googled it and it looks delicious. I will definitely try this one out tomorrow evening.
No. 1288127
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unrelated pic, I'm about to go on a road trip vacation! My friend and I will be careful and take precautions with the coof and monkey and mostly be in nature. Can't wait!
No. 1288154
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I messaged my friend after not talking to her in 4 years and I am so happy about how understanding she is! I went throughout a whole lot back then and I had to survive IRL while being barely an adult, so I couldn't spend time on social media. Most of my friends ended up cutting off contact with me, but she didn't. I am so happy we can chat as if we kept talking every day. I love her and I wish her all the best.
No. 1288155
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>>1287915Look at this piece of shit. She knows she will be happier than all of us.
No. 1288243
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This gif goes well with Ginuwine's Pony.
No. 1288564
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Fill in the blanks!
Y_ _ B A _
No. 1288640
>>1288564You will always be a woman.
Aw thanks anon. You knew the whole time you lil rascal.
No. 1288657
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Had a headache, ate some random candy and pretended it was medicine and now it's better. Thanks placebo
No. 1289052
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I never owned the Wii so I feel like my childwood could've benefited a lot from it, no regretti but still
No. 1289168
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>>1289158nta but these are slides
No. 1289210
>>1289170Haha thank you nonna that's really sweet, it doesn't really bother me though they can think what they want. It's just a weird contrast and kind of surprised me, I usually put in at least a bit of effort into my appearance when going outside
like wearing actual shoes kek. Many people here dress like this too but mostly teenage boys, and I guess I don't have the brand name things to get the look either lol.
No. 1289487
>>1289317Can you make a custom rimworld
nonny of me? Please reduce my stress threshold or whatever its called to minimum. I want to freak out all the time.
No. 1289655
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today, I bought myself a new serafuku and a new catholic school uniform
they are green
a man at the gas station where I buy my diet soda and gamble in the pot-o-silver machine smacked me on the ass, so I really thwacked him with the bluey
now they don't think I'm retarded, they think I'm violently retarded
tonight, I will dream of donkeys
No. 1290585
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>>1290534Samefag, I think I found it. One of the key details I remembered was the icon, which was square and had a Mario face in it, as well as a name that has NES at the end. The name of this emulator is FakeNES. So yeah, I don't recommend it. Or maybe it has improved since then, but losing all my progress in that Kirby game made me so mad that I still haven't touched it ever since kek.
No. 1290639
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I'm gonna save up money for a quality human hair wig. Fuck it. I don't want to worry about what my natural hair looks like anymore when I'm in public. It's getting so thin. Welp. Some people just aren't lucky, it's whatever. I kind of feel a little bad about it considering there are a lot of other things I want to/probably should save my money for, but this is the one thing that made me start planning. I think I should be good after two paychecks of saving, give or take! But now that I am planning, it's a very exciting feeling. Maybe this is what turns me into a thorough saver and planner, that would be very fun (and helpful!)
No. 1290644
>>1290639good luck saving
nonnie !!
i want a wig too since most days my hair looks awful, but i live in a small town so everyone would look at me like im a weirdo kek
No. 1290665
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some old moid kept offering to help me while i was gardening all week and I refused but stayed polite. today he was hanging around outside during my routine walk time and tried asking my name, i let my dog bark at him and told him he was too old to get my name and to go bother someone his own age, the way his face fell was chef's kiss
No. 1291141
No. 1291410
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Listening to Donna Summer and I feel so sexy right now
No. 1291993
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Yesterday I worked out so hard that I made myself bleed as if I had my period, I even had weird cramps and had to rush to the bathroom because I thought I was going to shit myself.
No. 1292101
>>1292047Not really, I just went to the bathroom when the weird cramps started and when I looked down I had period blood but my period starts around the 12th or 15th day of the month, so I thought that maybe it started earlier since it has happened to me before, but I haven't bled anymore since yesterday.
>>1292052That's weird tbh, I did fuck up my lower back last year but I recovered quickly and stopped having back pain around April of last year.
I thought it was normal to have those cramps after working out with lots of intensity.
No. 1292169
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>>1292103I will do so,
nonnie, you're very kind, Ily.
No. 1292244
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We had a birthday celebration today, and many family members came. At one point, my mom, grandmother and two aunts were talking, while I was sitting with another aunt and some of my cousins. Whenever we called for our mama (every mom is called mama in our family), it was always, without fail, the right mama that responded, even after we made it into a game and tried calling her in different voices. I think it's cute how they immediately recognized it was their child that called for them, even when they weren't looking and had their back turned to us.
No. 1292353
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>>1292244This is one of the most heartwarming posts I've read on here.
No. 1292459
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Went to the store today to buy a plunger for my sink. There's a clog I might be able to plunge out.
No. 1292479
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I wish it would rain today
No. 1292488
>>1292479I feel so bad for the plants outside
the grass is all yellow and dry looking
No. 1293372
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Every year I tell myself, maybe summer isn't all too bad, it was doable this year, while I did feel like dying from the summer heat there were some fun days etc etc etc. But then I go out on some colder day where the evenings reach temperatures no higher than 10°C, at 22pm when it's finally dark, and I'm shivering a bit, and I'm finally feeling alive again. I'll forever hate summer, the sun, heat and vitamin D and the only thing that really warms my heart is the cold. I managed to convince myself for some minutes that it's actually late fall and I'm going home into my heated up room and am going to drink some oolong tea with milk while reading weeb stuff bundled up in two blankets. Then I saw a child running about in shorts and a t-shirt. Just two more months and I won't have to lie to myself again. I hope we get snow like last year.
No. 1293448
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I’ve been sorting some old stuff in storage boxes in preparation to move and I found my old iPod Shuffle. I also found all the external hard disks I have with backups going back to 2009, so I transferred my 2010 iTunes library to my computer and put some of it on the iPod. I’ve been using it for two days now non-stop and it’s been such a nice experience. The device is so convenient and small and does everyhing I need it to, and the music is all so cheesy and nostalgic and it’s really been lifting my mood.
No. 1293494
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Just ate some salmon and had some honey and berries afterwards. Feeling like a bear
No. 1293820
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>>1284974I finally made the dip. It's fucking delicious by weirdly enough, it tastes kind of fishy.
No. 1293915
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Thank you to the nonnie who suggested JBL headphones, I bought them and they’re great.
No. 1293974
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Will some nonas send me positive vibes/wish me luck that I'll find a good job soon (preferably one that I don't hate!) and that the next year will go smoothly for me! Thank you so much in advance
No. 1294043
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No. 1294045
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>>1293974Good luck queen! Sending all my vibes your way. You got this!!
No. 1294061
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>>1294048kek, did it appear on the same day
nonnie ? (spoiler for weird blood from stigmata)
No. 1294666
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im eating the best grapes of my life holy shit who wants some
No. 1294826
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I hate that my feet are the absolute worst for buying shoes: Big (for the average woman), broad and tall. It's a fucking nightmare to buy shoes.
Also I fucked up my rice today by adding too much water, I don't even know how I did that probably tiredness and ADD. I still made onigiris because I didn't want to waste it but they are probably shit, too starchy.
No. 1294953
>>1294942If I get lasik I'm going to be that annoying bitch that wears fashion glasses KEK. I just don't really like how my face looks without them, and I remember when I first got glasses as a kid it just made my face look right for once. I feel like I have resting bitch face, but not even in a cool way, just an ugly way. Glasses, especially my current frames, brighten up my face and round it out/soften it. I had contacts for a while but I stopped wearing them because, aside from constantly freaking out that I was going to give myself an eye infection, I didn't like how I looked kek.
>>1294948I looked up videos on how it's done and it's terrifying. You're not even put under while it happens. That, plus the prohibitive cost, are really putting me off of it. But my lenses are so god damn fucking thick even though I pay extra for high index lenses.
No. 1294958
>>1294942Sorry it's late and I completely forgot to respond to the second part of your post kek. I'm so used to them that it doesn't bother me. Even the couple of minutes I'll spend walking across my apartment without them after waking up because I don't feel like putting them on don't bother me even though I'm basically walking blind. There's only been one bad incident when I stayed out for a night while wearing contacts and not packing my glasses with me, and I ended up discarding my lenses that night and had to make it back to my hotel the next morning in a foreign country and could barely see a damn thing. Even signage colors in the subway were of little help to me because the signs are up high enough where my fucked vision really struggles to make shit out. It's a struggle to even make out colors with all the blur. Words? Absolutely forget about it. I somehow made it back though.
I get why people hate wearing glasses but it's something I can't fathom lol.
No. 1296700
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>>1296601Kek anon are they the new hot ones? I’ve had the Verde version of the chips and I love them so muchhh
>>1296674If its what I think anon is talking about they might be these. I’ve seen them mostly sold at dollar stores, you should try it!
No. 1296743
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It brings me joy beyond belief that I am making small but steady progress as a musician. It feels almost unreal that I now get to go behind the scenes in concert halls and get to take lessons with the people from the orchestras I've watched perform.
No. 1296789
nonnie take on the world! It sounds very exciting and you should be proud ♥
No. 1296907
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I can't stop playing Multiversus!
Reindog is so fuckin cute!!!
No. 1297628
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I saw a roach on the ground, tried to move away from it to give it space (cause despite not liking them I don't want to kill it) and it fucking flies towards me. Fuck those things, I'm getting the raid out
No. 1298157
>>1297377I used to always use razors (shitty leg/pit razors) for my hair kek. I don't really do anything to my hair anymore, but I kindof want a wolf cut so the temptation is real rn. My hairdresser friend used to tell me it was really bad for your hair but honestly nothing works like a razor. Maybe thinning scissors could be good. I bet your hair looks fly af
No. 1298601
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bump and kill yourself disgusting male
No. 1298690
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man I can't wait to move into a more permanent apartment so I can get a cat
No. 1298718
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>>1298690i can't wait for you to get a cat. life is so much better with cats. they're so funny and sweet, endless entertainment without being obnoxious or loud. GOD i love cats.
No. 1298835
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I wanted to make tofu for dinner today but I just realized I forgot to take it out of the freezer this morning
No. 1299105
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I just want to sleep for a week until better things come
No. 1299258
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>>1299138>cycle at a regular pace, without the danger of cars while enjoying the outdoor and naturelitteraly the best of both worlds, but you were to busy judging her to see it smh, based grandma
No. 1299636
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I got 3 hours of sleep yesterday (my fault) and 5 hours of sleep last night (also my fault), and in a shop I started hallucinating wind turbines like pic related. At first I thought there were ceiling fans running above me, but when I moved my gaze around, the turbines moved with it. I only saw them in my lazy eye, which I was rubbing a lot last night because something was in it (dog fur, I think), so maybe that's part of it. I saw them even with my eye closed, but the hallucination went away when I left that store.
No. 1299977
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I didn't realize Yerba Mate had so much caffeine now I'm wired!
No. 1300892
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it's official, i'm making myself carrot ginger dressing today and eating a shit ton of refreshing salad. it sounds so good right now and i'm craving so bad but i have no ginger so i'm SOL until the morning
No. 1300921
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No. 1301066
File: 1660388277179.jpg (172.36 KB, 742x734, Tumblr_l_160041588270076.jpg)

bump, don't scroll
No. 1301104
File: 1660389341103.jpg (134.03 KB, 1598x898, Polo-and-dino.jpg)

bump. don't scroll. deranged scrote is spamming
No. 1301799
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I am obsessed with cleaning douyins. I’m not trad that’s disgusting I’m just depressed.
No. 1302016
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>>1300686Well, I gave up halfway through. At a certain point it became very difficult to get the wax off so maybe my wax is shitty. I wanted my vagina to be a sphynx cat, but she's more like picrel.
No. 1302193
>>1302077Did you give her a hug at least?
I'm sort of dreading when my grandma finally dies more because of how it will affect my mom then how I'll feel.
No. 1302376
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Not my actual name but there is only one of me in the US too. Kind of sucks because anything I do is online forever. I don't want to take a man's and changing it now just feels weird so it is what it is. You can still see comments I left on articles when I was like 13 with my real name good thing I was a polite kid
No. 1302585
>>1302556Think of how good it will feel when you do get it all clean! When I clean my room/car after I let it get out of hand because of depression, I feel like a brand new person. You got this, nona. Just think, you'll have more space with which to do whatever you want! Gooooo
No. 1302644
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Bump for porn. Be careful when scrolling.
No. 1302660
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Wow nonnies, it turns out hanging out with people who aren't socially anxious shut-ins who just want to smoke weed and do nothing is actually really fun. Just one fun hang out and I'm already more confident in myself and wanting to talk to people more kek. Last night was such a blast!
No. 1302838
>>1302688I've had this experience but with more in depth sexual shit… the fantasy is hot and keeps entering my mind so I try it out and it is not what I wanted it to be. Fantasy ruined forever so what do I masturbate to now? It always bugs me whenever men are like
> How do you know you don't like 'insert kink or anal related thing' if you've never tried it? huh?The stuff that I actively fantasize about turns out to be shitty more often than not. Not everything needs to be explored.
No. 1303864
>>1303719Almost did order a copy, but I found it fortunately.
No. 1304182
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>>1303976It's going to be worth it. It's going to be strange, lonely, and you'll learn a lot about yourself. Make sure you don't isolate yourself, and try new things every day. You've got this.
nonnie who moved far away not so long ago
No. 1304216
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nonnie, what a good-pie-deprived life you must have lived to think those pies are anywhere approaching acceptable.
No. 1305124
>>1304978I love but it does make me
poop more than usual kek
No. 1306062
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My period should have been here days ago but it's like my uterus isn't even giving me a sign of life
No. 1306113
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I really want to lose weight and get back to being a scary, fit Amazon but my willpower is weak and ice cream tastes so goooooooooddddd FUCK
No. 1306165
>>1305206I made this Mediterranean red lentil soup which is really good especially garnished with cilantro and feta cheese.
>'m also gonna try and make lentil meatballs tonight and if I have leftovers I can make them into lentil patties for burgers.
No. 1306901
>>1306715I love laughing at ugly babies
Tell me I
don't need $50 clown earrings
No. 1308552
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>>1308461oh great now we get these google translate assholes to the thread again
No. 1308613
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>>1308501Oh my god Habbo, I spent so many of my childhood evenings there chatting to friends and randoms. That was the first place I ever made online friends, one of them I still talk to today even though it's been over 15 years.
No. 1308632
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I'm going to wear an ankle length maxi skirt with black stockings where my leg hair shows through if you look closely and asics sneakers to my test site today and no one can stop me
No. 1308775
File: 1660930487763.gif (4.52 MB, 275x248, 1655162825125.gif)

Dude just send out my tablet, it's already paid for, up-front! I just wanna have it by next week aaggh
No. 1309168
>>1308775That's the cutest gif ever. I wish to manifest
nonny's tablet to be sent out!!
No. 1310059
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>>1309168Thank you, anon! He haven't done it yet, I hope he does it by monday. If he doesn't, I can have my money back so I'm not worried by that, but I just want the tablet tbh. It was such a good price! I just wanna draw.