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No. 1097102
Ask dumb questions, get dumber answers
>>>/ot/1075996 No. 1097133
File: 1647242666078.jpg (69.85 KB, 450x660, main-qimg-68bea4e6a603bfb0a021…)

>>1097123sounds like classic projection, which is a common defense mechanism
No. 1097137
>>1097133I don't see how it is projecting, what exactly am I projecting? Like, I realize it is in me and I accept it but for someone else I have a lot of hate to give when they have the same personality or traits that I do. What am I defending against? I'm sorry if I sound stupid.
For example, I unnaturally have a lot of hate for people who are selfpitying, while I am selfpitying myself.
No. 1097144
>>1097134No, the table I posted doesn't cover all of them. On Wikipedia they list the following ones considered as mature defense mechanisms:
>Level 4: matureThese are commonly found among emotionally healthy adults and are considered mature, even though many have their origins in an immature stage of development. They are conscious processes, adapted through the years in order to optimise success in human society and relationships. The use of these defences enhances pleasure and feelings of control. These defences help to integrate conflicting emotions and thoughts, whilst still remaining effective. >Those who use these mechanisms are usually considered virtuous.[26] Mature defences include:
>Altruism: Constructive service to others that brings pleasure and personal satisfaction>Anticipation: Realistic planning for future discomfort>Humour: Overt expression of ideas and feelings (especially those that are unpleasant to focus on or too terrible to talk about directly) that gives pleasure to others. The thoughts retain a portion of their innate distress, but they are "skirted around" by witticism, for example, self-deprecation.>Sublimation: Transformation of unhelpful emotions or instincts into healthy actions, behaviours, or emotions; for example, playing a heavy contact sport such as football or rugby can transform aggression into a game[29]>Suppression: The conscious decision to delay paying attention to a thought, emotion, or need in order to cope with the present reality; making it possible later to access uncomfortable or distressing emotions whilst accepting them>>1097137Sorry I misunderstood you. Yes, since you're conscious of it, it cannot be projection, I guess it's just…plain old dislike/hate then? But tbh the fact that seeing that undesired quality in someone else conjures up such strong emotions, it suggests to me that you haven't fully accepted it within yourself? Because if you did, it would't bother you as much I think, and you could also feel empathy for that person. I guess the healthy thing to do would be to just work on it to overcome it
No. 1097158
>>1097144>and you could also feel empathy for that person.This is a good point anon, it feels more that I don't even try to understand the other person. Just directly onto hate. You may be right it's probably I've not accepted it in myself which is why I hate when I'm… confronted with it?
Also thank you for the other part of your post, very interesting.
>>1097143I'm not good at all with introspecting. But I think it is the selfpitying in this case that I hate, and how someone expresses it. I keep it all in, and if someone vocalizes their selfpitying, even if their thoughts are exactly the same as mine, it makes me hate them. This is actually a pattern with other things as well. Kind of makes sense with the confronting my own bad traits. Very fascinating… much to think about. Thank you a lot.
No. 1097173
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Why do men get so butthurt when a woman has a type in men that deviates from what they think women should want? I've seen so many men get mad when a woman has a preference they don't approve of, like liking pretty boys or not liking roided out physiques for instance. When a woman says something like that men just have to chime in with how said woman is wrong and how all women ackshually like muscular chads and any woman who says otherwise is a liar or some stupid shit like "you'll grow out of it". Why are men like this? I've never seen women throwing a fit like this over men's preferences like this, yet it's common for men to try to gatekeep what women are attracted to.
No. 1097191
>>1097173Men live lives of fantasy and believe there’s a way to be effortlessly irresistible to everyone. “Chad” represents the delusion that there is a female kryptonite and the only thing preventing them from fucking a bucket of women is lack of muscles. It also reinforces their evopsyche bullshit and aids their
victim complexes. If women like a variety of things, then his actual personhood becomes the reason his dreams are dreams. Likewise, women specifically not reacting to the male power fantasy suggests the rest of their alpha cope is wrong. This also works inversely, where a lot of men already believe women secretly want them, so they work to convince themselves everyone who isn’t interested is just a suspiciously large group of endless minority outliers.
No. 1097318
Would it be a stupid idea to try and buy an apartment after I move out instead of renting? I do live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, but I was looking at housing for fun and there does exist a small number of apartments within a doable price range for me (150k-200k). Some of them, with the mortage and maintenance fees combined, end up being around the cost of rent in my city, if not cheaper. I barely have enough for a down payment so it's not feasible right now, plus they were scarce and only a few in decent neighborhoods, but in the future, why not? Do any nonas own homes? What fees can I expect to pay on top of maintenance and mortgage?
I found a 1br for 150k in the heart of my city, good square footage, not run down as fuck, within walking distance to where I work and it would've been so doable for me but… there's like no supermarkets in the area or they're all crazy expensive since it's smack in the middle so kek fuck.
No. 1097485
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How can I decorate muffins/cupcakes without frosting and icing? I want to make muffins but I also want them to look nice. Thought of maybe sprinkling sprinkle chocolate pieces on them, or almond flakes/coconut flakes? They will have pieces of strawberries inside, and they will be similar to strawberry cheesecakes taste-wise. I don't want to buy a pipe for frostings.
I want to make them look nice because they are going to be a birthday gift around a lot of people! Picrel is random.
No. 1097707
>>1097660I picked it up a few months ago and I think it can be, but it's possible to learn! Always keep your knees bent and buy elbow/knee/wrist pads and a helmet to prevent serious injury/allow you to skate while feeling at least a little more protected. I learned as a kid so it might be my muscle memory kicking in after 20+ years, but I don't think learning basic striding is very hard. I still have trouble stopping though. Lots of resources on the internet/youtube, skatefresh asha has many popular tutorials! My only word is advice is to make sure your ankles don't bend inward, it's tempting because it makes you feel safer but it's bad for you in the long run.
I hope you'll pick up inline skating nonna! I still suck at it but I can't fully express how much joy it brings me to just skate in circles at my local park.
No. 1097897
>>1097879>>Which is your favorite thread on lolcow?book thread, fakebois
>>which thread do you dislike most?idk, i rarely have strong feelings about threads and hide the ones i don't care about.
>>What do you feel is the spergiest thread?tinfoil and celebricows
>>which thread do you feel has the most scrote posters?i'm notoriously bad at clocking scrotes unless they say "i, as a man," tbh
>>whats your favorite cow?berry tsukasa was wild
i guess i'm just here to be terfy and mean.
No. 1097953
>>1097915celebricows has gone downhill thanks to all the lookist sperging, not that the milk has been very good the past couple years. the pandemic has really clogged up the pipes for celebrity retardation. i just want someone else significant to get metoo'd already fucking hell it's so boring
every time something milky is posted it's buried by someone derailing about how fat or ugly or badly aged a celeb is. we get it oh my god
No. 1097975
>>1097964I really want some bombshell to happen that will have anons consider refocusing! I'm still waiting on some follow ups for blind items and allegations. It's just weird.
The most consistent actual milk the past couple threads have been about Elon Grimes and Kanye Kim Pete and those are among the more entertaining in recent gossip events, but it always has to relapse back into the same circlejerk
No. 1097994
>>1097988Not really, I'm talking about character that you made from scratch (personality, looks, etc.).
>>1097990Happy to hear that, I'm in love with one of my character for years now. It's embarassing but I want to manifest someone like my chara in real life.
No. 1097995
>>1097986I kind of do, obviously not in a real love way though.
I like to imagine a genderbent version of one my my husbandos. She's better than the real one I don't think it's weird to love your OCs, it's just like loving a character who someone else made up.
No. 1098017
>>1097895Sometimes it is, thanks for acknowledging it. Maybe I'll look into it, thanks!
>>1097939Knowing how they work actually really puts my mind at ease, thank you so much!
>>1098003Nothing like that happened to me luckily. Sorry about you though.
No. 1098037
>>1098033You know this is something I've noticed with scrotes. I almost never use my friends' names as well unless I need to get their attention, but I have found quite a few guys will throw your name into a conversation particularly when they're talking down to you/mansplaining.
>Anon, you should know better than that.>Don't you think that's a bad way of looking at it, anon? >That's not true anon, you should look into the topic more. It's
so fucking obnoxious and literally out of the hundreds of people I've known it's always only been men awkwardly shoehorning my name into the conversation as if they're trying to explain something to a child. They always get flustered when I stop interacting with them afterwards, god forbid their fake appeal to authority doesn't pan out. You also get it with grimy salespeople, they know you for 2 minutes and are suddenly throwing your name into the conversation 5 times per sentence so you really feel they care and appreciate you kek.
No. 1098048
>>1098033I'm not a writer but I assume names are used more frequently for emphasis and clarity
>>1098037I could've sworn using people's names more often was also one of those 'how to make friends and influence people'-esque tips. It's a very autistic, moidlike thing to do.
No. 1098078
>>1098052From the Poshmark website: "Posh Parties are real-time virtual shopping events where users can meet up in the Poshmark app to shop, share, and sell clothing, accessories, and select home goods."
Or maybe your friends want to wear pearls and get drunk, it's hard to say
No. 1098230
>>1097879>>Which is your favorite thread on lolcow?ridiculous photoshoppers and the personal cows thread,
i like to keep it light hearted and of course the graphics thread on /m/
>>which thread do you dislike most?shaynas
>>What do you feel is the spergiest thread?celebricows
>>which thread do you feel has the most scrote posters?shaynas
>>whats your favorite cow?momokun but shes kinda boring now. i also love luna and her physical inabilaty to ever change, i guess moo is like that too though.
No. 1098412
>>1098403She drops out of Standford at 19 with an idea for a blood testing machine, creates a startup, gets initial funding, engineers not capable of developping her machine because it is not feasible, she doesn't change her vision because she doesn't understand anything about blood testing and wants to be the new Steve Jobs, fake it until you make it culture, she shills her startup to dumb investors through lies and fraud, ten years later her company is valued at several billions despite her lab's testing machines not working so they have to use competitors' machines secretly, she attacks the whistleblowers in her team, journalist hears about it, it all comes crashing down.
No. 1098429
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>>1098338Bad news anon, that's a telltale sign of being sensitive to FODMAPs. If other healthy foods make you feel like shit you should look up the diet
No. 1098437
>>1098420Ask an Ye shall recieve: can download the video by playing it, right clicking, and choosing to save media as. Pretty shit quality though considering the movie was only just released.
No. 1098539
>>1098489Not sure what you're asking anon. Why can't you just tell her "Mom, I need antidepressants because I've been depressed" and let the chips fall where they may.
Or do you have to convince her? What's the worst case scenario, that she denies it on her insurance?
No. 1098576
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which is more satisfactory, remaining calm when breaking up or being a total bitch? I remained calm last night but this morning I want to go back and being the biggest bitch in the world and really hurt his feelings. but maybe this whole buddha approach will be satisfying in the long run? rn I don't feel satisfied, there's a lot i wanna yell about and throw in his face
No. 1098578
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>>1098576Who felt the need to redraw her with more revealing clothes
No. 1098602
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Is this the de facto thread for random questions now too?
On a related note, has anyone used trazodone for insomnia and/or physical and psychological issues that cause insomnia (e.g. muscle tension)? Did it work, and did it cause side effects? I got prescribed a small dose as needed but trying new prescription drugs always freaks me out.
No. 1098604
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>>1098584>>1098576>>1098578>>1098590Ya'll fighting about clothing but why is she clay coloured?
No. 1098703
>>1098694Sarah Z and Jenny Nicholson both make great videos on internet history and popculture, it's hours worth of very interesting deep dives into this kind of topics a bit similar, internet-related topic, The Right Opinion and j aubrey have super long videos about various internet dramas / personalities, but that would usually be a little bit darker tone than the other two I've mentioned No. 1098758
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Obviously Im not a scientist but this seems so strange to me. How could the recommended daily intake of sugar(or anything really) for a full grown woman be more comparable to a child than the recommended amt for a full grown man? Maybe it does make sense and Im just rejecting it because I want to eat more sugar lol
No. 1098812
>>1098758>>1098772yes it’s caloric intake. meaning do not exceed more than 100 calories worth of sugar for women (6tsp) and 150 calories for men (9tsp).
this graphic must be outdated because the website doesn’t even have guidelines for children so they’re clearly not tacking them on with the women’s guidelines anymore. i wonder why they did it initially and why they subsequently changed it?
No. 1098950
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What app/program can be used to make edits like this? I've seen the images used in it before on their own, but obviously there's a 3D/pop-up effect
It's not TikTok, is it?
No. 1099049
>>1098986no, as the other anon said it's one month (28 days on avg) from the
start of your last period. if your cycle usually lasts five weeks then it's unusually long
No. 1099058
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i took a women’s/gender studies class last semester and in one of my essays i wrote that trans women aren’t women and therefore haven’t contributed at all to feminism, but she told me that’s actually not true. anyone know what tf she was talking about? i think about this pretty often.
No. 1099222
>>1098795I don't think your sister is a pedo though she is dating a manchild. Since she's into 'manly' men, it sounds like maybe she's subscribed to more traditional beliefs of what the masculine ideal is, which is often synonymous with
toxic traits. Not surprising though, if she wants to be a tradwife. I don't think there's really much you can do to help her since she's gotta learn herself how that shit actually isn't attractive… or maybe she's happy in her current relationship even if he's awful. Would love to hear more stories about them though, they sound kind of entertaining.
No. 1099290
>>1099286i guess you would like someone standing in front of a rotisserie and say the name before placing it into your arms
your right though its false advertising
No. 1099327
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How do I order stuff online without anyone knowing if I still live at home? I just want my figures without my family getting their hands on it
No. 1099408
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What is it like to have a really young step-parent? Especially if they and your real parent having kids of their own.
No. 1099438
>>1099408She has those shinpaku eyes or whatever.
>>1099425Agree. When I learned Bo Burnham was dating a woman like 12 years his senior it freaked me out. Imagine dating a 23 year old scrote as a 35 year old woman. I’m in my late 20s and the thought of dating a 23 year old makes me want to vomit. I don’t think all age gap relationships are necessarily
abusive or anything but sometimes it’s just pathetic.
No. 1099469
>>1099459>>1099467this is perfect
nonnie thank you so so so much!!!
No. 1099477
>>1099474Here's how I fixed myself
(I was into really fucked up kinks) cause I had my own issues) and even when I tried quitting porn, It never worked long term
but I fixed myself by replacing my urges with Vanilla Porn
I'd go from periods of not watching porn at all(3 days) then mastrubate to my pre-downloaded vanilla porn once a day for 5 days total, then I'd stop watching for 9 days and repeated the same schedule with 5 days, even when I'd fail, I would still always use the vanilla porn
eventually 9 goes to 12, then to 15, to 20, then to 30, then 40 and finally after 45 I was finally recovered
No. 1099482
>>1099474you can read erotica if it's your thing. or just use your imagination, that's what I did and it worked from the beginning (I was never
addicted to porn tho) but I still have trouble picturing realistic non-porny scenarios.. having sex irl and thinking about that probably works too
idk I wouldn't know) No. 1099566
>>1099497I think you can read them online. The physical ones are cringe imo.
>>1099562I never heard of this?
No. 1099581
>>1099575>>1099577>>1099578Guys, it's just very old Coca Cola marketing that was so effective it became an old wives tale. It's a common marketing tactic to tout supposed health benefits of your product, coca cola was one of the pioneers of strong marketing and people didn't have the same critical thinking about advertising back then.
t. BA in marketing
No. 1099588
>>1099585or this (2015 version): also found this 2020 version on PirateBay ([SadeemPC]) but tbh I don't really trust them anymore, try it at your own risk. Lately there have been a lot of fake torrents there
No. 1099632
>>1099622I really believe myself that the stuff that they post is all fake or 3D generated as theres some really 'real' 3D models that exist. I really want to believe that real CP is a lot harder to find. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that, it's so sad either way
Sick sick fucks
No. 1099659
>>1099474>>1099497idgi just use your imagination
>>1099579ginger ale actually worked ime. sometimes tea is alright but sometimes it makes my nausea worse
No. 1099796
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can you take picrel back in the store and reuse it? i don't wanna be hassled by the ikea employees that i haven't paid for the cart even though i bought it on an earlier trip.
No. 1099860
>>1099481How masturbation is unhealthy? I'm not talking about porn, but masturbating itself.
Masturbation is completely normal.
No. 1099865
>>1099795Same, I would like to be sure before dating someone.
I'm into women but I have doubts sometimes.
No. 1099888
>>1099872lol yes, can make you puke too
on a similar note, are vapes actually good for quitting smoking or at least saving money? mom's been talking about getting one but my parents can't afford it, so i'm thinking about getting one for her. they are already toeing the poverty line so i have to be careful.
No. 1099991
>>1099967in my experience poly folxxx are either
-teenagers/very young adults who have no idea what love/a relationship is like so they assume every close online friends that they talk to on discord until 3 am on school nights is their queerplatonic datemate so they date their entire online clique
-extremely ugly people who somehow convinced people they were hot (usually by being into degen kinks) and because they know that they are ugly as sin they accept everyone into their weird poly relationship because who knows when they might find another person who wants to touch them without a hazmat suit on
No. 1100090
>>1100040>>1100003>>1099991>>1099985>>1099972>>1099971kek thank you for the replies nonas. When I was young and impressionable was when polyam first started to kick up on tumblr and I did wonder about the whole "humans have always been polyam!!!" rhetoric, but opted to just believe than I am just a monogamous person instead of buying into flashy new trends (like I usually did).
One of my old college acquaintances announced she was in a poly relationship and I wasn't surprised to see that it composed of her and another girl (sorry, but pretty medicore) plus a neckbeard. I guess they broke up since she deleted all evidence of it kek.
No. 1100099
>>1100071>>1100079you poop what you don't/can't digest plus some other waste products. so if you are having small poops you are probably eating a lot of easily digestible food. might need some more fiber in your diet nonna!
>>1100084 could also be right.
>>1099942>>1099913>>1099918thanks! i don't foresee her being completely nicotine-free ever so i feel like even if it just means no cigarettes it's probably good enough. thanks for the smok rec, seems like it would be relatively easy for her to figure out.
No. 1100112
>>1100109Like if he directly steals from your house then that's theft
Reminds me of a guy in our neighbourhood who takes discarded construction equipment and sometimes literal trash for his own workout tools
We literally have a local gym that's like 20 minutes away from our area and yet he no one has ever seen him there
No. 1100146
>>1100143>Pirate Bay’sI checked it but only have a few results and half of them are porn.
I'm searching for weeb music.
Any other good sites anons?
No. 1100168
>>1100109In my old neighborhood this happened a lot, people would go to the door handles and yank them to see who left them unlocked and shuffle through but not break or steal anything half the time.
Sometimes they're looking for important documents though to commit fraud instead of valuables. I dont know why but I guess locking your door isnt very common in my neighborhood despite crime.
They do this with peoples houses too, look for the unlocked and then leave without a trace.
No. 1100169
>>1100161I went to this site but it only showed me a "funny" page.
Or maybe this page has a different spelling? I checked on google and saw torrent sites with similar names, but i'm not sure if i should click on them.
No. 1100207
>>1100187Thanks anon, this one is good!
But thank you anons for all your help!
No. 1100260
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>>1100252>do men thinkmen are npcs and have no rich inner lives. it's why they only like a videogame, a sport and a vehicle. sometimes they like a beverage, usually coffee or some alcohol. if men like a thing, it's best to assume that they're only liking the thing in hopes of impressing a woman.
No. 1100262
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>>1100252>>1100252>what are some nice things men think about when they look at youSex, fucking, breasts, ass, and whether or not you'll validate whatever bullshit is about to come out of their mouth
No. 1100264
>>1100252What a useless question to ask on a website full of women. How Tf would we know
>>1100260Car men are the absolute worst
No. 1100268
>>1100252Image of female hits male retina. Stimulus hit brain. M-brain go:
>if beautiful: individual classified as female >if not beautiful: individual classified as subhuman scientifically proven
No. 1100284
>>1100264for me it's
sport men: acceptable if they also play the sport themselves
car men: alright if they actually are involved with cars, like work on them or something. extra embarrassing when they obsess over their mazda or prius.
videogame men: cringe, especially when it's fifa, egoshooters, gacha games and/or coomer games.
>>1100275they have very pre-scripted dialogues in my experience. there's a scrote from college that i run into every few months and every interaction is always the same. when i first met him, i thought i was experiencing déjà-vus way too often and feared that i had brain damage or something.
No. 1100288
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Why do they gay-code the best male love interests in tv shows and movies? They’re always the best but they end up being homosexual… answers?
No. 1100292
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>>1100288i know this is about jeff from superstore.
No. 1100298
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Are there any woodfags here? I’m gonna build a keyboard tray for my desk and am wondering what the minimum thickness I can get away with is. It’s currently a drawer like picrel but having the drawer there makes the desktop too high for my arms to comfortably work all day. I took it out and replaced the drawer with an inch-thick piece of plywood and it works awesome. Only issue is that there’s just a little bit less hand space in there than I want, so thinner wood would be better for a real tray. Don’t want to break something if I’m using the tray extended, though.
No. 1100305
>>1100275Is it actually normal for women to ask men what they're thinking? I thought it was a tv based sexist stereotype. Moids are constantly posting smug PSAs about how
>akshually we're not thinking anything when you ask us what we're thinking, silly emotion driven gf who was clearly wanting to start a deep conversation and connect on a more intimate leveland I'm sick of it, but I never thought it was based in reality
No. 1100371
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does using yassified reaction pics make me a faggot? I really like them, i think they're funny…
No. 1100406
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the grout between my tiles in my bathroom is cracking and falling out and it's causing water leaking all over my bathroom. i need new tiles ON THE IMMEDIATE.
anons, please can you give reccs on what medium to large tiles/looks/colors you'd recommend for a small bath? i'm trying to minimize grout so while i like picrel, it's just too much grout to worry about
No. 1100423
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Why does my dog act like he has gotten beaten and abused? He has been pampered by my family and I since we got him as a puppy from a veterinarian who took care of him and the rest of the litter until he was big enough to come home.
But he’s afraid of windshield wipers, tennis rackets, random sticks, pans, plates, water gallons and selfie sticks. Any of us could be holding those things casually and he will cower and sometimes bark with his tail between his legs. It makes me feel worried, I don’t want to stress him, he doesn’t need that.
No. 1100498
File: 1647489159079.png (338.88 KB, 1366x1625, Non-Graphic-Smut - Archive of …)

What the fuck does this tag mean? Isn't all smut graphic by default?
No. 1100611
>>1100498It just seems like someone who's too afraid to say the word sex since the more appropriate tag would be implied sex.
>>1100603Anon you can't drop this then disappear, i feel like my whole world has changed.
No. 1100621
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>>1100617I like to imagine I’m burning sage to clear the thread of my own personal demons
No. 1100648
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does anyone have the site name/screencap of pic rel happening? It seems funny, like a lolcow-esque site for groupies and celebrity gossip. Hopefully it’s not one of those things that’s lost to time. Btw pic rel is from ‘A mar and furious master’ by rivers cuomo
No. 1100686
If you get hallucinations from smoking weed does that mean you're schizo and should avoid it?
>>1100666Powerful question with powerful post number. I think ugly is not a face shape, but a place in society. The idea of objective beauty is a meme sold by plastic surgeons and Cosmetics companies. But subjective beauty can be almost perfectly overlaid with social caste judgements. Beauty is a shorthand for health, wealth and social power. That's why rich beautiful people get unnecessary surgeries just to prove they can afford to look like an alien (see: Hadids).
>how do I know I'm ugly You don't know, you decide. Faces actually have very little to do with it. Good health, grooming, hair, clothes, posture, and attitude will make 99% of people think you're attractive, and the other 1% are trying to sell you something.
No. 1100691
nonny, please stop smoking. ive known people who have been able to go back to it, but its not worth developing actual psychosis or something. i know its hard, i just had to quit because it was making me lazy and more depressed, but after a week you start to feel better without it.
No. 1100719
>>1100695I usually smoke equivalent of 1 joint, because I use a vape it's easy to have a bit too much. Maybe 1 in 5 times I smoke, this happens. This time I thought I hadn't pulled anything in the first inhale so I had another, so twice as much as usual, so it was more intense.
I was on the couch and felt like I was lucid dreaming, I could make my body float on clouds, turn myself into a cartoon or see through multiple universes where I was living different lives. My boyfriend was with me and I said ask me anything, he asked me my name, I hesitated and said that's a a trick question. Which worries me because I genuinely couldn't access that information, I didn't realize I was that far gone. I was still functional though, could get up and get myself something from the kitchen etc, so not like I felt paralyzed or anything.
It was perfectly pleasant to be honest, and it's happened often enough that I'm not confused or scared by it. But I know it's a slippery slope because I'm a very anxious person and this is the only way to truly take a holiday from my internal monologue. I used to smoke once in a blue moon but now it's every day, so my tolerance is building and I get these hallucination spells more often as I try to find the right dose to feel high. I tell myself it's just weed and that I never got a rebellious teen phase so why not enjoy this in the safety of my home, but idk, I don't want to drive myself crazy.
No. 1100757
>>1100736I don't use prefilled carts I use Rick Simpson Oil in a reusable vape. I've shared it with a few people and they never have adverse effects like I do. I think I'll switch to edibles for now because it's easier to control the dose, and try cut back to only getting high on weekends so I don't build a tolerance…
I hate that this experience has made me curious about other hallucinogens, I hate drug culture in general and my worst fear is trying something hard on a whim and becoming a real junkie. There is so much addiction in my family it feels like a foregone conclusion sometimes.
No. 1100836
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I feel like my life is meaningless if I don't achieve something big in science. Is there a name for that kind of complex?
No. 1100937
>>1100870I was school-acquaintances with one in high school. ie, we were in a drafting class together but the teacher was incompetent so we spent a lot of the time just playing multiplayer video games. He thought he was super clever though really he was mediocre at best, always asking me for help on our work. He knew I was religious and would frequently ask me questions about my beliefs, then would make a smug smirk hearing my answer.
We were also in a mythology class together—it was well known as the best class at the school and focused on classical and Norse mythology. At the beginning of the class we all had to sign (along with our parents) a disclosure document essentially saying we understand that religion and religious texts will be frequently discussed and read in the class. Anyway, later in the year we get to Norse mythology, and by the time Norse myths were written down they contained themes from Christianity. For instance, Odin’s favorite son Baldr was killed unjustly, but they take comfort in the fact that he will come back to life and return at the end of the world to rule over it peacefully. So naturally as we read all this stuff we’re not just looking at the Edda but bits from the Bible too. This dude comes up to me in our other class and tells me how furious he is that we’re looking at the Bible in class, how he’s gonna tell his parents and get the teacher fired, etc. I had to remind him that he was essentially in a religion class and that if he’d read the disclosure doc he’d know that it very clearly said, “AT TIMES THE BIBLE AND OTHER RELIGIOUS TEXTS WILL BE REFERENCED IN THIS CLASS. DON’T TAKE THE CLASS IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THAT.” He kind of mumbled his grievances but shut up after that.
Once in our drafting class he asked me if Jesus Christ is considered a myth. I told him that based on the definition we used in our mythology class (where essentially, myths are stories that are foundational to or based in human religion), yes. He did this big chortle and had a smug look on his face for the next ten minutes.
Towards the end of the year (this was senior year) I asked him where he’d applied to go to college. He said he didn’t apply to anywhere. This was well past submission deadlines; colleges had already sent out acceptance letters. I was a bit aghast at this and asked him what his plans were for after school. He said, “I dunno, I might go to [community college] or something.”
For maybe a year after graduating he’d occasionally send me emails asking questions about Minecraft mechanics or mods he couldn’t figure out. I’d answer them, and eventually those fizzled out too. No idea where he is now.
No. 1100968
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I hope you guys are ready for the stupidest question that may have ever been posted here (I get to it at the bottom)
2.7% of whites in the bone marrow donor registry, despite being
63% of population. By comparison
3.9% of native americans in the bone marrow donor registry despite being
2% of the population
1.1% of native hawaiians in the bone marrow donor registry despite being
0.15% of the population
3.9% of asians in the bone marrow donor registry despite being
5% of the population
1.6% of blacks in the bone marrow donor registry despite being
12.3% of the population
1.6% of hispanics in the bone marrow donor registry despite being
17% of the population.
These numbers have
increased since 2012 and somehow there's still "not enough minority" marrow to go around so much so that they keep urging non-whites to donate to this day? It would make sense if european-americans where the LEAST likely to need a bone marrow transplant, but they actually are the most likely to need it.
What's more,
0.4% of french people are registered, similar population size to that of black and hispanics in 2012, and
yet it is the country that has the HIGHEST successful bone marrow transplants. The narrative here is that blacks/hispanics and other minorities don't have as much people in the registry as white people hence the lower rate of finding matches. But, if having as much people in the registry as possible has an effect on how likely it is you find a donor as is implied, then how do the french manage to have such high rate of matches despite it? If it doesn't, then why is there a need for practically all minorities to be on the registry to be able to increase the likelihood they find a match?
This is without getting into the fact that 30% of people needing a bone marrow transplant will find a match through a relative. of the people needing unrelated marrow, I could not find a break down for each race or who needs it the most anywhere, only that 35%(1,900) of hispanics will need it. That is 0.2% of 860,000 donors. Most likely less now.
What am I missing here?
I used pic rel and referenced population at the time to get my percentages. ctrl+f france (4/52) No. 1100979
>>1100937thank you for sharing, too bad many of them are adults and don't have youth as an excuse.
>>1100968did you look into the science of how people have matching human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types or not by ethnicity? maybe for minority populations in the west, there is a wide variety of ethnicities in each major racial category so they have differing HLA types or something. I don't know much about this but good luck, hopefully you can find some good articles that aren't too bogged down in details.
No. 1100985
>>1100979oh i hadnt thought about that, maybe the tissues are more complex?
Thank you
No. 1101113
>>1101108Yes, from the femcel bingo.
Also what does femcel even mean if it includes voluntary celibacy?
No. 1101124
>>1101116imo it's worth it, it is quite cheap. I've put over 400 hours on it at this point and I still have stuff to do. It's not like ACNH where you run out of things to do the moment you finish building your island and then you're left with basically nothing to do but run around. If you play on PC there's sooo many mods to make the game more immersive and cozy.
I pirated it to try it out and liked it so much I ended up buying it on different platforms kek
No. 1101132
>>1101113femcel honestly just means any women who has somewhat of a distaste for male behaviour regardless of how mild the detain is at this point. It used to be about women who were scorned by scrotes one time or they were the nerdy girl at school and can't get over it.
>>1101116It's still worth it imo.
>>1101128but can't you see anon, trannies use cp to better understand female trauma and ease their dysphoria!
No. 1101168
>>1101126>TV and streamingNothing
>Concerts or eventsPROG ROCK
Hope this helps
No. 1101177
>>1101126>TV and StreamingSerial Experiments Lain
>FilmMade in Abyss
>Musicgirl in red and Vomir mainly
No. 1101191
>>1101171Yes, Renaissance, King Crimson, Soft Machine, Gong, Magma, Van der Graaf Generator, Camel, Alan Parsons Project, ELP, ELO, Klaatu, Karfagen, Cast, Brian Eno
No. 1101245
>>1101242Just add > at the beginning of a line
no >
> with > No. 1101257
File: 1647545648878.jpeg (38.78 KB, 275x225, 207D2937-1B64-4D8F-A136-E491FD…)

Alright nonnies!!! What’s the real consensus on Turning Red? I wasn’t interested in watching it because I hate weebshit, but the controversy is interesting and I can’t find any real reviews that aren’t done by wokies or scrotes.
I don’t have a problem with a kids movie addressing discovering your sexuality, but it’s weird that she twerks and turns into a catgirl. I just know weeb pedo scrotes will love this movie.
You can post your hesitations about the movie, but please indicate whether or not you’ve actually seen it in your post!!
No. 1101270
>>1101126>TV/streamingDynasty (The remake one. It's my new guilty pleasure show), GOT, Gentleman Jack and The Gilded Age right now
>Film I plan to watch Nightmare Alley. Also whatever is playing during movie nights.
>Music Whatever is playing during Tunesdays kek. Right now I'm jamming to some Irish music.
No. 1101309
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>>1101257>tfw I haven't seen any actual outrage just people talking about the outrageI'm seeing people fawn over the actual fictional boyband which is hilarious to me.
That aside, I haven't seen it yet but I do like that this movie has that "outcast" girl type friend group even if it's stereotypical. I also like they they are showing the actual maxi pads and shit.
No. 1101350
>>1101257I think it’s cute, I couldn’t relate to mc because I have a different relationship with my family, but it was a silly movie.
The fact that they talk about periods was honestly nice, I can’t remember a single kid’s movie from my childhood that talks about them.
I also liked the main character and her friends, they are just normal kids doing dumb kid’s shit and being cringy, I seriously related to the girl with the pink overalls, I was as retarded and loud as her.
At first I thought the anime reactions would only happen a few times, and thought it was okay, but seeing them over and over again was awkward.
I feel like they really went for the nostalgia trip with the notebook doodles, I felt that because I’ve done that with friends and it was kind of cute to see something like that in a movie.
The art was okay, I’m not a big fan of the bean mouths but it could’ve been more cursed like in Luca.
No. 1101358
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>>1101350>The fact that they talk about periods was honestly nice, I can’t remember a single kid’s movie from my childhood that talks about them.i remember watching braceface and being surprised that they actually had a period episode in it. like they talk about this in live action tv shows for young teens maybe, but that was the first time i saw it mentioned in a cartoon.
No. 1101477
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If you have a job you enjoy:
>what is the job
>how did you get it
>how do you travel to it
pls tell me I'm a retarded neet and want more insight, here I posted cute cat now tellme
No. 1101767
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does being a (good) artist make people want to be your friend?
No. 1101829
>>1101814>>1101823AYRT (>>1101803) and oh
nonnie, I want to give you a hug. You don't have to have a skill they can brag about or gifts or social status(?) to make friends, if anything I'd reckon the friends you may make in this manner are shallow at best and will likely not stick around. Do you want/have any art friends? Making people laugh and validating them works, but it would be even better if you had a genuine common interest (like art) that you could talk and share about. Could you possibly make art friends by taking classes or joining hobby groups and meeting them online? It seems unlikely but I've made some new connections this way, not good friends persay but people I can have conversations with without awkwardness (and I'm usually retardedly awkward too) because we are passionate about the same subjects.
No. 1101955
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how did game development shift so heavily male ? from what I've researched during the early history of game development, women played a more proportionate role in the industry, it was only the Japanese Industry that was 99% male
In fact one could argue that women have influenced video games more than men. Jane Jensen, Roberta Williams, Kim Swift, Corrinne Yu, Carol Shaw, Jade Raymond, Amy Hennig, I mean Roberta Williams single handedly(with some help from her husband) revolutionized and created a new genre of gaming while she was a housewife
No. 1102054
>>1101955I wish I could give a better response
nonnie but I feel like it has something to do that most men"s first crushes are (usually over sexualized) women, then they get into making games, they start sexualizing women characters, women feel uncomfortable and feel unable to joine the gate-keeped community of moids, cycle continues.
Look at Nier or Bayonetta, they're designed to appeal to men.
I also would go to video game tournaments (ssbm) and a lot of the same men were in tech or game revs who would hit on me as a (known fact) I was 14/15. I hate to derail but I think many men in those fields just ward off women one way or another, the normal ones were always the creepiest 1:1.
No. 1102077
>>1102071Thank you
nonny but my teeth are decently straight enough that my dentist actually turned me down when I said I wanted braces (they're a little wobbly at the tips of my bottom teeth but still aligned if that makes sense?)
I think I might have a slight stutter? I tend to prolongate and pause between words quite a bit when I reflect more. Oh well lol, if someone asks me again ill push more and update yall !
No. 1102206
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How do you escape from assumptions people make about you?
I have attention problems and sometimes I have to be told something several times and this makes people think I'm profoundly stupid and sometimes they decide that I don't know anything and I have to be explained everything from the very basics.
Example: the accountant at my workplace assumed that I know nothing about taxes for some reason and went on a monologue about how taxes work. I didn't want to be rude and tell her I already know these things so I didn't interrupt her. But I wonder, should I have had?
Or another example is that because I don't talk about my dating life (it just feels…intrusive when people ask about it) people assume I must be lesbian and sometimes they allude to it in a mocking way (like they ask me if I ever go to a certain bar - which is known to be a gay bar - and things like that). It's just super annoying
No. 1102215
>>1101477>what is the jobNews researcher.
>how did you get itPure dumb luck. I went to school for International Relations, graduated and worked retail because fuck politics. Quit retail because fuck retail too and got a temp job as a receptionist at a news company through a recruiter. Tried to interview for a permanent open position they had at one of the departments but the head of that department didn't want to interview me. My contract ended, worked receptionist at another place, lady back at the news company said "hey X quit, do you want to interview for his position?" I knew almost everyone from every department since I was the receptionist, including my boss's predecessor, but I had never met my boss since he came in after I left. I came in for my interview, and landed the job. My boss told me after I got hired that he had gone around and asked about me… which is terrifying to hear, but thankfully everyone had nothing but good things to say! I consider myself very, very lucky. It can be hectic and I really dread it at times since I don't have the proper background for it, but 95% of the time I'm very happy here.
>how do you travel to itI take the subway to work. The commute is thankfully super quick and easy from home.
Good luck nona! I hope you will be able to leave neetdom and have a fulfilling life. Even though my job is related to my field, it's not my passion, and that lack of passion helps me keep a healthy work-life balance. It's just a good enough job that suits my needs (good hours, good benefits, relatively laid back because my company is small) but doesn't take away from what makes living enjoyable to me (i.e. everything I do outside of work). Some people live to work, some people work to live. No shame in being one or the other, but I don't like sacrificing my life for work/money kek.
No. 1102382
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What did you do today
What should I do today
No. 1102384
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Why some women are so obsessed about male height? Looking at the discussion in the vent thread, 170 cm (5'7 I guess?) is completely normal so the ridicule is kinda bizarre. What the difference really does it make if a man is the same height as a woman or even a little shorter? I imagine it's a problem when there's, idk, 50cm difference but that would work both ways, for smaller and taller. Otherwise no idea what purpose tall men serve, looking like a stereotypical straight couple is not that cool or worth pursuing
No. 1102415
>>1102382I’m trying to write my report of yesterday so I can send it before Sunday and fighting the urge to play videogames and do this at night. You should drink some water for me and have some fruits, preferable and orange, oranges are so nice, I love them, eat an orange for me,
nonnie and maybe also do the laundry, change the sheets of your bed and take a really nice shower with some nicely scented shower gel, I’ve always wanted to try some green tea scented shower gel, I love green tea, it’s so nice and relaxing, or maybe some orange shower gel, I love those too, they’re energizing, pick something depending on what you need,
No. 1102417
>>1102413let women be attracted to what they want to. I only see men get butthurt when a woman is attracted to tall men.
Also males typically tend to have a long-torso,short-legs body type so they look really bad when they are short. Tall mens bodies look more proportionate.
No. 1102496
>>1102384dating a very tall or just 6ft+ man comes with the fact that he's going to use his height as a personality trait the same as how some short women have the uwu im so smal im baby dumb shit going on.
i know we love to shit on manlets on lc but i've actually had a much more enjoyable time dating short men who are just comfortable with the fact they're short. there isn't any napoleon complex nor big tall daddy dom complex going on, they're just chilling and you don't have to break your neck to kiss them.
No. 1102558
>>1102523i think one time she bought something from an etsy store that also sold
terf stuff.
No. 1102559
>>1102497nta, I prefer men to be taller then me but with in reason
I'd like a guy to 2-4 inches taller, a 10+ inch size difference is uncomfortable asf
No. 1102592
>>1102579Feminism struggled with intersectionality in the past. It improved with the second wave but it wasn’t perfect, and even still there are racist people who otherwise fit into radfem ideology.
> 'I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.'Audre Lorde was one critic of the second wave, and a womanist, which is a black led feminist movement. Womanism is even less well known. I would like to think that by now, intersectionality is well accepted as integral to the majority of radical feminists. However, you probably won’t be seeing real radical feminist discourse on lolcow or tumblr kek
No. 1102622
>>1102607They just see radical feminism as "feminist but they hate trannies and pornography" and just ignore all the parts that are contradictory to male /pol/tard shit. They feel subversive and "cool" calling themselves "radfems", even though they still obsess over being accepted/liked by men and don't subscribe to any of its tenets. "terfdavidicke"/"radfemhitler" is one of those types. I remember her followers sometimes came here to racebait and sperg out
>>1102609What's a "jebaiter"?
No. 1102680
>>1102620Posture is mainly about developing the muscles we didn't use so when slouching so it can feel uncomfortable developing them. My job is standing for hours so I really had to fix my posture because I noticed others would slouch and get stuck like that.
Something that helped me was running in a gym or beside a mirror in your house and actively fixing your posture when you notice you start to lean forward. (I say running because eventually people start to lean forward as they work their muscles)
Another trick is wearing overalls comfortable on the straps when standing straight, but when you slouch it will start to feel tight, forcing you to shoulders down + back
I don't do squats (weights) but I heard that helps, also stretching eases the pain but once you start reminding yourself it gets a lot easier
Also walking in high heels (even just around your house to practice the posture)
No. 1102715
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I'm watching movies/series on Divicast but there's a pop-up ads page on everything I click. Is there a way to stop that? (adblock and malwarebyte used as extension) Should Brave work or I habe to bear with it?
No. 1103073
>>1103062Taco Bell is my favorite. It's delicious and the beef isn't much worse than anything else available at other fast food restaurants.
I also don't understand when people say spicy food makes them poop or makes pooping painful. Am I just lucky?
No. 1103089
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Has anyone here left mean comments to anyone with a throwaway account aka "cyberbullying"? And, do you think that's a bad thing?
No. 1103152
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>>1101137>>1101124>>1101132Ok, I'm downloading it now! I hope it's as good as I've heard, I don't know too much about the game but I think it will be fun and very relaxing. I love a game that can be played continuously.
No. 1103193
>>1103178Absolutely. I think you can learn to enjoy your own company and be happy with that, if not fill the loneliness with friends and people who love you, than to be with someone who belittles you and wears down your self worth. It’s a shitty internal intrusive thought, vs a physical version of that that you
cannot control. I get sad that I’m single sometimes and wish I wasn’t alone, but I can’t sacrifice my emotional and mental wellbeing to be with someone just to be with someone. Fish would be nicer company.
No. 1103204
>>1102063Are you suspected/diagnosed autistic? I was watching a dating show about autists once (love on the spectrum) and one girl in an episode was talking about how people often assume she has an accent when she doesn't, and the guy responded "oh yeah, that's just the autism accent"
I felt so called out lol, because I've had this too. People ask me if I'm "from" somewhere because I sound different but I genuinely think it's just the tism
No. 1103494
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In true monkeybrain fashion, I have eaten 7 bananas in a row. Did someone here also overdosed on bananas before and could possibly tell me what is going to happen to me please ?
No. 1103527
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>>1103499>>1103508>>1103516pray for me nonnies I will die doing something I loved at least, I've been googling hyperkalemia like a crazy women for the past hour and getting (probably, I hope) placebo shortness of breath as a result kek
No. 1103534
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>>1103527Alas poor anon, leaving this earth too early because of bananas like King Adolf Fredrik and his semlor.
No. 1103676
>>1103626I don't know if I necessarily 'like' it but I do like to smell myself after a good workout and see how sweaty I can get.
>>1103658My EX lol. I made the mistake of hitting on him and he did start to like me (pathetic yes I know). But he told me that he had never had a crush on anyone, never wanted to have sex, no sexual or romantic feelings before. I think he could've been autistic overall ngl but at some point he thought he was asexual. (Met in highschool). Even now we chat and he still says he doesn't like, lust or want anyone. He admitted to trying to hookup at a party because a girl kept hitting on him but he couldn't get into it or keep it up. He didn't find her attractive or anything at all. Even when we were dating he was not a big kisser (he said lips touching felt weird). His attachment style was avoidant(mines anxious) and he was an ISTP.
No. 1103689
>>1103676What an interesting dude, he seems like a bad partner though, I'm sorry. I have sexual feelings, or like don't hate sex but I guess I'd be completely fine with never dating or having sex.
>>1103678My experience is very similar to yours.
>Hopefully when I'm old I'll be the witchy old neighborhood lady who lives with cats.Sounds like a plan, hehe.
No. 1103805
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>>1103766These are so bingable
No. 1103865
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>>1103808>>1103805>>1103846kek sorry I couldn't wait for the answers so I ordered ice cream
No. 1103882
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i suddenly really want a relationship. i have never been in a real one (only e-dating like ten years ago) but i just want to experience irl love for once. but i also don't feel confident "putting myself out there" (idk how and where and what and huh) because i'm very overweight (30 kilos too much to be precise) and my weight loss has stalled for the past six months because of a lot of irl stress. i also never had a relationship, kissed, held hands, had sex, naturally i never bothered getting any kind of BC either so i would have to find a gyno first too, but i'm also terrified of getting pregnant and from masturbation alone i can say that penetration is boring. i turn 30 in two months. should i even bother? love and sex is such an abstract concept for me at this point and the idea of ever being in a romantic, sexual relationship myself is like imagining myself turning into a bird or something. i just can't comprehend it.
No. 1103903
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Swedes, does any of you actually likes and eats this on a regular basis?
No. 1103920
>>1103895Most of them use dating apps I'm afraid… For me it was at work, but I work in male dominated industry. IRL speed dating events are still a thing (at least in my country) so you could look this up, it's definitely very straightforward about the intention; otherwise if you'd be willing, some kind of volunteering activity? Though there it will be most likely female-dominated like your office is, still, a chance to meet genuine, well meaning people.
Ultimately, as I think most of the people, I know some (specifically, two) marriages that started out as tinder dates so it's not impossible to get it through that route but I know I wouldn't want to try it myself, so I understand where you're coming from. Maybe if you warmed up to the idea some anons on dating apps thread in /g/ could help you with maybe how to come up with a description strong enough to discourage people looking for hookups?
No. 1104061
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When and how did that happen that any goblin-related thing is equaled to antisemitism now? Is it just american thing or have any other Euranons seen their said by other europeans? I keep seeing that a lot lately and I'm completely baffled, since goblins (and "goblin stealing child" myth) exist in pretty much every european folklore and has nothing to do with Jewish people or antisemitism. I think it was appropriated a bit later and used by some to actually spread anti-semitic messages but I don't think it became synonymous with antisemitism still? Do you think it's just a few genZ woketards thing or is this a legit stance people have on this nowadays?
No. 1104067
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>>1104061>I went and looked at the trailer (I can't sit thru the whole thing lol)so you admit it? you admit that you actually don't check anything that's deemed
problematic and never form your own opinions and just blindly believe what the woke twitter hivemind tells you to believe? you actually admit it?
No. 1104127
File: 1647733476609.jpg (214.39 KB, 1500x1079, 71TXHYjWqlL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

Was there a name for those photoshoots you took at the mall in like 2002 with your friends that had ridiculous backdrops like picrel and you'd hand the pictures out to your other friends with cute notes on the other side?
No. 1104229
File: 1647741823549.jpg (299.55 KB, 2048x1426, merlin_146914890_3e2b450f-94bf…)

Which shock celebrity deaths do you think will happen in the next 5 years?
No. 1104253
File: 1647743818679.gif (27.49 KB, 220x219, 2DC1ED1E-B98D-41CF-BB09-AA0810…)

>>1104249Let us be schizo ok?
No. 1104257
>>1104253the problem is the more I deny being an FBI agent the more you're going to think I'm an FBI agent
I see your game
No. 1104276
File: 1647745004120.jpg (287.48 KB, 1280x1463, 1614491442199.jpg)

I want to start making vector drawings/doodles. Like flat colors with lines. I heard procreate is a good tool.
>Would i be able to draw them with the apple pencil?
>are there any windows alternatives for hand drawing vectors? (Illustrator clicking dots confused me 15 years ago lol)
>if apple iPad/pencil are best options, is ebay a good place to buy?
Thank you in advance kek sorry im a boomer and dont know where to even start
No. 1104287
File: 1647746590331.gif (5.42 MB, 350x201, BC5F02D1-F4A7-4057-A63F-A90C13…)

Will I ever find my lolcow browsing artist girlfriend who will draw with me as we play games and talk about all the latest drama? the “people” on the Her dating app have made lose faith.
No. 1104288
File: 1647746659065.jpg (1.07 MB, 4488x2250, Nate and Luke.jpg)

Left or right ?
No. 1104293
>>1104287i need this too,
nonnie… every dating app i try is full of troons and regular scrotes, i don't know how to cope
No. 1104318
>>1104301I’m eating a cookie! You should eat one too. Then we will be eating a cookie together in spirit.
>>1104293Dating apps are so grim… I’m sorry you’re facing this issue too,
nonnie. It’s so disheartening, but I believe we’ll all find love. I mean, we’re all here sharing the same sentiment, right? I wish you luck in your search… I truly believe there’s someone who isn’t a painfully boring normie scrote or a troon out there for us. I believe in you! (I sometimes wish that there was a dating app aimed towards this demographic, but it would inevitably invite trouble.)
>>1104296If I ever run into you nonnies on my adventures in dating-app-land, and I pray one day I am that lucky, I’ll whip up drawings of us all day.
No. 1104319
>>1104300unreleased tracks
didn't similar happen with amy winehouse, mac miller, juice wrld, and the xxx guy
the weirdest recent instance I can think of this is combining aaliyahs vocals with modern artists
No. 1104448
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if I show up to the club like this will the girls think I'm a straight girl looking for some "experimenting"?
No. 1104488
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there's cp in ot
No. 1104519
>>1104510, also some are honeypots
No. 1104564
File: 1647773617333.png (148.44 KB, 566x261, vect9or.PNG)

>>1104276>I want to start making vector drawings/doodles. Like flat colors with lines. I heard procreate is a good tool.I don't have a lot of experience with procreate but from what I got to try out thanks to my friends who own ipads I think it would be a huge waste of money to buy one (or apple pencil) just for that app. If you haven't tried Illustrator in the last 3 years or so, you really should give it another shot! It became so much more intuitive and easy to use, better with every new version coming out. I wouldn't switch to any other program. And considering how much of a ripoff Adobe is, pirating it is a morally good choice too, so not only you're gonna save a whole lot of money you'd spend on ipad/apple pencil, but also you'll get a better and more versatile.
When it comes to alternatives I've heard very good things about Affinity Designer too but can't say much myself since I haven't tried it yet. But it seems like it's just as good as Illustrator and mostly chosen by people just to steer away from Adobe & because it's license is incomparably cheaper. Overall, good luck!
No. 1104576
File: 1647774787437.png (437.87 KB, 1856x936, sans.png)

>>1104565These would be mine! Peace Sans, Brandon Grotesque and Proxima Nova are my go to for headlines and Lato is just the most versatile and most pleasant to read one out there.
No. 1104658
>>1104616I don’t deal with it. My stomach drops and my skin prickles. I hide the thread image. I report it a dozen times. I spam cute pictures and then I log off and go for a long walk in the fresh air, go spend time with friends and family, anything to get away from it.
The weird thing is I don’t feel the same when i see gore. I’m somewhat fascinated by gore and will stare at it, as well as report it. When i see CP it makes me feel like im a sicko as well, like why am I using this site in the first place? It feels like I’ve abused the child myself. Idk it’s meant to cause us fear and distress and it works. Congratulations scrotes who post here, you’ve achieved your goal of upsetting women by posting child abuse images. I hope they find you and lock you up.
No. 1104666
File: 1647780357066.jpg (12.4 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg)

>>1104616I have missed them every time thankfully, but I fear my pc has some of it hidden in temp files somewhere. Makes me feel sick & also fear it could have some legal repercussions for technically having CP in my puter
No. 1104680
>>1104666Your computer only creates files if you actually interact with the image (save/download it, upload it, etc).
t. saved the Hunter Biden laptop files to my computer to analyse them for photoshop, got visited by the police for it
No. 1104694
>>1104616I feel my stomach drop, I hide the picture and mass report it, I also try to find a way to delete it but nothing has worked so far, focusing on trying to delete the picture helps me forget about it. I’ve tried typing the number of the post as the password and typing different possible passwords, nothing has worked but I’m trying to help I guess.
I also just look for another thread or focus on some different app or just anything else that keeps me busy mentally and visually, sometimes I try to start an infight, post some annoying unpopular opinion or say that Shayna is fucking disgusting or that I hope trannies 41%.
Last time I created a random account to type baits on Reddit and see if they fall for them but since I never log in it’s impossible to get some updoots.
I also like to go on Pinterest and report gendercult posts.
And honestly, gore also makes me feel disgusted, but it’s somehow not that shocking? I try to pretend that the CP pictures are fake, and that the girls got saved and the pedos got murdered. I just want all pedos to die after getting stabbed in the eyes with a rusty, illness ridden needle.
No. 1104785
>>1104767i use the ublock addon on firefox. it's an ad blocker and comes with a setting to block all media over a certain size. i set it at everything over 0 KB.
some browsers let you block images directly in their settings.
No. 1104797
>>1104772That’s pretty scary, anon. I think I saw one of the questionable images posted on Twitter from some random account posting about the Hunter Biden laptop and it’s really stuck in my head. I was hoping it was fake but I don’t know. Any tiny piece of CP gets stuck in my head in a loop and I hate it.
Especially as a victim of CSA who knows there’s CP of me out there somewhere, I’m always terrified it’s going to be a picture of me and even typing this out is making me ill What was the police visit like, if you don’t mind me asking? Did they just ask questions?
No. 1104812
>>1104797I’m so sorry to hear that, anon. Child abusers and people that make/share CP should all be tortured to death.
It was actually terrifying, ngl. Three officers turned up to my house to ascertain who had uploaded the two illegal images and enact an arrest. I only got away with it because a) what sort of child abuser uploads illegal material to a website checking for photoshop, and b) I fully cooperated with the investigation and proved that I (obviously) had no other illegal material hanging around. They told me I was very lucky though, as they didn’t usually care for asking questions prior to making an arrest for that type of offence. Still took 4 months between the report being made by the site and the police coming to my house, though…
No. 1104857
>>1104844Get busy, start hanging out with other people (preferably non-
toxic ones). The more activities you do away from her, the less attached you'll be
No. 1104970
>>1104563Won’t lie, I’m curious too.
>>1104846I agree with
>>1104939 , men accuse women of the manipulative tricks they themselves use because they are unable to empathize and simultaneously terrified of their shortcomings, so they project their own feelings and emotions and methodologies onto women. They can’t understand anything outside of themselves, so all they can do is try to knock women down a peg by trying to make us look equally unstable. Men are highly manipulative, especially because they think women can’t get anything of their own merit, that anything good they gain must be via manipulation, another projection. Men have to manipulate and connive to get what they want, and they hate that about themselves, and they read into a women’s actions deeply because they want her to display those same negative traits so they feel don’t feel inferior.
No. 1105011
>>1104970On that note, “withholding sex” is a test all women should run if they insist on being with a scrote. Deny him sex for a week or two. Make up a reason about not feeling well or wanting to work some relationship problem out first. They will either chimp out and start abusing you and begging/coercing you or watch a bunch of prom, be passive aggressive and maybe dump you. A lot of women won’t do this under the guise of withholding sex being “
abusive” or “mean” but really deep down they know that it’s true that moids only pretend to care about them for sex.
No. 1105030
>>1104846yes, totally. i've only ever been manipulated by one woman in my life (my narcissist mom) but i cannot even count the amount of times i've been guilt tripped, coerced and persuaded, blackmailed or just overall made to feel like shit at the hands of males, whether that be previous boyfriends, male relatives, male "friends" or just male co-workers who talk down to me.
There's a reason they pin women as the only "emotional manipulators" and it's to shift the blame away from them and on to us. Historically women are viewed as snakes, two-faced, jezebels and temptresses or just people who lead a "good" man astray, yet if you look at any of those situations objectively you'll see that most of the time it's just the feeble, weak-minded male choosing infidelity, choosing to betray his friends etc. Males have always had much, much more choice than us and they know this, so they shift the responsibility in order to make us seem like the evil hags at fault.
I echo what another nona said about the consequences of 'withholding' sex from a male. It really is the true test that separates the good men from the terrible ones. Men's nature is inherently manipulative based on how they're brought up and how they come to view women: to most of them, we're just a receptacle to fuck, and they'll keep us around when we're convenient, whether that be for sex, cleaning or attention and feeding their egos. I think the madonna-whore complex is a super fitting example of how a lot of men see us.
No. 1105070
>>1105045Here is a collection I've found on an old blog, they have it sorted by year in their navigation menu! I've read that the vintage pattern wiki has information on over 80,000 patterns or something, and a lot of those include sources. If you're looking for a specific style, you may be able to find a free downloadable source on one of those wiki pages. Hope this helps!
No. 1105084
>>1105075I don’t think it’s gay but more like bi-curious. Gay would be wanting to be in a relationship with a woman -because she’s a woman- and also wanting to have sex with her -because she’s a woman-.
But not in the “oh man, I’m sure so queer and cool now” way but in the “wow I really love, appreciate and find women really sexy, I can’t wait to date a pretty woman who will love and respect me as much as I love and respect her forever” kind of way.
No. 1105095
>>1105084It's different because men aren't depicted as objects of sexual desire everywhere, all the time. Plus, dudes do gayer shit all the time being straight.
>>1105075Kek, more straight than the anon in the other thread insisting she's totez straight.
No. 1105096
>>1105092I'm ESL so I'm not sure I used the right words for it. It's more that I don't see myself initiating anything
with anyone in general but if the opportunity ever presented itself
very unlikely I'd do it.
No. 1105115
>>1105103It must be difficult to know what your true sexuality is if you're not allowed to have a sexuality and certainly not be bi or lesbian.
The male gaze everywhere fucks us up mentally too.
No. 1105137
>>1105086Ntayrt, but I have a question about this. I've heard straight women talk about how gross penises are and I've heard some straight women talk about how blowjobs are gross and how they won't ever give their boyfriend/husband blowjobs. My question is why are straight women able to dislike giving blowjobs but if a woman says she doesn't want to perform oral sex on another woman it means she's straight? This is a genuine question and I'm not looking to start an infight, I really would like insight on this.
I'll rephrase since I typed it out kind of clunky: Why can a straight woman dislike and refuse to give blowjobs without her sexuality called into question (generally speaking) but if a woman (who is questioning her sexuality or already knows she's bi or lesbian) dislikes and refuses to eat out other women, it is assumed she's straight? Again, genuine question because I don't understand. Also, I get that the ayrt phrased things in a way that does not imply actual desire, I'm not really talking about her I'm just speaking in general.
No. 1105365
File: 1647817906353.jpg (36.45 KB, 600x315, estrogen-danger.jpg)

>>1105349Complications of feminizing hormone therapy might include:
>A blood clot in a deep vein (deep vein thrombosis) or in a lung (pulmonary embolism)>High triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood>Weight gain>Infertility>High potassium (hyperkalemia)>High blood pressure (hypertension)>Type 2 diabetes>Cardiovascular disease>Excessive prolactin in your blood (hyperprolactinemia)>Nipple discharge>Stroke>Increased risk of breast cancer No. 1105382
nonny, thanks for trying to save them from impending doom. I couldn't discourage my tif friend from taking testosterone and now she's a hairy acne monster with chronic headaches.
No. 1105446
File: 1647824856608.jpg (30.08 KB, 618x578, 1646186164861.jpg)

What it's like, dating a sociopath??
No. 1105633
>>1105446pretty much what
>>1105594 said. All that charm on the surface leaves as soon as the two of you are alone. They never have an off switch, it feels like their entire personality is a LARP but they have nothing beneath the surface. No real personality, or depth to them.
No. 1105823
>>1105718Should pass with time, and if it doesn't then you should maybe see a therapist?
t. another artist that (sometimes) goes to the gym
No. 1105830
>>1105718It's a long, long process. Maybe seeing a therapist is worth it, but I've been regularly doing light workouts for about 2 years now. I started just doing stretches before moving onto yoga/power yoga, to doing bodyweight workouts and playing Ring Fit Adventure. It's a constantly push and pull between "I'm just doing this for the sake of myself" and "I need to make my body look better" and struggling to not scream at myself when I opt to do an easier workout like yoga over a more intense bodyweight/RFA one. It's easier for me to power through my thoughts now than it was before, but they are still there (and I'm currently struggling a bit now).
I think what helps is building a routine. I would dedicate time everyday to stretch, to the point where my mornings felt off if I didn't stretch. It was the equivalent of having a cup of coffee in the morning or something, just had to do it. It no longer became about becoming more flexible or whatever, just about doing it. Then I already had time set aside every morning and eased my way into working out, slowly upping the intensity. I'm currently taking a break from RFA/bodyweight to focus on yoga and core building exercises because I struggle with low back pain. My mind is currently between "you're not doing enough, you're a slacker" and "I have to do this or else I will be in crippling pain, I can't power through workouts because it will just make everything worse." I also opt for at home workouts because I don't like having to set aside time to get to/from the gym when I can just work out at home. Before doing RFA I would also follow workouts on youtube.
That's just my two cents and what has worked for me. I've struggled with my body image for years and will probably continue to for years to come. But I've definitely come a long way from when I first started. I think there's a very delicate balance between being kind to yourself but also having self discipline.
No. 1105929
File: 1647880126180.jpeg (109.94 KB, 1536x1024, fromage-d-affinois.jpeg)

Is a whole wheel of cheese a weird/risky graduation gift? One of my friends is finishing up her masters program, and she's having a graduation party soon. I was talking to her about this cheese I liked before and she said she wanted to try it, and said I'd bring some to her party, but should I just buy a whole wheel instead of precut slabs (which is how they normally sell them at my cheese shop)? Or would it be risky since she's never had it before? She likes brie, but this cheese isn't brie. It's similar but the milk undergoes ultrafiltration so it's a much more milder taste than brie. Or should I just buy multiple different types of cheeses to bring to her? But since I said I'd bring it anyway, should I just get a gift separate from the cheese…? Now I'm overthinking it kek
No. 1105972
File: 1647884122294.jpeg (72.13 KB, 960x1128, PjyeisD.jpeg)

I really really hope this doesn't sound like a humblebrag but I have to ask somewhere. Should I ask my boyfriend for money with the following in mind? and how do I get over the fear?
Ok basically he seems to want me to ask him for money? to the point i'm starting to become paranoid that if I don't do it soon he'll leave me or something. But idk i've never been given money and have been taught to get things for myself and idk i just don't feel comfortable asking for money and I just don't want his money. If I needed it I would ask but at the moment I don't. Anyways, every time I tell him I need to ask him something or whatever he immediately goes "is it money?" and looks… amused? and then i swear he looks disappointed when I say no. He also loves flaunting his money. And he'll send me memes were the wife is like using her husband as an atm. wtf? I'm almost scared this isn't him just wanting to be a provider and instead it's a fetish! seriously idk what to do or how to bring it up or if i should just finally ask for money and see how he reacts.
No. 1105979
File: 1647884431527.jpg (174.04 KB, 640x862, 640px-Chrissy_Metz_3.jpg)

chrissy metz reminds me of someone but idk who. my first thought was suzy berhow, but i'm not sure anymore. thoughts?
No. 1105994
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>>1105942>>1105949>>1105950kek you guys are right. I saw the shop actually sells little 6.5oz wheels of it too so maybe I'll get that and a variety of other cheeses and put together a little gift basket for her!
No. 1106197
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>>1106193The rind make me vomit. the french are good actors for pretending to like hardened cum around their cheese
No. 1106250
File: 1647908252767.jpg (44.18 KB, 480x252, PRC_146040824.jpg)

Real question, not clickbait. What
do you actually like about men?
Besides being physically attracted to them, what about moid behavior makes it worth sticking around them?
I think I can handle being friendly with moids in small doses (I unfortunately share some of my interest in very male dominated activities) Some of favorite characters happen to be moids. But I don't think I could be around them 24/7 or live with one. They almost always have some gross aspect to them, whether it's watching fucked up porn/fetish shit and not having a problem with it, terrible political ideas, or hygiene issues.
No. 1106258
File: 1647908701109.jpg (30.84 KB, 596x589, E0VQHN-XEAUEC_6.jpg)

how do i induce my period without doing something potentially dangerous
plz help im going fucking crazy here and no im not pregnate its impossible but i just wnat my PERIOD !!!!!!!
No. 1106261
>>1106259i have severe pms and my period is the only thing that alleviates it or else i get stuck in zombie mode. i can always take painkillers for cramps but i cant do shit about pms fatigue or moodswings
>>1106260was it cysts on your ovaries
No. 1106271
>>1106270Sounds like iron deficiency
T. Anemic bitch
No. 1106387
File: 1647923293509.jpg (148.07 KB, 1500x1500, 81BBrlS5TuS._SL1500_.jpg)

>>1097102how long will it take me to detox from refined sugar?
I literally ate an entire box of these and I feel ill as fuck, but I end up going back to sugar the next day. I want this to be over for good.
No. 1106449
>>1106258eat red meat and garlic
ginger and vitamin c helps
No. 1106529
File: 1647938953808.jpg (24.97 KB, 300x177, schizo.jpg)

do normies fear schizos will murder them?
it's so stupid. their whole concept of schizophrenia comes from horror movie villains or that one mid-psychotic breakdown meth-head hurling at a lamp post. i know schizos and they're a bit spacey sometimes, and like to go hermit mode but they are not violent.
No. 1106543
>>1106529>>1106531>>1106537Where do you guys live?
I've never met any schizos.
No. 1106554
>>1106543about 1/300 people worldwide have schizophrenia so it's likely you've interacted with someone with it at some point. theres a huge variety in symptoms and severity though as
>>1106549 said. they're far more likely to be a risk to themselves than to others.
No. 1106555
File: 1647943358935.png (84.02 KB, 502x700, 2ECB9A96-421D-46B5-8F55-769289…)

>>1106516Wow thanks
nonny! Here is my first template
No. 1106588
Is camwhoring while you are in a relationship and the partner doesn't know about it, cheating?
Like, if my friend does stuff like that while having a boyfriend and he doesn't know about it, is it cheating? She of course doesn't do it all the time and it's not even a career, and she is really trying to quit plus her actual studies and work is going fine… it's like an impulsion that gets the best of her sometimes, when she is feeling particularly unhinged. She isn't like, getting off to it all, it is just slipping back into old habits from when she was a young teen, and only rarely, when her mental health is nosediving and she doesn't let it go too far. Is it cheating? She loves her partner a lot and would never actually cheat on him, the act doesn't bring her sexual gratification. What if your partner was doing this behind your back and you found out?
No. 1106661
>>1106250before my current partner of about 4 years i really think i only pursued men because of comphet/easy validation. i'm bi but much prefer women, like, literally 99.9% prefer women and i think my (sigh, using this term for the first time so bare with me) nigel is that 0.1% that keeps me from identifying as a lesbian because I've literally sat here for like five minutes trying to think of what makes men redeemable/interesting/attractive and the only traits i thought of are either exceptions that most men don't exhibit or things that women/lesbians do way better.
I guess their physical strength/bigger frames can be nice at times, but then again, I'd rather be with a tall broad-shouldered woman than tolerate the shit most moids put women through.
>>1106588ngl anon this kinda sounds like its something you're doing and passing off as your friend instead to avoid criticism. no judgment here, it just gives off that energy.
as someone who has done similar borderline things in a relationship before - yes i consider it cheating. anything you're intentionally hiding from your partner is at least a gateway to cheating. it's lying at the very least if not cheating, and unfaithful even if it's a trauma response or for money/whatever else. if you're doing something questionable and your partner doesn't know about it/consent to it happening, it's cheating in my opinion.
No. 1106929
>>1106926maybe she should advise her friend to seek help instead of sexually degrading herself in front of men that throw a few coins at her
>>1106927getting money off moids for sexually degrading yourself in front of them is not based
No. 1106932
>>1106928Sure anon. If you think camwhoring is anything like being a prostitute then youre retarded. Its not a big deal kek
If someone can make money off pictures then good for them. Its funny to see how desperate moids are anyway
No. 1106934
>>1106926I was under the impression that the general consensus of the site is to not give moids what they want.
No. 1106935
>>1106929Masturbation is normal anon. If you can get money for it then who cares? I dont get why anons think all sex work are the same kek
Camwhoring is nothing compared to being a sugar baby or a prostitute on the street. If i met a guy who had an OF i wouldnt care but id just think hes gay
No. 1106938
>>1106933Youre acting as if women cant make decisions on their own kek. Anyone who doesnt agree with you isnt a camwhore. I just think its lame to judge women for what they do.
>>1106934Maybe just stop caring about moids? Moids love whores and women who hate whores. Moids will literally get turned by a woman breathing.
No. 1106943
>>1106932It can jeopardize your future. Women are still held to high regards in society in most aspects. Also, depending on the extent it can be as degrading as prostitution, not as dangerous but camwhoring can range from getting stripped in your lingerie to showing your asshole on camera. Which vary in degradation and repercussions. I also don't get the initial anon asking that. It sounded like she was asking it for herself. As a good friend she should have been worried her friend's mental health is so bad she ends up camwhoring not if we consider she's cheating.
>>1106935masturbation is normal by yourself, not when broadcasted to hundreds of strangers
No. 1106952
>>1106943Im aware and thats why i believe women shouldnt be shamed for sex work. I just think shes a grown woman and if this what she wants then we cant do anything about it.
My point is if you tell a friend to not do something then theyll still do it. Then again we have no idea about the person. I just think its weird to meddle into peoples relationships.
No. 1106956
>>1106954It's about the commodification and the continued objectification of
all women's bodies. Sex work is not okay.
No. 1106962
>>1106958Lolcow isnt a place for feminism kek online libfem and radfem are useless.
Shes a grown woman who gets money for her body. Its not that deep anon. Reeing about SW is retarded. At the end of the day she made her choice
No. 1106964
>>1106943Ok, you got me. I was asking for myself… I didn't mean for this to devolve into an argument. I don't feel good doing it at all, I hate it. I think this anon understands
>>1106661 how I feel. It is not about the money, it is because I used to do it as an underaged girl and I don't know why I still get the impulse to do it now, it's some compulsion. I need to probably just break up with him, maybe.
No. 1106966
>>1106965What do I have to do with it??? I'm on
your side, retard!
No. 1106972
>>1106969Making fun because it's lolcow, what a loser mentality. How about you talk to her because she's another person, if you want to make fun of someone go make fun of cows on the cow boards, this is /ot/.
>>1106965Imagine that, not hating another woman because she's exposed herself to disgusting perverts online. What a libfem ideal. I hate the scrotes, not her. I don't want her to do it, that doesn't mean I have to degrade her along with the men.
No. 1106976
>>1106973I dont know whats happening to this thread kek
Anon said her friend is camming and i simply told her if she meddles into her friends relationship then she will lose her friendship and from what she said, she does camwork so im assuming getting paid for either nudes or touching herself.
No where does it say shes having sex with guys or doing extreme things (like shitty stuff like submissive shit or getting spat on idk) so i told her she made her choice and we shouldnt shame her for it. Now anons claim to care about how evil the sex work industry is but by bashing sex workers youre siding with moids who see them as worthless holes.
Can we have some nuanced conversations? Why does everything have to be about liberal feminism or radical feminism?
No. 1106985
>>1106977hello nonna im
>>1106976Is it possible for you to find a part time job even if its just a cashier? Do you make a lot of money camming right now? Are you planning to save up the money? You could try making money on youtube instead. Do you like make up or videogames? If you make a lot of money then please save it and quit if its messing with your relationship. Sorry anons are judging you.
Id be scared to say it to your boyfriend because you dont know how he will react and whether he will tell it to your family. Please be safe nonna
No. 1106987
>>1106980Okay, you're still not reading properly. She is not the one defending it. She came here asking if it was cheating to do so, she is confused and if you actually read the posts you would notice she said she doesn't feel good about it or like it. There are
other anons defending camming, I am not one of those anons. The problem I have with you, is you getting mad at someone who was obviously groomed into online sex work instead of being mad at the people who pushed her into it and the fucked up world we live in that normalizes it. Be mad at the anons who
are defending it, but don't get mad at her.
No. 1106994
>>1106988I told her to go to therapy, how is that pitting le libfems and radfems against eachother.
>>1106987I got confused, I thought I was talking about the retarded anons going "lel it's actually empowering", anyway I tend to zone out when people start defending sexwork. Anyway anon should stop any and all camming nonsense not because it's cheating but because she is painting a target on her back and even though she probably doesn't show her face she always runs the risk of being found out/doxxed. Moids on cam sites are degenerates.
No. 1106996
>>1106994No one said its empowering. No one even used that word. You just get
triggered when anons dont have a rageing hate boner for sex workers.
No. 1106999
>>1106996See this, retard
>>1106927 . Clearly you're the one who isn't reading.
No. 1107002
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Can any UKnonnies give me some advice on picking between two unis? I've looked for advice elsewhere but I trust the farms implicitly.
I'm stuck between Exeter and Durham. I'm so worried that I'll get stuck living with a bunch of druggies and alkies who just want to party; I don't drink and parties are the bane of my existence so it sounds like a fate worse than death. Out of my friends already at uni, the ones with the best flatmates are also those fortunate enough to afford the most expensive accomodation, but I'm poor as shit so I'd have to work my ass off this summer to be able to do that. I know that there's shitty people at every uni but I want to give myself the best chance to fit in, make some real friends and actually enjoy myself instead of hating every minute and wanting to throw myself on the train tracks.
I'm leaning towards Durham because it has such a good academic reputation but Exeter seems like the nicer place to live. Any advice at all would be welcome!!! Please help!
No. 1107016
>>1107004How can it be based and not empowering? It's based
and it's dehumanizing and demeaning? Hmm… that doesn't seem right!
No. 1107045
>>1107019It's like a weird destructive habit. I guess it makes me feel good in the moment, but after the moment passes I hate myself more than before, and the money I do make, doesn't feel good. You are right, distraction is the answer and I am usually able to distract myself easily with studies and work. I slipped up once, a week ago, for the first time after entering this relationship, and it's been on my mind ever since. I don't want to be a cheater, but how can I face him now? I don't know what to do with my boyfriend, it is my first legit relationship and I have fucked it up.
>Are you doing it as a way to rebel against how women have to be “pure”?Not at all, I so wish I was 'pure' just a normal muslim girl, and not how I actually am. I know why it is… daddy issues and csa, it is so typical, it's funny. But don't worry about me nona, and thank you for listening to me blabber…. my initial plan of making it about a friend kinda went to bust, kek. Have a good day, nona.
No. 1107049
>>1107002Not british but durham seems better than exeter in general according to the internet
More importantly, can’t you go to a more relevant city at all?
No. 1107083
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What bands do you think everyone should listen to once? I feel like I either meet people who don't listen to music at all, or people who are total experts and listened to a gajillion songs.
Stuff I grew up with was classical music, the beatles, abba, boney m, the rolling stones, queen, britney spears etc. etc. but I have absolutely no idea about most rock and metal bands.
No. 1107092
>>1107067The problem is calling her Romanianon people’s first thought is Romani + anon. I thought I saw anons saying there’s a Romani anon
and a Romanian anon. I vote that we call any romani anons romaninonny and romanian anons romanianon.
No. 1107108
>>1106543I know someone that lives with a schizo family member that refuses to medicate and it's fucking awful. She's afraid of showering so she stink likes hell and always wears the same clothes. Constant word repeating and talking in circles, not understanding anything you tell her. Not to mention the outbursts, random yelling, getting upset over random shit, being in zombie mode. Not allowed to do certain things in the house like simple chores or she'll get
triggered. It's maddening and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
No. 1107119
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>>1107114I put on some of pic related for like a week and they disappeared
No. 1107185
>>1107181>Are your sexual partners men or women? Men
>Did you grew up in a very religious household? Nope luckily
>Do your partners care about your pleasures when having sex? My current partner does, my past ones didn’t
>Do you have a sexual trauma?Not exactly, but sex with one of my exes was really gross, he was repulsive
No. 1107382
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>>1107002I mean, Durham is a far better uni so I think of those two it's definitely the better choice. A more academic uni will attract more academic people who are less likely to party loads. Quite a few people I knew from school went to Exeter, and they were very basic sporty party girls, but fairly academic. I don't know anyone at Durham so I can't make a case for it really. I always hated the idea of a campus uni personally, so in my opinion Exeter is absolutely a nicer place to live, but the best way to decide is to go to the open days and spend a day wandering around to assess the vibes. I'm sure you have your reasons, but if your grades are good enough for Durham why don't you consider some other city universities that are higher up the league table than Exeter?
You're absolutely right that there will be shitty people at every uni, but you will only have to be in halls for one year. Sorry to say this, but I know very very few people who enjoyed halls; I absolutely hated it, made no friends there, and moved in with friends from my course and societies instead. Do make sure to read reviews for the halls; they give a good overview of what to expect.
No. 1107475
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Thank you for your replies nonnas I love you
>>1107049Durham definitely has a better outward reputation than Exeter, but it's also really far away from home for me (I live in a tiny bumfuck village only an hour or so from Exeter, should have mentioned that). Both unis have similar reputations for being full of rude rich people.
As for why I haven't applied to city unis, I explicitly avoided cities because I find them scary and dangerous. They're just not my thing! For reference my first choice was Oxford (got rejected last year, reapplied after getting perfect grades and worked my ass off only to be rejected again. it was my lifelong dream to go there so my self-esteem and motivation and my life in general have completely collapsed, but I'm doing my best to move forward and find a new reason to exist lol. It's not easy but I'm trying!) At this point even if I wanted to change my uni choices, I'm pretty sure I can't because it's past the deadline.
>>1107382Thank you sm for your advice about researching the halls, that's really useful nonna and something I didn't consider!
You're right that Durham probably has less party types, I've seen so many people complain about the lack of night life there and taken that as a positive lol.
I'm definitely going to try and visit to get the vibe of the unis, I'm finding it so hard to decide just from online information so I think that'll be the only thing to let me definitively make a choice!
The fact that I'll only have to be in halls for a year is something I need to realise, I think I'm putting too much importance because most of my friends are currently in halls, but it is only 1/3 of the course. Would you say it's easy to make friends who are 'on your wavelength' at uni so you can get nice housemates? Most of my friends say it's very easy but they're very agreeable, outgoing people, so I don't know what to think. I'm not antisocial or a freak but I didn't have many friends in Sixth Form because I spent all my time studying (and considering it was all for nothing, I wish I could go back and strangle myself!) and most people find me boring anyway because I don't drink. What happens if you don't find anyone who wants to be your housemate? Or is that super rare and I'm just overthinking things?
No. 1107517
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I found a secondhand dvd of Perfect Blue for 25 euros secondhand. It's one of my favorite movies, but I'm a NEET right now and it seems like a stupid investment. I never found it anywhere though, and I collect dvd's (only of my favorite movies though, I have about ten in my collection). Should I get it? I have the money, it just seems like a dumb investment considering I don't have an income right now. I am very lucky to live with my parents rent free and have enough money in my account, should I just take the plunge? I could never find it for a reasonable price before (although this is still outrageous for a dvd imo) and have loved it to bits for years now. tl;dr: I hate spending money
No. 1107581
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I'm a product of miscegenation. Particularly belarussian and palestinian, would I be considered white ?
No. 1107589
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>>1107588I mean if you consider Italians and Spaniards white then north africans are almost the exact same skin tone should be either
No. 1107636
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>>1107628No, it's because some of them look like picrel.
No. 1107644
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>>1107589>North africans are almost exactly the same skintoneas an italian not really, some italians are very tan and im sure some North africans are very light but
on average they're very easy to distinguish from each other and North africans are treated as foreign. picrel is mixed egyptian/italian next to a full italian
No. 1107651
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>>1107644>>1107649these are also north africans, there isn't just one look for these people
No. 1107675
>>1107649fr, and euros get so
triggered when you make the continent out to be one place or whatever and don't distinguish between western or eastern euro. while some talk about asia as a whole or the middle east as a whole.
No. 1107685
>>1107588The US is fucked in the head, they treat white Latinos as
POC but native Africans are treated as white? How does that work?
No. 1107714
>>1107475honestly, making friends at uni can be hard work if you're a fairly quiet person. some people are lucky and become close friends with people in their halls, some people find them through their course, some through going out clubbing or to societies. I was lucky and found a great group of people on my course, but in the first couple of weeks I really had to force myself to be sociable and ask them to go get coffee or go to gigs and freshers events. then, once you're settled in, you can just ask them to go study with you and the friendship kinda grows like that. This sounds kinda mean, but I think it helps if at the beginning you treat them like 'work-friends'; you don't need to make an incredible instant connection, you need to have people to study with and over time the friendship gets deeper. Im only saying this because I had a few friends who started uni and really struggled because they didn't think they had a strong enough connection with people to properly befriend them, and then ended up not making friends for a long time. Whichever uni you choose, there will be people like you, and there will be people you can befriend, it's just a case of seeking them out and forcing yourself to be social in those first few weeks. Go to freshers events, go to the society taster sessions, be really forward and ask everyone who seems on your wavelength to get coffee and actually chase it up, and you will make friends. I made one of my best friends by going to a freshers club event with a group of people, spotting the other girl who didn't seem to be enjoying herself, and asking her if she wanted to leave. we left to go and get snacks and sit and chat back at halls lol. Durham is a better university, but dont pick it because you're scared you won't make friends at Exeter; wherever you go, put the effort in, and you will. Read reviews, see if there's any alumni from both unis you can talk to, and i love u and good luck. from one Oxford reject to another.
No. 1107762
>>1107685I'm American and I've never met a single other American who thought of north Africans/middle easterners as white. In fact most of them think that everyone in the middle east is Arab and are unaware of all the different demographics there. "North African" might count as white on paper but most of them don't think of it that way.
>>1107738Yes, that's because the term "Caucasian" is rooted in pseudoscience.
>>1107589Damn, he used to be hot
No. 1107774
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Okay, the format of this claim is stupid as fuck but I can't find any info that could prove it. Is any part of this true? Any other Helen Keller deniers out there? (Or Mozart deniers? kek)
No. 1107808
>>1107796I think people forget that strictly speaking, the middle east is at the very west of the Asian continent, and Asia is gigantic so obviously not everyone will look the same. I don't get how when you talk about Asian people in the UK people will think about the Indian subcontinent first, while Americans think of China, Korea and Japan first when it's the same continent after all.
The middle east and north africa aren't even in the same continent and North Africans and Middle Easterns (not just Arabs) aren't even the same ethnicity whatsoever either but I've seen many people in Europe and in American thinking this is the case. Weird stuff, really.
If you call any of my Kabyle relatives "Arabs" they'll start sperging hard kek, can't blame them though. No. 1108005
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could picrel pass as a local in your country ?
No. 1108011
This isn't a crime, right? Just omitting the truth. And I really need help with this.
I think lots of establishments prefer to hire people who have reached their twenties, or at least graduated university, I have yet to do both. At one job I had, a lot of people tried to walk over the younger workers, and as the youngest there I got sick of it, and realised that ageism is very real. Thing is, the jobs I am aiming for are in labour, or low skill work- cleaning, or hospitality, or care. And I have experience in it, I've worked harder than most. I'm a little tall, I come off as a manly girl, yet at the same time have babyface and mild acne. So I don't look 'mature' or employable, but actually, I've been working for years, started early, and I have experience. I'm thinking of trying to come off as older on job applications this time, and wondering how I could speak to appear more mature. I could call myself a 'working woman', and omit the fact that I'm starting university in September, and instead simply say I am a young professional. Anything at all. I just need money, I'm in a weird situation.
So yeah. Should I kind of lie? How do I appear more mature? What things would make me sound more grown up? Do I say I have a fiancée? Do I cover up my freckles/acne? Do I say that I like rowing or something that old people do? And what are some mature mannerisms?
No. 1108102
>>1107367It's not blocked on my computer and I don't remember ever having any problems while/after watching if it's anything to go by. You
are using an adblocker, right?
No. 1108104
>>1108100NAYRT I’m also bipolar and have depersonalisation episodes, but I don’t literally
not recognise my own face. I think the two are a bit different. That anon should see a doctor.
No. 1108178
>>1108117Don't change your mannerisms, just sit up straight, make good eye contact and sound confident when you answer questions. Don't use wishy washy words like 'maybe' or 'try', and don't use filler words like 'um'. You don't need to answer questions immediately, you can take a moment to think. Mirror their body language and speech patterns if you can. Old people prefer answers that get to the point, so be concise.
If this interview is making you panic too much to do any of that, just radiate 1940s scrote energy and truly believe you're God's gift to the planet.
No. 1108252
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Is it possible to find a guy who is handsome and NOT a complete manwhore? A handsome guy who wants to be monogamous and whose previous partners were always part of long term committed relationships?
No. 1108354
>>1108102Yes, I'm using adblocker.
As I thought, site isn't really dangerous but I asked to be sure. Thanks anon.
No. 1108504
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does anyone know where to buy realistic not pixelated dark brown contact lenses? queen chocolate from the third eye but they aren't actually that dark on my light eyes, just kinda hazel. want realistic dark brown contacts
No. 1108528
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>>1108520a-gate (like a picrel). I'm not a gemstone person though.
No. 1108535
>>1108520like you said the first time or aah or ah. the gate part is pronounced like gate either way tho.
>>1108526that's only true if you're trying to drastically change your eye color.
No. 1108734
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>>1108714Yea i never watched it. I gagged at the blueberry pie scene from stand by me. I dont need to see any more of it.
No. 1108817
>>1108810I watched a YouTube video with a very obese black woman who collabed with a smaller muckbanger. Unlike them she didn't throw up her food, I watched a video where she was eating I think… Salisbury steak? And she was doing so with a friend or husband, I'm not sure. Anyway, she kept eyeing his food, being real stingy and didn't want to share with him even though she had a big tray of food made for a family. He asked for a piece and she gave him a tiny piece but then she took a lot of his food.
I forget her name but it's weird to see mukbangers who eat large amounts and throw it up vs. The morbidly obese ones who eat large amounts of food off and on camera and use the channel as a excuse to eat. I watched one where this same woman ate like 10 fried chicken drumsticks for a "challenge".
It's sad and gross. I don't know why I watched it. Let me see if I can find them…
No. 1109066
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I am trying to widen my musical tastes, can any nonnies recommend any metal or rock-adjacent songs or bands that will get me popping my coochie?
No. 1109075
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>>1108079I have the same exact same problem; every part of my body seems so weirdly proportioned and every day I find something new to fixate on, even a plain t shirt looks freakish. It's so stressful and I get so overwhelmed every morning. At the moment, I tend to cope by wearing a rotation of the same items of clothing and outfits I've had for years, even if I feel repulsive in them. Not an ideal solution though. I've been too ashamed and miserable and in denial about it to do any research, but these are the techniques I've found and am going to try out. Firstly, it definitely sounds like BDD:
- Misinterpreting minor flaws as major personal flaws
- Feelings of embarrassment and not seeking treatment
- Delusions of people staring/talking about you
- Avoidance or being housebound
- Self-defeating interpretations leading to negative feelings lead to rituals like mirror checking and obsessively changing outfits
- We see these rituals as reducing anxiety (by trying to reduce the negative view of our bodies) but actually they encourage it and lead to further anxiety, panic attacks etc.
The treatment is generally CBT, which starts with psychoeducation (i.e., learning about BDD ), and is followed by:
- Cognitive restructuring. Identifying maladaptive thoughts, evaluating them, generating alternative thoughts.
- Exposure and ritual prevention. Identify rituals and avoidance behaviours, and try to overcome them. E.g., if you find it difficult to go for walks on bad days, make sure you do it twice a week. If you find yourself spending over 10 minutes picking an outfit, choose one you've worn before and force yourself to wear it out. Recognise that it's ok. This part sucks btw.
- Perceptual retraining. This is normally done with a therapist where you stand like 2-3 ft away from a mirror and describe yourself in an objective way rather than a judgemental way (e.g., saying 'I have a slightly assymmetric face' rather than saying 'I'm ugly because I have a weirdly wonky face and look like I've had a stroke'). This is normally best to do w a therapist tho bc it's easy to lose track and go back down the judgemental route.
tldr; get a therapist who offers CBT techniques (which is most of them), or research these techniques (cognitive restructuring, exposure and ritual prevention, and perceptual retraining) and try and do them independently. Good luck and i hope any of this helps
No. 1109211
>>1109193'in minecraft' is just a jokey way to make any suspicious statement sound better, not exclusive to death threats. for example i've heard it used on some websites to get past the TOS, "i drove 30mph over the speed limit. in minecraft" ect ect.
its not a tiktok thing, kym says the origin is 2018 but i honestly think it predates that.
No. 1109226
>>1109222?? yes i do and if i work out or sweat or have discharge i will change it more than once
anon please tell me you are not a stinky bug
No. 1109234
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>>1109229omg you really are a stinky bug
No. 1109258
>>1109247Samefag, but I shower everyday so it wouldn't make sense to not change underwear…
>>1109245Most people own more than 4, so no it's not a myth. Please floss often anon, cavities in between the teeth are a bitch and it's good to get the gunk out of there.
No. 1109266
>>1109245I grew up with matted hair, lice, like 3 pairs of panties and unreliable hot water. I know the struggle. Its no way to live and people DO notice discharge smell. I lived in a rough community so they didn't tiptoe around anything and said I was "musty". But most won't say that to your face.
Washing the big 3 (both armpits, genitals) and fresh clothes will always have higher priority over shit like shaved legs, styled hair and makeup.
No. 1109273
>>1109266>people DO notice discharge smellDon't tell me nona… I just washed the panty I'd been wearing for
a week tbf I did take it off when I was sleeping.
No. 1109281
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>>1109273a whole fuckign week? either a scrote or a troll. What the actual fuck
No. 1109305
>>1109222>>1109245>I don't put them in the communal washing machine There's a very simple solution for that. 1. put them in a non-see through washing bag so you can take them with you discreetly. 2. put a timer 5 minutes before the washing machine is done so you can take them out before someone else does. 3. hangdry in your room. Wearing your underwear more than one day is fucking gross. And buy more underwear, who the fuck only owns 4 pairs of underwear.
>>1109229I floss everyday because I don't want gross yellow stains between my teeth.
No. 1109306
>>1109277Shut up and fuck you. I wasn't taught hygiene properly. I can relate to this nona
>>1109266 with the lice, add basically no dental hygiene as well in the mix, but I'm doing better. And I got my dental plaque fixed. And I will buy new underwear soon. No need to compare me to trannies.
reposting because I meant to say I had lice as a kid and teen, I don't have them anymore.
No. 1109308
>>1109286me too, for some reason i have a lot of crotch sweat and butt sweat and i hate the feeling of sweaty underwear. sometimes it's like
-new pair in the morning before i go to work
-new pair when i return
-new pair after shower
sometimes there's so much time between shower and bed time that i change my underwear again before i go to bed.
No. 1109327
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>>1109316Floss can't go between my teeth due to permanent retainers and floss threaders are a godsend.
No. 1109334
>>1109309Yes but.. how did you guess that? Does that have to do with anything?
>>1109305I am literally gonna go out tomorrow to buy some, you guys are being so rude. The timer thing is kind of genius, so I will do that as well. Thanks for the tips, nona. I don't think I stink that much, tbf.
No. 1109344
>>1109313i just have to deal with it but it's really bad when it's hot outside and i have to sit in plastic chairs like at a doctor's office and i actually leave like a sweat stain on the plastic surface… that's why i always slide out of the chair in hopes to wipe it away so nobody sees.
>>1109335i thought so too but i only wear 100% cotton. my mom has the same issue though, i guess it just runs in the family.
No. 1109430
dont get me wrong im not on the level of wearing the same underwear for weeks (???) but how do some of you manage to change two or three times a day? how many pairs do you own exactly??
also just out of curiosity
>>1109421 how much does it cost you to wear pantyliners every day?
No. 1109475
>>1109437You'll probably be ok, don't worry. Last year I dropped my phone into a public toilet and had to grab it. I over wash my hands so at the time they had a lot of small wounds and I had the same concerns but I was fine.
>>1109453Why did you have to take out your own shit?
No. 1109479
>>1109430Not really that much. My current supply is from a giant pack I bought from BJs a while ago. I forgot how much it cost back then but looking online now it looks like they sell 240ct for $10, and the cheapest storebrand from a place like Target is like $6 for 129ct. I never buy the fancy shit, just whatever unscented ones that are cheap, and has a high count. I should note that I don't wear underwear at all when I'm at home, just cotton PJ pants, so most weekends when I'm home it doesn't cut into my pantiliner supply. I end up paying more per year for shit like Netflix and Spotify.
I've been wearing pantiliners since I was a pretty young, and I used to have much heavier discharge, so they were a necessity and I don't think much about the cost. As an adult, I like to rewear clothes multiple times a week (as long as they aren't visibly dirty, and I have minimal BO so stinky clothes isn't that much of a problem) because my retardo brain equates putting shit through the wash with decreasing the lifespan of my clothes so I keep washing to as much as an appropriate minimum that I can.
No. 1109483
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I remember an anon talking about an imageboard about skateboarding. Does anyone remember the name of it?
No. 1109501
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Do nonas think these watches are cute? They're from the Omega and Swatch collab coming out this week. I'm eyeing the sun (yellow/top left) and pluto (white-red/bottom right) ones but they're $250 a pop. I'm not really a watch fanatic though.
No. 1109534
>>1109501Idk much about watches but I had
2 swatches as a high school kid (both gifts) and both broke after like 6 months of use so take that into consideration
No. 1109630
>>1109463holy shit. either you own a lot of underwear or i dont own nearly enough. i think i probably have 10 or so pairs.
>>1109479thats very informative thank you
nonnie! that's much cheaper than i thought.
No. 1109637
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>>1107714Thank you so much for your lovely advice and sensible words nonna, I'm saving all of this for future reference. It's good to know that I'm not the only oxford reject lingering around too, c'est la vie. Sending you my love <3
No. 1109638
>>1109630kek i really do own a lot, i live in a dorm and doing the laundry costs 3 euros so i try to keep it to 2 laundry days per month. so i naturally own a lot of clothes* just so i can get through 14 days without any problems.
*lots of clothes as in multiples of the same solid colored shirts or pants that fit me well, i'm not a fashion addict.
No. 1109717
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would anons like a fan-fiction thread on /m/?
No. 1109781
Things didn’t use to be so terfy around here but I realize that’s how things have become. I mention this only because I have a legit question, and I’d love to hear from one of the many (zoomers? Gen alfa??) I’ve seen posting about their experience, or for that matter, if anyone has a friend, or had a friend, or a child, really, that this applied to. I’m an mid/elder millenial and this wasn’t really a thing back then. This post is long, sorry. I had a girl in my class, after high school I only knew her through social media. After a few years she started going by he/him pronouns and i asked her about it. She told me ‘oh it’s just an internet persona thing’. I never said anything remotely terfy so she’d have no reason to ‘closet’ from me. Now, I follow this woman on instagram, and she has two kids. She’s very liberal and posts about trans rights now and then. Her eldest has an art account where she lists herself as he/they/it, but she (the mom) will repost the kids art etc but still refers to the kid as her. I’m wondering, is identifying as trans (I guess) an online thing for some? It confuses me. I’d love some sort of input that wasn’t just ‘reeeeee trans’, and idk, it feels intrusive and weird to ask the mom kek
No. 1109792
>>1109781Terminally online people became disconnected from their bodies and convinced themselves that they are above biological sex for no reason, that’s really all there is to it.
It feels so fake, like NFTs. You learn about it and be like, no way that’s an actual thing, no way people are that stupid but there we are.
No. 1109796
>>1109792No, I get what you mean, and absolutely FUCK nft’s, but. This was kind of the reply I was trying to avoid by giving the examples I did? I appreciate your reply, but the fact that it comes off as stupid or weird is sort of a given, what I’m asking really, is if there is some sort of norm where the trans identity truly is just some sort of online persona -as in the example, the mom is a hyperlib and has no issues w trans people, but she still refers to her kid as a girl? I mean. After the convo with my old classmate, it just confuses me. Are we being old idiots? Like, is this just a thing some of them larp online? Idk I’m wine drunk, a cliche of my generation myself, I guess
No. 1109805
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violently retarded train of thought in-coming
if I sell pictures of my feet and used socks, that's sexploitation
but let's say I have an auto-foot fetish and enjoy seeing my feet in different socks and taking pictures of them
then I start selling pictures/used goods; would I still be being exploited, or would that make me the exploiter?
what are the ethics of foot-porn, specifically, and why hasn't god killed me yet
No. 1109862
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>>1109822Apple's old headphones gave me super painful blisters inside my ears when i used then years ago. I can't afford the airbuds but I wouldn't buy them even if I could
No. 1110266
>>1109854>>1109862thank you anons, everyone acts like they’re comfortable/i’m making it up.
this will be how I test honesty from now on