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No. 675792
Be honest with thy word
previous thread:
>>>/ot/653758 No. 675795
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I never want to do the 50/50 thing with a man, financially.
Man wants me to live with him, he pays the bills. In exchange, I exist in his vicinity so he feels blessed every day to have someone who will cuddle him, ask how his day is, kiss him and genuinely care when he comes home instead of having to throw himself into shitty, empty hobbies and porn addiction. He doesn't appreciate it? That's fine, I leave.
Women underestimate how important they are to a man's life and it's insane honestly. Men fall into disrepair over that feelie when no gf, without fail. They are fundamentally broken beings. Most women dislike being alone because we want someone to give our love to, and to be loved by. Men will literally kill innocent people and themselves if they're alone, even if they don't even have any love in their hearts to give. It's messed up and we are not the same.
My requirements: Cherish and love me, don't be ugly/fat, pay the bills, give me money to look cute, don't be a stupid enough bitch to make me upset, and I will cherish and love you too, be a ray of sunshine in your life, make beautiful memories with you, and ensure that you are at least 60% less likely to join the male suicide statistic.
All my money is for my own upkeep should you fail to provide, and also to allow me to get the fuck away from you if you mess up.
This is more than a fair deal, and if any male can't afford it, he doesn't deserve it.
No. 675812
>>675795This tbh.
I also would never go 50/50 with a man. Most men today are sadly dusties and most women think they need to "prove" themselves to men and split the bill but this mindset only benefits men. Fuck liberal feminism. Always remember that you are worth it & are the prize.
No. 675848
>>675812>>675815Men talk about how women are high-maintenance because we might want a nice gift every now and then, but not the fact that men are psychologically high-maintenance because of
toxic masculinity and them being actually unhinged or just emotionally retarded. Also, the fact that they literally lower our lifespans and that we are statistically at high risk of intimate partner violence precisely because of how psychologically high maintenance they are.
We "prove" ourselves by giving their asses the time of day, lol.
>>675834You just sound like you’re projecting your own inferiority. It's not even about me specifically or what I do. Think of how many simps literally pay Twitch titty streamers who don't give a fuck about them to say their name and a “thank you” just for the emotional high. It’s a function, not a glitch. Men mentally die without women acknowledging them and being nice to them. It barely matters how we do it.
Aside from that, I didn't just magically come to this conclusion. I first started to think seriously about it because my own boyfriend literally tells me how much he appreciates me and what I do for him every day, and he doesn't expect shit from me except to love him. I didn't get it at first because I thought what I was doing was just normal, but eventually, I thought about what I do for him, how much I did in my last relationship that was never reciprocated, how most men treat their female SOs and the roles that women often play, and just put two and two together.
Women spend so much time thinking they bring nothing to the table if they're not meeting the physical and monetary parts 50/50, even though more often than not, we fill out emotional demands 80/20. Ask almost any girlfriend, mother or wife, she’ll basically tell you the same about her role if she bothers to even tally up what she does.
The woman is traditionally the “heart” of the relationship, but we’re also expected to make money and do chores while the man acts like a maladjusted child?
And they already make more money than us on average because of sexist hiring practices and institutions beyond our control, but we need to pretend it’s all equal? It’s a huge fucking scam. Get the fuck out of my face with your fake equality if you buy it lol.
If you feel more humble and worthy pretending nothing we do is worth anything unless we're giving them money or sex, that’s you, but please stay down there and don’t try and drag others down with you.
No. 675866
>>675860Because I actually can care for someone if I know they care for me, aren’t being complete selfish assholes and are trying in earnest, in spite of their issues. Especially if they’re actually growing and learning as a result of me being there for them.
That’s kind of the nature of any good relationship. I’m surprised you’d even ask, I’ve only ever seen actual, literal narcs be unable to comprehend something this simple, lmao.
Women who opt out of relationships completely because they haven’t found any man worth their time are valid too, though. It’s like males are getting worse and worse every day, and pick mes are just coping harder in response, lol No. 675921
>>675920Brokeness would being male, having the financial world handed to you on a silver platter and still demanding that women cover your bills by half.
Entitlement would be demanding to have all your emotional needs met, then denying the importance and existence of those needs so you look better when you demand more.
Stick to your budget and you won't have to get so annoyed by posts like this. Everyone to their own category.
No. 675942
>>675926I get how it might look that way, but honestly, even tradthots believe that women need to do something for men, like have babies and do chores. IMO, women don't really need to do anything. Just being there and giving attention while being female upgrades a man's life automatically, let alone actually caring about him and accepting (and trusting) him enough to live with him. It lends the whole relationship a crazy imbalance that makes it senseless for women to add money or physical labor on top.
Even a man with the most
problematic girlfriend on earth likes being able to say "My girlfriend" more than "I don't have a girlfriend", and that's why MGTOW fails.
No. 675996
>>675795Reality is an awful lot of men resent spending money on a woman if they are not getting alot in return. If sex slows down after the honeymoon phase he'll feel entitled to berate you like a child. If you won't do anal after he's asked a million times he'll throw the money issue in your face as leverage. He'll treat you like a child because he's supporting you and that creates that dynamic in his mind.
Nice fantasy, good luck not having men eventually turn resentful and controlling because you set them up to feel 'owed more' IME a man who thinks you're in debt to him is dangerous.
No. 676007
>>676001They're not paying for company, they're paying for long term sex
> they will always stay their likeable selvesNo you'll age and they will hate paying the same rates for you as you age
No. 676026
>>676024Surgical masks are the ones my workplace provides for free, that's why I use them.
I have a cloth mask but it's so poorly made I either look like Dumbo afterwards or it just falls off my face, no inbetween.
No. 676038
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>>676029They're helpful, but they're not perfect. It's better than nothing.
The surgical mask that anon is referring to is probably the thin one that is only a little better than the cloth mask.
A link on effectiveness of cloth masks:;dr: they're not useless
No. 676061
>>675984I already pay for myself, though. Paying to live with a man, though? Nope
>>675996This is the
>He doesn't appreciate it? Fine, I leave.and
>Don't be a stupid enough bitch to make me upsetThis is why you don't date fully unabashed retards lmao, and as I said before, keep your own money so you're never stuck at their mercy.
It's not even a fantasy, just how I am.
No. 676075
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I spent 400 dollars on the Hello Kitty x dolls kill collab and I hate myself so fucking much but I don't care because I love HK.
No. 676249
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I love when the OPs to these threads are pissed off nuns. Makes me giggle. Also, OP nun is cute as fuck.
No. 676283
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>>676261I guess we’re both quite autistic because I love sending texts but I despise the sole idea of phone calls and meetings that are longer than 2 hours. I just get so tired, you can even notice how my face goes from focused and interested to a tired old cat face.
No. 676467
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I wish people bred like seahorses
No. 676484
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As soon as I feel safe going to the doctors I'm going to see if I can get diagnosed with adhd and get a Ritalin prescription because I'm seriously at my wits end with procrastination and maladaptive daydreaming, it's destroyed what little hope I had of getting into university and is just ruining my life in general lol wish me luck
No. 676489
>>676481>I thought it was some action thriller or something like about an ex-soldier and that maybe Asgard was just part of his delusionOMG that would be SO MUCH BETTER movie and I would watch it. DAE have any suggestions in this vein? The one movie that comes to my mind is
Jacob's Ladder which I've seen already.
No. 676706
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i'm a queer who never remembers what any of these flags mean besides the regular old rainbow one.
also endlessly confused as to why asexuals are somehow part of the queer community… nobody is committing hate crimes against virgins or celibate people.
No. 676724
>>676706The only ones that should be there are the gays, lesbians and bisexuals.
Everyone else can fuck off.
No. 676731
>>676719It's sometimes just a matter of luck. I was bored one time and outed a self poster based on one image that didn't show up in reverse image search but was relatively easy to dig up in 10 minutes by looking up a couple of hashtags. Sometimes anons also leave certain subtle hints where to look at.
For extra fun look up the "" search term on Twitter and you'll find a ton of twitter snowflakes, trannies and scrotes seething over the site and cowtipping.
>>676706>also endlessly confused as to why asexuals are somehow part of the queer communityBecause they're "oppressed" by people telling them to fuck off from LGBT circles. That's literally it.
No. 676741
>>676738i'm actually only
>>676737 &
>>676732dunno who
>>676735 is
>>676739 but yeah i'm straight and asexual i don't think asexual should be in the lgbt community and don't see myself as "queer" for not liking sex ahahah
No. 676744
>>676740>>676741straightie doing damage control once they've been called out
you guys always get so offended and pissy over nothing at all lol
No. 676750
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Idk wtf is going on right now but….
No. 676753
>>676744Yes, it's everyone else who is
triggered, only kweer OP is the true lgbtqwerty who won't even divulge what she is
>>676749wtf does this mean? Lesbians only act a certain way? Can't wait to be assumed straight for disagreeing with you
Anyway, maybe we can get back to confessions. I'm angry at my friend who is depressed, but I know I shouldn't be. It's just that she acts rude and doesn't seem open to getting better. It would sound horrible to say that though. wish I could help
No. 676755
>>676753talking about political lesbians i guess,
and yeah i get you, i don't have the patience for depressed friends, i'm glad my friends were here for me when i was but ugh, it's infuriating
No. 676756
>>676755oh yeah, if she meant that then ok. I thought anon was referencing those in the thread who didn't give an indication either way. lesbians can have opinions about "queer" lol
anyway with friends, that's exactly how I feel. maybe it comes with having had depression yourself, you don't want to deal with that mindset anymore. Also, there's things I had to learn to feel better, but you can't force someone else to realize those things. So frustrating
No. 676765
>>676758lol that actually makes sense given what I said in this
>>676715 post. lots of cognitive dissonance in those ones
No. 676785
>>676768Is this still queer op? I'm not the other lesbianon (I'm
>>676713 ), just thought it was weird since people who use queer as the term for themselves are often the same types to be familiar with flags.
Women I know who use it choose to because they're unsure if they're bi or fully les, but it's really not a big deal whatever you are.
Sorry it turned into this, good grief.
No. 676817
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>>676706Things produced by normal relationships
>Life A dull lifeless flag is chosen to represent this
Things produced by non-normal relationships
>Diseases>Mental illnesses >Pedophilia and many other criminal fetishesBright cheerful rainbow are chosen to represent this
What exactly did they mean by this?
(bad bait) No. 676823
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>>676817Oh no, not bait on laughoutloud cow dot farm.
No. 676830
>>676785>just thought it was weird since people who use queer as the term for themselves are often the same types to be familiar with flags. If you got off the internet and met real life humans in the community you’d see it’s a very old reclaimed term. Only online did it become this OMG OFFENSIVE WE THE TWITTER USERS MUST RECLAIM IT thing and become associated with gender specials.
Christ you’re all autistic
No. 676864
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it's so hard for me to maintain a healthy diet when it gets cold. For the rest of the year I have no problem with it, but during autumn and winter I just crave fat and sugar and I eat all kinds of pasta with big amounts of cheese, cheesecake, chocolate and whole eggs. An extra 2 or 3 kg won't kill me but uhhhhh
No. 676913
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>>676864same I can't eat a fucking salad in winter I need something warm and salty and substantial. A healthy soup doesn't do it for me, I need something loaded with calories. I fucking hate biology man I don't need fat stores for the winter there is plenty of food body omfg
No. 676983
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>>676980samefag but she just does this fucking thing where she buzzwords all of my boyfriends interests like "ohohoh check out this cool thing I started doing because you started doing it" GET FUCKED. ugh. I'm seething rn tbh.
I have no reason to be angry about it since he's my bf and loves me and yet here I Am.
No. 677003
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>>676980>>676983do you want me to beat her ass anon?
No. 677011
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>>676983>>676980anon you just gotta remind yourself that he's with you and not her for a reason, it's gonna be ok
No. 677019
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>>677003>>677011Ahh thank you anons. love you both. I will remind myself!
No. 677051
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>>676980Fucking bitch, I hope your moid is at least uncomfortable because that’s basically the same as if one of his friends started calling you *~babe~* or sent you 300 heart emojis for every single thing you said.
That bitch needs to know her motherfucking place.
No. 677071
>>676980Have a dude flirt with you in the same ways in front of him, let him complain and then tell him to cut off the girl if he sees a problem.
If he doesn't complain, that's not your boyfriend. Also, he and that other girl are fucking.
No. 677090
>>677074There's a reason why most cultures hate gay men, most of them are just ultra coomers who spread disease and groom boys. Not even stereotyping, gay men admit it themselves and its clear to see in gay culture. Go back to stigmatizing gay men I'm tired of their shit both in my personal life and in society.
They still act entitled to women's bodies, have had gay men molest me in a jokey 'but I'm gay so its ok' way, they expect female solidarity from you but only want to take take take, literal degenerates who want to casually talk about how gaped their asshole was last night, have mantrums if you don't treat them like one of the girls, etc… Not befriending gay men ever again. Waste of time.
No. 677142
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I had head lice for literally 7 years in middle and highschool and they were treatment resistant superlice that wouldn't go away no matter what I did and I ended up giving it to all my friends multiple times and just pretended that I had no idea how they got it because I couldn't own up to the truth.
It finally went away once I went to college but to this day I haven't told a soul outside my family and it is the secret I will take to my grave.
Honestly in retrospect I'm sure people could tell so the fact I still have any friends from that time means they are real ones.
No. 677153
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I knew that male seahorses carry the babies (seafoals?) before I knew humans didn't hatch from eggs
No. 677157
>>677155/pt/ is pixiteri the queen of lolcow
/w/ I always assumed meant weebs
No. 677213
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>>677157>>677187Lmao anons thank you I get it now
No. 677294
>>677215I bought a house alone 2 years ago and one of the first neighbors I spoke to started bumping into me an unbelievable amount of times , every single time I leave the house… drives me mental that yes some loner is watching me and learning my schedule in order to bump into me 2/3 times every single day. That and I noticed where his eyes tend to rest when looking at me. I got the advice on here a while back to give him the 'gray rock method' where I say hi but come across as boring and emotionless and uninterested/uninteresting lol.
I say hi in a monotone and I keep walking. I would love to totally ignore him but I moved to a small town and other neighbors are friendly with him so I don't want the locals to turn on me if he gets butthurt and makes out to people like I'm blanking him because I'm just some stuck up bitch who moved here from the city. I did feel panicked and unsafe at one point thinking this shit would escalate because at first he would shout after me needing to know why I'm suddenly not so animated or chatty. But I persevered and it's working.
Sorry for the long story but my point is even if you're unlucky enough to met some creep loner most will luckily fit into that category of simply being annoying.
No. 677554
>>677142omg anon, i had head lice for 2 years or so during middle and high school but didn't tell anyone and it was so bad the bugs were falling off on my desk and i think noone ever noticed
until my sister saw my hair on an escalator
the thing is in two years i did not give it to anyone in my close family and friends
but to think i was one of those people going to the movies with lice ugh what a disgusting pos
No. 677650
>>677142>>677554My best friend in middle school had lice for like 3 years and she kept giving them to me. I mentioned it to her multiple times but she would just ignore it and pretend she didn't hear me and there wasn't any problem. The fuckers were huge too, you could actively see them walking around in her hair.
I wasn't going to stop being friends with her over something stupid like that but as a result I obsessively tore apart my hair with a lice comb every single day. I was very squirmish and couldn't sleep otherwise.
It still baffles me how she wouldn't just acknowledge the problem and do something about it, but apparently it happens more often than I thought.
No. 677666
>>677650She'd defiantly have
abusive or neglectful parents then if they left it for that long anon
No. 677743
>>677738the first time people do this to me, I say something like "well that sucks"
the next time, I just block them
No. 677744
>>677666As far as I was aware it wasn't an
abusive household, but they did have some issues that definitely could have contributed to the problem. I don't blame her for being embarrassed, but I do wish she wouldn't have been so dismissive of me trying to help. Accepting help is hard, especially if it's something you feel ashamed of, but I hope she didn't think it would lower my opinion of her or anything, since in the end it was such a trivial matter.
No. 678051
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I'm lowkey worried that thanks to having joined a non-zero number of lc discords I may have "met" virtually everyone who frequents this website
No. 678064
>>678060I mean, that's just making peace with reality. It's fine to find their fashion and language cool and interesting. The people are never as perfect as weebs make them out to be and that's ok.
slightly off topic sorry but I remember going there once and as part of an outreach program I went to a poorer district with some other girls to help at a soup kitchen and a bunch of the men were yelling at us (in japanese) but it was clearly catcalling because they were doing jerk-off/humping gestures. I was a 15 year old then with an idealized image of Japan and that deffo ruined it.
No. 678076
>>678060Just sounds like maybe you grew up, anon? I don’t mean you were necessarily immature before but possibly you viewed Japan in an idealized way without fully accepting that it’s an imperfect place, like anywhere else?
I’ve grown out of things which I never thought I would (‘it’s not a phase, mom!’ kek). It’s part of life.
No. 678093
>>678060Saying this as the anon in the last thread who fantasized over going back to Japan with a shitty language teacher job, I think that's normal. I don't give a fuck anymore about a lot of things I cared about way too much before, like specific fashion trends, anime, manga, some bands and singers, etc. I like the daily life in Japan and a lot of small things I find convenient but that's it. Way before that I also felt the same about the USA, I grew up as a total ameriboo and the more I learned English at school and by practicing during my free time, the more I learned about the country and the more of a shithole it seems to me. I still want to visit NY someday though.
>How they handled Corona was also not in their favorI wonder if the government would have fucked up as much if it weren't for the Olympics. Something's telling me they wouldn't have cared either way.
No. 678311
>>678039Thanks anon, it is hard because I miss having a sibling, we were really close at one point in my childhood. It's not just their lifestyle choices, but we have nothing in common and I just think his personality is terrible. It's hard to talk to him because he's really materialistic, closed-minded and manipulative, he's one of those people whose interests revolve around like, apple products and disney movies and he marvel franchises and that's it. It makes me feel like I'm talking to a teenager. His wife is the same way except she can be pretty malicious, so just being in the same room as them is exhausting. I've actually tried to have a heart-to-heart with him on a couple occasions through text and he just didn't reply.
It's weird, he used to be so different. He changed for the worst.
No. 678339
>>678333I honestly didn't feel a thing at first either time, it's surprisingly not as painful as you would think. It's like a warm shooting pain.
4. I have spent $600 on stuffed animals before.
5. Once when I was in high school I wrote a (sfw) fanfiction-like story about all of my teachers and turned it in for English class.
6. Once I accidentally played Bjork at a high school party and everyone was like wtf, so to "play it off" I fell to the floor and said that I was on pills like Cassie from Skins.
No. 678343
>>6783394. at once or in total?
5. did you at least change the names?
No. 678349
>>6783434. At once, and to make it worse it was from aliexpress, it took like 3 months for all of the bags to show up. (Like 3 months after the first bag showed up not 3 months after I ordered.)
5. Nope…
No. 678375
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I genuinely don't believe I will ever love a real person wholely freely deeply and unconditionally like I can fictional characters. What's worse is I think I'm okay with that. Such impossible one-sided love doesn't hurt one bit, it in fact fulfills me greatly. At worst, I get a bit touch starved, which is extremely easy to mitigate given our hookup technologies.
Meanwhile, reciprocated healthy irl relationships are still fucking a landmine, utterly unromantic unstimulating and underwhelming, too exhausting for too little reward. Sex is 100% better in my head than it is with 99% of males. 3DPD men simply have nothing worthwhile to offer me.
No. 678388
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my dad just slapped my ass before I entered the shower and its been haunting me
No. 678401
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>>678375As a little girl, I believed that I'd avoid relationships because I understood that 2D men were often idealized and media didn't provide accurate portrayals of romance. I figured I could never get a close approximation of what I craved in the real world and I didn't want to lower my standards, so relationships weren't worth the time. And honestly I was fine with that as well. I preferred to enjoy the fantasies in my head rather than being hurt and disappointed. Now, after a man came along who convinced me against all odds that soulmates just might exist, whose presence made my heart flutter, who has given me 7 years of marriage…
I realize little me was right.
Fuck scrotes I'm never giving my heart to a 3D scum-sucking shit stained pusspig again.
No. 678407
>>678395I was about to enter the bathroom and I was walking through the hallway, when my dad got out and slapped me in the ass for no reason. I trusted him for a long time but this was a complete 180. Sorry because I worded it incorrectly.
>>678396also ur fine anon kek
No. 678412
>>678375I get you, anon, I feel like 3DPD people are kind of disappointing, specially the men.
Tbh, I can’t wait to be able to live on my own so I can get a bunch of body pillows and other husbandofag shit, i don’t care about the people around me as much as I care for the few anime guys I actually like.
No. 678433
>>678273I'm the same, but I don't mind having a large collection because it's all there when I want it and I don't have to wait for it download (I hate streaming on free sites because my connection isn't that great and video buffering makes me angry). Especially with shows which are frequently 10+ GB which can take a long time to finish downloading for me.
No. 678590
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>be eating junk food
>throw it away before I finish it out of guilt
>start craving it later
>take it out of the trash and eat it
I’ve done this multiple times
No. 678619
>>678581that's a common intrusive thought i have when i give a blowjob
i wonder how hard it would be to bite a dick off
No. 678690
>>678643idk, i just was like, fuck it. if a man doesn't want to value me as a person because of hair down there we are absolutely not soul mates. i can't imagine doing that without expecting the man to also be shaving his balls or whatever.
plenty of men who aren't into little-girl-porno-vagina aesthetic like hair. just as many women aren't into the "perfect chiseled abs with a hairless body" thing a lot of men are idealized into.
No. 678733
>>678339oh anon, this makes me feel better about the essays I turned in for high school. I was a fujo freak at the time and though they werent romantic or explicit all the stories I wrote involved twinky male characters to the point my English teacher called it out in front of everyone how he thought it weird a teenage girl always writes male characters. I felt so SEEN, he probably knew.
For the same teacher I also wrote a horrificly edgy and explicit essay about a school shooting inspired by this awful screamo song. We don't even live in a country where school shootings happen but he refused to finish reading it nevermind giving it a grade. I sometimes wonder why no-one thought to check in on me more even if it was surface-level edginess.
No. 678795
>>678733>also wrote a horrificly edgy and explicit essay about a school shooting inspired by this awful screamo song. We don't even live in a country where school shootings happen but he refused to finish reading it Kek I want to hear more about this story, what made it so bad that he gave up reading, did he say?
I was never a thirsty fujo but I wrote an edgelord story about Mary Sue who cares kidnapped and murdered by her obsessive online stalker which made it into the school paper somehow. Looking back on it I really want to know what I was trying to say with it, because like most anons I spent all of my time talking to paedo scrotes online. Was I becoming self aware or was I just being the edgy equivalent of romantic? I'll never know
No. 678936
>>678375Every passing year, I give less of a fuck about irl romance and get closer to being at peace with husbando life. I’m only mid 20s but I want to build a house with some spinster friends already.
>>678401Fuck, I can’t believe people meme about “just give up and settle” unironically nowadays. I’m always the settler in a relationship my whole life and I’m fucking sick of that.
No. 679081
>>679077It’s very obvious. Reading comprehension is a valuable skill
>I report anon that formats like this-My post was clearly the example. How much
clearer could I be?
No. 679083
>>679081>like this"this" being the post you quoted.
if you wanted to be clear the space should've gone after "this"
No. 679084
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Feels bad having to be on the closet (homophobic conservative country and family), there's this super cool artsy girl who is really into me and we have great chemistry but alas I have to keep trying to date scrotes because society or something
No. 679085
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>>679063Somewhat related but I also hate when there's random posts like this with quotes and no text. I think it might be from phone users who are accidentally pushing buttons.
No. 679086
>>679083 Nah
>>679065 understood I really don’t think it’s that difficult.
>>679082It’s okay. I’ll just keep reporting
No. 679094
>>679089it kind of is, especially if they
they're likely reddit fags. also: rule #5
No. 679124
>>679103And half the time not saging. Someone else called them out in the egirls thread
>>679096Op; it is noticeable and it’s been way too prevalent recently that’s why I’ve been tripping.
No. 679321
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god I just want a cute, tall, strong guy, but I don't want him to be super smart, I don't want him to be interested in politics, I just want him to be kind and sweet to me and other people. I wouldn't care if he has education, as long as he can support himself and do stuff around the house. I wouldn't mind earning more money than him either kek
No. 679439
extreme budgeting
No. 679483
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idk if i should put this here on the vent thread. idk im a stupid bitch. i reported the man in the pic to the cops for grooming me and they didnt do anything because they didnt find me credible. they didnt even look into it or look at the emails he sent me they just closed the case. 5 years later they catch him with child porn on his computer but they dont charge him because he gets a good lawyer and "no priors". he managed to use the defense "my computer was hacked" lol. When I found out I spent a year battling the cops over bringing new charges for grooming me but they said it was too long ago now. he got away with it all. He used to threaten to kill me if i told anyone, i had pictures of him posing with sex toys with his tongue out sent with messages saying he would kill me if i didn't behave. I was 13 and stopped leaving the house and became suicidal and started self harming.
it's been 15 years now and all i can do now is follow him around online. i contacted his work (gaming company huge shock) and they already severed ties with him for other reasons. i tried telling his wife but she wont listen, despite having young kids of her own. so all i do now is text him every few months telling him im still watching. it drove him off of facebook and some gaming clans. sometimes i call his house. i just make myself a constant presence in his life. i know its insane, i know im making myself ill. i just hate him so much he destroyed my childhood for no reason and now he gets a normal life and i have nothing. i have ugly fucked up scarred arms and he's a dirty fucking furry. his wife looks really nice and friendly, too. i just want to cry forever. sorry to sperg.
No. 679530
>>679499Nta, women who excuse their husbands of disgusting, unforgivable shit are abusers themselves. Bad people. That's why they're okay with being with bad people.
If one of her children comes to her saying her husband abused them, I guarantee she will excuse it away.
"You just
think that's what happened because you're stupid/crazy/jealous/a bad child."
"Why would you tell me? You wanted to make me feel bad? Well how could I trust the claim at all since I know you just wanted me to feel bad."
Neglect is abuse, it comes from wanton disregard for safety and wellbeing.
No. 679541
>>679483Anon, can you hire someone to solve your problem?
I phrase this as innocuously as possible. Even if not for your sake, those kids definitely aren't safe.
I want to say you're doing the right thing because he deserves all of this
at the very least, but it's not fair for you to carry the trauma of this shit twice.
There has to be some way to put him away or punish him, under the jail or otherwise.
No. 679602
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told my friend i'd be a reference for a dog adoption application. didn't tell her i fully intend to let the adoption agency know that she's in no way shape or form ready to adopt a dog (and a PUPPY at that) and that letting her have one would be setting the dog up to be neglected.
i feel kind of (like 10%) bad for agreeing to be the reference in the first place but honestly like… i'd feel a million times worse if she got the dog instead of someone who is prepared to give it a proper quality of life. at least i can give the agency a kind of forewarning in this case.
No. 679619
>>679483I just want to say, you are strong for continuing to monitor this freak and trying to prevent him from victimizing anyone else. I know pretty much all of us want nothing to do with our abusers and to just move on with life, so to subject yourself to even having his presence tangentially around is insanely tough. Thank you for doing this for other women's sake.
I do feel concerned for you that this is overtaking your life, and him continuing to play such a big role is still damaging you and preventing you from healing. Do you still have those pictures and messages by any chance? I agree that it would be great if you could look into resources/organizations to help. Aside from women's shelters (which may be able to direct you) and free legal resources, I know there are a lot of social media groups for local communities and that kind of shit. I used to live in a place where a local biker group went around to neighbors to inform people of what local sex offenders looked like and where they lived. It was pretty sick, I know not everywhere has a semi-vigilante citizen group like this but there's likely someplace you could make people aware.
No. 679635
>>679622Fam, I'm saying they aren't all brainwashed.
I watched my mom turn from a bra-burning card-carrying, all-men-are-pigs feminist into "Well it's okay if
he does it because that's different," apologist the second she met my stepdad.
Some bitches care more about having a relationship than their kids.
No. 679647
>>679635Not trying to invalidate your experiences with your mom (I'm sorry you went through that), but I feel it's common we end up holding sexist beliefs even when we think we're above it all. Speaking for myself, I thought I was fairly feminist, but when I got in an emotionally
abusive relationship I found myself rationalizing things I'd never dreamed of because I was subconsciously operating on the thought that my main goal in life should be to find my "true love" and support him, the whole "you do anything for your man if you love him" narrative that's pushed on us. Granted, the bad things he was doing were to me. It was when I realized he'd done bad things to other women that I left him, but only in time. I'm ashamed to say I tried to make excuses, but that was partly because he lied and manipulated me so much. Him being cruel to me should've been enough to realize he was a bad person, but society can make it hard to believe that. It took me spending time here and engaging with radfem material to see what was happening. Anyway sorry for blog posting, I'm not trying to excuse the fact it took me a while or what your mom did, just that I think these things can be more insidious than we realize sometimes.
No. 679654
>>679647Not trying to invalidate you back; the fact that you got away
because he hurt other people makes you different than the women who stay while watching their children shrivel up
You are a good person.
No. 679685
The way troons feel about being a woman, that's me, but with being skinny. I'm built like Doja Cat, but I feel like I'm meant to be Shelley Duval thin. When Venus went for that weight-loss surgery, I felt bad because I could easily see myself doing the same thing. I'm kind of irate that trannies can get free HRT and surgery to chop off their cocks and feminize their bodies because of their mental disorders, but if I want surgery to get rid of the fat on my body and amphetamines to help me achieve the body I want, I need to pay for it all and I will be shamed for it.
I resent my parents forcefeeding me in childhood and making me fat, and I heavily resent that even after losing weight to 110lbs, I still have fleshy, round parts to my body and certain physical markers that feel like some kind of eternal punishment. I actually think it's fine on other women (obv Doja Cat is hot), but on me, it feels like a nightmare. My boyfriend likes the way I look, but I don't care. It all just feels categorically wrong.
I wish I had been more conscious of food before puberty so I wouldn't have developed breasts or thick thighs or anything. It feels like there's so much damage I have to undo, and obviously, not everything will go away unless I get surgery. If I had been allowed to eat less in peace, or if I had been smart enough to find ways to hide food, I would've been fine.
Even in adulthood, despite losing weight in the typical "unhealthy" ways, I have literally none of the physical health downsides associated with ED sufferers. That proves to me that I'm not doing anything wrong, it's just how my body is meant to be. I even remember one time, when I was around 150lbs, someone touched a part of my body and told me I'm "meant to be skinny" because of how my bones jutted out, despite the rest of my body being chubby.
Sorry for longpost but I never get to talk about this frankly.
No. 679690
>>679685To be fair I don't think anyone, especially troons, need subsidized plastic surgeries.
Seems like the money would be better spent on getting your self-esteem fixed. Lord knows a dick chop nor a liposuction has ever automatically made someone like themselves. Usually when you cross one thing off your complaint list you find another thing about yourself to hate. It's an endless moving of goalposts, yet you'll find vultures constantly circling your life and egging you on in this futile effort because people have something to gain from your perpetual low self-esteem and making you feel like you'll never be good enough.
I don't mean to discredit your feelings, but people like Venus are really going to regret their bullshit.
No. 679703
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My bf got a transplant done last year and almost didn't make it. I hate that I dwell on it so much and he's doing fine now but I'm just so afraid of him dying.I think about it too often
Same with the future. The more I think about it the more worried I get rip.
No. 679708
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"venus as a boy" by bjork is probably the closest i have to a song describing a fantasy for me. i just imagine this beautiful, almost supernatural man coming from the mountains of iceland to give me the best sex of my life, super intimate and romantic yet erotic… and then he goes back into the forest or whatever again til i need him.
sigh. fiction is always better than reality
No. 679735
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>>679724Queen indeed. All women should have your attitude.
No. 679779
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When I was a kid, I used to pee in the sink.
Even if the toilet was right there… there was just something fun about hopping up on the sink and peeing in there. I also want to say for a while I autistically hated the sound of the toilet flushing. I also had a habit of peeing in the bathtub (no running water) for a while and would often accidentally put toilet paper in the bathtub.
When I was downstairs and no one was home, I would go ahead and pee in the kitchen sink because I would be too scared to go use the hallway bathroom.
I just had a phase between ages 7 and 10 where I fucking hated toilets, kek.
No. 679924
>>679748It’ll get better eventually anon. I used to get
triggered by so much stupid shit connected to my ex and now it doesn’t come to mind. Even his name, I associate firstly with someone else now. Just give it time.
No. 679949
i'm so embarrassed to admit this but i think i'm an incel, but i'm not a guy. i see other girls as competition and i despise them and everything the live for, seeing them get more than me fills me with rage because it's just not fair, i'm more than enough because i don't get offended at the same things other girls do, i don't have tiktok humor and i'm not a sensitive twat. when it comes to girls i find things they're bothered by, like homophobia, transphobia, etc. and i start saying stupid shit because it pisses them off, i'll fatshame random people to piss them off and it always works.
i think this has come from being bullied by girls as a kid, after reading this you probably wouldn't be surprised to find out i'm neurodivergent, i used to get bullied for it and i also grew up poor so i couldn't always afford to shower, get new clothes, that sort of stuff. i was an easy target and i remember i had a crush on a boy in the class and i didn't know you were supposed to keep that a secret, so when they asked i just told them. they told him and after that they outcasted me, they never included me in anything and they made fun of me for everything i ever did. i used to go online and see girls whore themselves out for celebrities and youtubers, it disgusted me that they didn't have any modesty and i grew to despise women expressing sexuality.
i've been called a ''pick me'' which means a woman who puts down other women for male approval, and the thing is.. i don't really do it for male approval, i hate the idea of women doing stupid shit for male approval and the only time i could ever do anything for male approval is if i had a crush on a guy. i just hate women. they always have their way with everything, they develop stupid trends that everyone jumps on and no one can insult them without being called a ''disgusting incel'' or some shit.
i hate pretty women, i hate skinny women, i hate fat women, i hate ugly women, i hate all women. they're always the dumbest because they come up with all sorts of retarded shit and can't handle criticism, valid or not. i'm so tired of this, it's really all over for me…
No. 680012
>>679949>i'm more than enough Hm, nah. You're a femcel spouting off about how much you hate women on a female-dominated imageboard and railing about how unfair life is to you. The reality is you get what you deserve for becoming a bully and failing to have the introspection to improve yourself and treat innocent people well despite what other people have done.
Get therapy.
No. 680017
>>679949Word you’re looking for is femcel. A lot of the behavior you described is something I feel like a lot of women and girls feel towards one another. Especially because of the way we are brought up to see each other as threats and competition. However, instead of getting stuck on your shitty traits, and saying it’s over for you… why not use that effort to find ways to unlearn the unhealthy things you’ve internalized?! At one point it wasn’t your fault, but you’re obviously a self aware adult and know you’re doing these
toxic things. It’s time to change the way you think, for the better. It’s not easy at all. But I wish you the best.
No. 680041
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>>679949>using how you were raised poor as a cope to make yourself seem less like a shit person.I don’t know, buddy, but that bothers me a lot. I get why you would grow up full of complexes, but seriously, how old are you to be going on about
muh Poor upbringing? You should just get over it. I get that it’s really shitty to think about how you got bullied for shit you weren’t responsible of, but you need some therapy to get over it.
You don’t have to forgive them, block those asshats everywhere and avoid them at all costs because they don’t even deserve a gaze or anything at all from you, but stop dwelling into stuff like those retards.
Don’t use how you grew up poor as a way to say “oh yeah, I’m bitter because of that, not totally because I just can’t grow up and be the mature person” it makes you look just like those retards on Twitter using disabilities or poc test points to make others disregard any shit behavior they have, it’s kind of sorta fucking gross, friend.
No. 680054
>>679949It's funny because some people here use "femcel" to insult women who dislike men, but all actual women who fit the definition of "femcel" hate women, not men.
Even using "-cel" is a stretch because you (and all other women) can still get dick, and unlike incels, lack of male attention/dick isn't even your problem.
You can grow out of this if you train yourself to dissect how irrational your hatred is. Is it helping you to hate other women in any real way? What does it do for you? Do you feel comfortable walking into a place when you're automatically harboring all those thoughts about complete strangers? How many opportunities do you think you've lost because you judged a lot of women negatively based off of nothing realistic? Ask yourself those questions and just go on.
No. 680079
>>680061I call him that ironically/as a joke to annoy him, and he does it back to me kek. I think the wires got crossed and I did it in bed. Awful.
>>680063He didn't acknowledge it at all, verbally or physically and still hasn't. Neither of us have said it jokingly either, though he's switched to "papi" exclusively since it happened Saturday lol.
No. 680106
>>680041>>680026>>680017>>680012>>680016>>680011thank you. i think this is what i needed and i've never told anyone about this, my upbringing isn't an excuse and seeing other's POV of my view on women has affected myself is a genuine shock because i'm really closeminded. i'm going to try and get help for this, i can't use a
victim complex to excuse this and i can't just keep ignoring this as it's not normal in the slightest. thank you for this
No. 680147
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>>680106I hope you do your best, anon
♥ ily No. 680209
>>680162You're gonna be in for a bad time when you realize nobody will take "O MY POOR UPBRINGING" as a
valid excuse for being a shit person.
No. 680340
Getting into gc/pp stuff has honestly really changed my perspective on men and sex.
I used to live the BDSM lifestyle almost 24/7. Getting degraded, being talked down to, being called slut/whore/bitch etc, put on leashes, calling my bf sir/Master whatever. I "enjoyed" all of that stuff until gc/pp so I guess I'm just really glad to be a woman.
I am not into 70% of that stuff anymore. I do still enjoy spankings but I have always enjoyed pain, I'm a masochist simply put and there genuinely nothing to be done about it. I was hurting myself before I even know what masochism was and enjoying it, a thrill… "Wow I can hurt myself and train myself not to feel pain, but joy?! Sign me up!"
I still do enjoy the look of collars and chokers, but I just find those genuinely aesthetically pleasing. Occasionally it's fun to slip back into the bdsm thing, just lightly, but as a lifestyle, I can't anymore.
When I would go to kink clubs, I felt really bad for the women that looked like they weren't there on their own. Their husbands looked like absolute pricks. They always wore 1950s attire and then would be publicly degraded. They always looked like they were genuinely afraid to step out of line. I think I'm too powerful to be treated like that, but I'm sure some of these women thought so as well. And now look at them. Getting glared at for speaking when not spoken to at some kink club.
No. 680355
>>680340>I think I'm too powerful to be treated like thatwhen previously
>I used to live the BDSM lifestyle almost 24/7. Getting degraded, being talked down to, being called slut/whore/bitch etc, put on leashes, calling my bf sir/Master whateverWhat.
No. 680376
>>680340I sometimes have difficulty reconciling my BDSM kinks with my identity as an authoritative, respected woman. I can’t watch BDSM porn (or really any porn) because the way the women are degraded is revolting.
I find that my perfect sexual balance is with a partner that understands being a sub is truly about aftercare, and the trust a sub puts in. Swingers’ clubs and the like are not where we belong.
The kink community is by nature full of weirdos, and heavy vetting should be done before engaging with someone.
No. 680389
>>680355Yes, but all of that shit was on my own terms. I'm not saying I was in the right mindset at the time but I did my own research into the lifestyle and had that lifestyle while single, before I even had a boyfriend. So while I might've fallen prey to the "Oh if you like bdsm and do sex work you are liberated and a free woman" meme, I wasn't in a relationship where I had a husband or a boyfriend making me do that stuff and then being a dick/having a tantrum if I didn't want to conform to it. So it wasn't like I met him and he was like "Oh now we should do BDSM stuff". I was never forced to do any of that stuff or forced to dress a certain way. I
thought I enjoyed it, but my point was that I'm able to say no to things without ruining my relationship. And I don't think I could ever be put in that position. I'm way too strong, personality wise, outside of the sex stuff.
I mean, some of the women I'd see just looked fucking depressed to be there. Never like they were having fun.
No. 680489
>>679435Basically they stopped being an issue once I left for college and had entirely new bedding+was completely responsible for myself and separated from my sister who kept giving them back to me. As for hairdressers my mom was too embarrassed but really couldn't manage it so we just did at home treatments every month or so.
I felt awful about it but it was this huge problem I couldn't fix despite all my efforts.
No. 680556
>>680492Noo anon, be proud of yourself for securing a good job! Good luck at your new job!
>>680504Social skills can be developed, they're just skills after all.
No. 680600
>>680376You won’t be able to reconcile anything because it’s entirely hypocritical.
Good luck with your weird shit.
No. 680731
>>680715I feel you. I'm in college and I like what I'm doing but I often fantasize about being me, but with other lives and careers.
For a while I wanted to be an actress so I can somewhat live different lives kek
No. 680734
>>679063>hates unnecessary spacing >leaves a space between the post quote and angry paragraph for reasons Why? Did you want to take up lolcow real estate and be
No. 680909
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Sometimes I purposefully make scrotes fall in love with me even if I don't like them so I can feel something. I then make their lives as emotionally tumultuous as is humanly possible. There is probably something wrong with me but I don't give a fuck anymore.
No. 680941
>>680914>>680932Just like
>>680926 anon said, simple as that. Let them talk- scrotes love talking about themselves, pander to their niche and sooner or later they'll be running into your arms.
No. 681041
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I'm literally afraid of group of kids, especially boys, and I still have nightmares about bullying, every fucking week
No. 681069
>>681046>but I call them "ma'am." I feel a bit bad because hey, I'm going to get older tooIt always astounds me when women from outside the American south get so offended by the word ma'am. Regional languages are so neat.
Also you are based. Continue your good work
No. 681077
>>681069I didn't even realize it was a thing until my bf mentioned how he calls customers "miss" to make them happy. Actual old ladies (like, full head of gray hair) don't mind "ma'am" at all. But older women (not old women) do not care for it at all.
Haha, thanks anon. Luckily I work at a small business with very understanding bosses so I can get away with it. And ngl it feels good to be able to exert some power in a retail job, even if it's small.
I haven't had to use it yet, but apparently all employees get one "go fuck yourself" to a customer and the manager will back you up. If i ever have to use it I will definitely tell the tale somewhere on lolcow
No. 681133
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i can't relate to those posts/memes about wanting hugs, cuddles, physical affection. like, to be single and long for that in your spare time, i just don't get it. is it purely a meme of a nice thought or is that the norm for others? I'm a little schizoid (but I still value relationships) so that might be all. plus I am not generous with my hugs unless it's my lil brother (then a lot) or i really want to.
I kind of think i may be normal for that though. it seems like a waste of time to miss cuddling that much that it makes you sad unless you just had a breakup. not that it's weird or wrong, but seems extra. i'm not even a scrote but the thing I ever think about wanting is sex, but not to their degree. When i'm in a relationship and care for someone then i would want to cuddle, but not when i have no specific person to want. or maybe Im fucked up from not lots of physical closeness from my parents
also i don't think it makes me superior but i am grateful i don't get sad over it. anyway i kind of think it's a meme to be uwu cutesy, or do people really get sad from that? if so i hope you get hugs when covid gone
No. 681514
>>681319i think it's also normal to not get the serotonin boost if you don't like physical contact to begin with, please don't feel alien about it. if it's something you dislike or aren't in the mood for, you obviously won't be able to relax during it. think of it like this: i'm a person that does get the serotonin boost…when i WANT to cuddle. if someone, even my bf for example, wrapped himself around me in a big hug when i didn't want to, i wouldn't get the boost, i'd get the same "please be over" feeling you do.
my sister is the same as you, kind of. she'll hug me and our family, but it's more like a greeting than because she enjoys the contact. she generally does not like being touched, especially not for prolonged periods of time, so i think it makes sense that she wouldn't get any sort of "feel-good" chemicals from cuddling.
No. 681520
>>681514then again my sister is also autistic, so that probably plays a role in her case
and i agree with
>>681457, don't have sex unless you actually want to.
No. 681978
>>679703My husband came close to dying the day of our wedding earlier this year and I think about it almost every day. It was very sudden and scary and I totally understand where you're coming from with being eternally spooked. I want to say it will change but honestly I don't know if I will ever be able to let go of this anxiety.
It will probably come up in conversation more than you want it to but I hope time will just fix it.
No. 682086
>>682083You don't, you're not a commodity.
You're priceless.
No. 682284
>>682254I feel you
nonny. I don't necessarily fuck in the hopes of a relationship (that's stupid). It's just that having sex is so much nicer and easier than actually dating someone and being emotionally vulnerable. So far I had sex with 10 guys in the past three months. Out of those there's only one that I feel for and am really bummed about.
Secretely I do hope I meet a nice man before I reach a body count like yours but that's just dreaming I guess.
No. 682351
>>682309I love plucking out the tiny hairs on my fingers, it’s usually difficult to achieve because they are light and hard to grab but so satisfying when they’re out.
Also I have one thick blonde hair on my cheek, like a whisker. I love plucking it every time it grows back and inspecting the thickness.
No. 682709
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Since the pandemic started I have washed and reused every disposable mask I wore. I only throw them out when the wire at the nose becomes orange with rust. I have worn, like, 5 masks, since this shitshow started.
No. 682847
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>>682709Hey anon. I was like you for a bit bc I couldn’t really find any flattering masks anywhere you can get some pretty good masks from old navy that aren’t super ugly and are fairly flattering. I wear the kids size cuz my face is on the smaller size but you can buy a pack of 5 for like ten bucks.
No. 683338
>>683331Too depraved to check for errors, whoops
But seriously, /soc/ is a bad idea right?
No. 683396
Go masturbate and stop being retarded.
No. 683425
>>683338It's a horrible idea.
This may sound lame (and is also my confession) but try laying in bed with your comfiest, freshly washed sheets and just appreciate your senses and touch. Feel the mattress below you, feel the sheets on top on you, notice the comforting weight of the blanket that covers your entire body. Move your limbs around a little and notice how nice and comfy the sheets feel on your skin.
Laying in bed is my favorite thing ever. I could do it all day if I could. I don't even do anything like play with my phone or read. I just lay there and feel comfortable and drift in and out of sleep.
No. 683479
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>>683346>>683394Stay strong, fam.
>>683418Thanks for the reminder to check out the sales.
Ordered my first vibe so that’s exciting>>683425>>683396The slap back to reality is appreciated. Laying in bed may be what I need, since it’s probably anxiety making it hard to think rationally/
No. 683487
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Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of Life for which I am truly grateful. Divine God, please forgive me my sins for which I am truly sorry. I repent of my sins unreservedly. I forgive all others for what they have done against me and I pray that you help me heal and forget the pain that they have caused me. Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Lord God and Savior. Heal me, change me, and strengthen me in body, soul, mind and spirit.
God, my Father, you are our strength in adversity. I am sinking into a state of despair and I turn to you my divine protector for uplifting and a way out of my current predicament. Please ease my burdens and make my faith ever stronger that I may always have confidence and trust in your fatherly care. Father God, please be a constant presence in my heart, mind, body and soul.
Father, Lord Jesus said, "Ask and you shall be given, Seek and you shall find, Knock and the door will be opened." Divine Father, I am Asking, Seeking and Knocking for your guidance. Heavenly Father, please show yourself to me, lift me up, and break every chain the enemy has on me. Lord in your mercy please hear my prayers.
Divine Father, please grant these prayers through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Heavenly Father, please accept these prayers through Christ, our Lord and Savior, Amen.
No. 683525
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I pretend to be a girl on this site so I dont get banned. I like seeing how girls have a unique perspective on things but I want to interact as well. Im an ENTP so discussing shit is my lifeblood.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 683535
>>683525Another example of a dude feeling like they’re entitled to women’s spaces just because.
Fuck off
No. 683633
>>683550of course men are so self centered that they think everyone acts like them, because you are a larper you think everyone else here is as well.
it's kind of like how men think women lie about rape because that's what they would do for attention like that one german tranny. men always project shit on women.
anyways kys scrote and die
No. 683675
>>683621I wear drynites to bed on my period (think in the us they're called goodnites?) They are meant to fit kids up to the age of like 12 but I have small hips so they fit perfect. As a 30 something year old buying them in my local store… I'm guessing the cashiers (as if they care) would think I have a kid.
I get the best sleep in them. Which is needed when I'm already hormonal and feeling drained.
No. 683678
>>683633Kill him anon
>>683621Tbh I’ve thought about doing that since pads move around and can leak. I imagine the coverage is better so I don’t think it’s that weird.
No. 683782
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I’m a woman and I’ve masturbated several times to momokuns lewds. Idk man her fat ugly titties just does it for me.
I’m disgusting, I know
No. 683810
>>683771>gimme attention>on an anonymous siteare you the one who just told a depressive anon to just kill herself on there?
come on. life's hard on everyone, everyone's the protagonist in their own story, and it's nice there's a place on the internet where women can scream into the internet void with other women where nobody has to know who they are. it also brings out the kindness in a lot of anons. i love flicking through and seeing the anons out there taking the time to genuinely support one another for literally no return. it reminds me of the good in the world, when people are anonymous on the internet and still choose to be kind.
anyway you can always hide it if it bothers you very much.
No. 683889
>>683805Children are never ever responsible for their molestation. The adult molester is ALWAYS in the wrong, it IS black and white.
I don't know how the other situations went down but anon, don't listen to what scrotes have to say about them. Of course they're going to downplay your experiences because they're scrotes and they relate to the guy in the situation. They're trying to absolve themselves from guilt by proxy.
I'm sorry you've had to go through so much shit. None of it was your fault.
No. 683902
>>683805Anon I’m sorry you’ve been through that shit, it wasn’t your fault. I don’t know if this will be a weird comfort or not but the reality is the cases you speak about don’t really exist. Men will always have excuses, people will even create them in their defence. It’s so fucked up hearing women get blamed for innocuous things that apparently lead to their sexual assault rather than blaming the perpetrators who chose to hurt them. I’ve heard so much shit in my time and literally the only case I remember no one doing this was when the woman involved was severely mentally and physically disabled (her carer assaulted her). The only time I’ve heard a woman let off was one who was completely unable to do anything for herself, therefore her actions couldn’t be blamed. And I’m from the UK, supposedly a progressive country.
And yes, I’ve heard children blamed too.
a few months ago a three year old was raped here, and the comments on the news site blamed her for wandering off from her parents. A fucking three year old. Other comments blamed the parents, and one comment pointed out ‘yes her parents should have been watching, but the pedo is still to blame in the end’ and people were fucking downvoting it!Men have got away with this shit for too long. Don’t let them define if your sexual assault is
valid. It just allows this cycle of blaming women to continue. The ONLY cause of sexual assault is someone engaging in sexual activity with someone who does not (or cannot) consent. All types of sexual assault are black-and-white if you think about them in this way.
No. 683907
>>682016Long story short my boomer neighbor offered him a celebratory toke of weed (he has smoked weed maybe twice his entire life) and he took it, felt nauseous, stood up to go lay down and immediately passed out while standing and was about an inch away from hitting his head on a stair railing on the way down.
Later she showed me the box the joint came from and it was literally the most extreme high dose weed you can legally buy in the United States. I don't understand why you would offer someone that, especially someone that you KNOW has basically never smoked weed. Another one of my neighbors, who smokes weed just about every day, had some and also passed out.
I am just so furious that I had to spend my wedding crying on the floor holding my completely dazed (but thankfully not bleeding to death from the head) husband because of my fucking boomer neighbor. My husband and I both don't even smoke pot and definitely never will after this shit.
No. 683977
>>683755Not that anon but inspired by ayrt, I bought some drynites teens today. They don’t specify hip measurement but weight range is 27-57 kg on children age 8-15. If you’re short and within that weight range you’ll be fine. If you’re taller probably still fine as long as you’re slim or average.
I’m curious about the absorbency compared to adult nappies so will report back if any anons are interested (just started my period today by luck).
No. 683980
>>683805Know that you are not alone and that it's not your fault.
Sometimes bad things happen to people for absolutely no reason, at all.
We want to believe that there's logic to the universe, but there's just not.
It's all a chaotic mess and a roll of dice, any woman could end up raped and abused and she would never be able to predict it. These men trick you into believing you're much safer with them than you actually are.
It's never your fault someone beat or raped you, period. Contrary to what a disturbingly large amount of "normal," every day people believe.
It's creepy to think about how many people you come across daily whose idea of you as a good woman would be utterly shattered if they knew you were raped or abused. Well, fuck em. They're wrong.
No. 684059
>>684034I’m OP and was worried I’d get the ‘scrote detected’ response. Definitely a woman just trying to live my life without constantly worrying about bleeding over. The only downside is they look stupid as fuck so I’ll rule myself out from ever developing a fetish. Also feels pretty much the same as wearing a pad in soft undies (the ones I get are pulled up like underwear rather than having sticky tabs like actual nappies).
Scrotes will sexualize anything though so I understand the suspicion.
No. 684431
>>684115i think this specifically because men have proven time and time again that they cant fucking control themselves. if we bring them down to a lower position women would be a lot safer. when we have this majority group that is so prominently VIOLENT and perverted why fucking bother treating them the same as us? They aren't the same as us. The vast majority are fucking subhuman and pornsick. Why bother? It's like every man has evil tendencies, every single one. There's always some fucked up intention.
men in cages 2020.
No. 684467
>>684456I understand anon and if I could I'd give you my discord to contact me. My parent is also a narcissistic drunk that left except she hasn't died yet. I can't really cry or process any emotions directly related to her. I think because of trauma I sealed away all of my emotions surrounding her deep down and now I feel numb whenever I think of her. I feel like I'll never process any of the emotions until maybe after she dies.
I think I understand your feelings though. Everyone thinks you're detached completely from him but you still have some guilt/attachment to him as his daughter. I have those same feelings when I hear about my mom. But if your dad is anything like my mom, then trust me when I say that narcissists/sociopaths don't think/feel like we do and that the feelings we have towards our parents are not going to be reciprocated. I do feel guilty for not being in contact with my mom because part of me wants to believe that a relationship could be salvaged but reflecting upon it further reminds me that she would only talk to me if she had something to gain out of it.
No. 684480
>>684460 Yea it was me not caring what made me drive him in and out of rehab and detox during summers and finally got the fuck out of there after he refused to get therapy and they kicked him out of treatment? Fuck you, anon I hope you feel better for saying that.
>>684467Sorry about your mom, that’s very much how it feels like, but I was the only one in my family who decided to just not talk to him or see him unless it was for weddings and stuff, no one admitted to knowing he was so awful to his kids and wife. It’s also so hard to try to understand them, it’s as you said, like they don’t feel and think the same way we do. I knew he had trauma of his own but the bizarre ways he went on about it was what stopped me from staying in my “yea he is awful but the trauma” bubble. Many people go through shit yet they don’t turn into sadistic addicts who shift blame every time they mess up, you can’t keep avoiding your own actions having consequences.
When you grow up surrounded by that and having to apologize for even normal stuff or cherish the little normal affection of care you get, you just have that nearly constant guilt of “what if I was just a pussy for getting hurt by all that” yet that’s exactly what parents like these do to you. I hope your mom gets better but we both know they usually won’t but hope you can keep yourself from blaming yourself and know it’s okay to keep away from people who hurt you. Thanks anon.
No. 684508
>>684504No, leave him alone. Most abuse
victims would not want to see their abuser again.
No. 684516
>>684504I had this happen to me with an
abusive ex just calling me out of the blue and he was asking for forgiveness and it was super awkward because on one hand it’s like yeah I forgive you just go away I don’t want your sob story but then it made me feel like shit because he didn’t really deserve that apology from me just to make himself feel better. I’m sure he’s moved on so I would let it go and just know that you’ve changed enough to feel guilty for that and not act that way again.
No. 684518
>>684511Stay out of his life. As a person who has done very shitty things to someone and has overcome that behavior, the only closure you are seeking is purely for yourself.
If you give a single fuck about that person or their well-being, just leave them alone. You’re searching to absolve yourself from your guilt. Your guilt does not effect anyone but yourself and you’ve earned it, now you need to shoulder it.
No. 684746
>>684723Nta but why is it not plausible? It’s rare but men can be
victims of physical domestic abuse, too. It’s different to women’s experiences because they’re less scared of the violence, but in a way that would probably encourage them to stay as the risk of serious injury or death is lower.
I mean it’s an issue exaggerated by scrotes who simultaneously refuse to help in any way as well as calling female DV
victims dumb… but yeah, it’s plausible.
No. 684751
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i think i've watched so many twitch trihard troll compilation videos that i'm starting to develop some sort of racist twitch tourettes because i keep trying to quote what i heard
No. 684761
>>684758>>684746but like the massive strength difference, like I lift and do MMA and while I do think that I'm slightly strong then an average man, If I ever was in a fight against an average man it wouldn't be easy for me to win and I wouldn't come out in one peace either
just look at the fight between Fallon Fox(Mtf MMA fighter) and Ashlee Evans-Smith, Fox was a below mediocre level fighter but cause of male biology he thrashed the women he was fighting against, Ashlee fourth for her life and barely just won, so with that in mind I don't understand how an untrained women could "assault" a healthy adult male multiple times
No. 684764
>>684763I can see anon hitting her bf and him not trying to hit her, I have had to deal with that situation with my own mother, she was
abusive but she was small but I couldn't ever hit back, I can understand it sorta like that
No. 684765
>>684763Plus just because he can fight back doesn't mean that he wants to. If he's not an
abusive man, why would he want to hit, restrain, put his hands on his gf at all, even if she's doing it to him. Like, that's pretty basic.
No. 684770
>>684767Ffs, take your meds,
nonnie. Going cold turkey on top of your problems is the worst idea. It's going to get that much more hard to get back in your feet if you just hit rock bottom.
No. 685048
>>685042people just sometimes have serious, time consuming things going on in their lives lol, am sure you have felt so tired you didn't want to talk to anyone before right?
on ops side tho, talking to scrotes over friends is trash move.
No. 685055
>>685048I feel like if she has time to talk to scrotes and invite them over for thanks giving but not me then it's a no
>>685052Life is too short to fill it with boring people
No. 685067
>>685060I can respect that. We're just different in that regard. I have a tendency to just not respond back in a timely manner to some people. That doesn't mean I consider them any less of a friend in comparison to someone I answer back immediately. I'm also not someone who subscribes to having best friends though. No one person will ever have that much priority in my life. I do hate getting left on read too. I'd prefer you just leave me on delivered so it's open-ended whether they actually saw my message or not
typo, sorry.
No. 685220
>>675912>Why do women like this exist?Go read up on evolutionary psychology. The tl;dr is that, for cunts, evolution selects for maximum manipulation and leechery in order to monopolize resources going to their babby's genes.
If not for what they have between their legs, there'd be a bounty on them.
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>>685144well anon I do agree about wanting to date twinks(though I like biff guys as well), I do also think plenty of black guys can be cute as well like D'Angelo Wallace, but I think cause of
toxic masculinity its less socially acceptable
>>685165can you please go back to your containment board
No. 685241
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>>685220>>685221Thank you for the laugh, retard.
No. 685252
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>>685144I think I sorta understand, my attraction towards white boys I think had less to do with them being white and more association, I liked/like anime boys cause that's majority of media I watched as a dumb edgy teen, and I associated white American boys with my anime husbandos over other races of men, that was the main reason behind my attraction towards white boys, right now I'm more open dating any race of men and my preferences range from eboys to rugged outdoorsmen, but not with normies
anyone else like this ?
No. 685267
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>>685264Yeah its nice to see variety, however with regards to my outdoorsmen fetish Its rare to see any black guys or Asian guys into it, like the only masculine type men I like are sort of rugged mountain men, who look the part and actually posses the skills
No. 685270
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I Unironically love Kinnie shit. And im over 18 yes.
I love grabbing certain characters and genuinely going ZOMG THAT'S LITERALLY ME, making outfits based on them, trying to include things that make me feel more like them irl.
What no mental health does to a mf.
No. 685274
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my life is so boring, but it's stable and i'm happy. as someone who was once suicidally depressed and living rather chaotically, i honestly don't mind doing nothing but going to work then coming home and partaking in my hobbies and… not a lot else. i don't go out much, only have a few friends, haven't dated in years. i know a lot of people judge this kind of lifestyle, say i'm wasting it, but i'm so content.
No. 685363
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>>685293>>685305>>685324how do you feel about bf pillows?
No. 685378
>>685270>what no mental health does to a mfKek anon. Do you actually believe that you
are these characters/they dwell in you, or do you just enjoy and relate to them so much that you want to bring some of their elements, ie how they dress and some character traits, to your life? I think there’s a difference between legitimately nutty kinnies (no offense) and people that have fun with it. I definitely get the “literally me” phenomenon when you relate to a character.
No. 685405
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I wish I could fight someone. I wanna punch and hit random people so badly. And if that someone was a 2D male I'd kiss/fuck him at the end of the fight too. I want that "shounen rival with sexual tension" dynamic.
No. 685418
>>685409> I wouldn't even get a bodypillow with my favorite characters, because I feel like that's a point of no return.It’s okay, anon, having bodypillows is not too retarded, you just have to keep it to yourself, or not, you can also own it and show how you don’t give a fuck about whatever anyone could say about your husbando.
I particularly would just change the case whenever someone visited me, because people are just as nosy as they can be.
No. 685432
>>685030Well, at least I know I won't ever be your friend because I can go for months with barely talking to anyone kek.
I also bet you're the kind of woman who dissappears as soon as she gets a bf.
No. 685459
>>685449I can't tell if you're complimenting her or seething.
Either way,
>>685445 you're better off and enlightened.
No. 685494
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>>685270here's a thoroughly mortifying confession just for you anon:
i unironically kin komaeda and think that he and i are the same person. i don't tell anyone or run with the fandom at all, but i bleach out my hair and wear clothes and makeup inspired by his character designs. i also started losing weight to look skinnier and taller like him. i am a 28 year old woman. No. 685515
>>685494god why are komaedafags always like this
>>685513what about that requires luck? you could just delete social media if you hate it that much
No. 685529
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I had an infatuation/Intense crush on Micheal Myers, specifically the 2007 Rob Zombie version, I was a weird kid and I also used to make paper masks and wear them as well (made me feel comfortable and safe), I felt a connection with Micheal and I used to think of him as my perfect man
I even had fantasies about us meeting in the Sanitarium and falling in love and when I discovered that there were others like me in online communities who had romantic feeling for Micheal Myers, I got offended cause I believed they truly didn't get him
No. 685560
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>>685270Late reply but I’m similar with things and I also thought it must be a mental illness. I remember I wanted to be like Misty from pokemon. I wanted my sister to cut and style my hair as Mistys and I crafted similar clothes to hers. Similar thing happened with Yolei from Digimon. Maybe I should’ve went down the cosplay road… but it also happened w Rory Gilmore. Nowadays I think it’s just a lack of personality
No. 685588
>>685574>>685576>>685579yeah ify guys.
i almost want to make a persona and cover my face in clown makeup or something but i bet men would still try to photoshop my face to have no makeup
No. 685595
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>>685566I tried watching the original but it had too much bad acting for me to properly enjoy it. 2007 Micheal is still my Ideal
but I feel I'm never gonna find a guy who fits all my Micheal prefrnces
tall, natural broad frame , brown hair, white, messy full beard and most importantly quite
I might find a guy with one or two of these qualities but never all
No. 685620
>>685432nta but
>I also bet you're the kind of woman who dissappears as soon as she gets a bf.?????where does that come from lmao
No. 685660
>>685656Hes getting bored of his gf and just wants attention. If he loved his gf so much he wouldnt have taken the effort to talk to someone who he hasnt spoken to in 10 years.
You cant be this dumb.
No. 685669
>>685666I'm sorry anon, but
>>685660>>685661 are 10000% spot on. He's not looking for friendship, though if you called him out on it, he'd deny it and call you crazy. You should just stop talking to him, really. It's not worth it.
No. 685726
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>>685689>>685696ty anons!
No. 685771
>>685729Even thought I agree with
>>685740 take I think it's kinda funny too, it's literally in EVERY thread here now
No. 685777
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>>685378I am a healthy kinnie, my personality is annoying extroverted spontaneous bitch (no bpd, so just annoying, not
toxic, very big distiction right here) and being a kinnie makes me less insecure because I genuinely go "you know hat junko enoshima of danganronpa
trigger happy havoc would not be fazed by this situation and she's literally me so", its weird but it works, im also inspired by character fashions, hobbies and whatever.
My other kins are:
>harley quinn>misa amane>>685494I am definetely not this kind of kinnie.
>>685536god no.
No. 685800
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>>685793this fucking meme lmao
No. 685837
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>>685270I remember wanting to be like pucca, maybe because she is supposed to be quite extroverted and strong, but I would wear a bunch of red clothes and my hair in buns even though i look nothing like her.
tbh i still kind of want a cute red dress so I can be autistic at home since I already like to keep my hair with space buns at home, when nobody else is around No. 686208
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Thoses are so dumb and useless. I just wish it was my job to design cute collectibles.
No. 686219
>>686213Why is it immoral?
With breeders, you can check lineage, puppy temperament, have a history of genetic problems or lack thereof, be aware of what the pregnancy was like and how the first 4-6 weeks of growth was for the liter.
You can't get any of that information from a shelter. All of those things are extremely important for raising a quality dog with good genes.
Most dogs are in shelters because they are reactive, genetically unfit or had
problematic births/young life, all of which make proper ownership that much harder.
No. 686232
>>686229You can predict the size by looking at the dog's legs actually.
Agreed otherwise.
No. 686242
>>686232Oh I didn't know that! That's cool, though I don't think a lot of people know about that.
>>686238Puppy mills are everywhere, not only in America.
No. 686246
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>>686213As someone who went to breeder to purchase one of their two pomeranians: go to a (reputable) breeder. My first pom was >1 year old and adopted from someone who was rehoming him. I felt like I was getting the best of both worlds because he was purebred and also “morally adopted”. Even though I love him to bits and he’s a genuinely sweet and mellow dog, I’m positive he was bred for looks and looks alone. He’s had most of his teeth removed (despite brushing) and suffers from a hormone deficiency that made him lose almost all of his hair before he got started on a daily medication that he’ll be on for the rest of his life. He’s only 8.
By contrast, my second pomeranian was purchased as a puppy from a breeder. He has an incredibly friendly personality and is the picture of health and energy. I honestly believe that this is due to proper breeding and the fact that I had a direct hand in raising him. You never know what you’re going to get with an older dog sometimes, and especially with poms you can easily end up with a neurotic destructive mess.
As an aside, I’d advise you to not go for a pom with too small of a snout; smaller jaw sizes are one of the things that usually result in the tooth decay issue. Be prepared for daily brushing if you insist on the more show dog look anyway. I hope you can get your dream pomeranian one day anon! I don’t think I’ll ever own another breed of dog for the rest of my life (picrel, my second pom the day I brought him home)
No. 686262
>>686216>>686219>>686229>>686246thank you sweet anons!It makes me feel less bad. Honestly I think you are right, maybe I can convince my husband. If not I just come home with a Pom unanounced!
I´m a little afraid of shelter dogs because you don´t know what your getting. My parents adopded a puppy and it turned out she has weird traumas and my parents are not the kind of people to go to dog school or work through the traumas with the dog. she remains a little brat since…
No. 686270
>>678813>>678795these replies are already so old but there's no way I still have the essay but I'm pretty sure some of the lines were straight up copied from leathermouth's song fifth period massacre, because I was a my chemical romance superfan of course. I think I definitely copied verbatim "when I opened the gym doors, you should've seen those fucks run"
This actually unlocked an even worse memory of when I got sent to the counselors office because my best friends' mum caught us texting about gay bandslash fan fiction and having to awkwardly explain that everything is FINE at home and no we aren't having sex. I had explicit my chemical romance lyrics written on my hand and she gave me a very stern talking to about appropriate language in school and made me scrub it off with a nail brush while i cried in the bathroom. You couldn't tell me SHIT back then I truly believed I was the most tortued soul.
No. 686292
>>686262>If not I just come home with a Pom unanounced!Don't do this, it's an asshole move to impose a pet on someone who expresses no desire to have one.
If you live together and he pays half the rent, he has a say in what you get to adopt.
No. 687271
>>687199Time. I can do pretty much what I want, when I want it.
Commitment. The idea of being responsible for another person essentially for the rest of my existence seems truly insane to me.
Freedom. I was able to quit my job and travel to Asia for an entire two months last year… because I felt like it. It was awesome.
Money. Children are insanely expensive and the “return” on investment is shaky at best, provided your kid doesn’t turn out to be an asshole.
Assholes. When standing in line at the grocery store, or in traffic, how many people do you note to be general assholes? Probably lots. There’s a high chance your kid will grow up to be an asshole, regardless of your efforts. The world doesn’t need more.
Overpopulation. There’s 7.8 billion people on this planet already. Do I really need to throw my average genes into the mix? No. We have enough people. Our grasp on resources is weak and exhausted.
Climate, social/political. Maybe this is a more personal reason but I wouldn’t want to raise a child right now. The world is a crazy place.
From a pragmatic standpoint, having a child just doesn’t make sense to me.
No. 687280
>>687201Nayrt, but that would be me, I tried to explain it in another post here
>>>/g/158076So me and this anon
>>687271 are very different. I think OP is right here
>>687199, I do think I'm biologically predisposed to be childless since I've been like that since I was a child myself. It's not my rational decision to be childless, it's just how I am.
No. 687292
>>687291Herpes isnt and it's the most common so I cant be yololing.
Why cant my dream of getting my gang banged ever be real…
No. 687296
>>687293Because some women are really into having kids, and personalities are different?
If you have a uterus, barring health conditions, you are biologically predisposed to getting pregnant.
If you have feet you’re predisposed to walking. That’s not logic.
No. 687297
>>687296Getting pregnant =/= raising a child
Huge difference.
I may get pregnant (and hate it), but with my natural childless predisposition I'd just give it up for adoption.
No. 687298
>>687293I’m so confused, you’re asking why women who are biologically incapable of having children want them so bad even before finding out? They’ve been raised to see it as a life goal and don’t know that it’s unlikely or impossible for a long time. When they find out, some might want them even more because it’s human to want things you can’t have.
Many women grow up wanting bio children, it’s not influenced by whether that’s actually possible or not because it’s always assumed to be. You can want kids without knowing you're infertile.
No. 687299
>>687297Right, but that anon (you?) said they were biologically predisposed to being childless. That’s not a thing. The instinct is to procreate, it’s a survival mechanism rooted in genetics that predate the human species.
Barring some undiscovered biological anomaly, you’re not predisposed to being childless. It is an active choice you make, however you like to word it is up to you.
No. 687302
>>687299Right, gotcha, I'm not real.
Time to disintegrate in a puff.
No. 687330
>>687299This anon
>>687298 got it right. We as a species learned to stop relying on instincts alone because that makes us just animals. Of course most of the people still have basic instincts but we don't act on most of them (except for men) but reproduction has never been restrained and we're socialized to death to have babies even if we can't/we don't want them.
I never had that need, I hated the idea of being a mother since I was 5. Saying "but women are predisposed to want children" is 1. saying women are no better than animals and 2. inability to see that this shit is put down on our throats since we're kids. In this modern age we're as predisposed to having babies as we're to like pink or housekeeping. Just socialization so men can get their dicks wet and feel superior by leaving offspring.
No. 687364
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i tried hexing a pedo and an abuser
i feel stupid believing in this stuff but still do it
No. 687368
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>>687365thank you anon <3 truth. it is especially satisfying during that time of the month.
may they burn in hell
No. 687652
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I lost my virginity on the bed of this rude girl with BPD who was obsessed with my boyfriend and suicide baited him constantly, disrespecting both of our boundaries in the process. She let us stay at her house while she was out of town while I was visiting and my boyfriend fucked my brains out on her bed and she never had a clue. We're still together too after all these years. I get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of thinking about it.
No. 687799
>>687792Tbh I think open relationships are
a lot better than having an affair. I mean both are dumb and more likely than not gonna lead to a break-up but, at-least an open relationship is an arrangement agreed on by both parties. They can always call it off when they want to. Cheating is literally being deceitful and trying to pull the wool over your s/o's eyes. That's just my opinion, but if you think being a cheater is better than being whatever a person in a open relationship is than idk what to tell you.
Anyway I don't wanna derail with a argument about open relationships. This is the confessions thread anyway.
No. 687838
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I’m quitting on Monday. I don’t see why they would give me the holiday pay so might as well leave sooner than later. wish me luck because I don’t have any other job lined up, but don’t even mind doing retail or something of the sorts until my next industry job.
No. 687882
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i love dinosaurs so much, i think they're amazing… but i hate talking to other dino nerds because 99% of the time they're pedantic as fuck and a chore to talk to anything about because they want to correct you on really trivial things like all they care about is one-upping your knowledge. i just wanna discuss how fucking cool dinosaurs were, man
No. 687908
i really wanna go to claires tomorrow and get my ears stabbed, i know the risks and shit, i just really want my 4ths done.
>>687882anon same! whats your favorite dinosaur?
No. 687910
>>687799I don't think having an affair is acceptable or 'better' exactly but I would never assume an open relationship was agreed upon by equally enthusiastic partners who want the same thing. Much of the time it's open because one partner wants to fuck around and the other one gave in out of fear of losing them.
And imo it's like, at least when someone cheats on you, it's black and white. They wronged you, you can dump them and know you've got the moral highground. But if someone gets pressured into an open relationship and it makes them unhappy they don't have a leg to stand on because they agreed to it, too bad. Reminds me of the Heidi/Projared cheating debacle- almost all the Heidi haters use the fact that she agreed to an open relationship to justify the way he completely ignored her boundaries and betrayed her trust. She didn't seem enthustiastic about it in the first place, her only known extramarital '''relationship''' was long distance sexting with a fakeboi and taking cosplay photos with her, but apparently that means she has to let him do whatever he wants with whoever he wants. If he just straight up cheated there would be no argument about who fucked up.
No. 687940
>>687910Any aspect of a relationship can become
toxic if you get pressured into it, and you're going to see a lot of it in some dipshit like Jared. Open relationships get a bad rep since you only hear about the ones that blow-up or are made out to be a cringy identity thing since it's usually a private matter.
No. 687981
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i feel terrible. yesterday evening, i got frustrated with my younger brother and i had unkind thoughts like wishing he'd never been born, blaming him for the change in my family, and thinking it would've been better if he'd never existed. i didn't say these things aloud, although i wasn't exactly nice to my brother, and he didn't deserve that. he's such a good kid and my thoughts were unnecessarily cruel. i was just so angry and i just wasn't thinking about… well, what i was thinking about. and i believe thoughts have power, so it's doubly terrible for me. fast-forward to this evening and my brother, who was perfectly healthy yesterday, now has flu symptoms and actually cried because he pulled a muscle in his stomach while he was vomiting. our mother also has the flu (not COVID) and i think she passed it onto him, so i've been taking care of him because she can't. it's breaking my heart to see him sickly, and i feel so unbearably guilty for thinking the things i did the night prior. it broke my heart even more when i saw how much he trusted me to take care of him when i'd thought such awful things about him, i feel like i don't deserve his trust. i just feel so guilty, like it's my fault he's sick - that he'd be okay right now if i'd never had those thoughts. i didn't mean them, my god, he's my baby brother and i love him, but i feel so damn guilty.
No. 688037
>>687910>If he just straight up cheated there would be no argument about who fucked up.There still should be no argument on who wronged who in the Projared case; people are arguing because they don't understand how consent in open relationships work but anyone with logical thinking capability can tell that consent was not there, therefore Projared=bad; and anyway even in case of "black and white" cheating the cheater will find people to defend their actions, no?
In general I agree if it's a clear-cut case of cheating - that happened once, cheater is the bad person, their partner leaves; that's easy. But affair can go on for years, and there's very few things more damaging than the lose of trust that happens after the cheated on party finds out they were living a lie.
No. 688148
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>>688088If you don't really care what your undies look like but want them comfy and a little cuter than grandma undies may I recommend these:
High waist, buttcrack is never out, wide crotch holds in your labia comfortably, lace is cute and no muffin top, wide cut prevents wedgies, XL fits my 42" hips/ass pretty comfortably
Absolute shit fabric fades easily in the wash, but hey for the comfort I don't care that much
Seriously, if the fabric weren't such shit I'd get them in every color. Wish I could find the exact same cut with lace in better quality, but no luck so far.
No. 688199
>>688194>>688196i feel like the only people who shit on them are pornsick men and pickme women. they ARE comfy, lol. boyshorts and "sporty" panties are the cutest choice imo and i find lingerie just kind of tacky and dated-looking.
thongs are disgusting to me tho. that's literal ass floss. no offense to anyone who genuinely enjoys wearing them.
No. 688208
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I have this friend who starts talking about random people or things we don't know or care about in our friend group and it gets so awkward sometimes. She just posted a lot about someone we have absolutely no idea about because he recently died so she had to go to a ceremony for his funerals. Instead of just saying "I have to leave the city because one of my parents' friend died recently and I'll go to his funerals" to explain why we won't be able to see her irl she straight up detailed his life, except she never really knew him either anyway so why tf should we care. She often randomly talks about cosplayers we don't know or talk about and never met because SHE met them long ago just by stating their nicknames with no context whatsoever so some of the things she says are impossible to understand.
It turns out I'm not the only one finding this weird and super uncomfortable because some of my friends privately complained about her posting gigantic paragraphs on her instagram stories or in their conversations. So yeah, my confession is that I'm sick of her posting stupid, uncomfortable and extremely private shit everywhere and telling everything about random strangers to us like they're our bffs, but I can't tell her because she wouldn't even see what's wrong with that. I wished she'd stfu so we can have normal conversations with the group on messenger without feeling like we're cutting her off.
No. 688225
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When I see in the mirror how messed up I am from sex, it really excites me. Am I a narcissist for feeling that way…?
No. 688242
>>688227hey if it's legit comfortable for you, no problems there. thongs always give me a frontal wedgie. my pussy is too meaty i guess.
>>688208holy shit i have known so many people like that and coincidentally cut them out of my life. not just because of this alone, but they tend to be really obnoxious, gossipy busybody types anyway and i can't handle that.
No. 688256
>>688242I was going to say she usually isn't gossipy, it's more that she doesn't realize we're not concerned by the same things sometimes, it's like she thinks everyone can read her mind and guess who her childhood friends or family members are, but speaking of which. One of our friends was dating a girl in our first years of university and they broke up. Back then, said friend was going through a lot of things so she stopped showing up to class as often as she was supposed to but I had no idea about the whole story. I only learned about it last year. Why? Because the gossipy friend who won't stfu called her childish and selfish behind her back for not replying immediately to her texts, which she guessed meant she didn't want to hang out with her ex-gf because the gossip hen is in contact with both of them. She then said she wasn't supposed to say that but she trusts us so it's ok.
Basically I thought the gossip friend wasn't supposed to tell us about their past relationship, but it turns out the girl is bi, is STILL actually in the closet and we weren't supposed to know about any of that. It pissed off another one of our friends because the reason why she didn't reply fast enough was because her phones wasn't even working in the first place and she outed her like that, just because she misunderstood things by herself and is too immature to understand that ex-girlfriends don't necessarily want to pretend everything is fine between each other just for the hetero third-wheel. It pissed me off too and now I know not to tell her everything even if she means well.
Holy shit that was incoherent, sorry. No. 688259
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>>688236Thanks anon! I hope you have a good one.
I want a greasy burger now but I swore to myself I wouldn't get one until a family member recovers from covid. He said he really wanted a whopper and misses my cat so I want to treat him when he's well again.
No. 688281
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>>688264This is such a great idea since BK doesn't deliver to his adress kek
Anons have been so nice to me this evening so I think I will have nice dreams when I turn in later.
No. 688575
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I am only attracted to bodybuilders
Not even the fitfat or reasonable ones, I mean like what you would see representing a bodybuilder on a 90s sitcom
Anyone who finds that out about me looks at me like I just shat in the kitchen sink
I can't help it
Also they've historically been nice to me
Of course I would never date a guy who does steroids, they don't all do that lol
No. 688587
>>688585>hairy chubby anonOh damn
I just made a face like someone shat in my kitchen sink, I get it now
No. 688674
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vascular, anon
>>688669>especially the armsbut that's the best part
No. 688850
>>688794At my first ever live music concert at 16, I was adopted by a short, chubby girl with beautiful copper colored long ringlets. I don't know if I give out gay vibes or if that was just supposed to be femme empowerment energy and it's normal for girls to try to hold your hands and touch you while leading you around in dark places where you can't hear anything.
You probably would have liked her anon.
No. 688889
>>688877two questions:
1. have you ever had a sleepover?
2. have you ever played truth or dare?
Combine the two, and a little hormones, and you are bound to end up doing that kinda stuff.
No. 688910
>>688889I've been to sleepovers but none of that kissy stuff ever happened.
>hormonesin elementary school?
Maybe my friends and I were late bloomers.
No. 688912
>>688889nta but i had plenty of sleepovers and we never did sexual stuff, we just watched movies and gossiped..
>>688874sometimes it makes me feel like i'm a stunted child for not feeling these things. i even forced myself to have boyfriends when i was a teenager but i was always grossed out by them. i thought it would change when i got older and i would prioritize it more, but it never happened so i just kinda ignored it kek.
but at least i know there's someone else out there like this. thanks anon
No. 688913
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>>688908Why is it that every time an anon mentions being vaguely sexual, it's a fucking larp. Take the tinfoil off, faggot. Not everyone is a man here. Sorry you didn't have any childhood friends that played fun raunchy games in a joking way, because they learned it from older kids.
This shit happens all the time. If you've never had that experience then obviously your experiences are not universal.>>688910Maybe? I was introduced to "pornographic" stuff at a very young age because my older cousins would goof around and show the porn their parents had. We would also sneak and watch the late night HBO shit so of course we emulated what we saw. But I'm not larping for this and it's not an uncommon thing.
No. 688922
>>688913Anon I really don't know anyone who watched porn or much less physically emulated it in
elementary school and I'm not even that old.
>Sorry you didn't have any childhood friends that played fun raunchy games in a joking wayNo, that's okay, I'm doing fine without experiencing eating pussy in elementary school. Wtf. Making Barbies fuck each other is something a lot of kids do jokingly or rubbing yourself against a plushie or innocuous things like those described in the article but having literal sex is something I've only heard abused children do.
No. 688927
>>688922Yeah, keyword. You don't
know anyone that did that, or maybe you haven't thought to ask? Not that you need to but when exactly would that conversation come up?
But anyways, my whole point was that I'm not alone in that so I really don't care what else you have to say.
No. 688930
>>688926Why would trannies need to copy that trope? It's an actual thing that happens. Porn didn't invent it. Yes, they capitalized off of the idea of "oh wow I wonder what cute girls do during sleepovers" but there's nothing really cute about playing stupid truth or dare and daring someone to kiss someone else. It was something shown on TV a lot (that and spin the bottle) so of course when kids get together to have a sleepover they would play those party games.
I just don't understand how it is something that needs to be made up, boys do it too. I've heard plenty of stories about guys doing that kind of retarded shit during a sleepover.
Again, older siblings tell younger siblings stories of these wild things that happen during "grown up kid" parties and the younger kids do it. At least, that was my experience. And I was 8, it's not like I was 5 years old.
Why are anons here acting like I've just made all of this shit up or something kek. This is ridiculous.
No. 688966
>>688932Because I'm tired of feeling like women can't be abnormal without being resorted to being called a troon. There are actual women that have experiences that aren't normal. That doesn't make them a troon or a larper, just abnormal. Every time an anon talks about a personal experience here, it gets torn down and resorted to "Yeah kek ur a troon, gtfo" and then everyone disregards it as "kek, yeah, no woman does this shit" and then all the other women that do that weird thing or abnormal/uncommon thing feels shitty about themselves.
it's offputting and annoying. I wrote it in the
confession thread, meaning I obviously know that it's not a normal fucking thing. But it DOES happen and I'm not wrong for talking about it. When I first wrote the confession, anons were like "EHCKL, UHM, EXCOOZE ME?? YOU DID WHAT?? NO ONE I KNOW AS DONE THAT BEFORE, TROON TROON!!!" as if what I did was a singular thing that no other woman has ever done before OR a larp. you can take my defending however you'd like tbh. I said what I had to say.
No. 689084
>>689082oh anon but when you do it in a bath/pool tho…
god this sounds like such a trannypost lol
No. 689159
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I don't know why, but I want a son really badly.
Well, I guess I do know why….. I really want to raise a man that isn't going to be an obnoxious piece of shit that disrespects women. I want to show him that women are capable of doing anything men can do. I want to answer all of his questions fairly, without the gender role bullshit that I grew up with (my mom frequently made comments like "The women should serve the men, now hand your brother this plate" and "take care of your boyfriend, you're the woman of the house"). No doubt my brother picked up on that and will expect that for the rest of his life.
I would want my son to focus on academics and sports and to not be a woman-chasing womanizer. I'd really want him to be an all-around fun guy, but focused on his career and when he's ready to settle down he'll make a great life for whatever woman decides to fall for him.
I believe it's possible for a man to grow up without being a total piece of shit. My boyfriend is 3/4 of the way there, he is just missing a few key points that I could teach my son (clean up after yourself, remember to be conscious of everyone else's needs). I just want to see what it takes to raise someone fairly, because I hate HATE parents that treat their kids like shit. Kids need an environment that fosters their curiosity and interests, not to be told "this is what you do, now shut up and watch TV or go read a book".
No. 689182
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>>689168Damn. I really have nothing to say to this lmao.
No. 689207
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>>689198>>689200Funny that you both listed someone he is commonly memed as being (calebcity) but yes it's
Berlin/berleezy. It used to be Cory but he's a little too intense for me.
>tfw no black gamer bf with glasses and a cute goatee No. 689650
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>>689639Kek what the fuck, I don’t trust you either
No. 689658
>>689632you sound like a jew who would point at other jews during hitlers reign so they get
that jew and not you.
>>689639sir, please stop the roleplaying, sir.
>>689650sir, stop it, sir!
No. 689669
to op, forgive yourself. you couldn't have known. i'm sure that if you did know, you would have stayed
No. 689910
>>689905Is it because you're not happy with how you look or you just don't like being in photos? I went through a phase of not wanting to be in photos because I was uncomfortable with my appearance, but when I started taking photos again I realized I really loved having physical memories and it didn't really matter if I didn't look good. I look through my photos all the time just to think about good times and I'm glad I have a record of myself throughout those years.
Maybe just give it a go and take some photos to keep your bf happy, if you still hate it then stick to your guns but maybe you'll change your mind and start appreciating photos like I did.
No. 689967
>>689288Lolita drama just isn't what it was anymore. I feel like the fashion is slowly dying or morphing into something that it isn't what gave it its mass appeal.
>>689389Same here, like Dakota and Venus
No. 689970
>>689964I feel you
nonny but in like, the opposite direction. Just want a hot older woman press her
pussy in my mouth and swipe my nose like a credit card.
No. 690017
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>>689288This reminded me of Sugar Sweet Hate and it's multiple reincarnations after it got deleted. Did anyone else read SSH? It was short lived iirc so maybe not. I read that shit every morning at breakfast lol.
No. 690097
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I wish the fashion subculture that makes me feel the most cozy and safe whenever i feel bad was less cringy and filled with lame scrotes. But goddamn it do I miss my industrial neofolk phase sometimes.
No. 690121
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>>690092Oh god, anon, same. Sometimes I wish I could do more stuff on the internet by posting the things I like to do. But then I remember the tweets I used to retweet and the shit I posted on deviantart making me stop wanting to be relevant at all.
Also, had a shit personality and got alienated at my first school, so Yeah, bad idea, people would just start talking way too much shit about me if I ever got recognized at all.
No. 690231
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I have little sympathy for rich people.
I see those who have never had to work for anything in their lives, have never had a single financial struggle, or those people with six figure salaries, or maybe even celebrities complain about the drudgery of daily life and I just…do not…give a single fuck. Especially when they off themselves – in fact, if they do, I get annoyed.
I mean unless the suffering is valid (dealing with an incurable illness, or everything Britney Spears has and is going through, having to deal with unending evil and cruel rumors) I honest to god cannot bring myself to even pretend that I care.
Buy a fucking therapist you rich piece of shit. Buy a therapist and cry to them about Daddy wanting you to wash the dishes once and how he yelled at you for saying no then bought you a car the next week yes oh no you have been abaused, you deserve it, fucking faggot
No. 690274
>>690233There's nothing wrong with putting on a voice for an online persona though? I doubt anyone can recognize Corpse in Walmart if he doesn't talk like that in real life kek. I hope he doesn't.
>>690255go for it anon!
No. 690296
>>690268> I don't think anybody who actively seeks to hurt people or engage with the world on a purely selfish level is actually a happy personI think it depends on their success level. If they act like that and get what they want, they’re probably happy enough. You’re measuring someone’s ability to be happy despite being shitty by your own morality, but it doesn’t work like that. I found this really difficult to accept too, until I was talking to a guy about the very shitty things he’d done and he replied “but everyone’s selfish! I have to live life for myself” (to be clear, the way he’d hurt people was not an accidental consequence of his actions, but cases of him actively choosing to harm just because he wanted to).
Some people just have completely fucked up morals, and men are pardoned for this much more than women.
I do agree that society should police shittiness from both sexes. The outrage from some women probably comes from the fact we are policed for innocuous stuff as well, but yeah getting away with being a bad person isn’t something to aspire to.
No. 690377
>>690323this is a cope from a chubby chick, takes one to
trigger one kek
No. 690383
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>>690364Facts anon I'm a spooky skelly ana chan but I wish I was chubby and happy every day instead of having this kind of brainrot.
No. 690420
>>690401Very true, like
>>690378 they always need to tell everyone how happy and attractive and desirable to fit men they are in order to convince themselves as well as others because let's be real, most people are more unhappy fat then they would be at a healthy weight. And most fatties that lose weight are happier as a result. Sure some bone-rattlers feel their weight is the only thing they have going for them but thin people on average have a better quality of life than fatties and don't even think about it.
No. 690474
>>690471I am vegetarian (not a healthy one though lol), but my body didn't change much when I switched. I'm not into weighing myself, so idk how much I lost if any. I'm also really short so weight loss wouldn't have been very visible on me anyway.
You can eat when you go out depending on what restaurant you're at, and a lot of plant-based eaters will bring their own food to things like parties. However, most of the food people eat is at home, so not being able to eat when your out wouldn't make you lose that much weight.
Nta btw.
No. 690499
>>690495Can't terfs simply be feminists who don't believe that trans women belong in feminism? I mean that's by definition what the acronym entails.
It's not like you have to a-log all troons and their activities because you don't believe that their nasty neo wounds or girl scrotes have anything to do with feminism
No. 690509
>>690499I mean, I guess? I don't dislike ftm because I do kinda get it, but many, like my friend is more gnc and just basically lies about being trans to get rid of their already minimal boobs. I just wanna keep mtf away from women's spaces, I don't know if that makes me a terf or not though. Should look into it more!
>>690501I think that goes for me too, my friend is a very gnc powerhouse, not fully a ftm, when they talk about their feelings towards their body, I GET IT and am happy they are getting on top of bettering it for them!
inb4 "they is bs" I rarely talk about them in english and we don't have gendered pronouns and they just don't read fully anything to me so fuck me right No. 690517
I don't care what adults do to their own bodies and respect peoples' chosen pronouns even though I'm GC lite. Many anons have trans friends but whenever it gets mentioned it
triggers mass arguments, the thread becomes derailed for days and we get banned for being a part of it. On that topic, the van should be here any moment now for both of us
Never speak of this again
No. 690518
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I'm not particularly attractive but I do sometimes get approached by moids and I honestly think I'm too good for any of them lol. I'm already fairly asocial but I find having the obligation to text a guy a couple of times a day wayyyy more draining than a night out with friends so I just don't bother with dating anymore. I have no desire to. Some scrote I've no interest in comes on to me and I'm like "you think I'm going to expend energy on you? Nope". That probably makes me a narcissist but I really don't care, it makes me sad to see women feel like they need to "give him a chance" even if they don't want to, I used to be like that and it was the worst feeling.
No. 690519
>>690506Nah. They have been very vocal about allowing rapist troons into female prisons. They cape hard for MtFs, saying stupid shit like, "All this time, I was secretly a man in female spaces and I didn't hurt them!!" It's hilarious how MtFs only ever allow FtMs to take centre stage when they champion THEIR issues. Funny that…
FtMs know deep down they'd freak the fuck out in a male prison, especially pre-op (which most of them are and remain). But they're confident it'll never happen and that's likely true. Imagine the public outcry.
No. 690538
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sorry for starting the trans ppl as friends discourse..
someone confess something else
No. 690543
>>690508>I think most women who hold terfy beliefs don’t actually hates trans people.I do
>>690534>even my fuckin dad transitionedStorytime
No. 690546
>>690532Nta but anon stfu
If you had a schizo friend who was psyched about their imaginary friends birthday party, would you shit on that too? Let crazy bitches have fun. Besides, anons friend is a TiF, it's not like she's gonna go rape other girls in a locker room
No. 690548
>>690510Because they decided to convert to the people that rape and murder us. In other words, if they aren't willing to say "Yes men need to learn to respect women" because they don't consider themselves "men" then I don't fuck with them.
I remember saying something like "All men" and this ftm got so
triggered because she felt it shouldn't include her.
>>690527>just…. un-know all the people you've known to turn troonNot that easy to not be "friends". I can count 6 of my friends that became troons because they were autistic anime nerds that couldn't cope with being fujoshis. They started out cosplaying as dudes then said "fuck it, top surgery".
No. 690558
>>690513Actually, yes! I talked about him in another thread of /g/ before. He is very sweet and one of my best friends, I love him. ♥
>>690527In my case, sure I get into some weird Discord servers, but most of the times, is because I get to know this one girl that share a lot in interests with me, and suddendly they come off as trans/non-binary/gender fluid or anything similar, and… we just stop being friends after that because they usually start to become more and more passive agressive and rude, either because I don't transition too or because they stopped enjoying the things we did together and now shame me for it. Again, I have talked about this before here. Sure, that doesn't always happens, but it just heart brokes me.
No. 690567
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>>690492 ayrt here being anorexic sucks dick your trapped in your own mind while everyone else moves on with their lives. I'm probably going to die of a heart attack in my 30s I regret my decision everyday.
No. 690572
>>690532>that obviously wasn't the point. You literally asked how people made friends with trans people though kek
But yes, you keep going on believing that you're the most well adjusted and amazingly normal person because of whatever arbitrary reason you've decided is the hallmark of normality.
No. 690588
>>690580Nayrt but you seem to have a lot of ideas about what it's like to have trans friends despite not ever being around any.
Have you considered that there are actually trans people that can talk about normal stuff but just happen to be trans? I can imagine that if your only experiences with trans people are TRA on Twitter and Reddit then I wouldn't want to know any either, but some people are just people who are also trans.
Friends have different beliefs and experiences all the time. It's not that deep.
No. 690590
>>690588nta but rate me optimistic, there is no trans individual now who can approach their idea of 'dysphoria' without the retarded tumblr/twitter overlap. the biggest example of recent is that owe a trans 70$ tweet.
trannies are experiencing what channers go thru. we make bad awful jew racist jokes wishing death on wahmens but behind it we are all regular people. its mainly p true. the majority of trannies could actually deal with legit issues but unfortunately for them they are inundated with the gender/sex/did/aspie spergs that go along with the very vast majority. they threated violence just as much or if more than 4/8chan/kf combined
No. 690592
>>690590>the biggest example of recent is that owe a trans 70$ tweet.That anon literally said
>if your only experiences with trans people are TRA on Twitter and Reddit then I wouldn't want to know any eitherSo why would you use that as an example lol. Also, I doubt everyone on 4chan, kf or even lolcow are perfectly normal people.
No. 690595
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>>690592wtf is tra faggot? no tranny or trans 'ally' are sane. and of course anyone who posts on chans or kf are autistic. lolcow included dummy. i dont care to learn the lingo its all fake got a dick?
No. 690603
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>>690600Picrel is you anon kek
No. 691062
>>690796Same. I used to like her music back in my teens but I couldn't never say that I liked her as a person.
>Plus she blatantly copies other artists but her fans act like she's original.This.
No. 691169
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itt: posters prove they are also milky cows
okay, i unironically had a discord bf 18-19 and it was like this im so glad my bdsmfag phase is over. we did end up meeting in person but we ended up splitting