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No. 1110178
Unleash your inner stupid
>>>/ot/1097102 No. 1110442
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No. 1110469
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No. 1110471
>>1110456I read that all slow traffic imageboards are getting targeted, I mean, maybe 4chan is also in the list, but they surely have either a bunch of admins deleting that shit quickly or some code or something
i know nothing about these sort of things that just deletes the shit automatically.
No. 1110492
>>1110478I think it depends, my grandma only managed to go to school and she noticed the importance of learning and having a degree because her sisters that didn’t go to school had to depend on some moid that would treat them like shit. So at least she didn’t want my aunt and mom to have that fate.
Also the mom of my brother’s ex pushed her a lot to go to university because she’s illiterate and had to depend on her scrote husband who would cheat on her, but it was either going back to her
abusive home or dealing with a shitty scrote with who she already had a kid with. She also comes from a town where girls even nowadays are shamed for wearing tank tops and shorts, so it’s kind of not easy to get over that uprising.
And depending on the country or even the city or just the family, some people are expected to either graduate from a young age and never study again or get a job.
I’m honestly surprised by the bunch of people that I’ve talked to that consider themselves “too old” to study, which also leads me to think that those people just had bad experiences at school and didn’t want to repeat them at a higher level of education.
I honestly think that not everyone is fit to go to college, just like how not everyone is fit to do jobs that don’t require a traditional education with guides and notebooks.
No. 1110514
>>1110495Does hymen hurt when it gets torn? I'm a virgin and heard people say it hurts so it's better to do it on your own rather than trust a scrote while some say it doesn't hurt at all?
>>1110507Could be true but in that case, wouldn't it also survive sex? Childbirth is much more invasive
No. 1110550
>>1110493Having ur hymen tear doesn't determine if ur a virgin or not. Some ppl tear theirs just doing physical activity and some ppl aren't born with one.
>>1110514Not necessarily. That depends on things like the thickness of the hymen and how much it actually covers. In fact sexual activity does not always guarantee any significant changes in a woman's hymen. So the tearing of the hymen is not a good way to measure a woman's virginity No. 1110562
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>>1110558I dunno, but the sugar cube trope is in every horse related media I’ve ever seen so I like to believe so. Also this game still holds up!
No. 1110568
>>1110529i'm an ex-fujo ex-lesbian and for me it was
-read lots of BL
-wow i want a relationship like that
-oh irl straight relationships aren't like that
-move on to R18 BL
-wow i want fulfilling sex like that
-oh irl straight sex isn't like that
-can't imagine yourself in relationship with a man because irl men are unromantic, bad in bed and overall unpleasant
-can't enjoy straight fictional romance because you only ever heard how terrible men are and that sex with men is mostly unfulfilling for the woman
-also body issues, probably
-continue to consoom BL
-rinse and repeat
-bond very deeply with other fujoshis to the point of falling in love with them because you're besties and so close to each other
-optional: probably also roleplay your ship with another fujoshi, project the ship on your non-roleplay relationship, have an e-dating relationship
-conclude that you're a lesbian
and there you have it.
No. 1110573
>>1110535that's a bisexual woman who hates men and hates that she is attracted to men, possible because of self esteem issues, possibly because she thinks being attracted to men is womanly and she hates women but thinks she's radfem. I am a lesbian and not attracted to the male form in any type of way, even when I tried to be attracted to the male form because I felt so defective, it didn't happen. When I find spaces with lesbians, women like me, I feel like I'm no longer the weird one, but I'm understood- and then these clowns come along- talking about how it's totes normal to like men, loving their bodies, because they're 2d, and that you can't objectify/be visually attracted to a women, because what are you? a scrote? you like lesbian romance anime? ok scrote. yeah. so if you're one of those 'lesbians' in spaces for girls like us, taking away from the one place we have to feel normal, please gtfo. you sound like a polilez.
and by the way, bisexual women who love themselves and don't pretend for others or themselves, im glad you exist. being bisexual is fine, if people try to take the piss about it that's their choice, you know who you are better than they do. you don't need to be lesbian or straight. it's not nerf or nothing. live on your own terms queen.
>>1110568honestly thank you for your perspective, i definitely think a lot of males are usually unattractive and don't know how to treat a woman, so i can understand how a lot of women could conclude that they don't like men. i did imagine it was also about body issues too, like women not feeling attractive enough.
No. 1110581
>>1110574The thing is that you think it isn't heterosexual because made by women=for lesbians
that's not how it works though. plenty of romance stuff written by women is enjoyed by androphilic/straight women. you 'lesbians' are so obsessed with men, whether something is scrotey or made by a man or not. i just think that i want to see women because ooga booga
so yeah i'm 'scrotey' i like women, i like women's thighs and hips and i want to see them with each other. sorry it's not sanitary, hand holding, politically correct and palatable lesbianism. maybe it makes girls like you uncomfortable, and if so you should stay out of lesbian spaces and accept yourself as a bisexual.
No. 1110604
>>1110596Female friendships are better than romantic relationships with males so I don't think you're missing out much. I'm sorry if I came off rude.
>>1110581I like yuri manga and I've gotten accused of being a pedo, even though I only used to read it when I was a teen and only read stuff about adults, murderer and a perverted moid. I don't understand why some women want to brand women's attraction to women as perversion and think of lesbians as rapists while your average straight man is far more degenerate and dangerous.
No. 1110620
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Are lumbar support pillows worth it? Do nonnies have any recommendations? I use a rolled up blanket at work but it borders between being too thick/excessively curving my lower back forward or just too thin where I feel like it isn't making much of a difference.
No. 1110632
>>1110529you aint a lesbian if male on male turns you on, lol.
The label you pick should describe who you are, if two dicks turn you on, there is no way you aren’t attracted to dick. Words have meanings, you can’t just pick any label for yourself if it doesn’t describe you. Word bisexual literally exists.
No. 1110663
>>1110529I have a friend just like this and I share sexy pics of my husbandos with her (I'm bi) and she like reacts like she's horny to it. This is not lesbian behavior but I think she's uncomfortable with her own sexuality and scared of men irl so she can't own the bisexual label herself. It's fucking weird though and there are so many lesbian fujos on this site and they get so pissed when you question why a lesbian would enjoy looking at two males fucking each other like that's an absurd thing to question.
On the contrary I don't think there's anything wrong or suspicious with a lesbian liking a BL story for the story, characters, and romance (straight people can enjoy gay stories and characters too without it being sexual) once they start looking at porn and reading erotica and having husbandos I get lost.
No. 1110676
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Do ppl make up disorders purely for attention or is there something more psychological to it?
No. 1110722
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violently retarded train of thought in-coming
if I sell pictures of my feet and used socks, that's sexploitation
but let's say I have an auto-foot fetish and enjoy seeing my feet in different socks and taking pictures of them
then I start selling pictures/used goods; would I still be being exploited, or would that make me the exploiter?
what are the ethics of foot-porn, specifically
No. 1110726
>>1110514>Does hymen hurt when it gets torn?It's a completely individual thing. I had friends who said they didn't feel a thing, for me it was pretty painful (although mine was super thick)
>Could be true but in that case, wouldn't it also survive sex?I would imagine so
No. 1110737
>>1110734to be fair to me, it was the 1199th post and no one replied
I know you're going to say no one replied because it was stupid, but that's literally what this thread is for
No. 1110945
>>1110928I don’t worry too much about it, like so what? I’m still trying to do something good in my life, studies shouldn’t be a race to see who graduates quicker than others, such competitive behavior is what has made getting a job such a pain in the ass but also what has made having a job a pain in the ass.
Just because someone graduates quickly doesn’t mean they’re a good professional person.
If you’ve been doing other stuff, like learning a skill, a new language or something else that is interesting, then there’s nothing to be ashamed of.
You can go back to school whenever you want, there’s no age to learn, and you can also just find something that makes you happy or that at least makes you feel like you’re doing something productive, specially if such thing will give you an income.
No. 1111079
>>1111075KEK I love the malice in the tone of this post, if I'm imagining it sorry but it made me laugh ty anon.
>>1111074It's because men have weird animal brains so most of them are pretty cool looking at their bro's dicks and are cool with watching porn/looking at strippers together because muh pack instincts or whatever they say. Objectively it's pretty gay but men typically don't have the brains to see it how it is.
No. 1111085
>>1111074I think it works like this -
Touching dick, balls or asshole is gay. Seeing dick, balls and asshole is not gay.
No. 1111391
>>1111387My what? You mean my cat
I'm not sure he thinks, at all
No. 1111786
>>1110928My mum called me a failure around the time I dropped out so it all hit pretty hard.
And honestly, that shame will diminish with time. As you get into your 20s you start to meet people of all ages who are at wildly different stages of their life. Everyone is on their own path, and I honestly think the pressure to have everything planned out and making such weighty decisions at 18 is ridiculous. I guess just allow time to do its thing.
No. 1111900
>>1111895I think
>>1111898 has a point but porn only made it more common. Porn addicted moids consume more and more extreme and violent porn and end up getting turned on by very weird stuff or memeing themselves into becoming literal pedos.
No. 1111958
>>1111938People are too retarded to make everything automated,
nonnie, that would only become a possibility, maybe, after all the people that are over 50 years old right now, dies of old age.
But if for some reason that were to happen tomorrow, I guess there’s going to be a bunch of people studying to be able to adapt to such things. For the degreeless people, I’m guessing that will just have to find other jobs that won’t require a degree, or they will be pushed to study something that lets them work at an entry level kind of job.
No. 1111971
>>1111957Oh, well then what
>>1111958 said. You can see how well automation works out in real life situations (from customer service, to super markets, to essentialz like bank services etc), it's a fucking mess. Something always breaks, becomes useless and fucks everything up, you actually reminded me how much I hate it. You as a human will still be better at teaching english to other humans than a fucking bot.
No. 1111980
>>1111957If the worry is about finding a job teaching, the pandemic has shown to me that online classes are impossible, they would be amazing if all parents were decent, but most of them don’t give a fuck about what the kids do at school, so while you can parrot everything you’re given to teach, the kids don’t really learn because they need the physical support and someone with patience to help them out understand shit.
They also don’t learn about how to act like humans around other humans, so once they go out, they are unable to interact normally with kids of their age, they’re like eternal toddlers that will throw punches, kicks, will grab stuff that isn’t theirs and so on.
When it comes to edition and translations, you need the human eye because computers are too stiff, they don’t understand the nuances of languages and will write and translate everything literally, it’s corny but they lack the soul and personality of a human, which yeah, can be funny, but only after it has interacted with enough humans to crack the same jokes over and over again.
No. 1112082
>>1112040Every image in the entire catalog has to load which takes up internet space or something. LC can fix that by upgrading the site but we poor.
Tip: open all the threads you want from the catalog in a new tab, then close the catalog and all the other tabs will finish loading immediately
No. 1112270
When is a skirt too short? I like to wear short skirts, they often end at my fingertips, and I wear tights and shorts under them so I'm not afraid of someone seeing my underwear but I'm afraid people will think I'm dressed inappropriately. On the internet of course it's normal to see women wearing short skirts, but in real life it's different. I wear them everywhere, going to the store, going for a walk, going to college; should I stop wearing them to school?
>>1112254Yeah, maybe she discovers a murder took place at the house a la miss marple
No. 1112279
>>1112270just wear pants lol
like whats the point of
wearin tights under
a skirt its like wearin
pants under a skirt u
might as well wear pants
No. 1112290
>>1112272>>1112270>>1112258I promise nonnas, i will write this.
All great ideas!!! I love this place.
I promise ill post it here (or direct you to where its posted? Is there a thread? Ill lool into this)
No. 1112565
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>>1112562I don't get this, not because I don't know who Peterson is (I do) but I don't get how this would make me an in-law, as he is not married to our family and he is also not related to us, making him if anything the in-law. Unless I'm mistaken.
No. 1112569
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How does everyone else feel about the trope where a little girl changes a grown man’s heart? I was thinking about it because I started watching The Ghost and Molly McGee, and while he’s a ghost it still reminded me of feelings I had while watching wreck it Ralph. I feel conflicted.
On one hand, it’s nice to see portrayals where men can have friendships with female characters that aren’t creepy, and a little cute for an innocent/appropriate friendship between a kid and adult. But on the other hand I know what scrotes are like in real life, and it’s either your dad or a pervert (or both). Plus it’s always a girl and man, never the other way, and it sort of plays into the idea that women can save men and make them good. I also wonder if it makes little girls more trusting of pedos.
No. 1112581
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>>1112578True… that's so fucked up. I never even trusted my own uncles because again, ugly.
No. 1112601
>>1112569I see what you mean and I also can't imagine the trope being played the other way around, but for what its worth I remember watching wreck it ralph when it released (cant believe it was almost a decade ago now) and i was probably the target age at that time. It never seemed to me that it was meant to portray a realistic friendship between a child and adult because they're immortal video game characters lol, and whilst I understood that ralph was an adult man I didn't exactly perceive him as one because he doesnt really act like his age. Vanellope doesnt act much like a child either, more like a disney slapstick girlboss. They act like cartoons and that's how I saw them.
Basically the film was removed enough from reality as to not seem like a blueprint for what a real life friendship should look like, at least to my prepubescent brain. Maybe it would be different if I was younger at the time. I think it would be much creepier if the film was live action or in a more realistic setting though, but (thankfully) I can't think of an example.
Okay this is only slightly related but the closest thing that came to mind using a similar trope was the children's book/film Goodnight Mister Tom, and holy shit in retrospect it is so horrifying! Now I remember my supressed childhood (age 9 or 10) memories of having to study it in school and sobbing because of the little boy being beaten and chained up with his baby sister who then dies!!? How were my teachers ever allowed to expose us to that. Does anybody else remember studying it at such a young age? Maybe its a UK thing.
>>1112581Despite all the discussion of men and why you wouldnt trust them i would trust snufkin wholeheartedly in any situation
No. 1112610
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>>1112607When did I ever say Snufkin was my uncles
No. 1112611
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When u get accused of making a post when u didnt… it wasnt me i just made a typo in my excitement/caffeine rush
No. 1112875
>>1112813I have a wide ribcage so it sadly does look like I have AGP mantitties kek
>>1112843Sounds like another good reason to take them. LC teaches me so much lately
No. 1113045
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Which image do you like better, I can't decide which one to draw on my shirt because 1) the portal design is way easier to draw 2) kmfdm has a woman slapping a guy though which is based 3) I like portal a bit more and this is my favorite portal album 4)kmfdm better than the best megalomaniacal and harder than the rest
No. 1113052
>>1111901AYRT, and that's something I've thought as well. I mean throughout people I know I'm considered a little "odd" but I'm charismatic enough to blend. From looking at things like fashion threads it seems there is a relative scope of women who browse here, but I only gravitated towards it because I'm familiar with image boards. More women in my life have been open to browsing 4chan than they are here, and i wonder if that's because of all the
terf discourse
(sorry for the buzzwords) No. 1113121
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BUMP because someone posted scat porn
No. 1113210
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>thank u for bumping nonnas
Heres my shirt for the day
No. 1113214
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>>1113120I fucking love this song
These threads fulfill all my wishes
One big room
Full of bad bitches
No. 1113222
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Looking for a good movie to watch tonight. I am pretty tired tonight.
the movies I liked were
> Gone Girl, Knives Out, Her
I am not into action stuff unless it's something actually interesting or 'shits and giggles' like the first Kingsman. I want to gush over actors and plot or genre doesn't matter. I just need a good movie, nonnies… I have not watched a big chunk of the movies that are considered classic, so dw
No. 1113373
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BPD nonnie triggered oof my bf yikes pakistan
sorry guys i really needed your attention as i need help quickly
How do I rent for the first time?
I finished high school in november (i am that whingy anon) and i really want to get out of town and this home. I worked long shifts on a farm and somewhere else, and have enough money saved up to pay rent for like three months. I am of age, and mature, but the landlady says she prefers people over 20, but maybe I can prove that I'm Not Like Other Zoomers so she will let me rent?
Will I be allowed to rent a spare room from an online tenant if I'm unemployed, but have enough money to cover three months? Which documents do I need? What even is a credit check? If it's from will it just be like transferring money, showing documents, and going 'aight'?
I really want to get away from this town, my mum's bf, the crime, the bad memories, and the rumours that got spread. Where I'm going I'm pretty sure a girl can enjoy the day and not be on defence, and no one will know me. And I have got such good advice here, like there are smart people on this retarded website, so I'm just asking for a little advice for a common tardette looking to escape tbh
No. 1113451
>>1113440It’s like clearing your throat, but kind of making some pressure, and then clicking the middle of your tongue and then passing some air through your throat which will make you sound like this weird toad/pig/dyingPug, it works, but you will need to drink lots of water afterwards.
There’s also doing this thing where you fill your mouth with like a bubble of air, and then you make the tongue kind of click/ kind of vibrate, and try to make the air go down your throat that way.
No. 1113492
>>1113443I do that too
nonny don't worry
No. 1113520
>>1113508I'm still confused how "dilate" got warped into "mald"
Was this pushed by trannies so people would stop saying it?
No. 1113656
>>1113620Less carbs, more fat and protein but this
>Getting dizzy and losing hearing temporarily when I stand up, tiredness, difficulty focusing, etc.sounds like low blood sugar or low blood pressure, so I would recommend getting it checked.
No. 1114048
>>1113995kek I didn’t hear that, I heard that he was mean to artists and suspicious/pedo-y MLP fanfic though. I haven’t looked into any of this yet I just now saw it
I had been watching his videos before I heard that stuff and he has a lot of really based takes. Stuff about actually good female characters, criticism of muh super deep and edgy shit, hates weebs, hates porny media and a lot of other stuff.
No. 1114062
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No. 1114079
>>1114048samefag I will say though that he does have some moid moments like saying ‘it’s like 2 things violently fucked’ so even still, I suppose i won’t be too surprised if it’s true. Just sucks that his
valid takes will be dismissed and anyone with them probably get compared
No. 1114432
>>1114427ok because i always see people saying your liver/kidney must be bad if you easily get drunk.
I rarely drink alchohol but sometimes when i do it only takes me one glass or small can to get drunk.
Is this bad?
No. 1114435
>>1114432No it makes perfect sense, the less alcohol you drink, the more it will have an affect on you when you do decide to drink. I wouldn't worry about it
No. 1114439
>>1114435thats a relief, thanks
No. 1114442
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Anyone elses tastebuds change when they're on birth control? I took bc before but didn't have this side effect.
Since I started again I slowly became more and more averse to red meat, now it just tastes like acidic shit. I tried all sorts, different ways of preparing and cooking but it doesn't make a difference. I was thinking of stopping it soon anyway because all the side effects really scare me. I didn't have covid and this freaks me out a bit.
No. 1114486
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I want to decorate my basic, transparent storage box. I can't be the only one, right… But I am not sure how to do that. I know people use washi-tapes, how about slapping big vinyl stickers?
No. 1114492
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>>1114486Vinyl stickers sounds cool, or even painting cute stuff on it with acrylic and then just spraying a sealer over it.
No. 1114517
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>>1114486I like to duct tape strips of iridescent plastic to the inside of my storage boxes like picrel, and put stickers on the outside!
No. 1114664
>>1114432>i always see people saying your liver/kidney must be bad if you easily get drunk.i have never heard that in my life wtf
alcohol intoxication depends mostly on body weight and if you're an alcoholic or not
No. 1114669
>>1114665nta just be honest. i have had severe panic attacks like that too and embarrassed myself freaking out. just be blunt about it, say something like "hey, i'm gonna be honest, i was in a really bad place with my mental health awhile back and i remember you helped me out a lot when i was feeling scared. thank you"
only a complete asshole would go "lol wow ur crazy" instead of feeling good that they helped someone.
No. 1114868
>>1114852>laser removal surgery (pros: permanent, quicker/cons: expensive asf)>Special skin cell turnover oil (pros: effective/cons: expensive, you need to be dedicated)>cloth wash/exfoliation + bio oil (pros: cheaper, more straightforward/cons: requires dedicated routine, may only fade scars depending on their depth)>henna (pros: can be cute, easy to apply/cons: you may be allergic, it might look odd)>semi permanent tattoo (pros: cheap, straightforward/cons: if your self harm site is large, it may look trashy)>silicone scar sheets (pros: proven to be effective as significantly fading, pricey but cheaper than surgery/cons: again a little pricey to buy enough)>wearing long flowy skirts/dreses/trousers (pros: easy, protects you from the sun, cute/cons: may not suit your style or lifestyle) No. 1114909
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>>1114868>>1114885>>1114893Thanks for the recs. I don't have a derm at the moment (lack of insurance reasons), but I'll look into trying to moisturize them and find scar healing stuff. I was eventually looking to get tattoos over a couple of my arm scars (similar to picrel), but I don't want to tattoo my legs
No. 1114910
>>1114882You bought a cable so you shouldn't have to install a driver as you only have to plug the screen in.
Is it difficult to scan a manga and change the text inside?
No. 1114941
>>1114538So it's been 547 taste bud changes for me, and not once did I hit the
like cheese switch, huh?
No. 1114972
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>>1114956I didn't even realize those were hearts lol. I thought anon was asking about body acne. Definitely don't get those OP, especially not in red. If you really want to get tattoos there, maybe something like a tiny flower over each spot (not sure how that would look) or something that wraps around the arm in a way that covers all the spots would be better.
No. 1115005
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>>1114995maybe you have a rectangle body shape nonners
No. 1115010
>>1115005Idk, I do have wide hips and ribs but my waist is tiny compared to them so I might be somewhere between a rectangle and hourglass, I guess? I definitely have curves at least, it’s one of the few things I like about my body
I’m a 5”10 giant too which doesn’t help either
No. 1115091
>>1115081if you have a wide frame then being ana-chan makes no difference because thats how your skeleton is shaped.
Only surgery and extreme body-building helps.
No. 1115145
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>>1115137Probably. Only if it's long though, at least past the knees but preferably as close to picrel as possible. Otherwise you will just look trashy.
No. 1115146
>>1115145i hate to disappoint you
nonnie but…. i have only got the trashy amazon maid cosplay thingy …. (in my defense its not mine, my friend gave it to me for this occassion)
No. 1115161
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>>1115146Nta, the issue is that when people wore black and white lacy maid dresses, they were real long. By the time maids were in knee-length dresses the uniform was totally different. That’s why those maid dresses only occupy the spectrum between lolita and trashy. You’re better off getting a tie-dye shirt and wearing it with bootleg jeans if you want a costume on the cheap.
No. 1115208
nonny just do it. Maid costumes are sexy anyway
No. 1115275
>>1115266If the charge isn't showing up my guess is that the transaction is taking a while, sometimes it takes a day or two for my bus tickets and shopping to show up as charges on my banking app. Hopefully it won't be a problem because you have the money in your account now. Amazon will probably rescind the order soon if they weren't able to charge you properly.
Is it a credit or debit card? Are you sure you don't have an overdraft on that bank account?
No. 1115302
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>>1115275It's a debit and nothing still hasn't shown up. I guess I will have to wait and see. Rip me.
>>1115298Just today! I was kind of internally screaming because I'm worried I'll get banned or something.
I'll be sure to update.
No. 1115304
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Does anyone know good $150-$200 max beginner friendly drawing tablets with a monitor, + a screen protector to go with it? I bought a Huion Q11K tab on amazon some weeks ago, it is the 2nd worst financial decision I have made this year. I am literally hunched over like a goblin looking back and forth at my tablet and PC screen straining my eyes by the second.
With that note pls recommend some good cushioned chairs as well
No. 1115391
>>1115304>>1115373I bought a $60 (plus international shipping) non-screen huion a couple months ago and it's already failing.
My first tablet was a Wacom bamboo fun and it lasted me 11 years, before the pen started failing.
Now I'm looking for a pen for my old Wacom. Huion tablets feel shitty and cheap so I was being extra careful with everything and it stopped working anyway.
No. 1115449
>>1115442I love their tacky body sprays
nonnyThey used to have a lot of animal print stuff that i would buy during the sale kek
No. 1115502
>>1115449It's a "cheap woman" smell tbh.
No. 1115537
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Would it be weird to take nudes of yourself for yourself only? Not even as a 'omg I'm so sexy' type of way, or to send to anybody, just to remember what your own body looked like. I kind of want photos of my body in it's current state rn, without tattoos or before working out just to see how far I have come along. Though I fear someone would find them and ask what they were for
No. 1115541
>>1115537I've done it before
Still think my body is hideous though
No. 1115576
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Do you heart songs on spotify OR do you just add the good songs to playlists? I do both and someone told me my 1300 liked songs list is too big kek
No. 1115613
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What cake should I make today?
No. 1115678
>>1115647I used to have a job where I mixed with alot of bpders and heard their stories (I worked in a psych facility but not in the psych field) There was a mix where some would tell you their big trauma stories and then others would scratch their heads over what their trauma could even be.
I admittedly don't know shit but I thought it was strange that they wouldn't identify your trauma with you before your diagnosis.. if it's a diagnosis cretred around trauma as the cause?
No. 1115765
>>1115737Same, I get there are women who for any reason would want to talk and vent about moids and their godless antics but damn, I really don't want to hear about those bastards everywhere I go, cause every conversation, argument or topic eventually divagates to men over and over and for what? I wish anons could live without letting those scumbags and their opinions ruin their minds, actions and every sense of identity they have, they're not worth it
>>1115756I shave because I practice swimming, but I don't give a damn if someone does it for other reasons, not my business
No. 1115787
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>>1115765>I wish anons could live without letting those scumbags and their opinions ruin their minds, actions and every sense of identity they have, they're not worth itYeah it's almost as if we live in a world where we're constantly surrounded and beat down by men but have no where to talk about it, that's so weird, that's so strange, how could anyone let that bother them??? so silly.
No. 1115795
>>1115787That's why I said "I wish", cause the reality of our situation is dark, I
wish women weren't so haunted by men physically and mentally, I wish they lived free of moids and their poisonous influence, I wish men didn't exist, seeing anons falling in mental breakdowns while talking about what happened to them is very sad
No. 1115798
>>1115681Bpd is ptsd-c. Bpd is a disorder made to shame abused women and make them feel crazy. Ive said the same shit in the thread in /w/ about that did weeb girl.
victims are diagnosed with ptsd because theyre seen as actual
victims whereas female
victims are diagnosed with bpd ans there have been cases where bpd women try to report rape or assaulted and its been dismissed because of their diagnosis. Look it up. Thats why i dont believe in it
No. 1115803
>>1115798BPD is also seen as a women disorder and theyre called emotional and hysterical. Its basically misogyny and i feel sorry for nonnies who have been diagnosed with BPD when its really just ptsd.
Ive heard so many stories of how scrotes in medicine treat their bpd female patients horribly and gaslight them on their abuse it makes me sick
No. 1115850
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No. 1115901
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is this appropriate for a wedding guest? help it's an evening wedding
No. 1115916
>>1115901what shoes? I think if it was white or cream it'd be a no obviously but this is fine.
(got a bigger pic though?) I'd wear it as the halter option with your hair down and it'll be perfect. I think the only rules at weddings are don't upstage the bride so if you look too amazing you might piss her off haha
No. 1115926
>>1115906this is a hard one nonita, I relate with your friend ngl. I wonder how her family has treated her and bought her up.
sounds a bit corny but maybe on her bday/some day she's feeling low, take her to her favourite places or make her her favourite meal and tell her how amazing she is. maybe even like an "intervention" with other friends (if she's quiet she might not have that many but quality verses quantity right?) and spoil her rotten with genuine compliments.
if she's good at something you aren't, maybe ask her to teach you and get some good one-on-one time that helps you both.
I worry if you're of the younger gen and all have tiktok and insta cause that shit is a self-esteem sapper. maybe probe if she talks down on herself, like why do you think that etc. and see where her sore spots are.
sorry if this isn't helpful advice, feeling for you both rn ngl. you're a good friend for even asking this question nonita, she's lucky to have you. and so are farmers for you being here.
sorry feeling gay and sappy ily guys sometimes
No. 1115950
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>>1115827I used to frequent 4chan as a teen and up until around 2016 I don't think 4chan was that hostile to women in a "ree roastie I'll rape you and stab you" way. In fact even /r9k/ during the tfw no gf era was not that horrible. Maybe it's nostalgia, but it really got atrocious in this period leading up to 2016.
Nowadays I completely grew out of it and don't visit it anymore, on the rare occasion I do I'm just as stunned as you are if I enter it.
I used to post in female inspo threads on /fa/ in 2012 pretty often, and the threads were good. I used to post on /a/ a lot but nowadays it's so coomerish I don't even want to peek into it. I frequented a few /vg/ gens and they were alright. I posted in /cgl/ and mostly lurked a lot before the drama ban. None of these places seem welcoming enough anymore, plus it seems like the average age of a 4chan user went way down but that's most likely me noticing the actual average user age after I grew up. I heard there's a /jp/ general that's mostly populated by women and that's the only place I know of where grown women actually post nowadays kek.
No. 1115954
>>1115926Well yeah she had an extremely shitty upbringing, she never knew how love or appreciation felt like, just abuse and hate, I'm glad she's still here as I'm her only friend
>I worry if you're of the younger gen and all have tiktok and insta cause that shit is a self-esteem sapperYeah, she checks insta and TikTok, she stumbled into "Chinatok" and know is fixated on the Asian standard and hates her features, so I know that shit is also doing several numbers on her too
Anyway, I know this could be way out of my hands but I want to do my part and help her the most I can, thanks for your help anon I really appreciate it don't feel bad
No. 1115986
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>>1115756I visit lolcow every day and in the first thread I read you are still fucking seething KEK
No. 1116000
>>1115995Nonny please kek, idc if you tell me to fuck off but
she is the one who was calling everyone else a moid— and a samefag, and romanianon, and a scat spammer
No. 1116013
>>1116010I also wasn’t the only one who thought that shaving pubes is pointless, so right back atcha.
… but the only person calling anyone a man was you, then.
No. 1116023
>>1116020It’s called a paragraph. Despite your newfag misconception, plenty of anons use them and always have.
> I'm the schizo who thinks everyone's xyz anonOk I’ll believe you but maybe you shouldn’t claim to be the anon I was talking about then kek
No. 1116033
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Are uneven eyelids like the ones in the above pic that noticeable? I have similar eyelids and I've been obsessing over my uneven ass lids bad. I'm not gonna go the ps route though, eyelid filler seems like a recipe for disaster.
No. 1116035
>>1116033i have the same issue
nonnie, and any time i've told someone about how insecure it makes me they think i'm insane because they have never noticed it. they could easily just say that to make me feel better, but i suspect it's the kind of asymmetry you only notice when it's your own face
No. 1116037
>>1116033I didn't even notice that her eyelids were uneven until I read your post.
Hun thats bdd.
No. 1116041
>>1116033It’s only noticeable if you show someone else a close up pic and point it out. Don’t worry about it,
No. 1116046
>>1116033This is mild ptosis and it's super common.
Honestly most people don't even know they have it and most people don't notice it in others when it's this mild.
That said if you notice it worsening or if this is a completely new thing that you never used to have you should see a doctor.
No. 1116055
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>>1116033Like some
nonnie told me before, just do like Paris Hilton.
No. 1116058
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>drink a shiton of water before bed
>wake up feeling more dehydrated and thirsty than ever as if i haven't had water in years
Why does this happen?
No. 1116060
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Why does she loook like this ? I’m not trying to be mean
No. 1116069
>>1116058This happens to me when my nose is blocked and I'm having to like mouth breath heavily in my sleep.
Maybe try getting a humidifier and sitting it in your bedroom and using it at night.
No. 1116082
>>1116078Samefag but my hairstylist is also a pain in the ass bc the last time I scheduled something with her it took her days to reply to my requests for an appointment
and she's 45 mins away. I tried a new stylist near me who had like 15 yrs experience but she gave me a shitty family-barber esque cut. I relented after that and went to my usual stylist to fix. So this would be the
fourth time getting this redone. Please kill me. What should I do?
No. 1116083
>>1116078Do you not have an option for just a cut and style?
In the UK we have that option and don't need to have it washed if you are only going in for a cut and not colour (as long as your hair isn't super greasy or something).
They might wet it a bit with a spray bottle but that's it so it dries super quick without needing a blowdry.
No. 1116099
>>1116089There's no harm in asking if you can just pop in for a small touch up with no wash and blowdry. You can even say that you are short on cash this month or your short on time or that you don't want to take up more of her time than necessary for just a small touch up.
Like I get my fringe cut for free by most of the hairdressers I have used inbetween a full haircut (cause it gets long and in your eyes) and they never wash my hair for that despite it needing to be super precise.
Most men don't get their hair washed when they get it cut when it's short.
Like if she insists it has to be washed and blow dried just for a small touch up I would be very suspicious that she's doing it because she's making more money out of your because obviously a cut with wash and blow dry is way more time consuming and therefore expensive than just a cut and style.
No. 1116107
>>1116099I know you're right, anon… I'm just embarrassed to have to do this so many times and tbh I feel like I was bothering her when I scheduled the first touch-up because I had to text her so many times to get an answer. I hate this lol
She did not charge for the touch-up though which was cool. I still tipped her tho bc I really like her work (she has cut my hair a handful of times in the past ~2 years and the only stylist I've been going to besides the new lady near me that I didn't like). Now with her communication issues I feel like I don't want to attempt this but my hair is ugly and it makes me want to neck myself for cutting it all off
Thanks for listening
No. 1116141
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i'm re-reading old threads, how did this anon get the star in their post?
No. 1116148
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do femdom anons want a new thread? I previous thread reached it's limit and a new one hasn't been made yet
No. 1116201
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Does anyone know what happened to her? Lily Jet/ Lily Bouse/ Ifidieiwontcrie/ cokedrip/ enrouteforthehexconclave
No. 1116257
File: 1648582979393.png (Spoiler Image,832.66 KB, 619x623, 1648531537220.png)

How common are long labia like in picrel? Is this a good representation in general, or is there a larger representation of larger inner labia pictured to be uwu inclusive & to make people feel better about themselves? Because most of the time when I see pics of vaginas (on lolcow or in movies or whatever) they don't have large labia sticking out and they are "innies" (cringe)
I swear to god this is not bait I'm just retarded and hetero
No. 1116312
>>1116289I think leggings are really comfortable, but depends on the type of leggings though, some has a really shitty and thin material, others are thick but will get all fugly after a while, they’re a hit or miss. And if they have minimal details they’re better than if they have patterns, unless the patterns isn’t an eyesore.
I like to mix and match textures, so I like to wear leggings with denim blouses, shirts or jackets or maybe a comfy knit top.
They’re only for casual stuff though, and for traveling around, I hate wearing denim pants while traveling on buses or planes because they can be really annoying to me and not warm enough.
No. 1116362
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This is probably going to sound ignorant as fuck, but if someone in Brazil has a PC for gaming and speaks good English, does that mean they/their family is well off?
No. 1116432
>>1116310Thanks lol, I'm an autist too so that's probably a big reason why it bothers me this much.
>>1116312Ah yes I suppose they could look cute with a big, long sweater and some high boots. I have these thick fuzzy leggings I wear in the winter (I don't wear jeans, just thin material cotton pants so I kind of need it underneath to not freeze lol) and they make me feel like I'm getting squeezed even though I bought them a size up.
No. 1116439
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if i was gonna make a room style/home decor thread what board would it go on? i feel like i remember one from the nuked /m/ threads tho /m/ makes little sense as a place to talk about that kind of thing. i searched it in /ot/ and found a short thread from 3 years ago, should i necro it? or start a new thread on what board?
No. 1116440
>>1116439I would say necroing it is okay, if you do I'll post some inspo with u
nonny <3
No. 1116468
>>1116440i tried bumping one of the 2 i found in the catalog but it said the thread had been locked
>>1116453i think im gonna have to make a new one at this point
>>1116393exercise is for sure a hobby. i would also suggest writing or learning to draw. i feel like reading is a productive hobby as well if you like nonfiction
No. 1116505
>>1116295What? Every single day on lolcow farmers post other women's vaginas. Anyway that's a tasteful and informative (to non-pornsick people) picture of different vaginas. Are you retarded? If you accept that I "teehee only see vaginas in movies" then why are you telling me to lay off the porn? Dumbass. Sorry you're ashamed, as you should be, for consuming porn. Get help
>>1116298I don't think you're retarded at all for thinking that anon.
>>1116442I wouldn't, just to be safe. That really sucks though, I hope it heals soon nonna.
No. 1116566
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>>1116554I think piercings are done with hollow needles for a a reason because otherwise you're just stretching out the skin but tbh I don't know why that's bad. Probably something to do with scar tissue?
Speaking of which, what exactly are track marks? Is it a line of injection points like in picrel? Is it a whole entire bruised (?) vein? Does it happen even if you only inject into one spot of your vein, or does it need to be a line of injection points? I just realized I have no idea what exactly they are because every time an anon points out "track marks" it's usually just a normal vein or just one single injection point, not in a line. I did google this but the photos aren't really definitive enough.
No. 1116580
>>1116362Nah it probably means that they have an income stable enough to save for a gaming PC, and English is easier to learn nowadays, specially if you're young.
Being well off in Brazil is more like being able to travel abroad and stuff like that.
No. 1116603
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I bought a pack of these off of Amazon for $5 and pierced my ears. I think I got lucky though because there are a lot of horror stories involving these cheap pieces of shit. kek
No. 1116621
>>1116554Either go to a body piercer or as
>>1116583 mentioned. I got my first set done by Claire's and those holes are horrific
(granted I was 5 and my mother thought it was okay). The 2nd and 3rd lobe piercings were done by a body piercer and look so much nicer.
No. 1116673
>>1116554First lobes are cheap and borderline painless at a clean shop,
nonny. Get somebody who uses a hollow needle in a safe environment, there's places in every city if you're an American. They always go crooked if you try to do it yourself. Plus jewelry options in a shop are actually really cute these days! Save yourself the trouble!!
No. 1116691
>>1116644Accounts payable/receivable jobs are pretty entry level and no degree required. Check job listings because usually they just want people with experience in certain software and you can do courses in it to put on your resume.
Depends on your country ofc, I'm not American. I did a bookkeeping certification and honestly really enjoyed it, I didn't bother applying for related jobs in the end but it would've been easy enough to get one.
No. 1117033
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to all the anons that watch drama streams, why? I get like watching drama stuff I suppose about Hasan and people at least that size, but why people that are literally irrelevant outside of Political niche Twitch circles?
Help me understand cause I don't get it
No. 1117087
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>>1116880Sour stuff babbyyyyyy
No. 1117257
>>1117243>With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape. (proverbs 11:9)>Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. (ephesians 4:25)therefore spreading knowledge about lolcows is righteous as long as the information is true, and not slanderous.
>And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (john 8:32)look at the disclaimer at the bottom of the site. lying is indeed a sin, but nitpicking caps from cows' socials and talking about things they actually did is… not
>For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man. (2 corinthians 8:21)this line may be up for interpretation/debate, but i think most would agree that this line implies that sometimes the call on whether something is good or bad depends on what is socially acceptable.
>One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” (titus 1:12)>For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. (1 john 2:15)>and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard. (deuteronomy 21:20)being gluttonous aka fat, and also alcoholism, are common cow behaviors. they are also clearly sinful activities as outlined here. in fact, by calling out these actions for being as harmful as they are, we are warning the cows against sprinting down a lifetime of sin. if they're sinners too it evens out
No. 1117593
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If the daily cp raids are coming from a bot that posts every day at the exact same time, couldn’t admin shut down posting on /ot/ for the half-hour window that the bot is posting within? On my mind because i got stung in the raid last night and want to fucking kms just for seeing it
No. 1117695
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Does anyone have context for this webm?? I can only bet it came from 4chin, but it looks like a tranny(?) getting bullied bu his dad?
No. 1117756
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This may sound retarded but how would you approach coming up with a fitting "avatar" for yourself to "blog" about feelings through art? Like artist in picrel portrays herself as a snail. I don't want to draw myself-myself like idk, noelle stevenson does, because something about it feels too pretentious to actually work; but I have that need to do it (for myself really, I don't even know if I'll ever show it anywhere) yet finding something else to represent me feels somehow forced and fake too. Any of you anons did something like that before, maybe have any advice?
No. 1117780
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Greetings nonnies. Here's my stupid question for tonight:
What sort of clothing do you wear to a spa? I know that in some countries you just go naked under your towel but I'm in England and you can wear clothes to spas. Only thing is, I'm not very comfortable walking around in a bikini or most swimsuits as I'm really shy and just overall prefer to be somewhat covered up. But I still want to go to a spa and have a good time.
Can you wear for example, loose clean cotton t shirts? Shorts? Any sort of modest, lightweight clothing? Plz help I don't want to feel grossly uncomfortable in a swimsuit but my back muscles are crying for a sauna.
No. 1117788
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>>1117780I mean, you usually have to get naked for the massage, but you can wear a t-shirt and shorts to go to the spa and maybe hang around while waiting for your massage. Also, it’s probable that you will get all sweaty if the spa is relatively small, so the sauna and vapor bath will make the place all hot and steamy. Usually you just keep a towel on, maybe bring a bathrobe? Or two, in case you get sweaty or the bathrobe gets dirty with oils or creams.
Pic related looks nice, and has pockets, you will be able to put stuff in them, like face masks or some cream.
No. 1117888
>>1117882>delete tik tok>watch tik tok compilations No anon… i’m trying to post videos to advertise my stuff not watch tik toks
>>1117884But does that help show your videos to places outside of your own?
No. 1117898
>>1117895I don't think so bit that sounds cool
nonnie. I feel like you could easily manipulate your dreams into being nice if your brain is like that.
No. 1117925
>>1117901Wow! A perfect question for me to reply to! So when I started dating my boyfriend we both had no idea that cold sores were herpes. Growing up I just thought they were like a skin condition and our shitty American health education system did not teach me otherwise. Well, I got herpes about a year ago after dating him for about a year prior. There is absolutely zero consistent information on the transmission of herpes other than it CANNOT transfer on surfaces and that the virus denatures quickly once out of the host body. What I will tell you is this—some people are honestly just more susceptible to contracting the virus and expressing it. Majority of people who have herpes are asymptomatic, some people have internal sores in their mouth that are small and insignificant and, yes, can still pass the virus. I don’t know the exact statistics on herpes, but a large percentage of our global population already has it. You yourself may have it and you are asymptomatic. After getting herpes, I found majority of my friends got cold sores as kids/still get them. You have to specifically request a blood test to test for herpes. It’s up to you whether or not you would like to continue this relationship, some people are married for years and they never give it to their partner. Some people are less contagious than others. It is truly unpredictable, so it is up to you whether or not you would like to take the risk and continue the relationship. I wasn’t mad at my fiancé, neither of us knew and although he complained about a “canker sore” I took the risk and missed him anyways. Honest mistake, but I was lucky and he is who I am going to marry. If this is a relationship that isn’t going to go anywhere, I’d say to not take the risk. It’s all about perception, ask yourself how having herpes would affect your sexual confidence and self-image? If you couldn’t cope with it, don’t take the risk. I also suggest browsing r/herpes because there’s a lot of useful info and great people on there.
TLDR: there is zero consistent information about the transmission of herpes. Some people get it and some don’t. Taking the risk is up to you.
No. 1117961
genital herpes and not an STI. they’re different species in the same family. Might as well say the common cold is the same as SARS.
No. 1118035
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>>1118026Fellow dysfunctional nocturnal neet here. I've gotten okay results by knocking myself out with these.
No. 1118051
>>1118035 doesn't work out for you, try the liquid form of melatonin. The gummies don't work well for me but the liquid form is a bit stronger and faster acting.
No. 1118059
>>1118051>>1118035Thank you
nonny. Its cool to meet other neets here
No. 1118149
>>1118133You may not be stretching enough after exercises, pay attention to stretch long enough and properly/thoroughly, treat it as an equally important part of exercise as the rest.
What can also help are massages and soaking in warm water.
No. 1118187
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Is it possible to learn to enjoy certain food if the first try wasn't nice?
No. 1118481
>>1118426The fuck? Why can't you talk about sex like a mature adult woman.
You get horny on your period, yes this is normal ffs did you just get your period for the first time or something?
No. 1118493
>>1118461YOOO This is like the tenth time I’ve been called troon kek
I put it that way because I’m shy desu
It feels kind of wrong to put it into words, I guess I’m just not like other anons nya!~
I’m trying to sound like a troon on purpose now lol
>>1118481I didn’t just get my period, I’m actually an experienced menstruator. I am immature and definitely find it difficult to say ‘ME HORNY OOGA BOOGA’ it’s just a little embarrassing
t. extra virgin
(reddit formatting) No. 1118496
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I normally use make up wipes to remove my eye make up but i just learned they're not good for my skin. I do have a cleanser and toner but I'm a retard and don't know how to go about it. Like do i just immediately rub some of the cleanser at my eyes? Or do i first try to remove my make up with water and then try to remove it with the cleanser. Do i put the cleanser on a cotton pad or can i just apply it with hand? Idk how to describe it but the cleanser is a thick milky like texture if that matters. Sorry if this is a retarted question but i tried to google online and can legit not find any good explanations on how to go about this
No. 1118583
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>>1118552because they kill my merman husbandos.
No. 1118831
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>>1118674another one I see a lot is that your first time is not supposed to hurt, so you're doing something wrong if it does. I've never had sex but I've asked my friends and while it didn't hurt for some, others told me that despite going slowly and doing foreplay and everything else right, it did hurt. It hurts me to prod around my hymen to insert a tampon so i don't see why it's so unrealistic that tearing it would hurt, for some?
No. 1118851
>>1118831I think the main difference is that you're not aroused when you're inserting a tampon. Arousal makes you lubricated and relaxes the muscles for insertion. I think it's possible that for some women it may hurt or be discomforting regardless, but I think that passing around this idea that the first time
shouldn't hurt is way more beneficial than the original idea that it
should, and that you
should bleed. This idea just helps shitty moids that wanna be lazy and/or sadistic on a girl's first time. Let them work, and let the woman complain if they don't.
No. 1118865
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>>1118863Next to or right above the enter key.
No. 1118921
>>1118851My hymen broke during "third base." It hurt and I started bleeding, but I was into it so it wasn't a big deal. Kind of one of those things where you get surprised, shrug, and move on.
I wish more women would have this experience and not be scared or intimidated by sex because of the first time pain. If you're aroused and actually want to have sex, the pain shouldn't be a huge deal or something to be scared of.
>>1118880Do you think you have vaginismus? I don't like tampons but I'll use them when I have to. The first times using them was extremely uncomfortable and unpleasant. If you're putting them in incorrectly at the wrong angle, you may feel pain. Taking them out was the scarier part for me. No pain per say, just extremely uncomfortable.
But as you said, everyone's body is different. We are all different, beautiful, and amazing.
No. 1119082
>>1119041I've been on all of these the past five years.
Zoloft: made me eat all the time or made me nauseous. Drowsy all the time. Didn't affect my weight. Coming off it made me feel generally ill for a month or so.
Prozac: made me drowsy, made me hungry all the time, gave me loose stools, made me agitated. Gained 20lbs even on a 1500 kcal diet. Withdrawal was the worst on this one.
Lexapro: same effects as zoloft.
Paxil: Made me agitated. Gave me insomnia at night and I was tired all day. Made my psychosis worse. Was always thirsty. Withdrawal made me aggressive and agitated.
Wellbutrin: helped me lose 10lbs, improved my mood, insomnia most nights, psychotic symptoms improved, gave me more energy during the daytime, helped my anxiety. Was overall the best one but it was the most expensive and it gave me more energy at the cost of sleeping 8 hours a night.
Now I'm on mirtazapine because of the insomnia issue but it's too soon to tell how it's affecting me.
Also all of them killed my sex drive completely except the wellbutrin, though it still wasn't much when it did return so take that as you will. None of them really affected my menstrual cycles as they were always irregular before I started meds and it wasn't any different after.
No. 1119090
File: 1648782617382.jpeg (794.6 KB, 1200x1805, iu-124.jpeg)

Is there any place that's not aliexpress I can find psychedelic tights like picrel for cheap? I cannot seem to find them secondhand and when they're new they're crazy expensive for tights. Do I just have to go into town and look at the sale selection of random stores? I just want some freaky looking tights to wear with my black outfits lol, but they're somehow impossible to find.
No. 1119109
>>1119100I wondered that too, it happens even faster for me everytime I try to stalk old classmates.
>>1119101delete this
No. 1119258
>>1119247>unless you have a really unusually shaped bodyI don’t think i do? I’m very average all around in proportions.
I wear size S tights and I’m a UK 8. I always thought that getting a size bigger than you are means they’re less likely to fall down but that doesn’t seem to make a difference. If I wear tights that are supposedly my size then they’re too short? It’s like they’re either too short at the leg or too wide for me so they just fall down no matter what.
No. 1119372
>>1119348What do you mean
nonny? The fact that it’s been basically gone for like a month now or did something else happen?
No. 1119481
File: 1648819884862.webm (2.05 MB, 320x240, whatdoyoumeanwitharkansaw.webm)

USAnons who are neither from Kansas nor Arkansas, was the difference in pronounciation common knowledge for you or did it came to you as a shock as much as it did for the rest of us?
No. 1119532
>>1119506>faux intellectualism by eternal manchildren nerds who think they're smarter than everyone else>politically retarded, the majority are either autistically liberal "trans women are women" types or degenerate coomer libertarians >because of the above, they're anti women either in the enlightened egalitarian way "men and women are LITERALLY the same therefore female locker rooms aren't necessary and male violence stats don't matter" or in the retard coomer way "feminism is bad because big tiddy ladies in muh vidya!!!" >not to mention the actual open raging misgynists and incels>pathetically self-pitying culture, waaaah men don't get compliments like women despite putting 0.0004 seconds of effort into their appearance every day!!! >most women centric subs suck, always full of handmaidens falling over themselves to validated gross trannies and be a good liberal, really they're fake as fuck in general esp the makeup/fashion ones, like to the point they will straight up lie to your face about how you look because it's more important to be uwu positive than actually helpful>seething fatties of both genders everywhere, either coping with body positivity or a-logging other fatties in subs like r/fatlogic>you probably know this already but trannies, trannies everywhere, the main lesbian and women's subreddits are run by trannies, and you get banned from the former for saying that pushing lesbians to try penis is creepy>a good 30% if not more of the active userbase consists of teenagers, at least half of which are destroying their brains with porn and being groomed by adults into trannyism and other fetishes>porn literally everywhere, even if you turn nsfw off you can't avoid the constant memes and references to it No. 1119555
>>1119538it's full of bots getting
triggered over everything too, reddit has become a literal echo chamber. you literally cannot say
>anything bad about porn addicts>anything bad about vaccines/lockdowns>anything about how white men in first world countries aren't being oppressed because their girlfriend told them it was stupid to cry when the restaurant fucked their burger upnow there's a bizarre loli uprising where if you say anything bad about loli they'll lose their shit. Who even, in the right mind, draws naked children? people are gross
No. 1119601
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>>1119584You shouldn't force it if you don't want to do it, but think reading does have some benefits. If you're trying to improve your native language you could try writing a bit in it and have someone else read it? Getting back into it is kind of difficult if you aren't used to sitting there for a long period of time to process information, I still have to re-read paragraphs I just read to comprehend what was written.
Also don't give yourself a time or quota to finish X amount of books in a certain time frame, the great thing about books is you can finish them at your own leisurely pace.
No. 1119622
File: 1648832111643.jpeg (105.22 KB, 450x500, 42C44301-B8C0-4E52-A343-D1B08C…)

What the fuck do I do when I got an ugly ass stalker like this?
No. 1119645
File: 1648833659503.jpeg (37.72 KB, 520x481, 9AB9020D-3878-45DE-8926-5EB9E3…)

Hardcore zoomer internet addict vibes from this one.
No. 1119652
>>1119627Sorry this was obviously meant for
>>1119619I mean if you're prone to them and you didn't notice anything different (for instance your stool being a different color than usual) then it's likely to be another fissure. Although the heavy bleeding is really worrisome, I think the safest would be to see a doctor about it
No. 1119679
>>1119673Nta but those states really aren't
that important kek.
No. 1119736
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>>1119679>>1119680Me and toto would like to have a word with you
No. 1119873
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>>1119622Unsolicited trivia for those who might not know and might care, but this Looney Tunes character was based on actual actor named Peter Lorre
No. 1119937
>>1119920romanianon's psychologically
abusive ex e-boyfriend. He posts here and contacts farmers pretending to be a woman, and says he has been doing so for years. Looks like an incel tranny and sounds like an insufferable redditor
No. 1119957
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Should I learn music theory if I don’t own any instruments? I’ve never played an instrument before in my life beyond some recorder practice in my early school years, but I’d like to learn music theory by myself. How necessary is it to own an instrument to learn music theory?
No. 1119980
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No. 1120006
>>1119992Back to tumblr/reddit.
No. 1120015
File: 1648849916787.jpeg (94.1 KB, 639x632, B0B666D4-4BAA-4F0D-B22F-4312CD…)

Just posting a cat pic to cleanse /ot/ of ball smell and bad vibes
No. 1120102
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>>1119877I write at least once a day, most times multiple times a day. Mostly, it helps me to crystalize my memories although 80% of my entries are either whining about my Mom or movie reviews. But you do feel like you accomplished something and I will definitely in the future re-read over these entries and see what I was like in March 2022.
No. 1120139
File: 1648855866395.jpg (15.41 KB, 275x275, 1620939960751.jpg)

how do you stop fixating on your looks? it's a combination of body dysmorphia and depression, but i'm finding it tough to even leave the house out of shame. i want to be completely neutral about my body. i want to be able to accomplish things without constantly wondering how people perceive me.
No. 1120229
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>>1120217Fun fact: The tapeworm is the only being that literally loves you for your shit.
No. 1120278
File: 1648871245944.png (1.55 MB, 1456x1388, what is this.png)

I asked this on /g/ but I'll also ask it in here. What would you call this type of person?
They're usually wearing "Smart Casual" clothing. Their wardrobes consist pretty much of basics and classic silhouettes. I would call them normies but it just doesn't sound right if you know what I mean. also they aren't as cheap
No. 1120306
>>1120301nta but I kinda see it like when you develop your art style. You first learn all the rules like anatomy, perspective, etc. and then you start adding what you like into the drawing; ex. bigger eyes, longer legs.
Maybe doing some research into fashion history and subcultures, then choosing and applying what you like. If it sounds like too much work just go out "normie-ish", nothing wrong about it.
No. 1120342
File: 1648880335538.gif (300.2 KB, 488x447, d858f14760560d1f7b1a29544f4a37…)

bumping for safety. report, do not proceed
No. 1120353
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No. 1120354
File: 1648880583441.jpeg (258.99 KB, 640x920, 710E2AB5-EA1D-4127-A655-C4986E…)

i will kill a moid one day
No. 1120362
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>>1120354so retarded that by proving women continually right they think they're somehow proving us wrong? make it make sense. bumping for my girls.
No. 1120365
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>>1120363the "rational sex" is somehow perpetually brainless and their actions continually counterintuitive. just stunning
No. 1120367
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>>1120365That's something I'll never understand. They'll claim they're the smarter and more rational sex and then well.. they just do the shit they do. Women would never.
No. 1120385
>>1120384you’re right
nonny which is another reason why I don’t post it, there’s nothing we could really post back to disturb them because they probably wank it to gross shit already anyways
No. 1120388
File: 1648882482460.jpeg (40.83 KB, 512x289, 3EFA6AE5-7C10-42BF-8447-99471C…)

>>1120365Every time they do it, it makes my male hate feels so
valid ♥
No. 1120426
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No. 1120447
>>1120442Sounds like stock-standard Bronchitis. You can fix the coughing by consciously taking deep breaths through your nose.
Your doctor will be able to prescribe anti-inflammatory meds and dietary advice.
No. 1120515
File: 1648896415542.jpg (33.96 KB, 396x600, Embarrassed.jpg)

>>1114627>>1114665>>1114669>>1114693update, holy shit. i was right. i hallucinated him. i asked if we met at the hospital, if he's a receptionist. he was very confused and said no, i don't work at a hospital. i had one convo with him before where i wore headphones, and heard him say something about hospitals.
after he said what, i was mortified and walked away. hopefully he doesn't spread anything. kill me, nonnies.
No. 1120520
File: 1648896797724.jpg (67.46 KB, 720x761, 1fbfbd9cfd11ad2d91e5b39b814326…)

Trying to make the bedroom my sister's boyfriend is staying in mildly disturbing (so he doesn't spend too long here disrupting my sigma female grindset). so far i have
>mirror placed right in front of the bed where he will be sleeping so he feels watched
>Qur'an placed on bed
>ticking alarm clock close to the bed but a little difficult to find
>bandages placed next to the mirror, appears threatening
>window open so it's cold (he will be focused on staying warm instead of sinning)
>binoculars facing the bed also
>things balanced precariously so things will tip over if too much movement is made
any other ways to get the 'this is my swamp' message across? thanks lovelies ♥
No. 1120532
>>1120520this is great. i like your devious plan.
package of tampons or pads in sight might disgust him. a random red yarn coming out from under the bed could look like blood to his subconscious. if you have a cat, put it's litter near that room so he hears scratching or it smells gross if the cat uses it.
No. 1120548
>>1120532>a random red yarn coming out from under the bed could look like blood to his subconsciousthat is so devious nonnette, thank you. i have used a red scrunchie and a couple of pads. I have also arranged objects that look like a face close to the bed, it may look accidental, so he thinks he's losing it, but actually, it's deliberate. there's a hair clasp that looks like teeth placed in front of binoculars and it genuinely looks like one.
>>1120536I myself am not muslim, the Qur'an belongs to somebody else in this house. they're staying in separate bedrooms anyway, mum's ok with it.
No. 1120600
File: 1648904175477.jpg (52.38 KB, 500x500, kitten.jpg)

Gore bump
No. 1120602
File: 1648904262248.jpg (79.47 KB, 563x517, 1576701574176.jpg)

the insufferable and sackless fags are back at it. bumping for abuse
No. 1120627
>>1120624>significantly younger woman who's barely entered adulthood>from another country>prevents her from managing her own money>gaslights her into thinking it's for her sake>prevents her from having social contacts>prevents her from having a job and thus income>no personal bank account therefore no own moneyEverything from beginning to end are
abusive tactics to make the woman completely dependable on the man and make her unable to leave. Are you the woman in this scenario?
No. 1120628
>>1120624Financial abuse is one of the categories of abuse that doesn't get spoken about often but look it up. It traps people.
I count at least 5 red flags there.
No. 1120646
>>1120630I've often seen scrotes comment online about how age gaps are fine 'coz my parents had a gap and it's all good so there!' I think years ago when the world was different there were cases that were perhaps ok that wouldn't be so easy to replicate today.. but I still think plenty of 20 something year olds right now are somewhat blind to the abuse their moms went through or their moms even accepted it as normal when it never was.
My mom is gone and even post death my dad tells himself he was a stand up husband but that is not my memory. He wasn't the worst but I'm not about to model my own dating life on what I witnessed at home.
No. 1120786
File: 1648916638618.jpg (195.06 KB, 1400x1979, 98043b5a6db9bb1c595ee59f18b144…)

Bump for moid spamming scat porn
No. 1120810
File: 1648917058415.jpg (426.33 KB, 1280x1897, tumblr_p6mjb9mMjK1vc5zsdo1_128…)

bump for gore
No. 1120831
File: 1648917527987.png (7.69 KB, 180x180, duck.png)

Anons, can i EXCLUDE a country out of my Etsy search? I can't buy anything from UK because of Brexit and whatnot, but everytime I search up for stores in Europe 80% of them are in UK. I am so tired
No. 1120866
>>1120843aw man, same situation as me, i'm living with my mom. hope the month goes well for you nonna, best of luck
hugs >>1120787i'm so jealous
No. 1120877
File: 1648918617663.jpg (101.25 KB, 828x957, 1647935114256.jpg)

>>1120868anons are tinfoiling it's something to do with romania and ukraine camgirl but idk it seems like a malding male to me. it's not like we haven't seen 10000000s based on spite/sexual frustration over the past 7 years
No. 1120893
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>>1120884oh then that's likely it. that explains a lot. anyways, since you're likely reading this: get fucked french incel pedo. you're not fuckable, not desirable, your personality sucks. you never know what it is to be wanted and it's of your own making and doing. blame yourself.
No. 1120896
>>1120894Fucking based.
>>1120893He's not fucking either way, lmao. He made a post saying we hated men because they wouldn't fuck us - definitely little autismo projecting.
No. 1120926
File: 1648919895454.gif (1.81 MB, 480x270, giphy (2).gif)

>>1120896kek very true, that's why i started posting my semi subby husbando instead. immediately he started making his motivations extremely obvious. it's just not the olena drama or whatever the spergs want it to be, i really don't think so given the past few days. i guess all of our stories about having sex, having boyfriends, sexual partners, etc, are completely fake to the sperg or something lmao. autistic malignant male cope is truly somethingelse. it already started out, first post, with complaints about us being whores who won't talk to them but then the complaints were made even more obvious
No. 1120940
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No. 1120941
File: 1648920166977.png (860.83 KB, 602x1124, 1648334897891.png)

>>1120932agreed. honestly convinced the blaming posts are romania (or maybe her /lit/ simps?) using the opportunity to 5d chess her way out of being spoken about and olena blamed. but yeah it's deffo the french moids.
No. 1120948
>>1120515I nearly responded a few days ago to say that night staff at hospitals see all sorts of shit and are used to it. What a twist.
You can play it off as just being faceblind. Hope you're ok anon.
No. 1120954
>>1120932Yeah, you're probably right
>>1120927>>1120941These two posts, on the other hand, are suspicious as fuck. If you're in some kind of 4chan moid community, please get the fuck out
No. 1120956
File: 1648920460188.jpeg (102.87 KB, 828x433, 85726B4F-96DA-4977-9187-B967C0…)

Nonnies do you use slimes? I don’t understand what they’re for. It’s supposed to be calming i think? But do you sit there like „yea been pretty hectic today might whip out my slime“ or?? Looks so fun but I’m not sure what to do with it. Isn’t it kind a unsanitary?
No. 1120994
File: 1648921188769.jpg (107.33 KB, 640x853, emag030j57l81.jpg)

>>1120954what? the pic of the mice (that's a cap from here iirc?) is sus? i was saying romania is using the opportunity of a french moid raid to blame olena or whatever and make us focus on olena since we haven't been paying attention to her sperging enough. i'm not in any 4chan male community wtf. i do know, however, she was attempting to pander to /lit/ to try to gain r9k tier simps on twitch and stuff so that's why i mentioned them as either her or them potentially using the coincidental french raid to direct energy at the ukrainian and pretend it's olena when in reality it's the french moids, which happens all of the time and it's likely she's just using the convenient nature of this happenstance raid to smear the other girl more and falsely victimize herself. but yeah i haven't used 4chan in like 12 years so no
No. 1121009
File: 1648921728229.jpg (54.13 KB, 720x720, FLyJx0YVIAAtpP8.jpg)

>>1120998sure "anon". steven alone was like still going to let her/you live with him and move you to the US, even after your continued spergout and he forgave her/you. plus her/you had posters on /lit/ talking about you, calling you their waifu, unless that was her/you self posting. highly doubt you/she has 0 simps. it's a french moid raid and we know it, just stop.
No. 1121010
>>1120994This would actually make sense, but I haven't heard of her using /lit/ or /r9k/. Not saying it's impossible since she knew Steven, though
>>1121001Posts like this saying that anyone and everyone must be Romanianon actually do look weird, especially since I don't even type like her. I'm sure it's not the first time you've done this, and you're not doing what you probably think you're doing
No. 1121022
File: 1648921952395.png (93.48 KB, 254x244, 1640366233867.png)

>was about to ask why you're avatarfagging with cat pictures>your post is weird personal details only Steven or his e-girls would know (eg Steven "forgiving" Romanianon and her living with him?) coupled with shit only someone who uses /lit/ themselves would knowI trust too easily. YWNBAW
No. 1121042
>>1121010When you're googling her twitch name, you can find a thread on /lit/ mentioning her, though that anon might also be Steven, I don't even fucking know anymore. I just want both of them to stop.
And how does it look weird, I'm not saying "anyone and everyone must be Romanianon", I'm pointing out intentions. In fact, you're doing exactly what I said again.
No. 1121047
File: 1648922230970.jpg (54.23 KB, 563x565, 1603181489856.jpg)

>>1121022i'm most definitely a woman, i haven't been to 4chan in years and i've been here since the beginning. these two are just extremely involved in discord shenanigans that are very easy to learn about it. maybe romania didn't pander exclusively to /lit/ but then how else did she garner allegedly 200+ (per her post) followers on twitch where she did nothing but read shit? put in her twitch on google and you see /lit/ users talking about her unless that was her selfposting?
No. 1121062
>>1121047Easy to learn about how? I don't remember details like that, and I was here for the original drama on the 24th. I searched her Twitch name and there was only one person who mentioned her on two different boards according to the archives, and they were told to fuck off both times (one accused her of selfposting) definitely wouldn't net someone 200 followers. If there are other mentions, enough for her to have multiple simps, someone here must've either seen them or made them
No. 1121069
File: 1648922784690.jpg (28.22 KB, 354x353, E5FrpYgUUAU25vS.jpg)

>>1121057re-read her posts on the cow thread, she said like 9 days ago olena fucked up her following or something, she had a different account and many more followers. she says this herself, look for the post.
>>1121058that's true, but twitch? girl. you don't gain a respectable following not emphasizing appearance or a girlfriend experience that would be populated primarily by women on twitch, sorry about it. twitch is like 99% men, dude.
>>1121022also there was no avatarfagging you retard, we're being currently raided by gorespammers so everyone is posting obligatory bump pics as i have done for hours and itt i started posting above before cat pics, with mice pics, with taylor swift. dense.
No. 1121080
>>1121062she has 75 followers and barely has anyone talking with her in chat. She also doesn't pander, she doesn't show her body and says she hates men constantly and argues with them in chat. It's probably someone trolling her. She's quite autistic and shares private details, so very easy to troll
>>1121069that post was made over 7 months ago and she's saying that someone is LARPING as her and basically stalking her which actually happened
>>1121069so she is gathering a following of men by repeatedly stating that she hates porn and men and being gross? that makes no sense. Most men want to see boobs and they don't want to hear anti porn rhetoric. Most of the things posted about her on here are literal lies.
No. 1121104
>>1121085I think cancers are very emotional and like you said, cam be very open about both their thoughts and emotions. I've had cancer friends do similar stuff and tell me a lot about their pasts without hesitation now that you bring it up but what most stood out to be about them was how much of a crybaby most were, lol!
>>1121095Never had a close friend sag before, what's the traits of that sign?
No. 1121119
File: 1648923771855.gif (133.91 KB, 130x150, Tumblr_l_2188811568434.gif)

No. 1121124
>>1121107Same, at least she was kinda funny in her retardation.
>>1121109Yeah, maybe she left with admin, since she obviously had a crush on her kek.
No. 1121129
File: 1648923880644.jpg (23.41 KB, 400x400, a49b7e57e485ff7576f61776097816…)

>>1121086hell yeah
>>1121115thanks for making me smile
i want sagittarius friends, i never had one, but some from my family are and they're great. im a sagittarius too
No. 1121135
File: 1648923979941.jpg (58.72 KB, 828x645, E7HSnFIVIAAPP-s.jpg)

>>1121091thanks anon. i deleted what i was going to say bc you are right. it's obviously her.
>>1121095>>1121129>>1121115based sag sisters, same. i think it
really depends on the decans because in my decans makes me totally different from the traditional qualities.
>>1121070for whatever reason i always end up attracted to pisces men. i like women of all signs but esp february aquariuses. decans matters!
No. 1121148
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>>1121142well probably because it's bullshit but it's fun lol. but like i said the decans matters. i have literally none of the traditional sag qualities but when you look up the specific decans you fall into, you might see you have those.
No. 1121154
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No. 1121158
>>1121104>what's the traits of that signMost of the time I see people say that we're easy-going, optimistic, inquisitive, ambitious and "try everything at least once" type of people, and I have to agree. It might just be me, but I also find that I get bored of everything easily and I think that's a part of the whole "adventurous" thing.
On the downside, I've also heard people say that Sagittarius' are sluts/cheaters and bad at relationships. I will hold my comments on that.
No. 1121164
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Would anyone like a lolcow bunker thread on crystal cafe? I feel like we should make a thread on crystal cafe for lolcow anons who are just trying to bunker-out raids and janny incompetence when moderating. It might feel like those /ot/ threads in /g/ when /ot/ died for like a week
No. 1121182
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>>1121164sure but im still banned bc i used "pathetic" and i dont feel like emailing their admin but maybe i will
>>1121166why do you hate pisces and virgos specifically? of both sexes?
>>1121168their admin doesn't care at all and usually wants more users. she's from here. they get way way way shorter raids. also still default bumping because it's only a matter of time and i have not checked outside of the thread for more gore or spamming
No. 1121184
>>1121170just come by when it's the time for a movie, if you like what is supposed to be played. and install the tempermonkey script in case it's needed, it's really not complicated just follow the links in the thread.
you don't need the script for tonight though, and the movie is playing in about 15 minutes, so come down if you wanna cry kek
No. 1121192
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No. 1121196
>>1121182Pisces women are too whiny for me, pisces men are whiny self centered hoes.
Virgo men are boring low self esteem ocds, virgo women are batshit insane control freaks.
Being aqua I guess not vibing with the most emotional and the strictest sign is kinda typical. I love cancers though, but they are straightforward with being emotional so maybe thats why.
No. 1121211
>>1121196Nta but i fucking love aquarius people.
>smart, clever>imagination is limitless>really genuine peopleLove, scorpio
No. 1121212
>>1121167My dad is one and apparently 'uptightish control freak' is in line with being virgo? I don't hate him but he was always just hard to live with based on that. Very particular about some things. Everything has a set time and a set place and it reminded me of someone on the spectrum or a mild ocd case. He's level headed in other ways. Like he's good in an emergency and doesnt panic easily over big things.. it's little details that get to him.
Someone lately told me capricorns are the devil? idk why
No. 1121225
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>>1121158Samefag, but I also find that we're stubborn. If something isn't done my way then I don't want it done at all, and if I really want something done I will do it regardless of how difficult it is. We can also be very honest, sometimes to a fault. Some people might think that honestly and stubbornness are negative traits, but I think they are good most of the time.
This is the last time I'll repost, I promise No. 1121248
>>1121070I would like to know people's experience with Gemini men or, and Capricorn women.
For some odd reason every person that deeply traumatized me in the past, was a general cunt were all born in mid-December. It's weird. I don't even believe in horoscopes, but wtf.
No. 1121267
>>1121211Thank you sis, I adore scorpios as well, I'm so attracted to you guys. I haven't met a scorp lady sadly, but the men flock to me like flies. Love the intensity, only sign I can really relate to on a deeper level.
I would say its my fave, but we're often too
toxic for eachother. Too similar yet
trigger eachothers weaknesses. Maybe later when I amd the scorps in my age group are more evolved.
No. 1121288
>>1121070i dont have a favorites.
My least favorites are cancer (FAKEST UGLY BITCHES) and scorpios.
No. 1121292
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>>1121273Samefag, no chicken noodle soup please. I have a little bit of trauma.
No. 1121319
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>>1121273Chanterelle soup or ramen if you're up for longer prep!
No. 1121386
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Am I redeemable as a virgo if I'm an aries moon and scorpio rising
No. 1121408
>>1121273Chicken pot pie soup with some soft breadsticks
Or pumpkin carrot orange
No. 1121411
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>>1121273tomato soup with garlic bread
No. 1121490
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>>1121427Make it (or buy it) chocolatey! People look at me like I'm an alien when I talk about chocolate hummus but idk why. Garbanzo beans are pretty flavor-neutral.
No. 1121586
>>1121070absolutely despite libras and people of my own sign (aries)
tauruses are cool tho
No. 1121701
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I'm breaking out of my 3 or 4 month abstinence from lolcow on a mild lsd trip, so my sisters of lolcow: could someone explain to me what exactly the fuck postmodernism is? I studied math in university but more on the computational/statistics side so didn't really have a chance to take philosophy courses. I tried reading definitions and articles and I end up even more confused. Help pls
No. 1121720
>>1121714So true,
nonny. I hope you're well!
No. 1121725
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nonny, you too.
No. 1121729
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I just remembered something from middle school and want your opinion:
>have gym class with a neighbor/acquaintance girl
>we change together in the locker room
>almost every day she shows us a new bruise she has or complains about an injury
>does karate or taekwondoe or something as a hobby and they’re often about that
>goes into detail on how and when she got the injury every time
>is clearly delighted to be talking about them even though she puts on a guise of being annoyed by them
>we politely nod, go “oh that’s too bad,” none of us care at all
>this repeats for the rest of the year
Why did she do that? What was she trying to get out of the exchange?
No. 1121786
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don’t scroll, gore
No. 1121792
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>>1121786I'll stay here then
No. 1121813
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bump/moid posters/
No. 1121926
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>>1121924don’t lie young hillary was gf material
No. 1122017
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Girls can you tell me if this is suspicious (i'm severely retarded and paranoid, cannot judge)
>be me, 19
>looking for a place to stay near my workplace and school
>put an ad on a website saying that i'm looking for a room
>get contacted by an account that doesn't have any pictures up of his place, or an ad
>i ask why
>he says that he doesn't have an ad up because he's waiting for the right person to contact
>doesn't ask for any documents, just a little rent in advance (sounds like a sweet deal to me)
>acts overly familiar, like acting like a friend, asking many questions, sending many messages, sending kissy x messages half an hour later, promising me work opportunities and stuff, needs my phone number to send room pictures
>has only his partner and another guy in the house
Again this could be a completely normal person BUT the reason why I'm so cautious is because there was a couple that helped my parents move into town, all friendly and that, but turns out they were trying to recruit them into some polygamist thing- this happened like twice, the other time was a cult.
I don't want to share a house with a male (not to be rude to males) and there's another lady I contacted who is a lot more normal, so I think I would rather rent with her. Even if she isn't offering me a bunch of free stuff, I feel like it's safer. Am I being paranoid?
No. 1122019
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>>1122017>(not to be rude to males)nonny…
No. 1122028
>>1122017You are not paranoid, the red flags started going up right after
>he says that he doesn't have an ad up because he's waiting for the right person to contactPlease choose a safer option. Especially the fact that there's also "another friend", you never know what kind of shit they will pull onto you.
No. 1122034
>>1122018Yeah the other lady offering me a place just seems like a nice normal lady who doesn't overstep and has information out there already. I think she's a lot safer.
>>1122027How do you know he has bad intentions and isn't just trying to be nice? Anyway if you and other anons are saying I should avoid him I will because I would rather be safe than sorry.
>>1122028Yeah I thought the whole 'no ads' thing was a little off. And acting so familiar, saying that him and his partner are going to help me, they would love to have me there, the location is secluded and beautiful- sounds a bit culty.
No. 1122102
>>1122017 >I don't want to share a house with a male (not to be rude to males)I lived with a male housemate at 19, he had a gf so I wasnt concerned (I was a naive at that age) He was a closet tranny who propositioned me for an affair. By all means be rude to males if it saves you being sexually harrassed in your own home.
Listen to what your gut already seems to feel about this set up.
No. 1122162
>>1122091All it takes is one bored and seething retard with the defective y chromosome
>>1122149Im not bothered by it but always feel bad for nonnys who aren't expecting it and think about it for a while. This faggot of late has been posting at midnight my time nearly each time, I'm trying to ask for janny privileges bc the last 2 weeks I could have cleaned it up immediately, plus a limit where no posting threads without approval would be amazing
No. 1122211
>>1122194But also
nonnie, sorry i didn't add this to my post above, fuck that guy. Some of us have the need to escape to decompress, but communication is key. You dont deserve treatment like that.
No. 1122220
>>1122194Did we date the same guy? Where's your guy from?
Mine would pick fights with me and claim I was "suspicious" over things no sane human would think was suspicious (sleeping after school, saying "yay", wearing makeup for a job interview, etc). Instead of communicating he would just cut contact with me kek. I think it's because he knew I had anxiety and abandonment issues and thrived off of that
No. 1122230
>>1122226And then I’d argue that scrabble isn’t sexual activity if it’s not sexual…
>>1122219Anon is there more context to this? Its a no brainer that sex and sexual activity are always sexual, it’s right there in the name. Grab a dictionary and make him read it.
No. 1122266
>>1122248towards the end of the relationship I would just play his stupid games back. When he pulled the whole "I don't want to talk" thing I stopped caring, I just shut off my phone and went to hang out with friends or something, I didn't care to spam him begging him for answers, I didn't care to have an emotional reaction. He revealed himself when he actually just acted like a spoilt kid back and would be the one spamming me about how I "changed and he doesn't like it", also hinted that he though I was cheating which is why I stopped caring about giving into his bullshit. It was even funnier when he would spam me to let me know that he was super busy too and totally didn't care. I also feel like his constant cheating accusations were used to manipulate me into isolating myself more than I already do out of fear of doing something that would make him suspect I was cheating
these men are just master manipulators and hate the taste of their own medicine. they always expose themselves when you refuse to give them the clinginess/attention they want and pretend to hate. Still trying to repair myself after years of abuse, I'm with a great guy now that encourages me to have friends but I'm so use to feeling like I'm doing something wrong by socializing it's hard
No. 1122267
Why havent the mods changed the new thread option? Cant it be request only?
No. 1122321
>>1122306literally this. the more women do their hair and makeup the more attention men give them, especially men who claim to hate it the most. men are so facially retarded too so they cry because they fucked the ogre with the painted face like seriously? you couldn't see her actual facial features underneath?
>>1122257everything, for teenage girls shes a fake if she likes things men are usually into, shes a dumb basic bitch if she likes things other teen girls are into. When you reach towards adulthood youre a stupid workaholic boring becky if you focus on your career, if you choose to be a mom you're an annoying soccer mom karen if you're involved in your kids life and a trashy careless party mom if you're not. women seriously cannot get a break
No. 1122355

>>1122326Yep. Everytime I considered plastic surgery it was the heaviest porn addicts who butted in and bitch about how "well plastic surgery is so unattractive, I would become unattracted to you if you got it" like where's your energy when you were fapping to porn bolt ons last night? Kek
And then you have the "not like other porn addicts" who preach about "well II don't fap to women who've had surgery!" And then post a picture of some camgirl with implants or something. They think just because it was shared on a smaller platform means no plastic surgery. I've legit seen men whiteknight to death about how ~their~ fav camgirl or porn star doesn't have plastic surgery just for it to be revealed she did kek. Daisy keech is an example since so many simps of hers will fight about how she's 100% natural but literally posted her plastic surgery vlog. These scrotes are trying so hard to create a fantasy land for themselves even when it's shoved in their face
No. 1122374
>>1122355Nta but yeah they see way more women naked on a screen than they see irl so they start to think the exaggerated proportions that are everage in porn are the irl norm too and must occur naturally all the time. They can't spot an enhanced body when they see it anymore.
I'm getting flahsbacks to men doing things to me in bed that no woman on earth would ever finish from and them being surprised I wasn't coming… pornsicks, they really do just tell on themselves kek
No. 1122409
>>1122374>Nta but yeah they see way more women naked on a screen than they see irl so they start to think the exaggerated proportions that are everage in porn are the irl norm tooI also blame a lot of pickmes who go out of their way to use angles, filters, and photoshop to make their proportions look unattainable while sending nudes so a lot of men think "normal" women have this body type, combine that with the fact shapewear, lifting yoga pants, push up bras, etc is becoming more common irl. Men will never truly grasp how artificial a lot of things and fully expect normal women to look this way
>I'm getting flahsbacks to men doing things to me in bed that no woman on earth would ever finish from and them being surprised I wasn't comingliterally, so many men demand big round asses with big perky tits but don't even bother foreplay or touching the body whatsoever. At most you'll get some dry fingering or them painfully pounding your clit/urethra area thinking it's hot. Don't even get me started on dirty talk, WHY do men think talking about sex with other women is sexy and a turn on?
No. 1122502
>>1122409I had a dude show me the onlyfans vids he made with another chick and showed me her pictures and I was like ?????? and he thought I was the weird one because other girls apparently liked it. Yeah insecure pick me girls preted to be cool with it, but I'm actually cool mate. Plus talked about his poly relationships, showed me his threesome pics and talked about his relationship issues. Then afterwards acted like he didn't care about seeing me again and I was like, thank god, but he kept blowing my phone up for months. Being the only girl to tell him how he is obviously insecure and that being poly and being an e-whore is pathetic got him hooked, proof you should be as direct and rude to men as possible, they love that shit. Never be a doormat.
Also had a dude rub my clit off and it was painful and I told him that and moved his finger to the right spot, and he had the audacity to tell me he knew it worked because it worked with other girls and kept doing it. And he told me all girls are bi and I told him no, I'm not attracted to girls at all. And while blowing him he started talking about how he knew I would like it if he brought in another girl to eat me out. I vomited in my mouth, told him I would love to have another guy suck his dick while he ate me out, got dressed and left.
No. 1122530
>>1122502Girl why did you blow a guy like that? I unironically think all men nowadays are bi if they're pornsick, though just like he probably was.
>>1122506Tbh I'm sure he gets the same reaction from anyone who's not fat and ugly enough to be a pilyfag but tries to gaslight them into thinking they're the odd one out. Anon was probably pretty and that's why he got obsessed with her, she did the right thing with having good boundaries.
No. 1122531
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>>1122410The original FF1:Pixel remaster, but the PSP version you can emulate is leagues better in art, music, and have bonus material(dungeons and bosses). You can download RetroArch on Steam for free, and find roms through rom sub-reddits and such
Vimm's Lair is my go-to No. 1122547
>>1122530The onlyfans girl was actually gorgeous. He told me no one had ever told him how fucking mental he was, probably only hung out with an equally retarded "uwu queer sexually liberated" people.
As for the other guy, idfk man, we were already naked and fucking at that point. He didn't like men at all, but he couldn't fathom that girl also could be straight as every other pick me bitch he had dated liked girls.
not saying bi women who wants to sleep with men and women at the same time doesn't exist, but I think most are just straight insecure girls No. 1122555
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Would writing fanfic of me and my husbando get rid of my hornyness?
No. 1122685
>>1122555There's literally no downside, indulge yourself
nonnie, you and your husbando deserve it
No. 1122773
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Seriously dumb question but this part in Only Yesterday she’s basically making ice cream right?
No. 1122890
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I recently read a book about a sweet romance between a Welsh woman and a German soldier during (a slightly alt-history) WW2, I thought it was a beautiful book but the romance didn't really go anywhere which was disappointing. Since then i've been left reeling because the concept of a love story between a girl and an enemy soldier seems so interesting to me!
I've been trying to look for books with that premise but I've just been finding shit like "Jewish girl is manipulated into relationship with German soldier" (wtf), "starving woman essentially prostitutes herself to feed family", or honeypot spy romances, which are not what I'm looking for. The only book I can remember reading with a similar premise was a fantasy YA novel about two warring viking clans, which was nice but I'd like to read something more realistic. It doesn't have to be any particular war or time period, I just want it to be a genuine romance instead of some awful scrotey story about women being manipulated and abused! It seems like such a simple trope (it's basically the plot of Pocahontas ffs) so I don't know why it's so hard to find a book using it? Does the trope have a name that I must be really stupid to miss? (not just 'enemies to lovers'!)
Can any nonna point me in the right direction of where to find a book like that or even recommend any to me? I will be very grateful!
No. 1122915
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Why the fuck isn't my lactaid working anons? Can I sue?
No. 1122977
>>1122976Yeah it's not real but I think some of the cases were super weird though and investigators had a hard time figuring out what happened.
I think the human body basically burns like a candle because of the fat content or something. I might be wrong about this stuff though, it's been a long time
No. 1123022
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Report and ignore
No. 1123026
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It's in this thread so don't scroll up
No. 1123030
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I gotta stupid question why do you exist?