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No. 1078661
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc. use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread. Thank you. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues. Keep the anime borzois in mind.
Previous thread :
>>1051681 No. 1078877
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>>1078758>>1078763behold the toasted baguette
No. 1078946
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I hate waking up
No. 1078954
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People who refuse to use their turn signal. How much have my break pads suffered due to these retards? I have a stress ball in the car now it’s irritating me so much.
No. 1079062
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Ameritard SJWs really taking this conflict with probable ethnic cleansings and the first real war since the 90's and try to make it there dumbass woke politics
This mfer is a professor in an American University, living in safety and yet he's fucking complaining about people fleeing war and genocide cause they happen to be white
No. 1079064
>>1079062He's not complaining about white people fleeing war, he's complaining about how those people
are talked about in media as if war was something that only affects brown people or non-Europeans. He's
criticizing the idea that just because those people who are being affected by war in Ukraine and Russia are white Europeans, somehow it's supposed to be "shocking" or "unthinkable" because "only third worlders are supposed to be affected by such things".
>>1079046>"uoohing"the fuck is that?
No. 1079070
>>1079066Nayrt. War breaking out between two countries is shocking yes, but civil wars, terrorism and ethnic cleansing aren’t
glorified skirmishes and the tweet in question is about the racial focus in reporting, which is clearly weird. You didn’t have to hand wave that away and join in by dismissing the concept of civilians losing their lives in other countries just because they may be in Africa. I don’t know what kind of argument you’re trying to make here.
No. 1079079
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I wish I didn't have such a large nose, I basically look like picrel with hair. Except with relatively big eyes and lips
No. 1079086
nonny don’t be naive you think Ukrainian moids are different from Syrian ones? Eastern Europe is a shithole anyway you should read romanianon spergs for reference
No. 1079126
>>1079079This reminded me. I fell asleep watching YouTube last night and woke up to plastic surgeons video autoplaying. He was bald, had a big nose and when he listed off the services that he offers.. hair restoration and nose jobs were the first two that he mentioned. I thought it was satire at first.
It's kinda weird how often plastic surgeons are surrounded by the message that you should just quickly fix those things but they don't choose it for themselves. Hairdressers tend to have nice hair. The woman giving out botex injections probably has a lil in her too. Male plastic surgeons are the exception to how people in looks based industries usually do adhere to the standard they're selling you.
No. 1079169
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I hate this kanji.
No. 1079353
>>1079259>outside of Europe is irrelevant because "uhh rape". Like all scrotes aren't rapists the moment they're given the chance lolYou should do your research. When asked men if they could get away with rape, if they'd do it, most say they would. Though middle eastern men are worse and eastern Europeans are better, its less about race and more about how much the society cares about sexual abuse and how often it gets punished. In middle east most women get killed or married off to their rapist if they happen to get raped
>>1079116This isnt true. Some believe this and use it as propoganda but raping any woman is haram and inviting "kafirs" to religion is supposed to be done by helping them, that's what's written in Quran. Most Muslim countries don't even care about Quran and interpret it just to prove their points of justify their shitty actions.
No. 1079520
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>>1079502Kiss my ass.
>t. a southerner No. 1079775
>>1079565Thank you. Tinfoil, but I genuinely believe at least some of those people are moids who want to keep women away from anime using a retard's version of misandry.
>Ooohhh don't post that, woman, or a man might jack off to it, even if it's not sexual! Remember, you're also a scrote and a coomer if a man is attracted to something you like for non-scrote/non-coomer reasons! Men are the default, male gaze is the only one that matters, deal with it you dumb roas-I mean handmaiden!They're literally using their libidos and gaze as a way to try and threaten and "corral" us away from what we like, because they think artistic depictions of female characters can ever belong to males. It's moid logic. And the truth is, they want to do this with all (if not most of) our hobbies. An anon from before posted an article that explained how lolicon was only invented because moids were mad about women making female-targeted manga, and that made me realize how fucked up scrotes are. I won't let their shit opinions or what they do affect what I enjoy, they can false flag and seethe for the rest of their lives lol
No. 1080006
>>1079066>noooo how can this be happening?? only poor, dumb brown people have wars!! we're supposed to be better than that because we're white and European and we never have wars!That's basically what you sound like and what that tweet is talking about. War can happen to people of any race but you and those that guy's criticizing forget that.
>>1079347>>1079357Fucking gross. I hate lolifags and pedophiles.
No. 1080025
>>1079127>>1079154>The russian army became extremely well known for raping foreign woman because they perceived them as the enemies property>russian men were literally known for mass raping for decades even after ww2For fuck's sake, this happened with all Allied armies, not just the Russian one. For some reason people always forget about the rape and other war crimes committed by the other armies and choose to focus on the Russians. If it seems like they raped "more" that's because their army was much bigger than the others so naturally they had more rapists (and a lot of criminals who were let into the military because they needed as many men as possible to fight against the German invasion), not because Russians have some rapist gene or due to ideology or anything like that. As if ALL men didn't see their country's women as their own property.
Unfortunately, mass rapes are committed by every army because males are males, even when they could be shot and killed as punishment for it (which was what the Red Army did).
No. 1080046
>>1079775Correction, lolishit wasn't invented by the comiket scrotes, it already existed (started "naturally" due to male degeneracy) and was relatively new, when it was promoted a lot at comiket to compete with and drive out the women, mostly fujos, who dominated that convention up until that point.
Also, I agree so much with you and
>>1079565Watching the anime I want in the way I want, despite some scrotes liking the same stuff and making porn of it, isn't going to personally affect me, no male is going to take that away from me or hurt me for watching it.
Prepare to have your posts be used in some other thread as """evidence""" that males post here because we like to watch anime or play games featuring cute/cool girls and refuse to let others ruin that for us.
No. 1080076
All this talk about fanservice and anime reminds me that just yesterday on twitter I saw a link to an anime review website that talked about a show called Akebi whatever the fuck uniform? something like that, anyway, curious little me clicks on that link and reads it, and it says that the story is cute and engaging, the relationship between the middle school girl protagonist and her mother is relatable and wholesome but something has been bothering the writer and they just don't know if they'll watch the entire thing: it fetishizes the MC, supposedly and has a few shots showing her feet. So I was wondering what the anime was even about and copypasted the title on twitter and I found a fucking scene of a middle school kawaii uguu girl clipping her toenails delicately for way too fucking long and sniffing the nail clipper… Anons I hate foot fetishists so fucking much. I want to gouge their eyes out, just thinking about that scene makes me want to barf and I don't even mind normal mild fanservice.
>>1080063Don't we all tbh?
No. 1080326
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No. 1080347
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>>1080330No idea what Mushoku Tensei was so I googled it and found this first… Yeah, that's a no from me. Why are today's trends in anime and manga so horrible? At the very best new anime and manga are boring and a repetition of what was popular before. As for the one I talked about, I just found the full title, it's Akebi-chan no sailor fuku, in case you're morbidly curious.
No. 1080355
>>1080026I call anons schizos derogatorily if they do shit like accuse people of "gangstalking" them for disagreeing with them in a thread. I've been called a schizo for certain opinions, then turned out to be right. Circle of life
"Cray cray" is disgusting though
No. 1080574
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This year's dumbass anime It Girl dropped early and I already hate how many braindead bitches with no personality are already attempting to larp her
No. 1080616
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>>1080574Oh nonono don't bring this up again, we had enough of this in the bunker threads, please and thank you
No. 1080719
>>1080710It made me mad unhappy, and that's where I share my work to be sold, it doesn't feel worth it. I've actually stopped posting since October and don't visit the app anymore because I can't take looking at these posts anymore. Everything honestly looks the fucking same, I've never used the explore page ever because it looks like a dumpster fire and everything that's "trending" is soulless and made purely for attention and aesthetics. And there is this weird phony activism that lives on Instagram, where you can be attacked for not sharing enough information about the current world issues in your story, like that actually fucking does anything for anyone. And people sharing trannies on their story.
>"fuck face is a trans woman living in a literal trash heap, she has a bunch of mental problems and her family doesn't love her, here is her cashapp and venmo please help her"That's just the shit that bothers me off the top of my head, I'm sure I could go on.
No. 1080726
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I hate this fucking tranny loli nonbinary disgusting anime garbage that was just posted on /m/.
No. 1080751
>>1080725I remember when I first started on Instagram and I was bombarded with "f4f" (follow for follow), bitch, who is that helping? Follower numbers mean ass if you're not interacting with each other. I'm sick of "core" aesthetics, and everyone trying to be everyone else. If you do anything on instagram, expect someone to copy you beat for beat, because the entire app exists to perpetuate skin walking and clout chasing to an insane degree. You can find so many accounts that look exactly the same, they even use the same 'quirky' language, they will literally copy each others products in the case of business pages. I'm fortunate, everything I make it made of recycled materials and is impossible to copy. But you get these fucking resin "artists" and shit who all buy the same molds on AliExpress and mix a fucking load of glitter into it and sell it for insane prices,
and it's literally all the fucking same. I also hate those accounts for phone case makers, some of them are so fucking incoherent and ugly and messy. Did you even think of a theme, girl? Did you even think of the layout before you started sticking all of these oversized tacky pieces of plastic all over the fucking case? Did you even think about the colors??? God damn. And lately, spam accounts are out of control. Who the fuck is selling our account names??? How many times a month does the average user get a message from a random "brand" offering them an "opportunity" to model their clothes? And now it's gift cards, you'll be tagged in a post on an account with
hundreds of spam posts, tagging up to ten accounts at once, saying "You've won a gift card!!!" and how many losers actually go for it?? Someone must be, because they keep doing it! So many times people will follow you just to get you to look at their profile, hoping you'll follow back, only to then
unfollow you and never interact again. The video compression on Instagram is the worst I've ever seen. The algorithm makes no sense and no one even knows what the fuck their talking about when they offer "tips and tricks" to please the algorithm. You can get shadow banned, and yes it fucking exists, for saying things like "hoe". Instagram will suppress your posts if they think it's "spam" and that can be anywhere from writing too many words to using too many hashtags. Fuck the fact that they
allow up to 30 hashtags, apparently you can only actually use five if you want to be noticed? I feel like I'm losing my mind I'm gonna stop now.
No. 1080837
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Autism incoming sorry. I like Historia, but holy shit serious Erehisu shippers are the most delusional people on earth. Since they hated AOT's ending so much how surprising that Eren would be more attached to his childhood friend he spent almost 24/7 with as a child who has saved his life multiple times over some girl he barely interacted with I don't even know why so many of them still consume shit from/about it. It's literally just a manga. Farmer-kun is the father, you gotta get over it. Ymir shouldn't have died for many reasons, but right now I wish she didn't so she and Historia could have gotten married to shut these retards up. I especially hate that she got with a man who bullied her in her childhood, I know he tried to make up for it but she still deserves better. Not to mention founder Ymir loving the man who enslaved her. What absolutely shit misogynistic relationship writing. Oh well at least Jean probably isn't bad for Mikasa, but she's not the best for him. When people take ships too seriously they remove all the fun. Ships aren't a serious thing.
No. 1080963
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Any grown woman who dresses in really childish fairy kei-esque shite. I know people are allowed to enjoy whatever fashion makes them happy but the pastel colors, kawaii cartoon characters and frilliness just screams pedopandering weeb to me. I just don’t see the appeal of dressing like a child when you’re 23+. There’s ways to incorporate pastels in an age appropriate way.
No. 1081007
>>1080710I deleted my account on Monday, I made sure to save my data first though. It's a pretty bad platform when it comes to technology, the explore page wouldn't stop recommending me stuff I dislike despite me saying I disliked said content by choosing "not interested" all the time, and honestly, a social media focusing on pictures that makes all the pictures you post blurry, pixelated messes is a joke. They should try to fix that instead of introducing retarded features like stories and reels anf ig tv. None of the people I was following were posting anything interesting anyway so that's not a big loss.
>>1080719The people I followed were people I know irl only and the few ones that posted performative bullshit weren't doing this very often. Some of them proved to be naive libfems though, my esteem for them plummeted.
No. 1082164
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>>1082128yea and its a shame
No. 1082329
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>>1082164I think it was that stupid ass chair that started this annoying trend. reeeeee fuck you chair!
No. 1082396
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How pulltards still havent left Kenna and Mikan go.
Someone was sperging on Jill's thread about how Kenna isn't autistic when talkimg about Jillian's fake diagnosis.
No. 1082521
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Not All Frog Fags Are Like That
No. 1082602
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>>1082121>>1082128Will Vandom ruined an entire generation of women
No. 1082718
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>>1082121I think frogs have been popular since Pepe and Kermit memes have gone around, kinda like how dodge made people crazy about Shibas. They are also goofy little animals, so it's easy to make memes with them
Frog sperg incoming:
I genuinely like frogs because I recently got a pair White's tree frogs and they have been such a delight. They really are personable and like to jump on the glass in case you will feed them, but I also just enjoy seeing them resting in their favorite spots. Mind you they aren't pets to be handled frequently but these guys have made me love frogs even more since my aquatic frogs kept dying, rip little friends No. 1083726
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>>1082128>>1082121you are right but that makes me so sad. they can appropriate mermaids and unicorns all thy want because they're boring but frogs are so cute.
>>1082329never thought about that before but froggy chair is to tiktok/twitter gendertards what pepe is to poltards.
why frogs specifically though ? because they're amphibian or transform ? because they live hidden ? because they hibernate ? bevcause they are in fairytales ? i need someone that's good with symbols to tell me
No. 1083834
>>1083814I feel you,
nonnie. My bedroom was practically frog themed as a child lol
No. 1083909
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>>1083898Antifeminist? Lmao stop being stupid. Liking twinks is not more or less feminist. All men are potential rapists and domestic abusers, it's not about muscles but power dynamics, including who the police officer prefers to believe after the neighbors call. Some women just like to see man that don't look like slobs and look like can handle some fun sex without looking straight outta Auschwitz or a 2007 MCR concert.
TL;DR: men will be gross pigs no matter what and have a preference for a body type or another has nothing to do with feminism
No. 1083916
>>1083898>>1083913I hate it cause that's now actual muscles work, I feel anyone whose into bara tiddy mems is either a virgin or only dates skinny fat men
men's chests are hard, its difficult to even grab them and the way bara tiddies get depicted is just like normal woman breats, not men's chests
I think its a form of fujo brain rot where there male characters are so feminized they can't even biologically resemble normal men
No. 1083920
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>>1083898I want to be suffocated to death by a pair of firm man booba
No. 1083928
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>>1083920meanwhile IRL, actual muscular chests
No. 1083930
>>1083911Why are twinklovers always so pressed about other women liking muscles? They are always talking about how "
problematic" and "antifeminist" it is but I barely see this energy from barafags
No. 1083932
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>>1083928idc about irl, men irl are gross and i don’t want them near me. fictional man pecs
only No. 1083934
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>>1083930They r jealous. Catch me eating a mans thick chest like pop tarts
No. 1083942
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>>1083906disregard who he is but this is factually peak male physique
No. 1083950
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>>1083916If there's enough fat in the body to actually form those bara tiddies then the chest will be soft until it's flexed? Video related, it's the only guy I could think of reading this.
>>1083932You are so right nona, I feel the same way
No. 1083957
>>1083953>>1083930Yeah no that guy actually has a condition caused by steroids
>>1083953>>1083956That would feel like holding a rock, seriously stop watching porn and go to the gym
No. 1083962
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The only 2 valid male bodytypes
No. 1083975
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>>1083972you sound like a moid, either way that sounds like an issue men have to fix between themselves, me liking buff/fit men doesn’t affect them and if it does oh well and honestly good men should be ashamed, there is no reason for a man to not be in peak physical shape. If a man is so scared of being called a soyboy then he can hit the gym it’s extremely easy for men to build muscle, maybe if they spent more time working out and less time crying on incel forum about how the circumference of their wrist is too feminine they wouldn’t have to worry about dumb shit like that.
No. 1083982
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>>1083975nta but I like muscular men as well, I hate these porn addicted fujos who have no Idea how real muscles functions like, fujos turn muscular men into pseudo-females cause they are scared of real men
picrel is what real fit men actually look like, not the bizarre pseduo-females fujos keep on postings
No. 1083986
>>1083982I agree that the weird borderline tit pecs that fujos give men are gross, but
>>1083898> i hate it when women drool over muscular men. it's weird and gross and frankly antifeministis a retarded take. Anon only used the Bara thing as a gateway to just hate on all buff men.
No. 1083994
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am I the only one who likes both buff(natural) and skinny men
both are the superior male form
No. 1083996
>>1083936Muscular men are superior sexual partners. More stamina, can lift you up, fuck you standing up, carry you around. They are superior life partners. They are clearly hard working and energetic, regardless if they’re an asshole gym bro or a kind himbo, they have worked hard to maintain a fit physique, instead of sitting on their ass farting Cheetos all day. You look at them and see a man who could carry you up a mountain when you’re sick, tired and pregnant, regardless if they’re the type of man to do that or not. And no, for muscular men are not more likely to beat and abuse and abandon women, that is scrote propaganda. Men who are muscular are literally like the daft punk song: harder, better, faster, stronger.
No. 1084011
>>1084007Yes, because men and incels are great judges of character aren’t they?
Post hands.
No. 1084016
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>>1084007>agreeing with incels and blaming women “for being into outdated gender roles” >>1083994I like both, but I prefer looking at buff men they just look statuesque.
No. 1084018
>>1084005Post abs or kys
>>1084007Post abs or kys
No. 1084020
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Is this considered buff of twink ?
No. 1084031
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>>1084016This reaction image is amazing kek.
No. 1084050
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cure me out of my love for twinks
No. 1084072
File: 1646396145168.jpg (Spoiler Image,479.57 KB, 720x1030, 20220304_061233.jpg)

I actually like thin guys cause I like crushing their legs with my fat ass. I wanna overwhelm them.
No. 1084073
>>1084055They prove nothing? They are show your gender and weight.
>>1084050He's so ugly and hiding his face. His body isn't anything special either, disgusting how low the bar is for men
No. 1084075
>>1084072You're confirmed as a fattie so
>>1084064 was right. Lmao. You probably don't look like the male gazey porn comic though.
No. 1084360
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>>1084195seethe, we have always been here
We'll spam any thread as much as we want because we are the stacies of lolcow and they can sit by and watch our threads move 3x as fast as their shitty pointless discussion
No. 1084383
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>>1084376I like skinny men as well, like picrel but I also prefer natural buff men
No. 1084388
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I hate this fucking meme so much. I hate the faggots that use it and I’ll never forgive them for stealing my pic to make it.
No. 1084395
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>>1084383Anon, both of these men aren't skinny, they're normal at best. Picrel is a real skinny man and he's 10 times sexier
No. 1084399
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>>1084397Ok fatso lover, enjoy being dominated by a 2m tall 2m wide fridge-built fag
No. 1084401
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>>1084399I told you I like thin men as well
No. 1084435
>>1084094cause the people who post handpics always have fat hands and rage so hard when that's pointed out.
>>1084195ehh t's not ana-chans, the person didn't even know women could have abs which made people think they were overweight.
No. 1084446
>>1084435>didn't even know women could have abs nta and did not participate in this conversation but she didnt say this
>>1084023 >>1084061
No. 1084475
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I hate everything about this. What if you want to fart?
No. 1084486
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>>1084395i'm into it but the weird pose is bizarre. picrel is just A+ physique-wise for me. small frames especially are top tier
No. 1084550
>>1084529They coopt everything, including womanhood. By that logic any memes related to being a woman are now political.
>>1084533You should've started out with that pic immediately, but yeah, cringe.
No. 1084564
>>1084551I wish I still had the boots to recreate it kek.
>>1084559Yeah that’s why I sold the boots is because doc martens make me think of genderspecials and that meme. Still love and appreciate Kirby.
No. 1084584
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>>1084558>>1084562I mean, peep was a notorious junkie so its impossible for me to find anything about him attractive and youd be surprised on how much muscle mass druggies have. Not denying some guys are just naturally built thin obviously.
But im still team buff because it denotes they care about their bodies, be it for aesthetic or health, putting effort in your appearance is usually relegated to only women and its nice to be with a guy who also puts in some effort on himself.
No. 1084611
I hate coquettes. But not really just coquettes, I hate anyone who tries to act like their flimsy little aesthetic "subculture" is an actual "subculture". There is nothing to support the weight of the coquette movement, not music, not beliefs, just starving yourself and dressing like a teenage girl and lusting over old crackhead looking men. Womwn who are insecure and not yet past the "what I consume/look like is who I am as a person" will fall victim to this shit again and again, and the older they are the more apparent it is that the coquette, or whatever other aesthetic, is just a way to distance themselves from themselves via the things that they consume and the things they do to feel like "real coquettes", IE, reading specific books because it's a coquette thing, or wearing this or wearing that, solely because it's a "coquette thing". I could have written this about the fairy y2k aesthetic, or the scemo revival aesthetic, or etc. etc. But coquettes were what first came to mind. Anyway, to wrap up this long and pointless rambling: I hate how women are brainwashed into believing that the person they are is determined by what clothes they wear or what books they read or what kind of men they're attracted to, etc.
No. 1084624
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I love the idea of carrd, but I hate how most of the pinterest ones are plagued by underaged kids with neopronouns.
No. 1084654
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>>1084562i mean he was like the proto-tiktok alt e-boy so i'm not really sure where the unattractive face thing comes in for you. he was pretty objectively cute if not for making himself purposely look like shit
>>1084584buff is too intimidating for me personally but i don't mind a messy guy either to a degree. i don't like the intimidation factor when it comes to muscular men, it's a particular turn off for me, but i can see where you're coming from in terms of their motivation. it's just that 3d buff dudes tend to not be like 2d buff anime guys, both in personality and how they actually end up looking
No. 1084669
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white liberal pandering & groveling is always so painful to witness, I would rather be called a slur then listen to some woke white chick fetishize how "strong black women" saved us, its so fucking cringy, I wanna die
I'd rather deal with normie who doesn't see race over those annoying bitches
No. 1084735
>>1084669These people unironically end up being racist and look down on minorities as they only perceive them as
No. 1084771
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>>1084735In a way they just fetishize us and make shit about themselves, just treat me like a fucking human being, asshole
also I notice these "types" actually get surprised that I have a white partner and have a long stable relationship with him, instead of having multiple baby daddies and kids out of wedlock, like they can't even fathom me being a normal functioning human being in society
No. 1084807
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Nonnies fighting over buff vs lean, why not both?
No. 1084811
>>1084771the fetishizing is very true, I had a friend who was white and made being "woke" her whole personality. she'd only ever lust after
poc. she'd post photoshoots of minorities and go crazy over them, and she'd act like she knew all there is to know about being being non-white and talk over me and other friends in discussions regarding minorities despite them being non-white too. honestly don't know how I tolerated her for so long, she was so pathetic
No. 1084827
>>1084811and the fact is that the vast majority of black people don't even like these types, think about the white people who are actually well respected in the black community
Frank Sinatra, Chris Evans, these were men who acknowledged their privellge and tried to help and uplift black people, but didn't go into any pathetic white guilt rant and make it about themselves
I guess that's what most minorities want from white allies, people who treat you like human beings
No. 1084850
>>1084847admin just replied that 'those threads always derail into politics and everything is supposed to be in English anyway'.
I'm asking a kind nona to make a Polish discord, but IDK where we should discuss it before then. EU thread?
No. 1084860
>>1084850I don't believe organizing a discord server on lc is technically allowed? but go ahead, I'm not Polish but solidarity to Polish anons.
>>1084850At least CC has an admin that shows up, that's something they've got going for them.
No. 1084914
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>>1084879/fit/izens are retards but sometimes they deliver some good milk
No. 1084941
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>>1084914kek cute, more fit posters should stop seething about women and accept their homosexuality
>>1084931agreed, picrel was funny though (spoiler for tumblr)
No. 1084952
>>1084914/fa/ and /fit/ are mostly faggots who hate women.
>>1084941Amen. They should fuck onr another and leave women alone.
No. 1084966
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>>1084075Literally. Every woman I know who posted things about crushing men with their thighs/tits/whatever was a complete lardass who's ass and tits weren't even big in proportion to their body. I've never met a skinny/fit/average build girl who had large boobs and butt compared to her body who obsesses ass and tits all day
No. 1085158
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I hate whoever uploaded this photo to Pinterest. It makes me upset because the actual pic is great. The braids are beautiful and well done, but then some fucking idiot decided that they were going to repost this uncropped Instagram picture. I hate you. I'm not even sure how they managed to do this.
No. 1085224
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These three have been a disaster for the human race, especially the smug fuck in the middle
No. 1085285
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Genderbend characters wearing skirts when it makes no sense
No. 1085308
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>>1085296Respond to this next please
No. 1085595
>>1084848Massive thought dump incoming:
I've seen that pic too but tbh I'm not even sure it's recent, I haven't seen any polls in the year I've been using the site (or maybe I missed it?).
I don't think there are that many scrotes there posting normally, the results could've been influenced by the fact that CC gets raided by scrotes a lot, and since it has a much smaller userbase and less jannies than LC it's a better target for them, especially since they know CC as "the femcel imageboard". We know that /fit/ retards lurk here a lot, there's no doubt that both them, and /r9k/ lurk CC all the time too, and indeed a few of them definitely post there trying to pass as regular users: I've seen at least one guy on another imageboard confessing to doing that because he enjoyed the site, but he was still outed as a male and banned, and I've heard on CC that some trannies also visit, and either end up crying and shaking or believe that they're closer to being women for posting there without being banned (which tbf probably also happens here). The pinkpill thread on /b/ attracts a lot of pathetic incels (who argue for hours until they're banned and their whole post histories are deleted, since miners aren't guaranteed to be banned for replying unlike farmers), and the tranny hate threads probably attract TIMs trying to be "one of the good ones".
I have no doubt that the poll that you've seen was to some extent influenced by male trolls and lurkers, and that there aren't that many regular users who are male and the actual number is lower
or at least that's what I hope, because I'm tired of being paranoid about other posters not being women, since I'm sensitive to that misogyninstic "rule" on imageboards that has affected me a lot because I unfortunately grew up on 4chan. CC feels much different to male-dominated imageboards, there's no male degeneracy, no tranny propaganda, no hatred against women, and a lot of resentment towards males instead, so I really don't want to be wrong and it to be 40% male or worse. Some people have said that "no woman writes like that" because supposedly only men pretending to be women could appear to be so cheerful and overly positive, but I rarely, if ever, see that happen on there and even then, that kind of post could be because there are more normalfags on there or people from Twitter or whatever, since CC wasn't made for internet drama and the userbase is naturally going to be less hostile and attract other kinds of women, some of which won't be familiar with imageboard culture and will feel less pressured to integrate than here on LC (after all, CC doesn't ban emoticons). But this is just my intuition.
Also the fact that spam and raid posts stay up for too long sometimes is probably because they don't have enough mods in the first place, and I practically never saw it happen due to my timezone (until recently).
That being said, CC is super slow compared to here, and since I started using LC, and after the particularly bad CP raid last month, I only go back every once in a while to check my thread on /img/. Even though CC's atmosphere is more relaxed than here, there aren't many people to talk to, so LC is better to discuss stuff you like with other people who share your tastes, despite there also being more mentally ill retards who scream at everyone who enjoys things they don't like (which is also a problem on CC, but there's only like 3 dedicated spergs like that over there).
>>1084879>spoilerkek the same thing happened in another imageboard I used to visit often where I think I started a trend of saying NTADon't let them ruin your fun, nona, they can only read our posts and seethe about some screencaps and think that's somehow an epic own, but deep down they know they can't do shit.
>>1085285>same hair but longer>boobs>same outfit but with a skirt>eyelashes>same design aside from thatthese are the worst possible male to female genderbends. They are painfully uninspired, generic, boring, etc. There used to be an awful character design thread and a genderbend thread on /m/, I miss those, I wanna complain more about that shit.
No. 1085599
>>1085595I have nothing to add
g-get it? but this was an enjoyable read and nice thoughtful post nonna.
No. 1085606
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>>1085296>You have truly hurt an innocent 40 or 50 year old manok this sent me
No. 1085614
>>1085599Thanks, I'm glad someone read it at all, lol.
It just pisses me off when people here immediately dismiss CC as being "full of" trannies/males just because it has a small userbase and is targeted by scrotes from other imageboards a lot. They make it sound like there are no women posting there, which is 100% false since in the friend finder thread (now gone) many people voice verify and sometimes they'll expose or attempt to expose any males who message them, also there's a lot of overlap between LC and CC userbases. And like I said, it just doesn't feel like a site where the majority is male, if that were the case the threads on there would be much, much different since men are unable to keep their misogyny and obsession with disgusting fetishes under control.
I don't know, maybe it's just that I'm tired of being paranoid or surrounded by male posters, like I said, or maybe other people are being too paranoid. I dunno.
That's my last post on the matter tho, I've written too much, lmao
No. 1085762
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I hate cuckoos.
Wish I lived in burgerland so I could buy a gun and shoot them all OUT OF MY PROPERTY. Last year one killed an entire nest of common ravens and I'm still not over it. I was so excited to have corvidae neighbours but no, little cuckoo bitch murdered them all. Worst birds ever, disgusting parasite pigeon looking asses
No. 1085766
All the moidposting in this thread for the past few days, they are all ugly, no exception.
>>1085759Cosigned, terminally online kweerios have no personality aside from their gender shit so they feel the need to shove on everything that is not normie tier.
No. 1085926
File: 1646481495554.jpg (169.44 KB, 1242x1246, 1646370192353.jpg)

So yesterday I found a channel on YouTube that recaps shitty horror movies, and I found it entertaining because I could stumble upon shit I haven't seen yet and save myself time (first movie recap I saw was about a man who gets turned inro a walrus). THEN I reached a video about a pregnancy horror movie, and the comments were full of scrotes saying how pregnant women are insane, how she never had a career and should have been a stay at home mother, one guy made a hugeass essay in the comments how this movie is full of feminazi ideals (didn't read after the first sentence, kek) and the channel… liked and encouraged such replies? Which made me realize that even though the presentation of the movies is neutral it's made by moids who get off on watching torture porn, I just didn't click on recaps of such movies/the algorithm probably didn't recommend them to me because I hate those.
No. 1086140
>>1086110I’ve only read AoT and Tokyo Ghoul, and hated them about halfway because of the shitty writing. As for anime I like Satoshi Kon, Psycho Pass (has its fault, but not bad), Hanbei Renmei, Ergo Proxy, The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, Tatami Galaxy & the Night is Short. I like subversive themes, fantasy/scifi settings, and good writing. I don’t mind shounen, but most of it has god awful writing and the shtick gets boring quickly. Kind of like fast food.
No. 1086506
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>>1086183What are you whinging all this shite for? Get off your arse you bloody wanker. You slagggg.
No. 1086509
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>>1084950I don’t remember most of these, buts here’s a list of haha wow memes so far this year. I could tolerate blorbo. Feb I don’t remember any of those except among us babies? But I ignore all among us content anyways.
No. 1086578
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>>1086548reminds me of this pink-pill on "female led" relationships" and how the "female-doms" never has any power in the first place, she is merely servicing a male fetish
No. 1086587
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>>1086565Why isn't this a trope moids are pressured to fit into? Males are built for labor and service.
No. 1086593
>>1085416That's Shoto's hero uniform. There are some female characters with stupid designs, but most of them wear the usual superhero bodysuit and none of them wear skirts.
>>1085595I don't know what's worse: pointlessly gendered designs or genderbends that basically change nothing about the character and end up making them look like a troon.
No. 1086595
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>>1086587Which character is this?
Posting the ultimate husbando.
No. 1086598
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>>1086587>>1086589This reminds me, would Tatsu from The Way of the Househusband be considered in a "reverse role" relationship
I mean he's a strong, frightening ex-Yakuze member who does housework and loves his salarywoman wife
No. 1086605
I hate that nearly everyone, including those who claim to be progressive, even dommes and gay men and fujos, assumes that submission and masculinity are mutually exclusive and a masculine man can only be submissive to an even more masculine man.
>>1086595>>1086598I love him and his dynamic with Miku but sadly I have still seen fanart and fics where he's unnecessarily feminized
No. 1086608
>>1086605Don't you know
nonny?? Men can't just be masculine and respect, adore, and submit to a woman. Not unless he puts on a maid outfit, butt plug, and and the woman dominantly sucks his dick and does what he wants.
No. 1086609
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I really don't give a shit about domination or submission(like the whole thing sounds fucking cringe)
I just want a good looking who will take care of me and can also take care of himself i.e clean up after himself and be self realiant, I don't think that should be considered feminine or submissive or whatever cause its bullshit
I mean who gives a shit about whether something is consider dom or sub then terminally online degenerates who should kill themselves
No. 1086653
File: 1646509607927.jpg (46.53 KB, 544x563, images.jpeg-153.jpg)

Fucking tradwifes.
"B-but anon I just want to have the choice live muh tradtional lifestyle!" If it was just that theyd just join the local mormon or evangelical chruch and shut up about it, but instead they go in this propaganda crusade on the internet implying or outright saying other women are lesser, this kind of shit is gaining traction as a counterculture and its making me incredibly angry.
No. 1086661
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>>1086653Sometimes i wanna psyop tradlarpers into rejecting 50s gender roles as modernist propaganda so they could embrace the "more traditional" gender norms instead.
No. 1086670
>>1086531They learn the language naturally and only after they can speak it they get to learn the grammar in formal education. A second language learner learns the rules of the language from the beginning, and it also takes more effort to learn a second language when you're older.
>>1086548I fucking hate sissy shit so much, you can tell it's a scrote behind that role reversal fetish when there's too much focus on the man being sissified and on his girlfriend being a "cool hot tomboy mommy". If I were to draw/write about role reversal, I would make the man look like an actual man, no femboy shit. And I wouldn't focus on the woman too much because she'd be the audience's self-insert, and she'd just be the breadwinner while the man would have the other roles that are usually assigned to women. Does anything like that even exist?
>>1086565>if he's a butler he's a keeperbased
>tfw you'll never have a butler bf>>1086590same, it's a waste of good art tbh (just don't tell the fujos or they won't shut up about how empowering yaoi is).
>>1086605>I have still seen fanart and fics where he's unnecessarily feminizeddisgusting I don't even want to know
No. 1086678
>>1086671I support this.
Also the realest traditionalism would be them moving into a forest and doing hunting and gathering, both of them.
>>1086677One for me too nona please!
No. 1086681
>>1086661>Sometimes i wanna psyop tradlarpers into rejecting 50s gender roles as modernist propagandaUnironically that shit is capitalist American propaganda. Pics like this one
>>1086653 are usually from literal ads.
No. 1086684
>>1086681Yup, like gee, women have learned to do too much stuff during ww2 and are becoming
too independent + booming economy for murrica after ww2
No. 1086697
>>1086685Societal pressure? Desperation? Men shaming women having basic ass expectations as gold diggers?
>>1086690Worst part is if you warn these kinds of women they'll tell you you're jealous. Had it happen to me once.
No. 1086704
>>1086677Thanks nona…
please let him wear glasses>>1086684kek they just put all the women back then in the kitchen to sell them kitchen appliances, and now people want to go back to those "glorious" times of being "traditional"
No. 1086731
>>1086711This is retarded because if I was rich I could buy love but I can't get rich by using love.
No. 1086816
>>1086609You took the words out of my fingers,
nonnie, i know how you feel. Kink shit was a huge fucking mistake and it should’ve stayed as something only depraved retards do and are shamed of by normal people.
No. 1086819
>>1086478I hate that so fucking much, people treat discord communities like dairies, because it isn’t even like imageboards.
I wish there was like a rule on discord about samefagging because the chat fucking dies the moment someone goes on talking about shit that nobody cares about or talking about boring daily shit.
Like, what the fuck, I already know most of the routine of this nobody on a random groupchat because she won’t stop sperging about her brother and shit, keep that in the dms you fucking autist.
No. 1086838
>>1086830Now that I think about it, isn’t it a thing putting a timer to be able to write again? Maybe enabling the slow-mode would help with keeping the spergs quiet. I also just hate when there’s some retard trying to tell everyone something and
Sending the
It’s infuriating, I end up not reading anything because I just want to mute that person or leave that group, which I have done, actually.
No. 1086861
>>1086671KEK you have no idea how hard you busted my sides
nonny and I completely agree, real trad shit is chivalry and recognizing what a privilege it is to get a wife to worship, not this 50's ad space housewife fantasy.
No. 1086862
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>>1086714kek I know exactly what you mean
No. 1086929
>>1086882I like hearing cute moids moan, simple as. I don't give a fuck if it's "empowering" or not, or if it counts as femdom or not according to imageboard morons, it just turns me on. I don't give a shit about being a "based girlboss" either, I just do what I already know feels good for me, not what other people tell me I should like. Anyone could kill me at any moment if they wanted and if having sex with scrotes was that dangerous I'd already be dead or have been sexually abused. Reminding you that males are naturally stronger and more impulsive when these things are discussed, saying that you will never TRULY dominate a male because of it… it's all just a bunch of excuses to not allow other women to enjoy sex however the fuck they want. I don't care, plus I only look at art drawn by women anyway because I haven't had a partner in a while.
inb4 someone tells me that enjoying sex with men in the way I want means that I'm being abused and that men will never respect me. Well sorry that I have a libido and that I'm straight, and also sorry that I've only had good experiences with my exes.
No. 1087116
>>1086978Unfortunately those are illegal in real life.
>>1086954I'm just tired of people here policing the preferences of others when it comes to sex, and this happened a lot in the femdom thread. Don't give a fuck if you think it's cringe, either, you have no real arguments.
No. 1087130
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>>1086929>I like hearing cute moids moan, simple ashave you ever had sex, I have heard the sounds men make, they aren't erotic at all, I wish they would be quiet really
>>1087116I really don't understand this
like your acting like this some sort of actual identity or something that matters, you have kink based sex, that's it
its like forming an identity about eating shit or something
I imagine you guys in your stupid leather clothes and your retarded roleplay with some dirty moid, I can't help laugh cause its fucking ridiculous
No. 1087148
>>1087139again why though, what's the point
Punching a moid would probably damage my fist after a while, I also don't even like seeing balls so I don't know whether I'd be into crushing them cause I think it would make me sick, it also functions to put my effort on the man
I would prefer the guy to serve me by helping me around the house, do my taxes e.t c
No. 1087286
>>1087139Wake up, make coffee. Let's see what lolcow is talking about today
>beating men is legalAlright then
No. 1087334
>>1087325inside dbsm its legal,
No. 1087552
>>1087533I would have some respect if they'd admit it was degenerate, that's the nature of kink. But nah
knowing this site half of them are virgins who have no idea how it works and have established it as an extreme fetish from porn consumption or something
No. 1087554
>>1087552do you think that if the Anglo-American world order collapsed for just a decade or so, things would be better overall culturally for your nation
I I personally it would be better for the middle east at least
No. 1087868
File: 1646589842589.png (102.97 KB, 295x262, ihatemensomuchitsunreal.PNG)

I know it's ten months old but I fucking hate male anime-tubers so fucking much it's unreal. Saw this in my reccs and it ruined my day instantly.
No. 1087881
>>1087868I watched that video when it came out because it was in my recommendations and it wasn't
as bad as I expected it to be, if I recall correctly he was in the right when he said that the manga was tasteless in sympathizing with the rapists and killers and borderline romanticizing Junko's case.
No. 1088005
>>1086882I will agree with you in that I hate the shit of pushing feminist girl-boss empowerment when it comes to femdom, it's just a sexual interest like anything else.
Though, I'll say that coming from my background, I found a lot of personal empowerment in taking control of the bedroom after
having an extensive history of sexual abuse and harassmentHaving men submit to me and my pleasure, allow me to take control in the bedroom and make all the moves while they were incredibly turned on but restrained putting the power in my hands made me ultimately feel more comfortable when it came to having sex with men again.
If you look in the femdom thread, a lot of anons will agree that true femdom is allowing yourself to be selfish, to have someone submit to you and do what YOU like. I don't know if I've ever seen femdom porn that's actually hot or appealing to women, it's all for coomer moids who prefer it the way you mentioned, catered totally to them and using a powerful woman as a prop to fulfil their degen fantasies.
I would be very happy with a man that woke me up with breakfast in the morning, ate me out when I demanded, showed me respect but still had their own agency. That's ideal, but whether it's achievable is another can of worms.
No. 1088033
>>1088024LOL tbf anon this skinny moid i mentioned did eat a lot. He had just been on ADHD meds his whole life with gave him an insane metabolism, hence the physique. In fact most of the skinny men I dated ate a whole lot more than the chubby ones
>>1088030There's a line sure. Flabby is where I draw it. A bit of pudge is perfect imo, but ideally a fit stature that isn't rock hard. When a man is boney,
nonnie, you really feel it, and it's very cold and not at all comforting.
No. 1088052
>>1087978Softness on men grosses me out visually. I'll gladly deal with a hard body to sleep next to. This
>>1084807 is hot.
No. 1088070
>>1088030>skinny enough I can feel his bones sounds so hot. I despise chubby men and how soft they feel, disgusting.kek I'm the opposite, feeling someone's bones too much is creepy. Not any of those anons, but I just like men who are a bit chubby. They don't look threatening but also not deformed, and I find that cute. It's not the only body type I like in men though,
>>1084807 is gorgeous
No. 1088386
bring back actual websites plz
No. 1088705
>>1088052After a lifetime of skinny or muscular+lean guys I got attracted for the first time to an overweight guy (BMI ~28). Let's just say I'm glad he kept his shirt on while we had sex, I peaked underneath and got turned off immediately by hos soft body. He has a nice face and would be insanely hot if he got lean… What a waste.
>>1088086That's the only good part though
No. 1088710
>>1088365God I fucking hate this too
nonny. Agree with
>>1088386 , personal websites need to make a comeback.
No. 1089603
File: 1646691885285.jpeg (30.8 KB, 474x582, c3b18ec9dc72d0b4ceb1c56d2c7931…)

I hate when anons use terms like "Mommy milkers", "Bangmaid mommy" or "Mommy gf". Even if they are being said on an ironic way or to mock males who say that kind of stuff, it makes me cringe when women of any kind are reffered to in such manner. I don't even know if those phrases exist anymore, they feel like memes that died long ago but I still read them here.
No. 1089840
File: 1646703186019.png (13.63 KB, 214x65, Schermafbeelding 2022-03-08 om…)

This shit. It can't be 'this and that edition' if it's the first fucking thread. Did you not learn this in school? Sage 4 unhinged autism
No. 1090093
>>1089853Famous last words before you hit an unfuckable age, get dumped for his 20 something secretary and end up divorced and impoverished with a bunch of kids to look after, no work history and no savings.
Dumbass, you think we work because it's fun?? It's protection from the statistically proven disadvantages women experience when they get married and have kids.
No. 1090249
>>1089853You'll never be a woman
>>1090093It's bait
No. 1090312
>>1089853please don't
squeeze out a kid
No. 1090853
>>1090846I know! I've even met up with IRL radfems who were
pleasantly surprised that I'm not a TIF… I mean I get where they were coming from but it still sucks that I have to explain to basically everyone in my generation that I don't have pronouns and I'm just a tacky blue-haired lesbian.
No. 1090989
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the trend of having a lower microwave. It just sounds like an accident waiting to happen if someone has kids. You’re just asking for a 5 year old to microwave a plastic toy.
No. 1091039
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When I'm cutting an orange and it starts squirting. Oranges are so good but I wish they weren't so fucking messy,
Cara cara oranges are the best, by the way. Can't live without them.
No. 1091096
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>>1090989These, in a similar vein. It's already hard enough not burning yourself when heaving 2kg out of an lower sitting oven with ill-fitting gloves, why would you do this???
No. 1091187
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>>1091101This is how 80% of microwaves I’ve seen have been. The only people who still have countertop microwaves are in old houses/apartments.
No. 1092040
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>>1091634I agree anon, that's why i as a black women stopped messing with sjw stuff all together. I find it funny that they are calling us "queens" and shit but never talk about the insane femicide rate amongst black women or that black women are forced to be independent because we have useless men.
>>1091774These white women would probably cry if they had to live the life of most "independent" black women. A lot of the successful ones are single mostly because they drank the black love cool aid and need to accept that they are likely never going to find a black man on their level. As for the ones who choose to be single, literally any woman can do this, it's not something black women have mastered or anything, it's just about putting yourself first. A lot of those women are lazy neets who don't want to work hard.
No. 1092051
>>1092040some more relevant statistics, 70% of black women remain unmarried, 75% of black children are born out of wedlock, 90% of black men don't even make 60k a year, 50% of black men do not even have a seconadry education
meanwhile black females perform on par or better with their white female counterparts
No. 1092477
>>1092466I know what you mean as somebody who lives in the UK. A lot of those women are horrific self-esteem issues and a lot of
abusive black men love that because they can make her bend over for him and do all kinds of evil things on his behalf. I don't really feel sorry for all of them because some of them get a kick out of knocking down black women to pull themselves up. I've also heard that a lot of women in these relationships tend be stigmatised after leaving them for dating black men and sometimes will put their children up for adoption to hide their relationship and in hopes of attracting a higher calibre white men. I just think most relationships between white women and black men are based on hatred, low-esteem and abuse from observation and all the videos of their offspring on tiktok complaining prove that. I feel so sorry for them.
No. 1092570
>>1091289I hate this too. Even if it were "what we eat," that would be on account of all the hormones and shit that is in the food these days without any care for anyone's health,
especially women's health. The entire world is set up in a way that is ignorant to women's healthcare and even if we do everything right we are surrounded by things that make us sick and hurt because everything is based on what's better for rich moids.
No. 1092577
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This shit
No. 1092658
>>1092545Retarded to oblivion
>>1091289>>1092570Pcos effects literally ~10% of women yet there's literally no funding to cure it, just put women on BC for the rest of her life. No more periods sure but that fucks up your hormones even more long term and causes bone brittleness and dementia. Women's healthcare is in the medieval era literally, they burned the mid wives only took the how to birth babies info and burned everything else. Gaslighting women about how the current shot isn't causing period and fertility issues even though it collects in the ovaries. Gaslighting about how GMO and hormone fed animals are perfectly fine stop being a Karen health nut bitch. Gaslighting about "natural" cures and how they're dangerous and stop questioning pharma. In Canada they're even trying to ban the association for acupuncture and Chinese traditional medicine. Modern Western societies will fall not because of war or famine or shit, but because they're literally poisoning women and treating people like lab rats.
No. 1092733
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I hate this dumb bitch anon who has been showing up in the celebricow threads for ages just to post about how it’s a celebrity’s (read: woman’s, because they always show up whenever a female celeb gains weight) to look good
No. 1092738
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>>1092297>>1092360I'm the more common version of you, with a black sudanese father who cheated on and abused my white mother, his entire family and community supported him btw so I don't really get along with any of them, despite his shallow attempts to contact every now and then
my paternal family accuse me of being a self-hater cause I refuse to date any afrcians and also cause It would be such a loss, cause I'm considered so beautiful for these men, I thought I was only who went through this but going on Tiktok there are a lot of us who are born in these circumstances, black absent/
abusive fathers and white mothers who are not the best, like I love my mom but I do think she was an Idiot for being with my father
No. 1092781
>>1092702I'm trying to cut out seed/vegetable oils and I hate how it's in almost everything. It's also hard to cut them out if you share a kitchen and ingredients with other people, I do with my family.
nonnie it's a nut!
No. 1092803
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>>1092792idk if this applies towards most of the west, but here in Germany most white female converts do tend too be from the SJW crowd, upper middle class and university educated and usually hang out with the woke muslim crowd you mentioned, while also trying to LARP as oprsssed minorities
male converts are a different story, they are what an american might call white trash, poor street thugs who a lot of times were neo-nazis, converting to Salafi Islam is a natural development for someone who hates the system and is close to other violent Muslims, always seemingly tall viking looking as well
No. 1092808
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>>1092798Olive oil isn't bad tbh, that and butter are much better than seed/vegetable oils. But that everything I say with a grain of salt because I'm a little retarded…
No. 1092827
>>1092819>>1092820I don't think my mom was that type but she was young middle class and wanted to be special, so she married my father to be something more then ordinary, as much I dislike her the didn't deserve the abuse of my father and his family was too much
anyway I guess unpopular opinion among with the "mixed kid white mom" community, is that our fathers deserve way more shit then our mothers, seriously less then 1/10th of content is about our dads
always found that infuriating
No. 1092896
>>1092828of course its only a minority of girls, imo stems more an issue of self-confidence, I can tell you from first hand experience that you don't have to do jackshit for black guys and they will treat you like a goddess(initially at least) being a preference has its advantages, but ultimately he does not care about you as a person at all, only what you represent. They are trying to create the illusion that black men have all these dating options outside of their race while black women have none and therefore should only settle for "struggle love". Ultimately, this triangulation is meant to manipulate black women.
which ended happening to my mother
No. 1092935
>>1092912black muslims(from the continent, not converts) tend to be super religious and actually follow Islam on every principle, better then majority of the Arabs
my paternal family hates Muslims for that reason, they are overall really salty for being conquered by Arabs, which I kinda find hilarious, would have probably been with an Arab guy If not a white guy to piss off them, but arabs are also shitty in other ways(not as bad as africans though imo)
No. 1092971
>>1092702I'm confused, why seed oils specifically? Is it because all processed food uses these cheap oils or do they have a specific hormonal effect on the body?
>muh pure healthy butter This is such a meme, most people are at least mildly lactose intolerant, also all dairy has pus in it
No. 1093008
>>1092979>>1093001Cows udders aren't meant to be milked for months and years, and doubly not meant to be drained by machines. So they get infected from irritation and overuse. Infections mean pus, blood and fluids in the milk. You can't clean it or separate it out. Every dairy standards board in the world has a magic number, an acceptable amount of pus molecules per litre of milk.
That number is never zero.
All dairy has pus in it.
No. 1093040
>>1092971Because seed oils are literally chemical waste lol. There are many docs on YT about it, here's a random one
Butter isn't the only thing you can use, by the way, but dairy itself isn't actually bad
No. 1093042
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>>1092890This was an actual Ad in 1992
No. 1093056
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I hate that my cat can’t speak to me.
The last few weeks anytime she goes into a deep sleep it seems like she’s having nightmares. She’ll start flexing her paws and lifting the corner of her lip. As the dream gets more intense she starts growling softly and moving her front legs before she just suddenly pounces awake. I want to know so badly what she’s dreaming about.
No. 1093057
>>1093018I cansometimes taste a very
off taste in butter and milk. I always assumed it had gotten bad and almost puked once when I had a butter that literally tasted like infection
No. 1093059
>>1093040Not answering my question. I don't eat many processed foods so if I switch all my sunflower oil in cooking to coconut or peanut oil, what would change?
Inb4 fry with olive oil only, cooking with olive oil makes things taste like dirt.
>>1093023I love how you can soothe any painful truth by saying "it's been debunked" without citing sources. It's common sense that milking animals for years with industrial machines will result in sickly animals excreting things you don't want to put in your body.
Feel free to post peer reviewed "debunking" that have not been funded by the dairy industry.
No. 1093060
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>>1093045>>1093049Never trust a white liberal, they're always like that because they were scum to minorities.
No. 1093092
>>1093059It's not so much about the source of the oil but it's composition of SFA, MUFA, PUFA and PUFA ratio of omega 3 and 6. Most seed oils are more PUFA than anything else and they have a skewed omega 3 and 6 ratio. Consuming too much omega 6 and not enough omega 3 can cause chronic inflammation which leads to health issues and even cancer.
I went hard keto in my early 20s and I stopped using any seed oils. All I used for cooking was coconut, olive oil, lard and beef tallow. Now I eat a less restrictive low carb diet and I use more types of oil such as avocado, hemp, rape and ghee as well as animal fats.
No. 1093093
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>>1092890Why you shaming my man Gold
No. 1093200
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>>1092827>anyway I guess unpopular opinion among with the "mixed kid white mom" community, is that our fathers deserve way more shit then our mothers, seriously less then 1/10th of content is about our dads This
I don't understand this myself, yes white moms are somewhat at fault, but the amount of sympathy of our fathers get is insane, even by us
this article was written by someone who had a white mother and a black absente father and yet she still defends him, I don't understand why across the black dispora we baby our men so much, no race of them has been this coddled and yet still treat like shit in every situation
I have never understood why certain mixed women defend black men so much, cause we receive the most fetishization and objectification from them, then any other racial group
No. 1093284
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I love my cats but these bitches act like they are fucking starving every moment of every day. I am so glad I don't have stairs because they would have tripped and killed me 30 times over by now.
No. 1093321
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Big strawberries. My grandmother always buys me this type of strawberries and I hate them because they don’t taste like anything. I’d rather eat one small strawberry that’s packed of flavour before eating 10 of these savourless monstrosities.
No. 1093516
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>>1093513Nta but I remember that (picrel from that time period). My opinion is that sometimes it's annoying, other times I like it. Depends I guess on whether it feels like it's being used too lightly.
No. 1093528
>>1093514I hate that SO MUCH I don't know why but something about it seriously irks me. It's too obnoxiously trying to make a point I suppose. The phrasing is conspicuously unnatural. Maybe they're trying to be PC to soften the blow, but we should speak about serious things for what they are. It's almost as if they're making out suicide like it's an unpreventable natural disaster, which boils my blood tbh. They're trying to take away culpability from the person which on one hand I understand, from a sympathetic mental health perspective, but on the other hand it's still a harmful act that needs some stigma to prevent it. It hurts others and can
trigger other suicides, plus men tend to traumatize or take others out with them.
Overall the whole purposefully adjusting our speech to be palatable thing is very icky to me. Makes people sound so slimy and inauthentic. As though everything they say and do is crafted for social points (and it increasingly is). An overarching issue really.
No. 1093594
>>1093516Hmm, maybe I should start playing these "dang it Ron Paul" games…
>>1093514I think we say "committed" because suicide used to be some sort of crime or sin idk. That sounds pretty dumb and fucked up and I prefer "died by suicide". However I think "killed themselves" is fine, now that one's pretty unbiased.
No. 1093691
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>>1089840Luna isn’t the dollar store Belle Delphine. Have we forgotten ms. Lina Deppsen/Cowbellemilk is. Next to Kittysophie
No. 1093827
>>1093528Do you think it was neutral to refer to an act of what is usually desperation due to social circumstances as a crime and sinful?
>They're trying to take away culpability from the person which on one hand I understand, from a sympathetic mental health perspective, but on the other hand it's still a harmful act that needs some stigma to prevent it.When someone enters a suicidal mental state to focus on culpability ignores the reality they literally are not thinking straight and their view of their options is extremely restricted and flawed. In this day and age stigma will not do much though glorifying or encouraging overemphasizing with
victims is dangerous, social reality and relationships for people are changing with internet.
No. 1093844
>>1093827My wording was poor. I didn't mean to call it a sin or imply anything more by stigma than taking the act seriously. I mean, I've been there before, and what stopped me at the time was knowing the consequences that would mean hurting other people. That was all that stopped me. I feel like there's a push to minimalize the consequences because it's unpleasant to talk about how suicide isn't something that hurts yourself only. I don't wanna go into this any deeper on this thread or anything, it was my bad for wording it that way. I meant to say how there seems to be a push to treat that part less seriously because it has been used to treat suicide as a sin like you said, but I stupidly skipped all the details. Honesty about the consequences is what culpability means to me because I was aware back then that I would be culpable for hurting other people. By stigma I meant acknowledgment that it is an act with negative effects on society, which some people minimize to be sensitive on the issue. Of
course we should still treat suicidal people or suicide
victims with gentleness and understanding of their mental state, I just felt like op's original topic is an example of going a bit too far trying to minimize the seriousness, to me at least, maybe I read too much into it
No. 1093927
>>1093844I hate guilt trippers like you. Boohoo, what about other people? Nobody asked to be born or to suffer. If you believe that everyone is free, than you must accept that they have the right to commit suicide. Simple as that. It doesn't meant that there shouldn't be help for mentally ill people or that methods that are physically dangerous to others should be promoted (quite the opposite, unnecessary pain and trauma should be avoided). Nobody's life is a property of society or other people though. If suicide is well thought and not a compulsive decision, it's the ultimate act of agency.
Yes, I do plan to kill myself when the time is right – and I regret not doing so years ago, though I really did not have a measure to do so. I have been treated and in therapy for a long time, FYI.Anyway I will not discuss this further.
If you really care wash the feet of a beggar No. 1093963
>>1093953I just don't like them, I have had them fetishize my entire life cause of my lighter skin and loose curls
plus I dislike the community cause they were so godawful to my white mother
I don't want anything to do with them
No. 1093965
>>1093963lol fair enough
although dont let one bad fruit spoil the batch. some of them are interesting people
No. 1093981
>>1093965I have some Gambian friends and I get along with them, I trust them but I am not of fond of black men across the dispora
they are the the most coddled group of men across the planet, who believe their own hype despite the most conquered group of men on the planet and they still fucking leave us despite all the shit we do for them, they still leave us that's anything a shade lighter
as anon said
>>1092297 BM ain't shit, they aren't either protectors or providers
No. 1094103
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I hate "inspired" makeup looks that always end up looking like generic instagram clown makeup.
>makeup inspired by sunny day
>makeup inspired by christmas
>makeup inspired by fictional character
>makeup inspired by food
>makeup is always the same giant winged shadow and giant false eyelashes so you can barely see the actual makeup
I swear this is Nikkie Tutorials' fault. If he hadn't introduced drag makeup to the average woman we wouldn't be here.
No. 1094149
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White gays, TIMs and white girls who comment on Tom Holland and Zendaya's relationship
they always make it weird and project their own fetishes on those two, like this entire section is just woke white women, gays and fetishits
there's almost always a group of unhinged troons calling slightly smaller looking men fembois and non bimbo women troons so they can feed into their disgusting "shEs peGGinG him" porn sick headcanons bc they can't just accept a normal heterosexual couple No. 1094153
>>1094149The women who talk about Zendaya and Tom Holland's relationship like this are same kind of people that ree any time someone says a bisexual female and a bisexual male in a relationship are in a straight relationship. Everything has to be QUEER but say homosexual/heterosexual and they'll shit themselves in rage.
The troons love their relationship because a tall biracial woman is totally just like a man with a feminization fetish! Totally! It's not racist at all to think that! Definitely not!
No. 1094171
>>1094153with TIM degernacy I almost expect it and thus I'm not really offended, but the white girls who claim its a "queer relationship" always rub me the wrong way
I swear these are types who'll male tweets like "black women are tougher then marines" and they will have no Idea how offensive that ends up sounding, some extremely woke white women do not view black women as being "real women" in a sense
Is it that hard to just acknowledge racism and treat us like normal human beings, like that's we all ask for
No. 1094225
>>1094212you'd be surprised, they'll claim any relationship where a man is good looking and takes care of his appearance is queer cause the guy is so totally a femboy or If a woman wears comfortable clothing then she's a top energy mommy dom who pegs his
Its all so tiresome
No. 1094360
>>1094218Unpopular? That's just literally the truth nona. If I see teenage boys in public I run. They are natural bred sociopaths. I've had them bully me even in my 20s kek.
I want to think the awful shit they brag about doing is made up to feel cool but I know how horrible they really can be.
A friend of my ex was raped and murdered brutally by two boys in high school. Makes me sick to think about
No. 1094394
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I hate Santeria, what the fuck? So people were making fun of Summer Walker's outfit in the celebricows thread and then I saw a comment mentioning she is probably a new member of Santeria (a Cuban religion known for sacrificing animals).
This isn't the first time I've heard of this, is it growing or something? A random cow in the illness faker community posted herself covered in decapitated pigeons (pretended she was another person "leaking them" to play the victim about it of course) in one of these rituals. I just think it's disgusting, cultural relativism is retarded, that shit is cuckoo and criminal
No. 1094533
>>1094218I've purposefully lost touch with them since but I knew someone with a 12 year old son who seemed very young for his age. He told me that the kids mom (seperated parents) tended to really baby all her kids. It really showed. He also seemed like he might even have a developmental delay going on outside of that. He was a young 12 I thought.. until I learnt that his dad kept finding porn in his internet history. Dad even thought it was cute? I was disturbed by the thought. To look at him you wouldn't think he was there yet.
Fast forward a few months and items of clothing went missing when I stayed at their house one time. I'm not dumb, I know where they went. We had a row about it (me and the dad) and he refused to accept that his porn addicted son would take a womans worn underwear. It happened a second time when I had been careful to keep an eye on my stuff.. I found the son 'sleep walking' into the room where I was staying and then my underwear were gone again. Isn't that strange timing? The dad lived in blissful denial. I fucked off tired of his shit. Boys aren't sweet little babies for long. It's sad and it doesn't help when parents go into denial mode and fail to see they've changed. You need to address this shit before it turns into worse boundary stomping sexual behaviours.
No. 1094637
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this shit is so retarded
No. 1094640
>>1094637Why are people segregating themselves into little hug box groups of disability? It's so fucking bizarre. The absolute
need to feel special and have special treatment actually makes me sick.
No. 1094707
>>1094677yes but in the sense that she befriends/likes actual gay men, most fujos don’t associate themselves with gay men or even like real gay men there is a difference
>>1094692it’s so obvious that it’s the same anon too because she has a distinct typing style and will constantly bring up fujos being “porn sick” out of nowhere like literally will just bring it up out of thin air
No. 1094928
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All beards look absolutely disgusting (to me) but I especially hate this powdery hobo santa claus variant.
No. 1094938
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>>1094928agreed almost always, but a short one like picrel can be very, very cute. how anons are saying chris pine is "styling appropriately" is beyond my understanding. he's trying to look like an even more coked up, skeazy, miami-trawling 70 yo Dos Equis guy, except only at 40, and for no reason. he looks ancient when he isnt
No. 1094955
>>1094533That's horrific anon. I'm so sorry you went through that. What shitty parents. A 12 year old should not be watching porn, the internet was a mistake.
>>1094692I don't think it's samefagging tbh. If it was mods would red text. Trying to guess who anons are is pointless anyway unless it's the really obvious ones like Romaniananon, Pakianon etc.
No. 1095021
>>1094961Wait are you
>>1094552 or
>>1094404 who was complaining lesbians are ruining the site and turning into Tumblr?
No. 1095034
>>1095017I just think they're very naggy
>>1095015but at least I'm not annoying
>>1095021i was doing what? is that shit show going on in another thread?
No. 1095045
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There's a new form of prescription free viagra out and some pharmacies in my country have the most obnoxious ads all over the store both inside and out. It's a lil too in your face considering what it is. In a country where pharmacies won't even sell so much as a bullet vibe next to their condom selection… viagra ads are suddenly plastered everywhere?
It's honestly the most invasive set of ads I've ever seen in person. You walk through the security barriers and it's now on all the barriers. Then throughout the inside too. Its at kid level on the way in? Pic has nothing on the store I was in. Love that you can buy cock pills and cock rings and condoms and preggo tests but still can buy a lil vibe in pharmacies.
No. 1095244
nonnie…most young men need Viagra by now bc they broke their dyk with pron.
No. 1095245
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Incels. Average men who cope with no women wanting them because of their shitty personality, by blaming their looks or women being whores. This dude literally looked fine, but being ugly on the inside shows on the outside.
No. 1095288
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>>1095250Theres absolutely no point in talking to incels. They've been on incel forums, lookism, and r9k so long that they lose any attachment to reality. I tried to get my little brother out of this shit but he preferred to be comfortable in contempt than dare to look at the darkness and flaws within himself. In the end I did not tolerate a self loathing, contemptuous weasel calling me a whore when I was the one who wiped shit off his ass and dealt with his tantrums when he was in diapers until he was a grown man who'd cry when he needed money. When he used to insult everyone around him but the moment you were critical of him he crumpled into a broken fool. They have excuses for everything, they hate work, and they are addicted to each other's misery. In a way, they punish themselves. All I could do was leave him a copy of Meditations by Aurelius and hope he broke off from his internet addiction, haven't gone back to see him in two years.
I used to hold pity for them but I never will again.
No. 1095300
>>1095244Yes but viagra can also kill them because it's a medicine that manipulates blood pressure or something.
>>1095267Most men are shameful of asking for viagra prescription but you're right, ed is becoming more common. Porn, obesity, unhealthy living standards, depression, shitty food and all of those contribute to men not being able to perform well sexually but most would rather take pills and fuck up their life further than losing a few pounds or solving the real issues.
No. 1095338
>>1095245Why did you even talk to him to begin with?
>>1095288I'm very sorry you went through that nonna. It must especially hurt it being your little brother, but really there's nothing else you could have done. You can lead a horse to water but can't force it to drink and all. If I were in your position I'd just give up too.
No. 1095383
>>1095356The first guy I ever dated (tho he hardly counts tbh) was more experienced than me and told me he isn't into giving oral. But then he was pushing me about receiving it. Coz that's fair? In that moment I could've easily gone into pushover mode given how young I was, I didn't and I never dated a man who wasn't into giving oral since. It's weird that it's often expected in a one sided way. A man can rule it out with you because he tried it once a few years back and that woman was smelly. Who the hell is this woman? I've heard male friends discuss this aswell. Who are these guys hooking up with? Is this one woman with active B.V doing the rounds.. Is it an urban myth? lol
And bjs can drag on depending on the guy, a lot of work can go into giving a bj to completion if the guy isn't young.. put equal effort in. Men say women are harder to get off so any gap in the amount of orgasms is that.. pornsick dick gripping men are harder to get off than anything.
No. 1095465
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With all the tranny attention we got yesterday anons are so ready to jump at any post asking if is bait, can't we all just relax?
No. 1095474
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>>1095468a troon came to pity beg us to take his pig face down, I had a blast.
No. 1095490
>>1095474MtF thread? That thread has been a sperg milk fest recently. I guess because MtFs cannot resist any attention, especially from women, especially when they can play the
No. 1095880
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>>1095045I'm tired of ED ads everywhere too. Sex toy ads are also normalized where I live and I dislike that too. There are billboards on the highway for vibrators for example. Just yesterday I saw pic related and was surprised they allowed that on their front page, I thought even the Sun had higher standards.
No. 1096223
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When I'm making one of these and it starts seeping "blood". I get it, the goal is to make veggie burgers more appealing to meat-eaters or people transitioning to a plant-based diet, but I promise you no one has ever thought "You know what? I really want a veggie burger that bleeds". And the blood liquid never comes out at the start of the cooking process, it's always when the burger is already done.
No. 1096325
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>>1096268This is my dad. Every morning at 6am, he would do that disgusting hacking up garbage disposal sound while brushing his teeth. It was so loud you could hear it on the other side of the house, and he'd do it for several minutes. My room was right next to his bathroom, so for years I never got to sleep in a single day.
No. 1096330
>>1096288Nta but for reasons I'm pretty sensitive to yelling, I told an ex this seeing as he was a bit of a yeller. I'm a reasonable enough person to have a constructive argument with so screaming is really never called for… I'm certainly not yelling back. well all he heard when I shared my sensitivity is 'this is her weakness, do it even more!'
I should've walked the first time that it became very clear he was using it to punish me or hit a nerve. Telling men your weaknesses or your trauma and having them only use it against you over petty little shit…. fun times.
No. 1096969
nonnie, mute as in can’t speak, we still want him to hear
No. 1097278
>>1097268>>1097249Yeah, you know what? I’m genuinely sorry for not thinking of my trans-sisters and trans-brothers, they don’t deserve the hate they get.
They just want to make sure lesbians can enjoy dick, that kids get the surgeries they need at 5 years old you know, like getting the dick and balls chopped for the assigned gringos at birth and an arm sausage for the girls, that J.K. Rowling gets murdered and/or raped because of some tweets she made, that people with penises can hangout in changing rooms with little girls while flopping their dicks around, that rapists and pedophiles can get some rest at jail with women.
Yeah, I was in the wrong, I’m so sorry, I will from now on make sure that my trans-friends are kept safe and sound, I will go to my nearest rape relief center to punch a woman.
No. 1097295
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My girlfriend keeps mentioning about how I whimper in my sleep since she noticed and now gives reports on the whimpering level every morning, leave me alone and sleep by God I never wanted to be cared about in this specific area
No. 1097328
>>1097288It's a YouGov poll, they have a few UK polls on trans issues. Majority doesn't support for trans in sports and it keeps getting worse, majority is only ok with trans if they had SRS. Also support is getting worse overall kek
> A recent YouGov poll for PinkNews showed that by 50% to 27% Britons believe that people should be allowed to self-identify as a gender different to the one they were assigned at birth. While still a commanding lead, this figure is a slight decline since 2019 (56% to 23%).It's easy to peak normies, most of them just never thoight about it deeply. Tell them about a time you saw trannies trying to make biological experiences of men (trans men trying to make male pregnancy a thing) and women (too many to count) all about themselves. Don't even talk about gender, just say that trans people have experiences that are uniquely theirs and thus question the validity of TWAW/TMAM on a biological basis. Next time they get exposed to tranny bullshit they will peak. You get 99% of normies like this, even liberal ones if you make the distinction with homosexuality very clear (as they probably know normal gay people and will have a bad reaction against what you are saying if they see it as homophobia).
No. 1097338
>>1097331Were you a
victim? Band up with other
victims for support. You can call the group A.A. for Anonymous Anonymous
No. 1097376
>>1097286Oh look now they're trying to gather "proof" that LC is a
terf site to shut it down. There's plenty of trans supporters and terfs, somehow they can coexist without sperging about it 24/7.
No. 1097385
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>>1097376if you’re on this site and you support trannies I am manifesting your demise
No. 1097408
>>1097249>>1097268Most of the world agrees with the "trans exclusionary" part of
TERF because men can't be women and vice versa. The world isn't a hellhole like Los Angeles or whatever. Sorry
Also, your "logic" is literally what happens when you have no critical thinking skills. You don't question anything, you just think "Wait, people in my tiny bubble hate x, so x must be bad!! No I won't think about it". Like, imagine not using your brain and going through life like that lmao. Your internet friends could unironically tell you that women give birth from their assholes and you'd go to every other part of the internet to seethe at people for not going along
No. 1097425
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I hate tums in any form. I can't stand the texture at all. As a kid when my mom would give me tums, I'd chew them and feel my mouth salivate instantaneously like how you salivate when you're close to throwing up and so I wouldn't swallow them, I'd just keep them in my mouth and they'd get soggy and even more disgusting. I still will occasionally take tums and I still salivate like I'm about to puke. Fucking disgusting. They created the cure for tummy aches but it's in the form of sidewalk chalk. Ugh.
No. 1097434
>>1097268>multiple groups hate anti-transNah, you just have a motivation to trick people into thinking it's a bigger and more acceptable movement than it is. And then even so, might=/=right. At one point multiple groups thought that the earth was flat and fully believed one could sail off the edge of the planet as evidenced by their perceived understanding of science and observation at the time.
There is no scientific basis that adult men suddenly become women because they put on a dress and want different pronouns.
No. 1097526
>>1097422How? Do you feel called out because I said it's dumb to go through life without any form of critical thinking?
If so, I'll take "deranged" over whatever you've mistaken for logic/rationality, godspeed anon kek
No. 1097547
>>1097542I don't think some of you faggots leave the internet for the opposite reason kek because where do you actually encounter trannies on a daily basis
answer: you generally don't, they make up like 5-10% of the population max, if not much smaller than that
been here for nearly 2 years never speak out about the political sides I disagree with on this site and I finally get to say I don't care
No. 1097564
>>1097550Because I don't fearmonger over that shit like a bulk of users on this site do, and I am much more scared of male identifying males? Also seeing users hype up conservative bills and not having the nuance or awareness to recognize that those politicians hate biological women. Don't hype up that disabled faggot Greg Abbot for his "based anti tranny bill" when he want us to have rights either kek. It's such an inverse seeing radfems and self proclaimed gender critical feminists turn around and support conservative politicians for espousing anti tranny talking points when those politicians hate biological women too, and I've seen it multiple times
If you're going to be outside the libfem box or not like other feminists or whatever then you can't just blindly support any politician who's anti trans whatever when they're a conservative evangelical lunatic who hates women having abortion rights. That's just playing right into the conservative's pockets
No. 1097570
>>1097564*when he doesn't want us to have rights I cannot fucking type today
anyway as someone who lives in a southern state where incestuous rape babies are basically forced to be born now because of our trash politicians it's going to gross me out to see self proclaimed feminists on this site hyping up anything from Greg fucking Abbott.
As for trannies i really just don't care about their existence. I'm much more scared of men taking away my rights than some dudes in bathrooms. It must be nice for those of you who weren't born and raised in conservative hellhole states to be able to complain all the time
No. 1097579
>>1097564Girl…. you are STILL going on about my hyper-ignorant "Texas is based" comment that I made based on a misunderstanding of the bill AND while not being an American, or being aware of any of your stupid fucking politicians when I said that banning gender shit for kids was a good idea. I've seen you bring this up in separate fucking threads despite the fact that I retracted my original statement, EXPLAINED WHY I WAS MISINFORMED, and told you that I was not aware about the state of abortion laws in that particular state or who the
fuck Abbott is. It's so funny how identifiable you are through your constant choice of chimp out.
Btw, I am still glad "Abbott won't fuck me". Maybe move out of your horrible fucking state to somewhere that even slightly cares about women's reproductive health? Also males ARE transwomen, so you'd be right to fear men regardless of their wrapping paper.
No. 1097611
>>1097602yeah reading about the anons who met guys on /pol/ made me cringe
that anon in celebricows the other day who said blm was retarded and posted the article about the black panther guy unironically sounded like a scrote from /pol/. sometimes I tinfoil they try and insert themselves here among us, but their faggotry always comes leaking out because they have no idea how not to sound repellant for 5 seconds
No. 1097612
>>1097600i don't think that is what she's saying. i think she's wrong about a few things here but uhh yeah tranny shit is less important than access to abortion or enacting austerity or further restricting access to public health. ALL of these things affect women and children en masse FAR worse and on a greater scale than troons do. troons are a plague tainting everything though and they make liberals look even more retarded. for that reason alone their "cause" should be dropped from all platforms and not advocated for.
>>1097601they really, genuinely are the lesser of the two evils. i already know they're corrupt, but they, on aggregate, cause far less damage. please stop. also, you don't seem to realize how certain political movements start or something, it's not like all liberal politicians believe this shit or even want to advocate for it but some, at least, know it's political suicide because genuinely, voters are deluded by troonery. this issue is VERY much propped up by people because they naively believe (primarily the very vocal women) believe they are being oppressed.
No. 1097623
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>>1097614It's ok anon I've needed to go to the psych ward since at least late 2020 it's miraculous I'm still alive
No. 1097624
>>1097614romania, i do agree with you on this particular issue wholeheartedly. yes, these "radfems" who are fighting against, essentially centrism, ffs, are insane and don't hold consistent beliefs at all. they just want to reee about trannies to the detriment of actual women and children. WAY more children and women are affected by, say, even more austere policies, than trannies. i think it should be totally acceptable to talk about this kind of stuff here but the idea that users are radfems is laughable when they're hyping up conservatives, kek. if they were consistent and had good priortities, it'd be based though. unless they're just men larping or they came here from somewhere else or idk but they're not radfems, you cannot be a radical feminist and a conservative. ever. ever ever.
No. 1097640
>>1097622Yeah I don't think it was that bad. Whether we agree with one another or not people having an open dialogue is the nature of the internet that's been lost on it. We certainly are better at debating and discussing than a lot of other sites, amid the sperging
It's hard not to get emotional on topics like these so i get why everyone feels strongly about it. I get why it's hard to discuss. Whether I agree with everyone or not its nice to be able to read multiple perspectives on things. That's the beauty and sometimes the horror of being able to speak your mind.
No. 1097644
>>1097636>I don’t think any itt has disagreed with the notion of “you can’t be conservative and a radfem” because you literally cannot and no one has stated otherwise yet you keep making it out to seem like just because we hate trannies and celebrate when they get some pushbackobviously you're missing a lot of the discussion happening throughout the site then, mostly on the snow threads.
>>1097632people do argue with conservatives, what are you talking about? and why don't more people shitfling with obvious /pol/ baitposters? that's your question? why are they just instead banned? you'd prefer we have drawn out discussions with hardened racists coming here specifically to bait with baitpics?
No. 1097652
>>1097648Its a troonie who wants to be included in this female only imageboard and gets
triggered when evil terves don't wanna fuck him. Kek! %41 soon.
No. 1097663
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It's incredibly selfish, I know, but image ids are soo annoying. They're always way too long overly descriptive, which clogs up my feed. just use alt text.
No. 1097667
>>1097645>she said supporting conservatives because they are anti trans is retarded when they ban abortion and take women's rights back by 1000 yearsLiterally who did that? Policies that are anti trans are good, but that doesn't mean conservatives are good. It means liberals aren't doing what they should be doing. It's that simple, but you just make up a retarded boogeyman about conservative sympathizers and rage at everyone instead. If conservatives want to take back women's right 1000 years, liberals want to do it 900 and then gaslight us that it's actually based and woke. Sorry we don't suck rapist "male feminist" dick, fuck off
>Maybe if you got off your NEETbux in your mom's apartment you'd see what opression women truly face. You're so retarded for attacking an anon that thinks trannies are not the worst opression for women, when they are right.The projection is real. Privileged first world woman who's probably never known struggle in a 100% misogynistic, hellish country telling women from all over the world that they're in mom's basement on NEETbux lol
>You just attack whatever does not fit your narrative because you lack critical thinking and braincellsThis is literally what you're doing. Branding everyone a conservative sympathizer because of ONE anon who praised ONE anti troon policy. Maybe people here will praise liberals more when they actually pull their weight and stop harming women and children under the guise of feminism
No. 1097675
>>1097659I mean, in my country I have no other option “liberals” which are communists disguised as socialists are basically fucking everyone up and making the country get sanctioned left and right because of the drug trafficking that the embassies have to take care of abs that the government gives money to so they can keep their whole neighborhoods in the USA and other “first world” countries.
I either go for a “conservative” which is a capitalist in non-burger or stay with my “liberal” government that has only managed to become more and more corrupted over time while making the country seem like a low-budget circus.
I’m seriously annoyed at how everyone thinks that everything is “conservative this, liberal that” no, both suck, stop trying to pretend that it’s one or another, learn about centric views for fuck’s sake, is that so difficult?
No. 1097682
>>1097642if this is what I get my longest ban for then good fucking riddance
>>1097648I'm the lawmaker poster and I'm not the same anon as OP. either way I clearly shouldn't have responded at all and now I feel bad it's spiraled out into this.
No. 1097694
>>1097679>you are not right, both liberals and right wingers are bad but you clearly sympathize with one of them.Which one and how? Use examples of things I've stated, not your delusions
>Right wingers want women to not go to school and be breeding stock which a lot of anons on here seem to be ok withWho agrees in this thread? Link to any post saying that that's good. You can't, because it didn't happen, you're strawmanning so fucking hard just because we aren't whiteknighting liberals
No. 1097696
>>1097666yes, women are far less violent. what does that have to do with anything at all though? i'm not defending, say, a conservative female politician, being paid out the ass to destroy the lives of millions of other people, PARTICULARLY women and children, no, over someone a dude who is, cumulatively, helping the actual lives through policy of women and children.
>>1097678>name one instance of tradthot raping a woman please, in return have these stunning brave liberal men who are championing womens rightsthis has literally nothing to do with anything. you're just talking about randos. yes, women tend not to be rapists or violent. we know this already.
No. 1097710
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>>1097683I've been a vegetarian for about 6 years, but I've never ever had tempeh (at least not to my knowledge). What is it like? I always imagined it tastes very "blank", like unseasoned tofu or seitan and that it will just taste like whatever you put on it.
No. 1097720
File: 1647284043704.gif (11.45 KB, 375x350, giphy.gif)

Everyone shut up and look at Nyan Pusheen
No. 1097721
>>1097683It tastes like crumbly musty boogers don't recommend -1/10
I tried a lot of different methods of cooking it with a bunch of food combinations and it always tastes bad
No. 1097730
>>1097701And I don't do that shit, so I'm not sure what level a person's IQ must be for reading "Both right wing and left wing are shit for women" and not just thinking, but
insisting it says "Conservative radfems are
valid uwu right wingers have our best interests as women at heart!!"
>Also, start holding western women accountable for spreading mysoginistic stereotypes about women like being a bimboWho doesn't here? Where are the bimbo radfems on Lolcow? Or do you think I'm a western woman from TikTok or some shit? Enough. I will ALWAYS hold western liberal shitstains accountable for fucking up the world, including my country, with neoliberalism garbage and calling it justice. False friends who promised liberation just to stab us in the back. Conservatives will support Islam to fuck over women's rights and turn us into cattle, liberals will do it and then suppress ex-Muslim women, calling them "self-hating" because anything a scrote says or does is fine as long as he has dark skin. BTW support porn companies, it's progressive to be made into public property, call yourself a menstruator ("woman" is a
triggering, dirty word) and don't you dare say anything is wrong with a 13 year old being given a masectomy. No this isn't anything close to breast ironing in other countries, no our "progress" isn't just leading us back to where you started, you are jut sympathizing with conservatives!! You're a tradthot if you're not on our side, reeee fucking terfs stop talking about these things.
I'm just so fucking sick of it
>tfw you sperg so hard you accidentally report your post instead of deleting it No. 1097751
>>1097733why are you telling me that? I haven't been a camgirl in 2 years and I was a literal child, I was barely 18. I never said western women cannot be trafficked/groomed but I will hold a 25-30 year old woman accountable for spreading mysoginistic representations of women, I will excuse someone younger since they are virtually still a child. Women also contribute to the mysoginy women face by setting example. How is your argument even available when it's something of the past? You clearly have 0 reading comprehension.
>>1097730conservatives also support porn and are addicted to porn they just LARP as puritans, don't forget that theoretically they support free market capitalism.
No. 1097756
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>>1097751I warned you, I want you a great mod, you drag the gatekeeper, you fucking gatekeeper I warned you, I'll be back LOLCOR next time I show up we're helpless you're not comfortable you don't do anything you use you don't use anything you hurt us you're the worst you still feel like i'm back and nothing, please please
No. 1097764
>>1097732>>1097739>>1097751At the end of the day, the problem is ultimately men, they have the same fucking goals with different packaging so the battle of "who is worse" is pointless. Fucking three different VPNs just to be able to say this because of a male-run country and its hatred for free speech
We either live and die in some form of misery, or we somehow achieve a sex-segregated community without male control. Either way, I'm not defending liberal males or conservative ones for anything
No. 1097937
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Damn you idiots really don’t know how bills work, do you. None of you have heard about riders? Really? You’re fucking hopeless. No. 1098010
>>1097814what about the woman that sex trafficked me? Not all women are
victims and if we don't hold women accountable for perpetuating mysoginy, then we cannot improve. Sometimes women can side with men in their opression.
No. 1098061
>>1098043Yes, but those sort of women are not coerced into it necessarily and a lot of them do it on their own accord. I understand young women making mistakes, but I have corrected my unhealthy behaviors and I expect other adult women to do so too. Not all women are
victims, some women are opressors.
No. 1098067
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>>1098010>>1097751Your story keeps changing, maybe you should write it down to keep track.
No. 1098099
>>1098064>I was really proud of you when you said you were going to try to regain your anonymity, and you were doing really well at it too until this thread today.Maybe because anons point out is me and then proceed to make assumptions and say shit about me and I am forced to stand up for myself? Everything it took was 1 post and then 4 anons began screeching that it is romanianon and they started bringing my personal life into it and trying to shut me down from speaking up.
>At the end of the day you used your personal life again to contribute to an argument which was essentially that women should ignore men in dresses who want to take away the language and spaces they use to protect their reproductive rights because somehow that is the way to avoid men in suits who also want to harm their reproductive rights. No, I did not bring my personal life into my initial argument. Look at the posts. I just responded to the anon telling me to shut up because I am a camwhore so I have no take on this, but I did absolutely not bring my personal life into the initial argument and I stayed as objective as possible. You were all being obtuse towards the initial anon which was basically arguing that out of the hatred of troons women often times fall into the trap of right wingers which is as dangerous as leftist pro sex work bullshit for women's wellbeing and rights as a group. Banning abortion is some medieval shit that regards woman as an object which the state has complete control over, a birthing machine with no rights over her own body. Stop pretending like some radfems aren't right wingers, they are on lolcow and on the internet because the ideologies somehow intersect but you cannot be both of them without being a stupid sack of potatoes American that does not understand politics and takes everything at face value. Shut the fuck up being obtuse as shit and I say this as someone with a very mixed value system
No. 1098111
>>1098061i dont know why youre saying this to me, i dont think those women are
victims i think theyre fucking evil.
No. 1098133
>>1098127some feminists like to act as if all women are opressed and
victims of the system even when they are opressors, look at the thread.
No. 1098337
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>>1098254>>1098098Meanwhile actual left wing extremism is how many even got to vote and got rights. Actual left-wing extremism is generally based, you just don't see it much anymore in the west.
>On 19 February 1913, suffragettes in England bombed the new country house of Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George - just one of many violent attacks of the time. Having been a vocal proponent of votes for women, upon entering government George then did nothing about it. Evidence recovered by police at the scene included unignited explosives and hat pins. Emmeline Pankhurst claimed personal responsibility for the attack and was jailed, although she promptly went on hunger strike and was quickly released.>>1098247based
>>1098323NTA, but you're gullible if you believe anyone in power won't abuse their power. You're gullible if you believe a woman gets to the top in a patriarchal state, without cooperating, colluding and collaborating with patriarchy. Sadly enough the woman who gets to the top in a patriarchal state isn't going to be the type who is going to radically reform shit or help women. You can have a homosexual disabled female black president and she'll either sell out or won't have that much power anyway, you're more likely to end up with a Thatcher though. The entire system is rotten and needs to be done away with, trickle down liberation is a myth. The whole "we just need female leaders!" bullshit is literally liberal feminism. I feel safer around women than scrotes and I have more empathy and sympathy for women than scrotes, but that doesn't change that ALL politicians in the current system WILL screw us over, no matter what, because it's fucking rigged, since it was literally designed to be shit to us. Can we please wipe the slate clean, reforming doesn't work when the basis is shite. Understanding why a politician is shit, doesn't change they're all fucking shit.
No. 1098348
>>1098341Oh my god calm down you retarded piece of shit, it’s only natural she will have a vendetta against someone who lured her even if that person was another
victim. If she doesn’t wanna forgive those women then that’s on her what the fucks wrong with you? Things are more complex than “oh man bad and now i’m free of all feelings of being betrayed by those women”
No. 1098349
>>1098337>NTA, but you're gullible if you believe anyone in power won't abuse their power.One is more likely and one is much less likely on all accounts. I agree that the system is rotten, but it would still be much more tolerable if XY abominations were an elimination criteria.
>>1098341kys Steven
No. 1098350
>>1098341Ah yes, let's blame the
No. 1098360
>>1098351What are the chances she's not lesbian in the first place?
>>1098348She can have vendetta for those specific women but acting like women pose more of a danger than men and advocating for trans identified males to be allowed in women's spaces is how she started this discussion with her posts
>>1097564 and
>>1097249 . She's acting like transphobia isn't based on anything and that we should trust men because women can, very rarely, commit as bad crimes as them. Makes no sense. She's always been blaming women for everything while praising men.
No. 1098362
>>1098350She's not a
victim. She's a sex worker who says she was trafficked but she literally was not. She wasn't forced into this, she had a girl suggest it and simply went along and said many times that she didn't want to work in places like malls or fastfood restaurants because she thought they were humiliating while she seemed to be fine with stripping for men until some women ended up earning more than her. She can't have it both ways and blame western women for affirming stereotypes men set for them while doing so herself. She literally pretends to have been trafficked but her start to sexwork is barely any different than most women's, most of them got taken advantage of but weren't forced into it.
No. 1098369
>>1098365She usually spills it all but didn't do so in this thread. She always overshares on threads and someone had made a compilation of all of her posts which I didn't read but this is what I gathered from the posts of her I stumbled upon.
>>1098363Yeah she never experienced it herself so doesn't know it exists. We had a female minister say rape and femicide wasn't an issue and literally never happened while we have tons of girls experience those truths every day. I can't help but believe these are token women whose only job is to repeat the stuff men tell them.
No. 1098496
>>1098475Promise I'm not shilling but try promoting some of your posts. Organic reach is dead. All the big social platforms are pay-to-play now, Twitter is no better. IG is divided into personal users who interact with their small community and businesses/brands who are looking for reach and ultimately profit. Algorithm promotes those who pay for the reach.
You have to decide if your art is a brand you want to build, or a hobby. If it's a hobby you'll be happier offline or in closed communities anyway. If you want it to be an income, why invest hundreds of hours in perfecting your craft but put $0 behind it when it's in the world to help it reach people.
No. 1098753
File: 1647367082555.jpg (30.93 KB, 1040x1106, FGfd6KPVIAQbWGI.jpg)

I'm so tired of her…
No. 1098786
>>1098753Oh god, is it
No. 1098789
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>>1098767Remember this when moids complain that they're the ones doing all the dangerous jobs thats why they should get paid more.
No. 1098859
File: 1647372132989.png (306.75 KB, 500x376, F2A8AA7A-A9B2-44AF-B425-761C74…)

fucking manscaped. i’m so tired of seeing these ads. i’m tired of sitting through tv commercials that try to sell me some shit for males. tired of knowing exactly what comes next when a male youtuber brings up the video’s sponsor. i am not on tumblr to read about balls. i don’t care about balls. or men.
No. 1098871
>>1098860Nta but do you not realize that's a shitty situation to be in. You underestimate how strong and rowdy anyone can get, even kids, if they are flailing around and hitting everything. You also
can't just fucking smack the shit out of a kid as a teacher in a school setting, that will get you arrested. Teachers are scrutinized for even putting their hands on a kid.
No. 1098884
>>1098860I mean, if you’re ready to hit a kid when she/he attacks you, then you won’t last that long as a teacher.
Actually, a kid from the classroom where I’m helping around keeps hitting the teachers, he first slapped a teacher with a notebook and then he threw it at her with all of his strength. Maybe it isn’t like getting a punch from a grown ass man, but it still hurts like a bitch.
And since kids are not being taught how to carry shit and how dangerous are the things they have, kids are playing with scissors and other pointy shit that can hurt anyone quite badly.
No. 1098935
>>1098767Anon parents aren't parents, not excusing those shit parents but poor ppl don't have enough money energy or social resources to raise a non violent non retarded kid. They're just breeders, in the most literal way.
>>1098789Add nursing and psw on that list, most women just don't bother to report it bc it's so common and nothing gets done.
No. 1099025
>>1098859Agreed, it's so intrusive, I just want to watch Kill Count videos, not think about the guy shaving his b*lls.
Also I doubt it needs to be said but can you imagine some quirky startup for menstrual cups or something and every female youtuber started doing promos? They'd lose half their viewership.
No. 1099433
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In movies when characters are supposed to be young and handsome but get played by old ugly moids(Netflix's cowboy bepop) and also the Inverse where are characters supposed to be ugly and unpopular but get played by attractive males kickass for e.g
No. 1099439
>>1097722>>1097716I'm not romachan and I have gotten into arguments with her in the past, but when I see shit like this, I understand her rage
like western feminist are so fucking insistent that they haven't made any progress and they haven't made any interests, like seriously
what will you even lose by just admitting that you have made progress and your hell of a lot better then 90% of womankind
No. 1099656
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when people do this with villains, Sharpay was entertaining she wasn't a victim, she was a rich bully
I don't even understand why people defend her, also the hate towards Gabriella is so undeserving, her love story may have been bland but as a kid she meant a lot to me and a lot other brown and black girls, we had a mainstream kids franchise that gives us a protagonist of color who was not a stereotype and was an object of desire without being fetishized
that was a big deal back then and still is now
No. 1099738
>>1099699Yeah Sharpay isn't a
victim. Like, a
victim of what exactly? No idea what that twitter girl means by that. If anything she's just an ambitious, hard working girl even if she's a spoiled brat so I actually relate to her for having goals and working hard to achieve them even if she's rich and white, unlike me, because I can understand why she'd be pissed off for losing at a singing contest against some newbie even if that's literally how contests work.
No. 1101073
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>>1100230I typically love asian men but John Cho has the features of a demented little rat
No. 1101315
>>1101073Am I confusing it with another live action that had the same tragic fate or wasn't there another, actually cute, actor they considered for this role but decided against for some reason
probably because men seem to refuse to watch movies with pretty men unless it's men larping in spandex.
No. 1101391
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The chain across the nose thing. It looks so fucking retarded no matter what. It looks so stupid. What is the appeal? It's so fucking ugly.
No. 1101406
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Girls that look like this. Idk what it is about it but when people are this "pretty" it sorta loops around to uncanny valley to me. I feel like she's an alien and I need to kill her to save the human race
No. 1101426
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>>1101406how? there are tons of insta girls like this and you can even find them out in the big cities. How is that uncanny, jelly anon.
If you want real uncanny then you should look take a look at some korean and japanese influencers, they photoshop like crazy and look botched .
No. 1101430
>>1101406Kek same. I also find blue eyes really disturbing
>>1101426They're two different kinds of uncanny. Gangnam unnies are one thing but I can see where other anon is coming from. It's a kind of simulated looking beauty in its own way
No. 1101643
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The lack of heartthrobs in present day Hollywood. I've noticed that lately there aren't as many good looking actors as they were in the past, and honestly some of them are downright ugly imo, which is a fucking travesty. Ngl I wonder if there's an agenda or something behind this. yes this is inspired by the discussion about old ass John Cho being cast as Spike
No. 1296642
>>1086578this is the thing i hate, and it applies to all sub scrotes, not just trannies. when you think you got yourself a cute sub scrote, but hes just a soft baby craving a mommy gf and doesnt
actually like being stepped on.
No. 1296712
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