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No. 1213366
Ask 'em, but remember Google is also a tab away
>>>/ot/1194365 No. 1213427
File: 1654482535649.gif (2.89 KB, 150x20, AAA.gif)

Is it immature to be disappointed and unfollow a female content creator you thought was cool only for them to embarrassingly vent about their undeserving bf or their pick meish activities with many men multiple times? Just sucks.
No. 1213487
File: 1654488758404.jpeg (Spoiler Image,473.52 KB, 828x1046, 046C12CC-C79B-467D-87F1-E6C891…)

My friend and I are trying to figure out whether this insect she found in her bathroom is a water bug or roach. I'm trying to keep her calm so I've been saying it's most likely a water bug . Any insect experts here?
No. 1213490
No. 1213504
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Accidentally spoilered the img..>>1213490It's been killed don't worry!
>>1213492>>1213496Ah fuck. Well, thank you, nonnies.
No. 1213583
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what does it mean to pick someone's brain, and why is it annoying?
>how would you guys start your business?
a friend once told me to not ask that question. he said it's picking people's brains, and it bad and rude. i did not know what it even meant and just wanted an interesting conversation. there were some creative people there and we had a class about business so i thought it wouldn't be out of line, but it was? then i saw a video about a woman saying it is bad ethiquette but i still don't get it
No. 1213601
>>1213487That's a fucking german roach. Get some sticky traps, don't keep trash over night, check the trashcan if its plastic for any gaps they can live in then throw it out if so, get the birth control insecticide packet to mix with water and spray on baseboards especially where you found it, buy raid/Bengal spray as a deterrent and killer, clear out all dishes from the sink/rooms, check the baking cupboard and under sinks, if any produce sitting out there too, dont leave any sitting water at all, wash the floor or vacuum carpet, eat only in one room and 100% put the dishes away in the washer with the trash taken out, close all shower or sink drains after use, tape over the hole on your sink for overfill if they're living in it
No. 1213640
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I've directly put the folder of an illegally downloaded book in the documents folder of my kinddle. It worked but now it almost feels to good to be true kek! Is the amazon police going to catch me? I only see people talking about sending books through the email but my kinddle couldn't connect to my wifi for some reasons
No. 1213725
>>1213699>(they always want to be boys for some reason, never men?)men are old, ugly, hairy, smelly, gross and the type to sexualize these exact girls starting age 10 and earlier. they want to be the dreamy teenage boy they had a crush on in high school, that understands and protects them. teenage boys also tend to be tall, lanky and skinny, but they can eat whatever they want and never gain weight, and they're still stronger than women even without working out. all things these girls/women desire as well. add to that too much yaoi and an inability to perceive yourself as romantically and sexually desirable. their brains are rotten with yaoi coom so they only see relationships and sex between boiz as desirable, while heterosexual relationships (and lesbian ones as well, since many fakebois are self hating lesbians) are steeped in imbalanced power dynamics in favor of men.
i'm not the fujoshi hating anon that shits up threads all the time btw, but i used to be an enby they/them fujoshi with yaoi brainrot and i see my past issues paralleled in a lot of young women.
No. 1213747
>>1213725>self hating lesbiansI kinda don't like how people act like it's such a mystery why a butch lesbian would hate herself. That it's completely something which comes from inside, just made up delusions, her own fault. The worst kind of woman you can be, how to be at the bottom of the hierarchy, is to be a butch lesbian (it's even worse if you're black of course etc.). Even within the community, even by those who claim to be gender critical. Practically everyone thinks it's archaic, obsolete, roleplaying, man-lite, trying to be a man etc. The polilez definition of butch as being lazy and in your "natural state", just bars butches from being allowed to be masculine females, instead of just gender neutral, so no it doesn't count. Then when after a lifetime of getting shit from all sides, she's just a self hating lesbian and it's totally her own fault and she should just suck it up. Such a mystery where it all came from. Even radfems give men more of a break than butch lesbians. After all the misandry is said and done, feminine socialization still hits like a truck and men always get the benefit of doubt (you can see how AGP detrans men are welcomed and supported with open arms, even if they call women cunts, meanwhile detrans butch lesbians are forever treated like gender traitors, unless they sufficiently femme it up). NOT saying you're doing that specifically, but it's a lot more complicated than just "self hating lesbians" and it kinda implies that it's self inflicted. NOT saying that was your intention. The world hated butch lesbians before lesbians hated themselves. Butch lesbians pick looking like boys, because of not being attracted to men and despite everyone saying "hurr durr you want to be a man", most don't, even the trans ones don't. Passing as a boy also requires fewer (permanent) changes than trying to pass as a whole ass man. An elderly person might already mistake you for a boy without you being trans or really putting in any effort. We can also see which males are fawned over by women and it are Kpop dudes, Justin Bieber, boyband members, not Channing Tatum as much.
No. 1213750
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pic not rel but anyone else feel way less hungry on slow week-ends? i'm just staying home all day and eating sounds like a hassle. it's already 2 PM and i don't want to force myself to eat a salad because i simply shouldn't be hungry on my me-time. reeee
No. 1214035
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is it just me or is time moving by way too fucking quickly. nothing feels real to me anymore
No. 1214419
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Picrel is what wikia/fandom looks like for me, no matter the page, no matter the wiki. What do? Please help.
No. 1214471
>>1214458anon no….
pee if you can (flushes bacteria out of the urethra) and then wash gently with water. go to a doctor if you still hurt in a few hours, UTIs can get nasty quick.
No. 1214485
>>1214455Are you studying to be a teacher or something? That sounds like hell, especially with the no pay part. I think you should quit too. Tbh you really need a special personality in order to stand large amounts of kids. I volunteered at a Pre-K for a semester during college. They're cute, but they're always crying and one of them peed on me.
Hence the only one semester of volunteering.
No. 1214515
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>>1214486I'm sorry to post a tweet but it really does apply to lolcow. It's ok though, I understand that some of you are genuine autists.
No. 1214554
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>>1214515How does this one make you feel
No. 1214580
>>1214570Oooh kek sorry anon. I guess it's true, someone can have bad opinions on the internet but it doesn't necessarily make them a lolcow. Social media makes it so easy for people to spew out whatever comes to mind, but I think even people who post the most dumb shit ever can be normal IRL. I think what makes the people with threads here cows is that they consistently post bullshit and often do embarrassing, or even horrible, things in real life.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, posting bad takes doesn't make someone a lolcow but if a majority of their internet presence is bad takes, then they probably are. I hope this makes sense.
No. 1214669
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Is it true that if you have really high cheekbones and little baby fat/chubby cheeks you age badly? I have really high cheekbones/hollow cheeks and since I started recently working out they became even more prominent. I don’t know if it’s because my family are pointing out more that I’m noticing it or what but it’s annoying me. Everybody used to call me Jigsaw after the jigsaw doll when I was younger because of it and I’m this close to getting violent.
No. 1214679
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>>1214674>>1214676Mine are kinda like picrel? Like two lines across my cheeks, and they go up like Jigsaw when I smile kek. They’re kinda high yeah.
No. 1214771
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He has an page and sperges out there. Onionfarms, too. Basically, he has an interest history of being a junkie, deadbeat, and prostitute fucker for years, classic lolcow shit. He either LARPed as his wife or actually shared his account with her and she was perfectly fine with him being a loser with years of Internet footprint.
Even during the Janke, Spooky wasn't "well-loved" he was just the mod that handled things. Very quickly people got mad about the Discord gay ops he was doing and it eventually came to a head. He was in the LC Discord as well as Elaine's Elite. Also had a failed closed invitation-only girl gossip forum called something like Burn the Book. Good chance he will see this post.
Mostly goes by Regina. Whether it's really just him or he and his equally pathetic wife, I don't know. You'll find all the answers you want on, Onionfarms, and there are even some threads about the situation on KF if you search for them.
No. 1214777
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>>1214669I also have high, prominent cheekbones and sometimes get mistaken for being younger than I am. Like
>>1214719 said, it's all up to genetics. IMO high cheekbones can make an older person look very attractive (probably something to do with assortative mating), picrel of Dolores del Río when she was about 60 years old.
No. 1215022
>>1214790>>1214845That's the same Regina. Regina = Spookybones
I don't know what's up with him now. Is he/she still in the Discord?
>>1214786During the height of the Janke shitstorm, Spookybones decided to take "fact finding" off the site. He would have people with potential dirt on Janke go to a special Discord he created for the purpose, and there's a lot that was hidden during that time. There was one especially bad event that really pissed of Null and the user base, when someone was clearly vaguetrolling as Janke and Spooky made a big announcement about it maybe being Janke or maybe being a troll and just kept dripfeeding endless bullshit while everyone on KF started to complain that there were no proofs.
So, people started to complain about Spooky and Spooky was associating with a lot of Janke-adjacent people on Discord, even frequently Jancke herself, and Spooky suddenly tried to change his name to Regina, the same name as the former LCF mod. Since Jancke was trolling on LCF at the time and he knew that Spooky was both unreliable at this point and in direct communication with Bella, he thought Spooky was doing some gayops against LCF, or being some kind of faggy double-agent to troll Bella and cowtip. That was the final straw and Null kicked Spooky/Regina.
No. 1215026
>>1214965Yeah, in Discworld they're different for example. It all varies by culture/setting.
Sometimes the male equivalent will be like sorcerer or druid or something too.
No. 1215202
>>1215164tbf the fetish threads were always like that from the start but yeah..
>>>/g/256854>>>/g/256954there were more even long before those posts but can't be assed to look
No. 1215215
>>1215109You're making it sound like it's a super common thing or widely accepted but it's not. The one scat anon said she did it when she was young and starved for online attention and that she regretted it, for example.
I don't think /g/ users are that much more degenerate, but it's more that /ot/ users who have done similarly fucked up things or have weird fetishes would never admit to it here, because they know they'll be more harshly judged, whereas on /g/ there are threads specifically to confess those things (that most often they're ashamed of).
Also like
>>1215208 said, scrotes
do lurk and post there too.
>>1214965>>1214959I've also seen "warlock" being used as the male equivalent of witch
No. 1215252
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Is it acceptable to call things as jewellery oriental? My friend hates me now and is upset. Sorry for the stupid question.
No. 1215534
>>1215486Yall is not a twitterfag exclusive and never has been.
>>1215484How about stop trying to fucking gatekeep what women want to talk about and manipulating them into thinking they should be ashamed for having a sex drive you freak
No. 1215584
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Anyone know how to get scrote cologne smell out of clothes? A relative died, the clothes are otherwise in awesome condition but the scent is so strong, vinegar did help a little but if anynonny has any suggestions, I’d appreciate it!
No. 1215609
>>1215584I'm sorry for your loss anon. Did you try baking soda with the vinegar too? Don't mix it, apply them separately since it defeats the purpose if you don't. Did you do a mix of vinegar and water or just straight vinegar?
I would also try some dish soap like Dawn or Palmolive oxy or ultra strength, if they're available where you live. Anything that is good at getting rid of oil could work.
No. 1215612
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>>1215586Consumables. I recommend that stiff foam kids bath soap that comes in a can.
No. 1215637
>>1215608>>1215612oh those sound good, thanks nonnas!!
i like the bath foam idea, at least something like that wont sit and collect dust in an overcrowded play area
No. 1215699
>>1215641"try to manipulate a woman-centric board into never talking about the fact that they desire companionship or sex."
You're being overdramatic, the majority of anons on here are straight/bisexual and as a result there are A LOT of threads here that allow those straight/bi anons to express their male-related desires. From BDSM fem-dom threads to boasting about how amazing their boyfriends are.
If anything the anons not allowed to express their desires are lesbian anons because some of the anons larping as radfems here think it's "scrote-like"
No. 1215744
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> be a bit modern and have red
this maybe ?
No. 1215896
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>>1215891thank you
nonnie! it is a diploma level course and i already did research for 1 on them. good idea to switch them around. thanks!!!
No. 1215938
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Why is it that I don't really think about people who are close to me and with whom I talk to every day but I get borderline obsessed with people I had limited interactions with?
No. 1215955
>>1215673lol, its so cute he thought your embarrassment was silly.
I'm in my first relationship too and we haven't done anything but I've been meticulously shaving every single day just in case anything happens that day. Your post makes me want to stop…
No. 1215964
>>1215958identical twin: one egg is fertilized by one sperm, the fertilized egg then splits in two.
fraternal twin: 2 seperate eggs are fertilized by 2 seperate sperm.
No. 1215972
>>1215954You’re literally gaslighting lol the straights aren’t fucking oppressed because other straight women shit on you for having zero standards.
>femcelNot a real thing. You’re not blending in at all. Fuck off.
No. 1215995
>>1215954>is desperately lusting after shitty men>calls other women femcels when they don't share the same tastesGirl what. It's not nasty to wanna fuck a hot dude but wanting to to fuck a man who's ugly as fuck is. Also most nasty comments are also made by straight women who aren't mentally ill enough to simp for ugly dudes.
Literally I've known so many girls who were obsessed with ugly obnoxious men and all of those girls I knew turned out violently mentally ill. No sane woman wants an ugly man.
No. 1216328
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Is this possible to develop a defense mechanism to trauma that makes it look like I have a very watered down social disorder? I understand social cues but I just shut myself in my bubble to attenuate bullying, so I avoid eye contact a lot.
No. 1216354
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Is it normal for your face on your ID card photo to look entirely different from your face irl? I look 50 pounds overweight in the photo despite being thin irl and dead looking tiny eyes that look the complete opposite in mirrors. It looks like all my features were shrunken on a wide face lol
No. 1216361
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>>1216354Yes, the focal length of cameras can significantly affect how your face turns out looking.
No. 1216445
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>>1216393So no vent thread
No. 1216532
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Why do people in so many parts of the US not lock their doors to their house? I understand that there are places where crime is nearly non existent, or you could live in a gated community with security/cameras/etc, but WHY not just lock your door? It makes me feel so much better to lock my doors, it's like a security blanket. If I was the last person on earth I'd probably still lock my door. I go to my cousins house and they live in a gated community and they once scolded me for locking the front door when I entered the house. They say I shouldn't make their kid worry about crime since it doesn't happen there, and that locking their doors made them feel like they lived in a dangerous place, but I just don't feel that way even remotely. Additionally, I listen to so much true crime where you always hear "they lived in a neighborhood where no one locked their doors", kek.
No. 1216644
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>>1216624>>1216629He is in your walls
No. 1216866
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Does anybody know the artist?
Also, who are your favorite artists? Big names and instagram ones.
No. 1217263
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how do people make collages like this? the way everything is overlapped, the little text, words, and effects, they all kind of look like a bunch of stickers put together or something like that. is there a certain app/program used or is it done the old-fashioned way like photoshop?
No. 1217285
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I just recently discovered a tiny lump on my throat (located where the red dot is in pic). It's small and when I rub my fingers over it, there is slight pain. It doesn't hurt too bad but I haven't noticed it before. Can any nonas weigh in? Is this normal?
No. 1217288
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>>1217274If only we had such a luxury
No. 1217390
>>1217347Two male students literally throwing desks across a classroom because the teacher was a timid boomer lady
super nice but probably realized she was in over her head who just let it happen. This was in my senior year of HS in a private school too. She seriously just kept trying to teach while these two were becoming absolutely unhinged with 0 repercussions. I can still hear her voice in my head to this day "M—moid…please settle down
continues teaching marine bio"
No. 1217399
>>1217395As a private school-fag, I had a similar experience. I even saw a boy slap our teacher when we were in primary school and she cried because he was obese and as big as her. Everyone did whatever they wanted and students wouldn't ever listen to any teacher. I remember we also cheated on every exam even in highschool.
Anyways the last part reminded of myself. I also beat a guy up repeatedly because he liked me, I think, and would keep harassing me, following me, trying to talk or touch me, writing his name on my books so it looked like I was the one who liked him while calling me cute. So pretty much getting me angry because that's the only time I wasn't ignoring him. I one day lost it and beat him so bad he got taken to the nurse crying. He deserved it for all the harassment tbh. He was very upset afterwards though but I kept bullying him because I had other issues and it was just a way to let out my anger.
No. 1217410
>>1217347>>1217390samefag but thought of a better one- We had a student who was in all of the most advanced classes, president of the honor society, the whole 9 yards who was extremely well respected by students and teachers alike- and he was found out that he had cheated by using an ipod nano on a wrist strap to access cheat sheets during exams
yes I'm old and this was before smart watches as we know them today existed. If I remember correctly he was "kicked out" for like 2 weeks, then just showed back up again one day like nothing happened. I do believe he lost his title as president of the honor society but it was rumored his family basically paid to make it all go away. My HS was pretty corrupt and it wasn't the first time a student who's family had money was allowed to stay after they had done something totally out of line. I totally forgot about the incident until now, but it was the hot lunch table gossip for a while kek. I just looked him up and he appears to be in a pretty high level position so good for him I guess.
No. 1217454
>>1217347Thank you all for responding with stories, going to read them all now.
>>1217387The lean boys remind me very much of the scene in ‘Waiting’ when the two bus boys get high off of coolwhip, pass out in the freezer, and hallucinate that they light their boss on fire. Also I stole a bag of candy from one of my teachers in 9th grade, he was an asshole and I don’t regret it. Didn’t even like the candy, just enjoyed seeing how angry he was. Never messed with teachers otherwise, their jobs are hard.
No. 1217521
>>1217347My high school teacher used to playfully "bully" his students. He said he'd never do it to anyone he thought wouldn't be able to take it. So for me he used to call me by sexual nicknames… hated it but didn't want to be the one person to complain so I never said anything.
Other pranks involved him using a smelly substance in the classroom next door in the middle of their class (they couldn't use the classroom for a few days afterwards due to the smell), him going around during exams looking over students shoulders and laughing as to insinuate they were stupid and wrong, drawing dicks on the whiteboard
No. 1217631
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>>1217615Ahhh the answer I wanted to hear, ty
No. 1217787
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>>1217768The old fucks have learned to be slow on purpose. Why struggle, they will only then start to demand you work that pace 247. I've heard old construction worker dudes straight up tell young summer temps to slow down or the management will start to demand better performance kekkk. Absolutely based imo. I've always been the super fast worker missing breaks, working overtime, and climbing the corporate ladder. Ended up burning myself out fast, and for what? Nothing, the companies only ever demand more and more from you. Nothing is ever enough.
>>1217731I'm a serial monogamist, and people dislike it because it often causes a lot of harm to parties involved, espacially if you start looking for the next person before even leaving the previous one. Serial monogamy also often tells you about the person being insecure of being on their own and afraid of abandonment. Take it from me, it's pretty often correct.
No. 1217800
>>1217789Yeah. I’ll just be assertive in a smart, non-ratchet way because well I know I do my job good and the managers kiss my ass so that’s good enough for me lmfao.
>>1217787Wish those hoes wouldn’t project this bs on me. I work slow because they are slow, but I still get the minimum done. I have a life outside the restaurant.
No. 1217905
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>>1216366I looked into it and it clicked on a lot of things thank you so much! I'll def bring that up when I'll go to therapy
mfw it's not autism after all No. 1217916
>>1217768You're making grandma look obsolete and she knows it.
But please bear in mind what other anons said about your hard work becoming the benchmark. IMO this isn't likely to happen because you are in the restaurant industry and seem to have a good relationship with the leadership that matters–also male leadership in general will go easier on you if you are young and attractive, it's sexism but it benefits you so utilize it. Also it helps to work for a small business where your work is more easily recognized.
This would not go your way in a larger business like an office environment, just a warning.
For one because it's easier for insecure and jealous coworkers to make up putdowns about you to make themselves seem better–this can negatively impact your reputation and set you back regarding promotions and annual reviews. Secondly, because leadership is severely detached from their workforce so if you went above and beyond your job description it would go unnoticed. Lastly, if your hard work was somehow acknowledged, you would be managed in such a way to be manipulated into taking on that extra work as a baseline, penalized when you fall short, and exploited in that they wouldn't adequately staff for headcount because it's easier to have you do the work of four employees minus the pay increase of course!
How do I know? Because I work in an office during the day and then supervise at a second job for a smaller company at night.
Guess which job treats me better.
No. 1218040
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Nonas was this documentary what is a woman discussed here? I recently watched it and thought it would fit here perfectly
No. 1218044
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>>1218040He’s come up in MTF and hidden board. Pic rel
No. 1218155
>>1218040I dislike this person so much. I think it's because his beard is totally black, like it's been dyed that way. He looks like that guy Mary Winstead dumped for Ewan McGregor
>>1218044Or maybe tweets like this I've seen lmao. I'm not an abortionist either but this isn't helping.
No. 1218180
>>1218040My knowledge of Matt Walsh comes from only that doc and the Dr Phil debate, and I can say that I would pay money to curbstomp his smug scroteish YouTube ""skeptic"" face. I hate that the doc starts out by stating the opinion that "women are a mystery" which only fuels the neurosexist myth thing further. Also hated that the only alternative to the "gender role conversion therapy for gnc kids" culture in the US and Europe was a literal Maasai tribe where they perform genital mutilation on girls. I get the point he was trying to make - gender theory is western pomo brainrot - but radfems DO have a very lengthy history with the TRA movement, and Matt Walsh didn't include anyone representing radfem views, for reasons you probably know. Untalented moid flooring hard on the road countless ostracized women helped pave, nothing new under the fucking sun these days.
I think supporting Kellie Newgent's org isn't a bad idea, tho, it stands for banning hormone blockers for kids under 18 in the us.
No. 1218412
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>>1218344>>1218350You two rn, ILY anons
No. 1218549
File: 1654804883657.png (184.53 KB, 817x587, dress.PNG)

>>1218539I feel like I should clarify that my coworker isn't the one who died, it was her husband.
Is a dress similar to this inappropriate to wear because of the neckline? I'm very flat chested so there's nothing to see, and the dress I have is a bit more flowy and a longer length (with long sleeves). Would it be ok to wear? It's more of a business casual dress than a night out on the town dress.
No. 1218555
>>1218526>>1218529nvm my mother and me searched my room and found a hole in my wall, I'm going to buy two traps tomorrow and place them in the spot they were coming from and running to and hope for the best.
>>1218537I only trapped them under there temporarily, because I was too lazy to get up literally every two minutes, throwing them from our balcony.
No. 1218613
>>1218579Funerals tend to have two types of flowers. Roses or lilies. Lilies are the death flower and are somber.
Roses are the flower of romance and while acceptable the coworkers husband died. IME it’s best to not bring freshly grieving widows roses because you risk reminding them of the deceased. So it’s easier to bring them something simple but happy.
There’s nothing in particular wrong with roses. I tend to be a worry wart and like to avoid accidentally upsetting people.
No. 1218741
How do I act my age?
I’m 18 and I feel some of my family members think I seem immature for my age. I don’t want to wear makeup (no disrespect to those who chose it), I like baggy clothing, and I have lots of energy, I love parkour and dancing. Don’t date openly either as i am a homo. I think because of the way I dress and act some people think I’m younger.
But I feel like the women of my family want me to wear makeup and want to go shopping with them and be relatable. I’m not trying to nlog here. I just have more male hobbies and interests. I think they want me to act more like a woman.
I feel like if i were a boy i could goof off and not dress up and be supported in my interests. I could be just a person, i don’t have to act like a ‘woman’ from the age of 16, I’m allowed to be messy and enjoy life. You can be a kid for longer. Sometimes I despise the expectations of womanhood. I had friends who i could be like a feral wolf with, all the best weird girls to hang out with, i really miss them. A girl might not be sitting properly and the aunties will disapprove, a boy could set off firecrackers and the family will just laugh.
Anyway i guess i blog posted there, sorry. My question is
>should i try to act my age? If so, how?
>is it wrong to not want to wear makeup and to have lots of energy? Or am i an nlog?
No. 1218789
>>1218765Yeah, I always want to run, climb up or lift things and explore as I have a lot of energy. I am really popular with small children because I can keep up with their hyperactivity, so I used to be a good babysitter haha
>>1218773You're right, they are misogynistic. Plus, I want a refund on the years lost to lockdown, so I'm going to enjoy this time regardless of what people think
No. 1218973
>>1218952idk but this just reminded me that as a kid I tried to force myself to have an imaginary friend.
it was the kids from naruto. I made sure I was the only one in my seat so sasuke could sit next to me I only did it for like a day because it was too forced.
No. 1219023
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literally what is the point of this?
No. 1219057
File: 1654823328784.png (46.04 KB, 1403x352, 1653477705983.png)

Is an adult woman taking baths with her 9 year old kid weird or not ? I have been arguing about this with my friend for hours now on this topic, I think its fucking weird personally
No. 1219073
File: 1654823727932.jpeg (6.64 KB, 272x185, nose.jpeg)

What do you think about noses like picrel? It's quite similar to my nose and I've wondered since a long time ago if it's fugly or just okay. It makes me feel so insecure and think that I would look a million times better if I had a nosejob.
Everytime I see the dumbass but persistent "femenine ideal" It saddens me because all those women considered beautiful have small noses. I know it's dumb, but I just feel this constant pressure to fit into the beauty standard, ugh.
No. 1219136
>>1219073I wish I could give every woman my ability to not give a fuck about looks.
Nonnie it’s boring for everyone to have the same ski slope/button nose, I think this nose looks great, prominent in a good way, and I like drawing these kinds of noses the most, the ridges are interesting and nice to look at.
No. 1219142
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>>1217347We had this moid who everyone agreed if we lived in the US he'd become a school shooter. Constantly disruptive in class and looked like a sickly victorian child. Greentext to make it easier:
>be sitting next to him in math class>ESL substitute teacher minding her business>he starts being disruptive and sperging >she tells him politely to stop>he keeps going >she's getting madder but clearly can't be bothered with him>I'm sitting there trying to mind my own business but we're sharing a desk>He continues, she tells him he needs to leave the class room>"Miss, if you make me leave the classroom I'll stab myself with this pen">mfw>She is now frozen, unsure what to do because she needs to get him out but he's threatening to harm himself>tells him they're going to go to the principal >he keeps up with his threat, I start sweating>she's telling him he needs to leave>motherfucker actually does it>Puts his hand on the desk and stabs himself hard in the arm>pierces the skin>I'm too frozen to get up away from the desk >teacher comes right up and tells him he needs to go >he gets removed from the classroom, but in the end suffered no repercussionsAnd I still think about it today
No. 1219144
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>They make a face look regal and defined.Yes! I truly have never understood the fuss over Barbara’s nose, it’s not even big? And I just LOVE the way it looks. Women with big noses I fucking love you!
No. 1219170
File: 1654827331868.jpeg (25.33 KB, 550x550, 1c56f89866e54h323.jpeg)

if big pointy noses are regal then what are big piggy shrek noses
No. 1219238
>>1219234It depends on how rich your parents are and how autistic you were
If your parents were rich then they wouldn’t change your bedroom after you left, and you’d leave at an early age like 18 to go live in a dorm at college.
If you’re normal or poor then your parents wouldn’t waste any time turning your bedroom into something else, like a room for another sibling who probably had to have a shared bedroom, or a a storage room or even a guest bedroom if they’re fancy
Most of the time it’s another siblings room or a storage room
The old silly decor is mostly a joke but can be real, I have a friend like this who’s room is still covered in Mario toys, it’s not everyone but it’s not unheard of
No. 1219244
>>1219238>>1219240it always just reminds me of the crime shows where the parents of the missing child preserves their room in hope for their return kek.
it makes American parents look very psycho, especially when the grown child is successful and they have a decent relationship otherwise
No. 1219357
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If you live in a state where marijuana isn't legalized but delta 8 is widely and available, and you have to take a drug test and they find THC… could you just say that it's delta 8 (when you've also been smoking weed) and face no repercussions???
No. 1219377
>>1219244Its not really like that, I don’t think. At most parents will keep the kids room the same while the kid is in college in case they need to come stay at home.
Some parents, especially moms, do suffer from “empty nest syndrome” and get extremely depressed when their kids grow up, and for good reason, considering they probably thought it was their greatest calling in life and now it’s not only over- theyre much lonelier with only their husbands in the house as opposed to a house full of people (their kids)
No. 1219451
File: 1654843237584.png (1.21 MB, 985x889, Capture.PNG)

But really, why can't we have a news thread?
No. 1219599
File: 1654854643031.jpg (133.36 KB, 866x1390, modern-scandinavian-living-roo…)

>>1219589Dark green is a very trendy color in interior design nowadays. What colors exactly are in the rest of the room? If it's warm and beigy I'd probably look for pillows in a similar color/warmth; also what looks good is simple patterns like picrel
No. 1219601
>>1219599Thank you!
The wall behind the couch is warm beige, there's also some light warm wood tones around, but the rest of the room is a rather drab grey-black-white (which I'm looking to change bit by bit).
No. 1219639
File: 1654858480188.png (708.86 KB, 604x801, larp.PNG)

>>1219634Made me think of this, is larping as poor americans cultural appropriation? lmao
No. 1219647
>>1219634Cultural appropriation for the most (I’ll admit there’s some exceptions) is bullshit
But also, cowboys aren’t necessarily exclusive to the USA. Almost every continent has their version; here in Aus I spent years working with ‘drovers’ that are pretty similar.
If you want to put on an akubra hat, get severe sunburn and stain all your clothes with orange soil to LARP you have my permission kek
No. 1219705
File: 1654864750310.jpeg (64.86 KB, 484x600, C80EED79-9568-46FF-B2B6-CC50B1…)

What are your least favorite recurring sperges that happen here?
Here are mine:
>fujo vs yumejoshi debates
>lesbian Fujo debates
>eye colour debates that’s just a convoluted way to racebait
>vitriol against butches
>pressuring straight women to become celibate
This is just some of the sperges that I see here sometimes
No. 1219731
>>1219723Because they kept sperging about women not dating men today and kept trying to instigate infighting and samefagging when shit had been finished. As
>>>/ot/1219110 said. They only try and make a distinction to avoid being called out while still reeing about not caping for moids on an anonymous forum. Anons would make fun of sex-posi stuff and she would reee that they are polilez and shouldn't shit on men. The anon they reed at were straight kek. They just came off as a moid reeeing about femcels.
No. 1219740
>>1219073I have a small and straight nose and wish to have a gf with that kind of nose one day. I am sure you are fine
No. 1219809
File: 1654870665323.png (35.13 KB, 721x469, share.png)

>>1219788Once you buy few shares you own shares that are worth a certain amount of money, which is changing with the market. You gain money on them only when you sell them; so for example in case like picrel if you bought 10 shares on May 24th you'd spend 1041 USD (+ some small fee for investing) and if you sell all of them on June 2nd you'll get 1255 USD which means you made 214 USD profit (and there's always some tax taken off the profit). It's risky because you have to know when to sell, but even when you know a lot about market fluctuations and this specific company stockmarket history and so, something unexpected may still happen and you may have to wait for years for any profit if you'll miss the high point or the price will just continue to drop steadily (in which case it's possible you'll lose big part of money you've invested). Hope my explanation is not too convoluted?
No. 1219815
File: 1654870986489.jpg (62.73 KB, 960x720, 1612951319265.jpg)

>>1219705All of these
>>1219758Not all of the nonnas opposing the women hating straight women were lesbian haters though, they specifically said they love lesbians / believe the sperg was a polilez (=not an actual lesbian). PLEASE let's not continue this though, I'm just saying not everyone having a different view than you was the same person.
>>1219764Investing can also mean you give money for a project you believe will make money, and they will in turn give some money back to you. I think some stocks might work this way too but idk, I've just watched Shark Tank kekk, some smarter nonnas can correct.
>>1219764Thrifting for stupid little knick knacks, clothes, art supplies etc
No. 1219918
>>1219913Chinese. I think it's just more useful overall.
I'm Chinese but I was raised mainly speaking English and took Japanese lessons as a kid and as an adult so my Japanese is miles better than my canto, but I'm sad that I'm not more fluent in canto, if mainly just so my own life could be a bit easier in my neighborhood because I always get the "you LOOK chinese so why don't you speak it?" shit kek. Mandarin is more useful than canto but my family is canto so if I had a choice to learn I'd always pick canto lol.
No. 1219932
File: 1654876091377.jpg (11.81 KB, 400x320, 0000852997_kd_lang_20.jpg)

>>1219647I just really like the look of cowboy butches and I want to be one too
No. 1219981
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What is this for? Is it a pride thing? If so how?
No. 1219989
File: 1654880049061.jpg (34.83 KB, 336x338, 1650057132790.jpg)

>>1219722>>1219723ayrt. I'm not that anon that speged about lesbians or whatever in the dumbass shit thread
No. 1220051
>>1220036You can't even tell if it's communication.
It could be just one very bored very schizophrenic Anonymous making all the posts here.
Are you sure you don't remember typing this?
No. 1220066
>>1220034it came from a popular kiwi farms cow kevin gibes. he’s an AGP coomer so he horny tweets a lot. well one day he tweeted “am hole” (implying he’s a fuck hole basically) and farmers started calling his neovagina his am hole.
his kf thread is a billion pages long but it’s super entertaining. he’s my favorite cow for sure
No. 1220201
File: 1654890371791.jpg (157.61 KB, 1280x960, 19b76a43389h085p6352.jpg)

how come this past year every time i sleep on the right side of my bed i wake up feeling extra depressed, sometimes suicidal for no reason even when i felt fine earlier? it's always consistent so i don't think it's a coincidence, feels like it could be related to the brain? can't always sleep on the left side tho because my arm and leg will hurt after a while
No. 1220611
File: 1654911631585.png (1.02 MB, 2012x1230, biceps.png)

Does anyone know how to get an actual working coupon or promo code for All the sites I try are just worthless. I'm making a huge order and any percentage of saving would be very significant
No. 1220618
>>1219639No way kek. That's awesome.
>>1219634Anon, please go for it. I'm a Texan and I find it adorable.
No. 1220769
File: 1654932565963.gif (620.75 KB, 440x247, siA7C-2662399349.gif)

Are there any sort of tips or tricks to make having misophonia not as fucking awful. I feel like such an autismo with how certain sounds get me so worked up. I'm not someone who's quick to anger but certain sounds people make honestly want to go apeshit. I feel bad because its usually not the person's fault and the people close to me are understanding enough and try to make their gross, wet mouth noises less noticeable but my fucking ears are still just too sensitive to them. I wish to be unbothered by such things.
No. 1220782
File: 1654933385004.gif (1.42 MB, 500x299,…)

Does anyone else constantly get mistaken for a literal retard irl? Or people thinking something is wrong with you in general. Sometimes I wonder if they're actually right or if it's cause I look a certain way but I don't think I stand out much. I guess I technically do have other issues but not the ones they think.
No. 1220826
File: 1654937207890.jpeg (131.08 KB, 1125x1408, 314FA6B9-7747-4EF3-A5AB-6D03CE…)

>>1220820This one specifically- the crystal roll on- has been the best one in my experience. I’ve tried a bunch of the “heavy duty” deodorants and have found this one to be the most sufficient.
No. 1220949
>>1220907Do they hate you now?
I can't relate to everyone's obsession with "aloof" people. I love friendly people. (also NTA)
No. 1221003
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what does polilez mean? I first thought it mean polyamorous lesbians or lesbian police officers
No. 1221127
File: 1654960020476.png (375.95 KB, 800x600, tumblr_ouqtdaFaEf1s7rf3bo1_128…)

I'm trying to download a 2GB file (The Sims Complete Collection) and the downloading has already failed once. Why? What can I do?
No. 1221147
File: 1654960708181.jpg (22.71 KB, 540x404, cvs89xniii861.jpg)

What's the best way to let out feral energy without hurting other people?
No. 1221264
File: 1654964446742.png (111.35 KB, 640x213, Relate genitally.png)

>>1221009nta but to further explain "political lesbian" doesn't refer to actual lesbians who also happen to be into politics but a specific subset of feminists who think sexuality is inherently political and lesbianism is inherently feminist and all women should become lesbians to be better feminists. because a lot of these women are actually heterosexual they often try to separate lesbianism from actual sexuality and redefine it to make it more about "sisterhood" or something. Picrel is a Mary Daly quote for an egregious example.
No. 1221277
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Is this shirt pretty or nah?
No. 1221436
File: 1654971084419.png (1.8 MB, 1194x984,…)

can someone who uses menstrual cups tell me what it's like? is the upkeep annoying? should i buy several so i can alternate them during my cycle or do you just need one cup?
i'm tired of buying tampons every month. i would look into reusable pads but i hate the feeling of like… sitting in blood. plus i always end up staining my underwear. and don't tell me to just wear ugly granny panties because those are my preferred undies all the time, they're comfy
No. 1221442
>>1221436You just need one. Its pretty easy, just you pop it out and rise in in the sink and back in again. Can be left for several hours without worrying about tss. More comfortable than a tampon and easier to place imo, no pulling a dry ass painful cotton wad out of your pussy at the end of your cycle.
As long as you're comfortable with your vagina and not squeamish its pretty easy.
No. 1221452
>>1221440>>1221442thank you! i'm not squeamish at all so i'll be fine on that front. i'm near the end of my cycle right now and just had that painful cotton wad experience and was like i straight up can't do this shit anymore
>>1221446yeah, i was kind of wondering if i could wear it all day during class or work. it's not like i can wash it out in a public bathroom. and if i stay the night at a friend's i might feel weird washing my period blood out in the sink
thank you for the advice anons. i find firsthand experiences a lot more helpful than just googling
No. 1221737
>>1221700My bet on falseflagging moid for that one. I will never forgive oldmin for falling for this same shit tactic and actually closing 2X/pp/manhate threads despite the polls obviously showing that the complaints were just 1-3 samefagging trannies. Ever since succeeding with it back then, they try it again every few months with other threads (or in this case boards) that
triggered their crippled Y chromosome l.
No. 1221801
File: 1654988241221.gif (350.64 KB, 500x280, crying.gif)

why is me this gif of a crying anime person? does this mean its down? or
No. 1221808
File: 1654988500000.jpg (173.72 KB, 941x1112, Trannyvoicess.jpg)

Is this anon in /meta/ admitting to being a tranny?
No. 1221826
>>1221821Which thread did it come from and what's its name? Could it be the baiter who keeps saying trannies are indistinguishable etc?
>>1221822Hasn't it always been like that? Getting it hidden means it'll never come back like whatever happened to 2x and this board would die. Don't let that happen.
No. 1221834
>>1221825Wouldn't hiding the boards take the work load off of jannies though? Traffic would slow down even more, but with how everythings going I think that's what they currently would need the most.
>>1221826That's why I said only a month or two. Just until those who don't know this site and came here from less than desirable places think there's nothing to see here.
>>1221827I wouldn't mind them thinking they've won if that means they'll back off, if at least for a while.
No. 1221840
>>1221834It'll never come back if it gets removed once. Also why do you want it to be removed so badly? If it
triggers you this much just don't come here.
No. 1221912
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what the fuck is a super follower
No. 1221939
File: 1654998037462.jpg (241.11 KB, 828x1024, tumblr_51680de662809b517b0fe89…)

i recently had someone tell me they thought britney spears was british because she looks british, but more specifically, english, to them. this is an english person who said this. am i crazy for not seeing this? anyone can obviously deviate from prescriptive stereotypes and be from a certain area but what do english nonnies think? i don't even know how someone can exist in this world and not know britney is american.
No. 1221965
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>>1221951i think it's her skintone. she's always been pretty tan, even moreso than christina. i just don't see britney as having an "english" look necessarily that would look more english than american. billie eilish, i could see, because she's very fair skinned with pinkish undertones.
No. 1222013
File: 1655002909930.jpg (62.18 KB, 724x407, 3pq3wDJrFGmKpEGZnVF7XC.jpg)

What kind of dog is this?
No. 1222086
>>1222077>i'm not a racetard noooo i'm not either but i just can imagine her in a dirndl kek.
>royal family is germaninteresting
No. 1222089
File: 1655012403641.jpeg (32.01 KB, 410x395, E0FB8BE2-F947-40EF-9474-6FF0F6…)

Art anons, what's a lifestyle/environment most conducive to productivity? For instance, getting distracted on the internet can be bad if it keeps you from creating art instead, so it would be best to limit time online in that case. What are the ways you keep yourself productive, motivated, and inspired, if any?
No. 1222113
>>1222092kek, I am, but…
>>1222105This sounds about right. The problem is excuses and finding that balance where you don't drive yourself away from doing it in the end.
No. 1222138
File: 1655015987795.jpg (97.28 KB, 771x952, mfw.jpg)

>get chinese takeout
>eat one of their fried chickens
>one bite in and suddenly the taste is super disgusting and kind of strong/weird, tastes nothing like chicken, felt like i was gonna puke
>immediately spit it out
>notice the part i bit is black (not burnt, like a small part of the chicken itself is black inside)
am i going to be ok? this never happened all the other times i ordered it
No. 1222212
>>1221816It's a 4chan archive site for a bunch of boards, including /biz/, /vp/, /jp/, /gif/ (good riddance) and others.
>>1221809According to a thread on's /talk/, it's maintenance (not sure about this though, but I don't feel like looking through /g/ threads to find a proper explanation). Apparently, it's still archiving images, it's just the frontend that's inaccessible.
No. 1222372
File: 1655039866785.jpg (218.32 KB, 1080x1006, IMG_20220612_161554.jpg)

Anyone else get a rash like this from bras? I wash mine every few days, these were taken fresh off the drying rack when I put them on today. Theres like small pimples on the red skin areas
No. 1222426
File: 1655042122536.png (1.63 MB, 1648x631, same old shit same old fucking…)

Why does this type of youtubers think thumbnails like picrel is ok and not super repetitive and annoying?
No. 1222503
File: 1655044103341.jpg (340.16 KB, 1379x767, simsie.jpg)

>>1222426oh she's not even the worst offender. I hate the gasping/shocking thumbnails more. pic related. no hate to the youtuber but I will refuse to click on videos with this annoying style of thumbnail.
No. 1222540
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>>1222510lmao is it? I don't even mind trans people to be honest, but that's funny. all I knew was that she gave every family a cat or dog.
anyway, this other one's thumbnails grind my gears too. I know why they do it but not why it fills me with rage.
No. 1222774
File: 1655051514489.png (1.04 MB, 640x1138, kunzf9go0pu51.png)

Hi girls, got a medical question
>get into trouble two evenings ago
>have to run a long way in the dark for reasons, including hiding on other people's property to avoid getting shanked by said source of danger
>fall and acquire three wounds, and a leg that feels unbendy
>leave them for hours until I've got out of danger, showered etc
>biggest wound i left half heartedly for a day or two before putting a plaster on, but started cleaning recently
>when i woke up today it was covered in green slime and smelled bad. also it stings randomly and has yellow liquid coming from it sometimes, it's quite hot
>i scraped the slime off 'slough', cleaned, and put a plaster back on. hurts quite a bit
Is it infected? Am I going to get sepsis? I am thinking of going to A&E but I have two A level exams on Tuesday and am not waiting around for hours in A&E when I need to study, A&E in England means you will basically have to camp out waiting. So I'm thinking of keeping it clean and then seeing someone on Tuesday, as soon as my exams are over for this week. Is this a good idea? What would you do?
No. 1222783
>>1222776You make a
valid point. I just feel like…I probably won't die, so I'll see how it is tomorrow and will consider trying to study in A&E.
No. 1222821
>>1222783Nona this sounds like a bad infection. You're at serious risk.
Besides, if you ignore it you might end up at a&e on your exam day instead. Or mess up your exam because you' re too unwell to concentrate. You definitely should not wait.
No. 1222869
File: 1655056665080.png (488.28 KB, 573x855, 1650392523873.png)

Are my coping mechanism okay, or are they bad long term?
-venting on the internet
-complaining verbally
-crying and then going about my day as normal
No. 1222929
File: 1655059097950.jpg (130.2 KB, 800x1000, Bald_Eagle_Portrait.jpg)

Why are they called bald? They're obviously not bald.
No. 1222943
File: 1655059646355.jpg (449.47 KB, 1800x1350, 1800.jpg)

>>1222937I'm ESL and in my language the literal translation of "bald eagle" refers to a completely different bird, the griffon, which does indeed look closer to bald. The actual bald eagle is called "white-headed eagle" in my language, which can often cause mistranslations between my language and English. American jingoism aside I do think bald eagles are cute and cool.
No. 1223192
>>1223161I second
>>1223178 go to ER anon, this is serious
No. 1223352
File: 1655085254520.gif (121.67 KB, 300x300, 3C7EAC28-86D3-4E7F-BCCD-983545…)

If someone only experienced BPD symptoms during romantic relationships, it isn't true BPD, right? I was so unhealthy back then but I was still in my teens and now I've been single for years with minimal social contact in general tbh. If I'm doing alright with no BPD symptoms, just run of the mill depression/anxiety (that's been improving) then could that all have been temporary? Something else? I'm scared if I ever have a relationship again, that they'll resurface. I acted so horrible and ugly. I also wonder if you can have BPD without the extreme scary traits like risk-taking and self-harm. Sometimes I notice myself buttering specific people up in an almost idealizing way that makes me nervous, but I'm just trying to make friends. I try to avoid worrying about diagnoses since anxiety and depression covers everything imo, but for the past few years I've been more human-averse than anything, with little interest in social interaction. That isn't how a person with BPD would feel, right? Unless I'm suppressing everything
Repost because I forgot to add that when I bring up my concerns to my therapist, she says I don't have it. I also had a psych assessment a while back that said I don't have it either. It's just unsettling to me how my experience in those relationships was BPD-ish, it was so scary and I hope I've improved. I never want to bring that pain to anyone again.
No. 1223367
I've used DDG for years but I don't want to use it anymore seeing vidrel. Any browsers left that don't fucking spy on your every move? Or should I just pull a Ted Kaczynski, throw my laptop out the window and move to the countryside spending my days fishing and waiting for my corn to grow?
>>1223352If it was in your teens I doubt it's BPD. Any 15 year old would be diagnosed with BPD kek, it's why they have an age limit to only diagnose people over 18 (which is still wrong imo, shouldn't it be 23?). The idealizing people is probably a desire for people to like you (thus have more friends and social interaction). Don't be scared to start a new relationship nonna, every teenager is an unmanageable retard and the fact that in your post you can reflect well on your past behavior and not throw some pity party I think says enough. You're fine ♥
No. 1223387
>>1223367>>1223380Thank you nonnies. Idk though because I behaved so erratically and got extremely jealous, paranoid that I was going to lose my bf that was my big fear. The thing I regret the most is that back then my depression was ten times worse and when he was out I
got pills and told him how I felt so he rushed back. I feel so fucking sick thinking I behaved that way that tbh I may just be celibate for the rest of my life. I don't think that is normal but like I said I don't have BPD symptoms anymore. It's just, I'm single. And I kinda suspect my mom has a personality disorder that did cause some mild trauma for me, so my childhood's not entirely clean. Seriously hoping it is not the case. If I ever get near that kind of behavior again though, relationship or not I'm backing out and flooring it I'd rather be alone and harmless
No. 1223396
>>1223387Nonna please don't stop giving yourself a chance just because. you did stupid things in the past. We all live and learn, we all have our bad qualities. Depression can cause fear of abandonment if that person is the 'light in your life', nothing weird. And I agree with
>>1223380 , you should consider talking with your therapist about this fear of hurting people. Thinking about every thing you say, every move you make is no way to live. I hope you one day find more confidence in yourself, you don't sound like a BPDfag at all. You're doing yourself a disservice really, by staying away. I hope you feel better in the future ♥
No. 1223420
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Do cats with smushed noses (like Persians, British Shorthair and Ragdolls) have it as bad as pugs and bulldogs? I know they have more trouble breathing but non-smushed cats still have short snouts compared to dogs, so I was wondering if the difference between brachycephalic cats and normal cats is as drastic as brachycephalic dogs and normal dogs.
No. 1223538
>>1223492I'm worried I'm a bad kisser, but then I remember
>>1223534 those people exist. I don't like tongue in the first place, so I'm probably okay.
No. 1223645
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My washing machine broke in the mid cycle. What the heck do i do with my clothing now? Its all wet
No. 1223752
>>1223739Yes. I make a shit 35k a year but over the years I've managed to scrounge up 10k in savings in my main bank account for emergencies. I have my bank's autosave feature on, and every week $75 gets taken out, split between an external high yield checkings account, an external high yield savings account, and an investment portfolio. The money in the two external accounts is for my little monkey brain who is extremely paranoid kek. I also have 3% of my salary automatically deducted for my 401k. I used to save up a lot more (usually half of each paycheck) but this year has been a little rough. I did max out my roth ira for the year though so not all hope's lost for me.
Autosave is my best friend. I just have it set to the $75 each week for now, but I used to have it set to automatically saving half my paycheck. It's easy to set it and forget it. When I'm a bit more cushioned again I'll probably bump up how much get taken out for savings. I also live at home and don't pay rent which is why I could afford to save such a huge chunk of my paycheck.
No. 1223804
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Would you anons be interested in an Extra Income/Finances thread? We could discuss investing, passive income methods, side hustles, etc.
No. 1223822
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what messaging app is this?
No. 1223824
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Can people see if you visit their twitter repeatedly (while logged in)? If yes, can they also see what country that visitor is from?
No. 1223833
>>12237941. Bakeries not in a grocery store usually have old breads at discount
2. If you pass through farming land there's usually veg & fruit carts that are cheaper priced and healthier than store bought
3. Beans can become delicious if you make them with broth from leftover bones & veg and add some ethnic spice mix
4. You can grow some veg like bokchoy/beans/radish/salad/herbs that can grow anywhere are easy to maintain and have a high yield
5. "Undesirable" cuts like fish heads are cheap meat and can be made into a soup
6. Do you buy food from a recipe list and not just what's cheapest?
7. Asian supermarkets have cheap meats
8. Having someone who has a Costco card buy your dried foods helps
9. Some stores have an about to be expired shelf for fruit and veg, you can buy the almost expired apples to make yummy apple pie/tart
Hope those help
nonnie No. 1223934
>>1223926God no
nonnie, you're fine.
No. 1224002
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>>1223977No, it's some couple unhinged anons and maybe a couple baiters or even moids. Being straight is ok nonna, just be smart and cautious.
No. 1224126
>>1224038>>1224071>I'm sure you could distinguish between Koreans and Japanese people based on things like fashion trendsFashion and maybe even make up is the biggest and easiest tell but otherwise it's hard to tell imo.
I work at a Japanese company and one of my coworkers is Chinese, although she moved to Japan when she was 16 and I would've never known if she hadn't said anything. I'm also Chinese but studied in Japan for a little bit and people always thought I was Japanese so I always got confused looks when people realized that I didn't speak the language that well.
No. 1224232
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>>1223498Thank you anon. I guess the difference is pretty big when you look at the skulls. Some of them are pretty awful like picrel. I don't like to call any animals ugly, but I have to have moment of honesty and say I don't understand why people want pets like Persians or Pugs. They go through an immense amount of suffering (especially the ones with tiny nostrils) just because humans want them to have a look that isn't very cute at all. It's very cruel. The only cute brachycephalic pets I can think of are Ragdolls and some Frenchies.
No. 1224384
>>1224380tbh depends on the areola size
i don't like a man with big areolas
No. 1224431
>>1224430If you're a government agent for the United Stats of America please consider the following:
If you're from another country, I'll be satisfied with just your self-harming.
Thank you.
No. 1224628
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How many inches long do these heels look?
No. 1224734
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I still don't know what the fuck "almond eyes" means. Some say it's distinctly asian eyes, and then some say it's having pointy inner corners, some say it's a rounded inner corner. Picrel is eyes listed as almond vs not-almond. I don't fucking get it.
No. 1224762
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did anyone else experience during school as a child or teenager, that the male teachers who had a reputation for being the "cool/fun teacher" were actually assholes? or maybe they were just like that to me idk. one of them in particular would get so pissed at me for not speaking up loud enough and yelled at me for it but then went back to acting chipper minutes later. while the regular male teachers seemed sort of nicer or at least neutral.
No. 1224818
>>1224805No you don't, however scrotes are a different thing. Because their whole purpose of existing revolves around reproducing, they often go insane without sex. They are terminal coomers.
>>1224812>sex isn't a must for me or my boyfriend>my boyfriendI guess he jacks off to porn very often.
No. 1224823
>>1224818>I guess he jacks off to porn very often.Most likely yes, but there ARE asexual men too. Very few of them, but they do exist.
>>1224820I see asexuality as a biological "error", same as homosexuality. Are you the same anon that was on the Finnish thread calling asexuality a mental illness? Some tumblr asexuals are annoying as fuck but not fucking anyone is perfectly ok.
No. 1224853
File: 1655207605198.png (3.25 MB, 1996x2382, create-photo-album-2.png)

Do you guys ever look back at the photos you've taken with your phone?
No. 1224854
>>1224822Most things that cause asexuality/low libido are associated with bad health, like depression, malnourishment, thyroid dysfunction, or basically any other physical illness that exhausts your body. On the contrary, becoming healthier, with balanced hormones, nourished body, energised, almost always leads to higher libido. It just makes sense biologically. If you're a human being with no desire to reproduce, which has allowed us to survive and evolve since the very beginning of our existence, then there is something unhealthy about you causing it. It's just extremely common to be unhealthy nowadays, that it isn't strange or out of the ordinary. I wouldn't shame anyone for it because it usually isn't the individuals fault. But it's not true to act like it's just part of being a healthy human.
No. 1224855
>>1224853I don't take photos.
I wanna be in Dubrovnik now
No. 1224877
>>1224875Anachans are genuinely asexual. They simply do not produce the needed hormones.
You should have seen nourisht0flourish when she finally gained some weight, she started acting like an animal in heat lol
No. 1224893
>>1224854I'm asexual and I agree with this. It's obviously fine to be asexual or to abstain for whatever reason you want, but I think it's highly likely something is medically "different" (one could say "wrong") if you like me have no sexual drive at all. Not in a femcel happy to read smut for myself way, I have no interest in even masturbating, ever. I stared developing some sort of sexual attraction in the early stages of puberty, then depression hit me like a train and follow me for 10+ years, I became less and less interested in anything sexual. There are real studies on how depression physically changes your brain, so I honestly think it may be related. If it's true it would be great if we could localize what does it exactly to force sex offenders and pedos do lose their sex drive all together.
I've never had a doctor look into it because it's embarrassing and the one time I mentioned it to a therapist she said something along the lines of "oh not yet huh, it will come one day when you grow up" lady i'm already a grown ass adult lmao
No. 1224986
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How do you deal with the feeling of having 50 books/shows/games in your backlog and simultaneously wanting to read them all and none of them?
No. 1225001
>>1224964Most of women still bleed with IUD, in some cases (one of the most common side effects actually) it's even more intense than before.
>>1224932Technically you can take contraception without making a break for placebo pills, there are a lot of studies saying it makes no difference; in which case it's common for period to stop altogether. I did it a few times to kinda "reschedule" the period but I get too paranoid not having any bleeding so went back to taking placebos inbetween but just can confirm that at least for me it worked.
No. 1225024
>>1225001Oh yeah should have specified hormonal IUD. Though some women also have bleeding issues with those too, like continous bleeding. Most lose their periods almost completely I think though.
>>1225004>Women were suddenly hemorrhaging at 5 years after no period.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I did NOT know that
No. 1225142
>>1225139I think it means a person who hasn't ""realized"" they're trans, hence "cracking the egg" means starting the process of transitioning
something something
No. 1225176
>>1224784I'm pretty sure I first saw it on old radical feminist wordpress blogs way before it gained traction on lolcow, not named after a particular man but standing for
Guy who
No. 1225314
>>1225256god i literally thought it was like 6pm until i read this post and checked the time
clocks change back on october 30th
No. 1225381
>>1224034>>1224026moving my questions to the /g/ thread, ty tho
>>1224021ty nonita, gonna ask there
No. 1225385
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>>1225384Forgot to attach pic
No. 1225404
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>>1225393Most of the time I'm too lazy to change it so I just use the default one. But I really like 'Notsuba' it reminds me of Halloween.
No. 1225416
>>1225401God this is so cute I think I’m converting, I love pink and red color schemes
>>1225408I used to use this one
>>1225403>sunlight is nature?? this made me lol
No. 1225533
>>1213366I just started using Instagram again, are there any crypto
terf feminist accounts I can follow?
No. 1225536
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I'm struggling to drop an online friend because on one hand, she gives me "fake niceness" vibes and I don't feel relaxed around her, she seems much more interested in herself and other people. On the other hand maybe I'm crazy or a shitty rude friend.
No. 1225590
>>1225536who is it
is it me
No. 1225595
>>1225590no im sure its me
she HATES ME i knew it
No. 1225597
nonnie I also started to think that it was about me and I felt so bad
No. 1225606
File: 1655247126173.jpg (45.38 KB, 665x574, hwat.jpg)

why is it that it's sometimes okay to post nsfw art on a thread, but when other people do it (in the same thread) they get banned??? like, I get that nsfw stuff is against the rules, but some people get away with it and others do not.
No. 1225764
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What are some good cozy places i can find communities on the internet. Specifically 18+ and female dominated. Like how tumblr was for example… should i just stick with tumblr. I’m starved for a like minded chat buddy
No. 1225800
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>>1225798Sounds like a bad idea in the context.
No. 1225829
>>1225823yes, it is her
>>1225819 there's a little widget on this website that scans your device and lets you know!
No. 1225844
>>1225770Her husband comitted suicide (I think he was a musician) and after witnessing his body she did too. I think this was in about 2015 or 2016, it was by hanging but I don't want to elaborate obviously. The idea has stuck in my head for all those years, just because I came across it somehow. We don't have any pipes or things you could hang yourself on in my parents' house so it seemed perfect. Sounds gross typing it out, but I felt peaceful thinking about it. You might know who I'm talking about, I sadly don't remember her name.
>>1225823I do not remember, sorry nonna. It was a long time ago.
>>1225796Don't be ashamed nonna, people have morbid curiosities. Human nature, look at how popular of a genre true crime is. I don't like to watch true crime much because it makes me sad, but occasionally I do watch videos about cults or Dr. Todd Grande. I understand the curiosity anon, don't be ashamed it's quite normal especially if you're into true crime etc. But remember when 13 reasons why came out? There were so many copycat suicides, truly saddening. I watched that awful show and it was way too graphic, also the way they treated her suicide. Hannah was disliked by most until she passed, then they suddenly felt bad for her and I can imagine it is pretty appealing to have people mourn over you, idealizing you and feeling bad for what they did. I watched it and just thought she was a bitch, but also watching it as a teenager I remember thinking how nice it would be. No more pain ever again, everyone remembering me as a great person, my bullies feeing guilty for the first time in their lives. Nothing entitled about it though, don't feel bad. It's normal to want to know the gory details I guess, especially if it's about someone in particular or someone you liked.
No. 1225881
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>>1224936Takarazuka Revue = all women
No. 1225946
>>1225927Guess we can agree to disagree, I just think you're taking it too seriously. I agree with
>>1225921 and also I assumed that anons doing that are dropping the usual way of talking only for the moment. Highly doubt every post of theirs contains that, so they aren't incapable.
>>1225931Has anyone said you have to do it too? No one said it's owed, it's only some anons who like to do it of their free will. If you don't respond to them that's fine. I'll admit there are some newfags who get huffy if an anon sounds "like a scrote" but I thought that's a different matter, usually when someone's being aggressive (which they should be allowed to be, if it's not actual infighting)
No. 1225971
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Then start reporting them for not integrating, kill their love and zeal
No. 1225980
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Ntayrt but now you're turning this into a whole other discussion.
No. 1226015
>>1225972 this >>1225987 it's very ambitious to believe you have to uphold some parallel to real life (referring to this
etiquette here considering the negativity that preceded these spin off boards.
No. 1226043
>>1226030"go back to kiwifarms or 4chan, or wherever you want to do your alienating edgeposting" can 100% be logically interpreted as "you are not welcome here unless you are able to maintain favourable niceties". not sure if you read
>>1225845but that's the premise of the whole discussion
No. 1226101
>>1226091Because adult siblings are rarely part of the same household, and marketing is always geared towards the household as it is the basic economic unit.
t BA in marketing
No. 1226196
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Anyone ever have this? Is it good ?
No. 1226258
>>1226254lets say you speak your mother tongue and can also speak a related language that is at least 70% intelligible and understandable to your language, now would that count as being able to speak 2 languages or 2 dialects of the same language
that's what I'm asking
No. 1226268
>>1226258the divide between language and dialect is purely political, so you can say you speak two languages.
corsican and italian are highly mutually intelligible but they're not
officially the same language because corsica belongs to france, not italy, and corsican people have no desire to become italian or join italy's culture. however, galician is often pushed to be integrated into portuguese, as a way to differenciate themselves from spain and join the cultural sphere that includes portugal/brazil…
swedish and norwegian are highly mutual intelligible as well (not sure which version of norwegian tho) but they're two separate countries so no one pushes for the narrative that they're the same language with different dialects.
tl;dr if people consider them to be two different languages then they are. congrats for being multilingual nona
No. 1226273
>>1226268most people in my country have to be able speak 3 languages, sorta a necessity, even on the peasenal level you gotta speak 2 languages, your bumfuck rural dialect and the mainstream version, then in cities to communicate with other ethnic groups so you use Urdu and then all education and higher learning is only available in English
so yeah just to exist you have to learn 4 languages, though most upper class families only speak 2(urdu and english) but since my family are half tribals, so me and my siblings have to learn 4, which is stressful as hell and its the reason in general my English is fairly awful
No. 1226315
>>1226258imho depends largely on what do you mean by "speaking". i can understand several languages based on other languages that i speak, but i would never say i can SPEAK that language. i understand norwegian since i speak fluent swedish, but i would never say that i can SPEAK norwegian. same goes for dialects: me speaking one swedish dialect and understanding most of others (no one outside of skåne understands skånska lol) doesn't mean i can speak another swedish dialect since the pronunciation and some words are different from my dialect. and to continue with swedish, the swedish spoken in sweden and swedish spoken in finland are so different that with enough political will and some weird nationalism one maybe could even separate swedish-swedish and finnish-swedish as different languages.
i would look at the history and linguistics and politics of bosnian, serbian and croatian if you're interested in reading about how those things affect if a language is considered a language or a dialect. there's probably several other examples of this as well but it's one i'm most familiar with
No. 1226320
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My indoor cat snatched a baby bird that got into our cat balcony, I did not notice and she killed it. She brought it inside, and played with it all over the floor. Do I have bird AIDS all over my house now, can I let the cat eat the bird (she's an indoor cat now but is a rescue from outside). I can't believe she's such an ecological menace. She's hissing to our other cat (what has been inside all her life), so I locked her outside with the bird carcass and the other cat inside
No. 1226339
>>1226330Fuck she managed to eat half of it while I was stalling, my bf said the bird might have had a disease that made it die and fall off the nest. I'll need to give them worm medication and keep notice of the cats condition that ate the bird.
Yes I know,
>get a predator animal as a pet>be surprised when it is a predator No. 1226385
File: 1655303410684.png (1.25 MB, 1021x967, wh.png)

I remember seeing a trailer for this a while back and now it's on steam, albeit not released yet. How has pokemon not tried to take them down for their 'imagine pokemon but with guns' re-imagining? It's not a copy-paste rip off but the familiarity is within fingers reach
No. 1226764
>>1226746I was put on SSRIs at like 12 and I thought depression was this really rare thing back then (this was twenty years ago) I was non functional for years but I reached a point where I had no supports to be hanging onto in adulthood so it was either I sink or I swim. This was weirdly around the same time when depression started becoming really talked about. I was like… oh it's common after all? lol
I do think alot of the time people will fall back too much if enabled or given too soft of a place to lay. I don't mean that in a harsh way but there's a balance where a lil kick up the ass to fight for yourself can be a good thing at times. I used to talk about muh depression alot but I slowly stopped over the years. I'm trying to just pay bills and keep a clean house day to day and looking back the time when I had no personal responsibilities was the time when I fell furthest into it.
No. 1226818
>>1226640Probably lol, thank you.
>>1226662Haha I get it nonna, thanks.
when I just stopped smoking I would put my empty hand to my mouth and pretend to inhale kek No. 1226836
File: 1655325014650.jpg (87.52 KB, 680x510, thinkin bout life.jpg)

Thank you for the replies, nonas. It gives some perspective on this.
>>1226753When I was much younger, I couldn't understand why people would have addictions to substances. I guess I get it now because of the way life is. We all need something to keep it moving.
I've started to wonder if some people have kids just to give them a reason in life, something to live for. But then that leaves me also wondering if parents ever feel overwhelmed with depression too, or if the fact that they're caring for lives that aren't their own helps remove those negative feelings.
>>1226764You bring up a good point about personal responsibilities being something to help align yourself with reality. It's definitely easy to just fall back on "muh depression" to avoid taking responsibility for the consequences that happen in life.
>>1226781That does seem somewhat comforting knowing that everyone does experience a depressive phase at least once in their life. I wish I could understand why life has to be this way? Maybe that's just how the world works.
No. 1227341
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Who is the artist of these type of images? I've seen them posted as memes and it seems like they're from at least a little webcomic
No. 1227353
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Sorry for reposting anon! Anyway her name is Dogisaga. Ctrl F her name in this thread for the somewhat interesting stuff
No. 1227549
>>1227504Nta but how did you discover this and which hormones were the issues if you don't mind me asking?
I had a blood test recently for a similar reason (insane Pms) and they sent me the results but still have to check in with my doc so she can analyze them. What I'm afraid of is that the results are normal and I'm just naturally insane. When I looked at it, the only hormones that were a bit elevated were cortisol and prolactin but not sure if they are out of the ordinary elevated yet
No. 1227708
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I want to gift a candle that smells like pic related perfume (it's the person's favorite). Anyone knows what kind of smell or candle I should look for?
No. 1227727
>>1227718Kim is quite feminine (and quite beautiful imo) and doesn't reject classic feminine ideals so they hate her for it. She's also unapologetic about her opinions and views which is viewed as a threat (even if others disagree with her stance or ideas- she's an outspoken woman with many 'different' and 'new' ideas.
Where men who use drag and femininity as mockery are more socially acceptable because they're not viewed as threats against the XX.
It's the same reason people hate Paris Hilton and Trisha Paytas, women with ideas are threatening.
No. 1227759
>>1227726Bumsex acquired scabby epidermis disease
Which will be shortened to BASED
No. 1227796
>>1227631>You should go to sleep earlier. You're never going to want to get out of bed if you didn't get enough sleep.But if I go sleep earlier I won't be able to fall sleep aynyway lol, but
>Take a melatonin about 20 mins before your new bedtimethat's good idea, I will try this and see if it would help me, thanks!
>Try not to take any naps during the day so you will be more tired at bedtime.This will be hard…
>>1227638I also have shitty curtains lol. Yeah, morning feel easier thanks to these curatins, it's quite bright in my room thanks to them.
No. 1227847
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What’s the last thing that made you uproarious laugh
No. 1227917
>>1227876B12 and E vitamin apparently though I would try to pair them with some memorizing excerizes
No. 1228198
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Hi artfags!
I don't know much about art etc but I kinda want a commission done of myself. I like this girls art but i feel like she kinda makes everyone look samey and she gave this girl big boobies for no reason haha. does anyone have suggestions of small-medium artists? thanks nonnies <3
No. 1228209
nonny you're so pretty, I'll start drawing now.
No. 1228424
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What are some good dark eye looks for really small eyes?
No. 1228440
>>1228435No, drink a lot of water, pills can get stuck and cause ulcers.
>Also, food comes back up super easily for me after eating.Sounds like GERD.
No. 1228445
>>1228444>How longI got mine a long time ago and I think I had to wait a month before sex. If you get your IUD changed though you can have sex again right away.
>SoreSoreness usually goes away after a day or so.
>PeriodsHormonal IUDs give you shorter, lighter, or non existent in my case, periods, but the copper ones tend to give you the really long bloody ones.
>StringsYour doctor needs to find a middle ground. My first IUD, my bf at the time felt nothing. When getting my IUD replaced, strings were too long and the guy I was fucking said he felt it and was getting poked, and his dick was average. But too short makes them too spiky and can cause issues too. Ideally it should be the right length to fold over your cervix and not cause any issues and most men wouldn't feel it then
No. 1228488
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I'm autistic so I'm trying to figure out what this person meant or was feeling during this conversation:
I approached a classmate during a break to thank them for some unexpectedly thoughtful and thorough critique they had given me out of the blue the previous week. They replied, "Yes, of course. Anon, if you ever want me to look over your work, just ask." When they said this part they sounded very warm and slightly nervous. Then they said ",some people don't like getting a critique out of no where, so just ask me." I told them I always appreciated a crit so they didn't have to worry, they can always come up and do it but then they insisted, kind of firmly. "No, really, please ask me. Just come up and ask if you want me to look stuff over." The latter part was very much an insistence and felt a little less friendly? The whole interaction I would describe as being mildly flirtatious, helpful, and kind, but the last part felt like they were MILDLY annoyed with me. Yes I am overthinking. Obviously you'd have to be there I guess but does anyone know if they were mad at me or something? Am I retard?
No. 1228512
>>1228488Don’t read into this.
Art students are insane and nothing they do or say is normal or makes sense.
No. 1228622
>>1228364Yes. Multiple little boys he hung out with reported the same sexual patterns and "secret codes" independent of each other. Things that are literally caught on video.
There are many occasions where Michael is caught lying because the boys accidentally revealed things they didn't understand they "should" have lied about. For example in one video Michael claimed all the kids said they wanted to sleep in the same bed as him, it was never him that asked them to do that. Then they interviewed one of the boys and he mentioned how Michael would tell him to sleep in the same bed by saying things like "if you love me you'll sleep in the same bed as me", he thought it was a good thing to brag about how Michael told him he loved him. Michael quickly tried to brush it over.