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No. 1083022
Board-tan representation edition
>>>/ot/1055890 No. 1083138
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>>1083110I wish nonnies would stop generalising Brits like this it's making me insecure
No. 1083163
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NEETdom is just another one of those things that's supposedly immoral for poor people, but considered great and even romanticized for the rich. I find it hypocritical how the idle rich get a pass on being idle, while the poor are called lazy.
Also, I don't really think there's much actual difference between the poor NEETs and the idle rich these days. Both probably sit in front of their phones or the computer for 80% of the day, the only difference is one eats a packet of noodles for lunch while the other goes out to a fancy restaurant.
No. 1084295
>>1083138brits are good authors, so far i've liked every
2 of those i've read
No. 1084766
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>>1084670>>1084675what if we went back to when pigs were house pets
No. 1085102
>>1084887Thats why I hate manlets. Not bc they are short, but bc they have horrible personalities and a perpetual
victim complex.
No. 1085264
>>1084884There's nothing wrong with eating bugs, actually. Provided they're the right kind of bug I guess.
People in Mexico still eat them, for example. They come in different flavors.
No. 1085619
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>>1085572im sorry i couldn’t drive you to probation nona, would you care for some ganja?
No. 1086787
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Dojacat’s head looks a egg.
No. 1087089
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I think Cow fanart is weird and unnecessary. I prefer fanart of lolcow-tan because she's at least fictional.
No. 1087122
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There is nothing wrong with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife's relationship
people dislike her cause of ageism and really grim misogyny. Sam Taylor Jonson is an artist, film maker, cancer survivor but these fools trying to reduce her to a “hag”
and she didn't groom him, he was 18-19 when they met(an age where most men go out to war). this is such a weird zoomer trend where people are actively trying to make adults be designated as children when they're not.
No. 1087279
>>1087246Just men villanizing women regardless of what we do
>Woman dates older man>Reee she's a gold digger>Woman dates younger man>Reee she's grooming himWomen are hated for their dating choices regardless of what we do or if we even choose to date. I think these men are just projecting since they're usually imagining themselves only dating young women in order to take advantage of them, so they just assume women do the same as if brainrot porn addicts aren't running around beating their broke little dicks to granny and milf porn
No. 1087281
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predatory lesbian stereotype is hilarious when you think about how straight and bisexual women are far, far more sexually dangerous to other women than lesbians.
No. 1087339
>>1087321for example afaik onlyfans was exposed as a pyramid scheme, if someone joins with an invite code from someone else, the one who gave out the invite receives a cut of the new member's income, so onlyfans women shill it to other (younger, more naive) women. actually that's how the few top members that are touted in the media as #girlbosses get thousands of $$$ while the vast majority of members are lucky if they get 100$
>>1087296the same people who believe "predatory lesbians" are a widespread problem will also accuse you of muh sand tree if you dare point this out
No. 1087548
>>1087538I see women being blamed for
grooming women but if you looked at it, it is still men causing this phenomenon. Yes, some women become sex traffickers, but posting a tweet like
sex work is real work is not really grooming. Yes, it perpetuates the evil, but it is the evil male corporation owners that want that in the first place.
No. 1087646
>>1087548Ayrt, I agree with the picture that was posted in
>>1087281 and I definitely see why that person said that it's grooming. At the same time I also feel like men are the root cause and it doesn't make sense to try and make the topic of sex work about sexuality which is why I said that. Just more divisive shit.
No. 1087652
>>1087548there are actual female groomers though who traffic women in real life.
I agree that the onlyfans thots are not groomers but there are women in real life who go and groom young girls so they can sell them out to their main pimp.
No. 1087661
>>1087652yes, I completely agree 100% with you anon, but most onlyfans thots tweeting some ideological bullshit on Twitter are not actively seeking women to groom. There are female pimps out there, yes- women that gr. But I don't agree with the demonization of Onlyfans women, most of them do not cause much harm to society and are
victims themselves, suffer from mental illness and are stuck in a vicious circle. It is the media who is at fault and the fact that our society is ruled by corporations that want to make money which of course are owned by (scrotes).
No. 1087731
>>1087661I think the only ones who are doing direct harm are the ones who try to get women to sign up one on one with those referral codes for their own financial gain like an MLM pyramid scheme as
>>1087339 mentioned. That's directly lying and exploiting another person for financial gain even if it isn't technically grooming, and even women roped into non-sexual pyramid schemes unfortunately end up doing this to other women. But merely tweeting their woke sex work ideological shit to an audience to try to convince themselves they are happy is not anywhere near that level and is pretty neutral (if misguided) behavior that ties in to mental illness as you said.
No. 1088095
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Cosplay is cringe as fuck, I can’t believe I liked it when I was a teen. It only looks decent in pictures with nice poses and some, if not lots, photoshop.
No. 1088160
>>1088129If it was like before, when people would just wear the outfits and have fun, it wouldn’t look so shit, but now that everyone wants to skinwalk the characters and look like they’re the characters but highly rendered, it’s shit.
Also, it’s kind of funny how it’s usually the stubbiest, shortest and widest greasy losers, the ones with somehow enough confidence to pretend to be a character that’s 2 meters tall and full of muscle.
No. 1088174
>>1088095I agree but only when it comes to modern cosplay, like your pic. Still, I don't mind people who do it as a hobby, but it does look like shit.
>>1088091I disagree, I think the dumber, random and lower-quality YTPs from the late 00s and early 10s were the best precisely because they were so hilariously shitty. Now poops are just too well-edited and too long. And many have either the most vulgar and explicit sex jokes possible, or super long and unfunny jokes.
No. 1088560
>>1088528Off brand foods here are the same as brand versions in off brand packaging.
Also lol you have to import to get quality food, americope. q
No. 1088940
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I think glam rock styles look(ed) better on men than it did women. Flamboyant and dramatic styles look better on men in general because the sharp angles of their body compliment it well imo. Women don't need all that to look beautiful, although sometimes it can make them look really badass (like Grace Jones or Annie Lennox). I know if a man would wear that these days it would come off as too troonish but whatever it's an unpopular opinion for a reason kek
No. 1089193
>>1088528There are certain budget brands that taste better than the more expensive ones. Like as a kid it was well known that the homebrand "Coca-puffs" were better than the real thing. And I've worked in many factories where they have two machines running side by side, packaging the same product into different brands.
But as someone who went severely broke last year, I can attest that the absolute bottom barrel brands for things like pasta are dogshit, borderline inedible and by the time you account for all the filler ingredients, you aren't saving any money. It's like people that buy cheap pre-made sausages, they're only 50% beef, you may as well buy half has much of the proper beef sausages. It's the same with bottom of the barrel white bread, spend the extra $2.50 and the bread slices actually fill you up instead of passing straight through.
Anything that's a staple like Bread, rice, potatoes, etc you can comfortably cheap out on. But as soon as you go into manufactured territory or into the meats it starts getting a bit suspect. If you're broke in that instance, it's often best to go for the second from-the-bottom, it only costs like an additional 50c.
No. 1089738
>>1089671so based
>>1089678thinking any of us who agree want to even feel the touch of a disgusting moid, men don’t deserve access to womens bodies
No. 1090260
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>>1090108your last sentence is embarrassing but the internalized male gaze is true. margaret atwood wrote a really good paragraph about this in one of her books.
No. 1090347
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>>1090341it's only miserable if you allow it to be
No. 1090396
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of all the popular cereals america has to offer, this is the best one. its only rival is Post Blueberry Morning, but it's not a popular one so it doesn't count in this race. you are free to explain why your trash taste in cereal is allegedly better but you will always be wrong
No. 1090402
>>1090378>"am i perceivably attractive/good at every and any moment in time?". idk how to explain but it's a definite thing but it's not really sexual. I think I know what you mean. I notice a lot of women make very very subdued facial expressions. Often there are only a few selected expressions used. Their faces do not produce one hundredth of the possible lively expressions. I don't know whether they're aware of it or if it's become automatic, but it's obvious they police their own expressions and only show 'ladylike' ones, and even those are subdued.
I keep noticing it and it's jarring.
No. 1090517
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I'm not a bookworm so perhaps this isn't an unpopular opinion to people who are, but I hate when books get a movie adaptation and it becomes the cover.
No. 1090536
>>1090260Unrelated to the discussion but Margaret Atwood has always spent so much time thinking about the dynamics between men and women that I will never understand how she became an anti-JKR troon whiteknight
>>1090446I know it's better to just ignore mention of her but this has been on my brain. It's the not following her own advice that bother me more than anything else, which comes off as very dishonest. I think her criticisms are often on point, but you can't act like you truly understand what's better for women in one thread and then threaten to leak other women's nudes as revenge porn in another and expect to be taken seriously. Or talk shit about anons who post in sw cow threads when she does the same thing because she feels that one camgirl copied her. Or say that anons here wish death on mentally ill women when she is constantly wishing death and curses on other anons who are probably also mentally ill. Would have zero issue with her takes if she was not a "do as I say and not as I do" person along with all the murder stuff. I know I'm probably just a being autistic about it but that kind of hypocrisy really annoys me, and I think it bothers me even more because she is clearly well read and spends a lot of time thinking and has the ability to have more insight into herself than that but just pushes it off on excuses.
No. 1090545
>>1090517i hate it too. i also hate it when there's stickers on it - but at least they can be removed by using a hairdryer to melt the glue. what REALLY bugs me is when it looks like a sticker but it's actually printed on the cover, and slightly elevated so you think it's a sticker until you start scratching at it and it doesn't come off. i also hate testimonials on the cover because i don't care if another author thinks a book is good, i can form my own opinions, thank you.
>>1090536i think she backpedaled on the JKR witchhunt when she got accused of being a
terf herself because of an article she wrote. still doesn't stand up for JRK though, iirc.
No. 1090550
>>1090341>>1090260my unpopular opinion is that comment reeks of blind privellge and it does make me angry whenever I see it
there's just something about an upper class white woman who lived her entire life in a safe western country venting how about how awful is to exist, when I literally wish I could live in a country that even gave me rights on paper
I'm sorry womanhood sucks for all of us but a couple of bikini ads is not a peak male supremacist society, a male supremacist society is when your a taught a man who raped a 9 year was the greatest human being who will ever exist, its when you can't even a look at a man that isn't your brother of father unveiled, your not even allowed to see your male cousins
No. 1090566
>>1090545>she backpedaled on the JKR witchhunt when she got accused of being a terf herself because of an article she wroteI didn't know that kek, good
>>1090550Thanks for adding your perspective to this anon, I think discounting other women's perspectives is actually where Atwood herself has gone wrong many times and what you said is thought provoking
No. 1090573
>>1090550shut up, the root of the problem is patriarchy aka scrotes who want us to keep squabbling among ourselves so we don't focus on them. Congrats on doing a great job!
>a male supremacist society is when your a taught a man who raped a 9 year was the greatest human being who will ever existsadly it happens all over the world, kek
No. 1090578
>>1090573>sadly it happens all over the world, kekokay, i'm
>>1090559 but this is simply not true, and there are worse places to be a woman. there are women in burgerland who have suffered as much on account of being women, just as there are rich women who have been sheltered from the worst of men in muslim states (i know a few) but on average, one place is worse for being a woman than the other.
No. 1090581
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>>1090573why does this happen every fucking time, we know that there is misogyny and rape in the west but what will you fucking lose if you just acknowledge that compared to the vast vast majority of women in the world, you are relatively well off and have to deal with not even 1/1000th of the level of bullshit that you'd have to if you lived in a Muslim nation
also explain to me superior western radfem, how am I or other women supposed to deal with patriarchy with our cultures, when we confront men we will get beaten, when we try to organize men and women will throw rocks at us and we will get beaten, If we were to vandalize a Mosque then we would beaten and then hanged by the state
so explain to me what am I supposed too? cause clearly you know better then us, cause all patriarchy is the same
I genuinely want to hear your answer
No. 1090585
>>1090578why do you think there were huge pedophile scandals related to church? Becaue priests were considered good and nobody cared about their
victims. It all was hushed or nobody listened to 8 years old
victims because 'why are you saying such horrible things about our beloved father???'
No. 1090586
>>1090573You’re ignorant. You should go and try to live in an underdeveloped and religious country where women’s rights are close to nonexistent. Westerners have #metoo and countless organisations helping
victims of rape, while women in Muslim shitholes have nothing.
No. 1090594
>>1090581>>1090586Im not losing it and I'm not ignorant. Nobody at lolcow is. We know that muslim shitholes are the worst for women. How many times am I supposed to hear that truth with a jab about how I am a privileged cunt that shouldn't talk about her own experiences? That anon
>>1090587has said it best.
>superior western radfemwow, I'm glad I haven't read most of your usual projection bullshit beyond the first sentence
>>1090590I am not reading your bullcrap, too privileged to do that kek
No. 1090597
>>1090595>>1090594just being allowed to protest without being beaten by rocks is a privellge alright, its a freedom that we are not given
I have always stated that there is misogyny in the west, I never stated that it didn't exist
all I have ever said was that you have to stop pretending that its equal to patriarchy in Sudan and you won't lose anything by admitting this
No. 1090601
>>1090595Based, I'm so tired of romani-chan's endless belittling of other women and attention whoring. My empathy and attention span have run out. Especially since she was a bitch to me even when I was being empathic.
>Reeeee shut up you western cunts, you will never understand reeeeeeeFuck off from an ib where most users are the very women that you hate so much.
Romani-chan/OP, does writing posts like
>>1090550 make you feel so much better about your shitty life? You know that at this point you are baiting. WE KNOW you have it bad and there are places where being a woman is a hellscape with almost no alternatives. How about having some respect for others if you expect them to have it for you? This isn't tumblr where you can crap on everyone and nobody is allowed to say anything because you have the most oppression points. No, it doesn't work that way.
No. 1090606
>>1090601First, that's pakichan
Second, Romanian =/= Romani
No. 1090611
>>1090605>The westerners will never understand and call this racist, but it's trueNo I agree wholeheartedly
>>1090606Oh sorry I confused those two angry spergs. I'm not being here much.
Also that's autocorrect, who cares.
No. 1090614
>>1090605that's exactly what I'm doing, I love my family but this is the only option, after Afghanistan the Mullhas have been praising the takeover for months, I have an arrangement with my cousin in the next six-eight months I'll be in California
but things will only ever get worse with Muslim nations, the only hope we had to save us was Communism and now that's over cause of the US
there's a slight chance that China will force Maoism, which would be a miracle but as of now, there is no absolutely no hope, no western feminist will ever know the feeling of hopelessness we do, that in the framework of Islam it will always be the same
No. 1090621
>>1090614>the only hope we had to save us was Communism and now that's over cause of the USThis was very true, my grandmother spoke to me of the different era. Westerners get too caught up in "communism bad!" But IDGAF anything would be an improvement even if there were government oversight and rationing of goods. I wonder what it would be like if the nations now known as "middle east shithole/cluster fucks/ permanent warzones" were instead known for luxurious landscapes, ideal exotic vacations, highly rated universities, ancient ruins, and women with both intellectual capabilities and accomplishments whose daughters are free to walk the streets unharmed.
I long for an alternate reality.
No. 1090628
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>>1090621I really wish western radfems would understand this, they seem to love this fantasy of "all or nothing" the Idea that since all political system are patriarchal and they are equally bad and we shouldn't bother or support any of them, they can believe that cause they live in a bubble
They really don't understand the Idea that in the real world you have to choose the realistic options for the betterment womankind as a whole, not just some LARP fantasy dreamed up by a bunch of upper middle class white women in universities and colleges
No. 1090629
>>1090586Imagine thinking metoo is even taken seriously. Nobody fucking cares about female
victims. Women and men mock metoo and
victims are always called liars and gold diggers. If metoo truly worked then male artists who are rapists wouldnt be successful yet here they are.
No. 1090640
>>1090630Ive never afforded hair salons, cant buy makeup, ive been wearing the same jeans for years, i use a shitty phone, never got my nails done yet i live in canada. Some of you are so stupid and disconnected from reality. You sound like a moid reeing about how “western feminazis have it easy xDDD”
some of us were raised in shitty foster care and
abusive places and were always poor. Do you think influencers represent the average woman?
No. 1090653
>>1090649I dont believe the anon is a woman.
no way you can read a woman saying shes homeless and lives in a shitty shelter to escape from her rapist dad and be like “xDDD its cuz youre bad at budgeting”. I wish mods banned scrotes or trolls in here
No. 1090680
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>>1090674This is a joke, do you think I don't know how to use Google? There's always jokes about fast food workers and department store workers having acrylics and expensive hair and stuff. sorry I don't think people who can afford to dish out hundreds a month for their hair and nails is "scraping by"
No. 1090840
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She may not have had the best writing but she definitely did not deserve all that hate.
No. 1090855
>>1090601it's not me you stupid bitch oh my god you are really not getting my trip
>>1090845I agree! Was paid 400 euros per month at mcdicks and I was let with 0 money everything went on utilities, rent and food. I think a lot of people have struggles I do know that, but it's still better to be born in a 1st world country when you could have been born in a developing country with family issues and poor
>>1090848bitch it isn't me but I think my sperging has caused other opressed anons to sperg. Everyone that says I do not know that people in 1st world struggle are insane, I watch videos of poor children in England and America and it's horrible how badly capital is distributed and I know a lot of people wage cucking etc but the anon is right, objectively speaking being born in a muslim country is very bad for a woman, it's way worse than anything, even Romania, unless you are maybe from a wealthy family with open minded parents.
No. 1090890
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>>1090882lmao even critical care is shit you have no idea. The public medical system in Romania is so shit that we have a saying "you get sicker from going to the hospital than staying home", even in public hospitals doctors only perform surgery on you if you bribe them. The medical system here is hell, you cannot even begin to imagine what hell you go through if you get sick here and don't have money. I spent months in hospitals with mold on them that smelled like piss where I was literally tortured because I had panic attacks. I had panic attacks and doctors here don't know what the fuck they are doing, in other countries they wouldn't be allowed to profess
No. 1090891
>>1090871It's laughable that people who can live off on a tight budget by themselves by working at McDonald's think they're oppressed, not to mention living in an average apartment and not a lower income one. Just get a damn roommate like everyone else if it's that hard and you have an extra $500+ a month. Or is anything less than a luxury penthouse to yourself with at least 5000 of spare cash with a McDonald's income "literally scraping by"?
Seriously, this is why us thirdies laugh at you. You want an average priced apartment with zero roommates or anything and think you should be able to afford it on McDonald's income (which you fucking can 'but you only have $300 of spare cash!!!')and anything less is oppression. At least you can escape. You can live by yourself on a tight budget if you don't feel safe with roommates or family. You have freedom, thirdies don't.
No. 1090898
>>1090882based plus you have other opportunities to get a better job, if you are born in 3rd world you are seen as inferior scum even in western countries, it narrows your opportunities and being poor here is not like being poor there. Here being middle class is considered poor in western countries.
>>1090895you're so retarded, I live in Romania and food is literally more expensive than America and you're paid 400 euros minimum wage. Rent is expensive too. Romania is almost as expensive as western countries but with 30% the wages because everything is imported or from huge american corporations. You're as delusional as you think pakianon is about the western world while you project on her. Accept it, someone having it worse than you and complaining hurts you because you are… I won't say the word
No. 1090901
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>>1090891you don't know shit again and again you've repeatedly tried to claim you'd get SSDI with 0 work experience and expect 2k+, lmao. you have no clue about shit in america. please stop. that specific hospital you keep posting photos of was fined for poor conditions and it's being rehabbed/updated, those were specifically of rooms not yet updated. funny how you never post photos of the hospitals that are being updated. that exact hospital is having billions allocated for its renovation. rel is a romanian hospital that looks no different from american hospitals (plenty of which are actually run down and depleted from funding specifically because the conservatives want public hospitals defunded) is it fair for me to say every hospital in romania looks like this necessarily?
>>1090893no, the point is you were trying to shill that a full apartment was only 1k in manhattan. it's simply not. it's 1k per room and we have no idea where in manhattan it's located and you're fully ignoring the need for utilities, transport, healthcare, groceries, etc.
No. 1090918
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>>1090910apparently 26m² 1/1 apartment with wifi included, 55 inch smart tv, fully furnished with appliances, near university and metro station is 350€
No. 1090921
>>1090917They are insufferable, imagine being so annoying and unhinged that you make a name for yourself on an anonymous image board, red flag number one. I can’t even bring myself to feel bad for them anymore because they are just
so annoying.
No. 1090935
>>1090917and first world anons can have just as garbage lives as them without having the same circumstance. abuse and mental illness can destroy your life regardless of your country or financial status. i had 11 relapses last year, I've relapsed twice 3 months into this garbage year, and despite me living a middle to middle lower class life I grew up with shitty uncaring
abusive parents whose lack of financial skills were only compensated by my fathers nepotistic ivy credentials. ironically his salary gets lower and lower and lower every year. my garbage family upbringing and tragedy after tragedy ruined me, financial privilege didn't do shit. and then I was always given the excuse that I was ungrateful or crazy when they hooked me on ssris forcibly and had me misdiagnosed repeatedly, my sense of identity is heavily fucked by two narcissists who couldn't realize how
abusive they were. and no amount of materialism negated how miserable life has been for me. so while I feel incredibly bad for paki and romanon for the circumstances of their mental illness not being helped by their lives and living in crappy countries, it isn't much better for the rest of us. not with the way corporate capitalism is going nowadays
america sure loves to tout itself as the paragon of opportunity when our healthcare system is garbage. I've been off my meds for a fucking year, don't have a primary care physician, and actually feel like I'm going to die soon, but I don't announce myself all the time when I vent about my life like they do. I'm walking on a very thin tightrope, but I still care abt people besides myself and want to have sympathy for them because you know, I'm not a complete psychopath. if I'm not lucky I may become a casualty of my own self soon. I wanted to hold out so bad but I'm losing my shit. we can all revel in our misery with different circumstances and reasons, we don't have to hate one another over it. I truly don't hate any of you and in some respects this place has helped me, I just wish y'all would calm down sometimes. it's also hurt me for the reason that it can be obviously
toxic, but yeah, let's be a little less pessimist and a little more nihilist about it. gallows of me but I truly might die alone and a nonentity and I might be done trying to give a fuck about it
No. 1090943
>>1090929>>1090913yea, they are delusional. I literally laughed at some posts because they were proving your point. It's not that you cannot suffer in 1st world, you absolutely can. But being born in 3st or developing country will make it harder. Even if you immigrate you will be seen as an inferior. I am not even saying that people do not suffer in 1st world because they absolutely do. I wish we had better capital distribution… this is the problem. Even in America if you're born poor your kinda fucked. There's so many poor people in America… but we are taught that it is their fault. We are being taught delusional ideas by society, that if you're poor you can just rise to the top, which is not true.
>>1090901I cannot even see it. Only obnoxious redditors link statistics like that to win arguments, you're insane, most hospitals are moldy hells with shit everywhere. Romania steals all money allocated for hospitals. Funded money end up in the pockets of the government, what link are you gonna post now? Also you cannot demonstrate hospitals are not shit in Romania through a statistic, there are other things you need to take in consideration. Such as wheter the money allocated actually goes towards renovating hospitals, you have to consider that in Romania, the most corrupt country in Europe all money is stolen. Romania is on the 3rd place when it comes women dying from cervical cancer from HPV because we do not have HPV vaccines. If you are mentally ill you are told mental illness does not exist. There is no access to mental health besides a hospital where you are being constantly assaulted and beaten or raped by the staff. You had no idea what I had to go through because of the medical system and what my family had to go through.
The country is beautiful, relatively safe with rich culture, but if you do not have money it's a shithole and poverty here and middle class here is different from western countries. Being upper middle class here is being poor in western countries.
>>1090929it's clear you do not read my posts and just pull shit out of your ass because you hate me. I have repeatedly states across multiple posts that being born in a muslim country is horrible, I never said it is as bad as pakistan, but you bitches are acting like there is no social class differences between countries and that some countries are not less developed than others which will impact your life.
>>1090932you think you can survive paying 350 euros on rent in Bucharest top kek. A lot of wagies go homeless or live in shit apartments with 4 roomates to afford the cost of living in Bucharest… I think you lack rational capacity or are filled with hatred towards me and ignore my words or you assume I am lying when in fact I am not. That 350 euro apartment is a luxury. Minimum wage is barely 400$, you can afford a 350 euro apartment if you are upper middle class/rich. How can you pay a 400 euro apartment when your salary is 350 euros? When I lived in BUcharest I lived in a 3 roomed apartment that was super ran down with cockroaches with other 3 roommates and I would pay 250 per month+ utilities. The rest of the money was barely enough to afford food. I couldn't afford anything else
No. 1090949
>>1090935First world anons can have bad lives but there's so much more opportunity. Shelter anon is lucky to even get a shelter where most people in third world countries would be forced to scrape by with their rapist. having "just" 300 a month in spare cash after having an average apartment to yourself with electricity, groceries and transportation while working 40 hours a week in fast food with no prior experience is considered shitty
No one is saying first world citizens can't struggle but it's just nowhere near the level third world people struggle but apparently you can't have the attention be off them for more than a minute without them flipping out about how much they're suffering with shelters to run to when they're abused and their 300 a month left over after living alone in an average apartment
No. 1090959
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>>1090932well that's bucharest metro and was literally advertised as a luxury apartment, like, i suppose the most desirable and central area but at the same time your utilities are included, included furnishings, etc etc. it has been fully updated as well with mosaic tile throughout, new everything and quite nice furnishings. a cheaper apartment in a further away area with fewer newer amenities that most students and young adults would have to resort to would likely be considerably cheaper. this 42m² 2/2 in bucharest was 270€ but still way nicer than the way a lot of young adults in the US are living in their own apartments, especially in the biggest, most desirable cities in their countries. you can't get a shithole apartment in a shithole city here for less than $1300, plus a high credit score, no criminal history, and $4k for a deposit
>>1090904just have steven buy you another $1k+ laptop again and having him send you hundreds of dollars for dresses kek. don't talk shit about resource allocation or poor spending when you're overspending on laptops from the scrotes you pander to
No. 1090960
>>1090943> Even in America if you're born poor your kinda fucked. There's so many poor people in America…Okay then why do you two keep acting like poor people in America can just get a job at McDonalds and live oh so luxuriously?
>think you can survive paying 350 euros on rent in Bucharest top kekWell if you an pakianon are allowed to make generalizations about how americans lived based off what you see on google so are we kek
>>1090935everything you said is spot on and I sincerely hope things get better for you
No. 1090965
>>1090949well unfortunately the world does revolve around a western centric perspective and we can't change that
just like I can't change the fact that my ankle and foot are fucked up and have literally turned blue
No. 1090972
>>1090935It does annoy me that people discount the amount of abuse that happens in middle class families. Wealth doesn't automatically make someone a better person. I had an horrific upbringing while being middle class. Part of the reason I stayed quiet about what was happening to me is because I was from a middle class family. Knowing what went on in private would have harmed my dad's social status in the community and his businesses.
Obviously money is always useful and I won't deny that I have also benefited from my dad's wealth but to assume that middle class people don't suffer and that money makes everything better is denial of reality. I'm now married to a man from a working class family and I would say that he was more privileged than me. He grew up in a stable, loving home without abuse and a large family that loved and supported him. I had no idea what a normal, non-
abusive family was like and I've had to learn from him and my MIL.
No. 1090985
>>1090978Having a shelter > being stoned for being raped
Why does it upset you hearing this?
No. 1090986
>>1090942you're insane, everything you say and think about me is a literal lie. I think you have a mental illness. You are trying to make an argument by saying this shit apartment for 300 euros when the minimum wage is 400 and the medium wage is 600.
>>1090955you do not understand here you do not ever have money left over from emergencies???? I cannot believe all of you are so tone deaf you do not believe some countries are poorer than others which affects the life of the average citizen. It's like you're tone deaf or ignore self evident truths. I know life in America is hard too but the middle class is still richer than the middle class here.
>>1090960I know that if you're born poor in America you're fucked, I mentioned this across multiple posts. I've seen so many documentaries about poor people in America, but that still does not change the fact that Romania is a shithole too in it's own way. I still advocate for better capital redistribution. America used to have a golden age in the past but now capitalism is becoming worse so it is increasingly harder to make a living. I always talk about how capitalism is shit and how your family and the social class you're born in affects you for the rest of your life.
>>1090935yes, I agree family can fuck you up through socialization even if you are rich. You can absolutely suffer from being abused even in a rich household in a rich country but I am just talking my perspective here. I'm talking about my life.
>>1090976you have schizophrenia anon from your hateborn, that's not me. Also, a statistic is not sufficient to prove a point. I told you Romania has shit health care which it does.
You're demonizing me. You think I do not know you suffer from class discrepancy or from abuse in 1st world countries? I watch a lot of videos and I always empathize with people in 1st world that struggle. I empathize with people in bad socio-economical situations or life situations all over the world.
No. 1090994
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All these first world country anons need to stop complaining. You all sound insufferable, just get a job at a fast food chain, participate in the glorious opportunities provided to you by Uncle Sam. There is literally no reason for someone in the US to be depressed/homeless/mentally ill/sick/sad/poor when you can literally pull yourself up by your boot straps and get a job working for the man himself Ronald H. McDonald. I started as a lowly drive thru order taker at my locals McD and got promoted to burger flipper and now i’m living in the upmost state of luxury (picrel is my house). I also am literally not able to mentally ill because all I can think about is how much I love flipping burgers, Joe Biden and western imperialism. There is absolutely no way someone from this glorious country can know strive and what it is to struggle, you’re all delusional and you’re miserable because you refuse to work and become a cog in the capitalist machine of the US. Anyways have fun stewing in your own shit, im going to buy the ferrari dealership later to buy a car with all the money i’ve made in the burger empire.
No. 1090995
let's all agree this life sucks and being poor sucks no matter the country but pakianon has the right to complain because the muslim world is shit for women so stop acting like she is hurting you so much when she says women in her country have it worse when it literally is true. I bet it is not even anons in bad situations that reply to her with hate and just some middle class woman because her expressing yourself offends you although she is telling the truth.
>>1090991im romaniaon but everything everyone says about me here is untrue and it's almost like it has created a fake personality with beliefs I do not even hold. Do you think I do not know how bad you can have it even in 1st world and that you can be poor like shit? or be abused until you go insane? I fucking hate capitalism
No. 1091010
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>>1090985>being shot > being hanged>dying off cancer > burning to death>getting raped > getting raped AND beaten>drinking apple flavored bleach > drinking normal bleachetc etc, check your privilege 1st world pig
No. 1091014
>>1091010It IS a privilege to have programs and stuff to help you escape
abusive situations though… Just shut them down since having a place to run is just as bad as being punished for being raped right? I feel bad for people who own these programs who go out their way to help
victims and then you can't even be bothered to be grateful or feel lucky they even exist for you
No. 1091015
>>1090972>Part of the reason I stayed quiet about what was happening to me is because I was from a middle class familyyes. and then people get the illusion your status in the middle automatically means you lack the same problems the other classes do
>Knowing what went on in private would have harmed my dad's social statusi used to attend private school which is part of why my parents were broke and my mother was a major status vulture. this reverberates so much with me.
nurture over nurture here, no matter how hard they tossed money or status symbols around, it wasn't going to make them decent parents. and that destroyed me. money wasn't a matter, they were just soulless narcissists who should've never procreated. and that's the problem. its like, nobody wants me, I shouldn't exist
>>1090997I would say make a vent twitter but there's no guarantee that will be foolproof either
helped me with preoccupation for a while but also didn't stop me from relapsing. I ended up deleting it
No. 1091022
>>1090908yes because your family helped you, but what if your family did not help you? Life is all about being lucky with the family you are born in. Some people have mommies that kill themselves and cannot take their ass to a foreign country. Some people have been abused their entire life while also living in poverty in a shit country. Your life is better because you were given the privilege of it being better.
>>1091002I did not say westerners spend like shit. That's what you read from my post. The posts you think are mine are not even mine, it was probably pakianon. I do not lie about my shortcomings and I do not act like americans have it easier but most lolcow women do have it easier than me yet they lecture me non stop . I am not claiming impersonation. A lolcow persona has been created for me by the website and you are assuming that I have beliefs I do not have. Even now you think I do not know women cannot suffer in America, or that americans are not also pressured by capitalism and your argument is that I should not talk against capitalism because some scrote gave me money on the internet or that I will not struggle my entire life? like that has changed my life in any way. We still need better capital redistribution and pakianon is still right
>>1091009why are you assuming things about me? it's not easy to immigrate alone after you've been abused your entire life. It's very easy to talk from your perspective. Most people that immigrate from Romania do it with their parents. My parents are well… but you will always say I am finding excuse bla bla I am not, this is my life and I've done everything that I could. You cannot pull yourself by the boot straps. I was incredibly abused and it has affected me a lot. You do not realize.
>>1091011pakiaon, you are right. There is still a difference between 3rd world and 1st world and muslim countries are horrible. You still have better resources in America even compared to Romania. BUt why use America as an example? Nordic countries are better examples.
>>1091020stop acting like moving BY YOURSELF to a different country when you've been abused your entire life and you struggle with socializing is that easy. Most people that move are supported by their parents. I am not the average romanian person. My situation is much worse than that of a romanian person. I dont have a family and never have I ever had a normal family and I was poorer than most people even in Romania. I did not do that! That was pakianon who talked about Americans spending money on extensions and nails. I am not the one posting about rent.
No. 1091029
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No. 1091043
>>1091022 my posts
>>1091022>>1090986>>1090943>>1090898>>1090890the rest are pakianon's posts. I did not make all those posts and I have stated people suffer from other circumstances too like having a shit family and that you can be poor in AMerica and capitalism fucks us all in the ass unless you are born rich and even then you can be born to an
abusive family. But pakianon is still right, being muslim as a woman is still exponentially worse and you have to consider that I do not only complain about being born in Romania, I am not the average roamnian person, my life has been hell. My complaints are not only about
1st world bitches as you claim I sympathize with poor, abused and unwell people all over the world and always support people like Venus Angelic or women from 1st world that were abused. My complaints are about how my life has been extraordinarily shit not only because of my country but because I was born poor and to an incredibly
abusive family that has fucked me. I am absolutely not the representation of the average romanian person, but you have to understand pakianon's perspective too and why she is complaining. Or whoever that is, it might be pakianon.
No. 1091054
>>1091044and? it's an imageboard. A lot of people use the word whore and I have been called a whore thousands of time.Oh, sorry I forgot I cannot sympathize with an abused women because she is a
sex worker. So I cannot use whore because it is bad. I have been called a whore on here more than I have said it. We have a thread called camwhores lmao
>>1091050No. I have realized that I have issues with expressing my thoughts, I never express my thoughts fully and I let others play a narrative on me. I've been accused of having beliefs I do not have, doing things I do not do bla bla bla and I have a hard time expressing the true extent of my beliefs and thoughts and a persona has been pushed on me and a lot of people have made up fake shit about me and I started believing it and demonizing myself
No. 1091055
>>1091052because there usually is a meltdown coming after her rare moments of clarity. idk if it's meds or if she's BPD or if something happens to
trigger her or what but i do know she threatens to murder people a lot (including her irl friends, apparently, who she hates for apparently innocuous reasons), so. whatever she's doing today she should continue because whatever she's doing today is working for her.
No. 1091061
>>1091046I witnessed my mother fall physically ill after my parents divorce, and we basically dropped a social class. the only reason my mother never strayed over the poverty line is because she was a ruthless narcissist who simultaneously hated herself and let men exploit her throughout the duration that she was physically sick. oh and my father basically fucked off to travel after the divorce while also sending her all this money but there still never seemed to be enough left. any money we had was immediately allotted to her useless materialism or somehow stolen by her awful bfs.
you'd actually be shocked how many people in countries with government benefits don't apply for them because they either are hopeless and jaded with the idea can't get them or they're prideful assholes who think they can "pull themselves up by the ye olde bootstraps". my mother was the latter, she refuses to apply for benefits and has crippling debt as a consequence of her idiocy to the very day
No. 1091065
>>1091058>I've been called a whore thousands of times on here. I was demonized before I posted that shit and some really dark stuff has been happening in my life for the past 22 years and somehow I ended up being bullied and demonized on a bottle cap collecting forum for literally nothing. I made those posts after I lost it. You also ignore my good posts and only point and the negative stuff. There's also nuances to beliefs, truth and reality.people have given you so much leeway on here and have repeatedly given you the benefit of the doubt and defended you TONS, then you came back and threatened to murder us. just say you said some stupid shit. you say stupid, serious shit a lot, but you're also right sometimes and almost everyone says you are occasionally on the money with your shit. stop acting like no one gives you any credit. we are more than accomodating with you considering you insult us, threaten to murder us, murder your father, murder your cat, and a lot of it comes out of nowhere too, after moments of clarity. it's not a fake persona, it's stuff you yourself have done.
No. 1091079
>>1091055is romanon just the lolcow equivalent of kanye west? she has her sperg, leaves for awhile, and has another sperg?
in some ways I can relate to you romanon because I have cyclical psychological diseases and a history of abuse that makes my life hell, but I can't go too far on an underwater basket weaving forum. if I do decide to avatarfag it's never out of malice or hatred for anyone, it's for fun and stupidity. Sometimes I get a little existential. I just don't have it in me like you do. The only person I've hurt is myself nearly 2 years later on this hellsite. There has to be a way to be able to retool yourself in order to make yourself come across less flagrant. I see glimpses here and there…
No. 1091111
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I wish everyone participating in oppression olympics should be banned, especially the main two personalityfags. Somebody will always have it worse and someone will always have it better that it how life is. If you have enough time to complain on lolcow for days then that says it all, doesn't it?
No. 1091126
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The anons who complain about Pakianon and Romanianon and bring up their pasts/childhoods specifically to bait them into arguments are some of the worst posters. They think they're slick, but it's so obvious what they're doing. You don't like someone, but you summon them whenever possible? Every day, you have to bring them up in places you know they'll see, and when they predictably show up, you reply some more and pretend to be "so tired of their posts" and annoyed that they're around? Shut the fuck up, you're a stan. You salted the peanuts, blew the balloons, set the entire stage, and bought us all tickets for a show we didn't ask for. Don't act like you didn't want it. I swear you can go days without seeing a single long Romanianon/Pakianon post, but eventually, someone has to give us all our daily reminder that they exist in the most blatantly baitish way possible, and there goes the entire thread for hours (sometimes days). I don't even blame Romanianon or Pakianon for defending themselves at this point, these posters do it on purpose
The worst part is that even if they don't reply, you just know there'll be some sperg who finds the whole thing "interesting" enough to literally LARP as whichever poster they're obsessed with. Just clown shit
No. 1091925
>>1091876I think anons just like infighting/replying to scrotes
Because they never report shit and they discuss and engage for way too long
No. 1091987
>>1091930The whole "discourse" around that stuff is just so pants on head retarded so it's no wonder it's mostly made up of teenagers. Spending your time debating the ethics of this stuff on social media is a massive waste of time because people who are actually in favor of awful things like dogfucking are obviously sick in the head to start with and they're not going to change their ways based on a tumblr-tier callout post, and it sucks that those communities push literal kids to interact with freaks in the first place. The best thing to do if you come across a pedo or dogfucker is to report their account and if there is any illegal content or proof of abuse or their identity report it to the relevant authority. Having communities and labels that normalize actual children interacting with sickos all day to try and change their mind is a bad thing. And if we aren't talking about actual sickos and just people who like a "
problematic" anime ship or something just block them, you still probably won't change their mind. Problem solved.
No. 1092043
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It's so weird to me just a few years ago people had no issue with labeling models like this unrealistic for average women, super busty but thin, airbrushed etc. But now plastic surgery and Photoshop and more popular than ever, even for average women and you have so many people insisting IG models with 45-23-45 proportions are totally natural and obtainable. You'd think the faker people get the more people are okay with admitting it's fake?
No. 1092089

>>1091937okay this is my unpopular here
the difference is that fujos ship two men cause they are brain rotted porn addicts, there's nothing beyond that, they will ship a
victim with their abuser if the two are male cause they are brain rotted
the dreaded "antis" who ship the handsome white guy with brown/black girl are brown and black girls themselves who don't have any stories of them being with handsome princes
they want representation, to be desired and viewed as women, rather then be put into stenotypes, tell me any mainstream film or tv series that had a visible dark skinned mono-racial black girl be the object of desire by conventionally attractive men and there aren't any race politics
so Im sorry If you maybe can't comprehend this but there are few if any decent feel good love stories with black girls(especially dark skinned black girl) being happy and it is a serious issue that actually matters, it plagues many
POC communities, so its not equal to compare all of that with internalized misogyny and yaoi porn addictions
(fujosperging) No. 1092105
>>1092043I agree with your point but your photo doesn't look unrealistic… or maybe it's just the unrealistic body types of today have really fucking warped my perception of things.
Anyway yes I'd wish we'd go back to promoting body types of all size and average bodies and not just the three basic bitch body types of today (emaciated, the size of the moon, or Kim K's body type that it touted as ~*~thicc and curvy~*~).
No. 1092107
>>1092089So, you decided to combine fujosperging with racebait to make the ultimate bait
I think it's funny in a monstrous way, but I also hope you fail and no one replies. Stop this shit already, no one whose opinion matters gives a fuck about what cartoons that strangers on Twitter masturbate to
No. 1092120
>>1092089Based. Faghags are so racist they hate on interracial pairings while shipping any 2 males just to coom.
>>1092107The racist faghag arrived. Great.
No. 1092121
>>1092110>>1092120Stop LARPing as black (or "
POC" in general) for the sake of getting replies, mayoscrote. 2D porn is not relevant to any collective racial experience. In another thread, it was a so-called "lesbian" who "didn't watch anime" but defended yaoi and seethed hard about yuri, derailing a whole thread. Shit never fucking ends, you keep replying to yourself on both ends of this argument and calling everyone either a pick-me or a faghag. Normal people don't give a fuck, coombrain, I promise you
No. 1092123
>>1092107 who is the basic racist fujo who accused anon of being racebaiting because… She dared to be black! The tragedy! Fujos should fix their act and stop attacking anyone they disagree with if they want to be taken seriously.
No. 1092125
>>1092121. YWNBAW, let alone a black woman or a lesbian, no matter how much yaoi you get off to or complain about
No. 1092127
>>1092120 and not the other anon you linked. I never said I was black myself, I'm brown, but I saw a ton of fujos act retarded towards women of color or any woman in general because they saw those women as obstacles for their favorite ship.
No. 1092130
>>1092123I'm not saying that anon isn't racist because I can barely understand who is who in this thread at that point, but I'm a fujo and most of my rl friends also are and that would mean we're all racist against ourselves according to
>>1092089, which is hilarious. There are crazy disrespectful fangirls of all sorts, whether they're into gay or straight pairings so I don't doubt the black anon experienced some shit from some fujoshi but fujoshi are such a broad group made of women from all over the world and all age ranges.
No. 1092135
>>1092131Which one, her?
>>1092107 I'm gonna be honest I'm always confused when the topic of fujoshi comes up because there are a shit ton of replies very fast.
>>1092102>who cares about slight facial hair on a womanA lot of people do, unfortunately, and yes I'm speaking from personal experience of not being allowed to wax my peach fuzz as a teenager so people shit talked me for it.
No. 1092139
>>1092135Yeah her. I didn't think what anon posted was racebait and that anon assumed so just because it was written by a black woman.
>>1092107 No. 1092157
>>1092142Sometimes there’s also desperation at some point, I fell into a pornsick hole because I craved romance but I couldn’t self-insert as a pale girl, so I ended up feeling like the only representation I could find was in coomer manga with dark skinned girls.
I’m autistic and retarded as fuck but I always had a hard time looking at myself in the drawings of a pale self-insert with the hot anime guys that I wanted as boyfriends and such.
No. 1092163
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>>1092142>mfw all I have as representation in world famous media is some 12 years old NPCs in Pokemon XY and Gazelle from the first Kingsman movieNot sure what to think about it.
No. 1092173
>>1092142>>1092153>>1092157>>1092163Wow I never knew it was that bad, but don't you have own romance films with actors look like you
Why not watch those films or series ?
No. 1092174
>>1092154Some of the fujo spergs are literally "
POC" themselves with the same brain worms (or lack thereof), that's why it's moot and bait. It's setting up an endless argument because this sort of thing doesn't exist in a binary. I just don't want to see proshipper/anti shipper bullshit with either side throwing in race for extra sperging. The topic is annoying and overblown enough on its own, it doesn't need to be a race war
No. 1092180
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>>1092173I don't have romance movies with girls who look like me
except in extremely racist, insulting and overall terrible French movies but I can watch Gazelle doing crazy somersault and breakdancing in HD whenever I want so things aren't too bad I guess.
No. 1092183
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>>1092173Most of the popular telenovelas that I used to watch mostly have white main characters. Then again, el color del pecado was honestly quite the oasis to me, she was living the dream,
nonnie, the dream.
No. 1092191
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>>1092105it's not unrealistic but most women once they reach a certain level of thinness won't have very large breasts, that's why playboy/ nude mags back in the day were unrealistic because it was all either implants, angles, or the women with natural breasts were specifically weeded out and chosen for having a fantastic body
nowadays people won't even look at body types like the OG pic posted twice, and if they do it's to complain about how her boobs are too small/not perky enough and how she has no ass and needs to have abs and sausage lips. Now you have people always swearing up and down how extremely thin women with disproportional breasts/butt are totally realistic and anyone who says otherwise is just flat/fat/mad and then you have the simps who always have to come in and complain "it's totally realistic! my gf/friend/sister/whoever looks just like this!"
No. 1092211
>>1092191It's because all this shit is just meant to make women feel lacking and buy things. Like, you're not meant to win. If you have tits, it's not enough because you have no ass. If you have ass, it's not enough because you have no tits. If you have both tits and ass, it's not enough because your waist isn't tiny enough. If your waist actually is thinspo-tier tiny, it's not enough because you have no tits or ass. If you're muscular enough to have abs, it's not enough because scrotes will get intimidated and think you look "masculine". If you edit yourself in photos or wear shapewear, you're a bad person for "false advertising" to men (and you're also admitting your body isn't good). When you throw in things like facial features, all this shit gets even more evil
The more $$$ you spend on plastic surgery and engagement you lend to shitty social media like Instagram, the happier they are. The worst thing is that no one seems to see that it's all a trap, and they blame or defend specific standards as if they're not all largely fake and profiting off insecurity
No. 1092229
>>1084670My rule is that I don't eat animals that are cute.
So I would be fine with eating ugly dogs like pitbulls and adult pigs since they're ugly, but I would never eat a cat, rabbit, lamb or cute dog.
No. 1092230
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I don't think Hunter Schaffer is attractive. This is outside of the knowledge that he's a troon. He just looks like a typical teenage boy to me. As a normal man, he still wouldn't have been particularly handsome. I think Andrej Pejic was very good-looking pre-troonout, though. Ezra Miller, too, before he went fully off the rails. Those are two real tragedies
No. 1092235
>>1092154Wrong article, this was the one
>Uhura went from “simply” being ignored and written as a sassy Black friend from the Sixties/TOS-based fandom to being Public Enemy Number One.>The fandom was (is still) full of people that called her a whore/U-whore-a. To this day, there are folks who insist on accusing her of “sleeping her way to her current position” even though she literally only has a single canon relationship and sex positive feminism should have room for people/characters we don’t like.>The fandom also constantly killed her off or vilified her in fanworks so that a white guy (Bones or Kirk) could pick up the pieces and comfort Spock – with their dick, of course.>Folks in fandom reached for the familiar “convenient excuses” I mentioned in the last installment so that they could say she was boring/didn’t have any purpose in the updated franchise.>They say these things despite the fact that Uhura’s xenolinguistic skills are super relevant to the films and even though it’s obvious that Beyond would’ve ended quite differently without her.
>Despite the fact that this is a show with a giant, talking dragon and tons of magical and mythological figures scattered across the United Kingdom, the most unrealistic thing to fandom was a light skinned Black woman playing “the fair” Guinevere.>That was where they drew the line.>It’s no surprise that the fandom’s main ship was one that Gwen “got in the way of”: Arthur and the titular Merlin.>Two white guys with a mildly antagonistic relationship that literally shapes the history of the UK… fandom can’t get enough of the ship.>And with Gwen being the ~canonical~ love interest for half of their ship, they constantly championed her being shunted from the narrative. Even the folks that didn’t ship Merlin and Arthur replaced her with a “more relatable” character – Morgana – who was conveniently both white and raised as Arthur’s sister.>Those two things made her unthreatening while Gwen’s Blackness and her romance (with Arthur and with Lancelot) rendered her threatening to their established fanon and desire for white romance.
>Whenever a Black female character is placed in proximity to a white male character and is important to him – either as straight up family or n the course of a romantic relationship – fandom revolts.>The insults to the character, her performer, and Black female fans are the most obvious aspect of misogynoir but let’s be very real here: this is only the tip of the iceberg.>While almost everyone actually knows that insulting Black women because they’re Black women is wrong – even if they hem and haw so they don’t have to engage with that realization – there’s another layer to the misogynoiristic treatment of these Black women.>Think about how fandoms that are all about shipping will claim that Black female characters – like Nyota Uhura, Nakia (Black Panther), Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow) – would be better off single because “men and women can just be friends” and “x is a strong black woman that doesn’t need a man”.>Think about how much more vitriol and violent hatred Black characters get from fans of a ship between two white characters. Look, I know that shipping rubs people the wrong way even before we start thinking about the race of the characters involved, but there’s no excuse for racism. No. 1092249
>>1092173Because they're all either sexist, racist, classist, boring, stupid, badly executed or more often a combination of those, and/or because I'm not interested in that particular kind of media (for example live-action TV shows and movies which is what you suggested)
Fan-made/self-published content is superior
>>1092157>Sometimes there’s also desperation at some point, I fell into a pornsick hole because I craved romance but I couldn’t self-insert as a pale girl, so I ended up feeling like the only representation I could find was in coomer manga with dark skinned girls. What the fuck, same. I used to read doujinshi with girls that looked kinda like me (whether they were tan with an entirely different personality/appearance or just pale with a similar personality/appearance; it was never both at the same time) and relatively cute male protagonists, but you know how rare it is for scrotes to draw a good-looking anime man.
Fuck that. Now I'm making my own content with self-inserts that are either literally me, or a random tan girl that other tan girls in the audience can self-insert as.
No. 1092271
>>1092235I wonder why faggotry gets such a pass but the miserable cunts start reeing once there's a black person/
POC they don't like at the moment appearing in their media being the love interest of their husbando. Gays for most of their history, for all intents and purposes, were pedophiliac faggots who were rightfully hated and even excessively abused in some cases yet homosexuality as unnatural as it is is viewed as more acceptable as straight, interracial couples. lol
No. 1092272
>>1092249Jesus Christ
nonnie, you’re me. I’m also creating anything with dark skin main characters because I want other women and girls to find something nice that they can relate to.
And at first I felt kind of guilty, I started actually wanting to create romantic stories by the time that tumblr and the sjw meme was the biggest thing, so I felt like I wasn’t being genuine, but I actually am genuine, I want more tan girls in my shitty romantic stories with hot fantasy guys who are willing to drop everything for my self-inserts.
No. 1092359
>>1092355*out of her league sorry
I also want to add most films that feature black women are essentially trauma porn.
No. 1092384
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>>1092367to piggy back off this i never liked how teachers forced us to draw cursive lowercase Ks. It looks like R and it's ugly.
No. 1092902
Maybe not unpopular in general because far fewer people smoke these days, but definitely unpopular among people who have vices: nicotine fucking sucks. It is the worst drug, it's like instant motion sickness. It has no redeeming qualities.
>>1092766>>1092782You are both so right, he might be the biggest political cow of our lifetime
No. 1093094
>>1093080 and I made the post to change the convo so scrote bullshit would be ignored. I don't get how disliking unattractive men is something men would do, though? Most men celebrate ugly men especially if they get with a hot woman.
No. 1093108
>>1093094I assumed you were the scrote because your take was a bit retarded.
Handsome/average men are just as capable of abuse behaviour as ugly men. They don’t have better personalities because they’re hot or normal- that’s a childish way to think. Don’t be fooled by a pretty face, evil lurks within the hearts of all men, etc.
No. 1093126
>>1093108The problem is that being a man is already one strike. Being ugly, literally causing people around you visual/mental distress, is another strike. Having a terrible personality on top of those two negatives puts him at three strikes. Extremely difficult to deal with
An average or handsome man would only have 1-2
No. 1093139
>>1093134Depends on the type of handsome. "Beautiful" men get seethed at by 99% of other scrotes, who will try to neg and emasculate them many times. Gay men and trannies will either attempt to groom them (especially in their younger years), or be bitter toward them. As a result, those kinds of men are likely to either think "I'm nothing special haha", have outright low self-esteem or see their looks as more trouble than they're worth
Muscular/buff men, on the other hand, are likely to be narcs if they don't fit in the "dumb, good-hearted jock" stereotype, and they'll likely expect you to worship them
No. 1093149
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He was unironically right, no matter how much speedrunners and trannies raged against and made fun of him, he was 90% right about them No. 1093159
>>1093149You might be right. At the end of the day, men just think with their dicks (and they're the first to admit it). It wouldn't be surprising if these kinds of hobbies really were just a way to artificially create value for themselves from nothing. It's kind of like NFT people trying to make the whole business seem lucrative by hyping it up so normies will buy
>I may not be the hardest worker, the most exciting, the strongest, the most handsome or the most dependable…but I'm an expert speedrunner! Like, what beneficial personality trait can anyone associate with speedrunning? You spent so much time on a game that you've memorized every twist and turn? Why is that a point of pride? The only "
valid" speedrunners are people with legitimate autism whose brains get happy when they do things fast. I hate the "Exceptions prove the rule" cope, though, typical scrote excuse
No. 1093166
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>>1093159>>1093149I love this guy because not a single person, left or right, can decipher a single fucking thing he's trying to say
No. 1093213
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>>1093074Most of these "based" misogynist types would not be misogynists if they were handsome. You can tell because instead of advocating for men going to therapy/taking care of their kids/doing cooking and cleaning/making themselves look nice not meaning theyre gay, they focus on trying to degrade women into dating them. The trannies, the fatties, the woe is me
PoC males, they would not spout MRA misogyny shit if they could exist in the world as a conventionally attractive man.
No. 1093217
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>>1093166>>1093201samefag, holy fucking shit, is he always like this? because it's a riot, I'm literally crying and wheezing while descending into the madness of his speed running theory
No. 1093289
>>1093224>I want more women to get into speedrunning.Same. I think someone on the pinkpill/
TERF thread on CC posted a clip of GDQ where there were like 4 trannies walking in front of the camera and everybody looked at them then tried to them. Anyway, the point is that there were like 3 actual women (I think?) playing on the couch. I don't know who they are since I'm not very familiar with the community but seeing them made me very happy. I'm kinda sick of troons being the only ""women"" who achieve anything in not just the speedrunning scene but e-sports in general (although I fucking hate the concept of e-sports kek). If it's gonna be all troons at least don't call them women, please.
>>1093226>And an awful community to invite girls into, it feels in many ways.Definitely, but I think just streaming, not attending real life events, and never associating with
problematic people in the community should keep one safe for the most part. It would be ideal if there was a community for women only but that sounds like it'd be impossible.
No. 1093344
>>1093216Ugly men know deep down they should've been killed off by nature and that's why they'll always be defective. Thankfully they either kill themselves or end up alone and kill their geneline. Mashallah.
No. 1093369
>>1093360No you wouldn't want them. Most men that hit on blond women specifically are pornsick and only do so because they look like their porn star or something.
No. 1093383
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>>1093375>posts a pic related to speedrunning>kekek speedrunning theory so funnySeems to me like you were talking about speedrunning.
No. 1093390
>>1093386Yes, I know that. Which is why I said I wished there were more women in speedrunning. And also
>>1093233 I don't care what the scrotes are doing.
No. 1093462
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>>1093383I was specifically talking about the guy being an autistic schizo. Maybe I wasn't clear, but I focused on a different topic. The OP was more your speed. You don't have to reply to the newest post in chain, you know.
Anyway I might as well post more content by this exceptional individual.
Nobody reply with your analysis of the merits of the Sonic franchise and how you wish more female autists would get into it kek No. 1093632
File: 1646965891154.png (18.53 KB, 500x323, aF2eIG7.png)

>>1093217>Think about the phrase "fully automated luxury Communism" in the context of "speedrunning" and I strongly suspect that things will start to 'click' in your mind.okay seriously what the fuck does he even mean by this
No. 1093639
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>>1093149>>1093166>>1093462Does it make me masochist if I actually want to hear more of what he has to say?
It's like a weird fascination. unhinged schizoid ramblings which are consistent
I mean at least he's based on some issues
No. 1093657
>>1093656This is thus a waste of effort on the behalf of the "speedrunner". Put more simply, they are spending their work effort on something that someone else has already done (and done in a way deemed 'correct' by the creator of the artwork).
Why do they do this?
No. 1093661
>>1093657>Why do they do this?because it's fun
No. 1093712
>>1093707this. Kidz bop karen was based for calling them out for filming a normal wreck procedure. Why are people so scared of disagreements to the point where they need to autistically shove the camera in the face of EVERYONE they get into a disagreement with?
A few other karens deserve it though
No. 1093715
>>1093712>>1093713I wonder how many "crazy people" videos all started with the filmer instigating and poking the bear
abusive relationship tiktoks make me wanna kms
No. 1093736
>>1093729I remember my friend wore pajamas for pajama day at school and someone took a Snapchat of it and posted it telling her she looked like a slop and posted on their story
How much you wanna bet these same people who rant about how "high maintenance bitches can't leave the house without makeup and watching their every move!" Are also the first ones to take pictures and videos to make fun of people who aren't all dolled up every minute of the day? It's sick and tiring that you literally cannot do a single thing anymore without cameras all over you
No. 1093840
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What Logan Paul did vindicates people like Elliot Rodgers.
No. 1093896
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>>1093639no no
nonnie, he is fascinating and hilarious. I love the coomer titty art in-between his enlightened rants. Truly a gift to us all.
Anyone knows more people like this?
No. 1093900
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>>1093896I've been staring at this for two minutes.
No. 1093952
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>>1093900>>1093905I took so many screen caps I'm tempted to compile and post them. I'm convinced he has autism due to his comments on celebrating holidays (he is vehemently against it because mug logic). He sounds so much like Adam Lanza there. He probably is disturbed by things being out of usual order.
I'm glad that we know that he is a boobs guy!
Also he has retweeted Shoe.
No. 1093971
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>>1093952please do, I love genuine schtizos and their worldviews and who aren't just shit posting
No. 1094044
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Daddy issues shouldn't be taken so lightly as most people do, the fact so many girls suffer from this should be concerning. I also hate when moids judge women with "daddy issues" as if their fault their dad was shitty/absent
No. 1094050
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Gay men cannot appreciate male beauty, they can only fetishize certain traits for sexual purposes but never love a man the way a woman can
I think of the story of Artemis and Endymion serves as the best example, the chaste goddesses Artemis fell in love with a young shepherd Endymion and would gaze upon his face when he slept in the open fields, she gave him eternal life in slumber, In which he would not grow old and never wake up and the goddess was fine that, she could appreciate his beauty forever more but If It had been a man who had stumbled upon Endymion, then he would have simply raped him and be done
women appreciate beautiful men on a level no moid can ever match, men can only fetishize and desire to subjugate
No. 1094075
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>>1093971Here you go. There are some repeats because I wanted to have all of his insanity in one pic. I realized that I haven't taken as many screenshots as I would have liked and took a deep dive into his Twitter. I have reached November 2020.
My head hurts and I feel that if I see one more tweet by him, I will go off the deep end.
I am 100% sure that he unironically is an autist. You could make a separate compilation of him raging about holidays. Also… you know how autists supposedly have a "flat affect" when speaking? Well somehow he has it when writing. I cannot explain it, but his tweets read robot-like and dry. It's not about the lack of emojis.
Final proof? Him not getting the Shapiro doge meme…
No. 1094076
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>>1094075bonus calendar raging that I didn't add because of technical issues
No. 1094081
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>>1094075>my wifeoh god this guy's married, fucking hell
but the confusing this about him is that he's not some "based right winger" despite claiming to be anti-feminist, you don't expect someone like him to be supportive of abortion or being gay but he is
I am fascinated by him
No. 1094085
>>1094081I mean there are tons of people(though likely not as autistic as him) who hold conflicting and unrelated personal views
I have a cousin who at first glance might seem like an "SJW" to some people, he's anti-racist, believes that any film or series with racism or misogyny should be banned and deleted forever, wife is a hyper woke black woman and so you'd think he was normie liberal dude
but he's also incredibly anti-semitic, he believes in almost every ridiculous /pol/tier theory regarding Jews and his wife is also super anti-semitic and blames the problems of the black community on Jews, you don't expect them from a woke anti-racist inter-racial couple
where would put them on the political spectrum ?
No. 1094093
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>>1094050Those myths were made up by men, anon. The sexy chaste goddess trope is a fetish too, not a genuine representation of women's sexuality. They want to pretend that women are so pure and innocent and sex is icky, therefore women with explicit sexual desires are also icky, and chaste women are superior because they dont lower themselves. If it were me I would've fucked Endymion.
Here's my unpopular opinion. Ugly men repulse me. Men are so (physically) beautiful and these uggos are a bastardization of that. Like a peacock without its tailfeathers, or a fish that can't swim. The ancient greeks were fucked up but one thing they got right was acknowledging male beauty. Nowadays we get told "its the inside that matters" and we should "give ugly guys a chance because they're nice!". Its like men gave up on putting effort into their appearances and the ones who do get ridiculed. And of course we get called shallow for wanting to be with attractive men. This might not be unpopular here but you're an evil bitch if you express these opinions in meatspace.
No. 1094101
>>1094027I agree unless whoever wants to commit suicide is someone with a young child who needs them. I guess this is another unpopular opinion to piggy back off of yours: Kurt Cobain was a selfish POS dad for leaving his daughter behind before she could even make any memories with him, let alone leaving her with just Courtney Love as her sole parent.
I've read a lot of interviews of her and one that broke my heart is that she mentioned Kurt feels more akin to something like Santa Claus than her own father, he's basically a stranger to her and he left her no choice.
No. 1094108
>>1094093agree and disagree
no one really creates religion, they are beliefs that evolve and change constantly, they can be used and interpreted for a number of purposes but no can actually create them
I think the Greeks serve as an example, even though Greek society was incredibly and I mean incredibly misogynistic due to influence by near eastern societies, there stories and myths were still Indo-European in origin and thus had far more free and independent female cast then compared to near eastern myths
No. 1094146
>>1094140I don't think it's fair to judge them like that. Especially Chester. In his case it seemed like he was overwhelmed with everything and gave in, instead of planning for God knows how long. His life has been fucked and he's been struggling with depression, alcoholism, the trauma of cocsa and God knows what else… He's been giving signs of being unwell before his suicide, but I still doubt its been done in cold blood. And even if it was… well, I can imagine the hell he's been in. Vaguely.
I will always feel more for someone who was in so strong pain that they ended their life than whoever they left behind. Though I would prefer not to choose and empathise with both.
Dont bring up shitstains that commit suicide to escape the results of their vile actions, that's a different matter No. 1094150
>>1093216Ugly men: Incels with extremely inflated standards and a chip on their shoulder
Mediocre men: Narcissists with extremely inflated standards and a large ego
Beautiful men: Just a Dude, humble
No. 1094215
>>1094093>Those myths were made up by men, anon. This exactly
Also she forgot about Endymion when she met Orion lol
No. 1094454
>>1094276"Traditional" sex segregation was just men wanting to keep their female batteries away from other men. Women couldn't refuse or control when/where/which male they could be around.
Good modern day sex segregation is women choosing when/where/which males to be around, or if they even want to be around males. Female only apartment buildings in S.K for example.
No. 1094520
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I think I’m more bothered by FtMs than MtFs. I’ve never encountered the latter but I’ve seen plenty of aiden’s and they really aren’t pleasant or misunderstood individuals most of the time. There is just something about them that rubs me the wrong way, it’s just their general behavior and interests that are just so geeky and awkward but not in the engaging way women do it but they are clearly trying to mimic a false reality of male existence that they were promised pre-transition. Men who are geeky and awkward don’t act like gay anime men ready to embrace everyone and the world and get deep in their “feelies”, men are boring and unemotional things that you have to tolerate in your life. Why would you ever want to be one of those things besides trying to hide from misogyny and sexism?
KEK picrel is a very good example of what I’m talking about. It’s like the saddest roleplay during a woman’s life
No. 1094530
>>1094510Also agreed. I get that it sucks if you want to experience pregnancy and motherhood, but you rarely see that same amount of sympathy directed toward children without parents. When the two could both compromise and benefit from it - the child can't have their birth parents back, the parents couldn't have a pregnancy, but they could all have a family together… That's supposed to be the goal, right? Children don't get to choose to be adopted by someone, but adults with fertility issues DO get the choice to adopt and refuse it because it HAS to come from their loins, not tainted by someone else's genes. Oh no, your husband's cum is dead, I'm sooooo sorry that sounds like a fate worse than death, you poor angel! Give me a fucking break.
No. 1094548
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Rape jokes can be funny
No. 1094589
>>1094510based. i'm sure it's disappointing that you can't get pregnant, but if you won't even entertain the idea of adopting a child who desperately needs a parent then you're a fucking loser imo.
equally no sympathy for both men and women who think surrogate pregnancies are perfectly ethical. you might as well put on a red cloak and kickstart The Handmaid's Tale at that point.
>>1094555it's simply because they have a weird, even subconscious, desperation and obsession with spreading their genes. i vaguely know some people like this irl who don't even consider the idea of adoption because it doesn't live up to whatever weird muh genetics fantasy they have in their head. they would rather waste thousands of pounds on IVF or fertility shit that doesn't even work instead of just standing back, accepting the hard truth and thinking, why don't we adopt a child and give it a loving home? they're shallow as fuck, honestly. I sincerely doubt they even care about a child as a human being, instead focusing on the fact that it's just a 'spawn' of theirs, i can't explain it perfectly.
No. 1094659
>>1094590A bit ot but I tried watching one episode and it was just boring. I've also heard that Trevor was kind of a dick IRL (misogynistic).
However, this sketch made me kek, ngl
No. 1094744
>>1094629>>1094659yeah im a big fan of the sketches but the entire troupe used to stream on twitch and they’re all edgy leftists. SO many porn jokes, i cringe a lot when i rewatch the streams. i kinda expect that from any male comedian tho, except maybe nathan fielder, he seems cool.
also here’s another good one.
No. 1095037
>>1095026I think I read your post wrong and acted like a
triggered retard anyway fuck you just for the sake of it
No. 1095043
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Being hateful as fuck has been the healthiest shit I've ever chose for myself, I fucking love it, not only does no one messes with my shit but also no expectations from others and no disappointments because everyone is just a plain retard and you know it. People who preach positivity wear their victim badges on their chest for asspats or are religious evangelicals or some shit. Even jesus had beef with some hoes in the past, like let him live.
No. 1095237
>>1095228IDK if I would call myself a "genetic dead end", but no way I'm bringing into this world a fourth linear seriously mentally ill woman (and tbh, I'm not sure if my grand grandma wasn't mental as hell, as there were some signs of that from what little I've heard). Enough is enough. I'm sure I would at the very least given my daughter bipolar.
Good thing that I never wanted a child in the first place.
No. 1095280
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I agree with these two commenters in this pic, I think it's moronic to donate a kidney, even to a family member. Look at how demanding and uppity that bottom commenter is, too, she felt entitled to her fucking family's organs and talked about how they should have been "educated" (read:pressured) to cough one up for her. I just find it disgusting. Body autonomy is important to me and I think the way this shit is framed is straight up brainwashing and coercion. On femaledatingstrategy I saw a post about a woman that gave her boyfriend her kidney after dating less than 2 years, and he gave her a ring, so now it's romantic! Is it? Also, there's a fucking sitcom out called B Positive about a guy that finagles a kidney from a woman he used to know. It's revolting how they are normalizing it, and why is it always WOMEN giving their organs to MEN?
No. 1095363
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Having children is over-rated. Children are disgusting little creatures that only take your time and money. If you're lucky they might take care of you when you're old but most of my elderly patients even when they live with their adult children are left to suffer on their own. Now that I'm in my 30s people keep saying my clock is running out and all I respond is "good".
No. 1095378
>>1095363People getting mad about antinatalists or childfree people is so dumb. Even if they’re rude the worst thing they’re doing is giving parents a dirty look or something. Maybe if the world wasn’t so intent on forcing everyone into having kids they wouldn’t be salty or then you could call them cringe, but for now kids is the default and you’re evil if you don’t want them for any reason
>>1095370Why don’t I know a single other person who doesn’t want kids??
No. 1095387
>>1095363I have nothing against children and think they need to be protected but the procedure of having kids just seems like an awful situation to me, it's basically like hosting a parasite for the rest of your life, down to the biological aspect. But I also think raising kids to get something in return (like expecting them to care of ones demented ass, or using them with the expectation to feel loved/needed) is wrong, since it goes with the premise that you aren't raising an independent human but a slave.
>>1095373Is it not true though? The only people truly fit to raise children are the ones who have the resources, time, knowledge and energy.
No. 1095410
>>1095073I like ginger men too, their hair
color is so vibrant and gorgeous, also their freckles are cute. Sadly I've seen like 3 gingers in my entire life
No. 1095509
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I'm so sick of people pretending like red velvet and choco cake are the fucking same.
>"B-b-but it's just chocolate cake with red food coloring!!!"
no it's not, retard. Chocolate cake is chocolate, red velvet is cake with a hint of chocolate and a splash of vinegar/buttermilk. The food coloring can also change the flavor. You don't even have to look at the ingredients to know that it's different, you can just tell by the taste alone. Even if they did taste the same, it doesn't matter because the energy and frosting of both is different.
Sorry to go on this fat bitch rant, this has been heavy on my mind for years.
No. 1095529
I don't think you need to have one career for your whole life. I don't want to do what I went to college for and never really got into the job market for it because I lost all my enthusiasm for it by the time I graduated. The industry I've been in for years now is also starting to wear me thin and I don't want to do it anymore either. Why do people make it seem you'll find one thing you'll want to do forever? I can't picture any job I'd want forever, even things I'd enjoy doing I just know I'd get drained from with enough time. It should be normal to swing through career paths, keep life interesting and vibrant. But it's been made very difficult to switch industries. Every entry level position needs past experience. I hate this narrow path everyone is forced on.
>>1095247This is fact. Being hateful isn't something to be proud of, they always whine it's everyone elses fault that no body likes them. "Everyone else is stupid or boring, that's why I can't make friends". Especially people who are negative all the time and say "thats just how the world is" - like the fault in logic there is astronomical, it's only shit if everyone thinks that way. It's the egg and chicken. Low IQ ass bitches.
No. 1095620
nonnie, also 5'7" and prefer men taller because a lot of men have weird insecure complexes when they are shorter than you
No. 1095712
>>1094548I hate rape jokes because they're almost never jokes, they're just people saying edgy things and the audience laughs because of shock value. like sarah silverman had a routine where she would basically just mock rape
victims for not reporting rapes, everyone was laughing but it was just awkward "I can't believe she said that" laughter. comedians who have to rely on edgy humor aren't funny because they can't come up with actual funny jokes, instead they have to rely on shock value humor.
No. 1095796
>>1095716Rape jokes just have to punch up, the butt of the joke can never be
victims and the joke can't be on the rapists side. But if it's mocking rapey guys and the joke itself is funny, that's fine. Something like Dennis's "the implication" on Always Sunny.
No. 1095867
>>1095863Don’t even bother,
nonnie, it’s the same ayyden trying to pwotecc the gay beans uwu.
No. 1095936
>>1095884Its funny you mention because when men react to women getting arrested for molestation they always make it about how easy women have it even if she gets arrested for the normal amount of time, I've seen the whole "it would be worse if she was male!!!" Thing used even in situations where women got more than the average punishment for crime committed (newsflash moids, men don't get the death sentence if they're caught fucking around with teenagers, exposing themselves in public, etc. they barely get a few months if that, cops don't give a shit half the time)
I honestly WISHED we lived in a world like how moids described where men apparently get lynched for being 25 and having sex with a 17 yr old or something, unfortunately most people don't even fucking care and these moids get off with a slap on the wrist. But of course they'll keep milking it until women get the electric chair for speeding tickets and men get slaps on the wrist for child molestation and mass shootings
No. 1095943
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>>1095927>Mad Men>Breaking Bad>Game of Thrones>SkinsWatch better tv.
No. 1095950
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>>1095927You must be joking
No. 1095986
>>1095822Who cares about gay men and their feelings
Not me!
No. 1095993
>>1095986gay men only have one feeling
and thats gay
No. 1096124
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Panty >> Stocking
She might be a dumb bitch, but she's hilarious
No. 1096133
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>>1095822>gay menYou mean the same "people" who do shit like make women they actually
like sign their poppers and douches unknowingly? Lol wah wah wahhhh cry me a fucking river
Make all the faggots uncomfortable and fetishized. Fujoshi can be annoying, but they're right for this lol
No. 1096147
>>1096142I did too, until he made that sexual post at the end, and apparently he was posting underage girls from TikTok on his FB
It's just a creepy old man trying to live out his fetish bc of depression and missing possible glory days as a gay crossdresser in his youth
No. 1096178
>>1096173Ugly troon wanted his pics taken down from lolcow. Ends up writing gross sexual comments.
No. 1096290
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>>1095740Yes, Putin doesn’t want the USSR back contrary to what some people say. My grandpa misses it simply because he grew up during that time and he has a lot of nostalgia for it.
No. 1096986
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butches are ugly as sin, tomboy supremacy forever
No. 1096992
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>>1096989Butches are usually very masculine "stone cold" at times.
No. 1096995
Last year a friend bought and sent me "chocolate" cupcakes as a surprise girft for Valentine's Day, since she knows I love chocolate.
The asshole who sold her the cupcakes lied and told my friend, who doesn't know a lot about these things, "yes, we have chocolate cupcakes, it's actually called red velvet but it's the same shit". Then, when the seller called to ask for directions, she (the seller) was extremely rude to my mom, which pissed me off. And the cupcakes weren't that tasty, it was a pretty plain flavor without any hint of chocolate, the vanilla frosting tasted much better.
And because of that experience I hate it when people say that red velvet is the same as chocolate cake.
No. 1096997
nonnie, I’m too straight, the only difference I can notice is that the women in the first picture are skinny and the woman in the second picture is chubby.
No. 1097000
>>1096992>>1096998>>1096997>>1096986Correct me if I am wrong
tomboy-boyish looking
No. 1097004
>>1097000Ok so are
>>1096986 tomboys or butches?
Idk it's all the same to me but I'm more attracted to thin masculine-leaning women than chubby masculine-leaning women
No. 1097060
>>1096986>>1097000any of these would look butch-mannish if they had
>>1096992 her weight.
No. 1097083
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I hate men so much it's unreal. Society needs to stop letting them design ads
No. 1097093
>>1095228>>1095230My husband's family is literally like this and the only reason my husband is okay is because he ended up the black sheep and went against everything they would try to encourage. These people know fuck all about raising kids and have never opened any sort of family or parenting book in their life. Why would you bring life into this world and then not even bother to TRY to learn how to provide good surroundings?
They're like this with relationships too, they told my husband and his sister to sleep around until they're 35 and then get married and have kids in their 40s. His mom tried this and ended up screwing around with the wrong men and his uncle tried this and ended up couch hopping because he couldn't find a stable relationship. They also think being an adult and living with friends is stupid too. Both his mom and uncle ended up at home for a very long time and his uncle just lives in a shitty house in a loveless relationship since he spent his 20s sleeping around and just married whoever the fuck would in his 30, instead of spending 20s finding a decent partner. He has a 4 yr old and a 7 yr old when he's almost 60 and God knows what's going to happen to them being 70 to almost 80 raising teenagers kek
No. 1097215
I think the way women's products are designed to look pretty and soft is based. I don't know, like, bralettes, laces, frills, delicate clothings and accessories, intricate jewellery. It's all pretty and it looks pretty on women. Just the thought of a guy getting ready for a party wearing some fragile jewellery like he deserves to be adorned like that… please. Not saying the pressure to look pretty always is good, hell, I don't subscribe to it myself. I don't wear makeup or even shave but, I like that it's a woman thing that most guys have no idea about. A man don't have what it takes to be dressed up beautifully, just wear your ugly ribbed pants.
No. 1097226
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>>1097215My girly girl taste may be the result of social conditioning and the patriarchy but since I turned out this way, I am going to enjoy hyper feminine aesthetics all I want regardless. At a certain point the lack of association with men makes it even more appealing.
No. 1097396
>>1097215>>1097226I love your posts anons, I really resonate with the way you feel. Regardless of how I got this way, I love cute things and want to enjoy them to the fullest every day only for myself and my own enjoyment
>>1097254This, but let's be real that post was totally just bait
No. 1097827
>>1097817I agree! I have the option to work at home, but I choose to come to the office everyday. I'm lucky that my commute is short and my home and office are just down the block from the station though. I occasionally ask to work from home here and there, but I like being in the office. I've always been the type of person to assign specific headspaces to specific spaces (e.g. as a student I'd always go to the computer lab/library to study and do homework to avoid doing it in my room, never did homework while in bed). If I worked from home all the time I'd either a) get nothing done, or b) feel as though my home is no longer a space for me to relax in. Kudos to the people who can separate work and leisure even within their home, I just prefer harder boundaries between my spaces of work and spaces of leisure.
Lots of people in my office wfh and I like it because most days it's very quiet.
No. 1097850
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>>1097830I’ve seen a lot of people saying that people who want to return to the office must have empty lives, no hobbies, family or friends, etc so base their entire lives around work. Even seen some people say people who like the office must be sociopaths or have some other personality disorder.
No. 1098153
>>1098130This. It'd be nice if life was so straightforward and black and white that you could apply the same standards equally, but you just can't. Not until men are under equal pressure to stay youthful their whole lives, not until older women are glorified as more mature and distinguished and 'aging like fine wine', not until it's actually normal and common for older women to date, abuse and manipulate younger men. Older man/younger woman is seen as the natural default, the reverse is two people going against the status quo - they are resisting societal pressure, not falling
victim to it.
ofc like you said grooming is possible, just like it's possible that an older man didn't groom a younger woman. But the pattern is always there for older men/younger women, and it's harmful in a way rare instances of the reverse can never be.
No. 1098221
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I can't even eat moon pies anymore, but the original moon pies SUCK compared to the Little Debbie ones. I would do anything for a gelatin-free Little Debbie moon pie.
No. 1099131
>>1099050Yeah there is always some element of
>this is just a larp/bait post>this subreddit is just shit>you can't take things from popular subs seriously>this sub doesn't even have that many followers, so obviously most users don't agree with it… and so on. Okay, so then if you go on reddit and everything you find is shit except for a few small niche communities, why should we consider those small niche communities what redditors are "really like" anyway? If all the popular and many of the unpopular subs are full of creepy coomers with inflated egos, is that not just the majority of the userbase even if some of those posts might be bait? They have an excuse for everything
No. 1099180
>>1099131Imo the "it's just the internet" is no longer a
valid excuse for others showing concern in human behavior. Most people live through the internet nowadays and it's completely
valid to be worried about things you see on the internet regardless of how niche it is, especially us gen z anons who have several friends who use internet speak irl
No. 1099220
>>1099203Nta but I agree, moids should be shamed for dating anyone under 25 years old because most of the times they hook those girls and women in drugs or other harmful behavior while pretending that just because she just turned 18, it means she understands how shit works.
And that’s not putting sex on the table, in which women will get told to believe that it’s empowering to sell their body for a cheap meal, and only when they’re older and finished their studies or had enough experiences working and talking with other women, they notice how degrading that shitshow was.
No. 1099348
>>1099201This. It's scary to think that awkward kid you work with ~could~ be that incel making disturbing posts about women. I'm a complete loser and see disturbing posts made daily all over the internet and it's scary to know how normal
abusive behavior is becoming towards women, this is easily translated with women I know irl and plenty of women I'm friends with end up falling for dangerous shit they see on the internet. "It's just a niche group" doesn't excuse this
No. 1099376
>>1094093I'm curious to know what people who post things like these would consider an "ugly man". Obviously, anyone would be repulsed by an ugly person, someone who is physically deformed in some way that you can't really consider them "average" or "normal".
>Nowadays we get told "its the inside that matters" and we should "give ugly guys a chance because they're nice!".Nowadays that also applies to women, supposedly, but paradoxically we are expected to always look beautiful while men are allowed to not take care of their appearance, and any woman who does the same as these men is called "masculine" or "unfeminine", while men who do try to look beautyful are called "unmasculine" and "feminine" lol
So I can't really disagree with you completely
>>1099253I think Walter was almost like a father figure to Jesse. A shit father figure, of course, and one that Jesse himself didn't want, while Walter gave him more attention than he gave it to his own son. But in the end they were just a teacher and his former student turned business partners. Not to mention how Walter never cared about ANYONE but his retarded scrote ego so there's no way that he actually cared about Jesse, as a friend, student, son or anything, Jesse was just a tool for him to use.
>>1099291Here's my unpopular opinion, I fucking hate this ship. At first I thought people were joking when I saw some ship art of them
No. 1099383
>>1099306IMO it was superior to most of the other songs in the movie (so I agree with
>>1099318 ) and the beat was quite catchy, but maybe I just don't hate it because I never hear/see it anywhere nor do I see many people talking about it on the sites or IRL places I frequent.
>At least "Let it go" was kinda catchyWhen I saw Frozen in theaters that song blew me away and even made me tear up. But it got annoying so fucking fast, it was LITERALLY everywhere, Encanto is nowehere near as popular as that movie was.
No. 1099394
>>1099306I thought it was average at first but now I keep listening to it so idk. The layered vocals at the end are great and it's catchy enough.
On the other hand I never, ever for a moment enjoyed Let It Go. It didn't annoy me, I didn't think it was bad, I just get zero enjoyment out of a stock standard ballad. I didn't like the vocals either, it verged on screechy.
No. 1099697
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>>1099416Yeah, I loved her too, I’m just so mad that the song they gave her and the music video she got was so underwhelming. I felt like it was just the animators having fun with different shapes and textures, but it felt too experimental for a movie that was supposed to be a final product, I almost thought it was more like a concept than a finished idea.
No. 1100049
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I really liked this character from Turning Red, she’s supposed to be a comedy relief character but while she is loud and obnoxious, it fits with how normal teens are. She reminds me so much of how I was as a teen, she’s great.
No. 1100208
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Naming your children after fictional characters with unusual names is peak cringe. I've seen 10 babies at my clinic named khaleesi in the past three days. Not to mention all the other stupid sounding names that I know come from Sci fi and fantasy shows. These kids must grow up to hate their parents for this.
No. 1100272
>>1100208olivia, wendy or vanessa are all names authors just invented and that became accepted names over time. i wouldn't be surprised if the same happened with khaleesi.
>>1100266i hope it's sonic
No. 1100277
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>>1100272Olivia isn’t a real name?!
No. 1100290
>>1100277Look up names Shakespeare invented.
And words too kek. Like eyeball
No. 1100442
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>>1100208>>1100208>146 newborn girls in the United States were named "Khaleesi", the Dothraki term for the wife of a khal or ruler, and the title adopted in the series by Daenerys TargaryenIt gets even worse, you could be among the thousands of future kids named after kpop Idols
No. 1100463
>>1100442I don't doubt that there are some idiots out there who are naming their kids after kpop idols, but I'm assuming most of the 1000+ people named Jimin in the U.S are actually Korean and it doesn't have anything to do with BTS. It seems like a pretty common name for men and women.
Somewhat unrelated, but I had a friend ask me (and another friend) what I think about people naming their kids after kpop idols. I was gonna answer that I think it's dumb especially the example she gave of an Irish woman who was going to name her son Jonghyun. My friend answered before me and basically said "well I'm Asian and have a white name, so why can't white kids have Asian names? I don't think that would be fair" like it was some sort of double standard. But isn't there also just something inherently stupid about a white Irish kid in rural fucking Ireland with a Korean name and and no Korean heritage?
No. 1100477
OK, that's it, I'm watching Turning Red and take back what I said about its artstyle (btw it's obvious to me now that it was inspired by 90s manga and apparently by Ranma 1/2 specifically).
Both because it's apparently pretty relatable to women and girls (vid related), and because scrotes are, of course, already trashing it for being "woke SJW" since it's exclusively about girls and has a female director, while making pornographic jokes, in typical scrote fashion, about this scene (vid related).
>>1099546>It would be nice if 3d movies were super unique or coolidk what you mean by "unique" but Into the Spiderverse looked amazing imo
>>1099697>>1099700Totally agree. The visuals didn't need to be like that (would've looked better in a 2D movie probably), and the song was way too "modern". It was so disappointing that it really gave me the impression that the rest of the movie was going to be shit, despite me liking her character.
No. 1100482
>>1090836Wow mmericans are something indeed
Imagine saying 2000 nOt eNoUgH
Fucking hell
No. 1100508
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I get that its set in early 2010's Ontario and so its possible for it be that "diverse" but no way in hell would a multi-ethnic boy band like 4'town, would be mainstream and popular in that era, or even now tbh
No. 1100514
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>>1100508wrong. have you never heard of O-Town, you uncultured bitch? how dare you. ashley parker angel much??
No. 1100516
>>1100463> My friend answered before me and basically said "well I'm Asian and have a white name, so why can't white kids have Asian names?It would make sense if to have an Asian name if you were a white person born/raised in Asia. Otherwise it’d be weird. Picture a kid in central China whose parents named him Braxton.
Speaking of which, is is only Chinese exchange students/immigrants who give themselves a new western name when they move? I’ve never seen any other flavor of Asian expat do it, while pretty much every Chinese one I’ve met has.
No. 1100529
>>1100523again, wrong. the extra, additionally useless (likely ethnically irish) white guy has dreads, you stupid bitch, that means it's like majority minority by default. he very obviously serves as an honorary noughties ethnic/alt bandmate. and no, very clearly, the blonde haired, blue eyed, nearing albino white guy was the lead/fave. still, the fact is that 4-town or whatever was obviously based on O-Town, just tweaked a bit
/s if it's not obvious No. 1100538
>>1100463>isn't there also just something inherently stupid about a white Irish kid in rural fucking Ireland with a Korean name and and no Korean heritage?you don't need to have heritage in order for a name to make sense - your asian friend has a "white" name and it's not weird
because she's inserted in a majoritarily white society. heritage barely at all for naming, the main factor is cultural relevance, and with how ubiquitous k-pop is now, that relevance does exist… to some extent
inherently, it's not any stupider than english words that were initially borrowed from french - apparently that's 45% of all english words kek, even the word "joy" is originally french. a lot of countries around the world now have adopted english words and english names from american cultural hegemony - i'm from a country that speaks a romance language and i could not tell you how many "lady di"s i've met, or how many guys are called (name)son. children being named after popular fictional characters isn't new either.
so it's cringe, and distasteful, and maybe low class, but it's not particularly weird or unheard of. IMO the cringe is more due to the relationship these girls have to the bands (or the relationship redditors have to their fantasy media) than the practice of "naming kid after <thing>" itself
No. 1100698
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All infights on /ot/ should be conducted via Vocaroo. Things would be a lot funnier that way (for everyone), and anons who don't want to see the fighting could easily scroll past it all. It'd also be the most reliable way to know you're not talking to a scrote, samefagging would be eliminated (unless someone was autistic enough to try and use different voices/accents in the same thread), and there wouldn't be as much need to attach "NTA" to the beginning of replies. Also, anons who live with family/roommates, have thin walls and/or sore throats would have to choose their battles wisely, making the board as a whole more peaceful. In general, if you type out something long and someone decides to bait by responding with a Vocaroo just saying "You're a fucking retard", instead of being able to instantly respond that they're the retard through text without a second thought, you'd have to ask yourself whether it's worth engaging (or even listening in the first place). It'd also probably be a bit harder to sustain actual anger through voice while talking to complete strangers, especially if the topic is something silly like a TV show, so maybe arguments would become calmer
There's the mild threat of breaking anonymity and/or being identified through voice, but there's a low chance anyone would recognize certain anons or give a shit, unless someone was infighting constantly over a short period, and sounded the same way every time. I'm sick in bed and laughed while imagining this, but then I started overthinking it, sorry
No. 1100702
Let's fucking goooo let's have vocaroo fights kekkkk
that will keep the moids away. This is actually fucking genious LOL
No. 1100703
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Florence Welch should go back to either her pagan priestess vibes of Lungs or the moody Victorian Gothic atmosphere of Ceremonials, that's what fit her the most
No. 1100801
>>1100760What attention to detail?
Also it's creepy when people hold intense eye contact all the time and stare into your eyes, glancing away for a second is normal and preferred in a long casual conversation. Not sure if for burgers it's normal to intensely stare and not break eye contact at all but here it's weird.
No. 1101055
>>1101023I don't know if this is unpopular, I've definitely noticed more and more obvious newfags who don't even try to integrate into board culture in lots of threads.
Wish they either went away or at the very least didn't make it obvious they spend 19 hours a day on twitter, the contrast between their posts and seasoned farmers is glaring
No. 1101057
>>1101055One of my favorite tells is when they go something like "this person doesn't need a thread because they've done nothing wrong/
problematic" like retard this is lolcow. Cows just need to be fun to laugh at.
No. 1101066
>>1101057It's obvious they found lolcow when
insert internet microcelebrity got cancelled on twitter and they think that's all there is to this website kek
the amount of tranny whitekightings lately is insane. Some farmer "misgenders" one of them and they have to derail the thread to say how that's so mean
nonnie and use emojis.
No. 1101085
>>1101074Not really, I've noticed it in a few threads, but mostly on the alt cows one.
If they found the hidden board they'd have an aneurysm kek maybe farmers should start talking about it more often to weed out the trannies
No. 1101093
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>>1101074NTA but the mei one
No. 1101138
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>>1101093I find it hilarious they can be this much of an sjw and still feel confident using the term newfag.
No. 1101178
>>1101028>reddit spacingStop, """Reddit spacing""" has been used on imageboards since before Reddit was even a thing. Many people like to separate their lines or paragraphs to make their posts more readable, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're new or from any specific site. It's not a good indicator of who's a newfag. On the contrary, obsessing over something so mundane and calling out everyone who does it, and consciously avoiding it yourself so that nobody calls
you a newfag is pretty lame and might mean that you're trying too hard to fit in.
But that's not to say that I disagree about the newfag flood, there are obviously ways to tell.
>>1100700Imagine being this mad over a children's animated movie. So many people have watched Ranma 1/2 and been inspired by it, that sometimes you won't like their creations, but that still doesn't mean the influence isn't there. Cry more.
No. 1101219
>>1101188I only pointed out the "reddit spacing" shit because I've seen accusations of doing it on other threads/boards.
As for the kids' movies thing, I'm not the one who overreacted in the first place.
No. 1101458
>>1100516Chinese expats tend to go for English names because Chinese names are really hard for people who speak other languages to pronounce and remember. I've seen that a lot from people who speak other tonal languages like Viet too.
>>1101066This confirms my suspicions that certain threads about milkless literal whos are full of fake farmers.
No. 1101516
>>1101474yeah like me
>>1101488yeah like me
No. 1101710
>>1094520late and not to defend FTMs but
>Men who are geeky and awkward don’t act like gay anime men ready to embrace everyone and the world and get deep in their “feelies”, men are boring and unemotional things that you have to tolerate in your lifeWould you not assume that they're capable of feeling because they were raised as women? Which is why it's weird to you? Your point is kind of moot here, of course TIFs would act "like men" but be more in touch with their overall sensibility and emotions.
No. 1102122
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Wikipedia, much like "Early Life" and "Personal Life," needs a "List of Current and Former Boyfriend(s)" section for woke woc
No. 1102124
>>1102122samefag, also why does every ‘Woke
WOC’ boyfriend look like either James Blake or that dude that sang that ’Take Me To Church’ song?
No. 1102183
>>1102164Paki-chan get
triggered by the MTF thread?
No. 1102189
>>1102188Maybe she got
triggered by the Woke
WOC image above?
No. 1102193
>>1102192see, I never make dumbass comment like this
>>1102192I think colonization was justified
No. 1102201
>>1102191Nta, but also, if the disabled didn’t protest to make their voices heard, then we wouldn’t have any sort of disable friendly anything, no buildings, entertainment or Paralympics. And they just share some “anatomical” traits, hell, not all of them suffer from the same kinds of disabilities and they joined forces because that’s what means to work for a better quality of life.
So what’s the reason to not work for other women’s futures regardless of their nationalities, conditions, social status and so on?
No. 1102202
>>1102193You are an idiot. No white westerner, female or male, will ever care about you. You are obviously a self-loathing moron brainwashed by feminism yourself if you think any westerner would be a better ally to you than fellow third worlders, including
gasp! men. Wow.
No. 1102217
>>1102195I don't have the privellge to be allowed to hate men, If I insult a man on the street, try to protest, make a sarcastic comment about any random man(even a relative) they will beat me, maybe to death or not but I will be blooded with broken tooth
I have to act docile and "submissive" around men, I have to hide against men, not cause of my lack of my confidence, no its because they can actually slap me and I can't do shit about
so I think women should be allowed to hate men as a class, but when I see random nobody shoot a man, who wasn't a rapist or wife beater but instead just a pretentious artist and it being a declared a feminist act by western radfems who haven't suffered even 1/100000th of what I have to go though on a daily basis, I react with anger, If you were born in my situation I think you would too
No. 1102228
>>1102222did you even read my post, do you think women in Pakistan aren't mentally ill beaten and abused, but we aren't allowed to express anger cause If we even talk back to men in an assertive tone, they bash our heads against the wall
>>1102223for the dozenth time that isn't me, you fucking Idiot
No. 1102236
>>1102164I have nothing in common with males in my country besides the fact we both live in a third world country and face poverty. Not even with the non white ones. Their experiences are completely different from mine, they will never be treated as badly as me because I am a woman. A white first world woman still would understand what I go through better than males. Men simply cannot grasp the fear of walking outside at night and being raped (or being raped at any time these days), the fear of pregnancy, what it is like to be denied opportunities because you have the possibility of getting pregnant or because your sex is deemed not competent, male violence that can happen at any point of your life by any men, be him your dad, your brother, your uncle, cousing, grandpa, boyfriend, husband, even a stranger because they believe they own you; sex trafficking and other types of exploitation that happens especifically because of the female sex. It's all to do with our sex. You're dumb as hell. Third world men are fucking vile, misogynistic pigs, and they murder women every day, they don't fucking care and I would never align myself with them. Fuck off.
No. 1102237
>>1102205NTA but you're delusional if you think every single third world man is like that, but then again, you have to at least pretend to believe it to be able to use that as an argument to deflect criticism all the time. Not that you would be able to understand the concept of solidarity and respect between the two sexes, or class-based oppression affecting both women and men, if you spend all your time in online drama-focused radfem imageboards.
Note that despite thinking what I think, I usually try not to get involved in these discussions or protest misandry because I know they're effective for making males feel unwelcome resulting in them fucking off.
No. 1102256
it's really hard to accept someone might have it worse than you because it's always about your ego. You're gonna tell a woman born in a muslim country to shut the fuck up for criticizing you because Nathan is dressing in gamer girl stockings and posting his boy pussy on the internet, but the muslim woman has to face horrors beyond your comprehension. Be thankful with what life gave you. Feminism is not accessible to the average woman.
>>1102252it's not about me, it's about capitalism and how the world is organized and how political movements for human's rights are not accessible to those that need to integrate in them the most because they are being gate kept by the rich and privileged that do not want their fee fee's hurt by someone that says they might have it worse. It's not about me, but it seems you are not intelligent enough to get the meaning behind my words
>>1102250most of them are ineffective
No. 1102259
>>1102256>feminism is not accessible to those that need to integrate in them the most How so?
>because feminism is being gate kept by the rich and privilegedHow so?
No. 1102260
>>1102256>it's not about meSo you just want to complain, I see. If your situation is so bad, what can we do to help? Or is it not that bad? To say that western radcems don't care is retarded because you all but answered the reason why they 'don't care', because it's an entirely dofferent country where they have no control over. They can barely do anything to help. I can tell you that there is not a giant secret organization of radfems wickedly keeping feminism from third world countries.
Also I don't think it's radfem's fault faminism is inaccessible in your country. Seems like it's the fault of your men, no western radfems.
No. 1102268
>>1102256Romanianon please get out of that country and get a proper job. You're what, philosophy major or something? Can't you work as a teacher or something?
No. 1102270
>>1102260shit like this distances people away from radfeminism. I dont live in a third world country but your replies here and in the other thread are insensitive, ignorant and retarded.
also inb4 ''are you that anon'' no im not not.
No. 1102271
>>1102255why are you acting like the post is about me??? it isn't about me? it as about all the suffering women in the world that were abused and have to rely on men's help and to which humanitarian movements like feminism are not accessible because they are for the rich. It's easy to talk in someone's place and give advice without living that person's life. A lot of 3rd world women end up relying on scrotes. Life is hard and not all of us have the same experience, some of us experience worse upbringing than others and so on it's all about dialectial materialism and humanitarian movements like feminism should focus on including and helping those in very bad situations. I want to see more praxis in the world, complaining about trannies non stop won't change anything.
>>1102260it's not about me, there are millions of women who's situation is worse than mine and guess what nobody helps them because of how the world is organized, charities don't do shit. Life is all about being born in a good family in a good country.
>>1102262>safeguarding all womenby all women you mean 1st world middle class/upper middle class women that complain about trannies. Yea, feminism is based bla bla I agree I hate trannies too but you cannot even comprehend how much suffering there is in the world due to capitalism and again, this is a humanitarian movement and it should especially try to help those in bad situations or integrate them. It's sad to see that you claim yourselves to be feminists but yet if a woman in a worse situation tells you that you might be hypocritical because she has it much worse, instead of welcoming her and empathizing with her you want to tear her apart at any slight criticism, yet in an argument you will quickly objectify her suffering. LOOK PROSTITUTION!! IT TAKES ADVANTAGE OF 3RD WORLD WOMEN!! LOOK MUSLIMSS HOW
humanitarian movements are all dilluted by insane grifters and by internet discourse and those that need help are left to rot in their misery simply because they were not lucky enough to be born in a good enough family in a good enough country (not about me) there are millions in worse situations than mine which are let to rot meanwhile the hypocritical politically virtuos shout "justice" on the internet.
>>1102268>can't you work as a teacher or somethingif it was that easy do you think I'd still be here. Life is a shithole and those that end up in certain positions in life do so because everything in their life leads up to that, they are born with a certain privilege.
No. 1102277
>>1102243Childish post.
>everyone who belongs to X broad group is like this!>no, they're like this!>no, they're actually exactly like this!How about you go outside and touch grass? btw I'm from a third world country and know all kinds of people so I know first-hand what I'm talking about. Sorry to break it to you but it is in fact possible for women and men to share the same struggles and have more in common with each other than those from other places or socioeconomic status. And
>>1102239 is right, it's not
just sexism and misogyny that's the issue, there are many different issues that affect people in complex ways. I will never feel bad for a powerful billionaire woman but that doesn't mean I won't see the misogynism that she might experience as a problem that makes all women suffer and especially those who aren't rich. Still doesn't mean that I will ever care about her in particular (just because she's a woman) any more than I care about a working class man who experiences similar problems to mine (except misogyny). But let me clarify before you try to put words in my mouth, that I will always care more about women who aren't rich than men who aren't rich.
No. 1102278
>>1102273nta, I'm claiming its your fault, rather my issue is that most western radfems have focused literal non-issues that don't matter
sniffing their own farts writing thesis about how the Eiffel tower is a tool of male supremacy because muh its phalic of some shit or over analyzing films or media
western university educated radfems focus on meaningless shit and have never done anything significant for womankind
No. 1102281
>>1102273>>The same anon(s)those anons are spergy too, i dont agree with what they say and some of them are baiting. What really rubs me is some of the replies to them which are just as retarded and ignorant.
No. 1102295
Also I think people are just annoyed with them and that's why people jump to reply. They're annoying when they clog up threads.
No. 1102299
>>1102240And the treatment of women decreases exponentially with economic status, in a way specific to women. Yes it is very true that a lot of the focus on petty issues distracts from the bigger ones and discredits the movement (as seen here!).
But, like, what would you do? Ignore the gendered issues?
No. 1102326
>>1102315so you don't agree that if you're a woman born in a bad
abusive family with lack of financial resources you are more likely to face misogyny and be abused?
No. 1102327
>>1102317Based but it's sad that this will never be the standard
>>1102245I'm curious to know what you think hypocritical western online feminists should do to help women in third world countries.
No. 1102328
>>1102305Most people don't.
>>1102313>>1102318I'm not talking about the men who put on an act to get laid. It's not about acting, because the intent is for him to become a better man for her. Love can inspire and spur people to improve themselves. And I'm talking about actual selfless love, not contentment or infatuation. That's why in the happiest relationships the man is inspired to make his wife happy no matter what it takes. Unrealistic? It's happened and happens all the time. I do believe a good amount of men don't have the capacity for this, sure, and they don't deserve to be in a relationship with women.
No. 1102329
>>1102326Nta, but you said that as if only women in third world countries can have
abusive families and struggle financially.
No. 1102331
>>1102330yes, it applies to 1st world too I do not deny it I know how much you can suffer if you are born in an
abusive family even in 1st world, but being born in an
abusive family and poor in a 3rd world country will make it even worse
No. 1102345
>>1102338But I'm clearly talking about
her posts though. And anyway, she has made more posts sperging out about camgirls than that.
No. 1102360
>>1102356i did that, thats why i said you must be bsing.
The majority of her camgirl posts were about how she hates that woman who introduced her to camming when she was a teen.
Maybe there were two posts where she said that which i missed.
also why care, are you a camgirl?
No. 1102372
>>1102360a lot of posts here are just trying to shut up romanianon tbh and are hypocritically mysoginstic. They are calling her a camwhore when she has repeatedly stated that she has quit the industry after coming across radfem discourse and realizing she was trafficked. I've talked to her and read all her posts and her value system is actually very complex. She criticizes the boards for targeting vulnerable mentally ill women and whiteknights for Venus Angelic. She's made some posts in the camwhore thread about some camgirl which traffics girls out of the mental hospital. I personally believe romanianon. I watched that woman she posted and she kept talking about her
father while stripping naked in front of thousands of men. That's definitely not her father she's talking about.
No. 1102389
>>1102372i think the blatantly misogynist posts are be males.
I mean we literally have a male-poster in this thread now
>>1102359>>1102364>>1102375>>1102381and he is not banned.
No. 1102679
>>1102550>>1102452Not gonna lie, this comes across as insanely pathetic, there's nothing wrong with hating scrotes and viewing them as parasites, but you are literally denying human biology by deluding yourselves into ignoring the massive strength between men and women
Even female athletes who have been training their entire lives and likely have been enhanced with steroids, can't match the performances of state level teenage male athletes
As someone whose done martial arts, I hate the gap between men and women as well, but I'd be fucking idiot if I pretended it didn't exist or wasn't hugely significant
No. 1102711
>>1102692not this shit again, this is one of my main issues with western radfems, you project these dumbass modern western academia takes on past and foreign societies that and create elaborate theories that are not plausible
I'm sorry but illiterate cavemen didn't know about Eugenics and didn't create a masterplan to breed women to be smaller and even If there was an experiment like that, It would lead to men of that society being smaller and weaker as well, its pure retardation, like I said, its completely fine to hate males but for the love of God don't make up shit that is very clearly not realistic
No. 1102733
>>1102730I never denied that, but we aren't weaker cause of a nefarious plot by men who have been working for it since humanity
rather changes in lifestyle compared to all previous eras in human history and weaker human beings(men and women) genes being spread among the populations, If we lived in pre-historic times then 1/3rd would have been dead before we ever reached 5
No. 1102743
File: 1647635378297.jpg (44.85 KB, 962x976, 51DLcpxUwjL._AC_SL1000_.jpg)

FUCK THE HATERS. Honeydew melon is delicious. Is it the best melon? No, but it's a reliable melon. It's sweet, tastes just like honey. How can you not appreciate its simplicity? Its honesty? I actually don't really believe people when they say they don't like it. I'm inclined to believe that they had a bad one or had a piece of one that was more rind than melon and they base their opinions on that. I fucking love honeydew melon.
No. 1102767
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>>1102764Neanderthals channeling Peter Pettigrew
No. 1102797
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>>1102783Short, chunky with high-pitched nasal voices…turned on yet nona?
No. 1102799
>>1102797shitty comparison considering most humans were shorter back then and nutrition plays a big part in height.
If they existed today they would have been taller.
No. 1102805
>>1102798that's not neccessarily genetic tho, just because of their living condition
3rd worlders are also a lot stronger than 1st worlders because they spent their day working hard, doesn't matter how their bone strucutre looks like or how short they are
No. 1102821
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>>1102815no one curr that you are a obese first worlder.
No. 1102830
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>>1102813>>1102809that's where your wrong, only white people, arabs and Iranians have Neanderthal ancestry, asians and blacks are pure
No. 1102834
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>>1102757This is exactly what I imagined when I read this post about the “goblin voice”.
No. 1102883
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>>1102830Blacks are literally a different species with huge genetic distance from all humans.
No. 1102888
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