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No. 1310359
ITT: post uneventful and mundane as fuck events in your life
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1246486 No. 1310377
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I like the thread pic
>>1309236I saw a car today that was half painted pink with the pokemon mew decals all over it. It made me happy whoever had that car knew what they wanted I guess. I wish i could've taken a pic but I was literally driving
No. 1310575
>>1310556You got rotting food in there?
I'm glad my city has a separate pick up for food/yard waste so I can just put food scraps outside.
No. 1310577
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>>1310411Let's fr*cking go
No. 1310609
>>1310601spray a bunch of disinfectant and/or the most
toxic cleaner you got into the bin next time you swap the bags, you probably have some eggs/larvae still around in the corners and all. Had this problem too all summer, and these little fucks just kept spawning.
No. 1312039
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2 people now have told me I look like Daisy Edgar Jones. One was a random Scrote, the other my coworker. I’m flattered but i don’t really see it. Plus I don’t have the cleft in my chin.
What celebs have you been compared to?
No. 1312089
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Bought new sunscreen and testing it out. It's fine so far but I fucking hate that it takes like 30 minutes to sink in so now I have to readjust my entire morning to make sure I can have enough time for my skin to absorb it so I can put on make up without it smearing all over my face. Once it sinks in it's fine, but fuck. I'm tempted to use a smaller amount but I know it's recommended to use 1/2 teaspoon or so to get the full effect but aaaaaaaaa I am just a little greaseball for 30 minutes and I feel so uncomfortable
No. 1312092
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>>1312039some guy in a gas station said I looked like Megan The Stallion once. it's funny af because I'm the palest person you'll find for miles. also I didn't really know who she was at the time, and wasn't sure what the name she goes by is, because every time I heard her mentioned it was pronounced as "Meganastalion". thought she was some Only Fans girl before I bothered googling. all that being said, she's very pretty, and it would be a flattering compliment if the guy wasn't smoking something crazy. I look nothing like her.
No. 1312106
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>>1312039My entire freshman year of highschool I had people coming up to me and say "wow you look like the asian girl from Jennifer's body!" I've never watched the movie and I still haven't, and I don't think I look like her at all outside of the "all asians look vaguely similar" thing kek
No. 1312122
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>>1312039Every time I get told I look like someone I feel like it has nothing to do with my face and is purely about hair. I was sick years ago and lost my hair. I bought a wig and overnight I was 'zoey deschanel' then when I'd take the wig off I was told I look like a young sinead o'conner.
No. 1312125
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>>1312039i get zoey
also god i wish this one store was close to me they have the best nondairy cheese but im just going to have to make the journey 1-2 times a month. so stupid they have both locations next to each other.
No. 1312357
>>1312102Omg nonna, you too? We should start a support group. It's a curse. I've gotten the comparison on four separate occasions since high school – entirely unsolicited, mind you. Yes, it really makes my day to be compared to an actress who gets mocked for being goblin-chinned and looking like Quasimodo, random waitress and delivery person. Thank you so much for that.
The only feature I think is remotely similar to hers imo is my dark, thick eyebrows. Weirdly, I also have a prominent, square jaw.
No. 1312632
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>>1312102>>1312357I really don't get how she gets called unattractive? I think she can look really cute
No. 1314867
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>>1314404Neither have i. But tbh a lot of people think i look east african and there aren't many east african celebrities. I wish there was so I could get some styling tips off them, but a lot of them tend to be muslim.
No. 1315073
>>1315060I found 6 feet under really depressing and I ended up dropping it halfway through season 2. Also has a
male toe sucking which is fucking grody
No. 1315631
Read part of a Mexican novella and some poems by William Carlos Williams and now I'm heating up a burger, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. The potatoes are very lumpy, so I added some milk. Probably going to watch an episode of some air crash investigation show from Youtube while I eat.
>>1315060Probably better off with Breaking Bad since everyone still talks about it whereas Six Feet Under is like HBO's most forgotten show. I like Six Feet Under, but certain characters really got on my nerves after a while. David, the gay one played by the Dexter guy, was the best character. It is a very depressing show, but what would you expect from the premise? I know a mortician and he absolutely hates Six Feet Under, but he said it was fairly accurate.
No. 1315692
>>1315631Very sad episode of Mayday. Everyone died. Greece's worst air plane disaster in history.
My burger was good. The added milk helped the mashed potatoes a lot, too.
No. 1316621
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I made and I am now eating a lunchables
No. 1316748
>>1316733I honestly never eat Sonic, but I forgot how sweet the sauce for Lunchables is.
>>1316735To be honest, I did microwave it this time. I didn't when I was a kid but my tastes have evolved since then just a little bit so I wanted it warm.
No. 1316773
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>>1316756It's mostly just the sweet tomato sauce, but I actually like the crust they use. It's not like a fresh baked (or even frozen) pizza obviously but I like the texture. I didn't use the pepperonis and don't remember what those taste like.
I think next time I'll get the cheese and crackers ones, I liked those better.
No. 1317202
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>>1312039I get Aubrey Plaza or Boxxy a lot, like I get they are Hispanic (like me) but they both also look pretty pale, infact I would say that Aubrey can look white on certain angles and we'll I'm brown like a true Mexican (so I guess I'm closer to Boxxy, lol)
No. 1317709
>>1317706Drop that recipe,
No. 1317723
>>1317717Ooh ok. I don't use measurements but for the lemon pepper one
>honey>lemon juice>butter>lemon pepper seasoning>fresh cracked pepperJust mix it all together in a warm pan. Hot sauce can be good in this too.
For the peanut sauce I was just planning to do
>peanut butter>honey>sesame oil>soy sauce>garlic>ginger>rice vinegar (if I even still have any)I've never even had this before so I have no idea how good it will be. I might fry the tofu in sesame oil instead of putting it in the sauce.
No. 1317904
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its stormy tonight so i turned on my string lights and im watching twin peaks. happy friday anons
No. 1318396
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Whenever I buy manga the cashier speaks to me informally, which is something you usually only do to kids and teens. Never happens with actual books, there it's formally lol.
No. 1319036
>>1318489>>1318504time to pick up a book nonas!
(i keep opening the website myself… if only my fave deathfat had a thread here </3)
No. 1319316
>>1319036I have so many books in my backlog, if it can motivate me to pick them up again. I remember when the site went offline in early 2017 for several weeks, it will be okay this time too.
>>1319171I've been more into the community watch threads, I love reading about dumb drama from places I had not idea existed lol.
No. 1319370
Finally got around to sewing bigger pockets in my jacket. It's pretty but I never got to wear it because my phone constantly fell out of my pocket, now that it's becoming fall I can finally get some use out of it.
>>1319343Sounds sick nonna! Could you link it?
No. 1319583
>>1312136holy shit this is freaking me out. im a sag with bangs like zooey, but i've been told I look like anya taylor joy despite not even being white?? just in the face/eyes.
sag gc when?
No. 1319604
>>1319590Just do half the job.
Order a pizza and then wash dishes as you wait for it.
No. 1319782
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>>1319774damn, good for you!! That's freakin great. You should celebrate tbh
No. 1320838
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I should be asleep or at least getting ready for bed, but instead I'm up making gold BBQ tofu, baked mac-and-cheese, and cornbread. I haven't ate all day so that's my excuse. At least it'll be quick to make and I'll definitely have the 'itis after eating.
No. 1320914
>>1320838 I love Mac&Cheese so much, I don't think I ever had a bad Mac&Cheese wether I made it myself or if it's instant.
Hope you enjoy that
nonnie No. 1320986
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Good things that are happening in my life:
-Lost 15-25 lbs. (idk I don't own a scale) and for the first time in my life am comfortable with my body, able to wear sleeveless and spaghetti strap tops happily, pants fitting very well (am an absoulte midget so this is a massive change)
-Getting good sleep and having new dreams after having the same/very similar dreams for years
-Bought my bf's Xmas gift already
-Work is easy as pie and I actually enjoy it
-Going to get a tubal ligation soon, will not have to worry about pregnancy again
-Letting go of trauma
-Making enough money to be able to buy extras every week and building my wardrobe
-My cat is really fucking cute
-Relationship going smoothly
-Really enjoying playing video game, more than I have ever enjoyed a game
-Got back into reading, love my Kindle (this was incidental because Reddit/Youtube/LC blow ass now and I got banned from Reddit but this is good because it took barely any effort to "quit" screen addiction)
-Nephew on the way (shut up) and sister & niece coming to visit in April for his birth
-Quit massive marijuana habit successfully
-Had a great birthday this year, my bf surprised me with a weekend trip to my favorite mountain spot and took me shopping
-Healthy and happy!!! Finally!!!
Bad things:
-Constipation from my fucking ADHD meds
-Quit ADHD meds because they don't do shit (heh) for me
-My shitty pedo faggot father (My family and I cut him off forever tho and he fucked off to another country/state– don't know don't care, woohoo)
-Somewhat strained relationship with my mom, trying to be sympathetic to her even though she doesn't seem to be able to extend that courtesy to me
-Rent is too fucking high & my electric bill is astronomical (t. far western burger who sleeps during the day and works night shift)
-Nervous about an expensive package being stolen off my front porch on Wednesday (when I will probably be sleeping, probably will have to wake up periodically to check for it)
-Bought a lot of clothes the next size up from my current size right before I lost the weight, boo hoo life is sew hard!!1
Life is pretty good nonnies.
No. 1321006
>>1321000Ayrt, I'm actually kind of a huge wuss but I will die on this hill. I fucking hate waiting in any length of line in order to
leave the fucking store. It's so insulting.
No. 1321053
>>1321016It's just Walmart that does this in my experience as a juicy double patty cheeseburger in Burgerland
>>1321045Literally exatly this. I guess it's better to pay 2 door people than 6 cashiers. Such bullshit.
No. 1321108
>>1321105Anyone using the term "frenemy" is deranged. Cope is posting about her weight and boobs like anon is so detached and cool about the situation whilst clearly having some level of investment in it. Like
>>1321070 said, it's cow behaviour.
No. 1321319
>>1321105The biggest losers are women banking on other women aging to feel better about themselves.
You're gonna sag and be at a higher weight than what you were as a teen too, but I guess you'll have a cope for why it's ok when that happens tho.
No. 1322233
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If it wasn't for weed I would have lost the motivation to finish my masters and now I'm a year on in a graduate job and can afford to buy even more weed.
No. 1322292
>>1322267like this video. i genuinely do not understand what is happening here. it's like i have some sort of bun induced mental retardation, i just lose all my ability to comprehend what i am seeing.
>>1322287my buns look like shit always they are just bulky heaps of hair
No. 1322848
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The raccoon webkinz was the cutest one. No I'm not biased because it was my first…
No. 1322992
>>1322714>>1322721lmao sorry nonnies I really love both of these photos and seeing them posted together made me so happy. Been thinking about the "a toast to the incels" meme a lot these days
>>1322883>>1322485Hey that reminds me of the time a drunk old man got on the bus on my way to school and he started saying incoherent but funny shit as if he were talking to someone. I forgot exactly what he was saying, I just remember that I couldn't hold back my laughter. Everyone was uncomfortable and annoyed and they were completely quiet until he got off the bus, thankfully before my stop. Anyway the only two people who weren't completey serious because we were laughing were me and some kinda alt guy who was sitting next to him, we would look at each other sometimes. When the old man got off this guy and I started laughing hysterically.
No. 1323191
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saw an article showing how dogs age and it made me cry
No. 1323228
>>1323220Thank you
nonnie! This also made me look back at old videos of my old girl, and I want to cry. My dog has white fur so she still looks young, but you can see now how much more tired and old she is. I miss coming home and sitting on the floor and hearing her little footsteps from the other room as she comes out to greet me and cuddle me.
I think I'm gonna buy this book. I love old dogs so much.
No. 1323232
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>>1323228old dogs are so mellow and cute <3 I would love to see more pics out of that book as well! I miss my old pets as well, but I always remind myself how good I was to them and how much I loved them x
No. 1323667
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remembering that ally janna fucking ulted during my mid ult as nunu
No. 1323863
>>1323636I used to
abuse laxatives and this was always the fucking worst. Godspeed
nonnie No. 1324032
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>>1322848neighs while rearing flames erupt from the ground instantly killing the males lurking this site hey, just saw you sitting there.
No. 1324239
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>>1324032You are beautiful nona ♥
God I want to sperg about Webkinz so badly, does it warrant a whole thread?>>1324172I am. I've only finished a couple of pieces, working a big project on an entire stretched canvas
No. 1324732
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discovered at my old age I am on the spectrum, how has your day been nonnies?
No. 1324809
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About to start reading One Piece because of the new hobonichi x OP collab. Wish me luck ladies.
No. 1324825
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>get prescribed ritalin in college
>dope, now i can focus and study
>ritalin makes me insane, have to go inpatient and to an outpatient program for depression and anxiety because i was suicidal
>outpatient program was an hour away and of course no taxis wanted to drive me there
>have to do it over zoom
>eventually they send me a laptop to use
>i'm still on ritalin at this point
>have been a tra for a long, long time
>trans people are valid!!!!!!
>for some reason, while on ritalin and during zoom outpatient therapy, get urge to browse the mtf thread on /snow/
>browse using my phone
>aw fuckin… what
>shit, it's all a lie
>read every mtf thread and ftm thread in order
>then use laptop that the therapy program gave me to open 70 tabs of radfem & gender crit tumblr blogs
>just spend the whole day that i'm supposed to spend paying attention in therapy just reading radfem and gendercrit blogs KEK
>there was a tif enby and an obviously autistic mtf that had the proportions of a midget shrek in that therapy program and i thought it was funny how i was reading blogs about how they were all mentally ill weirdos with them sitting right there and having to occasionally interact with them
I'm off ritalin now but I have got to thank it for leading me to the truth
No. 1325206
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>>1325201Don't be like that anonita nonacita hermanita, I think it's cute.
No. 1325448
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Enjoying a quiet saturday and waiting for my curry. I am so happy it's autumn now and we don't need to experience 36C daily anymore.
No. 1325572
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>>1325448Same. I'm going to have tomato soup with garlic bread. I've been taking walks outside and the wind is nice and crisp. It's so nice!
No. 1325640
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>be me at age 18
>do voluntary social service year at a non profit organization after leaving school after 10th grade
>boss is always super strict and mean towards me
>boss seems to dislike me because i said i wouldn't wanna work kids after my service ends, but i like the experience
>social service finally ends
>be unemployed, sluggish and without any idea what to do with life
>randomly decide to get high school degree
>go to university
>graduate with good gpa
>find job in a large city
>gather job experience
>now 30
>want to move back to hometown to be closer to family
>get job as HR manager at the npo i worked at back then
>be my previous shitty boss' boss now
>she's always super tense around me and always laughs awkwardly when i joke around with coworkers that shitty boss used to be my boss
feels good, nonnas.
No. 1325786
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>>1325640Good job
nonnie, proud of you! Make her squirm.
No. 1325923
>>1325918The way you described this
and the fact that it's greasy vegan food sounds so gross but I'm happy for you nonna. What's it called? I must know how it produces grease
No. 1325934
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>>1325923Kekk I'm sorry anon. It's picrel, sorry for the weird photo it's the only non-webm one I could find. It releases a shit ton of grease and I'm not really sure how. I think it's just frozen pieces of some kind of oil that melt as the sausage cooks. I love it because I'm a southern gal and always have an itch to cook food in butter or animal fat.
No. 1326113
>>1326105nta but
>Express yourself in a way that doesn't make you stand out from other anonymous
So anon's technically right even though it's minimodding
Don't ban me for no screenshot, the button of my phone is broken.
No. 1326136
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Only the real remember
No. 1326489
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I'm upset I broke one of my nails doing an activity today, they were all getting pretty long but now I have to trim them all to make this one feel more 'even' Also killed a shitton of mosquitoes today
No. 1326550
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>>1326489Me too anon yours look good it’s hard to get the mosquito to lie flat, maybe that’s because they were still alive? Will try killing them next time, worried the guts will squish everywhere. Anyway here’s how mine turned out
No. 1326576
>>1326489This shit is too 2014 coquette for me I want to gag
>>1326567So painfully NLOG
No. 1326582
>>1326578Anon is weirdly
triggered by mosquito nails
No. 1326592
triggered, this image was hugely popular around this time, was made by one of the tumblr users, and redone dozens by others in that sphere. Gives me ptsd flashbacks. Like use a sticker you edgy whores.
No. 1327074
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The fact that Muhammad was a pale skinned ginger is the funniest thing I have ever stumbled across
>"was neither very conspicuously tall nor short-statured
>"I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face."
No. 1327434
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>>1327263Sending you this to your screen. Enjoy!
No. 1327745
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Having a weird sensory day where my hair tickles my face non-stop, my nose and cheeks are itching constantly, and I'm feeling a random needle-point pain sensation on my forehead. I wanna rip my face off.
No. 1327799
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Cried a lot last night and was feeling really depressed, but luckily I have today off. I woke up and cleaned my kitchen and opened all the windows since it's only around 21 degrees today. I'm going to make some coffee and respond to a friend on Discord and later I'm going to have lunch with another friend. It's perfectly rainy outside. Most of my days aren't this nice, but I'm grateful that amidst all of my bad days that I get a comfy day occasionally too.
No. 1328054
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I bought a t-shirt at the start of the summer to wear more as a t-shirt dress but it was too right for that, looked like an awkward lenght fitted shirt. Today I was trying on stuff to see what to donate and now it fits way more similar to what I was hoping! Now it's a cute loose shirt, still not as loose as I would like but definitely wearable and I have worn it all day, so nice and comfortable, it's also a color I never wear but according to my season it should be perfect for me and it really does suit me well! Maybe next summer it will be just perfect, maybe not but now it's very fine too!
No. 1328083
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I'm cleaning my room and downsized my clothes. I feel really happy that things look better.
No. 1328090
>>1328076I'm so sorry about your hand nona. Did you already treat the burn? I hope it heals well and you can get a new mirror soon.
>>1328083Proud of you! It's so refreshing to go through your stuff and decide to only keep the really good stuff.
No. 1328149
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I GOT A STAR ON MY POST OMG THANK YOU MODS this is the second time I get a star omg I'm so happy thank you!
No. 1328223
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I tried Ben & Jerry's for the first time recently, and since then I've been getting chunky monkey. Today I decided to be a little daring and I switched it up by getting strawberry cheesecake instead. Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts so I enjoy this very much.
No. 1328226
>>1328223Samefag, now that I've had more bites of it I can say that the cheesecake flavor is good, but I would like more strawberry pieces and more graham cracker. The container says it has a thick graham cracker swirl but it's not all that thick. Maybe it gets thicker the farther you get into it.
I still enjoy this though, definitely a strong 7/10.
No. 1328293
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Recently I realized I vastly prefer throwing tea bags in cold water than any hot tea. I feel like a Neanderthal.
Oh, this also makes 0 sense but for some reason steeped hot green tea made me nauseous sometime, too.
Please someone tell me that I'm not the only one.
No. 1328353
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>>1328306Modern problems require modern solutions
No. 1328970
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my mom has converted me into a forbidden man sperg and is sending me articles about him on messenger, she's so cute nonnies
No. 1329051
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Just found out whole milk is rather high in saturated fat. RIP my cholesterol.
No. 1329358
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the boy i have been crushing on for months is visiting my city next week and we're going to meet, im too excited and blushing my dad checked my fever, i think the feelings are somewhat mutual and i am too excited to function i hope feelings are indeed mutual and i dont get disappointed
No. 1329409
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Listening to Knuck If You Buck and I feel reaaall riled up
No. 1329453
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Gonna be on a plane in a couple hours I need to get it all out NOW I've never shit on a plane
No. 1330089
>>1328146Damn, thanks for this
nonnie. Gonna try it out when I get the chance!
No. 1330905
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>>1330894I love greasy cooked breakfast foods but like.. not as breakfast and definitely not too often.
No. 1331848
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I just spent the past 20 minutes picking out every single seed out of my strawberry. It's not worth it, strawberries taste wrong without the crunch, kinda like frozen-and-thawed ones.
No. 1332207
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I haven't drank any alcohol for 25 days. Before this I used to drink an entire bottle of wine about 5 days a week. My longest sober streak in two years (yes, like so many others, I fell into this part time alcoholism during the peak of the coof lockdowns). Idk if I'll keep this going and quit alcohol completely or I'll just try to start drinking sensibly instead, like 2 bottles absolute maximum a week. Well, sensible for my standards, anyway. The drowsy, warm, wine drunk state is just too comforting to let go of wine completely, unfortunately.
No. 1332255
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>>1332226Possibly yeah, I'm genetically predisposed as well since my dad was also like this with alcohol - not a "full time" alcoholic but drank too much anyway. He didn't die of alcoholism per se as he was generally a sickly person but it definitely contributed to his worsening state. He drank vodka though, I only drink wine. Ngl kinda using that as a cope and excuse to keep drinking because hurr at least I'm not touching the hard stuff.
I just feel kinda empty and lonely and autistic without wine. Cannot socialize without alcohol. It's a psychological addiction for me, which is another one of my copes, as I got no physical withdrawal symptoms "like the real alcoholics" so it's under control (not). For now I'm starting with reducing my intake and hope it doesn't go to shit. It probably will, but hey, this is my first time even trying to control my drinking. I was in a complete yolo mode for the past two years. I'm trying to make it a full month without wine, though. A few more days and we'll see.
No. 1332269
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I've never seen Get Out before but I'm about to watch it. I already have had most of it spoilered (which sucks cause I usually like to go into movies knowing absolutely nothing about them) but I'm hoping there will still be some things I didn't know or forgot.
No. 1332300
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mcr's going to be in my city at the end of the month and I'm heavily debating whether to go or not… I can only afford nosebleed seats and Gerard's recent fashion choices are a little worrying. But also it's fucking mcr LIVE and my past emo kid self would be pissed if I didn't go kek
No. 1332305
>>1332301Please come to movie nights and tunesdays
nonnie, please and thank yooou
No. 1332348
>>1332287I just finished it, it was really good! And yes I have seen Nope (I actually posted about it here)and I liked it more than Get Out, but like I said I already knew most of Get Out already. I wish I could have been more shocked by the twist of
Rose betraying Chris but I'm also not sure how much of a twist it was. I feel like even without knowing that part I would have been suspicious of her. I really liked Rod as well, and the actress who plays Rose is great. I saw someone say that Daniel Kaluuya's skin is made for movie lighting and I feel like I really saw it there. And obviously he was also amazing in this movie, but I don't think that needs to be said.
No. 1332388
nonny, fuck his fashion choices if you like the music you like the music
No. 1332730
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>>1332269>>1332287>>1332348You guys must watch Them. It was fan-fucking-tastic all the way til the last episode.
No. 1332802
File: 1662713804785.gif (2.22 MB, 250x250, 1662547599688.gif)

I want to have a 90s/Y2K style online diary but I'm not tech savvy enough to figure it out. I think I just miss when social media was fun because you could really inject your personality into your page. If I could figure out how to start one I'd have a lot of fun just even decorating it
No. 1332811
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I’m diabetic, so I had to change up my diet for less carbs and so from January to now I’ve lost a LOT of weight. (It was a slow progression though because I felt like I wasn’t losing any, until I noticed clothes felt loose and I weighed myself in a scale) I found out today that buying new shoes I had to get 8s instead of 9-10s (which I usually get because I have wide feet anyway) so it was cool.
No. 1332848
>>1332811cute cow, also
nonny be careful with too much weightloss while diabetic, it could mean something is not going so well in your body (I had a diabetic parent)
No. 1333051
File: 1662735497943.jpg (88 KB, 1169x984, Tumblr_l_5472888264576014.jpg)

got my fucking period again and fuck YESSS i love my fucking body so bad
it woke me up 2 times tonight and 3rd time right now because the pad was filling up and it was about to go to shit
my body always does this and it makes me feel in solidarity with it
like we're both not fucking with this blood and we're not gonna stain a fucking thing 'cuz we're not about that "vigorously trying to clean out blood at 4am" life
No. 1333416
File: 1662754597410.png (1.66 MB, 1300x856, itssohardtofindpicsofthumbnail…)

Dear diary Mundane Shit Thread #10,
I got my ears cleaned out at the doctors today. Can't wait having to do that again in half a years time because I apparently produce more ear wax than what's normal. But he gave me some ear drops that are used to not make it stick as easily, so that's something I guess, and I hope it helps. I can't stop circling the skin around my tragus, because for the first time in months I hear absolutely no weird squishy sounds when I do that and I'm in heaven. I also bought nail polish (I think? There were all different kinds and coatings and I just grabbed the cheapest one) for the first time in my life today, it's clear colored. I'm not allowed to wear any at my work, but ever since I've started there, my nail starts ripping at picrel every other month out of nowhere, so I'm using it to glue it shut. Not only a rebel, but a genius too. Then I also saw that the Ranma manga is getting reprinted in our country, and the first volume will come out tomorrow already. I'm so fucking hyped because this is the series of my childhood, and I've been wanting to get the entire manga series ever since I'm a tiny little koweeb, but all I ever found on ebay was either +$500 or patchy with chunks of volumes missing somewhere in the middle. Here's hoping they'll do the same with Ouran. I don't think it's all that unlikely actually, because the manga publishers here are currently all on the trend of reissueing popular series of the past. Since this is my third time reposting this, I think from now on I'll post every long post I do saged first because re-reading through it posted, I'll find mistakes in it again, anyways. Or I forget attaching the pic.
Love, Nonyako.
No. 1333433
>>1333416Try clear gel polish instead of regular polish if you can anon. It's a little pricier plus you'll need a uv lamp, but lasts longer and it's stronger than regular nail polish.
>>1333421Yes, it's for applying false nails.
No. 1333526
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I just set up my new router and now I have faster internet hooray
No. 1333779
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>>1333765that's so sad. i love fried okra. hate to see an okra dish ruined. RIP
No. 1335184
>>1335178I'm on the same place
nonny kek. I want to learn to 3D model but ughhh I'm lazy. Maybe we should make a thread about 3D modeling, like the neocities thread where everyone is asking advice
No. 1335302
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There's this one song where I can't seem to find the lyrics of at all, and the artist hasn't been active in almost a decade either (though strangely her wikipedia page got updated just a month ago), so I've been trying to transcribe the lyrics all by myself. I've been switching between the apparently three only videos of this song that exist, and have been doing a pretty okay job, but I can't make out those five words for the life of mine, and I'm starting to think it's me hitting the wall with my language skills, as the song isn't in my native language, and not me not being able to make the lyrics out because the sound quality is shitty or something like that.
No. 1335915
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remembered i liked recipes with mustard and decided i'll try making this tomorrow. pasta w/ mustard cream sauce and sausage. i even have left over cooking white wine so it's perfect
but why are so many recipes for 4 people?! i cook for myself and food gets nasty after the 4th day in the fridge. i gotta recalculate everything smh
No. 1335952
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I usually keep my hair in protective styles and I always feel like I'm seeing my own hair for the first time when I take it out. I always get shocked by how much hair I actually have, especially when I've had a significant amount of growth.
No. 1336327
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Bump, don't scroll
No. 1336371
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>>1336365excellent job, anon!
No. 1336473
>>1336463A bpdchan, SJW, tiktoker, always offended, always the
victim, has 5 meltdowns per shift over nothing, no accountability for anything in life due to astrology/mercury in retrograde/self-diagnosed autism
No. 1336655
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>>1336547yay! glad my mundane shit post inspired some nonas to have a delicious meal.
i see a lot of comments saying to double the sauce, but i'm not a huge fan of cream (too heavy when carbs are already heavy lol). did you double it or just add a little more?
No. 1336718
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>>1336683Hall is the blonde one
No. 1336761
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>>1336683>>1336718ANONS OF CULTURE I SEE!!
No. 1336848
File: 1662992589105.jpg (34.77 KB, 600x446, c52faf6d9a0ef68519c584f2b4e6c4…)

>>1336788so its not caffiene making me sick but the tannins? i have stopped letting it overbrew and I dont get tummy aches anymore but it is good to know, ty nonni
No. 1337441
>>1337431Me, too.
Manifesting that you never fall down steps again.
No. 1338622
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>>1338529You know what? I'm ok with being antgirl. I just hope I get some superpowers or something, like being able to talk to ants. Don't tell me you've never wanted to chitchat with ants or bees. They're the coolest insects.
No. 1338783
File: 1663119937442.gif (8.27 MB, 512x512, Tumblr_l_216129010951614.gif)

I'm going to have to venture to the grocery store to get more cheese for sandwiches and spinach. I'm gonna have to do it but I don't want tooooooo I feel like barking and snarling and growling like a fucking dog kekkkk I DON'T WANT TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING ARGHHGHGGH but my sandwiches….
No. 1339233
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after my pasta adventure, i have some more of these left in my pantry + some organic bok choy in my fridge so i'll combine them to make a creamy spinach pasta-y dish. it's gonna be GUD. i am enjoying cooking
No. 1339252
>>1339082There is usually a
trigger for your sleep paralysis. Mine started after what is now my PTSD. Once i left the environment where my trauma took place it took about 1-2 years to rarely have paralysis anymore, and when i do it's usually stress with a trauma
trigger. Maybe try keeping a diary to figure out what your
triggers could be. When i fall asleep, immediately after waking myself up from my paralysis, i fall back into the paralysis too. The only thing that helps is waking up completely, turning on a light, getting up, drink some water, and then relax with a youtube video (stimulate the senses). After that you can try and sleep again. And whatever you do, dont have anxiety over your paralysis!!! This will only make it worse! I know it's difficult to do, but it will worsen your anxiety which can
trigger your paralysis even more. I know it sucks having it, nonna, but you will find mechanisms to ward off the evil paralysis demon eventually. Good luck!!!
No. 1339312
>>1339266here it is, it's really simple but since i already splurged for the other pasta dish, i don't want to have to buy much more. i found this really tasty-looking one-pot pasta recipe with leeks and mushrooms: i've never figured out what to cook with leeks so i'm def gonna try it this fall No. 1339588
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Sort of want to know what's the drama in that drawing board thing but too tired and lazy to make any sense out of it.
No. 1339595
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>>1339588Cat and rice? I raise you a sushi cat. Also I really want some good sushi today, but no good sushi place nearby. Sadness.
No. 1339857
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gonna download this dress for Sims 4 and make my sims house pink, fluffy and stupid, before i get bored and get her a goth roommate and do that played out storyline.
No. 1340591
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I started eating way more carbs and my workouts are so much more effective. I used to feel so tired and weak after as well, but not anymore. Gonna make myself some pasta for dinner.
No. 1340765
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I've been french braiding my hair immediately after showering so that I get nice and wavy hair for the next day. My hair is very fine and straight so it's nice to have fluffy hair to do lots of cute stuff with for once. Makes me want to perm my hair so bad!! I look so cute like this!!
No. 1340776
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I wish I was a kid again, I picked up a Moody Blues record today and old hippie rock always reminds me of that endless curiosity you have as a child. I would look at the birds and think about why they were flying a certain way, everything used to be so magical. Everything gets harder when you get older I wish I was 70 already.
No. 1340817
>>1340815I've gotten (cold) perms in the past and my hair usually comes out very nice! There's only one time where my hair got quite frizzy and dry, but I was able to find good moisturizing products that reigned in the dryness. My hair is so just flat and lacking in volume. I want to be able to do cute fun stuff with my hair.
I guess I could just keep braiding it but bleh. Would be nice to just wake up or come out of the shower and have fun hair. I normally would've jumped headfirst into a perm but I'm currently growing out my hair and just want to have it in it's natural, undyed, untreated state for a while. I'm usually putting it through some shit kek.
No. 1340827
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I just placed my first order from taobao via a shipping agent and I'm so ecstatic. I found so much cool stuff on tao but I was always discouraged by the ordering process. I took the plunge today because my item was only 113 yuan and everythign went so smooth! I payed with paypal and carefully read all the instructions and questions on checkout, now all I have to do is wait for my package to reach warehouse and be removed from packaging (for less shipping cost!). Im so happy nonners I feel like this will be my downfall
No. 1341123
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Tomorrow I'm gonna start dark choco raspberry cookies I'm making for some friends. Very excited!
No. 1341125
In for a boring weekend. I'm a bit sick so I had to cancel on my friends and it's the type of sick where you're mentally energetic (not sleeping 24/7) but you can't go outside without feeling shitty. Can't just smoke or drink on my own either because it'll make it worse (hangover/throat pain). Just gonna be a weekend of browsing old threads I guess kek.
>>1341123This sounds so good!
No. 1341357
>>1341123Recipe please
nonnie that sounds delicious
No. 1341491
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>>1341374Yooo tasty has some very good recepies. Here's my favorite one from the website, I use this recepy to make a sponge-like orange cake (I don't like the oilyness of sata andagi but the recepy is super good and yummy) No. 1341563
>>1341374Are you able to access freeze-dried raspberries? I think those would work better than fresh. Or even frozen might work. Raspberries don't have as much water content as strawberries thankfully but you might still get some tender spots and potential uneven baking. But I hope it comes out ok
No. 1341649
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jealous of nonnies who have an oven to bake. can't really afford one + no space for it without inconveniencing my roomies
No. 1341657
>>1341643I'm not asleep. I'm awake in fear that
they may call me again.
No. 1341658
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>>1341649Get a toaster oven
nonnie. They sell mini ones that are even smaller.
No. 1341667
>>1341658omg i didn't know they could be this cheap!! and there's some more expensive ones that are more than half-priced second hand. thanks for the advice nonie, will def look into it for winter.
i have more mundane shit: i'm trying to negotiate something that was posted for sale last december for half price. their asking price was higher than the current market price + i'm hoping they're desperate from it being up for so long. wish me luck nonies
No. 1341694
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Was looking at latest posts for the Undertale cafe and I'm looking foward to it. Planning on going there with my brother and his friend who both have no interest in the game. Kinda nervous too of being around with other fans since I rarely go to events.
No. 1341786
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>>1341782samefag but it's actually supposed to be coming tomorrow. never mind!
No. 1341819
nonnie, I like to mention things other reviews don't, like how the product works long term and what it worked/didn't work for. Reviews that just say ''arrived quickly very pleased'' annoy me so much! I hope I'm helping people out there, was happy to get an email saying my reviews have had 30k+ views.
No. 1341836
>>1341822Ayrt & no I don't think it's bad. If anything it's free advertisement which rubs me the wrong way to be honest. If you ever feel inclined to though, it does help out small sellers/businesses, Etsy or eBay for example but you don't owe anyone shit besides the money kek
>>1341819Omg congrats
nonnie you're famous! I have a few Google reviews that each have a couple thousand views and it makes me happy. I love writing detailed reviews too, and posting pictures if I feel comfortable (I always blur my face out though). It just makes me happy to help others judge a product because I am very particular and reviews help me out so much. I like seeing a regular picture of a clothing item. Grrr yes I hate those reviews too that have barely any relevant info. What REALLY pisses me off is in literally most Amazon products' q&a section there will be multiple people answering with, "I don't know because I didn't buy [specific color or style of item that the question is in regards to]," or simply, "I don't know." It drives me nuts!!!
No. 1341930
>>1341667Good luck!
>>1341722Yes, they work just the same kinda like an air fryer. Very convenient if you don't have a lot of space.
No. 1342187
>>1341566Nonnie oh
nonnie you made me have a dream that I was attempting this as well but the dream ended before I could get ingredients kek. I hope everything came out ok!
No. 1342504
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I really need to go to sleep but I'm on lolcow instead
No. 1342946
>>1342929>she thankfully didn't say anything derogatory regarding my virginity or my appearanceThe bar is on the ground, literally.
Anyway, find another gyno anon, being a virgin doesn't mean there's no risk of a cervical cancer so it's still good to have pap smear done.
No. 1343331
>>1342929Why would she say anything about your looks or virginity? She's a gynecologist, she has to expect all sorts of patients and I'm sure she knows this. I hope you don't actually have breast cancer and it's just a fibroadenoma. I'm also a virgin and when I went to a proper specialist instead of my GP (who focused on gynecology when studying but still) she was perfectly understanding but didn't expect it at all kek, I have a huge fibroadenoma, she's gonna remove it in a few month thanks to surgery and without asking she told me to get a pregnancy test, and when I told her it would be useless because I'm a virgin and I'm definitely not going to have sex until surgery she and her apprentice looked like a grew a second head at first that was pretty funny.
>>1342961>especially since I occasionally use dildos I don't think she would have seen much differenceMy GP asked me a few times if I fingered myself to check if getting tested for some virus would be necessary, so keep in mind that even using dildos could become relevant info.
No. 1344243
>>1343550I fear yet respect you simultaneously.
What brand of peanut butter?
No. 1344999
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i drank raw milk from my dad's cow today and it was absolute bliss
No. 1346072
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i just got a bed tray!
No. 1347007
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be careful scrolling nonnies
No. 1347019
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Wish all scrots a nice spike to sit on in hell.
No. 1347029
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May it kill them?
No. 1347039
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Idk nonnie, I'm tired and just wanna chill and not see gore and buttholes
No. 1347088
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>>1347042>>1347041nonnies you guys are the best I hope you have a good night/day. <3
No. 1347401
>>1347349Most definitely, I have a few that I wish I liked more. It sucks- never again.
>>1347360Yeah that's what I'm thinking re: etiquette. I asked him twice and he didn't reply so I think that is his way of saying no kek pray for me nonnas
No. 1347435
>>1347403>>1347406Original poster and ugh this makes me frustrated but I don't want to make a big deal about it. Even if he fixes/redrawn elements of the tattoo on the day of while I'm at the shop I feel like I will have to pay extra for his time or something. I think if he doesn't want to show me beforehand and I show up and dislike it I will be somewhat annoyed and let him know it. I just don't want to be
one of those clients but come on, it's a long drive through the shittiest traffic imaginable. His work is impeccable though. Live and learn.
No. 1347457
nonnie again. Went to the cafe with my brother the other day and it was pretty nice. Unfortunately, they ran out of the food and the drinks were kinda meh but I'm happy in taking pics with the character cutouts and partake in an event of one of my favorite games. Hopefully might come again.
No. 1347471
>>1347291Tattoo etiquette is that they'll show you day of because unfortunately many take their design and run with it to get it done cheaply, not saying you would do that but it happens. I just got my first piece done earlier this year and I asked an adjustment and he agreed and did not charge me, took him 10 mins. He was hourly with a deposit. I'm so happy I did it and asked him because I had the same worry as you.
Any artist worth their salt will be flexible with you on details and even the placement too! Want it over 2cm? you have a right to ask! He's a professional and understands that this will be on you forever and needs your feedback and you going to him I hope you liked his work and have faith that he'll do a good job. If it really fucking sucks please leave. Better to spend 3 hours in traffic with no tattoo than 3 hours in a chair for one you hate.
No. 1347951
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>>1346819Same, but for me it's because I'm an astrofag and libras are my favorite. At least I have it as my moon and got the sun-moon sister sign thingy going on lol.
No. 1347992
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>>1347524I had a phase where I drunk a ton of strawberry milk, but I never found seaweed sheets for cheap, so I could never imitate Kagura.
No. 1348039
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I'm incredibly easy moved to tears anyways, but there are two songs that are guaranteed to make me bawl my eyes out. I went for a walk and one of those started playing on my mp3 player, and I thought I could keep it together because I'm outside, but I had to sit down on a bench for a good fifteen minutes until I calmed down enough lmao. I'm glad it gets dark early already, so noone saw me.
No. 1348086

>>1348040The song in question is Cosmos by Momoe Yamaguchi, I can't believe how much I love this song.
>The light red cosmos are swaying casually in the autumn sun>Mom, recently getting close to tears easily, coughs once in the garden>Sitting on the veranda with an open album, reminiscing about my childhood days,>She repeats the same story again and again, talking in a quiet voice, as if talking to herself>On this peaceful late autumn day, your kindness starts to sting>You're smiling at me, a bride by tomorrow, "It might be painful right now, but time will turn it into a funny story, so no need to worry">When looking back on various memories, I realize just now, there wasn't a single day where I was alone, and bite my lip at my own selfishness>While lending me a hand packing my luggage for tomorrow, we kept our spirits up for a while>And then suddenly, sheeding tears, mom repeats "Be happy", over and over again>I'll try to live my life in my own way while internalizing the words of gratitude>Please, on this peaceful late autumn day, let me be your child for just a bit longer No. 1349155
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I haven't had seitan in so long and I'm really craving it. I think that's what I'm gonna make for lunch or dinner.
No. 1349579
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>>1348313Ok I finally finished binge watching the show and oh my god it was so cute it made me literally cry. And despite what they say, Janine's outfits are cute.
No. 1351192
An orb weaver made her web on my balcony, in a really awkward spot for her, but it's out of the way so I have let her stay. I've seen her building her web a few times, and how she wraps up her prey is very fun to watch. I've tossed a couple tiny ants into her web and some tiny isopods, so I think she has stayed thinking it's a good spot. There's been this house fly in my room for like a fucking week, this morning it was suuuper annoying, landing on my bare skin constantly. I finally caught the mfer, put my pants on with one hand and ran outside. She wasn't in her web but I know she's always close by, hiding. As soon as I tossed that dirty fly into her web, she came running. Must be a delicious feast after slim pickings for a while. Love her. I wanted to make her a little hut for the winter, but it seems orb weavers tend to die after a season. I'm pretty scared of spiders and I regularily murder the ones in my bedroom, but I will miss her. I had a dream she crawled over me and I think it slightly cured part of my fear.
No. 1351828
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I made like the best butter chicken ever. I didn't expect it to be so tasty because I never felt that strong at cooking, but it was so good eating it triggered my endorphins to the max and I can't wait to cook it for someone
No. 1352091
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My bf got groomed into buying an Aeropress by some Youtube coffee autist, we tried it for the first time and it's quite nice, actually! Really smooth tasting coffee
No. 1352102
>>1351865No offence but what is the point of learning Italian? Are you italin? I have an autistic level of love for all language learning and i want to hear about what motivates you.
I just remembered why I'm here did you kknow SMOKED SALMON IS FOOKIN brill?!
No. 1352327
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Sometimes I miss smoking so I bought a vape pen. Vanilla matcha flavored, cause matcha lattes are my favorite. I hope it's not utter shit and a waste of money (I've used vapes before but never a flavored one, which I really wanted to try)
No. 1352548
>>1352102Yes my family is Italian, being able to communicate with my grandparents in their mother tongue and learning slang/dialect has been really rewarding. I’d love to live in Italy for a little while later on in life. Are you learning anything atm?
>>1352196oui oui
>>1352327I don’t vape mainly because I don’t like the super sweet flavours I’ve tried, but this sounds decent. Post a review when you try it?
No. 1352573
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i went to the theater to watch the new david bowie documentary. it was really well made and it made me really hopeful and made me want to live instead of killing myself. a piece of media hasn't done that for me in years
No. 1352690
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It's my birthday today and I'm watching Bee and Puppycat on Netflix. I'm enjoying it and I love this series since the pilot.
No. 1352734
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I'm making my scene queen OC, with multicolor hair and the obnoxious speech pattern. I feel happy.
No. 1352754
>>1352734Zomgggg hehe ur givin meh such flashbacksz
nonny dat wuz soooo random!!! Just liek meh XD roflcopterz
No. 1352774
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This weekend felt too SHORT
No. 1352828
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>new moid moves into the flat 3 weeks ago
>tonight we’re all hanging out
>knock on the door
>other guys joke around that it’s their friend come to hang out
>one of them goes to answer it
>he comes back
>”uhh, newmoid, they’re here for you”
>newmoid grumbles and goes to the door, closes it behind him
>it was the fucking cops
>his girlfriend just got a protection order against him
His story is that they did drugs that he provided but she’s a semi-pro sportswoman who gets randomly drug tested so she’s covering her ass, but I don’t believe him for a second. I knew he was a shifty bastard when he moved in. Thank you God for showing me directly before my good nature or the benefit of the doubt got the better of me.
No. 1352835
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>>1352824>>1352825Not what you're asking for nona but always relevant
No. 1352873
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I don't have any reason to think this, but I feel like today will be a good day nonnies
No. 1352925
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>>1352873Me too nooni, good Monday to you and to the farm!
No. 1353203
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I bought a bunch of art books, if i cant be funny or pretty i will at least be the best TF2 yaoi artist to ever grace planet earth
No. 1353212
>>1353203best of luck to you nonna! i belive you can do it ♥ ♥
would you mind telling what books did you pick? not that i could ever hope to rival you some day, obviously
No. 1353214
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>>1352734Aaah, the good ol' days.
No. 1353219
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>>1353212Loomis for the absolute basics, then hampton then vilppu for asvanced figure drawing, then huston when i get decent enough with the basics, he unintentionally draws very seksy moids
No. 1353223
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>>1353220no waaaay are you telling me a man whose whole portfolio consist of very fit, very tight, very greasy shirtless men is gay? get real
No. 1353301
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I'm a vegetarian and thinking about trying to eat a steak for the first time in years. I'm honestly scared, nervous, and don't even want to eat it. Imagining it is kinda making me sick. I thought steak would be the safest for me because there's not a huge risk if I don't cook it properly.
No. 1353464
>>1353450I feel like I might get a lot of judgement if I explain the exact reason why. I was thinking about occasionally eating meat if that sates your curiosity any though.
>>1353447Maybe instead I will eat marshmallows with gelatin or something. Or I can try something where the meat would be really hidden.
No. 1353524
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>>1352548Reporting back, anon. I definitely can taste the matcha, but the vanilla is really lacking, imo. Which is a shame, cause I was looking forward to the vanilla part. It gets a bit bitter (Is it nicotine? Although I thought it had no taste) before any vanilla can be felt/smelled. Which is weird, cause I had literal vanilla cigarettes before and they had a stronger vanilla taste than this.
The matcha smells good though, very earthy.
Now I know this is my own damn fault because I got the 1500 puffs one, but damn it's big kek literally looks like I'm smoking picrel. I wish it was sleekier like a cigarette, I'm used to holding it between my fingers while I draw, so I don't think it'll be possible now. I am yet to find one that looks like a cigarette and it's not disposable, haven't seen one since 2013.
Anyway, maybe when this one is finished, I'll try either the banana milk one or the tobacco vanilla (from another company) one.
No. 1353550
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I can't believe how much sugar I used to consume in drinks, it's crazy how the body just gets used to many things.
Like I used to put 2 tablespoons in my lattes and teas, nowadays I can drink them without a pinch of sugar, and I still feel overwhelmed by the sweet flavor of lattes.
Maybe I won't be able to drink Starbucks coffees ever again, can you even get them strictly without sugar or weird syrups? Do they have pumpkin spice flavor thing that isn't sweet?
No. 1353583
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Are there other nonnas out there that are not "fans" of anything? Everybody seem to be part of a fandom those days, especially online.
There are some piece of media I enjoy particularly, but I don't feel "fan" of any of them. I feel completely disconnected from pop culture, may it be video games, anime, shows, movies…
It is a shame because it makes it hard to relate to people and find common interests.
No. 1353600
>>1353583you're not missing anything really, people who excessively consume media are not the type of people one should aim to befriend since it's all escapism. giving money, energy and time to a company that wants to make their product as addictive as possible and their consumers to be complete losers that spend their lives online. plus now as others said wokeness is everywhere. you know that saying of how a person's personality is a combination of other 5 people closest to them. you might even consider yourself lucky to not be involved in popculture. there is surprisingly quite a lot of decentralized old style forums on various hobbies. language learning, horticulture, painting, bicycling, running, car rennovations, cooking, writing, sewing… choose a hobby, find a community, join a course and you'll find people.
No. 1353601
>>1353583yeah i like some stuff but i stopped buying any fandom stuff in 2020 and started selling a decent amount because i wanted clothes instead of useless consoom fan merch that sat around. play pokemon go sometimes but havent kept up with the games since 2016-2017. i watch current movies, some anime, and leech off friends steams if they let me, but i dont care enough to make fanart or talk about it. also i hate that being a fan now seems to just mean whoever owns the most amount of games and collectables. feels kinda weird i cant relate to fans of stuff who are so ass deep in it.
>>1353590anon you sound like me i want to post art somewhere but the idea of tif aidens who are self hating lesbians or straight reeeing at fujo art drawn by normal women (when they make it too) scares me. that i cant even draw lesbian characters cause a troon will ask if ones got a dick or pretending one does weirds me the fuck out.
No. 1353609
>>1353589No. She was always overweight but her becoming morbidly obese is a more recent development and it's frankly worrying me. I'm not sure about her health right now but this doesn't look good to me. I wanted to motivate her to work out a bit and eat normally before covid because she asked for my support, she planned on getting lipo at some point but I think covid really ruined everything and she got worse too progressively for me to notice until now. Now she probably gave up on her plans. It's not fun not being able to sit down next ro her without having to be in some weird position to not feel her arm and leg pushing me completely, but I feel like I should check on her on a regular basis because she's not doing ok these days. It's frustrating. I want her to get better but she's getting worse and worse and either doesn't care or doesn't even notice. I want to tell her to get her shit together but I'm too direct and I don't want to upset her.
I should have posted that in the vent thread, sorry. And why would I waste time and money hanging out with someone I don't give a shit about? Do people actually do that? I wouldn't even have called her my friend if that were the case, I would have called her my former classmate from college instead.
No. 1353704
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>>1353583I guess i am kind of this way? I could say I am a fan of some of the media i consoom but i always feel like because i always like things in a kind of shallow. I usually just enjoy it for what it is and keep it pushing, with the exception of sometimes wanting to fuck some of the characters in said media.
No. 1353777
>>1353601>anon you sound like me i want to post art somewhere but the idea of tif aidens who are self hating lesbians or straight reeeing at fujo art drawn by normal women (when they make it too) scares me. that i cant even draw lesbian characters cause a troon will ask if ones got a dick or pretending one does weirds me the fuck out.anon you sound like me i want to post art somewhere but the idea of tif aidens who are self hating lesbians or straight reeeing at fujo art drawn by normal women (when they make it too) scares me. that i cant even draw lesbian characters cause a troon will ask if ones got a dick or pretending one does weirds me the fuck out.people is insufferable and it doesnt help every other art platform is dead. I am planning to make a twitter when i get good enough that i can make people say ''she's so good at drawing why is she wasting her talent on
thing troons dont like'' it's my biggest motivation
No. 1353785
>>1353601>>1353777i've thought a lot about how public personalities should avoid getting entangled in this crap, and it seems like the only solution is to be 100% avoidant when it comes to commenters. just issue general "thank yous" and keep your persona as distant as possible if you're not interested in being grilled by troons and fakebois about your artwork or stances.
i notice a lot of men who are taken "seriously" online who don't end up in drama have absolutely 0 public presence. just post and that's it, with very, very little interaction or acknowledgement given to fans.
No. 1353792
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>>1353785easier said than done, troons are rabid and have the power to absolutely kill your passion for art. A bunch of artists have left twitter and stopped drawing things they liked due to the harassment. Pic related, Eda, is the one that came to mind first
No. 1353796
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Spent 30 minutes slathering on different eyeshadows in boredom before realizing everything makes me look tired, no matter the color. And threw them all away because I use them once every few months in phases of boredom + they have talc. I guess occasional eyeliner and lipgloss will be the only makeup in my life. Gonna keep going hard on nail polish though
No. 1353974
>>1353792Man, if fucking
trannies being pissbabies is enough to shake your passion for art, then you need to either double down or find something else to do.
No. 1354582
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If you leave juuuust the righ amount of skin on your mango after you peel them, that part tastes like black currant.
No. 1354642
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I miss having really long nails. I'm starting to have withdrawals. I've been drumming my fingers against surfaces hoping it'll make that tap tap tippy tap noise that I love but it's more like a pathetic bap bap bap. It's been months and I still can't give myself nail extensions right now.
No. 1354739
>>1354582ty for the tip anon.
I'm the Bling Ring anon back again,
>>1353962 how the hell did all of these kids get away with this for a decently long time. I feel the worst for Audrina Patridge, she was terrified when she came home and found her stuff in disarray, she hid in her closet crying because she was scared a man might have been hiding in her house. Jesus.
No. 1356064
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I was on my way to the store and I saw a white kitten following a woman and a child into the street so I stopped and played with the kitten for a bit. Then another girl stopped and she decided to take it home with her. Hooray!
No. 1356365
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Im drinking the preworkout and GOIN
No. 1356697
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Chilling right now and hoping Hurricane Ian will be as chill as me by time it hits my neck of the woods
No. 1356983
>>1356064What a lovely story. Hope the kitten has a great life.
>>1356336I've also started having hot chocolates. Nothinig fancy, just drinking chocolate in some hot milk, but it's so nice and cozy. It's made me look forward to christmas and having hot mulled wine.
No. 1357022
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I'm poor and shouldn't indulge, but it's cold and rainy and there's this one hot drink with the taste of ginger and apple that is just so wonderfully comforting to make. Luckily one bottle gives about 2 litres of the stuff, so it'll last me a while. I'm drinking it right now while drawing illustrations for a short story I wrote and the ginger kind of burns in my throat. Amazing.
No. 1357079
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I bought corn sprouts and they taste AWFUL. Like a weird sour taste at first, then an aftertaste that reminds me of the bad smelling chemical in hair bleaching (the name escapes me rn). Now I have that taste in the back of my mouth. I paid a pretty penny for the sprouts too.
No. 1357979
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man, I'm having the worst luck with finding sweatshirts at thrift stores. Feels nice and soft without being fleece-y. Not too bulky. Loose. Has something about it that makes it kind of cute or at least interesting like a graphic or a pattern. Ok enough to wear outside. I found a 5$ Athleta one that was amazingly soft but it looked XXXL sized in spite of being a medium + not looking worn out, and the pictures online of it look normal (the Sundown sweatshirt I think).
Maybe I should stop being so picky. I spent an hour today trying to find one and ffs I can barely spare the energy. Maybe beggars can't be choosers.
No. 1358240
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People act as though it being discovered you're a farmer or have said fucked up things online would be the end of the world. But in reality the majority of people only care about themselves, and if you're not concerned with social isolation it really doesn't matter
No. 1359133
I only just realized it's not really mundane
No. 1359255
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i think i might be getting addicted to this whole Ai art thing, i feel guilty because it might wreck the lives of real artist in the future to be honest.
No. 1359258
>>1359131Nonny, it is better to go to jail than go to war. After all at least in jail you will have less chances to die. And if he tried fleeing to eu, it's too late for him now unless he goes to Kazahstan. I just hope your ex also cares about his family and checks if there is a way for them to flee anywhere.
Also he doesn't need to go to the military place either even if he gets the paper, i know it sounds silly but the only thing you would end up facing if you won't gp there is just a fine. (at least for now, that actually depending about how valuable he is for the army, because it might be jailtime if he is, but if he is just a 'normal guy' he will just face a fine). A lot of people also run away living in the forest now, too.
No. 1359284
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>>1359255everytime i tried it looks ugly as shit it took me over 2 hours to get this and it sucks. I would rather spend my time practicing drawing to be honest.
No. 1359293
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>>1359284im not that old but i know that trying to practice and trying to actually draw by myself never ends well, i realize very early in my life that I'll never be a real artist, i wasn't born with that kind of talent, all i have are ideas and a good memory.
I'm so glad you know you can practice and eventually get better at something you feel capable of
No. 1359299
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>>1359293you are a retard, if you liked art you would be happy just by creating and wouldnt need the use of an AI financed by a millionaire for unknown reasons that allegedly has CP on its database. I started drawing like 2 years ago, past my ''prime'' and i got better by making an habit of drawing everyday. It's not talent, it's effort. It offends me that AI takes something that is supposed to be incredibly meritocratic and turns it into fast food consumerist garbage.
No. 1359681
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>>1359623Idc how the alleged Japanese pronounce it. Sage is SAGE to me and it has been since 2008
No. 1360122
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I bought a whole block of feta to make that pasta recipe, and it's taking everything in me to not just bite it.
Speaking of pasta, I saw a bag of Halloween shaped pasta today and I regret not getting it. I already picked up ravioli and have some other plain pasta at home so I thought it would just be too much, but now I can't stop thinking about it.
No. 1360140
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>>1359949>can't handle a sour pickle Kek
No. 1360181
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>>1360122Are these from lidl? I'm a sucker for the halloween range from lidl. Though more so the snacky foods.
No. 1360189
>>1360132Aah you're right anon! I'm gonna get it next time. It was only like $2 and it's dry pasta anyway so it will last a long time even if I don't eat it right away.
>>1360181Yes, it's from lidl. The fall and Halloween items they have are so good. I also got a pumpkin cheesecake ice-cream from there.
No. 1360215
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>>1359949Give it to me please, it sounds delicious.
No. 1360447
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The only reason I didn't drink scalding hot water just now was because, luckily, hot water bottles have to be screwed shut really tight and I realized something wasn't right while trying to open it, otherwise I'd have a problem now.
No. 1360638
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My best friend came to visit me at home and it was so nice, we got to plan a novel together even though I suck and writing and I was mostly throwing ideas around to see what would stick around.
But I had lots of fun, I wish I didn't get so tired after talking with anyone, and that I could be more expressive so I could emote more, I was just so happy.
I wish we could live together or something.
No. 1360780
>>1360775weak i could devour that easy if i wasnt allergic to the breading, damn the sweetnsour was so good as a kid
>>1360756i eat 1-2x a day to save money…
No. 1360805
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>>1360447Your post reminded me that I used to have a metal hotwater bottle as a child, but you don't really see them much anymore nowadays. I wonder why that is, it's probably just more profitable for companies to sell plastic bags that are cheaper to produce and last less long? I'm gonna ask my mom if she still has my old one.
No. 1360911
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No. 1360943
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whenever I live outside of my parent's home, one aspect of my ocd really goes into overdrive: repeatedly, compulsively checking all doors and windows are locked at night before bed. if I knew all windows stayed locked since previous day I can settle down with them, but the doors are repeat checks throughout the night until I finally drift to sleep from worrying about how easily people could pick the locks on my doors or if I accidentally didn't lock it correctly or something. behavior dies not extend to people breaking down doors or windows, just opening them.
literally looks like me checking back and front doors, lights out, going to bed. 10 minutes later, lights on, out of bed, doors checked again. 1 hour later, doors checked yet again. repeat until sleep finally takes me.
the few times someone stays with me it goes from amusing to either annoying or worrying but I cannot stop. (yes people do hate staying with me and I prefer they don't for it, why do you ask?)
yes I was on medication for this. picrel fun festive.
No. 1361016
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That feel when depression really hits in the middle of a family vacation
No. 1361137
>>1360756What the hell, how can anyone do that? I'm not even an anachan, I'm actually a fatty and I can't binge eat at once even if that was my intention.
Like yeah, I can eat a whole medium pizza if I want to, if I didn't have lunch, but otherwise I eat 4 slices, maybe 5 if I'm in a good mood, or I struggle with a 5 eggs omelette and a latte, sometimes I struggle with a 3 eggs omelette.
No. 1361164
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I tried this pumpkin caramel yogurt. It's ok, not very good. I'll try the whole dairy one next instead.
No. 1361592
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Going to make some soft and chewey sugar cookies. I found a great recipe along with a good royal icing recipe. Hopefully I have Halloween cookie cutters around and not in storage.
No. 1362493
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I want chickens
No. 1362504
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>>1310359I walked to the bakery and got a scone this morning, told myself it was for lunch, and then got home and promptly ate it. Now I have no good scone lunch and I can’t punctuate my boring workday with eating food super hungry (the most enjoyable way to eat food). Why do I do this?
No. 1362535
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>>1362493They're an underrated pet. I've been keeping chickens along with other poultry for years and now I would never be without them. If you spend time with them beyond just feeding them and keeping them safe, they will reward with you with lots of love. They're also surprisingly intelligent. If you really do want to keep chickens but only have a small area, you can keep bantams.
No. 1362727
I was standing over a really sweet looking older lady in a bus today, she was dressed in pastel toned florals, seemed to be returning from grocery shopping, general vibe of being someone's cutest grandma, you get the image. She was texting so I couldn't help myself and looked; and the first thing I see is whoever she was texting saying something along the lines "You've done amazing job getting the body of Thomas from that place, I wish I could've witnessed you at work", that was kinda crazy thing to see; so I continued looking and from the general gist of the conversation I've gathered she must be a pathologist working and teaching in a dissecting room, and a really passionate one, as she spoke about being happy about her newest students being curious in her class since "dead can teach everyone so much, even though most students prefer the living". I know it's mundane as hell but I think it was a really interesting contrast as she in no way seemed like someone working with corpses on a daily basis. Finding out trivia about complete strangers is so much fun, I'll never stop snooping in public transport.
No. 1363162
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I was so close to falling asleep, and now I have to pee. I don't want to get up.
No. 1363539
>>1363008like a community who does jigsaw puzzles? or do you mean autism community?
No. 1363686
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I bought a can of salmon to add to my lunches this week. I’ve never had canned salmon before but I really like salmon. Well turns out it tastes almost identical to canned tuna. I feel like I wasted my money. Also the canned salmon had the spine and pin bones still in it, but the canning process makes them soft enough to crunch between your fingers, which isn’t a huge issue or anything but it’s a little weird. Next time I’m just getting tuna.
No. 1363809
File: 1664910752655.gif (169.71 KB, 220x220, vegetal.gif)

>Get sore throat from ear infection, from using new earbuds all day 2 days ago
>Anons overthink scenario and call me pickme for posting about class experience
>Raining all day
>Spend hours cleaning for celebration instead of doing homework
>Mark entire whiteboard calendar off by 1 day.
>Gag from itchy throat inhaling dust and cat hair
>Realize empanada and hot honey tea was only breakfast
>Spotting for 2 days, period lighter than usual
>Wasted about 10 minutes zoning out and feeling naseous while writing this
No. 1363995
My date told me he thought women shouldn't fight in the military and that it's his duty as a man, he would never let me go to war. You could see it as sexist but I'm happy to hear that there are still people out there who recognize that men and women are different, and though it doesn't make either of them any less worthy there is a difference. It's the only thing that makes me not want to be a terf, I agree with everything except the whole 'it's all socialization' thing. Of course men get more freedom in what they get to say and do, but there are intrinsic differences between men and women (moids have more physical strength and often think in solutions, women are socially smarter and are generally better at giving advice, more empathetic, etc). I'm happy someone my age agrees with me, I have never met someone as young but mature as him. I really like him, inb4 trasdthot but he loves his family, nature, hates the city and still has a flipphone because he genuinely doesn't give a shit about the modern world. He loves my leg hair too, he's lovely ♥ I'm happy I've found someone who sees the world the same as I do.
No. 1364005
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My crush said when he'll happen to be walking in the same direction as a woman behind her, he switches sidewalks so they don't become paranoid and afraid he's following them. I find that incredibly cute and so thoughtful because I'm the exact type of woman to think that kek
No. 1364058
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There's something inherently satisfying about eating pomegranate seeds. My monkey brain enjoys the little burst of crushing them on my tongue
No. 1364066
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>>1363995>moids often think in SOLUTIONS le RATIONAL and smarter sex!!1 and women are all super empathetic mommies!1get a grip
No. 1364112
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>>1364080Agree, same with English peas.
No. 1364689
>>1363995>men often think in solutionsand women.. don't..?
by the way we wouldn't need men to "protect women uwuuu" and go to war if we didn't have males, they're the sole perpetuaters of war and nearly the sole perpetuaters of harmful crimes against women, hope everyone realizes that.
No. 1364726
>>1363995truly bizarre.
>grows out leg hair>believes men are the ones who think in solutionsenjoy your tradthot arc
No. 1364757
>>1364730Can't embed shorts but what about something like this? made it the other day (with garlic oil and spicy mayo) and it was yummy, though I had a hard time getting it the rice paper to really crisp up. Seems like it'd be good with some avocado in there too. I think maybe omitting the oil (or putting it on after the eggs) might help with it crisping up. It's still yummy either way though.
No. 1364796
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>>1363995Nona take the rose-colored glasses off. You look retarded gushing this much over a trad moid just because he doesn't mind your leg hair. Open a window, take a deep breath of fresh air and snap out of it.
No. 1364798
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>>1364730I had a Cobb salad last night with boiled eggs and avocado! You could make an avocado egg bake also?
No. 1364871
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>>1364798>>1364757Thank you for the suggestions anons. I ended up making scrambled chorizo eggs with red onion, spinach, and cheese. I'm having the avocado and some tortilla chips on the side.
No. 1364945
>>1364859I just posted in the vent thread this morning about having to most likely put my dog to sleep soon. I'm in a very similar position to you nonna- I spend a lot of time and effort taking care of and catering to my dog's needs. Knowing that she will be gone in the blink of an eye scares me.
I'll tell you what I keep telling myself right now- they're going to a better place. No more pain, no more suffering. Heaven exists, if only for them, to live in eternity with nothing but the best food and toys. To welcome a pet into your life is a huge undertaking, and you've done well these past few years. Thank you for giving him a home, taking care of, and loving him. I hope he's at peace, and I hope you'll find peace one day too. I hope we'll all be reunited one day.
No. 1365347
>>1364945Thank you
nonny, I'm tearing up. I really appreciate your kind words. I'm sorry about your pooch. Having pets is so rewarding but always so hard letting them go. Their innocence is a blessing and a curse.
No. 1365415
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Said I was going to finish my coding hw by 5. Finished it at 8:50.
At least 7 hours sitting down for a single beginner webpage. Somehow there were 2 minor errors and now my html is perfect. Flawless. Shiny. Pray for me to memorize nonies
No. 1365653
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There used to be this super market near me called Big Bear (picrel). I think they're all closed now, but man, I miss this place. They used to have the best chicken strips and roast chicken. I'd always get some in the afternoon. I really want some of that chicken, Nonas. I could cook some myself, but it wouldn't scratch that nostalgia itch I have.
No. 1365730
Got my nails done for the first time ever, I feel very luxurious
>>1365417Reminded me that I need to tidy my room asap
No. 1365890
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Keep thinking about this video of a lady organizing her shit ton of cotsco groceries and everything is pretty normal up to when she puts a bunch of donuts in a bag to be frozen.
No. 1365908
>>1365894To be fair she's using parchment paper.
>>1365905They do? But donuts are fried, fried stuff should be consumed fresh.
No. 1365910
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We’re currently being spammed with nude pictures. If you are triggered by male genitalia, please navigate carefully.
No. 1366198
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I got Kirby and the Forgotten Land and it’s my first ever Kirby game, besides Smash. I always loved him because he’s round and pink and he jumps so much. Now I can be a real Kirby fan and I found this little heating pad and I’ll die if I can’t have him. He is my friend and he is warm.
No. 1366589
>>1366351I love Allison Janney because she is the same height as me
>tall girl love>>1366484Trust your instinct nona. You will look hot no matter what you do
No. 1367229
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It's so chilly but I'm too lazy to get up and turn off or up my AC
No. 1368125
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Saw part of this dumb, weird TV show about a faggot medium who is like 20 something who seems to just interview other faggots
>im getting the word……. rupture…?
>… yes
>at the beach, on vacation… my boyfriend and i… it was windy…
>the umbrella….
>it knocked over and
>one of the umbrella spokes hit him right here
>points to forehead
>the softest part of the brain
>he died the next day
And then the two faggots started weeping. What the fuck? Is this not the fakest shit you've ever heard?
No. 1368179
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Had to do a double take after seeing this plate. Was unfortunately being driven by a scrote though…
No. 1368208
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>>1368179>Arizona >lolcowProbably Baked Alaska
No. 1368226
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>>1368179Would YOU ride in the LOLCOR hyundai??????
No. 1368247
>>1361164NO I just bought one. ugh.
i've been making pumpkin oatmeal lately. you make 3 servings worth and put in 1 can of pumpkin puree while cooking it. it's so orangey and creamy. i love pumpkin flavored everything and i dont care what moids think.