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No. 1216451
What's the haps on the craps
Previous Thread
>>>/ot/1209344 No. 1216460
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My work schedule changed for summer time, now I work 11-6:30 instead of 8-5 and I hate it
No. 1216469
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I don’t wanna go to therapy im embarrassed but also suicidal so i have to go i hate this i hate this i hate this
No. 1216545
I just realised, it's supposed to be like this. The system is supposed to be "broken" for the benefit of the few. I see twitter posts saying ohhh CEOs are paid 200x more than in 1980 or some shit. Constantly calling out one inequality after another. And what does it bring? Nothing. Oh the police force is unfair? Oh healthcare is expensive? Oh its hard to earn money because of xyz? Yes, indeed it is. What's going to change? Will complaining do anything? No. Will you quit your job and refuse to above by societal rules? No. So what? What now?
It's DESIGNED to be like this, so what can you do? Nobody in power will change anything no matter how hard you beat your fists, because they don't give a fuck and at the end of the day what can you do? Only those with real privilege can do what everyone wishes to do, just not engage with the system. We don't have a choice, we need to live paying for rent, bills and food.
Going off tangent and I'm drunk but also really, when people even gather and fight back it feels so hopeless, like. I remember the Hong Kong protests being hot news. What happened? That BP massive oil spill, what happened? And boris' partygate, I guess that's all cool?
It feels like the need has some headline, social media is outraged until the next big headline comes along then they're outraged about THAT and the outrage is juuust a bit too short to make any lasting change.
I mean shit, it feels like everyone's already over the roe v wade thing.
It's a pure vent I have no solutions but in this Internet age I feel like nothing sticks even when it really, really should.
No. 1216566
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>>1216547I'm such an ancientfag that I remember that it has been used before kek
No. 1216582
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No. 1216597
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>>1216567I am so sorry to hear this and I was in a similar situation. I wonder if men can ever be faithful. I know how hurt you are and I understand you want everything back to normal but I am sure you did the right step. I am sure most people say that to you and it wont cheer you up. But please believe me it is true. Do you know who he cheated with? Is he still trying to contact you? I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1216603
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>>1216593Samefag, do you have any ergonomic or soft handle hooks? I admittedly don't use them cause I can't get used to it, but it's important to take care of your hands. Sometimes nothing with help and you just gotta give your hands a break.
No. 1216611
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My supervisor said that we'd meet on Monday to discuss the experimental section of my thesis so I can start in the lab, but on the day she doesn't have time and tells me maybe Tuesday. She doesn't come in on Tuesday and is working remotely so I email her requesting a meeting - she doesn't reply. So I thought fuck it why waste money on gas to go in to campus so I worked from home today. One of the post docs tells me she decided to come in today so I whatsapped her asking if we can meet (I'd obviously drive in) and the bitch just leaves me on read. She takes on way too many students to actually be able to supervise them (right now its 3 post docs, 5 PhDs, 6 Masters, 3 Honours) and makes them shit out literature reviews to get co-authorship and high researcher ratings. I don't know how I'm going to get enough data to graduate next April, and the frustrating thing is I had an experimental plan laid out for her in DECEMBER last year but she kept on saying "don't worry about that yet" and refused to help or approve it. She made me write a lit review instead which is not going to fucking help me graduate I just need to finish my thesis! The last time we spoke about my actual project she had to ask me to explain what I'm researching. I'm really fucked
No. 1216613
>>1216567>broke things off because I know I deserve betterBased
>I don’t know if anyone will ever accept me the way my ex didFalse
>I feel so deeply that I made the wrong decision. I just want things to go back to the way they were before I knew. Also false
I’m sorry you’re hurting a lot right now. You are going through the stages of grief, bargaining and denial are part of it. You made the correct call and ultimately you will thank yourself for this demonstration of strength and pride. Do you have a good support system? This is the time to lean on them anon. No need to sage.
No. 1216645
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She will never listen to my version of the story and wash it off as "it's how family is tehe" as she always did. The emotional labor is dumped on me and I am not allowed to have resentment.
No. 1216653
>>1216647May I ask how many days since the breakup?
You are seen and heard here. Was the cheating sexual or something else? How he reacted when you left him?
I believe some disgusting men take advantage of shut off and lonely women please be very careful…
No. 1216793
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shut up shut up shut up oh my god. this is about the lyrics "and he gets to die a saint but she will always be a whore" which are so painfully obviously about misogyny ffs. i don't mind that mcr has a gendie fanbase, but do they need to make all their music about their gender feelings? I was a teenage mcr fan too once in the 2010s and the fandom was already full of tifs but I never saw retarded takes like this, wtf happened? it's not even just young kids either, like the person in this screencap is 20 and someone else who was agreeing with her was 23
No. 1216818
>>1216716>You probably know pedophiles. Just do not date men if you can avoid it. If they turn out to be a pedophile it will ruin your life and psyche far beyond what you can imagine. >Loneliness is absolutely nothing in comparison to the pain a scrote can inflictseconding this, and bumping so more anons read it. it hurts to be alive.
stay safe nona.
No. 1216912
I got kinda fat during the pandemic, so I weighed myself today using my little analog scale. (We have 2 scales in the apartment, a digital scale in my bf's bathroom and my shitty analog scale.)
Ok, so I gained some weight compared to last year. No big deal, it's about the amount I expected. I decided to try the digital scale too for funsies, and it reads AS 20 FUCKING POUNDS HEAVIER THAN MY SCALE. I couldn't believe it. I stepped off and back on again several times. I even got one of my 10 1b. free weights to put on the scale to make sure it wasn't uncalibrated. NOPE, IT'S ACCURATE.
I knew I was the heaviest I've ever been, but I cannot fucking believe that I'm actually 20 pounds HEAVIER than my highest weight on top of that! So I didn't just gain 15-20 lbs, I actually gained like…40?!
It doesn't even seem possible for my body, I'm so baffled. I don't even look THAT different, where did it all go? So fucking frustrating, I feel like I took a few steps forward with being healthy and active again and now took like 5 steps back. Jesus christ.
No. 1216965
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I've never been in a relationship and I'm an autist and I can't tell the difference between lovebombing and compliments. The guy I'm seeing right now tells me lots of cute stuff and declares his love for me, cooks for me and says he wants to live with me one day, like actually live in one apartment, and I can never relax bc I don't know if this is too much or is this perfectly normal. Or like when he jokes about the kind of furniture we would buy for our apartment, I can never tell if he's only joking or if there's some truth in it. We knew each other for a year and we worked at the same place but we've never met in a private setting until recently, and we only started dating 4 weeks ago
No. 1216966
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>>1216958im so sorry but
>I fucking keep losing weight because I can't get off my lazy ass No. 1216973
>>1216965Are they specific to you like wow it’s impressive the way you do such and such. Or I love the crinkle in your nose? Or are they in general you’re so great. You’re so wonderful. You’re so cute.
Second note when he sends you messages does he say I a lot when talking?
No. 1216978
>>1216965Declaring love and talking about moving in together after only a month of dating is
very fast and would throw up red flags for me. Even if you've known each other for a year it seems like it's been pretty casual and you haven't started to get to talk more deeply until recently. He could just be excited, but proceed with caution. How consistent and respectful he is over the long term is what will reveal his colors.
No. 1216980
>>1216716Your safety comes first.
From what you've posted, exposing the pedo in a chat will not affect his standing, but it will make things worse for you. If you do decide to come forward, prepare to be socially ostracized by everyone you know, and possibly blacklisted for speaking up. Not saying this to discourage you from doing what's right. Unfortunately, the world is a bleak hellhole and pedos/rapists are always covered up and defended, despite what everyone says about them. People always believe men over women even when faced with facts. I suggest finding a new workplace, leave quietly and without warning.
No. 1216991
>>1216976If you’re getting a mix or unique compliments I’d take it as a sign it’s genuine. It’s focused on you and can’t be directly copied from one place or another. If it’s all very basic compliments over and over that could go to anyone it looks like love bombing imo.
Lots of I statements can be a red flag with no yous. Lots I feel this and I think this with no questions or saying “I find you wonderful” instead of just “you’re wonderful”. It’s a sign of self involvement and if it’s all the time can be a red flag for a man with a PD.
Also wanting to move in under a year is a red flag and saying I want to marry you too fast.
No. 1217065
>>1217008It could be. It immediately turns me off because it’s more likely he’s playing helpless to lower your defenses and get close to you using tactics than he’s genuinely shy. Self esteem issues even in non
abusive men can be tiring though.
>I should find myself someone better than him, with more money and stuff, and that I could have any man I want, and he said it's crazy for someone like me to be with someone like him. You should never have to try harder to prove your care or love if that’s the response you have to him saying those things it’s a red flag. Keep in mind he shouldn’t have to break himself down to build you up. He could just tell you you’re beautiful without making you need to tell him “no I do like you!”
I would just be cautious. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you rely on him with your well being Noni and move slowly if you continue. The rose tinted glasses of chemical response start to come off at 3-6 months and hit a plaintiff at a year so it’s easier to really look at the person you’re with.
No. 1217126
>>1216965>I don't know if it's too much or perfectly normalThere are a lot of variables to consider but, at 4 weeks in and with you also thinking it's too fast, I'd say there is something off about it and it isn't normal, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad person or has devious plans.
If you haven't slept together yet, he could just be saying whatever he thinks will get you to agree to sleeping with him. Men will promise literally anything in order to secure the deal, and go to ridiculous lengths as well.
If he's very inexperienced with relationships as you sound too, it could just be an awkward attempt at having a relationship without knowing what that really looks like.
No. 1217136
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Just got stood up on a date by a scrote I don't even fucking like! I'm not even angry, just annoyed at this point. Dude YOU asked ME out, why the fuck would you just not show up? No text, no call, nothing. I wasn't even super into him after the first date but decided to agree to a second one against my better judgement. Wtf. I'll give him a chance to explain himself but I'm tempted to just block him immediately and move on. This is what I get for trying to see the best in people. Ugh nonnies at this point I feel pathetic, not even gonna tell my irl friends about this to save some dignity
No. 1217140
>>1217100i'm trying to draw a bit, i usually listen to music while i do so but it's making me feel worse for some reasons, so today's background noise of choice is a random streamer playing a game i used to be super into when i was younger, it's a bit comforting kek
what about you noni? i'm sorry you're feeling like this too
No. 1217154
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I hate that I can’t seem to enjoy nostalgia like other people can. Whenever I hear music or see things from the 90s-2000s, I just think about 1. How sad I am that I’m not young anymore or 2. All of the times I either burned bridges, was awkward/weird or missed out on friendships and experiences during those eras of life. Now I’m in my 30s, I’ll never be able to experience being a “young person” making friends easily again and it makes me sad.
No. 1217175
>>1216567You absolutely made the right decision, there’s so many people out there someone is bound to understand you even better than he did! Clearly he doesn’t understand you if he’s cheating on you. Just process and heal, as time passes you’ll feel better about your decision. Wishing you the best
No. 1217213
I don't want to be here anymore. I feel like a burden to my parents and everyone else, I feel like they secretly hate me. I don't want to live this life, I wish I had the guts to just neck myself already.
>>1216966Ayrt, this actually made me laugh. Hope you're doing okay though. I'm a depressed NEET so I just sit in my room all day with some small daily exercises which is why I keep losing weight. If you want to lose weight going to bed hungry really helps get the kilos off. Don't know your diet obviously but consider going vegan (even if it's just for a while) because you'll be scarfing down huge portions of pasta and rice so you'll feel satisfied, but it's not as calorie dense as animal foods so you'll lose weight just like that. You can do it nonna, I believe in you! Also no1curr but
I just made some rice and fake eggs, used to have eating problems when I was younger (not full blown anorexia but I only ate dinner my mom cooked and a small bowl of tomatoes every day) so I guess it's why I'm obsessed with getting to my 'goal weight' (62 kg, now I'm 54). I feel ugly being skinnier now, I like thicker bodies and know I look nice at that weight. Plus my skin is so bad, I haven't had acne since I was a teenager but I do now and it hurts, plus I feel disgusting. No. 1217229
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>>1217226Same, anon. Same
No. 1217320
>>1217311Agreed. Women have to worry about rape, murder, misogyny, being degraded and used and taken advantage of. Men treat us like we are inferior. I get treated like I'm lesser by almost every man I come across, they disregard the things I say and act like I am just a stupid child because I'm a woman. Gay men just have to worry about gay bashers, they should get some pepper spray and sit the fuck down. At least you fags can just pretend you're not a pole smoker and act properly in public so no one knows your a degenerate, women can't exactly hide the fact we're women for safety, and why the fuck should we have too. I'm so sick of fags trying to make themselves seem oppressed, if they get hit in the face it's a news stopping hate crime, if a woman gets smacked it's just another day. Fuck men, fags too, you can all just die.
No. 1217342
>>1217329So they're allowed to complain that evil straight white women go to their clubs but women can't have any spaces, let alone a night club or bar, without men being present or that's oppressive and homophobic and transphobic. Fuck I hate men. I'm so glad their suicide rates are so goddamn high, I just wish the fags had a little more balls to go through with it. Maybe when the incontinence gets too much to bare and they're stuck in diapers like James Charles. And still men pretend it's women who get "loose" from lots of sex, the delusion is insane. Enjoy the inability to close your butthole to any fags reading lol.
>>1217336Based Nona, men only care about women they want to fuck.
No. 1217348
>>1217346Oh yeah, being trans fem is perfectly
valid to gay men but trans masc is a joke and an abomination that’s disgusting and predatory.
No. 1217354
>>1217329Ikr and deluded faghag anons still keep defending them. So weird. At some point I think the
faghag anon is a gay dude who gets offended people don't put it on a pedestal.
No. 1217357
>>1217354I’ve been critical of some homophobia on here and I wrote
>>1217336But I’ve only ever really been critical of a small minority of anons claiming gay men were sexually attracted to them or whatever. I do draw the line at flat-out unreasonable stupidity. Other than that no, they’re on their own.
No. 1217361
>>1217311Lolcow faghags who call out
homophobia against their favorite fags turn around and act lesbophobic the next second. They don't care about lgb, they just want an excuse to defend some different type of man who they put on a pedestal. I'm sorry but I don't care if some anons are rude about gay dudes, men aren't allowed here and won't see that shit again but the same anons who complain about homophobia turning around to mock lesbians or use dyke in an argument has me dying. Like girl, stop.
No. 1217363
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Not sure if this is the best thread for this but let me bitch for a sec. This dusty crusty fag called some women on twitter fat and then when the majority of his fan base disagreed he hides behind his daughter for defense. You slimy little coward, you pathetic testosterone depleted weak kneed weepy faggot who can't even communicate without a barrage of tears cracking you're voice with each sentence. Hey Jordan, if the issue you had was with the ~authoritative~ push to make people believe "unattractive" traits are beautiful, then why not take issue with Maye Musk's cover? They were part of the same statement of body positivity, put out around the same time. Well how is an overweight women being put on the cover any different than an 80 year old woman? Both are unconventional beauty ideals, why choose to attack the 25 year old instead of calling the other cover "authoritative" for trying to convince men that older women are hot. Is it because your still trying to suckle off Elon Musk's gynecomastia tit for some more incel bucks? Or is it because you and you're wife are approaching that age and you know you'd be torn to fucking shreds if you tried that. You are a fucking joke of a man now Peterson, and a hypocrite. Should've died in Russia as a legend instead of living to become this walking meme you are now.
No. 1217368
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i seriously am at my last straw with moids, specifically gay moids.
the stereotype i never thought id experience happened to me recently and ive come to accept that nearly every single gay man ive met has treated me like an accessory, just there to boost their ego while they continuously sperg about the most utterly digusting shit ive ever heard go into my ears.
serious question but why are so many gay moids literal sex addicts/perverts? its all they talk about to the point that they believe even straight men want them. the absolute delusion still boggles my mind
No. 1217374
>>1217367>how is dyke an insultIt's an insult when some of the same faghags anons use it to opt out of arguments. I've seen anons get called dyke for supporting
victims/women or disagreeing with a pickme. I've also seen faghags act defensive and compare gays to lesbians, to say we wouldn't do xyz against lesbians so we shouldn't against gay men too. We both know they use it in an offensive tone. It's same as newfags using femcel when they don't like what they see.
No. 1217382
>>1217375They usually do that stuff in /g/ and call every disagreeing anon a femcel or dyke for not seeing how perfect their nigel is. This is a minority but they're loud, when the
ah jd case was active, half of the posts were them calling anons dykes, desperate dykes, femcels, etc. I also saw a post two days or so ago about an anon who was calling other femcels just because they didn't agree her ugly celeb-crush was hot.
My point is gay men won't see it and they're coddled all the time so it's less harmful but onsite anons attack lesbians all the time even though it never gets talked about. Sorry if I sounded angry at first, I just don't like how gays are coddled but the same people seem to ignore lesbians.
No. 1217386
>>1217376No they didn't date but she spent a weekend at his place a few years ago after he flew her out to Romania. She later went on to say they weren't a good match but he's "a good man" lol. I feel bad for her if her idea of a good man is Andrew fucking Tate. She's engaged to some guy now named Jordan oddly enough and has a kid from her previous relationship. Hope she gets out of her dad's
toxic internet sphere though. She really doesn't seem all that bad outside of being brainwashed by the moids around her but I may just be going easy on her because I feel bad about all the misogynistic shit she's had to deal with online.
No. 1217468
>>1217382We always get blamed for everything. Nonna gets told to break up by several anons? "Red pilled dyke!", several nonnas support a DV
victim? "femcel dyke!", we even get strawmanned as hating the husbandofags. They obviously don't understand how we work, because in the
ah jd thread they tried to get everyone to hate
ah by sperging about how she deserves what she got for
marrying a guy like that. They've made lesbians into some sort of heartless charicature in their minds and use it for everything. You do have to realize some of the nonnas you call faghag, are also lesbians. NOT saying all lesbians are worried about this stuff. Some anons in this very thread have said things with which affect lesbians too and they might not realize
>At least you fags can just pretend you're not a pole smoker and act properly in public so no one knows your a degenerateWhat about butches? By that logic, that nonna thinks butches can't be more oppressed for being visible and we should femme it up or else we're asking for any lesbophobia we receive.
No. 1217469
>>1217450Anon this sounds terrifying. Could it be allergies or something? If your thighs change color, it might be
toxic shock syndrome maybe? But I'm not an expert
No. 1217472
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I hate my manager she’s a fat cunt and I hope she dies in a car accident. I actually loved my job before she started 3 months ago and ruined everything.
No. 1217484
>>1217468>At least you fags can just pretend you're not a pole smoker and act properly in public so no one knows your a degenerateI never said that, did you reply to the wrong anon? Also the faghags I'm talking about obviously aren't the sane anons who are against homophobia. I've seen some anons come to defend gay men and even sometimes trannies whenever someone shared a bad experience about them. Those faghags never show the same energy towards lesbophobes though and I've seen an anon complain about hate against men and gay men just to call us femcels for not wanting to be with every literal man.
You should realize that most straight normie women love gay men and think of them highly while at best being uncomfortable around lesbians. It's ironic, I've even seen anons claim I was as bad as a scrote because I dared to say I was attracted to women.
No. 1217520
>>1217510Lesbians and straight men are usually interested in different styles, if that's the right word, of women. I personally dislike performative femininity straight women practice and feel turned off by it. And although I see beautiful women as they are, I haven't had a crush on a straight girlbbecause most of the stuff women do to appeal to men turns me off as I mentioned above. It's hard to explain but you'd probably know if you knew a lot of bi or lesbian women, their tastes and grooming habits are different than straight women. Even lesbians who do heavy makeup or style their long hair, you can tell it's done differently.
>>1217514Closest thing was I had a crush on a bi girl who very much preferred men. Then again I can find women beautiful regardless pf orientation but that doesn't exactly mean I want a relationship with them. It's more than that for me but you're right, that might not be the case for everyone.
No. 1217565
I love my boyfriend. I am not lying or exaggerating when I say I am truly in love with and satisfied with my current boyfriend. He is one million levels up from my ex, who was a gross, mean, weirdo. But I broke up with my ex when I was abroad, where I met my current boyfriend. My ex and I were still "friends" after we broke up (it's hard for me to let people go, even when I dislike them). But when I met my boyfriend, it was easy for me to finally put an end to it, and he helped me. Now that I'm back home (my boyfriend is coming here too after his work), I really want to see my ex for some reason. I have no idea why, although I've always been like this a little bit, I guess. I want to know what he is up to. I keep having to drive through or by his street for errands and I keep hoping I see him. I seriously don't understand why and it annoys the shit out of me. I keep having dreams of encountering him and catching up with him. I had a dream I woke up from just now in which I was in his apartment and it and his roommate looked like shit. He looked kind of bad too, but not as terrible as the state of everything around him. He got angry though because I mentioned my boyfriend and wasn't there to get my ex back. I was just there because he invited me and I wanted to see how he was doing. But even thinking about legitimately going into that apartment again makes me feel gross. I'm serious, he could be a very gross and icky person. I know he did genuinely love me and like me. He still wasn't over me after I broke up and such, which is why I had to block him finally with help, and I know he isn't over me still. But I wasn't happy with him and he wasn't right for me. I went through some horrible things with him. I'm both grateful for what he did for me and appalled at other things. It's just weird coming back to my town after so many months and going all of those places where I was with him, now having zero contact. But I know this is just a thing of me. I get weirdly sentimental and can have a hard time letting go. I know that I'll get over this too with time, especially when my boyfriend finally comes here. I'll make new memories with him, my dream. My brain is just being a weirdo the past week.
No. 1217587
>>1217561Yeah fags will marry and father children, harass women and then say they're gay so they're totally the ones who were victimized, lol.
No. 1217592
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EVERYTHING is getting more and more expensive each month, it seems. I'm a very frugal person and seeing that I spend so much more on the same items (often it's even more than a euro) now than I did one year ago gives me fucking anxiety. "Ukraine and Corona", my ass. Oh right, the war is responsible for more expensive toilet paper, how could I forget, and oh, Corona is still here, I just didn't notice because uuhhhh everyone here and in other countries already acts as if it doesn't exist at all anymore and people have gone back to their pre-covid routines for the most part. I hate the government and I hate corporations. Those greedy fuckers. I save up so that I can buy myself nice things sometimes or so that I have money in case of emergencies and not for politicians to blow it on coke, caviar, yachts and escorts. I hate this world.
No. 1217646
>>1217592I feel you
>>1217626I feel you
No. 1217647
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>>1217592same here fuck them all
how the hell am i supposed to enjoy my life if even basic food costs 5x more than it used to, the earth is getting warmer and more polluted every day, animals go extinct, and i am getting blamed for it all for not eating bugs and leafs yet i am also the devil for not birthing babies to give the oligarchs new workers. fuck boomers and scrotes for ruining everything. i want to buy a small van and disappear. everything is a rip off and we are being ripped off.
>work 9-5 in an officemeaningless paper pushing, pretending to work to fill out your hours, soul crushing work
>work manual labourget treated like stupid scum by managers and uppers, danger of hurting yourself everyday, stress
>work on own businessconstant anxiety, workaholism taking over life, jealous people, risks
fuck my life, the only thing i liked about adulthood is having freedom of where i go, with who, and what i eat. but now nobody has time and energy because of work, i can't justify spending so much on gas or fucking my knees up with a bike, i can't eat what i like because it's gotten too expensive
if all this shit continues to get worse i am dropping off society to join a cult
No. 1217670
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I’m probably gonna be homeless because I have no job, I’m only in college and I still live with my mom. They surged up the rent so much I don’t think I can live there rent-free anymore unless we downsize which is probably not going to happen. I feel so embarrassed admitting this but my fatass has to find a job soon and after two-weeks of working in fast food and quitting immediately I don’t think I can do it. I’m so weak
No. 1217678
>>1217670I’m sorry
nonnie, maybe try to find a job where you don’t have to interact with customers that much
>>1217675agreed, stores will keep the most incompetent employees, they just need warm bodies really.
No. 1217697
i need to get the fuck out of my parents house asap. every time my mother notices i am preparing for photoshoots, or going to a party, she stocks the fridge full of dairy sweets which i am allergic but addicted to. there would be nothing in the fridge for several months, then she notices i am trying to take care of myself, or i mistakenly tell her i am trying to diet right now, and suddenly everything will appear in the pantry. she buys white chocolate, milk chocolate, eclairs, mini cakes, bonbons, chocolate milk, cupcakes and creamy pastries. i love these foods so much and i restrain myself from eating them due to the allergic reactions
>puffy red face, itchy pimples, cystic acne
that all come on the hour after up to two weeks after having any. when i am stressed i just justify having 1 eclair, or just 1 pastry, then end up getting the symptoms, and think i fucked up anyway, well, might as well binge on them all
No. 1217699
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I saw another tranny at work and this time it was an older one. I almost said “have a good day sir” to his face
No. 1217732
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A few years ago I was diagnosed with a cancer that at first glance seemed terminal or at least very serious, and while I was shocked due time I started feeling glad. Glad that I wouldn't have to live into my old age alone and without a purpose like I've lived my entire life. But in the end I was cured, the cancer wasn't as serious as it first seemed and my prognosis is excellent. Yet it was in some way depressing. Even though I was given a second chance I don't enjoy my life and I don't really have any will to look forward to my future. I'm getting older, I'm in my 30's now. People my age have all gotten families or at least a very solid relationship they dedicate themselves to while I'm here going day to day working an unrewarding job and coming home to an empty apartment while all my friends are getting engaged and having someone to share their life and future with. At first I was happy that I knew that I would probably die in a few years and I wouldn't have to care about being left behind and entering decades of loneliness, but after it started becoming more and more real that I will live, I started panicking over it.
It's such an all around morbid way to see it but that's how it is. I feel horrible about it. I should be enjoying my life and living it to the fullest now that I know how it can be taken away just like that but the loneliness is crippling and the pandemic just made it worse when everyone realized they'd just rather stay home with their partner than go out to meet people. I'll always play second fiddle to someone my friends love and I will never experience that myself.
No. 1217738
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>>1217720All the comments are just reeeeeeeing at her to just compete in the plethora of beauty pageants that already exist for cis women
No. 1217748
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>>1217448Came here to vent this. The only day of the work week I can usually do stuff after work is my monday bc im more rested from the weekend but even then its a toss up. I hate it! No matter what I do(eat well, excersise, etc) I dont have the same battery as everyone else and ppl will just think im lazy!
No. 1217780
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you know those momfluencers constantly doing everything for attention and money? even to the detriment of their children, just to show off their wealth, and feed their egos? i feel like that was my life growing up, just without the cameras. my mother asked me to ask for technology and furniture for my birthday, because then she would have double reason to ask my dad to buy one. then she would "borrow" the item from me and get mad at me for losing it. the whole time she took it to use it for herself. she told me there were cameras in my room, and that i wasn't playing enough with my toys, so i didn't deserve them, and she would threaten to throw them out. once i asked for a fancy door knob. i know, what the fuck. and then she was asking me to show more happiness. because i could choose its colour, aren't i so happy to be this privileged? most kids can't pick something so nice for their room!
i could not pick my own clothes either, because i liked comfortable clothes to run around and play in. she said i make them dirty, so then she bought uncomfortable clothes, and told me to keep them nice. i learned not to play.
i could not laugh or speak enthusiastically because they said i sound annoying. i was told to be quiet and sit while they watched tv or spoke. so i learned to stay in my room alone. then that became a problem too. i could not invite friends over randomly ever, it maybe happened a couple of times per year, and on the condition that i get perfect grades, act happy, do my chores and clean the whole house before.
they wanted me to become like picrel, just a generic pretty girl to show off and look high class and marry off soon. any dream i mentioned they criticized and told me not to be, suggesting me useless, girly, political shit. whenever we went to meet guests, my mom would pinch my arm, or strangle my wrist under the table, forcing me to say something nice, and then stop talking. she later would yell and punish me for not smiling enough, calling me spoiled and ungrateful. when i went playing with the boys at the guests house, she was offended and told me i bring shame on them, she also pinched me and told me to stop what i am doing.
interesting how she or my brothers don't remember this
No. 1217829
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My balcony is covered in pollen and it feels so recent when I spent HOURS cleaning it all off… what is life but endless cleaning? Truly tragic
No. 1217839
>>1217667Dumbass you insulting and attacking men isn't the same, a man can easily kill a woman while most women only attack in defense. There are gay male celebs in my country that keep dragging every woman in existence but they never get called out because the faghags love their misogyny.
I do understand how you can be offended at the stuff some anons said but trust me, none of it is about you. When anons complain about a gay dude sexually harassing them, they're not complaining about you but a man instead, anyone sane knows a lesbian is far less dangerous than a gay man. Most gay men are muscular as fuck and there have been fights I've seen where one of the gay men beat or raped his bf/friend so bad they were hospitalized.
It's also not really about you being masculine. I do understand it makes everything worse but I still got bullied for not being straight even though I'm straight-passing. It's seen disgusting for a lesbian woman to act lesbian no matter what but straight girls keep getting away with doing much more sexual things together without getting judged, they're even encouraged.
No. 1217871
>>1217732I never had cancer but I always had this feeling as well that if I had a serious illness that would shorten my life, I'd make more effort to 'live' and not just exist. I fantasized about having all kinds of illnesses.
But what exactly stops you from getting a partner, anon?
No. 1217886
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Lol I so don’t feel like working today. I mean, I’m gonna get started, but I don’t wanna.
No. 1217987
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Can people please finally stop asking me for my lack of a love life? First my friends, now my mom. All in a span of one hour. Shut up. I don't want moids near me. I don't even want them to exist in the first place. You're all so pathetic for placing so much value on being with these degenerates and most of them leave you sad and unsatisfied in many aspects anyway.
No. 1218058
>>1217748Nona, I had the same issue I recommend getting rhodiola extract and iron supplements and take a short walk in the evening for more restful sleep. When I had the same exact issue my psychiatrist immediately went to oh well we definitely need to try adderall, but considering I just got pregnant I asked if we could try something else first before even considering narcotics. So we worked together to figure out a regimen that worked for me and helped me focus and gain more motivation. To my surprise it worked, like really well actually. It’s a lot more work than just popping an adderall but it does help at least in my case.
Good luck!
No. 1218102
>>1217987I have only ever been with men for sexual gain or financial necessity, on a personal level they are all garbo and will fuck you over in their own ways eventually.
Society pays lip service about independent women but as a professional, I can see the reality in that culture purposefully keeps us as co-dependent on men as possible no matter how hard we work.
If you have the means and ability to not get entangled with men, don't. If you have no sexual or emotional draw to them, then do not force it just to conform with those who are not as lucky. Keep males at arm's length and only let them into your life on your terms when it benefits you because that is PRECISELY how men will use us without blinking but with way less kindness and more selfish malice.
No. 1218193
met a couple nice people in my classes and exchanged numbers, we have been helping one another through a maze of convoluted, poorly written worksheets. Late night conversations remind me of a warmth and happiness I have not been able to bask in much for the past year. I'm lucky, a few months ago I reflect on how I considered offing myself. How my bones would and still does ache like hell. insisting I was going to die and never improve.
There is finally light at the end of the tunnel, and I hope and pray it stays this way. I think to my core about myself negatively, that I must be an rancid woman to have felt alone for so long. To have lived through abuse, being retraumatzied, developed an obsession that almost led me to end my own life for the sake of martyrdom to someone who's never going to know I exist. I suffered so much thinking it was all for naught, then circumstances improved. I know I'll still falter, I'll cry, I'll admit I don't deserve this and I've done horrific things to keep myself alive. I'm working on myself. If people are willing to see good in me enough to take me as a friend, I can't be that evil.
So to those of you who befriend the mentally disturbed girls with scars and bruises on their bodies who radiate anxious energy? To those who befriend someone who isn't perfect and someone who hates herself without malice or intent to harm or extort them, you're the real good ones.
No. 1218383
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my self-esteem is so low i am bout to post on a rate me sub
No. 1218386
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this is more of an existential vent but I really was always told I was just being a pussy, I should just deal with it like all other women when my periods made me pass out and feel like I was dying. Now my insides are fused together with endometrial shit, I can't even shit properly and suddenly some of these people believe I was going through something. the Troon larping having periods just made me spiral lightly
No. 1218389
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I'm looking forward to this but knowing that retarded coomers will ruin it slightly kills the fun and the show isn't even out yet. I wish men were banned from fandoms.
No. 1218390
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I went to buy manga. When the woman at the check out saw which ones it were, she smiled and told me this is one of her favorite series, and that she watched the special just recently. I'm terrible at conversation but wanted to keep it going, so I just said I never watched the anime, which is a big fat lie because I binge watched it when I was like 11, and am just buying them now because I read it all online years ago. She then told me I should really watch it, because "the Japanese voice acting was chef's kiss". This saddens me a great deal, because usually it is I who spergs about voice actors and others don't know how to react, and coincidentally it's especially about this series, and now I ran into someone just like that… We (mainly her, because again, socially retarded) talked then a bit how great this manga was, and ahhhh I'm in love, she was so cute. While walking home I kept grinnig when thinking about this interaction lmao. Anyways, the vent part is that, while I know she's just a stranger, I feel SO bad about lying not watching it, and also that I missed the chance to finally fangirl that one voice actor with someone in real life for once lol. I had similar conversations with other cashiers, too, as this particular store seems to have a disproportional amount of weeb clerks who have just the same taste in manga as me, and they all ended with me panicking and playing my reading it down. I always tell myself I'll be more honest next time, but then I panic again, and it all repeats… I hope I run into her again lol.
No. 1218391
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>>1218383don't you fucking do it
nonnie, have some self respect.
No. 1218404
>>1218389I'm planning to avoid anything on reddit that is related to the show and probably never peek out of my bubble on twitter just in case but i'm excited for this one too because Studio
Trigger aesthetics are always really on point. And Akira Yamaoka did the OST, so can't wait for that as well!
No. 1218410
>>1218393NTA, I was told for years I just have IBS and that it doesn't need to be checked out. They would also always ask me if it could just be my period I'm feeling. Then I suddenly ended up in the hospital with a semi-emergency surgery and now they think I have lymphoma.
>>1218404>Akira Yamaoka did the OSTidk what this is even about but fuck, now I gotta watch it
No. 1218421
>>1218404Tge low sodium sub isn't that bad, but the main sub was posting literal porn videos at one point. I'm hoping that the hype won't be too big or something so it flies under the coomers radar
>Akira Yamaoka did the OSTHoly shit I had no idea
No. 1218467
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I'm so sick of my boyfriend treating me like shit. I don't know if I can say he's a full blown narcissist, but he's very selfish and self-centered and uses manipulation instead of communicating like a normal adult.
He drinks too much, doesn't help around the house, spends too much money and prioritizes hobbies over bills, thinks foreplay is unnecessary and boring and compares to me to his ex's who he says never needed foreplay, doesn't give a shit about his smoking in the house bothering me and continues to do it anyway, and basically just expects me to be his mom - down to even making doctors appointments for him. I can't remember the last time he thanked me or pointed out that the house looked nice or acknowledged my efforts. He didn't even acknowledge or celebrate our one year anniversary and didn't get me shit for Christmas last year.
I would love to break up but I can't afford to live on my own, don't have space for a roommate, and don't have money to move. I have no parents or friends to help me either. I'm just stuck with him for the time being while I try to work and save up money.
I don't know why men with mommy issues seem to be attracted to me, but I'm sick of it. Men are fucking useless.
No. 1218489
>>1217987Samefag and
*ask about. Also, I keep seeing so many articles about moids killing their wives/girlfriends which makes me want to never get near a moid ever again. Today I read one about a 14-year old french moid brutally killing his gf. 14! What the fuck.
>>1218102>>1218161Oh absolutely. Moids love "independent" women just in theory. They see it as someone they don't have to spend money or effort on. All the moids I've ever encountered, no matter their cultural background or political views, were absolutely not okay with me not wanting to see them every single day or that I still want to be able to set aside some money for myself in the long run, despite claiming that they "love" independent women.
No. 1218594
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>>1218580For eating there’s a lot of guides out there. I tend to make a food chart divided by phase and try to pick foods off the section I’m at.
The idea is to eat based off what your body needs and to help promote proper hormone regulation and production.
You can also match exercise to your cycle too! If you really want to dig into it.
As far as herbs. I’ve tried a lot of them. A lot of doctors recommended chaste berry but I never saw much benefit other than it helped my mood elevate after I got off BC. Don Quai is a eastern medicine herb and it’s like the female equivalent to Ginseng for men. It’s the one that I think helped my actual cycle. I went from 31-37 days irregular to my normal 28-29 and can feel it coming again when I added it in and changed my exercise routine.
Mugwort and red raspberry leaf and spearmint and cinnamon also all promote uterine contractions so you can drink a couple cups of your choice or a blend on days near your cycle once it starts to help with regularity and discomfort.
No. 1218721
>>1217647>if all this shit continues to get worse i am dropping off society to join a cultYou mean join the Mormons?
Also lots of middle and upper class ppl have started purchasing huge swaths of land with eco houses and self sustaining shit. They know people are starting to get sick of it all and Rona only brought them closer to snapping. If there wasn't a bunch of shit in the food and water people would have snapped long ago.
No. 1218750
>>1217565Don’t be a silly baka. You finally have the love you deserve! I think this weirdness will pass, then you can cherish your new relationship
>>1218744Girl same. I think wearing my ‘outside face’ all day wears me down. I love hiding in a corner in my room and watching random stuff
No. 1218760
>>1218758proud of you
nonnie. stay safe & don't post your face online ok?
No. 1218795
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my cats wont stop having sex and screaming. it doesnt even happen monthly at this point its weekly. its really disturbing to see what is basically rape but idk if to them its the same. i feel sick so i just lock myself in the room &fill their bowls at feeding time clean the litter etc. cant even complain about this to anybody because they will think i am ridiculous or perverted for looking(?) or thinking about this in a human way like i get they are animals but i swear they mate every waking second i only find peace at about 4pm when they have a nap but after that its growling screaming and yowling. i want to rip my hair out. i still love my cats obviously but during this period i am lose some serious sleep because they just wont stop mating everywhere at the slightest movement they are mounted again or fighting eachother off.
picrel is the opposite of how i feel
No. 1218812
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>>1218801nonnie i want to be friends with messy and weird women too. i would totally listen to you and make you come foraging with me ♥
No. 1218981
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any anons here dealing with growing apart from close friends? i feel really alone lately because all of my friends seem to be getting distant, we aren't into the same things anymore and as an autist it is really hard for me to make conversation about shit i don't know or care about. and when i do put in that effort, they never reciprocate it. it just hurts so bad to have a chat open with someone you've cared about so much for so long and have nothing to say to them because you're just not the same person anymore. this probably sounds whiny but i can't help it, i struggle to make friends and i dread losing the ones i have but we just don't connect the same anymore.
No. 1218998
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My ex will repost shit like this on social media to get under my skin but it really just makes me cringe so hard. It’s really embarrassing considering my friends have him added and I have to be associated with having dated this 26 year old anime coomer, yuck
No. 1219088
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>>1218998wtf, he is a retarded coomer with pornrot. only an autistic porn addicted neet would think this is normal and okay to share on facebook. scum thinks the objectification of women is what everybody wants to see? that is what he wants associated with himself? does he not have classmates, colleagues and family on his page? lmao
nonnie, you could screenshot his feed and send it to his future employer if you wanted to mess with his reputation (as if it could get any worse). sad for the cosplayers too that their audience is so brainrotted. but who is that even supposed to be from naruto, lmao, she dressed up as a coomer nerd on purpose. i met some anime fans online and it was, no joke, always fat neckbeards sharing hentai and buttimplantshooped softcore of cosplayers. i imagine he would seethe and writhe if you shared a jacked, handsome cosplaying guy.
No. 1219139
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Something happened to Luna from pt and she's so lame not even farmers have bothered to make a new thread. Imagine sinking that low, no words.
No. 1219145
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I have such a big crush on him and he's moving away. I never believed in bullshit like soulmates but for some reason I felt so alright and safe when I was just hanging around him. I really never have felt this way before. I could never tell if he likes me too, he kind of acts like it but he's a bit restrained, I think he has low confidence with girls because of how he describes his past. I'm gonna text him a really casual friendly message so he knows I want to keep contact with him and because I'm not into LDRs so I'm not gonna shoot my shot yet. I'm about to make a fucking fool of myself because my autistic ass probably read too far into his friendly banter. He's not too good for me or anything, I just wonder if he feels the same connection I feel with him or if I'm just a cringy fucking retard. Would he be happy to see me again or does he even think that much of me. I don't develop crushes often but when I do I fall way too hard. I just want to experience love. My heart hurts so much. Why did I have to be born retarded.
No. 1219149
>>1219125Old people in the work enviornment are just.. like that when you're young.. it's really hard but it helps to think of it in a different light. People like that are always dissatisfied in their life and they get satisfaction out of controlling people or being better than someone else. It's not really about
you per se, if anyone else were in your shoes, she would have done the same shit. If you worked at the same efficiency as her, she would have done it anyways.
In my experience, I will usually let them do their thing until I'm more confident in the job, once that comes around I will tell them to back off (it's hard the first time but it'll ignite a fire in you that you can't ignore).
Basically, you're doing great, ignore everyone else. Just smile and act like they're children (they are)
No. 1219245
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All nonniez going thru it are in my thoughts, I love you sisters. Be well
No. 1219302
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i am salty how i got bullied for having niche interests or being really into ordinary things. whenever i got excited or talked passionately, somebody had to take a big dump on my happiness. but now i see adults with rainbow hair and weeb tattoos get praised for showing off their consumerist, low effort hobbies and it makes me bitter. i know i do better than them, but i nowhere near have the same support system. it's like they can show off a lgbtq stickfigure and get praised and adored to high heavens, but i could paint the next sistine chapel and my peers would be like, uhm, okay weirdo. maybe someone would off handedly throw a compliment about how they think it's cool i guess, while ignoring any association with me on social media. fuck being a sperg in a small town. maybe if i grew up in the city i would be the new kweer enby artist the munchies.
No. 1219314
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I hate when my parents tell me they just want me to be happy. It's such a lie. Kek. If this was true, how come they ignored my feelings and basically told me to stfu and finish the degree they wanted for me? They held the amount of money put into my primary education over my head as if I chose to go to private schools. Never good enough and belittled. Fuck this stupid hellscape of a world.
No. 1219331
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>>1219317> still a girl, i've been banished to eternal hell where i'm the fixer, the panderer, the connector, the listener… and everyone is just like wdym this has had a negative effect on your psyche? do they think i am blind to not be able to see the collective effort undertaken to resolve any problem my brothers have faced? meanwhile i am relegated to some "lost cause" narrative. They know what they've done, it's just more convenient for them to lie about it. Stop doing all emotional work for them, even listening to their problems. Mind your business and move out if you haven't already. These kinds of families will never accept or appreciate daughters. Don't fall for their sweet words when the parents fall ill or brothers need "help", they see you as a convenient slave to be kept around in case they need grunt work done, hence why they forced the lost cause role on you. Squeeze as much as you can out of them and give nothing, not even an explanation or argument. This is the only true way to "get back" at them for being misogynistic pieces of shit.
No. 1219343
>>1219339why do you hate her so much and want to make her appear like some
not like the other girls archetype? Her complaints are
valid. I got bullied to hell for being different, liking anime and living in a small town while other people literally have careers built around liking anime. I had to get the shit bullied out of me for my interests.
No. 1219348
>>1219342>homeworkLol you're the one whining about high school stereotypes and I'm probably at least 10 years older than you, especially if you came from twitter
>>1219343Stop being so sensitive, you're not different, news flash lots of people in small towns like anime, liked "nerd" stuff in high school and were weird, and it's not mean to bully people when they say stupid "I'M a real nerd not like these other FAKERS" cringy shit like that
No. 1219349
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>>1219348it is somebody's time to take their meds
No. 1219366
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>>1219361thank you if that's true. and i'm sorry about memeing you. i think your rant and complaints in previous thread were justified, because your life was extremely messed up. the multiple thread long arguing though from multiple anons made me leave lc for a bit ngl.
No. 1219468
I feel like been a bad friend lately but at the same time I feel like somethings are unfair. I feel like kneeling and begging and at the same time feel fed up. I have a group of 4 (including me) friends and two of them were dating and they just broke up. I totally understand both sides, but I feel like my friend just went around it in a bad way, as in she could have just clarified herself more so my other friend knows what’s up better because she is spiraling thinking what she could have done differently and I told her that’s out of her control at this point, but I feel bad because I spiral thinking about this too. I even posted a vent about this lol, but some months ago she came to town early and I didn’t realize and when she pointed it out a few days in I didn’t say anything because I assumed she was busy. Worst mistake because I think that ruined everything. After that she said I don’t like to hang out and that I don’t put the same effort vs when I hang out with other people. But I never have as much fun as I do with her and my group, and I even think that while I’m with other people, and also, am I not allowed to hang out with others? I never get mad at her for hanging out with other people. The only times I do is when those people are abusive to her, how would I not get mad? It’s not me critiquing her I’m critiquing those people. Now I fixate when she’s with others and I hate that because that’s not me. But now it feels weird or spiteful. I get how maybe she’s trying to show me the pain she was feeling but I don’t need that, feeling like I fucked up was painful enough, I would never want to hurt her. And now it’s like my heart is being wrenched out. She always pushes away those that care about her most and it’s just really hard now. And I realize I have a lot to atone for but when I apologized the first thing she said is I don’t need your pity and how now she’ll be even more closed off from me. What does that even mean?!? I’ve gotten even more and more shy with her over the years and the last thing I want to do is break her boundaries but have I made things worse by not trying? I love her a lot, and it hurts to see how badly my other friend is grieving from the break up. All I want to do is understand. I don’t think my friend is a bad person or bad friend at all, never. I think she’s great in so many fucking ways but it’s just so hard.
No. 1219499
>>1219482I think
nonny is redtexted because it was originally used in a more passive aggressive way, sort of like calling someone sweetie or honey in an argument. Or at least that's how I remember it being used on /cgl/.
No. 1219504
>>1219482youre letting your scrote-hate cloud your judgment
nonny which is otherwise based but not correct here
No. 1219542
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I finally spent a solid month away from /ot/ for the first time in over a year and I come back to unfathomably rancid vibes. Is this the hell Kaitlyn Tiffany hath wrought?
No. 1219593
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>>1219590Not me coming across picrel right after reading this lol it’s really bad with these TikTok “models”. No woman’s body looks like this. You can have a 20” waist naturally and it still ain’t going to look like a cartoon.
No. 1219603
>>1219600“You’re a hater” “you’re jealous”
Yeah those replies are beyond generic and show how braindead people are
No. 1219636
>>1219630kek my brother is also super religious, studying theology and constantly pissed at women discussing/criticizing his church
it's so tiring, it's insane how fast he speaks and for how long he can aggressively rant, he just goes on for hours…
No. 1219657
>>1219656Thank you, I'm more like Jodi Arias than a
victim in any situation though, thankfully.
No. 1219872
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>>1219841>>1219835Here’s how it looks like, the yellow line is her tail bones. oh nonnies her beautiful tail!!
No. 1220037
one of my online friends is a fucking complete woketard dumbass, we get along very well when we don't get into politics so we almost never talk about it. he knows i'm a "terf" and hates it. he is a fat white consoomer from ohio and capes for trannies hardcore, i try to ignore it.
he has a pdocast thing with his friend and he mentioned me briefly and referred to me as 'they' multiple times. i normally wouldn't give a shit but bro. just imagine how much a tranny would seethe and how apologetic he'd be if he invalidated a troon's gender. but it's fine to do it to a normal actual woman who he knows is very much against all the gendershit bs and is a feminist. he's known me for years so it's not like he was trying to be polite and not 'assume my gender' or whatever. i confronted him about it kinda in a joking way to see how he would react to being called out on uwu misgendering and he went 100% defensive, calling me a CIS woman (what the fuck even is that, i'm from eastern europe and that word doesn't exist, i'm just a fucking woman dude) and how us cis ppl shouldn't care about our gender being invalidated. said how it's not a big deal and it's just a gender neutral pronoun (god help u if u call a MtF a 'they' though). i asked him if he would be this defensive and weird if a tranny told him the same thing i did, about being offended re: not using the correct pronouns and he said no, he would just apologize to them and correct himself, but i'm not trans so it's not the same. i was being very calm and just trying to understand how this is any different but he was doing that moid thing where theyre like a deer in headlights tryna make u look like the unhinged one for asking a simple question.
i'm sorry i just didn't know who to turn to, a lot of my friends know i'm a terf but also a lot of them don't agree with me. i had to vent about this cuz it's just so weird how men would rather WK trannies than the women they oppressed for millennia. i hate how i'm supposed to acknowledge my supposed privilege as a eurasian slavic woman while those poor first world trooners suffer. it's fine to midgender people and dehumanize them by calling them a they as long as they're not delusional. i honestly don't care, people can even call me a he/him if they want, but they better not be a TRA if they choose to do so. god this is a long post soz
No. 1220042
>>1219985I am so sorry nona. Please don't feel like you failed her. You've done the best that you could for her. Thank you for bringing her into your home, and for loving her. Saying goodbye fucking sucks, it really does.
Give her all the kisses and love you have. I know it sounds silly to believe in a doggy heaven, but I do hope one exists, if only for our furry little friends. I hope she will be able to have fun up there, pain free, befriending all of our pups while she waits for you up there. I'm sure she knows you love her so, so much, and that you've tried your best for her.
Take all the time you need to grieve. Maybe reach out to support groups that help with pet loss too if you need to. Losing a pet is the worst, they really are family.
No. 1220080
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fucked up a batch of macarons because I somehow only mixed in half of the almonds. how? I seriously don't know, must have gotten distracted halfway in. but yeah they came out extremely weird, it's like a hollow crumbly and way too sweet shell/dome… into the trash it goes
No. 1220094
Nonnies I had two terrible tinder dates in two days.
Yesterday the guy was cute and had amazing body but he looked literally 16 years old (even though he was 23) and talked about sex, choking, sport and hating nonsporty people and being 'broken', and again about being horny the whole time. I felt like a predator being 27 with him being so short and babyfaced.
Today it was terribleeee. The guy looked honestly so bad, nothing like his photos. His teeth were bright yellow, he was skinny, ugly, looked old, had high pitched squeaky voice and couldn't pronounce R properly. I was shocked when I saw him. He revealed he was actually 33 instead of 28, that he dated 19 yo when he was 29. He told me how he judges women only based on body, how Ukrainian and Russian chicks dig him but our country's girls never like him (if he's so popular with them, how come he isn't dating one? Liar), how men are generally better looking than women and more misogynistic bullshit. He looked like an actual goblin, so ugly yet he was rating women like cattle and apparently had sky high standards, talking shit about fat girls but telling me I should gain weight. I was miles out of his league both looks, age and career-wise. Everytime I go on a date with an ugly guy it confirms that the ugly ones are much meaner to you and more misogynistic than pretty sporty guys. Yesterday he wasn't ideal but he aside from the weird bdsm shit he had many feminist views, complimented and made a big deal of my looks the whole time we were on a date. Today's creature tried to triangulate me with his tinder matches, told me how women are ugly and was disappointed when I told him I'm 27 because I look younger and he thought I was 24. I was pretty mean to him towards the end and ended the date pretty early. Told him the fact that no women his age wanted him is not a good thing and other pretty mean shit but honestly he pissed me off bad. Catfishing asshole.
No. 1220158
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>>1216451This is going to be a lot so buckle up, i have almost no one to talk to about this, and i feel like im going to explode with rage and thrill.
i found out my ex and his troon loving friend group (who gaslit me the entire time i was with him) are attempting to make a non-profit "safe space" for queer
victims of abuse by other queer ppl, all while saying he is "a survivor," and i'm literally the only person he's ever dated. he thinks that just because he and his friend group blocked me, that i wouldn't see this bullshit, even though they all moved to MY hometown, and i'm very very connected to multiple communities around here. i was mysteriously uninvited to a local event a few months ago that I found out they attended, and now i fucking know why.
I was sitting on this evidence for awhile, but when we broke up, i recorded him admitting to having coerced me into sex, and cheating on me multiple times (he told his friends that I was possessive,
abusive, and that I claimed he was cheating as a means of controlling him from hanging out with his "platonic gal friends"). i also have text messages of him admitting to it, and a police statement about what happened since i went to my campus's SART program after it happened.
Earlier today, i sent the recording of him to a new group chat I made on my spare phone, with all of his friend's numbers added (at least the ones I still had).I'm not concerned on recording laws, we're in a one party permission state.
>inb4 just take him to courtGetting him legally isn't enough tbh. I don't want his money, I'm financially pretty well off. I want to literally ruin his entire social circle and any person he ever befriends in my city. The legal route ofc isn't a closed option for me, im willing to take him to court in the future if it's the only way to get him to move.
4 of his minions have now deleted their instagrams and twitter accounts, or have unfollowed him. His profile pictures are now all black (fucking drama queen) with his bio saying "im sorry." The non-profit page is still sort of up, but the trailers/upcoming meetings page is now deleted and it had information on it before. one person who was always on the fringe of that group, but who also never blocked me has no suddenly sent me a text going "hey how are you :)" probably to save her own fucking ass. my ex an hour ago started posting suicidal bait on his tumblr acct i've been now keeping tabs on, and it feels so fucking good.
i wish i could share screenshots but i don't want things being linked back to here. i'd rather them all think im a harmless girl then a "mean twerf who deserved it!1"
I want them to genuinely feel and know that they supported a terrible terrible man larping as the woman he harmed, and that there's now proof out there that they refused to listen to a real
He psychologically tortured me for two years in college, and seriously thought he could come out of with different pronouns and tell everyone in my community that
I abused him. im not letting this happen.
No. 1220176
>>1220158I don’t agree with the
nonny saying you sound like a mess, it sounds like what you did was totally deserved imho. Def make sure they don’t connect you with being a
terf, you’d lose any sort of social credibility with those types.
No. 1220178
>>1220169i am a mess anon, that's correct. i've been to therapy, I've found new girl friends, a good job, and yet somehow, this man from two years ago is attempting to make my home
theirs, and get me kicked out of places/events I've been going to as a kid.
i kicked them out of my life, but now they're trying to kick me out of my places. if you want to be a handmaiden and take bullshit lying down, be my guest, but I won't. being passive with this shit is how they keep winning.
>>1220168so sorry you went through that anon, you never know if they went through similar shit. i've heard of a lot siblings bonding years later because they all had problems with their parents they each didn't know about. wishing the best.
No. 1220188
>>1220178As someone who was picked out NTA. Siblings might also be abused, but there can definitely be children who side with the abusers and do much worse to one specific child. Sometimes cutting off the siblings complicit is for the best if they want to continue the
toxic family dynamic or drag you back into it. It can become very crabs in a bucket.
Not trying to scream cut off anyone’s family, but mine consistently made my life worse and now much farther out I’m much better without them.
I wish the best for you! And I hope it gets better for you and continues on an upswing. You deserve much better than him.
No. 1220189
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>>1220158HOLY FUCKING BASED good on you nonna. Though I fear for your even if this is identified. I'm so proud of you, get his ass.
>>1220168Do it nonna, I believe in you!
>>1220169Wtf, of course she's a mess after going through that
No. 1220191
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>>1220184Manifesting the next person treats anon like the queen she is.
No. 1220194
>>1220188that's also so true, siblings can really do so much fucked up shit to get on their parent's good side at the expense of another sibling. i've even heard of households were parents weren't
abusive, but just the siblings were (secretly).
Glad you're experiencing the peace you deserve nonna, and i hope
>>1220168 also starts to get peace too!
No. 1220199
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fuck I hate hayfever. My nose in blocked and I can only mouthbreath
No. 1220206
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i need FRIENDS SERIOUSLY. I got to stop doubting myself and know I'm cool to hang out with and funny, but JFC i need them. im going to stupid cry. i cannot take it anymore i cant i cant i cant
No. 1220212
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I never understand why depression just creeps up on you. I usually find reasons I am down because that makes sense, right? For it to have causes. But sometimes it just shows up and disappoints you for no reason. I have a therapist who explained as much, and she taught me how to cope but man. I hate it
No. 1220229
>>1220216ntayrt it’s okay that you’re a crazy shit starter
nonnie i still love love love you
No. 1220231
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help girls I am going through another moon phase of delusional psychosis and this time it's driven by the good kind of manic euphoria
No. 1220237
nonnie you are very wrong
hugs but that’s okay even though you’re wrong I still love you
glomps you’re a goddess
hoops your nose get a tinder and find real friends maybe
nuzzles you No. 1220242
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>>1219628I agree with you. Even mass produced products seemed to have more personality and fun compared to what we see now. Everything is so bland and subdued these days. Even the "crazy" aesthetics seem almost uniform. Both people and corporations are afraid to stand out and be wild/candid
No. 1220247
>>1220241nudges you oh
nonnie you wouldn’t pretend to be neurotypical
pats your back when you spend your time on an anonymous imageboard
tickles your chin just like the anons you vilify
No. 1220252
>>1220247I'm not villifying you, autismo-chan. I love you even though you're bitter over online people being nice to each other. It's okay if you are. Ily
nonnie. Stay safe out there!
No. 1220259
>>1220239No, i barely cry to her, except when i’m pushed to my limits. I usually save it for the pillow. She is a family member, and i cry because im stuck in an
abusive situation. She cries all the time and i comfort her, but i don’t get what i give back. She listens to me though when i vent but the monotone “stop crying” freaks me out
No. 1220262
>>1220240I’m anon above that cut my own family off and I just want to say anyone else’s opinions don’t matter. You do what’s best for you always. You’re an adult now and that’s a lot of power you didn’t have as a child. As a child we can’t pick our parents, our siblings, homes, peers, or environment. We’re very helpless to stop the outside stimuli, but as an adult you don’t have to let anyone you don’t want in your life. No one is more important than you and your own happiness and no one is going to put you above themselves so why should you? (It wouldn’t be healthy if they did).
> The blood of the relations we make through our life are stronger than the water of the womb. Inb4 blood is thicker than water. It’s the opposite in the original saying. I hope you find peace anon and I wish you the best.
No. 1220268
>>1220250>>1220260They're from Daisy Lovers nonas, I love them too
>>1220265I wanted to forget about this, kek
No. 1220269
>>1220232No, there is nothing wrong with crying. Emotions aren’t inherently
toxic. Reading the bottom replies you responded with she sounds emotionally deregulated herself and self focused. I’m sorry Noni. You deserve comfort back too.
No. 1220302
>>1220271tickles your chin oh
nonnie I’m perfectly calm
glomp glomp you’re just imagining that I’m not because I’m not seriously using flowery lovebombing as filler for anything of substance to say
kissie wissie kek. No but srsly potato chips are gross and I already ate lunch but thx for the suggestion.
No. 1220304
>>1220189>>1220191>>1220184>>1220176>>1220168>>1220253>>1220205there was a small teeny tiny piece of me that was worried nobody would sympathize/empathize with what im doing (not that it'd stop me tbh kek), so thanks nonnas, this was really reassuring.
i'll update either here or next thread if anything juicy happens. i feel fairly certain this won't backfire (knock on wood for me) because something in my 20-22 year old brain was smart enough to keep copies/evidence of everything, including devices. i just always felt like he'd come back into my life somehow, just never thought he would try it like this.
No. 1220311
>>1220300She thinks she’s epically pwning me.
>>1220256I know this may sound crazy to you but most people who are getting their pussy ate aren’t telling complete strangers on an imageboard they love them instead of saying something that could be helpful or contribute to the convo in any way. It’s on par with acting overtly familiar with strangers on twitter or tumblr. I’m not a smol bean lesbian either, sorry to say, dunno why you decide everyone you speak to is kek.
No. 1220339
>>1220331you'd literally let weed ruin your life like this? this is why everyone who said it wasn't addictive was fucking lying.
people can get addicted to anything tbh, but especially a plant that makes u numbed out
No. 1220363
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i have covid and i havent been having a good time because i also have all the signs my period is dropping soon like why you gotta be like that
No. 1220404
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>casually browsing lc
>open a thread I don't usually frequent
>"men and women can totally be friends, don't be immature!"
>closes tab
Am I even on the right site or what the hell happened to lc over the past couple of weeks? Why are there so many moid apologists now?
No. 1220409
The movie I watched today featured yet another softcore pornographic scene, including elements of BDSM. My immediate reaction was "well, this is hot..! I'm into it too! So I shouldn't feel uncomfortable." I obviously immediately realised what it was: a coping mechanism I was all too familiar with, having been in a relationship that pushed my boundaries so much. I'm still figuring out how to deal with discomfort surrounding perversion and unhealthy portrayals of sex, whilst not becoming averse to sex, a healthy, human activity. But I truly did not know what to do with my discomfort with the scene. I almost felt like I couldn't allow myself to be uncomfortable with having sex shoved in my face like that. "Become an adult!" It screamed at me. "You have had sex! You should be okay with it!" It reminds me of how I DIDN'T want to lose my virginity when I did. And how eventually I just became hypersexual with my boyfriend, as opposed to averse as I was before, because I was pressured and didn't know what else to do. I suddenly felt empowered and mature with all of this sexual activity. I was one of those adults who had sex, now! But nobody could tell from the outside. A cool secret. Once I finally managed to break out of that awful relationship, I could recognise this mindset for what it was as well: a coping mechanism. I was trying to delude myself into liking sex excessively to deal with the reality of having lost my virginity when I did not want to. It took a while, but I managed to healthily come to terms with it and forgive everyone involved without having to opt for coping mechanisms. But sometimes things like what happened today occur, and it is truly uncomfortable. How come I still don't know how to deal with sex? Life just isn't easy.
No. 1220412
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Goddamn, I think I have a tonsil abscess. I don't think I had strep though, so I'm not sure where it came from. sorry for venting so much about my throat pain anons.
No. 1220415
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>>1220216>>1220233Some of us are oldfags who grew out of retarded nitpicky hostile behavior. That's not rewriting history, that's growth.
No. 1220434
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Does anyone else with serious illness shit sometimes have a suspiciously long time without symptoms, but then they hit like a truck? I was almost thinking I was better already or that it might not be that serious.
No. 1220437
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>>1220434Yes. If your chronic illness is episodic that’s it’s thing. It sucks. Getting sick, stress, pregnancy, alcohol, yada are normal
triggers for a lot of illnesses.
No. 1220441
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>>1220348don’t be stingy !
No. 1220451
>>1220442What’s even worse is lesbians are the worse off in the current market. Two women are likely going to be paid less than a man and a women or even a man and a man. Gay male couples are actually some of the highest income level in burgerland. You’re in a nasty spot and I’m sorry. That’s really not fair again.
If I could give any advice prepare as best you can and step out of the present day values. Plan for the rainy day. Get your ducks in a row. There’s a lot of money to be saved cooking and growing and canning and a lot of health benefits. A lot of our culture is deeply rooted in consumerism and helplessness, but half of that is propaganda. A lot of states housing is being artificially inflated by companies buying houses in cash and intentionally driving the market up. It will come down we just have to hold out and keep ourselves well off and not get sucked into the bucket with the rest of the crabs.
No. 1220472
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>>1220454Thank you, I'll probably be okay either way though in the end!
No. 1220502
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I've spent the last 20 years of my life in hijab and modest clothing and I feel like I've wasted my youth. Rarely had friends, never had a boyfriend, and I still live with family. I've been daydreaming about the life I could have lived had I never worn the hijab.
It's hot as hell in my city and I can't do much about it. God, I wish I was normal.
No. 1220520
>>1220512Yeah the only time society takes violence against women seriously is when it lands us in the hospital or the grave, and even then there tends to be a gaggle of goons screaming and psychoanalyzing us to find out how we provoked or otherwise did something to have deserved it. I have even seen this behavior towards innocent little girls and teenagers.
We're sacrificial lambs and punching bags.
No. 1220546
My ex who broke up with me a year ago and has said we need to stop talking together, is the one who replies to my stories, invited me to a concert, and has even unpromptedly talked about how we need to prepare if we want to have children together in the future.
Men are so strange wth you broke up with me why are you planning to have babies with me ? Its not to chase after other girls to check if the grass is greener, I know for a fact he hasn't hooked up with anyone or even tried to. I think he has a quarter life crisis and wants to be angsty and lonely or smth. He pretends he is christan bale jake gyllenhaal sigma male omg literally me so.
Like he will be lovey dovey, then he will be distant and tell me we have to stop talking, then he is lonely, hits me up, is lovey dovey, and rinse and repeat a billion times. And we don't have sex either so its not that he wants some easy puss and then ghosts. He has also told me to move on, then got mad when I told him I wanted to move on and blocked him?
Weirdo. I wish he wasn't so cute and had the exact same interests as me, or I would have kept him blocked. Literally has the same goals and beliefs as me, and wants to have my kids, but idk maybe he's just bpd and has assimilated my personality.
No. 1220576
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Something just came out of my tonsils, but it can't be a stone because it doesn't stink. If there's an abscess back there, I think it popped and that's bad news right? Now I'm pretty scared.
Fuck tonsils and fuck having a body. If I ever have the option to remove them I'm taking it.
No. 1220582
>>1220576tonsil-anon i've been thinking about you kek
anon google will tell you that you're dying but you're fine. just go to the doctor when you can. it's going to be fine, just distract yourself with a movie or something
No. 1220590
>>1220555Kaitlyn Tiffany's a journalist from The Atlantic who wrote an article linking to this site and calling it a space for femcels.
At first, she made a thread here asking for "femcels" to talk to her personally. It got filled with troll replies until the mods locked it:
>>>/ot/1151094This is the article she ended up writing afterward: No. 1220626
>>1220624It was that poster samefagging. Even when it stopped they tried to start shit again later
>>>/ot/1219082 That poster also started shitting on lesbians and just tries to dance around it but gives up and starts reeing about people who don't fuck men for any reason. Probably a moid. They're probably the same dyke-hater-chan from the Depp thread sperging about femcels and the one who keeps reeing about asherahs garden and femcels when someone posted about men being too coddled.
No. 1220627
It's probably the same person whos started seething about us being like incels and rk9.
No. 1220676
>>1220667I always hated seeing screen caps of gummo on every nicoledollanger/coqueette tumblr blog
That's how I knew that movie was a pile of shit
No. 1220693
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>feeling extra tired
>take a nap
>wake up feeling a million zillion times MORE tired like about to pass out level
the hell
No. 1220707
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men depress and anger me. so many of them are violent and insane – the thought that, at any moment, a man could just decide to end my shit because he's angry or bored gives me such a head and heart-ache. i just want to live my life normally, with my mom and the people i love. i don't want to be worried about a psycho moid breaking into my apartment or tugging me into an alleyway or shooting up the grocery store when i'm just trying to buy my dinner. wish we could do something about them but it's fucking impossible when even most women dick-ride moids sooo fucking much.
and it's funny that in my teens/early twenties i used to regularly feel that "all men are shit" jokes went too far. well, nope, interaction with men has solidified my hatred of them. if you're a scrote and you're reading this i hope you add to the suicide rate btw
No. 1220777
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>randomly remembered how mothers bf beaten and killed my cat after I moved out of country and they poorly buried her in his garden
>mother kept trying to lie to me but it was painfully obvious, and how the hell does it go from sickness to telling she has broken bones all over her
>this retard kept threatning to throw her out of the balcony throughout the entire time i lived with them because everytime he screamed and poorly treated us, the children, she would urinate all over his pillow and bed
>this cat was literally the only thing there that kept me sane other than my little brothers who i was forced to take care of
i miss you
No. 1220779
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Trying to buy a huge shipment of books from but their payment page won't accept my card. All the numbers are right. The card works. I bought something from Amazon with the same card and the same information and I didn't have an issue. Sent them an email. I'd call too, but their phone line is Monday-Friday. I want my books.
No. 1220802
>>1220777I almost wish I didn’t read this, I’m sobbing
I’m so so sorry for your cat anon that is absolutely horrible and so sad
No. 1220849
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I legitimately want to kill myself due to being a very unattractive woman. I read through the ugly thread on here, I'm genuinely unfortunate looking and compared to the ladies posting there I'm absolutely subhuman. I see no point in living in the body I have, like at all. I used to try to cope but it's just one cold rejection after another, while having enough hope dangled in front of my face to keep being naive…
I have an unholy combination of being extremely tall, having zero coordination, (autism and trauma, I dissociate consrantly) having a very off-looking face with masculine attributes that's also fat. I have a gigantic jaw and no jawline, which is probably the worst feature on a woman I can imagine.
I don't feel like tall AND autistic women are allowed to be this ugly - I've definitely been treated accordingly. I broke down in front of my therapist about this and she acted like I was delusional and seemed really concerned and like she thought I was a hopeless case, now that I let her know how much I truly hate myself.
I have had countless experiences growing up and as an adult that truly cement the fact that society finds me unworthy to exist. I've been bullied, yelled at, asked out as a joke, barked at like a dog, ignored, humiliated in front of others and called pretty sarcastically. Treated like an actual retard all the time.
Every "relationship" I've had, which is a few since I've been ridiculously naive and desperate, has involved me being hidden inside a room and used as an outlet for unsavory urges - you do the things to
me actual girls with worth would never do. Get told that I'm smart, unique, that I'm amazing to talk to and different from everyone else, while chasing the women who actually look good enough to be out in the daylight.
It doesn't matter how the guys looked themselves; I'm simply not good enough to be treated as more than a (debatably) sentient fuckdoll. Of course, that also makes me an impure used slut who chased "Chad" and should settle. Everything these men did to me is my fault for being naive, stupid, slutty, desperate, hypersexual… And I'm not attractive enough to get away with having acted this way. The only way for me to get a relationship is to accept being abused by men with severe mental issues and/or addictions.
All I want is a man I can talk to, genuinely, on the same wavelength and similar intelligence level. I've "had" this a few times, but the thing is - I'm never, ever, good enough to even pretend dating. I'm clearly good enough to spend time with (in private of course) and to have in your life for years as an emotional dumping ground, fuck me begrudgingly without looking me in the face when you want an ego boost, but not enough to be valued as a human being or acknowledged as important when others are around.
Again and again I get treated accordingly, called ugly and unworthy in subtle ways, and I can't cope anymore. I just want to be loved. I just want to love. I want to fucking die. I can't handle being stuck in this defective, autistic body. The worst part is I'm smart, people always call me smart, but I've done nothing with it. Many ugly girls make up for it with talent and careers. I've never even tried.
No. 1220855
>>1220849A man's love is worthless. You're feeling down because you haven't accomplished anything, not because you don't have a loving boyfriend - which isn't something that exists. Have you ever seen a married man who treated his wife as an equal partner after years? One who didn't complain behind her back or seek out the opportunity? Don't you know how many men leave or cheat once their wives are diagnosed with a chronic illness no matter how she looks like but women get forced to take care of their shitty men?
I'm not ugly. I have been called so though but I never cared. I've always had my goals and I never felt like I was lacking anything because I didn't seek out men's approval like society forces us to. Give up on men and work on yourself. Whether it's grtting a haircut or picking up a new hobby, make a change that makes you happy. When a man likes you, it'll happen but don't become a doormat. Always take more than you give. Don't sleep or stay with him early on.
No. 1220862
>>1220855Thank you, nona. I do feel like you're very right, I keep falling for this image of men inside my head where they actually have empathy and want women as they are. I have been proven wrong many times, as have the majority of women.
I'm intending to start working towards some sort of future, I just struggle a lot with the feeling that it's too late and that I'm worse than everyone else. And that I will never get anywhere because I'm ugly and a sperg…
No. 1220869
>>1220862I'm in med school and one of my classmates has his grandson as his profile picture. Grandson. It's never too late, you also don't sound that ugly and being tall with a big defined jawline is actually better than being a short with a recessed chin. I know how it feels to be negged and called out for your looks, it really hurts but try to think of what you want instead. Yeah you could become prettier or more attractive by society's standards if you really tried but even then that wouldn't be enough and it wouldn't make you happy.
You mentioned you were smart, if you're smart, you can make changes to better your life much easier but until then do some minor things so you can feel better about yourself. Maybe buy books about an interest or learn to change your style a bit, do something for yourself. I used to think similarly to you as well but all of my male friends turned out to be perverts and I've never had a genuine connection with a man if he didn't secretly want to be with me without ever considering my feelings, that's when I realized just cutting them out works better for me. Of course you can have relationships but don't let your bf or men's views define you. Also try not to go for ugly men, I've had so many ugly men say shit about my looks because they hate to see any woman that's not perfect visually confident - and in their eyes even models or celebrities aren't perfect in their natural states.
No. 1220880
>>1220869Oh don't worry at all, what was my post if not a wall of self-pity? I really appreciate your reply. It's true I would never be happy probably since my depression is deeper than that, I have definitely fixated on the idea that
>my worth to society = 0 so therefore I should not tryI definitely have to get over all the lost years, focusing on men who didn't give a shit, avoiding self-improvement, not applying myself, etc… But yes, it's never too late and it's my life and nobody else's. Just feels like I've missed that one train, y'know. Maybe therapy can help me a bit with this mindset, maybe focusing on something else than being rejected/worthless/ugly to others…
>I used to think similarly to you as well but all of my male friends turned out to be perverts and I've never had a genuine connection with a man if he didn't secretly want to be with me without ever considering my feelings, that's when I realized just cutting them out works better for me. This is gigabased and I've very recently finally come to terms with this, after a quarter of my life. It's better to have no friends than male "friends", isn't it? That realization is part of what
triggered this relapse. But well done, honestly!
No. 1220883
>>1220869>>1220880Also yes seriously what is the deal with ugly men?
They're the ones who have made me feel the worst by far. Chads are NICE to me and look at me, ugly men look down their nose and despise me…? Why is this so common lmao, I always used to think I have to date "on my level" but that clearly doesn't apply to these scrotes
No. 1220888
>>1220849I'm not sure what advice would be best for you, you're going to get many types of responses. I'm not especially attractive, but instead of wallowing I made myself look better. I have crappy thin hair so I got extensions, my teeth were crappy so I got braces and got tooth whitening. I had acne so I saw a dermatologist. There are some traits that can not be altered but many that can with the right amount of effort or money. You can lose weight which is better for your long term healthy anyway. I can't quite picture what you mean about your jaw but jawline botox can make it slimmer and filler can give you a chin if you don't have one (I'm biased, I have a little bit of filler myself).
But even if you do those things you need to learn to be comfortable with yourself or you'll end up being a hot girl with low self esteem that still gets used and abused, which happens plenty.
No. 1220891
>>1220883I've been told by a very ugly man I was so ugly and that's why only attractive people wanted to be with me because they could look past my ugliness. I just stared at him like, wtf. He was the type to cry women didn't want him because we were shallow so it was funny for him to say that shit.
>>1220886Yeah and if they can't find a girl with low self esteem, they'll attack normal women until she's desperate enough to date and scared enough to not think of leaving him.
No. 1220902
>>1220896the way I've seen it explained is that good looking, attractive people are treated better automatically and thus come to adopt a good, nourishing personality. They think of life as good and other people as kind.
Ugly people on the other hand are treated badly and make their conclusions from that.
No. 1220904
I raised racing pigeons when I was a kid, like raised them, all the babies that my uncle's racers had accidentally out of season were my responsibility, and it was really neat. They were those standard ugly ones you see everywhere, but they were friendly and quiet. Recently, a violet neck ringneck dove flew into my mom's window with no tags and was super retarded, so I took it home with me. They can't survive outside and it's stunning. I have a gorgeous sized cage that she bought me and handmade a zillion things for it so it's beautiful but cost next to nothing. The whole shebang in the middle of my livingroom looks amazing, and the bird is happy. Immediately eating all the treats and playing with the things I made. But HOLY FUCK I've only had the fucking thing a week, and for a couple of those days I stayed at my grandma's while my boyfriend took care of it. Since that day, it hasn't fucking shut up. It literally screams this ringtone-esque beautiful coo, but for fucking hooouuurrrsss starting before the ass crack of dawn. It screams from 4am until midnight and sounds like a 2007 iPhone no matter how thick I layer its cage with sun-blocking curtains and blankets. I sleep so lightly that hearing my cats eating kibble sometimes wakes me, so this has just been sleepless since coming home. Unfortunately, everyone in my life is significanly more patient and animal-loving than me so they think I should give it more time before giving it to my mom's friend, who has a huge pigeon coop already. I already know I can't do this shit, holy fuck what was I thinking? And I can't find any clips of it online or why in god's name its doing it, but every maybe 12 hours it lets out this "HA HA HA H A haaaaa" fucking noise, sounds like a grown man laughing on a Pink Floyd album and scares the absolute piss out of me because of how infrequent it is compared to the ringtone sound. Literally sounds like a bad horror movie clown laugh. Jesus Christ. I couldn't imagine having two of them like it suggests online, seriously some people must be crazy. I could see owning these birds if you could afford to rent them a separate home. I think we only sunk like $25 into supplies and my mom spent $50 on the used cage, so I feel this stupid sunk cost fallacy where I feel like I should """""enjoy""""" it a little longer before absolutely throwing in the towel, but holy fuck. It's done it through most of my time typing this and the clock just struck 7am. I'm so fucking stupid.
No. 1220913
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…It is very clear he wasn't really in love with me, but I sadly was, I was in love with the person he pretended to be: a serious, quite, loyal, mysterious but secretly passionate man, but after realizing the scumbag he is I just can't feel the same anymore, I'm so, so disappointed and frustrated: he never contacts me first, he never asked questions about me once, he was always kind of interrupting me, he flirted with other women in front of me and talked about how much he pulls, his fucking exes and his past dramas like I care about any of that shit, he never cheered my talents, he doesn't give a fuck about my abilities cause he never asked anyway, he doesn't give a fuck about me as a human being yet he made sexual advances on me just two weeks after knowing each other, it's all so messed up, "you're so attractive" you don't even fucking know me you asshole, you barely remember my name
I'm sick of these games, I feel miserable, why would God do this to me? I don't deserve this, I'm a very romantic but love deprived person, I just wanted someone to fancy over and share my love with, to live beautiful memories with the one I love, I didn't deserve this, I hate reality so much, and specially: I hate you and people were right about calling you a fuckboy cause that's exactly what you are, you're broken, unfixable and I feel bad for every girl you talk with
I guess I should go back to my solitude, my mind will be at ease again
No. 1220916
>>1220913I’m so sorry anon. Romantics out here are so tired and we get battered and used. You didn’t deserve that. He wasn’t in love with you he was in love with the way you loved him. He loved the way you asked him questions. He loved your passion. Your care. He loved the way you made him feel so so special… till you didn’t.
Because he like most people is a bottle with a hole in the bottom and no matter how much you pour in he will never have enough and will always be empty. Never able to give you any love back.
He loved the way you made him feel. It’s cruel and it’s heartless, but they so self involved never see it that way. I wish you speed with healing.
No. 1220962
>>1220910Nah. Conventially attractive people can be abused and shit on as well because people assume they get treated better….so definitely guys who wanna fuck but can't will shit on them for example.
Also, people expect them to have a particular type of personality, and if they don't, that's a problem too. I feel that average and slightly above average get treated the best tbh…
No. 1220964
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>>1220951They didn’t look like soft butches. Yes the style was like pic related but their faces were elongated and very masculine. I can’t explain. Twinks are at least not troon that’s why I don’t hate them. I just don’t get why farmers on here hate big hands and shit but at the same time drool over le “gnc”
>>1220956Stop the tinfoil
No. 1220975
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>>1220971No I’m not him.
And she’s not cute, stop it. I think it’s just bizarre we shat on troon hands anon and then at the same time drool over ngc lesbians or in your case a blob with retarded hair. Just stop it and dress like normal people, not extreme and not dull. Why can’t we do that? What’s wrong with looking like pic related for instance. Not adding a question mark.
No. 1220985
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>>1220956I believe in this tinfoil, I can smell the male socialisation
No. 1220990
>>1220980I dress like an instathot or lesbian sometimes. It’s not that I care about the dressing style because if I did I’d internally cringe all the time because everyone dresses badly in subways.
>>1220977Women on here are scared of “le scary bone structure”, the women I saw in the subway had it, and because I lurk here a lot, i thought they were males. When I heard them talking I realized “they’re just women”. Imo criticizing bone structure is worse than clothing style. It’s scrote thinking to not agree.
>>1220985Ok I am a crimefag, this woman is a sick one. Use amber heard memes instead.
No. 1220992
>>1220988Ayrt, it’s very easy to find them for me. I want the opposite.
>>1220981>stank skelly Kys. And no I don’t like porn style or tradthot. I just want a kempt and normal gal.
No. 1220998
>>1220997For me it’s money and physical atraction mostly. Enjoy it while it lasts and then commit a her this bitch’s name again
>>1220985But I mean the one in pic related
No. 1221006
>>1221000I think anon was talking about the transvestigator, it's the same anon posting how it hates dykes and thinks every woman is a tranny. That wasn't about you probably. And yeah, butches do receive a lot of hate and the original poster was sitting in on butches while saying they looked like men or twinks.
>>1220990Unfortunate bone structure makes you ugly. There's no gentle way to say it. That bitch had claws as hands and as an handfag, I can assure you she had an equally monstrous face.
No. 1221017
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>>1221006>>1221006Claws anon was just an example anon. Search function here is shit but we have had anons calling beautiful women troon just because their feet were big. The butches I saw, had masculine features, bad clothes, and shit hair. If they had soft faces I wouldnt post about it on here, I see butches every single day.
>>1220993 is my post. Who is the transvestigator?
>That bitch had claws as hands and as an handfag, I can assure you she had an equally monstrous face.See pic related. And it’s imo not okay to call any woman a troon unless it’s a troon.
No. 1221026
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why are most female rappers so tacky?
No. 1221027
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i failed calculus
now i have to spend my summer vacation retaking it
No. 1221034
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>>1221026men can wear t-shirts, women have to be glorified strippers on the stage as a contractual obligation to their record labels and they think it’s for empowerment. most people secretly do not take these female rappers seriously, why do they think nicki minaj has spent years trying to gather enough reputation and power in the industry in order to do the shit she actually wants to do and that’s why she doesn’t look back so fondly at her pop fusion days?
No. 1221037
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i have a music playlist dedicated to a cat i once lost.
he wasnt even mine he was a stray but he was my friend when i had none from sixth to tenth grade and he even hung out with me and never left not even to eat when i was locked out of my house by my family. i couldnt take him in because i was severely allergic and my mother had a visceral hatred for cats but now i wish i had done it anyways. friendliest cat i have ever met in my life, he loved humans even if most ( my neighbors ) didnt. he was poisoned on many occasions and even beaten severely by horrible people but he never once resented humans.
i tailored my routine around him and would purposely stash away some of my food to give to him every single night since i couldnt afford cat food, and he would always greet me whenever he saw me and would run so fast towards me when i called him.
the last time i saw him he came underneath my window and slept then meowed and walked away. i like to believe he knew he was going away and wanted to say goodbye…
i still think about him and talk about him and cry about him and even compulsively say his name to this day and every day since i last saw him.
i dont know if its better if i dont know if he died or not. i still have hope in my heart that i will see him again one day even if it has been years since his disappearance.
little after his disappearance, a female cat he was bonded with which i called his wife died. and it was the first thing i saw in the morning, she died sleeping with her face on the floor and her paws near her head. i had no idea she was dead until that day. can cats die of a broken heart ? i believe she may have. ever since then, my life has only gotten worse and i havent been able to feel happiness like i used to
nonas hug and kiss your cats for me because i cant. especially if you have an orange tabby, he was one.
No. 1221038
>>1221032i think anons point was more about actual women being called troons here and how this can effect anons perception of what a woman is supposed to look like in real life. I just think she was too retarded to word it correctly.
In the celebrity threads anons are also obsessd with calling dua lipa and megan stallion ''trannys'' just because they are tall or because (dua) has a big waist.
No. 1221042
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>>1221038Megan doesn’t look like a tranny but I can see how they think the Dua Lipa-fication effect on all female celebrities/influencers means they’re troons, they dress how a trendy troon would dress to appear as a stunning and brave woman, always in revealing clothing and clownish drag makeup.
No. 1221059
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>>1221053Many anons would think she's a troon probably if they didn't know
No. 1221063
>>1221058>tinfoilsi wasnt the only one who is able to sniff out the sperg,
>>1221048 noticed it too.
No. 1221067
>>1221063I am
>>1221026 &
>>1221045 and I'm not crapchan, why does everything have to be one big conspiracy here kek
No. 1221068
>>1221037Oh, nona. I feel your pain. Growing up my family took in and homed over 30 stray cats. There's something very hopeful and endearing about an animal that's been abused and seen the worst of humanity and still has room for love. Your post honestly made me tear up thinking about the cats I've had in my life. To answer your question about cats dying of a broken heart: yes, unfortunately they can. We had this wonderful orange tabby. He was a gentle giant and he had a fantastic relationship with another stray of ours, an orange and white cat. They were like brothers, inseparable. Slept together, played together, ate together. The orange tabby was old though, he eventually had to be put down due to liver issues I think. The orange and white cat took this hard. He stopped eating, he became lethargic, towards the end he couldn't even walk and I'm tearing up again typing this because it was horrible to watch. We took him to the vets and the vet was stumped as to what could be causing this. He asked us if there had been a death in the family, when we told him about the orange tabby passed, it clicked. His body was shutting down, he wasn't ill per se he just… give up. The grief was too much and there was nothing the vets could do except put him to sleep. Now I'm full on crying, but it's ok because even though my relationship with religion is fraught, I'm willing myself to beieve in cat heaven. For him to be with his brother again. I sincerely hope your orange tabby and his wife are there too. He's looking down on you, nona. Strays never forget the people who looked after them.
No. 1221069
>>1221056Wonder when her white girl syndrome will die and she'll finally come to terms that she'll never be white and that's not an issue. She's fine with whitetrash but considers any black woman a whore. It's self-hatred and I'm sure she's a regular in 4chan or other racist sites
>>1221059Nah. A Troon wishes he looked like this. Stop.
No. 1221077
>>1221069its weird because she is obsessed with hiphop while at the same time saying how she hates it.
Like i remember when she posted a rap video that only had 300k views to bitch about it.
>>1221073we know what you meant by that implication but i guess you dont want to be banned for racebaiting today.
No. 1221080
>>1221076Whatever helps you cope. She has a nice body and you have to have social media poisoning to call her a tranny. Even the most schizo anons literally attacked transvestigator anon in tinfoil thread which again proves you wrong.
>>1221077She loves it because it's nice but hates how differently it'll be perceived because she's not white. Anyways, I hope she drops white supremasm. All namefags so badly want to be white or want white men. It's like a sign of mental disease at this point kek.
No. 1221090
>>1221083kek she also is a glorified stripper, as I keep saying, statistically more female rappers are black!
>>1221084I am talking about black rappers who dress like hookers and how they are tacky. not all black women
No. 1221096
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>>1221084Agreed. She was unironically defending Julia Fox, the meth addict who made actual porn, posted a nude and called herself a "MILF" on a post to celebrate her son's birth, and walks around dressed like this, so I don't think (c)rap-chan's issue is about female rappers being too "slutty"
No. 1221104
>>1221080I'm one of those very schizo anons who attacked the transvestigator in the tinfoil thread and I also posted
>>1221059 because I've seen bodytypes like that being called mannish even before the MtF threads existed. Like when Shay was skinny, even recently someone again said she had a boy body back then. I'm shaped like Dua, only I leaned into becoming really buff, it's a wonder I don't want to get surgery as a result of spending years on here.
No. 1221117
>>1221100just entered this convo and was surprised y'all were talking about me as well
>>1221109l respect more then other rapgirls and the Kardashians, but I still point she's a subhuman who should have her child taken away from her
>>1221108>>1221099I never once claimed I hate my african features, rather I despise the culture found with in african communities(both in the continent and dispora) and especially our ideals of beauty
No. 1221120
>>1221116idk but this one is confirmed to be her defending herself
>>1221106 ,
>>1221117>>1221117Leave you ban-evader and the autistic posts you constantly make in the celebrity threads, also why are you so obsessed with calling everything subhuman, is that what you used to be called so you are trying to take back the power by calling everything (mostly black people) subhuman or what.
No. 1221121
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>>1221117That's what I said. You hate all African cultures, and you've obsessively bashed black women for the longest time, but now you're pretending it's "only the rap girls". Someone pointed out you've been doing this for years, and you defend coquette bullshit, which is pretty much the same thing but with eating disorders, normalized pedophilia and a side of tradthot BS.
>and especially our ideals of beautyRemember when you tried to stop anons from calling Anok Yai beautiful and said it was "fake/performative", then complimented Julia Fox? Kek
No. 1221136
>>1221121>>1221108acknowledging reality doesn't make anybody a self hater, by your logic african american civil rights activist James Baldwin was also a self hater
>The most illiterate among them is related, in a way I am not, to Dante, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Aeschylus, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and Racine; the cathedral at Chartres says something to them which it cannot say to me, as indeed would New York’s Empire State Building, should anyone here ever see it. Out of their hymns and dances come Beethoven and Bach. Go back a few centuries and they are in their full glory—but I am in Africa, watching the conquerors arrive.The men of my race have never conquered anybody, they were the salves of Arabs for 1400 years, It took Europeans to end Arab rule over us and grant us our independence
>>1221121she's beyond beautiful and pretty, but you know this isn't considered an Ideal for the black community, anyway I have shit do and I don't want to continue a conversation with someone who is gonna defend the actions of misogynistic men and women
No. 1221140
>>1221137no one clapped…
>>1221136no one gives a shit bbygirl
No. 1221144
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>You really think Hollywood should be praising average-looking women?
If they can do it for the various dumpy-looking men, they can do it for women. You’re a goofy ass gatekeeping retarded bitch anon.
No. 1221153
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>>1220998>then commit a her this bitch’s name againIs this a reference to something or just word salad
No. 1221154
>>1221150>>1221151>crap-chan telling someone to go backThis isnt 4chan i think you are confused, maybe go there and humiliate yourself for incel pleasure while they laugh at you like the loser you are.
You've been banned for a reason, quit ban evading and go on reddit and beg for a varg type of neckbeard to marry you.
No. 1221157
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>>1221068thank you so much nona for taking the time to read and respond to me with such an open heart. i havent stopped crying since i typed that post. im so sorry for your loss, and thank you for your kindness and reassuring words. i hope our cats are happy and having fun up there in heaven and i hope one day we get to see them too once more… may you have a wonderful rest of the day and weekend
No. 1221165
>>1221154I'm not (c)rap-chan, are you lost? I was literally calling her out for attacking a black woman and saying people finding her beautiful are "fake" lmao
>>1221155More word salad and projection. I want to see beautiful people in Hollywood the same way I want ice cream to be sweet. Reality and representation is for serious art, not shallow distractions. You will always be lost because all you do is look to Jewish-run, white-created junk food tier industries to be fair to you instead of giving you the trash entertainment it admits it runs on. It's meant to take your money, not be your therapy. Stay mad, I'm not on that "woke" bullshit and I never will be because America is a meme country. Focus on the fact that women are losing their abortion rights and that femicide rates are at a ridiculous high (especially within the black community) instead of pushing your own internalized misogyny and hang-ups over Hollywood, retard
No. 1221169
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>>1221165>Jewish-run, white-created junk food you are an absolute mess
No. 1221171
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I had so many bad experiences with men, even in my very stable past relationship I had I developed sleep problems and psychosomatic chest pain because of him stepping over my sexual and romantic boundaries. I don't really like men, I've met so many, have a lot of male friends and they've been very genuine with their thoughts, I have a brother, good relationship with my dad. But once I got to know them well I realised I just don't like them in general. Yet I have this inner screaming about having to find a partner again. I've been single for a little bit over a year and I got more depressed for a long time but lately I realise how free I am from all the drama and doubts, I don't have to worry about a guy not liking me anymore, ignoring my boundaries, having weird female friendship or having to impress his family and friends.
I have a lot of friends who I travel or go out with, my education is awesome, career prospects great. Just got a dog today. Something inside me still hurts and stresses out that I'm single at 27 and I wish so much I could suppress that, I think it's something biological. I am a good girlfriend and like being in a relationship because of the companionship but I realise how stressful it always is and how much men have hurt me. And how it usually doesn't last, even when I looked around me most people are in pretty shirty relationships. And how men genuinely usually don't even care for women if you look at factual statistics about them leaving wives in illness and so on. I wish my mind would stop making me feel stressed about not dating when everything in my life is going great otherwise. I don't even want children, I don't feel that calling, it's just stress about not dating.
No. 1221186
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>>1221160Not if I sell you first, it's in my ancestry
No. 1221207
I would love to see how it felt for 1 day for my moid to be like me sexually. I like scents, tastes, etc. and I love to give blowjobs for the hell of it, deepthroating and everything. We have given up on eating me out because my clitoris is tiny and super sensitive, a light tap or touch will feel unbearable. I have told him I'd still appreciate the effort, though, but nothing. He fingers me which sometimes works out, but if he accidentally grazes my urethra, it hurts and the thing is, he takes it personal and acts offended so it creates a difficult situation because he wants me to be honest, but if I am, he gets hurt over not pleasuring me well, so I feel pressured to act fine.
What really disheartens me is when he tells me how it is difficult to finger me or that it is difficult to pleasure me because my body is so sensitive, and it's like, I hate feeling like I'm not great because my body is so sensitive. I can cum in less than a minute with him and there are benefits to my sensitivity, but I feel like it's a detriment because of what he says. I never complain about blowjobs, in fact, I never even think about how it hurts my throat when I deepthroat or do anything, I'm just happy to pleasure him, and it just is such a damper for me to think of the fact I am willing and happy to please him no matter the cost but it isn't like that for him. But I know I'm weird anyway because I like how he smells, his bo, his genitals, how they smell, I like getting up close and personal to his body, etc. and he's never been like that. He is interested in sex with me and he says no matter the difficulty he's happy to do it for me, but it's so hard because our sexualities are clearly different.
So, yeah, I wish for 1 day he could be like me and I could know how it feels for someone to want to enjoy my genitals (scent, taste), be happy to please me with abandon, and be excited to explore what works for me.
No. 1221213
>>1221199I've had multiple friends find him attractive and I still don't get it, whenever they fan over him I just have to grit my teeth
My hatred of anime comes forth at the fact he looks like a real 2d dorito character
No. 1221236
Girls, my boyfriend from day one never gave any issues. He was a gentleman from the start on our date. Then we fell in love too and things just kept getting better. The only struggles we faced came from honest places of growth that both of us wanted to work on and did through communicating and putting in the actual effort. Never have I felt unloved by him, never have I worried, never have I doubted. From the beginning he held out chairs for me, opened doors for me, listened to me, touched me gently, expressed his love verbally despite usually being a quiet guy. He always listened and paid attention from the moment we met. It has always been dreamy with him. Awkward sometimes, definitely. He is not perfect. We have had an awkward date for instance. Or when we were trying for him to lose his virginity, it definitely didn't go smoothly. But things just keep getting better. No matter the little bumps, I know and always have known that with him, things are okay. This is what love is like and it's real. Seriously, none of the nonsense you go through with men is necessary unless you choose to let it define what is possible. I think part of what let me meet him with such ease, is that I persisted in my belief in true love despite going through negative experiences with men. Being used for my body, disrespected, treated like less than human… Just a few days before I met my love I had a horrible date. But I kept believing in true love and was able to forgive those men with ease. So just know that love is easy and it is real. You don't have to put up with any weird stuff that doesn't feel like love. You'll know when you feel it. Not a spark, not butterflies, not anxiety or drama. Just ease, peace, happiness.
No. 1221242

>>1221213>he looks like a real 2d dorito characterthats his appeal though, or used to be before he became too botched.
>>1221203Why dont you just dump your boyfriend and get a husbando like all the based lc girlies do?
No. 1221296
>>1221292thanks. I think I know, deep down, that I shouldn’t be treated like an annoyance for existing, but when I’m with three people who disagree and have since I was 8 I start questioning everything.
I blew up soon after that though and that’s where I went wrong. I wish I knew how to gray rock through family crap but I only know how to fight. I keep thinking SURELY this next argument will show them how I feel…lmao no it’s just more reason to dismiss me as crazy. Luckily I’m grown and I can just opt out next time.
No. 1221314
>>1221218Hey nonna! I was in the same boat kind of, for all my life I was good at languages, humanities and art, and sucked at "hard sciences". Everyone around me affirmed me, so I never even tried to get good at physics and math. A lot if things happened and I never got into the careers I thought I would be in as a teen. Kind of by accident I got accepted into studying biochemical engineering in university a couple years ago. Best decision of my fucking life tbh. Like I said my background in sciences is nonexistent, but I fucking did the work and passed the introductory courses that go through everything they teach in high school. Barely passed, but passed nonetheless. I've learned so much in such a short period of time. Knowing maths and logical thinking isn't some magical quality you are born with, it's a skill you can acquire and grow. And anyone can do it! Sometimes teachers suck, but Youtube (like Crash Course and Khan Academy, numerous smaller learning channels) has been an absolute goldmine for learning concepts and passing exams.
>What can you do with that in the real world?Hearty fucking kek if I may. I feel like especially the western countries are filled with people like me afraid of hard sciences and only considering humanities and arts. There are way more people studying those than needed. Tech and science is where the money is. I am not saying "soft science" is useless, of course not, but there's just way too damn many people with degrees like that. But if you can combine that interest and skill with hard science, you are going to make bank, baby.
No. 1221368
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>>1221321>Michael from Love on the Spectrumi want him
No. 1221377
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Why do companies have to be absolutely shit. Why can't they do their job for five seconds without trying to fuck someone over constantly. I got back from the vet because my cat is having a lot of recurring flare ups of ulcers in her lip and allergy symptoms and the vet said she most likely have an autoimmune disorder but not necessarily allergies. But the reason her flare ups might be getting so bad is because of the food we give her (we got blue Buffalo because they had a sensitive skin and stomach bag of cat food so I thought it could be helpful) because it has ingredients that aren't even meant for cats. I didn't even know they had several lawsuits against them for killing animals and making them sick and others for false advertisement. It just feels like all pet food is so poorly made unless you have a source of income that let's you drop 40-70 on a bag of food very frequently. Is more regulation for this shit really so much to ask for? My damn cat was so miserable until I could get her to the vet for an injection to calm down the swelling, and now she's finally able to sleep and relax. I swear these people get off on the idea of torturing the animals of customers.
No. 1221439
Nta but i’ve been seeing posts like these
>>1221259 and its irking me. Nothing wrong with the message, all about the phrasing of it. Reeks of underage, maybe pure childishness
No. 1221456
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This is a super specific vent for a super tiny sliver of the internet but, I sometimes get so annoyed with women in the forum RP community. Many of them will write and obsess over the most boring characters who literally can't pass the Bechdel test, then they get mad at you and screech misogyny when people aren't interested. All of these characters have similar narratives of either falling in love (and having kids of course!), or dealing with ~misogyny~ by…playing into it completely, e.g. sitting around and being sad and pretty until a handsome brooding man comes along to save them. It's so dumb and regressive. Seriously. The RP community has three archetypes of women it writes:
>bug-eyed damsel in distress who is literally just the love interest/plot device to another character, all of her development revolves around him. she is going to have white or blond hair, she is going to be described as beautiful/delicate/fey-like/etc. if she can use magic it's gonna be some mary sue ability like wish-granting or clairvoyance. (I hate this one the most, can you tell.)
>femme fatale that's "owning her sexuality" by turning men on; possibly bi but she never looks at girls unless it's meant to establish her as counter-culture/punk/sexy.
>nlog action girl whose app paints her as some cool valkyrie or whatever but she's either: 1000% going to have a thread where she's at the mercy of a male character (the start of a romance arc), or she absolutely crumbles at the slightest sign of male dominance. cringe
And they tend to be written in that incredibly purple style that reads so damn pretty but doesn't say very much of anything.
It all ties into the sect of women in fandom that expect you to give a damn about the terribly written females in X series but that's a vent for another day.
No. 1221466
kind of a happy vent but i'm glad that lolcow exists. i grew up on 4chan and the misogyny and constant porn derailments, and the culture of tits or gtfo, and being unable to mention being a female without scrotes flaming you was so unbearable. plus the lack of moderation let the website get taken over by shitheads, when it wasn't even that good to begin with. i used it around 2008 - 2014ish.
i think this site is so unique. the anonymous chan experience but it's so female dominated. we have retarded infighting on here but it doesn't compare to the vile xy malice on other sites.
i feel like if i ever need advice from women who get me i can pop on lolcor and chat
i was insanely depressed at this point last year but i am doing a lot better now. i love going outside and feeling the sun on my skin and the wind without worrying if my legs look fat and stupid shit like that. i love just living in the world and living in the moment. slowing down and watching the leaves sway, listening to the birds, feeling the earth around me, seeing people riding their bikes down the street and playing and laughing. i'm a friendless autist but it makes me happy to see their joy, even if it's tangentially. and i love how sweet the air smells now. all the flowers are in bloom here. i love my cat.
things are shitty and scary in a lot of ways and i still feel fucked in the head sometimes, but there are so many small things to appreciate outside of the misery i create in my own brain and the stress from the world and my fucked up family. but still, yes, i love the little things, even stupid shit like lolcor.
i hope you anons who are feeling so hopeless and fucked and depressed can go see one beautiful thing today, or have one nice moment with a stranger, or cook yourself one nice meal. even if the thing you do is small, like you manage to brush your teeth today or make your bed or whatever the fuck. just be in that moment and don't think about the other things you have to do or are failing at, just try to enjoy and be present in one moment of beauty and accomplishment every day no matter how small
No. 1221468
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Many people have big goals in mind for their future but all I want to do if find the world’s fluffiest and comfortable bed that doesn’t hurt my back and neck and sleep for a 1000 years, never waking up.
No. 1221479
>>1221039I don’t bring up hands constantly lol.
I am not her.
>>1221038Like I know who clawhands is or what he or she said. And no I worded it perfectly, I’m 100% sure most of the anons who call dua lipa a troon look like men themselves.
No. 1221531
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>>1221456Fanfiction/RP communities as an outsider seem both comfily stuck in time and absolutely terrifying. Most "fandom" places seem batshit and annoying, I was always a distant observer and used to lurk rp forums a decade ago
OT but I might finally take the plunge and get myself a husbando, your LOGH pic made me remember. Reintard is hot as fuck but I want to bang yang more ever since I watched it
:/ No. 1221541
>>1221466Love ya nona. I totally feel you about scrotechan, lolcow has been my cure for all the years I wasted on that place. I used to feel this place was a "bad influence" but it's better than almost all big sites and social media honestly. Y'all are my people.
I'm the anon who went on a depressed tirade earlier, at the moment I'm a bit more okay and managed to floss for the first time in weeks. Just reading what you wrote about enjoying life is inspiring on its own but I'm happy for you and how you managed to reach that breakthrough. I've been there before and I will get there again, inshallah we all do.
No. 1221549
>>1221466thank you
nonnie for writting such a cute message!
No. 1221553
>>1221525I get this a lot too. I also noticed I won't be greeted or asked if I need any help when going into a certain store vs other women who come in. I know I'm a weird uggo but can you make it any more obvious?
There was also a janitor that worked at my university who hated my guts and stared daggers into me. She pulled the most catty shit on me for no reason when I had to be around her. Have no idea what I did to piss in her cereal or if this is just an overreaction to my ugliness. I come off pretty butch though so maybe she was a homophobe or thought I was a tranny
No. 1221556
>>1221525I wonder if it happens to me because I'm butch, which is to 99% of people the same as being ugly. Sometimes they're friendly and greet me first, but the moment I say anything back, they grow cold and won't even look at me anymore. Like purposefully look in a weird direction, not even at the groceries or screen. The ones who are friendly and nice I try to compliment on how fast they are or on their nails when they obviously got them done recently. Idk if it's creepy to do that, but they do seem to genuinely light up? Idk what service workers appreciate.
>>1221538If you find a good place to download from, please give us updates. I'm rooting for you!
No. 1221567
>>1220888Thank you, good advice. I have a lot of things I can improve on, I've just reached a point in my slovenly depression these past few years where I've all but stopped showering and doing basic self-care. And yes, glowing up is but a bandaid on shit like this even if it's nice and makes a big difference in daily life.
>>1220954Sweet reply n*nny, I'm gonna try to get better. I do think seeing myself as subhuman is definitely holding me back in life, and if I'm not going to kill myself, what's the point in self-hatred to that point? I should shit or get off the pot lol
No. 1221575
happily married couples aren't happy. The man cheats and neglacts, the woman loses interest after her life starts revolving around servicing him and her kids.
No. 1221580
>>1221554I think even if you last 5 or 10 years that it can still be a true or meaningful love. Don't get me wrong I have friends who are divorced too and who discarded the idea that it was ever love because some events went down and were unforgivable..
But in general I think 5 or 10 years still counts and I see value in that too. Like I said though I don't want so maybe that's easy for me to say. What went downhill.. I lost a parent and I was grieving and had no idea we even had a problem. He left and I was scratching my head. He was at his limit on dealing with my lows and I thought we were fine. This was 18 months after my loss. It seemed very harsh att but I've gotten over it. I blamed him, I blamed myself, I got sad, I got angry. We're not in contact but it was good when it lasted and a shame how it ended.
No. 1221635
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I'm thinking of moving countries just to have a shot at getting a gf.
No. 1221696
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Ive been trying to clean my kitchen floor all day with my family and it still isn't done. It's late and I'm just flat out exhausted
No. 1221744
>>1221729Not every woman who hates shit like this is jealous or bitter
>>1221740Why did you go? Pretend you have something going on. I don’t go to weddings either kek. Hate it. Ever since i was a preteen before someone calls me bitter
No. 1221746
>>1221743> why make it everyones businessI dont get takes like this, nobody is forces you to go to a wedding. so what if people want a memorable day? if you dont like it that's ok but some do kek
I would like a wedding, but a small, intimate one. I dont drink and I hate parties but not all weddings are some big drunken fest. it all depends on the couple
No. 1221786
>>1221773some people don't want to be made the center of attention for hours? is that incomprehensible for you to believe? and the comparisons anons have above to holidays is strange. holidays aren't all about one person or two people, holidays are
supposed to genuinely be about bonding with people and interacting with them. the entire event isn't dedicated to two people, and one person more heavily, too. that's weird. the whole thing is extremely strange and far too costly. there is no actual benefit. there's nothing even legally happening there. i don't understand why anyone would prefer it over a nice small gathering with people you can actually spend time with. even then, personally, i wouldn't want to be the center of attention. some people don't like birthdays for that reason either.
No. 1221790
>>1221770This. Most couples marry after their relationship has hit the wall and the wedding is supposed to work as some kind of refresher.
>>1221773As >>1221745 mentions the bride is usually stressed about everything being perfect, greeting and interacting with everyone equally, making sure everyone's having a good time and all of the preparations. The whole show is for herself.. But at the same time not. It's for everyone else.
No. 1221855
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>>1221853Istg 80% of the artists I follow keep saying this. You are wrong and you better not stop.
No. 1221863
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My father is coming back and my mother is inviting him to spend some time here. Shut the fuck, the bathroom's door is broken. That bastard will try to see me when I'm taking a shower. Fucking die already, I want to be free.
No. 1221864
>>1221858Anon she's just angry, not jealous. Also do you think a man would change his mind about marrying a woman because she mocked a woman online?
Some of you here only have one achievement and that's the man you married. It's sad. I hate weddings as well and have never met a bride who %100 enjoyed her wedding and told me the whole wedding went along her plans. Usually the wedding is for families.
No. 1221893
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I went into this local business and they were selling this etsy shop's homemade anime figures. There was this mini figure resting on top of one that I was interested in and when I tried checking the price on the bottom it fell over and broke!! I almost had to pay over 100 for it but thankfully the owners were nice enough to just charge me for part of it. I still feel really guilty and frustrated because whyyyy would you just have this fragile piece of the figure resting on top of it like that instead of attaching it… And why would you put the price tag on the bottom too?
No. 1222008
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I'm alright at drawing and wanna do it more yet I never do. Instead I dread it 24/7 even as I wish I was doing it 24/7. I get ideas but quickly lose interest. Then I see talented artists doing things I wanna aspire to, and feel bad comparing myself. Wondering why I'm such a failure. I'm not wanting to draw for praise but to satisfy some primal urge inside yet I also dread it all the time! Shit, how do you get out of a hole like this? Pretty much my life story for the past decade so maybe there's no hope, and I'm worthless. I feel worthless
No. 1222039
>>1222008I used to be kind of like that and I always compared myself to amazing artists with semi-realistic painting styles, but after figuring out that I don't enjoy that lengthy process it became easier to actually enjoy making art. I figured I would like to draw as much as possible and lines are enough for that. I still have trouble starting drawings sometimes, but what's the point in talking down to myself? It's just a drawing, it doesn't matter if it's good or not. The time won't be wasted and the more you do it the better it gets!
What exactly do you dread about it? Maybe you can try to look past it, since you say you don't care about receiving praise. But I can really relate, it took me some time to build up the confidence necessary to go from thinking "I could be drawing right now" to just doing it.
No. 1222070
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It's a little sad how life reveals we're all truly just monke. Things like unique individuals and true love do not exist, or if they do it's rare enough that I can never be sure of it. Everyone's behaviors fall into patterns the same way there's AGP/HSTS troons (cursed metaphor but it came to mind), same way as mental illness, we're all preprogrammed in our DNA and by our experiences. Is anyone truly unique and surprising? I don't know. Sometimes I feel that I am when I can't find others like me but then I know it's ego, another trait most people share that reveals us as fools and apes. Thinking that you're special ironically proves that you're not. I can accept all of this as truth and keep on living just fine, but it's a shame to have your childhood ideals crushed into a reality so cynical it feels cruel. I wish society wouldn't impose these ideals on us only to crush them but then again, maybe life would be even uglier that way. Maybe we need the charade so that people at least make attempts to be good. Trying and failing is better than not being good at all, right?
No. 1222073
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>>1222008oh god, I feel you on this one. my ex gf from highschool was literally "the school artist" (if that makes sense) and while I also loved to draw it put so much pressure on my shitty perfectionist brain that I had to stop for the sake of my sanity (essentially causing really terrible anxiety-driven despair flareups). the only thing that ever really helped me was never showing my art to anyone and never putting much effort into anything I drew, but those are only bandaid solutions to a deeper issue and I acknowledge that. idk what to tell you other than you're not alone (and try making low effort sketches whenever you come up with ideas instead of trying to make everything perfect, at least get the concepts down now)
No. 1222076
>>1222070>is anyone unique and surprisingI genuinely believe this issue stems partly from over population. We are multiplying at great speed we are aware of the exact number of our countries population, the whole earth’s population, we are bombarded with information of very successful real life heroes and anti heroes online, bombarded with information in general Etc. and it’s making us feel like trash and taking the joy out of life. It makes it feel all pointless. this is my personal theory on it
>i wish society wouldn't impose these ideals on us only to crush them but then againYeah. everytime i reflect on my life, this always comes up. I don’t even know who to be mad at
No. 1222156
>>1222123I feel like these countries went down this path already for decades and idk if there's any coming back from it. When I read about the post-WWII era, everything goes, feminists were making rapid progress, there was a lively lesbian working class bar culture, gender rules seemed to relax, gnc got popular even with straight people etc. However all that stagnated or regressed, for a lot of different reasons, meanwhile the worst bits (trans, kink, pedoshit) got to flourish. The daughters of polilez who went back to men unironically kickstarted third wave liberal feminism. I worry the culture is irreparably damaged even if some laws get reversed (here we already lost single sex spaces). Ironically enough slightly more conservative countries than this one, where you still have a decent amount of freedom, have a way livilier lesbian scene from what I've heard and they still accept gnc lesbians in the community there.
No. 1222205
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>>1221707I agree so much. Weddings are nothing but one big scam. If anyone wants to spend money on their marriage that much, I think they should spend it on the honeymoon instead. I am generally angry over how people turn marriage into such a big deal too, the normies who scream that their life is over because they didn't get married in their 20s, etc. These people should get a life. I am married but my husbands sister keeps clutching her pearls because she started freaking out the second we announced our marriage and threatened suicide to her ex-bf if he didn't marry her and blames us for the breakup throughout this day when all we did was just got married. I am a third-worlder that had to escape a shitty govt and family who tried to sell me, but she will never know that.
No. 1222219
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>>1222076You're on to something, I feel a lot like the overpopulation is making the value of human life plummet. It's more apparent in the most crowded and poor countries of course (looking at you India) but it's apparent everywhere.
Not to sound trad but we clearly aren't made to see this many people around us and know about the world all at once, it's maddening. The school shootings and incels make me think of it too, I think it's both the stress and cynicism of being constantly bombarded with info like you said and that having too many moids is an actual death sentence for society, like a virus.
Men unironically need to be killed off in wars for us not to be overridden with masses of angry violent genetic failures No. 1222220
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i'm not that upset but still disappointed in myself? idk
yesterday i went to an event that was supposed to last 7 hours divided in two/three different parts. i left halfway through despite having enjoyed the first part because i didn't know anyone and couldn't muster up the courage to talk to people. i kept thinking that even if i did, their real friends would arrive soon and i wouldn't fit in anyway. i paid for the whole thing but i just couldn't see myself stuck there any longer so i got takeout and chilled at home
i kind of expected it and i knew it was a bit of a "risk" to go there alone, so it's not like i had high expectations… maybe i'll learn from my mistake and next time i won't sit in the corner by myself. who knows.
i wish i wasn't so autismo nonas
No. 1222223
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>>1222070We are part monke but you can shut the monke up by sitting still and being consciously present, the thing is that almost nobody is doing it anymore and the monke stress is growing exponentially making us all fucking retarded and animalistic. People (me included) don't put their phone down or take a break from constant stimuli and it's making us legit insane.
If you feel this way about humanity I slightly recommend Schopenhauer, it's both comforting and horrifying to read. I know he was an edgy annoying incel but he made some points and is easy to understand. It's better than Nietzsche in my mind. No. 1222224
>>1222222Blessed post number, this post is true and good
>>1222221Maybe call them and say
>Unfortunately I wasn't able to get vaccinated, can I bring a negative test along for my appointment?If they have a no unvax policy it's better to hear it over the phone than be turned away from the front desk. Most likely they'll appreciate that you thought ahead and let you come.
No. 1222233
>>1222043Oh no… I hope you'll be able to overcome this somehow, but I understand what you mean, I feel that way too sometimes. Maybe it'll be easier if you start small, like drawing for 10 minutes and then you can decide if you can keep going? You can also try actively talking yourself into it! You know that there's a barrier, so you can try to tell yourself that it will be fine no matter what and with time it'll get easier. I always tell myself that "it's doable" and "there's no need to worry" when I have to approach new assignments that scare me. I do it until it seems silly to say, because then I'm already calmer and in a better mood. It could also help to bring a little sketchbook with you at all times and when you feel like drawing you can just draw your surroundings. It's a good practice and it doesn't have to be clean at all, so no need to fret. If it's bad you can always try again! You have so much time, no single drawing will be too important in the grand scheme of it! You'll start to improve in no time! There will always be artists that are more skilled, but don't forget that there are just as many if not more artists that are worse than you and yet they still try and can have fun in their own way. Art will always be hard to judge if you're the person making it, don't be too harsh on yourself.
But I really do understand your feelings. When it gets really bad for me I try to hang out with people or go see my family, because for me it's a sign that I've been alone too long and had too much time to think by myself. Things should be easy to start, it's overthinking that it makes everything seem impossible. I am really wishing you the best, I'm sure you can work yourself out of this!
No. 1222255
>>1222239Yes, but not as all-encompassing, creating entire patriarchal societies, organizations, institutions, media to brainwash women etc. Humans settling for long periods of time and not moving around allowed men to trap women. When before you could theoretically be like the elephants and just leave in the night, leaving the shitty men behind. Now we're settled and stuck, no way to turn, because patriarchy is all over the globe. Having claimed every inch of land. Can't even build a hut in the forest and fuck off to there and live like the local witch, without the patriarchal police coming to get you. No you first have to be a wageslave and work for patriarchy, to buy land off of the patriarchal monarchy, then beg the patriarchal state for a license. Want to roam around and not settle anywhere? That's illegal too, you got to chain yourself to patriarchy, pay rent or get a mortgage, so you can't fuck off when patriarchy threatens you. Can't even pick berries or catch rainwater without getting fined. Meanwhile corporations can pollute the ground, water and treat people like shit, without getting fined and with full approval of patriarchy. They can burn down forests and cut them down. But repeat after me, we're free and so much better than monke, because we have 50 different kinds of cereal all from the same company in the end and are docile and submit to the patriarchal state.
No. 1222288
He’s apparently been checked into a psychiatric facility, and the only reason why i know that is because his mom messaged me on facebook about it. i haven’t spoken to her in forever but i used to occasionally speak to her when him and i were dating. she kinda tried asking me to choose “forgiveness,” but it sounds like he told her what i sent kek.
she hasn’t explicitly stated he’s on suicide watch, but i can’t imagine any other reason for him to be there.
i also managed to get emails from event organizers that proves he was telling them i shouldn’t come to local events because of my “
abusive history” with him.
i’m starting to realize he pretty much told almost everyone he could in town that i am
abusive, and now that the audio is making its way around, i feel like i can tell everyone tangentially related is scrambling. people i haven’t spoken to in ages (who i thought had just naturally drifted from me due to the pandemic) are messaging me “support” and apologies. i didn’t even know they stopped talking to me intentionally?? i feel pretty satisfied, and would be fine if things ended like this, but i really am hoping he moves. it kind of scares me to think he was willing to invent this entire delusion and tell tons of people, i literally feel unsafe. restraining order might be worth it.
No. 1222289
>>1222288I'm so glad you outed his bullshit
nonny, what a repungent person he is to dedicate his time to spreading lies about you to everyone you know.
So glad you cleared your name, and in a clever way too.
No. 1222318
>>1222302thank nonna, and i’m more than sure now that it’s because he is (and was) skin crawling me this whole time. right down to him trooning out. when i broke up with him, he did beg for us to stay together. i think i did a lot for his ideal woke “image”
i saw on his instagram before he deleted it that he’s been wearing outfits from my favorite small online brand, including a dress i own and used to wear around him. the more i’m typing this out the more i want to vomit.
No. 1222347
>>1222346I want to just give it to my sister but there's this new fucking group project I need to complete and I only have her on whatsapp.
I might just say fuck it and text her my E-Mail along with all my other friends and associates. I dont want this fucking cursed orb around me like some corny fantasy forbidden artifact of eldritch chaos that steals my power.
No. 1222354
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Im sorry I'm just screaming this over so much but it pisses me off. My depresssion is resurfacing, I can't get out of bed now when its the most important time and i need to be efficient so I have my first positive exam grade in three fucking years. Im smoking more than usual too because its like the only thing that keeps me somewhat sane and relaxes me simply by giving me 10 minutes of uninterrupted time where i can just be and dont need to worry about anything.
my diet is shit, my room is a mess, i hate myself and my life and my past and my mistakes and it will kill me but these nail coffins are my fucking escape
No. 1222369
>>1222362god it truly is. attention denial is like death to them. how in the world did narcissistic tendencies and attention seeking behaviors get their own medical diagnoses? most of their symptoms are just straight up harmful to others. i’ve had the displeasure of meeting three bpd individuals at a liberal farts school i attended, and everything was always about them.
>>1222359bpd spotted
No. 1222395
>>1222376>scrote behaved like a scrote >autistic girl was probably also cluster bhappy?
>>1222375it does make them worse, for sure. we as a society need to bring back some modicum of shame and stigmas.
No. 1222401
>>1222370Same. I also got very bad teeth I can't currently fix in addition to what you said. I'm so mad that my face is still fat despite the fact that I've been mildly underweight all my life.
I think average or pretty people don't realize how much basic respect and compliments from your loved ones mean. I've had people who were close to me and even they couldn't stand my appearence, to the point where they'd be visibly disgusted by me. No one ever said I was genuinely beautiful and no one really "chases" after me. No one giving a shit about me. It's crazy that even love or care depend on looks a lot.
No. 1222406
>>1222224Thank you
Nonnie, I don't know why I couldn't figure out to just call them and ask but thanks for helping me with my retardation lol, and the negative test is a good idea I'll ask about that as well
No. 1222407
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>>1222376I had a bpd girl cut her wrists in front of my door, because I didn't pick up my phone in the middle of the night and she was apparently worried about me, but idk why even. Obviously I was just sleeping. We weren't even dating and we only knew each other for a week. I've got the 'tism though, so I probably deserved it somehow, even though I try to isolate myself so people don't have to put up with oh so terrible me, which happens to only
trigger BPDs even more. No way to win.
No. 1222430
>>1222416>>1222405ok bpd-chan, let me break it down for you. the ppl who allegedly did bad things to you have other components that might make them bad people, not just autism. meanwhile, people with bpd have symptoms that are just exclusively bad
abusive to others.
does that make sense? also
>>1222407never said they knew she’d self harm or that she was right outside her door. jesus that’s the most typical bpd brain rot interpretation i ever heard.
“you made me cut myself nonna! look what u made me do! give me attention.”
seek help
No. 1222435
>>1222425How did you know when she called if you didn't hear? Also you literally said you didn't pick it up. Istg autists like you are so retarded. You're literally acting like a woman self harming because she's mentally ill is worse than two mental autists sexually harassing me.
Also as I said above, I don't haven't bpd but like %99 of the population I hate autists. Do you really think normies don't hate you guys? That they think you're totally normal for excusing sexual harassers and using your diagnosis to act out?
No. 1222443
>>1222435this really outed yourself as bpd. literally nobody but you interpreted that story like that.
and yeah, someone self harming outside their door as a desperate attempt to get their attention is fucked up, scary, and traumatic. autists are healthily made fun of here, we’re just making an argument for who’s worse, and it’s your type by
farstop telling ppl to care about ur assault and then telling that person they deserved that experience, aren’t you being hypocritical lol
No. 1222444
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You’re both putrid shitstains on the earth. Finding out which one is worse is like voting during a US election, there is no better choice. You’re born an autist that’s devoid of empathy, incapable of interpreting social cues and likely to idolize Adam Lanza, for female autists you just become a pathetic fujofag. You become traumatized into being a BPDfag that drives normies away while simultaneously whining about how nobody wants to talk to you, avoiding all responsibility and indulging in reckless avoidant, antisocial behavior, sounds familiar? Sounds exactly how most autists are as well. Both are equally repulsive, stupid, obsessive people who go into threads where it’s supposed to be peaceful and shit it all up with an argument that neither party wins. Your mothers should have rightfully aborted the both of you, that is the answer to all of your troubles. Why the mods don’t ever go full 1984 and ban both of your asses truly amazes me, I’m tired of these retarded debates and I’m tired of you existing. I hope romanianon goes full postal and goes after you both for ruining this thread, seriously
No. 1222446
>>1222435>How did you know when she called if you didn't hear?Because call history is a thing? You never missed a call and see that you missed one?
>Also you literally said you didn't pick it up.Yeah I didn't pick up, because I was sleeping.
>You're literally acting like a woman self harming because she's mentally ill is worse than two mental autists sexually harassing me."Literally", please quote where I did that.
>Do you really think normies don't hate you guys?I'm well aware, does that mean I have to like being treated like that? I don't want to have stitches and staples shoved in my face, because I'm not available at all times of the day.
>That they think you're totally normal for excusing sexual harassers and using your diagnosis to act out?I didn't say anything like that? I just shared my experience, because not all bpdfags are benign. I don't use my diagnosis to act out, I never bring it up irl and most people don't even know. I isolate myself, focus on lifting, sports, reading and shitposting when I'm not working. I've not dated or gone on a real date in over 4 years, I avoid the LGB(t) community. Stop projecting your past experiences with autists on every autist. I'm not saying every bpdfag is like the one I encountered, but they're definitely not all benign.
No. 1222456
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>>1222444Please don't call romanianon please please please don't
No. 1222457
>>1222395 where a fellow autist talked about the stuff I shared in a very defensive way and acted like all autists are little babies and the harasses couldn't possibly be autistic because of that. I thought you were the same anon, I apologize.
No. 1222465
>>1222449>you make horrible parents as seen by hila klein who statved her baby.wait what?
Just to put my two cents into the BPD debate (I know everyone wants that lmao), as a fellow bpd-chan I feel a lot of compassion for the girl who cut herself because
>>1222446 didnt answer her call, and I understand the defensiveness the other bpd-chan here shows because it's tough to not take some things personally even when they're not personal BUT it's very important to recognize she was unhinged to do so and needs help and sleeping nonna did nothing wrong. Part of how you get bpd in check is - while still having compassion for yourself! - recognizing that some things we could do are really wrong in retrospect.
No. 1222475
>>1222465i think everyone is skipping over the fact that the girl who cut herself in front of anon’s door only knew her for o n e week.
that’s just stalking and harassment.
No. 1222479
>>1222469Autists stop diagnosing every woman they dislike with bpd challenge! You really are moid-lite.
>>1222465I'm not bpd but I had an ex who was. Maybe that's why it's a soft spot for me. My heart broke whenever she harmed herself and I had enough empathy to understand that it wasn't manipulation. Some people actually have feelings, autists struggle to understand that. An example is Elon Musk accusing his wife of manipulating him when she was crying after she lost her baby. Autists really think any show of emotion is a manipulation. It's so weird and I highly advise you not to associate with one ever.
No. 1222480
>>1222467because cutting yourself in front of someone’s door after they didn’t pick up the phone at night is a sign of great social cues too? keep dreaming
No. 1222482
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>>1222456I’m summoning her this is your punishment for retarded infighting nonna
No. 1222507
>>1222487It's %99 the autists. Autists think they're ultrabased male brains and that bpd-chans are hysteric women. Most bpd haters are also autistic men or women and again most of the time the person they hate isn't even bpd.
>>1222495Not you saying autistic men fantasizing about female children is irrelevant, kek.
No. 1222525
>>1222497Why does it matter? Since when should your own trauma matter when you abuse innocent people? Autistic children are abused quite often, some studies show they're abused more often than normie kids and yet we don't have over 70% of autists engaging in violence
>Researchers there analyzed data from an autism monitoring site run by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and found that having autism more than doubles a child’s chances of referral to child protective services. The study included more than 24,000 children born in 2006 and found that 17 percent of the 387 autistic children had been the subject of calls to the state’s child abuse hotline, compared with 7 percent of the othersAlso, autistic kids are bullied 4 times as often as kids without disabilities.
No. 1222532
Everytime I see my boyfriend playing videogames, it makes my pussy clench and cement itself shut. I know if he wakes up earlier than me, instead of having breakfast or sitting outside he'll fucking replay some futuristic shooter game from 2007 until I wake up, which doesn't stop him from playing it. He knows that on his 30th birthday he won't be allowed to play them anymore or I'll walk because it disgusts me so much. I hate everything that the modern man seems to find joy in, it's like they never mature past the age of 7 in terms of hobbies and interests unless they're seriously going places. I can't even contain my hatred for watching him waste his life pretending to be someone else on a screen while listening to repetitive and annoying sound effects. He's so sensitive and smart, but seeing him sat in front of a computer hunched over a fake gun makes me want to hit him over the head and scream "DRAW SOMETHING. GO FOR A WALK!" like holy shit! I wouldn't feel this way if he was a shitty, annoying person. I'd like videogames for keeping people like that indoors and distracted. But he's better than this. Kinda feels like watching your kid waste their summer vacation on watching TV. It seriously sends me into disgust seeing him sitting in front of a computer looking like a massive retard. Seriously, the only unsexier thing could be if he was also covered in shit. I have no idea how people date "gamers" unless they themselves are one, too. I guess that could be fun.
I wish to God I could get his steam account removed or broken or something. Maybe we'd be going out today, then. The stupid faggot can find adult ways to enjoy and pass the time after, Lord knows we have a house full of art supplies and instruments. Fuck.
No. 1222533
>>1222467NTA, but
>I try to isolate myself so people don't have to put up with oh so terrible me>I isolate myself>I've not dated or gone on a real date in over 4 years, I avoid the LGB(t) community.I said it three times now. What else can I do to appease the normies, shy of killing myself, as was suggested by another anon? The only people I've attacked in the past are males and you're not going to get me to apologize for that, because they deserved it.
>>1222479I understand people have feelings, but I don't see how I should feel guilty for sleeping at night and not appreciating having a stapled arm shoved in my face the next day over it. What about my feelings? Just because I'm an autist, doesn't mean I'm a robot. Maybe that experience traumatized me in a way, I don't know. I don't know if she was trying to be manipulative, I have no clue what her intentions were or what she was thinking and I doubt she even fully knows what her intentions were herself.
Funny how I'm supposed to have no empathy and not understand emotions, meanwhile judges keep telling me I highlight the emotional side of a case a lot, maybe too much>>1222512BPD is overdiagnosed in women and underdiagnosed in men, men usually get (mis)diagnosed with ASPD, it also doesn't stand out as much because men are already fucking terrible.
No. 1222544
>>1222517>>1222512>>1222507>>1222479>>1222527>>1222467>>1222449all of this plus more, and it’s just because
you had an ex with bpd? yeah gtfo
No. 1222552
>>1222517Yeah if that anon was right, there wouldn't be a term called autistic meltdown and I wouldn't know a woman who got her cheekbone broken by her autistic son. At least bpd-chans don't hurt others.
>>1222531Girl why do you not believe me when I tell you autists lack empathy? They don't care if most bpds are abuse
victims and they'll even defend pedohpilic autistic men like they did above.
No. 1222562
>>1222557samefag but love how identical mine and
>>1222554 replies are
No. 1222569
>>1222551>femcel imageboardSo many losers coming here from Kaitlyn's article kek. Are you a
triggered incel or something? Sorry yelling slurs in video games will never get you fucked, women don't like that
No. 1222573
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>>1222532Do you watch movies or tv nonna? Youtube? Waste time shitposting on this site? I know there are many moids that are annoying with videogames, but they are just a thing people enjoy. I bet you are not productive 100% of your time. If he neglegts his job/school etc due to games, then there is a problem.
No. 1222580
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>>1222564>"F-Fag! There! Is that one of the naughty words these imageboard users…use? Am I fitting in yet?"Also lol at you thinking finding this place in 2018 is respectable
No. 1222598
>>1222594>incelGo choke on your fat rolls, I'm a woman and definitely skinner than you
>p-PICK ME!Cope
(infighting) No. 1222600
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>>1222583Because many of us nonnas are Gamers (tm). Also, playing a game engages you much more than staring the screen glassy eyed watching tv. I don't mean to be amoid apologist, but do not attack muh video games!!1 I'm a 30 year old woman in university, I have a job, my life in order and I love video games
No. 1222612
>>1222532So based it's gonna
trigger everyone
t. Former gamer girl troglodyte with bad posture, skinnyfat, with 2k hours logged on one ARPG. Thank God I ascended
No. 1222613
>>1222562gr8 minds
>>1222573i feel like she just wants an outgoing guy, and i think there’s nothing wrong with that. however, trying to change him is delusional. i feel like most men who still play those first person early 2000 shooter games have a whole host of other immature traits going on, and she’s just scapegoating video games as being the sole factor in his immaturity
No. 1222616
>>1222552Autistic meltdowns can also involved self harm or the autist mentally shuts down and needs to be left alone in a quiet room for while.
>At least bpd-chans don't hurt others.kek
>>1222583Video games are no different to film or television. It's just another form of entertainment media.
No. 1222622
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>>1222597>>1222610>muh wallSo it really was angry incels mad that their video game addiction renders them virgins for life, lmao
No. 1222629
>>1222622>she triggered me in 0.2 seconds so she must be a manis it that easy to
trigger you? should i bring out the roast beef comments too? shouldn't you have developed a protective layer already against these old insults?
No. 1222634
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Calm down gamers
No. 1222641
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I like video games
No. 1222652
>>1222649>regina george wannabeOnion boy?
No. 1222653
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>>1222641I do too, I just hate crusty scrotes trying to browbeat women for not sucking their dicks
No. 1222659
>>1222590I was diagnosed with aspergers when I was a child, against my will, after I reported my father for abuse and neglect. I am probably a bit narcissistic and I'm aware I can be odd and unpleasant, so I isolate myself. When I do talk to people, I try to keep a 40:60 rule and always try to talk less than the other person. I regularly ask questions about how someone is feeling or if something is okay before I do it, because I don't always pick up on social cues and don't want to miss anything. Most people who know me have no idea I have it. Last time I saw a psychologist, he said I "grew out of it", whatever that means. I can't help being born the way I am and I don't want to kill myself just to appease everyone (which an anon suggested). So if you have any other suggestions to appease the normies, by all means, shoot. If you don't want me to judge all bpdfags based on my experience with some, why do you judge all autists based on your experience with a handful?
>>1222596I said
>BPD is overdiagnosed in women and underdiagnosed in men, men usually get (mis)diagnosed with ASPD, it also doesn't stand out as much because men are already fucking terrible.I'm also the anon who said in the unpopular opinions thread that women's prison shouldn't exist, because women should get help for whatever would have them to end up in prison.
>>1222581Okay, but the example was a rapist, which I assume is a male. Not a woman and I think women's prison shouldn't exist in the first place. They should get the help they need.
No. 1222662
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Shut up children you'll all be bitching about the same thing in 10 years when you have shit to do, meals to cook, a house to clean, a job to work all while taking care of an adult man child who chooses to spend all of his free time with juvenile hobbies. Grow up, fuck I hate summer.
No. 1222664
>>1222649The whole argument started because some wandering moid got
triggered and started screaming that the OP is a femcel and that she hit the wall for complaining about her boyfriend being shit-tier. I literally play video games, stop trying to change the focus to games as a whole when it's about men
No. 1222666
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some moid cut up a cute frog and left it on the sidewalk
No. 1222671
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>>1222656You are not stupid nonna, I understand your frustration especially if he has some autistic fixation on a specific game. I just would rethink the ultimatum (not gonna happen tbh), or simply just dump him and find a moid that has world views better suited to yours. My first bf was psychotic about FIFA (he literally punched a hole in an Ikea table) so I very much get there are issues with gamer moids. But ultimatums like that over something relatively harmless could harm the relationship, you just resent each other. Again, you have no obligation of being with him.
No. 1222673
>>1222659>Not a woman and I think women's prison shouldn't exist in the first place. They should get the help they needEven women who literally sell their kids to pedos? Damn, some of you have to understand that, despite the fact that scrotes suck and they're way worse than women overall, there
are women who are genuinely evil people and they should be locked up or straight up executed (like the women who help pedos).
No. 1222677
>>1222671He talked about it with me, and he agrees that seeing himself playing this game in his 30s would be a bad thing. Plus it gives him 7 more years of it, which I was hoping would clear it from his system. But you're right. Plus now I've been made aware that it could
always be worse. I'll just stop being Regina George I guess, maybe I'll finally watch that movie and see how I've been behaving
No. 1222687
>>1222673Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Either I supposedly hate women and don't care about women, or I care too much. I would need to know more context about the hypothetical you brought up to judge. Was she poor? Was she threatened? How do you know she's pure evil? Women like Ghislaine Maxwell don't even end up in prison. Just the poor out of luck ones.
>>1222678Most women in prison for murder, murdered a man who was abusing her. The rest are extremely niche and not enough of them to fill up a whole ass prison. Remember that the prison system is for profit, not only in the US anymore.
>>1222685Yeah, you get what I'm getting at.
No. 1222697
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my 'nigel' (emphasis on the irony here) is being a weird piece of shit the past few weeks/days (was the "bf mean after surgery" posts a while back) his ex was over today visiting his mum and he was acting weird the days before/to now. distant, bored-sounding etc.
like cheat on me if you want idiot just don't think I'm going to give a fuck and mourn you when you do. I don't need this shit, I'm happy to be asexual the rest of my life.
try me. I will live so well out of spite you'd swear I wasn't the same person. how you think I've even made it this far??? SPITE. DO IT CUNT. I DARE YOU.
No. 1222698
>>1222612>t. Former gamer girl troglodyte with bad posture, skinnyfat, with 2k hours logged on one ARPG. Thank God I ascendedGood job
nonnie. I'm still a sperg but I used to play video games 12+ hours a day, not exercise for years, live off pizza and drink soda like it was water. Video games are so, so worthless.
No. 1222699
>>1222677I think you are internalizing the stuff said here a bit too much, but it is understandable as you seem to be literal baby still. It's ok to be concerned, you are not a "Regina George". Watch the movie though, it's fun, but not related to you in one bit. I think
>>1222691 advice was good. And I was also confused by your age earlier, I was assuming you are approaching 30 both soon.
No. 1222713
>>1222532Kek I know what you mean. I posted recently about how looking at moids play videos games on their computer is a disgusting sight so I know the feeling. It's such a turn off. Like something about it is retarded looking and offputting and I've even had men show me this shit on dates and I stopped talking to them. Your boyfriend is a lazy piece of shit who should've grown out of gaming. There's not even good games anymore so I don't even see what there is to be spending this much time on and getting addicted as a grown adult means something is wrong with him. Get rid of him and find yourself a man who will go outside and do stuff with you that is more meaningful and productive. You two simply are not compatible.
>>1222551How new are you? So many women here have posted about how they can't stand video games and people who play them. Just because there's a couple shitposting 17 year old weebs on this site doesn't mean that's the majority.
>>1222612Also based
No. 1222720
>>1222711>The anon you're replying to isn't me, retarded autismo.>>1222694>To be fair i did say So I'm retarded because I can't smell which one of you is who on a Mongolian basket weaving forum? Like I said, please tell me what I can do to appease the normies, besides killing myself, which is not an option. I already isolate myself as much as possible. My eye contact is fine, but don't worry, you'll never have to meet me, unless you go to the gym maybe. I didn't say that autists are cute little babies and I'm not responsible for the retardation of other autists, just like not all bpdfags are responsible for my bad experiences with bdfags irl.
>>1222716Please don't use my experience to taunt other nonnas.
No. 1222724
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>>1222701yeah she (his ex) was over today about some documents being signed but he didn't tell me 1. she was coming 2. she'd be meeting with his mum 3. it'd be when I got out of bed braless in pyjamas with no idea who she was and what anyone was doing there 4. he didn't tell me who it was or why 5. his mum explained when we were leaving that SORRY IT WAS SOOO AWKS ABOUT ______ like the actual fuck, trying to make it dramatic cause she's one of those mother-in-laws 5. I tried to ask him about it before I left and he pretended he didn't hear me
I asked him about it 3 hours ago. he left me on read but is still posting.
That's about all it takes to declare myself done these days ladies. and I swear I'd give way more of a shit or feel worse if I hadn't had these boards for so long I know men aint shit but weird smells and dicks xx
No. 1222730
>>1222720Sorry I attacked you anon. I retardedly thought you were the other anon again kek. Anyways, as long as you don't support autistic men and the shit they pull you don't have to change anything. No one should tell each other to kill themselves as that's just so weird too.
I'm sorry you had that experience with that bpd and I'm sure both of you were scarred by it to a degree. As I said above I had a bpd gf and sometimes overreact when I see people mock traits similar to hers. I'm sorry.
No. 1222751
>>1222736How can you shit on het women when you're not even gay? And why? Lol.
>>1222735I've lived through it so I know it's not a way to get attention like outsiders might think. I also knew other mentally unstable cluster B people and I can't blame most of them. At the end, they're hurting themselves the most and mocking them never gets us anywhere. If my experiences with autists were similar I'd feel compassion for them too but I I've only had them hurt me instead and saw so many autists seriously hurt their caretakers.
>>1222743See this post is one I think I'd see by a man in reddit. That's all I'm going to say.
No. 1222753
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>>1222730Shit happens. Oh no I don't support them, they're like a different species. I once had to stop an autistic man during his rage when he tried to attack his girlfriend, I held a chair like I was taming a lion kek. It's an imageboard and we got a lot of new anons from Kaitlyn's article and summerfags, so people will give "kys" as an answer automatically. I also understand that nonnas are annoyed by all the sperging and just venting, but it gets old fast. I think that girl did get help afterwards, idk how she's doing nowadays, but I hope it did help. Bpdfags who went through DBT can be quite cool ime, but some of the ones who haven't can just be really intense, too much for me at least. It's nice that you have a lot of empathy for your ex and defend her so much.
No. 1222756
>>1222751>How can you shit on het women when you're not even gay? And why?I said why. Most of them support patriarchy by being with men and willingly breeding more men into this world. Most women would sold you out for their scrotes lol. Simple as that.
As for bpds, I won't feel sorry for people who self harm in front of others in order to manipulate them.
No. 1222757
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This thread for past 3 hours.
No. 1222758
>>1222753Kek anon love the file name. I take my words towards you back, I was just angry at the other anons and my experiences irl did admittedly scar me to the point I have trouble trusting autistic individuals, that's why I was needlessly aggressive. About my ex, I did care about her a lot and still do but it wouldn't have worked out - though I sort of enjoyed the intensity I knew it wasn't healthy. I hope you're doing good too. You seem to care a lot and although I know it's hard when you you're not socialized properly (like most anons here including me) you still come off as very sweet.
My words weren't towards you but to the anons who tried to invalidate my experiences and judge random women whether they're normies or bpds. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
No. 1222759
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mods while this infighting has been going on for hours:
No. 1222764
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>>1222734ayrt thanks nona, I know that's part of it. no beef at the ex/the mum more the fact Nigel is acting so weird.
my ex's mums are some of my fave people ngl, they see past their sons to the woman you are. still tight with 2/3 my ex's mums and still super tight with one ex's 2 other ex's cause we bonded over what a piece of shit he was to us years ago. they're my favourite people ngl, just never the nigels involved kek
hope you're having a wonderful day beautiful cutie sorry bout the word salad I've had some glasses of wine about it and am just happy to be amongst sisters
No. 1222768
>>1222705Wasn’t talking about normies, with normies it’s a code. Give and take. As much as they are annoying
>>1222707Jesus fucking christ when did i tell you to kill yourself? Lol You seem to be confusing me and another anon with you bringing bpd into this but idk. Anyway I don’t think “you should appease the normies” i don’t know why you think that i want you to appease anyone because i said someone is unpleasant. When i say narcissistic traits i’m speaking loosely, things like not feeling for someone else and taking pleasure in seeing someone fuck up without an ounce of sympathy are both things i have witnessed in my narcissistic parent for example and the autist i had the misfortune of befriending. i’m not a professional and i’m putting two and two together from personal experiences. Humans do that for survival. I’m not talking about monologuing about yourself or putting yourself first those are normal things to an extent
No. 1222777
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>>1222758Thank you. It is understandable to be wary and have trouble trusting after experiences like that, but yeah there are many different kinds of people, including autists. Sounds like it was a relationship which burned very bright, no wonder you react this way. I hope she finds her happiness and you do too. I could be better, but I'll get better kek. I don't know if I care a lot, but I do try either way, because that makes it less painful for everyone involved. You're sweet too.
>>1222768I don't know if you did, but I'm saying it's not an option first, just because there are anons who think it's funny to reply with "kys" constantly and it gets old fast. That wasn't specifically targeted towards you. That post didn't just say someone was unpleasant, that post said blanketly that autists are horrible and that it's an unpleasant situation to hang out with someone on the spectrum in general, that post only later specified "not all". Is it really that weird for me to then ask what I can do? A lot of anons regularly complain that they hate autists and we're the bane of their existence, so I do wonder what I could change. I don't enjoy seeing others fuck up (I can't even watch "funny" videos of people having mild accidents) and I do have sympathy, I don't necessarily monologue about myself irl, I just have a tendency to be a know-it-all and insist I'm right, which are also considered to be narcissistic traits which people find grating in autists. I have a narcissistic parent too, which is why it's even more important to me to identify which bad traits I have and try to be mindful of them.
No. 1222806
>>1222777Thank you for the kind words anon. If you don't mind, which characteristic got you diagnosed? Also just ignore a-loggers(people who tell you to harm yourself) and report them. Most are edgy 4channers or newfags. A lot of people will take the easy road and tell you to kill yourself online, it's very popular with sjws too ironically where you'll be told to kys if you accidentally act xyz-phobic or just happen to be in a better situation than them.
Don't take stuff you read here too personally, when people say they dislike autistics, they mean the ones who mocked selfharmers and assumed every act of an non-autist is totally manipulation itt. You didn't do anything wrong and some of them attacked you too when you said women's crimes weren't as serious.
No. 1223242
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God fucking damnit I fucking hate my addict brother. He manipulates my dad into doing whatever the fuck he want’s all the fucking time because he threatens to kill himself as soon as he get into trouble or doesn’t get his way. A little context, he at 18 was fucking a minor and as soon as the family wanted to peruse legal action he was shipped out of state to my sister. Now he’s 31 and an alcoholic addict to whatever the fuck he can get no real job, has apparently 30k in crypto and my dad won’t do shit.