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No. 1157897
Thread to discuss or post information about the Amber Heard and Johnny Deppp Trial case.
Previous thread:
>>1149295 No. 1158049
>>1156559>>1156572It's very unrealistic to think that literally
everyone except Amber is lying.
Lol ok, Depp lied (but not about all things I'm sure), maybe he paid off a few people, but I have no reason not to believe his exes. You can look for reasons, you can tinfoil that Mr. Debt has paid off everyone (with what money).
Bit it can't be just Amber telling the truth. (I'm sure she's also lying about select things). That's really pushing it even for a fangirl.
No. 1158132
>>1158049I don’t think anons are saying that everyone but Amber is lying, but if you go on Reddit or Twitter or Facebook or some shit, normies think she is lying about EVERYTHING and that Johnny’s word is law. This is a familiar situation for women who have been
victims of male manipulators. /ot/ has been largely pro-women so obviously anons push back against that narrative here.
No. 1158156
>>1158132Nayrt but I agree with this mindset. Every time the case crosses my path on other sites, people are still spouting the same tired points ("Amber cut his finger/shit in his bed and she's an evil witch") even if they were proven wrong. It's always demonizing Amber entirely and conveniently not addressing any of the bullshit Johnny is doing or has done. As you said, normies are convinced she's lying about everything and won't see reason.
I wish there were an all-facts no bullshit cliffnotes of the trial that goes through and proves/disproves the claims from both sides just to quickly pull it up and use it in conversation even though that still wouldn't get some people to change their minds or sway their opinion, I'm sure.
No. 1158184
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>>1158049>maybe he paid off a few peopleThey're literally his employees
>but I have no reason not to believe his exesPicrel and other than her one statement, she keeps Depp at arms length. Winona was also underage while dating Depp when he was 25-26. He might not have been physically
abusive, but he literally slept with a minor and groomed her?
No. 1158213
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>>1158184Don’t forget about another woman he groomed: Christina Ricci who
he met while dating Winona. On the set of mermaids He is a total piece of shit, he probably fancied that Winona was playing a 14 year old
No. 1158270
>>1158184>>1158213None of that proves or even indicates they were lying, you are really reaching. Believe all women, but only of they're called Amber Heard, huh?
I know Johnny is a lying
abusive creepy junkie. I do not know that Vanessa or Winona are liars and I refuse to call them such just because it fits some narrative.
No. 1158284
>>1158270How is anons believing Winnona wasn't abused as she stated, but Heard was due to age/time/addiction, not believing Winnona?
>'Aren't you guys like believe all women?'Lmao, fuck of with the 'you guys all believe the same things' shit.
No. 1158303
>>1158287Lol you retards can't even read and start foaming at the mouth
Try actually reading the posts
Or keep reeeeing for no reason, it's amusing ngl
No. 1158306
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>>1158303kek seethe fatty
No. 1158309
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>>1158306They're the same pic
No. 1158311
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>>1158270I don't blame either for what they said, but I think they can definitely be influenced or biased. Winona dated Depp when she was a minor and while she wasn't physically abused, I don't know if that might have skewed her perception of what is considered "normal". You also cannot predict what someone is going to be like 20+ years later, after their brain has been fried by cocaine, meth, alcohol etc. She also retracted her statements. Vanessa never married Depp, so at the moment of separation, she was a single mother with no legal guarantees from her much wealthier ex-boyfriend. She would be stupid to drag him through the mud. There's a reason Depp called her an extortionate French cunt and I understand why she did what she did, because he gave her no legal guarantees. She defended him, but at the same time keeps him at arms length and didn't want to comfort him after the split with Amber privately.
>>1157390 Doesn't sound like she's on great terms with him and the defense was just for show. She's not even being called as a character witness, is she?
No. 1158316
>>1158311I refuse to call two women I don't know liars just because it fits some narrative.
It's a good rule to have in life in general, not just this transient event.
No. 1158331
>>1158329Oh my god it's the illiterate one.
Stop posting before you've read the exchange
No. 1158334
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>>1158328get 'em girl do it for daddy
No. 1158338
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>>1158321Saying that what someone said isn't true, isn't the same as calling someone a liar. "Liar" means that it was intentional, but I'm more thinking in the direction of ignorant, out of the loop, unqualified, biased, under duress etc.
>>1158328I'm looking at the evidence which has been provided for both trials, looking at statements made inside and outside of court and by insiders and drawing a conclusion based on those. I'm refraining from morally judging either Winona or Vanessa, because I can empathize and sympathize with the idea of having been groomed as a minor or being pressured by your ex, especially when your children with him at that time were underage (Jack Depp was 14 in 2016 when she made those statements and Lily Rose was 16) and he could've fucked things up for you and the kids.
No. 1158342
>>1158338I'm done with you and your bullshit
I'm not interested in your skitzo narratives and ~empathy~
No. 1158346
>>1158341>You just keep coming here and spewing your nonsense with no shame. No helping you, is there?There are multiple anons responding to you.
>>1158342>I'm not interested in your skitzo narrativesYou know what's a schizo narrative? Believing that a scrote with a 150mil networth is an uwu
victim and that people who are on his payroll are trustworthy witnesses. Or that people who dated him over 20 years ago when they were a minor can predict the future.
No. 1158349
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No. 1158350
>>1158338>>1158270>Don't you guys believe all women?False, this is just how men interpret to protect their own interests/beliefs. In truth we often believe women because they have often proved to be the
victim and have the most likely chance of being so due to varying reasons such as being less agressive then men/less ristaking/being a smaller size in comparison to a male perpatrator, and the evidence often lining up with that analysis, such as in this case where he only alleges abuse after her own allegations, basically DARVO, to try and negate her first allegations. Men purposefully interperate it as irrationally believing all women no matter the circumstance to hold their own irrational belief that we are wrong regardless of the likelihood of a man being the perpetrator of a violent crime. Basically they wish to perceive themselves as
victims due to various sexual failures which they wish to blame on womens progress, which is true, women won't choose shitty men when aware they have the option, but men see this as a bad thing due to their drive to reproduce/coom/pass on legacy outranking their desires for a safe and productive society which can be achieved if they lost out in the genetic race. Everyone remember the Gabby Patito case? Same thing happened. She alleged abuse/was believed to have abused her, so he DARVO'd it and said actually she abused me and is just a BPD bitch. It's a common tactic in the new age with newmales weaponizing societies more equal minded cultural attitude.
No. 1158354
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No. 1158356
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No. 1158362
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>>1158359projection, does it get any more schizo than defending a violent scrote?
No. 1158364
>>1158362anon you're confused.
>>1158341 is the depp defender.
No. 1158368
>>1158341 is probably 80IQchan
No. 1158373
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No. 1158383
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No. 1158388
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No. 1158405
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>>1158398say 10 hail ambers and u are forgiven
No. 1158451
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>>1158437Just hide the thread
No. 1158463
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>>1158405I’m saying them rn she is my queen
>>1158408I kiss you, anon
No. 1158467
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>>1158463You get a kiss back
No. 1158491
>>1158470Considering them for what?
I'll take Vanessa's and Winona's word about their own life over some autist on an imageboard posting their half-baked take on it
No. 1158492
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>>1158491that's right hon
No. 1158499
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No. 1158501
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>>1158495what are your pronouns
No. 1158514
quick! hide from depp
No. 1158530
>>1158518Holy shit you are projecting so much. Between this, the skitzo upthread, the idealization of amber, you are now seeming far more unhinged than deppfags.
80IQ-chan, you are the most sane and normal here
It's as if Depp's team is writing all the "pro-amber" posts.
No. 1158540
>>1158535I don't believe in psychiatry, but I'm on the verge of starting to believe in bpd, no joke
I thought it was just kindergarten-level banter before I read the above post. I noticed (how can you not) that many people posting itt have issues. Issues that make them identify with Amber. I thought that issue was abuse. I'm having second thoughts.
No. 1158548
>>1158544I did, when I thought they were shitposters. but I now think they're actually serious. Read
>>1158518That sounds like an actual worldview, she really thinks that, even if just deep down
No. 1158555
>>1158552Not the fat poster, just think you are thin skinned and crying after reeing everyone is an evil fat lez for disagreeing with you without posing a good case why she is
No. 1158556
>>1158551No, I'm not doing this to gain internet points
>>1158554You keep fusing all posters you don't like into one. You're all like the PR team Amber fired, you're not doing her any favours, just making someone on the fence like me steer away from your side
No. 1158558
>>1158556So do you. Now post rebuttal. You sound like Depps missinfo team kek.
>>1158557Proof? That hasn't been proven in court.
No. 1158565
>>1158556Then what are you doing it for? You just want to control other anons posting because it offends you personally.
>>1158557Here we go. Thinking about making a copypasta to reply to anons like this…
Anon, if you’re not baiting and actually misinformed, he cut off his own finger and has never had black eyes from her, it was HER who had the black eyes.
No. 1158572
>>1158495It started because Depp defender seethed that we just hate Depp because we are all evil fat lez radfems etc, not because he's likely
abusive considering the case so far, proven evidence, and personal connections/past behaviour/druggy lifestyle.
No. 1158576
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>>1158495It’s mostly ironic how the fangirls of him are literally fat, like the lady with the llamas and the chicks booing AH outside court, he called amber heard fat and flabby. He also called the mother of Lilly Rose a “withered cunt” so all the old women defending him look dumb as fuck too, there’s some girl I went to school with on Facebook who is annoying with defending him and she is literally obese she keeps posting stupid stuff like picrel
No. 1158582
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>>1158576This is another one. She’s fat and cakes makeup on and uses a shitload of filters.. she shares shit like 8+posts a day, I don’t think people who post this think critically.
No. 1158601
>>1158592Wait, are you scolding me for not giving a shit about millionaire celebrities hahaha hahaha
When did they give a shit about me
Here, I can sing them "Imagine" when the trial is over. That will be enough fucks given in reciprocation.
No. 1158604
>>1158602Do you
really care about the state of Shayna's vagina? Then why do you post
No. 1158638
>>1158437I hope Deppwhores go on a diet so I never see desperate jealous whores defend
abusive men who will never look at them ever again.
No. 1158659
>>1158655Calling out a woman who slept with a married man and diagnosed her with a mental illness the said man asked her to… You think that's not something that should be called out? You think a normal woman sleeping around is worse than sabotaging a
victim and fucking her over? Kek.
No. 1158666
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>>1158665Delusional. I’d post the tiktok vids where attractive women are actually calling out heard’s bs, but I can’t, you dishwater blonde loonies will harass the poor women.
No. 1158676
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At this point I think it’s just one seething anon who comes in this thread and baits. Who gets so irrationally angry about something that they can’t change, no matter how much they cry, and won’t affect them at all?
No. 1158677
>>1158676Even if they're different, they're all pathetic. One admits to being a legal retard, other has a weird blonde fetish, other is probably a man who stole some rings from his grandma just to send a handpic. The same dude ended up asking other anons to post their bodies once they were called fat, definitely not something a woman would do imo.
You might be right because they've all ignored the hand pic request, since you could easily tell from a handpic if they're samefagging.
No. 1158680
>>1158677I was the anon who said post bodies, completely unrelated to the hand pic anon.
I can smell you from here bulimia anons
No. 1158712
>>1158702she's fucking right, you anons in here have been the most
toxic anons we've had in a while and thats why no one likes this fucking thread and why no one thinks you're true feminists
No. 1158718
>>1158712No one here is claiming to be a feminist, you're the ones who called us radfem and dykes. Though I'd say defending an
abusive man cause you wanna fuck him is worse than calling a fat whore for what she is, fat and ugly. This is a gossipforum, fattie. Of course people are going to be petty when needed, stop acting like this is a wholesome feminist website.
Also, you wouldn't post if you hated this thread. This is the most attention you'll get in your lifetime, we've seen countless Deppfans come and beg to be spoonfed- would they come here time and time and beg so bad if they really hated the thread? Seethe and diet.
No. 1158720
>>1158719Says the one defending a 60 year old
abusive druggie because she wants to fuck him. Are you supposed to be the real fehmunist? Kek.
No. 1158757
>>1158745I don't agree with how social media is managed at all. They all work for an agenda and this time they're trying to make normies see Depp as a poor little boy while accusing Amber of being an actual witch, this is just a psyop to make people blame
victims because scrotes thinj #metoo got out of hand and now they have to take responsibility for their crimes.
Twitter had a very weird agenda too, you could be a proud pedo and you wouldn't get banned but misgendering someone or even being mean to men, especially the aforementioned pedos, would get you banned.
Thankfully most normies aren't too invested and normal men I've spoken to laughed because they know a skinny woman can't overpower a fat older man. Only chronically online people have weird views about the case.
No. 1158830
>>1158787Yeah you can hurt them but Depp is a druggie who would've hit back. And he actually did, kek since he was the one who hit her.
>>1158776About which part? Twitter? Youtube? The male or female friend?
No. 1158890
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ktubi had the rum diaries on the first page so i put it on. as her character is leaving after they met the first time, he says, "oh god. why did she have to happen? just when i was doing so good without her." it's perfect.
No. 1159195
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>>1159164the uk trial has no relevance
No. 1159320
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>>1158890>i was doing so good without her.Deppfags are delusional kek
No. 1159367
>>1159325Imagine driving your fattie wife so she can support your husbando. Kek. I'd almost feel bad for him.
>>1159338>Tfw you're a celebrity who always had teens or young women who were conventionally attractive as your fans but now you only have mentally ill old fatties who stalk you.Depp is probably more traumatized by Deppwives than he is from Amber.
No. 1159442
Mods suck boo
No. 1159515
>>1159419It's because some anons samefagged and cried in meta. It's weird though, same anons also wanted covid and war thread autosaged because it
triggered them but nothing happened to those.
On the bright side, there aren't as many pickmes or weirdos itt looking for infights anymore.
No. 1159566
>>1159549the financial lawyer they had on earlier today talked at lenght about me too so i think you are right
he said big stars can get away with drugs and bad behavior but not sexual assault/domestic violence anymore which is…. debatable at best
No. 1159567
>>1159549Ultimately they're fighting for money and popularity. This is a
defamation case.
Keep in mind there are many people orbiting either of them trying to get a slice of the cake.
No. 1159581
>>1159567Samefag, the sums in question are 50 million USD for this and 100 million USD for the countersuit.
People kill for far less.
No. 1160442
>>1160298And just to remind you how this started, Mr. Debt squandered a shitton of money and had liquidity problems. He fired his old council and the new one, full of money-hungry unscrupulous people no doubt, started advising him to sue left and right. First to sue his ex financial team, then the paper, now Amber. Imo this was not the best long-term solution for his financial issues, but it was the one that would fill the pockets of his new advisors fastest, they are taking advantage of a rich junkie.
It was always about the money. For a lot of people involved.
They're also trying to fight over their reputation or worth millions. Warner Bros and Disney are the ones that have the highest stake in this.
Do you see who the interested parties are? Not third world poor women, that's for sure. It's about the money, and you won't be getting a piece.
No. 1160462
>>1159419thank god. each side of you is
toxic asf and you belong deep in the pages of the board.
No. 1160469
>>1160298Don't be obtuse. Idgaf about Amber Heard. I'm upset and fascinated with the hate mob against her for being an abuse
victim. Confirmation that metoo was the bs I always thought it was
No. 1160757
>>1160721Do you know what that word means? They are literally at odds. One of them is going to win the case and one is going to lose, one is worthy of defense/found innocent in the eyes of the law, and one won’t be. It’s
literally not a false dichotomy.
No. 1160778
>>1160757They are at odds. I don't have to be. It's not me on trial. I don't like either of them.
They're fighting a defamation case. It's not my reputation at stake. It's not my fight.
It's absolutely a false dichotomy that I have to be in one camp or the other.
They should take all those millions and instead of putting out this circus do something worthwhile with that money.
No. 1160840
>>1160800>Don't use cancer patients to try to get people to support a bloated pedo scrote.Lol. Literally did none of that. And I'm not having a crusade against anyone. Wonder what you'll try to pin on me next.
I'm sharing my opinions on current events. This entire thing is deliberately and strategically promoted in the public eye by Depp's and Heard's teams. It's not a social justice thing, it's a buttload of money thing.
These Hollywood people are not my ally, but they want me to be theirs. Haha. Fuck them.
No. 1160871
>>1160778> They are at odds. I don't have to be.No1curr.
People mentally putting themselves in the seat of the jury and sharing their opinions has been going on since courts have existed. You’re not going to change anyone’s behavior now, and fence-sitting looks retarded and morally bankrupt in this situation. Besides, if you came in here to tell people what they should or shouldn’t be discussing, you might as well have not posted at all.
No. 1160874
>>1160868He can't get it up, 80iq chan
>>1160871I'm happy as a puppy that someone is finally discussing things here again and I'm not alone! I don't care how I look to you, I'll keep saying my piece
No. 1160880
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>>1160874As long as this shitshow continues, I will be here to lovingly argue and shitpost with you, anon.
Even if it’s just the two of us kek No. 1160950
>>1160934the scrote YT lawyers are fucking retarded, it's like their Y chromosome has overridden any knowledge they might've acquired in lawschool, many don't even have any irl experience. They hear the recordings and their scrote brains just go "haha Depp is funny, Amber deserved it, she IS a fatass, he is so based", they don't register it as verbally
No. 1160968
>>1160952Probably why he's so jealous and suspicious of everyone he dates too. He can't get it up and can't have sex, since he wouldn't go down on anyone either. Probably why he's also so lesbophobic.
>>1160953Ah yes, because a scrote admitting to headbutting, putting out cigarettes, constantly berating her for years, is totally on the same level as one recording of Amber admitting she slapped him that one time. Go masturbate to your "debby" webby somewhere else.
No. 1160989
>>1160968There's no need to level them. I can think they're both shit. Shit people get abused all the time.
Miss me with the involvement in this mess. They're somehow both trailer trash and rich celebrities.
Neither of those are my worlds.
No. 1163372
>>1163336I would take the term actress lightly, never seen any movies she's in but her performance in the courtroom shows some awful acting. It's like when the doctor was talking about her "trauma" and abuse, most people would be
triggered by it all being brought up again, you'd have a much more natural physical response, not just dead fish face syndrome. And if she was sexually assaulted by a broken bottle surely there'd be hospital records, why has no one from her medical team heard of it until this PR doctor came to the stand (who incidentally couldn't remember the work she did with Amber but could recall all the details of this emotive abuse story she spieled). Seen a few SA/DV
victims reacting to this segment on lawtube streams and it's been awful to watch.
>>1162646 I found it funny how she was minimizing Heards abuse, whilst maximizing Depps. At least Dr Curry talked about both male and female
victims/abusers, PR doctor just painted all men as abusers, all women as
victims, lends nothing to the discussion of abuse survivors.
No. 1163390
>>1163372You don’t even know what people from her team have heard of because only one person has presented her side of the story, and provided it very well too. If you actually think that her facial expressions are an indication of anything you are brain-dead. She has been through therapy in her
years since the very documented instances of abuse against her, and there is nothing weird about her trying to have an attitude that reflects the seriousness of the case, unlike Johnny who laughs and jokes and rambles on about things.
No. 1163422
I slept through one, gonna catch up later. Seems like things are not looking good for Heard, with her firing her team. Nothing is certain until she gives her own testimony.
>>1163328Yeah, there were people here trying to convince me it's perfectly ok to yell and argue with someone for 5 hours and not let them leave. Like wtf
No. 1163598
>>1163563dr curry saw heard for 12 hours and diagnosed her with crazy-woman-disease after getting wined and dined by depp and legal team. dr hughes diagnosed heard with ptsd after a total of 29 hours and she refers to several other doctors' notes during her testimony. dr hughes is also actually board certified and dr curry is just some fucking lady
>I didn't know psychiatry works like thatliar, you are sealioning
No. 1163748
>>1163740Obviously. Amber's ex never pressed charges, denied any violence, and is still close friends with Amber to this day. It would be disingenuous to use that incident as proof that Amber Heard was violent.
You're allowed to have your opinion on what happened, but the fact is it's not usable in court. It doesn't prove anything.
No. 1163769
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>>1163740Confirmed by the prosecuting attorney that there was no assault
No. 1164250
>>1164241Go ask in meta
nonnie, not in this autosaged thread
No. 1164313
>>1164302@geekthedog on twitter does a good job of that, I've been reading their tweets since the thread was autosaged
I too miss updates anon. I hope the shitheads don't come back when the thread is un-autosaged. This is one of two places I've found where it's possible to talk about the trial and have sympathy for Amber Heard. (the other one is the deuxmoi subreddit)
No. 1164376
>>1164356That stuff creeps me out
nonny. Getting so close to your spouses family and gaining so much favor feels so calculating and it's a scary level of manipulation. I see so many stories where a women's families doubts her or chooses the moid's side.
No. 1164468
>>1164454Same, it's so disrespectful to Amber and to the court. At least pretend you're paying attention for fuck's sake.
For depp truthers, this proves that he's the Real
Victim. Meanwhile, Amber can't scratch her nose without it being taken as a gotcha moment and proof she's a liar. Actual insanity.
No. 1164562
>>1164348I took some more notes sorry if they’re shitty/badly formatted.
Recalls instance of Johnny doing coke all morning and then taking her and the dogs for a drive to a schedule he had. He started howling out of the window (Johnny) and then holds one of the teacup yorkies out of the window while the car was moving.
He would constantly pass out from drugs and shit/piss himself. Amber or his security would clean him up and change his pants.
They went to a ritzy trailer park to do shrooms. One of the girls they befriended also took shrooms and leaned into Amber which Johnny took offense to. He yelled at this random girl, grabbed her wrist and then asked her if she knew how many pounds of pressure it takes to break someone’s wrist. Amber and Johnny go back to the trailer and start arguing. He accuses her of cheating on him with that girl. He then started searching for something to which she asks him what he’s doing. He accuses her of stealing his cocaine and then demands to do a cavity search on her. He rips her dress and starts touching her breasts and then forces his fingers inside her vagina to “search” for his drugs.
A instance where they’re flying to Russia. They take MDMA with a flight attendant. The flight attendant sits on the armrest near Amber and Johnny is
triggered by this thinking that the flight attendant is flirting with Amber. He takes the flight attendant by the wrist and yells at her. Again threatening to break her wrist.
No. 1164569
>>1164562Her bisexuality really
triggers the fuck out of him, oh my god. Seems like everytime a woman is friendly to Amber he flies off the handle.
It's the homophobia babes
No. 1164695
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How embarrassing that they’re just giving him so many passes. Twitter pisses me off.
No. 1164711
>>1164695The only time he looked up from his fucking doodles during Amber's testimony, it was to laugh. It was when Amber was talking about how Depp's whole team would enable his drug and alcohol addiction - like cleaning him up when he shat his pants and then acting like that's a normal thing to have to do.
What in the fuck could be funny about that?
No. 1164944
>>1164922He really is. During testimony today, Amber recalled going on a yacht ride with Johnny and his 2 children, back when Lily-Rose was about 14. Johnny was upset about having to sell his little toy - excuse me, his yacht - so he got super drunk. Didn't want his kids to know, so he was pretending to drink coffee but it was booze.
At some point he was visibly drunk, which made Lily-Rose scared and upset. She started to cry. Then Johnny decided to jump in the ocean, which scared his daughter even more and she started to hyperventilate. Amber said it looked like she was having a panic attack.
So Amber tries to comfort her, hugs Lily-Rose. Then Johnny gets back on the boat, orders his children to leave, which they do. He then accuses Amber of snitching on him to his children and yells at her and hits her.
If this is not loser deadbeat dad behavior I don't know what is. Scaring his children, not even attempting to comfort his daughter, blaming it all on his wife. It's disgusting. I feel so bad for Lily-Rose.
No. 1164991
>>1164711I’m pretty sure when she was recounting how he would pass out and shit himself that she was crying. She at the least sounded clearly emotional while saying all this. I’d have to go back and look but it makes him laughing even more annoying
>>1164944Also, when he confronted her for daring to comfort his daughter he pushed her against a wall while holding her by the throat/choking her. It was horrible hearing her talk about this event.
No. 1165078
>>1165062That’s so sad. He has literally turned everything on her and accused her of doing all the things he did, almost like so it would look like she is lying when she presents her case. I feel so damn bad for her.
I don’t understand how Depp defenders can continue their campaign after today. They ignore all of the insurmountable evidence against him, claim she has all these mental illnesses like that makes her worthy of abuse (as if he clearly isn’t disordered himself), refuse to believe her and instead craft their own narrative about what happened. Honestly, even if you take everything he said at face value and assume Amber is this BPD nightmare, she still looks like she suffered severely and went through hell because of him, and his “pursuit of justice” looks pure evil.
No. 1165177
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One of the comments on an amber heard video, i’m tired of these types of women who sympathize with men because they think they have something in common with them (in this case abuse) when men literally only care about themselves, they will see themselves as victims but think you deserved your abuse you dumbass, wake up.
No. 1165189
>>1164962One of the reasons people are holding their pitchfork is because of that stupid recording where she says “tell the world i, johnny, man, is a
victim of abuse” and that terrified the sjw retards because it doesn’t fit their narrative thats why they’re dog piling her even though in that recording she’s absolutely correct. If you have ever been abused by a man who also played the
victim you would know how much gaslighting and how much “i’m the one being abused” you’re gonna hear any woman would probably respond the way amber did
No. 1165276
>>1165189Oh saintess Heard, it's a shame that all those audio recordings, photographic proof, and witnesses (amusing hearing neighbours coming out now too) show that you were an
abusive asshole too. Her flowery testimony, forced attempts of failed crying, and ability to rapidly switch emotions superficially really makes you think - especially in regards to the histrionic and BPD diagnoses. Very performative, and rather insulting to real SA survivors. There have been so many contradictions so far, and so creepy that she was forcing the juror's eye contact all the time, they need to be distanced from the witness to be able to observe everything. It all sounded so scripted, it threw her off when there were objections. People forget that she's an actress and you really need to give what she says a pinch of healthy skepticism.
And what was it with that claim that he punched her in the face with his rings, blood went splattering on the wall, he gave her that bruise in the photo - yet her face was visible and there was no damage to it at all. No busted lip in sight. Maybe she got plastered on wine and hurt her arm and wanted to pin it on something else bar your own actions, not to blog but it's common & easy done when you're a wino.
No. 1165286
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>>1165266 >>1165276
>it's a shame that all those audio recordings
What of the audio recordings incriminating him? Like when he threatened her and verbally abused? I recall it was going to be a “blood bath”, by the way, innocent parties usually deny their guilt, why didn’t he ever deny it in any recording?
>photographic proof
Where? You mean like the ones that prove she was abused? Her bruises line up to the timeline she provided.
The judge literally laughed at Johnny’s witness. Disney is testifying on her side btw.
>Her flowery testimony…
So any victim of abuse who has shown any emotion on the stand but tries to keep it together is historic now? Or it’s just her? The Dr who testified of her bpd was grilled for evaluating her for PTSD while her trauma was ongoing and for not consulting the notes of her other Drs (who testify of her being a victim of Johnny’s abuse first).
>There have been so many contradictions so far
Should be easy to name one then. Go ahead.
>It all sounded so scripted, it threw her off when there were objections. People forget that she's an actress and you really need to give what she says a pinch of healthy skepticism.
Go ahead and read that again and tell me that makes sense. You should also read about the perfect victim theory, because you could put this in a textbook for it. She didn’t show enough emotion while he was testifying, but now her emotions look scripted! It would never be enough for you.
Oh wow, then you go on to say her bruises were barely noticeable so it must not have been that bad…. But if they were she probably did it to herself. What a joke you are. Try again.
No. 1165295
>>1165276>so creepy that she was forcing the juror's eye contact all the timeI personally found it sus that Depp was wearing dark glasses on stand. It automatically made me doubt, like why are you hiding your eyes. I know the answer is probably because he's a junkie and it shows less that way. I just can't trust someone I can't look in the eye.
It's interesting how these small things are taken into account and analyzed differently by different people, see how
>>1164454 indicates two totally opposite things depending on who you're rooting for
No. 1165297
>>1165286Real emotion, she lacked real emotion all through this and it was evident, it's why I said superficial (superficial emotions are histrionic). And the llines were very scripted, the prompts were there and you could tell it was rehearsed, normally people have to have a second to think of a response. You have the audio recordings of her admitting she hit him, you have the injury photos of Depp which also line up to the timelines. I do wonder why Amber fans buy the whole farm, you don't seem to be able to admit that she was
abusive too.
No. 1165313
>>1165297> Real emotion, she lacked real emotion all through this and it was evidentLuckily you don’t get to decide whether or not she is experiencing real emotions. But again, it doesn’t matter what she did, it wouldn’t have been “real” enough for you anyway.
>normally people have to have a second to think of a response. It’s not like she doesn’t know why she is up on the stand kek
>You have the audio recordings of her admitting she hit himHitting someone back after they are
abusive to you for years is not “mutual abuse”, and yes their marriage counselor confirmed Johnny was privy to starting the fights and getting violent with her.
>you have the injury photos of Depp which also line up to the timelines. There are two injury photos of Johnny out there. The first is his finger, which I’m sure we don’t need to rehash why that’s not true, the second is his bruised face after an argument. Here’s what the persecuting attorney had to say about that photo:
'This is the only photo of Mr. Depp with a visible injury. You are suggesting that this injury is in relation to an incident that took place more than a year later.'
Definitely doesn’t match the timeline nor does it make Johnny look good if it was true because even he testified that it was in response to her being afraid he would push her.
>I do wonder why Amber fans buy the whole farm, you don't seem to be able to admit that she was abusive too.It’s really convenient to believe that, isn’t it? The reality is that I’ve been defending Depp since the start of all this, but ever since he refuses to back down, pursuing her for something that she didn’t even cause, and on top of Amber’s testimony, I can’t continue to defend the man. I would be the first one to pledge my allegiance to him if he actually had a single bit of evidence that held up against scrutiny, but I can’t continue to be willfully ignorant just because he was apart of my childhood. Really, most of my posts here are begging for someone to post a bit of evidence against Amber, but it’s just people like you who are misinformed about things or just straight up ignore my requests for proof.
No. 1165340
>>1165331>its naive to think theyre telling the truthI was on here defending amber and i don’t really think she’s telling the whole truth either. To me, they’re both junkies and in a very
toxic relationship. But what’s bizarre to me is the majority of people coddling johnny like he’s a fucking child and acting like heard is the hell-spawn for hitting back. I think this reaction is very concerning and women should be concerned instead of going out there and booing her or defending jd just to prove that they’re not one of those evil bitches its almost like we’re seeing all of our cultures misogynistic filth and ideas and notions about women (read the comments under their videos and i bet you heard these criticisms about actual day to day everyday women who faced rape and or abuse) seeping right before our eyes and its passed off as progressive bc its a male “
victim” and no one is saying anything. Also unrelated but i find the focus on amber’s fake acting dumb, johnny depp is acting 24/7 in that courtroom and i cringe every time i see it
No. 1165345
>>1165340I agree with all you said.
But the reaction you're seeing is mostly led by bots. I see absolutely identical comments on multiple videos/articles by multiple sources. They're actually blatant how easy they're to spot. That is not organic.
No. 1165433
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>>1165417No, I'm in the hospital a lot, so can't really follow the trial. Apparently you can't request to listen to trials in a scanner kek, just the radio. It's also difficult to give a fuck and I get angry easily atm.
>>1165402I know, but I don't want to be turned into some sort of boardcow like the other two.
>>1165404I love listening to you
nonnie No. 1165444
>>1165433Aww, hugs, I hope you recuperate soon ♥ I remember you saying you have stomach issues
Take care, this trial is difficult to listen to and you don't need the added stress
Your updates are appreciated, but your health is precious. Drop by anytime, but don't feel any obligation
No. 1165460
>>1165443>i literally saw a tik tok of people editing music and like stickers over her testifying about her abuse WTFI saw one where they made her into a clown.
It ties in with
>>1165340>i find the focus on amber’s fake acting dumb, johnny depp is acting 24/7 in that courtroom and i cringe every time i see itIt's a discrediting tactic, they do it because they can't go after her words.
No. 1165462
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>>1165443It's okay, you've seen the light and there's a massive campaign to get everyone to be on the defending Johnny train, they're throwing everything out there to see what sticks and make people biased against her. Shit happens. It's not your fault.
>>1165444Doctors are just taking a long ass time and they're keeping me in the dark, but I get they do that for liability reasons, since they won't know anything for sure until biopsy results come back. Meanwhile everything in the US seems like a massive shitshow I get worked up over, first everyone falling over themselves to shit on an abuse
victim and then the leak happening. Everywhere is so Americanized too that it's actually relevant, because they like to copy the US and that culture does carry over. Thank you!
No. 1165484
>>1165460Her new PR team is going to have a hard time fixing her reputation, but they certainly are working hard on it it seems - even passing dodgy notes in court. Awaiting to see if that gets brought up. Also Amber admitting she wrote the "op ed", not sure if anyone picked up on that slip. And people involved with her warned to stop escalating he situation, to walk away, how come she is the one forcing Depp to stay around and calling him a pussy for wanting to walk away to deescalate the situation?
And that one star review (prior to the webMD review bombing) PR DR (who couldn't even fill in a form needed in court correctly), how she's never had to represent/work with male survivors of female aggression - she said she did with same sex and male on female violence though. And how Amber committed low levels of physical agression (and high levels of psychological aggression) because us women are so smol and weak and men are big and strong and can take hits. Interesting how actual SA/DV survivors are talking about how you're not thinking about your hurt fee fee's in actual
abusive situations or the colour of the carpet, you're worrying if this is how you're actually going to die/is this it.
Just hoping Ambers got some real evidence somewhere, because this flowery tale has been awful to sit through. It might work in the Depps favour if they do drag it out today for her testimony, then at least they'd have the 10 days to provide a counter to her account. I think they're hoping to drag it out so it sits in the jurers minds for 10 days without contest.
No. 1165510
>>1165484>even passing dodgy notes in courtDepp's team has been passing notes from the beginning and way more often, but nobody cares about that for some reason.
>Also Amber admitting she wrote the "op ed", not sure if anyone picked up on that slip.How is that a slip?
>how she's never had to represent/work with male survivors of female aggressionbecause it's extremely rare for it to happen, for obvious reasons. Men are less likely to go seek mental help in the first place. It's weirder that dr. Curry went out of her way to only work with men.
>because us women are so smol and weak and men are big and strong and can take hits.This comment of yours reminds me of troons saying it's misogynistic to not let them compete with actual women, because it implies women are weaker than men. I don't know why you made that comment, but it seems a bit weird.
>>1165495Thank you! Being friends with a sperg is not for everyone though kek
No. 1165512
>>1165484Her new PR team is as doomed as the old one as they're outfinanced and outplayed by Depp's. These are his guns he's sticking to, this is why he insisted it be publicised. Or more accurately, this is what the publicity and money-hungry team planned and executed to do with this mess these two junkies created. Depp is just an opportunity to them.
As for her aggression towards him, I'm betting they're going to press that during the cross-examination.
No. 1165608
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>>1165589A pisshead? Really?
No. 1165702
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>>1165640I would be too if I had to get in bed with this greaseball every night. He looks like he smells like rum, piss and patchouli.
No. 1165711
>>1165640You'd be surprised. Blog but my mom did that for like a year after my grandma died a few years ago. She was still at her job everyday and did not act
abusive with me or my dad. She seemed completely normal to everyone that knew her outside of her drinking in the evenings.
No. 1165815
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Anyone keep getting recommended Johnny Depp movies on Netflix and other streaming services? I don't even watch them
No. 1165867
>>1164962Same here. I was abused by the males in my family and was ostracized by pick me females in the family for speaking up. I also wasn’t quite and reacted to the abuse, which made people think I’m mentally ill. Surprise, no similar symptoms after I parted ways with my abusers except occasional PTSD
triggers. I wonder how many women in history had to go through a similar experience?
No. 1165886
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>>1165867I think it's extremely common and a lot of those pickme women had it happen to them too, but just internalized what everyone was saying and now try to spread it too.
>>1165881I feel like a lot of what a witness from the plane could've said, would be labeled as hearsay.
No. 1165903
>>1165881This is the incident that prompted the texts between Amber and Depp's assistant where he apologizes that Depp kicked her and compares him to a lost little boy. They also played a recording of Depp howling in the plane like a demon.
>>1165886Idk, is it hearsay if they were there and talking about what they witnessed? I'm not a US law buff so I'm not sure.
No. 1165922
>>1165881I hate when people say stuff like what you said, “it's just her word so it could have equally have been fabricated”, it’s such an easy way to invalidate
victims and it’s always tipped in one persons favor where one’s word is law and the others is “just her word” as we are seeing now. It also doesn’t match the actually statistics about people who false report abuse, it’s incredibly uncommon. And to top it all off, it completely ignores the fact that she is
under oath and if she is found to be lying it would be perjury so not only does she have a lot to lose by losing the case but she would also be in huge trouble for that as well.
No. 1165931
>>1165834>Also, Depp seems to have trouble staying composed while she's recalling this event. He's not snickering or doodling like he usually does and his face is reacting to what she's saying, altough I can't pinpoint what emotions he's feeling.Remember in the texts with the bodyguard where he said that Depp cried when he was told after his blackout that he'd been kicking Amber? Before he was "
victim of cancel culture," he was self-aware enough to know he had a "monster," inside him..
No. 1165946
>>1165922She also never even fucking reported it! She tries to protect him by not pressing charges when police are called. She got a temporary restraining order and then wrote an op-ed about the fallout/backlash she experienced by having to go public.
>>1165915Keep the updates coming, this shit is too upsetting to watch.
No. 1165967
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"oh nooooo look how innocent my bwaybey johnny is. He's not hitting her uwu!!!!
No. 1165996
The Thing with Johnny, it's like the sun shines on you, and it's glorious. And then he forgets you and it's very, very cold.
Marge Sherwood (character from the movie the talented mr. ripley):
The Thing with Dickie, it's like the sun shines on you, and it's glorious. And then he forgets you and it's very, very cold.
theres more she copied like the whole "when you have his attention" but im 2 lazy to write the whole thing down
>>1165992i do you moron because shes making herself look bad and everyones going to say "ohh reheased!!! EVERYTHING she said is wrong now!!" dont give MOIDS an inch you morons!
No. 1166030
>>1165996Do you have a timestamp of when she said that? I just watched most of her opening statement on twice the speed and I can't find it.
I did find 2 articles talking about how internet commentators have said she took lines from the movie, but neither of them quote her saying what you wrote. This sounds like the same kind of bullshit as "Amber is copying Johnny's outfits!!!" if i'm honest
No. 1166065
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>>1165996kek you really think you blend in dont you moid
No. 1166077
>>1166065i feel like whenever i get called a moid it must be by a gay/bi
nonnie. you love overlooking the abusiveness of other women. heck, youre even hostile online where you could just be nice. sad.
also sage
No. 1166085
>>1166051Look, I read those in good faith and with an open mind and they all sound like huge reaches to me. I'm still not convinced Amber said the mr ripley quote word for word. I'm gonna need more than a screenshot of someone's notes app.
"I'd rather cut off my hand than do XYZ" is a super common thing to say.
Stealing the line from the Netflix show Maid about how she would stare at the dirty carpet while Johnny was being violent with her : Maid did its best to really show the cycle of abuse and the psychology of
victims of it, hyperfocusing on a random object in the room while something upsetting is happening is a common coping mechanism.
I wont go through every one of them but they are all in the reaching category to me
No. 1166100
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how dumb are you?
also sage because of your stupidity.
No. 1166143
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>>1166077why would i sage in an autosaged thread kek you really aren't from around here pardner. nice homophobia though
No. 1166163
>>1166143keep abusing your girlfriends anon. im sure it'll make your life better.
also i thought the 2nd thread was autosaged, not this one.
No. 1166166
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>>1166065>>1166143funny you call me a moid but that filename pops up in lgbt /mtfg/ archives. guess what, you will never be a woman, faggot.
No. 1166170
>>1166163do you see the thread getting bumped retard? do you know what sage means?
>>1166166both of those images are straight from lolcow servers kek "wow your random number generator filename popped up in another sequence GOTCHA"
No. 1166180
>>1166077>overlooking the abusiveness of other womenHow could we ever forget when lesbophobic people bring it up all the fucking time, including constantly misquoting and misinterpreting statistics? Also weird how it's often brought up in defense of
abusive scrotes, who can do more damage and are
abusive way more often and are actually the reason for why bi women are abused so often. Scrotes get jealous very easily and abuse bi women more than straight women over it. Which is actually relevant to the case, since Depp abused Amber several times just because a woman was friendly towards her and called her a "lesbian camp counselor".
No. 1166181
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Anyway this is what she actually said
No. 1166228
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she is a queen and is doing excellent today. the stories are plausible and not outlandish or ridiculous or meant to be off the wall and bizarre just to smear (like depp with his poopbed, saying it must've been amber with 0 reason to believe that's the case). i don't see how the fuck people can listen to her and depp and claim he's more convincing. such fucking bullshit. it pisses me off that he has so many losers willing to lie for him. no one considers that it's a huge problem that they're all on his fucking payroll or he's literally supporting their asses?
No. 1166277
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>>1166228Depp is just relying on the fact that patriarchy is a thing and that misogyny is so widespread, that it's difficult for people to believe women. Especially if they're easy to envy or are disagreeable. They constantly bring up that she's famous or wealthy, but somehow Depp having at the very least a networth of 150mil doesn't change anything? Somehow his past in acting doesn't discredit him, but hers does? Every bad thing about his witnesses, they try to turn into a positive. If any of Amber's witnesses would've vaped and driven without a seatbelt during a recorded deposition, we would never hear the end of it. But since it's one of Depp's witnesses, they call him a hero and based.
>>1166230You're the one giving off HSTS vibes.
No. 1166338
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No. 1166350
>>1166285How would you act,
nonnie, if you had to recount humiliating and painful memories of being abused by the man you were in love with in front of a live audience of his fans and on live tv for the whole world to pick apart your story?
I have no idea what I would look and sound like. You can't know until you're in the situation.
No. 1166365
>>1166350There's no way to win honestly. They did a study in the UK on jury responses to female abuse and rape
victims, no matter what you do there will always be some people who do sympathize and some people who will never be able to empathize. It's damned if you do, damned if you don't. Some people respond better when the
victim doesn't testify in person, others respond better when they do. There's no rhyme or reason to it.
No. 1166383
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>>1166348At first she thought he was punching her but it was the square base of this kind of bottle smashing against her pubic bone as he repeatedly pushed it inside her. She was bleeding after. How can anyone defend him, just HOW
No. 1166409
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>>1166389Drinking wine with dinner and doing party drugs occasionally is totally the equivalent of going on coke binges and doing meth, don't you know? The "both sides" narrative is only ever in favour of Depp.
No. 1166415
>>1166410Just say you're a man you can't understand why a woman might cry talking about being raped and leave.
>>1166383The way she said the word pressure hurt my heart.
No. 1166420
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stay mad, fag
No. 1166445
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True, your post is funnier.
No. 1166488
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so original, I'm quaking in my boots
No. 1166499
>>1165886Thank you sweet nonnies
I think it’s human nature to sympathize with and protect a person you’re emotionally attached to. Just like many families ostracize abuse
victims and side with abusers, we are now witnessing a mass smear campaign against Amber. Brainwashing people is easy, a lot of us grew up with Depp films and even I personally enjoyed watching them at the time.
Yet it’s not so hard to accept that many actors we loved as children can be abusers and rapists in reality. Of course, if you’re intelligent enough to not get brainwashed by social media PR campaigns…
>>1166383I understand the manosphere “my man” types but I don’t understand how women can still continue to defend him. I hope people start to understand they’ve made a mistake and realize how stupid they were to take those “epic chad Johnny destroys Amber” videos a bit too seriously.
No. 1166509
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>>1166499It's like people never learn. How often has it happened that a scrote celeb we grew up with, turned out to be some sort of degenerate,
abusive, or worse? Yet no matter how often it happens, people always act surprised and first spend years defending him. Also internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug.
No. 1166511
>>1166509Thank you for sending me cute cat pics
No. 1166529
>>1166520I think if she was angry and vindictive her reaction would be still
valid and way more natural for her. Like she is clearly trying to shed a tear in many moments and they just don't come, deep down she is clearly angry so letting it all out would be way more authentic and with that sort of sincerity I don't think court would judge her anger.
No. 1166530
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Thanks for proving me right. Hope you die from prostate cancer
No. 1166534
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>>1166519According to this thread on the deuxmoi subreddit ( ) it's Ash Stymest. Not only was he 24 when she was 16, he is also butt ugly as you can see
No. 1166542
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>>1166511You're welcome! The topics discussed are also very heavy and I think everyone can use some cuteness.
>>1166534Jesus Christ
>>1166536You sure about that? Like 90% of men die with prostate cancer but don't even know it. It's practically a feature of being xy.
No. 1166546
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>>1166539Cute girls with big foreheads?
No. 1166585
>>1166579He's laughing and cracking jokes with his team the whole time. Somehow this is normal behavior and proves he's a
Victim. Meanwhile Amber smiles at her attorney and that makes her an evil manipulative bitch
No. 1166599
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People calling her liars in the comments. I hate the retarded women who defend him
No. 1166621
File: 1651785790834.gif (810.98 KB, 498x398, daria-sick-sad-world.gif)

This is really starting to bum me out. I started to look into this out of morbid curiosity i guess, but the way Amber is treated by the public makes me sick. There is no way for her to behave that could satisfy the depp stans. She's crying? I can't see the tears on this low res footage so she's being manipulative. She's emotionless? She's a narcissistic psychopath. She doesn't defend herself? "If this was true she would have hit back". She does hit back? Now she's a vile abuser on the same level of the man who raped her with a glass bottle.
No. 1166646
>>1166633She has 10 years to do it and she had to stop because Johnny keeps suing her and she has to pay for lawyers and stuff. Before the trials she actually was in advance on her payments.
>>1166637Never read or posted in the Venus thread.
No. 1166659
>>1166651Even if she was lying about everything that would be a fucked up thing to say. Get help.
>>1166654Johnny paid her in installments, not all in one go. She is not Johnny Depp rich, she has a networth if 8 millions I believe. She can't just pull 7 million dollars out of her ass. Watch the ACLU guy's testimony, he explains all of it
No. 1166667
>>1166491Can you autosage it again please? I think this was a mistake.
>>1166659Yes Depp has at least 150mil and Amber only has 8mil.
No. 1166720
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thanks for removing the autosage mods
No. 1166732
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>>1166720I don't think this is an improvement though, considering the dickposting all over the place now
No. 1166841
File: 1651789785383.png (1.18 MB, 717x981, I WOULD HAVE SHAT IN HIS BED T…)

Pay no attention to scrotes and PLEASE just report and move on.
No. 1166980
File: 1651794749897.jpg (391.9 KB, 807x1906, 20220506_005210.jpg)

Another deranged tweet, yeah sure Amber is worse than literally everyone in the entire world… pick me women are so quick to turn on other women when it comes to their precious scrotes.
No. 1166987
File: 1651795319462.jpg (Spoiler Image,828.85 KB, 1080x1999, 20220506_003731.jpg)

Reposting because forgot to spoiler.
What is actually wrong with twitter fags posting this deranged nonsense? Also I have been hit by a a bloated alcoholic man before and it left no mark, not every punch/hit has to land you in a&e. Very confused about the message here I guess you can hit/punch people as long as you don't leave them with a swollen bloody face.
No. 1167010
I think Amber will win/defend the 50M suit and lose her 100M counter. Mainly because Johnny's team will need to prove malice, and I don't think they've done that. Maybe they'll be able to show she wasn't abused, but in order to prove defamation they'll need to show that she intentionally defamed him and if she had a bunch of shrinks tell her she was being abused, then she wasn't being dishonest in her op-ed (that she didn't write and obviously used for publicity).
While she does seem to be aggressive, based on the audio tapes, previous testimony, and her previous relationship/arrest, we should also remember that she's only the second person to testify in her defense, and has many more witnesses that may add to her case. For far she seems to have audio and stills of everything except for what is needed. I mean she was being beaten on top of glass and doesn't have any cut photos? Last time I broke a wine glass and knelt down to pick it up it looked like I got in a fight with a lawn mower. Okay, maybe a few times she didn't take pictures, but never? Especially for someone who was so diligent about documenting things that look bad for Johnny? Her evidence presented at the house was especially weak. When you add that on top of what she recorded there, it looks even worse for her.
I agree with some of the comments about her testifying being a little over-acted, but, I can see why she'd want to make her best case and maybe go overboard a bit - that doesn't mean it's all a complete lie. I read the comments about her stealing lines from movies, specially Talented Mr. Ripley, but couldn't find that in her testimony. From a girl who makes movies and reads books, I'm also not surprised she took some shit from movies and don't think that's strange.
On Johnny's side, he seems to be so completely loaded on drugs I'm not sure I can trust any of his testimony as to what is happening. That list of drugs brought into evidence was downright heroic, and that's before anything like cocaine or MDMA! Enough of those drugs he could have downright beaten her and not even had any recollection of it. So strange they have a whole medical team following them around: nurse, psychologist, doctor. No wonder they're so loaded up on drugs.
At the very least, that was a doomed relationship. This video was interesting: No. 1167116
>>1167107While I agree he shouldn't laugh at any of this, his stance is that she's completely full of it. She's completely making it up. Now we need some evidence to prove he is wrong. So far the evidence, which she collected/recorded, and witnesses so far, are showing her as the abuser. After this break I'm sure she'll be able to produce something more substantial. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I don't think Johnny will win his suit - that's my hunch anyways.
No. 1167126
File: 1651806591744.jpg (105.75 KB, 728x567, 0_HjCTL-aVfQdxyT9p.jpg)

Her best evidence
No. 1167191
>>1167145Here is objective proof
>>1167126 that Depp kicked her bc it's Depp's bodyguard confirming it in verified metadata. He's absurdly wealthy and he can kick her while his security watches and doesn't interfere on his plane. That alone proves she was in an
abusive relationship and considering Depp didn't remember kicking her…
Women are allowed to talk about their past abuse. It's not defamation if it's true.
No. 1167218
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>>1167209>for women who have genuinely been through this, they'll see it in amberI'm glad your mom came around because oh boy are there an assload of supposedly abused women who are still absolutely falling over themselves to say Amber isn't expressing herself properly (i.e. there's only one or two "right" ways to react to abuse), she's lying, she's overly emotional, she remembers too much, whatever sorry excuse they can come up with to diminish her. It's appalling.
No. 1167230
>>1167218Abused or not, when you start speculating like this you’re scum. These comments make me sick the most and i was a domestic violence
victim too how could you suffer the wrath of a scrote and see the evil they’re capable of and still say this shit? Delusional lol
No. 1167238
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>>1166987They don't believe it happened, because there are no obvious marks. A lot of people are like that and it's why DV
victims don't get much help or sympathy. I guess they never watch boxing or any martial art. I punched people in the face as a hobby and it's really random whether someone is going to bleed or bruise up, but they definitely got punched in the face. Just a quick Google and you can find actually a lot of pictures of women who were headbutted or headbutted someone and they also don't have much bruising. It's also not fair that they use a random pic of her far away at a talk show with a shit ton of make-up on, instead of the picture taken right after. Picrel.
>>1167010The 100M counter is just a formality anyway, isn't it related to anti-SLAPP? Maybe she didn't document the cuts, because she was afraid it would be used to make her seem like a self harmer, since Depp was constantly taunting her with the BPD thing? Using movie and book quotes is a common device to keep the jury or judge's attention and it's recommended to lawyers and you get graded on it in law school, it wouldn't surprise me if she got the idea from her lawyers or read a book about writing legal briefs and prepared her testimony like one. She took from what she knows and what other people would notice too. Things work in a book or in a movie, because of a certain cadence and rhythm, nothing wrong with noticing that.
>I'm not sure I can trust any of his testimony as to what is happening"Not sure" is an understatement, you shouldn't be believing a word of what he says kek.
>Enough of those drugs he could have downright beaten her and not even had any recollection of it.The texts and emails corroborate that, he did not have any recollection of many altercations after the fact. Which is why he refused to take responsibility and didn't want to talk to her about it and stonewalled her or would randomly up and leave for another coke binge.
>So strange they have a whole medical team following them around: nurse, psychologist, doctor.Probably to avoid having to be inpatient for detox. Depp is loaded, so why wouldn't he pay them to come to his house, instead of going to a rehab clinic?
>>1167116>are showing her as the abuserYou didn't hear the recordings about him admitting to kicking her and putting cigarettes out on her? You forgot about the texts and emails? Do you have selective memory like Depp or something?
>>1167157He hasn't been himself in decades. He has admitted multiple times that the last person he wants to be is himself, so he's always playing a character. Someone could probably pinpoint exactly which of his characters he's playing in court at a time. That guy doesn't have his own identity and doesn't know how to act like a human either way, he's dramatic and theatrical even in his texts and emails.
No. 1167239
>>1167230Same here. I know women are capable of abuse as well (nowhere near the extent of men), but why on earth would you go out of your way to judge, shame and bully a woman you know nothing about when you ought to be well aware of the massive stigma and hatred that comes with being a
victim? That's what always gets me about people saying women get so much sympathy when they claim abuse. Really? Look at the overwhelming support Depp is getting, even from other female
victims, and tell me that without fucking laughing. Pickmes/nlogs to the end I guess. It makes me think of cases like Audrie Pott, a 15-year-old student who was raped at a party by 3 boys, and then committed suicide due to the widespread harassment and "think about the poor
boys how could you ruin
their lives" commentary from men, women, fellow classmates all.
No. 1167241
>>1167218nothing short of disgusting, anon. i'm just shocked at the way people can """tell""" when someone has been abused in this very, very, very complicated and specific way. everything she has encountered has been
so specific and unlike what the majority of us would precisely encounter because of the fame, massive amounts of money, insulation, personality type, coping style, etc. honestly i sense extreme jealousy from these women posted in the cap. my mom isn't jealous of amber. what really peaked my mom was hearing about what a poor parent depp seemed to be and how he chimped out on her for just advising that he not allow a fully grown famous adult man with a child, to stay at the house with his young daughter, and the yacht drunk jump thing. amber really earned our respect because she did try to step in when she felt it was her responsibility to protect his daughter, and she so easily could've not stepped into the line of fire to protect his kid. so maybe that's the difference, but i don't appreciate the retarded armchairing from these loser women when they have no sympathy for other women. the envy is palpable with some of them. these women need to get the fuck over their obsession with JD and the idea that they need to mollycoddle oldass men who have more power, money, and influence, than they can ever hope to have.
my peaked mom's take on your cap of those allegedly abused women, in case you're interested: "that's not true, that you can only "barely remember" the events. these people are weird. i can remember abuse and the events in the order it happened. besides, what one person goes through is totally different from the other. he is the abuser from what i can tell. there may have been mutual abuse down the line. i don't know. but it sounds to me like he really wanted to kill her [referencing him saying he would kill amber if she ever embarrassed him in front of his kids], and for what? he can't be told "no", and he can't deal with anyone who isn't paid off, so it makes it easy to hate someone who isn't a "yes" man. i wish she wouldn't have been with him, she lost years for him, and it seems like he hates her because she told him what he needed to hear, not what he wanted to hear. he's the one who fucked up his own life, not her."
No. 1167242
>>1167231I think she's going to win based on the trial and the parameters of it, but the shitstorm on social media has me doubting I'm not gonna lie.
I don't know if her reputation can be salvaged tho and that makes me sad.
No. 1167250
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Depp's team issued a statement. Cross examination is gonna be brutal. I can't believe she has to do this on live tv.
No. 1167266
>>1166518It's so overacted, it's like a pitch for a movie. Is she hoping for a lifetime movie?
And her talking about walking on broken glass, slicing open her feet, she's documented the most redundant things - yet taken no photos of that? Sought no medical help? They just magically healed up? Sure jan. She over blows things, and the tell tale of a liar is they over embellish things. Her HPD is glaring.
And if anyone has ever had a broken nose, they'd know you don't just get slightly dark circles under the eyes (as if she's not slept). The next day she would have looked like a blooming panda. Depps punches must be helishly soft if he was pounding her over and over and there was so much as a light - very light - mark. It's an insult to real SA/DV survivors, i bet Rhianna wishes she got off as lightly.
No. 1167274
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>>1167266She sought no medical help because she didn't want to get him in trouble at the time and they're mandatory reporters. HPD isn't real and is literally just a modern way of calling someone hysterical, it's extremely misogynistic for you to mention it like that. Everyone responds differently to physical trauma picrel from the NHS.
No. 1167280
>>1167266Sage for blogpost but I really need to address your claim where you imply she is lying about her abuse because she only has certain documentation and not the most damning evidence. Put yourself in her shoes. As a child, I had a physically
abusive father, and once I got into being a teenager, I started to document my abuse. Obviously you can’t take photos when you’re in the middle of being abused, first of all, the damage can come across as really random and surprising when the person is under the influence, but second of all, it would have put me in danger if I started recording/taking pictures because it would escalate the situation. However, documenting the way he was acting afterwards, when things would calm down, and taking photos of my injuries after the fact, was completely safe because the situation was de-escalated at that point. This is exactly what evidence she had, it’s extremely common with abuse
victims, and you don’t get to discredit what she went through because of it. It’s just like other anons are saying, whatever evidence she had wouldn’t be enough for you, but you’re asking for evidence that could’ve put her in a lot of danger at the time. Your claims about the way she healed her wounds are also not founded, you don’t know what she sought medical attention for and everyone heals/scars/wounds differently as another anon said.
No. 1167312
>>1167280Yet she took audio recordings of arguments? provoked arguments? hit back, which "would have put her in danger". She wasn't afraid of him, and she justified it because well - horses. And she could have easily taken photos after the fact like she did with many other things, bleeding sliced up feet are hard to fake. She would have walked with a limp on TV.
See, I'm sorry that happened to you but I have a feeling a lot of people are projecting their own history onto the case and can't see the wood for the trees. I'm probably a hypocrite in that but I've had childhood SA and I can't put myself into her shoes at all, her reactions seem to be outside of anything I've experienced and continue to experience, and i'm hearing the same from many others who have actually had IPV/DV. I couldn't imagine making this whole flowery story of what happened.
No. 1167320
>>1167312Actually, she
was afraid of him and they both testified to that, that a lot of her actions were because she was afraid he would push her or hurt someone else. They also both agreed to take the audio recordings, it wasn’t one-sided or in the moment like my post is talking about. Their marriage counselor and her therapists both had in their notes that her behavior was a reaction to his abuse, that he was the one who would start fights, not her. There’s multiple texts between them proving this too, where he would provoke her, be possessive of her, and try to prevent her from being independent while she is acting cordially. And no, hitting your abuser back is not
abusive. It sounds like you have confirmation bias.
Yea, I’ve gone through the same thing you have, and it’s honestly disgusting how you have no empathy for her. She didn’t even name him in her Op-Ed, and now she is being forced to relive that shit, does that not make you feel bad for her? It’s so obvious she has PTSD symptoms from trauma and multiple therapists confirmed it, but that isn’t empathetic to you?
No. 1167331
>>1167312God you fit right in with these
>>1167218 women. Why must women react to abuse in the specific ways you deem appropriate in order to be believed? Because I'm sure even if she followed your particular idea of the perfect
victim a t there'd be thousands of other people saying that your prescription wasn't correct either. Different people do not all react the same ways to abuse, how hard is that to understand?
No. 1167534
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>>1167486I'm pretty sure the countersuit is a formality anyway, you nearly always do that. It's to recover money in the case she loses. I don't understand why people keep bringing it up.
>A defense is a reason you do not owe the money being sought. A counterclaim is a reason why the person suing you owes you money. If your counterclaims are large enough, they wipe out everything you owe and even allow you to recover money from the collector.>Nobody likes to get sued. It can be an expensive and soul-draining proposition, even if you win. Under the so-called “American Rule,” litigants are responsible for paying their own legal fees, regardless of which party wins the case. Obviously, this system engenders some abuse, as crafty, litigious plaintiffs can file frivolous lawsuits knowing that–at the very least–they will cause the defendant to incur large sums of attorneys’ fees. As a defendant in American litigation, a victory at trial merely means you don’t have to pay the plaintiff any money. But you do you have to pay your own attorneys for their time and effort. So even a “win” is often viewed as a net loss in financial terms. One common way to turn the tables on plaintiffs is to file a counterclaim. Assuming the counterclaim itself isn’t completely groundless, it can put the parties on equal footing: if both parties have claims against the other, then both parties have something to lose beyond mere legal fees. Now, even the plaintiff can be liable for a money judgment.>If you file a counterclaim, however, you better mean it. The court may not allow you to withdraw it later if you decide your claims should have been brought as a separate action in a different jurisdiction. If the case has progressed to the point where trial is imminent, you may be forced to litigate the claim or lose it forever.>The rule at issue is Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 41(a)(2). That’s the rule that allows a claimant to withdraw a claim “without prejudice,” and it requires the approval of the judge. The judge has complete discretion under the Rule to allow or disallow dismissal on whatever terms the judge deems proper, but case law offers some guidance on what factors the court should consider.>So the lesson here is: if you decide to file a complaint or a counterclaim in federal court in Virginia, be prepared to go all the way. The court might not allow you to change your mind at a later date. No. 1167578
>>1167513It's not about being paid to push, the whole idea of the algorithm is that you get recommended more of what you search for. It's been interesting seeing the lawtubers reacting to it live, kind of livens it up a little and gives insight for us nonlawfags.
>>1167486To me nobody is going to win regardless of the outcome. Women are affected because of AH's act especially after the evidence of her being
abusive to JD came out, and men are also affected to, probably shoving down their ability to reach out more. Hell knows about the troons.
Can't believe she stood there with a tissue posing for the camera though, it was an awkward moment. We get it, your PR probably coached you to do stuff but you're not helping yourself look authentic.
No. 1167588
File: 1651831865243.jpeg (25.33 KB, 504x342, B8428707-8CB3-47C9-A924-1F60F2…)

>>1167578> especially after the evidence of her being abusive to JD came outPhoto of said evidence:
No. 1167594
>>1167576Yeah, if she wins the countersuit won't be really necessary anyway even though she probably has to follow through on it. Seems more like a "just in case" thing.
>>1167578Are you from reddit?
No. 1167603
>>1167578But I do search for it, I watched the trials on YouTube, and I'm still not getting it recommended.
The algorithm does not push what people want to see, don't you see people bitching about it all the time.
The algorithm has been in the service of advertisers and sponsors for a long while. Someone's advertising this.
No. 1167618
>>1167594Why would I be from Reddit? Who'd touch that cancerous site with a barge pole? Granted it did probably seem like redditfag spacing with the last line, was unintentional.
>>1167603I don't get it recommended persay, only the lawtubers streams since viewing them mid trial. I haven't been shown the mainstream media streams that they seem to be getting their footage from. But strange, I normally get recommended subjects that I have been viewing, though some YouTubers I have to manually check on because their content seems to get suppressed.
No. 1167662
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>>1167589There is no audio admission to her abusing Depp, but there is audio of him verbally abusing her and never denying his physical abuse against her. Innocent parties deny guilt. Retard-chan, he had been disappearing and reappearing in her life from the beginning of the relationship, he stonewalls her, he’s not trying to “avoid a fight” when he is the one who starts them, with proof in texts and witness testimony. No witness has proven Amber is
abusive. His bruises were proven to not line up with his story and his finger was dismissed in court because he admitted to doing it himself.
All of this has been proven a million times up-thread but you can’t even be bothered to read before flapping your misinformed mouth. Funnily enough, Deppfags like you keep coming in here and claiming the same thing, then when you get proven wrong there is radio silence on your end. Let’s see if you’re going to be another one of those.
No. 1167693
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>>1167690I wouldn’t change a thing about her
No. 1167712
>>1167671Hopefully, it's going to be better than the doctor she brought on, such poor credibility. I don't know why but i'm looking forward to Karen vs Curry, might bring a few keks. But going by what people have said, her friends who were there won't testify, only people she really has who supposedly believed her/witnessed things are dead. I'm looking forward to the cross, to see what comes out from that. But 100% agreed, only points for me for Depp is that at least he was open and honest about his drugs and alcohol. I've been trying to listen to Amber and try to take what she says with a pinch of salt but the sheer performative nature of it just rubbed me up the wrong way, it reminds you that yes she is an actress. Who is to believe someone who believes the sun shines out of their arse?
>>1167693>>1167690>>1167662Your simpage is showing, she would not date you. Though saying that she dated Johnny.
No. 1167732
>>1167126>>1167191Who is Stephen? I'm not having any luck on Google. I thought it might be security or a nurse but not able to find someone by that name..
>>1167145Oh there is no doubt in my mind she's a psychopath. That doesn't mean Johnny is innocent either though, I still think we need to wait and see what evidence she brings forward. I'll admit I've been underwhelmed so far by what she has produced.. I mean she diligently documented so much and recorded so much, photos and everything, and then the best pictures we have of her abuse are that weak? Getting dragged over glass and her legs are fine? Penetrated with a broken bottle with blood coming from her vagina and no pics of blood down her leg? That's where I get hung up in all of this. If she otherwise wasn't documenting so much on him, the lack of evidence might seem more believable. That said, she just started her defense and we will likely see more evidence come up.
>>1167238There hasn't been any audio, nor her own testimony, of him taunting her about being BPD. The BPD diagnosis was strictly from the forensic psychologist as far as I've seen. I could be wrong on that though, because it seems she did show a lot of symptoms of that over the years and could have gotten a diagnosis.
I imagine when paying these fancy psychologists to fly around with you though they're not exactly incentivized to give diagnosis like that. On that one trip they had a psychologist, nurse, and doctor lol. Then the nurse said in her testimony Amber went to dinner with the psychologist a few times, so strange! Then Johnny has his medical team delivering all these drugs that are known to interact with the recreational drugs he's abusing… like what psycho doctor would give an alcoholic benzos?
>>1167266Yeah, the injury photos don't look like a broken nose to me, as someone who has broken my nose…but I'm not a doctor and I imagine they'll have an expert witness medical doctor testify. The whole thing of her documenting literally everything, days worth of audio and photo and photo, yet not having photos of these injuries she describes, doesn't look good for her. This is just the start of her defense though, and very possibly she may have something more substantial.
>>1167662>There is no audio admission to her abusing Depp,Yes there is. And it has been played in court.
No. 1167754
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>>1167712NTAs, but I would defend her no matter her looks or situation, because of the possible precedent. She was actually abused though and Depp was quite lesbophobic. Deppfags all over the internet are also quite lesbophobic. They simp for a bloated pedo corpse and it's crickets, simp for an actual hot woman and everyone loses their minds. Deppfags are going to call us dykes anyway for supporting an obvious DV
victim, so might as well full on simp and piss everyone off kek
No. 1167781
File: 1651840773253.gif (1.66 MB, 245x245, 8ypv.gif)

>>1167754She really is beautiful
No. 1167806
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>>1167790but see it works so well kek, like I said I'm NTAs and they pulled me to the beautiful side.
No. 1167836
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>>1167825honestly, i am convinced many men have some AGP/tranny-tier obsession with obscenely beautiful and talented women and ruining them out of jealousy/wish to be as good as they are/to be them. johnny was really out here calling her a flabby ass when he looks like a greasy couch. he's so jealous of her being younger, her being well-read, her beauty, and that people of both sexes are attracted to her. fatty can stay mad and sleep in his own piss alone and cry alone to nobody then. pathetic. he doesn't even feel bad for being such a failure. if i was him i'd rather do anything but take this to a jury, this trial is an embarrassment and he's fucked as far as insurability goes.
No. 1167843
>>1167836Considering how Johnny bought makeup, had a house full of barbies and crossdressed, he probably was jealous. Disgusting.
Warning anonitas not to reply to the dyke-obsesser.
No. 1167845
File: 1651842997560.png (128.76 KB, 284x439, C220BC1F-EA0C-418B-BB8A-AD30D7…)

Someone put pirates of the Caribbean in here
No. 1167857
>>1167742There is more than one recording of her being a psycho, but my response was to the anon who said that there was no evidence. That's just not true, already tape was played in court.
>>1167746Thanks. Maybe that will be one of her witnesses. She needs whoever wrote that text message to come to court and get asked about it.
No. 1167861
File: 1651843649465.jpg (74.62 KB, 284x439, jack.jpg)

>>1167845i laughed so hard i had to. i didnt go get a template for a better qual i just did it quick and dirty tho sorry
No. 1167869
File: 1651843958354.png (599.6 KB, 1224x809, Captain_Jack_Sparrow.png)

>>1167845You can add the text
>>1167861Better then mine tbh
No. 1167871
>>1167857You’re really dumb, that tape that everyone plays of her “abusing him” was her admitting to hitting him back after he hurt her foot in the door. She’s not in the wrong for hitting her abuser back, and it’s not evidence of her being
abusive. You just clearly listened to the one tape and didn’t consider the context of their relationship, he had hurt her so many times before then but she’s in the wrong because she hit him back? Not buying it.
No. 1167882
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>>1167861>>1167869Kek thanks nonnies
No. 1167885
>>1167871No need to get pissy at someone keeping an open mind. What evidence is there of him hurting her foot in the door?
>>1167880Yeah, I was a bit surprised she acted like such a pearl clutcher on the stand when just a week ago the nurses notes said otherwise. Gives more ammo for cross.
No. 1167889
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>>1167885>>1167880not that that isn't possible but i deal with nurses notes and doctors notes routinely, a good majority of the time these people are not listening the pt or pt history at all. it's like a really scary game of telephone, actually, with a lot of them. people in healthcare will know what i'm talking about. they're actually really awful.
No. 1167896
>>1167885He asks "how's you foot" when they were talking about her hitting him
>>1167880I don't think it's a good move for her trying to minimize her own substance abuse. I agree it will probably come back to bite her in the back
No. 1167910
File: 1651845183757.png (683.3 KB, 1414x779, layyourhead.png)

>>1167845more with text, hope it does not suck
>>1167882 it's fun.
No. 1167913
File: 1651845248190.gif (197.48 KB, 500x281, amber Heard gif bikini beach.g…)

>>1167882kek yw
nonnie>>1167890it literally doesn't matter what he does. johnny could squat and take a literal shit on the desk infront of him while belting the Turkish national anthem and his fanboys and fangirls would clap, gather around his asshole like a herd of thirsty gazelles desperate to get a taste of his drug laced shit, then they'd call him a sweet, rational boy after this and they'd all pat themselves on the back for being so logical and sensible.
No. 1167955
File: 1651845955035.jpeg (44.9 KB, 450x300, AA693085-D74B-4FE7-99FF-0D83EE…)

>>1167913>>1167926Anon I’m fucking dead
No. 1167969
Don't reply to the ban evading baitors, keep praising our icon Amber. Don't forget to sage. Mashallah.
>>1167926It's ok anon.
No. 1167970
>>1167951thats not even me retard, defending someone doesn't mean you want to fuck them, but if your that moid who is obsessed with ''dykes'' here i can understand why you would think someone defending a
victim means they want to fuck.
>>1167949its quite pathetic that they (you) have almost all of social media where they can talk about how amber is evil yet the ugly fat pickmes and incels cant stand that there are opposing opinions here and rage, go back to twitter.
No. 1167973
File: 1651846357533.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1614, QUEEN.png)

No. 1167980
>>1167969>Mashallah.All of this makes sense now, muslim women with no actual power in their country simp for psycho just because she lives out your fantasy of being as
abusive as your male relatives are. Ok, now I really understand what category of people support her.
File: 1651846562807.jpeg (126.45 KB, 750x1016, AEFB8D6C-C1E7-486C-A86F-807429…)

Anons I don’t think I can link it here but you gotta see this… they are accusing her of SNIFFING COKE in a courthouse where she is testifying of being sexually and physically abused and clearly choked up about it. You might think this is just some delusional person with a vendetta but this post has 100k likes and 16k retweets. I can’t even
No. 1167984
>>1167980you literally sound unhinged. But that's expected of you vpn-chan moid.
Are you going to start racebaiting now?
No. 1168006
>>1167982Depp defenders are extremely insane and unhinged and seem to have no life since they have all this time to literally make up rumors just so they can defend a old fat man.
Even snopes
>>1167211 is starting to debunk the hoaxes they are making up, these defenders are behaving just like bots or insane qanon people.
No. 1168047
>>1168040You're right and it's probably a man so he won't understand but even if I were a woman from a worse country and I supported Amber because she was a
victim like most women are victimized at one point or another in their lives, it still wouldn't mean my opinion would be invalid.
No. 1168056
File: 1651848232902.jpeg (146.87 KB, 750x874, 10E621E1-6C42-49FE-B910-97D478…)

>>1168042Love it anon keep them coming
>>1167951She looks amazing with dark hair too
No. 1168069
File: 1651848590347.png (1.21 MB, 1230x1326, it really is.png)

>>1168056here's your meme
No. 1168117
File: 1651849858895.jpeg (151.79 KB, 1284x1985, 6A3C289F-434B-45E7-94C4-B5594A…)

>>1168069I love you anon
Look what Johnny Depp’s lawyer’s wife posted so gross
No. 1168142
>>1165331So I got to the part where he was raping her with a bottle. Sounded very believable to me, way beyond acting. In fact it seems like a huge stretch to call it that.
But then she didn't sound as believable when talking about the finger.
I suspected this from the beginning but waited to hear the story - I think she cut his finger when fighting him off.
I think that's why he told people he did it himself at first. If he said she did it, she might say what he did.
I think Amber is denying it because that's a serious and obvious injury, while she has little material proof of the damage done to herself that evening.
No. 1168216
I’ve had this pro amber heard account for like an hour and it’s being flooded with deppfags. If anyone wants their meme featured on it just post it here.
>>1168067Have a good day
No. 1168251
File: 1651853011583.webm (5.7 MB, 1280x576, deppchuclkling.webm)

>why is this freak staring at her and laughing when she's trying to walk by??? she obviously doesn't want to be near him and he's chuckling about it. absolute weirdo.
No. 1168278
File: 1651853637522.jpeg (306.35 KB, 828x718, 8AEC5847-07C1-4BB0-9182-23B2EC…)

Based tweet
No. 1168280
File: 1651853674953.png (638.51 KB, 728x690, twitt.png)

>>1168216deppfags massreported this account because they didn't like the truth
No. 1168301
>>1168278he might actually be the right one, actually. Famous, pretends to have done nothing wrong, he's a poor poor
victim. Everyone gives him asspats and hates on women. Typical.
No. 1168337
>>1168329Men : Fucked up on
toxic masculinity, refuse to show vulnerability, talk about their feelings or seek psychological help. End up killing themselves more often because of their own emotionally stunted behavior
Men : This is women's fault
No. 1168345
>>1168216Ur doing the Lord's work
nonnie mashallah. Pls respond with this
>>1167126 whenever they say she has no evidence, I love watching people try and fail to defend this
No. 1168348
>>1168340Right, I didn’t even know about that hashtag until today. Disgusting, so obvious they are witch-hunting Amber to use this as a way to return power to themselves over their
victims. If she loses it should be seen as a fuck-you to
victims everywhere.
No. 1168351
File: 1651855454281.webm (1.78 MB, 602x360, Depp-simulates-firing-a-gun-wh…)

No. 1168358
File: 1651856147967.jpeg (347.41 KB, 828x837, DF3CC977-9BEF-4E6F-B5DD-8246A0…)

Beautifully said, took the words out of my mouth
No. 1168362
>>1168351Really fucking is. Hopefully after the trial this is more than enough proof for MRAs to stfu about how "no one cares about male abuse
victims!!!" but probably not
>>1168358pretty much, now that it's socially acceptable to attack a DV
victim they're all for it. No one who attacks her even bothers listening to the trial other than editted clips
No. 1168363
File: 1651856425525.png (4.68 MB, 2572x2108, winning.png)

>>1168358We all knew they were blindly hopping on a bandwagon.
No. 1168366
>>1168358Is this where all the tards are going to accuse women of having internalized misogyny, just like the fatphobia shit?
>>1168362A lot of people on lawtube who are leaning to his side are obviously watching the full stream. Can't say they're all like turdfans or deppstans on twatter.
No. 1168391
>>1168380The way they speculate about her, it’s one thing to discuss evidence and line of events but the way they pick apart her behavior in court, this frantic fear and trying to distance themselves from the bad woman acting out as if women are a hivemind.. the exaggeration of her actions and infantilization of a 60 year old man i don’t know about you but i hope from the bottom of my heart that a dv
victim or any woman who is struggling doesn’t come across these cunts Or put up with their shit
No. 1168395
Also no matter what bad evidence against Jonny comes out or how immature he acts in court they will always find a way to spin it to make him the
victim, which shows how BIASED depp defenders are and that they dont care about
victims and that this is just a sexist witch-hunt to them, its even more obvious when you look at their alt-right profiles or how they will even resort to hoaxes to defend him.
>>1168380Well my dear pickme before this thread was even made i kept up with this trial (and was neutral at first) and looked at how people were responding at it and most of the people who hated amber seemed sexist and obsessed with gender.
Im even going to quote in real life what one of my pickme mutuals said about this ''women think they can get away with this because they have tits''. No normal rational woman who is not a pickme would support depp or align herself with depp supporters who are mostly mra incels.
No. 1168409
>>1168366>A lot of people on lawtube who are leaning to his side are obviously watching the full stream.It's deceptively easy to become a lawyer in the US compared to other countries. So I wouldn't take some manosphere scrotes who managed to pass the bar exam, with a bachelor's degree in poetry or some shit seriously. It boggles my mind that burgerlawyers don't have to learn any law at all in undergrad. Most of the scrote manosphwere lawtubers don't seem to have any actual experience either, they just straight went to shitposting online, so I don't know how they can claim any expertise.
>>1168393>Women know women bestInternalized misogyny and female socialization to worship and believe scrotes over women is a thing. She's being scrutinized a lot more than Depp.
No. 1168414
>>1168366Apropos to lawtube, I remember tuning into one of those streams when Amber's therapist was on, and the chat kept REEing and asking lawdude how is she allowed to speak about "
victims" and "abusers" in gendered terms (she and he, respectively). Also suddenly there are "male abuse
victim" stories all over reddit, and I really do not believe it to be organic. How come women's subs are full of DV and survivor stories all year around, but they only appear and get upvoted on men-focused subreddits when there's a huge, public court case with a profilic male actor, hmmmm.
No. 1168416
>>1168393If amber was really this liar then johnny stans wouldn't need to resort to posting edited short videos of the trial and making up rumors about amber because amber is a ''embellisher''.
johhny stans are acting very frantic and trying to prove in anyway that johhny is
victim by even resorting to lies.
Even two of Johnny's witnesses on his team accidentally made him look worse with one saying that they never saw amber abuse him and the other saying they saw Johnny hit amber. These were people on his team supposed to defend him.
Your ''intuition'' about women is shit.
No. 1168418
>>1168399the majority of people about this case are neutral and dont care about neither of them.
Johnny defenders/lovers are very delusional to think anyone cares about their fat alcoholic.
They may be the loudest on social media but they are not the majority.
No. 1168419
>>1168393>Women know women bestno, no the fuck they don't kek. Women accuse other women of lying about abuse all the time regardless of how much evidence you present, I've seen men admit to abuse and women STILL will claim the woman lied about it
>It's just odd to me how she photographed evidence of redundant things,so she doesn't have enough evidence for you to believe her… but she does have evidence of "redundant things"?? She still has better evidence than depp anyway
No. 1168423
>>1168399Unfortunately many women are batting for Depp & treating him like a
victim that deserves to be taken seriously. The only thing I'll give them (& even this is charitable) is some of them genuinely think they're batting for a
victim of DV, but they're still traitors all things considered. Men just treat this like a joke and a meme because they know it's safe to and want to treat a woman like shit with no evidence of her being an abuser.
No. 1168426
>>1168423A lot of women do this because they think if men are included in as domestic abuse
victims then women will finally be taken seriously BeCaUsE mEn AbooSed ToO. Literally clown world
No. 1168431
>>1168426thats wishful thinking anon. Alot of these women dont care about domestic abuse
victims even if they are their family or friends.
No. 1168432
File: 1651858695992.png (306.92 KB, 1048x846, love you nonnies.png)

>>1168426I hate the lawyertubers they only defend men abuser cases. Nick Screecher only cares about dick mangina, progeria gamer, etc.
No. 1168441
File: 1651858794877.jpeg (184.85 KB, 828x365, 5AE16A8D-3BFE-4C95-A085-D4A640…)

This is my position (not my tweet but I fw it)
No. 1168448
>>1168426possibly, and maybe it's to get the moids to shut up about men
victims anytime DV is brought up. Too bad it won't work regardless of how many male
victims get support
No. 1168452
File: 1651858993971.jpeg (20.17 KB, 600x600, 70dc2e89549e7fb3e8952d963d21cb…)

>>1168441I didn't even know that about Charlie Chaplin. Goddamn no fucking man on this planet is/was exempt.
No. 1168462
>>1168441i dont like this take because it is obvious that amber was the
victim in this situation with all the evidence of both the Uk trial and this one and that people are just using her as a witch-hunt.
I understand what that person is trying to say but they should say it for a different case like black chyna .
No. 1168483
>>1168476The allegations of her being
abusive towards her ex are unfounded & were made due to a misunderstanding. Tasya is standing as a witness in her defense in this trial. Maybe keep the fuck up with shit and don't whip out old propaganda from Depp's team and you won't look like a retard.
No. 1168488
>>1168476Johnny instigated the fights, Johnny is much older, richer, and famous than she is and is in a position of power over her, everything points to Amber punching him to defend herself or her sister. Depp raped her with a bottle and you're out here saying they were equally
abusive, wtf.
No. 1168495
>>1168476her ex-girlfriend literally said amber never abused her.
Why do you depp lover fucks just lie and bring up old debunked shit. Mr debt wont fuck you no matter how much propaganda you spread for him you useless fatty.
No. 1168499
>>1168428Samefag, I decided to look into it and scrolled down for what felt like ages to see what kind of reviews she was getting before her involvement in the trial. Turns out, depp stans have flooded her reviews so much that you can't even acess the reviews that are more than 3 days old.
Good job standing up for
victims, oh except the
victims that might be considering treatment by her and legitimately interested in reading actual reviews by her patients. Fuck those
victims I guess.
No. 1168521
>>1168509when this is the only thing you can reply to someone telling you to stop bringing up old debunked info to spread a propaganda.
Well some of you are 80 iq so its typical.
No. 1168528
>>1168481Not arguing or calling you out but I hate this take and it's an argument that's rife among the Johnny stans.
The injuries and severity are not the issue with IPV, just the fact that someone who you believe to love you and love back would be violent against you is the perverse nature of it not necessarily the amount of force used. I'm having a really hard time with the argument that because Depp didn't throw haymakers and leave her looking like she's done 12 rounds with Tyson it can't have happened. It's no wonder black and brown peopl are much more likely to be dismissed when they seek help with violent partners.
No. 1168577
>>1168528This. Not to mention that they keep saying why didn't she take photos/go to the doctors after getting raped. After getting raped, you're way more likely to spend your time dissociating staring at a wall than seeking medical attention.
Pray for Gen Z, they're dickriding Depp so hard and the young women in
abusive situations will suffer for it. Even the ones currently capping for Depp
No. 1168604
File: 1651862044081.jpg (21.12 KB, 380x380, e8df017b8459c3fdc951da06ce0be1…)

>>1168563You got to be shitting me, that's creepy.
No. 1168606
>>1168345Twittertrollchan did post those screenshots but the responses are "if that is all your evidence…….. well good luck" and ppl thinking Stephen Deuters is the same as Depp bc their nicknames were "Steve," and "Slim," or just "What are these texts?"
10/10 work using #AmberHeardlsALiar
No. 1168724
File: 1651866739404.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1257x1310, riri-vs-amber.png)

>>1168708Her photos she just looks tired. Recordings show her in a bad light more than him. At the big "Australia" incident her evidence was photos of the driveway, pool, and then an art room that she said had been "cleaned up". I'm sure he has more but hasn't put it into evidence yet, considering she is such a little collector.
No. 1168743
>>1168709Too bad the trial isn't about whether Amber is a psycho.
It's about if she wrote a defamation piece about Johnny–which she didn't–and Deppstans like yourself lack the awareness to realize you've set the stage for exactly why he isn't hired by anyone anymore. If he was
abusive even once then that invalidates his defamation claim. He lost.
Hope you all will contribute to his coke fund when this is over.
No. 1168748
>>1168743>It's about if she wrote a defamation piece about Johnny–which she didn't–and Deppstans like yourself lack the awareness to realize you've set the stage for exactly why he isn't hired by anyone anymore.wrong
amber turd fans have room temperature IQ
No. 1168759
>>1168753okay retard
she literally said yesterday that she wrote the OP ed herself, it was the first 10 words that came out of her mouth when she got put on the stand
i know mongoloids have a tough time watching 20 second clips that defeat their entire worldview
No. 1168760
File: 1651867370125.png (1.19 MB, 1602x938, Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 4.00…)

>>1168727Yeah a lot of it just doesn't add up on her side. But, they just started presenting the case, maybe that will change. So far it's a big story and some photos of lamps and beds.
The big evidence they presented of him kicking her on the airplane, was just a recording of him moaning.
>>1168725Amber's audio recordings show her admitting to hitting him multiple times, and even threats of legal action that "nobody will believe you"
No. 1168771
>>1168759How much are you paid to shill like this?
Did you even read what she wrote?
Do you even have any idea how hard defamation is to prove, even pretending she directly referenced him (she didn't) or made any specific and malicious claims (she didn't)?
Yikes. Your tears will be delicious tho.
No. 1168772
>>1168748How dumb are you? Nonna wasn't saying Amber didn't write the op-ed, she was saying it wasn't defamation because Depp in fact did abuse her. If he laid a hand on her once, he loses.
Btw I refuse to watch edited clips of the trial, especially with a scrote commenting. Find actual timestamps in the original videos or don't even bother. If you only look at biased media of course you're gonna be biased.
No. 1168782
>>1168743You can't blame the media frying their brains into believing this is a trial about abuse. It's Johnny's team using smoke and mirrors so at least when he loses the defamation case, as he did when he tried to sue Washington Post, he can make a career for himself out of being the "male
victims" aboose advocate lmao.
No. 1168789
>>1168760What about all the texts where Johnny is apologizing? What about his history of violence and dating minors? What about the obvious power imbalance between them? What about the texts between depp's assistant and amber? Why are these recordings and texts less credible than Depp's evidence?
Also, people bruise differently and it's a literal profession you have to go to school for to be a bruising expert in court so excuse me if I take the dismissal of her pictures with a grain of salt.
No. 1168795
>>1168768The only person who is a lying nutcase is Depp. He has the pattern of
abusive behavior that has been documented since he dated Winona Ryder when she was 17 and he was 25/26. Unless you’re going to admit that he’s going after Heard on baseless accusations of defamation, even though it’s unnecessary and intensely hard to prove, everyone will keep believing you’re a retard and rightfully so.
No. 1168799
File: 1651868065777.png (788.82 KB, 1142x574, amberstatement.png)

Amber's team issued a statement.
No. 1168805
>>1168789>What about all the texts where Johnny is apologizing? Well in female cases they say it's the abused feeling guilt. There isn't any tape of him admitting to hitting her that I've heard. If I hear something then I'll say they're both abusers.
>What about his history of violence and dating minors?He has punched men, not women. His exes all came out in support of him.
Not sure about him dating minors, or even how that is relevant.
>What about the obvious power imbalance between them?That makes it a harder case for Johnny to win, yes. Guilty until proven innocent. Although I think her story about going into the trailer with a bottle of wine wasn't as helpful as she thought for her… and end of the day she married him.
>What about the texts between depp's assistant and amber? Do you have a link for me? I'd like to read those.
>Why are these recordings and texts less credible than Depp's evidence?Maybe there are some I haven't seen?
>Also, people bruise differently and it's a literal profession you have to go to school for to be a bruising expert in court so excuse me if I take the dismissal of her pictures with a grain of salt.True! And I imagine they'll get an expert to testify why her bruises were gone the next day and how the broken nose was fixed without swelling.
No. 1168815
victims normally can't look at their abusers ???? literally what a retarded statement to make, it is completely in johnny's favour to NOT look at amber; unlike amber, who has been staring him down the entire time.
No. 1168816
>>1168799a lot of
victims have a hard time looking at their abusers.
No. 1168817
>>1168800Except JD did have an extensive PR campaign that, of course, came up
after Amber made her initial allegations. Imagine that. Again, can’t be that JD is an abuser that utilized his power and fame to terrorize this woman with legal threats to hell and back, no actually she abused him because
dusts off filing cabinet in the back of a crackhead brain she hit him back in retaliation after she had been abused by him for two years. Get fucking real. Johnny Depp will overdose on pills once she wins this case and finally all of you will shut the fuck up.
No. 1168844
>>1168805Texts between Depp's assistant at the time and Amber in post linked below. These were sent after the incident in the plane.
>>1167126Vanessa Paradis (mother of his children, that's reason enough not to talk shit) did issue a statement, as did Winona Ryder. She dated him when he was 17 and he was 26. I consider this a red flag and that's why I think it's relevant.
Winona withdrew her testimony tho. I am not aware of other exes coming forward.
No. 1168868
>>1167126>>1167126>>1167126>>1167126>>1167126These are the texts where Depp's assistant says Depp cried after he found out he kicked her.
>>1168805 here you go
nonnie>>1168709 explain this dumbass. pls im begging u
No. 1168879
>>1168833Not in a defamation case, no. Power imbalance is relevant, but Amber wasn't a minor.
>>1168844Maybe that relevant from a character standpoint? If they can work that into the trial the young girl thing for sure helps even if it's just normal dudes being dudes. I thought she started good with her storytelling on meeting johnny but she played a little too naive for believability with the trailer and kiss parts.
Thanks for the text, that for sure is good info. They need to get that person to testify as to seeing Johnny kicked her. To me that reads very plain day "he kicked her"
No. 1168904
>>1168879>normal dudes being dudesNope, no, normal people do not date teenagers when they are in their mid twenties.
The way I see it, adults who choose to date minors do so because they enjoy having the upper hand in a relationship. Younger people are easier to manipulate and control because they lack life experience. It's a huge red flag for
abusive tendencies.
I don't know how that could be used in court and I'm not saying it should. However, for me personally as a woman, it's definitely relevant and I would regard anyone with a similar dating history with suspicion
No. 1168937
>>1168895Once again you are incapable of reading this
>>1167126 lmao can't cope with the truth
>>1168894Wait until you see all the other social media lies lol they keep claiming that Heard's entire family is on Depp's side which is a complete lie. I don't care for Amber either but this is qanon level misinfo against a DV survivor.
No. 1168963
>>1168941the childish prose makes her seem powerless, naive, and stupid - like a
victim. she's just overdoing it a bit too much where it seems calculated.
No. 1168968
>>1168905The "mutual abuse" thing seems more to be a ploy to undo 50 years of work of feminist legal theorists, a way to make fencesitting seem legitimate and punish women for defending themselves.
>>1168879You're either a scrote or autistic and you're clearly from Reddit, go back.
>>1168894Funny how everyone who claims to "not care" or go "both sides" is deadset on spreading misinformation about AH and capes for JD.
>>1168917He groomed Christina Ricci since she was 9.
>>1168941Saying "sorry it sounds stupid" is a feminine coded way of speaking, it's common for women to add things like that after sentences. Lois P. Frankel wrote entire books on it. Are you a scrote?
No. 1168991
>>1168956It varies, we're NYC natives. Think Black, various Latinos, South Asian, Middle Eastern, etc
>>1168972Shut up already didn't mean that I think you're making the same point repeatedly. It means I think you have no idea what
victims sound like. As in, shut up already, your point is stupid.
No. 1168998
>>1168827I guess it depends on how you define abuse, but two people with personality disorders in a relationship being
toxic back and forth to each other is definitely a thing
No. 1169006
>>1168968the first google hit of that omg
>Brotherly Love From Johnny Depp"This love relationship is intense and strange," Ricci said. "I've known Johnny so long, he's protective of me as an older brother and it's weird to think of having sex with him. So we know enough about each other to laugh at it. He said it was 'like we were rooting around together like pigs.'"so creepy
No. 1169015
File: 1651870505246.png (152.84 KB, 613x1096, some comments.png)

Here's some more comments I received on my troll account. They're in no particular order. I got a timeout for one of the noose pics kek.
No. 1169037
>>1168990it is on this thread, doesn't mean i came from some other site. I've been here for a long time.
>>1168991I know very well how abuse
victims sound like, because i know more of than i wish to. It's not a competition to look the saddest and paint with your words like Amber does. Honesty is visible and you can feel it from the person.
No. 1169038
File: 1651870863766.jpg (296.75 KB, 853x1280, ExclusivePicture.jpg)

>>1169016It's common knowledge that Amber Heard is secretly a 6 foot tall muscle lady
No. 1169069
>>1169037Maybe a different abuse
victim than you will sound different than you, even if you both have prior experience. Not such a shocking concept. Even if she's faking which I don't think she is, it doesn't make Depp less guilty.
No. 1169140
>>1169069That's what I don't understand about Depp fans, apparently, they're the best about reading "vibes" and "energy" from Heard and can just magically tell she's
abusive and faking any of her testimony, despite the fact he's already lost the first trial about the domestic violence she faced. She doesn't have to prove shit to anyone anymore, and she shouldn't be put in this position either.
No. 1169171
>>1169140I don't get fans in general. I'd be embarrassed to say I was a fan of a celebrity.
>despite the fact he's already lost the first trial about the domestic violence she facedThis doesn't say much tbh, defamation cases are pretty hard to win. He doesn't win by showing the jury that he was beaten by her, he needs to show clear damages, not to mention malice and intent. All showing that she beat him does is go against her credibility.
No. 1169186
File: 1651872749247.jpg (177 KB, 450x450, ff38.jpg)

#ProtectMen #MenCanBeAbused #JusticeForJohnny #amberheardisapsychopath(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1169197
>>1169171The first case wasn't a defamation trial, it was a criminal trial in relation to their divorce. The current case is a defamation lawsuit over claims her allegations ruined his career, which was already dying before she made her initial allegations. Her OP-ED didn't even mention his name, she stated she was a
victim of DV and that was it, which was already proven in a court of law before she wrote it. His team is making it seem as if he is suing her in a criminal trial because it helps his case and makes him look like a
victim who deserves sympathy when he obviously doesn't if you do the slightest bit of fact-checking.
No. 1169212
>>1169050yeah, one can definitely make faces and fake crying, but some of her reactions felt really hard to fake in my opinion. her hyperventilating, her voice cracking, her nose becoming stuffy after crying, a lot of things like that. and something kind of small that struck me was when she was asked about their wedding, and she made (what i can only describe as an involuntary) pained expression right when the word "wedding" was mentioned. that will never satisfy those who are convinced she's lying, but i just find the whole emphasis on "proving" her wrong by complaining about every single micro-expression she makes really strange, and very telling about how people view dv
victims. her expressions should not have anything to do with proving her wrong. besides, it's a very odd situation for her to be in, i couldn't even fault her if she was exaggerating her expressions at times. depp gets a pass for "dramatic expression" and literally everything he does, but if amber does anything similar she's the worst thing on the planet.
No. 1169392
File: 1651875380280.png (Spoiler Image,226.62 KB, 472x367, 2B0865CA-C816-46DF-A06D-F8C382…)

Since I wasn’t here when the retard was sperging out about her bruising not being enough, just wanted to post what her makeup artist had to say about covering up her injuries before she went on television.
No. 1169436
File: 1651875951453.jpg (492.52 KB, 2048x2048, 9a90d018538d1aa74ea0d697950cd6…)

>>1169392Idk why people are obsessed with the idea that it's impossible to cover a black eye with makeup
No. 1169470
File: 1651876724794.jpeg (132.01 KB, 1124x1458, D510698A-40A7-4B6E-A8EF-F9524C…)

Not my cap but Julia is based
>>1169464Yeah for putting “he’s waiting” on a noose pic another
nonnie made me.
No. 1169482
>>1169212There was a moment after she recounted the bottle incident where her lawyer asked her for clarification on if he penetrated her vagina with the bottle where Amber says “I don’t want to do this..” under her breath. It broke my fucking heart it’s so clearly painful for her to have to think back on that attack. I think she also says “I don’t want to do this” when she was hyperventilating whilst explaining the Australia assault.
fuck JD for making her have to say all this on live TV for everyone to see. I fully believe that he is using the courts to further abuse and humiliate her.
No. 1169496
>>1169470>sick way of still controlling herOh come on this dude
>>1165967 can't even control his bowels
So dumb to think of him as some devilish mastermind
It's his team that's suing everyone around, and not just Amber
No. 1169497
File: 1651877243444.jpeg (245.26 KB, 960x856, C1A38FD2-68A6-4D60-B01C-D92A05…)

>>1168961 We love you so much!!!
No. 1169502
File: 1651877390793.jpeg (366.01 KB, 1080x1281, 3F4EA18D-BE24-4408-B040-67B75C…)

>>1169497What’s worse, a manchild or a womanchild?
No. 1169509
>>1169505bitch i'm 21 years old
>>1169502what does this matter here in the The Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp Court Case
No. 1169523
>>1169502yea OT as shit but I think we'd all rather be a womanchild than manchild if that's the room you're referring to
>clean>organized>'pretty' aesthetic>cool interesting things>cringe but it's cutevs… man child's room full of coomer hentai shit, dirty clothes and cum rags, porn everywhere, piss bottles, disgusting old cum smell, lowkey pedo vibes… Gross.
No. 1169532
>>1169488I thought she was like a decade younger lol but 36 isn't that old for an imageboard. Would have been like 17 when 4chan came out.
>>1169502I have PTSD not cringey weeb disorder. The room is neat tho
No. 1169537
>>1169520This. Manchildren usually take massive tolls to everyone around them whether it be mooching off of friends and girls, being creepy towards women in their group, consooming sex work, harassing and flirting with online women all while having a girlfriend the entire time, they're very dirty and don't mind getting people around them sick and do nothing but play vidya all day while the women in their life have to do everything for them while they treat women awfully
Women children are usually just cringey and have enough self awareness to understand they're not in a state of mind for a healthy relationship, it's weird we talk about women children when manchildren unarguably do a lot more damage
No. 1169568
>>1169560It's apparently in reference to this 1994 incident :
>Their passion for one another spilled over into heated arguments. The couple was spotted shouting at each other in public, according to reports, and one reported spat resulted in Depp’s arrest. At 5:30 a.m. on September 13, 1994, the actor was arrested for criminal mischief at New York’s Mark Hotel for allegedly trashing his hotel room. Police found Depp “in a state of possible intoxication” and Moss uninjured. A criminal-court judge dismissed the charge against Depp on the condition that he stay out of trouble for six months. Depp paid the Mark $9,767.12 including more than $2,000 for damages, plus the bill for the remainder of his reservation. yeah I don't know where the stairs thing came from.
No. 1169607
For what she claims happened to her, the evidence is not nearly enough, not even close. I was willing to believe her until it came to the Australia incident. What she described was so insane and for there to be no evidence supporting her claims whatsoever? They cleaned up all the glass and blood streaks from her cut up feet, but left the circular drops that would predictably fall from a cut finger? That doesn't make any sense. He wrote on the walls but they only had pictures of a mirror and lampshade? From her story I was imagining the place to be absolutely trashed, but it looked more like Johnny's version of events. I don't even like Depp, I do believe he is a creepy groomer with a serious drug problem, and I have no doubt they got into awful fights and screamed and threw shit at each other, but she looks like the kind of girl to bruise like a banana, if he hit her there would be some evidence somewhere. I can even believe that she was so ashamed that she hid it for years, but not the Australia event. Pictures were taken. And if she is willing to lie about something so fucking heinous, then I just can't trust her other allegations. I hate that people who hate her are making up shit like she didn't cry or held her own dog out of a car window, when it's an easy Google search away to find out these things are untrue. I don't want to side with people who believe dumb shit like that, but I just can't trust her anymore. I believe the emotions in her stories are legitimate, I don't think she's faking that, but the events that created those emotions, I believe, are tremendously exaggerated.
No. 1169648
>>1169639Johnny is an old drunk and a mess. ButAmber is part of something much worse.
No. 1169674
>>1169668You’re in a thread filled with trannies shilling for Heard (read
>>1169654 and
>>1169639 ) goving a skewed view of the situation.
Regardless of what may be true, the general public leans heavily towards Depp and so do mosf people who haven’t read the tranny propaganda.
No. 1169685
>>1169626>raped by a bottlethis bitch records and takes pics of everything yet she doesn't take ANY proof of the most damaging shit she makes up in her stories
No. 1169690
>>1169682Nate the Lawyer is decent for recaps, but he's not "pro" Amber.
LegalBytes has the all day livestreams and lots of lawyers talking about it, the parts I watched most of them thought Amber was lying later in her testimony (Earlier was more positive)
All lawtube people seem to say it will be difficult for Johnny to win because defamation cases are difficult to prove. Showing Amber hit Johnny is just one element, they also need to show malice, intent, and damages. The damages testimony was pretty weak.
No. 1169698
File: 1651888008703.jpeg (202.88 KB, 1080x1367, E946A355-A266-455C-B9D3-BBCB85…)

Kek it just proved itself to be a moid, and a dumb one at that. Let’s wait for the mods to respond and not pay it any more attention.
No. 1169784
>>1169764saw this on the front page and i just have to say im rooting for u lesbian
nonnie make a memepage or smth and never stop being autistic < 3
No. 1169786
File: 1651892728727.png (773.75 KB, 1440x960, IDGAF.png)

>>1169784I am cringe but I am free.
It's just how I troll Johnny Depp fans because they're misogynists and pickmes.
No. 1169787
>>1169786very edgy and cool
now go beat up your girlfriend
No. 1169812
>>1169803>eats candy in court That's cause he's a smoker. Probably also helps with the junkie cravings.
Amber literally ate candy while testifying in the UK court, right there on the stand. She was high as a kite. Seems she got clean for this trial.
No. 1169822
>>1169668Yes, I watched some parts of it but honestly was too disappointed to finish it. So glad it rubbed someone else the wrong way too. The way she's responding to comments questioning her bad takes is also very off-putting. In one of the responses she actually goes like "Well I believe women can be
abusive because I have been abused by a woman! I have seen a 5'1 woman abuse a 6'2 man in real life!!" while calling other comments biased and never naming any specific incidents. She gives me huge cow vibes, I don't know if she's ever been mentioned in the radfem cows threads before. I simply don't understand how someone can make multiple videos specifically discussing male violence against women and still fail to see the pattern in an actual example while it's playing out in front of her eyes.
No. 1169831
>>1169822It really bothered me that she said that she assumed Depp was the
victim just because he was the one flipping out in the cabinet situation. She said cops usually arrive to
victim freaking out, but those are in domestic violence cases where
women are the ones being abused. She doesn’t take into account at all that aggressive behavior is a male thing no matter what the situation is. I’ve called the cops on a guy chimping out and was relatively “calm” because I was scared but mostly just tired of watching it and the time it took up. And she legitimately thinks that 15% of partner physical abuser is perpetrated by women? What
No. 1169844
>>1169803is there a reason you heard this? i know that if i was a juror i would not be liking him and feel he is
very disrespectful and rude, but how do you know jurors aren't feeling him? if true that does make me quite glad.
No. 1169847
File: 1651897618673.jpeg (971.12 KB, 2048x1444, A05EA7AE-FBB3-4500-851D-E09AF5…)

This article is a really good recap of the entire Amber and Johnny debacle for anyone interested. It’s quite long but a good and detailed read. No. 1170016
>>1169951Everyone is using this case to relieve their pent-up misogyny, kek. When Amber smiles, she's evil and her mask slipped. When depp mocks the situation and jokes, he's a ~wholesome~ and ~great~ man, how could he have hurt amber?
There are such weird double standards and people are only saying that both are wrongful because they don't have any evidence to blame Amber for.
No. 1170046
File: 1651907463641.jpeg (145.52 KB, 828x414, AAC42F85-E73C-4775-954D-142CD2…)

Wow, what a horrible double standard.
No. 1170052
>>1170046He could've just left the relationship but he rather cry about not being able to hit a woman and get away with it, totally a
He probably this he was abused because she was verbally
abusive aka told him to shower and tidy his room.
No. 1170058
>>1170053nah i'm mocking the asshole in the comments, not you, dear
No. 1170061
File: 1651908705302.jpg (119.15 KB, 1426x517, asiodafjoidsjgiodgj.jpg)

>>1170016>>1169951They use the same arguments as TiMs do too, it's very vindictive and trying to misuse feminism against DV
victims. They think it's a gotcha to just go "oh you think women are weaker than men?", acting like troons do when it comes to female sports. They have sadistic glee in the idea that feminism could backfire, so that's why they keep trying to make it seem like an equal situation. Even going "people in a relationship" ignoring the obvious dynamic between men and women, especially that Amber is a bi woman, is manipulating the situation. The HSTS are firmly on Depp's side, yet they love to come here to claim that troons are on Amber's side, when Io Tillett Wright is a fakeboy butch and they have the least power in troon rankings. They use it as another opportunity to be lesbophobic and are vague by saying Io took advantage of Lilly Rose Depp, when all that happened was that she took part in a completely normal photoshoot as part of a lgb project, so of course everyone thought Lilly had just come out. "Take advantage of a minor" immediately makes it seem like SA or something happened and they have said it in this thread too. Obviously Depp has a hatred of bi and lesbian women with how he constantly made lesbophobic comments towards Amber, so it's not weird that Lilly didn't immediately mention the pro lgb photoshoot to Johnny and everyone immediately calls it "taking advantage". Probably to distract from Johnny Depp's actual past with grooming Christina Ricci and Winona Ryder.
No. 1170141
>>1169482Of course he is that is why he is giggling like a cunt. Abusers get off on humiliating their
I'm actually so sickened by this case it should be very black and white. Amber is being sued for slander for saying in an article she suffered from DV. She fucking did. I don't give a fuck if she takes drugs or is a bad actress or whatever the fuck. Lots of people take drugs and have no talent does that mean they also can't suffer abuse? The state of this fucking clown world. Johnny fucked his own career by being unprofessional he needs to get a life
No. 1170243
>>1169847Thank you for this anon, it really puts things into perspective, very well written.
My favourite quote from it:
>>The constant need to infantilize a nearly-60-year-old-millionaire is disturbing. Are y’all not fucking embarrassed? No. 1170268
>>1170263Aileen Wuornos also abused her old 90 y.o. millionaire ex-husband. It’s a common thing. Idk if we should pity the
victim or not in this case, but definitely sometimes the perpetrator. Or perhaps we should get grossed out. That’s how I feel about this case. There’s not a
victim nor a perpetrator. I think there will happen one, whoever loses will ironically become the
victim. And it seems to be it will be Amber Heard or maybe Depp in a plot twist.
No. 1170290
>>1170247They’re treating this like a Marvel film like all retarded NPCs do.
>AMBER HEARD IS LIKE THANOS VILLAIN IN BAD MOVIE!!! >GOOD GUY LIEK DEPP GOOD EVEN THO HE DRUGGY AND AGGRESSIVE It’s so fucking black and white and I don’t even care or give a shit about Amber but now I’m starting to feel bad for her. Shit like this should not even be a public affair to begin with, it should be private and without social media twitterfags, desperate MRAs and brainwashed pick mes influencing anything. Even twitch streamers are watching this case about sexual assault/abuse and trivializing it by turning it into entertainment for their dumbass viewers.
No. 1170313
File: 1651920489942.png (47.58 KB, 792x487, article.PNG)

>>1169847Overall great article with good points, I'll post some good bits for the anons who are too lazy to read the whole thing
No. 1170352
>>1170345Bpd is a real illness but a lot of women get misdiagnosed with it when they're giving logical reactions to situations caused by illogical men. A woman fighting back her abuser and hitting him can get her diagnosed, or perhaps having a breakdown because of active abuse.
In reality depp has more bpd symptoms such as suicide baiting, addiction to substances, addiction to sex, violent behaviors, being afraid he will get left/cheated on by amber, etc.
There's also a big difference between women and men with bpd, as women tend to harm the selves while men harm others. Women with bpd are annoying at worst but men can be much more dangerous given their power and position.
No. 1170354
File: 1651922425895.png (226.85 KB, 692x600, wwww.png)

>>1169186i knew it would warrant a ban for the shitposting lol, but i cant believe the jannys took this post seriously and thought this was a actual selfie and not something i took from google.
Is the 80 iq tardlet a part of the mod team or something, talk about being tech illiterate.
Also ban the actual unironic males here my lazy precious dumb jannys.
(complaints go in /meta/) No. 1170394
File: 1651924470590.png (223.14 KB, 500x470, disorder.png)

>>1170381>jannys letting moid infighters, spammers and trolls here stay up for almost a day, neglecting reports and even neglecting porn and cp spam for hours.>based for actually thinking obvious satire/shitpost is serious and immediately redtexting it meanwhile ignoring and not banning moids baiting or making threads this fast.hmm it smells like expired sausages here.
No. 1170396
>>1170391Yes, and these are the freaks who have probably purchased
>>1170384 picrel; when I screenshotted this, there were 6 available, and 6 in peoples' baskets…..
No. 1170431
File: 1651927681563.jpg (79.1 KB, 1237x678, wat.jpg)

>>1170384the reviews for the other ones are a goldmine too kek
No. 1170433
File: 1651927848162.jpg (193.64 KB, 1678x477, moreweirdness.jpg)

>>1170431but yeah the merch they're pumping out is hilariously bad and cringe
No. 1170441
File: 1651928140876.jpg (361.6 KB, 1676x907, cringe.jpg)

>>1170437>>1170440It boggles my mind that they're using quotes from
abusive texts and putting it on merch, but people who support Amber are the psychos?
No. 1170467
File: 1651929189963.jpg (7.28 KB, 219x187, 1627640152122.jpg)

>>1170443I guess the gears of capitalism just gotta keep on rolling
No. 1170472
>>1170394Yea, I feel bad that
nonnie got redtext but I think it’s a based mod moment because they couldn’t tell it was a shitpost kek… I mean if this was on Facebook or something I wouldn’t have been able to tell it was satire either.
>>1170464It’s Depp’s team turning this into a social media spectacle. Since he lost in UK, his only hope to win here is if he pressures the jury with favorable public opinion, because it does come down to them in the end. Even though they are instructed not to talk about the case, shit like this encourages behavior that they will see, like the laughing in the courtroom, alpacas, and people cheering Depp pulling up and screaming “narcissist!” when Amber pulls up.
No. 1170490
>>1170397Eh, I think the average American has scrolled past misinfo memes enough time that they think wifebeater Depp is a
No. 1170501
File: 1651931415067.jpeg (159.66 KB, 634x1380, 0CFE1BBD-3DE1-44B5-A0D8-DFD175…)

>>1170490Whenever I talk to my normie friends about it, they think Depp is dramatic as hell for acting like this tiny girl was beating the shit out of him kek.
No. 1170517
File: 1651932549049.jpeg (50.69 KB, 750x462, 8269376E-471E-4BE9-A82E-7A3803…)

>>117051112 hours ago = 24 hours now? And no I’m not a lesbian kek and I don’t think Heard will win but it will be really bad if she loses.
No. 1170525
File: 1651933534775.jpeg (35.01 KB, 300x450, 94DDAB37-B21B-4895-A222-1D83DB…)

>>1170521>can’t make fun of her for being a lesbian so I’ll call her a bpd fag! Still waiting for you to respond to the other anons who ripped you apart up-thread
No. 1170529
File: 1651933946861.gif (450.18 KB, 500x222, 30851.gif)

>>1170527i love how according to him anyone who posts a picture of amber is a lesbian, kek
No. 1170535
File: 1651934243738.jpeg (142.79 KB, 1125x823, FAABD443-854E-4B33-AD18-D533D6…)

>>1170527You’re right, anon. Sorry for responding to the bait. Always forget about that loser moid.
No. 1170539
>>1170535i love this. twitter
nonnie, post it up!!
No. 1170565
File: 1651935719560.jpg (172.18 KB, 638x1645, makeupartist_sub.jpg)

>>1170541Samantha's testimony.
No. 1170581
File: 1651936474287.jpg (707.02 KB, 2207x1248, cbawiththisshit.jpg)

"If it's too good to be true, it probably is." It was too aesthetic to be a picture of someone actively using.
No. 1170601
File: 1651937963684.jpg (723.61 KB, 828x1431, whatthefuck.jpg)

>>1157897Deppfags having a normal one on tumblr
No. 1170607
>>1170606Tbh, this trial is creating the exact opposite outcome that his braindead stans want it to have. While many people are still on his side, a lot of people have realized how fucking retarded and strange the majority of this is and are retaining neutrality. This does not help male domestic abuse
victims at all, not like that was ever his goal in the first place.
No. 1170611
File: 1651938549030.png (352.26 KB, 1096x670, IMG_7102.PNG)

I haven't seen this thread posted here so I figure I'd share. I think it's an important read & really shines a light on the ignorance and misconceptions the public has surrounding this case. No. 1170630
>>1170624It's been pretty much confirmed his team has cut context surrounding much of the audio recordings from her hours of personal testimony, but since you want to act like a dense motherfucker I'll just reply with this:"I'm talking about in Australia, the day I chopped my finger off" - straight from his mouth.
No. 1170633
>>1170622In the Australia full audio she even says sorry and she didn't mean to do it when they're all talking about his finger, they even said she did it on the audio whilst worrying about what to do. It's pretty damning. And how much she didn't want to leave him there, oh please if you were sexually assaulted with a bottle, beaten and afraid you wouldn't be uwu i need to stay with him.
>>1170630You know that's a turn of phrase. Come on now.
No. 1170642
File: 1651939851614.png (522.48 KB, 1008x562, Screen Shot 2022-05-07 at 12.1…) of one of their fights where Amber states "Stop get off me" after what sounds like him hitting her and him being the aggressor.
No. 1170651
>>1170635So much anger anon, I'm not a deppfag. As i said, they're both shitty people, both very much deserved each other. Maybe go take some deep breaths and light a candle on your Amber altar or something.
>>1170636 some of us ARE shit, and it's hard to support all women, especially if you have strong morality with "rights and wrongs". I can't believe anons are like "well, you should support her even if she did lie", utter dog shit. or Amber shit. Which ever.
No. 1170659
File: 1651940258619.png (1.17 MB, 1074x1012, IMG_7096.PNG)

Tbh the Bundy supporters were more attractive.
No. 1170707
>>1170689Johnny Depp is narc corroded trash.
Amber Heard is narc corroded trash.
cluster B and substance abuse issues = they're both clinically retarded.
Amber shit the bed as a power move. Based.
Depp has immunity.
Balanced enough?
No. 1170713
>>1170702I haven't personally watched anything from Depps side so I can't attest to how he's been o nthe stand, I joined the streams about midway I believe. Again i said they are both shit people, they both very much deserve each other. They were both potentially
>>1170708 Is it twitter? it could be to potentially circumvent people searching for the name. I know they do it with other things, but outside of that no clue.
No. 1170716
>>1170708If it is to reference Amanda Knox, that's crazy because if there's anyone who's been a
victim of a batshit legal system, it's her. However, it's probably just another half-assed retarded attempt to insult her.
No. 1170729
File: 1651942788547.gif (5.17 MB, 480x480, frigidhesaid.gif)

No. 1170732
File: 1651942899265.jpg (40.87 KB, 569x341, ambernox.JPG)

>>1170716I don't understand why they'd do that though given Amanda Nox supports JD.
>>1170729 I guess i'm a guy now, cool beans. We're back to 2000's internet where girls don't exist. Kek.
No. 1170736
>>1170732Wow. I'm actually disappointed. You'd think if someone knows about media bias and being unfairly nitpicked by the public it would be her.
Althought this is from 2020 when the discourse surrounding this was nowhere near as insane.
No. 1170753
Is law anon about? Would anything happen to heards case if she's proven to fabricate evidence with her sister such as
>>1170581? Just curious, especially with her saying she took the photo (so should know the.. christ i can't think of the word, purity of evidence for lack of a better word?).
No. 1170783
>>1170772I've seen the phrase used on the boards over the years, and i'm not on tiktok - it's a kids app. Hate when the PA scumbags thread is shitted up with it because you know it's under 18's probably posting.
>>1170767 Not a newfag but I guess I'm falling for bait that i really shouldn't, which is probably just as bad.
No. 1170786
>>1170618Sage for OT but I was sexually abused by an older male when I was 6. I told a few people when I was still a child. Do you know what they told me? That I deserved it or I was lying for attention because I wasn't telling them details for my own privacy.
Women will always be blamed no matter what. Amber isn't doing anything bad for
victims, she's an imperfect
victim but I was a perfect
victim and I still got blamed on. It's not other
victim's fault, it's society's misogyny which always will favor worthless men over
People like you are doing more harm. You're no different than the people who mocked me about my abuse.
No. 1170791
>>1170786I hate what this is doing to
victims of abuse and assault across the board. I hope you're in a better place now.
No. 1170813
>>1170789>>1170791>>1170801Thank you so much, I didn't mean to bring this up because it's not on topic and I know it may upset others who have gone through through similar experiences but it needed to be said. You will get blamed no matter how perfect you are and it's never your or some other imaginary
victim's fault.
I'm doing fine now but situations like this enrage me as I imagine they enrage most women who have gone to through similar experienced.
I especially get upset if women get tricked into blaming the
victim because a lot of women will unfortunately experience similar abuse in their lifetime. What will happen then? Will they blame themselves and further escalates the trauma? It just a
toxic outlook for everyone involved.
No. 1170824
>>1170786im sorry anon but i wouldn't say that here especially on this thread which has many incel men lurking in it who will use what you say to get off. Also the anon who you replied to is probably a male too, there is a really aggressive male who keeps getting banned but he always gets new vpns to ban evade so ignore anything thats scrotey or larping as female.
>>1170817if you look at the people supporting depp alot of them have a hidden agenda where its not about depp its about them thinking women/children should never speak about abuse and that is very obvious by the MRA incel talking points they spout.
No. 1170829
>>1170825I don't think he will win, but I think he and his team know his chances are very slim. I think his objective is to further abuse Amber and humiliate her.
He's also a litigious motherfucker in general, suing seems to be his go to move.
No. 1170839
>>1170824You really need to take the tinfoil hat off anon, not everyone is a scrote, a pick me, or a female larper. You just seem to come across as aggressive for the sake of it. Has anyone actually been banned in this thread? not seen the red text yet bar the emoji & meme.
>>1170825No idea, I don't personally think he'll win because if there was a piece of evidence that he has been
abusive, surely he can't claim defamation? If it's proven she's falsifying evidence/testimony, I hope karma also catches up with her, because it's beyond scummy.
No. 1170845
>>1170840One of the dogs, Boo, allegedly got into Depp's weed stash and ate it and suffers bowel problems as a result to this day. Also if you have a pet you know sometimes surprisingly big turds come out of small packages lol
(also tbh good for her if she shat in the bed and it made her feel better for a minute, idc)
No. 1170846
>>1170836That anon wasn’t aggressive at all though, I’m not sure about redtext in this thread, but in the previous one.
>>1170825I think I am one of the few who is worried Amber won’t win. Yes, she obviously didn’t defame him, and I think if it was up to the judge then she would definitely win, but I don’t have faith that the jury will be unbiased. It happens a lot and they are obviously getting exposed to the public’s opinion on the case since Depp fans are showing up to the court room.
No. 1170868
File: 1651949059275.webm (6.37 MB, 720x1280, deppwifesnicker.webm)

>laughing at her acting out abuse, that's just so johnny!
No. 1170939
File: 1651954191623.jpg (99.44 KB, 1320x743, 16505868911814.jpg)

Read a blind item ( where they stated that Paul Bettany used to do drugs with Depp and only stopped when his wife threatened to get divorced if he doesn't stop hanging out with Depp. It'd make sense since Bettany's text messages made it into the court but he was never called in for a testimony or anything. He's laying low
No. 1171007
>>1170933Johnny shows more bpd symptoms though as this anon has said
>>1170352. Amber is ok
No. 1171068
>>1171007Adhd rage and bpd are alike in many ways tbh. I’d say bpd and adhd for depp, histronic personality disorder for heard.
And no, neither are ok. She’s far from ok. She just is the
victim purely because of the fact he’s a man and 60 fucking years old. I’d definitely not want a person like her around me. She’s a public figure and a woman, that’s why I support her. I would have wished the
victim be someone else, but anything for the woman’s cause is fine.
>>1170934Get a grip, non.
No. 1171107
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I hate this shit so much there’s an audio on TikTok of the court where amber describes being assaulted by Johnny Depp and the pickmes commenting this shit make me so mad. No. 1171110
File: 1651966572427.png (3.74 MB, 750x1334, FC57DC72-4F86-41B2-A12E-DB8F2D…)

Some retard with filters gushing over a pedophillic old mysoginyst scrote
No. 1171113
>>1171110Even with filters Depp would call her
fat whore who hit the wall like he did to amber
No. 1171138
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>>1171110Pick mes shut the fuck up challenge. The absolute brainrot
No. 1171184
>>1170914That's part of the popularity of the whole shit the bed thing. It's sensationalist and now Depp literally shitting himself isn't the headline that comes up when you google those keywords. These lawyers are trying to win in the court of public opinion.
Her dogs are teacup Yorkies and I had a Yorkie, not teacup but still pretty small, and even as puppy he had surprisingly large shits. This would've been an interesting jury selection question lol.
No. 1171224
nonnie it’s changing his dirty, crapped briefs.
No. 1171225
>>1171155Inshallah they grow a sense of empathy without getting raped. Tbh, a lot of these women I see defending Depp claim to be survivors and I believe them. My mother's a survivor too and she didn't protect me from her husband. When I finally convinced her, she told my grandmother who said I was lying.
Survivor solidarity exists but it isn't the default.
>>1170884 is right, fuck #MeToo. Be smart about who you trust and don't give information freely. Not for their sake but for yours. Amber didn't even name a name and she's being charged with defamation just for talking about it.
No. 1171345
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Comment about amber, this some salem witch trials bullshit nonnies
No. 1171366
>>1171345>I can't explain it I just ~sense~ itThis is exactly what my
abusive ex boyfriend use to tell me before demanding me isolate myself from friends, family or work
No. 1171373
>>1171369Yep. It's like people forget that it's Depp who was going out of his way to bring her to court and draw as much attention to the case as possible while amber seemed to have wanted to be very low-key about this since the beginning. A true histrionic would be blasting it everywhere and playing
victim like no tomorrow, acting out in court, laughing for no reason, exactly what Johnny is doing
No. 1171517
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>>1171486Samefagging to add dropped image.
No. 1171544
>>1171537Eh, neither of them are my type.
Then again I'm not theirs either, I'm actually sane.
No. 1171616
>>1171517When I was addicted to Adderall I had a terrible temper. Kind of a short fuse sort of thing, also I was very dramatic which matches up with the audio recordings I heard of them.
I also mixed benzos and adderall like she was, not a great combo. Not sure what MDMA and shrooms would do on top of it lol, probably be a mess. I think the thing some people are kind of missing about all of this is both of these characters were high out of their minds during all of this. Is either one of these people sober now?
No. 1171620
>>1171616Johnny doesn't seem so to me. He looks and acts wasted.
Amber I think got clean. Compare how she acted in the UK trial to how she's acting on stand now. She doesn't seem as dazed anymore.
No. 1171625
>>1171616Amber sobered up for this trial i agree with
>>1171620 a total difference from the uk trial
No. 1171627
>>1171107>>1171109Some of those same women will turn around and complain that Amber is making it hard for female abuse
victims to be believed
No. 1171628
>>1171625Samefag, a lot of people give amber shit in the uk trial but even tho she looks agitated and clearly not fully there she still acted like a
victim to me. She was angry and emotional
No. 1171658
>>1171620>>1171625Glad to hear that. Yeah, UK trial Amber seemed combative in her deposition. That's for sure what I was like as a stimulant abuser, but I imagine also just the fact that she was there would already be irritating.
I don't know either one of them, but, to me Johnny seems like he's still addicted to the benzos. Tough drug to get off of. It took me the better part of a year to really kick my valium habit. The withdrawals are awful.
No. 1171682
>>1171668Yeah. I think Johnny's biggest L in the courtroom is smirking too much, not eating.
I had to be deposed for a lawsuit against a company I worked for. They asked me questions for like 7 hours. Someone got drunk, crashed, and killed themselves and a friend. After the friend got done suing the family/their insurance/umbrella policy, they went after our company. I had to explain one little element of how the product works for 7 hours piece by piece. The guy literally had a blood level like 3 parts booze and drove straight into an obstacle in the middle of the night, there was no way they'd win the case but the lawyers make lots of money trying.
No. 1171769
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>>1171767Here it is. Shut the fuck up about his goddamn finger and move on, retard.
(infighting) No. 1171813
>>1171799I think the umbrella situation that people are having a hard time coping with is that both of these people are
toxic, liars. Just because Amber is likely embellishing and acting on the stand, doesn't mean that he didn't hit her and isn't a mega-scumbag. They're both fake and gay.
No. 1171814
>>1171799I see it more as a testimony to the fact she's embellishing her story, falsifying things, or plain old hiding things that she'd rather not have people know about (people do ugly things to each other in
toxic relationships, I have no doubts she's probably done something). But to say it's evidence of her outright being an abuser, no, I'd rely on solid evidence for that rather than pop psychology/body language.
I do find it amusing though that people are coming out about a lot of things, wonder why heard doesn't have many people around her on her side. Her friends mentioned how it's impossible for Amber to have barricaded herself in the bedroom AND have someone come in and write all that on the mirrors in the bathroom within her supposed 12 hours' sleep. With it being ensuite it was impossible as the only access was via the corridor that she alleged barricaded and the balcony. It's all the little lies that are doing it for me.
No. 1171845
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Seeing comments like this make me sick. These retards are acting as if we must all be gentle soft babies after DV, like you would also call us fake liars if we were crying. Women can never win.
No. 1171854
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>>1171845This is another one lol
>she’s not acting out!!! How!!!! She’s not fitting the narrative of the evil female ACCUSER/ABOOSER I HOPE SHE LOSES IT AND DOES WHAT I WANT TO BE REAL REEEEEE No. 1171859
>>1171845Ironically some abuse
victims become cold and therefore look strong to outsiders afterwards to not go through the same abuse again. Women who defend depp claiming that they were abused are lying, imo, as abused women would know how you become wary of men and put up walls afterwards to not go through the same experience again. It's also weird to expect a woman to be "broken" infinitely after a few bad experiences with scrotes, like cmon most women go through this stuff at least once in their lifetimes but leave without being dysfunctional messes unlike men who off themselves because of tiny ass shit.
No. 1171861
>>1171859They probably are one of anons posted “dv
victims” comments and one of them got too in detail about her
toxic relationship and it sounded like she was blaming herself and weirdly got into too much detail even tho it wasn’t about her… they are projecting their
toxic relationships onto the case
No. 1171875
>>1171869I'm saying a woman who had gone through abuse wouldn't be one to victimblame other women. You can't trust every man and woman who says they were abused, I trust Amber's story solely because it was proven true in the UK court.
Hope it makes sense.
No. 1171892
>>1171824lmao what
>>1171845>she seems so eager she's lying reeee!!!Classic silencing behaviour. These people expect
victims to open up but when we finally feel safe to do so…
No. 1171893
>>1171845This honestly reads like a scrote complaing his porn isn't realistic enough to get him off. People love and fetishize female suffering and only sympathize with weak broken
victims. Frankly I do believe Amber was physically violent but is that evil? Imagine having to deal with a bipolar drug-addict and his erratic temper tantrums, his pathological jealousy, his yelling and insult-throwing and likely him getting violent with you too (though I still don't know if I believe that). However even if Johnny didn't physically abuse her I understand the urge to fight back on the count of such emotional torment.
No. 1171900
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>>1171771Ok, here you go, since you want to act like a fool and deny facts.
>>1171363Yes, it is 100% confirmed that he cut off his own finger, due to the fact that the judge came to this conclusion in the UK trial. Here is a screenshot from the court documents that include her conclusion on the Australia incident and the finger-slicing incident in particular. There was a lot of proof that he was destroying things due to his drinking and drug use, and she concluded that this caused the finger injury.
The transcripts on this case are extremely interesting, especially the parts about the Australia incident in particular. If any anon is interested in reading about it, it starts on line 287. can also post screenshots of the rest of the judge’s conclusion to the Australia indecent if anons are interested.
No. 1171906
>>1171896NTA but I hate some men. Only the ugly,
abusive or unfuckable ones though. Men shouldn't be allowed to be as ugly as depp now is, that's a crime on its own.
>>1171898He's going to lose, he only sued Amber to ruin her reputation, he knew he'd lose. Scrotes will do anything to punish women they deem unworthy.
No. 1171911
>>1171907Incels wouldn't even defend women to troll. Read
>>1171870 where I interacted with a reddit incel who seethed when I dared to defend Amber.
No. 1171920
>>1171884No, that’s not how that works. The reason that he lost the defamation suite in the UK is BECAUSE the claims were found to be true. He was claiming that the article painted him as a “wife beater” when he claimed she was the abuser, not him, and the judge found that no, he was the
abusive one, so his claim was thrown out. Stop talking out of your ass and read before making a post like this.
No. 1171923
>>1171908It's sad and you might be right. Though supporting men and acting like they can be
victims is very dangerous for women as any of us fighting back could possibly make us the "
abusive" one. What are women supposed to do? Let men rape or abuse us? That makes people blame us for not fighting back but when we do, we get called bpd and
abusive whores.
No. 1171929
>>1171927Kek you really believe everything you read on Twitter, don’t you? And how is she supposed to act,
victim-blaming anon?