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No. 1118867
previous thread:
>>758635Notable discussions from the last thread:
Sarah Everard
>>761453 >>759344
>>759422 >>926365
>>930421 >>926838
Suzano school shooting
>>759519Dena Schlosser
>>759604Bayer Unit
>>759870asian massage parlour shooting
>>763327 >>763622
>>763678murder suicide of david Crowley
>>763652Kam Mcleod Bryer Schmegelsky
>>76694217 year old boy murders 92year old woman
>>767016slenderman stabbings
>>767028Brigitte Harris
>>767332bianca devins
>>782132 >>856052
man dead in apartment for 9 years undiscovered
>>781996Gable Tostee, scrote who got away with murder
>>784001 >>784081
>>784316 >>784039
canadian woman solves her own date rape
>>784488Animal rights extremist avoids jail after hoard of child porn found on his computer
>>787608man incites his dog to maul cat to death, gets 3 months in prison
>>792124 >>792126
the Delphi murders, Brian Chadwell
>>812442 >>985792
>>812444 >>812585
Kris Kremers Lisanne Froon
>>813023 >>814387
>>814392 >>814418
>>814456 >>813068man found dead in sanish dinosaur statue
>>814737anons reminded of death in nutty putty cave
>>815051Kraigen Grooms, scrote avoids jail after raping 1 year old
>>8179826 year old shot dead during road rage incident
>>818187 >>825146
Nikolas Cruz being retarded
>>820924 >>821470
>>823381the murder of Lauren Giddings by Stephen Mcdaniel
>>823453 >>823474
>>823509Russel Williams
>>823462Pregnant woman suing state police after trooper used PIT maneuver on her vehicle
>>826167 >>826242
>>826781Beth Doe identified as Evelyn Colon, her killer is in jail
>>826764 >>826855
murder of Jennifer Magnano in front of her children by husband Scott
>>828821disappearance of Lars Mittank
>>830840Death of Nora Quoirin
>>832071 >>832074
Disappearance of Esther Dingley
>>835157woman raped after being thrown off bus at 3am for being 20p short on fair
>>835548 >>835775
>>8358052021 Meron crowd crush
>>835618The station nightclub fire and the kiss nightclub fire
>>836535 >>837928
wikipedia lists, interesting reading
>>835659 >>835675
The dissapearance and murder of Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo
>>835741 >>835757
>>835778Shane Piche, another rapist spared prison
>>835767The acid attack of Katie Piper
>>835916murder of Natalie Connolly and the amount of woman killed by men in UK, with perpetrators getting reduced sentences for "sex game gone wrong" excuse
>>835969 >>835999
>>836001 >>836002
murder of Grace Milliane
>>836081murder of Caroline Crouch
>>836258 >>836261
>>836276Florida building collapse
>>837927 >>838173
>>839242 >>839244
>>846065hottest heat dome on record
>>840878mexican youtuber Yoseline Hoffman arrested for downloading and sharing video of a 16 year old being gang raped
>>846074 >>846244
>>846266 >>846433
Suicide of Alice Hodgkinson, reminds anon of Lucie Blackman case and other women who "committed suicide" in japan
>>846513 >>846520
>>846559 >>849510
>>849553Murder of Shana Donahue
>>848126 >>848167
>>848749The disappearance of Mekayla Bali
>>852055 >>867113
murder of Samantha Coneg by Israel Keys
>>853685 >>866198Michael Marin takes cyanide capsule after being sentenced to 5 - 7 years for arson, dies in court
>>853728 >>853912
story of Larry and Ritchie Carver
>>855819the case of Valerie Reyes
>>857077 >>859947
German experiment that placed foster children with paedophiles
>>859866 >>860684
Activision sued after female employee takes her own life due to sexual harassment
>>860638 >>860665
Missing woman Lauren Cho
>>862406Man knocks on womans door, has schizo meltdown and threatens to rape and kill her, captured on ring doorbell
>>863450Chris Chan admits to raping own mother who has dementia
>>867778Spectrum episode featuring acid attack survivors
>>867780 >>867864
Anna Stubblefield, arrested for having sexual relations with a man with cerebral palsy she was supposed to he caring for
>>875944Meredith Kercher and Amanda Knox
>>876921 >>876945
>>880121incel Jake Davidson kills 5 people with shotgun in uk before shooting himself
>>880393anon mentions toronto van attacker
>>880433 >>880657 >>880665 >>880689Katelyn Nichole davis, girl who livestreamed her own suicide
>>881194 Nichole Johnson, caught with body of her nephew and niece in the trunk of her car for over a year
>>881366the case of Grace Anne Sparks
>>881732 >>881808 >>881809
The case of Eben Byers
>>882144other cases of radium poisonong
>>882151girl sexually assaulted by 100s of men in park while trying to make tiktoks
>>884877 >>884888
>>891977Katherine Janness and her dog found stabbed to death in park, possible hate crime
>>891378 >>891412 >>891982San francisco couple takes their baby and dog hiking. they all end up dead
>>892135 >>945366 >>945731
>>945671 >>945634
the sexual assault of sleeping women
>>893254 >>896396solicitor injects blood into food in supermarket
>>893927womans death ruled accidental after hiking trip with phoenix cop
>>897345Brooke shields stalker
>>901541Sylvia Likens
>>902308 >>910075German Neurologist films himself raping 100 patients
>>907339 >>9073592 zoomers find a man who had comitted suicide, steal his jewelry and make a tiktok about it
>>912818 >>913538Murder of faith Hedgepeth
>>914783The murderof Sean Ford
>>915680Gabby Petito
>>915687 >>915864 >>917379 >>917390 >>917400
>>917991 >>920177
>>945918murder of Sabina Nessa
>>920330 >>926472
Omaima Nelson
>>920407 >>920515
18 year old lost her baby while giving birth in prison. prison guards get counseling but not her
>>925432 >>925443
Grenfell Tower
>>930632 >>931764
>>933044 >>933090 >>933091
>>933097 >>933123
Murder of Hannah Clarke and her children
>>932791 >>933105
medical student puts on fat suit disguise before attacking woman with acid
>>933282more discussion about acid attacks
>>934664British MP threatens love rival with acid attack
>>937552suspected trafficking at Cambria hotel (washington)
>>939367 >>939677
>>939682 >>939784
>>939892>>939900 >>939904
>>939905 >>939907
>>939969some videos from vice series; informer
>>940617 >>940619
>>940626 >>940629
>>940636125 men arrested for human trafficking in Hillsborough
>>943427 >>943459
>>943463abduction of Cleo Smith
>>944975 >>944978
>>960058 >>957718
>>957700murder of Charlene Downes
>>944998 >>945051
woman murders her 3 young daughters, gets locked in psych facility
>>945064 murder of Tia Sharp
>>948563Murder of Star Hobson
>>950220 >>950239two 11 year old boys kill 6 year old girl after repeated sexual abuse
>>951957North African family living in Dublin guilty of severe child abuse
>>954091 >>954631 >>970216
Woman left paralyzed from neck down after man attempting suicide lands on top of her
>>960648Polish woman dies after being denied abortion for non-viable pregnancy
>>961149 mummified remains of woman found on mattress, mother, brother and sister refused to bury her after death
>>964591 >>964593
>>964773Arizona nurse raped and impregnated woman in coma
>>968344Woman requests female nurse for cervical exam–and gets bearded man as revenge
>>969694Hisaichi Ouchi)
>>970210 >>970490
husband murders wife with cobra in india
>>974317 David Fuller, mortuary rapist and double murderer
>>974501 >>974975
>>974980 The ongoing story of the Turpin children
>>976748 >>1118498 >>1118473the murder of Vicki Terblanche
>>982561Arthur Labinjo Hughes
>>984709 >>985079 >>985086
>>985657murder of Thomas and jackie Hawks
>>880636 >>985111
Daniel Pelka
>>985074Andrew Randall, who murdered his 7 week old daughter jessica
>>986126 >>986129Josh Duggar
>>990124Sexual blackmailer jailed for 40 years
>>990789 >>990938Man rapes a new born baby (classic scrote behaviour)
>>990954five children dead after bouncy castle incident in Tasmania
>>996239Grant Amato
>>1015640 Andrew Gosden disappearance, two men arrested
>>1025250 >>1025252
The franklin coverup
>>1026565Metro pushers
>>1029678 >>1029690
>>1029809Anders Breivik seekign parole after killing 77 people
>>1030393two men attempt to bring dead mans body into Irish post office to collect his pension
>>1037142Man purposely allows his young son to die in hot car so he can cheat on his wife (classic scrote moment)
>>1060881men putting private cameras in bathrooms
>>1072515BLM activist shot by 4 men in broad daylight, now severely brain damaged
>>1076876 >>1076884Man kills his 3 daughters during supervised visit
>>1077233little girl gave notes to teacher to say mother was being held captive
>>1085556Rwandan Genocide
>>1112256 >>1112248 >>1112278
No. 1129915
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In the previous thread
>>1123975 mentioned the honour killing of Banaz Mahmood and it is extremely horrifying and upsetting. think it’s important to know that things like this do happen in so called “tolerant western societies” and the police to absolutely nothing to help.
There’s a few documentaries about it, one called Honour which I think was on the BBC and this one happened to her father, brother and cousins who raped and murdered her No. 1132741
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This discussion reminded me of a case from my area. Fadime was murdered by her father. What always gets me is that she held a seminar in the PARLIAMENT on the subject of violence and oppression against women and girls like her from immigrant families, and just months later she was dead. Iirc she had expressed concerns about her family planning her murder as well. Turns out as late as 2017 several of her male relatives have been convicted of further murders. No. 1134304
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>>1133186Most likely another “Angel of Death” nurse Beverley Allitt. Have you looked into all the inquests in bongland about maternity care?
It’s not completely unfounded that they’re using her as a scapegoat. It was very difficult for them to gather evidence and it took about 3 years investigation for them to charge her
She’s pleading not guilty No. 1139821
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The most scarring case for me has been Maria Nemeth's murder. After a fight because she supposedly said her ex's name during sex, her boyfriend stuck a bottle inside of her and after it broke, he shoved his hand in and proceeded to disembowel her through her vagina.
No. 1140280
File: 1650385191901.png (3.49 MB, 1652x1311, f76yu.PNG) of AAPI hate is nothing new and at some point I feel like I just started tuning out to it, but reading this article about this elderly couple is fucking me up. They came from China to make money to send back home, but now the husband will be returning home to China without his wife, who died after being attacked.
>Together, they managed to see up close the New York City of their dreams. A friend spent a summer day escorting them to Times Square and Central Park and the churches on Fifth Avenue. Ms. Ma marveled over the sights and wondered aloud why she had not been born here, why this could not have been the scenery of her younger life.This line in particular broke me. AAPI hate is prevalent here in NYC but something about this poignant line hurts me on a deep level. NYC is my home, it's where I was born and raised, and it's a place where I really hate it sometimes because it's such a fucking shithole, but those thoughts of "NYC is nothing special, it's a rats nest hell hole of a city" contrasted with Ms. Ma's wonder about this city makes me want to cry.
I guess that can go for any similar story, but I think I tune it out and normally try to avoid reading these stories because it really hits too close to home. You don't have to be Asian or Chinese to read something like this and not feel fucking sad but for once in my life I really feel the vulnerability of not being white.
No. 1146435
>>1146350Lately I've been watching alot of vids about roller coaster accidents and similar incidents in theme parks. I'd heard of this one. Horrific. It's sad that yeah alot of it seems to be routed in good ole dick measuring.
I'm not a thrill seeker, I look at alot of these rides and would never go there, I get that they have to market it and appeal to adrenaline junkies though. But the design process is always some middle aged man sounding like a middle aged man desperate to leave (the biggest longest) and often most phallic mark on the world. I've seen it over and over. In march of this year there was a 14 year old killed on a tall drop machine. Highest and longest is great but how about… the safest.
Many of these accidents get blamed on the young staff manning them but how tf are you gonna invest millions in rides where the judgement of teenage staff is all that lies between you and death?
No. 1148781
>>1139821That poor lady. I hate men he avoided
death by pleading guilty and initially lied to the cops that they just had rough sex. Kill all moids
No. 1148790
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>>1148781Samefag holy shit do we live in hell? I hate men but I hate women who enable these psychos
No. 1149952
>>1149942this was an excellent documentary and i intended on posting it too, anon. i highly encourage anons to watch it. it's horrifying. she is the exact type of battered housewife with tons of evidence that should've made her the "perfect sympathetic
victim", because she was such a shy sweetheart but YET AGAIN, was failed by everyone, not protected, and was in such fear for her and her sons lives. i really hope oregon(?) repealed that mandatory minimum bullshit because that was fucking insane and ridiculous. i'm just glad her and randy are free.
No. 1157741
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I'm watching a episode of "Evil lives here Season 2, Episode 1 and it's horrifying.In 1995 mother of 3 Mary Phillips and her 11 year old Daughter were at her workplace because Lacey had a dentist appointment later that day.
Some disgusting horrible scrote, Jack Jones, who came to get some books earlier, as they were leaving he came back saying the books were wrong, then threatened to rob them.
He robbed the store, then tied up Lacey in the bathroom in a chair. He beat, raped and murdered Mary, then strangled and beat her daughter in the head with a gun. He claimed he was doing this as "revenge" against the police because his "wife was raped and nobody did anything". The wife didn't want to pursue charges against her rapist, however.When the police came, they were taking pictures of the crime scene and though that Lacey was dead. She wasn't, and they caught a picture of her just as she looks over and at the camera. The picture of her is easy to find online, I don't know if it's appropriate to post, though.
Jack Jones JR was sentenced to death and executed in 2017. He also admitted and was linked to other murders, so he was a serial killer.
The picture of the young girl and how she said she had to step over her mom's body when she was led out of the office and she didn't know she was dead. Lacy got to see him get executed, Jack apologized to her before he was executed. He told her "I look at you like a daughter". Lacey said she felt like it was another way to try to hurt her.
This link has the picture. No. 1162312
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Tibetan mastiff dogs ravaging wildlife, mauling people, and spreading disease in China after collapse of pet market No. 1163273
url says it all
No. 1164938
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Did you guys watch the Netflix Documentary, "The Imposter"?
"In 1994, Nicholas Barclay vanished from his neighborhood in San Antonio. Three years later, he was found in Spain, having allegedly escaped from a military child sex ring. When he returned home to Texas, he appeared physically different and spoke with a French accent. The family excused all of this and accepted him into their family. But of course, this very different person wasn't Nicholas Barclay at all. After several months of passing himself off as Nicholas, 29-year-old French con artist Frédéric Bourdin admitted he had stolen the identity of Nicholas, the family's long-lost son."
He told them some story thats Soren Like, of him being kidnapped, sex trafficked, having his hair and eye color changed, learning a new language etc.
A dectective figured out he wasn't really NB by looking at her ears. Even though he looked NOTHING like the boy in the first place.
I don't know if I think the parents knew more, something else happened or guilt or what why they believed the con man" The story seemed kind of weird. I thought it was fake at first.
No. 1164978
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>>1162312This makes me so angry, doggos are sweethearts but they need care and training. Breeders just mass pumping out dogs then abandoning them, especially huge dogs like these tibetans that are gonna be dangerous feral, are sick fucks with no compassion.
No. 1169640
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The scrote cop who assaulted an 80lbs 73 year old woman with dementia has been sentenced to 5 years in prison.
"The officers then took Garner to the police station. Security footage released by Garner’s attorney last year shows Hopp and others watching the body-cam footage from when Garner was detained.
“Ready for the pop? Hear the pop?” Hopp can be heard saying, referring to the sound Garner’s shoulder made when he brought her to the ground.
The officers also mocked Garner, calling her “ancient” and “senile,” and said the arrest “went great” and that they had “crushed it.” Meanwhile, Garner sat in a booking cell crying in pain." apologize for a-logging, but I sincerely hope he gets shanked in prison.
No. 1169881
>>1169640Fucking disgusting scrote pig
I feel bad for that poor old woman.
No. 1179764
File: 1652454157313.jpg (250.63 KB, 1908x1146, 41DFFB4300000578-0-image-a-42_…) from last year, in how horrific it is, it's almost also awfully typical, you can guess what happened from just looking at the picrel, and this is what makes it so scary to me. Dude meets a woman, widow with a daughter, they get together, things are amazing, she's happy and they get along so well. He buys them a beautiful farmhouse; and all of this is happening just as he's having an amazing life with his wife, telling her the farm is going to be their dream retirement house. Both women and their friends and relatives are sure they're having an idyllic life of happiness, no one suspect any lie, until the wife goes to visit the retirement house and meets the other woman and the daughter there. Scrote comes back from his plane pilot job, realizes his lie was uncovered, murders everyone including family pets, execution style and is on the run now.
It's so terrifying that someone can be such a convincing liar and just build this all fake life around himself, and the second it crumbles, just discard every person around as if they were nothing. I hate men.
No. 1184393
>>1184391also the link I just posted doesn't show the video so don't worry. It's just a video talking about the
victims. They had lives and some of them were ederly women. Jesus Christ. I hate this.
No. 1184508
>>1184503It has to be someone else’s fault. Their egos literally cannot take it, cannot withstand the fact that they are the conductors of their own misery. Boys are not punished enough as children. They are not given enough chores and not disciplined. Their coddling mothers and fathers don’t allow them to be disciplined because they complain and try to sue the teachers for fucking anything.
In my country the parents of one boy are trying to sue the school that permanently excluded him for shouting “slut!” At a female teacher instead of making him just take the fucking punishment! But no, he doesn’t “deserve” to have that on his record.
He should be fucking flogged. That’s the least he deserves.
No. 1184532
>>1184526I plan on having kids at some point, I won't care if its a boy or girl and I'll try raise them well
>>1184525No, its because you like many lesser human beings in this world have shown your self to be an Idiot, consider sterilization of yourself and your male partner
No. 1184533
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>>1184532>I will raise my baby boy right!!Have fun with that kek
No. 1184536
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>>1184532Hope you don’t expect to be cared for when you’re old
No. 1184538
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>>1184532Jake Davidson also had a loving mother who tried to teach him to respect women. She ended up dead and so did five other people.
No. 1184544
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>>1184532>No, its because you like many lesser human beings in this world have shown your self to be an Idiot, consider sterilization of yourself and your male partnerGuess what, I control my own reproductive rights! Seethe, cope, dilate
No. 1184556
>>1184546So when your male child rapes somebody despite your best efforts, will you accept blame? The same way you expect an 80 year old helpless dementia
victim to accept blame? Or will it be different when it happens to you? You’re just doing mental gymnastics to blame men’s mothers for their disgusting crimes like people have been doing for thousands of years.
No. 1184565
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>>1184562>his genes destined him to be a degenerate loserHis Y chromosome, you mean?
No. 1184572
>>1184422They’ll do literally anything to feel like they have power over another individual. It won’t stop.
>>1184564You’re so edgy
No. 1184574
>>1184503Literally will do the exact same thing as the people they have immense hatred for and believe they have special control and ability at their fingertips just for spending hours upon hours tormenting people online. That is “radicalization” to them. They’ll fake compassion as it suits them and discard it when they’re on some delusional power trip.
>>1184522I’m sure you’re an expert on childhood development. I bet you have a degree for it and everything.
No. 1184691
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alright lesser human beings here's why I deserve right to have kids, I'm 5'7, thin and have angular features, fit, strong legs, can speak 2 languages and mixed race thus I have hybrid vigor
No. 1184937
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>>1184853>>1184712>>1184798Its (c)rap-chan, she's been here for a couple years now, a self hating half black coquette with major daddy issues, cause her black nigerian dad was POS so she hates black people and wants to be a thin russian waif, other then her quirk of calling people subhumans she's very noticeable cause she uses pics like this or pics of thin people smoking as reaction images
No. 1185125
File: 1652798856872.jpg (152.89 KB, 1024x683, 16buffalo-survivors2-jumbo.jpg) posted an article about survivors who were in the store at the time of the shooting. Absolutely harrowing and heartbreaking.
No. 1185590
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>>1185571really, my country had a terrorist attack just today and 2 weeks before that there was another suicide attack that killed a bud load of people, and a month before that we had a raid on a Shia mosque where 57 people died, I would gladly take the average six month American shooting over daily horror of ethno religious terror attacks and terrorism
No. 1185617
>>1185590I'm sorry that happened anon, but please don't start this oppression olympics shit. This stuff happen a lot more than every 6 months, you're not an American so you just hear about the ones that get big in the media. A child in my state just died a couple days because of a drive-by shooting, and last month 3 teenagers were killed in a shooting. There's probably been more in my state alone that I don't even know about. I've also personally been in a position where I was scared that I would be a
victim of gun violence. I'm aware that America is better than some places, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be hurt by all the terrible things that happen here.
No. 1185905
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>>1184503>They've all the time to get radicalized and figure out how to get weapons and terrorize people but can't figure out the formula of being hygienic and getting laid.LMAO moids are fucking retarded.
rip to the
victims though they didn't deserve to die just because a moid wanted to get emotional
No. 1186795
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>>1185957>>1185975the reason that I take this si personally is cause its inescapable reality for me, its something that has personally effected me, my uncle(though he was actually a distant relative but he was as close as an uncle to me) and his entire family were eradicated in an ethnic cleansing attack in their own homes in 2017, because they were the wrong type of Muslim, Shias(especially foreign Jatt shias) and the sad fact is that they weren't only
victims effected, that year there were loads of anti-Shia and non-Sunni Muslim terror attacks that killed hundreds of people
and while 2017 was exceptional in the coordination of these attacks, they happen every year, firearms are so plentiful my grandmother owns a Tekarov and after the fall of Afghanistan we are again having those coordination non-Sunni Muslim terror attacks, its absurd really causeI can get murdererd even when pretending to keep my faith, cause I'm the wrong type of Muslim, so forgive for not taking Incels or retards on 4chan seriously
No. 1186978
>>1185590>>1186795Pakianon I understand your pain and struggle as I also live in a 3rd world country with drug cartels and shootings everywhere, and I even think your situation might be worse than mine, that sounds terrifying. However please don't undermine how painful it was for those americans to lose friends and family members, this isn't a competition to see who has it worse. I believe shootings just aren't good for anyone in this world, specially not for innocent people involved. I'm saying this as the person who actually made this post
>>1184391 it just fucking hurts to watch.
No. 1186989
>>1186978Her situation isn't painful, retard. She's rich and will travel to America to work, she literally believes she's oppressed just because she would have to work in america.
Also see
>>1165902 where she openly supports a nazi and wishes to be his bangmaid then she says we can't cancel her for supporting white suptemacism because this isn't twitter.
She also shamed American women when they spoke out about abortion, this bitch is a tradthot, only one too dark for taste of the men she goes after.
No. 1187767
>>1185590This shit is disgusting. If you have no compassion, the absolute least you can do is shut the fuck up. Go to a Pakistani forum and discuss this, grieve over your people there.
I'm not even American, before you start your tears about burgers. Literally yesterday I read about attacks in my country and saw photos of human bodies mutilated, ethnic terrorism and religious extremism. Far more human lives were taken there, and it's likely that more people have died in one week in my domain than in yours, Pakianon. You know what I'm not fucking doing? What literally no one else from a violent part of the world is doing? Going to a website of westerners, seeing their suffering and spamming "OK BUT MY COUNTRY" like a histrionic piece of shit. You help no one, you're not honoring your people, you're not increasing anyone's empathy. Fuck off
No. 1188652 cops and they wonder why people don't trust cops especially male ones. at least the chief made him leave the precinct
"While she was discussing the GPS unit, the mother saw Dominguez "unzip his pants, place his hand inside his zipper and began rubbing his crotch," according to the court documents. "Simultaneously, the daughter saw him rubbing his crotch area."
The mother then asked her daughter to get her a glass of water, which the daughter mistakenly offered to Dominguez.
The mother again asked her daughter for another glass of water, and at that point, Dominguez followed the daughter into the kitchen and turned around to face the mother.
She told authorities that she saw Dominguez's penis "outside his pants fully exposed," court records state.
The mother and her daughter left the house and called for her husband. The daughter also called her uncle, who was nearby.
The father ran into the house and saw Dominguez "with his erect penis in his left hand and his right hand on the counter," prosecutors stated.
Dominguez then looked at the father, called "Mr. A," who "promptly turned around and left the house."
Two minutes later, Dominguez walked out of the kitchen and went back to work.
At that point, the father and the uncle reported Dominguez's behavior to the other officers on scene.
It's not clear from the court documents what happened with the brother. "
No. 1191523
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Kill all men
No. 1191604
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>>1184391kek at this retard's room. utterly pathetic
No. 1191680
>>1191604If friendship is magic then why the fuck did he kill people?
>>1191666This, /b/tards started liking it for trolling reasons but then some of them were autistic and started liking it for real.
No. 1191710
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>>1191604>>1191666>>1191681okay but this is from a shitpost by /k/ users, the shooter even stated in his manifesto that his parents were well meaning liberals and were unaware of his racism, so he wouldn't have a confederate flag hanging around, seriously its kinda infuriating seeing people believe whatever random shit on the internet
No. 1191728
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>>1191710This same guy was jerking off to Martha Speaks furry porn on his phone before he started the shooting, and was posting about torturing cats (with photos) in a furry Discord. At this point, prove he wasn't a brony
No. 1191747
>>1191728Wait what? I never saw any mention that he masturbated before the shooting, but I guess there were more important things in that stream to talk about.
I wouldn't be surprised if that piece of shit is a brony. It's sad that such a good shows attracts degenerates.
No. 1191771
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>>1191604The FedEx shooter was also a Brony. Spoiler for ugly moid.
No. 1191799
>>1185590If this is the default mentality in your country, for all I care violence can happen until you all develop some empathy toward others.
Hope you enjoy the American dream.
No. 1195314
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Another shooting just happened. A 18 year old scrote went to a elementary school and killed a bunch of kids in Uvalde, Texas. No. 1195364
>>1195314really can't be surprised when these happen. they'll continue to happen until the insane guntards start to die of high blood pressure. if they didn't give a shit about sandy hook they won't give one about this either. two weeks of "prayers for the
victims' familes" and then it's back to curb stomping abortion rights.
No. 1195482
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>>1195314greasy ass scrote
No. 1195666
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>>1191686>Why is it only men rape? Why do only men kill like this?It’s literally in their DNA. This doesn’t excuse them whatsoever since they are clearly capable of restraining themselves when there are actually harsh consequences for their shit. You mind find this book interesting
No. 1196267
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Absurd that the birth mum is calling the adoptive mum a ‘monster’ when he was removed from her care for social workers fear he’d meet the same fate KEK.
Benefit grifting, drug-addled ASBO chavs love trying to prove theyre better than other benefit grifting, drug-addled ASBO chavs
No. 1197057
>>1197050Here's a memorial video with all the
victims (not graphic). It makes me so fucking mad to see these kids, who were full of life and hope in their eyes, and then remember they're now dead thanks to a fucking useless scrote. I wish the attention whoring scrote killed himself instead of killing the kids. I'm just angry now nonnas, I really am.
His excuse? He was "bullied at school". Fucking jackass. These children did not deserve to die. He took many valuable lives with him instead of just taking his own pathetic life, he has caused so much pain to everyone.
No. 1197058
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>>1195482He really does look like picrel. Souless.
No. 1197642
>>1197608>grandmother shot in the face>”recovering”Holy shit his mom is a fucking boymom retard. I believe his grandfather that he didn’t know the kid had guns, but I wonder how that could go unnoticed. I wonder where he was hiding them.
Poor grandma, imagine the physical pain she will have to live with on top of the mental anguish, if she is even able to think anymore. I wonder if she will be able to tell her story one day.
No. 1198014
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All the news coming out about this school shooting is just worse and worse.
>>1197088Last week some redditor handmaiden made this take on Adam Lanza. I guess they were unaware of his anorexia and pedo fetishes, refusal to go on meds and his parents bending over backwards to appease him while refusing to follow any advice from “the systems.”
No. 1200349
>>1200191Same. Pieces of actual shits. Wastes of spaces. Harassing, tasing and stopping the parents who were BEGGING them to go in and help their children. I hope they all get fired and then 41%.
I've seen posts online about people who supported police turning their backs on them because of this. The news reports with comments about how cops literally waited around. videos of crying and screaming parents. There was no reason for this tragedy to get this bad. So many lives could have been saved.
No. 1200652
>>1200634>was it really just as simple as his moid brain just snapped? yes
>He was by all accounts a normal guy according to his family, coworkers and everyone else who interacted with himeven more so
No. 1204560
>>1203083Inshallah a faggot treats that male same way men do to women and he gets what's coming for him. A very surprising fact is a lot of men actually get hurt and even raped by other men but they keep it a secret because they don't want to be seen as weak and also would rather keep another guy safe than come forward and stop the abuse. Ironic because they always tell female abuse
victims they should've reported earlier yet male abuse
victims never report because they're that selfish. None of them care about the future
No. 1204792
File: 1654052667532.png (853.52 KB, 1030x944, spedsperm.png) where near as bad as the killings and warcrimes. But this is upsetting all a round some lesbians wanted children so they find this random sperm donor, that has fragile-x (Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition that causes a range of developmental problems including learning disabilities and cognitive impairment. Usually, males are more severely affected by this disorder than females) and apparently the moms must not be far off since some of them can't read the contract he gave them. also good old dad has been violent to some of his kids. Good on the judge for naming him, sucks for the moms and the sped kids and everyone who will grow with them
No. 1204796
>>1204792why the fuck don’t they genetically test and check heavily through medical records before these idiots put their disgusting
toxic sperm into a bank? jesus where are the standards nowadays kek
No. 1204802
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>>1204796oh no
nonnie, its even worse the didn't go to a sperm bank, the dumbies just found him online, and were like yeah ill sign your 3 page contract without reading
No. 1205522
>>1205515>>1205517I want all foreigners that romanticise Korea because of kpop/kdramas to watch videos like this too. Korea are still very wary/racist towards foreigners, white people but especially
poc. I mean I love Korean Variety shows/Beauty etc, but I would never ever want to live over there for various reasons.
No. 1205539
>>1205504I mean korea was a feudal shit hole for 800 years, then got conquered by Japan and faced half a centurys worth of humiliation, abuse and ethnic cleansing, it's founding fathers were all men who had collaborated with the Japanese government
It's spent 40 years under various military dictatorship, it's the worst combination of neo-liberalism and fascism
No. 1205567
>>1205504I mentioned this case in my post just here
>>1203083, that documentary is very good but at the same time paints such an awful, bleak picture of how normal abuse against women is. And how easy it is go get access to such kind of material. Nth room case is both so unbelieveably vile and so… mundane in a way? In a sense how exactly it happened, how easy it was to find and how happily people engaged with it. Also it's terrifying to think that these few arrests are probably nothing compared to the scale of the problem and how easily it can be done. Makes me want to cry.
No. 1205689
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I was trying to find an obituary of a recently deceased relative, when I came across a funeral website that had several family members' names in a row. Looked them up, it was a car chase gone wrong that ended up killing four people. know these are mundane and happen often in the US, but wrong way crashes and events that kill entire families will never not fuck with me. I started crying. Those kids just lost their family and are going to be scarred for life. Fuck reckless drivers and fuck cars.
No. 1210819
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I just learned that there is something similar to only fans with personalized photoshoot but with kids
No. 1210821
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>>1210819something about the fact that mommy channels are watch at 70% by men
No. 1210825
>>1205689I have a friend who lost her dad and his entire side of the family when a drunk truck driver hit all their cars in a line. They were all driving to the wedding. Her mom was pregnant with her and waiting at the wedding venue with her side of the family. Huge tragedy.
I also lost one good friend to a drunk driver. He was just crossing the street and got killed on the spot.
A relative of mine was also recently ran over and didn't survive.
hate that it's mundane. Everyone knows someone killed by a car. If you don't know yet, you will.
No. 1210828
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>>1210821this is hell and we are living in it
No. 1215816
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The horrors of human trafficki- er I mean, surrogacy.
>Single mom becomes a surrogate because she needs the money to provide for her own four kids (would pay $33,000)
>Client turns out to be a 51-year-old single deaf man living in his parents' basement
>When the client learned there were three viable embryos he asked her to abort one. Doctors said they could lethally inject it so it would stay in her womb alongside the brothers until birth
>"Heroin-addicted nephew" sold drugs out of the house the client was living in
>Client's sister described him as "socially awkward, paranoid and prone to frequent anger fits." Also had a history of animal cruelty
>Melissa (surrogate) is able to save the third triplet but no one is allowed to be in the delivery room with her as the kids are born. The client remains in his home 2,000 miles away
>Melissa turns down payment "because it would have felt like blood money"
>Lawsuits failed to allow her to claim maternal right to the babies
>Affidavit filed by client's sister accused him of being an unfit parent, that he leaves the kids unattended for hours and they sometimes eat food from a dirty floor
>Says if brother had applied to adopt a child and a home inspection was conducted, he would never have qualified to be an adoptive parent
>Kids are now 6 and in initial trial judge said, "What is going to happen to these children once they are handed over to [client], that's none of my business. That's not part of my job."
>Melissa states, "[Surrogacy] is not only disreputable – it's evil."
No. 1215823
>>1210825Anon this made me cry and I'm so sorry for you and your friend. I lost a good family friend to a distracted driver myself.
>>1214427Drunk driving should get the death penalty. Not sure if you're a burger but some states, such as WI, have ridiculously lenient drunk driving laws. Whenever I hear people brag about being good drunk drivers I want to alog them so fucking bad. I've called the cops on people swerving on roads. These people are life ruiners who destroy lives with their mental illness and poor impulse control.
No. 1215846
>>1215816…sorry did she think it wasn't "blood money" up until the client turned out to be a total piece of shit? She would've been okay with the risk of personal injury, death, and the 50/50 chance of the babies winding up in a good or bad home before?
Melissa is either retarded or knew exactly what the client was like and had hoped the lawsuit meant a bigger payout. She does have four kids of her own to support and apparently believed $33k for this triplet pregnancy ($3.6k per month if she carried to full term) was fair pay even though anyone with a room temp IQ could see how paltry that is even after factoring in medical expenses. Also maybe don't accept payment to be a human incubator if you're against being told to abort one fetus, or you actually care where the offspring wind up? Surrogacy needs to be strictly regulated both to gatekeep retarded birthers like Melissa and genetic undesirables like the "client." Gross all around, I don't see how farmers can empathize with Melissa.
No. 1216395
>>1216154Women like her enable pedos when they waive their rights in exchange for money. This is why it's important to educate and empower women with careers so they won't pop out more babies to sell just to support the ones they already have.
>>1216371It's a fishy story.
No. 1220531
I've been closely following a case in Seattle of a mentally ill homeless man who randomly and violently attacked two women on the same day. It was revealed recently that the state would be paying the attacker Alexander Jay $250 a day while he is not in treatment. This whole story boggles my fucking mind. I really do not blame other women in large cities for being fearful of public transit when shit like this is going on.
> The victim is seen walking up the stairs, exiting Union Station. The suspect in the footage is seen running up the escalator to meet the victim at the top of the stairwell.
> Jay, looking calm and composed, approaches the victim. He grabs her, drags her towards the stairwell, and throws her down it. She hits her head and back hard before coming to a stop on the first stairwell landing. Jay then trots down the stairwell, picks her up, and throws her down the stairs again. The victim grabs the guardrail on the way down and stops herself from tumbling toward the next landing on the long stairwell. Jay goes after her again. He tries to pick her up and throw her down the remainder of the stairs as the victim hangs on to the guardrail. He appears to stomp on the woman hard and also kicks her in the face as he tries to break her grip on the guardrail.
> Jay soon gives up and casually walks up the stairs and leaves. Two passersby, who appear homeless, watch and do nothing as they walk away.
> “The male who assaulted her was in the same car on the light rail train with her, facing her,” “She was standing, and he was seated. They had no interaction or confrontation. He continued to pull his mask down while on the light rail, and she got a good look at his face. The cross [tattoo] on his face stood out to her, and she recognized him as the same male who later assaulted her.”
> On the same day a 29-year-old woman was seen at a bus shelter. As a bus arrived at the stop, a man approached the woman from behind and began stabbing her without warning, according to the charges. The woman suffered 10 stab wounds to her neck, chest, back and arms, the charges say. Cameras on the bus captured the stabbing. One person who witnessed the stabbing also described the assailant as having crosses tattooed on his face.
> Officers arrested Jay on March 3 about half a mile from where the alleged assault occurred at the light rail station. According to the King County Prosecuting Attorney's office, there have been seven cases involving Jay in the past five years.
> Two weeks before the attacks, Jay had just gotten out of jail, after being convicted for breaking into an 89-year-old grandma’s house in 2020.
> Records show Jay has been convicted of 20 crimes in the last two decades in California and Washington, including assault, domestic violence, theft, and burglary.
>One of the victims begged a judge not to release him at one of Jay's earlier court appearances “I do feel if gets let out, he will kill someone.”
> In April, Jay was deemed incompetent to stand trial and he was ordered to spend the next three months in an inpatient facility until he understands the charges made against him.
> It has been more than 100 days and the state has not gotten Jay into an inpatient facility, causing his defense to call for his release. King County Superior Court Judge Johanna Bender found the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) in contempt of court for failing to admit Jay to treatment.
> Jay will remain in jail due to the severity of the charges, however, Bender ordered the state to pay him $250 per day that it is unable to get him into treatment.
No. 1224915
File: 1655214606562.jpeg (147.23 KB, 591x619, D41B4BE2-56D7-4C1E-BBD3-8953A5…) this a few days ago and can’t stop thinking about it.
2 months after giving born to a stillborn at a hospital, Chelsea Baker gets arrested at gunpoint for the “murder of an unborn fetus.” The hospital reported her to the police after finding meth in her system from an unauthorized drug test. She was in jail for 16 months before a judge dismissed the case.
No. 1226099
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>>1224928I fucking hate moids especially incels, I wish they would just stick to blowing their own heads off instead of everyone else’s
No. 1226104
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>>1226099is he behind beat by a fat girl or a really fat guy, its hard to tell
No. 1226278
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>>1224928I hate men more and more every day.
No. 1226307
>>1226278 >needs to defend himself moreIt's not defense if you're the one starting shit in the first place. I'm sick of men pretending that they're being attacked whenever women won't quietly take random harrassment.
Leaning into every negative male stereotype and in turn making more 'on the fence' women start to hate men. Well done.
No. 1227702
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nasty fucking moid just murdered a very young girl name was riley whitelaw. this deranged moid wouldn’t leave her alone and even got jealous when her boyfriend started working at walgreens too. she first reported him when she was 16 last year. i just want to weep knowing what she went through. the moid has scratches all over his fat ass deformed face
No. 1228273
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Has this one been talked about before?
>Road rage incident between pregnant woman in car and man on motorcycle>Man gets aggressive>She hits his bike on purpose>He follows her home>She comes out of her house with a gun telling him to back off>He pulls out a gun and shoots her dead.>Guy is found not guilty, no charges against him for self defenseThis one caused a lot of debate in places, and of course moids saying she deserved it. Any other circumstances and they'd just be cheering about muh right to self defense. It's such an American issue. Where does right to defend your property end and right to self defense begin? Road rage is dumb as fuck and gets so many people killed here. But why the fuck did he shoot her right away? Why couldn't he have just gotten her plate info and filed a report?
No. 1228447
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this happened a couple of months ago but seeing another post in another thread immediately reminded me of this.>Cindy Gambino, the mother of three boys who were murdered by their father at a Winchelsea dam in 2005, died on Tuesday at just 50 years of age after suffering a medical episode at her home on Sunday.this case hurts me as an australian because there's a degree of seperation that is much too close to home. after the childrens deaths, the father maintained his innocence, blaming it on a coughing fit which was swiftly debunked. cindy was actually so in denial throughout the trial she defended the father of her children at first. she regarded her ex partner as the only person in this world that could ever understand and share the unbearable pain, the author of the book detailing the case described. when he eventually and inevitably ended up in prison, cindy heard nothing but radio silence from him, consequently leading her to a myriad of painful realisations that there was in fact not even a semblance of solidarity between her and the perpetrator, and this was in fact an act of extreme violence that ultimately victimised her forevermore. said author also recently chalked up her passing as "dying of a broken heart". rip cindy
No. 1228486
>>1228459Also fuck motorcycles and moids who ride them. Annoying, obnoxious, they take over the road. If he doesn't want to get into that then don't ride your retarded death bike. She probably shouldn't have antagonized him further but then again if he wasn't insane he would have just filed a report and let the rest take care of itself. He was crazy enough to follow her home. Shooting a pregnant woman is fucked up and of course she's going to defend herself on her own property.
I hate this country
No. 1228677
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>>1227776I assume you mean for men only.
No. 1228723
>>1227702Just looking at the damage on his face you can see how hard she fought back, that poor girl. This is sickening.
>>1227720There should be some consequence for not firing him and barring him from her workplace after she reported the harassment, they didn't keep her safe as their employee.
No. 1228811
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>>1228677Nyart but why should you care about a woman that receives the death penalty for heinous acts? I support it in extreme cases, like this bitch. She should have been put on death row but I guess dying of respiratory failure sucks too
No. 1229631
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> Abner Louima was born and in a small community in Haiti. He immigrated to the United States in 1991. In 1997, he was living in Brooklyn with his family.
> On the night of August 9, 1997, the police were dispatched to a popular nightclub where Abner Louima and other men had been involved in a fight between two women
> Police officers Justin Volpe, Charles Schwarz, Thomas Bruder, and Thomas Wiese, and others responded to the scene. In the ongoing altercation, Volpe said that Louima had attacked him. Louima was charged with disorderly conduct, obstructing government administration, and resisting arrest. Later, Volpe admitted his accusation about Louima being his assailant was a lie.
> On the ride to the station, the arresting officers beat Louima with their fists, nightsticks, and hand-held police radios.
> On arriving at the station house, they had Louima strip-searched and put in a holding cell. Volpe kicked Louima in the testicles, and while Louima's hands were cuffed behind his back, he first grabbed onto and squeezed his testicles and then forced a broken broomstick up his rectum. According to trial testimony, Volpe walked through the precinct holding the bloody, excrement-stained instrument in his hand, bragging to a police sergeant that he "took a man down tonight."
> Louima's teeth were also badly damaged in the attack when the broom handle was jammed into his mouth.
> The day after the incident, police took Louima to the emergency department. Escorting officers explained away his serious injuries, saying they were the result of "abnormal homosexual activities." A nurse, Magalie Laurent, suspecting that Louima's extreme injuries were not the result of consensual sex, notified Louima's family and the Police Department's Internal Affairs Bureau of the likelihood that he had been raped and beaten in custody.
> Louima suffered severe internal damage to his colon and bladder in the attack, which required three major operations to repair. He was hospitalized for two months after the incident.
> Volpe was convicted of the charges. On December 13, 1999, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison, without the possibility of parole. Charles Schwarz was convicted on June 27, 2000 for helping Volpe assault Louima in the bathroom, and he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
> In a subsequent civil suit against the City of New York; this was settled for $8.75 million on July 30, 2001, the largest police brutality settlement in New York City history. After legal fees, Louima collected approximately $5.8 million.
No. 1236458
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Honestly not surprised anymore, men are subhumans more news at 11
No. 1236497
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Saw this story today, it happened last year. That poor little boy.
> The man suspected of abducting four-year-old Cash Gernon before stabbing him to death and dumping his body on a street in Dallas allegedly returned hours later at daybreak to snatch his twin brother Carter.
> The chilling moment Darriynn Brown hovers menacingly over the crib of Carter Gernon, as Cash lay stabbed to death on a street a half-mile away, is captured on home surveillance footage
No. 1244083
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Some details about the Oslo shooting, the Norwegian reveled told that they'd caught the shooter several times in the past, found drugs and weapons on him, done background checks on him and that he'd been accused of violence toward people close to him and they also knew he was "associated with extremely Islamist parties". now I'm not an expert on Norway, but how can you ignore all these fucking signs and still let him walk away free, like he was very obviously a public danger of the wildest takes I'm seeing right now, is western wokies trying to claim he was a aryan nationalist, cause he was Iranian
No. 1244221
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The murder of Leigh Leigh has always hit me hard.
No. 1244245
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22 teens found dead in a bar in South Africa on the 26th June, no one knows why. People are suspecting it was something they ate/drank/inhaled. Locals have wanted the bar shut down for ages apparently.
>A regional local newspaper, DispatchLive, reported that “bodies are lying strewn across tables, chairs and on the floor; with no obvious signs of injury”.
This must have been so horrifying to come across.
No. 1248405
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Read about theme park deaths recently and it fucked me up. I've read about a few from water parks and places like Six Flags but never Disney. It's had 25 deaths and have been sued a few times.'m not gonna greentext any because some of them are really gruesome.
Just a little improper maintenance or some untrained employee means it's over. Freak accidents are terrifying. Wonder why the deaths have increased over the years and if it's just about more people attending. Didn't care to look into it.
No. 1248747
>>1248737while this is probably negligence there is also a chance that this was organ trafficking masquerading as migrant smuggling abroad.
I remember a similar case like this that made headlines but instead the
victims were east asian, like it doesnt make sense why they would even promise to give these people a better life then let them die in their truck even when those people are screaming for air……which makes me think these drivers just planned to sell these people in sex trafficking and organ trafficking.
No. 1248771
>>1248747Your theory makes even less sense. If you are sex or organ trafficking, your
victims are worthless if not alive. You would be more inclined to make sure they survived so you have a human product to sell, versus a migrant smuggler who has probably already been paid upfront by desperate families and is now only concerned because he will get caught with dead bodies in his truck. I don't think either really care about the happiness of the people they smuggle because at the end of the day it's all about money to them.
No. 1248912
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>>1248892 overheated and ran out of air. it's far from the only ncident of this kind too, there was another in austria in 2015 with 71 deaths, also by suffocation is such a horrible way to go too
No. 1252503
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The moid who carried out the Highland Park 4th of July shooting
yesterday was very active on the gore site Documenting Reality. He had a life-sized sex doll that he posted about including a fantasized situation where the doll committed suicide via hanging. He also posted picrel.
Red flags EVERYWHERE. People on the subreddit masskillers are archiving his posts if you guys are curious.
No. 1259232
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I posted about this recently in another thread but I still can't get her off my mind nonnies. Every 6 months or so I get a hankering to see death, so I'll go to or some of the gore subreddits. I went too far this time with it and really fucked myself up. I'm sorry if this isn't very cohesive.
12-year-old Katelyn Nicole Davis took her life shortly after Christmas Day in 2016. She live streamed her suicide-by-hanging on the platform She live streamed almost daily for the month leading up to her death. There are a lot of elements to this swirling around in my head so I will just greentext everything I can recall.
>Living in extreme poverty in a run-down mobile home in Georgia, USA>Born to a young, pill-addicted and drug-dealing mother>Made to watch her two young siblings by herself nearly every day while her mother dealt drugs and fucked around with men (I am not sure why, but she wasn't in school at the time of her live streams, in one she points out her old school bus passing by her house and says she misses school "so much")>Sexually abused by her (ex?) step father, told her mother, was ignored, then her younger brother and sister were also molested>At the time of her live streams, was sleeping on a rusty mattress that her mother got off the side of the road>Her bedroom was next to a leaky pipe, so her floor was always wet and she was forced to sleep in that room regardless, by her (ex?) step father. >There was a hole in the wall/floor of her bedroom that led directly outside, mixed with the wet floor and rusty mattress, she was often cold and sick>Kids at school made fun of her, called her a demon because she liked rock music. >Called a whore by her mom and ex-step father on video. >Made it into a young leaders association type thing, her step father burned the letter in front of her saying she's too stupid for it.From her diary: "I can't and I won't forgive him for everything he has done. He told me to "hang myself" just because I asked him if he would stop being so perverted in front of my younger siblings. He cussed me and called me a "worthless whore" and that I should kill myself. He made me sleep in my room that is literally falling apart. He wouldn't let me do anything. I got into the National Leaders Association for Young Leaders. They were going to help me with my College. But of course, he said I was to stupid to be in something like that, and he burned it in front of my face."
>Didn't have any privacy whatsoever because of her younger siblings and not having any doors whatsoever in the trailer. She would often "escape" to the kid's bathroom which was the only place she could have a moment of time to herself. >Started live streaming and you can tell if you watch them that it's just a bunch of disgusting indian men asking for bobbs and vagine and it is just… so sad. she's so sweet and eager and then she reads a comment asking her to "open body" (aka remove clothing) and she is so sweet and confused and naive about it, it's heart breaking>You can see how excited she is to have people seemingly interested in her and caring about her for once, but it's really just a bunch of shitty coomers>In one video she gets into a fight with her mother and it's extremely illuminating- she ended up killing herself like 3 days later. Her last words spoken right before she hangs herself in her yard:
*I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m not pretty enough.
I’m sorry I came into your lives just to get out of it this quickly.
I’m sorry for everything. I’m really and truly sorry for everything.
But I can’t do this. I’m sorry.
(starts to cry)
I’m sorry Luke, I wasn’t the best for you. I’m so sorry, I just wasn't good enough. I’m sorry Ben. I’m sorry Ben. I’m sorry Lizzie that I (unintelligible). I’m sorry Lashina that I always — that I wasn’t strong enough. I’m sorry everyone. I’m sorry I let this depression get to me. I’m sorry everyone. I’m really sorry. I just don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve to live. I’m sorry God, I’m sorry.
I know I’m making an act of selfishness. I’m so sorry everyone. I’m sorry. (sobbing) I‘m sorry to all you guys who really like me, want me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I seem like a whore, that I’m nothing but worthless. I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry.
Why am I crying?
Goodbye. I’m sorry. I’m sorry you have to see my suicide.
Just… the fact that she says,
Why am I crying? It's just too sad for words. I think she was relieved to commit suicide and was genuinely surprised by the fact that she was crying. She fucking apologizes for showing you her suicide. She thinks she's a whore… I just want to run in there and scoop her up and tell her that it will get so much better, she would have been 18 this year. She had dreams of college. She loved to sing and dance. She loved her younger siblings and couldn't bring herself to "whoop them," like her mother told her to. She gives her siblings the last of the food in one video because she says she cares more for them than herself. She was such a sweet girl, I really hope she is resting peacefully or reborn as something really beautiful. I can;t help but wonder if her life would have been so miserable had she not been born a woman.
I doubt anyone would even be interested but here are some links:
Neocities website where someone has written down points of interest and transcripts from her's: featuring her diary entries: 1 of the argument with her mother: live streams with relevant chat log items displayed in real time: No. 1259239
>>1259236AYRT, forgot to mention that she put on a pretty white blouse and red lipstick for her suicide… it's just way too sad.
>>1259237Jesus christ.
No. 1259252
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>>1259242This broke my heart
No. 1259281
>>1259232A few things I forgot to add that are pretty dark so stop reading if you don't want to get bummed out:
the determination in which she sets up the rope on the tree is really fucking sad. I very much do not recommend anyone watch that video. It takes her a full 10 minutes to set everything up. At one point she looks at the chat and it seems like she suddenly realizes it doesn't matter anymore, and continues on setting up. After she is dead about 15 minutes passes and then her mother and her little sister and/or brother start calling for her. The sun sets on the scene as everything goes down. It seriously fucks me up that someone so young was able to do this to herself. I'm listening to the interview with her dad that the other anon posted and he's blaming Katelyn's mother for everything. Even though he lived nearby and apparently turned around and walked away when he ran into Katelyn in the store. What a sad story.
No. 1259471
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males are demons.
No. 1265342
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I'm a store manager for Walgreens and recently heard of this story that happened a little over a month ago.
>> 17 year old employee Riley, felt freaked out by 28 years old co-worker who had a crush on her>> Riley goes to manager, stating her discomfort>> manager says if she wants hours, will have to continue working with him>> Riley gets boyfriend, who is also hired by Walgreens>> obsessed freak murders her in the breakroom because of bloodlust and jealousyAs a manager for this company fuck that boss who ignored her pleas for help. I hope he stays awake every night with nightmares of what he did. (I am assuming the manager is male, a female would have done something to stop it). As managers it is our job to protect our employees, even more so when they are teenaged women. I have banned customers who have even crossed the line of flirting with my employees. This just makes my blood boil SO MUCH
Rest in piece Riley. I am so sorry you had nobody to protect you from this lunatic.
No. 1265454
There's a city way out west it is on the coast. Most people whom aren't from the area wouldn't know it, it's sister cities to the north and south are certainly far more famous and it seems to reveal in it's largely unknown (at least in popular culture) status.
The city itself is one of those ones were nothing much bad ever seems to happen. If anything bad does ever happen it seems to swiftly disappear from the public eye. Lots of beauty in that city, and lots of money too.
Now it just so happens the city plays hosts to one of the better (redacted) based degree programs in the country. As a result a lot of families send their daughters and sons to said school all of which sounds pretty normal and above board. Beautiful city, beautiful people, successful college, what's your point?
Turns out that beneath the squeaky clean exterior, the party school atmosphere, and the mostly "crime free" storybook image, there was, is and no doubt will continue to be some pretty dark and horrifying things going on some if came out when… but I'm getting ahead of my self. Let's start with what was going on at the time..
One of the first things you learn if you are a woman student attending, a local woman, or even a younger girl growing up in the town is that you never go anywhere alone especially not at night and you always find reliable friends to go with you especially if your going to a party or something around the college campus. That might sound pretty normal and common sense, right, but it was often the way women said it to newer college students like that was kind of unsettling like they'd like to say more but were scared to. One of the really weird things is that students whom had dorms/parking area near the front of the campus were especially cautioned to always park at the front of the lot where the lights were brightest and where you could best walk quickly to the dorms and/or areas more regularly patroled by the campus police force (Parking lots got an occasional drive-by once every few hours if that).
Of course with this many people involved in a kind of "unwritten code of silence (or shame?)" Things started to leak out for anyone really paying attention. Most probably whish they hadn't after it wasn't a pretty story to say the least.
Turned out for all those "high minded" "family values" etc oh so perfect atmosphere the city and college gave off they were also carefully hiding away a certain "problem" and continue to for fairly greedy and obvious motivations.
The reason both local and college women and for that matter even highschool age girls were told to be so careful and even avoid certain parts of the campus and the surrounding "college neighborhoods (Whole blocks of off campus housing given over to students to rent and party and socialize at).. the reaso for all this was that surprise surprise there hand been/was now/and would continue to be a VERY high number of women, and sometimes even curious girls from the local high school, getting drugged, date-raped, molested, and in some cases out and out raped when they were coming home at night even in that parking lot's darker areas I mentioned earlier. Once a student got "initiated" either by being raped themselves or having a friend raped then they were inducted into what I will call "Silent Sisters". Yes you could go and make out a police report, they'd even take samples (if you had been smart enough not to wash away any evidence) etc etc. You could even tell them if you knew exactly whom did it you their faces, dorm numbers or addresses, etc. All of which was dully noted down, and filed away with many reasuring words, and with nothing ACTUALLY ever happening. It sounds surreal or whatever but it's one thing when it's one or two it's another thing when it's like half the darn woen and girls in the city! Apparently this had been/has/is going on for many years on this perfect campus in a perfect city that nobody ever talks about bad stuff happening because… "Date Rape Capital" is sometimes how its described in whispers, but always only in whispers. Women are … discouraged from trying to take further action beyond "Reporting it" and even the familys… well anyways. You get the idea.
Now it just so happened that one day though one of these creeps messed up, big time. One of the women from the college, went out and never came home. And it just so happened her particular family had a lot of money a lot of support and wasn't satisfied with the go-through the motions investigation/search the locals put on. It ended up attracing national attention at the time, news reports acrosss the cournty, frantic appeals from the family offering large rewards for any information about what had happened to their daughter. Billboards bought up to keep her face front and center. Even one of those cheesy "re-enact" type deals. Lasted a good few years at least for the major publicity to die down. The woman missing was (far as I can recall) never found and the male student suspected of killing her was never convicted. But the victim is still out there.
As for that perfect little city and college, oh they very much still exist and are thriving even with all the twists and turns of the recent economy, the wars, and so on. You'd think maybe after a thing like that the whole date rape and just plain rape thing would have stopped but no, sadly every year more and more women become reluctant members of the "Silent Sisters". There are still screams and there are still cries for help in the night. Maybe some are even heard… just never answered.
No. 1265468
>>1265454Seems like a story for the tinfoil thread
Unfortunately this sounds like a lot of big schools. But where you're talking about is just north of Tijuana. There is a LOT of trafficking and grooming that goes through there. I stayed nearby once. As it was cheap to hitch a train to San Diego, and a lot of the girls faces around the bus stops looked like they had guns to their backs.
The world is sick. I don't know why you're trying to be secretive about it. If that wasn't a larp/pasta than go to actual authorities, not local police but fbi tips or to major streamers or podcasts or whatever so there is more traction. Don't be ashamed to help women out. Don't be afraid to oust shit men.
Probably a larp though. No. 1265509
>>1265468Yep sure, it's all just tinfoil or a larp.. Fer sure yep yep.
… but… hypothetically speaking in this totally made up not real tinfoil larp scenario would you really think that many rich & powerful peoples influence would stop at a few local cops? Would you really think this has gone on for literal generations without at least some of the
victims of the assault and abuse trying to speak out, trying to get in contact with any local, state, or federal agency in Law enforcement that will listen to them (and actually do something). You don't think that in this day and age especially women from this area haven't tried speaking out about this weirdly ongoing and ignored situation? And yet weirdly (with the obvious exception of that one time with the poor student who went missing and even then…)
Since we're all up into hypotheticals let's say for example a student from the local highschool scores a fake ID and gets envited to a off-campus kegger going on. Maybe most of the people there aren't stupid enough to believe she's actually an adult just because she's got a piece of paper to say she is maybe some of them even say it'll be there little secret… in fact "helps you out" with a few extra goodies just to make sure she has a really good time. And let's say maybe after most of the guests leave and it's mostly little miss dumb stupid, drunk, high, and tripping and in and out of being even aware of what's going on and a bunch of fine young upstanding college boys decide to show here what a real party is all about and…and even after when she didn't wash herself cause she'd been taught not and even after all rape kit, questioning, witnesses (to the party part at least) and "investigation"…
Hypothetically speaking this has and is effecting women really from all over the country whom go to college for an education, and yes maybe a little partying and romance and whatever but certainly not rape. If the hypothetical sons and daughters of parents with real connections, real positions of influence in industry, gov, law enforcement if none of them have ever done/or perhaps have tried and not been able to really do anything about it (assuming they even tried), what chance would for example that working class high schooler have?
Look I appreciate the suggestions, I do. But, hypothetically of course, it just isn't happening. Influence doesn't stop at the local level and spreading awareness through streamers and podcasts (assuming you could even get them to cover it in the first place) just can't see it making that big a difference.
In answer to "why are you being so secretive" I just didn't want mention the city, school and the various people by name.
Anyways as you said "probably a larp though" and sure why not. I'm not out to provoke outrage or try to mount some sort of crusade or something. My point (in this "larp") was simply to point out that everybody knows… just nobody cares, at least not enough to try and stop it. That's all… of but of course this is all a "larp" anyways so don't worry it's not real.
No. 1265527
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Chandler Halderson:
-Compulsive liar from Wisconsin who flunked out of school after a semester and instead of coming up with a reasonable plan B, he moved back in with his parents and said he was still in school while working a lucrative job.
-Family issues, money becomes tight. Dad becomes suspicious why his son isn't paying rent despite working. Comes up with excuses like payroll issues so the company withheld funds, wrong account, company finally paid everything owed in a lump sum so bank suspected fraud.
-Dad requests academic transcript for tax purposes. Chandler impersonates academic advisor via email, tonnes of excuses are made to hold off a meeting, eventually buys a burner phone and talks to dad. Dad recognizes the voice and grows more suspicious.
-Web of lies grows larger, eventually Chandler pretends to fall down the stairs and claims a concussion (no test to prove one and relies on patient's word) for sympathy/to take off heat.
-Dad calls school impersonating Chandler, cannot corroborate the existence of the sockpuppets Chandler made. School says he hasn't been a student in years.
-Dad tells Chandler the jig is up. Chandler kills dad.
-Texts mom to pick up soda. Kills mom when she gets home.
-Dismembers the bodies, attempts to dispose of the remains by burning them and spreading them throughout the state.
-Claims parents went to stay at a cottage and only told him. Family and friends grow concerned, eventually reports them missing.
What messes me up about this story is that unlike similar cases like that of Jennifer Pan is that there was no tiger parenting and extreme control.
also, i suspect my brother is in a similar situation since he's been in school for almost a decade now without graduating lol
No. 1276463
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Japanese WWII vets talking about raping, killing, and torturing Chinese civilians.
No. 1290649
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The Natalie Connolly case
>>Husband brutally murders wife
>>tortures her and goes as far as shoving cleaning chemicals up into her body.
>>claims sex game gone bad, cause muh wmen like abuse
>>gets away with it.
No. 1290663
japan is talked about a lot more in regards to ww2 because they lost. what they did to chinese and koreans is well known now, it's literally the top comments on any japan video on tiktok too.
people do forget what korean soldiers did to vietnamese women though No. 1290669
I just found out abt it recently, and nobody ever checks koreans for it like they do with japanese
japanese at least paid and apologized to some women
the koreans did nothing and just ignore it entirely
somebody should set up a statue of a little vietnamese girl like the koreans did with the statue of the girl in the hanbok
No. 1290675
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>>1276463I read this book sometime back, it was written by a Japanese collaborator, according to him the plan was to literally depopulate China as much as they could and use the remaining han chinese population as serfs and the justification for this crime against humanity that the Chinese deserved it, for being weak, not being able to protect themselves and catch up to the western powers, the Japanese truly believed that they were superior cause they beat a western power, they believed they deserved all the resources of China due to that superiority
No. 1296731
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This is sick. I'm disgusted. I can't believe people drink hot lemonade
No. 1300562
>>1276463These "just following orders" pity party pieces are a fucking joke, they never take personal accountability and just act like they never participated in these crimes and tsk-tsk'd how fucked up
the other soldiers were
>Yeah my comrades were bayonetting babies and raping half dead women and I thought it was funny, but I totally swear I was shaking my head the whole time so they knew I disagreed No. 1300919
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Toronto anons are u ok?
No. 1301128
>>1301116Theres alot of women in the comments sharing their experinces of being assaulted in the toronto transit system.
Im going to share some of them.
No. 1301142
>>1301132A woman got set on fire and another got pushed off the tracks.
There has also been a increase in crime of women getting harassed and punched in the Toronto ttc.
No. 1301144
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>>1301138Its always the ones who never encounter them who want to preach. The ""hate"" comes from the fact that I care about women.
No. 1301167
>>1301142Ayrt and oh yeah, that poor thing that got set on fire is horrid. it’s scary to walk around anymore and i used to think toronto was nice and safe.
>>1301158My son and I were walking down a street in downtown and a homeless man started screaming at us, calling me a whore, yelling at me and my son. I practically ran to Union station to get away from him.
No. 1301173
>>1301166>>1301151Moid dont you dare ever use the word "
nonnie" ever again, any race of man could have assaulted themm you are demented. Fuck off with your "not all men" bullshit.
No. 1301191
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Thought on the Salman Rushdie situation? American Twitter doesn't really seem to care.
No. 1301197
>>1301178lol your backpedaling because of your demented racebaiting.
First you bait that these are tweets not mentioning race so they all must be not-white aka
poc. You know damn well what you meant.
Imagine being that delusional to claim white men wouldn't do this.
You are a micropenis scrote whose only value in life is some weird racial complex that helps you feel better.
Why dont you start posting your threads again or are you afraid of getting your new vpn banned.
>>1301196no one has to prove shit to you weirdo.
No. 1301200
>>1301196"Prove" to a man what he's convinced himself he just doesn't do, but everyone else has already seen and knows about? Kek, what do you think this is? An
abusive marriage?
No. 1301202
>>1301196Ive had something similar happen to and the guy was white but i never mentioned his race because the first thing that came to my head when im being assaulted by a male is that he is a male and not his race like most of those women who also got assaulted.
why are you so obsessed with if these men are brown…hmm scrote cant handle women criticising them for being violent impulsive animals so they have to racebait and go ''not all men''.
Honestly go join elliot rodger and all the other incels in hell.
No. 1301203
>>1301197>backpedalingNo, I maintain what I said in my first post, these men aren't white, and more specifically they are South Asian/Arab.
Stop using the word
POC, it is so vague and lumps together people that have nothing to do with each other.
Also, you're*. Jfc Americans truly can't speak English at all
No. 1301242
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>>1301225>>1301229inb4 "your hands are ugly", "you have scrote hands", "you are white"
>>1301252I said, "I checked the metadata and it only shows the date, not the location.
If not… well, you know the addie, pull up anytime!" but deleted because I replied to the wrong anon.
>>1301247No, I don't know her and I hate tradthots.
No. 1301340
>>1301191>american twitter doesn’t carepeople in this country don’t read that’s why kek
but seriously, i don’t know how i feel about what happened. several people associated with him and the book that the muslims are butthurt about were murked because of these unthinking smoothbrains. he’s basically the posh intellectual version of 3edgy5me…i just don’t see what good came from
triggering a fatwa on his head as white liberals still cape for islam and it isn’t like anything significant came from the book coming out.
i used to think these people were persecuted as well until i had the bad luck of meeting a coworker who started chimping out on me one night over something silly; i actually thought he was going to try to kill me. i found out later on he was talking about me behind my back, saying how women like me get “stoned” and that i was an infidel or whatever that word is they like to use for women they want to fuck but can’t because “muh sharia”. all this because i kept to myself, didn’t kiss up to his ugly ass, and have the misfortune of looking like i am middle eastern with an arabic sounding first name even though i’m a biracial american. of course he never bothered the becky that he would fuck in the print room while on the clock, only me he would stare at and roll his eyes or hide my work when i would go on my lunch and then go run and tell our boss to try to get me fired.
that was when i realized their whining is pure bullshit as i never bothered him and he wasn’t the first kebab i’ve met with an entitled attitude. the only thing i regret is not reporting his ass to ice to get him deported.
No. 1301345
>>1301138>>1301133you can say it
it's black men
black men in progressive cities that go easy on them
yes sometimes white, asian, etc men. but almost always black men.
No. 1301350
nonnie, they're going to call you a scrote in 3… 2… 1…
No. 1301353
>>1301350I mean it's likely honeytrap race baiting so…
If pakichan was active I would assume it's her but;
Honeytrap is getting his gore black hate deleted so.
No. 1301355
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>>1301350I can feel it coming
>>1301353>hehe women can't express any kind of views, women must love all men, you MUST be a scrote for dare bringing up race!!!>>1301354i've been here for years, i'm fine with a 2 hour or 2 day ban for pointing out the obvious
No. 1301359
>>1301340Ayrt, I haven't read the book so I don't have an opinion on it. I think blasphemy for the sake of blasphemy is a bit stupid, but anyone should be able to do it freely, and with any religion.
Did that guy call you a murtad? That's a word they use for ex-Muslims, or anyone born to a Muslim parent who isn't a practicing Muslim. I've been called that before.
No. 1301364
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>that white men are saints
I never said white men were saints. white men don't typically do sneak attacks and play knock out games on elderly asians. however, they will do fucked up things like travel to thailand to rape children.
>when in reality men of all races are violent
statistically, black men are more violent than other men. why can't we say this?
>Oh and he also spammed black people being lynched and porn.
kek lmfao I was literally the one in that thread calling white men ugly, but sure
No. 1301366
>>1301363im waiting for the baiter to be banned first because whatever i or anyone posts they will just reply with some bait or racebait.
This sucks, why are males so obsessed with invading female spaces.
No. 1301369
>>1301357Nonnies can't even tell that we are two different people from the way we type, kek
>>1301364>white men will do fucked up things like travel to thailand to rape childrenExactly, white moids are at least 10x more likely to be pedophiles. Every race is fucked up in its own way.
No. 1301373
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Anyway, I'm tired of the infighting. Let's get back to the violent moids in Toronto that totally look like picrel
No. 1301375
>>1301369>white moids are at least 10x more likely to be pedophilesbut that's also because most american black men can't afford a ticket to SEA
and black women/children are also, and this is well documented, less likely to go to the police to report sexual abuse, especially by family members. so we don't know if white men are guilty of it more.
No. 1301381
>>1301369>>1301375and also, since i'm gonna be banned soon either way,
almost every case of military men attacking/raping women in japan has been black men. the infamous 1995 okinawa attack when like 5 black men kidnapped and gang raped a 5 year old japanese girl
but continue to defend these fucking animals, lmfao.
No. 1301384
>>1301364>>1301372i read the summary in the racebaiting spam threads that you are posting and they align with the same verbiage you are posting here. Infact your using the same talking point here that you used in your summary.
also fuck off with this ''this male race is more violent'' shit when you are a male too, you are a white incel who spammed porn of black women being dominated by white men in your previous racebaiting threads.
i just picture your greasy fingers while you are writing ''
nonnie'' trying to imitate a farmer.
Since it is obvious you are the male racebaiter (watch you deny that again) now i wont be responding and i hope other anons ignore a low existence like you.
No. 1301389
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>>1301375Well, flying to SEA is only available to upper middle class moids. I'm sure most pedos don't bother and just assault children in their vicinity.
No. 1301396
>>1301384>>1301391how many times do I have to say it
I am not a white man
I don’t even like white men
Most white men look ugly to me.
Most white men will pull shit like leave their wives for younger women and/or become trannies:
You can’t cope with the fact that not all women are colorblind liberals like you.
No. 1301399
>>1301396why do you type like that, where the fuck did you come, from who linked you here.
Did we get shared on some scrote site?
No. 1301404
>>1301399idk I’m on mobile rn so it looks kind of weird
>>1301394black men diddle their family members, not groom kids online.
No. 1301405
>>1301391also this is such a retarded argument
Most murderers are men, but some are women. Should we cross the street at night when we see large groups of women?
No. 1301406
>>1301396Why did you tag
>>1301391All races of men, including your non-white ass are scum. Cope
No. 1301418
>>1301413He's a shut in so in all honestly that makes him less threatening than the boogeyman he's scared of.
Notice how he won't even acknowledge white criminals, just continues to point the finger at someone else.
No. 1301422
>>1301418>he I’m a woman LMAO
and I already said a million times that white men commit crime too
>>1301416I just know you’re a sheltered suburbanite who has never interacted with more than 10 black people
No. 1301428
>>1301425I can’t tell what point they’re even trying to make
it’s clear if you look at the fbi crime stats, that black men are only like 6% of the population but commit 50% of violent crime.. or are they just denying this at all? I don’t get it???
No. 1301454
>>1301443Because most nonnies are white and they want to be able to hate on their own men the most.
Just like you'll see asian radfems on Twitter claim that asian men are the worst, or black radfems claim that black men are the worst, etc.
No. 1301461
>>1301451ok but you having a bbc fetish doesn't mean facts aren't facts???
I don't even find white men attractive either, i like asian men, but it's not like i would suddenly cape for them if they did insane shit like be 6% of the population and commit 50% of violent crime???? you're letting your race fetish harm other women you dumb bitch!!!
No. 1301479
>>1301474The ayrt
is the troll.
No. 1301515
>>1290649I'll never forget reading details about how ted bundy left objects inside some of his
victims. Shit like broom handles and how their internal injuries were insane. At least one of the items was left inside the
victim rectally and there was a pile of literal shit right next to the body for obvious reasons. I was so disturbed att reading those details. Now we're entertaining the possibility that someone can just rupture your insides by accident.
No. 1302708
Could all of you shut the fuck up and stop giving paki-chan attention already? It's derailing the thread.
Anyway here's my contribution: like this is why I hate sexpats with a burning passion and am generally wary whenever I see old white male tourists here.
t. SEA woman
No. 1304944
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Lacey Fletcher
"District Attorney Sam D'Aquilla, who sought murder charges and will prosecute the Fletchers at trial, shared the images with at his office near the courthouse in Clinton. He would not release them for publication, however.
Nearly all were unpublishable due to their horrifying, graphic content. In them, Lacey appears almost buried up to her shoulders in the wide and deep hole in the sofa that her bony body has worn over the years, rubbing away the cushioning. She is slumped over on her left side with her right arm across the top half of her emaciated body near her neck. She is naked apart from a small blue patterned T-shirt, which is pulled up on her chest and does not cover her breasts. Her eyes are wide open, staring. Her mouth is also open, revealing what appears to be a full set of front teeth. Her legs are pulled up and crossed underneath her, ironically in a way that people can make themselves comfortable. But in Lacey's case it was a posture of a bid to survive.
Her face is covered in large and angry red blotches. Excrement is smeared over almost all her body. It is matted in her hair. It is even inside her ears. There are maggots and insect bites all over her body. The brown leather sofa that served as her prison is alongside a wall, with a gap of about 18 inches. Astonishingly, to the couch's right side is a gray commode and a neat pile of clothes. And to the front, only a few feet away, is a cluttered low black table. It is strewn with lotion bottles, some talcum powder, a pack of wipes, a nasal spray, a box with a lid that had a child's photo on it, and other items that make it appear the Fletchers had the resources to clean their stricken only child. Between the sofa and table are two neatly stacked boxes of DVDs. It is not possible to discern the titles, but some appeared to be child-like from the covers.
Desperately sad photos of Lacey taken later on a physician's steel table for a forensic examination further reveal the extent of her harrowing and so far unexplained ordeal. She weighed just 96lb when discovered dead in the early hours of January 3. Close-ups show the flesh on her buttocks appears to be literally worn or eaten away from the 12 years that she hadn't moved from the couch. There are large raw yellow areas where the skin has disappeared. Other back and buttock areas are so blackened it is impossible for anyone to identify what exactly they are looking at.
Part of a video taken by Coroner Dr Ewell Bickham was also seen by He was among the first on the horror scene after a sheriff's deputy responded to a 911 call - and documented the appalling spectacle. He is breathing heavily as he moves the camera to the gap behind the sofa and the wall. A large wet patch is on the floor, directly behind Lacey's body, which he believes is urine. DA D'Aquilla said as he revealed the horror to us: “You can't say she wasn't in pain.” Dr Bickham has revealed Lacey died from “severe medical neglect, which led to chronic malnutrition, acute starvation, immobility, acute ulcer formation, osteomyelitis (bone infection) which finally led to sepsis”
Lacey was suffering from social anxiety and severe autism, he added. The last time she saw a physician was when she was 16. D'Aquilla believes the couple will plead not guilty to second degree murder and their legal team will fight to have the charges reduced to at least manslaughter, which carries a zero to 40-year jail term. But he is determined to battle that move. Yet if the reduced charge happens, he told “The Fletchers subjected Lacey to this for 20 years. They need to serve at least that time.”"
No. 1305182
>>1305148Call me schizo but I'm pretty sure she was the
victim of some kind of cult/torture ritual, the cruelty inflicted upon her seems weirdly deliberate and the fact literally
nobody bothered to check on her even though she used to be active screams complicity from everyone involved
No. 1305911
I'm watching the Children of the Underground documentary, and it's so upsetting. I know the courts and system aren't set up to help
victims, especially back in the 80s but it's insane and horrible these women had to become criminals to protect their children."Yager married Roger Lee Jones when she was 17 and gave birth to French shortly after. When their daughter was young, she learned Jones was abusing her. Yet somehow, Jones walked away with custody. Even when French contracted an STD from Jones when she was 4 years old, Jones retained custody. […] In 1990 — after years on the run — Jones was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison for charges related to sexual abuse against other children. He was never convicted in connection with abusing French.
Yager created the sophisticated underground network in hopes that no parent or child would have to go through what she and French endured through because the legal system failed them."
How could a child have an STI after being with her father and the courts and police hand her back to him.
One mother in the documentary (April Curtis) also kept a list of all the people her daughter disclosed her abuse to. They all just let it carry on until she had to run away and become a fugitive hunted by the fucking FBI?? because she " kidnapped" this disgusting man's daughter.
I also don't understand any ''ethical'' issues anyone has with the underground - I would 100% prefer any child to be taken away / 'kidnapped' from their molester or rapist than have them stay with them.
No. 1311997
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Seems like raping your mother is a common trend among sons globally. All it takes is a handful of cash or a little bit of mental illness. A reminder that you’re never safe with scrotes, you’re better off living with 10 pit bulls because you know they won’t rape you after the mauling.
No. 1319854
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What the fuck is this
No. 1319920
This is from my country.
A child who died at 16, allowed long before that to become so obese she was immobile, she was already disabled by Spina Bifida and her parents failed her and are now going to court. No. 1319947
>>1319854Faggots gonna fag. Gay men should not be allowed to adopt under any circumstances.
t. daughter of a pedo faggot
No. 1325458
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>Woman has to pull over on the side of the road because her car has a flat tire.>Man kidnaps her, kills her, and then proceeds to keep her body in a freezer in a tractor trailer parked in his driveway.What a nightmare. Such a tragic story and makes me cry every time I think about it.
No. 1325928
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No. 1326181
>>1325928I detest men so fucking much, it's angers me so much that there are so many cultures in this world that treat women as disposable. Any man who claims to be oppressed needs to be shot, an extra shot if they use the race/religion card.
>>1326119What disgusted me was the fact his family went above and beyond to protect him from getting arrested. I am glad he was finally caught thought.
No. 1343339
>>1337868none of the 300 there are talking and the parents are telling them to be quiet too. she was found in the very back of the car. And I remember distinctly the hundreds of scrote comments when news broke she was underwater in her car; "SEE?? stupid wahmen drove into a lake. not attacked by a male. CASE CLOSED".
Also bear in mind it took these guys minutes to find her when police claimed to have searched the area. Police do protect teenage rapists in small town especially, they all have family connections.
No. 1343621
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>>1343602he hasn't gone through male puberty, so he likely doesn't have real sexual desires, I guess he just wants to feel loved and maybe the gf just likes him for who he is, he seems like a kind and very intelligent guy
No. 1356651
I found out about this piece of shit through a "biggest scumbags in comics" thread on /co/ months back. Usually, those threads show the greedy scum of the industry, with one of the few exceptions. Leibel, a guy who created an edgy crime comic named Syndrome - that had a full page spread of a nude decapitated woman - tortured and killed his Ukrainian fiancee, Iana Kasian.
He tortured his fiancee for eight hours, draining her blood while she was still alive, before finally murdering her.
>She was murdered after eight hours of unspeakable torture. he finally was arrested after barricading himself in his West Hollywood apartment, the police found Kasian's body lying on the bed in the master bedroom, with Blake at his side. Prosecutors said there were indications that he had been lying next to her body, which had been cleaned, for some time before police arrived. Other details revealed that Leibel ordered food delivery from Postmates while his victim was dying and demanded that the order be left outside the door.[4] Leibel was arrested and was taken into police custody following their discovery of the corpse of his fiancée, 30-year-old Ukrainian former tax office prosecutor and fledgling model Iana Kasian. Kasian was found mutilated, drained of blood and lying in their bed. Their infant daughter was in the care of Kasian's mother who was visiting from Ukraine and staying in a nearby apartment. Leibel was subsequently charged with murder, torture, mayhem and aggravated mayhem, to which he pleaded not guilty.[1]Details from the coroner:
>Kasian's entire scalp was traumatically absent and was not found, was not present with the body. Her skull had been stripped down to the surface of the bone … There was no scalp present except for little bits in the back of the neck… portions of the right side of her face were torn away including the right ear and part of the posterior face on the (right) side, all the way down to the jawline… there were quite a number of bruises and abrasions on the face, primarily on the left side, the left cheek, and left jaw area, a number of bruises and abrasion, including one which turned out to be a human bite mark… she had lived for at least eight hours approximately after receiving the scalp injury and the bruise to the collarbone… I have never seen this before. And I doubt if hardly any forensic pathologists in this country or abroad have even seen this outside of, perhaps, wartime… So it's extremely rare… — Dr. James Ribe, Los Angeles County Coroner's Office[6][7]
Leibel comes from a richfag Canadian family, and at the time, was trying to make it in Hollywood movies. Apparently he was a gambling addict too. The Hol.ywood Reporter ran an article in 2017 about "what could have made him go insane?" (here's a hint: he's a scrote), which is at least interesting for some of the info it provides. No. 1356748
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>>1356651jfc… men are demons
No. 1356779
>>1356651I should add, it wasn't him with the gambling addiction, but his brother. It came up as possible reasons for Blake losing it, when the reality is something we're all a lot more familiar with.
>>1356748Typical worthless smeg, being jealous of a baby.
No. 1365727
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Ex police officer shooting spree at a daycare in Thailand, at least 31 people dead, 23 of which where children and then he shot himself. No. 1366903
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Paris Bennett was 13 years old when he murdered his 4-year-old little sister to spite his mom.
>Apparently, Bennett intended to harm his sister as a means to punish his mother. After convincing the babysitter to leave earlier than usual, Bennett managed to stab his sister an unbelievable seventeen times.
>The poor four-year-old girl was sleeping comfortably in her bed when her brother attacked her. After killing his sister, the 13-year-old decided to call the police and confessed to the horrible crime he had committed.
>Years later, Lee has revealed details of her conversation with her son in the aftermath of the traumatizing incident. Bennett told his mother that he had consumed countless hours of violent, pornographic content, which had driven him to sexually assault his baby sister. After sexually assaulting his sister, he decided to kill her to hide the sexual abuse.
>Before the discussion, Lee had caught wind of the 13-year old’s internet search history and was left horrified by its content. Even worse, Lee had heard from the authorities that there were traces of semen found on her four-year-old daughter’s lifeless body. This clearly meant that Bennett had exposed his sister to sexual abuse in addition to the violence that ultimately took her life.
>At first, Bennett told the police that he had stabbed his sister because his mother had made him angry, and he believed that killing his sister would be an appropriate punishment. Bennett’s anger was rooted in his mothers’ relapse into drug usage. Prior to giving birth to Bennett, Lee had been consumed by a heroin addiction. For a while, she had been sober and living a drug-free life. But recently, she had relapsed, and this time had begun consuming cocaine.
>At first, Bennett had made up some story about him committing the crime because he was hallucinating. He said that while hallucinating, he thought his sister was a pumpkin-headed demon on fire, which made him stab her out of fear. But this initial statement was quickly retracted, and Bennett finally came clean and told the authorities that he had methodically planned the attack on his sister. Furthermore, Bennett even told the officers that stabbing his sister was supposed to be a precursor to eventually killing his mother.
>Although Bennett only brought suffering to his mother, Lee did not give up on her son. Lee continues to visit Bennett in prison even though Bennet has clearly enjoyed watching his mother live in a despair-filled state of suffering. During one prison visitation that Lee made, Bennett momentarily attempted to choke her to death before deciding against it and letting her go. Even after the clear intent to murder her could be seen, Lee decided on continuing her visitations to her monster of a son.
No. 1366926
>>1366903This is why I don't have any sympathy for male children. They're all demons. I've heard of many other cases where even 10 year olds murder their sisters or female peers and rape them. A lot of the time porn is involved, and these fuckers go out of their way to find the violent degenerate kind (at fucking 13!). They weren't even groomed into it, it's just a desire that they have. Male children are evil and I don't give a shit if they get abused.
His mother is also a hopeless boymom. The pregnancy of a male fetus really fried her brain.
No. 1366945
>>1366903 >pretends he was hallucinating >pretends it was revenge based >semen found, so evidence shows it was sexuallly motivatedThe reason why men are so quick now to use the 'it was revenge' excuse is because so many people will now downplay murder just as long as you can claim someone (usually a woman, mom takes the blame) essentially has part ownership in your crime just for pissing you off in some way. People are willing to somehow sympathise with excuses like that and now we have men feigning anger to try and write off perverted attacks as if they anger based. He sexually assaulted a small child. Thats the motivation right there. Not revenge.
I can't go near any crime based comment section on youtube anymore because people are tripping over themselves to blame any lil thing a murderers mom ever did wrong. Taking the blame off murderers and placing it on women. As if that explains it away and almost justifies it. You cant justify child sexual assault. Nothing mom did made him SA a 4 year old. Not buying the super angry at mom excuse.
No. 1367183
>>1366903what the fuck is wrong with
pickme mothers, their sons will commit atrocities and they will still be mommys dearest meanwhile they will disown their own daughters for petty and dumb reasons.
No. 1367195
>>1367187You mean the time anons were saying he might've been raped in Hollywood because he was a child star, and some other anon got mad because she thought saying a scrote possibly being a CSA
victim would mean he's innocent or that his actions are worth defending?
No. 1367207
>>1367203Tinfoils aren't a big deal as long as they aren't derailing the thread, which that was because you had a shitflinging meltdown insisting it was a defense.
If you think what he did was "defensible" under any circumstances, even tinfoil ones about Pedowood, then you're either unhinged or a male yourself
(infighting) No. 1367213
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>>1367210>youre doing male tier gaslightingMen aren't good at gaslighting
nonnie. They will never be girlbosses
No. 1367221
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I'm convinced there's some dedicated baiter in the thread, it all started from the "At least it didn't happen in America" and then fighting happened. Also, "gaslighting" doesn't mean "a person disagreed with me". To get back on topic, I don't know if it's been posted about before, but the case of Issei Sagawa was always so fucked up to me. He killed a Dutch woman and literally walked free. I found his Wikipedia article and he literally had a track record of insane behavior around women, but no one did anything. He went on to do interviews, variety shows, draw manga, write books, make porn, etc.>Sagawa first experienced cannibalistic desires while in the first grade, after seeing a male's thigh.[3] In a 2011 interview with Vice, Sagawa reported that as a youth he partook in bestiality with his dog and experienced cannibalistic desires for women.[4] Sagawa attended Wako University and completed a master's degree in English Literature at Kwansei Gakuin University.
>At the age of 24, while attending Wako University in Tokyo, Sagawa followed a tall German woman home, then broke into her apartment while she was sleeping. Sagawa's intention was to cannibalize her by slicing off part of her buttocks and sneaking away with a small part of her flesh, but she awoke and, Sagawa claims, pushed him to the ground. Sagawa was captured by police and charged with attempted rape, and did not confess his true intentions to authorities.[4] Sagawa's charges of attempted rape were dropped when his father paid a settlement to the victim.
>In 1977, at the age of 27, Sagawa moved to France to pursue a Ph.D. in literature at the Sorbonne in Paris.[2] Sagawa has said that while residing in Paris, "Almost every night I would bring a prostitute home and then try to shoot them, but for some reason my fingers froze up and I couldn't pull the trigger."[3]
>On 11 June 1981, Sagawa, then 32, invited his Sorbonne classmate Renée Hartevelt, a Dutch woman, to dinner at his apartment at 10 Rue Erlanger, under the pretext of translating poetry for a school assignment. Sagawa planned to kill and eat her, having selected her for her health and beauty — characteristics he felt he lacked. Sagawa considered himself weak, ugly, and small (he was 144.8 cm (4 ft 9 in) tall)[5] and claims he wanted to absorb her energy. She was 25 years old and 178 cm (5 ft 10 in).[6] After Hartevelt arrived, she began reading poetry at a desk with her back to Sagawa when he shot her in the neck with a rifle. Sagawa said he fainted after the shock of shooting her, but awoke with the realization that he had to carry out his plan.[2] Sagawa had sex with her corpse but he could not bite into her skin because his teeth were not sharp enough, so he left the apartment and purchased a butcher knife.[2] Sagawa consumed various parts of Hartevelt's body, eating most of her breasts and face either raw or cooked, while saving other parts in his refrigerator. Sagawa also took photographs of Hartevelt's body at each eating stage.[7] Sagawa then attempted to dump the remains of Hartvelt's corpse in a lake in the Bois de Boulogne, carrying her dismembered body parts in two suitcases, but was caught in the act and arrested by French police four days later.[2][8]
>Sagawa's wealthy father provided a lawyer for his defense, and after being held for two years awaiting trial, Sagawa was found legally insane and unfit to stand trial by the French judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière, who ordered him held indefinitely in a mental institution.[2] After a visit by the author Inuhiko Yomota, Sagawa's account of his kill was published in Japan under the title In the Fog.[2] Sagawa's subsequent publicity and macabre celebrity likely contributed to the French authorities' decision to deport him to Japan, where he was immediately committed to Matsuzawa Hospital in Tokyo. His examining psychologists all declared him sane and found sexual perversion was his sole motivation for murder.[2] As the charges against Sagawa in France had been dropped, the French court documents were sealed and were not released to Japanese authorities; consequently Sagawa could not legally be detained in Japan. Sagawa checked himself out of the hospital on 12 August 1986, and has subsequently remained free since that day.[2] Sagawa's continued freedom has been widely criticized.[2] No. 1367301
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No. 1367322
speaking of glorious nippon, the torture of Junko Furuta is sad as fuck. was a 17 and kidnapped by teenage delinquent boys. They kept her at one of the boy's home and raped and tortured her for 40 days. They also invited tons of other men over to rape her till she was raped by more than 100 men. After one session of torture she succumbed to the injuries and died.
Because of them being minors, most of them got very light punishments, and on-top of that the mothers of the boys have the worst fucking case of boymom I have ever seen. One even vandalized Junko's grave. What pieces of shit.
No. 1367796
>>1367221i wonder why no one talks about the misogyni in japan, i see so many female tourists get stalked or harassed by the men there and same goes for south korea too, and the men rarely get punished.
I feel like people are forced to shut up about japans rape problem because weaboos who think anime is real life get mad when anyone criticizes japan.
No. 1367860
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>Tranny youtuber named Kadence Pinder starts working at daycare with bf
>Both tranny and bf get investigated due to abuse allegations from the parents of the children at the daycare
>Authorities investigate their google accounts and find 125 CP images
>Tranny claims he thought the children in the photos were "of age"
Genuinely feel bad for all the kids who were exposed to these sick fucks. I hate men so much it's unreal
No. 1369233
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hard day to be a mick tbh. it gets more difficult to travel up north when people hear me speak and know I'm from the republic whenever these things happen. "Kill all taighs", that's what they say when these things happen. I wish Ireland wasn't a warzone
No. 1370308
>>1369233im sure plenty of people were saying stupid shit but where I am its not so bad, im from donegal (letterkenny) and live in the far south now, honestly only heard messages of mourning from all sides, everyone assumed an accident that I know of but I'm not on social media, just a
socially active community member kek,
No. 1370327
File: 1665450566217.png (775.59 KB, 796x789, Capture.PNG) started listening to the recording of AJ and I couldn't finish it. The fear in his voice. It took me a really long time to shake that awful feeling. I really hope hell is real so she burns in it forever.
No. 1372729
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>>1372720Moids are drawn to work with those they want to abuse. Whether it's boy scouts, teaching, preaching, pediatrics, gynecology or even morgues. I hate them so fucking much. Pic related for the thread, I hate this malding r9k faggot he should have offed himself alone and left her alone.
No. 1372739
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>>1372720>Dr. GlovesDon't google this. Just don't.
No. 1372748
>>1372747it's a man abusing both sickly live children and deceased children
it's fucking graphic
No. 1373117
>>1372720The thing that annoys me is that some rando claimed they sent the Dr Gloves info to the FBI and they claim the FBI got back to them and told them there is nothing illegal. That is such bullshit because there is /obvious/ desecration of a corpse going on which is very illegal. Also the FBI tips like isn’t a customer service line where they would ever respond to you to tell you they can’t do anything.
Aside from that there are theories that the people in the photos are a two different perps , a man and a woman based on things like the arm hair and eye makeup. People actually dug up enough info that these disgusting people work(ed) at a specific hospital in California and are probably Armenian.
No. 1379485
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>>1370556at first I was sceptical she did it and it was another use of overblown statistics and scapegoating but reading Letby's texts to colleagues at the time it happened makes me now think she is guilty as sin
>Referring to the end of her own shift earlier the same day, the colleague responded: 'Oh God, he was doing really well when I left.'Letby then told her: 'Just collapsed very suddenly. Awful. He had really good day on Monday then I took over Monday night'.
The colleague expressed sympathy that Letby was on duty at the time following the death of Baby A, adding: 'I'm sorry it happened when you were taking care of him. You're not having a good run at the moment.'
>One nurse said in a message to Letby: 'There's something odd about that night and the others going suddenly. Odd that we lost three and in different circumstances'.Letby replied: 'I dunno…Were they that different?'
The colleague then referred to the medical issues of Baby C and Baby D, adding: 'It's (Baby A) I can't get my head around'. note she wrote and left in her house after intial arrest (?) struck me less as confession and more as schizo breakdown.
And the facebook searching of some of the parents of the dead babies also doesn't immediately make me think guilty the way the media is almost leading readers down a path to believe. She was apparently a bit of an awkward autist.
The text messages though, man she is so fornicated.
> No. 1379488
>>1366903This reminds me when I let my parents know my brother sexually abused me for years. My parents' reactions were:
>you were confused and didn't know what was happening My brother semi-confessed to parts of what he did. Then their tune changed to:
>it was consensual sex play >you are at fault for not telling us during the abusive periodThey told my family members it was consensual sex play and that I was a liar. Boymoms suck. They were more worried that my brother was suicidal because of this shit than about whatever happened to me. I was a shitstain that could tell others.
No. 1379520
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>>1379507I hate men so much it’s unreal
Men can do this shit all day and you’ll still get people defending these roaches
No. 1379602
>>1379507>"Genco was attending Army Basic Training in Georgia. He was discharged for entry-level performance and conduct"Calling him useless would be too kind, since he aspired to be a net negative to society
Moids should be aborted asap
No. 1385591
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This story is beyond horrible, everyone failed this sweet little angel.
RIP Harmony, you deserved so much more than this.
The father is being charged with:
>2nd degree murder (punched her in the head to death- she was only FIVE)>falsifying physical evidence>abuse of a corpse>tampering with a witness (Kayla, his ex wife)I want to vomit.
The mother waited two years to report Harmony missing- she had long been deceased by then.
This link has a timeline of events. It will make you rage. next one mentions a fridge taken as evidence. Pure evil. No. 1387049
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I am so happy with this. These SCUM involved in the rochdale grooming gang deserve to be hanged but being deported is second best I guess. Thank god they are being kicked out of the country. I wouldn’t spit on these brown scrotes if they were on fire
No. 1388101
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>The FBI found 15-year-old Sage on Sept. 2, 2021. She had been kept in a locked room, where she’d been held captive and trafficked for sex after running away from home just over a week before. When the authorities called her mother, Michele, they told her she and her husband Roger could pick her up the next day at Waxter Children’s Center, a girls’ detention facility in Laurel, MD, where she’d been sent after she was kept in the hospital overnight to administer a rape exam.
>So Michele and Roger, overwhelmed with relief, drove from Virginia to Maryland to get her first thing in the morning, their car stuffed with blankets, pillows, her favorite stuffed animals and snacks.
>They arrived at the detention center (“a nice term for ‘jail’,” Michele said, noting there were no criminal charges against Sage), but were told they would not be allowed to see their child, let alone hold her in their arms, with no explanation. Instead, they’d have to appear in court at 4:00PM.
>They had no idea why.
>In court, Michele and Roger were deemed abusive and denied custody, informed that they couldn’t bring the child home. The reason? They had been inconsistent about using Sage’s preferred pronouns, or the name she’d been going by for three weeks.What the actual fuck No. 1388531
abusive families like to claim they were nothing but loving and this article only presents one side. She would rather stay in the psychiatric facility than live with her family and I sincerely doubt any judge would separate an underage girl from her family exclusively on pronoun usage basis. I don't know, in my opinion there has to be much more to this story than this sad letter
No. 1391336
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>>1390300I've been following this case closely and it's so infuriating. I can't wait for more details, I need to hear how law enforcement excuses how long this took. Going by what I'm reading on crime forums, it seems like this is who they believe to be Bridge Guy from the released video. I wonder if this guy is in connection to the Kegan Kline guy who was arrested for hosting a CP ring through WhatsApp or whatever - he stated in an interview that he did speak to Libby (one of the murdered girls) thru Whatsapp and admit to trying to solicit pics from her. He was catfishing as a teenage boy. This case disgusts me and makes my head spin I need more answers but the press release isn't until Monday
No. 1391357
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>>1390413Yeah, it's possible that she was/is actually being abused by her stepfather, or was otherwise unhappy at home, and groomers took advantage of that and easily convinced her of running away. Though there's also the fact that the school was helping her transition without even telling her parents (if it's true). We know how cult-like TRAs are and how much they love convincing children that their parents hate them, and how they promote the idea of a "chosen family" (i.e. a bunch of strangers who are genderspecials) to "trans kids", pic related. It could very well be a combination of all of the above.
No. 1391682
>>1388101I'm sorry, why the fuck was the child rape
victim put in a detention center?
No. 1391737
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This is stomach churning honestly. The murderer in a fb picture with his wife at a bar with the police sketch of him in the background
No. 1391739
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>>1391737The source mentioned here is the one that stated he posed the girls like they were having sex and (I believe, I blocked this out heavily) impaled a tree branch up one girls anus. In the photo provided of him, he is wearing his regular walking clothes. That means his wife must have known. People in the town had to have recognized him. He literally lived mints away. That’s so terrifying.
No. 1391740
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>>13917393/3 but this is the sort of stuff that makes me absolutely scoff that people ever try to pull out the “women are just as evil as men” nonsense. This is monstrous. He doesn’t even look like your stereotypical serial killer. He looks like the dad of some girl you went to elementary school with. The wife had even posted pics of their daughter posing on that bridge in 2018!! What the fuck
No. 1391764
>>1391636>they were posed as though doing sexual acts together and one of the girls had a stick shoved up her bodyJfc, I was following this case fairly closely and I never read this. Sick fuck.
>>1391633>they stumbled upon a little pedophile networkSeconding this theory, it was also theorized at one point that there were several perpetrators
>was a pharmacistHe was actually a pharmacy technician
No. 1391775
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>>1391764Sorry for misleading about the pharmacist part. I just cannot for the life of me fathom how or why someone could do something like this. It also goes to show that “we always knew something was wrong with him” doesn’t track most of the time, as any man you know could have committed this and you’d be none the wiser. He literally just looks like the average white stepdad, there are hundreds of thousands of men that look like him. It’s especially frightening given that he
posed little girls like that, he didn’t just kill them, he tortured and posed them in an explicit and humiliating way. You would think someone who does something like that would have this air of evil or something and not look like some guy who works at a factory and talks about marvel movies. How his wife stayed with him, I don’t understand. It could be easily implied that he was a part of something bigger, what regular person has the capability to do something so violent unless they’ve consumed media showing that sort of thing or been in a cult of personality that boasts of similar acts? Maybe I’m just reading into it but idk…
No. 1391778
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>>1391336Someone on Reddit claims to have worked with him. Richard was known to be a recovering alcoholic and worked mostly as a shift supervisor. Op also mentions that he was a polite, nice guy and there was nothing suspicious about him
No. 1391985
>>1391808Theory: Kegan was letting people use the Anthony Shots account in exchange for money and this guy was one of his customers.
Btw I found this transcript of Kegan's interrogation: doesn't really say much tbh but you can tell he knows much more than what he confessed to
No. 1392012
>>1391740>this is the sort of stuff that makes me absolutely scoff that people ever try to pull out the “women are just as evil as men” nonsense. I wish with every fiber of my being that women would stop lying to girls about males and male intentions. But every bit of modern culture is about grooming self preservation out of girls.
>>1391808These days I really wonder just how many questionable adults the average internet-connected child has interacted with.
No. 1392182
>>1391921You don’t have to be condescending about the fact that it creeps people out. Obviously he’s a psychopath. It doesn’t make the situation any less unfathomable. You don’t have to be a cunt.
>>1391901Yeah I don’t understand how he was able to control both of them, but maybe we will find out. I also think if they were stunned with fear, we’re being threatened with a gun, etc they wouldn’t leave eachother or were too afraid to fight back. Idk it’s really depressing.
No. 1392642
>>1391985This is a tinfoil but I wonder if Kegan was the one who namedropped Richard on 4chan. The /tv/ board has a high ratio of pedo posters and that’s where
>>1391746 appeared.
No. 1393240
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Has anyone else watched the press conference about the Delphi murders? They haven't revealed much, but based on the fact that they are asking for people to keep tipping, and that they called this a 'step in the right direction', this was definitely more than one person and Richard Allen is not willing to confess who the other perpetrator was. I stand by the pedo ring theory
No. 1393262
>>1393256okay i see, interesting thing about the account, but tips can still be used to gather evidence that they might not know about richard allen, so it's not necessaruly that they are looking for more people.
>>1393255see above.
No. 1393544
>>1393300I want to know
why he staged the girls and left them like that, it’s clearly an extremely sick thing to do and shows no remorse afterwards. I hate speculating about this kind of stuff and true crime has become embarrassing, but you would think if someone was doing some sort of first time “impulse” attack he wouldn’t go out of his way to do all that sick shit as well, right? It’s just hard to imagine one man being able to do that out in the open, and if the blood was never found, how was he able to move not one but two girls to an entirely different location without help. I can’t imagine it was the Kline dude, he looks like he can’t walk from one room to another without having to sit down.
No. 1393951
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A 16 year old gave birth after her mother forced her to artificially inseminate herself with sperm. The mother only went to jail for 5 years. No. 1394111
>>1393951>In a week-long hearing, held in private, the judge heard there were four occasions when the local authority, which cannot be named, was alerted to the mother's inappropriate behaviour towards her children but did not find cause for concern. A serious case review into the case is due to be published next month.This is why I have no faith in the system, four fucking times. You can call and call whatever you want, have multiple neighbours call in, anonymous tips, it all does nothing. Post the wrong thing online (not even alogging tier shit, but regular muh transphobia), do something against a rich person or company, they're on your doorstep before the end of the day.
>The mother, described as "highly articulate", and who "loves the children and they undoubtedly love her", had isolated the family. Sounds more like Stockholm syndrome
>On two of those occasions, a neighbour, worried about the children's isolation and the mother's shouting and swearing, had called. On another, the mother's GP raised concerns about who was looking after the children when the mother was admitted to hospital for a month.They never believe neighbours and now even when it's out in the open, just five years prison sentence. Sounds short enough that she would just do it again. Will they at least force her to get psychiatric help?
No. 1402622
>>1402613And of course the best the pigs can do is say "Well
this woman doesn't have a rape fetish" and let him go on about his day
anyone else see that blind guy get arrested for being rude? Where the fuck was that energy for this walking red flag?
No. 1402629
>>1402622he got arrested today but only because this video went viral on social media (twitter, reddit, facebook) and everyone kept contacting the police department where he lived so he is now in custody for stalking and harassment.
Imagine if the video never went viral, he would have still been a free man doing shit like this until one day its too late and he ends up killing someone.
I wonder how long he'll be in custody.
No. 1402637
>>1402631yeah he's going to rape and murder her when he gets out
I'm betting they keep him for no longer than two weeks
No. 1402646
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>>1402637oh hes definitely going to be more bitter and resentful now that he got arrested. I would watch out if i lived near him.
>Public interest in the videos led to the involvement of the FBI in an investigation against Yerkes. “During the investigation it was determined that Mr. Yerkes was making unsolicited contact with a co-worker,” Lenoir City Police wrote in a statement. “It was further found that he was posting on several social media sites, including YouTube, making threats of violence.” Jacob Yerkes currently faces charges for aggravated stalking and harassment, though police say that more charges are possible.Sad how the police only cared because it became public interest, i guess if you are a moid you can stalk away as long as you dont become viral. Like the police in
>>1402613 did not even arrest him or anything instead all they told him was to leave her alone like he would listen.
No. 1402647
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>>1402646Here is the reason why he was arrested, because a video of that video went viral on twitter wuth 8 million views so the police were pressured into doing something.
Also people kept tagging the account of that police department.
No. 1402654
>>1402646This is a fucking nightmare for that poor girl; none of those charges are enough to keep him locked up, he's going to get out in a month at the very most
She needs to move away and change her name
No. 1402663
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>>1402647he has been harassing women for a while now
No. 1402691
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>>1402677yeah a non insignificant number of guys (not to namalt but really not all of them in this case) posture like they are against rape, and on a conscious level they would say they are, but subconsciously they can't help but think "why can't she just shut up and take it". like you said, they only react viscerally to men being raped bc they see it as women's 'duty' so to speak. deeply depressing, nothing we can do about it, just try to keep this idea in mind and stay safe.
No. 1402790
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>>1402767Stalker cases are an interest to me. and after reading and watching about dozens of them, I've come to the conclusion that the only way you can live freely as a woman if a man stalks you is to end him. Police will barely do anything unless he kills you. Theres even a case of a woman stalked where the man used gasoline and lit the exit to her apartment on fire and she survived with burns and he was back, out on parole stalking her again withing a few years. fuck the police, you have to save your own life
No. 1402821
File: 1668051107502.png (988.73 KB, 1024x682, Pieper_Lewis_in_Court.png)"Iowa teen who killed rapist being held in jail after escape"
Pieper Lewis is a sex trafficking
victim who stabbed a frequent "customer" to death after she was forced by her pimp to have sex with this man again. He had been rough and cruel to her in the past and raped her. Note that the article headline says teen. Lewis is 18 now and was 15 when she stabbed her rapist. She was sentenced to five years of probation, forced to wear an ankle monitor in case she escaped, sentenced to 600 hours of community service, and forced to pay $150,000 of restitution to her rapist's family since he was a "
victim." A GoFundMe did successfully cover the costs of her restitution, but it's absurd she had to pay anything in the first place. It also annoys me that the article describes her rapist as "37-year-old Zachary Brooks, a married father of two" as if he's just some local, upstanding guy who just made a bit of a mistake. Boys will be boys, y'know? She cut off her ankle monitor and ran away from the women's shelter where she was supposed to serve five years time. She was caught, and is likely going to be placed in jail for violating probation.
There are men who've shot and killed strangers on their property who turned out to be people with no weapons or ill intentions, yet they managed to get a self-defense verdict successfully and walk away without issue.
And people wonder "why don't women who've been sex trafficked just walk away????" Because they're often treated like criminals for trying to escape, that's why. It was only in the past couple of decades that women who were
victims of sex trafficking in America stopped being charged with prostitution. That's right. There were YOUNG TEENAGERS who ran away, found a policeman, told him her whole sad story about what happened to her, and ended up being convicted and put in jail for prostitution.
No. 1402932
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>>1402613>but don't she have free will to be controlled by her father?This is a comedy skit. The males arguing is too much. And why does he randomly say "I think she should do porn"? the fuck? His car rant is disturbing too.
No. 1403069
>>1402821Free her immediately
This makes me so mad but I'm happy people covered the cost for her on a gofundme, it's fucking shameful that they wanted her to pay the rapists family. I'm sure the family has a bunch of excuses as to why their disgusting pedophilic dead son/husband/father is some great person who just made a mistake but at the end of the day he's just a dead rapist, and that's a good thing. No amount of white knighting will change that, rest in piss motherfucker. Good for her, she did the world a favor.
No. 1403768
>>1402821And black lives matter will be silent on her plight because she isn't a moid and her issues can't be used to make a case male victimhood, they don't care about the police being shit unless it's towards men because the founder is a pathetic pickmeisha scam artist. I hate that i would have only heard about this from either an obscure youtuber or here, she needs to be freed. He should be paying HER.
>>1395134Hadn't this gone viral the police would have allowed it to escalate. I hate that women are forced to rely on an institution that hates women to protect them.
No. 1405803
File: 1668206230775.jpg (245.79 KB, 1053x1065, SmartSelect_20221111_173416_Ch…) made me sick to my stomach. Reading the girlfriend's final moments with her boyfriend. She was probably drunk and had no way of explaining her symptoms properly. If I were the boyfriend, I definitely would have called the police but he can't blame himself. I know others will though. Fuck.
Him texted her: "How are you feeling?" in the morning reminded me of my friend and how he would check on me if I said I was sick. It's just so sad knowing she's not going to respond.
This is just another depiction of why Airbnb is quite shit now. There are no regulations on things like carbon monoxide or fire detectors.
No. 1411382
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Stabbings always disturb me, especially when it’s in peoples own living space. 4 students got killed and they have no clue who or why yet. Shooting someone is one thing but to personally stab multiple people to death is fucking vicious, there’s footage showing two girls right before it happens and they’re just drunk getting food like anyone else would.
No. 1411401
>>1411382I was wondering when someone would talk about this ITT, it's so creepy. No answers so far and the twitch vod is super unsettling to watch knowing what will happen to the two only moments later.
>>1405803God that's so sad, I hated airbnb from the moment it came onto the market, I'd much rather stay in a hotel.
No. 1411506
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>>1411382I just saw this photo of the house where the murders took place, there is blood dripping on the OUTSIDE of the house because there was so much blood that it seeped through the walls. Holy fucking fuck.
No. 1411560
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>>1411557doublepost picrel is her killer idk why it didnt show up. anyways this entire thing is horrifying. a friend of five fucking years. she was hitting her head so hard & when she smacked her against the bed post i think thats when she killed her because her body language was very different.
No. 1412897
>>1412885I was thinking they must have all been asleep and drunk considering they were out at a party and bar beforehand and it was 3 or 4am. One of the
victim’s fathers is saying she had bruises and injuries showing she put up a fight beforehand though.
No. 1413750
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foster care is honestly a horrible system that fails more kids than it helps. I'd seriously rather see money go towards well-run orphanages than send children from one abuser to the next
No. 1414543
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Some 15 year old girl mowed down a guy on purpose with her friends. Her friend said that she laughed at how his body flew up in the air when she hit him. It's called a "thrill kill" apparently. She pulled over, looked at his body, and left him. They found his corpse later on. He was coming back from a 15 mile run and was less than 2 miles from home. In the news video his wife is heartbroken and filled with rage that the girl is only being tried as a minor. Additionally, the girl hid out for weeks for fear of consequences. This is just so fucked up it actually made me cry. No. 1415600
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>>1414735>blame somethingawfulthis the main reason I have zero empathy for lowtax and merrily piss on his grave
No. 1417188
>>1411834that wouldn't surprise me tbh. as soon as i saw who was killed i immediately wondered if it was some weird incel and the guy just happened to be there. then again they were all asleep and the other two room mates were fine… idk, this is such a disturbing case. apparently they had a keypad entry on their door and they would give out the code to friends
>>1414543evil, this reminds me of those two boys who tortured a 6 year old.
No. 1427987
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>ugly retard causes problems her whole life, becomes jealous of relative being cared for by her mom
>beheads her loving, caring mom
>keeps being a dumbass in prison
>father nowhere in sight
hate it
No. 1428008
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I wonder how many people are sitting in jail cells rn getting starved over a game of footy or not wearing hijab
No. 1428154
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>>1428113>>1427987I don't wanna come across like I'm whitewashing what she did, but she literally had an IQ of 55, that's an IQ level range lower then most 8 year olds, she was basically a child with the body of an adult who had spend years watching violent slashser films, I don't think she can even comprehend what she did
No. 1428187
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>>1428167This is why I hate western feminists at times, your retarded fatsoc understanding of the world, you bother to learn nothing of the wrodl and only give retarded unrealistic solutions to questions no one ever asked you
the situation in Iran before the revolution was complex, while 15% of the women might have enjoyed a westernized lifestyle, most of the country's population were still peasants living in unbearable poverty, while the Shah let the resources of Iran be taken by foreign oil companies, the Shah had also locked up communists, socialists and even ethnic nationalists who went against his rule, when people finally had enough and overthrow the Shah it was the mullahs leading the revolution cause everyone else had already been locked up, like I'm not defending the Islamists(I hate them more then you can fathom) but I think this premise that the Iranian revolution happened cause conservative people were just mad about progress is both outright false and gets used in a lot of false narratives
the people don't risk their lives over meaningless bullshit, they protest cause they were starving and their children starving
No. 1428269
>>1428154>I don't think she can even comprehend what she didI'm not so sure about that. She was retarded but she could understand when she wasn't supposed to act out. Apparently she got her ass beaten in jail after pulling the hair of another inmate and stopped lashing out from then, so she could understand a bit.
She was retarded but also very very spoiled and mentally ill.
No. 1428327
>>1428190Her family maintain that her mother was failed by mental health services. She called an ambulance because Jessica was threatening to cut peoples heads off or something, and that’s what
triggered the attack. Probably wasn’t the first time and the poor woman was desperately trying to get her help. She should of been put in a group home and not allowed to leave.
No. 1429248
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>having male children
No. 1429408
>>1429402People are still going to unfortunately put money in her pocket by watching though. I bet the whole documentary is probably just her looking for sympathy points and trying to make it look like she was actually the
No. 1429521
>>1429402I watched the first episode and that's the most attention i am going to give that child murderer.
>>1429446This unironically needs to be normalised. I've seen stories of mothers with violent sons who give them black eyes and they STILL refuse to put the safety of themselves and their children first and give up their children, even if social workers sits down with them and tells them it's the right thing to do. At that point idgaf about the mother, i am deeply concerned for anybody else in the household i.e siblings who have to endure this. Notice how i never say the father because of course they never give enough of a fuck to at least take the children with them when they run away.
No. 1429718
nonnie, I only mention this because “murked” sounds disgusting.
No. 1430116
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>>1427987>>1428154reading up about the case, its frighteningly similar to a situation my distant relatives were in, they too had a daughter that was mentally inefficient, she lived with her mother and brother's family, she also was prone to violent outbursts, almost attacking her mother, her sister in law and her nephews and neices, but one of her brother's would subdue her in those moments, then she would calm down and things would be "normal" for some weeks or months before another violent episode, when my cousin got older he also had to hold her down if she even tried attacking someone(he even had a scar on his arm when she tried attacking someone with a knife)
they tried everything they could do to help fix her, doctors, therapists, sufi molvis hoping to perform miracles but nothing happened, she's still alive as now, but she's older and obese and can't hurt anyone like she did before(she's also content with spending the day on her tablet and eating food) so that's for the best and the family is just waiting for her to die at some point, but easily her situation could have ended with something far more violent
No. 1430788
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>FedEx driver deliverys package
>sees an unattended 7 year old girl
>Abuducts, rapes, and kills girl within the hour
Imagine seeing a little girl and your first thought is rape and murder. Why has god forsaken us with these primitive beings?
No. 1430789
>>1430788Post a name or a link
Nonny. Don’t be lazy.
>>1429872Pathetic isn’t it? They make out like it’s the English who do it. The irish are usually abused like this by OTHER Irish people. The English don’t give a flying fuck if you’re catholic or Protestant.
No. 1430920
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Situations like this are scary because i feel like they are becoming more common and there are more unsupervised mentally ill men outside more than ever.
And men are becoming more sociopathic too (which i thought was impossible since they already lack human emotions) were making fun of women being assaulted for no reason.
No. 1430927
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>>1430920go through the replies if you further want to lose hope in humanity and moids. No. 1431477
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I know it's not exactly news since it all happened in 2017, but have you seen the picrel documentary? I think it was just added on netflix, but maybe it's only my country…
It's about this case of a danish inventor murdering a journalist on his submarine; and the documentary is made by another journalist who was around him for months following up to that day. It's terrifying to watch knowing what we know; watching him hold one of the possible murder weapons the day of the murder as he's talking to the documentarian about some other thing; knowing from the things revealed after that the same day he watched snuff videos of women being killed and offered a ride to another girl, who agreed and that murdered journalist, Kim Wall, just happened to last minute ask for an opportunity. If not her, that would be that other girl who agreed. It's chilling to watch, insane that all this got captured on camera. We even get to see him proposing the submarine sail to yet another girl who refuses. No one expected anything though of course after, there are always signs.
No. 1432249
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>feminism isnt needed in the first world
men who make this comment will secretly envy this guy
No. 1435625
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>>1412885I'm a Eurofag and just heard of this. Such a weird case, how does one kill 4 people, leave a sea of blood on the scene but not leave finger or footprints? And also, who calls 911 to a scene of slaughter saying there is an 'unconscious person'? The whole thing is just weird
No. 1435782
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Christina Corrigan's mother let her rot in a filthy ass living room and eat herself to death. She died due to congestive heart failure due to her own obesity. Her mother had taken her out of school and decided not to take her to a doctor. She was found lying down nude and her blanket was covered in feces and urine. There was shit found in the folds of her skin. The poor girl was only 13 and her mother just left her to rot like that. This story makes me angry and sad as hell. She had her whole life ahead of her. No. 1435793
>>1435772It doesn’t take much strength to kill someone when you have the advantage of a sleeping target and a big knife. I assume he was wearing gloves, mask and fully covered so I don’t expect there to be any DNA found. It seemed like something that would be tough to pin down without an obvious person of interest and now it’s more likely to be a stranger which is frightening.
It’s crazy the amount of Internet Nancy Drews who keep focusing on any tiny detail or rumor and making their own fanfiction of what happened or who the suspect is then getting mad that info isn’t being handed out to the public when it’s an active investigation. If I was ever killed like that I would not want to have 600 YouTube videos and other content made analyzing my life and how I got murdered for people to gawk about.
No. 1435800
>>1435794It would have to be more specific like
>>1435797 lists. As long as we live in a world where women go to prison for self defense, protesting etc. even in first world countries, a blanket ban on anyone with a criminal record could end up being incredibly unfair.
No. 1436575
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>>1436290I’ve seen your posts in the dumbass shit threads. You’re just a gimp fucker, aren’t you? This is why you’re so
triggered over gimp hate. Sorry your Nigel likes to terrify women and girls by grunting and snarling like an animal in the mud and doing the worm at 2am. Hope you can get some professional help.
No. 1438152
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The Kim Nayoung case is a one that made me very sad and extremely angry for this poor child.
In December 11th 2008, an 8 year old girl who is known as Kim Nayoung was walking to school where she was dragged into a bathroom and raped by a 57 year old monster named Cho Doo Soon. He left her privates and organs horribly damaged and she had to wear a colostomy bag for some time. The girl went through hours of her painful surgery. On December 2020 he was released after only serving 12 years because he was intoxicated while doing it and to the judges the alcohol impaired his mind. Kim Nayoung and her family had to move away because the rapist was going to live 2 streets away from her. Korea is hell for women. No. 1438454
>>1438446people should be allowed to do what they want. it's not your choice. especially rape
victims, who are sometimes mentally and physically distressed for the better part of their lives. you're just trying to push your own values onto strangers, it's pathetic. but yeah it's probably better these people kill themselves in a gruesome manner that would mentally scar their families than do it medically in a way that allows them to prepare their loved ones in a safe environment. grow up.
No. 1438584
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Boy in the Box finally identified. His name was Joseph Augustus Zarelli. This poor child was found in 1957, in Pennsylvania, wrapped in a blanket and placed in a box that held a bassinet. Dead at four years old, he was scarred, recently bathed, and his hair freshly cut. He was beaten to death. Through genetic testing this year, it was discovered that he had actually belonged to a prominent family in Delaware County. Both of his parents are dead. Still no idea who killed him or why his parents never reported him missing.
No. 1443047
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For the past few weeks I’ve been following the court case for Ross Mccullam, accused of murdering Megan Newborough, who he met at work and had just started a relationship with. They had been together for barely a month, and had over 3,000 texts between them, which gradually took on an “obsessively sexual” and “degrading” tone courtesy of him. He was into “domination porn”. He demanded she called him “lord commander” among other things. Showed naked pictures of her to his colleagues. She was said to have “engaged him with nothing but kindness, empathy and endless patience”. He also had suffered with erectile dysfunction since his early 20s which he blamed on his adhd meds. He had stopped taking these, and bought tablets for his ED online in the month before the murder of Megan. He and Megan had engaged in a brief sexual encounter before her death, but it’s not known if they had sex and it’s suggested Ross had difficult getting an erection as usual. On the night of her death, she drove to his house (his parents house, he still lived at home and so did she) for the first time. Within no more than 40 minutes, she was dead. He strangled her to death, then cut her throat 14 times to “make sure she was dead”. Then put her body in her own car and drove her to a secluded area where he dumped her body. Disposed of her phone on route, abandoned her car and dumped her clothes and towels he had used to clean blood in the car park of a local college. Then he got a taxi home and began to send her texts pretending that she was still alive, such as “you are fucking amazing” “text me when you get home baby”. Then he started watching porn, Googling serial killers like Peter Sutcliffe, and things like “who cuts your hair in prison and how do you pay”. He then continued watching porn and sending her texts expressing concern for her the following morning.
He confessed to killing her when arrested, about two days later, and took police to find where he had dumped her body. He plead guilty to manslaughter, but not murder. This was on the grounds of “diminished responsibility”. He said that while Megan was preparing to give him oral sex, he had had a flashback to sexual abuse he allegedly suffered as a child, and “exploded like a volcano”. Afterwards, he said he was worried people would “be cross with him” so that’s why he slit her throat. He hadn’t mentioned his sexual abuse at all, except in the 3 or so months leading up to Megan’s murder; he had apparently confessed to his mother, his supervisor at work, and Megan, through text messages. Apparently he was abused 3 times. Once, by a family friend at age 9, then again he was apparently sexually abused by multiple older children in the garage of his home (one of which is another famous rapist and murderer who recently died in prison - Stephen beadman). He never reported this and couldn’t name anyone except Beadman.
In court, he laughed whilst talking about watching porn after killing Megan, said it was “just escapism”.
Police found a motorbike helmet near where he had murdered Megan, and the prosecution think he was trying to cut her head off and carry it in that.
The trial lasted 7 weeks, and luckily he got found guilty today.’s a huge relief. I was terrified the jury would find him not guilty and he’d get manslaughter.
No. 1443099
>>1443047Cases like this make me wish there really is a heaven where
victims like this lady can finally find peace.
No. 1443127
>>1443099I watched the court case from beginning to end. It’s unbelievable how sick and twisted he was. It became a trial where he was the
victim, as he made claims of sexual abuse. Fucking relieved there was a sensible jury for once and they didn’t fall for his facade of vulnerability.
No. 1452468
Whistler Dog Sled Cull
> Robert Fawcett, an employee of Howling Dog Tours Whistler Inc., filed a workers' compensation claim for post-traumatic stress disorder after being told to kill 56 sled dogs in April 2010 because of a downturn in bookings following the 2010 Olympic Games
>Fawcett, the claim states, had been with the company for many years, and knew the dogs well. He had named them. He'd raised them. He was responsible for feeding them, caring for them, and handling them.
>Fawcett says he asked one veterinarian to put down the dogs for him, but the vet refused to kill 100 healthy dogs. So on April 21 and 23 of 2010, he took a gun and a knife and brutally slaughtered them, in plain view of 200 other tethered dogs.
>By the time he'd killed 15 dogs, the rest were starting to panic. This made it harder to get a clean shot on every dog, and as a consequence, the report states, "he wounded but did not kill one dog, 'Suzie.' He had to chase Suzie through the yard because the horrific noise she made when wounded caused him to drop the leash. Although she had the left side of her cheek blown off and her eye hanging out, he was unable to catch her."
>Fawcett went and got a gun with a scope and shot her when she lay down with a group of other dogs, who attacked him when he went to retrieve her body. He also realized that, when shooting Suzie, he'd also wounded another dog, Poker, not slated for death, who was "one of his favorites." Poker suffered for 15 minutes before dying.
>That day Fawcett says he slaughtered 55 dogs. He had to wrap his arms in foam to protect himself from the frenzied attacks of the dogs when he tried to handle them.
>Two days later, he did it again. This time, he said, it was worse. One dog, Nora, had been shot 20 minutes before but was still crawling around in the mass grave he had dug for the dogs. He killed one dog with his knife when he attacked him.
>And while he says he made efforts to find homes for the dogs, no one in the Whistler area has any memory of him doing that, nor did he contact any groups that rescue or re-home sled dogs, nor any of the people he knew in the sled dog community.
>When an early news report said that Fawcett had been rebuffed when he asked for the shelter's help with the dogs before he killed them, the SPCA's response was to insist Fawcett hadn't contacted the organization prior to the killings. However, the SPCA admitted it wouldn't have saved the dogs' lives even if he had.
> It also admitted that it had refused to help Fawcett when he sought help with other dogs after the massacre. The Vancouver Sun published an e-mail Fawcett sent to the SPCA's Eileen Drever, begging for help. "I understood from Joey (the owner of the sled dog tour company) that there were to be some dogs going to you for adoption?" he wrote. "Is that indeed happening? Or should I just show up with a truck full so they can get off the chain and get some attention, exercise, stop fighting, etc…. I am happy to bring some down to stop cruelty they are going through here.
"This is me as a bystander (I am off due to injury to both arms). I am the only one who has made any effort to move dogs. We still have almost 60 dogs too many, and a new litter of pups to be given away. Can you please give me a call so I know something can be done. It's breaking my heart."
>Drever didn't respond to the e-mail for five days, and then refused to help Fawcett when she did. She did agree to visit the kennel and check on the dogs, but she never followed through, according to the Vancouver Sun article. The SPCA has issued repeated statements justifying its failure to act by insisting that sled dogs can't be adopted or rehabilitated.
>Robert Fawcett was sentenced to three years’ probation on November 22, 2012 for causing unnecessary pain and suffering to nine of the animals. Judge Steve Merrick concluded Fawcett had the best interests of the dogs at heart when he culled the pack near Whistler.
No. 1458541
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they made an arrest in the idaho murders case!
>Bryan Christopher Kohberger, 28, who was taken into custody in Pennsylvania early Friday morning, The Associated Press reported. He was said to have faced arraignment on undisclosed charges hours after his arrest.
>The man was arrested by Pennsylvania police near the city of Scranton at 3am on Friday, Fox News reports.
no info on his exact connection to the victims, but there will be a press conference today at 4pm est
No. 1458644
>>1458541They finally caught the bastard!!
>>1458543Nope, some deranged criminology grad student from Washington murdered these 3 girls and the 1 guy, no idea about motive or how he was connected to them yet. But seems like he was an incel/coomer. I saw his reddit account which was just deleted an hour ago, he mostly posted in the Howard Stern subreddit and various camgirl subreddits and mentioned feeling stupid because he paid $100 for one girl's OnlyFans album that was just IG photos and he didn't think they were worth it. His last post was yesterday, referring to a troon as 'mentally ill' (kek). But yeah, he would have definitely been following the case on reddit. Sick shit.
No. 1458658
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>>1435782DAE think including details like this is a little cruel? The poor girl was too ashamed of and debilitated by her weight to attend school, exact details of all of her measurements being included on the internet for everyone to read after her death just feels like insult after injury. Poor kid.
No. 1458688
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>>1458679He didn't have very many posts, it's not that interesting but I found an archived page here, his username was bk5781. No. 1459128
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>>1458688>>1458689How do we know it's him? Since it's not the same account from which he named himself while asking former convicts about their thoughts and feelings for "research"
No. 1459153
>>1459150I truly hope it's just someone being edgy but then, even without the details we know it was very gruesome, so even if this is not the truth it's probably not much better… if it really is just a random attack and he has zero connection to his
victims it's insane.
No. 1462920

so i was checking the bbc this evening for the news and this story about the desecration of christian graves in jerusalem caught my eye. and of course, the perpetrators caught on cctv camera smashing the headstones and being social anarchists are young men.
what is it with men and being violent and aggressive? i usually ignore men and their shit but this is pretty upsetting. it's always men who blindly do things, men who are violent, anti-social, and just general retards for no reason. it's men who involve themselves in politics and religion for the power, not because they genuinely believe in it, want to make the world better, or serve some higher purpose. for every stupid woman you find, there's about ten moids out there who bring hell on earth and serve absolutely no purpose other than suck up all the oxygen on the planet. imagine how much better the world would be, if all these mouthbreathing, low iq trash bags were gone? No. 1462959
>>1462944>but it's probably not exactly social anarchismi know it's not social anarchism, i just didn't know what else to call them without being redundant.
>there's a lot of history surrounding that particular cemetery if you are interested in reading.i am already familiar with the cemetery in question.
No. 1463093
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this is an older case so idk if it's allowed here, but it's seriously fucking with me. Shiori was about as armed with evidence as an domestic abuse
victim can be, yet she was ignored by police and basically told to put up with it because her abuser had given her expensive gifts (which she tried to refuse, but her abuser forced them on her and screamed at her when she tried to give them back). men truly think that spending money on a woman means that they own her. i feel so terrible for her and her family, just an absolute tragedy that could have been avoided if police actually listened to women. No. 1463209
>>1402821There's a lot more cases like this of black women defending themselves against moids and being overwhelmingly punished by the legal system for it. I can't imagine Pieper's pain to pay the "
victim" aka her FUCKING RAPIST $150,000 money that I will assume she doesn't and will never have as a runaway teen who was sex trafficked. I seriously hate the [in]justice system so much when it comes to cases like these where women are disproportionately punished for "violent crime" of self-defense. You could be dragged into a white van by a moid and stab him in self-defense yet end up with life in prison. I think of that when I think of women who kill their violent
abusive husbands/boyfriends who have a rap sheet of derangement and obsession and would have eventually murdered them. That also is a bigger issue for black women too I think; are you supposed to just die then as
>>1402790 said? Basically go to jail for life or be brutally murdered.
No. 1464224
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the arrest affidavit for bryan kohberger, aka the suspected idaho murderer has been released. it's pretty crazy. one of the surviving roommates actually saw him during the murder but didn't call 911, which is strange. i'm posting a link because its like 20 pages long No. 1465453
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No. 1468660
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This is an old and awful story but the most mask-off example of idpol I know.
The complete summary:
>1986, Pascoe Jalimimra "bought" a promised wife when she was a baby and he was about 35, agreeing to pay her parents a portion of his welfare money as well as goods etc.>Around 1997, he beat another wife to death while drunk. (Edit: multiple wives also traditional) He was convicted of manslaughter and spent three years in jail.>2002, he was 49-50 and collected his 15 year old "promised wife", took her home, and violently raped her when she would not consent to sex.>When some of her family visited, she attempted to escape with them but Jalimimra threatened them and forced her to return to him. They informed police and he was arrested and charged with various offences. >He admitted to everything including physically forcing her to have sex with him but said it was all legal under traditional aboriginal customary law.>After initially providing a statement where she described being punched by Jalimimra, then held down with his foot on her head while she was anally and vaginally raped, she refused to cooperate with police so they withdrew the rape charge and he was only charged with "unlawful intercourse with a minor">He was initially sentenced to 13 months jail, but he appealed and got given a single DAY in jail, due to "weight to be given by the Court to traditional and customary law">After a final appeal due to some public outrage, in 2002 he was sentenced to 12 months, but suspended after one month, so in the end he only spent a month in jail for the brutal rape of a teenager.>His case is cited by "social studies" academics in following years as an example of "colonisation" forcing "white" laws on traditional communities.>Five years on in 2007, he was elected by members of his community to Maningrida's Tribal Justice Committee for being such a pillar of justice.>He fully admits physically forcing a teenage girl to have sex with him but insists he did nothing morally wrong, and is supported by his community.This is where I first read about it, which misses many awful details about the case:
>Maningrida man Jackie Pascoe Jamilmira was jailed for having unlawful sex with his underage promised wife in 2002.>He had earlier served three years for the manslaughter of a previous wife.>The 55-year-old grandfather has now been elected to serve on Maningrida's Tribal Justice Committee, which aims to tackle family and domestic violence and substance abuse.A legal summary of the appeal by the Aboriginal Legal Aid service which defended him:
>When this time came, the two families met and the girl was driven by her family to Pascoe’s outstation, Gamuaau-Guyurra, which is 120 kilometres east of Maningrida. On the following day the couple consummated their relationship. The next day family members visited the girl. She was unhappy and tried to leave with them. In response, Pascoe produced a 12 gauge shotgun and fired it once in the air. The girl then stayed with Pascoe until her friends alerted police.>The police first charged Pascoe with the rape of his promised wife, however, following further investigation by the Director of Public Prosecutions and negotiations with Pascoe’s solicitors, this charge was reduced to unlawful intercourse with a minor. …>Pascoe’s case is unique because his conduct was recognised by the Maningrida community as being entirely appropriate and morally correct within the traditional parameters of the Bururra lifeworld. However, Pascoe contravened white law by acting in accordance with his law and its obligations.>It is appropriate to give Jackie Pascoe the final word. He said ‘our law is like the ocean, it is vast and affects all parts of our lives, it never changes. Your law is like a puddle of water, it is ever changing. I am being punished for following my law’.Less sympathetic coverage:
>A Northern Territory judge ruled in October that a 15-year-old Aboriginal girl “knew what was expected of her” and “didn’t need protection” when a 50-year-old man committed statutory rape against the girl and shot a gun into the air when she complained about it. The man was later revealed to have been convicted of slaughtering his former wife. Expert testimony submitted by an anthropologist in the case called the man’s arrangement with the girl “traditional” and therefore “morally correct.”>The girl’s parents had “promised” her as a wife to the man, Jackie Pascoe Jamilmira, at the girl’s birth, in return for a portion of Pascoe’s fortnightly government allowance. The girl resisted his advances, so he punched her, “put his foot onto my neck” and raped her, according to her statement to the police. No. 1468702
>>1464224I wonder if he knew any of the
victims or he just wanted to commit the 'perfect crime'
No. 1469426
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George Pell died!
No. 1471464
>>1468680>>1468791>>1469012Just as Butler did with sex, Edward Said did the same with culture(he even criticized western feminists for imposing their patriarchy on poor colonized people)
the problem with Orientalism and Post-Colonialism as a political project is that these types of people are essentializing themselves in addition to pointing out how they have been essentialized by others and they're doing this because they are in the business of promoting their own racial and ethnic traditions as conceived of as outside the imperial influence and control of the West. No matter how backward they may be. And in doing so they also reject the Enlightenment concepts of Evidence, Reason, Universal Humanity, any and all Rights that can be derived from such concepts, etc. So what you're left with is this kind of parochialism and particularism which can't go anywhere.
And yet they also simultaneously demand to be included within the purview of the Enlightenment tradition, protected by its normative and ethical frameworks and institutions, etc. It's just a grift at the end of the day. They exist within a space that has been carved out just for them to stew in bitterness and resentment and to keep people from actually joining together and mobilizing against the capitalist system.
No. 1471476
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>>1469426>George Pell, a clergyman and child sex abuser. Will not get a state funeral.Happy that he is dead and won't be given an honoured funeral as he was the scum of the earth and honestly deserves much less then he was given in life and his name smeared on a dirty street like roadkill
No. 1482057
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I just finished watching picrel and I'm shocked I've never seen this case mentioned anywhere before this doc.
> Gordon Ray Church was born Sept. 14, 1960 in Fillmore, Utah to a devout Mormon family.
> During the Thanksgiving Holiday in 1988, Gordon Church was brutally tortured and finally slain for being gay. The details of his grisly slaughter were so horrendous that the trial judge put a gag order on reporters. It was rumored that the judge did this to protect Church’s prominent LDS family.
> While cruising around town, the 28-year-old Church met Michael Archuleta and Lance Wood in a convenient store parking lot.
> The two young men asked him for a ride north to Salt Lake City. Church agreed and they got as far as a remote location in Millard County, where they turned off the freeway for “a pit stop.” Safely out of public view, Archuleta, a Catholic, and Wood, a Mormon Eagle Scout (although both with police records), attacked Church because of his effeminate behavior and perceived homosexuality. (The two young men claim Gordon tried to initiate a sexual encounter with them)
> Archuleta told Wood when they left the car to walk up a trail that he intended to rob Gordon. On the trail back, Archuleta put a knife to Gordon’s neck and made a surface cut. Gordon broke away and ran but Archuleta tackled him and made another cut on his neck, making an X. The force of being thrown to the ground also broke Gordon’s arm.
> Forcing Gordon onto the hood of the car, Archuleta then raped him. While Gordon was recovering from the assault, Archuleta went to the trunk of the car and found tire chains to bind Gordon and battery cables.
> The men began torturing Church who was pantsless. They attached jumper cables and hooked to the car battery to his testicles to make him scream. During the trial Archuleta admitted to hooking the cables to the battery but accused Wood of attaching the battery cables to Church’s genitals. He then claimed that Wood twisted Church’s neck, until Church fell to the ground.
> The pair threw Gordon into the trunk and drove north on I-15 to the Dog Valley exit. Archuleta told Wood that they were going to have to kill Gordon.
> Pulling off onto a remote spot, they dragged Gordon out the trunk and threw him on the ground. Wood started kicking Gordon in the head with his shoe and then with his foot on Gordon’s face, Archuleta swung the tire jack “like a golf club … or like a mallet when you play croquet.” After being struck several times by the jack, Church was anally raped with the tire iron, which punctured his liver. Archuleta claimed Wood then stabbed Church in the rectum with the tire iron after the murder.
> The murderers then dragged Church’s badly beaten and half-nude body off the dirt road and covered with it with dirt and tree limbs.
> Wood, fearful of Archuleta, went to his parole officer and confessed, but put all the blame on Archuleta.
> Archuleta received the death penalty while his partner Wood, whom the jury was informed was an Eagle Scout and Mormon, was sentenced to life in prison.
> Church's case pre-dates the Matthew Shepard case, in which 21-year-old University of Wyoming student Shepard was beaten to death because he was gay. The 1998 crime was the catalyst for hate crime legislation protecting the gay community. Because Church's murder came before this legislation, it was never prosecuted as a hate crime.
No. 1482067
File: 1674705362632.jpeg (260.19 KB, 1920x1080, E8A5E017-ADE3-41F9-8884-E7AAD7…) little different from a lot of the posts in the thread, but jfc this whole situation gives me the creeps, even though they apparently split already. I don’t want to say this woman can never have a romantic relationship, but the fact that this man reached out to her after seeing her show rather than meeting in some organic IRL way is a massive red flag to me. I just can’t wrap my head around the concept of a man seeing a woman who looks like an 8 year old and being so attracted her he reaches out to her as not being a sign of said man being a pedophile, he’s literally a grown man attracted to a woman in a child’s body. It’s like an anime loli loophole IRL and it’s just fucked.
No. 1482134
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>>1482115Nonnie she definitely doesn't look 16. It's creepy.
No. 1482292
>>1482134her face does
not look like a child though.
No. 1482537
>>1482067I don't know what anons are smoking this time,
>>1482067 and
>>1482134 give me the creeps, I'm sorry but I'm actually disgusted. All that talk about men being pedophiles just to act delusional and pretend there's not something deeply fucked with the men that desire her, she absolutely looks like a child and any moid that us attracted to her is sick in the head
No. 1482796
>>1482767if you arent attracted to prepubescents then it doesnt matter if she ~behaves~ like an adult, her childlike body, face, and voice would be a turn off.
i watched a clip where she went on a date with a man with her same condition and you could tell she wasnt even remotely interested in him. she wants to be with a regular man.
No. 1483926
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A little over 2 weeks ago 5 police officers in Memphis beat some random dude to death for seemingly no reason. It's fucking with me because the city released the bodycam footage of the incident today and it really is brutal, the cops were holding him and taking turns punching, tasing, and pepper spraying him. This country is super fucked. No. 1485783
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So this is brand new, there is a missing 15 year old girl in my state but there are some weird details about it
>Adriana Davidson rides the bus to her highschool
>cameras show her getting off the bus and going into the school
>she tells friends at 11 she isn't feeling well and leaves at 11
>cameras show her returning at noon
>her phone is later found outside in the school tennis courts
>last text exchanged with a friend, friend asks her "you straight?" and Adriana says "no", last anybody heard from her
>family is freaked out and says they suspect foul play
Is it just me or does something about this stink? That bottom screenshot from websleuths has more discussion on the case and someone brought up how the tennis courts are pretty far in on campus and how unlikely it would be for a stranger to abduct her there. It's a pretty safe area. Also her family keeps saying that they think it's nefarious because she didn't bring her cellphone with her but uh.. if she ran away or is hiding with somebody wouldn't she know to ditch her phone so she can't be tracked? It's not that far off. She seems like a normal girl with a good social life but you never know what's going on with teenagers she could've been talking to someone from offline and planned this there's no way of knowing. I find it suspicious that in the articles her family says "please come home" almost like they know where she is
No. 1490097
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>>1490007>>1490040reminds me of this story
>An Arizona man is upset having learned his mother's body was sold to the military for “blast testing.”>And he's one of many families who gave the bodies of loved ones to the Biological Resource Center, with the understanding their bodies would be used for scientific purposes.>There are dozens of families who still don't know what happened to bodies of the loved ones they donated to Biological Resource Center.>"He trusted BRC to get her brain to neurologists who could learn more about the disease.>But instead, his mom's body, according to Reuters, was sold to the U.S. military to test explosives.>it's estimated thousands of people in the US donate bodies for education or research, believing their actions are charitable and the bodies will be used for medical science.>University body donation centres will mostly use cadavers to teach medical students. Many institutions, such as the University of California, are committed to operating a transparent programme.>Stauffer is suing the Biologic Resource Center. The owner, Stephen Gore, was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to running an illegal enterprise in 2015. No. 1490139
>>1490134I do understand they didn't blow her up for nefarious purposes, but I wonder why we can't use realistic dummies for that kind of stuff. When people donate their or their families bodies they do it with the expectation that it will be used for medical science. Her son should have atleast been informed.
A couple months ago I saw a video of a mother (I think it was from a TikTok video) confronting hospital staff for not giving her a proper chance to say goodbye to her son because he was an organ donor. I've always felt iffy about donating my body so I never signed up for that.
No. 1490368
>>1490169the one in black looks like one of those forever 17 and a half yo refugees
in any case way older than a 9yo, meaning he likely doesn't even really know the girl
and the way he swings his fist…not the first time he did this
No. 1490382
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Sad but not surprised that a female doctor suggested this.
Moids reaction to it…He'd be totally ok with this if this were to happen to him IF he was a woman!…
No. 1490384
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>>1490382I bet the same people calling comatose women "dead", also insist that a 1 day old embryo is a living human being more deserving of life than whichever female who is carrying it.
No. 1490685
>>1490169Those boys will be in jail the moment they turn 18. If they're doing this now, then they've been doing shit their whole young life, and will never stop
>>1490534The only people increasing racist sentiment towards African Americans are people who turn a blind eye to reverse racism. It creates bitterness because people
know it's wrong but they don't say anything because you get shut down immediately. Does anyone else remember the mum who was torn apart as a racist all over social media because she caught her daughter being beaten by her boyfriend and called the police? She was accused of being a racist attempted murderer because intervention in situations where a black person is attacking a white person in the USA is a sin. Everyone in my country thinks burgers are retarded for letting the social climate get the way it is
No. 1490905
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>>1490871don't play dumb, this is simply true.
non-muricans see white on black violence and as a result massive protests or even riots for weeks.
then they see black on white violence…and nothing happens. of course you start to wonder.
and seeing some reactions putting the blame on the
victim like pic is pretty disgusting.
No. 1491164
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>>1490169>9 Year Old Girl and 10 Year Old Boy Get Savagely Beaten By High School Kids On A Florida Bus>Disturbing videos of a school bus beating showed two children being pounded by their peers. Now, her mother is taking action.>The student’s parents met with 7News and said that they’ve tried for weeks to get help for two of their children who attend Coconut Palm Academy, located at 24400 SW 124th Ave.>It was a bus riding beating. A 9-year-old girl was bent down in her seat as a teens stood over her delivering a constant barrage of blows.>Another video showed her 10-year-old brother being beaten while on the same bus.>The little girl was left with scratches and bruises, and her parents are now left figuring out why this happened to their daughter and their 10-year-old son.>“And this kid is just beating my daughter senseless for no reason, she can’t defend herself,” said the girl’s father. “She’s a little girl. How is this acceptable?”>“They love to learn, and it’s just so sad that something that they enjoy is becoming something they are fearing now,” said their mother.>Both videos made the rounds on social media after they were captured on a school bus Wednesday that was carrying students from Coconut Palm Academy.>The parents of the children, who asked to remain anonymous, said that this isn’t the first time their kids have been targeted.>They said they’ve been bullied at this school since they started in January.>Since the incident , these parents have pulled their children out of Coconut Palm Academy.>They’re taking their 9-year-old to a doctor, and may take legal action after that.>Videos show 9-year-old girl and 10-year-old boy being beaten inside school bus in Homestead – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale>One student has been arrested while others were disciplined.>Miami-Dade County Public Schools released the following statement that reads as follows, “The safety and wellbeing of our students is of the utmost importance.>The school district goes to great lengths to promote values of restraint and respect, as well as using social media responsibly. We ask that parents reinforce those principles at home.”Here is the original video, these two boys(especially the older one) are so fucking pathetic, beating up a little girl and boy
No. 1491197
>>1491164So I can hear what's happening a lil. So the little girl's bully was the kid in the red shirt who was hitting her and calling her names. She simply stood her ground, called him out and defended herself. The high school kid (Maybe big bro) proceeds to beat her. Her brother in turn gets the shit beaten outta him as well.
The real question is, why the hell are high schoolers riding with elementary school kids? I know every school district is different but no matter where I moved the high schoolers always got their own bus
Black on black violence shouldn't be censored. It was a topic that was also brought up in the Tyre Nichols case
No. 1501580
>>1490685>If they're doing this now, then they've been doing shit their whole young life, and will never stopNta and late but I wanted to say this is so accurate, I truly wish men like this could just be put down like a rabid dog, they really are no different. It would save a lot of future
victims from being harmed.
No. 1505051
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No. 1505578
>>1505051>>1500078Pathetic that this is considered racebaiting.
What, is it suddenly okay for a girl to get attacked because the perpetrators aren’t “evil white men”? Or are we only allowed to complain about rapes and assaults if it’s done by a white guy? I forgot being an immigrant gives you a coddled slap on the hand nowadays for serious crimes.
No. 1505595
>>1505582Agree with this so hard. As a LATAM
nonny it is soooo frustrating to hear about the actual women and children who are trying to come to Murica for “better” lives but our men just doing fuck all once they come over and setting bad examples because they’re retarded men. Not to mention some men just leave their family as soon as they come over too.
No. 1508725
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>schoolgirls from Astor School in Dover protest following the "alleged" rape of a girl (15) by 4 'Afghan migrants'
these are truly brave young girls, and are showing suffragette bravery, something most libfems would never dare to do
No. 1508877
>>1508725God, Dover used to be my home turf. I walked past that school when I hung out by the coastline, the pebbled beach beneath the cliffs, the colossal blocks of flats, the cargo ships. It is a mishmash of native English and FOBs, which comes with plenty of uncivilized moids that kind of lurk and stare at you.
We were told (in my other town) to not make stereotypes about men from this culture, islamophobia being worse than misogyny. These girls are so brave. The media may not defend them, they may have less or a community, but they’re out there. I’m so proud.
Nonnies I used to say come to dover as a threat but i would come back to dover to stand with these girls.
No. 1514449
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The Luby's Cafeteria shooting that happened in 1991. A man drove his pickup truck into a restaurant in Texas and shot and killed 23 people which was the record at the time. He was motivated by hatred of women and intentionally shot women over men. I first read about this months ago but it stuck with me because it was one of the first anti-woman shootings along with Polytechnique but this one was mostly forgotten with time. The quote in the last paragraph especially stuck with me because it showed how much rage feminism caused.
No. 1514506
>>1482067he’s a peodphile !!!
imagine if a lady dated a guy with a condition that made him look perpetually 8 years old
No. 1514747
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Don't know where to post here so im posting here.
So that female ex-cop that went viral a couple of weeks ago well it turns out the cops were sexually abusing her and one even had sex with her while she was drunk and then tried to make a fake smear campaign against her and everyone believed it.
I wonder if the people including the anons here who posted shit like ''omg even a ugly slut like this can get lots of dick'' do you feel guilty or ashamed?
No. 1514762
>>1514752both women and men were all mocking her when the news from the side of the male police (the smear campaign) first came out.
Its interesting how all it takes is for a woman to be labeled a ''slut'' for people to stop viewing her as human.
I mean just look at all the tradthot radfems here who are hyperfocused on 'slutty' women and how those women are totally ''asking'' for it if they wear makeup, tight clothes/leggings, be anywhere near a man etc
No. 1515363
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The more I hear about this case the angrier I get. He was only a teenager and there was literally a coordinated harassment and stalking campaign targeted against him by his managers and other employees until he fucking killed himself. People are literally insane. They wouldn't let him move stores and even after he quit they were still harassing him, they were threatening to frame him for child pornography. What the fuck? It's like a modern day lynching they wanted him ruined. They literally killed him
No. 1515369
>2 middle aged mentally ill ladies, not criminals!>when the van flipped the water was only a few inches deep>an hour later nearly the whole car was submergedjust imagine the terror of being trapped for an entire hour, slowly seeing the water rise around you until the windows give way for it to flood and kill you. they were basically tortured to death!
uwu he tried everything my ass, you can't tell me several moids didn't manage to break open one door (or find the fucking key) for an hour
No. 1515373
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>>1515369was searching for more info on this but of course barely any outrage… should have been violent moids, then people would cry about uwu innocent deaths
No. 1516242
>>1505578Late and off topic but I've noticed the racebait directed at
poc gets redtexted but the racebait directed at white/european races goes untouched despite reporting. The jannies and admins are clearly biased, they've even been deleting posts in the Canada fag thread that show the reality of the immigrant homelessness.
No. 1516256
>>1516242anyone who brings up any seemingly negative thing about
POC gets attacked. pointed out that sexual assaults in Toronto have skyrocketed since we started allowing as many immigrants as we are and was basically dogpiled. it’s not worth it. anyone who complains about something a
POC does is just a filthy racist.
No. 1517291
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>>1517258here's a recorded vid of her shooting the bastard(not graphic)
No. 1517968
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>>1517258>>1517291There was also this case
>Graham De Luis-Conti, 62, succumbed to his injuries Sunday, three days after he and another prisoner were beaten at California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran.>Jonathon Watson, 41, used a weapon to strike De Luis-Conti and 48-year-old David Bobb, leaving both men with multiple head wounds, according to a news release from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.>The Associated Press reported the weapon was a walking cane.>Bobb died while being transported to a hospital, and De Luis-Conti later died at the medical center.>The deaths are being investigated as a homicide, according to the release.>Both men were serving life sentences without the possibility of parole for aggravated xesual assault of a child under the age of 14, officials said.>De Luis-Conti had been at the prison since June 21, 2001, and Bobb was received there from San Diego County on Oct. 17, 2005.>Watson is serving a life sentence for first-degree murder. He has been at the Corcoran prison since Sept. 4, 2009. No. 1517982
>>1517291extremely based.
Also her infortunate life story reminds me a bit of that Araujo cause that inspired The Accused.
No. 1518063
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>>1516094This story just keeps getting worse and worse. Wish this happened in mainland China instead of HK…
It's horrifying how even now some moids write shit like "We only always hear one side of this story!" as if there's anything that could excuse that murder. Same for people claiming that maybe she was also involved with criminals. She and her ex knew each other since they were 10 and got married at 18, this was her first love, so of course she was blind to how shit he is. And when she realized and got divorced, she was still so kind as to provide this luxury home for him and her former in-laws.
Something that I find really unsettling about many of these cases is how often the parents of a murder hide or defend what their son did. Like imagine you marry somebody, see them as your second parents but in the end you matter zero to them because they'd do anything for their son.
No. 1518193
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>>1517968may this man be blessed with a healthy, long life during his tenure in prison so he can beat more to death
No. 1518955
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The Murdaugh case is fucking unbelievable. People keep dying around him left and right but everyone ignores it becuase he is rich and influential then in order to divert attention from the fact that he committed an insurance fraud and embezzled money, he goes ahead and murders his whole family. You can't make this shit up
No. 1519914
>>1517968And what did
he do, being housed with pedophiles? Probably raped someone too.
No. 1520326
>>1520311its okay anon, if you're wondering he is trying to rape her, literally. She is strong for being able to call help while he was tackling her.
Honestly this thinking that a woman deserves harassment or rape just because she dared dress a way thats ''provocative'' is so something that tradthots/right-wingers think yet lately i see so many radfems spouting that rhetoric too.
Im still pissed over that anon saying women who wear leggings at the gym deserve harassment and other anons agreeing with her.
No. 1520385
>>1520265Disgusting fucking ape. I wish she was able to smash his stupid fucking neanderthal skull in with one of those barbells. I hope he gets shot to death by the police very soon.
>Did YoU EvEr FiGuRe OuT wHaT hIs MoTiVe WaS?Shut the fuck up stupid exploitative moid.
No. 1520557
>>1520265Same anon as before and I'm still pissed about this. I've never literally seen a man with my own eyes try to rape a woman. And why does the thumbnail picture seem to be more about the woman's shape/body than anything? This stupid moid just so happened to pick two screenshots where the woman's ass is perfectly visible, but the rapist piece of shit is blurry and not clear? And the stupid fucking shocked expression (she's not stupid but the way her emote is being exploited like it's a fucking youtube drama clickbait video or whatever) inlay completely cheapens the horrible experience this woman went through. >Zomg!! Wacky! Click here!!!!
I hate men.
No. 1520869
>>1520852the excuse i keep seeing is “he’s mentally handicapped”
what, so we should just let tard moids attack us? eugenics looks nicer and nicer by the day.
No. 1529911
>>1529868A clip of this story was in my recommended lately and they did the same thing using childlike terms as if he was a stroppy kid and his mommy didn't do her duty to calm him down. Real interesting language choices that really downplayed it being an adult who risked dozens of people being burned to death in their own homes.Lots of emphasis on mom. Meanwhile the comments were a battle to try and figure out if 18 year olds are adults or not
> If you can't drink til you're 21 then you're not actually.. > well everybody under the age of 25 is kinda a child still because you see the brain doesn' stop developing til.. I'm pretty sure they updated that lately and came out saying that the brain keeps on developing til you're 30 but how many extra years of 'he's a child so its all his mommies fault' do people want? Why are news channels referring to adult men like they're kids to a point where people even need to have a debate on what an adult is?
No. 1542235

reposting here because I guess it fits here more then the MTF thread, Lots of readingNona so I clicked this video by this creator I enjoy.
>Sarah Buzzard married a fucking chaser (Corey)>She was talking to someone she thought was a woman really a Tim named, " Naira" who was fucking a horrible person (Sarah told stories about him wanting to harm random women/people but never acting on it)>chaser Boyfriend Corey said "the perfect relationship is between a man, woman and transgender woman". He wanted Naira but Sarah wanted her relationship with Naira to be seperate>Corey Catfished a young man (Ryan) who was secretly transitioning - "“He had made a post on Craigslist Personals,” she said, “and he was looking more into the route of him being seen as the submissive female of a relationship. He started looking into (transitioning to female), such as the hormone therapy, and he was looking into some of the voice training in order to get that way. He also would go shopping for different female clothing.Many of these details came from the BCI’s Lester, who analyzed Ryan’s google searches, phone records, and social media activity."Here's a copy paste of a news article- "The data revealed Ryan met someone online who used the screen name, Laurel Emerson, but was really a married man named Corey Buzzard.
In early August 2015, Ryan moved from Corbin to Columbus and into an apartment with Corey and his wife, Sarah Buzzard, and a third person, Naira Whitaker, a transgender woman.
Det. Baucher said Ryan was nervous about the move.
“Corey had warned him that Naira did not like other people to basically be out exploiting their sexualities. She felt that if you wanted to be a female, you needed to portray yourself as a female and not let anyone else know otherwise.”
For the first few weeks, Ryan had a relationship with Corey Buzzard, while Sarah Buzzard was having a relationship with Naira Whitaker. But by late September, Corey no longer wanted Ryan around and told him to pack up his things and leave. Corey left the apartment for the weekend, so Ryan appealed to Sarah to let him stay.
Det. Baucher said, “Sarah told us that she told him no. Corey wants you gone, you’re here for Corey’s purpose, not mine, so you need to leave. She then told Naira how she and Ryan’s conversation had gone, and that’s when the plan was developed.”
The women’s plan was to kill Ryan, according to Sgt. Baker.
“Naira was allegedly the planner of the whole situation and Sarah kind of got brought into that plan, but they both followed through with killing Ryan.”
Baker said Sarah Buzzard strangled Ryan in the Columbus apartment’s hallway and both women dismembered him in the bathtub.
“And then they dispersed Ryan’s dismembered body throughout the state of Ohio,” said Det. Baucher. " They had come back home to find Corey home and they left it under the ruse that Ryan had just left … and Corey believed them.”
In January 2016, the same month Ryan Zimmerman’s remains were found in Mercer County, Corey and Sarah Buzzard’s divorce was finalized and Sarah married Naira Whitaker.
By July 2021, investigators were closing in. They searched the Columbus apartment where the four had lived in 2015, as well as the Toyota Corolla Sarah Buzzard had sold — and found traces of human blood in both.
On August 25th, detectives went to Marion, Indiana to arrest Sarah Buzzard, while other detectives stayed behind to question Naira Whitaker at the couple’s home. At the Marion police department, Sarah confessed to killing Ryan Zimmerman, and told Sgt. Baker the motive was love.
“Miss Buzzard, during an interview, explained that she loved Naira so much and it was kind of a plan of theirs, that if she didn’t follow through with doing what they did, she was going to lose Naira.”
With Sarah in jail, officers returned to the house to arrest Naira Whitaker, who had been denying any involvement in Ryan’s murder.
“When he went to place her under arrest,” said Baker, “she ended up pulling a firearm from her purse and died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”
Sarah Buzzard pleaded guilty to aggravated murder and was sentenced in January to 30 years to life in prison for killing Ryan Zimmerman."
I'm still watching the video which adds extra details. Jealous angry disgusting troon, disgusting husband, and disgusting woman who allowed herself to be manipulated by everyone with a dick.
Sarah also said, "me and Naira (troon) made a suicide pact. That if we were caught, we'd kill each other because Naira didn't want to go to a male prison because she's "Anatomically" still male. She was very very feminine and a male jail would be a death sentence". She has to be the biggest handmaiden in the world. You marry a bisexual chaser, you open your marriage up but then get mad when his gross ass brings his scrote around, after you move in your tranny GF.
Then you hate your husband's BF so much, you kill him with your violent tranny girlfriend.
All things point to Sarah being truthful that Naira played parts and probably even planned it. Even Corey said that Naira "Did not like people exploiting their sexualities" . A bunch of vile people.
No. 1542250
>>1537627I was watching a video earlier about a bunch of gay men who were into cutting other mens dicks off and cooking/eating their dicks. All part of a fetish where one man died from blood loss afterwards. For some reason men were freaking out at any woman commenting about how crazy that is. Because calling those specific men crazy is somehow insulting men in general. So they brought up this woman as a gotcha to say haha see women are crazy too!!
But honestly.. yeah its always men who are the ones wanting or willing to cut off your body parts, blind you etc. Jumping at the chance to 'totes consentually' assault or maim someone.
No. 1543000
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The murder of Christina Yuna Lee makes me angry beyond belief.
>Lee was getting home from a Saturday night out when she was dropped off at her building on Chrystie Street.>After following her up the six flights of stairs, Assamad Nash, a homeless man, allegedly forced his way into her apartment and attacked her, stabbing her dozens of times.>Her concerned neighbors heard her screams and alerted the police. They arrived at the scene within minutes but allegedly did not enter her apartment until an hour later.>About an hour later, officers knocked down the door. Prosecutors allege they found Lee’s body in the bathroom, with 40 stab wounds, naked from the waist up, and they allege Nash was hiding under the bed, a knife tucked behind the dresser.He had bruises and a stab wound to his abdomen, she was fighting for her life. What makes me angrier is the moid's defense.
>“First of all, they gotta have me on camera killing her, I’m not on camera touching her at all,” Nash said. “They only got me on camera going into the building, that’s it. They ain’t got no camera showing me killing that lady.”
>“Listen! You’re not listening!” Nash shouted. “They gotta have you on camera killing her. They don’t got me on camera killing her. They only got me on camera following her into the building.”
>“She called me. She invited me over for a party. She was having a party and she invited me over for a drink.” No. 1543109
>>1543000>“I don’t remember nothing. I told you. I wasn’t in my right state of mind. It’s crazy being on that stuff.”>Nash, who is charged with first-degree murder, burglary, and sexually motivated burglary, said vaguely, “That situation happened. Then she died. And they told me I did that and all that crazy stuff, you know?”?Apparently bored during the interview, Nash yawned, and occasionally laughed.
jesus fucking christ. no male killers have any ounce of humanity in them to not disparage and ruin a dead woman's name.
No. 1543712
I do not for one second believe that Nichol Kessinger had nothing to do with the Chris Watts murders.
Homewreckers and mistresses are the craziest, most possessive and evil type of women that exist, and also usually have BPD (because what sane woman would believe that the man wouldn't also take another mistress after).,Watts%20murdered%20his%20entire%20family.
No. 1545098
>>1543000Black men are the scum of the earth. They will do the most depraved shit and still manage to frame themselves as the
(racebait) No. 1546102
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I think a lot about the disappearance of Marion Barter:
>51 year old teacher abruptly quits her job and sells her house
>announces she sill go on a year long trip to the UK
>initially sends letters and postcards but after she doesn't call her son on his birthday, her daughter reports her as missing
>the daughter also learns that her mother changed her name to Florabella Natalia Remakel before her trip and that someone withdrew money from her mother's account in an Australian bank (when she was supposed to be in the UK)
Some suggest that she was either the victim of an international romance scam, others say she just wanted to start a new life
No. 1554961
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From the MTF thread, Gay Man who admitted to murdering the surrogate mother he hired to have his children has told the court he identifies as a woman in what some are calling a bid to avoid a potentially lengthy sentence for femicide
>Fernando Alves Ferreira was detained in February of 2022 after admitting to the murder of Eduarda Santos, a surrogate he had hired who was living with him in the Argentinian city of Bariloche. Santos’ body was found by a tourist on the Circuito Chico Trail with 9 gunshot wounds. A later forensic examination revealed that Santos’ corpse also had injuries consistent with having been beaten prior to her death.
>In Ferreira’s car, which was seized after he turned himself in, police found blood stains, leading them to theorize that a fight had broken out in the vehicle before Santos fled on foot. Ferreira then chased her down and shot her. Investigators noted that Ferreira had taken “every precaution to ensure the woman could not defend herself.” CCTV footage was also found of Ferreira disposing of his weapon.
>The motivation for the crime is unclear, as Ferreira has refused to provide concrete details. Instead, he has vaguely accused Santos of being involved in illegal “gang” activity and suggested he was the victim in the situation. No evidence has been found to substantiate his claim.
>Santos would give birth to twins for Ferreira and his partner, who would pass away the next year. The woman had apparently been living with the couple due to having a lack of her own economic resources.
>The chief prosecutor in the case characterized Santos as being particularly vulnerable, and described her as having been “at the mercy” of Ferreira. Just one month prior to her murder, Santos had given birth to another child.
>In response, Ferreira accused Santos of being the aggressor, saying “she was not submissive.” Santos’ family in Brazil have previously spoken out against Ferreira’s claims of victimhood, slamming media for giving him sympathetic coverage.
>It was the dynamic between Ferreira and Santos which led to prosecutors pursuing a conviction for femicide, which is defined as a gender-specific crime introduced in 2012 to address the nation’s epidemic of sex-based violence. According to the United Nations, one woman is murdered every 32 hours in Argentina. The femicide provision was defined broadly as “a crime against a woman when the act is perpetrated by a man and gender violence is mediated.”
>But now, Ferreira’s lawyers are seeking to have the femicide charge withdrawn, arguing that their client no longer identifies as a man. This past week during a hearing, Ferreira’s lawyers stated that his name was now “Amanda,” and that he was going through the relevant legal procedures to have his self-declared gender identity recognized.
>Of the charges Ferreira faced, the femicide claim carried the longest potential sentence of life imprisonment. If withdrawn, and if the other legal strategies stated by the defense are successful, Ferreira could spend as little as 10 years in prison for slaughtering Santos.
No. 1555272
>>1543000The defense just makes him look retarded. How does he think they prosecuted before cameras?
It's "beyond a reasonable doubt", it's pretty unreasonable to assume the homeless man hiding under her bed with a knife had nothing to do with her being stabbed 40 times. hope they wring him in court.
No. 1567693
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Once again, a criminal gets let out early and uses that opportunity to murder as a last hurrah, just fucking lock these wastes of life up forever if you can’t hit them with the death penalty. It’s not worth the innocent people that always get killed because they want to grant freedom to a violent man. Seriously it’s disgusting how often I see this shit happen and this one was a sex offender rapist who groomed teens from prison.
No. 1583516
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this just came out dude Jason Abate started an app for recovering addicts (not relevant to story but just background info), goes disappearing a year and a half ago after an uber changed course. his body was just found in an abandoned property.
>Mann’s remains were found in the courtyard of an abandoned property on Santa Monica Boulevard, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The remains were identified by the county coroner through dental records.
>The cause of death, however, has not been released.
>His family believes foul play was involved
>“What did alarm me was the fact that he went to 7-Eleven and had programmed his destination and was to go home after that,” said Abate. “So he went to 7-Eleven and he bought a bunch of stuff for home, like cleaning stuff and a big bag of ice, because anyone who knows Beau knows he loves to chew on ice and his ice maker didn’t work. So none of that surprised me.”
>“When someone is going to do their grocery shopping and they’re buying ice to go home, and that’s where they’re scheduled to go home, it doesn’t make sense for him to suddenly change his address to 1338 Berkeley St., and during that change, he texted 911 and used the app’s emergency feature,” said Abate.i do not like rideshares and i never wish to take one again in my life, and all the crimes that have been committed by drivers, and now a weird disappearance and death after an uber changed destinations, just adds to the fact
No. 1583798
>>1583516While ride sharing concerns are well-grounded, there’s a lot missing from this news report.
> “So he went to 7-Eleven and he bought a bunch of stuff for home, like cleaning stuff and a big bag of ice, because anyone who knows Beau knows he loves to chew on ice and his ice maker didn’t work. So none of that surprised me.”Jason conveniently doesn’t mention whenever Beau relapsed, he’d become paranoid and drenched everything in water. He would also incessantly clean everything around him. That morning he was acting erratically; he kept going from sketchy neighbourhood to sketchy neighbourhood
probably trying to procure drugs and the “text to 911” was the automated text that can be sent via Uber. Whenever he was high, he’d try to go into hiding and believed he was being followed. The narrative they’re pushing is trying to point away from Beau’s obvious issues which won’t help them get this solved in the long run.
No. 1584668
>>1583867The feeling I got after listening to Beau’s episode on The Vanished podcast is that his
dysfunctional family is in absolute denial about him and his circumstances. They believe he was murdered by either the Uber driver or the resident(s) of the house he was dropped off at. The owner of the property was also an addict and this was a “party” house.
She passed away earlier this year. They refuse to accept the most likely scenario: Beau relapsed and this is probably a case of death by misadventure.
No. 1585594
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Young women are just fucking done. You love to see it. I wonder if substance abuse will see a marked decline in 20 years, after most of the addiction scrotes have weeded themselves out of the gene pool with bing bing wahoo. No. 1585616
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Apparently the German police started searching a reservoir in Portugal in connection with Madeleine McCann's disappearance:
>Police officers investigating a Portuguese reservoir in the searches for missing Madeleine McCann appear to have collected bags of evidence during the search.
>A significant number of officers are working in the area by the Arade dam, about 30 miles from Praia da Luz, where the three-year-old was last seen alive in 2007.
>Portuguese police, as well as German and British officers present, were seen in the water on an inflatable boat. There were also sniffer dogs along the banks of the reservoir and teams with shovels digging in the area.
>It comes 16 years after she went missing after German authorities found photographs of the Barragem do Arade reservoir when Christian Brueckner was arrested six years ago.
>Convicted sex offender Brueckner is currently in a German jail for a rape he committed in Portugal in 2005.
>Separately, he is under investigation on suspicion of murder in the McCann case but hasn’t been charged.
>Several bags were carried away from the site, although it is not clear what they contained. German prosecutors confirmed they were searching the reservoir but were unable to provide further details "for tactical reasons."
>Prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters told German state broadcaster NDR that they “have grounds to believe” they could find evidence in the area.I really hope something will come out of this, the investigation has been going on for so long
No. 1587716
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>Hannah Landon is accused of strangling and beating Bella Fontenelle (her bfs daughter) to death and leaving her body in a plastic bucket on her mother’s lawn
The video is the creepiest part how she's just calmly pulling the wagon with the bucket in it. Horror movie tier
I looked into the case and it turns out her and the mother of her bfs kids fought a lot. It's crazy she killed the daughter but left the other child unharmed. That kid is going to be haunted
No. 1599880
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Man pretending to be a medical researcher, but really films women for his fetish videos in Ecuador. Of course he has a handmaiden acting as his recruiter and trafficker.
>Stefano has worked on various projects in Latin America which have undoubtedly helped preserve the population of Hummingbirds in the area. However, that's not all Stefano has been doing in South America… He also has a fetish for making unsuspecting young women suffer as much as possible through tickle torture and takes advantage of Latin America's poor human rights protections in order to violate girls who sign up to participate in fake clinical trials.
>Jeanneth claims to work for a website called which produces "reaction videos" for "science TV channels". However, the whole thing is a cover for their true intentions which is to trick women into believing they are participating in a legitimate study when in fact Stefano is making fetish videos without their knowledge.
>The supposed team leader of The Science TV, Allison, is in fact Christy Carlo, a voiceover actress and custom video maker who sells videos on Fiverr. No. 1619123
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30 year old American male tourist passed two 21 and 22 year old female American tourists on a hiking trail and convinced them to follow him to a spot off a hidden trail with a better view. It was on the edge of a cliff. He attempted to rape the 21 year old and when the 22 year old tried to help, he choked her and then threw her off the cliff. Its unclear if he actually raped the 21 year old and threw her off or not, but it's also been speculated she plunged off the cliff to escape him. The 21 year old was unresponsive and airlifted in a helicopter, she died that night. The 22 year old landed in a tree and survived. Pure evil. Eva Liu, 21, is dead leading her friend Kelsey Chang, 22, traumatized. The man is named Troy Bohling. He's from Michigan and likes playing dungeons and dragons.