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No. 1122741
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1102836Report and ignore scrotes.
No. 1122794
File: 1649030412453.jpg (81.51 KB, 1024x1018, 1647776944022(1).jpg)

I want to rehabilitate "stop complaining about images of tortured, raped,and murdered women and images of children being raped this isn't your uwu safe space" nona back into normal society. I can fix her and prove I am not an awful human or the type of woman to stay away from and I love her despite her fault of acting like a scrote. But not the fault of being born male if it turns out its a male.
No. 1122855
File: 1649033406194.jpg (206.65 KB, 640x495, 1474498020903.jpg)

(I tried to post this in the last thread, don't ban me for infighting pls this needs to be said)
>>1122565You realize OPs point is that posts like yours are going to be screencapped for males to jack off to on some obscure imageboard, right? Nobody here is telling you not to be traumatized, but if you holler like a hit dog every time a male posts gore you are literally giving them the reaction they want. Literally do you expect them to just drop the images and leave, content in the fact that they just
triggered the femoids? They stick around and screencap everyone who posts crying about the gore. These are mentally unstable moids who have nothing better to do.
I don't know how many times some of you anons need to be told this, I'm saying this from a place of concern for you, you need to stop giving the males what they want. Stop making it so easy for them. If you need to be
triggered, do it behind your screen. It sucks but this is the internet. It just is the way it is.
No. 1122862
>>1122855It doesn't matter either way. They will post it whether or not you react. Stop the fantasy of control.
I say this as someone who doesn't comment on the content myself
No. 1122868
File: 1649033761602.gif (482.57 KB, 220x214, spinnig-frog-spinning-frog-on-…)

Shut up and look at this
No. 1122869
>>1122845>>1122822Do you believe both divorce and abortion are wrong? Why or why not?
The answer to this determines whether this is even worth engaging
No. 1122875
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>>1122868That's what I'm talkin aboooout
No. 1122891
>>1122886>when a woman chooses to become pregnant promising to herself to provide her child a nurtured life no matter whatIt sounds like you've just assigned the "no matter what" yourself. Obviously, if she aborts because of certain circumstances, there's no "no matter what".
How many of the men who divorce their wives for having cancer told them from the start "If you get cancer or any other debilitating illness, I'm out of here"? Exactly zero. They waste years of their wife's life, just to leave her to suffer the heartbreak and disease with no one by her side. It's not even close to preventing a life of suffering, it's causing suffering
No. 1122896
>>1122893Well that makes… one of us. Good for your sympathy skills
nonnie because I don't "get" it at all!
No. 1122919
>>1122893OP might have a point if they were talking about women who knowingly give birth to children with disabilities, only to completely abandon or abuse them for "ruining their life" just by existing. But that'd be too reasonable.
(Reposting bc I said something else, then thought about it outside of hypotheticals and realized it's actually not reasonable and would actually look like the most obvious moidbait)
No. 1122921
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>>1122909Agree, big fish do look cool. Imagine catching picrel
No. 1122960
File: 1649038921406.png (231.22 KB, 302x318, 1648920401788.png)

>>1122855I bump so nonas don't have to see images we should never be desensitized to. I do not give a single thought to khhv males "jacking off" to our images on obscure imageboards. Typing in all caps to bring attention away from their images and push them off the front page/first thread and helps get them reported and removed faster. This probably all started because someone bumped the skincare thread with cp above it in /g/ like that anon above started complaining in 2 different threads about. It's concerning that you and some other nons equate seeing gore/cp and posting "NONNIES DONT SCROLL GORE POSTED" to being
triggered. Please join my rehab group, I can fix you too.
No. 1123102
>>1123098i agree but FDS was only good to an extent from the beginning. the entire thing needs to be refocused to extreme concentration to female independence within a relationship (if you absolutely insist on having a relationship with a man), total awareness of harm mitigation strategy, that also nets you the least emotional, financial, and situational parasitism while providing you with at least some possible potential benefit for alllll the risk. of course, this is very difficult to find being that men are socialized to be so awful and emotionally and physically destructive. the risk of harm for the sake of securing financial security and a "HVM" (their criteria is abysmal for this too honestly and it has really, really weird conservative roots) is underemphasized and insane to me.
they just need to accept feminist separatism as a legitimate possibility or even potentially beneficial anyways and stop becoming a parallel to male crap.
No. 1123128
>>1123098>devolved into full on golddigging and pathetic consoomerismThis is what men are today; feckless retards who want women to be their mommy bangmaid while they stay at home or work less in order to consoom vidya or sports or other shit that isn't creative or productive.
If FDS is a reaction to that then so be it. Men have been calling us golddigging and shallow for far longer before it anyway, FDS isn't responsible for the sentiment and it's interesting that you think it is.
>It's not a part of segregation and rehabilitation from male oppression"Dating strategy" is in the title. It's discourse and tools for straight women to get what they need out of the modern dating scene and to talk about the shitshow that it is.
>because you never know how a scrote might screw you over for leeching on himWomen there don't "leech" on men, interesting word choices you have.
Women get fucked over by men for just associating with them, or occupying the same public space in some cases. You don't have to do shit to a man at all to get fucked over by one so what's your point here? That you're angry women might profit first? Lol.
>it's only a cope for women who still want male proximity and attention but have a nagging conscience for their co-dependencyNah they just want partners who are going to be worth the trouble so they don't end up like the women posting on r/breakingmom.
>Living a life of hedonism Kek, this is something a scrote would say…
>a man will forever provide you with whatever you need is a pipe dream and not a symbiotic relationshipWe could say the same of men who expect women to be the default child rearers, household keepers, and splitter of all the bills as it so commonly becomes the case.
>but rather you being his propertyMen think this regardless if you're the pickme who pays her half of rent or more, gives him everything in bed, and never asks for anything. Men subjugate no matter how coolgirl you are.
>require a moid to be invested in you and your needs, give you emotional support and dedication to the relationship And what better litmus test than to test with money?
I can't say all men with money are good, but men who never want to financially spend are not actually invested–metaphorically and literally. Talk is cheap and abubdant. Let women have their purses and quit being salty.
No. 1123136
>>1123128Don't waste your time. Any woman who thinks it's a smart idea to be with a low earning man and treat him like an equal will learn from her mistakes only when he fucks her over. Men who earn less are more likely to literally domestically abuse and leave women single moms.
Admittedly the rhetoric FDS advertises might not be the best but it's definitely better than what's on the media now with women earning as much if not more than their men while mothering all his children and the manbaby himself, doing all housework and getting shit on if she dares not to look like a model 24/7. Men and women alike literally trash on mom-bods while praising disgusting saggy tits and asses on "dadbods" even though being a father shouldn't even affect a man's body type because they never do as much work and literally don't give birth to the baby.
No. 1123137
>>1123123>>1123102All of this.
>they just need to accept feminist separatism as a legitimate possibility or even potentially beneficial anyways and stop becoming a parallel to male crap.Exactly, that's why the golddigging FDS bullshit is a cope for women who both can't live without male validation but also despise being dependent on them. It's an excuse to keep a moid in their lives that you can frame as a muh steak dinners and high end purses findomming larp. The only way for a women to thruly thrive is to be independent and live free from males and their expectations.
No. 1123146
>>1123138Inhale more copium cause he won't buy you the purse babe, in fact go buy your own after you give him the rent and cook him dinner since you're not the golddigger type.
Treat yourself to a nice Wal Mart steal you thrifty #girlboss
No. 1123149
>>1123137Nah I'm gonna have all the sex and validation I desire and also have the men buy me dinner and any other crap I want.
Seriously, you must be a moid because what actual woman would be upset by this? "Golddiggers" LMAO, as if the majority of men even have money to dig these days. That's why we need dating strategy to sift through these broke turds just wanting NSA sex and "heartfelt connections" while they pass HPV between partners and DM pedobaits on Insta.
No. 1123151
>>1123137Stfu moid. Only men use the term gold diggers.
Men are youth digger, looks digger, emotional support digger, etc.
Let women use men. Men make more money than women. Your vent is autistic as fuck
No. 1123153
>>1123128Based nonna.
I use men for expensive dinners and cute clothing kek
No. 1123156
>>1123098Some of you are so delusional whining about “gold digging”. Dont you get tired of defending moids? Males are meant to provide for women anyway let women enjoy the benefis.
FDS tells women to have money on their own, leave
abusive relationships, vet men, lookiut for redflags and only date rich men who make efforts.
Where do you see this shit elsewhere?
No. 1123158
>>1123155Exactly. Ive never met a woman who whines about how “BBUT GOLD DIGGERS ARE AWFUL WAHH”
also isnt it funny how anon thinks women cannot have money on their own while also using men? Kek
Just some moid LARPING
No. 1123163
>>1123128i agree and disagree with you but i definitely agree that it's not leeching off of men to expect to be given some kind of monetary compensation tbh. even when trying to be disinterested women tend to do some kind of emotional labor and tending to, and just female attention has intrinsic value, in addition to our bodies being used by them. men are the parasitic ones that women need to look out for. BUT it's also very easy to con yourself into thinking you're not getting parasitically used in ways as well because you get to cope with a pair of jimmy choos or something.
often the tradeoff isn't worth what you're actually putting in, all things considered. and again, much of the criteria for a HVM is really poor, very shallow, and destined to lead to a bad outcome. if you're going to be with men, it's best to try to work out the best situation for yourself, but i don't think a lot of the advice on FDS is advisable because their HVM are not really high value. they're just looking for rich "providers" pretty much. you can plausibly independent while in a relationship but not with an explicit "provider". it's good they have advanced stuff about red flags because the "red flag" discourse was like 30 years behind and catered to males mostly still, so that's good, but it's still not fully conscious of the risks.
the thing that anon was right about, though, is the fact that men are resentful and spiteful and you may end up in danger because they feel used. at the end of the day though you're always going to be putting in a lot of risk for little reward for men unless you happen to cultivate a real relationship with a sincerely decent guy. it's potentially possible but difficult. i'd still rather women come to the conclusion that it's okay to be alone or even ask other women for help and support, and mostly just dabble with men if they must to satisfy their desires if they really feel it's necessary, really. i think that anons use of "leeching" and "golddigger" should have been quoted and she meant to do so. it doesn't read to me like a male but maybe i'm wrong.
No. 1123165
>>1123141I'm not judging straight women for dating men instead of choosing a life of separatism and celibacy, I'm judging women who choose to date men and stay in emotionally unfulfilling relationships with what equates to a degenerate sugar daddy just because they believe hollow consoomerism is based and all the purses will make up for the fact that a moid is treating them like a vending machine. You put gifts in and you get sex and emotional labour in return. They're only reinforcing their retarded macho sigma male beliefs of how you can buy women like they were commodities instead of even slightly trying to improve how they behave around them.
>the ones they value are the women that "fuck them over" and "leech off" of them the most.What the hell do you base this on? Unless you're a 10/10 surgically enhanced form of perfection with above all the status of a 1-percenter a wealthy moid won't beg you to stay. He's going to resent you for taking his money and cheat on you before dropping your ass to the burned ground like a bag of bricks, if he doesn't emotionally abuse you for years and beat you up or murder you first. This is the fundamental problem with FDS, women who buy into it want to believe men unconditionally see them as goddesses to be worshiped when most males see them as something lower than the dirt beneath his shoes. This is why it's a cope, a woman who knows his man hates her and treats her like shit thinks her time and emotional resources are worth an overpriced purse. At least most of the women who take part in this daydreaming are single and thus stay safe because deep down they know this is the truth, and that's why they resort to writing power fantasies about a paypiggy Nigel picking them up in his limousine.
No. 1123170
>>1123165>He's going to resent you for taking his money and cheat on you before dropping your ass to the burned ground like a bag of bricks, if he doesn't emotionally abuse you for years and beat you up or murder you first. Lol anon you're adorable.
You're implying men don't do this to women who don't ask them for money, sexually cater to their whims, remain loyal, and tiptoe around their feelings.
Precious <3 You want to argue that all the women that are cheated on, used, assaulted, and/or murdered had somehow angered their scrotes to have been deserving of it.
No. 1123173
>>1123165Would men rather have longterm relationships with a woman who sleeps with them on first date, pays half the bills, does everything he wants in bed or a woman who treats him like less than equal and makes him work for it? All men have a madonna whore complex and by being easy and giving, you're being the whore while making them work for it will make you see at the madonna. Stop tricking yourself that treating men nicely will get you anywhere, they'll stay and fuck coolgirls but it won't last because they'll know those women do the same to every man.
>if he doesn't emotionally abuse you for years and beat you up or murder you first.Nice way of threatening women who don't do everything you say, Kek. Women who get murdered and raped are usually
victims of broke ugly men, trust me. Men abuse women much more commonly if they're poor and have lower social status.
>when most males see them as something lower than the dirt beneath his shoes.If you really saw us that low, you wouldn't have spent hours raging. You'll never have a woman unconditionally love you, unconditional love of a woman is served only for her children and man like you will never get to leech off of it like you used to be able to in the past.
No. 1123175
>>1123170Exactly this. I was the fair pickme in the relationship and yet I always got the most fucked over because the guys I dated always thought they held the power for it. Didn't even have my dinners and bags to show for it.
Of course only scrotes would be advocating for the "demanding golddigger" women to go be celibate, they want to shame the remaining women into being easier targets to take advantage of. Skipping right to the transaction of NSA sex and wife labor without any of the effort.
No. 1123179
>>1123173exactly where is that anon saying "sleep with men on the first date!!!"? they're not.
> Women who get murdered and raped are usually victims of broke ugly men, trust me. Men abuse women much more commonly if they're poor and have lower social status.lmao. wow. you're really deluded.
No. 1123181
>>1123170Stop projecting you dense idiot, what's being said here is that
all women are in danger of being abused by moids and attaching yourself on one just in hopes of maybe getting some shiny items is insanity and outright stupidity because you're simply accelerating the process. The men who are willing to pay for your Amazon wishlist are exactly the worst kind of manipulative scrotes who believe their abuse to be justified because they gave you money and gifts. They're going to expect payment in some way or form, believing it's all unconditional and done out of the good of their heart or some curious need to serve women is beyond foolish. If you really have to date a man then you're better off looking for red flags over a prolonged time and measure the risks and return of emotional investment further than "am I getting a free dinner out of him".
Well anyway, I hope all those kawaii $100 purses and $50 discord gifts pay off when you're sitting in therapy or in a women's shelter, anon.
No. 1123182
That anon is a moid.
No. 1123183
>>1123181If you agree all men are dangerous then why do you feel the need to imply theres a difference between moids who dont pay and moids who pay women stuff?
Also once again, a retarded moid larping as a woman making fun of women in shelters. FDS haters claim to care about women but you hate them. Stfu retard
No. 1123184
>>1123175>Of course only scrotes would be advocating for the "demanding golddigger" women to go be celibate,This but the retarded scrotes also treat golddigger or rude women the best and go after them the most, ironically. I've had better chances of dating and had men treat me better after I put boundaries and stopped being a doormat. I hope you're doing better, anon. Men will drain nice women and cry when women get so jaded we won't even look at shitty men.
>He's going to resent you for taking his money and cheat on you before dropping your ass to the burned ground like a bag of bricks, if he doesn't emotionally abuse you for years and beat you up or murder you first.This is a powerfantasy of an incel male, that the dude will wake up and murder the woman.
No. 1123186
>>1123184Men claim to hate gold diggers but its a cope. Theyre just mad they cant afford them kek
Only broke men whine about this shit then when they become rich suddenly they love them. Men hate what they love.
No. 1123192
>>1123178Who cares?
It's not any better that men use women for their bodies, sexual reproduction, social status, and emotional labor.
In fact I wish some man would have just stole a $50 dinner date and fucked off compared to what I've been subjected to.
>>1123181>receiving shiny items accelerates the process of men abusing youSource?
>the worst kind of manipulative scrotes who believe their abuse to be justified because they gave you money and giftsMan is it gonna blow your mind to discover that scrotes out there exist who believe their abuse is justified towards you because you're a woman and they're themselves. You don't have to accept or give any kind of gift to receive abuse. There is no evidence that a scrote providing things for you will make you more susceptible to violence.
>believing it's all unconditional and done out of the good of their heart or some curious need to serve women is beyond foolishLet's reverse uno: Who's to say a woman's emotional and domestic labor is unconditional and out of need to serve males? If scrotes want a partner and homemaker then it is transactional and they need to step up and provide.
>Well anyway, I hope all those kawaii $100 purses and $50 discord giftsYou're a scrote under the age of 25. You'll understand the argument women are saying to you better when you're more mature and there are higher stakes than plushies and video games.
Also, really? A $100 purse is expensive to you? HAHA. No wonder you're assblasted you're poor as a motherfuck!
No. 1123194
nonny. When women use men its for items worth thousand of dollars and real estate stuff kek
No. 1123226
>>1123192unbridled autism. and it's very clear none of you have been around very
wealthy men or in their circles in your lives.
No. 1123362
File: 1649081834173.jpg (33.49 KB, 604x447, Ee1NHAMUcAAOrU7.jpg)

I don't think the super fat round ones are cute. This disgusts me. I hate it. Never got the hype but I wish them the best in life.
No. 1123385
File: 1649083399199.gif (341.76 KB, 220x124, A5F81FFF-7D15-4DFC-9B7A-9D9EB4…)

>>1123362They’re not actually “super fat,” their neck is just curled in those pics.
No. 1123389
File: 1649083642109.jpeg (86.97 KB, 1024x1024, C1E8DEAA-DD34-4F9F-837F-A55B0F…)

>>1123387They normally keep their neck in sort of an S shape but they can stretch it out fast to grab a fish or whatever. Like picrel
No. 1123784
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>>1123693Why isn't debased a whole thing too?
No. 1123786
File: 1649112758898.jpg (100.9 KB, 564x752, 97fb5a2457b6e300bd538b012eab21…)

Septum rings are so cute and look good on most women I've seen who get them. It just makes the whole nose look so cute, makes any girl look just a little bit edgier without making her instantly "alt". (not that that is bad at all, ofc) It also makes your face somehow look more symmetrical. I was scared when I was a teen I would grow out of liking them but a decade later and almost all my tastes have changed yet they're still my favorite piercing. Also I love that it pisses off a fair amount of scrotes; so many guys have said, "You're cute, sucks you got that cow ring" and I'm like nice, instant rude scrote filter.
No. 1123816
>>1123786I think they're cute too
nonny and my last ex also thought they were trashy and "vulgar." Makes me want to get one more than ever
No. 1123924
>>1123786Some scrote on a dating app once called me a cow cause of my septum ring after I rejected him.
I've had mine for 15 years and forget I have it most of the time.
No. 1123987
>>1123786good. i'm glad it's a deterrent. it honestly looks cute on both sexes and at least wards off especially uptight men, same with tattoos on women. i think alt body mods and tattos at least a little wards off some of these weirdo purity culture men.
No. 1124157
>>1124144Of course, why would they establish + persistently reinforce gender roles if they didn't benefit from them? They play the
victim when it suits them but even then they're still taking advantage of gender roles (women wanting to coddle and reassure them). But usually it's like
>oohhh noooo I have to be a provider, how sad, guess I'll make good use of it and ensure my wife is totally dependent on me so I can treat her however I want and never help with anything at home and keep my career after a divorce oh nooo No. 1124234
File: 1649161977291.jpg (27.57 KB, 540x302, tumblr_8a634f86e2f3a52c0774ed7…)

thongs are absolutely disgusting pieces of underwear. idc how much you want to try to shame me and call whatever i wear "granny panties", it's comfy and not flossing my ass. having fabric jammed in your crack all day is nasty.
No. 1124247
>>1124160Men providing is a good role kek
Ill never understand anons on here being so against males paying for stuff as theyre naturally intended to. If you think moids havw the capacity to go 50/50 then youre delusional. The least women can do is get money
No. 1124252
>>1124245Nope. Gender roles are fucked up and inherently wrong. Go find a "trad" male to provide for you and stop pretending you understand anything about society.
>>1124247My husband goes more than 50/50, so yeah they are perfectly capable. And it's not natural for Christ's sake, it's literally socially enforced. If you are dating men that are shit, sure go ahead and take their money, but you are dating shit men to begin with, which is something that you don't seem to grasp is a bad idea.
No. 1124255
File: 1649163254771.jpg (425.69 KB, 640x424, Lavender_Product_Group-infield…)

Lavender scented products are overrated, it's not even the best scent.
No. 1124259
>>1124254nta but don't be a retard, feeling sexy is normal.
you sound like when trannies claim that agp is normal female sexuality because we talk about feeling sexy sometimes
No. 1124266
>>1124234they're very unhygienic and cause a lot of infections. not only odd pieces of "clothing" but literally infection causing. i don't really get it either. so uncomfortable and strange.
>>1124254i don't get thongs but the troon accusation here is a little dumb. there are definitely women who prefer thongs for whatever reason. i think they're a bad choice but there are definitely women out there who prefer them
>>1124261they're not worth fucking with just for money though. way way way too much trouble and risk for too little reward. i don't disagree, they're very useless, but i'd rather be left alone than fuck w them just for money
No. 1124268
>>1124265okay but internalized misogyny and internalizing male preference to feel sexy doesn't have to make you a troon, just a
victim of female socialization
No. 1124278
>>1124275>and that's more important than women's issues like rape, casual sexual harassment, unequal responsibilities in marriage, etcWhere did you get that from? Because I didn't write anything of the sort.
Also lolno, he does all the housework, I don't do any of it and he is the one raising our children.
No. 1124287
>>1124277i agree with you, i do think it's pretty difficult to escape internalization of the male gaze but the average person isn't going to really analyze their preferences further
>>1124283i personally believe that because men are taught to be so fucked, that (should you consider a relationship with them) it should be presented and outlined to them that you aren't willing to invest money or any form of labor into a situation with them and they can step up to the plate and try to make the situation more equitable for women because we are disadvantaged in the dating field when it comes to risk, but not for the evo-psych tier reasons you've mentioned. it can plausibly be done without needing to "princess" your way into it, just be honest about how unfair and draining investing any of your labor or money into the relationship is, so it's their responsibility to try to make it more even, or you won't entertain the thought of a relationship with them. if they can't understand this they really aren't worth speaking to.
No. 1124304
>>1124293I wear cute shit because i like it and i dont want visible panty lines. Men find anything women do as attractive, does it mean women should give up everything? Touch some grass and realize women are human beings capable of liking things that are sexy for them and not everything has to be about moids (and not everyone here is straight). I also like lolita fashion because i think its cute. Should i yive it up because its now filled with troons? No
>>1124285I understand that
nonny because female socialization is deeply ingrained in our brain but i dont agree with accusing everyone here a troon. Its not like cute undergarments are something like sex work. I just like cute stuff with laces kek i find it attractive to me. I just think its weird how anytime an anon talks about something that makes her feel cute or sexy its like anons cant comprehend women have their own shit they like
No. 1124318
>>1124288I'm a woman studying in a stem field who's upper middle class and chooses to date wealthy men simply because I can. You're showing your internilazied misogyny by comparing me to an escort or prostitute because I don't settle for broke failure of a man like you did. Keep seething on an imageboard how your husband is so perfect and we should totally be more accepting of poor moids who are oppressed because they're addicted to porn, aka videos of women being raped, and videogames, aka games where you can act out violent fantasies.
You're sad. Oh and I only brought up nature because you said gender norms weren't natural when they literally are.
No. 1124335
>>1124325They literally can. If you really think men are just stupid animals then as I said above, go ahead and date rich men and take their money, I couldn't care less. But don't give that advice to other women here. Men are perfectly capable of loving and caring for their woman. But you need to be selective and find the right one for you. I never said wealth in a man is a bad thing, it is ofc a good thing but your insistence with it suggests to me that you don't care about the quality of your partners. As I said, that's your issue but generalizing to the rest of us and our choices in partners is pretty ridiculous. And no my Nigel won't leave me. He has been there for me for many things and I can only wish that you mature and actually make an effort to find someone like him. Finding someone that completes you in this way is the best feeling of peace in this world.
>>1124333Evolutionary psychology - gender norms retardation are being called out, sorry that you feel attacked.
No. 1124337
File: 1649166727825.jpeg (49.14 KB, 712x671, A3B01DEB-F76D-412D-BCA7-4676D2…)

I just want the infighting to stop
No. 1124344
>>1124322>You literally talk like one of those plastic russian femininity trainersWhat does this mean? I'm not Russian or plastic or feminity trainer. Why are you bringing up Russian women who are most often
victims of sexual crimes like they're some evil fake feminist? Kek.
>Date who you want, you are the only one your choices will hurt. Why would the choice to date wealthy men who treat me good end up hurting me?
>And of course your children when the men you selected for their income decide they don't have to be so nice to you anymore.I'm not selecting them for their income, stupid. My bfs were also attractive and treated me good. You sound like that golddigger hater anon who chimped out at women for daring to date any man who wasn't broke.
>>1124325She's mad she settled down for a broke man and now spends her time crying about any woman who refuses to follow her path. Sad.
No. 1124363
>>1124333it's weird that you have this "provider" mindset but think she's a coolgirl who thinks her nigel is perfect? it's a bad idea to have kids with men tbh ever and most relationships with men will fail imo, they are absolutely taught to be disloyal and manipulative and hide it, but you don't need to go full circle and into the "provider" mindset to make the situation a little more equitable. again, if they cannot understand our rationale about risk, how is it worth fucking w them? just don't. be independent and fully do not fuck w them unless they can actually understand our reasoning for abstaining from relationships because they are risky and have the interest in levelling the playing field. it is in the best interest of both men and women for men to become better, but i don't personally care about their feelings. it's a crapshoot though and they actively resist becoming better because they realize the status quo benefits them and they are "threatened" by the erasure of gender roles. though, again, you can potentially be compensated without having to waste your time with someone who can't understand our rationale for wanting to be given something in exchange for what we inevitably will have to risk that they do not.
>>1124344she never said her husband is broke though. you can have your belief without being dishonest and dramatic. you can be compensated without contributing to the "men should be providers" mindset. if your wealthy bfs were so nice and treated you so well, why do you say all relationships with them are bound to fail? i don't really understand how this "provider" mindset is feminist considering the way you frame it.
No. 1124377
>>1124361I'm not the anon who said all relationships are bound to fail.
>>1124349In my post
>>1124283 I wrote
>I've never dated a man that didn't earn more than me, that didn't pay for everything and didn't treat me like a princess because every woman deserves this!I said every woman deserved to be pampered and should date men who earn more because by average, even being a man means they earn more than us working the same job. Why are you trying to hard to make me out to be some sort of escort, sugarbaby or a plastic russian woman(nice racist remark btw) ? Your insults are misogynistic and the weird offhanded Russian one is just petty and racist, keeping in mind a lot of slav women are harmed by sex trafficking which is why they're sexualized.
No. 1124388
>>1124347Strawberries have an undesirable white part that people cut off? First time I hear about this.
You just live among weirdos anon.
No. 1124402
>>1124376>I don't really care about how people choose their partners anon. But I do care about them advertising their terrible ideas to others and adding a ton of pseudoscience to justify it. Also I dislike the social standard that it presents and supports to be entirely honest with you.Kek you're the anon that got
triggered by FDS yesterday and shat up the thread, aren't you?
No. 1124405
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>>1124403where are you getting all of these wonderful strawberries that are fully red??? the white at the top is like super fibrous and flavorless. many strawberries are kind of flavorless, i guess just low quality or something?
No. 1124410
>>1124405Ayrt, that shit's unripe ew
I get my strawberries on the open market, never buy the tasteless mutant supermarket ones
No. 1124462
>>1124458 and I was telling her it's much more common for a man to abuse a woman than a woman to take advantage of a man financially so being selfish as a woman isn't nearly as bad as it is as a man. I'm not on her side, I'm literally the anon she's been raging at and calling an escort because I don't date poor men.
No. 1124464
>>1124458>1/3 women get raped.Where? In the civil war in the Congo? Are you mad? Where did you get that number from?
>>1124459>>1124460I never defended men, I just called you what you are. You seem to think men behaving badly excuses your bad behaviour. It doesn't. You are trash people, not women, people. Men acting like you would also be trash.
No. 1124467
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>>1124464It happens everywhere stfu.
No. 1124476
>>1124464Literally search up the statistics. 1/3 women get sexually harassed or raped before they even turn 18. You're such a mentally ill person and if you're not lying about being married, I hope your daughter doesn't get damaged by your misogyny. You're fine with women being abused, dunk on russian women who are being sex trafficked because they dare to look better than you, call women escorts because they have standards but pointing out a literal fact about how
abusive men can be is the one thing that sets you off.
>You are trash peopleFor what? Pointing out how
abusive men can be? Only having relationships that I can benefit from with men that adore me instead of settling for me?
>Men acting like you would also be trash.Men already only have beneficial relationships. They want young women because they're easy to trick. They want women to earn just as much and give birth to their kids while the man won't have to work for anything. And these men are seen as smart while women who behave the same way are vilinized by poor men and pickmes.
No. 1124480
>>1124476>1/3 women get sexually harassed or raped before they even turn 18You said raped. Putting harassed or raped and then claiming the statistic is for rape is literally Trump level of lying. I believe the statistic for harassment, not for rape.
>You're fine with women being abused, dunk on russian women who are being sex trafficked because they dare to look better than youYou should call your doctor and ask to get higher dosage on your medicine. You are seeing things that are not there, since none of those things happened.
No. 1124486
>>1124478People disagreeing with you doesn't mean someone is samefagging.
>>1124482>Everyone who disagrees with me is a manWhatever helps you sleep at night
No. 1124495
>>1124482Heyyy pass it !
But I genuinely don't understand why people infight to the bone here when they can only assume who they are arguing against.
More and more this site screams mostly male users anyways. I miss how the site was a few years ago
No. 1124496
>>1124480You literally called me a plastic Russian woman and an escort for disagreeing with you. Kek. I'm not the anon that posted the picture and how does that make me Trump to point out a big portion of men commit violent crimes?
The researches I saw were made in third world countries, where 1/3 men commited rape crimes and 1/3 women had gotten raped. Though another research conducted in an American college questioned male students if they'd rape women if it wouldn't get found out, 1/3 answered as they would. Consider that men don't really consider rape "rape" most of the time. They wouldn't say a 16 year old girl sleeping with an adult is rape or a woman who's super drunk or drugged who's doing the same thing is getting raped.
Also how do you define rape and sexual assault? Because most of the time, it's only considered rape if it's penetrative which is quite retarded since a man doing anything sexual with a little girl should be considered rape by default.
No. 1124502
>>1124496Rape is sex without consent. As for these researches, I hope you don't equate the third world to the West. American men I don't know anything about but I hear they are shit so I wouldn't be surprised that they have similar stats to the third world.
Also you literally said that I am fine with women being abused and trafficked women because they look better than me. That's insane and I never said it.
No. 1124578
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>anons fighting about which version of wasting time and energy on men is betterAlso KEK imagine being upper middle class and still choosing to waste your life on men. Absolute non-Stacy behavior.
>>1124383 if your undies are putting pressure on your ass you need a bigger pair…
No. 1124618
>>1124616>something comfySorry nona but I've never worn a thong in my life that was comfortable, I can all feel them sit there all day being irritating while I don't get that from other styles. I only wear them if I really can't otherwise because of thin fabric and that happens rarely.
>You’ve all been brainwashedFlipping it around doesn't make it true lol
No. 1124679
>>1124618No not a flip, women are so obsessed with what men think and their perception it’s even trickled down to underwear which 95% of the time no one even sees so why do you give a fuck men like it or created it(??) some women, like moi, enjoy them. I love thongs and I 100% think they’re comfortable and thats my prerogative and dgaf what men or women think about my undie choices.
>>1124637Tampons. But like I said I wear “grannie panties” as well. I hate pads so that’s never why.
>>1124626>>1124644>>1124624It doesn’t feel like a wedgie to me. Sorry you’ve never had a comfy thong. I get wedgies when I’m wearing bikini/boy shorts/whatever thongs don’t feel like that
No. 1124685
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>>1124679I wear knix period panties, and ill NEVER go back. Any nonna with underwear stress during their monthly should check em out
No. 1124856
>>1124710Girl I don’t think men experience women staring that way. Unless you’re making actual disgusted face at him, or unless you’re very ugly, every man thinks you genuinely wants to fuck and it gives him ego boner.
No. 1124892
>>1124277, is a popular feminist theory
should have quoted it first, sorry No. 1124950
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>>1124468I'm nta but I thought this was common knowledge and it's absolutely not a problem only in the Congo. You really believe male sexual violence is uncommon just because a country is developed? The statistics that anon pulled up are from a study done in the U.S. by the CDC. It's a nationally representative survey from 2015. 1 in 5 (20%) women experiencing attempted or completed rape is huge. It's 1 in 3 women for unwanted sexual contact (groping). If you want receipts:
CDC Site: Brief: No. 1125022
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i saw a gif of the kiss scene between the two guys in our flag means death and it kind of reminded me of the oscar michael kiss in the office. sorry
No. 1125031
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nonny. Anons are acting like women arent capable of making choices for themselves and have preferences. Then again what do you expect from a bunch of newfags from radfem twitter who think the only way a woman has autonomy is if shes completely “masculine” and hates anything remotely feminine (as if men dont get turned on by butches).
All this moral fagging on a website thats meant to bash cows (which are mostly women) kek
Anons went from one extreme to another. Everytime a
nonny says she likes anything cute or sexy anons get
triggered. For people that claim to hate men they really make everything about moids. No wonder anons associate underwear or just thongs with men or troons, they are most likely straight (because how dare a woman whos into women has things shes attracted to) or just straight up have no girlfriends irl and theyve never been close to women at all. Many anons here are mentally ill and are chronically online they truly believe moids are the center of everything. I dont know if its because moids and troons have “infiltrated” lolcow even more often but it does make me miss all the PULLfags i made fun of in 2016. Anons here truly believe women are children and asexual beings. I dont know if its tradthots or moids larping and i wish theyd all go away. No grown ass woman is worried about a woman buying thongs or wearing makeup irl so it shows that this discourse is only online for the schizos. All the condescending and patronizing attitude anons have whenever a woman does something they deem as “unfeminist” (no one asked) is pathetic. One day youll have retards saying makeup is bad then if someone says women should be on top of the industry instead of moids so they get rich then that’s suddenly bad too. The truth is anons use feminism as a gotcha to silence other nonnies nevermind the fact lolcow is a website that had nothing to do with feminism or anti feminism or any faggotry. I think we are all women here who share a disdain for moids but centering them in every single thread is exhausting and purely autistic. Anyways that was my rant and i dont give a fuck what i will be accused anymore. I miss old lolcow i truly do
No. 1125038
>>1124578You think I haven’t tried different sizes in nearly two decades?
>>1125031You put it into words perfectly.
No. 1125045
My unpopular opinion that I absolutely loathe posts like
>>1125031 who spend their time here shitting on and dividing the website's userbase. If you hate it here and "many anons here" then leave. Don't poison the place with your "haha this is a shithole amiright tehehe" and "we vs them" bullshit. I already saw this shitty mindset slowly killing cgl and I don't want to see lolcow going down this way too.
No. 1125047
>>1125044It’s just a matter of preference anon, there’s no reason for you to get so
No. 1125060
>>1124827I think it's true to an extent, but not to the extreme degree that some people claim (for example, that women are absolutely incapable of doing things without thinking about it from a male perspective)
No. 1125152
>>1124950That pickme anon only considers penetration rape, just like a moid, so in her head none of those women were raped. If she's not a larping incel I hope her daughter doesn't end up like her, thinking golddiggers or manipulative women are bigger issues than literally violent men sexually abusing girls (which is a much more common and serious) must be very
toxic towards her daughter.
No. 1125174
>>1125052not seeing it. example?
>>1124827but it's true, we do internalize the male gaze, many women do. maybe you don't fully, but it's almost impossible to escape our preoccupation with our perceived attractiveness and takes dedication to unlearn. that doesn't make you troony, autogynephilic or anything, but it's for real that thongs are legitimately unhygienic and spread infection. we are not supposed to have fabric wedged between our asscheeks and against our assholes, moving around all day between our taint and vaginas. it's not sanitary. if you like that feeling, okay (and i definitely get how laser cut panties are nice, they all feel better than regular panties because no seams), but having it wedged between your asscheeks as opposed to covering you and not giving you a wedgie kind of is odd? thongs do seriously spread e. coli and make you more likely to develop an infection in comparison to regular panties. this is a known fact in gynecology. thongs are not designed for our anatomy.
>>1125031am an oldfag, i agree with anons critical of thongs and i believe the male gaze is internalized without consciousness, but i'm fine with women doing whatever. i'm not here to micromanage other people, i simply do not give a fuck, but i'm not seeing this part of discourse being the result of "radfem twitter". in fact, i'd say many posters are likely not at all from radfem twitter. the majority of posters seem to only emphasize male hating without being ideologically consistent (the anon who brought up the internalization of male preference hasn't appeared to be inconsistent, though her initial insistence of troonery is objectionable), and i don't think they're from radtwitter at all. anyways, sorry but thongs are still objectively unhygienic and you can like them all you want, but they're not functional or the most hygienic choice. everyone is free to choose as they wish though, of course.
No. 1125337
>>1125045Lolcow is already this way lmfao
nonny can say she will like makeup or anything that makes her feel sexy and everyone will be
triggered. Newfags like you cant see it though
No. 1125433
>>1125377They're used to oppress women and shut us up . Dick and asshole arent used to oppress men lmao.
Cunt and bitch are use against an oppressed class by their oppressors. They have historical significance
No. 1125507
>>1125174AYRT, in the MtF thread there was some talk about homeless people, and one anon was really going nuts trying to defend them as innocent
victims, calling anyone who disagreed with her a scrote. I recognize her behavior from other threads.
No. 1125514
>>1125511Are you the same prostitute defender that's calling whores innocent and misguided uwu
No. 1125521
>>1125514No but why do you seethe at them so hard? Did your bf cheat on you with a whore?
Why do you hate women who work in an industry that relies on them getting abused? The average sexworker joins the industry at 14, they're mostly trafficked or have to do it because it's their only chance. Stop blaming industries men support and create on the women wjo are abused by them.
No. 1125542
>>1125521I dislike the whore defense force around here. Obviously not talking about underaged traffic
victims. Whores are generally terrible people and not
No. 1125553
>>1125542nta but if the average prostitute starts at 14 then you are indeed talking about underage
victims when you say "whores in general"
No. 1125578
>>1125045LC is not the hivemind some schizos want it to be, there are different groups here and some don't like each other and they are allowed to share their distaste, specially when some of those groups are prone to infighting and annoying behavior anyway
inb4 "romanianon??">>1125174I was not the anon defending thongs, but i do agree with you to some extent, i still think is weird to think every like or taste a woman has is directly correlated to men, it doesn't sit right with me, women are human beings with complex minds and thoughts way beyond men and penises
No. 1125587
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Wtf you guys are still fighting over underwear?
No. 1125643
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we need to bring the usage of "pedobear" back. I'll grab at literally ANYTHING to shame paedophiles even if it is through a cold stale geriatric meme.
No. 1125663
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Cookie dough sucks!! Whether it's straight up or shit like cookie dough ice cream. Shit is so gritty, I don't get why people rave about it and like it so much that there's even a shop in my city that sells straight up cookie dough that you can buy and eat like ice cream.
No. 1125808
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the way some of you throw the word faggot around seriously makes your posts sound like they were written by a hypertensive boomer from Utah who looks like picrel.
No. 1125858
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>>1125808Kek, what a fucking faggot.
No. 1125897
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>>1125876>>1125895Very on-topic examples nona
No. 1125908
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>>1124234Yeah I don't really get the appeal of wearing them. I own two different pairs (I got them out of curiosity, also they're made of different material so I got the second pair wondering if it'd be more comfortable) and I wouldn't wear them unless everything else was dirty or if I was wearing something that would show panty lines easily. And tbh (in my bisexual opinion) they're not very sexy. If you want to show some cheek cheeky underwear is better, depending on the material it might go up into your ass a little bit but it's not as bad as a thong.
>>1124237Maybe there are women who find them genuinely more comfortable for whatever reason, but the women who say they love thongs and only wear them are usually "sex positive" retards who post nudes of themselves online and want to reclaim the word "slut", so I'm inclined to agree that they're probably brainwashed.
No. 1125916
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>>1125908Thongs and g-strings aren’t necessarily the same thing. Soft thongs like picrel are very comfy actually, and they won’t show any pantyline under workout clothes.
No. 1125983
>>1125972>hypochondria I was accused of hypochondria when the thing I was complaining about was so visible even the secretary taking my papers said it was obvious and concerning.
I think they sometimes don't wanna deal with challenging problems so try to piss you off enough to go elsewhere. Like they don't wanna attempt to figure this out.
No. 1125993
>>1125978>shitty, stressful and underpaidLike many other jobs, but I had already three lash out towards me this week when I say my right arm is easier, pontificating about their study and asking me whether I studied it, if no then shut up. Then they try the right arm and oh yeah first try works. I'm trying to help and make things easier for the both of us, but no matter how softly I say it while looking at the floor, it's always perceived as an attack.
>>1125983If that's the case, why won't they allow you to get your files for a second opinion? I'd prefer if they were honest, but they make things unnecessarily difficult, while playing with people's lives.
No. 1126013
>>1126008who ended sati in south asia, who created the first schools for girls in south asia, who created civil courts so that we could be divorced
meanwhile can you explain a single thing that western radfems have done for women in the global south
No. 1126020
>>1126019Are you illiterate or something? Reread
>Idc about the radfem argument, I just thought the simping for anglos was funnyI'm part of the global south, get your head out of your ass
No. 1126044
>>1126042Imagine thinking lolcow is a radfem website or even a feminist one. The state of feminism. You go on a website made to poke fun at women kek
Go away newfag and go back to ovarit. Some of us hate moids troons and radfems. Its not that black or white
No. 1126178
>>1126126I'm one of the fujo haters and I hate fujos because most are misogynistic and think there must be something wrong with me because I hate fags. I've also had fujos send me literal porn, not drawn literal irl gay porn, when I was 11 so I don't think they're aware of boundaries and are pornsick, although it mostly harms themselves rather than the people around them because most either hate themselves for being women and not feminine enough or go the full on ftm route.
I've also had fujos fuck with me very cruelly irl, any time a guy showed interest in me my fujo friends would rage so hard and compare themselves to me and I've seen this online too. They literally only like yaoi because there's no female character they'd see as competition. Fujos are the type of woman to compare themselves to every woman or female character in existence (like how men want women to) which again only harms themselves.
No. 1126183
>>1126178Imagine being this autistically obsessed with what other women enjoy as a woman.
>any time a guy showed interest in me my fujo friends would rage so hard and compare themselves to me and I've seen this online tooYeah that totally happens
No. 1126192
>>1126183I'm not saying it happens now but it used to when I was friends with insecure fujos. I'm not obsessed but fujos get very personally offended whenever someone brings up how yaoi isn't as healthy and
valid as they want it to be. It's literally written for insecure teen girls who can't imagine themselves in the situation because of cultural shame so would rather watch other men. It's not something that's nearly as bad as any male porn addiction but it can certainly harm women's perception of themselves. Also have you never seen how fujos write about female characters in mangas or even in movies? They literally write such hateful stuff. I'm surprised you don't believe me when I say they'd get angry when all fujo circles are full of them seething at female characters or in general het couples even though all fujos are hetero themselves.
No. 1126195
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>>1126004>>1126046Kinda a different context but
british women did actually do the most for womenkind. You only have to look into the suffragettes. We are taught all about it at school here.
No. 1126223
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>>1126197Normie men who watch live action porn don't, but to be fair, weeb coomers do.
No. 1126233
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>>1126229can you link the specific post cause so far what you're saying isn't panning out
No. 1126239
>>1126213I honestly don't understand how this is so hard to get for some people.
>>1126237As opposed to any other romance/erotica genre that's free of all that fetish stuff, right? I guess you also ree at ddlg, s/m, femdom, hentai, roleplay, feet/shit/piss fetishes and lolita literally every time you see someone talking about them and psychoanalyze them. Al least genres that cater to women are mostly harmless.
No. 1126243
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I think the ultimate redpill is just that Japan is a really fucked up society and stuff like Fujoism, lolicon and waifu culture, could only from such a up place, I mean someone of the first "BL" content were literal pedophilia and filled with characters based off real children and featured them being raped, only Japanese society could produced that, I guess the unpopular opinion is that Japanese society is just super fucked up and we shouldn't be consuming to much content from a people who think open pedophilia is alright, I mean I remember just one year ago Japanese internet was chimping cause Liev Schreiber's 13 year old son pics were being shared on Japanese online spaces cause he looked like sich "bishonen">>1126242I'm also implying that the women of Japan are also fucked up, no other women would have thought seeing little boys being raped as being hot in anyway
No. 1126249
>>1126237It's not 2005 anymore, fujo content isn't limited to shitty Japanese yaoi tropes. Western fangirls are a different breed.
You should check the tags on m/m ships on ao3. The vast majority of fanfic has no sex at all (teen/gen ratings), only tiny amounts have warnings for rape or pedophilia and most of those are just plot points, not fetishes or smut scenes. The most common tags are shit like fluff and slow burn and coffee shop aus, even mpreg is just to write their happy family fantasies. If there is some minority with sick fuck fetishes you know perfectly well straight ships have the same content, it's just in shoujo or 50 Shades or whatever.
No. 1126258
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>>1126233I remembered the details wrongly but I was still correct.
No. 1126269
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>>1126243I’m not a fujo and I’m not defending the creepiness from the year 24 group, especially basing Gilbert on an actual CSA
victim jfc, but I don’t think some of what you said is accurate
> I mean someone of the first "BL" content were literal pedophiliaI remember reading kaze to ki no uta a really long time ago, so my memory might be hazy, but I think the sexual abuse/pedophilia portrayed wasn’t glorified or portrayed as titillating in any way, shape or form. It was depicted only as tragic. Though idk if that was the intent, or if that was just my takeaway
No. 1126280
>>1126269while maybe shown as tragic it was sexulized and eroticized and the fact they based him on a real sexual abuse
victim, is fucking disgusting
>>1126272what are you referring too ?
No. 1126285
>>1126243So women can't tell anything about csa? It can't be depicted as something tragic in their stories?
>>1126280Anon is right and you're just twisting the author's intentions. Are you that one anon who kept sperging about Andresen? You keep bringing him up and blaming the evil fujos for his abuse instead of the adult men who actually used him. Basing a character on his appearance doesn't make fujo pedos, and in the particular story you're referring to the romanticized relationship is the one between two teenage boys, which is fine.
No. 1126287
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these guys do not want to be kissing
No. 1126288
>>1126258Only partially, in
>>1126217 you claimed that anons with a
history about posting anti-radfem rethoric is the goreposter, however that is just one anti-radfem post. Only reason I'm hung up on this detail is because there was a lot of tinfoil around romanianon, her impersonators that saw the attention she was getting from her post and trying to emulate her to get some of that. The post from meta that was redtexted seems like an emulator to me tbh, it's just too blatant. Like a scrote who saw her posts and took the most catchy stuff and posted. I could be wrong obviously, just tinfoiling.
No. 1126345
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>>1126243this happened just barley a year ago
>Back in 2016, Donald Trump’s son Barron went viral in Japan, where he was dubbed a bishonen (“beautiful boy”) idol.>Now, another famous son is making news for his bishonen status, and this time it’s 13-year-old Samuel Kai Schreiber. Kai, as he’s affectionately called by his parents, is the son of Hollywood actors Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts>When this photo of Kai and Liev popped up on Twitter in Japan, it immediately went viral, with people agreeing with the original poster’s comment, which read:>“The issue of Liev Schreiber’s son being too beautiful.”
>over 143,000 likes and more than 14,000 retweets, >the majority of commenters likened him to a real-world Howl, from the 2004 Studio Ghibli film, Howl’s Moving Castle.>The photo of Kai and Liev that went viral in Japan was actually taken some years ago, at the 2017 Emmy Awards(when he would have been between 8-9 years old). No. 1126353
When will you learn to just ignore the fujo-sperg once they go off the rails?
This is already the second time they sperg out over that boy being merely posted.
>>>/meta/30506>>>/m/188196 No. 1126356
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>>1126347this is what I mean, you didn't disprove anything what I said, we all know real men are worse, no one said that but other then that you don't have any defense, you can't admit the fact that you want to see little boys getting raped cause you suffer from a abnormal porn addiction
>>1126352he's 9 years old, they aren't calling him cute either, they are calling him "beautiful" and comparing him to anime characters from rather sexual/romantic series like yuri on ice
No. 1126360
>>1126341It's good either way, I don't think fujos are bad but hentai addict men shouldn't reproduce.
>>1126342Pregnancy is beautiful, the way scrotes force marriage and pregnancy onto women is disgusting. It's expected of a mother and makes most women miserable because they're forced into it even if they don't want it.
No. 1126361
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>>1126345Maybe I'm giving those Japanese twitter-users the benefit of the doubt, but I kind of agree with
>>1126352 >>1126356 . I feel like this is a case where people are saying that they look model-esque, rather than saying that they're sexually attracted to them. Sort of like that one cat that went viral for being 'beautiful'
No. 1126374
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>>1126358I actually had a discussion with a friend about this, also related to
>>1126345, I want to change the discussion from the weekly fujo in-fight we have here and my unpopular opinion is that most anime/manga characters don't look like white "people" but they do look like white kids
I feel as if people don't realize japanese beauty standards are more 'pedo-centric' than 'euro-centric'
the only reason this liev schreiber’s son looks like an 'anime character' is because he's a kid, caucasians after 15-16 usually very and I mean very rarely have the short midface/smooth skin/short nose thing anime characters have, anime characters faces are just a collection of very very neotenous features and caucasians are classified as the least neotenous of basic races.
look at the comparisons their making, howl from howl's castle looks nothing to an adult white man, despite being a man in his early 20's his face is similar to a white kid's (even though he's 27 and not 9 like that kid) the characters in grave of the fireflies from the same studio don't do the same type of looks.
No. 1126381
>>1126374the anime guy on the left looks nothing like a child, are you blind.
It seems that you have a hateboner particularly for shojo and yaoi (media for women) ignoring the fact that the majority of pedos and pedo content in japan is made for grown males…..hmm wonder why.
Do anime boys make you insecure? Then maybe shower and fix your deformed face.
No. 1126409
>>1126386i have a wonderful relationship with my mom, she's literally one of my best friends. i come at this exclusively from my point of view and the body horror associated with developing medical issues for a totally voluntary decision (in most cases, obviously this doesn't include women who don't have the choice to not have children).
>>1126391i think pregnant women are beautiful, no less beautiful than all other women and i think there's (detaching myself from the knowledge of the potential cascade of medical, legal, and financial issues) something very cool about pregnancy, but i do not think it advisable.
>>1126395not really riled up but it's pretty objectively stupid to act as if my post had anything to do with me in specific when i had prefaced my medical concerns and fears with that i see nothing repulsive or not aesthetic about the pregnant body. it's purely fear of losing control of my health and other aspects of my life (not freedom). it is known medical consensus that pregnancy has deleterious effects on the body that are awful and sometimes irreversible. society wants women to ignore this. this has nothing to do with me and to claim it is is silly when i exclusively made my argument about how it is objectively true that pregnancy causes women issues they would not have had they not gotten pregnant and carried the child to term, given birth, etc. everyone downplays ALL of women's pre, peri, and post birth trauma and injury and it's fucked up that you guys continue it thinking it's somehow more in defense of women than what i am saying. women are systemically deprived of the medical literature and actual truth about the effects of pregnancy.
No. 1126432
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>>1126374samefag, an example of what I mean can be found in bjornn andersen himself, andresen visited Japan twice and those two trips were strikingly different, once when he was just 15 and the other when he was 17, on his second trip he was no longer considered "bishonen" anymore, his looks were considered too mature and his tall height also made him seem less attractive and that's what I mean, really only white children have that anime/manga look, adults don't
No. 1126463
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>>112643299% shojo manga and yaoi in the current generation involves adult anime men that look like adults. Also the long/short face thing depends on the style of the artist and not to do with them wanting to make them look like ''white children''.
Stop seething and take this energy to talk about l0lis and how soo many anime women are depicted to look like children, but no you wont because you are a seething retard male, mad that women find some cartoon men handsome and angry that those cartoon men arent hideous grandpas.
>>1126382 you seem terminally retarded and dont even know what your own point is.
No. 1126479
>>1126472>the obsession with the andresen guy is creepy.yeah now that i think about it they are probably projecting their own pedophilia onto us, considering he brings up that boy all the time. Most of us had no idea who the fuck that even was before.
Also loser men will obsess over everything except for getting a job. Boy stop sperging out about what women like and go wash your ass.
No. 1126490
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>>1126345Ah yes, its those evil japanese women saying he is beautiful that are sexualizing him, not his pedo ass father
No. 1126496
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White people love collecting funko pops because they can’t collect and own slaves anymore.(racebait)
No. 1126501
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>>1126374look at the facial placement, eyes are in the upper half of head, not lower. it's more like he's supposed to have a modelesque face.
No. 1126515
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>>1126501that's an airbrushed photo of a male model that has features less then 1% of white people have and will likely lose those looks in less then 5 years
>>1126507do you know what "caucasoid" means, it doesn't ever refer to just white people, arabs and algerians are considered caucasuoid as well
No. 1126527
>>1126515>has features less then 1% of white people haveok now i now a you are a bullshitinng male.
Dude looks like the typical bland hansome white men, how is that rare.
Tell us really why the existence of anime men makes you angry.
The other anon
>>1126507 is retarded though.
No. 1126530
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>>1126523while the exact origination has been disproved, the Indo-European origins of white and brown people is fact, they share a common origin and same facial features, only significant differences are usually skin tone and height
>>1126527I have only ever seen 5 white guys with lips his size
No. 1126537
>>1126530So what is your end goal, that if you watch shojo/yaoi you are a pedo and that male anime characters have the skulls of children and animals. SO what is your preposition, should creators who make anime now start giving wrinkles and beer bellies to all male anime characters so they look like adults.
>>1126532>you can’t even spell lmaolmao
nonnie im writing this on a small phone idgaf about fixing every spelling mistake.
No. 1126542
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>>1126539its because scrotes are autistically obsessed with race an feel inferior to anime husbandos.
No. 1126551
>>1126549i havent read that manhwa in a long time the last chapter i read was cain railing his police boyfriend in a car.
Might get back into reading it again because Cain is hot.
No. 1126552
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I'm not a /pol/tard or a man, I was just posting a point that me and my friend made during a conversation, about Japanese colonized mindsets and internalized racism, I never once ever stated that people who like anime men were pedophiles, like jesus fucking christ my husbando is Eren, would you all be accusing me of being pedophile all of a sudden
No. 1126557
>>1126552babes you literally said that anime men have the skulls of white children and animals, please stop backpedaling because we can read you previous posts.
Its ok though thats just your opinion no matter how stupid this is.
This is the unpopular opinion thread so if you think anime guys look like white-child-cats then thats ok KEK.
No. 1126577
nonny here. Nonnies bashing me was better than polfags coming here kek
No. 1126580
>>1126572its not a male, its just a dumb
>>1126567the deeply pedo aspect mostly leaks onto anime made for men though, alot of smut/romance anime made for men involves girls that look underage or are underage, but for some reason you and the other anon have more of a problem with bishonen/yaoi/shojo.
No. 1126632
>>1126612thats not true but lets pretend like it is.
If thats true then lets take yaoi out and add shojo to the equation.
Shojo is very normal and most of the time the only thing the characters do is kiss in the story.
So why do the same anons who hate yaoi also hate shojo then, it seems like you and them have more of a problem with women looking at hot 2d guys and it has nothing to do with ''degen porn''.
No. 1126635
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>>1126616it really is. yumejos and fujos for male genocide 2022!
No. 1126687
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People who think ADHD/ADD doesn't exist are the fucking worst. They are constantly like "waaaaah ADHD doesn't exist, you just have to get your shit together1!1!1!". If they would open a fucking book, they would know that it's a condition that can be literally identified with an MRI scan
No. 1126696
>>1126687i think you should blame the people who pretend to have adhd more. Theyre the reason why adhd is not taken seriously.
Alot of attention seekers pretend to have DID/anxiety/adhd/Tourette's and are the reason why these disorders arent taken seriously.
No. 1127148
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Wrist guards (skating) are completely useless. When I was learning to skateboard as a kid I would wear them but I stopped after one incident. I slipped backwards and went to brace my fall with my hands which I know you’re not really supposed to do but I completely shattered one of my wrists and broke a bone in my hand. The wrist guard did NOTHING. And now thinking about it I just don’t understand how they would actually prevent your wrist/hand from breaking or dislocating.
No. 1127227
>>1127221definitely debilitating but i don't think your bf is a good example. trans, autustic and adhd? we know which are truly the life ruining ones here. most people i know with adhd seem to get on pretty alright, they just seem to be a bit forgetful and easily distracted, which is why they should be on meds. they definitely have a legitimate issue though. idk about kids though. there may be an overdiagnosis of "
problematic" children when it comes to add
No. 1127900
>>1127807They're right though. Men aren't appreciative of women who are good in bed and instead just expect all women to perform like that. I remember reading reddit sex confessions (yeah yeah, probably fake, either way a lot of men think like this) of men who get with women who are extremely flexible, deepthroat, orgasm easy, etc and instead of feeling lucky, acknowledging the woman was probably experienced, or anything he just talks about how they expect other women to perform like that and get shocked when most women can't bend that way, take it up the ass with no prep, etc
At this point there's literally zero point in trying to perform good sex for men (if you must fuck them anyway) they're just so anatomically retarded and ungrateful
No. 1128007
>>1127989But they are missed terribly. I’ve known scrotes IRL who kermitted and it tore their friends and families apart and they are still talked about all the time with charities in their name and their stupid faces on t shirts. Then everyone pisses and whines about men not speaking out. Then there are charities set up specifically to help men with their mental health and prevent suicide and help men “open up”
You see redditors etc say things like “feminism has caused an increase in male suicide” and I honestly think that might be true.feminism gives women choice in their partners, and a lot of men are just the most worthless, parasitic creatures and if they don’t have a person to abuse and absorb all of their poorly controlled emotions then they would just rather be dead, but nobody wants to be with them unless the other option for them is the poorhouse.
I would rather throw all my money down the drain than donate even a mere tuppence to a men’s mental health charity.
No. 1128028
>>1128016Any scrote who bitches about how hard men have it when it comes to mental health is a fucking liar. Every single sensitive, anxious, "psycho" guy I've met has an army of female simps who offer a shoulder to cry on and women always romanticize "fixing" a mentally ill man. You'll never find that for women, when women are mentally ill we are burdens, we are unhealthy, we're bad moms, wives, etc or even worse men just see them as easy to prey on. We have mental health stuff but not nearly as it is for men! Men can literally abandon their children and manipulate and abuse women for cope and still get helped. Meanwhile if you're a mentally ill woman and ignore your friends or something then no one cares or wants to help you because you're a burden piece of shit. Men get away with so much it's unreal but they'll never be convinced they're anything but
victims because a boomer told them men don't cry or something once
No. 1128030
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>>1128028so true that it stings the soul
No. 1128038
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I think Condi Rice and Vladimir Putin make a cute couple.
No. 1128039
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>>1128030>>1128028As men would say - why would anyone want to be around unhealthy people of the opposite gender? Women aren't programmed to want to be around unhealthy men, why shouldn't we distance ourselves from mentally ill men?
No. 1128047
>>1128039There’s ok no way this isn’t bait. It’s almost believable but the last sentence…>>1128041
It’s just how it appears on the page and other people call it /m/ but I’m too lazy to do the second dash
No. 1128061
>>1128047>There’s ok no way this isn’t bait. It’s almost believable but the last sentence…I agree. It's just so sudden. It might be a troll, or bait by someone trying to sound like a redpill scrote (I found a very similar reddit post that explicitly mentioned r/redpill on a non-redpill subreddit), but sadly, it could also be genuine. At least most of the replies are from people who wish they could tell him to kill himself.
>It’s just how it appears on the pageas far as I know, no it isn't
>and other people call it /m/yeah, because that's what it's called? just like on every other imageboard, board letters always go between slashes.
>>1128059Fully agreed
No. 1128063
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>>1128061>board letters always go between slashesYes I know and I’m too lazy to put two of them.
No. 1128150
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>>1126622Well my post implied some of those differences, there are a lot of pages online that will describe it better than I can, the overall idea is a lot like with autism
No. 1128440
>>1128430Yeah I like them a lot more now as an adult. I actually didn't get into MCR until they broke up, waaaay after my emo phase ended. When I was a wannabe scene kid I thought I was too cool for them, for some reason we all thought their music was for cutters and that made them lame? Anyway I literally just never listened to them and had no real idea of what their music was like, they just had a bad reputation.
I am pretty sad I missed being a fan in their prime and still young and cute, though I still bought tickets for their reunion tour.
No. 1128478
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CP in OT
No. 1128869
>>1128039I lost my mom to cancer so I remember years ago reading stats on how women with cancer often get divorced but men with cancer get cared for by the wife without question no matter what form they have or what way it affects their appearance or long term health. Hell even my dad patted himself on the back for the couple years of care he provided for my mom.. she was 60 and had stage 4. She was dying. What was the alternative? It's maddening when men view themselves as saints for sticking around in those circumstances. In dickness and in health..
>>1128825I remember when I was younger I lived in a miserable houseshare for a while. My housemates gf who stayed over at the weekends did everything she could to passive aggressively make my home life hell while she wasn't paying rent or actually living there. I had a lot going on in my life that was already stressing me tf out. It pissed me off that I was paying for the pleasure of added stress there. I'll never forget it. I think it's dumb to turn yourself into a bitch all because your scrote isn't trustworthy around women. I was never the enemy. Making some woman who hasn't done anything to you hate you is never the fix. He did make a move on me eventually and I didn't go along with it but I also never told her because.. she was a massive bitch who by that point could not be approached. There was an age difference, me being younger and she almost put fear into me. I would tell any other woman but I couldn't tell her and I don't know if they ever married afterwards. It took a lot for me to choose not to approach her and warn her.
No. 1128969
>>1128806it is but these women are usually heavily abused and manipulated by the scrotes which can fuck with your mindset and attitude towards other women. I accidentally dated a scrote who thrived off of making the woman jealous/ getting attention. He would get pissed and start ignoring me if I didn't go out of my way to fight other women he claimed were flirting with him (no proof either, girls would never flirt with him around me, he would just make up obvious larping stories about how girls brag to him about how they're wifey material and ask him for sex)
its the mans responsibility to reject women who attempt to sabotage the relationship and women need to know this, if your man doesn't know how to act right if women are involved then he's probably cheating anyway and being a bitch isn't going to change that
No. 1128982
>>1128975I'm the og anon. I explained what I meant here
>>1128869 I didn't sleep with any scrote.
No. 1129005
>>1128975 I don't think the anon was trying to play along with scrote games but lots of women will discreetly try to get attention from male scrotes in relationships in ways that aren't obviously asking for attention. While it is the mans responsibility to not cheat and stuff ALWAYS call out scrotes who attempt to cheat even in small ways. I always tell guys in relationships who offer me things like rides home, coming over, money, food etc that I don't accept these from men in relationships and call them out if they try to do this with other women as well
there was a guy at work who literally worked with his gf and would practically glue himself to other female coworkers to the point where she was obviously distressed and ended up leaving, when he tried this with me I would say stuff like "you have a girlfriend to talk to" if he got too clingy
No. 1129874
>>1129005Even married men usually act this way, god forbid you meet eyes with a man he will think you want to fuck him even if he has a gf or wife. I've heard so many stories about this which is why I just wouldn't get married at this point, men are never satisfied.
>>1129839Did you also make a vent post or something about how you got called out and got accused of trying to steal someone's man a few times on lolcow? Someone made a post no too long after you got accused.
No. 1129898
>>1129839Nothing as violent but I was a late bloomer and social autist in my early adult life, no interest in sex or scrotes yet but I had an incidence where a woman took a disliking to me and tried to spread lies about me to anyone who would listen. Stories about me being a whore and being caught in various compromising positions. Nuts. Reality was I was a virgin and stayed one for years afterwards. I had talked to her bf at a party with her present. The conversation was about coffee because I was having coffee while everyone else drank. He made light hearted digs about it then said he thinks non drinkers are actually pretty cool. That was all. I was on meds tbh but didn't say that. New anxiety meds that made me tired. The rumours started right after. That one vague meaningless compliment sealed it.
I was pretty affected by it. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self not to freak out. I was hiding away over rumours that had no basis in reality. I was getting out again after a bout of agoraphobia when this all went down so it sent me right back.
The guy did go on to cheat but I don't know who with. He's had kids with 2 women since then and moved on each time. He does have some weird charm that he works on women. On paper he's a loser but he can talk to women and like alot of scrotes he obviously has a gross intention behind it. That's on him. Persecuting any woman he talks to is shooting the wrong person.
No. 1130069
>>1130064I think you misunderstood
or maybe I'm too ESL to make you understand my point. What I meant since the beginning is that basically I agree with
>>1129874 that people are responsible for their own actions and that they shouldn't be excused just because they had bad things happening to them before. I just used myself as an example but I could use many more examples. Like when my family and I were at some amusement park when I was 15 and my little sister was 13, there was a huge parade and I said to my sister that we should hold hands to not lose sight of each other because we didn't have cell phones back then, she told me to push people if necessary because we were losing sight of our parents and some grown woman with her pram and toddlers started to insult my 13 years old sister, called her a whore and a slut and told her she would beat her up and slit her throat for daring suggest that I, an underweight 15 years old womanlet, would maybe push her to not be lost. I don't know her, maybe she thought violence was normal because she was at the receiving end of violence herself before and it fucked her up. Doesn't mean she should be excused for threatening a child. I could think of many other things but I will stop there.
No. 1130101
>>1130069thats not how it works, majority of the time the violent children grow up to be violent adults too. That grown woman who you used as a example was probably violent as a child too.
Most people who are on the receiving end only have internal anger which doesn't show and is kept hidden.
No. 1130428
>>1130397Cat walks away from a loud annoying noise..
>see what I like about cats is how they just don't put up with anyones bullshit! I like cats but the overthought sassy personality type explanations are weird at times. It's an animal with sensory perceptions different to ours. Your cat isn't a strong independent sassy boss babe.
No. 1130613
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Nikki Grahame was such a legend. loved her the moment I watched her on big brother when her season aired. miss her big time, anorexia is such a nasty mental illness.
No. 1130899
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I think women should just carry guns like fashion accessories, even if they're fake, we should make everyone around us uncomfortable. I bet you if we all start doing it out of the blue gun-control laws will strike like a lighting in days.
No. 1130931
Most of the users on this site have actual mental issues and/or need to touch grass
>>1130883>Anyone who supports the sanctions have been brainwashed>they punish innocent Russian women who have nothing to do with the warCorrect
>>1130570You're right in that those goals are unrealistic and that it's almost impossible to be whatever the fuck you want to be. But you cannot blame people for having that sort of dream, based on their interested and hobbies, when we've been told our entire lives that we can "be whatever we want to be" if we really want it, and for being unable to achieve those dreams due to being enslaved in our jobs and not having been born in the right family, time or place (in other words, being poor). It's currently impossible for the vast majority of people to fully develop their talents or pursue the career they're actually interested in, because paying the bills and buying food are more important than that.
No. 1130970
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>>1130965>Ukrainians being bombed on a daily basis>girls as young as 3 being raped and killed by Russians>mass graves>schools and hospitals bombed>war crimes committed every day>average Russian woman believes every bit of propaganda they are fed and are snitching on their neighbours Muh sanctions!!
No. 1130974
>>1130397I also find catfag mentality tends to be worse than cats themselves. They can be fine pets otherwise.
>>1130556This is a problem for a lot of pet people really. I have a few pets myself but I don’t get the types of people who anthropomorphize them and do things like make videos where they try to narrate their pets’ thoughts with retarded, babyish language. It’s kind of pathetic.
No. 1130980
>>1130970>Avg Russian woman is being held in abusive beating by her husband because domestic abuse is so common they dropped the law about it, the society itself would shame you for leaving your husband (unlike if you are a man when you are always "the Chad")>Russian women are fed into tradthot propoganda the minute they are born, people around are always fixated onto the idea of how a woman doesn't meet an education, hell, especially a job because she should do nothing but spend her whole life being a living incubator with no friends or personality, nothing but her husband.>Everytime there is a crime against any woman, even if it's a child, people online and irl would screech over how it's girls fault, and write petitions to free the man. Eg There was a case next to my house where a professor from the most prestigious university in Petersburg killed his female student, kept her dead body in his closet for 3 days and tried getting rid of the rest of the body in the river, ended up falling down the river, someone saved him and called the cops on him instantly (read about Oleg Sokolov)>Interwebs and everyone: it was all hurr fault!!!! >Avg salary of a person that doesn't have connections with govt is actually 197eur and less.>Women are limited to jobs by law because they seperated them to genders>Universities are free to decline your application because they think x-education should only be given to men>My grandparents been always earning 100€ a month from their pension, barely making it to pay the rent, now it's down to 80€I could go on and on. Please kindly kill yourself, you disgusting faggot.
No. 1131020
>>1130939She's unfunny to me but she gets hate because she's a female and did something different. Moids forget humor is subjective and their stupid little monkey brains just think "if II don't find it funny how could others". no1curr about millennial cat ladies who enjoy amy schumers stuff, just like no one cares about their humor they involves nothing but close ups of vidya screenshots but they think the entire world revolves around them and any sort of entertainment released must be something they approve of. Also 90% of people who hate Amy Schumer probably never seen a single show other than cherry picked clips. Tons of bland, unfunny male comedians who talk about a single subject non stop exist and barely get criticism
Also keking at moids who keep crying that she raped a guy and no1curr because she's female, as if they didn't scream for the past few years to women that initiating sex while drunk isn't rape and that women need to be responsible for their drunk selves
No. 1131037
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This disgusting creature is so ugly. Just let it die already.
No. 1131088
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right to buy is fucking insane. the UK government is constantly bailing out tax-suckling grifters who shit out another generation of non-contributing gobshite ASBOs.
for non-bongs, right to buy means section 8 (gov subsidised) tenants can buy their council home at a discounted rate, while the middle class, who actually toil and save their money are struggling to buy a 1 bed flat.
essentially, lower middle class people's taxes are funding basically everyone else's home while most of us can't even get a foot on the ladder.
i'm sick of being forced to subsidise lazy/underachieving people like their poverty is my fault. i'm moving to Dubai first chance i get
No. 1131095
>>1131087Why are you so mad kek. If you agree that not everyone needs a complicated skincare routine, then you should agree that a skincare routine is what works the best for some people.
I'm not saying diet has no effect, just that everyone's body is different and acne is caused by different things. I can't help if that bothers you.
No. 1131110
>>1131108I believe this is the case for an unfortunate tiny minority, and I am absoltuely not
victim blaming but I don't drink, smoke or have promiscuous sex so I would likely be safe from this.
No. 1131128
>>1131064I was never big on products or routines. Once I was over 30 I had issues with rosacea (apparently that's a common starting age for it) so I thought I was going to have to develop a whole complicated or expensive routine now to manage it. Keeping it basic is a large part of what helps though. Sunscreen and limiting the amount of ingredients going on my face. I'm relieved that I didn't have to buy lots of fixes. When I first looked it up I found alot of people rush out in a panic to buy a range of products. Sometimes all that does is cause flare ups.
If I'm going to have skin problems.. it seems suiting that I at least have one that allows me to stay very minimal lol
No. 1131211
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I really don't wanna seem like I'm defending Islam, I really don't but there's narrative among western libfems and radfems that needs to die, regarding the iranian islamic revolution, there's this idea that the revolution happened cause men were worried about losing power and cause they were scared of westernization, so they deposed the progressive government and installed religious dictatorship that oppressed women, that's the general Idea and its given feminist in the west fears and anxieties about a "it could happen here" type scenario in the west and margaret atwood famously wrote a handmaids tale based on this premise and here's the thing, this narrative is false and has been manipulated by western feminists to create an insufferable element of self victimization
here's the thing people need to understand, Iran under the Shah was an oppressive dictatorship, the vast majority of men and women were farmers and workers living as peasants, anyone who spoke out against the Shah was found by a secret police, jailed without trial, tortured and either executed or forced to rot in those jails, people were literally starving, yes there was a westernized progressive lifestyle for a small urban elite of 15% of the nation, but the vast majority of Iranian women were illiterate peasant farmers, people revolted against the Shah not cause they were angry that women were wearing skirts but cause they couldn't feed their children, the Shah's regime also had arrested every liberal, communist, nationalistic and leftist political leader, so all those were left were the clerics who ended up leading this peasant movement and creating the state of Iran as it is today
I'm not defending Islam or the religious radicals here, but I hate the way feminists in the west have hijacked this tragedy and use it as a tool to feel more oppressed "Iran was a progressive country, we could lose our rights just like they did, If we aren't careful" and that's a fantasy, the historical material conditions that happened in Iran do not exist in the west, Its a delusional fantasy
No. 1131236
>>1131147That has nothing to do with what that anon said, lmao. Most of those Russian women are probably poor and believe that Putin is going to Make Russia Great Again just like in the old USSR, because that's how Putin advertises himself, but you can't really blame them for believing that bullshit when they're fed pro-Putin propaganda every day just like you're fed the anti-Russia propaganda you're regurgitating right now. The people of each country are not at fault for being manipulated, lied to, and used for their leaders to wage war (a military war in the case of Russia and an economic war in the case of NATO/the US). In the end it's normal-ass people like Ukrainians and Russians who are going to be screwed by things they have virtually no control over whether they realize it or not.
If you can't understand something that simple, you have the mentality of a child and are not worth replying to any further.
>>1131157>Even if innocent have to pay the price (of being unable to buy ikea boohoo)bait, fuck off you disingenuous retard.
>>1131187In general I'm tired of people acting like such imageboard newfags. I mean I hate the stupid gatekeeping and strong anti-normie mentality of most other imageboards such as 4chan, but it does get annoying to get so many newfags who are unable to lurk for long enough, or google things until they find the solution, or use some common sense. And I'm technically a newfag here, but I've been using IBs for more than a decade so I adapted quickly, whereas these people sound like they came from Twitter or other popular social media site a couple of months ago. The problem is not only that they aren't imageboard-savvy, but neither are they computer-savvy, in my opinion.
I wish I could tell them exactly how to find the hidden board, but I'm afraid of making it easier for malicious lurkers to raid.
>>1131211>I really don't but there's narrative among western libfems and radfems that needs to die, regarding the iranian islamic revolutionThat narrative exists because people won't fucking read a book. It's not just western feminists who have retarded takes on that sort of thing, it's just westerners in general. Things don't happen just because, for an event such as the Iranian Islamic Revolution to happen there have to be certain conditions, which simply do not exist here, and also people tend to think in very black-and-white terms so complex situations such as the one in Iran are hard to understand if you don't know shit about the country.
No. 1131246
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>>1131236>>1131211samefag Iran had a democratically elected left leaning secular leader, who would have brought equality for majority of Iranian women, he didn't even want to remove the Shah and wanted to keep him as a ceremonial head of state, but he wanted to nationalize Iran's oil and was considered too left-leaning for the west and so the CIA and MI6 coup'd him and put the Shah in power
No. 1131252
>>1131037 anon.. what is wrong with you
>>1131042 >>1131046 She is a English comedian but also an actress, she used to be in this long-running crime drama here in the UK called Silent Witness.
No. 1131407
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Okay, nonnies please correct me or call me out if this is "wrong" but my unpopular opinion is:
>as a woman, how you dress really does affect the amount of attention you get from scrotes.
For some reason, everyone in any other online space seems to disagree with me on this and I can't understand why nor do they explain why it's incorrect? So I guess it's an unpopular opinion in my experience of discussing it. Ever since I became uncomfortable in dressing feminine or in tight-fitting clothes due to numerous reasons, the rates at which I've been harassed, ogled or just cornered and made to talk to moids have dropped significantly.
Obviously I'm not saying that when you dress like a tomboy or just not feminine you'll never get harassed by moids, I know they're fucked up and target women regardless, but I can absolutely see a correlation in when I've dressed feminine or in slightly revealing clothes and also getting harassed/unwanted attention from them. It's like they see a woman dressed for a night out or dressed fancy and they instantly assume it's to please them and their pervert gaze.
Whenever I've explained this to people they just shrug it off and say "no men will harass you even in pyjamas" like yes that's very true but I don't really think they look into it in a nuanced way. Dare I say this also links back into why so many TIFs transition, they want to escape the ogling gaze of men and the uncomfortable attention that comes with being associated as feminine?
I'm not sure why it seems like a "controversial take" to say that our manner of dressing can sometimes increase or decrease the rates at which we are made uncomfortable by disgusting moids.
The people that deny this will strangely acknowledge that some women make their voices deeper in the workplace or adopt more 'masculine' mannerisms to get more respect…okay, so you agree to that but not about the way we dress? Naturally under no circumstance am I saying that women shouldn't dress in that way - I genuinely wish and dream about a world where we can dress however the hell we want without men's stupid opinions. Or maybe my opinion is just stupid? I'm confused.
No. 1131479
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>>1131464This, there was this tall nerdy dude in my highschool, he was ridiculously hot(picture picrel but with glasses and a little thinner) and tons of girls had a crush on him but he was unaware of it, he genuinely believed he wasn't special looking and that him humble and I think more attractive, in university however he seemed to have realized his looks and also started lifting and started acting fuck-boy for a couple years, I think he's matured now and doing better, but it still sucked seeing him go from a cute nerd guy to a fuck-boy frat bro
No. 1131509
Well, I think it’s not that you like insecurity, but you just know that an attractive moid, who is aware of it, will absolutely use you and is using women in general - mostly in a sexual way
So it’s not attractive when you know he wouldn’t be attracted to you personally, but to a chance for having sex
Which most if not all moids are, but with this kind it is more blatant, I think
No. 1131532
>>1131407I'm not someone who owns girly clothes but workout leggings/yoga pants increased the risk of me being just silently followed around. Then any time I wear something with a hint of tattoo showing I'll get asked about that and the rest of my body.. where else do I have ink? They assume I'll just give them a full tour of my body. Those 2 things I had to change even though I've been dressing baggy and kinda andro for years already. Fuck me it's like the walls are closing in if that's still not enough.
Last time a guy approached me wanting to know about one of my tattoos I told him I don't have any. He pointed at one and I insisted it's a birthmark, like a really fucking big one lol
I don't blame women who like dressing up for still being pretty fed up with that type of attention. I go out of my way to avoid it because I'm not invested in style to begin with so it's not a big sacrifice here. But I feel for women who get enjoyment from all that stuff aand get 'rewarded' with shitheads noticing them. I've seen women leaving hair salons before where they clearly look like they're dressed to attend a wedding.. getting whistled and screamed at in the street. Weddings where I am are classy church events. Dressed for church and getting harrassed in the street.
No. 1131658
>>1131641Ayrt, honestly I say "should of". I think what the anon above said is right, should've sounds very similar to should of. I think both are correct though, right?
>>1131651>>1131652I had a little trouble understanding these posts tbh, but you are forgiven anon. Have fun.
No. 1131662
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>>1131651>>1131652>I post high slot>Might even mean then when i type they shit happensThat's enough English for me for today
No. 1131924
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I just realized we live in a culture that demonizes young people for liking typical young people things and praise adults for being dumb fucking manchildren/woman-children for taking over stuff that are meant for younger people now that they have the money and freedom do so. Stop collecting those ugly sanrio dolls and dressing up like a japanese lolita, your name is Jessica Brown, white girl from suburbia, you don’t have a weeping “inner-child” you should be collecting some dollar bread and shutting the fuck up
No. 1131986
>>1131924Why you hating? If cute Sanrio figures and flouncy clothes make someone happy and the person has the money to enjoy it for themselves, who exactly is that hurting?
>t. Jessica BrownYeah yeah. For the most part I've got my adult life together, but I feel like everyone has some sort of weird thing they collect. You gonna tell a granny she shouldn't collect snow babies or kewpie dolls or whatever useless trinkets she's into because she's too old and should be satisfied with cookware and knit doilies instead? So long as its not their entire personality I don't get why people shouldn't buy what they like at any age.
No. 1132008
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why is it every time i see interracial relationships anywhere one partner is always a yt male? everyone of my friends and coworkers are dating a mayo man despite coming from a variety of backgrounds. i really think its societal conditioning
No. 1132176
>>1132012If you had any experiences with
poc men you would understand
No. 1132244
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I feel like unattractive people overstate the importance of attractiveness in one's whole life. I'm biased because I'd describe myself as a 5/10 on a good day and a 4/10 on a bad day (I don't like the rating system but whatever). I never wear makeup but still get treated respectfully by people for the most part. I tend to stay away from men because they're not all that interesting and a little annoying, but they usually treat me like a human and just ignore me. Although appearance does matter to an extent for internal happiness, a lot of happiness is as a result of introspection, having hobbies/passions, having healthy habits, making the world a better place etc .That being said, noticeably ugly/beautiful people DO get treated differently, and I feel sorry for anons who experience mistreatment due to their appearance.
No. 1132516
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I guess I like Kabakura as a character, but Hana deserves better.
No. 1132535
>>1132244Totally agree with this. I'd describe myself the same, about 4/10. On the ugly side but no deformities. I've been treated fine, nothing special. I'm not ignored but I'm not like paid extra attention to. When I interact with guys it's never in a casual setting, always related to work or studies and it's just normal.
>noticeably ugly/beautiful people DO get treated differentlyTrue. Very pretty people are definitely treated more nicely, but they're kinda rare. Most people are just average and they interact with other average people, averagely.
No. 1132542
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Ozai's voice didn't really suit him. Also, it would have been great if there was a scene where he interacts with Iroh.
No. 1133007
>>1132916completely untrue, In fact, pirates in general would plunder slave ships and sell the slaves themselves, that said blackbeard did free lots of slaves, one of the slaves he freed ended up becoming a pirate captain himself calling himself black caeser, but that's just once rare exception of a man whose morals of the era stood in contrast to everyone
but most pirates took part in the some form of slave trade, stede bonnet owned a plantation, jack ward(the inspiration of jack sparrow) participated in the slave trade of euroepans
No. 1133021
>>1132008basically what
>>1132176 said, when you've dealt with the comical levels of misogyny and bullshit from most
poc men, you would understand what its like, it has nothing to do with their looks(to an extent) as westernized
poc men who have split from their families would also be viable options but they are few and far between and I know white men can be misogynistic as well(we all know that) but again there are levels of misogyny western white women can't even comprehend that's my unpopular opinion,
plus their taller and can grow full beards No. 1133030
>>1133024Except sperging about an unpopular opinion is retarded
>>1133025dont care. some of us dont go on lolcow 24/7 kek
>>1133026moids who cant live without porn. I wouldnt be with a moid who has any disgusting kink though so i dont get what that has to do with a moid watching porn.
No. 1133150
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>>1133075The only think I drink is water and cold milk, stay mad
Pic related, I bet your ass doesn't feel the same way about literal candy water
No. 1133182
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>>1133167Someone got posted on /snow/ again
No. 1133190
>>1133146>>1133160>>1133162its even worse then that, black twitter has already turned this into a race thing, cause it was a white woman who murdered a black man are such "uwu
victims who get unfairly demonized"
No. 1133221
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She whoever the fuck she is, isn't ugly or bad looking. She doesn't look old, I always scroll past the thread she's in and I see comments about her looks and I go, "She's averagely cute or basic cute, not ugly or weird looking"
I'd never look her way in a good or bad way. I think she looks fine. Kinda cute. I don't know what she's done to get hate so I'm not talking about her personality, she may be a huge asshole for all I know.
No. 1133226
>>1133193this case has been blowing up because a lot of people want people, especially black women to "Fight" for this dude, even though he made comments about us (unprovoked) and didn't seem to like BW at all.
Even if they are old, it's funny how we're supposed to just put on our capes and go march and be angry that a man that was probably abusing this woman, people were saying on LSA, he'd been abusing her and there were calls about domestic abuse. Either way, even if he wasn't. People die everyday, it's like folks only wanna march when it's the police killing us or racial, but when it's gang violence and random acts of violence DAILY agaisnt BW nobody shows up or cares.
They only care because this is viral and has a racial twist. Even though the real twist is this man probably would'nt blink a eye if a white man killed a black woman and got off.
No. 1133230
>>1133191Brittany is pretty to me, I also think IDubbz girlfriend is cute as well,Sidenote, I saw a sctote bitching about Brittany's looks but this same scrote was saying, "Fuck all troons" but also, "Blaire white is so based and so hot, that it's not gay to have sex with him".
So Brittany is ugly and "Unsexable" according to idiot scrote brains, but catfish Blaire is super hot and you'll deal with a dick just to be inside him? Hmm…..
No. 1133233
>>1133221I haven’t kept up with the threads she’s in for a year, but I don’t think she’s necessarily a bad person… just cringe, hypocritical, and maybe a bit of a narcissist. But these are all in the context of extremely online posting and discourse that doesn’t affect anything irl.
I agree with your post generally, I think farmers exaggerate her looks because she really wants to be an (more famous) actress, thinks pretty highly of herself, and occasionally puts down others without looking in the mirror first. She wants that mean girl persona. Though the latter historically can be contributed more to her uglier counterpart on the podcast.
No. 1133251
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while I believe the term white feminism is an alienating and unreliable term that shouldn't be used, there is some genuine merit to criticism against certain second wave feminist figures who are labeled "white feminists" the fact is that a large majority of second wave feminists were upper middle class white women in academia, they often thought their rather rare struggles were the standards of the patriachy and didn't ever once considered the perspectives of non-white and poor white women, and it often was peak narcissism as well, I remember one line from the women's room where marilyn french's self insert makes a comparison between the psychological effects of isolation on white upper class housewives and the impact of confinement on the self-concept of prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. like jesus, same with betty friedan and the feminine mystique, I truly found myself raging at some of the words I was reading, like I'm sure being a upper middle class white housewife was boring but frnech was actually comparing it to being in a concentration camp and her mary daily and the others are some of the reasons I can't stand behind certain radfems who follow these women and give them way too much lee way, for basically just creating dumbass takes with no backing and doing nothing for womankind as a whole, while caring about petty bullshit that doesn't matter
No. 1133259
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>>1132244I agree with you, even though I was often mistreated as a child and a lot of it was insults directed at my appearance. I am certain that I would have been treated better if I was some outstandingly pretty child but overall I think I was just surrounded by people who wanted to be mean to me and my looks were the easiest thing to pick on. It left me with many issues surrounding my self-image, and it has made it much easier to believe that my attractiveness dictates my life, but it truly only does if you let it.
To myself, I love my appearance now, but I am aware that I'm not extremely attractive to your average person and I just carry on with life. I used to obsess over my looks and absolutely despise my face, but I've come to feel differently as a result of a lot of reflection. When you're in the middle ground like that in terms of appearance (not being incredibly "unattractive" or "attractive" to most), it's sort of comfortable. It might feel upsetting, maybe it feels like you are invisible to people sometimes, but there are some benefits in that regularity. It makes it easier to create space for everything you mentioned regarding internal happiness. It might be nice to have the benefits of being very attractive, but they're really not worth obsessively fixating on. It's unfortunately difficult to explain this to people with deep physical insecurities/body dysmorphia.
No. 1133291
>>1133259>>1132244Bouncing off of you guys, I’d like to add that average is in fact pretty good looking. People you’re indifferent to are stunning to others as it’s incontestable that beauty is subjective. Being
very attractive is usually fitting a style or social position of some sort and then people treat you according to it. If you could be someones trophy girl they’ll pursue you with more objectification than if they fell in love with you as a friend or whatever. They could feel the same physical attraction to both people but one will end up with a greater sense of detachment from themselves (‘the price of being pretty’). Alternatively, guys swarming a bubbly, outgoing girl vs like, keeping a shy girl at a close distance to creepily gain exclusivity. Similarly, a lot of people don’t express how attractive they find someone at all unless they’re led to act on it. So most people walk around thinking they are plainer than they actually are. Though, they could also be fetishistically self deprecating like incels.
No. 1133324
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Ugly, stupid. His attempt should have been successful.
No. 1133510
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Theres nothing wrong with the calarts style. Its the designers fault for making ugly designs, not the style itself. Like seriously, i have no idea how they churn out such unappealing designs for children cartoons. The only people who genuinely like these designs are frumpy teenagers who think queer representation matters for 6 year olds.
No. 1133544
>>1133532you sound like those insane right wing scrotes lmao. Women's value shouldn't be based around how many men they have sex with. I mean just by saying
a woman that sleeps with many men is worthless you are basing the woman's value around her sexual purity which is a thing born in patriarchy. That women must be sexually pure. I mean you shouldn't go out there and degrade yourself for men but having your sexual desires satisfied or sleeping with men you find hot is not
decreasing your value No. 1133553
>>1133546why are you assuming that if you have sex with many men they must be tinder hook ups? Maybe you have had a lot of boyfriends.
decreasing value by having sex with many men is literally mysoginistic incel rethoric but you are sprinkling it with a dash of man hate to prove your point. A woman's value is not based around how many men she has sex with and women shouldn't be afraid of satisfying their sexual desires. You can have sex with attractive men that don't happen to be rapists or have a lot of boyfriends in your life time. A woman cannot change her sexuality either. If you are not doing degrading sex acts and getting hot moids to satisfy you, I don't see the problem. I actually think women should use men as a commodity more and refuse fucking unattractive men.
No. 1133579
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>>1133532>decrease your value It's so funny, even when you're falseflagging, you retarded scrotes just can't contain yourselves.
I swear everything you fuckers spout is pure projection, as a man the only value you have is donating your sperm and dying for us.
No. 1133582
>>1133533Do you think those tinder fucks are giving their dates endless orgasms? Whether he fucks or she fucks, only the moid is coming.
>>1133534They have self worth based on being sexually desirable. Which is a delusion in it self because men have no standards. In a way, female socio-sexual value does get diluted when we make ourselves available to low value scum. Men now expect to not have to pay any time and effort in courtship. Not in a retarded incel purity muh roastie way.
No. 1133590
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I think people who say their biggest fear is being alone/dying alone are retarded. I think it’s perfectly acceptable and even based for a woman to be single her whole life. It makes me cringe when I see posts from other girls freaking out because they’re 25 and have never had a serious relationship/are still a virgin/kissless. I hate that never having been in a relationship past a certain age can seem immature when it’s incredibly based.
No. 1133596
>>1133589oh my God can you shut up about your
value go back to your right wing echo chamber we don't care about your rethoric
No. 1133598
>>1133596If you feel
triggered by what I said it's only because deep down inside you know it's the truth. People who own their decisions don't care enough to argue them.
No. 1133599
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>>1133324Samefag to add, why are guys named Shane instant assholes? Shane from TWD, Shane Dawson…
No. 1133602
>>1133598I'm not
triggered because it is the truth I am
triggered because you are spewing incel rethoric and sound like a fucking retard. It's not about my decisions, it is about your rethoric and mentality and the things you said. I'm passed off at you and I told you the truth. You are a right wing whore pick me projecting on other women or a literal scrote. Shut up about your "low value" this is only used in right wing circles. I am angry because you have no.right to claim radical feminism being a right winger fuck off. These two don't mix.
No. 1133615
>>1133609I don't sleep around with a lot of people. I haven't had sex in two years. I just hate you for using
low value and basing women's value around their sexual purity and then trying to pass it off as feminist because
scrotes are dirty. Shut the fuck up. Only retarded right wing incels talk about
low value woman that has had sex with 5 ex boyfriends and is a used dried up hoe with no value because she's had sex. This is what you said. You're most probably a right winger pick-me hoe yourself projecting on other women.
No. 1133638
>>1133631Yea top KEK the incels in your internet echo chamber will think you're so based nonna and pick you now since you keep your legs closed and aren't like the used up low value whores that have sex. You're not like the other girls
nonnie. Like the libtards. They will pick you
nonnie. Such a good tradwife basing her entire identity around men's desires.
No. 1133643
>>1133636In real life Stacy's are less likely to have sex with a lot of men because men will give them attention anyway. It's usually women with low self esteem or mental problems who sleep around.
And just because a man wants to have sex with a woman doesn't mean he find her attractive or likable.
No. 1133669
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>>1133655I determine my own value. I act in my own best interests always and I do not worry myself about my societal value. In my mind it is a farce. I use it to beguile people in order to have them pander to my whims. I do all of this effortlessly because I am beautiful and people are drawn to me like a magnet. I enjoy being alive, I relish every moment of it as if I am already in heaven. I laugh in the face of your judgement.
No. 1133678
>>1133593Obviously nonnas who fuck them do.
>>1133655kek that backpedalling
No. 1133728
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>he'd rather pick a girl that is average in looks but shares the same values as him over a very beautiful girl that has very values.
Anon that’s what he will tell you, but the truth is the very beautiful girl didn’t want him.
No. 1133739
>>1133729I don't want to base my identity around manipulating and satisfying the minds of moids. I wanna stay true to myself and to my values. Also, beautiful women in bad socio-economical circumstances get encouraged to become sugar babies or marry
abusive rich white men to escape poverty while ugly women are not encouraged or objectified on the same level. Also, if you are beautiful and don't fit society's expectations of how a woman should act like you will get hated and dispised more since moids will think you are wasting yourself and you can attract jealousy from other women if you are let's say socially inept and beautiful
>>1133736top kek
nonnie pretty women also have sex without being mentally ill. Having a libido and multiple sexual partners is not a mental illness.
No. 1133742
>>1133739Yes and who are the ugly women encouraged to marry. Could it be poor
abusive men?
Nonny you’re talking absolute shite.
No. 1133746
>>1133739The problem with pretty women is they think men are like women. In a pretty woman's mind she's thinking that a scrotes will appreciate a pretty girl giving him attention and genuinely loving him but no in the scrotes mind he will think "oh a pretty woman likes me! That means I can do better. It's time to cheat and treat her like shit". If a pretty woman knows how to scam and not actually try to be inlove with them…unfortunately most women do not understand this. They do not understand how scrotes think.
>>1133738Pretty women sleep around if they have mental issues, yes.
No. 1133747
>>1133744Anon I’m not arguing with you about brain cells because I think you’re barely comprehending this conversation kek.
>>1133739Implied only pretty women get encouraged to marry
abusive rich men but that’s fucking bullshit. All women are begged and persuaded to get married and all women can face abuse. IMO ugly women are more likely to be told to settle.
No. 1133780
>>1133769If a man kisses with all teeth and tongue acts like a fumbling retard when Trying to touch you,if hes trying to finger you but is rubbing your labia you expect him to be good at sex?
Also if a man says he watches a lot of porn that's a sign he's bad in bed too. Most of the time you will know a man is bad in bed before even fucking him if you connect the dots
No. 1133789
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I can't believe nonnas want an infighting thread when this is it right here
No. 1133791
>>1133787You can't tell my looking at him but you can tell by talking to him. Does he know how to kiss? Does he know where the clit is? Does he know how to do oral sex? Does he act like oral sex is the grossest thing ever? Does he admit to watching porn regularly? Does he have limp dick and require a lot of work to get hard(sign of a porn addiction)?
There are many ways to know a man can fuck without fucking him.
No. 1133806
>>1133799You do know it's possible to start off with doing stuff like oral sex, asking a man what he's into before actually sleeping with them? Most men are dumb as fuck and will make it obvious if they are addicted to oirn too That's what makes sex good and something sex positive femlibs don't get. Your logic is to open your kegs to any hot guy and hope for the best lmao
You get some garbage 2 minute sex then get ghosted the next day and that's how you like to live.
No. 1133807
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>>1133806 >Your logic is to open your kegs Nta but I found a pic. Look at that gape.
No. 1134078
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i feel like "photo id for visually impaired people" text stuff is pure virtue signalling and wanting internet brownie points. i'm not sure how describing something like this will help the visually impaired. does a person who's been blind from birth and uses a screen reader know what "vivid yellow" is? do they know what a "strange face" looks like? what is the point beyond trying to show that you are such a kind and conscientious person for transcribing a photo?
No. 1134363
>>1134078On stuff like articles, I don't find it annoying or virtue signally at all but when it's on social media accounts like
>>1134183 example, I can't fucking stand it.
No. 1134411
>>1134407Tbh transsexual activism started out as "be nice to us we have gender dysphoria" to "see me as a literal fkn woman!!!" It's very different even just comparing it from 5-10 years ago.
Slippery slope is real.
No. 1134441
>>1134363yeah, when someone is doing it on social media in particular is feels completely useless and they always add what i feel are unhelpful details
>>1134148oh i know that "blind from birth" is not that common and there are varying degrees but i still don't think what i posted is very helpful, like you said, and idk there's even guides online for how to write a good transcription but none of these dorks on tumblr or twitter do it in a helpful manner. that's why it feels like virtue signalling to me
No. 1134483
>>1134078It's very strange to me how the alt text almost always goes into great detail about the colour of things in the pic when the colour is not relevant at all. It doesn't paint a good picture of what is actually in the photo because it gets lost in all that needless colour information.
Like there'll be a photo of the Tiananmen square Tank Man, and the text will be like "a man in a white shirt and dark trousers is standing in front of olive green tanks with white insignia and a bit of orange rust".
No. 1134677
>>1134669I agree.
>>1134660The only Asian jokes I've seen about Finns is that weird yellow man meme posted by finns themselves.
No. 1134887
>>1134839I agree, I don't think it makes sense for straight women to want a man with no natural masculine traits.
This is different from simply wishing men took care of their appearance. People on here actually seem to think that men should have the same features as young women to be attractive to us, and that a straight woman liking anything else is mentally ill. But I think this is an extreme reaction to the sexism we suffer from men who judge us by our looks and demand that we look beautiful all the time, so I can't really blame those who have that opinion.
No. 1134895
>>1134847I'm pretty sure this is about the anons saying women are
naturally more attractive than men and "even straight women are naturally more aroused by women than by men" which is obvious bullshit.
No. 1134925
>>1134908Try them anon! Get a dark chocolate bar from your favorite brand and make some cookies.
I also have to add that I am someone who doesn't like desserts to be too sweet, which is why I like dark chocolate with the brown sugar cookie. A mix of milk and dark chocolate is good but sometimes it can still feel like too much.
No. 1135028
>>1135009But I like the imageboard format. Maybe a system where users can make accounts or IDs but you only know your ID. Everyone else would appear anonymous to you, but you could block anons and the website would track your blocks through these IDs.
The downside is you might block users who sometimes make good posts, but I think it would be a net positive
No. 1135315
>>1135275i mean men are inherently uglier than women though. Male bodies arent naturally pretty kek both can be true. Men can look hot if they take care of themselves but women are just inherently prettier imo
Even straight women think boobs are pretty. Only attractive thing about moids are abs kek
No. 1135333
>>1135315NTA but you seriously can't see the possibility that universal approval of boobs is because of women's bodies being constantly objectified and sexualized and obsessed over in media, fiction, advertising and life in general? And because women get brownie points for going along with male opinions? Plenty of cultures don't think anything of boobs except as something to feed children with. Coincidentally they are the cultures that aren't shown pornified images of the female body 24/7.
It's nice to praise our bodies and all but it's bullshit to say we're just sooo naturally beautiful in comparison to men when we aren't allowed or encouraged to sexualize men's bodies to the same extent, and we get no escape from our bodies being sexualized.
No. 1135395
>>1135390> Men might think every woman is a evil whore who deserves nothing more than to be pumped and dumped but makes an exception fir the one girl he likesNo, they don’t. They just pretend to respect you so you will be their mommy bangmaid.
> I don't understand why we need to like or respect men to date themI already said, fucking and dating men benefits them more than a woman can ever benefit. If you can afford not to date men you shouldn’t.
No. 1135396
>>1135390Mental illness to excuse men and their degeneracy while pretending you're a true manhater. No incel would date a woman, they'd rape and kill one but none of the so claimed manhaters actually seem to hate men as much as they think they do.
No. 1135401
>>1135396The even normie men subconsciously hate women. Have you ever heard the conversations they have about women they are dating or attracted to with their bros or whatever? You're really naive if you think it's only incels who hate women lol
>>1135395Who cares if it benefits them? If I find one who I like he's benefiting me.
No. 1135403
>>1135401I'm telling you that the women who say they hate men but end up dating them don't hate them, if they did they'd be like incels. I know most men don't respect women especially if the said woman becomes a doormat because they'll humiliate her even more when she doesn't have healthy boundaries.
Do you think dating man is smart after you literally said
>even normie men subconsciously hate women. Have you ever heard the conversations they have about women they are dating or attracted to with their bros or whatever?You're literally saying they talk disgustingly and mock women they fuck but then go and boast about fucking the literal same men.
No. 1135407
>>1135403I see men the same way men see women. As objects to make me happy. If I find one that is cute and buys me whatever I want, I'm going to be with him and still hate men. The se way men find a woman that benefits their life but still hates women in general.
>if they did they'd be like incels. I know most men don't respect women And like I said. This is irrelevant because not every man who hates women is an incel. All men hate women.
No. 1135423
>>1135420Yeah it does work like that for me because I know even the man I pick is a piece of shit but if I get the benefit of the social clout of having a cute bf and he helps men financially I'm going to date him and still hate men.
Men date women who they hate all the time because she's hot and he wants the social currency of having her or she benefits him. I don't understand why women have to actually genuinely like men they date.
No. 1135452
>>1135447>most men aren’t against one or more of women’s rights>most men don’t say sexist things to women’s faces You have to have met a man in order to date one,
No. 1135458
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>>1135450I agree. I haven't been pregnant or had an abortion myself, but I can't imagine how traumatizing abortions must be for some women (for so, so many reasons). I feel like so many people present it as a "fuck them kids I don't care" kind of thing but does anyone ever actually talk about the women who struggle because they had to abort? It's like even in women's rights debates everyone ignores these things.
No. 1135482
>>1135462Nonas give too much power to men for "da patriarchy" in first world countries. In first world countries it's mostly just media, systemic stuff like meds not being tested on women, brainwashing, and women being pitted against eachother. If all women de female socialized and stopped supporting men by fucking feeding and caring for them, most first world men would literally die from sewerslide/bad health/etc. in a few years. Inb4 "nooo they'll rape and go handmaid's tale on us!" They're already doing that to some, separatism would solve that issue.
As for third world shit holes they can only pray for being able to get out, or Rwanda tier men all off eachother.
No. 1135494
>>1135492The system
is men.
No. 1135500
>>1135493We're talking about first world men
>>1135494Men r bots confirmed kek. I'm not saying they're not responsible but compared to third world men they don't do much in daily life to oppress women like beating/raping/etc.
No. 1135531
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>>1135529You get my point. Good things to you nonni.
No. 1135555
>>1135525I wish men were as cool headed and logical as they claim to be. They would be so much easier to deal with. Instead we get retarded apes that threaten to kill you if you insult them in the most lukewarm way. Moids are just really uncool to be around, can't even take a joke smh what are they good for.
>>1135450I think to some women they very well may be meaningless. Just going off what I heard, I've never had one myself. I just hate that women are expected to clarify when they say they are pro choice that abortion is hard. No shit, but why is that the world's business? Oh yeah, because everything women do is everyone's business. It should be legal and up to women to deal with themselves however they want without all this public groveling.
No. 1135558
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>>1135556>I wish men were as cool headed and logical as they claim to be. They would be so much easier to deal with. Instead we get retarded apes that threaten to kill you if you insult them in the most lukewarm way. Moids are just really uncool to be around, can't even take a joke smh what are they good for.True