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No. 1171910
Thread to discuss or post information about the Amber Heard and Johnny Deppp Trial case.
Previous thread:
>>1157897 No. 1171972
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Johnny Depp is a defender of Roman Polanski.
No. 1172228
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Don't scroll
No. 1172256
>>1172202The staff being secretly recorded by Amber seem to have been legit concerned about her behavior. The most likely scenario here is that they both were awful to each other, maybe one incident johnny was more the problem and another she was more the problem. I'll accept the power dynamic for some woman getting taken advantage of by someone like Epstein or Weinstein, but in Amber's case it doesn't seem she was some weakling. Not buying this "I'm just a farm girl from Texas" bullshit after listening to her tapes and the testimony.
>>1172231Obviously she didn't "rape him back," but there is evidence that she was hitting him. You can say that it was 100% defense, but I just don't think the story is adding up that way. You know, sometimes
victims aren't perfect..
Was the rape in the UK trial? I don't remember that incident. That was new to me in her testimony the other day.
No. 1172403
>>1172369Thanks, yeah I think the original footage from the UK trial was a leak or something. Amazing how much of this shit "leaks".
One of the worst things about this trial is that it's 2022 and the UK trial was like 2016.. so she's been reliving this for 8 years.
No. 1172649
Check out this website: like Amber has James Franco and Elon Musk listed as witnesses.
(imageboard) No. 1172707
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You guys are so biased against this very stable genius.
No. 1172809
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No. 1173494
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Does anyone else get these vids recommended? Feels like a psyop the way they’re all pro-Johnny, I even get notifications from youtube on my lockscreen telling me to watch them, and I’ve barely engaged with the case at all on youtube because of how biased and retarded everyone is.
No. 1173742
>>1173494Yes even though the only content I watch on YouTube is music related. Never ever watched anything relating to the trial.
>>1173646YouTube sometimes randomly recommends popular videos even if they are unrelated to anything you've watched before.
No. 1173898
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>>1173870And he probably got fillers and botox but still looks like shit
No. 1173943
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>>1173870>>1173898What the fuck is even going on with his teeth? Even when I pick the most unflattering pictures of Amber this year, she's still pretty. Can't say that of Depp and I even used a couple older pics.
No. 1174050
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>>1173860she does seem like a BPD hoe, but yeah both the shrinks are quacks. that's all expert testimony in literally every case though.
>>1173870amber looks amazing. not sure about johnny, i guess good for 60? I think the picture where he looks really weird
>>1173943 with the fugly hat and like no eyebrows, like he's bald, is the same reason one of his drugs was hidden in the court documents… my guess is he has had some cancer treatment. He might have had some radiation treatment and now may be taking a cancer related pill.
No. 1174116
>>1174061Wouldn't it impact public opinion in his favor, too? Like, boohoo poor little sickly Johnny being preyed upon by evil woman when he has cancer!
Also, cannot imagine someone being okay with the whole world knowing they shit their pants and write on walls with their own blood but drawing the line at people knowing they had cancer
No. 1174140
>>1174050Wow, I work in mental health support, and that list of meds is more than most of our patients use in a day, and we have people with schizophrenia among other conditions.
Lithium:for bi-poar/ a mood stabiliser
Lamictal: same
Lexapro: anti depressant
Neurontin: anti seizure meds
Dexilant: prevents acid reflux
Adderall: ADHD
Cilias: erectile disfunction
Now imagine someone using copius amounts of booze and other recreational drugs on top of that.
No. 1174198
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>>1174140Yeah it's a prolific list. Haven't seen Amber's full list too, but so far mentioned in the nurse notes that flashed on the screen has been:
provigil (the memory drug? why is she on that?)
..but that's just from the text in the nurses notes, she could be on even more. I think they had some fucking wacky ass doctors giving them all these drugs, especially knowing they were both mixing recreational drugs. Even in this nurses notes she had MDMA, cocaine, alcohol (even drinking during a session lol), and mushrooms.
No. 1174285
>>1174213>Amber has two anti psychotics on herswhy wouldn't they just like up the dosage of one instead of giving her two?
>>1174230I took benzos for a while and it's literally like my lost years.
No. 1174306
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this is depp as recently as last year, 2021. he cleans up really well, the problem is… he actually has to clean up lol. that ponytail he wears does him no favours, he fluctuates between bloated and normal looking, etc. he isn't attractive 100% of the time but he can still look really good.
No. 1174312
>>1173860Yeah I'm a bpdfag and I assumed that she would most likely be diagnosed with BPD +/ another cluster B disorder even before all the shit came out in the trial.
She seems like very typical "high functioning" attractive young female bpd bitch, unfortunately I am familiar with the personality.
No. 1174316
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>>1174308i stand by my point. he doesn't look nearly as good as this during the trial though, again his hair atm isn't doing ANY favours
No. 1174320
>>1174316They shoop pap photos too,
nonnie. But look at his lil baby hands poking out of his coat kek.
No. 1174325
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>>1174316I feel like I have to spoiler this
No. 1174337
>>1174334He smokes a lot so that's probably the staining.
Heavy alcohol use and heavy smoking really fucks with your mouth.
No. 1174348
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>>1174286This one was immediately deleted by the user kek.
No. 1174378
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>>1174325yeah it's definitely the teeth. Do most drug using male celebs get veneers? How is it that debt didn't think of that? How did his teeth degrade so fast? It just boggles my mind how other male celebs who have been alleged to use hard drugs have decent teeth or veneers and his look like shit.
>>1174334I have heard claims he's on meth, but I also believe he's tried every substance under the sun. he seems like one of those users who'll do anything for a high, as long as it doesn't kill him
No. 1174470
>>1173860She might. What rubs me the wrong way is he displays worse tendencies consistent with cluster b or mood disorders through his own admissions. Nobody diagnoses Debt with anything. It's all on amber. HPD is the invalid part of the diagnoses, but even if she did have BPD, how does it nullify his
abusive behavior towards her? Given the fact that he's taking multiple drugs for bipolar disorder, depression, and other medications bpdfags take himself. They'll never care though. bpdfag and bipolar males are pardoned for fucking everything. The public only accepts women in limited artistic capacity, they must still conform to all preconceived requirements of femininity and social standards. the moment they go off on a mental tangent, they're demonized. b-but the men are just "poor lost little boys", your honor. Shut up.
No. 1174521
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Heardfags i genuinely need some explanation on Amber's lack of injuries, I worked as a necropsy assistant before the pandemic and while not a nurse or doctor it gives me some experience with injuries and while it does seem like Depp fits the stereotypical male abuser with being a narc and extensive drug use I find it extremely difficult to believe Amber's statement because all of the things she describe would've left very obvious injuries with visible scarring to this day that she could show in court, the bottle rape one is the biggest red flag to me as that would've landed anyone in the ICU for a good few days at minimum, if not caused some serious internal bleeding, stepping on glass with a significant cut will usually cause limping and require stitches because the wound will re-open from ptessure meaning Amber would not be able to wearing heels etc.
I was only tangentially on law enforcement as a part-time job but it's bizarre to me that all she has to show for these horrible stories are photos of tiny bruises and cat scratches in her arms.
No. 1174615
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>>1174521She didn’t have any lack of injury. People bruise and scar differently. Photos are what she was able to document when in a safe position, by then she could’ve appeared completely fine on the surface. Multiple people testified to the extent of her injuries, including her makeup artist who said she had places where hair was missing on her scalp, and their neighbor, who testified that they witnessed him hit her in the face. Why would the bottle have caused her to need medical attention? It wasn’t like she was being raped with broken, jagged edges. Why would she need medical attention for glass cutting up her feet? I’ve stepped on glass barefoot so many times and even if it cuts you the fuck up you can still walk on it and function, feet are really strong. It depends where you are cut on the feet if it will re-open or not. I don’t need photo evidence to trust she was beaten, if you read the judge’s conclusions to the UK trial, she had very good reason to believe her injuries were legitimate and gave her a reason to fear for her life.
Regardless, even if this photo would be the extent of her injuries, I still would wish for that disgusting scrote to have his career destroyed.
No. 1174635
>>1174615well her nose sure isn't broken in that photo and if she had the thought to take a photo of her "black eye" you'd think she'd also snap her feet and legs that were supposedly dragged through broken glass. AS far as the bottle she claims she was bleeding out her vagina afterwards, so, yeah that would likely require medical attention or at least be something the literal on site doctor/nurses noted. Then, on top of all this, she's on a talk show looking great the next day. You can hear her stomping around in high heels on the recordings, it's possible all this happened, it's just not likely.
They're both probably liars, and in the end I hope the jury awards no exchange of money and they all go back to their mansions and stay the fuck away from each other.
No. 1174644
>>1174635You’re making a lot of assumptions about how she should’ve acted. I don’t care about all that, you cant know about the severity of injuries regardless of what you saw on television. Just because her feet were cut doesn’t mean she couldn’t walk on them or would think to take a picture, she was probably advised by others to take that picture since it was very visible, notice how she doesn’t have any other pictures of any non-visible injuries? Just because there was blood doesn’t mean she needed medical attention, there’s a hundred reasons she could’ve bled that wouldn’t have caused her to go to the doctor.
especially since she was so embarrassed by it. Regardless of your speculation, I am going off of the photos that exist and the testimonies of others, she obviously experienced violence against her and it’s weird that you’re so hung up on this one incident that was obviously really traumatic for her at the time and could’ve felt more extreme than the reality. Even if it was way more tame than she describes, she was injured, the extent of the injuries doesn’t fucking matter in this defamation case when he
was a wife beater.
No. 1174645
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>>1174640Waiting for the lesbian comments
No. 1174657
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People responding to me calling Johnny Depp ugly as sin.
No. 1174658
>>1174648Yeah he looks like he smells. My guess is that he's got a pretty solid spray tan going.
>>1174655I don't think anyone (here) is defending Johnny Depp, just saying that Amber is a wee bit full of shit.
No. 1174663
>>1174615op here, thanks for answering first of all, im gonna go by topics for ease of reading.
>People bruise and scar differentlyWhile that is true there's a limit to that, or else forensics wouldn't even exist lol, unless amber had some wolverine tier healing factor she should have scars from the incidents with glass and showed more extensive bruising, she got punched, kicked, and god knows what else by a blackout drunk who would not be thinking straight, that's not a pretty sight.
>Why would the bottle cause her to need medical attention?Glass is a very hard material which is something the vagina is most definitely not made to accomodate, it's susprisingly easy to hurt yourself while using sex toys even and you wouldnt want to know what a nasty damage a harder object being to cause pain does, being raped with a bottle would need medical attention for sure as Heard described the pain akin to being punched on the abdomen and bleeding even after waking up the next day, that implies some heavy damage to the area.
>why would she need medical attention for her feet?Amber describes getting her feet getting cut in multiple places and bleeding profusely, while in the chance she might've not needed stitches she still would not have been able to wear high heels that put extensive pressure on your feet, which is what would've made deep cuts in the area open.
Again I don't think Depp is a precious angel
victim, I just have experience in the area and wanted to give my two cents.
No. 1174677
>>1174663I've taken hard punches to the face, so hard my teeth hurt for a week and my head was ringing, my face still hurts months later, got nothing more than a slight, barely visible bruise.
Also been raped to the point of having excrutiating pain and bleeding, didn't seek medical attention.
Guess it didn't happen then
No. 1174679
>>1174663Don’t worry, I know you’re not defending Depp, and I never would claim you were, but I do think it’s silly to pick apart her injuries, especially the cut feet and the bottle incident. First of all, we don’t actually know what medical attention she got, with the bottle incident it was embarrassing for her, so naturally I would understand if she didn’t seek medical attention even if it was severe (it’s not that uncommon), but there were also documents available to the judge that were sealed to the public in the UK court at least, so we can’t know for sure. Also, I hate to even repeat anything she testified on the stand about her rape, but here is what she actually said about the incident:
“I remember looking around the room, looking at all the broken bottles, broken glass and I remember not wanting to move because I didn't know if it was broken, I didn't know if the bottle that he had inside me was broken. I couldn't feel it, I didn't feel pain, I didn't feel anything.”
I don’t remember her saying anything about the cuts on her feet being as you described, but if you could post the quote maybe we could make more sense of it.
No. 1174682
>>1174668that’s not what was written lmao
>she embellished the truth in her testimony>but the truth was already uncovered in a court of law What are you going to say the courts were lying now?
No. 1174685
>>1174678>Depp is of primarily English descent, with some French, German, Irish, and West African ancestrythen he tried to claim down the line that his grandmother was a Cherokee princess or something
white people can have skin darker than a sheet of paper. my mom is mostly German and Swedish and she gets olive in the summers. many European ethnic groups have darker phenotypes and more mid to yellow skin undertones. johnnys always banked off his racial ambiguity but again, a mostly white euro mutt american
No. 1174690
>>1174677Im sorry that happened to you anon but im gonna have to be direct, were you or do you know anyone that was sodomized with a glass bottle? Because that's leagues different than "normal" sexual assault.
Same for the punch, a punch is a punch, Amber describes extensive beatings, being dragged and thrown, not just a punch.
No. 1174703
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>>1174685Kek it’s hilarious to think of this man as “racially ambiguous“
>>1174690A lot of anons talked about similar injuries we had sustained in the last thread and many of us didn’t receive marks even with broken bones.
No. 1174705
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>>1174703I've always thought of him as a white man with a swarthier skintone myself, but I've also seen a lot of people claim he looks native. he himself plays up the angle, though, hence why he starred in all those native themed commercials, Lone Ranger, and then retroactively claimed he'd part native
No. 1174806
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No. 1174931
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I thought you needed PTSD or some form of trauma to have a personality disorder. "Forensic psychology" is bullshit.
No. 1174994
>>1174948There weren't though, in no HD photos and video were there tears. Certainly not on the first day, i think she might have squezed one out on the second day, possibly.
>>1174989To me it's been interesting, or rather there's been keks in all the falsehoods coming out of the woodwork. Heards acting on the stand was certainly something.
No. 1175039
>>1174931No you don't need PTSD to be diagnosed with a personality disorder, you might be thinking of DID?
People with BPD are more likely to have experienced adverse childhood experiences (abuse/trauma)and a lot of the symptoms of BPD and C-PTSD are similar.
I thought amber experienced some shit at home as a child from her dad or something though?
No. 1175165
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No. 1175203
>>1175177Not sure but I was told when getting coached for a deposition to maintain a poker face. I don't think it looks great for a jury to see the smug reactions Johnny makes sometimes either. Even if Amber is completely full of shit, it was really ugly to be smirking at times while she's talking about rape.
Also if you ever find yourself on the defensive and are going to get deposed, study this deposition: he kills it.
No. 1175252
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I'm curious on why the notes of Amber's nurse weren't taken into consideration. She wrote Amber said she's bipolar. Her ups and downs could be explained with that alone if she also drinks while taking medications.
No. 1175428
>>1175177>Is it normal for lawyers to make surprised faces and celebrate and make motions with their handsNot really, it's best to keep a pokerface. You don't want to show the other team that you're very excited, because then they will do their best to mitigate whatever you just got excited about. You have to keep it to yourself, because your greatest weapon is keeping the other side ignorant.
>rub their clients frequentlyMaybe I'm too much of a sperg, but touching clients in any way is kinda weird? Like I get it if you're doing an intake and the client starts crying (happens often) and you hand a tissue and maybe give a friendly light touch, let the client take the lead. But they're being really weirdly buddy buddy in a very formal setting.
>frequently and laugh with themgenuinely stupid and telegraphs to the other side, makes them come across vindictive too, it only works in this case because people have rose tinted glasses and will think whatever Depp's side does is the best thing since sliced bread
No. 1175452
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>>1174994Stop, get some help.
No. 1175489
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>>1175461It’s body language experts who keep pushing this narrative that she’s lying (because she didn’t cry tears or was addressing the jury in her testimony) but it’s becoming a joke because people keep pointing out that everything they’ve said could be applied to Johnny Depp.
No. 1175698
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Interesting, saw a media vs fan photo clip of the l'oreal show. Does look like damage from punching something/someone. Media photos brushed it out.
No. 1175706
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>>1175698This photo was taken at L’Oréal Fashion Week 2021. She separated with Depp in 2016 and their libel trial took place in 2020. Has nothing to do with her relationship to Depp.
No. 1175711
>>1175698I don't think so imo
nonnie…my knuckles look like that and I'm just a pale woman with red-undertoned skin. it just looks like redness honestly
No. 1175726
>>1175720I guess her nurse had reported…
"Client admits to a history of anxiety, eating disorder, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, codependency issues and occasional insomnia,"
All very common in individuals with prior trauma as her therapist states, on top of being in a scene that encourages those behaviors.
No. 1175734
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>>1175726Not that it matters since
>>1175706 already pointed out that these pictures are from after her relationship but that note from her nurse confirms that she's probably bulimic and those are probably Russells signs.
No. 1175774
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Why is it whenever I click on the profile of Johnny depp defenders they always looks like this or they are fat.
I found this attack on titan looking woman commenting on on many amber heard ig posts saying she deserves it.
I like to imagine that this is how the anon here who is obssesed with us being lesb/bpd also looks like this.
No. 1175782
>>1175778Its one of depps pickme fugly defenders.
I mean atleast she's not fat like most of them.
No. 1175839
>>1175809There are some cute Instagram model looking ones even naive young girls but these women are literally setting us back by putting makeup on to look like amber’s bruises, saying “look how easy it was for her to fake”, calling her evil and a bitch and setting women back or an insult to
actual domestic abuse
victims (guess rape and being beaten by a drunk old man doesn’t count) remember all those tiktoks of Amber describing her sexual assault and women like “whoa now this is muh greatest fantasy” and just feeing into his MRA psyop. Why the fuck do they do this when scrotes defend abusers like Xxxtentackle, Chris brown or whoever, do you even know what site you are on, If they are PUBLICLY posting #justiceforjohnny or some other dumb shit like Amber turd, then they should be subject to ridicule, the fat ugly ones should be extra ashamed because he only dates models half his age that are beautiful and thin, and he calls
those women fat and ugly and old or cunt, they just joke about how he called amber fat and they think they’ll be the exception
No. 1175868
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A compilation of a deppfag
I added the top post because it’s ironic how she’s idolizing a scary ass man
yeah I’m autistic
No. 1175877
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No. 1175883
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>>1175877No idea who Kesha Rose is, but I can't believe what awful things people are saying on Twitter. I'm an Amber skeptic as much as a Johnny skeptic, but when people post stuff like this on Twitter it's just disgusting. Like if she really got raped with a bottle maybe it hurt so bad that it FELT like it was broken.
No. 1175890
>>1175883I love how that person also completely ignored the context of that quote. She was saying there was so much broken glass around her she didn’t know if it was broken or not, even if it was just on the other end or something. But she warped it to fit some kind of
victim blaming narrative. Despicable.
No. 1175893
>>1175877I Googled it and apparently they're talking about ke$ha, what did she even do?
>>1175883I hope all women who say they're jealous of Amber's sexually abuse go through everything she did. And considering the men they cheer on, empower and date its only a matter of time.
No. 1175942
>>1175895So they're mad at women for coming out about their abuse? Getting away means not getting victimblamed? Wtf.
>>1175933Back to twitter, faghag.
No. 1175958
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The scrote arrived
No. 1175988
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>>1175983its ironic, there not saying it seriously, Dont you have some new vpns to get before you get banned again.
No. 1176007
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>>1175997go back to 4chin where you can suck off mr debt, moidlet.
No. 1176054
>>1176049Man Amber really lost 1st world support to turkish "women" eh
1st worlders are all deppthots. What has this world come unto.
No. 1176070
>>1176063It's a m*le so it doesn't understand, noni.
>>1176068>calls people by their race>but they're the racist onesKek.
No. 1176084
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You know how there’s someone in this thread who thinks everyone who supports Amber is BPD? Well I’m starting to believe everyone who supports Depp has attempted to bag someone way younger than them to have a nice, naive partner and found out quickly not everyone will take their shit.
No. 1176129
>>1176118>>1176112the cycle of your neetdom life.
step one: bait, infight and be obsessed with lesbians.
step two: get banned.
Step three: get a new vpn.
Step four: repeat the cycle over again of getting new vpns every 2 hours.
Go outside for a second away from your stench-filled room your and touch some grass
No. 1176134
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You stupid dykes insulting my daddy mr debt, bpd cunts mentally unstable, mentally ill, crazy amberfags, amber hit the the wall.
Im totes a woman btw.
No. 1176147
>>1176146Tfw my brother looks like this nowadays
Stop hurting me.
No. 1176166
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Let me turn the tables
>this is who amber turd actually decided to fuck
No. 1176172
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>>1176166OBJECTION! He looked like this when they met.
No. 1176173
>>1176168You just did the same right here
>>1176165Yet you haven’t been right about which poster you think I am a single time kek you’re definitely the vpn moid, bye loser
No. 1176198
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>>1176180I’ve seen his era with his “abs”. Man he is a bigger disappointment than gackt. i realize old short men can never be hot and that i will forever have high standards for my fantasies. As scrotes would say, my dick has become flacid when I realized there’s so many other hot men to fawn over.
Yeah sure he was good looking when he was with the dollar store thief kid, and in the rum diaries on film only, but no fucking way he looked like that outside the set. I don’t buy it. Fat or not he never was fit. At least gackt is kind of. And he looked so weird with that height and face shape…I don’t know what she was thinking. The only thing he has had going was a smile in his youth. And what’s even being young for him? He was almost 30 in whats eating gilbert grape. She could have gotten a young rich man with her looks. Now I hope my mood won’t fluctuate.
>>1176182In the stupid question i asked something about daisies maybe you can help me out. I will no longer post here.
No. 1176478
>>1176198She lowered her standards a lot after Dept dating Musk and Vito Schnabel with James Franco on the side.
>>1176471We only invented running like 10 years ago, don't you know?
No. 1176493
>>1176479Are we just gonna forget about the fitness craze of the 80s or…
Some of Gen X was around during that period you know kek.
I can't believe this thread is still just 90% the same anon bashing women's looks and accusing them of being such and such. Over some washed up celebrity he said she said.
No. 1176494
>>1176488How? Most overweight women don't have the curvy body type naturally that's shilled so hard. To start with, you need a thin waist and wide muscular hips, sadly it's not achievable just by being a bit chubby.
Whereas the ideal bodytype in the past was skinny and stuff like tanning was quite popular. Women back then unfortunately didn't know much about skincare and since they were raised in much more misogynistic environments, some of them might have trouble coping with aging. Not all, some. Most are completely fine but there's a select few that are probably having issues because men in their lives are negging them. P
No. 1176575
>>1176127Are you one of those snowflake super lefties that are afraid of saying the word male and female? It's very odd you have to censor them, certainly on a chan board what the heck. Twice now. But i guess it's on par with people who are up Ambers arse, "believe her even if she's lying, you should do it more so."
>>1176162Since when are the farms a feminist website? jesus christ. And no one HAS to believe Amber, we're not her therapist (who have to fake believing her) nor her parents. There's evidence to show she's lying all across the board. She doth provide thy lulz though.
No. 1176593
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>>1176575NTA but fuck off seething male. Moids are degenerate and not worth being referred to. Retard sex it is.
No. 1176610
>>1176593No offense intended but it's literally retarded you think anyone who has a different opinion than yourself is a bloody bloke or some form of transgender, or pickme (running theme i'm seeing in these threads from amberfags). Such a narrow view of life, normally aligned with those chronically online.
>>1176596No need to stop, you do you, I just kind of really didn't get it. Only place I really saw it was those involved in movements with too much time on their hands, never seen it before in an ironic fashion.
>>1176607There's a ruck load of female lolcows here, often nitpicked for random shit. Hard to say across the board people have grown up, espcially with the influx of tiktokers/twitterfags. Maybe you yourself have grown up (kudos) but it's not wise to project that onto everyone here. Not everyone here is a rad fem either.
No. 1176629
>>1176610Women on this site aren't feminists or radfems but we're more likely to side with an alleged rape and abuse
victim than a male who only gets support from MRA and women who once wanted to fuck him. Also /snow/ and other cowboards have different users than /ot/ and /g/ so thats argument isn't solid either.
I've been in other female only spaces and women find it easier to voice their honest opinions on sites like that, like this one too.
For example on reddit or twitter, a rape
victim would get berated by scrotes if she voiced support for Amber simply because Amber is not a perfect
victim and scrotes like to pretend some
bad victims are the reason people don't believe women when they come out about their abuse.
In reality scrotes are the ones who shut
victims down and support rapists simply because they're males, they don't see us as valuable as their kind and think a
victim ruining her male abusers life by accusing him is actually worse than a man ruining a woman's life by raping and abusing her.
I apologize for the retarded spacing. I wanted to make it less of a wall of text.
No. 1176653
>>1176645>facts and logicSuch a fun term for your autism, kek. How is she lying if it was proven true in the UK trial?
>how this is going to affect real survivorsSee
>>1176629 where I explained how men say they don't believe women because 1 or 2 women lied but in reality, they'd rather support men even if they're rapists or abusers.
Men rape way more often than women falsely accuse men yet women never get believed but being suspicious of a man and assuming he might hurt you will get you branded as a
sexist evil feminist.
No. 1176671
>>1176653You trust anything that comes from us in the UK? kek. Our justice system is shit, and it was against the newspaper, not Amber Heard. The newspaper couldn't be done for it as they were publishing what they were told basically. Also how come Amber/Ambers team are modifying photos that were submitted in the UK trial? You can't hold the cases up as like for like.
And I'm not diagnosed with the 'tism. In DBT we were told that you have emotional mind and rational mind (in the middle is the dialetic of both, wise mind). I think i just side with one to the detriment of the other, still trying to work on it though.
And i've not known any chap in my life that'd side with someone who has been accused of raping someone (whether kids or adults). It's just in this case with Amber we've got more context/evidence than most of stuff that's happened on BOTH sides. If men sided with Johnny straight away, surely his career wouldn't have been cancelled. It was only once things came out that opinions started to shift.
No. 1176693
>>1176687I was actually being logical like the anon requested. I guess it's only logical when it comes out of man's mouth and demeans women. Acting like a few women coming out about abuse is ruining it for other women while a majority of violent crimes are commited by men isn't logical.
It's also not logical to insult a woman by calling her bitter because she disagreed with you. If you have any other arguments, we can discuss but insults won't help your case.
>>1176671You aren't being logical. He has admitted to hurting her several times while none of his accusations haven turned out to be true. Ironically you're only defending him because of emotional reasons as it's neither logical or smart to defend a proven
abusive druggie man.
>>1175936 please.
Also, you definitely have autism.
No. 1176727
>>1176084Lmao men getting mad when they date a woman out of their league and she isn't nice enough to them, you can't have your cake and eat it too bitch, date a girl as ugly as you and I bet she'll wipe your ass for you. Sage for ot but this is something that really makes me cringe about guys, being physically attractive is all they care about in a partner so they don't have the right to complain when they're 2/10 dating a 9/10 and wonder why she doesn't kiss his ass.
Blog post but reminds me of my ugly ex, I didn't abuse him but if you asked him he'd prob say I was emotionally
abusive cause I denied him sex pretty often and wasn't always a ray of submissive sunshine to his LVM ass.
Ultimately it's on our shoulders as women to never give scrubs a crumb of pussy
No. 1176735
>>1176729A lot of women get shamed into dating uglier LVM, also the bar for men is on the floor so it doesn't surprise me. Props to
>>1176727 for getting out of the relationship and recognizing the ways women are getting gaslit
No. 1176812
>>1176803Is a mans worth solely on looks? Seeing ugly tossed about a lot here. I know I probably will be called a scrote or whatever, but I'd rather someone be average (i'm assuming that's what you mean by ugly) with a good personality than good looking and have a dog shit personality. I always thought
toxic relationships are normally superficial ones. I don't get how you could date someone without connecting with them on likes/dislikes, humour, wants for the future etc. I assume it'd be the same for people dating women.
>>1176762I really don't get how you can be tricked into dating someone? Unless it's some form of catfishing/personality coming out of the wash in regards to values.
No. 1176814
>>1176812Quit derailing. Also ugly men are worthless, they also have shitty personalities. Average guys are ok because most people are average but your ugly men shilling won't work.
Just look at the example on our hands, even depp got jealous after he lost his looks and started hurting Amber and getting mad whenever someone paid her attention.
No. 1176975
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Old men that seek young girls are trash. It’s the power dynamic and naïve nature they seek from them.
No. 1176979
That photo is so gross, he looks like a sex offender.
No. 1177199
>>1177168Lmfao anon
>>1177138This thread stays attracting scrotes… not even smart ones either
No. 1177235
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After the Australia incident. Before anyone says it’s self-harm they’re not.
No. 1177293
>>1177291omg yes
nonnie this biased, curated cherry-picking video has also changed my mind. Amber is now a evil witch #justiceforjohnny
No. 1177304
>>1177300I wasn't spamming, link got stuck in the field.
>i don't want to know the truth i would rather keep deluding myselfOk.
No. 1177330
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>>1177235I bet Rihanna is laughing at Amber's lies.
No. 1177335
>>1174679Eh, her entire testimony was a lie. Or at least, 90% of it.
She at one point said her feet were so severely cut, she was slipping on her own blood.
If that was true, she wouldn't even need to show us medical records to prove it true. She could just show us her feet. The scars would still be there.
By the way, IF the records existed, she would have presented them by now. She didn't - because they don't.
What we did see was a bruese under her eye similar to what I had when I punched MYSELF in the face while building IKEA furniture, and a bruise on her ARM. Which, I've had worse from walking into doorways.
She is full of shit and watching people defend her at this point is embarrasing.
No. 1177338
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>>1177328Happy to see you here anon, I hug you.
Don’t reply to the bait girls. That scrote thinks he knows more than two different judges of the High Court.
No. 1177375
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he’s totes not psychotic and abusive guise
No. 1177384
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bonus transcript of the video that set all this shit off, where amber doesn’t say anything even close to “yeah i abused you and no one will ever believe you” but people decided that’s what she said anyway
his PR team have been working overtime since the new court case so let me remind the lurking morons that johnny depp has already lost one lawsuit against amber heard in the UK, and when he tried to sue the sun newspaper for libel after they called him a wife beater he lost because the evidence proved that he was, in fact, a wife beater
No. 1177396
>>1171910>>1177384I saw that full video with the transcript once, and now I can't find it again because whatever you search on youtube you get inundated with the edited clip and the 'omg amber smiled in court once, she must be evil' clips.
Also had the brain dead fags on twitter try and tell me that the judge with 20 years experience + the two other judges that verified it in the UK was corrupt and that's why he lost the case.
No. 1177398
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>>1177384 and also here’s wikipedia’s coverage of it just in case someone wants to cry “fake news” lmao
No. 1177413
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here’s another few instances of johnny depp being an abusive scrote. in emails he’s also been caught calling vanessa paradis an “extortionist french cunt”
i distinctly remember the assault on the movie set being in the news but naturally his bots and army of internet clowns will pretend that didn’t happen
No. 1177463
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Made a glitter for you girls
No. 1177474
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>>1177444funnily enough, the shit situation is fake too. there’s text evidence that he wanted to pull some kind of retarded prank involving actual human shit because it would be sew funni!
side note: i’m certain the assistant mentioned is the same guy who referred to johnny depp as a “lost little boy” in texts to amber heard after he had attacked her and she was venting about it. so naturally the dude would go along with all of johnny depp’s mongoloid antics
No. 1177478
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dropping off some extra stuff i found after doing a little deep dive. this is from the UK court case, where the instances of rape/sexual assault were discussed but left private in public documents. the bottom sentence is in reference to them
No. 1177480
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and this, where he and the scrote who plays vision in those marvel films discuss drowning and burning amber heard, then raping her corpse. totally innocent guise! amber heard smiled in court and is therefore evil, but two greasy retards can discuss murder and necrophillia and get let off the hook because “muh context”
No. 1177490
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the argument that amber heard mentioned a colour correcting palette is also bullshit. the palette was never brought up, amber heard discussed using colour correction to cover her injuries and they held up a palette to show what she meant. also said palette was in an article about colour correction in 2016, meaning it DID already exist. johnny depp’s circus of bots and PR retards go especially hard on this and tiktok blew it up despite it being very easily disproven
No. 1177493
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the makeup artist who did her makeup in the infamous set of photos of amber heard looking “not injured” on a talk show testified in a previous court saying that she did, in fact, have multiple injuries and literally said she believed johnny depp had tried to kill her by suffocating her with a pillow. i believe this was a few years ago but the makeup artist still receives death threats and other vile messages to this day
No. 1177498
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and lastly, (for now) this is the article that johnny depp opened the lawsuit over, claiming it ruined his career despite his career already being ruined by his own retardation. i don’t know how to embed so feel free to go and read it yourself by searching “amber heard op-ed” he’s not even mentioned it it. he’s dragged her through court and launched a whole campaign of, in his own words, “global humiliation”, because she dared to speak on her own experiences of abuse without naming anyone
he is a vile scrote and the people who defend him are missing their frontal, occipital and temporal lobes and are also ugly
No. 1177518
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I hate weebs
No. 1177611
>>1177576The makeup kit is in the evidence list.
But I agree that CourtTV is unwatchable with their "experts" that don't say actually nothing.
No. 1177677
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by the looks of things, ellen barkin (actress) will be re-testifying against johnny depp. he was abusive toward her as well
No. 1177745
>>1177677interesting that the one single woman he decided to date that was older than him is the same one who has maintained her position about his poor behavior consistently while everyone else falls in line and at his feet. no wonder his fatass only dates women significantly younger or grooms a 17 yo winona ryder. classic
abusive powertripping male.
No. 1178329
>>1178220Heard. She flew to Australia to meet up with Depp (I believe he was there working) on his request and bought her two dogs along.
Don't know the full story, but there's some discprenancy in the paperwork to fulfill Australia's biodiversity laws. She believed that Depp's team had filled in the paperwork and everything was good and signed the papers without checking claiming to be sleep deprived at the time. There was some mention of it in the UK trail abotu her having to take the fall for it/blaming depp but the judge didn't really seem to care too much about it in his judgement. No. 1178333
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This bakery chopped off a finger on a hand shaped donut with a vodka bottle and sent it to Amber. I hope this bakery goes out of business. This is so insensitive I cannot believe people are like this. No. 1178341
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>>1178220It's come up again recently as the case has been reopened due to new evidence.
No. 1178637
>>1178401Somebody needs to tell Gen-Z most normal people don't actually cut their parents off for being
abusive and a lot of us didn't talk to our parents at their age too and eventually reconciled
No. 1178672
>>1178423Johnny isn't going to fuck you
>>1178637Your parents being
abusive doesn't always make you stop loving them. Unfortunately. Or at least have superficial levels of sympathy for them. It's complicated for those who've never experienced abuse. Everyone reacts differently
No. 1178918
>>1178747>>1178697You can always tell who's never had to deal with complicated/
abusive family dynamics based off of comments like these. It's so easy to day you'd never associate with "those kinds of people", but when it's actually their family suddenly all the excuses come pouring out. Good to know all of your family family members are perfect paragons of morality…or at least you better hope so, lest you be blamed for their behavior or other people use their behavior (which you may or may not have actually been aware of or able to control in any way) to demonize you and delegitamize your claims of abuse. All the people like this who act holier than thou about their family members would be shocked if they learned the reality if what their family members actually thought and did throughout their life
No. 1179052
>>1177903Every single one. Every single age gap couple i've ever seen has been
abusive. The worst one? I know a woman who married this awful older guy (older by 10 years i think) who hasn't had a job for a year now and sits on his ass all day watching sports on TV. She cleans, cooks, and takes care of their 4 children and earns 6 figures too. He only has a high school degree. It's the most blackpilling situation I've ever witnessed in my life. Idk if i can ever get married or even get in a serious relationship after seeing this shit. Just walking into their house is awful, because he's also always screaming at their kids and at her and nitpicking her for the smallest things. The atmosphere immediately drops whenever he's in the house (and he's always home because he doesn't have a fucking job). Why does she put up with this? I think because she's religious, or maybe because she's one of those women who treat love like it's charity (this guy is an ex-alcoholic and had a sorta hard life), but i have honestly no idea. This man has ruined her life and the life of her kids, the oldest doesn't even come home most nights anymore. It's brutal
No. 1179624
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>>1171910>>1179497tbh she sounds and acts like a true psycho while he just looks and sounds like a tired and broken drunk / polysubstance addict…
No. 1179649
>>1179624hard to listen to. at first I was oscillating on which one i hate more, but now I just kinda feel bad for them.
I know abuse is complicated, but, like why would two people that talk to each other like this stay together? because during makeup times it's so good? i feel like there is a lesson here.
No. 1179668
>>1179649The moral of this is as stated in the most liked comment on this video
>>1169713>this case is about keeping yourself out of crazy They just cray cray.
I've heard their attorneys say the reason they were staying in a
toxic relationship is due to bad childhood experiences.
Maaaybe, but let me give another reason: drugs. If you do them that much, of course you don't think straight. Also, natural insanity.
No. 1179677
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No. 1179711
>>1179624my god she sounds so psychotic. my mum abused my dad in a similar way and she just
triggers me the same way now.
No. 1179755
>>1179747Agreed, the way she's expressing herself in this recording is so fucking grating. If one of my friends was this type of drunk I would avoid having drinks with them.
I don't think this audio clip is an indication of any violence tho. It's not a crime to be annoying.
No. 1179811
>>1179677He still has a bandage on the tip of his finger where it was cut so this wasn't that long from the big blowup they had. Was that when she says he raped her? I wouldn't be that close to a man who abused / is abusing me and certainly not looking like I'm taunting him in public about something. He looks more scared of her than the other way around. He already had a long documented history of substance abuse being in the public eye almost as long as she's been alive. And she still went for that just to get fame and money. They're just both very
toxic people.
No. 1179844
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She is such a lousy actress. If she hadn't attached herself to a rich old Hollywood drunken junkie, no one would even know who she is.
No. 1179847
>>1179844These tik toks are gross and incredibly cruel. Even if you don't believe her it's just so fucked up to memefy a domestic abuse trial. Zero class, zero intelligence.
Who is it helping to nitpick and ridicule every single little thing that Amber Heard does? It's not helping abuse
victims. Only helps these dumbfucks to gain a few followers. Pathetic.
No. 1179883
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>>1179847I don't think you need to WK for her, nonni. Sounds like she can fight her own battles and she does not speak for all women and he does not represent all men. This tribalism BS is why society is such a mess.
No. 1179889
>>1179883Wk for who? Amber? Literally did not do that. Was talking about the memefication of the trial, which is not helping
victims. If people were meming the same way about Johnny Depp I would say the same thing. It's stupid and unhelpful. Take your own advice about tribalism lmao
No. 1179904
>>1179889But that's the thing, they don't believe she's a
victim which is why they are meming her. Honestly unless you were right there witnessing what was actually going on between the two of them, it's a he said she said thing and we are all just spectators. You're assuming she must surely be the
victim because she's a woman, and his fans are assuming he's the
victim for their own reasons.
No. 1179997
>>1179950They justify this behavior by saying Amber is a fake and is lying, but even if that was the case, those are the same questions and comments that
victims get all the time when they out their abuser. It's really harmful. I really wish people would stop acting like this trial is a fandom thing. It shouldn't have been televised in the first place.
No. 1180019
>>1179950Because they are using facts and logic™ in the form of highly edited tiktoks, manopshere YT videos and being enlightened fence sitters. The only way to be neutral is to cape for a bloated fat corpse, don't you know? Gotta throw abused women under the bus in the name of feminism, because Amber is not the ideal
victim. It doesn't matter that other women who experienced abuse and weren't believed and were blamed for it too will read their retarded arguments. Let's sperg about how if you aren't full of obvious bruises, you aren't a true
victim. Let's sperg about how if you don't immediately leave when you're a woman, it's not true abuse. Only men can be true uwu
victims and need to be coddled. She's a scary bisexual bpd psycho, even though most mental health professionals don't even think she's bpd, but he's just a lonely sad boi who cannot help himself, even though most mental health professionals agreed he's a jealous controlling psycho. She possibly cannot be tired of his shit and just traumatized. Depp totally doesn't have a pattern of dating women much younger than him, including grooming Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci (since she was like 9), or abusing women (Kate Moss, Elen Barkin etc.). He's wholesome pirate man with a house full of barbies and a massive make-up collection!
No. 1180125
>>1180019Amazing post
nonnie, you just explained it way better than I could. It’s really funny because if you search social media for 2020 reactions to the trial it’s the exact same thing - funny compilation videos (and tons of people asking why the fuck they are getting recommended that shit lol), insensitive memes demonizing Amber and posts blindly supporting Johnny Depp. I find it really suspect that the exact same narrative has been forced on people regardless of the fact that it was disproven the first go-around. Honestly I expected it from Reddit and Twitter but did not expect to see lolcow posts capeing for a man who was proven to be an abuser. Luckily, I’m seeing more and more women peaked about his bullshit irl and on social media.
No. 1180385
>>1180377I hate that body language analysis is still considered to be
valid. A bunch of charlatans spewing pseudo science. It's just not reliable and they make 1 hour long videos that basically amount to a glorified vibe check
No. 1180905
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>>1180890It’s not him, the firm is just called Shane Communications, she won’t be working with David Shane. Even if she was, Johnny’s team worked with the firm first so its not really a
valid reason to side-eye her only, at least she has a strategic reason to work with them.
No. 1181121
>>1181041Men who listen to female-hate stuff loudly are doing it intentionally. Another anon mentioned it in another thread that a man sat next to her and blasted womenhating redpill agenda on youtube, loud enough for her to hear. I've also had a similar thing happen irl.
Best thing is ignoring them. If you can, move away without showing much emotion. They're doing it for attention, best is to starve them.
No. 1181125
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>>1181067In some places it's not just an etiquette rule but part of the terms and conditions to be allowed to be in the train. So you can get kicked out.
No. 1181141
>>1181134As stated, it's rude and annoying. Sorry your parents didn't teach you any manners.
Also, watching stuff that probably contains references to abuse and other disturbing stuff in public is just weird and socially maladapted. These random people are commuting and going about their day, they didn't ask to hear about that stuff out of the blue.
No. 1181272
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Comments on Lily Rose Depp’s Instagram. There are hundreds like it.
No. 1181315
>>1181272>You post your t i t s moar than you're dadSo, would it be ok, if she posts her tits and dad in the same pic? Because that would be 50:50 ratio.
They hate women so much that they start harassing his daughter. The mind boggles.
Idk about all that shenanigans but I am so sick of the witch hunt, every odd guy and gal with an YT channel posts videos why Amber is the worst and JD a
victim. And that was before she could give her side of view.
I am so
triggered by people I like that post shit about AH.
I am usually very active on another website with mainly female audience but I can't atm. I couldn't stand their, as I already called it, witch hunt. I know how they lost their mind about fucking Meghan Markle.
I wish people had that same energy for famous males being actually atrocious assholes.
With every accusation, the doubt is always on the woman, never on the guy.
I guess it's probably because they are in relationships with guys and have to lie to themselves because otherwise they would see that their hubby is an asshole himself. So they rather blame the woman.
No. 1181350
>>1181334Milani are so unprofessional hopping on that hate train. It could have multiple reasons why exactly that product was held up.
- Amber got hands on a pre-release
- it was a former version of the product
- it was from a different brand, like WnW that could be confused with Milani
There are surely other reasons possible that don't indicate she "lied".
No. 1181796
File: 1652601722053.png (64.94 KB, 868x333, E99-3etXMAIDh6s.png)

just totally non-aggressive, non-violent baby boy johnny having a totally normal one and literally drooling over his fantasies of beating someone's head in and ripping off, chewing, and swallowing their ear. normal!
No. 1181797
File: 1652601799605.jpg (40.69 KB, 278x376, E9-A4CHXEAMQCK6.jpg)

sweet "baby" johnny admitting to assaulting people, smacking them, etc.
No. 1181798
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debt's psychotic texts calling amber horrific names and threatening to slice off elon musk's dick. great guy. real nice guy.
No. 1181800
>>1181272Disgusting. The misogyny is so obvious that they don’t hesitate to harass their beloved Debt’s daughter. I am 100% sure if he had an adult son, he would get asspats and the pick me’s would talk about “omg how he looks exactly like his father uwu”
These comments single-handedly prove that it’s never about the alleged abuse Debt has been through, but turning it into a witch trial.
No. 1181811
>>1181315My husband, my best friend and her husband was bashing Amber on a group chat, calling her Amber Turd and talking about the poop allegation. I would understand why they would jump on the misinformation bandwagon if they were not intelligent people. My marriage is already on the rocks, we are always having a big fight every other month but this whole trial made me realize I don’t want to stay in this relationship anymore.
I’m the anon who previously complained about her husband being a Debt fanboy. He’s STILL obsessively watching the trial. I was fucking hospitalized and while I was having a fever he stonewalled me for not seeing his point. I have an upcoming exam and within a few months I’ll see if we can amicably part ways.
I was afraid of his anger issues but I can’t take it anymore. I have just one social media and I’ve shared a few stories supporting Amber.
No. 1181866
File: 1652611061912.png (313.35 KB, 1180x706, depp lying.png)

>>1181800funny you bring up lily-rose. father of the year, johnny depp, lied to the LAPD and CPS about ash stymest sleeping with his daughter when he was 23 and she was 15 when others were worried about her being statutory raped. he protected him, let them live alone together (at 15!!) in one of his properties. imagine lying to the cops and protective services to cape for a 23 year old famous model who was already the father of a little girl at this point. absolutely hideous. no wonder amber felt the need to protect lily-rose. what a fucking horrible father and a lying, evil piece of shit. i really hope lily-rose looks back on this and sees what a pathetic excuse for a father he is to not protect his 15 year old from a 23 year old man who had his own daughter and obviously is a weirdo
No. 1181869
>>1181866Ash Stymest is a fucking weirdo too. Greasy little weasel with a heroin habit, or at least he used to have one. Dread to think how he would've tried coaxing her to do drugs with him. If I was JD I would've castrated that manchild on first sight.
t. ex-smackhead who has seen Ash in action at junkie hangouts
No. 1181877
>>1181872Thank you very much anon. That’s exactly what I’m doing. Things can escalate if it turns into a heated argument and for now I’m just finding a way to remove myself out of any discussion. I also need to study and a
toxic environment will negatively affect my studies.
I have up to half a year left to put my life on track and then I’ll be free.
No. 1181878
File: 1652612399263.jpg (1.12 MB, 1669x2160, EscQPGTU4AAtJrK.jpg)

amber's hair that johnny pulled out. it's fucking sick and disgusting that this demon has so many losers snowed.
No. 1181879
>>1181803I'm quite sure this is turkish, can tell from the song. I wonder why shes marrying him, in some parts of Turkey, women are still being forced to marry any man she slept with so maybe that why? She obviously isn't happy and must've been forced to marry him.
Also I hate the guys in the comments who act like women trick men into marriages when in reality men taking women's virginities or babytrapping women into marriage is much more common. Some men even rape women so they have to marry the man in question. Overall disgusting situation.
No. 1181884
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(from the uk trial), johnny being asked about lily-rose's text's to him about how amber was a good influence on him and how he hadn't seen her or her brother "for a couple of years", and once amber came into the picture, he actually saw her and jack again.
No. 1181892
File: 1652614062130.jpg (154.36 KB, 1170x926, FSOFcnAVIAM8paa.jpg)

interactions between jerry judge and josh drew about amber being beat by him. these people (jerry judge, stephen deuters, etc) were/are all on his payroll and didn't/don't give a fuck except to make sure they're still employed by this fuckup. amazing that no one gives a shit that these people so obviously have so many reasons to crawl this far up his anus, and it shows.
No. 1181900
File: 1652615764105.jpg (381.88 KB, 2048x1366, FSfOqjmXwAIzX6C.jpg)

amber's split lip (taken by paparazzi) that johnny's attorneys blocked from amber's attorneys entering into evidence. he did this to her, slapping her 3 times, after she laughed at his stupid "wino forever" tattoo (it is pretty fucking stupid to get and keep a tattoo that is evidence of you not being ashamed of having groomed a 17 yo).
No. 1181955
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>>1181912Yep. When she first came out about it, she mentioned struggling with anorexia for a while saying "I encountered it when I was little and it was very difficult to fight…all of my conscious life I'm trying to overcome the disease and am very proud of the results I've achieved". I'm hope she's doing well in her recovery. She's still slim but not scary looking like she was back in 2016. I imagine the stress of this trial isn't helping though
No. 1181958
>>1181884That's so sad I didn't realise Depp was a druggie and an absent father what a cunt. Imagine having him as your father, seeing him being praised in the media and seeing him interacting with all these different people and he doesn't visit you, his daughter.
>>1181887Shock horror, sexism strikes again.
No. 1182017
>>1181958This case is giving me PTSD because I had an alcoholic semi absent father who was
abusive and threatened my mom with defamation because she called his mistress a mistress.
He was a high functioning alcoholic, would ruin our lives in the evening and go to work at the hospital in the morning. Everyone defended him because he was a doctor
Literally my heart rate is up all the time, having constant flashbacks and I’m alert
No. 1182093
>>1182049There’s literally a multiple time felon with drug charges and assault charges screaming about how awful Amber is on YouTube and how she’s judging her. Depp defenders stay classy and smart and non hypocritical.
She’s got two kids who she’s plastering all over the Internet too.
No. 1182106
>>1182104Nta but I also didn't meet anyone who supported depp irl, they either don't care or think it's funny a 60 year old fat man could be abused by his anorexic gf.
I did see a lot of fat ugly neets or incels who support depp online tho.
No. 1182123
>>1182113I think his female supporters are his fans, usually old women who remember his glory days. The male supporters are MRA or incels. Both parties are generally unattractive, though and will probably end up alone which is for the best. I wouldn't wish anything
abusive onto anyone.
No. 1182166
>>1182106yeah the couple of men i've asked weren't following it. there is a lot in the news right now between the financial shitshow and ukraine, my regular newspapers haven't really talked much about this case, i just know about it because of here.
i want to know where they got 4 million people to sign that thing to keep amber out of aquaman.
No. 1182178
>>1182169maybe you're right. i mean little boys like superhero flicks, like my nephew watches batman and superman stuff. they seem to do well enough that they keep making them. but my nephew isn't exactly going to be signing, he probably doesn't even know who she is. probably is lots of bots.
side note: i wish there was a good youtube video that laid out ALL the evidence, texts, recordings, everything. i keep finding just clips and not the entire case anywhere.
No. 1182184
>>1182029Awful thing to say when there's literal JD supporters who have been through horrific abuse, and can empathize with a
victim. They're the sorts that get upset by Ambers theatrics, trying to paint herself as the perfect
victim (when it's obvious she's anything but). Wishing abuse on anyone in general other than kiddy fiddlers is pretty vile.
No. 1182202
>>1182191It's not about Amber being a good person or never having done anything wrong. It's about how Johnny Depp always held the power in the relationship (he's a man, straight, richer and more beloved). HE is suing HER, she never wanted this trial to happen. It's a defamation trial, the only relevant thing is : did Johnny Depp abuse her? If yes, she did not defame him. And there is ample proof that he did abuse her. What she did or did not do is besides the point.
Also, re all men bad, I'll say that, while I did believe Amber's story, I would not be here wanting to talk and vent about this trial if it wasn't for the insane, vile and misogynistic treatment that Amber is getting on social media right now. It's not about all men bad, more about how can anyone not see how fucked up this is??? Meming a rape testimony? What the actual fuck
No. 1182263
>>1182252i literally said because i find her to be false and how she rubs me the wrong way. i feel like i do believe some claims but i feel she adds things as she goes along, like
>>1182201 she seems to get stuff mixed up and seems sketchy. i have also watched various body language videos which all are negative towards her only making me feel more confident in my gut feeling. but anon this is my thoughts and opinions, and i am sure you have opposite ones. i know my opinion is going to be unpopular on here but i am just sharing my thoughts kek
No. 1182270
>>1182263>Body LanguageKek. Youtube body language experts at that. Why do people hang so much on this despite having no actual scientific merit?
You don't have to be friends with her. You just have to objectivley look at the fact and evidence and take both sides ernestly. Don't understand why you're finding it so hard.
No. 1182271
>>1182263samefag, i also have found his witness testimonies to be very sincere and trustworthy. but remember anons!! it is ok to have personal opinions and thoughts and not base your verdict on muuuh all men bad all women good
>>1182268you are so retarded, i actually laughed because your response is so expected and stupid kek
No. 1182274
>>1182271ehehe kek teehee
youre a man
you will never be a woman
youre an abomination
gtfo groomer
>>1182263Body language analysis is not reliable and youtube body language "experts" especially are charlatans.
Also, if you really have watched unbiased clips of the trial, can you link them? Every trial highlights vid I've tried to watch were obviously biased so I had to settle for watching the actual trial but I'll be busier next week so I'd rather not have to do that
No. 1182286
>>1182285Fucking kek.
Also reminder for nonitas to ignore the fagottranny.
No. 1182295
>>1182294sure ok
nonnie kek
No. 1182297
How did this obvious male poster
>>1182282 who defends gay men and trannies not get banned but anons calling him out did?
No. 1182309
>>1182307 i am this anon
>>1182191 >>1182271
>>1182304 where have i defended trannies kek
No. 1182310
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got banned for reporting
>>1182282i guess we have a trannyjanny on here.
(ban evasion) No. 1182314
File: 1652641499516.jpeg (63.76 KB, 750x205, AE2B0EAA-D05E-41AE-B942-D4274D…)

Okay so i was interested in what this anon here
>>1182201 had to say about metadata so I did a little more research into the issue.
First of all, the claim that she didn’t submit metadata of her devices is just untrue. She did submit them but it was too late for Depp’s forensic analysis to do any real work on it, this was due to issues with the Cloud and the software that Heard’s team used being unacceptable to Depp’s team. You can read this court document here: metadata was submitted in the UK trial however and found that it ruled in favor of Ambers case (see my attached image proving her injury photos). Since I can’t include multiple photos, click the link below and search the page for “metadata’, you will find that metadata has proven that Heard sustained injuries on multiple occasions that lined up with her story. quote from the judge:
“There are the photographs. The metadata is not disputed and shows that one of the photographs of Ms Heard’s face was taken before the first pair of police officers arrived.”
Even better, Depp’s team did not dispute the legitimacy of the metadata in any of those photos. I am really excited for cross now, just proves further that even the metadata is on her side.
No. 1182315
File: 1652641507658.webm (187.4 KB, 826x530, ssstwitter_1652641375.webm)

makes sense as to why johnny lied to the LAPD and CPS for ash stymest and let him statutory rape his 15 yo daughter given winona admitted they were together when she was 17. going to post deppstans saying that's totally normal and anyone worried about a 25 yo and 17 yo is a catlady etc
No. 1182316
>>1182310Same. Inshallah you %41, trannyjanny. Fuck off.
Also go to /meta/ to discuss if trannyjanny shuts the thread, the tranny only has power over /ot/.
No. 1182327
>>1182317Exactly. I really want to see the fence sitters in this thread explain any of these posts
>>1182314 >>1181878
>>1177493 >>1177375
>>1177480 because it’s really not looking good for Depp and Heard hasn’t done anything remotely similar to any of what’s been posted here against Depp. The best they have is an audio recording where she admits to hitting him and even that was taken out of context because she was telling him to stop hurting her first.
No. 1182337
File: 1652642609157.webm (161.08 KB, 480x270, stirgussa_480x270_152589178616…)

one of the many pieces of evidence johnny tried to hide. here he tells amber "we're talking about australia, the day i chopped my finger off". how many times can this dude admit to everyone he did it and people not want to see it? and for what reason would he have to tell the person who allegedly did it to him, that he did it?
No. 1182395
>>1182388It's a court trial thread, it's okay to view both sides. You say male rapist when it's not even been proven, someone who feared for her life, who had been raped with a bottle would not egg on someone who could literally harm them futher in the way she did in that latest recording. She's such a bitter person trying to claim to be the most innocent perfect
victim in court. It's sickening.
>>1182392Yeah because I'm sure someone who loves the guitar would intentionally take their own finger tip. And i'm the crazy one? Sheesh.
>>1182393The house didn't seem badly trashed though, certainly in any of the recordings by the police. Everything seemed pristine. The devastation in the bedrooms from australia she mentioned is like a normal room, things knocked off a bed stand. Is the any evidence he was the one who did it either? Also did they ever mention why Elon had bruising to the face when he was with her?
No. 1182396
>>1182389Not applicable to having an appendage cut. If I cut my finger while slicing onions I would say “I cut my finger”, if someone else cut my finger because I put it under the knife of someone else cutting it, I would say “they cut my finger” regardless of if it was my fault or not. The turn of phrase is not used in the way you are describing, though it would be
valid in a passive situation like having an arm broken, it’s not
valid in an active situation where someone is doing something
to you.
It also doesn’t make sense that he would avoid bringing it up just to avoid the fight. They are recording their arguments in order to have documentation of how the fights accurately took place, why would he lie on record with that in mind?
No. 1182397
>>1182395He also
loved acting but ruined his career with drugs and alcohol. Why couldn't he also cut his finger off?
No. 1182404
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>>1182395ah yes, not trashed at all
No. 1182408
>>1182397His career wasn't ruined though, people were still working with him and they pretty much put up with the substances because of who he was and the fact he was likable. Ironic that Ambers pretty much ruined her career with drink now too, if she's supposedly only being
abusive due to drinking (i don't really buy that, I wouldn't be surprised if it came out down the road that she had co-occurring NPD & BPD, she displays very strong traits of both in both evidence and testimony). Birds of a feather flock together.
No. 1182409
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>>1182395Elon had redness from a strap which he wore zip lining with Amber earlier in the day, he wasn’t bruised. He was proven to be destructive in the UK trial - he admitted to breaking things when drunk and there is even a video of him doing this online.I can dig it up if you are interested. Because of this the judge concluded that it was reasonable that he would have done it himself so yes, it is proven he did it.
No. 1182412
File: 1652646612620.png (44.14 KB, 676x280, wrecked.PNG)

>>1182404>>1182395even your beloved johnny admits the house was wrecked. there was $150,000 worth of damages.
No. 1182417
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>>1182409he has a long history of trashing rentals, hotels, being violent. like you said, it's even on tape. here's what he did to amber's apartment.
No. 1182420
>>1182413Well if she gets verbally and physically
abusive to the point we're hearing, due to drinking two bottles of wine a night and all the drugs in her system then yeah - the drugs and booze helped her destroy her career now it's all public.
No. 1182422
File: 1652646860725.jpg (162.72 KB, 1000x1000, Esb0aoJXcAAhZVI.jpg)

>>1182420nothing but projection. the man is constantly drunk and high. here are his texts to amber's parent admitting so. he has a team of doctors and nurses and minders because he's fucking trashed constantly.
No. 1182423
>>1182420Anon she wasn’t verbally or physically
abusive kek - you have to have power in a relationship to be
abusive and the marriage counselor said that Johnny would often start fights and she would react to them… reacting violently to an abuser is not
No. 1182426
>>1182420Amber still gets roles
>she totes destroyed her career guizee!!Mr.Debt can't even show his ruined face on tv
>uhh he has a super successful career still… It's all Amber's fault he can't remember his lines and looks like shit! No. 1182440
>>1182417In domestic abuse and sex case trials previous convictions in those areas will also be used against the person because it shows a precedent that they are prone to
abusive behaviour. Johnny Debt is losing this case.
No. 1182441
File: 1652647701607.jpg (133.04 KB, 1000x1000, EsbwoVHW4AEY_9k.jpg)

>>1182436johnny's texts to bettany talking about how trashed he was on drugs and drink.
No. 1182446
>>1182442Amber and Depp not finishing a fight doesn't prove that Amber was slandering him. I'm honestly so baffled by people like you. The bottom line you're arguing over how walked away from a fight that was one of many in a
toxic and
abusive domestic partnership ergo Amber Heard was not being defamatory when she stated she suffered domestic abuse.
No. 1182451
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>>1182442Why only rely on that? It’s cherry picking. Witnesses testified that they had to get between Johnny and Amber because he was aggressively coming for her. What about the text messages where he admits that she was the reason that he was clean for a time and that she turned his life around? What about Lily Rose saying that he’s a better father when he’s with her? Sounds like you’re the one cherry-picking a single incident where all she did was try to prevent him from walking out on her.
No. 1182455
>>1182424Can you stop moving the goalposts? First you said he didn't trash the house. Then minimizing the trashing that he actually did. Then in response to a picture of an obviously trashed room, it's suddenly ok that he trashed it because you don't care about clothes.
You try to pretend to be neutral but you're just taking the piss.
No. 1182463
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>>1182462more destruction of amber's property.
No. 1182491
File: 1652650366708.webm (4.99 MB, 540x540, ssstwitter_1652650246.webm)

an awesome little compilation of his bad behavior, admitting to beating people, him telling people to just beat the fuck out of people, stanning for polanski, etc. encourage you guys to watch.
No. 1182528
File: 1652651891877.png (398.81 KB, 730x447, FSoMdCgWUAEa2ib (1).png)

johnny's texts to christan carino (including the bits about wanting to slice off elon musk's dick) where he tells christian "she's begging for total global humiliation". he certainly has wanted to do that and has done nothing but attempt to globally humiliate her. the man is insane. please read how this "southern gentleman" talks about women, and especially his wife. calling her a "cumguzzler", an "overused flappy fish market", wishing that she'd get the "gift of breath" taken from her. the southern gentleman LARP is just an absolutely pitiful attempt at cosplaying as a decent human being when all his behavior and communications say otherwise
No. 1182539
>>1182527While nonas can be mean to the cows, I've personally never seen such vitriol from farmers.
Anyway, it's apples and oranges. Anonymously insulting women who are being cows on the internet on an imageboard is not the same as texting your bff that your wife is a worthless whore and a cumguzzler and that you want to kill and rape her corpse. Like come on now.
No. 1182609
>>1182549they also referred to the name calling though? idk it's pretty horrid especially since a lot of that text sounds kinda misogynistic. those posts also mention a "fucking sublime little russian" and "50 cent stripper" like what's the point in even mentioning that. makes it sound like women are just pieces of meat to him.
not to mention how he expressed wanting to rape amber's corpse, that is some incel tier vibes.
No. 1182630
>>1182549no, that's not obvious. they were pretty clearly mostly referring to the "horrific names" part or else they wouldn't have greentexted it.
>>1182609yeah those texts were EXTREMELY misogynistic.
No. 1182735
>>1182441That sounds like the list he recites in Fear and Loathing. I think that movie took a turn on him. After that, every role of his was acted the same.
I'm so over Depp-sperg "uh, he didn't trash the place… uh, trashing the place is not bad" you sound like a fool.
No. 1182768
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No. 1182783
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>>1182776>>1182768and when did this happen? funny how kate james never elaborated as to when or where she heard amber do this. before in the UK trial she tried to make it seem like she stole her rape story and twisted it to accuse johnny of rape, but then she admitted she had not read amber's confidential annexe.
No. 1182787
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Based as fuck. Wish she wasn’t such a degenerate though.
No. 1182791
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Why do they have literally just one joke?
No. 1182813
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>>1182808she's not reliable anyways, she got caught lying on the stand and i highly doubt she has little to no contact with johnny at this point anyways or that she ever stopped speaking to him.
No. 1182818
File: 1652676795745.jpg (70.25 KB, 1021x534, EsgZQtCW8AICrP7 (1).jpg)

here's johnny calling the mother of his children a pain in the ass "french albatross" and that amber is "just on my arm" and "a killer broad" who would "never overstep any boundaries as it is maestro's sanctuary" . you can tell this dude is an inceltier misogynist even by the way he "compliments" women, my god. this guy is a chauvinistic freak in literally every way
No. 1182869
>>1182528>>1182609It’s so weird because everyone thinks MRA incel shit is just basement dwellers but
>”hit the wall” That’s a phrase I’ve only seen in incel circles… do you think he sits on r/mra or r/pussypassdenied.. ?
No. 1182897
>>1182881UK far here and I go to a popular gossip site that is for celebs and influencers, and is I'd say 75% women with a few gays and male handmaidens.
They are all, and I mean all without exception team Depp. They find the anti Amber memes hilarious, and all unironically call her Amber Turd and Turdle as if it's the pinnacle of humour. Some of these women also admit to being abused in their personal lives, you'd think there would be a smidgeon of empathy but no.
It makes seriously feel depressed to know these women walk among us.
No. 1182927
>>1182802The qoute from Amber's assistance is in answer to Amber mentioning talks with her about her rape and calling herself a survivor rather than
victim which Amber found powerful and helpful in her own situtation.
She was not happy with Amber disclosing this convo.
Debt stans have turned this into Amber stealing her assistance's rape story. If it was true her lawyers would've been all over it and actually used it in court.
No. 1183010
>>1182936The assistant isn't much different than the deppgirlies who say they were
abused but literally attack every other female abuse
victim. As someone who has been abused and knows women who went through a similar, experience, I want to say none of them acted similar to Deppfags.
Though I did know victimblaming women irl and they were usually older single ladies or women unhappy in their marriages who hated the idea of other women having good relationships, it almost made them feel better to know that some women suffered more. I even saw some women who would point and laugh at news articles about abused or killed women, they'd call the women whores and say they deserved it while laughing.
I wonder what causes this kind of thinking. It's quite common in some women. I'd understand misogynistic men thinking this way but a large chunk of women agreeing to with them really baffles me.
No. 1183230
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i was looking up evan rachel wood and wanted to say that this came up. this is getting out of hand, i can't imagine supporting marilyn manson.
No. 1183261
>>1182918Containment threads are kind of like that lol
>>1183239The same thing happened with the feminist movements in the early 2010s, we saw anti-feminist cringe compilations flood youtube and violence against women as well as “do women actually deserve rights?” being discussed and encouraged on panels filled with scum scrotes as a response TO OWN the young women and girls on tumblr innocently lifting each other up. I’ll never forget the compilations of women being hit “back”. It was like porn for the public thats how much they hated feminists protests. They always respond to women by terrorizing them lol
No. 1183323
File: 1652706437689.jpg (17.54 KB, 352x449, whythough.JPG)

Someone needs to tell Amber to rethink her fashion choices for court, why is she dressing like a Japanese schoolboy (ignoring the hair)? I get that what they wear can convey a message, and it's good at times to do so, but what on earth is she trying to convey?
>>1182674Is your mum there today? Sky streamed all the women screaming for Depp as he entered, maybe you can pick her out. But wow the entrance different is so stark, no cheer for amber, mostly silence bar i think a jeer. But friendly reminder court is early from now on, they're starting for anyone keeping up live. Seems Depps lawyer is on the ball with objections from the get go & sustained objections.
No. 1183374
>>1183330Hey UK noni, Tattle Life.
Go check out the Amber and Johnny threads, absolute state.
No. 1183414
>>1183404Ayrt yes, so weird!
Because I definitely clicked on my own post.
I guess I'll delete, twas just a ramble nona.
No. 1183744
>>1183737They got the photos redacted I'm talking about when she muttered "the alleged metadata" before her objection was overruled. I heard the coughing I didn't think it was for them because the coughing started before and continued after.
Either way, its been a good day for Heard she's been able to reute all the mental illness slander and that she didn't shit the bed and also that there's photos of her injuries and police reports. She was also awarded the restraining order against Depp and he lost the deposition in UK which keeps being brought up. Her lawyer has also made the case for foundational evidence that depps team kept trying to object too. Depp is losing ground.
No. 1183767
I found it funny when Amber literally couldn't answer a question that she was being asked, she kept repeating the same line and not understanding the objection/the correction provided by her own lawyer. It's not hard to say what's in a photo without fluffing it up, jesus christ. Even i felt like face palming.
>>1183741Will try and go through it all again.
>>1183744There was so much that was off about her evidence but her attorneys have definitely earnt their bread helping her to change her story to debunk questions. She's had 10 days to work on her acting too so she wasn't so obviously fake (until parts where it was raising its head again). It's like the destroyed pictures, that were neatly stacked up on the bed. Nothing was broken, but it was "utter destruction". And the person who adviced her to not to talk from domestic violence (lawyer i think) to the police must have had screws loose, you'd WANT her to talk to the police so that there was a record even if you didn't press charges. It's all so dodgy. I can't wait for cross though, direct is taking up so much time and kind of giving nothing burgers.
No. 1183881
>>1183767Tbf even the judge was getting agitated at the objections and it Amber kept making a point of saying what she was allowed to say because of the way evidence has been withheld. Her own lawyer has stuck to that too and Amber's also been able to dismantle Depp's witnesses who have claimed to know Heard well. If anything today has shown Amber has evidence and Depp case relys on preventing parts of Amber's testimony even being submitted to the jury. When your case is built on how much you can fence in the alleged
victim it isn't very strong. Most of the shit in the media circus around this case got refuted today regarding Amber.
No. 1184035
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what the FUCK thats a FUCKING SCROTE?
No. 1184041
>>1184035it all makes sense. he grew up with an
abusive dad. worked with him and did manly shit, obv. he was a femme faggot and that drove a wedge between them. so he went to hollywood to troon out.. jfc.. he fooled an entire nation..
No. 1184073
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johnny with his coke line in front of him. why is it so hard for idiots to believe this obviously constantly intoxicated man is potentially abusive while trashed to the point of passing out constantly?
No. 1184099
>>1184078that the picture is staged as evidence.
not disputing that he does cocaine just that that was a staged picture.
Since amber titled the picture "yay mornings!" it kinda says something, especially if she has a history of shitposting with her friend which is what the lawyer implied.
No. 1184100
>>1184094she didn't fake injuries, she didn't have a single injury because she never gotten a beating
she just slept on her scarf or something
No. 1184104
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No. 1184106
>>1184073I don't think taking coke means someone is
abusive. Otherwise Amber could also fall into that category, right?
No. 1184125
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It’s not looking good for Depp. She comes across honest and has a genuine answer for everything and Depp’s lawyers seem to grasp at straws.
>>1184041Was there ever a question?
No. 1184141
>>1183334>>1183328>>1183324Will you retards calm down?
>Omg I’m so ~villainized~ for just pointing out she is a liar whore druggie bpd lesbian psycho Go say that shit on Twitter I’m sure all the other hive minded individuals will love it.
No. 1184148
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Here’s Depp Stans protecting pwecious bwaybey Jack sparrow
No. 1184149
>>1184139she got the full amount before he filed a suit against her, and then she claimed she didn't pay it because she got sued. she then got elon musk to donate 500k for her, that way she could keep the other 500k for herself. then she goes into this whole thing about donation versus pledge and to a jury, or anyone not delusional, that seems like a very arbitrary line to draw. she went on some tv show saying she donated it all, then she wants to say "well i actually didn't but I plan on it!". it makes her look terrible. it's still possible she was abused, but, she's obviously not an honest person and she's also been caught in lies so it doesn't look good for the character part of her testimony.
>>1184148some very unhealthy looking people there
No. 1184166
>>1184139They're whole case is trying to prove she's a liar and also being like oh you didn't submit to this jury and it's like yeah you're team made sure of that. Like there's enough evidence to support Johnny Depp is an
abusive piece of shit, Amber's not the one being sued. Her lawyers have objected to some shit but at this point who cares. Depp lawyers aren't proving the case he wasn't
abusive. This case is very interesting to watch re domestic abuse cases. Honestly I'm learning a lot. Regardless of all the bullshit conjecture and objections and court room tactics, anyone that's not a deluded idiot can see Johnny Depp is a drug addict and highly paid men with connections are over priveleged scumbags that they can sit and smirk when a person gives a rape testimony. Have some fucking decorum
No. 1184174
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Another level of mental illness.
No. 1184195
>>1184174omg what the fuck is wrong with these weirdos
>>1184179i think all the body language "expert" stuff is just crap, nobody knows how someone is going to react. the real issue is she just doesn't have any evidence of what she claimed, just a bunch of photos of johhny being a druggie (which she also is) and downright taking a nap. today she threw her lawyers under the bus, her sister under the bus, and whoever else when she was caught in a lie. it was kinda pathetic. honestly there are a lot of strong women to stand behind as a hero, this isn't one of them. amber may have been abused in her own world or interpretation of abuse, and maybe she's that mentally ill, but for being little-miss-record-and-document-everything she comes up empty on anything that really matters. she should have just taken the money from johnny, but she is mentally ill and vindictive and decided to "cancel" him and now it backfired. johnny depp seems like a guy with a lot of problems and likely wasn't a good boyfriend or husband, that should have been enough. she wanted to capitalize on his fame for another push in her career by stepping on his head.
No. 1184270
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>>1184174I'm going through her twitter account and oh my god. These schizo boomers, they literally talk like fucking Trump kek. She also retweeted Steven Crowder, who I'm sure is absolutely foaming at the mouth to point to the trial as a case for 'women are always lying about being abused!! poor men!!'
No. 1184384
>>1183897Yes because Amber and the team were unable to stop doing things that caused objections, they're there for a reason. It's not the fact objections are called out, otherwise, they'd be constantly overruled - THEN you would have a problem with constant objections due to the person saying it.
And wow cross was really something last night, i haven't laughed so hard in a while. Amber was really on a roll throwing everyone under the bus, kek. Cross was very well executed as well, Elaine was awfully quiet after Amber threw the lawyers under the bus, probably coincidence though.
>>1184178It certainly changed from "I had a broken nose" to "I felt like I had a broken nose" kek. The beauty of so many of her certainties unraveling was something, and sparks of anger/mask slipped. Think she'll flip out on today's cross? kek. And "my sister taught JD to do cocaine that way", and she felt that was a good way to debunk the staged photo, i was rolling. I wish they pointed out it was Ambers drivers card, and the fact there were multiple pictures of items moved around just to see the reply. Please let todays cross bring more milk, or sperging.
And with her bringing up social media boolies, wonder if things like the farms will be under fire again. She said she's onlien every single day reading things about her, bish close your eyes, walk away. Narcisism is one hell of a drug.
No. 1184407
>>1184178I've had my. Nose broken by an ex and I didn't seek medical attention. 1) he prevented me from doing so with more threats of rage 2) I was embarrassed 3) what were the doctors doing to do, put my nose in a cast?
I tried to post this last but lolcow went down..
Can we talk about how gay depps lawyers opening statement about Johnny Depp always wearing sunglasses because he's such a fucking incel dramatic he thinks Amber would melt if she saw his bootiful eyes. So embarrassing. That's his big statement. It's like the fucking wino forever tattoo again, pure cringe.
No. 1184416
>>1184407Amber already said she wasn't scared of Depp and in photos and video around that time her nose looks uninjured and the exact same shape. Broken noses look different after and swell the fuck up, even the best cosmetic surgeons often can't fix damage perfectly. It just doesn't add up. Like
>>1184387 said it also makes Amber look like a liar when she has all these compromising photos of Depp but couldn't be bothered to take a single photo of her own injuries as evidence she was assaulted. It's hard to say she was embarrassed when she wasn't embarrassed to take weird Depp pics.
No. 1184423
>>1184416She said she wasn't scared of him but there's numerous reasons someone in a high profile marriage wouldn't want to be public about it during it. Shit I was embarrassed because my ex had a better job that was his status making me feel inadequate and more so isolated etc. Abuse is complex. I even took photos of my injuries to later deleting them when me and my ex were back on "good" terms and I wanted to prove me devotion it's stupid as fuck but your mentality is fucking gone at that point.
I also don't know how Amber has thrown her lawyer or her sister under the bus. They've all admitted to drug use at parties and most people partake in drug use. I'm not excusing it but there's a reason drugs can be openly discussed without a police officer suddenly coming in and arresting them. Does everyone who uses drugs turn into an abuser? No. Not every alcoholic is an abuser either. People need to grow the fuck up about this case. Abuse isn't just physical. Depps text messages show enough proof that he was destructive and
abusive towards Amber, plus various witnesses, plus Depp already being charged in previous cases.
No. 1184434
>>1184423There's also photos of injuries she doesn't have photos for every instance but tbh, at this point it's arguing semantics over severity of the physicality. Is there reasonable force he's allowed to use? A smack, shove or threat of violence is fine because she can dust herself off after it like nbd?
There's evidence she tried to help with his sobriety. His children and himself testified and have statements to support this. She initiated the divorce and enacted a restraining order which she was awarded. They're using her divorce settlement to prove she couldn't have been abused? It doesn't make seem relevant, I understand they're making her out to be a liar. I'm not going to begin to pretend I understand what it's like to have that amount of money and how tax works and the financial aspects of donating during different tax years, but just find it weak this is the new spin on the story. Feeble Johnny Depp of course couldn't be an
abusive destructive irrational addict who's had to pay for damages to others before and has attacked others on set etc because Amber didn't make a charitable donation with the money she was awarded after her
toxic marriage with him.
She got what she was entitled to him, there's no monetary benefit to her for him losing work after they've split. She has had no impact on his ability to secure roles. She's not entitled to anymore of his income. They have no kids. She is not the one suing him for damages. The entire point is moot
No. 1184435
>>1184423She said she gave all her evidence to her lawyers, it's not her fault the lawyers didn't submit the evidence. One of the many examples she gave, i'd have to go back to list them all. And she was trying to explain away the staged photo by saying her sister had shown him how to do cocaine correctly (trying to justify the tampon applicator and her drivers card that i'm sure Depp will have easy access to kek - thought most used rolled up notes and paper).
And you're right, abuse is not always physical. Now cue the audio of her emotionally abusing him, belittling, goading, taunting, degrading, gaslighting etc. Not a great case for her.
No. 1184448
>>1184440Out of curiosity, have you listened to the full audio recordings or just snippets? Just trying to figure out where you're getting that she's simply reactive from.
>>1184407>what were the doctors doing to do, put my nose in a castActually, doctors will assess the site/injury, might have to manually realign the nose, sometimes you'd require surgery to correct it. Normally they'd do X-rays to make sure there are no complications from the broken nose and to diagnose it. And she needed no treatment, or surgery, despite johnny using heavy rings. It just doesn't pass the whiff test. She could have easily have lied and said that her facial surgery after the fact was to correct the damage (and they might have believed it) but she probably would have been caught out in the end. She sounded so flustered about the question.
I'm so glad though through cross they were prepapred with evidence and redacted evidence, it was just so streamlined. The "I don't recall" as a dismissive easy way out, only to have "oh really, let me help you out with that".
No. 1184458
>>1184448I've watched every livestream in full.
And of course depps attorneys cross examination was streamlined they've been focused on the evidence and controlling the parameters of the case. That's why everything is so deliberately worded in questioning. Depps lawyers were getting flustered too because at this point Amber's been told be her own lawyers about the tactics.
>>1184450Because its been pretty obvious throughout the case and how the case has been running long because of the amount of "may we approach the bench" that's been happening.
No. 1184471
>>1184458But you've not listened to the full released audio? The live streams only/what's presented in court is cut down and limited. It's not the full picture, but at least you will probably have a better idea of what the jurors see i think, they're pretty blinkered in this for better or worse.
>>1184458Actually sidebars don't count towards either sides "time" and are very much needed to dispute what evidence will be allowed without constant objections. It's like a timeout.
>>1184462Was that the word she couldn't pronounce? i'd have thought if you needed to say a complicated word on stand you'd have practiced the words before needing to speak them but yeah.
>>1184466Doctors have a duty of care, they're not going to spout medical records, it's more than their jobs worth. So to me that doesn't hold water at all.
No. 1184472
the way camilla tries to act like nodding out is the same as sleeping and like no one knows people nod out when they're high as hell
>>1184471>they're not going to spout medical records, it's more than their jobs worth. you really don't know how unprofessional people are. people risk their jobs all of the time and that's not to say a doctor would necessarily spout, rather just an x-ray tech or anyone in the office who could possibly view her medical records
No. 1184473
>>1184472Most people take the phrase of "having a nod" or "nodding off" to mean falling asleep. It's not associated with drugs when you're not in that circle.
>>1184472It'd be grounds for a lawsuit from someone who is influential in the public/high up/with money. Do you really think that'd happen?
No. 1184477
>>1184471I've probably heard some parts of unreleased but I've mainly only been focused on the court case. I believe Johnny Depp is a wankstain,
abusive addict and I've probably got personal bias but imo what's been presented I think the case is in favour of Amber. I find it hard to believe that with evidence provided and previous depositions which count as evidence in domestic abuse cases that Amber was being defamatory when she said she experienced abuse.
In my personal life and around me locally, I've witnesses horror stories regarding drugs and abuse. It's an issue very personal to me and I'm extremely interested in high profile cases around it. I think there needs to be a public conversation around drug use and domestic violence. Harder drugs are a fucking plague these days yet with so many people partaking in them they don't want any negative publicity surrounding that type of lifestyle that even after a women gets threats to be murdered and raped, gets hit etc etc, it's excused by the global boys clubs. She's just a dirty whore coming between his good time.
No. 1184484
>>1184473>It'd be grounds for a lawsuit from someone who is influential in the public/high up/with money. Do you really think that'd happen?yes, i really do, because i have seen it myself many times. once again, you don't know how routinely unprofessional "professionals" are and how they don't think their behavior will catch up to them. this doesn't just refer to the medical field, though it is pretty common in the medical field. depp's own attorney, adam waldman, was kicked off this case by another judge for violating ethical standards for disseminating confidential audio, pictures, and information to twitter and the press.
>Most people take the phrase of "having a nod" or "nodding off" to mean falling asleep. It's not associated with drugs when you're not in that circle. this entire conversation and case is literally centered around him being
abusive specifically when extremely high. for her to act like that's THE ONLY way for "nodding out"/"off" to be interpreted is ridiculous because this case specifically centers around the fact that he was not sober and was denying that he was passing out. once again, there are instances of him passing out in stupors on video that very much back her side. she has already said many times that he would not believe that he was this intoxicated. it's one thing if she didn't attempt to make her seem like a liar, but she obviously is attempting to make someone who is high as fuck to the point of passing out in public while walking, look like he's "just taking a nap" routinely
No. 1184490
>>1184477yep. get this: the "cruellest thing" she ever did to him, per johnny's testimony in the UK was her following the doctor's orders in only giving him his pills at certain times when he was trying to get clean. the drama is ridiculous. the drugs and alcohol clearly did not agree with him and he very much tried to even demonize her for trying to help him maintain the standards others set for him in trying to get clean, and she had good reason to do so, being that when he fell back into his addictions he'd fucking abuse her.
>>1184487she was using the pictures to literally show him he was passed out. they were not fighting while he was sobered up. it makes sense that she would document him when he's passed out to show at a later date. that's not unrealistic or odd or indicative of her not being abused or afraid at all whatsoever.
No. 1184521
>>1184511yes he never is near cocaine, sure
>>1184073 (note that this picture wasn't taken by amber). of course she didn't take pictures of him right next to it or literally snorting it, that's bizarre and he would see it as her being untrustworthy while they were going through issues, if she was recording him snorting a line. how does taking that picture indicate that it was staged in any sense? not at all. anyone can prepare their drugs and walk away for a few moments or not smoke a cigarette but have a cigarette out for later for them to use later. that's not necessarily indicative of staging. it's a reach.
No. 1184598
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69k likes! They’re peaking girlies
No. 1184615
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>>1184598god i hope this continues. i can't stand to see abhorrent internalized misogyny in shit like vidrel anymore
No. 1184621
>>1184384She will bomb hard today. You saw what happened yesterday after only 2 hours of cross - the mask has slipped and we saw the petty, lying, angry amber.
Today's cross goes on for 8 hours. It's gonna be good.
No. 1184622
>>1184618if he even hit her or headbutted her once, he's a physically
abusive person, and he admitted on tape to headbutting her. a 115-120 lb woman is nowhere near as strong as a 200 lb man, too. if you want to deny this, please let all of the boxing and MMA organizations that they need to get rid of weight classifications and pairings and that somehow magically weight and sex doesn't matter in sport.
No. 1184630
>>1184435Girl… If her lawyers HAD photos of her where you can see ACTUAL injuries… They would have submitted them.
What did they submit instead? 20+ photos of her face where you can see zero bruises and cuts. Unless you believe her lawyers are scheaming and purposely working AGAINST her you must admit: Amber has no evidence of the horrendous abuse and beatings she was receiving. If she had, we'd see it by now.
No. 1184639
>>1184622>if he even hit her or headbutted her once, he's a physically abusive personSure. And if she hit him once, she is, too. Size does not matter. Also, you are forgetting emotional/verbal abuse, which we have heard both sides do in the tapes, and which we heard more coming from her side - so far.
I am not saying he is not a shit person, I am saying she is more shit from what we have seen so far.
No. 1184645
>>1184621Personally I didn't think she bombed at all she was defensive of course because she was on the defense. Trying to get her to trip up over dates or confirm photos that havent already been admitted to evidence for all parties to review isn't clever. Her answers have been purposeful. It's a cross examination so her previous answers still hold up unless they dispute them. Amber got her mental disorder records quashed amongst other accusations. The merits of her charitable pledges doesn't dispute Depp's abuse allegations. Thank fuck this isn't a court of public opinion because only morons are being swayed by omg Amber is such a liar and a bitch, she shit the bed and has bpd and didn't donate 7 million dollars to abuse
No. 1184666
>>1184598Amberfan looks like basic becky
>>1184615Deppgirl looks like a stereotypical dangerhair "feminazi"
Kek. This is hilarious to me.
No. 1184680
>>1184630You didn’t watch the trial, did you? Heard’s team brought forward at least 10 different images of her bruised face and cut arms just yesterday. At least try to watch a summary before posting. And yes, I can give you time stamps if you want to deny it.
If any anons are interested in seeing a write-up on the case let me know. I take extensive notes of everyday of the trial but it’s always pages long so would be really annoying to post. I could just post the interesting bits though if any anon is interested.
No. 1184698
>>1184666Why are the Amber supporters in this thread
obsessed with peoples physical appearance?
No. 1184709
>>1184682I’m not lawyerchan, I miss her too! Unfortunately I’m not very good at summarizing and would be more like a shortened transcript of the testimonies.
>>1184693 >>1184702
I’m in an adjacent field with a focus on women’s issues. We have been researching the case since the trial in the UK. Explain the issue you have with me offering my notes here which are being used in my actual studies kek
No. 1184714
>>1184709they're dumb
nonnie, don't mind them
No. 1184761
I made a summary of the cross yesterday, hope this helps
>on tape asking him for a hug after she accused him of domestic abuse and filed a restraining order
>on tape saying that a jury would never believe him if he claimed he was a DV victim.
>says pictures exist of abuse that she gave her lawyers, blames her lawyers for not submitting them
>the "bloody nose" in russia she says the dead security guy saw, never took photos…yet all the photos of her in russia her nose and face look great
>the "broken nose" incident she says she has a photo but it "wasn't up to her to provide it" .. this is the same met gala she met elon musk at
>photo and photo of amber looking great after each violent abuse
>"I have a picture of my bruises under the makeup" and then when asked why she didn't produce them she says "it's not my job"
>back is all messed up from a fight, then wears a backless dress the next day with tons of photos taken
>australia was all cut up, bleeding from vagina, after forced rape … takes two pictures of writing on a wall, no photos of injuries, no medical records
>"i had a broken nose" became "it felt like a broken nose" with a photo of no broken nose…on some talk show with no broken nose, no puss coming out like she said, no cuts
>i gave pictures of my "abuse" to my lawyers and they gave it to People magazine ;^)
>takes a bunch of photos of johnny sleeping, or passed out, sends the photos to her friends
>the day before she was deposed for her lawsuit a film, from her ipad, of johnny slamming cabinets was sent to TMZ… yet she claims she wouldn't even know how to do that and it must have been her lawyers.
>pledge versus donate BS, i was giving her benefit of the doubt on the donation stuff until that bullshit. especially since she blamed depp's schedule of payment from the divorce, which had been completed well before (13 months) he sued her yet she never donated the money.
and no i don't think johnny depp is hot or even particularly likable. weakest part of the cross examination was asking amber about the cocaine photo, not sure what her point was there unless it was to just get amber to admit she was a cocaine user after her pearl clutching direct.
No. 1184796
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Good point that was made. I wish Amber had called this out. Hope her attorneys circle back to this.
No. 1184802
>>1184724See this article information about Deppfags. They're camping outside and spending thousands, one even admits to spending 30k, to see Mr. Debt for a few seconds.
No. 1184899
>>1184634With all those rings, and all she potentially (if you could even make them out) were very faint marks. Must be gummy rings and his punches weak as hell. Or maybe Amber is just that alpha and doesn't take damage like regular girls, she's not like the other girls after all kek.
>>1184621It's going to be interesting for sure, I'm sure the jurors are seeing when the facade drops. Wonder if she's going to flip her lid at someone and show ALL her true colours.
>>1184653He made the right choice in my opinion regardless of the outcome. And to be honest I'm thankful for the milk.
Also someone attending said that there was a point where thunderstruck and it made a juror nearly laugh when Amber was caught in a porky pie, I wonder if it felt like comical timing (my tinfoil is potentially she just might have laughter through nervous response/doesn't like thunder). But it's been interesting hearing that for the most part the jurors haven't been taking notes during her testimony, but have for the claimants' side. Normally it's the opposite of what you'd want for your (Ambers) side.
No. 1184911
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>>1184905>>1184898per the UK ruling, please read picrel. definitionally they have been found to be the same as was ruled by the court.
No. 1184923
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>>1184761Here's my timestamped notes on the cross-examination
>Depp’s team brings forward the audio clip where Heard tells him to “tell the world” that he was abused by her. She replies that she was saying this to the man who had beat her up, pointing out how ridiculous it would be to flip it on her. Depp’s team brings up the fact that she is currently in the courtroom for this reason, and she replies that he has sued her and other corporations for this in the past (06:53:00). She continuously insists that he was the abuser and she found it preposterous that he would claim it as the other way around, especially as she “continues to be abused online” (06:53:40 06:54:10). >Depp’s team very aggressively grills Heard for not seeking medical attention for a March 2013 incident where Depp hit her while wearing rings. They want to make it very clear that he was wearing rings when he hit her. She says she did not need medical attention (06:58:00). Depp’s team pulls a photo of Heard and Depp at a Lone Ranger press event where Heard does not have any visible facial injuries, they do not specify the date the photos took place. (07:02:00)>Depp’s team asks Heard about the injuries she sustained from Depp hitting her after the MET Gala in May 2014. She testified that her nose had been “swollen, discolored and red” and that she had a photo of it that she would’ve liked to submit to the case but it was “not up to her” leading to momentary silence from Depp’s team (07:03:00). They continue to grill Heard about the photos and medical evidence she had submitted, but she insists she turned in everything (07:04:05). They produce a photo of her from the night after the MET Gala where she appears to lack facial injury, her response is that “you should see what it looked like under the makeup” (07:04:30). She continues to insist that he did hit her and that she believed her nose was broken (07:06:00)>Depp’s team brings forward a photo from the Mordecai premier, where she is seen wearing a backless dress after an alleged incident where Depp kneeled on her back. There are no visible bruises in these photos, she does not contest this (07:14:10) >Depp’s team asks Heard about seeking medical attention for her rape, she appears very uncomfortable during this questioning (07:17:10). Her reasoning is that she did not want to tell anyone about the rape and that she did not need medical attention for the injuries on her face. >Depp’s team brings forward Heard’s testimony in a December 2015 incident where she claimed she “thought she had a concussion and most certainly a broken nose”, had pieces of her scalp missing and bruises on her face (07:21:00). Depp’s team shows photos from the day after when she appeared on the James Corden show with no visible injuries (07:26:00). She insists that she sustained the injuries but they were covered by makeup. They then show photos of her from the same day without makeup where she does appear to have the injuries she claimed (07:27:10). Depp’s team claims she gave the photos to People magazine for a headline, but she denies this (07:28:00). She says that the photos were given to her lawyers. >Depp’s team brings forward a medical document that would seek to prove that Heard was in good health in the later half of December 2015, however the record lists her as a “well nourished male”, deeming the document useless at proving anything (07:31:00).>Depp’s team questions Heard on failing to seek medical attention for her broken nose - however, she claims she saw an ENT who told her she had sustained multiple fractures (07:31:35). She continues to insist that she did seek medical attention for her broken nose and brought the evidence to court (07:32:20). >Heard confirms that she never required any dental work for her injuries sustained from Depp (07:34:20) >Depp’s team brings forward photos of Depp passed out in various positions which were taken by Heard (07:35:10 07:35:52 07:36:11 07:37:10). She says she took these photos so she could prove to Depp that he did this as he often wouldn’t know the result of his drug use since his security would put him to bed - her goal was to get him help. Depp’s team shows texts between Heard and Raquel where she says “this is what I have to deal with” (07:43:00). Depp’s team seems to get tongue-tied while questioning Heard about this, insisting that it is proof that she doesn't fear “The Monster” (07:43:20).>Depp and his team are seen laughing at what appears to be the evidence screen when his team is referring to an article written about the divorce settlement (07:55:50). >Depp’s team attempts to accuse Heard of stopping Depp from paying the charities the money from their divorce settlement (07:53:20), she says she gave him a choice between paying the adjusted amount directly to charity or paying it to her in installments and he chose the latter. She wanted to make sure he would pay the amount in full and not simply take a tax break (07:54:10). Depp’s team attempts to accuse her of claiming that she had donated her settlement when she hadn’t, but she insists that she claimed she pledged the settlement and that the terms are used interchangeably (08:14:10). Depp’s team is hung-up on the fact that the amount wasn’t yet fully paid, and Heard insists that it will be paid in installments and was pledged as such from the beginning, she had had to halt payments due to being sued (08:18:00). No. 1184951
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the effect this case and the harassment is having on abused women is extremely grim.
No. 1184954
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picrel: the kind of moids who visit this thread to argue
No. 1184965
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>>1184956Anyways, I’ll post more after today if another nona doesn’t summarize it.
No. 1184974
>>1184964No it wasn’t, even the first one is wrong
> on tape saying that a jury would never believe him if he claimed he was a DV victim. She clarified she was satirizing the fact that he was taking her domestic violence claims and turning it on her, the clip was taken out of context.
No. 1184984
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I have no dog in this fight, but amber pls fix your hair
No. 1184998
>>1184990LMFAO anon
>>1184984I thought her hair looked cute but I saw a lot of comments pointing it out in particular and now I’m questioning my taste…
No. 1185005
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>>1184984her hair looks cute, she just needs to put the piece behind her ear. i love her suit though.
No. 1185007
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No. 1185024
>>1184951On the contrary it fuels my anger and I will continue to inform and educate people on abuse.
Did Debt fans find their way to lolcow? So many wk’ing lately. Can’t they just let a small corner of the internet have their cognitive abilities to themselves?
No. 1185026
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Just noticed there's a picture of Amber when you look up the definition of woman on Wiktionary.
No. 1185030
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>>1185017listening to camille vasquez drone on like a 16 yo mean girl with absolutist, retarded accustations with bad attempts at gotchas but you see amber as the mean girl? delusional
No. 1185034
>>1185023>>1185028tbh i find it pathetic that she's 37 and acts like this. she's older than amber and acts and speaks like a fucking child. developmentally arrested, you can tell she's not a mature person. which explains why she has no ethics and is caping for a man who is transparently
No. 1185037
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wtf I wish I wrote cursive like this
No. 1185062
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depp's fans again. i will never get over their willingness to cape for someone who hates unconventional looking women with such sincere vitriol
No. 1185070
>>1185056Have a sense of humor you rigid old bitch
>>1185036I’m #teamamber all the way but I think it was a deliberate way of trying to make her appear less aggressive, seeing as she was already being painted as some manipulative evil calculated succubus.
No. 1185075
>>1184802 where Debters admit to spending up to 30k just so they secure their position next to him yet none of them even showered or dressed up when they came there. This is so weird, usually misogynistic women overperform femininity when competing with other women like tradthots do but these women look like hobos.
No. 1185124
>>1185119This trial is fascinating to me because we're all watching the same livestream and seeing different things.
Like I'm watching this cross-x and my thoughts are "wow, camille's got nothing and she looks foolish up there. Good on Amber for staying calm and collected"
Meanwhile people are simping for her and going "YASSSS CAMILLE QUEEN SLAY AMBER IS SEETHING THE NARC IS ON DISPLAY" it's so perplexing
No. 1185130
>>1185126Guess we don't have the same definition of snapping. She hasn't even raised her voice. I think she's dealing very well with the questions she's getting, considering some of the questions are actually retarded. (You love taking pictures of Johnny sleeping? lmao wtf was that)
Also I'm actually doing my very best to avoid cognitive bias. I believed the popular narrative pushed by Debt until I did my own research on the uk trial and watched the live streams instead of clips or compilations.
No. 1185152
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#amberhearddeservesprison is trending. they're so fucking pathetic
No. 1185158
>>1185146This court case is literally the only threads i have participated in within /ot, you sage for non-milk/spergy comments elsewhere like /snow and /pt. But cheers for the correction i guess.
>>1185150Other farms have had very decent threads on imminent current news along with documenting reality, and must admit i've enjoyed threads on onionboy, the ham planets, and shit around byuu faking his own death. Probably why i lean towards evidence over feelings. But this is all very OT to the thread. Doesn't mean i align with everything the things the chaps come out with, just there for the info and the keks.
>>1185156Agreed & I find it funny how nothing is Ambers fault, everything is always everyone elses fault. And if it was her fault, then it was because of someone else. It's gold.
No. 1185165
>>1185153Part of it is that if you're supporting someone in recovery normally you don't purposefully
trigger them by encouraging drug or alcohol use, you don't drink or do drugs around them. I know my spouse would never drink around me, nor would he put me in a situation where someone drinks around me or offers drinks, she just didn't care imo.
>>1185159Where exactly? I'm very pro evidence. I've even been called autistic here for some god-awful reason for doing so.
No. 1185171
>>1185165ntayrt but yeah you aren't supporting someones recovery if you are getting intoxicated around them, I don't think she wanted to change her lifestyle or look at her own
problematic substance use.
No. 1185190
>>1185188Yeah this is very typical BPD meltdown over perceived rejection/abandonment.
I would be so mortified having this shit played for a court room
No. 1185200
>>1185195No you misunderstand, the reason she gets so emotional and upset is because she's' terrified of rejection and abandonment.
Not saying she's never been rejected or abandoned
No. 1185201
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the picture on the left has clearly been edited by upping the saturation. it's honestly ridiculous that she's claiming the photo has never been touched, especially considering how so many people in this day and age can easily tell the fact that it has. no lighting can make it like how it is on the left. before you come in making excuses for it or whatever just think for a moment that even if amber is telling the truth what is the point of lying about something like this? it ruins her credibility needlessly
No. 1185220
>>1185209Didn't realise her psychiatrist frequented lolcow.
I know loads of bpd people and she reminds me of them/myself, I thought she had bpd before this trial started.
I've been educated in it a lot too and she just seems super cluster B to me, I'm just stating my opinion.
No. 1185222
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>>1185217yes it absolutely can. please stop talking shit. you literally have no clue what you're talking about.
No. 1185226
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>>1185222YOU don't know what you're talking about. given how orange her picture is, you would need something a lot more vibrant to achieve that tone, especially considering she took the picture with an iphone which typically desaturates pictures even more.
No. 1185235
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>>1185201There's been other photos that have been edited too.
No. 1185240
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>>1185226no. and you're assuming it necessarily desaturates the picture when literally you can take one photo in the same lighting and auto white balance be totally between two photos despite being in the same lighting.
No. 1185258
>>1185242Other experts agree with Dr curry though
You are just basically saying well this expert agrees with me so they must be right.
Do you even have any education or expertise in the field of psychiatry or psychology?
None of us are part of her mental health team, some experts/people think she has BPD some don't but the only opinions that actually matter are people who actually have to diagnose and treat her as part of their job.
No. 1185265
>>1185258i don't trust that the one that spent 5 hours at johnny's house drinking wine with him would be the trustworthy one, kek. are you serious? imagine if custody cases were like this, with any kind of doctor or medical professional who spent 5 hours alone at their home with the powerful,
abusive fathers or mothers to give honest testimony about the other parent. that's insane.
No. 1185268
>>1185260Therapists do not diagnose people though and will be somewhat bias (sometimes people with bpd are really good at manipulating healthcare professionals). So their opinions must be taken with a pinch of salt.
>>1185261It wasn't Dr curry who convinced me she had bpd, like I said I thought she had bpd before the trial, not saying anything about him specifically just pointing out different expert have different opinions, not defending Dr curry here.
No. 1185353
>>1185331she's laying the foundation that dep supporters are the type of bitches to call all attractive female abuse
victims liar because they're seething they can't get a look in with the type of men they idolise.
No. 1185362
>>1185346You know there's not like a flowchart for diagnosing personality disorders, it's more nuanced than that, different doctors evaluate it in different ways, yes there are guidelines for diagnosis within the DSM but different doctors can still approach diagnosis in different ways.
Also you are saying because she wasn't tested for bpd correctly that means she doesn't have it?
Surely it would actually mean results are inconclusive and you would need to get another independent expert to evaluate her.
Dr curry isn't why I think she has bpd anyway.
No. 1185365
>>1185331I’m not a radfem but yeah
>putting down other women and calling them uglyOh noooo not on heckin wholesome lolcow dot farm!
No. 1185372
>>1185361Typically people do not want to be diagnosed with personality disorder, many people are in denial about their mental health.
Just because she doesn't have an official diagnosis doesn't mean she doesn't have it, it can simply mean she doesn't want to get diagnosed with a severe mental health problem and so hasn't pursued being evaluated and treated for it.
I'm sure being diagnosed with BPD could impact her getting jobs etc. so she has good reason to not want to delve too deep into her mental health struggles (unless she's forced by legal proceedings)
No. 1185377
>>1184466>plenty of people don't seek treatment after broken nosesOkay sure, but do people who have already spent thousands on a nose job and who literally make their living with their face/image not seek ANY treatment for a broken nose? If you look up Lorry Hill's video on her she explains the evidence for her having a nose job, and I'm not putting her down for that, it's incredibly common in entertainment.
Everyone knows that most young actresses like her trade on their looks, it's just how the world works. I find it impossible to believe that there's no evidence of any medical attention whatsoever at any point after the incidents where she "felt like her nose was broken". Nor has she expressed feeling any worry over how her looks would be affected by all this horrific abuse (iirc), and who could blame her for that when it's a huge part of her livelihood?
No. 1185385
>>1185379Therapists do not diagnose, going to therapy doesn't mean you have seen a psychiatrist or have been evaluated for any mental health problems.
BPD involves intense therapy to treat not just like going to rant about your fucked up relationship for an hour a week.
No. 1185396
>>1185392It would be illegal though if she was found to be lying about her medical conditions, you are meant to disclose it.
I mean if I was an actress I would be worried about a diagnosis like that getting out to my employers/the press so there's many reasons why she may have avoided addressing her mental health issues.
No. 1185404
Or not illegal but like breach of contract? I'm not sure what the civil term would be but he could lose work if she was discovered to by lying.
No. 1185409
>>1185396She hasn't avoided addressing her mental health issues tho. She's in therapy she's been assessed she's provided her records. It's complete speculation that she foresaw herself getting sued and her medical records would be requested and she would had to retrospectively redact it all.
Focus on Depp's addictions and his fucking struggles that make him irrate and aggressive. Do you really believe AH has spent her relationship with Depp just riling him up for fun? That she's always been after his money when they've both testified to extravagant lovebombing he did to her at the start and the gifts he gave her and her family many of which she reused due to the value
No. 1185420
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No. 1185421
>>1185415They tried to. Depp's team argued that the psych eval was justified because Heard alleged that her relationship with jd gave her ptsd. Debt just did not mention his mental health so it was deemed unnecessary.
I do wish they had been able to put Debt through a psych eval tho. Would be very interested to know just how fucked up he is.
No. 1185426
>>1185406So you think there is a flowchart then? You think different doctors will always agree on what diagnosis a patient does or doesn't have?
Medicine is often described as more of an art than a science, this is particularly true of psychiatry
>>1185409I just think she has bpd and she obviously hasn't done much about it as she is still very symptomatic and clearly has some substance abuse issues (common in bpd).
I don't think she would have got married to him if she didn't have bpd or if she was being treated for it, I don't think she would have stayed with him so long either or put up with so much
toxic shit from him.
No. 1185444
>>1185433I obviously was being sarcastic about the flowchart.
You aren't meant to diagnose any personality disorders whilst someone is in crisis but sometimes you have to evaluate someone whilst they are in a
toxic relationship or whatever because they are going to continue being in that situation for years so you need to make an imperfect diagnosis or give treatment even when you aren't 100% sure that's what they have.
No. 1185451
>>1185361>Ah provided all her medical records and she hasn't been diagnosed in any official papers by any therapist/psychiatrist she's actually went too that would have had a correct time frame to assess her.Didn't the one who assessed Johnny and her spend 13 months or whatever doing it? It only takes a few months of testing in general to come to a conclusion. You only need like 2 testings to even get an ADHD diagnosis. She's not provided a single medical paper indicating anyone saw injuries aside from a 'headache' the night she 'broke her nose' and Kipper signed off on only a headache and nothing else due to 'hitting her head the night before'
So excited about the videos being shown though, naked with James Franco in the elevator and all! lol She looked so scared on the stand. Infidelity is against the law and it would make her payments outside of the divorce null?
No. 1185469
>>1185454It's actually about whether calling herself a domestic violence
victim is implying that jd was her abuser in the relationship and whether she is being honest about being a
victim of domestic abuse in their relationship
No. 1185472
>>1185469Debt is suing her for damages because he's saying it was defamatory for her to claims she was a
victim of domestic violence. He also tried to sue The Sun or The Daily Mail for publishing their own stories regarding it and lost.
No. 1185503
>>1185500RIGHT?? i feel like i'm going crazy that no one gives a fuck that she spent hours wining and dining with this dude
at his house. it's insanity. imagine if that was the standard for all cases.
No. 1185511
>>1185503Dr curry wasn't supposed to be truly independent though were they? Like they were someone jd personally chose?
It's not like a criminal trial where either both sides would have an independent psychiatrist evaluate someone or where there is a court appointed psychiatrist to evaluate someone
No. 1185513
>>1185511No matter who she was hired by, in theory she is supposed to remain neutral and come to her own conclusions. Having dinner and drinks at his house threatens that neutrality. He is not the one hiring her, his attorneys are. There wasn't even a need for him to meet her, it's not a normal procedure.
Even if she remained totally unbiased, it just looks really bad so why even do it?
No. 1185569
>>1185558No they're not, it's just Depp's team are thorough on withholding evidence or throwing out new pieces the other team haven't gotten a proper look over. They've done well. They've got. It on the transcript that if Amber's such a gold digger why didn't she take the entitled 35 million instead of 7.
Depps lawyer was again flustered and she made sure to go in for the hug with Depp at recess after her making an ass of herself at the end "unintelligible idk what it means doi" overruled!
No. 1185578
>>1185558They are really bad, I watch emily d bakers streams and she constantly points out mistakes her lawyers are making.
Did elon recommend her legal team or something
>>1185559They are trying to make her look unreliable/untruthful so that jurors think yeah there's a chance she did just lie about being a domestic abuse
victim in the article to defame jd.
>>1185569To be fair that lawyer keeps not using her mic properly (doesn't fucking unmute herself to object half the time).
No. 1185599
>>1185594Probably because they know he's not a bad guy, it's okay to have a good relationship with your client. And all it is is allegations at the end of the day. As bad as it is, it's still her word against his, and theres more evidence of her being verbally and emotionally
abusive to him.
No. 1185613
>>1185603Rottenborne was so fucking bad at questioning jd though like I was getting annoyed at him asking the same questions over and over.
Between rottenboy asking the same question 12 times 12 different ways and jd taking 30 minutes to answer a simple questions, I had to speed it up, I couldn't watch it in real time.
No. 1185642
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>>1185640meanwhile this is what you look like
No. 1185712
>>1185679Do you think that because she admitted to hitting him in the recording that they will be able to argue she was being defamatory because she wasn't a
victim she was a perpetrator trying to make it look like she was the
victim in the relationship?
Like they could twist it and be like how can this woman claim to be a domestic abuse
victim when she admits to hitting her husband?
No. 1185735
>>1185717But so far in the trial there's no hard evidence of him hitting her but there is hard evidence of her admitting to hitting him.
So what if they don't have any recording of him hitting her/admitting to hitting her, no witnesses that admit to seeing it, no medical records documenting injuries from being abused etc.
No. 1185749
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No. 1185766
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>the smell of bourbon, slight piss, cocaine and BO fill up the courtroom
No. 1185769
>>1185765there's no reason to want to kill amber. enough with trying to act like they're both equally culpable. there's 10000x more evidence that he acts in bad faith and that he's
abusive. there's virtually nothing to suggest she is nasty or hateful or vengeful towards him while there's plenty to show that he is towards her.
No. 1185775
>>1185769I mean I thought some of the things she said to him were pretty fucking nasty maybe even verging on hateful and there's lots of recording of it
How can you not think she's not been nasty to him?
Not saying he hasn't been a cunt to her but come on, there's loads of evidence of her verbally berating him
No. 1185826
>>1185814this is retarded and untrue. literally in the UK apellate ruling they already noted that she did not lie. that specifically "donated" is not the same as "paid".
>>1184911 so good luck with that.
lmao, worst legal experts of all time that haven't even referred to the rulings kek. pathetic. these outlet "experts" and lawtubers are really the bottom of the barrel in their field.
No. 1185833
>>1185819nayrt but
>lied about having a broken nose then rolled it back to it "feeling" broken>lied about being her back being injured (her back was completely uninjured in photos a day later)>lied about being dragged through glass (wore tall heels a day later with no injuries)>lied about donation money>claims she's been to makeup courses, describes makeup application for covering bruising completely wrong (but surprise surprise that is how you apply fake bruising)>contradicts herself about whether she was scared of depp or not, bought him a knife but had no fear of being stabbedCan't say for sure about the bottle rape but it seems like bullshit too given she said she didn't need medical attention afterwards.
No. 1185838
>>1185833Nose : she said in the moment she thought her nose was broken, not that it was for sure broken, so not a lie imo.
Her back : you can out make-up on someone's back and hide bruises. Not a proof that she lied.
Dragged through glass : Human beings are surprisingly resilient, people go through their day every day in spite of pain and injuries. Not proof she lied.
Donation money : Large donations are paid by increment. She wasn't able to continue because she had to pay for lawyers. The charities understand so idk why everyone is making such a big deal out of this to be frank.
Can't say about the makeup, would like a source or a more detailed explanation tho
Scared of Depp or not : the knife thing is reaching, when she gave it to him she didn't think he would use it against her. She said she wasn't scared of OPIUM Johnny because when he was on opiates he wouldn't be violent. It's booze and coke that made him violent. So no, she wasn't scared of Opium Johnny. Different drugs affect people differently. Opium makes you chill and sleepy.
No. 1185845
>>1184698Because they are sociopaths just like she is and can't fathom anyone would "support" anyone if it were not for the looks/getting sex.
Just look at them resorting to "he will never fuck you" if you dare to point out Amber is looking pretty damn bad right now, kek.
It's a weird smoothbrain cope.
No. 1185846
nonnie i'm so sorry that he'll never fuck you
No. 1185883
>>1185859Thats not a lie the charity wanted her to pay in installments and she did pay half already and she has 4 years time for the rest
she couldve gotten 30 million out of him but she only took 7 million
No. 1185960
>>1185958Samefag, I should clarify I'm talking about the delulus who are at the court every day.
I'm happy that those poor alpacas are no longer being subjected to this shitshow.
I tried to attach the PDF of the statement but it wouldn't load.
No. 1185963
>>1185935Cringe indeed, JD was in his 50s.
He doesn't seem to mix with people of his own age who are not on his payroll, even Manson is a few years younger than him, and similarly retarded so he doesn't really count.
He was hanging out with Amber's friends when they were together and they are all around her age.