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No. 121944
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I've been dying to tell people about this for a while now but I stumbled across a little-known recipe for a topical treatment for keratosis pilaris, and, like, you guys all need to start using this.
Keratosis pilaris (those unsightly skin/coloured red bumps you get on your upper arms and forearms) has plagued me for 6 years now and I thought I'd tried every (affordable) trick in the book from tea tree oil to derma rollers to more hydration to general ex-foliation.
I'd pretty much given up treating it at this point and felt resigned to waiting for them to hopefully even out, but 1 month ago I found this recipe by mistake on a skincare forum.
The recipe is as follows:
2.5 tsp 88% lactic acid
1/4 cup + 2 tsp of preferred water-base lotion (it's very important that it's water-based)
3 big drops of the preservative germaben or 6 small ones (the germaben is unnecessary if you're mixing the lactic acid with a branded moisturiser/lotion as it will already contain preservatives).
So, I purchased 500ml of the lactic acid at 88%, on the day I received it I mixed it up with my Palmer's Cocoa Butter w/ Vitamin E and began applying it to my arms.
It stung at first, because, you know, acid, and I don't think my test pot was completely diluted so maybe the concentration of LA was a bit too high, but OH MY GOD THE RESULTS.
My keratosis pilaris? It's gone. It's just totally wiped out.
I recently began using it on my face (for seborrhoeic dermatitis) and on my stretchmarks and I actually cannot believe what a difference this is making to my skin my GOD.
I've seriously never had good skin before, I've always had some form of skin complaints or acne or uneven skin or flakiness and was always extremely jello of those girls with the naturally beautiful, glowing, dewy skin, but today my skin is smooth and pert and just beautiful.
As it turns out people are actually going out and paying hundreds for chemical peels using lactic acid where they apply it at full concentration and wash it off like 2 mins later (to avoid chemical burn) and you can just do this at home with a LA lotion mix that you don't even have to wash off because the mix is considerably weaker.
WARNING: if you do decide to start using this as I have, it's is very, VERY important that when applying it to areas that will be receiving direct sun exposure that you apply sunblock or a moisturiser with SPF because whilst mild, the LA lotion mix is still a chemical peel and without protection will be more susceptible to sun damage. Palmer's do a version of their cocoa butter moisturiser with SPF 15 so I recommend buying that.
I mean people should be applying some sort of SPF daily anyway, but just a warning.
Anyway, I hope some of you try it out and receive the same amazing benefits I have!
No. 121947
>>121946Yeah unfortunately because KP is caused by excess keratin blocking up pores the only way to alleviate it is by breaking down the keratin, which is what lactic acid excels at.
I did forget to add, if you end up doing this don't be excessive in your application. In the beginning I got a bit carried away and was applying it every morning and ended up with nasty chemical burns on my inner elbow. 1-2 a week of it diluted is enough, and once a week maximum undiluted.
I'm really into my LUSH products but I just buy them since I have the disposable income right now and it's a treat for me whenever I get a new product of theirs.
If love to try DIY'ing them sometime though. Even if they don't work knowing that the ingredients are all natural and not tested on animals, it just feels like luxury.
No. 121948
>>121944Oh my god, I've had this literally my entire life, all over my upper arms and thighs, thank you so much
sage for nothing to contribute
No. 121954
>>121953What is your beauty regime anon? What's your diet like? Do you exercise? Go to bed late? Do other family members have these dark circles?
Lol a lot of questions, but answering them will help us track down the cause.
Off the top of my head, concealer obviously, especially green/orange concealer (yep) if they're really heavy. Hyaluronic acid is good if you can get it, use it a a peel or even cream, but read up on it before because it can be dangerous if you're not careful with it. You can get injections of it from any random beauty salon into your eyebags to help get rid of them.
No. 121957
Hey guys this is where I got it from in eBay:'m in the UK though. Try looking on Amazon too of you're elsewhere, or use the Google shopping function.
No. 121958
>>121957thank you so much anon! I'm really keen on this because of
"Lactic Acid is a strong Alpha-Hydroxy Acid and hence will have excellent exfoliant properties, although these are weaker than, but second only to, Glycolic Acid. AHA products should be a stand alone treatment product and not included in another product. While AHA can be included in other products there are certain incompatibilities that may arise plus AHAs (because of the pH required for best effectiveness) may not allow other products (such as cleansing masks) to work properly, and vice versa."
Sounds like a great thing for DIY masks etc. Does it have an expiry date, since it's lactic acid like in milk? lol stupid question, but I'm curious.
No. 121960
>>121959>I sleep 8 hours a dayThat right thurr is your problem! You're actually probably sleeping too much! it's depression, habit or even a blood pressure issue, you need to get to the root of what's causing your oversleeping and try to aim for 7 hours.
No. 121961
>>121958Don't take my word for it, but I think that just as long as you mix it with a lotion that contains a preservative (pretty much all manufactured non-DIY lotions), then you'll be fine.
I forgot to add though, if you do try this don't go HAM with it and overuse it.
When I first got mine I applied a little bit to targeted areas every day and ended up with minor chemical burn afters 7 days straight application on my arms and underneath my breasts from my bras underwire rubbing into the already weakened skin (when I first got it I was a bit too exuberant and was like "apply ALL THE LOTION EVERY WHERE!").
Oh and obviously, you will peel. With minimal application, like 1-2 times a week it will be sparing, but I try to do it 2-3 days before the weekend so that the peeling starts Friday and then I have Sat-Sun to lounge around looking flaky.
It won't be like your entire face comes off in one sheet, just little pieces here and there. Most of it isn't noticeable, unless you do the full 88% for 2 mins. That will definitely be noticeable.
No. 121962
>>121950I was just about to place an order for vitamin B5/pantothenic acid bit I've just found out that long term ingestion and overdosage causes extended hair loss that is difficult to reverse, so maybe not.
Hope you don't experience this Anon.
No. 121963
>>121959Do other members in your family have them? Could also be caused by genetics, nothing will get rid of them if it's genetic.
There are different causes, so you need to get these things ruled out to see if you can treat them or not.
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Contact dermatitis
Heredity — dark under-eye circles can run in families
Pigmentation irregularities — these are a particular concern for people of color, especially blacks and Asians
Rubbing or scratching your eyes
Sun exposure, which prompts your body to produce more melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color
Thinning skin and loss of fat and collagen — common as you age — can make the reddish-blue blood vessels under your eyes more obvious
No. 121967
>>121965I've had problems with my own skin beginning when I turned 19 (ironic as it's around that age people talk about acne dissipating).
In my experience these problems eventually do fix themselves overtime, but in the meantime there is no singular fix.
What I ended up doing was developing a disciplined proactive routine i.e. every morning I exfoliate any excess dead skin since I have sebb, then I apply a cleanser (try Cetaphil, it's what I use and it's recommended by dermatologists), then I apply a SPF15 sun block moisturiser, then a vitamin E moisturiser like Palmer's Cocoa Butter.
I occasionally do a 2 minute 80% acid peel on my face which obliterates any sebum build up on my face or around/in my nose.
I take Cerazette (birth control pill) for other reasons but it's known to help acne, and on top of that I take half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily and a whole bunch of vitamin supplements like vitamin E, cod liver oil, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, biotin etc., and most importantly I get a shit load of water down my throat every day.
The problems with your skin could be being caused by one or multiple things, but by slamming it with an approach like I have you're pretty much covering every base internally and externally. My own regimen is a lot of work but it's working, and I think it's going to make an enormous difference long term.
I have 4 sisters, 2 older and 2 younger, and 3 of them already have noticeable wrinkles and grooves on their face, even the younger one, but I'm 24 and I've still yet to see so much as a fine line on my face so I'm definitely doing something right.
It's always important to take a proactive approach in life over reactive, because more often than not you can't repair damage that's already been committed.
No. 121968
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>>121967Yeah this is basically what I take every morning.
A-Z multivitamin
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
Vitamin B6
Cod liver oil
Vitamin B Complex (I ran out so it isn't in the photo)
The silver packets are skin, hair and nails focused supplements:
Although I still get the occasional sebb attack, I've seen a dramatic improvement in my skin since I began this regimen and my skin is mostly crystal clear throughout the month.
Either something's working, or I have very expensive urine.
No. 121969
>>121965My face used to be like that 2x a day until I got on Accutane generic (isotretinoin) and now I'm just normal/combo on a bay day (or when I get shitfaced and pass out without washing my face). It's expensive and a huge hassle but the results are IMHO well worth the hassle. You should talk to your derma about it if you can, or research it in your own. It's a concentrated retinoid that shrinks your sebaceous (oil producing) glands in your skin so it's not as oily.
The way my derma explained my cystic acne was, that my skin was producing more oil than it could handle and my pores were getting clogged with oil+sebum and becoming irritated and then turning into cysts (I think? It's been like 5 years for me). But I'll be damned. It cleared right up after taking that crap! I had to sign like 5 release forms, have at least 2 negative pregnancy tests a month before they would renew my script, and blood work every month to monitor my liver and kidneys (it can damage those/cause severe birth defects). Expensive as all hell, but so worth it.
No. 121971
>>121970I eat it :)
A bit less than half a teaspoon every morning washed down quickly with water, but you gotta make sure it's ceylon Cinnamon.
Google the health benefits of cinnamon. It's a lot of good for such a little amount if spice and is proven to reduce ageing overall when taken daily.
No. 121972
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I need some help. i am looking to revamp my skincare routine.
I have some products I want to buy: a cleanser, toner, serum, and a night moisturizer.
Anyways, what even do toners do, are they necessary between cleansing and serums? Also, I don't want to have to cleanse my skin in the morning, can I just do toner-serum-moisturize instead for the morning? I'd still cleanser-toner-serum-night moisturizer at night.
No. 121974
>>121972Toners function to cleanse and close the pores. You're supposed to apply it after a cleanser, which cleanses you're face of excess sebum/oil/makeup, and then the toner closes up your pores and prevents makeup from getting into them and causing acne.
For cleanser I recommend Cetaphil.
I'm also looking for a new toner myself actually so I don't know what to use.
No. 121977
>>121976Huh, you're right, this is a myth that I didn't know.
Well, toner cleanses your pores w/e.
It's good.
It works.
Buy it yo'.
No. 121981
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This is my simple version of my skin care. Products I use everyday, I am missing 2-3 daily ones (Like eye cream, sunscreen, more moisturizer) since I'm at my bfs house and forgot a lot of stuff. I also apply night creams and sleeping packs some nights a use masks around 4/5 times a week. The products are in order of toner, vitamin c serum, essence, essence, essence, essence, and moisturizer. I did not include my face washes (night only, I use an oil cleanser and a foaming one) in this picture. My routine is overall cheap but effective ingredient wise
No. 121982
>>121978Even your coconut oil is composed of chemicals. And like
>>121980 said, what's natural isn't always best.
No. 121983
>>121980>>121978What do you mean it's all chemicals? Coconut oil is chemicals, the water you drink everyday is chemicals, you're chemicals.
What else should it be?
No. 121984
>>121981Oh gurl u got dat dere Korean snail cream lol
Is it actually any good? What are the active ingredients?
No. 121987
>>121985I would not recommend any of the other wonder pore personally. I only use this toner for PH balancing properties to make the vitamin C effective.
>>121986It's PH balanced so idk what you are even talking about. The worst about this toner is it's high in alcohol but it works well for my skin.
>>121984mostly brightening things, I will reply later when I find out the proper spelling for them
No. 121998
>>121997I don't know why it'd be greasy to be honest. I only ever use Palmer's Cocoa Butter with my mixture so maybe it reactef with whatever base you used?
Mine is always a little bit sticky (and it smells bad), but that's why I apply it overnight and take a shower in the morning.
No. 122001
>>121944PLEASE please do not apply this shit and then think an "spf lotion" (like a moisturizer with spf) is enough to protect you or provide any real SPF
Please use actual sunblock
Also peels are not that expensive at all (depending where purchased ofc). makeupartistschoice has GREAT peels at amazing prices.
No. 122002
>>122001Also I forgot the add. It doesn't matter if the lotion you 'mix it with' has preservatives. This shit might very easily go bad since mixing random ass protect (esp an acid lol) with each other often times makes the preservatives noneffective/not effective.
Seriously just go buy a peel and use actual sunscreen. This shit just sounds retarded to try (im not saying it did not work for OP. it MAY work for someone but it is not worth the risk of putting some random mix on you skin honestly when there are safer or simpler alternatives)
No. 122003
>>122001ummm ok I have a stupid question but
what can I do so that sunblock doesn't look so pale and pasty? when I apply it under my makeup it looks bad
No. 122004
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>>122003I use japanese sunscreen, generally they are not the western pasty sunscreens (like the ones they sell in the us) and they look good under makeup
you should try this one…it has a "silicony" finish kind of like a primer and looks great under makeup and has no white cast
No. 122005
>>122004>>122003sorry for got to put the name. it is
"Biore Sarasara UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence Sunscreen "
You can find it on amazon for pretty good prices
No. 122007
>s long as you mix it with a lotion that contains a preservative (pretty much all manufactured non-DIY lotions), then you'll be fine.Which is not true at all which is what I kind of reacted to for the most part.
Also, again I'm sure that there is a "proper" mix but using just "any" lotion would not work and might even ruin the product unless you know exactly how all of those products in the mix will react with that exact lotion someone chooses to use.
No. 122008
>>122002I don't like your condescending tone but if you're really in doubt, here you go, the place where I got the recipe and literally 136 pages of people screaming about the results it provided them. doubt you're going to be able to find a basic peel that can provides the same level of results considering most of them advertise a pitiful content of between 1%-10% LA and such. It's not going to SHIT.
Lactic acid is not some "random product", it's a heavily studied, measurable compound that we know is highly effective in the use of anti-ageing and treating skin problems relating to excess keratin, and no it doesn't negate the preservatives there is literally no evidence to support that.
Of course you're welcome to waste your money on snake-oil products that cost a fortune and return little to no results, or you can cut out the middle man and do it yourself in a more concentrated form and in a way that you know EXACTLY is going onto your skin.
What you said about sun block is correct though guys you have to get proper sun block.
No. 122009
It's a massively cheaper Amlactin dupe and has been tried and tested with marvellous results for years now.
No. 122012
>>122008english is not my first language. The whole point that I was trying to make is not that this recipe doesnt work/is crap its more that you have to be very careful what you mix it with (this is what I meant by 'random product' im sure there is a very specific cream you should mix it with. I did not mean to say the acid is random at all)
I was saying, using a cream with preservatives would not be a good idea for hoping it would work. If you use the recipe WITH the preservatives in the recipe YES it should be fine but I was replying more to other people in this thread who said to just "use any cream with preservatives" (which is prob not a good idea) instead of the original recipe with the preservative.
No. 122014
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>>122003>>122004I buy 50spf zinc oxide from my pharmacy and use that, it's super creamy and smooth ad you could probably mix it with your makeup if you wanted to. Amazon has it for $10 but my Walgreens has it for $4, so if you're cheap maybe try looking there first.
No. 122016
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lolcow is great and all but do you guys have any recommendations for websites regarding skincare? perhaps similar to realself?
No. 122020
>>121944Thank you for sharing this.
Someone knows if this would work with ascorbic acid instead of lactic acid as well?
No. 122021
>>122018So many people complaining about acne
>redditNot suprised
No. 122022
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Anyone here use the indeed lab powdered exfoliater? I use it in the evenings to clean my face as you can mix it up to make it less scrubby, it's fantastic!
No. 122024
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>>122019Yeah, I do both. I've been trying to figure out a toner that I like best, switched to Witch Hazel recently because so many people recommend it. It's annoying because my treatments work well for the rest of my face but only the small areas on my cheeks break out. My only guess is that the pores on my cheeks are larger and get clogged more easily? They seem to get irritated by every concealer/foundation that I've tried, and can become VERY red. I'm really tempted to try OP's recipe now. I just want a good routine that doesn't cost a fortune. Pic related, one of the only products that seriously cleared my skin up, and extremely fast too. Better than BP. But it makes me cry how expensive it is.
No. 122025
>>122024I love this stuff, I recommend it to anyone who has a stubborn pimple to try it, but you do need cleansed skin and to use it overnight. It doesn't work otherwise.
Anyone have advice for the whole clogged nose pores thing? I user strips which I know are bad, but they do help and I only use one once a month, maybe. I have the same thing on my chin under my lip, but nothing send to work there. I may just get an extraction tool, but u want to avoid that if I can.
No. 122027
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>>122026Hmm, I didn't and it was fine but putting it in the fridge probably wouldn't hurt anyway? I know it's better to keep serums like Vitamin C in the fridge, apparently.
>>122025You're not talking about sebaceous filaments are you? Because just in case, those are completely normal and supposed to be there! You can't really get rid of them as far as I'm aware. Many people think they're blackheads but they're not. But if you want to reduce the appearance of them this reddit thread might be helpful. No. 122029
>>122026Is basically alcohol, sulfur and calamine lotion so if doesn't need to be refrigerated, but it wouldn't hurt it if you did.
>>122027>>122028This I know, but it's more of a texture thing. They aren't black anymore but I'll look into that to help. The ones on my chin are very stubborn.
No. 122030
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Has anyone here tried Manuka Honey treatments?
No. 122031
>>122027BLACKHEADS! Have you ever watched any of the extractions on you tube filmed by Vikram Yadav?
As for skin care, I've preached about Retin A for acne here before, but that is all there is to say. Along with Superdrug's B range (the melting gel cleanser is amazing), this is all I've used to clear up years of bad skin.
Everwhere else on my body PALMERS. Never found ANYTHING as good as Palmer's. The moisturising spray is best because it doesn't take ages to sink in like the lotion.
No. 122034
Video embed removed. Original link: last post to give a better cyst popping video.
Deleted txt was:
>>122033It's so satisfying, innit. These ones and the cyst poppings are my favourites.
No. 122038
>>122037Why? Cyst/blackhead removal videos aren't gore, they weren't breaking a single rule.
What a fucking hugbox move jeez.
No. 122041
>no one wants to see those disgusting thumbnails! What she says.
>I don't want to see those! What she really means.
No. 122042
>>122040That's an entirely subjective opinion and biased censorship.
Please don't start going down
that direction guys.
No. 122044
>>122040For fuck's sake. Videos about zits are ~too gross~ for /g/ but pictures of LovisaKawaii's rotting face haven't been spoilered at all over in /snow/? Have some consistency.
Are you the same person who banned an anon in one of the fph threads because one of the photos they uploaded was ~too gross~, too?
Admin needs to start picking his helpers more carefully.
No. 122045
>>122044Ikr? What the fuck is this board turning into.
I fucking DESPISE censorship.
No. 122048
>>122047Bitch this is my fucking thread.
If you're such a pussy that videos of spots being popped
trigger you then I suggest you find another place to browse that won't give you PTSD. I recommend PULL.
No. 122050
>>122048>spots being popped>spotsare you
No. 122051
>>122049Did I
trigger you :^)
No. 122054
>>122052Yeah when I see giant throbbing cysts I don't think of "spots"
but even if they were small zits, why would you go posting popping videos of them in a SKIN CARE thread.
Maybe if you posted an informative vid on how to "properly" pop a pimple it'd be a different story.
If this is your own thread then good job shitting it up.
No. 122055
>>122053lol it wasn't even me that posted the videos, but you'll be damned sure that I'm going to defend the person who did post thems right to expression on this board.
The videos did not break any rules ergo they should never have been censored. This is an example of mod bias. I actually agree that they are p. gross bit grossness is not a good enough reason to remove something otherwise half the threads on this website would be gone by now.
Back to Tumblr and make sure to update your
trigger warning list next time.
No. 122058
>>122057Okay and which of the rules did they break in order for that to occur?
There's no rules against "gross thumbnails" Anon, however much you may wish there were.
No. 122059
>>122058"…or is particularly revolting and is deserving of being spoilered so it does not gross out other users."
If the farmhands found it revolting, they're allowed to do this.
No. 122061
>>122060I don't think you're supposed to do this but whenever I developed a boil that wasn't possible to squeeze I would sterilise a sewing needle and lance the bastard.
Makes more sense to me to do it this way then to allow more white blood cells to collect, stretching out the area of skin and inflaming and damaging the surrounding dermis, and it always healed completely within a few days.
If you do this just make sure you get all the pus/fluid out completely and wipe/cleanse fully.
No. 122064
>>122063you may want to get that checked out if you continue to pop it and it returns to normal and has been doing that for ages. i doubt there is any (non damaging) way to get rid of that without professional intervention.
>>122060I would not do what the other anon says as it could potentially go wrong and also make it even more noticeable. You can apply a hot compress repeatedly to the area, then apply a spot-treatment. That will usually clear it up before it even breaks the skin, though you have to be patient for a couple days and not try to pop it.
No. 122065
>>122063I have one on my nose, it's a cyst. A dermatologist was going to do a steroid shot i think..can't remember. There was no guarantee though that it would go away or it could leave a crater like dent in the middle.
The only other option is to get surgery to remove it.
No. 122066
Question: I'm currently doing a glycolic acid peel on my legs and bum for my rough, reddish, and visible KP. Has anyone tried Glycolic acid (40%) before, and would this work instead (as a substitute) of the Lactic Acid in
>>121944 ? Or should I just get the lactic acid instead?
Also, second question:
Has anyone tried
>>121954 since posted? It's been a month and I'd love to hear other peoples results with it too, if any.
No. 122070
>>122069That's nice but where did I say that they did contain bleach.
Many of the compounds in these whitening products do contain strong acids that whiten skin by proxy by stripping the initial layers of the dermis away, but they're too harsh for topical use in combination with the other junk that's in the such as antifungals, preservatives, scents, emulsifiers.
It's one thing applying this to the top of your skin, it's a whole other applying it to skin that has been peeled and is raw and vulnerable to damage.
No. 122072
>>121944I really need to try that. I have those spots on my tights and I hate them. Though I can not order germaban in Europe. What could I use instead?
I’m 24 and have skin that tends to be dry and oily at once. just like onision…. I’m very afraid of wrinkles and sagging skin, especially nasolabial folds because I’m partly south-east-european and people there tend to age very badly.
This is my skincare routine. Any advice how to improve it is highly appreciated.
(eurofag so european products)
I wash my skin with water then I use…
Toner, Clearance Mat by Avène
Retinol Serum, Redermic R by La Roche Posay, it only contains 0,3% Retinol because a higher concentration isn’t allowed in my country. I’m thinking about getting something with a higher concentration from the US.
- wait for 20 minutes -
Aloe Vera Gel by Aubrey Organics
Eye Serum, Derm Aox by La Roche Posay
Fluid with organic Healing Earth by a drugstore brand for the t-zone
If my skin is dry I also apply Hydrance Riche by Avène on my cheeks, rarely on my whole face
In the morning I finish my routine with sunscreen, 30 LSF in Winter, 50 LSF in Summer, then I apply make up.
In the evening I remove my make up with a drugstore make up remover and cotton first.
I hope this routine will prevent premature aging. My skin reacts quite well to it. The retinol also helps with big pores and small spots I sometimes get.
No. 122073
So my boyfriend is interested in korean beauty products since I've been raving about the mizon snail products I've been using, but he really does not want to do the multiple steps that a proper regimen requires. What's the least amount of steps he could get away with doing but still get results?
I was thinking… foam cleanser, toner, cream (specifically the mizon snail cream), ampoule (mizon snail ampoule) at night, and cleanser, toner, emulsion, sun screen during the day?
He has sort of normal skin that gets a little dry sometimes, and gets pimples multiple times a month
>>122066Are you talking about the lactic acid thing in this post?
>>121944 If so, I've been doing it for about a month (I skipped a week around the christmas/new years because I was really busy). It made my skin really soft. It definitely helped get rid of the bumps from my KP, but the dark spots from it were still there. (though some of the bumps have come back since I've fallen behind the weekly routine). I'm getting back into it so hopefully I'll get some better results.
No. 122075
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Anyone here have rosacea? I suspect I -may- have it so I've been reading up on it a bit. It's commonly mistaken for acne so I thought I would share some info here.
Rosacea is most commonly characterized by frequent skin redness, usually across the cheeks and nose in a "butterfly" pattern. But unlike our 2D friends, it's not very cute. Rosacea is often confused for acne because of the similarities, but it's an entirely different skin condition. (Though one can have both acne and rosacea.) I'll give summaries of the most common subtypes.
Subtype 1: Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
characterized by flushing and persistent central facial reddening. The appearance of dilated capillaries is common but not essential for a diagnosis. A history of flushing alone is common among patients presented with this subtype.
Subtype 2: Papulopustular rosacea
characterized by persistent central facial reddening with transient papules or pustules or both in a central facial distribution. This subtype resembles acne vulgaris, except that comedones are absent. Rosacea and acne may occur concomitantly, and such patients may have comedones as well as the papules and pustules of rosacea.
Common triggers include: Sun exposure, emotional stress, hot weather, wind, heavy exercise, alcohol consumption, hot baths, cold weather, spicy foods, and humidity.
Personally, I have noticed the butterfly pattern redness often worsen after hot showers, having alcohol, exercise and eating spicy food, and just recently realized it gets quite bad after having a good cry. (stress)
I'll be looking into finding a dermatologist when I can. I could deal with some redness, but if this is indeed what I have, then I most likely have subtype 2 and a possible combination with acne. Fun fun fun.
No. 122078
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>>122077Here is a page I found useful. see that lactic acid does seem to help some people.
Also, try using a vitamin C serum in your regime! It helped fade my hyperpigmentation a lot.
No. 122079
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>>122077Anon you sound like a perfect candidate for carboxytherapy.
You'll never be able to get rid of the scars completely as you probably already know, but the results from carboxytherapy are amazing.
It works on all scars whatever their age and improvements are almost immediately visible.
Save up some up money and try to find somewhere that offers a free consultation.
No. 122081
>>122080Everybody should be investing in a strict skincare routine.
Even if your skin is already perfect you're going to want to be mindful of keeping it that way and not slacking off because you think it'll stay that way forever because it'll go to shit pretty fast if you don't invest in prevention.
Google the South Korean 10 step skin regime and look into retinol creams. There's a bunch on Amazon which contain 2.5% retinol which is more than enough, and then the other ingredients are all things like shea butter, jojoba oil etc.
No. 122084
>>122082Depends on your definition of nessecary.
If you want younger, smoother, softer looking skin then yes, it's absolutely necessary.
If you don't really care and want your skin to age normally like your mother's and grandmothers and their parents, then no, it's not necessary.
No. 122089
>>122087Water is chemicals.
Cocoa butter is chemicals.
Vitamin E is chemicals.
You are chemicals.
No. 122092
>>122089Bitch you know what I mean
Comedogenic stuff,alcohol compounds and whatever other filler koreans shove in there
No. 122095
>>122094I'm white lol. I see what you mean and if you have the time or desire to use 10 steps that's fine, but I do think it's over the top. Why not use 3 in 1 products and fewer? Not everyone needs a toner.
What products do you use exactly?
No. 122098
>>122096My skin is great, thanks.
However white skin still ages like shit no matter how you look at it.
(race derailing) No. 122100
>>122098> white skin still ages like shit no matter how you look at it.isn't that an american meme? I thought it's just something black americans like to say to put white people down in the US.
I'm surrounded by white people and most people age ok. Melanin does protect your skin to an extent, but if you wear sunscreen or just don't see the sun much, it doesn't get that damaged. Besides, diet and exercise makes people look way older.
I went to the US long ago, and it's true black doesn't crack, it shatters. The problem was that as fat as americans are, and as little as they move and care about their health, black and poor americans are even worse. So many black girls were super fat and thus looked old beyond their years, I think the stats back me up on this but I can't be bothered to look
but yeah keep hating yourself with that 'HURR mayo white bread white people are so ugly age like milk' nonsense. Doesn't make you seem pathetic at all. I'm over here cringing at you.
No. 122102
>>122101a sentence is a paragraph to you?
and do you classify newspapers as books too?
No. 122104
>>122100It's not about hating oneself but accepting simple facts. It seems like you're having problems with it.
"While Black epidermis allows only 7.4% of UVB and 17.5% of UVA to penetrate, 24% UVB and 55% UVA passes through White skin" No. 122106
>>122104So since facts matter all of a sudden, am I allowed to bring up black IQs, Stds and crime rates?
Lol like I said they indeed absorb less sun, but that's no reason to be so cringe like only americans can be. No pride, no culture, calling yourself mayo white bread. Very unattractive.
No. 122107
>>122081Ok, cool.
Anybody want to actually respond to my question, rather than sperg out at me because they're mad that they don't have perfect skin?
No. 122108
>>122107Uh, I did?
If you want to exhibit any changes in your skin outside of a skin care routine you've got two options:
Change your weight.
Get surgery.
How was any of what I said to you in
>>122081 sperging?
No. 122112
>>122106I'm a different anon who posted this article and never deemed my skin to look like a white mayo bread. Also we're talking about photoaging, I fail to see what crime rates have to do with it.
>>122109Having fuller cheeks is genetic. You could eat more polyunsaturated fats (walnuts, flaxseeds, fatty fish) or get fillers injected. For a softer skin texture either retinol, ahas, vitamin c and a good moisturizer could be helpful.
No. 122115
>>122111My question was perfectly clear, and had nothing to do with wanting some general maintenance tips. Your answer basically gave me nothing that I was looking for, and just said some retarded shit I didn't need to hear.
>How do I get X>Everybody should do [thing that has nothing to do with obtaining X]Having a skincare routine is good for your skin. No shit sherlock.
>>122112See, this was more along the right lines. Thank you.
No. 122119
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>>122118When my lips get really bad (every winter!) I either use something medicated (the one from burts bees is really good, or the one from baby lips is decent) and slather it on all day. Otherwise I actually like using Vaseline, but again, almost stupid amount of it and let it really melt into the skin. Make sure you also drink lots of water as chapped/dry lips are a sign of dehydration also.
No. 122121
>>122118You can use oils like coconut oil and almond oil to smooth, soften and un-chap.
If you do feel like checking out new lip balms, burts bees and badger balm are really good.
Don't lick your lips and slather on some form of balm/oil/moisturiser if the air is dry. Drink water and get lots of vit C & E for healing.
No. 122122
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>>122118I had severly chapped lips (and I also had a problem with biting them when they got rough) and this thing helped so much.
It works really fast too.
No. 122126
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>mfw sugar scrubbing before shaving
Holy shit this actually works. I have so little razor burn now.
Coconut oil+ brown and white sugar, people. There's loads of recipes online for this shit. I wouldn't recommend using it all the time, but man it works.
Anyone else here try sugaring? I've waxed myself a few times before and want to try something new.
No. 122129
>>122127I've gotten a Brazilian with sugar wax, and I don't know if it was the girl or the wax, but it was the most painful Brazilian I've ever had.
The least painful was with regular wax done by a no-nonsense asian lady. She was fast and didn't do the whole chit chat thing.
No. 122132
>>122126>>122127Why don't you guys just shave in the bath? I've noticed that when you're covered with water shaving doesn't leave marks. Water is like the world's best shaving cream.
Also just epilate, I use an epilator machine thingy mostly and it's cathartic to feel the hairs being pulled out…Also leaves you smooth for so long and makes them grow back finer.
No. 122133
>>122124omg I have the same problem!! I have tiny red bumps on my butt, lower back, upper back and sometimes on my thighs or legs. Sometimes they're itchy and became inflamed.
I did research and either its some sort of rosacea or eczema, which I'm leaning more towards eczema. It could be because of dry skin and I use St. Ives oatmeal healing lotion and they go away eventually if I apply daily.
No. 122141
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So I got this in the post a few days ago.
It's Missha's Time Revolution: The First Treatment Essence
Basically it's an essence you apply after patting in your toner, and it contains Niacinamide,, Cassia-Alata Extract which has UVA SPF properties and the primary ingredient is yeast with is a fortified vitamin B that promotes cell turnover, collagen production and a bunch of other great minerals and compounds.
First thing I gotta say about this - WOW, the bottle is HUGE! It's 150ml but honestly I need to take a picture of myself holding it because you could easily club somebody to death with it if desired.
When applying it it goes on very much like a toner and you can really smell the yeast, but for me this is a positive because I'm really into organic skincare and beauty. At any rate that scent vanishes once it's absorbed, which only takes between 5-10 seconds.
I've only had it a few days so I can't really comment on any noticeable changes yet, but I will say that I was in the process of having an acne breakout and since I started using this a few days ago that's halted.
These are the ingredients:
Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate, Bigida Ferment Lysate, Propanediol, Niacinamide, Polyquaternium-51, Ulmus Davidiana Root Extract, Betaine, Amaranthus Caudatus Seed Extract, Pirper Methysticum Leaf/Root/Stem Extract, Beta vulgaris (Beet) Root extract, Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract, Cassia Alata Leaf Extract, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Sodium Hyaluronate, Pentylene Glycol, Water, Trehalose, Disodium EDTA, Hydrolyzed Corn Starch, Adenosine, Ethylhexylglycerin, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Raffinose, Tromethamine, Acetic Acid, Lactic Acid, 1, 2-Hexanediol, Caprytyl Glycol, Hexapeptide-9 Phenoxyethanol, Potassium Sorbate
No. 122142
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>>122141Here's my hand holding it for size comparison.
The bottle is solid glass with a frosted coating, it's VERY heavy.
No. 122146
>>122143A couple, but dermatological problems can be quite tricky to treat because solutions vary from person to person.
For eczema I know that the the typical go-to is plain oats mixed with water and applied to affected area, but I suppose if eczema is something you've had to deal with in the past that this is something you've already tried.
I had problems with sebbhorheic dermatitis for years, which is very similar to eczema, and it's only very recently that I managed to get rid of it. Sometimes skin problems like this can be caused by an overproduction of bacterium on the surface on the skin, so what can help is applying an anti-fungal like miconazole nitrate to the affected areas which can be found in most anti-fungal creams such as athletes foot cream and vaginal yeast creams.
Now concerning what actually worked for me, it could have been either one of two things. As you already know diet can have an enormous effect on the condition of your hair, skin, eyes and nails so early last year I decided to switch to a vegetarian diet and cut out meat completely. Since then I have noticed a dramatic diffirence in of the condition of the aforementioned, but at the same time as beginning my new diet I finally began a proper skin care regimen around my face and neck. I don't know which of these worked for beating back my sebbhorheic dermatits, but all I know is that it hasn't been back since and I'm ecstatic.
For me my new skincare regimen consisted of an alcohol-free cleanser, an an alcohol-free toner and an SPF moisturiser that I apply daily, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night, sometimes both. If you're not already doing this I would heavily recommend that you begin this regimen applying to your neck. Finding a moisturiser that contains cocoa butter and vitaman E I suspect will help a lot also. Just really slather that shit on before you go to bed and after showering and I'm confident you'll notice a difference.
No. 122148
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What kind of sunscreens do people here use regularly?
No. 122152
>>122141So I was coming here to post about my amazing results with SK-II Facial Treatment Essence. I've been using it for a little over 2 months and realized last night that my skin looked like glass. Granted, I have a strict regime using mostly Korean products, but I have heard this Missha product is a good (and less expensive) dupe for what I'm using
. does anyone know firsthand?
No. 122155
>>122146I've never actually heard of the oats solution since I had it as a kid and it only came back recently(22 now). I'll try it out.
>>122150I realized that about a few months ago my skins started breaking out in cysts like crazy one because I was off birth control for a bit and two because I was constantly buying vanilla frappes because damn. My problems with my skin did start around that time so I'm thinking its also dairy.
No. 122156
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I'm thinking of using an AHA, but the information on reddit is a little spotty and there's hardly any general consensus. I'm having trouble figuring out the correct way to use them. So far I'm completely confused about absolutely everything:
>do you just apply it after the cleanser? pH adjusting toner?>how long do you leave it on the skin for, for it to be effective?>how often should you use it?>is there a "starter" AHA with lower amount of active ingredients, to help your skin get used to it?>>122148Biore but they put a lot of alcohol into their sunscreens. I might try hada labo after all of mine runs out.
No. 122157
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Does anybody else here do anything else in the way of beauty i.e. specific dietary regime, foods they regularly avoid etc.
For me I'm a vegetarian, but I always ensure I drink a cup of hot lemon/lime water in the morning. It really wakes me up and makes me feel prepared for the day ahead.
I really want to try cutting out dairy soon because it's really no good for your digestive system,but I eat a shit load of cereal so it makes it difficult.
I don't even really like milk anyway, the taste makes me gag and so the only time I consume it is either in cereal or ice cream. Maybe I'll try switching to soy in the future.
No. 122158
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>>122156Fifty Shades of Snail has a good introduction to AHAs and BHAs. anyone whose curious about product order, this is a general guide of how products should be applied, but some may require adjusting depending on the product.
No. 122160
>>122147so is this lady really legit? she seems so knowledgeable and her skin looks so good…
after watching her videos i am seriously contemplating starting something like her routines, but i am a total clueless noob. i have acne prone oily combination skin. would something like a double cleanse with that clean it zero, followed by the hada labo gokujyun face wash she recommends work? also considering getting the pixi glow tonic too since they apparently sell it at target.
she follows that stuff up with so many more products, but i think for a newb, starting with those three products and maybe a light moisturizer after would be a good step in the right direction? anyone here have experience with these products?
No. 122161
>>122160just adding that i know nothing about skin care and my "routine" is shitty neutrogena gentle foaming cleanser, sometimes using noxema instead, CVS spot zit cream and neutrogena combo skin moisturizer and thats like it… my skin is terrible and i dont know what to do anymore. i had always hoped that when i got older my skin would clear, but i am 31 and still get acne and my skin is still oily ALL the time.
my mother on the other hand has only used noxema for cleaning and lubriderm for moisturizer her whole life and she's 62 and her skin is great, she doesnt have any of that dry wrinkly old lady skin. it seems so easy for her but im just a wreck, it sucks.
No. 122169
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Getting new skincare products is the best feeling. This is my current routine, I haven't tried night cream before so we'll see how it goes.
No. 122171
Anyone ever used stuff from Arganistry, Good Things, and/or Medyskin? picked up a few things from them from TJ Maxx, but they're sold at the other discount stores and online. They smell good that's for sure.
No. 122172
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>>122126I've done sugaring, but it's a pain in the ass process to get right. If you undercook the sugar mixture, it's impossible to work with (unless you're using it like regular wax). Overcooking is apparently better than under because you can add a bit of water to the cooled batch and then microwave it to make it manageable. Consistency is hard to get right the first few times. The actual technique for ripping out the hair can be tricky, too.
Once you get used to making and using it, it's great. You can use it on hair that's shorter than the minimum length for waxing and it's supposed to cause less irritation since you're pulling in the direction of the hair growth and it isn't hot when you use it. Overall, YMMV, but I liked it once I got it down.
No. 122173
>>122172Also wanted add that it's super cheap to make (just need sugar and lemon juice) and it's water soluble. I was expecting it to be a nightmare to clean up but it's super easy.
I also wanted to ask about a good exfoliator for someone dealing with post acne hyperpigmentation, or really any advice you think is important for someone dealing with this. I still get a few zits around my period, but after two years, I finally have it under control and now I'm hoping to get rid of the persistent red marks.
No. 122174
Anyone know of any good diy sodium hyaluronate moisturizer/serum/etc recipes?
here's details about it for anyone interested: No. 122178
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Any advice about cystic acne?
Over the past two years, I've developed cystic acne around my mouth/chin, cheeks, and sometimes near my ears. I only get 1-2 at a time, but they take forever to go away, so it always looks like I have more.
Triggers: Hormonal, simple carbs (i.e. white bread/pasta, sugar, etc)
Routine: Cetaphil face wash, Stridex maximum strength pads, Cerave moisturizing cream
I'm a little hesitant to take BC because I'm sensitive to a lot of medications and have had issues with BC in the past, so I was hoping there might be something else I could do to get rid of it.
I've tried to cut out all sugar in the past, which seemed to help and might be the answer, but I'm recovering from BED and relapse when I don't compromise with "bad foods", like sugary stuff.
No. 122179
>>122178Have you tried using a drying lotion at night? The mario badesco one was posted earlier in the thread and it helps with my acne a lot, which isn't cystic buy rather persistent at times. The drying lotion at least helps shrink the pimple if not getting rid of it (and leaving some hyperpigmentation but that varies from person to person.)
I also like to apply the body shops tea tree oil mask to just my acne spots to help with redness.
No. 122180
>>122179I've never heard of that, but after reading some reviews, it doesn't seem like it does much for cystic acne. Apparently, there's a buffering cream by the same brand that's specifically for it though, so I'll have to try that out.
Thanks for the rec about the mask. I've been looking for one recently and this one sounds like exactly what I was looking for.
No. 122189
>>122075How'd it go? Mine is really bad in the winter and looks incredibly offputting. It's hardly a healthy blush and it just makes me look ill and gross.
In the summer it isn't so bad usually though. I mean it's still noticeable, but manageable. In winter I do not want to go outside
No. 122190
>>122185Just buy the attachment brushes and use them alone without the electronics and they aren't.
>>122183I find a mix of lemon oil, coconut oil, and baking soda work well, when made into a thick paste. Also reduces scarring and lightens skin gradually.
No. 122192
>>122178I had a bad case of cystic acne (cheeks and chin were the worst) with added pimples and blackheads. I looked like a Christmas tree. What helped me were two things: firstly i cut out sugar, dairy and wheat almost completely from my diet. I still eat some every now and then and try not to sweat it too much. I used to eat a lot of chocolate and snack constantly and the withdrawal phase (around two weeks) were really bad for me: I got angry from the smallest things and wanted to brawl, so to get over the roughest patch I changed my snacks to nuts and berries and raisins and other healthy things that did not taste as good. But I found that especially chili nuts were gods gift.
I think what mostly helped me change my diet were the scare I got from a dentist and the fact that I was so damn tired to see my face full of acne and pimples.
The second thing that helped and I started doing this before my dietary change, was checking every single skin care and make up product for their ingredients. I threw away all that contained ingredients that might have caused breakouts and to me that really helped. (I don't want to post pictures, but I have documented the change). I had no idea that my skin was that sensitive to certain ingredients but within a month I noticed a difference. I understand that it is a hassle and it takes a lot of time to find alternatives but in my case it did pay off. Without this step I would probably still be using Nivea Soft to my face.
I know cgl loves to throw the first link around like it was was written by the gods themselves, but I usually cross check the ingredients with the latter link to see if same things pop up. Obviously there are tons of websites to check and I do recommend it. No. 122197
>>122195Have you tried eating fruit instead? Many fruits are just as sweet as candies but have some additional nutrition that can be beneficial. Or…
>Unpopular advise incomingYou can always eat sugar free candies if you have to have some type of sugar. People are pretty dead set against it but it'll probably be the closest thing you can get to help out with your sweets craving. Just be aware that eating too much of sugar free candy will give you unpleasant intestinal issues.
No. 122198
>>122197I haven't tried eating fruit instead, although I've seen people suggest plain dried fruits too. Maybe I'll give that a go.
As for sugar free candies, I don't have anything against them, but most artificial sweeteners, save for stevia, give me horrible migraines and bloating.
No. 122200
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Exfoliating gloves: yay or nay?
No. 122206
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>>122203i use those little eyebrow shavers and never had a probem
No. 122211
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>>122208Out planet is dying.
No. 122214
>>122195>>122192 here. I know the feel, anon. It's just so easy to keep doing what you are doing, even when you know it might be the cause for it. One thing I found surprisingly "helpful" was not having anything sugary things in my apartment. No cookies, ice cream, nothing. Sure, it doesn't stop the cravings at all, not at first at least, but it will get easier as time goes by (few weeks in my case). And when the cravings come during the evening and all you have is a bag of raisins, you gonna eat dem raisins. I guess you have to make a firm decision and just stick with it, no matter how much you hate it and crave sugar. I used to go to the candy isle even during my withdrawal phase and just be pissed at myself: I wanted to eat everything and anything with sugar in it and would still get a bag of nuts or dried fruits instead, even when they didn't taste remotely the same as candy. You have to commit to it, think about your face and how, pardon my language, fucked up it looks and just keep repeating that if you do this, your skin will look better. I took pictures of myself during this and seeing how my skin cleared up made me feel a lot more better. It also made my resolution stronger.
And if you do fall back to your old habits, don't beat yourself up. Just eat that opened chocolate bar, give rest to your friends and get right back to track the next day. You can do it, anon!
No. 122216
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>>122215Hey anon! I used to have it too, and I'm doing so well with it now. I believe dealing with it will really depend on you personally. What works for one person won't work for another, but one important thing that's universally important to remember, is that it's NOT YOUR FAULT. You're not a bad person, you're not pathetic, you're not stupid.
You WILL slip up. And that's fine.
My personal "tricks"
-videos. Pimplepopper on instagram, youtube blackhead videos etc. are really relaxing
-relaxing videos. Things like peaceful cuisine (with and without music), cooking videos, sewing videos etc.
-Use a notepad/exercise book as a "picking log" to record how you feel, what brought it on, if you feel shame, why you feel it etc. It's easier to pour yourself out on paper, and with time you'll have an overview of what's going on in your head.
-those japanese popping keychain things. The squishy ones. I have one on my phone, on my keys, on my fav pencil, one with my pencil sharpeners etc.
-face cleansing. Having a satisfying facial cleansing routine with products you like (with toner, moisturiser, exfoliation, face masks etc.) is great. Doing facials, nose strips and exfoliating reduces my need for picking.
-Throw away all picking utensils. Yes. THROW them away. You know what I'm talking about. Putting them in a drawer won't help.
-Stop beating yourself up over it. You did it, it's done, now move on. Write in your picking diary. Do something USEFUL instead of moping.
-Exercise, eat well. Deal with depression. It's often other areas of our lives that bring out dermatillomania. If you don't deal with whatever stress in your life is messing you up, you'll never deal with it properly.
-Introduce physical barriers to picking. Get fake nails. Especially longer ones. Put moisturising cream or oil on very quickly after washing your face (makes face slippery and picking or gouging a bit more difficult)
Hope I helped, also you should come hang out at the girltalk chat!
Image related is for anon who are wondering what dermatillomania is. It varies and can manifest itself in different ways, eg. gnawing at your hands, gouging your cheeks, picking at nonexistent blackheads or existing milkia.
No. 122217
>>122216I'm not the other anon but thank you so much. Mine starts after I get a random zit or ingrown hair, and I just pick and pick and pick – it gets bad. I switched from arms to butt then to stomach and now I'm trying to stop entirely. It's way harder than I thought, I honestly didn't think I 'needed' to pick more than my body 'needed' a cigarette (quitting that too).
Did you ever get to the root feelings/situations that start to bring it out? I tried the elastic band on my wrist but it didn't help much, I don't think my dermatillomania stems from wanting to be in pain necessarily. Idk if that made any sense..
No. 122219
>>122218Do you wear make up? For some people wearing make up can help you from touching your face because it would mean messing it up. You wouldn't have to go cake face or anything but enough to not mess with it. It's like how some people get manicures to keep them from biting their nails.
Also, have you seen a therapist? If you have that strong of a compulsion it may just be something you need that kind of help, rather then a dermatologist.
Also, I'm 28 and my skin went to proper shit when I was about 24. I never had really horrible acne before then, even as a teenager. It's better now and I think it's because I'm using a new sponge applicator for my foundation everyday and throwing it out.
No. 122220
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>>122217>Did you ever get to the root feelings/situations that start to bring it out?Yes. I have an "obsessive compulsive" personality, and my picking felt like a compulsion, carrying out my compulsion gave me a feeling of peace. I was in a peaceful trance that could last hours. I think my timed record was slightly more than 4 hours spent picking on my legs. What helped was writing. Writing it all down, with fresh blood still on your body and fresh thoughts flowing on that paper. You hold the key to why your mind works the way it does.
If you evaluate your thoughts and feelings by writing them down, you'll get to the bottom of it too. No shame, no berating, just zen writing. Objectivity. Once your diary of pickings is filled with occasions you picked, you'll notice patterns. You'll also notice you're less scared of it. It's no longer something you can't control, it becomes something that exists in black and white on paper. Something you can change.
As I wrote and read, I noticed a pattern. Whenever something stressful or just plain exciting happened (new years party, a relative dying, weirdo guy talking to me) I would pick. I learnt to deal with my desire to pick in healthier ways. Instead of picking I watch peaceful videos, or shitpost on lolcow, or read a book, play some vidya, spend hours on wikipedia…Anything is better than picking. No matter how autistic and repetitive it might seem.
Keeping your hands busy is great too. I draw a lot and am currently writing a novel just because I have that urge in my hands. You can harvest your illness to your advantage. Start cooking complicated things, get sewing, become a DIY maniac, learn how to braid your hair into intricate designs…The sky is your limit here. Pic related is a "squishy". My hands are addicted to them, and yours can be too. Better for your hands to be busy with that than busy scarring you, right?
Good luck anon.
No. 122225
>>122220Thank you so much anon. I already have a diagnosed anxiety depressive disorder, I think this picking is a manifestation of that like my eating disorder was when I was younger. I really appreciate the time you've taken to answer everything, I'm so ashamed of my scars that for years I refused to even kiss someone for all of college.
I'm going to try a bunch of the things you've mentioned and see what sticks. TY again.
No. 122226
>>122224are you fucking kidding me? I'm still trying to recover from my puberty acne, I don't want 20s acne too
No. 122228
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>>122227This. This x10 000.
No. 122233
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>>122230I recently bought this sunscreen and so far I like it after I use my moisturizer. it doesnt feel greasy and seems to absorb into my troublesome skin.
However, Like
>>122231 said most sunscreens need to be reapplied.
No. 122234
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>>122230You can try this one. It's made for sensitive skin and does absorb quickly
No. 122236
>>122235Honestly a lot of acne is due to hormones or bad diet/exercise habits. Even prescription meds have a hard time when those two things are out of wack.
Other than balancing your hormones and improving diet/exercise habits, the best thing you can do is not overwash, use a good moisturizer with zero/minimal harsh ingredients, and wear hypoallergenic makeup (and cleanse your face properly to take it off).
For the occasional pimple, I do an extraction if it has a head/is ready to be extracted, then I apply some diluted apple cider vinegar with a qtip or Grease Lighting by LUSH which I feel works great.
No. 122238
>>122236I love the apple cider idea, next time I have one I'll try that!
>>122235Just wash it with a facial cleanser or alcohol to kill bacteria and hope for the best.
No. 122239
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does this really work on some minor acne/pimples?? my friends use it and says it works for them idk
No. 122241
>>122239>>122240You can get just a tea tree oil. Don't look for branded ones, they are super overpriced.
here in Russia you can get 10ml bottle of cosmetic tea tree oil for 1$(30% tea tree with the basic oil), or you can get relatively pure tea tree oil for 3$(note that 100% pure oils are rare).
Tea tree oil drys skin on the applied area and kills bacteries, that's why it' so good to get rid of pimples.
No. 122243
I usually have oily/combo skin but lately it's been dry as hell and flaky. My skin is shedding but when I exfoliate, it scabs over?? I use either a sponge or an exfoliating glove like this:'ve just started using the Eucerin Original Moisturizing Creme because it's thicker than my daily moisturizer.
I just want to know how to help get rid of the flaking without causing abrasions and scanning. Btw It's on my T-Zone area and then my cheeks (cheekbones and jawline mostly)
No. 122247
>>122245Well yeah you silly willy. Milk, meat, fatty foods and salty things are common culprits. Also something you might personally have a mild intolerance to. It's like an allergy but on a very low level.
Alao nice quads
No. 122248
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Reluctantly posting my photo here just because I couldn't find any pictures online that picture quite what I have.
I'm female, biologically & everything, but I have a permanent 5 o clock shadow. It's not actual hair, it's like my skin is discolored. It might just look like the lighting is making a shadow around my mouth & chin but that's just my skin. Makeup hides it, but I'd like to actually get rid of it.
Anyone know what this is? I'm trying to drink more water so I'm hoping that will help. Should I use lemon to lighten it? Plz don't mention my skin color, I'm very aware I'm a shitskin.
No. 122250
>>122248Is the patch regular? Or is it a different texture than the surrounding skin? If so, it could be easily solved.
If you've had it from a young age (not necessarily birth) it could be a birthmark type thing (which became visible with sun exposure, fun fact babies and very young children don't have their pigmentation fully developed). In that case only bleaching, surgery, laser, that kind of thing.
No. 122251
>>122250It's the same texture as the rest of my skin :~(
I started to notice it when I was 14 or so, but it wasn't this dark. I'm starting to think it's from the sun. Right now I'm not tanned at all though, and I don't go outside enough to get any sort of tan.
I guess I'll just have to wear makeup forever.
No. 122252
>>122248Definitely do not use lemon on your face, it's way too harsh for your skin.
>>122251If you think it's from the sun, you might want to start using sunscreen if you're not already.
No. 122253
>>122252Seconded on the sunscreen thing. Biore sunscreens are excellent and can be bought from Amazon.
Also, try (good) skincare products with ingredients that will even out your skintone. Niacinamide, arbutin, glycyrrhizin, vitamin C (though this is a more challenging ingredient to work with) are all good choices. If you're still around, I can recommend you some specific products depending on your skin type.
No. 122260
>>122259This was pretty much me as a teenager and it didn't have a name then, other then me calling myself lazy for not doing anything for my skin. It worked out for me as I didn't have horrible acne as a teen.
My skin these days seems to have normalized, and I all I really do now is just try to remove my make up before bed.
No. 122262
>>122261Literally all of my skin problems, and I had a lot, instantly faded as soon as I started up a morning and night regimen of cleansing with Cetaphil, toning with an alcohol-free toner, applying a yeast/B-12 based essence and moisturising with a vitamin E/cocoa butter moisturiser, switching to an SPF variant on days where I go out.
It sounds obvious but removing your makeup each night is so important, and drinking an assload of water each day. I also take half a teaspoon of cinnamon and drink a cup of hot lemon water every morning. My skin is in amazing condition today compared to how dreadful it once was.
No. 122273
>>122272What's your budget?
re: eyebags, afaik if it's genetic there's not as much you can do about it aside from hydrate and be well-rested. someone correct me if I'm wrong though.
No. 122274
>>122270I see, what about sunlight through windows, that doesn't count as direct sunlight? Do you have a recommedation for a good phsycical sunscreen? I saw biore and another sunscreen mentioned earlier in the topic but I believe they are both chemical.
Thanks for your reply!
No. 122276
>>122273Preferably under $50.
Damn re: eye bags.
No. 122277
>>122276I'm a fan of a Korean moisturizer called Beauty of Joseon cream. It's available for $22 on Memebox, though you can grab it for $13 when they have special app deals. I have combo skin that is also acne- and clog-prone and this leaves it silky, while not at all clogged.
Another brand I use sometimes is Jurlique, though they're at a higher price point.
No. 122278
>>122274Yes, sunlight through windows is still damaging. If I were you I would try to not sit next to sunny Windows. As another anon said there are mists with UV protection but I don't know how effective they are but I'm inclined to think not very.
Biore is a physical sunscreen actually, i use it and like it a lot.
No. 122281
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I'm not sure if it belongs in thread, but does anyone have advice about getting rid of stretchmarks?
I don't know if I should even bother, though. They're completely white and I have the complexion of Caspar so they aren't noticeable unless you look really closely.
I've never been fat but I have stretchmarks on my calves, knees, and shoulders from growing during puberty and since summer is coming up, I'm kind of insecure about it.
They look like the attached picture but I'm even paler so idk.
No. 122282
>>122281There are lotions and laser therapy, but I've heard that the whiter they are, the harder they are to get rid of. Google some lotions and find one that'd do well with your skin.
I have these weird stretch marks where my crotch and thighs touch from puberty, as well as on my side hips (from being a fatty a few years back), and where my shoulder/arm meet, on the underside.
So, in your case, don't expect much. Sorry anon
No. 122283
>>122281This post literally made me pull down my pants so I could examine my thigh/ass stretch marks in the mirror lol.
I've heard that Bio Oil helps, but I've never tried it for any extended period of time. Mine are genetic (every woman in my family has them in the same place, even my skinny af cousins), plus my skintone is just tan enough for it to be noticeable.
No. 122285
>>122283tried bio oil for about a year
people, do not bother with it.
No. 122300
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>>122299Kind of because I have keratosis pilaris, seborrheic dermatitis and stretchmarks amongst other things, but I'm pretty fanatical about a natural approach. Like I always check all of the ingredients in my products and ensure they're silicone free whilst trying to minimize alcohol content. I mix up my own lactic acid lotions, I use almond oil under my eyes and on my face, vitamin A capsules on my KP and am currently derma rolling my stretchmarks, for which I'm seeing legit results. Afterwards the bio-oil gets slapped on.
When it's sunny I ALWAYS wear a hat or sunglasses, or both. Gotta protect that eye skin.
Internal maintenance is super important as well, this is why I always keep a bottle of water at my desk, a bag of walnuts and ingest a teaspoon of cinnamon each day, a long with a select few vitamins.
My goal is to maintain myself as "fuckable" throughout any stage in my life. I want to be that 40 year old bitch that shows up to the reunion who all the other women are side-eying because I don't have a single wrinkle on my face.
Gotta say, I'm almost 25 and I still don't have a single one. At one point I would have sneered because "25 isn't really old", but all of my peers all have pretty noticeable wrinkles already so I guess whatever I'm doing is working.
If you guys have any suggestions for oils and stuff and their uses I'd love to hear about them.
No. 122301
>>122300I'm a pizza face by nature and lactic acid singlehandedly saved my face.
I really only pay attention to high-linoleic acid oils since I've read that acneic skin benefits the most from them. Idk what your other skin concerns are, but rosehip, pumpkin seed, passion fruit, and hemp oils are on my to-try list.
I have pretty much the same goals as you do. I'm determined to be fit and protect my skin so that I can look really, really good next to the overweight soccer moms.
No. 122302
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>>122301Ooooooh gurl, we gonna be Nigella Lawson-tier.
She's 56. Fifty-fucking-six.
No. 122305
>>122304Well, I've definitely seen results, but I'm combining my routine with lactic acid and I very occasionally derma roll the area.
The biggest difference for me so far is that physically the actual bumps are no long there, they've smoothed out entirely. However there are still visible red, hyper pigmentation dots a long my upper arms and forearms which whilst slow, do appear to be slowly fading to normal skin colour.
It's not ideal, but it's something. In desperation I once made the mistake in realising that I could squeeze the keratin out using a pair tweezers - shot myself in the eye with fucking explosive, high-velocity skin cells. Holy shit does that stuff shoot out sometimes. Don't. Pick. Don't. Squeeze. Don't be me.
No. 122316
>>122314>i've been awake for five days
>but more importantly, guise, nasolabial foldsi love lolcow and how fucking insane our user base is.
hope you do well on your test, anon.
No. 122318
>>122314If they've appeared over the course of sleep deprivation they're probably temporary.
If you're not sleeping at night it's probably because you're not studying during the day and leaving it till late. Fix that. Lack of sleep absolutely wrecks the body.
No. 122319
>>122317Add clogged pores/mini CCs everywhere and you've got my skin. :(
I'm in my 20s and everyone else has such a smooth face. Why must my hormones rage to this day?
No. 122321
>>121943You'll have zits until ur 30, then ull have zits AND wrinkles.
Skin creams are a scam: an expensive af lie sold to pathetic vain women.
Do they sell that crap to men? No.
And who ages better?
No. 122323
>>122321The reason why they age better anon is because of testosterone, not because they don't use skin creams. Here's a good article that covers this and cites good sources:>>122322Not a lot of males care about skin care unfortunately, so they don't moisturize or use sunscreen as often and as a result they get deep wrinkles and sun damaged skin.
No. 122325
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Bought this 2 weeks ago, 250mls of sweet almond oil.
I read that applying it regularly around the eyes is supposed to diminish dark circles overtime due to it being loaded with vitamin E and vitamin K, whilst also having a moisturising/lubricating effect.
Well I've started applying a thin layer around my eyes under my makeup in the morning, rubbing some onto my face at night and applying a thicker amount around my eyes once again right before going to bed, and wow, I'm really seeing a difference in not just my eyes but the skin on my face as a whole. At first I was concerned I might break out, but really my skin just seems to 'glow' more and feels very, very smooth.
I am really digging the natural approach right now.
btw if anybody else decides to invest in some almond oil, make sure it's 'sweet' almond oil, as 'bitter' almond oil is actually toxic.
No. 122327
>>122326Well, I mean, my skin is also acne-prone but this is working fine for me, which was surprising.
It might not work out but if you think there may be a benefit to it it's worth trying out, even if it's just a patch test.
That being said, if it's just being used around the eyes I don't think it'd be much of a problem. After all, who gets acne under their eyes?
No. 122338
>>122337Huh, I've never come across anything like that.
Have you tried applying Vaseline around the corners instead of moisturising?
No. 122345
>>122344Haha oh god yes, I get that completely. Used to suffer with this brutally for many years and it destroyed my confidence entirely. Would walk around with my face pointing down at the floor so that nobody could see me.
I would go out and see girls with beautiful, smooth, flawless skin, and not really become jealous, but more intensely sad.
Starting around September I really dived into a strict skicare and diet routine full force, the result being that now I am one of those girls with flawless, enviable skin.
If I had any advice for you it'd be, unless you're spots are visibly white, leave them alone and outright don't touch your face unless you're doing an activity with it.
Regular, light exfoliation just out of the shower is good, but the keyword here is light. Don't scrub any damaged areas of the face regardless of how much you want to smooth down those flaky edges, it will just delay healing.
Water. Water, water, water, water, water, water.
Don't underestimate the power of proper nutrition in influencing the quality of your skin. Garlic cloves, ceylon cinnamon, raw carrots, walnuts and lemon water are all things I consume regularly.
SPF all day, erryday. Even your lip balm.
Suspect you might be deficient in vitamins? Load up baby. With the exception of some such as vitamin A which you can overdose on, most vitamins you don't need are secreted out through the urine leaving the ones that you did need to be happily absorbed into the body and redirected towards various bodily functions, such as skin cell regeneration. Always do research on each individual vitamin beforehand though,abs remember there's no true substitute for vitamins found in food.
I also went vegetarian in August. I believe this has had a big effect on my skin as it's damn right affected everything else, to how little I sweat now, the complete lack of body odour, no farting and I'm sorry but my bowel movements have never been so smooth. Everyday is ghost poop day where you go to wipe and there's nothing there.
No. 122346
>>122345I think I must have crazy hormones, because I eat very clean (loads of water/green tea, greens, veggies, lean proteins, no junk food or dairy) and at age 23 my jaw still erupts like Mt. Vesuvius.
And trust me, I'm obsessive about skincare, lol. Lucky me also has IBS, so I could eat a huge bowl of broccoli and still not be able to take a crap….yes, that happens. I'm picking up some probiotics soon, so hopefully it helps.
No. 122349
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Any tips for discolored knees and elbows? It's not too noticeable I just don't want it to worsen.
Exfoliation does shit so I've tried that already.
No. 122350
>>122349I'm no expert but I assume it happens because the skin is thinner than the one around, and gets treated more harshly.
I think skin bleach is your only option, or even just get tanned more to make it blend
No. 122353
>>122349u might have just been born with it
it will worsen with age but thats about it
i have it too, tried shit even bleaching lotions but nothing really worked
No. 122356
>>122355South Koreans frequently appear to have milky skin because that's their underlying skintone (yellows).
Whilst it's possible to temporarily modify the levels of lightness and darkness of your skin, actual skintone is an underlying attribute and cannot be affected by surface level interference I'm afraid. Likely you'll probably just turn really light, but really pink.
No. 122357
>>122352I'm a eurofag & have ordered plenty of acids from It's American & the shipping is a bit steep, but their stuff is glorious. Also, you can buy tiny sizes to try out.
Then there is UK-based shop They have amazing things for concocting your own skincare products.
No. 122358
>>122357MUAC saved my life.
Also, someone please tell me that those pigmented, barely indented scars from cystic acne eventually go away with repeated acid/vitamin c use.
No. 122360
>>122359Frankly, makeup goes a long way.
Also the celebs you see on Get it Beauty and such have undergone months of dermatological treatments before debuting on TV.
No. 122365
>>122364If you rolled over playdough every day would it remain taut and supple?
The answer is obviously no. Moving a rock over your face isn't going to do anything and I can actually imagine it making the condition of your skin worse overtime.
No. 122367
>has anyone been doing it regularly for an actual extended amount of time?Moi.
>any tips on how to "ease" into it?Nothing I can really tell you to be honest. You think it's going to hurt a lot, and the first time you do it you might think it hurts a lot, but actually doesn't really hurt as much as you think it does.
It's like epilation, the first 2 or 3 times you're like "AH FUCK, THIS FUCKING HURTS", and then every other time after that is "eh". A lot of the time I just lay on my bed with a documentary or some animu and get to work. Your body adjusts to it super quick.
I will say though, I only really do my hips, stomach, inner thighs and behind my arms for stretchmarks. The face on the skin I know for a fact generally hurts more, so you might have a tougher transitional period. You will adjust eventually though.
You can get numbing creams however they take up to an hour to start working and they have to be sealed under clingfilm and shit for them to work so I honestly wouldn't even bother. You can also kill yourself with them so there's that.
No. 122369
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Is this for real what dermarolling can do or is this edited/exaggerated/dramatized? I have similar ugly stretchmarks on my hips/thighs/ass and I would love for them to go away…
No. 122370
>>122369it doesn't help, sorry
I tried it and there was absolutely no difference
I did laser tho, fractional laser and I think it's way better tho i still haven't completely healed so i'm not sure yet
No. 122371
>>122369It does help, but you have to ensure you do it regularly and it will still take months for you to start seeing any real visible differences.
Obviously there's limits to how much it can help, but it really does work.
>>122370How long did you do it for and what mm did you roll with? How much force did you use as well?
If you see little speckles of blood by the end of a session that's the right amount of force.
No. 122372
>>122371I didn't do it at home, I got it done professionally
I did for a month then stopped when really it was just pain and no results
No. 122375
>>122371How often should you be derma rolling to see results? Is 1.5mm enough for stretch marks or should you be using more? What kind of cream/oil/serum should you be rolling with for stretch marks? If you can't use the tap, how should you clean it? Only alcohol?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm so close to buying one. Just need to clarify a few things.
No. 122376
>>122375Here is a site with detailed instructions about using dermarollers: instructions make sense but I haven't gotten up the courage to actually try a dermaroller yet. I have some acne scarring that's somewhat new on my face that I would like to get rid of but they advise you to keep skin that has been rolled completely removed from sun exposure which makes sense. I have a lot of stretchmarks so that's seems like a safer place to start when I get brave enough. I'm interested to hear from people here who have actually used one.
No. 122381
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I have that Bi-Oil here as well but it isn't doing anything for me other than clogging my pores. For scars, I use Mizon AHA 8% peeling serum and it's removing the rest of my remaining acne scars I had from a very bad hormonal breakout half a year ago.
No. 122383
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Well zooming in on it makes it look less bad I guess, but is there anything I can do about kprf/rosacea? Appeared out of nowhere when I was about 14 and it's been hell since for me. Incident happened today that I'm not going to spend time bitching about, but I'm just hanging out in an alley waiting til night so I can walk home. I'm just tired of this condition, so I thought I'd come here. I've made a few threads in /r/skincareaddiction that get ignored and whenever I see a relevant thread on /fa/ or /fit/ I just get laughed at
Someone did tell me it went away for him when he was 23 (I'm 20), but I don't want to get my hopes up. I doblike to think it's just a puberty thing since it appeared around that time.
Seems like I've tried every cream in existence, but I'm willing to try some again. I'm really just looking for any and all thoughts and advice
No. 122386
>>122385Oh thats a good idea anon! I got this once and it works nice. But I kind of hate the feeling of it on my face for however long you have to wait with it there. But I could probably deal with it on another part of my body lol. Will have to check it out.
Have you ever tried the chocolate one from lush? It looks and smells so good but it says for oily skin and I dont have that problem
>I just want to cover myself in chocolate ;__; No. 122387
>>122385Sorry to bring this up even though this post is 5 months old. But what are good ideas for coconut oil? I never use it on my face unless I'm removing stubborn makeup. And I occasionally will use it all over my body (but not face) as a moisturizer after the shower.
I originally got it for the ends of my hair but it just weighs my hair down and makes it greasy.
No. 122389
>>122388I'm saying I dont use it on my face.
Even if it was good for my face, it just feels like a bit too heavy there, ya know? it also can get in my hair line and make it greasy so I avoid it.
No. 122392
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How did I do anons? I was recommended the sun screen from a makeup thread in /cgl/ awhile ago.
No. 122396
>>122394No. We have all the same products that they have made here, that being said, our products are generally more expensive than theirs. They also have a slightly higher standard to prove effectiveness but it's not much.
I'd say the korean skincare ROUTINE is the part to focus on, not just their products. Some people need the full regime with all products, and for some people certain serums or essences can make their skin a lot worse.
Have a professional look at your skin - though I hesitate a dermatologist because they almost always flog their in-house products that are subsidized so I don't find a dermatologist effective unless you have an issue with your skin. If you're just trying to improve it overall and get rid of spots/wrinkles, I started with a lady out of a spa that does corrective and maintenance skin therapy. She has her own studio now and over the last two years my regime has changed slightly as my skin changes.
Competition in Korea for good skincare products is WAY more intense than here however, so despite westerners trying to deny the hype, I think their products would probably be more cutting edge and effective, just because of their market.
No. 122397
I live in the US and have combination skin that is sensitive to the sun. I get flaky skin like an allergic from certain moisturizers (cetaphil) but I'm not sure why.
No. 122400
>>122398I don't have a dermatologist.
I don't think it's quite that; it's only as a reaction to some moisturizers. The products that do it tend to be the heavier, richer, thicker creams.
Also, I'm shelving the Cetaphil anyways because it's full of poison.>>122392Also wondering about this. Is it good for acne-prone skin?
No. 122402
>>122399True. Korean brands aren't superior, but they have better price points. The cute packaging is a great bonus.
I tried a 5 dollar etude stain and it was better than benefit's expensive stains for 30.
No. 122406
>>122405Here's the thing, there's a loophole by which a company may announce that it does not test it's 'finished' products on animals, but by and large most of them purchase ingredients from manufacturers that
have tested on animals, they just put the ingredients together into a product.
No. 122407
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for anyone looking to get into korean/asian skincare I recommend /r/asian beauty
Here is a picture of some of my daily skin routine products in order. I left out my foaming cleanser/oil cleanser, my sunscreens, sleeping packs, masks, and some products that I rotate only some days of the week (although I did leave some of my non daily actives in here, the Cosrx BHA and Mizon AHA as they are super awesome and wanted to share).
I have cleared all of my acne, my skin is super soft,glowy, and finally I can be super confident with no foundation on. I love skincare
No. 122415
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>>122412>>122410When you say flaking, does it look anything like this?
No. 122419
>>122417I'm going to sound like a moron, but what is it exactly? Like could you point me to a brand or something.
My mom died when I was young, I never learnt all of that stuff.
No. 122424
>>122421Not entirely true. If you use a mild enough facial cleanser (which you should be) a double cleanse should remove a basic face of make up without horribly drying you. You 100% need to be moisturizing after you cleanse regardless of method, though.
Actual removers are good for eye makeup/waterproof junk.
No. 122427
>>122424Sorry anon, I meant any product that's formulated well enough to properly remove makeup, not specifically one that's marketed as "makeup remover". Basically I meant to say what
>>122425 said.
No. 122431
>>122429lush is generally horrible for skin besides a few products.
A simple usually foolproof routine for you would be:
-ph balanced face wash
-retin-a (for acne, prescribed by your dermatologist)
-sunscreen during the day/cleansing oil before your face wash at night.
No. 122435
>>122414What's the mask you got?
Masks absolutely do help, as long as they're well formulated and used properly/often enough.
No. 122438
>>122436Replying to my own comment.
I am always willing to try new products and even interested in looking into korean products, but I am such a noob at asian skin care that I wouldn't know what to order and whats the best online shop to order it form. If anyone has long term experience in using korean (or any other good asian skin care stuff), share some tips.
PS! I am willing to invest some money, but definitely not 200 bucks for a 10 step regimen…not that rich
No. 122439
>>122436You seriously do not need a 10step reginem….
All you pretty much need is a cleanser, moisturiser, sunscreen
Serum, toner and essence is not that needed imo
Although you might need a different cream for day and night.
And eyecream is just pretty much a heavy duty cream that could be replaced by an actual face cream
Ive been into korean skincare for good 5 years now and the more products i used the worst the condition of my face got
Face masks from time to time do wonders tho
No. 122440
>>122439Aah, interesting.
I've been reading blogs and reviews and watching videos and everybody is swearing by the 10 step routine.
SO, I felt like I have been living under a rock.
I was particularly confused by the essence thing. Wouldn't a toner and a serum achieve the same job?
No. 122441
>>122440Essence is a lighter version of serum (serum is someting that targets a specific area e.g. used for brightening) you put it after but before serum
Theyre pretty much the same tbh.
As i said, i think its a waste of money to follow a 10step regime but it might do wonders for you
For example right now my routine is
Cleanser > vitamin c serum > face cream > sunscreen (during day)
I also use a face mist throughout the day and face masks around once a week but thats about it
No. 122442
>>122441You put it after toner but before serum
* whoops
No. 122444
>>122443Jesus, calm down. I clearly stated I was new to the thing and asking questions.
Most of the bloggers and videos I watched Literally used 10 or more products a day in their skin care
No. 122445
>>122444Let me clarify my statement.
Most of the bloggers and videos I watched Literally used 10 or more products a day in their "KOREAN 10 STEP" skin care, with all the essence and ampoule shit.
No. 122447
>>122446If you have dull skin look for the key word ''brightening''
vitamin c should help you
No. 122448
>>122436>>122438Hi, I'm
>>122407 Anon.
I have a mixed '10 step' with western and asian products. If you know where to buy Asian products they are usually not very expensive (all my serums/essences vary between 6-15 dollars).
You can also have a multiple step routine (each step is to target certain issues) with only western products if you like. Just make sure to start slow and add one item at a time to your routine.
Apply the products from thinnest to thickest, only ignore this if you are using PH dependent products like Vitamin C or acids.
If you guys need shop recommendations I can help out.
No. 122450
>>122447Ah, okay! Thank you. I will look into it.
Also, Talking about skin care. Has anyone here tried face yoga or face massage for a long term? How did it work out for you.
No. 122451
>>122449Skin type? skin concerns? Describe your skin please
Basic "korean" routine should look like this. You can replace any products with western ones that fit as well btw
1. Oil Cleanser (first cleanser)
2. Foam Cleanser (second cleanser)
3. Toner (ph balanced)
4. Actives (vitamin c/acids/etc)
5. Toner>essences>serums>ampoules
6. Moisturizer
7. Sunscreen
Most important thing really is the cleansers, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Also make sure your cleansers are at a healthy PH range and do not strip your skin.
No. 122452
>>122445It's clickb8 m8. And imho it's misleading because most people who watch it already have in their heads that skincare is a set 3-step, 5-step, 20-step, whatever routine with amazing results instantly, with no room for customization according to your own skin's needs.
There are multiple people here asking about the "Korean" routine so my comment wasn't aimed toward you in particular.
No. 122453
>>122451As I have pointed out before, my skin is pretty okay (not the best, don't get ,e wrong). Never really had issues with acne.
But I do have occasional redness and oiliness. I also get whiteheads, mainly on the hollows on my cheeks.
But my biggest issue is that my skill just looks tired, dull and worn out.
No. 122455
>>122453>>122454Skin type? combination?
Actives are products such as acids (AHA/BHA) and Vitamin C.
>Speedy Cleansing oil (9$)>hada labo foaming cleanser (11$)>toner depends on whether or not you want actives>actives (if you want) >Cosrx whitening power essence (brightening/redness/hydration 12$)>Benton snail bee essence (brightening/redness/hydration/acne 12$)>moisturizer (any of your choice) >Sunscreen (any, recommend Biore Japanese ones 10$). Because of your acne I would recommend AHA/BHA and dullness I recommend Vitamin C (and the Benton Snail Bee as well as Cosrx). You need to use sunscreen daily especially with actives as it makes your dullness worse/ages you/could give you chemical burns otherwise.
I recommend reading /r/asianbeauty and /r/skincareaddiction
No. 122456
>>122455Shops to buy from/safe sellers
Asian Beauty products
> Jolse > Roseroseshsop> TesterKorea> Sephora (over priced tho) a great Korean shopping service (super easy) is koreanbuddy. I just bought a bunch of the Gudetama x Holika Holika products today no hassle.
No. 122459
>>122454More specifically, actives are skincare products that have to be at a low enough pH (typically <4) to work properly.
Ex., if you apply a 2.5 pH product, you should wait about 20 minutes before applying another product to allow it to self-neutralize. If you don't, you risk raising the pH to a level where the product can't function properly and you won't reap its full benefits.
No. 122461
>>122457Whiteheads are a form of acne.
>>122458memebox is ok but I avoid it because many products are super overpriced. I shop occasionally on sales only
No. 122466
>>1224641) good info on sidebar
2) friendly userbase
3) too many low-effort posts that the snowflake mods refuse to do anything about: "make me a cheap routine!!!! halp i have acne what do i do :(((("
4) some sperging about ~cultural appropriation~ and other SJ issues (veganism, feminism, etc)
I post fairly frequently (there's good info, you just need to know who to ask and where to look) but ngl at the end of the day the sub still grinds my gears.
No. 122475
>>122474True, but even a moisturiser with SPF is better than nothing and most don't even seem to want to bother with that.
My boyfriend is always complaining how he has forehead wrinkles at 25 and yet despite my nagging he won't put on his fucking sunblock reeeeeeeee
No. 122476
>>122474tbh I had no idea about putting sunblock etc on your fave until I got here
so I guess a lot of people might as well are uninformed about it
No. 122477
>>122475sadly, moisturizer with spf does not offer any actual sun protection. I apply sunscreen on my boyfriend otherwise he "forgets" LOL
>>122476uninformed I understand, so was I. I just don't get the "lazy" excuse
No. 122478
>>122476Yep i thinks its just them being uniformed
im only 19 but i wear suncream everyday. Everyone gives me weird looks when i tell them about it (or when i apply it around them) including ladies well in their 40s/50s
No. 122486
>>122485Yeah, sorry. I should've been more specific.
I wear pretty minimal makeup (matte BB cream, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, setting powder) and just want a sunscreen that's noncomedogenic and dries completely.
No. 122488
>>122484Hada Labo UV Creamy Gel
Biora Watery essence (cult favorite)
>>122487"acne cleansers" don't do anything to prevent acne. A cleanser at most just cleans your face. If anything you may be harming your skin by over drying it.Get a simple ph balanced cleanser.
What toner do you use? if it is high in alcohol or irritants I say stop using it. Look for a hydrating or gentle toner.
SPF in moisturizer does nothing for you. If you are not wearing an actual sunscreen know you are not getting any real sun protection. I recommend using one daily.
I suggest getting an oil cleanser, it should help with your acne (by cleaning the sebum off your skin/removing sunscreen).
Look for a moisturizer that suits your facial skin more. I suggest not using a face wash (x2 a day). sounds too harsh. You can use water in the morning and if your face feels "dirty" using a toner like Alcohol free witch hazel on a cotton pad should "clean" it and help with acne/hydrate.
I would change the face wash, no face wash in morning, evaluate your toner, get a sunscreen, get an oil cleanser. Look into getting a new moisturizer (you might benefit from more but lighter moisture layers so this is why i recommend a light essence) and possibly 1 essence.
No. 122490
>>122489just wearing makeup that you are not allergic to/no reaction to should be fine. it does not age you like ruin your skin permanently but never washing it off might.
I'm in similar thing as you. I don't really wear base makeup but this is because I am lazy. some makeup does clog my skin but other makeup does not (its trial and error).
you should start incorporating an AHA and BHA product. these are great to prevent/treat acne/get rid of scars/etc.
No. 122491
>>122490Yes, half of the reason why is because I want to be lazy and the other half is because I want to be a ~natural beauty~
In other words, I don't want to scare guys when I have no makeup on during the night. I'm getting better at being okay with my skin lately, though.
I have never heard of AHA/BHA products! Any recommendations?
No. 122492
>>122491I recommend Cosrx AHA power and Cosrx BHA power. these are cheap and usually well liked.
for more info got to /r/skincareaddiction or /r/asianbeauty so you can learn how to properly use them, and about other alternative aha/bha products.
makeup wise you could use a light poweder or bb cushion for some evening of skin tone without a makeup mask look (so not too different when you remove makeup). I like to use a variety of cushions sometimes or a powder like mac mineralize skin finish lightly dusted.
a little OT but I don't want to be annoying and say 'don't worry' but someone who judges you very harshly for your acne is not worth it. I once had horrible (and I mean those pictures of cystic acne you can find on google) and the guy I dated although obviously he did not find it 'hot' did not judge me and understood you know? we are human. Right now thank god, my skin is 100% blemish free and I plan to keep working on maintaining it the best I can.
No. 122498
>>122497Oh my god ahahaha, sorry but that's way too coincidental.
Did you by any chance watch that cunt Lisa Eldridge's video on it? That bitch tricked me.
No. 122501
>>122494>smooth makeup appearanceIt's true.
>pimples are happeningBecause the baby hairs are growing back in but they're being blocked by under-exfoliated skin cells. Have you tried exfoliating and moisturizing?
No. 122502
>>122497Have you recently disinfected your epilator?
But I have this shit happen to me randomly. I've never tried my face, but I got bumps and pimples the next day whenever I tried to get the smaller hairs on my stomach so I gave up on that. I've had it happen once on my legs too and it was quite painful.
I just shave the babyhairs off my face.
No. 122503
>>122483thank you anon!
I will try not to get too excited because I've tried a bazillion sunscreens, but the reviews make me think this might be good.
No. 122505
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>>122502Don't you guys use any special cream/lotion after epilating? I use this and it's pretty good (for shaving too). I wouldn't apply it to my face though, but I did on my vag (on top + the bikini line) and it was fine.
No. 122507
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Anybody have recommendations for products to use when working in fast food?
I have slightly oily skin but it gets gross after work, which leads to blemishes and small pimples. Products I'm using; Garnier brightening scrub, Lush ultrabland, clean and clear spf 15 moisturiser. plz help.
No. 122508
>>122505I use a scrub in the shower everyday. Combined with using a chemical exfoliant ( i use stridex in the red box, it's super cheap) I have perfectly smooth skin with no in growns. If I don't use these I get horrible ingrowns.
>>122506look for something with sugar. nothing with sea salt, nothing with walnut pieces (just nut shards in general are horrible for you), nothing with microbeads. If you want smooth skin, i recommend using chemical exfoliants instead of physical anyways. they are way less harsh and also will help get rid of acne/scars.
>>122507toss that scrub.get a gentle cleanser. if you need a scrub, use it once a week. read my above recommendations. I would bring something like clean cotton pads and witch hazel (try thayers no alcohol one, it's soothing and helps with acne) to use to "freshen up your face" around the middle of your shift. You can apply your moisturizer after as well (this is what I do at work).
No. 122509
>>122469Cool thanks!
>>122471I already wear sunscreen everyday, wouldn't dare to go out without ;p
I think I'll just try it (the MUAC lactic acid) and we'll see. I'll update on results if anyone's interested
No. 122511
hey guys
i feel like i've tried everything under the sun for this problem… and i'm hoping one of you guys might have a solution for it
i was blessed with acne free skin, and my skin tone is pretty even. however, my skin looks kinda dull, it isn't drastic or anything, but i notice it at least.
i wash my face with CeraVe hydrating cleanser twice a day, moisturize with ponds moisturizer, and i always wear sunblock if i'm going outside.
i do a face mask twice a week, and i don't wear any foundation, concealer, blush, etc
i want my skin to look bright and i want it to glow, how do i achieve this?
No. 122514
>>122507I found wearing bare minerals powder foundation always seemed to help me NOT breakout from the grease. Like a shield or something.
Also, I used micellar water as soon as I got home. I didn't even wipe it off, just sort of wiped with my hands
No. 122521
>>122520Once the area is healed look into derma rolling which you can do at home. Start taking vitamin C, preferably from an actual fruit, but supplementation is fine.If you don't already start using SPF 50 on a regular basis, ensuring all your moisturisers have vitamin E/cocoa butter and I would super recommended sweet almond oil which is loaded with vitamin K and is an emollient.
Ignore any products that claim they contain collagen, the body can only synthesise collagen from existing compounds, ingesting it or applying it topically does absolutely nothing.
Obviously water, water, water. Water is the oil of the engine of the body, it can't function or repair adequately without it.
No. 122527
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I decided to post this in two threads (the brandy Melville one and skin care one) as it relevant to both. I'm pretty white and used a self tanner. I used it only on my legs and you can see my natural skin tone on my face/upper body. I will use it everywhere today but took this pic to show you guys how it looks. I used ST.MORITZ tanning mouse in dark, got it from Amazon for 6 bucks a bottle with free shipping (although they sell it at ulta for 12 a bottle if you want). I love the way it looks (plus you get a tan with no sun damage!). Sorry for retarded pose I am a midget so I cannot get my legs/face in same pic as I have no full body mirror.
No. 122537
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I was looking up some good fake tanning products, and I found minetanbodyskin on instagram. I was looking through photos and got really distracted by the war going on over how dark some of their products made you. Pic related had 1,000+ comment war going on about how racist it is. Like….how…how tan are white people allowed to be exactly? What about Mediterranean people? I'm so lost.
No. 122539
>>122537Tbh its a shame people tan their skin, its exactly like bleaching dark skin. I feel they are selfhating. Besides all that chemicals and/or aging sunrays should
trigger anyone itt
No. 122545
>>122540Not all of us do though? Enjoy your sunburn I guess.
Don't get why it
triggers you that someone likes pale skin, pale is beautiful.
No. 122549
>>122548Secret Key Snow White milky pack
>contains titanium dioxide, which makes your skin look whiter due to the white castBenton Snail Bee Lotion
>niacinamide, which fades dark spotsHada Labo Shirojyun
>Arbutin, which blocks melanin production and is safe for use>literally any whitening sunscreenContains any of the above ingredients + SPF. Possibly has a white cast too.
The dangerous products usually contain hydroquinone which is believed to cause cancer, but even that is not thoroughly researched so it's just a rumour at this point.
But please, continue being assmad because someone else likes what you don't like.
All the ingredients can be found on CosDNA btw.
No. 122551
>>122549thanks anon. Nice to see there are other skin care knowledgeable and sane people on this board. It's so funny to me when I hear people bitch about "whitening" products which are mostly full of safe things like Niaci. or Abutin. I got "whiter" after introducing these sorts of products and regular sunscreen use.
>>122550I mean it is a natural response from sun exposure, not saying it's safe or whatever though.
>>122539wayy different subject tbh. Sometimes darker people "whiten" their skin using bleaching products because they are told they are disgusting, too dark, dirty looking etc. So there is that bit of colorism undertones in there that could cause self hatred. There isn't very much an idea that white/pale people are dirty/unclean, lazy, can't get married for being white. That being said I'm white and love my skin tone but I like to fake tan during summer because it's fun. (I was talking about Asian color relations not Americans/African race Americans).
No. 122552
>but please, continue being assmad because someone else likes what you don't like.Whooooa cool your jets Anon, nobody here is mad and there's no need to get defensive, people are just trying to look out for your skin here.
Are you okay? Who hurt you?
No. 122555
>>122431>retin-a Why do so many people on here use OTC retinol instead of rx retin-a? It's better and free (if you have insurance). I'm seriously asking because I admit I don't really understand skincare.
I've been using retin-a for years and 6 months ago went up to 0.05% and am now over the horrible peeling. Should I up to 0.1%?
Also does anybody use retin-a on their body? I'm thinking of using it on my chest and neck since my natural skin looks like a mask because of the brightening effect of retin-a and I have huge pores on my chest.
No. 122560
>>122559Yeah, their English is usually not the best. Usually by whitening they mean brightening (which makes skin look more even and paler if there's no PIH or redness).
>>122556My own mother would put tonnes of blusher on me when I was little to 'make me look more alive', and then lipstick when she ran out of blusher. When I grew older and started using BB creams she dragged me to the makeup section in my local Boots so she could 'help me find the right foundation', and then proceeded to apply the darkest fucking shade she could find to 'warm up my face'. So yeah. She's not even the worst one, my classmates started taking the piss out of me as soon as they discovered fake tanning.
No. 122561
>>122533Garnier's Micellar water is a miracle (imo)
i also like Pond's cream cleanser
No. 122566
I always cringe at face masks with lemon ingredients or when someone is like
"JUST TAKE THIS FUCKIN LEMON AND RUB IT ALL OVER YOUR FACE" to reduce pigmentation or something.
Like, what the fuck? I tried this once and learned my lesson because my face was stinging for like 2 hours later and I broke out so bad.
No. 122570
>>122569rollers cannot have any effect on fat as deep as cellulite. I have heard dry brushing may help some but mostly cellulite is here to stay sadly, it's just anatomy.
They might be good for things such as acne marks or scars and possibly stretch marks but not so sure.
No. 122575
>>122574It may be clogged pores, do you you a non-comedogenic moisturizer? And do you remember to exfoliate weekly?
If you already have those things under control and you still have a zit situation you could try some mild retinol cream, i use this one from Paulas choice, link; you only use it for your butt or other problem areas(you can use it for the face too!) it is reasonably cheap and you dont need it everyday.
No. 122582
>>122578most likely hyper pigmentation. Many people get this. Vitamin C/chemical exfoliation should help you. Make sure to use daily sunscreen as these will make you more light sensitive/the darkness will darken without sun protection
>>122581Sounds like closed comedones. Look at the ingredients in this new cream. Are you sensitive to any of these? It's important to figure out your skin
triggers so you can avoid products with these ingredients in the future.
Also sunscreen info everyone should read No. 122588
>>122582Unfortunately everything is in korean so I can't even read it haha. I think I've learned my lesson and will just stick with my old moisturizer from now on!
>>122585>>122586Will do! I actually used Lush's mask of magnaminty right after I posted it in hopes that it would help a bit. Would it be possible that my skin is just so used to one product that using another automatically irritates it? My original moisturizer was made for sensitive skin to begin with so I can't tell if my skin is sensitive or not… It took a while for my skin to start being weird and bumpy too, and the new moisturizer never made it sting or feel funny. I switch face washes all the time and I've never had any issues with my skin turning weird and bumpy but I've been using the same moisturizer and toner for 6+ years
No. 122590
>>122588If it is Korean just use "" to find the ingredients. It also helps you find "danger" ingredients although it'a really depending on you skin. Look for products on there that have broke you out/irritated your skin and see what they have in common
No. 122592
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Pls help a skincare noob.
I have oily/acne prone skin with a few pimples on my cheek and I just got into korean skincare, I'm naturally tan and I live in Australia (winter) I was just wondering do I still need to wear sunscreen? Whats a good toner? Whats a good moisturizer for oily skin?
No. 122593
>>122592Sunscreen is a must always. Even if it's cold or cloudy sun rays are ever present. Never go without anon.
Moving on to the Korean skincare. Check out Etude House for a lot of Korean cosmetics. The shipping is sort of terrible but the specials they have are usually pretty good. So my skin type is different from yours (sensitive) but I do like Wonderpore for an all around toner. I think it works for most skin types so it might be worthwhile to check out. I can't give any recommendations for moisturizer though.
No. 122595
>>122594SPF in makeup isn't quite bullshit, but it's not enough to protect you from sun damage. Think of it as a booster to your sunscreen.
Speaking of which anons - I've been looking for a facial sunscreen and have only run into ones that are too thick and leave a messy white cast. Any good sunscreen recommendations?
No. 122597
>>122594I was the one that posted that it was "bullshit". technically yes, it will give you that SPF if you use the recommended amount only (which is a very large amount). you need to be careful with spf layering though, as some forms of it can degrade the others. SPF 6 very low, the "perfect" spf is between 30-60 ish. you need a proper sunscreen.
>>122595get something like biore watery essence. Look for sunscreens that say they are 'cosmetically elegant'. you will have to reapply every 2 hours of sun exposure though with these chemical ones.
>>122592what kind of toner? a "cleansing" one or hydrating one? cleansing I would suggest something like witch hazel (no alcohol ones), hydrating hada labo is cheap and good. daily sunscreen is a must. is your skin dehydrated? you might like light layers of hydration vs one moisturizer. something like benton snail bee essence and then mizon snail gel might work well for your skin.
>>122593I would be wary recommending wonder pore for it's high alcohol content (although TBH it worked for me but it's more so a toner used to use prior to actives than just for "toning" due to how drying it can be).
No. 122598
>>122596>>122597Thanks anons. I've been looking into the Biore one. I have Shiseido but it's a different one and leaves a milky mess. Maybe I'll have luck with this one?
I have Mizon snail gel and it's really nice. I have dry skin so it's not really a product for me, but it neither moisturizes your skin nor dries it out. It's perfect for oily skin and gives a smooth dry texture. Best for inflammation problems as it's a bit soothing.
No. 122600
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>>122593Thank you so much! I was looking into sunscreens and I've torn between Secret Key Snail Repairing Sun Cream or TonyMoly Mango sunblock. I'm so indecisive because people say the first one is best for dry skin and my skin is oily and acne prone, have any of you farmers tried those products?
No. 122601
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Help please
a little more than a month ago I popped a pimple and ruptured a blood vessel damaging my skin. It turned into a reddish pink flakey rash and I immediately thought it was ringworm. I used ringworm cream but it never really improved, it just got oily and larger. Still thinking it was ringworm i've been washing my face like crazy and applying cream and it has gotten super dry. I even stopped putting on lotion thinking it would spread ringworm. I even put vinegar on it which seemed to dry it but made it worse the next day and it jumped to my other cheek. I now have stinging and itching parts of my scalp. My arms, legs and chest get roundish itchy patches and I'm thinking it's because I stopped putting lotion on them too. Eczema and chronic dry skin runs in the family
Is it seborrheic dermatitis? Did I screw up this whole time? I used selsun blue on my scalp and it made it less itchy but it still stings and flakes to the touch under my hair
No. 122614
>>122609I googled it now, it does have a lot of alcohol.So unfortunately, that rules it out for me as I can only use physical sunscreens and they have to be without alcohol and paraben. If anyone has more suggestions I would appreciate it.
No. 122617
>>122604Well Anon, I mean peels and masks are actually chemical treatments, but one of the things you can try is the lactid acid lotion I posted up here
It's a difficult one to pursue because it does make your face flake and peel a few days after the first application, so it means persistent exfoliation when the flaking does first appear which is why I use it primarily to treat the keratosis pilaris on my arms now.
Barring that, looking into buying a derma roller. I use one for stretchmarks on my hips and stomach and it does work, but again it leaves your face a bit out of actions what with the redness and soreness. Take all your supplements, apply sweet almond oil at night, alochol-free moisturisers with vitamin E, wear your sunscreen everyday and drink lots of water etc.
No. 122618
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Hey there, guys
I wanna know if there are any brazilians on this thread with good and cheap (poorfag, sry) recommendations here, like about 120 reais max on a full skincare routine for shitty, PCOS acne ridded skin.
I tried to import my shit from korea and got taxed big time and it sucked, I can't afford it, unfortunately. I wish I could buy some kind of acid too that won't melt my face. The one I used to buy is too expensive for me right now, unfortunately.
Either that or homemade alternatives. I've tried some scrubs, but they didn't seem to work much.
I'm sorry for being so demanding
No. 122619
>>122614Check out Badger Sunscreen, I've heard from office gossip/mothers they're big fans of their products. your skin is super sensitive it might be worthwhile to check out things made for babies because they'll generally be free of fragrances and shit. It'll be pricier, but it might be worthwhile. I asked a dermatologist once about sunscreen, and it was expensive as fuck. It worked just fine, but I found if I took the product I wanted back to them with a list of ingredients, they could also help me find out if it was good or not.
No. 122621
>>122619Thank you! I ended up buying a mineral cream 50+ SPF from Avene, recommending it for other eczema-anons
>>122620Is it proper scar tissue or just depigmentation? I had a lot of eczema induced scarring but it goes away much faster than "normal" scars. Apply lotion often, if your skin is still drier than healthy skin exfoliate daily (don't worry, you're not overdoing it) and expose those areas to sun in safe amounts. The tanning might seem to make those areas more obvious at first but you'll see a huge improvement in two-three weeks, if not completely even skintone by then.
No. 122622
So i'm quite desesperate, this past 2 years the hairs on my legs kept on being stuck on my skin and they would become infected, and dumb as i am, i picked on the hairs, sticking tweezers on my skin until i got them out. Since then i have horrible dark-red scars all over my legs, i'm treating them with aloe vera and i massage them daily with a very moisturizing cream, but nothing, after 3 months with no picking at all and doing this religiously the scars are still here, not as harsh, but still VERY dark red. When i massage them they fade away and my legs look normal for a few minutes, so i'm kinda scared this shit is now permanent part of my skin.
Any ideas/products to treat this more effectively or am i fucked?
No. 122623
>>122618Psst… small batch orders from eBay.
Trust me, I'm a Europoor. I know the customs struggle.
No. 122624
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>>122622It'll go away eventually when you stop picking at it. I'm the same with ingrown hairs and I can't help it sometimes. Try physical exfoliation. I soak in hot water and scrub all the dead skin off my body with a Korean Italy towel once a week.
No. 122625
Holy crap, I just thought these were little bags, I did not know they were exfoliators.
If you use it, do you really like it or no?
No. 122626
>>122624I'm the anon with the shitty ingrown hair legs and holy shit thank you for reminding me this exists. I remembered i had one gifted from a korean ebay seller and decided to try it out after your recommendation, and my legs feel sooooo smooth i just can't stop touching them, it also really helped with some of my ingrowns right away!
>>122625I loved it, if you can get your hands on these, get them, pretty sure they are on Amazon pretty cheap, even maybe ebay. I tried a lot of different exfoliator mitts (mainly the white/cream scratchy ones) and they never took out all the dead skin and hurt like a bitch since i have very sensitive skin, but after this i'm never going back to that stuff, it was scratchy but did not hurt or makes my skin too red, it just took away dead skin. It left my legs and body incredibly soft.
No. 122630
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>>122623Hey, it's the brazilianon here. I'm sorry to bother you, but how do you do it? Also, do you have any recommendations on good&cheap products that won't give me skin cancer?
I used to buy on ebay a lot, but then it started getting taxed big time, plus the delays. The postal service in Brazil sucks hard, but I might give it try.
I got pic related on ebay, and although I love it (even though I didn't notice any change in my pores' appearance, but my skin feels nice), it got taxed and I paid almost the price of the bottle. My pockets hurt.
No. 122631
>>122630We don't get taxed for products under €25 (or €30 depending on where you are) and I always order small stuff because postage is free anyway.
I usually order from rubyruby76, f2plus1, fujisan_jp for sunscreen, sing-sing-girl and a few others. Never order 2 big items at the same time (like 2 bottles of toner/cleanser in the same package) and make sure to know your customs laws so you know how much you can spend.
No. 122634
>>122633If your skin reacts well to oil, consider switching to almond or argan oil. Almond is cheap, argan is expensive but worth the price. Both are more appropriate to use as a moisturizer and good for your hair too.
No. 122636
>>122634If you have acneic skin, try a high linoleic oil (evening primrose, maracuja, etc. - do your research).
Jojoba and almond oils are high oleic and more likely to break you out.
No. 122642
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>>122522'''On the topic of micellar water:'''
>How many of you use it?>What do you use it for, and when/how often?>What else do you use?>Is it essential, or over-hyped, or somewhere in between?>What brand(s) do you use, and what do you think of the product(s)?>What should buyers look for in a micellar water? No. 122643
>>122622I totally destroyed my legs by doing that. Probably much worse than your legs - I had open wounds all over my legs because I got obsessed with getting the hairs out. (I have pale skin and very dark hair).
The good news is that I was able to stop doing it and almost everything did fade and go away. I only have a couple small scars. The hyperpigmentation will go away but you have to leave it alone and it can take awhile to get better. It might take a year or longer depending on your skin and how much damage you did.
A couple things you can do:
- Use a lotion for keratosis pilaris (that's what you have, btw. About half the human population suffers from it). This is a lotion that will help soften the skin so that the hairs don't get stuck. If you can, go to a doctor and ask for a prescription for Lac Hydrin 12. Only use this if you don't have bleeding wounds, though. If you can't get a prescription, then go to the drugstore and look for AmLactin or Lac Hydrin 6. If you're not in the US, post again and I'll find out what is available where you are.
- You can apply a retinoid (tretinoin) to help the marks fade faster. A common one is Retin-A. You need a prescription for this.
No. 122644
>>122641take some vitamins/supplements, i used to take vit c and glutathione (although im at home so im not taking it anymore) it really lightened my skin and the scars faded quickly over 6 months.
if you have the money go and get a chemical peel or laser therapy done though, it helps with scarring a lot. your skin sheds and basically reveals a new later that's very smooth and supple.
No. 122646
My skin is really sensitive and when I used an exfoliating cloth that one dermatologist I had gave me + a cleanser, I broke out really badly all the time… non-stop. I kept doing it for two months and it pretty much wrecked my face.
The best results I've had cleansing was with an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and then a foam one, just gently in the shower… but that still wasn't enough to really "clean" my skin fully (which is why my derm gave me that stupid exfoliating cloth.)
I'm currently just cleansing with my old two cleansers but is there anything else I can do? Are those little clarisonic machines or whatever a meme? I feel like they're all a breeding ground for bacteria tbh.
No. 122655
>>122642i just tried it for the first time yesterday and 'im satisfied.
i used two cotton pads both sides and the micellar water seems to help pull off a lot of makeup/dirt/whatever is on my skin without feeling drying or anything.
No. 122661
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I'll use this on my eye makeup but it makes my face break out. You have to be really careful though, accidentally get any of this in your eye and your vision will be very hazy for awhile.
>inb4 you're a mongoloid 4 puttin stuffz near ur eyes XD
Don't act like you never want to smear remover into your eyes to get that stupid waterproof mascara off
No. 122662
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>>122660This is a really good second cleanser it got low ph (5.5-6),contains natural bha,tea tree oil and its sulfate and alcohol free. I find it quite gentle yet does the job of removing excess sebum, but i also have very oily skin but i read that even people with dry skin type liked this one too.
No. 122664
>>122663Firstly, I'm sure they're much more noticeable to you than for other people. That being said, yeah stretchmarks can really hurt a person's self-esteem. Stri-Vectin is supposed to be one of the best creams out there for stretchmarks but it's expensive af. You can look at pregnancy creams since they're supposed to reduce the appearance of them and/or prevent them as well.
If all else fails you can always look into microdermabrasion. I had it done on some self-harm scars and it made them go away. Since stretchmarks are essentially scars I would think it could work out similarly. Any anon who can dispute this please do so though. It's just a theory of mine really.
No. 122665
>>122663What color are they? I blew up like a balloon when I was pregnant and was so worried they'd never go away. They were reddish before but have faded a good amount and are hardly noticeable now.
Like previous anon, microdermabrasion helped a bit and I used kojisan soap to lighten the rest of my body to kind of match. Depending on where your stretch marks are, working out and tightening the skin would help reduce the appearance, they never really go away 100% but I'm pretty sure they won't be noticeable to other people.
No. 122667
>>122666I've heard that emulsions are lighter and well suited for oily skin. Maybe someone else can recommend one.
I have combination skin and currently use Joseon cream, but since it's now kill I'm looking for equivalent options.
No. 122668
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>>122666I used that but I found it made my face feel even oilier, although it didn't break me out or anything.
I use this now and find it's much better and hasn't made my skin look or feel worse. You don't need very much either, whereas I felt like I had to use a good amount of the Cerave to feel moisturized. It's a very light but effective moisturizer.
No. 122671
>>122669That should not be happening at all. Are you allergic to something in your cleanser? Try eliminating or changing the cleanser and see what happens.
>>122670Keep your skin clean, get some tea tree oil/whatever acne treatment you prefer on pimples when they start appearing. Another anon (I think in this thread?) said hair/skin/nails supplements helped with their acne, and I have to say, it's helped with mine too. So, maybe try those out? If your acne is severe, you might want to consult a dermatologist for medication.
No. 122674
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I have to shave my chin and upper lip every day. I have very coarse, dark hair that feels like beard hair and grows really quickly. I basically have a five o'clock shadow around dinner time.
No matter how I shave or what I use, I always end up with irritation or razor burn. I've tried using different creams, conditioner, and oil, all of which still caused irritation.
I use a men's 3-blade razor and sensitive skin shaving cream and only shave at the end of a hot shower or after applying a hot compress for 5 mins. Afterward, I usually apply a sensitive skin moisturizer, though for the past week I've been trying this razor burn cream called "Bump Stopper".
I'm starting to dread shaving because it burns and makes my skin red, and I find that even makeup, sun screen, and sweat makes the area burn now.
Any advice, ladies?
No. 122679
>>122675I don't really have the money for that unfortunately.
>>122676>>122677>>122678Yeah, I know all about PCOS. I've had most of the symptoms of it since I started puberty, but didn't know it was actually a thing until a few years ago.
I've talked to my OBGYN twice about it, but she keeps shrugging it off, saying all my symptoms are just because I have bad periods, suggested therapy/medication, and eventually threw some birth control at me and told me to see what happens.
The first time I brought it up to her, she didn't even want to test me because I told her my periods are normal. The second time she relented and did an ultrasound, said everything looked normal, and didn't want to do a blood test, which I've been told is the best indicator of PCOS.
I lost my insurance this year, but as soon as I get some money/coverage, I'm going to another doctor, because I feel like she doesn't even give a shit just as long as I pay her.
No. 122680
>>122581 again
Switched off that korean moisturizer, went back on my reg one, and then finally found some Chifure moisturizer because I read online it's supposed to be good for sensitive skin… Took a bit longer for the reaction to happen, but it happened :\
I'm seriously almost out of my regular one and it just doesn't seem to exist in Japan, so I've only been using my regular toner and it's helped it to get back on track, but just this morning my skin was red and really sensitive. There were small bumps (not acne or anything but just bumps that went away when I applied a tiny bit of my reg moisturizer) on my cheeks, sides of my nose, and a little on my forehead… I usually use Lush's angels on bare skin with no issue since I've started by my skin wouldn't stop feeling so sensitive to touch…
Hours later I went to go workout and the stinging came back… I definitely can't wipe away the sweat with my towel and do my best trying to gently blot it away but man it hurts like a bitch lol. Any suggestions on what to do?
No. 122681
>>122679Fuck anon, I've had the same problem and the same exact bullshit with my gyno.
Like the tests came back fine so I guess I need to just live with this shit ? It's getting worse too.
I'm gonna try a new diet and see what happens.
No. 122683
>>122682What this anon said. Hirsuitism is irreversible, once one of those soft baby hairs gets changed into an adult hair, it's permanent. They're called terminal hairs because of this.
Ounce of prevention = pound of cure.
No. 122685
>>122681Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm so fed up with whatever is wrong with me that I'm not even going to wait until I've got insurance. I'm just going to cut back where I can and go see someone else asap. I'm sick of my gyno trying to explain away shit like why a 11 year old would grow a mustache and skin tags.
>>122682>>122683I feel like I'm already passed the point of no return as far as prevention goes. I'm going to be 27 in a few months and have been dealing with hirsutism for 16 years. Luckily, the weird hair growth let up a few years ago, so now it's just about maintaining what I do have to shave.
No. 122687
Since this is skincare general, I hope that this is the right place to post it in. didn't wanna make a new thread.
I have scars on my backside that really really embarrass me. it's honestly the only thing that I'm self conscious about on my body. across my shoulders and and on my butt are scars and acne. the backne I can deal with, but the butt…I don't even like to have sex with the lights on because of it. it'smg fault because when I was in the seventh grade my mother allowed me to shave, but I was dumb and thought I was supposed to shave my whole body. so I shaved my upper arms, lower back, and ass. retarded, i know, but I lacked common sense then. that was the first and last time I did that. I do remember shaving my ass again because I was disgusted by the hair, but after that, haven't done it.
I use an exfoliating glove in the shower and on my ass, and then an acne spray if there's a 'breakout' of sorts, but beyond that I don't know what to do. the hair doesn't bother me that much, but I like to be hairless overall (except on my thighs, I don't mind it), and I've been thinking of waxing but I'm uncertain if I should.
No. 122689
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How do Koreans have such flawless, pale white skin? And don't tell me makeup, I've seen their lower body and without makeup, their skin is literally porcelain.
Are there any special products or routine I can do?
No. 122690
>>122689they bleach/have thicker skin so redness veins are not visible/ use creams that contain whitening ingredients (they give a white cast thus making the skin lighter)
anddd yes, make up. when i was in korea i saw white faces with darker necks really often
No. 122693
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>>122692You can tell it's makeup by the nape of his neck
No. 122697
>>122689Genetics, make-up and sun avoidance or bleaching.
Some Koreans do have naturally pale white skin but the ones who don't wear foundation that's 5 shades lighter than their actual skin colour and use some kind of brightening cream like
>>122690 said to erase dark marks and even out the skintone for the flawless-part. Also sunscreen, vitamin C serum, umbrellas and hats. Avoid the sun all year round. For more drastic measures, you can look up whitening shots or whatever they're called.
No. 122699
>>122695I plug my Vag and it takes fucking ages.
Like, two to three hours. Can't imagine pits being any better
No. 122702
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how the fuck are you supposed to get rid of sebaceous filaments??? they're driving me crazy
No. 122706
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I know I am such a huge idiot and I told myself I wasn't going to do it but did it anyways. I ordered all this new skincare (everything except cetaphil and retina cream) and started using it all at once. Something is making me break out and I have acne right on my eye.
How long should I stop and wait and then wait between adding new things?
I'm also really sad because something is really making my skin look nice and I don't know what because I'm an idiot.
No. 122707
>>122706Two weeks to a month, you can usually tell.
I wait two weeks, if no acne I proceed and keep it as a permanent thing.
If I get acne within the first 1-2 weeks, depending on the kind of acne I'll decide whether I stop it or continue. If it looks just like my skin is "purging" from the new stuff, I'll continue for another two weeks and see if it stops. If it looks like the actual product is causing the irritation I'll stop it.
If after a month it's still giving me acne, I stop using it completely.
Using this method I used to have a really good 10-step program going after 6 months.
No. 122711
>>122709I try to wash my sheets every 1-2 weeks. It could be the pillow itself maybe? But this was also happening during school when I was at my dorm with a newer pillow. I try to avoid talking on the phone as much as possible (bluhbluh muh social anxieties), so I don't think that would be the problem.
>>122710Not that I know of? I thought it might've been a reaction to bleaching or something, but during the 3 months I let my hair grow out the spots were all covered by undyed hair… so no change there.
I might just have to go to a dermatologist and see what's up because even though no one can really see them (unless the wind picks up and blows my hair around or something like that), I feel self-conscious about them.
No. 122712
>>122669>>122671Well, I changed my cleanser to one of my other ones, and no more redness but it makes my skin much dryer than the previous cleanser that just made my skin red. I just don't get it. It didn't make my skin turn red every time, just occasionally? And which is worse, turning red occasionally, or a cleanser that dries you out more?
I use the same moisturizer that I always have been, but now the new cleanser makes my skin so much drier I have to use it twice.
No. 122716
>>122715Things like massaging, dry brushing, or foam rolling can temporarily reduce the appearance of it. But it's just moving lymph fluid around to create a smoother appearance, and it will go back.
I know there are special creams w/ like caffeine in them, but really it's the action of firmly rubbing your skin that matters.
The only permanent solutions are lipo, laser treatments, or weight loss (which, considering you can have a below 'normal' body fat % and still have cellulite, might not help anyway).
I say give the self massage a shot, since it's literally free.
No. 122718
>>122713Oh man I just discovered this the other day- oat milk. You can make your own even by putting a handful of oats in a pair of tights and straining water through. Easy as shit, most soothing and anti-inflammatory.
Weirdly, skin feels mattified afterwards which is usually hell for my extra-dry-sensitive face but it's comfortable. Considering using as a toner.
If that doesn't work, try japanese roast barley tea (mugi cha). I think it's pretty easy to make but haven't tried it. The effect is more kind of sealing? than oat milk but equally as gentle.
No. 122720
>>122715Lift weights. If you have no muscle, the cellulite just kind of hangs around and bags. If you have muscle, it's stretched out and doesn't flop around as much because your legs are more solid. Plus, easier to lose weight. (Although since fat doesn't actually 'disappear', the fat cells just get smaller, and cellulite is just fat cells in lumpy configuration, weight loss might not completely solve the problem.)
And lift heavy too: uou won't get bulky. I got up to squatting my bodyweight in just a few months and my legs are sleek as fuck now, so you won't hulk out.
No. 122723
>>122721>running or jogging eventually makes your skin sag running or jogging eventually makes your skin sag this gotta be the funniest thing i read today
No. 122725
>>122722Maybe my TV is more unforgiving than yours cause I did see tons of cellulite
I thought, it's really not fair. These girls work so hard and are so disciplined and they still have jiggly dimply butts
No. 122727
>>122726The only useful piece of information you have provided is that uneven skin is an issue to you which makes skin "bad". In order to make your skin more even you should invest in some light acids, eg. Face washes with hyaluronic acid, citrus face masks etc. Exfoliating will also help as dry and oily skin patches can look like a different colour on certain skin tones.
You also need to look into your diet as what you eat is the most important part of your skincare regimen, after sunscreen. Make sure you're drinking a lot of water and getting enough fibre. Try an elimination diet to find what your food intolerances are to deal with spots and discolourations to some degree.
Hormones also affect discolouration so make sure those are fine for you with a blood test, and maybe change your birth control to something weaker but directly applied like a dermal implant or a coil.
Make sure you wash your pillow, don't use one towel for your whole body, don't wear nasty cheap makeup, if you live in a city look into protecting your skin from pollution, experiment with dermarolling hyaluronic acid but be very careful.
Make sure you get enough exercise. Use oils as overnight moisturisers, bio oil for example, but also make sure you're not overgreasing your skin so go easy. Learn some basic dermatology so you'llwaste less money on bullshit. Eg. Pores cannot close or open. You cannot rub salmon dna/gold/collagen all over your face and expect it to magically soak in, you're not a frog.
Reapply sunscreen every 4hrs, avoid the midday sun, wear subscreen even on cloudy days. You can use a sunscreen instead or as a moisturiser. Read into the difference between uva uvb. Sun damage WILL cause discolourations
No. 122728
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Can anyone in the UK with very sensitive skin or mild rosacea recommend a night cream?
I keep finding reviews for creams which are hard to get over here and honestly I expect to have to try a few of them until one doesn't burn, and so shipping costs aren't worth it.
I used to do well with a basic Garnier 'natural' night cream but the formula has changed and I don't even know where to look now.
Going to try the Liz Earle Skin Repair because I have had good experiences with Liz Earle products.
No. 122730
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>>122729Try aquaphor, I don't know what your regiment is, but I've heard cleaning your skin and then applying a layer of aquaphor can help treat skin conditions.
All aquaphor is is a type of petroleum jelly that allows air to pass through - this helps because oxygen is important to the healing process. And, it prevents dirt or outside oils from getting into your pores.
You can also use it as a lip balm, it works very well for that.
No. 122731
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>>122728Have you tried the Avene skin recovery cream? Its free from fragrances, parabens, alcohol and preservatives and made for hypersensitive people. I gave one to my mother who has rosecea and it really helped with soothing her skin
No. 122732
>>122730Thanks for your recommendation! That product is for dry skin, right? But, from what you've explained, I guess it could work. I'd use it at night, right?
As for essentials, I need a cleanser, toner and moisturizer. Clean & Clear products are not good from what I've read on the thread. Which alternatives would you recommend?
Also, you guys should make a guide for each skin type with the whole routine, different products and their price etc, since you know a lot about this stuff.
No. 122733
>>122732Yes, it is very good for dry skin. And you can use it at night, but also during the day - though your face will look shinny.
I don't really use anything else, but most other skin care products might compliment aquaphor.
No. 122737
>>122736Theres too many products for it to be easy said whether its either good or bad
what do u even mean by good?
do u mean the price?how effective these are? are these steps ok?
No. 122739
>>122738Looking through the list it seems like a solid one
Some cleansers listed there might be a bit too drying though
In terms of them being better than western products ehhh i mostly use asian products for skin care so i cant really help you with that but overall id say the products listed there are all popular ones (aka good)
No. 122741
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Anyone else like to make skin care sets when they're bored? Here's one I put together for my dry, sensitive skin that I think would be pretty great. I did tons of research on ingredients.
Too bad it costs a literal arm and the leg. I already have the oil cleanser, ceramidin liquid, grape water, and the cleansing pad. Just need to shell out 332 bucks for the rest, lmao. The Toner (SK-II) and AHA/BHA exfoliant (Drunk Elephant) are so fucking expensive, jesus
No. 122745
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I have really bad scars from skin picking and acne. I already use retinoids and I've been reading about vitamin C. Any Canada anons have any recommendations for a vitamin C? I heard they expire, have different pH, need to be kept in the fridge, etc so I don't want to make sure I'm getting the correct stuff.
Has anybody tried pic related?
Also any recommendations for scarring in general?
No. 122746
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>>122745If you can get your hands on pic related instead, it's good and the price is 1/3rd of that other one depending on your location.
No. 122747
>>122745i used the night cream version of this, from the same line
it was awesome. made my skin brighter and more even. the only downside was the price and the fact that it definitely was not as good (in terms of effects) when i got to the bottom of the jar. i didn't know much about C then though so i shouldve probably refrigerated it, and i think i left the lid off one night lol
i tried c20 and c21 and was less than impressed. just my personal experience though.
No. 122748
>>122745gurl! do not buy the serum for 60$
the whole set is like 75 bucks(which includes the 1 oz c serum.
ya 75 is a lot considering the size but i have a trick~~should get you about 2.5 months if not longer per set..
I use a different moisturizer in the morning and only use half a pump of the treatments. Trust me, its enough. full pump is too much. My fav is probably the night serum in the set.
Been using for two weeks and my skin has had such an amazing turn around. The texture,brightness, and firmness are A+ ;) No breakouts due to anything in the trio set.
Also, if you are unsure -sephora carries the set in a mini version for 24$ which is great to try out.
This friday, I go in for micro needling so by this time next week my skin will be looking like a babes.
If anyone has used other OLE-H products let me know what you think.
No. 122749
>>122745If you are going to spend $$$ on vitamin-C, buy Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum, it's $80, so more expensive, but, it's actually really well made and worth the money. If you really wanna blow your load, try Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare
Hydra-Pure Vitamin C Brightening Serum for $95 lol. Both are fantastically well made, and if you're going to spend $60, might as spend extra to get something actually good.
If you're on a budget try Andalou Naturals
Turmeric + C Enlighten Serum which is only $25 and pretty well made too.
No. 122750
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>>122741Decided to try and get cheaper alternatives so replaced the toner and BHA lotion. Think this will be what I end up getting, and if anyone else has dry/sensitive skin, maybe this will give you some ideas too.
No. 122751
>>122741where did you make this ? :o
>>122750I use the FAB Ultra repair cream moisturizer and I recommend it so much, it's AMAZING. I would skip on the overpriced mask though
No. 122752
>>122751I just sat around for a few hours researching products and then slapped them together in order on mspaint. It was pretty relaxing. I wouldn't mind doing more eventually for other people
And cool! I've heard great things about the FAB mask, super excited to try it! The FRESH mask is really new and expensive, but god I tried the samples and I really do like it but, you're right, it is horribly overpriced :( I need to search harder and find something cheaper, maybe Herbivore's Blue Tansy AHA + BHA Resurfacing Clarity Mask or Caudalie's
Instant Detox Mask. I'm just a sucker for fruity/vitamin masks…
No. 122753
>>122739>>122740Thanks for your responses.
I'm considering moving onto asian products because they're cheaper and seem to be generally better than what I can afford here (drugstore stuff)…
No. 122754
>>122752Good job on that!
If you have some free time would you consider doing the same for other anons here, like you said? You could be our own dermatologist :P
I for one would greatly appreciate it!
No. 122755
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>>122749>>122748>>122747>>122746Thanks for the replies. I'm leaning towards getting that value vitamin C set for $85 for now. The drunk elephant one isn't available in Canada but the other one mentioned is $115 in Canadabucks. Were the results worth it?
No. 122756
>>122754Sure I'd enjoy that haha it's pretty fun for me and I love learning about ingredients. I'd just need to know stuff like
>skin type (normal, dry, very dry, oily, combination, etc)>sensitivity or not>problem areas (pores, acne, wrinkles/lines, dark spots, dullness, uneven skintone, redness, dryness etc etc the more specific the better) ranked from most to least important>budget (I don't want to recommend $90 toners to people on a budget lol)Maybe someone will fill this out and I'll go to town making a kit later
No. 122757
>>122755Well, the flaws with the ole henriksen one are: bad packaging (clear containers allow for the vitamin c to break down faster) whereas the Dr. Gross one has good packaging, so you won't lose the vitamin c you are paying $$$$ for either way. the ole henriksen one also has fragrances in it which can be really irritating for people, and the Dr. Gross one doesn't have any fragrance. There's also other ingredient differences that make the Dr. Gross one better and more effective, but Whether that makes it more worth it to you, that's up to you. There's even better, even more expensive one than Dr. Gross, think it's like 165 dollars lol
Another cheaper alternative you could look into is Lancer Skincare's Advanced C Radiance Cream Vitamin C Collagen Cofactor 10x. Costs less than the ole one, and you get more product, and it's still pretty good.
No. 122758
>>122755>>122757Also in regard to
>>122746 i'd say pass on that one because it has too much ascorbic acid aka vitamin C in it, that it could cause redness and sensitivity. There is a right balance of % to use, more isn't necessarily better.
No. 122759
>>122756Can I be your first client, then?
>skin typeOily over all my face except for my eye area
>sensitivity or notYes, a bit sensitive, especially during breakouts
>problem areashormonal ACNE (mostly on the cheeks), blackheads all over (more concentrated on T zone), pores a bit too large, acne scars
>budget poorfag-tier budget, meaning I wouldn't spend a lot over 10$ per product
>observations>i'm 23>my skin is very fair with pink undertones>although it's oily, it doesn't shine that much, only the nose maybe>i sweat. a lot.>my skin gets dry with alcohol based products>i'd like to experiment with asian products>i'm a eurofag, so if the product is available on ebay, that'd be great>the bigger the size of the bottle, the better. I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much…
If you do this I will thank you forever.
I'd give you an internet cookie and a virtual hug and anything I can give you.
No. 122762
>>122759Sure, I can get to work on it later today. Hopefully I can find some good stuff for you!
>>122760I don't mind cheaper products or dupes, my only concern is the ingredients, I really don't want fragrances of any kind, and I feel like Korean skincare likes to use too many fragrances sometimes. So I'm willing to pay 10-40 bucks more for something I know won't irritate my skin, that's all
No. 122763
>>122756Would you be able to do me as well?
>Skin typeNormal, mildly oily around nose
>SensitivityNot at all
>Problem areasPretty severe redness esp. in cheeks
uneven skintone
beginning of nasolabial folds
>budgetUni student in UK. £10/15 per product max.
No. 122764
>>122762Thanks in advance!
Just thought I'd add that I don't mind fragrances much. I never had irritation or any other issues with that.
No. 122765
File: 1472853909889.jpg (317.06 KB, 894x1303, oily-sensitive-acne-blackheads…)

>>122759>>122764Here you go, hopefully you can find these products in europe/order them online:
>Step 1. Oil Cleanser: The Body Shop Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil $18Side note: I searched really really really hard for a cleansing oil for you. I tried at first asian products but I just kept finding ones that'd probably give you breakouts. The only asian one I found for acne is Hera Purifying Cleansing Oil but it is definitely way above your budget, so if you have one splurge item, I'd make that it. Otherwise, This Camomile Silky oil cleanser is actually good for breakouts.
>Step 2. Cream or Foam Cleanser: Alpha Skin Care Refreshing Face Wash $7.99>A Pore Cleansing Pad: Use with your step 2. You can find them dirt cheap anywhere.>Step 3. Toner: Andalou Naturals Clementine + C Illuminating Toner $12.95>Step 4. BHA/AHA Leave on Exfoliant: Alpha Skin Care Essential Renewal Gel 10% Glycolic Acid $18.75Side note: It is not easy to find very cheap products like this, in fact, this is a really bargain price. Hopefully you don't mind me going a few dollars over, I do think it is worth it though. They have a cheaper AHA 12% cream, but I think this gel is better for your acne scarring. Also, it says lines and wrinkles, but it is also great for other issues, so don't worry.
>Step 5. Serum: Dollar Shave Club Dr. Carver's Miracle Repair Serum $12.00Side note: Don't freak out! believe it or not, this is great and super cheap serum, not jsut for after shave, and you can use it all over your face. You probably don't even need to use a serum after
>Step 6. Moisturizer: Coppertone Clearly Sheer Faces for Sunny Days Face Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 30 $8.99Side note: I wasn't going to recommend one here because you have oily skin you probably don't need one, that serum should probably do the job just fine. However, you should always use something with SPF if you're going into the sun. So I found a cheap one for oily skin with SPF, win win.
Here are you some asian beauty picks:
>Face mask: Cremorlab Herb Tea Blemish Minus Calming Mask price varies but you can find it pretty cheap>Blackheads: TONYMOLY Seedless Strawberry Seeds 3-step Nose Pack price varies but you can find it pretty cheapSorry I didn't include many asian products, I tried but just couldn't find things with ingredients I felt were better than what I included.
All prices USD.
No. 122766
>>122765Oops, a correction:
>Step 5. Serum: Dollar Shave Club Dr. Carver's Miracle Repair Serum $12.00Side note: Don't freak out! believe it or not, this is great and super cheap serum, not jsut for after shave, and you can use it all over your face. You probably don't even need to use a
*moisturizer after
>>122763And sure, I can try and do you one tomorrow. these take several hours to do haha, as I try to check and compare ingredients, products, etc. But it is relaxing at least.
No. 122768
File: 1472855906367.jpg (1.58 MB, 3292x999, 1379710628439.jpg)

>>122765I can't thank you enough! I kinda feel bad knowing I took your time but if it makes you relax then I'm glad :) You're really something.
I think these are great recommendations and I'll definitely start investing on them, at least once a month I can buy a few…
It's totally okay you didn't include many asian products. From what I've seen, it's hard to find them for my type of skin, unfortunately.
Thanks for considering my budget, I know it's hard to find good stuff at such cheap prices ^^'
I already have a sunscreen (sorry, I forgot to mention that on my previous post), but I'm almost running out of it so this moisturizer is perfect.
Keep your good work!
No. 122769
>>122768No problem! Glad you enjoy and hope these products turn out great for your skin!
If you are slowly buying them, i'd definitely start with the step 2, step 4, and step 5 and the pore cleansing pad if you can, you can find them for barely 3 bucks I think and they really do help imo.
Then go for the step 1 (need to wash with the step 2 to make the step 1 worth it, so that's why I say get it afterwards), step 3, and step 6.
Finally the mask/pore strips as you feel like it!
No. 122771
File: 1472863708983.png (107.91 KB, 434x296, masks.png)

>>122770There are 2 good a lil out of your budget but not exorbitant Clinique cream masks for acne and oily skin:
>Acne Solutions Oil-Control Cleansing Mask $22 and slightly more expensive
>Pore Refining Solutions Charcoal Mask $25.50This is the mask I would recommend for your skin type and concerns, honestly. But both would work.
A riskier, less good but less expensive option is
>Dr. Jart+ Dermaclear™ Trans-Foam Clay in Refreshing Green $15.00It's cheaper, but you get less product, and I can't say it'd be super great but it is an option.
No. 122773
File: 1472918306098.png (320.41 KB, 794x1000, normal-oily.png)

>>122763>>122772Toying around with making my own blank template to speed the process off, haha, not sure I like it… need more space for moisturizers lol
Here we go, hope these help your redness and uneven skintone:
>Step 1. Oil Cleanser: Garnier Nutritioniste Clean + Nourishing Cleansing Oil $5.99>Step 2. Cream or Foam Cleanser: Eucerin Redness Relief Soothing Cleanser $8.79>A Pore Cleansing Pad: Use with your step 2. You can find them dirt cheap anywhere.>Step 3. Toner: derma e Evenly Radiant Brightening Toner $15.50>Step 4. BHA/AHA Leave on Exfoliant: Alpha Skin Care Essential Renewal Lotion 10% AHA $16.99Side note: This may be a smidgen over your budget, but I recommend it highly. Again, these kind of products don't come cheap, and this one is a bargain to help your uneven skin tone and your nasolabial lines you mentioned.
>Step 5. Serum: Dollar Shave Club Dr. Carver's Miracle Repair Serum $12Side note: Yep, again I recommend this one. It's a great, inexpensive serum, and would likely help your redness. Don't be fooled by it being 'for shaving', it is great for all over your face as well.
>Step 6. Moisturizer: >Day: Olay Complete Daily Defense All Day Moisturizer with Sunscreen SPF 30 for Sensitive Skin $12.99Side note: It says for sensitive skin, but it isn't really. It's just a good budget sunscreen for normal/slightly combination skin like yours.
>Night: ShiKai Borage Therapy Facial Moisturizer $17.99Side note: Not sure if you need one, and it may be a tiny over your budget, but this option includes anti-inflammatory ingredients, so would probably be good for your redness. So if you find you need one at night, I recommend this one.
>Face mask: Epicuren Discovery Chai Soy Mud Mask $20Side note: Ideal for your oily areas, may be too drying elsewhere, so probably just use on your nose.
>Targeted solution: None.All prices USD.
*Also, if your redness really is as severe as you say, and these products don't end up diminishing it enough, you may need to bump your budget to the 20-30 dollar range to reach more/better anti-redness products.
No. 122774
>>122773Thank you so much based anon.
I'll try and report/update in here if anyone would be intrested?
No. 122776
File: 1472942468715.png (623.18 KB, 513x1094, dhc_coenzyme_q10_lotion_160ml.…)

>>122775Yeah for sure get the face mask last. they aren't essentials but they are nice for the occasional treatment, and relaxation.
>>122750Also, in case anyone is interested in that toner, the DHC CoQ10 Lotion, wow, first impressions are amazing. I used my normal routine, just swapping my toner for it, and my skin definitely feels more smooth and hydrated. I maybe could have gotten away without using a moisturizer at all, but I decided to put on half as much moisturizer as normal, and my skin feels great. Also, normally I have to put a tiny bit extra moisturizer on my cheeks after it soaks in, and so far, I haven't had to do that because my face feels fabulous.
Only think that shocked me was, it comes without a seal, and the color is really yellow, which surprised me. But otherwise, really loved it today. It has pretty great ingredients too.
I wonder if I used a normal amount though, I put a few drops on a cotton pad, smoothed that around my skin, then put half as many drops on my hands to pat onto my skin.
No. 122778
>>122777Well, I won't say they do anything miraculous, but for me I like them for a few basic reasons:
1) pulling, tugging, vigorously rubbing your skin isn't good, and I find I rub my skin (accidentally) harder with my hands than with the pore pad. so using the pad lets me be more gentle with my skin
2) Even though I am not pulling/tugging/rubbing my skin as hard anymore, it still cleans my skin as good, in fact, better than hands, because it lathers the products I use 100% better than using my hands alone, and with barely any roughness
3) No redness on my skin after using, proving that it is gentle
Do they really deep cleanse your pores, etc etc? Nah, most likely not. Are they still a nice tool? Yes, in my opinion, at least.
I personally don't use brushes and the like because of my sensitive skin, just rubbing my a washcloth on my skin can turn it red, so a brush would probably tear me up lol.
I guess I just say, pore pads are good for people not interested in a brush at all, for whatever reason (sensitivity, $$$), whereas if you are looking for actual deep deep deep cleanse power, yeah the brush is prolly the way to go.
No. 122781
>>122780I've never heard of doing that, but I have dry dry skin so I'd never think to use alcohol on it haha.
I always recommend a good skincare routine, but if you have nice normal skin with no problems, maybe just a nice cleanser for everyday use to get all the daily dirt/and or make up off, and a moisturizing toner or serum, to give your skin some goodies now, as preventative.
If you don't need a night moisturizer, then just a lightweight spf for day time, and you should be set.
Just all depends on your skin type and if you have any problem areas.
No. 122782
File: 1472998534471.jpg (228.18 KB, 600x827, whats-your-skin-type.jpg)

>>122781>>122780Here's a good picture for determining your skin type, which is where you'd need to start to begin a skin care routine.
Also, webMD has good descriptions of each:
Normal Skin Type
Not too dry and not too oily, normal skin has:
>No or few imperfections>No severe sensitivity>Barely visible pores>A radiant complexionCombination Skin Type
Your skin can be dry or normal in some areas and oily in others, such as the T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin). Many people have this type. It may need slightly different care in different areas.
Combination skin can have:
>Pores that look larger than normal, because they’re more open>Blackheads>Shiny skinDry Skin
Your skin can crack, peel, or become itchy, irritated, or inflamed. If it’s very dry, it can become rough and scaly, especially on the backs of your hands, arms, and legs.
You may have:
>Almost invisible pores>Dull, rough complexion>Red patches>Your skin is less elastic>More visible linesOily Skin Type
Oiliness can change depending upon the time of year or the weather. Things that can cause or worsen it include: Puberty or other hormonal imbalances, Stress, Heat or too much humidity.
You may have:
>Enlarged pores>Dull or shiny, thick complexion>Blackheads, pimples, or other blemishesSensitive Skin
If your skin is sensitive, try to find out what your
triggers are so you can avoid them. There are many possible reasons, but often it's in response to particular skin care products.
It can show up as:
>Redness>Itching>Burning>DrynessOf course, you can have sensitive dry skin or sensitive combination skin or sensitive oily skin.
No. 122783
>>121944How does everyone feel about those 12% Lactin creams they sell at drug stores?
Are they effective as well if you apply everyday?
I don't really have access to cheap high concentration Lactic acid.
No. 122788
>>122787eh I'm already 30 and people still think i'm 25. In Maroc they even asked my mom if I was a minor.
My dad's skin is dry as fuck too and he still has a babyface.
Lucky genetics.
No. 122791
>>122790oh wow bitch, I didn't know I'd offend you by questioning an infograph.
or are you just jelly you look like a granny?
No. 122792
>>122791>muh humblebrag>u jellyyou seem awful
triggered and butt blasted, sis.
No. 122794
>>122792seems you got
triggered by my post first
but whatever you say, granny
>>122793not native English
No. 122797
File: 1473103222523.jpg (782.11 KB, 980x465, Tea_Tree_group_shot.jpg)

>>122776Hi! I'm the anon with the oily skin, your first client. I went to my local Body Shop today and I saw there the chamomile cleansing oil and I really liked it! I asked the clerk for some advice for my skin and she recommended me this mask which seemed good: do you think of it? Is it worse than the Clinique one (I can't find that one at any physical shop around here…).
She also showed me this whole line of products for acne prone skin, they have a lot of products. Again, do you recommend it? I usually love The Body Shop products, if I could choose them over other brands I'm not familiar with it'd be good.
No. 122799
>>122797Their tea tree stuff is the fucking worst, it made my mixed skin slightly better at first, but after using it for a little over a month my skin just died and got super flaky and dry.
No. 122801
>>122797Unfortunately anon, I can't recommend any of those tea tree items:
>Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night LotionNot enough tea tree oil in it to do anything.
Uses tamanu oil to "treat" acne. No evidence exists this works, so why waste money when there are ingredients that do treat acne and are proven?
>Tea Tree Skin Clearing LotionNot enough tea tree oil in it to do anything. Has other sketchy not-good-for-your-skin ingredients. Do not recommend at all.
>Tea Tree Skin Clearing TonerAlcohol is the second ingredient (which means it is present in high amount), and you said that irritates you so avoid avoid avoid.
>Tea Tree Cleansing WipesNot enough tea tree oil in it to do anything. Pretty expensive for not very good cleansing wipes, too. Would avoid, there are cheaper, better alternatives for wipes.
>Tea Tree Face MaskHas slightly more tea tree oil than the rest! Good for oily skin BUT not for acne skin.
>Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial WashNot enough tea tree oil in it to do anything. Contains menthol, which is a no-no for skin as it sensitizes your skin.
>Tea Tree Blemish GelAlcohol as the second ingredient again, avoid avoid avoid!
>Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming CleanserActually includes lots of tea tree oil! …but has menthol as well, so, nope!
>Tea Tree Pore MinimiserNot enough tea tree oil in it to do anything. Has alcohol in it also, avoid avoid avoid. Also has other sketchy things.
>Tea Tree OilAlcohol as the second ingredient again, avoid avoid avoid!
Also, about your mask, it also contains alcohol as the fifth ingredient, meaning it is in higher amounts. Would recommend avoiding.
>>122799I believe it, the amount of alcohol in some of the products is crazy, and the fact most of them barely have tea tree oil and replace it with questionable products is ????
No. 122802
>>122800Here is a decent article that talks about why they can be bad:, like the first bit says by the dermatologist, if you are using them, you should be using them very very rarely, and then immediately using good skin care products to fix the problem.
The problem is, yeah most people use them to remove healthy sebum because they think they are black heads. However, it can be helpful for people with real blackheads, again, if used rarely and only as a precursor to good skin care products, so the blackhead doesn't come back.
No. 122805
File: 1473146778500.jpg (4.18 KB, 317x159, download.jpg)

I've had what I think is angular chelitis (pic I found from google) for months now. After a lot of shit that didn't work I went to the doctor and he prescribed oral antibiotics and a steroid cream. It didn't work either. I'm going back to him but in general I find him pretty bad and I'm also Canadian so he looks at me for 5 seconds and then writes out a prescription super fast because they get paid per appointment. He'll prescribe anything I ask for by name though as long as it isn't a narcotic or something.
It's been causing me so much stress I've had cystic acne breakouts and eczema even though it's summer plus I'm depressed af. Pls help.
No. 122806
>>122798>>122799That's a real shame, I'm sorry you wasted your money on those products…
>>122801Thanks again for looking into it. I don't get it why they advertise these things as miraculous with such sketchy ingredients :/
No. 122809
>>122782thank you!
I seem to have combination skin,if i get pimples it's only on my nose or forehead.
>>122786Tbh its because it feels nice and cool
No. 122810
>>122809No problem. If you want, I can make you some product recommendations if you'd like, I got a form thing going if you want to use it
>>122756>>122750Also, I got all of the other products recently. Here's some quick first impressions if anyone is interested in any of these products:
The FAB cleansing oil felt nice, and rinsed easily using the Caudalie instant foam. Didn't leave a film. The pump is tiny tiny so doesn't pump much out, so you gotta pump like 8+ times to get enough. But that's fine with me.
The Caudalie Instant Foaming cleanser left my skin squeaky clean feeling, but not dry or tight, surprisingly. I was impressed, because I have dry skin, but wanted to use something for combination skin because of my nose and chin.
The DHC lotion still is working great, leaves my skin really soft and moisturized. Super impressed with it, honestly. Highly recommend for dry skin.
the Dr Jart liquid, well, I think I used too much on my skin (maybe 4-5 drops? will probably just use 2-3 next time, it is thick but spreads really well) because it was a bit sticky for a few minutes. But, again, my skin felt really moisturized, and it glided effortlessly over my other serum which usually pills like mad.
Finally, the Dr Jart cream I didn't probably need to use because my face didn't feel at all dry, but I used a tiny smidgen on my cheeks, and it felt fantastic. Glided across my skin nicely, not thick and greasy at all but very moisturizing, and has a really faint pleasant scent, not sure what it is.
Pretty happy about all of them atm!
No. 122811
File: 1473181303660.jpg (266.88 KB, 750x498, skinbodycarestorage5.jpg)

I have a metric ton of barely used skin care items that I have NO idea what to do with. I don't want to throw them away, but I don't have any friends (literally) or family who wants them. I have lots of Murad, Clinique, Mary Kay, and other random stuff that I used once or twice and then put away, just because I get bored and buy lots of stuff.
I can't bring myself to throw away hundreds of dollars of products, so what do? I wish I could just sell like all of them in a big box to someone + shipping cost, but idk where I could do that…
Pic not mine but you get the idea, I've got way more stuff than that to deal with lol
No. 122812
File: 1473182921267.jpg (966.09 KB, 1703x1363, IMG_0850.JPG)

>>122811Sorry for potato picture but yeah here is my collection I need to figure out what to do with. Up top is some make up as well. Is it kosher to sell gently used stuff like this?
No. 122815
>>122814Yeah a lot are sample size, mostly the larger deluxe sample size, but actually some are full size:
Murad Pore Foaming cleanser
Murad T-zone Pore serum
Murad Perfecting Night Cream
Clinique Pore refining solutions
Pretty much everything is like 80% full or more, a lot is just used once, a few are just plain never used.
That's why I am hoping to sell these things in bulk though, maybe someone will want all the murad or all the clinique or all the mary kay etc etc or hell, I'd love to just sell ALL of it to someone lol
>>122813I'll sit down now and list the products, shouldn't take terribly long
No. 122817
File: 1473185551751.png (60.69 KB, 969x529, pore-solution.png)

>>122816No, It's a serum, here's the pic from their website
No. 122819
>>122812Here is the list. If it helps, I'm in the USA.
>Drug store brand / asian stuff / Other-Charcoal and Black Sugar Dual-Action Facial Mask /// Used twice, probably 90% full.
-Cucumber Cooling Peel-Off Facial Mask /// Used once, almost all full.
-Simple Smoothing Facial Scrub /// Used once, almost all full.
-Simple Foaming Cleanser /// Used three times, probably 90% full.
-Simple Micellar Cleansing Water /// Used a few times, probably 80% full.
-Simple Replenishing Rich Moisturizer /// Used a few times, probably 80% full.
-Daiso Japan Natural Pack Charcoal Peel Off Mask /// Used once, probably 90% full.
-Skin Food Parsley & Mandarin Spot Gel /// Used a few times, probably 90% full.
-Paula's Choice Skin Balancing Invisible Finish Moisture Gel /// Used a bit, maybe 40% full.
>Mary Kay-Timewise 3-in-1 cleanser /// Used a few times, probably 80% full.
-Timewise Night Solution Gel Facial /// Use a few times, seems to be 60% full.
-2 x Timewise Microdermabrasion Step 2: Replenish /// One without a lid, both around 80% full.
-2 x Oil-Free Hydrating Gel Samples /// Both around 80% full.
>Clinique-Pore Refining Solutions Correcting Serum /// Used a few times, probably 80% full.
-Liquid facial Soap Mild Sample /// Used once, probably 90% full.
-Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion+ Travel Size /// Used once, almost completely full.
-Even Better Skin Tone Correcting Lotion SPF 20 Sample /// Used a few times, maybe 70% full.
-2 x Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief Samples /// One has been used a few times, maybe 80% full (pink lid), one has been used once, almost completely full (silver lid).
>Murad (Collection)-Daily Cleansing Foam (Pore Reform) /// Used a few times, probably 70% full.
-T-Zone Pore Refining Serum (Pore Reform) /// Used a few times, probably 70% full.
-Perfecting Night Cream (Age Reform) /// Used a few times, probably 90% full.
-Clarifying Cleanser (Acne) Sample /// Used a few times, probably 60% full.
-Acne Clearing Solution (Acne) Sample /// Used quite a bit, maybe 30-40% left.
-Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15 (Acne) Sample /// Used a bit, maybe ~50% left.
-Acne Spot Fast Fix (Acne) Sample /// Used a bit, maybe 60-70% full.
-Hydrating Toner (Resurgence) Sample /// Used a few times, maybe 80% full.
-Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum (Environmental Shield) Sample /// Used one or two pumps, around 90% full.
>Make Up-Clinique Age Defense BB Cream SPF 30 in SHADE 02 /// Used a bit, maybe ~50% full.
-Clinique Age Defense BB Cream SPF 30 in SHADE 01 /// Used a few times, maybe 70-80% full.
-Mary Kay Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 20 in IVORY 2 /// Used a few times, maybe 80% full.
-Cargo Liquid Foundation in F-10 /// Used 3-4 times, maybe 80% full.
-Cargo OneBase Concealer + Foundation In One in o2 /// Used a few times, maybe 70% full.
-BareMinerals Bareskin in Bare Porcelain 01 /// Used maybe 3 times, 80-90% full, hard to tell with the way it's made.
-BareMinerals Bareskin in Bare satin 06 Sample /// Used maybe twice (clearly wasn't my color lol), 80-90% full, hard to tell with the way it's made.
Ultimately, I would love to sell a lot of this stuff in bulk for the price of shipping + whatever we decide on mutually.
No. 122824
>>122823Oh god, I'm dying.
That stuff smells like chemicals and the bottle is a weird pinkish colour, why would you try to cook with it?
Your husband is fucking dorky but also kinda adorable
No. 122825
File: 1473281675394.png (46.66 KB, 400x355, baby-lips_pack-shot-crop_Cherr…)

I'm sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask this but I need some advice…
I was in need of some kind of lip balm and my mom recommended me the Maybelline Baby Lips. I chose the Cherry Me one because it matches my lip color. I love the smell and the color, those two are perfect. But as a lip balm, it does nothing for me. In fact, I feel like it makes my lips drier.
I'm one of those people who hates the feeling of having any lip product on. But during Winter I need some protection. I use a Body Shop lip butter at night.
Do you know of any effective lip balms with a cherry color that don't feel too intrusive?
No. 122830
>>122826>>122827>>122828>>122829Thanks for all the suggestions, guys! I'll take them into consideration.
Nivea usually never fails me, so I'll try that one first.
No. 122835
File: 1473429487685.jpg (78.89 KB, 1600x1066, biore sunscreen milk 1 .jpg)

I have brown skin and I've tried a lot of sunscreens. Almost all of them gave me a terrible white cast that discoloured my face and made me look sickly.
The drug store brands absolutely suck on me (like banana boat and neutrogena ultra sheer dry touch). Even a lot of the asian brands like some biore and the shiseido (the absolute worst) were terrible for me.
I was expecting pic related to be made for japanese and white skin, but it was surprisingly great for me. Didn't leave a white cast, went super well on under my make up, just perfect.
Any other brown/black girls have sunscreen recommendations?
No. 122837
File: 1473459833930.jpg (20.77 KB, 471x500, point-magic-pro-pressed-powder…)

>>122810Hey, it's the oily skin anon again. I'm sorry for being such a pain. But I'm in a bit of a dilemma.
You recommended me this moisturizer (Coppertone Clearly Sheer Faces SPF 30) which sounds good but I need a stronger sunscreen because I'm very pale and I burn easily. Do you know of any moisturizer/sunscreen like that (SPF 50+ PA++++)? If it'd be sweat resistant and usable as a makeup base it would be perfect.
Another option would be using this pressed powder as a complement to the Coppertone moisturizer. It's the Point Magic Pro (the new version). What do you think of it? The ingredients seem harmless enough…
No. 122838
>>122837A decent SPF 50 to try that's only kinda out of your budget is:
Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer SPF 50 with Purescreen for Sensitive Skin for $13.99.
You could try the coppertone+that powder, but it may not be enough protection unless your foundation also has SPF.
Here's a nice article about sunscreen and make up: No. 122839
>>122838Forgot the brand, it's Neutrogena… Woops!
>>122837Also, you're not a pain at all. I just hope I'm able to help!
No. 122842
>>122841>exfoliateI use AHA and retin-a daily.
>hydralyronic acidI have a hydralyronic acid toner I use after cleansing and before moisturizing.
What do you think about dr jart ceramidin serum and cream?
No. 122843
>>122810 and I have been loving the Dr Jart liquid and cream. If you have oily skin, I would just try the liquid first, it's moisturizing as well, but I have dry skin that needs extra TLC which the cream provides. I find the cream sinks in really great, and doesn't feel all greasy and thick like a lot of other cream moisturizers but again, I have dry skin so I can't speak for oily skin. So try the liquid and if it isn't enough moisture, then I say try the cream!
No. 122845
>>122838Thanks again, you're an angel (TT^TT)
That article was very informative!
No. 122846
>>122844AHA twice daily actually. But a couple days ago I squeezed too much retin-a out and decided to slather it all over my face. Now I'm having this incredibly dehydrated problem.
>>122843Thanks. I think I'll just order the serum first. Would the serum be the second last step in a routine before moisturizing?
No. 122848
>>122846Yeah, serums then moisturizers. If you use multiple serums like me, use the thinnest serum then the thickets serum then your moisturizer. The Dr Jart liquid is pretty thick consistency, so if you use a serum already, you'll likely just layer it over your current.
>>122847Here are a few great eye cream suggestions, not knowing your budget:
Low price: Nuance Salma Hayek Green Tea Cooling Eye Gel $16.99
Mid price: M.A.C. Lightful C Vibrancy Eye Cream $35.00
High price: Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Ferulic + Retinol Triple Correction Eye Serum $68.00
As for the Korean skincare routine, I don't use the strict 10 step regime. I skip out on using an essence, the sheet mask, and the eye cream.
Eye creams aren't strictly necessary, in fact, a good serum and/or moisturizer has ingredients good for your eye area so it can be redundant.
I do add a step to my routine that isn't in the typical 10 step Korean one, which is a daily leave-on exfoliation with a BHA or AHA. I'll cleanse with an exfoliating cleanser once a week as well.
No. 122852
>>122851This is me actually
>>122750 I've got everything I wanted and been using them and love it all. Didn't get the vitamin nectar mask, decided to try a caudalie detox pink clay mask instead which I enjoy.
1&2. Double cleanse with the FAB milk oil and the Caudalie instant foaming cleanser
3. Tone with the DHC Lotion
4. Morning: PC 1% BHA lotion, Night: PC 2% BHA liquid not pictured
5. Serum 1 not pictured, PC redness relief repairing serum
6. Serum 2 Dr Jart liquid
7. PC Resist BHA 9 for spot treatment not pictured
8. Morning: PC Dr Jart cream
I use my masks (caudalie detox mask all over or clinique pore charcoal mask on my T zone + FAB oatmeal mask on cheeks) maybe once a week each.
No. 122853
>>122852Just realized I messed up step 8 haha
8. Morning: PC calm redness relief moisturizer spf 30 (but I am actually thinking of trying the drunk elephant spf 30 moisturizer soon so we'll see) Night: Dr Jart cream
No. 122854
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I lurked the thread a bit yesterday but I don't remember if it's mentioned or not: the pores on my cheeks are kind of large and it makes me look like I have tons of blackheads on the cheeks (I do but not that much). What can I do? I'm a total newbie when it comes to skincare and makeup so I don't know if it's possible to actually make pores less large instead of just covering my face with foundation or something similar. And what are the best ways to remove blackheads and zits? Masks? I trying exfoliating many times and it doesn't work as well as I hoped it would. Is it the same for the face and for the body, too?
And do masks for the eyes work? I look like I'm tired and sick all the time because I have big eye bags, I read that they're supposed to remove eye bags and make one look less tired but I don't know if I can trust that kind of description. My skin is kind of fragile because it tends to break out when I use makeup and sometimes for no reason at all, and the last time I used makeup, I felt like my eyes were burning for 2 days straight, I don't know if there are some products I should avoid.
Sorry if this post isn't coherent at all.
No. 122855
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>>122854First is first, do you have just normal sebum or actual black heads? Pic related shows the difference. Most people who think they have blackheads just have normal sebaceous filaments. Using pore strips and etc on them will just damage your skin. they are NORMAL. lol
To battle your large pores, I recommend using a BHA leave on exfoliant liquid/gel/or cream, at least twice a day. Add one into your routine after your toner but before your serum.
Not knowing your budget or your skin type, here are some recs for BHA exfoliants:
>Low budget: Paula's Choice Skincare CLEAR Regular Strength Anti-Redness Exfoliating Solution with 2% Salicylic Acid $27.00>Medium budget: philosophy clear days ahead oil-free salicylic acid acne treatment & moisturizer $39>Large budget: Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Framboos Glycolic Night Serum $90As for a mask, using a clay mask 1-3 times a week can help. I recommend any of Clinique's 3 clay masks (Acne Solutions Oil-Control Cleansing Mask or the Pore Refining Solutions Charcoal Mask or the City Block Purifying Charcoal Clay Mask + Scrub) whichever suits your specific skin needs.
No. 122856
>>122855Yes, I do have blackheads, and they're not on my nose so I know I don't need to use anything on my nose (at least not yet I hope). They look like the ones in your picture at least.
Thanks for the rec, I have a small budget because I'm a student but I'm saving money to buy makeup and skincare products so I should be able to afford exfoliant very soon.
No. 122857
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>>122856The BHA exfoliant will help your blackheads as well, but if you find they are very persistent, then try a comedone extractor tool like pic related. Don't go crazy and push and poke and aggravate though, you don't have to be rough to remove them.
No. 122858
>>122854I also struggled with visible pores (craters) on my nose and the cheek area right next to my nose. I bought a $20 TCA chemical peel off eBay at 50% strength, used a cotton ball to apply it to my nose and cheeks and after 5 days the top layers of skin peeled off and the skin underneath was supple and fresh (and a bit pink) but was so much tighter and less crater-y.
Honestly, it was getting to the point where I would have to apply two coats of foundation to get in all the pores, which was probably awful for my skin. I was desperate and this worked amazingly.
You apply the TCA, wait for your skin to turn white (it stings btw) then wash it off with lots of cold water. Then make sure your social calendar is free for the next 5 days as your skin peels off naturally (it looks gross).
No. 122859
>>122857Buying one of these bad boys was the best $3 I ever spent in my entire life.
My skin went from a 2 to a 7
No. 122860
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No. 122862
>>122861That blackhead remover thing plus witch hazel. My problem was blackheads and horribly blocked pores and it takes like, ten minutes a day to have fairly nice skin all the time.
Silvery thingy use as necessary, witch hazel after cleansing daily, and a bha once a month.
Good luck anon!
No. 122864
Don't do it unless you have a lot of disposable income.
Just get a pack of Italy towels to rotate in the wash.
No. 122865
>>122864>>122863Please don't scrub your face with Italy towels. Those are way way way too abrasive.
A clarasonic is nice (especially if you use one of the gentle brush heads, the cashmere ones are amazing) for some physical exfoliation although it's pretty expensive. I would not use it daily unless you use no other form of exfoliation (I use mine maybe 1 time a week max). If you have a lot of money to blow and you want one I'd get it, if not there are way more affordable and also effective ways to exfoliate.
No. 122867
>>122866Should I use it more often?
I thought they weren't good for extended or frequent use.
What I really want it to do a whole facial peel and start again.
No. 122869
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I wasn't really sure where to post this since there was an eye makeup thread up, but I'm not really looking for make up solutions so I'll try here.
My eyes are the definition of JUST. My biggest two issues are the dark circles and the fact that my right eyelid is noticeably unsymmetrical. Both of these combined make me look tired all the time.
I've been using vit. C every day for the past month but I'm really doubting how much it can do for me. Can you even get rid of dark circles? I've had them for years.
Also, I know this is a little off topic, but in terms of my right eyelid do you know what my problem is called? I'm not really sure. Is there some kind of fix available for it? Like an injectable filler or minor surgery or something? thanks!
No. 122871
>>122869My friend used eyelid tape religiously for months to change her crease height and it worked for her so you could always try that before getting anything done.
I have pretty dark circles too but they come and go depending on how often I get high and how shitty my diet is. Lol. Maybe try an eye balm/cream or an eye mask.
No. 122873
>>122756Might be too late but if you're still interested do me pls
>skin type (normal, dry, very dry, oily, combination, etc)oily skin
>sensitivity or notYes
>problem areas (pores, acne, wrinkles/lines, dark spots, dullness, uneven skintone, redness, dryness etc etc the more specific the better) ranked from most to least importantAcne scars >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> acne > nasolabial folds > dark circles > big pores and blackheads >undereye wrinkles
>budget (I don't want to recommend $90 toners to people on a budget lol)I'd like to keep it in the $20-$90 but will go up to $150 for really effective products for my acne scars.
I also use retin-a. And I just bought ceramidin liquid so if you could put that in the routine lol.
No. 122876
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>>122873>>122874With your skin concerns, your best routine would utilize a daily BHA exfoliant, and pack in tons of antioxidants and vitamin C and retinol (which you are already taking you said). Also, it's a myth that BHA and vitamin C cannot be used with retinol.
Also, to be upfront, no product can truly heal acne scars, but they can even out your skin tone by healing post-acne marks (dark spots, red spots, brown spots, etc), which is what I designed your routine around. The unfortunate reality to dealing with actual acne scars (indented skin) is going to a dermatologist and getting dermal fillers, monthly BHA peels, or microneedling.
>Step 1. Oil Cleanser: DHC Deep Cleansing Oil 6.7 fl. oz. for $28>Step 2. Water-Soluble Cleanser: Clinique City Block Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Gel 5 fl. oz. for $20Side note: Don't be alarmed when you notice this cleanser really is BLACK. It doesn't stain your face though, so don't worry, but it can be shocking to see I guess lol. I really do think this would be a great option for your oily skin though. Also, it will be gentle on your skin, which with acne marks/scars you should be as gentle as possible and avoid abrasive cleansers. Trying to 'scrub' them away will only irritate your skin more!
>A Pore Cleansing Pad: Use with your step 2. You can find them dirt cheap anywhere.>Step 3. Toner: MD Formulations Moisture Defense Antioxidant Spray 8.3 fl. oz. for $28Side note: Now this is a toner I highly recommend for you. It has plenty of antioxidants which can help post-acne marks.
>Step 4. BHA/AHA Leave on Exfoliant: Paula's Choice Skincare CLEAR Extra Strength Anti-Redness Exfoliating Solution with 2% Salicylic Acid 4 fl. oz. for $29Side note: Here is a place where you can also purchase a great "splurge" product to rotate in at night, possibly every other night with the PC BHA I recommended: Drunk Elephant's T.L.C. Framboos Glycolic Night Serum 1 fl. oz. for $90. It has AHA and BHA and vitamin C and good antioxidants.
>Step 5a. Serum: Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Hydra-Pure Vitamin C Brightening Serum 1 fl. oz. for $95Side note: Now you see why I steered towards the lower-ish end of your budget with the previous products, because this one definitely is pricey, but it is a potent vitamin C serum that I think would benefit you. This would be the product I'd spend the most money on personally.
>Step 5b. Serum: Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin™ Liquid 5 oz for $39Side note: There is no problem layering up serums, and odds are this serum (which is slightly thick) will go over the Dennis Gross vitamin C serum. Always layer thinnest to thickest.
>Step 6. Moisturizer: >Day: EltaMD UV Clear SPF 46 1.7 fl. oz. for $29Side note: Essential for you to use a sunscreen, and this one has it all: antioxidants, good protection, oily-skin friendly, and not such a crazy price that you'd skimp on using it to save money (you have to apply liberally to get the sun protection!)
>Night: Drunk Elephant B-Hydra Intensive Hydration Gel 1.69 fl. oz. for $52Side note: With oily skin you may not need a moisturizor, but if you find you need one at night, this would be a good one: oily skin friendly, antioxidants, and vitmain B.
>Face mask: Miracle Skin Transformer Miracle Revival Mud Skin Restoring Treatment Mask 3.8 fl. oz. for $38Side note: Masks are by no means a necessary part of a skin care routine, but if you want one, this is the way to go. Good for oily skin, while being gentle, and includes anti-irritants.
>Targeted solution: Clinique Acne Solutions Emergency Gel-Lotion 0.5 oz for $17.50Side note: A good spot gel for treating pimples.
All prices USD.
No. 122877
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>>122876Again just to clarify, this routine will target post-acne marks, not actual indented skin acne scars.
No. 122878
>>122876Also, some further advice. Use the Vitamin C serum in the morning only, when you don't use the Retin-A.
It may take experimenting to get the BHA exfoliant into your routine with your retin-a, such as using the BHA every other day at first, or if the 2% is too much, trying a 1% at first. Just depends on how irritated the retin-a is making your skin/whether you're adjusted to it.
A good idea would also be to just use it once a day at first in the morning without the retin-a. Then slowly try and add it also at night if you can.
No. 122879
>>122876not the anon you made this for but I have pretty much the same problem (no scars though) so thank you.
if I'm on a super
super tight budget, which ones should I get first, ty anon
No. 122880
>>122879Depends on what you have already, honestly. A sunscreen is absolutely imperative though if you don't have one.
The next big 3 are your cleanser, your BHA, and your night moisturizer but with oily skin, sometimes you don't need one, so a serum instead. so:
I would grab the clinique cleanser and the BHA first if I were you, and then if you need a night moisturizer asap, that, and if you don't, then the serum. A cheaper vitamin c serum for you would be DHC Camu-Camu White Essence 1 fl. oz. for $29. It is no where near as good as the Dr Gross one in that routine, but it at least has vitamin C, but it is lacking in other important areas. With vitamin c serums you really do get what you pay for, but the camu-camu serum is an ok way to get some vitamin c.
Get the rest as you can.
No. 122881
>>122876Thank you! I'm just getting into skincare and find it very confusing.
I am definitely going to introduce the products in step 3-6 as they look really great.
Would the cleansers and masks still be good for me if my skin is shiny and rubbery from retin-a? I used to have extremely oily skin with huge pores but the retin-a changed that over the 6 years or so I've been using it. I get really scared of cleansers and masks because they are the only thing seems to fuck my skin up. I tried the sephora mud mask and it dried out my skin and caused it to break out.
No. 122883
>>122881Masks are definitely not a necessary part, but they can be a nice all over facial treatment a few times a week, if you find your skin is acting up a nice mask can help. Knowing your concerns a little better, a much nicer mask for you to use would be:
>First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Instant Oatmeal Mask 2 fl. oz. for $24It's a very soothing mask with antioxidants that would probably give some relief to your skin.
As for cleansers, yeah, a cleanser is definitely necessary to get your skin into shape! Odds are you were using cleansers that were way too abrasive, or had irritating ingredients in them (menthol, alcohol). In fact, just using water on your face to cleanse it can be pretty drying.
I still stand by the Clinique cleanser I recommended: it is gentle and not drying. If you are very wary of cleansers, I suggest you give it a try without the oil cleanser, and see how it fairs. If it fairs well, think about adding the oil cleanser later.
>>122882I figured you either were fighting acne scars
and acne marks, or were mistaking acne marks as scars, so I just made the routine around that. Glad to be right, and honestly, it's a better prognosis for your skin. Acne scars are much much much harder to deal with than acne marks, so feel lucky! A good routine like I recommended really can even up your skin tone, given enough time and experimenting.
No. 122885
>>122883Thanks again. I'm going to change the mask to the new recommendation and go with that routine.
Right now I do use an oil cleanser to get makeup off at night and cetaphil morning and night but I was worried the clinique one was drying since I said my skin was oily. Oil doesn't cause my skin to breakout since I rarely have non-hormone/stress related acne. My acne exploded this summer from the stress of working non-stop.
No. 122886
>>122872That's what I originally thought. But when I pull down the skin under my eyes, the skin itself is very dark. Do you guys know if that usually happen when dark circles are a structural issue?
>>122871I never thought of using eyelid tape, thanks I'll try that out.
No. 122887
>>122885>>122885The clinique one is best for combination-oily skin, but it is also fine for normal skin. But, if you like, here is a good very gentle cleanser for dry combination very sensitive skin, so it this may fit the bill better for you:
>First Aid Beauty Face Cleanser Daily Treatment with FAB Antioxidant Booster 5 fl. oz. for $20And yeah, lots of people think oil cleansers will break out oily skin, but actually, a good oil cleanser can help remove excess oil from oily skin that can help stop break outs.
No. 122888
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I ordered that elizavecca carbonated bubble clay mask a while back and just got around to using it, honestly didn't expect very much but it was kinda fun, and left my skin pretty clean feeling. I am impressed because most clay masks burn my skin and this one didn't at all, and have dry sensitive skin.
My weakness is definitely asian face masks of any kind. the next one I got to use is the bubble tea sleeping mask in strawberry.
No. 122889
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>>122876Do you know any other good toners I can use because I can't find the md forumlations one.
And sorry I'm an idiot and have an extensive history of not following instructions properly and making my skin worse.
In the daytime is it
- water cleanser with pore pad
- immediately after on damp? Skin apply toner
-wait 15 minutes
- vitamin C serum (do I dampen skin or apply on dry skin?)
- wait 15 minutes
- serum 2 on damp? skin
- when dry apply spf moisturizer
- when dry can apply makeup
Is this a good sunscreen to use when reapplying every 2 hours? Reapplying sunscreen creams makes my makeup gross.
No. 122890
>>122889Oh dang that's lame about the toner, that one is a great one for you. Another great one (and more expensive) one would be:
>Even Better Essence Lotion Combination to Oily 3.4 fl. oz. for $42.50Ignore the claims that it is for 'asian skin'. This will hydrate your combination/oily skin and has antioxidants AND anti-irritants. It's better than the MD formulations one for this reason but yeah it is pricier.
And don't worry, figuring out how to layer skincare products can be a learning curve. I definitely have been there when I was first starting out haha.
1. Wet your face and use your water cleanser with the pore pad, gently! You'll find you don't need to rub as hard as with your hands to get a great lather. If you are moving your skin a lot you are being too rough.
Pat don't rub/wipe your face dry with a soft clean cloth. I use a microfiber cloth. Don't re-use, so maybe try buying a cheap set of 7 cloths or so you can rotate them through the wash.
3. Apply your toner to your face. You can use cotton pads, it's totally your preference, but I prefer the 'palm method' where I pour a few drops into my palm, rub my hands together, and then pat the toner all over my skin with my hands. Around 1:00 you can watch her do it if what I described sounds weird haha. If you want to use cotton pads, DHC makes some fantastic silky cotton pads.
>Just a tip, a toner in the morning isn't an absolutely necessary step. Skip it in the morning if you feel like it and go straight to the BHA exfoliant.4. Apply your BHA exfoliant with a cotton pad. If you used toner, you don't have to wait for your skin to be dry.
4. Wait for your BHA exfoliant to dry before you apply your vitamin C serum.
5. Wait for your vitamin c serum to dry before you apply your ceramidin liquid serum.
>I'm not sure if you have been using it yet, but it leaves my skin a little sticky, especially if I do 1 drop too much. 6. Wait for your last serum to dry before applying your sunscreen.
7. Wait for sunscreen to dry before applying make up.
So basically: wash face > dry > toner (optional) > bha exfoliant > dry > vitamin c serum > dry > serum 2 > dry > sunscreen > dry > make up.
Well, that spray sunscreen might work, but it could maaaybe irritate your eyes. If it does, maybe try using a product like a mineral powder spf. I personally use Peter Thomas Roth Instant Mineral SPF 45.
No. 122891
>>122890*Clinique Even Better Essence Lotion for Combination Oily to Oily Skins
Sorry, forgot the brand haha.
No. 122892
>>122869i could've sworn this was momokunt or that lulsy broad obsessed with kiki
>>122855sebaceous filaments are the bane of my existance. i've yet to try out a BHA exfoliant though as I'm wary of breaking out. Right now I'm just using the cerave cleanser and moisturizer, and it works pretty well in keeping me breakout free. i'd love to minimize my pores though.
No. 122893
>>122892The only thing that's helped reduce the appearance of my pores and the sebaceous filaments is a rx retinoid (I use tretinoin). It's helped my breakouts, too.
I used over the counter retinol and it worked for a while, but my skin seemingly got used to it. Might be worth trying out to see if it helps.
No. 122894
>>122765It's me again ^^'
Do you recommend using a Clarisonic knock off to cleanse my face?
No. 122896
>>122894Hey again! My personal opinion is those kinds of cleansing brushes are optional luxuries. They won't noticeably enhance your skin better than a well formulated routine and at worse they can damage your skin by being too rough on it. If you wear heavy duty make up a lot, then maybe it can be beneficial, but again, I'd say it's a luxury.
>>122895Well, that coppertone is pretty good and very cheap but here are two others to try:
>Aveeno Natural Protection Lotion Sunscreen with Broad Spectrum SPF 50 3 fl. oz. for $10.99Probably better than the coppertone one, but didn't suggest it at first because it is a few dollars more.
>Olay Complete Daily Defense All Day Moisturizer with Sunscreen SPF 30 for Sensitive Skin 2.5 fl. oz. for $12.99Not actually especially sensitive skin friendly despite its name, but it's an option.
No. 122899
>>122896Thought so… I'm afraid those brushes would irritate my skin even more, so maybe I'm passing on those. Thanks for your opinion. You should be a dermatologist, or something x)
Welp, I'm retarded. I couldn't find the one in the picture you made because apparently the package changed. This is the same, right? But with a higher SPF., do you think this is a good lip balm? I like them tinted. The article you sent me left me thinking I should probably start protecting my lips as well… No. 122901
>>122899You're right, it seems to have changed packaging slightly, to that blue color and now sell a spf 30 or that spf 50. They are not exactly the same anymore though, with some shuffling in the ingredients and replacements and additions. I would personally maybe try and go for the Aveeno Natural Protection Lotion Sunscreen with Broad Spectrum SPF 50 at this point.
Also, an spf lip balm is a great idea, and yep people often over look protecting their lips, as well as their neck/chest/top of hands.
As for the one you linked, I don't know. I can't find any information about what % they use of their UV filters. They could be using not enough to reach what they claim (that is definitely something to be wary of, I have seen korean face sunscreens on amazon that straight up lie about the protection they promise), but I don't have a clue, don't know Japanese haha. I personally use Coola Liplux SPF 30, smells so nice and fruity. It's not exactly cheap, though, but one that is and is still very good:
>Alba Botanica Natural Very Emollient Sunscreen Natural Protection Lip Care SPF 25 for $2.99 No. 122903
>>122901I'm going for the Aveeno one then. The price difference isn't that big.
When my neck and/or chest are uncovered I use sunscreen. And my hand cream has SPF 15, I think.
I see… I'll try that Alba one, it seems nice.
Would you explain the whole routine (the steps) like you did for that other anon? And specify when to use the products (day/night)? I'm afraid I'll use the products incorrectly, even if I have the right ones…
No. 122904
>>122903Sure, can do, hope this helps. I also put in some general tips as well, frogive me if some seem obvious, I just want to make sure!
>Day Time RoutineFull:
Oil cleanser > water cleanser > toner > AHA > serum > sunscreen
Oil cleanser > water cleanser > AHA > sunscreen
Step 1. Use the Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil on dry skin.
>General tip: To be extra gentle with your skin, use your ring fingers instead of your whole hands to do gentle outward circular motions while cleaning your skin.Step 2. Wash off step 1 with lukewarm water, and use the Refreshing Face Wash with the pore cleansing pad to gently clean your face.
>General tip: Use the same small outward circular motions while using the pore cleaning pad. You shouldn't scrub your skin with the pad, gentle motions are best.Step 3. Wash off step 2 with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a soft cloth, like a microfiber cloth.
>General tip: Don't reuse your cloths, it can spread bacteria and give you acne, try and buy a pack of 7 cloths to rotate through the wash so you use a clean one daily.Step 4. Spray the Clementine + C Illuminating Toner onto your face.
>General tip: If you are in a hurry in the morning, you can leave out this step if you want. Step 5. You can wait for your toner to dry or not before using the Essential Renewal Gel 10% Glycolic Acid.
>General tip: In most cases, it is okay to apply other products on top of others without waiting for them to dry. I personally only really wait for my morning time vitamin c serum to dry and my night time AHA to dry because they were so expensive and I am really paranoid haha. I absolutely layer my serums on top of each other without waiting for them to dry though. It's 100% preference, however, never mix anything with your sunscreen, and wait for your skin to be dry before applying, and wait for it to dry before putting anything over it. Step 6. You can wait for your AHA exfoliant to dry or not before using your Miracle Repair Serum.
>General tip: If you are in a hurry in the morning, you can leave out this step if you want. Step 7. Wait for your serum/AHA to dry before applying your Natural Protection Lotion Sunscreen on your face/neck/back of hands.
Step 8. Wait for your sunscreen to dry before putting make up on.
>Night Time RoutineFull:
Oil cleanser > water cleanser > toner > AHA > serum > sunscreen
I recommend definitely doing a full routine at least at night, especially if you do a basic morning routine, but it is acceptable (and preferable) to do a full routine morning too if you can.
Step 1. Use the Camomile Silky Cleansing Oil on dry skin.
Step 2. Wash off step 1 with lukewarm water, and use the Refreshing Face Wash with the pore cleansing pad to gently clean your face.
Step 3. Wash off step 2 with lukewarm water and pat your skin dry with a soft cloth, like a microfiber cloth.
Step 4. Spray the Clementine + C Illuminating Toner onto your face.
Step 5. You can wait for your toner to dry or not before using the Essential Renewal Gel 10% Glycolic Acid.
Step 6. You can wait for your AHA exfoliant to dry or not before using your Miracle Repair Serum.
Step 7. Since you have oily skin I didn't recommend a night moisturizer here, but if you find you need one, here is one I recommend for your budget and skin type:
>Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel 1.7 fl. oz. for $14You can wait for your serum to dry or not before using it.
No. 122905
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>>122904Oh my, I can't thank you enough. Thanks for the detailed explanations. I think I'm all set now, thanks to you! I can give some feedback once I have used all the products, if you're interested.
Oh, and I started the pill again a few days ago. It's the only way to stop my hormonal acne… Luckily I don't feel significant side effects from it. I hope that my skin clears in a couple months! Can't wait to feel better with my bare face ^^'
No. 122907
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Do I actually have to wait in between steps? Can someone give me some facts on this shit?
If I use an BHA, how long should I wait until I use AHA? 5 minutes to dry completely, or 20 minutes for it to "set in"?
If I use Vitamin C how long should I wait for my next step?
How about toner or niacinamide? Any specific skin care items you HAVE to wait for? My routine takes a gorillion years because I've always assumed you have to wait.
No. 122908
>>122905I'd love to hear feedback on how it goes, I definitely hope it helps your skin! Good luck! If you need anything, you can assured I am in this thread, it's my favorite on the site lol
>>122906No problem! And I can see how waiting for freshly cleansed skin to dry before using your retinol can be drying as ever. If waiting is truly necessary, waiting for your other steps (toner, bha/aha) etc to dry first I can see being much less harsh and drying on your skin. I hope all the products I recommended work out for you anon!
>>122907Short answer, in most cases, no you don't have to wait at all. Literally mix your AHA and BHA together before using it on your face if you want (if they have similar consistencies).
1. After cleaning your face, pat your skin dry. you don't want to dilute your products with water.
2. Never mix anything with your sunscreen. Wait for your skin to be dry before applying your sunscreen, and wait for the sunscreen to dry before putting anything like make up on top of it.
3. Personally, I don't mix and will wait for my morning vitamin c serum and my night time AHA serum to dry only because I am incredibly paranoid because those products were very very expensive haha, but honestly, odds are it is ok for me to mix them.
Ultimately, it is about your personal preference. Some people like the aesthetics or whatever or waiting for each product to sink in and dry before layering. However, mix em together if you want. Don't wait for your toner to dry, mix your aha and bha together, mix your serum and your moisturizer at night if you want, etc.
A common analogy is: eating your meal by eating each food separately vs eating all of them together in each bite: your body can't tell the difference when it absorbs the food, the point is you ate it!
The order of your skincare is mostly about layering, so that you start with the thinnest product (without a doubt usually your toner) and moving on to finally your most thick product (your moisturizer or cream).
Hope that helps!
No. 122909
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I've been reading that sunscreen is still effective after 2 hours if you don't go in the sun.
>go to work in the dark
>work underground (no windows)
So if I apply it in the morning I should be fine going home? I'm scared because I burn easily.
No. 122914
>>122909If you use a mineral based sunscreen, it's fine.
Honestly, why not just wear a hat or something.
No. 122916
>>122910I try not to touch my face as it gives me acne.
>>122914>>122915Seems embarrassing. Nobody wears those around here. I feel self conscious even wearing them at the beach sometimes.
No. 122917
>>122916It's too embarrassing to wear a hat?
What the fuck?
No. 122919
>>122918Maybe try La Roche-Posay Anthelios Clear Skin Dry Touch Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 60 1.7 fl. oz. for $19.99
It's formulated for oily, acne-prone skin, and humid/hot climates like the good ol South.
No. 122922
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>>122917Uhhh yeah it's pretty embarrassing to wear a sun hat when I'm wearing work clothes and driving home in the fall.
No. 122923
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>>122922You're right this is way less embarrassing to have on your head. There's literally thousands of styles of hats, and who cares what you look like in the car after work?
Skin cancer is gonna make your crazy insecurities worse.
No. 122929
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I've got a lot of acne scars and know chemical peels can help with that.
Can anyone recommend me one that's good for someone who's never used them before? Hopefully one you can buy off Amazon or something?
Pic related. Kinda what mine looks like except a little less scarring.
No. 122930
>>122929 recently bought this. You get a cotton pad and apply it to areas of your face quickly, your skin will sting and turn white. You then wash it off quickly once your skin has turned white (as that has killed the top layers of skin).
Then don't go outside for a week and your top layers of skin will peel back to reveal super soft fresh pink skin. I've done this 5+ times in the past year and it's made such a difference to the lumpy texture and colouring!
No. 122931
>>122928>being this mad over hats>>122929Glycolic and salicyclic acid peels are really good for acne scars. Generally, when you're starting out with glycolic, you shouldn't go above 10%. It takes about 6-12 months to see an effect. You can buy products like moisturiser and cleanser with the acids in too which is good if you want to try something milder.
Have you ever visited a clinic for your skin? If you feel like splurging, a dermatologist will look at your skin and treat your acne scars with the most suitable treatment. They'll also use a higher concentration in their peels.
No. 122932
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>>122928Triggered by hats. Holy shit anon.
You're throwing a tantrum because someone said 'wear a hat'
Melanoma is the least of your worries if you're that retarded.
No. 122933
>>122930How can anyone not go outside for a week?
That's insane.
No. 122934
>>122933It's mostly sun exposure that you have to avoid. You can go outside after a peel but you have to be extra careful.
Though I bet quite a few people could find a week to stay indoors.
No. 122935
I can't think of another population that would stay indoors for a 168 hour stretch. What do they even do?
No. 122936
>>122935I was thinking of rich people and celebrities that take time away so their plastic surgery and skin treatments can settle.
If people are really dedicated to staying indoors, they probably just stock up on books or films or something idk.
No. 122938
>>122929>>122930If you're getting your first peel, I definitely wouldn't start straight away with a 50% strength. ~10% should be fine, starting off.
For peels you should be talking with a dermatologist in the first place, anyway. Messing around with a high strength chemical peel by yourself can end up giving you burns.
No. 122939
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Got one of these for my birthday a few weeks ago and I love it so much! Seriously worth the investment
No. 122940
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>>122890Oh man, sorry anon, you've already helped me so much but I'm back with more stupid questions.
I got my vitamin C serum and it leaves my skin really sticky (haven't had that with the ceramidin serum personally) even after applying the other products. Is it a bad idea to apply at night?
Also the vitamin C serum is thicker than the ceramidin liquid so would it go on after?
Oil cleanser > cleanser > toner > drunk elephant aha > ceramidin liquid > vitamin C > retin-a > drunk elephant moisturizer
Currently I like to use pic related on top of my moisturizer because it really soothes my skin when I accidentally go to hard on the harsh products(a lot of the time). I like this one but I was wondering if you knew of one with better ingredients but the same sort of soothing texture?
No. 122941
>>122940I just ordered this, does anyone know if it has ingredients in it like carcinogenic stuff that like fucking everything is filled with these days.
I used vitamin E cream from the body shop but then stopped because I'm pretty sure when L'oreal bought it they immediately made cancer a top ingredient in all their products. It was so good though.
>>122940Apparrently Argan Oil is really good to use at night, on your face and in your hair, totally natural too.
No. 122942
>>122940Hey anon! If the serum is leaving your skin
really sticky, how much are you using? I use the Drunk elephant vitamin c serum and just 1 small pump covers my whole face and leaves a little stickiness but it goes away after a few mins.
Some tips:
1. Try using just 1 pump of your vitamin C and giving it a few minutes to absorb so it isn't super sticky.
2. If you do use just 1 pump, maybe try rubbing some of it in on your neck as well?
3. Make sure your skin dry before applying it.
>I notice my vitamin c serum seems stickier if I don't wait for my skin to dry before I use it, so it's one of the only steps besides sunscreen, that I wait for my face to dry for. If you find your ceramidin liquid dries faster, then sure, wait for your ceramidin to dry, then do your vitamin c, and that will let you wait for it to dry before you put your retin-a on, so there's no rush.
Also, it's not that it's a bad idea to do it at night, just that vitamin c is at its super best when it is protecting you from the sun during the day, as well as doing it repairing job. Ar night it is only doing 1 function (repairing), so that's why day time use is best.
As for the mask, I would walk away from it for sure haha it is very very fragranced which can slowly damage your skin over time without you noticing until it is way too late. also, the jar packaging is not great for anti-aging etc ingredients because the air gets in and breaks it down so you are using less and less effective product.
Some night masks I recommend for you:
>Michael Todd True Organics Avocado and Mango Hydrating Facial Mask 3.4 fl. oz. for $34You can leave this on over-night. This is more for dry skin.
>Aveda Tourmaline Charged Radiance Masque 4.2 fl. oz. for $35You can leave this on over-night. This is more for normal to dry skin.
I think both of these would work for you, just whichever you think is best for you. I personally have been thinking of picking up the Avocado and Mango one haha
No. 122943
>>122942I've been using 2-3 pumps because I wasn't able to cover my whole face with 1 pump. I just went to see how gothamista applies it and I guess I should be applying with my palms. Oops. I will try that out.
Oh shit, definitely going to replace that mask thanks.
And just wondering if you had some tips or products about what makeup that is good for skin/ what to avoid. I know you already said the Peter Thomas Roth mineral powder which is already on my list lol.
No. 122944
>>122943Its worth a shot! I definitely use the palm method for my toner.
As for make up, it's definitely less of my area but here are some cosmetic dictionaries you can look up your make up/skin care ingredients in: if you are really interested No. 122951
>>122950I tried using apricot scrub on mine and they worked. I don't know if it will work for you but try it if you haven't.
On another note, I get these bumps on my arms and legs a lot. A lot of times it's if I even put lotion on or if a certain laundry detergent bothers me. Sometimes it happens when I wear certain fabrics. It's really irritating and I wonder if I have extra sensitive skin.
I'm going to try some shaving cream and maybe change lotions to see if that helps. I might go talk to a dermatologist too cause it's driving me crazy.
No. 122952
>>122947Okay, so review time:
It has an interesting texture like I said, almost like a lotion-y clay (but it isn't a clay mask). I used it as a 30 minute thick mask after cleaning my face, just to make sure it didn't burn or redden my skin, and it didn't. It goes on thick and white, and doesn't rub well in like a moisturizer, so it just stays white. Despite feeling "clay like" it didn't dry my skin out at all, and was nice and moisturizing.
So I tried it as an over night mask that night, and I tried to just put a thin layer on so I didn't look like a ghost, but it didn't go on so well like that. You're definitely going to want to wash it off in the morning. It dried well enough, because it didn't leave anything on my pillow.
This morning when I got up and washed it off, I do honestly feel like my skin looks and feels better. It has been feeling/looking rough with hormonal acne, so kinda blotchy and red in places with red spots. This morning my skin is less red, and less tiny red spots on my cheek. I was surprised because on my skin the mask doesn't "feel" like anything, not warm, or dry, or wet, it's interesting imo. Also, I've been having an oily t-zone problem lately, especially my forehead, and I had way way less oil there this morning, which was great.
Overall, I'm impressed with the results, I'll probably use it once a week as an over night mask. Also, you get a lot for the price compared to other brands (an ounce more than most cost similar products).
Sorry if this was way longer than you wanted, It's an interesting product to me. If you do try it let me know how it went for you. I'm thinking of maybe trying to add some of my serum to it to make it easier to rub in, so next week I'll try that.
No. 122953
>>122950Chemical exfoliants, glycolic acid especially. It can be toner, wipes, lotion, etc, whatever format works for you.
You also might want to give low % chemical peels a shot, the otc kind that you can do at home safely.
Getting into a routine of chemical exfoliants (and keeping it up) is the only thing that keeps it at bay for me.
No. 122956
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Anybody tried pic related? shouod I still use an oil cleanser before?
No. 122958
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Is SPF 15 enough protection for the lips?
No. 122959
>>122956Pretty expensive for a basic cleanser. A cleanser at most will only cleanse you face and not provide any added benefits. That being said if you like using this bar or like luxury items and can spend I'd get it .
You do need to use cleansing oil before, it's not a substitute. Think of it as a second cleanser.
No. 122968
>>122959>A cleanser at most will only cleanse you face and not provide any added benefitsI mostly used cetaphil all my life and I recently tried First Aid beauty antioxidant cleanser and it's so much less drying and stripping on my face. I don't even think it's a placebo effect because I was skeptical on paying more for cleansers too and think First Aid beauty packaging is pretty ugly for it's price.
>like luxury items and can spend I'd get itMoney isn't a concern for me but I don't like wasting it. I feel like if it's slightly better than it's worth it to spend more for me.
No. 122969
>>121943I make a baking soda paste (just baking soda and water) as my face cleanser. After that, I pat my face dry and use diluted Apple Cider Vinegar as a Toner. Then I use a very light layer of coconut oil as a moisturizer.
Needles to say this works just fine, and it's incredibly cheap. No sulfates
No. 122971
>>122969baking soda is really abrasive and alkaline, both of which can damage and dry out your skin slowly over time. I'd really suggest picking up a cleanser, there are plenty of good cheap ones like
>>122970 suggests. For example, several great cleanser for less than 5 bucks:
>Boots Expert Sensitive Gentle Cleansing Lotion
>Boots Expert Sensitive Gentle Cleansing Wash
>Simple Moisturizing Facial Wash
>Olay Gentle Clean Foaming CleanserAs for using Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner, well, a good toner is one that preps the skin for other products to work good, including adjusting the pH of the skin to a healthy range, which should be slightly acidic.
You are using an alkaline cleanser and then following it up with an alkaline toner, which is not helping your skin return to an optimal balance. Additionally, acetic acid, which is in vinegar, is not good for the skin as it is sensitizing.
As for a good, cheap toner, well there isn't much to pick from but you can get:
>Andalou Naturals Blossom + Leaf Toning Refresher for like $8 or so on amazon, I think.
As for the coconut oil, it's basically equivalent to using mineral oil on your face; some people are really against mineral oil, but honestly, it isn't bad. So this is actually not such a bad thing for you to be using. Unlike the others, at least the coconut oil isn't slowly damaging your skin over time.
Here are some cheap good moisturizers though, if you are interested, but again, coconut oil isn't actually damaging skin:
>Boots Expert Sensitive Light Moisturizing Lotion
>Boots Expert Sensitive Restoring Night TreatmentUltimately, I really would recommend swapping out your cleanser and toner, though.
Hope you don't mind me suggesting all this.
No. 122972
>>122971>>122970thank you both so much for taking the time to correct me. and for the recommendations. i'll buy some new products. i do like using the coconut oil as moisturizer, though. i have combination skin and i've tried all manners of moisturizers and coconut oil has been the nicest to me, surprisingly. I just try not to use too much because it is very heavy.
thank you again!
No. 122973
>>122968I mean that a cleanser that has "antioxidants" or "anti acne" isn't on your face long enough for those specific benefits. all a cleanser does is cleanse your face, some are shitty and stripping some are nice and gentle.
I also have used Cetaphil and it stripped my face so badly.
No. 122980
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Anybody ever tried "mirvaso"? I have broken capillaries around my nose and was searching around and saw this. I've never even heard of this or anything that helps broken capillaries besides laser so I'm going to be making an appointment with my dr right away lol.
No. 122981
>>122979I looked up the ingredients for c20 and it has niacinimide in it.
I thought ascorbic acid and niacindamide should never ever be mixed though? how is this one so popular?
No. 122983
>>122982>>122981When a product has both in it
>If you aren’t noticing any skin reddening…there’s either very little nicotonic acid that’s been formed, or you’re not very sensitive. >If you’re worried about a product that contains both ingredients, storing it in a cool environment will discourage transformation of niacinamide to nicotonic acid.>>122982When you are trying to combine 2 different products then the argument is that niacinamide can affect the integrity of pure-form Vitamin C.
However, all that seems to happen is
>People do often experience some redness or tingling when using the two> basically, it is probably fine to mix them, but only if you don't have very sensitive skin.
No. 122985
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How do I stop picking at my skin so much, its mainly directed at my face.
But if I feel any kind of bump anywhere I will pick the shit out of it. I pick at pimples until they bleed and then they leave scars.
Its most something I do unconscious as well.
No. 122986
>>122985This is me. I used to constantly pick and rub my face skin but I still do it if I'm stressed out at work
>started wearing makeup and it helped because I didn't want to mess it up, product rubbed off on my hands, etc>pick my hands and rub the skin off my chest/neck. Gives me constant eczema on my hands but I vastly prefer it rather than scarring my face more. >put Vaseline all over my face at night. This is my newest trick and bretty good. If I go to rub I just roll my hand in slime which is a gross feel. >>122984I'll read up on it thanks but it sounds terrifying. I'm pretty desperate since nothing else seems to help though.
No. 122987
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>>122980eyo anon, dunno if you're still there but i've got rosacea and picked up a script for mirvaso a few weeks ago. i have no personal experience with broken caps, about broken caps, as i just have the erythema/flushing, but i can tell you about the cream! i put it on after i wash my face of a morning, over the top of a serum/toner (its recommended you apply it to a freshly cleansed face but i'm combo-dry and dehydrated af and need to put something on my skin after i wash it before i crust up) and under my moisturiser and SPF, and i make sure to wait until my face is dry between each step. i find it takes a good half hour to an hour to kick in, and it kinda starts to constrict the vessels in a blotchy manner. after that though, my redness is reduced by about a good 80%, just leaving a wee bit of ruddiness on my cheeks (however, i'm quite fair, so there's no escaping that for me tbh), and it does indeed last for a good 12 hours.
i'm not quite sure how mirvaso would go on broken caps, though. from what i've read people with telangiectasias find that mirvaso reduces the overall redness but not their veins, so ymmv, but, i'd highly recommend at least giving it a shot anon! attached is a picture that i pulled off google that matches what my face does after i apply this magic goo
also fwiw its pronounced mur-VAY-so, in case you didn't know, so that when you ask your doctor about it they know wtf youre on about
No. 122988
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>>122980>>122987and here's a picture of what my face looks like about 15-25 minutes after first applying mirvaso!
No. 122991
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This isn't me, and I feel like mine is a bit more contrasted, but does anyone have experience evening out discoloration around the mouth? I have a ring around my mouth that's noticeably whiter.
I'd rather treat the source than cover up with concealer and foundation (which doesn't even work too nicely).
No. 122994
>>122993The MyScheming one is pretty good but tbh I would avoid them if you have sensitive skin because they really do pull EVERYTHING. All the little hairs on your face get tugged and it'd probably irritate your acne.
The Montagne Jeunesse black seaweed peel off is really gentle and it works for blackheads too. You barely feel it when you pull it off but it pulls out all of my blackheads and I have a shit ton on my nose.
No. 122997
>>122994Yeah, that's what I feared…
Thanks for the rec!
No. 122998
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It has been a busy and stressful week. My skin is in need of a lot of care. So this got me thinking.
What order should you use facial masks in? (Separating the masks by hydrating, brightening, firming, purifying, calming, and any other group you can think of.)
I plan on starting with a teatree mask for acne and soothing of skin. But I'm still curious about your guy's opinion on best mask order.
No. 123008
>>123007BB cream was originally a product that would protect and heal skin, but also conceal discoloration or blemishes. (I say originally because nowadays it's used to describe all kinds of products that don't have much benefit for skin health….looking at you, Cover Girl)
If you don't want coverage, then a good moisturizer and sunscreen serve the exact same function otherwise
No. 123011
>>122451Sorry for basic question but, does everyone do this on a daily basis all before makeup? Do you leave a certain amount of time for everything to set/be absorbed?
I'm pretty new to skincare, but I do use cleansers + moisturizer + Biore sunscreen before makeup. I'm looking into other essentials like toners/serums/etc but I just wonder since it seems like so many things at once piled on.
No. 123012
>>123011typically you pat your products into your skin until absorbed, then move onto the next.
it's a lot of products for sure.
No. 123013
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Is anything from this brand worth trying? Looks like all of their vitamin C contains coconut.
No. 123014
>>123013What's the point of putting vitamin C on your skin? Do you think it absorbs it and incorporates it or something?
You're better off drinking lemon juice
No. 123022
>>123021mine took literally just a week to show some initial changes. but what i did was pretty drastic (i changed to a vegan diet – or plant based diet, if you prefer. don't kill me, moral vegan. i know im just a dietary one)
my skin stopped being so oily, my acne basically disappeared. it was great. i also started drinking more water, so i am sure that helped. seriously. one month later and my skin was incredibly healthier.
No. 123023
>>123022I see. I'm starting off by cutting out dairy and eating much more veggies. I've been making my own meals and also keeping out sugar save for small portions of fruit and a few occasional squares of 88% dark chocolate (which help me curb my cravings for worse choices).
It's been a week so far and I feel like I have less clogged pores. Those are my biggest problem and some always get inflamed into pimples, hopefully keeping up with my current plan will lead to more progress. Thanks for your input.
No. 123026
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Is there a general solution to removing blemishes from your legs? Mine are so bumpy and red and dotted it's really ugly. I don't wear shorts because of it ever. Super self conscious.
Not my legs, I just grabbed a random pic off google, but kind of like this?
No. 123030
>>123028>>123029I started epilating a couple months ago, but I feel like it has gotten worse since then. It sucks, but I gotta remove the hair somehow.
Thanks for the advice! I'll exfoliate more often and use more moisturizer. I usually only moisturize after I shower, so I'll try to do it everyday. Any advice for exfoliation techniques/products?
No. 123033
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>>123026I have this too, since I was a kid, but I also have them on my upper arms. In my case, my mom and my doctor say it's due to hereditary poor blood circulation. But it's also related to shaving and lack of moisture. So do what the other anons say, it worked for me. As for exfoliating, I simply use one of these sponge things in the shower, together with a good moisturizing shower gel. It works wonders.
No. 123036
>>123035Unfortunately, you have to keep using it or the bumps will come back. That's what happened to me when I stopped using it, and I've heard others say the same.
I suggested AmLactin because that's what most people use, but really you could use any brand as long as it's got like glycolic or lactic acid in it as one of the main ingredients. I'm sure you could find something cheaper.
No. 123039
>>123031dude, thank you so much for suggesting italy towels. I just used one yesterday and my skin has never felt better. I rolled off so much dead skin it was insane.
Maybe like, almost half of my blemishes are already gone on my first go. And my skin is so damn soft now. I've never really exfoliated my legs before, I didn't realize how nasty they are. Thank you again!!!
No. 123040
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sorry just using a picture from google.
But my under eye has those small wrinkles (a lil more than in the pic). is there anything I can do to minimize them or prevent them from increasing?
I've had it since I was like 13 or 14 so idk what do.
No. 123045
>>123039Not that anon, but I'm glad it's working for you. I have the same problem so I'll definitely get those Italy Towels.
How often should you use them? And should they be used with or without soap?
No. 123048
>>123045I plan on using them once a week.
You soak in a hot bath for ~20mins and then use the towel without soap all over your body. Don't use anything in the bath, just water. You can soap yourself up after you're done.
Here's a really good guide. No. 123051
>>123039So glad it works for you! The first time is always the best because so much comes off lol.
>>123045Once a week is usually enough - at some point no more skin comes off and it can be harsh on your skin.
>>123049The gloves are made of a much scratchier material - I've used both, and the gloves just made my skin really red and painful if I wanted smooth skin. The italy towel definitely works better as well - you can usually find them in Asian stores/supermarkets - I got mine at Daiso.
No. 123055
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>>123049you can get the towel at Hmart as well, any korean supermarket really.
look for any towel that looks like pic related. The one I bought was very cheap and didn't have any brand name, but looked exactly like this and worked great.
No. 123056
>>123030>>123031>>123039Wait a sec… are you guys using italy towels on your
No. 123057
>>123056no, body.
but I had a fucking dermotologist who asked me to do that once. i did for about a week (very gently). i don't even have to tell you the consequences. my mom does it on her face & swears by it… but she dumb
No. 123059
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I'm hoping someone here can help I'm honestly at the end of my rope- I have HUGE pores just absolutely giant and my skin is very discolored.
I use a gentle face wash morning and night
In the morning I use a prescription moisturizer with spf and at night I use an AHA serum, an "too cool for school" egg mousse pack followed by an anti aging night cream
I use Khiel's anti aging eye cream once a day and three times a week I use a peter Thomas Roth peeling gel. One to two times a week I'll use a sheet mask or clay mask depending on how my skin feels. I feel so frustrated because I'm spending so much time and money and my skin still looks like trash. My diet is pretty average- plant based, no dairy but I have refined carbs once a day.
No. 123060
>>123059Have you looked into korean beauty products? Snail related products will help with the uneven skin tone.
Unfortunately pores don't really get smaller, they just get bigger which you can prevent. Don't use pore strip or extract black heads yourelf. Just keep using the AHA or maybe switch to a BHA if the AHA isn't working.
There's a lot of great info on the skincareaddiction and asianbeauty subreddits.
No. 123061
>>123052Take a fucking hot ass shower or bath, next exfoliate lightly with one of these
>>123055, next slather on baby oil or conditoner.
If you're shaving your vag use a NEW blade everytime, try to use ones with less than 3 or 4 blades, I've heard a lot of good things about safety razors but haven't tried them myself. Shave along the grain of your hair, try to go over each spot only once. If you want to you can go against the grain for a closer shave (only do this if you don't have ingrown already). Replenish oil/conditoner frequently between strokes. Finally rinse off a bit and PAT dry with a new CLEAN towel. There a variety of ways to finish off. You can dab your shaved area with witch hazel or alcohol, this is a must. Let it dry and softly pat on some unscented mild moisturizer. Let that sink in for a bit and finally rub deodorant all over the shaved area. Yes, deoderant, it will help prevent ingrown hairs. Wear loose cotton panties (NO SYNTHETICS) and loose clothing, if you have the luxury to hang out at home all day don't wear panties and wear some cotton PJ pants. Be sure to exfoliate and moisturize the area EVERYDAY when you take a shower and reapply deoderant after showers.
If you're doing your legs repeat the above process except you don't need shave with the grain at first, just go against it. Deoderant in this area may vary, I've never had to use it on my legs so I can't tell you whether it works there.
Over all also try to avoid tight clothing for a couple days.
Hope that helps.
No. 123065
>>123061Thank you so much for your advice. I ordered one of the towels.
The problem is mainly on my arms and legs. It takes forever to go away even though I stopped removing hair on my arms months ago.
No. 187960
>>123061This is some advice I've never heard, thank you for the insight!
What deoderant is best- roll on, spray, etc, and what kind? How do I know it's unscented and not a harm?
What are some good mild and unscented moisturisers, too?
No. 187961
>>123061sorry for samefag but also, what to shave with? I use a lather made for intimate places, is baby oil alone enough? it clogs my razor pretty fast
What razor do you use for this anon? Disposable or replaceable head?
No. 188316
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>>188250I don't use a mens trimmer, but I bought a Panasonic ES246AC bikini trimmer off Amazon last year and love it.
You can get a pretty close shave if you take off the blade guard, but even if you choose to leave it on at the lowest level, you can still get pretty close and have it look nice and neat.
No. 189313
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Use this! It basically gets the dry, cracked layers off of your feet and leave them so smooth and soft. You can also exfoliate them and keep them moisturized on a regular basis to prevent the cracking from reappearing.
No. 191699
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I've probably asked about this in this very thread ages ago because I've been looking for answers to this skin condition ever since I was 15 (22 now).
I have Keratosis Pilaris Rubra Faceii which is basically just pretty red cheeks. Googled a pic for use here, pretty much how it looks on me, except mine is very uneven and patchy, but very red nonetheless. This skin condition infuriates me to no end because it's something I truly feel helpless in treating. I used to have bad acne but changed my diet and just used oxy pads on them and bam, gone.
With KPRF it feels like something I'm just stuck with for life and it's bar none had the worst impact on my life of any single factor/event. I'm going to be a senior in uni and I promised myself I'd be more social and I can (half the time)! I don't really have an issue at this point with baseline redness, well in comparison to how it is when I flush. I would of course like for it to go away, but I'll live. what I can't deal with is my face being in extreme pain out of nowhere. I'm not talking about your face just getting hot because you're embarrassed; it feels like my face is literally on fire and looks so unhealthy I had a teacher in high school try to send me to the nurses office. I can make friends with normal baseline redness, but once I get to this state of being flushed I just completely shut down because it hurts like hell and also I'm of course extremely self conscious. I've had it for 7yrs and I still can't for the life of me figure out what causes it.
Go out drinking with friends? No flush
Go out in freezing midwestern weather? No flush
Go out in humid and hot as all shit weather? No flush
Go over to a friend's house to just sit back and watch tv? Flush like you wouldn't believe
Play videogames by myself? Flush
I've tried cutting out various foods for weeks at a time and I've had no results with that either. One semi-constant indicator of me being more likely to flush seems to be when I'm inside, I can't recall many times when I've had this sort of reaction outside in any weather unless it's super windy and cuts into my face.
I've spent several hundred dollars on various creams for this (OTC and prescribed) and without fail every single cream has ended up inflaming the redness and the pain that goes along with it. It's like if I ever touch my face this happens. Mirvaso is an odd case because it inflames my face and makes it hurt like a usual flush, but there are just dots around my cheeks where it's white skin, really bizarre. I also sleep on my back because if I sleep on my side on a soft pillow I'll wake up and see one side of my face being beach red while the other is a light pink like usual. This doesn't go away during the day either. If I wake up with a side of my face being beat red then it sure as shit is going to stay like that all day.
Wish I had acne because at least people know what that is and don't constantly think I'm embarrassed, angry, or even just sick.
I've done a few IPL laser procedures which I think has reduced the baseline redness by like 10% but that could also be age I suppose. Hardly worth it considering how many minimum wage paychecks I've put money aside from 6 $400 treatments. Feel scammed but at least now I know
Oddly enough literally the only thing that has ever had an effect on my condition is marijuana. I've only smoked a few times, but every time it has completely zapped away the redness and I look like a normal person while I'm stoned. Of course as soon as I'm sober it's back. Too bad I don't really enjoy weed that much and being stoned 24/7 to get rid of KPRF isnt exactly feasible
Sorry this ended up being more a rant, I'm currently pretty flared up just from browsing chans in my air-conditioned apartment for whatever reason and as a result I'm feeling melodramatic and irritable. Just wish I could have normal skin
No. 191727
Try going here you guys, there are lots of people who could help skinncare addiction