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No. 1243596
Place to discuss minimalism, including minimalist lifestyles, extreme minimalism, minimalist wardrobes, one bag, minimalist communities, famous minimalists, multi use items, Japanese minimalism, and anything else minimalism related.
Share inspiration photos, before and after pics, item lists, things you no longer need, what made you a minimalist, progress pics, books and video recs, etc.
>>>/g/181093 No. 1243609
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I love the idea of minimalism but in the end I'm the sort of person who owns plenty of stuff and just stores it neatly away from sight. I'm moving out soon though, so hopefully that will be a chance to ensure I'm not hoarding too much crap. My main priority is making it easy to clean, so I'm trying to avoid open shelving, knick knacks/trinkets sitting around collecting dust, etc.
I was also really into the idea of one bagging a few years ago, even bought a bag for it… then covid hit and I never got a chance to use it kek. I find it fun to try keep weight down when I travel, creating a little capsule wardrobe and all that.
No. 1243614
>>1243612OP here, I put it in /ot/ since the consoomerism one is in /ot/ and this is meant to be a sister thread to that. I'm hoping the thread can have a lot of discussion and not just pics, but I'm happy for the thread to be moved if /m/ seems better suited.
>>1243609The kanji in the reads "izakaya", a type of cheap Japanese bar with food lol. You normally see these hanging outside them.
No. 1243695
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>>1243609>>1243631I'm moving abroad soon so I've had to seriously declutter my clothing. It's made me realize how much time I've wasted on items I didn't even use. Hours comparing online, waiting for package to arrive, finding space for it, the thing getting in the way, then having to list it on ebay/donate, waiting for it find a new home, and then wrapping and taking to post office. Plus having to carefully pack and repack everything that I do keep into my cases like a jigsaw puzzle. It's very stressing.
I'm really jealous of minimalists that can just casually pack everything up in about 10 minutes. Not only that, but they all seem to appreciate the items they have a lot more. They don't just have a stack of random sweaters they bought because they were on sale that they sometimes use and others that never get used. They have 3 sweaters that perfectly fit them, are made from the perfect fabric for them, and go with all their other clothes. Washing is quicker and they save so much time, money, and headspace. There's less consumerism guilt too.
It's also a lot more calming to have less things to choose from and much more difficult to make a huge mess which I find helps enormously with ADHD. Not having to worry about clothes matching or suiting me helps a lot too.
I'm not quite a proper minimalist yet but once I'm settled into my new place I'm planning to be pretty ruthless about going through my things. I don't think I'll get rid of everything completely as I'll be in a place where it can be difficult to get good quality replacements, but I'm definitely going to pack away the excess things and only "shop my stash" when I actually need something.
Picrel or less is what I'm aiming for (half as many shoes anyway).
No. 1243711
>>1243631Great video. I've starting looking into simple living more recently and replace screens with books. I try and limit the news stories I read so I only hear about the most important things. It's a first world luxury, but there's no point in me wasting all my mental energy on world issues that I can't control. It doesn't mean that I don't care but that I can apply my mental energy better where I do have influence and not get burnt out.
Using Marie Kondo's method helped me to free up mental energy too. I never realized before how many items, photos, or memories from people I don't like that I was keeping because I felt there was nothing wrong with the item. Or things that I bought and don't like but haven't yet used up or worn out.
I grew up with hoarder parents and they used to always say how spartan and cold minimalism is but the more I embrace minimalism in all aspects of my life, it feels much more fulfilling than being around hoarding or even a "normal" amount of things.
No. 1243776
>>1243695>much more difficult to make a huge mess which I find helps enormously with ADHDKek, I also have ADHD. It seems quite common among people who choose simple living to have similar issues, extreme minimalist Fumio Sasaki even makes a reference to it in this interview at 05:16.
His book, "Goodbye things" is good btw. Makes me want to do some hardcore decluttering.
>>1243711>they used to always say how spartan and cold minimalismI used to think that as well. I love looking at beautiful detailed interiors, but fuck it, I can't be bothered to manage a cluttered house myself! It needs to be easy to clean!
No. 1243802
I love the idea of minimalism but I am so… Not sentimental, but attached to objects from the past. I suffer from dissociation (diagnosed) and find objects can be grounding. It's terrifying to imagine waking up in a room like
>>1243609 because what if I look around to remember who I am, what reality is, and find nothing to anchor to?
I also have swathes of memory loss and sometimes just looking at an object will make me flash back to a time I can never access otherwise. Throwing them away would be like erasing my past, for better or worse.
But I do fantasize about starting over with nothing. What a dream for ADHD to have no clutter, no thousands of stupid objects to clean and dust, rearrange, trip over. I can't seem to buy enough storage boxes and bins. And for what? Objects that give me painful nostalgia.
No. 1243809
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Thanks for making this thread, OP! I got into minimalism a few years ago; I had a 3 month trip to Japan, had a capsule wardrobe, etc. and eventually realized I didn't need so many physical items, so when I got back home I did a massive Konmari-style decluttering and never looked back. Can answer questions for some farmers if they're looking to do that; it's truly the best decision I ever made.
I moved into a bigger apartment a few months ago and I'm trying to furnish it in a very minimalistic, Japanese style. Does anyone have any suggestions for minimalist, modern brands? I love Muji a lot but they don't have much of a US presence outside of NYC and that's a bit of a drive for me.
Currently I have stuff from:
>West Elm
No. 1243813
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>>1243776I suspect Kanye probably made his house super minimalist for similar reasons.I must admit that I hated it at first but now it's really grown on me.
I wonder if the ADHD appeal is not only because it's less overwhelming but also getting rid of things or searching for the one perfect item is another thing to obsess over.
>>1243802Have you considered using photos of items instead?
No. 1243818
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>>1243776It's funny when people use Steve Jobs as an inspiration because of the pic where he's sitting on the floor when picrel also exists. Sure he liked sleek minimalist designs, was frugal and very picky, but did he actually live with few possessions?
No. 1243826
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>>1243776I really like Fumio Sasaki's book! It's called "Goodbye Things" and I really recommend it. I don't agree with everything he says (iirc he says at one point that he'll buy and use one time use/disposable things so that he doesn't have to have that item in the house. I don't like using disposable items for the sake of keeping things minimalist) but he makes minimalism a bit more approachable. Even though he himself has very few items, I remember he says that telling someone "you're a minimalist, but you still have so many items?" is a different side to the same coin as telling someone "you don't have XYZ item yet?" for people who encourage overconsumption. It was because of his book that I realized I would keep some items in order to appear a certain way instead of just being a person who genuinely likes to read or sew or partake in any other hobby. Also the idea that unnecessary items are taking up precious space, like they are living in your home but not paying rent kek.
I am still far from minimalist. I've stop consuming so much, but I still have a lot to sort and declutter through. I'll get there one day.
No. 1245338
>>1245116Thanks nonas, I will ponder this some more.
Sentimental stuff and paper clutter is what I find the most difficult.
No. 1245630
>>1245419ngl regardless of how much I like minimalism as a concept, I'm always going to be maximalist with clothes. Sooo many times I've been trying to put together an outfit and ended up using something I barely ever wear to get it just right, if I tried to minimalize my wardrobe I'd get rid of too many potential options. I've gotten merciless with clearing it out but even then it still leaves a tonne of stuff.
But I guess there's no hard rules for minimalism, you just keep what's genuinely important to you. If a wardrobe stuffed full of clothes is important to me, that's what I keep.
No. 1246125
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It really hit me when I heard someone talking about getting rid of all the items that were important to a family member who passed away. You gather all this stuff throughout your life that seems so important, but then you die and all of it turns into garbage for your family to deal with. I'm not going to have children who will inherit any important things, so everything I have will one day be trash. This thought really helps me with decluttering, I want to cherish the few really important things and not store useless stuff. Because if I don't throw it away some other people will after my death. So what's the point of storing it away?
No. 1246129
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>>1246125God yes. When my grandparents moved to an elderly home and couldn't take most of their stuff with them, I helped cleaning out their farm. We filled multiple of these containers to the brim with their belongings. Books, furniture, random bits of garden and kitchen equipment, clothing, toys etc. all just dumped in there to go to landfill. Granted they were a bit hoarders because they survived the scarcity of WWII but it opened my eyes to how I have/had a boatload of stuff that becomes useless once I die or no longer have space for it.
No. 1247266
>>1246125My parents, especially my dad, are hoarders. Not TLC level bad, but it's still pretty bad. I know I am immediately getting rid of most shit and I feel bad for thinking this but I'm already thinking of which of my parents clothes I'll keep. I think it would be nice to just have one of his polo shirts and my mom's loungewear (that I always see her wearing, also I'll probably be keeping her clothes to wear myself since she already lets me raid her closet kek) kept safe in a drawer. I still live with them, this place is my childhood home and their first and only house purchase, and it will be handed down to me. I have zero plans of selling it if I can help it, only renovating it. I know throwing out their shit will be tough but I feel that the entire space is imbued with the essence of our family, so there will be no better thing to keep to remind me of them after they pass than our home.
Also housing is expensive as all hell in my city so I'm absolutely never giving this place up kek.
No. 1247503
nonnie stop stressing your parents out if they aren't hoarders
No. 1250948
>>1247426That sounds like my dream. I have to move at the end of the year and I want it to be as simple and seamless as possible, so I'm starting to sort through things now to get ready.
Also, I feel like people don't really talk as much about minimalism in terms of food and eating, but I find it helpful? I've tried every wacko diet under the sun but one of my favorite ways to eat came from my raw food days, where I discovered that a lot of foods taste amazing with no preparation: things like nuts, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables in particular. I still cook normal food including meat, but one of my favorite snacks is just a handful of raw parsley and some walnuts. It makes me very happy.
No. 1251170
>>1250948nonna your parsley and walnut snack actually sounds delicious, might have to try it myself.
I agree, despite all the talk about minimalist lifestyle, I have yet to come across any sort of minimalism discussion around food (though it's probably out there). I feel like food can be so wasteful, especially given how prepackaged most things are, and how ordering in/takeout is so common now. I think modern grocery store layouts and trends and whatnot are HEAVILY contributing to this. It seems like the only place you can get groceries is from one of a handful of mega-corporation superstores (unless you have access to smaller, local stuff) where its baked into the design that they do whatever they can to keep you shopping there and buying as much as possible. Even if you just need a couple things, sometimes it feels weird going into a walmart or a superstore or whatever and walking up to the massive cashier station with only one or two things while everyone around you has carts full of food/stuff.
One of my pet peeves are those "aesthetic" fridges where people just take things out of their packages and put them into other packages and then wash all the produce and put it back in the fridge. They're also always filled with sodas or some other sugary drink that you know is the first thing they reach for while the fresh produce and actual food just sits there until it rots.
No. 1251814
>>1251170In the video at
>>1243776 he says he pretty much eats the same thing everyday. I’m curious to try this.
As for minimalism things that aren’t discussed as much, relationships are one. Considering the big crossover between ADHD and minimalism, I’m surprised you don’t seem more autistic loners in the community. Not just few friends but no friends I mean. Most minimalists seem to have friends or don’t mention not having any (maybe the taboo of being a loner exists even here). Even just purging acquaintances and people you seldom see anymore isn’t discussed much. In comparison, purging hoarded digital content that also takes up no physical space is discussed a lot. Even minimalists that travel a lot alone always seem very keen to meet new people.
Devoting all your time to learn one craft seems very aligned with minimalism, especially in Japan, but that seldom comes up either. Perhaps another ADHD thing.
No. 1251872
>>1251870what style did she have
nonnie ?
No. 1251877
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>>1251872Basic, classic and neutral like this.
No. 1251893
>>1251170/fit/ people have the most minimalist food and fridges.
>chicken brast>rice>brocolli or salad of your choiceAll you need. Simple, delicious, cheap, healthy. Muah.
No. 1251933
>>1251928Sauce is where the calories are so /fit/heads avoid it.
Besides, chicken is only dry if you overcook it, really. But to each their own ofc. Point about simplicity stands, I think!
No. 1253444
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I actually have my apartment furnished in japanese minimalist style. I use a coffee table and have two seating options, either floor cushions or a tatami room chair (marketed as gaming chair in the west). I find both uncomfortable and it's driving me insane. I wish I had a couch and could just sit down like a normal person. I've been injured and not even able to walk recently, so I've been trapped in my very small apartment, and these seatings are only comfortable for a few hours a day at most. (I work from home as well.) Sitting seiza makes my legs numb after half an hour. Sitting cross legged is comfortable only for an hour or so. The gaming chair gives me lower back pain even with a pillow shoved behind me for lumbar support. My bed is also shikibuton, and leaving it out gives me additional seating options, but none of them particularly good. Laying on my stomach gives me upper back/shoulder pain. Laying on my side gives me back/ribcage pain. You can't use a laptop laying on your back. And when sitting up I may as well be on the tatami room chair. But you also have to put the bed up to keep it from getting moldy so I'm constantly fussing with it. And when it's up I don't have a closet to put it in, so it makes my apartment look messy because I have the folded bed on the floor and a pile of all my blankets and pillows next to it. (The bed is, however, amazingly comfortable to sleep on.)
Basically the lifestyle looks beautiful but is quite frustrating and uncomfortable and I haven't found a good solution (other than be less sedentary. But every time I go outside someone wants to charge me money.) I also have no room for a couch or even just a chair. (I live in a microstudio to save money. It's challenging.) The upside is my place looks gorgeous and I feel calm and low-stress here. I just wish I had a comfortable place to sit.
No. 1253452
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>>1253444That sucks anon but it's good to hear confirmation of what I suspected… I look at Japanese/Korean rooms and fall in love with the low furniture and how it's designed around staying at floor level. But I always thought I'd be uncomfortable sitting on the floor all the time, it doesn't seem practical unless you were raised like that. Even kotatsus, which are supposed to be the epitome of comfy, seem like I'd get uncomfortable pretty quick.
But surely you can get regular seats that would fit in a small apartment? That chair in your picture just needs legs and it would be the size of a small recliner, the floor space wouldn't be too different.
No. 1253471
>>1253452Actually that floor-couch looks comfy, and with the bed on the stand you don't have to fold it. However, see how she only has one thin blanket? Anyone who lives in a cold place has several blankets, all heavier. Huge pain to keep tidy, especially to fold and unfold all the time. With the bed stand, as well, you don't do the flop or roll off the bed onto the floor. But the benefit is you don't need to sweep as meticulously. If you place your bed on the floor and the floor is the tiniest bit dirty it's awful. I sweep 2-3x a week.
It's probably comfy if you have other places to go to change it up. Japanese only spend a few hours a day in their house. Mostly they're in western seats at a school or office.
If I buy the western chair I need to buy a western desk/table so I can use my work laptop. And really no, I can't fit another chair here. My entire apartment is maybe 300 sq ft. I will say that the japanese style furniture is a huge space saver though, I wouldn't survive trying to cram western furniture in here. It's also great when you move frequently, because it's all lightweight. And inexpensive. So I think the lifestyle has a place and value, especially if you're young and poor but still want your place to be breezy and aesthetic. It's just a bag of pros and cons.
No. 1253547
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>>1253471>If I buy the western chair I need to buy a western desk/table so I can use my work laptop.Foldable desk on the wall (you can get them at ikea) and kick out 1 japanese chair? I feel like you're making things unnecerssarily difficult for yourself, there's small space solutions that don't involve being attached to the floor.
No. 1253579
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>>1253444just get one of these
No. 1253607
>>1253444Do you have a tatami floor? I see a lot of people make the mistake of trying to sleep on futons without tatami underneath. Proper tatami is fairly soft so you can sleep on it by itself even. But sleeping on hard floor and only a futon will be uncomfortable. I’ve done both and only the hard floor gave me backache.
>>1253452I have a kotatsu and tatami chairs for it and I can happily sit under there all day. My legs are usually in the lotus position and I can sit like that for hours as I find it the most comfortable. I can see how it might be uncomfortable for others if they find sitting normally in a chair most comfortable. My kotatsu is on a wooden floor.
No. 1253805
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>>1253579Pretty sure that monstrosity is bigger than my entire apartment.
>>1253607I don't get backache and no, of course I don't have tatami mats. I want a kotatsu so badly. I assume you mean this? It is pretty comfortable.
It's hard enough getting my idiot bf to take his shoes off when entering my apartment, he's always violating the rule. No way I could have tatami mats with an XY around. How do you keep minimalism with an XY? They tend to accumulate junk, especially corded junk, to a ridiculous extent, and he won't even get rid of ratty old clothes with holes in them.
No. 1254061
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>>12538051. Minimalize your relationship as well by barring him from entering unless you know you'll spend meaningful time together (literally anything that's not being on your phones 5 feet apart/playing games while ignoring you)
2.Make him clean and organize his stuff or you don't let him in
3. Take extreme measures and throw the whole xy away and replace him with a nice moss ball or succulent
No. 1254152
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>>1254061That's a nice plant. My XY had better watch out.
Here's a crazy level minimalist's channel. He reminds me of Zetsubou Sensei. No. 1254902
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A couple of years ago I used to think "I can't wait until I move out so I have more space for clothes" but now I think "I have too many clothes, my drawers are getting full!"
I did a thing last year where I went cold turkey and didn't buy myself a single piece of clothing at all. It was just something to do for myself, and I really wanted to force myself into wearing more of my clothes because I have a tendency to save my really nice/cute pieces for "special days" but most days out of the year aren't special enough so my cutest clothes never see the light of day. I wanted to normalize wearing everything I owned regularly. I let myself buy clothes now, but I feel like after that reset, I just don't really want to anymore. I can appreciate cute clothes and sometimes I do stand there and think about it, but I find myself not really finding it worth it. I did buy some things this past weekend and now my small drawers are stuffed and I think I just have to go through it all and donate what I don't regularly wear because there are definitely clothes that I always see but opt to not wear because I don't want to. There's no point in keeping them since I don't wear them, and I don't intend on replacing them with new shiny stuff either.
No. 1255030
>>1254152This is probably classed as "extreme minimalism" but for me this is the standard minimalism ideal. I'm tired of browsing r/minimalism and such like and seeing people with tons of stuff thinking they're minimalists just because they cleaned their desk one time.
I'm not at his level yet but I'm definitely working towards it. I wish I could wear something like a kimono everyday. I'm European and my country's traditional dress is not really suitable for everyday wear. I'm so jealous.
No. 1255047
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>>1255034NTA, but yeah, wearing a kimono daily would be a bit weird. Unless you work in a very traditional place like a traditional tea house or a ryoukan/traditional inn, people will look a bit weird if you wear it daily, even more so if you are younger than like, 60. And this is coming from a kimono lover.
Unless you are wearing it in an alt fashion way, but then again, people will look because you're dressed alt.
No. 1255075
>>1255034>>1255047I agree it would be weird but not so weird that you can't do it at all (even for non-Japanese as they don't care about cultural appropriation there). People still wear yukatas to festivals and kimonos to formal events so it's not like you never seem them in the street. It's not so long ago that the average person stopped wearing a kimono daily (compared to other countries' traditional dress) either.
The guy in the video wears his everywhere, even when teaching Japanese kids in a school or when he visited a lawyer's office (and got better service there).
I imagine wearing a sari would be the same.
No. 1255092
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>>1255075Definitely not weird to see on the street, but I mean if you appeared at your local office job in a kimono everyday it would be weird, yeah. They'd see you as quirky. If it was just one day, someone would probably be like "do you have somewhere else to go afterwards?", cause as you said, it's used for formal events. If you see someone very well dressed on the street it's not as weird, but you look at them and wonder where are they going. If someone was to wear a nice formal dress everyday to an office job, it would be weird. Again, unless you work at a traditional tea house, a ryoukan, a traditional fabric place, a kimono store, etc, cause wearing a kimono is part of the image. Even just wearing a komon is considered kinds old fashioned, and if you dress in it with a twist you have the same energy as these ~quirky~ girls that dress only in vintage clothes and vintage style hair and makeup. Not the weirdest, but not exactly common or normal either.
I don't know anything about saris, though.
No. 1255113
>>1255092To be fair, for the average person, there's an element of weirdness for everything to do with minimalism. Unless your job actually requires a suit, wearing is kimono is possible, same for wearing the same style of black tshirt everyday. Would the average person do it? No. Is it so strange that it can't be done at all? Also no.
But anyway, my point was more that for people from European countries there isn't really a simple style of dress like that, unless you wear a toga which is much too old fashioned to and would seem ridiculous in any situation.
Scottish kilts are probably one of the more wearable ones but they aren't very simple, aren't suitable for all seasons, and as they're associated with sexy schoolgirls, a woman wearing one might get unwanted comments and not in a nice way that a kimono might.
No. 1255123
>>1255030He wears a men's kimono (and not even everyday), which is more practical for modern society. Women's kimono is really restrictive, even in more relaxed fabrics. The sleeves are highly annoying too. it's not just a robe you can wear, the history of the garment is far from minimalist anyway.
>>1255113why are you hell bent on making traditional clothes minimalist? just get a couple sweat suits and call it a day
No. 1255131
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>>1255113Just make a couple of simple dresses, they are easier to make and clean, and much more comfortable than kimonos, especially for daily wear.
No. 1255147
>>1255123>>1255131Calm down. It was originally only meant to be a passing comment lamenting that European traditional dresses are more complex because I liked how he wore Japanese traditional dress in his videos. I mentioned saris and togas after because they are similar and thought some anons might mention other traditional styles (which in general often are minimalist and made from natural fabrics) and move the focus away from kimono specifically.
You seem to think of yourself as some sort of kimono expert even though not everything you are posting is correct and you've clearly not even watched his videos about wearing a kimono everyday. I've worn kimonos before and they aren't that restrictive and the sleeves can easily be tied back. We get that you don't want people to wear a kimono everyday and no one is trying to force you to do it. Just stop already.
No. 1255177
>>1255160Stop. You know even less about European traditional clothes than Japanese yet are trying to lecture about that too now!
>As you said, trad clothes can be made simpler. I never said that.
>Just say you're a weeb and go.Says the person that keeps trying to lecture about kimonos. no1currr
Again, it was just meant to be a passing comment. You don't agree, we get it. Stop cluttering the thread up with blogposts about kimonos.
No. 1255677
>>1255030this so much. /r/minimalism users are just organized normal consoomers. it's like the karen who desperately wants everyone to think she's a tea gourmet when all she drinks is lipton. they think buying some organizing drawers to store their thousands of trinkets is minimalist. so when I go there looking for content and find their attention seeking idiocy it's annoying. youtube has a lot of good videos now, moreso than a few years ago.
>>1255034some teachers can get away with it, but salarymen no way. there's kind of a trope about japanese teachers and wearing kimono/being traditional, it has a literary feel to it. i guess the western equivalent would be a teacher wearing cottagecore and being into baking. but it also depends what city, what school, and what subject.
>>1255160A dress and sweater is pretty traditional. I mean, we've been wearing that for, what, a thousand years? Just get a simple cotton or linen dress and skip the sequins and plastic shoes.
No. 1257104
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Regarding clothing - it depends on by minimalism you mean a certain look or the amount of stuff you have. I'm European and have taken inspiration from history. Upperclass women's closets would have been overflowing with decorative clothing but the average woman would just have a few items. They would have been made with sturdy, breathable fabrics like wool and linen. They would have been mended and adjusted with care for a long life. I think a simple dress like others have suggested is a great minimalist garment. Wear as it is in summer and with wool tights in winter.
No. 1257107
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>>1257104Like, you don't have to dress like they did in the past but there is so much inspiration you can take. For example how women in the 1940's dressed very simple because of their circumstances but stylishly.
No. 1263802
>>1259682Thanks for posting this, nonna…I'd never heard of her but I really like her channel. The part about social expectations stood out to me the most. I realize I keep a lot of stuff just because it's what I'm used to, not because I actually use it.
I ended up bingeing a bunch of her videos last night while I decluttered my kitchen. I have the house to myself for a few days and went on a spree of throwing out expired food, takeout condiments, random bits and so on.
I'm trying to do something a bit different with my decluttering this week and arranging things by how often I actually use them. It's been illuminating.
No. 1269297
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Minimalism is ugly and will be dated in less than ten years. Most people's idea of minimalist interior design seems to be making their living spaces look like the waiting rooms at dentists offices. Look what a "minimalist" did to this poor house, stripping away all its character and making it look like a cheap piece of crap.
Also stop painting wood kitchen cabinets white– stain them instead. White paint looks like shit, stain is much more timeless and classy.
No. 1269317
>>1269297If you'd read the OP you'd have known this thread is mostly about minimalism as a lifestyle and not a style. Also
>will be dated in less than ten yearsThat's true for any style or trend, the industry literally plans this out.
No. 1269330
>>1269288Thanks nona.
I don't think I'm the only person who thinks like that. We've been told to express ourselves through fashion and what we buy. Which would be fine in a less hyperconsumerist, fast-fashion society but it's of course all a ploy to make us buy more.
No. 1269398
>>1269297You’re not wrong and this bothers me about minimalism sometimes. Instead of living like someone from the past with fewer but more high quality things reflecting a highly curated personal taste, a lot of minimalists follow the same bland minimalist modern souless style. Simplicity and large empty spaces can be nice if done properly but not everyone does.
Regarding that house in particular though, that might have been done to try and sell it or to stop tourists annoying them. Minimalists don’t tend to do major house changes like that, not that I’ve seen anyway.
No. 1270294
>>1269297While the house you posted might not be the best example for reasons other anons have stated, I totally get what you mean. The boring grey, white, and beige decor you always see when people bring up minimalism makes me want to kermit sewer slide. It's already on the way out at least, you don't even need ten years.
Another retarded thing about modern minimalism is the idea that you have to get rid of everything to fit this sterile aesthetic/lifestyle. While I understand downsizing, the people who get rid of perfectly good items and clothing just to replace it with "sustainable" or "quality" items should all rope. It's obviously just another consoomer fad to a lot of people, but this one gives them an excuse to virtue signal so it's even more annoying.
No. 1270869
>>1270294Yeah, the most sustainable clothes are the ones already in your wardrobe.
I don't think there is anything wrong with homes in neutral colours, it's restful to the eye and I get the appeal. But I also think that it has taken over so that is what people think of when they think of a minimalist lifestyle. Like your home must look a certain way. But your home can be both colorful and free of clutter.
No. 1274134
So glad there's a minimalism thread.
After going through a maximalist/consumerist phase years ago I realized it's better to own less things, but of better quality,especially clothing.
However I still have some H&M and other fast fashion brand pieces that still hold up, even 8 years later, I've always been fascinated by how hit and miss those brands could be.
It feels really good to save money or redirect it towards stuff that you actually need (I renovated my kitchen and bedroom, it felt SO good).
>>1272644>>1272663I second Marie Kondo, it's legit advice that will help you.
>>1269297I really don't get this concept of minimalist = non colors that some people have.
No. 1274181
>>1274134I still have a very basic h&m t-shirt that I must have bought around 12-13 years ago. It was cheap also and the fabric still looks good and I've worn it a lot.
I still struggle a lot with not buying too many clothes and with getting rid of clothes I don't wear or have never worn because I spent money on them or I might wear them one day. I know I need to change the mindset on that but I also need to invest time in changing the habit and in decluttering.
What I got better at is not buying many physical media like films, games and books anymore. Since I bought an ebook reader a year ago I probably bought 2-3 books because I get everything digitally on pirate sites. Generally I pirate way more and I'm also considering getting rid of most of my dvd collection.
No. 1274270
>>1274134>>1274181I find fast fashion usually lasts ok if you buy things made of natural fabrics and take care of them properly (hand wash setting at 30 degrees, air dry, no colour mixing, store folded, etc)
I have a lot of clothes too and instead of getting rid of a lot of them (which makes no sense as I will eventually need new clothes and most of them are fine), I've decided to make a year round capsule wardrobe and store everything else. Seasonal capsule wardrobes that you have to update every few months seem too much work to me, yet being extra lazy and not putting anything in storage means my wardrobe is too overwhelming as there is too much choice.
When I want or need something new, I will "shop my stash" and take something from storage.
No. 1274471
>>1274452>>1274270I think you two have the right idea. There is no reason to get rid of clothing that you actually like and use unless you're drowning in stuff and need space.
To wear out your items and then only replace what you actually need could be a slow form of minimalism.
No. 1274582
>>1274471>>1274452Thanks, I’m glad it’s useful to you. For me, the whole point of minimalism is to be more sustainable, save time and money, and have less stress. Sorting and donating or selling would be too time consuming and stressful, plus it would mean my previous time and money spent would be rendered a waste.
No one actually cares if I own 5 items of clothing or 500 so why stress myself trying to create the perfect wardrobe right now. It doesn’t actually matter if I have a box of stored clothes or not as part of a transitional phase.
This is one of the things that bothered me about Marie Kondo. She says not to have back-ups, even for stuff you can use (such as toilet paper when you have coeliac disease) as you can always buy more. Except the pandemic shows that sometimes you can’t. And some countries don’t sell certain things or let you import them. Obviously don’t store stuff you won’t use but that’s not hard to distinguish.
Sorry for the rant but I don’t see my idea of transitional minimalism ever mentioned. It’s always declutter, declutter, declutter and then people buy again to match the ~aesthetic~ of minimalism or constantly buy and sell. It’s just a new hobby for them trying to get as few aesthetic items as possible without actually maximising the possible benefits of a minimalist life.
No. 1277740
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>>1277580There’s also Facebook Marketplace. If you don’t have a car some sellers will just deliver if you pay a little extra.
No. 1307834
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I'm going to get rid of a ton of things since I just finally got out of a long depressive state. I hoarded so much. I have way too many art supplies I don't even use anymore, and I have games I don't play, I have books I don't read, I have clothes that I don't wear anymore. It feels good to be free of this weight. I know what I'll keep, but I'll start this journey of clearing all this shit out. Feels good! I can't wait to make money off selling some of my anime merch on ebay too kek
No. 1307934
>>1307872Hehehe I think so. It always makes me melt looking at it. Perfect round head
>>1307853Thank you! I believe in you to do it Nonna
No. 1311280
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Bump dont scroll
No. 1320008
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Bless this thread. I've loved reading through you nonas' experiences and challenges with minimalism. It's not something I share with many people IRL so discussion like this are rare and delightful.
Any nonas have books/blogs/shows/films they'd recommend for motivation/inspiration regarding minimalism? Be they directly about minimalism or present aesthetics that fuel the drive to get rid of items. I'm always looking for more media to learn more on the topic. I've read the more prevalent titles mentioned in this thread like Spark Joy, Goodbye Things (my go-to), and Swedish Death Cleaning. Loved all of these and found they all had different values and techniques I could apply in my own framework.
No. 1328188
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>>1328185Proud of you nonna!
No. 1333615
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I've been into minimalism for a few years now after getting clean from substances, decided I wanted to start on a clean slate. Minimalism has really changed my life, I've consumed less and have saved up money from my frugality.
Currently obsessed with Rick Owens's home, this one is a bit more brutalist but I love the bed, it looks very comfy.
No. 1333640
>>1333615Im sorry
nonnie but I had to google it in hopes the ceiling and walls would look better and… whys it so rough looking kek I’m glad you’re getting clean though and I wish you nothing but the best!
No. 1341069
>>1337152Literally came into this thread because of this issue. Most of the stuff that clutters my room are art/craft supplies. I can't just get rid of it all.
What are my options? I know "storage" is obvious, but I need most of this stuff to be easily accessible or it makes my job incredibly difficult.
No. 1341593
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>>1341069It really depends how much you own. I have a sewing machine that i store inside my wardrobe along with fabrics that i store inside a small drawer. I just try to avoid buying stuff I don't have a plan for in that regard. For other art stuff like pens, pencils and paper I have been successful in shoving it all in a drawer like pic related. I don't really care if the inside of my drawers are messy personally. I keep the drawer next to the desk and it takes up barely any space. i want to get a sewing cabinet so it's more convenient to use the sewing machine and I have all my sewing supplies right in front of me instead of having to rummage in my wardrobe. Btw, don't worry nonnies, i used a coupon, i paid significantly less than what is being showed.
No. 1341598
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>>1341593Same fag, but I have also seen these drawer things that might be useful for you. It's unlikely you can put anything heavy inside them though. I've bought one of these but unfortunately they are only compatible with desks that have considerable depth so it was a no go for me.
No. 1427035
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Thought I could post some Scandinavian minimalist interior. There’s a lot of Japanese inspired posted here but I find their minimalism to sometimes lack color. I also feel like Scandinavian minimalism is more realistic than Japanese minimalist interior design that rely on emptiness.
No. 1433204
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i cleaned out my life a bit more than a year ago and then moved like 8 months ago and i still managed to declutter so much stuff that i have four of those big blue ikea bags to get rid of. it's really interesting how much stuff you accumulate in such a short period of time…
i also decided to get rid of my notebook and stationery collection. i'm probably giving it away to coworkers. i journal but i don't particularly like excessively using stickers and washi type in my diary, so i'm trying to use up everything i have and not buy any new stuff.
i also want to apply a minimalist mindset to my diet and hopefully break negative eating habits (overeating, eating while distracted).
No. 1454588
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I’m not going hard in the yard into minimalism but the past two days I’ve been reorganizing and getting rid of crap. Yesterday I begged my husband to let me buy an OMAR metal shelf from IKEA and our laundry closet looks so much better than it did. Still working on filling the shelves as I go.
No. 1696619
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I've been exploring minimalism for the past couple of months and I've hit a wall regarding kitchen/food items. For some reason kitchens and eating is so overwhelming to me, there's always too much going on. How can I keep kitchen utensils and food items to a minimum while eating a balanced diet?
No. 1698700
>>1696619I'd start with eliminating cups, bowls, plates you don't reach for either because of seasonality or they are a pain to clean. Get rid of one use items too unless its a frequented one. I personally have a juicer cause oranges by the pound can be cheaper than buying a jug of juice. Only keep enough silverware for you and a roommate if needed. Maybe around 3 pairs before throwing in dish washer. I own 3 bowls, 4 plates, around 5 sets of silver, 2 main cutting knives, 2 peelers, a set of mixing bowls, cabinet of spices, cutting board, and some mugs that are not delicate. Hardly anyone visits so there isn't a need to keep 4 peoples worth of stuff. In terms of food if it goes to waste a lot because you don't actually want to eat it, stop buying it. Dont want to eat kale but keep buying it for nutrition? stop. Buying too much meat or other goods at once thinking it will be made in time? just make a different trip to the store after youve done the first food prep meal. Try to keep staples always like olive oil, another oil, butter, eggs, vegan replacements, real/fake dairy, that way you can always build with them. Always able to bake something or suddenly make some stir fry.
No. 1775597
>>1775572You have to internalize that as long as your clothes: are clean, aren’t full of holes, aren’t oversized in ways that would show they got like that after years of not taking proper care of them, undersized, unpolished or clearly damaged; no one will care at all, unless you have to go somewhere where people do care a lot, like, idk, a place where people spend their days checking out everyone’s outfits like hawks, so maybe a governmental office or a church.
You may get a few comments from friends or family asking “why do you wear almost the same stuff in all of your pictures??” Or “I saw you wearing this same outfit last week??” But the best response to that is
I wash my clothes.
No. 1780066
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I’m a big fan of midcentury modern, 70s boho minimalism. Do any other nonas like this style?
No. 1780068
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No. 1780079
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I also find it SO hard to keep my kitchen decluttered, I cook all the time and so find the need to have things that seem to be the same but aren’t, like my immersion blender and stand blender. I am looking forward to Christmas and new years because I usually get new kitchen stuff (a big butcher’s block cutting board so far) and it inspires me to clean out and give things away since I’m excited to find a place for my new things. I’ve had great luck with Buy Nothing groups on Facebook, there is always a need for well-taken-care-of items. I have a set of pots and pans I’ve been thinking of thinning out, I have a big pot with inset strainers that could replace my stock pot, but my stock pot matches my two frying pans and little soup pot. They’re Calphalon but the nonstick coating has actually started to erode on my bigger frying pan, I’ve become a big fan of cast iron and use those pans more often.
No. 1780089
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>>1780078Literally Nona. I cry. If I could build my dream rich 70s Californian home, I would absolutely include a raised entrance, something like pic rel. I have terrible luck getting my relatives to take their shoes off when they come inside, and I always clean the fuck out of the floors before I have lots of people over. I’m afraid to ask because I feel like people will be insecure about their feet so I’ve considered getting slippers for guests, but still feel like I’ll get strange looks.
No. 1795491
>>1775572I wish I own your amount of clothes! I have at least 5 of each item i downsized so much but I still have so much left to donate but I can’t seem to get rid of any more I have hit a brick wall so I made a note of the clothes I have and if I don’t wear them in the next 5 months i will get rid them too. I’m still ashamed to say I have around 50+ items of clothing and 6 pairs of shoes.
But honestly don’t worry what others might say just say what
>>1775597 ‘I wash my clothes’ if you think your outfit the same all the time try changing how you wear the item maybe tuck your top into your trousers one day and the next day untucked and maybe play around with different hairstyles so people focus on that instead. But you will find people really don’t care what what others wear or do we are all so wrapped up in our own bubbles
No. 1831382
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i decluttered everything and i can't run from myself anymore
No. 2343696
>>2343660How obsessive are you about decluttering and finding the perfect thing?
The woman in the video above has another video where she declutters 3 sharpies because she doesn’t need them anymore right now which just seems very wasteful unless she was able to pass them onto someone. Pretty sure she will need a pen again in the future. Even if the pen thickness is not idea, just use them up instead of buy-declutter-buy.
Other minimalists seem to show a different kind of consoomerism where they focus on finding the perfect thing and then declutter the ok thing they had before. I’d love to see an under consumption extreme minimalist but I guess they would have zero content beyond a room tour. Or maybe that’s just normal poverty living.